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Les diagrammes suivants lllustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ty^/HULi^z^ ^ L^ THE CIVIL SERVICE LIST. t OF CANADA, 1888. ^ Containing the /Barnes of all persons employed in the sweral departments of the Civil Service, together with those employed in the two Hlouses of 'Parliament, upon the 1st July, 1888, showing date of first A^i^itment, ptomo' tion to present (Rank, Age and Salary in each case. TO WHICH AB> ADDID The Civil Service Act " and amendit.gAct (Chap. i«, ji Vic ) and " The Civil Service Si*perannuation Act," with an Analytical Index to each m THE WHOLB ARBANQBD AND PRBPARBD UNDER; THE DIRECTION OFJTHB HON. THE BECRBTART OF STATE, PURSUANT TO SEC. S9 OF " THB CIVIL SBRVIOB AOT." OTTAWA: PRINTED FOR THB QUEEN'S PRINTER AND CONTROLTiBR:OF STATIONERY. « * A.SENEOAIi, BuPKBiirrsNDBirr or PBnrruro. ' 1889. ,r 2443ia ♦ , CONTENTS. ' 1. His Ezoell«noy the Governor General and Staff v 2. Mdmbera of the Cabinet aooording to precedence vi 3. The High Oommiesioner for Canada In London...,; vi 4. Deputy Heads of Departments according to seniority of appointment vii 6. The Civil Service List, containing the Names of all persons employed in the several DepartmeiV^ of the Civil Service, together with those employed in the two Hoases of Parliament, upon the 1st Jaly, 1888, showing Hate of first Appointment, Promotion to present rank, Age and Salary in each case 1 to 176 6. The Civil Service Act, with Index......... m-200 7. The Civil Service amendment Act (1888). with Index i 201-208 8. The Civil Service Saperannaation Act, with Index 209-218 9. Index to Names in Civil Service List 219-260 10. Index to Subjects » 261 ^ \ \ I '^ . • . ■ •:'-':.V NOTICE. !U* Members of the Civil Service desiroas of drawing attention to any errors in data respecting -themselves which may have inadvertently occurred in the prepa* ration of this List, should communicate with the Deputy Heads of their respective Departments, not later than the 30th June next ensuing, with a view to the rectifi- cation of the same. - DSPABTUINT OF TBI SlORITABT OF StATS, Ottawa; April, 1869. ■^y V THE GOVERNOR GENERAL. « Oovernor Gmr(d.—Eiii Ezoellenoy the Most Honoarable Sir Fbidibiok Abthcr Stanlit, Baron Stanlit of Pbiston, G.C.B , &o., &o. (Appointed Ist May, 1888 ; sworn in at the City of Ottawa, llth Jane, 18S8.) Staff. Oovernor OentraVt Steretary — Captain the Honorable C. R. Colville (Master of Colville), Grenadier Guards. (Appointed let August, 1888.) Military Seerttary. —CapUia the Honorable 0. R. Colville (Master of Colville), Grenadier Guards. (Appointed 19th Jnly, 1888.) • Aide»-d«-Oamp.—Cstptaia Josceline F. Bagot, of the VTestmoreland and Cumberland Teomanry. (Appointed 8rd May, 1888) ; Lieutenant A. H. MacMahon, Grenadier Guards. (Appointed 8rd May, 1888.) •...-- i . ▼r MEMBERS OF THE CABINET.'* {According to Precedence.) ' 1. Tho Right Honourable Sir John Alexander Maodonald, P.O., Q-.O.B., D.C.L., LL.D., (Oxon), Q.C., President of the Queen's Privy Council, {Prime Minister). 2. The Honourable Sir Hector Louis Lanoevin, K.O.M.G., O.B., LL.D< Q.O., Minister of Public Works. ' *. * ^ 8. The Honourable Mackenzie Bowell, Minister of Oustoms. 4. The Honourable Sir Adolphe Philippe Oaron, K.O.M.G., Q.O., Minisr . ter of Militia and Defence. - . 6. The Honourable John Oarlino, Minister of Agriculture. 6. The Honourable John Gostigan, Minister of Inland Eevenue. 1. The Honourable Frank Smith, {without portfolio). 5. The Honourable Joseph Adolphe Chapleau, LL.D., Q.O., Secretary of State and Registrar General. 9. The Honourable Sir John Sparbow David Thompson, X.O.M.G., Q.C.« Misnister of Justice and Attorney General. 10. The Honourable Georoe ^Eulas Foster, D.G.L., Minister of Finance. 11. The Hoiiourable John Joseph Caldwell Abbott, D.O.L., Q.O., {without portfolio). • ' ., 12. The Honourable Charles Hibbert Tupper, LL.B., Minister of Marine and Fisheries. . ; 18. The Honourable John Graham Haqqart, Postmaster General. l4. The" Honourable Edgar Dewdney, Minister of the Interior and Superintendent General of Indian Affairs. . . . John- Joseph MoGee, Clerk of the Privy Council. I HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR CANADAIN LONDON, Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., G.C.M.G., O.B,, 9 and .10 Victoria Chambers, London, S.W. - . ... . • ■ ■ * • S^erttary Canadian Oovernment ojUce in Londm — Joseph G. Colmer, CM G. • Attittant Secretary and Aceountant — ^Arthur Williams Reynolds. - . At date of publication. vil .G.p.B., s Privy )., LL,D< DEPUTY II BADS OF DBPARTMBNTS. {.Ueording to PreetJtnee.) % 1. Clerk of tho Privy Council, John J08F.P11 McGeb. 2. CUllcoftlieSciiato,EuouAnD JoNKiir Lanokvin, N.P. 3. Clork of the House of Commons, John Okokok Bouhinot, LL.D. 4. Governor Qenerol's Secretary, Captnin the Hon. 0. R. W. Colvillr (the Master of Col ville). 6. Auditor General, John Lorn McDovoai.l, M.A. ,, Minis* ecretary finance. .. QC, Marine 3r and (Deputy Heads of the following Departments tnko procodenoe according to date of appointment.) 6. Deputy Minister of Railways and Canals, Tocsbaint Trudiau, O.B. 7. Deputy Minister of Maiino, William Shitii. 8 i Commissioner of Customs, Jamu Johnson. 9. Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence, Colonel Charles Edoenb Pankt. 10. Deputy Minister of Finance, John Mortimbr Codrtniy. 11. Deputy Minister of Public Works, Oioroi Frioirio Baillairo^, C.E. 12. Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Afihirs, Lawrinci Vankouohnit. 13. Under Secretary of State, Grant Powell. 14. Commissioner of Inland Revenue, Edward Hull. 16. Deputy Minister of tlio Interior, Alexander MacKinnon BoRaBSS. * . . 16. Deputy Minister of Fisheries, Lient.-Col. John TiLTON. 17. Queen's Printer, Lieut.-Col. Brown Chaiibbrlin,C.M.O.,D.0.L. j 18. Deputy Minister of Justice, Robert Sedoewick, Q.C. . ' . * 19. Deputy Postmaster General, Lieut.-Ool. Williah White. . " , * ' 20. Deputy Minister of Agriculture, John Lowe. (The two following OfHcers have the rank of Deputy Head under authority of an Order of the Governor in Council.) 21. Frbdbriok Whitb, Comptroller of the North- West Mounted Police, Privy Council Office. 22. Alfred Riohard Cecil Sblwtn, C.M.G., F.R.S., Director of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. ■'. v'l rctoria I- BBRATUM. At page 12, foot-not*. for " Binoe removed ftom office " read " ainee resigned." (/ !,'■>', THE SBVEBAL DEPARTMENTS OP THE CIVIL SERVICE OF CANADA. -(o). 1.— TIIK OOVKRNOll (IKNKHAL'S SECRKTAUY'8 OKKICK. Name. Jomw, Charles'Jvroinc, U. A. . CumpbcU, WiUiatu liBwronee, Chwlei Lewis. . . . Walker, WilliMn Henry,]). A. Smith, Oeoige Clarka, Geoi^ Henry I'niM'iit Kuiik. Chief Clmk IJuIy '83 l«t ChuM Clor!: 1 July '83 Srd ClnM Clerk 1 .laii. '86 do 1 July '87 Messenger 11 May '62 Orderly ' 6 Dec. '79 Pate. Preient SiilHrv. 9 cts. 2,OfiO 00 1,060 00 660 00 800 00 600 00 600 00 Date of Birth. 4 Dec- '47 20 Dec. '62 6 Aug. '60 2 Oct. '64 13 Nov, '19 26 Dec. '48 Dttti' of First Ap- IMiiitinent. IJuly '76 1 Nor. '72 IJan. 'SO-. 1 Duo. '86 11 Muy '62 6 Dec. '7» a.— THE PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE. McOee, Johii Joseph , Chiiplcau, Samuel E. St. Oiign Dcimty Hend, Clerk of Privy Ci *rii^ Council. 20 May '82 Lee, William Horace Burpee, Lewis Johnstone. . . . Baldwin, Robert Warren. . . . Bennetts, FmncisKent Brcnnan, Patrick John Leliftvre, Simton Newby, Frank Foley, James Bliss, Lawrence Donald Ca- t meron Forster. Moll, Oscar Louts Eugine. . . May, Henry Arthur McEhroy, James Naughten, Michael Gioome, William *Chief Clerk & Assistant Clerk of Privy Council Chief Clerk, Clerk of the Crown in Chan, eery let Class Clerk.. do 2nd Cli<«8 Clerk. do do do do do Srd Class Clerk do do do Doorkeeper & Messenger Messenger........... 27 Dec. IJuly iJuly IJuly 1 Oct. 1 July 1 July IJuly IJuly 10 Mar. IJuly. IMay 17 Dec. 10 Feb. 21 May •87 '81 '86 '83 '83 •84 •84 '86 '88 •86 '80 '84 •87 '41 •74 8,200 00 1,800 00 2,260 00 1,800 00 1,600 00 1,350 00 1,387 60 1,300 00 1,300 00 1,200 00 1,100 00 762 60 600 00 600 00 426 00 700 00 600 00 6 Aug '46 16 July '89 12 Fob. '44 l«Apr. '46 3 Apr. '49 26 Apr. '64 31 Dec. '63 3 Nov. '69 lApr. '61 21 Oct. '62 27 Oct. '63 21 June '49 6 Aug. '65 UOct. '61 Sept. '18 Jan. '28 1 Aug. '67 16 Sept. •7» 23 Dec. '61. IJuly '67. 6 Sept. '7». 16 Feb. '75 7 Mar. '81 Apr. '8^ Mar. '72. Mar. '83 May '82. !8Mar. '80 IMar. '84, 17 Dec. '87' lOct. '40 21 May '74 * Vacant since death of Mr. P. J. IT. Beaudiy. 66—1 3 i. 11 ! .1 Hi 31; 2.— THK PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICK— Concluded. Nome. Present Rank. Date. Present SiUary. Date of Birth. Date of First Ap- pointment. 'Chilton, Benjamin Messenger ....• 4 Jan. 79 26 Nov. '85 29 Feb. '88 i tts. 500 00 -J/O 00 300 00 Sept. 'S3 88 July '66 14 Hay '65 4 Jan. '79 'Robertson, Alexander Messentrer Dec '77 Le^mge, Victor. Supemumenoy Mes'ger 19 Feb. '86 8.— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.— INSIDE SERVICE. Setlgcwick, Robert, Q.C., B.A f Deputy Minister -j Solicitor of Indian I Afi'iiijs Power, Augustus,Q.C., B.C.L Chief Clerk. I Laslie, John. Fraser, Geo. Levack Bower, B.A Gisborne, Francis Hemaman, Hodgius, Wm. Egcrtou, M.A. Stewart, Douglas j Chisholm, John 'Cot^, Pierre Martial Blackodar, Wm. Hill NarrawayiJas. Ephraim,B.A. Horan, Arthur John Webb, Vincent Ist Class Clerk . do do do do Private Secretary. 2nd Class Clerk... do Sidaass Clerk. do countaut. 3rd Class Clerk and Ac- Messenger , 25 Feb. '88 27 Feb. '88 1 Jan. '79 1 June '82 1 July '83 1 July '83 1 Jan. '86 1 Feb. '86 3,600 00 400 00 10May'-)8 2,300 00 22 Dec. '47 1 Jan. '86 1 Oct. '86 12 May '80 1 July '87 1 Jan. '86 1 Nov. '87 1,700 00 1,650 00 1,650 00 1,500 00 1,400 00) 600 OOJ 1,200 00 1,150 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 650 00 300 00 10 Oct. '47 14 Oct. '61 19 May '58 S Oct. '61 20 June '60 21 Sept. '67 80 Apl. '61 29 Mar. '32 11 June '57 14 May '67 21 Jan. '89 25 Feb. '8S 7 Dec. '74 1 May '72 13 Sept. '78 13 Feb. '82 1 Not. '8S 9 Jan. '79 1 Jan. '86 11 Jan. '83 12 May '80 1 July '87 1 Jan. '86 1 Not. '87 Pknitbntiary Buanoh. Moylan, James Geoi^ge Inspector of Penitentia- nes. f 'Ist Class Clork Foster, Geo. Lawrence . . , Lane, Hy. Bowyer Smith . . . Accountant..... 3rd Class Clerk. J_ 1 Nov. '76 1 July '83 11 Aug. '74 1 Mar. '79 3,200 00 650 00 1,000 00 }- 11 Jan. '26 18 May '40 12 Oct. '55 16 Aug. '78 11 Ang. 74 1 Mw. 79 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. KlMGSTOK PEMITENTIART-o-PORTSMOtTB, OMT. liavell, Michael, M.D Sullivan, William Oiartwright, Rev. Conwuy Edward, B.A Warden ^ . Deputy Warden. Protestant Chaplain. . . 3 Feb. '86 1 Sept. '81 25 Oct. 76 8,000 00 1,600 (K) 1,200 00 S9Deo. ti « May m 13 JuM '87 X Oot. 72 1 Feb. '60 86 0et '7i ^ .. >■ .• ■ .* H DEPARTMENT OP JUSTICE.— ODTSIDE SERVICE. Kingston Penitbntiabt — Continned. Date of First Ap- pomtment. 4 Jan. 79 Dec. '77 19 Feb. '86 18 25 Feb. •88 7 7 Dec. 74 7 1 Hay 72 11 13 Sept. 7« » 13 Feb. '82 I 1 Nov. '83 iO 9 Jan. •79 .7 1 Jan. '86 tl 11 Jan. '83 12 12 May '80 i7 1 July '87 17 1 Jan. '86 19 1 Not. '87 15 Aug. '7S iO 11 Aug. 74 1 Mar. 7» 6 1 Oat. 72 6 1 Fab. '60 17 86 0et '7i Name. Twomey, Rev. Dennis A Strange, Orlando S., M. D. . . Scobell, Sidney William Oeif'iton, Robt. Robison... Hewton, Robt O'Donnell, Patrick Adams, James J)evlin, James Weir, James Present Rank. Catholic Chaplain Surgeon , Accountant Warden's Clerk Chief Clerk Storekeeper Chief Trade Instructor, Engineer Stewanl Fahey, Rotie Ann 'Matron Bostridge, Mary Halliday, James Conley, Thomas Mathewson, Jas. Brewer P. ■Cunningham, David...... Leahy, Michael Elsmere, Alexander Trocey, Francis J!)avid8on, Thomas Pogue, liobert Woods, NeilP O'Connor, Patrick Coward, William Mathewson, James B. P . . Deputy Matron Hospital Overseer . — Tailor Instructor Schoolmaster Mason Instructor. . . , Stonecutter do . . . , Quarry do . . . , Blacksmith do . . . , Carpenter do . . . , Shoemaker do . . . , Farmer and Gardener. Miller , Baker . > Keeper , Cvans,Jame8 do . McQeein, Bernard. ......... do Mooney, Edward..... Augo, Nicholas ..,,'.. Kennedy, Michael James!.. ' Aolland, George fiiennan, Michael.. , . GuEurd.,.. ' do ...., Messenger. Guard...., do ..... Date. 30 June '86 9 Feb. '86 IDec. '79 1 Feb. '82 14 Mar. '87 16 July '70 1 July '75 1 July '85 1 Sept. '81 6 Mar. '86 1 Oct. '70 29 Jan. '67 20 Jan. '88 26 Sept. '72 1 July '87 1 July '87 1 .Inly '87 1 July '87 1 July '87 1 Sept. '87 1 June '85 18 Dec. 'Ai 6 June '78 1 Oct. 'Id 1 Kov. '81 iJuly '86 7 Sept. '64 1 Nov. '66 1 May '84 1 Apr. >66 3 Oct. '65 Present Salary. $ cts. 1,200 00 1,800 00 1100 00 800 00 800 00 1,000 00 1,300 00 1,300 00 800 00 600 00 360 00 800 00 60OOO 600 00 630 00 630 00 630 00 630 00 630 00 600 00 630 00 700 00 630 00 60o 00 600 00 600 00 66006 500 00 600 00 540 00 tlOOOO Date of Date of Bi^h.' Fi^^Ap- pomtment. 1 Apr. '49 13 June '26 21 Oct. '24 29 Aug. '61 4 Aug. '42 17 Mar. '36 29 Oct. '33 Nov. '50 16 Oct. '60 16 Aug. '49 4 Mar. '26 26 June '27 25 Feb. '36 4 July '36 15 Aug. '31 10 May '31 29 May '29 i 8 Nov. '33 12 May '38 IJune '48 6 Feb. '49 7 Aug. '53 19 June '56 4 July '36 12 July '36 20 Nov. '37 10 Aug. '43 12 Feb. '23 16 Apr. '67 •20 4 July '43 30 June '88 9 Feb. '85 1 Dec. '79 1 Feb. '82 1 Apr. '81 19 June '67 1 llfar. '6» 1 Dec. '74 31 Oct. '76 6 Mar. '89 1 Feb. '70 29 Jan. '67 19 Jan. '70 26 Sept. '72 8 Jan. '83 I Nov. 'n 13 Apr. '69 14 Mar. '87 1 Nov. '67 1 June '85 18 Dec. '82 6 June '7S 1 Sept. '59 16 Jan. '68 1 Mar. '59 27 Sept. 'tf« 1 Nov. '65 1 Apr. '71 1 Apr. '66 8 Oct. '9& 66-11 ! I DEPARTMENT OF JDSTICE.-OUTSJDE SERVICE. Kingston Penitentiabt— C!ontmued. H; Mi- Name. Priestly, Robert ., Biysoiii Jamb^ O'Driscoll, Jeremiah Payae, Thomas If itzgibbon. Daniel ■Smith, Thom'ts Begitii John McNeill, Charles.. Doyle, Janes. Scally, John Xoore, Thomas. Hills, John HcAuley, Robert UoAnley, Geoige Walah, Lawrence Hnrst, William. HoConville, Charles Atkins, Alexander. Adams, Edwin James. ...... Donnelly, John Appleton, Robert.. Kennedy, John , Baldock, Jas. Geoige , Bottridge, Charles Thompson^ Thom«s , iHiiagh, John - Bntherford^ Jas. A jieComack, William.' . . ,, , Present Rank. Guard.... 4 June do 7 June do '10 Oct. do 13 Due. Bmapt, Peter..,. ....... JWimJu tCTt John, •.«•«*•>• Date. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do »•«••••••••••••! 1 Jan. 19 Mar. 18 Oct. 18 Aug. 8 Aug. 4 May 9 May 17 Oct. 21 Jan. 2 Oct. 18 Dec. 13 Nov. 1 July 1 July 1 July 7 Not. 1 July 1 June 1 Aug. 10 Apr. 18 May 1 Feb. 1 Mar. I Mar. 18 Oct. Present Salary. 10 Jan. 23 May '85 '66 '66 '66 '68 '60 '59 '59 '68 •70 '70 '76 •68 '76 i '76 •77 '71 •78 '78 '79 '80 '81 •81 '82 '83 '84 '84 '84 '79 •86 '86 f cts. 600 00 600 00 600 00 500 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 OU 600 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 500 00 600 00 I Date of Birth. 4 June '24 1 Aug. '25 21 Nov. '31 12 Aug. '23 25 Dec. ^28 12 Sept. •86 6 Dec. '25 20 Oct. '31 9 Apr. '39 4 Apr. '37 8 Aug. '44 1 Jan. '51 22 June '42 24 July '40 19 Jan. '44 20 Jon. '41 9 Nov. '47 1 Apr. '57 26 Feb. '59 8 May '55 16 Mar. '43 12 July ^62 15 July '50 20 Nov. '48 I 17 Jan. ^43 I 10 Nov. •SO I 17 Feb. '51 22 June '51 2 May '48 29 July '60 13 Sept. '51 Date of first Ap- pointment. 4 June 7 June 10 Oct. 13 Dec. 1 Jan. 19 Mar. 18 Oct. 18 Aug. 8 Aug. 4 Apr. 9 May 17 Oct. 21 Jan. 2 Oct. 18 Dec. 18 Nov. 1 July 1 July 1 July 7 Nov. 1 July 1 June 1 Aug. 10 Apr. 18 May 1 Feb. 1 Mar. 1 Mar. 18 Oct. 10 Jan. 28 May '65 •66 •66 •66 69 •69 '68 '70 •70 •75 •68 •76 •76 •77 •71 •78 •78 •79 •89' •81 '81 •82 '83 •84 '84 '84 •79 '85 '86- DEPARTMENT KiNC ^ JUSTICE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. I'EMiTENTiABT. — Concluded. Name. 'Doyle, James Guard. JlcConville, Arthur do Atkins, Richard do Uooney, William do Toung, Richard ' do Xouglu-ane, Lawrence '. do Present Rank. h ., Qadbois, Komnald. Cliartnnd, Gilbert Chartrnnd, Ubnid Carty, James Jjemay, Jean-Baptiste....,., Lynch, John , Taillon, Charles .., Pre vest, Edouard. Bochon, Aiistide Plonfle, Napoleon , Lomire, Olivier. , Labelle, Boch , Plouffe, Fron^is , Soyer, Henri ..., O'Shea, David Plouilb, Autoine Lesage, F61ix Nixon, Oeor;^ Malepart, Jean Baptiste.. . . Biason, Vincent Bostock, William Thomas. . Pnrd, Albfiric Victor Present Bank. Farmer Trade Instructor, Baker do Cuipenter. . do Slioeuiaker . do Sloneuuttcr do Hlacksmith. Keeper. Date. do . . , do ... do .., do ... do ... do .., Messenger.. Guard...., do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1 Jan. 76 20 May 73 20 May 73 16 Apr. 77 6 Apr. '82 10 Mar. '87 119 May 73 SO May 73 1 Jan. 78 13 Feb. 78 1 Mar. '87 1 Apr. '87 1 Mar. '88 30 June '88 1 Mar. '87 1 May '80 » Oct. '81 1 Mar. '82 6 Mar. '82 21 Apr. '82 10 May '82 16 May '82 18 Aug. '82 23 Aug. '82 14 June '83 29 Aug. '83 6 Aiig. '83 1 May '84 12 July '84 1 Oct. '84 17 Apr. '86 Present Salary. f cts. 660 00 700 00 700 00 700 00 700 00 700 00 580 00 680 00 680 00 680 00 680 00 580 00 680 00 580 00 600 00 600 00 500 00 600 00 600 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 Date of Birth, 29 Apr. '60 17 Aug. '28 1 Jan. '47 24 D.C. '82 20 Dec. '38 31 Aug. '46 21 Sept. '36 24 Nov. '34 1 June '47 11 Feb. '47 6 July '41 1 Jan. '43 24 July '27 20 Aug. '38 27 May '38 18 Aug. '38 22 .Aiig. '50 20 Oct. '42 17 M«y '50 22 Sept. '30 ill D.;c. '39 I 17 July '39 19 Aug. '34 2 Mar. '60 9 Apr. '46 10 July '41 22 Oct. "44 21 .Tan. '46 24 June '65 1 Muy '43 16 Apr. '41 Date of First Ap- pointment. 1 Oct. '7S 20 May '73 20 May '78 15 Apr. 77 12 Jan. '80 10 Mar. '87 19 May '73; 20 May '78^ 19 May '73 19 May '7» 13 July '73 1 Jan. '78 7 Dec. •7tt; 1 June '79- 20 May '78^ 1 May •80- 16 Dec. 7« 1 Mar. '82' 6 Mar. '82 21 Apr. '82 10 May "82 16 May '82. 18 Aug. '82 23 Aug. '82 14 June "SS 29 Aug. '88- 6 Aug. '83 6 Apr. '84 12 July '8* 1 Oct. '84 17 Apr. '8B- DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Saint Vincent de Paul Penitkntiakt.— Concluded JiTsme. Bertiand, Elzter. Filioii; Samnel BaHtiuii, Napclfon. Mouettc, Godefini Itrrluiid, Pierre Seuuett, Thomas Joseph. . . . Gibson, William Wright. . . . Sigouin, Zdphirin Heiiiy, Lewis riunile, Martin fit/Gibbon, John Daniel. . . . O'Malley, John Clermont, Elie rharlebois, Isidore Chabot, Thiodoi-e Oieorgu Charboniieau Pi'eseut Rank. Date. do do do do do do do do do do do do do Cloiitier, Isale Teamster JiCbJauc, Jir^mie . . . , Daigiieanlt, Elzear* , Pagcan, Narciase*.. . O'Bm-u, Dolphus* . . Laltelle, GM^n*. . . . Guard I 1 Aug. '85 do I 3 Aug. '85 do !l9 May '86 25 May '86 8 July '80 1 Aug. '86 6 Aug. '86 1« Aug. '8« 4 Dec. '86 5 Mar. '87 25 June '87 8 Apr. '88 31 Mar, '87 4 May '87 2 Juue '87 30 June '88 4 Nov. '81 9 Nov. '81 16 Aug. '81 Nov. '81 22 June '82 8 Sept. '86 do Caretaker of Tools. Trade Instructor.. . do do Present Salary. Date of Birth. I cts. COO 00 . 9 15 500 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 6()0 00 400 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 720 00 700 00 700 00 700 00 4 20 1 23 18 1 4 13 80 20 8 6 13 26 21 6 23 4 13 Feb. '69 July '66 July '48 Jan. '60 Dec. '42 Apr. '56 Oct. '43 Oct. '48 Sept. '57 Oct. '.15 May '60 Apr. '51 Feb. '65 Jan. '46 July '48 July '46 Dec. '43 Oct. '48 Sept. '81 Feb. '22 Deo. '43 Mny '29 Date of First Ap- pointment. 1 Aug. '85 3 Aug. '85 19 Mny '88 26 May '8« 8 July '8ff 1 Aug. '8ff 6 Aug. '«» 16 Aug. '8S 4 Dec. '86 5 Mar. '87 25 June '87 3 Apr. '88 31 Mar. '87 4 May '87 2 June '87 30 June '8S 4 Nov. '81 9 Not. 81 15 Aug. '81 22 Nov. 'SJ 22 June '82 8 Sept. •8C- DOROHBSTEB PeSITENTIARY — DoRCnE.STER, N. B. forstcr, John Baker Warden Campbell, Rev. John Roy... Protestant Chaplain.. .. I I.>ab))£, Rev. Edouard £ Komau Oath. Chaplain. f Keolfe, Qearge Alitchell, Robart, M.D. Deputy Warden . Surgeon 11 Apr. '87 1 Oct. '83 1 J% '80 1 .luly '87 1 Julv '80 2,050 00 5 Apr. •42 1 Dec. '68 000 00 7 Aug. '41 1 Oct. '83 600 00 '43 1 July '80 1,260 00 20 Mar. '23 1 Dec. '61 1,200 00 25 June 35 1 July '8»- i I * The last named fonr (4) employees represent the Department of Public Works in this institution. t Since deceased. I" l^ 9 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE, DoaoHEBTiR Penitiiitiart.— Continued. Name. <3ray, John Andrew Fraser, John Boss, Charles Landiy, Ferdinand fibort, Thomas Piercy, James A Killer, Charles Downey, John Tftttrie, Nathan Jenks, T. Layton Hayes, Andrew Pipes, Herbert Sidney Hogan, William Ckxlsoe, Henry -Johpston, John. JIcDougal], James Umlab, Richard fiNiieSi Samuel Oerrab, Charles Nathaniel. . . Alexander, William Greenwood, Robert Vincent.. Corcoran, John L^r, Vital -Connell, Patrick Oormier, Jude Colbom, Robert UcNeil, Alexander Luther, James Lane, James Ambrose Le Blanc, Joseph Present Rank. Accbuntaut Storekeeper Sb'wartl HospitHi O v«r»eer SchnoluiAHter Kngineer Car|K!ut«3r Instructor. . Blaiiksmitli do SboiiMwkor do Tailor do liukvr do Farmer Keeper do do Messenger Ouard do do do do do do do do do do do do do Date. Watben, Robert J do Present Salary. Sept. '80 July '80 July '80 Nov. '88 July '80 May '86 Mar. '68 May '68 Sept. '77 Apr. '87 Mar. '88 Jane '81 Jan. '69 Aug. '69 Mar. 'H .Fan. '73 May '72 Jan. '74 July '78 July '80 July '80 July '80 July '80 .July '80 Nov. '81 Ang. '81 Mar. '82 May '82 July '80 May '83 June '83 I cts. 1,000 00 730 00 730 00 700 00 600 00 860 00 700 00 700 00 700 00 630 00 6«0 00 700 00 680 00 680 00 630 00 660 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 &')0 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 Date of Birth. 30 May '63 16 Nov. '36 4 Mar. '36 28 Jan. '43 6 Mar. '55 15 Aug. '62 18 Nov. '47 17 Mar. '40 3 Apr. '44 1 Apr. '62 Sept. '62 81 Oct. '66 17 Apr. '48 26 Dec. '38 11 July '41 19 July '41 8 May '17 19 Sept. '36 15 July '45 31 Ang. '46 22 Feb. '37 12 Apr. '47 1 May '44 6 Aug. '49 80 Nov. '36 10 July '66 11 Oct. '60 1 June '40 14 Oct. '43 29 June '49 2 Oct '69 Date of Fii>t A])- pofaitnicut. 1 Deo. '7» 1 Jnne '64 1 Nov. '07 16 Not. '8C 1 July'80 12 May 'S.'i 1 Mar. 'ti8 1 May 'i» 1 Sept. "77 1 Apr. '87 6 Mar. '8» 1 Jnne '81 1 .Tan. 'W 1 Ang. '6f< 90 Mar. '71 1 Jan. 78 1 May 72 1 Jan. '74 1 July '78 1 July '80 1 July '80 1 July '80 1 July '80 1 July '80 8 Nov. '81 1 Aug. '81 16 Har. '82 9 May '82 1 July '82 1 May '83 1 Jam '83 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE— OUTSIDE SEHVICE, Dorchester Penitentiary.— t'oncluded. if ■ Data of Fint A]v pointmeut. •63 1 Dee. '7U '36 1 Jnne '<4 '36 1 Nov. '07 •43 16 Not. '8G '56 62 47 40 44 62 62 65 48 38 a 41 17 36 45 ts 87 17 (4 t9 i6 A 10 10 18 9 » 1 July'80 12 May %% 1 Mar. 'liR 1 May '08 1 Sept 77 1 Apr. '87 6 Mar. li^ 1 June '81 1 .Tan. 'W 1 Aug. '«f# 20 Mar. '71 1 Jan. 78 1 May 72 1 Jan. '74 1 July '78 1 July '80 1 July '80 1 July '80 1 Jnly '80 1 July '80 8 Nov. '81 1 Aug. '81 16 Mar. '82 9 May '82 1 Jnly '82 1 May '83 1 Jnm '83 Name. Present Rank. Diite. Present Salary. Date of Birth. DateoT First Ap. pointmeat. 'Hutchinson, Willard Allflin. Adolnhus........ ... Guard 16. Inly '83 10 July '83 1 May '84 1 May '86 9 .ts. 500 00 500 00 500 00 380 00 1 Dec. '37 1 r ' '65 2 Apr. '43 20 Apr. '63 1 Juno 'eo- do 10 July '83 1 May '84 1 May '80 Poole, Henry Ghesael Chambcn^ Lorenzo H do Tonmstcr Manitoba Pinitkntiahy— Stonkt Mountain, Man. iBedson, Samuel Lawrence... ' Goulding, Rev. Arthur W . . . Cloutier, Bu v. Gabriel McDonell, ^ueaa Donald 0. . Sutherland, W. R. D., M.D. McGowan, Patrick "Burden, William , Jtfustard, John :£erTie, John Robert Burke, David Dominick Shead, William ^Smith, John Freeman, Edward fiall, Henry Preston, Benjamin Fairbaim, James Pnigh, John 'Beaupr6, Joseph Octave Eddies, William Addison, George McCormick, Samuel £nni8, Patrick Bartlett, John PhiUipLillies HcFarlane, Peter. Warden Protestant f'liapluin. . . . liom. Catholic ChapLiin Deputy Warden and Chief Keeiwr. Sui]geou Accountant and Store- keeper. Warden's Clerk Steward . Engineer. Hospital Overseer and Schoolma8tcr. Trade lustniutor Trade Instructor and Guard. Messenger and Guard . . Guard, do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . do . 23 May 71 11 Apr. '86 5 Apr. '83 1 Oct. '86 1 May '82 9 Feb. '86 1 Nov. '87 1 Sept. '84 19 Aug. '84 23 Jidy '86 1 Dec. '86 10 Dec. '83 21 June '87 1 Sept. '73 1 Sept. '82 29 Apr. '82 24 Mar. '85 28 July '85 19 Anc* '85 20 Oct. '85 1 Nov. '80 8 Dec. '87 12 Jan. '88 1 Feb. '88 1 Feb. '88 2,800 00 550 00 550 00 1,050 00 1,200 00 1,100 00 650 00 730 00 1,000 00 780 00 750 00 700 00 650 00 650 00 650 00 650 00 650 00 650 00 650 00 650 00 650 00 «50 00 650 00 850 00 C50 00 13 Feb. '42 I 26 June '60 1 Feb. '61 9 Jan. '46 24 Nov. '67 7 Jan. '44 24 Jan. '69 12 Jnne '44 30 June '19 15 Aug. '46 21 Jan. '45 8 Dec. '48 12 May '65 - Mar. '34 9 Nov. '41 29 Mar. '49 24 June '44 '2 Jidy '59 17 July '68 16 May '38 3 July '59 17 Mar. '48 23 Jan. '60 14 Aug. '56 29 Mar. '64 28 May 71 11 Apr. 'Sa 4 Apr. '83 21 Sept. 78 IMay ■» 1 July "SO 1 NoT.'sr 16 Apr. '83 1 Oct. 'B» 23 July '8e 2 Felt. *ft4 10 Dec '» a June '85 — July '71 1 Sept. '82 '1 Apr. .'82 May '71 28 Jnly '85 19 Jnly '85 29 Sept '81. 1 Aug. '7ft 1 Oct. 'S3 12 Jan. 'S3 26 Apr. 'm 1 Feb. **» 1; k' 10 DEPARTMENT OP JUSTICE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. British Colvmdia Pemitimtiart— New Westminster, B.C. Naaue. I'n'^eiit Rank. Date. Present Salaiy. Date of Birth Date of First Ap- pointment. McBiide, Arthur HiU Tit»iininon8, James. Snath, W. A. Do Wolf, M.D, Kew}', William Holland . . . . Jaioieson, Rev. Robert H«zri^,Bev. £d.M.J.,O.M.I Mcluneti, Thomas Archibald. Mackouzio^ Geoige. lIcDoberts, John CVmtts, Alexander. Fitzgerald, James Qtdlty, Hiomas William . . . . liutrhinsou, George VcKoe, Hamilton Ht^wart Fiulay lll«;Kee, James ]\itteisoii, William Henry. . . MeLitaii, Allan Ctei&u, Patrick Bernard . . . . <2nroU| WiUiam James Iflgg^, John Dogrlc, James Smyth, Patrick iUtbottaaa, itobert Joseph..., McGilliTiaj, Daniel Charles. Jack-son, Adam , Warden Deputy Warden Acting Suigeou Accountant, Store Keep- er and Schoolmaster. Protestant Chaplain. . . . Roman Catli. Chaplain. Steward Trade Instructor do do Kee^Kr Guard do do .... do .... do „.. do ... do ... do ..., do ... do .... do ... Teamster., da do do lA May 78 12 Aug. 78 1 Nov. '87 10 Mar. '84 4 Jan. 79 27 Sept. 78 10 May '82 1 Not. '83 18 Apr. '84 1 Oct. '86 16 Apr. 79 18 Jan. '82 16 Apr. '83 7 Nov. '84 1 Apr. *85 1 June '85 1 Dec. '86 16 Jan. '86 1 Mar. '86 28 July '86 1 Aug. '86 1 Oct. '86 21 Feb. '79 11 Oct. •87 26 Deo. •87 18 May '88 f cts. 1,900 00 1,200 00 600 00 1,000 00 500 00 500 00 700 00 750 00 750 00 750 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 27 June '35 21 Mar. '40 « Oct. '59 Oct. '6» 1 Sept. '67 27 Apr. 28 Oct. 20 June 15 Mar. 4 July 14 July. 13 Sept. 26 Dec. 1 July 17 Mar. 24 May 16 Aug. 4 Sept. 24 Nov. 14 Aug. 3 Dec. 16 Mar. 11 Nov. 8 Mar. 17 Mar. 26 Jan. 11 Nov. 26 Mur. •57 10 •29 '29 '69 '52 •41 •61 •40 '60 '48 '49 '52 '47 •56 '56 '66 '60 •39 '62 '43 '64 '58 '48 Mar. '84 Jan. '79 Sept. '78- May '8^ Nov. •88. Apr. '84 Oct. '8« Apr. '7* .Ian. '79' Apr. '8» Nov. '85 Apr. 'SS- •lunc •86- Dec. '85 o«it. 'sa June '82 Feb. •75- Sept. 78 Oct. •8ff Feb. 79 June 'Sfr * Dec. '87 May '88 RwiiNA, N.W.T., Gaol. liVaan, Alexander Lawson. . . Gaoler. . Guard.. do .. 18 Feb. '87 900 00 !22 Dec. '61 500 00 14 Aug. '55 500 00 26 Nov. '47 1 18 Feb. '87 Sannd, Joseph 18 Feb. '87 18 Feb. ^87 n«glik Wairen Hume 1 18 Feb. •S? 18 Feb. •ST ii 4.— DEPARTMENT OP MILITIA AND DEFENCE.— INSIDE SERVICE. Maine. Paiipt, Col. Chu. Eugdnc... Suite, Beiyamiii. I«iie, Heniy David Janios.. . Benoit, Alphonite GawplwII, Coliii Leniienx, Edmond Emlle.... OuBuU, Napolfou O'lffaia, Comowiill Herbert. Macdtfiiald, Lt.-Col. Donald A IdUHbnrt, Franqois-Xavier. . . Aainofid, Wni. Ueuiy Holt> Kdmd. Bunihaui AMrich, Frederick Ernest P. Qenest^Joaeph Marie £u86be. Qow,Jlo^Wm Maopltwnoo, Lt.-Col. John.. Bacon, Lt.-CoI. Thomas Awaldsrai, Capt. Jus. Bull . . Clarke, Fktrick Xuli^t, Francia Edward .... Vofey, Lawrence James, Henry Vhite, Lieut. Frederick Wm, Wright, Wm. Richard Laroae, T£l«sphore Chagnon. Wainwright, Mig. Willis R. S. naridaon, William James. . . Waa, C!hi7808t6me Jean TemMilt, Sug&ue 2nd Claw derk. Present Rank. Deputy Minister of Mil- ilia and Defence. Acting Chief Clerk . . . . do and IVi- vatc Sec. to Miuiatcr 2nd Class Clerk 8rd Class Clerk Messenger , Chief Clerk, Aocmintiint Ist Class Clerk do 2nd Class (Uerk do 3rd Class Clerk do Messenger Chief Clerk, Diieotor of Stores. Ist Class Clerk 2nd Class (nerk 3rd Chiss Ckrk do do Architect, 1st Class. . . 2nd Class Clerk Chief Clerk 2nd Class Clerk do 3rd Chiss Clerk Messenger Packer 8 Apr, Date of First Ap- pointment. 4 F..l>. 75 19 Nov. 'ej 1 Dec. '67 1 July 73 13 Jan. 72 1 July '88 1 Nov. '58 1 June '61 Oct. 73 10 Dec. '59 6 Mar. '87 23 May '82 1 May '82 30 Juuf '8* 1 Si-pt. '.56 1 Sept. '7i 14 Dec. '6^ 1 Sept. '82 22 May '7T 15 Feb. '84 6 Aug. '86' 30 June '84^ 30 .Tune '84 April '44 12 Aug. '6* 13 June '79 Oct. 72 12 Oct. '72. 3 Apr. '82 d,.' 11 II It 5.— DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF 8TATE.-INSIDB SERVICE. Niime. I'rescnt Rank. Powell, Grant Pellctior, rhilipix- Morgnn, Hc-nry James CoIhou, Frodcrick EmoMit, Gustave FuHorJ, Enicst George Under Suc^ratary of State Date. Chief Clerk.... let Class Clerk.. 2nd Class Clerk. do do T00I16, Louis H 12nd Class Clerk ft l*iiv. I Secretarj' to Minister. Woti'rs/ John Fnmcis, M.A.. 2nd Class Clerk I Harrison, Miyor Edward .Srd Class Cli'rk. I^bcUe, L6oncc Cribassa. . . . Roy, Henri Steele, Evelyn Yelverton. . . . Cntellier, Ludgcr Ainii .Andct, Alphonsfl. do do do 26 Jan. '83 1 Mar. '88 81 Jan. '38 20 Jan. '86 1 Deo. '85 1 July '86 1 July '86 1 Aug. '82 1 Jan. '88 1 Feb. '86 1 Apr. '86 1 .Tnly "86 1 Oct. '86 Present Halarv. Bronsseau, £lz6ar , fitorr, Ira William , Drouiu, Aphonsc M. P. , Burns, John Learoyd, Arthur Gilpin. <7ollin8, George Medlow, Charles , iSirwan, Philip Treacy. , McDonald, Donald D..^ CHobensky, Lambert F. Audet, Fran^^ois Joseph. Slie, Alfred Bioard, Uif^el Deputy Registrar Gen- 10 July '78 1 end and Cliief Clerk. . 81 Oct. '78 J I Keeper of Records aud I ChiefClerk 6 Jon. '88 Ist Class Clerk ' 1 July '80 d Class Clerk 1 July '86 do Srd Class Clerk. do do do do do do do Messenger do 1 Jidy '87 1 Jan. '74 1 Jan. '73 21 Mar. '74 24 Feb. '81 1 Nov. •7» 1 Fob. '80 1 Aug. '87 1 Feb, '88 15 Jan. '84 Den. '85 .120 I Rts. 3,200 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 1,360 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 \ 600 00} 1,100 00 860 00 8M 00 860 00 600 00 2,800 00 2,260 00 1,800 00 1,260 00 1,150 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 960 00 900 00 900 00 400 00 600 00 420 00 830 00 Date of Birth. 2 Sept. 20 Feb. 14 Nov. 28 July 21 Oct. 7 July 80 Aug. 21 Oct. 24 May 6 Sept. 19 Apr. 8 Mar. '19 '49 '42 Data of Pint Ap> pointment. 1 May "» 1 Mar. '8S 19 Nov. '63 I '64 20 .run. '86 '62 I 8 Dee. "W •47 2 Dec. "78 '69 '66 '62 '«1 '60 1 Ang. *82 9 Septta 80 Juljr "82 1 Ju. tb 8Ma7 '81 '68 1 Nov. "86 26 Mar. '86 18 Aug. *» I '41 ,11 14 Nov. 12 June 17 Sept. 29 June 10 June 15 June 29 June 28 Sept. 29 Sept. 7 Feb. 8 Sept. 29 July 14 Oct. 27 July '85 I '47 20 '61 '28 '68 '81 •32 '60 '48 '66 '67 '42 '67 20 Feb. •;» Feb. ti Oct. 78 Apr. "86 Feb. •?» Oct, •7.'{ M»r. "74 Feb. 19 Scpt.'TB Oct 78 .Vug. "ST Feb. "SS Jan. '841 Deo. *8& 18 na^^r^rmm '64 90 .run. '8S '62 I 8 Una. 10 '47 a Dec. 78 '62 80 July •a '68 I 1 Nor. W '41 .11 fbb. •?» '86 1 Feb. "M '47 20 Oct. 78 '81 21 Msr. 74 '32 28 Feb. 79 •60 10 Hept.78 '48 1 Oct 78 '66 1 Aug. "87 '67 1 Feb. "SS 42 16 Jan. '8t '67 20 Dee. *86 • DEPAllTMENT OF TIIK 8ECKETAUV (»F 8TATE.-IN8IDE SERVK'K. RoAitn or Civil Srrvioi Examimim. SuiMTviHeii by the Hccntaiy of Stiit*-. Name. •Tkorbiini,John,M.A.,LL.D. fDeoeUeB, Alfired Ducloi LBSoear, Peter. | KnyBi James Alexauder Prewnt llaiik. Chairninn Board of (MtU Service Examiners. Civil Service Examinnr Civil Service Examiner and Secretary .... Srd Class Clerk. Date. 24 July '82 24 July '82 24 July '82 1 Jan. '86 Present Salary. I cts. 600 00 600 00 600 00 700 00 660 00 Date of Hirtli. 10 Oct. '30 Date of Fimt Ai>- IH)intmcnt. 24 July '82. 13 Aug. '43 24 July '82 i 10 Jau. '14 27 Mar. '62 1 May '64 Oct. '84 6.— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PRINTING AND STATIONERY. Queen's Piiintir's OrricE. Supervised by the Secretary of State. Chunberlin. Lt.'Col. Brown, CUaO.| D.C.L. ■•••.....• OtiaoD, Louis Armand |8aiimn,Gharle8 Baskenrille . AllcD, flany ••••••• Deputy Head, Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery 8rd Class Clerk. do Messenger 1 July '88 1 Nov. '79 7 Feb. '81 1 Jan. '80 3,200 00 1,000 00 960 00 600 00 26 Mar. '27 9 Apr. '81 17 Oct. '48 12 Jan. '47 7 June '70 1 July '7« 15 Aug. 79 1 Jan. 74 Accountant's Bbajich. Qliddon, William. , Potvin, Augnste... Andrews, George. .. Chief Clerk, Accountant 2nd Class Clerk 3rd Class Clerk 6 Mar. '88 1 July '87 7 Jan. '84 18 Mar. '33 7 July •47 26 Aug. '48 1 Oct. 71 7 Deo. '69- 6 Dec. '88 Stationery Bbanob. Broraddll, Henry John Chief Clerk and Supt. I of Stationery Boxboiongh, Thomas 2iid Class Clerk Walsh, William Gaaldtbrite, Frank Slocum. . Laraohelle, Norbert. do do do 1 July '88 2 Feb. '88 1 Oct. '78 1 May '81 1 June '82 1,800 00 1,160 00 1,000 00 860 00 860 00 24 June '46 13 Aug. '88 1 Aug. '32 2 Nov. '63 9 Apr. '51 1 Jan. '88 1 Dec. '69' 1 Jan. '76 Dec. '78 1 June '82 * Is also Librarian to Geological and Natural History Survey. t Is also General Librarian to Pturliament. t Since retired. t' 14 'if!! P. • -nKPARTMKNT OF PUBLIC PKINTIND AND HTATIONKRY. .SiATKiNKiiY HiiANrii. -Connliidcd. Name. l*rown( lUnk. D»ti*. Prewiit Siilmy. Datitof Rtrth. DHtooT ViniAp- pointiMni. ilaghei, John 3H ClnHH Clerk Piirker 2 FpI.. -88 1 July '88 1 Doc. '80 1 cU. 660 00 460 00 360 00 as Mar. 'M 17 Mar. '48 3 Feb. '60 1 Jam '70 Fonu, John 1 Jam t-1 Beahen. DtniniR UO •••••••••««M««»a 8 Dee. 'n PRINTIMO HbANOII. tienik;iil, Aiidr^ Hupt. of Printing 1 July '88 l.SOO 00 18 Nov. '36 1 July -87 7— DEPARTMENT OF INTKUIOR.— INHIDE SERVICE. Bur^i^sD, Alex. Mookinnoii.. . Dnputy Minister 1 July '83 3,200 00 21 Oct. '60 I Dee. 76 Sbobktart'h Buancii. Hnll, John Uicbard iSvcrutary , Douglas, Pvter Brown list Cliiss ('Icrk and As- ' aistant Secretary Henry, KossiiUi Jarvis Kyley, Gieorge Urqiihart fPopo, Joseph Kinloch, Henry Pereiro, Lyudwode Charles . . Howe, Williaiu Kogcrs, Christopher Chaptnan ' Chisholm, Arthur R«>thwell, Thomas Gaui8for(< Checkley, Frank Stewart. . . . Cdt6, Narcisse Omer Bell, Oeoige Nelson, Francis Brough, James Simpson Ardouin, Geoige Germain V. L'Etoile, Joseph. Sporkes, George Angove :^%uthwen....T .?... iHt ChiHs Llerk.. do do do 2ud Chus Clerk and I'rirate Secretary. . . . 2iid Cbsa Clerk, do do do do do do 3r1 ClasH Clerk. do ■In do 1 July '83 1 July '84 1 July '82 1 July '83 1 July '83 1 Jan. '8C 1 Jan. '83 1 July '73 1 July '78 17 June '83 1 July '84 1 July '84 1 Jan. '86 1 July '87 1 July '87 1 June '82 16 Jan. 83 1 July '79 1 JulT '82 2,400 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 1,060 00 ].«60 00 1,550 00 1,350 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,360 00 1,300 00 1,300 00 1,260 00 1.160 00 1,1.50 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 13 Aug. '47 21 Dec. '41 6 Apr. '62 16 June '62 10 Aug. '64 9 .>uue '48 19 Feb. '62 27 July '49 24 Nov. 40 11 Nov, '60 1 Feb. 51 7 June '61 14 Sept. '6& 14 Jan. '60 12 June '69 21 .Ian. '60 30 Mar. '61 1 Nov. '47 21 May '64 1 July '«S 21 Deo. 72 80 June '71 18 Feb. '82 8 Duo. 78 7 8ept.'7S 1 Jan. '88 30 June 'm 16 Sept. 70 28 Fob. 74 1 Jan. '88 13 Apr. 73 1 July '78 5 Apr. ya ; No7. 'UB 16 Oct. 72 15 Jan. "as 6 June 74 8 May "SI t Also Private Seoretaiy to the Prem^u. 15 DKi'AKTMKNT OF TKK INTERlOli.- INHIDK HKKVK^K. SICRKI'ARY'n ItllAM'M— ('oUI:I|I(1«(I. of '49 '48 •60 DKtooT Vint Ap> pointiMnt. I Jane '70 I Jane '82 S Doa. 'n •M 1 Jaly •87 '60 I Dee. 76 '47 '41 '62 '62 '64 '48 '62 •49 40 '60 '61 '5S '60 '69 '60 '61 47 64 1 July '«S 21 80 18 8 7 1 30 18 28 1 13 1 2 15 15 6 Deo. '78 Jane '71 Feb. '82 Dm. 78 Sept. '75 Jan. '83 Jane '89 Sept. 70 Feb. 74 Jan. '8S Apr. 7S July '78 Apr. X** ':o7. 'IB Oct. 72 Jan. "n June '74 Nniue. <3eueat, £m«it B Capreol, Frederick Chaito. . . . Hume, Herbert EUworth, . . . Loyer, Franciu Belleau, Mun. )'' •• \ " ... Duitup, )olin Ptitrick litttoh, V/ult,. I (Joti., Joseph Arthur Cuming, Frani William Chambers Robertson, I'utur Eogleaoii, James Shore .... Dunne, Joseph Patrick. . . . Willoughby, Samuel John. rBadgley, Charles Wontworth York, Brown Lee Bowatt, Hugh Howard. . . . / Pmtent Bank. 8 May '81 Deville, Edouard Gaston D. , King,'Wm. Frederick, D.L.S Qriguard, Albci-t Marie £. . , Symea, Peter Barclay LocMse, Louis Tdlesphore. . . . ^'llings, Braddish Rausoher, Rudolph E. F Sowter, Thomas Walter Et. . . Brady, Martin ■Steers, John Connell Pelletier, Chi^rles Caron Wheeler, Arthur Oliver 3nl Glass Clerk do do do do do , do do do do do do do do do do SUHVEY^S Chief Clerk & Sur. G«ii Ist Cliiss Clork and In spec tor of Surveys. 2iid Class Clerk (Lithn. gmpher, &c.) 2n(l class Clerk 8ni Class Clerk do do , do do , do do , do Thltr. I JUIK- 'Vi 16 Fell. '84 1 Juun '86 1 July '82 1 Juno '85 1 Mar. '83 22 Aug. '62 1 Dec. '86 1 Dec. '88 I Apr. '87 I July '87 1 Jan. '87 1 Jan. '87 1 Dec. 86 1 Dec. '86 1 July '88 BlIANCII. 1 Jan. '85 13 June '81 1 Aug. '82 1 July '83 1 Aug. '73 1 .Jan. '83 1 Jan. '83 1 Apr. '82 1 July '79 1 Juno '85 1 Jan. '87 1 July '87 Prnaent .Slllui'\ l,00t) 00 7.10 W) 7.10 00 700 00 700 00 650 00 700 00 600 00 550 00 66U00 .100 (HI 460 00 460 00 460 00 460 00 400 00 2,350 00 1,760 00 1,360 00 1,350 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 950 00 860 00 750 00 750 00 Date of Hirth. Date or First A|»- pointmeut. 16 AUM -58 1 May '80 17 Oct. '60 .i4 Apr. "82 Aug. '67 ''J7 May "84 16 '"ine '63 21 .-.^'.•68 27 May '60 19 Nov. '6« 24 Nov. 'ei: 17 May '62 4 Nov. '53 1 Aug. '5« 26 May '66 22 Miir. '65 24 May '64 17 Dec. ^61 17 Aug. '61 16 Feb. '82 1 Jnnn "84 1 Jan. 'fn 10 AuK '7S '23 Oct. '82 11. Jan. '82 1 Kob. '77 26 «tar. 'Sft 16 F^-b. '85 12 Jai '89 10 No< '84 20 Apr '85 1 Nov. ^7 21 F.I). '49 19 Feb. 14 Feb. 24 Sept. 13 Oct. 6 June 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 18 Nov. 10 July 21 June 1 May •54 '46 •47 •48 •46 •34 •60 '66 •49 •62 •60 13 Jane 'hi 13 Jane •81 9 Mar. '80 1 June 70 2 Aug. 71 1 May 'n 1 Sept. '«• 28 Feb. "SO 6 Mar. '70 1 July 78 31 Get. '8S 1 Jan. '85 i V, Hi 16 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.-INSIDE SERVICE. Land Giiants Bhanoii. Name. Qoodeve, William Morgan. . T£tu, Nazaire "Wallis, Brown Cox, Francis Henry Cowiier Buchanan, Peter Toronto . . Sherwood, Henry Cliddon, Wm. Searle Paterson, Geo. Washington. Dunn, Daniel Bruce, Henry Barnard D.'.. Lambart, Hon.HenryOctaTius Present Rank. Chief Clerk .. . . 2nd Class Clerk. do 3rd Class Clerk. do do do do do «lo do Date. 1 Jan. '85 1 Jan. '76 1 June '82 1 Aug. '73 21 June '84 1 July '82 10 Dec. '83 I July '79 10 Dec. '83 1 June '85 21 June '84 I'rescnt Salary. I cts. 1,950 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 950 00 900 00 850 00 750 00 Date of Birth. Date of First Ap- pointment. 6 Jan. '49 1 Apr. '39 21 June '84 13 Mar. '40 7 May '44 8 Aug. '65 7 Apr. '58 6 Aug. '68 10 Mar. '60 29 July '48 10 Jan. '55 8 Feb. '66 20 Jan. '67 1 May '73 15 Apr. '73 19 Dec. '78 26 Apr. '8a 1 Jan. '74 1 Aug. *76 1 Nov. •79« 24 Dec. '80 1 Oct. '82^ Accounts Branch. Pinatd, Joseph Achille.. Beddoe, Charles Henry. . Tamer, Henry Hamish. Chief Clerk, Accouui. nt Ist Class Clerk, Assist- ant Accountant. 8rd Class Clerk I 1 July '86 1 July '86 1 Mar. '84 1,950 00 1,560 00 800 00 11 Mar. '42 17 Aug. '60 21 Sept. *49 11 Jan. '79' 80 Apr. '83 10 Sept. '83 Ordnance and Admiralty Lands. 1-.; If ills. William 1st Class Clerk 2nd Class Clerk 1 July '75 1 Jan. '86 1,800 00 1,200 00 17 July '24 10 Aug. '68 17 July '78 \ Keyes, Perley George 16 Feb. '63 Chief Draughtsman. Ist Class Clerk 1 Mar. '74 1,800 00 t 3 June '30 1 May '67 1 Survey Records. 'YTlAvtnn. Frank.... ••« • 1st Class Clerk 1 June '82 1,750 00 22 Dec. '47 19 Mar. 72 17 May •67 Mar. '72 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.— OUTSIDE SEIiVlCE. Mk.ssknrkhs. Nauie. Present Hiuik. Dalf. Present Rank. Date of Birth. Date of Fiixt Ap- poiutuiciit. Swinbum, Arthur Richard . . Messenger 1 .hiu. 75 1 July 79 1 Oct. '87 1 .laii. '87 $ cts. 600 00 500 00 450 00 430 00 9 June '55 4 Feb. '47 3 Apr. '63 19 Nov. '55 1 Oct. '73 do 1 Apr. ■7S 22 S,.pt. '84 16 Fell, 'fiti rciffi, Alfred do DuiiloD. Robei't do Oeoi.ocic.vl and NATimAii History Sukvkv. Selwyn, Alfred Richard Cecil, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S. Dawson, George Mercer, D.S., FM.S Bell, Robert, LL.D., M.D., CM.y r.O.S.. •••••••••• • Whiteaves, Joseph F., F.G.S. Hoffmann, Gcorsc Christian, F.LC Director iiiul Deimtv Head ;. Assistant Director and Geologist do do Zoologist Asst. Director, Clieniist and Miuertilo<'ist .... Costc,MariusAntoinREug6n<' I Mining Engineer MacouD, John, F.L.S Barlow, Scott , Marshall, John. Asst. Dii'ector, Botanist and Naturalist, 1st Class Clerk Chief Draughtsman, 1st Class Clerk Ells,Robcrt Wheelock.LL.D., M.A Fletcher, Hugh, B.A Weston, Thomas Chesuier. . . McCoiyiell, Richard George . Adains,Frank Dawson, U. A. S. Tyrrell, Joseph Burr Ingall, E'frieDrcw Cochrane, Augustus Southby. Low, Albert Peter. Secretary nud Account- ant, 1st Class Clerk.. Field Oeologist and 1st Class Clerk. do Lapidary and Assistant Curator, 2nd Class Clerk Field tieologist and 2nd Class Clerk .Vsst. Ciiemist and Lith, 2nd Class Clerk Field Geologist, 2nd Class Clerk Mining (Jeologist, 2ud Class Clerk Asst. Topogiiiiilier, 2nd Clerk Surveyor and Explorer. 2nd Chuss Clerk July •83 July '83 July •83 July '83 July •83 July '87 Dec, '87 July '83 July '83 .luly '83 July '83 July '81 July '83 July '83 July '83 July '85 July '85 1 July '86 4,000 00 2,100 00 2,100 00 2,100 00 2,050 00 1,850 00 28 July '24 1 Aug. "49 3 June "41 26 Dec. '35 7 June '37 8 July '59 1,800 00 17 Apr. '32 1,650 00 -27 Feb. '35 I 1,650 00 18 Sept. '56 1,650 00 26 July '45 1,650 00 9 Doc. ^48 1,400 CO 17 Oct. '32 1,400 00 .26 Mar. '57 1,3.W 00 1,350 00 17 Sept. '59 1 Nov. '58 1,250 00 13 May '58 1,250 00 i 4 Sept. '50 1,200 00 24 May •ei 1 Di'C. 'GO • 19 July '75 1 Mar. '57 1 Jan. '75 1 Sept. '72 1 July '83 1 Jan. '82 1 Dec. '56 1 Mar. '72 I May 72 1 Sept. '72 1 Feb. 'Sft 12 Jilay ^79 1 July '77 15 Aug. '81 1 July '84 1 May '77 1 June '81 '« 66—2 1! ;; 18 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.-OUTSIDE SERVICE. GEOLoaiOAL AND Natuiial lIisTOUV SuiiVBY. — Concluded. Name and P. 0. AiMress. Proaunt Rniik. Laiube, Lawi-enee Morris. < 'haliners, Robert Artist, 2ud Class Clcrli, Geologist do Lawson, Andrew ('(iw])er, I'll. D., M. A |Fidd (ifoloyist do Bowman, Amos Willimott, Charles William do Asst. Curator do do McMillan, John |.Snrv('vor and Kxploi-er, 3rd Class Clerk Ami, Henry Marc, Al.A Taribaidt, Eugene Rog, : Hiain, William Henry Brandon I Sutherland,Jiimes McPhcrson Bi-andon j Kickards, Chas. Dudley .... J^iTiudon Pentland, William George . Birtle I Young, George. Miinitou, I Royal, Jules Augusti Fleslier, John . Mauitou. Deloralne. I Hilliard, Wm. Myers Miunedosa . Stevenson, Wm. Henry.,.. Ri'giua, N.W.T Fraser, Alexander Jauies . , . Rcgina, N.W.T It owe, Amos Assistant in ( !omrois- sinner's Olliue. Wm- nipeg. do Dominion Lands Agent, at WinniiKg. Assistant in Dominion Lands Olliee, at Win- nipeg. Dominion Lands Agent, at Bnindoii, Souris District. Clerk do Dominion Lauds Agent, Birtle District. Dominion Lands Agent, Dutl'eriu District. Clerk. Date. Calgaiy, N.W.T. iMcTaggart, John Prmce Albert, N.W/l'. jauvreau, Pierre Fran(;ois Louis V Dominion Lands Agent, Edmonton, N.W.T. I Edmonton District. I MuHugh, John Joseph Dominion Lands Agent, Dominion Lands Agent, Turtle Mountain Dis- trict. Dominion Lands Agent, Little Saskatchewau District. Dominion Lands Agent, (iu'ApiMillo Distnct 1st Asst. Domin. Lands Agent, Qu'Appelle District. Dominion ijands Agent, Calgaiy District. Dominion Lands Agent, I'rince Albert Dis- trict. ohn Josepii .. . Carlyle,N.W. '.T Coti.-au District. |Hrokovski, Edwin Frederiek Thomas P' tlefoitl, N.W.T. Lirby, Eugene Guilford Lfithbridge, N.W.T. 00—4 Dominion Lands Agent, Battleford District. Dominion Ijands A^nt, Lcthbridge Distnct. 1 Jan. '88 1 Jan. '88 1 June '80 23 May '82 9 Sept '87 1 May '84 27 Nov. '85 1 Nov. '82 15 Oct. '87 8 Nov. '87 7 Jan. '87 1 July '83 4 June '83 1 May '84 3 Sept. '85 1 May '84 1 May '84 1 May '84 1 Nov. '87 1 July '86 Present Salary. Date of Birth. $ cts. 1,200 00 1,200 00 2,400 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,095 00 1,095 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 800 00 1,200 00 1,200 OO 1,200 00 1,095 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 27 Apr. '58 21 July '51 10 Apr. '40 12 Sept. '46 19 May '33 1 Jan. '61 14 Mar. '49 24 Oct. '16 30 May '57 24 Sept. '64 8 June '33 8 Apr. '24 12 Dec. '26 25 Feb. '57 27 Dec. '37 It Sept. '46 1 Sept. '54 18 June '52 1 Oct. '38 21 July '51 Date of Firet Ajj- pointment. '74 14 Apr. '85 8 May '72 23 May '82 7 Aug. '82 11 July '79 8 Sept. '73 1 Apr. '82 15 Nov. '83 lOet. '83 13 June '84 1 July '83 1 Dec. '82 21 Apr. '82 3 Sept. '85 1 May '84 1 July '80 1 ilay '84 1 May '85 1 M%y '84 I I- I ";.■■.• %••• ./•^ ' ! ■' 20 m DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Land BoARn at Winnipko: Dominion Lands and Cbown Timber Aoenciks in Manitoba, North West TERRiToniES and British Columbia. — Concluded. ,. It m. Name and P. 0. Addiess. Nash, Edward Augustus Banll', N.W.T, Newcomb, Geo. Heuderaon, . Ottawa. Stephenson, Edwin Fredk. .. Wiuuipeg. Higginson, Thomas Shcriif, . New Westminster, B. C. Present Rank. Dominion Lands Agent, Rocky Jlountain Na- tional Piirk. Agent Crown Timber Agimt, Winnipeg. Crown Tinil)er Agent in the Province of British Coluuibia. Date. 1 Oct. '87 1 Jan. 75 8 Apr. '82 16 Oct. '86 Present Salary. Date of Birth. Date of Firat Ap- pointment. Anderson, Thomas Crown Timber Agent, 29 Aug. '81 Edmonton, N.W.T., Edmonton District. Gonin, Chas. Louis.. Crown Timber Agent Calgary, N.T.W Waggoner, David James Prince Albert, N.W.T, Morgan, Joseph Henry , Gordon, Ont, Calgary District. 4 May '83 Crown Timlier Agent, 1 July '83 Prince Albert District. 9 cts. 1,200 00 25 June '51 1,200 00 13 Aug. '47 1 2,000 00 29 Nov. '58 1,600 00 5 Aug. '86 1 Feb. 25 Mar. '73 •81 8 Mar. '38 116 July '84 1,200 00 22 July '25 1,200 00 1,200 00 Forestrj' Commissioner 1 July '87 ' 2,000 00 for Manitoba and' ' i N.W. Territories. 29 Aug. '81 14 Dec. '30 4 May '83 I 5 Sept. '31 1 July '83 26 Aug. '29 14 July '83 Rocky Mountain National Park, Banpp Springs. i-ii r in t : !|! i ■ P r- Stewart, George Alexander. . Banff, N.W.T. Superintendent of the 1 Jan. '87 Park at Hot Spring, Banff, N.W.T. ■ 1,800 00 26 Aug. '30 28 Jan. '86 North West Council, Forget, Am^d^e Emmanuel. . Regiiia, N.W.T. Clerk of the Legislative 7 Oct. '76 Assembly of N.W.T. | 1,800 00 :12 Nov. '47 7 Oct. '76 District of Keewatin. Bown, Hon. Walter Robert, M.D., Winnipeg. Private Secretary to the Lieutenant Governor of District of Keewatin 1 July '88 600 00 27 Jan. '28 1 July '8 Registrars for North-West Territories. Barker, Peter McGill Scott, William James Battlefoi-d,N.W.T. Sbroat, Alexander Prince Albert, N.W.T. Instnictor of Registrars. 27 Dec. '86 Registmr for West Sas- 7 Oct. '76 katchcwau District. Registmr for East Sas- 9 Dec. '80 katchewan District. 12 Sept. '43 13 Apr. '42 19 Juno '34 27 Dec. '86 7 Oct. '76 9 Doc. '80 21 IN Manitoba, 1 Feb. 73 25 Mar. '81 . '38 116 July '84 . '29 14 July '83 28 Jan. '86 '47 7 Oct. '76 ;. '43 27 Dec. '86 . '42 7 Oct. '76 u '34 9 Dec. '80 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR— OUTSIDE SERVICE. REniSTRARM FOR North-Wbst Territoribh — Concluded. Name and P. O. Aildrcss. McLean, Tliomns Alexand r. Calgary, N.W.T. Roy, George ' Edmonton, N.W.T. Montffoiufi'y, Geo. Archibald ■ LVgiua, N.W.T. Present Rank. Date. Rcjgistrar for South Al- berta District. Registrar for North Al- berta District. Registiiir for An.siuiboia 12 June '84 3 Aug. '85 1 ,)ulv '84 Present Date of Saluiy. I Birth. $ cts. I 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 28 May '28 26 Jan. '48 8 Feb. '25 Date of First Ap- pointment. 12 June '84 3 Aug. '86 1 July '84 CauETAKBKS of OUD.NA.Vt'K Lanus. Purcell, William, jr Caretnko' of Ordnance 1 Nov. '83 Temiscouata, P.Q.i Lands. | Couover, Peter. I do ..1 Feb, '81 Leamington, Ont. ' • Lavnie, L«uis, jun i do .. 21 Mar. '77 Hochelaga, P.Q.I 25c.p.diera 21 June '63 75 00 22 Dec. '22 50c.p.dieml 1 Feb. '37 1 Nov. '83 1 Feb. '81 21 Mar. '77 8.— THE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE NORTH-WEST MOUNTED POLICE. -INSIDE SERVICE. »••••■ ••• White, Frederick Forti^scue, Laurence Fiwhcr, Alexander GaUwey, Reginald Muuro M. Dnplessis, Leoniilas J. T. R..i Comptroller and Deputy Hcml. 1st Class Clerk 2nd Class Clerk 3rd Class Clerk 1 July '83 1 July '81 1 ,(uly '80 1 July '84 1 Julv'84 Hinehey, Edward Henry. ... Messenger 1 July '87 1,800 00 1,400 00 7.50 00 750 00 330 00 16 Feb. '47 17 Aug. •45 11 Oct. '30 16 Dec. •63 1 Sept. •6Ci 1 7 Mar. •72 3 Mar. '69 1 June '75 1 July '76 1 July '84 1 July "84 1 July '87 NORTH-WEST MOUNTED POLICE FORCE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Hcrchmer, Lawivnce Win . . . Rogina, N.W.T. Hcrclinier, Win. Maciiuliiy.. Calgary, N.W.T. Cotton, John.Regina, N.W.T Mcllb'ee, John Henry (.''Hlgary, N.W.T. ■Gagnon, Severe Ucgiua, N.W.T. Neale, Percy Reginald Fort McLeod, N.W.T. Deane, Richard Burton Lethbridge N.W.T. Steele, Samuel Beiilield Fort MacLeod, N.W.T. PeiTy, Aylcsworth Bowen . . . Prince AlWt, N.W.T. Griesbach, Arthur Hcniy Fort Saskatchewan, N.W.T. Commissioner Asst. Comuussioner . . ■ Suiieriiitendent do , do ■' M ! i • 83 NORTH-AVKST MOUNTED POLICE FORCE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. \k . ,{ pi,, I a: ■\y- Ifame aud 1*. O. AddresH. I'resuut Riink. Hncdnni'll, AlcxaiidiT Rmlk. Foi-t Alii.lA'od, N.W.T. Autrolnis, Willimii Di'iinv... MnplcCm'k, N.W.T. Jnrvis. T^awanl WoircU Wood Moil ntui II, N.W.T. JSfoi'iiiaii, FniiiciM Regiim, N.W.T. Howe, Josciih Biittldord, N.W.T. MofTiitt, Geoi'i'c Huchnnau... Retina, N.W.T. WIiitfi-Fmsor. Montague Hy. Letlibridge, N.W.T. Mon'i.s, AVilliam 8. M, SuiM'riiiti'iidi'nt . •to do liis]K>('tor do Battlcfoid, N.W.T. Saudens, Gilbert Edward..,, Miiple deck, N.W.T. Dravuer, Fiedoiie liegiim, N.W.T. Allnii, John Heruslbid Rcgina, N.W.T. Wood, Zi.cliniT Taylor , Fort JifcLeml, N.AV.T., I'liilip Carteret Hill Lethbndm,', N.W.T, Cntlibert, Albert Edw. Rass . I'nnce AllK-rt.N.AV.T. Snydfif, Arthur Edward Fort Sa.skatehewan, N.W.T. Likely, Henry David Fort MacLeod, N.W.T. Pierey, Willinni Saskateliewan, N.W.T. McGibbon , John Alexander. . _Wood Mountain, N.W.T. Wilson , James O.sgood Fort Macleod^ N.W.T. Unot, Chas. Fwncoia Albert. Fort MaoLend, N.W.T. Moodie, Jolm DnuL'las Medicine Hat, N.W.T. Begin, Joseiili Victor Prince Albert, N.W.T. BiYwIcs, William Alphonso. , . ikttleford, N.W.T. Starncii, Cortlandt Fort MacLeod, N.W.T. Chalmers, Tlios. Wellington. Fort McLeoil, N.W.T. Wattam, Thomas Calgary, N.W.T. Matthews, William George, , Rpgina, N.W.T. donstantine, Charles Calgary, N.W.T. Casey, Henry Samuel Fort Saskatchewan, N.W.T. Bradley, Ernest LetUbrldge,N.W,T. Williams, Victor Arthur S,. Calgary, N.W.T do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do •lo do do do do ••*••••••*• Date. 15 Sept. '85 1 July '^6 10 Apr. '86 24 Jan. '82 1 July '83 1 Sept. '83 1 May '84 1 May '84 1 Sept. '84 16 Oct. '84 1 Aug. '86 1 Aug. '85 1 Aug. '85 1 Aug. '85 1 Aug. '85 15 Sept. '85 15 Sept. '85 15 Sept. '85 15 Sept. '85 15 Sept. '85 15 Sept. '85 22 Oct. '85 10 Nov. '85 1 Mar. '86 10 Apr. '86 1 July '86 20 Oct. '86 20 Out. '86 20 Oct. '80 20 Oct. '86 20 Oct. '86 Present Salary. Date of Kirtli. Date of First A]i- pointmcut. $ ots. 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 CO 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1.000 00 1,000 to 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 8 Oct 8 Aug. •26 Jan. 19 Nov. 6 Sept. 13 Dec. 24 June 6 Sept. 25 Dee. 13 Mar. ?8 Nov. 27 Nov. 23 Oct. 1 Aug. 24 Mar. 25 June 14 Oct. 1 Feb. 17 Aug. 18 Aug. 21 Nov. 15 Feb. 1 Mar. 31 Jan. 14 Oct. 27 Oct. 1 June 13 Nov. 23 July 5 May ! 2 Juue ■40 •45 '47 ilO '46 '55 •54 '53 '47 •63 •63 •45 •60 '64 •60 ■61 •52 •53 •57 •58 •60* •49 •56 '58 •04 '62 '48 '48 •49 '48 •68 ^ •66 iiJ 24 1 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 16 15 15 15 15 15 22 10 1 10 1 20 20 20 Sept. '7S Mar. '76 Apr. '86 Jan. '82 July •SS . Sept. '83 May 'SC May '8^ Sept, ^84 Oct. •SI Aug. •Sa Aug. •sn Aug, '8.'-. Aug. 'St;^ Aug. •SS ' Sept. •SS Sept. •?:" Sept. '8.J ] Sept. •85 Sept. •8'i Sept. •sr. Oct. •H.^ Nov. 'J*5 Mnr. 'hR Apr. 'St) July 'Si!! Oct. '86- Oct. 'Sii Oct. 'Si), Oct. '%] Oct. S'U EI! VICE. NORTH-M'EST MOUNTED POLICE FORCE.— OUTSIDE SEKVICK Dntr of llirth. Date oi' First Aji- poiutmcut. 8 Out. 8 Auf(. id J.'in. 19 Nov. 5 Sf'pt. 13 Doc. 24 JllIK! 6 Sept. 25 Dec. [3 Mar. }8 Nov. 27 Nov. 23 Oi;t. 1 Aug. !4 Mar. 25 Jnne L4 Oct. 1 IVt). 17 Aug. 18 Aug. 21 Nov. 15 fob. 1 Mar. )1 Jau. 14 Oct. 27 Oct. 1 .fuuft 13 Nov. 23 July 5 May 2 June •40 •45 '47 '46 '55 '54 '53 '47 •63 'C3 •45 '60 •64 '60 '61 '52 •53 •57 '58 •60 •49 '56 '58 •64 •62 '48 '48 '49 '48 •58 •66 ! 1 Sept. '7S 1 Mar. '76 110 Apr. 'Sti 24 Jan. ^82 1 July •S:^ 1 Sept. •SS 1 May '81 1 May •St 1 Sept. ^84 15 Oct. ^84 1 Aug. •SS : 1 Aug. 'sn ] 1 Aug. 's;< ^ 1 Aug. 'sr-o 1 Aug. '85 15 Sept. •SJ , 15 Sept. •8r J 15 Sept. •8.'^ 15 Sept. •8.-) 15 Sept. •8.i 15 Sept. •85 22 Oct. •8,'. ; 10 Nov. 'J<5 1 Mar. 'hfi ^ 10 Apr. 'bi> , 1 July 'S(!1 20 Oct. '8«^ 20 Oct. 'M i 20 Oct. 'Si; 20 Oct. 'SG 'iJ Oct. 8'! Name and P. O. Address. Present Kank. Ins]«ctor do do Senior Surgeon. Hariirr, Frederick IJauir.N.W.T. Bukci . Montiiguc WtKid Mciuntain, N.W.T. Kout ledge, Walton Kegina.N.W.T. Jukes, AugUHtus, M.B Kegina.N.W.T. Baldwin, H. Yarwood, M.D . Assistant Surgeon FortMcLeod.N.W.T. Avleu, Peter, M.D .. Bttttleford, N.'vV.T. Fate. Louis Alplionse, M.D . Calgxrv, N.W.T. Dodd, Henry, M.£) Roginn, N.W.T. Powell, Fred Hiimilton,M.D. Fort Mael.od, N.W.T. Burnett, John, V.S BfjAua, N.W.T. Wroughtno, Tlieoilore Am- bros«,Fort Mucleod,N . W .T. do do do do Date. Presi'ut Salary. Veterinarj- Surgeon. . . do Jan. '87 Jan. '87 May ^87 Jan. ^82 Nov. ^85 July '86 July '87 Oct. '87 Oct. '87 July '87 Jan. '88 f cts. 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,400 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 700 00 600 00 Date of Birth. 28 June '!■» 6 Jan. ^59 16 Jan. ^63 80 Oct. '21 5 Oct. '69 6 Sept. '60 15 Feb. '48 23 Nov. '30 30 Mar. ^62 Dec. •SO 11 Nov. 62 Date of First Ap- pointment. 1 Jan. '87 1 Jan. '87 1 May '87 24 Jan. '82 1 Nov. "85 1 July '8» 1 July ^87 1 Oct. '87 1 Oct. '87 1 July '87 1 Jan. '88 24 lO.-oFl-'U'E OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL.— INSTDK SKUVICE. ■11 Nh! ' I ..- Name. HcDougall, Jolin Lorn.M.A. Patterson, Jaues Simpson, John Barker Sutherland, Edward Diiveir port Gorman, John. rresuiit Itauk. Auditor Gcnunil. (Jliief Clerk ami Asst. Auditor General. Hayter, Frederick, R.A..., Graham, John , *Lynch, John Bernard Baldcrson, John Hewett.. . , Hudson, Arthur Bartlett. , , Reid, John Warren , Gray, lluny Hamilton O. . , Porter, Thomas Gibson, John Hugh Pedcn. Bolton, George Cahill Mac.Douald, John Carroll. . Bissfiiiimtte, Louis Adolplu' Martin, Ira Everard Eeams, William Baldwin, Harma Adelaide... She^Avood, Beverley Wilmot.. Bellbrd, Ethel Casault, Francois Pender, John.. l.Mt riasH Clerk . do do do 2nd Class ( Uerk. do ilo do do 3iil C;iass Clerk. do do do do do do 4o do do do Messenger do , Date. 1 Aug. "78 1 Oc'.. '78 ;.l July '80 1 July '83 1 .luly '8r, 1 July '85 1 July '73 1 July '83 1 July '84 1 July '87 1 July "87 1 Feb. 76 1 July '79 I JiUy '79 1 Jidy '80 10 June '79 1 Jan. '83 12 Aug. '87 J. Jan. '87 1 July '85 1 Nov. '83 1 July '87 23 Apr. '53 II Nov. '57 Present Salary. $ ots. 4,000 00 Date of Birth. 6 Nov. '38 I 2,800 00 il' Dec. '31 l,7r.O 00 ;16 Feb. '42 l.e-IO 00 ,19 Nov. '63 i,r>m 00 1,550 00 1,400 00 1,350 00 1,300 00 7 June '48 30 .Tune '56 12 Feb. '45 14 May '59 11 Jan. '59 Date of Fint A)>- pnintment. J,150 00 16 Apr. '59 1,150 00 28 Jan. '60 1,000 00 7 Apr. '65 1,000 00 11 May '38 1,000 00 23 .Sept. '34 1,000 00 6 Feb. '40 1,000 00 19 Apr. '52 9M 00 15 Nov. '54 I 80O 00 21 Sept. '63 750 00 24 Aug. '65 660 00 7 Aug. '51 600 00 13 Juno '69 450 00 28 May '66 500 00 18 Dec. '31 500 00 16 Sept. '33 1 Aug. '78 10 Dec. '65 4 Deo. '65 13 .liily '71 13 Aug.'Za 20 Aug. '79 28 May '64 1 Nov.'7» 1 Jan. '89t 11 Ffh. '84 1 July '85 I May '73 31 Oct. '19 20 Jan. '7'J 1 May 'SO 17 Jan. '7» 1 Jan. '83 12 Aug. '87 4 Oct. '6i 1 July '86 1 Nov. '88 1 Jul> tiS 23 Apr. 'tS II Nov. i;/ f Since appointed Accountant, Department ij>f Aginculture. 26 10._DE1'ARTMENT OF FINANCE—INSIDE SEIIVICE. I Nil Courtiiry, .1 ohn Moitiincr , . . Fitzgnnild, Willioin, M. A.. ToUiT, Frpilerick Aiiili'iijon, Clmi'les Jascph... Fnxttr, Riiliaul Watson . . . , Pickifson, Miitthi'w Oorgti. Lowe, Geoigi", jr Cough, Charles Archi-r Tivadwcll, Clnivnce William. WcNichol, .loliii Frascr, John Jnrvis, Cicorgo Muniiy Ni'L've, JoliD Bonner Nash, John Riuliard Tiirgeon, Charles Edward, . . . Street, Charles Frederick, M. A Fripp, Herbert Russell Claj-ton, James Alfred Wiggins, Ezekiel Stone. . . Garland, Nicholas Surn'y . . Hopkirk, James Bulfour, John Blair, William Livingston.. Nutting, James Peasley., . , Boville, Thomas Cooper. . . . Cnpbert, Emile Black, Ernest Augustus.. . . 'Jenkins, SamuelJudson, . . Tasker, Charles James I'resent Riink. Dut(!. Di^puty .Minister anu. '85 1 Apr. '35 1 Jan. '86 1 July '86 1 July '86 1 July '87 1 Feb. 73 I'resint Salaiy. 4,2t)0 . N'ov. '66 Nov. '67 June '78 July "87 DEPAHTMENT OF FINANCE.— OUT.SIDK .SERVICE. TiniH, Tliomas Dillon Ottuwa. Orookshouk, George Young. . Ottuwa. Blockador, Alfred Kimball... Ottawa. McMinn, William John R... Ottawa. Cauiiihell, Charles James. . . . Toronto. JRldoat, John Oiiuit , Toronto. £liot, Granville I'ercival. Toronto. Morrison, Stuart Toronto, 8te«'art, Maltliow Toronto.! VaJlace, John Itoberts Asat. Receiver General, Financial Inspccrtor for the Dominion. Asst.Finau(^ial Inspector Ist Class Clerk, Insur- ance Branch. 2nd Class Clerk, Insur- ance Branch. AsKt. Receiver General, Toronto. Teller. Junior Clerk do Messengerund Caitstakcr Halifax. Piii)er, Lewis Halifax. .Mtnston, Anliur Clenu-nt. . . Halifax. Bafeuo, John llorton Halifax. USthgofW, Jolih Thomas Halifax. mUon, John Patrick Halifax. Omafahank, Iloboi-t Willinni. St. John, N.B. Halifax Clerk in A.R.G. Office.. Clerk in Savings Bank. Teller in Savings Bank. do .... Clerk in Savings Bank. Asst. Receiver General, St. John. 1 Nov. '71 1 July •86 1 Oct. •83 1 July '83 9 Nov. '83 22 July '77 16 Aug. '76 1 Mar. '84 25 Jan. '86 30 June '63 Mar. '72 1 July '74 15 June '77 11 Oct. '80 7 Feb. '86 31 May '73 2,600 00 1,700 00 1,600 00 1,300 00 3,000 00 1,400 00 1,200 00 660 00 600 00 2,200 00 1,300 00 1,250 00 900 00 900 00 860 00 2,2u0 00 6 Jan. '25 25 Mar. •66 24 Oot. '52 21 Apr. '56 9 May '20 20 Apr. '45 6 Dec. '63 8 Oct. '65 5 Oct. '56 15 Feb. '23 16 Oct. '44 15 Dec. '63 •41 25 Jan. '56 4 May '54 21 Aug. '22 8 Sept. '6& 10 Aug. '73 1 Mar. '77 I ,>".ly '83 , 9 Nov. '83 8 July '72 17 July 71 1 Mar. ^84 1 Mar. '78 Sept. '42 21 Mar. '72 11 Nov. '71 15 June '77 II Oct. '80 7 Feb. •76 20 July '58 I'll 'i; i! tT DKPAKTMENT OV FINANCE.-OUTSIDK SERVICE. i9 |15 Ort. '84 t5 8 July '72 53 17 July '71 1 Mar. '84 1 Mar. '78 Sept. '42 Nkutie and I*. 0. Adiin-as IWtiinon, Hydm^ Boltr.n . . . Saint John, N.l). I'lVM lit Kaiik. Teller in Savings Dunk Acctor of 'I'olmcco Fiiotorit'H. PMiiuH, rmil Moyli' ( 'liit-f Acroniitiiiit iiuil (,'lii«f rl.Tk UiniRWorth, WiUiaiu I'ri'Mi'iit Kaiik. Hurou, Wiliiutu LcwiH. . , . CiiniiK'aUiFuliicn \U'U& kliloiiM Viilin, Jo8L'pli Elztiar H:ill, Charles RiiHsnll Stewart, Nttil Ciirti-r, Williau Tcakk'S, Hrontoii rlallDtiirton LiiMotliH, Henri Oiiillainni>.. Kettle, Richard Bliitph, Fri'dfiriik Kendall.,. ■W'alsh Matthew Finineis. j Lusignau, AlphoUHe Devlin, Richard Shaw, Jaincg Fit;{williaiu. . , . Cliubbnck, Churli^H Edward.. Doyon, Joseph A If red liruncl, John Bj'mcs, John Quain, Redmond Jirown, Jauies Fandiaui Brunei, George, M.A Fowler, George Archambault, Rouiuuld •Conrtman, John MeCuUowgh, Anthony Secretai-y, Ciilef Clerk.. rierk .VHst. Acrcimiliiiit, Ist Claas Clerk, lut Cliw» Clerk do • July '.10 4 Apr. 'fd 13 July '42 23 Dec. '47 2 Sept. '42 8 July '44 17 Oct. '49 16 Sept. '64 23 ,\rar. '41 4 Nov. '33 22 Jan. '» 1 Mai-. '68 7 0(!t. '72 6 Nov. '71 12 JunA '74 18 Jan. '77 1 Seitt. 'C« 1 July '78 20 Oct. '44 30 Juno 'W 17 June '60 29 Juno '15 11 Feb. '41 1 13 July '35 27 Sept. '43 24 May '44 14 May '66 13 July '48 23 Mar. '61 13 Aj.r. '48 20 May '59 27 Mar. '59 9 Oct. '29 18 Ju'y '46 10 May '49 21 May '62 20 Mar. '64 22 Jan. "71 I 1 Feb. '78 13 .ruly '67 1 Jan. '78 24 June '82 20 Feb. '74 June '78 1 Jan. '72 11 Feb, '78 7 Feb. '78 17 June '78 16 Jan. '83 1 May '80 25 Jail. 'eC 1 Oet. '7« 9 June '69 7 May ^B 1 Nov. '83 9 Aug. '67 *Since trausfurcd to Department of Secretary of State. tm DEI'AUTMKNT <'l INLAND IIKVKNUK.-OUTSIUK HKIIVICK, Onto of Fir«t Ap- ]ioiiitni«iil. 1 Juiiu 70 4 Apr. '(17 ,ti Jim. '68 1 Mm-. '68 7 Oct. '72 6 Nov, '71 12 Juim '74 18 Jim. '77 1 fU^iit. 'C* 1 July •7» i 30 Juuo '09 j I Feb. '78 13 July '67 1 Jan. '78 24 June 'SS 20 Feb. '74 June '78 1 Jim. '72 II Feb. '78 7 Fnb. '7ft 17 June '78 16 Jan. '88 1 Miiy '80 25 Jail '?- 1 Oct. '76 9 June '69 7 May 76 1 Nov. '83 9 Aug. '87 Nuiioimil P. o. AililiioH I'lt'NI'llt Ulllllv. Date. St. John, N H.| liiiiif Kcvi'iiiic •Auhin, NajK.K.m { if^"" ''ll"''"" Spni'ial ClaSH F.xi'iHenmii . ConHultiiiK KiigiiiCT... I »••'«»•• '76 Moiitiviil. Itaby, John CliaiieH Moiitival. Baby, Jom>iih Srd Class KKcisciiiaii . . . Mdiitroal.' IJaliy, WolMtan Ali'x. Dixii'..S|)oiiiil Class Hxciscmaiil 1 Jan. '88 lliiiiiiltoii. iJikkor. JofM4)h Sti'vi'iis ^Asiit. liiNjx'ctor W. k M Slifilirookc.! Harbvr, John Sortiss :2uit CIiisn Kxcisrinan,.. Toronto.' Barker, Charlos i do .... Montreal, Biu-rctt, John Collri;tor of Canal Tolls. Stc. Ann.', I'M Uamttt, John KcUcy District liisiiittor Wi ■ 1 Dec. '87 20 Oct. '80 1 July '73 19 Apr. '49 1 May '86 1 Jan. '86 I inniiK'g Barrett, Tkonias James 1st (loss Kxeiscman Loudon. Battle, Martin Collcttor Iiiliinil Uev-' 1 Jan. '73 IKtiiwa. ciiui'. I Battle, Timothy Asst. Collector (Canals). | 1 June '83 Ottawa. Beasley, Richard Accouutnnt I 1 July '84 Windsor. Beattic, Thomas Asst. Inspector \V. k M 14 Aug. '79 lliiniiltun.i Bcauchamp, Jos. I'antaluon.. 1st (lass Exciseman .... 1 July '84 Montreal. B^dard, William Geor),'e 3rd Class Kxciscmim . . . 20 Oct. '80 (jttawa.i Belland, Joseph Elztar Specitiiiiliou Clerk (Ciil- 20 Aug. '63 l^Kiebec. lers). Bellcmarc, Raphael Distrii t Inspector 21 Sept. '68 Montreal. Belleiive, Charli's Clerk (Culler's) 1 May '77 • jlUeU'c' Belyea, Theodore Hanlin<'... 2nd <'liiss Kxciseman... 1 Jan. '88 St. John, >i.lJ. Bennett, James Deputy ( oUector of In- 1 Jan. '81 Toronto. ! laud Ivcveuue. Bickle, John AVatki^^ I do . . 1 Nov. '87 l'eterburi>ugii.| Bisb, Philip 1st Class Exciseman ... 1 Jan. '88 Guclph.l Pri'spiit Sttlikrv. AilnmN, John Stnvriek 3nl Class Clerk 1 May '76 London, Ont.j AdamH, William Cornish. ...lAsNt. luHpeetor W. Jk M. 8 June '80 (.) Alexander, Thomas 'Collector iulund llev- 1 July '83 LoMdiiU, < )nt. enue. I Allen, Oeorge Alnln us rroliationiiry Exi'isenian|22 Mar. '88 Wimlsor. t»ni. 1 Allison, Charles Inspei tor W. & M 1 Nov. '79 Yiirniouth. N.K.I Amor, William 2nd Class Kxeiscnian... 1 Jan. '87 lliiiiiilton.l Arahill, John IClerk (Canalst 1 July '83 Montreal.! Atherton, Uolierl... ...... | Deputy <'oUei tor of In- 1 July '88 1 Nov. '80 1 Nov. '80 ' Since eujicrannuatcd. I rti. 760 00 500 00 l,(l2ri 00 r>oo 00 1,000 00 736 00 800 00 1,100 00 f 1,400 00 \ coo 00 1,200 00 760 00 1,200 00 000 00 850 00 850 00 1,000 00 2,200 00 920 00 1,570 00 800 00 1,100 00 600 00 1,000 00 750 00 700 00 2,500 00 550 00 700 00 1,500 00 600 00 800 00 Dilte of Kirth. 4 Apr. '30 24 Apr, "24 13 Oet. '46 16 Aug. '67 1 22 Sept. '21 1 July '41 ' 1 June '28 23 June '35 ||l2Nov.'12 18 iMay '48 6 .lune '51 13 Apr. '67 19 July '37 25 Nov. '52 10 Mar. '20 22 June '18 6 June '50 8 Oct. '65 Aug. '28 23 Dec. '40 27 Feb '39 4 Apr. '34 4 Aug. '64 10 Sept. '44 9 Dec. '43 21 Feb. '21 24 July '46 i 1 July '57 ' 7 Oct. '27 '20 Jan. '49 12 Sept. '38 Dlllr ol First Ap- pointment. I {••el,. •7» 8 June '80 . Dec. '70 22 Mar, '8S 1 Nov. '79 9 Oet. '82 3 May '79 3 Sept. '77 9 Feb. '75 16 Doc. '79 1 Nov. '80 30 Nov. '76 1 Dec. '87 20 June '79 8 Nov. '69 19 Apr. '49 6 Sept. '73 2 July '81 Apr. '60 28 May '73 22 D.c. '79 14 Aug. '79 1 June '7i» 25 May '78 20 Aug. '63 6 .T-...,e '55 1 May '77 20 Nov. '86 I 11 Fell. '71 I j 1 Nov. '87 10 Oct. '82 r ■/• 'I l.''l |:i ! i •w ill r^ ■■ f iMJi.; i. I '! I V:^\ !;:i 30 DEPARTMENT OF INLAND REVENUE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Name and P. 0. Address Black, Charles Edward Stuart Hamilton. Blair, James Burns Hamilton . Blcthen, Cliarles William.. Halifax, N.S. Bogue, James St. John, N.15. Bois, George A Tredeiicton, Boivin, Charles Alphonsc. St. Hv • ■ Present Rank. Date, Asst. Inspector W. & M. S]i)eeial Class Kxciseman 3rcial(}laa8E.xcis^mau I 1 Jan. '83 1 Mar. '83 I July 76 11 Oct. '86 1 Aug. '87 21 July '80 19 Jan. '69 14 Aug. '79 1 Apr. '87 1 Nov. '73 1 June 'tJ8 1 July '87 1 Sep.. '80 Halifax . Brennnn, John Windsor. Broadfoot, Samuel Guelpli. Brougham, Michael PMward. Guelph . Brown, John Johnstone Stratford . Browne, George Wheatland. . Quebec. Bmneau, Pierre Casimir Adol. Three Rivers. .Bulmer, William Montreal. Burke, Timothy St. Jolm, N.a. Bun'ows, William 1st Class Exciseman... 1 July '88 do ..1 July '85 3rd Class E.vciseman . . . 11 Juno '72 1st Cliias Exciseman.. .. 1 Jan. '83 2nd Class Kxciseman... 1 July '73 Asst. Inspector W.&M. 1 June '88 2nd Class Exciseman. . . 1 Oct. '72 Collect. Juland Rev unuei 8 July '86 Collector of Canal Tolls. 29 June '82 '■■ ( (las Insi)ector, Kingston . Bussiires, Fi'an9ois Xavier. . . Clerk (Canals) Montreal . ■Cahill, Jolm William 3rd Class Exciseman . . . Windsor. ! •Cahill, Joseph Hickey Deputy Collector, In- Quebec. laud Revenue. CahiU, Thomas | ?.'''l V'*^^ Exciseman . . . ' I (Jas Inspector Peterljoro' . ' Cameron, Donald McPhersou. Sjiecial Class Exciseman Pi'escott . Campbell, George Johnston. . 3ru Claas Exciseman . . . Pictou. Campbell, John McDiarmid. . Guelph . Caniyr^, Joseph Narcisse. . . • Winnipeg. S^jecial Class Exciseman 3rd Class Exciseman. . . 8 Apr. '81 7 Mar. '76 10 Nov. '87 1 Apr. '82 1 Jan. '85 1 Nov. '80 1 Nov.' 80 12 July '72 1 Jan. '83 18 Nov. 72 Pivscnt Salaiy. Date of Birth. $ cts. 600 00 1,200 00 630 00 500 00 (WO 00 8S5 00 1,000 00 1,050 00 2,400 00 12 June '41 24 July '48 22 Oct. '57 n Sept. '34 20 Feb. '31 25 Dec. '44 17 May '35 12 Nov. '50 I 5 Sept. '34 300 00 I Dec. '24 1,000 00 720 00 1,200 00 SOO 00 !t20 00 750 00 1,000 00 850 00 500 00 850 00 1,155 00 600 00) 400 00 I 900 00 600 00 1,200 00 750 00 1 350 00 J 1,200 00 660 00 1,200 00 850 00 15 Jan. '54 21 Feb. '55 14 Oct. '59 24 June '47 20 Dec. '53 29 Sept. '29 19 Feb. '64 21 Jan. '83 :! Soj.t. '27 9 Aug '29 9 June '45 22 Mar. '29 9 Oct. '49 31 Mar. '65 7 Jan. '38 20 Doc. '39 5 Dec. '55 5 Xov. '82 28 July '41 10 Not. '39 Ditto of First Ap- pointment. 1 May '8S 6 Oct. '7S 11 Oct. '86 1 Oct. '86 21 July '80 19 Jan. '69 14 Aug. '79 6 Aug. '79 28 Mar. '68 1 June '68 14 Aug. '79 1 Sept. '80 19 Aug. '78 3 Jan. '87 12 July '80 11 June 72 5 Jan. '80 22 Feb. '69 1 June '88 1 Oct. '72 8 July '86 14 Aug. '79 7 Mar. '7« 10 Nov. '87 1 May '6t 14 Aug. '79 1 Mar. '72 1 Apr. '68 19 July '«7 18 Nov. '72 Chalut, Christii Clair, 1 Clark, Clark, Clark, Code, j! Code,.; Colemo Colema Coles, '. Collier, Couwa; Cosgroi Cosgro' Costell Costigu Costigo 31 DEPARRMENT OF INLAND REVENUE.— OUTSIKE SERVICE. Name and P. 0. Adilress. IVsent Rank. Diite. Prpseiit Siilarv. Date of Birth. 1 July '88 1 Oct. '83 Carroll, Dankl list Class Excisoiiinii . . Hiilifux.! Carver, George William I3rd Class Exciseman... Toi'outo.l Casey, Thomas Laboratorj' Clerk 1 Aug. '86 Ottawa. I Cavou, Alexander 'Collcct'r Inland Revenue 1 .Ian. '73 Stnitford. 3rd Class Exciseman... !> July '87 C'avcn, Jami's McDonald. Oueli)h. Caven, William Montreal. Chabot, Frau^ois-Xavier. , . . Quebec. Chaloner, Henry J (iui'bfc . 1st (.'lass Exciseman . . . Asst. Inspector \V. & M Crown Timber Agent and Collector ot Slide Dues. 920 00 720 00 850 00 1 Sept. i,t;oo 00 ;i3 Sept 4 Aug. 4 Dec. '42 '52 Date of First Ajh- pointment. 16 May '76 17 May '80 '38 26 Aug. '79 030 00 1 Jan. '88 i 1.200 00 Inspector W. & M. Accountant Inspector W. & M. . . Collector Canal Tolls. 3rd Class Exciseman. Deputy Collector Inland Revenue. 3rd Class Kxci.seman. . . Chalut, Joseph Olier Montreal. Christie, William John. . : Deputy Collector In- Winnipeg. land licvenne. Clair, Thomas ".. Preventive Otlicer St. John, N.B. Clark, Albert Forneret Stratford. Clark, Elcazar Sherbrooke. Clark, William Beverley .... Port Dalliousie. i Code, Abraham, .sr Inspector W. & M Ottawa Code, Abmham, jr WimiiiH'g. Coleman, Charles Toronto. Coleman, James John Montreal. Coles, Frank Halstaff London, Out. Collier, Henry liiiight St. t 'atiienn(8. Couwny, Bartholouu'W James. ^ Perth. Cosgrovc, John Ottawa. Cosgrove, John Jose])h Toronto. Costello, John William Inspector W. & M Winnipeg. I Costigan, Henry Alfivd jCoUecfr Inland Revenue Winuij)pg . , Costigan, James Joseph . , . ( 3rd Class Exciseman. . . Montival. \ |lnsi)ectorof Food 7 June '80 1 May '82 20 Aug. '81 1 Jan. '87 1 Aug. 's7 1 July '85 14 Aug. '79 1 July '83 14 Aug. '79 20 Mar. '86 21 !)«•.. '86 1 Ajir. '86 As-st. Accountant j 1 Oct. '83 Collector Canal Tolls. . . 1 July '77 Special Class Excisenian Asst. Inspector W.i M Preventive Ollicer Meclianical Assistant InsiR'ctor W. & M. Collector Canal Tolls. Coughlin, Daniel London, Ont Coulter, Robert Port Robinson . Courtney, John J 2nd Class Exciseman Hamilton. Cowan, Edgar Asst. Inspector W. &M St. John, N.B. * Mr. Chaloner wa.s appointed Shipping Master mission was subsequently i-evoked. 1 Jan. '81 6 Feb. '85 1 Dec. '85 26 Dec. '85 1 Jan. '87 1 Oct. '86 4 Apr. '88 8 Aug. '87 2 Mur. '78 1 July '85 14 Aug. '79 500 00 2,400 00 1,400 00 1,260 00 12 Sept. 12 Jan. 6 Apr. 18 Dec. 22 Mar. 18 Mar. Ill 00 28 Feb. I 21 Oct. 900 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,200 00 630 00 1,000 00 0:i0 00 9.-i0 00 23 Feb. 2 Mar. 28 Dec. 3 Jan. 28 Sept. 20 .Inly 15 July '36 '67 •60 '36 '23 '47 '56 '56 '36 '11 '56 '29 •68 '47 '57 •38 1 Mar. '69 9 July '87 Oct. '77 7 June '80 3 Dec. '7a* 18 Dec. '78 6 Feb. '80 1 Dec. *8« 28 Sept. '74 14 Aug. '79 1 May '82 14 Aug. '79 20 Mar. '88 21 Dec. "86 1 Oct. '85 16 Apr. '72 200 00 28 Nov. '18 ' 1 July '77 1,200 00 600 00 800 00 600 00 1,575 00 25 July 24 May 6 Oct. 14 Feb. 26 Dec. 600 00 400 00 7 Jan. 600 00 11 Mar. 720 00 30 Apr. 805 00 600 00 '59 '36 '52 '42 '60 '41 '24 22 Jan. '75 6 Feb. '85 17 Nov. '79 26 Dec. '85 1 Oct. '80 18 Mar. "861 8 Aug. •az 2 Mar. '78 29 Nov. 7 Feb. '66 13 .Ian. '79 I 44 14 Aug. '79 ilie Port of t^uebec, 3rd Dec, 1873| but his <:ou»-. m &4 ; -a :,.'T If 32 DEPARTMENT OV INLAND HEVENUE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Name and P. O. Aildivss. Pii'scnt Rail Cowley, Walter "Wiuiiiiu'g. Coyip, Jauies Toronto. Cox, James Edward Toronto. Craig, Joseph Belleville. Crawford, William I'utrick. . Hamilton. Cre\-ier, William Ste. Anne, P.Q. Crotty , Jolin Windsor, Unt. Crowe, Walter Wiudsor, Out. Cnllcn, Patrick Montreal. Ciirlcsp, Charles Grand Falls, N.B. Dauis, Antoine Dosithee Valleyfield, I'.q. Daoust, Joseph A Montreal. Darby, John Ottawa, Daveluy, George Monti-eal. Davies, Alfred Kdward Winnipeg. Davis, John Windsor, Out. Davis, Thomas George London, Ont. Dawson, William Toronto. Deane, Joseph Kingston Mills. Ont. De Martiguy, Charles Prime. Quebec. Desaulnicrs, Eugene Isaac Lesieur Montreal. Dcschamps, Jean Haptiste. . . Laehine. Descrres, Gaspard Montreal. Desriviercs, Fran<;ois Lamy.. Montreal. Dcsroches, David St. Janvier, P.Q. Devine, J. Joseph Kenl'nnv, Ont. Dibblec, AVilliani St. John, N.B. Dick, Jamt^s Walter Toronto . Dickson, Charles Tlioinpsou. Kingston. Dillon, Stephen Montreal. Diiigman, Norman .loiies. . .. Stratford, Ont. Asst. Inspector W. k M. 3rd Class Exciseman. . . 'Special Class I'ixeiseinan do 2nd Class Exeiseniau. . . Asst. Collector (Canals'* 3rd Class E.veiseman. . . Sjieeial Class Exciseman Messinger Preventive Collc^ctorof Cani:l Tolls, Asst.Insi)eetorW.& M. Clerk, Crown Timber Odice. Dep. Superv. of Cullers Asst. Inspector W. & M. Date. 11 Nov. 1 Oct. 1 Jan. 1 Oct. 1 July 1 Dec. 18 May 1 J Illy 14 Aug. 1 Aug. 1 Oct. 4 June 1 Aug. 2 May 1 Auk. Inspector of Distilleries. 1 July Deputy Collector,lnland 1 .Ian. lie venue. 1 Jan. 1st (lass E.xciseman. . . , Collector of (.'anal Tolls Spetilication Clerk Clerk, Culler's Olllce... Clerk (Canals) liook-kcei)er Asst. Inspector W.& M Collect. Inland Revenue Jleputy CoUei'tor Inland luvenuc. do 1st Class Exciseman. . . . Special Class Exciseman Asst. lusjiector W. & M Special CIiuss Exciseman 1 July 6 ilay 16 Mar. 1 .Inly 7 Oct. 6 Jan. 1 Mar. 8 Dee. 27 Aug. 1 Jan. 1 Mar. 6 Jan. 1 Nov. •84 '83 '88 '84 '72 '8C '8(5 '86 '83 '87 '79 '80 ■83 '79 '86 '72 '87 '88 '70 '78 •86 '85 '79 '80 '80 '85 '77 '88 '76 '80 '80 Present Salary. Date of Birth. § cts. I 600 00 720 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 850 00 500 00 630 00 1,200 00 600 00 800 00 850 00 800 00 850 00 900 00 500 00 2,800 00 1,300 00 800 00 400 00 700 00 200 00 700 00 400 00 500 00 700 00 400 00 300 00 840 00 1,200 00 600 00 1,200 00 16 Apr. 1 May 11 Jan. 20 June 29 .'^ept. 14 May Aug. 16 Sept. 9 Jime 27 May 5 Feb. 14 Oct. 28 Nov. 8 Oct. 23 Aug. 19 July 15 Aug. 9 Feb. 16 Drc. 29 Jan. 5 Nov. 2 Dec. 10 Oct. 25 July 10 Mar. 27 Sept. 19 Oct. 11 (Jet. 20 Juue 29 Sept. 25 May Date of First Ap- pointment. '62 11 Nov. '20 11 Oct. '61 I 6 Sept. '40 '38 '40 '32 '46 '86 •47 •39 •44 '39 '52 •46 '37 '47 '48 •37 '42 '68 '50 '55 '16 '38 '61 '34 7 May 6 Mar. 17 Aug. 18 May 29 Dec. 14 Aug. 1 July 1 Oct. 4 June 1 May 2 May 1 Aug. 7 Oct. 1 Nov. 12 Nov. 5 Apr. 6 May 16 Mar. 8 Jlay 7 Oct. 6 Nov. 1 Fe'i. 8 Dec. 9 Nov. '.57 4 Jan. '48 '23 •45 15 Dec. 6 Jan. 17 Feb. '84 '80 '84 •76 '69 '81 '86 '79 '83 •84 '79 '80 '75 '79 '86 '62 '7a '83 '5& '78 '86 •79 '79 '75 '80 '85 '75 •83 '68 '80 •75 if Date of First Aji- pointmeiit. '62 11 Nov. '84 '20 11 Oct. '80 '61 6 Sept. '84 '40 7 May •76 '38 6 Mar. '69 '40 17 AuR. '81 '32 18 May •86 '46 29 Dec. •79 '86 14 Aug. '83 '47 1 July •84 •39 1 Oct. •79 •44 4 Juuo '80 '39 1 May '75 '52 2 May '79 '46 1 Aug. •86 '37 7 Oct. •62 '47 1 Nov. '7a •48 12 Nov. '83 '37 5 Apr. •59 •42 6 May •78 '68 16 Mar. '86 '50 8 Jlay •79 '55 7 Oct. '79 •16 6 Nov. '75 •38 1 IV). '80 '61 8 Dec. •85 •34 9 Nov. '75 •57 4 Jan. ■83 •48 15 Duo. •68 •23 6 Jan. '80 •45 17 Feb. '75 38 DEPAllTMENT OF INLAND REVENUE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Name uud P. 0. Ail(lrc,s.s. Prf'scut Rank. Date. Deputy Collector hiliiml licvt-nue. 3ril Class Exciseman . . . Asst. Collector Canals. . Dixon, Henry Ceorge Sniitl:. 3rd Class Exciseman... Miiutrcal.! Dodd, John Deinity Collector Inland Montreal. 1 Kcveuue. Dodds, Edward William .... 3rd Class Exciseman. . . Toronto.) Donagliy, William Haniiltiiu, Out. D<»ion, George Tlieoniiile . . . Moiitrcal. Dudley, William Himvell... 'Foronto. Duguay, Joseph............ Sorel, P.Q. Diunbrille, John Preseott, Ont. Dumbrille, Richard \\'illie . . Hamilton, Ont. Dumouchcl, Leandre Montreal. Dumoulin, Severe Three Hivei's, P.Q. Dunlop, Charl(!s Windsor, Ont. Diiplessis, Charles Zeidiiriu. Three Riveiti, P.(,>. Durochcr, Charles Chambly,P.(i. Dustan, William Mollatt. . . . ilst Class E.Kciscmaii. . Montreal.] Earle, Robert Hfiiry 'Special Class Exciseman (iuelph, Ont. Egan, James Loudon, Ont. Egcner, Adolph Hamilton, Out. Elwood, George Vesey Loudon, Out. Erb, Abram Albert 3rd t^lass Exciseman (Iuelph. Out.! Evans, George Thomas 1st Class B^xcisemuu .... Toronto. I Fahcy, Edward 3rd Class Exciseman and Clerk Canal Olliee. !rd Class Exciseman . . . do 12 Aug. 1 May 21 Nov. 1 Apr. 14 Aug. 1 Aug. 1 Sept. 6 Apr. Special ( 'lass Exciseman As,st. Inspector W. & M Special Class Exciseman Unclassified Exciseman. CoUect'rlnland Revenue 3rd Class Excisemau... . jll Sept. Ind Class Exciseman... 1 July Collector Slide dues. ... 3 May 1 Jan. 1 July 1 Jan. 1 July 1 July Inspector W. & M ...... 14 Aug. 2ud Class Excisemau. .. 20 Oct. 1 Jan. Deputy ( 'oUector luland Revenue. Kingston, Out. Fahey, Owen Qucliec. Falconer, James E Windsor, Out. Farley, James Frech'riik Collector Canals Ottawa.! Ferguson, John 3rd Class Exciseman Preseott, Ont. I Fei^guson, John C. . , ^ Preventive Officer .. St..lohn, of Food Flynn, Daniel Toronto. Flynn, James Patrick Ott.iwa. Forest, Eugene Roch Montreal. 66-3 2nd Class Exciseman . do 1st Class Exciseman . , 1 .Inly IJuly 1 Nov. 1 Aug. 1 Feb. 1 Nov. 8 Oct. 1 Nov. 1 Aug. 1 July 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 1 July '87 '79 '81 '7;i '79 '86 '80 '85 '82 '85 '86 76 •83 •87 •87 '75 '79 •80 '87 •84 '85 '77 •82 '85 '77 '79 '77 '87 '88 •88 •88 '88 Present Salary. Date of Dirth. $ cts. Date of First Ap- pointment. 600 00 18 Dee. 1,500 00 \ 3 Sept. 720 00 12 Sept. 1,200 00 30 Oct. 750 00 24 Jlay 1,200 00 15 .\pr. 500 00 28 Apr. 1,625 00 2 Jl,,y 720 00 17 July 805 00 24 Dec. 200 00 4 Feb. 1,100 00 9 Dec. 720 00 2 Jan. 500 00 1 Jan. 1,000 00 8 Oct. 1,200 00 1 July 1,200 00 19 July 8.-)0 00 26 Sept 'i>7 ; 12 Aug. I 1,000 00 |20 Sept. 750 00 8 Mar. 920 00 25 Nov. 500 00 '19 •62 '41 •46 •43 '16 •23 '59 •46 '29 '39 •49 '41 '57 '50 '30 '27 '40 '29 '54 350 00 J 660 00 750 00 1,200 00 750 00 600 00 1 300 00 J 700 00 700 00 800 00 13 July '41 18 July 20 Jidy 17 Aug. 17 Apr. 4 May 4 Dec. 6 Dec. 5 Sept. '48 '56 '32 '26 '39 1 Dec. 21 Nov. 1 Aug. 14 Aug. 22 Dec. 1 Sept. 6 Apr. 11 Sept. 17 Ju'jo 3 May 4 .Alar. 13 Dec. 1 Jan. 7 Feb. 17 Feb. 14 Aug. 13 Aug. 22 Mar. 14 Aug. 1 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 July 23 Dec. 8 Oct. 16 Nov, 18 Mav '44 24 Dec. •04 '54 4 Oct. 1 Unv. '87 •6T •81 'T3 '71> '79 'SO '85 •82 '82 '86 '73 '80 '87 '82 '73 '79 '79 '70 '79 's:> '75 '84 '76 '79 '76 •87 '83 •86 '8.5 34 DKl'ARTMKNT OF INLANJ) UKVKNUE.— OUTSIDK SERVICE. ' 11 ft! Kuine and P. 0. Address. -.;i!| 1 ; 1 III 1 . ii! I ■ '1 ) ; 4>l . Ii; in ill 1 ! ! liii Present Kiiuk. Dnt<\ ■ii "." M } i • 1 j ■■■j.: 1 ■ •; ■i » ■'■ ' 1 1 =N,| t I Fovtler, Joan JaciiucsOdilon. Sfirol, V.i). Fournicr, Joseph Allifd St. Jolin, ]•.<.». Fo.v, John David Moiitit'ul, Fox, Thomas Jloiitieul. Fraser, Geovgo Jami's Brantlbnl, Out. Frcczi', Edward (.'Innli's 1 icdrnctciii, N.J}. Gnlbiaitli. Thomas .li'1't'fr.foii. Port Miiitliind, Out. •Gallagher, Francis Quebec. Gerald, Charles Windsor, (»nt. Gerald, Walter Henrv Preseott, Ont. Gillin, Williiim Wells Kingston, Ont. Gill, William Victoria, IVC. Giriird, Iitinee Windsor, Ont. Girdlestone, Eobert John M. WiunijH'g. Giroux, Ali>honse Philaronic. Montreal. Godson, Heuiy Toronto. Collent. Inland Revenue Asst. Collector (Canals)- 1st Class E.xcisenian do do Inspector of W. & M. .. Collector ol' Cauiil Tolls. Specification Clfrk 12 Social (Jlass E.xciseuian] 1 do .... Asst. Inspector W.& M. District Inspector 1st Class Exeisimiaii 3rd Cliiss Iviciseman. . . Asst. Insjief tor \V. it Jl. Clerk (CauaLs) Chief Inspector of Inh.nd Revenue. 1st Class Exciseman.. . . Asst. Inspctor W. & Jl . 2nd Exciseman.. , Ctoodinan, Arthur William.. Toronto . Gorman, Michael Ottawa. Goroii, David Montreal. Gosnell, Thomas Salter |lst Class Exciseman. . Winnipeg Gow, James Windsor. Gowan, Edmund Quebec . Graham, William Johnstone. Owen Sound, (Jut. Grant, Homy Hugh HiOifax, N.S. Greey, Samuel Hamilton, Ont. Grimasra, Thomas Kingston, Ont. ■Grogan, Stephen Patrick. . . . Quebec. Hagarty, Patrick Hahfax, N.S. Hall, John Joseph Peteruorouffh, Ont. Hamilton, Thomas Clietwood Toronto. Mar. May .Inly Nov. Jan. Aug. Sept. Dec. Nov. Jan. Aug. July Jan. Feb. July Present Salary. '8r> 73 '87 '80 '88 '79 '65 '83 80 '88 "79 '87 '88 '73 '87 14 Ang. "84 1 >istrict Inspector Clerk, Culler's Office. . . Collect. Inland Revenue do .... Special Class Exciseman D(!pt. Collector, Inland Revenue. Specification Clerk. . . 3rd Class Exciseman. . . CoUect Inland Revenue 2nd Class Exciseman. . . .Ian. ,luly •Vug. July Nov. ■Ian. Aug. Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. Nov. Apr. Sept. Jan. •73 '88 '79 •80 •80 •87 74 •74 '81 •75 '87 •72 •69 •73 •87 .? cts. 700 00 r.00 00 8 10 on 1,000 00 800 00 1,000 00 500 00 600 00 1,200 00 l.iOo 00 600 00 2,000 00 850 00 750 00 1 200 00 J 700 00 2,800 00 800 00 600 00 S.IO 00 1,000 00 2,200 00 1,100 00 1,000 00 1,600 00 1,200 00 855 00 550 00 750 00 1,000 00 735 00 Date of Ilirtli. 25 Sept. '48 21 Dec. '30 25 Mar. '05 10 Aug. '45 6 July '41 11 .Vug. '25 5 Mar. '41 24 Dec. '34 23 Oct. '52 7 Sept. '57 22 Sept. '30 1 July '37 24 July '47 14 Nov. '43 23 Feb. ^47 17 June '25 22 Feb. '66 15 Dec. '25 29 Aug. '44 June '50 17 Oct. '26 11 Apr. '36 16 Feb. ^44 15 Apr. '89 3 Jidy '22 23 Feb. '66 10 Dec. '54 5 Apr. 'S7 28 Mar. '31 31 Oct. '64 Dat(! ol" First Ap- iraintmcnt. 17 Mar. '85 1 May '73 5 June '85 21 Apr. '76 10 July '84 9 Oct. '75 9 Sept. '65 12 Deo. '83 16 Dec. '75 14 Apr. '81 14 Aug. '79 4 Apr. '67 3 May '80 17 Feb. '73 14 Oct. '82 1 Feb. '62 1 Dec. '85 14 Aug. '79 '6« 27 Jan. '76 28 Nov. '6« 19 Aug. '74 1 Juae '63 1 Oct. '79 26 Apr. '67 7 Apr. '81 15 Nov. '72 6 Apr. '59 1 Sept. '73 16 Nov. '81 Dllt.! ol' First Ap- iraiiitment. 17 Mar. '85 1 May 73 5 June '85 21 Apr. •78 10 July '84 9 Oct. •75 9 Sppt. •65 12 Deii. •83 IG Dee. •79 14 Apr. '84 14 Auk. •79 4 Apr. '67 3 May '80 17 Feb. •7S 14 Oct. •82 1 Feb. '62 1 Dec. '85 14 Aug. '79 '66 27 Jan. •?« 28 Nov. •66 19 Aug. '74 1 Juae '68 1 Oct. '79 26 Apr. '67 7 Apr. '81 15 Nov. '72 6 Apr. '69 1 Sept. '73 16 Nov. '81 35 OKPAUTiMENT OF INTEND REVENUE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Nauifi aiul 1'. O. Addicss. I'lTSBiit Riiiik. Book-keeper, ^I essi'iigcr '2n(l Class Ex(!isi!miin. . . t'olleotor (Canals) Lst Class Exciseman . . . Hamilton, William L ^District Insiwctor In Ikockville, iJiit. j land llcvcnuo Hanley, Avcliibald ii.iii<;.,ton, Ont. Haruey, Thomas. .'. t^lut'ljcr. Hart, Philip Da(!i'('s IJrantlbrd, Ont. Harvey, Tliomas Unmswick.. Chipiiawii, Out. Harwood, llobcrt Unwiii Il)eivilk'. r.(,). Hastic, AVilliam Exoisemai Montreal. I Haun, James Itobcrt Tort Colborni', Ont. Hawkins, William Louis. . . , Brantfon!, Out. Hayward, AValtcv John Windsor, Ont. Hsbe:!, Charles Uupout Tluw Hivcrs, P. i}. Helliwell, Horatio Ni'lson... ]lst Class ExcLseman Toronto, i Date Clerk (Canals) Special Clas.s Exci.soman 1 Feb. 1 July 1 May 10 Dec. 1 July 1 July 11 Feb. 1 Xov. 1 Jan. Inspector W. & M il4 Aug. '7' ('t)lloct'rluland Revenue Henderson, Wilbur Toronto. Heney, John Joseph Ottawa do 3rd CI1US.S Exciseman . . . Heuiy, John Maxwell Harry. Deputy Collector Inland Ottawa.. Revenue. Henwood, George !2nd Class Exciseman Brantfoid, Out. I Hesson, Charles Asliton I CoUect'rlnland Revenue St. Catharines, Out, I Hicks, William Hem y j 1 )ei)uty Collector Inland Winnipeg. Revenu( Hill, Artlmr Marcus . St. John, IS'. B. Hobbs, George Nixon Hf.iniltoi:, Ont. •'Home, Adam ileiiry V'etoiia, B.C. Howie, Alexander Guelph, Ont. *Hubertus, Henry John Ottawa. Hudon, Alplionse JFontreal. Huggard, Richard Thomp- ) sou ) Winnipeg. Jler, Burritt (Juebec. Ironside, George Arthur Port Arthur, Ont. Irwin, Robert Hamilton, Ont. Ir\vin, Samuel Belleville, Ont. Jackson, John Ottawa. James, Thomas Cutlibert. . . . Halifax, N.S. do 2nd Class Exciseman. . . Asst. Insjicctor W. & M :U'd Class Exciseman . Inspector of Ga.s 1 July 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 1 Oct. 1 July 1 July 1 Feb. 1 May 28 Sept. 1 Jau. 1 Jinie 20 Oct. 18 Oct. Unelassitied Exciseman.. 1 Aug. Inspc('tor W. & .M ,14 Aug. Insjiector of Gas | 1 Jan. Special C'nss Exciseman Collect 'rl nlaud Revenue 3rd Class Exciseman. . . .Vsst. InsiKictor W.k M. Messenger and Care taker Crown Timb(!r Office Accountant 1 Nov. 1 Apr. 23 June 9 Apr. 1 Dec. 1 July '32 '8.5 '82 '80 '88 •85 '70 '83 ■83 '79 •85 '8S '85 '83 '73 '85 '88 '88 '75 '85 '86 '80 •78 •77 '79 '86 •80 '70 '88 '85 '85 '83 Present SaLiiy. $ cts. 2,300 00 850 00 500 00 850 00 100 00 920 00 900 00 550 00 1,200 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 800 00 020 00 720 00 1,100 00 805 00 1,000 00 700 00 500 00 805 00 350 00 750 00 700 00 t,OOC 00 1,000 00 ) 200 00 J 1,200 00 1,000 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 1,000 00 Date of Birth. 20 Mar. '42 20 Juno '46 27 Xov. '47 18 Dec. '51 15 Nov. '34 20 Sept. '57 13 0(;t. '25 7 Dec. ^41 26 Jan. ")4 18 Feb. '39 6 Oct. '45 18 Oct, '53 3 Oct. '56 27 May '61 27 Jan. '28 22 Sept. '64 28 .Mar. '60 13 Mar. '55 4 July '41 19 Feb. '55 9 Dec, '59 IJan. '37 13 July ••31 31 Jan. '13 6 June '34 27 Nov. '51 2 Jan. '40 11 Mar. '41 8 May '28 lOct. '35 29 Apr. '56 Date of First A]i- pointmcnt. 7 Dec. '68 1 July •SO 1 Jlay '82 7 Jan, '80 26 May '81 27 Oct '80 5 Mar, '61 1 Nov. '83 18 Sept. '79 14 Aug. '79 11 Oct. '76 7 Nov. '81 8 Mar. '83 2 Sept. '82 Dec. '67 19 Dec. '81 17 Jan. '83 14 Mar. '81 28 Sept. '75 15 .May '80 1 Oct. '83 18 Aug. '79 18 Oct. '78 1 Aug. 77' 9 July '77 4 Jan. ^76 1 Apr. '70 22 Dec. '87 9 Apr. '85 lAug. '71 11 Sept. '82 v.. -it it; ;t''.., ;:m •i:-\ 66— 3J * Since decee^d. fi 36 DErAUTMKNT OF INLAND REVENUE.— OUTSIDK SEIiVICE. Name and P. O. AJdivss. ,11 r It i'v W * »! -IS!,, Jamioson, llobert (' Tresiott, Out. Johnson, Williani j B.-llpvill.', Out. Johnston, Georw Elliott .... I'roscott, Out. Johnstone, Jauies Kfunt'dj*. . Torouto. Johnstone, WasMngtou J.... Ottawa . Jones, Bichard i Victoria, B.C. Jubenrillc, J . P Windsor, Out. Eavanagh , Wallace Morgan . St. Peters, ^'.S. Keeler, George Samuel PresL'ott, Out. Keilty, Thomas Piescott, Out. Kcllock, Daniel Perth, Out. Kelley, Mencer John Quebec. Kennedy, James Donaldson.. Guelidi, Out. Kenning, James Hogau Windsor, Out. Keogh, Peter Mary Kingston, Out. King, Richard Mai-sters Halifax, N.S. Kinnee, Daniel Torouto. Knight, Joseph Chorlottetown, P.E.I. Kuowlson, James Baine Peterboro',Ont. Lafontaine, Albert Joliette, P.Q. Lane, John Quebec . Lang, Victor Owen Soum' , Out , Langlois, dit Traversy, Fran- cois Xavier Quebec. Laporte, George Montreal. Larose, Simeon Chaguon .... Ottawa . LaRue, George Quebec. Lawlor, Henry Montreal. Lawlor, Bichard Alban. . . . | Chatham, N.B. Present Rank. Deputy Collector, In- lan(i Kevenue. Inspector W. & M do (.!as 3rd Class Exciseman. Inspector of Gas Date. 1 .luly '87 14 1 1 1 Chief Inspector of Stand- 1 1 ards. I Collect. Inland Revenue 1 Inspector of \V. & M. . . | 1 do Gas 1 1 1 7 1 1 27 1 1 20 1 U 30 1 31 1 1 2ud (lass Exciseman. , Collector (Canals) 3rd Class Exciseman . Deputy Collector, In- land Revenue. Collect. Inland Revenue Asst. Inspector W.& M. 2nd Class Exciseman. . Collect. luhind Revenue 3rd Class Exciseman. . , Deputy Collector, In land Revenue. Asst. Inspector W. & M. Inspector of Gas..., Deputy Collector. . Preventive OflScer. Deputy Supervisor of Cullers. 3rd Class Exciseman. . do do jClerk, Crown Timber ' Office. Collect. Inland Revenue Deputy Collector, In- land Revenue. Collect. Inland Revenve Inspector of Gas Auk. 70 Nov. '80 Oct. '83 Jan. '88 Mar. '84 June '87 Aug. '84 Aug. '84 Jan. '88 July '85 June '88 July '85 Mar. '74 Dec. '80 July '71 Aug. '82 Feb. '80 Sept. '87 Aug. '79 Apr. '78 July '72 Jan. '81 Apr. '84 July "79 1 Oct. '83 1 Oct. '83 1 Apr. '83 16 Feb. '78 1 July '84 1 June '83 1 July '83 Present Salary. I cts. 800 00 1,000 00 1 :i5u 00 ; 720 00 1,000 00 2,000 00 800 00 600 00 200 00 ] 700 00 200 00 600 00 1,200 00 1,400 00 600 00 850 00 2,090 00 750 00 1,200 00 700 00 200 00 600 00 500 00 1,600 00 750 00 720 00 . 720 00 850.00 1,600 00 1,500 00 1,000 001 300 00 1 Date of lUrth. 22 Mar. '43 28 Sept. '42 17 June '32 28 Oct. '49 23 July '25 4 Feb '51 19 June '54 Oct. '42 9 Apr. '30 26 July '38 15 Jan. '38 3 Feb. '53 22 Sept. '21 26 Apr. '35 24 June '42 22 Feb. '43 19 Oct. '31 4 July '28 15 Apr. '33 21 Mar. '20 8 May '30 29 Sept. '41 23 May '30 13 July '45 14 May '55 21 Dec. '34 15 Dec. '53 11 July '52 Date of Fii'st Ap- pointment. 1 Jidy '87 14 Aug. '79 21 Oct. '81 Sept. '83 May '74 i Aug. '84 6 Jan. '87 1 July '85 7 Dec. '87 15 Dec. '79 21 May '69 27 Dec. '80 1 Feb. '67. 2^ Jan. '67 1 Sept. '79 14 Aug. '79 14 Aug. '79 30 Apr. '78 1 Oct. '63 31 Jan. '81 1 Apr. '84 1 July '72. 28 Oct. '80 1 Sept. '82 10 "Aug. '75 16 Feb. '78 1 Oct. 79 1 Juflc '83 I 37 JJKrARTMENT OF INLANO REVKNUK.— OUTSIDF. SKRVICE. S'vl V. ■■1 Kume anil 1'. O. Addivss. Lawlor, William t'lmtliiiiii, N.l!. Leboeuf, Juk'S St. Guvs, ^.(^ Lecompte, S.Jem (,)tii'b('c'. l.i'coms, lli'iiii Tlu'riiilillc. . . . MolltlL'ill. Loc, Edward London, Out. Lc'lebvrt!, Fraii(;oi.s Xiivicr . . . Ottawii.i Let'ebvrn, Hoiivi Clerk (( 'uimls) . VaUcydi'ld, PAi. Prt'scii* Rank. Dato. Prrsoiit Salarj'. Preventive Officer ... Collector (Canals).... Sjieeilination Clerk.. . Asst. Accduntant . . . , 1st Class Exoiseniaii., Asst. Analyst Le;^gett, Joliii I'Mward Port Collionic, Out. Loiuoiue, Janu's McPlier.son. (Jupbec. Leiuoine, .Fnlcs (,>n'ebec. Ii0})ine, Louis (i)iieboc. L«iprohon, Roch Mnrlial Jnli('tte, I'.Q. Lett, Fn'derick Pieroy Austin "Ottiwva. Lftvaaseur, Louis Xax/iin' Z. . (^ii'bi'c. Levasseur, Zepliirin Quebec. Lo;;an, John Haujilton, Ont. Lynch, Patrirk Ottawa. Lynfs, Kierniin !Montri'a'. do 1 Aug. '87 9 Apr. 'CO 31 ilec. '81 3 Nov. •8.'; l.lan. '88 '?> Alar. '8(! 10 May '82 10 May 23 Aug. lOct. 1 Oct. District Inspector 3rd Class Exciseman... do .... Collect'rInlaiidRevenue'20 Oct. 3rd Class Exciseman... 1 Oct InspectM of Lias Specification Clerk 2nd Class Exciseman. . . Asst. Inspector \ ''. & M 1st Class Exciseman. . . . 3rd (^lass Exciseman . . . Macdonald, Dujjald lAccoiintant Miicdonald, John .\ Lyon?, ]• Br.inHbr.l, Ont Lyons, John ; Asst. Inspector W. & M Oriiliu, Ont.i Macdtinald, Arehibiild (l!). . .'3rd Class Exciseman .. . Presiuit, Ont. I crnld I Montreal Inspector W. & il Kin;,'3t,iiii, Out Macdonald, Xorniniid , Pift- .11, N.S, MacdoucU, Angus Duncan.. , Toronto Manfiirlane, Tliomas Ottiiwa M.ickay, neori.'n William..., Hamilton, Ont. Mackay, .John Howard Pictou. N.S Halo, Toussaint . ■ Montreal. Malonc, Thomas, jun ., ' '• • Three River.sP-Q. Prevelitive OfHeer Deputy Collector Inland Rovouuc. Chief Analyst 3rd Class Exciseman . . . Collect'rinland Revenue 2r.d Clas.s Exciseman. . . Deputy Siipt. CuUei-s. . 2 Oct. 1 June 1 Jan. 1 Apr. 1 Jan. 1 Jlar. H VU!?. 2 Feb. r> Nov. 20 July 1 July Mar. 20 Mar. 20 (, t. 2 July 1 Nov. 5 July 70 '68 'S3 'S3 '80 '83 78 'CO '88 '81 •85 '38 79 '88 •sr, 'm '88 '.J6 '8t> 'SO '85 •75 '8(5 .«! cts. 500 00 000 00 Date of Itirtii. 25 Aug. '17 700 UO 22 Mar. '35 l,0.'iO 110 800 00 22 Feb. '35 14 Feb. '11 1,100 00 '22 Feb. '01 L.Wp.dicm during sea- son ot nav- igation. 800 00 2,20(1 00 720 00 720 00 1,000 00 720 00 1,000 00 29 Dec '.".2 18 Oct. '46 21 Feb. '25 19 Oct. •;.•*. 19 Oct. •as 14 Oct. .'32 17 Apr. '63 (5 Feb. '48 Date of First Ap- pointment. G.W 00 IS May '22 750 00 22 Nov. '30 ,-,00 00 — Mar. '27 020 00 25 Oct. '5(5 liOO 00 22 Sept. '(52 7(;0 00 18 Sept. '25 600 00 30 Dec. '55 1,200 00 28 Dec. '38 1,000 00 25 Oct '35 200 00 '27 1,300 00 10 Mar. '18 2,000 00 5 Mar. '34 750 00 4 Sept. '41 785 00 7 June '50 850 00 il(> July '29 300 00 27 Aug. '56 9 Apr. '50 9 Apr. '6« 1 Dec. '79 23 Aug. '81 2(iMar. '8« 10 May '82 10 May '70 23 June '47 20 July '80 18 Oct. '30 8 July '79 8 Nov. '81 2 Oct. '78 IJune '6(J 76 27 (M. '75 9 Oct. '82 lOTilay '87 14 Aug. '79 2 Aug. '87 14 Dec. '70 20 July '86 1 July '88 Mar. 'Ce 20 Mar. '86 13 Aug. '79 2 July '85 27.Tuly 74 '81 rk ' V,- 38 DEPARTMENT OF INI.ANJ) UEVENUE.-OUTSIDK REUVirE. u ■ Hama aud P. O. AiUIivms. rresi'tit Rank. Snl ( liiss Kxciscumii. . . 1 N'ov. 1 iihiM'ctor uf Gm I 2 .111 u . 14 Aug. 'l Nov. Asst. luspeitorW. & M. 3nl C'liiss Evciseiimii. . . MHiiiiiii^. .luiiicis MlUltR'ill. Slurclmml, Niircissc Tluvi- i;ivcrs, l'.<.>. Mamnti'tte, Alcxiiiiiliv NViiiiUnr. (hit. Miii'sluill, 1'Vi'iliiiiiiKl I'risiott, Out. llurti'l, Michel Dosithiii' Stii- uislus C'Imiiilily, l^<^ Maaou, Freilrrick Windsor, Out. Hu£0ll, JlilllCS St. John, N.U. ]dilli>i', Aivliiliiild Halilii.\, N.S. Milli'i', Jiisi'iili Ehvood Piterboi'dugli, Out. Miller, Heniy Jolm ' Asst. Crown 'i'iudKsr (I'lalitr Datf. Colli'iUir (( auiil!- 1 Spcciul L'lus« Exuisenian 3rd Clns.s Kxelsi iiiiin. ... liLspeetcr of Gius 1st t'liifis E.\i.'is('miui . . . ."> Miiv. 1 July 1 Aug. 1 Die. 75 1 .Ian. '87 •82 7i) 77 '8,S '/5 MilliT, PiiMvc (.iiwht' Agoiit. Clnrk, Crown Timlitr Ollice. 22 Sept. 7 Nov. Collect. Inland lit'vpnuf 1 N'ov. 3rd Class Exuisivnan • Miller, Wiliiaui Frederick... Hciuiiltoii, Uut .MilUer, Elio Montreal. lliiligiin, IJobert John ' Aast. inspector "W. k M , Toronto. Miilik'ii, Edwin 2nd Class Excisonian . . St. ('iithariues, Ont.j Moore, John Nngeut OLstriet Insiieetor St. John, Moore, Theophihi.s 2u(l Cluss Exeisenmu, Chiiilottctown, i'.E.l. Muure, William (.oudon, Out. Moreau, Joseph Allred Quebec. 1st Class Kx<;isenian Caretaker, "W. & M.. . Dist. InsiM'otor mid In- spector of 15. I'iu'.toiies iC'oUeet. Inland Uevenue Morrow, John j Toronto, Ont Mulhem, Michael Matthew ) ij^!""'^;^^'^;.?"'" ( l<- anal Clerk Cornwall, Ont. Mulligan, Joseph !3rd Class Exciseman. Toronto. Munro, Hugh David | Ilalifkx, N.S. Murithy, Danitd Carillon, P.f^. Muriihy, Francis Murray, Allred Sutton ]•;. . , , IVterboro', Ont. McAllister, Andrew Bi!lloville,Ont. McClanaghan , Michael Montreal. iVsst. Inspector ofUas. Collector (Canals) 2nd < 'lass Ivvcisemaii. . do ... Collect, inland Jievenue 2nil Class E.vciseumu. 1 Jnly 2.5 Oct 1 July 1 D ec. 1 Jan. 13 Dec. 1 May 1 Dec. 1 July 1 July 1 Sejit. 17 May 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 Feb. 20 Oct. 1 Feb. 1 Jan. '83 72 ■87 83 '8G '84 '8C •80 •8(i '84 '8(1 '87 '33 '81 '82 '84 '72 't;j) '80 '82 '88 Present Salaiy. Date or i:uiii. Date of First .\p- {)oitituient. $ ets. 7M 00 200 00 800 00 7.')ii 00 1,000 00 1,200 00 7rio 00 1,200 lai 840 Om 22 No\. 4 Si' pi. 10 Feb. 5 Feb. n .bill. .\|)r. 28 An-. 1 .luiic lO ■■;l.'t '40 •34 •38 - No\ . 'm 2 Jan. '82 11 Autr. '70 5 !:>ee. 76 6 Mar '.•<« '.10 24 Fell. '72 'i; iiO 1,400 00 17 Feb. '40 1,200 00 ' 8 .hily ';'■! 1 Aug. '74 1 i:)eo. '75 12 Dec. '33 22 Sepl.'S3 1 June 'j2 i,.''.7r. 00 I'j;! Xiiv. '11 7.'0 00 700 00 850 00 11 IV.'. 21 i!,M. 11 Nov. 2,000 00 '23 (irl. 850 00 May 1,000 00 ilO Sciit. I 300 00 15 ,Ian. '37 '47 '.".4 16 July '7S 7 July '7? 25 Dot. '80 2 May 74 28 Nov '7(5 '42 1 Jan. '74 •1!) 15 Juno 'C8- •34 1 May '84 2,500 00 17 Nov. '32 ,28 Nov. '(iO 700 00) 100 00 i 750 00 740 00 loo 00 } -' 700 00 850 00 850 00 1,470 00 F,l.. '55 It ikt. '31 8 .Inly '4(! line '16 8 June '13 17 An-. '48 14 Aug. '4:5 700 00 'J4 1)l.'. '.'.!) 7 A ug. '7C 17 May '72 1 Jan. '81 1 July '72 June '50 1 Jan. '71 21 May '72 1 Feb. '88 li- ':!!;!■, tfiSaiS®. 39 DKrAllTMKXT OK INIiANI) UKVKNIJK.-OUTSIDK SKKVICK. - ^'o\ . '«« 2 .Inn. 'Sa II Aus. '•/[) .0 De.'. 76 22 Scpt.'SS 1 Jiiiii^ '52 28 iVov. 'm Nmiiic ami I'. O. Aililivss. rnsoiit Itmik. l)llllKrtor W. .t M tlo Clerk (,(':iii:ils) 3nl Class lixcispiiiaii.. Clerk (CiiiiiiU) Bid 'lorik}, .liiliii KIc'liaril SI..I0I111, N.15 lliKJoy, William !2ii(l Class Kxciseuuin. Hrlli'vli:e, Out. I N^:Ctwif:, Aimuslus I'liilay . . I)c]iut v Colli'ctor llcUcvillc, (irit.j AlcUomild, Jcilin lAsat. Iiisiititor W. & M liaiiiiltoii, Out. jftt(^Donald, Joliii Avlliui' 1st Class Kxciscniaii . . . Toronto.! McDonald, Michael Allai:. . .;Collec rrliilaiidUevi'iiiie Sydney, (!.B., N.8. McJI)iilieiii, lit.-(,'ol. Arch , r.M.G., ()^IlstMt. lllcKinjin, Uiiaii Hcniy jDeiiuty ( 'oUector Inland I' nibroke. Out Keve:iui lIcMillun, Kolicrt I'ringlc. Cardinal, Ont AlcNxuiHra, Mattluw tiuebcc . McNally, Thomas Montreal. AliiNutI, Charles Stewart... . Ottawa. HcPherson, Andrew Fraser. . Toronto. Jlcl'luc, Doiialii Hamilton, Ont. VcSwccu, Jum H London, Ont. Kadh, iSuniud C (.'niirloti' town, 1', K.I.I Neftlaiuls, li.iinilton J3id Class Excisenmi Toronto. I Nichols, Jame:i Thomas Stratford, Ont. Jforinand, .lean liaptiste Thnj^- Kivers, l'.(i. CyBrifiii, James Francis Hamilton, Ont. O'Doiiuell, Joi.n J.mgston ,(Jnt. O'ficwy, Tin maa Josc^ph. . . . Toronto. Olivier, Jean Aim'! Tluet; Kivei-!^^, P.! fi^Zi ' Is also Collector of Customs at Port Colbouruc. 40 i>rr\i;iMi',N"r (»i" inland hkvkniik.— outsidi; skiivk^k. i!;;': ■ y- ■ Nmiii' mill r. O. AiMivss. I'lCHOIlt Iliiiik. Pttttdii, ■liniioM. Pvllcticr, ri(>n P;il.'. I'tvsont Diitcof liirth. Dato of Kirnt Ap- iwintiueiit. ()iii'lii'( SiiiiPi'v. of Cullfi'x mill, ;50 June '8'2 Hid ( 'Inss ExciHcinnn . . r.Jiily "St! 1 .lull. '34 Cnllcct.ol" Slide- Dili's ( 'Ifik ^Ciumls) Mnlllrcill. IVlllloyrl', llrllVV .Irssi' Sliriliiodki', P(.>. rtilviiis, Li'vi Allnii Dcputv ('•illiTti>r, ln-'l6Ai.r. 'fiS Hh'Tvillc-, I'.','. I liiiiil lii'vi-mio. j Porry, (U'orgc I,ar;iyi'tic' '3ril ('lii>« I'.xrisciimn, . . 30 Jiiiii' '84 'AlclllllCll. I I Pi'tit, .Iciin-lkiitiHti' Asst. IiisiicolorW..1ii|uin, Ferdinand Isneiiiiiatioii I'lerk ''Ji) Au^. '7-1 (>'bre.! • Poinimc, .lolm |( 'lowii Tiinher Aj^eiit . . 1 4 ( )et. '8-2 Ottawa. I Powell, Joliu Bleekei' '( 'ollect. Tnliiud lieveiiue liuiliili, t Int. ' Power, Ilicliard 'Cltrk ('.'idlers' OlHee) . . Qilebee.j •Power, Tlioiniis 'Pi'inilv ' 'dUn'tor lii- Loudou.l laud lieveiiui t'olleittor (('minis) 3rd ( lass Exciseniau . . lusp'Ttnr \V. k Al 7 Dee. '(14 1 May '84 1 Juno '81 1,1 Illy '8:) 1 Dee. '80 Pridliaui, Alexander 'Collector (Canals) (lienville, r.(,>.l Provost, Jean Ja.^ Purdie, Steven .\uileison. . . .JAsst. Inspector of Gas. . I'lrdorieloii, N B.: Quesuid, Juli s Coilei'tor iCtiunls'* Sl..In]ni, i'().l ■Quiun, John Dwyi r Isl Class Kxeiseman.. . . Montreal. Kauiou. I'ieiie "Wiui'M.r. Out. Keddan, Chavlcs .liiejih "\Viuil.~m', Out . ! Eeddin, James . . ., Insiicctor \V. & .M . . Cliavlottetiwu, I'.K.l. Ecdmoud, John .\8st. Timber Couuti Ottawa.! Pc'guier, rielTO 'Colleet. Iidillid IteieiniC llierville, !'.(,». Seld, John Caldiual, (Jilt. I{<>nnnd, August'' l>e|>uty Cnlloetor hi 1 May '87 1 Ui!t. '84 9 Mar. '78 1 May "79 1 Nov. '80 1 Teb. '80 1 Apr. '79 1 July '85 Deputy Collector Iu--'9()ei. '79 land Uevciiue. Grd ( la-ss Kxeiseiiiaii ... 1 10 May '88 Collector (Canals). Cliailiani, .\.I5. land Iteveiaic. Iteinii George do HtiaH'ord, Out. Bichaitl, Dositlie .Sussex, iV.B. Kichard, Joan UiL;ele do .Sherlirooke, V.Q.I Jlichard, Raymoud |Uiiclossi(ied Exciseman Montreal. UAuR. '79 7 Jan. 84 1 June '63 IJuly 8.'> 1 May '88 121 Dec. 'Sr, Asst. Inspector W.& M.! 7 July '80 14 .Vug. 79 16 Dec. '67 •f ets. 3,tnO (10 Olio OO Oil! I 00 410 Oil 7.''.(i 00 3.MI 00 1,000 00 720 00 1,2(10 00 Si 10 (»0 1,055 00 (MO 00 2, (500 00 ],47.'i 00 700 00 1,100 00 i,noo 00 700 00 200 00 !)00 00 920 00 i,r.oo 00 (iOO 00 1,000 00 700 00 650 00 7.';o 00 200 00 1,15.'> 00 .^00 00 coo 00 i)50 00 ti , I line 20 June 2 July •r>.luly 13 July L'3 Dee. 4 Jan. 2(1 May 29 Oct. 14 June l.f) l)ee. ILIOet. 10 Apr. f) Aug. 27 .\i.r. 3 Aug. 27 Fob. 9 Sept. 28 Mar. 24 Jan. I 6 Jan. I 28 Aug. 1 Oct. 16 June Aug. ,10 May 29 Nov. 18 Oct. 2 Aug. 26 July 17 Oct. 16 Ang. ■29 •36 '33 30 Junu '82 5 July "Sft 30 Oct. 75 •24 16 Apr. '08 •26 ! 6 June 77 «Jan. 'SO 7 Wc. '61 4 Nov. '8'» 14 Aug. '79 6 May '73 '40 '39 •33 '45 I 1 Juno '82 '28 [29 Aug. '71 '17 Il4 0et. '82 •48 •51 '48 •39 '39 '30 •33 9 July '73 1 Oct. 'S* 9 Mar. 'JS 1 May '79 1 Nov. 'SO 1 F. '8« 1 Apr. '79 •49 j 1 Jan. '34 '33 17 Feb. 73 •66 10 Nov. '87 I '33 '29 '32 '35 '42 '34 '41 '23 14 Aug. '79 1 May 'ii 1 June '63 30 May '66 18 Feb. '85 24 Jan. '67 7 Jul' '80 14 An;. 79 16]).*. '67 41 ^-- ' -»ac„-es^*-3s£;-^r3.=wsrTs-fltn:*=«t=:i. J)I-;1'A1ITMKNT ol' INI.ANI) UKVKNUK.-OITSIDK SKIlVKK 21 IflApr. '(M 20 I CJuuo 77 N:iliM' unci I'. (I. AiMlvss. Riclicy, William Jli'tiMill'n . , Siiiiih's Kiills, (tilt, Ititcliic, Jaiiii'H Dttiiwa. I'rt'.si'iit llaiilv. C'olli'(:tor(CttiialM). Date, Accnuiitniit, Crown Tiiii- lier Olllcf. 3rd Class Kxcisciiimi. , 1.1 Illy 10 May linliMnn, Jaiiicfl (iii('l|ili, Out. )!oj;ris(iii, .laiiicM Almiii ii'V.. . SjH'cial CIuhm I'JM'isi'iiiim 'rulciiitii,! Uoss, ilarnlil Kdwnni lAsHt. Iiimicotor W. k M Wiiiiiiii''K-l JIocs, Saiiiucl Fiwirr iKcimty Cnllci'tur liilaiK lliiiiiilloii, Diit. _ |;i'V(Miiic. _ Itnulcau, .Inscpli (j)U(!1m!C. JNjwaii, Aivliilialil SI..I0I111, N.I!. liowlaiid, Kthvai'il I2iid Clius!) K.viilii!d Kxi'isciiiaii. In$[iector of (las 1 Oct. 1 .liily I .linit! I ] iVr. (i l)i'.'. 17 Nov. I .Ian. JJyaii , .loliii 13ciii.ird liiilifax, N.S •S(diolliild,.Ialii.vsS,li()l(;cld, I'olt Ciplljnrin.', Out Sidiiuiii, 15iinM'll St t atiiuiiiii'.s, Diit. rvcH'i'iiuc. .Si'ovil, ■\Valt(M' Balis lusiM'ctdi \V. & .M Siis<('x. N.H.' (ScuUioa. ■\Villiaiii Jaiin's. . ,. 2ik1 Class Kxciscmaii.. . iMoiitveal.' ('!■,'; (Canals) Dijaity Colk'L'tnr Inland Sliaiiacy, Micliful , Simard, Ilonii.,. . . Collect'rl alautl IJe vimuc Isi ( 'lass Kxfisi'iuan ,. . Ueimty Collector Inland Tororto. Ifuv'cnni'. \sst. Iiisiicctor W. i: M . (JUl'lll'C!. Siin(ison, Artliiii Fislnr.. . ,, Sii.'i'biookc, r.(.). Simon, En;,';!.!!?' Ili'iirv.,.. llTanUovil, (»iil. Slator, .Taini's , Ottawa. Slatli'vy, Hulpli .• l'ns<'oft, Oiil, Slattcu-y, Thomns lA^sl. liisivctor W. & J[.l2(» May Ucllcvill", Out. and Asst.j 18 Oct. 1 J"c1.. HAus. 1 .rail. 8 Dec. 6 Jan. 18 .run. 1 .luly il Apr. Clerk, Crown 'riinlinr Ollico. 1st Chwo K.vciscmau . . .1 1 .Ian. Smith, Edward Thomna.. . , Oltawi Smyt'i, lic'inard Rninswiik. t\t. .lohii, ; 'poncp, J'ri'iicis Jlcniy list Class E.vci.sfiman . . . St. Catiia"inc.S| Out. S{ien( c. .lolin M'ollect'rliiland llevonnc iJiaiitlord, Out. Sjicrcninti, .Tnincs.loscpli 'special Cliuss Hxciscman ("iui'lph, Ollt.j Staudisli, Josp])h Gerald list Class Exciseman . . . Windsor, Out. I Steen, James .Tinibir Coir, or . Ottawa. Clerk, Crown Timl)er'23 Jan Olli.e. .Ird Class HxiMseman . .. 1 .\pr. 1 Jnly 1 Jlay 1 Xov. 1 ' - Jan. 72 'fiO •8.T 7(i •87 73 '»i7 75 '80 7(! '(17 •87 '50 '88 '79 '85 '85 '80 '85 '88 77 '88 '8-1 'tJ4 •8(! '85 '70 '80 '85 '84 I'lvsent .'^alary- Date of llirlli. ••:? tts. Oi»0 00 1,000 00 750 00 1,200 00 000 00 1,300 00 7.''0 oo 1,000 00 S'lO 00 1,0(10 no 1,200 00 1,(100 00 500 00 1,200 00 800 00 .S05 00 1,000 00 000 00 1,100 00 800 00 850 00 SDO 00 700 00 1,200 00 030 00 920 00 1,400 00 1,200 00 920 00 700 00 8 Apr. '31 1 10 May '30 2 Jnly '20 8 Apr. '29 22 Jan. '.'.0 6 Apr. '24 2 Nov. '2S 30 Oct. '30 2(» I'll I. '30 10 Aiif,'. '.39 4 July '.'i2 1 Dec. '36 1 Oct. '22 9 May '30 2 Nov. '24 6 Sept. '57 2 Nov. '49 12 Kel). '32 31 July '48 5 May '03 30 Apr. '47 3 Fell. '42 20 Juno '38 20 Nov. '40 24 Nov. '46 28 May '63 28 July '30 ,28 May '54 25 Jan. '49 il7June '30 Dato of First A|>-' |Hiintmeiit. 1 .luly '73 19 May '80 i2Nov. '7« 6 Mar. '<» 1 June 'hi 21 Juno '08 6 Dcfl. 'W 17 Nov. 75 26 Juno '76. 7 July '«« 1 Apr. '«7 25 Sept. '88 18 Oct. '56 29 Oct, 7? 14 Aug. '79 1 Ans. '82 8 1)e '85 6 Jan. 'Sd 18.Iuno '85 14F.I.. '87 21 Apr. '77 16 Apr. 'Sa 28 May '84 23 Jan. '♦!* 1 Oct. 'as IJan. '33 15 June '68 6 Apr. '78 18 Jan. '8a 29 Mav- •'a I'- 'ii ', . '■¥] ■ la also Landinj' Waiter of Customs at I'ort Colborne. I)KI'.\1!TMI:NT OK INLAND KKV-'NUi;. (tUTfSI hi'. SKUVlcr, m Niiiiiti ttud I'. O. AUilivHs. I'ltiMoiit lUiik. Rti'Wnrt, JuiiirH iioiiiloii, Out. Stmttoii, Willium Cox Toiiiiitd. itlllli^^lll, ijUIUH Diillirl Timnito. Siiiiit-I.num, JoH('|ili Moiitiviil. St. Louin, Adoliii'il Moiilmtl , iiti'. Muii(, .I««ii H. K. Ij. ... Moiitii'iil. tlti'. Marie, Loiiix ('(•snirt' A. . Moiilii'iil. Tmi»>y, .(umcH Prttiiik K. . . , Moiitiviil. 1l'»y'i>r, .Tanii'H Fcrfju.snii IjoikIdii, Out. TliDiiuis, ,loHi'{)li .Smith Loiiiloii, Out, Til'., TluiiimH McrcLT (^lll'l^^ll. Out. Tiiitui, Tlicmias '.cwih M. . . . Uuiiiivillf, Out. Tkiii.s, I'utrick H.ililM, N..>^. T(Mii)iii, Frail yois X. .1. A... Montreal. *f ri'm«iin', Loui.s V, Sy'u.'y, (;.l». N.S. l/njuliai-t, Juiui'.s Uouiild. . . . Montreal. Villfinjiive, Jacques Montreiil. Viiiivjht, Jo8i'|ih Louis Montreal. A'owill, Altliur Welle.sley. . . Victoria, h.C. Wtiiiiwright, Fi-i'dcrick G. . . Hidit'a.x. WfJsh, Daniel Jcscpli Toronto . WiUsli, Thaildcu.s Joseph. . . . (iuel)cc. WaikiuH, John Andrew Montreal. Wt'lwter, Tlioiiins llrautford, Out. "Wf.^liuan, ThonuLS Toronto. "Vf rytrts, Charles 'J'oronto. HVTwdan, 'Williatu Fred(!ri(!k.. Quebec. Whittoker, William Kinjjstou, Out. "WilLuius, GeorKc Victoria, B.C. IVUiiiiiUB, Johir Loudon, Out. 1st ClaHH K.\eiiic-niaM Dull 1 Juu I'rt'Henl Sidiir\ . Collect. Inland Hcrennoi 1 |)ec. I I I'roliationaiy K.xiisenum In Felt. : I Clerk (CannlH) 'JS Oct. • 'iishier, Inland Kevenuc I H Nov. Olliecificatiou Clerk. . . . , A8.s1, Inspector "W i M. Deputy (Collector •«- Itevenufi. Gas Inspector Fell. I'M.. 1 July 1 Nov. 1 Dec, 1 Jan. U Au-. 2.S Jnn. .lali. 1 Mny 2 July 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 1 Jnu. 1 Jlll.V la Dei J M,« 1 July as Jbtv 14 >:s7 I •«(• i ',S0 •«5 78 •HM 7;i '88 •87 '&i '83 •88 •TJ 'M 'f!!! TO •87 '88 9 (Is. h4(* oil 'A 140 00 r.()o 00 IN HI (10 1,0,10 00 7.''.0 00 '.too 00 8.10 00 Dale of llirih. 10 Jurii' :U July noet. ;; Fell, 'ill ,lune 1 1 Fell. •2« Nov. 31 Mar. Date ..r First Ap- [lointnicnt. ' 18 I 7 May 'in 11 Fell. I '(!!> ilo Fell. '.v. 'JS Apr. '.',0 •M '17 8.'io 00 13 July COO 00 j 5. Sept. ],l(iO 00 18 .May 750 00 '28 July 1 June ill .Innii I .lune ' 18 June I '.".4 10 Apr. '83 'hS '.>>8 •88 '74 7 •72 '88 •82 '02 •7» •a". '75 '80 '(!8 '67 '88 78 '87 '54 •81 4 Miir. 17 May 21 .Sept. 'SO 600 00 13 Sept. 1,050 00 128 Aug. '63 1 3 May •42 5 Feb. •32 20 May I 14 All''. 000 00 27 Nov. •34 •38 •26 lOrt. 15 Nov. '81 72 74 '7!V •8.^ '80 43 f'M. DKI'AKTMKNT Ol' INI-ANI) IIKVKNIJI';. - f)UTSII»K SKIlVKK. nil. Diiti' of I'iist A|i. liuitltlllcllt. ir "IS , 7 M,.y 'S3 11 Fell. 10 t\>\,. 71 '8a ). 'W m Api. 7f> 10 '.')() 1 .luilr 7& 1. "Mi 'JtMlllKI 7'J- v. '47 1 .luiic 74 '.W ISJuni^ 71^ y '.'.4 lOAiH. 72 t. *iy 'tr '23 '16 •47 '30 I . 'C4 . '38 1 I'ol). 'SS SOrt. '82 1 N'ov. '02 14 Aug. '7t» 24 Oct. 'a-t 28 Orl. '7C, 28JttU. '80 Oct. ' M.ii. i] .iiui. 21 Oct. ^ffllt, Uiilxilt J 'i'tiroiitii. f», Jaiuits MuOo! Ijoiidoii, Ont. 1 Jnu. '83 ArtKt. InHiMctorW. .t M I.Ian. *81 'Jud CliiNH Kxi^iHciiiuu. ,. 1 Nov. '80 t, '21)11 00 22 A|ii'. 700 00 850 00 24 l)ec. '^7 I'Vli. •42 '111 •21 '31. '40 '61 "4 'J Date „r Kiixt A|i- lM)intiiii lit. 1 .lull 11 Auk. 1 Aiih'. •iO \]0 6 Feb. •73 53 Oct. •73 51 12 Apr. 70 44 1 June 79 55 1 July '81 56 1 Aug. '82 46 Feb. •79 57 23 May •82 47 4 Jttee •80 48 7 Fob. '82 64 1 Apr. •82 63 15, Ian. •81 60 1 Jan. •8i 65 ;l June '82 57 15 June 76 •61 Mny '84 '63 Nov. '84 •28 6 July •6R •47 Nov . '80 45 DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS— OUTSIDE SERVICE— ONTARIO. Name and P. 0. Address. Pbotince of Ontario. Amherstburg. Gott, George Bailey, Heniy Albert BrowD, John Caldwell, William Bellevillo. Webster, William Beamish, William Adderley. . Lazier, Richard Leonard Covert, John Hambly, PhiUp Hail Berlin, Bovnnan, Anson Lewis Bowmanville. Rankin, John Brittain, Joseph Brantford. Leeming, Henry Blakoy. . . . Ostrom, William Albert Foster, Thomas Brighton. Lockwood, Milton Kingsley. Brockville. Jones, Wm. Hamilton Sibbald, Charles Stewart, Alexander Stayner, Thomas Allan Chatham, Ont. Pcnnefather, John Going. . . . McGregor, Abraham R Dock, John Pre.scnt Rank. Collector Landing Waiter... do Preventive Officer. Date, Collector . Collector Landing Waiter . . . do I*reventive Officer, do Collector Landiiif; Waiter , Collector Clerk and Landing Waiter. Landing Waiter Collector , 24 July '84 1 Sept. '81 27 Mar. 74 1 May '85 18 Oct. '78 8 June '58 20 Sept. '71 1 June '81 IJuIy '87 8 Apr. '80 Nov. 70 1 Apr. '87 IMay '76 IJan. '84 27 Oct. '76 6 Apr. '71 CoUector 1 Mar. '88 Land. Waiter and Clerk Lauding Waiter Tide Waiter Collector Clerk & Landing Waiter Lnndins Waiter 14 Jan. '57 24 Jan. '50 IJuly '85 9 Mny '51 5 Oct. "66 13 Feb. '65 Present Salary. Date of Birth. $ cts. 1,000 00 550 00 600 00 550 00 1,300 00 900 00 300 00 300 00 600 00 900 00 1,200 00 500 00 1,300 00 700 00 600 00 600 00 1,300 00 800 00 700 00 500 00 1,200 00 800 00 600 00 Date of First Ap- pointuieut. 18 Oct. '27 14 Mar. '52 2 Aug. '28 29 Oct. '32 4 Dec. '44 14 Dec. '32 28 Sept. '30 6, Tan. '25 20 Oct. '35 26 Nov, '47 Oct. '20 4 Dec. '39 5 Oct. '30 29 Aug. '53 7 Dec '39 27 June '25 17 Feb. '37 23 Sept. '19 5 Jan. '29 13 Aug. '53 19 Sept. '25 10 Oct. '34 1 Nov. '73 1 Sept. '81 27 Mar. 74 18 Mar. '82 18 Oct. '78 8 June '58 20 Sept. '71 IJune '81 IJuly '87 8 Apr. '80 Nov. '70 lApr. '87 1 lUy '76 IJau. '84 27 Oct. '76 6 Apr. '71 IMar. '88 14 Jan. '57 24Jau, '50 1 July '85 9 May '51 5 0c;, '56 7 Icl), '24 lUl'el.. '65 ■4^ i •1 ■■■Ac ;'-iK vr.-. ■ ^11 'v-i '■' ' "■ 'i >". M !'■ ♦■ =' i V: '\-' ' »^ iF* , 'M if!{ ; t ■■''• ■iV^^i ■;|i:.i;:t, ill. 48 DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE.— ONTARIO. Name and P. 0. Address. Chatham, Out.\vorth, Caleb Eberts, Jascph Melchior ' liftoii. Flynu, Pciicr Brown, Joscpli Pell Eogei-s, Henry B Cannon, John Henry Culhanc, Patrick Bender, Hiram Harvey, Tlioma.s Bnmswick. . Flynn, James Joseph Jackson, James Bartle, John Clarence Parker, William McMicking. Ricliard.son, Robert Watson. . Lamont, Robert Keller, Charles^. Daniel., . . House, William Henry Brown, James McKcnzie, Charles James. . . Present Rank. Date. Preventive Officer 5 Apr. Landing Waiter. Collector CliiefCkrk Landing Waiter do do do Suli-Collector. Landing Waiter do do do do do i Preventive Officer .. . do Clerk & Landing Waiter do Nidle, Heiny Cobourg. Ewing, Charles Eldon McAllister, Daniel Godard, Alared Heniy Port Colborne. *McFarland, Duncan Elliott. jScholfield, James Scholfield. Haun, James Robert Collingwood. Watson, George 1 Sept. 1 Oct. 1 Apr. June 11 Nov. 1 July 2 Sept. 11 Sept. JIar. Nov. 14 :Mar. 29 Mar. 16 Jan. 1 July 1 Jan. 1 July 1 Oct. 1 Oct. Landing Waiter. Collector Landing Waiter..., Preventive Officer. 70 •84 'sr, •87 •54 '69 •72 '79 '79 '80 '79 ■82 '82 •70 '86 '86 '86 '84 '84 14 Mar. '8S 6 Nov. '6.') 2 Mar. '82 26 Nov. '69 CoUector 1 Sept. '75 18 Oct. '56 1 May '84 Landing Waiter. . Preventive Officer. Collector. 22 Nov. '66 Present Salary. Date of Birth. .? cts. 300 00 two 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 900 00 650 00 650 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 03 750 00 600 00 750 00 750 00 600 00 1,100 00 800 00 6 Nov. '28 •21 Autf. '40 Dateol First Ap- pointment. 10 Feb. 20 Aug. 16 Apr. 16 Oct. '32 '37 •27 •41 •29 •42 31 -Vug. 2 Aug. 21 .\ug. 30 June 26 Nov. 15 May 6 Sept. 18 Sept. 20 May 22 Mar. •58 •22 •57 '51 •44 •33 '44 '57 5 Apr. '70 1 Sept. *84 ' 1 Oct. '^.'i 18 Dec. '«a June '54 11 Nov. 'm IJuly 72 2 Sei>t. '79 11 Sept. 79 Mar. "SO Nov. '79 14 Mar. "82 29 Mar. 'S2 16 Jan. '70 8 Or*.- '85 8 Feb. ^84 20 Oct. '85 •44 lOct. '84 •47 1 Oct, '84 24 .^lar. '50 14 Uar. '88 13 Apr. ^30 2 Feb. •SI 400 00 25 Dec. •I 4 300 00 300 00 250 00 1,000 00 1 Jan. '81 1 Oct. '22 7 Dec. '41 6 Nov. '65 2 Mar. '82 26 Nov. '(» 1 Sept. ^75 18 Oct. 'S6 1 May "84 2 Dec. ^28 |22 Nov. 'OS * Is also Collector of Inland Revenue at Port Colborne. ] Is also a Clerk in Inland ReTenoe SenrioK. 4ft if ■ij ). . . . - I, of 1. Dateol First Ap- pointment. •28 6 Apr. '70 •40 1 Sept. '8i '32 lOct. 'S5 '37 18De«. '65 '27 June '54 •41 11 Nov. '«) •29 IJuly 72 •42 2 Sci»t. •79 • • • 11 Sept. 79 '58 Mar. •go •22 Nov. '79 '67 14 Mar. "82 •51 29 Mar. '82 '44 16 Jan. '70 4K ■ 8 Oat.- '85 •33 '44 8 Feb, ^84 '57 20 Oct. '85 •44 lOct. '84 •47 10ct» ^84 'SO 14 liar. '88 '30 6 Nov. •fiS '31 2 Mar. '82 •14 26 Nov. '69 •81 1 Sept. '75 •22 18 Oct. '56 '41 IMay -84 •28 22 Nov. 'e» DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SERVlCK.-i (NTARIO. Name and P. O. Address. Colliiigwood. Hogg, 'WUliain Aslitnn. Cialiia, John Cornwflll. JIi'Millaii, Alexander Vincent Cook, Durliam liidley, John Cramalic. Fov.-ler, George Orchard.... Dover. Barrett, Theobald Butkr . . , Miittliews, John Law, William Straehan Maybee, Simon Pitt , Present Rank. Landing Waiter, do Collector Lauding Wait<'r., do Collector. Desorouto. Pile, Thomas Gibbet. ;!.(' tor -■Jolloetor do do Collector . Collector Dnudas. Stock, Thomas , Dunnville. Brownson, Arr (."ollector Galbr-aith, Thomas Jeffei-sou. Landing Waiter. .,^, Fort Erie. j BrOokfieldjEninianuel Wiltoi? 'Collector. Warren, Robert Grant > Second Officer . . . Johnson, John T Lewis, Chart's Wesley Schryer, Joseph Newbigging, Thomas Leslie.. House, William Taylor Wilkins, Oscar Fitzahvyn... Date. 3 Aiir. 5 Julv 2 Dec. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. I'rrsciit Salary. Date of Salary. •S ots. '82 i'lfio 00 23 .Fan. ^59 Dat«! of First Ap- pointnieut. '81 <8 '78 78 15 July '77 9 Feb. 1 Nov. 1 Jan. July •69 '84 '87 '7ti Pi-eventive Officer . . . Clerk and Land. Waiter Landing Waiter do Land. Waiter and Clerk Landing Waiter 25 Oct. '76 1 May '80 12 Nov. ■74 800 00 6 Apr. 70 100 00 1 May '85 1,200 00 1 Apr. •87 1,050 00 18 June '80 600 00 1 Dec. •75 tiOO 00 28 Feb. '74 600 00 27 Feb. 74 600 00 1 June •87 600 00 1 Sept. •84 600 GO 400 00 l.UOO 00 3.".0 00 'lOO 00 o.'iO 00 875 00 60(» 00 500 00 .'(00 00 t)00 00 1,200 00 22 Feb. '49 14 Apr. '48 1 Nov. '38 12 Feb. '51 5 July '32 17 Nov. '17 20 June '39 21 Dec. '33 4 Jan. ^27 29 Sept.. '14 18 Apr. '15 23 Jan. '21 5 Mar. '41 3 Oct. '27 16 Oct. '39 4 Oct. '40 9 Oct. ^47 3 Oct. •SS 13 June '42 28 Mar. '42 2 July '36 8 Apr. "82 5 July "HI 11 Aug. '75 15 Oct. 78 15fJct. '78 13 July '77 25 July '53 INov, '84 IJan. •S? July 761 25 Oct. '76 1 May '81 12 Nov. '7* 6 Apr. •76 1 May "85 16 Nov. •SS 18 Jane '80 IDec. '75 28 Feb. 74 27 Feb. '74 1 June '87 1 Sept. '84 •MM ■.1 ill :%:■;■ m iicvenue Senrioe. 48 DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE.— ONTARIO. ■■If.;-!:' ■>:•■:•;■•■!■ ¥■■■" I it I Name and P. 0. Address. Gait. Peck, Thomas Dennis, William Alfi-od. Gauanoquc. Present liunk. CoJlertor ,,. , Preventive Officer . . . . , Onniston, John , Dixon, WilUam Go- pointment- 11 Oct. '56 141'cb. '53 3 Mar. '34 14 Feb. 'as 17 Apr. '40 11 May '37 6 Nov. '55 7 Mar. '41 25 Doc. '40 27 Dec. 6 Feb. 30 May June 14 Sejt. 2 Apr. 26 June 4 Nov. 18 Feb. 29 July 25 Jan. 13 Apr. 18 Oct. 1 Aug. 9 Jan. Dec. 20 Nov. 10 .2(! •43 '21 •19 •32 •34 '19 •27 '28 •39 '33 •46 >rr. I Nov. •se- 6 Jan. ^87 17 Apr. '53 1 .May '87 IJune '84 16 May '79 1 Nov. '75 1 Oct. '80 1 Nov. '73 1 Feb. '87 28 Mar. '76 27 Oct. '76 1 Mar. '73 14 July '79 lAug. '66 1 Nov. '83 1 May '77 1 Oct. '78 IJune '84 IJuno '87 3 Apr. "67 28 May '74 8 Oct. '77 IJune '74 6 May '74 1 May '80 IJulv '88 56 1 Nov. '86. 53 6 Jim. •87 31 17 Apr. •5S 88 1 May '87 40 1 June '84 •37 16 May •79 55 1 Nov. '75 •41 lOct. '80 40 1 Nov. 73 38 1 r.;li. •87 26 28 Mar. •76 20 27 Oct. 76 35 1 Mar. •73 '26 14 July •79 2(' 1 Aug. '66 43 1 Nov. '83 21 IMay 77 19 1 Oct. •78 32 1 June '84 34 1 June '87 19 3 Apr. '67 27 28 May 74 •28 8 Oct. 77 39 1 June 74 33 6 May 74 46 1 May '80 'li, 1 July '88 49 DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE— ONTARIO. Name and P. O. AddrpRH. Present Rank. Collector, Clerk Landing Waiter Sub-Collector . . Collector Sub-Collector., Port Hoi*. Burton, Edmund John W..., Lander, George P Hageiman, Oh'istoplier A.. Taa Ingen, Abraham Jolui. Kinc \rdine. Williamson, J rhibald M... Daris, Henry Kingston. Hamilton, Clarke Shaw, Abraham An^.R. D Haddigan, M. J Ncish, William..... Driver, Tltomas Metgher, Thomas Kidd, Joseph Gasldn, Thomas Uogle, John Briggs, Geoi;ge William Dugdale, Alfred H Quigley, Joseph Bobinaon, William , JoBlin, Almon , Bankin, David J Home, Wm. Wells Pidgeon, George H Aj^grove, Samuel , Nugent, Peter , Kingsville. King, Sidney Arthur 'Collector ^cott, Hatthow William.... 'sub-CoUcctor ••••••••••I Collector Actinj; Surveyor. . . Chief Clerk Isrd Class Clerk..., do Appraiser Lauding Waiter. . Jo Clerk Sub-Collectoi- Preventive Officer do do do do do do Date. Messenger and Packer. . Tide Waiter Pucker 10 Sept. 18 June 1 June 1 Mar. 8 Sept. lOct. 29 June 1 Alar. 1 Mar. 2 Aug. 23 July 23 June 11 Apr. 14 Jan. 1 June 1 Jan. 10 July 27 July 1 Apr. 1 June 16 May 16 Mar. 1 June 29 July IMar. 1 May IMar. 10 Jan. 72 '57 •80 •86 '82 '82 '82 '88 '88 '77 •77 '75 '55 •57 '85 77 '76 '88 '85 •82 '88 '74 '88 '81 '73 '81 Present Salaiy. Date of IMrth. $ uts. 1,200 00 750 00 eoo 00 800 00 600 00 450 00 1,800 00 1,200 00 1,000 00 550 00 700 00 1,00a 00 650 00 650 09 700 00 450 00 550 00 300 00 550 00 550 00 150 00 150 00 200 00 500 00 550 00 500 00 400 00 300 GO 5 Jan. '48 Nov. '28 18 Oct. '42 25 Feb. '28 4 July '37 4 June '43 17 Mar. 11 Dec. 8 Dec. 10 Jan. 18 Jan. 15 Aug. 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 27 Mar. 25 Nov. 19 June 29 Apr. 17 June 28 May 30 Mar. 14 Nov. 21 July 6 Sept. 27 Julv Date of First Ap- pointment. 10 Sept. 72 18 Juno '57 IJune '80 5 Oct. '60 8 Sept. '82 1 Oct. '82 •33 29 June '82 '48 '38 '26 19 Jan. 75 23 I'Vli. '73 2 Aug. '77 '42 '24 '25 '50 '26 '40 '61 '45 '47 •46 •33 •30 '21 '45 '57 '34 123 July '77 23 June 7& 11 Apr. '55 14 Jan, '57 1 June '85 IJan. '77 10 July •7» 27 July '8» lApr. •8» 1 June '88 16 May '85. 16 Mar. '82 IJune '88 29 July '74 1 Mar. '88 1 May '81 23 Jan. '44 1 Nov. '37 1 Mar. '7$ 10 Jan. '81 *' 1 ■■■M '.V,IJ ^v 4 ¥■: !■•' ••■•ll <"■ ,' .'111 m iS.'^i 66—4 f i I I I 50 DKI'AIITMKNT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDK SEI!V1<;E.— ONTARIO. Uaino and P. 0. Aildi'css. PrcHeut Itauk. Liuilsay. Browne, David Collector London, Ont. Keid, Kobci't C'olHt, Kdward S. M... Siddous, John Sutliorlivud, George D.. . Jililliir, Thomas Irviu", Richard Williams, John Lang. . . Irwin, John Taylor, James F Brett, William Talbot, Oscar Henry. ... McDiaiiuid, Finlay Finiiigan, Edward Clerk & Landing Waiter Collector , ,.,, Acting Surveyor.. . , Appraiser do , Acting Cluef Clerk. Landing Waiter... . Clerk and Locker. . Suit-Collector do Packer Landing Waiter..... i-eventiveOIRcer.., r Taylor, William , Miuliinuick, "Wm. Brown. . . , Flynn, William Joseph . . . . , Morrisburg. Carman, Hiram Perkins, James Napance. Elliott, George MuUholland, Perry, Charles Benjamin..... Niagara. Kirby, WiUiam Sands, John Walker, Joseph Oe-kville. Chisholm, Robert Kerr Foster, Henry Sharp, Daniel M do do & Landing Waiter do do (.'ollector Sub-Collector. Collector Landing Waiter , Collector Preventive Officer, do Date. 1 Apr. 73 1 ,Ian. 1 July 28(»ct. 1 May IJuly 22 Dec. 7 Feb. 1 June 4 Sept. 1 Jan. 11 May '> .\pr. 11 Alay 1 Oct. 11 May •8.5 73 •82 •85 •55 'SO •88 •82 '8:i •88 •70 •88 '73 '88 Present .Salary. 1 Apr. '86 Collector Sub-Collector Preventive Officer... . 24 Dec. 24 Dec. 1 Feb. 1 May 1 July 1 June 1 Sept. 30 Aug. 24 Sept. 26 June '67 '79 '84 •79 •71 '88 •85 •42 '80 '86 f cts. 800 00 1,!*00 on 1,4»»0 00 ^..-lOO 00 1,200 00 1 ,000 00 SdO 00 750 00 600 00 :i(iO 00 500 00 6m(.i 00 100 00 iJOO 00 •;o«j 00 tjiiO 00 •!00 00 S.JO 00 4i)0 00 000 00 500 00 •iiio 00 600 00 400 00 700 00 400 00 150 00 Date of Birth. 1 Jan. 19 July 4 Apr. 17 Jan. 13 May 25 Sept. 8 Feb. 13 .Inly 10 May 29 Dec. 28 Mar. 20 Aug. 25 Dec. 19 Mar. '28 •22 '26 •27 '32 '41 •25 '30 •44 '54 •59 '60 •29 '68 •24 Date uf Firat Ap- pointmeui. 6 Apr. '73 IJan. '78 19 July '65 28 Oct. '73 IMay '82 25 Apr. '7« 22 Dec. '55 7 Feb. '80 28 May '8.1 4 Sept. '82 IJan. "88 11 May '88 6 Apr. '70 11 May '88 lOct. '73 '63 lil May '88 28 Dec, '64 11 .Tan. 22 June '28 •28 17 Oct. ^52 16 Sept. ^27 13 Oct. •I? 29 Sept. '46 13 Feb. ^44 25 May ^19 5 Feb. '24 26 June '31 lApr. '8« 24 Dec. '67 24 Dec. 7d IFeb. '84 17 May '75 IJnly 'n 1 June '88 1 Sept. '86 30 Aug. '42 24 Sept. '80 23 June '8S 51 DEl'AllTMENT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE.-ONTAUIO. Diite uC Firat Ap- pointment. 6 Apr. '78 IJan. '78 19 July '65 28 Oct. '78 IMay '82 25 Apr. '76 22 Dec. '55 7 Feb. '80 2SMay '8.^ 4 Sept. '82 IJan. "88 11 May "88 6 Apr. '70 11 May '88 lOct. '78 3 !il May "88 4 1 Apr. "S* 24 Dec. '67 24 Dec. 70 IFcb. '84 17 May '75 iJnly '71 1 Juno '88 1 Sept. '86 30 Aug. '42 24 Sept. '80 June '8S ,6 14 9 !4 tl Gallic and 1". O. .Vddies.s. Oahawa. IJlaincy, Geo. Frederick.... O'Dea, Jfimes Ottawa. Wilson, Zacliariali Bartram, Joseph Tliomas. . . Heney, Alexander Patterson, Thomas Horan, Gordian John Steacy, John Butler Maricr, Pierre McGoverii, John James Oraham, Alex. Atkiu Bussel, Colin Bishop, Richard Samuel 8pitttkl, Uolxirt WaiTcn, Joseph Muuro, John McNab Stewart, Donald Donald, Frank Burwash, Armon Hood, Thos. Andrew , Owcu Sound. Stevens, James Crispen .. . . , Sing, Cyrus Richmond Paris. Hall, Thomas Kinnear, Alexander Molson Penetanguishene. Clark, George Petcrboro'. Stratton, James Clementi, Charles Hamilton Present Rank. Date. Collector Landing Waiter Collector Surveyor Lauding Waiter Appraiser ('lurk and Laud. Waiter do Landing Waiter Preventive Officer .. , do Clerk do Preventive Officer . . . Sub-Collector do do do do ftlesscngcr IJan. '82 6 Feb. '73 1 Feb. 9 June 15 Dec. 1 Apr. 1 Apr. 5 Apr. 13 May 1 Jan. IFeb. 14 May 1 July 1 Mar. 19 May 1 Aug. IDec. 6 Dec. 1 May IDec. Collector Sub-Collector . Collector Lauding Waiter . Sub-Collector 8 Apr. '82 •73 '76 •54 ■83 •71 •73 '81 '88 '88 '86 '84 '88 '76 '83 •85 '87 Present •Salary. Date of Birth . lAug. '82 12 Nov. '72 1 Mar. '78 26 May '75 Collector Clerk and Land. Waiter 18 July '76 17 Dec. '84 9 cts. 700 00 550 00 1,900 00 1,400 00 800 00 1,300 00 8.')0 00 850 00 700 00 750 00 600 00 800 00 700 00 600 00 600 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 500 00 700 00 400 00 1,000 00 600 00 500 00 1,000 00 700 00 Date of First Ap- pointment. 26 Nov. '33 20 Mar. '35 7 Mar. •lO 24 June '41 5 June '21 11 May ^21 1 Apr. ^25 10 Feb. '27 20 Feb. ^20 4 Feb. ^52 20 June '50 |14Apr. ^41 28 Sept. '62 18 Mar. '48 15 Apr. '26 4 Apr. '43 29 Apr. '29 22MiLT. '43 2 June '55 13 Dec. '65 23 .Tan. 'VI 21 Dec. '25 31 Jan. '35 Apr. '26 25 Jan. '31 22 May '30 2 Mar. '61 IJan. '82 6 Feb. '78 1 Fel). '73 IJan. '57 15 Dec. '54 1 Apr. '83 1 Apr. '71 5 Apr. '73 13 May '81 1 Sept. '81 1 Feb. '88 9 May '81 l.Tuly '84 1 Jlar. '88 19 May '76 1 Aug. '83 1 Dec. '85 6 Dec. '86 1 May '88 1 IJec. '87 1 Aug. '82 12 Nov. '72 1 Mar. '78 26 May '75 8 Apr: '82 18 July '76 17 Dec. '84 ■("■■■ ■ V ,1 .'.■Cti m 66-4^ t 52 DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE.— ONTARIO. I . .|) I:' I ;:! 1 Ifl i ■■' 1 11 I ill ; i [ Name and P. 0. Addru^a. Picton. Ross, WalterT McLean William Henry. . . . Pringer, John Cadman, Joshua MaUer Shannon, John Chadd, George James Taylor, David S Prescott. Jessup, Edward Bellamy, Samuel Josophus.. Dowsley, Matthew Murphy, John Gerald, Asahel Scott Hollingsworth, Samuel Beid, John Mooney, John Fort Arthur. Nicholson, Peter Livingstone, John St. Catharines. Collier, Henry Haight Anderson, Michael John. . . . Hodge, Archibald McClive, John Spillette, Silas W Battle, John St. Thomas. Dnnham, Ephraim A King, John Dnfficy Smellie, John Reid Prcseut Rank. Collector ,..., Landing Waiter.., Preventive Officer. do do Sub-Collcctor , do Collector. Surveyor . Clerk, Landing Waiter and Searcher. Landing Waiter Preventive 0£Boer. do Sub-Collector do Collector Sub-Collector , Date. 23 May 20 Oct. 13 Sept. 16 Dec. 1 Apr. lOct. IDec. 1 Aug. 6 Nov. 21 Dec. 1 July 25 Jan. IJuly 2 Oct. 28 Mar. 16 May 1 Jlay 78 '04 •66 71 •87 •85 •85 •85 77 •70 74 •62 •83 79 •76 •74 72 Collector 13 July ^77 Surveyor '26 Oct. ^57 13 Mar. ^76 13 Mar. '76 12 May ^82 23 July '74 Clerk & Landing Waiter Landing Waiter and Searcuer. Sub-Collector & Landing Waiter- Sub-Collector Collector. 19 Sept. '66 Sub-Collector. 23 Dec. '79 Present Salaiy. Landing Waiter . 12 July 76 9 cts. 800 00 SfiOOO 200 00 100 00 200 00 400 00 200 00 1,200 00 900 00 800 00 550 00 600 00 650 00 400 00 400 00 700 00 800 00 1,200 00 800 00 800 00 600 00 600 00 700 00 1,100 00 800 00 760 00 Date of Hirth. 22 Jan. ^47 92 Sept. ^22 2 Sept. •lO 11 Jan. •lO 2 July '39 21 Aug. '37 18 Aug. '65 11 Jan. '32 17 May '49 8 Apr. '27 28 Mar. '45 31 Aug. '38 8 Dec. '32 Date of First Ap- Itointuient. 23 May '78 20 Oct. '64 13 Sept. '66 16 Deo. '71 2 Apr. '80 1 Oct. '86 1 Dec. '86 6 Aug. '81 6 Nov. '77 21 Dec. '70 IJuly '74 25 Jan. '62 IJuly '83 29 Nov. '32 ,18 May '66 7 Oct. '24 28 Mar. '79 '35 !16 May 74 80 Oct. '26 28 Nov. '18 29 Sept. '16 17 July ^32 5 Jan. '60 15 Jan. ^37 31 Jan. '57 23 July •I 4 20 June '20 31 Mar. '29 1 May '72 13 July •77 26 Oct. '57 19 May ^74 13 Mar. '7« 12 May '82 23 July '74 19 Sept. '68 25 Sept. '64 12 July ^76 Date of First Ap- lK)intmeut. 23 May 78 20 Oct. '64 18 Sept. •66 16 Dec. 71 2 Apr, '80 1 Oct. •85 IDec. •86 C Aug. '81 6 Nov. 77 21 Deo. •70 IJuly 74 25 Jan. '62 IJuly '83 18 May '65 28 Mar. '7« i !16 May •74 1 1 May •72 1 13 July •77 » 26 Oct. •57 i 19 May •74 ) 18 Mar. •76 7 12 May •82 r 23 July 7* 4 19 Sept .'56 25 Sept .•54 9 12 July •76 68 DLrARTMENT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE.— ONTARIO. '0. Name and V. 0. Adilress. St. Thomaa — Continued. Finlny, James Thos. Clark... Payne, Manuel Backhouse, William Tlionifiaon, '"lionios Sarnin. Mathfson, Oeorge N Adams, Joshua Fourth Mulntyrc, Joseph Collifr, John Charles Bartlct, Williiim Deming, Henry Vilender. . . . Dawson, Daniel Heath, Edwin Leo Aloock, James McLagan, John Macvicar, Alfred Fisher Saugecn . Fleming, James Sault Ste. Mane. Wilson, Joseph.. . , , Ironside, James Symington.. Front, Frank English, Richard Ross, Benjamin Walker DeLamorandiirp, Charles. . . Stratford. Hamilton, John Knox, Wellington J. Thomas MacGregor, Chas. John..., Ford, William Nelson Dinsmoi'e, David Hawkins. .Vlfred St. G«orge. Present Rank. Sub-Collector do do Preventive Oflieer . Collector, Lunding Waiter.... do Sub-Collector Landing Waiter.... do Sub-(.!olle(itor do Preventive OfKcer .. Landing Waiter.... do Collector , Sub-Collector ... (lerk Sub-Collector . . . do do Landing Waiter. Collector Landing Waiter. Clerk Sub-Collector.... do do Date. 28 Mar. 1 July 5 July 6 Ajir. 26 Jan. 10 Mig. Sept. 18 Dec. •1 Nov. 23 July 16 Oct. 1 Sept. 18 June 1 Aug. 1 Oct. •74 '84 •81 '70 '56 •74 74 •86 •74 74 •73 •79 •84 '79 '86 1 May ^76 24 Feb. 31 Aug. 1 Oct. 19 Apr. 6 July 6 .rune 21 July 18 Apr. 9 Apr. 1 June 12 July ISept. Present Salniy. '48 •80 '79 •71 •80 •74 •66 '87 '85 '78 '83 •85 $ cts. 700 00 300 00 200 00 100 00 1,400 (W) 700 00 . '80 4 Nov. "74 23 July '74 16 Oct. '73 1 Sept. •79 18 June '84 1 Aug. '79 1 Oct. '85 1 May •7« 14 Oct. '43 31 Aug. 'HO 1 Oct. •79 19 Apr. '71 6 July •80 6 June 74 21.Tuly •66 18 Apr. ^87 9 Apr. '8& IJune •78 12.1uly '83 1 Sept. '86 ■m fim B4 DKPAllTMKXT OK CUSTOMS. -OUTSIDK SKUVICK.— ONT.VUIO. Name anil P. 0. Addivxs. i! ' ; :l" I" f^, 1 I. . !! ! i I \ : ll Present Katik. Tt tnito. ♦Pattou,llon.Jas.,Q.(!.,LL.D VougluR, Julin llcljpnn, Tliouiiui Patoii, Knbort Oroliiini Alex.. Fluniing, John Beverley Buxtcr, C'lmrleH Wesley OoUIing, Jo.seph Bidgway, Koliert Heake.s, .Iiiiui'M Koliert Ifotfatt, Alexander Jaines .. . Cowuu, John AriM'n MufaHiy, Jmuius liobert .... Peawon, Wesley Patterson, Alexanilt i, jr Taylor, Conynghaiii rpiwford Ardagh, Henry Ilatton , Wooii.s, Wni. I'atriek Greir, Jaincs Tinning, William KanS... Eeiddy, Charles Griffith, Williiini Bovell, Howard Thompson, Wm. Wallace . . Dunn, Henry Knight Sargant, Thoma.s Blaekw(xxl, Thomas Ferguson Baker, Clmrles MUlcr, James George McCaw, Hugh Be.lJ, Robert Date. Present Salary. Snr\eyor /ind Acting Colfcetor. Chiel Clerk Chief Locker Acting Casliier Acting Asst. Cashier. Clerk do Collector 14 Apr. '81 j 1 Jan. '68 1 Mor. 71 IJan. '88 1 Jan. '88 IJon. '88 17 Jan. 76 IJnly 76 1 May 78 IJnly 73 1 July 78 26 May '69 13 May '82 1 July '82 22 Jan. '83 6 Feb. '83 21 Juno '86 1 July "86 IMa" '82 IJuly '83 1 Sept. '81 1 Apr. '84 1 May '87 IJuly '87 14 July '75 IJuly '81 1 Apr. '72 1 July '73 IJuly '77 1 Apr. '83 do . do . do , do , do . do , do do , do , do do do do do Clerk & Landing Waiter do .... Appraiser do do Assistant Appraiser . . . . Jim. '57 1,000 00 '20 Mar. '31 Date of First Ai>- pointment. 800 00 700 00 750 00 7.11 » 00 1,000 00 6r)0 00 6.10 00 o.^o 00 700 00 600 00 600 00 650 00 650 00 700 00 ^m 00 600 00 600 00 1,600 00 1,600 00 1,400 00 800 00 800 00 1,200 00 20 Oct. '23 11 July '49 11 .Inly '.50 11 Oct. '50 »i Feb. ',51 17 {•'eb. '.-.1 4 Aug. '57 9 Aug. '23 11 Sej.t. ' 5:j 27 .\ug. '63 5 Oct. '68 29 Aug. '62 2.1uly '-to 27 Mar. '27 29 Mar. '40 21 July '(iS 29 Feb. '46 K! Sr],t. '38 27 Dc<'. '33 2(! A>ig. '33 15 Apr. '32 10 Dec '32 8 June '32 14 Apr '81 1 Jan. '68 1 Mar. '71 16 Nov. '65 1 Dec. '72 22 Oct. '73 17 Jan. '76 1 July '76 1 May 78 1 July '78 1 July '78 26 May "fl^ 13 May '82 1 July '82 22 Jan. '83 6 Feb. '83 21 June '80 1 July .'86 1 May '82 1 uly 'sa 1 Sept. '81 lApr. '84 1 May '87 IJuly '87 14 Apr. '75 IJuly '81 1 Apr. '72 IJuly '7a IJuly '77 1 Apr. '83. 'Since deceased. DKl'AUTMKNT nK rUSTOMS.-OdT.SIhK HKKVICK — ONTAIIK). Niiiiio uiiil P. •). AdtliiMH. I'n'wnt Hunk. Tortmta- C'oiitimii'd. I.i'»>U'r, Williiiiii IIolliH yMtxton, JulllCH , Howe, Williiiin Anilciraoii, Kouuliuttc MiMiI'd, flcnrg)! Gowaii, lliin^ourt Potter.. . . , TioardL'ii, CoriioliiiH St»tt, Aiuli'i'W MuClaiii, Williiini , foivlcr, Kilwiii .^iui'iiH, .Villiam , Loivtlivr, Jolin , J J troy, (}t<.ig(! l»ickBy, Wiiltcr , Mitchell, Tlioiims IjickerRlair, Joseph Hlack, Uiiviil Niitlinniel.. .. Plunkctt, William Austroiig, T!.oiniiH Shoitis, Edward , MwwUtli, Will. P'.dward ., . . , Milliurn, Kobert '^ Idwiii. . . , (•rahain, Nicholas , Hudson, John Wilkinson.. , UTannll, IJobort .., Lloyd, Frank Thoinjisou, John , "VVriKht, I!o1)crt Byors, Heniy , RN«iit Hank. I'lkckiT k Mt>Hwiii){er. . . . do . . . . do . . . . Diiti' FlcniiM, riiarli'H '.HoiiMO Kut'poi' uiul Mcs- "Willi:! MiH, Tlioiims AHHistaiit MeHHongnr ... Grniit . John O CsniTil'" 11, Hohfit r- IwintiiMBt. I 800 00 23 Feb. '32 I 600 00 28 Aug. '36 300 00 3 Nov. '30 1,800 00 1,100 00 1,200 00 700 00 600 00 000 00 500 00 250 00 600 00 650 00 600 00 650 00 24 Jan. '12 17 Apr. '22 5 Mar. '33 19 Mar. '34 16 Jan. '24 13 Apr. '12 1 May '31 12 Nov. '62 6 June '37 6 June '48 12 May '51 4 Mar. '67 6 Jan. '8ft 18 Apr. 17 1 June fft 4 June '7tt 1 May 7S 1 May '77 14 Dec. "81 1 July '88 9 July '7T* 25 Apr. '8» 7Jniic 'SI 7 Apr, '75 2 AuK. *75 1 Mar. 'Tf lApr. W 4 Nov. •■tt 25 Nov. '61 29 Nov. '66 26 Sept. '55 23 July '05 30 Oct. T* 15P'cb. 'n 1 Nov. 'SJ 21 Nov. 'n 6 May '82 19 Dec. "S'! 16 Jan. '83 57 •1IJ.JX! - M'M UKl'AlilMKNT OK CUSTOMS.-! )UTSII)K fiKKVU;K. -tiUKRKa Dittn or Kind Aj*- |K)intllM]BU 5 Jan. '85 18 Apr. •87 1 .lunn "87 4 Junu 70 • 1 May 78 i 1 May '77 » 14 Doc. •81 ' 1 July '88 5 9 July •TR 5 25 Apr. •W 2 2 Auk. •75 S IMar. •78 1 Apr. •8- 2 4 Nov. •48 2 25 Nov. •BI 3 29 Nov. •66 4 26 Sept. •55 4 23 July '05 2 30 Oct. •75 1 15 Feb. *n 2 1 Nov. 'M 7 21 Nov. 'n « 5 May •82 1 19 Dec. •8:! 7 16 Jau. 'S3 Nftmc mill I'.'O. Aililii'SH. rrewul Iliuik. Windnor, Oiit.—t'oucludiHl. BrasHant, Di-iiIh McKi'u, ThoninH K^aume, Jiut. Laun^iit fniscr, Jiiiiii'H Miili'dliii Janiisxc, Jnnii's l)ii\ id Liiiii^, Jniin Wiifivd WixulstfHk, Out. Viiiilngi'ii, Williiitii lli'iiry .. Hook, Williiiiii limiting, (.'liiiiliM PkoTINCI ok QU£BKC. Clarcnocvillc. Pattison, AVillium Mead Couticook. Doak, Oeorge Orol, H.C.L... J^aeroix, Hilaiiv Grant, .Tolm Bhukwood Churchill, Jamifl Durocher, Jt-au-Biiptiste Young, David Beau, Mwin Dundee. Smith, MiTiitt Munsoi Long, George O'Keilly, Chiirles B Frclighsburg, Baker, Joel Homer Wells, George Washington.. Giisjie. Eavauitgh, Joseph John McGie, Donald Barnabas. . . . Le Gros, Peter Esnouf. I.iind. Waiter and Clerk Preventive OHlcor do A|ipraiMer rrevuntlve Ofliiir do Date. 15 Jan. '8:) 24 Sept. '80 1 Sept. '8tt 1 Dec. 'SO Kt Dee. ,S4 ] June '86 Colleetor 22 Nov. '66 Suli-Collectnr '11 Aug. '75 I, n lid. Waiter and Ch-rk 1 July '^l Collector, Colleetor 1 July '«5 handing Waiter 17 .luue '57 do 17 Dec. '60 Clerk and Land. Waiter 1 .\ug. '63 Landing Waiter 12 July '83 Pn'vcutive Ollicer 12 Nov. '64 Sub-Collector I June '77 3 Nov. '73 (ioUector Sub-Collector do Collector , I'rcventive Officer , (collector Sub-Collector Lauding Waiter... 15 Sept. '79 18 Apr. '87 1 Keb. '83 I'n'Hnnt Salary . i;) Jau. '86 9 May '59 1 Dec. '81 3 May '71 14 May '83 9 CtH. 600 00 350 00 300 00 1,000 00 600 00 5.^0 00 1,200 00 600 00 600 0(» 600 00 1,300 00 850 00 900 00 700 00 600 00 400 00 450 00 550 00 4a< 00 300 00 650 00 200 00 800 00 400 00 500 00 Date of lliilh. 10 Jan. 16 May 8 Mar. 4 Jau. 2 Apr 3 M, ; 31 Oct. 30 July 7 Apr. '32 '27 •69 •26 '46 '50 '32 '27 '39 8 Keb. '28 Datit (il* Pint Ap- imintment. 1 Aug. 27 Mar. 16 May 1 Sept. 8 May 4 Feb. 8 Dec. 24 Mar. 19 Nov. 19 23 Nov. 27 Aug. 11 Oct. 28 Nov. •40 '28 •38 '47 '50 '22 '36 '34 •39 '49 '62 '25 '23 '37 '41 16 .Fan. •SS 24 Sept. •80 1 Sept. •8« 1 Dt-c. flO IffDiw. '81 30 Nov. '8.^ 6 Apr. SS 11 Aug. 75 IJulv 'K4 28 Nov. 71 IJuly 'SS 17 .rune. '67 17 Dec. •«> lAuR. 'Ki 12 July 'fa 12 Nov. "ft* 1 Jm.o 77 14 Mar. •«4 ISAiir. 'S3 1 Feb. '84 1 Nov. '8.1 9 May '59 18 June *6& 5 May 71 14 May '8a .-• J.- 68 . 1 . DEPARTMKNT Ob' CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE-QUEBEC. ■'•:'>^ Wl \h ■ iKunie and P. O. Addruss. Hpiiiniiiigford. I'ropcr, Fri'derick Scriiico . . . , Uobi'ils, Aitliur. Kinptlicry, AiTilliani Clayton, Mngdalen Islands. Paiiicliaiul, Jean Ikjitistc F. JcntnN, Ficrro Legcn-. lloiitrcul. Kyiii), Mieliat'l Patrick Lewis, Julin Mtyer, Edward Blomelf-y, Edwin Tidniaiiili. Samuel I:iaincr, Jasi'pli Emmamu-l... o, Francis Lkvmo, Fninijois Arthur Sfiot.t, Edward Taylor Purccll, ,Joliu Pike O'Hiira, William JeiTold. . . , Cin, John Dumic, James JoTdaii, Joliu Astralakc Laurii., .Uphonso Ualboiul', Arthur Lcinicux, llermidas A Chaiubei-H, Thomas Cuuipbull, John Firmcis Present Itank. Colleeti.r Preventive Ollii^er. do Collector LandinL' AVaiter Collector Surveyor Chief Landing AVaiter . Landing Waiter do do do do dt do Tide Surveyor Chief Clerk Cashier Assistant Cashier Chief Statistical Clerk., Chief Clerk Clerk do do do , do do do , do Date. 1 Jan. 77 lApr. '82 1 Apr. '82 1 July "80 8 Sept. 75 IJidy '82 Jan. '59 23 Aug. 71 16 Dec. '63 26 Mar. 74 26 Mar. '74 26 Mar. 74 26 Mar. '74 7 Apr. 73 29 Nov. '84 IJuIy '85 12 June '59 1 Apr. '88 1 Apr. '88 24 Sept. '55 1 Jan. '87 ! 26 Mar. '79 12 Mar. '68 lAug. '71 1 June '69 IJuly '72 26 Mar. '74 26 Mar. '74 24 June '76 Present Salary. $ eta. 600 00 300 00 300 00 700 00 500 00 4,000 00 2,500 00 1,400 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 750 00 750 00 750 00 1,000 00 700 00 1,000 00 2,000 00 1,600 00 1,400 00 1,600 00 2,000 00 1,400 00 900 00 700 op 1,100 00 850 00 1,000 00 1,000 po 700 00 Date of Birth. 14 1).H'. 23 Jan. 28 Aug. I Jan. 10 May 29 Sei)t. 17 May 22 .luly 31 Jan. 14 Nov. 4 Feb. 4 Sept. 26 Oct. 10 Mnr. 11 July 1 Oct. 18 Oct. 26 Sept. 12 Feb. 4 Dec. 14 Apr. 22 Dec. 10 July 17 Mar. 2 July 8 Dee. 19 Jan. 26 iMay 4 Mar. '39 •43 '41 '27 '51 Date of l''irst Ap- pointment. 12 May '68 1 Apr. '82 lApr. '82 IJuly '80 Sept. '75 '25 1 July '82 '20 Aug. '41 '23 23 Juno '63 '24 16 Dee. '63 '22 '50 '44 iJuly '72 '36 1 Apr. '74 '38 26 Mar. '74 •11' I 7 Apr. '78 29 Nov. '84 7 Apr. '72 31 July '45 20 Jan. '6& 1 A 24 Sej.t. :'55 1 July '6& June '55 12 Mar. '68 1 .Vug. '71 1 J lily '69 1 July '72 26 Mar. '74 Apr. .73. . '45 '42 •19 '33 '30 '25 '48 '34 '27 '32 •43 '36 •37 '43 '49 -\ "V .^i^:i S9 DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SEKVICE.-QUT^:HEC. .Name 011(1 P O. Address. Montreal — Coutimici I . Siuith, Guorgc Tighi!, Edward Trcstler, Henry Kodolph S. . . Donovan, Peter Itamtt, Robert Ptiipps Dnncon, David Logiiii Miller, John Stewart Davis, John Ejran, George William Cros!), Samuel Sorloy, James Stewart JsnacDOU, Herbert Noi'l BGlair, Gaspard Adeliird 1'. . , Bcnoit, Michel Oirard, Adol{ihe MiiliUUfjhlin, Hemy Butler, Tobias Lunny, lliehard Jokisch, H Moir, Archibald Hilton, John ^'isher Stevenson, James Douglas, James Heury Mcrcier, Pierre \1exis Bros.snrd, Telesphoiv Pablkner, George Lantliicr, Auguste Iiinw^gpS; Narcisse . , , . Amhrosse, John David Long, Hf^tnliettc, John , S^^ows, jRichord Thain PrcsoML Rank. Clerk do do do do do do do do do do do do , do d( do do dr Apinuiser do do .\sst. Appraiser do do do do •SM- Date. Asst. Appmiser and Clerk. Appraiser do E.\- Warehouse Keejier. 24 Juni' 1 Ajir. 1 Apr. IJuly IJuly 1 July 1 July 1 July IJuly 1 July IJuly 1 July Duly 14 Juue Dec. 1 Jan. July 1 Deo. 1 Aug. 8 Dee. 25 Oct. 1 .liui. .lull. 1 July 1 Apr. 4 Api'. 1 Nov. 1 Apr. 1 July 16 May •7(5 '82 74 '83 '83 •83 '83 '83 '83 '83 '83 '83 '83 '84 •73 '88 '84 '87 •80 '77 '79 •80 '88 •66 '86 •74 •74 '80 ■82 '82 •74 Present Suhivv. !}! CtS. 700 00 600 00 900 00 700 00 700 00 700 00 700 00 800 00 700 00 700 00 600 00 700 00 600 00 1,000 00 800 00 600 00 5.')0 00 600 00 900 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 1,400 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 600 00 1.800 00 1,400 00 1,000 00 Dat.M.f liiitli. [iO.IlIlK' 26 Nov. 24 Nov. M.lun.' 28 May 22 Apr. 22 Apr. 9 Nov. 22 Aug. 9 Dec. 14 Aug. 6 Nov. 15 Sept. 18 Miir. 5 Miiy 7 ( >ct. 5 Juue 19 JIar. 26 July 19 Aug. 2 Dec. 21 .May 4 May 28 Oct. 14 Feb. 20 Mar. 18 Oct. 28 Jan. 24 May 15 Nov. ':.(» •47 •35 '53 '44 '52 '34 '39 '42 '47 '60 '55 '58 '45 '46 •64 '50 '60 '45 '20 ■30 '30 '44 '35 '48 '29 •38 '21 '38 •34 '40 Date of First A|>- poiiitiiieut. 24 June '76 1 Apr. '82 1 Apr. '74 1 ,Iuly '83 1 .luly •8» 1 ,luly '83 l.hily '83 1 .luly '83 l.hily '83 i .Uily '83. l.hily '83 1 .hily '83. l.hily '83 14.1uiie '8'* D(C. '73 1 .laii. 'SR July '84 1 Dec. '87 '80 1 Aug. '77 8 D.c. '79 25 Oct. '80 1 .Ian. '88 Jan. '66 22 Feb. '86 1 Apr. "74 4 Apr. li 1 Xov. ■SO 1 .\|.i. ^82 1 .luly '82 16 May '74 i i-'^fll i ;..« ■■■^/ P-A ■ ' ill '{-.itfl Ji -1 It in' 60 DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. -QUEBEC. M \ . VI I, 1', ' '. !?"■ |; ijii . Name and P. O. Addi-css. Montreal — Continued . Corner, Samuel Casey, \Vm. Fmncis Corbeil, Joseph Zephirin.... ConJlior, Jean Baptiste Bouk'z, Odilon Ciuveu, Oeui'go Mailloux, Joseph Present Rank. Munuy, Jolui. Morrison, -lohn Labelle, Giiigoire DisoUj Jomcs McKcan H.... Lemicux, I.lamase Joseph. . . . Loscy, Taylor Perham, Louis Daniel Oihill, Thos. Alrxaniler Hodges, John MuUins, Henry Montanari, Ambroise P. P . . Tester, Thomas Morrison, John CJarault, Maxime Tuff, David Kicholsou, Thomas William. Bennett, Frederick McCluskey, John Tessier, Louis Joseph Fcnoglio, Alexander Creen, Thomn<< Sanguinette, L^onidas Johnston, J ames Leclerc, Pasclial Date. Weigher and Oauger. . Assistant Weigher and Uauger. do Chf. Locker& Ins. B'uds Ticket Clerk Warehouseman Packer do do do Tide Waiter and Looker do do do do ... 1st Clas.s Tide Waiter . do do do do do 2nd Class Tide Waiter do do do do do do do do do 30 Apr. 1 July IFeb. 30 Apr, 2S June 1 Mur. 1 Isov. 1 July 10 Nov. 2(5 Mar. 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 May 1 May 1 .May 1 May Get. June June Jiuie Jime June A[ir. 30 June May May 72 '86 '87 72 7G '84 '67 '88 '85 '74 '85 '85 '85 '85 '85 '72 '66 72 72 •72 '74 '72 '72 '72 •72 72 '72 72 72 '72 '72 Present SiJary. Date of Birth. $ cts. 1,200 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 700 00 550 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 600 00 eoo 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 550 00 550 00 600 00 700 00 600 00 550 00 60O 00 560 00 550 00 600 00 4 Sept. '26 8 Aug. '46 14 Dec. '50 26 Oct. '44 22 Aug. '36 •37 7 Apr. '31 8 Feb. '62 16 May '48 16 Dec. '42 2 Aug. '44 2 Jan. '53 24 Sept. '44 3 Apr. '54 16 Dec. '45 13 Dec. '19 29 Dec. '40 8 Oct. '23 22 June '39 29 July '32 26 July '34 1 Dec. '46 17 Jan. '38 15 Dec. '32 25 Dec. '45 20 May '42 2 Apr. '34 June '18 21 Feb. '48 9 Sept. '35 IJuiie '31 First Ap- pointment. May '5< 9 Nov. "85 lOct. "Sit 30 Apr. 72 28 June. 7« IMar. '84 1 Nov. '67 IJuly '88 10 Nov. W, 15 Feb. '66 j May '7S I May 74 I 31 Aug. 'is June 76 13 May '81 May '47 >6e '68 •81 '«1 Oct. '74 Juno 'TS June '72 June 73 Juno 72 June '73 •72 Apr. 72 .30 Juno '7S May '72 May '72 61 DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE.— QUEBEC. JNune and P. O. Address. Present Rauk. Date. Montreal — Concluded. Martin, Napoleon Pierre .... Roberts, William Roach, Michael St. Jean, Louis Murren, Henry Bounct, Arthur Lambert, Jeremiah Vallee, Henri Valois, Joseph Almeida Porteous, John Wilkes, Edward Thomas. . . . Richardson, William Henry. McNeil, Peter ,... Rawley, William Dufresne, Joseph New Carlisle. Beauchesne, Pierre Clovis . . , Meagher, William Thomas . . Allard, William , Christie, Hugh Leblanc, Joseph , Peroe. Flynn, William Sirois, Joseph Octave Potton. Lynch, Walter Perkins, Calvin Colbum Hooney, Amos Austin ruck, JohnFitz Quebec. Blanchet, Hon. Joseph Godc' rick, M.D. 2ud Class Tide Waiter, i 1 Dec. '87 do do do do •lo do do Tide Waiter and Locker do do do Tide Waiter do do Collector Clerk Landing Waiter Preventive Officer .. . do Collector. Landing Waiter and SuarcYicr. Collector Landing Waiter Preventive Officer . . , do Collector IDec. '87 1 Dec. '87 lApr. '86 27 Sept. '72 26 Mar. '74 26 Mar. 74 26 Mar. '74 1 Apr. '84 IMar. '84 1 May '84 IMay '84 1 Feb. "85 1 June '85 1 Apr. '86 6 May '71 4 May '55 1 Aug. '74 23 May '73 16 May '88 1 Apr. '79 25 June '79 1 May '79 3 Oct. '74 IJan. '78 19 Aug. '73 1 Nov. '83 Present Salary. $ cts. 550 00 550 00 550 00 600 00 550 00 550 00 550 00 600 00 500 00 550 00 600 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 Date of Birth. 9 Dec. '61 '40 30 July '64 17 Oct. '45 25 Mar. '26 4 Nov. '42 Apr. '37 27 May '47 29 Apr. '52 10 May '44 19 June '44 9 Sept. '52 31 Oct. '49 31 Oct. '40 21 Apr. '51 jrtj Date of First Ap- pointment. 1,000 00 8 June '41 600 00 450 00 600 00 400 00 400 00 200 00 3,200 00 600 00 27 Sept. '26 400 00 12 Aug. •37 400 00 23 Sept. •32 100 00 25 May •40 23 July ^36 29 Jan. '35 7 Mar. '47 5 Doc. •as 8 Aug. ^31 26 Apr. '35 7.!uiic '29 1 Dec. '87 IDec. '87 1 Dec. '87 30 Apr. '72 27 Sept. '72 Nov. '73 Apr. '74 •74 1 Apr. '8t 1 Mar. '84 1 May '84 1 May '84 IFeb. '85 IJune '85 1 Apr. '86 5 May '71 4 May '55 1 Aug. '74 23 May '73 16 May '88 18 June '58 25 June '79 1 May '7» 3 Oct. '74 IJan. '78 19 Aug. '73 1 Nov. '83 •J .11*,, i 'it, .:; ! ■■li 11: :■! 'P I ! Ill G2 DEPAUTiMENT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SEllVICE.— QUEBEC. Name and 1'. 0. Addn'ss. Present Bank. Qubec— Continued. O'Mcara, Doudniek Daly. . . . Martincau, Ferdinand Cai'ter, William Henry Watters, Jame.s (liblin Gouiii, Cliarh-s Hawkins, Alfred George Huot, Edouard -. . . . Giroux, Elzear Lonis Joseph . Belloaii, Nnrcisse Louis Gon. Surveyor. .\ppraiser Chief Clerk Assistant Appraiser, Clerk do d<, do ('a.slii(a'.... Doucot, Eugene |Clerk . Dion, Aurelien V Wheeler, Allred , Larue, Pauet Edouard Langevin, Alfi-ed Edouard. . . Belanger, Francois Xavier... Bolger, Michael Kingsley Laurin, Louis Napoleon Dugal, Leandrc , Gray, Frost Wowl , do Tif""} Surveyor Assistant Tide Surveyor Chief Lauding Waiter. . Landing Waiter do do Warehouse Keeiier Preventive Officer Pate. Bussieres, Achille Gaspard. . . 'Sub-CoUecitor, Pelletier, Elzear do Bilodeau, Ambroise iPi-eventive Officer fiamond, Engine Blair, Hugh Purvis Griffiths, Jacob Rouillard, Jean Batterton, James Cauchon, Komain Edge, W. E Trudel, J. Edmond Vallcrand, Louis Napoleon. do do House-keeper. Locker do do do Tide Waiter. . do ... 24 lulv SO !^ov 9 May 2 June 28 Apr. 20 Dec. 1 Apr. 1 Get. 1 July 1 Mar. 27 Oct. 18 Aug. 1 Sept. 20 Oct. 5 Aug. 1 Jan. 12 June 31 Oct. 9 Apr. 4 July 19 ■■*■ •|t ■■ S ^^ :'|t .'! "Mi -1 ■m 'i: w 64 DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOM^.— 0UT3rT)t ^EKVICE,— NEW BRUNSWICK Kame and P. O. Address. Sorel. Mathieu, Joseph Stanstead. Chanuidl, Charles Stewart. . . Morriman, Lucien Tliomas . . Fkquette, John Flavian Elder, John Wallauc. ....... HcGowan, William, jun Suttou. Onnn, John Coirie, Edgar Prentis Langlois, Joseph Thibum . . . Allen Jeremy > Tliree Rivers. *Lan1 iir, Arthur Aui'dlien. . . Pbov. of New Uucnswiok. I'ijthurst. O'Brien, Willi on James Leahy, David. . . Foley, Patrick Jameu Armstrong, William Foley, Patrick Caraquotte. Blackhall, James George C. . . Bourgeois, Med6ric E Benoit, Joseph Blanchard, Thdotime Chatliam,N.B. ?erguson, Daniel Crimmen, Thomas Anderson, William Connors, William T Colleutor Sub-Collector..,. Lnuding Waiter. do do C'ollectoi . Preventi^o OitLrcr. b-& '"1 M f-: ••'i!! vl ' ■ "'•^J ■*,•' -• :,"3| ■'»*■' - '•W ■ '^ 1 &f }:d ;fe M 66 DEl'AKTMKNT OK CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDK SEUVICE.— MKW BKUN8W1CK. . r* :.'. f Name and P. 0. Aildifss. Ricliibucto. Itusk, John Eunand, Augustu KusH.AVilliuni Hoivn IJol.sford Keswick, Daviil Bieliai'd, Damien Sackville. Milner, William C Proscott, William War.1, lUil'us Cote Foiil, Ali'xandur Shijiix-gau. Sorniany, Hcniy Arniand. . . . St. Andi'ewe, N.B. Govt', Charles M W^hitlock, William Stinson, Thomas Dixon, James E Wooster, Turner Calder, Edwaitl A Fai luer, Gray Clark, Alexander Jolin Chubb, George McKay, Samuel St- Jean, N.B. Buel, James R Matthew, George F Barber, James Olive, Charles F Atchcson, Anthony , Saiidall, Henry P ISmiler, David. Present l!uiik. Collector 1 Apr. '77 Date Sub-Collector ride Waiter , do , Pifvehtive OIHcer. Collector. . , , Sub-Collector do , Preventive Otticer. '.'oUectdr. 1 Alar. '81 1 July 77 1 June '78 1 Oct. '80 10 Dec. '81 1 iMay '73 1 Dee. '81 IJuly 'SS 1 Au«. '77 Collector Landing Waiter & Clerk I'revcntive Oflicer... . Sub-Collector do do Preventive OUioer. . . . do do do Colleittor. . . Chief Clerk. Clerk do do do do ....... PiTsent Salary. 1 Jan. 25 Jan. 1 Apr. July 1 July 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 1 Mar. 1 June 1 June / 1 N\)v. 28 May 16 June 22 May 4 Mar. 4 May 1 Apr. '70 '70 '74 '67 '71 •1S8 'SA 'S8 •S8 '88 '70 •79 •74 '66 •70 '71 •69 $ cts. 1,100 00 500 00 400 00 100 00 (iO 00 800 00 200 00 100 00 200 00 600 00 1,200 00 800 OO 500 00 4uO 00 300 00 500 00 300 00 200 00 200 00 2(X» 00 3,000 00 1,500 00 1,200 00 Date of Bu-th. 23 Dec. '25 30 Oct. '30 Date fl« First Ap- {lointnieiit. 1 Aug. •y? 1 Mar. '81 23 Jan. '38 IJuly '77 30 Jan. '36 | 1 Juno '78 15 May '30 1 Oct. •«« 20 Jan. '46 24 Feb. '46 1 July '44 29 Mar. '52 23 Oct.. '35 4 Sept. '14 lApr. '48 17 Jan. '44 '18 8 Oct. '19 30 Nov. '60 19 Oct. '68 1 Dec. '50 24 May '41 '39 22 Oct. '20 10 Deo. '81 1 May '7S 1 Dec. '81 IJuly '8H 1 Aug. '77 IJuly '68 1 Mar. '66 lApr. '74 IJan, '61 IJuly '71 1 Jan. es IJan. '88 1 Mar. '88 1 Juno '83 1 June '88 1 Nov. '70 12 Aug. '37 I 1 May '53: 19 May '19 15 July '67 1,000 00 ,21 Dec. '48 22 May "SS 4 Mar. '70 4 May 'U lApr. '69 950 00 10 Aug. '41 900 00 118 Mar. '50 850 00 4 Nov. '28 II «7 DKl'MMMKNT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SKUVICK.— NEW BRUNSWICK. Niiinc ttiifl P. O, Address. I'rt'Hcnt Rank. St John, N.B. -Continued. I Suidcr, ( icorgp H Kiiin, Siunui'l W Burbci, Keith A GleeHon, D. J Turner, Henry Hott, Jus. Austin Suiith. Stevens, William Ivhviu.. Gerow, Stephen K Daly, Paul Humphry, John Johnson, AVilliaui McBeath, Allan "Whittaker, James K BouUton, Joseph Kobiuson, Samuel Burton, William H Murphy, Timothy Bustiu, Thomas £ Carleton, William Olive, William H Pigeon, Charles Owens, Michael B j Foley, Thomas Bain. .., Saudall. Thomas Whiting, James M. F... Hanson, Gedeou Knight Curson, Joseph Dunn, Albert T , Uoyle, James McKay,, James Wallace, George H , Clerk do (1 do do , do do liandiug Surveyor.... L. Waiter and Searcher do Tide Siu'vcyor Appraiser do Packer Assistant Ganger .... do Sampler ami Ganger . Warehouse liOcker. .. do Date. do do do do Tide Waiter ,, do Sub-Collector .... do do Preventive Officer. Sub-Colli'ctor .... do 1 May 78 1 Kel). '83 1 Nov. '83 1 Nov. '83 I Nov. '83 1 D.'c. '85 19 Juno '80 7 Jan. '70 1 Aug. '74 1 Aug. '74 23 July '74 II Aug. '73 IMar. '84 July '68 1 July '75 1 Dec. '86 IJuly '75 1 July '67 19 June '65 IJuly '71 1 Sept. '75 1 July '76 3 Sept. '73 lOMny '60 IJuly '73 26 Sept. '70 1 Sept. '71 1 Sept. '71 16 June '74 1 Oct. '79 16 May '79 Present Salary. $ ets. 700 00 500 00 650 (10 •0.50 00 500 00 1,000 00 800 00 1,500 00 900 00 900 00 1,000 00 1,200 00 1,100 00 600 00 850 00 600 00 500 00 650 00 650 00 650 00 650 00^ 650 00 650 00 650 00 650 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 200 00 600 00 500 00 Dnto of Birth. 28 Apr. 'M 13 Jan. '64 11 Oet. '57 21Jau. '60 27 Oet. '51 13 Oet. '42 22 Fet>. '39 25 Dec. '22 Feb. '20 24 Feb. '22 2 July "29 26 Apr. '28 30 June '31 25 Dec. '25 10 May '35 Apr. '53 27 Dec. '29 17 Mar. '25 20 Nov. '31 27 Sept. '09 Dec. '43 Sept. '38 4 Jan. '33 29 Aug. '34 Oct. '28 '29 4 July '38 6 Feb. '42 30 July '30 11 Feb. '37 25 Mar. '37 Date of Fii-st Ap- liointment. 1 May '78 1 Feb. '83 1 .Nov. '83 1 Nov. '83 1 Nov. '83 12 Oct. '82 19 June *80, I Apr. '48 Sept. '56 4 June '63 1 Apr. '54 11 Aug. '73 1 Mar. '84 July '68 1 Nov. '71 29 June '82 IJuly '75 1 July '67 19 June '65 1 .Vpr. '68 3 Sept. '70 IJune 71 3 Sept. 73 10 May '60 1 July '73 26 Sept. 70 1 Sept. '71 ISept. '71 16 June 74 1 Oct. '79 16 May '79 ■•3; ?;■-,-■(;? 66—5 1S^ i': l! ,i I i 68 DKl'AltTMENT OK CUSTOMS.— OUTBID K SKRVICE.— NKW nilU>f8WI(!K'. Niiine and P. O, Adilrcss. rrcscnt Riiiik. St. John, N.B.— Contiuucil. Watts, Sim Suli-Collector., Oct. 1 Aug. Good-sperrt, Millnrd HerWt. 'Landing Waiter & CliTklO Dec. Connolly, J. G Liinding Waiter. Dati'. Laird, Churlog fiuist, Andrew Olive, Isaac Forsyth, 'Williaui Dobbin, Wilson L Bigby, George R Hunt, H'liry G Farren, \V illiam Condon, Thomas Price, George Fulton, Robert Cowan, C. W , AIcAdoo, R. J Button, Samuel , Dougherty, William A. . , Lowry, John Bogerscn, John Cochran, John. Stewart, Edwin N. S.... St. Stephen. Webber, Henry , Hill, Arthur Marcus. ... Stevens, William Henry., McAdam, Hugh HcGowan, Moses MesBvnger. I Nov, Tide Waiter and Packer 20 Miir. do do do do do do do Hoatniau , . . , do .... Tide Waiter. do Boatman.... Tide Waiter. do do do do Bixby, Jas. H. .'.arker Woodstock, N.B. Merritt, David Finley Collector Surveyor and Ganger. Waiter and Searcher. . Preventive Officer. . . . Asst. Appraiser. Preventive Officer., 1 .luly 4 Feb. 23 July 1 Aug. 1 Aug. 1 Aug. 20 Mar. Sept. Sept. 1 July 1 May Nor. 8 June 1 Nov. 1 Jan. 1 Feb. 1 Aug. 1 Fell. 30 Oct. 6 June 3 Juno 1 July 1 July Collector. •71 •84 '86 '68 '86 '72 •73 •74 •74 •74 •74 •86 •74 •7n •76 •78 •81 •82 •83 '87 •85 •88 '70 •75 •76 •79 •87 •87 Present Suliuy. 1 Feb. '75 9 etH. 900 00 600 00 BOO 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 COO 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 550 00 600 00 550 00 750 00 1,600 00 750 00 650 00 700 00 700 00 500 00 1,200 00 Date or liirth. 28 Fell. 2 Fell. 12 .ruly 12 June 22 .Mnr. 21 Nov. Sept. 15 Feb. 14 Nov. 7 F.'Ip. 18 Jan. 16 Sept. Oct. Oct. 13 Sept. 15 July 10 July 25 Feb. 2 Apr. 17 Aug. 6 June '20 '63 '64 '30 '30 '12 •38 '60 '35 '30 '32 •44 '39 '44 '30 •44 •45 '41 '57 '37 •27 '39 Date of i'lrst Ap- pdintmeiit. Oct. '71 1 Aug. '84 10 Dec. •86 1 Nov. •68 20 Mar. '86 IJuly •72 4 Feb. •7» June •67 1 Aug. ■74- 1 Aug. •74 1 Aug. •74 20 Mar. •86 Sept. '74 Sept. ■76 1 .luly '76 IJuly '78 Nov. •81 12 Sept. '17 IJuly '41 lOJNIar. '36 8 Feb. '36 3 June '32 8 Juno 82 Mar. '71. 1 Jan. '87 1 Feb. '85 Sept. '74 1 Feb. '70 30 Oct. ^75 6 June '76 3 June '79 1 Mar. '84 '35 IJuly '87 1 Sept. '40 1 Feb. '75 69 DKI'AIITMKNT OF CUBTOMH.— OUTSIDK 'WICK.— NoVA SCOTIA. Date of I'iiHt A|i- |KiiutnuMil. Od. 71 lAiig. "84 10 Dec. "86 1 Nov. '68 20 Mar. '88 IJuly '72 4 Feb. '73 .Tunc '67 1 Au!?. '74- I 1 Aug. '74 j 1 Aug. '74 ',20 Mar. 'Sft Sept. '74 Sfl)t. '75 l.luly '76 l.Tuly '78 Nov. '81 8 .Tunc 82 Miir. '71. 1 ,Tun. '87 1 Fob. '85 Sept. '74 1 Fob. '70 30 Oct. '75 6 June '7* 3 June '7& 1 Mar. '84 1 July '87 IFcb. '75 Name ami V. O. Adilrow. WoodHtock, N.D.-l'onoluilcd Hieer. .. , do Uriutinaii... , do Collector Sub-Collector... Landing Waiter. Date. 1 Nov. 7l» 12 Apr. 'M 1 July '(ir. 1 Aug. '84 lAug. 'Ml 1 l''el)i '87 12 I'eb. I Sept. 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 6 June Aug. 30 July 10 Dec. 1 Oct. 21 Jan. 27 Sept. 1 July 26 Aug. 1 June 15 June 6 Apr. II Aug. 11 Aug. 4 Apr. 15 Sept. 7 Sept. •79 •«7 72 ■72 •76 •01 '83 '83 '84 '82 •75 •71 •74 •77 •71 •76 •75 •75 •65 •79 •53 Present Sidarv. 9 ris. 800 00 150 OO 2.'»0 00 100 00 MO 00 100 00 Date mI' llirth. Pate ol' I'lrnl Ap- pointment. (Man. ':;r, •>r< Dec. '10 25 May '30 O.lan. ':!3 15 Jan. '20 10 Mmv '31 800 00 3.bin. '42 200 00 24 Dec. '38 150 00 2 Nov. '20 300 00 25 .lunc '20 150 00 31 O. t. '50 100 0(1 21 Apr. '31 300 00 ' 1 Jan. '40 I 150 00 i;i i)e 100 00 1 Nov. '43 700 00 20 I >ec. '54 150 00 15 Jnly ^45 200 00 1 I .Miiy ^40 IfiO 00 10 June ^32 LIO 00 4 Aii^'. '45 •20 240 00 100 00 80 00 80 00 600 00 150 00 60 00 1 Nov. '79 12 Apr. '63 1 .Inly •6T> 1 Aug. '84 1 Aug. '81 1 l"cb. '87 12 Kel). '79 1 Sei)t. '»7 7 Oct. "72 7 Oct. '72 6 June '78 Aug. '61 30 July '83 10 Dec. '83 1 Oct. '84 21 Jan. '82 27 Sept. '75 IJmu! '71 25 Aug. '7i IJnly ^77 15 June '71 '34 6 Apr. '76 8 :^lay '20 11 Aug. '75 9 ( )rt. '25 11 Aug. '75 27 '26 ODc,'. '.17 ■22 4 Apr, '65 15 Sept. '79 7 Sept. '53 n DKl'AUTMKNT t>l' <'UST<>MS -OirrsiDK SKKVK'K.-NKVV HHUNSWICK. Niimc uikI I', O, AddivM, .ItHiriiiKtnii " ( 'nni'Iudi'd, Smilli, Sctli 'Iti-Ucy, lldvcy I) L.ifH'u, Kdhi'i't Hridj{('t(iwn. Uugg1*'8. Stl'plll'll ,S <3in»«'(i, VViiltcr Chiito. Aaron M ConiwiiUiH.* laiiiU, t'a'd(ii(^k C Oqit^ii, John K Uorrin, ('liiirlcH Kiigcnu IKuttUiug, iStcplKMi W Luckwuod, (Jcorgu S Itevisou, Joscpli Hcnjaniiii... (>^lvie, Alimtn I*ttrtcr, Simon N Digl.y. 'ViPts, JoliM Mooiv Trijop, John fiuf^les, Hcnjamiu H •JhitrlHir, I.sttiah >l<:Kay, Kdward Iviianlon, William VottiT, Edward Wallace Guysborough. Tory, James Alexander Y«>niig, James William >'5JiHmor, Alexander F iiiffiii, Joseph D TT<\inlow, James I'riM'nl Hank. Landing; Waiter... d I'll' vent ivr Ollieer. r..||ce(or 8ub-( oUci'tor I'reventive ollieer Ciilleetor Snii-t'olleetor .1.. , ilo ilo Preventive Ollieer. do Collector Sul)-(/ollector do , do do Preventive Ollieer do (.'olleetor Sub-Colleetor , do do do Date. 11 May :i < (et. 1 Sepl. 1 Jnly 4 May 29 May I iMay 14 jMar. 1 Jan 18 June 1 July 3 Ai.r. 3 June .30 Dee. 1 June 27 May f) Sej)!. May 18 July 2 May Apr. 1 May 1 JIar. 10 June 29 Aji?-. 26 July '04 74 •ss •7:1 Mr. 'SS '74 •mi '79 •73 '80 '05 •1:4 ',SS '80 'r.o •fi7 '81 •M •73 •80 •80 •74 Plfsent ' Pate of Salary. Iliitli. ■ Kedueed to an (Jutport trom Ist Aug., 1888. * ctH. l.'ill 00 tio 00 23 l>ee. '23 4 Jim. '10 Oil 00 22 .\iii. ■''! Oi'O 00 150 00 fiO 00 COO 00 2U0 00 2U0 00 200 00 200 00 2ri0 00 (iO 00 fiO 00 800 00 400 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 fiO 00 (10 00 10 Ayr. '43 27 Sept. '27 10 .\|.r. '2(5 Date of I'ilNl A|>- |niintment. n May '04 3 0.t. '7* I Sepl. '88 1 July '73 4 .M.iy 'cr. 20 Miiy '(JS 7 .Mai. TiH 1 Miiy '83 31 Jan. '12 17 ImIp, '.-o 1 Jan. 'Sti 28 Jan. ';!;". 18 June '79 7 Fell. "20 I 1 July 'fiO •33 1 3 Ai>r. '80 10 Sept. '20 '29 Apr. '5tt 11 Apr. '17 l.'tO Dec. 'ce. '15 IJunc '88 27 May '80 5 Sept. ;'50 May '67 18 July '34 18 July '81 14 Mar. '29 I 2 May '65 2;i Apr. '20 Apr. '63 5 May '70 650 00 14 Dec. '22 350 00 jlO Feb. '35 | 1 Mar. '80 T.'iO 00 llOJuno '38 10 June '80 I 100 00 ; '27 129 Apr. '74 100 00 24 May '30 26 July '7& ' •'It; ; <'d f% - / .'^Sf '■?■ p ^• *^ ■f'f ''sffl 4 ^' J ■''^H W'i ■■^1 w*f '"*» li' ■ _.M ti ' Vj*™ t^ '41 72 i*S DKPAUTMENT OF CUSTOMS.— 01JT8IDK SEUVIOK.— NOVA SCOTIA. ,;: ■t'4.' 1 y ^ ' ^ f [ 1 '■■(■- Name and P. 0. Aililioss. Guysboi'ough — Coni'ludcil. Feltmate, Jnmes H Hilward, Tlionias Ficdi'vick . McKpiizic, William S McCiilclicnii, Hu,e;1i Halifax, •lloi.-;, Jloii. WilliaiM Present llaiik. I'ri'veutive Odicer. do \>.'.V Present Salary. Collector. Monis, JaiinK Ot'orge jCliief Clerk , . Ganificii, "William A 'Acting Surveyor Aluou, Cliarlis M Cliici" < 'lork k liegislrar i of Shipping. Clerk Cr.i\Nloi(l, Samuel Ulcliardsou, James ]•' , OT)i'!''n, James Fenor'.y, Arthur Eckei.^ley, John Tuppi'i', Conrad W Pryor, Oswald Crouan, William M Creightoii, II. S ■Caldwell, Thomas Tremaine, Arthur D. B Stimjison, Francis Clillbrd. . Davis, John Cliavles Blackwood, David Beckwith, 11. N 'Woodill, Frederick B O'Connor, Francis Romans, Charles Paw, (aorge A. V Jost, Thomas P do .., Cashier, Cteldert, .)oh!i Monis Artz, Jo'iin W. Chief Warehouse Clerk do do ,. do Clerk Clerk do do Appraiser do Assistant Appraiser. . . . do . . . . (ianger und I'lvventivc Officer. Landing Waiter do do LcKtkor 26 June 1 .lune 14 June 27 Oct. 6 Nov. 21 JIar. 1 July 1 Jlay 3 Jlay 5 May 21 Mar. 5 Jan. 1 July 1 Sept. 1 July 1 Mur. 1 Aug. 9 Dec. 1 Aug. 9 June IJuly .'» Mjiy 1 May I .Ian. 1 Nov. 5 May 1 Jan. 1 July 80 Sept. 29 May 72 '75 •75 •77 •74 •87 •88 •65 •82 '68 '87 •77 '68 •74 '75 78 I ■85 i '81 '84 '86 '88 '75 '83 '82 '87 '75 '71 •71 '72 •76 .$ els, 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 3,000 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,400 00 650 00 800 00 1,100 00 600 00 1,200 00 6.'i0 00 650 00 6.50 00 550 00 800 00 5.-)0 00 500 00 550 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,000 00 800 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 coo 00 800 00 800 00 Date of Birth. Date of FiiTjt A|»- {>oin< itient. •50 26 June '72 '17 9 Aug. '39 2 June '62 27 Dec. '26 11 June '48 10 June '42 24/iiig. '47 26 Jan. '40 12 Sept. '26 15 Nov. '38 12 May '51 21 Apr. '37 26 Oct. '49 I 20 July '50 8 Jan. '51 12 Dec. '60 24 June '50 18 June '56 2 Aug. '66 19 May '44 20 Jan. '34 2 Apr. '34 27 June '45 17 Oct. '44 9 Dec. '36 30 Dec. '12 6 Apr. '22 8 Nov. '24 2 Mar. '30 IJuly '75 14 July 7ft 27 Oct. '77 5 Nov. '74 12 Dec. '64 8 June '6g 21 June '65 3 May '82 5 May '68 Sept. '6i4 6 Jan. '77 1 July "flS 1 Sept. "iM 1 July '76 Nov. 77 27 July '85 1 July '73 1 Aug. '8* 9 Juno '88 IJuly 'Hi 19 M>\v 'fi6 1 May '8:» 1 Ja •82 1 ^lov. 'H? 5 May 75 IJan. '71 IJuly 71 '30 Sept. '7i 29 Miiy 74 Sines ..uv vcd from oBicc. 73 DErAUTiMENT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE.— NOVA SCOTIA. Niiuii' iiml I'. (». Address. Plalifax — ( 'oiitiniion. l{('3'i)olds, Welhvood . . , . . lIcDoiinl;!, Isoruiaii Bnnil. .11, J. F. McCuidy, M. J Pitts, William €oiirod, Nelson Ikshiord, \V. H Ghipnian, W. A Fra.ser, Alpxaiidcr ISarnstead, Edward H.... Hodges, Robert AV Kelly, Alexander W Miisou, I'eter S Wliite, Stephen Slianks, William E Trider, Henry W Berry, William Kennedy, Robt. Dimean . Ooiild, WiUiiim , Tlionijison, David , Ho>.e, Philip J Nuuu, William , Beazley, Jolin , Blaeknian, William , Robertson, Alexander. Carlton, liolMrt. Power, John R Caldwell, Albert H Hagarty, Henry B Hamilton, Hugh E Edwards, John Tlnlisou.. . , Present Rank. Loeker 1 Apr. do 16 Apr. do I May do H8Mar. Date. do tiiief AVeiglier Loeker Tide Waiter Loeker do , Tide Waiter 'Tide Surveyor Tide Waiter do , do , do , do do do do ISoatman. . . . do .... do . . , . Messenger . . Ganger Tide Waiter, do Locker Clerk Tide Waiter, do 11 Mar. 1 Apr. 20 June 1 .Inly .3 iMar. II Aug. Sept. IMay 11 Apr. 1 Aug. 13 Dee. 1 iMar. 2(i Apr. 9 .lune 9 June 10 Dee. 1 .Ian. 1 Aiir. 22 A pi. 1 Jan. 19 .Vug. 1 Dee. 1" -Vpr. G Aug. 9 Dee. 23 Apr. 1 Aug. '60 •60 '60 '68 68 '87 •72 '71 •81 7r, •66 '59 '68 •66 •72 71 '72 '86 '86 '86 '72 '66 '66 '63 •85 •80 '80 •81 •81 '78 '83 Pl'esi'Ht Salary. Date of llirth. 8 ets. (ino 00 730 00 (i.-0 00 600 00 600 00 700 00 650 (10 r,r>{) 00 .".00 00 600 00 600 00 900 00 CM 00 600 01 • (iOO 00 .f.00 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 COO 00 rm 00 600 00 5U0 00 r>M 00 800 00 .loo 00 600 00 5,"i0 00 550 00 550 00 500 00 28 Mar. 22 Dec. 27 Oet. 27 Nov. 1 Apr. 17 Mar. '15 Nov. ;iO .lu'.io 24 Mar. 4, Inly 22 Dec. 1 Mar. 25 Feb. 30 Jlay 29 Aug. 2 Jan. 26 Oet. 24 Sept. 19 Mar. 21 July 19 Nov. 28 ( let. 19 Mar. 17 Jlar. 26 Feb. 7 Oet. 30 July 14 June 13 Jan. 12 Jan. Date of Fii-st A|i- liuintuient. '26 '24 '18 '26 •32 '34 '28 '18 '23 '34 ! '34 '20 '38 •31 '40 '45 '42 '51 '30 '30 '39 '33 '41 '23 '32 •45 '52 •61 '58 •39 '44 1 Apr. '60 16 Apr. '60 May 'W 18 Mar. '6S 11 Mar. '(M 1 Dos<>ri, William WrFarlaiic, Malcolm , Sunit, D.'inifl Calvin Hoiili-v, William C Ciblions, John Itaivlings, Goorgc Jamison, Gtorgc H <»'L«'iirv, Thos. A'Kcnipis ., Liv(.'q)ool. Dunlaji, John Hugh Fiw'uian, Nowtou Perkins.., Locki'port. 'Stttlkir, George , Londonderry. Tid<> Wuiter. do do Pucker do Sub-Collector Preventive Ollicer. do do do do i^uh-CoUector Dill, Robert Jfulmer, William Anilrew... Coibi'tt, Andrew Y Fulnier, Ilan'is L' rtis, Creorge Luiienlinrg. i Dowliug, Edward IColleotor. . . . . TVentzel. William Reuben. . .'sub-CoUector, Date. Collector Lauding Waiter CfiUector. Ki'tiihititlt, Hcniy X. . Smith, Cl,:irle.s A..., , Moi.isli, Jolm do do Tide Waiter. liAtv.-i, .lanii s A\'illiam Landint,' Waiter. Ruduir, Josia'.i... Mills, George If. Preventive (JUicer. do 18 Nov. 9. Ian. 1 .Nov. 1 Dec. 1 I'eb. 7 Mar. l.l July !) Nov. 9 Nov. 9 Nov. 1 July 1 -luly 17 May 1 Mav Collector , Sub-Collector do Pitjveutive Officer , do , 'S3 78 '82 '31 •87 •73 •87 •80 '80 '80 'S3 '87 '77 25 May '68 9 Jan. « Jan. 1 July 1 May 1 Oct. 1 Mar. 5 Oct. 1 Pel). 1 .Vi.i. 5 Apr. 1 May 1 May '74 •8'2 'C9 ^o7 '87 '09 •79 '80 •87 '79 '74 '65 •66 Present Salary. ^ ets. 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 .'iOO OH 200 00 7;10 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 900 00 600 00 600 00 500 00 200 00 200 00 Date of llirtli. 13 Mav I 1 .lau. 23 Dec. 24 July 13 Aug. 2 Apr. l.'i .Ian. 24 Jan. 31 Jan. 4 Nov. 15 Ajn". 11 Oct. '63 ■40 '49 '60 ',-.4 '22 •45 '54 '38 '44 '43 '48 Date of First Ap- pointuieut. 4 Nov. '38 17 Nov. '53 IS Nov. '83 9 Jan. -78 1 Nov. '82 1 Dec. '84 1 Feb, '87 7 Mar. '73 15 July '87 9 Nov. '80 9 Nov. "80 9 Nov. '80 IJuly '83 1 .luly '87 27 May '75 1 Mav '77 2 Fel). '36 25 Jlay '68- 21 Aug. •SO 5 Dec. '19 60 00 I26 Feb. '35 9 Jan. '74 12 Dec. '71 27 Mar. '61 •57 225 00 7 .Vug. 'iU 1 Mav '87 800 00 400 00 400 00 150 00 500 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 20 Jan. -25 | 1 Oct. '6if 4 D. c. '44 ' 1 Mar. '79 28 Apr. '53 18 May ^45 5 Oct. 'SO 1 Feb. ^87 7 A|>r. '20 1 Apr. •79 11 Dec. '16 5 Apr. '74 18 June '27 1 May '65 Sept. '20 1 Jlav '68 •75 DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS —OUTSIDE SERVICE.— NOVA SCOTIA. ;«,.>.'.*}') J.?,^, V Niimc and P. O. Address-. Present Rank. Margaretsville. Ijtiidisrs, David W J'.Uiott, Charles A North Sydney. Hwuilton, Alexander G Collins, Patrick Fngen, Denis riioiim, Martin J Parrslioi'o'. Townshend,Al(!xander Stew't Ward, James W.-»nl, John W (iiUispie, Edward Kerr, James J'hinuey , Mark Piitou. .■JlcT^onald, I'aniel. liasscU, Janica Anthony Johnston, George Elliott .... Oiunphell, James Alex. Glen. WeDonald, John Frederick . . liieGregor, Donald rViiinell, William OiUDipbeLl, David Ifciiiy, John Robert McDonald, Angus HariM.T, Montgomery ■Sulb-rlaud, George Port Hawkeslmiy, N.S. Tjrfmrinot, John (Miarles. .. . . Forlws, Hcniy Arthur Kuiray, David, jeune iUdlpy, Georg(! B Colleetor Sub-Collcetor Date. 1 Oct. 17 Juno Collector 1 ila y Preventive Officer il6 June Boatman 1 Aug. Preventive Officer '25 Jtin. Colleetor. 1 July Sub-Colleetor | 7 Alay lerk Sub-Collector Preventive Olliccr . Collector and h'egistrar, Clerk , do Snli-CoUector , do , do Landing Waiter Preventive Oflieer do , .lo Appraiser , Tide Waiter Collector . .. Sub-C'ollecti>r do Preventive Oliieer 28 Nov. 16 Aug. 1 Kei>t. 1 F,;b. 1 July 1 Mar. 16 Dec. 26 Oct . 1 May 24 Aug. 8 May 22 Oct. 12 Apr. 1 Nov. 1 Dec. 13 .July 1 iMay 23 May 1£ May 27 Dee. •63 •81 70 '74 '8(lf •82 '71 •80 '72 '81 '86 'ti8 •74 '77 '81 •76 '79 '81 '73 •73 '75 •84 •79 '8:> '86 '78 '73 •05 Present Salary. ? cts. 500 00 200 00 800 00 500 00 300 00 Date of r.iith. Date of Fir.-,! .\p- poiniiiient. I 13 May '34 11 Feb. '30 16 Miir. '35 '33 15 Sept. '32 400 00 29 Aug. '43 500 00 150 00 150 00 200 00 200 00 150 00 1,200 00 500 00 600 00 300 00 1,000 00 100 00 500 on 100 00 200 00 2 Aug. Ml 12 Feb. '20 '38 1 O.i. '6?^ 17.)uuc '81 I Miiy '79 IMay '67 1 Aug. '80 25 .bill. '82 l.lul.v '71 7 .May '80 28 Nov. 72 1 May '62 16 Aug. '81 7 Dec. '28 7 Mar. '40 31 Oct. '35 22 Oct. '55 4. June '49 25 .Ml ;. '50 30 Sept. '50 27 Apr. -37 22 .liui. '34 14,lau. '27 25 Jan. '51 1 .S-pt. '86- 1 Fci). '.S8. 500 00 117 Aug. '33 600 00 500 00 600 00 100 00 350 00 3 JIny '29 28 Aug. '29 18 July '6;5 July Mar. Dee. Oct. .May Aug. May Od. Apr. :v'ov. Dee. Julv '74 '77 '81 •79 '70 '81 7:5 '73 '75 '84 '70 Aug. '84 19 July '43 j 3 Aul. •6ft 19 May '33 12 May '73 60 00 'so Aug. '41 27 Dee. '6fr I 76 DEPARTMENT OK CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE.— NOVA SCOTIA. Name and P. O. Address. Present Uank. Port Hood. Treniaiu, Edward D ICoUeetor. Dunn, Miles A Sub-Collector . Collector Preventive Ollicer. Sub-Collector Preventive Oflicer. All Coin, Severin I'lcventive Officer. Giiini. "William...,. do I'd I Jfedway. Ijetsoii, F.(l[,';ir l-ltludbert .... Colleetor. . . , Shollmnie, N.S. Atwdod, AVrtiren Wilson Swiiiiip, George Ball ... . McKenzie, Matliew D.. . JBolaiiin, li'ubirl Heuey, Sydney. lleDonalil. Jiowald Collector. Rigliy, Charles Henry Sub-Collector... O'Tool, Piilrick do Rigb}', Georf^i! do BowM, Williiim Wnine do Wulliiis, Koliert Bernard. . . . jPreventive Oltieer Mcl.eiui, Roderick j Sub-Collector jSlug;4ul), Cluiilcs LiiUdiiig Waiter Truro. Kelson, Ceorgi' P Colleitor Bliiir, Hiiiiy C Clerk , MeCuiily, .lames Sub-Collector Wiviuoutli. Jonis, Noiiiiau B Collector Bouuuid', Aiubioise Sul)-( 'oUector Stuart, .laiii's Valentine do SailileiKoii, Siiiiuiel do Eobielii Mil, Basil A do I'eny, Harvey Cann do Date, 8 May 1 Nov. 1 July 1 May •59 '83 '85 •84 1 Si'pt. '86 1 Dec. 1 Apr. 7 Ai-r. 1 July 1 Aug. Ki.lan. J .luly 28 .rune M.luue 1 Nov. 5 .Mar. 17 Sept. 1 Jlay 1 June 3 Nov. 6 Dec. May 10 Mar. 1 .fan. 1 May •75 '87 •7.3 •87 '82 •66 '87 •69 '61 'St^ '80 '74 '85 '82 '60 '81 '52 •65 '87 •64 •83 Present Si'iary. f cts. 500 00 Date of Birth. 18 May '39 150 00 16 Oct. '51 150 00 15 Fel). •42 150 00 20 Oct. '31 500 00 400 00 150 00 LjO 00 100 00 2Veh. '51 16 Apr. '41 10 Aug. '48 3 Apr. ^27 2 Apr. '32 800 00 2(1 Nov. '40 300 00 I.IO 00 1.50 00 400 00 28 (lit. '43 1 Nov. '38 Date of First Ap- pointment. 8 May 'S9 1 Nov. '8,? IJuly '8.1 IMay '8* 1 Sept. '86 1 Dec. '75 lApr. '87 7 Apr. "72 1 July '87 1 Aug. '8-2 16 Jan. "fle IJuly '«7 17 Apr. '09 Jan. '66 iO Seut. ^24 250 00 128 June ^56 200 00 400 00 1,200 00 7.'>0 00 24 De.'. '30 13 1-Vb. '13 11 Sept. '41 8 >lay '59 200 00 15 Dec. '33 700 00 300 00 250 00 250 00 100 00 200 00 18 May '34 '21 14 Feb. '06 24 Dee. '54 '07 26 Dec. '50 14 June '61 10 Nov. '8fi 5 Mar. '8(» 17 Sept. '74 1 May '85 1 June '82 3 Nov. '60 6 Dec. '81 6 May '62 10 Mai\ *ir> 1 Jan. '87 'ei 1 May '88 Date of First Ap- pointment. 8 May '59 1 Nov, '83 IJuly '8.1 IMay '8* 1 S 1 Jan. 'H7 '*l 1 May '88 w DKPAIiTMKNT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE &,EIIVICE.— MANITOBA. Name and P. 0. Adilnss. Windsor, N..^. Dimock, Honrj- Wilson .. . flpence, Andrew Herbert.. . Lawrence, James W Malcolm, Tlioma.s A l{oy, Alexiinder Parker, A. McNeil O'Brien, James Mitclit.ll . , YaiTuouth . Moody, William H McGiU, William Hown, Thomas S Cimipbell, William L Coaldwell, Maredeu Present Knnk. Collector , Preventive Oflicer. Suli-Collcrtor d.. do I'leventivc Oflicer. -oUector. Cl.rk Sp«'cial Ofliccn'. Appraiser Gauger Date, 1 Nov. '86 1 Nov. '86 14 July "81 24 .\pr. '61 26 Mar. '74 13 Mar. "67 9 Dee. '69 1 July '83 1 Feb. '75 1 Mar. '81 1 May '79 1 July '8.3 IJuly '84 Present Salary. Itobbius, Ansel iLainling Waiter,. ., I I D'Eiitremout, Peter StilluiaiilSuli-Colloptor 30 May '64 do Preventive Officer do Collector, Porter, David Leo Lent, Adolphus S D'Eutremont, Jos. Alpheus. P . viNCE OP Manitoiia. Winnipeg. K(!Ott, Thomas , W. . OK, M.D. Champni-.s !'"rt' deric. . . Pnov[\< I, •'! PiiiNCK Edvi AP.i) Island. Cliarlottetown. Cuirie, JiUiies , Collector Sub-Collector. Ba-mncr, George McKenna, Heniy Albert MacLeod, Alexander Duncan. "White, Edwin McNeill, Duncan Morau, Michael Joseph Hogg, Robert Macdonald, James McPhillips, Bernard Lawson, James David Curtis, James Frederick McKenna, James Barron Robinson, George Frederick.. Hughes, Felix A Collector and Registrar. Assistant Collector Ciiief Clerk Clerk and Cashier .lo do df A]ipraiser Measuring Surveyor fiOeker , Ganger , 1 Jlay 1 Jan. '81 '85 '83 '85 '53 '86 '88 10 May 1 luly 1 Nov. 8 May 1 Oct. 5 Xov. 1 .lune 18 May 13 Jan. 7 Nov. 1 Sept. Chief Landing Waiter. .. 1 Apr. Landing AVaiter .1 8 Jan. do Hoatman , McRae, James ' Preventive Oflicer Chandler, EdAvard. Hughes, John McPliee, Allan Owen, Charles do do WAItl) ISLAND. •.-.I J 1 Feb. '81 15 Dec. '85 1 .lutu: '83 11 Sept. '85 23 Nov. '53 5 10 May '8U Apr. '67 7 IJuly '73 O 8 May 'U 4 1 Oct. '78 4 5 Nov. '81 5 1 June '85 6 18 May '80 6 13 Jan. '74 3 7 Nov. '73 2 1 Sept. '80 3 15 May •73 3 Nov. '73 4 14 Nov. '74 7 26 July '71 4 16 Nov. '74 2 10 Mar. 75 » 7 Nov. '74 5 20 Nov. '7& 8 7 Nov. '74 Niimo and 1'. O. Aildi'i'ss. Cliavlottetown — Couuludcd. Hossion, Thoiuas George Dalziel, Williiini Foley, Michael McEacheru, Bennett Lavie, Charles McLean, Daniel Chaisson, Alexandre McEaeheni, Stephen Leard, Solomon James Uenj.. Myei-s, Wesley Clark, Isaac Aitken, Jauics Moiitnguc!. , . , Brehaut, Heniy James Stejilieii, Montagne MacLeod, John Ciiiue, Tlioiiias MeEweli, Kihvard.. . , Crosby, Charles Alexander.. . MacUonald. James. Lewis, William Peterson.... Murchison, Angus Doyle, Thomas Summer.side. Strong, Charles Wesley Murphy, Charles Crabbe, George Clark, Charles Russell Lauigan, Patrick Barry, Francis Perry, Felix McNutt, James ^Marshall. . . . Present Hank. Landing Wait ■ Date Prc.-^iiit Silarv. 19 Jan. Locker j 7 Nov. Sub-Collector 13 Nov. Pi-uventive (Jllicer do do do do Sub-Collector Preventive Ollieer do Sub-Colleetor Uv. do Pnn'entive Of!! " do Sub-Collector Pn'veiitive Officer. Sub -Collect or .... do do do 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 1 July 11 Aug. 1 June 1 July 16 Feb. 1 May 11 Aug. 1 Nov. 1 .Vpr. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 7 May 23 Jan. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. I Collector 5 May Clerk 1 Oct. do 8 Jan. Landing Waiter... do Preventive Officer. do Sub-Collector 8 Jan. 8 Jan. 7 Nov. 31 Jan. 1 Nov. •74 •73 •80 ' '80 '80 •74 •81 •84 '74 •75 '82 i '81 '74 '87 '74 •74 '74 '74 •80 •80 •74 •74 '73 •82 '74 '74 •74 '74 •81 '74 Date of Birth. 41") 00 23 Feb. JOD 'JO j 4 June 100 iiO '26 Oct. 100 00 1(11) 00 ■10 no 40 ut> 40 00 250 w 50 00 100 00 ],")0 00 150 00 75 0(1 tiO 00 W 00 liiO no 50 no 120 00 120 00 lOij 00 75 00 31 Mar. 5 Apr. 17 July 1 May 6 Nov. 21 July 6 ,'.iu. 22 Ai)r. 8 May 13 Mar. 22 Mar. 13 Mar. 3 Jan. 8 Dec. '36 ■26 '49 •36 Date «>" First A[i- pointiiif lit. 14 D.!C!. 7 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. •37 ,13 Nov. I '49 12S(!pt. '7 •40 •JO '73 '80 •SO •80 '7->. '42 '40 '45 '14 '38 '35 '59 11 AuK. 1 Juni! 23 Way 1 July 1 May II Aug. 1 Nov. 1 Apr. 20 14 Nov. '21 14 Nov. •15 14 Nov. '22 14 Nov. '32 '' 7 May '31 23 Jan. '29 •44 1,000 00 2 July tJOO 00 15 July 600 (to j June 4itO 00 ;17 Sept. I 300 00 50 00 50 00 150 00 10 Feb. 29 Dec. 4 June '29 •49 '29 '36 '20 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 5 May lOct. 8 Jan. 8 Jan. 8 Jan. •32 7 Nov. 32 31 Jan. 26 I 1 Nov, '81 •84 •7:t '74 '82 '81 '74 '.87 •74 •74 •74 '74 •8(1 'SO '74 '74 '73 '82 •74 •74 '7* •74 ■81 '74 I i . J- i ■ 80 DEl'AUTMKNT OF CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE HKUVICK.— BIUT18II COI-UMlllA. Name niid P. O. A(l(liv>>. Siiiiimersidt' — Coiitinucil. Stewart, Robert Preventive Oflicer. Present Itttuk. Stewiul;, Philij) Campbell, Ut(<]>heii. . . Conroy, George Phce, JameH Hopgood, "NVillinin. . . He Arthur, Samuel . . . Brennan, John Peter Callaghan, Williniti. . Province ok Ijuitisk CuliUMIUA. New Westuiiuster. Chile, John Stillwell Grant, Peter Hayiies, .lohii Camiichael.. . ilo .lo Sub-('ollect(ir riev;t Aji- lioiiitiiii'iit. 1 Dec, '8.V 2 Vi'h. '81 31 .lull. '81 leJnii. '75 20 Nov. '75 16 Voh. '75 Oct. '79 Miiv. '77 1 Adg. '78 ]\rny '83 '25 Vvh. '62 21.TuVv '/Ci Sept. '{)3 8 June '60 1 May '62 1 .lau. ■75 '66 Si'pt. '83 1 Si'pt. 'S3 1 July '88 1 June •88 1 Voh. '69 1 July '80 Aujr. •83 1 8 Apr. '84 ! 13 May '78 m DEPARTMENT 01" CUSTOMS.— OUTSIDE SEIIVICE.-BRITIHH f'OLUMRIA. Kame and 1*. O. AdilreMs. I'lf'scnt littiik. Naimiiuo. Smith, Bedford H '(.'oUccti Bradley, Thomas... Vancouver. Bowfill, John Moore. Johiw, Isuac I'lvvciitivc OIHeor Boord of Customs— Ottawa. •Johnson, Jame.s Jtssop, Geo. Walter Groso, John A Walters, Albert Livingstone, Collfctor Luiidiim' Waiter. Cliaii'iiiiiu Ass't. Doiii. Ap]rt'aiser. Speiiiil oflicer i do tMacFarlauc,Tlioran.s Cliii i .\nalyst. O'Keeffe, Philip John , Bonnoss, J. D Sliaughuessy, John .. . Spccuil Agent.... Preventive Ollicer do Inspectoi's of Ports, .S;c. Date. 22 Oct. 1 July 1 July 8 Oct. 27 Nov. 1 Apr. 27 Nov. 1 Sept. 1 Apr. 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 1 Jan. '84 '87 '87 '77 •83 '87 •83 •81 '86 •86 '86 Kavanogh, Henrv Montreal. P.Q Mcwbum, Thomas Chilton.. di Hamilton, Out. Hill, WilliamH do Halifax, N.S Wolff, James Fitzgemld SiM^cial Agent . Montreal, PAi. tRobitaille. Louis Inspeetor New Carlisle, P.Q. McLaren, John Smith St. John, NB. McMichael, Solon W Toronto, Ont. Ohitiesc Immigiutiou. ^Parmelee, Win. Gmnnis.... Ottawa. Viooman, John i^ndicott. . . . Victoria, B.C. Inspector I 4 Jan do Financial Inspector. .. Chief Comptvoller Inteqireter and Clerk. 1 July 1 Ji.,ie 1 July 31 July 1 Jau. 1 Dec. 20 Aug. 1 Apr. •66 •77 '84 •79 •85 •86 '85 '85 '86 I'resent .Salary. Date of iiirtli. Date of I'irst Ap- poiutuii'Ut. $ cts. 1,200 00 1 June '49 1,000 00 31 Jan. '13 • Is also Deputy Minister of Customs. t Is also Chief Analyst, Department of Inland Revenue. X Since decease A. § Is also Asst. Commissioner of Customs. 66-6 1,800 no 1,200 00 1 Oct. '56 •39 800 00 20 Mav •le 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 800 00 1,200 00 600 00 600 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 1,600 00 2,000 00 18 Nov. '40 6 Mar. 'm 18 1'eb. •sa 5 Mar. '34 6 Sept. ^49 22 Sept. ^45 15 Sept. ^47 9 Nov. •U 8 Jan. '22 13 (let. •se 30 Mar. '42 2,000 00 28 Nov. '36 20 Kel). '45 1,600 00 18 Nov. '48 400 00 27 Au". '33 1,500 00 6 July '63 22 Oct. '84 1 July '87 Oct. '78 8<'.t. '7Z 27 Nov. '83 1 Nov. " IJuly 78 1 July '78 '64 6 Sept. '79 5 Aug. '81 9 Aug. '81 14 Aug. '39 Oct. '75 5 Apr. '65 June '64 1 May ^73 Jan. '63 6 Mar. '7i 20 Aug. •SS 1 Apr. '86 i> '• 82 1 I. I'OST OFFTPR DKI'MtTMKNT.-INSIDK SKRVICK. I Ml II'.U. ■' Niiiuo and 1'. O. Aililii'SH. Wliitc, Lii'Ut.-('iil. AVilKiiiri. *Stcwart, John t'liiiuiiifjlmiu. t AHlnvortli, Joliii Smitli.soii, Williaiii Henry... Li'Sucur, William Dawson . . Everolt, George Fivderiek... Matlieson, Duvitl Suiitli, Sidney, ,li Buoke, Philip Enstiiehe Walsh, John Phinki'tt, Janu-8 LiudHay, Arthur Bnnctt, "Williuin John Harrinj,'toi), William Jfu^nn , Forticr, Joseph Octave... .. Falconer, Charles . Tliroop, Arthui' William Hi opliy, John Pun-'cll Benjamin, Emanuel Hymun. Hargrove, George Ilouiy . . . . Grifliu, Heniy Wihuot Smith, John Kose Shaw, Richard John Blanehet, Ludger Higgins,' Counell James B . . . Eaglcson, William Henry . . . White, George Rivers O'Leaiy, James Mauus Thome, Stephen Snedeu . . . , i 'resent I tan I Deputy rostmaster Gen- eral. Financial ConiplroUei . . Chiel'Clerk, Cashier.... (hi Aeeountunt do Secretary.. lie SuperillliMl dent ol' Money ( (rdii Itraneli. Chief Clerk, Sni^'rin teiident of Savings Hank Itraneli. Cliief Clerk, SniHTin- tendeiit of j'rniting and Supply liVaui'li St Class C'lerk do do do •lo do • ill do Probat. Isl Class Clerk 2nd Class Clerk do do do do do do do do do do do Date J .Inly '8>s ) I'el.. '.S8 1 .1 uly 'tl7 1 Fol., 'MS 1 .Inly 1 Fell. 1 Fell. 'f •87 '88 ■ '(59 70 '70 •72 '79 •79 '79 '80 '83 •83 •83 '83 I'lt'^mt .•i^dnry, !» c;t.s 3.200 00 3,200 00 2,4i'il 00 2,400 00 2, |i") 00 2,;i.')0 (10 2,:i(i0 00 2,](Hi 00 l,.s()(> CO 1,81111 00 1,7.')0 00 ],7l)0 00 1,700 00 l.iinu 00 L.'i.JO 00 1.4.".0 00 1,40(1 00 1,400 00 1,4110 CO 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,350 00 1,350 00 1,350 00 1,350 00 D.deof Itirth. 6 Jan. '30 6 Nov. '39 4 Apr. '24 28Fel). '34 T)nl«« of First .\fi- |iointinenU 1 Dec. '54 25 JiiD. '65 27 Apr. '4:t 1 1 May 19 Fell. '40 23 Feb. •;, 1 JIar. '30 8 Jan. '76 25 ( »<'t. '40 2!' .Inly '50 13 Jan. '31 13 Nov. '43 2(5 Aug. '36 17 Apr. '40 3 Apr. '44 19 Apr. '53 10 Nov. '40 12 Apr. '54 3 Dec. '51 Fell. '25 21 Nov. '32 8 Sept. '26 5 Aug. '40 31 Aug. '50 23 Sept. '20 24 Mar. '39 4 May '34 12 Mar. '51 3 Oct. "56 11 Apr. '37 HlDec. '51 23 Nov. •(!:{ 2.TJan. *7<> 1 Jan. '5«i 21 Mar. '62 2(5 Mar. '(51 1 July '(W 15 June '74 30 Nov. '70 15Jun(! '72 19 Sept. '71 20 Aug. '6l> Sept. '6; J 1 Jan. '57 26 May '67 1 Apr. '6d IJuly '67 12 Apr. '6ft 27 Apr. "67 26 June 'fi7 20 Oct. '7i» 27 Oct. '71 26 Deo. '71 IJan. '68 * Since deceased. t Since superaimuated. tip 83 'vr l)iilc «»• I'irMl Afi- ]iiiiiitiiirnt,. like. 54 25 .Inn. •65 27 Apr. •4;t 1 IMny 23 K.;l.. u H Jan. '7i* 23 Nov. M:{ 23 Jiiii. •7(» IJan. •w 21 Mar. •62 2(5 Mar. •01 1 July •tiJ 15 June ■74 30 Nov. ■70 15 JUIK! •72 19 Sept. '71 20 AMg. •«s> 1 1 Sept. ■5.S ! 1 Jan. •67 5 26 May '57 ) 1 Apr. '66 > 1 July •67 ) 12 Apr. '6» J 27 Apr. •67 1 26 June •fi7 I 20 Oct. '71 5 27 Oct. '71 7 20 Dec. '71 1 1 Jan. •68 I'OST OKFICK DKPAKTMENT.— INSIDK SKUVIOK Naiiii' .111(1 r. < •• Aililicss. I'rRHOiit lUnk. l)(i(' McPllclxnll, UdllllM !>.... Fiiinvciitlu'i', JaiiH's llnlly. Johiistoiii!, AViisliiii^'toii J. McLennan, Anilnw 11, ., , liinks, Cl"oi'j;(.' John McCarthy, Di'nis Fmucis. . Bi'll, Kilwaril IJovvcii 'NVali, JaiiH's I''iiiiK:is Krcps, William HiMiricus . . . I'uuliot, Louis lIiTmwiegildc. D'Auli'iiil, Norhert (.'•■orgi^. Stanton, Ivhnuud I'uti'ink,. . O'Brien, William Daniel.... Greavi'H, Walter Uevinc, Andrew liowan, Walter Barrett, Donald Alexander.. Pope, Charles McCuaig, William Hague McGrail, Thomas Moon, Francis Graham.... Dunlevie, Horace Gerald . . (in iMilield, .lohn Jtiduird .MuiTay. iJuuliney, Kdwiu Brown, John Henry Mi'Lulan, Thomas Edwin.... Oliver, llobert John Duulevie, Michael Krumm . , Fortier, James George Joues, Edmund Alexander D. Bouuer, John Cid WuU, Arthur William 2nd Class Clerk.., do do do do do do do tlo do do do do do do do do do do do do do Probat. 2nd Class Clerk do do do 3rd t!laaa Clerk., do do do do do 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 .Inly I July 1 J II 111' 1 July 1 July 1 J Illy 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 Feb. 1 Feb. 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 Aug. 1 Jan. .. 1 Jan. .[ 1 Jlar. .| 1 July 9 Oct. 28 June 1 July 1 Oct. 1 Jan. 1 Jon. '83 •83 ■83 •84 ■84 PrPHcnt Hillary. $ els. 1,360 00 1,350 00 1,3.')0 00 ] ,300 00 00 00 Date ol' Itirth. "85 '85 ■85 ■85 •85 •86 •80 '86 •87 •87 •87 •87 '87 ■78 •88 '88 ■88 '88 •67 '68 •73 •72 •74 •74 I 1,2.'>0 00 l,2r.O 00 i,2r.o 00 1,250 00 i,2r)0 00 1,210 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 l.l.jO 00 1,150 OO 1,150 00 1,150 00 1,1,".0 00 1,400 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 22 Mar. 27 July 20 Oct. 28 July 24 Feb. 18 Feb. « Feb. 11 Apr. 30 June 15 May 16 Apr. "■'' Mar. 17 .Mar. 10 Dec. 17 May 25 May 1!) .Sept. 24 Mar. 17 July 25 June 8 Oct. 29 Oct. 5 Nov. 27 Dec. 2!> Apr. 19 Dec. 1 Aug. 14 Fell. 8 Nov. 22 May 30 Jan. 14 Sept. •42 •54 40 '48 Date of FiiHt Ai>- (lointinent. 6 Mar. ^74 28 Apr. ^76 25 Oct. ^70 12 Mar. '74 13 Aug. '74 '46 22 May '08 •44 '31 '50 '52 '43 '54 •45 '51 '60 '57 '49 •68 •52 •59 '60 '38 •61 '45 •59 June ^70 19 Feb. ^70 4 All;;. ^70 I'J Feb. •76 4 Jan. ^79 14 Feb. ^74 8 May •62 19 .May ^79 3 .Vpr. '82 1 ( )ct. ^74 18 Dec. ^73 17 Oct. '73 2 Feb. '72 8 Oct. '78 lOct. '77 7 Sept. '57 16 Oct. ^73 IJuly •SS 1 May '82 58 'l5Junc '82 •61 •60 •18 '48 •44 '48 9 Oct. '67 28 .Tunc '68 1 Dec. '71 19 .Sept. '71 7Rec. '71 12 June '72 «6— (ij v» -J • IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGr (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 UiM2^ |25 ■^ lii 122 US 14.0 1 2.0 '.1 ■ |L25|,.4 ij^ ^ 6" ► Hiotographic Sciences Ckaporation 23 WIST MAIN STHIT WiBST»l,N.Y. t4SS0 (71«) 172-4503 I ■ I) I ' •• ^Ifc! 84 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— INSIDE SERVICE. Name and P. 0. Address. Spencer, James Hervey Beatty, John Charles Leahy, Patrick Thomas HacDonald, Duncan A. C. . . HcDenuid, Angus John HacDonald, John Archibald. Frechette, William Joseph ;. Ilance, George, Horton, Henry Hawtr}' Doucet, Cliarles Odilon Carter, James Knauf, Henry Chamard, John Bollard, Joseph Henry. . . . Taylor, Plunket Bourchier . . Taylor, Edward Ellegood F. Chesley, Henry Neville P... Heming, Albert Edward^.. Little, William Cai-uthers. . . Jarris, Ernest Frederick .... LaUy, Conrad Whitley Stewart, William Charles E. Geddes, Alfred Forbes L Hailleue, George Alfred DufiP. Powell, Percy Brigham Jenkins, Frank Mamice S... Champagne, NapoMon Oliver, Thomas Mackey Ifercer, Francis Hubert F. . . Oiout, Francis Eric Sewell.. Anderson, George Clayton. . Present Rank. 3rd Class do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do &u do do do do do do do do do do do Clerk. Date. IJan. 74 23 May '82 1 May 76 1 May 76 1 May 75 1 May 76 1 May 76 IJuly 75 1 Oct. 76 lOct. 76 IJan. 77 25 Apr. 79 IJuly '80 1 Oct. '80 IJau. '81 1 Aug, '81 IJan. '82 IJuly '82 lApr. '82 lApr. '82 12 July '82 IJuly '82 IJuly '82 IJuIy '82 1 July '82 IJuly '82 IJuly '82 1 July '82 IJuly '82 1 July '82 IJuly '82 Present Salary. if cts. 1,000 00 1,000 00 950 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 950 00 Date of Birth. Date of First Ap- pointment. 3 Feb. '48 21 July '54 25 July '52 10 July '31 5 Nov. '33 30 Mar. '67 29 May '49 19 Sept. '23 16 Nov. "47 9 Jan. '32 1,000 00 J3 May '46 1,000 00 .30 May '46 800 00 20 May '56 750 00 19 Jan. '58 800 00 11 Aug. '63 750 00 19 Dec. '65 800 00 29 Oct. '63 800 00 17 Apr. '63 800 00 12 Dec. '61 800 00 16 Sept. 'C2 900 00 3 Oct. '57 750 00 13 July '64 800 00 25 ..'une '62 750 00 23 Feb. '62 700 00 12 July '63 700 00 6 July '59 700 00 4 May '61 700 00 1 Aug. '56 700 00 19 Aug. '07 800 00 11 June '66 800 00 1 Apr. '58 19 June 72 23 May '82 22 Aug. '73 23 Feb. '74 25 Feb. 74 24 Aug. '74 11 Sept. '74 lApr. '6» 7 Oct. '76 lOct. '76 15 Aug. '73 15 Dec. '7T 12 June '79 11 Sept. 79 17 Feb. '80 16 July '80 IJan. '81 4 Jan. '82 23 Mar. 81 23 Mar. '81 27 Jan. '80 22 June '81, 7 Sept. '81 1 Oct. '81 IJan. '82 23 Jan. '82 1 Mar. '82 24 Apr. '82 18 Apr. '82 1 June '82 1 June '82. 85 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— INSIDE SERVICE. Date of First Ap- pointment. 19 June 72 23 May '82 22 Aug. '73 23 Feb. '74- 25 Feb. '74 24 Aug. '7* 11 Sept. '74 lApr. '69 7 Oct. '76 lOct. '76 15 Aug. '73 15 Dec. 'IT 12 June '7» 11 Sept. 7& 17 Feb. '80 16 July '80 IJan. '81 4 Jan. '82 23 Mar. 81 23 Mar. '81 27 Jan. '80 22 June '81. 7 Sept. '81 1 Oct. '81 IJan. '82 23 Jan. '82 1 5Iar. '82 24 Apr. '82 18 Apr. '82 iJune '82 1 June '82 Name and P. 0. Address. Roy, TWoplule Wilson, Edward Visser, Thomas Egbert Lampman, Archibald, B. A. Roch'^ster, Francis King McGillivray, Ilugh Hauley, William Robert Wilson, William Thomas. . . . "Olivier, Joseph Lactancc . . . . Northrop, Bradbuiy Mills... Taylor, Ernest Luriugston . . . Lemieux, Fran^ois-Xavier. . . Mullin, Jeremiah Lcaroyd, Edwaid Long. Campbell, Herbert Sheridan. Bimul, Edmond Lucien Shaw, Henry Sodcu Wood, George Carleton Ainaborough, Thomas Hayes, Edwin Clay Hayes, George Hobart Brenot, Honore Alexandre. Alford, WiUiam Curtis, Nathan William. . . Pelton, Jamea Edward Breadner, Robert Walker. . Conroy, Joseph Matthew. . Robertson, Charles Itobert. fitfiveiisou, James S Prendergast, J^iiemio Jackson, John Anderaon . . Merrick, Kathleen Present Rank. 3rd Class do do do do do do do do do do do 8 I 1 Aug. 's& I '55 31 Mar. '88 •65 •59 '39 •26 14 May '88 10 Mar. '84 '60 27 Jan. '7» '47 22JUUI' '81 Mar. '45 23Ma^ '82 330 00 1 June '62 1 Jul> '86 330 00 23 Dec. '86 18 Feb. •87 500 00 14 Mar. '23 1 July •88 500 00 18 June '35 1 July •8S 500 00 30 May '40 1 July •83 500 00 13 May '45 1 July •85. 500 00 1 Nov. •30 1 July '88 500 00 9 Oct. •41 1 July 'SS 600 00 7 Jan. •44 1 July '8S 500 00 •60 1 July •8S 500 00 27 Oct. •40 1 July- '8.5 500 00 14 May •43 1 July •88 450 00 19 May •33 1 July •w 1 m M 1 m y m •i f^'f' 'r\. i ■■''}s >[■■" f \ * ■ -^ ^^H' ^^. ^'f V ■, 1 ■I.: ;(;■-,■>• mm ' Ti-ansferrcd from Ottawa Poet Oflicc. m M It I'O.ST OFFICE DEFAllTMKNT.— INSIDE SERVICE.— TORONTO. W Jg^l I' %'. Ah Name. Present Itaiik. Harier, Joseph , Bell, William James Wheatley, Ambrose Bradley, John Bell, John Cheney, Wm. Henry Cooch, Henry John Eehoe, Peter Lewis, Joseph Henry O'Neill, Allan John Pearce, William Jos. Henry, Packer and Sorter, do , do do do do do do do do do Date 17 June 23 June 21 Sept. 24 Mar. 21 Oct. 1 Oct. lOct. 1 Aug. 27 Sept. 1 Jan. 18 May '83 •83 '83 •84 '84 '85 '85 '86 •86 •88 '88 I'ri'sent Salary. $ cts. 500 GO 450 00 420 00 420 00 500 00 3ti0 00 360 00 330 00 330 00 300 00 300 00 Date of ISirth. 14 Feb. '50 28 July 'C8 17 Aug. '61 27 May '56 26 Apr. '46 29 May '58 5 June '62 29 Apr. '66 1 Jan. '56 8 Mar. '67 16 July '64 Dato of First Ai>- liointmi-nt. IJaii. '8U 28 June '83 10 Sept. '83 10 Mar. '84 19JuuR '72 lOct. "85 9 Mar. '85 lAng. '96 26 Scivt. '86 ' 5 July '87 25 Nov. 'm POST OFFICB DEPARTMENT.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Chief Inspeotob's Office. •Dewe, John Bennett, Wm. ErLiudson. , Maingy, Lcfeuvre Anstrather Payne, Alouzo Nathaniel. . Chief Inspector Assistant Inspector 1st Class Clerk 3rd Class Qerk 25 May '70 2,800 00 ; IMar. •87 1,250 00 1 .Ian. '82 1,400 00 1 Jan. •86 480 00 10 May '55 17 Nov. '47 15 Nov. '65 6 July '43 25 Nov. 71 15 Nov. 76 12 Oct. '8&> TonoNTo Divis'ON. Sweetnara, Matthew Buruhani, George Albert. . . . Oriffitli, William Edward . . . Guruett, George Thomas B . . Henry, Joliu Crocker, William Smallpiece, Henry William . . Sweetnam, George Booker. . , McKillop, John Harper, James Frederick. . . . Inspector Assistant Inspector . 1st Class Clerk 2nd Class Clerk do do . do 3rd Class Clerk Messenger Mail Transfer Agent • • • • • 13 June '57 6 July '80 1 Oct. '74 IJuly '79 1 Apr. '82 1 June '82 1 July 'S(i 19 Apr. '84 4 Jan. ^82 9 Aug. ^84 2,600 00 1,600 00 1,400 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,000 00 560 00 580 00 520 00 17 Oct. '31 18 Apr. '41 20 Nov. '36 27 Oct. '42 13 Jan. '54 15 Juno '53 6 Feb. '27 13 Mar. '63 28 Aug. '44 31 July '57 IJuIy '52 30 July "ei 11 Jan. '62 18 Oct. '75 13 Feb. '73 21 June '73 21 May •7» 7 Apr. '84 4 Jan. '82 9 Aug. 'S* • To be superannuated. H) ;>. POST OFFICK DErAliTMEN'r-OUTSID.": SKIJYICE. TouoNTo Div.iON— Contimu'd. "•j .'■ ■!'£.'•■ Name. Scholes, Adam Lawless, Matthew Sullivan, Michael Winstanley, diaries Jnmos II Saulter, Joseph McCormick, Tiioimis Kcnuett, John Othniel Eeatty, William Ashdown, William C T J iier, Fredprick Burns, George Ferrier Birchall, Thomas Shivers. . . Byrne, Lawrence Vincent. . Noble, William Egan, John Thompson, Andrew C«stello, Peter John McLeod, John Edmond. . . . Fiudlay, Alexander Bell, Charles Thomas Matthews, George Higgins, Fmnk O'Connor, . . Beatty, Alexander fioyle, Edwin Osmund Piatt, William Meredith . . . O'Connor, William Smith, William Buiton. . . . Little, James Griffin, Gilbert Wakefield. , Sewell, Langley O'Loane, John Thomas Present K»nk. Mail Transfer Agent. . . do do Chief Ry. Mail Clerk . . Ist Class Ry.Muil Clerk do do do do do do do do 2nd Class Ry. 11 ail Clerk do do do do .. do .. do do do do do do . . do do do do do do Date. 5 June 15 April 24 Feb. 1 July 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Mar. 1 May 1 Sept. ] Sept. 1 .Sept. 1 Oct. I July 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 1 July 1 April 1 July I July 9 ( )fit. 1 .fan. INov. 1 Jan. lOct. 1 Sept. 1 Feb. 1 Aug. 1 .Inly 1 Sept. 1 Jan. 1 July •85 '86 '87 '84 73 •73 '74 '75 '79 79 •79 •79 '84 •iS •73 '74 •76 •79 •79 •79 •78 •80 •81 •81 '81 '82 •82 •83 '81 '86 '85 Present Salaiy. Date of Birth. 9 ets 5.'.0 00 480 00 600 00 1,500 00 960 00 9C0 00 960 00 960 00 960 00 960 00 960 00 960 00 960 00 £30 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 720 00 800 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 800 00 720 00 17 Nov. '67 25 Mar. '49 16Mnr. '48 29 April '47 22 May '32 23 Miiy '23 14 May '31 14 Dec. '39 11 Nov. '23 29 Oct. '37 4 Aug. '35 27 Oct. '33 June '46 3 Jan. '52 20 Aug. '35 14 Aug. '30 9 July '39 3 June '54 10 Aug. '42 Oct. '42 17 June '45 24 Aug. '58 13 Oct. '57 12 May '60 8 Aug. '48 12 Nov. '38 31 Dec. '57 18 Sept. '45 21 Oct. '47 14 Mar. '50 23 Sept. '50 Date of First A|»- (tointmeut. 16 Sept. "80 16 April '86 10 Feb. 77 12 Nov. '67 16 Aug. '68 4 Sept. '65 24 June 'S4 19 Mar. '69 12 April '65 6 June '66 6 June '66 22Jau. '68 12 Oct. 71 7 Jan. '71 8 Aug. '68 IJuly 72 6 Jan. '74 1 April '7B 30 Oct. 76 2 June '79 lj, Jumcs CliU'kr, Francis Carlisle little, VVillium John fixitllii, William AlnUanl, John Thomas 8U>uu, Menitt Wallace Wiley, Wm. Edward Tiiouipson, Harris Parsons. . . i'litti'i-son, Thomas llcOill, Alexander. Jdcughtr, William Joseph.... Preaiiit Uwuk. 2nd('lat>HKy. Mail .'irdCInadHy.Miiil do do do do do do do do do Clerk Clerk Date. I Au-f- '«7 30 June '82 25 May '83 14 June '83 1 Jan. '85 19 Sept. '85 19 Sept. '85 2rt Sept. '85 1 July '80 26 Jan. '87 1 AprU '87 Pit'sent Siilnry. 9 cts. 720 OU 5«0 00 560 00 5(;0 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 Date of Uirtli. 24 Mar. 13 Mar. 29 Oct. 9 Feb. 20 May 13 Sept. 20 June 6 Sejrt. 24 Dec. 12 Aug. 29 July Date of Fiwt Aji pointment. '52 20 June '82 I '02 jl5July *81 •62 25 May '8.* '42 2 Oct. '78 IJan. '8ft 19 Sept. '86 19 Sept. '85 26 Sept. '85 ;iO Dec. '79 •61 '50 '65 '59 '50 '65 10 Fell. '86 '64 1 ipril '87 London Divimion. l*urker, Eobert William. Fisher, Charles Edward.. ^Rtunison, Andrew Bluii, WUliam .liattliews, Frederick William Mixner, 1 Robert Graham Hninpton, George Johnson, Josttph Inspector Assistant Inspector. Ist Class Clerk 2nd Class Clerk ... do .... 3rd Class Clerk do do ItcKenna, William Gordon . , McWhinnoy, Arthur Gordon, Piutlon, Percy , Wyun, John licdiiion, Basil Dunbar D. . . . Hittthcws, William Wright, Joshua Garrard Cnwdns, Hugh y^satix, Theodore James Messenger , ChiefBy. Mail Clerk .. Ist Class lly. Mail Clerk do do do do do do 25 May '70 1 June '81 1 Nov. •76 1 July '84 1 July '85 1 July '72 iNov. '77 16 Jan. '83 1 Sept. '87 1 July '86 1 July •57 1 July '57 1 July '57 lOct. '68. lOet. •69 1 Nov. •73 1 May •75 2,400 00 1,600 00 1,400 00 1,100 00 1,050 00 800 00 800 00 600 00 360 00 1,500 00 960 00 960 00 960 00 960 00 960 00 960 00 900 00 13 Jan. '39 13 April ^49 12 Jan. ^28 22 Dec. ^48 11 Oct. ^57 18 Oct. ^54 17 Nov. '46 1 Apiil ^54 5 June ^57 22 Dec. •S? 6 Sept. '27 5 Oct. ^31 19 July ^34 25 Sept. ^37 16 May '36 8 Feb, '37 18 Jan. '41 21 Nov. '67 10 Nov. '68 1 July '6ft 7 June '72 1 Aug. '75 13 Jan. '72 1 Nov. '77 il6Jan. '83 1 Sept. '87 23 Dee. '56 15 Mar. '64 1 Nov. '54 11 Nov. '58 15 Oct. '58 18 May '.'57 10 July '66 22 8cpt. '65 n roST OFFICK DEl'AUTMKNT.— OUTSIDK SKHVICK. IiONOoN DiviHioN— Continued. Iv ''* • (I Name. Pa'sent Rank. Date. 1 Present Salurv. Date of Hirtli. Date of Firnt A))- [KiHiliieiil. . ' J 9 ets. ,■■■'■ • ■■ jUitMiell, William IstCluHHlly. Mailflevk do do l.lnly '84 IJuly "84 ] July '86 OtiO 00 960 00 9C0 00 27 Dee. '51 7 May '47 17 July '48 24 0et. '70 IJMan. '72 7 Apr. '70 .,f»,, (,'•;'; VAlffa, William O' ^feRIH, Timothy Jnnics. . . . ■1 _ ,'■,'* Wright, Richard reuncfatlier 2nd Class Ry.MailCkrk lApr. '75 800 00 lOMiiy '64 21 ilar. '73- . . y Vlviiu. John do do 1 Apr. '76 1 Feb. '77 800 00 800 00 4 June '51 10 Apr. '32 4 Nov. '53 29 Dee. '7a 21 Sept. '74 '. ■■■ 'S. " JUlchcll, John i^lj •; V McJian.-n, James Williuui. . . . do 27 Mar. '78 800 00 2.SJnn. '73 Doylc, James Joseph do IJan. '80 800 00 13 .lime '62 16 Aug. 77 Tyo, William Daniel do do do IJuly '80 1 Aug. '81 I Nov. '81 800 00 720 00 720 00 6 0(1. •'>9 18 Apr. '57 29 Nov. '50 20 Oct. '77 10 Jan. '7» 20O.;t. 79 r-ouMUH, Walter "** ,; '''' Kugrrs, £dward O'Brien ■', ^a JElliott, James Lewis Goitlon. do 2 June '82 720 00 Sept. '42 12 June '»{> -■' Clttaiy, William Ambrose. . . . do IJan. '84 720 00 4 Mar. '47 12 Jan. 82 : *' ■ Fmov/, John Moses do IJuly '84 720 00 2 Dec. '61 1 .Tune '81 ■•-'■ . Onultrr, Archibald F do IJuly '84 720 00 OJan. '60 23 Mar. 'Sa JUtiLran, Duncan Jolin do IJuly '84 720 00 16 Aug. '63 23 Mar. '88 W Dawson, Joseph do do IJuly '84 1 Dec. '84 720 00 800 00 14 Jan. '64 lApr. '46 25 .lime '82 .•;''rt , . . Probat. 2nd Clii.s.s Bv. Mail Clerk. 3rd Class Ry. Mail Clerk do IJan. '88 1 Jan. '81 6 May '82 C40 00 560 00 560 00 31 May '48 Apr. '59 14 Feb. '62 1 Oet. '83 IJan. '81 21 Apr. '82 Arland, William Henry Nortliwootl, Alexander do 5 Nov. '83 520 00 25 Nov. '.'56 6 Nov. 'sa Sinclair, Coll McLean do 24 Nov. '83 520 00 13 Mar. '59 24 Nov. '83 Young, George William do 24 Nov. '83 520 00 24 Mar. '59 24 Nov. 'Sa McNeal, William Lewis do .. 21 Dec. '83 520 00 20 Oct. '63 21 Dec. '8a Crawford, Thos. Wm. Walker Foi, Charles Charles Jjno, Charles. ., do do do do 18 Sept. '85 26 Sept. '85 16 Aug. '86 1 Nov. '86 520 00 520 00 480 00 21 Apr. '06 27 Dec. '50 13Mur. '67 19 Sept. '85 26 Seiit. '85 16 Aug. '86 1 Kov. '86 mis, m Joluison, Robert William Stephenson. ^— 480 00 4 May '64 ]ff^.. 11 IMf i)2 Vom OKFICK DEl'AUTMENT.-OUTSIDE SERVICE. LoNuoN Division — Coucludnd. Ntiini!. 'O'Furi'i'll, John Jo8('|ih JIacVioar, Williiim Wallace Dugg, liiuluird Prusciit Itank. 3rd Clasiilty. Mail Ckrk 8 May '84 Dote. do . . |20 Sept. '85 Mail Transt'er Axont.... IJuly '84 Pivm-nt Salary. $ Ct8. 620 00 C20 00 660 00 Date of IMrtli. 13 Nov. '62 27 Nov. '67 18 July '34 Data or FiiBt A|>- poiutmeut. 8 Hay '84 26 Sept. "85 Id Jane '82 Dauuie Divihion. Spry, Duiiii'l ili.'iiili'i'soii, James Mosoi), Gt'orgo John Wnnl, .lames I'owell, John J3oj'8, Tlionias Ross AarriH, John McCarthy, Alexander Jljnies, Ptttri(!k Stokes, William Kelly, Mathew Eyre Mun-ay, Robert O'Connor, James Skelly, Edward Joseph. . . . Martin, Thomas Mason, Thomas Bennett, John Henry Dnnn, Tliomas Moloney, Michael Legate, James Cunningham, James David. . Atkins, Thomas James .. . Dully, Patrick Joseph Leadley, William fiwuu, William Henry . . . , Inspector Assistant InsiJC(!tor 2nd Class Clerk 3rdClfl«8 riork do do Messenger Chief Ry. MaU Clerk... 1st Class Ry. MuU Clerk do 2ud Class Ry. Mail Clerk do do .to do do do do do do 3rd Class Ky.MaU Clerk do do do do 26 May '76 14 Deo. '77 1 Sept. '76 1 July '81 1 July '82 1 July '85 13 Nov. '79 IJuly '76 1 Nov. '79 1 July '86 IJan. '73 IJan. '76 1 Feb. '81 1 J-'el). '81 1 Mar. '81 1 Atig. '81 1 Aug. '81 1 Nov. '81 I Aug. '82 1 Oct. '86 23 May '82 24 Nov. '83 24 Nov. '83 1 Dec. '84 1 Dec. '84 2,200 00 1,400 00 1,200 00 680 00 640 00 620 00 680 00 1,600 00 960 OO 880 00 800 00 800 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 560 00 520 00 560 00 520 00 620 00 29 Nov. 14 Jan. 20 Sept. 20 Aug. 10 Sept. 17 Mar. 14 Apr. 16 Dec. IMay 7 June 10 May 22 Sept. 24 Dec. 6 Jan. 26 Sept. 28 Sept. 1 June 14 Aug. 21 Oct. lOct. 4 May 29 Dec. 26 May 31 May 7 Feb. •85 •42 •30 •44 •45 '64 '26 '26 •30 '44 '42 •40 •42 •54 •41 •64 •67 '43 •57 •56 •62 •62 '60 •60 •68 19 Apr. *S4 16 Dec. '71 IFeb. '55 17 Apr. '80 8 Apr. "82 6 Apr. '85 13 Nov. '70 6 July '52 18 May '64 29 Deo. '80 10 Jan. '71 8 July '78 llJan. 79 11 Jan. '70 11 Jan. '79 28Junu '7» 28 Juno 'T^ 29 Oct. '7» 23 June 'm 10 Dec. '80 23 May '82 24 Not. '83 10 Doc. "78 IDeo. *84 IDec. '84 I'OST OKFKK l»KrAUTMENT-0(rT8II»K 8KHVICK. ItAllRIF, DiVIHION— Coiicludi'd. Name. Hartley, John McLean McKenzic, AUitn Charlus. . . . Prcsfut Riuik. I'lDh.SnlCl. I{y. M.C'k cl(.liwHlly.MiiiK'l.rk •lo tlo (lo do do Diiti" I'rcm'iit, Siiliiry. 1 Jan. '8(1 1 Oct. "SO 24 Nov. '81 31 D.'C. '84 1 Fell. '85 21 S.'i.t. '8.'; 13 July '86 IJuly '87 Ottawa Division. Fruncli, Thouius Patrick liis|H'ctor iMarsan, Godtroi AsHiNtiint InHimctor.. Lt'Sui'ur, Charles Phili]» ilnt Cli»8s Clerk Moloney, Daniel O'Connor, John Fruncis Brophy, William Martin .... •Carroll, Henry Dunne, Peter Burt Cocrliriine, AVilliaiu Cuthbert. Duggan , ConieliuB Thompson, James Donald . . . Gordon, Edward Burnliam, William Frederick Oonell, George Taylor Peden, Robert Chevrier, Joseph Alphonse . . Skelly , Denis Joseph Smith, Fredcriuk Howard.... Legendit!, Jeau-Baptiste Z... Lcclair, Adolphus 2nd Class Clerk do 3rd Cliws Clerk do do Probat. 3rd Class Clerk. Messenger 1st Class Ry. MaQ Clerk do do . do do Probat. Ist Class Ry. Mail Clerk, do do 2nd Clikss Ry. Mail Clerk do 15S«>pt. '73 H»ct. '87 IJan. '84 IJuly '84 1 Jidy '85 IJan. '7f. 23 May '82 1 July '87 1 Nov. '87 IJan. •8<( 1 Oct. '«W 1 Ajail '76 23 Jan. '82 1 Mar. '82 IJuly '84 1 Jan. '88 IJan. '88 IJuly '88 1 July '80 23 Jan. '82 f Cts. «t40 00 tiOO oo 6ni. 21 Aug. '83 12 Nov. 7» 24 Nov. "SI 31 Dec. '84 1 Kcl*. th 21 Sept. '85 13 July '8«t IJuly '87 2,400 00 1,200 00 1,500 00 1,100 00 l.C-TO 00 790 CO 760 00 440 00 4.10 00 420 00 SCO 00 960 00 960 00 960 00 960 00 8H0 00 960 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 .luly '26 10 Sept. '58 8 Dec. '47 22 Nov. '41 30 June '64 10 May '56 20 Feb. '37 20 June '64 1 Jan. '66 11. Ian. '68 29 Aug. '33 12 Aug. '33 28 July '44 24 Oct. '44 14 May '49 9 Aug. '40 11 Aug. '50 2 Dec. '69 2D..'c. '38 2 Feb. '40 17 Sept. '56 29D.M!. '79 1 Mar. 74 28 Mar. 'H 24 Nov. '74 IJan. '74 2 Juno '77 24 Deo. '85 31 Oct. '87 17 Juno '85 28 Jan. '67 6 June '66 17 Dec. '66 27 Dec. 73 5 Jan. '71 12 Feb. 7» 4 Mar. '85 2 Juno '84 23 Apifl '78 9 Mar. '77 . * I'OST (»KKICK DKI'AliTMKNT- OirrsIDK HKUVICK. (h lAUA DiviMiuN' (' linidl. 17 St^pt. '56 29D.!c. 79 I Mar. 74 28 Mar. •n 24 Nov. •74 1 Jan. '74 2 Juno •77 24 Dec. '85 ; 31 Oct. •87 17 Juno •86 \ 28 Jan. •57 ) 5 June •6« i 17 Due. •68 I 27 Dec. 7S ) 5 Jan. •71 ) 12 Feb. "19 a 4 Mar. '85 9 2 Juno •84 3 23 April •78 9Uar. •77 NlltIK', Pi'i'Mi'iit Uitiik. Aliiiiigy, Pliilii) Aiistiiitlu'r. . 4;illi'Hsii), JoHCph lirlllictt. .. . i'liinib, C'liiirli'N Mnc.ilonnlil, Ilriiiy Miu'doitiilil, Cliurli's Williiini. Elliott, Ni'lwm Framn IJrowiie, JoH. Heury I'utriik. Montgomery, Uolioii Houston, Stuwait GiiHs, Willitiui Ili'iiry Giillith, John Kngleson, John '. Nuviiiit, John JiiuK'H Lnlly, John Joscpli Ccburn, Aloxumli.T Hugh J. . HittheriuKton, JuHon E Skclly, Tho8. Joseph Muitin. Corcoran, Job a McLavcn, Robert Hayes, Edwiml Henry Catellier, George Armstrong, Ji}3ei)h Oinnl>l(> . . HoUings wort h , Siinnu' 1 Ly nii\n 2iiilCluM8Ry. MiiilClerk do do do do do do do I'rohiit. 2nd Claiw llv Mail Ch-rk. do :ird('l.iHHKy. MiiiK lerk do »• Cirth. 18 June '40 15 Aug. '61 9 Sept. '55 aooet. •s? 8 Sept. ^40 14 Jan. •GS 11 Mar. '«3 24 May '.". I 2 Mar. ^63 5 Xov. '50 8 July '29 12 May '60 6 Mar. '60 8 May '63 17 Nov. •62 29 Jau. •SO 25 Aug. •SO 17 Mar. "59 23 Jan. '65 23 May '63 24MiU'. '66 1 Sept. '5S 22 Sept. ^68 Dnt« <4 Kimt A|»- jiointnieitt. '26 (hit. '71 1 Sept. 78 23 May '82 1 Ont. '84 20 May •?» 13 Jau '80 5 Nov. '85 9 Fob. •»» 10 Jan. '84 9 Apr. 'W 22 Apr. '84 4 Dec. '84 1 Jau. '85 1 Jan. '85 1 Jan. *85 2 July "as 10 Sept. '85 22 Apr. '84 16 Aug. 'm 10 D(!c. '8« 13 Juno '85 18 Uct. '8S 16 Jan. 'SS Bellevillk Post Okfice. Meacham, James Hubbard. Duncan, ThomaH Gillen, Alfred Lazier, Samuel Wilmot . . . Walker, William Blaind . . Postmaster Probat. A.ssi8tant Post- master. Probat. 2nd Class Clerk 3rd Class Clerk do 1 July '88 1 July '88 1 July '88 27 June •84 IJuly •84 1,400 00 18 Nov. ^07 1,100 00 28 Mar. '61 900 00 560 00 560 00 10 May '69 25 Nov. '62 28 June '63 30 June '82 30 June '82 28 Juno '82 23 Nov. 'Sa 15 Jau. 84 t i.l , /. •, - I '■ . " '■ m POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Bbllevillj; Posr Office— Concluded. ';?[-*;>' I;;:li- 7!^-- )<■; Name. Present Rank. Date. Present Salary. Date of Birth. Date of Firat Ap- ])ointment. ITvwbery, iBabclla Mnry Embury, William James .... Lynch, John Joseph 3rd Class Cl.'vk do do 8 Sept. '84 1 Dec. '84 1 Dec. '85 $ cts. 520 00 620 00 480 00 14 Nov. '54 6 Apr. '56 17 Oct. '67 8 Sept. '84 25 Oct. '82 27 Nov. '84 IIamiltox Post On- ice. Case, Horatio Nelson Colbeck, Henry Eager, Heniy Abram Bums, Thomas Bull, George Harcourt .... Bees, George Crisp, Alfred Charles Mathews, John Sutherland.. Dnnnett, Edward Howard. . . Barber, Benjamin Franklin. . Ecclestone, William Robert. . Dinsse, Henry O'Donncll, Patrick Joseph.. , Fitzgerald, Robert Micliael.. Flynu, William Campbell, Donald Deuoon . . . Waterman, Walter Lincoln.. Hill, Harry Frederic Webber, John Albert Filgiano, Henry Edward J. . . Judd, Charles Beatty, Oliver lloiden, Joseph Ralph Mackay, Jane Emily Blanche MoCnlloch, John Oliver. . . Postmaster Assistant Postmaster. . . 1st Class Clerk Probat. 1st Class Cl.rk, 2nd Class Clerk do tlo 3rd Class Cleik do do do do do do . 75. 10 Oct. 75 7 May '77 3 May '79 13 May 7» 22 June '80 24Jau. '81 12 Apr. '81 24 Oct. '81 27 Mar. '82 19 Sept. '83 ONov. '83 11 Feb. '84 23 Dec. '84 10 Mnr. '85 9t POST OFFICE UEPARTMENT-OUTSIDE SERVICE. Hamilton Post Office— Continued. Name. HaiTon, Robert James Miller, Robert Pimons McGawley, William Patrick . Smith, Gertrude Dempeey, Jos. Heiiiy CuUoden Mnrphy, John Austin, Thomas Bernard S. . Core, John Foaniside, John Heniy Flooks, William George Coatea, Henry Mansfield. . . . Fielding, Charles Walter W. Wilson, Joseph Cbtrdner, John Stntton, Robert Angus, William Rennie, William Anstoy, Charles Dowrie, David Cook Dawe, William James, William Henry Frank, Emil North, John Webster Springate, George D&wsoo, Meredith Sevier, Edward Muudy, William Autipas . . . Strongman, William Lawrence, William Charters, James Hanlon, George Patrick 3rd Class Clerk do do do Probat. 3rd Class Clerk, Supt. Letter Carrier. . . . Letter Carrier d. Prestait Rank. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Date. 10 Mar. '84 l.luly '86 IJuly '86 16 Aug. '86 16 Aug. '86 1 April '75 10 May '75 10 May '75 10 May '75 10 May '75 20 Get. '75 3 Nov. '75 14 Nov. '76 17 Jan. '78 4. 1 Illy '78 20 Jan. '80 20 Mar. '80 3 Feb. '81 24 Aug. '81 28.)uiie '82 28,)uue '82 28 June '82 21 Sept. '83 4 Dec. '83 4 Dee. '83 7 Jan. '84 10 Mar. '84 lAug. '85 9 Nov. '85 26 Dec. '85 12 Mar. '87 Present Salary. $ cts. 520 00 480 00 480 00 440 CO 440 00 690 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 550 00 560 00 520 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 420 00 420 00 420 00 390 00 Date of Birth. 9 Dec. '65 5 April '48 24 June '64 24 April '61 30 Oct. '62 30 Nov. '58 15 Nov. '55 30 Nov. '32 18 Aug. '68 13 Sept. '32 25 Oct. '22 16 Oct. '56 11 Mar. '49 24 Dec. '30 25 Oct. '32 20 Sei)t. '51 11 Dec. '36 11 April '61 25 Oct. "56 7 April '63 5 Oct. '55 28 July '59 14 Sept. '53 20.1une '63 30 Aug. '37 21 Aug. '44 19 Nov. '52 25 Nov. '63 5 Jan. '50 21 May '59 6 April '62 Date of First Ap- pointment. 10 Mar. '85 1 Sept. '85 20 Aug. '85 16 Aug. '88 16 Aug. '8R lOMny '75 10 May '75 10 May '75 10 May '75 10 May '75 20 Oct. '75 3 Nov. '75 14 Nov. '76 17 Jan. '78 4 July '78 20 Jan. '80 20 Mar. '80- 3 Feb. '81 24 Aug. '81 28Jime '82 28 June '82 '28 June '82- 21 Sept. '83 29 Nov. '83 4 Dec. '83 31 Dec. '83 4 Mar. '84 lAug. '85 9 Nov. '85 24 Dec. '85 12 Mar. '87 J" . *■ I 06—1 •^ - r- * ' t mm M I 98 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.-OUTSIDK SERVICE. Hamilton Post Office— Contiludcil. Name. Present Rank. Date. Proseut Salary. Date of Birth. Date of First Ap- pointment. PhilliDs. John.. Letter Carrier 12 Mar. '87 12 Mar. '87 IJuly '87 IJuly '87 17 Sept. '87 1 Oct. '75 1 Sept. '86 $ cts. 390 00 390 00 390 00 390 00 300 00 600 00 390 00 6 Dec. '50 17 April '48 13 Aug. '57 17 Sept. '53 23 Jan. '67 15 Aug. '41 18 Juno '52 12 Mar. '87 do 12 Mar. '87 McDonald, Robert Munay... If uuii. William do 17 Mar. '87 do 18 June '87 Thomas. Alexander do 17 Sept. '87 1 Oct. '75 Walsh. David Messeng(!r Strous. James. ...•• • do 18 Aug. '8« Kingston Post Office. Shannon, James Eelly, John £uriis, Robert Taylor Smyth, William Stuart. . . . AIcBiide, James Pcuse, James Phillips. . . . . 3IcDouald, Frank D'Arcy, Robert Jamas Voore, Thomas O'Reilly, William James. . . 'Chamberlain, Allan John, . . Wells, William John Miller, Albert Henry Collins, John Lewers, Robert Howlaud, Patrick Joseph. . . Gilmour, Robert Keanis, Robert lleill, William Morrissey, John Postmaster 1st Class Clerk 2ud Class Clerk 3rd Class Clerk do do do do do do Probat. 3rd Class Clerk do Letter Carrier do d. do •lo do do Messenger. 6 Jan. '80 1 Mar. '82 IJuly '73 1 July '72 26 Dec. '78 lOct. '75 27 Mar. '75 19 April '84 12 Feb. '85 1 Feb. '86 1 Jan. '88 15 May '88 28 Dec. '78 1 Jan. '80 28 June '82 { 1 Dec. '84 14 Aug. '85 1 Feb. '86 IJuly '86 IJan. '88 2,000 00 1,400 00 1,200 00 800 00 7-20 00 800 00 800 00 560 00 .120 00 470 00 400 00 400 00 000 00 560 00 480 00 450 00 420 00 420 00 420 00 360 00 2 June '29 29 April '29 27 Nov. '36 11 June '64 23 May '61 31 Dec. '50 17 April '36 16 May '62 6De''. '56 24 Aug. '65 26 July '69 9 Nov. '53 12 Sept. '61 8 Dec. '47 26 Feb. '47 18 Oct. '65 8 June '40 11 Dec. '39 18 May '65 10 Aug. '67 6 Jan. '80 17 June '54 5 Dec. '63 11 Aug. 71 26 Dec. '78 20 Sept. '75 27 Mar. '75 19 April '84 12 Feb. '85 16 Oct. '82 27 Sept. 'as 16 May '88 28 Dec. '78 24 Mar. '79 28 June '82 IDec. '84 14 Aug. '85 24 Dec. '85 16 April '85 IJan. '88 99 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. loNDON Post Ofpiob. Date of First Ap- pointment. 12 Mar. '87 12 Mar. '87 17 Mar. '87 18 June '87 17 Sept. '87 lOct. '76 l»Aiig. '88 6 Jan. '80 17 June '54 5 Dec. '63 11 Aug. 71 26 Dec. '78 * 20 Sept. '75 27 Mar. '75 19 April '84 12 Feb. '85 16 Oct. '82 27 Sept. '86 15 May '88 28 Dec. '78 24 Mar. '78 28 June '82 IDec. '84 14 Aug. '85 24 Dec. '85 15 April '85 IJan. '88 Niiuie. Pro.siULt Rank. Dawson, Richard Joseph C. Sharraaii, Jolui Deuis Hunter, John Matthews, Richard Fitzgerald Hcvey, Christopher Ward, John Ashton, Alfred Edwin Shnnly, Charles James N. . McNeil, Neil Lawless, Lawrence Wheeler, Frederick Charles. . Nicholls, William Skinner, William Henry. . . . O'Meara, John Murray, James Patrick Canother, Arthur Deviuney, Francis Joseph... Peixiival, James Henry KUiott, George Evans Haystcad, Martin Kennedy, John Deuahy, John Beattie, John Nasmyth Hilton, George Screaton, John Alexander. . . Evans, Goodison Short, William Stephen Ward, Joseph BiiTuingham, Frederick W . , Burns, William Patrick Breunan, Thomas Postmaster Asst. Postma3t<;r •2nd Class Clerk do do 3rd Class Clerk do do do do do do , do , do , do do , do , do Probat. 3rd Class Clerk Siipt. Letter Carrier. . Letter Carrier do Date. do do do do do do do do do IJune '81 1 June '81 IJuly '79 IJuly '79 30 Sept. '84 7 June 72 3 June '74 13 Jan. 72 1 Apr. '78 26 Apr. '79 11 May '81 IJuly '81 8 Aug. '81 3 Apr. '82 26 Sept. '83 1 Jan. '84 27 Sept. '84 IJuly '85 12 Apr. '88 2 Oct. '84 19 Apr. '76 19 Apr. '76 19 Apr. '76 19 Apr. '76 6 May '77 1 Sept. '77 1 Feb. '80 8 Feb. '80 IFeb. '81 12 May '81 26 June '82 Present Salary. i cts 2,200 00 1,600 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,050 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 720 00 640 00 720 00 640 00 640 00 560 00 560 00 520 00 520 00 400 00 760 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 590 00 560 00 520 00 510 00 480 00 Date of Birth. 3 Oct. 29 Dec. 19 Oct. 1 Nov. 29 Sept. 7 Oct. 15 Dec. 20 Dec. 20 Oct. 4 Sept. 7 Sept. 4 Mar. 4 Nov. 22 Dec. 11 May 17 Apr. 24 Oct. 14 Mar. 29 Oct. 9 Aug. 25 Dec. 24 June 4 Jan. 21 Oct. 20 Sept. 12 June 20 Aug. '35 '32 '25 '32 '55 '54 '38 '19 '49 '47 '55 '52 '60 '64 Date of First Ap- pointment. IJuly '55 I Feb. '59 8 Aug. '66 26 Dec. '66 26 Feb. '80 7 June '72 S.lune '74 13 Jan. '72 1 Apr '78 26 May '79 11 May '81 13 June '79 8 Aug. '81 6 Feb. '82 26 Sept. '83 II Apr. '82 '59 ; 1 Sept. '84 '63 I 1 July '85 '66 il2Apr. '88 '59 '53 '49 3 Feb. '80 19 Apr. '76 '29 19 Apr. '76 •36 '55 '49 '63 '46 '68 '56 '54 18 Nov. 9 Jan. 6 Dec. 23 Nov. '62 i26June '82 19 Apr. '76 19 Apr. '76 6 Mar. '77 1 Sept. '77 1 Feb. '80 3 Feb. '80 1 Feb. '81 12Mav '81 r *i' .■(•■ it !>'■ if-i^ ■Y'€ ... ... '■ ■■,!■ i>;'" ■■•*■;■! 06 --ii ,e^|..:v-;:l| 100 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. London Post Office.— Concluded. 3: -'■ m^ Nami-. Phillips, Percy Wilson, John, Jr Fhair, Thomas P<«tey, Francis Walsh, Robert Maitlaud, Malcolm John. . Cashing, John Soathcott, William Frederick Gushing, James Josepli Nicholson, James Hiscott, William Charles. . . . Wood, Joseph Reed, Charles Cooper Pate, William Robert Wright, Richard McNeil, Robert O'Meant, Martin Present Rank. Letter Carrier, do Date. do do do do do do do do do do do do Box Collector., do Messenger ... 26 June 26 June 26 June 26 June 21 Sept. 2 May 9 Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Apr. 1 July IJuly 1 July IJuly 1 May 3 Feb. 1 Sept. 1 Apr. •82 •82 •82 '82 •83 '84 '84 •84 •85 '85 •86 '87 •87 •88 •80 •87 '66 Present Salary. 9 cts. 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 450 00 450 00 450 00 420 00 420 00 390 00 390 00 360 00 560 00 580 00 600 00 Date of Birth. 17 Apr. 6 Jlay 10 Nov. 29 Oct. 27 Mar. 17 Nov. 13 Apr. 9 Feb. 21 Dec. 20 July 29 Dec. 1 Nov. 10 May 19 June 7 Sept. 15 Mar. 2 Dec. •57 '54 '57 '58 '58 '62 '62 '60 '54 '55 '66 •64 •53 •57 '32 '45 '36 Date of First Aj>- pointment. 26 .Tune '82 26 June '82 26 June '82 26 June '82 26 July '83 29 Mar. '84 2 June '84 1 Sept. '84 1 Apr. '85 IJuly '85 12 Oct. '86 18 Jan. '87 IJune '87 1 May •SS 3 Feb. '80 15 Feb. •80' j 1 Apr. '66 Ottawa Post Office. Ctouin, James Alfred Hawken, Frank. French, Fleming Bates, Edward Bruce O'Connor, Edward John .... Shaw, Charles Pbnnock, William Henry. . . . Whitty, Moses. Mercer, William Otterbum..! '"Smith, Albert Alexander. . O'Neill, Hugh Postmaster..... 3Feb. '85 Assistant Postmaster. . . 20 Feb. '73 1st Class Clerk 2nd Class Clerk , do do ,,. do do do SrdChkss Clerk, do 1 Nov. '82 IJan. '78 IJuIy '79 IJan. '82 IJuly '72 1 Aug. ^87 IJuly ^87 26 Apr. '73 30 Apr. ^74 2,400 00 1,900 00 1,400 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,050 00 950 00 960 00 800 00 .800 00 19 Mar. '35 4 Nov. '47 8 Nov. '39 12 Sept. '49 18 Nov. '40 18 Oct. '29 29 Nov. '59 15 Dec. '65 30 Nov. '66 25 May '67 12 Aug. '57 3 Feb. • IJuly ' 1 Apr. • IJuly '( 16 Mar. ' 14 Feb. " 30 June ' lAug. ' 7 June ' 26 Apr. ' 13 Apr. ' '86 '67 •68 '67 '70 '70 '71 '76 '72 '73 '74 ■ »:■" , Resigned. Ml Date pf First Ap- [)ointinent. 6 June 82 6 June ' 82 6 June '82 .6 June •82 26 July •83 29 Mar. •84 2 June '84 1 Sept. '84 1 Apr. '85 1 July •8& 12 Oct. •85 18 Jnn. •87 1 June ■87 IMay •8S 3 Fel>. •80 15 Feb. '80- 1 Apr. •66 3 Feb. '85 IJuly '67 1 Apr. '68 1 July •67 16 Mar. '70 14 Feb. '70 30 June '71 1 Aug '76 7 June •72 26 Apr. '73 13 Apr. '74 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Ottawa Post Office — Continued. Name Bartlett, Johu Henty Landriau, £ug6ne Poole, Harry Bradbuiy, Samud JoNcph.... Yorke, Alexander Chuviier, Eugene Louis McQuBfiU, George Robert. . . . Ganvtt, Loiiox Gallup, Asa Henry Noel, Louis Elizd. Matthewman, Ernest H Myers, Frederick Louis Binks, James Trivet FarreU, Marie Louise Philippe BfiU, Basil Herbert ....... Allen, Francis George Wills, George Washington. Parent, Victor Amedu Chevrier, Louisa Desloges. Darciey, Mary Cecily Patrick, Maiy Bangs, William Albert. .. . Coughliu, Mary Ann Warwicker, Frederick Spurge Brown, John Laruo, Pliilias Dolan, Michael Robert, Pierre Dupuis, Adolphe George, Frederick Cuddic, Thomas Present liank. 8rd Class Clerk do do ; do do do do do do do do do ...... do do do do do Probat. 3rd Class Clerk. do do do do do Supt. Letter Carrier . Letter Carrier do do do do do do Date. 7 Oct. '78 4 Jan. '82 12. Tan. ^82 18 Fell. '82 27 Feb. '82 6 Feb. '83 22 Feb. '83 20 May '84 24 Nov. '83 15 Feb. '84 24 Mar. '84 6 Sept! '84 lAug. '86 11 Sept. '86 16 Jan. '87 lOct. '86 IJiUy '87 iJuly '87 1 Oct. '87 IJan. 'S8 IJan. '83 1 April '88 IJuly '88 18 Nov. '80 8 Nov. '80 15 July '74 10 July '76 17 July '76 3 June '78 7 Oct. '78 9 June '80 Present Salary. $ cts. 760 00 640 00 800 00 640 00 800 00 600 00 600 00 620 00 560 00 560 00 560 00 520 00 440 00 440 00 440 00 440*00 440 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 800 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 550 00 Date of Birth. Date of First Ap- pointment. 9 Aug. '36 20 April '63 17 April '53 11 Aug. '64 24 June '53 16 Jan. '60 16 Dec. '58 21 Mar. '62 27 Mar. '66 80 April '63 8 Oct. '64 9 Aug. '66 27 July '50 15 June '68 14 Mar. '65 27 April '56 30 Oct. '53 31 May '61 80 April '52 13 Dec. '65 26 Mar. '46 22 Nov. '62 28 May '48 18 May '46 8 April '37 25 Mar. '63 24 June '39 25 Oct. '55 5 Sept. '44 6 Feb. '52 28 July '56 7 Oct. '78 4 Jan. '82 26 April '76 18 Feb. '82 27 Fob. '82 6 Feb. '8S 22 Feb. '83 20 May '84 24 Nov. '83 24 Jan. '84 6 Mar. '84 19 Aug. '84 20 July '88 11 Sept. '8« 15 Jan. '87 30 Sept. '86 31 Jan. '87 26 Jan. '87 12 Sept. '87 13 Mar. '86 21 Jan. '87 3 Feb. '88 $> April '88 19 April '75 Oct. '51 21 Nov. '73 lOTuly '76 17Jiay '76 3 Juno '78 7 Oct. '78 10 May. '80 ..:■' . '■■-.r S:-; ■^1- ]':' k. iv- ■, • 102 rOST OFFICK DEI'AUTMENT-OUTSIDE SERVICE. On-AWA PoBT Okfiok — Concluded. Name. Lamb, Williani Egan, MiclmclJamcs •Lai-ue, Joseph Naiwlcon. . , , BMard, Joseph Theodule. . . . Fagan, Michael Marion, Nclaon Duggnn, Hugh Henry Edwards, Edward Thomas.. . Fair, Robert William Muii)hy, William Hcniy. . . . Gironx, Francois Xavier Noel, Joseph Octave Fair, James John Bell, John Clifford Cooch, Charles Chaiuberliun, Howard I>are°y, William CkMdwin, William Duggan, Henry *.. Pirric, Thomas Alexander. . . Present Rank. Letter Carrier. do do do do do do do do do do do du do do do Box Collector. , do Messenger.... do Date. IJau. '82 29 Jan. '82 21 Sept. '83 IJan. '84 15 Feb. '84 6 Sept. '84 IDec. '84 lOct. '85 IJan. '86 IJuly '86 IJuly '87 IJuly '87 IJuly '87 1 Jan. '88 1 April '88 IJuly '88 4 Jan. '75 26 Jan. '76 16 April '75 IJuly '86 Present Salary. 9 cts. 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 450 00 450 00 420 00 420 00 420 00 390 00 390 00 390 00 3C0 00 860 00 360 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 420 00 Pnto of Birtli. 22 Nov. '58 23 Dec. '62 24 Oct. '64 16 Oct. '64 29 Sept. '63 2CJune '64 16 Aug. '63 15 Dec. '61 22 Jan. '63 14 April '50 14 Sept. '56 22 May '55 21 Nov. '65 le Sept. '73 11 May "61 28 May '64 19 Nov. '39 24 April '47 16 Mar. '38 1 May '54 Date of First Ap- pointment. 1 Dee. '81 19 Dec. '81 21 Mar. '83 1 Dec. '83 11 Feb. '84 lAug. '84 31 Oct. '84 7 July '85 IJan. '88 14 Oct. '85 26 Jan. '87 31 Jan. '87 3 Feb. '87 2 Feb. '87 4 Feb. '88 18 April '88 4 Jan. '75 8 Jan. '76 16 April '75 24 Sept. '85 Toronto Post Office. Patteson, Thomas Chas., B.A Carruthers, John Davis, John Henry Coo{)cr, Alfred Moerschfelder, Jacob Thompson, Archibald Graham Kiddell, Robert William . . Postmaster Assistant PoHtma.ster. 1st Class Clerk do do do do Harstonc, Archibald |2ud Class Clerk, 12 Feb. '79 IFeb. '74 IJan. '71 IFeb. '75 IFeb. '75 IJan. '86 IJuly '86 IJan, '73 3,000 00 Oct. '36 12 Feb. '79 7 May '62 7 May '62. 14 May '34 ill June '56- 28 Feb. '46 13 Jan. '69 2,000 00 12 Nov. '31 1,400 00 18 .hiiic '31 1,200 00 1,600 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 .1,200 00 16 Aug. '63 24,l!iii. '54 '30 12 Feb. '74 10 Feb. '7* 30 Mar. '69 ' Since deceased. 103 ;: ^/ \\ POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. TcHiONTO Post Oki-ick — Continued. 1 Date of First Ap- poiutmont. 1 Dec. '81 19 Dec. '81 21 Mar. '83 1 Dec. '83 11 Feb. '84 lAug. '84 31 Oct. '84 7 July '85 IJan. '88 14 Oct. '85 26 Jan. '87 31 Jan. '87 3 Feb. '87 2 Feb. '87 4 Feb. '88 I 18 April '88 ) 4 Jan. '75 ! 8 Jan. '75 ? 16 April '76 i 24 Sept. '85 6 12 Feb. '79 1 7 May •62 1 7 May '52. 4 11 June '55 6 13 Jan. •69 3 12 Feb. '74 4 10 Feb. '7» iO 30 Mar. •59 Name. Present liank. Date. Falkincr, Henry Frederick. .'2nd C'las-s Clerk., Louden, William do AnoHtrong, Bartliolomew M. du Monaghan, John do Laugky, Benjamin do Bas<«ia, Benjamin | do Cbadd, Richard Edwin | do Ikatty, Alexander I do I liasiwrd, Rieliard I do UidtUeton, Alexander T. !M..j do Hm^pherson, William I do I Gonnan, James Alphonse.... 3rd Class Clerk Curran, Alfred Douglas, William Henry. . Duubar, John Allen, Henry Sherrard. . . , CaUaghan, James Scott, John Hugh Boulter, Henry Bonnick, William Thompson, Robert Ayruong, Roch Amyot . . . , Thomas, George Arthur .. . Hynes, Michael Edward . , Wnght, Joseph , Xewell, William John. . . , Frasor, Joseph Robert., . . AikiuB, James Bcifttty, Albert Edward. . . , Lemon, William Edward. , Graudiield, James do 4o do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d» d« do 1 Jan. IJuly 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July I 1 July 1 July 16 Apr. 16 Apr. 7 Oct. 29 Dec. 1 Jan. 1 Aug. ] JiVU. 11 Jan. 20 Nov. 1 Sept. 9 Oct. 23 Oct. 8 S.^pt. 29 Nov. 27 Dec. 3 Apr. 3 Apr. 23 Muy 6 Ajir. 1 July '75 '79 •79 •79 •79 '79 •79 '84 •84 Present Salary. 9 cts. 1.200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 •85 1 1,0.10 00 '80 ■74 •74 '74 '74 '75 '75 •82 '82 '76 '79 '79 '79 '80 •81 '81 '82 '82 '82 '83 'Si 1,000 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 720 00 t>80 00 640 00 040 00 640 00 640 00 640 00 640 00 640 00 600 00 600 00 Date of Birth. 13 Jnr 4 Dec. 11 Mar. 15 Apr. 31 Jan. 17 Jan. 31 Dec. 24 July 15 Mar. 17 Aug. 17 Oct. 6 Mar. 14 Sept. 24 Aug. 23 Dec. 25 Jan. 15 Nov. 13 July 29 Jan. 29 Nov. IC Mar. 26 Aug. 2 Apr. 20 Sept. 14 Jan. 29 Sept. 22 Mar. 5 Apr. 9 Jan. 11 Aug. 1 Sept. 34 •36 '49 '30 '35 '53 '44 '42 '58 '53 J' 4 Date of First Aj). pointmcnt. 20 Mar. '6» 12 Nov. '6« 5 Nov. '67 12 Nov. '67 22 Dec. '67 13 Jan. '72 29 Oct. '72 6 Dec. '69 2 Jnnc '79 7 June '71 I '48 10 Feb. •73- '49 16 Apr. '74 '57 16 Apr. '7* '51 7 Oct. 74 '48 29 Dec. '74 IJan. '76- lAug. '75 IJaii. '82 11 Jan. '82 '52 20 Nov. '76 '59 13 Dec. '78 '63 9 Oct. '79 '55 23 Oct. '79 '56 '37 '49 •37 I •62 j 8 Sept. •8a 29 Nov. '81 26 Dec. '81 3 Apr. '82 •63 •64 •62 '61 '54 '63 '61 12 Aug. '81 23 May ^82 12 Sept. '82 6 Oct. '82 ^ J ^1 »'' !■ '^•A . ♦■»' ^ *^,^ * ■' A •*^ '■i'4 .■'.> J 1 p '1 * " \ 3^' tfi \- '•!' \ * * i V »1 ■f?M ;A-,.! ;■/ ■ 104 ;:fv I'OST OFFICE DEPAHTMENT.— OUTSIOK 8EUV1CK. TonoNTo Post Okkice.— Coiitiiniiid. i-r Nnmo. Kirk^Mitrick, John Alcxiiudcr Itaodonald, Muidoch Boyd, Mossom Pridliitiu, Kichard Alfrcil. . . . Biddlu, William Mclutyre, Archibald Rutbcrt'ord, James Fridhiim, Kiihard fioddy, James Somervillo. . . . Smith, Charles Edmuud .... Durhiim, Robert Francis .... Dwyer, Hemy Alexander — firiggs, James Robert Sparks, Walter Spencer, Edward Uynes, WiUinm Albert QUI, Thomas Whiteside, Jumes Arthur . . . Stoddart, James Watkins, John Lloyd Huggnrd, John Milligau, Wm. George McCiigue, Wm. Andrew. . . . , Hcrst, Samuel Westuian, Eldon Booth, George Andi'i sou, John Pollock, George Lockyer, Douglas Sparks, Robert S Saulter, Louis Joseph Present Rank. .3rd Class do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Clerk. Date Present Salary. IJuly 4 Sept. 4 Sept. 21 Sept. 21 Sejrf. 21 Sept. 21 S«!pt. 1 Jon. 1 Jan. 19 Apr. 22 Apr. 22 Apr. 30 Apr. 30 .\pr. 1 July 21 Oct. 1 Feb. 4 June I July IJuly 1 Aug. 21 Sept. 1 Oct. 12 Mot. 25 May IJuly 1 July IJuly 16 Aug. lOct. 1 Oct. •83 '83 •83 '83 •83 '83 '83 '72 •84 •84 •84 •84 •84 ! '84 •84 •34 •85 •86 •85 '85 •85 '85 '85 '86 •86 '80 '86 •86 •86 •86 •86 f ets. 600 00 560 00 560 00 660 00 660 00 790 00 660 00 800 00 560 00 560 00 660 00 560 00 660 00 660 00 660 00 620 00 620 00 520 00 720 00 720 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 440 00 600 00 Dato of llirth. 16 July 3 Oct. 28 May 21 Oct. 12 July 7 May 5 Feb. 27 Aug. 19 .May 8 Dec. 17 Apr. 21 Sept. 26 Feb. 8 Apr. 3 Dec. 4 July 11 Nov. 6 Dec. 29 Jan. 29 July 24 Se])t. 1 Apr. 7 Feb. 26 Nov. 2 Aug. 12 July •64 ■66 •63 '64 •60 •50 •62 •36 '63 •63 '63 •64 '47 •63 •63 •66 •56 '66 •48 •31 •63 •63 Date of First Ap- imintmvi.t. 19 Feb. '83 30 Aug. '83 1 Sept. 'SU 18 Apr. "83 4 June '83 8 Oct. 76 21 Sept. •as IJan. '72 16 July '83 19 Apr. '81 11 Sept. '8a 11 July 'M 4 June '83 12 Dec. '83 30 Apr. '84 21 Oct. '84 8 Feb. '81 4Jnn» '85 9 Aug. '7« 17 Dec. 74 29 July '85 22 Aug. '85 '60 I 1 (Jot. '«6 '56 '66 '63 12 Mar. '«« 25 my '86 27 May '84 500 00 8 Feb. '64 4 June '83 600 00 17 Oct. '64 6 June '8.4 440 00 16 May •68 16 Aug. 'H9 500 00 2 Dec. '69 10 Feb. '8» 440 00 30 July •66 lOut. 'm lOft POST OFFICE DKl'AUTMKNT— OUTSIDE SKIiVirK. TouoNTo I'oHT OrriCK— Continued. /• Nnmo. Pre8cnt Rnnk. Date McCiuidlcBs, John 3rd Class Clerk CiinnifT, William Hamilton. . do IMartin, Aloxauder Syiliioy .. Proby. 3rd Class C'loviv. 3>d Class Clerk do Proby. .'JrdClnsH Clork. 3rd Class Clork Letter Carrier do (•ould, Thomas Dearie Jainrs, Clarksou Wiglitman < 'nitc, Arthur Edward (ialbmith, John Foster, William J Vkham, Alfred ISeevcs, Charles Kenny, William. Barnes, James Coffey, Michael Curlcy, Thomas Weathorbee, Joseph Howe . Yates, Georgt! Williams, Joseph Stewart, John Sargent, William Patrick. . . Moore, Charles Northwood . Culross, Charles , Cuthbertsou, James EadcliiliB Murphy, Edward Beale, Thomas Marks, John Crawford, John Bemey, Tliomas Ho 600 00 600 OO 600 00 600 00 600 e heuvick. ToKONTo I'r»sT OrricK — ContiniKid. V ' ■ pi.'' >' m Kanie. XimluT, 'William UurdiiKir, Iticlmrd liei-chir . . Vlni'k, David, juii Dai-Rton, Itol)crt JVifry, William Stewart JmkNua, Albert Calvin W. . . liMidoii, liolx-rt Kirkmtrick, Kob^rt Kraiiedy, ('harl(>8, WatMin, John B'twitU, Byron liandolpli. . . . Moulow.s, Alfifd Henry Kirk, Fn-dorick Swnit, Charlrs Edwai^l IxiigRtoift, William Heni-y. , WwKlcodk, William Robt^rt. . Kcid. 8awui'l , Bayeo(;k, Thomas ritttt, William James McKenzic, Alexaudi-r Kiiig, Huniy Thomas Atkinson, Henry Rowland . Smith, Thomas llankey, William Jennings. "W«!ir, Robert Jtcid, John lleXair, William Cameron . fimith, Theophilus Kills, George Meadows, Edwin Butler, John I'reseut iiuiik. Letter Currier., do do do do do do do do do |M), James Alexander Tyncr, William K5 25 Aug. '57 20 Mar. '71 About '62 17 Mar. '62 18 Oct. '51 24 Jan. '40 17 D.C. '34 4 Apr. '84 19 Jan. '85 17 Dec. '84 8 Oct. '86 3 Aug. '81 23 Jan. '86 12 Feb. ^86 13 Ft!.. ^86 17 July '85 10 Apr. •as 11 May '8(i 22 May ^86 10 Aug. '86 22 Oct. •Stf 15 Oct. '86 11 Feb. •sr 13 Apr. •S? 9 July '87 5 Sept. ^87 21.Tuly "87 3 Aug. ^87 4 Aug. ^87 1 July '88 1 July '88 IJuly '88 5Ai.r. ^78 14 Oct. '80 27 Dec. '81 22 l>oc. '7» I'M ■M^ •>,',j ■0ln B , M ; 1 f^ 'i I' ) lt)3 ro.ST OKFICK nKrAUTMENT.-OUTSIDB 8KHVICK. WlNKHOll ToMT OrvuK. Nituie. I'ri'nent Rank. Date. • Pn-nent Salary. Date of Itirtli. Date of First Ap- pointment. ■VViglc, All'ivd I'oHtmnHter 18 Sept. '80 18 .Sept. '80 1 July •»& 18 Sej.t. '80 18 Sept. 'SO 18 Sept. '80 12 Apr. '81 30 Juno '82 4 June '83 13 June '83 1 July '83 IJuly '85 1 July '88 28 June '82 28 June 'S'^ $ (U. 1,400 00 1,100 00 1,060 00 800 00 040 00 040 00 040 00 040 00 000 00 tm 00 620 00 .'.20 00 too 00 480 00 4t0 00 28 July '48 6.\pr. '40 27 Oct. '68 17 July '46 1 Oct. '49 8 June '67 28 July '60 3 Mar. '66 A)H>ut '61 2 Nov. '60 18 May '63 9 Mar. '02 22 Feb. 'HO 16 Mar. '28 29 Dec. '64 18 Sept. '80 18 Sept. '80 18 Sept. '80 18 Sept. '80 18 Sept. '80 18 Sept. 'M 12 Apr. '81 30 June 'flS llelocho, Franf niH Xnvior. . . . Conuiiy, William AlplinnsuH. 0'C 15 Nov. '75 1 Sept. '87 17 Mar. '«» •26 ill Juno 'M 35 26 Mar. '61 •40 •43 21 Nov. 'M 16 Aug. '06 lot i'(KST OKKICK DKPAItTMKNT-OlTftlDK SKIIVKK. Mo.NTitr.Ai, Division- I 'uiitinni'd. Name. I'n'Ni-iit Itiiiik. liitchapcllo, Aliihonm- MitliC'Uan, Norniuii Soinrrvillo, Amlii'W Aiitlcraoii, JaC'ili D '\v !'t.. .. Ih'iltty, CliiiMtopInr Cli ui ^.. Fainnan, ^^mii ' . , riiiiiri > 11, Hrai-y Eili jque, Louis Vigcr, Joseph Labruchc O'Kogan, Williaui Henry. . . . Crorier, Louis Ciilcstin Anniitrong, Artimr Dcwar, Ouy Riehards Hall, John Puasloy FroBt, Daniel Taylor Mackenzie, James Edward. . . 0 00 960 00 9U0 00 9(10 00 960 00 960 00 960 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 650 00 13 Nov. I' 'line ao .\ 1 Sept. '86 lOet. '86 6 Sept. '84 1 Sept. '87 Present Salary. $ cts, 720 00 3 1 .hdy 21 Oct. 28 May 22 Apr. 20 Dec. iDec. 17 May I 27 Jan. 29 Aug. 25 July 4 Mar. 28 Oct. '58 '50 '55 '55 '59 '55 '61 •50 •55 '58 •61 •66 Date of First A|>- pointmcnt. 30 Oct. '80 17 June '84 20 Mar. '83 1 Apr. '75 IJuly '84 22 liar. '80 28 Feb. '81 31 Mar. '85 19 Sept. '85 1 Sept. '86 lOct. '86 1 Apr. '84 1 S«!pt. '87 Quebec Division. Insiwctor -Vsst. Insjicctor 2nd Class Clerk do 3rd Class Clerk , do do Probat. 3rd Class Clt;rk. do iVcting Chief Ry. Mail Clerk. 1st ClassRy. Mail Clerk do 2)1(1 Cla.ssRy. Mail Clerk Probat. Ist Class Ry. MaU Clerk, do 1 July 8 Feb. 1 Jan. 1 Apr. 20 Sept. 23 May 2 Mar. 1 Oct. 1 July 1 Jan. 1 Oct. 1 Sept. 1 Jan. IJuly i July '87 '79 '73 '82 '75 '82 '85 '87 '88 '88 •79 •80 '87 •88 •88 2,000 00 1,400 00 1,200 00 1,2(10 00 800 00 800 00 520 00 400 00 400 00 1,500 00 960 00 960 00 900 00 960 00 960 00 27 Nov. '68 25 Jan. '32 6 Sept. '30 23 May '45 2StAug. '48 29.Tuly '54 19 Apr. '67 9 Feb. •e? 11 May •60 17 Aug. '40 26 May '21 6 May '32 10 Sept. ;'52 4. Tune '43 8 Oct. '46 31 May '79 25 Jan. '61 30 Jan. '62 IJuly '70 20 Sept. '75 16 Apr. 75 2 Mar. '85 I 1 Oct. '85 18 Apr. '88 1 Nov. '67 30 May '67 7 Aug. '67 8 Oct. 75 30 May 71 7 June '71 iff;. Ill 30 Oct. '80 POST OFFICE DEPAUTMENT.-OUTSIDK .SEliVlCE. QuiBKc Division— Concluded. _. ' . . . _. __« Name. Present Bank. Dat^^ I'l'cscllt. Salary. Date of Birth. Date of First Ap- poiotmeiit. § CtK KloiKk'au, Doiiat Seveiin, . . . 2nd Class Ry.JI ail Clerk IFeb. 74 SOO 00 20 May '48 25 Nov. '71 GarnciiU, Louis Hoiioiv do 1 Nov. 74 800 (10 14 June '47 29 Oct. '72 I'agenu, Joseph Octave do 1 Oct. 75 SOO 00 28 Dec. '37 6 Sept. '75 I'ourgot, Rigobcrt Godmiquo. do 1 Nov. 75 800 (lO 27 Oct. '48 7 AprU 7» Jioj', Joseph Etieinie do 1 Oct. 77 SOO 00 13 Feb. '38 8 Oct. '75 Fiirois, Joseph Ltger do l.luly 79 8(10 2 12 Dec. 77 Hiidoii. L^oii Emile. do do 1 Mar. "81 1 Mar. '81 720 00 721 ( 00 16 Nov. "44 8 Jan. '38 12 F 1 Feb. 75 1 Jan. '82 23 May '82 23 May '82 IJan. 76 7 Dec. 78 1 Sept. 79 23 June '80 13 July '80 28 Deo. '81 9 Feb. '82 30 June '82 6 Feb. '83 22 Feb. '83 C April '83 13 Juno '83 21 Sept. '83 4 Oct. '83 1 Jan. '84 1 an. J '84 IFob. '84 10 Mar. '84 10 Mar. '84 10 Mar. '84 19 April '84 Present Salnrv. 8 ets. 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 SOO 00 800 00 800 00 800 00 720 00 720 00 640 00 640 00 640 00 C40 00 640 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 560 00 560 00 560 00 560 00 560 00 660 00 660 00 560 00 5€0 00 Date of Biith. Date of First Ai>- pointuieut. 15 Get. '54 ■22 Dec. '49 9 Nov. '58 30:Miiy '49 23 Feb. '37 30 Jan. '56 11 July '45 July '51 4 Jan. '39 23 May '45 2 Jan. '43 27 April '51 15 Oct. '26 10 May '60 8 Mar. '60 24 July '61 6 July '59 11 Mar. '63 1 May '48 27 Mar. '47 18 Dec. '61 22 Dec. "57 15 May '53 17 Oct. '58 27 Feb. '58 25 April '59 17 Nov. '62 21 Fib. '05 10 April '03 lOJulv '65 I '30 Oct. '61 1 21 Mar. '75 7 Nov. '71 18 Dec. '73 IJune '74 12 May '71 27 Oct. '75 9 Nov. '74 6 Feb. '71 28 Dec. '74 13 Jan. '75 IJa'n. '76 5 Sept. '78 29 April '79 23 June '80 13 July '80- IJan. '81 9 Feb. '8-2- 30 June '82 6 Feb. '83 22 Feb. '83 21 Mar. '83 5 June '83 1 Sept. '83. 4 Oct. '83 28 June '82 8 June '83 1 Feb. '84 3 Mar. '84 4 Oct. '83 4 Mar. '84 8 April '84 ■ ,,,^,,» i,..-Ji:- 114 POST OFFICE DKPARTMKNT.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. MoNTRKAL Post Oki'ICE — Continued. Nome. Present Rank. Date Giroux, Thtopliile A vila .3rd Class Clerk Sauriol, Alpliouse do Barbe. Wilfrid do do do Clermont, Uld6ric C6t4, Allen Beinnrd Caqienter, George Arthur. . , do Crowe, William Joseph do Oroudin, Albert Louis do Florence, Charles. do do Bronhv. Thomas Brazeau, Edmond do do Ermatinger, Philip T. H LaManque, Thomas do Aloriu, Alcidas. ..... ....... do do Durack, John James Cott'ee. Jeremiah do do Laloude, Jean Baptiste Alexis Gunninsham. John do Masse, Arthur do do Crowe, Timothy Joseph de Cotret, Louis Dominique Alexis R£ne do do Clarke. Geoitre Dowd, Edwai-d Christopher. . do Barcelo, Edouard do do D' Amour, Joseph Edouard. . . Boui^au, Jo8(>ph Ernest. . . . do Dumont, Ovide do Proliat. 3rd Class Clerk. Bourrct, Borneo Edouard. . . . Sathurst, James. do do Dufresne, AugUBte „... 22 Apr. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 1 Oct. 1 Oft. IDec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 1 De<-. 23 Dec. 26 Dec. 1 Feb. 19 Feb. 16 May lerOct. 19 Sept. 5 Apr. 20 Apr. 1 .lune 16 June • 25 Nov. 25 Nov. IJuly IJuly i July 22 Aug. 5 Sept. 1 Dec. IJuly IJuly '8 ■8 '8 •8 '8 •8 '8 •8 '8 '85 '85 •85 '85 '85 '86 •86 '86 •86 '86 '86 '8 '8 '8 ■8 '8' '8 '88 '88 Present Salary. .f cts, 560 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 520 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 470 00 480 00 440 00 440 00 640 00 440 00 440 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 600 00 600 00 Date of Birth. Date of First Ap- pointment. 26 July '62 18 Oct. '63 3 June '65 14 Dec. '63 21 Sept. '52 25 Aug. '65 6 Jan. '63 5 Aug. '60 18 Dec. '60 9 Dec. '65 20 Aug. '57 1 Aug. '58 10 July '54 27 Feb. '65 24 July '59 17 Nov. '63 3 Nov. '65 22 July '53 5 Nov. '60 23 Dec. '65 21 Mar. '60 10 Jan. '51 10 June '48 12Jidy '69 12 Apr. '65 1 Feb. '64 3 Mar. '67 10 July '66 1 Apr. '67 26 Oct. '46 22 Apr. '84 4 Oct. '88 6 Sept. '84 28 June '82 10 Mar. '84 13 June '83 24 Mar. '84 24 Nov. '84 1 Dec. '84 23 Dec. '84 26 Dec. '84 12 Jan. '85 19 Feb. '85 16 May '85 1 Oct. '85 19 Sept. '85 5 Apr. '86 20 Apr. '86 16 Feb. '85 16 June '86 25 Nov. '86 25 Nov. '86 14 Feb. '70 1 July .'87 6 Aug. '86 22 Aug. '87 5 Sept. '87 1 Deo. '87 18 Feb. '75 30 Mar. '70 115 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— OUTSIDE SEIIVICE. MoNTiiKAL Post Ofkick— Continued. ?!S Kamo, Present Bank. Date. Present Salnrv. Date of Birth. Dnte of First Ap- ]iointment. La[>oiiite, Prospfro riante, Joaii-lJaptisto , Callary, James , Kelly, James , Cdbry, Patrick Dube, Louis Tliil)0(leau, Joau Ko/on, William Clark, Patrick Plaiite, GasparJ Lagace, Philippe Bissonnettc, Antoiue Isai'e. Lefebvre, Germain Terronx, Charles Alexandre E Goi'mau, Thomas Giroux, Joseph Beauliies, Felix Ozee , Cusson, Nareisse , Moreau, Jeau-Baptiste Jaeq^ues, Pieii'c , MeShane, James Fmiicis. . . , Lussier, Joseph Callaghan, Thomas Boudi'eau, Jacques Achille.. Doray, Joseph Louis Exclda Carri^rc, Alphouse Power, John McAfee, John Fenanghty, John Meehan, John Carle, Louis Eugene Letter Carrier . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do' do do do do do do do do 28 Mar. '70 1 Aug. '71 10 Apr. 73 28 Apr. 73 19 May 73 4 Aug. 73 15 July 74 IJuly 75 IJuly 75 IJuly 75 1 .July 75 IJuly 75 1 July 75 IJuly 75 IJuly 75 28 Dec. 75 7 Feb. 76 4 Jan. 77 23 Mar. 77 7 Dec. 77 4 Apr. 78 12 May '81 26 Aug. '81 23 Jan. "82 28 Jan. '82 25 Apr. '82 3. June '82 29 Oct. '82 22 Feb. "83 23 Mar. '83 2 Apr. '83 $ ets. 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 510 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 ('CO 00 22 Nov. 20 .fan. 18 June 26 Dec. 19 May 20 Oct. j28 Feb. 5 Apr. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 23 Aug. 2 Dec. 29 Jan. 9 Oct. 6 Mar. 29 .^ept. 23 Apr. 29 Dec. 30 Dec. 14 Aug. 12 July 5 Nov. 3 July 18 Dec. 28 Jlay 12 Apr. 17 Mar. 29 Apr. 24 June 10 Aug. 9 Feb. •30 28 Mar. '70 '38 i 1 Aug. '71 '48 '31 '44 '27 '20 '54 •45 '56 '51 10 Apr. '73 28 Apr. '73 19 May '73 4 Aug. 78 18 Dec. '73 IJuly '74 1 Sept. '74 1 Sept. '74 11 Sept. 74 I •43 24 Mar. '75 '53 ' 1 July '75 '54 '37 '47 •30 'S9 '45 '39 '51 •48 •57 •63 '50 •49 '53 •57 •61 1 Sept. ^74 28 Jlay '75 28 Dec. '75 7 Feb. '76 4 Jan. '77 28 Mar. '77 7 Dec. '77 4 Apr. •78 12 May ^81 26 Aug. •SI 23 Jan. '82 28 Jan. '82 26 Apr. '8'i 3 June ^82 11 Sept. -82 15 Feb. •as •62 5 Mar. '83 '65 2 Apr. '8» tb—b^ % ) ' K r- Hit Ii>- 116 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Montreal Post Office.— Continued. Name. Taylor, James Hitchrll, William Francis. . . fionrgeois, Josep'i Dnmesiiil, Alfred Emile Dogenais, Fabicn Mathieu, Alired Valeur, Joseph Alfred Kugent, James Collard, Joseph Antoine King, Joseph Duboulay, Adolphe L6pine, Mogloire F^pin, Joseph Latimer, Thomas Sanriol, Jean-Baptiste Biason, Joseph Louis O'Mahony, Myles Lortie, Alphonse Kelly, Thomas John Hoore, Thomas Perrault, Denis Romulus. . . . P^pin, F61ix Ledottx, Joseph lliggins, Michael Harciile, Louis Collins, John Joseph Barney, William Thomas... . UcRobie, James Thomas. . . . Poitevin, Antonio St. Jean, Joseph HoKenna, Edward Present Rank. Letter Carrier do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do db Date. 4 Sept. 21 Sept. 21 Sept. 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 24 Nov. 10 Dec. 16 Feb. 30 Apr. 15 May 21 July 6 Sept. 6 Sept. lOct. 3 Oct. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 16 Doc. 23 Dec. 1 Apr. 22 May 27 June 9 Sept. 16 Mar. 22 May 20 Sept. 25 Sept. 25 Sept. 16 Oct. 1 July 1 July '83 '83 •83 '83 •83 •83 •83 •84 •84 '84 '84 '84 •84 •84 •84 •84 •84 •84 •84 •85 •85 •85 '85 •86 •86 •86 •86 •86 •86 •86 •86 Present Salary. 9 cts. 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 450 00 450 00 450 00 4.')0 00 450 00 450 00 450 00 450 00 450 00 450 00 450 00 450 00 420 00 420 00 420 00 390 00 390 00 390 00 390 00 420 00 420 00 Date of Dirth. Date of First Ap- pointment. 15 Au<,'. 4 Aug. 22 Jan. 5 May 8 Aug. 6 Aug. 27 May 1 Nov. 11 May 20 July 31 Oct, 20 Apr. 2 Sept. 16 Mar. 1 Sept. 23 May 21 Mr,r. 11 Sept. 9 Sept. 14 Xov. 24 June 3 Feb. 15 Feb. 30 Jan. 25 Mar. 6 July 16 June 18 Jan. 10 Mar. 7 July 19 Nov. •65 •44 •49 •62 •52 •60 •58 •58 •56 •64 •55 •64 •69 •52 •62 •58 •60 •66 •52 •66 •61 •63 •62 •50 •61 •65 '57 •63 •68 '66 •63 30 Aug. ^83 28 Aug. '83 21 Sept. '83 4 Oct. '83 4 Oct. '83 24 Nov. '83 10 Dec. '83 1 Feb. '84 21 Apr. ^84 15 May '84 7 July •84 10 Mar. 'Si 10 Mar. ^84 29 .Sept. ^84 20 Sept. •SI 1 Nov •SI 1 Nov. '84 16 Dec. '84 23 Dec. '84 1 Apr. '85 22 ilay '85 27 Juno '85 9 Sept. '85 16 Mar. '86 22 May '86 20 Sept. 'Sa 25 Sept. '86 25 Sept. •SS I 23 Sept. *86 19 Sept. '85 21 Sept. '85 I in POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Montreal Post Office— Concluded. Nnino. Chabot, Ferdinand , Grant, James Cain])bell, Patrick '.. Moore, Thomas Edward .. . . Viilii^uutte, Joseph !St:. Onge, Arthur Louis. l.ciuii.'ux, Joseph , (Collins, John , Mailer, Jnini's , Bennett, Jolin liciioifl, Ludger Present Rank. Date. Letter Carrier . ... do do do do do do Messenger and Porter. . do do do 17 Jan. 21 Feb. 27 Jan. 1 July 1 Jidy 13 July 1 July 1 Oet. ..23 Nov. . .31 Mar. 1 Jan. •87 •82 '87 •87 '87 '87 '88 •74 •77 •82 '81 Present Salary. Quebec Post Okpioe. Tourangeau,Adolphe 0., N.P. Bolduc, Joseph Etieuue Chanibi;rland, Charles Lebel, Jean Allivd William. . Handford, William Rochette, lAon Anibroise. . . . White, William Gu^rnoii, Zocl English, Edward Gaboury, Felix Myjer, Michael Veziiia, Ulric. Turner, James Bailey Planiondon, Olivier Lane, Patrick Edward MoiTissette, Honoit5 L' Heunux, Louis Postmaster .Issistant Postmaster. . . 2nd Class Clerk do do do 3rd Class Clerk do do do do do do do do do do $ cts. 390 00 450 00 390 00 360 00 360 00 360 00 360 00 600 00 600 00 480 00 600 00 Date of Birth. 8 Nov. 7 Jan. 4 Doc. 13 July 13 Aug. 29 Nov. 19 Mar. 29 .Tunc 5 Sept. 25 Apr. 20 Oct. •52 •62 •64 •65 '56 •65 '58 •36 '32 '57 '34 Date of Firet Ap- pointment. 17 Jan. '87 21 Feb. '82 27 Jan. '87 IJiUy '87 17 May '87 13 July '87 11 Oct. •sa 25 A] r. '74 23 Nov. 77 31 Mar. '82 28 May 19 5 July •83 2,000 00 1 July '75 1,400 00 1 Jan. '71 1,200 00 12 Di-c. '77 1,200 00 1 .Inly •79 1,200 00 1 July •85 1,100 00 1 July •72 800 00 17 Aug. •72 800 00 29 Oct. •72 800 00 7 Apr. 73 800 00 22 Ont. •73 800 00 23 May '82 800 00 1 Sept. •71) 760 00 26 .Sept. •79 680 00 18 Mar. '80 680 00 12 Jan. •82 640 00 23 Jan. '82 640 00 15 Jan. '31 IJuly '28 24 Nov. '32 11 Nov. '38 9 July '30 SJaii. '33 28 Apr. '51 9 Mar. '42 11 Aug. '51 17 Nov. '45 5 Nov. '46 26 Aug. '51 24 Aug. '51 17 Oct. '54 7 Jan. *47 24 Feb. '46 29 June '34 5 July '88 1 Nov. *54 3 Oct. '69 13 Apr. '74 21 July '66 20 Nov. '6(1 6 Nov. '71 17 Aug. '72 29 Oct. '72 12 Aug. '71 22 Oct. '78 24 June '71 1 Mar. '77 26 Sept. '79 18 Mar. '89 12 Jan. '84. 23 Jan. '82 fe'iji "S .'t..' PI' - 118 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. QvEiiEC Post OrriOK — Concluded. Niimc. Present Rank. Eckhunlt, 'Willium Hfury A. BattJn, Jnliii Jiiiiiu.s PoUetiiT, Ma.xiinr O'Dowd, FrniiciB Battcrton, Williuiii Job i (lor, rieriv Kuguiiv, Thoinati Hoon' GiasHOU, Nicolas ; . . , Jbiy imr, Thontas Wilkinson, Roliert , Hoiile, Victor Pclletier, Fi'an(;ois-Xavi('r R Kelly, Henry Pierce Guay, Louis Gingras, Jean Philippe T. . . Gauvin, Pierre Naiwleon. . . Desrottlies, Joseph Uereier, Jeau Adolphe D. . . Dubault, Charles Eusebe. . . Pellctier, Joseph Amable. . . Joannut. Napoleon Ulric. . . Boulot, Wilfrid Joseph A.. Ouellet, Frau(;ois-Xavier. . . Blackburn, Robert Samson, Joseph Elz^ar Alfred . Langlois, Cyrille NapoWon . . Gingras, Adolplie Elie Evarts, John DinichaudjiTelesphore. . . . . Jrd Class Clerk do do do Probat. 3rd Class Clerk do .... do ... I^ettcr Carrier do Date. 55:''»' do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Messenger. . Present Salary. Office Keeper and liOtter Collector. 7 Jan. '84 3 Oct. '84 l.Tuly '85 1 July '86 l.Tan. '88 IJan. '88 IJnly '88 ISAj.r. '72 15 July '74 19 Mar. '75 20 Mar. 76 23 Mar. '75 28 June '78 fiFeb. '79 23 Mar. '79 IJune '82 6 June '82 4 Jan. '83 1 Feb. '83 6 Nov. '83 IJuly '84 IJuly '84 IJuly '84 1 Nov. '84 13 May '86 IJuly '86 1 Sept. '87 24 Nov. '69 IMay '74 Date of Birth. 9 cts 5(50 00 28 Dec '66 .'i20 2!> Jlav '63 620 00 500 00 400 00 400 00 400 00 000 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 480 00 580 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 23 Feb. '60 11 July '55 17 July '63 8 Pec. '51 1 Dec. '59 2(1 Jan. '36 6 Feb. '46 22 Sept. '45 27 July '51 7 Nov. '40 Date ol First Ap. pointmeia. 7 Jan. '8i 3 Oct. '84 25 June '79 6 Feb. '8;! 7 Nov. '87 10 Nov. '87 IJuly '8.S 18 Apr. '72 19 July '73 19 Mar. '75 20 Mar. 76 23 Mar. 75 Aug. '59 28 June '78 15 Nov. '42 6 Feb. '79 7 Mar. '18 18 Aug. '55 20 Aug. '44 1(5 Nov. '66 24 Oct. '46 25 July '63 8 July '01 480 00 120 Oct. "52 480 00 21 Mnr. '55 450 00 |25 July '53 420 00 |l0 Dec. '59 420 00 l22rfb. '59 360 00 580 00 860 00 9 July '65 27 Aug. '22 23 Oct. '20 23 Mar. 79 1 Juno '82 27 Sept. '79 4. lap. '83 28 June '82 16 .Inn. '83 6 Dec. '83 ir-Apr. '84 15 Apr. '84 3 Sept. '84 13Miy '86 17 Apr. '86 1 Sept. '87 24 Nov. '69 1 May '74 119 I'OST OKFICK DEl'AUTMKNT— 0UT8II>K SKUVICK. NkW BlltrNSWIC'K DiVIHION. Date ol First Ajp- poiiitmeiit . 7 Jan. '81 3 Oct, '84 25 June 79 OFeb. '81! 7 Nov. 'S7 10 Nov, '87 IJuly '8.S 18 Apr. '72 WJuly '73 19 Mar. '75 20 Mar. '76 23 Mar. 75 28 June '78 6 Feb. '79 23 Mar, '79 1 Juno '82 27 Sept. 79 4. Tap. '83 28 June '82 15 Jan. '83 6 Dec. '83 ir-Apr. '84 15 Apr. '84 3 Sept. '84 13Miy '86 17 Apr. '86 1 Sept. '87 24 Nov. '69 1 May '74 Nuuie. King, Strphcn Jauica. ... Wliittakor, William C. . . . Avory, M'^illiaiu Richard,. . JIatcli, Willoughby... Murray, CharleH Alex FrePKe, liobcrt John Bunuister, William Bli/anl, Frederick Wiggins | ]t>un, George Melville Wcldon, William John lS»tey, Frcdt^riok Augustus , , Starkie, Walter PhHiw, James Pidgron, .laeob Robert CtrusH, Albert John 'Wathou, Henry, Price, David VillKr, John Gardiner McRcndrick, Dawson Brittain, Alfred Magee, Rielmrd G/aham Jaek. San>"ol Rutherford, , . . Maxwell, Samuel Rice Willis, E- pointnieiit. • .Iitl Class Uy. Mail Clerk ^ do .... do .... IJim. '8(1 21 Apr. '80 1 ,liily '87 $ CtM. 520 OO f.2o 00 480 00 18 Mar. '51 13AU),'. '65 13 Dec. '60 1 Mar. '84 Peck, Htniy Biwiyliiim Hull, ^\illiftUl Scyimmtli.... 21 Apr. '86 llJunc "PI Fbp.iiruioton Poht Ofkicb. JfolVako, Patrick Canu'Vdii, John Phair, William Bnny Vavasour, EJwiu W Wilson, Albert Kdw.ird riiillips, Robert Bcdfonl H. . Gardiner, Hobinson , Phair, Andrew Stmttou. Postm.tster 2ud Class Clerk... 3nl Class Clerk. d.j do I'robat. 3rd Class Clerk. Li'ttci Carrier 1 Auf{. •80 1 May 75 ' May •88 1 Jan. '76 21 Sept. '83 1 .July •85 14 June '88 10 June •79 1,700 00 1,200 00 900 00 800 00 500 00 520 00 400 00 590 00 16 Apr. '36 31 Aug. '33 25 July '53 4 Oct. '54 8 Jan. '61 24 July '61 22 Dec. •5? 22 Dee. '61 1 Aug. '80 IJuly '«7 13 Jan. '7:1 IJan. '7« 21 Sept. 'M 1 Apr. '86 14. Tone "88 10 June '79 St. John Post Officb. Willis, Edward Postmastor Wooi'row, James Assistant Poetmaster. . . Potter, Michael James Reed, Augustus Williiim . . . . Otty, Henry I'liipps McNicliol, Andrew McIiUyve, Piobert Charles. . Ring, George Frederick Flaglor, James Second Finen, James Louis Woodrow, lloss Dougal Ring, John Wightman Hamlin, J loss Alexander ... Jenkins, Thomas Ritchie, Jos!!i>h Hunter. . . . 1st Class Ckrk . , do 2ud Class Clerk . do do do do do do 3rd Class Clerk. do do do 10 Nov. '86 2,000 00 6 Nov. '35 IJuly '68 1,500 00 17 Mar. '33 1 .Mar. '77 1,200 00 3 Dec. '44 1 July •85 1,200 00 3 Oct. '64 1 July •79 1,200 00 31 Jan. '24 1 .luly '81 1,200 00 24jMar. 45 1 July '81 1,200 00 27 Feb. '45 31 Jan. '82 1,200 00 2 May '41 IJuly '82 1,200 00 15 Mar. '53 1 July '85 1,OjO 00 7 Dec. '59 IJuly '86 1,00 ) 00 23 May '67 1 Aug. •75 800 00 2 July '54 9 Mar. '74 800 00 18 Dec. '56 6 Aug. •75 800 00 24 Apr. '57 6 Aug. •76 800 00 1 May '64 10 Nov. '89 22 Oct. '58 6 A|U'. '68 1 Sept. 70 1 Nov. '64 2 Nov. '68 7 Jan. '09 31 .Tan. ".'>2 1 Aug. '70 15 Aug. '77 6 Oct. '73 1 Aug. '71 IJan. '74 I 6 Aug. '75 I ; 6 Aug. '7& tit POST OFFICE hEI'AUTMKNT.-OUTHIDE SEKVKE. St. John Post OKricK—Conclmlfil. Nivinu, PrcHent Hunk. Hell, Joliii Parker Thompson, AlpxaiiUer Clark, Jaxni's Clarcneo I.fd, Hmiy Poroy Fiiguson, Fredcrink Copp, Jolin Rowi' HipwcU, John Pnrkvnsou... l^un'uam, WhitfiuM Otis . . , Malcolm, Jnmi'S Withers, George Edward . . . McLaughlin, liobi'Vt Young, William Belyea, Caleb. riiiinpton, George William . Lane, Williuui MuManus, J aines Beamish, John Belyea, Uriah Morgan, Archibald Hill, Eobert Grant, James Oscar Kiston, Chnrles Henry Mailman, John Albert Cflssily , Patrick Alaeleod, Malcnlui Alexander Bell, George 3rd Class Clerk do do do do do do' do do Supt. Letter Carrier. . , Letter Currier do do .lo do do do do do do do do do do Porter and Messenger. Office Keeper Date, 1 Sept. n Sept. 1 Ian. 7Hrl,t. 1 I fee. 1 Apr. a(t May 11 Alftv 11 M,iy 1 Jan. 1 Jnuu ] June 18 May 19 May 29 May IC Nov. 10 .lau. 21 Sept. 19 Aiir. 1 July 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 20 F(!b. 18 Mar. 1 July 20 May 77 •77 '82 •82 •84 •85 '85 •80 •86 '86 •75 •75 '75 •75 '75 '77 '80 '83 '84 •84 '84 '84 '86 '80 '87 '71 Present Siilarv. 80il.' or First A|»- )mintiiHtiit. 1 Sept. 77 6 Sept. 77 IJau. '82 27 Sept. '8'i 27 Nov. '84 1 Apr. "88 30 May '85 11 Moy 'M 11 May '86 1 Nov. '82 IJune 75 1 June '7S 18 May '75 19 May '76 29 May '75 16 Nov. '77 16 Jan. '80 27 Feb. '88 19 Apr. 'M 7 May '8» 30 June '83 11 Mar. 'St ■20 Feb. '86 18 Mar. '8« IJuIy ^7 26 May '71 Nova. Scotia Divlsion. *-...■■•;'> Macdonald, Charle". Tohn. . . . Inspector 19 May '79 IJune '75 2,200 00 1,400 00 4 Apr. 3 Apr. '41 '52 19 May '79 l.bui. '69 ■ ' Story, John Douglas Asst. Inspector, '-.■ ( .'s--- 122 r08T OFFICK DFI'AUTMKNT.-OUTHIKK MFUVILE. Nova H^oiia Divihios— f'onDluilcd. •■»■ h .'li- Niimn. PreHcnt llnnk. Date. PpSl'Ilt Salary. Date of Uirth. Date of First Ap- ]Miintment. $ ets. S«wnrt, DougloH l>uvisoii, TlioniiM Kdniuud... iHt Class C-rk > Aelinu; l'.(t. Imhih'hIoi J 2nd('TiiHM t'leiU 1 July '87 1 July VS4 1,200 00 1,10(1 00 17. Ian. '55 11 .Sept. '56 1 Apr. '73 9 Sept. *75 ftirconi, Stephen Jolin Kupcit do iJnIy 'X7 (•.•.O 0<) H»et. '58 23 Nov. '76 CcBtlcy, Alfred ard Class Clerk 20 Jan. '.S2 040 00 25 July '62 20 Jan. '82 PuK'-, William Walsh d l.'l May '80 480 0(J 14 June '(W 13 May '86 W«fij{li«M, MiiliiiL'l Henry. , , , Messen>,'ir 4t>et. "83 &20 00 18 June '36 4 Oct. '83 Browne, Alfii'd rrol.ut. Chief liy. Mail Clerk. 1st Class Hy. Mail Clerk 1 .Inly '8o 1 Apr. '»» 1,600 00 O'JO 00 10 July '48 23 Sept. '65 2 Fell. '72 Ottbriel, James McNutt 26 Nov. '72 C.'nHit'ioii, John W'illinm H , . Davison, Hubert I'roliat. IkI Class Ky. MailChrl 2nd Class Ity. Mail Clerk do do do 1 A]..'. 'M 1 Dee. 74 1 Ann. 76 1 Nov. "81 1 Nov. '81 (t«0 00 800 00 800 00 720 00 720 00 24 May '41 OFeh. '34 17 Feb. '48 2 l).c. '44 17 July '58 10 Sept. '78 25 Nov. '72 IfrNeill, John 23 July '74 Hall, Samuel 4 Oct. 'ly JH«wk«'HWorth, George Alex, . 4 Oct, '79 JloHs. John David do do 1 Apr '85 IJau. '87 720 00 720 .10 10 Dec. '50 7 May '58 17 Dec. '8» Keith, Jnnics Thomas 3 May '82 Bfnnett, William 1'rol.ut. 2nd Class Kv. Mail Clerk. 3rd Class Uy.MailClerk 1 Apr. '88 17 lle.^ '80 720 00 6" '37 JrlcDonald, Arrhihald 30 June 'J'S Halifax Post Office. F.l«ckadar, Hn;,'h William . . . Postmaster 5 Nov. 74 1 Mar. 76 2,400 00 1,600 00 4 Mar. '48 17 Jan. '45 6 Nov. 74 Tnmaiu, Frederick Valentine .\8sistant Postmaster . . 4 June '68 128 I'OST ol'KHK DKI'AUTMKNT-ulITSIDK 8KKVI(K. Halifax I'oht Okkick — t'ontiiuicd. Nunio. Bi-nt, h^lffikr AukiihIiim Bcjit, Frank I'icmi Cnniiiii|;, Arthur Ht'iiry. Chaiiil)«rluin, William H.... O'ltryuii, Jo8(>pli Sluiiisliis. . . l/'ri'ightoii, Thoniiut rinix^ij. . . CatNiy, Thomiui Wiliinin.. . . Snitli, Willinui Villirrs.... Mulcaliy, Tatrivk Jnm'iih. . . Fnwcr, Charles Diiiiivl LrmiulH, Clmrli's Mattliiw K. Power, Frank Jo8ci)li Travis, Lewis Whitney IVrknr, William Dclaney, Edward Jowiih Crown, Albem Crawley "Wttlkcr, William Henry HoRSP, Herbert Alfw!il SuUivan, Edmund Addy . . . . Kayc, Frank Crossley King, Donald Alfivd , Cnrren, Thomas Joseph...., SMinders, Samiwon , Fit«g«;rald, James Wilson, John Carroll, Edward Lanrilliard, Henry Salter... Mahar, John , O'MulIey, John Myers, Kibert Onnt, John Archibald I'reseiit Ituilk. Dnte. iHt CliuM Clerk I'rol.y. lHtCli«iK(.'lerk..; 2ud CliisH Clerk d. (In do ardCloNs Clerk do I'l'eHlIlt halttiy. do .lo do do do d( do I do do df do do do I'roby. 3itl ClusH Clerk. Superiu. l.ettci Curlier. Letter Currier do do do do do do do 1 Ort. 'N7 1 July *R8 1 July •-« I July 'Si 1 July '84 iJuly '84 1 Ai.iil 7:3 9 Miir. 74 IJiiu. 75 15 July 75 l.'iJuly 76 IJan. 75 IJuly 74 1 Dee. 75 16 Deo. 76 i 20 Mar. 79 1 Sept. 79 23 Mar. '83 15 Feb. '84 15 Feb. '84 13 May '86 2t' .Inu. '87 IJnly 75 23 Jan. "67 1 July 71 1 April 72 7 Feb. 74 18 June 75 18 Juno 76 9 Nov. 77 28 June '81 Pule of lliith. DiitMof 1 ir-ril 78 23 Nov. '50 1 Sept. 73 27 July '4!) 1 Ai-ril 78 15 Auk. 'i"4 -1 fcb. 74 28 Feb. '55 1 .bin. 76 12(»rl ':>7 15 July 76 17JUI1I' '57 15 July '75 16 Auf,'. '60 I 1 Nov. 75 23 .\pril "40 I 1 .Miiy 73 2 Feb. '.''lil 5Aut,'. '54 29 Oct. '45 15 July '60 21 Jan. '68 13 Aug. '61 7 July '63 29 (let. '64 80 Sept. '67 15 April '50 24 April '41 15An>;. '36 22 Mar. '42 28 June '63 28 Nov. '43 12 July '44 16 Oct. '50 21 July '57 1 n.e. '76 lOKec. '76 26 Mar. '7» 10 May '7» 23 Mar. '83 4 Feb. '84 2 Feb. '84 13 May '8«> iUan. '87 1 Nov. '70 23 Jan. '67 IJuly '71 1 Apnl '72 7 Feb. 74 18 June '75 18 June 7& 9 Nov. 77 28Juni '81 1 \ I -1- \ 124 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Halifax Post Oppick— Concluded. Name. Wall, John Davis, George Undsay, Josepli Philip Sinytlii.', Josi'ph Howe Tiietikston, Major John Kniting, AVilliaui Alien rn... O'Dojiiifll, James Joscpli.... Wood, John Samuel Michael. Mulcahy, Joseph James. . . . Payne, Edward Qiiiiiane, 'Winiam Patrick... Present Rank. Letter Carrier. do do do do do do Box. Collector. . do do Messenger Date. Feb. Feb. July Mar. Apr. •luly Fel). Sept. July July July '82 '82 '85 •86 •87 '«7 ■88 •75 •78 '81 •37 Present Salary. $ cts. 480 00 480 00 450 00 420 00 480 00 390 on 3C0 00 600 00 600 00 480 00 390 0(1 Date of Pirth. 8 Apr. 16 Feb. 23 Apr. 7 July 5 Nov. 7 July 18 Apr. ai Feb. 22 Aug. 17 Mar. 8 Mar. '35 •27 '39 '55 •58 •57 •56 '54 •47 '46 •64 Date of First Ap- pointment. 17 Feb. '88 17 Feb. '82 2 Dec. '82 31 July '85 6 Apr. '83 IJuly "87 IFeb. '88 25 Sept. '75 20 July '78 25 July '81 28 Apr. '87 Prince Edwakd Island Division. Crabbe, Otto Russell Haszard, Thomas Walter. , 2ndClas8Ry. Mail Clerk do .... IJuly '79 1 Oct. ^83 800 00 720 00 11 Apr. ^57 27 Jan. '54 23 June 'IS 11 Ang. '75 Chaiilottetown Post Office. Brcckcn, Hon. Frederick ie St. Croix, (J.C. Hanis, William Henry... . Lawson, John Auld White, Nichohis Trainor, Bernard Catiipbell, John Munro McCarey, Joseph Macdonald, Daniel Joseph... Urown, John George W Murphy, Mnthew William... Bobi.'rtson, John Neill McDonald, John William... Gill, William Henry Fenwick Postmaster and Assist- ant Inspector. 2nd Class Clerk Probat. 2ud Class Clerk 3rd Class Clerk do do d.. do do '85 •85 '85 '86 '86 '86 '87 '82 '87 I'lvsent Salary. Date of Birth. $ cts. 520 00 450 00 4.")0 00 450 00 420 00 420 00 420 00 300 00 390 00 390 00 600 00 390 00 23 Mar. '35 8 Mar. '61 11 Mar. '60 8 Oct. '50 22 July '59 15 Aug. '53 10 Oct. '39 IJan. '57 30 May '65 4Jime '56 29 Dec. '46 10 Aug. '46 Date of Fii-st A|>- pointment. 1 Oct. "85 25 Jan. '83 1 July "85 14 May '84 14 May '84 15 May '84 25 Jan. '83 6 Aug. '88 1 Oct. "86 29 Jan. '87 28 June '82 19 Nov. '84 Buiri.sii Columbia Division. Fletcher, Evcnird Hyde DoiTuan, William Henry. . . . McLean, David Von Reus- sellaer lus^iector I 1 Prob. Assist. Inspector.' 1 Carmichael, Francis Alex.... Roouey, John Cox, Willi.s Thoiiius Eoger.s, Herbert Buiritt £111% Richard Yntcs Druminoud, liobcrt Eraser. . . McI.«od, John Orelebar Thain, Joseph Hamon Prob. 2nd Class ClCrk. . 3rd Class Clerk 1st Class Ry. Mail Clerk 2nd Class Ry. Mail Clerk 3rd Class Ry. JI ail Clerk do do Piob. 3rdCl. Ry. M.C'k SrdCloasRy. Mail Clerk July '84 May ■88 Jan. '88 July '86 July '86 Feb. •72 April ■86 July '86 July '87 July '87 July '87 2,000 00 1,200 00 900 00 4H0 00 960 00 800 00 480 00 480 00 480 00 4S0 00 480 00 8 May 23 Oct. 26 May 3 Jan. 16 Oct. 12 Mar. 8 May 18 Sept. 21 Aug. 8 Sept. 28 Mar. '51 '56 •62 '63 '52 '51 '66 '57 '54 '60 '59 4 June '68 1 May '76 20 Jan. '82 29 May '85 llJuly '71 18 July '68 19 April '88 IJuly '86 1 June '35 1 Feb. '87 4 July '87 Victoria Post Okkice. Shakspere, Noah Cairns, Thomas Alfred Newberry, Cowper William. . Postmaster Proby. 1st Class Clerk. . 3rd Class Clerk 2. Ian. '88 IJuly '85 30 May '84 2,000 00 1,300 00 560 00 26 Jan. '39 18 Aug. '62 21 April '66 2 Jan. '88 6 June '82 20 May '84 ■•;vi Mr . 128 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. ViCTOUiA PftsT Office.— Concluded. Mi '' '■ Name. Pivseut Rank. Date. Bresent Salary. Date of Birth. Date of Firet A])- liointmout. Finlayson, Charles William. . Chadwick, Thomas 3rd Class Clerk do do do do do Messenger. .•........•• IDeo. '84 15 Dec. '80 IJan. '87 IJan. '87 IJan. '87 IJuly '87 IJuly '87 $ cts. 520 00 680 00 440 00 440 00 440 00 440 00 390 00 20 Oct. '66 16 .July '63 '.iSNov. '60 23 Nov. '67 16 Dec. '65 2 Aug. '64 17 Feb. '62 1 Dec. '82 15 Dec. '80 Saigison, Francis Rutledge. . Butler, Robert James McCulloch, Geo. Alexander. . Smith, James Sterling McBoberts, John Elliott.... 10 Apr. '83 3 Jan. '84 8 Sept. '84 25 Mar. '87 1 Apr. '80 $A^' Dntu ol First Aji- lioiiitmtnit. 1 Dec. '82 15 Dec. '80 10 Apr. '83 3 Jan. '84 8 Sept. '84 25 Mar. '87 1 Apr. '8(i 129 14.— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.— INSIDE SERVICE. Name. Present Rank. I.owe, John. Deputy Minister. Ditc. $ cts. 1 July '88 3,200 00 Present Salary. Date of Birth. 20 Fi: '24 Date of First A[i. pointnieut. 29 July '70 BuANuii 1.— FiUHT Division. — CouiiEsroNDENCE and iMMionATioN. 'Small, Henry Beaumont. . . Boardman, William Frears. . t Jarvis, Arthur Leonard. . . . D'Auray, Louis Popcr, John Charles Lemieux, Joseph Evaristc . . . Bate, Charles Wm. Crockford Chittick, Frederick Charles . . Beandoin, Joseph Pnmeau, Hector Aeeountant and Cliief Clerk. 2nd Class Clerk do do 3rd Class Clerk. <1() do do Packer Mes-scngur , 1 Jan. '85 29 June '82 1 Mur. ■88 1 July '86 7 June '83 23 May '82 1 July •88 1 July '88 21 June '84 21 June •84 1,950 00 1,400 00 1,250 00 1,200 00 1,000 00 850 00 450 00 400 00 420 00 420 00 31 Oct. 1 Mar. 17 .lunc 29 .Vpr. 10 July 22 .Nov. 11 Oct. 5 Apr. 25 Apr. 23 Nov. •31 '48 '52 •49 •48 •31 •63 '€6 '36 '43 8 Fel). '68 12 Feb. '80 1 Sept. 'dS 22 Apr. '72 24 Nov. '81 20 Nov. '62 15 Apr. '82 4 Dec. 'Sft 25 Nov. '80 7 Oct. '67 Skoond Division.— Historical Arcuivks. Rtymner, Douglas Marmette, Joseph Etieunc E. Dixon, Edmund William A . . Archivist, 1st Class Cl'k Assistant Archivist, 2iid Class Clerk. 3rd Class Clerk 23 June '80 14 July '83 1 July '87 1,800 00 I 3 July '23 1,400 00 700 00 25 Oct. '44 26 Dec. '57 26 June '72 24 Oct. '67 11 Feb. '74 Third Division.— Covykiguts, Trade Mauk.s, &c. Jack son, Josias Barnwall. . . . > 1st Class Clerk 14 June '83 1,700 00 31 Oct. •46 12 Sept. '65 Branch 2.— Patents.— First Division. Poiie, Richard Casgrain, Herm^n^gildc D'Auteuil, Joseph £lz6ar. . . . {Lynch, William Joseph.... Deputy CoDimi'sioner of Patents. 1st Class Clerk 2ud Class Clerk, do 1 July '88 12 Nov. •74 23 May •82 23 May '82 2,800 00 1,750 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 19 Oct. '27 27 Apr. '42 7 Nov. '42 7 Apr. '65 3 Sept. '61 12 July '64 30 Jan. '53 115 Aug. '66 I * Since aypointed Secsretaiy of the Depiutinent. + Private Set'retary to Minister. t Since appointed Accountant of Branch. 66-9 130 DKl'ARTMENT OF AGRICULTURK-INSIDE SERVICE. BuANcii 2.— First Division— Coju^luilrd. Name. I'resent Kmik. Date. PrcHcut Salarj'. Dato of Birth. Date »>f First Ap- pointment;. Belaud, Louis Josciili Venicr, James William David Copping, John George E. . . . 3rd Class Clerk do do 23 May 'S-2. 1 June '84 20 May '84 $ cts. 1,000 00 800 00 800 00 15 Mar. '53 14 Mar. '45 15 July '38 IMay '76 12 May 81 •79 SucoND Division. Diouue, Joseph Ferreol. Ldvfique, Auguste Lyster, John Henry. . , Hamight, WiUiani. . . . 1st Chiss Clerk.. 3rd Class Clerk. do do 1 July •83 23 ]\[ay '82 23 May •82 23 May '82 \,cm 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 800 00 8]v-ar. '35 9 Mar. '50 17 Oct. '55 13 Mar. '49 8 April '68 19 April 74 18 Feb. '80 20 Dec. '81 TiiiuD Division. Kouthier, David Alfred Tach6, Arthur Guillaume. . . Desjai'dins, Alfred "Wilfred. Walsh, William John Reitl'onstein, Ju ia 2nd Class Clerk. 3rd Class Clerk. do do do 12 Nov. '74 1,400 00 1 July '79 I 8(10 00 28 Nov. '87 ' 400 00 Duly '88 IJuly '88 400 00 550 00 1 Oct. •44 24 Dec. '57 26 July '59 2 Sept. '63 9 Sept. '48 IJune '61 7 Feb. 78 28 Mar. '81 21 Dec. '81 July '80 FouBTH Division. HcCabe, Thomas Bailey, Horace Henry . , Caron, Albert Edouar J . , L^veillS, Joseph •Lemaitre, George Chabot, Loi Is Zacharie . C6t6, Didace 2iid Class Clerk.. do 3rd Clerk.. Model Repain^r. . Model Guardian. do do 1 July '83 27 Nov. '85 26 Jan. '86 19 Nov. '70 10 May '80 10 May '80 23 May '82 1,400 00 1,250 00 500 00 .500 00 500 00 500 00 480 00 22 July '34 7 Dec. '47 11 Oct. '60 16 July '43 18 Sept. '36 25 Oct. '40 25 Mar. "58 4 Aug. 7» 19 Oct. '»4 20 Feb. '86 19 Nov. '70 20 Jan. '70 26 Mar. '73 14 Dec. '80 BivANCH 3. — Statistics and Census. Tanguay, Mgr. Cyprien, D.L. Saint-Denis, Emery Henri . , Lyster, Amy Florence Fraser, flenriette Lydia Special Attache. 2nd Class Clerk. 3rd Class Clerk. do 1 July '68 1 July •88 12 May •84 12 May •84 1,400 00 1,100 00 750 00 600 00 15 Sept. '19 18 July '61 20Qct. '59 2i3m. '60 16 Mar. '65 9 Feb. '74 lAug. '81 12 May '84 ' Since deceased. — — - jf Datei .r First Ap- ■ pointmt mt. '53 IMay '76 '45 12 May •81 '38 '79 '35 8 April •68 •60 19 April '74 •66 18 Feb. '89 '49 20 Dec. '81 '44 1 June •61 •67 7 Feb. •78 '59 28 Mar. '81 '63 21 Dec. '81 '48 July '8t» '34 4 Aug. 7* •47 19 Oct. •84 '60 20 Feb. •85 '43 19 Nor. •70 '36 20 Jan. •70 '40 25 Mar. •73 '58 14 Dec. •80 •19 16 Mar. •66 '51 9 Feb. •74 •59 1 Aug. '81 •60 12 May •84 131 DEI'AUTMENT OF AGRICULTUIIE.— OUTSIDK SERVICE. StAKK ok Hllill CoMMISSlONKU's OfPICE. — LoSDON, ENGLAND. Name niul i'. 0. Addii'ss. Colmrr, Joscpli Giosc, C.M.G. 9, Victoria CluimhiTs, Lou- ilou, Ell''. i£owaril, Jolui. do Just, ( 'oiirrulin Frcdi'iick. . . . do liUke, Edwin Pliilip dt) Uej'uolds, Artliur Williiiiiis.. do 'J'aylor, Christoiilii'V .losepli . . do a I'resuut Kank. Si'cretarjf of tlie IIIrIi Comiiiiasiom!i''sOllico, ■ ttud Chief Cic^rk. !rd Class Clerk 2nd Class Clerk :}rd C1U.S8 Clerk Asst. Secretary and Ac- I'ouutaiit, ist Class Cli-rk. 3rd Class Clerk Date. IJiUy '88 21 Dec. '82 1 July '88 1 0('t. '87 1 .)uly '88 30 May '82 I'rt'seiit Salary. $ cts. 2,195 35 ()84 00 1,100 00 500 00 1,400 00 (i84 00 Date of Birth. 3 Jan. '56 17Junii '56 8 Nov. •5B 3 Nov. '08 2 Feb. '58 8 Aug. '61 Date of First Ap- pointment. Mar. '80 21 l>>c. '82 1 Apr. '81 1 Oct. '87 1 .lidy 88 30 May '82 Canaha. Anderson, Andrew Quebfc, r.C^). Anderson, William . . (Juebcr, P.Q. Babineau, Rev. .loscph Aug. . Tnii'ndip, N.!!. Baker, Adam Jacob Qu'Api>ello, N.W.T. Baker, Malcolm Clapp., V.S., Montreal, I'.Q. Badeanx, Jos. Jidoitard, M.D. Tinee Rivers, P.Q. Beaudin, Josciih, M.D Hull, P.Q. Bennett, Thomas limndon, Man. Blair, William Napiiiiii, N.S. Brauti^an, William Quebec, P.Q. Brown, Charles B Victoria, B.C. Canniff, Vrilliam, M.D Toronto. Ont Clarke, John, M.D Peterborough, Ont. Clay, Edwin McCully Halifax, N.S. Cobum, Geo. Haywnrd, M.D, Fredericton, N.B. Connolly, Thomas , Dublin, li-eland, Couture, Jos. Alpliouse, V.S., Pointe Levis, P.Q. I nteipret(!r, Grosse Isle. 1 May Interpreter 24 Apr. Chajdain, Tracadio La- zaretto. Immigration Agent .... Asst. Veterinary Inspec- tor. Mortuary Statis. Officer do .... Immigration Agent Supt. if Agriculture, ii.Y^wrimcntal Farm. Asst. lloasital Steward, Gross(! Isle. Caretaker, Quarantine Hospital. Mortuary Statis. Officer 3 iJec. 10 Apr. 12 May 2 Nov. 7 iMay 12 Apr. 18 July 27 Apr. 21 .lune '55 '68 '80 ■83 '84 '85 '86 '82 '87 '72 •84 do .... Immigration Agent. . . . Mortuary Statis. OfTicer Immigration Agent Supt. Cattle Quarantine 23 May '84 '85 '84 26 Sept. '83 11 Apr. 2 Mar. 7 May 21 May '80 •79 475 00 660 00 200 00 ^400 00 1,000 00 121 67 117 20 1,400 00 1,200 00 350 00 400 00 S40 76 117 03 1,000 00 115 64 1,000 00 800 00 26 May 22 June 29 Apr. 22 Sept. 23 Dec. 12 Oct. 5 May 14 Nov. 25 May 21 Mar. 30 Sept. •30 '40 '44 '21 '49 '4(i '42 '30 •36 •31 '31 1 May '66 Apr. '67 Oct. '71 10 Apr. '83 20 May '79 2 Nov. '85 7 May '86 12 Apr. '82 18 July •S? 27 Apr. '72 21 Juno ^84 '30 23 .Mar. '83 •"50 11 Apr. "85 10 Mar. 20 July '59 1 Nov. '82 10 July 15 De . •55 •24 •50 26 Sapt. '83 1 Aug. "n. 21 May '79 tb—d ••■.■.li 132 DKrAliTMKNT OF AGUICULTUUE.— OUTSIDE SEKVIfE l> M Nume and 1'. O. AiUlrcss. Covt^iitry, John, M, 1) AViiid.sur, Out. Daley, Joliii Joscpli Moiitnn;, I'Ji. Dancause, Gccirf;*' Qiu'bcu, P. (J. Daiiiel,JohnW'atirliouHi',JI-D St, .loliii, N.13. I'i'esoiit Uiink. Movtuiiry Statist. Ollicer Iiiiini^iitinii Aifi^nt , Devlin, John Haliliix, N.S. Duvlin, Marv ,. . . . ' Halifax. N.S. Donaldson, John Andrew. . . , Toronto, (iiit, Doyle, Patrick Quebec, P.Q. Dyke, John Henry Sadler. . . Liverpool, Eng. Fee, Samuel Henry, M.D. . . Kingston, Ont. 'rink, James Henry, V,S, . .. St. John, N.n. Fletolier, Jumo.s Ottawa, Ont. Seaman and Carixmter, Oro.'ise Isle. Mortuary Statist. Ollicer Steward, Quarantine Station. Stewardess, tjuarantinc Station. Immigration Agent . . . . Gardner, Samuel St. John, N.B. Oaavreau, Pierre A. , M , U. . , Itimouski, P.Q. Orahame, Thomas GliLsgow, Scotland. Graham, William Cameron B. Winnipeg, Man. Qriffin, Egerton, M.D Brantford, Ont. Harding, WiUiam S., M.D. . St. John, N.B. Hilborn,— Ottawa, Ont. Hitchen, Hany Kingston, Ont. •Hobkirk, William H . , M . D. Charlottetown .P.E.I. Hutchinson, Theoph. v., M.D London, Ont. Jackson, William, M.D Victona, B.C. Jessop, John Victoria, B.C. Johnson, Kichard, M.D Charlottetown, P.E.I. ^eating, Thomas A . , M . D . . Guelph, Ont. Langlois, Come Quebec, P.Q. Assistant Iun;iignttion Agent. Dominion (iovt. Agent, ilortuary Statist. Oiticer Veteriiiaiy In3[iector. . . Entoniolorrist and Bot-, Exp. Farm. Immignitio]! Agent .... In8i)ecting Physician. . . Emigration Agent.,. . Immigration Agent. . Mortuary Statist. Officer Insjjccting Physician. . , Horticulturist, Exiieri^ mental Farm. Caretaker Inspecting Physician. Mortuary Statist. Officer Insiwcting Physician. Immigration Agent . . Mortuary Statist. Officer do Captain, Str. " Grosse aptam, Isle."^ Date. 3 Sei.t. '87 7 Aug. I Jul\ 7 Kcb. •C9 79 •83 15 July '66 13 Ante. 1 Sept. 5 June 29 Apr. 23 Mar. 1 Jan. 18 July 11 Feb. 24 July 17 Oct. 5 Feb. 15 Oct. '73 •64 •77 '85 '88 •87 Present Salary, Date 111' Birth. 9 cts. 116 40 9 Dee. 1,300 00 475 00 4 Sept, 4 Sept. 105 31 27 J in, i 560 00 16 July LIO 00 1,650 09 1,100 00 2,100 00 135 22 400 00 1,500 00 •80 I 1,000 00 •85 1^10 each insjx'ction. '72 '83 '86 3 June '74 18 July 6 May 29 May 3 Dec. 18 Aug. 4 Dec. 5 Apr. 7 Mar. 20 Apr. '87 '72 •74 '85 •83 •83 •83 '85 72 1,300 00 1,400 00 124 04 1,200 00 1,200 00 $1.25 per day. 400 00 IfiO 09 1,000 00 1,000 00 128 71 124 72 580 00 4 Mar. 2»Mav '36 •42 •41 •45 •33 •37 •16 •38 22 X(.v, 28 Mur. 13 Dec. 15 Oct. 20 Mar. 18 Mar. 17 Mar. 18 Jan. 8 Apr. 24 Dec. 28 Dec. 15 Feb. 28 Nov. •40 '5i •52 •13 '57 •40 •35 '29 •14 •49 •37 •15 •41 '34 Date of First Ap- pointment. 3 Sept. '.S7 7 Aug. '69 IJuly '79 7 Feb. '83 15 July '68 13 Aug. '73 •61 20 Apr. '69 •75 23 Mar. '85 1 Jan. '88 1 Aug. '76 11 Fel). '80 Aug. '84 17 Oct. '72 23 Feb. '78 reOct. '86 14 Aug. '47 10 Nov. '8S 6 May '72 29 May ^74 3 Dec. '85 18 Aug. '83 '30 4 Dec. '83 10 Nov. •30 5 Apr. '83 30 Oct. '37 7 Mar. '8i 2 Feb. '49 20 Apr. 72 * Since deceased. 133 DKPAHTMKNT OF AdUICirLTIIUE- OUTSIDI-VSKIIVICK. ISJulv '68 23 Mar. '85 Niiuii) and P.O. .ViUlrcss. Present Rank. i^ate. Present .Salary. Date of Birth. Date of Fiwt Ap- l)ointmeut. LaRocnuc, Ali)hoiis(! 11., M.D Mortuary Statist. Officer 10 Feb, '83 $ cts. 451 86 21 July '23 10 Feb. '83 Montnal, I'.Q. Massoi), Edonard Baker and Carter, Orosse Isle. 8 April '74 525 00 22 Sept. '42 8 April '74 Qui-Imm', P.Q. Matlifson, Gforjjc (lorilon.... Steward, (Juarantino.ll Aii«. '81 300 00 a Jan. '51 11 Aug. "Si Pidt'iu, N.S. Station, Miui'ick, Henry Kmigmtioii Agent 28 June '87 1,000 00 8 Mar. '87 liull'ast, Iruiand. Milne, George L., M.D Mortuary Statist. OHiccr 7 May 'SO 114 81 19 April '.lO 7 May '88 Victoria, B.C. Mitiuelou, Jtiscipli Zoel C\v . . (•aL'iiry, N.\V.T. Iminigral ion Agent, . , . 1 A]>ril •8ti 1,2(X) 00 11 Feb. "34 10 May '83 Montizambert, Fic icri(:k,MD Mediciil ."^upi-riaUtiidciit, 18 Mar. '(59 2,400 00 3 Feb. '43 11 May '66 (Juehee, P.(,>. (irossc Isle. Moriu, Edouard, M.D Mortuary Statist. Oflicer 10 Feb. '83 451 86 21 July '23 10 Feb. '83 Qiu'bco, P.Q. Macdoiiald, P. A., Jl.D, ... Inspecting l'hysi(!ian.. . 3 Aug. '86 200 00 17 Mar. '42 '80 Port Hawkeslmry, N.S. MacplitTsoii, Iticlmnl.'. Iminigiation Agent. . . . 2 May '70 1,300 00 23 Sept. '31 2 May '70 KiiigHtoii, Out. McDonald, John, M.D Inspci^ting IMiysician. . . 14 Aug. '86 .100 00 lIFeb. '52 16 April '84 Chatlmm, N.B. McEacliran, Cluvrlos, V.S Veterinary Inspector. . . 16 Mar. '85 1,000 00 28 May '63 16 Mar. '85 Montreal. P.Q. McEacluan, Duncan, V.S... Chief Veterinary In- 12 May '84 1,500 00 27 Oct. '41 12 May '84 Montreal, P.Q. spector. McGoveni, James Miclmcl... Immigration Agent. . . . 5 June '84 1,000 00 29 Sept. '54 23 May '82 Port Arthur, Out. Melsaue, Donald John Caretaker, < .Juarantine 12 Jan. '85 400 00 4 July '42 12 Jan. '85 Sy.lncy.C.B. Hospital. NclvuVy Aiif'us Sunt ol' Affriciiltiii'i* 18 July '87 1,200 00 10 Jan, '40 18 July '87 Indian Head, .V.W.T. E.xperi mental Farm. ^ \^ V *■ ■ ■• '■ *' Mel, ay, Archibald, M.D Mortuary Statist. Olfieer 23 July '87 113 40 22 May '43 23 July '87 Woodstock, Ont. McLood, William McK.,M.D Inspecting Physician. , . lAiig. '83 1,000 00 4 July '64 1 Aug. '83 Sydney, r.B. McMillan, John, M.D do 9 Sept. '87 400 00 18 Jan. '34 9 Sept. '87 Pictou. X.S. Neilson, William J., M.D,. Mortuary Statist. Oflieer 4 Aug. '83 119 96 4 Mar. '54 4 Aug, *8S WinnijH'!^, Man . O'Dolierty, Catherine . . . i . . . Matron, Quarantine "Jta- 1 Feb. '75 300 00 IMay '37 1 Feb. '76 St. John, N.B. tion. _ O'Reilly, Francis Messenger 1 Any. '81 365 00 3 Aug.- '31 1 Aug. '81 Quebec, P.Q. o Osffoode. HeniT ' Hos lital Steward Grosio 11 Aug. '83 562 50 11 Aug. '83 Quebec, P.Q, Isc. Part, Fifidcrie, M.D Mortuary Statist. Oflicer 9F.'b, '85 118 07 23 Sept. '37 9 Feb. '86 Sherbrooke, P.Q. Robillard, Adolphe, M.D. .. do 10 Feb. '83 168 53 18 Sept. '36 10 Feb. '83 (Jttawa, Out, Boss, Gordon W. A., M.D... do 19 April '86 113 40 17 Sept. '.'37 19 April '86 AVoodstoek, Ont. •Kowaud, Alexander E., M.D Inspecting Pliysician. . . 1 Mar. '65 1,200 00 25 Dec. '20 1 Mar. '65 Qutihw, P.Q. Roy, LouisJos. Hereule,M.D. Mort;uary Statist. OBicer, 1 Alay '88 111 25 12 .Tan. '64 1 May '88 St. John, P.Q, 1 Rutherford, James Page, M.D do ..29 Jan. '85 119 58 11 Dec. '44 29 Jan. '85 Chatham, Ont. 1 >./My m ' Since deceased. 134 DKI'AltTMMNT OF AGIIICULTUIIE.— OUTSIDE SKRViri;. li^ r Name and I*. O, Address. Ryali, Jsiinc, M . 1) Iliiiiiilloii, Out. St. (icrniiiiii, .1. H. 1.., M.D. St. llyiwiiitlii', ^.(^ Saunders, Williiuii Ottiiwn, Out. Swiirs (Ic 111 Mii'i'i Tniciidie, S.\i. Shutt, Frank T., M.A Ottawa, Out Present Dank. Date. ^Mortuary f, Andrew. V.S i("Iiief N'etiu'hiary 1n- iipector for Ontaiio, Toronto, Ont. Smith, AUivd Corbett, M.D. Neweastle, N.U. Smith, Joliu Hamilton, Out. Smyth, Alfred George [jondon, Ont. Stail'ord, Lawn-nee (Juebee, !'.(.>. Steiu, L^once P'ran(,-ois L. . . . Quebec, I'.Q. Suiuiuur, .Tolin Carletnu Place, Ont. Sutherland, Mon'ison Medicine Hat, N.W.T. Sylv•(^ster, CJeorge Perrv, JI . D Gaft,Ont. Sy Ivestre, Isuie, M.D Soi-el, P.Q. TStu, Jean Etienne Emci'son. Man. Tracy, KoLert, M . D llelleville, Ont. Tceunman, Thninas, M. U. . . Halifax, N.S. Turcotte, Fran(;ois Xavier. . . Quebec, P.Q. Turcotte, Jean Hujitiste Quebec, P.Q. Tweedale, John I J., JI . D St Thomas, Out. Walsh, William Point Levi-s, P.Q. Visitinj.; Physician, Tro- cadie Lazaretto. Immi^ratiMi Ajrent .... do .... do .... Chief Clerk, luuuigni' tioii Olliee, Travelling Inmugi'ation Agent. Immip'atiou Agent .... Mortuary Statis. OlHeer do luunignition Agent,... :Mortuary Statis. Officer do .... Mate of Steamer " Grosse Isle." Seaman, " G roust; Isle " 23 Mar. '83 20 Feb, '85 12 Oct. '80 3 Doc. '80 18 July "87 20 Mar. '82 3 Dec. '83 .30 Sei^t. "74 31 May '73 ;3July '68 5 June '77 21 May '73 1 Apr. '86 20 Feb. '85 2 July '85 lApr. '76 IfiJau. '85 30 Apr. '83 20 Apr. 73 IJuly '79 Present Salary. Mortuarj' Statis. Officer 10 Jau, '85 I Foreman, Cattle Quar-; 1 May '77 antiuo. I tirlt' Wickwire, 'William N., M.D.Iuspectiug Physician, Halifax, N.S. Wills, William John ilmmicration Agent. . Ottawa, Out. Woods, nev. John V Halifax, N.S. Qiurautiue !l"ipluiii. 20 Feb. "72 17 Aug. '61 23 May '73 $ cts. 18l» 90 113 30 4,0(10 00 Mi) (10 1,200 00 500 00 300 00 1.250 00 1,000 00 1,700 00 1,000 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 112 96 114 47 1,000 00 123 79 190 25 475 00 437 50 120 91 600 00 1,200 00 1,300 00 100 00 Date of Uirth. 12 .May '30 15 July '33 10 Juno '30 Date of First Ap- pointment. 23 Mar. '8^ 20 Feb. '85 1 May '82 15 Sept, '59 18 JiUy '87 '3« 20Mor. '82 7 June 18 Jlar. 29 Apr. 1 Apr. 21 Feb, 16 May 17 Dec. 19 Dec. 22 Aug. 20 Dec. 20 Feb. 16 July 1 Jday 13 Jan. 16 Oct. 21 Sept. 18 Nov. 25 June 28 June '41 '28 •24 '20 '60 '14 '50 •62 •46 '49 •36 '43 •49 •52 '23 '52 •39 •18 •24 3Moy •tiC 80 Sept. •?* •6« 26 Nov. '61 1 May '74 14 May ^72 lApr. •8G 20 Feb. '85 2 July '86 1 Apr. ^76 16JttU. '85 30 Apr. '85 20 Apr. '72 1 July '79 10 Jan, '85 13 May '72 117 Aug. '61 23 May '73 ii i;^6 in.-DKl'AHTMKNT OK MAUINK.— INSIDK SKIIVICE. Kauio. Siaith, William lUnlio, Joliii OounloHU, Fraiii;oiu Fi'6(l£i'ic. Andcraon, LiiHit.-Cnl.Williiim I'ntriek. Msgee, AVilliam Lortus. . . . Akzaixler, Willittm HowitHoii McElhiiiney, Mark Pntton Owen, Alfreil Wallace OxIifV, .lanii'8 Mai'doimlil, B.A, liL.H PreHciit Itiiiik. Di'imty MiniNtur , Chief (Icik , Dutf. 11 Nov. 1 July 1 ,liilv CliiiT Cl.Tk mill Ar. I'ountant. Cliit'l Clerk iiiiil I'ln^i-I 1 July neer. 1st Clans (.'lerk 2ii(l ClasM Clerk (I* HaUcctt, Jainen Brooke Carli'ton, William Byron. . . . Stumbles, William W Micholiton, MoHes Vcnion C. Steele, Henry Vivian Hftlkett, Andrew McClenaghan, James Edward Chiiou, Alonzo Herr ' '; Mfflin, Jules ; fiobertHon, James Alexander «iA do do 1 July . 15.IU11(! 1 Aug. 31 ( let. 1 July I .1 1 July ard Clans Clerk |23 Nov. do do do da do do Messeuger do 1 July 10 July 1 Mny 1 .luly 1 July 4 Ajir. 7 ( let. 6 June '«7 •80 '8.5 •87 •73 '82 '8-2 •S.'i •8(i •85 '71 •80 •70 '84 '70 •83 '87 •72 '74 Present Siiliiry. I Date of llirtti. $ CtH. 3,200 00 2,100 00 l,9."i() 00 l,8.-0 00 1,300 00 1,100 00 l.B.'iO 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,100 00 1,0')0 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 9riO 00 850 00 700 00 4.''.0 00 600 00 500 00 12 J UNO 25 Auk. 20 (let. 4 S.'iil . 18 Hept. 6 .Mar. 18 Miir. 10 Apr. 22 t)et. 24 Sept. 31 Oct. 20 Mur. 10 July 18 July 28 Oet. 21 Jnn. .30 Dec. 1 Jap. 25 Jan. '21 '33 '44 '.-.1 •40 '47 •.37 '43 Date- <.f First Ap- )MiiiitlMeiit. '42 11 Nov. 'tsr 13 M;iy '70 1 May '75 11 Feb. '70 11 Nov. '67 1 Aug. '82 20 Oet. ^82 •55 117 A I '45 •40 '40 '46 •47 •54 '62 '00 •42 '60 7 Nov. '73 23 Nov. '71 IJuly '8a 10 July '79 1 May '84 IJuly '79 IJuly '83 4 Apr. •a? 7 Oct. '72 6 Juno '74 DEPARTMENT OF MARINE. -OUTSIDE SERVICE. QUKBF.O ACJENCV. Gregoiy, John Uriah Quebec . Buteau, E. E Quebec . Iilanchctte, Louis Alfred. . . . Quebec. Bnuiean, John Gregory Quebec . O'l'arrrll, George D'Aroy. . , . Quebec . Agent Clerk to Agent. do do do 1 .luly •67 1 July •61 14 May •72 1 Don. '72 20 Dec. '77 2,200 00 900 00 1,000 00 821 25 ?1.75 per day. 7 Nov. '30 26 May '33 28 May '-18 11 Nov. '57 2iJuly '62 22 Aug. '64 IJnly '61 14 May '72 1 Dee. '72 20 Dec. '77 l: ■-i ■ '■- .Miff Ii!' t, ill..: ■ . i:t(! DKl'AKTMKNT OF MAIlINK.-oUTHlDK SKUVICK. AdRNov AT St. John, Nf.w Buiinhwick. Namnnnd V. O. AilditjHs. Prownt Rank. Diit.'. I'lisi-nt Hiiliiiy. Patn of lUith. DatitoT First A|»- (Miintinen) . JHardiiii', Juliu Hiiin' St. .Mm, N.n. HardiuKi I'Vi'ilcrirk .1 !St. John, N.H. Affpiit KM. 71 1 Nov. 71 9 CtH. 1,800 00 800 00 2 Jan. '18 1 Auk. '63 1 Oct. '71 Clink to Agent INoT. 71 AdKNCY AT Halifax, Nova SforiA. Jolinstou, Henrv AVi'iitwnrth. Halifu.x, ti.H, Agent , 1 Uec. '67 2,000 00 25 May '34 '«S Agency at Victoria, Bhitism Cohimbia. Lewis, Herbert Oeorgn lAgent . Vctona, B.C. 11 Mny '85 2 Jan. '30 11 May '85 AOKNOV AT CHAnLOrTKTOWN, PlUNCK EdWAUD IsLANO. Lord, Art( .inn Chill lottetown, i'.K.I. Agent . 1 .Ian. '81 i 400 00 14 May '36 1 Jau. '81 Sui'KlllNTKNDENTS OV LlOIIT lloUHEH. Kitchell, James Niwcustle, N.B. Hutehins, Chmles Alfred.. . . flalifiLV, N.S. Harty, Patrick Ottawa Su])erintcnd. of Lights. . do do 1 Nov. 71 15 Feb. •84 1 Junn '80 1 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 10 Oct. '26 4 Dec. '42 25 May '35 1 Nov. 71 15 Feb. '84 1 June '80 MUTKOROLOOICAL HkRVICK. Carimiael, Charles, M. A Toronto. Sujx'rintendent and l»i- W ■ lu. '80 rector of MaginTiinl Observatoiy. $2,000 am! Diii'ctor's housi', es- tiuintedat $400 a y'r rental. 19 Sept. '40 13 Jan. '80 fitewart, William Alleyne . . . Toronto. Oliserver, Magnrtic 0\t- .^ervatory. Apr. '53 540 00 25 Jan. '28 Apr. '58 Davison, William Fletcher.. Toronto. Hutchinson, George St. John, N.IJ. do Director!, Ohservatoiy. June '65 1 June 70 540 00 995 00 4 May '37 17 Nov. '17 June 'eft 1 JnnB '70 l^rfikr Joromiah Siifnal Stafitfii zitilia. '81 -0 00 10 Mar. '33 24 Mar. 'Si St. John, N.B.I i:j7 rCTT-.TsancT'ss.zj' •',■- j- ■ 11 May '85 1 Jan. "81 13 Jan. '80 DEl'AUTMKNT (tF MAUINK. -(»l THIDK KKKVICK. lioAUi) OK Stkamiidai Innphction. [nspkotoiih nv IIoilkiih and MAriiiNriiT. Niiioe anil P. <). AililnHx. RiMlry, Sniiiiii'l 'roronlo. Mfticilly, WiiltcrJaiiii'H 'I'liiipiitii, Biirjfi'MH, .Inliii iMoiiti'i'ikl. AOaiim, KiUviii'cl Kiii^stiiii. SauiHon, .IoN('|ili Qui'l)('(!. Alioll, Ediiiuiiil I! iSrlkiik, ^Ihii. St. John, Oliver l'lii'li.s 'loroiito. StcypuH, DoiigluM ilulit'iix, Eiisscll, Willium A Viutoria, B.C. PivHi'iit Rank, Cliitimmn nf Itoiird. . Deputy Cliiiiniinii of lldafil, liiH|)oetor .Ill (lu ilo 'do do do Date. 1 .luly •r,7 2 iMnr. 72 7 .luly ■73 2 .May ■83 2t Jiin. '••.7 24 Nov. •83 19 A 111-. ■84 24 Fell. •80 3 Dec. •86 PreHI-lit .Salaiy, 9 ctN. 1,81)0 00 1,300 00 1,200 00 1,100 00 1,200 00 1,000 00 i.orio 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 Date of llirth. 1 1 May 28 Nov. 20 Nov. 22 Nov. 1 Nov. 11 Apr. 28 Apr. 12 June 28 Nov. '31 •25 '40 '33 •26 •46 •43 •37 DatK of Fintt A|)- |Kiintiii«nt. 27 July 'W 2 Mar. '72 7 July '73 2 May '83 24 Jan. '«7 2 Feb. '77 19 Apr. "S* 24 Feb. '8« 3 Dw. '88 InSPKCTORH ok JIi'M.M and I'\>UIPMBNT8. Coker, Charles R .St. John, N.B. Harliottle, 'riionms Toronto. Bruuelle, Pierre Queliee. AfcElhinm \, Mark Patton., Ottawa Dick, James. Toiwito. Insiiector . till do do do 26Sei)t. '82 5 Apr. '83 5 Apr. '83 Paid as an oil 22 Apr. '84 1,200 00 il5July '25 1,200 00 1,000 00 10 Auj,'. '29 29 Jan. '29 26S«!pt. "82 5 Apr. 'St 5 Apr. '83 cer, luHidi! Service, see\\me 135. 800 00 29 Apr. '26 22 Apr. '84 > III'' Examiners op Mastkus and Mates. •Scott, Capt. Peter Astle. 1lt\ Ohaimiaa. Halifax ^S, 7 Mar. '71 2,000 00 25 Feb. '16 7 '71 LionTHousE Sbiivice. Lights above Montreal. Hackett, Andrew .Lii^lit Keejier. Aiuliei-stburg. ' '• ,. '4Rh&pbell, Thomas Burlington, Ont, Turcot te. Col ise Ganauoque, Out. do do 13 Jan. '64 1 Aiir. '75 21 Die. '77 685, allow- ed for buoys 1150.... 300 00 250 00 4 Oct. '44 1 Apr. '32 15 May '32 13 Jan. '64 1 Apr. '75 21 Dec. '77 • Since s'uperanuuattNl. ),(■ (' ^■M '.'*<;! :V' /38 DEPARTMENT OF M^RINE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. IjIoiithousK Skiivice— Continued. 'i 11: ;■ m Name and P. O. Address. Lights abov(; Montreal. Present Rank. LMnbfrt, Willinm McGregor. ] Light Keeivr.... Saugcen, Ont. Hoar, Jobn Latbutaine, Oi't, Baker, Benjamin Booth Sjniuish Jiiver, (hit. Dornan, (ieorge Oibraltar Point, Toronto. Boot, Albert Roekport, Ont. ljabei;ge, Alfred East Teuipleton, P.Q. rnttcrson, Garret Wellington KepjH'l, Out. {>luinuou, William Valleylield, P.Q. do do Date. 1 Oct. 28 Mnr. •8« •68 8 Oct. 75 Pre.sent .Salary, Keeiier of Light & Fog Alarm. Hhannou, George Vinieyfiekl, P.Q. Boddlck, Robert Port Hope, Out. CuTiia, George Port Elgin, Ont. De Lamoraudiei-e, Pierre R . . Killarney, Ont. .Uclochc, Simon Lacliine, I'Ai. Li^ur dit Parisien, Charles. . do Lachiue, P.Q. Light Keejicr. do •lo do \s3i9tant Light Keeper, Liglit Keep*^- , do do do Vi.'aiHby, Olivier Lachine,P.Q. Taillcfur, Isaie. Lachine,P.Q. Johnson, George H Lancaster, Ont. Hill, Thomas Henry Lancaster, Ont. Wallace, John Gen-ard LaiLsdowne, Ont. IMiu-kenzin^ Donald Little Current, Out. Woodwnnl, Henrv HituItcot:k St. Williams, Ont. Dickiiisun, William E Port Rowan, Out. Cullis, AViUiam Oockbum Island, viii ('oL liugwood, Ont. Hariciiu, Hyacintiie Michipicoton Isl'd., Algonm do SI May 15 Dec. 2(i Jan. 27 Apr. 27 Sept. 27 Sept, Mar. 1 Apr. 24 Sept, 1 May 1 May 29 Ajir. do do do (h) do do Light Keeper and Fog Alarm Engineer. Light Keeper '.^4 •63 •66 '81 •66 •66 '72 '78 •80 $ cts. 500 00 42,'), allow- ance .^lO. 350 00 6-25 00 250 00 240, allow- unee $10. 3.50 00 425, allow auce $10. 175 00 600 00 650 00 400 00 Date of Birth. 20 Sept. '44 1 '80 1250, allow anee of $i for fuel. "80 •72 lApr. •SI 18 Mar. '59 1 July '77 IJuly '81 21 May '67 24 May 69 30 May '79 1 Oct. '77 l.Tuly '81 200 00 300, allow auce of 15 for fuel. do 6 Oi't. 3 Jan. 17 Feb. 1 Jan. 9. Feb. 4 Feb. 18 Mar. 2 Jan. 16 Sept. 2 July 22 May 2G Feb. 23 Nov. Date of First Ap- pointr'cnt. '45 '27 '27 '37 '36 ■32 '44 '61 •40 •44 •44 '32 •24 •39 250, allow- ance $75. 326 00 260 00 350 00 460 00 28 Feb. ^41 27 Dec. '31 10 Apr. '52 10 May '54 28 Jan. '28 9 Nov. '29 400, allow- ance «10. 24 Aug. '38 740 00 400 00 24 Aug. '50 15 Aug. '30 1 Oct. '80 28 Mar. '68 8 Oct. '75 31 Jlay '54 16 Dec. '63 26 Jan. '66 27 Apr. 'HI 27 Sept. '66 27 Sept. '68 Mar. '72 1 Apr. '78 24 Sept. '80 1 May '80 1 May '80 29 Apr. '73 1 Apr. '81 18 Mar. '59 1 July '77 iJuly '81 20 May '67 24 May 'O* 30 Sept. '79 1 Oct. '77 1 July '81 139 DEPARTMENT OF MARINE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. LianTiiou.sK Skuvice— Contiimed. 18 Mar. *59 iOScpt. 70 Name aud P. O. Addi'vss. Lights above Montreal. Smithers, Richard Hudson. . iStronimss, Ont. McDonald, Alex Boaud.'t Uh-ri; P.Q. Chiabolm, Robert Km- Oakvillc, Out. Duulop, Albort Kingston, Out Present Rank. Light Kociwr , CoUinH, Gcorj;;o CoUingwood, Out. Lawson, Adam ATcxaudi'r. . . . Parry Sound, Ont. CharloboiH, Ednioud St. Bonoit, t'o. Two Mountains, I'.Q. Gloudo, Benjamin Ijachinc, P.Q. Grubb, William Andiisw Leamington, Ont. Burlinghani, James Piotou, Ont. Priayer, John Priuyor, Ont. Dick, Andrew Silver Islet, Ont. Fortier, David Hugh A Port Colliorne, Ont. Uiuiter, David Port Dalhousie.Out. Scholfield, Fergus Port Maitlaiul, Out. Ead, Charles Port Stanley, Ont. Sherwood, William Henry . . . Brigliton, Out. Uudgius, Louis South Point, Out. i^e, Kobert Uillier, Primte Edward Co., Ont, Jaeksou, William , Gauano([ue, Out Shcphei-d, William Bnice Mines, Out, Mabou, John , Solmesville, Out, K«y, William Kineiudiue, Out, McAvoy, Patrick Wolle Island, Out. Bomm, Edwai-d Midland, Out, V*fc»iB, FeUx , Vaudreuil,P.Q, .Harrisou, Thomas , Moqu'th, On t , do do do do do do do do do do do Date. Light Keeper and Fog Alarm Engineer. Light Keei)er do do do do do do do do do do do do do 20 Feb. 73 122 Sept. '47 1 Oe,t. '66 28 Feb. 72 20 Sept. '59 1 Nov. '81 1 May '74 7 Sept. '72 1 Sept. '78 IMay '76 4 Jan. '67 10 Aug. '80 11 Apr. '65 29 Oct. '79 10 Apr. '71 7 June '69 29 Apr. '74 25 Mar. '79 6 Apr. 77 lAiig. '80 23 Oct. '69 12 Nov. '70 5 Mar. '75 lApr. '75 13 Sept. '75 8 Oct. '75 1 Sept. '76 Present Salary. Date of Birth. $ cts, ^ 400, allow-l' 7 Sept. '24 anee :ii;M. 175 00 17 May '14 200 00 .2.-) May '19 I 350, S.IOal-'il .Apr. '45 1 ow a n e e for taking charge ol' fog-beU. 600 00 450 00 200 00 300 00 500 00 400 00 300 00 400 00 500 00 350 00 350 00 300 00 375 00 300 00 400 00 400, allow, ance S50. 300, allow, ance 325. 200 00 350 00 180 00 500 00 200 00 400 00 11 Jan. '17 4 May '46 1 Feb. '40 22 Nov. '51 2 Mar. '50 5 Mar. '37 2 Sept. '19 13 Oct. '32 12 July '40 4 Aug. '34 4 July '44 20Oet. '35 24 Dec. '35 15 Jan. '15 28 Apr. '26 30 June '30 11 May '17 20 Oct. "20 24 Jan. '24 9 Nov. '30 9 Jan, '56 29 Mar. '15 16 Oct. '17 Date of First Ap- point uient. 20 Feb. 73 22 Sept. '47 1 Oi:t. '(i& 28 Feb. '7-1 20 Sept. '59 1 Nov. '81 1 May 74 7 Sept. '72 1 Seiit. '7* 1 May '76 4. Ian. '67 10 Aug. '80 11 .\pr. '65. 29 Oct. '79 10 Apr. '71 7 June '69 29 Apr. '74 25 Mar. '79 5 Apr. '77 1 -Vug. '80 23 Oct. '69 12 Nov. 70 5 Mar. 75 1 Apr. '75 13 Sept. '75 8 Oct. '75 1 Stj.t. '76 f:.l'" Mi I?- il i r - ' ': V ' ' 'Jul' \ f ! • !■ 140 DEPARTMENT OF MARINE-OITTSIDE SERVICE. LiGuruousE Skiivice— Continued. Name and P.O. Aildn'ss. Lights above Montreal. Purvis, "Willi- lU CoL'kb ni Island, Out, McKay, Chai'los Stephen Battle liiland.Red Rock,Ont, Boytcr, liobert , Gore Bay, Out, Miller, Ocorfje Scott , (.)\veu Sound, Out, Covert, Jolm Belleville, Ont. Melntosli, Daniel , South Bay Point, Out, Muu.sou, Jolui Colchester Reef, ()nt , Present Rank. Light Keeper. do do «lo do do ' . do Date. Present Salary. Date of Birth. 21 Mar. '77 27 Aug. 77 lOet. '83 11 Feb. '80 I I IJuue '81 • 1 Oct. '80 1 May '80 $ cts, 500 00 500 00 350 00 180 00 200 00 200 00 600 00 21 Aug, '35 15 Feb. '38 31July '35 22 April '12 6 Jan. '25 20Mar. '33 12 Dec. '45 Date of First Ap- pointment. 21 Mar. '77 27 Aug. '77 2 Oct. '79 11 Feb. '80 1 June '81 lOct. '80 IMay '80 Lights bbtweex Montjieal and Quebec. Boisvert, Francis St. JeanD'Ksclwillons, P.Q Fiset, Jean Hector Sorel, P.Q. (St. Cutlibert in winter). Martin, Paul, Jr St. Valentin, P,Q. Eodrigue, Fran<,'ois Frederic.. Portneuf, P.Q. Thiirber, William Ijotbiniere, P,Q. Oigucre, Denis Lavaltrie, P.Q. Lafleur, Leon LotV uifere, P.Q. Light Kee^ier. do do do do do do 26 Sept. '55 22 April '75 j28 April '73 22 .Tan. '58 5 Oct. '78 1 April '75 15 Mar. '67 150 00 500 00 150 00 250 00 175 00 300 00 175 00 6 May 1795 4 Nov. '44 10 July '33 26 Dec. '37 IJune '35 25 April '37 7 Aug. '23 26 Sept. 'S5 22 April '76 28 April '73 22 Jan. '58 6 Oct. '78 24 April "70 15 Mar. '67 LKillTS BELOW QttEBEC. Cormier, 'Williani Amherst Islimtt. Magdalen Islands, P.Q. Gagne, Tliomas East Point, Anticosti, vift Gaspo, P.Q. Pope, Edward Soutli AVest Point, Anti- costi. viS Gaspe, P.Q. Malouin, Alfred \\'est Point, Anticosti, via GiLspe, P,Q. •Galibois, Jean-Ba^pti-te Bi ithier {en baa) . Colton, Michaii" Belle-Isle (by SS. Napo- leon III). Parent, Etieune Rimouski, P.Q Light Keeper. do do do do do do 26 April '71 350 00 21Juae '46 26 AimtU '71 9 Sept, '68 •400 00 Oct. '22 9 Sept. 'm 21 Oct, '57 •400 00 11 Mar. '23 21 Oct. '67 IJuly '77 450 00 1 April '52 IJuIy '77 23.1une '80 320 00 23 Jan. '41 23 June '80 1 April '82 900 00 9 Oct. '51 1 April '82 19 July '80 600 00 15 July '28 19 July '80 Fo * AUowauce of $200 for assistants and |200 for piovisiuns. DEPAKTMENT OF MARINE.— OUTSIDli SERVICE, liioiirs BEI.OW QuEiiKC— Coiitiiiuetl. liame and P. O Addros.s. I'lvsent Rank. Tiirbide, T61c,sphore liird Rouks, Ma(;duleii Islands (In- steuinor Napouon IJl). Richard, Alphonsc Riviure du Loup, I'.Q. C6W, Louis Trelle, Cape Chiitte, Gaspo, P.Q. Dion, Samuel CapeChatte, Uaspc, P.Q. Locke, Henry Caiie Norman. Newloimdrd, (by str. AapoUon III ). Laiidty, Elimino Carlctou, Bale des Chalours, Bonaventuro, P.Q. Paiuchaud, Josctph Cmne Island, P.Q. Cassidy, James Amherst Harbour, Ala^'^HJen Islands, > McWilliams, John J. . . Rimouski, Wyatt, Matthew Thorn Forteau (by steamer Napo- Uonlll)- Esnouf, Charles Dumar^'sq. . . Gaspe Capti, Gaspe, 1*.(J. Lindsay, Gilbert William . . . Green Island, P.Q. Boulliane, Pierre Point Bouleau, Saguc- nay, ^.Q. C6t6,PauI Egg Islaml, Rimouski. BcrtramV^Auguste Anse aiix Guseons, New- Fort, Bale dcs Chaleui's. DcHJardins, Octave Matiine, Rimouski, P.Q. Simard, Edouard St. Paul's Bay, Co. Cliarlevoi.x, P.Q. Dcaiardins, David. ., St. Andrd of Kamouraska. liabin, Louis Damasc, Jr. . . . St. Jean Port Joli, P.Q. Faflard, Louis Feitlinand. . . . Bctsiamits, via Rimouski. Loisel, John Point Pa8])eliiac. Chaleui's, P. (J.' liCmieux, Ferdinand ! Point iiiciie, NewfoundlM. Chabot, Edouard Point St. Laurent, Island of Orlennn, P.l^. Trcmblay, Dorilas Muniiy Bay, P.Q. Light Keeiier., do do do do Date. do do do do Light Keeper and En- gineer. Light Keeper do do do do do do do do do do do do 16 Sept. '81 7 Oct. '78 10 Sept. '74 17 June '81 11 Nov. '72 lApr. '72 1 Oct. '64 23 Sept. '73 IJunc '76 26 Sept. '79 19 Sept. '73 11 Feb. '67 1 Sept. '72 3 Nov. '71 21 Dec. '77 23 May '79 28 Oct. '70 1 Apr. '81 23 Feb. '74 26 Oct. '72 IMar. '79 28 Oct. '81 1 .Vug. '80 18 Feb. '75 Present Salaiy. Date of Birth. $ cis. 1,300 00 400 00 300 00 400 00 500 00 300 00 320 00 300 GO •200 00 800 00 800 00 1500 00 200 00 500 00 300 00 250 00 400 00 340 00 450 00 JlOO 00 §150 00 11400 00 300 00 350 00 Date of First Ap- pointment. 6 June '48 16 Sept. '81 1 Oct. 26 Aug. 3 May 21 June •46 '37 •42 •37 7 Apr. '24 15 July 24 Sept. 1 Aug. 13 Mar. 3 Nov. 24 May 12 July 29 JIar. 25 Dec. 2 Aug. 18 Dec. '44 '36 •55 '32 '50 '28 '30 '40 '45 '30 '44 9 Apr. '26 16 Aug. 5 Jlar. 15 Mar. 12 Nov, 19 Jan. '48 '23 •22 '29 •46 8 Aug. '35 7 Oct. '78 10 Sept. '74 17 June '81 11 Nov. '72 1 Apr. '72 1 Oct. '64 23 Sept. '73 1 June '7» 26 Sept. '79 19 Sept. •7» 11 Feb. '67 1 Sept. '72 3 Nov. '71 21 Doc. 77 23 May 79 28 Oct. '70 lApr. '81 23 Feb. 74 26 Oct. '72 1 JIar. 79 28 Oct. '81 1 Aug. '80 18 Feb. '76 M \ •■,- .- ■ -',,.. Allowances: * $140 for assistant, t $360 for assistants, gunners, fuel and wftter. J $300 lor gunners* fuel and water. § $50 for Mowing tht; fog-horu and fuel. || $200 for assistant. 1.'--, ••:,< U.'n^ ■•If m ■( "'■IK *' fv.' 113 DEPARTilENT OF MARINE.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Lights bklow Quebkc — Concluded. Niime and P. 0. Address. Present Rank. Frascr, Elzear , , . R(!d Ls'd vi,1 Greou IsM, (J. Bourget, t'liaiies Poire, P.Q. Langlois, Cl;avles St:jolin, Is'dofOileiUis, Q. Martin, Jules GroiidMet^s P.(}, B<'i'k, John Cape Cove, vid Port'c. Buy of Chak'Ui's". Beaiilieu, Joseph Hudon dit.. St. Denis, P.Q. Ciauthier, Jean Martin River, Gasp6, V.ii. Areand, Flavieii lietsianiits, niO Riiuouski. Bcnuniont, Louis Couillard de Greenly Island, Straits of Belle Isle, P.Q. Tremblay. Hilaire Bay St. Paul, P.Q. Ascah, James Fame Point, Gaspe. Pelletier, Edouard St. Boeh, L'lslet, P.Q. Leblauc, Regis St. Louis de Kamouraski'. . Delisle, Trefle Trois Pistoles, P.Q. G«urdeau, Isaac St. Roch des Aulnaies, (} . Liglil .weeper, do .lo do do do do do do do do Keeper Upper Traverse Lightshij^. Light Keeper Date. 22 Oct. 7 Oct. '61 •74 Keeper, Red Island Lightsiiip. Keeper, Lower Tniverse Ijightsliip. 23 Dec. 1 Sept. 29 ')ct. 2) Feb. 20 Apr. 23 May 2.5 Oct. 2 Sept. 16 May 11 Jan. 27 May 8 May •79 Present Salary. $ cts. •500 00 200, allow. rnce ^2.1. 300 00 300 00 '74 , t^W 00 /a '76 •76 '78 •76 •80 '79 '78 '80 '66 250 00 300 00 500 00 800 00 Date of Birth. 12 Mar. 3 Mar. =13 Date of First Ap- pointment. •37 22 Oct. '61 '28 23 Apr. 25 Oct. 7 Jan. 2 Sept. 22 May 14 Jan. 300 00 400 00 il7 Mar. i 111,500 00 111 Jan. 1 2,800 00 121 Apr. §2,400 00 |24 May •56 '29 '45 '41 •30 '32 '33 '31 '/Oct. '74 23 Dec. "ya 1 Sept. '74 29 Oct. '75 21 Feb. '79 20 Apr. '76 23 May "78 25 Oct. '76 2 Sept. '80 *2,300 00 ,29 Mar, •28 16 May '79 '38 11 Jan. •78 '64 27 May •89 '36 8 May '«S Lights in Nova Scotia. MacFarlane, John . t'- '■:>'•' Cepe .Maligash, Cumber^ land, N,S. Ellis, William Enslie Digby, N.S. DeCoste, Christopher Arichat, N.S. Snow, George Heniy Barrington, N.S. Hall, John William Beaver Harbor, Halifax Morrison, Donald Boularderie, Cape Bi-eton. Ruggles, Heniy M Tiverton, Digby, N.S. Doaue, Isaac Cnjje Sable, Sliellmrne, N.S. Mckenzie, Roderick Pictou.N.S. Light Keeper. do do do do do do do do 27 Oct. ■79 450 00 10 July '31 27 Oct. '79 8 Mar. '75 800 00 25 .Sept. '37 8 Mar. '7& 14 June '75 250 00 24 Dec. '44 14 June '75 1 Apr. •81 350 00 29 Mar. '56 1 Apr. '81 8 Oct. '77 400 00 10 Feb. '48 8 Oct. '77 31 Mar. '68 350 00 18 Aug. -23 31 Mar. '68 1 Dec. '64 425 00 22M1U-. '37 1 Dec. '64 1 July '71 800 00 13 Sept. '54 1 July '71 1 Aug. '81 300 00 20 Jan. '33 1 Aug. '81 Allowances — *|160 for fuel and water, f $20 for blowing the fog-hom. and enmneer of fog-whistle. § f 1,900 for crew and engineer of fog- whistle, rnon »* jjas to pay crcw and engineer of fog- whistle. men. t $2,300 for crew of Lightahip II Has to provide a crew of liva Date or First Ap- pointment. •ilfl r 22 Oct. '61 } '/Oct. '74 3 23 Dec. '79 1 Sept. '74 29 Oct. '75 21 Feb. •?« 20 Apr. '76 23 May "78 25 Oct. 19 M , 2 Sopt. '80 18 16 May '79 « llJan. '78 27 May '80 8 May '«« 27 Oct. '79 W U 56 48 23 W 54 8 Mar. '7& 14 June '75 1 Apr. '81 8 Oct. "77 31 Mar. '« 1 Dec. '64 IJuly 'n 1 Aug. '81 irew of Lightship ide a crew of five 143 DKl'AUTMENT OF MAUINE-t)UTSIDE SEIiVlCE. > LKiiiTS IN N(»VA ScoTiA—Coutinued. Name and P. 0. Address. Prcspiit Rank. Johnson, Edward 1. Bear Cove, Halitax. ' LeQucsne, John Chcticamp, N.S. Croightoi) Henry H Ariehiit, Ji.S. Smitli, George Kdwiird Cross Isl'd,Luueulmrg,N.S. Condon, 'William J Cap: St. Geoige, Antigo- iiisli, N.S. Condon, AVilliamJ., Jr Ship Hiulinr, Hiililax, N.S. Wliite, Joseph B Tiisket, Yarmouth, ^'.S. Sellou, 5. T.N Liverpool, N.S. Duane, William Arieliiit, N.S. Pearl, Albert St. Margaret's Bay, Tau- i^ook, N.S. Orchard, Lorenzo Dow Loekeport, N.S. McDougall, Laughlin Ingouisli, N.S. Wolf, Enos Lahave, N.S Eathbun, S. M Avonport, N.S, Crooks, Seth liiseouib, N.S. MacDonnId, .\lexander J^iverpool, N.S. Firth, Charles Morrison Liverpool, N.S. Kavauagli, Lawrence Lcuisburg, N.S. Peters, John Grant Low Point, near Syihicv. N.S. Ernst, John Andrew Lunenburg, Tv .S. Burke, James Main-Ji-Dieu, i'a\K' Brutoi. Zinck, James Gorham Point, Lunenburg. Uom, Edward Meaglifr's Beach, Halitax. MuUiid, Zebud Wallace, Cumberland, N.S. MeKiuuon, James Ci'.pe Negro, BiU-rington, Shclburue, N.S. McKaj', Robie Harbor au Bouehes, Anti- gonish, N.S Newcomb, ,' hn Hattield. . . . Mill Villiige, Parrsboro'. Hogg, James William Pictou Island, N.S ight Keeper..., do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Dat(! I 14 May '72 18 May '81 •iMay '47 IJuly 72 23 May '82 6 May '74 16 Nov. '64 1 Jan. '55 30 Oct. '71 29 Dec. '73 IJan. '77 30 Nov. '57 11 July '64 '79 20 June '72 3 Dec. '72 30 June '80 2 Oct. '42 1 Oct. '65 29 Oct. '64 2 May '71 19 Sept. '77 31 Mar. '68 16 .June '74 20 June '72 4 Feb. '82 30 June '74 IJuly '81 Present Salary. $ cts. 500 00 300 00 200 00 800 00 450 00 500 00 280 00 240 00 500 00 500 00 400 00 420 00 360 00 250 00 350 00 500 00 400 00 460 00 460 00 300 00 300 00 300 00 500 00 250 00 300 00 350 00 340 00 400 00 Date of Birth. 29 May 6 Dee. 11 Sept. 30 Jlay 25 Aug. 1 Mar. 19 Mar. 27 Dec. 15Sej)t. 29 Nov. Datn of First AfK [loiutnienU •30 14 May 'J2 '48 13 May '81 '37 6 May 7» '20 IJuly 'Ti 23 May '82 ■55 '16 '08 '43 '40 30 May '50 30 June '25 9 July '22 16 May '30 15 July '37 23 No*'. '47 20 Feb. '17 16 Jan. '32 19 Feb. '04 4 Sept. '22 13 Sept. '49 23 Oct. '21 8 Aug. *23 10 May '29 12 Aug. '45 10M.^y '10 27 Sept. '62 6 May '74 16 Nov. '64 1 Jan. '35 30 Oct. '71 29 Dec. '7a IJan. '77 30 Nov. "57 11 July '64 •79 20 Jan. '72 3 Dec. '72 30 June '80 2 Oct. '42 1 Oct. '65 29 Oct. '64 2 May '71 19 Sept. '77 31 Mar. '68 16 June '74 20 June '72 4 Feb. '82 30 Juno '74 IJuly '81 l.-f; -;"■• >^J- ■ t- Hpl' :-<;,-' .\ i: I? i'y^ ;i Ill *!:«:- 144 1)E1*autm:;nt of mauine.— outside service. Limrrs in Nova Scotia — Coutinued. Kfune and P. 0. AddrcHs. Present Rank. Date. Present Salary. Date of Birth. Dat(^ of First Ap- pointment. Chiftliolm, Colin A Light Keeper do do 5 Mar. '77 18 Apr. '74 10 May '80 3 Nov. '77 15 Mar. '70 31 Dec. '53 26 Oct. '59 15 Dec. '53 1 Nov. '78 8 Jan. 77 18 Oct. '69 22 July '75 IMay 73 9 Nov. '74 10 May '80 § cts. 350 00 150 00 280 00 150 00 250 00 260 00 260 00 240 00 300 00 400 00 400 00 80) 00 800 00 200 00 400 00 250 00 200 00 250 00 300 00 400 00 800 00 350 00 300 no 300 00 350 00 160 00 200 00 200 00 17 Jan. '42 31 Oct. '38 7 June '45 14 Oct. '50 17 Mar. '22 11 Aug. '30 8 Feb. '41 18 Oct. '21 12 Aug. '24 16 Aug. '50 23 Feb. '44 5 June '34 27 Mar. '46 15 June '23 12 May '54 13 Oct. '28 25 Dec. '18 2 Feb. '37 14 Aug. '53 IJan. '39 23 Pec. '44 30 Jan. '31 14 Jan. '30 15 May '44 25 July '34 30 Mar. '25 '24 20 June '49 5 Mar. '77 Bayfield, Antigonish, N.S. Bonner, 0(!orge Little IJnw d'Or, <'ape Bix'tou, N.S. McDonald, John Allan Port ILkhI, N.S. Ko Donald, Josci)!) H Port L'Helttit, Pictou. McDonald, James 18 Apr. '74 10Ma\- '80 (1. 3 Nov. '77 do 15 Mar. '70 Port Hawkesbury, N.S. Piorrv. £lson do 31 Dec. '63 Port Medway, N.S. Onnn, James M dc 26 Oct. *59 Port Williams, Annapolis. AmiPro. Mathurin do 15 Deo. '63 l*ubnico, Ymiuouth, N.S, Beaton. Anmis .. do 1 Nov. '78 Pugwaah, Cumberland. Gilkic, iUtrel d 8 Jan. 77 Kotch liaibor, Ilalit'ax. Muiidell, Joseph do 18 Oct. '69 Sand Pomt, tluysboro'. Rrowu, James William Sydney, N.S. CrowcU, Corning Supt. and KeeiK'f of Hu- mane Establishment anil Fog Whistle. Keeper, Light House and Engineer Fog Whistle Light KeejM!r 22 July '75 1 Mav '73 Bnniugton, Slielburne, N.S. Bifisbv, Charles William. . . . HoQy Point, Isaac Harbor, Guysboro', N.E. DeMings, Franc s 9 Nov. '74 Keeper, Light and Fog W liistle. Light Keeper 10 Mav '80 Shelburne, N.S. Ooadock, Edward 7 July '73 17 Apr. 71 20 June '',ii Shelburne, N.S. Amcrault. Basil.* ..-.-. do 17 Apr. '71 20 June '72 16 June 75 1 May '67 1 July '74 23 Feb. '74 IDec. '74 11 Nov. 73 15 Oct. '75 14 Mar. '74 13 Apr. '74 8 Aug. '78 Weymouth, Digby, N.S. Nuiin. Gfiorcre .............. do Sydney, Cape Breton, N.S. Satncm, Rupert De George. . Westiwrt, Digby, N.S. Dillon, James P do 16 June '75 do 1 Ma> '67 Whitehead, Guy.sboro'. Doane, John Himui.." do 1 Juu' '74 Yarmouth, N.S. Donne, Jasliua do 23 Feb. '74 Yarmouth, N.S. Latimer, Charles do 1 Dec. '74 Descousse, N.S. Smith, Robert Innis Port Mouton, Queens, N.S. Hamilton, Henian H do do 11 Nov. '73 15 Oct. '75 Lower Arg\lc, Yarmouth. McKay, Donald J ohn Plaster Harbor, Baddeck. Qininu, James do 14 Mar. '74 do 13 Apr. '74 8 Aug. '78 Lingan, Cape Breton, N.S. Sanlnier, John Hilaire Clare, Digby, N.S. do 145 DEPARTMENT OF MARINE .-OUTSIDE SERVICE. LnaiTs IN Nova Scotia— Concluded. Name and P. 0. Wrayton, William Wulah... Kari'iii<{tuii, N.S. Samson, Cyrille , Kivor Boiir^'oisc, N..S. Campbell, Saiuuul Cuiiard. . . St. Paul Island, NS. Muirhead, Rolicrt St. Puullslaiid, N.S Kenney, Jauu'M Rodinan Barringtou Hiubor, N.S Christian, Patrick, Sen .... Upper Prospect, Hnlifax, N..S Gerrior, Dennis Torbay, Guysboro', N.S, Palmer, Howard Walter Present Rank. Light Keepi-r do • ••«•••! 13 Jan. '80 1 Dec. 74 350 00 Keeperof the two Light- houses ti Sunt, of Hu- mane Establishment on St. Paul's Island. Engineer of Fog Whistle Light Keeitcr do Kivcr Lahavc, Lunenburg, TKTinton. Robert Bruce GaDcrouse, Cape Hiftou, N.S. Wmvton, Arthur McAvoy.. lijneiald Isle, Burrington, N.S. Bollong, James rope Harbor, Halifax, N.S. Caid, Nelson .. Burlington, Hants, N.S. Peny, John Sheet Harbor, Halifax, N.S Baker, Thomas Pease's Island, Yaiiuoutli, N.S. Webb, William John Havre au Boa. AiUlivss. Mnlonoy, VliifAi St. Auilrcws, t'luii'lottc Co., N.l». KcMS, Elijali Carlc'toii, St. .lolm, N.H. Haiiiin, Clmi'U'si I'iiilii) Pisiu'i CO, St. Joliii Co. U'gvT, Piicifiqup Uichifmcto, Kml Vi Key, llilavion I'utit J{ochi;r, GlouwstiT Co., N.B. Hvlius, Gi'oi'j^e Lelutc, Cliiii'lottf Vo. McLaugliliii, VValtiTlJ SealCovo, Craiul ALaiiau. Scdy, N.'il Camiiobcllo, Cliarlottd Co., N.B. MnKiiight, Jos('|ili New Ji.'rst:y , Nortliuni)jer- laii(lCo.,N.B. Haclipy, Octave Camquet, Glouci'ster Co.,N.lJ. Proiiient Rank. Liglit Kuepor Date. 10 Aug. '80 do do do do do do do do do 5 Mar. 14 Jan. Ifl May 25 Juno 3 May 29 Oct. 3 May 1 July 12 July '78 •79 '79 •79 '82 •79 •82 •81 '81 I'reHent Saljiry. $ ctH. 850 00 350 00 300, allow- ance $25. 200 00 150 00 400 00 500 00 700 00 150 00 150 00 Date of Birth. 29 May '16 17 \xiii. '45 20 Feb. 10 May 22 Nov. 4 Feb. 24 Jan. 12 May •32 •33 •19 •33 '29 •46 28 July '36 '34 Date of First Ap- pointment. 10 Aug. '80 6 Mar. '78 14 Jan. '79 16 May '79 25 June '79 3 May '82 1 A] '53 3 Mar. '79 1 July '81 12 July '81 LlOHTU IN PltlNOK EdwAKD Isr.AM». JIcLaine, Archil)rtld Cliarlottftown , l'.l'',.l. McCabc, John Alberton, P. Ill,' Beaton, AlexMiidcr K('ul'ortli..| East Point, P.E.I. McLellan, An}j;us Jcioiuc. . . . Indian Kivcr, Lot 18, Malnequi', P.E.I. McDonald, William Gfuiwmuix, P.E.I. McLcod, Micliacl Point Prim, P.E.I. llonaghan, Peter Bedcciuo, P.E.I. McDonald, William West Point, P.E.I. McMillan, James Wood Island, P.E.I. Walsh, James Light Keeper 3 Apr. '67 do 1 June ^80 do 10 July '67 do .20 Apr. '73 BedequeB.iv, P.E.I. McDonald, Angus (Neil's son) ; Souris, P E.I. Hewson, William St. Peter Island, P.E.I. Munu, Thomas Hugh Caiieliear, P.E.I. do do do do do do do do do 20 Nov. '53 3 June '73 21 Apr. '73 1 Dec. 76 7 Sept. '76 15 Nov. '81 13 Nov. '80 18 Aug. '81 11 Nov. '81 300 00 200 00 250 00 250 00 300 00 300 00 260 00 300 00 250 00 850 00 200 00 200 00 300 00 5 Aug. 28 Jan. 1 Nov. 30 Nov. 6 Jan. 27 Mar. 16 Apr. 29 Aug. 9 May 20 Feb. 10 May 8 Sept. 8 Oct. •23 '55 •22 '12 '27 •24 '46 •46 '29 •80 •31 •34 •34 3 Apr. '67 I June '80 10 July '67 20 Apr. '73 20 Nov. '53 3 June 73 21 Apr. '73 1 Deo. 75 7 Sept. '76 16 Nov. '81 13 Nov. '80 18 Aug. '81 II Nov. '81 "vt ■•'J 'i ii< t.'^l' 148 DEPAltTMKNT OF MARINK.— OUTSIDK SERVICE, LinilTS IN filllTINII COLUMDIA. i' Naiu(; aud P. 0. AddrcBH. Oox, Emanuel. ..••«,.. Victoria, B.C. Erwiu, Walter Moody ville, Burmrd lulet. If cEinnou, Alexaudcr Beren's IslM., Victoria H'bor Gray, Robert Entrance Islands, Nauauuo Harbor, B.C Present Rank, Light Keeper, do do do Date. Present Salary, 21 Dec. 77 f oto. 600 00 6 Oct. '80 700 00 21 Dec. 77 600 00 S Nov. 76 600 00 Date (if Birth. 20, fan. 'ii, 14 Aug. '62 25 Dec, "36 12 Oct. '86 Date of First A|p. jwiutnii'iit. 21 Dec. '77 6 Oct. '80 21 Dfc. '77 5 Nov. '7G h- 'i. K'>T?. 149 lO.-DEPARTMEWf OF F18HERIE8.-IN8IDK 8EHVICK. 21 Dec. '77 6 Oct. '80 J6 21 Dec. '77 Name and 1'. (). Address. Tiltoii, Lt.-Col. Johu liaiiMt, Samuel PieiTO Venning, I{obi!rt Norris *.stAut.()u , Cameron Webster, .Tunies Sutton Kent, SiliisBldir , BellivcBU, Ainie Flenri Auuiond, Telmont Murray, John Adam Cunninglmm, Fmncis Henry, Burnett, Bertram Florenzo . , MakioLon, William Arthur. , Winter, Charles Francis I'resent liitnk. Dejiuty Minister. Chief Clerk 2nd Class Clerk. . do do do 3riir> DuukJUviT, r.K.I, llownt, TliniimH Now WuBtniinstcr, It.c KogcfH, William Honry Amh.'int, N.H TcniiinK, William Honry. . . . St. John, N.ll Ouvar, John Hunter Alberton, I'.E.I Bertmm, Alexander Charles, Sydney, C.H., N.8 MuQuvcn, Alexander Winnipeg?, Man Oilohrist, Frederick Charles . Qu'ApiHille, W.W.T Wakehuui, "W illiaui Gasi)^ Basin, I'.Q. Preucnt Uunk. Date. In elinrue of St. Joli i Uiver (N.IJ.) huh Hatchery. In clinrgeof DiuikKivor (P.K.I.) l-'iHh Hutch cry. In ehnrge of Fnuier Uiver (U.C.) Kisii lluteh ery, and InHjjector of FislierieH for liritiHhi Coluuiliiti. InsiM-ctorof Fi.slierics for >fova Hcotia. InBiiectorof FiwiiericH for New Brun.swi('k. InsiM'ctornf FisherieH for I'rinee Kdward iHland. Fi-sher)' Olliccr for Cajie Hreton Island. 1 Aii((. '82 IJuly '80 lAufc. '86 1 July '80 lAu«. '67 16 May 79 22 April '84 Inspector of FiHherieaior Jl Dec. '84 Manitoba and N.W.T. Fishery Overseer, Qu'- Appelle District. 22 Out. '84 Commander of Fisheriesi '2 June '79 l'rotK I'lIIJI-K! WOUK.S.— INSIHK SK.KVirK. Datr ot Flrnt A|i- iraliitUK lit 1 Aup. '^^ Ijuly 'io 9 1 1 Aug. 'St. NlllllO, OoIm;!], a iitoiiio VittUy, Hi'iiry FiiUiTloii, ( '. K Vullor, TliuiiiiiM J)ioiiii Nipv, 'HO :il()el. '81 Aeeoiintaut ami Ciiief 10 r)ee. '7l» Clerk. Ciiiel' Clerk, l'',nf,'iiieering 17 .Vug. '«0 Hrani'li. Chief Meehunical Kn- 7.hil.v '83 gineer, Cliiel' Clerk •2nd Cliiss Ch ik. I'rivnte Seeretury tn Minister. l«t Class Clerk, Seire- tary'tt IkimclK Ist ClusH Clerk, Kngi- neta'ing liraneh. 2nd Clasis Clerk, Chief Dran^litsMiiiu. 2nd CliiHM ('lerk. Kngi- neerin^ Hrancli. 2nd Class Clerk, Seere- tary's Itnmrh. do do dr. do .3rd Class Clerk, Settle- tarv's Mnuieli. ^ do do do 2iul Class Clerk, Ac- couutnnt's Itrunch. do do 3rd Cliuw Cldk, Archi- tect's Branch. J\>tvin, Henri %tuibot, Joseph Alfred IkesBivi^rcs, Edouard McGill Messenger. do .. do .. |l»Aug.'84| 15 Feb. '81 23 Nov. •»:, 7 July 'SS 1 Sept. "87 17 Aug. '«0 23 (let. '85 13 .Ian. '8iJ 1 July '87 20 Sept. '87 25 Aug. '81 I3t)ct. '7f» 18 May •8.''. 26 .Ian. '80 23 Oct. '86 23 Oct. '85 1 Jan. '88 9 Aug. '8-1 22 June 'Ii7 6 Dec. '82 13 Defi. -80 TreHent Siilaiy. $ eU. 4,(«iO 00 a,'iOO 00 .1,2(10 00 3,2o0 00 2,200 00 Dale nf llirth. Date of I'irNl .\|i- pointuient. Oct. '43 Mar. '48 5Mur. '31 8 Mar. '23 July '6S 8«pt. '67 1 Jliiy '73 :il (-»ct. •?» « I'uar. '35 27 Apr. '(14 2,200 00 I tISept. '44 2.250 00 1,300 00) (100 (Kt J 1,800 00 1,500 00 1,.'!,''.0 00 1,100 00 1,400 00 1,250 00 1,200 00 1,150 00 1,100 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 760 00 600 00 1,210 00 1,250 00 1,100 00 700 00 500 00 420 00 330 00 31 Jim '30 13 Oct. '00 29 May '39 3 Apr. '47 25 Mar. '50 1 ,s,.pt. '04 25 Keh. '40 8 July '54 17 Mar. '50 1 Jan "48 26 May '45 28 Nov. '55 .1 >-,g. '49 2 Apr. *62 3 Jan. '65 10 Oct. '64 28 Nov. "53 10 May '42 26 Dec. '64 21 Oct. '26 27 Oct. '63 3 Jan. '64 17 Dec, '80 IVt. '60 1 Feh. '82 1 ! V "64 1 July '74 Jan. '78 4 Sept. '80 1 Dec. '72 10 Alar. '84 lOct. '7» 13 Oct. '7» 27 July '71 10 July '74 13 Oct. •7» 4 June '81 26Jnn. '8ff 29 June '81 24 June '72 22 Aug. '79 4 June '83 22 June '61 6 Dec. '82 13 Dec. '8« > Resigned, Ist Outolier, 1887. K .'*■■ *. I m 152 IIX» , K " ' ■li.. |J^■•■. -V,,>,: IS.-DEI'AKTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS.-INSIDE SERVICE. Name. Present Rttnk. McCluskcy, Charlrs Graud falls, N.B, fichrcibiT, CoUingwood, C.E. Brudli'V, Alexander Priestly •Baiiic, James In cliargc of St. Jo River (N.B.) !<'• Hatchery. Cross, Thomas. Chief f-iiginec' ^.nd Gen- eral Manager of Govt. Railways iu operation. Secretary, Chief Clerk. , Accountant and Chief Clerk. Chief Clerk, Intercol. Railway. Law Cl(!rk and Chief Clerk. Ist Class Clr-.k do do do 2ud Cksa Clerk, do do do Fissiault, Hypolite Adolphe. Tilley, William James Mayiiard, Martin Wilkius. . . Jones, Louis Kossuth Dixon, Frederick Augustus. . Filtoau, Louis Houoi-e McLaughlin, Samuel *Oreeniield, Arthur Narraway Costin, Charles Almon, Audrew Uuiacke. . tCurrier, Jas. Everett Wilson Shannon, Samuel Leonard. . . »d Chiss Clerk Fortier, Lucien Napoleon. . . ^ ^*^ do Dion, Louis Didier , Cameron, Alexander Walker Hill, William Brace Almon Pugsley, John William jildthot, Joseph Eugene Boss, Heniy Le Breton Jbeslauriers, Isidore N , Date. do do do do do do do Chief Messenger . Deslauriers, Isidore Assistant Messenger..., 22 Sept. 79 15 Mar. '64 Oct. 731 July '80 J 23 May '82 27 June '82 1 Feb. '80 IJuly '84 8 Oct. '78 23 Mar. '80 1 Feb. '80 IJan. '81 IJuly '88 July '71 1 Jime '82 30Jime '82 1 Mar. '83 6 May '84 IJuly '88 1 July '73 9 July '73 29 June '82 29 June '81 IJuly '83 IJuly '83 IJan. '88 Oct. '67 IJuly "82 Present Salary. cts, Date of Birth. 4,100 00 128 Sept. ^'26 4,500 00 4,000 00 2,400 00 2,400 00 2,200 00 2,200 00 1,800 00 1,700 00 1,700 00 1,700 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 (1,350 00 I 600 00 1,100 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 750 00 950 00 950 00 730 00 COO 00 480 00 9 July '15 14 Dec. '31 26 Oct. '31 ifl.Uct. '81 Date of First Ai>- pointment. 13 Dec. 'S9 ^ Sept. '42 " IMay •84-' 7S*^ittJ,3 9 Dec. '36 9 Sept. '52 . »4rny 'fiA- 7 12 Apr. '«« ^ 8 Oct. *28 18 May '39 25 Feb. '49 9 June '50 7 May '43 27 June '44 28 Jan. '26 IJai; '59 1 Juno '29 25 July *62 I 26 July '49 18 Jan. '62 ^A^Hi^t *«> 15 June '60 - 11 July '69- May '6a -^ Nov. '70 '^ 16 Apr. '73^ 8 Mar. '70 - Oct. 'S9 V May '74*^ 21 Dec. '79 k 1 No¥. 78 f^ INoT. 78^ 6 Apr. '49 26 May '43 25 May '62 22 Dec. '69 12 Mar. '61 5 Nov. '67 23 Mar. '63 28 Apr. '35 24 Mar. '64 1 Oct. '69 "^ '«5L/ 13 Fell. •7»>^ 29 Juno '^1>- 25 Feb. '80., 24 Dec. *80^ 1 Dec. '7» May '6» •7» • Since decesised. t Private Secretary to the Minister. 153 J)EPARTMENT OK RAILWAYS AND CANALS— OUTKIDK SERVICE. Inteucoloxial Eaiiavav. Name and P. O. Address. Pottinger, David Moncton, N.B. Archibald, Peter Souther, . . . do Whitney, Henry Augustus . . do Williams, Thomas do Taylor, George. Busby, Arthur Staidcy do do Wallace, Joseph James Tiiuw, N.S, Cooke, Thomas Vincent Moncton, N.B. Bnice, Joseph Rohert do Trites, Edward Truemaii . . . . do Present Rimk. Chief Superiuteudcnt. Chief Engineer Mrriri Superiuteudcnt. Chief Acenuntimt and Treasurer. Cieneral Freight Agent.. ♦ ieneral I'lwsenger .Vgent Distric^t Superintendent (Jcneral .Storekeeper, . Trallie Auditor raj'waster Date. Feb. 79 Aprir79 Nov. 72 July '82 Mar. 79 Oct. '81 May '83 Nov. '80 May '83 Oct/78 I'l'esent Salary. $ uts. 4,000 00 3, ,500 00 3,200 00 2,400 00 2,400 00 2,400 00 1,900 00 1,800 00 1,500 00 1,400 00 Date of Bii-th. Oct. '43 Mar. '48 Feb. '34 June '46 Aug. "32 Nov. '38 April '47 Dat« of First Af^- pointmcMt. July 'W Sept. '67 July '57 Aug. 7a June '67 Oct. '57 May 'fS Aug. '48 Jan. '65 Sept. '48 April '44 I Feb. '73 Oct. « PniNCE Edwaud Island Railway. Unsworth, Joseph Charlottetown, P.E.I. * Huggan, William Tliomas . . . do Da vies, Benjamin do Supeiiutendeut and Me- clianical Su])t,, P.E.L Railway. Ac(!ounta'nt and Auditor, P.E.I. Railway. Paymaster and Twvel- 1 May hng Auditor, P.E.I. 1 Railway. IMav 1 July •88 2,000 00 '82 1,500 00 79 1,200 00 i 1 12 May '40 24 May '51 24 Nov. '13 Mar. 72 14 Jan. 7© IMa^ '74 29JiHm 'SI- 25 Feb. '80^ 24 Dec. 'SO^ IDcc. 7» ■>■ V B: ■ -'.'Ij .'■I'lJ ^M •I .. ■i ■ ■ "qm. 154 DEPARTMENT OF KAILWAYS AND CANALS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Lachink Canal. Konie aud P. 0. Address. Pnsent Rank. Date. Present Salary. Date of Birtb. Date of Firat Ap- pointment. itteam Dredge No. 1. % cts. Alcxnndcr Cockburn Cri^neniiiu.. . ........•• lAug. '50 •$2.50 i)er day. 22 June '22 1 Aug. '56 Valleylield, P.Q. Paymiwter'.s Office. ^ i' Dowker, George Paymaster 81 l)(-c. '78 tl,(i00 00 2aO.'t. '30 8J Dec. '78 Stf. Anne de Bcllevue, P.Q. Sii})»:iintending Engineer's Office. • laf^-iumip, Louis Alphonse,C.E. Montreal. Sceretaiy & Ac(^ouutant IJan. '80 1,400 00 IS Apr. '49 17 Aug. '71 Lachine Canal. Cmnvay, Micliael do .. Superintendent 1 Sept. '69 111,800 00 13 May '32 18 Sept. '64 CorlK'ille, Francois do . . Ktvigjp, .] ohn Wharfinger W^'^'84 IJune '56 IMay '81 IMay '75 JOO 00 iMT mo. ;45 00 " t38 00 " t38 00 " 5Ai)r. '50^ May '24. 16Jau. '32' 20 Dec. '35 V 2dJ»ine •7& Boom Master May '48 Lachine, P.Q. 7itzi»atrick, Patrick Montreal. Guiwity, Jolin do .. Lo(!k Master No. 1, ... do No. 2. . . . 1 May '81 ] May '7^ Kedmond, Patrick do . . do No. 3.... 26 May '57 t38 00 " Mar. '26 1 May '46 liitBikai), James do No. 4..,. do No. 5.,.. Bridge Keeper No. 1 . . . 1 Sept. '82 1 Apr. '82 IJune '70 t38 00 " t38 00 " t38 00 " 23 Dec. '39> 25 Nov. '43 1 Feb. •45x 15 Jan. '80^ Cote St. Paul, P.Q. Xririgltt, James 1 May '70 Lachine, P.Q. Siiiuuxl, L&)n, Montreal 1 June '70% 3f •8» N '71 •76 '65 '5a •79 72 '70 '71 '6» '80 •80 '73 •76 '74 •80 • Value of house rent $300 per annum. i$100 per annum, house rent allowance. Value of house rent $40 per annum. da^ «30 do m $25 do Y'm t<.'.'^m i5e DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS.— OUTSIDE SKRv^ICE, Chambly Canal. m li Name and P. 0. Addi-ess. Beuoit, Pierre Ba.sile Chauibly Basin, P.Q. Bell, Samuel Cliambly Canton, P.Q, Labossi6rc, Israiil do Hender, Andre do Leblaue, Pierre do Mailhot, Solomon , • do Berger, Franmis-Xavier.. . . Chambly Basin, P,(i §Berger, Norbert do •ffl-vnch, .Tolni do Frver, Thomas St. Luc, P.Q. Sauvage, Moise , do Papinoau, Louis do Gollette, Jacques do Stc. Marie, Joseph do Mailhot, Kdinond Chambly Basin, P.Q Present Rank. Lock Master No. 2 do No. 3 do No. 4 do do No. No. r> r> do No 7 do No. 8 do No 9 Bridge Keeper No. 2. do No. 3. do do do do Date. No. 4, . . No. 5... No, 7... No. 8... 13Ji-.iy '8»' 17 Oct. '70 I.Jan. '81 IMay '54 IMay '54 7 Nov. '63 14 Nov. '61 1 May '88 1 May '88 20 June '68 9 May '54 15 May '79 IMay '54 l5iM.ay '79 20 June '74 Present Salarj'. 9 cts. •1,800 00 per diem, tl 25 " tl 25 " tl 25 " tl 25 " tl 25 " tl 25 " tl 25 " tl 25 " tl 25 " fl 25 " tl 25 " tl 25 " tl 25 " tl 25 " Diite of Birth. 8 Oct. '37 11 Mar. '41 15 Feb. '39 18 Feb. '25 29 June '31 15 June '19 8 Oct, '15 IJan. '30 12 June '17 3 Mar. '36 3 May '22 15 Nov. '51 15.Tuly '37 5 Apr. '25 15 June '45 Date of Firat Ap- pointment. ISJnly '8« 17 Oct. '70 IJan. '81 AprU '48 April '60 7 Not. '63 14Nov. •« 30 Sept. •73 IMay 'M 20 Jane '68 Sept. '60 15 May '78 1 May '54 15 May 19 20 Juno '74 St. Orus JiOOK. V ' I Larue, Uvi • Superintendent Lockman « . . do 24.\pr. '58 lOet. '53 25 May '66 per diem. P 00" •*1 25 «' ••1 25 •• 4 June '10 19 Nov. '20 15 Apr. '23 24 Apr. '58 St. Ours, P.Q. Duval, F61ix lOct. '58 • - r>i>*, do Lema V. Charles 26 May 'S& do __■ ■ ....... • * $1,800 salary includes $300 for house rent allowanco. t Value of house rent $50 per annum. t Value of house rent $30 per annum. II Value of house rent and land $150 per annum. ** §60 per annum house rent allow..iice. § Transferred from Lock No. 9 to 8. ff Transferred from Lock No. 8 to 9. , 157 DEPAltTMKNT OF ItAILWAYS AND CANALS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Welland Canal. lApr. 'C8 I Oct. '58 5 May '5& Name and P. O. Addipss. Present Rank. EUis, William, O: St Catherines. Out. Dann, Richai'd Douglas do Demare, Jacob Griffith Port Dalliousip, Ont . Hamilton, Andrew Port Uoliinson, Ont. Cook, William Port Dalhousie, Ont. Garter, Charles Henr}- Port Col borne, Ont. Woodall, Jonathan May.... Port Dalliousie, Ont. Howe, George do Paxton, John . . , do Flynn, John do Gomian, Cornelius St. Catharines, Ont. Hare, Connolly Briggs do Freeman, Richard do Bndley, James do M .ey, James do Hare, Henry do Wilson, Alexander Merrilton, Ont. Strang, William do Flynn, Thomas do HcAuIey, James Thorold, Ont. *lIoran, Austin do CoHir , John do Freel, Thomas do Cammanford, Thomas , do Corbett, John do McCarthy, Michael do Lay, Frederick Allanburgli, Ont. Superintendent Paymaster Overseer do Harbor Master . . . . , do Master Lock Tender . Asst. do Asst. do Bridge Tender Asst. Lock Tender.. . Master Lock Tender . Asst. do Master do Asst. do Asst. do Asst. do Master do Asst. do Asst. do Asst. do Asst. do Asst. do Asst. do Asst. do Master do Asst. do Date. IJan. '80 2 Dec. 74 IMiiy '82 30 May '76 4 Mar. 73 30 May 76 1 May '82 24 Mar. 75 24 Mar. 75 Apr. 71 24 Mar. 75 IMay '82 24 Mar. '75 4 Mar. '65 20 July '81 10 Oct. '67 Sept. '73 15 May 73 17 Mar. '78 July '57 Dec. '52 24 Mar. '75 5 Nov. '75 21 Oct. '76 18 Aug. '71 27 Mar. '75 7 Aug. '77 Present Salaiy. . 9 cts. t2,900 00 1,400 GO tl,200 00 §720 00 11750 00 Date of Hirtli. 31 Aug. '26 12 July '22 8 Aug. '48 17 Aug. '33 June '24 •*750 00 15 Aug. '21 rr mo. 00 " tt4: 45 00 " 45 00 " 45 00 " 45 00 « 47 00 " 45 00 " 47 00 " 45 00 " 45 00 " 45 00 " 47 00 " 45 00 " 45 00 " 45 00 " 45 00 '« 45 00 «' 45 00 " 45 00 «' 47 00 " 45 00 " 30 Sept. '50 4 Nov. '57 14 Mar. '37 24 Apr. '54 10 Mar. '41 2 June '52 •30 15 Jan. '45 8 Sept. "45 17 Aug. '32 24 Feb. '55 2 Feb. '53 18 Dec. '47 23 July '37 Aug. '32 17 May '48 7 Mar. '58 Dec. '43 3 May '36 May 'i2 M;n'. '35 Date of First Ap- jKjintment. 1 Jan. '80 2 Dec. '74 22 Mar. '71 24 Aug. '64 4 Mar. '73 30 May '76 18 Aug. 71 24 Mar. '75 24 Mar. '75 Apr. '71 24 Mar. '75 13 Oct. '74 24 Mar. '75 4 Mar. '65 20 July '81 10 July '67 Sept. '78 15 May '78 17 Mar. '76 Jidy '76 Dec. '52 24 Mar. '75 5 Nov. '75 21 Oct. '76 IS Aug. '71 £7 Mar. '75 7 Aug. '77 * Since superannuated i $300 per annum allowance for travelling expenses A a t jl60 per annum for horee hire. Occupies government house valued at J 60 per annum. § S96 per annum for allowance. V Occupying governnieut bouse valued at $120 |)er nn>.am. *• $100 per annum for house allowance. f f Occupies government nouse valued at ) 6ii uer annum. 158 DErAHTMENT OF RAIL WATS AND ( VN.U.S.-OUTSIDE 8FRVICE. Wklland Canal— ConcAiided, PK- If r" r 5'i. ' ■ . Name and P. 0, AiUlross. Present Rank. Higgins, Richard Allniiburgli, On: O'Leaiy, Daniel (to O'Lcary, Bartliolomnw Port lloliinsou, Out. Thompson, Gi'orgc „ , do McCoppin, James Walsh, James do Edmonds, James ,, . , I Bridge Tender AVelland, Out. Duftin, Samuel lAssl. Lo Mast(>r Lock Tender. Asst. do Asst. do Asst. do VI June '73 6 Dec. '&2 21 Oct. '7<^ 10 July '59 6 Dec. ''J2 2« \ ig. 't)3 23 Ceb. '66 24 Mar. '75 ■£> Au;;. '* 8 Fei.. '65 13 July '71 30 Apr. '80 IJuly '83 27 Mar. '75 27 Mar. '75 27 Mar. '75 J'resent yalaiy. $ cts, IKT mos. 45 00 •• 45 00 " 45 00 " •J,' 00 " 47 00 " 45 M) " 45 00 " 45 00 " 45 00 " 45 00 " 45 00 " 45 00 «' •42 00 " 142 00 '• t42 00 " t42 00 •' Date of Birth. 15 ATar. •4A 3 Jiir. •32 Aug. '40 11 iu'C. '25 Muv 'o2 Dato or First Ap- pointnMMit.. 11 Nov. 1 Ap.. 2 Dec. 11 May 12 Aug. 1 June Mar. 12 Mar. 28 Oct. 16 May 24 June 73 6 Dec. '»:a ill Oct. "iH 10 July '69 6 Dec '62 '21 l24Aiig. •«$ I '2? ;23iVI». 'M i '29 •22 •33 '35 '65 '31 •49 '40 'J4Mar. '75 29 Aug. '«8 8 Feb. '65 13 July '71 30Aju. '80 May 'S* 27 Mai- '76 27 Mar. 76 I •44 27 Mar. '75 Old Wellanp Cakal. Smythe, John Bradley Morritton, Ont. Edgraft, IJoluTt., Port l)alho!i3ie. Out. Charles, William Henry St. Catharines, Ont, Johnson, Terrence do Sullivan, John do McCloray, William do Sullivan, Timothy. do II Walker, Alexander do ••Sherer, Frederick do II Livingston, James do Overseer Asst. Lock Tender Mast(!r do . . . . Asst. do . . . . Asst. do . . . . Bridge Tender do Master Lock Tender... Asst. do . . . . Master do . . . . 17 May '73 1 Oct. '87 24 Mar. '75 §$1,200 00 TH;r month. }42 00 " *42 00 " 24 Mar. '75 1*2 00 " 22 Apr. '80 t42 00 " 8 Sept. '81 t38 00 " 12 June '77 t38 00 " 13 June •83 •38 00 " 18 Aug. •71 t38 00 " 18 Sept. •80 •42 00 " 20Jime '24 9 May ^26 15 Feb. ^31 22 May •SS 15 June '32 27 Dec. ^26 '41 20 Aug. '37 July ^34 Sept. '27 17 May '7» 25 Mar. '75 24 Mar. '75 24 Mar. '76 22 Apr. '80 8 Sept. '81 12 June '77 11 Sept. '73 18 Aug. '71 18 Sept. '80 Occupies govemment liouse valued at $60 per annum, f Occupies government house valued at $60 "" per annum for house allowance. §$1"' ' ' " '" """ ' II Deceased. ** Since superannuated. per annum, t §50 per annum for house allowance. §^150 per annum fw horse hire ; $96 per annum for Bouse allowance. " " 169 DWAKTiMKNT OF liAN-WAYS AND CANALS— OUTSIDE 8EUVICE. Om) WiaLAND Cakal— (^oiitiiiuetl. May '7» Mar. '7S Mar. '75 Mar. '75 Apr. '80 Sept. '81 June '77 I Sept. '7S [Aug. '71 Sept. '80 \ieA at $50 anum for Name ami I*. 0. Add' 3ss. PrcMciit I'liiik. Date. I'l'I'St'llt. Salary. U • , Kobert St. Catlmriiit's, Out. \Y!i '?, Michael do Bivdloy, Arthur AVolliugton. Mmntton, Out. €o<,rau, JaiucB do >''•», r, Martin do Darby, Barnc^tt do Gibson, Kobert do McLaughlin, Edward do Bradley, Robert do ]M.c Samara, Jolin Tliorold, Out. Neil, John do Swayzc, Ruius do lleuter, Jacob do Uiggins, Nelson do Jpixir, Albirt Horatio Allnnliurgh, Out. Higgins, ^Villilllll do Mosicr, Lewis do Higgins, Aaron do Gearon, John Thorold, Out. Clark, Bernard Merritton, Ont. Bradliy, Casper Wright do Scott, John Echvin Dunuville, Out. Haimah, George Wellaud, Ont. Harris, George Stromness, Out. Corcoran, Michael Port Maitland, Ont. Thrush, Charles Duunville, Ont. Master Lock Tender. , . , Assistant Lock Tender, do Master Lock Tender, . . . Assistant Lock Tender, Master Lock Tender. . . , \ssistaut Lock Tender, Master I-ock Tender. . . , Assistant Lock Tender Bridge Tender Master Lock Tender. . . , Assistant Lock Tender, Bridge Tender do , Mikster liOck Tender. . . . Assistant Lock Tender. MivsterLockTen''er ... Foreman on Ranks Master Lo(^k Tender. . . . Assistant Lock Tender Overseer Master Lock Tender, . . . Britlge Tiiudcr Master Lock Tender. . . liegulator of Water. . . July *54 9 July 75 1,S Aug. "64 May '55 14 Sept. '03 28 Aug. '71 17 Mar. '(i8 20 Ajnil '80 4 July '«2 14 Oct. '03 10 Oct. '78 April '61 2 Aug. "71 11 Aug. '65 1 May '81 July '51 24 Mar. '75 April '50 2 Aug. '71 Sept. '56 26 Oct. '70 17 April '87 May '56 May '66 9 July '75 Nov. '50 $ cts. )er month, '42 00 " Date of Birth. •42 00 " 38 00 " t38 00 '« t38 00 " t38 00 " t38 00 " t38 00 " 138 00 " t38 00 " t42 00 " 138 00 ' ' *38 00 " 38 00 " 138 00 " §38 00 •■ •38 00 " §38 00 " •38 00 " t38 00 " 138 00 " j)cr annum ||$800 00 per month. $38 00 " •38 00 " t38 00 " §38 00 " '30 Oct. '50 12 June '44 Jan. '26 July '29 30 Aug. '50 19 May '37 25 Sept. '29 26 June '35 •25 16 Jan. '34 Nov. '31 22 Dec. '29 18 June '40 27 Aug. '52 4 Oct. '24 Nov. '38 1 Oct. '30 22 Dec. '31 10 April '34 12 Mar. '50 9 Mar. '37 28 Mar. '28 5 Aug. '15 15 Oct. '35 4 Nov. '15 Date of Fii-st Ap- pointment. July '54 9 July '75 18 Aug. '64 May '65 14 Sept. *63 18 Aug. 'n 17 Mot. '68 20 April '80 4 Jul, '62 14 Oct. '6» 16 Oct. '78 April '61 2 Aug. '71 11 Aug. '65 IMay '81 July '51 24Miur. '75 April '50 23 Feb. '64 Sept. '5S 2«0ct. '70 12 May '60 May 'SS May '66 9 July "75 Not. '50 * $50 per annum for house allowance, f (Jccupies government house volui.'d at ^50 per annum. J Oocn- )ies government house valued at $60 per annum. § Over 35 years, $60 })er annum for house aUowa»ee« I Occupies govcnuncnt house valued at $150 i^er annum. ■>A i .i\- V m 'm 160 DEPARTMENT OF KAILWAVS AND CANALS.-OUTSIDK SEUVICK. UlDKAU C.WAI.. li II W' Manic and P. O. Adilrcss. Wist, Fn^dfrick Ayshford M . . C.E., Ottiiwu. AblKitt, FmiiciB. . do Carroll, James, 1 July '78 1 Nov. '66 9 Oct. '45 8 Apr. '82 3 Aug. '51 h-2 Sept. ^O '62 ;i2Apr. '80 7 May '49 ;4 An-. '71 15 Feb. '11 25Jmie '67 30 Dec. '33 16 Jan. '80 14 Mar. '23 »15 Apr. '45 20 Dee. '40 1 Nov. '66 25 Mar. '28 yi5 Apr. '70 10 Jan. '40 29 Aug. '45 22 Mar. '31 14 Dec '42 ^15 Apr. '72 15 Apr. '64 ;15 Apr. '72 15 Apr. '64 /. House rent 836 jHjr annum, g. House rent 350 jier annum. A. House rent $68 {kt annum, t. House Tcnt 940 ]ier annum, c. Paid 50 cts. per tliem during winter months, rf. House rent ^0 i>er annum. J. paid during navigation only. a. House i-ent $30 per annum. let Dlltr of Ym\ Ap- point incul. DEPARTMENT OK KAILWAY8 AND CANALS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. RiDKAU Canal— Coiitinufd. lOct. '7-2 20 Apr. ''i7 n Nov. '7-2 1 .Iim. '73 10 Jim. '57 lyloApv. '00 /9 Juiif ''^S ( ;i4Mrty'70 \ jl Nov. 'tit> migMar. '69 4 J 1 Sept. '58 2 Ll Sept. "77 sLlJuly '78 4 I 1 Nov. '66 15 I 3 Apr. '82 11 U2 Sept. '70 2 |;12 Apv. '80 ,9 U All;. . '71 [l l25Jiuic '67 ^3 116 Jan. '80 23 l»15Apr. '45 W 1 1 Nov. '66 jib Apr. '70 jib Apr. "72 |45 15 Apr. '64 jsi 1/15 Apr. '72 I42 15 Apr. '64 tlnum. t- House I iH-'r annum • J' Name and P. O. AddrcuH. NewBoiuo, Williivin Alfii'd... Kilinarnor!:. NewHome, Albert Edward . . . do Mills, WUliaui Wcsl.y Smith ij FidlH. Lee, Honry. MvCreary, Robert. PhiUipi), John. . . . do do' rre.sciit liiiiik. do Rkhcy, Williaui Mcttnlfe do Jones, James Gordon . Joiies, Arthur Siihiey do do I'leaTBon, William Oruiond. . . do Best, Edward do Campbell, Dunr^in Loiubardy. Moouey, Michael Newboro'. CMty, William do Shnmous, James William. . . . Chatfey's Lock. Howarth, James do t'oster, Alfred Elgin. Bolton, Robert Jones' Falls. Glover, John Ellis, do Johnston, Thomas do Virtue, Crawford do Smith, William do Deane, Patrick Brewer's Mills. Keys, James do Milne, Charles do McGillivray, Hi 'v Washburn. Deane, Joseph Kingston Mills. Bedmond, John do Lock master [..ock Lm' iicr.... Lock Miwter . . . . . Lock Lal)ori'r... ,. Loiik Mrt.stcr I.iOck Laborer . . . , Lock Master .... do [iOck Lalwivr. . . . Lock Master .... Lo<^k Laborer ,,,, Hridgo Keeper.. . Loiik Master .... Lock Laboifr.. .. Lock Master . . . . Lock Laborer . . . Lock Master.... do Lock Laborer.. . , do do do Loiik Master . . . . Lock LaboK'r . . . do Lock Master . . . . do Look Laborer..., Date. I'resent Salary. IJuly '71 c 15 Apr. '72 IMay '67 15 Apr. '81 20 May '82 1 July '71 13 Mar. 71 IJuly '71 13 July '72 1 July '71 12 July '72 per diem, jl 25 •• 25 July '74 1 Dec. '74 15 Apr. '75 •57 4 Aug. '68 14 May '64 IJuly '71 1 May '81 Apr. '44 1 July '71 15 Apr. '74 •57 15 Apr '63 15 Apr. '71 9 Oct. '82 9 Sept. ^67 22 June ^54 1 25 " cl 25 " 1 25 " cl 25 " 1 25 " cl 25 " cl 25 " 1 25 " el 25 " 1 25 " il 00 " ^/l 25 " 1 25 " cl 25 " 1 25 " n 25 " cl 50 " 1 25 " 1 25 " 1 25 " 1 25 " cl 25 " 1 25 '• 1 25 " cl 25 " dl 25 " 1 25 " Date of Birtli. Date of Fii-st Ap- poiatmciit. 12 Dec. ^48 31 Aug. '52 28 May ^35 20 Jan. '60 llJune '35 16 Dec. '19 8 Apr. '31 26 Oct. '53 IJune '55 13 Deo. '51 14 Mot. '36 15 Oct. '15 l"Aug. '36 15 Apr. '49 26 Mar. '23 9 Aug. "27 1 Feb. '49 6. Vug. '36 2 May '54 Nov. '21 July '45 I May '34 Nov. '28 May "45 23 Feb. '48 IJuly '55 16 Dec. '37 29 Sept. '26 15 Apr. '07 AluApr. '72 15 Aj.r. '57 M5Apr. '81 20 May '82 hi July '71 13 Mar. '71 15 Apr. '69 A12July '72 1 July '71 AlTJune '72 A25July '74 14 Apr. '70 A15Apr. '75 Apr. '38 hi Aug. '68 14 May '64 15 Apr. '61 A 1 May '81 g Apr. '44 hi Apr. '71 A15Apr. '74 15 Sept. '44 U5Apr. '63 A15Apr. '71 18 Sept. '70 5 Apr. '59 A22June '64 c. House rent, $30 per annum, d. House rent, $36 per annum, e. House rent, $24 per annum. /. House rent, $50 p:r annum, g. ILw not been constantly employed, has served about 26 years up to «fate. A. Paid donng seasou of navigation only. i. House rent, $10 per annum. 66-11 168 .1 DEl'AUTMKNT OF IJAII.WAYS AND CANALS.— OIJTSIDK SKRVICE. KiDKAU Canal— <'oni'lutli'(l. Namu ftnd 1*. 0. AildrcsH. Pivunt Rank.. Date. I'ri'Hi'nt Salary. Dati- of Uirth. Dat« or Firat A|i- poiiitimtnt. I)ovlc. James • Lock lialmrur • 16 Apr. '57 16 Apr. '68 $ cts. per dipm. 1 25 " 1 25 '« 8 Apr. '26 26 Oct. '53 nSApr. '67 (fl&Apr. '68 Kingston MilU. Hargcnt, Robert do do Orrnvillk Canal. Hartley, George Christopher. TireuviUe, I'.Q. Cuuiniing, Hugh do Williamson, Thomas Hugh. . do Cox, William Riclmuls Greece's Point, P.y. Foreman. Thomas do Lafrance, Martin do Sauv6, Frani;ois do Foirier, Alphouse do Teck, Joceph do Overwier Lock MaHter . . do do do Lock LalwreT do do do 17 Sept. '83 15 June '56 9 May '73 4 Sept. '73 lApr. '68 1 May '67 23 June •69 1 July '69 1 June '70 per diem. 2 00 •• al 25 ' ' 61 25 " 41 25 " rl 26 '• 1 25 " 1 25 » 1 25 «' 125 " 30 Oct. '35 19 May '13 18 Mar. '64 28 Nov. '44 8Mur. '43 18 Dec. '37 3 Nov. '32 1 Mar. '42 10 Apr. '64 30 May 'OS 16 Junu '58 9 May '73 • 4 Sept. '78 1 Apr. '68 ilMay '67 (i23June '6» rfl July '69 il June '70 CAKIU.ON Canal and Chutk k Blondeau Louk. Forbes, William Billsbur Brophy, John Gushing, P.Q ury. Carillon, P.Q Mason, Henry Edward do Hartley, Horatio Gushing, P.Q. Perrier, William GariUon, P.Q. Superintendent. Lock Ma8t(3r . , do do Lock Lalwrer , 1 May '67 12 June '72 3 Aug. '71 lOct. '75 1 May '70 per annum $1,500 00 i)er diem, al 25 " al 26 " al 25 " cfl25 " 28 May '31 16 Jan. •35 8 Nov. •48 26 Jan. •61 IJuly '36 16 Apr. '66 12 .Tone '71 8 Aug. '71 IJuly '67 1 May '70 St. Ann's Lock. Daoust, Joseph Lumiua Ste. Anne de Bellevue, P.Q. Iiarente, R^gis.., do Superintendent Lock Laborer . . 18 Dec. '78 25 Jan. '77 iier annum 800 00 per diem. dl 25 '• 10 Aug. '43 18 Dec. '78 10 Sept. ^41 25 Jaa. '77 a. Lodging aUowance, $40 per annum, b. Lodging allowance, $6 per month, e. Lodging allowance $12 per month, d. Employed during season of navigation. •Sui m 163 DKl'AU'l'MKNT OF UAILWAVS AM) N'AI.S-OliTSIDK SEKVICK. CUHNWALI. CANAU Dec. "78 Jaa. '77 allowance^ NiiiiK- iintl P. o. AildrcHH. Aditnm, Ali'Miiulcr C'dniwiill, Unt. Dowii', Jolin ilo UHili'es, Joliii do Bi'iilgcs, Williiim do Carr, Thoiims do Cliisliohu, John ilo Dawson. l''rniu'is Dit'kiiisou'H Landiu({. Dcgiin, Liuviviii'c Cornwall, Out. DL'iinuney, Jiiiuch do Dcimency, John do Dt'imcuej', I'atrii'k do Frastn', James do Gairney, Lawrrncc Dickinson's Landing. I*r«'Hcnt ltril'36 Nov. '39 •31» 12 Feb. '39 July '45 •3!) 27 Mar. '43 Sept. '47 9 April '43 '35 '41 July '38 9 Jan. '45 '69 June '45 May '42 Dec. '57 '49 Nov. '49 Mar. '30 Oct. '25 July '25 Aug. '32 •52 •51 Nov. "47 •45 Aug. '43 Date of Flint Ap- pointment. 10 May '72 May '67 July '70 Oct. '81 Oct. '80 Mar. '75 June '82 Nov. '79 Mar. '6» April '08 May '64 Aprir73 May '67 June '63 April '80 May '69 May '70 Sept, '80 April ^73 Dec. '79 July '67 July '67 Aug. '67 Sept. '54 April '73 May '72 Sept. '81 April' 77 April's? •Superannuated, left service 1st July, 1888. tOmcially apiiointed in November. .66-11^ t64 tua-.tmrnirii DEPAllTMKNT OF UAILWAYM AND C/.NALH.-OUT.SIDK HKRVICE. CoBNWALi, Canal— Ooiioludvd. Namo and P. 0. AJdroNi*. Tackabcrr}', Willitim C'ornwiill, Out Cain, Edward Dickiugcn'8 Landing OiUespit!, Dauii'l ConivMiU, Ont Macdonell, Dunt^an Allan . . Coruwall, Ont PruHKUt Rstik. LcK^k Master do do Hnporiutcndent, ,.,.,( Ditto. AiiK. '*9 Dec. '48 1 July "84 Cornwall (\, Sept. 1849. Reaulmrnois ('., Murth, 1849. Prtmnt Salary. cts. XT dieiu. iKT diei iloo " Diitu of Uirth. Oct. '28 '24 Oct. '29 Dec. '16 Poto of Firat Ap- poilltUUMlt. Auk. '49 Dec. '48 May '50 Oct. '84 i Hm ■■ WiLLIAMBDVROU CANAI.S. II' ^ 'Macdonell, Alexander Green- field Monisbiug, Ont. Hupcrintendcut of Wil hauisburgh Canals. IrJ Casselman, Williaui John.. . Mcrrisbiu-g, Ont Toye, Robert Morrisbiug, Ont.l Caldwell, Henry Iroquois, Out. Farley, Christopher John . . . Cardinal, Ont. Moi;gan, Rodney Forrau's Point, Out. Ontter, Amelia Morrisburg, Ont. HoUen, ThomaN Morrisburg, Ont. JohnstoTi, James Morrisburg) Ont. Idlack, John Iroquois, Ont. Beare, Alexander Cardinal, Out. Flynn, James, jun Cardinal, Ont. Annstrong, Robert Cardinal , Ont . Lock Maater . do do do liOck Laborer. do do do do do do Foreman 26 Apr. '75 IJan. '73 Sept. '68 1 May '71 lApr. '72 29 Apr. '79 23 Aug. '71 IMay '73 IJuly '79 30 Dec. '79 15 Oct. '72 26 May '88 8 Oct. '78 1,400 00 per diem. 1.25 " 1.25 " 1.26 " 1.26 •• 1 26 «' 1 25 '• 1 25 " 1 25 " 1 25 " 1 25 " 1 26 «• 1 75 " lOFub. '16 26 May 6 May 17 Mar. 17 Apr. 6 July 10 Aug. 2 Nov. 3 May 24 May 7 May 22 Dec. '30 '23 '25 '47 '21 •29 '49 '34 ■37 '37 '48 26 Apr. 76 1 May '78 Sept. '68 1 May '71 1 Apr. '72 29 Apr. '79 23 Aug. '71 1 Aug. '73 IJuly '79 30 Dec. '79 16 Oct. '72 26 May 88 6 Aug '71 ifi!' . ''T" Trent Canal Wobks. Couffliliii... Timothv Lock Master .......... '44 May '79 per ann. 200 00 " 200 00 " •07 30 '44 Hustings. tHall, William H f.. Hall's Bridge. Slide Master May '79 « Over 35 years service. * Since deceased. i Under the control of the Department of Public Works. Ittft DKrAUTMKNT OV RAILWAYS AND CANAL8.-0CTSIDK SEUVICK. Br. rKiKii'H Canal, N.H. Nnme and I*. 0. Ailiirotw. PrnHeiit Itank. Date. I 'resent Siiliuy. Diit.' of Birth. Date of Fimt Ap- lK)iiitnient. Knvnimgli, Witllacc Morgan.. 8t. I'utur'n Cauiil, (.'ui>t> Breton Lock Mantcr 3 June 70 $ UtN. •540 00 por annum 22 Ort. '37 8 June '70 Okficiai, (lowttUi Janirg Offldal Iteforeu .lo (1 . W FrI.. 2 Ort. •03 •20 '28 •25 irMny •«» 24 May '«» n Deo. *79 tin It, Out. Compton, William Halifax, N.8. fiiuitiril.'JoHt>i)h.. Jlontrcal, 1». Q. MuiitA. Ht'urv- 2 Sept. '73 Druuibo, Out, Receive!) $200 from Inland Kcvnnue Dopiirtmoni Ji^UtcC »■ J < < lJfiJ]iK, -*■*** w 166 19.— DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS— INSIDE SERVICE. ..;lif ML . ■■f'. Name. Vaukoughiiet, Lawrcuce . . . . Siuciau', Rol lert Present Rauk. Deputy Siipl.-Gdiicralof ludian Atlairs. Date. 8 July 14 July Chief Cleik aiiil Ac- countant. Austin, William Augustus. "Ih i e f Surveyor andj 7 June D.L.S. Drauglitsuiau. | Dingman, Absalom nspoctor of Agencies 22 July and Reserves. McNeill, Allan Napier. . . [v>- McLeai!, John Douglas DeBoucherville, Jovite Vcr. . Smith, Frederick William... Kirkpatriek, Thomas Fivd.S Scott, Duncan Campbell Daltoii, Robert Gladstone.... Benson, Martin Stevrart, Samuel McGirr, John Ross, Heniy Clurksoii Bray, Samuel Orr, William Andrew Bi'ook, Henry John Dclisle, Joseph Maingy.HeleiiusOilbert McL McKay, Hiram Austen, John Kemp, Alfred E Yeilding, Fanny Shore, John Willoughby . . . . ReiflFenstcin, Caroline , Dorval, Louis Adelmaid.. . . McMeekin, LL;zie D McKenna, J. A. J Wilson, Ida Helena , Mathes Geoi^ Marshall 1st Class Clerk. do 2ud Class Clerk. do do do do do do do do do do 3rd Class Clerk. do do do do do do do do do do 2nd Class Clerk. 3rd Class Clerk. do WX'y iJuly •80 '81 '83 '82 '80 1 April 1 Jan. 1 Jan. 1 July IJuly IDec. 1 Dec. IJuly IJuly 1 July 1 July 3 April 23 June 1 July IMar. 30 June IFeb. 3 April 24 Mar. 24 Nov. 1 July 1 Jan. IJuly 29 Jan. 21 June •74 '81 '81 '83 '83 •84 '84 •85 '86' •87 •87 '82 •80 '79 '84 '85 •84 '82 '84 '83 •86 '88 '88 •87 •88 Present Salary. If cts. 3,200 00 2,350 00 1,800 00 1,650 00 1,550 00 1,550 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,350 00 1,350 00 1,350 00 1,300 00 1,2.'')0 00 1,200 00 l.l.W 00 1,150 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 850 00 850 00 850 00 800 00 750 00 700 00 700 00 700 00 550 00 1,100 00 500 00 400 00 Date of ^!^^f Birth. ^"P} AP; pomtmcut. 7 Oct. '36 15 Feb. '29 11 Mar. '29 13 July '27 20 Nov. '46 13 May '55 8 Sept. '29 8 Oct. '48 28 Mar. '37 2 Aug. '62 25 Oct. '48 15 June '45 6 .Ian. '52 31 July '46 ]'2Jnn. '62 I 5 Nov. '46 25 April '55 21 Inov. '36 15 Feb. '60 22 Aug. '40 23D.0. '55 5 April '47 25 Aug. '54 12 June '42 2. Ian. '58 23 April '46 22 April '48 16 Jan. '63 1 .laii. '62 12 Mar. '55 J22 Sej.t. '67 13 Feb. '01 15 April '59 7 June '83 22 July '82 IJuly '74 lOct. '7(f May 'fi5 Oct. •7C 6 Aug. '7li 8 Oct. 'SO July '71 22 April '76 1 July '72 IJuly '72 10 Jan. '83 14 June '84 24 Nov. '83 IJan. '71 23 June '80 IJily '79 9 July '80 80 June '85 1 Feb. '84 3 April '82 24 Mar. '84 24 Nov. '83 IJuly '86 1 Jan. •88 1 July '87 29 Jan. '87 25.r!ni. '88 ^M m DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS.— INSIDE SERVICE. Date of First Ap. poiutiucut. ISFeL. 'fil 15 April '50 7 3V1I10 'm 22 July '82 iJuly '74 lOct. '7(f May 'or* Oct. 76 6 Aug. '71! 8 Oct. 'hti July '71 22 April '76 IJuly '72 IJ-ily '72 10 Jan. '83 14 June '84 24 Nov. '8S iJan. '71 I23 June '80 I 1 Jvly '7» 9 July '80 ^7 isOJune '85 1 FpI). '84 3 April '82 24 Mar. '84 16 |24 Nov. '83 IJuly '86 IJnn. '38 1 July '87 55 29 Jan. '87 67 2.''. .Tiin. '88 )8 i8 33 152 Name and P. 0. •Si-dgewick.Robcrt.Q.C.B.A. Sbirnier, Thoinus Hloiioiubn, James Present Rai k. Solicitor Housekeeper Messenger . . , Date. Present Salary. Date of Birth. 27 Fell. '88 l.luly 'Hi\ 1 Nov. '83 $ cts. 400 00 500 00 420 00 I 10 May '48 2 Jan. '22 1 Mar. 23 Date of Firet Ap- pointment. 25Fi:b. '83 1 July '8a 1 ^ov. '83. DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Siipt. and Commissioner Clerk Indian Agent do •| do do d.> do Clerk , Indian Laud Agent. , do Qilkison, Jasper Tough Brantfonl, Ont. Smith, Alexander George... do Gcrdon, Thoma.s Stiutliroy, Ont. Jones, Peter E Hagarsville, Out Beattie, John Hicligate, Out. WaUoo, Thoma.s Smith Puny Sound, Out. AbLott, William Van 8ault Ste. Marie, Out. Phipps, James Charles Manitowaning, Ont. Ironside, Alexander McGrogoi do Cowuu, Alexander Buchanan Gunnuouuo, Out. iCoas, Bcniamin Walker Cockburu Island, Out. Doiioelly, John Patrick Indian Af ent Port Arthur, Ont. 31111, Matthew Shannon ville, Out. Thavkeruy, John Koseneath, Out. Steplienson, James Richard.. Gcorgina, Out. Harris, Edwin Goiv's Landing, Out. llcPhne, Duucan Joshua.... Upter Grove, Out. McKelvey, Alexander Walkcelmrg, Out. Kuglish, Adam Saniia, Out. Junuyii, John Webb Cape Croker, Out. McDermott, George Burton.. Scugog, Out. -Stephen, Rieh'd Milue,M.l). Manitowaning, Out. Watson, Ebenezer Sarnia, Out. Mulntyn;, John Savanne, Out. Tliomjison, Jos. Livingstone. Brockville, Out. do do do do do do do , d( do Physician Indian Land Agent. , Indian Agent Guardian ot Islands. . 24 Mar. '62 23 May '87 30 Oct. '76 27 Dec. '87 16 May '79 1 Apr. '84 3 Mar. '73 1 Apr. '73 8 Sept. '63 13 Jan. '7:! 1 Aug. '79 23 Jan. '83 8 Oct. '72 31 Jan. '83 31 Jan. '83 31 Jan. '83 25 0c1. '84 18 Aug. '83 18 Aug. '83 16 Mar. '85 31 July '83 1 .hiue '82 3Au;;. '77 25 Nov, '80 14 Juno '75 l,(il0 00 900 00 (iOO 00 600 00 400 00 yoo 00 700 00 1,200 00 720 00 250 00 §400 and eommiss'n 800 00 500 00 .f^^OO 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 COO 00 500 00 500 00 150 00 1,000 00 Cnuimi" S'lOU. 900 00 25 00 13 Mar. Mar. 23 Apr. '14 '49 '26 15 April 12 Feb. 25 May 14 Jan. 18 Apr. 15 May 2 May 26 Mar. 25 Jlay 13 Jan. 12 July 19 Oct. 28 Sept. 21 Mar. 29 Aug. 17 July 8 May 13 Oct. 29 Oct, 8 Aug. 12 Mar. '41 ';« '31 '26 '38 '35 '38 •33 '40 '35 '34 24 Mar. '02 •23 May '87 ,^0Oct. '76 •27 Dec. '87 16 Mii\ '79 1 Apr. '84 Mar, '73 lApr. '73 8 Sept. ■(» 13 Jan. '7;t 1 Aug. '79 23 Jan. '33 8 Oct. '72 31 Jan. '83 31 Jan. '83 '45 131 Jan. '83 '57 '28 '30 '45 •58 '55 '16 '18 '20 25 Oct. '84 18 Aug. '83 13 All- '83 16 Mar. '85 31 July '83 1 June '82 3 Aug. '77 25 Nov. '80 14 June '75 ■I'll * Also IX'puty Minist<>r of Justice. 138 h' ^0- m lb I n DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Name aiul P. O. AJ.ilress. Prosuut Rank. Pile, Thomas Giblies Desi'i'oiito, Out. Paul, James Di'acoii, Out. Day, John Fi'ctlii'ick Thossaloii, Out. Boot, Albert Kockport, Out. Wallace, Jolm Rorkiiovt, Out. Thompson, Ht'uiy lliuac ■... i'dU'tanguisheiii', Out. Simpson, William \Viartoi>, Out. Allen, James Chijipcwa Hill. Brosseaii, AlexamUr Caughuawauii, P.().., Jklai'tiu, James Maniwaki, I'.CJ. Otis, Lailislas Euelier I Point Bleu. P.O.i Boucher, Louis Fortiinat lludian tsuperiuteiuleut. Hftsiamits, P.Q. Vassal, Heury . Gagne, Rev. Jacob Maiiu, P.(^ Muir, David Holuns. ....... Truro, N.S. Clarke, Augustus Tupper... Jarrsboro', N.S. <3ass, James Shubeuacadio. N.S. Land Agent Indian Agent Laud Agent Guardian of Islands. . , . s AnsdcU Regina, N.W.T. Grant, William Samuel Indian Head, N.W.T. Markle, John A Birtle, Man. Williams, Petei Job Battleford, N.W.T. Howrie, Peter ! Intenireter Regina, N.W.T.I Jean, George Kuiilc IClerk Winnipeg, Man. Munn, George Uwyun Fort Pitt, N.W.T Paget, Frederick Henvv.... Regina. N^.W.T I.idian Agent 123 April '81 Princijial of industrial School. Clerk Interpreter. .. Indian Ag' i:t. 11 Jan. 77 July '76 16 Mar. '71 7 May '77 17 Oct. '81 21 Aug. '80 7 Oct. '78 25 Fell. '84 14 June '83 70 9 Feb. '86 School Inspet tor 27 Oct. '87 Indian Agent, di, do Indian Agent, Clerk IJuly '86 IJuly '86 IJuly '86 3 Dee. '86 10 Nov. '8ti 14 Dec. '80 5 June '85 S jts. 300 00 200 '.O 3,200 00 2,200 00 2,200 00 2,200 00 1,800 00 1,300 00 Date of Birth. 5 Feb. '35 24 Sept. '36 5 Nov. '35 26 May '49 13 Aug. '35 17 June "42 15 Feb. '29 27 Nov. '46 900 00 3 Dec. '44 800 00 4 April '26 1,000 00 18 Aug. '45 1,000 00 29 Oct. '24 1,000 00 19 :May '32 1,200 00 28 Jan. '47 1,200 00 8 Apiil '28 1,000 00 1 :'.. . '36 1,200 00 ] Julv '48 1,600 00 17 Dec. '55 250 00 I 1,200 IK( 1,200 00 1,000 00 1,200 00 1,000 00 900 00 700 00 1 ,000 00 900 00 Date of First Ap- pointiuRnt. 1 795 9 Nov. '47 8 May •45 10 July '51 12 April •41 '27 22 Sept. '65 Nov. '43 9 Dec. '62 25 April '8i 12 Sept. 78 IMay '78 IMar. '81 1 Sept. '77 1 Sept. 79 3 May '86 5 July '77 23 April '81 11 Jan. '77 July '7« 16 Mar. '71 7 May 7f 17 Oct. '81 21 Aug. '80 7 Oct. '78 25 Feb. '84 14 June >8S 9 Feb. ■■»'K 26 July 'Si IJnly •»» IJuly '86 1 Jnly '^6 3Dcv, '86 10 N.>v. •«« 14 Dec. 86 6Jtme '85 •d * Since appointed Minister of the Interior and Superintendent-General of Indian Alfairs. t Since appointed Indian Commissioner for Manitoba and the North- West Territories. 170 DEPAKTMKNT OF INDIAN AFFAIKS.— OUTSIDE SERVICE. Name and P. O. Address. Present Rnnk. Spriacett, Arthur Kirlmnl . . , l{fgiiia,N.W.T. Keith, Hilton..... Touchwood Hills, N.W.T. Cunpbcll, J. J Moose Mouiitttiii, N.AV.T. Mca.^on, Win. Laiiig Williams Luke, N.W.T. Clarke, Rev. T Battleford, N.W.T. Lwji.s, Samuel Brighiiiii Peace Hills, N.W.T. Mitthell, John A Victoria, N.W.T. Bejff', Magnus Gleiclien, N.W.T. Jtcndur, Josi'iili The Pa.s, N.W.T. Uiraitl. Fmncois-XaviiT, M . I). Fort McLcod, N.W.T. Cbjude, Rev. Eduiond Duultow (I'iVl Calgary). Clei' Indii''.'. .vgcut , do do Priu'g. '<9 28 Dec '2J 15 Feb. '59 '44 15 Nov. '59 20 Oct. '53 3 Dec. '49 15 Dec. '41 25 Dec. '.56 28 Sept. '5'! 22 June '31 25 Jan. '59 16 Dec. '46 15 Jan. '50 10 Apr. '30 22 May '44 9 Dec. '62 •37 Date of First Ap- pointment. 27 Apr. '37 12 .Tune '32 4 Jan. '61 17 Mar. '30 25 Nov. '40 20Ang. '38 24 June '40 31 Jan. '29 5 June '85 16 Oct. '86 May '83 4 Aug. 'S3 19 July 'S;J 9 Oct. '7!) 1 Jan. '86 21 Sept. '84 10 Dec. '83 18 May '83 7 Mar. "87 5 Mar. '87 6 Mar. '87 18 Mar. '87 14 June '83 1 July '87 27 Oct. '87 27 (Jet. '>s7 1 Aug. '87 10 Fib. 'SS 12 Mar. 'W 22 Dec. '87 23 Dec. '7'.> IJuly '7^ 27 May '87 6 Apr. '81 6 Apr. '81 18 Mar. 'S:! 14 June '86 27 Oct. 'Sr. 171 m aO.-SENATE OF CANADA— INSIDE SERVICE. Date of First Ap- pointment. SI 5. hint; '85 56 ,9 •2i 59 U 59 '53 '•19 •41 '56 '5'i '31 •69 46 •50 •30 'U (•2 37 16 Oct. '86 May '85 4 Aug. "83 19 July 'S3 9 Oct. '79 1 Jan, '86 21 Sept. '84 10 Dec. '33 18 May '83 7 Mar. '87 S Mar. '87 5 Mar. '87 18 Mm-. '87 14 June '83 IJuly '87 27 Ovt. '87 27 iJuly ■7t. '61 127 May '87 30 5 Apr. '81 •37 '32 •10 •38 '40 '29 5 Apr. '81 18 Miir. '^-; 14 June '86 27 Oct. 'S:. It Name. L&ninivui, Edouard Joseph, »:p AdamsoQ, Jamt^s. Creiffhton, James Geort'e A. B.A., B.C.L Lauder, Ven'able J.S.,D.C.L Boanher, Autoiuc Alphonsp Present Itnuk. Millrr, Peter Stephen, Robert 'Wi'"''.m 8oatt4.'r, Al<'xand(!r Robert . , Gameau, Alfscd LeMoine, J. de St Denis. .. Clerk of the Senate, Ma.stpr in Ciiiinctiy, Casliier and Account- ant. Clerk and A.ssistant Mas- ter ill Chancery. liaw Clerk, Master ii Cluni'.ciy. Clerk of Conn I it tees and Kiij;- lisli Iraiislator. Chaplain Date. 25 Jan. '83 11 9 2ml Clerk, Assi.stantlO Master in Cluincerv and Chief Freneh Tran.slator. Ist English Clerk and 16 Clerk of Kngli-h Jour- nals. Oibbs, Charles Thcophilus . . young, Charles K.imbcr, Reue Edouard 2iid EiiglL^ih Cl( ik and Clerk of Routine and Proceedings. 3rd Kiiglish Clerk and Clerk of Private lUlis. 1st French Translator. . Sergeant at Arms and Herk of French Jour- nals. Assistant Accouniant.. 1 rauil, Jean-Baj)tiste Donne, Peter Wheeler, Thomas IUtt(!y, Pieno Lanwn. Joseph Cli'h<;rt, Frederick Ihiiiuc, John Oravc'lle, Andre AiKiluiuibauU, Odilon PeUctlRr, Joseph H Davio, 'Vhomas AaLe, Edward f.«inl>kirI7 William Leouai'd.. iK'.iiior Clerk. Gentleman Usher of the Rlack l;od. i'ostmaster. 20 Housekeeper 1 News Room Keejier 1 Doorkeeper Speaker's Messenger. . . Keeper of the Wardrobe and Assistant Door- k(M>jH.'r. Hank Messenger House Curpent'T Permanent Mps.senger. do do ilo ilo May '82 Mar. '82 .Nov. '83 Mar. '84 Feb. '83 Mar. '84 May '83 May '73 June '86 Mar. '84 Mar. '87 June '75 Mar. •eS Sept. ^74 Nov. '83 NoA '74 April '87 Mar. '84 Mar. '84 April '77 M^y '82 Mar. '84 Mar. '84 April '87 Juno '87 Present Salary. $ ets. ,3,400 00 2,800 00 2,500 00 400 00 2,200 00 1,600 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,900 00 1,600 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 *l,a50 (^" 1,20C 00 -,-.,200 00 9(.0 00 800 00 890 00 750 00 750 00 700 00 600 00 600 00 600 00 60O 00 600 00 Date of Birtli. 1 Ort. '33 Date of First A))- pointmeut. 4 Jan. '65 15 Oct. '26 15 .Sept. '42 3 Mar. '82 9 Nov. '83 1 May "57 1 July '67 '73 1 Nov. '7d '62 18 May '69 10 Mar. ^84 '60 4 June '75 7 Feb. ^59 16 April '56 6 Nov. '67 7 Feb. '59 '6.5 '56 JIar. '66 •66 14 Oct. '6i 15 .\pv;i '74 Feb. '71 13 April "87 to Mar. '«4 12 June '50 21 Mar. '29 6 Feb. •31 4 July '37 3 Aug. •39 11 July •40 20 Dec. '36 13 July ■50 28 .Ian. '47 29 .Ian. '52 zi L;ec. 10 On. in '2l> 25 Mar. '24 17 Dec. "24 13 June '32 19 Aug. •49 24 Aug. '26 2 June '39 30 Mar. '29 26 Aug. '49 8 April '50 28 Dec. '55 28 Dec. '50 3 Aug. '68 ■ JJ'I ■■■■: M * £«sideuce, $650. t Residence, $40U. f^ ti- r 112 21.— DKl'AUTMENT OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS.—INSIDK !- pointment. 1 June '82 1 June *64 IMay '5» ClIlBF BllANi'K. Taylor, Al' thIit George D. Cliaplean, 1 )ii Kaoul E . . . Bowles, William Co. ' nv... Mai'C.illiviiiy, Faniuhar Jlivet, Pierre Taylor, Isaac Boulton Dalton, James Ouimet, Treffld Polkingliorue, John A Tass6, Elie Duvcrnay.- Liidger Denis. .. Hartuey, Edward Patrick... Todd, Walter Molliit, Robert McGowan D. . Panct, Louis Charles Chief Clerk do do , 1st Class Clork . , do 2ud Class Clerk, ist Class Clerk . 2ud Clas,s Clerk. do 1st Class Clerk. . 8rd Class Clerk . Ist Class Clerk . 2Dd Cla.S8 Clerk. do do IJau. '87 IJan. '87 1 .Inn. '88 IJuly '85 IJuly '85 1 .July '85 IJuly '88 1 July '88 1 Jnly '88 ] .Inly '85 1 July '85 i IJuly '88 1 July '85 IJuly '85 24 Apr. '86 King, Fiobert Powney 3rd Class Cl(!rk , ' Jan. 36 2,250 00 2,250 00 2,200 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,300 00 1,100 00 1,650 00 1,000 t)0 1,600 00 1;40O 00 1,400 00 1,2(k0 00 700 00 10 Nov. 28 Apr. 23 Sept. i Jan. 30 Apr. 20 Feb. June 26 Mar. 20 Apr. 23 Nov. 23 Aug. 6 Mar. OOct. 22 Apr. 25 Alar. 24 Apr. '30 '44 •41 '33 '32 '30 '40 •*7 '44 '61 '36 '51 '56 '40 '62 '67 ''it '86 23 Feb. '56 June '64 •60 IJan. '79 75 •81 •71 '7» lluly '84 11 Apr. '72 IJuly '7* Nov. •?» 9 Nov. 'T* IJao. '8« Law and Tjiansi.a'ion Branch. "Wilson, William, l.).C., M.D JllcCoi'd, Frederick Augustus. ■OoursoUes, Toussaiut Gtideou. Oenaml, Josepli Auguste . . . . lfiechett(^, Ldonai-d Achille . . Lalramboisc, Louis Law Clerk Chief Clerk do 1st Class Clerk do do 1 Fel). '87 iJMur. '87 ] July '85 l.Tuly '85 IJuly '85 1 Jtily '85 3,200 00 1,8.50 00 2,350 00 1,650 00 1,650 00 1,550 00 22 Nov. '35 29 Aug. '56 1 Oct. '32 19 Dec. '39 13 Oct. '47 10 Jnly '48 12 Apr. "58 10 Mar. '84 June '57 Aug- •« Mar. '74 lOct. '7* 173 HOUSB OF COMMONS.— INSID?: SERVJCK. Law and Tiianslation Buanch. — Concluded. •i<» •« 5 Feb. •55 Juno '64 •60 IJan. •79 •75 •81 •71 •7» lluly •84 1 Apr. •72 IJuly •74 Nov .'70 9 Nov . •?» IJan. •8« Name. Deaauluiera, Joseph M. A. D. Demers, FraQ^ois-Xavii r. . I'eirin, Emeiy Qu6iy, Elic Hayes, Finn Burr Wickstecd, Rich. Johu,LL.D. Prosoiit Rank. 1st Class Clerk . . 2ii(l Cluss Clerk , do do 1st Class Clerk,, 2iid Class Clerk. Date. IJuly '85 1 July '85 IJuly '85 IJuly '85 1 July '85 IJuly '85 Present Salary. $ cts. 1,550 00 1,400 00 1,250 00 1,250 00 1,800 00 1,400 00 Date of Birth. 21 Aug. '53 28 Feb. '46 13 Dec. '43 12 Oct. '49 7 Nov. '30 3 Oct. '42 Di'te of First Ap- poiutmc!it. IJan. '81 '84 •79 Fell. '74 26Fel>. '58 '72 Miscellaneous Branch. Hattney, Henry Brewer, Robert Romaine, Robert. Clarke, Charles Edward... Cairns, William Dub6, Wilfred -.... Uacdonell, Harry Percy.. . Bobidoux, Narcisse Stansfeld, Joshua Pelletier, Alphonse Edouard. Lemieux, Fran9ois-Xavier L Accountant 1st Class Clerk do 2nd "lass Clerk , , 3rd Class Clerk do do , do 2nd Cla?8 Clerk 3r(l Class Clerk do 31 Mar. '74 IJuly '88 IJuly '85 IJuly '88 1 July '87 20 July '85 8 Apr. '86 IJuly '85 IJuly '85 1 July '85 IJuly '85 2,800 00 1,600 00 1,700 00 1 100 00 650 00 650 00 800 00 800 00 1,300 00 1,000 00 650 00 10 Aug. '22 8 July '48 21 July '20 28 Sept. '49 9 Apr. '49 18 May '68 14 June '61 '55 19 July •49 16 June '59 12 June '52 Nov. '38 Mar. '74 IFeb. '79 '84 8 Feb. '77 '82 1 May '80 '80 •69 '78 Feb. '79 The Sekgeajjt-at-Akms Depautment. Messengers, Etc. Dnb^ Lncieu. Tmgcon, Narcisao. Storr, Edward Smith, George Lafiamme, Magloirc.. . Aaselin, Joseph Entile. Lizotte, Agappit Chief Messcuger and Housekeepe. . Mar. '74 1,300 00 30 Sept. '42 Mar. '74 Assistant Messenger and Jlousekeeptir. 1 July '82 1,000 00 31 Mar. '45 '59 Curator of Reading Room •76 800 00 29 June '19 2 Sept. '52 Bank .Messenger 1 July '86 650 00 11 Nov. '43 21 Sept. '67 Messenger '55 700 00 27 Sept. '18 23 Feb. '55 do May Oct. 'PR 700 00 3 May '54 •27 May '68 Oct. '76 do '76 600 00 m^ 174 \l'- I II L ■ f • Name. HOUSE OF COMMONS.-OIITSIDE SERVICE. TiiK Skroeant-aT'Armh Dr.i'A htm knt— Concluded. Mvssengera, kc. Craig, Robert Bondrcault, George Andr6. . , Hugg, Claire Laf'i-aiiL'hisL', L , Sinclair, James Holder, George DoIaD, M Hanis, Richardson Present Rank. Messenger The Clerk's Messenger Messenger do Ciu'pcutei Night Watcl- 'lan .. . . do Door Keeper.,'. Date. lApr. '87 1 May '81 20 July '85 IJuly '87 '60 1 July '86 1 Apr. '87 •76 Present Salary. $ cts. 600 00 650 00 600 00 COO 00 700 00 600 00 600 00 470 00 Date of Birth. 1 May '29 23 Deo. '62 22 Apr. '69 2.1uly '25 3 Mar. '29 1 Aug. '39 Oct. '80 '19 Date of First A|>- pointmtsnt. Fob. '7» Mar. '73 Apr. '72 Feb. '83 '«Q Feb. '79 Feb. "19 10 Fob. '7« THE LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT. * DeCelles, Alfred Duclos. GrilFin, Martin Joseph . . . Todd, Alfred Hamlyn. (Jeneral Librarian Parliamentary Libninun 1st Class Clerk , Sylvain, Louis Phillipe 12nd Class Clerk MacCormac, Michael Con- nolly Thayne, E . Stewart Smith, John Gordon, Francis Arthur. Casault, Louis Joseph .. . fDuuIop, James Henderson . Lyuton, Thomas Charles Wil- liam Beaudry, J. Albert. do .•Jrd Class Clerk, do do Chief Messenger and Caretaker. Messenger. do do 6 Aug. '85 6 Aug. '85 1 July 1 .luly 27 Nov. 1 July 25 Nov. 27 Nov. 1 Feb. 1 Feb. 27 Nov. IJuly '85 •85 •85 '84 '85 '85 '72 '77 •86 '87 3,000 00 :S000 00 1,7.50 00 1,250 00 1,200 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 500 00 900 00 700 00 500 00 330 00 15 .\tig. 7 Aug. 25 Oct. 2 Oct. 29 Sept. 6 May 20 Jan. 4 Feb. 9 .May 13 May 26 Nov. 14 Oct. '43 •47 '51 '45 •65 '36 '42 '67 •38 •45 •43 •67 12 Feb. '80 6 Aug. "SS 1 Apr. •• 1 May '78 UMar. '83 14 Nov. '79 2 Mar. •86 27 Nov. '86 IFeb. •Se IFeb. '72 IJan. •86 IJuly '87 tt^ • Is also a Civil Service Examiner. :|: On the Dominion Police Force from February, 1872, till appointed to House of Commons. IW THK SUI'RKMK COURT )ateuf ist Ap- intmtint. Fub. •7ft Uar. •73 Apr. •72 Feb. •«3 'm Feb. •79 Feb. •7» Feb. •7« Nnnip. Caancls, Robert, Q.C. Duval, Gcorgn Masters, Charles Hnrding. I.iiwHon, Jnnu's C'mraii, Frniiois Morel, Franeois Lynch, Joseph Present Rnnk. Diile I Keffi8t.ofH"|treiuuCourt,, 8 Feb. 75 Pub. and Kditnr Sii- preimi t'ouvt HeiKjrts. O.C. 21 June 1884. Reporter J20 Jan Assistant Reporter... ;!rd Class Clerk Usher and Messenger. 2nd Messenger 3rd Messenger . 76 lOe.t. '86 1 April '81 Jan. 77 27 Jan. 76 July '82 l're.s• 9. The board may obtain the assistance of persons who vtrho may be have had experience in the education of the youth of JJS'^lJnta ** Canada, and with such assistance shall hold, or cause to be held, periodical examinations for admission to the Civil Service, in the cities of Halifax, St. John, N. B , Charlotte- town, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Lon- don, Winnipeg, Victoria and such other places as are deter- mined by the Governor in Council ; it shall not be neces- sary to Hold such examinations in all the said places, but the times and places at which the examinations shall be held shall be determined, from time to tii!ne, by the Gover- nor in Council ; examinations shall, as far as possible, be in writing, and the cost thereof shall be defrayed out of ?*p«"*«"i moneys previously voted by Parliament for that purpose 48-49 v., c. 46, s. U. APPOINTMENTS AND SALARIES IN THE SEBVIOE. Places and times of ex- aminations. how paid. ■i 4 '^} i m •'m time, be the pur- r referred and they he Civil uch per- gulations for the jretary to board, at Inum, and lO. Except as herein otherwise provided, — Conditions of (a ) All appointments to the Civil Service shall be dur- ou'^-n^^^t^ ing pleasure, and no person shall be appointed or promoted gure' ani '*" to any place below that of a Deputy Head, unless he has »f'et exam- passed the requisite examination and served the probationary •°*^""*' term hereinafter mentioned ; (b.) No person shall be appointed to any place in the Limits as to first or inside departmental division of the Civil Service **f®" other than that of a Deputy Head, on probation or otherwise, whose age exceeds thirty-five years, or who has not attained, in case the appointment is to a lower grade than that of a third class clerk, the full age of fifteen years, or in other cases, the full age of eighteen years. 48-49 Y., c. 46, s. 10. 66-12J m 180 v.. i : : i: , If ■■ ■ ;t - J: I Hi- of Deputy Heads to be daring pleasure. 17 • The Deputy I leads of departments shall be appointed by the Governor in Council, and shall hold office during pleasure ; but whenever such pleasure is exercised in the direction of removing a Depuy Head from his office, a statement of the reasons for so doing shall be laid on the table of both Houses of Parliament within the first fifteen days of the next following session. 48-49 V., c. 46, s. 11. 12. The salaries of the Deputy Heads shall be determined by the Governor in Council, according to the duties and responsibilities of their respective departments. Tht» mini- mum salary of a Deputy Head shall be three thnua.mdtwo hundred dollars, and the maximum salary shull be four thousand dollars. 48-49 V., c. 46, s. 12. powers Ota **' "^^^ Deputy Head of each depart migued to him by the Governor in Council. 48-49 V., c. 4i), s. 13. ftJmedTn''h[s *** ^^ *^® absence of any Deputy Head, a chief clerk absence. named by the Head of the departmeut shall perform the duties of such Deputy Head, unless the performance of such duties is otherwise provided for by the Governor in Council ; and there shall be in the office of the Auditor General a chief clerk who shall, at all times, act fdr the Auditor General in his absence. 48-49 V., c. 46, s. 14. /Salaries. Jlinimum. Maximum. Duties and owers of a m- Chief clerk- No off.cer, clerk or employee shall receive any increase of salary except by Order in Gouncil passed on the report of the Deputy Head, concurred in by the Head of the department, stating that such officer, clerk or employee is deserving of such increase : 2. The increase of salary of any officer, clerk or employee authorized under this Act for the ihen current year may be suspended by the Head of the department for neglect of duty or misconduct, and may be subsequently restored by such Head, but without arrears. 48-49 v., c. 46, s. 26. 'i'"f Ff-f''.'''- itA Prom what JW. The increase of salary shall be payable from the first time payable. ^^^ of the official quarter next Succeeding the date on which, from his length of service, any clerk or employee for whom such increase is recommended is eligible for such increase : 2. In case ofpromotion, the increase ofsalary shall become payable from the day on which such promotion takes place. 48-49 v., c. 46. s. 27. In case of promotion Appointment most bare been accord- ing to law. No appoint- ment without eumination. Preliminarj, for what ap- pointments. 28* No salary shall be paid to any member of the Civil Service whose appointment or promotion, or whose increase of salary after the first day of July, one thousand eight hun- dred and eighty-two, has not been made in the manner pro- vided by the Civil Service Act in force at the time of such appointment, promotion or increase. 48-49 V., c. 46, s. 28. EXAMINATIONS. 29. Except as herein otherwise provided, no appointment shall be made to either division of the Civil Service unless the person appointed has passed an examination, which shall be of two kinds — The first or " preliminary " examination to qualify for th9 following appointements : — Messengers in either division. Porters, Sorters, Packers, Letter Carriers, Mail Transfer Agents, Box Collectors, Tide Waiters, Assistant Inspectors of Weights and Measures, Temporary copyists, and — For such other officers in the lower grades as are deter- mined by the Governor in Council : 1P3 The second or "qualifying" examinaticn to qualify for QMiifyinc the following appointments :— •lamlnatloD. Third-class clerkships in the first division ; Third-class clerkships and the offices of landing-waiters and lockers, in the second division for Oustoms, service ; Third-class clerkships and the office of exciseman, in the second division for Inland Revenue service ; Third-class clerkships, railway and marine mail clerk- ships, and the offices in the second division for Post Office sevice : But nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent OudidatM candidates passing both examinations, at their option. " Miiutiont 48-49 v., c. 46, s. 29. Tolanurllj. 80. No person shall be admitted either to the preliminary OondHlpM or qualifying examination until he has satisfied the board — «% o^qMlU (a ) That at the time appointed for such examination he s «i«Bia« will, if the examination is for a place below that of a third* * class clerk, be of the full age of fifteen years, and in other cases be of the full age of eighteen years, and if for the inside departmental division, that his age will not then 1)0 more than thirty-five years ; (b.) That he is free from any phy^sical defect or disease "which would be likely to interfere with the proper discharge •of his duties ; (c.) That his character is such as to qualify him for em- ployment in the service. 48-49 Y., c. 46, s. 80. ;i 81. The preliminary and qualifying examinations shall To be held "be held under such regulations, not inconsistent with this Jj^J'f '••■*•' Act, as are, from time to time, made by the Gt)vernoT in Council and published in the English and French languages in the Canada Gazette. 48-49 Y., c. 46, s. 31. - 83. The examinations shall be open to all persons who To whom comply with the requirements of this Act as to proof of age, exajniMtlont liealth and character, and conform to the regulations made ' * * **^'' as herein provided, upon payment of such fees as are deter- p^^,, mined by the Governor in Council ; and all examinations under this Act shall be held in the English or French in either language, or in both, at the option of the candidate. 48-49 l"8»»««' v., c. 46, s. 82. 88. Notice of every examination to be held under this Notice ortim« Act for admission into the Civil Service shall be published "mPd"* '^ in the English and French languages in the Canada Gazette at least one month before the date fixed for the examination, And the notice so publishd shall state — (a.) When and where the exmination is to be held ; .'li ■ , . ( a 1P4 {h.) The subjects to which the examination will extend. 48-49 v., c. 46, s. 83. List! of per- 84. Immediately after each examination a list of the per- qualified to Bons who are found qualified shall be made out, and pub-^ be made. lished in the Canada Gazette. 48-49 V., c. 46, s. 84. NEW APPOINTMENTS. I:-. t » ■ Proceedingg when new ftppointm^tB •n reqairm. Selection of oandidates. Probation. Rejection during pro- bation. 8S. Whenever it becomes necessary to make any appoint- ment to any of the classes to which it is herein provided that first appointments shall only be made after qualifyinff exam« ination, such necessity shall be reported to the Head of the department by his Deputy ; and upon such report being^ approved by the Head of the department, and after the salary to be paid has been voted by Parliament, the Head of the department shall select and submit to the Governor in Council for probation, from the lists of aualified candi- dates made by the board, a person fitted for the vacant place: 2. The person so selected shall not receive a permanent appointment until he has served a probationary term of at least six months : 8. The Head of the. department or the Deputy Head may^ at any time during the period of probation, reject any clerk or employee appointed to his department. 48-49 Y., c. 46,. 8. 85. Report rf 86. No probationary clerk shall remain in any depart- aa*?o oomp«- ment more than one year, unless, at or before the end of that tency. time the Deputy Head signifies to the Head of the depart* ment in writing that the clerk is considered by him com* petent for the duties of the department : ProTisionin 2. If he is rejected the Head of the Department shall Mie of rejec- report to the Governor in Council the reasons for rejecting^ him, and another clerk shall thereupon be selected m lik& ' manner in his stead ; and the Head of the department shall decide whether the name of the person rejected shall be struck off the list as unfit for the service generally, or whether he shall be allowed another trial. 48-49 Y., c. 46, s. 86. 87. When the Deputy Head of a department in which a vacancy occurs reports, for reasons set forth in such report, — (a.) That the qualifications requisite for such office or em- ployment are wholly or in part professional or technical ; {b.) That the requisite qualifications are not possessed by any x)erson then in the service of that department ; and — (c.) That it would be for the public interest that the ex- amination herein provided for should, as regards such vacancy, be wholly or partially dispensed with ; As to offices requiring special quali- BcationB. IPS ' i The Governor in Council may, without reference to the age of the person, if the Head of the department concurs in such report, select and appoint such person as is deemed best fitted to fill the vacancy, subject to such examination as is suggested in the report; and such appointment shall be made froLi the Civil Service, if any person employed therein is found available : 2. City Postmasters ; Inspectors, Collectors and Preventive Officers in the Customs Department ; Inspectors of Weights and Measures ; Deputy Collectors and preventive Officers in the Inland Revenue Department, may be appointed with- out examination and without reference to the rules for pro- motion herein prescribed : 8. The qualifying examination may be dispensed with in the case ol any person actually and continuously employed on and since the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, if the Deputy Head of the department, with the concurrence of the Head of the department, reports that the said employee has the requi- site qualifications for the place to be filled by him ; and such person may receive an appointment in the Civil Service for which he is otherwise eligible, if at the date of such temporary employment his age did not exceed thirty-five years. 48-49 V., c. 46, s. 87. Selection «nd appointment. From tlie service if availabie. Exception ai to certain enumerated ofiBcen. In what eaaet qualifying examination may be dii- pensed with. 88, If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Auditor Gen- Y*^*^*'*^q' eral, the report required as to such vacancy shall be made to erai's office."" the Minister of finance and Receiver General, 48-49 Y., c. 46, 8. 88. , .. ' w e or em- leal ; seed by and — the ex- such PROMOTIONS. ' 89. No promotion in either division of the Civil Service shall take place without special examination, under regula- tions made by the Governor in Council : 2. Except as herein otherwise provided, such examina- tion shall be open to any person who holds a position below that to which the promotion is to be made in either division of the service of the department in which the vacancy to be filled by promotion exists ; and shall be in such subjects as are determined from time to time for each department by the Governor in Council, and in such suojects, as by report of the Deputy Head of the department in which the promotion is to be made, concurred in by the Head of the department, are submitted to the board as best adapted to test the fitness of the candidates for the vacant office : 3. "When the vacancy to be filled by promotion exists in the inside division, the examination shall not be open to per- Fromotion t» be by examin- ation nnder regalationi. To whom open. Sabjects of examination. In inside dirision. •a i IH l! W-: 11' r May be dii- penMd with Mtoprofci- ■ionftlmen. sons employed in the outside division who, at the date of their first appointment, were of a greater age than thirty-five years : 4. In the case of barristers, attorneys, engineers, military or civil, officers of artillery in the Militia Department and graduates of the Royal Military College, architects, actuaries, land surveyors and draughtsmen, when employed or when seeking promotion in the line of their profession, the exam- ination may be dispensed with on a report from the Deputy Head, concurred in by the Head of the department, that it is not necessary : Special case 5. No such examination shall be required for the re-em- of excisemen. ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ promotion of excisemen who passed the de- partmental examinations for the special class in the excise service before the first day of July, one thousand eight hun- dred and eighty-two. 48-49 V., c. 46, s. 8ft. iv Yearly esti- mate of probable Taeancies, in first diTision. Additions. In second division. Use of estimate. Notices of ex- aminations. 40. Once in each year the Deputy Head of each depart- ment shall make an estimate of the number of vacancies likely to occur therein during the ensuing year, in the first division in the classes of — (o.) Chief clerks; (6.) First-class clerks ; (c.) Second-class clerks ; 2. To the number so estimated shall be added such further number as the Deputy Head of the department deems necessary to compensate for any death, failure of health, or other contingency : 3. A similar estimate shall be made at the same time of the number of vacancies likely to occur in the second division, to which promotions can be made : 4. The numbers so estimated shall be those with refer- ence to which the examinations for promotion shall be held, as herein provided. 48-49 Y., c. 46, s. 40. 41* Notice of each examination for promotion in the ser- vice shall be published in the English and French lan- guages in the Canada Gazette at least one month before the examination is to be held ; and such notice shall state the number of promotions expected in each class in each divi- sion. 48-49 v., c. 46, s. 41. mi- Selection for vacanciea in higher classes. 42. Except as herein otherwise provided, when any vacancy occurs in one of the higher classes, in either divi- sion, the Head of the department shall select from the list of su 'cessful candidates for promotion, the person whom ho considers best fitted for the office, having due refer- ence to any special duties incident to such office, to the qualification and fitness shown by the candidates respec- tively, during their examination, and to the record of their 187 preyiouB conduct in the service : Provided, that when no ProTiso : if person employed in the department is found suitable for fJ!,ad at! '* promotion therein, an examination shall be held of persons employed in the service of other departments with a view to the promotion being made as far as practicable from the service. 48-49 V., c. 4tf, s. 42. 48. Every promotion so made shall be subject to a proba- Promotion tion of not less than six months; but at any time during >ub|ectto the first year the Head of the department may reject the ^'^ * *"*' person promoted, or he may be definitely accepted at any time during the second period of six months after his promo- tion: 2. If the person so selected is rejected he shall then return if rejected. to the performance of the duties in which he was pre- viously engaged. 48-49 V., c. 46, s. 43. 44. When any clerk who is promoted on probation is Further rejected, the Head of the department shall select another in »eiecUon. his stead from the candidates whose names still remain on the lists of qualified persons, made by the board. 48-49 V , c. 46, s. 44. 45. During the period for which a clerk is i romoted on His former probation the duties of the office previously held by him shall, whom'^r- if necessary, be performed by a person selected for that pur- formed, pose by the Head of the department. 48-49 Y., c. 46, s. 65. 46. An exchange of positions between two officers serv- Exchange of ing in different departments, or in different divisions of the Pi' '*'*"lut. same department, and the filling of a vacancy in one depart- out ezamina- ment by a transfer from another division of the same depart- tion. ment or from another department, may be authorized by the Governor in Council, to be made without examination of either officer ; but such exchange or transfer shall be made Condition. without increase of salary of either of the persons exchang- ing or transferred ; and no person shall be transferred from - , an outside to an inside division, whose age at the date of his first appointment exceeded thirty-five years. 48-49 Y., c. 46, s. 46. SUPERNUMERARY AND TBMPORART CLERKS. 47. When, from a temporary pressure of work or from any Employment other cause, the assistance of temporary clerks becomes "^^g^^"* necessary in any branch of the first or second division, the temporary Head of the department may— if he is satisfied that such preM""- necessity exists — on the requisition of the Deputy Head of the department, select &om the lists of qualified candidates, . for whom no vacancies have, up to that time, been found,, such number of temporary clerks as are required, or, if the list does not furnish such a person, may employ any other 1^8 t:- iCv' Term of em- filovmoDt imited, Ac. Out of what fanda pay- able. person qualified for the Kervi(;e in question ; but such other person snail not be continued in such temporary employ- meut aftt'r the period in which a preliminary or qualifying examination is neld, unless he presents himself for examin- ation and obtains a certificate of having passed the neces- sary examination : 2. Persons who were in the temporary employment of the several departments on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, may be continued in such employment so long as the Heads of the respective depart- ments deem necessary ; the rate of remuneration to be paid for such temporary service shall not, however, exceed the minimum salary oi*^ third-class clerk, unless the service to be performed is technical and requires special qualifica- tions ; and such temporary employment shall not be con- sidered as giving any claim to permanent appointment : 8. The temporary and supernumerary clerks so employed shall be paid only out of money voted by Parliament for payment of the contingencies of the department, division or ofiice of the service in which such clerks are employed, or out of money voted by Parliament for the construction of works upon which they are employed 48-49 V., c. 46, s. 4*7. it/ J I' . ih PriTate •eeretariea of lliniatera. SaUrv haTet Toted. most een PRIVATE SECRETARIES. 48. Any member of the Civil Service may be appointed private secretary to the Head of a department, and may be paid an additional salary not exceeding six hundred dollars a year whilst so acting : 2. No salary shall be payable to any private secretary unless the amount has been voted by Parliament. 48-49 Y.^ c. 46, 8. 48. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Ml Aa to leave ofabaence. p;'" • || • WA' ■ •■ ..., tev In cane of illneas, ftc. 49. The Head of a department, and in his absence the Deputy Head of such department, may grant to each officer^ chief clerk, clerk or other employee, leave of absence for purposes of recreation for a period not exceeding three weeks in each year ; and every such ofl&cer, clerk or em- ployee, whether in the first or second division, shall take the leave so granted at such time during each year as the Head or Deputy Head of the department determines : 2. In case of illness or for any other reason which to him seems sufficient, the Governor ib Council may grant to any officer, chief clerk, clerk or other employee, leave of absence for a period not exceeding twelve months. 4^-49 V., o. 46,8.49. Sospension of SO. The Head of a department, and in his absence the offlceM for Deputy Head of such department, may,— m (a.) Suspoud from tho porformuuco of his duty or from the i" what receipt of his swhiry any otRcer or employee guilty of mis- *"'"*' conduct or n»'gligonco in tho performance of his duties ; (6.) Remove such suspension ; but no person sbtil receive RcmoTal of any salary or pay for the time during which he was under •"•peniion- suspension : 2. All cases of suspension by the Deputy Head of the department shall be reported by him to the Head of the department. 48-49 V., c. 46, s. 60. DDC ich ■ucb caiei. Bl. No extra salary or additional remuneration of any kind whatsoever shall be paid to any Deputy Head, officer or employee in the Civil Service of Canada, unless a sum has been pla(;ed for that purpose in each case in the estimates submitted to and voted by Parliament : 2. When the duties of any superior officer or clerk during his absence, or by reason of his death, but not through super- annuation, are continuously performed by an officer or clerk of an inferior class or junior rank, during a period of more than three months, the officer or clerk performing such duties may, on the report of the Deputy Head, concurred in by the Head of the department, under an Order in Council, and provided that funds are available under parliamentary vote for such payment, receive in addition to his ordinary pay, the difference between such ordinary pay and the pay of the officer or clerk whose duties ho has performed, for tho time he has performed such duties : 8. When the absence of any officer is not occasioned by his employment on other duties by the Government, by leave of abt-ence, or on account of illness certified by an authorized medical practitioner, appointed by the Governor in Council for that purpose, his salary for each day of such absence, shall be deducted from his monthly salary. 48-49 V., c. 46, 8. 61. In what cases only addition- al pav sliaU bo allowed. Case of In- ferlof officer performing duties of superior. Deduction flora pay for uniiiitborized absence. 52. All payments of money to permanent employees, ^®'^*f''\P?J" other than salaries, to be made under the provisions of this made opiy Act, and whether specifically stated in the estimates sub- under Order mitted to Parliament, or payable under sub-section two of '" °"°*'' ' the next preceding section, shall be made only under the authority of the Governor in Council. 48-49 v., c. 46, s. 63. 58. Any officer, clerk or employee who has resigned, shall As to officers be eligible, without examination, under the authority of an aigaeSll'd Order in Council, to re-enter the service, at the same salary wisiiing to re- in tho class in which he was serving at the time of such *"'*' service, resignation, provided that funds are available for the pay- ment of his salary. 48-49 Y ., c. 46, s. 62. « I' .'J ■' 190 Act not to prejadice cer- tain officers. 94* Nothing contained in this Act shall prejudicially affect the salary or emoluments of any Deputy Head, officer, clerk or employee in the Civil Service of Canada, appointed on or before the first day of July, one thousand eight hun- dred and eighty-two, so long as he is continued m office, nor shall auytning herein contained affect any salary or emolument granted and fixed by any Act in force on the day in this section before mentioned. 4S-49 Y., c. 46, s. 54. m If , w :!fT^ Powers of Oovernor in Council not impaired. Proviso. Attendance boolcs to be kept ; tlieir Oatli of Alle- giance hj olEcers and employees. Addition to oath in cer- tain cases. Clerk of P.C for Canada. Before whom in Ottawa. And else- irheie. Register. 55* No provision herein contained shall impair the power of the Governor in Council to remove or dismiss any Deputy Head, officer, clerk or employee, but no such Deputy Head, officer, clerk or employee, whose appointment is of a permanent nature shall be removed from office except by authority of the Governor in Council. 48-49 V., c. 46, s 55. 96. There shall be kept in each department, and in the office of the Auditor General, at the seat of Government, and in each office of the second division, a book or books to be called the attendance book, w^hich shall be in such form as is determined by the Governor in Council, in which each officer, clerk and employee of such office or department shall sign his name, at such times as are determined by the Governor in Council. 48-49 V., c. 46, s. 66. ffT. The Deputy Heads of departments and all officers, chief clerks, clerks, messengers, sorters and packers of the Civil Service who have not already done so, and every Deputy Head, officer, chief clerk, clerk, messenger, sorter or packer hereafter appointed, before any salary is paid him, shall take and subscribe the oath of allegiance and also the oath contained in schedule C to this Act, or such other oath as is provided by some other Act, in that behalf : 2. In the case of the Clerk of the Privy Council, and all officers, clerks and employees under him, and in the case of any officer, clerk or employee of whom the Governor in Council requires the same, there shall be added to the oath at the asterisks, in the form of the oath in the said schedule C, the words contained in schedule D to this Act : 3 The Clerk of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada shall take and subscribe the said oaths before the Governor General or some one appointed by him to administer the same : 4. In the case of persons residing or coming to reside at the city of Ottawa, the oaths shall be taken and subscribed before the Clerk of the Privy Council : 5. In other cases the oaths may be taken and subscribed before a justice of the peace or other proper authority who shall forward the same to the Clerk of the I'rivy Council : 6. The Clerk of the Privy Council shall k* ep a registei of all such oaths. 48-49 V., c, 46, s. 67. 1: 191 B8. The Secretary of State shall lay before Parliament, Annual re- within fifteen days after the oommenc^exnent of each session, farj of Stete! a report of the proceedings of the board of examiners under and what it this Act daring the preceding year, which report shall "*"' * '*^' include a copy of the examination papers, a statement of all examinations held and of the number of candidates at each, and the names of the successful candidates, and also the rules and regulations made during the year under the pro- visions of section five of this Act : 2. The Secretary of State shall lay before Parliament in f.^3i«| P*'* like manner a return of the names and salaries of all persons appointed to or promoted in the Civil Service during the said year, specifying the office to which each has been ap- pointed or promoted. 48-49 V., c 46, s. 58. 59. The Secretary of State shall cause to be printed each Jeariy Oivii year a list, to be called the Civil Service List of Canada, of beplnted all persons employed in the several departments of the Civil and^iaid Service, together with those employed in the two Houses of plriiament. Parliament, upon the first day of July next preceding, show- ing the dates of their several appointments and promotions, their age, rank in the service, and salary ; and shall lay the same before Parliament within the first fifteen days of each session. 48-49 V., c. 46, s. 69. SCHEDULE A. (a ) Deputy Heads of departments ; (6 ) Officers who have special professional or technical qualifications ; , (c.) Chief clerks ; {d.) First-class clerks ; (e.) Second-class clerks ; (/.) Third-class clerks ; (g.) Messengers, packers and sorters. 48-49 V., c. 46, sch. A. SCHEDULE B. All the officers, clerks and employees hereinafter enum- erated and such other officers in the lower grades as are determined by Order in Council : CUSTOMS. Inspectors Coih'ctors Surveyors salary Scale of Salaries. from $1,600 to 2,500 40.) to 4,000 1,200 to 2,50a ••ti ■t 192 t^: ft-,:. :■ 11 '■I .'"' ii^: Chief clerks Clerks - Chief Landing Waiters Landing Waiters Gangers Chief Lockers - Lockers Tide Surveyors Tide Waiters Messengers Appraisers Assistant Appraisers Scale of Salaries, salary from 1,200 to 2,000 400 to 1,200 800 to 1,200 400 to 1,000 600 to 1 200 800 to 1,200 400 to 800 '• 800 to 1,1.00 400 to 600 200 to 600 •» ' 800 to 2,000 600 to 1,600 JXI.WI) KKVENUE. Chief Inspector Inspectors Collectors Deputy Collectors - • - Clerks (Accountants) Special Class Excisemen ... First, Second and 1 hird-class Excisemen - Probationary Excisemen ... Messengers $2,800 $1,600 to 2,500 600 to 2,200 400 to 1,500 600 to 1,200 1,200 600 to 1,000 500 2C0 to 500 To which may be added for surveys of important manu- factories an additional salary, for the special class Excisemen who perform that duty, not exceeding $200 per annum. m POST OFFICE. Post Office Inspectors. Chief Inspeclor < « $2,800 1st Class, on appointment 2,2'i0 After 10 years' service 2,400 " 20 " 2,600 2nd Class, on appointment 2,000 After 10 years' service 2,200 " 20 " 2,400 Assistant Post Office Inspectors. On appointment, $1,200, with an annual increase of $60, to a maximum of $1,60 '. The scale of salaries of clerks in Post Office Inspectors' offices shall be the same as for clerks in City Offices: 1!)3 f way Mail Clerks. m 5? r= rr.>>ri P t-, -i "■•■■• / - On Appoint- %. o * >^ r 10 yeai ce in an ass of way Ma lerka. ment. iT-S^O ii'SursO «i"s: o.-3» <1SS (§ <1S « %\ (S 0) «• a> V ■« S V *' S K2 •?.2 '»>.2 S.2 >.o S.2 «>..H -a," *> ^ ? bO> 5 > f3t» 03 > bOt, <=£ (1) gs ss i«s tn CO m CQ tn CQ CQ $ $ $ $ $ f . $ s Ohicf Olerks 1,000 720 1 200 1 350 1,500 iBt Glass 880 800 1,000 800 1,100 960 1,200 Sod Olus 600 720 640 800 720 880 800 1,000 3rd Glass 480 600 520 .640 560 700 640 800 To G lerks Other than Chief Clerks, in addition to regular salary an allowance not exceeding half a cent per mile for every mile travelled on duty in the Post Office cars. Marine Mail Clerks. $2,800 2,2)0 2,400 2,600 2,000 2,200 2,400 of |50, ipectors* Olfices : 1.. . ^ ■ - S2 After After After After a O 2 years. 6 years. 10 years. 15 years. 1 Trip Allow- ance. Trip Allow- ance. i Trip Allow, ance. 1 CG Trip Allow- ance. .25 Trip Allow- aace. $ % $ % $ % % % $ 1st Glass 480 V 80 540 80 600 80 800 100 1,000 loa •nd Olaaa . 360 •50 420 60 Non. — Trip means the rouud voyage from Quebec or Halifax to Liverpool and back Only one-half, or $25, to be allowed whilst learning duty. City Postmasters. ">„ Glass 1, where postage collections exceed — $80 $2,600 do 2, do are from 60,000 to $80,000 2,400 do 3, do 40,000 to 60,000 2,200 do 4, do 20,000 to 40,000 2,000 do 6, do are less than 20,000 1,400 to $1,800, as the Postmaster General determines. These salaries shall not be supplemented by any allowances, com- missions or perquisites whatsoever. 6A-18 m ■■m Mr Si- *■ *■ .''■■■ T IS'*' 194 Assintant Postmasters. Class 1 ■. 12,000 do 2 1,800 do 8 J,600 do 4 1,400 do 6 11,100 to 1,400 Clerks in City Post Offices. 8rd Glass, $400 by annual increase of $40 to $800. 2nd Glass, $900 by annual increase of $50 to $1,200. 1st Glass— Specific duties in each case with fixed salaries to be determined by the Postmaster Q-eneral : no salary shall be less than $1,200 or more than $1,500 ; Superintendent of Letter Garners not to exceed $300 ; Mail transfer agents, $400, with an annual increase of $40 to a maximum of $600 ; Letter Garriers, Messengers, Box GoUectors and Porten, $860 to $600 by annual increase of $30. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Inspector of Penitentiaries. The same scale as Post Office Inspector. 48-49 V., c. 46, sch. B. SGHEDULE G. n-i. »'l- > ^'■■y \ i *' I {A.B.)f solemnly and sincerely swear that I will faith- fully and honestly fulfil the duties which devolve upon me as and that I will not ask, or receive any sum of money, services, recompense or matter or thinff whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in return for what I have done or may do in the discharge of any of the duties of my said office, except my salary or what may be allowed me by lay or by an Order of the Governor in Gouncil ; * * * * So help me God." 48-49 V., c. 4^, sch. O. 1^' SGHEDULE D. {After the asterisks in schedule C.) u '.f " And that I will not, without due authority in that " behalf, disclose or make known any matter or thing which " comes to my knowledge by reason of my employment as *' {as the case may he).'' 48-4y V., c. 46, sch. D. 1U5 ANALYTICAL INDEX TO THE \- CIVIL SERVICE ACT. (Revised Statntea, cap. 17.) ABSINCE, LEAVE OF : tliree wouks, yearly incase of illness without leave, &c., cnmes susiieusiou of pay APPOINTMENTS ; conditions of. limits OS to uge of Deputy Heads •f Chief Clerks . .• •f First class Clerks of Second class Clerks of Third class Clerks Done without examination new, how made report, before appoiutmof a probationary clerk ot clerks to offices requiring special quauiicatious from the Service if available cxceptious to rules iu cases of certain special ap^iointmcnts annual return of, by the Si'cretury of State ATTENDANCE BOOKS : their use AUDITOR GENERAL: his office included in the Civil Service deputy of the, who shall be vacancy in ulHce ol the BOARD OF EXAMINERS : how appointed number of mctiiberH secretary of. supervision of. meetings of. proceeiungs of salary oi members trnvelling expenses assistants appointment and salaiy of secretary of " of clerk of. , whe may be assistant ■ places and dates of examinations expenses, and how paid report of piwecdings by Secretary of State CANDIDATES : can pass both examinations at their option if for a place below 3rd class clerk, must be 15 years old. . . in other case 18 years old if for the Inside Division not more than 35 years old must be tree from physical defect character such as to be employed fees for examinations tixed by Qovemor iu Council , €6—13} 49 49 61 10 10 11 15 17 19 21 29 35 36 37 37 37 68 56 Sub- Section. a b 3 ., 177 14 , , ISO 38 •• 185 8 1 178 8 1 178 8 2 178 8 7 178 8 6 179 8 6 179 8 3 179 8 4 179 8 5 179 8 2 178 8 2 179 9 179 9 179 9 179 63 1 191 29 182 30 a 183 80 a 183 80 a 183 80 b 18S SO e 188 S2 «« 18< Page. 188 188 189 179 179 180 180 180 181 181 182 184 184 184 184 185 191 190 ,1 . r- ecial qualifications appointment ot special BiK'cial^ appointed from Civil Service if available exceptions as to certain otiicers may be rejected after promotion Bupeniumeitiry and tenii)oniiy^ when and how selected their term of employment limited rate of remuneration of temporary out of what funds are paid temporary and suiiemiimerary no extra salary unless anpropriation for same be voted additional pay for those "jwrlorming the duties of a superior pay suspended for absence without leave those having resigned may re-enter the service without examination. . . . ^ shall sign the attendance nooks shall take the oath of allegiance and the oath in schedule C and add to the last mentioned oath, when required or employed in the Privy Council, the words in schedule U the Clerk of the Privy Council to take these oaths before the Governor General or some one appointed by him DEPARTMENT : head of. deputy deputy head deputy head of a divisions of. DEPUTY HEAD : who is the salary of ahe appomtmeut of the dmies and powera of the " by w^iom performed in his absence the Governor in Council can only remove the DIVISION OF DEPARTMENT : first or inside second or outside examination for promotion to a vacancy in inside division no transfer from outside to inside division, when over 85 years old CULMINATIONS : no appointment without prebmiuaiy — for wliat appointments 47 3 7 .19 37 6 « 7 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 37 37 37 37 43 47 47 47 47 61 51 51 53 66 57 57 57 57 2 12 11 13 14 55 4 4 39 46 29 29 2 8 a b h h 184 187 177 178 191 185 178 178 178 178 180 180 180 181 181 181 181 181 182 184 184 184 185 187 187 187 187 18S 189 189 189 189 190 190 190 190 190 177 177 177 177 178 177 180 180 180 180 190 178 178 185 187 182 182 1!»7 184 187 177 178 191 185 178 178 178 178 180 180 180 181 181 181 181 181 182 184 184 184 185 187 187 187 187 188 189 189 18» 189 190 190 190 190 190 177 177 177 177 178 177 180 180 180 180 190 178 178 185 187 182 182. EXAMINATIONS— Continued : qualifying — ibr wlint appointments c'luuliiiiites can paoH botli, at option condition for preliminary when and how arc rogulationd mado for to whom open " " in wlint languiige made , wlien dispenHvawitii qualifying promotion only made after siK'uial to whom omu subjects oi. for promotion to a vacancy in thu inside division , professional men seeking promotion in the line of their profession may bu dis]K'nsed with none required in the case of excisemen notices of. exchanges of position allo^Yed witliMit may ho dispensed with on rc-appointmeut annual return of examination paix^rs ' annual return of— showing number of candidates, anil nimieHut'HneeeHNl'u) ones OF EXAMINEKS-BOAUD how appointed number of memliers secretary nf duties of. ^, supervision of, ,, muetingdof. proceedings of. salaiy of members of. travelling expenses of assistants. appointment and salary of secri'tiuy of , of clerk of., who may be assistants. places and dates of e\ami)iations expenses, how jiaid Reiwrt of proceedings, by Secretary of State. IIXCHANGE OF POSITIONS: allowed without examination. BXCI8EMEN : examination dispensed with in caije re-employment on promotion. HEAD OF DKPARTMENT: who ho is .». INTERPRETATION : of expressions in Act LEAVE OF ABSENCE : three weeks yearly in case of illness suspension of pay when absent without.. LIST— CIVIL SERVICE: to be printed yearly and laid before. Parliament i MESSENGERS, PORTERS, &c. : salary of examinations for OATHS: of allegiance in schedule C in schedule D for olRcers of Privy Council and others when remurod. . . . taken before the Governor General by the Clerk of the Privy Council. . . .taken before the Clerk of the Privy Council by those residing in Ottawa. S(M'ti«n. Sub- Section. 20 2t) iio ill aa ^ , :i2 a? 8 ill) 81) 2 39 2 39 8 30 4 ;lt) 5 41 , , 40 • • 6a C8 1 RS I 8 1 « 1 8 2 8 1 8 7 8 8 6 8 3 8 4 8 5 a 2 8 2 9 , , a a 9 58 a • 40 • • 89 5 2 a 2 • • 40 49 2 51 3 59 a a 2!) • • 29 • • 57 57 a a 57 S 67 8 57 . * Page. 182 182 183 188 188 183 185 185 186 185 185 186 186 186 187 180 101 101 178 178 178 178 179 179 179 179 179 179 178 173 179 179 179 ■101 187 186 177 177 188 188 189 191 181 18!i 100 190 190 190 100 n r I i \ i! 198 ij Ml: ■% ¥■"■: m m m^ »'•■■■'' m .:<■■*' mi m\ L«.; ]> Section, OATHS— Continued. taken bctoa- a JuHtice of the Penrp in otlier ciiBcs register of^to he kept by the Clerk of tlie Privy Council OFFICERS : uumber and wiliirics of. _. su])erminiertiry mid tiieir snlarieH M'licn iiiiinlM'i'rxi'et'ds thiit nliowed M'lui sliiill be when Act posgeH )'xri.'iitioii!4 1'ldni reguliitionp, iiu to certuin wild liiive rc'sifrneci antl wibIi to re-enter aerviee ])emiitneiit — iviuoviilde only by (Jovemor in Council oath of nllcKiiince onth in Hchedulc ('. " " with words added schedule D if retiuiivd I'AYMENTS:— additional to ponnanent employees unlyjmade under Order in Council. POWERS OF GOVERNOR GENERAL: nut impaired by this Ac^t , PRIVATE SECRETARIES: who can be and what salary PROBATION : how long beloiv n])pointnient. i'oje •18 35 43 24 39 43 58 31 58 Sub- Section, 6 100 6 lOO • 178 2 178 2 178 , 17H 2 18.'. ^ 18» • llHi ^ 11)0 ^ lUO 2 191) • 18!) 190 Page. 188 184 181 184 187 181 185 187 191 178 183 191 16 « 180 17 180 19 181 •21 181 2t{ 182 35 184 3C 2 184 37 . 184 37 8 185 39 2 185 89 4 186 40 ^ , 186 50 2 189 58 , 191 58 2 191 50 • • 191 rt • • 17S ft • • 178 A 2 178 8 3 17!> » 2 178 12 ^ ^ 180 ]({ • • ISO 18 • • 181 20 • • 181 199 r.. I'ago. 190 190 178 8 178 I 178 17H 2 185 18» 190 190 190 2 190 180 190 188 2 181 8 184 2 184 ■ 187 181 1 185 187 2 191 178 18» 191 m 180 180 181 181 182 184 2 184 184 3 185 2 185 4 18« 186 2 isa 191 2 191 • * 191 178 178 2 178 3 17i> 2 178 180 180 181 181 SALARY-Contiiiu.'il : of thimclnsH (OorkH iuitinl ami iiiurrase regulations as to couditinim of iiu'ivase of iiuTfnHc of— may lit' suspended iiHii'ciise of — from wliat time pny iihli increase on promotion increase oiwy wlien appointed ac(;oriling t(i law no increase, in cxcliangc of position, of private Bucretarl(^8 " " none jmid unless voted " none pi id diirin<,' susiHMision extra — none allowed unless voted ndditionnl— for performing duties of a suprior, in what case. deductii IS of- tor absence without authorization not ail'Lited by this Act SCHEDULES : A , ClBNsitication of oilicers B, Salaries of officers eiiumerated therein. C, Form of oath D, Additional fonn of oath 6ECRETAIIY (»F STATK : fiup'rvisiou of the Board of Examiners ri'liort of iiroeeedings of Board of Exaniinew, yearly ri'turn of all persons rpiwinted or promoted during the year. Civil tSci'vice List, yearly SECRETARY : of Board of Examiners and salary of. SELECTION : further, when a probationary clerk is rejected new, if a clerk is rejected after promotion i of tt person to iierform duties of a clerk promoted on probation. SUSPENSION : of increase of salary of an officer for cause in what cases rcinova 1 of. no salary paid and the following substituted therefor: — 8caie of saia- " '^» The salary of a clerk on appointment or i)romotion to any class shall begin at the minimum of such class,, ex- ept in the case of third-class clerks, who may receive, in addition, fifty dollars for each optional subject (not to exceed four) in which they have passed before their ap]>(>iiitment, and except in the case of lower grade permanent miploye-js who, ipon passing the qualilyiug examination, Tnu\ he ap- pointed third-class clerks, at the salary they w*^ . t'* • " -i^j; at the time of such appointment, when such saiaiy exceeds four hundred dollars : " "2. The optional subjects in the next preceding sub-sec- tion Tiertioned shall be book-keeping, short-hand, transla- tion aud rypo-writing, composition in French by English candidate ,•., c rnposition in English by French candidates, and pAJcis-',i yirng." Section 31 le- 5. Section thirty-one of the said Act is hereby repealed sBBtion'."*'^ and the following substituted therefor : — OptioDal sub- jects. 208 ''81» Thu pruliminary and (|ualifyiii^ examinations shall Holding of be held only once a yoar and during thti month ot'Novom- ''**°>'''*"°"' I. , nndt^r such roffulationn, not iut insistent with this Act, as art', from timo to timo, mado ' tho Go\ trnor in Council and published in the Euj,Hish and ' -»'nch laugiiugt's in the Canada Gazette: "2. Graduates ol'the Royal Military CoUe^'i.', and of any Kxonn.uon. University in Canada, shall be exempt from the qu.J ''vine i examination" ^ ©• Section thirty-two of the said Act in hi'i. 'ly amended Kcr'inn 32 by fitiikiug out tne words "or in both" in lii- lust line*'""" Iho'-i of •7. 8e Jiion thirty-three of the said Act is hereby iimend«'d f'^ction sr. ly striking out all the words after fourth line thereof. examinutiou " i i the amended. Fill -her am' iidnimt. Exn ninutlotv nay be dis- pensed with In certain cases. H. Sub-section two of section thirty-nine is hereby re- Suction 3!» pealed and the following substituted tnerefor : — onience "2. txcept as herein otherwise provided, sitch examiii . Subjectifor tion shall be hold only once a y«!ar in the month of May, and in sitch subjects as are determined from time to time lor each department by the Governor in (Council, and in Buch subjects as, by report of the deputy-head of the department in which the promotion is to be made, concurred in by the head of the department, are submitted to the board as best adapted to test the fitness of the candidates for. the vacant office " : 2. Sub-se(;tion four of the said section thirty-nine is here- by repealed i»nd the following substituted th(!refor: — "4 In the case of barristers, attorneys, military or civil engineers, officers of the artillery in the militia dei>artment, and architects, draughtsmen and land surveyors, when em- ployed or when [seeking promotion in the line of their pro- fession, and in the case of special class excisemen seeking ' promotion in Ihe Department of Inland Revenue, the ex- amination may be dispensed with on a report IVora the deputy-head concurred in by the head of the department, that such cKumination is not necessary." 9, Sub-section one of section forty of the said Act is here- Section 40 by repeal* d and the following substituted therefor : — "4©. Once in ea< h year, and not later than the fifteenth ^j^^''^* j '"^'® day of M. i< h. 'he deputy -head of each department shall '''*^''" make and \uy before the lloard, through the Department of the Secretary of !S"■■■ ■■».,■. w ■ Section 47 amended. Rate of re- munoration. Further amendment. Permanent appointment of temporary clerks. Section 61 -amended. No extra re* muneration. Section 68 repealed. Schedule B amended. 11» Sub-section two of section forty-seven is hereby re- pealed, and the following substituted therefor : — " 2. The rate of remuneration to be paid for temporary service shall not exceed the minimum salary of a third-class clerk, unless the service to be performed is technical and re- quires special qualifications ; and such temporary employ- ment shall not be considered as giving any claim to per- manent appointment : " 2. The said section forty-seven is hereby further amended by adding the following sub-section thereto : — " 4. Temporary clerks employed continuously since the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty- two, may be appointed permanently, if otherwise quaUfied, at a salary equal to th^ir average pay during the two years previous to such permanent appointment, but in no case ex- ceeding the maximum salary of a third class clerk." 1*-. Sub-sections one and two of section fifty-one of the said Act are herebv repealed and the following substituted therefor : — " 51. No extra salary or additional remuneration of any kind whatsoever shall be paid to any deputy-head, officer or employee in the Civil Service of Canada, or to any other person permanently employed in the public service." 13« Sub-section two of section filty-eight of the said Act is hereby repealed. 14. So much of schedule E of the said Act as is included under the heading " Customs " is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor: — " CUSTOMS. mM. Inspectors Collectors - - - Surveyors Chief clerks Clerks - Chief Landing Waiters Lauding Waiters - G-augers - - - Chief Lockers - Lockers - . . Tide Surveyors Tide Waiters Scales of Salaries- salary from $1,600 to 2,600 " 300 to 4,000 1,200 to 2,400 1,200 to 2,000 400 to 1,200 800 to 1,200 iOO to 1,000 GOO to 1,200 800 to 1,200 400 to 800 800 to 1,000 400 to 600 205 ended uinth by re- porary d-class andre- nploy- to per- ueuded Lce the eighty- lalified, o years case ex- I of the stituted of any ifficeror y other iaid Act Chief Packer - Packers Messengers Appraisers Assistant Appraisers t< 500 to 600 800 to 600 200 to 500 800 to 2,000 600 to 1,600 2. So much of. the said schedule B as relates to Marine Further Mail Clerks, and to the Department of Justice, is hereby re- ^""^"^ pealed. / 15. The provisions of " The Civil Service Act" so far as ABtocivU they render promotion in the Civil Service contingent in po^nted^b"- any degree upon examination as provided in the said Act, fore July i, shall not apply to any civil servant who entered the Civil ^^^^" Service before the first day of July, one thousand eight hun- dred and eighty-two, except in^o far as regards the duties of the office to which such civil servant may desire to be promoted. OTTAWA : Printed by Brown CiiAuiiEitLiN, Law Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. ncluded and the Salaries.. to 2,500 to 4,000 to 2,400 to 2,000 to 1,200 to 1,200 to 1,000 to 1,200 to 1,200 to 800 to 1,000 to 600 r i < • , ■ ' ■' , , - ' ■ * V t - v. 1 1 i**f!* « 207 A>rALYTlCAL INDEX TO CHAPTER 12, 81 VICTORIA. (Amending <« The Civil Service Act ", Chap. 17, ll.S.C.) I Section. Administmtion of Oath AMENDING: section 9 do 32 do 42 provisions of Act respecting promotion contingent uiiou examination so as not to apply to civil servants who entered service before 1st .July, 1882 Appointment of deputy heads , Barristers, attorneys and other professional men, examination to be dispensed with on report BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICK KXAMINEUS : inquiiy l)efore, as respects irregularities at examinations estimate of number of vatmncies to be prepared lor Canada Gazette. Regulations for examinations to be published in Clerk, on promotion or apjiointment. Salary of. i College, exempt from ([ualifying examination. Graduates of Royal Military. Customs. Scale of salaries in outside service of DEPUTY HEAD : report of, on subjects for examination examinations may be dispensed with on report of, to prepare estimate of number of vacancies. Deputy Heads, api)ointment of, only in case of vaeniiry or when new department is created Duties of office. E.xaminations respecting, in certain cases Estimate of numl)er of vacancies in eadi department. Examination papers, penalty for wrongfully receiving or fnrnisliing EXAMINATIONS : Graduates of Royal Military College or of any university exempt from qualifying •subjects for may be dispensecl witfi in certain cases time of holding respecting duties of office in certain cases iiTC^ularities at, imiuiry provided for optional subjects at holding of pivliminary and qualifying EXAMINERS. BOARD 01" CIVIL SERVICE: in(^uiry before as re8i)ect8 iiTegularities at examinations estimate of numlier of vawuicies to be prepared for EXEMPTION : of graduates of I>oyaI Military College from qualifying examination of oarristei-s, attorneys and other professional nun from examination certain eases of certain civil servants from examination on promotion, t^xcept in duties of office Extra salary or additional remuneration allowed. No Graduates of Royal Military College and of Canadian uiiiveinitics exempt from qualifying examination 2 6 10 15 3 2 9 5 4 5 14 8 8 9 3 15 9 2 8 8 8 15 2 4 5 2 9 5 8 16 11 Sub- section. !>»». 201 201 2U4 205 202 203 201 203 203 202 203 204 203 203 203 202 205 203 202 203 203 203 2IJ3 205 201 202 203 201 203 203 206 204 203 tot I*-. '■ i'' ', IRREGULARITIES AT EXAMIXATIONS : jKiwrr to make ('ii([uiry j)cualtv for relusing to n jipeiir at eiKiuiiy administration of outli removal of name of jKa-sou imiilicated from list penalty for pi;rson!ition. penalty for wrongfully luniishini,' pa[)or» Oath, odministiiition of, at enquiries into irr(>j,'nlaritii's liiiforc iSoarU of J'lxaiuincrs. Optional subji'uts at examinations Papers. Penalty for wrongfully receiving or funiishiiig POALTY: for refusing to appear. at enquiries before Civil Service ISoani for peiwonation for wrongfully n ceiving or furnisliing examination jiajiei-s Personation. Penalty for Promotion in certain eases except in '• duties of olliee." Exemption from Iteeulations for preliminarv and nualifving examiniitions RIOIOVAL OF NA.MK FROM LIST OF QUALIFIED CANDIDATKS for fraudulent practices REMUNEKATION : no additional allowed rate of, for teuiporary si'rvices REPEALING: Section 7 do 24 Subsection 2 of section 31) do 1 do 40 do 2 do 47 do 1&2 do 51 do 2 do 58 Schedule B (in ]iart) do do Royal Military College exempt from qualifying examination, Graduates of SALARIES : Scale of, on appointment or promotion do in outside service ot Customs Salary of clerk on promotion or appointment Salaiy or additional remu'Uiration iillowed. No extra Schedule B, repealed it pirt Subjects for examinations Tem{x>Tary service. Rate of remuneration for Universities exempt from qualifying examination. Graduates of. Vacancies likely to occur. Estimate to be prepared. ..,, Section. Sub. Section , 2 '2 .. 2 2 2 4 o 5 2 6 2 2 'k 2 ! 2 6 2 2 2 5 2 6 2 5 l.^ • ■ 5 .. 2 4 12 11 • ■ 1 4 8 9 n 12 13 14 14 2 6 '• 4 14 4 11 14 8 • • 11 • • 5 • • 9 • • Page. 2rn 2ol 201 2ia 2(12 2U2 2til 202 202 2(1] 2(i2 202 2«5 203 201 204 294 261 202. 203 203 204 204 204 204 205. 203. 202 201 202. 202 204 203 2:4 202 203 -■'■ '.■!.*i. ■;n J.'i«r-* ||. 209 Page. APPENDIX No. 3 •joi 'illl I 2(11 4 2(il 5 202 6 202 2 201 2 202 . 6 202 2 2111 f) 2' '2 6 2(12 r. 202 295 203 4 201 204 294 • • 201 202 203 203 2ti4 204 .. 1 204 .. 1 204 2 205 • • 203 202 204 202 202 204 • • 203 • • 2:4 • • 202 • • 203 CHAPTER 18. (Beviaed Statutes.) An Ac t respecting the Superannuation of persons em- a.d. isss. ployed in the Civil Service 'of Canada. HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : — SHORT TITLE. 1« This Act may be cited as " Tlie Civil Service Superannua- Short title. tiom Act." 46 V., c. 8, s. 18. APPLICATION OF ACT. *• The Civil Service, for the purposes of this Act includes and consists of — (a.) All officers, clerks and employees in or under the several departments of the Executive Government who are paid a yearly salary, and to whom " The Civil Service Act " applies ; {b.) All such officers, clerks and employees of the second or outside division of the Civil Service, as the Grc . ernor in Council, from time to time, designates, and to whom " The Civil Service Act" does not apply, and who are paid a yearly salary and employed in an established capacity ; (c.) The permanent officers and servants of the Senate and House of Commons, and the permanent officers and servants employed in the Library of Parliament, who, for the pur- poses of this Act, shall be deemed to be in the Civil Service, saying all rights and privileges of either House in respect to the appointment or removal of its officers and servants ; (d.) All persons now contributing to the superannuation fand; (e.) All persons to whom this Act is by some other Act declared to apply. 46 V., c. 8, s. 1. Who shall be deemed civil Bervants. Persons unde Civil Service Act. Certain per* sons in tne outside ser- vice. Officers and servants of Senate and Commons. Present con- tributors tc the fund. Certain others. - ■ • 4' SUPERANNUATION. S» The Q-overnor in Council may grant to any person Conditions ok who has served in an established capacity in the Civil * °^*"'=^- Senriee for ten years or upwards, and who has attained the 66—14 210 5---. ^ii:;- F;>'-.-. m'f' ■■ I Rates of nllowanco. Mnximum riito lor 35 years. Brpfik,? in service not to be counted, ajjfo of wixty ycar.s, or is in rapacitati^tl l)y bodily infirmity iVom i)ropt>rlv i)t>ribnninf«' his duties, a 8 upcrann nation allo\van<«' calcnlatod on his avi^rai?*; yearly salary during the thi'n last thrco years, and not excM'oding tho iollowing rnles, that is to say : — {(i.) If he has served for ten years, but less than elt veil years, an annual allowance of ten fiftieths of such aA'erau(! salary, and if for (>leven years and under twelve years, an annual allowanee of eleven liftieths thi^reof, andin like manner a further addition ot one fiftieth of sueh average salnry for each additional year of service up to thirty-five years, when an annual allovvanc^e ol' thirty-five fiftieths may. be "granted; but no addition shall be made for any servite l)eyond thirty-five years; (h.) If the service ht's not bei^n continuous, the period or periods durinij which such service has been int«irrupted shall not be counted, and the Order in Council made in any such casi^ shall l)e l;iid bclure Parliament at its then current or next ensuing' session. 4t) V., e. S, s. 2. Governor in I, The Governor in Council may, in the case of any a('i'('i"to service P^T^^ou who entered the Civil Servici^ after the a'^i^ of thirty of persons years, as beina: possessed of some peculiar prolessional or ateomit^of"" oth*'r (|ualifidin!? ten, as is consid«»red eqiiita})le, ibr reasons stated in th(! Order in Council made in the case ; and suc^h additional number of years shall be taken as part of the term of service on which the superannuation allowance of such l)erson shall be computi'd ; and the Order in Council in any such «asti shall be; laid before Tarliament at its then current F ■' • 1 ■- ■ IK. . Preliminary inquiry by Treasury Board. 1' W:: p,„ ; W' ^ i Report of Board. or next ensuing' session. 46 v., c. 8, s. 8. »5. The superannuation of every civil servant shall be prec(»ded by an inquiry by the Treasury IJoard — (a.) Whether the person it is proposed to superannuate is eligible within the meaiiina; of this Act; and — (6 ) Whether his superannuation will result in benefit to the service, and is therefore in the public interest ; or — (c.) Whether it has become necessary in consequence of his mental or physical infirmity : 2. No civil servant shall be superannuated unless the Treasury Board reports that he is eligible within the mean- ing of this Act and that such superannuation will be in the public interest. 46 V., c. 8, s. 4. Deductions ^^» A deduction towards making good the superannuation from salaries, allowances hereinbefore mentioned, shall be made from the salary of every person in the Civil Service to whom this Act applies, at the rate of two per centum per annum on such ail salary, it' it in six huudred dollars or upwards, and of oiio and a-qnartor p(^r oentum p«r annum theroon, if it is 1«hk than six Imndnd dollars, and the sum so dodu(;tod shall form part of thtf CouHolidatod Uev«mun Fund of Oanada ; but Kuoh •'•■»»'««• duduction shall bo madu only during tho ILrst thirty-llyo years of sorvire. 4U V., c. 8, s. " 5. ss the mean- in the T. The lull 8up(>rannuation allowan<;e shall only bo TiMiyoura'co*- lyrantcd to piTsons who haviibtHMisubioct to tho said dtuhn!- "''!'\"'"!"^""„ T- 1 • 1 i ju i- iiiimlto for fuM tion during' t(Mi years or upwards, — the superannuation ,Jii„wiinco. allowance of any person who has not paid it, or has paid it Diminution for a less jx'iiod, being subject to a diminution of one p(>r '"v i*"^ v*"''"'* centum for every year less than ten durinj^ whiuirtory whom the superannuation allowance hereinbefore mt^ntiomul utiiorixitit. is offered, and such oiler shall not be considered as implying any censure u])on the person to whom it is madt* ; nor shall any pmvson l)e considered as having any absolut** right to Allowunoe such allowance, but it shall be granted only in consideration ''"ii'lii>*»iii».l of good and faithful service during the time upon wliich it Iwllwco. is calculated: 2. Nothing herein contained shall be understood as im- i{i;fi,t of pairing or affecting the right of the Grovernor in Ooumil to 'i"*!"!'';!!*' not dismiss or remove any person from the Civil Service. 4(5 V,, ""•'"""'' • c. 8, 8.1. .: ■ .: ,' 9, If the Head of a departmcmt reports with respect to Dimimition any person employed in his department, and aluiut to Ijo jvliiiiil.ini of jsuperaunuat«'d, from any cause other than that of ill-health npo'tsi'"''" or age, that the servici; of su(;h person has not b«'en satisfac- iiMsiiiistimtory tory, the Governor in Council may, as to him secuns lit, "^^'^ *"' grant su(;h person a superannuation allowani^e loss than that to which he would have otherwise been entitled. 4*5 V., c. 8, s. 8. 10. If any person to whom this Act applies, is constrained, dnituity from any infirmity of mind or body, to quit the Civil Service lu'ilwunal'not before the period at whi(!h a superannuation allowance cunicd. might be granted him, the Governor in Council may allow him a gratuity not exceeding one mouth's pay for eatih year of his service ; and if any such person is so constrained to omtuity in quit the service before such period, by reason of severe v>m ofUodily bodily injury, received without his own fault, in the discharge J|'j[y_^ "" of his public duty, the Governor in Council may allow him a gratuity not exceeding three month's pay for every two years' service, or a superannuation allowance not exceeding 66-14^ 212 one-titth of his average salary during the then last three years. 46 V., c. 8, s. 9. K-'v' Provision for U' ■ abolition of r oflSce, rednc- » ' ' tion of staff, 1" Ac. 11< If auy person to whom this Act applies is removed from office in consequence of the abolition of his office for the purpose of improving the organization of the department to which he belongs, or is removed, or retired from office to proraott. efficiency or economy in the Civil Service, the Governor in Council may grant him such gratuity or super- annuation allowance as wul fairly compensate him for his loss of office, not exceeding such p^ he would have been entitled to if he had retired in cousequence of permanent iniirmity of body or mind, after adding ten years to his actual term of service. 46 V., c. 8, s. 10. Pensioners 13« Every person who receives a superannuation allow- Sbie tc^rye *^<^6' ^.ud is under the age of sixty years, and is not disabled by if required, bodily or mental infirmity, may be called upon to fill, in any of foss of"*'*^ part of Canada, any public office or situation for which his •Uowance. previous services render him eligible, and which is not lower in rank or emolument than that from which he retired ; and, if he refuses or neglects so to do, he shall forfeit his said allowance. 46 V., c. 8, s. 11. Service before 0«nfedera- tion to be Muted. ,|,, 1-/ Discretionary ] >ower of ' JoTernor in Council. ^ . ■ ;■;-? . . - Payaent of allowances. fe' fe- F-. fa; . Annual return to be made to Parliament p: ii 18. Service in an established capacity in any of the departments of the Ejiecutive Government or offices of the Ijegislature of any of the Provinces now included in the Dominion of Canada, before such Province became a portion thereof, by any person who has thereafter entered the Civil Service, shall be reckoned in computing his period of service for the purposes of this Act. 46 v ., c. 8, s. 12. 14. In any case of doubt the Governor in Council may, by general or special regulations, determine to what persons the provisions of this Act do or do not apply, and the conditions on which, and the manner in which, they shuU apply in any case or class of cases. 46 V., c. 8, s. 18. 15. The allowances and gratuities granted under this Act shall be payable out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. 46 V., c. 8, s. 14. REPORT OF SUPERANNUATIONS. 16. The Minister of Finance and Eeceiver General shall Pa^^Mt.*" ^*y before Parliament, within fifteen days after the com- mencement of each session thereof, a statement of all super- annuations and retiring allowances in the Civil Seivicd within the year, giving the name and rank of each person^ ns superannuated or retired, his salary, age and length of ser- vice, the allowance granted to him on retirement, the cause of his superannuation and whether the vacancy has been subsequently filled, and if so, whether by promotion or by a new appointment, and the salary of the new appointee. 46 v., c. 8, s. 16. hi I 1' r |:f i'^' i" ,t \l ■'1. 2tA ANALYTICAL INDEX TO THB CIVIL SERVICE SUPERANNUATION ACT. (Ri'vUcd Stntutos, cnp. 18.) ABATEMENT : on .snliirirF to build u)) Suiwraiimintioii Fund, noiit! aftrr 35 yciiiH sit vice ABOLITION 01" OFFK K: provision in cuso of ACT: siiiM-raniiuntioii — To whom it niiplicH eliurt tillu of suiM'raiinuiition (Civil St.Tvice), jutsoiih coiniiig iiiulur its jiroviMons. , ADDITIONAL SKUVIf'E : to tliOHc liuviii); eiiti'i't'd Civil t-'i'ivici; iil'tei 30 j-oara of iij,'e, with HiH'cinl quuliticiitioiis ', Ordrr in Counuil to he liiid bcibii- Pai'linmcnt, in Huoh cutie.s ALLOWANCE: rates and conditions of. full after li) yrnrs' coutributioii to tlip Fund di'creaFcd 1 ]p. c. for every year loss than 10. no absolute rl^lit t dfcreiiNed when liciiuty Head reportH scrvici^ unsiitisliii'tor}' in case of reniuval for tt1)olitioii of oRW.v. reiiuction of ntall', &c lost when ellicicnt ])ensioner8 under flO years refuse to do service if required ' paid out of Coutioliduted Revenue Fund of C'nimda APPLICATION : of this Act to be deterniined by the Govenior in Couneil in any case of doubt BREAKS, IN SEKVICE : not counted Order in Council to I'e laid before I'arliament in ease of. CENSURE : none implied when suiM^raunuation is offered. CIVIL SERVANTS : who, under this Act, are deemed CLERKS : of outside division under the provisions of this Art . COMPULSORY RETIREMENT : when full su^Kirannuation allowance is ottered CONDITIONS: of BUjierannuation allowance CONTRIBUTIONS TO SUPERANNUATION FUND : 10 yeai-s rcquieite to get full allowance 1 per cent, on allowance deducted for everj' year's contribution., less than 10 ', DEDUCTION : scale of —on salaries for superaumiation. none 11 3 7 7 8 9 11 12 u Sub- section . I'nRe, 210 'J 10 212 209 209 209 210 210 209 211 211 211 211 212 213 212 212 210 21« 211 209 209 211 209 211 211 210 210 2t6 I. • i fr/ «/:■.■ If:' DIMINUTION: of allowiince on Dr|iuty llcml'g r(>i>oi't tlmtwrviri-t wen* not witUfaetory DIVISION OF CIVIL SKUVICE-OUTSIDE : oUieon of— coming luuk'i' pi'Dviaiona ot this Act EMl'LOYEES: uuder {iroviMion nl' Civil Service Act, 1882, coining nndcr tliii Act, ot the outiidf division who i^ouie utidci' this Act ENQUIRY : by Ti-ciiHury Roiyd in every cose of siiperannuntion . . . . FUKI), SUPERANNUATION : those confiiliiitiii;,' to, under tlie iiroviHioim of thiit Act rnte of aluiti'meiit on Hulnrics for CIOVEIINOK IN C(»|i\C!l, : tnny gi'imt nilownnieitt ccrtiiiii condilionn liiid riitcH may add to the serviccH of those entered Civil Service, nfter 30 yuan* ot ixff; witli i4]H'i'iiil iiuidificationit his jiower of disinissiil ur ri'moval not iniimiri'd or aH'c'tcd by this Act may ri'iluee aliowMnec, wlien wrvices iinlaithful may n'tvf gratuities in ecrtain rnnvn nuiy deteruiini' to wiiat (H-rsonN thin Act (Iovh or docH not npiily GRATUITY : mid in c 'rtain coses when aIIott..uee in not earned Ill above i'aH<'.-i — rate of |mid out of Consolidated Iteveiiiiu i'liud fiectiou. HOUSE or COMMONS : jx-ri aiient ollieers of— under the provisiouH of tliin Act . INTEltUUI'TED SERVICE : not counted LIBRARY, PARLIAMENT : permHiient olliecrs — under provisions of this Act. OFFirE : provision in case of abolition of. OFFICERS : falling under the provisions of the Civil Service Act, 1882, come under thiH Act _. , ot outside wrvicp wlio eorae iindi.'r the ])rovisioiiH of this Act ' of l>otli Houses (permnneiit) and Library coming under this Act ORDER IN COUNCIL: in cose of brejiic in service to be laid before Parliament „ in case of additional service granti^d for siiecial q^ualiKeationa OUTSIDE DIVISION OF CIVIL SERVICE : otUccr of— coming under the provimons of this Act PARLIAMENT : Order in Councilin case of break of service to be laid before Order in Coumcil in case of additional service granted for special qualifi- t cations laid before all superannuations within the year rejiorted by Ministct- of Finance, yearly, to PARLIAMENT LIBRARY : IxTinanent ollicers of — coming under the provisions of thiii Act. PENSIONERS: under 60 whcc eiiicient liable to serve, if required 4 8 10 14 10 11 15 2 8 2 11 3 4 Snb- 84>otiou. nw> 4 16 12 '211 200 200 200 210 2oa 210 209 210 211 211 211 212 211 212 212 2U0 20» 209 212 201» 20U 209 209 2rs 209 209 210 lil2 209 21 a 217 till '200 210 •M9 '-Ml ■211. •211 •212 '211 '212 212 '20» '21*2 20!» ■20U 2(>9 209 2f» 209 20» 210 'zl-i 3 I 20» 212 I'ERMANKNT (tFKICEnS: of both IlouM'it uiid Librury coiuiug undvr the proviniouM of tliia Act PKEAMHLK: QUALlFIC\TIONa (SPK( iAL): ndditioiiiil wtvuh; for ]iPi8oni entering Civil Scrvico after 30 yeiin of age, witli Ordvr ill Couiuil to ho laid before Parliament in luch vAae» RATES : of allowance , iimxinium iifti-r Sfi years' ncrviee of (Iriluctioii oi) iiii]iii'!"H for Su|ieninniiation Fund. . . . of gi'utuily jMiiii, wiieu yearly allowuuve in not earned . RKDUCTION OF STAFF : lH'uviaioii in euHe of KEPORT of TiviiHury lloiml Ix'foit! RU)ieraunuuti(>n of any Civil gorvant of Hn|M>i'iiniiimUoii luadu l)y tliu Minister of' Finance, yearly, 16 days within tlie coiiitiieiieenieiit of each Segidon RETIREMENT : (M)inpiilHoi'y when full suiieraimuation allowance in offered RETURN: of all HniH-miinnntiuiis to he made yearly by Minister of Finance IC dayH within the opening of each Session MINISTBni OF FINANCE: must, within 15 ])ayH after commencement of each mssion, give a return of all aupei'uMuualioii» during the year. RIGHT: to HU])CTuiinuation not absolute ' of dlMinisHnls, not inijuiired or atlcL'tcd by this Act SENATE: {MM'inanent oiliceix of, nnder ]irovisious of tliis Act SERVANTS CIVIL: under this Act, wiio are deeiiied jiernianeiit of both Houses and Ijibrory, under provisions of this Act. . . SERVICE: * - not eoniited when interrupted additional for spi ciiil i£Uiilillcutioiis when persons entered Civil Service aftiT 30 yenis of nge - ' good and faithful alone entitles to siiperunnnation unsatislnc'torj' decreases allowance before Coiifetleriition to be c^lUllte^l for the imqjOHe of this Act CIVIL SEPvVICE ACT: to whom it applies SHOKT TITLE : " Civil Service Superannuation Act ". SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS : additional service for p-rsons entering Civil Serving after SO years of age, with Order ill Council to be Liid before Parliament in such cases STAFF : provision in case of reduction of. -SUPERANNUATION: preceded by an entpiii-y by the Treasury Board. 8 8 6 10 11 6 16 16 16 2 2 4 8 e 13 ViHgB. 11 5 ?(» 21(1 210 209 •2ni» ■210 211 212 210 21 '2 '211 212 211 211 209 ■209 '209 209 210 211 '211 21'i •209 209 210 210 21'i 21(» 218 **'•■■ ■■ m SUPERANNUATlON-(Concludcd) : rat«s and uoiiditious of allowaiici! maximum rate!? iiftor 35 ycais not increased for services beyond 35 years full after 10 years' coutrilnition to the fund no diminution for non-con trihution aft'r 35 years no al)solute riglit to _. . . Govenior in Council may grant it, on removal for abolition of oHioe, reduction of statt', &c loss of— when pensioners under (iO refuse to servo if ivqiiired Act — persons ladling under its provisions SUPERANNUATION FUND : those contributing to under provisions of. built up from deductions from salaries of civil servants TITLE, SHORT : "Civil Service SuperanuuatiOii Act" TREASURY BOARD : in case of superannuation, enquiry by before superannuation of civil servants, report of. Section. 3 3 3 I 7 S 11 12 20!) 'JIO '210 en 211 212 212 2UU 20i) 210 209 210 210 ml A W- w . ,1 !;>':'■. ; i.i •'! 011. L'n<,'e. ! •• 1 20!) 210 210 211 211 211 1 ;. 212 212 2uy • • 209 210 •• 209 • • 210 210 INDEX TO NAMES IN CIVIL SEEVTCE LISI^ TOR 1888. Page. Abbott, Fraii(i.s WO Abbott, Hon. J. J. C vi Abl)0tt. William Van 107 Abell, Edmund It 187 Ackers, John 44 Adam,J. W 107 Adams, AlexandiT 163 Adams, Edwin J 4 Adams, Frank Dawsoii 17 Adams, James 3 Adams, John 137 Adams, Joshua Fourth 53 Adams, John Stavriuk 29 Adams, Wni. Cornish 29 Adams, Wra. Jno. H 86 Adamson, James 171 Addison, G< ^^^ B.iillargcon, Vital 112 Bainc, Jauics 152 Buird, Gforgf 69 Baker, Adam J 131 Baker, Benjamin B 138 Baker, Chas 54 Baker, J. S 29 Baker, Joel H 57 Baker, ilalcolm C 131 Baker, Montague 23 Baker, Tliomas 145 Baker, William Chipman 44 Baliom, J. H 26 Baldoison, John Hewett 24 Baldock, Jas. George 4 Baldwin, Hnrma Adelaide 24 Baldwin, Dr H. Y 23 Baldwin, Kobert Warren 1 Ballantyne, Elizabeth 87 Bangs, W. A 101 Bannister, John 4 Bannister, William 119 Banting, Charles 57 Barbe, Wilfrid 114 Barber, Benjamin F 96 Barber, Charles 29 Barber, James 66 Barber, John Shortiss 29 Barber, Keith A 67 Barker, Kobert W 90 Barker, P, M » 20 Barctlo, Edouard 114 Barlow, Scott 17 Barnes, James , 105 Barnes, Samuel 8 Barnstcad, Edward H : 73 Banett, Donald Alexander 83 Barrett, Edward 126 BanHt, James 87 Barrett, John % 29 Banett, John Kelley 29 Barrett, Robert Phipps 59 Page. Barrett, T. B 47 Barrett, Thomas James 29 Barrett, William John 82 Barrett, W. T 125 Barry, Francis 79 Barry, James 44 Barry, Thomas 63 Bartle, John Clarence 46 Bartlet, William 63 Bartlett, Jno 9 Bartlett, John Henry 101 Barton, W.H 67 Bartram, Joseph Thomas 61 Bascow, Benjamin 108 Bashtord, W. H 73 Bastien, Antoine 16S Bastien, Nap 7 Bate, C. W. C 129 Bates, EdwaixlB 100 Bates, James William 74 Bathurst, James 114 Batterton, James 62 Batterton, Wm 118 Battle, John J 118 Battle, John 62 Battle, Martin 29 Battle, Timothy 89 Bauce, Edmond P 161 Bausct, Samuel P 149 Baxter, Charles Wesley 54 Baxter, Kichard Watson 85 Bays, Edmund (-harles 77 Beahen. D 14 Beale, Thomas 106 Beamish, John 121 Beamish, William Adderley 45 Bean, Edwin 67 Beare, Alex 164 Beasley, Richard 29 Beaton, Angus 144 Beaton, Alex. R 147 Bcattie, J. N 99 Beattie, John 167 Beattie, Thomas 29 Beatty, Alexander (P.O. lusp. office, Toronto) 89 Beatty , Alex. (Toronto Post Office) 108 Beatty, Albert E 108 Beatty, Christopher C 109 Beatty, John C 84 Beatt'v, Oliver 96 Beatty, William 89 Beaueliamp, Andrew 6S Beauchamp, J. Pautaluon 89 Beauchesne, Pierre Clevis 61 Beaudin, DrJ IW Beuudoin, Charles 109 l)<* h ■ • i*! ''',■> m: m: Page. r>niuiiii, Isidore 155 (ioiinasj, .1. 1) 81 liooiiifv,'pli lioyle 30 Dootll, (ii'dl'Ui' 104 lloriinlailc, UicliaiUson 30 JV.iTou, Eoatn-, Mavy 3 I'.oswcli, I'liiii-lcs M 126 Bauuhcr, Autoinu A 171 Bouchi'i', Louis Foituiiat 168 Bomlivaii, Alcxamlrc 65 I'ouJivaii, .iMi'([ut's A 115 IJoiulrciUilt, Cii'o'.j^i! A 174 lioullanl, .Kail 110 liouioz, ddiloii, 60 IVmlct, AVillivdJ. A 118 LouUiaiic, rii'lTV 141 Boultci', ir.iiry 103 JSoui'iissa, (icorge 30 l!ourii.-sa, I'liilippe Ed 30 ]>oui^';tMU, J. E 114 r>iiui>je(iis, GfOige A Ill Buur.Ufdis, Josepli 116 i louif^fois, Mederic E 64 liourg't, (.'lius 142 ]5iiui>;it, Oiiesinic 30 Jknuyct, l!i;,'oli('rt G Ill llouiuiot, Jiio. Clii-,s 75 ISouiiuot, Dr John G vii, 172 J'lOiuiK'Ul', Aiubiaise 76 Jioiiiivt, Aitliui 61 IViuiivt, Eiiuioiid Augustiii 63 liounvt, JtuniiidasA 112 Bouvivt, i;. E 114 Boi'.tcilliT, Gc'orgi! Antoiiii' 30 Bovcll, Howard 54 I'lovilli', 'I'lioiuas Coopor 25 JSowcll, BviouK 106 Bowill, .lolmMooru 81 Bowrll, lloii. MaekcuziL' vi Bowcii, Will 5 Bowii', .loliii 163 J'.owls, ■\Villiam C 172 Bowman, Amos 18 Bowijiiiii, Anson Lewis 45 bown, Tiiouius 8 77 Bowu, ■\Villiani Waiu 76 Bown, Hon. W. B 20 1 Soyd, Alossom 104 ISoVd, Samuel 63 lioyd, Wm. S 7o I loyur, Henri , 6 Boyer, liemi 68 Boyle, E. 88 Boyle, Jas 67 Boyle, liobert 159 BovB, TliouiiUJ K 92 Boyter, Robert 140 linidburv, Samuel J 101 Bi-adeii, 'William 126 Bradley, Alexander P 1 52 Bradley, Artliur W 159 Bra('Iey. Casper W 159 Bi-udiey, lirnest 22 Bradley, James 157 Bradley, John 88 Bradley, Ilobe.rt 169 Bradley, Thos 81 Brady, Martin 16 Brauligan, William 131 Brassard, Denis 57 Bray, Samuel 166 Pa^. Brazeau , Edmond 114 Brcadiier, Robert Walker 85 Uwekeii, Hon. E 124 brehaut, Henry James 79 Breland, Pierre 7 Bii'mner, (ieorge 78 Brennan, Jno. Petei 8ft Brennan, John 30 Brennan, Michael S Brennan, Patrick John 1 Bri^nnan, Thomas 99 Brenot, Honore Alexandre, 85 Bivtt, Wm 50 Brewer, Kobttrt 173 Brewster, Gilbert 05 Bridges, John 163 Bridges, William 163 Briegel, Freileriek 118 Briggs, George W 49 Briggs, James II 104 Briggs, John 86 BriUaiii, Alfred 119 Brittain, EdwardL 26 Brittain, J ostpli 45 Broad, Thos 126 Broadbent, IJalph Lawton 18 Broadfoot, Saumel 30 Brokovski, E. F. T 19 Bronskill, H. J 13 Brook, Henry John 166 Brooklield, Ev mauiiel Wittein 47 Brooks, Ernest liussell H 109 Brooks, Wm. A M Bropi.y. John P 82 Bropl\y, John 162 Bropliy, Thomas 114 Broj.hy, W. M 94 Bro.-;sard, T 59 Brosseau, Ah'x 168 Brough, .lames Simpson 14 Brougli, liichard It 126 Jirougham, Alichael Edward 30 Broughton, James L 125 Brousseau, Elzear 12 Brousseau, Julieu 58 Brown, Charles B 131 lirown, James William 144 Brown, James 4tt Brown, John (Ottawa) 101 Bro\yn, John ( Andierstburg) 45 Bro\vn, .lolin (Winnepeg; 127 lirown, John H 83 Brown, John Johnstone 30 Brown, J . F 28 Brown, John George W 124 Brown, Joseph 1' 46 Browne, Alfred 122 Browne, JJavid 60 Browne, George Wheatland 30 Browne, J. H.P 95 Brownson, A 47 Bruce, David A 93 Bi-uce, Heniy B. D 16 Bruce, Jos. Kobt 153 Brumell, Henry P. H 18 Bruneau, John G 135 Jiruneau, P. C. A 30 Brunei, George 28 Bmnel, Juhu 28 Branelh^, Pierre 137 Biynmcr, Douglas 129 Brymner, William 70 Biyson, James 4 fiuchanau, Peter T 1ft 223 Paae. . U4 . 85 . 124 ,. 7» ,. 7 . 78 .. 8a .. 30 .. » .. 1 .. »» .. 85 .. 50 .. 173 .. 65 .. 163 ,. 163 .. Its .. 49 .. 104 ... 88 .. 119 ... 26 ... 45 ... 126 ... 1* ... 30 ... 19 ... 13 ... 166 ... 47 ... 10» ... M ... 8i4 ... 162 ... 114 ... 94 ... 59 ... 1B8 .... 14 .... 126 .... 30 .... 1:J5 .... 12 .... 68 .... 131 .... 144 .... 46 .... 101 45 . 127 . 83 . 30 . 28 . 124 . 46 .122 . 60 . 30 . 95 . 47 . 93 . 16 . 153 .. 18 .. 135 ,. 30 .. 28 .. 28 .. 137 .. 129 .. 70 4 .. 1« Page. Bucko, Pl.ilip Eustoce 82 JUickley. Jas 87 liuist, Aiiilrew 68 Uiill, liforgr H yiJ r.uliiin-, William 30 lUuiol, Edmoiul liUuien 85 limiting, Clias. £ 8U liiudeii, W 9 Bu7'gt'ss, Alcxainlfr JlcK vii, 14 Burgi'Ms, .toliii 137 liuiko, 1) D !) IJurkc, Kdwitrtl 5 hiirki', Jaiiii's 143 Buikc, Timothy 30 Burliiifjliam, James 139 IJuriiham, Gcrviff A 88 Iliuiihaiii, J. It 73 Bm-iiluim, William ricdmck 94 I'.urnett, IJ. F 149 lliinii'tt, Jiin 23 Burns, George F , 89 Iliu'iis, John 12 buruM, John Moore (19 P-urns, llobi'rt T 98 liunis, Thomas 9beli, Duncan 161 Campbell, Donald D 9« Camjibell, George Johnston 30 Campbell, Herbert .Sheridan 85 Campbell, J. A. G 75 Cnmp')cll, John Francis 58 Campbell, Janic:^ Joseph (Ottawa) 44 C:imi)bell, J. J. (Moose Jlountain) 170 Campbell, John .Mc:Diarniid 30 Campbell, John Jl 124 Campbell, John (Ifalilax) 122 Campbell, John iSt. John, N.B.) 119 Canipbi !1, Hev. .lohn Uoy 7 Campbell, Laughlin G 70 Campbi.'Ll, Patrick 117 Campbell, Koltert I'eel 66 Campbell, Sanuiel C 1 45 Camiibell, .Stej)heii 80 Campbell, Thomas, 137 Campbell, William L 77 Campbell, William 1 Campeau, Fabien K. E 28 Cainy re, Jos. Narcisse 30 Canniir, Dr William 131 tannill, William II 105 Cannon, John Henry id Caouette, Jean-Bte 110 Capbert, Emile 25 Capreol, Frederick C 15 Curd, Nelson 145 Carle, Louis E 115 Cavletou, .lobn 44 Carleton, William I! 135 Carletou, William 67 Carling, Hon. John vi Carlton, Kobert 73 ( 'avnian, Hiram 50 ( 'arnian, Junit.'s A . K 125 <'armichael, F. A 127 ( aniey, John 170 Caron, Albert Ed 130 Caron, Sir A. P vi (Carpenter, Georm^ A 114 Cariima(d, Charles 13(5 Carr, James Hamilton 65 < 'lU'i', Thomas. 163 Carriure, Alphonse 115 Currier, Jo.seph E 110 Carroll, Daniel 31 Carroll, Edward 123 Carroll, Hi'nry 94 Carroll, Jomes (Monti-eal) 154 Carroll, James (Ottawa) 160 Carroll, W.J 10 Carrother, Arthur 99 Carnithei-s, John 102 Cai-son, George Alva 56 Carson, Josejjh 67 Carter, Charlo.-? H 157 Carter, James 84 Carter, William 28 Carter, WUliani Henry 62 Cartwright, Rev. Conway E 2 Carty, James 6 Carty, William 161 (.'arver, George Wm 31 Cosault, Francois 24 Casault, Louis J 174 Cosault, Napol6on , 11 Case, Horatio N 9« ..i!t!i h1\i 224 B4 ' t 3.:-:'.-, ft- .-..<■■ ,■ , fl'U.<„. U^ Ki'f;."' .- h"f].- Page. Cawy, HeiiryS 22 Casty, Tlionias Wm 11^ Casny, Thoniiis 31 Casey. Win. F 60 CaHgraiii, Henudiicgilde 129 Casgrain, Joiu^ph P 91 CasRidy, James 141 CassUlv, P 121 Cass, Edward 164 Cassehuaii, William .1 164 Cassels, Kobt 175 Catellicr, (JeoiRe 95 CatclliiT, Liutgtr A 12 Catelliir, L. N 149 Cauchon, Uomniii 62 Caven, Alcxniider 31 Cavt'ii, Allon 126 Caven, J. M 31 Caveii, William 31 Chabot, A. F. A 126 CImbot, Kdouavd 141 Chabot, Fiiiui;oi8-Xavier 31 Chabot, F 117 Chabot, .Toseph A 151 Chabot, Louis Z 130 Chabot, T 7 Chadd.G. J 52 Chadd, KichardE 103 Chadwick, Tliomns 128 Chaguou, Edmond 113 Chaissoii, Alexuudru 79 Chalmers, Kobt 18 Chalmers, Thos. W 22 Chalouer, Huiiry J 31 Chalut, Joseph Olier 31 Chaiiuud, Jolm 84 Chamberlain, A. J 98 Cliamberlniu, Howard 102 Chamberlain, W. H 123 Cltambcrland, Clmrles 117 Chamberliu, Alexuuder Kufus 65 Chamherliu, Lt. Col. Bi-own 13 Chambers, (Joote Mulloy 27 Cliambers, L. H 9 Chambers, Thomas 58 Champagne, J . B. V 5 Champagne, Napoleon 84 Champuess, F 78 ChaniUer, Edward 78 Chandler, Henry 113 Channell, Charles Stewart 64 Channell, Henry E 109 Chaplcau, Hon. J. A., LL.D., Q.C vi Chapleau, Joseph K. E 172 Chapleau, S. E. St. 1 Chapman, Albert D 69 Cha)-bonnciiu, U 7 Chmrbouueau, Napolton 5 Charland, Magloire 58 Charlebois, Arsdne 154 Cfaarlebois, Edmond ,... 139 Charlebois. 1 7 Charles, W. H - 158 Charters, Jas 97 Chartraud, Gilbert 6 Chartraud, Ubald 6 Chase, Clark 110 Chase, Isaac S 112 Chastelkine. N 169 Chatigny, Pierre 155 Chavot, Cyprien 110 Checkley, FrankS 14 Cheney, Wm. Hv 88 Cherry, Wnc,...'. 87 Page. Chesley, Henry Neville P 84 Chevalier, Samuel 66 Chovrier, Eugene L ,. 101 Chevrier, Joseph A f,. 94 Chevrier, Louisa D 101 Cheyue, Andrew J 03 Chillas, Joseph P Ill Chilton, Benjamin 2 Chipmnn, W. A 78 Chishnlm, Arthur 14 Chisholm, Colin A 144 Chisholm, John Htnwat 2 Chisholm, Jno (Cornwall) 103 Chisholm, Kobert Kerr 50, 13i» Chisholm, W C 168 Chittick, F. C 129 Christian, Patrick, sr 14.'i Christie, Hugh 61 Christie, Jessie Blaekburn 44 Christie, William John 31 Chubb, Geo 6ti Chubbuck, Charles Edward 28 Chundiill, James 57 Chute, Aaron M 71 Clair, Thos 31 Clarabut, Dai:iel 80 Clark, Albert Fomeret 81 Clark, A. J 66 Clark, Bernard l.W Clark, Charles A 87 Clark, Charles R 79 Clark, E16azar 31 Clark, George ( Penetanguisliene ) 51 Clark, Henry 160 Clark, Isaac 7f» Clark, James C 121 Clark, Patrick 115 Clark. Thomas 77 Clark, Timothy 146 Chirk, William B 31 Clarke, Aug. T 168 Clarke, f Iharies E 173 Clarke, Francis Carlisle 90 Clarke, George (Manotick) 160 Clarke, Geo (Montreal) 114 Clarke, George Henry , I Clarke, Dr John 131 Clarke, Patrick 11 Clarke, Kev.T 170 Claude, Rev. E 170 Clay, Edwin McC 181 Clayton, Frank 16 Clayton, James Alfred 25 Cleary, Stephen 48 Clear}', William A 91 Cleaveland, David 65 Clement, Olivier 112 Clementi, Charles H 51 Clenuont, E 7 Clermont, Ulderic 114 Close Jarvis ! 127 Cloutler, Rev. Gabriel 9 Cloutier, Isaie 7 Clute.Jno.S 80 Coaldwell, Marsdeu 77 CoaUier, J. B 60 Coatsworth, Caleb 46 Coates, Henry M 97 Coburn, Alexander H. J 95 Cobum, Dr George H ' 131 Cochran, John ^ 68 < Cochrane, Augustus Southby 17 Cochrane, W.C 91 Cockburn, Alexander 164 226 Paste. Code, Abraham, sr. 31 Code, Abraham, jr , 31 Code, Thomos James 44 Coffee, Jeremiah 114 Coffee, Wm 6 Coffey, Michael 106 Coffin, Frt'derick Ashley 26 Cogau, James 159 Coker, Charles R 137 Colbcck, Henry 96 Colburn, Itobert 8 Coleman, Charles 31 LfOieman, JtJ»««««a**»*a*«*««a««a»*««*««>a» 91 Coles, F. H 81 Collard, Joseph A 116 Collett, Edward S. M 50 CoUette, Jacques 156 Collie., Henry Haight 31, 62 Collier, John C "3 Collins, George (Ottawa) 12 Collins, Geo., (Collingwood) 189 Collins, John (Montreal) 117 Collins, John (Kingston) 98 Collins, John (Thorold) 167 Collins, J. J 116 Collins, Patrick 75 Colmer, Joseph G vi, 131 Colson, Frederick 12 Coltop, Jno. T 126 Colton, Michael 140 Colville, Cant. Hon. C. R v, vii Commauforu, Thomas 1 57 Compton, William 166 Condon, Thos , 68 Condon, William, jr 143 Condon, W.J 143 Conley, Thos 3 Conlon, B 113 Connell, Patrick 8 Connell, William 'i5 Connolly, J. G 68 Connolly, Peter 26 Connolly, Thomas 131 Connors, William T 64 Conover, Peter 21 Conrod, Nelson 73 Coaroy, Geo ... 80 Conroy, Joseph Matthew 85 Constantine, Chs 22 Contant.C. N 6 Conway, B.J 31 Conway, John 154 Conway, Michael 154 Conway, WilliamA 108 Cooch, Clias 102 Cooch, Henry Jno 88 Cooch, Wm 87 Cook, Durham 47 Cook, John 158 Cook, William , 152 Cooke, T.V 163 Cooper, Alfred 1 02 Cooper, Robert V7 160 Copp, JohnR 121 Copping, John George £ 130 Corbeil, Jos. Z 60 Corbeille, Francois 154 Corbet, Edward 70 Corbett, Andrew Y < 74 Corbett, John 157 Corcoran, Jrhn (Dorchester, N.B.) ,. 8 Corcoran, John (Ottawa) 95 Corcoran, Michael 169 Cormier, Jude 8 66-15 Cormier, William 140 Corner, Samuel 60 Cornish, DrF. C 170 CoF. MariuH Antoino Kuginc %... 17 CbHtello, Jno 48 Costello, J. W 31 CoHtcUo, IVtorJohii 89 Custignn, Henry A 11 Costigim, Hon. John ^/l Costin, Charles , 162 Costley, Alfred 122 C6t6, Allen Bernard 114 C6t6, Didace 180 Cbt6, Isidoix) 161 Cot6, J.O 16 C0t6, LoidsTivl!(S 141 Cut6, Majorique ,..., 68 C6te, N.O... 14 C6te, Paul 141 CbU>, Pierro Mortittl , 2 Cotton, John 21 Coughlin, Daniel 81 Coughlin, Mary Ann 101 Coughlin, Timothy 164 Coulter, ArchibaldF... 91 Coulter. Robert 81 CToursolles, Toussaint C 172 Courtman, Joliii 28 Courtney, Denis 87 Courtney, John , 44 Courtney, John J 81 Courtney, John Mortimer vii, 26 Cousineau, E.J 87 Cousins, Hugh 90 Cousins, Walter 91 Coutlee, George 118 Ccutts, Alex 10 Couture, Joseph A 181 Coventry, Dr John 182 Covert, John 45, 140 Cowan, Alexander Biichnnnn 167 Cowan, C. W 68 Cowan, Edgar 81 Cowan, James 166 Cowan, John Anwn 64 Cowan, M.R. B. 66 Coward, William 8 Cowley, Walter 82 Cox, Emanuel 148 Cox, F. H. C 16 Cox, James Edwaixl 82 Cox, John 68 Cox, R. H 107 Cox.W. T 127 Cox, William R 162 Coyle, Jnnies 32 Crabbe, Geo 79 Crabbe, Otto R 124 (3raig, Joseph 32 Craig, Robert 174 Crane, Thomas 79 Crate, A. E 106 Craven, George 60 Crawford, John 105 "rawford, Samuel 72 Cawford, Thos. W. W 91 Crawford, William Patrick 32 Creighton, Henry H 143 Creighton, H. 8 72 Creighton, James G. A 171 Creighton, Robt. Robisou,, ft 226 '•'I . Pago. Creigliton, Thomas 123 Crevipr, Louia C 109 CrcviiT, Willinm 82 Criinincn, ThomiiH 64 Crisp, Alfi-ed C 96 CriHpn, Fniiicis 68 CrmHier, William 88 Cronaii, William M 72 Croiik, Asa 56 Cro ks, Seth 143 Cf kshank, G. Y 26 CiDokslmuk, R. W 26 Crosby, Charles Alexander 79 Cross, Samuel 69 Cross, Thomas 162 Crotty, Jiio 82 Crowe. Albcrn C 123 Crowe, T. J 114 Crowe, Walter 32 Crowe, William J 114 Crowell, Corning 144 Crowhm-st, W. J 58 Cuddie, Tiiomas 101 Culhane, Patrick 46 CuUen, Patrick 32 CuUis, William , 138 Culross, Charles ' 1 05 Cumhi^, F. W. C 15 Cumunng, Hugh 162 Cummins, Wm 107 Cunningham, Arthur H , 123 Cunningham, David 3 Cunningham, F. Hy 1 40 Cunningham, James D 92 Cunningham, John 114 Cunningham, William 126 Curlcss, Chas 32 Curley, Thomas 105 Cunun, Alfred 103 Curran, Francis 175 Curran, Patrick B 10 Curren, T. J 128 Currie, Edgar P 64 Cunie, George 138 Currie, James 78 Currier, J. E. W 162 Curtis, James Frederick 78 Curtis, Nathan William 85 Cushing, James Joseph 100 Cushing, John 100 Cusson, Narcisse 116 Cuthbert, Alb. Ed. Ross 22 Cuthbert, Wm. Jas., jr 127 Cuthbertson, James R 105 Cutler, Amelia 164 Cyr, Maxime 69 Dagenais, F 116 Dagg, Richard 92 Dagneau, David C Ill Daigle, Firmin 69 Daigneault, Elzear 7 Daley, John Joseph 132 Daltou, James 172 Dalton, Robert Gladstone 166 Daly, Paul 67 Daly, Timothy 146 Dalziel, William 79 D' Amour, J. E 114 Dancause, George 132 Daniel, Dr. John W 132 Daniel, Robert T 113 Danis, A. 1) 32 Daoust Jean-Uto A 112 Daoust, Joseph A 32 Daoust, Josepli L 162 Darby, Harnett 169 Darby, John 32 Jarcey, Mary C 101 Darcey, William 102 D'Arcy, Robert J 98 Darnigh, John 4 Daubney, Edwin 83 D'Aumy, Louis 129 D'Auteuil, Joseph E 129 D'Auteuil, Norbert George 83 Daveluy, George 32 Davidson, Alexander 146 Davidson, Thomas 3 Davidson, Wm. James 11 Daviean, Hvaeinthe 138 Davies, A. ft 32 Davies, Benj 153 Davignon, Amodee 63 Davis, A. D 63 Diivis, George ," 124 Davis, Henry 49 Davis.J. V 72 Davis, John (WimV- , Alexander 8 Elston, Charles H 121 Elwood, George Vesey 88 Embury, William J 96 Emery. Michel 112 Emond, Gustave 12 English, Adam 167 English, Edward 117 English, Richard 63 Ennis. Patrick 9 Enright, James 164 Enright, Michael 164 Erb, Abram Albert 38 Ennatinger, Philip T. H 114 Ernst, Joliu A 143 Erwin, Walker 148 Esuouf, Charles D 141 Essex, Theodore J 90 Estcy, Frederick A 119 Evans, Albert H 110 Evans, F. A 26 Evans, George Thomas 88 Evans, Goodison 99 Evans, James 3 Evanturel, Edouard E. G Ill Evarts, John 118 Everett, George Frederick 82 Ewing, Charles Eldon 46 Faffard, L. F 141 Fagan, Michael 102 Fahey, Edward 33 Fahey, Owen 38 Fahey, Rose A 3 Fair, J. J 102 Fair, Robert William 102 Fairbaim, James 9 Fairman, Daniel 109 Fairweather, James Ueadly 83 Falconer, Alexander F 71 Falconer, Charles 82 Falconer, James £ 33 Falconer, Kate E 86 Falkiner, Henry Frederick 103 Faribault, Eugene Rodolphe 18 239 ■ Fiuli'V, r'liristdiilii'r .1 Iil4 Kmli'V, .Iiiinc'M Fiidi'iick MM KniiiiiT, ( iniy Htl Fai'tiiiliiirsiiii, (', A 149 Fiimll, Jiiiiii'M 1 (to Fiirrcll, Mniic F,. I* loi Fiirrcii, Williimi (18 FaiTow, AhoIict 48 Farrow, .folm M 91 Furrow, RoliiiLson Itimsi'll 44 Fiiulkiii>r, dcor.ui' f)9 Fawcett, Kdun'r 80 Fnwpctt. Guilloril Ht-lx-r 44 FcnriiHiilc, John H 97 Ftp, Dr. Samuil H 132 Ffltiiiat.', .riimi'H II 72 Fi'iiaii/;litv, .fnlin 11?) Fenorty, Arthur 72 Fciiojflio, AIi'XHiidcr 60 FiTfjiiHoii, Alcxniulcr 48 Ft-r^ison, Arr)ii)ial'cil 80 Fletcher, Kdward H 127 Fletcher, Hugh 17 Fletcliei\ James 1:52 Flooks, William (J 97 Florence, Chiuli's 114 Flynn, James, ir 1H4 Flynn.Jiis. I' :W Flynn, J.ihn ■ I'ort Dalhousie) 1.57 Flynn, John (liondon, Out.) 91 Flynn, J J 46 Flvnii, Peter 46 Flvnii, Thomas 157 Flvnu, William (Pen.-1 61 Flynn, Wm (Hamilton; 06 FlvuM, Wm. Jos 50 Foley, .Fames 1 I'oley, Lawrence 11 Foley, Michael 79 Foley, Patrick 64 Foley, PatrickJ 64 Foley, Thomas 27 Foley, Thomas Hain 67 Foniii, John 14 Forbes, KdmondH 113 Forlu^, Heni-y Arthur 75 ForhcH, Joseitii 146 Forbes, William B 1 62 Ford, Alex 66 Ford, John 110 Ford, William Nelson 63 Foreman, Thomas 162 For."st, Kug6ne Hoch 33 Forget, Amc^dt^c Kmanuel 20 FoncHt, 1. F 69 Forsler, John Baker 7 Foreyth, William 68 Fortescue, I,awivnce , 21 Fortier, [avid H. A 189 Fortior, James (Jeorge 86 Fortier, James Gordon 83 Fortier, J. J. Odilon 34 Fortier, .Jos. Octave 82 Fortier L. M 19 Fortier, Lucien N 162 Fortier, Thiopliile 161 Foster, Alfreit 161 Foster, Albert Brunswick 26 Foster, George Lawrence 2 Foster, Henry 50 Foster, Hon. G. E vi Foster, James 168 Foster, Thomas 46 Faster, William 105 Foug6re, PeterT 70 Fournier, Jos. Alfred 84 Fowler, Edwin 65 Fowler, George 28 Fowler, George Orchard 47 Fox, Chas. C 91 Fox, John David 34 Fox, Thomas 34 Frank, Emil 97 Franklin, William A 80 Fraser, Alexander 73 Fmser, Alexander James 19 Fraser, Charles 56 Frwier, Charles D 123 Fnuter, Elzdar 142 Fmser, George L . Bower 2 Eraser, George James 34 Eraser, Heunette Lydia 130 Eraser, James 163 Eraser, James Malcolm 57 Fraser, John (Ottawa) 25 Froser, John (Dorchester, .N.15.) 8 Fraser, Joseph ]{ 103 Frechette, Lcoii.ird A 172 Kit'chette, Oncsiphorc 110 Frechette, W. .T 84 Freel, K.hvin J 03 Kreel, Thonins 157 Fvecnian. Kdward _0 Krieman, Newton Perkins 74 Freeman, Hichard 157 Freeze, Kdward ( 'hnrles 34 Freeze, Pobert J 119 French, Fleming 100 French, J. L..." HO French, Thomas P 94 2)0 i Fiiiik, .1. II Kripi-, II. li KriiNt, Diiiiirj T Frvi'i < Iriiljjc KryiT, 'riioiiiiiH FiilliT, cliiirli M .1 Kiilli'i', 'ri.oiiiiiH Kiilli'iidii, AuKUHtiis Fulini'i', Iliiri'iM KiiliiiiT, Williiini Aiiilri'W, Fllltnli, iiolii'I'l FuriMN, ,)usi'|ili L i:f-» •jr. KM) 80 ir.ti 70 1.11 «w 74 74 111 Oittxiiii'v, F(Mix Onlii'iil', JaiiK'N Mi'Xutt flai)iN, Hoiiiiiiilil Oathii'V, Liiwii'iiuf Oa^iii'l licv. Jiicn)) Oii^iK', 'riinnmf) OaKiion, Svvitrt! Gasiioii, Zoiil Oalliraitli, Dnvid Dloiuticld Gnllii'uiili, Joliii Galbinitli, TlioiuiiH JoOerMoii 34, GiililioiN, .Tcnn-Uto GnilnKliir, Fmiiiis GallnghtT, Frank Gulliuit, William A Gallot, AlphoiiHu , Gallu)), Ana Hoiirv GaUwt-y, Hegiiialti Munro M Galnit,'john Galviii, Mic'iicl ■ Garaiilt, Maximo Gnrdiiiir, KobiiiHon Gardiner, liiuhard B , Gardner, John Gardner, Hnmuel Garland, N. 8 Garnei i, Alfred Garneau, Louis H Garrett, Lennox GnrriBon, William A Gaskin, Tlios Gass, James Gass, William H Gates, James Henry Oaudet, DrM. H. E Gaudry, IJ. T Gaudry, Horace D Gautliier, Jean Gauthier, Pierre Gauviii, I'ierre N Gauvreau, L. 0. U , Oauvivau, P. Frs. L. V , Gauvreau Dr Pien'e A , Gearoii, Jolin Geddes, A. F. L Oeldert, John Morris , Gemniiil, Francis A ; Genand, Jos. Auguste , Gendreau, A. H Gendron, Charles Genest, Ernest B Genest, Jos. M. E Genest, .(osejih V Georce, Frederick Gerald, Asahcl Scott , Gerald, Charles Gerald, Walker Heniy , Gerald, William John Oerow, Stephen £ . .. 117 122 (( l«i3 17 140 21 117 48 106 47 140 84 60 14tl «3 101 21 47 87 60 120 106 »7 132 26 171 111 101 72 49 168 P6 69 6 110 112 142 164 118 111 19 i;i-_' 169 «4 T'2 i»l ira «*■ 15f, 15 11 im* 101 62 34 34 28 67 Paffii , .Icrrior, DeniiiN , 146 (icnais,J. K ; 108 (Iri'vais, Suniiiel Ho (iiaNMDti, N'iciilns Us (IDiliiins, Jiiliii 74 ({jlilis, CharlisT 171 (iilisiin, Janii'N 60 (illisnn, J. 11. 1" 2t (iiliN Mini M. II 87 tiiliMciii, Udhert 169 Oilisnii, W. W 7 Oilliii, D 71 (Jlllin, W.W 84 (!iuu6re, Denis 140 (iiUiert, Frederick 171 Gilclirist, Frederick C 160 (iilkie, Alfivd 144 Oilkison, J. T 167 dill, TlioiiinH 104 Kill, W. II. F 124 (Jill, William 34 Oillen, Alfred 96 OilleNliic, Daniel 164 Oillesiiie, David 163 Gillessie, Joseph B 96 Gillie, John 163 Gillies, Angus 04 Gillispie, Edward 76 Gilmour, Itoliert 06 Oilmour, Thomag 26 (iingras, A. E 118 Oiiigrus, Jean P. T 118 Giranl, Adolphe 60 Ginvrd, Dr F. X 170 Girard, Iriinee 84 Oinllestone, U. J. M 84 Giroux, Alphonsc Philaromc 34 Giiwix, Elzf'ar L.J 62 Giroux F. X 102 Gir'iux, Jow'i^ih 116 Giroux, Ni)-visge 168 Giroux, C)ct(. 'e 66 Giroux, Thtophilu A 114 Gisborne, Francis H 2 Glcason, James 163 GlecBon, ComeliuB 126 Gleeson, D. J 67 Glecson, Thomas 160 (Ueeson, Wm 74 Oliddoii, William 13 Gliddoii, Williams 16 (Jlobenskv, L. F 12 Gloude, lieiijamin 139 (iiover, Jno. Ellis 101 Glover, W.J 86 (iodd, X. A 107 (!oad(H:k, Edward 1 44 (iob<'il, Alitoiiie 1.11 C Hlard, Alaredlleiiry 46 < (Isoe, Henry 8 lodsiin, Henry 34 ioldi'ii, John Jos 93 ioldiii^, Joseph 64 (rf)llinf{' r, George 163 Goodev. , William M 16 fioodfellow, Henry 109 'Wdmaii, A. W 34 ♦ioo ispeed, M. H 68 Uooktwiii. William 102 ttondon, / dward 94 Gwdou, h'raucisA 174 Gordon, J< 'in 106 Gordon, Joi.ii Macdouald 18 Gordon, Thomas 167 231 (lore, .Ixllll (tiiniiiiii, ) 'iinirliiiN (tlllllllHI, .llllIII'S A rillilll, .Inllll ll'lllllll, Mic'lllH'l (iiiriiiiiii, Tliiiiiiim tinlnll, hliviil (ii.iivll, V, T (id^mll, 'I'll miiiM Suiter ( iiltl, ( irur^f ( iiiii^'li, I 'liiirli'N Ari'lii'i' (iiililll, ('Innlr.H (Illllill, CIlill'll'N IxuJN (iiiiiiii, Jiiiiii'N A (icmM.'r. I) ulil, NVilliiiin (iiiiilili'ii, Maiiii'l lli'iiry {, Ifi'v. A. Win (Inul.ltliritc, Franks (itmrdrim, Kniiu;niH F (illUI'llcUll, Isiiiic , Olive, ClmilcH M (low, Jiiliics < low, Joliii Williniii < IIIW, Wllltl'l- JllO '•») Grcey, Samuel Givgiiry. J«lm TJ Grier, Jaa Greuier, Adolphe. ''irenier, Etienne . , < 'iinan, Thovias 'ak'e. It? \:>7 •M 11 :. :i4 nt at 4ft •j.i V,i •JO 1(10 105 73 8'l i) 13 13,1 142 t!rt 34 11 120 34 112 44 61 '27 24 65 87 132 34 132 107 103 84 27 117 121 ]• . 67 66 80 ItiS 70 70 169 171 80 71 62 24 8 118 60 83 111 60 152 83 86 87 8 34 135 64 165 165 154 (irieNlu, h, Arthur Henry 21 (iridin, 1)1. K 1,12 Grillin, (lilWert K IKJ Grillln, (lillierl W : Grillin, Henry Wilniot H2 Grillin, Martin J 174 ( irillit h, Jcilin no Grillilli, Williai 64 (irillltli, Willium K .s.S Grillith.s. Jaeo 62 Grif{nard, A. M, K 15 GrimaHim, ThumaH 34 GriNon, Liinis A 13 Grogan, Stephen I'litriek 34 Grondin, Alliert L 114 Groome, William 1 Grose, John A 81 GroHH, Albert J 119 Gront, Fniniis K. S 84 Grubb, William A 130 Guay, liOuiM 118 Guevivniont, Jenn-nniitisto 100 Guillemette, JoH(>ph h 118 Guillrxl, Henry 170 Guion, Alonzo H 186 Qurnett, Georgu T. 13 88 Hachey, Outavo 147 Haekett, Andrew 187 HmhIiKan, M. J 40 Hadley, Georgu B 76 Hagarty, Henry D 73' Hagarty, Patr! :k 34 Hager, V. E. 43 Hagennan, Christopher A 49 Haggart, Hon. J. G vi Hah-row, James 48 Halo, J. S 86 Halkett, Andrew 135 Halkett, James B 136 Hall, ('has. Kussell 28 Hull; Henry 9 Hall, John JoRenh 84 Hall, John M. 110 Hall, John P 100 Hall, John R 14 Hall, John Wm 142 Hall, Samuel 122 Hall, Thomas 61 Hall, Wm. H 164 Hall, William S 120 Halliday, Jauies 3 Hambly, P. H 46 Hamel, Jos. Antoino 63 Hamilton, Alexander G 75 Hamilton, Andrew 167 Hamilton, Clarke 40 Hamilton, Henmn H 144 Hamilton, Hugh ¥.f 73 Hamilton, John 63 Hamilton, Thos. Chetwood 84 Hamilton, William L 35 Hamley, Hon. Wymond 80 Handin, Iloss Alexander 120 Hamm, CharlesP 147 Haniond, Eugene 62 Hampton, George 90 Handford, Wilfiam 117 Hanley, Archibald 86 Hanley, William Kobert 85 Hanloii, G. P 97 Hannah, Alexander 168 r ' i i I I i m 2)2 m: W:> '■ K >;.'<■;' "V i ft'"* ' Pngp. Hniniali, Charles 1 58 Hannah, Georgo 159 Hannon, Owen ti3 Hanrahnn, Patrick 56 Hanright, William 130 Hanson, Grdeon Kniglit 67 Harbottle, Thomas 137 Hardie, John 135 Harding, Clarenru H 44 Harding, Frederick J 136 Harding, Jolm H 136 Harding, Thomas 112 Harding, William S., M.D 132 Hardy, Robert E 160 Hare, Connolly B 157 Hare, Henry 157 Hare), Rev L. 5 Hargftive, George A 126 Hargrove, George H 82 Hargrave, William 126 Harney, Thomas 35 Harney, Wm. Thos 116 Harper, Frederick 23 Hari>er, James F 88 HariH'r, Montgomery 75 Harrington, William Hague 82 Harris, Edwin 167 Harris, George Jl 93 Harris, George 159 Harris, John 92 Harris, Kichanlsnu 174 Harris, William Henry 124 Harrison, Major Edward 12 Harrison, Francis E 125 HaiTison, Thomas 139 Harron, llobert J 97 Harstoue, Archibald 102 Hart, Philip Daeres 35 Hartley, George C 162 Hartley, Horatio 162 Hartley. J. M 93 Hartnedy, Timothy 87 Hartney, Edward P 172 Hartney, Henrj- 173 Hartv, Patrick 136 Harv'.y, T. B 35, 46 Harwood, Robert Unwin 35 Hassard, Hichard 103 Hastie, William 35 Haszard, Thomas W 124 Hatch, Walter 15 Hatch, Willonghby 119 Hatchette, John 59 Hatbewav. F. W 69 Haun,J.'li 46, 35 Hawken, Frank 100 Ha wkcsworth, ( !i'o. A 122 Hawkins Alfred Geo 62 H a wkins, A Ifred St. George 53 Hawkins, William Louis 35 Hay, Edward William * 110 Haycock, Tiiomas 106 Hayden, Charles 109 Hayden, William 112 Hayes, A 8 Hayes, Edwin Clay 85 Hayes, Edwin Henry 95 Hayes, Finn Barr 173 Hayes, George Hobart 85 Hayes, Wm . Hazen 26 Huyues, John C 80 Haystead, Martin 99 Hayter, Frederick 24 Hayward, Charles 27 Page. Hayward, Walter John 35 Heakes, James Robert 54 Heath, Daniel 163 Heath, Edwin Lee 53 Hebert, Charles Dupont 35 Heffenian, Thomas Augustus 48 Hcintz, Robert Muralt 77 Helliwell, Horatio Nelson 35 Helms, G«orge 147 Heming, Albert Edward 84 Hemlow, James .' 71 Hender, Andr6 15t! Henderson, James 92 Henderson, Wilbur 35 Heney, Alexander 51 Heney, John Joseph 85 Henley, William C 74 Hennessey, George F 151 Henry, J. M. B 35 Henry, John 88 Henry, Joseph Robert 75 Henry, Kossuth J 14 Henry, Louis 7 Henshaw, John 158 Henwood, George 35 Herolnner, Laurence William 21 Herchnier, Wm. M 21 Heron, Wm. Lewis 28 Heroux, Blaise 63 Herst, Samuel... 104 Hession, Thomas' Geo ?!> Hesson, Charles Ashton. 35 Hesson, F. H 78 Hetherington, Jflson E P5 Hevey, Christopher 99 H(!Wson, William 1 47 Hewton Robert 3 Hiam, William Henry 19 Hicks, Amoa 125 Hicks, William Henry 35 Higgins, Aaron 159 Higgins, Connell J. B 82 Higgins, Frank O'Connor 89 Higgins, Nelson 159 Higgins, Richard 158 Higgins, William 1,^9 Higginson, T. S 20 Hilbom,— 132 Hill, Arthur Marcus 35, 68 Hill, Harry F 90 Hill, Matthew 167 Hill, Robert; 121 Hill, Thomas H 138 Hiil, WilliomB. A 152 Hill, Williom H 81 Hilliard, William Myers 19 Hilton, George 99 Hilton, John Fisher .19 Himsworth, William 28 Hincbey, EH 21 Hipwell, John P 121 Hiscott, W. J ino Kitchen, llarrv VA-2 Hoar, John 13S Hobbs, George N 35 Hoben, Clis. F 119 Hobkirk, DrW. H 132 Hodge, Archibald 52 Hodges, John tiO Hodges, Robert W 73 Hodgins, Robert 105 Hotlgins, William Egerton 2 Holuiann, George Christian 17 Hogan,' William / 8 233 Pnge. Hogg, Jftincs William 143 Hogg, HoU'tt 78 Hogg, William A 47 Hogle, John 49 Houler, George , 174 Holland, Gvorge ^ 3 Holland, U. W 126 I [oUingsworth , Samuel ' 52 Hollingsworth, S. L 95 Holt, Edmd, B 11 Home, W. W 49 Hood, T. A 61 Hook, William 57 Hooper, J. R 87 Hopgood, Wm 80 Hopkirk. Heniy Glassford 93 Hopkirk, James 25 Hontu, Arthur Jno. ^ 2 Horan, Gordian John 51 Horn, Edward 143 Home, Adam H 35 Horris, Rev. E. M. J 10 Houle, Victor 118 House, W. H 46 House, W.T 47 Houston, Stewart 95 Howard, John 131 Howard, Jolm P 86 Howarth, James 161 Howe, George 157 ■ Howe, Joseiih 22 Howe, PhilipJ 73 Howe, Willium (Uttawa 14 Howe, Wm. (Toronto) 55 Howie, Alexander 35 Howlaud, Patrick J 98 Howrie, Peter 169 Hoyland, John 94 Hubertus, Henry John 35 Huddell, H. A. K 112 Hudgins, Louis 139 Hudon, Alphonse 35 Hudon, Leon E Ill Hudson, Arthur Bartlett 24 Huilson, John Wilkinson 55 Hugg, Claire 174 Huggan, Wm. Thos 153 Huggard, John 104 Huggard, 11. T 35 Hughes, Felix A 78 Hughes, John (Ottawa) 14 Hughes, John (Charlottetown) 78 Hugo, Nicholas 3 Hugonard, Rev. Josepii 169 Hume, Herbert E 15 Humphry, John 67 Hunt, George Arthur 86 Hunt, Henry G 68 Hunt, William Josiali 63 Hunter, Diivid 139 Hunter, John 09 Hunter, Richard t 80 lluot, Clis. Frs. Albert 22 Huot, Eilouard 62 Hurly, Rotiert 163 Hurst, Geo 107 Hurst, Willium 4 Hutchins, Chnrles A 136 Hutchinson, George (New Westminster) ..... 10 Hutchinson, Geo. (St. John, N.B) 136 Hutchinson, Dr Tiieoiih. V 132 Hutchinson, Wilbrod 9 Hutton, Edwin Heniy 48 Hutton, Samuel 68 Page. Hutty, Robert H. G lOT Hyatt, Frederick F 107 Hynes, Micho^J E 10^ Hvnes, Patrick 92 L'ynes, William A.. 104 Ilcr, Burritt 3.'> Ince, George Vincent 44 Ingall, Eliric Drew 17 Ingram, John Albert 107 Ironside, Alex. McGregor 167 Ironside, Geo. Arthur 35 Ironside, James Symington 53 Irvine, Richard 50 Irwin, John 50 Inviu, Samueh 35 Isaacson, Herbert Noel « 59 Jackson, Albert C. W 106 Jackson, Adam 10 Jackson, James 46 Jackson, John A 85 Jackson, John 35 Jackson, Josias B 120 Jackson, William 139 Jackson, Dr Wm 132 Jack, S. R 119 Jacques, Pierre 115 James, Arthur C 125 James, C.W 105 James, Henry 11 James, J. H 97 James, Thas. Cuthbert 35 Jamieson, George H 74 Jamieson, R. C 36 Jamieson, Rev. Robert 10 Jamieson, Robert 105 Janisse, James D 57 Jarvis, A. L 129 Jarvis, Ernest Frederick 84 Jarvis, E. W 22 Jarvis, George Munw 25 Jean, G. E 169 Jeffers, Joseph 103 Jenkins, F.IM.S; 84 Jenkins. S. J 25 Jenkins, Thomas 120 Jenks, T. L 8 Jennyn, J. W 1«7 Jessop,G W 81 Jessop, John 132 Jessup, Edward 52 Joannct, Napoleon U 118 Jobidon, Pierre 118 Johns, Isaac 81 Johnson, Edward 1 43 Johnson, George H 138 Johnson, James vii, 44, 81 Johnson, Josej)h 90 Johnson, J. T. 47 Johnson, Dr Richard 132 Johnson, R. W. S 91 Johnson, Terrenee 158 Johnson, Wm. (Winnipeg) 126 •loluiHon, Wm. (St. John, N.B.) 67 Johnson, William (Belleville) 36 Johnstone, Geo; 77 Johnstone, James K 36 Johnstone, Washington J. (Post Office) 83 Johnstc'ie, Washington J. (Inland Revenue). 36 m hH f'!l 234 rage. Johnston, Arthur Clement 26 Johnston, George Elliott (Prescott). 86 Johnston, Geo. Elliott (I'ictou, N.S.^ 75 Johnston, Henry W 136 Johnston, James (Morrisburg) 164 Johnston, Jas. (Montreal) 60 Johnston, John ( Dorchester, N. B. ) 8 Johnston, John (Ottawa) 164 Johnston, Matthew H 160 Johnston, liobcrt 93 Johnston , Thos 161 Jokisch, H 59 Jolicoeur, Engine 113 Jonctts, Tier . Leger 68 Jones, All- d 93 Jones, Al! u 93 Jones, Anhur S 161 Jones, Charles Jerome 1 Jones, E. A- D 83 Jones, George 108 Jones, James G 161 Jones, Louis K 152 Jones, Norman B 76 Jones, Peter E 167 Jones, Richard 36 Jones, Kichard IngUs 77 Jones, W. E. C 110 Jones, AVm. H 45 Jordan, John Astralake 58 Joslin, Almon 40 Jest, Thos. P 72 Jubenville, J. P 36 Judd, Charles 96 Jukes, Dr Augustus 23 Juneau, Charles 63 Just, C. F 131 Kain, Samuel W.... 67 Kavanagh, Charles E 125 Kavanagh, Henry 81 Kavanngh, Joseph John 57 Kavanagh, Lawrence 143 Kavantwh, Wallace M 86, 165 Kay, William 139 Kaye, Frank C 123 Kearney, Chail.'s 69 Keams, Robt 98 Keanis, Wm 24 Kearney, Matthew 108 Kearj', Wm. Holland 10 Keating, M. E 74 Keating, Dr Thomas A 132 Keating, W. A.". 124 Keays, James A 13 Keei't', George 7 Keeler. G. S 36 Kehoe, Peter 88 Keilty, Thomas 36 Keith, Hilton 170 Keith, JnmesT i 122 Keizcr, D. A 126 Keller, Chas. F. D 46 Kelley, Mencer Jno 36 Kellock, Daniel.. 36 KeUy, A.W 73 Kelly, DavidB 93 Kelly.Henry P 118 Kelly, James 115 Kelly, John ^ 98 Kelly, Matthew E 92 KeUy, Thomas J 116 Kemp.AlfredE 166 Page. Kennedy, Chas 106 Kennedy, James Donaldson 36 Kennedy, John (Kingston) 4 Kennedy, John (London, Out.) 99 Kennedy, M. J , 3 Kennedy, Robt. D 73 Kennedy, William J 163 Kenney, James li 145 Kenning, James Ilogaii 36 Kenny, Edward ■ 6 Kenny, William 105 Kent, John W 146 Kent, Oliver A 146 Kent, Silas B 149 Keogh, Peter Mary 36 Keon, M 5 Kerr, Charles E 69 Kerr, Duncan 70 Ken-, Jas T. 75 Keswick, David (9 Ketcheson, Henry F 94 Ketchum, Francis E 119 Ketchum, Wm. Q 86 Keyes, Perley George 16 Keys, James 161 Kidd, Joseph 49 Kieman, P. 87 Killburn, Ivory 69 Kilvert, F. E 48 Kimber, Bini Edward 171 Kimber, William 106 Kimlin, Henry J 110 King, Donald A 123 King, Edwin F 108 King, Henry Thos 106 King, John D 52 King, Joseph 116 King, Richard Masters 36 King, Robert P 172 king. Stephen J 119 King, Sydney Arthur 49 King, William F 16 Kingsbery, William Clayton 58 Kingston, Alfred G 151 Kinloch, Henry 14 Kinnear, A. M 51 Kinnee, Daniel 36 Kinney, Jno 125 Kirby,E.G 19 Kirby, William 50 Kirk, Frederick 106 Kirk, Robert 107 Kirkpatrick, John A 104 Kirkijatriek, Robert (Woodstock, N.B.) 69 Kirkmtrick, Robert (Toronto) 106 Kirkpatrick, T. F. S 166 Kirwan, Philip Treacy 12 Kuauf, Hcni-y 84 Knight, Francis E 11 Knight, Joseph 36 Knighton, Samuel 127 Knowlson, James Baiue 36 Knowlton, Joseph 107 Knox, W. J. T 58 Kreps, W, H 83 Labb<5,Kev. Edouard E 7 Labb^, Francis X HI Labelle, G6d6on 7 Labelle, Gr^goire 60 Labelle, L^once C 12 Labelle, Koch 6 235 Page. Laberge, Alfred 138 Labcrge, Michel P Ill Labossii'i'e, Israel 156 Lacnssi', Louis T , . » 15 Lacertc, Alido , 44 Lacl ,i| I lU', Alphouse 109 Lacktit, Hugh 110 Lacroix, Hilaire 57 Lcfebvre, Chas ; 113 Laflamnip, Magloire 173 Laflcur, Joseph 155 LaWi'ur, Leon 140 Lafli'ur, Olivier 155 Lafoutaiue, Albert 36 Laframboise, Louis 172 Lafraucc, Martin 162 Lafranchise, L 174 Lagace, Philipiie '. 115 Laing, J. W 57 Laird, Ciiarles 68 Laloude, J. B. Alexis... 114 Lally, Conrad Whitley 84 Lallv, John Joseph 95 LaManque, Thomas 114 Laiuurche, (Jeorge Bricot 5 Lamb, William 102 Lambart, Hon. HenryO 16 Lambe, Lawrence M 18 Lambeit,F. X 11 Ijambert, Jeremiah 61 Lambert, Will-iTTiMeG 138 Lambkin, •»»', .,.- 171 Lamer, Josef . . vnuel 58 Lamire, Oli 6 Liimont, Kobv 46 Lamotlie, Alfred F. W 125 LaMothe, Guillaunie 112 Lamothe, H. Guillaume 28 Lamoureux, Arthur E 113 Lamoureux, Edouard A 113 Lampnian, Archibald 85 Landere, David W 75 Landriau, Eugdne 101 Landry, Elimiue 141 Landry, F 8 Lane, Heniy B. Smith 2 Lane,Henry D. J 11 Lane, James Ambrose 8 Laue, John 36 Lane, Patrick Edward 117 Lane, William 121 Lang, Victor 36 Lauge vin, Alfred Edouard 62 Langevin, Edouard J vii, 171 Langevin, Sir H. L vi Langley, B<>njamin 103 Lauglois, Charles 142 Lfinglois, Come 132 Langlois, CyriUe N 118 Langlois, F . X(dil Traversy) 36 Laugloin, Jos. Thibum 64 Langstone, William H 106 Lanigai), Pat 79 Lantliier, Auguste 59 Lantier, Arthur Aur^lien 64 Laj^wiute, Gr6goire 110 Lapointo, Prosp6re 115 Lapomte, T!i6ophile P 113 Laporte, George : 36 Larente, Regis 162 Larin, Arthur 113 Lariviere, Charles 113 Larochelle, Norbert 13 LaRoque, Dr Alphonse B 133 Piige. Larose, Anatole 112 Larosp, Joseph 171 Larose, Simeon Chacnon 36 Larose, Telesphore C 11 Larseneur, Thomas F 112 LaRue, George 36 Larue, Joseph N 102 Larue, Levi 156 Lame, Louis J. H 110 Larue, Panet Edouard 62 Lame, Philias 101 Lash, JohnB 169 Latimer, Charles 144 Latimer, Thomas 116 Lauder, Venerable Archdeacon 171 Lauder, George P 49 Laurie, John B 87 Laurillard, Henry S 123 Laurin, Alphonse 58 Laurin, Louis Napoleon 62 Lavell, Dr Michael 2 Lavie, Charles 79 Lavoie, Frangois Arthur. 68 Lavoie, Louis, jr 21 Law, W. S...... 47 Lawless, Lawrence 99 Lawless, Matthew 89 Lawlor, Henry 36 Lawlor, Richard A 36 Lawlor, Wm 37 Lawrence, Chas. L 1 Lawrence, C. M. B 98 Lawrence, J'ames W 77 Lawrence, Wm 97 Lawrie, Wm 170 Lawsou, A. A 139 Lawson, DrA. C 18 Lawson, James David 78 Lawson, Jas 175 Lawson, John A 124 Lawson, Robert 80 Lawson, Thomas Sandford 27 Ijay, Frederick 157 Liizier, Richard Leonard 45 Lazier, Samuel VV 95 Leadley, William 92 Leahy, David 64 Leahy, Michael 3 Leahy, PatrickThomas 84 Leard, Solomou J. B 79 Learoyd, Arthur G 12 Learoyd, Edward Long 85 Lebel, Jean A. M^ 117 Lebel, Narcisse 168 Leblauc, Charles P 145 Leblanc, Jeremie 7 LeBlanc, Joseph (Dorchester, N.B.) 8 Leblanc, Joseiili (New Carlisle) 61 Leblanc^ Pien-e 156 leblanc. Regis '. 142 licboeuf, Jules 37 I eclair, Adolphus 94 Leclerc, Paschal 60 Lecompte, Salem 37 Lccours, Henri Theophile 37 Lecours, Luc 155 Ledoux, Joseph 116 Leduc, Chark'sA.T 113 Leduc, Cladomir 155 Lee, Charles 91 Lee, Edward 37 Lee, Henry 161 L^, Henry P 121 Lee, William Horace 1 'I'i ;;isi| 'iji; 236 It W'% . i„ . i ¥$''•• Pflffe. Leeniiiig, Henry Blakpy 45 Lefel) vit', Kuatnche 109 Lof.'l)viT, F. X 37 Lefi'hvrc, G. J. D 112 Lefclivrc, Gcnnain 115 Lefel) vrc, Henri 37 Lefubvre, Louis 113 Lefort, Pierre 155 Lefroy, George 55 Legate, Jns 92 Legault, Gilbert 155 Legendre, J.-Bte Z 94 L%.r, P 147 L6ger dit Parisicn, Clmrles 138 L6ger,Vitnl 8 Legget, John Edward 37 Legros, Peter Ksnouf , 57 Leitoh, William 27 Le Laclieur, Colin P 70 Le Lachcur, Peter 70 lieli6vre, Sini6on 1 Leniaitre, George 130 Leiuay, Charles 156 Leniay, J.-Bte 6 Lemieux, D. J 60 Lemieux, Edmond K 11 Lemieux, Ferdinand - , 141 Lemieux, Franqois-Xuvier 85 Lemieux, F. X. L 173 Lemieux, ilermidas A 58 Lemieux, Joseph 117 Lemieux, Joseph Y. 129 Ltmoine, James McPhcrson 37 Lemoine, Jules 37 LeMoini', J. de Saint- Denis 171 Lemon, William E 103 Lent, A. S 77 Lepage, Victc ir C Lepuu>, Louis 37 Lupine, !Magloire, 116 Leprohon, Roch Martial , . . . 37 Letjuesne, John 143 Lesnge, Felix 6 Lesago, Louis A 154 Les''*?, John 2 Lester. \Vi!!iani Hollis 55 LeSuear, Clinrl -sP 94 LeSueur, Pet. r 13 LeSueur, A\illiiiui Dawson 82 L'Etoile, .Icseph 14 Letson, E. K 76 Lett, Frederick P. A 37 Leva.sseur, Louis N. Z 37 Leva.sseur, Zephirii 37 Leveille, Joseph 130 L^ve(|Ue, Auguste 130 Leveque, Luc Jo.seph A 169 Lewers, Kobert 98 Lewis, Chas. Wesley 47 l*wis, George 74 Lewis, Herbert George 136 Lewis, John 58 Lewis, Josc])h H 88 Lewis, William P 79 L'Henreux. Louis 117 Ligbtfoot, Francis C 151 Likily, Hy. David 22 Lill.v, John Hy 127 Lillii's, Philip 9 Limoges, Narcisse 59 Lindsay, Arthur 82 Lindsay, Gilbert Wm 1 41 Lindsay, Jas. Phil 184 Lipsett, R.J 126 Page. Lipsett, W S 126 Lithjgow, John Thos 26 Litth', Hugh Robt 122 Little, Jamerf. 89 Little, John 160 Little, AVilliam Carruthers 84 Little, WilliamJ 90 Livingstone, James 158 Livingstone, John 52 Lizotte, Agnppit 173 Lloyd, Frank 55 Loai-den, Cornelius 55 Locke, Henrv 1 41 Lockerbury, Robert 163 Lockwood,0. S 71 Lockwood, Milton Kingsley 45 Lockyer, Douglas 104 Loftus, Anthony 112 Logan, John 37 Logie, Frederick J 108 Loisel, John 141 Lomas, William Henry 170 Long, Geo S7 Lorange, Oscar 113 Lord, Alfred 113 Lord, Artemas 136 Lortie, Alphonse , 116 Losry, Taylor 60 Louden, William 103 Loudon, Robert 106 Loughrani, Francis 27 Loughrane, L 5 Low, Albert Peter 17 Lowe, George, jr 25 Lowe, John vii, 129 Lowe, Robert 71 Lowe,T. R 69 Lownds, Charles M.R 123 Lowry, John 68 Lowtner, John 55 Loyer, Fraufois 15 Lucas, John 160 Lucas, Samuel B 170 Luke, E. P 131 Luke, Philip Edwai-d 63 .Lunan, A. L 10 Lunny, Richard 59 Lusiguan, Alphonse 28 Lussier, Jo.seph 115 Luther, James 8 Lynch, John (Woodstock, T^ . B. ) 69 Lynch, John (Chanibly) 156 Lynch, John (St. Vincent de Paul) 6 Jjynch, Joseph 175 Lynch, J. B 24 Lynch, J. J 9ii Lynch, Patrick 37 Lynch, Walter 61 Lynch, William Jos 129 Lyni-s, Kiernan 37 Lynton, T. C. W 174 Lyons, Edwai'd 37 Lyons, John 37 Lyster, Amy Florence 13ii Lyster, JohnU 130 Macarow, Philip Henry P9 MacConnack, M. C 174 Mofldonald. Archd. (B) 37 MacDonald, Alexander 143 Macdonald, Chas. J 121 Macdonald, C. W 95 Macdonald, Dugald 37 237 Pace. Mac'lonald. Litmt. Col. D. A 11 MaoDoimld, Duncan A. C 84 Mai'donald, Daniel J 124 Macdonald, Henry 95 MacDcHiald, Jauius (Charlottctown) 78 MacDonald, Jas. (Charlottetown) 79 MacDonald, John Archibald 84 Macdonald, Rt. Hon. Sir John A. . . < vi Macdonald. John A 37 MacDonald, Jno. C 24 Macdonald, Murdoch 104 Macdonald, Nomiand 37 Macdonald, DrP.A 133 Ma jdonell, Alexander G 164 litfxdonell, Angus Duncan 37 Mttcdonell, Alexander Roderick 22 Macdouell, Duncan , 163 Macdonell, Duncan Allan 164 M cdonell, Donald W 172 Macdonell, H. P 173 Ma? '^arlane, John 142 Macfarlane, Thos 37 MauGillivray, Fart^uhar 172 MacGregor, C. J 63 Mackay, George Wm 37 JIackay, Jane l^!. B 96 Mackay, John H 37 Mackay, Joseph Wm 170 Mackenzie, Donald 138 Mackenzie, Geo 10 Mackenzie, James £ 109 Maclaughlin, Jos. Hugh 27 Macleod, Alex. D 78 MacLeod, John 79 Macleod, M. A 121 MacMahon, Lieut. A. H v Macoun, Jolm 17 Macpherson, DoualdA 151 Macpherson, Jas. P 151 Macpherson, Lt. Col. John 11 Macpherson, Richard 133 Macpherson, William 103 Macpherson, William T 126 Macrae, James Ausdell 169 Macvicar, A F 63 Macvicar, W. W 93 Madore, Jos. Adolplie 108 Magee, Geo 87 Magee, Riclmnl G 119 Magee, William L 135 Maguire. Thos. M 118 Mahar, John 123 Maher, James 117 Mahou, Martin J..., 87 Mailhot, Edmoud 156 Mailhot, Solomon 156 Mailleue, G. A. D 84 MaUloux, Joseph.... 60 Mailman, Jno. A 121 Moin, W. D 69 Maingy,H.G.McL 166 Maiugy, Lefevre A 83 Maingy, Philip Anstruther 95 Maitland, Malcohu J 100 Makinson, W. A 149 Malbocuf, Ai-thur 58 Malcolm, Jas 121 Malcc ii, ThomaaA 77 Malepart, George Stanislas 5 Malepart, Jean-Baptiste 6 Malo, Toussaint 37 Maloue, Thos , jr 37 Maloney, Hugh 147 Malouin, Alfred 140 Page. Mankey, Wm. J 106 Mann, Geo. G 169 Manning, James 38 Manning, John 5 Manson, John 140 Marchand, Narcisse - 38 Marcille, Louis 116 Marentette, Alexandria 38 Marentctte, Jos. Laurent 56 Marier, Joseph 88 Marier, Pien-e 51 Marion, Nelson 102 Markle, John A 169 Marks, John 105 Marmette, Jos. Et. E 129 Marsau, Godfroi 94 Marshall, Ferdinand. . 88 Marshall, Jas. Alex 78 Marshall, John 17 Martel, M. D. S 38' Mortin, A. S 105 Mai-tin, I. E 24 Martin, Jas 168 Martin, John C 86 Martin, Joseph Adhemar 63 Martin, JuleH 142 Martin, N. P 61 Martin, Paul,jr 140 Martin, Thomas 92 Martineau, F 62 Martineau, Herman 169 Mason, Frederick 38 Mason, George J 92 Mason, Henry E 162 Mason, James 38 Mason, John 139 Mason, Peter S . 74 Mason, Thomas 92 Mass^, Arthur 114 Masson, Edouard 133 Masters, C.H 175 Matheson, Da\rid 82 Matheson, George M 1G6 Mathefon, G. G 183 Matheson, George N 53 Mathews, John » 96 Mathewson James Bowler P 3 Mathieu, Alfred 116 Mathieu, Joseph. . . . , 64 Matthew, George F 66 Matthewman, Ernest H 101 Matthews, Frederick W 90 Matthews, George 89 Matthews, John 47 Matthews, RichardF 99 Matthews, William , 90 Matthews, Wm. Geo 22 MaxweU, Samuel R 119 May, Henry Arthur 1 May, Maude Ida 87 Maybee, Simon Pitt 47 Mayer, Edouard 112 Mayer, Louis D. E 113 Maynard, Martin W 152 McAdam, Hugh 68 McAdoo, R. JT 68 McAfee, John 115 McAllister, Andrew 38 McAllister, Daniel 46 McArthur, Samuel 80 McAuley, Donald 70 McAuley, James 157 McAuley, Robert 4 McAvoy, Patrick 139 "K.| 'ti ,'• iw I'fi 238 MoBeath, Allan 67 MoBrfttiicy, Uobert T 77 McBriae, Alex 126 McBridt', Arthur Hill 10 McBride, James 98 licCabp, John 147 McCabc, Thomas 130 McCalliy, James Robert 54 McCagiie, Wm. Andrew 104 HcCaudlcss, John 106 McCarev, John . 124 McCartiiy, Alexander 92 McCarthy, Denis Francis 83 McCarthy, Michael. : 167 McCarthy, Thomas. .; 6 McCaw, Hugh 64 McCawIey. Wm . P 97 McClain, Wm 66 McClaniighan, Michael 38 McClenaghaii, James E 136 McClive, John 62 McClorey, William , 158 McCloskey, J. U ^ 39 llcCluskey, Charles 150 McCluskt'V, John 60 McColl, LVnczer 169 McConncll, Kiciiard George 17 McCouvillo, Arthur 5 McConville, Charles 4 McCoppin, James 158 McCord, Frederick A 172 McConnack, Kobt 5 McConnack, William 4 McCormiok, Samuel 9 McCormick, Thos 89 McCoy, William 39 McCrearj-, Kobert 161 McCuaig, Augustine F 39 McCuiiig, William Hague 83 McCulloch, Geo. A 128 McCulloch, John 96 McCullough, Anthony. 28 McCurdy, James 76 McCurdy, M. J 73 McCutcheou, Hugh 72 McDermid, Angus John 84 McDcrmott, George Burtou 167 McDiarmid, Finlay 60 McDonald, Angus 76 McDonald, Angus, (Neil's son) 147 McDonald, Archibald 122 McDonald, Alexander (Antigonish) 70 McDonald, Alex. (Beaudet Kiver) 139 McDonald, Allan 169 McDonald, David 70 McDonald, Daniel 76 McDonald, Donald D 12 McDonald, Frank 98 McDonald, James 144 McDonald, John Allan 144 McDonald, John Arthur (Toronto).. 39 McDonald, John (Hamilton) 39 McDonald, John (Ottawa) 176 McDonald, Dr. John (Chatham, N.B.) 133 McDonald, J. W 124 McDonald, Joseph H 144 McDonald, J. F: 76 McDonald, Michael Allen 39 McDonald, Noi-man 73 McDonald, Rev. Roderick 168 McDonald, Rowald 76 McDonald, 11. M 98 McDonald, Wm. (Baddeok) 70 McDonald, Wm. (Gaspereaux) 147 McDonald, Wm. (West Point) 147* McDonnell, i¥!neas Donald 9 McDonnand, F 168 McDougall, Laughliu 143 McDougall, James 8 McDougall, Rev. John 168 McDougall, John Lorn vii, 24 McEachran, Duncan 133 McEachren, Lt. Col. Archibald 39 McEachren, Bennett 79 McEachren, Charles 133 Mct^ehren, Stephen 79 McElhinnev, Mark P 136, 137 McElroy, 'Jos , 1 McElroy, William Joseph 113 McEwen, David 146 McEwcn, Edward 79 McFarland, Duncan Elliot 39, 46 McFarlane, Malcolm i 74 McFarlane, P 9 McGee, John Joseph vi, vii, 1 McGeein, B 3 McGibbon, Alex 169 McGibhon, John Alex 22 McGie, Donald Bnrnabas 57 McGill, Alexander 90 McGill, William 77 MeGillis, Alexander 125 McGillivniy, 1). C 10 McGillivmy, Henry 161 McGillivray, Hugh 85 McGii.nis, R. H .-. 107 McGirr, Johr; 166 McGirr, William 169 JfcGoveni, John James 51 McGovern, James M 133 McGowan, Moses 68 McGowan, Patrick (Burritt's Rapids) 160 McGowan, Patrick (Stoney Mountain) 9 McGowan, William, Jr 64 McGrail, Thomas 83 McGregor, Abraham R 45 McGregor, Donald 75 McGruar, Daniel 65 McGuire, Francis J 66 McGuire, Horace 87 McHugh, John Joseph 19 McHugh, Peter J 108 Mclllree, John Henry 21 Mclnnis, .John Lindsay . 78 Mclnnis, Louis 70 Mclnnes, Thos . Archibald 10 Mcintosh, Alfred D 113 Mcintosh, Daniel. . , 140 Mclntyre, Archibald 104 Mclntyre, John 167 Mclntyre, Joseph 63 Mclntyre, Robert Chaa 120 Mclsaac, Alexander 70 Mclsaac, Rev. Donald 168 Mclsaac, Donald J 183 McKay, Angus (Indian Head) 133 McKay, Angus (Narrows Lake) 169 McKay, Charles Stephen 140 McKay, Donald J 144 McKay, Edward 71 McKa)', Hiram 166 McKay, James > 67 McKay, John 89 McKay, Robie 143 McKay, Samuel 66 McKee, Hamilton 10 McKee, James 10 McKee, Thomas 57 239 Pag". ... 147 ... 9 ... 168 . . . 14» ... 8 ...168 vii, 24 .... 133 .... 30 ... 79 ... 133 .... 79 135, 137 • • • • ^ .... 113 .... 148 .... 79 .. 39, 4« .... 74 .... 9 vi, vii, 1 ".'.'.'. 169 22 57 90 77 125 10 161 85 107 166 169 51 133 . 68 . 160 . 9 . 64 . 83 . 45 . 75 ,. 65 ,. 66 . 87 . 19 . 108 ,, 21 . 78 .. 70 .. 10 ,. 113 .. 140 .. 104 .. 167 .. 53 .. 120 .. 70 .. 168 .. 183 ,.. 133 ...169 ... 140 ... 144 ... 71 ... 166 ... 67 ... 89 ... 143 ... 66 ... 10 ... 10 ... 67 Paffe. McKolvpjr, Alexander 167 McKendrirk, Dawson 110 McKcnna, Kdward 116 McKenna, Henry Albert 78 McKenna, Jamea Barron 78 McKenna, J . A. J ; . 166 McKenna, W. G 90 McKenzie, Alex 106 McKenzie, Archibald '. 66 McKenzie, A. C 93 McKenzie, Alexander Inncs 4^ McKenzie, Charles James 46 McKenzie, Hev. Michael 168 McKenzie, Mathew D 76 McKenzie, Koderick 142 McKenzie, R. S 170 McKenzie, Thos. Howard 89 McKenzie, William John 44 McKenzie, William 8 72 McKeon, John 112 McKeown, Edward 154 McKiel, t'has. Edward 44 McKillop, John 88 McKinley, Charles H 65 McKinnon, Alexander 143 McKinnon, James 143 McKinnon, Murdoch 94 McKinnon, Wni. Cmne 122 McKinty, John 48 McKinim, U. H....' 39 MvKnight, Joseph 147 McLagan, John 63 McLaine, Archiliald 147 McLaren, John S 81 McLaren, James W 91 McLaren, liobt 95 McLaughlin, Edward 169 McLaughlin, Henry 69 McLaughlin, Robert 121 McLaughUn, Samuel 152 McLaughlin, Walter B 147 McLay, Dr. A 133 McLean, Allan 10 McLean, Duncan J 91 McLean, David V 12/ McLean, John Douglas 166 McLean, Roderick 76 McLean, Thomas 64 McLean, Ths. Alex 21 McLean, William H 52 McLelan, Thos. E 83 McLellan, Angus J 147 McLellan, Norman 109 McLennan, Andrew H 83 McLeod, Angus 145 McLeod, Duncan 70 McLeod, John 127 McLeod, John E 89 McLeod, Michael 147 McLeod, William Wallace 125 McLeod, Dr. W. M 133 McManus, James 121 McMeekin, Lizzie D 1C6 MoMiehael, Solon W 81 McMicken, Albert Clifton 27 McMillan, A. V 47 McMillan, James 147 McMillan, Dr. John .133 McMillan, John 18 McMillan, Robert Pringle 39 McMillan, WiUiam J 91 McMinn, Wm. Jno. R 26 McMordie, Alexander 107 McNair, WiUiam C 106 Page. McNally, Thomni 89 McNamnro, John 169 McNauiara, Matthew 39 McNamara, Michael '. ... 48 McNeal, Wra. Lewis , 91 McNeil, Alexander 8 McNeil, Neil 99 McNeil, Peter 61 McNeill, Robert 100 McNeill, Allan Napier 166 McNeill, Charles 4 McNeill, Duncan 78 McNeill, John 122 McNichol, Andrew 120 MuNichol, John 25 McNutt, Charles Stewart 89 McNutt, Jns. Marshall 79 McPea! e, Patrick 120 McPhee, Allan 78 McPhee, Duncan J 167 McPhei'son, Andrew V 39 McPheraon, Donald D 83 McPhie, Donald 39 McPhillips, Bernard. .,,. 78 McQueen, Alexander 150 McQueen, George 1{ 101 McRae, James , 78 McRobert, Willianj Henry 122 McRoberts, John E , 128 McRoberts, John 10 McRobie, James Alexander 109 McRobie, James Thus 116 McShane, James Fnineis 116 McSween, James ; 39 McTnggart, John 19 McTiernan, Pfltriok 170 McWhinney, Arthur 90 McWilliams, John J 141 Meacham, James H , 95 Meade,John 18 Meadows, AlfredH 106 Meadows, Edwin 106 Meagher, Jeremiah, 93 Meagher, Michael H 122 Meagher, Thomas 49 Meagher, William Joseph 90 Meagher, William Thomas. , . , 61 Meason, W. L 170 Medlow, Charles 12 Meehan, John 116 Meikle, Chas. A 86 Meloche, FronfoisX 108 Meloche, Simon 188 Meneilly, Walter J 187 Menzies, Augustus , 108 Mercer, Francis H. F 84 Mercer, Robert G 90 Mercer, Williom 100 Mercier, Edwoitl Henry 58 Mercier, Jean Ad. D 118 Mercier, Pierre Alexis 69 Meredith, W. E 55 Merrick, Henrv 183 Merrick, Kathleen 86 Merriman, Lucien Thomas , , , ;, . . . 64 Merritt, David Finley , 63 Methot, Joseph C A Ill Methot, Joseph E 152 Mewburn, Thomas Chiltou. 81 Meyer, Edward 68 Miall, Edward vii, 28 Mid(Ueton, A. T. M 103 Miggins, Michael 116 MilDum, Robert Baldwin 66 ■k 'iiij •i!' m 240 hr ■% , 'i :■ I: 1*':,T m I'nffe. Milliir, Thonins fi« MilliT, Aruhilmld 38 Millur, Albert H 08 Miller, ClmrlcH 8 Miller, George Scott 140 Miller, Henry John 38 Miller, 3m, Elwoml 88 Miller, John Gardiner 119 Miller, Jnir as George 64 Miller, John Stewart 5U Miller, Peter (Ottawa) 171 Miller, Peter ( Mcriickville) 160 Miller, Pierre (gmbec) 38 MiUer, Robert 126 Miller, Kobert S 97 Miller, ■\Villiuin 160 Miller, Wni. Fredorick 88 >[illier, Elie 88 Milligau, Robt. Jno 88 Milligan, Wni. Geo 104 Milliken, Edwin 3S Mills, George H 74 Mills, John 4 Mills, William 16 Mills, William W 161 Milne. Alex. R 80 Milne, Charles 161 Milne, Dr. G. L 133 Milner, William C 66 Milward, Thos. Fa'derick 72 Minhinnick, W. B 50 Mi(^uelon, Arsene C Ill Miquelun, James Z. C 133 Mitchell, James 136 Mitchell, James A 74 Mitchell, John 91 Mitchell, J. A 170 Mitchell, Robert (Toronto) 107 Mitchell, Robert (Windsor, Ont.) 108 Mitchell, Dr. Robert (Dorchester, N.B.) 7 Mitchell, Thomas 55 Mitchell, William 91 Mitchell, F J116 Moerscht'eldcr, Jacob 102 Motl'att, Alexander James 54 Moti'at, George Buchanan 22 Mottatt, Hamilton 170 MoBatt, John 69 Mottat, R. McG. D 172 Mottatt. Thos. 1. D 87 Moir, Archibald 69 MoU, O.L. Eug6ne 1 Mollard, J.T 9« Moloney, Daniel 94 Moloney, Michael 92 Mouaghan, John 103 Mouctte, Godefroi 7 Moukman, Arthur 126 Monro, George 55 Monroe, William L 145 Moutanari, Ambroisc P. P 60 Montgomery, George A 21 Montgomery, Robt 95 Montgomery, William 65 Montizambert, Dr. Frederick 133 !&^oodie, Jno. Douglas 22 Moody, Thos 66 Moody, WiUiamH 77 Moon, Francis Graham 83 Moouey, Amos Austin 61 Mooney, Edward 8 Moouey, John 62 Mooney, Michael 161 Mooney, Wm 6 Page. Moore, Alvan Head 149 Moore, Charles N 106 Moore, Jolin Green 125 Moore, John Nugent 88 Mooii>, Thomas ( Moutn(', Francis 169 OHve, CharU'H F 66 Olive, Isonc i 68 Olive, WiUiiim H 67 Olvtr, R.J 83 Ohvor, Thoumti Maukey 84 Olivier, Jean Aiui6 39 Olivier, JoMoiili Lavtanco 85 Orchanl, Lorenzo D 143 Ormiston, John 48 Orpen, J. E 71 OiT.A. B 93 Orr, W. A 166 Orton, Dra.T 170 OBgood, EllaD 86 Osffoode, Henry 133 Ostroui, William Albert • 45 Ostrom, William Henry 26 Otis, Ladislas Kucher 168 Otty, Henry 1' 120 Ouellette. Edouanl H 113 Ouollct, Frs-Xavier 118 Ouimet, Telc8i>hore 5 Ouimet, Treflft 1 72 Oulton, George Hebcr 119 Owen, Alfretf W 135 Owen, Charles 78 Owens, Michael B 67 Oxley, James M .. 135 Packhnm, Alfred 106 Page, Jolkii 152 P«^, Wm. Walsh 122 Pageau, Joseph Ill Pageau, Narcisse 7 P^t, F.H 169 PaiDciiaud, Joseph 141 Paiiiclmud, J. lUe. F 68 Palincr, Howard W 145 Palmer, Joseph L 112 Panet, Col. Chas. £ug6ne vii, 11 Panet, Louis Chs 172 Panneton, George Edouard 39 Papineau, Antoiuc 56 Papiueuu, G. B 6 Papineau, Louis 156 Paquctte, J. F 64 Par6, A.V 6 Taxi, Dr Frederick 133 Par6, Louis 39 Par6, DrL. A 23 I'arent, Etienne 140 Parent, V. A 101 Parish, George H So Park, R. H.. 48 Park, W. A 66 Parker, A. McNeil., 77 Parker, Lewis >. 26 Parker, William ( Sandwich) 1 49 Parker, Wm. (Halifax) 123 Parker, Wm. McMicking 46 Parks, Jaa. D 89 Parmelee, William Grannis 44, 81 Parrett, James 107 Pany, WUliamS 106 Parson, B. A 126 Pate, W. R 100 Pateraon, A. C ,,. 89 Pateraon, Geo. WuNliington 16 Paton, R. G. A 64 Patrick, Mary 101 Pattemon, Alexander, jr 64 Ptttierson, Garrett W. 188 Patterson, James 24 l*ntternon, Sydney Bolton 27 Patterson, Thomas (Toronto) 90 Patterson, Thos. (Ottawa) 61 Patterson, Wm. llonry 10 Patteson, T. C 102 Pftttison, Wm. Mead 67 Patton, Andrew J 126 Patton, Hon. James (Toronto) 64 Patton, James ((Quebec) 49 Patton, John Hoopteller 68 Paul, James 168 Paw, George A. V 72 Paxtoii, Jolm. 167 Payne, Alonzo N 88 Payne, Edward 124 Payne, Manuel 68 Payne, Thomas 4 Pearce, William 18 Pearce, Wm. J. H 88 Pearl, AUwrt 148 Pearson, We.sley 64 Pearson, William 161 Peck, Henry B 120 Peck, Tiiomas 48 Peden, Robert 94 Pegg, Allred 17 Pclletier, Alphonse E , 173 Pelletier,C. C 16 Pelletier, Edouard , 142 Pelletier, Elz6ar 62 Pelletier, Frs.-X. R 118 Pelletier, Joseph A 118 Pelletier, Joseph F 108 Pelletier, Joseph H 171 Pelletier, Maxime 118 Pelletier, Phillippe 12 Pelletier, Pierre 40 Pelton, James Edward , . . 86 Pender, John 24 Pender, Patrick 26 Pendlebury, George A 146 Pennefather, John Going 45 Pennock, William Henry 100 Pennoyer, Henry Jesse 40 Pense, James P 98 Pentland, William George 19 Pepin, Felix 116 Pepin, Joseph 116 Perchard, Henry Geoige 63 Percival, Jamee H 99 Pereira, Lyndwode C 14 IT ernam, 1j. i-'>a»«««a*««t«»»««««a«*«it*«»««« 6U Perkins, Calvin Colburn 61 Perkins, James 60 Perkins, Levi Allan 40 Perley, Ileury F 161 PerraiUt, Denis R , 116 Perrie, John Robert 9 Perrier, William 162 Perrin, Emery 173 Perry, Aylesworth Bowen 21 Perry, Cnarles B 60 Perry, Charles Ennatinger 63 Perry, Elson 144 Perry, F61ix » 79 Perry, George Lafayette 40 Perry, 76 m Porrj', John Wi ^VU■r^ John O U'A IVtcis, William N 100 I'ctit, Jfaii-Uuiititto 40 Phair, Andrew 8 120 Phair, ThonmH 100 Plmir, William U I'iO I'lipc, Jiimi'H 80 Plielan, JninoH AusuHtin<> 40 PhillipH, Kdward Dixon 78 PhilliiiR, John ( Hamilton) 98 PhillipH, John (Smith's Falls) 1(11 Phillips, Percy 100 Phillii)H,H. B. H 120 Phillips Thomas 146 Phillips, William IflS I'hilpH, Jnnies Ill) Phinney, Heniy H 125 Phiniiey, Mark 75 Phipps, James Charles 167 Phomn, M. J 76 Pideork, Richard II 170 Pidj{eon, Oeorco H 40 Pid.ncon, Jacob Koliert 119 Pieiiv, Jnmes A 8 Pieny, Wm 22 Piernliii, Charles 9H Piw'on, Charles 'i7 Pile, Thomns C, 47, 1«8 Pilson, Henry ICO Pinnrd, Josepli Acliille 10 I'ingle W. ll 10 I'insoiinault, Alfreil 40 Pinsonneault, J. K 63 Piper, Harry 40 Pipes, HerliVrt Sidney 8 Pirrie, Ths. Alex 102 Pirritte, John 40 Pither, K.J.N 1 fiO Pitre, L^on 155 Pitts, William 73 Phimondon, Olivier 117 Plante, Gasnard 116 Plante.J.-lIte 116 Piatt, Willian J 106 Piatt, William M 89 Plouire, Antoinn 6 Plouffe, FnuKjoisCSt, Vincent do Paul) 6 Ploull'e, Francois (Montreal) 113 Plou B.! , M ..... , 7 Plouffe, Napoldon 6 Plumb, Charles 95 Plumpton, George Wm 121 Plunkett, George L 86 Phiii'' tt, James 82 Plu ..ct, William 55 Pocklington, William B 160 I'ogue, Robert 3 Poirier, Alphonse 162 Poiii r, Antoii:i 155 I'oitcvin, Antonio 116 Pole, Charles William 40 Poliijnin, Ferdinand 40 Polkniglionie, John A 172 Pollock, George 104 Poiitey, Francis 100 Ponton, Archibald Wm 170 Poole, Harry 1 01 Poole, H. C 9 Pope, Charles 83 Pope, Edward 140 Pope, Joseph 14 Pope, J. A 107 Pope. Hon. John Henry vi Pagf. Poir, Percy 27 l'o|ie, lJichar.1 129 PniHr,JohnC 120 PortcouH, John t'l Porter, l)aviil F,eo 77 Porter, Kdgar Harold 69 Porter, Simon N 71 Porter, Thomas 24 Porter, W. A 126 Potter, Kilwaril W 71 Potter, Michael .1 120 Pottinger, David 163 Potvin, Anguste 18 Potvin, Henri 161 Pouliot, Louis Henn6n(^gildo 88 Poui)ore, John 40 Powell, Dr. F. K 28 Powell, Grant vii, 12 Powell, Israel W 170 Powell, John 92 Powell John n 40 Powell, Percy Hrigham 84 Power, Augustus 2 Power, ( liiirles E 122 Power, Frank J 123 Power, John US Power, John R 78 Power, Richard 40 Power, Thomas 40 PrendciKast, J^rtJmie 85 I'respott, William 66 Preston, nenjamin 9 Pretty, John 107 Prevost, Kdouard 6 Price, David 119 Price, George 68 Pridham, Alexander 40 Pridham, Frederick 112 Pridham, G. A 127 Pridham, Richard 104 Pridham, Richard A 104 Priestly, Roltert 4 Primrose, Philip C. H 22 Pringer, John 62 Pringle, James 90 Prinyer, John 139 Provost, Jean Jacques 40 Projjer, Frederick Serince 68 Prout, Frank 63 Prud'homme, L. T 125 Pruneau, Hector 129 Pryor, Oswald 72 Pudvah, Joseph 160 Pugh, Thomas 5 Pugsley, John W 152 Puigh, John 9 PulFord, Ernest Geo 12 Purcell, John Pike 58 Purcell, William, Jr 21 Purdie, S.A 40 Pnrdon, Percy 90 Purvis, William 140 Pye, Robert 139 Quain, Redmond 28 Query, Elie 173 Quesnel, Jules 40 Quiglcy, Joseph 49 Quilty, Thomas William 10 Qninane, W. V 124 Quinn, James 144 Quinn, John Dwj'er 40 844 fO < i Pttjf*. hniiion, riiiri- to ItaiiiHiiy, Williiiiii J DM lijkii.'i', (ii'oi'}{i' , 84 llaii.l, K. C 71 Kniiiliill, IMwiiiil 70 Kiiiikiii, It. I ■»» Jiiiiikiii, Jnhn 46 KiiUNi'lii'r. l Kiithlmii, S. Al 143 Itiitty, I'lciiv 171 linwiliii;;, SIcplirti W , 71 llnwlcy, Willi.iiM fll l{a\vliii;;s (ii'diw 74 lUywiM'tli, tloliii SikxaIiiiII (16 lt('ii(i('i', .liiN('i)li 170 lii'iil, I'atrick Iflo liciii'ilciii, WilHnm 71 l{(''iiiiiii(', J. L 67 Hcd.lftii, C. J 40 Ifediliii, Jaiiu'8 40 liinliiioiid, .loliii (Ottawa) 40 Kfiliiioiid, .loliii 'KiiigHtnii MillHj Ittl lU'dmmid, ratriik 164 Kwd, Augiwtus W 120 Heed, V.C 100 Kocd, Hayter 1«9 KeevcH, Cliarles 106 Kcgnii, John 4 lii'gaii, Patrick 86 Kegnier, Pierre 40 Reid, John (Cardiual) 62, 40 Keid, Jolin (Toronto) 106 Kcid, John W 24 Reid, Itohert 60 Keid, Samuel 100 Reid, William 66 Reiddy, t'liarlcs 64 ReillenHttin, Caroline 160 Reitl'enHtcin, Julia 130 Keinlmrdt, llinrv N 74 Rciuitburrow, Konert 146 Rcnand, Augustn 40 Remind, J. A. A 108 Renaud, Joseph E 113 Rcnnic, (ico 40 Rennif, William 97 RcnoiH, Ludger 117 Renton, J . L 94 Reutcr, Jacob 159 Reynar, ThoniaH 118 Reynolds, A. W vi, 131 Reynolds, II. L 170 Reynolds, James W 107 Reynolds, Wellwood 73 Ricard, rrgcl 12 Rice, William A 126 Richard, Alidionse 141 Richard, l):imien 66 Richard, Dositlue 40 Richard, Kaliicn 146 Richard, Jean Urge!. 40 Richard, Rayniona ', 40 Richards. Frederick 107 Richards, James 1'' 65 Kichard.son, James F , 72 Ricliard.son, Robert Wat.son 46 Riehardson, William 93 Riiliardson, William Henry 61 Ridley, AVilliam Metcalfe 41, 161 Rickards. Clias. Dudley 19 Riddell, Robert W 102 Riddle, William r 104 Ridley, John 47 Pnffp . ilidgway, Ihdiort 64 lti(|i>ut,Miilin tlrant 26 Rlgby, (harliH Henry 76 liigbv, (horge It 68 Rlgl.y, (Jeorg 76 Kinalian, JiimcN 164 King, (leorgc Fivderick 120 King, John W 120 Kisley, Samuel 137 Kitchie, James 41 liitchie, Joseph H 120 i:;vcrH, Kobert 146 liivet, Pierre 172 Ronch, Michael 61 liobbins, AiiMoll 77 Robert, Pierre 101 Roberts, Arthur 68 IfobertH, Wui ei Robertson, Alex. (Ottawa) 2 liolM'rtson, Ahx. (Halifax) 73 Robeitson, Charles Kobert •. ... 86 Kobertson, Geo. Stokes 44 RohertNon, James A 136 Robertson, John N 124 Roliei'tson, Mier. . . « 146 Robertson, Peter 16 KoliortHon, Robert J 10 Robiclmud, Itasilu A 76 Robidoux, Ferdinand 66 Robidoux, Narcisso 173 Kobillord, Dr. Adolphe 133 Robilhird, B, E..... 87 RobilhuiJ. ltodri([Ue J 161 Robins, Paul Moyle 28 Robinson, Ueorgi! 69 Knbinson, fleo. Frederick 78 Robinson, James 27 Robinson, Lucy 86 Robinson, Samuel 67 Robinson, Thomas 163 Robinson, William 49 Robitaiile, Louis 81 Hobson, James 41 Rochester, Francis King 86 Rochettc, Leon Ambroise 117 Rochon, Aristide Roddick, Kohert 138 Rodrigue, Francois F 140 Rogers, ( hristoiihor C 14 AOgeix, Kdwaril O'Brien 91 Rogers, Henry B 46, 127 Kogein, James 107 Rogers, Robert 6'i Rogers, William H 160 Kogerson, John 68 Rogerson , James Mounsey 41 Rolstoii, Edward 122 Roniaiiie, Robert 173 lioman.s, Charles 72 Ronoghan, Peter 147 Rondcou, U 112 Rooney, John 127 Root, Albert 138, 168 Rorison, Basil D. D 90 Ross, Benjamin Walker 63, 167 Ross, ('liarles 8 Robs, Elijah 147 Ross, George 96 Ross, Dr. (Jordon W. A 138 Ross, Harold E 41 Ross, Henry Clarksou 166 Ross, H.L 162 Ross, John D 122 Ross, R. H 122 24ft , 'i« . 7rt . tW . 7«» . 164 . 120 . 120 . 137 . 41 . 120 . 14(1 ,. 172 ,. 61 ,. 77 .. 101 .. 68 .. 61 .. 2 .. 73 .. 86 .. 44 .. 186 .. 134 .. 146 ,. 16 ... 10 ... 76 ... «6 ... 173 ... 138 ... 87 ... 161 ... 28 ... «9 ... 78 ... 27 ... 8tl ,. 07 .. 163 .. 49 .. 81 .. 41 .. 85 .. 117 .. 6 .. 138 ,.. 140 ... 14 ,.. «1 46, 127 ... 107 ... 6^ ... 160 ... 68 ... 41 ... 122 ... 173 ... 72 ... 147 ... 112 127 . 138, 168 .. 90 , . 63, 167 ... 8 ,.. 147 ... 96 ,.. 133 ... 41 ... 166 ... 162 ... 122 ... 122 IV. liOHs, SilliUrl Kiwti'I' 41 K(».M, Wiiltn T 62 liOHN, lliiii. \Villii\iii 72 HoMaiiiL;, Allivil .1.. 112 Itntliwcll, Tlinliinn (} 14 Itiniillai'd, ,lnii 02 Koiilntii, FniiHjoiH K 172 Itoiilrall, JoHijill II ItoutinlKr, Walton 23 UouIhIoii, .loN('])h 07 Kouthirr, A. A Ill JUmthier, Daviii A 130 llowaii, Ait'liiliald 41 Kowaii, Wiiltor 83 Itowand, Dr. AloxamliT K 135 Itowat, II. H 15 Kowf, A nio8 •. . 19, 78 liowc, ('..S 63 Uowlaiid, Kdward 41 Kowlaiid, Flt'iniiijt 41 KoxliiirmiKli, TIioiiioh 13 Hoy, Alfxaiider 77 Itoy, KlzcLcrt I. K 151 Koy, Gt'orx 21 Hoy, Hiiin 12 Hoy, Hilarion 147 Hoy, ,IoHc])|i 156 Hoy, ,)(>sc|.li Et HI Hov, .Icaii-Htp 166 Hoy, Dr. L. J. H 133 Hoy, Mi.lK'l 155 Hoy, Tlu'opliilt- 86 Hoyal, A. v. S. M. P. ■( 126 Hoyal, .lult'H Augiistc 19 Hoys, .lolin 163 Kozoii, William 116 Kudol|)li, .loHiaii 74 Hufl, .laiiifs K 66 Kugglrs, H.11J. H 71 Hugjjli's, Hfiiry M 142 HugL'lcs, Stephen 8 71 RuhIs, .lolm 06 Hush, Wni. H. Hotsford 06 HuR8cll, Alt'Xiinder John 41 HuHst'll, Colin 61 KuHsfll, Jauios Anthony 76 Bu»H.ll, W. A 137 Bu8K.ll, William 44 Kuthtrlovd, Jumi's 104 Huthert'ord, ■Innu-s A 4 KuthrrJbrd, Dr. .lames Page 133 Ituthven, Adolpluis 108 Huttan, Hohcrt A..; 18 Hyall, Dr. Isaac 134 Kyaii, (ieorgu M 119 Hyan, (tcorgc William 59 Hyan, .1 no. Bt^mard 41 Hyaii, Michael Patrick '. 68 Hyh y, Ueorge U 14 .Siiiit-DcniH, E. H 130 Saint-l,ouis, Joseph 42 Salter, A. V. A 27 Samson, Cyrille 1 45 Samson, Joseph 137 Snmson, Jos. E. A 118 Samuels, Annie 86 Sancton, (}. F 27 Samlall, Henry P 66 Sandall, Thomas 67 Sanders, Etlwin Lewis 44 Sandei-s, Gilbert Edword 22 Samlersou, Samuel 76 Pn«e. .Sands, Jcdin'. M •Sanguiiii'tte, Leonidno , 60 SansiiMi, rharlesl) 13 .Siigant, 'I'lioniiiN 54 SaVKeant, CIimh 108 Sargent, Donald 76 Saigrnt, Hohert 102 Hargeni, Willimn P 1(>5 Sargison, F. U 128 Suuluier, John II 144 Saulter, Josepli 80 Saultcr, Louis J 104 .Saunders, J. (.' 26 Saunders, Sampson 128 .Saunders. William 134 Sauriol, Alphouse 114 Sauriol, Jean-IUu 110 Sauvage, Moise 166 .Savard, Joseph 10 Suuv6, Francois 162 Savoy, Thomas. . 146 Sayers, Jno. H 04 Sealley, Jno 4 Seholes, Adam 89 Seholey, Henrj' Tyson 69 Schollield, Fergus 189 Scholticld, James Suholfleld H, 46 Scliinin, Uurwell 41 Sehreiher, Collingwood 162 Sehn'er, Joseph 47 Seohell, Sidney \Vm 8 Seott, Andrew 66 Seott, (has. Stephen 26 Seott, Duncan Campbell 166 Scott, E. T 68 Seott, John 126 Seott, John Edwin 169 Scott, .John H 108 .Scott, Matthew Wm 49 Scott, Capt. Peter A 137 Seott, Thonnw 77 Seott, Thomas A 126 Scott, William Jnmes 20 Seovil, Walter Bates 41 Screaton, John A 99 Scullion, William Jones 41 Scdgewick, Bolt vii, 2, 167 SeeRr, Neil 147 Seguiu, F. 0. 86 Seliou, S.T.N 1 43 Sclwyn, Alfre' «. C vii, 17 Senceal, Andre . , 14 Senez, Jo8c])i. , 112 Sevier, Edward !»7 Sewell, Langlcy 89 .Seymour, Anne J. 15 80 Shaksper'-, Noah 127 Shanancv, M 41 Shanks, 'William E 73, Charles J. N 99 Shannon, George 138 Shannon, James 98 Shannon, John 52 Shannon, Samuel Leonard I.'i2 Shannon, William 138 Shaiinan, John D 99 Sharp, Daniel M TjO Shaugbnessv, Jno 81 Shaw, Abmlmm 49 Shaw, Charles 100 Shaw, Henry Soden 85 Shaw, James A . . T 70 Shaw, Jos. Fitzwilliam 28 Shaw, Bichard John 82 246 i !*■/■' ' 3C' IvV I if- py PiiKC Shen, Jiiincs 70 Shpuil, W 9 Sheales, Timothy 163 Slu'iisi^ivcii, Isaiie 149 Shonlii'iil, William 139 Shtior, Fieilic 158 Slionmin, John I) 125 Sherwood, Beverley Wilmot 24 Sherwood, Honry 1" Sherwood, William H 139 Shore, John Willough by 166 Shore, Robert 160 Short, Samuel 86 Short, Thomas 8 Shortj Williams 99 Shortis, Edward 55 Shutt, F. T 134 Sibhald, Charles 45 Siddons, John 50 Sigouin, 6 Sigouin, Z 7 Simard, Edouard 141 Simnrd, Henri 41 Simard, Leon 154 Simard, Louis E 110 Simard, Joseph 165 Simmons, James W 161 Simmons, John K 126 Simon, K. H 41 Simpson, Arthur Fisher 41 Simii.s?J 1. hi'-: f1- m\ ■ m Pngc. Thcakstoii, MnjorJohii 124 Therieii, LsidoR- 6 Thibaiilt, l.ouis Pliilippe Ill ThibcKlcaii, Jenii 115 Thiinens, Joseph 113 Thomas. Alex 98 Thouins, (3corge Artliur 103 Thomas, J. H 98 Thomns, .1. S 42 Thomas, Richard Thniii 59 Thompson, Alexander 121 Thompson, Anch'ew (Toronto) 89 Thompson, Areliibnld Gmliam 102 Thompson, Uavid 73 Thomi>son, Geo. (Toronto) 107 Thompson. Geo. (Port Robinson) 158 Thompson; Hy. H 168 Thonjpson, Harris P 90 Thompson, James 113 Thompson, John (Toronto) 55 Thompson, James Donald 94 Thompson, Sir J. S. D vi Thompson, Jos. L 167 Thompson, Robert 103 Thompson, Thomas ( Kingston) 4 Thompson, Thos. (St Thomas, Ont.) 53 Thompson, William Henry 77 Thom])sou, William Wallace 54 Thomson, Andrew (London, Ont.) 90 Thomson, John (Hamilton) 48 Thorburn, Dr. John 13, 18 Thome, Stephen Sneden 82 Throop, Arthur William 82 Thrush, Charles 159 Thurber, Isaiah 71 Thurber, William 140 Tidmarsh, Samuel 58 Tighe, Edward 69 Tin, Thomas Mercer 42 Tilley, William J 152 Tilton, Lt. Col. John vii, 149 Tims. Thomas Dillon 26 Tinning, W. K. S 64 Tipton, Thomas Lewis M 42 Tobin, Richard 69 Tobin, William 6 Todd, Major AlfredH 174 Todd, James 160 Todd, Walter 172 Toller, Major Frederick 25 Tompkins, Patrick 42 Tory, James Alexander 71 Toupiu, F. X. J. A 42 Tourangeau, Adolphe G 117 Townsend, Samuel Wotton 48 Townshend, Alexander Stewart 75 Toye, Robert 164 Tracy, Francis 3 Tracy, Dr. Robert 134 Tracy, Thomas 69 Trainor, Bernard; 124 Travis, Lewis Whitney 123 Treadwell, Clarence Vvm 26 Trefry. Hervey D 71 Tremain, Edward D 76 Tremain, Fi-ederick V 122 Tremaiue, Arthur D. B 72 Tremaine, Louis E 42 Tremblay, Dorilas 141 Tremblay, Hilaire 142 Trenuman, Dr. Thomas 134 Trestler, Henri Rodolphe S 69 Trider, Henry W 73 Trites, Edward Trueman 163 ■ Pttge. Troop, John 71 Trowbndge, John 55 Tradeau, Toussaint vii, 152 Tnidcl, J. Edmond 62 Puck, Charles Favord 125 Tuck, Fmlcrick 109 Tuck, John Fitz 61 Tuff, David 60 Tupper, Sir Chas vi Tupper, Hon. C. H vi Tupner, Conrad W 72 Turbide, Tclesphore 141 Turcotte, Colise 137 I Turcotte, F. X 134 Turcotte, Jean-Baptiste 134 Turenne, Joseph 19 Turgeon, Charles Edward 25 Turgeon, Narcisse 173 Turner, Henry 67 Turner, Henry Hamish 16 Turner, James Bailey 117 Tweedale, Dr John B 184 Twomey, Rev. Dennis A 3 Tye, William D 91 Tyner, Frederick 89 Tyncr, W. E 107 Tyrrell, Joseph B 17 Umlah, Riciiard 8 Unsworth, Jo.'wph 153 Upi)er,A. H 169 [Jrquhart, Donald 70 Urquhart, James Ronald 42 Valin, Joseph £lz6ar 28 Valiquette, Joseph. .... J 117 Vallfe, Henri 61 Vallerand, LouisN 62 Valeur, Joseph Alfred 116 Valois, F61ix tw .... 139 Valois, Jos. Almeida 61 Vassal, Henry 168 Vandry, Jean 6 Vanlugen, A. J 49 Vanlngen, Wm. Henry 57 Vankoughnet, Laurence vii, 166 Vavasour, Edwin W 120 Veaudry, Olivier 188 Venning, Robert Norris 149 Venning, William Henry 160 Vemer, J. W. D ' 130 Verraiilt, Eugene 11 Ven-ault, Jules Edouaid 151 Vfeiua, Ulric 117 Vibert, Philip 149 Vitts, J. M 71 Viger, Joseph L 109 YiUeneuve, Jacques 42 Vincent, Jos 151 Vincent, Joseph Louis 42 Violette, Francis 69 Virtue, Crawford 161 Visser, Thomas Egbert 85 Vohl, Cyprien Joseph 110 Vowell, A. W 42 Vrooman, Jno. Endicott 81 Waddell, Katherine T 86 Wadsworth, Thomas P 169 PuRe. ,. 71 . 55 i, 152 . 62 ..125 ,. 109 .. 61 ,. 60 . . vi . . vi .. 72 .. 141 .. 137 .. 134 .. 134 .. 19 ,. 25 .. 173 .. 67 .. 16 .. 117 .. 184 .. 3 .. 91 .. 89 .. 107 .. 17 8 153 169 70 42 28 117 61 62 116 189 61 168 6 49 , 67 ,166 , 120 , 188 . 149 , 160 . 130 , 11 . 16i . 117 . 149 . 71 . 109 . 42^ . 161 . 42 . 69 . 161 . 85 . 110 . 42 . 81 249 ( . 86 .... 169 Page. Waggoner, David Jamss 20 Wagner, Elizabeth R 108 Wagner, Maty A 108 Waiuwright, Frederick G 42 Wainwriglit. Major W. R. 8 11 Wakehau), William 160 Walker, Alexander 158 Walker, David J., jr 94 Walker, E.M..... 86 Walker, George 27 Walker, James 164 Walker, Joseph 50 Walker, William B 95 Walker, W. H. (Ottawa) 1 Walker, W. H. (Halifax) 123 Wall, Arthur William 83 Wall, James Francis 83 WaU, John 12* Wallace, George 11 C7 Wallace, John (Moiicton) 65 Wallace, John (Hockport) 167 Wallace, John Garrard 138 Wallace, John Robert 26 Wallace, Joseph James 153 Wallace, Martin 160 Wallis, Brown 16 Walls, John 44 Walmsley, Alexander 108 Walsh, Danl. J 42 Walsh, David 98 Walsh, James (Poit Robinson) 158 Walsh, James ( Bcdeque Bay) 147 Walsh, Major John 82 Walsh, Lawrence 4 Walsh, Matthew F 28 Walsh, Robert 100 Walsh, Thaddeus Joseph 42 Walsh, William (Point Levis) 134 Walsh, Wm. (Ottawa) 13 Walsh, W.J 130 Walton, Thomas Smith 167 Ward, James (Parrsboro*) 75 Ward, Jas. (BaiTie) 92 Ward, John 99 WaH,JohnW 75 Ward, Joseph 99 Ward, RufusC 66 Warren, Joseph 61 Mlanen, Robert Grant 47 Warwicker, Frederick Spurge 101 Waterman, Walter Lincoln 96 Waters, Jno. F 12 Wathen, Henry 119 Watheu, Robert J 8 Watkins, John Andrew 42 Watkins, John LI' yd 104 Watson, Ebenerv-r 167 Watson, George 46 Watson, John (Windsor Ont.) 56 Watson, John (Toronto) 106 Watson, W.S... 93 Watt, John H 120 Wattam, Thos 22 Watters, Albert Livingstone 81 Watters, J. G 62 Watters, Thos. John 44 Watts, Sim 68 Weatherbee, Joseph Howe 105 Webb, Frederick Whiscomb 110 Webb, V 2 Webb, William John 145 Webber, Henry 68 Webber, John Albert 96 Webster, James Sutton 149 66-17 Pi Webster, Thomas , Webster, William 45 Weir.A. A 107 Weir, James 3 Weir, Robert (Kingston) 4 Weir, Robt. (Toronto) 106 Weldon, William John 119 Wells, George Washington 168 Wells, Geo 57 WeUs, W. J 98 Wentzel, Wm. Reuben 74 Westman, Eldon 104 Westman, Thomas 42 Weston, Thomas Chesmer 17 Weyms, Charles 42 Wheatley, Ambrose 88 . Wheeler, Alfred 62 Wheeler, A. 16 • Wheeler, Frederick Charles 99 Wheeler, Patrick 66 Wheeler, Thomas 171 Whelan, James Patrick 118 Whelan, William Frederick 42 Whitcher, Arthur Henry, i 19 Whitcher, Charles Frank 110 White, Edwin 78 White-Fraser, Montague Henry 22 White, Frederick vii, 21 White, Lieut. Frederick W U White, George Rivein 82 White, Josepli B 143 White, Michael 159 White, Nicholas 124 White, Stephen 73 White, William (Quebec) 117 White, Lt. Col. William (Ottawa; vii, 82 Whiteaves, Joseph F 17 Whiteside, Jamt., Arthur 104 Whiting, James M. F 67 Whitlock, William 66 Whituey, Henry Augustus 163 Whittaker, James E 67 Whittaker, William C 119 Whitteker, Wm 42 Whittey, Moses 100 Whyte, Ralph Little 48 Wicksteed, Dr Richard J 173 Wickwire, Dr William N 134 Wiggins, Ezckiel Stone 26 Wiggins, John 10 Wiggins, Wm 107 WigTe, Alfred 108 Wiley, William Edward 90 Wilkes, Edward Thomas 61 Wilkins, Oscar Fitzalwy n 47 Wilkinson, Robert 118 Williams, Gieorge 42 Williams, John 42 Williams, John Lang 50 Williams, Joseph 105 Williams, Peter Job 109 I Williams, Thomas (Toronto) 66 I Williams, Thos. (Moncton) 153 Williams, V. A. S 22 I Williamson, Archibald M 49 Williamson, Jas 43 Williamson, Thomas Hugh 162 Willimott, Charles William 18 Willis, Edward 120 WilUs, Edward LeRoc 119 Williston, William W 146 Willoughby. S. J 16 Wills, Geo. W 101 Wills, William John 184 250 pi'' %^ Page. Wilmot, -Asa Biimhnni 149 WUtaot,. Charles 149 •Wilmot,.H. F 93 Wilmot, JoUn Bentlej 43 •Wilmot, Samuel 149 Wilson, Albert Edward 120 Wilson, Alexander 167 Wilsou,DBvid 43 Wilson, Edward 86 Wilson, IdaH 166 Wilson, James 146 Wilson, James O 22 Wilson, John (Halifax) 123 Wilson, John, jr. (London, Ont.) 100 Wilson, Joseph (Hamilton) 97 Wilson, Joseph (Sault Ste. Marie) 53 Wilson, Robert 43 Wilson, Dr William 172 Wilson, William Thomas 8.5 Wilson, Zauhariah 51 Winciicid, A. H 48 Winstanley, C.J. H 89 Winter, C. F 149 Winter, Herbert (Jayner 66 Winton, Robert Bruce 145 Wise, F. A. M 160 Withers, George Edward 121 Witton, H.B 43 Wolf, Enos 143 Wolff, James Fitzgerald 81 Wood, Ebin Burns 87 Wood, Geo. Carleton 85 Wood, Jno : 107 Wood, J.S. M... 124 Wood, W. R , 65 Wood, Zachary Taylor... 22 Woodall, Jonathan May 157 Woodcock, William Robert 106 Woodhouse, Henry 6 WoodiU, Frederick B 72 Woodiow, James 120 Woodrow. RossDougal 120 Woods, Kev. J. V 184 Paga. Woods, N.P 3 Woods, W. P 54 Woodwai-d, George W 43 Woodward, Henry Hitchcock 138 Woodward, Henry Wm 48 TVoollocott, Phil .' 80 vVooster, Turner 66 Wooten, S. Y 170 Wrayton, Arthur Mo A 145 Wrayton, William W 146 Wright, Joseph 103 >"right, Joshua G 90 -right, Richard 100 Wrii?ht, Richard Pennefathei. 91 V;rJi