.:/ w 'C'^», ..■^.^ '• v~ CIHIVI ;, Microfiche ; V Series ^^;:-^ :-•■'■ • ^ (IMbnographs) I- - .*■** ■ #: Coliectlon de microfiches (monographies) t *■" 1 Caiuidilin ImthuM foi Histbrical Mlcror«|w6ductlon« / Insttait caiMdim d* mlcrortprbdwctlon* hl«torlqu«» V \ \f t;i TMlHitegl and MMofrapMc Hamt NMm »diw>qii M ( TIM iMtHMttfhM atlwiipMl to oMilfi fto hirt wIflMl co^ •«•»«»• for fMniini. FMturM of tfMt m^ wkWi of tiM HMtM in tM raptoAMtioii. or wiMli noy litnMtaMitlv chMip Mm mmmI w n ftiod of fMrninf, aro/ cImcImo dmow> EColoiirad eo««r(/ Coovirtiiro di MulMir Covers a«nipdA Coovanurt □ ComN rMtora4 and/or laminaiad/ Ceuvartura ranaurAa at/ou pallicoi4a \ >tA □ Covar tMa MiMlfHl/ La titra * eoNvartura manqua 1 , * C"^ Cilourad mapa/ J Cartas ftoiraphiqim an eoulattr 4 \ I Colourad ink (i.a. olliar than 1^ or Mack)/ Encra da eoulaur (i.a. autra quobkMM oo noiro^ CokMirad piatas and/or illiMtratiom/ PlaniGliM at/ou iHuitration* an eoulaur Bound with othar malarial/, Raii*a«acd'autraidoeuniantt . m □ ti#it bindint rtiay cauia ihadom or di««irtion akMif intarior nianin/ ■' U raliura MrdopautcaiiMr dal'Ombraouda la distonion la ImhI da la ( Blank laawas addad durint iwtoration may within tha taM. Whanavar poviMa. thaw hava baan omitMd from fibnint/ llMpautquacartainaspatatblanchai ajouttat km d'unii raatauration apparaistant dam la laMla, mail, lorsqua eala Mait poisiMa. cat pagai n'ont 1^ Niiiniif ■ mmv* liiiw pv kdaM . a» Oi t amp l aira qu'H raprosiina, pu qw ppwwn aw^w ww m^ani □ CokMwad pafBi/ Pafat da coulaMr >' □ Pippa rettorad and/or lamkiatad/ ': Hgm ra ita urta i at/ou pal l iBu l fta i QfOias diteolourad. atainad or fokad/ fftpi dieolor fa i. tadMttat ou piqutaa r~~1 Pfeftfi daiiehad/ I I hoat dtoehlat □ Quality of print varias/ Qualit* in4fala da rimiwauion □ Cbntinuous pafjination/ Pagination eontinua □ IncludatindaK(as)/ Comprand un (das) indax ; titlaonhaadar takanfrom:/ La titra da I'an-ttta proviant: □ Titia paga of issua/ .Ht» da titra da la liwaiton ■•'■'•"' ■ ■.•'/■ "~^ □ taption of issua/ Titra da dipart da la livraison r- %'' f pasMfikntes. ■ ■.;.,. r Masthaad/ ^^ L^ Q«n«riqua(p«riodk|uas) da la livraison »■ .-/ ~T1 Additional commants:/ Pagination Is unnupber«d. , Conmiantairas suppMmantairas: , This itam is fiknad at tha raduetion ratio chackad balow/ i E^a documant ast f ikn* au taux di reduction indiqu* ci-dassous. . r 10X MX HX ' 22X 2SX 3QX - • • '. , . ■ . ■' ♦ ". V ■ * 12X lix .aox 24X 2ix azx ■*!* ■■'^V:^ • '■ ,. ■■■ itf r %■ v "'« ■5 V Tlw Mfhr lUfiMd hm% hat b«fn r«produe«*th«nkt l9tlMfl«Mroelty«f: Ijtotropontin Toronto Rtftrtnc* Library laldwin Room hi Tho lAiMMt appMrfng hmt ara tha batt quality poaaibla'aonaMaring tha aondltlon and laglblUty of tha arlfllnal a^w amlln kaaplng with tha Mmlnt aontraat apaalflaatlona. ., " ■ ^ ' .■'■■■.".■■■-.■» briflnal aopiiM In prlntad papar oovara ara flimaa baglnnint with tha front aovar and anding on tl)a laat paga with a prlntad or llhiatratad Impraa* alon. or tha baeh aovar whan approprlata. All othar original aoplaa ara fllmad baglnolng on tha firat paga with a prtntad or IHuatratad Imprat' a|on» and andlne on tha laat pago with a prlntad > ofUluatratad Impraaalon. ^^1)0 laat raaordad frama on aaoh miorofleha ahaH aontain tha aymbol —i^ (mOaning 'XOM^ , TINUIO"K or tha aymbol ▼ (maanlhg "IND"». whiahavar appllaa. Mapa, plataa, aharta. ato.i may ba f llmad at^ dlffartnt radwation ratloa. Thoaa too larga to ba amirahr Inalwdad In ona axpoaura ara fllmad boglnning In tha uppar laft hand aornar. laf t to . right and top to bottom, aa many framaa at raqulrad. Tha following diagrama illuttrata tha fhatnod: ,.-4 V / L'axamplaira fllm4 fiit raproduH grioo A l« g4n«roalt4 da: Hatropolitan Toronto Kafaranea ilbrary Baldwin KooM Laa Imagaa auhrantaa ont 4t« raprodultaa avae la plua grand aOln. aompta tanu da la eonditlon at da la n«ttat4 da I'aRamplaIra film*, at an aonformiti avaa laa oondltlona du aontrat da fllmaga. > Laa axamplalraa orlglnaux dofi|Ja aouvartiua on paplar aat ImprhnAp aont fllnfto Wt commahgant par la pramlar plat at an tan^lnant aolt paria darnlAra paga qui aomporta una ampralnta d'Impfaaalon ou d'Uluatratlon. aolt par la aaoond plat aalon la aaa. Toua laa autraa axamplalraa orlglnaun aont f llmdb an aomman^ant par la pramlAra paga qui aomporto uno ampralnta d'Impraaalon ou d'llluatratlon at an'tarmlnant par la damMra paga qui aomporta una taHa ampralnto. , '■■» ' ' • . '■ . . Un daa aymbolaa aulvanta appwtttra aur la darnlAra Imaga da ohaqua mlarofloha. aalon \% oas: la tymbola -n^- algnlfia "A •UIVHI". la aymbola ▼ algnlfia "PIN". Laa eartaa. ptonehaa, tablaauiiriia.) pauvahTltfa f ilmte A daa tauk da rAduotion diff Aranta. Loraqua la docpmant aat trap grand pour Atra raprodult an un aAul ollehA. II aat fllmA A partir da I'angla aupAriaur gaueha. da gaueha^ drolta, at da haut wi baa. an pranant la nombra d'imagaa nAoaaaalra. Laa diagrammaa aulvanta llluatrant la mAthoda, ' v~ Wi^ 1 6 MMMfnON Vn CHAIT (ANM and nOTBST CHAItT Up. )) ••"•' K^TSrl 1.0 I2J |2J .7 ■tt 1^ 12.2 lit m 1.4 IL^ * .1 ^ /APPLIED IS4/GE Inc ISU Coat Hoki SIrMt NoetiMMr, N(« Yorti I4«M USA ' C7U) 4U-0300-l>twn* (7lt) 2M-MM^ra« 3 1* k-^^'k > • R0VINC3AL ART GALLERY •!• .n •!• •!» CATALOGUE OF J^J^J^J^J^J^ PAINTINGS. BY CANADIAN ARTISTS. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ontario Sodety of Artists j^ ^, A-.-\ ..-'. i- . ^I%i'i,!^'kt,s"-^^-i(^n'"y'^^f^ T3*~^jrF»'w^ !>' " K P :^ M I , •it) ] i — mi ^^^wm: .f ! ..? .A. Committ Canadian Hrtieto > ir Lake Momphrcmagog . . . . L. k. O Brien. . . . . $tf^ 2. Solitude , . \V> Cutts ...... .... IOC 3- Golden Rod .(i. I*'. Spmr 30 4- Thfc Mid-day Lunch . . . ■ ■* . 1'". .S. Clialluwr . . . . 75 5. A I.u^ih IMace, Dartmoor. .C. fl^liuily 150 0. Island Park . ..... . . . . . .F. M. Bell -Smith. . 100 / • Devil's Elbow, Ancaster. .K. Mav Martin. . 20" s. An Island Landinjr ... .. .A. P. Coleman .... 50 <>• Boat House, Norway .. . .G. Bruenech \;d lO. The Morning Paper .W. A. Sherwood, . . loO 1 I. Wandle River, Kent, Eng. .J. T. Rolph. . . .... 40 12. Roses. . .M. H. Reid... 40 »3- Road through the Beeches .T. M. Martin. . ioo. >4- 15- "Tom ".......... .... . Owen Staples . . . ; . 30 .W. A. Sherwood... 25 Strayed or Stolen . . . . . . . i6. The Gold Prospector . . . . . W. A. Sherwood ... too «7- The Coast of Dorset . . . . vW, Cutts ...... 125 * provincial Hrt (dalUry > \ 1 8. SiimuuT Vriim: VV. D. HIaichly H) An Aiiiunui Ki'vcrif . . . .F. S. Challenrr 20. Ilamstt'iul IlcMlh. . . . . , . W. I). IJIatchly 31. The Wailing' HarvcHi .1'.. May Mariin , 22. Sunsei K. A. Vcriier . . . . 33. A Siory of the War. I'*. M. IJcII-Smiih .'4. Moniinj; in the IIarl»or . . I... R. O'Hricii 25. Sunh^ht and Shallow . .V\^ A. Sherwood . 35A Hirches . ..T. ;: . . . .l**. A. Verner . . 26. Fontainblcu , . . W. E. Atkinson 27. lnit:rior . . . , .Mary II. Reid . '. . . 2.S. The Dccliiu' of Suninier .\V. D. IMatchly ... 29. Pool of London . V. McG. Kiiowles 30. At Ukiah, California . . . |. T. Rolph .... .s 31 Harvest Field ,....'..... Mary H. Rcid. 31. Orchard lilooni. . , .C. M. Manly . :,:,. The Milk Maid .... . . . . F. S. ChaiUMit-r * 34, Shce]) -. . . . . . .... F. A. Verner ....-; ^v In the Sclkirks. . . . ... . . .M. Matthews . . 36. A New England Stream. . Roht. l\ Gaj^en . .. 37. Shrimix'^rs, Brittany. .... . F. McG. Knowles 38. iilossoin Time ......... . F. S. Challener. . . 39. Li.>;hts of a City Street. . . F- M. Bell-Smith $ I ("K> 50 ,>" 20 75 200 100 100 40 ' ;>5 300 60 V I 50 ^^ X i5<'> 25 50 2,000 40. An Old Farm House . .... I'\ S. Challener. . 35 41. By the River Side. . . , . . .Miss G. 'E. Spurr. . . 35 ■ ;• ■ . . .■■■.-■• ■-,--• ■ ■ ■ . • > ■ ..:m: ■ ■. ■■■''■^: . ..!. :■'■:■ ■■■■■,...; -:.■:* .■•■■■.■■.■■;■ > ; 54- 55- 56. 57- . 58- 59- 6o. .61. 62- 63- H- ^5. provinciat Hrt 0atUry OrihartI, Trr«oiiy ....... F. McG. K»<»wlt - riu^C.aleofthe Farm....W. D. IMaithly.. Old Country SIuhIs W- I>. JM.m hly ., . Uiulcr the Hirchts. '. Koln. I. t.an«:n. . . A Shaily INkjT I'. A. V.trmr The Mill. O. K. J.icobi Twilighi... KM) ' 125 50 I 40 I o< » / 5fio Hip ()0 25 25 75 40 '30 -nY'V '•yt'*wi»«»rs: jsfpt"' *f?S^,t •t > *> provincial Hit ea\Ury 66. A Difficult Passage . ... . .G. A. Reid ... . . . 67. Gate of thi Alhanibra . . . Mary H. Reid . . . 68. A Study , . . . ... . . ' . . . .E. Wyl)t Grier. . . 69. Weeds . .'....'. . . M. Matthews 70. A Rainy Day, . ...... . . .W. D. Blatchly . . 71. Carnations: . . : . . , E. May Martin . . ■72; After the Hunt. . . . .T. M. Martin ... 73. Rocks at Spuzzum, B. C .'/M. Matthews ... . 74. The Sewing Lesson . . . .F. S. Challener . . 75. Twilight .... . . . . : ■ .E. Wyly Grier . . . 76. Sunshine and,Shadow. . . ."G, E. Spurr , . . . , 77. Evening .......,./.. .^.W. E. Atkinson.. 78. Tower Bridge. ..;.... . . .F. M. Bell-Smith. 79. Pink Roseis . . . . . . . .. . . . .Mary H. Reid ... So. Dartmoor CM. Manly . . . . xSr, Moonrfse. . . . . . ... . . . . . .Gi A.vReid . . ... . 82, A Modern Madonna ... . .G. A. Reid . . . : , . 85. Roses.*...... .L.....' Mary H. Reid ... 84. In the Shade ....... . . . . . .Owen P! Staples . 85. Rosefn. . ... ... . . . . . . . . . .Mary H. Reid , . , 86. Notre Dame, P^ris . . , , . .F. McG. Knowles 87. On the Cornish Coast. . . . F. M. Bell-Smith . 88. >A/^estn;ii9ster Bridge F. M. Bell-Smith 89. Moonrise ... ; . . . . ....... G. A. Reid ...... 90. October ". » . .G. E. Spurr $ 75 T 60 12 SO ipo 30 X ^ ^5 ■/, 5 X f 00 800 X too 60 X ^5 100 100 50 I ^f: if ^ -.'.•■■■;• / ■? J ' , . ■ r ■ ■ ■V t 1 , . •;■§ :• .| w . V •p-B) m ..» - .. ■ ■ ' '■.;■■• ■■ -" ' ■ 1 ' ( ,. W ■•■ " ••■ ■■I . ■■ ■ ■ t „''■'. ■■ '■<*'■ 1 . * ' .. ■■ . ■ ■ ' .. ^ ■ '' ■ • ■■ •,:.-•'. '■.''■''. '*■;'. ■^ J-!.. * ■■■'■ ' . 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