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Toua lea autrea exempleirea originaux aont fiimto en com^enpant par la premiere pege qui comporte une empreinte d'impreeaiDn ou d'illuatratlon at en termlnent per la dernlAre paga qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un dee aymbolaa auivanta appareftra aur la damlAre imege de cheque microfiche, aelon la caa: le aymbole — ^ aignifie "A SUIVRE", le aymbole W aignifie "FIN". Lea cartee, planchaa, tableaux, etc., peuvent *tre filmAa A dee taux da rMuction diffArenta. Loraque le document eet trop grand pour Atra reproduit en un aeul cllch*, 11 eat film* it partir da i'angle aupAriaur gauche, de gauche * droite, et de heut en bea, an prenant la nombre d'imagea nicaaaaira. Lee diegrammaa auivanta iliuatrant la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 OP THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OP THE TOWNSHIP OF RALEIGH: CONSOLIDATED TILL FEBRUARY 13, J865. STEPHEN WHITE, Keeve ; JOHN JENNER, Clerk. J. R. GEMMILL, PRINTER, "BANNER" OFFICE, KING STREET, 1866. . M-.^.- rS^:X^ 1 TO s: J. R. BY-L^T^S OP THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RALEIGH: CONSOLIDATED TILL FEBRUARY 13, 1865. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve ; JOHN JENNER, Clerk. OH A.TiaLAJ^ = J. R. GEMMILL, PRINTEE, " BANNER " OFFICE, KING STREET. 1836. i CONSOLIDATED BY-LAWS OP THE TOWNSHIP OF EALEIGH. aiyritJQOaaTrT No. 1— A BY-LAW To impose' a Dvty on the Exhibition of Wax Figures, Wild Animals, Puppet Shows, Wire Dancing; Circus Riding, and other idle acts or feats which common Showmen, Circus Riders, Mountebanks, or Jug- glers usually/ exhibit, in the Township of Raleigh. Passed Stfi April, ISoO. I. Be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township ol'llalcigh, in Council assembled, under and by authority of an Act of the Legislature of the Province of Canada, passed in the Twelfth year of the reign of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, entitled " An Act to provide by one general law for the erec- tion of Municipal Corporations, and the establishment of Regulations of Police in and for the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Townships and Villages, in Upper Canada," That, from and after the passing of this By-law, it shall not be lawful for any exhibition of wax figures, wild animals, puppet shows, wire dancing, circus riding, or other idle acts or feats, which common showmen, circus riders, mountebanks, or jugglers usually exhibit, practice or perform, to exhibit, practice, or perform the same ' the Township of Raleigh, unless such exhibition shall first pay to the Treasuut thereof the sum of £2 10s. for each exhibition or performance, whose receipt therefor, specifying the time that such exhibition or performance shall take place, shall be a sufficient license for such exhibition or performance ; and any exhibitor who shall make such exhi- bition or performance without first complying viith the provisions of this By- law, shall forfeit and pay the sum of Five Pounds ; one moiety whereof shall be paid to the informer, and the other moiety to the Treasurer of the said Township, to be collected, with legal costs of conviction and distress, from the oflFender or offenders, agreeably to the provisions of the 185th Section of the hereinbefore recited Act : And in cate no sufficient distress can be found for the same, then such offender or offcndor.s .^ImJl bo committed to the Common Jail of the County or United Counties in which the Township of Raleigh is situated, for a term of not less than ten days, and not exceeding one calendar month, unless such fine and costs shall be sooner paid. IL And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all moneys arising from the duty on exhibitions and fines, hereinbefore mentioned, shall he and form a part of the general funds of the Township of Raleigh. Walter McCrea. Clerk. JOHN U. WEIR, Reeve. No. 2-A BY-LAW For the opening of anew Road on the Line between Lots four andfive^ leading from tlie Middle Road to the Seventh Concession. Passed Oth April, 1860. Whereas it is necessary for this Council to provide for the opening of a new road from the middle road to the Seventh Concession, between Lots four and five : I. Therefore, Be it enacted hy the Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, assembled under and by virtue of an Act passed by the Provincial Parliament of Canada, in the Twelfth year of the reign of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, entitled " An Act to provide b^ one general law for the erec- tion of Municipal Corporations, and the establishment of Regulations of Po- lice in and for the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Townships and Villages, in Upper Canada," That a road between Lota four and five, leading from the middle road to the Seventh Concession, in the said Township of Raleigh, in- inclusive, be hereby established on the line laid down by Richard Parr, Esq., Surveyor of Highways, in the diagram furnished by him, and that the said road shall be forty feet wide, that is to say, twenty feet each side of the said surveyed line. II. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid. That the expenses of the survey and laying out of the said road, shall be paid by the petitioners pray- inc for the laying out of the same. ^ JOHN G. WEIR, Reeve. Walter MoCrea, Clerk. ho. 3— A BY-LAW To regulate the removing of Timber from the sides of Roads passing through woods. Passed 9th April, 1850. I. Be IT ENACTED, That the proprietor of all lands through which a high- way shall pass, when the same shall pass through a wood, shall cut the timber down for the space of twenty-five feet on each side of such highway, and shall remove and carry away the same within six months after being requestr ed so to do by the Overseer of Highways for the Division or Divisions on which the said roads and timber shall be situated. II. And he it further enacted, That upon such request being made, and in default of the said timber being removed within the time aforesaid, by the said proprietor of the lands, it may be lavrful for the said Overseer or Overseers to remove the same, and to use the same for any purpose connected with the im- provement of the highways in such Division or Divisions, and sell the same to defray all expenses which shall be incurred in carrying this By-law into effect ; Provided always, That this By-law shall not authorize or compel the cutting down of any orchard or shrubbery, or of any trees pi; ited exclusively for orna- ment or shelter, JOHN 0. WEIR, Reeve. Walter McCrea, Clcrle. mr andfivey RiL, 1850. opening of a son Lots four Township of 10 Provincial ler Majesty, for tho crec- ations of Po- and Villages, ling from the ■ Raleigh, in- d Parr, Esq., that tho said le of the said :penses of the itioners pray- l, Reeve. )ads passing' RIL, 1850. which a high- ut the timber bighway, and being request- Divisions on made, and in id, by the said r Overseers to 1 with the im- !ll the same to iw into effect ; )el the cutting dvely for orna- U, Reeve. No. 4— A BY-LAW 7b establish a Road in the Township of Raleigh, therein described. Passed 12Tn Mat, 1851. Whereas a Petition has been presented by Henry Ronalds, and others, to Hichard Parr, Esq., Road Surveyor, praying him to lay out a road hereinaflor described. And whereas, the said Richard Parr has presented a report and plan of the said survey to this Council, and has certified that he has put up the required notice in the vicinity of the said road. And whereas, no opposition has been made to this Council against the said road: I. Be it there/ore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Ra- leigh, in Council assembled, under and by the authority of an Act passed by the Provincial Parliament of Canada, in the Twelfth year of the reign of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, entitled " An Act to provide by one general law for the erection of Municipal Corporations, and the establishment of Regulations of Police in and for the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Townships and Vil- lages in Upper Canada," That a road be laid out and established according to the plan and report above mentioned ; that is tc say, commencing in front of the Seventh Copcession at the limits between Lots fourteen and fifteen ; thence south to the intersection of the limits between Lots thirteen and fourteen, in the said Concession, at the edge of the plains and woods ; thence south, forty- five degrees east, upon the said last mentioned limits, through the Seventh Con- •ocssion, and between Lots thirteen and fourteen, through and to the rear of Concession A, in the said Township of Raleigh ; and that the said road shall be established sixty feet wide, one half of the said width to be on either side of the line before mentioned. II. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid. That the expense of the survey and laying out of the said road, shall be paid out of the general funds of the said Township of Raleigh. Wat.ter MoCrea, Clerk. N. HTIGHSON, Reeve. No. 5— A BY-LAW To establish a Road in the Township of Raleigh, therein described. Passed 22nd December, 1853. Whereas a Petition has been presented by Rev. William King and six- teen others, Freeholders of the Township of Raleigh aforesaid, to Albert Pel- lew Salter, Esq., Road Surveyor, praying him to lay out a road heremalfter desonbed. And whereas the said Albert Pellew Salter has presented a report and plan of the said survey to this Council, and has certified that he has put up the required notices in the vicinity of the said road. And whereas no opposition has been made to this Council against the said road : u lie It fJine/ore nmrtcd by the Municipal Council of tho TownHhIn of Ua- ei;;h in Couiici asscajblod, under iind by tho authority of un Act Lsed by the 1 rovincial IWluuncnt of Canada, in the Twelfth year of tho reign of Ilor Majesty Queen Vjctona, and Hubsoquently entitled " The Upper Canada Mu- nicipal Corporations Act of 1849," chaptered eighty-one, That a Road belaid out and established according to tho plan and report above mentioned : that is to say, commencing on tho Concession Lino b..v>veen tho eleventh and twelfth Concossiona of the said Township, on the Side Luio between lots numbers nine and ten, in the said eleventh Concession.; thence northerly alongthe said Side-Lmo through tho said eleventh Concession, and continuing onwards in tho same course through the tenth, ninth, and . hth Concessions on the said Side Lino, between Lots numbers nine and ten in the said tenth, ninth, and eighth Concessions, to Concession (A) in the said Township of llaleigh ; and that the said Road shall bo established sixty feet wide, extending to an equal dis- tanco on either side of tho said Line hereinbefore described for the formation 01 the said road. II. And he it enackd hy the authority aforesaid, That tho expense of tho survey and laying out of the said Road, bo paid by tho parties petitioning for the same ; and that this By-law shall go into effect so soon as receipts of the payment of said expenses be filed with the Clerk of this Municipality. w^xn, M n ^. . HENRY ROxNALDS, Reeve. Walter McCrea, Clerk. 'f- No. 6— A BY-LAW To impose a Tax on Dogs in the Toivnship of Raleigh. Passed 30tii January, 1855. I. Be It enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, in Acrnf 8lo™T^/*i!"'^'l""^- V,'"*^^""*y °^ ^^'^ Municipal Corporations' Actot 1849, 1 hat there be raised, levied and collected, from the owners or har- borers o dogs within the Township of Raleigh, the sum of five shillings for each and every dog or bitch owned or harbored by him or her. Provided always, that ail persons following tho occupation of a farmer for a livelihood, shall be allowed to keep one dog or bitch, which shall be exempt from taxation! II. And he it enacted, That all persons resident in the Township of Ra- leigh shall make a true and correct return to the Assessor of the said Town- ship, ot all dogs and bitches owned or harbored by him or her, under the same penalties tor neglect or refusal a^ are now by law incurred with respect to other property liable to taxation. .1- "^^m ^"^ ^^ *' efnacted. That the monies arising therefrom shall be paid into the Treasury of l.he sai(l Township, and form a part of the general funds of the said Township. . ^^- ^^^"^ ^« *< enacted, That this By-law shall take effect from the passing V. Andhc it enacted, That all or any By-laws of the late Western District Council contrary or repugnant to this By-law, be and the same are hereby repealed. •' „ ^ THOMAS PARDO, Reeve. Walter McCrea, Clerh. nwliip of llii- Lct puHsed by reign of Ilcr r (JunacJa Mu- ' lioad bo luid oned ; that is li and tvrclilh lots numbers along the said awards ill the the said Sido h, and eij^hth gh ; and that [in equal dis- bhe ibrmation cpense of tho ctitioning for Jcoipts of the ality. i, Keeve. Hgh. iRY, 1855. f Raleigh, in Corporations' )wners or har- 3 shillings for r. Provided a livelihood, rom taxation, nship of Ila- said Town- idcr the same 3pect to other 1 be paid into general funds 1 the passin, stern District | 10 are hereby | 3, Reeve. No. 7— A BY-LAW To establish a Highway in the Township of Raleigh, therein described . Passed 2nd November, 1866. Whereas a Petition haa been presented by Henry Ronalds, Esquiro and twelve other inhabitant Householders and Freeholders of tho Township of Raleigh aforesaid, to Albert P. Salter, Esq^ Road Surveyor of tho said Town- ship, praying him to survey and lay out a Road hereinafter described. And whereas tho said Albert P. Salter hath presented a plan and report of the said as surveyed hy hira, to this Council, and haa certified to this Council that ho has put up tho required notices in the vicinity of the said road. And whereas no opposition hath been made to this Council aeainat the said road : I. Beit there/ore enacted by tho Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, in Council assembled, under and bv authority of the Municipal Cor- porations' Act of 1849, That a public highway be laid out and henceforth established, according to the plan and survey and report of the said Albert P. Salter, that is to say, commencing on the Side 1 e between Lots numbers nineteen and twenty, in the third Concession of the said Township of Raleigh reckoned by tho eastern boundary of the said Township, and at the rear oi the said Concession ; thence northerly along tho limits between said Lots through the third and second Concessions of the said Township to tLe front of the second Concession aforesaid, as reckoned from the eastern boundary of tho said Township ; that the boundary line between the said liOts in each Conces- sion aforesaid shall bo the centre of the said highway ; and that the said high- way shall be one chain in width throughout its course. II. Attd be it enacted by the authority aforesaid. That the expense of the survey and laying out of the said road, shall be defrayed and borne by the said petitioners. Walter MoCrea, ClerL THOMAS PARDO, Reeve. No. 8~A BY-LAW To provide for the duties of Pound-keepers, Fence-view^: % and other resident persons detaining animals trespassing, and for fixing, and deteemining the height and description of a lawful Fence, in the Township of Raleigh. Passed 14th March, 1859. Whereas it is necessary and expedient to make provisions for restraining and regulating the running at large certain descriptions of animals, and to provide for the impounding the same, and for causing them to be sold, in case they are not claimed and redeemed within a reasonable time ; in case of dam- age, fines and expenses are not paid, and for determinine the comnenaation tn be allowed for services rendered in carrying out the provisions of this By-law, with respect to animals impounded or distrained and detained in the posses- II 8 sionofthe distrainer, and for the guidance of pound-keepers, fence-viewers, and other resident persons detaining animals trespassing Contrary to the pro^ visions hereinafter provided; and for fixing and determining the height and Trrirof^'EdJSfr^ '^"^^' ^°' *^^ ^^^^ °^ certain By-Ws^of the Beit there/ore enacted hy the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Raleigh, County of Kent, in Council assembled, under and by virtue of the Municipal Institutions of Upper Canada," That the following description of animals shal) not be allowed to run at large in the Township of RaleiA viz • Stallions over nine months old, Rams over six months old, Poars over two months old Bui s over nine months old, whether owned in the Township or not; and all neat cattle sheep horses, mares, colts, fillies, mules, asses, and TnZ'.Z being &o«a >?e the property of the resident inhabitants of the Township of Raleigh; and all four-footed animals known to be breachy, or to n2'J- r"" 7^' ^"i^reak through a lawful fence, whether borL Me owned m the said Township of Raleigh or not, shall not be allowed to run at wSe'^Ittl 7r^'P of Raleigh; provided always, that no horses, sheep awme, cattle (always excepting stallions, rams, boars, bulls, and animals known to be breachy) 6ona/rfe owned by the inhabitants of the Township of Harwich or East Tilbury, shall be. impounded as estrays, unlawfully in- ning at large, if found withm one mile from the boundary line of the respec- tive Townships of Harwich and East Tilbuiy, within which the owneJor owners of such stray cattle may reside; provided always, that the owner or owners of such stray animal or animals being residents of the Township of Harwich or East Tilbury, shall be liable and%esponsible for all damages^r injury committed by theni, without any regard to the fence fcaing a lawful tence or not, through which they may leap through or over. 11. And he it enacted, That if any animals mentioned in this By-law shall be found running at large in this Township, contrary to the provisions there- of, the owner or owners of such animals shall be subjected and liable to a fine ot not less than one dollar, nor more than five dollars, (over and above any damage that maybe assessed or decided against the owner or owners), on each animal so found running at large. ^ III And he it enacted That no rail fence within the Township of Raleigh shall be taken and deemed to be a lawful fence, unless the same shall be posted hotwon'n'.wl^"/ "f'''*^' *'^,^°''''*^ ^* *h« •^°''"^^«' '-^"d the distance between each of the four lower rails not more than four inches. And that any brick or stone wall, perpendicular pallisade, or fence, the space between the bars of which shall not be more than four inches, or any close, or other board or picket fence, the apace between the horizontal or upright bars, rails, or boards of which shall not be more than four inches at the distance of two leet from the ground, shall be taken and deemed a lawful fence, provided all such hereinbefore mentioned fences shall be not less than four feet six inches in height And provided, that every such fence which shall be four feet six mches m height, shall oe held to be a lawful fence against the breach of horses, mares, colts, fillies, and all neat cattle. Anything relating to the spaces be- tween the rails boards, pallisades, or pickets, in this By-law mentioned, to the contrary notwithstanding. ' J^'J^^^lf'^'f^r'^^'f'f.^^V'^^y^oviAy replevied, the Pound-keepers ap- pomted by the Council of this Corporation in each of the Wards of this Tow^ ship, shall impound any horse, bull, ox, cow, sheep, goat, pig, or other cattle, fence-viewers, 'ary to the pro- the height and 3y-laws of the i* the Township y virtue of the respecting the ; description of * Raleigh, viz. : ^oars over two > Township or lies, asses, and bitants of the breachy, or to iher hona fide •wed to run at horses, sheep, , and animals e Township of alawfully run- of the respec- the owner or the owner or ! Township of 11 damages or sing a lawful s By-law shall jvisions there- liable to a fine id above any aers), on each ip of Raleigh ihall be posted the distance s. And that pace between lose, or other ;ht bars, rails, stance of two , provided all 3ct six inches ! four feet six ach of horses, he spaces be- tioned, to the d-keeperg ap- 3f this Town» • other cattle. I 9 or any poultry, distrained for unlawfully running at lame or for tresmssin,. and doing damap, delivered to him for that pu,i)ose, Kny Zon Snt wi hin his Ward, who has distrained the same.^ When sLh fflwr Z lop'S-' ?""'^' *• ' ^•^""•l-keeper may confine the antirany en^^^^^^^^^ place wihin his premises. The person distraining and impoundb^the ?„? ma^^ shall, at the tinie, or within twenty-four hourf thereaZ, defver ^ the" Pound-keeper duplicate statements in writing of his demands a J^insJ th« thi'al'nt r^l^R^ ^l-'^f "J" ^^^ *? '"^^ o7nerytL%:Sn1 rne?mav be nut i^t*.f ■ i ^^ ^""^ i^»»Pounded, all costs to which the said owner may be put m case the distress by me, the said A. B. nroves to ho illp pi, or m case the claim for damages now put in bv me the slw A B fo n" to be established. In ca^ the Tnimal distrdned I a W L^^^ S' eJw ZlrTi^''f:i:t.^^^^^ ^^ distrainTdV a -SnZf i^^steado StthVri^^^^^ m7TndTr-°"' Pr*^^^ ^' "^'^'^ "° claim?or dalgesl^ne by "rinT ma^ and duly gives the notices hereinafter in that case required of Wm ^S^'ilt^'dSctrnTti.^ t'^" V' ""rr */^° ^ *^« a^imtaid"; n^ nnZVv! ^^^^ownship Clerk, on receiving this notice, shaU forthwith enter a notice hTrf/" ' ^^ "^ ^ ^u^P* ^y ^"^ ^«^ *^** P"W and S r^s the d^tnA- T''' °^ ^ "'Py *^"'^^°*' ^" ^^'"^ conspicuous place on or S the door of his office, and on the nearest school-house, church or chape? and con o^eYttf ^VtUeTcTcretS '^''^ "' *^ ^ ^'^^"-^ ^^ -iven bvllTp ''^ .T"*^ '' .impounded, notices for the sale thereof shall be StYS^LJ A i^"" 'V^ '^^P^' ^"^y^' °°'' ^"y ^^^^^^ o^ otter cattle tUl alter fourteen clear days from the time of impounding the same. of S'e mrJr^ w ^"-"""^i' °°* impounded, but is retained in the possession ot the paxty distraining the same, if the animal is a pig, goat or sheen Z ctr trel%ttrfh".°^' 't r° ^ ^^^ moSti'f ?fih: anS if: Saris takLup^^^ " """''''' '^'^ "°' ^ Siven for two months after the ,„S,- .^^5 °°*^?« of sale shall be affixed and continued for thr^fi oh.r and sueeessivc days m three public places in this Municipality, and shall" specify plevied or redeemed by the owner, or some one on his behalf, paying the pen- m 10 alty imposed by this Bylaw, tho amount of damage (if any) claimed, or de- cided to have been committed by the animal to the property of the person who distrained it, together with the lawful fees and charges of the Pound-keeper • and also of the Pence-Viewers, (if any), and the expenses of the animals' keeping, and such fees shall be those contained in the schedule hereunto an- nexed and marked (A). XII. Every Pound-keeper, and every person who impounds or confines, or causes to be impounded or confined any animal, shall daily furnish the animal with good and sufficient food, water, and shelter, during the whole time that such animal continues impounded or confined. XIII. Every such person who furnishes the animal with food, water, and shelter, may demand and recover from the owner thereof, the amount of the same, which fees shall be those contained in the schedule hereunto annexed and marked (A). ' XIV. The value or allowance as aforesaid may be recovered with costs by summary proceedings before any Justice of the Peace within this Township of Kaleigh, in like manner as fines, penalties, or forfeiture for the breach of any By-law of this Municipality, adhering so far as applicable to the tariff of Pound-keepers' fees and charges that are annexed to this By law. XV. The Pound-keeper, or person entitled so to proceed, may, instead of such summary proceeding, enforce the remuneration to which he is entitled in manner hereinafter mentioned. XVI. In case it is proved by affidavit in writing, before one of the Justices aforesaid, to his satisfaction, that all the proper notices were duly affixed and published in the manner and for the respective times above described, then if the owner, or some one for him, does not, within the time specified in the notices before the sale of the animal, replevy or redeem the same in manner aforesaid, the Pound-keeper who impounded the animal, or if the person who took up the animal did not deliver such animal to any Pound-keeper, buf re- tained the same in his own possession, then any Pound-keeper of such Ward of the Township shall publicly sell the animal to the highest bidder, at the time and place mentioned in the aforesaid notices, and shall, after deducting the penalty and damages, (if any), and fees and charges aforesaid, apply the produce in the discharge of the value of the food and nourishment, and other incidental expenses, as contained in the tariff annexed to this By-law, as afore- said ; and the damage when legally claimable, not exceeding Twenty Dollars to be ascertained as aforesaid, done by the animal to the property of the per- son at whose suit the same was distrained, and to return the surplus (if any) to the original owner of the animal; or if not claimed by him within three months after the sale, the Pound-keeper shall pay such surplus to the Treas- urer of this Corporation, for the use of the Municipality. XVII. If the owner, within forty-eight hours after the delivery of such stite- ments, as provided in the fourth clause, disputes the amount of the damages so claimed, the amount shall be decided by the majority of three Fence-View- ers of the Municipality, one to be named by the owner of the animal, one by the person distraining or claiming damages, and the third by the Pound-keeper. Xyill. Such Fence- Viewers, or any two of them, shaJl, within twenty- four hours after notice of their appointment as aforesaid, view the fence and the ground upon which tho animal was found doing damage, and determine whether or not tho fene was .a lawful one, according to this By-Law in that behalf, at the time of the trespass; and if it was, then they shall appraise the damages committed : and within twcnty-fouv hours after having made the I claimed, or do- f the person who Pound-keeper ; of the animals' le hereunto an- Is or confines, or rnish the animal whole time that [bod, water, and e amount of the reunto annexed, id with costs, by ;hi8 Township of e breach of any to the tariff of aw. may, instead of he is entitled in ! of the Justices iuly affixed and scribed, (hen if specified in the iame in manner the person who -keeper, bufre- • of such Ward bidder, at the after deducting jsaid, apply the nent, and other Jy-law, as afore- Pwenty Dollars, Jrty of the per- urplus (if any) n within three s to the Treas- ryofsuchstate- of the damages eo Pence-View- animal, one by I Pound-keeper. B^ithin twenty- ' the fence and and determine y-Law ia that, shall appraise iving made the 11 view, deliver to the Pound-Keeper a written statement, signed by at least two of them, of their appraisement and of their lawful fees and charges. XTX. Any Fence. Viewer neglecting his duty as arbitmuir, as aforesaid shall incur a penalty of two dollars, to be recovered for the use of the munici- pality, by summary proceeding before a Justice of the Peace, upon the com- plaint of the party aggrieved, or the Treasurer of this Corporation. XX. If the Fence-Viewers decide that the fence was not a lawful fence they shall certify the same in writing under their hands, together with a state- ment of their lawful fees, to the Pound-keeper, who shall, upon payment of all lawtul tees and charges, deliver such animal to the owner, if claimed before the sale thereof; but if not claimed, or if such fees and charges are not paid, the 1 ound-keeper after due notice as required by By-law, shall sell the animal in the manner before mentioned, at the time and place appointed in the notices, provided always, that no sale of any animal shall take place, if the Fence-view- ers determine that the fence was not a lawful one to prevent any horse ox cow, sheep or pig lawfully running at large, from breaking into such enclosure! In such case the said Fence- \^iewers shall certify the same in writing to the Pound-keeper ; and it shall be the duty of such Pound-keeper to charge the full amount of the lawful fees and charges from the party distraining and im- pounding such animal or animals. And the Pound-keeper is hereby em- powered to enforce and recover the full amount of the fees and charges to which he is entitled, from such party as aforesaid, by summary proceeding be- fore any Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction therein. XXI. In case any Pound-keeper, or person who impounds or confines, or causes to be impounded or confined, any animal as aforesaid, refuses or neglects to find, provide, and supply such good and sufficient food, water, and shelter to the animal, he shall, for every day during which he so refuses or neglects, forfeit a sum of not less than One Dollar, nor more than Four Dollars. XXII. Every fine, penalty, and lawful charges imposed by this By-law may be recovered and enforced, with costs, by summary conviction, under the bummary Convictions' Act, before any Justice of the Peace in the County • and in default of payment, the offender may be committed to the Common Oraol of this County, there to be imprisoned for any time, in the discretion of the convicting and committing Justice, not exceeding fourteen days, unless such fine penalty, and lawful charges and costs, including the costs of said committal be sooner paid. Upon the hearing of any information or com- plaint, exhibited or made under this By-law, any person giving or making the information or complaint, and any other person shall be a competent witness, notwithstanding such person may be entitled to any part of the pecuniary pen- alty on the conviction of the offender. XXIII. When not otherwise provided, every pecuniary penalty recovered before any Justice of the Peace, under this By-law, shall Jbe paid and dis- tributed in the following manner : One moiety to the Treasurer of this Cor- poration and the other moiety thereof, with full costs, to the person who informed and prosecuted for the same, or to such other person as to the Jus- tice may seem proper. XXIV. That all forfeitures, fines, and penalties imposed, and recovered under any of the provisions of this By-law. shall be nnid hv the partie« r^-^iv- in. _.».!sainc to the Treasurer of this Corporation, and to" be by him carried to he credit of the general fund of this Corporation, and accounted for by him in the usual way ; and any person who shall neglect or refuse to pay the same w. 12 SliU'on*^'^^?!" ^ -i^'" *° '^ P'."'^'*y ^^"°* "'^'•^ t^'^n Ten Dollars, nor IcBS Sd^n^Mst;:^^^^^^ "^*^' ^ ^ '"^"'^^ ^" ^'^^ — ^--^^0- P" ^ SllnT^''*^^''"^ person shall wilfully tear down, injure, or deface any ad- law«Tr-'n '*''"' ?■ °tJ^«ido«'^°»«nt, which is reiuiied by any of the^By. Cth!if' C°f.Por^*f •}, ^ be posted up in public pLes in this llorporation, for the information of all persons interested, he shall, on conviction thereof in a summary way before any Justice of the Peace having jurisdiS hereTn be liable to a fine of not more than Ten, nor less than One Dollan ™ , STEPHEN WHITE, Rkeve. Thomas Jenner, Clerk. SCHEDULE (A). Schedule containing the Tariff of Fees referred to in this By^w : pound-keeper's pees. For r^eiving horses, mares, fillies, mules, a^ses, and neat cattle, each, 25 cents For delivering the same out of Pound, each, ...... ' ' o? ° * ceding the same, for each twenty-four hours, . . . .' 9^ « ^or receiving sheep and swine, each, loi » * or delivering the same out of Pound, each, lof » ^or feeding the same, for each twenty-four hours 12I « ^or going to serve notice on Fence-viewers, per mile'." 10 « * or the affixing and posting up notices of sale. 25 « Making oath of the same before a Justice of the Peace 25 « *or selling any animal or animals at each sale, .'...!.'.'.'.'.'.".'.*.'." 30 « (See No. XVII.) No. 9— A BY-LAW For the opening and establishing of a Public Highway across Conces- SUM A, between Lots 9 and 10, Township of Raleigh. Passed 18th November, 1859. ^y^f^J'^^^ ^ pplication has been made to the Council, according to law in •that case made and provided, for the opening and establishing a public high- Sde'gV °'''''°" ' '° ^""^ numbered 9 and 10, in thf Township Uik f i;'^f'^ by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Ra- leigh, m Counci assembled, under and by virtue of the authority of the 317th section, sub^section 6, of the Act 22nd Vic, cap. 99, and entitled "An Act Jfl^f "4^"°'«'P,^V^°«t't"«on« of Upper Canada, ^sented to 18th August, rnd rjj. Jo / '""-^t ^/V*""?/' ^.''^^y established in ax^cordance with a report .W.te /'Jr'^'n^y ^'- ^'^^''' •^°°^«' Provincial Land Surveyor, Vnd ff r1-\'' ^'".r,: ^rr'^'^S in front of Concession letter A, Township Jr..r f' /V^be limits between Lots 9 and 10, thence south forty-five de- grees east, forty chains moie or less to the rear of said Concession letter A k Dollars, nor less hereinbefore pro- or deface any ad- y any of the By- this Corporation, 'iction thereof, in diction herein, be r. ITE, Reeve. this By-law , each, 25 cents. 25 " 25 « 12J " 12J « m " 10 " 25 " 25 « 30 « across Conces- MBEB, 1859. rding to law in a public high- i the Township ownship of Ra- ty of the 317th Ltled " An Act ) 18th August, B with a report Surveyor, and p A, Township li forty-five de- 3sion letter A, 18 having a width of th-Vty-thrce feet on either side of the aibresaid limits be- tween said Lots 9 and 10, which said report and diagram are to this By-law annexed. •' ™„ T /., , STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. Thomas Jenneb, Clerk. No. 10— A BY-LAW To provide for the removal of Obstructions from all Streams and Water- courses in the Township of Raleigh. Passed 6th August, 1860. Be it enacted, by the Municipal Corporation of the Township of llalei^h under and by virtue of an Act, cap. 54, of the Consolidated Statutes of Upjer Canada, entitled " An Act respecting the Municipal Institutions of Upper Canada : ^*^ I. That every Freeholder, Landholder, or occupier of Land in the Town- giip of Raleigh, shall, within three months from and after the passing of this By-law, clear away and remove all obstructions, such as trees, brushwood, tim- ber or other materials existing in any stream or water-course on any lands held by such Freeholder, Landholder, or occupier of Lands in said Township of Raleigh, and such Landholders shall remove all such obstructions which may hereafter exist. II. In case any such Landholder, as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to clear away any such obstructions in any stream or water-course, on any Lands held or occupied by any such Landowner in said Township of Raleigh, it shall be lawful for the Overseers in the several Divisions of said Township to cause the same to be removed, and for that purpose the said Overseers shall give at least SIX days' notice, by posting up written notices in at least three public places in their Division, specifying what work is to be let, and shall let the same to the lowest bidder; and said Overseers, after the work is completed shall send in a report to the Township Clerk, stating number of Lot, Conces- sion, and name of the holder of the land (if known) on which the work has been done, together with an account of the cost, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk to lay all such reports before the Council at their ensuing meeting who, on being satisfied that the work has been properly done, shall order the several accounts to be paid out of the general funds of the Township. xu ^S"„^* ^^^^^ ^ *^® ^^^^ °^ *^® ^^^^^ 0^" ^^^^ Corporation, on making out the Collector s Roll in each year for said Township, to charge the several amounts so ordered to be paid against the lands from which such obstructions have been removed, and that the same be collected in the same manner as other ordinary taxes are levied. IV. Any person knowingly or willingly obstructing any stream or water- course within the said Township of Raleigh, shall, on conviction before any Justice or Justices of the Peace having jurisdiction in the County of Kent, be liable to a fine of not more than Twenty Dollars, and costs of conviction for every such ofience, and the said fine shall bo paid over to the Township 1 reasurer for general Township purposes. ir I 14 Tho«a» Jen»«, (7W. STEPHEN WHITE, IUeve. (See No. XVI.) No. 11_A BY-LAW To Repeal a By4aw passed December 22nd, 1853, and to provide for „ Passed 26th November, 1860 per Canada : ' ^* ^'^' ""^ ^^^ Consolidated Statutes of Up^ I. That the By-law passed December 22nd 1853 entitlod " \ T?, i . tor each day employed by them in Council. Thomas Jenner, Clerk. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. rll No. 12— A BY-LAW respect to the Sale, by Retail, of Spintmus Lienors therein and to make more effectual provision for the same. xrr . . Passed IItii February, 1861 retail, of Spirituous Liquors £r Alt PiK* ,f' 'f^'' "^ "■" «'"■ ^y faotured Liquor, in the Townshin of K,l„ J' a'^"' ,*">'«"'«nth. ly. That the keeper of every such house shall see that all persons resorting to his house are treated with attention and civility, and their horses, cattle &c., are properly fed and watered, and that such horses, cattle, as well as such waggons, carnages, baggage, goods, and other thingo entrusted to their care are taken proper care of. And such Innkeepers shall be held responsible for any loss or damage which such horses or other property may sustain from the neglect of himself or servants. r r j j y. That no person shall receive the License hereinbefore mentioned who is not sober, honest, and of good moral character, or who is otherwise unfit to be entrusted with such License, and every such fit and proper applicant shall betore he receives his License, present a petition to the Municipal Corpora- tion, praying for the same, signed by at least thirty of the resident Municipal lilectors of the Township of Raleigh, and shall also enter into bonds to the Municipality, himself in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, and two good and sufficient sureties, being Freeholders, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars each such bonds to be made payable to the Treasurer thereof, and conditional tor the payment of all fines and costs incurred for any offence against the pro- visions of this By-law, and for the performance and observance of all rules and regulations now made, or that may hereafter be made, by statute or otherwise lor the good government of his house. ' VI. That the keeper of eVery such house shall allow no gambling, drunken- ness, profane or indecent language, or riotous, disorderly, or indecent conduct in his house, or on his premises, nor shall he sell, give, or permit to be given or sold, any intoxicating drink to any intoxicated person, or to any Indian. VII. It shall be the duty of the Clerk, as soon as the applicant for a Li- cense shall have presented the Inspector's Certificate that he has the required accommodations to keep a Tavern, and the Receipt of the Treasurer that he has paid the Township fees, and has filed the necessary bonds with the Clerk to grant the said applicant a Certificate to the Collector of Inland Revenue! tuat he haa complied with the By-laws and requirements of this Municipality ;fi'i till the hour of Six o'oS nn Mnn!r ^^"'^o^ Nine o'clock on Saturday night travellers lodg ng at^ t ordTna^v boL^^^^^^ •^''''^'' ''''' '""^ «^««Pt ^ Hotel, whereluch 1101^^8^1^^ "^^^ ^KZ'^ -«^«^°' I°«. or costs, for first offence ^X^DoTlak ^fh on'«rf ^ °^ ^T^'^ ^'^'^' ^'^h Hundred Dollars for he third oS^khi second offence ; and One tice of the Peace having iurisdicHonl^Ti^ ^' recoverable before any Jus- paid equally, one hR^ZtZZZ^andTV ^t'^^' *^ ^ ^^ ^^ of said Municipality; and for Hrrth or .nt ^t '*^'i ^^^ *° *^" T^°^"r«r less than three months' imprisonment ^ *'' °^'''''' '^ P^^^^'^ ^^ °ot qu^s o^rSk^roii^^^^^^^ or ^-ented Li- ed for polling in the elecSJof MeSr^to °^^^^ '^' l^ ^'^' ^^PP^^^*" as It should be on Sundav and nn S ^"^"^'ament, in the same manner shall be sold or given during sdd Sn1^ f r?T "''? I'^^fication of office, required bv kw and enter into bond., to be taken hy the Clerk, in the sumV Two Hundred I Dollars oonditi 2nd. all appl poratio: ruary ing the to that report granted any infl retail oi , Brd. I sons ha^ tion of 1 cil, or a or desir( whom n violatior before s( ith. . duties penal cIs 5th. ( by this ] penalty ( tico oft] Any p duty of necessary Tavern, commoda ther with the Clerli Dollar, cense, shi I tioned. Thojl To estab Fourti the To Wheri such oases theaaid Clerk shall of One Dollar. ionod Lioenses shall Township. OTS shall take place ', to any person or on Saturday night, save and except to ih Tavern, Inn, or venty Dollars, with i offence ; and One ble before any Jus- Jeigh, to be by him if to the Treasurer B, a penaJty of not or Fermented Li- 3 two days appoint- i the same manner Liquors or drinks of One Hundred and under a like q[uors or drinks as n, or Hotel, shall ds, " Licensed to " under a penalty 3 place in his bar- retail. Spirituous actured Liquors, License for that provisions of this SI., shall, on con- in case of selling )rderly Inns, be- unicipality), for- an Twenty Dol- other half to the ■ the same, with to levy the same , and in case no bund, it shall be I offender to the renty-one days. ases — red by law, and ' Two Hundred Dollars, with two good sureties, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars each conditioned for the efficient discharge of his office. ' *ll!'!f"r^l'^''u' '" ^^^^'O".*^^ of February in each year, visit the premises of ail applicants whose applications have been sanctioned by the Municinal Coi- , poration at a meeting held for that purpose, on the second Monday in Feb- ^ ruaty of each year, and after carefully examining said premises, shaU, on find- ng the necessary accommodations, grant a Certificate addressed to the Clerk rSJlrf rr^ ' f^f ' after visiting the premises of all applicante, shaU send a wport on the state of said premises to the Council, stating to whom he ha« granted Certificates, and to whom he has not, with the reason rherlr'an^ any nformation or suggestion that may be useful for regulating the sale by retail of Intoxicating Liquors. ^ 3rd. He shall also, in the month of September, visit the premises of all ner- jpns havipi a License in said Township, and report generally on the con^f- tion of sail premises to the Council ; and on receivin|notice from said Coun- cil, or any member thereof shall inspect the premises of any person Licensed or desirous of obtaining a License, and shall report thereon to the party from whom notice was received. The Inspector shaU also, in every instanL oH violation of this By-law (which he is aware of), promptly en^acoZ^^^^^ before some Magistrate having jurisdiction in the Municipality. ''°°'P''''°* aJ!1\^U P!f«°° ^interfering with the Inspector in the discharge of the tjf fl"' 't^\' °" '°"^^'*^''" *^«^«°*' ^^ "'^We to the penaJty in he penal clause of this By-law mentioned. ^ hr^ll S"i*^^ Inspector refusing or neglecting to fulfil the duties as required by th s By-kw, or gran ing a false or fraudulent certificate, he shall incuTa tTce of the Pe'Ice ^ ' recoverable in the usual manner, before aJus TEMPERANCE HOUSES. ^„^"W°? ^*''°? '^^'''°)'' Of keeping a Temperance House, it shall be the auty ot the Inspector to visit such house to ascertain if such person has the necessary accommodations, which shall be the same aa those Required for a oZTa J ^ ^""^ '"^'' P?I*y '^"^y qualified, and having the requisite ac- commodations grant a Certificate to that effect, and on said Certificate, toge- JJf fiT u *5« Treasurer's receipt that the sum of Five Dollars has been pdd the Clerk shall grant a License, receiving from the License the sum of One i^ollar. And any prson opening such a house without first obtaining a Li- tfoneV ^°"^'^ '"^ *^® ^"""^ *'^*'*'^ ^ *^^' ®y-^^^ "»en- 7hom.s Jennkb, Clerk. '"^^^^^ ^^^^^' ^--• No. 13— A BY-LAW To establish a Public Highway across the Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Concessions, between Lots numbered Nine and Ten in the Township of Raleigh. ' Passed 11th February. 1861. I ««^^^^^'' ''P^i^^tion lias been made to this Council, according to law in I such casej. L. , and provided, e.u the necessary notices given by this Coun- 18 i { numbered One Hundred and Ih rteen and Fourteen, to the rear of Lot *«fty, Talbot Road, Township of llaleigh TofX':&i;C^'^V^^^^^ ^' the Corporation of the 321 Cap^ 54, of tL'c"o„soZatdXttt'w"fc^^^^ f ««1?° highway be and is hereby established, accLing to a ren"* -Z^- " ^ '' sented to this Council by T Chiaholm T jIj^^* a report and diagram pre- described as follows: clme„cingY„ln^ ^""'r^y^'' '"^ north-westerly limits of Lots numbered Ninea„dTn^f>>''^ ".* '^' two degrees east, on the Line running between satd Tot','' T^^ ^'-''y numbered Twelve Thirteen and Fn„rl„ * ?u ^ots, across Concessions Hundred and Fifty tX" Road in f'^' T ^^' u'""' '^ ^°* """^^ered One width of sixty-six feet The safci Ikk ?T"«^^P' ^^^^ 'oad to be the full cribed in the^dia^ram^attai^d a^ntx^ed '4'Z Sy-ir ^""^"^^^^^ '- Thomas Jenner, Clerk. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. -=)©C=;— No. 14— A BY-LAW n establish the Diverting the old River Boad, running across Lots r^rnUrea 17 «n. 18, on the River Uames. in the To^^hZ/^. Wo.. ,• . Passed May 6th, 1861. »uohrrt„lr"d"»"vi'"r„d"£ '° "■" C»u»cil, according tokwi„ running on the bank of tho Riv^r ^CJl. ^ l ® diverting the road and Eiihteen,traLe surveyed b^tC^ across Lots numbered Sevent<3en in lieuLreohcross saidTots ^ ^'^"'^^^ ^"'"^^^°^' ^'' ^ "«^ ^«ad mutlytldTduIy ^^^^^^^^ a^dTsuL^ '""^ '^"^ ^"^^««*«^' ^^ ^een land talfen, and for^co^^p^i^rot ^t^^iiJj^tir^thT^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^' I. 5e it there/ore enacted by the Municiml rnn«f,r «f *i, n public highway runninjr on the bnnlr «f tKn w "i^^^PP^'^ i^anada, Ihat the bered Sefentein and Eiien in the Townf • '^ p^^^'f' r^"'' ^'^' °"°^- diverted to a line survevedShp\nrn;«rf ^ of Raleigh, be and is hereby said Lots; and sa?S S of ™^^^^^^^ public highway, on the fulfillnenrof The Ssa d arUcL of ^ ''"'^'^ ! the conditions hereinafter contained accordSo tht iJl . T^".^°^'°*' ^'^'^ sented to this Council bv T ClLZlli^^ *^P°5* ^""^ diagram pre- Township of RaleTgrLs^riL'^as fSr"^^"^^^^^^ °' ''''''''''' ^^ '^« in~S^d'^l^^^^^ three a<5res, be the same mor. or less be- 1-. comprised of pa., ux Lot .No. Seventeen, on the River Thames, in L^d LV lie highway botwoen 8 numbered Twelve, One Hundred and Corporation of the by virtue of Section nada, That a public •rt and diagram pre- nship Surveyor, and 1 Concession, at the thence south, forty- , across Concessions Lot numbered One I road to be the full re particularly des- V. HITE, Reeve. 19 i ntng- across Lots Township of Ra- [ay 6th, 1861. ccording to law in ary notices having liverting the road ubered Seventeen 3r, for a new road (rested, have been lid new road, the ) same : le Corporation of by virtue of Sec- Canada, That the across Lots num- be and is hereby eu thereof, across eby established a E" agreement, and and diagram pre- lighways of the ! more or less, he- Thames, in said I Township of Raleigh, being that part of said Lot surveyed and laid out for a new road, m of the old river road, as shown on a Jlan drawn bv a Pr,^ Tftn"' l^^jf/.^rveyorT.C. Livingston, dated the 19th daHf /anua^ 1861, and filed in the office of the Clerk, on the day and year aforemenUoncy' said new road being ninety-one links wide, the centre line of wZriTv hi described and defined as follows, that is to 'say : Commencing on the oR^ road, aforesaid, on the limits between Lota Sixteen and Seventeen on Z River Thames, at the distance of sixty-two links from the southeriy 'limite of the old river road, aforesaid ; thence north eighty-nine degrees fiftZ and ^half minutes east, twenty-two chains eighty-two finks thence nortJisixt even degrees ten minutes; east, thirteen chains forty-eight links Ta no t S on a course South forty-three degrees twenty minutes East, from a stone 2nd. Containing by admeasurement one acre and a half be the same mnrn or less, being comprised of part of Lot Eighteen, on the River ThZerfn ' said Township of Raleigh, being that part of said Lot surveyed and aid out for a new road, in lieu of the old river'road, as shown on a £ drawn bv a SmTi fir.'^-®"r^«' T-C. Livingston, dated the 1 9 thVay of January 1861, and filed m the office of the Clerk of said Township of Raleich 7n the day and year aforementioned; said new road being ninety-one lL£ wide the centre line of which may be described and defined as Mows tStl S , say : Commencing on the limits between Lots Seventeen and Eighteen at th^ distance of four chains, on a course south, forty-three degrees twenty minutes r.!^""-? '*?";? '"u"^"'"* °" the last mentioned limit, and near tTe^or therly limits of the old river road, aforesaid; thence north sixty one deeJees twenty minutes east, eighteen chains, across the lands of Hezekiah Wilcox 3r£?. Containing by admeasurement one quarter of an acre, more or less being composed of part of Lot Eighteen, on the River Thames fnthe sa d Township of Raleigh, being that part of ^aid Lot surveyed and laid out C? new road, m lieu of the old River road, as shown on a^pfan drawn by TO Lmnp on. Provincial Land Surveyor, dated the 19th day of Januarv 1861 " and filed in the office of the Clerk of the said Township omMonih^lli and year aforementioned ; which parcel of land may be more pfrticularlv d/ scribed as follows, that is to say : Commencing on the limit between S^^^^^^ of Hezekiah Wilcox and Isaac Wilcox, at the distance of eighterchains on a course north sixty-one degrees twenty minutes east, andCr chains on a course south, forty-three degrees twenty minutes east, from a sle monumen? on the limits between Lots Seventeen and Eighteen and npnr flT^ ^.T i hm ts of the old River road aforesaid; thenfe ^easterly a lot the S first above mentioned, forty-five and one and a-half links ; thence north Z^ limitfST '^T^■ "^^'^"^'^ '^?' ^^"^ ^^^^'^^ f«^*y-five links, on trsoitherfy" iZ^AV v' 'i^.l''!' .'°^^' ^^""^^"^^ ; tl^^^^e Westerly, along the last men tioned limits, to the limits first above mentioned; thence soutfeeasterivaTon; the limits just referred to, to the place of beginning. ^ ^°°^ «nf;.o^^f r.rf '„^^?* ^^'^ %-la^ shall be in force from and after the day and year that the following conditions are performed and complied wih and not before, that is to say :_ That the said pJxties individualSd a^d Lnd on the aforementioned articles of agreement, have compliedCZnd fuKd «il the cunaitions and covenants therein contained, relative to the makW of the aforementioned new road, transferring and conveying t^ this Co'poratC^ l!!^ Public Highway. " oo^pleted suffioiont for the pur^ ofa ^^^yrX'^T^Z^^^^^ of Bv-Iaws, Resolu- -^ot or contrary to tho priviaiona of tK^I n "°',^?"°°''' *^»' '^ repui?- tt reby repealed, P^vuuons of th« By-law, shall be, and the mj Je a Thomas Jbnnib, CfcrA. STEPHEN WHITE, Rjiy.. No. 16— A BYIAW ■D- ^ Passed 6th May ISfii place of labor. ' ^^ °^^ ^^^re a person pays money in same are hereby repealed. '«P"g°ant to this By-law, shall be, and the Thomas Jbnnbe, Clerk. STEPHEN WHITE, Emvb. I \ir ■ ■'" BJ^it. ^,»:':||ii M No. 16™ A BY-L VW the true intent .„d maS^^r^nL „w!S'tS'^ ^''''sl', according fc «otio»a 1« en«,ted .nd ..«ed to s5?Bj to ^ "' '^' ""^ *'"<"^"K road, in liou of the old Kightoen, on the River or of Highways of the ted in writing to this i for the purpotiefl of a Pts of Bv-laws, Resolu- Junoil, that are repog- 1 be, and the same are WHITE, Rmv,. hr Statute Labor in Bin May, 1861. rownship of Raleigh, «d Statutee of Upper in the Township of It Roll, in each year •son pays money in ration of the Town- (V, shall be, and the i^HITE, Rbkvb. 1860, entitled »A w all streams and TE June, 1861. moving all obstruo- eigh, according to that the following Corporation of the • 64, ot the Con- st soHdated Statutw of Upper Connda, entitled "An Act respootinir Uie Mnni oipal ln«l, utions of Upp-r Canada,"— reapfoung uie Mum- 1. J . J^a* »ot«''»f'^tanding anything contained i the above mentioned By- law, .t t,all be, and h hereby provided, a duty incumbent on tbo Overseers of Highway. ,„ each of tl.e SUdufo Labor Divisions in the Townshipof RaZh , inspect the or-oks and water-course, in their respective DlviHi?„fi h. ord«; ■ LTemove r;: '^'-r^^f^ trees, brushwood, liSbs, or other rt^nUnd to remove the same if any thorem, in accordance with the provisio,, . « tho Sir r ?* fa« «bove reciU,.! By-law; and -hall, for tho^.erfom.,.. oof DoirT' T" "v^^ °" '""'^ ^^«"'^'- '•^"^'^^ therofor the sum ol One Dollar for each creek or water-<:ourse so cleared from such obsu actions «t. " 2!^S ^""'"^^ ^'^' '''""°"' " "^'^""«« ^^^^^ thi pSn her. i\. ^T ^"y P""*?" o,f persons interfering with such Overseer of High v« in the Township of Raleigh, in tho discharge of the duties of^bis , ihce in mov ing such obstructions n any creek or 5ater-course in his S a teLab T SvffLTlTrlf? '^^^^of,horor..ny Justice of I Peac^'oi Z tountv of Kent, bo liable to a penalty of not more than Ten Dollars nor I than (5ne Dollar together with costs, at th. ,lisoretion of the convSn™ Jul ilff ?K- B I*' ' '^^^"s^ng or neglcotit.- to fulfill the duties herein rt.l n ^" 'VP°"'"°*J^^'"««'-' ^' '^^^' 0" oonviction thereorbefb. the Reeve, Deputy Reeve, or Justice of the I .ace of the Township SaSi, together with costs, at the discretion of the coi victing Justice IV. And this By-law shaU be in force from the passing thereof m„« T ^ * STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. Thomas Jbnneb, C7ier;fe. No. 17— A BY-LAW 7h prevent Horses from running at large in the Township of Raleigh. Pass d 17th June, 1861. ^ HEMSAS It is expedient to prevent horses from mning at large • C.^^^ift&^^'l-f' V virtue of, and under im authority of an Act Cap. 54, of the Consohdated Statutes of Upper Canada • ^ ' STEPHEN WHITE Ree^v XuoMAs Jbnner, Clerk. , - ■«■ (Sea No. XXII.) 22 No. 18~A BY-LAW To establish a Public Highway across the Vn,.^th r • ^ i4P^XtI''^^'>^/-^;^^^^V>^^o^ Of the T„„„. M, of the Consolidated StatSrf uiZ n '"Z "X"""' "^ » M Cap. •nd IS hereby established aeSs the t*^rr' """" P-Wi" Wgt^y b?, Eastern Boundarv I.ino lwi„ r . fourth Concession, reckoned hi llio ?f Raleigh, acctlg^%fc^^^^^^ -^ 21, in thrTowLhi' ingston, Township Surveyor 3 11 •K/**"?f^ presented by T. C. Liv- ^encing on tiie SoutLriy sWe of t^rh^^^^ ^^"*'^«' ^''^^ ^^ *« s«y = Corn- Fourth Concessions, (by the Eastern Bol;^^'^'; ■"' ^*^^«° ^'^^ ^hird and geen Lots numbered 20 and If n th^'^ .^'"^^ .«°d on the limits be- South, forty-five degrees We.traionVfhe Soutw'^^^^^^^^ *J^«°«e aforesaid fifty links; thence SoXf^tv fi™ H^ ^ ^^^ '^*^" '°«d «"o^ance between Lots numbered 20 and 21 Sdll J •'' ^"'*' P'''""^^ *« ^^^^ ""^i^ therly side of the road allowance beCett A ' T?^ """'" ?' ^«'«' *« th« Nor- boundaiy line, and the Eighth ConceS^ forty-Qve degrees East, along theSSv «X.f 5'"^'' ?r'« ' *^«"«« ^orth thence North, forty-five degrSs Wps/^lJ^ ,,^^ ; numbered 20 and 21 sS etR ^^''^^'^ *^ *^« ^^'^l ^i^^its between Lots road between the T&^/'Sth S.r'' '\}'''^ '' *^« allowance fo^ grees West, along the Southerly sde o^saidTw' '^T ^T^' ^'''y^^' ^e- or less, to the pla^e of beginning c^ntain^/irr' ^'' ''^^ ^^^ ""'^^^ "^^^e eight square chains, be the samtroreTrlel ^ admeasurement six acres and the'L^'^' *'^* *'^^ ^^-^- «b^" come in force from and after the passing Thomas Jenner, Clerk. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. No. 19— A BY-LAW To Abolish the Wards in the Township of Raleigh. Wherras n m.ioritr - .i, - ^ ^^'''''' ^^^"^ September, 1861. -e .titione-d thi ^^^ ^:^^:^ t^t^^^^ 'ncesston, Eastern the Township of fH June, 1861. ;he Corporation of ade and provided, the same, for the sion, reckoned by in the said Town- ;ion of the Town- of an Act, Cap. iblic highway be, reckoned by the in the Township 3d by T. C. Liv- is to say : Com- n the Third and on the limits be- foresaid ; thence e road allowance allel to the limits less, to the Nor- 1, by the Eastern es ; thence North vance one chain • ts between Lots e allowance for th, forty-five de- fifty links, more t six acres and ter the passing JE, Reeve. 28 « That the present Division of the Township of Raleigh into Wards is fraught with many evils, and so strongly are we convinced of the fact, that we are una- nimous in our wish to have the Wards abolished, and have one general elec- tion ; and by Section 271, Cap. 54, of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada, it is enacted, that when a majority of the electors so desire, it shall be the auty ot the Council, within one month thereafter, to pass such By-law m manner aforesaid. "^ "And whereas we the undersigned are certain of the benefits that would re- sult to the Township from the repeal of the present By-law dividing said lownship into Wards, we pray that your honorable body will be pleased to An lb T*?* P®*^***'"' »»to your consideration, and grant the same as desired All ot which IS most respectfully submitted." Signed by Timothy Dillon, Esq. Alex. Peck, Esq., and three hundred and thirty-eight others. And whereas by Section 271 of the Municipal Act, it is enacted that in case a majority of the qualified electors of a Township, on the las. revised Assessment Roll, do, by petition in writing, signed by them, apply to the Council of the Township to divide the Township into Wards, if nSt ..'ready so divided, or to abolish or alter, in manner specified in petition, any r i;^ting Division into Wards, the Council shall, within one month thereafter, .^m I By-law to give effect to the petition, and shall in the By-law recite the p'dtion and also the present Section of this Act, and shall declare that the By-law is passed in compliance with the prayer of the petition. And the By-law shall take eftect on the first day of December next, after one month from the date of its tot publication m some newspaper published in the County, or Union of Counties in which the Township is situated, or by printed handbills, posted in at least twenty public places in the Township. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Kalcigh, under and by virtue of an Act, Cap. 54, of the Consolidated Statutes or Upper Canada : I. That all By-laws now existing in the Township of Raleigh, with regard to the formation of the Township into Wards, be, and the same are hereby repealed, m compliance with the prayer of the hereinbefore recited petition. IL That this By-law shall take effect on the first day of December next. Thomas Jenneb, Clerk. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. :h. BER, 1861. ip of Raleigh follows : No. 20— A BY-LAW To make Rules of Order for the Municipal Corporation of the Town^ ship of Raleigh. Passed 24th December, 1861. Be it enacted by the Corporation of the Township of Raleieh. under and by virtue ot an Act, Cap. 54, of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada, that the following shall be the Standing Rules of Order for the Munfcipal Cor- poration of said Township : Hi :'? i i 24 roL^' ''' ™«^*-g« «f '^^ Council ahall commence at ten o'clock in the ^^X^£t ^^^t^^T-' - -- "e an seat and addSimse5?to"°h; Cve"' *" ^'' '^'^'''S' '^'^^ ^"se from his V. That when a mpmhor Jo o^„ i • course to iDterrupt hiT '^™''°«' °° »*«' CouncUIor shaU Md dis. prepare and bring it in. ' ^^ ^ "^o'^n to appoint a Committee to vious to its final vJClttrsZlA^^'T''''^ '"'^^^^ at least, pro- Committee, and some CouncJUor of W ?^ ?u '°g ^'^^ <^0'^°cil shall go into the %,a. to be re^^^ shall take the ^ bepresentodXl^otSl;*,;^^,^^^^^^^^^^ the Council, shall Sv"^ *\^* t% contain no improper or^l.^•^^^^^ ^' ^ns^erahle to the petitions shall be read by the Cle?k ^«»Pertinent matter, and all such Thomas Jenner, Clerk. STEPHEN WHITE, Keeve. No. 21-A BY-LAW f e */ Mere/ore enacted by the Miin,-m-r.„i n . Raleigh, %ssembled under JnX vSS) ^'T'"^'^ '^ '^' township of v^onsolidated Statutes of Upper Canada. ^''"' ^'P' ^^ ^"^ 55, of^rlaint of the Overseer,Sorany Ztice of ly aurrizeTto^ir^lT/" '^' Municipality, and the said JuLe s h^ro- t/ess to anv Cnltl^^^ and determine the case, and to issue a warrant of dis- tress to any Constable, to levy the amount of fine and costs bv distress an^ l?o beTund 2t '""'^T V""' r?y '"^ ^«^-^*' anSsKSt?:t cannot be found, then said Justice shall issue a warrant under his hand and seal, to commit the party to the Common Gaol, for a term not exceedhL Six days; provided always, that the Overseer may, 'in place of makinTsuch^^^^^^ plaint against persons who are assessed for real property re^rVto the C'^ Sone Do11:T'^"">.1' 'PV5.^'^^ ^ ^^« du^y SpLe on L CoHer, s ar^ so Returned' "^ " ^"^'' '^'''' '^' ^''^""y '^ *^« P«^«°^ ' ^° B;iL^^''*'*'^!"^%*^f ^"*y ^^ *^« ««^«r»l Overseers in the resLeotive Divisions, on notice of their appointment to the office of OvPrseVr withTn Twenty days to go before some Justice of the Peace, or the Clelk a Jt^e atstt'L'^artlef^^^^^^^^ t?' *^ ^'^'^ *« *^« Townihfp C^'rkt a list ot the parties in his Division liable to perform Statute Labor and the amount of such labor, and to cause the same to be performed, and a certified return made to the said Township Clerk, on or before the Is day of A^cmst m each year, under a penalty of not less than Two Dollars, recoverable iS c^^Htr""'"' ^^°'' ^'^'^^^^^^ '^'^' P«^«« having jurisdi'ctron In rSuS! _ V. That it shall be the duty of the several Overseers to give to all mrties in their respective Divisions, liable to perform Statute Lab?r arieasuSel thTkillSnfVV^'*-"'^'"'^^^'^^ ^^^^^ '""'^^'^'^ i« ^ be performed and tm'iii:?;fte"L2^"*^' '""^ ^^ ^^^'^ *^^* "^^^ ^^ -^--^ ^ I-- rJ2' '^^f '* ^^f S' *^^ ■'^"^y ^*'*^® Overseers in their several Divisions to receive and expend all monies paid to them in lieu of Statute Labor, within the Division in which they are Overseers, by letting jobs by public sale of Tt f:L*f7 "7 *" ^^' t' r'^^? ^y '^'''"^'^S '^' «^^« witL^D vton, at least four days prior to the sale. ' to y/i* S ^l^^l^A ^^^ ^""^^ f.*^' Overseers in the several Divisions, to allow to each able bodied man, working eight hours, one day's Statute Labor ; and lor .very man vvun a leam oi horses or yoke of oxen, with plough, wagon or Mi I! .!! ■f 1 I'. II m 26 ^S^pt^X^^Z^^:"^ to see that the roads the Statute Labor can make themTnd shmiM » ^°2 '^^ °^ '^P*''', so far as any road or bridge in their DivSns to laS 1?^"°^«''««««° ^'^^^ occur to form Statute Labor as will repair the ^nZ - "^ u*"^ P«''««"« ^^^ble to per- «o employed, on account of t^Lt « at^f^fT^ *5'" ^ '^««'P* ^or the tSie and should any person refu^ or n^^^^^^^^ iJ^; ^^t^ «re liable to perform • Overseer, they shall be liable to Snl fi^. -"^ ^^''^ «« ^''"ed on by the to perform Statute Labor to L r!.? ^?^ ''' ''^^^''^ ^o^ refusal or ne-Ieot clause of this By-law ' ^ ^ '""""^^^^ °^ ^'^fo'ced as provided Tn S Wl£s:'rttd^^^^^^^^ to place on the Statute twenty-one and under sixty years of L-!!*^ ""'"'' ^^ ^" Persons over names are not on the Assefsm^en Roll S a^lf Ef I" *^5' ^^^'«^«"«. whose ttr^: By^alVpter-""^^^^^^^^ S-teLabor, ^^^^^ Z^'^^^^?,^^^ of John Haldanb, C7erA. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. (See No. XXX.) No. 22-A BY-LAW 7b amend a Bj/^Law passed Vlth June ]8fil wv; ^ . ^•-^" ^- ...... . lar^e ^ ^l^^^^^:^^^- '^ per Canada : ^*"' ^*P- ^4, of the ConsoHdated Statutes of Up^ ^^^r^^^^^^ -tained in the befo. recited By shall not be lawful for any perso^ Act respecting Municipal Institutions £ running at large and breaKinlfh '^^^', ^^"g«« occasioned by Horses fences as provided by BXlnUs^Z:^^'""'''' ''''^' *^«^ ha^TaS John Haldane, Clerk. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. (See No. XXVIU.) No. 23-A BY-LAW io divert and establish the Rivpr Ttnn^ WH,«..sappli.ati„„ ha. !»,„ ^^j. .„ .. .''tf "° ,="" ''^''. 1862. • see that the roada « of repair, so far as sen damage occur to )ersons liable to per- receipt for the time 3 liable to perform ; o called on by the r refusal or neglect provided in fourth ice on the Statute of aJl persons over i- Divisions, whose >rm Statute Labor Township Clerk. ' e performance of 3by repealed. fITE, Kbeve. " A By-law to "ialeigh." f May, 1862. shipofKaleigh, Statutes of Up- fore recited By- istitutions : It ned by Horses ey have lawful ^E, Reeve. bered Seven rh. AY, 1862. all necessary liverting and 27 ctnS^'Slfdtowrht^ """ ^°*^ ^^«" ^"^ ^^'^'' - «- ^-t Be it there/ore enacted by the Municipal Corporation of the Township of of U;$r CanaVa" '' '"*" °'^" ^°*' ^"P" '*^^*^« Consolidated Stes I. That the public highway on the bank of the River Thames runninc across Lots Seven and Eight, in the Front Concession of said TownsWp bf P l's &^r*tf *" ^ ^^' 'r'y'^ ^'' *J^« P-Po«e> by ArthurZe^ A-' T'^T^'^'P Surveyor, and which may be better known and described SsTvIn an!? K'/ '"^ f ^^r ' J^^ = cLmencing on the HmL Seen iuth fortvsi^f5 ' °°*« .Northerly side of the old River road, thence ^nks ^aI'Z!S^''A''^ thirty minutes East, four chains and thirty-two SoSwTvL^^^^^ and along the centre of the proposed road to the II. That John Edwards and Timothy Dillon be, and are hereby annointPii e'xlTr **:rV^'* ^'T^ ^^^^« -^ William sUdaleS? ISl^ expense, move the fences and put the new road in as good a sb^te of repair aS CrerkofTi:r ''' T^ 'l^^'^l ^^ *^« ^"*y ^^^^^ CoLitteeTreJoXthl Clerk of this Council on the above conditions being complied with. Clerk's Jffice *^' ^^'^^"^ '^'^ ^^ ^^^^ "^ '°°" "^ "^'^ ^^^'^ '^ ^^^ ^° the John Haldane, C^erA;. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. No. 24— A BY-LAW To Divide the Township of Raleigh into Rural Road Divisions. Passed 6th May, 1862. Ro^Tvllons*:'' "'""''"^ *' ^^^' *^' ^'^°'^^P ^^ ^"^"^^^ i°*« »^'^ T?nfLl' ^^'''f''''' fT*'^- ^y '^^ Municipal Corporation of the Township of SnS; r^'^'^rlty virtue of an Act, Cap. 54, of the Consolidated Stafates l-^K ?'''t^'' ?^f *^r '^^^ ^^ fi^« ^'^^^ I^oad Divisions in the Town- ship of Raleigh, and that they shall be designated as follows : «T,?Lf p i^-'f ^"'^^ ^""^ ^iviBion shall contain all that part of the Town- S ;. •f\''°°''"^''''5^r°" ^^^ ^^^'^ ^i°« ^ivi'ii^S Harwich from Ra- Z' ;PP°«^%the centre of Lot number Twenty-Five, on the Eighth Conces- l2:J^fZ v"" the centre of the Eighth Concession to the side road to Z B;i T?""^''' Twelve and Thirteen ; thence North on said side road div dJn? T n ' V*^'"'/ ?"'*„?" ^^^ ^i^^"* 'rh«"»«« to the boundary line dividing the Corporation of the Town of Chatham from Raleigh; thence c ssion road to me f own Lme Detweeu Harwich and Raleigh; thence South X?eo?b|Lning.°' °""^^'' ^^'°*^-'^^ °° *^« ^'^hth Concession, to the |!i r 28 TtoIw, on the Eighth ConSeLn fk. ™4°PI»m'« tho Sitre of wT Thi^^T T'--™S S'ro^rhet!''" ^r '''-»- tiCt «».ofw«t t tie" ."^T *\ ™«-»a™ d C^S ?:™°^ ""• S ?• "t""" '""™n 'he ThSnlh^f/S'"*'"'^ ConoesBions : thenw STto Sl"*'^^" ^»«' '^'"'-"yS to .^r'«°* Concession', tott^ John Haldah,, C?ferA. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. fii IViS ■n ' ^ No. 25-A BY-LAW Wherb^s j,h^ Haldane late Tow J^T ^^'° September, 1862. oawa statutes of Upper Canada : ^^'^^ ^*P' »*» of the Conaoli- bat part of the TartoftheTown- larwich and Ra- icessions ; thence oncessions to the ^ on said Town to the Harwich 5 the Thirteenth TE, Reeve. ^ of C/erk IBER, 1862. md John Jen- to confirm the Township of ■ the Consoli- nlit^f l^^n" •^®"''?'' ^' *°^ '^ ^^'^^I confirmed in the appointment of of this Corporation, as far as this Council can confirm ffiSthf rtWoundr'^ '''' '^^^' ^^^ ^^"*^-« ^ ^^^^ -^ ofli^e ulr^^o^eS .»l\^lV\^}r^ '^ ^®"'®^y ^^'l""^^ *o enter into Bonds, himself in the sum of Fifty Dollars and one Freeholder in the sum of Fifty DoCso^n ertZ f;,*^««f« keeping of all Books, Papers, and Effecte of "rr^ Z- cnption or kind belonging to the Corporatio^ and for the delivery rf Z same, when required to do so by the CouncU. ^ ^® John Jbnner, Clerk. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. No. 26— A BY-LAW Ih confirm the jmrchase of a certain piece of Land therein mmtioned ^ ^^r'' ^'^^^ "" r««'^ J3-«/^ ^Acreo»,/.r ^A« Township Passed 9th Febbuaey, 1863. sKJn f/57^ ^ i ,?f ^^y *^** *^« Municipal Corporation of the Town- a Tol Ha7^ "^''^'^^ ^ certain piece of Land forX purpose of bu^ldW I. ^e t« macted by the Municipal Corporation of the Townshin of Ralei-f, r^Kda'^TTat'thfrif^^*' "^T^f *^^ Consolida^rSw g^ per 'j^anada, Ihat the half acre of Land on the South West corner of lS* ;»S^' Jl^tu' ^^ ^^ ^^'^''''^ C«»«e««i«" of the TowTsU of R« purchased by the Corporation of the Township of Raleigh, from Frauds Sfn ^ule?t «^irV, ^'. u'^ f ?de to the said Corporation by th XesaM FrS S&sl oVbI- t f ^r^y '^"''^ ^y *^« ^^°^«^P^ Corporation JtSe saia lownshp of Raleigh, for the purpose of erecting a Town Hall and oth^r necessary buildings thereon, for the use of the said TownsUp of Seigh thereof *^^* *'' ^^'^'''^ '^"^^ "^"^^ ''' ^«^«« ^^"^ »°d after the passing John Jennee, Chrh, JOHN EDWARDS, Rest*.. No. 27— A BY-LAW $'orthe Regulating- of Shops, and for granting Licenses, within the- Township of Raleigh, to Shop Keepers. Passed 16th March, 1863. for tfi^^^f/l J* '! necessary and expedient that regulations should be made, *or the sale, by retail, of Spirituous Liquors, Beer, Ale, or other fermented or Ir .ill ) top up any road or >r shall obstruct tho bor, saw-logs, wood, truot tho travel or ny carrion or offen- •efuse or n^leot to a the Overseor of ns shall refuse or nave placed in or micipality, for tho Mf the Overseers Highways, in his prosecute in tho refuse to comply 11 forfeit and pay Dollar, nor more 'gliwaya shall not r the removal of lout of any en- 3ident settlej-, in »ier of such land ceived as afore- li and every day ?ive notice, and bis By-law, on iiable to a pen- in a summary e having juris- hcted shall be •son or persons ider or offend- )eriod not less »nd the other OSes thereof. I 88 No. SO—A BY-LAW To Repeal the Fourth Section of a BfMaw entitled, " A By-law to mo- rmke other provisions therefor." Passed 8th February, 1864. 56, o?the Consolidated Statuti^s Jumper Janl '^'^' ^^ ""'^ L That the fourUi section oftho above recited By-law is hereby repealed tioiy^'e^^Syirra 2'^ tir /°j *^« r^«'^^ ^«-'-- tion of the said By-law • That it «V K .u'^'f' ^' /'"'^ "« *^« fourth see- in their rospectifoDi^sions on notice of It "^"'^ '^ '^' ''^'"''^ ^^^'^^^rs Overseer, within Tw^Ttv da J?o ^^ W ''' Wmtment to the office of Clerk of this MunirpaftyTnl tfkeand^rr^ «' «^« and apply to tho Townshin CWlr tr T . '^{'f "^« ^^^ declaration of office, to perK Statut^ St^^^^^^^^^ P%ti«« in his Division liable saiJo to be performed SrpLr/r>r?"*°^'."'^ ^.^^''' ' '^'^^ *« cause the on or beforeXTi St day of S p^^^^^^^^^^^^ Toh' *' '^' ''^ ^^^°«^^P ^^^^^^ less than Five Dollars, wkhcostrSovernbt^ T"' ""'^f " ^'""^^7 «*'°ot Justice of the Peace havTng iurt^ctTonTn thVV • -'T^ "^""'^^'•' ^'^^'^ ^ the duty of the Clerk ofthiJcn^rT * Municipality; and it shall be Municipality who n^^st ^r:'Z^J7:::rofTl .tT'i V" *^> his Division by the First day of SeptemTerin each yel ®*'*"*' ^'^^^ ^" Di^Lfa^d^sTaraS ^^^'^^^ ^^bor see that he performs his sUuSt^ tS^i?;^^^^^^^^^^^ -^ John Jenner, Clerk. ''^''^^^ ^«^^^' «--. No. 31— A BY-LAW ent Statute Labor Divisions in the Township of Raleigh." -p. . . Passed 8th February, 1864 IP^w I tl Th ** homnafter de«,ribod, vi," ° ^""""'"P "' "^isk »M W, J j a^I Jc^Vcitjtd'i^j Srr,"?'' r""'" !"« i-"*- n- , .„d 2 i„ the 2u Mves of .ho Lot. M™ of the lote io,. i3 i4 15 l(i jT^i'/f'/i'o"'^"". «-» "-o ntrtS Tho 13th Statute Labor Dirision 111 "■.'°'! "■ '» ""O 6lh Conoe,»io„, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, kLe fiTro^f ?°°'"° *" south halve, of the Lot, N- 2 3 4, S; and 6, il t tt SSn' "" ''' '""*'"'™ "^ -^'lot No.^";, \'X !?;t anlT2tT ircT '^». «"° -* "*- of the Lot, halve, of tho Lot, No,. 13, lTn% 5? ^rT.^T?*^'--. «■") «>e north The I6lh Statute Labor DW t' . ' '° ""^ '"' °"«»»io„. No,. 20, 21, 22 and 23 a SoL*;^' °°°'?''' *« »»'h halve, of the Lot, Mve,ofa,eLol,Nn.7A °,"'l/"^,<'°°"^™». B- B. Une. and tr„ort^ , .., ^., W 23, m the 3rd Conoe^ioD, B: B. Um torritorial limita of Hhall bo, and ore »«• 1 and 2, in the 8 4 and 6, in tho 38. 7 and 8, in tho d 12, in the 3rd '• 13, 14, 15, 10, half of the Lots 1, 2, north-east 1, and the north ne. Ives of tho Lots alf of tho Lots ves of the Lots north halves of ves of the Lots i^es of the Lots 8 of Lots Nos. ie north halves es of the Lots es of the Lots 5S of the Lots jrth halves of ■a of the Lots id the north 1 Concession, of the Lots 3 of the Lots of the Lots th halves of of the Lots 1 the north Concession. jf the Lots the north E). B. line. 85 nJ 20 2? fz'n !l'*l°9.°'™r,"''.°'' «'°'^» *° ""'I' Wv" of tho 1,01, No?2 ?1Ta°1 e'K:'"™ ":" ~."';'° "■» »""' '"''<- ofltte Lot. NoO fa" ?J"u iif 12"!:"r" "'""■ °°t'" *» «'°* l"'™ of U.0 Loti lo..L^!•^:'9^'6:;tlnV;2f^^8Th^if; "°'«' -"-»' *« mi3U iS'TH^f" Kvi.ion .hall oontain the.oulh halves of tho Lot. Nj.''2i!2t M^':d^24^o'I^°4i^'r °°°'"'° '^r^*'- >■"'«» °f «'o tot. ■^'r i*%^-" -i V24S 2csrkf c^.:s„r "- ■■°'* Nol^ 34 6l"d 6 tthSr *»".«""•!" «"> «"■«!> halve, of tho Lot. nJ*? I™ lo'n J;t'lV''-™T«?.""« so'ith halves of the Lots f2^'t^h:^:^^^i^r^^^^:^-^ -th haives^:.^^*: No?n 'it 19*td^2fin?h:'t? r^'^" "^"^^'^ *^« «°^*^ ^«^^«« «f *l^e I-ots LotsL'?7,^?8,t9,l'^f,^^^^^^^^ *^-o-^ halves of the Noril^^22 I3I4 anh? -"^Ir tl" r*'^''^ *^« ^^'^tJ^ halves of the Lots Nofl 1^1 ®5'!!!!S fi '^'"i.^T^n '^^^ '?°°*^^° *^^« «°"th halves of the Lots No?7 f "9^ ?0%t a^nH^ 9^'T°o?u^i.°°"*«^" *^« «^"*^ l^aJ^«« «f the Lots the Lots No's 7' 8 9 ?n ii' ''^ ??o*^ Concession, and the north halves of me iiots JNos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, in the 10th Concession. Noa iV'ldT ??*?? J''^^o"%^?°i*^i^ ^^'^^^ °°'**^^'^ the south halves of the Lots JNos. 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21, in the 9th Concession, and the 36 im^t^L^" "■"» """■ ''■ ". 1«. le. ". IB, 19, 20, ..d 21. i, ^ halvesofthe Lo'to 48/19:2^2/12 23V \*i°,°'^'r' "'' «« "S The 35th Statute Labo DWsfon l.n ' t' °°1^'' '° ''= 'O* C«»««»ioD. Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, md 6, in the 10th P™i?^° '^'' «'""'' ''•1™'' of the Lot. No. 13 It ft^t J'^td'TsTtSoT^'" '"'•'"■"^ ■"■- «f '"0 to., of the Lota Nos. 13 14 16 le ']? .L ,f ponoesaon, and the north iXa, The 38th Statute LaLr DiiL Tl, ' '° "' "* Conoesrion ^ No.. 19 20, 21, 22, S^SIf tr&*r' ""■*.'"'™» »">■= ^^ ialves of the Lote Nos. 19, 20, 21 22 23 24 ?j S'°.oo»™n, and the north The 39th Statute Labor Dhfaionllr' ; • . *' '° *' """Conoe^ion Nos. 2, 3, 4. 6, and 6, in the nr^^^ ~nla.n the South halvea of the Lot. V'lt!' ''' '' ■'^ ftoV2%rS"''' *"»'«' '■•'-"f't^iot Nos 7,^9,% aSa^riL" S r'-'" "■' -"" w™ of the Lota Nos. 19 20, 21, 2I: 23X^72? inlhrnti; '^^ '"""!"'*- "' ^oLota halves of the Lots Nos. 19, 20 21 22%q "* Concession, and the north „ The 43rd Statute Labor DWsl„;!Ll' "T • ^*i'° "' "^^ ConeesTr Nos. 2 3, 4, 5, and 6, iutkTTZo^t.T^" '5«'°°* '"J™' of the Lote Ni: t M, Tn, Si2''irr s r*^" •*» -'^ •»- -^ «.o i-ote the Lote N«. 7, 8, 9, 10, ll,"„d I2IS th 1^°?;,°°'' ^* "•"«■ ''«''««' The 45th Stafnfo T„k n.- • • ' ^'^*" Concession. N* 13, u. !^it i^d^jH-tsri'/tr^" *'• *""* '-■™ °f ao Lote of the Lote Nos. 13 14 IS 16 ' 17 .^d is P'Tf""' "»"> *« "orth hafra The 46th Statute Labor Drisiln sill ' '. ""l"* ^™™™°- numbers 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24^^ Z^jA' »onth hdvesof the Lota halves of the Lote Nos. 19, 20, 21 i 21^d »^ Conoession, and the nortt „ The 47th Statute Labor Birisio'n 111 .•'."■ '^'' ^^"' Concession. Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, and 6 in the I mr °™'°"' ""= ^outh halves of the Lote N™ 13, lt?MM?L^r8T*tl'^n"il*^^ Jalves of the Lote of th„ «■« »„s, ,3, 14, 15, 16, 17, andTairSltt'^^'ir* '»'™ 0, and 21, in the halves of the Lota n, and the noirth 3 10th Concession. halves of the Lots rth halves of the halves of the Lots 3 north halves of n. lalvesoftheLots the north halves ^cession. alvesoftheLots 1, and the north 11th Concession. alvesoftheLots alves of the Lots lives of the Lots ■ north halves of Ives of the Lots the north halves session. Ives of the Lots and the north h Concession. ves of the Lots i halves of the ves of the Lots lorth halves of res of the Lots le north halves ssion. ^es of the Lots and the north Concession. es of the Lots ots Nos. 2, 3, 3s of the Lots •rth halves of s of the Lots north halves on. 37 N^V^^ n't 9?'' Pir ^"^ f ^1 ''''^'' ^' «°^*^ ^'^l^^^ of the Lots S^IK: i^, II: t It: 23,t]^2t ?nXtth ^-r' -- me wore i.ots Nos. 9 10 1 1, and 12 and the north halves of the Lots Nos t1 ' ' ^" ^*^ Concession hy W. B. line nf fi^o ? i\r ' ?n' ^^.' ^""^ ^^' ^'^ *^o 14th Concession, and the north halves of axe Lots Nos. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, in the 15th Concession Nos 13 14 ??*?? {^-^^fo^irr '^^" "°"*^" *^o south halves of the Lots sion and tt'.li; ! ' iW^' ^^' 2^' ^2, 23, and 24, in the 15th Conces- :nd%4:1n*'thet5t jfonl^r "' ^^*^ ^^^^ ^^' ^«' ^^' ^^^ ^^^ ^2, 23, 1firi%7^*?J**!«? I^abor Division shall contain the Lots Nos. 153, 154 155 ^v Ik 1 !' ^^^' ^^^' ^^^' ^^2, and 163, on the Talbot Road ' ' ' lI?AtS^^^^.'^n^? ""'^'^on shaU contain the Lots Nos. 141 142 " SH"^ '"^^^^^^^^^^ 131, Ji:sfh^Sf%4^n^&8^ ^- ^- ^^' ^^> -^ DiSLT^^lll'l Concession lines along the Lots Nos. 1 and 25, in the County i^rS ttfa' •considered as belonging to the Division to Uich they J- St and irwr^'f; '° *^' ^^"^'^'"^ ^^"**^"S *J^^^^*o shall have the over- £'oh^ '"^^ "' '°y '*^''' P^' °f *^« 'oad over which they John Jenneb, Clerk. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. No. 32— A BY-LAW For the Opening and Establishing of a Public Highway through Lot No. 151, Talbot Road, in the Township of Raleigh. Passed 2nd May, 1864. Ro^rtrba'Kftlle'Erlr" "^'^ "" "^^ ^°^°"^ ^ '^''' ^^ *^^ ^«"*«^ ^u'^'^V^}^^''^ ^^^"^ ^^^*®^ ^^ offered to grant the right of wav for a Road through Lot No. 151, for the sum of Fifty Dollars : ^ And whereas the notices required by law have been given, and the Council bemg of opinion that the said Road should be opened out to 'the bank of Lake Be it there/are macted by the Municipal Corporation of the Township of iW: assembled under and by virtue of an Act, Cap. 54, of the Conwli- oated Statutes of Upper Canada: > r , v pvu m •/ 38 Keportp^ltetto\Sl^W^^^^^^^ "^'^^S to a Commencing at a point on thA mL^; i -^^^^A ^- ^- Surveyor, asfoUows : tant between^ two u^dSX^L^e monl.^^^ '^ *u'- ^^^°* ^''^' '■■*« s«d Township to construct a dS^ frem af T) I ^"T'*'' Corporation of ett^ Creel, „„ L„t numbered 7> ^^'Sth'^Conc'etifr"' *" "^ "''^ "'■^»- ^IZ'Z'Z ^™S:iLflTthf &i*" ''» *^-S of the I^aU^ of T:5^"iSndi>:sr^irist xr^-^y »''-. «>» »™ above Drain, to be hereafter Z.i^j J ,, "fJ"''** '° oonstruoting the 279ofthohereinafte^£dArf^r.i T"'rf^ ?"*' Section, 278 and And where=. i. «^li .' ^"^ "" '°'==^'y '*'»'« described : DoiJi^tii^^dtnaxtSoi'ofr ''""*i -■' «'™-"^-fi™ and interest created by this By-law ^ °°' ^'^' *** W-S Ic debt Kat?g1.,''iJ4rtt:tfret:^''^L-''"^W'^°' a"- Township of *^ and Nine^iven ThTusTnrl^^gtrn'^ts"""""'' ^ ^°" ^°°- coUected in each year, fo° f^r vc^T ^ "!' "'5°' ^°"'' "^ 1^ '™'l «°d Sinking Fund fo/pa^ng tlf^^rirc^i oTsaWelt"" "'''"' ""■ "''"'°« " aocording to a 'eyor, as follows: Koad, equ-dis- laid side of Tal- 3 degrees West, wance of Bead, illy side of said aao Flater shall e Township of irs, upon In- ■ing a certain Iay, 1864. a that part of t by the line liver Thames, *, and on the Corporation of head of Jen- ' the locality oan, the sum itructing the 3ns 278 and ed: Seventy-five ing the debt 39 exceeding six per cent, per annum, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars to be paid in four years, from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate \»ho my be willing to advance the same upon the credit of the Debentures herein- after mentioned. II. That it shall and may be lawful for the Keeve of the Township of Ra- leigh to cause Debentures to be made out, not exceeding the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, nor less than One Hundred Dollars each, such Debentures to be under the Seal of the Corporation, and to be signed by the Reeve and Treasurer; and the time or times of payment thereof not to be more than Four years from the date of this By-law. III. Thai the interest on said Debentures shall be payable half-yearly at the Commercial Bank at Chatham, and the principal of said Debentures shall be payable at the said Bank, at such time or times as it may become due. IV. That an equal special rate of One Mill, and Two-tenths of a Mill on the Dollar, shall be levied and collected, in addition to all other rates in each and every year during Pour years, and that the proceeds of such special rates shall be applied in creating a Sinking Fund, and the payment of said debt and interest thereon, until the same be fully paid and satisfied. X' ^^** i?® ^^^^ s"°* of Two Thousand Dollars, when obtained, shall be paid to the Treasurer, and applied according to the true intent of this By-law. fi^u' m^^^ *^^^ By-law shall be submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the Township of Raleigh, according to the last revised Assessment Roll and for that purpose a Poll shall be opened at the Town Hall, on the Twenty- ninth day of April, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon, to be continued and conducted in the same manner, as nearly as may be, as at a Municipal VII. That John Jenner is hereby appointed Returning Officer to take the votes at such place. V ^iP^' F^** ®^®''y qualified elector on the last revised Assessment Roll shall be allowed to record his vote for or against the passing of this By-law by voting yea or nay; and the Returning Officer shall, on the day after the clos- ing of the Poll, return his Poll Book, verified, to the Clerk of this Corporation. IX. The Clerk shall add up the number of votes for and against the same namely, the ye-^ and nays, and shall certify to the Council, under his hand' whether the majority have approved or disapproved of the said By-law. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. John Jenner, Clerk. ["ownship of ) Four Hun- , and Two- levied and 1 creating a 'ownship of he Consoli- poration of nterest not No. 34— A BY-LAW For the Opening and Establishing of a Public Highway across the Concessions numbers Six and Seven, between the Lots numbers Nine and Ten, in the Township of Raleigh. Passed 22nd August, 1864. Whereas application has been made to this Council, according to law in such cases made and provided, and the necessary notices given, required for the same, viz. : for the opening and establishing of a Public Highway across 40 fnZtZ7^':r^!^r' '^^^"' ^«*-- Lots numbered Nine and Ten, j4t -iruilnytt^^^ "7-^- ^' *^« Township of dated Statutes of Upper Canada ^^ °^ ^" ^'^' ^^P" ^ ^^ *te ConijU- port-pltLd^'thiffc according to a K. Commencing on the Southerly limiW tJ^^T 'u^''°'^°°'''^ ^^^^ Surveyor: Concessions, on the line between Llnlb^N-^^^^^ ^^^* ^''^ S^*t mg along said line between said Tn7« f ^xr"^ ^°<^ T«°» a°d Proceed- therly liniits of the line betUf t£ Sern?h*'''%^r,^°^ Ten, to the Nor- e/v^ c?rt4:t^^,S tit :?:rLr; ^' ^^^« '--' ^^^^ ^- re. of way for said Koad. "^^ *^® ^^"^' consenting to grant the right John Jenner, Cflerk. STEPHEN WHITE, Rebve. No. 35--A BY-LAW T«r Passed 5th September 18G4 Concession, at the line betweT T nl«^ I ^°5*tern limits of the Eighth therly along said line to thT bant V^^^^ ^'^r^^^ ^^"^° ' *^«°«« Nor- along the banks of the said River to t^^ Th^'^^^J tt«°«e Easterly and 19; thence SouthSlv XL «!7l r ^^'^'f "^ ^°*« numbers Eighteei Eighth Concession7tSwes4lvi^' •?,*' ^'1''^''^^ limits of the -have petitioned the Munieb^ CoL^n ^f '.t'^m"' ^S"^ P^^«^ of beginning, locality above described r^bedSLd °'^^ '^ ^"^''^^ *^** *^« -i^'a^dri^^^^^^ Arthur Jones, P. L. g ^ ^^^ °* *^^ ^<>^k to be done has been furnished by 4of£SSi:litt^S^^ of the Town- said plan, wo'uld greatly benTfhf To:n:iV^^^^*^^ "^ '" *^' '^'''■ and^for^ayt^tLUrsrs^n^^^^^^^^ °' ^^^'^^"^ *^« -^ locality, ThousanVThree SS Srs ^'''*'' *" ^'^^^^^ *^« ^'^^ of Two RaSgi^t'cttraSbt*^ ^""51 ^^.^P^^^*^- of *he Township of tutes?fVpper clS^^^^^^^^^ -*- of the Consolidated 'st. authority of the same, as follows : ' ' '' ^^"'^^ ^"^^'^^'^ ^J the shiib?d1afn:jrSin^*^b^^^^^^^ ?' ^-^^^^^ ^^^^^^-^ d-"»>«^, Arthur Jones, Provinei^fuufsu^Xor '''^"'*'' '' *^' ^^"^ ^^^"t'y i Nine and Ten, tie Township of of the Consoli- sording to a Re- [iand Surveyor : Fifth and Sixth 1, and proceed- 'en, to the Nor- ncesflions; said il shall have re- grant the right ^E, Rbbvi. Township of BER, 1804. ity hereinafter of the Eighth J thence Nor- ence Easterly hers Eighteen limits of the of beginning, Jeigh that the ined has been furnished by 3f the Town- to the afore- said locality, sum of Two Township of Dlidated Sta- lacted by the e described, le drawn by 41 9"mT^** S®''® ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^' levied and coUected, the sum of Twn T».«« sand Three Hundred Dollars, for the purpose of p^irtheTst S^ I • mg and^the expenses incidental thereto, ^n ihriTerdhX-m thfdlu' Srferrrr, V^' ^^°^«* '^ brderivtdtlerefrom l^^^^^^ set forth m the Schedule hereunto annexed, and forming nart of tV.?fl P^uJ^ subject, nevertheless, to an appeal by the parties in^^LT^nll'l^t'' ' III. That the sum of Two Thousand Three Hundred Dollars shall }m mM by the proprietors of said lands, at the times and in tiie mlSowbi thfi to say: One-fourth thereof shaU be paid along with the ordinSHSsmenS for the present year, and shall be collected on or before thrStnth dav of fnT^^n'i."'^ n' °°«/«'^''t^ thereof witJx the ordinary Taxes f^thrvlar 1866 and shall be coUected on or before the Fourteenth day of Cem T1865 • ly. That the work to be perfottned under the wovisions rtf thU H^, in», oeing approved), by the Commissioners to be appointed by this Council tn d and superintend the same; and that Aithur Jones, R if S Townshb^ur veyor, is hereby appointed to measure and to give estimates of the woK^' at any tune when ordered by the Commissionls aforesaid' ' y. That this By-law shall be pubUshed in the Western Union and Weekly Wormer newspaper, for three months before the final ^eingXrS Schedule showing the benep to be derived by each Lotfrm theth-ain. age to be performed under this By-law. WESTERN BOUNDARY LINE. Con. Lot. 3rd 7 « 8 (i 9 (( 10 « 11 4th 7 « 8 <( 9 (t 10 (( 11 <( 12 il 13 « *^« '^ of Seventy Dollars, l«Ji«^,i I**** *^® ^"^^"^ f *^® Collector shaU be the sum of Forty-five Dol F% dSCLS^^I*^ <"'* "M >» «"> »- »f One Hundred and l4U5°o 'i!'''^ °' "^^ ■'""°"' *»" •» «■« »™ of Sixty-five Dol- 48 ' be taken into a of the Town- ist next, at the ^E, Reeyi!. mictpal Offi- ? Salaries of vk&Y, 1865. inted by this ereof; Township of ated Statutes orrison, nom- tors. )f Assessor; 3rk, not later Collector. >f Inspector. le of Town- rs each, and Qty Dollars, •ty-five Dol- money col- lertainment indred and by-five Dol- » of High- Alexander Sterling, James N. Holmes, Hezekiah Willcox, Bichard Brayne, Adolph Myers, Niman Newkirk, Jacob Frederick, David Robertson, Robert Ross, Henry West, John MoNamara, Allen Cooper, James Chenick, Francis Thaokery, Jarrisaon Shadd, James Rolls, Abraham Aikina, Donald MoPhenon, fi. M. Spadin, George Harris, Gabnel H. Green, Richard Jordan, John Ball, Andrew J. Harding, Green Doo, John L. Doyle, Ko ofJKv. 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 U 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 Dovle, Dale, John Charles , James Gillhoia, Wm. Garle, Duncan Ritchie, William Hurst, Patrick GiUhula, Jerome Boome,| John Early, James King, H George Hatter, Daniel White, Silas West, Samuel Jones, Alfred Hooper, James Russell, Peter Simms, William Hanrey, George Pike, Robert Shaw, Thomas Gill, Isaac Askew, David Toll, Magness Crawford, James Nagles, No, ofJK9, 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 36 37&38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46&46 47&48 49&60 61 62 M M fiS W 67 XIII. The following persons are hereby appointed Pound-keepers viz. • J^^Z^^^^^'^^'^''''^-^''^^ ^'°^' William Irwin, In thb Second Rural Road DivisioN-John Mason and John Trainor. In the Third Rural Road DivisioN-Thomas Scott and John Carter. aeU,'Lnd R. sTa^^'^'' ^^ DiVisiON-Andrew Pardo, WiUiam Man- Stfunto^ ^'™ ^"^"^ ^°'''' DivisiON-John P. Hughson and Daniel XIV. The foUowing persons are hereby appointed Fence-viewers, viz. : Niman Ho W ^''^'' ^''^ ^^^^^ON-Charles Clark, Oscar Dolsen, and K^Jn™ ^cX' ""'"^ ^^^^---Th-- Williamson, Michael Sa^uJlKiJg"'^ ^''*'''' ^"""^ DivisioN-^ohn Finn, Joseph Randall, and J Vh^ma^ry"?. ""^^^ ""^^^ DmsiON-John Flook, Nelson Sheply, JwSfa^Sw' ''°'" ^™^— ^-- Bo«'-J^, I-c Fleeter, A„?J* ^\** *^® appointment of the above named persons to the Offices of Auditors, Assessor, CoUector, Inspector, Surveyor, Overseers, Pound-keepers, and ience-viewers, shall contmue tiU their successors are duly appointed and sworn into omce, according to law. of pIL Fn'lL*?" aPPOf tf ent Of the Collector, and the Inspector of Hou£cs ^•♦wf n^ 5^'^'r^^*' '^*" ^ ^° f°^«« ^ soon as these Officers have lodged Se Co^S "" Corporation the necessaiy Bonds, duly approved oKy 44 O&uJSLTtL^^^^^^^^^ Declaration ,f notified of the same, shallTliaWrto ^in^^ *5''' f?P°^"*'"«"*^ ^""^ ^^ing nor more than Ten DoUarfl fo K« .n P^"^*^ ^^ °ot less than One Dollar plaint of the Cler" beSely JSTthe P?' T^^- "'^""?^' ^'^ *^« ^""- Municipality. ^ '"'^°® °* *^® ^^eaoe having jurisdiction in tJie quSJU^ttrgTnltXere'ntltd ^ ways, Pound-keepers%r Feno^rwers or sW^^^^^^^^ °^ r«'«^«" of High- from any of the mid Offices oTZranv nf f^ '^^''^^^ '^^ ^ discuar^d cant in any of the Rural Road Df^sioZ k s^.llT^^^/f/^^' ''««*'°^^a- m such Rural Road Division in Xhi 1 ^'\^"i^*^' *^« O^^^^^'Hor another Officer to such vacant mTlndZ^h -''^. '^^ '^'''' ^ ^^^Fint effectual, on serving the Clerk „f^i.!n !?P^'°*°^®°* «^^1 l>e vdfcH^^ signed hj the Coun^ of the Ru^d &#^^^^ ^^*^ \'^«ti«e i« writing, ment shall be made, of the same ^'^"''° ^"^ ^^^^^^ S'^oh appoint John Jennbr, Clerk. STEPHEN WHITE, Rbevb. f No. 87-A BY-LAW Labor for a teS of Five ve^ ifZ^ tommfmni for their Statute o^ij>^^-'Con^z's::rz°:z £tf fe"^"' "™^ CoosoUdatod Statutes of Up^r^^d™ '^ ™ '*"' ^'"> ^'V' H »f «» .^e^ S«:SSrrteSf7ifeZi: ?n*"«> ^ "'^^^ ^' I»r U'^rm rf FivfZ^ Sf ^1 ^ ^•^^'"^ '- W- Statute La- on the Uue between CoSone^^ld"^:^^"™"'"^ *°8 "^ 0"«. sn^^te'ndktZk"'lf'±i?te'^e^n,T'"^^^ " «»-'*» ''fe'-d September, 1866. '^ •" ^^ *"'* "<" '»««' "i" le Ftat day of John Jenhsb, Ofe*. STEPHEN WHITE, Emti. DeoIaratio/1 >f lent, and being an One Dollar, pr, on the 30m- isdiotion in the ons shall be dis- •seers of High- be disoiiarged lall become va- the Oounoillor 3ur, to appoint 11 be valid and ice in writing, Buoh appoint- E, Reeve. br their Sta- iUABT, 1865. lia Township, their Statute lot Qttmbered Township of ip. 54, of the ompound for nprovements mberedNine Statute La- ng Lot One, e to let and First day of , Beeye. 45 No. 88— A BY-LAW 7h Appropriate the Monies collected by the Treasurer nf fh. n . ofKentJrom Non^Besi^nt Laruisin'the TZ2;'ofV!:^^C''' Whereas it is necessarvto i1«fin« ♦», ' ^'''?'"' ^^'"'^ ^^""i'ahv. 1865. from the Non-ResiS L^d^ itiws toZZ' I" ,TS *^^^«"«y- ^^-f^ pri»t<, the sme to the Mverul Ra.^1 nlPn- ' ' ""'.township, to .ppro- ae pari filing oo„S IZ 1™ JT"™' "'• *'? Corporitio., to tare of the «ri iL, 'J^^ZI^^TjXZF^"'^ **"« ^ "- JoH» J,™„, Clerk. ®™^™^ ™™. I'"™. INDEX. No. 1. By.l.w to impow a duty on the Exhibition of Wax Figure., Wild Anifflal., &o '*" ' 2. for the openinglof a new Boad on the Lin. between Lot. Four and Fhr. 4 ». to regulate the removing of Timber from the .ide. of Road. pL«^Lg through Wood., 4««««B ». f^'t^blLhaRoadintheXownriiipofRaleigh, therein de.oribed.. ft '• " to impoae a Tax on Dog. r. " to e.tabli.h a Highway in the Town.hip ;i"ii;iieig;; "therein d«wribed' * " 7 10 " S' e.tabh.hmg Highway aoro« Conce«,ion A, between Lot. 9 Ind 10, . . 12 10. to provide for the removal of ob.truct.on- from .treams and water.cour.«i l» n. to repea a By-k,w, and to provide for the payment of Councillor. H ". to repeal all By-law. with re.peot to the .ale, by retail, of Spirituou. Li- 13 .1 f « * v»" v"4!^v^ *° ""''^ """"^ ^^'•=*"*^ provision for the same U 14 u i '!!**'"'^ ^'*^''*J' *"™'" 12th, 13th, and 14th Conce.«on.,.. .. 17 14. for diverting the old River Road, through Lots 17 & 18, River Thame.. .*: 18 16 provide for fixing the amount of Commutation for Statute Labor, .... 20 17 u * "°'°^ ^7;'*'^ "''""» *" *•»« "°»°^»» of obstruction, from strea.^. &c 20 17. " to prevent Horses from running at large,.. m«ream.,«o., 20 18. « to establi.h a Highway acres. 4th Conce«ion, Eastern B^undai^' Line." 22 1». toabohshWardsintheTownshipofRaleigh, «iary i.ine,.. 22 20. to make Rule, of Order for the Municipal Corporation, '. 03 22 .. ^ provide for performance of Statute Labor, and Commutation hereof; :: 24 S' *«*™«"?By-l»^"lating to Horee. running at large, ' ^ M to d ". ?k' t **'"? ^'''' ^"^' "°"'"' ^*' 7 and 8, Front Con<^»^r ^ 24. to divide the Township of Raleigh into Rural Road Diviriomi, ? 27 M « J° „^;?™*J«*PP7t'°«'^t of John Jenner in the Office of Clerk 28 28. to oonlirm the purchase of a certain piece of Land, therein mentioned f;; o'. and the Commutation thereof, &o.... n «• for estabhdung a Highway through Lot 161, Talbot Road 37 ^- "' ^"J'""!""^ Highway across Cons. 6 & 7, between Lots 9 & 10... 30 36. to make provision for Draining a certain locaUty ' Zl 37* u t^!r'°*Jl''^°°'^*^°''P^'^*°'^'^*°^''«'*^»Municipaloffl^^^^^^^^^ Jg 38 « i":"°"''^!^P'^j''*^-"-'^«dto<»mpoundfortheirStatutoi^^^^ U 38. to appropriate the Monie. collectod by the Treasurer of the County Kent from the Township ofRaleigh, .... 46 TEEASUEEfi'S STATEMENT ninala, &o., 3 Lr and Five, 4 ada paaaing 4 ribed, •ibed, 5 6 leaoribed,.. 7 0- 7 9 and 10,.. 12 ;er-oottraefl, 13 lora, 14 rituoua Li- »o, 14 17 Tliamea,.. 18 bor, 20 earns, &o., 20 21 ryLine,.. 22 22 23 thereof,.. 24 26 meemdcfo, 26 27 rk, 28 ioned, for 29 29 }y-law to 31 31 nance of 33 iyiaions, 33 37 Plaina, 38 ), 39 40 ars,.... 42 ) Labor, 44 iinty of :h, .... 46 or FOa THS TOWJ?^SHIP OF RALEIGH, FOB THE YEAR 1864; WITH THK AUDITORS' REPORT THEREON rBBliXJ.A.R-3r 18T«, 1866. AUDITORS' REPORT. SAMUEL SHEPLY, TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWY- SHIP OF RALEIGH, FOR THE RECEIPT AND E VPEV- DITURE OF TOWNSHIP FUNDS DURINQ THE YeIr 1864. 1864. Jariy 1 18 a << Feh'y "i'l « RECEIPTS— DB. . To <( << (I « (I « Mail June Sept. Nov. Dec. ■21 •i 14 23 8 12 30 i< II II II II '«. each $180.63, ii u A Charteris, on County claim, ' Apportionment to Raleigh R. P. D. a. « SALARY ACCOUNT. Jany 18 By Timothy Mlon, ,„.„eillor's wages, $, 50 Mar. 30 " John Jcnner, Clerk, 3J J? $800 00 903 1.5 1200 00 2033 00 May 2 (( Aug. 22 Nov. 1 « K II l< />«?. IG lU II II II II II II II II «c, 19 II II i< 7, 2, 9, 6, 8, 13, 1, 11, 12, 4, 5. 8, 3, 12, 1, 70 5 6 30 15 40 7 3 10 15 16 16 16 50 5 60 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 sd tfo 50 00 50 50 60 00 00 00 00 43G 67 $4 3 10 10 5 10 22 10 5 6 3 4 3 10 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 $43 31 6« 18 4 5 55 SO 19 31 14 32 1 2 9 17 19 63 87 40 68 27' 28 76 59 88 87 75 34 23 03 38 33 41 JanUj 18 II II i> United •TOWN HALL ACCOUNT— {BALANCE.) By William Smith, balance on Fence, $40 oo " " " sundries, 2 10 " Stephen White, Insurance, 3 50 " G. Bennett, Sr., seeding and planting Trees, 6 50 Jari Mar May Nov. May Aug. Jan'i Feb\ Alar. Aug. Sept. Oct. Dec. 106 14 394 70 52 19 1864. Sept. 2 Nov. Dec. 1 ./tfn'y 21 Mar. 30 (( MISCELLAXEOUS ACCOUNT. By 00 00 00 436 C7 106 14 16 Mai/ IG Nov. 1 Mat/ 2 Aug. 22 Jan'y 2 1 i( ■ II FeWy 22 Mar. 30 Aug. 22 iS«p<. 5 II II II II Oct. 31 II II II II II II II II Dec. 19 1-_1. />-_!» .J ' % 1864. Jan'i/ 1 Feb' y 21 Aug. 22 Dee. 19 $2033 00 IS. f 180 03 JatCy 18 Aug. 13 (I (( <( (( II Oct. 31 (( <( u iVoi'. 7 i( i< 10 <( II (I 25 << <( /)cc. 21 a ti II II II II 19 McKellar & Dolsen, Plank for Bridges, Richard Jordan, ditching on 8th Con John West, Spikes, ' Francis Thackery, Plank, Edward Collins, clearing Creek, H. Craig, repairing Bridge, Wm. Irwin, repairing Roads, Robert Sansbury, repairing Scrapers. J. & W. McKeough, Spikes, ' John L. Dolsen, Plank, Gilbert H. Dolsen, per centage, Balance to new Account, 30 15 1 2 3 4 1 2 12 9 41 12 00 20 75 50 121 50 25 00 87 90 03 03 361 $180 63 DIVISION NO. TWO ACCOUNT. DR. To balance from 1863, « " Appropriation from Wild Land Tax, " do. do. " amount overdrawn 4 38 80 63 100 00 10 04 $195 05 CR. By John Griffin, ditching on 8th Concession $ 1 50 " J. A. W, McKeough, spikes 2 40 " Spencer Curtis, repairing bridge " A. Myers, do, " Allen Cooper, clearing creek " Daniel Crow, hauling lumber " John McNamard, repairing bridges " Simon Hock, ditching on 4th Concession " Allen Pierce, do. 8th Concession " George Ellis, do. 8th Concession " Isaac Williams, scraping on C. Road " Mathew Reams, ditching on 7th Concession Patrick Rice, ditching and repairing bridge ) 00 50 25 00 00 20 00 3 60 4 60 2 50 25 60 7 25 4 80 12 95 5 00 4 00 3 50 on 7th Concession " Abram Collins, ditching on 8th Concession " McKellar & Dolsen, plank for bridges, " Anthony Bell, ditching 8th Concession, " Irv'n Steel, " 8th Concession, '' Lafayette Crosby, " 8th Concession, Thomas Lee, building bridge on 4th Concession, 9 75 Michael Kearns, ditching '« 28 00 "m"t v. " " ''^^ " 6 25 " M. Jacobs, " 8th " " Joseph Bryant, " 4th " " Samuel Hayden, " 8th " " John Carley, " 8th " " Edward Prince, clearing creek S. L., " David Robinson, repairing B. S. Line, " Martin Dillan, ditching on 8th Concession " Thomas Crow, percentage, 903 4 00 18 36 00 15 25 00 fil $195 05 6 pTT ; DlVfSIOX NO. THREE ACCOUNT. 1864. ~ AuJ'. II "^^ "^^P'^T.""""" ''«»",^Wild Land Tax, Dec. 19 .1 Atnount overdrawn, Jan'y 1 Moj/ 16 Ju7ie 19 -rfl«^. 22 -&/><. 5 22 i( ec. 6 9 (( 15 19 II II (I By CR. new account, 12 00 10 88 10 00 12 40 11 67 4 25 7 50 11 40 11 00 7 85 5 00 45 9 03 23 87 DIVISION NO. FIVE ACCOUNT. 1864. pjj •^""V 1 To balance from 1863, 4 *'^22 "' *^^1*'^*'P"'''^"" *"'"«™ Wild Land Tax, « T .. CR. By John SuJhvan, ditching on 15th Con., " James Pike, culvert, " James Freeman, ditcliing, " Charles Bavin, Jullf 18 Aitff. 22 Oct. 22 31 26 70 19 89 43 25 »I 75 319 83 1386 26 $7743 83 8 T°*o^n8Wpaccountc, R. J. MORRISON, \ ^'^tUtort. iwn, $ 10 04 00 28 reas- 17C6 88j| $1776 20i $ 695 00 360 00 I 711 88i $1766 88 J '■ccouQts for •duced, and Auditors. THE LARGEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY. GEMMILL, PROPRIETOR -IS PUDLI8HE])- EVER,Tr Xli "CJ K, S ID .A. T2- 3Swff OR,N"i3sra-. AT THE OFFICK, ^^, (^m^;^w. TUB SAHieiw HCOiPrSK. THE "OHA.THAM BAlSnSTER" contains a i^^e amount of Mi«,ellaneou. Matter. Current, Local, and Qen- eral News, with correct reports of the state of the Markete ; JIM? IS A USEFUL AND EELUBLE FAMILY JOURNAL. TEiii(s~$2.oo m rai, 01 n.75 if pah IK IBVAHCE. i.»W««<»«.»»,«,