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Lea diagrammas suivants illuatrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 tmmm ■PPHBPWPiPP mmm ^ ^ LONDON, ONTARIO. ^ AND SACRED CONCERT*, ' (In Aid of the above AsBooiation,) wHl be held in It. |aoI'»|athfdnil,»n|iiida8 |wnini!, |i|ril 30ft, 1875. -CONDUCTKD BT- f'^P'i # i^ It PROGRAMME. 1. March, ** Procession," Scotson Clark 2. Anthem,.. . ."They have taken away my Lord," Stainer 3. Andante, No. i, Batiste 4 " Santa Maria,".. . . " Marcia Religiosa" Meyerbeer 5. Adagio, Sonata No. 7, Op. 2, .Beethoven 6. Offertoire, IN C Minor Batiste y "Ave Maria," Schubert 8. Anthem, — "Blessed are They that Dwell in Thy House," Berthold Tours 9. Andante, No. 2, . • Batiste 10. March, " Grand Commemoration," Scotson Clark N.B.— Strict Silence on the Part of the Audience is particularly requested, especially during the Performance of the Pieces. Wcit ^crfortnanct toill Ccmmettre st 8 o'clofk f.^. KaKR FRKtB PRIWTISQ CO.