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Les diagrammas suivants illustrant la m^thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 hUL4 Ri:i'(^RT ()x\ THE EXAMINATION OF THE ALL HALLOWS MISSION SCHOOL YALE, HRITISH COLUMBIA, MID- SL'MMEH 1890. I have great i)U'ii.sun! in reijorting tho result of the exatniiiattoti, which at the request of his Lonlship tlie Bishop of New VVestuiiiister, 1 have just liel'l at the School. The exainiiia- tion of tho senior pupils was largely cudducted liy moans of papers, the tiuestions of which were as a rule well answered. Tho children's knowledge of the various selected portions of the Scripture.s — and as to this I speak of all the departments of the School — was specially good save in some few instances, chieny those of Indian children who had very recently en- tereil)le in the Sunday Scho 1. Dictation, too, w as (US a rule well duuful, recreative, and instructive element, ah'i()st wholly neglected in the state estahlished day schools of British Columbia. I nmst further make an especial liliision to th • accurate and evidently reverent km^wledge of the Scriptures, possessed by one of the older girls named Mali, an Indian ^ntcsitof/. Tlie younger children whom I examined stood the test .so well, having regard to their age and race, tUot I exitect .some of them even to pass l)eyond the present standard, good though it generally is, of tlx^ older pupils. The children are I untlerstauil t.ught simple needlework well, a sul ject however on which I ventured not to adjudicate. They assLst in the do- mestic arri'-n<'emcnts of the house, which is a m xlel (if or ler, cleanliness and neatness, and of tiieir culinary attainments, the hospitality of estubli.shmeiit tendered me during my visit of inspection bore very satisfactory pi-oof. '1 he tone of the Schtol .seems excellent and the children have evidently a loving regard for their pi(»tectres.sos and teachers. I had, as I lay statt , during my visit a gcKnl ojiportunity of noting the general n^spect of this Institution maintaine the health and comfort of the pu- pil-protegees. Excellent wt>i"k is acconlinglj' b ing ilone (on a sc .le, unf H'tun.itely limited by tl-.e t< o slender resources .f t'-e Institution) tors ' lo of the many girl children of a most inter('sti".g native .;\ce. The younger Indians of i British ColumI ia aro, as 1 conceive, capable by virtue of a n.iti'.rJly docile intelligence •! becablc •■;" tlio lii^rlier life is proven ^:.mi;ly Ijy. the ;nil the conduct of sevji-al fiinou'; tho ; uj ils f this School. I iim gift' I to learn theruf^.iv t''.r.t the .School is about to 'xi enl..r/'>'., so ra tc* accom- modate m uv; Intli'iu cbil'lren and a fair niu'i- ber of whit \ upils. There i& ample scope for sueh extended work, not only in I'ule, but elsewhere in British Co- lumbia, did the ladly limited educational re- sources of the diocese of New Westminster per- mit it. This extension is tho more desirable on tho part >.f the Anglican Church in Britifih Co- lumI ia whieh ohould not lag bohind in any good wo k — inasmuch as tho Konian Catholics of tin; rroviiice, to their credit be it said — have long lieen and still are largely rendering reli- gious edu>' aid to the Indians of British Cohim' ia. I WHS not-surprised to find among the chil- dren (if the school, several intelligent pupils of white |.(irentiige. Their natural guardians rightly think it !•■ tt r to send them to a school like this, in wliich their duty to God and man is taught from th ly secular training of a public day-si h'tol in iii rovii'oe, the Legislature of whi<''i has