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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^. >h THE TIIIirriETII REPORT OF TIIK I N C R P R A T E D I CHURCH SOCIETY of 1^9 IliorpsF of <^mht, FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31.st DECEMBER, 1871. rs»-^ QUEBEC: PRINTED AT THE "DAILY MERCURY" OFFICE. 1872. ▼ ▼^▼•^▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼^^^▼vV^'r-v'<r'r^'r"r'V^V'^VV^'^'T'^^^^'^^^'" CONTENTS. Abitract of Ptoo«eding« of Oenlral Board. 1* OtorffTfa»«*twl;..V..>. ....... v.... «« BUItiwricEadowioontFdmd...... ...... .v-"**"*"" ** > Ojiii^ll? I* iptil,' .'. . . ....'.1.^;'.;...* ...«.•• :^.,j»...-*.'.;..y^. ?•>■•. - to . JTtoolei Bn49ino«vt )f«ft«- • ;. ».♦ .» . • • • •• • • • • • • • • <'• • • • • • '^ ^* - WldowrfirtidarjihiMitf^dBd:.....^^ '2 t)9^!toifFuiMi.... ;..... v«'vv.*v....'. V....M 74 '< ' Mliftioii 7ttii4 '• .!• • •'< ..j«.''. «■♦*«....•....•..•*•••••••••«♦•• • T* SmftojBj^itioti cBod ,,...,.«'.. ■ ».....;...,.........••.••••••■ '^ , lldpofttiirti^aM;..^... .................. :-..... t6 BUhop Moanlaia Z4ibrMlor Hissioii f iAi4 78 PetllottFOild..^.. .>..... ...... ..... ...V. T8 Bp60Ml , s vtod. . • f • •. 1. •..'»... ....••.. .••• .... •••♦ . .. .••.«• o" BaloAce Sheet of Ledger on 3l0t Oiiiocm^, 1971 . ». . ....... 80 Dioossidi Boird-BeVtitOe AooOniti. , . . .v.. .. ... ... . . . . .... . . 82 -Qo, i <Jlo;:8ii{»^t!irai^ntairf Aocoant....^ <Jlergj^ of tho m(Ns4.^.v.; .V..., ,.^... ..v... ...,.,....., -i.... 3 'Clergy Tcawt feidiMtpittoe^ . . . . ./^. ^. ^ ...,;,....,.. .. 7 <3oi»mitttiM...f,.. ...... ....Pl^'^.. 6 Goaditione of »pBlIoatippfj||^>wi|^jta ...... ......;.......,....;«• .119 jDf ooedftb BoftTQ . . . «... . £• -j^. . .v > . ....^t •...«• (...i^. o..^.. ....... ' 7 PiooeB»B <OosMbotorM a^^^ ........;. E8 FOrOlSOI SCQUeftH .-• . i^^ . • .......... .'......•.«••. .....* «. ..•••• 116 tiands beloogiog tbthe QoQij^tjr...... .............'•..•......'. .. lip lleetiDgs of Oeiitral Bowl^, I)iocesaBi JBoircf , fc . ^ .....;.. 8 JalM)l0PA'7'.«®P^'^':' •'• . • .';.'... »4 ..... ^ .......«•• ^ ....•'•.....• • ' 22 clew Joieiftvers. « ....-* . * . ^ . ^ . ^ « .... *'^ . . '....• if .^. v . .'. ^ .. .'.'^ ...... . i lo ^OffidoTfli CenttikV Boil(l'd|. Itc. , . . . ....v. .*.•.*.. ..i. »...'.... ... .. .'. S SrrajrenL. . . . • i #^'.'..1;/. ...... «.'«..• ...... ......... ... «•#••• ...... 4 ■ttepC^K lOT. Iw71 . .'. ..........i^.. '.........• ..*«*............ ..^... " Beyort of the DioeeMQ/Boud .;.».•. ., *•*•,...... ......«•*••• ..... .17 Beport«f th^gt. Frtade J>tatr{<offc A«9oeiatto&..4... ...... ...... .. 15 Report of Clergy Tr^ttOoiQiQtUtee....... ........ ...... ......... 69 >3tat«metit9-o/4m9QDtft ijaitedtB ^ Dineceae....... ...... ...... ■.', 89 i TlIK Tllll!TiKT!l lil'I'ORT 01' ■IIIK i N C II LM) \l A T K I) CHUKCH SOCIETY of f|F JliofFsr of <|iiFfeFr, I'lil! TlIK YKAR EN' I) INC :!l-i DECP^MISKR, 1871. I3i5»tnTt>li«la.ccl "Ztlx TttI^t, X04S. i <,>rKI'.KC: rnJNTED AT Tin: "daily meucuuv office. 1S72. CLiyjJCiY OK TlIK J)IO('KSK OK (^('K15KC\ 187'J. HiiiiiT Ukvkheni' J. W WILLIAMS, D.U., Loiin IJisuoi' of QcKnEc. Allnatt, KcT. i*'. •!. 1] DruininoiKlvillu. Uiidi^loy, llcv. Cliiis., M.A. Jtoftm- of (iruiniiiiir ,*^oliool, Lcn- liiiirour, Kcv. A. (retired) .Viiluiirtier. fiKixvillc iJalti.iir, Rev. A. .)., J!. A Ilatley. l!iiyiloll, lluv. Jiiiniis, 1!.A Itiiiy. J'.uylo, Kev. I'"., li.A Kn.-t Fraiiipt(.ii. l!uVni;j:c, Kov. 11 (1., M.A. (rcthfil) Uatluy. rhiiiiiiiaii, lU'V. r. S., M.A Miid^wrll. |)L')il)iii^c, lU'v, J. Li (iiij^iniiic. 1)(« iM()uil|iioil, Hi\ . ,1 Mcolet. ])in-oy, Ucv. .1 C<iiiiiPt(in. rortiii, i;>n . A., 1!. A Indian N'illa^c, Si. Franci.«. i''<ptlicr;,'ill, Kev.M. M ,Svr. of Iiioresaii 5:yu'Ml...St . I'otcr'.s (.iiiebeo. J''i)>ti;r, Kuv. ,1.. M. A., Kei'.tor TInco Hivcis. Ilaiiiiltoii, llcv. ('., M.A., lii.-hi.!.'.- ('liai.laiii.. .>t. .Matthew's, Quebec. lleiildirn. Kev. .)., |;.A l.alir.'idov. llMiisiiiaii. llcv. (i. v., M.A.. H( v'toi- i.iiiel)cc. Juukiiis, l!ev. .). II., I J. A \\'e-t I'rainj.li.ii. Ketiiji, llev. .1., I!,!) Leed.--. Kci'. llev. M .'^aridy IJeiich. Kill;.,', llev. W <t. .-^ylve.ner. Kiii,^', Kev. K.. i;.A l»>irliani. l,y.<ter, llev. W. (J., i;..\ ('.i[ii! Cove. .Mallier,-, llcv. II .Malbaic, (la.^nc'. .Merrill;, llev. W. t"., M. :\ l;i\ itre dii hoilji (en liaut.j .MiliK'. llev. (i., M.A., lUiral Dean New (_'arli.-le. Mlteii(dl, llcv. 11 StDiiidiaiii. Ai<'(iil.-, Kev J II , It.D . Kitral Dean, I'rineipa! ]5i.-li(ij)'s College, liCniinxviiie. I'arker, Kev. (I. II Kiiij;scy. Parkin, llev. 1-J. C . . . ilaton. I'etry. Kev. 11. .1., i;.A I>auvillc. I'lees, llev. 11. G .-t. L'auf.s (Juciiee. Ilawson, llev. C, M..\ Cathedral, (^noljec, Keid, llev. C. 1'., M.A .'-lierbripol-.e. Kii'hninnd, Kev. J. 1' (iaspt- J3a,<in. iliehard.-^on, Kev. T. I. Cuatienok, Kioiiel, Kev. .s., U.A .Ma'^rdalen lelaud.-. Koe, Jlev, Jl., B.A., K.xaininiii:; Chaiilaln.. . ..AlelbDiirnc. Kti.-;.-;, Kev. K. (i. \V. (retiretl) Hiviire dii Ltaip (en ba.".) lluwl.iiid. Kev. A Upper Irelatnl. Searlh, Kev. A. C. . M.A Keiiiidwille. .*«'ewell. Kev. K. W., .M.A Chaptdot'ihe Holy Trinity, (Quebec Short, llev. 1! .Moiitiiioreiiei. Smith, Kev. V. A ()eori,'oville, Stiniit, llev. II. C. i;.A St. .Matthew's, Quebec. Sykes, Kev. J. .S,, I'ort Chapbiin (Jiieboe. Taiiibs, Kev. K. C, M. A Bishop's Culle,ii;e, Lonno-wille. Thompson, Kev. t I'roinpton. Vial, Kev. W. S Jieaiiport. Vonltliaiid, Kev. A.A., M.A, Sec. Diocesan Board St. Michael's, Quebec. Walters, Kev. . I Magoi^. AVasher. Kev. .J. li Nortirinverness. Woolryche, Kev. A. J., Secy. Church Society. .Levi.s. Wurtule, Rev. L. C, D.A Actonvalo. TIJAYKKS, TO »K rsKI> .\T M.l- MKKTIXUS n|' TIIK SfiCIKTV A\I> nV (TS SKNKli.M. ASSOCIATIONS. I'kkvknt is. O Loiil. ill :ill <'ni' <Ioin,i,'s. willi Tliy most, _i,'rucioiis (avoiir, :iii<l InrtlMf ii> wi'li 'I'liy «'<'iilimial lu'lp; IJial ill all Mill' works, Ik'hiim. (•••ntiiiiutl, nii<l emlfd in Tlico, wo may .i^'loi'iiy Tliy II<»ly Name; and linally. ly 'l'li> nu'iry, obtain cvcrlasliii-' lilo; lliroii-li .lf>iis ('lll•i^( our Lord. O :\I('rcil'iil (iod, Wli'i li:t>l made all iiicii. and hatost Jiotliiii<;- that 'I'lioii lia>l niadi-, nor woiildot tlit! death of u sinner, hut rather that he -hoiild he converteil and live; have morey upon all Jews. Turks. Intidids ami lirretics. and tako from them all iunoranee. hardiie>.> of heart, and eoiitem|it of Thy Word, and .so tM( li them liomi'. Mes-ed J.onl. lo Tliy flocdv-. that they may he .^aved amoiiir tin; romnant «d'the Iruo .iHraelites, and he made one lidd under one Shej)herd. l'ro>in'r, O Lord, the lahours of llio.-e .sociftiis of the ( 'hur(di in tho land of our l-'athers. \vhi( h Thou ha>t dc'iii;no<l to u>e in tho promotion of this ohjt'ci. and \\hic h have nourisliod the < 'hiireli ill the colonies; and hiess in like manner ^vith Thy Holy Spirit and I'rovideiit ial succour the Society in whose caiiso wo are now met, and the uiidertakiiiu.-s whi(di we have now in harid. -Trosper Thou the work of our hands upon us; () prospoi" Thou our hand}' work." lor the .sake, and through tho merits of thy Son Jesus Christ (uir T-ord, Who liveth and rcio'netii with Thee and the Holy (ijio.st. one (iod. world without end. Awe/). Our Father, whicli art in licaveii. Ifallowcd bo Thy name, Thy Kini^-dom come ; [Vhy will lie done in earth. As it is in Heaven. (Jive us this day our daily bread. And i'or.<;'ivc us our trespasses. As -wo forg-ivo them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil; Kor Thine is the kingdom, the power and tlie glory, For over and ever. Amdi. 5 T II E (; II u im; II SOC 1 ET V OK TIIK DKH'Ksr; ()!' (iii'HKc:. r A T RON. iri^ E\. KI.I,KN( V TlIK <iiiVKI(N()U ( lK.SKl;.\t., * I'UESlUEN'l". TlIK JlM.lIT I! KVKllK.M" rilK I-0UI> l!l8IIUP OK QlKllKi'. VICE-PRESIDENTS. lIon.Chicf-JiiKtict'M.rctiiili, U.CJ.. M. Sheppurd, Eh<j , n..n. Kdwaril lliiic, D.C.r,., Rev. <}. Milne, M..\., litiral Dean, U.v. Goo. Ma( kif, L>. 1)., Rev. C. P. Reid, M.A., Rev. tln! rrincipivl of ISishoii'd C'ol- R.!V. W. KinK, I'C'', 1). !)., Rev. G. V. HoUBumn, M.\., riio Ki:,'lit Itov. tho Lord IJiahop of \V. I'ctrv, Es(i., llmon, W. G. Will tele, Esq.. U. Iliiiiiiltoii, Ei-(|., i:. II. Smith, Esq., H. S. Scott, Es(i., C. N. Montizimhert, E.-^q., ( Kov. E. \V. Sow.ll, M..A . R. W. HeiieUer, Esq., licv. A. W. Mnuntiiiii, M.A., Rev. C Hamilton, M.A., II. N. .loncH, Es<|., Rev. H. Roe, li.A., E At-he, Conunandei, K. N. CENTRAL BOARD. Tlie i'rcHidciit, tlie \'i( t- I'ri sidtnts, and all utlici Ofllccvri of the Society, all (.'kigynR'n iici'iiKcd within the Dioccst', and the WardenB of every Church or Chapel, being iDonibcrs of the Corporation, and C. I'. Champion, Er;()., V. Mi.nti/.iinitiert, M.D. G. G Kill Stiiart, Esq., G. Hall, E.<(i., .1. I'atton, junior, I'^ij., (.". Henry, Es(i., \V. Hunt, Em| , \V. C. Seott, Eh(i., R. R. Dohell, E.-^q., Hon. G. Irvine, 11.1', 1". A. Shaw, Esq., W. NewtoD, Esq. C. JiiJgo, E^<i., H, W. Welch, jr., Es(i., I lUN'OUAUY COrXSEL » lion. (i. Irvine, M.P. Al-DITOUS. 31. \V. Wukli, jnnio • r, E,<i|.. 1 CI I d?e, E.-q. TUEASURKR. (Jeorjo) Veasey, Esq. SECRETARY'. Rev. A, .1. Wc>oliych •. 6 COMMri'TKli^S. I) K I' f) s r r () i: V c o .vi m i t t k k 'III.' i. 1.1(1 r.iylioj., ClinlriMiui, lU'T. (i. V. Ilonmiiiiit, liev. U. (,. I'l.'.H, llcv. C. Hiuniilon, Ui'V. M. JI. Fothiivill, llt'V. «.'. Uuwsoii, ('. N. M.>htiziuiil..it, Hnq., 11.. J rnithii, Kmj., Dr. M.'iiti/.HiiilK it, C. .IikIkc, Kh(1., K Atthf, (Jotumatiilt-r, U.S., Tlif Sucnlary. i<' I N A N <; K CO .M M I T '1' K K . lUv. (!. V. Uoii.siimii, Chairtimti. Kev. 11. 0. FMcfF, Uev. ('. llaiuilttiii, H. W. Weiih.jr., Esq., Com. Ablic, K. M., \V.(;. Wmtci., Ks-i , r. A .SllllW, K^ll., 15. II. '^iiiitli, Lmj , U. Hall, l;^.l., 'I'lif 'I'li'iiHUrci, Tin- hcu'tiiry. K i> r C A '1' I " N C .M M 1 T T K E 11' V. (I. \'. HmifiiiHi), Clmiriiinii. Rev. C. Hiimihoii, Kt'V. C. Kawsoii, liev. M. M. Kotlicruill, Kev. A. A. Voii lliiiiud, I!, v. 11. (I. }'I.'«H, I H. Aslif, C«.iiiinai!il(r, li N , Dr. iMoiili/.HJiil.frt, II. h. .-^( (.tt, Kscj , The Secretary. L A N D C JT M I T T E E . Geo. Vensey, Ek(|., Chairman, P. A. Shaw, Esq., | The Secretary. INVEST M E NT CO M M 1 T T E E . The Treasurer, 11. Hamilton, Esq , | W. Ci, Wurtele, Esq. mOOESAN HOAllE). TIIK LOUD DlsnOP, PUESIDENT. (EUcttd by Synod.) | {FAectrd by Church Socitly.) Uiv. C. Hamilton, M.A., R.-V. .1. H. NlcollH, D.D., Huv. J. FoHtttr, 11. W lI«'neUfr, Esq., W.G. Will tele. Ksq., H. H. Hcott, Esq. Rev n. I!oc, Ui'V. (>. V. Uoiifmin, Rev, A. A. Von IflliiUil, R. Iliirailton, Enq., Com. AkIh', R N.. Quo. Mall, Ei^q. {Ex'Officio Mvmbtrt.) TIm! Clericiil Serrctftrv of Synod, I The TreaKiuer of Synod, The Seciutiuy of Clunch Society, | The Treasurer of Church Society. SECRETARY. Rev. A. A. Von iniind, M.A. CLEUOY TRUST COMMITTEE. THE LORD BISHOP, CHAIRMAN. Rev. R. G. PleeH, Rev. W. Kinir, Rev. G. V. Housraim, Rev. C. P. Ucid, Rev. C. Hamilton, R. Hamilton, Esq., W. G. Wurttle, Esq., C. Judge, Esq., i). P. Champion, Esq., P. A. Shiiw, Esq. TREASURER. W. G. Wuvtele, Esq. SECRETARY. Reverend R. G. Plees. 8 STATED MEETINGS. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY. Wednesday 1873 22nd January. CENTRAL BOAUD. Thursday 1872 15th February. Thursday . . 21st March. Wednesday 10th April. Wednesday 22nd May. Wednesday 11th September, Wednesday 13th November. AYedn osday 11th JJecem ber. Wedncciday 1873 8th Jan uary . Thursday 23rd January. DEPOSITORY COMMITTEE. Monday 1872. Monday Monday Monday 4th March. 3rd June. 2nd September. 2nd December. DIOCESAN HOARD. Thur.sday 1872 11th April. Wcdnesda}^ 3rd July. Wednesday 2nd October. Friday ..1873 2'ith January. ANiNUAL riEl'OllT FOll 1871. Ci)in|):iralivc StuteiiR'nl of Vulunlaiy CuiiLributioiis for 1870 and 1871 : 1K70. 1871. Inemisc. Cloncral Fund i^l Ut'».OS 01550. 2(1 8 51.18 Mission Fund 20L>7.M 27lS.i;!) 000. 95 Widows' and Oi-piians' Fund.. 010.88 018.00 204.11 Pension Fund 208.55 805.41 12(5. 8(1 Lahrador .Mission Fund 18. .■)8 18.88 Total Inri'case $1170.48 The al>ove Coni])arati\-e Statement is so I'ar satisfaetoi-}' as Hhewiiii;- an inciH-ase in tiie voluntary contributions of this year ovei- last, l)Ut on the other hand it must be borne in miinl that this surplus is mainly to bo attributed to tlie muni- ficent anonymous eontribution of $500. 00 to the Mission Fund at CaeounaXhureh. and an ecpially liberal donation of $500.00 from the late Ftlward "Burstall, Ksq.. aj)))0i'tioned as follows, at Ids reijuest : Widows" and Orphans" Fund $200.00 Pension Fund 200.00 Mission Fund 100. (I() $500.00 The atteidion of the Clergy is a,<i-ain drawn to tlu' absolute nceessit}' of transmittinii; their annual contributions to the Treasurer lieforo 81st December. MISSION FlNIi In i-eferrin,<;' the Society for an account of .Missionary work to the lieport of the Diocesan Board, it will bo seen that an increase of $012 has been handeil to tlie Treasui'er of the Diocesan Board from the Mission Fund during- the past year, thus reilucinjj^ the deticit of the Jioard from $1870. 00 to $841. It is u'ralifyini:; to learn that there has been an increase in. tlio voluntaiy subscri|)tions of $000.05. The Hoard would remind Churchmen that tills Fund is the oidy cdiannol whence aid can bo drawn for the openin;;' of new missions. The grant from the Society for the Propaij;ation of the (;losi>el, and the n\ission assessments are li.Kcd, and it is onI\- l)v drawinii; from lilt' -Mis'-ii*!! I''miil. mill's^ a >|)ot'iiil ^tiuiI \<v made IVoiii llio (ioiiri'iil l-'iiii(l. ihat (loricii'iK'ii's in the Jili'oady occupied tields of laljuiir cull 1h> made ^ood and ii'W sialions cnlcri'd upon. Mission tickls arc v\vv prcseiitin;;- tlieiiisclves. Tlie Hoard tlierct()]v tnisl lluU (lui-ini;- ilic cui'rciiL vcar an clibrL will Ijc made to plaeo this Fund in such a position as lo enalile the Uoard to eni;'aL!;e in a work so important to the welldteiiiL;- of liic Church ill this widely seattered diocese. Il is with ,<j,-i'ent satisiacliou the Jioard learn thai their sii<4'i;estion in last year's report in i-eference to the duly ol'assistiiii;- in convcAin"" I he (lospel to heathen lands has borne fruit. Duriiiij,- the vi>iL oftJial i;'rcat missionary of our (Jhureli, liisho]) Selwyn, a meetin;.!; was lield under the auspices of the Si>ciety. and the pj'oceed-, amounting- lo S()5. 1"), toi;'c1 her with iiie ofVertory at an eai'ly celebration of the Holy Coinmuniou on St. .Simon and 8t. Jude's l)ay,al S(. Peter's Chapel, aniouiil- ini;' to ?(!. ;")(). has been transmit led (o \\]v. Society for the Propagalioii o|' ihe (iospol. towai'ds the su]»j)<)rt of its liHliaii Mission on this coiitineiit. The Hoard tru>l thai ihis o-,,,,,! durini;- the j)reseiit yt'ar. bcM-iiiniii:;- mn\- bear nujro Irui WIDOWS AM) (((M'llA.NS M). 'I'lic amouiil of voluntary c(Uitributions to ihis l-'und. for the jiust year, is considerably in ad\-aiice of 1 lial of the jire- vioiis year. The claims ujiou this Fund have loiiunalcjy lalleii short of the amount of volmifary conti-ibutions. whiNf iho aniuiai interest arising' from the Capit:d reaches, accord ii.ij,' lo iho last stulement, SIS')! .8:5. During the past year the opinion of the cmineiii Acl uar\', A. (i. .Ii':n:say. J']<!j.. has beei; obtained relalivt' to ihe, iwo points submitted to him last .Tanuaiy. 15ut inasmuch as his reeoni- mendation involves an altei-ation (;f the IJydaw, the inatter has Itoen referred to tlie Churcli Society. The Treasurer repoi-ts that the following (dergyTuon have qualitied themselve.s during the jiasi year as ])ai'l'icipants in the benefits of the Fund,— Reverend Messrs. Keni]), King Plees, Lyster, Ker, Von Itlland, Vial, Thompson, ,Sniitli| Ross, Short, l•^)thergill, ]\rerriek, Hu i-rage, Woolrycho and Riopel. I'KNSION I'UNT). It is gratifying to notice a slight increase in the receipts during the ])ast year. At tliesamc time tlieEoar<l mnst state u Lhul this Fuiul has not yet rocoivod that measure ot'suitpoH wliieh it is entitled 1o in coiisicU'ration of its important h(jarini>" iij)on the* well-heini;' of the Diocese. It au;aiii seems necessary to remind cliurchmen that the Society for the I'rojiai-atioii of tlie (Jospel has tlirown iii>on ourselves the responsibility of providing;; pensions in future for the Clergy. The Hoard are of o])inion that if the Clergy would brin^; this subject promincntl}' l)efore their peo])le, either by ser- mons or othei'wise, a manifest inci-ease in the Fund would be the result. ENDOWMENT I'LNT). A list of (he liural Endowment Funds of the Diocese, to which no a<ldilion has been made duriuir the ]Kist year, will be found in the Clergy Trust J-'und account, with the excep- tion of that for Nicolel, which a[)iiears in the acc(umts of the Treasurer of (lie Societv. 1 » i; I'( )S ! TOU Y C< >MMtTTEE. Comptirative statement oi' sales, 1870 and 1871 1870. 85 p.ibics s ctJ.c;) t;8 Testaments llM'.') 278 rraycr-15ooks 1L>().1;{ |t!() ^liscellaneous J'ub- lications 1 15.(57 Tracts 1(:.88 $:i(J1.4i) > 40.33 1871 li;5 P,ible^ (;8 Testanu'uts..,. 11.11 433 I'rayer-lioohs. 155.14 =■•1034 ^lisccUaneous rublicatious... 280.. 35 Tracts -O . i .8527.50 Increase in 1871 81(j0'.01 The sales of 1871. althou«;-h comparing favorably with those ..f 1870, are still Ijelow those of 18(59 and 1808, and the Board tear there is very little hope of improvement until the use- fulness of the iK'pository can l»e extended !>}• bringing in other publications than those of the Society for Tromoting Christian Knowledge, whicharein nmny instances unsuited to the wants and liabits of colonial life. The H(xu-d are much indebted to the Secretary-Treasurer, C. Judge, Ks(|., for his very valuable services. • Includes 10 of the S. P. C. K. Selected Libraries for Suntlay and Other Schools, of 40 volumes eacli, or 400 volumes in all, im- ported for Sunday-schools in mission of Danville and 'f ingwick, and St. Matthew's, Quebec. 12 EDUCATION. Diiriiii? the ])ast ycni-, nid Jims hcoii cxtondcM.! lo an aildi- tiuiial Sc'liool ut I'ortneiil' and 'rini^uicdc. TJio Schools aided \>y the tSocicty on the iioiHi sliorc of the St. Lawrence arc uudci- llic supei-vision of the Jicv. J{. (J, Plecs, tliose on tlic soulli shore under llial <d'the Rev. II. J. retry. SCJI00L8 AIDKD BY THE CUUIJCII SOCUOTY. SCHOOLS. Bourg Louis, No. 1 . . . . Coaticook , Craii bourne West F ram ptoti. .. . .. , Lake Beanport Stoneham rortueuf . . .. St, Giles New Armagli Tingwick St. JIargarct's Parlvliurst St Patrick'f; Bourg Louis, No. 2 u - o q < ■M M U» ir. 1:1 24 20 21 2". 28 NAMES OF TEACHERS. Dora i'.rowii J. E. MtGirjiic . . . . Wiiliaiu Hume H. Dickson J. H. IJiciiardson.. . E. T. D. Chambur.s, James Daly f. S. Procter Edmord Craig Carol i He Hall Mi.ss Suiter F. E. Bite S. Sutherland Kate Ingham c <- a o i<10 (»0 5fi 00 30 00 ;jo 00 40 GO 40 00 no 00 27 r.o 27 r*o 2 7 50 2 7 no 2 7 50 30 00 I $120 200 100 12:. :;20 u;o MO 100 IDO 10(1 140 Tli(> Uoard lias very o;rcal satisfaction in annoiinciiii.'" the appointment of (ieorg-c Yeasey, Es<)., as Trcasiij-ei-. in the room of llie late lamented (!. A. L. Wood. Ks([. The ibllowiiii^ resolution was unaniniousiy ado])te<l : — 13 Tliiit the Coiitnil JJoiinl <1(. place on i-coonl the sense of the h)ss whit'h, in eoinmon wilhothei- institutions, the (.'hnieh Society of the J)ioccse Jias recently sustained in the ivnioviil hy death of tiieir hite Treasunn'-, (ieorge Aii.u'ustus Leslie Wood. Ks(|., as wi'll as theii- hii^ii estimation of his aniiahlc and Christian chai-acter, and that the Si'crelary he requested to convey to .Mrs. Wood the rcspcctfid sympathy of the lioard Avilh her under her heavy alHietion. 'Vho IJoard rci;'vet to place on record the loss which the Society has .sustained durini;' the year in the removal hy death of tlu^ .Ueverend John Torrance^ ifector of Three IJivers, a Vice-President of tho Society, and of Kdward Burstall, Esq., William I'oston, Ks(]., life mcmhers, and foi- many years acti\'e su|i[)orlers of the Society. ,1. \V. QlKUKC, President, A. .). Woomivche, Secret ai'v. 11 ABSTJJACT OF PJIOCEEPIXCIS OF CKXTJJAL HOAIM) DUliimf TIU'] YEAR ISTl. If f i. January. — rtc|)()ii of Land Coinmitlcc adopted. Claims ol' the widow and cliiidren of tlic liev. Ii. (J. Ward on tlie AV. tV: O. Fund wore allowed. Outtits of $50 eaeh ^'ranted to two clergymen out of tlio (leneral Fund. Grant of 81U0 to East Franipton Parsonage. Eesolved, — That the lMlu('ati(»n Committee hold (juarterly meetings, and report missions whei-e schools might with advantage l»e estalilished. FEiuirAiiv. — JJesolved. — That the I'arson;ige at .Melhourne he transfeiTed to the IJisho]) in Trust. The usual allowance to the Cha))lain at Ci-osse Isle was placed at the Uishop's disposal. Maiicii. — The thanks of the Society were tendered to the Bis]io[> of .Maine and .Rev. J. C;ii'micliael for their assistance at the annivi-rsary meeting. Ai'Rri.. — Till! Secretary Avas in>irucled to notily (he Ch'i-gy that the suhsci'iptions to the W. iV O. l-\ind will he due on Isl day of .May. Mav. — Committee a])j)oiidcd l(» secure a Ti-easurer. fiCtler to the Church-wardens of Watervillc ivlative to Cliurch property. XovE^MRER.— Investment aiithori/.e<l in {[amilton Dehen- tures to the amount of ,i?9()00. The Jvlucition Committee stated that $21') M-ould he re(juii-ed to eiiahle them to n)cet their engagements. A grant of $247.0'} was made out of tlie Special Fund. The suhject of granting a ])onsion to the wido^y of the late JJev. .1.' Torrance Avas deferreil. A graid of $100 on the usual conditions was made to the Magog Mission Church. Treasurer's statement was received. K K V O U T or TlIK ST. I'L'AXCIS DISTincr ASSOCIAI^IOX Ol' THK iN('t>i;iN)i;.\'ri:i> ciiriirii society "K the diocese ok (,>rEiiE(.', F"r ll/i i/((t/- , ndiii'/ Di'miilx r In. 1S!71. A rrvicw ol' llic work ol' iIk' Cliiirdi in roniuM'tioii "willi this Association preisciits .several le:il,ures of u ])leusii)!j; and prospoi-ous cliavacter, ^vhi('ll call foi' our ^-ratitude to tlie L;'iver of all n'ood lliinLi;s, willioui wIiom' blessing our Ik'sI etforls will lie -wantini;' in siieeoss. On com paring llic amoiuils raised witliin (lie T)istriel one \'eai- with another sinee 1^51. the year in which a division of our Cliurcdi ))ro|)crty "was made wiiJi the then newdy formed Diocese of Montreal, we lind :i steady and gradual increase, which, in 1871. assumes an amount beyond the most sanguine e\|)(HTations of the Chui-cirs best friends, in LS.')! tlie total amount raised within the District for all chui'ch purposes was >;,")rj0.72. Tlie amount for missionary jnirposes alone for ISTl excei'ds 6o<H)0. all of which has been raised within the limits of this .\ssociatiiin. This Num has refererico to the missionary wants of the Chui'eh. and comprises thoaissossmcnt, ])r()ceeds of sermons, and missionary meetings and donations, and is eiitiivly independent of tho.^e local clfoils which have been made towards ilie buihling and repairing of chur(dies and parsonages, some slalisiical rejiort of which your .Secretary had hoped to be able to eom])ile. but in the absence of the detailed information in the Parochial reports, ho has been [)recluded from this ])leasurable but arduous duty. If, how- ever, Ave can bo pci'mitted to hope these outlays equal those of 1870. then we may ])ut down to the credit of the District for all Chur(di ])urposes a sum exceeding !s8()0(). This state- ment cannot but l)e highly gratifying to the members of this Association, inasmuch as it proves how much can bo accom- })lishe(l b\' a systomalic organization, where the penny of the poor and the pound of the rich become amalgamated into one irrcat fund. Ill I I Aiiollioi' iiidox ol" (lu- jn'osnority wliicli has altciidcd iho. work of the Cluii-cli in this Oisti'ict, is lo he lonml in sril- siisteiitnlion. Tho .Mission ut' Jiichinond and Arclhonrnc ceases, at the (doso of tho your, to be any h)iii;'cr a ii'ii[)irnt of aiil fiom the Diocesan Hoard, the ])eo])ie of this mission assume tho r('s))()nsihilily of stislainiiii;' for llu? Iiilniv the minist i-alioiis of (he C'iiurcdi ainon^'sl iheniscives. Add to this the spii'it iiianiiested hy llio jteojjle of Coniplon to contrihiite llie whole ol" (he (deri;'ynK'n"s salai-y wlien [hvy wei'e hist re(|nire(l hy (ho JJoard to raise (iieir assessnien(, and we tind additional evidence of the Chiireh's advancement . These are omens lor icood. and may well cheer less |irivileu,e<.l missions whi( h are still nnder (he fos(erin^- care of (he hiocesan IJoard. and raise the lioj)es oi'die waste j)laces of the district which have hilher((», in vain, a>h'ed foi" assistanee. Vonr ComniiKee lind in (he measui-e of success which has attendi'd tlie oj)era(ionH ol'this association cause i'or thankfulness and hoj)e. ThanU- fulness (hat our woi-k bc.i'-un in faith. wi(h at tir>t hut >mall encourai;'emen(, has prosjx'red beyond our i'X|)ectation, — hope that in the ])rovi.->ion which is made for the i'eli,i;'ious instruc- tion of our ])eopIe, each anniveisary will lind (hat we are keeping- pace with the Chui-ch's wants and recognizing our responsibilities. The more oui* ])eo])le become ac(|uainted widi (lu! ac{ual wan(s and iu;cessi(ies ol'(he ('liur<di (he more liberally will tlie>' liestow a ])or(ion of (heir means (o meet (hem, and this involves (he du(y on all (he members of the Associadon of taking an ac(ive ])ai'( in ac([uiring and in disseminadng tha( information which will have (In- ha]>py J'esuh of building up the Churcdi of (lod, i'lnwAiu) C*iM,KN Parkin, Secretary, ,St. f'l-ancis District Association. 1 t ^■n ANMAI, IMU'ofi']' a ■I OF TIIK 1)1 OCKS A N BO A III) von 1S7I Al. liic rl(,.M' of i|„. lusi Aimiial li(!^,(,ri ..f the DiocA-saii Hoard lo (he Church Socioty, an csfimato uj the llcvcnuio and Kxpcndihiro for thi; year jiist passed was appended, which oxhil)ile<i a delieif of ??!tL'r>. In tlie. Koporf presented lo (he Dioei'san Synod in the month of .IiiiK' hist, that esfinuiio was correclod no as to mereaso (lie (hiieieney to §i:i!iS. And tho ondeavour was mado to draw tho attention otniernhers of (ho Clnu-eli throii,<rh- out, (lie l)ioee>.> (o (he special nood oriar<,^oly incrcasin-- tlioir I'onlrihnlions (.. the Missi.Mi Fund of tho Chureh Sociotv. UiaL I.ein.i^ almost, ihe oidy soiirco of rovenuo from whieh aid could bo lio))ed I'or to wipt^ out iho dotieioncy. Yo-.ir Hoard is n|ad (o he ahlo to report that Lh.> income ironi that limd has been so nuieh iar/^^or than usual that the OHtiinated (leliceney ha> been rediieod to ^'Ml/M, tho Mission lund havino- aid.'d tho Hoard to tho extent of 5?!»]L' mon^ than was estimated. Hut it must bo borne in mind that this sum iru'ludes an anonymous thank-ollerini; of 85(10, a source of rovenm^ which obviously cannot be counted u))on to assist us in iutui'o onu'ri(oneics. 'I'lie following abstract of tho Revenue A.vouutfor tho past year is submit led, from which it nuiy bo seen what a heav\ strain has been put upon tho resources of the IJoard, and how imi).)ssiblo it would have been to maintain tho existin*^ ope- rations except lor that, increased assistance from your hociety, which your Hoard venture (ho liop(> uiav not he vvitiiout a parallel durin,-;- t!ie present year. ./•!.r/ii /it/ifurc. ?J;;;;;"'' !"''' 8]9,i!)8.25 r".^ ;: 1,010.00 //'""% W.is (jcneral hxj)enscs jy-j ^g S21,2.'U.13 ( I 1 1 IS Herri iits. Ansossmciils roc.oivod 6*>.'i2!) .)!2 S. \\ i\. (irant !>,702.78 S. I*, (i. <irjui(, Tor in'iisions 4sr).l,'t MiNsioii Fuiul, Clmrcli Society L'.Slii.l.'S (Jhurcli Society, ,^n-aiil Wn- Moniis l,Ot>().()0 (Oiic-liflli) Mr. It. Hamilton, ^raiil to now mi.ssioii. 100. 00 (vollucl.ioii.s Cor Ma/^n|jiicn Islands f>T.!M Halanco at crivlil IJcvcriiic account. I.sl Jan., 1H71, G1.5U »20,HS9.ll» I)ul)lor l.ulaiico ^?A\ .1>4 It will 1)0 .soon that wo bo«^in tlio your with a tli'btor'H balance of noarly 8i»r)0. Thin is vory nnicli to bo I'o^i'ottod, not only on account ol'tho actual amount ol'bunlon upon tho i'o.soui'com of the curront yoar, but al.so bocauso it juovont.s tlu^ I'oard from niakin/^ any addition to tho Sustontation l''iind of the Diocese, created, as we are all awaro, to j)rovido lor the time when the Society for the J*ro]»a;;ation of the (Jospel wiU finally withdraw all aid from tho I>i()(toso. It is, liowovor, the unavoidable result of a heavier ox[)tMi(Jitur(^ than waH anticipated at tho boginnin<^ of the year, $1,155 more having been paid for C/lerg'ymon'sstij)onds than was calculated upon. The ongagoment.s into which the mis.sions h.'id entered three years ago, torminuting with tho close of the ^ear 1871, the (luestion of forming now agroonienlH for incroasod amcmnts I'or a period oi' two years has largely occujtiod the attention ofyoui- Hoard nince the month of March last. All tho missions hav(^ not yet brought thoii" nogof ial iotts to a close, but sulliciont infoi-malion can b<» iSU])]»lied to warrant the statement that the vai-ious congregalioiiH throughout the Diocese are, upon tho whole, sjiewing them selves moi'o and more alive to tho duty of Tuaintainirig, at their own cost, those ministrations which m'oi'o jti-ovidocl for them all too long without calling for any Haoritico in return. The wardens of 47 (tongi-cgatiojis have either signed, or undertaken to sign, foi'msofagi'oi^mont i'or a total assessment of $G,t)l.'{,— an inoi'oase over the previous year of $1,1!^. Six congregations remain, who ai'c still treating with the Board, from whom an assessment of at least Sl,0'>5, — am increase of S4;i, - i.s safely to bo oxjiected. This raises the total assessment to S7, 048, and 81.2.'}4 iiioiea.>-e, to which a further addition oi'SlOO i.s virtually made by the determina \ J *i- ho f 19 tioii «»r tlio people of Mellioiii'iie Ic in.iiiilain tlirir cUTLfymnn ill luturo wiilioiil exiraiu'oiis aid. The whole hum tor which the missions — 1 hen '^5 in niiinher — wero nssessed in IHlJM, was ??4.1(h;. The )(»tal assessment I'oi' tl»e year 1H72, levied iipon the sami! missi(»ns, is 8<», * '-• — an inci\!ase of it'^, ','>',',(>, or o I |»er cent in four years. It iH, however, to he regretted that nn aceumuhilion of ai'reiU'H. :iinounlin^ to !BI,r)7»i, are now ehari>;eahle a;;ainsl the vniiouH inission.s of the I)io('ese. 'J'hat under the jieeuliar cireumstances of tliis l)ioeese, ho hir<^e un inereaso in the local contiilMitions has been made within that p(MMod, is matter for eoni;raluiali(»n, atid should he interpreted as a most favoiahUf anniiry lor the future. When we know, too, that one mission, (Compton,) huH ruirtcd its nsHcsKinent at once from ^2{H) to ^500, that we have one niission contrihiitin'^ ^ri;')!), another ^450, and another ^400, whilst thei'e arc many others who. within a few years, have more tlwmdoultled their assessments, we may reasonahl}' expect the time to be a])proachin<^ wlu^n each year will (iinnnish the list of old missions now reccivinii: aid from the Hoard. It i.s also a Hubject of salisfaetion that within tin; last four years seven missif^ns, not ])r(!viously in connection with the lioard, hav(! hecMi intlebtinl to it for tho ministrations of tin; (/liurch. There wtM-e niru! in all, but the missions of Stanstead and Hereford — two of those most i-ecenlly jtiaced on tlie list — not bein^ able to see their way for the j)resent to accejjt the t(!i'ms upon whi(di your Jioard could coTisiiut to continuo itH assistance, are not now of the number. It will bi! readily believed that tlm stron<j;est desire of the Diocesan Hoard, as tj>e ai;eiits of a missionary society, is to extend the ministrations of the (Jospel into new and |»i'omis- in<^ fields, and that it \h with the utmost reluctance that any a|)j)li('atioiis foi' aid are weighed in the coM balance of prudence;. |}ul not wilhstandinii; the inci-eased assessments lor 1872, and the undimiiiisluMJ i^rant of the Society for the Pi'opai^ation of the (Jospel, the linancial position of your Hoard is such, — as will be seen from the estimate appended, — that the very i^-reatest care must, for the future, be exer- cised before increasin^i; its oblii;-ations. The Society for the Propaijation of tho (jios])el mal«!S no i:frant to this Dioee.se (which is the t:;cneral rule) for more than one year at a time, and that i^rant we are exjdicitly told, depends upon its resources received, not during tlieyear in wiiich the grant is paid, not even in the year in which the grant is voted, but on its resources received the year 20 h«'Jor»'. W lull il lia^ llir iiiuiicy tn iiiuiil, IIm'h it iii;il<i',s itn ^' nil 1 1.'', hill not lii'CuiH'. Wmi llo.-iril, iinnMo Id iniilalo no hmiiimI u policy, liiiH lii'cii liillii'ilo ( tinipcljfd not only lo vole ;^ran(> lirlun' havinn' lln- inoiit^y to |»iiy IJiotn. I'lil jiIno ucliially !'• )t.'i,\ lliriii in >oiiu' iii.slaiM'cs in iiiiti«'i|»alii>ii o( its rosoiiiTiw, Tlii- is olivioii^Iy uroric,^ aiifl your Moaid would nr^^c lliai siinic rfiiHMJy lu' up|ili(M| to n «.lai«' i»l' lliiiinf>, so plaiiiK lial>li' to It-aii lo \ cry ^('riolls I'vils, J^iist year ymir Sorlcly niadf a ^raiil ol glOOii to the hitxt'saii liii.ird. to lie di'-i rihiihil as u Honus lo lli»> ( 'li'r^N M-rviii^' iiiidir llif IJuartl. Thai amount was paid to liu- ('h'ri,fy in ihc >aiiic por|)ort i(»n as llii'^n'anl iiiado tjio previous yrar. Should the liinds of ihr Society a^ain juslij\ a rciu' lilioii of I he (Snoiir, your Moard do ti(»t lic-itatc to m'ljo il rariicstiv a.s a Miiall iiicaMirr olridiid to an inadcijualclv paid minimi ry. hi' ll.ll.iwin^' ap|»oiiiliiU'Mis \v»-ic made hy the Lord l>i^hop conciirit (I ill hy ih(> l!(iard <iiirin^ the pant year In (he nioiilh ot January, the Ifev. .1. Hoythdl. lo tho misMKii uT iJiiry. Ill ihf niunih <i| Marih. ihc K','\ . I-). .\ . W. Kin^'. to lh(> missKMi uC hiirhatii. In Ihr inoiiih of \.»v.i,iher. ihc ){cv. T. L. Ilivharckson. to the mis>iuii ol' ( '.(at icuolx. riu! tliJIowiiiM' clrrHyiii.'ii r«'sip,ii(M) their charges diii-in;;' the jiast year: The K'c\-. .1. I" (htvv. on hi- apjxdnl nioni to a eharijce in the f-Hoccse of Ircderictnii. I lie K'r\ . T, I,. liall. on his ap[)oiiil men! lo a charge in the I>i()eese of Huron. Th(^ Rev. .1. i-'oslcr, on his a|>poiiilmenl <o fJie Kectorv of Three IJivcrs. For ('1111 and inlcrcsi ini;- details of the condition of the missionary stations inainlainc.l hy the TJoard, your Society IS respcciriilly rclcrivd to the ivj)orls of the ("lergy for the past yvdv licr"iin1o annexed. and -I ISTIMATK <M' UKVKM.'C .\«(oiM or IH-rKMSN i:<'\|t|. ),.|{ TIIH VK.M! ISTl'. ' 'r. ">' •^- //• <;• <;'-'"t... ..S!!>Ti'o no S. I', (i. (Ji-ant, /hr |KMisioii^ [Sii do " .Mission Piiiid, Chiircli Socii'ty l'DOO 00 " AMsfssiiU'iit.s fc^s 10 por ct'iil' i;))|t() ()(j " (OiK'fiClli) Mr. i;. IliiiiiiltuiiN nraiii ]..... ||)|» |)() Dr. ToSlilH-rulHOrriorrry §lj..;,._>j y„ '■ il'IISIOIIH j2<,; („) " <it.'ii( ral KxjioiihO.H "[,,|j OU " Ainoiiiit at (K'bit of |{cvi'iiii.- Account, .lumVai'-v >>«72 :. ;.,. ,,,^ $2110.-):) !)s I!»lS(i 00 KstiintUcd |)cli.iciic\' ^S'VA) !),S From Lho alv)vo ostlniatc it is appar.nl thai in onlcr (o suvo tho IJoanl from I'aiikriiplcv. t he most siiin-.cnt nicasiuv.s vNithin Its power muht ho taken in ivHrcn.v t.ranv mission oilhci- now or liki'ly hcrciftcr tu fall into anvar. ' •I. W. <,»( HiiMC, '"liairnian. A A, \ ONh.H'l4.\M>j iSo('rctai'\ . '?p EXTi^vcTs viioyi ju-:roHTs of missionaries. MAGDALEN I8LAND8. Tliis inissloii is jiliout 70 miles lon^. If cotinists of six iBliUnIs. .S(^mf <>l' tlu'sc arc ]ii'culi;ii'l3- coniioctcd hy sandy bcuciR's, vtiryiiig IVoin a lew _)ai'cl,s to about, u iriilo in width. Along these boaelii's tiic JMissioiiary can soniotiines travel to his tlillereiit churches whcti the way is not too much endan- gered by quick-sands and f)j)enings made by tlio sea beating acros.s the beachy i-idge. For the niost part, however, he ia obliged to vi.sit his churches by boat. From tliiKcircumHtanco his visits must be irreguhir, owing to his dependence, on the wind and weather. Two of these Ishmdjs — iJryonand F^ntry — are altogether disconnected from the othci*8, and consequently are visited by water only. The chui'ches are built on the connected islands— one is at Andiurst, one at Gi-indstone and the third at Grosso lule. Ry land they are about 30 miles apart. Two of those churches — the one at Cli'indstone and the one at Amhurst — were built through the genei-osity of Admiral Coifin, the proprietor of the Islands. They are com])k'tcd, aiul arc certairdy beautiful little churches. The liev. John Walters npcnt no pains to accoiii))lish what good taste and architecture could etfecl. Garpcting and tnatting are provided. A splendid set of (jommunion vessels were also given by tho Admiral, The two Churches are two gems amid a surrounding desolation. Till' (jhurch at (Jrosse Isle, as far as it is built, w;ih erected by the inhabitants themselves. A groat deal yet remains to bo (hjiio towards its cotnpletion, but service can be held in it during tho warm summer months. Wo hope that, by the graei; or(iod, some kind friends will bo raised up to jusnist in providing it with what is yet m-eessary. The Parsonage is built on (Jrindstono Island, the most ccnti'al [lai't ot'ihe Mi^^sion. it was erected at the expense of Admii'al Collin, and by him comfortably furnished. Thero is also a glebe of lOO acres of land attached to tho Parsonage. Of this about lo ai res ;ii'c cleai-ed and fit for cultivation. Altogether tlic^ |)eop|e lia\e every reason to be thankful to Adndi'al Cotliu for his muniticence. Tho Pi'otestants on their part arc beginning to value Iho Bacriiices made for them li()tli by Admiral Coffin and tho Chiu'ch S(K'ioty. They are always ready to give their time and labour to the benetit of the Chnrcli* Money, also, they will gladly give when procurable. Hut ihey are poor. Pro- visions are vei-v dear and their tish is very cheap. They 2'A jfiavo I.'ii'^c'iiunilics lo olotlic and Iced aii(i srriiill niounH with which to provide I'or tJK'Mi. Still they have boyun to contri- bute to tiie J)ioc'esnri IJoard towardn the payment of their ('lei'i>;vtnairs sahiiy. They liave also iniderlaken to huild, this wiiiler, a ((oat lor the Mission. Up to the present they have thetnselveH in ttiin willingly Mipjtlie»l tiie n\eaim to 'Convey tne hy water i'roni one island to another. Thinking;, ho\V(^ver, tliat it would be more to the (.'lerifynian's eonvc- jfuenee to have a boat at his disposal I'or an}- oeeasion, they have offered to liuildone. it must be remembered that u boat in this Mission is as indis})enisable as a horse to an inland Missionary. Theie is, therefore, every evidence that the services of our Ohureh are valued by the itdiabitants of these Islands. Though some of them are j)rofessedly l*i-esbyterians and Baptists, yet when called upon they all will give a helping liand. A whole Baptist family was, last summer, baptized into the Ciiurch. Amherst. — In this Island we liave only five families. The church was built more espeiially for tho fishermen who fi'C([uent these shores during ihe fishing season. »Servicc, however, is held in the Church in tlie winter as well as in the 8ummer. The morning and afternoon j)raycr8 arc well attended, and the children seem to enjoy the Sunday-school. There have been four baptisms since my arrival. (Jrindstone. — As tiie Missionary resides on this Island the HOrvices are more fiV(]|U(Mit in this church than in the others. There arc about six we(d<s in the autumn, and as many in the s]>ring, whcTi it is almost iinpwssilibi to travel to the other islands, [ri the fall it is jumost alwjiys blowing a gale of wind, and in the sjiring the ire — never \Qvy safe, (iven in the mi'lst, of the wintin- — will neither support a horse or allow the passage of a boat. The people of this island have, therefoi-e, thcii- two services and their Sunday-scliool on about half thi' Sundays in the year. Here the families numl)er 10; in most cases laigo, including many chiidron. From this cii-cumsiance we have endeavored to establish a Hchool. A grant, of $'^\) ]ni" annum to tho feaclier fi'om tlu^ ('()lonial and Coiif incntal (luiic'i Society was pr»)cnred for MS by tlu' kindness of f lie Bishop. His Lordship procured, besides, a grant of $10 towards the en^cfioti of a school-house. With this assistance and the kind interest taken in us by Dr. Miles, we ar(! enabled to open a school. A teacher has just come, and wo hope, by the blessing of (Jod, much good will result from liis tcacliing. In this island six have been baptized, two married, one buried. L'l (u'insso-J.slo.— Tills island is occiipicd cxcliisivrly l>y nuMii bei-rt oi" tlu; ('liiirc'li <>l' Kiinlaml. ll cuiitaiiis 14 lamilii's. I'n- fortaiialcly, these iainilies are vei'v iiiurli seal U'led, some are five or hix miles dislaiil Iroiii the church. 'I'licy ai'e ali-o so rtituated that it is diilicult \ov thcni ti> ascertain the arrival of llie Minister. .Still they atl<Mid well the .services, and seem ea^er for the Word ol'liod. They live almost exclusively by lishin^'. They are vei'v industrious, and noted I'oi' their i;()()d behaviour. They have done what llie\- couKl lor their ehiiich, and ai'e still exerting themselves all they can to complete it. J3ut 1 am alraid iheir means will not meet (heir wishes. A ojrant from some kind friend -would ln^most acce])tal)le. They are also very much in want oJ' :i s( hool. Our only hope to receive this is in the i^cnerosity of societies and tViends. In these families tiiere h.ave Lcen nine baptisms, six m;irriaj;es and two deaths. Knti'V Island. — ileiv there arc live Iainilies. all I'rolcstan ts, This island 1 have visited three times since my arrival. It i.'^ about nine miles from the other islands, (•ometinies cut off trom the othei* islands all Avinter. .'uul not always \ery acces- sible in summei'. ]lerc there is no chui-ch. 1 Ikim' I'aptized thi'ee, married two, Imried one. The last was a woman, said to have been 10(1 y(>ars ot a<;e. Bryoii Isl.'ind. — This is the farthest inland towards the nor(h- oast. It i^ ill the open sea, about iiiiic miles IVoiii the nearest. land. It is cut wil from the otiier islands during.' the six winlei' months. Here lliei-e are lour families rcj-ident, all Protestants. 'I'his i.-lari i \\u\v \isiTc<i three limes since my arrival. I Iwive bapti/i'd tvn ano oiii'itMl oiif. The latter was the lirst settler of the island. Under the missionary's ehari;e in ihe,-e i-lands ibere are, therefore, alto^etiier ^uS families, besidcsscveii newly married eouj»les. The j)Oj)ulation is increiisinjr rajiidly. and adding to the church. A very imjiort;int pai't of t lu' missi(»iiary's work, thereibre, is to educate these children for ;i ('liiisli;;n caieer. Schools and sound (eachersare needed in the diHiTcnt islands. An JMiglish genlli'man with sound church principles and a christian heart is secui-ed for (Irindstone Island for this avo are deeply grateful to a kind Providence. We liope that before many years the other islands will li;ivt- t heir school.s and theii- teachers supplied. AVe ]»ray for it, and let chui-(d\ men with nmans throw in (heir siipi-r-abundance. .S. [Jlol'El.. o UICllMoM> AM» .MKMjoiltNK. ^ It in witi) 111) ordiiiiuy (ccliiii;s ol tliiinkluliioss to Aluiiu'hly (lod that I I.eniii hy ^ilyill_^• (Imt Uii.s i> tiic last ro|K.ri Aviiich the Clinicli .Society will ivceivi' IVoiu tlii^ mis-ion ; not lucauhc we think oi' cea.sini; our clloils in ln'iiali' of tho Socioty. but beeaiiHO at (ho cIom" of (his year wc cease to ho a na'^ixioH and beeonio a i<elj'-,sii,st<nni/i(j pan\s'h. Tlie mission oi' JJielunond and .^^(•|ll()unu• was founded hy the Society for (lie J'j-opa^ation of ihc (lospid in IS.'II); w'o have thus l)een indebted ibr exactly 42 yejii-> to the self- denial and love of others foi- the sui)j)ly of (he means of uraee For the tii->t ;J2 of those year.s, Utile or no pionress was' made towards self-su])i)()il. I)(')wn to 1802 the missionary iTceived hin entire salary from (he Socioty ior the ri'opjiual'ion of (ho Gospel in Foreign rar(s, /. c. .t'lOO sfir. a y^.^y,' Dm inj*' the latter portion of that j)eriod some iritliiif;- iild'iion wa^. made to the cler^^yman's stipend from voluntaiy contributions, but there beinjjf then no organization in the hioeesc for Beeurino' the rei^ular paymenL olwhat wasso j)rnmise(l, those contributions did not amount to much in thenisi-lves, and told very little, ii" anythinn-, upon (he growth of the juission towards seli-sustentation. In ISfJI], with the action of the J)ioeesan Hoard, that growth be<;an. And now, wi(h the New Year of 1ST2, we throw uwny our crutches and be,L;in (o walk alone. We bid our kind friends, who have so Ion-;- jind so forbear! n-ly hel|)ed us. a :j,ral<'ful farewell, resolved [l (rus( I am justified in hayin^,- Ibis of .all my parishionei-s) (o show that gratitude by exhibidno- in the future (he same (uissioii- ary zeal i'or the welfare^ of others which our kind Cliri^tian friends in Knuland and in (^u( bee liave -,. Jonu' exhjbiteii towards us. The con-;-reoat.ion of St. Ann's, wliich now laki's upon ds(df (he entire re>ponsibili(y of ( he sujtjioi't of the IJeetor of Iviehmond and Ah-lbourne,' has been a year in its enlarged church, and lindh it -at isfaclory. Tlie cluirch seats c.. nitbrt- ably 400 per.son.'^, and the inlernal aiMannenienis are decent and suitable to the worship of Alii i_o-i,iy (Jod. The outside of the church luus just been painted, 'j\lr.' b'oslir bavin:;- stirred up his fellow-chui-chmen to the good work, bv olierini; to bear one-fourth of the entire cost." The mone^- to nreet this generous offer was at om^e collected by two /.ealous ladies, MisH Wray and Miss Brooke. It is jlroposed to paint tlie' inside next summer. Two new .-.beds for the shellerof tho horses aj-e now in course of erection in the ])recincts of St. Ann's. And, finally, the debt which remained upon the 20 church uf'ter the i'iihir<jjoinont, lias, lhron;:,'}i th<! untiring oxortioiis of our oxcelliMil honior warden, Mr. Wruy, boon \vi|)('<| (Mil. Tlio coii-rcn-al ions (luring- (lu- past year have been uniCorm- Iv lar_ii,e, and liiere lias lii't;n a steady incivase in tlie nunihor of eonuuiinieanls Tho Sunday-school conlinues to Hhow iho results of the (|uiel, uidt'onn. unweai-jed work of the teaehorn. Tho cier^N' themselves sn|iei'in{end all the Siinday-selioo's. A class of 24 was eonlirnied at St. Ann's last Ascension Day. Of these, six were, inunedialely previous to tludr confirmation, ba|)tize(l by tho Hishop. Of the 24 contirmcd, threo wero tlic lirst-lVuits of the service at the Silver school-house ; three woro from Windsor; the remainder beloniijed to St, Ann's. Tho Holy (.'ommunion was adniitdstered on tlio occasion, and all tho newly contirmod, except two, partook of it. Other classes from probably all tho stations will bo ready for con- firmation this next spriiii^. One thin<^ nioro I wish to record with special tliankfulness. Tho coni^re^ations orj Thunks- jrivini; Ihiy, both in St. John's and St. Ann's, woi-o as large iia on Sinidays, and, which is still more thankworthy, tho num- ber of communicants as large. On tho whole, this ban been tho most enct)uraging year in the history of St, Anti's during my incumbeney, for which, 1 hojie, wo all <lo fell as wo ought, thankful to Him to whoso mercy and blessing it is due. The congregation of St. .I(din's, ]\relbourne, the charge of which I have handed over in a large Ttieasurt! to my colleague, tho liev. Isaac 1'hom))son, is growing ])ercej)tibly in vigorous church-life. Of their own accord, without any suggestion, the vestry increased their as>essmeTit last Kaster sixty-six per cent, an<l their dues are ])aid with unfailing ])uncttiality. The congregations have certainl\' been larger than i^ver; the nutnber of communicants has increasecl; and llu^ Sun<lay- tscluM)! is. I think, on thi! whole, the bi-st among lh(^ live in the tnission In fact, wc have a body of lay-ludpers, both male and female, in that congregation upon whom we can always i-ely ; alth< ugh it wouM be both ungcMierous and unjust not to add that the same holds gond of all my congn^gations. Hence, uiidi-r (lod, our pros))erity. The service in the Silver school-house has, as 1 have f^aid, borne its lirst fruits in the open uniting with tlu^ cliurch by contirmalion and Holy Communion of ont^ of iho princip.'jl families in the neighbourhooil. and by the baptism, c(»nlirma- tion and admission to Holy Communion of tho head of anotluT family, lioth the congregation and tln^ sunday-school keep up tlieir numbers and interest. AVe are looking forward to the erection there of a small cluireh-edihce ere long, the need ■^ 21 i :i •> ( of wliicii, Cor (!io more devotif t(d('ltr;i(i(tri of divine worHhip, and lispcciidly iurilu! administrutiDii of tlio Holy Oornniiinion, is felt moiH! jind iiior(!. 4'liis c()ii_<z;re,i;';ilioii is not usscshcmI, but it |)res(Mitrd its ptistor ai;aiii this year with a piii'se of nearly $40, uecoiiipanied hy uii all'eetionale addi'ess. iJroinplon and AVindsor niay now be looked upon as a now mission, placed for tin* present under the win^' of the. Mission ot Melhoui'ne. The Dioecsan iioard, I rejoice to say, has us suiiKid to aeei'tain extent the chari^c; of the niissi(Mi in these two ini|)oriant fownslii]>s. hlaeh of these places has a service every Sunday, and each a Sunday-school, Mr. Thompson Bcrvin/r them threes Sundays and I the I'ourth. This makes tiie Sunday, especially to my colleague, very laborious; but his work is a work of love and is clieerfully given. The con- gre<j;ations in hotli townships are quite equal to our expecta lions, theSiinday-school iti lironiyiton one of the most promising we have. We have been much cheered by the uccession to tlie staff of our teachers in Brompton of a gentleman on the spot, who has taken up the work with a zeal and in a liberal and loving spirit, Avhich is (juite refreshing. We were ready to ])ut up the frame of our Church in Hrompton this fall, but failed to find workmen ; everything, however, is in readiness to push on the work in the sj)ring. In Windsor, where, at first, we werc^ led to suppose there were not si.x church families, we have, by diligent visiting, discovercMl twenty-five. Of these nine are old residents, — three of them are living fi-onj four to si.^' miles back on Hardwood Hill; two. four or five miles back in (loslien ; one, four miles on the Ri(dimond IJoad, and tlu^ remaining three in the village. The rest are chiefly work-people attached to the Paper and l'ow<lci- Mills mostly emigrantsof late from Kng hind. The attendance on I )i vine Service is steadily increasing. The Sunday-school, which is large, languishes for want of more teachers. On the whole the j)rospecls in Windsor are much more encouraging than we dared to hope for a year ago. Finally, my colleague and myself desires gr-atid'ully to acknowle<lge the unifoi-m kindness whicli has l^een extended tons j)ei-sinally in every j)art()f our extensive mission, and which makes our service to be a labour (d" lov<\ I subjoin tlie usual statistics. Oommunicants : St. Ann's 128 St. John's 3(> Silver's 5 Total 169 28 Sunday fScIioolh : iSt. Ann's 'r«';t('lici"s 1,"> Sciioliu-.s lo5 St. John's.... •' Silver's •' I>roinj)L()ni.... •■ VV^indsoi' ■' fj. 74 70 liG 'I'otal 33 Total ;iir> Contriljutions lor (-'liurch purposes within tho vciw . Diocesan Board, — St. Ann's ^^OO.OO St. John's 1(10.00 liromj)tun lOO.OO .* 700.00 ("htirch Soiicty, — St. Ann's SllO.OO St. John's -IS.oO Silver's Hronipton Wind>or... 4 .53 7. 00 .") 00 — s 214 o;i Sunday Schools 100.00 flcneral l':^xpenditurc: St . Ann's ><')4') . Oo •' Paint iiii;- t'hurch 111.00 •' Fayini!,- oil' d«'bL on ('hun-ji :{OO.U(i St. John's la.Oft Silver's, (iiil lo ch.M'u-viiiim 40.00 -^1071 .(»ij IIk.vuv Roe. MAGOU. 1 am hap])y to he jihle to record a ;j,i'o\\ ini:; interest as nhown hy'tho |ieoplc of this mission in the Chui-ch and hei' work, so much so that [ am confident oui- position and prospects wei-o never hetter here than at ju-e^^etit For tlie last twelve months we have hi'cn able to worship in our ('hurch huildinir, and althoui;h it is at ])resent un])las- • tered and un])ainted, yet it is a decided iniprovenietit ujion our mcelinijjs in the cold and cheerless scdiool-house. Our Church has cost us so I'ar the sum of ?1.()00, every cent of this has been paid out ol' monies eollecti'd in the i inissi'iii, and in some ol' our lar,i;(! <.'ili(\s and Iowiik. I urn tlijinlxfid lo staLo that we have money in hand lowardH tlic pliistei'ini;- whenever we can lind suitable w(!Ulher I'or the work. We hope, nevei'lhelesH, in the meantime, to bo able to liuat the l)uihliri;i,' sulliciently to attract, the peoph; to oiu' Herviee. My Siinday-schooh tiic only one in th(^ place, i-hcwH decided fi^-ns of proi;rcss, and the childreji seem (piilo interested in tJKi work, which makes it, all th(> more pleuHin^ to the teacher. Our eoiii^rei^at ions, too, arodecidedly improvinij; innumbers. I am now tin; only j'csidonL ministei' in Ma^oi^. The present is the Cliureh's oj»j)ortunity, and it rcHts with the iJioccsan Board to .say whether the (Jhurcfi work ho favourably begun here sliall 'jno on prosperin,:; and winning itw way amongst the inhabitants of" the place, or lose its present hold and good prospeets. If a judicious policy be ol(s<'rved, then the (Mnireh will take root tirml}'- in what has hitherto proved to l)e an unkindly soil. If the work is too hastily overtaxed, the (Miureh intiM-ests will f)o crushed here The people of Magog have agreed to pay lor a resident mijiisLer SloO per annum, for a non-resident minister I think they would scarcely contribute a cent, at least this is their present state c)f feeling upon the subject. We have been unable to do anything this year f(U' objects outsidi! the mission. Our assessments, Church building, harmonium, &.v , have kept the; people, who are all very poor, pretty well drained. <.V)llected for Cliureh building §120.00 Assessment G5.00 Por Harmonium oO.OO ■■^ynod Assessment 2.00 Lighting, heating and cleanimr (.'hurch 17.00 S284.00 John Walters. SniPTON AND TIN(iWl<'K. The missionary woi-k in these two townships continues to bo harmoniously and. \ trust, eft'ectively pursued. J)uiMng the past twelve months tlie usual Sunday and special services have been uninterruptedly rendered. 'The congregations have boon, if anything, on the increase, 30 Pa.stor.'il visiliiijLj has boon Hj'HloniaUcall^' and cojiscioii- tiously attoiulod to; and it ii;ivo,s nu> ^vcul jdi'aMiro and comfort to add that in all (|iiartci-s I am niooivod with unallbcfod (.'onliaiity. .Special jtains are talani with (ho Sunday-sohools ; tho ohildrcMi at Tinifwiok are catctdiizcd foi- twenty nnnule.s in the presence of tho C()ni;ivi!;ation, whih^ in Danville tho class in instructed for half an hoiii- hcfoi-e tlu! |)coj)lo assomblc Tn both places the children are trained to ianiiliari/<o them- HclvoH with the sweet and sinij)U' tunes of llynins, Ancient and Modern. Since tho 1st January, tho J{e,!;-islorH show, for 'I'in/^wick, eight baj)tisnis and one rnarria^'o; lor .Shipton, ten baidismH, six burials and three niari-ia^os. (Jur new (yhui'ch at Tingwiciv was opened for Divine Service on tho festival of tho Circumcision, and was an occasion of reverent rejoicing to us all. We I'ound ourselves transplanted from a small dilapidated district school-house to u neat, well- tinished little Church, i'urnished with everything retjuisite to conduct tho services with decency and oi-dor. The building holds one hundred persons veiy comfortably ; the average congregation being between seventy-five and eighty. As far as the building itself is concerned, it is ready for consecration, but we do not wish to .send foi- the Disho]) till the surrounding.s are finished. Tho large substantial hoi-sc-shed is still incom plete, and the fencing has yet to be put. up. I undei-stand tlicsc matler.M are to bi; attended to without further delay It is also gi'atilying to announce tliat no debt ' ' have be en incurred. 'I'here is one thing wc want, that is ;i bell. Who will immoi'tali/.e his name and pi'i'scnt the vacant chamber in the steeple with a suitable and melodious occupant? With regard to Danville Church, we do a little to it every year. Wo have ]ali;iy ])ainte(l the Jettee, oi* Jot, which, Htrang(i to say. had l)i'eii left un|)ainted for eight years, and oak-stained the dooi's, insi(h> and outside. Icsidos ])lacing suitable matting on the llooi". Oui- next ell'ort will bo oitht^r to (x'il the I'oof with pine boards oiled, or lath and ]»1aster it. I hope to be able to ri'pnrt this n(^\t year, as having been accomplished. I should liUe to see a horse-shod ))ut Uj), as the situation is ])articularly exi)()so(l ; this matter, however, belongs to the farmers. That the j)0()r hoi'sos should be protected from the winter blast and (he scorching sun, as well as from drenching rain, seems so reasonable that it is a flubject to mc of continual surpi'iso that the shod was not built contemporaneously with the Church. H. J. Petuy. .{1 LKEDS. 'riuH mission is oiu; in which. I'rom I lie niUiii'i! of things, i\\v. (Jhiii'ch can make hut lilllo j)i'ogi'css, low, if any, hut what ai-o al.lachcd to sonui reiii^'iotis hody. Wo do not oxjXMtl, thci'otoro, to gatht'i- in from without, as in some other j»arts of the hiocoso, whoro, jjcrhaps, more than ouo- hulf of llio conimunily arc outsido the pale of all roligious communilios. in the Townshi)) of Jii-ougliton, C/'hurch- pooplo are emigi-atini;- as fast as they can, and tiu'ir plaet-s aro being taken up hy FnMich-Canadians. Our people are none of them very rich — many (juite [)ooi-— some almost destitute. The peo])le apjiear to ])ri/,o the services, and arc very attentive and devout. They give also accoi'ding to their means, quite UH liherally ns the j)(;oj)le in oIIkm- missions, and being, lor the most part, from the old country, (Ireland,) tliey have a claim as children oi' tlie ('hui-ch which, 1 trust, will not be lost sight of. I IjHve little to tell. exce})t the oi'dinary routine of ser- vi(!CH, visits to the sick and whole, as opj)ortunity servo and occasion requires. I have lield 120 Sunday servioes and M4 week day services-- jiave had 22 pul)li(! and 12 private cele- brations of the Holy (Jommunion. We have a Sunday-school at St. James's Church, Leeds, with about 25 scholars and 3 toachorH. We have just j)rocurcd a small library for the use of the children. I tried })ublie catechising in St. Mark's (Jliureh, Lambie's Mills, at afternoon service* during Jjont. Only a few attended. They do not like to slami up before the ctnigregation. During Jjcnt we lield a wei-k of special services in St. James's ('hurcli with sermons ami addresses, in which I waH ably assisted by the Kevd. .11. lioe. wiio kindly came from Melboui-n<^ i'or that jiur-jiose. TIk; Ivovds. ,1. Thompson andC. B. Washer also rendered help. The illect was good. Some who were disposed to waver wore conlirmed in their attach- ment to the (/hurch, and glad to find that, if they desired more spiritual lood, tlu\' need not go from their own ('hurch to tind it. 1 believo that several were deeply im- pressed with the sense of the need of inward as well as out- ward religion. ! trust that these im[)ressions will not bo as the morning cloud and cirly dew. Wo liavo be(M> able to ilo ir.ore lor the Church Society this year than was done last yeai". The aggregate amount of collections and subsci-i'^'t ions, (as the returns show,) 852. 2i>. Tho Hums i-aised for local Church purposes have been large, — including $112.50 for an oi-gan for St. Mark's Church, Lambio'e Mills, tho total amount raised for all Church pur- J losos v.illiiii lln \( 32 ■AV IxMiii;- 6:57!>.7;j. 1 iii:i> add ilial I (col iiuu'li iiidclitcd 1(1 tlic yoiin;;- ladu'" ulit» arlcd as colli'ctorH l')i' ilic ( 'liiir<'li '^iicii't V •lolIN KkMI' K.VTd.N. Amoimls fjii-od \\>v ('luircli j)iii'|i'>s('>. in (lit' .Mi>f-i<tn of CnoUsIiii'f ; liiMK-i-al !'''.iiKi 8 17. oO iMis>i()ji l-'iind 4.25 IVMisioii Fund 2.00 OIl'.Ttoiy nd.oo C-liurtjli Insurance (J. 00 l'arsonai;o Iii.Hiii'anco l.HO Synod Assos.snitMil 1.00 liioccsaii Hoard AssossjiuMit 200.00 Olliof I'urposc.^ 40.(10 Total for all Clnnvh purposes S:j;5l .05 01' SL. l\dors OhuiTJi, Cookshiiv. I am thankCiil to be able to Kay I lie attendance dnrini;' the past year has let n hu'^for and niore i'Ci;idar than durini;' any ])eriud oC my ministry, — there has b^'cn also a (•i)nsiderahle increase in (Ik^ youn;fer communicants. The mission ot'l'^alon, of which t'i'o|;>liir(; ir- the centre, hius for many years been ovenain l>y <lissent, and, with the c.xeep tionot'the c(jni;'i'egation oCSt. Peter's, the church has l)een Jinahle to establish any i'e<>;ular conii;re,i:;ations, — this has led me to devote my spai'o lime to two newly opencul hcttlementH principally ])e()j)led by Knu'lish, Irish ami N(M'wei^ian CamilieH. Din-iui^ the past year I have jield thirty services and tra vcdled nine hundred miles out ol'the limits (d'mv own mission, to Hupj)ly these j)eoj)le with the ministrations ol'the (/iiurch. At one place wo have no church, and our services are held in a Methodist cliajxd, a |n'iviie,i;e concedi-d to tlui (Church of I'nglanil, foi' subscrijjt ions from .-^ome of'lur members towards its erecli 11. At anothei- ])lac(^ still more r<'mote and quite in the bus' , a small church has been creeled by the aid of the C/hurcb Society, the Sot-it'ty for Protnotinii- Christian Know- ledge and outside contributions. Hitherto our services have be(Mi held in a barn or a loiij-house. These people api)ear (o prize very highly the fc>w advantai:;es of religious instruction iirforded them. LT|)on the last occasion of my doing duty thorc, 1 IouikI u lo^j^-lioiisc well tilN'd with j»c'(»|»K* sealed upon rou^h hoiirds, witli their pniyei* hooUs, jind my liearl wuh rejoiced to li(>:ir evei-y pei'-ion tiikini^ a jKirt in the servit'i*. IImwaki* Ci:[,f,kn P.mikin. '* |)HIMMoNI>\ll,l,K. The ii;reiil, event of the past year in this [)ai'ish is that of the (\stahlishinent of our I'lndownient l''iind. The hite Miss Sheitpard's be(|uesl, towards ihis [jiii'pose, of the uohle simi of $'J,(U)(>, was noticed in hist year's report. To this have since heen a(hled the sum of .^Udll. contrihulcd hy the people of ihi^ j>arish. and the fin-ther sums (»f ^liOO, n-ivoii l>y If. Hamilton, Ks(|., and of ii?!")!) <^-ranteil ly the C.'hurch S(»ciety to meet the pooj)le's contribution. In other j-espects, (Jhiirch-work seems to proceed fairly. The ^reat dilliciilty, in so scattered a community, is that of <^cttin^- the people toi'-ether for any protitable purpose. There is so much ijjround to be ^one over, and the amount of work done seems (liscoura,i;"in,<;'l}' small in proportion. Yet I liavo every reason to bo thankful for the i^eneral success that seems to have attended my exertions. ] may observe that we hav(! established a I'arochial Council. It consists of four members. The parish was divided for tlie purpose into four ilistriets. one dcle,i;*ale to be chosen from each district, and to W resident therein. ^Phe object of the Council is to assist the Cier<ryman and Ciiurchwardens by their counsel and advice. Its members are elected at the vestry meetini;", — to hold office during one year, and to meet (summoniMl by the Cloricyman') at least once every 'hree months. Services at Parish Church, — Sundays, mornin;;' and t\ cning, chief l[olida}s, Advent and Lent, week-day services. Sunday Schools, 4, — two of which, at distances of (! and 1 iniles, I att(Mid alternately, combinluy; thcni with mission services. Public catcchisin,L!,-, on(! in eatdi monlh, at s[)ecial afternoon services in Pai'ish Church, to which the children of all llie Sunday -cliools Mi'c brou^'ht toi;'ether, being provided with hou>c acconini('(l;ai;):i and iTfi'eshments between th(^ servicers. Holy Communion.— I"'ir>i Sunday in nnnilh. Christmas, l^jaster and Whit-Sunilay. J3apti.sms, 10; .Marriages, 2; Burials, 0. AsM>ssrnonl,(i)r<»vi<l('<l)i.'ii-llyI»y oH'ortoi-y.iBMn.) i«l(lM.O(t Coiiiidctioii of i'diil i-iliiil ion to MihIdu iiinil Fun. I li:).r)U Insiininct' -1 .10 SfXtiMi's |iiiy, and ciiiTi'iit t'Xjicn-tvs ol' ( 'liiiicli .'iS.lO l>i'l»ls |)ai«l llii' repairs, ^c ;}.'>. 00 J)ralnin,y: Cinircli-yaril. Friiet's, \{' |ii.:{8 Si'rnn»n foi' ('liiii-i'li Sncji'ly 7. 10 Synoil llxponsL's (.00 F. .1. 15. Al.t.NATT. iM l»S\VKI,l.. Tlu- work 111' I he CliiU'cli in tliis mission has liciMi carried on diirinu' llie ycai- willi luit liltle intt'i'rn|itii»n. i'Nce|tt thai ari^inii' (Voni illne>> ol' Hu' Incuinlieni. 'I'hi' allendancc al headquarters and all oiitjyini;' slalion.'' lias heen sat islaclory, excejit .^oiith ilani. Indei'd. (he con- tinued inlliix of till' l-'reneh and the standstill eharaelor (d'lhe Fn!;disli-s|ie;ds'in^ ])o|)ulat ion. with the ili^position to eini;;rale, will he disastrous to the nii-^sion it' it does not ]ii'o!!l hy sonio ofthe sidienies thai are astir to promote iinniii;'!'at ion. The laljics ot'(iuestions ])ut b}' the .Society lor tlu' Fropa^i^at ion of tin' (lospol with ivl'erenee to immii;'ration lia\e heen cart'Tully answered and <lnly Coi'wardoil. When, in addition to the fact of there haviui;' heen only a very lew families who called 1 hemselves chundi-pe()])le when this mission was first formed, and the conse(|uont missionary character nf the Chiir( h's work', we consider its isolated posi- tion, its small j.oj)iilation, its distance from marlcet. the unto- \vard r.jads hy which jt is reached and tlu! jiar.aly/.iiiM,' I'lleci of the credit and hartei" systems, it will readily a])pear lliat this mission is one of the most wealc and sIrnii'uTinL;' in the diocese. As cxaii\i;'c rated vii'ws are entertained of iho material resources of this mission \>y some, the IiicumJieni itivites careful in(|uiry into the sul>sl;intial ctirrectncss of jiis state- ments, ^riie assessment roll and the lorn; calaloii'iu' of encum- hered farms imfortuiuitel}' attest too Avell the condition of tliin,i»;s. The peo]ilo are, iiolwilhstandinii:, uiliinii; to do what they can for church lainisti-alions, — but not alile {(m\<> us mucdi as mis.sions whcso resources are as three or li »ur to (»ne. Tlie usual missionary meetings Avere lield last winter, nt Avhich tcllina: speeches uerc made by the ]|ev. jl. Roo, yir. Stuart and W. E. Ilamillon, \-]>i([. These meetings, if as rc'i,'nlm'ly iUi.l x.oalonsly mniiilahu'd, aiv «-iil(Milnlo,| in.Io miicli UOO.I. i.uriirularly in roimiry inisMi..ii>. wIktiM !.»• lueuii.s ol' inlormulioti nvc Unv. h'lrin.U' till' Hummor wo Imvo fiviicd ,.i, i|„. chiircli m-oiiiMls '^ iMMl.lin^i- whirl, is iiIti,Mat,,|y icsorvo tin- a parsoiia-v. It is now (M.c.i,,u-.| hy a CImivl, ,n,..|..| scl.n..|. aiul wo" li.mo to mak." It very Horvieeahio i,, the mission I'-.r a c.Misi.UTaMo '"«•"> ol yours. It is of w.mmI, well piiiiii..|. ol' tash-ful !i|>|.oai-aiic.., ,v.min()(li()iis, and s.'c.iid lo uoiiu in iIk' Kastcni I oNvnships m I ho way .. intonial riirnishiiiu-.-inans. dia-ranis i"t'i "tlicrodiioational appliances. 1 •anil..! ivport hh I should wish ahout tl,o inu.orlanl • uallci-ol Siin.lay M-hools. It, is a vorv dilli.-nil il.in- iiidccMl, l'> mainfam all tho .Simdaysrhool. " thai, aiv n.-niod in so WKU'ly scatlori'd a po|)ulrtti()ii as this mission. Tho dilllciilty isiwolold,— lirsi. lhatoriindin..-toa,duji-sol'sunicionlk'ai'niir"- an< /.cal In <'any on tho work, and swond, thai of raisin'--- •ash as iL IS noodod to pnxuiiv I In- lu'cossarv qm-stion hooks :m«l /.^MK-ral ivadino-, without whi- h Sundav-schools cannot prosper. Olln-rdiniciilliosahound, l-iit only' lli-)s(> which an> common 1(» other places. The Church is in a <^n(n\ stale of repair, with most ellicient warmini-- apparatus. The huryiii-.oroun-l encdosuro is old. und will have to he r(d)iiilt soon. Tpon Ihe whole, eomparino- il,e iipdiill work and the many .lilll.Millies ol" the past will, the present, wo have >vason to ihank (;od and take coiira-o. AptK-nded is a I'linncial slalemeiit of the mission for the year ;-Also a list "I (lie annual suhscrihorw to the Ciuircdi Society. liocal assessment of Diocesan lioard 81<HJ.()(> K.\|iens.'s of SyiuHJ o.OO I'roeeeds of Sermons to Mission fund 2.00 (ollected ai Missiomiry meelin-;- lO.lK Seven Missionary Hoxes 7 It. (I!) OtVerlory Collections ...*.." ls!oO Collections lor S. S. Hooks "!!.!!.'!!.! ll.Os I 'arsonage Hui Id i ng .■)()().( 10 , 61:52.27 Amount^ of Annual Siihscripf ions 27.;5() Total for Church purposes 8'>T0.57 TlIOS. S. ClI.VPMAN. 36 Dl'KHAM. Tl)o J{ov. .1. F. CiiiT. M.A.. was Hiicccodcd hy tlu- Kov. Enie.-sl Jviii^:;- at llic cml ul' April. Tliia roporl, therolbro, cove I's only (he i)eri()(l from the end of the Heeoiui wooU after Eastff lo'llic first Sunday in Advent — ^_jus(. .'U weeks. Tlie niissionar\- work done diiriiiL!' that lime is I>rietl\- sot fori li as f(illo\v> . JJeiiular Services on llie Loi'd's |)a\' !>."> I'lxtra SiUKhiy services -'> Servici"- (Hi llie festivals o|' Ascension, All Saints'. 'riiank-i:i\ ini;' and oilier week days IT '^I'oJal sei'viees I.'!") Or (Ml an awi'age mere than 4 a week. This hiii'li a\i'rau'e is i;-i'eatly due to tlie etl'oris of (ieorg'o Phornloe. I!s([.. Divinity Stuilent ol' Hisliop'n Oollei;e. Lennox- ville, who lor inne Sundays during his Himimer vacation gratuitously rendered a}>)>reeialed assintunce as a lay-reader (under the Hisho)»'s sanction.) Through the kind I \- tendered heljt of clergy men in priest's orders, the Holy Communion has heen administered (at dittei-ent jjarts of the mission in turn) 7 tiine.s publicly and once in ])rivate. The ])arochial \ isits have heen (112. IMvint- service is held at ivgulur intervals in two churches, oric towndiall and one schooUhouse, and ut tliree other scliool- houses occasionally. Through tlu' assistanct' of lay hel[)erH. ibur Sunday-s(dio(>ls a)id four choirs are kept up. .\ ])ic-nic ti)i' the children came oft' in September. The otlerlory has been est.ablished at South T)urham, and a c<dleetion is laki'u uji as a rule wherever sei'vices are held. The ]>i'e>ent incumbent tdund a conHiderable debt standing against all three of the chief congregations in the mission : L\\veriii'. .?(;7 ; S()uth Durham, for new church, $700 or ??S0() ; l,'[)per Durham, foi- organ. 878; and for new church, about Sl.dOO ; niaking an aggregate debt of at least $2,200. Through llie unlbrlunate employment cd' an irresponsible contractor to whom both churcheH were let, neither is yet fijiishoil. although both were to have been ready foi- use more than a year ago. Even now, before the one at South J)urham ean lie conipleted. :in a.ddilional sum of about $500 will hav.-' 1 o be raised. .a lliisstuioot Miim-'s scriousl.v ivlaru. ihr licall Ii v dcvcloi)- nu-Mt ol luiHsioimry work, but iho .iitli..uli irs ai,<l ,lis,..,nra'.'e. 'iUMXs aUoml.Mo- iL arc bein- n.ol by Uk- ,..o,,Io with -avUxc- fbccrl Illness unci hope. It is conlidently boliovod thai noxL j-cars ,v,,or( will spcak ul mtu-b Iwivin- boon uceoniplislu'.l il,r(,u£.-Jiout the mission \hc debt of «({7 n-ainst l/Av.nir is' of nl.l siandin- in lavoi' ol Mr. (,oori;'o AtUinson. ilo, wiM, churmUoviHtio oono.r)>iiy, has volunl.'civ.l lo renonnc-o all claim upon tho buildin- if an effort is made by tin; ciono-reo-ation to make it more cluurli-likt'. For this onjoct money is now being- collected. The people of L'Avenir have, moreover, rai-e( inent from $40 to 0100 for the next 2 vcars. 'd I licir assess- Amount raised for church [)iiriioses : April 28 to Nov 28, | tJppor l«7l biuli'm South ])nrh'ni f^'a P. lack Iviver. S'jhool-i houses. I Total Half year's assessni't.. W. & O. Fund (MTertory SurplioH ami Sr.ole. .. •S. S. OlVcrtory Coivirts Fioard end I*it sent to Lav Hoiidor $ ct 75 00 4 20 2'> 5t U 00 4 00 it) 03 10 00 s 3ts. m 50 1 t;o 14 00 t) 00 10 :<') 2 Oo $ Ot!<. ?0 00 S cts. ..... $ ots 4 20 17 27 lo 7") 11 00 4 00 001 2 00 3 00 !$14'5 77| $71 S ( :t.s. J. J 2 5i) 10 00 57 81 38 75 8 00 20 5:? 22 00 on! C)l 22| $13 Ool S ;! 0olS29.-. 59 NoTR-This rotal i8 for a p.<iiod of s,.v.-n months, and does not iricliid,. . ertan. suhscriptions towards (h.. Muildin- I- and. <n.tol th,= oll.rtory aro p.u.l tax for t-y.-od, (Jiuuch lusuran. e and 1^. A, W. Kix, in Rv. ITavmo- been appointed to this mi^-sion in ^Farch, ls7l mv i-eport must b(> brief, and in some respects imiun-fect "' Throiiirh the exertions of nn- ])redecessor, the Rev Afr Kiehardson, I Ibund, reaily to hand, a larov and W(dl attended" Sunday-school in tho Villa.i^-e Chuirh. (Sl Pauls.^ a source of eomorttothe Pastor, as well. J trust, as profit to the eluldren, who are, as n rule, dilin-on(, attentive and eao-er to excel. -^ I have been enabled, throu^^h the <levotion and enero-y of a member of the con.<rre.i.-ation, Mr. Joseph Clark, to estirblisl, \t. m auotlior .Smi(la\'-s(.-]iuoI dist.'uit tlireo miles Croiii the village Cluireh, -where ii])()n :iii nverai^o of 25 lo 30 cliildron arc, so i'ar as 1 eau jiuli;-e. inalcinn' steady progrcHS in (lie attaiumeni of Chi'islian and Cliiireh iirinei|)lcfci. At Tiii^'wieic the tSiniday-stdiool is under the superinten- dcnee of Colonel Fitzi;'erakl, a vahiablo ally, nnd who, as an authori/eil lay i-eadrr, condiicls IMvine Service on alternate Sunflays wiili myself, ihiis enabling- all at this station ti> enjo}" the privileg'o of u regular weekly .service. I have also eiuleavored to establish a week-day i>ible class in Brook'bury, of which I lio]ie 1(> be able to write better things in the future. The statistics of the four Smiday-schools are a> follows: — St. Paul's, Richmond : Teachers. () Avei'iige at tendaiKH'. summer • 50 Do, do, winter iJO 1 am present every Sunday al this school to su]»erintend and teach. Bury Ivoad Coriiei': Teachers :) Average a t tendance 2.") This school 1 occasionally r\an\ine. Tingwick : 'Teachers 1 Average attendance 1 I This -chool 1 occasionally examine. A pleasing feature in the ivcoid of the |>ast yeai- wa-^ t lu- re-union of the several Sunday-schools to recu])erate mind and. body in the enjoyment of those innocent s])orts so well beloved by 3'oulh, and this enjoyment was greatly heightened by tlic presence of their foriuer beloved Pastor, Mr. Jlichard- son, who took advantage of the occasion to instil into their licarts Olio uiore lesson of love, lam now engaged in foi-m- ing conlirmation classes, and 1 trust that at an early period a goodly number may be ]>i-eparcd, though ti'ully and intelli- gently, and ])rayerfully. to renew their ba])tismal vow. In a j)ecuinary. as in a i-cligious [)oint of view, there still remains much to bo done, but 1 trust that tliat eo-oj)eralion on the part of the peo])le which has been already evidenced will continue to increase and Inirn with a more steady flame. United in action as in faith, we rocogni/.o in practice as in 39 principle, tlio groat inilli that we arc one in iriin who is the hviid of all. Siihj()inc(| is tlio acfoimt of monies rai.sed in the mission of Bury, since 1st Marcii. LsTl. Diocesan Board Assessment 8105. un Synod Assessment 4 . t)( ) Otl'ertory ijg.o^ (JIuirch Insurance -l.OO AEission Fund. Church .Society. Sermons D.ST Pension Fmul, Do. do 5. Co liepairs of rai'sona,o-e, collected ly Ladies.... 20. Ot) Sunday-school liooks, prizes, <.^c 7.00 (/hurcli music-hooks 4.00 Collected in St. Paul's Sunday-Hchool box.... 0.80 Total 6193.84 James Boydelj,. north inverness. The retrosjK'ct of the (dosin,i>- year as i-cii-arils atfairs of the mission is decidedly encoura,i;ini;-. We Jiave made such pro- gress, that, humbly speakinu". was liardly to have been expected. When 1 entered u|)on the work of the place in January (liere was considerable discussion as to the site of a parsona,«;-e and church, and foi' a time there seemed little prospect of eitiier. l)Ul now we liave to tiiaidc Ciod that the situation of the parsonage was determined by vote ol" the Vestry, and that the house is furnished completely. We have to acknowled<;-c, as we do ^•ladlv. the munificenL help of Chas. King. !>([., of Lyster, aiid Ids sons. The Mission is greatly indebted to "Air. Chas. King for his indefatigable exertions. Nor must 1 omit to express our gratitude to certain members of the Hamilton family for generous assistance. The church members in the neighbour- hood, too. have given and done what they could, which, in some instances, was very great, in in-oporlfon to their means. With respect to the pro])osed Church, I Jiope in my next report to show progi-ess in that direction likewi.se. The Diocesan Boai-d ol' .Missions has assessed the mission at two liundred dollars for the )iext two years, being arise of eighty dollars. This sum is considered by those wlio know the capabilities of the mission excessive. "^I^ut 1 do not think it is; indeed, if the practice of calling upon the people to do their best to supi)ort the ministrations of the Church had been. 40 adopiod ciU'liei- wo .should luivc bocii paying- coll^^idor^ll»ly more jit tlii.s period, it in too coiinuon ibr eortain williiigrnciiibors of I lie clmrcli lo l)e allowed to pay the assessment, which should he home hy all. We have i-one, however, on the priiKii)lo of every man ])ayiiiL!,', and I'veiy one aeeording to the condition of his temporal atVairs. And it alt'oi-ds mo the i^reatest ])h'asiire lo re])oi't that thei-e is not one memher who has been ealled upoJiwho does not siilisi-ribi', and this in ease.s whore the family is very ])oor. J\[oreover. in eonsccpieneo oi u tour of the pai'ish, in eompany with the Wardens, I am able to say that, with ])i'oper mananement, the people will not bo Ix'hindhand in testilyin^- to their loyalty to the church of" theii" fathers in a moj'<' sulislanlial luanni'i- even than at 1 (resent. II [t wnl l>e >ceri \<y mir ^Ialellu•llt ol IIk^ amount, raised for various funds oi' tin- ('liurch ."Society, that avo are not standing still i}or .ii:oini;' backward. I hopt' we >liall collect a lai'<;"er sum next year, when the m.-iclilnery ti>r the ])urposo will b(! in better working;' oi'der. Certain ladies and i;-on- tlcmen have kindly consented to act as collectors. Their success has not been so <;reat as might be, on at-count, I fear, of a little prejudice. l>ul I trust, ere lon^', this will A\ car away. The services of the Cliui'ch ar*^ carried on regularl}'. We have morning service at St. .Sicjdien's Church, and evening service at a school-hon.sc four and a half miles distant, where a site has l»een gi\cn for a church. Tlicre are thi'ce monthly district sci'vices for llio-, \\ ho. I'ny somo ren.son or othei', can- not attend at I'itlicM' of ihr I wo ccMl les on Sunday, when, the weather pei-mitling. tin- congi'cg.-it ioi;-> are full. I I'cgrct that I cannol rcporl <o fa\ ourably of ihc Sunday- school. An attempt wa^ made lo ki'c|» one g(»ing during the summer months, biii a> I had lo leach il alio^dhcr mysell it di<l not work W(dl. my strength occasiunally being insutli cient. There is miudi need here oi' elHcient laydielp. Hy next spring, when the school begins again. I hojic to have teachers ready to ta!<c the work" in luind. CiiAs. Ukh.os \Vasii];k. COMI'TO.N. 1 took charge id' this mission in Xovcinber, b^TO. My reception here was iriendl}'. After a fortnight J called a meeting of the ]»aiMshioners, and stated to them the conditions on wliich tlie Society would continue its grant. The eondi lions weiv acce])t(Ml. The two hundred dollars advanced by ■11 1 f / s *■ t the Lo-.ml lo tin- hilo Mi.s.sionaiy \w\v imtucdiuicly j'ciimdud iuu tlicaiiminl assossiiiciit (S200) lowai-d.s luy stipend cJioor- tully siibsciMlu'd. .Since (lien matters liave none on |)iv.orossin<r Independently of two .services every Sunday in St. James's (here js lield (in same huildin--,) a weekly Thursday evenin^r .servjce, witli a clioii- practice atti'rwards. At eaeli of the services tliere is an ollertoiy. Occasional .-erviees arc also (leld. Two Sunday-scliooLs have been organized, and are carried on during tlie whole year. Number of names on books, sixty-.six; average attendance, foi-ly-two. Several communicants have been added, making thejtresent numbei- lifly-tive. I do jiot include in this nnmber ])orsons who. though i<omimil cojnmunicants, have never communicated at my hands, nor at any otliers, for ycai-s jiast. There are unfortunately, several of these in my mi.ssioji. _ During the year I have liapti/cd 'three adults and twenty- six hifants. I have had three marriages and six burials. The reading-desk and pidpit in St. James's Church luive been remodelled; the harmonium removed from the galleiy into the chancel, and the singing very greatly improved. Karly in the s])ring ] was invited by M. Ji. Coclirane, Ksq. ofllillhurst, to hold a fortnightly Sunday afternoon service on his proi)erty for the special ben'etit of those of ]iis employees and others in lliat neigh boriiood who cannot, or will not come to the village to Church. J i-eadily acceded to the reipiest, without asking or, in the least, expecting remu- neration--()nly loo thankful to lind a new opefiino- through which 1 might advance the cause of Christ's Clurrch ^]l\\ Mr. Cochrane insisted that J should receive all collections taken up at that service. And, m(u-efhan (hat, he -enerously pays me. on his own account, for thisdul\-, \\w suni of i^oO iicr annum. Not, only at St. .fames's Church, but al this sei'vice also Mr. Coclwane and fatnily are iv-ulai- and imnclual attendants. One of the two Sundax" -rhools I have allud.'d to is at ]rill- hiirst. The school was (irst started by Miss Cochrane and Miss Massman, and is carried on through the ])raii-eworthv ertbrts of these two young ladies. The I'lilllturst service ha^s been sus])ende(l for some weeks, owing to tlie bad condition of the old school-house, anotlier place is being erected and it iH hoped will be ready for use by CJiristmas. The Snnday- scliool is carried on, being held in Mi-. Cochi-ane's house. By one and all the members of my tiock tlie greatest kind- ness, cordiality and res])ect liave been shown to me. The most generous liberality has also been extended to myself and 42 ^ 2 i I I fhiiiily. I liixvo s])oc'iJi]ly to tliaiik .Messrs. Cocliraiu', Kondrick, Kollam and llandal. and Mrs. raii:;c, Anson I^liss, Mooro and Cilincs I'oi* repealed acts of kindness. At; Ivister llie conifi'eii'atioii presi^ided i\lrs. Din/e}' with an oft'criiii;' amouiitini:; to 841. .Soon after a tiiio cow, ])iireliased for $')0, M'as presented to the |)ars()ii l»y his tloek. For tin's aeee]>tal»]c gill J am (diiefly indei)te(l to Mi's. I'aii;'!' and Mrs. Anson .Bliss. A. W. Kendi'ick, I']s(j., i'roni the very first, placed a horse and conveyance at my dis])Osal lor Sunday use, and. inde«'d, lor any time 1 mij^lit Jieed Iheni, ireeoiCost anil li'oul)le. lie has, othci'wiso, been most liberal in his otlerings. S. llandal. Vlsq., C!hureh-\varden at the time of my ari-ival, received me at the station and most hospitably entertained me at Ins house lor tivi^ weeks, nntil Mi-s. j)inzey eouldjoin me. Jlis kindness did not cease when I left his house. M. 11. Cochrane, I'^sc;.. is evei" finding' excuses for making me the recipient of his gcnei'(tsity. l)uring the 3'ear, on various pretences, he has presented nie with otlerings in money amounting to one lnin<lred dollai's. and this over and above hisliberjil assessment sul)scripli(in. besides, he has sent mc ])rovisions of various kinds, lulK' i'<[ual in value to above named amount. 1 am aware that these kind friends i-equire no public acknowledgment of Iheii- libi'rality to me.^ — and perhajts will not i'eel over-])leas(ul that 1 should thank tliem through tin* Society's ])ublishcd report, lait 1 cannot refrain fi'oni telling it to the Church. — and in this 1 am only ibilowing the oxam))le of the great a])ostle. During my stay at 31r. liandaFs. the )»ai';onage- was made more comfortable for my reception by the addition of two dormer-windows. ItAvas, also, freshly ^tainted within, and all the rooms newly hung with ])a])ei', and things olhei'wisc put to rights, (so far as the advani ed slate of the season admitted,) at a cost of at least one hundred dollars. A lai-ge hall stove was also ])Ui'chased and presented to the ])ai'sonage. In the sj)i'ing, other repairs and additions were made at a cost of about tlie same amoiuit. The work was seen to bv the Church-wardens, M. lilossom, Ksq., and Dr. Parke. 1 must Itere thank ihesc gentlemen lor theii- coui-tesy to me. and kind attention to my suggestions in matters connected with the parish. The intelligence of the I)iocesan lV)ard's intention to increase the assessment of this nn'ssion Irom $20t) j)er annum to S500, was a severe shocdc to my nervous systinn. 1 called mj' pcojde together and told them of the decision of the P)oard, i: i m I . and iir^vd lla-m i.; .siilmiil. I ihink thai sevoral oT tiuMii would have bucii thankl'iil iWi- an ahatcnioiil ol' the J>oard"s (k'lnaiid, hut only Olio jji-oposcd to ask loi' such, while another bravely deidared we had hetler ]i:iy the whole six huiidi-ed. but 1 lh(.iin-ht the J]o!ird would rather ])ay the one humlred dollars, and rctjnn tnw j.lcasiiiit aecjuaintaneo. It i.s certainly xvi-y ^-ralilyin^' to nic to sec the readiness of the con^Tei^ation to contribute all that is asked of tJieiu toM'ards their elert-y- man's support,— and it is all the inoi-e uraiilyinu-, as ihey deem the screw j-ather too ti,i;'hlly apjilied in this iiistance. It must not be supposed that' there are no dillieulties to coiiteiid^ against in tins mission. L have met with no active opposition, but there is a degree oi' inditlerenco to religion, on the ])arL ol'a few in this village, and many in the surround- ing neighbourhood, that is hardly ci-ediblc. Nothing is imj»()ssible with (iod. .lie can at any lime bring light out of darkness, but. hunnmly speaking, there is more hope of the conversion of savnge heal hen, than of men who, knowing nothing, caring for nothing in the way of religion, are never- theless supremely contented with themselves, with their prospects here and in iAio world beyond. I sincerely ho))c that in my next re))ort I may be abb/ to write more h()]iefully of this class. Tlu- j)ast year I have sjuuit chietl}^ in viewing the land, this year, with (iod's heli». 1 hope to rechum -some ])oi-tions of it into the vineyard of the Church. The following tinanrial "statement is for Ihirleen months, the period of my residetice in the mission: — Otferlory collections in St. James's, for Church Society g 26.50 Widows" and' Orjdmns' Fund 13.80 Mission b'lind 24 5u Olfertory collections in St. James's, for i'ai'ochial objects 2 [2 . (! 1 Total of otrert(uy- collections in St. Jamcs"sChurch... $;}0().!)1. Collections at vMdridge station, for clergyman 3 6'. 00 I)o. llillhurst do. d<"> 18.00 Collected 6 months pav, foi- assistant organist 12 00 J^cw i^'''it=^ ^- : 42.00 laid to late Incumbent on leaving Compton 200.00 Assessment for thirteen months..", 216.00 Paid towards rejiairs of Parsonage from services other than offertory 90.00 Total 8S8.5.01 u I (lid ii(»( ask |i>r pi'ixato siil).s»Ti]Ui()iis !<• <'liiii'cli Sociely. I (K'siivd my |)C()|tl(.^ to yivr wlial tlicy had to u'ivf tlii'<»u<r|i (lie iiUcrlory, iiol letliii,!;' oillu-r hand kiiow what the (»llu'r did. Th(> nisiilt, for a tirst atlciii|)l. is not iiiisal islhidoi'v. I)iit I hopr next ycai' we siiall do cxcii hcttfi-. .IosKI>ll I)iN/i;v .MAI,n.\IK. Ill |>ri'M'iiliii^' my I'L-port li)i' iho (dnhlccii iiioiith.> diirinu which 1 liave Ik'oii slalioiu'd hvve, I Juive lo explain llial in (•()nse(|uenee ol' the iinsalisfaetoi-y answers to the a|>|»eals which I made on behall' of (lie ohjeets eonneeled with tiie Soeii'ly, I was ashamed to jiiihlish llu'in last Decemhei-. Iml I am ha|»|ty to say tlieiv are indieations of an awaUenini; to a sense of the obliti;alions and duties o|' this mission, after a period of iiiaet ivity. The piihlie sei'viees (d' the Cliiireh ai'e well attended, and a feel ini;' of interest in Ohui'eh matters is niiiierally manitested. 1 have met with a liX'iiei'oiis response this year lo aj)peals on l)ehalf of the Widows' and ()i'j)hans' I'^iind aiid the Bihle Society, but not such as J exjiected to the ^Mission Pinui, for tl)o anti(jiiated objection that we had enough to do at home. I have also broiioht forward tlie siil»ject of an endowment. Imt in this matter nothing', as yet. has been done. The Church this winter is liii'lited for evcnini!; sei'xiee, aiul more thoron^-hly heated. Alterations, much neeiled, in tli(> ai-ranu'ements of the s('ai> are held ovei- Jor the s])i'iiii;'. It is resoKed to ;.>;et out wood ihis winter for a steeple. We have in hand the ])roce(;ds ol' a concert last winter. $'2'.]. iowai'ds a Ixdl. Our ser\ices have been nnndi enlivened and imjiroved by tl;e iiiti'oduelinn of two harmoniums, the one at Malbaie, a beautifid inslrument presented by our friemls in •lersey. I'he increast.'d assessment will, I think', be (dieerl'ully subsci'ibed. Atone Station, Corner of the Beacii. a lari;v bnildinii; is beini/; erected, two thirds of which is to l)e titled up for service, and the other part as a schor)l room. I'his amoniji;st 11 families entails no sli-^'ht expense. l)esidos laboiu', but it is cheerfully borne. There have been many cases of sickness amon<^-st us, and consequently numerous calls on my time. Last winler was very trying- to us, owin^- to the (irauijjhty condition and exposed position of the Pai'sonage, but this 1 trust will soon be somewhat remedied by the addition of " ' \ r 45 tloiiblo windowM. Iljiviii;^" bocii built of iitiseasoiiod tiiiiU-r it i^s uIino.Ht iini)().ssiblo to iiiuko it air tii,^lit. Hut for much (li.scouiibrt liic IvitKliie.-s.s of the (!oii<j;Ton-!ili«>n hiis well cuniiioii.satcd. The j)er,sonal uttotitions whicii we have i-ucoivod havo boon botii nuiiiorous and valuable. Bui uio.st impoi'taiit of all, J trust there i.s a more general iinpre-^sioii o-.,iiiing ground of the neeessity of observing the fourth eoniinandinent, which, in eonneetioii with the lisherios, it has too long boon the custom (o ignore and set aside al pleasure, Jn proporlion as this conviction extends and is acted n|)on, may we hoj»e for more spiritual life amongst us. AVIien we Inive prepared ourselves for the reception of the .Spirit we nniy look for its oHusion. _ In concIusi(»u, J must bear testimony and record my obliga- tions to our worthy Cluirch-wardons and collectors for their ready and valuable assistance. Subjoined is a list of amounts, &c., raised in or for tliis mission during the past eighteen months. One and u half year's assessment, at $144 .!i21f;.00 Collected in .ler.sey, for Harmonium 65.00 Offertory 41 .55 Wood for Parsoiuige 50 . 00 Easter offering 1 2 . 5() For u Boll 2H.]f> For Sciiool rent, Corner of Beach, wood and labour... 100.00 Do. Cash to cover in same 80.00 Collections f(u- Widows' and Orphan.s' Fund 27.55 Do. .Mission Fund ]5.P>() Bi hie Socio I y 20 . 27 T<'tal S051.42 IJiniAKi) .Mathers. ACTO.V. As hcrctoibre, the mission of Upton, JJioceso of Montreal. has been under my charge, as well as that of ActoJi. This year the usual "services of the Church have been sustained regularly in alternate order, morning in one Church, and evening in the other, and the lioly Connuunion has been' celebrated in both onco a month. ^ It is a matter of thankfulness on my part to my llcavenlv Father, that through II is goodness, neither sickness or accident has compelled mo to vacate my post in one single instance, as Sunday after Sunda}' passed by^ There is one subject connected \ 46 witli iIk' work dt'iliis iiii-^iDii. wliicli ri'(|uii'i's lo he rotbrrcd to. Ii is |>lar((| ill ji vrry |ii'riili;ir jiosition wiih i"es[ii'('t to oui" crriiii;' Itrct lircii ol' (lie Cliin'cli of Iv'oiik'. .Mort' limn iiiiif-lciitlis ol'tlic iiili;il>i(iiiils (t|' Ac'loii uw I-'rciicli CaiKuliiuis, and lii'lonij to (Imt crood. Many aiv lii'i'c pi-rccivini!; tlio anomaly of tlu-ii' C'liiircirs <loi;'nia>. and iircfrrriiiLC lo lay hold (if Clirisi aloiio as tlu' way of salvation. ('ndcr iIk'so circiiiiisiances. it occiiiTrd lo nu' llial reading" [•arl of I lie st'r\i('i' in Frciicii aiul lU'cat'liinii; an c.vtiMnimi'e |-'i'ciicli sermon, Ihcs'! niiu'lit la; Ji'd lo I'lnlirace the u'lorioii>< Cliiircli to wliicli we hulon^-. and thus ( 'jirisl wonid lie li'loritieil the more in this j)art of His vim-yard. My sui'mises did not disai)i)oint me; eviT sinee la>l winlei-. I li.'i-e carried on that urraii_!;"emeiit with success. \{ I'la^iei- it u.is a j<»yfid si^jit to see -t l"'i'encli Canadians jiarlida* ol' tlu' Holy < "ommunion, and at the next cejehi-atictii in ihe toljowiiii;' nionlli, Ll more. These (I are a sui'O |)le(|n'e o|' (iod's hlessini,^ >«'ot a SniKh'iy passes without havinii; iVoni (I t(j Kj l-'reiich present at the Churcli service. As it is. my presence is onl\- half of the day in each Churcli. now how much more wouM it further tliis work, liad I onl_\' tiie mission of Aclon under my (diari;-e; I hen tlu! services mi^'ht he lield in the foi'enoon and evenin"; wholly in l']ni;-lish, and in llu' afternoon, wholly in Fivnch. Would that ihe Hoard of .Missions mii;'ht uive lhi^ mission |»ro[»()rlionately as it u'ranis to other missions, that is, takini;' into consideraliou the amount raised on an averan'c per family and the number of Church services with whicli tliey arc ]»rivile^'ed I 1 am sui'c the ."-^iJilO i-equired fov clcri;;y- innn's salarv would he i)rovidcd. 'J'liis year, the ann)unt of money rais(>d lor all ciiurch jiurposes in the mission was SoOl.-lT. Ami as the numher ol' families, includin.if all Protestant denominations, is twenty-six, it u'ives 821 .21 ])er family. Last year the avera^v amount was 81'.*. ."iT, ^howiui.^' an increase of 81 Ji J. The amount i-eceived from the olVer- U)ry was 81<!.(!') ahovo what was received last j'ear. a (di-ai' iiide.x of impr(jvement in the attendance on pul)lie worshij). The following;' is a detailed statement of i-eceipts and dis- Itursements during the year : — RErEIPTS. Offertory collections 8 ni> .')2 Proceeds of hazatir 1'),") (10 Contributions 25ti 1)5 Thanksii'ivinii; offerini;' from Thomas Macfar- lanc,Ks(|.^ ' 50 00 85G1 47 I J I i ' I i i: I»ISIU HSIIMKNTS. Assi'ssiiiciil to I'xijird Sl'IO <•'> 1)(). (() Synod I 01) ruyiiuMil OH ac'couni of ( 'luirch dcl.l 1(1.") 00 IiislalmciiL :iiid iiitcivst on I'arsonanv dchi ... 7.") 7.') liisiiruiKH! oil (,'|iiii-(li uiid l*:u'son:i,u:c. Hi (17 Three uiimial collocMons lor Clnnvli Societv. S OU Siib.scriplions lo Cliiii-cli Society .".. 12 00 (^iiarlcrly colleclions I'oi' ('lei-o-yinan 15 15 ScNton, A:c' , iVc ;{;) m (''ai'pot and allar littinn-s 50 on I'.ooks Cor Simday-scdiool lihraiy 5 00 lJ('|)airs (o ("liiir( li Coikh; 57 00 nalaiue on hand ., k; su Total .^5(51 47 Our Mule cliuivh has Ik-imi .sadly in want, of an altai- (doth ; now, however, we ai-e jji-ovided with an exeeilenl oni", whieh, with a ear})el for the (dianeel. was jiurcliased witii a sum of uumcy n-iven as a thank-otrerin,-;-, es|KH'ially Ibr that purpose, hy a nieniher of tlie eonj^-reuation. The (diancid still needs (diairs, hut we hope in (iod's ..'oud time to he su])i»li(M| with them also. Our Sunday-school lias Ijeen well atti'iided ami has been provideil with the children's papei- of Sunday teachin.i;-, imhlished under the sanction (.f the Lord ]jisli(.|") of Toronto.' This ensures system in teaching- and reo-ularity in attendance, for each scholar is supplied with a copy each Sunday, con- tainin«^^ the lessons t.) be learnL for the following? Sunday. If wdhlo im-alculahle ,<;-ood in country jiarts, where at times it is didicult lo obtain ]n'Oi)er teachers, and the consequence is that tlu^ s(diolai's are fed with a desultory sort of teachiiii^. These ])a|)ers, however, ai-e tilled with proper questions, ])j-e- (;lii(lin,t«- all irreii-ular instructions. The fiilitie j)rospects of the Chiindi in this locality are .U'ood. Last yc;ir there Mas only a ]iossibility oftlieJ^, I), aiid vX. Jtailway, ])assin,i;- this way so as to form a junction with theShetlord andWaterloo Railway ; now that jiossihility has matured into certainty, as the deed of contract has been sii^-ned aiul the contractor has even eni>'a_L;;ed rooms for his statfof en«>-ineers in one of our hotels; so' that, by the end of next July, we may cxpecl to see railway trains in full operation betwx'en Sorel and Actonvale. This, no doubt, will improve the condition of the Church, and wo may be enabled 4s H IS 'i to ('oiiiiileh' niir iMiililiiii;'. ui'cctcd loi' llu- sorvico td'do'l, aiwl have it I'oiisoui'Jili'd. We liavi* i,'i'i'a( lin|ii'< also of liaviii^' an MiidowiirMil l-'iirid iiivosUmI t'of (lie ^otni of (lie .Mi>sioii, bolon' ilif idoNC "d' aiiollKU' year. May liu' (iod ofall u;ni('i' |ii-os|tfi' our small cotiiiirri^atioii, as Ho lias doiio licivtoroi-c and llic iViiKs of oiii' iiH-roasc will ijinvly ri'd(»iiiid lo liis ulory l»y In-iiigiii!^ iitrtli good works as vvcdl as i,q'alitiid(' on oiir jiart. Lolls ( '. \Vt IITKI.K. ciihioi .\<'. I will hoifiii lay ft'iiorl liy staling wliat my I't-gisUTs, ^v.. loll ol" my work, biiriiii;' (lio |)ast year, I liavo had .'{K Ba[>(isnis, \ .Marriages and 1.") Hiirials, in addilio:! io wliioli I liavo hold 18(1 sorvieos and 20 |tiil»lic oolol)ra(i<Jiis of tlio Holy Communion. \ have also visi((!d tho pooph^ in sicdxiioss uiid in hoallli. in a mission like mine, with ."> < hiindies and u Hchool-house in which to liold services, and long distancoH to tnivtd, (his woi'k involves a great amouiitof driving about. So tho s(>rvices. visiting, attending lo my hoi'se, kv.. when at home, my duties as (.-hairman of School-t 'ommissioner, and my studies liuvc all ('oml)ino(l lo kec^p me from fooling tlio painful l)iii'deii of having nothing to do. 1 have many I'casons to helie\e that my labours iiave not 1)0011 in vain. I'hings arc far from being what (hey ought to bo but then thei'o has boon progi'oss and im])rovemont, oven if slow. And the knowh^igi^ ot' (hat (lospel which ha.s boon so powerful and so great in its oiVecls in tho world, may do more lioro yet. I somidimcs wish I could have a brothei" Clergyman to i»ut before my jieopio tlio great trutlis and tacts of religion, so that they might learn from having truth set before them in diHerent wa^'s by (litferont |)reachors, just as it is given us to have dilforont accounts of om* Jjord's life from ditferent writers, if the ]HM)|)le ar(Miot what thoy oiig'il to be, 1 yet have the satisfaction of think-ing that tlioy woiild be worse without tho ministrations of religion, which thoy ccrtaiidy value. I often, loo, think of a suggestion I -aw made to tho effect that wo liavo to thinlc of evil pre- vented, as well as of good accomplished. J)uring tho past year I, on tho recommendation of tho Warden of St. Augustine's, received from tho Society for Pro- jnolijig Christian Knowledge a grant to the amount of Ci .sterling for my Mission. 1 thought it a suitable opportunity 40 1(» iiii I'odiico :i llyiim M(hiI< iiilo llic .Missi,<ii. So I looU lli<' ^I'iinl ill llyimi Huuks. Ami now lliosi' tri'iisiiivs arcMii tlio liaiid.H of tlio ])i>o|i|i>, I hope licariiit; i^ood rniil. 1 <-!iiit)(»l. tell liow LM-atfl'iil I H'll holli |(» I Ik- VVardon oCSl. Auii:u.stiiie'f4 I'of Ills rccdiiiiiH'tidatioii. and to llic V'cncraMf Society ii/r it.s jLfnuit. .I.V.MKS II. hKllllAdK. (AI'K ro\ K. Since my la>l report no cliann'c lias lakcn jdacc in llio .itVairs ol' tliis Missi(jn. DiicinL;- llic past yvav. Sunday and <laily schools liav(i tloiirislicd. ami llic* attendance at J)ivine Service and tin* Holy ( 'oniiiiiinifiii lias Iicimi «|nile ei|nal to llial of tiiniu'r years. The asscssnicnl levied hy the JJoaiilof Missions has heen fully paid up. for which ci-edit is due not only to the readiness of the people in niei'tinif the assessment punctually, hut also to the ener<;*y and /eal of our Chui'ch- wardeiis. more especially of tlu- seni»tr Warden. Thomas Savai;i'. I''si|., to whose Uindness and liherftlity as well as interest in the well heini.'' of the Mission, ui' all owe a deht of i^ratitudc. Our Siimlay school here was well atttMided dui'ing- the summer months. siNt_\' pupils :uid six te.'iehei's havin.i? heen fre<|uently pi'oscnt. Towards the fall the attendance l>ecaine smaller, owinii' to th<' hatliu'ss of IhcMo^ds and tlu- distance many of the childri'ii w»'re (d(lig(Ml to wi'.lU. In winter we arc oiiliiji'd for these reasons. lo discontinue the s(diool. At Pei'ce and L'Anse au heaii-fils the Sunday-schools were also in opei'alion with an attendanee ot'ahoul twelve at each. St. .lamess CMiurcli had a nai'i-ow escapi* in .liily. when, durini;' a remarlcahly sevei'c thunder storm, the li<j;htiiini;- struck the spire ami shaltere(l one of llic main po^tsoftla' tower, jiermaiu'ntly weakeninir that part of the i)uilding. Besides this, however, and the hreakinij: of a few hoards and some i;lass. no further harm was done, for which wi' were all thankful. The w eatlu'r-worn iind somi'wlial era/.y eon<lition of the tower did not warrant our rciicwini;' the shattered |)Ost, which could noi \\i\y' lieini ;i'('oniplisli(Ml without ^reat cx- pcli-e. hut il h;i- heen -cenrid ill a temporary" ' the other daniau'es ha\ e al-o heen repaired. At Perce tluM'c has lieen some im]M'oveme ill a temporary manner, and ]M-ovement in (>lmrel> ji I xvjii.i- iiuM^ iiii.> IH.III >oim- nil i>r<^\ V men I oi \>imhvh music made durini;- the ]»ast year, ami an excellent chamher origan has hoen ac(|uire(l hy the con^ree-ation. chi*'f1y thnuji^h llie eneri'-y of Mr. Iv ijonieril. one of Messrs. jjohins Agiuds, Ill I ) : * () '? I ! I i } I. I 50 who not only oxorled liinisclf in collecting I'unds for the puv- clmsc of the instnimcnt, but was also v. liberal contributor. The prom))tness with which Ihe y-rcater part of the price of the instrument, ^150, was contributed by the small cdngre- gation of St. Paul's, is very much to their credit. I am glad to notice the continued kitidness of my people, and to acknowledge gratefully an J^^aster (Jift from Cape Cove of $44, and one i"rom Perce of S16. I gladly mention also the gift of a valuable gold watch from the congregation of Capo Cove, presented to me in Se])tember, with a most affec- tionate but too flattering address, by Messrs. Savage, Balleine, Komeril, Pamon, Baker and Lenfestoy, in the name of a large number of the congregation. I think, and I say it with gra- titude to Jlim without whose blessing all our ctlbrts arc powerless, that the prospects of the I\Iission ai*e more encour- aging than they have ever been. There is neither division nor dissent amongst us ; The children are all being trained up in the princijdes of our Church, and learn from an early age to take an interest in lier services. Jn our sejiools, Sun- day and daily, Holy Sci'ipturc and tiic Church Catechism are regularly taught, and the j'esult of this training vu\ already be seen in our oi'dcrly e(jngregations in which the young peo])le and the children form a largo proportion. William Core Lyster. valcartier. I took charge of this mission on tlic loth day of February last past, and was formally and solemnly inducted by the Bishop on the second Sunday of Lent following, in presence of a largo and seemingly devout congregation, which service impressed me, at the time, as an augury of coming peace and mutual fellowship in carrying on the work of the eluirch. I am thankful to add that my hope, so auspiciously begun not since failed to be realized. Jioth in attendance a Parish Church, and in the devout worshij) of the congregation, a warm interest lias been maintained since that day. Hitherto we have had, regularly, morning service at the Parish Church, and a monthly celebration of the Jloly Com- munion. The latter is not so numerously attended as the congregation should warrant. I have had an afternoon service monthly and consecutively at three outposts in this Parish, also at the little (now decay- ing) church in the adjoining Parish of St. (Catherine. As this litile church is, by road, about twelve miles distant from the las at the * t ' 51 church of Valcarticr, I must iiitcrclitingc. oecjisionally, the morning and at'Lornoon Horvicos hcroaf'ter, as they seldom, if ever, come from St. Catherine's to the church ol* Vak-urtier, at which they congregate from the otlier out-posts. I regret to say that, from a want ot Lay assistance, I liave not been able to carry out my plan ol" Sunday-schools, so much needed, and 1 am yet unable to devise a scheme to meet this want, as the day nchools afford no privilege, and the distant and scattered localities of the children render it diffi- cult otherwise to reach them. Something must bo done to overreach this difficulty. The following is a financial statement of the Parish of Valcartier since it came into my hands, in February last : Diocesan Board assessment $ 140 00 Synod assessment , 2 00 Church Society, General Fund ;} 3G Thanksgiving Day, W. & O. Fund 75 Par.sonage repairs 22 86 Insurance of church, &c 8 33 (ieneral offertory for church expenses 31 55 Total S208 85 A. Balfouu. GASl'^ BASIN. The services at the two Churches in mv Mission have been regulai'ly held during the past year. St. Paul's Church.— The congregation was augmented during the summer months, owing to an influx of visitors to Craspe Hasin. During the remainder of the year the atten- dance at St. Paul's has been about the average. The ordinary congregation is composed of seventeen families and a few of the sailors belonging to the vessels employed in the fish and lumber trade of the Port of Gaspe. The small number of Pew-holders, together with the fiict that the lai-ger portion of the assessment is derived from a very few members of the Vestry, influenced the Church- wardens and (Mergyman in their opinion as to the union of the Missions of Sandy Beach and Gaspo Basin, which was advised by the Diocesan Board. One strong self-sup]X)rting Mission with three Churches within a short distance of each other was felt to be preferable to two Missions struggling for an existence. Ihit the congregation accept with pleasure the arrange- ment which for the coming year gives them their usual services. ! 11 i ! 52 1 am li;i|»]»y to \)c ahle to .state (hat the 8mi(lay-.sehool at Ibc Ha>iii luis heeji iv-(»ri;-aiiized. Foi' si time it was clofsod, owiiii!,- fo the old teaehefs haviiip^ left the JMission and the •^roiiX (linietilly i'X|ierieiioe(l in re})hRing" them. St. .lanie.s's ('hiircli. — This eongre^ation shows adisposition fo incrt'asc steadily. The assessment luis been nearly doubled within tlie last thi'ee years. It was §80, it i.s now $150. The St rxices are more heart}' and tlic attendanee good, although almost halt' the ])eopie hihoi' nn(U'r tlie disadvantage of l)avii,_; lo cross a Buy, a. mile wide. The ( 'hui'eli-w ardrns liave adojMcd a very good plan toi* maUing eolleriions to meet usHCtstsnienf, kv. They have divided ihi> poi'tion of (he Mission inl'> ''ist"iets and have i'h(»sen a coilccloi' in each, 'j'he collcei )i ■ <r ' caHed nj)on to report (piarierly to tin' Wardens.," irongli them the Wardens arv in constant eoinmunieati .. .vith the ))eople. The selmol at the P);i>in is again in operation, at'ter having been elo-:ed for some months for want of a teaelier. There is no regulai- .-fdiool in the North-west district. Iml :i )»!'iva!e s(diool is kept in the L'Atisc-anx-Cousins settlem(Md ai an expmdiliiri' whirh is a hardship to the few families tlierc. . The .'^oiii liwest school is ahonl to he divided into two <li.-tricis. 'i'lic liornan I'alholie population have notitied the i;ommis>ioncr of their intention to dissent, so the great ■ohstaclc in the Mission to receiving aid from C'hur(di ol' Kntrhind Kdiicational Socici ies will l»e removed. The Township of ^'o(■i< is ^tili in want of schools, so al.-o i?^ llie Xori li-\vest. The wliole inissidM contains 242 adidt memhci's of the Chui-cli of I'Jigland. and .'!.■").■! childi'en under 14 years of age. Financial SialenU'nl : Si. {'anl's: Sunday Collections $02.00 Diocesan Hoard 100.00 Fencing (ihd)e 21 .00 \Vidows' and ()i'])linn^' 2.50 Insurance 7 .0(1 Paid (.11 old deht 41. Ol Mission fund 75 Faster Collections 11 .80 .^t. .James's: Sunday Collection^ $21.00 Diocesan r.oni'd 112.50 J. P. PiriLMosn \ J 63 \ J SANDY l!K.\( II. Ill M!mlin<^' you the annual icjort ol'iiiis .\ii>.-i()ii. 1 ran liut tay that nollung strikiu":; oi' j)ocuIia!'. in its circum^lanvi-'s or position, i-alls Ibi'th special attention. Throui^h tlio •^•oud hand ot'oiir (iod upon us wo have \)<^^\\ |)t.'rinitlc;iJ to ])ass the 3'car in <|niclnoss and |tc'arc. altcmliiii^ raUnly to the oi'dinaiy avocation,-> and l»usiiK'ss which, in (.'oiii'se, presented theuiselvos. Thai, we are ibreihly re- nunded, is no small hleHsing, when tlie whole hmtl is still rinL;-in<4" with the wail of tens ol' thousands, who have lost their all, tlu'oui;'h the' terrible — the unutterably fearful — destruelive- uu.ss of i'onsuniing tire. The Lord's soj-e jud^iaents have been all around us, hui, lhrou;i,'h J lis nieiX'V, they have Jiut touched us. May his i;'oodness lead us to renewed rejientance and mort' conijjlete obedience. The minds of our people were, for some lime, 'jrcaiix" e.Kercised and depressed liy the !ntelli^■eil('e that the Dioeesau Board intended Joinin:;- tliis ^Mission to that of (iaspe Basin, and ij;'iving both to the chari;'(; of one .Missionary. To lids the}' were stron^'l}' op[)o-ed, as tliey believed thai the Dioce- san Board was j)ledged to continue the uiidividi'd ^*■rvices nt' a eler^'yman ann)ni;st them, feeau -e they had conijilied. and wei-e still ready to eomj)!y, \\ith all re(|uisiiioiis of the Hoard to the utmost of their ;d>ility. Tpon their nri;-ent remonsti-ant'e aiul rej)resentafion the Board eaim; to llie deter- mination to continue tlu'ir (der£!;yman to them for two years lon,i;-ei-, upon condition of the .Mission jiayin:;- lo tin' J^oard $;>l)(l per annum, to whicli \\\('\ at one.' con-^enled. itml -o the mat ter now stands. Throu_<>;h (rod's a;oodness, 1 have Ix'cn enabled to l;,-ejt up the usual services in the Mission, and they have been, as here- tofore, well attended. Some have been, durini;' the vear, riumnioned by the (Jreat Master to ap))ear in his immediate presence, and have passed aAvay in ])eace, leavini;- us every reason to hoj)e that they .sleep in Jesus, and will, wdien He descends in judii;ment, appear with llim in i^'loiy. The contributions for Church ]jurposos have been, on the whole, about the same as those of last year, viz : Kor the support of the Mi.ssionary ?2ilO.IIU For ('hureh Society .' ;}(;.i)2 Ordituiry Sunday Collection \\'1A)(S Ott'ertory 12.00 Firewood for the Parsonage 40 . Ot> Total 8;J80.0'2 ( ( \ \ I I .i ■A J ' ! < 1 H n ' 54 Thoro liavo boon 4 MurringOH ; 1(1 Baptisms; 9 Biirials. Our iMidowjuont Fund is slowly uccuniulaling; a small Jo^'ticy of S38.;>!i has this year hoon nddod (o it. In proooss of tiiuo it may t'liUil tho lio])0 with whioli it was coniinoiK'cd, and onabio the Mission to bo solt-Huppoi-tin<i:, but it is h)n«i^ to wait, the poopU^ are very poor and it can inoroaso but slowly. Had it boon boi^'un yoai's aujo, as it mi<;ht have boon, how dill'oront Jiad boo!» our prosont ]>osition. but ro^'rids are vain. I am full of foars as to tho rosulls whioli will ensue when all o\lranoou> aid shall be withdrawn, sonic Missions will have to bo abandonod, and inuoh i;'ood now boin^ done will ooaso and eomo to nought, not wlndly, indeed, but oomparativoly. Some of tho seed sown will still grow, and boar fruit, even when it ceases to bo watered and tended as it is now, but we eannot expect that aid from abroad should be loi'ovor con- tinued, since so many other portions of the fields and vine- 3-ard of the Lord's inheritance are while for the lian'ost, and ripe for iho vintage, and the labourers must needs bo sent forth. A deep, a biding sense of gi-alitudc for the many gifts already showoi'od upon us, should bo the Bentiniont ujijx^r- most in tho mi mis of Canadian (-hurehmen towards the 80- cicty for the Propagation of thoCiOsjiel, and though its foster- ing eare of us must soon cease, never can wo regard it as othoi' than our mother, tender and beloved. I may c(uicludo this j-etrospoct of the year with tho words of the Psalmist "Bless the Lord, my soul, and foi-got not all His bonotits." TMattiiew Ker. ST. SVl/VESTEll. \()\\v missionary's mdoavoi' throngliout the past year has lieon to render thi'oo services on each Sunday- Much time and labor has boon expended in endeavoring to place tho various schools of tho mission in a satisfactory con- dition. Tho im])ortance of schools cannot be ovei'-rated, especially wlion the Hold of labor is occu])iod by a travelling missionary. The Church Society has n^idored much valuable aid in keeping schools open in different parts of the mission. In conso(|uoiifo of certain adverse circumstances, it has been found im]ios>ible to maint;iin the schools in St. Patrick's, St. ]\largaret"s and St. CafheriiK^'s. Your missionary regrets that he has not yet boon enabled to start schools at St. Coorge's and Cumberland Mills. The i I I! poo))lc live ;it such u'rcat (listauecs Iroiii each otlicr tliat it Ih Viivy dilliciilt to round sdiools at which all may atlcnd. As long as mombcrs of the churcli were cmi)h)ycd on the St. Francis in the gohl mines, divine service \vas regnhirly held ill the villai^^e and at the mines, lhr()u,i;-h the nohio exerliona of .Mr. l.'cjpe, acting under the Bishop's authority, hh lay- j'eader. Your missionary can hardly (ind words to express the deep regret he feels at the removal of Mr. Vo]w from the district. Mrs. Pope also was ever ready to go in and out amongst the people and cheer them on Avith k'ind words. St. (liles.— We have here a good school and ahle teacher, but in consecpience of some of the inhabitants refusing to pay the necessary school dues, your missicnuir}- is often placed in much diltic-ulty. St. Svlvester.— A new ]tarsonage is very much required. Some kind friends have contributed towai'ds this desirable object, but they are not of the mission. There a])pearH ii most unwilling "mind on the ]»ai't of some of the parishioners to undertake this duty or any other that would beautiiy the residence of their clergyman. St. Patrick's, — The'small congi-egation in tliis place has increased siiu-e divine service has been regularl}-- held onee every Jiord's J)ay. Your missiomuy hopes that during the coming year the parishioners, one and all, will assist to the iittermcst of tlu'ir power llu' gootl work of the Church amongst them. W. Ki.Nu, 1 i ! i \ \ I 11 I 1 I ijU TIIK FOLL0WIN(5 UEl'OUTS FROM (LER'iY NOT rONNECTKI* \SITU THE DIOCESAN HOARD, HAVE BEEN UErEIVED. r,EN.\o XVII. I.E. Tlio uiiiimil suhscriplioi) Cor ll»e Churcli Socict \-, Tor tho current yoar, aiiiuuntH to SH^.Of* Quin((uagc.siin:i Colloction lor (iciicral I'^imd V).{)1 Tlianks-'iviii!:;- {"olUrtion I'or \V. and (). Kiind 10. lU Total lor Church Society 6102. 0(J The Sunihi}' ol1erinij;s to dcCray tlic (Jcncral l"]xj)onfse,s ollhc I'arish from hoc. 11, ISTO, to DcL'. o, 1871, inclusive, amount to 8')iiT.tIT Christmas Collection for the |M)(»r. is'O L'l.l') yyuod Assessment S.OO S")!)! . Hr Total C\)llections for ordinary ('liuich pm-iKtscs gil'.til.lS The record of the past year isom-im sshi<h lioih ili(> cler'^y man and coni;rei;ation mast 1()(>!< with much satisfaction. IJeside.s the necessary rej)ai rs which ha\e been made U< the Church, the interior lia< heen greatly iniproxi-d hy a new altar ck)th, chancel rail>, and carjjet for tlie rhancej. as well as other additions, nivini;' an air of hi ii;-ht ness and com fort which are cerlainlv no hindrances t(» di-votion. We have also to (H)ji<>;ratulate ourselves on the aeijiii>i( ioii of a new o ri^'an of ii,'reat com])ass and sweetnossol' \i>\\r, aildinir much to the heautx' and etiieicney of our service. The free and open pew system which wasadopii'd last yeai' has not disappointed us. The first year il was itIlmI with a iTuarantee fund to suj)]»lement anticipated dcticiencics, \\hi(li, it is needless to say, were reali/.ed. l-a.>l Master .Monday, it was resolveil to do away with all :;iiaran1*'es and to trust entirely to the Avcekly oflerini^s, and so far the fcsidts arc satisfactory- The attendance, csjx'cially al the (n-einn^ ser- vices, has i;-rcatly increased, and there is a marked imjtrove- mcnt in the otfertory at the moriung service. It does not, iTulcod, as yot come u]) to the necessary standard, hut 1 think we have every reason to helieve that in a short tinu^ we sliall tind, when the anniml accoiuits are made up, instead of deli- ciency, a surplus, and that the free-will otlei'in<;'s of eai-nest worshippers made on the tirst day of the week, in accordance with the apostolic injiyiction, is the true mode of maintainiui.^ the services of our (rod in the sanctuary. A. Cami'hell 8cauth. r , /> * 1 < fl \ «^ ,<> %. \ ^ I 57 slIKllHUOdKK. [ have Lo rt'poii, llial nothing of :ui uiiiistuil tliaractor has haj)pene(l in this parisli durini;- the i)asi yeai'. I am happ^', houH'V(!i', to Jiave it in \\\y power to >aj- that the iserviccis of (ho chuivh have been niaintainccl wilh ro^u- iarity, and, a.s I humhly trust, withprolit to very many. The Sunda^'-sehool, thont^h certainly not all that eould he desii'ed, lias been ellieient, -md is instniinenlal of mueli ,i;'ood. Tlie congregation lia.s continued to he united and free from dis- sention, and nothing A\hateviM' has ha]>pened, s(j I'ar as 1 aiu aware, to disturb the pci-fect iiai'inony and mutiud resjKM't and good IVuding thai lias now foi- so many yeai-s marl<ed tlie i-elation existing between ])aslor ami i)e«.)ple. The en(U)w- inent fund is being gradnaliy enlarged, and liie ]»i'oj)eri}' oi th(^ (dmreii generally, having Ijecn well cared tor ly the Wardens, is in go(«l romlilion. As the accounts of our (diurcii are aMnuall,>' made uj) at a period of the yeai- that does not e(ji're>|ioiid wilh the meeting of the S;M'iet_>', it is iuipossil)h.' to present a perfectly correct statement uf ihe anujiint of money thai ha>, dui'ing the past y(!ar, been i'aise'(l in this parish Un- eliiirch-purposes. It is thouglil. however. V>olli by myself and the AVardens, that the ibllowing will i»e found to be ^utlieiont foi' all ]U'nelical pui'|)osos : — '^ sr,\ ri:MK.\T. Ordinary Suiida_\ f illecl ions S 111 L'7 Sjiecial collections — Kaster Day, Ibr lniiinil>enl -SO;! lo St. Thomas, for Oru'anisl ~ Oo 01) IK] A:^ Subscriptions foi- Ihe >aiai'y of the incumbent 442 00 I'ew'-rents .' 703 0(5 KndowmenI account OH 95 (VMuetery account HI ()() Cliurch Society subscrijtt ions and collections aftei' sermons -JTS IG Ofllertory for tlie relief of the poor loi O'J Subscriptions for the ])urchase of the new oi'gaT\ ilUO 00 $30G9 92 From the foregoing statement it appears that in round numbers tiiis congregation luis raised from among themselves f 1 \ h 58 for church purposes, 8.'>070, wiiich sum, il" divided oquully aiuoiii^ the members, will muUe Irom $H to ?10 for each man, Avoman and child of Ihe averai;;e c()iii4-rei;'ation. The cosl of tlii^ n(>w organ was ^lijOO. The diflerencc Itc- tween this sum and (he amount raised hy sultscriptioii is accounted for l)y the j)roceeds of the sale of the old orijan. 0. V. IJkii. NiroLKT. The few jnemhers remaining: of (his onc»,' lari^e and flourisii- hii*; coni^'rei^ation were higiily delii^-hted in having their Bisho]) in (Iieir midst in June last. Some of the congregation of Thi-ee Rivers had accom])anied his Lordship and .Mrs. Williams aci-oss (o Nicolet, where a conilrmation Avas held, at which three candidates made a profession of llunr faith. The Rev. J. Torrance;, of Three Rivers, was also with us, and took i)arL in the sei-viec. After listening to a most a))j)ropriate sermon for the occa- sion, and I'eceiving wordsof symjiathy from IiIh Lordship, tiie people separated with jo} fill heai'ts. My duties here consist chietly in visiting among the scat- tered members of tlic Church, and sometimes holding services at their houses. Our little Church nci^led some repairs, the large doofthad been thrown down by the wind, and many of the beautiful trees lai<l on the ground. 1 collected ?2S among a few friends whilst I was in (Quebec, tow'ards ellecting the rcjniirs. The Church is now insurc<l. In consequence of the Rev. .Mr. Torrance's illness and death, and unlil the n))i)oini menl of the new lieclor, I have frefpiently done duty at Three Rivei's. at thi' re(iuest of the congregation. .losEi'H Dk MouiLriKU. * "^^ ' ! -?sr A N X r A L K K POUT OF TIIK C L ]'] mi \ T Ji LT S T C .M M I T T K K . rrosento<1 to tlio (Mmi-ch Socioty at tlio Annual Meeting, January J4tli, 1872. I i ^> The f'loro-y Trust f'onuniltoe l)0,<>: leave to report tlifit the ronuisit(^ jimount Inivin^- lieen jiuid into the hantls of the Treasurer, the Trust Deed, estahlishin;,' the Drumrnondvine Endowment Fund, has been duly executed, The following- donations have been reeeived : For SI. Sylvester Endowment S 2t).()0 For Cape" O'^'^' " '^'^^^ For New Liverpool • (from Fngland) 41.25 Legaey to Sandy lieaeh -'^^ . IKJ The following Debentures have l)een ]>aid oil : On account of the Clerirv Trust Fund, (Joveniment of fanaihi SlOUO.UO Ou account of the Three JJivor's Rectory,^ (rovernmcnt of Canada S -iOO . 00 The following investments have been made on account of Clergy Trust Fund and Local Fndowments: Toronto debentures at iMi glJOOO.Od Sherbrooke - at !)5 2r)00.00 Montreal Stock, (7 percent) at IIS^ 2500.00 Montreal terminable Stock, do. at li;U . .. 2400.0(1 Montreal llarl)our Slock, at 10(5^ 5U0.U0 The interest on the several investments has been regularly paid, J. W. QUE15EC. Chairman of Clergy Trust Committee. n. C;. Flees, Secretary. M«T OF I.WE.STMKNTS, IHTli. Clcriiy Tni>( Fmul : (,'aiiiulii (lovenimeiii lVl)ontiiri's, ?J:i(i4"Sl City ()<■ IlainiltoM '■ S.'JSO Coriiily ol' .Middlesex ■' 4800 ('ity oV J.oiidon •' L'OOOO Muiiici)»;ility of Ik'riiii •' IKIOO Moiiiiviil llarhor ■' 110(10 Moiitroal ('()r|n)ratioii •' 7S00 City ol'Turoiito " ;jOO() Town ol'.Sherljrookc •• 500 Quebec Clia])i'I luiilowiiioiil : City of Jiaiiiiltoli DelnDtlU'Cs $ 1.'>HU ('oiiiily ol' .Mitldlcsox •• 100 Moiili'i'al Harbor •• '.'Al't Montreal Ciirporaliuii l")ii() Tliire Elvers Ke-etoi-y l"]n<lo\vnient : City of Hamilton j)ebenlines .-»! I.'JSO .Muiiieij)alil}' of Ijerlin •• 40(> CovernnuMit of Canatia •' ^(lO Montrt'al Cor|)oi'alion 1875 Town of Slierbrooke 500 Franipton ^^i■»ion i'Jidownu'nl : Municipality of JJerlin Debentures.... >? liiot) Montj'eal JIaibor " .... 1525 Monti'cal Corporation .... 1125 New Cai'li.^li' and Pasjjebiae JOndownienl : Monti'eal Harbor Debentnies § TOO .Montreal Corporal ion ■' 800 City of Toronto ■ 400 Drunmiondville I'juiowinenl : (Jity of Toronto J)cbcntures 8 1(100 Town of Sherbrooke • 1000 Montreal Harbor * 50t) Montreal Corporation ■ 200 Coatieook and JJarford Endowment: Montreal Harbor Debentures 8 '>()0 Montreal Corporation " 1201) 01 00 00 00 00 00 (10 00 00 §!tl5t;i (II no (Id 00 (JO ijj (;75;» (10 00 00 00 00 8 1555 00 0(1 00 00 s .■;^5u 0(1 (!0 00 00 ? IHOO 0(i 00 00 00 00 8 27(tO 00 I 00 00 8 noo 00 ill (II DO t !• * «* I \ • .T'» ) (il (Uipe Cove uikI I'orcc Kiidowinonf : Montrojil Cornoriitioii DclH-ntures %\tm (U» CitvofTorunU. >• 400 00 % lOoi. OO (Iliarlosion Hc'ctory Kriilowiiieiit: Mniitrciil Corpoi-atifm DelK'iitui'os... % I lOO 00 St. Svlvostcr Kiulowmciil : Soiu'iiioriiil Claim Dclientui'cs % 607 84 Mnndviil (V.rpon.tion - 000 00 % 1207 SI Samlv Hoacli KiKlowiiioiit ; M.Hitrcal llarhor Dchoiiturcs % 250 00 Montreal Corponitiun " 700 00 % o:,iM)0 North liiv<>nu'SH Kiulownu'iit : M.)ntr('al Corporaliou Di'iK'iiturcs % 500 00 ('itvorT..roi'«. 400 00 8 000 00 <ia^|M' r>asiii Kii(lo\vnu;Tit : Montreal Harbor iX-bcntnrc? % 2r)U 00 MontroalCorporation •' <50(> 00 % Srwt 00 Ireland and South lnv(>rnes- Kndowincnl ; Mont\'eaU'orp<»raLion Delientiin s 1? 70i) 00 C'liii^ouae iMidownient : Montreal Harbor Debentures S 3o0 00 City of Toronto '• 400 00 6 700 t)0 New Liverpool Kndowinoiit : Montreal Corporation Debenlui'es % 4.)l) 0(i Levis FMitbnvnKMit : ^rontreal Cori)orat ion Debentures $ l')0 oi» S122:H8 85 \\. k 0. L. W. <i. AVlUTKl.K. (^lebee, aist Dee.. LS7L Treasurer Clerg-y Trust Ftiixi. Examined anil found eorrccl, C. Judok. \ \^i,|jtorrt IL W. WEi.cii. Jr., i * Quebec. 2ar(l January. U=*72. r,2 Dr. Cl.KlKiY TiaiST FUND IN 1871, I>t'C. 31 To Amount invested Clorgy Trust Fluid Queboc Cliapi'l ( Endowinont) Tnree KiverH Rcitory Frampton MixHiua Druriimotulvillu New CurliHloaud FaHpi'blftC " CuiiticDok and Harford Cape Covo and I'erco CharliHton lUctory St, SylvoHttT Sundy Heath North IiiverneHB Gafipo ISiisin Ireland k tioath Inverness " u <i II (I ii K il II Up Ctd, C'higDimo New Liverpool Lovifl ■I II To Cash in Quebec Provident and JSavingu' Bank " Revenue Account G765 4r)r»5 38^0 '2700 1 900 1700 1600 1400 1297 950 900 H50 700 700 450 450 00 00 00 00 (.0 00 00 00 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 To Amount brought over, $ Ctfl. 9ir.GI 01 :!0757 84 952 90 51 39 * I * * $123323 14 68 [N JuT. 01 84 90 39 * ACCOUNT (JUKItKNT WITH TlfKASl' liKK. $ ct». 1871, Dor. 31 Hv Amoiintiit Civilit i)f CM<iiffy TriiHf. 8!)r.f;i 01 Hy Ainoiitittiorn lli'V'Miii.i A< count. I7;i5 00 \',10, Dec. . 1871, Dec '4 Uy DJNcouiit oa DoboiituroH Hbvknuic Ao. oi;nt Clkikiy Tausr. |Hy iwr,littio» on hiuul By llovonu! to iltiti' Hjl IntoruHt Qnobtic Provident tuitl J;! :ving»' Hank By 'I :.aipomry Loan 205 CO 18,5 37 6250 06 71 52 51 3U 65G7 34 LeHH — Amount invtjHtod $1 735 OO Annuiil allowanoo to Hevtm cUsi^jnitiU 250(J 36 I'roiniiim on iuvt-Hinmnts. . 78(i 50 llKjk intfio8t on " .. 214 l7 Ucneml charges 325 311 5567 34 <JtBBEC ClIAI'KI. KnUOWMKNT. By Amount at credit of Fund, 31rft Ueoeniber, 1870 By Bevenuo to date Less — Amount paid St. Paul's Cha- pi,| § 175 00 Amount p'd. St. PeterM Chu- pel li!5 00 Amount paid St. Matthew'd Chapel 100 00 67CI 37 412 45 7173 82l 400 00 3 14 TuBKK EivEna Rkctouv Endow.mbnt. By Amount at credit of Fund, 3l8t December, 1870 By lleveuui) to date , Loss — Amount paid Rector , By amount bro sight over. 4475 20 22 S 45 4703 65 150 00 Cr. $ oti. 915C1 01 (1773 82 4553 65 $102883 48 f] (;+ Mr. CLEIKn TIIUST X t ' I I n I ! I f I '? t I 18T1, Pec. 31 Ct8. To aniouut bniuglit forward. $ " ct«. 1233^:; H To amount Itroiigb* ovci $ 12352^! 14 i^^ U5 FUND ACCOV^T.—iContinurd.') 1871, Dec. 31. nts, By amount brought forward .... New Carlisle and Paspebiac. By Amount at credit, 31st Uectsm- l)er, 1870 By Revenue to date Frampton Mission Endowment, By Amount at credit, 31st Decem ber, 1870 By Revenue to date Less — Amount paid Rev .1. H. Jenkins. .. Drummondville Endowmb.nt. By Amount at credit, 31st Dec ,1870. By Amount from Congregation By " " R. Hamilton, Esq.. By " " Church Society By Revenue to date ]812 34 117 00 38G2 31 257 50 4iiy 81 200 00 COATICOOK AND BaRFORD. By Amount at credit, 3l3t Dec, 1870. By Revenue to date Cape Covb and Perce. By Amount at credit, 31st Dec, 1870, By Revenue to date By Cash per hands of Rev. J. Wool- ryche 2075 00 200 00 200 00 150 00 144 G5 ir.75 90 109 00 Charlbston Rectory. By Amount at credit, Slst Dec, 1870. By Revenue to date St. Sylvester. By Amount at credit, Slst Dec, 1870. By Cash per hands of Rev. J. Wool- ryche B yRevenue to date 1521 22 91 00 3 00 1398 95 88 00 By amount brought over. 1272 09 20 00 78 8G Cr. '"$ cts. 102888 48 1929 34 3919 31 2709 C5 1784 90 1615 22 1486 95 1370 95 'i? 1177G5 30 s^iP!»fii,^wMimii.*''WK ! t! I i ! i f GG Dr. CLEllGY TRUST W1], Dec. 31 To amount broiigbt forward... . $ Ct8, $ CtB. 123323 11 1 $ 123323 14 We, the undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the above fund, and have also verified the securities, and found the ■whole correct. Auditors. C. JuoaE, Henry W. Welch, Jk., Quebec, 23rd January, 1872. FUND ACCOVST. —i^'ontimml) Cr. 1871, Dec. 31 By amount brought forAvartl Sakdy Beacu Endowment. By Amount atcrerUt, :5lKtDec,, 1870 By Kevi nu(3 to date By Legacy from late John Lefour.. , $*cts. 898 50 59 50 38 93 (jp CIS » 1177G5 30 North Inverness. By Amount at credit, Slst Dec , 1870. By Iljevenue to date Gasi'e Ba.sin. By Amount at credit, 3 1st Dec. 1870. By Revenue to date 940 51) 51 00 903 50 59 50 Ireland and South Inverness. By Amount at credit, 31 st Dec, 1870. By Hevenue to date 759 50 44 00 CniOOUAC END0U..1ENT. By Amount at credit, 3i8tDec, 1870 By lievenuo to date New Livkiu'OOl Endowment. By Amountatcredit, 31st Dec, 1870. By Hevenue to date By Amount collected by Mrs. Robertg in England 767 10 45 00 440 75 31 50 41 25 Levis Endowment. By Amount at credit, 31st Dec, ISTO.l 430 75 By Revenue to date 31 50 996 93 094 56 9G3 00 803 50 S12 10 519 50 468 25 $ 123323 14 E. & 0, E. Wm. G. Wurtkle, Treasurer, Clergy Trust Fund. Quebec, 30th December, 1871. - I I I Dr. 68 BISIIOPKIC ENDOWMENT FUND 1871, Dec. 30 To Amount invested ' Cash in Quebec P. & S. Bank $ cts. 84594 50 19t 82 $84792 32 We, the undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the above fund, and have also verified the securities, and found the whole correct. C. Judge, X Henry W. Welch, Jr., S Auditors. Quebec, 23rd January, 1872. ^ 69 <i * 4 J IN ACCOUNT WITH TREASUEER. Or. 1870, Dec. 31 By Amount at Credit of Fund , Revenue Account. $ CtD. 1871, Dec. 30lBy Revenue to date.... .•■■•. I " Inttrost from Savings' Bank . . . $ ots. 84594 50 ' Balance Slst Dec, 1870. Less — Amount Paid Lord Bishop of Que bee $^000 00 General Charges 104 26 5144 68 28 00 129 40 Balance , 5302 08 5104 26 197 82 $84792 32 E. & 0. E. Wm. G. Wurtblk, Treasurer, Clergy Trust Fund.' Quebec, 30th December, 1871. List of Investments. Government of Canada I'Ml'd^ 50 Montreal Corporation . Montreal Harbour City of London City of Toronto County of Middlesex. Gonstitue 18900 00 14000 00 4000 00 2400 00 3100 00 . 10000 00 $ 84594 50 n IS i! ; i J)r. THE GEN KJfAL FLuVD ok the JJIOCKSAN OH UliCH 1871 Dec. 31. To Paid R W. Heneker, Eirq , Treasurer of St. Francis District, lor local pur- poses, printing, <kc., as per supple, meutary statement oClast year, p. 105 " Paid K. II. Saiitii, Esq., Treasurer of Diocesan Board " Paid followinfi j^rants during year, viz Drummondville Endowment Fund, Hemison Parsonage Committee..,. Rev. C. B. Washer Rev. A, Rowland Rev. E. C Parkin, towards erection of a church at Ditton Rev. S Iliopel, Magdiilen Island?, to wards erection of a school $ cts, 150 100 .00 00 00 00 00 " Paid Secretary " " Printing annual report, adverti- sing, and other incidental expenses.. " Paid rent of National School Hall.... " •' A. G. Knmsay, P^sq., Actuary, for opinion on Widows' & Orphans' Fund " Paid Assistant to late Treasurer " " " " pre-ent Treasurer... 10 00 40 00 ' Amount invested " Balance carried to new account. $ eta. 49 G'J 1000 00 50 00 50 00 440 00 200 00 :j85 88 50 00 25 00 100 00 1H80 36 1797 43 $5928 36 We, the undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the ahove fund, and found the same correct. 0. JuDfJK, Hk.nry W. We JLCH, Jr , ) Auditors. Quebec, 19th January, 1872. «• ». 1.. 1 I- -t, i 71 00 '' * 'S i ^ 4 .y SOCIETY IN ACCOUNT WITH TIIH TllFA.SURI<yR 1871 Jan. Dec. 3 $ cts By Balance from last account .•••••••••; «' SubRCTiptionP, &c., for 1870, from St., Francis and Megantic District Asso- riation and other sources, received in January last as per Supplementary Statornent in last Report, folio 77.... ' Subscriptioa of Uis Excellency Lord " Net^'proceeda of" "public anniversary mectinp, held on 1 4tli February ..... " Received from J. Michel, on account of purchase of land in Chester j u Received from U. Michel, on account| of purchase of land in Chester. . ... . . , « Collections and subscriptions in Uue-| bee '■ ■ ' *i, ' ' ' *i " Collections and subscriptions in hural Missions ', '" • *i " Invcstroeuts matured and paid up " Interest on investments dming year.. 1872 Jan. 1.— By Balance brought down, '• Amount invested E. & 0. E. Quebec, 31st December, 1871. CV. $ ots. 924 85. 458 31 50 00 79 17 66 00 56 00 G23 18 797 01 2417 GO 455 34 $5928 36 .?1707 43 . 0458 44 Gbo. Veasky, Treasurer, D. C. S. Dr. 72 TIIK NICOLI^yr KNDOWiMENT FUND IN ACCOUNT WiTii fi ii . I ? J i' ji: 1871 Dec, 31 To Paid Rov. J. DoMouilpled 12 months' salary, to 30tli Nov., 1871 >* Amount invested " Balance carried to new account $ cts, $ ctu. 400 00 1402 43 440 43 $2242 86 We, the undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of tho above fund, and found the same correct. C. Junas, ) Henry \V. Wklcfj, Ju., ^ Auditors. Quebec, 19th January, 1872. V . I \ s 1 Dr. TllK WIDOWS' AND OKPUANS' FUND IN ACCOUNT WITH 1871 Dec. 31 To Paid following annuities, viz.: — Widow and two cliildren of the late Rev. S. S. Wood Widow of the lato Rov. J. Simpson . . Children of tho late Rev. Dr. Falloon. Widow and tliree children of tlio late Rev. R. G. Ward " Amount invested " Balance carried to new account. $ etc. 132 00 100 00 60 00 152 00 $ CtS. 444 00 6840 5? 6051 75 $13330 32 We, the undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the above fund, and found the same correct. C. JUDGB, Henry W. Wklch, Jr, ,\ Auditors. Quebec, 19th January, 1872. I3-: •^ijL 73 cts. r OF TITF. i)10CF.SAN CIIUKCII SOCIETY THE TliEASUliKli. 1871 Jan. I Deo. 31 By Bnlnnco from last account " InvustnuMits matiind and paid up... «< Interest on investmentH during year. Cr. $ cts. 5) cts- 100 00 1803 2'1 33'J 64 S2242 8G 1872, Jan. 1 -—By Balance browght down f 440 43 " Amount invested 4816 89 E. & 0. E. Gko. Vkasey, Treasurer, D. C. S. CIS. f ■4 OF TIIK DIOOKSAN CIIUIICII SOCIETY THE TllEASUiiKH. 1871 Jan. Dec. Bv Balance from last account " SubKtriptions, &c., for 1870, from St. B'rancis and Mcgantic District Asi-o- ciatioH and other sources, received in January last, as per supplementary stittmientin last report, folio 77 " Collections and subscriptions in Que bee " Collections and subscriptions in Rural I Mistiions I «' Annual subscription of Clergymen.... " Donation from the late E. Burstall, Et^r^ «' Investments niaturcd and paid up . . . «« Interest on investmeuts during year $ cts. Cr. $ cts. 1803 82 167 36 337 86 283 88 92 25 200 00 8794 62 1656 53 $13336 32 1872, Jan. 1 —By Balance brought down $ 6051 75 «' Amount iuvested 23494 46 E. & 0. E. Geo. Veasey, Trear -er, D. C. S. 1 I 74 Vr. TlIK DKI'OSITOin' KCNU ok tiik DIUCKSAN \\ i 1 • 1871 Dec. I! I To Iluinittod flic Society for I'lomotiiiK {'hristiiin Knowledge, lor pultiiciitioi.M " I'liid Diiwson IJroH., tor books " -' froi^lit unci duty oil books " " insurance " " Miss Wood 12 iiiouthh' Kulury, to 3l8t Dec " Uulunce carried to new uccouiil :j) ctri, $ ctri. 44(5 OG 1& 35 42 87 7 00 80 00 ;io 06 ^^621 93 Wo, tlie undersigned, havo exumiiied tbe urcouutBand voucberH of the above fund, and found the sarao correct. II iv w I { Aud tors. HkNUV \V . V\ KLI H, .ill., ^ Quebec, Ittth .T.uuiaiy, 1872. br. MISSION FLNl) OK IllE hlOCKSAN ClUKCJi 1^ 1871 Dec. fo Paid R. 11. Smith, E>q , Treasurer of th<^ Dio{'t;tian Board " Paid 11. W Henekor, Esij., Triusurer of tlie St. Francis District Ass>)ciation for sundry expenses incurred by tin clergy in attending meetings, Ac, ii: 1870 and 1871 " Balance carried to new account $ ClH. $ UtB. 2812 III 2:{ 28 5ii 83 $:^395 24 We, the undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the above fund, and found the same correct. C. Judge, Henry W. Wei Quebec, 19th January, 1872. Ei.cH, Jr., \ Auditors. 'F 76 CllUJlUll .SOCIKTV JN Account with tiik Tukasuuku. CV .♦ 1871 Jan. I Doc. .'tl Eiy Balanco from last account. $ cto. $ CtH. !)4 43 .•■.27 CO 1872, Jan. 1. — By Buiance broiiglit dovvu, K, & 0. K. $621 93 . .|30 65. Geo. Vkasky, TrenRuror, D. C. S. SOCIKTY IN AC(.'urNTAVITII TUK TIlKASinji:!;. <fr. 1871 Jan. 1 Dec. 31 By Halanre from last arcount " Sul»H( liptions, Ac, for 1870, from St. FratK is and Mogantic District Asso- ciations and other sources, received in January hint, us per supplementary Mtateintnt in last report, folio 77 " I'rocei (is of a concert liuld at the Lee- ture Ilall on 5th June, per Mr. Bod- l<in " a thanli-otlering at Cacoima church . . . " Donat'n from the hito Ed. Burstall.Et-q. " Donation from Miss Taylor " Anonymous ] '« Collections and subscriptions in Que-I beo " Collections and subscriptions in Kural Missions " Mrs. Williams's mission tree " Miss Jones's missionaiy box, No. 29.. " Miss Housman's missionary box $ cts $ cts. 419 16 257 1 99 112 00 500 00 100 00 50 00 30 00 13G0 31 490 40 CO 00 12 GO 3 38 $3395 24 1872, Jan. 1. — By Balance brought down $559 83 E. it 0. E. Geo. Veasky, Treasurer, D. C. S. ] \ 76 Dr. SUSTI'lNTATloN FL'NJ>of tiik DKH'KHAN CllUJtOll 1871 Doc. 31 'i'o Aniotiiit irivuHt(>(l •* it. ilaucu curried to uow ajcuiiut , $ UtH, $ tt«. :iMi M 24:t(i 50 f5r)7H 01) Wo, the undurKifrnod, hiivo ixaiiiint'd tlio ticcoiinta utid vuiiihors of the ubovo fuud, iiL I found ihf Hiimc corroct. IIKNUY W. We.,ch. J..., \ Auditors. Quebec, 19th Jiinunry, 187'J Dr. TJIK EDUCATION l-TXI) ok tiik DIOC'KSAN WiTii TJIK 1871 Dec. 31 To Paid Ooramlttoe of tho Colonial and Coi'tinontiil Church Society for maps and hooka imported by tlii-m, also pioportion of School InspcctorH' futH and tiavidling expenRcs '' Paid aid to tlu! following Hchoois, viz : Bourp Louis Coaticook Cranboui no West Franiptun Lake lleauport KtoniliJun I'ortnouf St. ailoH New Armagli Tingwick St. Margaret'rf Park hurst St. Patrick's " Balance carried to new account. $ Ct8. ;ti 7'j $492 55 We, the undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the above fund, and found the same correct. C. JUDOE, ) A j-i. Henry W. Wklch, Jr.. \ Auditors. Quebec, 19th January, 1872. y 77 SOC'IKTV IN ACCOUNT WITir TIIM TIJKASUJlKIf. Cr, r MX 1871 •Tan. Doc. 'M By Halrtncn from IftHt ncrount " Ut!Ct!ivo(i from II. A. Hniitl), K-iiniro, TrciiHiui.T of DiucuHaii lioiud, biilimce of intorertt " IiivtHtinoiitH iimtniod and [niid np.... " IiitorcHtou inveHtmontHdminir yiiir. . $ CtH. $ t ti. 718 36 6f) 72 ■lOiia 20 Too HI ?:)r)78 oa 1872, Jan, l.— liy Hiilfttico bionglit down $ 2 136 50 " Amount invt-atud 10789 'Jl K. & 0. K. Geo. Vbasky, Tna.'iirer, D. C. S. CIUIRCir SOCJIOTY IN ACCOUJ^T TKKASrKEIi. o. « 1871 Jan. 1 By Baltinco from lant year '* Tianrtfor fiom Special Fund, " bubtfcriptious $ OtB, $ Ct8. -';!2 27 2i: 'J3 12 35 $492 1872, Jan. 1. — By Balance brought down, E. & 0. E $G2 66 Gbo, Veasey, Treasurer, I). C. S, 7.S Dr. Tni<: BLSJIOr MOUNTAIN LABRADOR MISSJON IN ACCOUNT WJTH m 1871 y^ ' ' ' ' Doc. Til jTo Amount invested " Biilmice carried to new accutmt. $ Cl8. <U 34 61 (i7 %\-lC, 01 We, the nudersigned, have oxatuined the accounts and vouchers of the above fund, and found the same correct Quebec, I'Jth January, 1S7'^ HENrtv \\\ Weiaiu, Jn., \ Auditors. Dr. THE PENSION FUND ov the DIOCKSAN CllUJiCII 1871 Dec. 3] To Amount invested " Balance carried to now account, $ cts $ cts. i>10 71 11G2 8'> 1833 54 We, the undersigned, have examined the accounts and vouchers of the above fund, and found the samo correct. Quebec, 19th January, 1872. C. JuDOfi, } Henuy W. Wklch, Jr., $ Auditors. 79 FUND OF TUK DIOCESAN CHURCH .SOCIETY THE TKJ^LVSUEEIJ. (V, 1871 Jan. 1 Dec, 31 By Balance from last account " Subscription from Ri v. W. Anderson, of Sorel, per Rev. H. Roe " Subscription from Miss Taylor " Collections at St, Michael's Chapel. . . " fnveHtmfuits matured and paid up " Interest on investments during' year. , $ cts $ ( 3t8. 14 G3 5 00 5 00 3 33 32 51 15 5t $126 01 18T'J; Jan, I — By Balance brought down § C,l 67 " Amount invested 220 Go E. & 0. E, Geo. Veasey, Treasurer, D. C. S, SOCIETY IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TEEASUEEIi. (V. 1871 Jan . ] Dec. 31 V- ■»< By Balance from last account. " Subscriptions, &c., for 1870, from St. Francis District Association and other sources, received in Janunry last, as per Supplementary Statement in last report . . , . , " Donation from the late E. Burstall, Esq " 12 months' dividend on $100 share in Massawippi Railway, donated by the Rev. C. P, Reid, of Shevbrooke " Collections and subscriptions in Que- bec " Collections and subscriptions in Rural Missions " Investments matured and paid up .... " Interest on investments during year. . $ cts. $ CtP. 321 60 01 2.5 200 00 5 28 IGl 2.1 28 88 SG2 85 162 43 $1833 54 1872, Jan. 1.- -By Balance brought down $11G2 83 " Amount invested 2303 17 E. & 0. E. (Ieo. Veasey, Treasurer, D. C. S. 80 Dr. THE SPECIAL FUND of the DIOCESAN CHURCH 1871 Oct, 17 To Remitted Rev. J. Walters, towards com- pletion of a cliurch at Maii^o^' " Transferred to Education Fund $ cU % cts. 100 00 247 93 $;«7 113 We, the nndersigned, have examined the acconntu and vouchers of the above fund, and found the same correct. C. Jl'Uc.e, Henuy W. Welo 1 ^ Au JH, Jk., S ditors. Quebec, 19th January, 1872. Dr. BALA^X'E SHEET OF LEDCiER 1871 $ c ts $ cts. Dec. 31 To Investmentp, viz. : — Government Debentures, , . , G p.c. 1200 00 Do . do . 5 800 00 Toronto do ,6 1P200 00 Montreal do .(3 6000 00 Do, Permanent Stock .. .7 8000 OC Montreal Harbor Debentures .8 4000 00 Do. do, do. ,7 2000 00 Do. do. do. M 6000 00 Do. do, do. .«.! 2000 00 United States Bonds ^, 200 100 425 00 00 00 Massawippi Railway Stock.. Waterville Glebe Ijoan 48925 00 " Cash in Bank, bearing interest, await- ing investment 12661 25 §01586 25 We, the undersigned, have examined this statement and found it correct, and verified the securities connected therewith. Quebec, 19th January, 1872. Ti iir tir T i Auditors. Henky W. Welch, Jh,, S V- , 81 SOCIETY IN ACCOUNT WITH TIIR TREASUEIvR. Cr. 1871 I Jan. 1 By Balance from last account, $ Ct8. ;i47 !.I3 §3-17 93 E. & 0. K. (Jeo. Veasey, Treasurer, D, G, S. ON 3 1st DECEMBEE, 1871. Cr. 1871 Dec. 31 v1 By General Fund " Mission Fund " Education Fund " Widows' and Orphans' Fund " Pension Fund " Depository Fund " Nicolet Endowment Fund " Labrador Mission Fund " Sustentation Fund " Labrador Mission Investment ' General Fund Investment ' Nicolet Endowment Fund Investment, ' Pension Fund Investment ' Widows' & Orphans' Fund Investment. * Susteatation Fund Investment ' Premium and Discount on Investments $ cts, 83 G6 iji cts. 1797 43 559 02 (1051 11(32 30 440 GT 2436 220 0458 4816 230;^ 23494 10789 899 83 65 43 67 50 60 44 89 17 46 94 00 $G158(] 25 Quebec, 31st December, 1871 Gflo. Veasey, Treasurer, D. C. S. 6 HU Dr. EEVEXUE ACCOUNT DIOCESAN BOAKD in 1871 Dec. ; % cts, To Amount of -Stipend paid during the p.ast year ' 1 57G4 52 " Amount still due on last quarter's payments, orders not yet presented.. 3433 73 " Amount of Pensions paid during the past year " Amount still dm- oia last quarter's pay- ments , . , " Amount of Bonus paid for the year 1870 " Amouut of General Expenses for the year , 783 88 101 2,'') $ Cts. II' 11)8 25 885 13 1010 00 To Amount carried forward, $21,231 13 ii 1 83 Account wetii E. 11. SiEITII, TREAsiriiEU. M CO S cts, a. JO CO r-c <U CO c« as O $ cts. I 2fJ5 00 7 50 30 00 2 50 10 00 15 OOJ (JO 00 15 00 60 00 1 160 00 50 no 1 100 00 80 00 I 70 00 :'i 75] 15 00 low 00 '200 00 25 00 100 00 CtP, 1811, Jan'y. 1. — By Balance brought forward fiom last account Dec'r. 30. — By Assessment lle-l ccipts from Missious during the year. By Mission of Ca:pe Cove .... '' Hopetowii — Hopetown.... " L'Anse au Gascon.... " Chi},'ouaf " PortDani 1 " Drummoudvilie " DudKwell " Leeds— Leeds " Lambie's Mills " Broughton " Eaton " Portneuf •' liourg-Louis " llichmond and Melbourne <' rfandy Beach 2tiO 00 260 001520 00 " Valcartier ; 11 00'240 00il51 00 24 67 50 00 100 00 265 00 37 50 12 50 75 00 75 00 160 00 150 00 80 00 70 00 18 75 300 00 125 00 124 67 500 00,550 00 " Malbaie " Acton " (Jompton " Durham — L'Avenir " Upper Durham '■ South Durham " Perc(5 " Valcartier — St. Catherine's., " Coati'ook — Coaticook « Barford '■' Levis No. 1 — Pointo Levis., " New Liverpool " Stonehara — Stoueham " Lake Beau port , " Ilatley— Hatlev " Waterville " Danville — Danvillo '• Tingwick ... " Georgeville , " Inverness . . > " Magog 20 (»0 72 5(1 37 50 144 00il44 00 160 00 200 00 40 00 160 OO 200 00 60 00 :; ^,0 37 50 62 50 62 50 37 50 150 00;222 50 75 00|112 50 115 00|115 00 3 50 140 00 50 00 275 00 275 00 140 00 87 :)0 337 50 337 50 75 00'112 501 50 00 25 00 65 00 160 00 75 00 50 00 25 00 65 00 160 00 75 00 37 50 200 001237 50 |l]G 00ll'6 00 32 50il30 00 162 50 <u 'u o $ Ct8, 265 00 30 00 10 00 60 00 60 00 160 00 100 00 80 00 70 00 18 75 200 00 75 00 31 55 550 00 521 Go 140 00 144 00 160 00 150 00 60 00 153 00 100 00 115 00 105 00, 50 00 2i58 75 200 74 00 75 37 50 25 00 48 50 120 00 75 00 158 75 96 00 162 50 (V, $ Ct8. 61 5 'J Amount carried forw.ird | ! I ; $61 59 84 REVENUE ACCOUNT DIOCESAN EOAED in I 1871 To Amount brought forward, S cts S cts. 21231 13 « .t $212:^1 13 1872, Jan. 1. — To Balance brought down, being excess of expenditure over income $345 94 We, the undersigned Auditors, have verified the forf going .Ac Cv/unts witi -: Vouchers and the Balance of Cash on hand, aud hav- f'onnd the whole correct. „ Henry i"^.. 8r ■ -, > . .. Quebec, 3rd February, 1872, Hemjv W. V.h .i, Jb, 5 -^^<^'-°''S- ^'IH^I; 1 t 85 Account with U. II. SMFTII, Tre\h[:rer.— (^Continued.) Or. ►- .^ 00 By Amount brought forward. . . " Assessment received from Missions, — (continued.) " E. Framptou — E. Frampton " Staiidon " W. Frampton — W. Framptou '' Cianbourue " Hereford " Bury — Robinson " St. John's ^ Lingwicli " St. Thomas ♦' Gaspe Basin— St. Paul's " St. James «' Levis No. 2 — I'ointe Levis.. " New Liverpool " New Carlisle — New Carlisle. " Puspebiac " StauHtead — Eight months.. " Ki ngsey « Ma>j:dalen Isles — Grindstone « Ireland — Upper Ireland .... " Lower Ireland cts. a 3 •-' o I ., $ Ct8.i$ cts. '3 " St. John's Brompton, " Brompton. , Melbouine, for 55 2G 30 00 25 00 11 25 l!"* 00 15 00 50 00 110 50|165 7G 72 00 101) 00 45 00 100 00 75 00 2G 25 30 00 18 00 100 00 % cts :5 00 150 00 108 00 125 00 56 25 100 00 75 00 41 25 1 45 Ool 18 Ool 150 no! 225 00 1125 00 125 00 1 112 50|ll2 50 100 00 200 00:300 00 2U0 00 200 00 75 O0I2OU 00J275 00 HI 50250 00 3(31 50 20 25 10 02 I By Proceeds of grant of the S. P. G , " do do for Pensions. ., 10 00 100 00 42 50 50 00 50 00: 10 OOi 129 25 53 12 50 00 50 00 " Received of Jlission VyxwA. Church Society " do Special grant from General Fund to pay bonus for 1870 One-fifth of Mr. 11. Hamilton's grant... English subscriptions for Magdalen Is- lands, per Rev, A. W. Mountain ♦' Balance do do 112 42 72 00 100 00 45 00 50 00 5G : 20 00 22 50 19 50 125 00 150 00 125 00 62 50 200 00 150 00 150 00 ,'508 50 10 00 50 00 21 25 .'iO 00 50 00 9702 78 485 13 $ cts. Gl 59 0625 63 ]0187 91 2812 13 1000 GO 100 00 97 94 345 94 §21 231 13 E. & 0. E. ErtBsuT H. Smith, Trea.surei: , Quebec, 20th January, 1872, .s<; SUPPLEMKXTAIiY ACCOILNT DKXJESAN BOAlil). the followind amounts iiavk ijekn i5kceive1) from l.st to 3 1st January, 1872, Stoneham. — Minsion of Stonehani Mission of Compton New Liverpool. — Mission of Levis raspebiac— Misoion of New Cailisle East Frampton. — Mifision of East Fiampton. Lake Ueau port Waterville. — Mission of Hat icy Lower Ireland. — M ission of Ireland Mission of Eaton St. James. — Mission of Gaspu basin Upper Ireland — Mission of Ireland Danville. — Mission of Danville Mission of Bour?r-Loui8 CoaticDok. — Mission of Coaticook New Carlisle. — Mission of New Carlisle Mission of Inverness Hopetown. — Mission of Hopetown Chigouac. — do Port Daniel. — do L'Anee-r»u Gascon. — do Lingwick. — Mission of Bury.. . , /»• (Signed) $ ots. 10 00 50 00 68 7r. 50 00 ■n 67 12 50 KJ 50 •J I 25 50 00 37 50 25 00 40 00 10 00 25 80 50 00 20 00 7 50 15 00 15 00 2 50 7 50 $601 47 Quebec, Slst January, 1872. Robert H. Smith, Treasurer. f .? CHURCH SOCIETY LiKK mi:mi)i;i!s. f .t Lord Lis^Mi- (aiiiiiml) $ TjO 00 Lord M(>rif!k(soven annual Bubscri prions) 350 0(» Lord Bishop of Qiiobec. . 50 00 Lord Hishop of Huron.. , . 50 00 Andrews, ThomnH 50 00 Anho, Ciiptain, U. N 50 00 B(in8«)n, 'Ihonias 50 00 Black, Hon. H., C. B 50 00 UurpttlljJ 50 00 Burstall, Mr*;. J 50 00 Carpenter, A. Com. Gun... 50 00 Ciirter, J 50 00 Cockoll, Mi.ss , 50 00 Chapman, W 50 00 Dalton, lit.-Uol., U. A 50 00 Drum, VV 50 00 Estcourt, Lady 50 00 Forsyth, Joseph B 50 00 Forsyth, Mrs. Joseph B.. 50 00 Gale, J. V 50 00 George, Mis.-^ 50 00 Glover, Th(»mas 60 00 Hall, G 50 00 Hall.G. B 50 00 Hamilton, Mrs 100 00 Hamilton, Robert (annual) 440 00 Hamilton, Miss . . 50 00 Hamilton, Rev. C 150 00 Haslett, James 50 00 Hatherly, J. J 50 00 Heneker, R. W 50 00 Hincks, Hon. Sir F., M.P. 50 00 Hunt, Weston 50 00 Jones, H. N 50 00 Levey, C. E 50 00 Lloyd, Rev. W. V 50 00 Lovell, J 50 00 Mackie, Rev. Geo., D.D.. 100 00 Marler, G. L.. 50 00 Meredith, Hgn.Chief Justice 50 00 Montizambert, F., M.D ... 50 00 Montizambert, Mrs. F 50 00 Milne, Rev. G., M.A 50 00 Monntaiii.Rc'V.A.W., M.A. l.")0 00 Mountain, Airs G. K 50 00 Mountain, Mrs. A. W 50 00 Mountain, JlisH K 5U 00 Nicolls, Rev. J. H., D.D.. 50 00 I'arke, tJ. H 50 00 Pinker, Mrs 50 00 Penncliither, Rev. T 'J I 00 Pctry, W 50 00 Pipon, Mrs. C 50 00 Poston, C 50 00 Poston, Thos 50 00 I've, John 50 00 R xmsey, Rev. J 50 00 Roid, Rev. C. P 400 00 Rhodes, VV 50 00 Rhodes, Mrs 50 00 Ross, Mrs. J 50 00 Rowan, Linut.-Gerieral bir Wm,, K.C.B 50 00 Rae, Wra (annual) 100 00 Scott, H. S 50 00 Sealy, J 100 00 Sewell, Rev. E. W 50 00 Sewell, Rev. H.D 50 00 Smith, W 50 00 Spraj,'ge, W 50 00 Spratrge, Mrs 50 00 Smith, Lieut-Col., K. B... 50 00 Shaw, P. A 50 00 Stuart, G. Okill 50 00 Taylor, Miss 50 00 Thompson, Rev. Prof. .... 50 00 Trigge, H. W 50 00 TroUope, Major-Gen., C.B. 50 00 Usborne, G. W 50 00 "VVainwrigbt, R 50 00 Wait, Rev. W. W. (in four annual subscriptions). 400 00 Wood, W. F 100 00 Wilbraham, Rev. C. P. . . . 50 00 Wright, W., M.D 50 00 Wright, Mrs 50 00 CONTRlBllTOnS (»F $50 AND UPWARDS, DECEASED. Anderson, AV. II no oo Haldwin, Hon. It 50 Oo Bell, A. D 50 0(1 J5livck, J 50 00 Bonner, J 50 00 Bowen, Hon. Chi('f Justice 50 00 Boxer, Hear Admiral 50 00 Brookf, Mrs 50 00 Burnet, Mrs. D 50 00 Burstall, II 50 00 BurHtall, E 50 00 Caldwell, Sir II. J., Bart.. 5o 00 Canjpljeli, Haxton 50 00 Canipliuil, A loO 00 Chandler, Colonel, (to Nicolet Ilndownient Fund) lO-l 00 Christie, Mnjor W. F 100 00 Cochran, Hon. A. W 50 00 Doolittle, Uev. L 50 00 Douglan, U. M., M.l) 50 00 Elgi)>, Lord loo 00 Estcourt, Major-(jen 50 00 Fletcher, Hon. Jlr Justice 50 oo Forsyth, James B 50 00 Frasor, Hon. J. M 50 OO Gillespie, A 50 oo Gray, F. 11 50 00 Hale, Hon. E 50 00 Hamilton, F 50 00 Heath, James 50 00 Hollman, C 50 00 Head, lit. Hen. Sir E., hart :;50* 00 Hunt, James 50 00 Jessopp, H 50 00 Jackson, Uev. C , 50 oO Kerr, J. II 50 00 LeMesurier, JI 50 00 liOodH, Uov. J 60 00 Macluren, JanioH 50 00 Maekie, Major W. S 50 00 Metcalfe, Lord 100 00 Mountain, Ut. Uev. G. J. Lord Bishop of Quoljec, (lumuiil for '21 years). . . 100 00 Do. to Depository Fund, (annual for 21 years)... ID 00 Do. to Mission Fund, (an- nual for 5 years) 800 00 Mountain, Col. C. B 73 00 Mountain, Lieut. J. G 60 00 Nairne, John 50 00 Noad, H. J 50 00 Patterson, P 50 00 I'emherton, Hon. G 50 00 Pennefather, U. T 50 00 Petry, W 50 00 Poston, E 50 00 Postor, W 60 00 Price, W 50 00 Uacey, J 50 00 Uolph, Hon. J 50 00 Boss, Hon. J 50 OO Sheppard, Mis^ 50 00 Stayntr, T. A 50 00 Stewart, Hon. John 50 00 iStuart, Hon. Sir Jas., hart. 100 00 Synies, G. B 50 00 Symes, K 50 00 Trigge, '1' 50 00 Valleau, W. B 50 00 Wil lough hy, Uev. M 50 00 Wood, U 50 00 Wood, (r. A. L 50 00 Walker, Hon. W 100 00 Young, I). D 100 00 LEGACIES. 1845— W. Yulo, of Cluimbly $ 100 00 ] 848— Hon. Chief Justice Reid, of Montreal 400 00 1850- -Col, Chandler, of Nicolet, (for Endowment Furid) 100 00 1852 — Miss Finlay, of (Quebec, to the Lord Bishop, lor Widows and Orphans of Clergymen, to bo applied at his discre- tion ; by nim transferred to charge of Churt h Society.. . 1854 — Miss Walker, of Lennoxville, (for the Widows and Orphans of Clerg\men) 1863 — Mountain, liii^ht Uev. G. J., Lord PLshop of Quebec, (for ]\iission J'"und) ,. ^■^<-'- ■ Hon. VV. Walki-r, (to Widows' and Orphans' Fund) ]Rr6 — J. W'iterson,of (jueboe, (to Widows' and Orphans' Fund) 7 —Mrs. J)uuo,of Tlir.i; Ui vers, for Endowment Fund 1400 00 u — Miss Siieppavd, of Drummondville, (for Endowment Fund) 2000 00 2000 00 40 00 000 00 400 00 .50 00 « i : vt a:<090 00 rw?'' « S9 Statk.mknt ok Aakhnts I'ArsKi) in tiik skvi:il\i. P.mu.siiks AND .MlHSluNM i>V TIIK hlocKSK. QUEBEC— CA'J ilKDiiXL DISTlMt'T ASSOCIATION. LADfEN coMMITTKE. f m v» tSuhsrn'iifioiix vollertid hij Mra. Wil/iains^ Mrs. M())ifi:ai))Lrrt, Mrs. Jlonsiintii, Mr.s. A. Scircl/, Ji/,s,s J/vhtizanihcrt, Mias Philllj)t>, Mha Ponherton, J/iss Forsyth. Mrs. Cr.A. L. Wood, Trcmunr. Names. (Jencral Fiiutl. Ati'imH, Mrn AiidtTHon, Mr.s Andrews, Mr AbIio, Mrrt, ffor 1870 uiid 1H71) lialfoiir, Mrs. a Biinkicr, Mrs B08W0II, Mrs Loswell, Ur Bouchetti', MrH Boweii, MisH Bowlos, Mrs Bruce, Miss Camp hoi I, Mrs Campbell, Mr8 A Cary, Mr CliadcM toil, M i8S Champion, Mrs Clapliain, Mrs. J. Dobbarats, Mrs. \V Dunbiir, Mrs Uunscoinb, Mrs Dyer, Mr Forsyth, Mrs Fry, Mrs Fry, Mr George, Miss Gilmonr, Mrs Hall, Mrs. G. B Hamilton, Mr. H Harbt'soii, Mrs Harbeson, Miss Healev, Miss Highti Id, Mrs $ cts, Mission I'lind. W. kO. Fund. Ponsion Fund $ cts I 00 $ cts. $ cts. 1 00 1 00 4 00 , • , I 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 to 1 00 2 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 ^^ 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 , 4 00 2 00 2 00 1 10 5 400 2 2 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Total. $ CtB. 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 :! 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 10 00 5 00 400 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 <>. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ■^ 1^ 12.2 i-^ IIM 1.8 L25 iU 11.6 vi.*. vi Photographic Sciences Corporation ^s^ \ (v <^ ,<>'*'- ' <» *> *. o" .^ ^fjs O «^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ '^t # f> !l« Namks. General Fund. MiHsioD Fund. W. &0. Fund. Ilightirld, Mr Housnmn, Uovd. U. V. . . Housnian, Mis Hunt, Mis. Weston, .lamicKon, Mrs Joly, Mrs Jones, Mrs Kane, Mrs Leper, Mrs MdGie, Mrs McLiiren, Mrs .. Mereditli, Mis Miles, Mrs Alontizfimliert, Mrs Montiziiuibert, Mrs. ('. E. Moiitizaniliert, Mrs. E. L, Nairne, Mrs Pemhei ton, Miss rhiiiips, Mrs Pitt, Mrs Poston, Mis Poston, Mrs. (J Poston, Mis. \V Price, Hon. David Price, The Misses BawBon, Mrs. ., Richardson, Mr Russell, Mrs. W Scott, Mrs. W. W Sewell, Mrs. A Hewell, Mrs. .las, A Sewell, Mrs. W Shaw, Mrs Shaw, Mrs. P. A Stevenson, Mrs Stewart, Mrs. D. R Stuart, Mrs. G. Okill... Swift, Mrs Taylor, Miss Temple, Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Turnbnll, Mrs, $ cts , I 5 00 Vonlffland, Mrs. 'Vfalkem, Mrs Walker, Mrs Walker, Miss Walker, Mr. W. A. White, Mrs. G. R. § CIS. 2 00 2 00 1 Ott 1 <).l 1 00 1 00 ! I 01 ij 1 00 ' 2 dO 1 oo' 1 0(1 1 00 4 00 4 00 1 1 OO] T) 00 1 1 00 1 00 1 Oil 4 00 1 00 2 00 10 00 3 00 2 00 1 «0 2 00 2 no 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 50 20 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 C) 00 5 00 7 00 1 00 $ cts 00 Pension Fun<l. Total. S cts f) 00 5 00 cts. 2 00 .') 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 I 00 4 00 t 00 1 00 r> 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 2 00 10 00 3 00 2 00 I 00 2 00 2 m 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 1 Ou 4 00 50 35 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 .'i 00 5 00 7 00 1 00 !)1 ♦ ♦ Names. ! Otneral Fund. Mission Fund. VV. &0 Fund. Ponsion Fund. Total. WillianiB, Mrs S cts. $ cts. 20 00 r)0 1 ItO 1 00 1 00 » 1 oo CO 00 6 00 1! 38 :5 20 1 41) $ cts. $ cts. $ cts. 20 00 Wittycoinlu', MiHs 50 Wo()(lh()iist>, .M r8 I 00 Wiirtt lo, Mrs. W • > • • 1 00 Wiirteli', Mrs. R. II 1 00 A Frit'iid 1 no Pro((!e(l8 of Mrs.VVilliHiiiB' M isHi(iii 'I'm' to On Misfiidiiary Moxis : MrK. Willinms's •) no Mrrt. Hoiimrirrs 3 oft Mrs. Montizimilrfit'ri. . 3 20 Mis. W'jilkjr's 1 40 'I'ctal 5 00 GH") 08 10 00 5 no 705 9H GENTLEMEN 's COMMITTEE. ColltrfiJ Inj II. \V. \V,lch. .Jr., Trcdsu/rr »f thv <\itlic<lral District Anaofidtion. Lord Bishop of Quebec. 40 00 A hern, William 2 00 5 00 Ashe, Captain 5 no I 00 Balfour G. H Beckett, T. (Balance for 1870) 5 00 5 00 Do 10 00 5 00 Bew, J. J Bowen, N. U 5 00 5 00 4 00 10 00 5 00 Boswell, Dr Cary, G. T. (for 1870).. Champion, C. P 1 00 1 00 Campbell, W. D Dobell, R, R 10 00 Dunbar, Jas 4 00 Dunn, T. H 10 00 5 00 10 00 Dunscomb, J. W 5 00 5 00 4 00 2 00 20 00 40 00 Fry, J. S Giles, Jno Gregor, T. A Hall, G. B 20 00 10 00 10 00 Hamilton, Robert Henry, C 5 00 Jamieson, Mrs 5 00 5 00 10 00 Joiy, H. G jones. Edwia 40 00 2 00 10 00 1 00 5 00 15 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 G 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 4 00 25 00 6 00 5 00 4 00 2 00 GO 00 40 00 5 00 5 oo 5 00 10 oo 92 Names. Knigljt, A. F. A LoiniiR, K Meredith, Chief Justice. . Milee, Dr. H.H. (1870). Miles, Dr. H. H. (1871). Morgan, R Norria, T Paul, Henry PembertOD, E. H Payne, G Petry, Wm Petry, W. G Porter, Jno Price, Hon. D. E Rae, Wm Roberts, Jos Scott, W. W. (for 1670) Scott.H. S Scott, W. C Scott, E. G. Scott, J. G Shaw, S. J Sheppaid, W. G Smith, R. H Smith, Mrs. R. H Turnbnll, J. F Turner, R Veasey, Geo Von Extor, J Von IHlmd.Dr Welch, H. W Welch, H. W., Jr White, Wm White, Alfred Wurti-le, W. G Wurtcle, R. H Wurtele, F. C Sums under one Dollar. General Fund. Mission Fund. W. & 0. Fund. j> cts.i f) 00 ! 5 00 n 00 2 50 2 50 2 00 4 00 5 00 f) 00 2 00 20 00 2 00 5 00 10 00 (JO 00 10 00 5 00 $ cts. 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 20 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 5 00 1 00 40 00 r> 00 5 00 1 r, 00 ffertory , 10 00 ;j 00 5 00 2 00 :!()t 00| IH.'t 00 0:5 59 91 9} I'onsion Fund. ij) cts r> 00 10 00 10 00 1 00 2 00 20 00 2 00 , 5 00 2 00 10 00 1 00. . ooL I $ cts. 5 00 :i 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 20 00 2 00 4 00 20 00 00 00 Total. Ladies' List Total for Cathtdral. 457 59 5 ()i» i) cts. 10 00 5 00 10 00 2 50 60 00 00 00 00 2 CO 40 00 10 00 5 00 30 00 100 00 40 00 5 00 40 00 10 00 2 00 2 00 6 00 5 00 GO 00 20 00 5 00 2 00 3 00 5 00 5 0(» 5 00 2 00 25 00 3 00 00 00 00 00 94 00 i;{7 00 778 00 121 95; I -107 48 2 74 94' 215 95 137 001 1085 4« G85 98 10 00 5 00, 705 08 / v» 402 59 9r.O 92 225 95 142 OOJ 1791 46 !);{ (iUKBKC.-ST. MATTHEW'S CHArEL. 4 » m -4 J v» Names. General Fund. Mission Fund. W. &0. Fund. Pension Fund. Total. Collected. l>!/ Mrs. Mnnli- zamberl. Carter, W. II $ cts § cts. 10 00 $ cts. $ cts. !$ cts. 10 00 Carter, Mrs ,'. 00 5 00 CoultliiMst, Mrs 5 00 r> 00 30 00 40 00 40 00 5 00 Ouerout, Miss 5 00 Hamilton, Kev. C 10 00 10 00 50 00 Hamilton, Mrs 40 00 Hamilton, Miss 40 00 Hicitniiin, VV 1 00 1 00 Irvine, Hon. G 5 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 Judge, C 2 00 1 00 5 00 Montizambeit, Dr 5 00 Montizainl)ert, Mrs 5 00 5 00 10 00 Pratten, H. J 5 00 Wilson, Mrs 1 00 20 00 1 00 Wood, Mrs. U. A. L.... 20 00 Coll' led by jV/.v. J/arbcsini, Cox, Mrs 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 80 80 1 0& Harbeson, Mrs 2 00 Harbeson, Miss 1 OO McGee, Miss i ' " 1 00 O'Connor, Miss 4 00 Smith, H 80 Smith, Mrs. H 80 Collected h,/ Miss E. E. Si/kes. Barnep, T 1 00 1 50 f) 00 1 oa Clarke, T 1 50 Fletcher : 5 00 Mahony, T 1 00 1 00 Kelly, Jas 2 00 1 50 1 00 .'5 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 Rusk, Jno ^ . . 1 50 Sykes, Miss 1 00 Cull' ted by Miss Harbeson Burling, Jno 3 00 Cox, Mrs 1 00 Colston, Mrs 2 00 Foote, J J "5 00 5 00 !)4 Nambs. Oencral Fund. Mission Fund. VV. *0. Fund. f'ennion Fund. Total. Qreon, Miss $ cts. $ ets. 20 00 § cts. $ cts. $ cts. 20 00 Hatherly, J.,J ;? 00 3 00 Hatherly, Mrs 10 00 4 00 2 00 •^ 00 1 00 1 00 8 00 2 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 2 00 7 no 1 no 10 00 Kiiininu, K 4 00 Harbesoii, Miss 2 00 Flatten. Mrs 3 00 Smith, 1 00 Smith, Mrs 1 00 Williams, Mrs 8 00 Vaughtm, U 2 00 Sums under One Dollar.. I 00 VolU'clal 1)1/ J//.V.V l\. WImhr. Boach, Geo 1 00 Dunlevic, W 1 00 French. Mrs 2 00 Judge, Mrs. C 7 no Morrow, V 1 no Straker, E 2 00 2 00 1 00 Wheel' r, Mrs I 00 no 1 00 2 00 1 00 n 00 1 00 2 00 1 no Suras under One Dollar,. 50 Cullecled hi/Mi^s Pcnrley. Barron, Mrs 1 00 Hayes, Mrs 2 00 Knowles, Mrs 1 00 Newton, Mrs. J 5 00 Beverley, Miss B 1 00 liickaby, Mrs 9, 00 'iaylor, Miss S ] no Colled ed by Miss Fiik'oi/c. Courtney, V 1 00 1 00 Drum, Mrs. S. W 1 00 1 00 Foot , S. B 5 00 5 00 5 00 Forrest, Captain n 00 1 00 Fn.voye, Miss I 00 ilammond, Mrs 1 00 I 00 Henry, W 2 00 2 00 2 00 Judd 5 00 Gale, Mrs 1 00 1 00 Morgan, J 2 CO 2 00 2 00 Morgan, Mrs. J 2 00 Matthews, Mrs 2 00 • • t ( ( • 1 • 2 00 r Jiiwii •^~ 95 r Names. General Fund. Mission Fund. \V. AC). Fund. I'i'nsion Fund. Total. Mulholliind ,. -. $ CtH. $ cts. 1 00 $ fts. % cts. $ cts. 1 00 Nrwtot), Mrs. VV. J . . . . 1 00 1 00 Pope, Mrs. A 2 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 Pope, Mrs. E 1 00 RoK»'rs, Miss I 00 Sht'ii, Mrs 1 00 Scott, Mrs. H 1 00 Von Kajhur, Mrs 1 00 yunis under Otio Dollar.. 1 00 I 00 Do Do 50 1 50 2 00 1 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 no Cl/rr/rd hi/ Mi.SS (iil- Dolibins, Mrs I 50 Falck, J 2 01) Johnson Miss 1 00 Harrison, il. M ..,...., . 5 00 Harrison, Mrs .'5 00 Hemming, Mrs 2 00 (lilli'Ki)i(', Miss 1 00 1 00 McAdams, Miss A . .,.,.. 3 00 3 00 2 00 O'Uegan, W 2 00 2 00 50 Patton, Mrs. U. U 2 00 Sums under One Dollar.. 50 Miss Laura Fo.tte's Mis- sionary liox 4 75 7 55 4 7"> Interest from Sav. Bank. 7 55 Ofl'ortorv 38 10 57 53 318 30 65 16 32 00 45 59 11 00 11 00 3f'9 40 IGS 28 Total for St. Matthew's. 05 63 383 46| 77 59 567 68 QUEBEC— ST. MICHAEL'S CITAPEL. Levey, C. E Levey, Mrs , Mountain, A. W Woodbury, Mrs Von inland, Rev. \. A. Collected bij Miss Price, Chapman, J , A. Friend... 30 00 10 00 10 00 4 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 10 00 10 00 30 00 4 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 96 f| Names. General Fund, Mission Fund, W. AO. Fund, rcinsion Fund , Total. Gould, Mrs $ cts. $ cts. 1 00 1 00 5 00 5 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 25 1 00 2 00 1 00 5 00 ■t 00 2 50 1 00 2 00 55 $ cts. § cts. S cts. 1 00 Lauuhmiin, Mrt* 1 00 Price, Miss ,. 5 00 Price, E.J.(Education)$5. Woodbury, Mrs ft 00 6 00 5 00 25 00 1 00 Von Illlind, Mrs 5 00 Nelson James 1 00 Sums under One Dollivr.. 25 Col/cr/cr/,!/ Mr.<. Fursijlh. Boswell, Mrs 1 00 Carrol, Mrs 2 00 Charleson, Mrs 1 00 Forsyth, Mrs. J. B 5 00 Forsyth, A. B 4 00 Forsyth, J. B ........ 2 60 Morgan, Mrs 1 00 Wheeler, A. K 2 00 Sums under One Dollar.. 55 Collected h>j Mias Mo.ss. Herring, Mrs 1 00 25 11 25 7 GO 1 00 Sums under One Dollar.. 1 25 65 55 9 25 1 50 Offertory, L. M. F. $;i 33. 35 00 05 5 00 121 80 20 83 Total for St. Michael's. 35 65 74 80 18 85 5 00 142 63 QUEBEC— ST, PAUL'S CKAPEL. Revd, R. G. Pleas 5 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 14 00 5 00 2 00 12 00 E, H. Taylor 5 00 Mrs. NightingHle • • , . . . , . 3 00 Kelly, J 2 GO O'Neill, Miss K 2 00 Carsons, S. (Donation).., 2 OO Buchanan, R 2 OO Offertory 12 61 8 42 36 03 Total for St, Paul's,,., 12 61 35 00 13 42 2 00 G3 03 ( I » ;* 97 -ST. ri'TKirS CIIAlMvL. V 1 Culkcted hij Mrs. lilac Borland. un, Miss Payne and Afiss Namks. I (Joncral Fiuul. Mission Fund. \V. 4 0.' P.'nFion Fund. 1 Fund. ToTAI,. Andri^ws, F. W 5; cts. 4 00 S cts. 1 00 1 00 1 35 2 00 1 00 S ctp. S CtH. § CtH. 5 00 Aiidriws, K. A 4 00 5 00 1 SI DorliUKl, U 15 row n,. J 2 00 1 00 iJiittiH, Mrs Fotlu:rglll, llev. M. ]M... ........ 5 00 S 0() Iliiiuiltdii, Mrs, JiiH 2 00 1 00 :; 00 2 00 1 00 Joins Miss J f Mor^^aii, Mrs. U 3 00 4 Of 1 00 Drum, Win ■1 00 ' Dalziel, Mis 1 00 I'firko, J.'is 2 ''0 ■'>'i 'i ( ■' I ) 1 00 2 00 1 00 3 !J0 12 00 10 00 10 00 '• 00 ♦ I'arke, W.S 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 00 • Kuthmaii, U «ol)iro, W • • • • « • t • fctowart, MiKH Wiilliici!, 11. V Wliyiiiion 1 00 Sums imder oiu! Dollar.. Miss Joiius's Missiouary ^ Box, No. 'I'd 50 50 25 5 15 1 "> 00 Ofl'tMtory 20 8 05 24 25 10 00 II. N.Joaos's Subscription Total for St. Pet.u's... 14 70 58 25 17 55 1 25 1)1 75 » roUTXI^lTF DiSTiUCT AH.SOCrATION MONTMORENCI. ''' Vial, Rev. W.S 6 75 6 75 12 87 Ofl'ertory Total 12 SI 12 87 4 00 3 30 G 75 10 G3 * Valcautier. Balfour, Rev. A Subscripts. & Collectious. Total 7 4 00 75 4 11 7 30 75 8 11 98 Names. General Futul. Mipaion Fund. Kund. Kduonl'n Fund. Total. Lakk DbAL'I'OUT. Mit. hfll, Uuvd. U $ cm. 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 :j r.o 1? CtH. !;; cts. 5^ CtH. § ctu. 2 00 1 00 Sdiitli, U Smith, .J 1 00 1 00 Simons, A 811111H iindur Vim Doliiir.. 3 50 T0t.1l H .^11 8 50 Stonkium. Mitchell, Mt8 2 00 2 00 1 00 J 00 5 60 VVriulit, 'i'hos 1 00 1 00 1 70 3 70 Woods, K Slims luulor Ouo Dollar.. 1 2 05 I '-'5 Total 4 65 1 25 GO TIIKKE laVKKS DISTIJICT ASSOCIATION. Artnstronp, Edward 1 00 Antrobus, Archibald 1 00 AntrobuH, W. D 1 00 Broster, Chns 1 50 1 00 1 50 15 roster, Edward Cull, Thomas 2 00 Connolly, Thomas liOO Craig, Mrs 1 00 Demoulin, Severe 2 00 5 00 2 00 ... Foster, Revd.John Farnum, W. C Fearon, H , G 1 00 Friend, A 1 00 1 00 Farmer, T. G Fearon, Mrs. George.... 1 00 2 00 1 00 Flenwick, Dr. A. G Godwin, John Gouin, G.A 2 00 1 00 Gaudet, J. F Gouin, C. L 1 00 1 00 2 00 Harrison, John Hooper, Younger Hart, Mrs. A. B 1 00 Langridge, W. Raleigh.. 1 00 1 00 Louthood, Alexander.... 00 00 00 3 00 1 00 2 00 I 00 1 00 2 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 2 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 r 99 Namkh. McDoimiill, JiimuH AIcDoiik'iill, <lohn , McDoiiKull, 'I'lx maH McDouKiill, Wii.., M. P.., M'lilhiot, II. (I., M.r.l' OKdoii, C. K OrniHliy, .1, W Ogilin, Mia. Sudlow.. . I'iiiitliiud, \V. (J raK'','-<J Pttiighorn, (J. W linbitaillr, MrH, lilttor, J. U lliyimr, Jiuiioh llicUiiby, W. T Hliortia, Jiumus Stavoluy, Jaiiirs Sicgel, J htobbfl, F Syinmos, II . U Tumor, Jolin Thompson, J. S Vanassc, 1* . H Sjums uudur Oau Dollar. ToUl Oonoral Fuud. $ cts. 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 5 00 MIflnlon Fuud. W. AO, Kiuid. tji eta, 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 4S 00 5 00 5 Oo 1? cts. Ponfllon Fund. Total. $ t'tH, 1 00 12 00 1 00 50 2U 00 UlVIEltEDUL0Ur(BN llAUT.) Merrick, llevd. W. 0. Cllortory Total , St. Ubsule. Offertory Levis. Woolrychc, Revd. A. J. Davidson, H Balfour, Rovd. A. J Higginson, Win Offertory , Total , 4 00 4 00 I • • • • • 5 00 5 00 3 85 5 00 5 00 2 00 2 go' 5 32 14 3: 7 25 12 25 !? CtH. 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 (lO r. 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 80 00 5 00 4 00 9 00 3 85 5 00 6 00 2 00 2 00 12 57 26 57 iuo I I Names. 0<'i>ural l-'mul. MiHsiori Fiiiid. W. A . Full. J. I't'llflloil Fuiul, Total. RiV. l)V Lot'J' (KN II AH.) llo«», Uiv<l. K. G. W... ^ ctH. $ rlH. $ Ct8. ' f) 00 $ I'lH. .') 00 1 •( \ K Ullurtoiy 13 iri 1.1 1 r» Total K! If. :!ij 00 5 00 1 O 1 ft Caooina. Ollortory in 10 :i« 00 1 20 I GO 4 20 UlM'Elt DCIIIIAM Cjllecliorirt * I 20 1 00 1 4 20 bouTii DriiiiA.M. Colloctfotirt L'AVKMK. C'olkc liuiis 1 1 MKfi ANTIC DISTKKT ASSOCIATION. Lkeds. Kump, Jirv(i. ,1 ChllerUt/ /,,, Missis 11,(1 1 anil Aijiiriii, ■1 Oo Glover, Thos Hull, Alcxandor.. , Hall, I\I,s. E Hull. MiH. P, VV. . LyncP, VVm. & Jas, CnltcrUd hji J/issrs Craiij (iikI Jl'iii/inr. Sums uudor One Dollar.. (Jolkckd bji Minfi Watk'ni!-! Bate, V, r ,. ] 00 1 00 2 00 I 25 I 00 7 30 5 00 7 00 1 00 2 00 1 25 1 00 7 30 1 00 .♦ , .• r <> V 101 r f <^ ij Namkh. Ocneral Fund. MIflNfon Fund. W. kO. Fund. Pension Fuuil. ToTAU Hrowii, J . L $ CIS 1 00 Z 00 2 25 2 05 a 43 3 25 1 75 ^ cts. S ttH. fr! Ct8. 5* cts. 1 00 W/itkiiiH, J 1 WufkiiiHj \<] 1 VVutkitis, M.A [ WatkiiiK, J SiiiiH iiiitliir One Dolliir. 2 00 2 25 •J OU T 1 '. Ofl'iTtoiy ■I 10 2 V,\ Lambik'h Mim.h. (UV ted by Minn Ml' Aid, y. SimiH under Om; Pullar.. Ciilhvh'il by Miss Coxi.n. SiimH under Ono Dolliir.. OtVertorv., "l •17 2 03 ;i 25 7 o;: 1 75 BrOI!(11!TON, OU'iTtory Total 19 50 21 12 10 27 51 25 Invkhnichh, Ansiri, P. \Sl . {} 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 50 00 ■1 00 1 00 l>:iviH, K I 00 Diivis, Ml 8 1 00 1 00 2 00 CilnHW, Mrs blunter, Cupt. U • • * • • « • King, (Jharii'H .. • 10 00 1 00 50 10 00 1 00 i'oo VVaslier, Uev. C. U Sums under One Dollar.. 1 00 50 1 75 1 00 1 25 Collected by Miss Young. Young MfH 1 Young, KM/, I Younn", Elizabtth ( Yonug, Torusa j A Friuiid 1 75 1 00 I 25 I 00 1 50 1 00 Bums under Oiie Dollar.. CoVtcdby Miss Patterson. Patterson, Mrp. R 1 00 1 1 Uickaby, J 1 50 Sums under One Dollar. 1 00 ! f! r - ( 1 1 ! i j 1 \ i i 102 Names. General Fund. Coir ted by Mr. J. Hiuyth Baine, Jas., jr Smyth, W. J Snnis undor One Dollar. Offjrtory Total , IIemison. Boyle, Rev. F Boyle, JIis. and Family Henderson, Wm Henderson, Ed Dickson, Jno Offertory Total , jTANDON, Offertory West Fuami'ton. Bartholomew, W., 8r. Bartholomew, Mrs. W. Bartholomew, Jno Bartholomew, A Bartholomew, Mrs. A. Bartholomew, W., Jr., Bartholomew, Willie. , Baxter, Mrs . D Bradley, H Bradley, J Bradley, S. and W.... Dickson, H Hurley, H Hurley, H., Jr Jenkins, Rev. J. H... Jenkins, Mrs. J. H... Jenkins, Mrs, Wm.... Jenkins, Miss Ross, Andrew Ross, Mrs, A Ross, Miss Ross, li, J. Offertory Total . § cts, ■1 55 Missifn Fund. % cts. 3 14 W. &0, Fund. $ cts 1 00 1 00 1 00 7 08 16 051 48 14 2 00 2 50 I 00 1 00 75 50 50 50 50 25 50 65 50 50 50 50 00 50 50 CO 00 00 2 GO 00 00 00 75 19 15 22 G8 3 00 3 00 3 50 00 3 05 8 05 Pension Fund, $ cts, 3 21 4 22 1 00 1 00 Total. 2 00 $ Cts. 1 00 1 00 1 00 18 5'J <J1 09 2 00 2 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 13 21 6 25 1 50 50 50 50 25 50 65 50 50 50 50 00 50 50 00 00 1 00 I 00 00 00 00 00 80 1 27 20 f> i f> (^ ^) t-iiri 103 f> i i li (P ^) c» Names. General Fund. CnAxnouRNE. Hume, Wm Sums under One Dollar, Offertory Total , COOKSHIRE. Offertory St. Sylvester. Allison, Mark.. , Bate, F. E Bridget, Juo.... Bridget, Mrs. J. Brenen, N Cinnamon, Wm, Cinnamon, Mrs. Wm. Evans, Evans, Thos . . , Mrs. T Faloon, Mr . and Mrs . . . . Fitzpatrick, T Gollagher, E, King, llev, W.(D. F.) §2 King, Mrs King, Wm., M.D King, Geo McDonald, J Machill, Mr, and Mrs J., Neal, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Neal, Samuel Neal, Ilobt Neal, Martha Neal, Annie Nelson, Thos Ross, Wm Taylor, Hy Wilson, Wm S cts. Wilson, Mrs. Wm Sums under One Dollar, (Education F'd) $2 10 Offertory Total ...... Mission Fund. W, &0. Fund, 2 00 1 GO 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 00 00 50 00 00 1 5) 00 00 00 50 00 50 60 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 S cts. S cts 1 00 3 25 1 25 1 50 4 25 2 75 Pension Fund. § cts, 1 00 1 00 Total. 4 50 3 25 38 50 3 25 00 U 00 3 cts. 1 00 4 50 2 50 8 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 0© 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 7 00 1 50 5 00 2 00 1 00 1 50 2 00 50 50 50 SO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2^10 13 75 56 85 i- i f I i i 104 Names . General Fund. Mission Fund. W. &0. Fund. Pension Fund. Total. St. Giles. Brencn, N $ cts. 1 00 1 00 ] 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 S cts. S cts. $ cts. S cts. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 7 00 Cox, Jos Cox, Wrii Cox, Tho8. and Jiine Fmser, Mrs. J. and li Haslett, Geo Lefebvre, Jas Lefebvre, Mrs 1 00 1 00 Lefebvre, D. and T Lefebvre, The Missus 1 00 1 0(1 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Lowden, J Procter, J. J JSmitb, Jas Smith, Ed Offertory (Education, §4). 1 00 1 00 Total IG 00 1 00 ] 00 22 00 St. Patiuck's. Gollaphar, Mrs.W.and B. 1 50 1 50 1 0(. 1 50 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 Graham, 11 and Mrp 1 50 Lowrey, hergeant 1 00 1 50 5 00 1 00 Robinson, The Misses. . . Ross, A. D Sutherland, Miss Smith, Maria 1 00 ■7 p r Oii'ertory 1 50 4 25 1 W/i 1 OO ( UL» Total 12 50 1 .^0 1 50 1 50 4 2:,' 1 80 20 05 St. Makgaret's. Raycraft, J. and Mrs. , . . 1 50 1 50 1 85 Stevenson, R. and Mrs... Offertory 85 1 1 1 00 Total 3 00 85| 1 00 4 85 St. Francis Chapman, Geo 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 Locliwood, P Margaret Turner, Sergeant * ^> ^ "> I 3 105 i ft e Names. General Fund. Mission Fund. W. & Fund. Pension Fund. Total. 1 Tumor, Brothers S cts. 2 00 S cts. S eta. % cts. $ cts 2 00 Offertory 3 15 1 no 2 80 1 G 95 1 Total 10 00 3 15J 1 00 2 80 16 95 St. George's. Gcsling, Jlrs., W., M. & J. Kinsr, Dr. 11 1 25 2 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 I 25 2 00 Pozer. Mrs.. Sciir 4 00 Pozer, Miss , . 2 00 Pozer, Miss B 2 OO Pozfir, David 2 00 Pozer, Jno 2 00 Pozer, Wm 2 00 Offertory 2 75 2 50 2 G9 7 94 Total 17 25 2 75 2 50 2 m 25 19 St. Mary's. Craier, Mies 1 00 1 00 2 50 1 00 Lilliott, Mrfl 1 00 Pozer, Mrs. G 2 50 Offertory 1 00 2 50 1 00 4 50 Total 4 50 1 00 2 50 1 00 9 00 Jersey. Offertory 2 20 2 20 Total 2 20 2 20 Cumberland Mills. Lawrevson, J 1 00 1 00 Offertory 2 25 2 50 87 5 62 Total 1 00 2 25* 2 50 87 6 62 The Kennehec Uoad. Sample, Mrs 2 00 1 00 2 00 Thompson, J 1 00 1 *otal 3 00 1 1 3 00 lOG Names. General Fund. Mission Fund. VV. &0. Fund. Pension Fund. Total. St. Cathkrine's. Sliiitor Mrs § cts. 1 GO § cts. $ cts. 5 cts. $ cts. 1 00 Offertorv 1 00 1 00 Total 1 00 1 0(1 2 00 St. Joseph. OfFtTtorv 50 50 Total 50 50 RECAI'ITILATION. St. Sylrestcr, (Ed. Fund $2 10, Dep. Fund $2) St. Giles, (Ed. Fund S4). St Patricii's .^8 50 IG 00 12 50 3 00 10 00 17 25 4 50 3 25 1 00 1 50 85 3 15 2 75 1 00 2 20 2 25 11 00 1 00 4 25 1 00 2 50 2 50 1 80 1 00 2 80 2 Gt) 1 00 56 85 22 00 20 05 St Marefiiret'fl 4 85 St Francis 16 95 St Georce's 25 19 St Mary's 9 00 Jersey 2 20 Cumberland Mills Kennebec Road ... , 1 00 3 00 1 00 2 50 87 6 62 3 00 St Catlierine's 1 00 50 2 00 St Joseoh 50 Total 10(5 75 ly 45 24 75 10 IG IG!) 21 ST. FRANCIS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. I 1 I Acton Mission. Brown. Mary 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 3 25 1 00 Carter, Dr. B I 00 Gray, Nelson 1 GO Hunter, J.P 2 00 Lecliip, R. G 2 00 Lister, David 1 00 McFarlane, T 2 00 Wurtele, Rev. L. C • . ... 2 00 Oflfertory 2 10 2 65 8 06 Total 15 25 2 10 2 G5 20 00 A ± 107 f ! W1 » ■*. * if P Names. General Fund . BuHY Mission. St. Paul's Oftcrtory " Meeting , " Mission Uox. . St. Thomas's Oir.ntory. . " Meeting , " Mission Box, Miss Brown St. John's Offertory «' Meeting Lingwick Offertory " Meeting Total . CoATicooK Mission. Coaticoolc Meeting. Barford " Total . CoMPTON Mission. Meeting Coll'ns and Subscript'as Total . Danville Mission. Offertory, Danville, " Tingwick. Total . Duds WELL Mission. Meeting-, St. Paul . . . . . . " Westbury S. H " Academy (Migsion Boxes.) Addle, Kate Bartlett, George. Bishop, Heber.., $ cts. Mission Fund. 3 00 1 00 4 00 2-1 50 24 50 S cts, 2 96 4 73 80 W. &0. Fund. 2 14 45 1 96 2 63 1 95 2 50 20 12 3 00 1 00 4 00 10 00 10 00 14 60 5 03 19 03 5 57 1 50 3 00 2 18 1 02 2 17 $ cts. 2 20 Pension Fund. S cts, Total. 45 3 00 5 65 3 00 1 00 4 00 13 ;^o 13 30 8 05 5 89 13 94 S cts. 5 IG 4 73 80 45 2 14 45 1 90 2 G3 4 95 2 50 25 77 3 00 2 00 5 00 12 00 5 00 17 00 10 00 37 80 47 SO 22 cr. 10 Oi 33 57 5 57 1 50 3 00 2 18 1 02 2 17 I 108 J ! I! t Names. General Fund. Mission Fund. VV. AO. Fund. Pension Fund. Total. Plianman Mai'V $ cts. $ cts. 1 00 62 70 1 40 $ cts. $ cts. § cts. 1 00 Mills Idil 62 70 1 40 fioodenouiih. Arthtir. . . . Collected hy Miss Annie Adilie (did M. Clidji- man, Weyland, Major J Weyhitid, Capt Wevland. Mrs 1 00 50 :{0 50 2 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 25 25 5 50 1 00 50 ^0 Wevland. Lizzii; 50 Chapman, Kcv. T. S . . . . Chanman. Mrs 2 00 1 00 Chapman, Kdward , Chapman, Mary Chapman, Nellie Chaumin, Can ie 1 00 1 00 25 2'i Sums under One Dollar.. 5 50 Total 13 :^o ?, 50 2 75 7 75 lU IG 32 46 Collected hy Miss f'J. Ciin- ninyluim. Sums under One Dollar.. W 50 Collected by Miss EmJniry and Miss Mills. Sums under One Dollar.. 2 75 Collected hy Mrs. G. E. Mollyneux. Sums under One Dollar.. 7 75 Total 27 30 19 90 46 46 Eaton Mission. Cook, C 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 .• 1 00 Cook, Mrs. J 1 00 Eraser, Mrs 1 00 French, Mrs. H 1 GO French, Mrs. J 1 00 Mowle, Mis? 1 GO lf« «> c» A\ 109 ' i i f « P o Names. General Fund. Mission Fund . \V. &0 Fund. Pension Fund. Total. PennoyiT, Mrs 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 5 35 S cts. $ cts. % cts. $ cts. 1 00 Popi", Mrs. 1 00 Parkin, ]Uv. E. C : , 2 00 Tfivlor, Mrs. S 1 00 Torrili, Mrs. T 1 00 Sums uuder Ono Dollar.. 5 35 Offrtory 2 00 2 00 Muntiuii; ■1 75 4 75 Total 19 35 4 75 24 10 DllL'MM'ONDVILLb; Offertory 7 .10 7 40 GEOUUEVlMiE. OftVrtory I 15 ■> 00 (5 1 -, KlNUSEV. OlTertory C, 50 4 50 1 I 00 E1CII.MOXD AND MeLBOUUNE. Collcded by Mn^. Trcn- liolni. Tronholm, W 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 75 1 00 1 00 Tronliolni, Mrs. 1 00 Lftfon, Mrs 1 00 Sums under One Dollar.. 1 00 Collcded ht/ Ihe Misses Millar. Jcffery, Mrs 5 00 Brooke, )Mis 1 00 Pierce, Mrs 1 00 Williams, Mrs 1 00 Eae, Mrs I 00 VVray, Miss , 1 GO Sums under One Dollar.. 75 Colleded hi/ the Misses Aj/line)' and Miss P. Fowler. Aylmer, Hon. Mrs 1 00 110 t i f i ' i ; ! I I Names. Aylmer, Miss DavidBon, D YounK, Hon. J Wood bum, U. W Sums uuder Ouo Dollar, CnUeekd hi/ .V/w. /'. iV(77(/. Ly«ter, Philip Neild, Mv. and Mrs Sums under Ouu Dollar. Ooncral Fund. CoUccfed hji i/ie Misses Hoc, Ttirnor and Je/fcri/. Koe, Ilcv. II Roe, Mrs. Ilonry, Smith, ]\Ir.s. J. G, Roe, Fanny Roe, Isabella... . Roe, Canio. Journeaux, E, St. Ann's. (Richmond) Ofifertory Missionary Meeting. St. John's. (Melbourne) Offertory Missionary Meetings. SlLVEK ScHOOL-nOUSE. Offertory Brompton. Offertory WiNDiOR. Offertory , S cts. 1 00 .1 50 1 00 1 00 4 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 Mission Fund. 50 50 50 1 00 15 00 I 1 46 S cts. 10 30 13 08 1 Gfj 12 94 W. &0. Fund. S cts, Pension Fund. 5 00 5 00 5 00 27 38 4 54 2 08 7 00 5 00 S cts, Total. S cts. 1 00 I 50 1 00 1 00 •I 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 50 50 50 1 00 52 68 13 08 7 60 12 94 2 08 7 00 5 00 P 1 I o Ill t^ 1 1 > \ I f ^ 1 I % {J Names. General Fund. (Missionary Hoxcf.) Allen, II Gallup, Ida, (1870), Frasor, S Hall, H IJiirt, A Koo, Carrie Miller, II Cvlledcd Ini .V/.v.s- (idlhip unci Mrs. .l\irkc. !;ums under Quo Dollar.. Caller fed hi/ M/'s.t Moil- ieiih and Mis.f Weed. IMontcith, H Montoith, Tho l^Iisses. . . Wilson, W Sums under One Dollar.. CoUcricd hi/ Mrs. James McKec and Mrs, »S'. McKce. Sums under One Dollar.. CoUected hi/ 3/m Fraser and Miss Rooneij. Fraaer, R Suma under One Dollar.. Webb, Mrs Morris, Miss Gibsone, H. W Wilcocks, Arthur Ready, Colonel Godard, Morris Sums under One Dollar.. Collected hy ihc Misses B. Eoe and B. Goiiin. Foster, G. K . . Foster, Mrs . . Gouin, Mrs. F, Mission Fund. S cts, 5 25 1 00 1 25 1 00 2 35 4 00 1 50 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 W. AC Fund. $ cts. 9fi 80 74 5:5 51 20 00 S cts. 2 00 Pension Fund. S cts Total. § cts. 1 9G 1 80 1 74 1 53 1 51 1 20 1 00 1 00 I 25 1 00 2 35 4 GO 50 00 00 00 1 GO 00 00 00 50 1 00 1 GO 1 00 1 'f 112 ( Namks. Qpnoral Fund. MlHHlon \V. * 0. Fund. Fund, Pension Fuiiii. TOTAI,. Cleveland, L U cts. 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 05 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 OO 1 00 ;: 70 1 00 1 00 1 110 1 00 1 5U 2 no $ cts. !ji ct.s. S cts. S Ct8. 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 05 Clovdiiiirt, A Tuiiior, UvH SuQiH iiridt'i- Ouu Uolliir.. Collected hi/ Mm. Swan- iiiir(iiii/h, Swftiiboroujxh, A 1 00 Swanboiougli, JIrs 1 00 Clevf, ]\lr«. F. C 1 00 Mayiiiird, Lioiit.-Col 1 00 ChiVfliuul, C. 1' 1 00 Sums uiidur Ouo Dollar., '5 70 CoUcr/rd hii Miss ]l'/tih'. Aylmcr, Lord 1 00 1 00 AyliiKjr, Hon. 11 , Jr Aylmcr, Hon. M 1 00 AylniLT, H 1 00 Sums un(iur One Dolhir.. I 50 CoV/cd hi, Miss M. Chrvc and Miss E. Sili'cr. Sums under One Dollar.. 2 50 Total 102 31 48 72 C,3 00 21 1 u;; Lennox viLLE. Badglev, Rev. C. H 5 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00' 1 GO 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 3 00 5 Oft Buck, F. r 1 00 Chapmioi, E G 00 1 00 Clark, Mrs. S Clark, W. R 1 00 Corner, Professor 1 00 Cuminins, Miss 1 00 Cusliiug, J. P 1 00 Civhing, Miss 1 00 Fverctt, Thos 1 00 duller, Miss 2 00 Henry, L. S 1 00 Howard, Mrs I 00 Irving, Mrs 5 00 Jarvis, B. T 1 00 Jackson, Mrs 3 GO ' > .i J 1. 11:; Namkh. fii'niral Fund. MisHJon Fund. W. *(». Fund. i'linsion Fund. Total. JohnHon, J $ CtH. 1 00 1 00 5 01) 1 00 2 00 I 00 •^ 00 f) 00 Ti 00 1 00 fi 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 10 05 « 12 01 17 # cts. •S cts. $ eta. $ cts. I 00 Kolly.T 1 00 McDonald, Mth rt CO McKonzio, Miss 1 00 Morris, Misn 2 00 Morrif, L. E 1 CO NicollH, Hov. .) 11., D.l). fi 00 NicollH, Mrs r> 00 Piiddon, J. B r, 00 Taigf, T. li 1 00 K artli, liov. A. ,5 00 iShiitcr, MrH 1 00 Sinytlie, Mrs Tlios 1 00 TambH, llov. R. «J 2 00 'J'aylor, Miss H. A 1 00 TowICjC. E 1 00 Towlo. Mrs. C. E 1 00 Winter, Chas I 00 Wiswell, Mrs. G.T 1 00 Wiswell, Mrs. J. C 1 00 Woolsey, Uco 2 00 Slims Huder Onu Dollar . 10 05 OU'ertory 10 04 17 00 Total 10 94 • ••• •••• 102 11 Bisuop'a CoiuKQu. Offertory n 00 2 00 8 CO Rural Dbansuy CuAriEn. Meeting at Chapter 2 20 2 20 JSllBRBROOKE. Bacon, C. J. S 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 L (lO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 • # • • ■ • « » 1 00 Beckett, Mrs. H. 11 2 00 Brooks, Geo.... I 00 Borlase, G. H 2 00 Brooks, Mrs. E. T .^.... 2 00 Bowen, G. F 5 00 Bottom, Geo 1 00 Clark, E 1 00 Clark, Mrs. E 1 00 Edgell, S 1 00 Edgell, Mrs. S 1 00 lU Namhh. (lonoral Fund. MiHHJon Kuu«l. W. &0. Fund. Punuion Fund. Tor A I,, Klkiijs. H. A ,S ctH. 1 00 1 00 2 00 4 00 15 OO 1 00 1 00 1 00 I OO 1 00 2 00 no 00 I 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 25 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 CO 34 3.S 10 33 37 OG 5) ctu. $ CtH. $ Ctfl. 1 uo KlUiiiR. MrH II A 1 00 Kiirwoil. Will., it'........ 2 00 (Jilbort, F. I)., M.D 4 00 Iliile. Hon. E 15 00 Halo. RHss F 1 00 Hftle, Miss M 1 00 IIiilo, Edward C 1 00 Halo, Wm. A 1 00 Hnllowoll, Mrs..., 1 00 Hall, U. N 2 00 Henekor, II. W GO 00 Ives, W. r. I 00 Lawford, L. 15 1 00 Morkill, II. D 2 00 Moo, II 1 00 MorriH, L. E I 00 Ucid, Uov. C. P 25 00 Taylor, llober 1 00 Thoiiiiis, D 1 00 2 00 Winter, A Wliitchor, C. W 1 (>0 Wliitchor, A. 11 1 00 Woodward, A. G 1 00 Oflertory Meeting 26 55 22 00 82 93 1(5 3:5 L.idies' Church Fund Ah- Bociation 37 9G Total 224 G7 20 55 P 22 00 273 22 RECAriTlTLATtON, Acton 15 25 00 2 10 2 00 20 12 4 00 10 00 1!> OH 10 10 2 05 * 20 00 Bishop's Colleco 8 00 Bury 5 C5 4 00 13 30 13 9t ""5*00 25 77 Coaticook 4 00 24 50 17 00 Compton Danville 47 80 33 57 Dudswell 27 30 7 40 19 35 40 40 Drummondvillo 7 40 Eaton 4 75 4 15 BO 48 72 2 20 20 55 24 10 Georgeville 2 00 "*io 94 03 00 "4 50 • • • . • • • ft 6 15 Kingsoy 11 00 Lennoxvillo Melbourne & Richmond. Rural Deanery Chapter.. Shert)rooke 91 17 102 31 224 G7 102 11 214 03 2 20 22 00 273 22 Total 521 95 109 88 137 48 9 50 8.38 81 f N> I f ) t'J V 1 J 4 t 115 GASri5 PLSTRICT ASSOCTATfON. Hahhh, Oeneral Fund. MIhhIou Fund. VV. AO. Fund. I'onHJou Fund, Total. OAsrfe Dahin. Hhort, Uuv. U $ ctu. ;;ii ct8. $ cts, n 00 2 00 7 00 ::^ cts. 15 cts. 6 00 Colluctiuus 73 2 75 Total 1 il 7 75 Cape Covk. LvKtor. Uuv. W. G . , .. 5 00 5 00 Siivii^re, T. (<lomvtii)ii). , , 5 50 4 00 2 05 18 50 5 50 liallciiii!. J . il ido.^ 4 00 Kdiiis iiiidci' Oiin Dulliii' . 2 05 Oll'ortorv 18 50 Totol :i0 !»5 5 00 ■1 00 1 00 5 40 ;!5 05 rKllCE. C. Uobin & (Jo 4 00 Vibert, 11. D 1 00 Ullcrtory 5 40 Total 10 10 10 40 Sandy Beach. Kcr. Uov. M 1 00 1 50 5 00 50 1 00 (J 40 1 15 2 07 5 00 6 00 Ker Mrs and thu Missos. 1 :>■) Voit. C sonr 5 00 Sums under Ouo Dolliir.. 50 CUUclcd by Mrs. Milkt: Bailev. N 1 00 Sums uudor One Dollar., (! 10 (M led by Mrs. Cammlny. Sums under One Dollar,. 1 45 CuUlal by Miss L. Milla: Sums iinrlpr One Dol' m'.. 1 2 07 OfVertorv 7 50 5 5» i:; 00 1 Total IS !)2 . . . ■ . . . ' {■>. 50 5 5U :5G U2 IIG Names. Chigodac. Oifertory Do. at Port Daniel... Do. at Total , General Fund,; Mission Fund. W. &0. Fund. Pension Fund. $ cts. 2 00 2 00 S cts. $ cts. I 10 1 50 50 $ cts. 4 00 3 10 1 Total. $ cts. 3 10 3 50 50 7 10 MEMliEPtS OF TIIJ': COEPOKATIOX. ELECTED JANUARY "J-iTlI, 1872. Mcssr,s. A. r. Whcolcr, LL AV. Wclcli, Jiiiir., J. CI. Colston, C. Henry. FOIJMS VF JJHliUI-STS AXD JJEVLSES liV WIEL. f Vii I jl If } i t I I i j i i f i L ^1 Bequest of a mm of money, or of shares of Sfoe!;, or Puh/ic Debentures, f>r the (jeneral jmrposes (f the Hoclct\j. \ give Jind beiiuoiith to ''tJio CJiui'cli .Sooioty of the Dioecsc of Quebec," incorporated by u Ht:ii.ite of the Province of Canada, passed in the fourteenth and lifteenth years of the I?eign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, chai^ter 171, the sum of (or tSluires of Stock in tlie liank of " standing in my name in tlie Books of the said Bank, or of Debentures, desci'il)e them briefly,) iijwn trust to be hy the said Church Society a]»]ilicd to and for the mes and purposes of the said Societi/, as specified in the said Aet of Incorporation and none other. IL A bequest of a sum of money, or of ^^hares of Sfoeh or Deben- tures for one or more of the specified jnirposes of the Society. (Same as forci^^oinn;, onlj' instead of the wortls in Italics say) towards the angmentation of the Fund formed for the ])ur|)()se of providing for the future su))])ort oi" the Clei-gy of the Diocese, culled the Sustentation Fund, f i-ii u. 117 fil t * VI / Or, Towards the support pf missionaries and clergymen of the United Church ol" Enghind and Ireland in the Diocese ol' Quebec. Or, Towards the auginentation of the Fund forined to make ])rovision for those of the clergy of the United Church of England and freland, in the Diocese of Quebec, who may be incapacitated by age or intirmity, called the Pension Fund. Or, Towards the augmentation of the Fund formed to make provision for the widows and orphans of the clergy of the United Church of England and Ireland, in the Diocese of (iuel)ec, called the Widows' and Orphans' Fund. Towards the augmentation of the Fund for endowing the church in the mission of (or at ) held by the said Church Society, subject to the conditions of a Deed of Trust i)assed between the said Church Society and the incumbent and church-wardens of the church in the said mission, (or at ) As the commencement of an endowment for the church of St. in the mission of (or at ) and to provide for tlie future maintenance of divine Avorship in conformity with the |)rineiples of the United Church of England and Ireland. Or, For and towards a Fund for assisting persons pro]iaring for the ^Ministry of the (Josjiel in the United Chuivh of England and Ireland within the said Diocese of Quebec. Or. For and towards a Fund for circulating, in the said Diocese of Quebec, the Holy Scri])tures, the Book of Common Prayer oi' the United ('hurch of lOngland and Ireland, and the Books and Tracts approved by the said Church Society for circulation within the said Diocese of (Quebec. I - !i ii ! ; 1 ( I \ I 118 Or, As fin aid towards the erection, endowment and maintenance of churches according to the principles of the United Chiirdi of England and Ireland within the Diocese of (Quebec,— tho erection and maintenance of parsonage houses, — the setting apart of burial grounds and church-yards, and the endowment and support of parsonages and rectories within tJie said Diocese. III. A Devise of Real Estate for general j/urposcs of the Socicti/. I give and devise unto the "Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec," incorporated by a Statute of the province of Canada, passed in the fourteenth and fifteenth years of the Ivcign of Her Majesty Queen Victoiua, cha])ter 171, all Jind singular, «.\:c. [Describe the real estate clearly.] To have and to hold the waid, &c., unto the said Church Society of the Diocese of (Quebec, and their suces«ors, for ever ; ujion trubt to hold and apply the same, and the rents, issues and ])rolils thereof fo and for the usesand yiirposes of the said Church ^oeictij, as specified in the said Act of Incorporation, and none other, and under the provisions of the aforesaid Act of Incor[)oration of the said Church Society. IV. A Devise of Ileal Estate for any one or more of the specific 2mrp)oses of the tSoeiety. * •^•^amo as in No. 3 — only instead of the words in Italics insert the specific purposo»>, as in No. 2. V. A Devise to the Society of a Site for Church, Ac. Same as No. 2, down to the Avords "for ever" — then go on as follows; —to the uses and upon the trusts following, that is to say; upon trust to hold (he same for evci- hcrc:ifter, as and for the ])lace and site of a Church, and Church-yanl, and Burial-ground, for the sole use and beneiit of nienibcrs of Ihe Church residing in the ])laccs adjacent to the said site and premises within the said Diocese of Quebec, jiccoi-djng to (he doctrine and discipline of the Unitetl Church of Enghiiid and Ireland, and for no other jmrpose, and under the provisions of the aforesaid Act of Incorjtoratioji of the said Chui-ch Society. 4 ^ Mi A * . ; L 119 : J T.ANDS r.KT.ON(;TN(J TO TIIK CnUPtClI SOCIETY. West i, No. 14, Ran^o 8, TowiiHliii) of Cmiibourno. No. 14, Jiun^-c 7, Do. Uallihx. No. 10, J{an--c 8, Do. do. I No. 5, IJuiio-c 2, Do. Iroltind. No. 15, Uaiio-e 1, Do. Cli osier. Norl h-Wcsti, No. 2G, Kangc 10, Do. do. No. 28, Jlanio 10, Do. do. No. 27, Raii^^i 11, Do. do. ' 1< .A > NOTICE. Coo. V'oasoy, Ksq., of (Jaobco., has been apiiointcd Trea- sdiiKii of Iho" Society, in the room of G. A. L. Wood, Esq., deceased. • Tlio Annual Sermons in aid of the various funds of the (Church Society arc appointed to bo preaclicd— For General Purposes, on Quhupuuje&ima Sunday. For the .\rissioN Fl-nd, on the Simdcnj nearest to Michaelmas. For the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, on such other Sun- days as may l>e found most convenient. For tue Pension Fund, on one of tho Sundays in Advent. TJio attention of applicants for grants is particularly directed to tho following rules. 1. Tliat no grant bo made for any church, parsonage glcl)o, or other property, which shall not have been duly vested in the authorities' of the Church. 2. That grants be payable when tho amount shall be sulficioiit to free the projicrty from debt ; or that tho debt bo a mortgage for an amount not exceeding twenty-fiye per cent of the value of the property or building, when finished. a. That the Treasurer, when transmitting tho amount of any grant of ntonoy, made by this Society, to any parish or mission in tho diocese, shall require a receipt, signed jointly l>V the Incumbent of such parish or mission, and one or both of the church-wardens. 4. That in all cases where grants of money (other than personal) are made by the Church Society, it shall be tho / 120 duly of (Iio person 1o wliom such ,c;T!int slwill No paid to jiinii.sli, w'idiiii tliivo inonllis nflorwai'ds, rc^i^'U 1 a r-vouf J uth ol" tlio cxponditiiro of sui-Ii ,suins, to ho submiltod to tho Board. 5. Tliat Willi the oxoopllon of grants to aid in Imiidiiii;' churches, wlicii the conditions on wliich any sum is voted are not com]>lied with, and tho money a[)i)lied for witliin one year from tlic time it is voted, such grant shall be struck otV the list. <). That no grant shall he made towards the erection of any church 01" ])arsonago, nnless the ])ians and site have been approved of by the Bishoj). 7. That no grant shall bo made to any pari^^h, mission, or station, in Avhich at least one sermon .shall not have been preached, and irom which tho subscri])tion shall not have been sent in, during the year. 8. That all applications for aid reach the Jiands of tho Secretary at least a fortnight before the next meeting of the Central Eoard. 0. That no application for aid in repairing either churches or ])arsonages be entertained for tho future; as the (.'cnti-al Jjoax'd conceive it to be the duty of congregations to keej) all their churcli ])roperty in good roj)air. 10. Clergymen desirous of particijiating in the benefits of tho Widows' and Orj^hans' Fund are j-equired to j)ay their anituul coiitributioiJS before the lirbt 3Iay in each year. i 1 u -" 1' t^* , -if.'- «■• J'^ . < • V < •■'■ - ^ ^ < • 1 ^fi' *l f^' SFECIAL NOTICE. SuljBcribere of Two DoUan, or upwards, are entitled to recd'.o a copy of tbe Annual Beport Subflcaibera of One Dollar, or upwards, are entitted to have Uieir names printed in the Annual Beport All sums under One Dollar will be entered as Small Smna \/ a