CIHM Microfiche Series ({Monographs) ICIMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) Canadian Instituta for Hiatorical Microraproductions / Institut Canadian da microraprodMCtiona hiatoriquaa 994 T«c»inical aftd BibNoraptiic Notti / Noim ttchniquM tt biWiograpttiquM Tht lntti*'ita hat atttmpMd to obtain tha bott oriflinal copy awailabia for filming. Kaatura* of thii copy wliieh may ba WMiotraphically uniqua. whicb may altar any of tl«a ima«at in tba raproduction, or whicb may significantly changa tba usual matbod of f ilmint, ara chadcad balow. 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Las diagrammas suivantt illustrant ia mathoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 V 6 MICROCOfY RISOIUTION TBT CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I lit u |||Z2 ■ 2.0 |3j6 14.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 _^ /APPLIED IIVHGE Inc ^r 1653 East Main Street S*.^ Rochester. New York 14609 USA ^^ (716) 482 -0300 -Phone ^B (716) 288 - 5989 - Fox >•*•< !•*•. w ¥' lli^lHEN our Boyi returned from I ^T^-*^ '^'" "** ™^8:nt Canadian fall, ^X¥ ^ «*?- apparelled people rose to ^^ 1 meet them > But the welcome of Dame Nature v a« the happiest of all. '^1 ^ ^ ^ ^ For the maples took a khaki hue to greet them. UO ^ Said the Nations to tht Nations, " Lo, this miKhty Beast of BabH Slmnbers, rotting in its thousand tongued pride ! Come, let us join as brothers, that the Beast we may disable, That each to eot-h, the spoil we may divide.** The Lion waked, and roared — The mighty echoes In sullen chorus thundered round the sphere, As the Lion's countless young with swift accord gave tongue /fnd the Nations quaked and quivered in their /ear ! PHOM KIPLING AND THE UON. E. T. B. QILLMORE ^-"^ *• MAPLE LEAVES IN KHAKI. •/r mount and valley, wood and plain, O'er rooted rock and rolling main, " Far round the world and back again" The Lion holds his sway. Are riches found in field or mine, Do pearls lie hid beneath the brine, The great beast cries, " Behold, 'tis mine!" And who shall say hira nay ? Ah, who ? But hark I What threatening snore Blends with his loud triumphant roar ? What snorting challenge hurtles o'er Black Afric's southern waste ? The wild, th' uncouth, the cunning Boer, His tusks yet red with Leo's gore, Licks his fierce chops and grunts for more. All drunken with the taste ! *i< '^"*/ Forth from hU loved but savaKe d«n, Far hidden Irom the haunt* of men. Madly he plunge* through the (ei» With eyeballs fierce agl«)wer. His dogjced courage (oars no foes ; His mad despair can (eel no blown ; HU swinlih Ignorance little knows The Lion's mighty power. With proud disdain the Lion eyes His sturdy (oe. In humbler guise, His whelps, observant, round him rise. Threshing Impatient manes. As to the tight the rivals leap One vicious tusk cuts clean and deep — Down NIchol's Nek reu streamlets creep. Fresh from the Lion's veins. Housed at the sight to furious Ire, bach cublet springs to aid his sire ; A glistening weU of fervid fire Each angry eyeball seems ; • Swift from each adolescent paw Bursts forth the unexpected claw ; Soft lips roll back, and lo, each jaw An Ivory rampart gleams I •5- -4« Flervel> th» y U'«r "» flank and <*iJc. Tearing lo sLrt-ds that ruKgeJ hid« ; No falte cMsviain, no aJult priUe. Imre0«, their hot attack ; On rlRht— on left— In front— in rear— With sudden ruih, now there, now here. Now flying In rictitloui fear- Piunices the chary pack. In vain the Boar, yet dauntless, spurns A flying foe that swift returns ; In vain those massive jaws he churns. With furious snorts and yelps. Ha! Boar ! Dost find these dangerous foes ? From victories past thy cunning knows To dodge the Lion's ponderous blows— But not the Lion's whelps ! **» 4< I • iiS^i I i ! i I 1 i i i gportlbus ^ucrisqiic, Don't sow wild oats, for it does not pay ; They will stick in your crop in an awkward way. Your wild time sown, you will find— some day— Man reaps but the crcp he sows. You may put on airs, but they will not waft O'er Life's broad stream a used-up craft You must raise the wind or you'll soon drop aft, And there lives no man can raise a draft On the bank where the wild thyme grows. '^^ *' jpoct'e (Sluan^ar?. * As I sat at my table And scribbled in haste, I saw through the window An arm and a waist ! 5 Ah, me ! It was hard In that moment to choose 'Twixt amusing embrace And embracing a Muse I .'v'. ^ .s:-'. '.^ /-IN ^N -q* i 1 I II I Si M *- Maflon Ibtll- «^ an Inct&cnt of tbc Ste^e ot Xa^1^0mttb. Mauser bullets, zipping— zipping— Through each bush and bomb-proof whipping Leaves and twiglets dripping— dripping ;— Down, ye Dogs of War ! Down, down, in ditches dank, Mute and mouldy, rank on rank. Shrill shrapnel shrieking to the flank, Snapping behind, before ! Like hooded cheetahs fierce they lie Obedient to the leader's cry; For he who lifts his head on high May never lift it more : One glance above that mound of mud — A whistling whir — a click— a thud— And Afric's soil drinks in his blood With Afric's thirst for gore. No flashini^ falchions, ringing steel, (Jr dasii of weapons fires their zeal; No foaming steed, no crimson wheel. The panoply of war. Not theirs to taste the frightful glee Of combat close-fought, knee to knee, When lives were lost "right merrilie" On battlefields of yore. Obedience swift and courage stern, Wild daring, caution, unconcern- All these they need who fain would learn The modern warrior's lore. To skirt th' Eternal's trembling marge Whilst unseen foes, afar, discharge Swift darts that reck not mail nor targe, Ah, truly, this Is war ! "Up! up! and charge!" Loud rings the best •,- Each Briton springs like hawk unjessed; — A fearsome flood, o'er ramp and crest. Sweeps with a mighty roar! Sweeps with a roaring, thund'rous yell, Deep as the boom of a monster bell. Sounding the Transvaal's funeral knell ! Bay on, ye Dogs of War ! -* i'! i 11 i 1j t i j . i n^ Their sinews strain, their eyeballs swell As on they rush with purpose fell- Wild, powder-blackened Imps of hell, Hot on the Dutchmen's spoor I Hurled by a ravenous lust to kill At the sight of the comrades, silent, still, Prone on that blistering, lead-swept hill. Full many a bleeding score. The figi * i fought;— the foeman flies;— The fuming fury faints and dies;— Sweet Mercy's angel swiftly hies To spread her pinions o'er The horrid field; as, to and fro. Soothing each stricken friend and foe, Britannia's thousands softly go;— Bulldogs in fight— St. Bernards now;— Honor them now the more. Nay, honor the helpless, glorious dead; Honor the men who fought and bled For kin and country, hearth and bed — The Briton and the Boer. But a toast! a toast! a bumper toast To the merciful men of a martial host— The nation's pride, an empire's boast — Britannia's Dogs of War I boee from Cfi^pt. )AID the Great Pyramid to the Sphinx, I can beat you at tlddle-de-wlnks ' l^^ Just as easy as pie. J^^'vi^ It Is horribly dry; Come on, let us play for the drinks." Said the Sphinx to the Great Pyramid, "Your riches are jolly well hid; But I'll race you to Cairo, Or play you at Pharaoh, For any old size of a bid." Then the Pyramid answered, "My pile I entrust to the banks of the Nile. Though they've watered their stocks I have plenty of rocks ; But I never play faro,— it's vile I Said the Sphinx to the Pyramid, "Pard, Whisht 1 Here's that Canadian bard— Who will spring his old joke That my nose is stone broke;— Though I'm sand to the neck, I am sca'red !" And so the Sphinx quietly doses. Like Pharaoh, and Aaron, and Moses. Her friend does the same. And that no-limit game Is off, as the Sphinx' pretty nose is. T^ssr 4i H (Iana^ian •(DQlintcr'e S)ancc. O the tinkling— O the chlnkllng Of the chattering, chiming bells 1 O the twinkling— O the crinkling Of the snow-fields in the dells, All gaily aglov vith a glittering glint And a shimmering silver sheen, As we merrily speed our steaming steed,— I and my Love,— my Quetnl O the pleasing— O the freezing, Nitid, nipping Northern night! O the teasing! O the squeezing! O the dulcet, douce delight! 'Mid the brilliance bright of a winter's night, With its sparkling, snapping snow; 'Neath the halo white of the moonbeams' HrI And the Borealis' glow! * O the dances ! O the chances— Privily pressing paws of pink! O the glances—shy advances— O the wicked, winsome wink! O the ecstacy mute as we hover and shoot, With a swallow-like swing and sweep, To the twiddle and toot of the fiddle and flute And the piccolo's piercing peep! Hang hereafter! Daft and dafter, Leaping light from lip to lip, Rings the rafter-shaking laughter, Joyous joke and quizzing quip. And morbid the mind with a bogie to borrow. - The sparkling sport to spoil, — Of a torpid to-morrow; a spectre of sorrow And terrible tawdry toil ! * 4- ' j i I '! 1 < !i *• Here's a yaller pickannlnny who was full of fun and frolic, But, alas, he's now "lamented," also "late"; For he ate a watermelon, which resulted in the colic ; — Wlrra I WIrra I Whatermeloncholic fate ! •«^-^ HERE was a young singer named Cholmondely— Qjlte terribly handsome and colmondely ; But he hadn't a tongue. And was short of a longue. So his songs were ail songue very doimondely. •JH TAVLOR * CLAOKC, PfllNTtHS, OTTAM A. y— tS, OTTAWl