1^ iillRLf1BfBx^'r1i.;i[:tW f- WEATHER PERMITTING, DURING SEASON OF NAVIGATION (About 1st May to 16th ITovemTier'/ I m m = UPPER LAKE == I EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS Hn of the CAHADIAH PACIFIC 1 f- ALBERTA, ATHABASCA A-^^ MANITOBA BETWEEN Owen Sound, Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William u... I Of Great Northern Transit Co-, Ltd. PACIFIC, PALTiC ^ ATLANTIC AND OF THE Ij^. North Shore Navigation Co., Ltd. C City of Landan^^^ City of Midland _ JN TO KLi Georgian Bay and Manitoulin Island Ports I Sault Ste. Marie and Mackinac. I fe' HENEY BEATTY, Mgr.S.S. Lines and Lake Traffic, TORONTO * 1 -1 R, KERR, General Passenger Agent, WINNIPEG. Wr s. MoNICOLL, General Passenger Agent, MONTREAL CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Train Connections at S. S. MARIE are as follows : CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Westuqund STATIONS Lv.,.. New York .. .Ar RAILWAY KASTBOU.Sn " 6.Sfipm i\j V r< * 6.46 am * 8.06 am * 8 ai) am " Boston " H- fc M. • 7.16 pm • e.l6pm • t.O{)nm "...Portland " " Newport " ".... .Halifax. ....." Mk. Cti,. Can. Pao. imtxr.-ool. Canadian Paoifio Eastern Time Central Time .* * '10.30pm t 1.80 pm flf.iOpm n0.40pra t H.OOam " St. John " " ... .Slierl)rooke ... " " St. J'jlius " " Quebec " " Montreal, Wind'r St." " Prefcott " " Ottawa " " .... Carleton Jo.... " "... Pembroke ..." " Nortli Uay....Ar " Sudlniry " " Algoma " " Tliesealou " " ...liruco MlueR ..." " S ate Marie Ont " t l.«Opm t 7.60 " t 6.08pm •I 6 30 am tlO.BI am tlO.OSpra •11.48 am • 3.40 pm t 8.20pm •11 35 am t 1.30pm • 8 40 " 4.60 " 10 ',!0 " 8.08 pm l.BO am 7 43 " 2 06 am 4.55 " 10.66 pm 6 66 " 8 28 " 9.4i) " 6 81 " 10 10 " 4 66 " 11 2B " 3 30 " 11 46 " Ar S.Hte.Mario. Mich. Lv ArS.Ste.Marle, Mich.Lv 3.18 " • 8.16 pm •10 46 am Dui'jth, South Shore & Atlantic Ry.-SOUTH SHORE LINE •11.30am (Coutrnl Time) Lv S.S.Marie Ar Ar Soo Jc Lv 1 DUI.UTU, South Shore AND Ati.a.ntic * 1 . 00 pm 1.20 pm 11 10 am *10 80 pm 6.66 " " St. Ignace " " . . 1! Marquette 1 . . . " " Negauuee " ".... IBhpeming " 8 4& am 7.10 " 6.66 " 6.27 " 7.06 pm 6.17 am t 8.20 pm " Republic " ... .. 7.68 pm " Champion " "... Michlgamine ..." '• L'Anso " 5,85 am . 8.32pm tio 33 am +11 50 am 5.16 am 1 25 pm Ill " Hought 6.66 pm • D.ill,v, Smidiiy Ini'IiKii'd. U)aily, Siiiiday e.veniiteil t llnily, flxoept Saturday. * Hailv, exoppt Mimduy. || iiofrpslimeiit .Statlims. Trains east of Sault StB.MarIc run on ?^sti'rn .Standard time ; wcstof kault .sto. Marie on Central .Standard time, or one hour later than Kaatern time. DlnlUK cars are nm mi throuftli trains west of (ittawa. Through Sleeper runs between lioston and St. Paul via Soo Line without change. Time of and (■nnneetions with foreljm lines not guaranteed. Trains run dafly, Smidays lui|\ided. lietween Boston, Montreal, St. Paul and Minneapolis, via Soo and South Shore Lines. STE4IIIER C'4»:«NR<'TIOK8 AT SAVILT .STK. MAKIE Canadian Pacific Express 8.S. Line : For Owen Sound— iTldays, Siindays and Wednesdays at 11.00 a.m. For Port Arthur— Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 11.00 am. Great Northern Transit Co., Ltd.: For St. .loseph Island. Manltoulln Island Ports, Georgian Bay Ports and Owen Sound— Fri- days Sunilays and Tuesdays at dayllyht. [Passengers should board Steamers prevlom nlttht.) North Shore N'^vlgatlon Company, Ltd.: For ."^t. .Joseph Island. M.uiltoulin Island Ports, Georgian Bay Torts and Owen Sound— I'rldays .ind Mondays, at 4. IK) a.m. (Passengers should hoard steamers previous night). Lake Superior Transit Company : For Marquette, itaneoek, Washhurn, Houghton. Ashland, Bayfield. Duluth— Mondays, Wed- nesdays and Satunlays at '.Mioa.m. (Central Time). For Port Huron, Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo— Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays at 8.00 a.m. (Central Time). (Subject to change |. Lake Michigan and Lake Superior Transportation Company ; For Milwaukee and Chicago -Tuesdays and Saturdays at 8.00 a.m. (Central Time). For Maripiette, Hancock, Ashland, Duluth, etc.— Tuesdays & Saturdays at 8.00 a.m. (C.Tlme) For Detour, Mackinac Island, St. Ignaee, Mackinaw illty and Cheboygan— Dally, except Sunday, at fl.W a.m. (C.Time). Returning— I'^avo Cheboygan daily, except Sundayi, at 6.00 a.m., calling at all above porta. Meals (and berth when required) extra. s CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Transcontinental Boute— Westbound Via Toronto, the Great Lakes and Winnipeg, to the Pacific Coast. STATIONS Nkw Yohk via Montreal. Lv Nkw Yokk, via NiuganiKalla " UOBTON (H. &M.)... POHTLANU § (Mo. Ctl.). . Halifax, N. S St. John, N. B a Paciflo Expreaa | DAYS OF WEEK QUKHKC MoNTHKAL, Windsor St. Ottawa ii Hkuckvilmj: PltKSCOTT Hamilton, j^ (G.T.U). Turoiilo — OWKN SOUN Um «u riuiiiiil f p p "I S. Me. Marie I u' a' Port Arlliiir ... 1 ?\J^ j -Ai Lv It Ar 6.25 pin jSat' Sii lO.yOamSu Mo t 9.00 " j Sat Mo M8.*5ani| " I " ^ Sat S^u Mo POKT AUTHUH. I PA. & D. ) .Lv DuLUTii i S.P. Co. >. Ar (Central Timoj PoutArthuk...(C. P.Ry.)..Lv FoKT William lONACK Uat Poktaqk Selkirk • WlNMPKO II {lv POKTAOH la PRAIKIK Brandon (Mountain Tiino) Oak Lake moosomin Broadview II Qu'Appellk Kkoina moosejaw SwiKT Current DUNMORE Medicine Hat Oleichkn Calgary Canmore Banff Hot Springs Lagoan ■■ Field il i Donald , (Pacific Time) ' Glacier House II "i Albert Canyon ' j Revelstoke " Clanwilliam " / Kamlooi'S II North Bend || ^ ' Yale Lv Mission Juno Ar ; Huntingdon J^unc^. A r| New Whatcom, B.B.&n.c.RD.Arj 1.30 pm Fri 10.40 pm Fr| i . 15 pm I Su 9.00 " ' " 10.45 " I " u>3.00 " Su 1.20 pm Sat 0.15 am 'Mo' 11.10 am Mo^ J.20pni|Mo! 3. 20 pm 'Mo! 11.00 anil Til I We Wo We Th We 1« l( Th 11 «( Th Mo Su Tu Mo Tu Tu Mo Mo Tu Tu We We Tu Tu We 10.30 am 7.30 pm 12.00 n'n 14.30 15.10 22.15 5.00 9.21 10.10 14.20 16.47 19.30 20.50 23.27 1.30 3.56 5.23 7.25 12.10 17.56 18.45 24.05 2.30 555 6.45 8.15 10.00 12.35 14.25 15.47 17.02 17.32 23.00 7.30 8.45 10.56 Fri Sat New Whatcom, G.N.Ry....Lv Seattle " — Ar Tacoma N.P.Rd....Ar Portland " ....Ar New Westminster Ar Vancouver II Ar Victoria A 11.36 " 13.00 " 1.10 pm 5.40 " 8.20 pm 7.00 am Su Th Fri Fri Tu Mo Wc We Wo We Th Fri Fri Fri Sat Fri I I il Sat Sat We Th Tu Th Wo Th Th Wo We Th Sat Su Su Mo Mo 12.40 12.50 18.00 Mo Su ^u Mo Tu We Tu Sat 41 Su 44 (I Su 41 t| It (I Mo II 11 II tl It ■ I Tu We Fri Su «( «l Mo II II Mo 41 I* II • I Tu II II «l l( II II We 11 II II 14 II 11 ** II 1* II We II Th 11 «« 11 II II *l ~iT~ II II il «f 11 11 Th Fri Th Fri Fri Sat Fri • I t • 11 .... Th Th .... l«rl Sat 11 14 11 11 Fri Sat Th Sat • ■ . . Sat Sat .... Sat Su .... Mo Mo Mo Tu Mo II .... 11 Tu 4, «« Tu Wc We Th Fri Th Fri Sat We Th iFrl Su Sat SaturdB}' time Is f7.ir> p.m., i(6.15 p.m. 8unclay time is ice.OO a.m. /Flag Stations, s Through Sleeping Cars between Montreal and Vancouver. I! Hetreshment Stations. DiuiuK Cars on these trains, ObBervation Cars, specially deslamert to allow an unbroken view of the wonderful mountain scen- ery, are on these trains between Canmore nnd Revelstoke, and Lytton and Westminster Junction. Trains run only on days shown in the columns headed "days." I'On Mondays, Steamer Connection Is via New Westminster, arrivioR Victoria same hours as on other days. When water Is low steamers may omit Port Arthur, (.•ailing only at Fort William. T I IVIE.— 24-hour time is in use Port Arthur and west. Time changes one hour at Port Arthur, Brandon and Donald. Oonneotions are made at Kuntlngrdon Jnnc. for all Puffet Bound Forts and at Vancouver and Victoria far all British Columbia Ports, Alaska, Portland and San Francisco, and Steamships for China and Japan. For details see current Bail Time Folder. 5!ipr%s~— '^337^9B^. . Sylie.(ouT^jjgA Ci«7i),gton J JIayvllle ^ Ml^ 'iS^sf \ fr \ il.A° X I Vna5iipwiK,i "^^^^^ra ^^"■'""0 TT 4\-\t VilaTVW Y \ Fllieuneul ° ° ^ U pVH-^ VicnnuV^Xll \ ,\ , ^\ TTooDaockct 9 II ff"^^- ^" " ■* \ i V^ Kimball TqS ifsf V^. * IihanVVN; Tiirk.stou W L I^Eosebud Agency Armour c Canova f\»«''V ^ Bell Kapidsd .Salora lioUx Falls v\l*arkur ,Si_ 'arkur luk ScolIaini\ niitg>( rWood .^VerniilliotH lonS * ' / ,vsSv^k.__ \ ^ Voburu Jc.V ..•uyiic^i^TKnie ,»«.***/ ^^^^)^---J!aricroflY •« „ H.rriugu,n "* i ^"^^^^tI^^^ \ NWalworllJ\NcedakllaDida_ X Y ^>v .1 Scribiicr* o '^'%^. T ^f»M Una Slcphen iWa L^o: tV» ^<. IJI«{£aA;« ./w a i.iiko L- ^hinlu L.Jlemlil, '*""/}, '*-*, ill Vullcy i7oii' String I. xfluf* f/ui i. Itatka lElk L. i Source oftht Grun.l I Pukeijama L.' ^ '•{Tower U. \\ .r-^'^ ' ' P " S?" /--/ ^ "•*«,'Ly>' >'^* Uo** ,,^1 Jo. Hiaaiaaippi Itivtr r^: »\v«* lULUTH. 'loqiyjWJitiT " ^-<° ,o\V /Cromwell l^arnusvlUu • ■lii'niX. jc" ,<^ ItupMl >> ^\\\' A.-»^* ( rVl Aitkin uiherly .Mooiio1..iik(' ol>ok(^ '^^"^kn, Orionvi .ul( 5iN« .M Vvtv'ti* '""'f /jiiiuL-r M-'lforrl Merrill J>/^JIaloljlra Amino \ Mi> ,\Vuu«au \ } "<•' koiito Jc Jo ar J <■ "^yTh^rpu \j, ^y'/Sclwplidd au Claire [;V.larni Jc.y ^Shaw.iiinV u».'*'^< tails 'i?* ' Maijk'lon\ V l.aVc ' "" \VJiiion* \H A Anayllold Achallitia Fail!. ' Kalkaska •Green B.y / / p Cpi.i^.n Y^^-- Si.lK'Ifii-i _Two K>».r..- '^-^h'h : . ?, a rrc.ilon Sj«na^r^ W,,,,V,,„,,,,I . J;jl._y^^ ' / H. '^'^i .aCrisse\,° ^AaukeeV^*'i'^^^r^^V *fl '->^ / 1 ,^?^.S\:hld:iing(.Ti;illfn| // /SJ ' ' ' 'l\il\\\'V V |. i Viroqua X po„a^ ' 'lOl MI««aiik>i..t.v....i \; * Oll.l'lvusaul ly.'lii Caiiiitof nlrcvl iiillioQ WaukonV^Kichland Con Prairit' du Sao\<^Cill Lono l(„^j,\ ^o«»i_ N.Ocnnonwuoc ■vW .r.t'' '"1, Vapi ' Cull/, L'uiuuV l'l.lul■.^lVIAl)ISO^>^ ('rairiod/ChU'ir' ILa RlaUeviilc\ I'ri'ctionvillc Vail 1 ICEN. r IMll! rdar IMlls llndepifi V*^^i-;iKhoriil l/.Kcnushal I lla^iiiiitiV 1 Montcilh '■*» ibuq»»® 'CliarluUc. \1iichlanil . Carroll \ I Onawa N, ^ lUC :t!."''\ JJO. \T''T" i««"^ cksburji iluliK! MniiL-l, .srfr'ii ;;>; ^< - i '■ I W«a.r« ^ ^ Black ni vcf \vj IpeniN ^G-ujUug Hiirrisvill(- bUoscoliniitui U:«VA^VS,^,• ~:i!5^^->-^\^^^ "VBurks rails*' «^ ' &^^^!^Sd£*5'^'^;^^J!2^^Md^ ' r- inline '? /5' Jt.v^lJ' "i^tf^^TL''"''*^'- , j/ClibiKODlt — ■ ' ••^'^ arrisou o\ >^'iilcmttu -^---^— --=— y.l^^ fir.. "'H I f,. < ipmuakan \^\\W'"^ 8 T \^ p\. ^,^ ^Aont•. 4iH„ .,ramo!itcachU', L.rnrtl) u/j iraifiiiAanuj L. * ^•y lioja" f £.ilu BiMuru Ji SabU Shangoi4 t, » Sourct of '' Oalineau /:. St.Prlmco ^S' Kohnrra 1^ lakt t fir/.t/fP joiisn J^. ' cut, {.fit.. ^;^iy/^* \*. '..AVno Ottaua) J K» a L.l/atawini /^ .Murray Hay' Ni*w|Kiri (fi.^ {<\ /•-" m. "^a L.T.mh Sl.liTchailr/ dcs 8alut9, --"V. *«''\v''^''"''"'"'-^7 'll Aipl>t1 CarlliiiufI rVrnii Flftrenci' hrl(lgcw»li:rOi ,.to° r , ,, \ I1U.■1^^11I A< rr" Vv ^ Tra..a,lloJj:'m'll)f ('Inltliiini.fi'. *T i\liil.lirlo Jj-J .',*♦ t. Cfr A :;/w'S5r'"\""""'r^o*" ^\OV-n,.rrj Mills lIllVt'lDCk 'H 'V^M. °* v?i'i^ ''■■'«'r)! ^> r»- llarvn ^-*2f^;^ >?:r^ fC^-'Sl.M: C*>f^ .Walt Jo.^.'^^e^^^'^^--'' ■^'^'^ l-XOP'*^ The'oifn^ ; L.Ut , i,.,rl pfid ,Sa^l»' ;■,;:, .Cairo < <^ ^4 KlngstoQ tvocktand , . mienville /I: P«e... iUi:i'ml 'long island ^: # EASTERN LINES €« and Connections. \^ OT^ nPHK CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Transoontinontal Eouto Eastloouxid VIA WINNIPEO. THE GREAT LAKES AND TORONTO, TO THE ATLANTIC OOAIT STATIONH. , Atluiittul MKxpi'tu| DAYS OF WKKK. (rucitic 'liiiit'i ViiroHiA (M'.N.Co. .1,\ Van<'0 21.66 23.30 1.21 4.05 0.00 8.34 ll.lo 11.11 io.:5al Sai Hii Mo Mo Tu II U Tu Tu l-'rl Sat Su Sat Sti Su Mo Su Su II Sat Su Su M(i ti Mo Tu V Mo Su Mo Tu " II *' *l II • • Tu I Wo I Mo Tu We II 41 Th It VVe Th Frl Th Sat Su Tu Tu We Th Th Fri I I 14 Sat II Fri We Th in We Th ill Fri Sal Sat SHt Sat WoiTh Fri !Sal. Th Fri SatlSn Su Wt Til Mo Mo II Su Mn Mo M 'Fu It II Mo Tu iSimday timo \» llO.Ki p.m., Monday time ix i'8.US (i.ui. ./.'iiuK Station H. .sTIiroUKh •Sleeping Cars between Vauoouver and Montreal. llRefreslnnent .Stations. Uinin^ t'ars on tliese traiuB. Oli.servatlon Cars, specially iteslKued to allow an nnbrokou view of the wonderful inonntaln scen- ery, are on trains between Westminster .Tunction and I.ytton and Revel- Btoke and Canmore. Tralnn run only on days shown In the columns headed ' ilays." lOn Mondays, Steamer Connection Is via New Westnilnater, leavluK Victoria same hours as on other da< s. Wli n water Is low steamers niayon.lt Poi t Arthur, cuUlnK only at Kort William. TIME.— 24-hour time 1» In use Port Arthur and west. Time changes one hour at Port Arthur, Brandon and Donald. Steamship Iilues ply to Victoria and Vancouver from China, Japan, Ban Francisco, Alaska and all British Columbia Forts, and passengrers from all points in Southern California, Oregron and Puffet Bound mabe connection with Canadian Pacific Sy., via the new rail line froni Seattle and New Whatcom to Hunt- ingdon Jot. For details see current Bail Time Folder. \# CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY From JUNE Itt until 30th SEPTEMBER 'rit'kctM will li« aiilil, K«y Hall koIiir. Luku reliirniiiK, (ir \^ivf rrrxn . TO SAULT STE. MARIE AND RETURN From Toronto, $16 From Montreal, $31 Itoiito viii l.itkiMinly. Ailc ('hiirK<^il wluMi by Ort'iit NorlbiTu Triiimlt Co.'m HtoiiniorH July and Aug- iiHl, I'll'., wlicti .SIciuiD'i'H cull lit Miii'kiniii'. TO MACKINAC AND RETURN JULY ANO AUGUST (A FEW trips may be made IN SEPT.) From Toronto, $18 From Montreal, $33 V'lii (ill-Ill Norlborn Transit Co.'s Stuuiin'rH only Tickets not good after Stsamers cease calling at Mackinac. TO DULUTH AND RETURN From Toronto, $32 From Montreal, $47 Via Luke Itouti' tlirouKbout, Ciiniidiau I'ftoillc SteainsbliiH to Fort, William. thcni'i! Port Arthur S: Duluth Steam I'aeket Co'v, or by KxproHS or local Sl,i':imerH to H. Hto. Marie thence Ijiike Superior Transit (!o., Lake Miclilnan aiiil Lake Superior Transportulion Co.'h Hteamers, or DULUTH SOUTH SHORE &, ATLANTIC RY. MEALS AND BERTHS ON STEAMSHIPS ARE INCLUDED IN ABOVE RATES I'asfenKcrH may travel by ('anadiaii I'acillo Kxpress SteamshipH or local Steamers betwoen Owi^n Sound and Sault Sto. Mario one way or lioth ways, but by Canadian I'acillc SteaniHliipa only belwetin Sault Sto. Mario and I'ort Arthur and Fort William. CorreupondiiiK low rates quoted from all other stations and to num- erous other Upper Lake jwinlH. If further particulars an- desired, cot a ojiy of our .Sumnuu" Tours, or apply to any Agent of the Canadian Facitlc Itailway Co. TICKET OFFICES AT PRINCIPAL POINTS BOSTON, MA.SS FI..I. Colvin, I'lT WashinKton Street. HUKKALO, N.Y K. P. Allen, 14 KxchanBc Street UKLLK VILLK S. Unrrows HIJOCKVILLK Geo. K. IMc(ilade, 115 Main Street OALT .L W. Tavlor. Main Street (UIKLPH I. Heirernan,cor.Wyn(l'm& McDonald Sts. HA LI FA X C. R. Harry. 12(5 Hollis St reet H AM ILTON W. J. Grant , 8 James St. South KINGSTON Ticket Agents K. & P. ami B. of Q. Hy. LONDON T. 11. Parker, 1 Ma.sonic Buildintf TwnvTini'AT j2(j()St. James Street MON I UKAL I Windsor Street Station OTTAWA I. K. Parker. 42 Sparks Street PETKHHORO T. E. Boddy, GeorRo Street QUEBEC J. W. Ryder, Si. Louis Hotel SlIERBROOKE George Duncan, 6 Oommercial Street ST. JOHN, N.n H. Perlcy, Chnbh's Corner. ST. PAUL, MINN C. E. Dixon, 183 East Third Street. ST. THOMAS G. T. Claris Union .Station, North Side Parkdale Station 24 York Street 1 King Street East WOODSTOCK C. H. Hill, 432 Dundas Street W. B. CALLAWAY, District Passenger Agent, 1 King St. East, Toronto. W. P. EGG, District Passenger Agent, 28fi St. James St., Montreal J. F. IiEE, District Passenger Agent, 2.32 South Clark St., Chicago, 111 O. E. MoPHESSOir, Asst. Gonl. Pass. Agt., Atl. Div., etc.. St. John.N.B. C. SHEEHY. District Passenger Agent, 11 Fort St. W., Detroit, Mich. E. v. SKIVITEB, General Eastern Agent, 3,')3 Broadway, Now York Or to any Agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway TORONTO CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY The Upper Lake Express Steamships of the Canadian Pacific Railway are the llberta and gthabasca BUILT OP STEEL, ON THE CLYDE EACH 270 FEET LONG, AND 2,300 TONS BURDEN, AND THE # fixUtTO^X # ALSO BUILT OF STEEL, AT OWEN SOUND, 300 FT. LONO, 2,600 TONS BURDEN, ALL RECENTLY FITTED WITH PROMENADE DECK OVER SALOON. ALL STATEROOMS ARE ELECTRIC LIGHTED And fitted up with every Modern Convenience, They are unrivalled on the Lakes, being more like Ocean Steamships than the usual Lake Steamship. The Intended Sailing^s are as follows : UP TRIP IiV. OWEIT SOUND 3.20 p.m. on arrival of Steainsliip Express which Leaves TOKOITTO at 11. lO a.m. Mondays, \Vcdn(4horo wliilo tho lock pa.sHUKe ia beiuK made, to view tho iulerest'nK works of tho lock, and witness tho silent nu)veuient. of its K'ltt; worked Viy liydrau- li(! nuiclilnery, or to wander llirouK'h the pn^tly surroundinK K'trdens and view the turbulent niiie-wide rapids wlmre Lake .Superior empties itself, aiul if needs bo to descend them in tlie bark canoe of the over prosent Indian. 'I"hc views and facilities for sport in and around S. S. Marie are so numerous that it is fast becoming a tourist, resort of tho first class. Numerous summer liotrMs, iileasnntiy situated, arc to be found on botli tlio Caruidian and American slde.s of the St. Mary's Kiver. Volumes miKbt lie written conccrniiinf tliis locality, but it is only tho intention to here Kive a l)rief outline of tlio lake trip. Steamships for all porta leave Sault Ste. Marie almost, daily. 'I'lio Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company liave spanned the ^roal rapids with a nniKnill(^ent Ijridge two miles lon^;, and its liiu's run from here to the seaside, Montreal, (Quebec, Host on, Portland, etc. Tlio Dulutii, South Shore & Atlantic Itailway runs from liere uIouk llie soutli shore of Lake Superior to Duluth, and also to Mackinaw. Tho Soo Line extends throuKli Glad- stone and Kscanaba to St. Paul and Minneapolis. Rail or steamship connection can be made for ChiciiRO, Leaving Sault Ste. Mari(! about 11.00 am., thoKloriously clear waters 3f Lake .Superior are entered on, the air is cool and bracing and overcoats are recommended. Lake .Superior waters are always icy cold, they would chill to the marrow if bathed in. All afternoon witli land on both sides we speed westward, and as night descends wo are on the greatest fresh water ocean in the world, " Bi-other to the Sea," and out of sight of land. From Juno till near tlic end of September the lakes are scarcely 1 utHed, so the timid need not fear seasickness. Get up early next morn- ing. Lake Superior has been crossed, land is In sight, the bold heights of Isle Royal loom up in the distance, while beyond may b(^ seen 'I'liunder Cape, "The Giant Asleep," so called from its striking resemblance to a resting human figure. Rounding the Cape, we speed, 18 miles, across Thunder Bay to Port Arthur, when depth of water permits, where a short .stop is made, and then on up the Kaininistiqua Riverabout five miles to Fort William, the western terminus of the Steamship Line. Rail connection is made with the Canadian Pacific Railway at Fort William for Winnipeg, tlio Prairies, the Rockies, the Pacific Coast, and even beyond to Alaska and the Orient, the wonderlands of China and Japan, "West ward to the far East." Tho Canadian Pacific Railway gives all its western passengers the choice of its Lake route as just described, or its Rail route by the north shore of Lake Superior. Eastward from Port Arthur the Railway extends to the far-famed fishing resorts on the north shorn, tho Nepigon, the Sicel, etc., etc., v\ hero the flnny speckled monsters are most abundant. On to Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and the seaside. Many tourists vary their route, returning by rail instead of by boat, a change which the Company allows without any additional charge. A week can very easily and pleasantly be spent in and around Fort William and Port Arthur, the natural attractions are so many. Those returning by same steamship, however, will only have about 30 hours. They can live and take their meals on board the steamship, or on shore, as they may choose. A railway will this season be opened to the beautiful falls of Kakabeka. They are well worth seeing, the fall being greater than that of Niagara and the volume of water large. The Steamers of the Port Arthur •& Duluth S.eani Packet Co'y leave Port Arthur for Duluth on Mondays, Wednesdays and .Saturdays. Returning the route is the same as described westward . Lakes Superior and Huron are crossed in the night, the most interesting parts of the trip are performed in daylight. Owen Sound is reached in Ave days from the time it was left, an express train ij in waiting, and Toronto inside of four hours practically finishes an "Upper Lake" journey that is never forgotten, and is referred to by all who have taken it as a most pleasant experience. MoalM and bortlw oro liKiliulyd In tho furos on the Upper Liiko Steam- shipH, Ihcro are no exInvH, iiiiloHs it )io tliu oxlra Koixl <|U(ilily of cvery- tliiMK suppllfd. A trip lo Lake Huperlor can bo taken at about tbo cost of llvinK al a hotel. To Georgian Bay, Manitoulin Island, Sault Ste. Marie and Mackinac UcMides tho Uailvvay Conipany'H KxprewHiSteanisliips, theiipi)Or cabin stoninHhips of Iho (iroal Northern TranHil (Company, tho "Pacific," "Baltic" and " Athmtic," and the North Sliore Navigation Co'y, tho "('Ity of London ' and the "(^ityof Midland," leave Owen Sound Tiiea- dayH, TliuradayH, Fridays and Saturdays at 10.40 p.m. on arrival of train whlcli loaves Toronto at 5.25 p.m. 'I'lieso steamers do not go west of Sault Sto. Mario, but their route varies from those of the express Hteainships. Instead of going by tlio Boutli of Manitoulin Island, it runs by tho north throuKh tho narrow cliannels among the n\inicrous islands, calling at many interesting ports. The same sjjced is not attained as on tho express steamers, but it is not wanted, this is a lazy holiday, the brain is resting, so are tlio limbs- Thousnnds take this trip year after year. During July and August the return route is varied i)y a call at I'icturesque Mackinac lelaiul, where tho greater portion of a day Is spent. Tho trip is as attractive in its way as any that can bo conceived, occupies from 4i to 5 days, and will repay any one whose holiday is limited. Berths and meals are included in tlio faro. :MACK11>^AC: Situated at the western end of tho St raits of Mackinac, tho central point of the throe great lakes, Mackinac embodies in itself all the enchanting features of northern lake scenery, and is simply unapproach- able as a summer resi rt. It is some nine miles in circumference, and rises at the liighest point a t rifle over 300 feet above the waves that break against its rocky buttresses, and its appearance suggests the idea at once that It had been pushed bodily up from the cold green depths to its present position, bearing countless tokens of the magical power of water in shaping weird designs from masses of rock. All but a small portion of it is reserved by the United States Government for a National Park, and a spot better suited for such a purpose could not be desired. It is a stronghold of mystery and romance, and in olden days the Indians believed it to bo the home of fairies, and the birth-place of Mena-bosho, the Hiawatha of Longfellow, and here that wizard of song found nu\ny of tho legends so cunningly woven into his famous poems. Far back in the past It was tho rendezvous for the daring French voyagcurs, and the scene of many a thrilling adventure in the lives of the venturesome Marquette, Nicollet, Hennepin and LaSalle, and it has over- looked deeds of blood and outrage in Indian troubles, while upon it were fought two battles of the War of 1812. It belonged to France from 1610 to 1761, then surrendered to England, and again yielded to the United States in 1796, only to be retaken by the English in 1812, and once again restored to the States by the treaty of Ghent in 1815. It is now one of the most popular of summering places, with grand hotels, with every facility for enjoyment and the study of its manifold curiosities. Greatest of these is the magnificent Arch Rock that has excited the admiration and wonder of thousands, a monument of the miracle working power of waves upon stone during ages of unceasing action. From the face of a precipice 200 feet high is a huge stone pro- jection, supported by an arch U9 feet high at its summit, and from this vantage point la an ontrancing view commanding a sweep of fifty miles. Every tourist will of course visit it, for it Is the most interesting and impressive spectacle of all the romantic phenomena of the Island. Others there are in plenty, but this Is the masterpiece, and we will leave the tourist to discover the less noted features, tho caves and natu- ral stairway, and the scenes of fabled or historic deeds for himself.