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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many franr>es as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film^s d des taux de r6duction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est fiim6 A partir de I'angle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagramrnes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 w 1 McMillans A/y' I ALMANAC FOR 1896, WITH ASTRONOMICAL * TIDE TABLES, ADAPTED TO THE PBOVINCM OF ffl FOR INDEX, SEE PAGE 2, SAINT JOHN, N. B. J. & A. McMillan, 98 and 100 Pbiwce William Steebt. 1896. w Index — Advertisement. J. ftA.HcHILUir PUBLISH THE MODBRR GBOORAPHT AND ATLAS. A. Page Acadia University 1Q6 Acadia Seminary 167 Agricultural Society, St John.... 200 Albert Ck)unty 109 Almanac 47 Altitude of the Sun 54 Anchorage 136 Ancient Order of Hibernians 192 Ancient Order United Workmen 191 Artillery— Field Batteries 174 Ball's Lake Fishing Club 199 Banks — Bank Holidays 146 Bank of British North America 147 CONTINUED Paqb Bank of Montreal 147 Bank of New Brunswick 147 Bank of Nova Scotia 147 People's Bank of N B 147 St Stephen's Bank 148 Halifax Banking Co 148 Baptist Book and Tract Society.. 168 Baptist Institute 167 Baptist Ministers in N.B&P.E.I. 168 Baptist Church of New Brunswick 166 Baptist Board of I }reigu Missions 167 Baptist Board of Home Missions 167 Barristers' Society of N. B 196 Board of Examiners for Civil Ser- vice 84 Boards of Management, St Jolic 124 ON PAOE 3. JARDINE & CO. WATBB STREET, SSA» JUrlJ^lj J^l • iS« f Dealers in Spices I Light Groceries, STANDARD BLEND COFFEE, KANQUA BLEND TEA, J. & CO. Worcestershire Sauce. -ALSO AGENTS FOR- Wm. Bailey & Co., Kingston, Ontario, Broom Manufacturers. ORDERS FOR BOOKS PROKFTLT ATTENDED TO. HcHILLAir, ST. JOHN. m Index— Advertisement. 8 TRY OAHPBELL BROS.' HAHD-MADR BLACK 4ZB8. Page Board of the Ministers' Annuity Fund 167 Board of Portwardens 194 Board of School Trustees for St John 134 Board of Trade 203 Brighton Engineers 176 British Columbia 90 British Ministry 82 Boards of Health — Provincial Board of Health... 45 Local Boards of Health 45 C. Calendar 56-79 Canada Congregational Mission- ary Society 170 Canadian Storm Warnings 44 CONTINUED Paok Canada Congregational Foreign Missionary Society 171 Canadian Medical Association... l^o Carleton County 110 Cartage Districts 131 Catholic Mutual Benefit Assoc'n 193 Caulkers' Association. 202 Cavalry— 8th Prinrehs Louise.... 173 Circuit Courts 93 City and Countv of St John 123 City of Moncton 142 Charlotte County 112 Church of England Institute 157 (;hurch of England S.S.Teachers' Association 158 Clan Mackenzie 199 Clergy of the Diocese of Freder- icton 153 ON PAGE 4 WILSON &SELLEN, 357 -«» CITY ROAD St.John,N.B. NEW BRUNSWICK Coffin ^ Casket Factory, 4 WHOLESALK DEALKRS IN FUNERAL GOODS. UNDERTAKERS. Always on hand : A full stock of COFFINS and CASKETS, in White Enamel, Burl, Walnut, Rosewood, and <'loth. A good line of Hardware, Handles, Plates, etc. Also, Robes, LiningH, Wreaths. We solicit your orders, which will receive our best attention. WE wish to call the attention of the public to this branch of our business. We carry in stock all sizes and styles, and i arc fully prepared to take charge of any I funeral. Satisfaction guaranteed, with very moderate charges. j Special price.s for t'oiintry orders. I Ordei-8 taken at the factory by day, or at Jl the residences by night. J. R. B. Wilson's residence, 540 Main St. U. Sellen's residence, 477 Main St. J. & A. McMillan make a specialty of color PRmnNa. Index — Advertisement. IF TOU WAHT AXES TO 8TAIID FROST, TRY O^HPBELL BROS. Paob Commissioners for taking Affida- vits, etc 214 Commissioners Free Public Li- brary 194 Commissioners of Slaughter Houses for the City and County of St John 194 Commissioners under Cap. 36 Con. Stat 213 Consuls and Consular Agents 216 Congregational 170 Congregational Churches of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia... 170 Congregational Union of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick 170 CONTINUED Paob Congregational College,Montreal 171 Corporation of Fredericton 143 County Courts 94 Council of Physicians and Sur- geons of New Brunswick 203 Court for the Trial of Piracy 94 Court of Divorce 94 Customs Department — Port of St John 105 Ports and Collectors in N B... 105 Churchwardens and Vestrymen of St John 166 Cabinet Ministers of the Domin- ion of Canada 8ft Census Returns — St John 138 ON PAGE 5. Robb- Armstrong ENGINES Latest Design, Best Materials. TIE MOMRCH EEOIIMIC lOllEt ! Requires No Brickwork, Gives Highest Economy. Farm Engines, Rotary Saw Mills, Planers, General Maciiiuery, Furnaces, School Desks. Robb Engineering Co. (Ltd.)> AHHERST, N. 8. J. & A. McULLAN PRINT B0D0ER8, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES. Nl. Paob eAl 171 • • • • 14S • • • • 94 ur- • • • • 2oa 94 . 94 • ••• 105 B... 106 uen 156 lin- » 138 Index — Advertisement. mug trials. lers, .d.), IBS. 8E1ID FOR PUCES OH ALL KIHDS OF AXES. D. Page Dental Register of New Bruns'k 215 Dental Society 195 Departmental Officers 92 Department of Agriculture 92 Diocesan Church Society 154 Diocesan Synod 155 Dominion Savings Bank 106 Distanoes 42 Dominion of Canada — Governor General and Suite... 83 Lieutenant Governors 83 Cabinet Ministers 83 Deputy Heads of Departments 83 Government Agents in United Kingdom 84 Members of the Privy Council 84 CONTINUED Page Supreme Court of Canada 84 Exchequer Court 84 Board of Examiners for Civil Service 84 E. Eclipses, etc 4S Ecclesiastical 153 Educational — Educational Dept. of N. B 171 University of New Brunswick 172 University Alumni Society 172 School Inspectors and Inspec- toral Districts 171 Educational Institute of N. B. 172 Madras School 172 ON PAGE 0. OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. M ! I CAPITAL,' $10,000,000 Does the largest business in Canada, and has the largest Net Surplus of any Fire In- surance Company in the world. J. SIDNEY KAYE, Jardine's BaSding, Prince William Street, Saint John, H. B., AGENT FOR NEW BRUNSWICK. J. k A. HcMILLAH PabUsh and Import NEW BRUNSWICK SCHOOL BOOKS. 6 Index — Advertisement. OAKPBBU. BROS.' OBLEBRATED DOUBLE BITT AXE. Page Halifax School for the Blind.. 173 Univeraity of King's College, Windsor, N. 8 173 .Equity Referees 214 Equity Sittings 93 Exchequer Court 84 Explanatory 49 Explanation of Astronomical Symbols and AbbreYiations 47 Executive Councils — British Columbia 90 Manitoba 90 Nova Scotia 89 Ontario 89 P. E. Island 90 Quebec 89 New Brunswick 92 Exhibition Association 195 F. Farmers and Dairymen's Ass'n... 194 Father Mathew Association 201 Fixed and Movable Festivals, etc 47 Fishery Laws 150 Ji'orecasting the Weather 52 Foreign Mails 104 CONTINUKT Paob Free Christian BuptisU 16» Fnsiliera 17S Fire Alarm Telegraph 125 Firemen's Mutual Relief Ass'n.. 20O Funnels of Atlantic Steamers 42 Fire Department 125 G. Game Laws 14S Game Wardens for New Bruns'k 14ft Gloucester County 113 Grand Lodge N. B. (Orange) 180 Greenwood Cemetery Oompany.. 201 General Public Hospital 151 H. Hackwey Carriages 127 Halifax School for the Blind 173 Harbor-Master's Fees 185 Horton Collegiate Academy 166 Hospitals and Asylums — General Public Hospital 151 Victoria Hospital, Fredericton 152 W'.ggins' Male Orphan Institu- tion 152 Boys' Industrial Home 151 St John Protestant O. Asylum 152 fyS PAGE 7. JAMES READY, Lager Beer, Ale « Porter Brewer* MANUFACTURER OP- SODA WATER, GINGER ALB, LEMONADE, SYRUP, SARSAPARILLA, CHAMPAGNE CIDER, &o., &o. 95 to 99 Union Street, ST. JOHN, N. B. BOOK-BINOIHQ Ilf THF, maHEST STTLE OF THE ART AT HcHILLAirS. Index — Advertisement. OARBUQB IPRXHCW ib4 iXLBk, alio EDGE TOOLS. AT OAMPBELL BROg. Page Home for Aged Females 152 Provincial Lunatic Asylum.... 151 House of Assembly 02 House of Commons 86 I. Independent Order Foresters — Executive Council 187 High Court of N. B 187 Directory of Courts 187 Independent Order Good T'mplrs 192 Independent Order Oddfellows — Grand Lodge of Lower Prov... 183 Grand Encampment of Mari- time Provinces 184 Dist. Deputy Grand Masters... 183 Dist. Deputy Grand Patriarchs 184 Subordinate Encampments 184 CON¥IN17ED Infantry — Paob Carl«ton, 67th 176 Fusiliers, 62nd 175 Kings, 74th 176 Northumberland, 73rd 176 York, 71st 176 Irish Literary and Benevolent Society 201 J. Judges and Clerks of Co. Courts.. 95 Junior Liberal Con. Association^ 201 Junior Bar Association 201 K. Kent County 114 Keystone Fire Insurance Co 200 Kings County 116 Kings College School 196 ON PAGE 0. Insurance Company Paid $549,462 for losses by the St. John's, Newfoundland, conflagration without contesting a single claim. C. E. L. JARVIS, General Agent, 74 Prince William Street, JOB PRINTING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AT J. ft A. MCMILLAN'S. 8 Advertihement. BOOI AND PAMPHLET PRIIITINO A SPMAUrT. J. k A. ■oULLAH. O.H.WARWICK, IMPORTER OF; Crockery^ China^ Table Qlmswabe. iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IMIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllll Note the um i Address. l(*lt»ikciliMtii«i<ii««t|t«i(«iai^«r iiiiiiiiiiiHiniMinHiii iiiiiniiiiiiiiniinit IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC Wholesale and Retail. ,< IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIilll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiHiii Mwi Wmiimwj # I*amp« )« 78 and 80 KING STREET, BT-LAWS AND PAHPHLETS NEATLY PRINTED AT McHLLArb. Il^DEX — AdVERTIBEMENT. 9 JOB PRDITDia EZBOITTO PROMPTLY AT J. k A. HoHILLAirS. Paob Knights of Pythlaa— Hupreme Ixxlge 189 Grand Lodge 18» Bubordinate Lodges 180 Uniform Bank ISO L. Law and Justice Department — Supreme Court of Judicature.. 03 Equity Sittings 93 Circuit Courts 93 Court for the Trial of Piracy... 94 Probate Court 94 Court of Divorce 94 County Courts 94 Sittings of the County Courts.. 94 Judges and Clerks of the Co. Courts 96 Light Houses — Bay of Fundy 17 CONTINUED Paob Etst|>ort to Boston 31 Grand Lake 17 Gulf of St. Lawrence 26 . River St John 17 Washademonk Lake 17 List of MiniuterS of the Metho- dist Conference ef N.B.&P.E.I. 163 Lloyd's Register 200 Loyal Orange Institution 180 Letter -Carriers' Association 202 Log Cabin Fishing Club 202 Local Boards of Health 45 M. Madawaska County 117 Madras School 172 Manitoba 90 Medi il Register 217 Methodibt Church 168 Militia 173 ON PAGE 10. W. C. PITFIELD. General Partner. S. HAYW >RD, Sj'- '"> I'artner. W,C.PITFIELD<%Co. -••• IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF BRITISH, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Canterbury Street, - St. John, N. B. J. t A. ■cimj Ul F0B1ISB ESnUTES FOB SOCIETT PHmmO. 10 Index— ADVERTisEiiENT. HoULLAlTB PEN DEPARfMElIT OOMTAIHS 0OOD8 FROM ALL HAKES8. Page Miramichi Pilot Commissioners.. 200 Money Order Service 97 Mount Allison Academy 165 Mount Allison Ladies' College... 16^ Municipality of the City and County of St John 122 Maritime Com'l Travellers' Ass'n 199 Masonic — Ancient and Hon'bl Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons 177 Private Lodges 178 Grand R. A. Chapter of N. B.. 178 Private Chapters 179 Grand Council of High Priests 179 Grand C'cl of Royal and Select Masters «& Appendant Orders 179 St. John Council, No. 1 179 Carleton Council R. C. Knights 179 CONTINUED Paob Knights Templar 179 McLeod.MooreConcl've,No.l3 180 A. & A. 8. Rite 180 Royal Order of Scotland 180 Morning and Evening Stars 49 New Brunswick S. P. C. A 196 New Brunswick Railway Co 145 Neptune Rowing Club 199 N. B. Auxiliary Bible Society... 198 N. B. B'd of Fire Underwriters.. 197 N. B Battalion Garrison Artil'ry 174 N. B. Masonic Hall Compauy.... 198 N. B. Historical Society 194 N. B. Pharmaceutical Society. ... 202 N. B. Provincial Rifle Associat'n 1V7 N. B. Dental Society 195 ON PAGE 11. * THE FATHER MURPHY Iljtltlt AN EFFICACIOUS AND PEEMANENT CUBE KOR THE Liqior Habit, MorpiiiDe, fiocaine^Tobaeeo Habits. ENDORSED BY HON. GEORGE E. FOSTER, Minister of Finance; HON. S. H. HOLMES, ex-Preinier of Nova Scotia Legislature; and All leading Clergymen and Temperance workers of Canada. 4^AU correspoiid'euce confldentip.1. Address J. I. HATOEN, Manager. THE FATHER MUEPHT GOLD CURE, 119 HAZEN STREET. ST. JOHN. N. B. BOOK-BMDUia PROIPTLT AND NEiTLT FINISHED AT HclOLLAirS. Ikdex — Advertisement. II JOB PROmNO ARTlinaALLT BZEOUTED AT J. k 4. HoHILUUrS. Pagk N. B. Sunday School Association 197 Northumberland County 118 Notaries Public 213 Nova Scotia 89 N. B. A. A. Dalhonsie College... 195 Northwest Territories — Legislative Assembly 91 New Brunswick- Executive Council 92 House of Assembly 92 Officers of House of Assembly 92 Department of Agriculture 92 Departmental Officers 92 O. Officers of House of Assembly... 92 Officers of the Congregational Union of N. S. and N. B 170 Official Stenographers 200 Ontario 89 Oddfellows' Hall Company 203 Offices and Officers under the Do- minion Government in N. B. — Finance Department 106 Inland Revenue Department... 1(>6 Marine and Fisheries 106 Dep't of Ministers of Justice... 107 CONTINUED Paos: Public Works Department 107 Immigration Department lOT Dep't Railways and Canals 107 Shipping Office, St. John 107" Weights and Meas. Inspection 107 Weights and Meas. Ins. Service 108^ Open Season for Fish in N. B.... 161 P. Parliament of Canada — The Senate ^ 85- House of Commons 8ft Pilot Commissioners 134 Police Department 12ff Population of New Brunswick... 138 Presbyterian Church of Canada.. 160 Prince Edward Island 90 Principal Articles for the Calen- dar 47 Probate Court 94 Provincial Board of Health 45^ Portland Free Public Library 203^ Post Office Department — New Brunswick Division 97 Railway Mail Clerks 97 Post Office, St. John 97 Money Order Service 97 ON PAGE 12. COWIE & EDWARDS, Marine and Fire Insurance MANAGERS PROVINCIAL BRANCH UNION INSURANCE CO., BANGOR, MAINE, And agents for the LONDON AND PROVINCIAL MARINE INSURANCE CO. (Ltd.), of London, England. Also agents for New Brunswick CALEDONIA FIRE INSURANCE- CO., of Edinburgh. Office: »0 PRINCE WM. STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. McKLLAirS PEN DEPARTMEIIT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. 12 Index — Advertisement. ALL BRAHCHES OF BOOK-BIRDINa AT KoULLAirS, ST. JOHH, N. B. 1 I Page Bates of Postage 98 Parcel Post 101 Registration 101 Useful Hints 102 Mutilated Stamps 102 Post Bands and Stamped En- velopes 103 Merchants' Boxes 103 Letter-Carriers' Delivery 103 Foreign Mails 104 Provincial Lunatic Asylum 151 Q. <iuebec 89 <^ueens County 120 R. —■■■-• 'vv^ JRailways— Intercolonial 145 Canadian Pacific 145 New Brunswick Railway Co.. 145 Shore Line 145 Klgin & Havelock 145 Prinre Edward Island 146 Salisbury and Harvey 145 Caraquet 145 Canada Eastern 146 Buctouche and Moncton 146 CONTINUED Page Albert Southern 146 Kent Northern 146 Centr'*! 146 St. John Val. and Riv. du Loup 146 St. Louis 146 Gulf Shore 146 Woodstock and Central 203 Railway Mail Clerks 97 Rates of Cartage of the City of St. John 131 Rates of Cartage for Carleton 133 Rates of Fare, Hackney Carriages 127 Rates of Pilotage 134 Rates of Postage 98 Rates of Top Wharfage 136 Rates of Wharfage 138 Railway Mail Clerks' Association 203 Referees in Equity 214 Relative Value of Money 220 Restigouche County 121 Relief and Aid Society 199 Roll of Barristers and Attorneys 205 Roman Catholic Church 158 Royal Arcanum 199 Royal Caledonia Curling Club... 195 Royal Family 80 ON PAGE 13. I i Still Exists, and at the Old Stand 1 To the Inhabitants of Indtantown and Farmers along the St. .John River. E. J. MAHONY, Drii^^ist, Tenders his sincere thanks to those who have patronized him in the past, and trusts still to merit a continuance of the same. All Drugs Reliable and at Moderate Pi-ices. Proprietor Dr. Briggs' Blackberry Syrnp; also prepares a superior Furniture PoUtih, and a Reliable Corn Cure. J. k A. MoMKLLAN PUBUSH SCHOOL BOOKS. Index — Advertibement. 15 or, N. B. Page 146 146 146 iLoup 146 146 146 203 « •••••• 97 !it7 o{ 131 on 133 127 134 98 136 138 iation 203 214 220 121 199 rneys 205 158 199 lub... 195 80 ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRIHTDIO AT J. ft A. MoULLAH'S. hn River. M, Page Salvage Corps .'..*» 202 School Inspectors and Inspectoral Districts 171 Seasons 48 Sea Signals 43 Shamrock Amateur Ath. Club... 202 Ship Laborers' Union 200 Signs and Influences of the Zodiac 48 Sittings of the County Courts 94 Societies, Clubs, etc 194 Sons of England B. S 192 Sons of Temperance — Grand Division of N:B 185 Representatives to,Nat'l Div... 185 Subordinate Divisions 185 Standing Committees in County.. 122 Standing Committees (City) 124 St. Andrew's Society 194 St. Andrew's Curling Club 195 St. George's Society 194 St. John Bicycling Club.... 194 St. John Horticultural Associa'n 200 St. John Bridge A R. R. Ex. Co. 196 St. John City Government — Boards of Management 124 Standing Committees 124 Fire Department 125 CONTIXUBD Pagb Fire Alarm Telegraph ^ 12ft Police Department 12ft St. John Hackney Carriages 127 St. John Cartage Districts 128- St. John Cartage Rates 131 St. John Amateur, Athletic Club 199 St. John Fire Department 125 St. John Medical Association 195 St. John Mechanics' Institute Co 20a St. John Rifle Co 177 St. John Rural Cemetery Co 19^ St. John Typographical Union... 191> St. John Y. M. C. Association... 198 St. John Tax Reduction Asso.... 202 St. John T. and L. Council 20a St. Joseph's Senior Society 201 St. Malachi's T. A. R. Society.. . 201 St.jPatrick'8 T. A. Society ( W.E.) 201 St. Vincent de Paul Society 201 St. John Co. S.S. Association 197 St. John City S. S. Association... 197 St. John County 122 St. John City 123- Sunbury County 13» Supreme Court of Canada 84 Supreme Court of Judicature 93- Savings Bank, Dominion 10ft ON PAGK 14. Steam Coffee and Spice Mills, PARADISE ROW, ST. JOHN, N. B. Importers and Dealers in Spices, Coffee, Cream Tartar, etc. Grinding: of all kinds of Spices and Crystals. ROASTING COFFEE, ETO., at MODERA TE PRICES. PR0GRA1IHE8 AND POSTERS PBIHTED IN Al STYLE AT MclttLLAirS. ■I* ; i 14 Index — ADVERTisEMEyr. XonUJkirS BIKDERT ii the MOST OOHPLETE in the KariUme ProflBOM. Page 45torm Warnings 44 Senate; 86 School Trustees.... 134 T. Table of Distances 42 Temple of Honor and Temper- ance 186 Time Ball 138 Town of Woodstock Ill Trinity Preceptorv, L O A 183 Thistle Curling Club 203 Tides 50 Tide Table- New England Coast 52 Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia... 52 Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick 53 Atlantic Coast, Nova Scotia... 53 Cape Breton Island 53 Northumberland Straits, N 8.. 53 Prince Edward Island 53 Gulf of St Lawrence 54 Trades and Labor Council 203 CONTINUED U. Paob Union Club 196 University of Mt. Allison College 164 University of New Brunswick... 195 United Workmen 191 V. 140 152 196 Victoria County. Victoria Hospital, Fredericton... Victoria Skating Rink W. Weights and Meas. Inspection... 107 Weights and Meas. Ins. Service.. 108 Westmorland County 141 Wiggins' Male Orphan Institut'n 152 Wilmot Park (Fredericton) 203 Women's C. T. U 198 Women's Baptist Miss. Society... 167 Women's F. C. B. Miss. Society.. 170 Woodstock and Central Railway 203 Y. York County 142 York County Medical Society.... 144 Young Liberal's Club 196 Yoii ng Men's Society of St. Joseph 201 ON PAGE 15. 3 STABLISHED 1853. David f Brown, No, 8 CHUBLOnE STREET, » Manufacturer of Hand-made From the Lightest Driving to the Heaviest Team. All goods made of the best No. i Oak and Union Oak Leather. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Also, a large assortment of Horse Collars, Curry Combs, Brushes, Blankets, Whips, etc. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. siiLiitT o'oizsir, m. m J. ft A. MCMILLAN SUPPLY WEDDDTO INVITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. Index — Advertisement. 15 [LEGAL BLAHU AW D 8TATI01IERY ALWA YS I N CTOCaL AT HdDLLAirS. INDEX TO ADTEKTISEMENTS. Paok eaver Line 82 iourke, T. L. (bottom lines).... 17-25 [Brackelt, C. E. (bottom lines). .80- 105 [Brown, D 14 Campbell Bros, (top lines) 3-7 ise, Mayes 217 IChamberlain, John 231 C!owie & Edwards 11 IChemical Fert'lzrC* (outside b'k cov) [€onnel], David (top lines) 30-33 DeForest «& Sons, Geo. 8 56 " " " 58 «« " " 60 " " " 62-64 « « " 66 " " •' 68-79 Fisher & Co., Geo 59 Forbes, W J 57 Green & Son, R H 127 Harper's Periodicals 55 Humphrey, R B (b'tom lines) 128-132 CONTINUED Page International S S Co (calendar) ... 65 " " ♦• ... 67 " " " ... 68 Jackson, Chas. (top lines) 24-27 Jardine & Co 2 Kane«& Co 41 Lordly* Co., A 13 London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Company Outside front cover Manchester, R & A..Inside front cover Maher, J D 215 Murphy Gold Cure Institute 10 McAvenney, Dr A F 214 McMillan, J & A— Color Printing 15 School Books 51 To the Legal Profession.. 216 Stationery, Blank Books, etc... 108 Mahoney, E J 12 Nase & Son, P 48 ON PAGE 16. J. & A. McMillan, Printerg, Bookbinders, Stationers, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. NEW BRUNSWICK SCHOOL BOOKS I SCHOOL REQUISITES ALWAYS IN STOCK. ST STYLES. Telephone 20. 98 Prinee W\m Street. J. k A. HcULIiAH PDBUSH ABOHER'S SHORT BISTORT OF nAHADA. 16 Index — Advertisement. WEDDOIO mVITATICIfS US LiTEST R0¥ELnB8 AT J. & A. MolOLLAr 8. Paoe O'Regan.John 67 Patenon, A Y (top lines) 40-41 (bot " 26-29 Parks & Son, Wm 46 Pitfield & Co, W C ,.... 9 Portland Boiling Mills 96 Queen Insurance Company 7 Queen Hotel, Fredericton 88 Beady, James 6 BoTai Insurance Company 5 Bobb Engine Co 4 Buel. Gerard G « 204 Scovil, E G (bottom lines) 30-79 Scovil Bros &Co 16 Smith, A C & Co 65 Stamen, B A. 61 St. John Business College and Shorthand Inst, (top lines)... 80-95 Thompson, Jos (top lines) 18-21 Thcrne, W H ACo 103 Page Victoria Hotel. 104 Warwick. H. K Waterbury & Bising (top lines).. 17 i< II 22-23 « «( 28-29 « « 36-37 •1 <« 42-43 « u 46-47 4( u 55 II u 96-97 II It 100-101 II u 104-105 II <l 110-111 l( M 114-115 l< « 118-119 II II 129 Webster's Dictionary. .Inside back cov Welcome Soap Co..Out8ide back cover Wilson & Sellen 3 ml le/J Ki/1 Oak Mall Mail i li 1 i! ^•o»oi»^«^«^«o«^«<j»ro«^»<»i«*2 All the Year ! In Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter — there are as Good Clothes here as any man or boy ought to wear. And that's not the best of it — these good clothes fit and wear well and give satisfaction, .r you can have your money back for the asking. SCOVIL BROS & CO. Oak Hall, King Street, ST. JOHN. Comer Germain. joi^o^^.o«o-o>o>«»<»*<>>o>o>«>><<;> • •i>><»>0>«>«0>«>>0*<»*0>«»*0«0« WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DIGnONARTlBnppUed by J. k A. HolDLLAN. ! LiGHT-HOUSlaS. 17 L Moinf i f i Air s. |HO£s of aU Kinds at WATERBURT & RlSOfO'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sts. « Page 104 8 (top lines).. 17 " 22-23 " 28-29 " 36-37 42-43 46-47 65 96-97 100-101 104-105 110-111 114-116 " 118-111> •| 129 .Inside back cov tside back cover 3 It uiumn, Good nan or i that's e good ill and )u can or the LIGHT-HOUSES. M River '^fcn Head, Fixed white liplit, vis. 10 uils San.l PoiiU, " " " 10 " Melyea's PmiU, " " "11 " l^itliavis' Landing, " " " 10 " Oak Point, " " "10 " Jflewellin(/.i Landing, Kcnnebecasis liiver, Fixe<l ri<i light, vi8il)le ."i miles, BalfleUVs J't., Lantern on a mast, vis. 10 nils laljiekVs J'uinf Range Lighln—'Wusl side ol St. Joliii. Belleisl.' Bay. Latitud." N. 4.%° H9' 60". l.^ngitiide W CS"^ T)?' 0". I- ront light, fixed red, visible 2 miles ; baik light, fixed white, visil)lL' 2 milts. Palmer'x Pf., Fixed white light, vis. 3 uils. No Man's Fi-iead, " " " " 10 " Mouth of Jemneg, " red " " S " Oromocto Shoal, " white " " 10 " WilmoC.'i Bluff, " " " " 10 " new liglit-hoiise at Oromocto, in the Matjield's Puin! Range LighU— West side of ■ Jiemoval of Oromocto Liyht-houan. — A Srovince of New Brunswick, on the west shore of the river St. John between t. Jolin and Fredericton, was put in operation on the 1st October, 18Si."). Iphis light-hou.se stands on low ground on the sliore of the river, 1,224 feetSE pv K \ K from the old light-house near the head of the public wliarf. i..ati- tUde, 4r>° .',r 10'' N; longitude, 06° 19' 3'' W. The light is fijced white, flevatod o2 feet above the ordinary level of the river, and should bevisible iiiown the river to the bend at Middle Island, up stream towards the mouth of the river Oromocto, and up the river iSt, John towards Fredericton. The piuriinating apparatus is dioptric of the seventh order. Tlie light towijr itands on a crib work pier. It is a square wooden pyramidal building |>ainted white, surmounted by a square wooden lantern painted red. The height from the deck of t le pier to the vane on the lantern is 47 feet. Vessels bound up can steer lor the light W by S ^ S as soon as they clear ^Iiddle Island shoal, and keep their course until past the south end of t)romocto Island ; they then leave the light on the port hand, following the trend of Oromocto Island in mid channel, until they bring Oromocto light astern and Wilmot Biufi' light ahead when they steer NW \ N for the latter light. Vessels bound down reverse these directions. When this new light Sent into operation the mast light formerly maintained near the head of romocto wharf was discontinued and the structure removed. WaHhadeinoak Lake. Mmquash Island. — Fixed white light, visible 10 miles. Jlendry Fai-vi. — Fixed white light, visible 10 miles. In coming down, these two lights to be kept in range until opposite N W end of Hog Island, whence ft southerly course to be kept to the foot of Musquash Island. In going up, tlie two lights to be brought in range opposite N W end of Hog Island, and kept in range until within 2 mile of the light on Hendry Farm. Grand Lake. Robertson's Point. — Fixed white light, visible 10 miles. Fanjoy's Point, — do. do. Co:i^s Point. — do. do. McMann^s Point. — do. do. MclULLAir. Lig-ht-Houses in tlie Bay of Fundy. Cape Sable.— On Cape. Latitude 4.^ 23' 19". Longitude 65° 37' 15". Re- volving white light; bright 15s, dark 25s; visibbj in clear weather 12 miles. Octagonal white tower ; stands 53 feet above high water mark. A. steam fo^ T. L. BOURKE, 25 and 27 WATER STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. TV 18 LidHT-iiousEs — Bay of Fundy. JOSEPH THOMPSON, Practical Machinist. 53 Smyth Street, St. John, N. B :i\ |i I whistle on soutliorn point of Cape, elevated about 40 feet above high water 8onn«ls a blast of 10 Heconds duratioij in each minute. West Head, Cape Sable Island.— 0.1 the Head. Lat. 43° 27' 17'' N; lor 6o° '.W 10" W ; iixed white light; visible 11 miles in clear weather; whitt square, wood lighthouse; 42 feet above high water mark ; height of buildin. from base to vane, 36 feet; visible from all points seaward. Iland fog hor: answers signals from vessels. Stoddard fdand— On N. W. of Island. Latitude 43° 28^ 26". Longitud 65° 43' 7". Fixed red light. White scjuare Tower to guide vessels into tli anchorage of 8toddard Harbor and Shag Harbor Sound; 22 feet above hig water. ^071 Portar/e Island.— On S. Point. Latitude 43° 27' 14". Longitude Gi 44' 44". lied light, revolving every minute. White scpiare tower for guic ing vessels into Harrington, West Bay and Shag IIarl)or. Hand fog hor answers signals from vessels. Height, above 46 feet. Seen 12 miles. Seal Island. — On south point, one-eighth of a mile inland. Latitude 43° 2.'- 34"; longitude 66° 0' 52". A fixed white light, visible 18 miles in clea weather. A white octagonal tower, 98 feet in height above high water. Th Blond Rock lies S by W 3J miles from light house. A fog whistle near ligl house sounds in each minute a blast of 5 seconds duration, and after an inter val of 5 seconds another blast of 5 seconds. Yarmouth, or Chpe Forchu. — On E. Cape, south point. Latitude 43° 47 30" ; longitude 66° 9' 25". Gp. revolving white light, showing 3 flashes ;i intervals of 20 seconds, followed by an eclipse of 40 seconds. Stands 117 fct above high water. Vertical red and white stripes ; octagonal wooden tower white, wooden dwelling near by. Seen 18 miles in clear weather. Whistl on W. side of Cape sounds 10 seconds in every minute. Height of buildin. from base to vane, 59 feet. Lifeboat station at Kelly's Cove, S. side of Yar mouth Sound. Established 1839 (changed 1892). Yarmouth Bell Buoy. — In 10 fathoms ofl" Yarmouth Sound. Latitude, 4" 44' 0" ; longitude, 66° 10' 47". Ked, iron buoy, surmounted by a ball. Bei rings bv the motion of the buoy on the waves. From the buoy the " Roarin. Bull" bears E.N.E., 1^ miles ;*and Cape Fourchu light N.E. by N., 3| mile< Established 1890. Yarmouth Faiitvay WhMimj Buoy. — In 34 fathoms, 10 miles S.W. by 'W.^^V from Cape Fourchu Light. Latitude, 43° 40' 16" ; longitude, 66° 18' 55' Black and white striped buoy, with 10-inch whistle. Whistle sounded b action of the waves. Old Woman Ledge. — A red can bnoy will be permanently maintained o Frenchman Point, on the coast of Yarmouth. Latitude, 43° 37' 50" N longitude, 65° 58' 50" S. The buoy will be moored in 3J fathoms, 400 yari south of the Ledge. Catidlebox hland. — Northern entrance Schooner Passage. Latitude, 43° 'M 34" ; longitude, 66° 2' 45". Fixed red light ; 56 feet above high water mart Can be seen 8 miles. White, square wood, with dwelling attached ; iron lar. tern, red ; visible from all points seaward ; height of building from base t vane, 37 feet. Established 1893. Peases Island.— On S. point, one of the Ttssket Islands. Latitude, 43° 3? 35"; longitude, 66° 1' 40'°. Alternating red and white, one minute, eac. color visible 15 seconds ; 45 seconds between flashes ; 56 feet above high watt mark ; visible in clear weather, 12 miles. White, square wood, with dwellii;. attached. Height of building from base to vane, 42 feet. Hand-horn answer of T. L. BOURKE, SOLE AQENT FOR OLENASKFQRT BLENC SCOTCH WHISKT jl LioHT-iiousES — Bay of Fundt. )dt, St. John, N. B HILL AMD STEAMBOAT REPAIRS, PORTABLE FORGES, ETC. 19 above high water {o 27M7^' N; lor. ar weather; whit^ heieht of buildin. Iland fog hor: '/l^". Longitud ide vessels into tli 22 feet above hig: '^ Longitude 60 ire tower for guic Hand fog hor I 12 mileu. . Latitude 43° 2.- 18 miles in clea high water. Th whistle near ligl and after an inter Latitude 43° 47 lowing 3 flashes ;i Is. Stands 117 fct nal wooden tower weather. Whistl leight of buildin. ve, S. side of Yar nd. Latitude, 43 ad by a ball. Bel noy the " Roarin. i. by JS'., 3§ niile> 3SvS.W. byW.|^V ude, 66° 18' 55' listle sounded b V maintained 43° 37' 50'' X ithoras, 400 yari Latitude, 43° o9 high water mart tached ; iron lar. ing from base t Latitude, 43° 3: ne minute, eac above high wati id, with dwellii;. ind-horn answer signals from vessels. Sea light visible from all points of approach from south- irard ; also through Schooner and Eilenwootl Passages. A lower fixed red light in window, 16 feet below main light; 40 feet above high water mark; Risible 4 miles. Lower lights ii..;rk channel l)etween()ld Man and Old Woman jiocks. Visil)le onlv between bearings W. by N. \ N. and N. \V. bv W. Si. John Lnh/e Hell Jiito}/.— In 22 fathoms, l\ miles S. W. bv W. i W., from 4he middle of the ledge. Latitude, 43° 29' 50" ; longitude, 65° 49' 30". Red, iron buoy, with J. ledge in white letters, surmounted by u bell. Bell rung by the action of the waves. Fronj the buoy Pubnico Light is open to westward Ci St. John Island, N. K. bv N., 6\ miles; S. tangent of Bon Portage Island bears 8. K. i S., 4i miles. Established 1891. Blonde Rock Aiilovmlic Whistliny linoif. — In 13 fathoms, A mile S. \ E. from the rock. Black, iron buoy, surmounted by a 10-inch whistle. Whistle sounds bv action of the waves. ' ' Trinity Bell Buoy.— In 8 fathoms W. by N. A N.GOO feet from Trinity ledge. Iron buoy, surmounted by a bell. Bell i.ng by action of the waves. From ♦he buoy Cape St. Mary bears N. E. by E. 7 miles; Cape Fourchu S. by £. 13i miles; Lurcher Shoal S. W. by W. 12* miles. Lurcher Shoul Whittling Buoy. — In 13 fathoms one-third mile west of shoal ; Latitude, 43° 60' 2^' ; longitude, 66° 30' 0". lied, with •' L " in white. Iron buoy, with 10-inch whistle. Whistle sounded by action of the waves. IBhoal lies 15 miles W. N. W. from Cape F«»urchu light. Cape Saint Mary. — Eiust side Bay of Fundy. Latitude 44° 5' 10'' ; longitude 66° 12' 40". Alternate red and white light every 30 seconds ; visible 16 miles in clear weather; white octagonal tower; stands 103 feet above high water. MeteAjhan River.— At extreme end of breakwater; hit. 44° 13' 10" N ; Ion. 66° 8' 42" W ; fixed green ; visible 6 miles in clear weather ; vertical red etripes on seaward side, lantern painted black ; 23 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 21 feet. Beacon for guiding vessel* into river. Must be left on starboard hand and passed close aboard. Tide leaves Jbreakwater one hour before low water. Church Point.— v.. side of St. Mary's Bay, Digby County. Lat. 44° 19' 55" N; Ion. 66° 7' 35" W. Fixed red light; visible 10 miles in clear weather ; white, square, wood dwelling attached ; 36 feet above high water mark ; height «f building from base to vane, 20 feet. BeUiveuu Cbue.— St. Mary's Bay. Latitude 44° 24' 20" N ; longitude 66° 3' 10" W. The light is a fixed green light, dioptric; elevated 24 feet above high water mark ; visible from a distance of 4 miles in all directions seaward. The light is intended to maik the entrance to Belliveau Cove. White, square, wood. Sissihoo.—S. side of entrance to river. Lat. 44° 26' 25" X; Ion. 66° 1' 0" W. Fixed white light ; visible 8 miles in clear weather ; white, square, wood llighthouse; 36 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 33 feet. Westport. — Peter Island, entrance to Grand Passage. Lat. 44° 15' 27" ; Ion. 66° 20' 21". Two horizontal fixed white lights, 24 feet apart; visible 10 miles in clear weather; white, square wood, lanterns rising from ends of dwelling; 40 feet each above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 15 feet. Visible from the northward between the bearings of S by W and S S W, and from the southward between the bearings of X E by E and N N W 1 W. Hand fog horn answers signals from vessels. Brier Island.—^ W. point. Latitude 44° 15' 57" ; longitude 66° 23' 38 // JOTCH WmSK! T. L. BOURKE. SOLE AGENT FOR HcDOUGALL'S RTE DISTILLERY. . !i 20 Lkjiit-houhes— lUv of Fundy. JOSEPH THOMPSON, Practical Hachlnlat, 53 Smyth Street, St. John, N. B - Fixed, white li)?lit; yiHiblo 13 inilon ; white octiiRnim! tower; standH 92 fee above high water. Fof? whistle on N. \V. of Hrier iHhitui, Moiith side of li;,'li: houHe ; Hoiinds 3 blaHtfl of 4 neeonds (hiration, with interval of 4 secondH betwiMn then), eacti minute. Norlfiwest LciUfi' lieJl Hnoy. — In 1') fiilhoniN, 400 vards N N \V A W froni tin N W Rook. Liit. 44° lU' W N ; Ion. 66° 24' '.W' W. Ke<l and black vei tical striped iron buoy. Jin<ir\<i Ileml. — 17 yards from edjce of clifT. N. entrance to Petite PaHHapr Latitude 44*" 24' lO''; lon|i<itude 6(1° Hi' 3''; alternate red and white even minute; visible 1 \ miles in clear weather; square white tower, 70 feet abov. high water. On »S entrance to P^t'te Passage. Lantern on roof of dwelling; Point Prim. — South point of entrance to Aiuiapolis Hasin ; latitude 43° 41 30" ; longitude 6o° 47' 10" ; fixed white light, visible 13 miles ; square tower vertical red and white striped ; 76 feet above high water. Fog whistle near e<lge of cliflj sounds eight seconds in each minute. Dwelling attached. Diljby Pier.—M outer end of pier. Lnt. 44° 37' 40" N ; Ion. 60° W 6" \\ Fixed red light ; visible 6 miles in clear weather ; lantern on pole, with whit* shed at base ; 3S feet above high water ; height of building from bjuse to vaniv 29 feet. Visible from NNK round through \V to S8VV. Sha/ners Point.— On N. side of Annapolis River. Lat. 44° 42' 40" N Ion. 65° 37' 12" W. Fixed white light; visible 8 miles in clear weather white, square, wood lighthouse ; o.") feet above high water mark ; height fi: building from base to vane, 43 feet Luiicates Goat Island Shoals. Harbor Liijht at Annajwlis. — A fixed red light, dioptric; elevated 30 fei-i above high water mark, and should be visible a distance of 7 miles from jil; points seaward. After passing the black buoy off Marsh point, in ascendiiij: the river, vessels may run directly lor this light on an E by N ] N course ti the anchorage just below the old government pier. Port Williams, or Marshall Cove. — South shore. Latitude 44° 56' 53" ; lon- gitude 65° 15' 56"; two vertical fixed white lights, 22 feet apart, visible \( miles; square white tower 02 and 70 feet above higli water; lantern on top ni tower, lower light in bow window, visible from seaward from E to S through S 10 W S W { W . Port Georye.— On outer end of E. pier. Lat. 45° 0' 25" N ; Ion. 65° 9' 25' W. Fixed green light ; visible 7 miles in clear weather : white, square, wo(ni lighthouse ; 25 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base u vane, 21 feet. N'isible from all points seav/ard. Margaretville. — On extremity of Point, S shore. Latitude 45° 3' 0"; longi- tude 65° 4' 0" ; red fixed light, visible 8 miles in clear weather; squart tower, horizontal black and white ;striped, 30 and 27 feet above high water visible from seaward from S E by E i{ E through N to W by S \ S. Heigln of building from base to vane. 22 feet. Established 1859. Isle Haute.— On highest point. Latitude 45° 14' 55" ; longitude 65° 0' 45": white light, revolves every minute, visible 20 miles in clear weather; white 8C|uare wooden tower, dwelling attached, almost hidden by trees ; 365 feet abovi high water. Black i2ocf\— South shore. Latitude 45° 10' 15"; longitude 64° 45' 50" fixed white light, visible 12 miles ; white square tower 45 feet above higli water; light in top of dwelling; visible from all points of approach. Black Rock Shoal. — A wooden spar buoy, painted black, moored in i!' fathoms water, on the edge of the shoal running north from Black Rock Point. Latitude, 46° 18' 38" N ; longitude, 60° 23' 40" W. T. L. BOURKE, SOLE AGENT FOR 6LENA8KF0RT BLENL SCOTCH WHISKT. 4( t, St. John, N. B. t t Li<;uT-iiou8i>>j — Bay of Findy. InLL AND STEAMBOAT REPAIRS, PORTABLE FORGES, ETC. 21 r ; stun(iH oiitli hide 4 st't'onds 92 fi-el of liglit ;1 CmnjMI Point. — A wooden spar tuioy, |)iiint(>«l hliick. moored in .'U fatlio lu'twiMii <#Rter on the northern extremity of the Hhoal of!" Campbell Point. Latitui ; W A W from tin k1 and black vei- to Petite PaKHam and white even wer, 70 feet iihovi roof of dwelling' latitude 43° 41 4fi° W '.V N '■ (hpr D'Or. Bliiek Roek. hmgitiide, 60° 24' 0'^ \V. -Fo^ whistle, on extreme point nis tude, Latitude, 4f)'= M' 'IW opposite side of ehannel from longitude, ()4° 4(5' 40". Sounds during thick weather for (>s in every ;U>s; the whistle Hhotlld be heard from o to 10 miles, tccordinj? to the state of the wind and atmosphere. KingHpnrt—( )n Oak Point Pier. Latitude 4/)° 9' y,'' ; longitude 64° 2K 30'' ; toed white light, visible 10 miles ; square, white, wood, 27 feet above high water; ▼isible from all points of approach ; rebuilt in IS'U, after having been burnt. Hnrton. — On blufl' west side of Avon River. Latitude 45° 6' 30" ; longitude les ; square tower 64° 13' 20" ; fixed white light, visible lo miles ; white scpiare tower, 100 feet Fog whistle near above high water. White, acjuare wooden dwelling attached. g attached. . WaUon Harbor. — East side of mouth of LaTete river. Hasin of Minas. on. 6")° 45' 6" W tude 4.')° 14' 0" ; longitude 64° 0' 45". Fixed red light, visible 10 m.; n pole, with wbiii from b;use to vaui 44° 42' 40" N in clear weather mark ; height n; Shoals. elevated 30 fe.i if 7 miles from iili )oint, in ascendiii;; r N \ N course u 44° 56' 53" ; Ion- ipart, visible ll lantern on top oi in E to S throu>;li Ion. 65° 9' 25" lite, s(]uare, wodiI ing Lati- white tqiiare tower, 60 ft above high water. Burnt Coat. — Basin of Minas, N W extremity of Head, S shore. Latitude 46° 18' 40"; longitude 63° 48' 30" ; fixed white light, visible 13 miles; white s(piare tower, with lantern on dwelling, 75 feet high above high wat"*"; ▼Isible from all points cf approach. Saltfr'i^ Head.— On shore of Basin of Minas. Lat. 45° 20' 10" N ; Ion. 63° 32' 10" W. Fixed red light; visible 5 tp'^cs in clear weather ; lantern on a mast, with white shed at baf-e ; 60 feet above high water mark; height of boilding from base to vane, 20 feet. Visible from all points of approach. Maxstown or Dehert. — On eastern head at entrance to Moss Creek. Lat. 45° W. Fixed red light; visible 6 miles in clear 30 feet above high water mark ; height of build- from base ti o 3' 0"; longi- weather; squait jove high water y S 1 S. Height :itude65°0'45": weather ; Avhitc es ; 365 feet above de 64° 45' 50" feet above higli )proach. :, moored in ^1^ om Black Rock JOTCH WHISKY. 22' 45" N ; Ion. (;3° 29' 0" weather ; lantern on a mast ing from base to vane, 20 feet. Visible from all points of approach. Kept lit during fishing sesison. Little Dyke. — On western head at entrance tr Folly River. Lat. 4.5° 22' 45'' N ; Ion. 63° 33' 20" W. Fixed red light; visible 6 miles in clear weather; lan- tern on a mast ; 25 ft. above high water ; height of building from base to van*, ^ ft. Visible from all points of approach. Kept lit during fishing season. Spencer Point. — On N shore, at mouth of Great Village river. Latitude 46° 23' 30" N; longitude 63° 37' 0" W ; fixed white light, visible 11 miles in clear weather; in window of a building; 35 feet above high water mark. Height of building 20 feet from base to vane. Lit during navigation. Portapique. — On western head at entrance to Portapique River. Lat. 45" 28' 35" N ; Ion. 63° 43' 30" W. Fixed red light ; visible 6 miles in clear weather; lantern on a mast; 30 feet above high water; height of building fcom base to vane, 20 feet. Visible from all points of approach. Kept lit daring fishing season. Economy. — On point of bar running o'lt from N. side of entrance to Economy Biver. Lat. 45° 22' 45" N ; Ion. 63° 55' 0" W. Fixed red light ; visible 5 miles in clear weather; lantern on a mast; 15 feet above high water mark ; height of building from base to vane, 30 feet. Visible from all points of approach. Kept lit during fishing sf-ason. Advocate Harbor. — On south side o'' entrance ; latitude, N, 45° 19' 30" ; lon- ?itude, W, 64° 47' 30"; fixed red light; 36 feet above high water; visibl* miles; square wood tower, painted white. Moved to this position in 1888. Cape Sfiarp.— On southern extrefnity of Cape. Lat. 45° 21 ' 55" N ; Ion. 64° 23' 20" W. Fixed red light ; visible 10 miles in clear weather ; white, square, T. L. BOURKE, 25 and S7 WATER STREET. ST. JOHN, N. B. ( ll m Tl LroiiT-iiousFi^ — Bay of Findy ( ( SHOES of aU Kindi at WATERBDRY k HIBIHQ'S, 61 Kin g and 212 U nion S ts II wood I'lKhtlioiiHe, with dwellinf^ iittarlieH ; fJO feet ftbovo luRh water marL wi heiKlit <>r buil<lin(» fnun Itasc t(» vane, \\\ fci-t. Xt\ Pamhont', isr Purlriiiqe IhUuuI Lif/lit. — W h'u\v of river; latitude 45° 2.T 0" longitude (Jl" lU' 5''; lix»'d wliitc li^jlit, visilih' '.> luiles; wliitf, scpuire towt r fit with laiiliTi. ou dweliiiig, 'M I'l't't alicive hij^li water. Wi Jhinlam liDch linoj/. — A hell hiiov of the Trinity House pattern hasbetOI* placed on the southweHtern eoast of" Nova Scittia. 'Latitude, -l.*}" 2'/ 2H'' N va lotiKilude, (i'<" lilt' S" \V. The hiiov will be painted red with " iiantani " i white letters in the deck, and will lie moored in H fathoms water 1 mile S Vfix of the rocks. via Jirnzil lidclc Hmuf. — An automatic whistling buoy has been placed ' Brazil Hock, on the southwestern coast of Nova Scotia. Latitvide, 4',\° HI loB 1')^' N ; l(MU'itude, (]o° 2{V IW W. The buoy will be pnimed red an wh black in horizontal bands, with " J^-azil Hock" in white letters, and will Kbui moored in iM fathoms water \ mile 8 by \V from the rock. *•>' Spr;/ lUuj Ihll Jiuni/. — A bel! buoy ofl" the entrance to Spry Bav, on tlJuu southern co:ist of Nova Scolia, as a fairwav buov. Latitude, 44° 45' 40" N < longitude, (12° Ivy 20" W. The buoy will" be p'ainte«l red with "Spry Hii.v 3(y in white letters on the deck, and will be moored in about 15 fathoms wah P" From the buoy Tayhu- Head will bear N E ] N, distant 1 S-IO miles, an »nt Maloney Rock will bear N '{ W, distant 2 miles. ^ ' Lif/hilioitHe liniilc linoy. -An iron can buoy to mark the shoal known lig Lighthouse Hank, which lies about 4 cables S <\ \V from Meaghers Hen Light in Halifax harbor. Latitude, 44° 35' 30"" N ; longitude, (53° 32' Of Ion W. The buoy is mof)red in (5 fathoms water, S W from the 2:] fathoms lii ro* in the middle (if the shoal. It is painted red and lettered on top " Ligli house Hank" in white letters, and is to be left in the starboard side i 1*^*1 entering the port. *oo Hen (uxl CfiicLrnn Buoy. — A wooden spar buoy on the S W edge of tl (■ Hen and Chickens shoal. This shoal lies directly ofl' Point Pleasant, whi( '"^ divides Halifax harbor from the North West arm. Latitude, 44° 3t)' 4.Tbail N ; longitude, (13° 33'' 35" W. The buoy is |>ainted red, is moored in fror fathoms water, and is more especially intended for the benefit of ves>t N \ navigating the North West arm. ^ Andei'sori's Hnllow Beacon Light. — On eastern end of Government Hreakwatt'Wt at Anderson's Hollow ; latitude N 45° 37' 30" ; longitude W 64° 49' 45" ; fix. whi red light, visible miles; height, 25 feet above high water; square, wliii"** wooden building ; red roof; visible arc 56]° N E ^ N, N W by W ^ W. Vessi -^ may run for harbor one hour before high water, giving light berth of 50 fo*w^' on port hand. ^^\ Apple River. — On Cape Capston or Hetty Point, N entrance ; latitude ^ "* ' 28' 20"; longitude 64° 51' 35"; fired white light, visible 12 miles; wlii » oblong, wood, 8(piare tower, surmounted by octagonal metal lantern risirl* from roof of dwelling. Fog alarm building, white with brown roof, wo.vwh 64 feet above high water mark ; height of building 45 feet from base to vai j^**" Fog alarm immediately E of tower. Steam fog-horn gives blasts of i^J*' seconds, with intervals of 46 seconds. *'*^ Hillsborough Wharf. — Petitcodiac River; latitude 45° 55' 15" ; longitm •*; 64° 37' 45"; fixed white light, visible 5 miles: open frame; to guide ve"Jj* sels going up the river and to the coal and plaster wharves. "^ OHndstone.—yV point of Island ; latitude 45° 43' 13" ; longitude 64° 37' 2 V oi fixed white light, visible 12 miles; white octagonal tower 60 feet above liir*8*^ y. L. BOURKE, SOLE AGENT FOR GLENASKFORT BLEND SCOTCH WHISK1 ^ I Li(;nT-HorftE8 — Bay of Findy. 23 and 212 Union StsnOES of all RindB at WAiTRBURT k RISINO'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sti. high water mark WtUT; visiliU' froni N K l>y K. through N to K by S; in thick wrather » tffinipct soiimis \ lihiHtK in cvory niintit(>. ntitudf 4r)° 2:r 0" tW/>^' /vin/v..- pitch of ( ape; latitndc 4.')° ,".')' lO" ; h>ngitn(lc 01° 47' 0''; vhitr, square towirftleil wliitc li^'ht, visiltlc 1.") miie-i; white squari" towi-r, lUO t'ci't altovf high Wlter ; vi><il»I<' ht'twecn the hoarinj^s of N W rounil l)y S to N K ; a foi; horn if pattern has heti operated l>y steam and conipn'sscil air, soinids blasts of 8 seconds, with inter- [i\v 4:i° ly 28''' N Vils of 'JO seconds. with " Hantam" i W'nnfs Point A/V/A/.-Latitude X 45° 4:5' 40"; h.ngilude W i'A" 'J!»' 40"; 8 water 1 mile S Wfixed white, dioptric; visilile 10 miles; 7- feet high al)ove high water mark; vUihIe from K N K through N to S W .', \V. HH hoen placed Latitude, 4\\° Qnnci) Pier. ~i)n outer end of K breakwater pier. Lat. 45" 21' 20" N iiloo. 65° ;u' r.r.ff ij') W. Fixed red light; visible miles in dear weather; :)e painied re<l an wbite, square, wood lighthouse; 20 feet above high water mark; height <»f letters and will K building from biise to vane, 21 feet. N'isible between W by N i W and N ^V ; Alld between N '. E and N K by E. The deepest water in entering the inner i) Sprv Bav, on tl Iwprbor is close to the light. Obscured from N A W to N l K. iide 44° 45''40" N Qunc^. — Light on the I'itch of the ('ape at West Head ; latitude N, 45° 19' d with "Sjiry Hiiy 80"; lougitude \V, »)5° .'V2' 10"; revolving white light, 20 seconds, visible 16 It 15 fathoms watt'Mile'^ ''>K '"""n 70 feet S W of lighthouse: sounds a blast of 9 seconds, with t 1 S-io miles, an inter' ds of :?() seconds. Qh CO llcll Ihioif, — Ofl'the reef at west hef d in 14 fathoms \ milt S S E from Me shoal known : Hgli' HIaok iron buoy surmounted by boll. Hell rings by action of waTi>«. »m Meaghers Be.\ ^"tro Ijeihie Ilcll Bwyij. — In 1(> fathoms N W of ledge. Lat. 45° 14' 35" N ; igitude 03° 32' 0(i 1<MI. 06° 22' 4o" VV. Red iron buoy surmounted by a bell. Bell rung auto- the 2'''fathom.s IjiBlitically by the motion of the buoy on the waves 'red on ton " Ligli '^ort Folhf Point Litjht. — Junction Petitoodiac and Memramcook River; 8 starboard side dMitude N 45° 52' 6" ; longitude VV 64° 33' 32"; fixed white light, 77 feet above high water mark; visible 14 miles. > S W edge of th Otpc 'S/)enr«;r.— Pitch of Cape ; latitude 45° 12' 30"; longitude 65° 54' 0"; )int Pleasant whi( *^^''"'*^^ '■^*' *^"<' white light every 45 seconds, visible 20 miles ; white square ititude 44° 30' 43 building with tower 207 feet above high water, visible between the bearings ■ed is moored in fi*^ E S E round by S to W N VV, Partridge Island light bearing by compass e benefit of vessel AV by VV .] VV, distant 6i miles. Split Rock Automatic Buoy. — Moored in 30 fathoms off Split Rock; lati- lent BreakwatftO^e N 45° 7' 10"; longitude W 66° 14' 50". Iron Buoy, with 10-inch V 04° 49' 45"; fixi"^'k^^l'^'< location, S W^ by S j S from Musquash Light, S | VV from western rater- sciuare wliit^**^ "^ Muscpiash, and VVS VV from Partridge Island. bv W I VV. Vesse Partridye Mmd.—^t. John Harbor ; latitude 45° 14' 20" ; longitude 66° 3' gilt berth of 50 fc20"; dioptric fixed white light, visible 17 miles; tower vertical red and white stripes, 119 feet above high water; in foggy weather a steam whistle sounds trance • latitude i''** *^" seconds every minute ; a bell buoy near E side of Partridge Island reef. )le 12' miles' wlii St. John Harbor Entrance. — Whistling buoy off Black Point; latitude 45° letal lantern risirW 30" N : longitude 60° I'O" VV. Sounded by the action of the sea, in 16 1 brown roof woix^'"^^™'^ of water off Black Point, at entrance to the harbor of St. John, Bay of t from base to var^^'^y- The huov is painted black. From the buoy Partridge Island light "ives blasts of ****^ ^'^ ^^ ^^ 3i^ miles; Mispec Point N E by E'\ E, IJ miles. West of " Meogenes Island N VV by W i W 4;^ miles, and BelfBoat N A W. 55' 15" : longitin ^^gt'o Point. — On end of Government Breakwater, W entrance Port of St. ■rame; to'guide veJo^*"- Eixed red light, 40 feet high; visible 8 miles; lat 45° 14' 25"; long. ig W» 4 U mgitude64°37'2V St. John Harbor.— Beacon ; lat. 45° 15' 10" ; Ion. 66° 3' 40"; fixed white • 60 feet above liig^"^^' ^^^- ^^ »nles; vertical black and white stripes, 35 feet above high water. rSCOTGHWmSKl ^- I*- BOURKE, SOLE AOEIIT FOR McDOUGALL'S RTE OISTILLERT. 1 24 Light-houses — Bay or Fundy. ' 1 1' I !! ■ CHARLES H. JACKSON, ST. JOHN OYSTER HOUSE, Reed^s Point, on Prince Wm. street, foot of St. James; latitude N 45° 1" 4V^ ; longitude W (56° 3^ 28'''' ; fixed red and white, visible 5 miles, 3 branc lamp post, 42 feet above high water, shows red to seaward over an arc of 67} from N E to N N W. White on other bearings. Miisquash, east side of entrance; latitude 4')° 8'' 35'''' ; longitude 66° 14 30'''' ; fixed catoptric light, green to seaward, white towards harbor, visible 1 miles; white square tower, dwelling attached; 112 feet above high water; a; automatic signal buoy moored in 30 fathoms, S W by S J S from light, iS , "W from western head of Musquash, and W S W from Partridge Island latitude, N 45° 7^ W ; longitude, W 66° 14^ 50^^ Dipper Harbor Light. — Latitude N 45° 5' 30^'; longitude W 66° 25' 0' 1 Fixed red, elevated, 30 feet above high water mark, and is shown from square white tower, red roof, and will show in the Bay S by W to S E, an should be visible 6 miles between these points. Lepreaux, on Point; latitude 45° 3' 40^'; longitude 66° 27' 39"; fi.xe white light, visible 14 miles, str'ped horizontally red and white, octagon:il 80 feet above high water mark ; visible from all points seaward. A. /'' Trumpet on the extreme end of the point on the south side of the lighthotN gives a blast of five seconds duration and a pause of 25 seconds, then anotlie blast of 5 seconds and a pause of 25 seconds, in each minute, making two blasts ' five seconds each every minute. There is also a Fog Whistle in the sani building, which will be operated in the event of the Fog Trumpet being out i order, and will sound as follows: viz., giving two blasts of 5 seconds duratio; with an interval of 5 seconds between them in each minute. Point Lepreaux Axdomatic Whistling Buoy. — S S W one nautical mile c Point Lepreaux Light House ; latitude N 15° 2' 30 '' ; longitude W 66° 2'. Ah" \ moored in 23 fathoms. Whistle is automatic, by motion of waves. Drew's Head, on west side of Beaver Harbor; latitude 45° 3'' 45''; lon^r: tude 66° 44' 0"; fixed white light, visible 10 miles; white scpiare tower 4 feet above high water, seen at all points between E. and W^. he;»d of harbor. Pea Point, east side of entrance to L'Etang harbor; latitude 45° 2' 20' longitude 66° 48' 40" ; fixed green light, visible 10 miles ; white square towe; dwelling attached, 51 fcot above high water, visible from W through !N to > An iron spindle painted black on the Grey Mare Ledge marks the west sid of entrance. Bliss Island, west end of Island, south side of western entrance to Bliss bar bor; latitude 45° 1' 15'''; longitude 66°51'0"; fixed red light, visible 1 miles ; white scpiare tower 45 feet above high water ; leave on starboard ban going in ; a deep water harbor and very plain ; follo^v the starboard h md shor to the inner harbor. L'Tete Passage on Ma.scabin Point; latitude 45° 2' 20"; longitude 66° o.- 30" ; a steam horn sounds blasts of 7 seconds, with an interval of 30 secoiu; between each. Leave on starboard hand going in. Midjic i?/u^—Passamaq noddy Bay ; latitude 45° 6' 53" ; longitude 66° 54 30"; fixed white light, visible 15 miles; white square tower 130 feet abov high water ; a Bar extends E N E from lighthouse, and vessels require t keep off" a distance of 260 yards to clear it at low water. St. Andrews, on sandy reef at east entrance; latitude 45° 3' 45"; 'ongitiui 67° 0' 50" ; fixed white light, visible 10 miles; white square tow.. 40 ft'f above high water ; to guide to all ports in inner Bay, and to vessels going u the river St. Croix from L'Tete Passage or West Quoddy, There is only depth of 4 feat on the N W extension of the reef towards the mainland. T. L. BOURKE, SOLE AGENT FOR GLENASKFORT BLEND SCOTCH WHISK! Y. Light-houses — Bay or Fundy. 25 I HOUSE, j; latitude N 45° i: hie 5 miles, 3 branc i over an arc of 67; '; longitude 66° 14 (Is harbor, visible 1 ibove high water ; a: S f S from light, ^^ n Partridge Island ;itude W 66° 25' 0' ind is shown from S by W to S E, an 66° 2r 39''; fixe nd white, octagon:il Its seaward. A. /'' ide of the lighthoii^ leconds, then anotlit^ , making two blasts > Whistle in the sani Trumpet being out i of 5 seconds duratii ; ite. )ne nautical mile ^ longitude W 66° "J? jotion of waves, e 45° 3' 45"; Ion- ite s(|nare tower 4 ^V^. }ie;»d of harbor. atitude 45° 2' 20' white scjuare towfi W through ^ to > marks the west sid ntnince to Bliss ha: ed light, visible 1 e on starboard ban starboard h iiid shor longitude 66° 5.- tterval of 30 secoiio ' ; longitude 66° 54 ower 130 feet abov d vessels require ; ° 3' 45"; 'ontritiu: qnare tow^. 40 ftt to vessels going u ly. There is only the mainland. No. 3 NORTH SIDE KING SQUARE, ST. JOHN, N. B. St. A7ulmvs, north j)()int of entrance; latitude 45° 4' 0"; longitude 67° 3' (K' ; fixed white light, visible 10 nijles; white octagonal tower 42 feet above high water ; visible between the bearings of N W bv N and S K bv S. Spruce Puint,St. Croix River.— I.atitude 45° 10' 0"; longitude 6*7° 10' 25"; dxed white lig'it; white siiuare tower 32 feet above high water mark. Mark Point, St. Croix River.— Latitude 45° 10' 10"; longitude 67° 12' 30". fixed white light ; white square tower 32 feet above high water mark. The course from Spruce Point to ballast ground is E by S ^ S distance 2 miles, from Si)ruce Point to Mark Point VV N W, distance 2 miles. A vessel after leaving Doucet Island, to clear the reef should steer N until the Spruce Point Jight bears N W by W, and thence takes a W N W course. Head Harbor, E Quoddv Head, north po.nt of Campobello Island; latitude 4t° 57' 30"; longitude 66° 54' 10"; fixed wliite light, visible 13 miles; octagonal tower, white, with red cross, 64 feet above high water. Leave on starboard hand in entering Head Harbor, and on port hand on entering East- port, Me. Fog trumpet sounds blasts of 8 seconds duration, with intervals of 35 seconds between them. Lubec Narrows Liqht on Mulholland Point, Campobello. — Latitude N 44° 51' 40" ; longitude W 66° 58' 50" ; fixed white light, 60 feet above high water mark ; visible 13 miles from N N "VV round by E to S S W; white, octagonal wooden tower. South West Wolf Island, on south ettst point of the Island ; latitude 44° 56' SO"; longitude 66° 44' 10"; revolving white light every 1-2 minutes, visible 16 miles ; white square tower 111 feet above high water; new iron lantern, painted red; visible from all points of approach. Swallow Tail, north east part of Grand Manan ; lat. 44° 45' 46"; Ion. 66° 44' 2" ; fixed white dioptric light, visil)le 18 miles ; white octagonal tower 148 feet above high water; visible between the bearings of S W round bv 8 to N W. Long Eddy Point Fog Whistle ; white wooden building, dark roof. A steam fog whistle on extreme north-west head of Grand Manan, 80 feet above high water, sounds bliist of 4 seconds duration in each minute, with an interval of 16 seconds between each blast. Lat. N 44° 48' 0"; Ion. VV m° 47' 15". Grand Harbor, Grand Manan — on Fish Fluke Point, eastern side of Grand Harbor ; latitude N 44° 40' 2" ; longitude W 66° 45' 8" ; fixed white catoptric light 40 feet above high water; visible 11 miles ; scjuare tower, {)ainted white, dwelling attached. Big Duck Island Fog Horn, S end of Island, latitude N 44° 41' 5" ; longi- tude W 66° 41' 40". Fog horn sounds blasts of 6 seconds duration with inter- val of 35 seconds. South Wf.^tllecul, Grand Manan— on (rull Clifl"; latitude N 44° 36' 0"; iongitutle W 66° 54' 1(5"; revolving catoptric reel and white light; makes complete revolution in 2 minutes, showing 3 white and 3 red Hashes at inter- vals of 20 seconds; 200 feet above high water; visible 20 miles; white, square tower; dwelling attached. Old Proprietor Ltdqe, to the S E of Grand Manan Ledge. Latitude 44° 33M0"; longitude 66° 40' 0" ; visible 8 or 10 miles; a spindle beacon, painted red ; a cage elevated 31 feet above high water mark. Gannet Rock, on rock, S of Grand Manan. Latitude X 44° 30' 38" ; longitude W 66° 46'. 57" ; intermittent white light, 45s ; eclipse 5.is, Hash 4As ; eclipse h\9, in eveiy 60 seconds ; visil)le 12 miles ; octagonal tower, vertical black and white Stripes, 66 feet above high water ; a cotton powder cartridge is exploded ) SCOTCH WmSET T. L. BOURKE, SOLE AGENT FOR KcDOUOALL'S RTE DISTILLERT. J r I ^ 26 Light-houses — Gulf of St. Lawrence. CHARLES H. JACKSON, ST. JOHN OTSTER HOUSE, every twenty minutes to answer signals during fogs and snow stonns; dai. gerous rocks extend 4 miles eastward of the light-house. g^ Machias Seal Inland, near middle of Island. Two lights 64 vards from eiu other. Latitude 44° 30' 7'^ ; longitude (57° 6' V.V^ ; fixed white lights, visiliiji 12 miles; white towers 54 and 06 feet aV)ove high water; a fog whistle souinijj in thick weather, fogs, and snow storms, o seconds in each half minute. New Brunswick— Gulf of St. Lawrence. BcUonVx Point LfV/A/.— Hathurst Harbor. Latitude N 47° 40' 2F'; lon;.',^ tude VV 65° SIJ' IS''; fixed white light, dioptric; .SO feet above higii wattg mark ; visible 10 miles: on east side entrance, and indicatmg outside limit ( ^q shoal ofl" mouth of harbor. Point Peter, on Fliit Rock, Gaspe, Latitude 48° 37' 50" ; longitude 64° Op 0" ; revolving red catoptric, square tower, 77 feet high; visible 10 miles. gj Dalhoime, south side of entrance to harI)or. Latitude 48° 3' 45" ; longittid t|. 5° 20' 50"; fixed white light, visible 13 miles ; white s<juare tower 49 fetjj 66 T above high water; seen from all points of approach Douglas Mmd.— Latitude 48° 4' 25"; longitude 66° 21' 30"; fixed whiird catoptric light; square white tower, 30 ft. above high watermark; visible6mil(>ta Dalltousie Rnni/e Lirjhta. — Front Tower on public wharf; fixed white ligliim Latitude N 48° 4' 25'"'; longitude W6()° 22' 25"; back tower on Montgomei Island ; front tower 30 feet, and back tower 34 feet above high water. of Heron Island, Chaleur Bay.— Latitude 48° 0' 0" ; longitude m° 8' 0" ; fire cr white light, visible 15 miles; white s(iuare tower, 66 feet above high water al visible from all points seaward. 4f Petit Rocher, on Elm Tree Point. Latitude 47° 48' 39"; longitude 65° 43' 13' fixed light, visible 12 miles ; white square tower 36 feet above high water marine Bathirst, on Caron's Poii^t. Latitude 47° 39' 20" ; longitude 65° .36' 40' m two fixed lights — one red, one white: white visible 10 miles ; red visible 1 wj miles; white, 33, red 43 feet above high water ; range lights to guide vesst'64 into the harbor. fr( Camphellton Range Lights. Front tower on pier beside railway wharf; J N feet above high water; back tower on Moffat's wharf; fixed white light, 24 fw above high water; latitude N 48° 0' 50" ; longitude W 66° 39' 55". o£ Caraquet, on Island, Bay of ( haleur. Latitude 47° 49' 30"; longitude 64 m 54' 10" ; fixed white light,visible 14 miles ; white, square tower on dwelling 4 a feet above liigh water. cb Little Belledune Point. Latitude 47° 55' 10" ; longitude 65° 53' 25'^ ; a nin- th 28 feet high, with white shed at base, fixed white dioptric; visible 11 milt-Tl Goose Lake, west side of Miscou Island. Latitude 47° 55' 40"; longitii! T! 64° 35' 40"; revolving white light every minute; white square tower, 40 tVt th above high water; visible 10 miles. le Shippegan, Alexander Point. Latitude N 47° 43' 30" ; longitude W (14 fr, 39' 10"; fixed white catoptric light, 32 feet above high M'ater, visible Ifr miles; square white tower. Range light discontinued 1888. pi Shippegan Oidli/. — New Lights. — There are two lights at this station knowigh as Indian Point." Latitude N 47° 43' 40" ; longitude W 64° 40' 20". Th gl front light is a fixed red, 28 feet above high water tnark, lantern hoisted oii.'m mast, visible 4 miles. The back light is located 444 feet N 31° 15' W froi cl front one; visible 11 miles. th _ Miscou Island, Birch Point. Lat. 48° 1' 0"; long. 64° 29m 25s; fixed reli( light, visible 14 miles, white octagonal tower, 79 feet above high water, th CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY AT A. T. PATERSON'S. MAIN STREET V RENCE. Light-houses — Gulf of St. Lawrence. 27 ft HOUSE, No. 3 NORTH SIDE KINO SQUARE, ST. JOHN, N. B. h half minute k^rence. d snow storms; rlai j|/,Vo*/ Fog Ahtrm— Steam fog wliisde, 107 yards E from lighthouse, sounds blast o seconds es'erv half minute, ts 64 yards fromear pokemortchc — Lnthwle 47° 40^ 10''; longitude 64° 46' 0": fixed green 1 white lights, visili.ijrtjjt^ visihle S miles ; \vhite s<iuare tower with dwelling attached, 35 feet above a fog whistle souiiiij^l^ water. Range to guide to can buoy at passage over bar. PokemoHche G ii II i/.-— 270 feet S by W :| W from main light. Latitude 47° 40in 10s; longitude W 64° 46m Os ; fixed red light, and buoys ; visible o miles. Tracad'ie. — The tower from which the inner or back range light at Tracadie r 47° 40' '21'''; lon^'i^ag exhibited, at the west entrance to Tracadie Bay, on the north or Gulf of et above high watt gj^ Lawrence coast of Prince Kdward Island, has been replaced bv a new iting outside limit < tower. Aj)proxiinate position Latitude N 46° 25' ;^o'^ ; longitude \V 63° 2' 30'". The new tower is a square, wooden building, painted white. The upper 0'^ ;^ longitude 64° Ipj^yti, in of the tapering building forms the lantern. The height from the yisiblelO miles. ground to the top of the ventilator is 28 feet. The light is a fixed red, catop- 18° 3' 45" ; longituii tj.Jc jiglit. It is elevated 32 feet above high water mark, and should be visible s(piare tower 49 f^inthe line of range and up the const in a northwesterly direction S miles. The tower stands on the o^ravel beach, near the site of the old one which it 21' 30"; fixed whi; replaces, 1,200 feet S S VV from the front range light ; but this course and dis- mark; visiblefimilctjiijct. j^ lial)le to be changed at any time, without notice, to make the align- rf; fixed white ligliiment suit the changes in the shifting channel. :oweron Montgomer p,iitrlegrat Maud, C. /^.— The fixed red light in Petitdegrat Inlet, southeast ; high water. of Madame Island, in the county of Richmond, C. B., has always been des- tude 66° 8' 0" ; fi-^^cribed and shown as being on Big Arrow rock, whereas it is built and has* et above high water alwavs been rnaintained on Mouse Island, farther up the inlet. Latitude N 46<* 29' 54"; longitude W 60° 57' 24". ongitude65°43'lo' South TmcarUe.— The front range light building at South Tracadie, on the ovehigh water marl northeast, or Gulf of St. Lawrence, coast of New Brunswick, has been ingitude 65° 36' 40' moved 80 feet northeastwardlv to suit a change in the channel over the bar miles ; red visible 1 which lies outside of South Tracadie Gully. Latitude. 47° 30' 05" ; longitude, ?ht8 to guide vess^: 64° 52' 10". The front tower now stands 276 feet SK by S 5 S (S 51° E true) from the back range light, and the two lights in one lead in from the strait e railway wharf; J KW by N i N (N 51° W true) through the chainiel over the bar. d white light, 24 fw JVorM Tracadie Gully— The channel over the bar at North Tracadie Gully, 6° 39' 55". off the northeast coast of New Brunswick, (iulf of St. Lawrence, which was 30"; longitude 64 marked by range lights on the north side of the Gully, is now filling up and tower on dwelling 4 a new channel through the bar has formed farther north. As this new- channel now carries much better A'ater and is much shorter than the old one, 65° 53' 25"; a ni;i- the buoys and lights have been rearranged to lead through it, as follows: — ic ; visible 11 mih-The range lights on the north side of the Gully have been discontinued. 40"; longitu' The front building of this range has been moved back to the south side of square tower, 40 tV, th« Gully and has been placed so as to form a range with the main light to lead through the channel over the bar. It now stands 109 feet SE by E <] E longitude W <i4 from the main light in the tower. It" is. as heretofore, fixed white, shown h water, visible 1 from a lantern hoisted on a pole 20 feet high, having a small shed at its base, ^ f>ainted white. The light is elevated 24 feet above high water mark, nnd m. It this station know should be visible 6 miles. The lantern is a tubular lantern with a pres,xed V 64° 40' 20". Tl! glass lens. The red can buoy which formerly jnarked the outer end of the lantern hoisted on more southerly channel has been moved northwards to mark this new ?t N 31° 15' W fro! channel. It is now moored in five fathoms on the outer edge of the bar at the point where vessels should cross it and pick up the line of the range ° 29m 25s; fixed relights, and bears SE by E from the main light. To mark the channel over above high water, the bar three red spar buoys have been placed at the turn on the north side f'S. MAIN STREET WBDDINO RINGS HADE TO ORDER AT A. Y. PATERSON'S, MAIN STREET. 28 Light-houses — Gulf of St. Lawrence. SHOESof aU KindsTt WATERBURT & RISING'S. 61 King and 212 Union S? of the channel, and a hlack spar buoy and a red can buoy on the south sii A red spar buoy is also moored on the east point of the sand bar inside t a a <7ully southwestwardly from the main light tower. The channel is betwt this buoy and the light-house. Vessels entering the Gully should bring t ' two lights in range, and steer NVV by W J VV until near the inner can bii ,v then they should liaul up north by west, round the south end of the beai^ keeping close to it and leaving the light on the port hand, which will brii them inside the beach and out of danger. Lower Negimc Rarif/e Liffhts. — The front light stands on the east end of t block at the outer end of the Lower Negiiac wharf. Latitude 47° 15'' 40'" }** longitude 05° 2^ 2>W W. The light is shown from a lens lantern hoisted j^ a mast, having a shed at the base, the whole painted white; an oval slatwop is attached to the mast to make it more conspicuous as a day beacon ; t. mast is 14 feet from the pier to its top; light is fixed red, elevated 28 ft above high water mark, and should be visible 8 miles from all points of ii^/ proach; besides indicating the line of range it will serve as a guide to ves; making the wharf. The wharf on which the outer light stands is compo? li e< a •of a cribwork block 25 by 50 feet, in about 8 feet water, connected with tL ^ shore by a roadway supported on temporary trestles ; the roadway runs N \ L. and is 1050 feet long to high water mark, where it ends near Adams' ii house and store. The back light building stands on the beach, N N W \ (N 40° 50'' W true), 1080 feet from the front one; it is a square wooden tg closed tower painted white, surmounted by a lantern painted red ; it is 33 tVi high from its base to the vane on ihe lantern ; light is fixed white; it is eiU vated 32 feet above high water mark, and should be visible 10 miles in ;i: over a small arc on each side of the line of range. :q Neguac, on N E side of Gully. Latitude 47° 14^ 40'^ ; longitude 65" l 22" " ^ ■•■••' ■ ••>,,, ., , .. .- o^ w //. one fixed white light, visible 11 miles; white s<juare tower; 32 1V-.l above high water; coiist light, to indicate gullv. Clifton— \lei\i\ of Pier. Latitude 47° 45' 30''' N ; longitude 05° 21^ 0'' V^^^ fixed red light; visible 15 miles; 88 feet above high water mark. -^^ Portmje Island, near south point of Island. Lat 47° 9' 49'"; long 65° 2' 38 fixed white light, visible 12 miles ; white tower, 45 feet above high water. ^^> Hay Island Range Lights, two Range Lights upon Hay Island, Miranii^j Buy, to enable vessels, in seeking shelter, to clear the point of the shoal oft't «a.st end of the Island. Latitude N 47° 3' 54'^ ; longitude \V 05° 3m 4'^^ the front light is fixed white catoptric, exhibited from a lantern hoisted o\^ mast 15 feet high : it is elevated 23 feet above high water, and should be v^- ible 10 miles : at the base of the ma.st is a small shed painted red. The Iki ' light is distant 210 feet from the front one : it is fixed white catoptric, elevai,g/ 30 feet above high water, and should be visible 11 miles: the building i-^j scpiare wooden tower, 21 feet high from base to vane, and is painted white, j Oak Point, Front — Miramichi Bay. Latitude N 47° 7'' 22'''' ; longitude jg 65° 15'' 42''''. One fixed white light, 43 feet above high water ; visible jj, miles. Lantern hoisted on a mast, with white shed at base — all supported ^jj trestle work. j Oak Point, Back. — 1800 feet N E by E from front light; one fixed wli.j, light, 48 feet above high water ; lantern hoisted on a mast, with white shet! j base — all supported on trestle work ; visible 10 miles. ^5 Sheldrake Island, Miramichi Bay. Latitude 47° 5'' 30'''' ; longitude 65"^ >[j, 'C'' ; two fixed white lights on masts, with shed at base ; quarter mile ajwg visible E 12 and W 10 miles ; 45 and 35 feet above high water ; range ligli— ■ Clocks, Watches and Jewelry REPAIRED at A. T. PATERSON'S, Main Strei P] ^4 rKENCE. C Light-houses — Gulf of St. Lawrence. 2D ng and 212 Union S t^^^ ^* ^ ^^^^ ** WATERBDRY & RISING'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sts. Crrnnt's B^dch, Miraniichi Bay. Latitude 47' 5' 7'' ; lonpritiule 65° 23' noy on the south si.^ ^^^^j ^.j^j^^^ y ^ hearini? S W and N K from each otiier, visible 10 he sand bar inside t"" ' - - "- ' . ■? . ' . he channel is betwt uUy should bring i miles ; both lights are lanterns hoisted on a mast, with white shed at base, 3attpoited on trestle work, 120 and 140 feet above high water. - . , Xfu/'//fi /s/^'nrf, Miramiehi Bav. Latitude 47° .'V 28"' ; longitude 65° 27' ir the inner can bu^,, ,„jjj,t ^ith shed at brse; iixed white light, 44 feet above high water; ith end of the beat land, which will brii vudble 11 miles. 2fewca.<tle Lu/hl, on Lime Kiln Bank. Latitude N 47° Om 45s ; longitude \ 1 f W 65° 33in 40s ; fixed red dioptric, H7 feet above high water ; visible 9 miles ; on the east end ot I .^.^ wooden tower, white, with red roof. ititude 4/ ib 4U j^^^^ ^j^^ y.^ j^i^^^ j,.j.^j^^ light on W end of Island, back light 1,222 feet 3ns lantern hoisted j^ j, j.^. j.. ^^.^^^^^ f,,^,^^ ,i„,j^. i-^titude N 47° 5m 7s; longitude W (15° ()m 5.Ss. lite ; an oval slatwo p^ ^j-^^^, ^^.j^.^^ j;^,^j^ yWdAe 10 and 1 1 miles, 30 and 42 feet above high water ; as a day oeaco" I 't)oth lights are lanterns on mast ; red shed at base. 1 red, elevated Z» t. ^^^ j^i^^^^j^ ,^,,^^1, ^^,^.^j j„^i,,j ^,f Island. Latitude 47= 1' 55" ; longitude 65'* Irom ail points ot ly ^,, . ^^^^^^ j^^^.^j ^^,,jj^^. ,j^,jjj^^ visible H miles. One of the lights is situated re as a guide to ves.-t^jj^ jqq ^^^^ ^^j. ^j^^. ^^^^^^^ northern point of the Island : it is 47 feet above ;ht stands is corapov^j^j^ ^^..^^^j.^ .^,,,j ,,j^^ .^ j^,,^j ^^ f^^^^ ,,i^,,, Second light is 1051 feet S E A E er, connected with t^j^^ djp ^^.^^ named, and will be 4(5 feet above high water, with a post 38 feet le roadwav runs ^^^ n y^i. Third light is 954 feet 8 W by W| W fro.-i the tirst named, and 36 o2'^; longi- i N into the th isible 10 miles in ;u 3nds near Adams in^ .^j^^^^^ I^j^j^ ^^..j^^,.^ ^^j^j^ ^ p^^^^ 28 feet high ; latitude 47° / le beach, ^> -i> jV , ^^^ ,.-o .)' W. The first and second in line range N VV is a square wooden fg^^^^^lioe Channel. The lirst and third in line range N E by E | E inted red ; it is .53 ^jj^,,^,)! ivtagc Island Channel. The second and third in line range W bv hxed white; it is e;|^ j >^' leading to the upper buoy of Horseshoe Shoal. 'or hland, east end, or Swashway ; latitude 47° 6' 4(5'^; longitude 64° 59' .. >0' ; two tixed white lights, visible 12 miles; white tower, 5;{ and 49 feet square tower; 32 L • 1 PKoc^^/r\//^\ If^'nw^/ii i:?r(?/ LiV/^< .S'/iip, Horseslioe Bar, between Fox and Portage Island, igitude 65 21 U ^Latij^i^,^, ^-o g/ 14//. longitude 65° A' 3" ; Iixed red light, visible 8 miles ; 35 o 0/ 9c ®®' above high water. A schooner-rigged ship. ongb5 2 it poke.vidie—'S K Point of Island. Latitude 47° 49' 10" N; longitude 64° -, , , -_. .14'40"W; fixed white light; visible 11 miles; 41 feet above high water lay Island, Mirami'jjjjjj^ *= ' * mt of the shoal oil i j^arpera Point.—At western entrance to Little Shippegan. 10"; longitude 65 ater mark 49" )ove high water. ibove high water mark ; range lights to guide vessels through the Swashway 'channel. Lat. 47° 54' 0" itude W 65° 3m 4'^. j^^ ^340 3-/ q// ^y . ^^^^ ^,,j^g jj^l^^. ^i^^^i^ six'railes in clear weather; lantern hoisted "'astern on a mast, with white shed at base, standing on a crib; 38 feet above ter, and *^ >ould be \\,jj^ ^^..^^^j, ^^ark; height of building from base to vane, 25 feet. *V!!*.'L^^.:„:„ !i!..!!!_?^'^'^^^^^^^ ^'^y- I->titude 47° 4' 47"; longitude 64° 54' iles ite catoptric elev;ii,3// . j^,,.,^ |j^^,,i ^^1,;^^, lights, visible 10 miles, 52 and 66 feet above high water, the building lyijite beacons; range lights. Lat. 47° 4' 32" ; Ion. 64° 47' 33" iles; white tower, 70 feet above high water. ; fixed white light, A steam fog horn id IS painted wdute. Sscmninac, on Pr)int 7' 22"; longitude. igible 14 niiles gh water; visible itnated 100 vards west of the lighthouse, sounds blasts ot 6 seconds duration, Uase— all supported ^i^^^ intervals of 35 seconds. i^'c////)i/c/o //t>a</, on Headland. Latitude 46° 39' 40" ; longitude 64° 42' 30" ; ght ; one hxed wtj;xed white light, visible 14 miles ; white stjuare tower, 70 feet al)ove high water, ist, with white shed J^hihacto Harbor Range Lights, two range light towers, close to the present _ , ay beacons upon the South Beach, at the entrance to the Ri'-bibucto River, b'^ 'hft front building is on the outside of the bank ; S beach white scjuare tower, quarter mile apag |^et i,;^,!^ ^^ ^.^^^ ^^^ lantern ; latitude N 46° 42' 50" ; longitude \V 64° 45' h water ; range lign—«i« )"; longitude SRSON'S, Main Strei PBCTAGLES and EYE-GLASSES AT A. T. PATERSON'S, MAIN STREET. i 'wiMiiiHiipnwi 30 LiciHT-iiousKs — Gulf ob' St. Lawrence. f DAVID CONNELL, UVERT STABLES, 45 and 47 WATERLOO STREET ; 45''' ; the light is fixed white catoptric, elevated 40 feet above high water nia; and should be visible 12 miles. The back tower is distant W by S ^ S 30ti i from the front one; it is an open white scpiare tower, 43 feet high to vani- lantern ; the light is fixed red catoptric, elevated 44 feet above high wa mark, and should be visible 12 miles. These two lights are intended to place the day beacons, and in one lead tiirough the channel over the Var the mouth of tlie river. Bactouche Inner LiV//t/s.— Latitude N 46° 29' 35'' ; longitude W 64° 40' .'^i Front light close to sliore road, on Indian or Church Point, is a fixed wli light on white square wood tower, with red roof, 23 feet above high water nia: visible 9 miles. Range lights visible in direction of range, replacing forn t day beacons. Back light (1,980 ft N N W 1 W from front one) is a fixed w lighten white square wood tower, vith red roof, 53 ft above high water ma i visible 12 miles. Mead into harbor through deepest channel, clear of all structions, from line of range of Dixon's Point lights to where channel tu: I abruptly to westward to enter Buctouche river. Buctouche Range Lights. — Built on line of former day beacons to guide u i Buctouche Harbor ; latitude X 46° 27m 408; longitude W 64° 38m 50s. Fr light fixed white, white square wood tower, on Dixon's Point, 36 ft above h; li water mark, visible 11 miles. Back light 1,0')0 ftN W by W from front lig: is a fixed white light on white square wood tower, 41 ft above high wa mark ; visible 12 miles. Cassie's Point, on Point; latitude 46° 19' 24"; longitude 64° 30' 4 revolving white light every half minute, visible 14 miles; white square tow 47 feet above high water. Shediac North Channel Range Lights. — Two range lights, temporarily est lished by the government of Canada on the beach at Pointe du Chene, S <liac Bay, Northumberland Strait, on the east coast of New Brunswick, [ the purpose of guiding vessels into Shediac harbor through the chan north and west of Zephyr and Medea rocks, were put in operation on : 2!Hh August, 1895. The mast on which the front range lantern is hoi?! stands on the northern-most part of Pointe du Chene, 349 feet from U water's edge, and is 20 feet high, with a shed at its base, painted wild Latitude, 46° 14' 43" N; longitude, (i4° 30' 48" W. The light is a tij oi red light elevated 32 feet above high water mark, and should be visiblt li miles in, and over a small arc on each side of, the line of range. The li, ti is shown from a tubular lantern with pressed glass lens. The back n tl stands 602 feet SW by S (S 10|° W true) from the front one and is 2S iil high, with a white shed at its base. The light is similar to the front one E 38 feet above high water mark, and should be visible 7 miles. To er B Shediac harbor by this channel vessels should steer for Cassie Point li. n until they bring these two red lights in one, bearing SW by S (S 101" true), and should keep them in one until they reach the alignment of > e diac Island range lights, when they haul up' W by N ,^ N (S 81° \V tr m As when entering by the South channel they keep the Shediac Island ra; lights in one until the Pointe du Chene railway wharf lights are brui. S into range. a Shediac Island. — The two masts from which range lights were shown Shediac Island, Shediac Bay, Northumberland Strait, on the east coa-; w New Brunswick, have been replaced by enclosed towers, and the li. 3( were shown from the new buildings on the 1st October, 1895. The t: fc range tower stands in the alignment of the masts, 72 feet E by S ;V S f: k E. 6. SOOVIL, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., y-RENCE. LiciHT-norsES — Eastpout to Boston. 31 rATERLOO STREET HORSES and CARRU6ES ON HIRE, DATID GONNELL. WATERLOO STREET. ibove high water nia: int W by S i S 30ti i 3 feet liigh to vane feet above high \va htH are intended Ui liannel over the hir • iigitude \V 64° 40^ Mi Point, is a fixed vli above high water nia ange, replacing foiu jntone) is a fixed wi, bove high water nia liannel, clear of all to where channel tu f beacons to guide ii W 64° 38m 50s. Fi Point, 36 ft above li ' by W from front lig: 41 ft above high \v;i :)ngitiide 64° 30' 4' es; white square tow ;hts, tem))Orarily ist Pointe du Chene, S. af New Brunswick. through the chaii it in operation on nge lantern is hoi?! Bue, 349 feet from ts ba.se, painted wli The light is a ih id should be visil^lt e of range. The li. lens. The back n ont one and is 2S i lar to the front one 3le 7 miles. To or. for Cassie Point li, g SW by S (S 10.]^ the alignment of > N ]t N (S 81° W tr Shediac Island ra harf lights are bnn. lights were shown t, on the east coav towers, and the li. ober, 189o. The t: ■2 feet E by S ;V S l: OHN, N. B., the position of the old back range mast. Latitude, 46° 15" 32"' N ; longi- tude, 6*° 31' 57 " W. The tower is a s(iuare pyramidal wooden building, snrnu 'ed by a s(|uare wooden lantern, and is 37 feet high from its base to the vai. on the lantern. The lantern and lantern base are painted red ; the remainder of the tower is white. The light will be a fixed white catoptric light elevated 36 feet above high water mark, and should be visible 11 miles in, i.nd over a small arc on each side of, the 'ine of range. It will also show Bonthwardly into the iiarbor. The back tower stands near the inner shore of the island and is distant 619 feet W by N ^ N from the new front tower. It is in the alignment of the old lights. The building and light are similar to those above described for the front light, except that the tower is 47 feet high and that the light is 52 feet above high water mark and should be visible 12 miles in the line of range. The two lights in one bearing \V by N ;! N (S81° W true) will lead into Shediac harbor from Northumberland Strait, south o Medea and Zephyr rocks, with nowhere less than 15 feet water, and should be kept in one until the Pointe du Chene railway wharf lights are brought into one. Shediac Iiarbor, Voint du Chene Wharf. Line of range W bvN|N; latitude 46° 14' 38" ; longitude 64° 31' 44"; two white lights, 'visible 6 miles, on iron nuusts with sheds at the base, 32 and 38 feet above liigh water. Jonrimain, on E end of Island. Latitude 46° 9' 42" ; longitude 63° 48' 20"; flashing white light every 10 seconds, visible 14 miles ; white octagonal tower, 72 feet above high water; visible over an arc of 229° 47' from S 54° 47' JE round by W to N 5° W. United States — Eastport to Bo.ston. [Sea Coast Lights are distinguished from Harbor Lights by the latitude and longitude l)eing given. Sailing Directions are also given, not true nautical, but according to general compass courses and bearings.] West Quoddy Lic/ht. Latitude 44° 48' 55" N; longitude 66° 57' 4" W ; tower of brick, painted with red and white horizontal stripes, connected with dwelling house by workroom; fixed white light, visible 14i| miles; situated on the west side of the entrance to Eastport and the St. Croix River, via Lubec Narrows. Fair anchorage in WestQuoddy Bay 1 mile N W by N from the en- trance. The Narrows have lately been dredged to a depth of 12 feet at low water, the Channel being 200 feet wide ; but strangers should not attempt to pa*is through without a pilot. There is a Steam Fog Whistle at West (.^uoddy Head, giving a blast of 8 seconds duration at intervals of 52 seconds. Sail Rock, a dry ledge, lies V of a mile from this Light, and when the tide is run- ning should be carefully avoided. Lubec Channel Liyht, about one mile to the southward of Lubec, on westerly e%e of the dredged channel from Quoddy Roads to Lubec, Me.; Hashing white every 15 seconds ; visible 12i| nautical miles ; guide to Lubec Narrows. Morton Ledge. Morton's Rock ; red nun buoy 2nd class. About 100 feet 8W of the rock, which is small, with but 4 'set at low water ; deep water all around, 600 feet ofl". Little River Light, on an Island at the mouth of Little River Harbor ; tower white, attached to Keeper's dwelling; fixed white light varied by a Hash Im 3Qb ; visible 13 miles ; seen from N E by E A E, via eastward to south. Also, fog bell, struck by inacliinery every 30 seconds. Latitude 44° 39' 03" N ; longitude 67° 11' 34" W\ Good anchorage for a small number of vessels just IMPORTER TEAS and LIQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. !HH" 32 Ll(iHT-IIOUSES — EahTI'ORT TO BoSTON. BOARDING, HACK and UVERY STABLES, 45 and 47 WATERLOO STREE' )!' !■ ! inside the Island. To enter harbor pass to castwanl of the light, leavinj;, spar buoy on starbofird. " JAttlf River Automatic WhiMiiKj Buoy. — The buoy liears from Little Kiv ^^ Light S K by E, h mile in deep water, as a guide to Little Kiver. ®' Lihhy Inland Lif/lit, on S W end of Libbv Island, at moutli of Machias i! . and River; latitnile 44° W (5'^ N; hmgitmh! 07° 22M'' \V ; grey tower; lix*^ white light, visible lo| miles. Island is divided in two parts, with the Li;'^ situated on the S W end of the western [)art. To enter the harbor via easier entrance, get Avery's Rock Light to bear N by K and run for it, leaving « handy on starboard hand, then N by E | E, to a high, bluff, woody Islai, which leave not less than | of a mile on the port hand, then N .] W halt P' mile and anchor. In using this (Jhannel, keep a shar}t look out for the easti .^ end of Libby Island, wbicli rinis low, and extends 1 mile E N E from I '' Light, and for Cross Island Ledges, which make off from Cross Island . your starboard, and off which is a red can buoy. Tiie Channel here is alx rp a mile wide. To en'.er via western entrance : Pass Libby Island Light a hi berth on your starb )ard hand, and get it to bear S S W half a nule, then r ^ N E by E until Avery's Rock bears N by E, then continue as via east*: entrance. A steam fog whistle, located on the extreme SW end of the Islai; • gives in thick weather blasts of 2 seconds' duration, separated by silent int' • vals of IJ) seconds. If the whistle becomes disabled, a bell will be struck ' hand. .j^ Avery\'i Rock, in Machias 15ay, near mouth of River; tower built from tU, top of keeper's dwelling, painted white; fixed red light, visible 8^ "'''t^ Bell struck bv miichinerv everv 11 seconds during foggv weather. ^ Moosepeak' Light. Latitude '44° 28^ 28'^ N; longitude 67° 81' bl'' \\' ' white tower, white flash light, 80 seconds between Hashes, visible 14 mil.^ Mistake Island is to the northwest side of entrance to Hay of Fundy. K entering Moosepeak harl)or, leave the light a fair berth on your port har/'j and steer about a N \V course 1 mile, keeping midway between the shores '• either hand, and as soon iis passing through the Narrows haul towards i; *^ 01 N E a few len";tbs and anchor. There is another small harbor about N N ^ IJ miles from the light, called the Cow Yard. From Moosepeak Lii'i Libby Island })ears NE by E ^ E, 9 miles. Petit Menan Light VV ^ S, \b% m\\-^ Afoosepeak Automatic Jiiioi/, in deep water, off Moosepeak light ; works jjj action of the sea ; often heard 4 miles; Bearings — Moosepeak light bears .3 by W 2 miles, Petit Menan Ledge W J S 15 miles, Petit Menan light \V ,yj miles, Libby Island light :| E !) miles. ' j Nashe^s Ji^Iand Light: white tower; fixed red light, visible 11} miles. "^^. enter Moosabec Reach, west entrance, leave light on starboard hand; alsij ^ guide to Pleasant River, j Narraguagufi Light ; in top of a white dwelling house; fixed white Ii?-1] visible 12:,' miles. Located on Pond Island, at port hand side of entrantt i^j Narraguagus Bay and Millbridge. Bell struck by hand to answer signals ^j^. thick weather. j- ^ Petit Menan Light; on Pet = t Menan Island. Latitude 44° 22' 3'' N ; 1''^^ gitude 67° 51' 51" W. Tall grey tower; white light, varied by a flash oiigy in two minutes, visible 16 miles. This light is a warning against dangercgj^j shoals, of which Petit Menan Ledge, or South Ea,st Breaker, bears S S E an miles, on which is 6 feet at low water, (Iron Xun Buoy) painted vertical ^ red and black stripes. Sims' Rock bears .S A E 2 miles; 9 feet at low wati{g_ (Spar Buoy). Tibbett's ledge bears E by N 3 miies, 9 feet at low water; 7 J E. 6. SGOVIL, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., iTON. I LlGIIT-HOUSh-S — EahTPORT TO IJOrtTON. bdov. minutt On Petit Menan there is also u wteani tog alarm giving two blasts a • intervals between bliiMts 8 and 42 seconds ; heard 8 miles. A danger- rATERLOO STREE'-^^^gg goARDED ON REASONABLE TERMS. DAVID GONNELL. the light, leavinj; -s from Little K'V;,^, „^.i^,,,l,„rho„d for strangers. le Kiver. petit Mamn U7ii.i//m7 /^iio//; painted red ; P M in black Utters njarked on .nth ot Macluas 1..^ ,^,j^.^ ^^^^^^, j^ ^^\.^^,^,^[ hjilf'wjiy between Sims' Kock biiov :iiid Petit Menaii \\ ; K«'t'y tower; tix.g^j. ^^^^^^, '^,^^^^ j^^j.^j^^j ,^^1,^ ^^.^^^ jy^,,, ^,,i^ ,,„„^. >^' y ^ jr y. ,,,11^.^. p^.^^ parts with the Lit-'ji^^^,^ lighthouse N I IZ 1 mile; Schoodic whistling biiov W \ N 7'{ miles, he harbor via easK- p^,^^.^^^^^ ILu-hur Li'jlit ; on the eastern side of entrance to Prospect Harbor, run for it, leaving,' -^^ii^^. to^.^.r^liowing a flashing red and white light, visible 11 ij miles. In run- , bluiT, woolly Islai, ._._-. Jhannel here is ah. ^y^ ^^^^^^^, j^^..;,.^ ^^.^y a ^,f ,^ „,j,g f^^^, ^^^,11, ^,,,1 ^j- f^^.„„ji.ie Ishmd. I)v Island Light a la Sounds l)y island i^igiu a ''by potion of the sea, giving from 20 to 30 blasts per minute. halt a mile, then 1 j| _ .^^^,^, ^^„./^^^,. J^■^f^f^^ . ^j,ite tower ; fixed white light, visible 11 1 miles. On iitmue as via 6«*^^' jomh |,„int of Mark Island, western entrance to harbor, leave on port hand ; sW end ot the l^'" jg^ (;uide to Winter and Mosquito harbors. Hand bell rung in answer to arated by silent int.^. .i,^ bell will be struck £j,/' Jiock- Li<fht ; on i:gg Rock, in Frenchman's Bay. White tower, ., f. 'ising from the middle of a sipiare white dwelling. Fixed red light, visible tower built from t:^i J^^^\^^^ p\,^, 1,^.11 struck bv niachiner\, a double blow everv 20 seconds. ght, visible 8i "''l^earings— Bar Harbor bears ^W | N Sh 'miles; Baker's Island'bears SW by V weather 'ude 07° -.iV ,3 * S 7] miles. . . ., Baker'i^ Idand Light ; lat. 44° W 29^' N ; Ion. 68° 1 F 58'^ W ; white tower, dies, visible 14 mil, ^jjjj^,,,^^,jj ^^.j^j^ ^^gpei-'g Jiouse ; fixed white light, varied by a white flash Bay of I'undy. r.^^v 'JO seconds; on Baker's Island, off Mount Desert; a guide to Cranberry h on your port h;u.gj^^j north east and south west harbors. On entering either of these, leave between the shores jgjjj ,jjj j|^^j.j jj.^mj , lj,jt in gjoing to Bass harbor leave it on starboard hand )ws haul towards 1: ^^jj^ Bearings— Bass Harbor Head bears W | X, 5 miles; Mount Desert harbor about X.N.;^^^ 1^^.,^,.^ ,S \ \\\ 18 miles; Petit Menan Light bears E by N .] N, 10 miles. )m ^^'"^^l^P^'jIi, r' Baker's ''slund iVhi^tUiig Buoy; painted red and black horizontal stripes, iight \V 4 S, I'^t"!' '"setters B I marked on it in white. Baker's Island Light House bears froiu »se K'ak light; works his buov NNW \\\' U miles; Bass Harbor Head Light House WNW ij W ipeak light bears ;j j^ji^.^ . ^coodac Whistlin'g Buoy N E by E ij E 8^ miles. This buoy is a It Menan light \N ,yjj|g ,y Frenchman's Bay, Southwest Harbor, or Bass Harbor. . „ North E(Uit Harbor Light ; tower painted brown, with black lantern ; fixed isiljle Hi miles. yjj||g light, visible 14 miles, on Boar Island ; a guide to N E harbor by leaving irboard hand; also.t ^^ tlie starboard hand. ... Btiss Harbor Head and Light; tower painted white; fixed red light, visible e; fixed white li?ilijiles; northeast side of entrance to Bass Harbor and Blue Hill Bay, nd side of entranci f^^^^ Desert ; a bell struck bv hand to answer signals. To enter Blue Hill to answer signals iayand Bass Harbor bring this light within the bearings of W by N i N and . f W, and run for it, leaving the light 150 vards on starboard hand, to cross e 44° 22 3 IN ; I'^ebar in best water (10 feet at low water)'. When the light bears N by E varied by a flash ov.q^ ^re in best water on the bar. If bound to Bass Harbor, when the light ng against djingcn'eani N E \ of a mile steer N k W into the harbor, keeping the starboard •eaker, bears S S h and shore within • of a mile to clear Weaver Ledge, and anchor at will. )y) painted vertica. Q^gf,( j,„^/. /.,/^,^^/ jj^j^^ . ^^ jj^^ „„„ti,orn extremity of Great Duck Island, ; 9 feet at low watUg^^ fl^j^],ii,g ,.(.,1 gverv 10 seconds; also steam whistle blasts, 3 sec. intervals eet ^t low water ; 7 ^y;. ; la t. 44° 8^ 32^^; Ion. 68° 14^ 47'^; light visible 13^ miles. HN, N. B., IMPORTER TEAS and LIQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE^WINES. ill il 34 Light-houses — Eastport to Boston. MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKER Mount Denert Rock ; latitudo 43'' ')Hiii 8h ; longitudo (58° 7in 44s ; grey towt fixed wluti' liglit, visiltle round entire horizon 14| milew; 3rd cIrhh Dub trumpet, blastH 7 secondH, nllent intervalH 40 Heconds. If truni|iet he dis;iK! a bell will he rung hy hand. Hearings — Haker's Island hears N \ 1\ mileH; IVtit Menan ligiit hears N K h E, 2(5 miles; Moosepeak hears N K E 1 E, 38 miles; Matinieus light \V .} S, 34 mileH. Vessels hound to St. .Ii will run K N E straight up between CJrand Manan and the Anierii shore. Burnt (hat Harbor Lif/fit ; fixed white light, visihh' \4\ miles; on son west side of Sw.'in's Island. To enter harbor, bring the light to bear N } N, and run for it until (juite elose ahoanl, then liaul to E by N about ^, i mile to anehorage. -E/7.'/'' '"".'/.'/'" f->'u/'f ; white tower ; fixed white light, visible 9 miles ; on (in Island, at entranee to Kggeinoggin Heaeh ; also, guiile to Ellswortli. Saddh-liark Liifht ; tower, ujtper i)art, grey ; lower jtart, white ; on an !• nearS W I'ud of Isle au Haute; a gui<h' to Isle au Haute Bay, and to K Penoliscot ]}iiy ; fixed white light, visibh> 12'{ miles; leave on port hauil berth and steer N l \V for Kiigle Hi rd Light; dangerous ledges for wk: the whole distance between this light and Carver's harbor. Mark l.fland Li(flit, on an Island :it the western eiitrMnce to Deer Kl Thoroughfiiri', or to Merciiants' Kow ; white tower; fixed white light, vi\ 120 miles. This station is in Isle au Haute Hay, bearing about N N K \: Saddle-Hack 4 miles. To enter Thoroughfare, leave light on starboard liii to enter Merchant's Jiow, leave it on the port hand. Heronh Neck Liglif, ou the south i)oint of Oreen Island, the most soutl, one of the Fox Islands; a guide to Carver's Harbor and to Hurricane .^ni, ■white tower, fixed red light; visible S] miles. Ooosc liockti Liylit ; On (lOose Kocks Ledge, on Northerly side of V Eiusterly ei- 'ranee to l-'ox Island Thoroughfare, Me. I<'ixed red with ! white sector ; the white can be seen when bearing from N W :,' \V to N W Wlien approaching from the eastward, the white nnist be kejit in sight i nearly up with, then left on starboard side. Hearings and distances of pi nent objects from the light !us follows: Trypod on Channel Koel SKI i E, 1 mile; Bell Buov on Channel Rock, S E :] E, 1 1-1(5 miles; Flag St;i: Hospital Widows' Island, S by W, i)-I(5th of a mile. Eagle Hecid Light, on Eiigle Island, at the head of Isle au Haute Bay ; \: to the N E entrance to Penobscot Bay. Vessels on entering will leave S;i Back on the port hand and run straight for Eagle Head, leaving it on tht side; white tower; fixed white light; visible 16 miles. Pumpkin Island ; white tower; fixed white light, visible 12 miles; a ^ to Eggemoggin Reach from the west ; leave it on the starboard hand. Dice's Head; white tower; fixed white light, visible 17| miles; north ' of entrance to Castine Harbor, Maine. Fort Point Light; white tower; fixed white light, visible 15 miles, on Fort Point ; left hand side of entrance to Penobscot River. Grindel's Point; white tower ; fixed white light, visible 11^ miles; or j north side of entrance to Gilkey's Harbor, on Long Island, Penobscot Ha ■ Negro Island Light; white tower; fixed white light, visible 12J mile south side of entrance to Camden Harbor. ] Indian Island Light ; white tower ; fixed red light, visible 8^ miles side of entranee to Rockport Harbor, Penobscot Bay. Latitude, 44° 9 N ; longitude, 69° 3' 23^^* W. Hand bell rung in answer to signals. E. G. SOOVn., 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B,, 1 i i I STON. 3m LlGIIT-HOUSBB — EAaTPORT TO BOfiTON. 8f ^OM ALL MAKER J. & A. HcMILLAN SUPPLY WEDDING INVITATIONS Dl LATEST STYLES. ° 7m 44s ; Rrey towi k'H; IJrd class i)iit> r trumpet be (liB:(( !uul bears N \ I. oHt'poak bears N I! sels bound to St. .Ii n and the Ameiii 14', miles ; on son i' lij,'bt to i>ear N 1 ) E by N about :\ <■ •<ible<.) miles; on(lp to Ellsworth. tart, wiiite ; on an 1 I ante Bay, and to 1 leave on port banil ■rons led>i;es for nt hor. It ranee to Deer M ced white Wi^ht, v^ •inji; about N N E f: ight on starboard li;i: md, the most soutli 1(1 to Hurricane Son lortherly side of M I<'ixed red witli i N W :} ^\ to N \V it be kept in sij,'iit i and distances of pr hannel Rocl S K 1 -Kimileu; Flag St:if lie an Haute Bay ; g tering will leave S;i id, leaving it on tlu 'isible 12 miles; ag starboard hand. 6 17i miles; north risible 15 miles, on River. •isible lU miles; <>c dand, Penobscot Ha; it, visible 12^ mile- t, visible 8^ miles ; ,y. Latitude, 44° 9 swer to signals. JOHN, N. B., lirowns Ilriul Lit/kl ; white t<»wer, attached to Keener's dwelling- fixed white liglit, l»ut shdwing red itetween the bearings S \V by W i \V and W by B 1 S, vi!-il>le IIA miles. In entering l''ox Island Thontu^jlifare fcom the llBv, keep in the red light to clear the Fiddler and the Bay Ledges. Situatetl <») western side «tf Fox Island, and at east side of western entrance to Thoroughfare. It is extinguished when Thoroughfare is closed by ice. Lati- tnde. 44' r/ VI" N ; longitude, (iS° .')4' 'M'>" W. Owl's llcml Li(jnt ; white tower; fixed white light, visible IT),' miles; guide to Kockland harbor; also to vesst'Is bound up or down western I'enoltscot Bav. Fog Ik'II struck bv machinerv everv l"» seconds. Latitude, 41'' •■>'',)'!" N ; lOUKitu.le, «;i»° 2' 4(1^' VV. Whih' I/iikI Lujht ; laiitudc, l.r oSiu 4:is N; iongituth-, t'.l>° 7m SOs \V ; grev tower, connccttd with white dwelling; lixi-d wliit«' light, visibh- 14', miles; on east end of Whitehead Island, western ('utrance to Beiiobscot Bay; also a steam fog alarm, giving a blast of 4 seconds' duration, followe<l by interval of lit) secojids. South liiiakrr Jifll Hnat ; painted red; \ mile S by VV ,' \V. In ruiuiing ibr White Head to be left cm starboard hand. Mutinir.ux Liijht. Two lixed white lights, visible I'v) miles. Also, ii \'l inch fleam fog whist U', sounding Itlasts of "> seconds duration with intervals of *_'.") teconils. LocatctI on Matinicus Rock. Latitude, 4.'V' 47 ' 1" N; lou;;,Mtude, 68° ")r ■-()" W. Hearings — Mount Desert Rock bears E \ X, ."similes; Mon- l^igan Light Itt'ars \\ by X 21 m. Course to IVirtland Ileail, W { N. i'A m. >. Monht:i(j<in lAiiht ; latitudes 4.'{^ 4r)iu o.Ss X ; longitude tl'.P ISm o'.ts W ; grey 0wer; wliitellash light, visible IDi miles,llasliiiigouce a minute ; on Monliei- gan Island. Hearings — .Matinicus bears 1'^ by S. 'Jl miles; Seguin Light bears W .1 X, 2(1 miles; White ilitid Light bears X E :,' E, IS miles. Also, on Manana Island, near Monheigan, a first ehuss Daboll trinnitet, giving a blast <rf 15 seconds «hiration, at intervals of 40 seconds. Duck Rock \Vhinlle Buoy ; is X from Manaticiis fog whistle stations Im., and J of mile X N W from beacon on Duck Rocks. This l)Uoy is a guide to clear Duck Rt)ck in running for White Hd. Leave on starl)oard hand of BIk. Ft. buoy. Teimnl's Harbor Lujlit ; white tower; lixed red light, visible l.'i.l miles, tlash- ing red every minute; on «^nd of Southern Island, entrance to Tenant's Har- bor. (Only used by small vessels.) Port Clyde; white and grey tower ; fixed white light, visible 10 miles ; on Marshall's ]*oint, east side of entrance to Herring (Jut, St. (leorge, Maine. Franklin Light; white tower; fixed white light, varied by a white flash every DO seconds ; on Franklin Island; a guide to vessels entering Thomas- ton, Me. ; leave it on starboard hand going in. Pcmaquid Point; white tower; fixed white light, visible 14.] miles; west side of entrance to Bristol Bay, and east side of entrance to John's Bay. Townsend Liifht ; white tower; fixed white light, visible 13 miles ; on Burnt Illand, west side of entrance to Townsend Harbor, Boothbuy, Maine. Bantam Ledge. — A whistling buoy, painted red, with the letters " B. L." in black, moored in 18 fathoms, Bantam Ledge bearing N, i| of a mile distant It is a guide piist Bantam Ledge and intoBoothbay Har. from the southward. : Ravi hUind Ligfit ; on Ram Island, at eiustern entran ; to Boothbay, Me, Fixed red light with two fixed white sectors; easterly white sector between .W i N and W \ X ; westerly white sector between N E j N and X E bv E IE. Latitude, 43° 48' 14'' N ; longitude, 69° 35' 54" Hipocritc Bell Buoy; J of mile oft' Xorth end of Hipocrite Ledge, Ram IMPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. 36 LiGUT-nousF» — Eastport to Bohton. i. t m!;I; SHOES of all Kinds at WATERBURT & RISING'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sts IhIuh.I LiKlit. lU-iirs fn.tii Ixioy W N W ^ W i mile N K, Point Whit, iHlntxl iS S K \ K I of iiiilf. To lie k>ft on port liiind niiMuiiK for Kaiii iHliinn j»aHsiige to Towiihi'Dci. Thr Cackold'n lit II liumj ; paintt'tl hhick ; oil' Hoiitli end of Cuckold'H <ln ledges, •] iiiik* from Trypod Hcacoii on llu< ledgi's. To be left on port hand ii running from Segiiin for Townscnd llarhor; liearings from lu-ll hout, Kan Island l.iglithoijse, N K hy K h K, the ("ui-kold's ]{eai'on N hy K. liiioth Hdji Kntrniire Fog signal stations on the Cuckolds. During thicl and fog};y weather :i I)al)oll trumpet will he soiuided at the fog signal statioc recently erected on the hightsl jiart of the most easterly Cuckolds. Tin trumpet will sound blasts of 15 seconds duration, separated hy silent interval of 40 seconils. Shi'eim-oll L'KjIit ; white t<»wer; white Hash light, visihle I'J miles, HaHliitii twice a minute; on lleudrick's Head, on the east side of Sheepscott Bay, an entrance to Sheepscott Hivtr; guide to Southport and VVis«asset. Kennebec Liijlit ; on I'ond Island, at eiurance to the Kennehec Kivt'i Wliite tower; lixed white light, visible 13 miles. Also, a bell struck li; machinery 8 times a miinite. This light will be left on the port hand b) vessels entering the Kennebec River. Seijnin Liiiht ; latitude 43° 42m 'itis N; longitude 09° 4r)m 32s VV; gret tower ; lixed white light of the first order, visible lU:} miles ; on Seguin Islami ofl' the mouth of the Kennebec Kivei'i to enter the river, leave the light o; the starboard hand, and nui for I'ond Island. Also, a steam fog whistle, soiuiil ing blasts of S seconds duration at intervals of 02 seconds, liearings — llali way Kock light bears W | N, 13 miles; I'oud Island light bears N, li' mile? Cape Elizabeth bears VV bv S, 22 miles; Monheigan light bears K A S, 2U miles. HulJ- Wiu, Rork iv,V//(/,-' latitude 43° 3ym 22s N ; longitude 70° 2m 14s W grey tower; lixed white light, varied by a red fhush every 90 seconds; c Half- Way Kock, Casco Bay. Bearings — Seguin light bears K i N, 12:] mile> Little Mark Island Monument, N by K \ E, 3|i miles; Portland Head Ligli: W A S, 7:,' miles; Cape Elizabeth Light, W WW, southerly, 8; miles. ;■ Half -Wiuj Rock Whistling Buoij; painted !. Half- VVay Kock lighthou* l beani N from the buoy one mile. This is a guide in running from Portlaii from the eastward. Portland Head Licfht ; lat. 43° 37m 2;5s N; Ion. 70° 12m 30s W ; white towct fixed white light, visible 15^^ m. ; on west side of entrance to Portland Ilarbo: Also, a DaboU's air trumpet, giving bla.sts of 8 seconds duration once in ^ seconds. Bamjea Island Point; bell boat, \ of mile S A W from Banges Island Poin The buoy sounds ' ; action of the sea. To be left on the starboard hand i running in to I'orlisind Harbor. It guides you clear of Banges Island Poin Portland Plead ligiithouse bears from the buoy SW h W h mile. Portland Breakwater ; brown tower; lixed red light, v%ried by a red flas every 40 seconds, visible 10] miles. This is a harbor light, and stands on tl, end of the granite breakwater extending out from the south side of the liai bor ; to be left on tfae port hand while passing up the harbor. \ Cape Elizabeth Lights ; latitude 43° 33m o8s N ; longitude 70° 12m 2s W ; tv ' brown towers, 900 feet ajiart, and ranging N E by E and S W by W; easterl light, white, fixed ; westerly light, white, varied by dash once a minute, visiU . 17] miles. Also, a 2nd class steam siren; blasts 5 seconds, alternate silei: intervals of 8 seconds and 42 seconds. If siren is disabled, a 12-inch stcac whistle will be sounded. Bearings — Boon Island Light bears S W J S, * ;, E. 6. SCOVIL, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., I KTON. I Lic»iiT-nor8Ks — Eahtport to Boston. 37 10 and 212 Uoioa Sti jJeoES oi tU Kinds at WATERBURT k RISIlfQ'S. 61 King and 212 Union Sti. e N E, Pf.int Whit* iiiiii^' for Uain bihiiu; I'litl of CiH'kold'H tin u left on port liHtid ii from lu'll hout, Kan » N l)y K. koUU. Diirii^g thid the fog signal Htutim eriy l.'iickolils. Tli- tedljy Hilent interval Hile I'i miles, fla«liiii. )f Sheepscott liay, an A' iscasset. the Kcnnehee River Uso, a hell slruck li on the port hund Ir E)° 45m 328 W; gri' ileH; on Seguin Islam; /er, leave the ligiit o eam fog whistle, sonm; nds. Hearings — Hal ight hears N, i>, milt'> t hears K >, S, 20 mile> gitude 70° 2ni 14s W every 90 seconds ; *' )ears K i N, 12:] mile- Portland Head Ligl: rly. 8; miles. -Wav Roek lighthoii- nnnhig from Portlar. m ;)0s W : white tower ce to Portland IlarlMi ds duration once in \ n Ranges Island Poiii the starhoard hand i f Ranges Island Poin y \ mile. , varied by a red fla- ight, and stands on ll south side of the li;i: larbor. ude 70° 12m 2s W ; tv nd S W by W; easteri 1 once a minute, visil . jconds, alternate siU'i bled, a 12-inch stea: rht bears S W i S, :■ )HN, N. B.| Miles; Thatcher's Island bears S W ] S, iV2 miles. These lights are a warn- li^ against dangerous shoals, of which .Vlden's Rock is mostly to he feared, beiiringS Khy E2\ miles, on which is ♦> feet of water at low water ; the others fftnge from 14 to IS feet at low water. To a|)proach Portland at night, get Portland Head Light to bear N N W and run for it, leaving it a fair berth on the po.; hand, then run N by W 1 mile, then N } W till Breakwater light bears N W by W \ \V, then run N W 1 mile and anchor. Antomutir linny ; a whistling buoy of the largest class is placed near Old Anthony Shoal, on which is IS feet at low tide. In making this buoy in Ibick weather and wishing to enter Portland, pass J of a mile inside <»f it and run N by E \ E A\ miles, when Portland Head will bear about N X \V, when DTOceed :u< before. This buov i« often heard six miles. Wood hlnnd Lii/ht ; latitude 48° 27m 24h N ; longitude 70° 19m 46h W; vhito tower; fixed red light, varied by a red flash every miniite, visible 14 nileti; near entrance to Saco River, and guide to Winter Harbor and Ridde- jbrd Pool, by leaving it tm port hand. .Vlso, a bell struck by machinery, two blows in rapid succession, followed by an interval of 2i) seconds, then one blow. To enter the northeastern channel in day time run in to northeast- Ward of the light until the church steeple in the i*ool settlement bears S W by S I S, and run for it, leaving Negro Island on the left and Stage Islam! <Mi the right and anchor as soon as in past Negro Island. There is another channel to the westward of the lij;ht. but more dangerous. Goat IxUind; hit 48° 21m 28s N ; Ion. 70° 2om .'Vis W ; white tower ; fixed white light, visible 11 m. ; (harbor of refuge) on the north side of entrance to Oapc Porpoise harbor (near Kennebunk) ; leave on starboard hand going in. Boon Mand; latitude 43° 7nj 17s N ; longitude 70° 28m 37s W ; grey gra- nite tower, 133 feet above high water; fixed white light, visible 17A miles; off "York. Bearings'; — Cape Elizabeth lights bear N E bv N, 30 miles; Matinicus lights bear E by N, 80 miles; Cape Ann lights bear S bv W i{ W, 30 miles; lile Shoals Light bears S W 1 S 12 miles. Automatic Buoy ; a whistling buoy is placed just off Boon Island ledge; it is painte<l red and black in horizontal stripes, witii "B I L" painted in white on the middle black band. Is often heard 6 miles. It bears E by S 3A miles from Boon Island light. The ledge is awash at low water. Cam Neddick Light ; brown tower ; fixed red light, visible 11 1 miles. Also, 41 bell striking one blow every 15 seconds. Two dangerous ledges, York Le<lge and the Triangle, lie S by W and S S W, respectively, from this Might about 4 miles distant. Yorlc Ledge is marked with an Iron Spindle. the Triangle simple with a common cjm buoy. Me of Shoals; latitude, 42° 58m 2s N; longitude, 70° 37m 25s W ; white tower; light, flashing, red ".nd white, visible 14^} miles, flashing every 75 sees ; on White Island, the m',5t south western of the Isle of Shoals cluster, oflTPorta- mouth, N. II. Bearings— Boon Island light bears N E A N, 12 miles ; Whale's Back light bears N N W, 7 miles; Newburyport Bar bears S W by W 18 miles ; Cape Ann lights bear S 17 miles. Whales Back Light; latitude 43° 3m 32s N ; longitude 70° 41m 49s W ; old tower white, new tower natural granite color; fixed white light, varied by flashes, visible 13 miles; flashes once in 1 J minutes. Fog trumpet giving blasts at intervals of 30 seconds. Also, a bell, struck by hand, both located in the old tower ; all to be left on starboard hand going into Portsmouth. Portmnouth Harbor Light; brown tower; fixed white light, visible 12 miles; on left side of inner entrance to Portsmouth harbor. To enter Portsmouth IMPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. I /■ ''HI' l! H :*l .ii' 38 Light-houses — Eastport to Boston. MCMILLAN'S BINDERT U the MOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Provinces. harbor get Portsmouth light to bear N | W, and run for it until Whale's Back light bears S E by E and you are abreast the southern end of Wood Island, then steer N i E until past Fort Point, and Portsmouth lighthouse benrs W by S ^ 8, then steer N W until the light bears S by E, and anchor; or, when Portsmouth light bears S by E, steer S W J S, and anchor close in shore in the cove to the westward of Fort Constitution in from 2^ to 6 fathoms. Strangers in entering Portsmouth harbor should take a pilot if possible. Newbiiryport Harbor Light ; white tower ; fixed white light, visible 12i miles. Also, a beacon, range of light, 336 feet in front of main light ; black and whiu tower ; fixed white light, visible 8 miles. These lights, in range, guide across the bar, in best water; bar constantly changes ; outer bar buoy is in range with inner bar buoy and both lights ; the beacon is moved as the channel changes. This station is on the north end of Plum Island, and on the south side of entrance to the Merrimac River, Mass. (Strangers should not attempt to enter.' Newburyport Upper Harbor; two lights (beacons); outer beacon, black tower fixed red light, visible 10 mis. ; inner beacon, red tower, fixed green light, visible 12 m. ; both on Bailey's wharf, and to be left on port side passing up the harbor Ipswich Lights; on Castle Neck, south side of entrance to Ipswich Harbor; a main light, with a range light in front ; main light fixed, white, varied bv flashes, visible 11 miles, flashing once in Ih minutes, shown from a whiu tower; range light, fixed, white, visible 8 miles, shown from a black tower the lights are 625 feet apart, N E ^ E and S W ^ W ; in range, they guide t< entrance of channel across Ipswich Bar in the best water, which at present i- but 6 feet at low water. Anniaquam Light; white tower; fixed white light, visible 12 miles ; a har^ bor of refuge for small vessels ; on Wigwam Point, east side of entrance tc Annisquam harbor ; 6 feet of water on Squam Bar at low tide. To cross the bur, bring the light to bear south and run for it, leaving it on the port side then ri'ii for the Lobster Rock Beacon, and leave it on the port side also. Straitmouth Island; on south side of Sandy Bay, entrance to Rockport har- bor; white tower; fixed white light, visible 11 miles; to be left on port hanc in going to Rockport. Bad ledges lie oflT this light. Strangers should keef the north shore of Sandy Bay best aboard on entering Rockport ; shelter oiilj for a few small vessels. Cape Ann Lights ; latitude 42° 38m ISs; longitude 70° 34m 32s W; twc grey granite towers, 165 feet above sea level ; fixed white light, visible 11- miles ; the lights are 900 feet apart, in range at S S W and N N E ; locatec on Thatcher's Island off" Cape Ann, and the northern limit of Massachusett Bay ; to be left on the starboard hand in going towards Boston. Bearings- Isle of Shoals bears N, 17 miles; Boon Island N N E, 30 miles; Gloucaste: Light S W by W } W, 6 miles; Long Island Light S W by W, 24 miles: Cape Cod Highland Light Sby E | E, 43 m. ; Londoner Ledge S E by E, i iii Salvage Ledge N N E, 2 m. Also, a 10 inch steam whistle, giving each miniitt a blast of 8 sec. and a blast of 4 sec, with alternate intervals of 4 and 44 sees Oloucester Light, on Eastern Point ; on east side of entrance to Glouceste: harbor ; white tower ; a flashing red light, showing once every 5 seconds visible 13 miles. When coming from the Eastward, bound into Glouceste: harbor, give the light a good berth to clear Eastern Point Ledge (spar buoyi then, when the light bears N E J N, run N W ^ N until the upper harboi light bears N E by N i^ N, then run for it, and anchor J mile S by W from tlu light. Also, a bell struck by machinery, a double blow every 20 seconds. Whistling Buoy off Ea'^tem Point; a first-class whistling buoy, painted black E. G. SCOVIL, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., TON. Light-houses — Eastport to Boston. 39 Uritime ProTlnces. J- & A. HcMILLAN HAKE A SPECIALTY OF COLOR PRINTING. For it until Whale's ithern end of Wood rtsmouth lighthouse I by E, and anchor; and anchor close in rora 2^ to 6 fathoms, Hot if possible, ^ht, visible 12^ miles ;ht; black andwhiu 1 range, guide across 3Uoy is in range with the channel changes, )n the south side o! pot attempt to enter.' ' beacon, black tower ed green light, visible assing up the harbor f to Ipswich Harbor; :ed, white, varied hj ihown from a whiu from a black tower range, they guide t< r, which at present i- ible 12 miles ; a bar- »t side of entrance t- V tide. To cross llie it on the port side le port side also, ice to Rockport hai be left on port haiic rangers should keef )ckport ; shelter only ° 34m 32s W; tw^ bite light, visible It and N N E ; locatec nit of Massachusetu Boston. Bearings- 30 miles ; Glouce^ti-: Why W, 24 miles: ;vedge'S E by E, ^ iii J, giving eacn minutt vals of 4 and 44 sees trance to Glouceste: ee every 5 seconds )und into Glouceste: t Ledge (spar buoy i ;il the upper hari)0! nile S by W from tlu very 20 seconds. ; buoy, painted blucl; N| N> B>f white in perpendicular stripes, moored in about 32 fathoms of water, 3J miles (S S E mag.) from Eastern Point light house. The whistle on this buoy wMl give a sharp shrill sound to distinguish it from the whistling buoy located' about h mile S by W from Eastern Point light house. Gloucester Harbor Lujht, on Ten Pound Island, east side of entrance to inner harbor; brown tower; Hiushing white light every 5 seconds; visible 12 miles ; to enter harbor, bring this light to bear N E by N \ N, and run for it until Eastern Point Light bears S S p], and anchor in channel way or continue until Eastern Point light bears S, then steer E N E until Ten Pound Island light bears N, and anchor in S E harbor, in from 4 to 6 fathoms — hard mud ; or, from this point steer about N W by N between Ten Pound Island Ledge buoy and Ten Pound Island (giving the point of the Island a good berth), until the light bears E, then steer N ^ E until the light bears S by E, and anchor in western harbor. Automatic Buoy; a whistling buoy is moored ^ of a mile, S by W^ from Ewtern Point Light, permanently kept. JBaker^s Island Lights; latitude 42° 32m 12s N ; longitude 70° 47m lis W; two white towers, ranging S E and N W ; fixed white light, visible lt>i miles ; located on the north end of Baker's Island, south side of entrance t Salem and Beverly harbors. In coming fro:.i the southward vessels bound to Salem keep the lowest light open to the east of the high light, and run for it; this guides to the ea.stward of the South-east Breakers and Searl's Rock. Give Baker's Island a berth of not less than half a mile, leaving it on the port hand, then run for Hospital Point Light, bearing about W by N h N, until Derby Wharf light is in rai;ge with Fort Pickering light, M'hen Salem harbor will be to the W S W of you, and Beverly harbor W by N i^ N. Also, a bell struck by machinery, a single and a double blow alternately, intervals 30 seconds. For better information, a lens panel has been placed in "Hospital Point" Light, which makes a more brilliant light in the line of the ships' channel from Baker's Island than on either side, and serves to keep vessels from danger on either side. Hospital Point; white tower; fixed white light, visible 13i| miles; on Hos- pital Point, north side of entrance to Salem and Beverly Harbor. Fort Pickering Light ; brown tower ; fixed white light, visible lOi miles ; on Winter Island, north side of entrance to Salem harbor. On entering Salem harbor from near Hospital Point, get Derby Wharf light in range with Fort Kckering light to clear the Haste Shoal ; good anchorage half a mile S W by Sfroni this light, with Derby Wharf light bearing W by S. Derby Wharf Light ; on the end of Derby Wharf, Salem upper harbor ; red tower, fixed red light, visible 7i miles. Marblehead Light, on Marblehead Neck, SE side of entrance to Marble- head, and to Salem South Channel ; white tower ; fixed white light, visible 11 miles ; good anchorage half a mile W by S from this light. To enter harbor, bring the light to bear N W, and run for it until within two miles of it, then bring it to bear W N W, and run for it, leaving Marblehead Rock (a high rocky Islet with beacon at tpp) 150 yards on vour port hand, and when it bears S W run N W J N until the light bears S by W, then i-un S W | W into the harbor, and anchor between the light and the town. Egg Rock Light ; white tower; fixed rea light, visible 8i miles, guide to Swampscot anchorage and to Broad Sound. Leave it 1 J miles on the starboard band on entering Broad Sound. Minofs Ledge Light; latitude 42° 16m lis N; longitude 70° 45m 355 W; IMPORTER TEAS and J-^QUORS. AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. WT 40 Light-houses — Eastport to Boston. 1 1 WEDDING RINGS HADE TO ORDER AT A. 7. PATERSON'S, MAIN STREE1 enl ranee to Boston Bay; dark gray granite tower, 100 feet high; flashir ■white, signalling the number 143 every 30 seconds, thus: 1 flash; eclipv about 3 seconds ; 4 fliushes ; eclipse about 3 seconds ; 3 flashes ; eclipse aboi 15 seconds. Davis' Ledge Buoy bears E by S; Boston light bears N W i ^\ 7 miles. This course must be kept good, northerly, to pass Rell Boat, off tl, north side of the Harding's Ledge (about 4| miles from .Mlnot's Ledge Light A good mark to clear the Harding's Bell Boat, after passing Minot's light, '. to keep Long Island Head light (fixed white) just open to the north of i\. Narrows Light, which is a red light. Nix Mate Liqht Buoy. — \ gas buoy, painted black and sliowing a fixed whi: light, just inside of Nix Mate bell buoy, entrance to Boston harbor, Mass. 1 the ice runs strongly, this and similar buoys in the entrances to Boston harbi will be taken up. Harding Ledge and Centurion Rocks. — A light buoy, painted black and show ing a fixed white (gas) light, was placed just inside of Harding Ledge be buoy, entrance to Boston harbor. The light buoy is moored in 48 feet f watfr. on the following bearings: Minots Ledge lighthouse S 58° 30' E tn (S E i E mag) ; Harding Ledge beacon S 41° W true (S \V J W mag) ; Bosto lighthouse N 00° W true (N W | W mag). North end of Centurion buoy light buoy, painted black, numbered 5, and showing a fixed white (gas) ligli Boston' Light; latitude 42° 19m 41s N ; longitude 70° o3m 26s W ; on Litt! Brewster Island, north side of entrance to main ship channel to Boston ; whit tower; white flash light, flashing once every half minute, visible 15| mile- First-class steam siren; blasts 5 seconds, alternate silent intervals of 10 and 4 seconds. From Cape Cod highlands the course for Boston Light is N V by W \ W, which well clears Minot's Ledge and the Hardings ; then, whe •well pa.st Minot's, bring Boston light to bear W by N J N and run for it unt within ^ of a mile of it or until the Beacon light bears about W by N, the run W i^ S until the Beacon light bears W N W, then run W by N leavir the Beacon light 100 yards on your starboard hand, then steer N W \ ^' i keeping the middle of the channel) for the Narrows between Galloupe an jovell's Islands, then about N W | N for the bell buoy off Nix's Mate, whic leive on port hand, then run W by N } N for Fort Independence, leaving tl: lower middle buoy, red can, No. 6, a good berth on your starboard, and Stat Ledge buoy, red Nun No. 8 close aboard on your starboard ; then run abot N W J N for the upper middle buoy, black Nun No. 9, which leave o your port, then the course to Long Wharf or to good anchorage is about N V ^ W. If making Boston ship channel from Cape Ann, get Tiiatchcr s Islar li<;ht to bear N N W from 2 to 3 miles, then steer S W i W until l'"-uv\ ligl bears W by N ^ N. Then proceed as before given. Narrows Light; black lantern on white hexagonal dwelling, pue found tion ; fixed red light, visible 8i^ miles; on the right hand side of Narrow in Ship Channel entrance to Boston harbor ; also, a bell struck by machiner every 20 seconds. Deer Island Light; on the south extremity of the Spit, making out } mi! to the southward from Deer Island entrance to Boston Harbor ; fixed whit varied by a red flash every 30 seconds ; also a bell struck by machinery eper 10 seconds in foggy weather. Long Island Light; on the N E end of Long Island and southern side ( entrance to Boston inner harbor : brown tower ; fixed white light, visible U miles. In coming up ship channel, and after leaving Nix's Mate buoy on th port hand, and Long Island Light bears W by S ^ S, run W by N } N for tli 1 ] E. G. SCOVn., 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., 5T0N. LioHT-HOUSEs — Advertisements. 41 N'S, MAIN STREET SPECTACLES and ETE-6LASSES AT A. T. PATERSON'S MIS STREET. ) feet high ; flashii hns : 1 flash ; eclij> flashes ; eclipse aXw ight l)e.irH N W ^ V >ass r.ell Boat, off tl, ^linot's Ledge Light ssing Minot's light, n to the north of tl showing a fixed whi ton harbor, Mass. '. nces to Boston harlx nted black and show Harding Ledge be moored in 48 feet i ouse S 58° 30' E tn W I W mag) ; Bosto of Centurion buoy xed white (giis) ligh 33m 26s W ; on Liti, rinel to Boston ; whit ute, visible 15i| mile^ intervals of 10 and 4 (oston Light is N ^' lardings ; then, wht N and run for it unt: s about W by N, the I run W by N leavin then steer N W \ ^' between Galloupp an off Nix's Mate, whic pendence, leaving tk r starboard, and Stat jard ; then run aboi o. 9, which leave i chorage is about N ^ et Thatc'.;- Tslan W until ; • vi ligl Iwelling, pile found and side of Narrow struck bv machiner it, making out J mi. ^ Harbor ; fixed whit 3 c by machinery e?er and southern side i hite light, visible 1*: ix's Mate buov on tb W bv N i N for th 80Cth end of the Castle until the Castle North Wharf bears N W by W 5 W, orabreiust of the State Ledge Buoy (red, No. S), then N W | N to the Upper Middle Buoy (black. No. 9), which leave on port hand, then the course to Long Wliarf is N W \ W. But if approaching Boston from Cape Ann, via Broad f<OUnd, bring Long Island Light to bear 8 W by W, and run for it until Deer Island Point Beacon bears N W by N V N, tliree-eighths of a. mile distant, then W by N } N up the harbor. Strangers should bear in mind that in the Middle of Broad Sound there is but 8 feet of water at low tide ; but by keeping <m the southern side of the Sound, leaving the (Graves Whistling Buoy J a mile on your port hand and the Devil's Limb Buoy (black can No. 1) ^ mile on port hand, and running straight to Ram's Head buoy (black can buoy No. 5) about W S W, passing Aldrich's Ledge buoy (black can No. 3) ^ mile on port, then leaving Ram's head 50 yards distant on port, and run about W J S to clear Deer Island Point Beacon, you can carry 12 feet safely. From the Beacon you will steer W J N for lower middle buoy, then W by N i Nfor State Ledg? Buoy, when proceed as before given. mM.mm ^ oo. — MANUFACTURERS OF Polished Red and Grey Granite and Marble Monuments, Tablets and Head Stones, Cemetery Enclosures, Building Work, etc. WATERLOO STREET OppoHite Cathedral. 'ST.JOHN,N.B. PUBLISHERS OF AND DEALERS IN 98 PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, ST. JOHIT, IT. B. HN| N. B.f IMPORTER TEAS and UQUOKS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. Ill ! ii i'p . 42 Distance — Funnels of Atlantic Ocean Steamers. SHOES of aU Kinds at WATERBURT & RISING'S, 61 King and 212 Union St| DISTANCE FROM TO MILKS. New York Amsterdam 3,425 " Antwerp 3,4/57 " Bordeaux 3,334 *' Breman 3,570^ " Brest 2,962 " Bristol .; 3,014 " Cape Race .., 1,010 « Cherbourg ". 3,"i84 " Chriatiania 3,700 " Copenhagen 3,800 " Fastnet 2,79(» " Fire Island 53 '• Glasgow 2,926 " Hamburg 3,590 " Havre 3,200 " Hull ^,"60 " Lame— Belfast 2,8«0 " Liverpool 3.040 Lizard, The 3,060 London 3,31" Milford Haven 2,929 " MovilljA— Jjondonderry- 2,813 " Newfoundland, Banks.. 980 " Plymouth 3,030 " Queenstown 2,795 " Rotterdam 3,394 " Sandy Hook 18 " Southampton 3,110 Fastnet Queenstown 60 Halifax " 2,213 " Cape Race 463 " Liverpool 2,530 Lizard Southampton 110 Boston Halifax 335 " Liverpool 2,89(i " Queenstown 2,563 Portland Halifax 300 <« FROM TO HU Baltimore Liverpool 3,.'V Philudelphia.. " :{,!• Quebec " "^.'r.,....,.,,^,. V€ jtto^ ftstowg,.. " .\^ ■■j^rpool^^^faMidon ....•/.X.>^.-)«i*^ ^Bmion ifWrlMVirtsterfTam, via Ilarwich ^^ " Antwerp .j " Berlin, via Harwich ■' " Berlin, via Dover A Calais r " Brussels " " " Cologne, via Harwich. " Paris, via Newhaven. " " " Folkestone I " " " Dover " Rotterdam, via Harwich.. " Vienna, via Rotterdam... Dublin Holyhead Glasgow London Edinburgh " Folkestone Boulogne Dover Calais " Ostende Newhaven Dieppe i Harwich Rotterdam " Antwerp Queen8boro'...F'lushing Paris C' ones " Florence " Geneva " Genoa " Madrid -f " Marseilles , " Milan ' " Nice. * " Rome . T .Venice FUNNELS OF ATLANTIC OCEAN STEAMERS. * Allan Line — Red, with White band and Black top. Anchor Line — Blat* Beaver Line — Black, with two White bands. Bremen Line — Black. Cunard Line — Red, with Black Top. > Dominion Line — Red, with Black top. I French Line — Re<l, with Black top. , Great Western S. S. Line — Black, with Red band with Blue and White sew circle, Black top. Guion Line — Black, broad Red band and Black top. Hamburg- American Packet Co. — Black. ' Inman Line — Black, with White band and Black top. ' Ley land Line — Pink, Blajk top. National Line — White, with Black tof North German Lloyd Line — Cream color. ] Red Cross Line — White below, with Red Cross on it, Black top. % Red Star Line — Black, with White band, on which is a Red star. eo State Line — Light Buff, Red band, Black top. . Warren Line — Black. White Cross Line — Black. 9 While Star Line — Cream color, with Black top. in Wilson Line — Red, with Black top. ] The Inman Line is now the American Line. E. G. SGOVn., 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., I .N Steamers. Sea Signai^. 43 ng and 212 Union St^ggeg of aU Kinds at WITERBURT & RISING'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sts. TO Brpool. MILF ....3,:^ ■V. tema .,»;-.x.-«Jj.- ^ VOo# SEA SIGNALS. tke following is a description of the Colors displayed from the Signal Station at the Custom House on the arrival of Vessels in the oHing : Code id steWam, via Harwich .4 r Poi^ription. For a Ship. Iwerp ■lin, via Harwich, lin.via Dover A Calais issels " ogne, via Harwich •''' ''-^ SlkesS "5 5^n°a"* ^-l^''^' ^''h red spot. l-olltestone , Yellow mid hhie (vertical). d, white and blue f vertical tri-color). nnant red, with white spot. Sennant white, with red spot, lue ami Yellow (tour checks). IHue, white, blue (horizontal). Bark. " Dover tterdam.via Harwich !nna, via Rotterdam.. lyhead ndon Lilogne. .. lais ende jppe tierdam itwerp ... Lishing.... nnes jrence ... neva noa idrid irseilles . Ian ca. inie nice C I STEAMERS. Anchor Line— Blac* en Line — Black. » Brig. ipenuant white, with red spot. Jlue, with white cross from corner to corner. hite and red (vertical). ue and wl-.ite (sixteen checks). Brigantine. ■J pennont white, with red spot. € Jlue, with cross from corner to corner. I White and red (vertical). . White, Blue centre. f<|BBll or three-masted Schooner. ,J Bpnnant white, with red spot. S Slue, with white cross from corner to corner. •I White and red (vertical). Steamer. Pennant white, with red spot. Blue, with white cross from corner to corner. Pennant blue, with white spot. Blue and White set' Vhite, with Black to] 51ack top. Red star. \ Line. Signal. Description. 6nn-Boat. D Pennant blue, with white spot. C Pennant white, with red sp)ot. G Pennant yellow and blue. J Blue, white and blue (horizontal). Vessel in Tow F Pennant red. with white sp . B Red swallow-toil (burgee). L Blue and yellow (four ch( jks). V White, with red cross from corner to comer. Several Vessels in Sight. C Pennant white, with red spot. S White, with blue centre. H White and red (vertical). Several Sail. C Pennant white, with red spot. Li Blue and yellow (four checks). K Yellow and blue (vertical). Want a PUot. M Blue, with white cross from corner to corner. U Red swallow-tail (burgee). H White and red (vertical). Want a Tug. P Blue, with white centre. N Blue and white (sixteen checks). Want Assistance. H White and red (vertical). a Red swallow-tail (burgee). In Distress— Want Assistance. N Blue and white (sixteen checks). C Pennant white, with red spot. Boat in Distress. H White and red (vertical). K Y^ellow and blue (vertical). Boat Adrift. J Blue, white, blue (horizontal). D Pennant blue, with white spot. N Blue and white (sixteen checka). Sqoare-Rigged Vessel. Pennant blue, with white spot. Bed, with yellow cross (vertical and horizontal). Snnant white, with red spot, ue, with white centre. Man of War. Pennant white, with red spot. Blue and yellow (four checks). White, Avith red cross from corner to corner. In future the letters K R V for " Seiid a Tug- to Me *' {or to Vessel % direction pointed out) will be displayetl at the Signal Station for Vessel* eqpiring a Tug. The letters P N for *' Want a Tug-," when exhibited, to be understood 9 an urgent danger or distress signal, and in answer to those made by the une, or an Ensign Union down. For further information see International Code, or inquire at Signal Station. J. Drake. |HN| N. B.| UPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. T 44 Canadian Storm Warnings. JOB PRINTIIfG ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. McIULLAK'St !l" ■H /!^ H^i IH' CANADIAN STORM WARNINGS. ISSUED FOR QUP^BEC AND THE MARITIME PROVIXCES. Fig. No. 1 — This signal indie "moderate gale is expected at from an easterly direction." Fig. No. 2 — This signal indie " moderate gale is expected at from a westerly direction." Fig. No. 3 — This signal indie' "fresh to heavy gale is expecte^ first from an easterly direction." t Fig. No. 4 — This signal indir " fresh to heavy gale is expecte*. first from a westerly direction." The Cone, when hoisted by iti indicates that it is expected that' wind will attain a velocity of 30 ii., an hour, but will not exceed 40 ni! and it is not i ntended that an ord ina' well found vessel should stay in j but simply as a warning to marii^j, that strong winds are expected r the quarter indicated. The Drum will always be lioi when the velocity of the wind is pected to exceed 40 miles an hoii: The night signal correspondin.^j Nos. 1 and 3, is two white lant: hanging perpendicularly. ,j Night signal corresponding to! 2 and 4, is two white lanterns li^ ing horizontally. ei Note 1 — Mariners will be able to obtain further information from S^ ; Signal Agents, or by consulting the daily probabilities. e Note 2 — Mariners must al\vays bear in mind that the storm signals are me: ; •cautionary, and do not necessarily mean that a storm will occur at the pei ■where the signal is displayed, but that one is expected either there or wi' ; such a distance that vessels leaving port would be liable to be caught in i; ; 3t NIGHT In? lor 3 NIGHT YN?«cr4 wmm • • • « -OF AliL KINDS SUPPLIED BY f i;!!!: J. & A. McMillan, St. John, N •a E. 0. SCOVIL, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., 1 m S'GS. 4 Boards of Health. 45 I. & A. McMUiLiN'Siaiiroad and Steamboat Printing a Spocial Feature at J. ft A. HcHILLAN'S. E PROVINCES. ^INGS. -» BOARDS OF HEALTH. Provincial Board of Health. 1— This signal indif y^^ Bavard, M D, Chairnian ; Hon Judge Steadman, Hon James Hollv, ga e 18 expected at ^ -^ (^Y)ulthard, B A, M 1), (Jeo H Cobnrn, M D, John iMcMillan. erly direction." 2— This signal indk Local Boards of Health. gale is expected at Jj|^^^.^^^.^ Xo 1, Fredericton- Chairman, W C Crocket, M D; Secretary, jrly direction.' jh„ w p.eckwith. 3— rhis signal mdic District No 2, Marysville- Chairman, Isaac Clarence Sharp, M D. eavy gale is expecie Djgtrict No .S, York Co (excluding the Citv of Fredericton and the Town of I easterly direction. ^.jl,g)_^.,,j^irman, O E Morehouse, M'D, Keswick. 4— This signal indu jj|^^,.i^.t ^^^q 4 st John— Chairman, James Reynolds ; Secretary, Thomas M eavy gale is expectei„__g westerly direction." U|gtVict No 7, Moncton-Chairman, p:dward B Chandler, M D; Secretary, '., when hoisted by it, E'>^)rtlirup. it It is expected that j^tricl No 8, Westmorhind Co (excluding tlie Town of Moncton)— Chair- tain a velocity ofSOv^^j, Donald D McDonald, M D, Petitcodiac. will not exceed 40 ni. Strict No 9, Woodstock— Chairman, Newton R Colter, M D; Secretary, ntendedthatanordim- chipman Hartley. vessel should stay in ; j|girict No 10, Carleton Co (excluding the Town of Woodstock)— Chair- is a warning to niari;^^ . Secretary, John R Hagerman, M D. winds are expected t^trict No 11, St Stephen— Chairman, Frank I Blair, MD; Secretary, indicated. ■ G fetevens, jr. m will always be hoi J^trict No 12, Milltow .—Chairman and Secretary, J M Deacon, M D; ilocity of the wind iSnmcctor, Daniel Sutherland. ceed 40 miles an hoii: ]^trict No 13, Upper Mills— Chairman, Henry Hacker; Secretary, E F ; signal correspondiii.^j^^^j.g 3, is two white lant," I^trict No 14, Grand Manan Island— Chairman, Wni A Fraser, Wood- pendicnlarly. ^^td's Cove; Secretary, Wm A Fraser. lal corresponding to! Dfetrict No 15 (excluding the Towns of St Stephen, Milltown, Upper Mills wo white lanterns lin^ Grand Manan Island)— Chairman, S T Gove, M D, St Andrews. ally. District No 16, Victoria Co— Chairman, F N Welling, M D, Andover; ecretary, G W Day. information from St Diptrict No 17, Madawaska to— Chairman, J A Guy, M D, Edmundston; es. ecrttary, C G Main, M D, Edmundston. e storm signals are me IMptrict No 18, Sunbury Co— Chairman, Geo R Camp, M D, Upper Sheffield ; will occur at the pecretary, A Stanley Clowes, Oromocto. id either there or wi District No 19, Queens Co— Chairman, James A Casswell, M D. ble to be caught in i. District No 20, Kings Co— Chairman, G H Johnston, M D. ' District No 21, Albert Co— Chairman, W S Starratt, Hopewell Hill ; Sec- 3tary, Geo G Melvin, M D, Alma. Irict No 22, Kent Co — Chairman, Thos J Bourque, M D, Richibucto. trict No 23, Northumberland Co — Chairman, James McGregor Baxter, ID, Chatham ; Secretary, Robert Nicholson, M D, Newcastle. District No 24, Gloucester Co — Chairman, Gideon Mitchell Duncan, M D, atliurst ; Secretary, J C Meahan, M D, Bathurst. District No 25, Restigouche Co — Chairman, Allan G Ferguson, M D, Parish _ «. 'albousie ; Secretary, H A Johnson, Dalhousie. inVlTl ry District No 26, Town of Campbellton— Chairman, H Lunam, M D; Secre- BY 7 — Daniel Murray, M D. JOHN, N. B., IMPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. 'I M' -i,"l: l|' \% li;!i: 46 Advertisement. SHOES of aU Kinds at WATERBURT & RISING'S, 61 King and 2 1 2 Union msL mCi) AmmM & sm ■♦n<'I.MW»*««»»»l«"l<M.»(.l"l <»<.<•»«•<.»■»<•».»'» «'t.M,«>|.M,/M.»«.«'l<'«,C».M.('|,M,(>l.'«.<M.M.|i|X'««'l#»t.«"l. (LIlwIITEr)), Cotton SpinneiSiBleaclieiSiDyeisiManufaclui WATER TWIST YARN, GREY COTTONS, SHIRTIN( SEW BRUNSWICK COTTON MILLS, ) OT SAINT JOHN COTTON MILLS, ■ (OLu I J E. 6. SOOYIL, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., Movable Feasth, Anniver-saries, Etc. 47 1 King and 2 1 2 Union i«ES of aU Kinds at WATERBURT & RISING'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sts. .MW'I. ••.(■» <»M'I»'<.<"1.'I. ST. B. ALMANAC. iCalciilatod for St. John, N. B., Latitiule 45° W N., and Longitude ♦;6° 04^ W^ from Cilreenwkh ; and will serve with sufliciont acciiracv for all parts of the I'rovinceH of New Brunswick and Prince l"Mward Island. Calculated, reduced and compiled hv B. A. Staniers, Marine School, St. Jolin, N. B. ;__ Principal Articles of tbe Calendar for the Year 1896. Golden Number K) Epftct !•'> Solar Cvcle 1 Dominical Letters E D Roman Indication 9 Julian Period 6009 t Fixed and Movable Festivals, Anniversaries, Etc. Ascension Day — Holy Thursday May Birth of (^ueen Victoria " Pentecost — Whit Sunday... " Trinity Siuiday " Corpus Christ i June Accession of t^ueen Victoria " Proclamation " " " St. John Baptist — Midsummer Day " St. Michael- Michaelmas Day Sept. Birth of Prince of Wales ...Nov. St. Andrew " 1st Sunday in Advent " St. Thomas Dec. Christmas Day " The year 5657 of the Jewish era commences on Sept. 8th, 18U6. Bamadan (month of abstinence observed by the Turks) commences on Feb. 16th, 1896. The year 1314 of the Mohammedan Era begins on June 12th, 1896. These and other Feasts, Anniversaries, etc., will be found in the columns Calendar. Epiph any J an . yeptuagesima Sunday Feb. Quin(|uagesima — Shrove Sunday Feb. Aab Wednesday " St. David's *. Mar. Qoailr:igesima — |8t Sunday in Lent Feb. Patrick Mar. unciation — Lady Day... " m Sunday " CMbd Friday April JSibter Sunday " LoVr Sunday " St. George " Rogation Sunday May 2 16 19 1 23 17 25 29 3 5 12 23 10 14 24 24 31 4 20 21 24 29 !♦ 30 29 21 25 ONS, SHIRTIN( m i.u 11 7. JOHN, N. B., Explanation of Astronomical Symbols and Abbreviations. The Sun The Moon Mercury Venus tThe Earth Hours n. Minutes ft Seconds Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Degrees Minutes of Arc Seconds of Arc CT Conjunction □ Quadrature cP Opposition ^^ Ascending Node ?5 Descending Node N North; S South E East; W West M Morning; A Afternoon Gr. Hel. Lat. — Greatest Heliocentric Latitude. IMPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. 48 Si(;nh, Seasons and Ec"lipm:h. ALL KINDS OF LEQAL PRINTING AT J. k A. MCMILLAN'S. V.mMMM ® 1 :; <il'ta/l>l*ll>l,rt>«l.>*ir't<><i<'li><>l'<<>(il'l<Mi)'li>>.l'l>Mil<l<>S('l.l«tfliM|ji|<'Sl'l.><.(<t<'l.t<t>'li>*t<*<a>S/'l<* General Merchant <>ttl'l. »l.»'ijM.«'l|»>,M>yi.»«H'l.Mn»«.>'i<»l,><>«'l.>»»<«l«»l.»'l.»V.I'l»'t.>«><'».»H«*l.l«WI,»S«'«t«'W"l»'>tM||tUH Indiantown, St. John, N. Spring Signs Summer Signs I Signs and Influences of the Zodiac. 1 'X' Aries, head 2 t< Taurus, neck 3 II (ieniini, arms 4 69 Cancer, breast 5 c;",'' Leo, heart ^ itj^ Virgo, bowels Autumn Signs 7 '^^ Libra, reins 8 ITt Scorpio, seer 9 ^ Sagittarius, t Winter j J? ^ Capricornus, e: ■< 11 ?;ji Aquarius, let Signs ^ j2 K Pisces, feet Tbe Seasons. The Sun enters T (f^pring begins) March 10th, lOh. A. 6q (Summer begins) June 20th, 6h. A. ^ (Autumn begins) September 22nd, 9h. M. ^ (Winter begins) December 21st, 3h. M. The Equinoxes occur when Spring and Autumn begin, and the Solsti the beginning of Summer and Winter. II (( (( « « (( Eclipses, Etc. In the year 1896 there will be two Eclipses of the Sun and two of the ] I. Annular E( lipse of the Sun — Feb. 13th. Invisible at St. Begins on the Earth generally Feb. 13th, Oh. 30m. M., in Ion. 137° "W. of Greenwich, and lat. 58° 33m. S. Central Eclipse begins j allv Feb. 13th, llh. 14m. M., in Ion. 118° 00m. E. of Greenwicl lat! 76° 28m. S. Ends on the Earth generally Feb. 13th, 2° 29 in Ion. 7° 8m. W. of Greenwich, and lat. 10° 3om, S. II. A Partial Eclipse of the Moon— Feb. 28th. Invisible at St. First contact with the Penumbra Feb. 28th, Oh. 52m. A. Mid the Eclipse Feb. 28th, 3h. 22m. A. Liist contact with the Peni Feb. 28th, 5h. 52m. A. At St. John the Moon will rise 6h. 13m III. A Total Eclipse of the Sun — Aug. 8-9. Invisible at St. John, gins on the Earth generally Aug. 8th, lOh. 10m. A., in Ion. 32*^ E. of Greenwich, and lat. 47° 49m. N. Central Eclipse begins j E. 6. SGOVn., 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., P8E8. A. MCMILLAN'S. »,, ). ,,>1. »<»<•<,(•»»••. ''X*!.''*"'! ^■I.M»ft,»«HMi»'>«»<H' ^("»'»«»<<l'(i' Morning and Evening Stars — Exlanatory. 49 ~ J. & A. McMILLAIf PUBLISH SCHOOL BOOKS. allv Aug. Hth, llh. 29ra. A., in Ion. 0° 3m. W. of (Irt'i-iiwich, and Int. 02° ^'iin. N. Ends on the Earth generally AtiK. IHh, 'M\. lOni. M., in l(»n. l')H° 'M\tu. E. of (Jreenwich, and hit. :\° 'Mm. K. IV. A Partial Eci-irsE of thk Moon — Aug. 22nd 2.Srd. ViHible at St. 44n>. A. with iho will rise First contact with the lVnun»l)ra .\ug. 22n(i, llh. rc- Jolin. MiddU' of the Eclipse Aug. 23rd, 2h. '.VMn. M. Last contact IVnunibra Aug. 23rd, Tdi. 23ni. M. Al 8t. John the Moon t)h. 4om. A. Morning and Evening Stars. Venu.s is a morning star until July 9th, and an evening star for the mainder of the _\ ear. Mak8 is a morning star until December 10th, and an evening star for the remainder of the year. - —J j> JuPiTKR is a morning star until January 2tth, when he is in opposition to TqViH JN • rthesun, then an evening star until August Hth, and a morning star for the V ^ ranlftinder of the year. ■^"""""""""""""^^^^ Satiuin is a morning star until May 5ih, when he is in opposition to the Zodiac. 9UD, then an evening star until November 13th, and a morning star for '.iie 7 IJ2J Libra, reins remainder of the year. 8 m Scorpio, secreb Explanatory. 9 10 11 12 X Sagittarius, this: Capricornus kiiAoO"''''' Eclipse— An eclipse of the Sun, in which its whole disk is covered ;2 Aquarius, legs . by the Moon, except a bright outer ring. y{ Pisces, feet 19th, lOh. A. 20th, 6h. A. inber 22nd, 9h. M. ber 21st, 3h. M. \phelion — The point of a planet's orbit farthest from the Sun. \pogee — That part of the Moon's orbit farthest from the Earth. istfonomical Dav is reckoned from noon to noon through the 24 hours. Thus, •July 21, 9h,'i8 9h A of July 21, and July 21, 15h, is 3h m of July 22. .'Disjunction — A planet directly between the Earth and the Sun is said to be in Inferior Conjunction with the Sun. A Planet with the Sun dirc(;tly between it and the Earth is said to be in Superior Conjunction with the Sun. Planets are said to be in conjunction with each other, or with the . . Moon, when they are in the same sign and degree. begin, and the oo'stice- j^y^jj^^j^j^ — -jij^g distance of a heavenly body from the Equinoctial, measured north or south, in degrees or minutes, on a Meridian. Ccliptic — The plane of the Earth's orbit, so called because Eclipses can take place only when the Moon is on or near it. , . r.f tVipMn''^OOgation — The distance of a Planet from the Sun as seen from the Earth. Sun and two ot ^"e mc j^^^^^.^j_^j^^ ^.^^j^ .^ ^j^^ heavens traced by the Earth's Equator. .^ Invisible at St. Juij^^j^'pjjjj^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^.j^^ ^^ ^ heavenly body which intercepts the oOm. M., in Ion. lo7 •>- J)cliptic. If the body is passing from south to north, it is called the itral Eclipse begins gen j^scending Node ; if from north to south. Descending. OOm. E. of Greenwich, "tppoBition— A planet with the Earth directly between it and the Sun is said ally Feb. 13th, 2 29m. ^ |gg 5^ opposition to the Sun. 35m. S. _ ,'enninbra — That portion of space around the shadow of the Earth, in pa.ss- Sth. Invisible *^^** j.*^' ing through which the Moon diminishes in brightness in consequence of h, Oh. 52m. A. Middle ^ p^^^ ^^^y ^f ^jjg Sun's rays reaching her surface, ontact with the Penumle,^e_Xhat part of the Moon's orbit nearest to the Earth, loon will rise 6h. 13m. AerlBelion— That part of the Planet's orbit nearest to the Sun. Invisible at St. Jo""^ 'uadrature — Two heavenly bodies are said to be in Quadrature when they . 19ra. A., in Ion. 32 >w ^.g jigtant from each other by one fourth of the Zodi*c, or three signs itral Eclipse begins gen ^p^rt. ^ 11 ) T. JOHN, N. B., IMPORTER TEAS and LIQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. I ' 60 Tides. LEGAL BLANKS AND STATIONERY ALWAYS IN STOCK AT HcMILLiI The Sun's Det'litialion ami fnHt or slow of clock are given for apparent i or time of passing the Meridian of St. John. The Moon's Soiitliing is given in Astrouoiiiical time for tlie Meridian sage at St. John; and her Declination, wlien on the Meridian. Tiie Rising and Setting of the Moon are given for every day in the year, To find the length of the da^v, subtract the time of Hunrise from 12 h and to the ditlerence add tiie time of sunset. To find tiie length of the night, subtract the time of sunset from 12 h and to the difference add the time of sunrise next morning. Tides. When the Moon is near the Full, and change, the Tides rise higher usual — these are called Spring Tides ; and when the Moon is near her and third tjuarters the Tides rise less than usual — these are called Tides. If the Moon near the full or change is in her Perigee, or n( approach to the Earth, it will be very high 'fides, and if at that time s in her Apogee, or farthest distance from the earth, the Tides will flow i less. On account of the disturbing force of the winds it is not possible at (by astronomical calculations) to predict the exact time and height of and low water ; when the winds blow strong on shore, the effect is to inc the Tides and make them later, but when the winds Hlow off shore, the is to diminish them and make them earlier. The Tides in the Calendar are the Morning a ftemoon Tides i John and Charlottetown. In the Tide Table (page r)2) will be found stants for finding the time of High Water at each of the places given i table. It will sometimes be found that when a Constant is added to the ti High Water at the port of reference the sum exceeds 12 hours ; in thi subtract 12 hours from the sum and the remainder will be the time of Water at the required port on the succeeding afternoon or morning, a ing as the Tide at the port of reference was a Morning or Afternoon Ti( EXAMPLE. Hijch Water at .St. John, January 15th lib. 4.'5iu. M. MonctoD, add 54m. IJh. a!im.~" Subtract 12h. 00m. High Water at Moncton, January 15th Oh. a9m. A. It will sometimes be found that a Constant to be subtracted is greate the time of High Water at the port of reference ; in tkis case add 12 h the time at the port, subtract the Constant, and the remainder will be tl of High Water at the required place for the previous Morning or Aft( according as the Tide at the port of reference was an Afternoon or ^ Tide. EXAMPLE. High Water at Charlottetown, January 3rd Oh. 27m. A. Add 12h. 00m. 12h. 27m. Newcastle, BeaubGre Island, subtract 4h. 1.5m. High ^^%«ter at Beaubfre Island, January 3rd 8h. i2ra. M. E. 6. SGOVn.. 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., Advkktiskmknt. 51 POCK AT McmU|^S icitliLAN'S BINDERY is the MOST COMPLETE in the Htritime ProTlnoei. iven for apparent no^ _ j^ jm ]1/J*^- T^yjf'WPTf ' TP JL,T^ , for the Meridian v. ^ f) C^ Mi§) 13^.^111 JKJMjiki^Ml ^ the Meritlian. •ery day in the year. f Hunrise from 12 hou 98 PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, of sunset from 12 hou: ^ CTOIilSr, IST. B. ' urning. dB ' i I'UBLISUERS AND IMrORTERS OF B Tides rise higher tli iiiSiS New Brunswick School Books, , the Tides will flow luu • "uLld'^rigM oVi: SLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. ore, the effect is to mere: ^ ^ l8 Slow off shore, the ef fter^oon Tides a, BOOK 3011 JOB PRINTERS . ige o2) will he found t of the plac« given m BOOK-BINDERS. at is added to the timt eds 12 hours ; in this i . will be the time of H WEDDING INVITATIONS, ernoon or morning, atci ning or Afternoon Tide. feiilii Cards, At-Home Carfls, Ball Prosrames, etc. Ish S.'^ 'll WHOLESALE AND RETAIL lohT IJOra. A. >e.»"bi"«'**i^.f\ff,:,.' Booksellers '^^ Stationers. in tl»i9 case add iz nou le remainder will be the vious Morning or Afterr. as an Afternoon or Mot j^LL ORDERS ATTENDED TO WITH ESPECIAL CARE. )■ Oh. 27m. A. llh 27m. 1|S=* Write for any information required, which shall :::::::: tM^. N promptly famished. ST^^OHN, N. B., IMPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. Miil II' fii. 52 Forecasting t;ie Weather — Tide Table. ALL DESGRIPITONS OF COHHERGIAL PBI^TIHO AT McMILLAiri Forecasting the Weather. Men have, from a very early period, studied the weather, on accouot o great influence on their pursuits, in order, if possible, to |)rediet iUs nature prevent those losses to the farnjer and the sa'.lor which result from vi( storms. The earlier students based their predictions on the phases of the moon an examination of the Greenwich observations for more than half a cent has shown that this theory is entirely unfounded. Weather prophets Moore, Zadkiel and Vennor claim in their almanacs to be able to forecas weather day by day for a whole year ; but meteorological science in the Br Isles, and the Signal Service of the United Stales, with the Weather Kii of the Dominion, does not claim to forecast, with any certainty, the wej for more than three or four days at the most. If an observer could obtain, at regular and repeated intervals, readin the Barometer at stations distributed over a large area, he would be em to trace the march of the storm, for it has been found that the wind al blows towards the place of the lowest barometer reading ; and so, by mea the telegraph, he may warn those places the storm is approac 'ling. mistakes are often made, and the forecsists are not always infallible, so much remains to be done before mettorology can be marked among the sciences. Tide Table. The time of High Water in the following places will be found app mately by adding to or subtracting from the time of High Water a given port of reference, as follows: Sign -f add ; Sign — subtract. PORT OF REFERENCE — ST. JOHN, N. B. New England Coast. H. M. -0 9 — 9 —0 17 Boston Light Salem Gloucester Harbr Ipswich -\-0 5 ifewburyport +0 1 Bay of Fundy, H. M. j Cape Sable, Clam Point —2 54 " Clark's Harbour —2 28 ; Pubnico — -' 56 Arg^le, Jones' Ancorage — 1 54 Seal Island, Cape Sable —1 32 Ellenwood's Anchorage — 1 27 I Jebogue — 1 17 Yarmouth — 1 12 E.Sandy Cove, St. Mary's Bay —0 48 Petite Passage —0 48 I Portsmouth -j- Portland + Kennebec R., Hanniwell's Pt., — Mount Desert Island — Nova Scotia. p Grand Passage — W. SandyCove, St.Mary's Bay, — Digby (iut — Port George — Isle Haute — Black Rock Spencer's Anchorage Parrsboro, Minas Basin........ Horton Bluft', Minas Basin... Noel Bay + + E. G. SCOVIL, 62 UNiON STREET, ST. JOHH, N. B.. DE Table. MorATHcimjiAiri Tide Table. 53 reather, on account of it , to predict its nature, an rhich result from viokii J phases of the moon, bi; lore than half a centuir; Weather prophets lik to be i\h\e to forecast tli jical science in the Briti^ with the Weather Burea iny certainty, the weatlit ited intervals, readings area, he would be enable md that the wind alwav ding ; and so, by means ra is approHc'iing. Sti t always infal ible, so tli; J marked among, the ex;i ^ J. k A. MCMILLAN FURNISH ESTIMATES FOR SOCIETY PRINTING. Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. H, M. iftachias. Seal Island... — 16 ^1 Cove, Grand Manan —0 27 ind Harbor, Grand Manan, — 14 shHead —0 5 TestQuoddy —0 9 G(impobello, Welshpool — ;es will be found approx of High Water at t; Qe ict. N, N. B. fit Andrews —0 31 L*Etang —0 2 h: m. Lepreaux — 3 Quaco +0 14 Spicer's Cove, Cape Chignecto +0 14 Grindstone Island 4 26 Folly Point, Mouth of Petit- codiac +0 28 Cumberland Basin, Sackville -\ 34 Moncton +0 54 Atlantic Coast, Nova Scotia. H. M. Hfgro Harbor —3 9 Bllggcd Island —3 22 PjfTt Mouton —3 17 Liverpool Bav... — 3 31 Cm)e La Have —3 33 Mahone Bay —3 36 Marg;iret Bav —3 34 Sable Island, North Side —3 51 " South Side —4 51 H. Halifax Harbyr —3 Jedore Harbor — 3 Ship Harbor —3 Lisconib Harbor Country Harbor Whitehaven Canso Harbor Guysboroiigh -3 —3 —3 —3 —3 Cape Breton Island, H. M. PtortHood —2 21 Out of Canso, Norti —2 6 Mabou River —2 21 Cape North —3 21 fit. Anne Bay —2 47 H. Svdney Harbor — 3 Menadon Bay — 3 Louisburg Harbor — 3 St. Peter Bay —3 Arichat — 3 M. 32 36 27 21 41 21 33 1 M. 6 6 21 51 11 H. ' 1 -fo ^ R., Hanniwell's Pt., — U ert Island — ^ a. H. : sage — " ove,St.Mary'8Bay, — — o; e '::zz -0 .... — »' K.:''zz:. +0 Anchorage +" Minas Basin........ -\ uft" Minas Basin... 4 1 4 1 '. JOHN, N. B., i PORT OF REFERENCE— CHARLOTTETOWN, P. Northumberland Straits, N. S. E. I. H. M. Pictou Harbor — 45 Caribou Harbor —0 45 Amet Sound — ( 15 Ta(ta«iagouche — 45 Wallace Harbor.., Pugwash Harbor. Bale Verte H. M. — 15 —0 15 —0 45 Prince Edward Island. H. M. East Point , —2 15 Boughton Harbor —2 5 Cardigan Bay -2 5 Cape Bear — i 45 Head of Hillsborough River |-0 15 Cnwpaud —0 45 Bedeque Harbor — 30 Minemagash — 7 15 Egmont Cascumpeque Harbor. Richmond Harbor Cape Turner Grand Rustico Tracadie St. Peter's Harlwr ¥' M. 45 05 H. —7 —5 —4 45 —4 .35 —4 5 —3 45 —2 15 IMPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. r I LM^ iii-.'f !' i!-! ; :'i!'ii:l '■ !i I 54 Tide Table — Altitude of the Sun. WEDDDfO INVITATIONS IN LATEST NOVELTIES AT J. & A. McMILLA Gvlf of St. Laurence. H. M. Shediac Harbor -(-2 15 Jourimain Island — 1 15 Richibncto River +4 45 Point Escuminac -| 5 25 Beaub^re Island, Miramichi River — 4 15 Sheldrake Island —4 45 Miscou +3 45 Laraqnette Shippegan Bathiirst Camnbellton, Rest' Dalhousie Harbo Gasp6 Basin Maj?dalen Islands.. St. Paul Island H +: +'■ +^ .:-:'..w Riv.-f-' +^ -f! To Find the Latitude by a Meridian Altitude of the Snn. The Sun's Declination in the Calendars of the Month are for the Merii of St. John, N. B., but will serve with sufficient accuracy to obtain the Lati by Meridian Altitude of the Sun on any part of the (^oast of New Brunsi and Nova Scotia, and on the coast of Maine and Massachusetts, in the Ur States. Rule. — At noon obtain the altitude of the Sun by a Sextant or Quadr add 12 miies to that altitude to obtain the true altitude ; subtract the altitude from 90° 0'" and you will have the Sun's Zenith distance, which will name North, as the Sun will always bear to the South at noon on coast. Under the Zenith distance place the Sun's Declination for that Then if the Declination and Zenith distance are of different names, t difference will be the Latitude; if they are of the same name, their sv ■ wi the Latitude. Example. — 1896, February 3rd, at noon, off Cape Sable, N. S., the obse altitude of the Sun was 30° 20', bearing South. Required the ship's Latit Observed Altitude 3'i° 20' S. Correction 4- 12 True Altitude 30 ;}-> 90 00 Zenith distance 59 28 N.) Dlflerent Declination February 3rd 16 32 S. j names sub. Latitude 42 5() N. Example 2. — 1896, April 7th, at noon, off Mt. Desert Rook, coast of M U. S., the observed altitude of the Sun was 52° 52', bearing South. Re(n the ship's Latitude. Observed Altitude 52° 52' S. Correction -f- 12 True Altitude 5:5 04 ' 90 00 Zenith distance 36 56 N. > Same Declination April 7th 7 11 N. J names add. Latitude 44 07 N. C^nXTAriT "DAATTC^ Prescribed by the Board of E< ►oL'ilUvJJj DUUlVO tion, and all others used in the time Provinces, constantly on hand. Wholesale aii<l H>eta,il. J. & A. McMIlLAJI E. 0. SOOVIL, 62 DHIOfl STREET, ST. JOHK, II. B., E Sun. Advertisement. 55 rj-TA/HcimJAN'S SHOES of alfKlnds at WATERBURT & RISING'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sts. =^^;ll[RFEIlfliL.,„..; "T'l ■' .; Rest' .•''.- Riv. +5 4 '"^... +3 Harper's Monthly Magazine. siands —2- fjig ^^st literary talent, the greatest variety of Reading, and the best Family Magazine. ude of the Snn. %1 Published Monthly. $4 per Year. 5nth are for the Meridi _g. . -__^ , - acy to obtain the Latit.: Harper s W eeKi V. J (>oast of New Brunswi ,,y , , , , > . t • , ivt i issachusetts, in the Unit. Illustrated by the best Artists. Its serial JNovels )y a Sextant or Quadrar are the best published. All new topics most ;':;rh''i.mnrthior: ably presented. the South at noon on ti PubHshcd Wecklv. Price $4 per Year. i Deflination for that d •' "^^ ^ of different names, tli- Tfo-i.^^^m^'r, T\(\rwn^ me name, their sw" ■ will JULal JJt-/l » UllAiCli • Sable N s., the observ Pre-eminently a Ladies' Journal. The most quired the ship's Latitu recent fashions in Dress and Household Adorn- 20' S. 12 '_ ment, with admirable Illustrations and Instruc- 00 tions, Bright Sketches and Stories, etc. 32 s; names sub. ^ Publishcd W eciily. Price $4 per Year. Sngl;.r' °^'^"j Harper's Tlie Round Table. No family should be without this bright, in- 12 ^ structive, and most attractive Magfazine for the 00 ^ youiiorer members of the familv. "The perfec- n Nj names add. tiou of 3. Children's Paper." 07 N. ^ by the Board of Edi; 1|^=* Subscriptions received (and periodicals sent 11 others used in the M.^j^^^^ ^^^^ ^j^^ Publishers) by tail. J. & A. McMillan, st. joim, n. b., L. McMILLAS. Piiblishers, Booksellers, Stationers, Printers, etc. , joHlTir B 7 MPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WWES. I ""3811 A I ■ ij'i ii:ii !!m 1 1' MCMILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS CANNOT BE EQUALLED IN CANADA A6 JANUARY begrl ns on Wedneitday. 18 d. h. D. m. Souths (;^S0Uth!i h. m. QiSou h. ra. h. m. j ^ Last Quarter, . .. 7 11 00 M. 3 8 58 M. 10 8M. 1 49 A New Moon,.... .. 14 5 55 A. ' 10 9 4M. 10 2 M. 1 18 3 First Quarter,. .. 22 10 18 A. 17 9 11 M. 9 58 M. 47 © Full Moon,.... .. 30 4 31 M. 24 9 19 M. 9 52 M. 16 (C Perigee 3d. Midnight. | ^ Apogee, 20d. Ih. M. | (C Perigee, 31d. lOh. s ^ ! Ilis's. Sets. SUN. MOON. Declin. ISlwofCIk. Rises, i Souths. D eclin. ; Sets. !P ° ' h. m. 1 h. m. h. ra. "' / m. 8. h. m. h. m. 1 Wd. 17 44 4 23 s23 2 3 44 5 44 A 13 24 n23 7 8 25m ( 2 Th. 7 44 4 24 22 56 4 12 7 4 14 20 18 9 9 4 1 3 Fri. 7 44,4 25 22 50 4 39 8 24 15 13 12 4 9 36 T 4 Sat. 7 444 26 22 44 5 7 9 41 16 3 N 5 20 10 2 t 5 Sun. 7 444 27 22 38 5 34 10 58 A 16 52 s 1 37 10 25 L i 6 Mo. 7 43 4 28 22 31 6 Morn. 17 40 8 25 10 46 1 1 ! 7 Tue. 7 43 4 30 22 23 6 24 14 m 18 29 14 41 11 6 1 8 VVd. 7 43 4 31 22 15 6 52 1 29 19 19 20 8 11 29 ■ 1 i 9 Til. 7 43 4 32 22 7 7 18 2 45 20 13 24 22 11 53m 1 , 110 Fri. 7 42 4 33 21 58 7 42 4 1 21 11 27 7 25a , 11 Sat. :; 42 4 34 21 49 8 6 5 15 22 8 28 10 1 7 , !12 Sun. 7 42 4 35 21 39 8 30 6 18 23 6 27 30 1 58 i 113 Mo. 7 42 4 36 21 29 8 53 7 11 23 59 25 16 3 1 ! 14 Tue. 7 41 4 37 21 19 9 15 7 46 4 12 .. 15 Wd. 7 41 4 38 21 8 9 36 8 23 "6 50 21 44 5 17 i !l6 Th. 7 41 4 39 20 57 9 57 8 49 1 37 , 17 15 6 25 ;i7 Fri. 7 40 4 40 20 45 10 18 9 9 2 19 ' 12 7 7 29 18 S.it. 7 40 4 41 20 33 10 36 9 27 3 1 6 34 8 35 19 Sun. 7 39 4 43 20 21 10 56 9 42 3 39 s 52 9 36 20 Mo. 7 38 4 44 20 8 11 14 9 59 4 18 N 4 51 10 37 21 Tue. 7 37 4 46 19 55 11 30 10 15 ; 4 57 10 24 11 39a 22 Wd.;7 36 4 47 19 41 11 47 10 33 5 38 15 41 Morn l23 Th. 7 3G 4 48 19 27 12 3 10 56 6 23 20 21 43m 124 Fri. 7 35 4 50 19 13 12 18 11 25 m 7 13 24 15 1 50 |25 Sat. 7 34 4 ol 18 58 12 32 3a i 8 6 26 59 3 1 |26 Sun. 7 .S3 4 52 18 43 12 45 55 9 5 28 12 4 9 27 Mo. 7 32 4 54 18 28 12 58 1 59 10 4 ?7 36 5 15 28 Tue. ,7 31 4 55 18 12 13 10 3 13 11 5 25 4 6 9 29 Wd. 7 30,4 57 17 56 13 20 4 38 12 6 20 43 6 57 30 Th. 7 29 4 58 17 40 13 30 6 1 13 2 1 14 55 7 34 i31iFri. 17 2814 59 s 17 23 13 39 7 22 A 13 55 IN 8 11 8 3m i6,ooo Cups of UNION BLEND TEA IIIIIIIIIH!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIilllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllll!lll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Were distributed free at the St. John Exhibi in October. Everybody was delighted with GEORGE S. deFOREST & SONS. ST. JOHN, E. G. SCOVIL, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., •tmmm^MWMM ■ ■.itiiii.rt-^'J-TH^'' < ■ "i;-^'.'* ALLED IN CANADA, iqqk AND PAMPHLET PRINTING A SPECIALTY. J. k A. HoMILLAN. day. 1896 3uth8|c^South8|Qi.South. h. m. m. )8M.ilO 8 M.I 1 49 M 4M.ilO 2M.' 1 18 M llM.i 9 58 M. 47M 19 M.; 9 52 M. 16 M I (C Perigee, Bid. lOh. A MOON. LS. I Declin. :4 n23 7 10 18 9 12 4 N 5 20 s 1 37 8 25 14 41 20 8 24 22 27 7 28 10 27 30 25 16 Sets. iPlaci 50 37 19 1 39 18 37 38 23 13 6 5 4 5 6 2 21 44 17 15 34 12 6 s 52 N 4 51 10 24 15 41 20 21 24 15 26 59 28 12 i 27 36 25 4 20 43 i 14 55 55 IN 8 11 h. in. 8 25m 9 4 9 36 10 2 10 25 10 46 : 11 6 11 29 ' 11 53m 25a 1 7 58 1 12 5 17 6 25 7 29 8 35 9 36 10 37 11 39a Morn 43m 1 3 4 1 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 50 1 9 15 9 57 34 3m Q Ln. 1096. JANUAKY has Thirty-one Day*. 57 i .i^PERiOOieiLS HlQH^ Saint Job kVATER, Mean Time, at in, N. B. CharIottet'n,P.B.L 1 For particulars see page 55. Morning Afternoon' Horning Afternoon h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m. 1 3h. A. (2) in Perigee. 11 34 11 57 10 58 11 21 2 Manchester Ship Canal opened, 1894. 20 11 44 • • ■ • • 8 (JC in Perigee. 41 13 5 27 4 Women first voted in Ontario, 1886. 1 26 1 49 50 1 13 A 6h. M. ^ greatest Hel. Lat. S. 2 12 2 36 1 36 2 « Epiphany. 3 1 3 24 2 25 2 48 1 Loss of Calais, 1558. [tides. 3 48 4 10 3 12 3 34 8 Prince Albert Victor b. 1864. Neap 4 35 6 3 3 59 4 27 9 8h. A. b cT (C- b 7° 3F N. 5 34 6 8 4 58 5 32 10 Penny post introduced, 1840. 6 49 7 29 6 13 6 53 11 7h. M. 9 cf CC- ? 7° 36' N. 8 9 8 48 7 33 8 12 A 1st iSunday after EnSphany. 9 21 9 49 8 45 1 9 13 13 Wra. Waddington, Frencli Ambas. to 10 17 10 .39 9 41 10 3 14 Bp. Berkley d. 1753. [Eng., d. 1894. 11 3 11 25 10 27 10 49 15 British Museum ope'd, 1759. Spring 11 45 11 9 11 31 10 4h. M. 'i cfC- ^ 0° 32' N. [tides. 7 23 11 47 17 St. Anthony. 41 58 5 22 18 St. Prisca— Old Twelflii Day. 1 12 1 28 36 52 A 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. 1 47 2 3 1 11 1 27 20 (C in Apogee. 2 18 2 35 1 42 1 59 21 St. Agnes. 2 50 3 6 2 14 2 30 22 St. Vincent. 3 25 3 41 2 49 3 5 23 Wm. Pitt died, 1806. Neap tides. 4 2 4 23 3 26 3 47 24 lOh. M. % cP ©. 4 49 5 19 4 13 4 43 25 Conversion of St. Paul. . 5 53 (') 36 5 17 6 A 3rd Sunday after Epiphany. 7 21 8 4 6 45 7 28 27 Emp. Wm. of Germany born, 1859. S 51 9 19 8 15 8 43 28 8h. A. ^ in Perihelion. 9 47 10 12 9 11 9 .36 29 5h. \.%cf (C- % 2° 4' S. 10 38 11 10 2 10 24 30 King Charles I. beheaded, 1(549. 11 25 11 45 10 49 11 9 31 (P in Perigee. Spring tides. 8 11 .32 i 11 53 NEW YEAR Now for good resolutions. When making them RE- SOLVE TO BUY your -KRO.M- BOOTS and SHOES " ! : -' vKvW. J. FORBES, 5t. lohn Exhibitii ^ . • 1 • "'s stock is very complete, the quality good, and PRICES dellirhted with it. very low. You patronized me liberally in 1895; do even better in 1896. & SONS. ST. JOHN, n 69 tr^ iKSain 9tir«»««, r. JOHN, N. B., W. J. FORBES (late of J. Horncastle, A Co.). IMPORTER TEAS and LIQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINF3. Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. & A. McKILL I :'.'' 1 il ! ! •I ' 'r'l 'M, i, 58 FEBKUARY begrlnH on Saturday. 1 I d. h. m. ).i 9 Souths C^Souths Cil.So h. ni. h. in. 1 h. in (^ Last Quarter, . . 5 8 14 A. ^ Q .-^l M. 9 44 M. 11 2» ^ New Moon, .... . 13 11 49 M. 10' 9 40 M. 9 39 M. 10 5, C^ First Quarter,. . 21 4 51 A. 17! 9 49 M. 9 34 M. 10 2' ^ Full Moon . 28 3 27 A. i24l 9 58 M. 9 29 M., 9 5' (t) Apogee, 1(5(1, 4h. A. 1 C; Perigee, 29d. 7h. M. SUN. MOON. Ris's.!Set3.i Declin. , SlwofClk. Rises, i Souths. 1 Declin. Sets. ] h. n.:h. in. o / in. s. li. m. h. m. o / h. m. ISat. 7 26 5 2317 6 13 47 8 41 \ 14 45 N 59 8 28 M 2San. 7 25 5 3 16 49 13 55 10 1 15 36 s 6 11 8 49 3 IVIo. 7 24 5 4 16 '32 14 2 11 17 a 16 25 12 52 9 11 4 Tue. 7 235 5 16 14 14 8 Morn. 17 16 18 44 9 33 5 Wd. 7 22 5 6 15 56 14 13 35 m 18 10 23 23 9 57 6 Th. 7 20i5 8 15 83 14 i; 1 53 19 6 26 36 10 27 7 Fri. 7 185 10 15 19 14 21 3 6 20 3 28 8 11 6 8 Sat. 7 16:5 12 15 14 24 4 13 21 27 59 11 53m ; 9 Snn. 7 155 14 14 40 14 25 5 8 21 54 26 14 52 a 10 Mo. 7 13 5 16 14 21 14 26 5 54 22 46 23 9 1 54 11 Tue. 7 12 5 17 14 2 14 27 6 27 23 33 18 59 3 5 12 Wd. 7 11 5 18 13 42 14 27 6 54 4 12 13 Th. 7 9 5 20 13 22 14 26 7 14 i 16 14 3 5 18 14 Fri. 7 7 5 21 13 1 14 25 7 32 58 8 38 6 24 15 Sat. 7 6 5 23 12 41 14 21 7 49 ! 1 37 s 2 57 7 25 16 Sun. 7 4 5 24 12 20 14 17 8 4 i 2 15 N 2 48 8 26 ; 17 Mo. 7 3 5 25 12 14 13 8 20 2 54 8 27 9 28 !18 Tue. 7 1 5 27 11 38 14 8 8 41 , 3 37 13 49 10 33 19 Wd. 7 5 28 11 17 14 3 8 59 4 18 18 41 11 37a •JO Th. 6 59 5 29 10 56 13 57 9 27 ; 5 5 22 51 Morn. 21 Fri. 6 57 5 31 10 34 13 50 9 59 Or> 26 2 43m : 22'Sat. 6 55 5 33 10 12 13 43 10 47 6 49 27 55 1 52 23 Snn. 6 53 5 34 9 50 13 34 11 38 m 7 48 28 11 2 51 24 Mo. 6 51 5 36 9 28 13 25 47 a 8 47 26 39 3 58 25 Tue. 6 49 5 38 9 6 13 16 2 4 9 46 23 16 4 47 26 Wd. 6 48 5 39 8 44 13 6 3 26 |10 44 18 13 5 28 27 Th. 6 465 40 8 20 12 55 4 50 ill 38 11 52 6 2 28 Fri. 6 45 5 41 7 58 12 44 6 13 12 31 N 4 42 6 26 29 Sat. 6 43 5 42 s 7 35 12 33 7 33a 13 23 8 2 44 6 49m ■LI *ii Has a req^ular and increaslnof with all grocers. Sold wholesale by GEO. Si. cteFOm^ST & ^,^...^^t E. 6. SGOVIL, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOEN, N. B., '.■^I e at J. k A. McBOLLAirS laWLLAN'S PEN DEPARTHElfT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. day. 18!>r) ;(»iithai(^SouthsQl.SoiUli. ni. h. in. I h. in. 31 M.' 9 44M. 11 2(;.\ 40 M J 9 39M.10 55 .\ 49M.i 9 34M.10 24 .A 58 M. 29 M.; 9 54 .\ , 29d. 71^1. M. ^ MOON. ;h3. i Declin. Sets. !Plac» m. ' o ' i h. m. 1 ■'^ N 59 ! 8 28m LC ;(, s 11 8 49 1 LC 15 12 52 9 11 1 HI 6 18 44 i 9 33 HI 23 23 i 9 57 7 6 26 36 10 27 -y 3 28 8;11 6 /tr 27 59 ill 53m ;f )4 26 14, 52a 16 23 9 1 54 W/' {3 18 59 1 3 5 i 4 12 K L6 14 3 5 18 K )8 8 38 6 24 y 17 8 2 57 7 25 T o N 2 48 : 8 26 n 54 8 27 ' 9 28 V 37 13 49 10 33 r 18 18 41 11 37a D 5 22 51 Morn. XI 55 26 2 43m oc 49 27 55 1 52 6q 48 28 11 2 51 Q 47 26 39 3 58 f' 46 23 16 4 47 111' 44 18 13 5 28 iTH 38 11 52 6 2 ^m 31 N 4 42 6 26 ; Lfj: 23 's 2 44 6 49m lt06. FKHKVARY haH Twnnty-iiine Days. S» 1 s i i 4 ? A le II 1$ 18 14 16 ,f 18 19 20 21 22 A 24 26 26 27 28 29 HAKPEK'S Monthly Magazine. HroH Water, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. Charlottefn, P. B. I. See page 55. Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon St. Bridget. SeptiiiiKcsiniu Siindav. St. Blaise. G. W. Cliilds died, 1894. Palissn. Artillerist, died, 1SS2. Thonjas Ciirlvle died, 1881. [tides. 4h. M. ]? cr"(C- b7°46'N. Neap 9h. A. T? n©- Chas. Dickens b. 1812. U. S. war vessel Kearsage lost, 1894. 4h. A. 9 CT r^. 9 1° 38' N. 4tli Sun- Kusso-Germany treaty signed, 1894. Kdison b. 1847. [dav'after Epiphany. (13) Captain Cook killed, 1779. 9h. iM. © eclipsed ; invis. at St. Jolm. St. Valentine's Day. Spring; tides. Britain's nat'l debt coniniencetl, 1697. Quinciiiagesima — Shrove Sunday. Kenwiok l»eheale<i. 1688. Martin Luther died, 1546. Ash Wednesday. 2li. A. ^ stationary. Cardinal Xewnian born, 1801. Washington b. 1732. Neap tides. 1st Sunday in Lent— Quadragesima. 5h. A. '4/ stationary. j nh. A.%cf 'C- Q|.2°18'S. ' Sir William Meredith died, 1894. llh. M. 9 in c-^. — X^ ecli])sed ; invisible at St. John. (C in Perigee. Spring tides. h. in. 29 1 9 1 1 52 1 2 35 i 3 15 i 4 4 56 ' (5 13 I / o3 9 16 I 10 13 10 52 ' 11 31 h. in. 51 1 30 12 56 37 b m. 6 33 1 16 1 59 2 39 h. m. 15 54 io 48 1 IS 1 45 2 14 2 46 3 18 4 5 3 6 34 8 12 9 29 10 21 11 4 11 45 4 26 3 24 5 30 4 20 ' 7 2 5 37 1 8 37 7 17 i 9 46 8 40 10 34 9 37 11 12 10 16 11 47 10 55 4 11 28 33 11 57 1 2 12 1 32 42 1 59 1 9 2 29 1 38 3 2 10 ; 3 38 2 42 i 4 28 3 24 5 45 4 27 1 7 24 5 58 '■ 8 57 7 3t) 9 55 8 53 10 44 9 45 i 11 24 10 28 • • • • • • 11 9 1 36 2 20 3 1 3 50 4 (■) 8 54 26 1 ' 9 10 9 58 10 36 11 11 11 43 26 56 1 23 1 53 2 24 3 2 3 52 5 9 6 48 8 21 9 19 10 8 10 48 11 30 HEADQUARTERS FOR !S!J •i! iiriiri 1^ by ind increasing sai"XX" Brand Gravel Roofintr, Nickel Roofine, . Best American 3-Ply Prepared Roofing, Sheathing Papers, Tar, Pitch, Asphalt, etc. & mom^, Q S FISHER & CO. lat j Q^U f Mt^ B. _ SOUTH SIDE KINO SQUARE, ST. JOHN. 5T. JOEN, N. B., niPORTER TEAS and LIQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. r — JOB PRINTINO EXECUTED PROMPTLT AT J. & A. McMOJUk it; 0R0£ «0 MAKCH begin* on Sunday. d . h. n:. D. 9 Souths h. m. (^ Souths % h. ni. h (^ Last Quarter A New Moon,... 5 FirHt Quartei , ( 5 7 5M. t 6 24 M. I 7 33 M. 3 10 6 M. 10 10 13 M. 17 10 19 M. 9 23 M. 9 17 M. 9 11 M. c r ? •, 25 8 'r) Full Moon,.. 29 58M. 24 10 25 M. 9 5 M. ) C; Apogee, 14(1. 9h. A. | (C Perigee, 28d. 8h. A. a t ^ i SUN. Ri M OON. Declin. \ Sets. S iRis's.iS6ts. Deolin. SlwofOlk. ses. Souths. 1 1 !h. ni.h. II 1.! ° ' in. 8. h. in. h. m. / h. n 1 Sllll.:6 41 5 44 8 7 12 12 21 8 55 a 14 14 s 9 57 7 IS 2 Mo. 6 395 4 5' 6 50 12 8 10 16 15 7 16 28 7 33 3 Tue !6 38 5 46 6 27 11 55 11 35 a 16 2 21 50 7 5^ 4 Wd. 6 36 5 4 7 6 4 11 42 Morn. 16 59 25 41 8 2S 5 Th. 6 35 5 4 8 6 40 11 28 54 M 17 57 27 50 9 4 6 Fri. 6 33 5 49| 5 17 11 13 2 3 18 55 28 12 9 51 7 Sat, 6 31 5 5 11 4 54 10 58 3 5 19 51 26 56 10 45 8 Snns 6 29 5 52' 4 30 10 43 3 53 20 43 24 14 11 4S 1 9 Mo. 6 275 54 4 7 10 28 4 33 21 31 20 24 55 10 Tue. 6 25 5 5 5; 3 43 10 12 4 58 22 16 15 44 2 4 11 Wd. 6 23 5 57 1 3 20 9 56 5 21 22 57 10 29 3 11 12 Th. 6 2i;5 5 8i 2 56 9 40 5 40 23 36 s 4 54 4 14 13 Fri. 6 19 6 0: 2 32 9 23 5 55 5 17 14 Sat. 6 i:!6 1 2 9 9 6 6 12 15 N 51 6 18 15 Sun. 6 10 6 2 1 45 8 49 6 28 54 6 33 7 2C 16 Mo. 6 14l6 3 1 21 8 32 6 45 1 34 12 1 8 23 17 Tne.6 12 6 4 58 8 15 7 5 2 16 17 5 9 27 18 Wd. 6 ire 51 34 7 57 7 29 3 1 21 29 10 3g ! 19 Th. ,6 9'6 6s 10 7 39 7 59 3 50 25 11 41 20 Fri. 6 7 6 8'N 13 7 21 8 37 4 42 27 20 Mor 21 Sat. 6 5 6 9 37 7 3 9 25 5 37 28 13 4' 22 Sun. 6 3 6 1 1 1 6 45 10 30 6 35 27 27 1 4: i23 Mo. 6 16 1 2 1 24 6 26 11 40 m 7 31 24 59 2 4( 24 Tue. 5 59 6 1 3 1 48 6 8 59 A i 8 27 20 50 3 2: 25 Wd. 5 57 6 1 5 2 11 5 49 2 18 j 9 22 15 17 3 5; 26 Th. 5 55 6 1 6 .2 35 5 31 3 41 10 15 8 38 4 2i 27 Fri. 5 53 6 1 7i 2 58 5 12 5 11 6 N 1 21 4 4 28 Sat. 5 51 6 1 8 3 22 , 4 54 6 22 1 11 58 s 6 5 5 1 29 Sun. 5 50 6 1 9 3 45 , 4 35 7 45 12 51 13 8 5 S] i 30 Mo. '5 49 6 2 4 8 4 17 9 8 13 46 19 17 5 5 ;3l Tu. 5 48'6 2 2iN 4 31 3 59 10 31 A ! 14 45 s 24 2 6 2| UN 10 > N BLEND TEi , "^ Suits the Grocer, because it plea ^^ 1 his customers. Ask your groce| \ Unio N Blend, and take no other GE( ). S. deFORE ST & S0» rS, St. John, N. B., Sole Distributors. E. 6. SCOVn., 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., T J. & A. McMILLiN'S. i, k k. McHILLAH PRINT BALL PROGRAMMES Of THE BEST STYLE. lay. in. 6M. 13 M. 19 M. 25 M. 181X1 (^ Souths h. ni. 9 2.3 M. 9 17 M. 9 11 M. 9 5 M. % Souili h. in. 9 20 .\ 8 51 .\ 8 22 .\ 7 55 A fee, 28d. 8h. A. MOON, Jouths. • Declin. 1 Sete. iPlac h. m. 14 14 15 7 16 2 16 59 17 57 18 55 19 51 20 43 21 rU 22 16 22 57 23 36 6 15 54 1 34 2 16 3 I 3 50 4 42 5 37 6 35 7 31 8 27 9 22 10 15 11 6 11 58 12 51 13 46 i 14 45 9 57 16 28 1 21 50 i 25 41 , 27 50 i 28 12 i 26 56 1 24 14: 20 24' 15 44 10 29 4 54 h. 7 7 7 ra. 13m 33 58 8 29 9 4 9 51 10 45 11 49m 55 a 2 4 11 14 3 4 ,N 51 ! 6 33 i 12 1 17 5 21 29 25 27 20 28 13 27 27 24 59 20 50 ; 15 17 I 8 381 N 1 s 6 13 19 17 s24 2 21 5 8 5 17 I 6 18 i 7 20 i 8 23 , 9 27 10 33 ' 11 41 A Morn. 47m 1 47 40 22 55 26 49 12 S4 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 T "t n oc in 111 111 U". Ill HI t9Be. MAKCII httH Thirty-one Day*. ni s HARPER'S -^ HJK^ WEEKLY. See page 55. High Water, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. Gharlottet'n, P. E. I. Morning Aft«rnoon Morning Afternoon A St. David's, 2nd Sunday in Lent. 2 2h. A., ^ in r ;. Pope Leo horn, 1810. 8 Win. (i(K)dwin born, 1756. 4 llli.M. b cT (C- h 7°54'N. 6 31.. M. W D ©• 6 Toronto incorponited, 1834. 7 St. Pepetuii. Neap tides. A 3rd Suiulay in Lent. [India, 1894. 9 Ma.ssacre of British troops at Assam, 10 3h. M. c5" cT (C. c? 1° -'^7' N. li lOh. M. ? cT (C- 90° 36^ N. 12 St, (rregory. 18 Ossini executed, 1858. 14 (^ in Apogee. A 4th Sunday in Lent. Springtides. 16 Badajos taken hv Wellington, 1812. 17 St. Patrick. 18 Prircess Louise born, 1848. 19 lOh. A. © enters 'y. Spring begins. 20 Gen. Neul Dow born, 1804. 21 St. Benedict. A 5th Sunday in Lent. 28 Battle of Xovara, 1849. Neap tides.; 24 7h. M.;4 a' (C- '4 2° 19' S. 26 Anunciation. Lady Day. 26 First printing in England, 1471. 27 James L died, 1625. 28 ^ in Perigee. A Palm Sunday. [Spring tides.' 30 (29) Sir James Hannen died, 1894.1 31 7h. A. b (/ (C. T? 7° 52' N. i h. m. I 6 46 1 27 1 2 7 2 48 I 3 33 4 29 5 5'> b. in. 27 h. n>. 11 51 1 1 2 3 3 7 37 9 3 9 55 10 36 11 7 11 35 6 18 45 8 46 26 9 59 5 6 6 44 8 24 9 33 10 16 10 52 11 22 11 49 5 31 58 10 51 31 h. m. 6 32 2 12 2 57 3 53 5 16 ; 7 1 8 27 9 19 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 50 33 23 30 8 48 57 1 1 2 2 3 4 6 7 9 12 40 10 48 34 38 10 61 4 26 55 1 1 2 28 3 9 4 3 5 20 3 31 30 9 52 10 34 11 16 11 58 20 10 13 10 55 11 36 40 10 10 31 10 59 11 29 11 .55 (» 9 36 1 4 1 34 2 12 3 8 4 2 5 34 7 15 8 28 9 16 9 58 10 40 11 22 9 40 10 16 10 46 11 13 11 42 22 5() 1 19 1 52 2 33 3 27 4 44 6 27 7 8 9 00 54 37 10 19 11 11 44 4 24m 111 ID TEA because it pleases \sk your grocer for i take no other. ,, Sole Distributors. T, ST. JOHN, N. B.. NAVIGATION SCHOOL A. muillUlilllllllllllllllltlllllllituilllllllUIIIIIIIUIIIllllllliniillllllilllllilliiiiilKiiiiiiliiirjiiii^ iiMiiiii MiMiMin uiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiituiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii The oniv ^ MASTERS and MATES thoroughly SiTJorfn New • prepared for examination before the Brunswick. ^ Marine Board of Canada. i'op Terms, etc., address the Principal, B. A. STAMERS, 108 Prince Wm. Street, ST. JOHN, N. B. IVORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. Im ,m| I ! !■ VISITING CARDS PRINTED EZPEDITIOUBLT AT J. & A. McHILLAir! 04 Al'IlII^ lM)y;lnM on WftliieNtlay. IMIK d. III. (C Last Quarter 4 8 A. New Moon, 12 11 59 A. 5 FirHt Qmirter, 20 •> 2;> A. CO Full Moon, .. 27 9 23 M. (C Apogee, 10(1. llh. A. | (£; Perigee, 26(1. 511. M. SUN. 1>. $ 8outh8 (^ Souihs •4 S..UI; li. III. Ii. ni. h. III. 3 10 32 M. 8 56 M. 7 1(1 .: 10 10 30 M. ; 8 4*.» M. 6 5ei .1 17 10 40 M. 8 42 M. 6 24 24 10 44 M. 8 34 M. 5 o'.t h 11 I I 15 16 17 VVd. Th. Fri. ISlSat. 19 Snn. 20 Mo. 2l'Tue. 22 Wd. 23;Th. 24, Fri. 25 Sat. 268im. 27 Mo. 28|Tue. 29!Wd. SOTh. 23 53 26 35 27 56 27 43 25 51 22 25 17 34 11 35 N 4 50 s 2 22 9 31 16 8 21 40 25 37 27 41 8 27 46 2 26 3 50 3 12 3 34 3 56 4 21 4 52 5 32 (5 23m Place your order at once with your* grocer for UNION BLEND TE. IS l|lS=*'It is the Best in the market. GEO. S. dePOEEST & SONS, St. John, r E. G. SGOVIL, 62 UNION STREET. ST. JOHN, N. B., I A. McMillans j. * a. mcmillan'S paper ruunq cawwot be surpassed. 1H'> ^Souths I Q|. Soil! h. Ill 7 If. ii. III. H ')«) M. 8 -lit M. 8 42 M. 8 :m M. 5h. M. 6 'lU 6 24 5 .V.i ON. )ecliD. 27 28 27 25 3 9 26 9 Sets. h. in 6 oUm 7 42 8 36 9 39 Pii iten. AI'ICIL luiH Thirty DnyH. 03 1 s HAlU'EirS High Water, Moan Time, at B VZ All. ^^^^^ ''°''^' ^* ^' ^^*''^°^**^'°' P- ^' '• See page 55. Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 21 38 10 47 17 13 11 55m 12 6 s 1 9 41 1 sr 4 41 10 14 15 27 20 5 23 53 1 2a 2 6 3 10 4 11 5 12 »5 15 7 19 8 25 9 32 26 35 10 37 27 56 11 38A 27 43 Morn. 33m 1 19 1 56 2 26 3 50 3 12 3 34 3 56 4 21 4 52 5 32 6 23m 25 51 22 25 17 34 1 11 35 N 4 50 I s 2 22 9 31 16 8 21 40 25 37 27 41 8 27 46 1 3 8 4 k 6 7 8 9 10 11 A l< 14 16 16 17 18 A 20 21 22 28 24 26 A 27 28 29 8li. A. . in Aplielion. Richiinl (obdt'ii died, 1865. (lood Friduy. St. vVrnbrosf. KiiKter Sundiiv. Neap tides. Battle of Shiioh, 1802. Piince lA'opold horn, 18.53. 6h. M. (f cT (C- d" 0° .53^ S. National Gallerv opened, 1838. Mid. 9 d (C '$ -1° 12' S. American Civil War, 1861. Low Sinidav. K. C. Kelief Hill, 1829. Spring tides Lincoln assassinated. ^805. Dr. Joseph Workman, Toronto, died Thiers born, 17!>7. _ [1894 Benjamin Franklin died, 1790 Ih. M. ^ Slip. cT ©. 2nd Sunday after Easter. (19) Beaconstield died, 1881. [tides. Duke of Sussex died, 1843. Neap First Sunday Art Exhibition in Lon- St. George. [don, 1894 Princess Alice born, 1843. 7h. A. ^ in Perihelion. 3rd Sunday after F>:uster. Bruce, traveller, died, 1794. [tides. 3h. M. b cT (C- b "° 48' N. Spring Boulantrer born, 1837. [bee, 1S1)4 Landslide on Ste. Anne River, Que- h. m. 1 1 1 42 2 26 3 16 4 13 5 33 7 7 8 27 9 21 9 57 10 31 11 11 30 16 44 1 16 1 51 2 32 3 24 4 28 5 51 7 17 8 27 9 16 10 2 10 47 11 24 "6 40 h. III. 21 3 60 3 42 h. in. 25 1 (5 1 50 2 40 4 50 1 3 37 6 21 4 57 7 50 6 31 8 57 7 51 9 39 8 45 10 5 9 21 10 46 9 55 11 15 10 24 11 45 10 54 1 li 25 30 11 54 59 8 1 33 40 2 10 1 15 2 58 1 56 3 55 2 48 5 7 3 52 h. m. 45 1 27 2 14 3 6 4 14 5 45 7 14 8 21 9 \i 9 29 10 10 10 39 11 9 11 40 6 36 7 55 8 54 9 39 10 24 11 10 11 56 19 1 2 5 15 6 41 7 51 8 40 9 26 10 11 10 48 11 43 4 .. 23 11 57 1 34 1 2 22 1 3 19 1 4 31 6 7 19 8 18 9 3 , 9 48 ; 10 34 1 11 20 1 2(5 — — — - — f<?r for Fame is the fruit of good work. That is why iJ i iJiJs famous. Ask your grocer for it. larket. NS, St. John, :' JOHN, N. B., ^ GEO. 8. deFOREST & SONS, _____ ST. JOHN, N. B. IMPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. (■ ^^ JOB PRINTINO ARTISTICALLT EXECUTED AT J. & A. McMn.T.AN'S 64 MAY beglnit on FrUlay. 18tHl 1 i D. 9S<)iithHcrSoiitliH'4S< Mill \ *• *>• "' h. m. h. III. ' h. Ill 1 ' ] (C Lflflt Qiiurter, 4 11 1 M. 3 10 45> M, 8 24 M. 5 27 A ' ^ Now Modii 12 3 23 A. 10 10 54 M. 8 17 M. 5 3\ j II 1 3 KirHtgiiarter 20 1 57 M. 17 11 M. 8 <> M. 4 3!t \ ^ 1 1 1 i © Full Moo n, .26 5 33 A. 24 11 6 M. 7 59 M. 4 16 a Hi (C Apogee, 8H llh M. KC Perigee, 24d. 7h. M. ^ ,1 t 5 Ris's. Seto. , 8 UN. 1 MOON. Declin. Pst-ofOlk. Rises. Souths. Declin. Sets. iPla 1 . 1' t 1 h. III. h. m.l ° ' 1 III. .n >i. lu. II. in. / ll. ni. 1 i . ■ 1 Fri. 4 53 7 In 16 22 3 6 Morn. 16 27 8 26 4 7 24m -■ '!'■ 2 Hal. 4 51 7 :-5 15 40 3 13 24 m 17 21 22 54 8 30 X: 1 il! 1 1 - 3 8nn. 4 49 7 4 16 57 3 19 1 1 18 10 18 43 9 41 J ' ! 4 Mo. 4 48 7 5 16 15 3 25 1 29 18 54 13 48 10 51 >■ ' 6 Tue. 4 47 7 6 16 32 3 30 1 50 19 35 8 26 11 58m >^ 1 6W(1. 4 46 7 7 16 48 3 35 2 9 20 14 s 2 50 1 lA 'I 7Th. 4 45 7 8 17 5 3 39 2 25 20 52 N 2 51 1 2 3 T i ■ 8 Fri. 4 43 7 9 17 21 3 42 2 41 21 32 8 2e 3 3 1 '' 1 -, * 9 Sat. 4 42 7 10 17 37 3 45 2 58 22 12 13 44 4 6 ^ 11 11 ' r 10 San. 4 41 7 11 17 52 3 47 3 16 22 56 18 35 5 8 >• IJ i 1 ,1 11 Mo. 4 40 7 12 18 7 3 49 3 37 23 43 22 41 6 15 D 1^ ; ' 12 rue. 4 38 7 13 l,«j 22 3 50 4 5 • • • • • • • 7 21 It ii'4 13 Wd. 4 37 7 14 18 o7 3 50 4 39 34 25 45 8 29 w u 14 Th. 4 36 7 15 18 51 3 50 5 22 1 27 27 32 9 32 i il ^' -i':'' 16 Fri. 4 35 7 17 19 5 3 50 6 17 2 23 27 46 10 29 18 V .; 'ifii lie Sat. 4 34 7 18 19 19 3 48 7 20 3 20 26 22 11 20 C 19 ' ■ .■■,':; ' 1 1 :i7Snil.4 33 7 19, 19 32 3 47 8 32 4 15 23 23 11 58 a ^ 20 ■ ":V ! 18 Mo. 4 32 7 20 19 45 3 44 9 47 5 8 19 Morn. TH 21 1 .^Y' 19 Tue. 4 31 7 211 19 58 3 42 11 3 Ml 5 58 13 30 29m HI 25 . 1, • 20 W(«. 4 30 7 22! 20 10 3 38 1^: ,\i 6 47 7 9 53 " 28 ':' ■ ] 1, 21!Th. 4 29 7 23 1 "0 -2^ 3 33 1 35 7 36 N 20 1 16 A ! i 1 22 Fri. 4 2S7 2V 20 34 3 29 2 50 8 24 8 6 37 1 37 " 2fi i .'' ;i 23'S-t. 4 27 1 7 2."^' 20 45 3 24 4 10 9 15 13 16 1 58 HI a ' 1 il ■ ; 24 San. 4 "7 7 5" 20 56 3 19 5 31 10 9 19 11 2 20 11' 27 '' '. j II ,25 Mo. 4 26i7 28 21 7 3 13 6 51 11 7 23 51 2 47 ^ 28 ; 26 Tue. 4 25 7 29 21 17 3 6 8 9 12 9 25 40 3 23 ^ 21 ! :: 271 Wd. 4 24 7 30i 21 27 3 9 18 13 12 27 50 4 9 K 8( ' i 28lTh. 4 23 7 31 1 21 37 2 53 10 15 14 13 26 54 5 6 i 1 29 Fri. 4 22 7 32 21 46 2 45 10 58 15 10 24 17 6 11 a: ^— 1 j 30 Sat. 4 21 7 33 21 55 2 36 11 29 16 1 20 25 7 22 "- A. ! 31 San. 4 21 i 7 34 n22 3 2 28 ^11 53 a 16 48 sl5 40 8 33m h 1 1 [t is a Good Thing, the ^ ' I UNK JS BLEND TEA. D 1 , ; We presume you've triec i ; ■* !; 0£0. S. deFOR£ST «& ^ONN, I^T. JOHW, N, B. __| 1 ' :i' i ! E. C i. sc ovn., 6! 2 UNION STREET , ST. J( )HN, N. B., L. McHILLAH'S. IKIMl BoiltllH ^J|.S<)tl< h. Ill 5 27 \ 5 3 A III. 8 24 M. 8 17 M. 8 \) M. 7 50 M. , M. 4 30 A 4 16 A N. clin. Sets. jPlaci ' h. ni. I) 4 7 24m 2 54 8 30 8 43 41 3 48 10 51 8 26 11 58m 2 50 2 51 I 8 26 3 44 8 35, !2 41 j's 45 n 32 1 2 3 4 5 lA 3 3 6 8 r 6 15 7 21 8 29 9 32 J7 46 10 29 i >6 22 11 20 I 23 23 11 58 A I l!» Morn, i 13 30 7 9 20 6 37 13 16 10 11 23 51 26 40 27 50 26 54 24 17 29m 53 1 16 1 37 1 58 2 20 2 47 3 23 4 9 5 6 6 11 20 25 ! 7 22 15 40 8 33m J. i A. MoHILLAN PUBLISH SOBOOXi B00I8. !•»« MAY httii Thirty-one Dsy*. 6A • I.'>()ST()X* Via INTERNATIONAL 3. S. LINE rnOM NT. JOIIN. St Philip and St James. First s'^il tiirnc.l C V H, 1881. 4th Sunday after Kastor. Dr Livingstone died, 1873. 5h. A. h ct ©• Neap tides Cavendish and Burke inur'd, 1882. Noon. r^fUC r^3°37^S. Sir Leonard Tilley horn, 1818. (ien. Stonewall Jackson died, 1863. Rogation Sunday. lOh. M. 9 o 'C 9 <'° 19' S. Pacific Railway opened, 1869. Old May Day. Springtides Ascension Day, Holy Thursday. Daniel O'C'onnell died, 1847. Noon. ',' at greatest elong. 22° 2' E. Sunday after Ascension. 3h. M: '4 cT (C- % 1° •^'^' ^■ St. Dunslan. Colninbus diefl, 1506. [tides Montrose executed, 1650. Neap Confederation B. N. A. procl'd, 1867. Sir John Franklin sailed, 1845. Pentecost. Whit Sunday. lOh.M. hcf CC- b 7° 46' N. St. Augustine. Venerahle Bede. Spring tides Earl Russell died, 1878. 9h. M. '^ stationary. Alexander Pope died, 1744. * Trinity Sunday. Hum Watkr, Mean Time, nt Saint John, N. B. Oh»rlottei' n, P. 1. 1. Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon "h. in. h. m. h. m. h. m. 1 24 1 48 48 1 12 2 11 2 38 1 35 2 2 3 4 3 28 2 28 2 62 8 67 4 28 3 21 3 62 5 3 5 40 4 27 5 4 6 20 6 57 5 44 6 21 7 32 8 2 6 66 7 26 8 30 8 64 7 54 8 18 9 14 9 31 8 38 8 55 9 49 10 8 9 13 9 32 10 24 10 41 9 48 10 5 10 58 11 14 10 22 10 38 11 31 11 50 11 55 11 14 ■ ■ . • 8 11 32 11 49 26 42 t • • • •• 6 1 1 1 20 25 44 1 42 2 3 1 6 1 27 2 28 2 63 1 52 2 17 3 22 3 49 2 4(5 3 13 4 19 4 52 3 43 4 16 6 28 6 3 4 52 5 27 6 39 7 13 6 3 6 37 7 46 8 17 7 10 7 41 8 45 9 11 8 9 8 35 9 35 10 1 8 59 9 25 10 26 10 52 9 50 10 16 11 16 11 40 10 40 11 4 • • • ■ • • 5 11 29 11 51 27 51 • • • 15 1 14 1 36 38 1 1 58 2 22 1 22 1 46 A. Chipman Smith. Established 1791 Stbuan Robkrtson. A. CHIPMAN SMITH & CO iSuccesHors to William O. Smith), ^EA. Druggists and Apothecaries, No. 1 City Market Building, Charlotte Street, St. John, N. B. u've tried roHN, y. B . BN, N. B.| DKANCH STORE AT BATHURST, N. B. nPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. C'*^ SGEOOL REQUISITES ALWAYS Of STOCK. J. & A. MoMILLAN, ST. JOHN. \-^ I u m 66 JUNE begins on Monday. 1896. ID. d. h. m. ' ! 3^ 10 17 Last Quuiter, 3 3 39 M New Moon, 11 4 19M First Quarter, 18 7 17 M Full Moon, 25 2 31 M (^ Apogee, 20d. Noon SUN. 1 2 4 5 () / 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 San. 4 Mo. 4 Tue. 4 Wd. 4 Th. 4 Fri. 4 Sat. 4 Sun. 4 Mo. 4 Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. San. Mo. 4 Tue.4 18(7 187 18'7 18 7 18,7 17:7 1717 17|7 18 7 18 7 18 7 19 7 19 7 20 7 20 7 217 217 ni. s. 2 19 2 10 1 59 1 49 ja Ris's. Sets. I Declin. Fast- Slow h. in. h. in. Mo. 4 21 17 34N22 11 Tue. 4 2117 34 22 19 Wd. 4 20'7 34 22 26 Th. 4 2017 34 22 33 Fri. 4 2017 35 22 39 Sat. 4 20,7 36 22 45 Snn. 4 19 7 37 22 51 Mo. 4 19 7 38, 22 56 Tue. 4 19 7 38 23 1 Wd. 4 19 7 39 23 6 Th. 4 19 7 39 23 9 Fri. 4 19,7 40 23 13 Sat. 4 18 7 40 23 16 9 Souths ' (^ Souths % Souths h. m. 11 17 M. 11 25 M. 11 34 M. 24 11 24 M. I (^ Perigee, 5d. 4h. A^ MOON. Rises. I Souths. Declin. ' Sets. iPIace. h. 7 7 7 7 m. I 48 M. 40 M. 31 M. 22 M. b. m. 3 44 M. 21 M. 59 M. 37 M. 3 2 2 h. m. 17 31 18 12 18 50 19 29 20 9 20 52 21 38 22 27 23 20 15 1 13 2 9 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 islO 22 s 4 47 N 54 ; 6 32 I 11 57 I 16 57 • 21 19 24 27 47 2 4 56 45 33 20 9 1 27 48 26 54 24 21 20 17 15 1 8 54 2 14 js 4 11 32 9 17 11 44n23 4 32 8 55 22 13 5 48 9 53 25 49 ; 7 10 55 27 38' 8 1 11 56 27 30 8 49 12 55 25 35 9 27 13 50 22 11 9 v> 14 41 17 41 10 16 15 26 12 30! 10 35 16 7 6 56 10 52 a 16 47 s 1 13 I h. ra 9 43m 10 48 11 53m 54a 1 55 i 2 58 i 4 3 ' 5 10 , 6 16 7 23 ' 8 21 ! 9 16 9 57 10 31 ,10 58 11 21 11 42a Morn. I 2m 23 49 1 18 1 58 2 50 3 51 K T T T H Q. LQJ LOJ m m 5 1 *J^ 6 13 K 7 27 K 8 36 T 9 39m T QUALITY POPULARITY SUCCESS Three links in the lone: chain which binds the Pub- He strongly to UNION BLEND TEA EVERY POUND GUAKANTEED BY GEO. S. dePOREST & SONS, Sole Distributors, ST. JOHN, N. B. E. 6. SCOVIL. 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., C^^. I, ST. JOHN. J. & A. MCMILLAN PUBUSH LOOGIE'S MAP OF NEW BRUNSWICK. 1896. % Souths b. ID. 1 3 44M. 1 3 21M. i 2 59 M. I 2 37 M. Sets. ! Place. h. m 1 9 43m 10 48 11 oSm 54 a 1 55 2 58 4 3 5 10 6 16 7 23 8 21 9 16 ; 9 57 10 31 10 58 ' 11 21 11 42a Morn. , 2m , 23 I 49 ! 1 18 I 1 58 I 2 50 i 3 51 i 5 1 ; 6 13 i 7 27 1 8 36 9 39m K T T T m m i ^ i ^ ;5 a« ' K T 1896. JUNE has Thirty Daya. 67 BOSTON, Intercol'al R'y #^ International S.S. ricoM ^1 .i"ii High Water, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. Oharlottet'n, P. E. I. Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon 1 St, Nicomede. 2 Prince Napoleon killed, 1879. 3 Piiiice George of Wales born, 1865. 4 Corpus Christi. Neap tides 5 Gh. A. d'cCC- d -f '^^' ^• 6 Union of Free and United Pros., '61. A 1st Sunday after Trinitv. 8 Mrs. Siddonsdied, 1831. 9 Charles Dickens died, 1870. 10 lOh. M. 9 Inf. (f ©. 11 Si. Darnabas. [tides 12 Plague at Hong Kong, 1894. Spring 13 St. Anthony of Paduc\ | A 2nd Sunday after Trinity. 15 7h. M. 9 cT W- 9 1° 12^ N. I IG Premier Crispi shot, 1894. 17 Wni. Walter Phelps died, 1894. 18 Battle of Waterloo, 1815. 19 2h. A. 9 in Q. Neap tides: 20: Accession of Q'n Victoria. Summer A 3rd Sunday after Trinity. [begins 22 Archbishop Tache died, 1894. I 23| Battle of Solferino, 1859. I 24 St. John Baptist. Midsummer day. 25 First Weslevan Conference, 1784. ', 26 (27) Lord Kaglan d., 1855. Springj 27 Harriet Martineau d., 1876. [tides A 4th Sunday after Trinitv. 29 St. Peter. 3(1 2i,. M. ^cT W- '^ 2°2r S. 2 3 4 m. 45 32 21 5 17 6 20 7 22 8 21 9 8 9 50 10 32 11 12 11 52 13 54 1 35 2 21 3 12 5 4 5 () 7 8 7 20 9 22 10 11 11 17 9 57 20 1 2 1 42 2 21 h. m. 3 10 3 5G 4 48 5 48 6 51 7 53 8 46 9 29 10 12 10 52 11 32 33 1 15 1 58 2 47 3 3S 4 32 5 30 6 34 7 42 8 53 9 49 10 43 U 3o 41 1 23 2 2 2 U h. 111. 2 9 2 56 3 45 4 41 5 44 6 46 7 45 8 32 9 14 9 56 10 3G 11 IG 11 57 18 59 1 45 2 36 3 29 4 24 5 26 G 31 44 46 9 41 iO 33 II 21 2ti 1 6 1 45 h. 111. 2 ;m 3 20 4 12 5 12 G 15 7 17 S U) 8 53 9 3(; 10 16 10 5(; 11 37 |0 39 1 22 2 n 3 2 3 5G 4 54 5 5S 7 6 8 17 9 13 10 7 10 57 11 44 5 47 1 26 Established 1879. I the long i the Pub- JOHN O'REGAN, -ANU TEA Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchant, HN, N. B. 107 CHARLOTTE STKEET. and I CJT TAITIVT V H ai AND 8a NORTH WHARF, j 1 • «lvFIlil«> 11 • M3, IMPORTER TEAS and LIQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. k 11 ORDERS FOR BOOKS PROHPTLT ATTENDED TO. MclOLLAN, ST. JOHN. 68 JUL.T begins on WedneHday. 1896. d. b. ni. Last Quarter, 2 8 59 A. New Moon, 10 3 11 A. First Quarter, 17 11 40 M. © Full Moon 24 1 21 A. D.: 9 Souths cTSouths QiSouths h. h. m. 3 11 57 M 10 7 A, 17 16 A, 24 25 A. b. m. 7 11 M. 7 2M. 6 53 M. G 44 M. m. 2 9 A. 1 47 A. 1 25 A. 1 4 A. Apogee, 2d. Uli A. | ^ Perigee, 15d. 2h. A. | (C Apogee, 30d. 6h. A. M ^ 5- SUN. Ris's. Sets. Declin. i! 2i 3i 4l^ 5 6 7; Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Son. Mo. Tue. 8 Wd. 9,Th. lOiFri. 11 Sat. i2Snii. 13 Mo. lb. m. 14 15 Tue. Wd. 16jTh. 17 1 Fri. 18;Sat. 19 San. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. San. Mo. Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. 22 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 2817 297 307 317 327 33 7 34:7 35!7 367 3717 38[7 39i7 40:7 4017 4li7 42!7 in.l ° ' 44|n23 4 44; 22 59 22 54 22 49 22 43 22 37 22 30 22 23 22 16 22 8 22 |SlwofGlk.| Rises. lb. MOON. Souths. I Declin. 1 Sets. Place 43 44 45 46 48 49 44 44 44 43 43 43 42 42 41 41 40 39 38 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 23 21 51 21 43 21 33 21 23 21 21 13 3 m, 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 5 8. 43 54 5 16 26 36 46 55 3 12 20 5 27 5 34 5 41 5 47 5 52 5 57 m. 11 7a! 11 24 : 11 44 a; Morn. 6 m 35 10 58 ! 2 57 i 4 5 5 21 6 39 I 7 56 ; 9 13 10 28 ill 44 M 1 1 lA h. m. 17 25 18 5 18 47 19 30 20 18 21 9 22 4 23 2 23 59 In 4 29 I 10 ' 15 9 19 46 23 36 26 22 27 44 27 29 25 30 56 21 54 1 50 16 53 2 41 10 52 3 30 N 4 14 4 IS s 2 40 5 6 9 23 h. m. 10 42m 11 43m 46a 1 50 2 54 4 1 5 8 6 10 7 7 7 53 8 31 9 1 9 26 9 47 10 8 20 52 6 1 2 20 20 41 6 6 3 37 20 30 6 9 4 50 20 18 6 12 5 52 20 6 6 14 6 44 19 54 6 16 7 24 19 41 6 17 7 54 19 18 6 17 8 19 19 15 6 17 8 40 19 1 6 16 8 57 18 47 6 15 9 13 18 33 6 13 9 29 18 18 6 10 9 46 Nl8 3 6 7 10 8x1 50 46 45 45 15 36 20 54 24 54 27 27 17 50 10 44 11 40 12 31 13 19 26 35 23 44 19 39 14 42 10 28 10 51 11 20 11 55 a Morn. 40m 1 38 S 9. 14 2 9 13 14 43 s 3 28 15 22 N 2 18 16 1 7 55 16 41 13 14 1 17 24 Nl8 4: 2 44 3 56 wa 5 8 K 6 19 K 7 24 T 8 29 T 9 32 >1 10 33 >Y 11 36m n 3S w w Lnj Lnj m m E. Q. SOOVIL, 62 UNION STREET. ST. JOHN, N. B., 2.^ 31 Electric Rays of Money Saving always shine on T UNION BLEND TEA It is stronger and Mure Delicious than any other Tea. GEO. S. deFOREST & SONS, St. John, N. B. OE 1 1 i 1 , ST. JOHN. ■ MCMILLAN'S BINDERT U the MOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Proviiices. 1896. hs OiSouths h. m. M. 2 9 A. M. 1 47 A. M. 1 25 A. M. 1 4 A. 80(1. 6h. A. Sets. Place h. in. 10 42m 11 43m 46a 50 54 1 2 4 5 1 8 6 10 7 7 7 53 8 31 9 1 9 26 9 47 10 8 10 28 I 10 51 I 11 20 ! 11 55 a; Morn. 40m 1 .'}8 s a 9. w w m m ! ^ 44 56 8 6 19 24 I 8 9 29 32 I 10 33 11 36m K K T T me on rEA Tea. n, N. B. N. B., 1896. JULY has Thirty-one Days. 69 Mean Time, at ' a XBY BOAT c Von have tlie use of Parlor. Din- inij Room. \'eranclah. ami High Water, Saint John, N. B. Gharlottet n, P.B.I. o .Sea IV( ceze ! - -• It > 1 1"' ^ 'il H \\'l \'.\ [['. \1N Morning Afteinoon Morning Afternocn 1 h. ID. 1 h. m. h. ni. h. m. 1 Dominion Confederation, 1867. 3 ' 3 19 2 24 2 43 2 lib. A. (C in Apogee. 3 38 3 59 3 2 3 32 8 6h. /< . (v) in Apogee. Neap tides 4 20 , 4 39 3 44 4 3 4 Independence Day, U. S., 1776. 5 6 ! 5 36 4 30 5 A 5th Sunday after Trinity. 6 5 16 39 5 29 6 3 (i Sir T. Moore beheaded, 1535. 7 14 i 7 49 6 38 7 13 7 Richard l'.rin;ley Sheridan d., 1816. 8 23 8 54 7 47 8 18 H Mid. ^ cT (C- ^6° 22^ S. 9 22 9 46 8 46 9 10 9 Gen. Braddock killed, 1755. 10 11 10 34 9 35 9 58 10 4b. A. $ cT (C- ? 2° 17' S. 10 55 11 18 10 19 10 42 11 Charles Macklin died, 1797. Spring 11 39 t • • • • • 11 3 11 26 1 A 6th Sunday after Trinity. [tides 2 23 11 47 • ■ • • • • 13 Lingard, historian, died, 1851. 44 1 4 8 28 14 Chicago fire, 1873. 1 24 1 47 48 1 11 15 2b. A. (^ in Perigee. 2 9 2 31 1 33 1 55 16 lb. A. T? stationary. 2 53 3 16 2 17 2 40 17 J. J. Astor born, 1723. 3 41 4 3 3 5 3 27 18 4h. M. 5 in Q>- Neap tides. 4 28 4 54 3 52 4 18 A 7th Sunday after Trinity. 5 25 6 4 49 5 24 1 ;J0 Spanish Armada defeated, 1588. 6 40 7 24 i> 4 6 48 •)•> -" Robert Burns died, 1796. 8 5 8 45 7 29 8 9 7h. A. ^ in Perihelion. 9 19 9 48 8 43 9 12 23 (ieneral Cirant died, 1885. 10 16 ' 10 41 9 40 10 5 ,-'-1 Jacuues Cartier lands at (iaspe, 1534. St. James the Apostle. Spring tides 11 4 11 26 10 28 10 50 25 11 45 • < * • • • 11 9 11 30 ■1 A Hth Sunday after Trinity. 6 25 11 49 , ' 27 St. Joseph of Arimatben. 44 12 8 26 2S Cowley, poet, died, 1667. 1 18 1 34 42 58 2i) Wilberforce died, 1833. 1 49 2 5 1 13 1 29 ; 30 6b. A. (C in ApoL'»>e. 2 20 2 36 1 44 2 31 Ih. A. 5 Sup. ^Ci>. 2 53 3 12 2 17 2 36 Your Honey is simply on deposit when you buy UNION BLEND TEA, Until you are perfectly satisfied that it is the best obtainable. 0EO. S. dePORBST «fe SONS, - - SAINT JOHN, N. B. IMPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AQENT CELEBRATED PELEE WIKES. -m I i i ■. ! :iii til i 1' ' !l 1 1 'i 1' :i J. & A. McMillan pubush the modern oeoorapht and atlas. 70 AUGUST begins on Saturday. 1 L896. lUth.s d. h. m. D. . 1 2 10 A. 9 Souths b. m. (^Southsi'4S( (^ Last (Quarter, . h. ni. h. in. I A New Moon,.... ..9 38 M. 3 35 A. 6 31 M. 33 A. 3 First Quarter,. . 15 4 39 A. 10 42 A. 6 21M.| 11 A. © Full Moon,.... . 23 2 40 M. 17 47 A. 6 lOM.ll 50 M. ^ Last Quarter, . .. 31 6 31 M. ;24 52 A. 6 OM.ll 28 M. (£: Perigee lid. 2h. A. 1 (^ Apogee, 27d. llh.M. ^ SUN. MOON. 1 o 1 "' Ris's. Sets.| h. m. h. m. Declin. / Slow-Fast Rises. Souths. Declin. Sets. iPlace m. s. b. m. 1 b. HI. = ' h. 111. ! 1 Sat. 4 50 7 22 Nl7 48 6 3 10 33 A : 18 10 n22 13! 40a H ; 2 Sun. 4 51 7 21 17 .33 5 59 11 4 1 18 58 25 24 1 47 6q 3 Mo. 4 52 7 20 17 17 5 54 11 46a i 19 51 27 24 2 52 69 4 Tue. 4 54 7 18 17 1 5 48 Morn. 1 20 47 27 53 3 56 £} 6 Wd. 4 55 7 17 16 44 5 42 39 m 21 45 26 40 4 55 Q 6 Th. 4 567 15 16 27 5 35 1 45 ; 22 43 23 45 5 45 Q 7 Fri. 4 57 7 14 16 10 5 28 3 23 39 19 15 6 26 ITP 1 8 Sat. 4 59 7 12 15 53 5 20 8 17 7 1 9;Snii. 5 0,7 10 15 36 5 12 6 37 b 32 13 30 7 27 'w 10 Mo. 5 17 9 15 19 5 3 6 55 1 1 23 N 6 53 7 51 LHJ 11 Tue. 5 37 7 15 1 4 53 8 12 2 12 s 9 8 12 y^' 1 12 Wd. 5 47 6 14 43 4 43 9 31 ! 3 2 7 1 1 8 33 \^ 13 Th. 5 57 4 14 24 4 32 10 49 M 3 53 13 45 8 57 TTl Il4 Fri. 5 717 2 14 5 4 21 9a i 4 46 19 28 9 23 m 15 Sat. 5 87 1 13 47 4 9 1 26 5 41 23 55 9 56 m :16 San. 5 9,6 59 13 28 3 57 2 41 ' 6 40 26 48 10 39 ;^ jl7 Mo. 5 10 6 58 13 9 3 44 3 46 ' 7 39 27 55 11 32 a ^ ;18 Tue. 5 116 56 12 49 3 31 4 42 8 38 2/ 13 Morn ^ 19 Wd. 5 12 6 54 12 29 3 17 5 23 1 9 33 24 55 34m ^ 20 Th. 5 13 6 53 12 9 3 2 5 58 ! 10 26 21 16 1 43 21 Fri. 5 14 6 51 11 49 2 47 6 23 11 14 16 38 2 54 , ^ 22 Sat. 5 15 6 49 11 29 2 32 6 45 11 58 11 21 4 5 H 23 Snn. 5 16 6 47 11 9 2 16 7 3 1 12 40 8 5 42 5 11 T 24 Mo. 5 18 6 46 10 48 2 7 20 ! 13 20 N 5 6 17 T' 25 Tue. 5 196 44 10 27 1 43 7 35 13 58 5 48 7 20 T' 26 Wd. 5 20 6 43 10 6 1 27 7 51 ! 14 37 11 15 8 21 i ^ 27 Th. |5 2] 6 41 9 45 1 9 8 11 15 19 16 17 9 23 ^ ■28 Fri. 5 22 6 39 9 23 52 8 35 : 16 3 20 41 10 27 n i29 Sat. 5 24,6 37 9 2 34 9 2 16 .50 24 15 11 31m H j30 Sun. 5 26 6 35 8 40 s 16 9 41 17 41 26 43 38a ® isiMo. '5 276 33 N 8 19 fO 3 10 28 A i 18 34 n27 51' I 41 A bq UNION BLEND TEA ' j Has been unanimously declared the popular beveragf ^^^; j Ask your grocer for Union Blend Tea, and insist v. i I having it.»MKs;i«^"^^A<!SS!ia^5SKa?;ar^ G£0. S. deFOBEST dc iiiOBFN, 1ST. JOHN, M. B. E. G. SGOVn., 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B„ .1 I; ND ATLAS. J. & A. McMillan pubush mcmklla::'s SiAP OF NEW BRUHSWIOK. 1896. tli8lll|.S()Uths 'h. in. M. 33 A. M.i 11 A. )M.ll 50M. )rvl:ll 28 M. Sets. [Place 2 54 ir 48 7 20 15 8 21 i 17 9 23 , 41 10 27 15 11 3lM, 43 38 Aj 51 1 41a' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii''.. 'r* 1896. AUGUST haH Thirty-one Days. 71 Kxrr Rsio\s — • FOK KATKS. High Water, Mean Time, at Battle of the Nile, 1798. [tides: 9th Sunday after Trinity. Neap Columbus sailed from I'iilos, 1492. Ih.A. b D©. , First cable message, 1858. Duke of Edinburgh born, 1844. Richelieu died, 1788. © eclipsed. Invisible at St. .John. 10th Sunday after Trinity. [tides J. Cartierenters St. Louis,1534. Spr 2h. A. (C in Perigee. 26 5h. M. '4 cf .©• Thos. Bewick b. 1753 1 6 Earthquake in Scotland, 1816. 1 45 Battle of Fort Erie, 1814. 2 26 I Jesuits organized, 1534. [fides 3 11 i 11th Sunday after Trinity. Neap 3.58 ; Admiral Blake died, 1657. 4 .58 Guido Reni, painter, died, 1642. 6 25 River St. Lawrence discovered, 1.535. S 1 St. Bernard died, 1153. 9 18 La Fayette captured, 1792. 10 10 (C eclipsed. Visible at St. John. 10 51 i 1 2th Sunday after Trinity. 1 1 27 Washington brn'd, 1814. Spr. tides Ih.A. Hin^. Victoria l.(lgeo})'d, '60 17 Battle of Crecy, 1346. 45 lib. M. (C in Apogee. 1 15 Slavery abolished in Br. ter., 1 833. 1 44 St. John the Baptist beheaded. ; 2 12 13th Sunday after Trinitv. ' 2 47 lOh. M. '^ d'C- d «° "!•'>' ^- 3 25 ' Saint John, N. B. Charlottet'n, P. E. I. Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon h. m. 3 30 4 10 5 6 13 7 42 8 59 l» 53 10 40 11 23 h. m. h. m. h. ni. 3 48 2 54 3 12 4 33 3 34 3 57 5 34 4 24 4 58 6 57 5 37 6 21 8 23 7 6 7 47 9 28 8 23 8 52 10 18 9 17 9 42 11 2 10 4 10 26 11 43 10 47 11 7 5 11 29 11 50 45 • > • • • 9 1 25 30 49 2 6 1 9 1 30 2 49 1 50 2 13 3 35 2 35 2 59 4 26 3 22 3 50 5 38 4 22 5 2 7 13 5 49 6 37 8 43 7 25 8 7 9 46 8 42 9 10 10 .32 9 34 9 56 11 9 10 15 10 33 11 44 10 51 11 8 1 11 25 11 41 31 11 .55 < • > > • 1 1 29 1 57 2 29 3 5 3 49 9 24 3'J ^ 53 1 8 1 21 1 36 1 53 2 11 2 29 2 49 3 13 ,| «^ THE I^I^IOE OF -m IJiiioii Blend Tea opular beveragf ' :a, and insist o; -I . V. , N. Br, Is just at that price where Economy and QuaHty meet. .V. J GEO. S. deFOREST & SONS, St. John, N. B. pPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. hlf Mi 11' *i:| J BOOKS BOUHD IH THE LATEST DESIGNS AT McMILLAlTS, ST. JOHlf. 78 SEPTEMBER begrlns on Tuesday. 1806. ^ (=)l d. h. m. NewMoon, 7 9 19 M. First Quarter, 13 11 46 A. Full Moon, 21 6 26 A. Last Quarter, 29 9 35 A. (C Perigee, 8d. 4h. A. | (^ A ^ SUN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 29; 30! _Q lb. m. Tue. 5 28 Wd.JS 29 Th. l5 30 Fri. Is 32 Sat. 5 33 Sun. 5 34 Mo. Tue. 6 29 6 26 6 241 6 22 5 35i6 20 5 36 6 19 Ri3'8.|Sets.| Declin. iFastofGlk. h. ni^: " ' 6 31 N 7 57 6 30 7 35 7 14 6 51 6 28 6 6 5 43 5 21 4 58 4 35 4 12 3 49 3 26 3 3 2 40 2 17 1 54 1 30 1 7 44 N 20 s 3 26 49 1 13 1 36 1 59 2 23 2 46 s 3 10 iD.|$8outh8 h. in. 3 58 A. ;10 1 ,17; 1 |24| 1 10 A pogee, 23d. IJJi. A. MOON. ^Souths Q|.8ouths h. in. 1 h. m. 6 44'M.!10 57 M. 2 A.j 5 32M.ilO 36 M. 6 A.! 5 19M.10 14 M. 5 4M.I 9 52 M. 6 17 6 15 6 13 6 11 6 9 6 7 6 6 Wd. 5 37 Th. 5 38 Fri. 5 40 Sat. 5 41 San. 5 42 Mo. 5 43 Tue. 5 44 Wd. 5 46 Th. 5 47 Fri. 5 48 Sat. 5 4915 58 Snn. 5 5015 56 Mo. 5 5115 54 Tue.!5 53 5 52 Wd. i5 55:5 51 Th. 5 56i5 49 Fri. 5 57 '5 47 Sat. 5 685 45 Sun. 5 595 43 Mo. '6 5 41 Tue. 16 15 39 Wd. 6 2 5 ,38 ID. 8. 22 41 1 1 20 1 40 2 2 20 2 41 3 1 3 22 3 43 4 4 4 25 4 46 5 7 5 28 5 50 6 11 6 32 6 53 Rises. ti. ni. 11 25 Morn. ; 32 1 49 3 9 4 27 j 5 48 I 7 8 ! 8 29 9 51 II 11 30 i 1 39 2 38 I 3 25 4 4 28 4 50 ! 5 8 ' 5 25 Souths. ; Declin, Sets. IPlace M M A 7 14 5 42 7 35 5 58 7 56 6 17 8 17 () 38 8 37 7 6 8 58 7 39 9 18 8 21 9 38 9 14 9 58 10 15 10 17 11 26a h. in. o / h. m. 19 30 n27 26 2 40 a Q 20 26 25 22 3 35 Q 21 22 21 40 4 20 rep 22 18 16 31 4 55 w 23 9 10 15 5 27 5 51 up 1 N 3 15 6 14 LQJ 52 s 4 1 6 36 Lnj 1 44 11 2 6 59 tn 2 38 17 21 7 25 Vf\ 3 34 22 27 7 57 ^ 4 33 25 59 8 36 ^ 5 33 27 42 9 27 ^ 6 33 27 33 10 28 ^ 7 30 25 44 11 35a 8 23 22 29 Morn. 9 11 18 11 46m K 9 56 13 9 1 54 K 10 38 7 39 3 2 T 11 18 s 1 55 4 8 1' 11 57 N 3 47 5 11 T 12 36 9 20 6 12 >i 13 17 14 31 7 14 >1 14 19 8 8 17 U 14 46 22 59 9 22 tr 15 34 25 ,50 10 26 tr 16 26 27 28 11 29m 6q 17 20 27 40 .31 A 6q 18 15 26 20 1 26 P 19 9 n23 20 2 15 a k' Why is a man sitting on a red-hot stove Hke the | grocer who sells UNION BLEND TEA ? 1ii|ii|i^iilii|!jii|ii|Hliili!|ii|niii|iiri|ijiin|iiliiliiliilii|iiliitiiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliilliliiliiliiliili!lllllilllllilNI»^ I Because he is better off. E. G. SCOVIL, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., IT. JOHH. J. & A. McHILLAir PUBUSH LOOOIE'S MAP OF NEW BRUNSWICK. 1896. 'Q|.Souths \1\~ m. J 10 57 M. .10 3fiM. .10 14 M. .i 9 52 M, Sets. IPlace 1. ra. 2 40a 3 35 4 20 4 55 5 27 5 51 6 14 b 36 6 59 7 25 7 57 8 36 9 27 I 10 28 11 35a Morn. 46m 1 54 3 2 8 11 4 5 6 12 7 14 8 17 1 9 22 10 26 1 11 29Mi i 31 Aj i 1 26 2 15 A 9. W LQJ m m K K T T n 6q P 1896. SBPTElVinER has Thirty Days. 73 t HARPER'S Young People. 1 2' 3' 4; 01 8i 9 10 11 12 A 14 15 16 17 18 1: 21 22 23 24 25 26 A 28 29 See page 55. High Water, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. Cbarlott«t'n, P. E. I. Morning j Afternoon Homing Afternoon! tides [Spg tides Battle of Sedan, 1870. [Neap tides Great fire in London, 1666. Oliver Cromwell died, 1658. 6h. A. '<^ in Aphelion. Malta captured, 1800. 14th Sunday after Trinity. Hannah Moore died, 1833. 6h. A. 9 CT (C- 9 4° 59^ N. Battle of Flodden, 1513. Battle of Lake Erie, 1813. Ih. A. ]? cf (C- T? 7° 38^ N Marshal Blucher died, 1819. 15th Sunday after Trinity J. Cartier ar. at Quebec, 1535. [Neap City of Mexico captured, 1847 Moscow burned, 1812. First Parliament of Up. Canada, 1792 Capitulation of Quebec, 1759. President Garfield died, 1881. 16th Sunday after Trinity. Battle of Fisher's Hill, 1864. 9h.M. © enters ^. Autumn begins llh. A. (C in Apogee. [Spg. tides 3h. M. (f cT ^. d 0° 50^ N. New Yorksurren'd to British, 1776. Marquis of Wellesley died, 1842. 17th Sunday after Trinity. Sir W. Jones born, 1746. St. Michael. Michaelmas Day. Whitfield died, 1770. [Neap tides h. m. h. m. 4 16 4 49 5 30 6 19 7 9 7 56 8 36 9 8 ; 9 32 9 57 , 10 19 10 38 10 58 11 18 1 11 38 11 59 ! • - . • ■ * 19 39 1 1 20 1 40 2 1 2 22 j 2 47 3 11 3 37 4 8 4 44 5 28 6 19 7 9 7 55 8 34 9 6 9 30 9 51 10 12 10 29 10 45 11 11 15 11 29 11 45 11 59 ■ ■ • ■ • • 13 27 42 55 1 9 1 24 1 38 1 54 2 12 2 32 2 53 3 16 3 46 4 20 1 h. m. 3 40 4 54 6 33 8 8 56 9 43 10 22 11 2 11 43 3 44 h. 4 6 7 III 13 43 20 25 11 1 8 43 19 8 30 9 15 9 53 10 24 10 53 1 2 3 4 5 7 11 11 23 51 6 33 1 1 2 3 2 36 17 10 'he better the truth is known about 8 32 9 21 10 2 10 42 11 23 b 24 ' 1 4 1 46 i , 2 35 : 3 32 , 4 52 6 33 : 7 58 i 8 54 1 9 36 ; 10 9 I 10 39 11 9 1 11 37 b 19 48 ; 1 18 ' 1 56 2 40 1 3 44 - "'^^ ' JUNIQN BbEND TEA. 'EM ^' The larger the sales. :r.'lii|i!li!liiliiliilliliil' 1 1 ^^^1 Your grocer will supply you. GEO. S. deFOREST & SONS, ST. JOHN, N. B. I B., mPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. I'-^Mi I ! '! :i'l •illl ':| I'l- 'il ' 8: mai J. & A. McMillan pubush the modern geoorapht and atlas. 74 OCTOBGB begins on Thurnday. JD.|$ Souths d. 6 m. h. 5 54 A. 13 10 23 M. 21 11 53 M. 29 10 57 M. New Moon, Firft Quarter, Full Moon, Last Quarter, (C Per igee 7 d. Ih. M. | g) Apogee. 21d. 2h. M. ^ SUN. mo6n. I I h. m. 3| 1 16 A. ilOl 1 22 A. 17 1 28 A. 24 1 3(1 A. 1896. cr8outh8i'4Soutb b. III. 4 43 M. 4 25 M. 4 2M. 3 43 M. h. Ill, 9 23M., 9 IMJ 8 38 M, 8 15 M J 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 8UJN. Ris's.|Sets. I Declin. |h. m. h. m.r ° ' 16 3 5 36 s 4 5 34 5 5 32 1 7 5 30 8 5 28 9 5 27 6 Th. Fri Sat. 1 6 Sun. 6 Mo. l6 Tue. |6 Wd.|6 115 25 Th. |6 12 5 23 Fri. 16 13 5 21 Sat. 6 14 5 :9 Son. 6 15 5 18 Mo. 6 16 5 16 6 17,5 15 6 18 5 14 6 20 5 12 6 22 5 9 6 24 5 6 6 26 5 4 6 28 5 2 Tue.!6 29 5 Wd.'6 30 4 59 Th. 6 31 4 57 Fri. 6 32 4 56 6 .33 4 55 6 34 4 53 6 36 4 52 6 .37 4 51 6 39 4 50 6 40; 4 48 6 42i4 46 Tue. Wd. Th. Fri. Sat. Snn. Mo. Sat. Sun. Mo. iTue. Wd. Th. Fri. 3 33 3 56 4 19 4 43 5 6 5 29 5 52 6 15 6 37 7 7 23 7 45 8 7 8 30 8 52 9 14 9 36 9 58 10 19 10 41 11 2 11 23 11 43 12 5 12 25 12 46 13 6 13 26 13 46 14 6 Sat. i6 444 44ls 14 25 Fst.ofClk. { m. 8. 1 10 36 10 55 11 13 11 31 11 49 12 6 12 23 12 39 12 55 13 11 13 26 13 40 13 55 14 7 14 20 14 33 14 45 14 56 15 7 15 17 15 26 15 35 15 43 15 50 15 56 16 2 16 7 16 11 16 15 16 17 16 19 Rises. Souths. I h. m. I Morn. I 42 MJ { 18 ! 38 i 58 i 21 ; 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 h. 111. 20 3 20 55 21 46 22 37 23 28 22 44 8 25 M 30 A 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 23 2 32 56 16 33 48 18 18 22 24 24 6 19 7 7 8 9 56 38 9 18 9 56 4 5 10 35 4 24 11 16 4 46 11 59 5 11 12 44 5 42 13 32 6 21 14 23 7 9 15 15 8 8 16 9 9 14 17 2 10 26 17 54 11 39 a 18 44 Morn. 19 34 53 m 20 23 Declin. Sets. Placi / h. m. Nl9 6 2 52a m^ 13 29 3 24 w N 6 57 3 60 8 10 4 14 Lf. 7 24 4 36 4 58 ^■z 14 15 5 23 in 20 7 5 52 m 24 32 6 29 /■ 27 5 7 19 -y* 27 38 8 18 ^ 26 20 9 25 23 29 10 36 f'/A 19 28 11 46a KX 14 39 Morn h 9 19 56m K s 3 42 2 T N 1 58 3 3 T 7 32 4 4 V 12 49 5 5 > 17 38 6 8 H 21 44 7 12 B 24 53 26 54 27 33 26 44 24 27 20 44 15 49 9 54 N 3 17 8 IV 9 22 10 25 i 11 21m' 10a 50 1 > 1 22 I 1 49 i 2 15a DCS 4 UNION BLEND TEA ''•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Leads in Quality and Sa Is retailed everywhere. 0£0. S. deFOR£ST A SONS, ST. JOHX, ]¥. B. E. G. SGOVIL, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., Is J' AMD ATLAS. J j f^ j^. McMILLAll PUBUSH McMILLAirS MAP OF NEW BRUNSWICK. 1896. mths'QiSoutli- ■"•' ' \ 13 M. 25 M. 2M. 43 M. h. III. 9 23 M 9 IM 8 38 M 8 1">M ^_1 I 6 29, 57! 10 24 15 7 32 5 38 20 29 28 39 ^ 19 I 42 58 32 49 38 44 53 54 33 44 27 8eto._ b. m. 2 52 a 24 50 14 36 58 23 52 29 19 18 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 25 10 36 11 46a Morn 56m iPlact in. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 44 5 49 9 54 3 17 3 4 5 8 12 17 22 10 25 11 2lMi C 10a C 50 ; 1 22 I 1 49 2 15a HI IT, 1896. OCTOHER haH Thirty-one Days. 7a r3 a o Y Y T -y-m T X ^ J H 1 H m 1$ 1 I -•». WEBSTER'S -«»•- International Dietion'rji _ SurPLIKO BY J. A A. McMlM.AN. '^ 911 with Patent Ind«>x; 910 with. ^ out Index. For particulars 8«e O iuHlde of back cover. ISir Edwin Landseer, R.A., died, 1873 2 First railroad in the U. S., 1833. 3 lOh. A. '4 cT CC- % 1° «9' N. A 18th Sunday after Trinity. .') Sir Francis Grant, R. A., died, 1878. 6 Jenny Lind born, 1821. 7 Ih. M. (C in Perigee. [Spring tides 8 2h. A. $ cT (C- ? 5° 18' N. 9 Chicago fire, 1871. 10 Cardinal McCloskev died, 1885. A; 19th Sunday after Trinity. 121 Columbus discovered America, 1492. 13 3h. A. c^in Q. 14j4h. M. ^ '\n k).. [Neap tides 15 Irisli Arms Bill passed, 1834. 16 Koscinake died, 1806. 17 Sir Philip Sidney died, 1586. A 20th Sunday after Trinity. li» Leigh Hunt born, 1784. " 20 Sir Christopher Wren born, 1632. 21 2h. J (C in Apogee. tid^s 22 First Hr. Parliam'nt, 1707. [Spring 23 T. Gautier died, 1872. 24 Chaucer, poet, died, 1400. A 21st Sunday after Trinity. ;6'Noon. _(^cr(C- cr3°29'S. !7 Cuba discovered, 1492. 18 Harvard College founded, 1636. 9 Ih. M. 'i Greatest Hel. Lat. N. (80 Hon. H. Mercier died, 1894. [Neap 81' 4h. A. % cf (C. % 2° 25' N. tides High Water, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. Charlottet'n, P. E. 1. Horning Afternoon Morning Afternoon h. m. 5 I 6 39 8 6 9 3 9 48 10 28 11 8 11 53 14 1 56 ! 1 2 3 4 5 7 40 29 23 31 69 28 8 35 9 20 9 57 10 28 10 58 11 28 11 59 13 44 h. ui. 5 49 7 26 8 38 9 25 10 8 10 48 11 30 '6 36 1 17 2 3 2 55 3 55 5 13 6 45 8 5 8 59 9 39 10 13 10 43 11 13 11 44 "6 29 h. 1)1. 4 25 6 3 7 30 8 27 9 12 9 52 10 32 11 17 11 59 20 1 1 2 3 4 53 47 55 5 23 6 52 59 44 9 21 9 52 10 22 10 52 11 23 8 h. m. 5 13 6 50 8 2 8 49 9 32 10 12 10 54 11 38 41 1 27 2 19 3 19 37 9 29 8 23 9 3 9 37 10 7 10 37 11 8 11 37 4 6 7 1 1 2 16 53 37 3 29 4 6 38 3 34 14 1 2 5 19 6 45 11 53 8 24 1 40 58 1 17 1 38 2 1 2 25 2 53 3 26 4 2 4 43 5 27 6 9 ^— TOnon m^mmm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ .lity and Sal erywhere. BN, N. B., Is an enemy to nothing but Inferior Teas. S^^'Ask your Retail Grocer about it."^a GEO. S. deFOREST & SONS, St. John, N. B. pPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. i^m SCHOOL REQUISITES ALWAYS Of STOCK. J. 4 A. HoMILLAlf , ST. JOI Ml! 78 NOVBMItKR b«rlni on Nunday. d. New Moon, 5 First Quarter 12 Full Aloon, 20 Last Quarter, 27 h. 3 1 6 10 III. 3M. 17 M. IM. 20 A. (^ Perigee, 4(1. Ih. A. | (^ Apogee, 17c D. 3! lOl r 241 9 Souths h. ni. 1 48 A. 1 58 A. 2 8 A. 2 19 A. 1K96. (^ Souths h. m, 3 6M. 2 36 M. 2 4M. 1 28 M. hh. M. Q|. Soiiih. h. ni. 7 41 M 7 17 M 6 53 M 6 2H M a ^ SUN. MOO N. M ^ Ris'8. Sets. Declin. | Est. of 01k 1 Rises. Souths. 1 Declin. Sets. IPlaciJ h. m. h. m. / in. 8. b. m. h. in. <» ' h. m 1 Son. 6 45 4 43 8 14 45 16 20 2 10m 21 13 s 3 43 2 36a "-!:: 2 Mo. 6 46 4 42 15 4 16 20 3 28 22 4 10 40 2 58 m 3 Tue. 6 48 4 41 15 22 16 20 4 47 22 59 17 3 3 21 m 4 Wd. 6 50 4 39 15 41 16 19 <) 10 23 58 22 19 3 48 7? 5 Th. 6 51 4 37 15 59 M; 17 7 35 4 21 6 Fri. 6 52 4 36 16 17 16 13 8 56 1 25 52 5 4 / 7 Sat. 6 53 4 35 16 35 16 9 10 11 2 6 27 25 6 1 i ;6 8 Sim. 6 54 4 34 16 52 16 4 11 13 3 10 26 54 7 7 \% 9 Mo. 6 55 4 33 17 9 1 5 59 11 57 m 4 9 24 34 8 21 ! a: 10 Tue. 6 57 4 32 17 25 15 52 33 a 6 3 20 51 9 33 1 « 11 Wd. 6 58 4 30 17 41 15 45 59 5 51 16 12 10 42 Ik 12 Th. 7 4 29 17 57 15 37 1 21 6 36 10 57 11 51 a; k 13 Fri. 7 1 4 27 18 13 15 28 1 39 7 17 8 5 24 Morn. ^' 14 Sat. 7 3 4 26 18 29 16 18 1 65 7 56 N 16 55m T 15 Son. 7 4 4 25 18 ■ 15 8 2 12 8 35 5 50 1 57 1 T 16 Mo. 7 6 4 2^ 18 .-.; 14 56 2 28 9 14 U 11 2 58 ^ 17 Tue. 7 7 4 2J 19 13 14 44 2 49 9 56 16 8 4 0^ 18 Wd. 7 8 4 22 19 28 14 31 3 13 10 40 20 27 5 3 B 19 Th. 7 10 4 22 19 42 14 17 3 42 11 28 23 55 6 7 B 20 Fri. 7 11 4 21 19 55 14 2 4 20 12 19 26 18 7 14 ; 6c 21 Sat. 7 12 4 20 20 8 13 47 5 6 13 11 27 21 8 18 ^c 22 San. 7 14 4 20 20 21 13 31 6 1 14 4 26 57 9 16 Q 23iMo. 7 15 4 19 20 33 13 14 7 7 14 58 25 4 10 49 t 24 Tue. 7 16 4 18 20 45 12 56 8 18 15 51 21 47 25 Wd. 7 18 4 17 20 57 12 37 9 27 16 40 17 17 11 24 11) 26 Th. 7 19 4 17 21 8 12 18 10 40 17 29 11 50 11 53m H) 27 i Fri. 7 20 4 16 21 19 11 58 11 54 A 18 16 N 5 39 18a t^ 28 Sat. 7 22 4 15 21 29 11 37 Morn. 19 3 s 58 38 - 29 Sun. 7 23 4 14 21 39 11 15 1 7m 19 51 7 42 59 - 30 Mo. 7 24 4 14 s21 49 10 52 2 22 m 20 43 8 14 10 1 20a Hi A SLIGHT COLD Leads to- — . Sounds a great deal like t; beginning of a patent medicine ad., but we or.| want to call your attention to our UNION BLEND TEA 0£0. S. deFOR£ST A SONN, St. Joliu, 5. E. G. SGOVIL. 62 UNION STREET. ST. JOHN, N. B., AH, 8T. JOl 1K»6,| ihHjQi. South ta. ni. M.\ 7 41 M M 7 17 iM M. I 6 53 M M.. 6 2SM Sets. iPlaci V M': 11 51 A Morn. 55m 1 57 2 58 4 5 3 deal like t but we 01 H ;a »00K8 BOUlfD IW THE LATEST DE8IQWS AT McHLLAlTS. ST. JOHW. IHOA. NOVKMMKK ban Thirty I>ay«. 77 BLANK BOOKS. ^ Regular Kinds and Hi/e8 always ^ in Stock. *o ! Special PatUsrns promptly raa<ie to Order. , <^ (=1 High Water, Mean Time, at Saint John, N. B. .Oharlotiet'n, P. E. I. A ij 10 II 12 13 4 iA hi .1 S' A McHILI.AN, Nt. John. 22nd Sunday after Trinity. ;Ui. M. (J* stationary. St. Jolins cafitiired. 1775. 111. A. (C in Perigft. <lh. A. b cr^rC- h 7° 14' N. Abraliatn Lincoln ele tjd, ISfiO. Sp. LastH[»ikeCPRdriven, 1885. [tides. 23rd Sund.'iv after Trinity. Kirth of I'l^ince of Wales, 1841. Schiller, poet, died, 1759. Chicago Anarchists hanged, 1887. (Irand Trunk Railway opened, 18.56. lOh. M. b ff ©. Neap tides. Sir Charles I.yall horn, 1797. 24th Sunday after Trinity. Louis Kiel hanged, 1S85. 5h. M. (^ in Apogee. Standard time adopted, 1883. Ah. A. ^ Cf h- ^1° 50' S. Hattle of Belle Isle. 1750. Fort Niagara bombarded, 1812. Sp. 2oth Sunday after Trinity. [tides. Halifax award, 1877. Lord Melbourne died. Madame Grisi died. 1860. Sandwich Islands discovered, 1778. Straits of Magellan passed, 1520. 5h. M. '4 c( C- '4 3° 8' N. Neap 1st Sunday in Advent. [tides. St Andrews. Morning 1 Afternoon: 1 Morning h. m. Afternoot h. m. h. III. h. in. 7 23 7 57 6 47 7 21 8 28 8 53 7 52 8 17 9 14 9 35 H 38 8 59 9 58 10 21 9 22 9 45 10 44 11 6 10 8 10 30 11 30 11 54 10 .54 11 18 18 11 42 • « * ■ • t 41 1 4 5 28 1 28 1 50 52 1 14 2 17 2 43 1 41 2 7 3 11 3 39 2 35 3 3 4 9 4 41 3 33 4 5 5 17 5 54 4 41 5 18 6 31 7 5 5 55 (> 29 7 41 8 10 7 5 7 34 8 36 8 58 8 8 22 9 18 9 36 8 42 9 9 55 10 12 9 19 9 36 10 33 10 46 !» 57 10 10 ' 11 3 11 20 (0 27 10 44 11 .37 11 55 V. 1 11 19 11 11 35 11 52 28 4t; 10 1 5 1 23 29 47 1 44 2 6 1 8 1 30 2 29 2 54 1 53 2 18 3 18 3 46 2 42 3 10 4 17 4 49 i 3 41 4 13 5 23 5 57 4 47 6 21 6 33 . 7 09 5 57 1 «) 33 UNION BLEND Is a Low-priced Tea, and will win trade for you every time. it, Jobu, ^ — IV, N. B.| 1D>0RTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WIITES. 11 v. ORDERS FOR BOOKS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HoHTLLAN, ST. JOHH. UNION BLEND TEA. The price is a dwarf, the value is a giantj Your grocer will supply you with it. GEO. S. deFOREST & SONS, St. John, N. B. 78 d. «HKK befftnn on Tufiaday. 180(t. ■ h. m. D.I V Souths h. m. C^Southw h. m. % Souths 'h. in. A New Moon -j [ 1 27 A. « 5 A. 3 2 31 A. 10 2 40 A. 39 M. 11 54 A. 5 56 M. 5 29 M. ^H 5 FirHt Oiiaiter, VI Full \loon 11 19 11 41 A. 17 2 48 A. 11 15 A. 5 3M. (^ Ljwt Quarter,. 2'i ' 7 4.-) M. 24 2 54 A. 10 37 A. 4 36 M. HI ® 't Perigee. 2(1. llli. A. | (C Apogee, 14(1. 8h. A. | C Perigee, .SOd. 9 h. A. i 5 SUN. M Rises. Souths. OON. ^^^H Ris's. S«t8.' leclin. Pasts-low Declin. ' S lets. in. ^^H 1 )i. III. li. til. O ^ ' III. H. II. III. ii. III. o ' h ^. ■ 2 1 Tue ' 7 26 1 4 14 8 21 58 10 29 3 42 m 21 40 8 19 51 1 44a m 3 2 Wd. 7 26' 4 14 22 7 10 6 5 4 22 40 24 14 2 16 m ,' 4 3 Th. 7 27 4 13 22 15 9 42 6 28 23 43 26 48 2 52 ^ Iv '* 4 Fri. 7 28 4 13 22 23 9 17 7 44 • • • ■ • • • •• ■ •• 3 42 m A 5 Sat. 7 29 4 13 22 31 8 52 8 43 48 27 18 4 43 '?s ■' '' 6 San. 7 30 4 13 22 37 8 2t) 9 46 , 1 51 25 45 5 56 ^ ■; 8< 7 Mo. 7 31 4 13 22 44 8 10 28 2 50 22 33 7 12 tsa ■ di>* 8 Tue., 7 32 4 13 22 50 7 33 10 58 3 42 18 8 8 2<' tsa ■ 10<( 9 Wd. 7 33 4 13 22 55 7 6 11 22 4 29 12 58 9 3tt K ■ 11: 10 Th. 7 34 4 12 23 1 6 39 11 43 5 13 7 22 10 43 H m\u 11 Fri. 7 35 4 12 23 5 6 11 11 59 m 5 53 s 1 40 11 47a T ■ AS 12 Sat. 7 36 4 12 23 10 5 43 17 a 6 33 N 4 Morn. T ■ 14 y 13 Snn. 7 37 4 12 23 13 5 14 46 7 12 6 28 49m T ■ I'W 14 Mo. 7 38 4 13 23 17 4 45 53 7 53 14 32 1 38 ^ ■ l(> J 15 Tue. 7 39 4 13 23 20 4 16 1 15 8 36 19 5 2 53 ^ ■ l7il 16 Wd. 7 40 4 13 23 22 3 47 1 43 9 22 22 51 3 57 If ■ iHS 17 Th. 7 41 4 14 23 24 3 17 2 18 10 12 25 37 5 1 n ■ l90 18 ,Fri. 7 42 4 14 23 2(5 2 48 3 11 4 27 8 6 6 6^ ■ A 4 19 iSat. 7 42 4 14 23 27 2 18 3 54 11 58 27 12 7 8 6g ■ 2I1S 20 Snn. 7 42 4 14 23 27 1 48 4 58 12 53 25 45 8 2 Q ■ 22 c. 21 Mo. 7 43 4 15 23 27 1 18 6 9 13 47 22 49 8 48 ■ 23 V 22 Tue. 7 43 4 15 23 27 49 7 20 14 38 18 36 9 25 iSp 924 \ 28 Wd. 7 43 4 IG 23 26 F 19 8 31 15 26 13 21 9 56 ■ 25 ( 24 Th. 7 43 4 16 23 25 8 11 9 44 16 14 7 22 10 21 UIJ ■ 26 ( 25 Fri. 7 43 4 i: 23 23 41 10 56 a 17 N 56 10 44 Lnj Wm u 1 S28 '1 |j2i( ( ||30 A ■81 6 26 Sat. 7 43 4 18 23 20 1 11 Morn. 17 47 8 5 39 11 4 LPJ 27 Snn. 7 43 4 19 23 17 1 40 9m 18 36 12 2 11 25 m 28 Mo. 7 44 4 20 23 14 2 9 1 25 19 28 17 45 11 47m m 29 Tu. 7 44 4 21 23 n 2 40 2 43 20 25 22 37 13a in 30 Wd. 7 44 4 22 23 7 3 9 4 2 21 25 25 55 48 tT 31 Th. 17 434 22 s23 2 3 37 5 22 m 22 28 Is 27 23' 1 28 a ^ E. 0. SCOVHi, 62 UNION STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B., Ji 1 1 I, BT. JOHH. ■icIULLAN'S BDIDERY li tli« HOST COMPLETE In the Maritime ProTlioei. ISOH. h. in. 5 56 M. 5 29 M. 5 »M, ,.i 4 3fi M. 30d. 9h. A. Sets. Place' h. in. "'" 1 44a 1tl 2 10 in 2 52 ;?» 3 42 • • ■ 4 43 ;6 5 56 - ;6 7 12 H 2<; 9 30 10 43 11 47 a Morn. 49m 38 63 57 1 6 8 2 8 48 K K T T T ir IT 9 25 9 56 « 10 21 LOJ 1 ,10 44 LTJ ' ill 4 UU >■ 11 25 m 11 47m in 13a 111 48 ^ I 28a ^ L. iiiiiiiii ; is a giant, ith it. n, N. B. ff. B., 1MW6. DKf'K.MllRK h»M Thlrty.on« Dttya. 7» *s I liUteNt Styles. H<'Nt <^ality. Saint John, N. B. Charlottefn, P. B. I. a ! J. & A. McMillan. St. John. Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon HioH Watkr, Mean Time, at y 10 11 12 A 14 15 Iti 17 18 ly A 121 22 23 24 25 26 '' 28 2y 80 81 5li. A. K in Aphelion. llh. A. (C '•> l^'riKee- Miulrid ciiplured, 180H. 8h.A. V cT^C. ? ."''2'N. Mnrtial law, Mont'l, 1837. [Spring \1\m\ Sunday in Advent. tides AJKernon Sidnt-y beheaded, 1683. lnui)>(('\ilate (.'oncep'n decreed, 1854. Sir Hii^h Allan died, 1882. fih. M. 4; cP ©• A. Dumas d., 1870. 2h. M. (f J V\ James 1 1 . fled. 1638. Sir .John Thompson d., 1894. [Neiip 3rd Sunday in A<lvent. tideH Mil. A. (C in Apogee. Prof. Agassiz died, 1873. John Seldon born, 1584. [1792 1st Legislature, Lower ('anada, opn'd, Samuel Rogers died, 1855. Napoleon IH. elected Prenident, 1848 4th Sunday in Advent. (Spr. tides St. ThomiiH. Winter begins. (George Eliot died, 1880. Prince Consort buried, 1861. W. M. Thackeray died, 1803. Christmas Day. Battle of Trenton, 1776. Ist Sunday after Christmas. Tay Bridge disast^^r. 1879. (rladritone born, 180y. Mid. b r/ C- b 7* W xV. - in 6h. M. © in Periget . ''P*. igee h. m. 7 42 S 42 9 33 10 26 11 17 32 1 19 2 .5 2 61 3 36 4 24 [Neap tides 5 20 6 23 7 30 8 30 9 20 10 2 10 43 11 20 20 57 li. in. 8 14 9 8 9 .59 10 51 11 44 9 56 1 42 2 29 3 14 3 59 4 50 5 50 6 56 8 1 8 57 9 40 10 23 11 2 11 39 Noon 38 h. 7 8 8 ni. 6 6 57 9 50 10 41 11 .33 43 1 29 15 3 48 44 47 6 54 7 54 44 9 26 10 7 10 44 11 24 36 17 4 53 46 48 6 59 8 16 1 16 21 1 67 1 2 41 1 41 ' 3 29 2 28 '' 4 18 3 17 5 15 4 10 6 23 5 12 ■ 7 38 6 23 ; 1 8 51 ' 7 40 h. 7 8 9 10 11 11 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 1 2 2 3 4 5 7 8 m. 38 32 23 15 8 50 20 6 53 38 23 14 14 20 25 21 4 47 26 3 44 2 40 21 5 63 42 39 47 2 15 OyTR AIMS FOR NION BLEND TEA Are big, but it is a recognized fact tliat we substantiate them. SAINT JOHN, N. B. 10. S. deFOREST & SONS, - - IMPORTER TEAS and UQUORS, AGENT CELEBRATED PELEE WINES. •'., Ill . , •I •It', ii ■ if 80 The Royal Family. THE SADPT JOHN BUSINESS COLLEGE HAS K^ The Royal Family. Her Majesty Victoria. By the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of 'Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, Empress of India (in India, Kaisar-i-Hind), born 24th May 1819; succeeded to the Throne 20th JFune 1837, on the death of her uncle, King William IV ; crowned 28th .June 1838, and married 10th February 1840, to his late Royal Higl'.ness Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel, Prince Consort, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Coburg and Gotha, who was born 26th August, 1819; died 14th December, 18r)l, Her Majesty has had issue : 1. H. I. M., Victoria, Empress Frederick of Germany, Princess Royal, born Nov. 21, 1840; married Jan. 25, 1858, to Frederick, Crown Prince ofj Prussia, afterwards German Emperor (born Oct. 18, 1831, died .June 15, 1888), and has had issue — William, reigning German Emperor, born Jan. 27, 1859; married Feb. 27, 1881, to Princess Augusta of Schleswig-Holstein, and has six sons and a daughter: Charlotte, born July 24, 1860, married Feb. 18, 1878, to Hered, Prince of Saxe-Meiningen ; Henry, born Aue. 14,1862, married Mav, 24, 1888, to his cousin. Prince&s Irene of Hesse ; Sigisimund, born Sept. 1", 1864, died June 18, 1S66; Victoria, born April 12, 1866, married Nov. 19, 1890. to H. S. II. Prince Adolphe of Schaumburg-Lippe ; Waldemar, born Feb. lo, 1868. died March 27, 1879; Sophia Dorothea, born June 14. 1870, married Oct. 27, 1S89, to the Duke of Sparta; and Margaret, born April 22, 1872, mar- ried Jan. 25, 1893, to Prince Frederick of Hesse-Cassel. 2. His Royal Highness Albert E<lward, Prince of Wales, b. Nov. 9, 1841: married March 10, 1863, to the Princess Alexanflra(born Dec. 1, 1844), elde-Jt daughter of the King of Denmark, and has had issue — Albert Victor, Duk> of Clarence and Avondale, born Jan. 8, 1864, died Jan. 14, 1892 ; George Freil- erick, Duke of York, Captain R. N., born June 3, 1865, married July 6, 18y:i, to Princess Victoria Marv (" Mav") of Teck (born Mav 26. 1867) ; Louise, borii Feb. 20, 1867, married .July 27,'l889, to the Duke of'Fyfe— issue, Alexandra born May 17, 1891, and Maud, born April 3, 1893 ; Victoria, born July 6, 18(W Maud, born Nov. 26, 1869; and Alexander, born April 6, died April 7. 1871 3. Her Royal Highness Alice Maud Mary, born April 25, 184? ; marritr Julv 1, 1862, to H. R. H. Louis IV., Grand Duke of Hesse (born Sept. IJ 18.37, died March 13, 1892); died Dec. 14,1878, her issue being— Victor!; Alberta born April 5, 1863, married April 30, 1884, to Prince Louis of Bai- tenburg, R. N. ; Elizabeth, born Nov. 1, 1864, married .June 15, 1884. to tlit Grand Duke Serge of Russia; Irene, born July 11, 1866; married May ".M 1883, to her cousin, Prince Henry of Prussia, brother of the German Emperor Ernest Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse, born Nov. 25, 1868; Frederick, bornOi: 7, 1370, died June 29, 1873; Alix Victoria, born June 6, 1872 ; and Mary, bor May 24, 1874, died Nov. 15, 1878. 4. His Royal Highness Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of Edinburgh and Diik- 01 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, born Aug. 6, 1844; Admiral of the Fleet ; married Jai; 23, 1874, to the Grand Duchess Marie of Russia (born Oct. 17, 1853), an has issue — Alfred, born Oct. 15, 1874; Marie, born Oct. 29. 1875, married Jar 10, 1893, to Ferdinand, Crown Prince of Roumania, and has issue— Car born Oct. 15, 1893; Victoria Melita, born Nov. 25, 1876; Alexandra, bor: Sept. 1, 1878 ; and Beatrice, born April 20, 1884. o. Her Royal Highness Helena Augusta Victoria, born May 25, 1^4'^ married July 5, 1866, to Prince Frederick Christian Charles Augustus, Schleswig-Holstein (born Jan. 22, 1831), and has had issue — Christian V., I SAINT JOHN DTE WORKS, 21, ■ issu Ah I J" I ■^borr ^^(isst bori Ki 1. 2. The Royal Family, 81 SUPERIOR AMONG OANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGES. Kingdom of ress of India Throne 20th ed 28th June ".nesH Francis ixony, Prince th December, incess Royal, wn Prince of I line 15,1888) Jan. 27, 1859; tein, and has I Feb. 18, 1878, 1862, married , born Sept. 15, ! Nov. 19, 1890 born Feb. In, 1870, married 22, 1 872, mar- .Nov. 9, 1841, 1, 1844),elde>t t. Victor, Duke George Frod- i July 6, 189.1, ) ; Louise, born ;ue, Alexandr.i n Julv6, 18tl^ I April 7. 1871 184? ; raarritv. (born Sept. 1- )eing — Victoriii : Louis of Bat' 15, 1884. to the larried May 24. rraan Emperor lerick, born Oot and Mary, bur: burgh and Diikt t ; married Jan :. 17, 1853), aiK 75, married Jar, as issue — Carn .\lexandra, bnn May 25, lS4n les Augustus, ' Christian v., L' King's Royal Rifles, born April 14, 1867 ; Albert J., born Feb. 26, 1869; Vic- toria L., born May 3, 1870; Louise A, born August 12, 1872, married July *>, 1891, to Pr. AribeVt of Anhalt; and Harold, born May 12, died May 20, 1876. 6. Her Royal Highness Louise Caroline Alberta, born March 18, 1848 ; married March 21, 1871, to John, Marquis of Lome (born Aug. 6, 1845). 7. His Royal Highness Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke of Con- naught, born May 1, 1850 ; General in command at Aldershot; married March 13, 1879, to Princess Louise Margaret (bon-' July 25, 1860), daughter of the late Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia, and has issue — Margaret, born Jan. 15, 1882 ; Arthur, born Jan. 13, 1883; Victoria Patricia, born March 17, 1886. 8. His Royal Highness Leopold George Duncan .\lbert, Duke of Albany, born April 7, 1853; married April 27, 1882, to Princess Helen (born Feb. 17, 1861), daughter of the late Prince George of Waldeck, died March 28, 1884, his issue being — Alice Mary, born Feb. 25, 1883 ; Leopold Charles Edward G. A., Duke of Albany, born July 19, 1884. 9. Her Royal Highness Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodora, born April 14, 1 1857; married July 23, 1885, to Prince Henry Maurice of Battenburg (born 'Oct. 5, 1858), and has i.ssue — Alexander Albert, born Nov. 23, 1886; Victoria Eugenia Julia Ena, born Oct. 24, 1887, and Leopold Arthur Louis, born Mav 21, 1889, and Maurice Victor Donald, !)orn Oct. 3, 1891. Royal Princea and Princesses. i Geohge William Frederick Charles, Second Duke of Cambridge, Field- Marshal, born March 26, 1819. f Augusta Caroline, born July 19, 1822: married June 28, 1843, Frederick, I Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and has issue — Adolphus Frederick, born July 22, 1848; married, and has issue. Mary Adelaide, born Nov. 27, 1833 ; married .lune 12, 1866, Francis, Duke [of Teck (born Aug. 27, 1837), and has issue — Victoria Marv, born Mav 26, ;1867, married July 6, 1893, to H R. II. the Duke of York ;' Adolphus, born 13th August 1868; Francis, born Jan. 9, 1870; and Alexander (Jeorge, born <Aprill4, 1874. 4 H. R. H. Ernest Augustus George, Third Duke of Cumberland, born Sept. «21, 1845; married Dec. '2], 1878, to Princess Thyra of Denmark; and has fissiie — Marie Louisa, born Oct, 12, 1879 ; George William, born Oct. 28, 1880; ;|Alexandra. born Sept. 29, 1882; Olga, born July 11, 1884; Christian, born iJuly 4, 1885; and Ernest A., born Nov. 17, 1887. His sisters — l'"*Rf:i)ERiCA, tll)orn Jan. 9, 1848; married April 24. 1880, Freiherr von Pawel-Kammingen ■^(issue — Victoria, born March 7, died March 2', 1881); and Mary Ernestine, , |born Dec. 3, 1849. jj^r Mnjesfys Near Relatives. ,|!Niece and Nephews, by half-sister, daughter of her late mother the Duchess of :| Kent, by her first husband, Eniich Charles, Prince of Leiningen — '|1. Charles Louis, born October 25, 1829; married morganatically. In the 4 Wurteraburg army. g2. Herman Ernest, Prince of Hohenlohe Langenburg, born August 31, 1832; ? Lieut.-General in the Prussian service ; married, and has issue. 13. Adelaide Victoire, born July 20, 1835; married Sept. 11, 1856, Prince f. Frederick of Schleswig-Holstein (died Jan. 14, 1880), and has issue. "Nephews, by half-brother, son of the late Duchess of Kent — Ernest Leopold, I Prince of Leiningen, Admiral R. N., born Nov. 9, 1830; married Sept. 11, >t 1858, Princess Maria of Baden, and has issue ; Edward Frederic, born Jan. 5, 1833, Captain Royal Imperial Guard of Austria. G. E. BRACKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. I ■\\\ M- )* 1 I ■'■-if I t iii: , i 82 The British Ministry. THE SAINT JOHN BUSINESS COLLEGE HAS A UST OF THE BRITISH MINISTRY. The Cabinet. Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary — Lord Salisbury. Lord High Cliancellor — Lord Halsbury. Lord President of Council — The Duke of Devonshire. Lord Privy Seal — Lord Cross. Chancellor of the Exchequer — Sir Michael Hicks-Beach. Secretary of State, Home Dej)artment — Sir Matthew White Ridley. •' " Colonial " Joseph Chamberlain. *' " War " Lord Lansdowne. " " India " Lord Geo Hamilton. First Loid of the Admiralty — George J Goschen. TreasJiry— A J Balfour. Viceroy of Treland — Lord Cadogan. Lord Chancellor of Ireland— Lord Ashbourne. Chief Secretary for Ireland — Gerald Balfour. Chancellor of the Duchey of Lancashire — Lord .James. President of the Local Government Board — Henry Chaplin. President of the Board of Trade— C T Ritchie. President of Board of Agriculture — VValter Long. Commissioner of Works — A Akers Douglas, Secretary for Scotland — Lord Balfour. BEAVER LINE ^ OF • ar .1 mm SAILING FORTNIGHTLY ■o> BETWEEN -> ST. JOHI, 1 1, am Superior Accommodation For all Classes of Passengers D. & C. Maciver, TOWK' PUII-DINGS, LIVERPOOL. D. W. Campbell, gen. mano-b, 18 Hospital Street, MONTREAL, TRaoF & sai«, Ag^ttt», - - &T. j&mjsi^ k. ^, DTEING AND CLEANING WEAKING APPAREL, Dominion of Canada. 83. GRADUATES OF WHOM ANT COLLEGE HAT BE PROUD. DOMINION OF CANADA. Governor-General— His Excellency the Right Honorable vSir John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen, etc., £10,000 and residence. Arthur J L Gordon, Esq, C M G, Secretary to Governor-General, $3,000. Cant B C Urquhart and Capt C P W Kindersley, Aides-de-Camj). Kooert Munro Ferguson, Esq, and David Erskine, Esq, extra Aides-de-Camp. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS. Ontario — His Honor the Hon George Airey Kirkpatrick, P C, LL D, Q C. Quebec — His Honor the Hon Joseph Adf.Iphe Chapleau, P C, LL D, Q C. Nova Scotia — His Honor the Hon Malachy Bowes Daly, Q C. New Brunswick — His Honor the Hon John James Eraser, Q C. Prince Edward Island — His Honor the Hon George \V Howlan. Manitoba — His Honor the Hon J C Patterson. British Columbia — His Honor the Hon Edgar Dewdney, P C, C E. Northwest Territories — His Honor the Hon Charles H Mackintosh. CABINET MINISTERS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. Hon Mackenzie Bowell, Premier and President of the Council, $8,000. Hon Sir Adolphe P Caron, K C M G, Q C, Postmaster General, $7,000. Hon John Costigan, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, $7,000. Hon George Eulas Foster. D C L, Minister of Finance, $7,000. Hon Sir Chas H Tupper, K C M (i, LL B, Q 0, Minibter of Justice. $7,000. Hon John Graham Haggart, Minister of Railways and Canals. $7,000. Hon Joseph Aldric Ouimet, LL B, Q C, Minister of Public Works, $7,000. Hon Arthur Dickey, Minister of Militia and Defence, $7,000. Hon Thomas Mayne Dalv, Q C, 'Minister of the Interior, and Superinten- dent General Indian Affairs, $7,000. Minister of Agriculture (vacant), $7,000- Hon William Bullock Ives, Minister of Trade and Commerce, $7,000. Hon Dr Montague, Secretary of State, $7,000. Hon E G Prior, Comptroller of Customs, $5,000. Hon John F Wood, Q C, Comptroller of Inland Revenue, $5,000. Ministers without portfolio — Sir Frank Smith, Sir John Carling, Hon Donald Ferguson. Members of Cabinet, in addition to regular salary, receive $1,000 ses- sional allowance. — . Clerk of the Queen's Privy Council, and Deputy Governor for Signing Letters Patent — John Joseph McGee, Esq. DEPUTY HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS — (According to Precedence.). Clerk of the Privy Council— John Joseph McGee, $3,200. Clerk of the Senate— Edouard J Langevin, $3,400. Clerk of the House of Commons— J G Bourinot, C M G, D C L, LL D, L D, $3,400. Auditor-General — John Lome McDougall, $4,000. (According to Seniority of Appointment). Deputy Minister of Marine- William Smith, $3,600. Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence — Col Charles Eugene Panet, $3,200. C. E. BRACKETT. 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. S4 Dominion of Canada. THE SAINT JOHN BUSINESS COLLEGE GOURSESI IN BOTH lilH I 4 ilS i % 4 Deputy Minister of Finance — John Mortimer Courtney, $4,200. Deputy Superintendent-deneral of Indian Affairs — Ilayter Reed, $3,200. Commissioner of Inland Revenue — Edward Miall, $3,200 Deputy Postmaster-General — Lieutenant-Colonel William White, $3,200, Deputy Minister of Agriculture— W B Scarth, $3,200. Und'jr-Secretary of State — Ludger Aimee Catellier, $3,200. Director Geological Survey of Canada — G M Dawson, C M G, A R S M, M A, $4,000. Deputy Minister of Public Works — Antoine Gobeil, $3,200. C^ueen's Printer and Controller of Stationery — Samuel Edw'd Dawson, $3,200 Deputy Minister of Railways and Canals — Collingwood Schreiber, $fi,000. Deputy Minister of Trade and Commerce — Wm Grannis Parmelee, $4,000. Deputy Minister of .Justice — p]draund Leslie Newcombe, Q C, $4,000. High Commissioner for Canada in Limdon — Hon Sir Charles Tupper, Bart, C B, G CM G, $10,000. Secretary Canadian Government Offices in London — J G Colmer, $2,195.35. Assistant Secretary and Accountant — A W Reynolds, $1,400. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT AGENTS IN UNITED KINGDOM. Liverpool — John Dyke, 15 Water street. Glasgow — Thomas Grahame, 40 St Enoch Square. Belfast — H Merrick, 35 Victoria Place. Dublin — Thoraa-s Connolly, Northumberland House. Bristol — J W Down, Bath Bridge. MEMBERS OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL NOT NOW HOLDING OFFICE. Hon William MacDougall, C B; Hon Peter Mitchell; Hon .James Mc- Donald; Hon L .J R Masson : Hon Louis .J Baby, Q C; Hon Theodore Robitaille, M D ; Hon Hugh McDonald ; Hon Donald A McDonald ; Hon James Cox Aikens; Hon David Laird ; Hon Wm B Vail ; Hon Sir Richard J Cartwright; Hon C A Pelletier; Hon David Mills: Hon Richard W Scott; Hon Edward Blake, QC; Hon Wilfred Jjaurier; Hon Alfred G Jones; Hon Sir S L Tilley, C B, K C M G ; Sir David L Maopherson ; Hon C C Colby ; Hon Sir Hector L Lan^evin, K C M G, C B, M P ; Hon Sir Charles Tupper, Bart, C B, G C M G, D C L ; Hon W Ross ; Hon Joseph Adolphe Chapleau, hh D, Q C; Hon William Miller, Q C, Senator; Hon George William Allan, D C L, F R G S, F Z C, Senator; Hon G A Kirkpatrick ; Hon E Dewdney, C E. Supreme Court of Canada. The Supreme Court, for the purpose of hearing and determining Appeals, holds three sessions annually at the City of Ottawa, commencing third Tues- day in February, first Tuesday in May, and first Tuesday in October. Chief Justice— Sir Henry Strong, Kt, $8,000. Judges — Hon Henri Elzear Taschereau, Hon John Wellington Gwynne, Hon RobtfSedgwick, Hoii Geo E King, Hon Ddsir^ Girouard, $7,000 each. Registrar—Robert Cassels, Q C, $3,200. Reporter— C H Masters, $2,350. Exchequer Court. Judge— Hon Geo W Burbidge, $6,000. Registrar— L A Audette, $2,000. Netv Brunswick Admiralty District. — Judge, Hon W H Tuck. $1,000 ; I)eputy Judge, M McDonald ; Registrar — Robert O Stockton ; Marshal, T C Hum- bert. Board of Examiners for Civil Service. John Thorburn, A D DeCelles, Peter LeSeur. DYEING FEATHERS BLACK; A WT/smm, Dominion of Canada. 85 THEORY AND PRACTICE ARE MOST THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL. PARLIAMENT OF CANADA. THE SENATE. Speaker — Hon John J Ross. Clerk — PJd'tuard Joseph Langevin, $3,400. Chaplain — The Yen John >? Luuder, D C L. Senators setisional allowance, $1,000. Province of New Brunswick. Honorables. Jabez B Snowball, I)avid Wark, George T Baird, Abner R McClelan, James Dever, Josiah Wood, Province of Nova Scotia. Honorables. James D Lewin, Pascal Poirier. Robert Barrie Dickey, William Miller, Q C, Alex Macfarlane, Q C, John O'Donohoe, Q C, David Reesor, Sir D L Macpherson, Geo W Allan, F R G S, Sir Frank Smith, Kt, Alex Vidal, P L S, Robert Read, Jos F Armand, Jean B Guevrement, Matthew H Cochrane, Joseph H Bellerose, J P, Pierre A DeBlois, C E B DeBoucherville, J S Prowse, HAN Kaulbach, LCB, Wm J Almon, M D, L G Power, LL B, Province of Ontario. Honorables. Richard Wm Scott, Donald Mclnnis, Donald McMillan, Geo C McKindsey, R J Gowen M Sullivan I F Clemow, Sir Mackenzie Bowell, K C M G. Province of Quebec. Honorables. John Jones Ross, M D, Speaker Thomas McKay, Willi'jm McDonald, Clarence Primrose. C E Casgrain, C M, M D, Lachlan McCallum, Samuel Merner, William Eli Sanford, Peter McLaren, John Dobson, John Ferguson, L F R Masson, H Montplaisir, P Landry, A Desjardins, A R Angers, G A Drummond. Chas A P Pelletier, A W Ogilvie, Theodore Robitaille, Joseph Bolduc, E J Price, J Rosaire Thibaudeau, Province of Prince Edward Island. Honorables. I AndreM'^ A Macdonald, | Donald Ferguson. Province of British Columbia. Hon John W Macdonaid, | Hon T R Mclnnes, [ Hon James Reid. Province of Manitoba. Hon Charles A Boulton, Hon J N Kirohofler. Hon John Sutherland, Hon T A Bernier, Northwest Territories. Hon W D Perley, | Plon J A Lougheed C. E. BRACEETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. «6 Dominion of Canada. THE SAINT JOEN BUSINESS COLLEGE HAS A RECORD OF ^1 i! I* I m HOUSE OF COMMC 48. The House of Commons numbers 215 members, iieing 92 for Ontario, 'l.i for Quebec, 21 for Nova Scothi, IC) for New Brunswick, 6 for Prince Edward Island, G for Britisli Columbia, 5 for Manitoba, and 4 for the Northwest Territories. Speaker— Hon Peter White. Clerk— J G Bourinot, C M G, LL D, D C L. Members Sessional Allowance, $1,000. Province of New BruuHwick. Albert, Richard C VVeldon. Carleton, N R Colter. Charlotte, A H Gillmor. •Gloucester, Theotime Blanchard, Kent, George V Mclnerney. Kings, Hon Geo E Foster. Northumberland, M Adams. <^ueen8, George F Baird. Kestigouche, John McAlister. St John City, E McLeod. St John County, {j^tchSeT Sunbury, R D Wilmot, Jr. Victoria, Hon John Costigan. Westmorhmd, H A Powell, York, Thomas Temple. ^ ^ / L H Davies <iueens, | ^m Welsh Kings, John McLean. Province of Prince Edvrard iHland. L H Davies, Kings, A C McDonald, Prince, { ^"'"ij^"' ' i o F Perry. Province of Ontario. Addington, G W Dawson Algoma, Geo H Macdonell Bothwell, Hor D Mills Brant, N, James Soraerville Brant, S, W Paterson Bruce, E, Henry Cargill Bruce, N, A McNeil Bruce, W, .James Rowand Cardwell Carleton, W T Hodgins Dundas, H H Ross Durham, E, T D Craig Durham, W, R Beith Elgin, E, A B Ingram Elgin, W, George E Casey Essex, N, Wm McGregor Essex, S, Henry W .iilen Frontenac, Hiram A Calvin Glengarry, R R McLennan Grenville, J D Reid Grey, E, Dr T S Sproule Grey. N, James Masson Grey, S, George Landerkin Haldimand, Hon W H Montague Halton, O Henderson H„,^,:u-.,, / S S Ryckraan amilton, ■< . , ■' , at t" ' (. Alexander McKay Hastings, E, Wm B Northrup Hastings, N, A W Carscallan Hastings, W, Henry Corby Huron, E, Dr Peter Macdonald Pluron, S, John McMillan Huron, W, Kent, Archibald Campbell Kingston, J H Metcalfe Lambton, W, J F Lister Lambton, E, E G MoncriefT Lanark, N, Bennett Ronaraond Lanark, S, Hon J G Haggart Leeds and Grenville, C F Ferguson Leeds, 8, (ieorge Taylor Lennox, Uriali Wilson Lincoln, Wm Gibson London, Hon Sir John Carling Middlesex, E, J H Marshall Middlesex, N, W^ H Hutchins Middlesex, 8, R Boston Middlesex, W, Dr W F Roome Muskoka, W E O'Brien Norfolk, N, John Charlton KID GLOVES DYED BLACK, Dominion of Canada. 87 TWENTT-EI6HT YEARS OF THOROUGH AND SUCCESSFUL WORK. Norfolk, S, D Tisdale Northumberland, E, E Cochrane Northuml)erland, W, (ieo (Jiiillet Ontario, N, John A McGillivray Ontario, S, VVni Smith Ontario, W, James D Edgar ^.^ f Honore Robillard Ottawa City, | sjr j,„„e8 Grant Oxford, N, J Sutherland Oxford, S, Sir Kichard J Cartwright Peel, James Featljerston Perth, N, James Grieve Perth, S, Wm Pridham Peterboro', E, John Burnham Peterboro', W, J Stevenson Prescott, I Proulx Prince Edward, A C Miller Kenfrew, N, Hon Peter White Renfrew, S, John Ferguson Russell, \V C fidwards Simcoe, E, W H Bennett Sinjcoe, N, D McCarthy Simcoe, S, R Tvrwhitt Toronto, C, G k R Cockburn Toronto, E, E Coatsworth Toronto, W, V C Dennison Victoria, N, Sam Hughes Victoria, S, Charles Fairbairn Waterloo, N, I E Bowman W^aterloo, S. J Livingstone Wentworth, N, T Bain Wentworth, H, F M Carpenter York, E, Wm F McLean York, N, W Mulock York, W, Hon N C Wallace Province of Quebec. Argenteuil, Thos Christie Bagot, F Dupont Beauharnc'is, J G H Bergeron Bonaventu.re, W LeB Fauvel Bellechasse, G Amyot Berthier, C Beausoliel Brome, E A Dyer Charably, R Prefontaine Charlevoix, Chateauquay, J P Brown Conipton, Rufus H Pope Chicoutimie & Saguenay, L G Belley Drummond & Arthabaska, J Lavergne Dorchester, Dr Vaillancourt Gaspe, Louis Z Joncas Hochelaga, Dr S Laohapelle Huntington, J Scriver jjerville, F Bechard Jacmies Cartier, Jolliette, Urbain Lippe Kamouraska, H G Carrol Laprairie, L C Pelletier Laval, Hon J A Ouimet L' Assumption, H <leannotte Levis, Dr P M Guay L' Islet, J I Tarte Lotbiniere, Dr C I Rinfret Maskinonge, J H Legris Megantic, L J Cote ^Frechette) Missi(juoi, George B Baker ^lontcalm, Louis E Dugas Montraagny, P A Choquette Montmorency, A J Turcotte Montreal, E, A T Lepine Montreal, C, Montreal, W, Sir D A Smith, K C M G Napierviile, D Monet Nicolet, J H Ledue Ottawa County, C R Devlin Pontiac, J Bryson Portneuf, Arthur Delisle Quebec, C, F Langelier Quebec, E, Hon W Laurier Quebec, W, Thos McGreevy Quebec County, J J T Freemont Richmond and Wolfe, C C Cleveland Richelieu, A A Bruneau Riraouski, Sir A P Caron Rouville, r^ P Brodeur St Hyacinthe, M E Bernier Soulanges, James W Bain Shetlbrd, J R Sanborn vSherbrooke, Hon W B Ives St Maurice, F 8 L Desaulniers Three Rivers, Hon Sir H Laugeviu Two Mountains, J (xirouard Teniiscouata, Dr P E Grandbois Terrebonne, P Leclair Vandreuil, H S Harwood Vercheres, C A (ieoffrion Yamaska, Dr Mignault G. E. BBAGKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. !!i: 88 Dominion of Canada. THE SAINT JOHN BUSINESS COLLEGE IS BEST Province of Nova Scotia. Annapolis, John B Mill8 Antigonibh, Colin F Mclsaac /, ,, . ( Hector F McDoiigall Cape Breton, | j^^^j,, ^^^^^^ Colchester, W A Patterson Cuuib*»rland, lion A K Dickey l)iRby, E C Bowers (iuysboro, D C Fraser u IT I Thomas E Kenny rliihiajc, ill L" u* • ' t John h Stairs Hants, Alfred Putnam Inverness, Dr Cameron Kings, Dr F M Borden Lunenburg, C E Kaulbach Tj. J Sir Chas Ilibbert Tuppcr riclou, jj^^i^j^ MoDougald Queens, F O Forbes Kichinond, J A liillies Shelburne, N W White Victoria, John A McDonald Yarmouth, T B Flint Province of Manitoba. Lisgar, A W Ross Selkirk, Hon Thomas M Daly Marquette, N Boyd Provencher, A C LaRiviere Winnipeg, Joseph Martin Province of British Columbia. Cariboo, Frank S Barnard New Westminster, G E Corbould Vancouver, A Hsuslam ,r. . . f Thomas Earle Victoria, jj^oPrior Yale, John A Mara Northwest Territories. East Assiniboia, W W McDonald Saskatchewan, D H Macdowall Alberta, D W Davis West Assiniboia, N F Davin |i - t lil'l(M.<'t>'l>«n«>l.«S<'«i)>W<,l<w'<.|>i<'>,l>t|i«,|>i<M,>M'l.>>t<'l<M)<'I.M.«'tyi,l>t.'«il't<>til*l««l.<<t<<ti*<t«'lrMtl<li>l«« ^| J I- *Ns. BDivisi jBryce, jJnsiini JH Si.r ■LKC FREDEEICTOW, N. B. I it- Large Sample Rooms and First-class Livery in connection.aH^MUM-i J. A. £DirARI>2i, Proprietor. FEATHERS DYED ALL SHADES, ert Tupper aid aid lere n irle avin ll •■MII'<H*ll><»' irietor. QuEBKc — Ontario — Nova Scotia. 89 ADVERTISED BY THE SUCCESS OF ITS GRADUATES. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. Lieutenant Governor, the Hon J A Cliapleau, VL',(l C, LL D, :{!U),()00. ALijor II C Slieppanl, A I) C; iMlouani Helpit, Private Secretary. Kxofulivo CoiiiK'il. Hon L() Taillon, Premier and Treasurer; Hon Tiionias Cliase Casgrain, Attf>rney General ; Hon Louis I5eaubien, Commissioner of Agriculture and ('<)l()nization ; Hon K .1 Klyini, ( 'omriiissidner of ( rown Lands; Hon <« A Nantel, Commissioner of Public Works ; Hon Louis 1' I'ellelier, Provincial Secretary; Hon M F llackett, President of the Council ; Hon Thos C'hupais, Speaker of the Legislative t ouncil ; Hon 'Alex \V Morris, member of the (rovernment without portfolio. ONTARIO. Lieutenant-CJovernor, the Hon George A Kirkpatrick, ?10,()00. Kxeciitive C'ouiic'il. Hon Sir Oliver Mowat, Q C, Prender and Attorney (Jeneral, iJ^T.OOO; Hon A S Hardy, Commissioner of Crown Lands, $4,000; Hon W llariy, Commis- sioner of Public Works, $4,000 ; Hon J M Gibson, Secretary and Provincial Kej,'istrar, $4,000; Hon R llarconrt. Provincial Treasurer, $4,000; Hon Geo W Koss, Minister of Education, $4,000; Hon John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture and Registrar General, $4,000; Hon E 11 Bronson (without portfolio). J K Cartvvright, Clerk Executive Council, $3,000 ; J L Caprcol, Assistant Clerk, $1,000; Charles Clarke, Clerk of the House and Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, $1,800. DEPUTY HEADS OF PEI'ARTMENTS. J R Cartwright, Deputy Attorney General, $3,000; Aubrey White, Asst, Commissioner Crown Lands, $2,800; Wm Edwards, Se<;retary Public Works, 1 82,200 ; (j E Lumsden, Asst Secretary, $2,300 ; W N Anderson, Asst Treasurer, |$2,300; J Millar, B A, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. $2,300; C C; .James, Deputy Commirsioner of Agriculture, $2,200; R Christie, $2,000, Dr Cham- Iberlain, $2,500, s nd James Noxon, $2,400, Inspectors of Prisons and Public Charities; J F C Ussher, Deputy Registrar, $1,40(>; J Dickey, Inspector jDivision Courts, $1,700; C(d R B Hamilton, Inspector Vital Statistics; P H Bryce, M D, Secretary Board of Health ; J H Hunter, M A, Inspector of iJnsurance, $2,800; D Spence, Secretary Immigration Department, $1,300 ; C IH Sproule, Provincial Auditor, $2,400; A Blue, Director of Mines, $2,500; |L K Cameron, Queen's Printer, $1,800 NOVA SCOTIA. Lieutenant-Governor, His Honor M B Daly, $9,000. Private Secretary and Provincial A D C — Lieut-Col H W Gierke. Provincial Aides-de-Camp — Major J Menger, Lieut J D Ritchie. ■i Executive Couucil. " Hon W S Fielding, Premier, Provincial Secretary and Treasurer, $4,000 ; Hon C E Church, Commissioner of Public W^orks and Mines, $3,200 ; Hon J C. E. BRAGKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. G 90 V. E. Ihi.ani)— Manitoba — "nRirisii Columbia. ii| ii :. ■ 1; ^ • 1 THE SHORT-HAMD AMD TYPE-WRIT I HQ DEPAHTM ENT8 OF THE SAINT VVilbcrrorcc Lorij^ley, Aitornt'y-(ioiiC'ral, 8.'i,*J()0 ; Hon TIioh Johnson, Hon (i H Murray, Hon A II ("«)nu'aii. Cli-rk of Kxt'culive Council, H Croshkill. A H MiKay, Suju'rintcniUnit of K«lu('ation ; Cieor<4e LawHon, IMi I), LL Ii, Secretary for Agriculture; Martin Murphy, I) S, (.' 10, Provincial Knginecr DKI'tlTY UKADS OF DKI'AKTMKNTH. Herbert CroHHkill, Deputy I'rovincial Secretary ; VVni K Key nokls, Cashier; James H Austin, Di-puty Coniniissioner oi Crown LandH; Kdwin (iilniii, jr, A M, M M Inst M K, Deputy Commissioner of Public Works and Mirifi and lnspect(»r of Miiien, P..OVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Lieutenant-Ciovernor, the Hon (/'.'orge \V Howlan, $7,000. Private Secretary, Vivain I)oran. Provincial Aide-de-(,'amp, Lieut-(.'()1 F S Moore. Executive Council. Hon Frederick Peters, President and Attorney fJeneral, |l,2o0; Hon Angus McMillan, Provincial Secretary and Treasurer and Commissioner of Crown Lauds, flj'JoO; Hon James K McLean, Commissioner of Publi( Works, .f 1,250. Hon Alexander Laird, Hon George Forbes, Hon James W Kichards, Hon D Fanjuharson, Hon Peter Sinclair and Hon Thos Kickhaiu. Arthur Newberry, Clerk Executive Council. Donald J McLeotl, Chief Superintendent Education, $1,200. Benjamin Balderston, Provincial Auditor, $800. MANITOBA. Lieutenant-Clovernor, the Hon James C Patterson, $10,000. Executive ('ouucil. Hon Thomas Greenway, Premier, President of Council, Minister of Agri- culture and Immigration, and Railway Commissioner ; Hon D H McMillan, Provincial Treasurer; Hon ("lillbrd Sifton, Attorney General and Land Com- missioner ; Hon Robert Watson, Minister Public Works; Hon J D Cam- eron, Provincial Secretary and Municipal Commissioner ; C Graburn, Clerk Executive Council; Wm John Ptolemy, Chief Clerk Treasury Department li J W Sifton, Chief Clerk Public Works Department; Hugh McKellar, Chief 'i Clerk Department Agriculture and Immigration; David Philip, Chief Clerk Provincial Secretary's Department, and cineen's Printer ; H A McLean, Chief Clerk Attorney General's Department; E A Blakely, Chief Clerk EMucatidQ Department; E G Conklin, Clerk Legislative Assembly ; (Jeo Black, Auditor; , J Macdougall, Sergeant-at-Arms: J P Robertson, Librarian. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Lieutenant-Governor, the Hon. Edgar Dewdney, $9,000. Private SecreUiry, E A Jacob, .'^1,200. Executive Council. Hon Theo Davie, Q C, Premier and Attorney (ieneral, $5,000; Col Hmi 1 James Baker, Provincial Secretary, Minister of Mines, and Minister "i .| GEMTS' CLOTHING DTED WITHOUT BEING TAKEN AI>ART, V. NORTIIVVKHT Ti:iJIUTORIK8. 91 :HE SilfiT on, Hon < i Croshkill. h I). I.L !• Engineer Ills, Ctisliiei ; win (tilj)iii, and MitiiH SD. 00. I,2o0; Hon minHiontT of !r of Publi( )n Jiimos W OS Kickhuiu 000. ster of A<,M'i- I McMilbii d Land Com- J D Cam raburn, Clerk Departmeut Kellar, Chiof Chief Clerk icLean, Chit'! rk Eklucatiiiu ack, Auditor; lOO. )00; Col H" I Minister : JOHN BUSINESS COLLEGE HAVE BEEN EXCEPTIONALLY SUCCESSFUL. Kdiication and Immigration, ^1,000 ; Hon Ciiarles K I'doiey, (^ C, PreHidont ol tlie Executive Conneii ; Hon F <i \'erti<>n, Cjiief CominisHioMer oi' Landh aiul Works, $4,000 ; Hon John H Turiu'r, MiniHlor of Finance and Agricul- ture, *4,000. Clerk of the Executive Council, Hon Theo Davie, il C. NOilTliWKST TKKK1T( )RIKS. Heat of (lovernraent, liegina. Lieutenant-Ciovernor, Hon Cliarlew Herbert Mackintosh, }i7,000. Clerk of Legislative AsHembly and Secretary, K H (iordon. Kxecutive Coinniiltee. Frederick William (Jordon Haidtain, Jno Ryerson Neff, ThomaH Tweed, Hillyard Mitchell. Deputy Sn|»crinlcndent Cleneral of Indian Aflairs and liulian Commis- sioner, Hayter Kccd. Assistant Indian ( omnussioner, A E Forget. Lej;islative A.s.soiiibly, r.anfl; R C Hrett ; liatoclie, C E Boucher; Battleford, .las Clinkskill ; CaU j(:irv, John Lincham H iSt il Cayley ; Cannington, Saninel IS Page; Cum- berland, John F lietts ; Edmonton, Frank Oliver; Kinistino, William F Meyers; Lethbridge, Cha8 A Mc(Jrath; McLeod, F W (i Haultain ; Medi- cine Hat, Thos Tweed ; Mitchell, Hillyard Mitchell; Moosejaw, James H Ross; Moosoniin, .John R Netl"; Prince Albert, Thomas McKav ; Qu'Appelle, S. (ieoS Davidson; Qu'Api.elie, N, Wm Sutherland; Red lieer, F E Wil- kins; Regina, N, David F Jelly; Kegina, S, Duniel Mowat ; St Albert, Antonio Prince; Souris, Oeorge H Knowling; Wallace, Frederick Robert Insinger ; Whitewood, Joseph Clementson ; Wolseley, James P Dill. COLN^IL OF IT III, K IN.^TUUCTION. The members of the Ivxecutive Comtiuttee and the following appointed iiieinbers: Rt Rev Bishop of Saskatchewan and Calgary , A E Forget, Regina ; A H Smith, B A, Moosomin ; 2nd R C representative, vacant at present. Superintendent of Education, 1) J (ioggin, M A, liegina. Secretary, James Brown, Regina. NORTIiWKST MOINTEI) I'OLICK. Commissioner — L W Herchmer, Regina, $2,(!00. Assistant Commissioner — J H Mclllree, Regina, $1,600. Adjutant (Acting) — Inspector Cortlandt Starnes, Regina. Paymaster (Acting) — Inspector M Baker, Regina. (Quartermaster (Acting) — Inspector M Baker, Regina. BOOK-BINDING AND PRINTING EXKtUTKI) NEATLY AND Pi:0>irTLY. J. <fe A. McMillan, ST. J-OI-iltT, Int. B. i»ART, C. E. BRACKETT, 88 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. %, Ai W «4* ^ .a IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) \,\J |50 * l!i I.I i.25 ^ i;£ 12.0 1.4 12.2 u 1.6 .<^.. ^. VI / Photographic Sciences brporation G 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14590 (716) 872-4SC3 4i. w. m 92 New BnuNswieK. '!'l;' !i Ii :if '\H . T' MANY OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MEN OF THE DAT pkovincp: of new Brunswick. Lieutenant-Governor, the Hon John James Fniser, |!9,000. Aide-de-Cainp — Major Gordon, I S C Extra Aides-(ie-Cani|) — Lieut-Col Armstrong, N li Artillery; Capt Henry Montgomery Campbell. Kxcciitive Council. Hon Andrew G Blair, Leader and Attorney General, $2,100; Hon James Mitchell, Provincial Secretary, 5>-,100; Hon Lemuel J Tweedie, Surveyor- Genera!, ^1,7UU; Hon Henrv K Kniinerson, Chief C'lmmissioner Board of Works, !j;i, 700; Hon A S White, Solicitor General, $1,200; Hon Albert T Dunn, Hon Charles H Labillois, Meml)ors of Council. FA H Straton, Clerk. Agent General for iS'ew Brunswick in (ireat Britain, Hon J I Fellows. House of AHseiiibly. County of Albert — Wm J Lewis, M I); Hon H R Fmmerson. County of Carleton — Allan Dibl)lee, Chas L Smith, Henry McCain. County of Charlotte— Hon James Mitcliell, James Russell, James O'Brien, (ieorge F Hill. County of Gloucester — John Sivewright, P J Veniot, F K Paulin. County of Kent — James Barnes, Urbain Johnston, Peter Leger. County of Kings — Hon Albert S While, Geo G Scovll, Geo W Fowler. County of Madawaska — Cyprien Martin, A Bertr'nd. County of Northumberland— John P Burchill, James Robinson, Hon L J Tweedie, John O'Brien. County of (Queens — L P Farris, Hon A G Blair. County of Restigouclie — Hon Chas II Labillois, A H Mott. City of St. John — Silas Alward, C B Lockhart, Wm Shaw, A A Stockton. County of St John — Albert T Dunn, John McLeod. County of Sunbury — Charles B Harrison, David Morrow. County of Victoria — James Porter, Adam Beveridge. Countv of Westmorland — W Woodbury Wells, Hon A D Richard, Fred W Sumner, A E Kilhim. County of York — Jonn Black, Herman H Pitts, James K Pinder, Wm T Howe. Officers of the House of Assembly. H B Rainsford, Clerk; J Richards, Assistant Clerk; H Rutter, Sergeant- at-Arms; George A Hughes, Engrossing Clerk. T>ei)artiiieiit of Ag^riculture. Hon James Mitchell, Comraissicner; Julius L Inches, Secretary, $1,200. ' Departmental Offices. James S Beek, Auditor-General, $1,600; Richard W L Tibbitts, Deputy Provincial Secretary, and Deputy Registrar (ieneral, $1,400 ; George N Bab- bitt, Deputy Receiver General, $1,500 ; Edgar Hanson, T Otty Crookshank and C Sterling Brannen, Clerks, $800; Andrew Liches, Deputy Surveyor General, $1,200; Thos G Loggie, Chief Draughtsman, $1,200; R S Barker, Assistant Draughtsman; \V P Flewwelling, Accountant and Lumber Agent, $1,200; T B Winslow, Secretary to Board of Works, $1,200; A Rainsford Wetmore, Engineer, $1,200; G Fred Coy, Clerk, $700; T Carleton Allen, Clerk of the Pleas ; Robt G Wetmore, Deputy Clerk of the Pleas : H G C Wetmore, Librarian, $500 ; John Lister, Caretaker Parliament Building; R W L Tibbitts, Queen's Printer. SUITS CLEANED OR DTED AT SHORT NOTICE, New Brunswick — Law. 93 [E DAT )0. Japt Henry Hon James !, iSurveyor- r Board df 1 Albert T •aton, Clerk, 'eilows. ;ain, les O' Brien, lia. Fowler. J, Hon L J . Stockton. :hard, Fred der. Win T r, Sergeant- y, $1,200. its, Deputy )rge N Bab- Crookshank y Surveyor S Barker, nber Agent, I Rainslord eton Allen, s: H G C Juilding; R ARE GRADUATES OF THE SAINT JOHN BUSINESS COLLEGE. LAW AND JUSTICE DEPARTxMENT. Supreme Court of Judicature. Chief Justice— Hon Sir John C Allen, Octol)er. 1875, $o,000. Justices — Hon W H Tuck, September 1'^, 1S.S.'>; Hon Daniel L Hanington, March, 1892; Hon P A Landry. September, 189.S; Hon Fred E Barker, Deo 2S. 1893; Hon James A Vanwart, April 10, 1894, $4,000 each. T Carleton Allen. Clerk of the Crown, Clerk of the PIea.s, and Clerk in K(|uity ; K»)bert R Ritchie. Deputy Clerk in Kijuity, St .lohn. Terms — Hilary Term, last Tuesday in .January ; Kitster Term, second Tuesday in April; Trinity Term, first Tuesday in June; Michaelmas Term, first Tuesday in November; Nisi Prius Sittings in the County of York, first Tuesday in January, and last Tuesday in June. OflScial Stenographers — \V H Fry, Frank H Risteen, Fred Devine. Equity Sittings. Mr. Justice Barker, Ecjuity .lu Ige. Sittings in Fredericton first Tuesday in each month, except April, June, July, August and November, and on the last Tuesday in April and third Tuesday in October. In St John, third Tues- day in every month, except July. Circuit Courts. County of Albert — The third Tuesday in January, and the fourth Tuesday in June. County of Carleton — The fourth Tuesday in April, and the third Tuesday in October. County of Charlotte — The second Tuesday in May, and the second Tuesday in October. Countv of Gloucester — The first Tuesdav in March, r.nd the first Tuesdav in September. County of Kent — The second Tuesday in March, and the fourth Tuesday in September. < "ounty of Kings — The second Tuesday in January, and the second Tues- day in September. ("ounty of Madawaska — The second Tuesday in March, and the first Tues- day in October. County of Northumberland — The fourth Tuesday in March, and tiie second Tuesday in September. County of Queens — The third Tuesday in May, and the second Tuesday in October. County of Restigouche — The second Tuesday in March, and the last Tues- day in August. City and County of St John — The first Tuesday in January, the second Tuesday in March, the third Tuesday in June, the first Tuesday in Septem- ber, and the fourth Tuesday in November. County of Sunbury — The second Tuesday in May, and the third Tuesday in Oci ber. County of Victoria — The first Tuesday in March, and the fourth Tuesday in .September. County of Westmorland — The second Tuesday in January, the first Tues- day in May, and the first Tuesday in September. (.'ounty of York — The first Tuesday in January, and the third Tuesday in June. — ... - — . . ■ -.. ■ ■ ■■» C. B. BRACKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET. ST. JOHN, N. B. 94 New Brunswick — Law, ii N "'1!l CATALOGUES OF THE SAINT JOHN BUSINESS COLLEGE Court for the Trial and Piinisliiiieiit of Piracy and Othor Offences of the HiK"!! Seas. The (iovernor, the Chief Justice, and other .Judges of tlie Supreme Court ; the Members of the Kxecntive Council. Judi^e of tie Vice-Admiralty, the Provincial Sotretary, Commander-in-'.'hief, Flag OflTtcers and Captains, the Commander of Ships of War on this station for the time being. The Court sits at any place within the Province to be appointi'd by any three of the members; the (Jovernor, (,'hief .Justice or one of the Supreme Court, or Judge of Admiralty being one. Probate Court For tlie City and County of St. John is held every Monday at ten o'clock, at the Probate Court Kooni, in the Pugsley Building. Arthur I Truemiui, D C L, Judge; John McMillan, Registrar. Court of nivorce and Matrimonial Causes. Judge — Hon J .\ Vanwart (August 24, 1894). Regisirar — V A H Straton. Terms: The fourth Tuesday in February, June and October. County (yourts. The Courts were established by MOth Victoria, cap. 10, passed .June 17, 18i)7, and are now regulated by the Consolidated Statutes, cap. 51, as amended hy Act 4r> Vic, cap. 9, and subsequent Acts. The Act 4.^ Vic, cap. 9, authorized the appointment of one Judge ft>r the Counties of Charlotte, Carleton, Victoria and Madawjiska ; one Judge for the Counties of York, Sunbury and Queens; one .Judge for the Counties of Westmorland and Kent; one Judge for the Counties of Northumberland, Gloucester and Restigouche ; one Judge for the Counties of Kings and Albert, and one Judge for the County of the City and County of St. John, provided that Court for the City and County of St. John shall not have or exercise any jurisdiction in any cause in which the City Court of St. .John has jurisdiciion. The Act also authorizes the appointment of a Clerk for each Court, who shall be an Attornev. The sittings of the respective Courts shall be held at or near the County Court Mouse, in the shiretown. The County Courts have not cognizance of any action — (lat) When the title to land is brought in (pieslion; or (2nd) In which the validity of any devise, becjuest, or limitation is disputed. Subject to the above exceptions, the County Courts have, by Act 4.5 Vic, cap. 9, jurisdiction, and may hold pleas in all personal actions of debt, cov- enant and assumpsit, when the debt or damages do not exceed the sum of $400 ; and in all actions of tort, when the damages claimed do not exceed the sum of 5i200; and in actions on bonds given to a SherifTor otherwise in any case in a County Court, whatever may be the penalty or amount soi'ght to be recovered. Sittiny:s of the County Court. Albert County — On the fourth Tuesday in June, and on the fourth Taesday in October. Carleton County — On the second Tuesday in March, July and December. Charlotte County — On the second Tuesday in June, and the fourth Tues- day in February and October. Gloucester County — On the third Tuesday in March, and second Tuesday in July, and the first Tuesday in November. Kent County — On the third Tuesday in January, the last Tuesday in April, the first Tuesday in July, and fourth Tuesday in October. CLOTHING SENT BT BUIL OR EXPRESS RECEIVES PROMPT AfTENTION, Nkw BRUNswirK — Law 9.> MAILED FREE TO AMY ADDRESS. S. KERR & SON. Kings County — On the first Tuesday in January, April, and July, and last Tuesday in Septeinlier. Madawaska County — On the fourth Wodnesday in March, the Tiiesihiy lifter the fourth Wednesthiv in June, and the Tuesday after the third VVed- lusday in Novcnnher. Northuinherhind County — On the fotirtli Tuesday in January, the first Tuesday in April, the fourth Tueschiy in July, and the third Tiu'sday in Oetoher. (Queen's County — On the fourth Tuesday in May and October. Kestigouche County — On the fourth Tuesday in March, the third Tuesday in .Iu!y and the second Tue.sday in Noventher. .St Joan County — On ti)e fourth Tuesday in January, April, July and Oetoher. SiMil);iry County — On the third Tuesday in Jinie, and on the Wednesday next after the second Tuesday in October. Victoria County — On the Tue.sday after the fourth Wednesday in March, 'lie fourth Wednesday in June, and the third Wednesday in Novend)er ; and vn the first Tuesday in December, for return of executions oidy. Westmorland County -On the first Tue.sday in March and Jiuie, the seconcl Tuesday in September, and the fourth Tue.sday in November; the September Term only for the return of executions. York County — On the second Tuesday in January, third Tuesday in March iind tirst Tiiesday in June and October. Judges and Clerks of County Courts. (Judges receive $2,400 each., Jl'DOKS, cot: NTT K8. APPOINTED. .lanies G, Stevens,... Charlotte, Carleton, Victoria, and Ma- dawaska, 10th June, 1867. .James Steadman,... York, Siuibury and Queen's, " '' " William Wilkinson. Northifmberland, Olouce^ter and Res- tigouche lOth Jiuie, 1881. Wm. Wedderburn,... King's and Albert 8th Julv, 1882. W. W. Wells Westmorland and Kent Oct.', 1893. J Gordon Forbes,... Saint John, 22nd Jan., 1895. 'ourth Taesday econd Tuesday COUNTIES. .Albert, <,'arleton, Charlotte,.. Gloucester, Kent, King's, Madawaska, Northumberland,. Queen's, Restigouche Saint John, Simbury, Victoria, Westmorland, York, CLERKS. APPOINTED. Joseph H. Dickson 9th Sept., 1889. William M. Connell lOth June, 1867. James G. Stevens, Jr., 14th March, 1867. T. DesBrisav 10th June, 1867. Henry A. Forster 13th Aug., 1867. Ora P. King, 13th Sept.. 1886. Harry R. Plant, 1884. Samuel Thomson, 10th June, 1867. James R. Curry, 26th June, 1885. James S. Morse 10th June, 1867. Mont. McDonald, 1881. F. St. John Blis.s 26th June, 1885. W.Fred. Kertson 12th Nov., 1886. William H. Chapman, 5th Nov., 1887. Jer. H. Barry, 26th June, 1885. T A'fTENTION, C. E. BRAGKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. i 96 Advertisement. SHOES 9f all Kinds at WATERBURT & RISINO'S, 61 King and 2 1 2 Union Sts, ■ gHC J. C. Robertson, PRCSIOrNT. S. Hayward, Vice-President. James Mow at, ThEASUHEH. liepoFtland Rolling Mills 60. (LIMITED) s■CJOCE;ssoI^s to J. HARRIS & CO., - - Established 1828 S. R. FOSTER & SON, Established 18B8 MANUFACT IRERS OF Refined and Common Bar Iron Rivet Iron, Car Axles Shaped Car Truck Bars Hammered Shafting Steel and Iron Nail Plate Street and Mine Rails Fish Plates, Railway Spikes Cut Steel Nails and Spikes Clinch Nails, Tacks, Brads Shoe Nails, etc. STRAIT SHORE, - - - ST. JOHN, N. B. ST. JOHH DTE WORKS, i New Brunswick — Post Office. 97 3 Union Sts. ■ sBOES of aU Kinds at WATERBURY & RCSING'S, 61 King and 3 1 2 Union Sts. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Sir Adolphe P Caron, K C M O. Q (', Postmaster General. I.iiMitCol William White, Depntv Postmaster (Jencral, $3,200. \V J Barrett, Accountant. $2.<)00.' Wm Dawson LeSuer, B A, Se(;retary, $2,600. (leorce Frederick Everett, Superintendent Monev Order Branch, ^2,400. David Matheson, Superintendent Savinj^s Bank Branch, $2,400. Sidney Smith, Superintendent Printing and Supply Brancii, $2,400. Major John VValsh, Superintendent Dead Letter Branch, $2,000. Arthur Lindsay, Superintendent Mail Service Branch, $1,950. K. P. Stanton, Superintendent Postage Stamp Branch, $1,850. M Sweetman, Chief Post Office Inspector, $2,800. New Brunswick Divi^iiou. In.spector's Office, St John -S J King, B A. Lispector, $2,200; William C Whittaker, Assistant P O I; W R Avery, W Hatch, C A Murray, R J Freeze and Alex Thompson, Clerks ; M A McLeod, Messenger; Bessie W Ervin, Stenographer and Typewriter. (Jeorge M Ryan, Chief Railway Mail Clerk. Railway Mail Clerics. BY SENIORITY. F W Blizzard, W J Weldon, B McG Caldwell, Fred A Estey, J R Pid- geon, A J Gross, Henrv Wathen, D Price, J G Miller, D McKendrick, A Brittain, S R Maxwell, R G Magee, S R Jack, E LeRoi Willis. G H Oulton, Alex Murray, A C Edgecombe, F E Ketchum, C F Hoben, John FI Watt, H B Peck, W S Hall, R R Smith, H W Belding, D D'Aigle, J Emerson. John P Hipwell, B Budge, E V Albert, Thos Bedell, E B McLeod, A S Belyea, R J Wilkins, and P L Mercure. Post Office, St. Joliii. » Postmaster — T B Hanington. Assistant Postmaster — James Wood row. Clerks— M J Potter, A W Reed, R C Mclntyre, Andrew McXichol, G Fred Ring, James S Flaglor, James L Finen, K I) Woodrow, J W Ring. R A Hamlin, Thomas Jenkins, J H Ritchie, J C Clark. II P Lee, A E Wilson, Frederick Ferguson, J R Copp, James Malcohn, John G Montgomery, Jas S Clark, W J McClafferty, T L Reed, Alex McMuUin, F S Finlay, E B Keir- stead, A T Moore, and A W Liiigley. Office Keeper, George Harrison ; Messengers and Porters, Chas Hamilton and W Macaulay. Engineers — James Wolfe and Edward Haney. letter Carriers — Geo E Withers, Sup't ; Caie!) Belyea, Geo W Plumpton, Wm Lane, J McManus, John Beamish. U Belyea, A Morgan, R Hill, C H Elston, P Cassely, J .\ Mailman, J J Ryan, James E Rossiter, Dominick Killorn, Linley H Roberts, H T Bridgeo, Francis X Perkins, T Daraery, Marshall Macaulay, James Thompson, .James McMonagle and James T Brown. Money Order Service. In sending money by mail, it is always best to transmit by Money Order, if possible; if sent by letter, it should always be registered. Money Orders issued and paid from 8.30 a ra to 3.30 p m. G. E. BRAGKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. 98 Nkw Bhi:nh\vi('k — Post Ofimck. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRIlfTIlfQ AT J. A A. HcMILLAN'S. COMMISSION ON MONKY OIIPKKS. Oil Money OnliTS drawn liv any Moni-y Order Oflict' in Canada on any other Money Onler Ollice in tlie Uoniinion, is an follows: It' mil t'xc«'<'iliii(» « t . Ovor 5 «, " " 10. '* 10, " " 20. 2i», " " Kt. .lOc ()v«'r «l(t. not I'XcfedliiK? <■>•> ''Oc (V», •' " 80 40c Sit, " " loo «0c No siniric Money Order, payable in the Dominion of Canada, can lie issned for more than $100; hnt as many of !?100 each may he >;iven as tin- remitter re(|nires. The rates of Coniniission to i-'oreij^n Conntries and Hritish Colonies are as follows : Over $10, •jii If not cxctMKliiin JIO HU' 'J' I. :io .2(10 .:i(ic yvoi $:!0, not excet'diiiK M<* ■»(i, " " 50. •tile .r)(k- hi! • I'OST OKKICK S\VIN<iS HANK. Ihisiness in eonneetion with the opening? of aeeonnts, dcpositinj^ and witli- drawinj^ money, will he attende<l to at Money Order Oflice, where information ean he ol)tained. Itates of l*ostajj:c». KIUST CLASS MATTIOR. Post Cnrds.— I>ominion and United States, Ic; (Jreat Britain and other Postal Union Conntries, 2c. Keply I'ost Cards for nse within tlu' Dominion will he issned at 2 rents eaeh. Canadian I cent Post Cards can lie forwarded to the United Kin^jdom if a Ic Postage Stamp he aflixed. Prlvjltc Post (Inrds. Prepaid hy an ordinary Ic postage stamp, may now he sent hy mail within the Dominion of Cansula. Tliose cards mnst lie of ordinary card-hoard, the same as the oflicial post cards; mnst not exceed a size of () inches in len;^th hy lii; inches in width; must not he folded, and nothing hut the name and address of the addressee and of the sender; and the wonis " I'rivate Post Card " must he written, printed or otherwise ini- pres^♦d on the address side near the top, and nothing may be attached to them. The face of the card is not to be used for advertising purposes. Pri- vate Post Cards are not transmissible to the United States. Drop Letters. —City (including districts heretofore known as Carleton, Portland and IndianM'Wii), 2c per ounce. Mall Letters. — From one pl.ice in Canada to another, and between Canada and Newfoundland, and (\anada and the United States, 3c per ounce; and between Canada and Great Britain, oc per half ounce. Insufficiency paid letters, fr»)m one place in Canada to another, on which at lejust a partial j)repsiynient has been made, are forwarded charged with double the deficient postage. Letters addressed to places in the U'nited States must be prepaid one full r::'"i (3 cents), otherwiwe they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Le^al and Comuiereial Papers.— The postage on Legal and Com- mercial Papers for the United States, Great Britain and all Foreign Postal Union countries, is 5 cents for the firs* 10 ounces or less, and 1 cent for each additional 2 ounces. Tliese papers, when posted for delivery in Canadii, must be prepaid at Letter or Parcel Post rates ; but Deeds, Wills. Mort- gages and Insurance Policies, Insurance Receipts enclosed with Policies, and Insurance Receipts sent in bulk from Head Office to Agents, are to be sent at the rate of 1 cent per 2 ounces. DYEING AND CLEANING WEARING APPAREL. Ml hi New Brunhwick — Post Office. U^ JOB PRIHTINO ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED AT jT 4 A. McMniLAirS. " in;ida on am- tlonie.s are as 1 as Carleton, Hlr(»NI) CLASH MATIKK. (anadinn N<'>V«iIUl|M'rs, Ktc. — Nt-wspapcrs an<l I'tTiodittals, priiili-d aiKf |iiil>li^hi'<l in Cannila, when i«siMMl not lews fr<'«|iU'ntly tlian once a month, aixl |l(l^t»Ml from the oflicc of |iul)li(ation to actual Sulwcrihcrs or News Agents in Ciiundn. Sfw/oinidlund, aiiil (hf I'liidil Slutin, resident elHcwliere than at the place of pnlilication, are FUKi;; hnt all fprcimen copien, na well as all pnb- ii(alii)n>< issued lesn fretjiiently than once a nionth, are re(|nired to lie pre|)ai(! itl the rate of I cent per ll» or fraction of a ll>. Local Newspapers and I'eriodicals, not f/ceediiuf oiw onnre In u:ei;/ht, are ciiuMhle for ("itv delivery hy Leller Carrier-^ on the prepayment l>y >itamp of A ceiil each ; when exceeding 1 o/,, and less than 4 oz, pre[>ayment hy stamp of 1 cent will he necessary. TrilRI) CLAHH MATTKK. TrAllNlciit »WS|)a|M»rs, Etc.— On all Transient Newspapers and Periodi- cil-, addressed to places in Canada and I'nited States, the postaj^e rate is one (tilt per 4 oinices in weij^dit, which must he prepaid hy postage stamp. N<'wsp;ipers and I'criodiciils, pnhlished not less fretpiently than once « iiidiith. and weighing less than 1 ounce, may he posted singly; if prepaid hy (icstage stamp. A cent each. Newspa{»er8 for the Inited Kingdom must he [irepaid I cent for each 2 oz. I'ritish and Foreign Newspapers and Periodicals, may he re-maile<l hy Booksellers or News Agents, to siihscrihers in Canada at 1 cent per th, to be prepaid hy stamp on each packet. Miscollanooiis and Kwt\i Packets. — The rate of postage upon all Xews- papcrs and Periodicals posted for destinations in Canada, not otherwise pro- vided for, and on Hooks, Pamphlets, Occasional Piiblioitions, Printed Circu- lars, Prices Current, Handbills, and other matter wholly in print, is 1 cent |i»'r 4 ounces or fraction thereof, to be prepaid hy postage stamp, or stamjied |M»st-hand or wrapper; hut wlien posted for destination in the I'nited States, lireat P>ritain, Newfoundland, and all Euro|)ean Countries, the rate is 1 cent per 2 ounces. All communications produced by the typewriter, are liable to letter rate. Circulars. — Without becoming liable to a higher rate of postage, may have a written date and signature and name of addressee repeated inside, t'naddressed Circulars, Handbills, etc., for letter-box distribution only, may lie prepaid \ cent each by postage stamp. Circulars printed in imitation of typewriting will pass at one cent per 2 07, rate when not less than 50 copies are posted at one time. Upon all Book and Newspaper Manuscript, Printers' Proof Sheets (whether (orreeted or not), Circulars or Documents produced by a multiplying process- easy to recognize. Maps, Prints, Drawings, Engravings, Lithographs, Photo- graphs, when not on glass or in cases containing glass; Sheet Music, whether printe<l or written, including Music Books, whether stitched or hound, Calen- I (iars, and all other miscellaneous matter transmissible by post not otherwise provided for, the rate of postage when posted in open covers and addressed to places in Canada and United States, is 1 cent for each 2 ounces or fraction I thereof, to be paid by postage stamp or stamped post-band or wrapjier. |Sohool and College Examination Papers, distinctly marked as such, Assess- ment Rolls, Militia, Stafute Labor and Municipal Returns, and Customs [Manifests in open covers, are permitted to pass in Canada at the rate of 1 cent I per 2 ounces. C. E. BRACKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. 100 Ni:w Bkunhwick — Post Ofiick. I; I SHOES of all Kinds it WATERBURT & RISINQ'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sti A book packt't nmy contain a nimple invoice of the contcntfl. HIaiik formH and printed Htationery niav pans at the 1 cent per 2 oz rate No package must exceed 2 feet in Ufnj»th hv 1 foot in width or depth. Liiui: of weight for ('anada, Newfoundhind. Great ISritain or United StateH ih o Iti, for other PoHtal I'nion conntrieH, 4 thn. Seeds, Cuttings. IhiUw, Hoots and Scions or (Iraftx can only Ikj sent to the United States as 5lh ('hiss Matter; when posted for delivery in Canada, the postage is 1 cent per 4 oz, and the limit of weight ') fhs. Cut Mowers pass a* 5th CliiHs at 1 cent per oz. Patt4'ni« and Samples. — Hona lide Patterns and Samples of mercliHinijif not exceeding 24 ounces in weight, when posted in Canada for places wittiir Canada, must he prepaid hy postage stamp at the rate of one cent per 4 outu^ weight, properly labelled, and put up in such a manner as to admit of inspw- tion. Goods sent in execution of an order, however small the quantity in;iv be, or articles sent hy one private individual to another, not being actually trade patterns or samples, are not admissible as such. Patterns and Samples for the l;nite<l States, 1 cent per 2 oz, the initial pre- payment being 2 cents. Limit of weight, H oz. Packets or Patterns of Sajnples, addressed to anv |)lace in Canada, can U\ registered on aflixing thereto registration stanjps of the value of 5 cents, ii additi<m to postage stamps representing ordinary jjostage rate, provided snch packets be presented for registration. The limit of weight to (ireat Bntain is 5 lbs, and the limit of size 2 feet ir. | length by one foot in bremlth. The limit of weight to Austria. Hungary, Belgium, Kgypt, France. Mhwhh, Italy, Portugal, Roumania and Switzerland 12 oz; and to other Postal Union -cnnntries. eiffht ormces — postage, 2 cents fori the first 4 oz, and 1 cent for every additional 2 oz. No article liable to Customs duty can be sent as a sample or pattern to i\ postal Union country. KOUUTn CLASS MATTER. Parcels. — Closed parcels for places in Canada must be pre|)aid 6 cents per 4 oz. They must not exceed 5 lbs in weight nor 2 feet in length by 1 foot in ■width or depth, and the sender's name should be written on the lower lel'.[ hand corner. They may be registered for a fee of 5 cents. fi FIFTH CLASS MATTER. Comprises such articles of general merchandise as are not entitled to any lower rate of postage. Postage, 1 cent per oz or fraction of an ounce. Liiui'. •of weight, 5 lbs; size, 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth. Matter claiming to be 5th Class must be open to inspection, and there must be ni ' •correspondence enclosed. Packages of 5th Class matter maybe sent to the United States for the same prepayment as is required within the Dominion but the contents will be liable to Customs inspection and collection of duty inl the United States. Sealed tins, containing fish, lobsters, vegetables, meatj «tc, if put up in a solid manner and labelled in such a way as to fully iiuii- ■cate the nature of their contents, may be sent as 5th Class matter within thel Dominion, but no sealed matter can be forwarded to the United States underl this head. Liquids, oils and fatty substances may be sent to places in Caniidal and the United States as 5th Class if put up in accordance with the ruling| referring to such articles in the Canada Postal Guide for 1895, page 16. Electrotype blocks are considered 5th Class Mail matter. dtehtg feathers black a spegialtt, teS 212 Union Sti, T 2 01. rnt« depth. Li mi' StateH is '» \h [»c sent to tli^ in ( unnd.-i, tlir lowers piiH'" \\i )f niercliHinii-if • places wiiliir lit per 4 ouii'^ limit of insjicr- e quantity iiiaj being aotnnlly the initial pre Canada, can t* of 5 cents, in provided siul: )f size 2 feet in tria, Mnngary lid Switzerliind Nkw Hiunswick Pohi' Oikice. 101 ^g?, 2 cents for )r pattern to a aid 6 cents per th by 1 foot in the lower left entitled to am ounce. Linii: lepth. Matter •e must be ni je sent to tlit the Dominii)n, tion of duty in etables, nieaU. to fully indi- ter within the d States under aces in Canada ith the ruline lage 16. SHOES of aU Kinds at WATERBDRT & RISING'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sta. '"he I iiltod StatoM. I'hc rote on letters, postal cards and newspiipors to the I'nited States is the .nnif as that Hpplical>le to Ciinada. Til*' ratt; on books, paiiipiilets, photo^rapliH and other printed matter is I iciit jicr U oz. The rate on commercial papers, samples, el<', is the same as that appiicable idutlicr I'ostal I nioii coiuitries. Tlic rate on general merchandise is the same as that applicable to 5tli ( |a>- Matter wlien passing from one place in Canada to another, viz: I cent [itr oz. Such matter is siibjeet to the collection of any duty to which it nuty Ih' Ininid liable on arrival in the I'nited States. Tlic registrati(»n lee is r» cents. An acknowledgment of delivery may alst> be Mciired on payment of an additional fee of 6 cents. Piir<*el Po.st. WITH THE INITKI) KINCiDOM, NKW SOUTH WALKS, NKWFOl'NI>LANI), .lAMAICA, MAKIIADOS, .lAI'AN, A.NI) OTHKIl COI NTHIK.S. Closed parcels may be sent to places in Newfoundland, Jamaica, tho I iiilcd Kingdom, Japan, Barbados, the Leeward Islands, (iuadaloupe, and all (illicr coimtries and colonies with which the I'nited Kingdom maintains a I'linel I'ost. N(» correspondence must be encbt.sed. A Customs declaration ni the contents and value of each parcel must be filled up at the Post ( )Hice, (ir one of the branches, by the sender. Parcels for Newfoiuidland must be prepaid lo cents per lb or fraction of a I'l, and must not exceed 7 lbs in weight, nor 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth. parcels for Januiica, Barbados, Grenada, St I.,ucia, St Vincent and British (iiiiana nuist be prepaid 20 cents per H), or fraction of a lb, and must not ex- teed 7 lbs in weight, nor 2 feel in length, by 1 fool in width or depth. Parcels for the United Kingdom must be prepaid Iti cents per first lb, or I'raiiion of a lb, and 12 cents for every additional lb, and must not exceed 11 lti!« in weight, nor 2 feet in length, by 1 foot in width or depth. Parcels for New South Wales for the first lb 20 cents and any subsequent lb ](! cents. Parcels for Japan must be prepaid 20 cents per H>, or fraction of a lb, and nmst not exceed 7 lbs in weight, nor 2 feet in lengtli by 1 foot in width or (ieplh. Registration. .\11 classes of matter addressed to places in (Canada, the United States, New- foundland, Great Britain, or any Postal Union c(»untry, may be registered for a t'ee of 5 cents for each article in addition to the postage; and letters may be (••ristered to most of the countries not included in the Union. Registered rticJes should be prepaid. Every article intended for registration must be handed in at the wicket, and receipt obtained therefor ; on no account must it be dropped into a letter o.\. The registration fee should be paid by stamp. The sender of registered articles addreased to any Postal Union country lay entitle himself to a certificate as to the disposal of said article by the 'd^tiuaster at the office addressed, on prepayment of an additional fee of 5 tnts. Re- Directed Letters. — Letters re-directed to places in Canada and the G. E. BRACKETT. 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. f i i -; 'r 1 1(12 Nkw Hki nhwick — I'oMT Office. lUilroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. k k. McHILLiNlH Ic rniU'd StiitoK, tiitlutnl hriinj Uiktn out of the, I'nnl Ojfirr, are iKil liiiMt' to at udditioiml poNtiiKC- Lt'tliTs Hi'iJl to or HM-fivt'd from ii (•«»iinlry of tlu' I'ostal I'liion, and ufic! WiirdH ri'-dir(H-t(>d to any pluct; in (Hiuula, or to a country in tlu> I'ostal ('iiim. will lie forwarded, cvfii if tak«'n out of tlu* oliice luxl rr-addrt'HHt'd ; hiii re-add rt'HHt'd to n plaee where there iit a higher rate of poHtage, the diliert.n <»f iKwtHge will he chnrgeahle. Mutter Which (iHiinot he Kornnr(l«Mi Throim^h the V»M. Any expl Hive uubHtnnee, ti^lnnti, li<|uid, or other matter likely to entail risk or injury i the ordinary contentii of tiie mail, will he nent to the I>ead Letter Otliiyj Ottawa. Letters oontaininK K"'*' "^ silver money, jeweJH, or preeious articleH, or aii» thing liable to (JuHtonm dutieH, eannot Im forwarded by pout lo any of tli I'ostal I'nion countries except the I'nited States. Important. — A letter once posted becomes the property of the peraon i wlutni it in nddreiwed, and muHt be forwarded according to its direction. O; no application, however urgent, can it be delivered back to the writer, or: nnv other person. 'To enclose writing, intended to Herve the purposes of a letter, in a new- paper packet or in a parcel, is an oflence punisiiable by a fine of from ^\ to |i4(). Sale of PoMtugC Stamps.— Any person, other than a I'ostmaster, wh engages in the sale of Postage Stamps or Stamped Envelopes, without hciiii duly licensed by the l'oHtma»ter (ieneral, is liable, on conviction heforo Justice of the Peace, lo a penalty of lfi40 for each oHencc. RoqilO.st Lott*^rN. — L'nregistered letters from places in Canada, Newfomio land and the United States, enclosed in envelopes having printed theimn KKiiUh:8T that the letters be returned to the sender if not delivered within <'ertain specified time, will be returned iw re<juested, if not delivered at il time stated. Useful Hints. Never .send money or other articles of value through the I'ostOflice exre| either by Money Order or Registered Letter. Make complaints and incjuiries in writing. Knvelopes closed and simply clipped at the ends cannot be forwarded K Book Post. Aflix stamps securely, and on the upper right hand corner Register all vahiable letters. Send money by Money Order whenever practicable. Preserve, and retiuest correspondents to preserve, envelopes of mis-ser, •or delayed letters. lousiness men should be careful to authorize but a limited number of jier^nr. to receive their letters, and only ilutse in whom they have full confidence Have a letter box on the door of residence and otiice. Letters addressed to mere initials, or fictitious names, will not be delivers unless addressed in care of a resident, or to some box in the Post Ofiice. Mutilatod Stamps. Letters having mutilated stamps, or stamps so soiled and defaced as to mak it impossible for the sorting clerks to decide whether they have been ibti before or not, will be sent to the Postmaster (J encral for his adjudication ; if it can be shown that such stamps had been previously used, the otli' will be liable to a fine of from $10 to $40. .•ii'iti KID GLOVES DYED BLACK, Mkw I^Kl:N^WI(•K — Post Oi iin:. hr.l k. McHILLANlll IcHILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. it litiMi* t(t at ost Otlire excel' opes of rnls-ser, l*ONt HuikIm uimI Stain|M'<l KiivolopoN. ( ine cent |«»hI biiinlH for iU'Ws|>;»|.er or hook |.;i(kel wnipiKTH, uml one jmhI llirte rent tttiirii|KMi envelo|tOH are i.-wued hy the I)e|iiirtiiieiU, luul may ho Icul at the Htarnp vendors nt u trifle iihov their fuee vahie. MorcliantN* Hoxon. Kent of Nnmll hox $4, nnd of hirye hox ♦♦■> u venr. 'i'hon^h every vtWtrl will U' made in sorting lelterH t«) plaee them in the liuxcH, when the piirty adtlresw.'cl is known to have a hox, the I'oHtmuster does iidt hold himself responsihie for this always U'in^ done, the primary rule ill letters oearin^ the luimber of the h llicre hv letter carrier. lifioK that nl house and numo of street go All order to place in a hox letters helongin^ to another person than the owner of the hox, (;annut he recogni/.ed unless such lettera are adilressed to ihc care of the hox or its owner. Letters for a memher of a fi.m should he addresMed to the care of the tirm or the numher of the hox. I'ox-holderK would facilitate the work (»f sorting hy re<[Uesting correspond- eiilH to add the hox niimher to the address of their letters. St. John Letter Carriers' Delivery. Letters and Papers should he addressed to Street and Numher. Change of Kesidence should he promptly notified to the Postmaster. Two deliveries daily, commencing at 7.30 a m and 3.00 p m. On public holidays there is no afternoon delive '. Letters not bearing the name and number of street, jvidressed to parties whose addreoH may be known to the Carriers, will be (leliver<'H by ili«^iii. It is always best, however, to have name of street and number t Ic" 'p- plicd. W. H. THOBNE <fe CO. ♦ t »ii»'>.>M'>.».M>^i.»'>»'i.««»«'»./«>«'i.>n«'t.»sri«»<.»*>.> <.»•>»> ^^«»«*«i>'»<»>.iHfi.»\««».nm"»«»mni'u«««> *»''""' Hard^w^are « MerchantSr WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 42, 44 and 46 Prince Wm. Street, ST. vJOHIISr, IsT. B. G. E. Biu^GKETT, 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. 104 New BuuNswirK — Post Office. SHOES of aU Kinds at WATERBURT & RISING'S, 61 King and 212 Union Stg. 1 !3|1 2 1= I (0 M 4^. Thf postakje to all couutrit's incliultHl in tlu' rniver.iiil I'ostal I'liion is 5 14 07. KhcI). 2 oz. 2 uz. 1 2 1 Corre.fpoiulence f<>r Wi'sterii Aiistralia can be forwaidwl via Hrindisi ofjly COUMTRIKS Nv>T IN Tll>. n,.>!T*.i. I'S'.UN, KATK.S OK I'oSTAUK. gn Abyssinia c Africa ^Wi'sl (.Niast Nalivo posst^siousi Araliia Aspcnsiiin Hccluianaland '• I'roli'i'lorati' including — Kan.\t', Laki' Nguini, MacloutHic, .Mashono- iand, Matalieleland, .Nfdli'poloif, Paiatliwc (Kalimas Town), "•lioshong Tali Kivir and Zambesi Cap*' I'olony Madagasiar (except St Mary, Taniatave and Majuni^a, to wliiili ordinary l'o^t;ll Uiuon rates and arrangements apply) Mt)rocco (except Tanirier, Laraielie, Habat, Casabianea, Satii, Mazagau and ilogador, to wliicli ordinary Postal I'nion rates and arrangenuuts apply) Orange Free Slate .•^t Helena S.^rawak Society Islands \c Other parts \c c ;> Crt 5 1 c s 5 5 i 5 5 ca 5 c 5 5 1 5 ' ca5 5 6 ostal Cards. ooks. News- papers. cu OQ Kach, 2oz. 2oz. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a\ al 1 1 1 1 H.'K'. I// .) ill :") »■)) .") ,'i none tioiie 5 111 •> (c) denotes that prepayment is cvnipuhori,, it being in all other casen o|)tional ; {a) tliiit an additional churije is made on delivery; (/;>) that ihe registration is incuniidtfe, not ex- tending beyond the Port of Arrival; and (none) that iiu ircjistinUon can be ertected. Prepayment of all chuifi'ii o/ correspondence must he ejftcted by means of stamps. The postage on Commercial Papers is the same as on Printed Papers, except that tlu> lowest charge is 5 cents. The postage on Samples and Patterns is the same as on Printetl Papers, except that Hi" lowest cnarge is 2 cents. VICTORIA HOTEL, King Street, St. John, N. Br D. w. Mccormick, Prop. 11^^ FIRST-CLASS SAMPLE ROOMS. FEATHERS DTED ALL SHADES, 2 Union Stg. 2 us. R»^!. ['OSTAUK. 4 2 OS. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 al 1 1 H»'K. Ill :■> ill i") ill ;■) noH« none tn ;> nal ; (a) tluit (/(/c/e, not ex- Hected. .{IS. ixci'pt that tlu> >xcfpt that 111'" I, Prop. Nkw Brunswick— Customs. 105 SHOES of aU Klndg at WATERBURY k RISING'S, 61 King and 212 Union Ste. CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. PORT OF SAINT .lOIIN. .lames R Hiifl — Collector and Registrar of Shipping. Ill Warehouse I)epurtinent — A Atchison and S \V Wilkiiis. In Long Hooiu— H I' Sandall, D J (ileeson, S W Kain and C F Tilley. In Invoice Hooui — H G Hunt. Id Shipping Department — K A Barher and H Turner. Measurer of .Ships — James HarWr. In Statistical I)epartment — J A S Mott and W E .Stevens. Appraisers of Dutiahia Articles — Allen McBeatli, .James K Whittaker and L) H Mall, Appraisers; A Huist and (Jeorge .Jackson, Packers. Landing Surveyor — (J F Mathew ; (ieo .Jenkins and .J 1"' I^erton, Clerk.s. (iaugersand Proof Office — Samuel Hobinson, (Janger ; H K Connor, As- sistant (laiigcr ; I'eter McCart, Sampler, etc. Postal Parcel ()flice—F (iullagher, J Koulston, W Forsyth and W Rox- l)orough. Tide Surveyor — William Johnson. Waiters and Searchers — T O Sandall and John I.owery. Warehouse l.ockers— T IJustin, W Carleton, Charles Pidgeon, M B Owens luiii T B I'Oley. Tide Waiters — Wilson Dobbin, R J McAdoo, J M F Whiting, W Farren, W A Dougherty, John Cochran, Thos (Jondon, John Rogerson, Robt WIIIk, .lulin Dixon, Wm Roxborough, C W Cowan and J J Mullin. Boatnicji and Tidewaiters — Robt Fulton, deo Price and John McKelvey. Messenger — (_ harles Laird. Weigher Cigars and 'J'obacco — John Lowery.. Preventive Officer — Chance Harbor, David Thomson, I rOKT8 ANI> COLLECTORS fkthurst, W J O'Brien. i (iutj)()it8: New Humloti, 1* J P'oley. ' Ciira(iiiet, J (if Hluckhall. | Triieatlit', M H Jkuirja'ois. Shippegan, H A Soriuauy. Chatham, D Ferguson. Oiuporis: Kithibiato, B H Johubon. Buctouclie, .1 l^t'Hlaut. Dalhousie, W O Montgomery. oiitports: Caiup)>i'Ut(»ti, A McKeuzie. Fredericton, A F Street. Moncton, I W Binney. Oiitports: Dorchester, Walter Dobson. Rockland, A Koialrenu. She<litte, Fred liobideaux. Hillsboro, .J Wallace. Harvey, O Hrcwster. Alma, L> «'leveland. Cocaigiie, A K Dysart. Newcastle, W A Park. IN NEW HRUNSWICK. Sackville, W C Milner. (Jutportf : Haie Verte, W I'ri's^.ott. Rockport, R C Ward. St Andrews, C M (^iove. Outporis f W«'st Isles, Thomas Trecarliii. Cumpobello, A .1 ( larke. firaiid Maiiaii, K A (alder. St John, Jairies R Ruel. Outports: Lepreaux,(i K Hanson. -MusqiiaMh, (; (' Clinch. Ciuitco, .lo.'-eph Carson. Mi.ssex, (ir li Wallace. McAdam Junction, J W Hoyt. St George, J McKay. St Stephen, H II Oraham. Woodstock, D F Merritt. Outports : Ceiitreville, H T Scholey , Debec, R Kirkjiatrick. Aroostook Junction. <i Bedell. Grand halls, H Taylor. St Leonards, Frank Violette. Ednuindston, I* Daigle. Middle .'^t Francis, Mathias Nadeau. J S McLaren, Inspector of Customs, $2,000. P J O'Keeffe, Chief Preventive Officer; Ileadipiarters, 8t John, N B. G. E. BRACKETT. 86 PRINCESS STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. H 106 New Brunswick — Dominion Officers. LEOAL BLANKS AND STATIONERY ALWAYS IN STOCK AT MCMILLAN'S. OFFICES AND OFFICERS UNDER THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT IN NEW BRUNSWICK. Finance Department. Assistant Receiver General's Office and Dominion Savings Bank — Assistant Receiver General, Howart D McLeod; Savings Bank Manager, Howard I) McLeod; Accountant Assistant Receiver General's Office and Savings Bank, Geo F Sancton ; Clerks, Robert S Cowan, James Ernest Rourke and Robfit Ewing ; Messenger, Thomas H Lawson. Inland Revenue Department. District and Provincial Inspector, Timothy Burke, $2,000 ; Collector, Rok Atherton ; Deputy Collector, J Alfred Clark ; Accountant, T H Belyea. Excise Officers— B B Smyth, J R McCloskey, J C Ferguson, W J Fitz- patrick, O A Geldart. Sub-Collectors— John Hickman, Dorchester; A 7 Street (acting), Fred- ericton ; C M Gove, St Andrews ; A M Hill, St Stephen ; W C Milner, Sack- ville ; William Dibblee, VV^oodstock; I W Binney, Moncton; GH Wallace, Sussex ; Ferdinand Robideaux, Shediac ; A J Clark, Campobello ; G A Bedell, Andover. Preventive Service Officers — J T Kelly, St John, N B ; F D Giberson, Aroostook Junction ; Andre Belliveau, Belliveau Village. Food Inspector — J C Ferguson. Petroleum Inspectors — John T Kelly and W J Fitzpatrick. DUTIES OF EXCISE. Malt li cents per lb. Tobacco manufactured from Canadian growth 5 " " Foreign Leaf Tobacco, and Manufactured Foreign Leaf Tobacco 25 " " Canadian Twist 5 " " Spirits, per Imperial gallon, proof. $1.70 " " " malt 1.72 " " molasses 1.73 Vinegar, standard gallon, containing 6 p. c. of Acetic Acid 8 cents. Cigars $6 per M. Cut Tobacco, when put up in packages weighing one- twentieth of a pound or less 40 cents per lb. Cigarettes, weighing not more than 3 lbs $2 per M. Snuff, damp, in pkgs of under 5 lbs 25 cents per lb. " of 5 lbs and over 18 " " Beer, brewed from any other substance than malt 10 " " Marine and Fisheries. Hon John Costigan, Minister Marine and Fisheries ; F J Harding, Agent for New Brunswick of Lighthouses and Marine Hospitals, Signal Station?, Steam Fog Alarms, Buoys and Beacons ; Jeremiah Drake, Signal Master, St John. Wm Waring, Inspector of Engines and Boilers. John Kelly, Inspector of Lights. I J Olive, Inspector of Steamboats. J. & A. MCMILLAN PUBUSH ARCHER'S SHORT HISTORY OF CANADA. New Brunswick — Dominion Officers. 10< D Gibersoi), ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRIIITING AT J. k A. HcMILLAN'S. Department of Minister of Justice. Dorchester Penitentiary — John B Forster, Warden; Chas Ross, Deputy Warden ; Kev J Roy Campbell, Protestant Chaplain ; Rev A D Cormier, R C Ciiaplain ; John A Gray, Accountant; Robert Mitchell, Surgeon; John Fniser, Storekeeper and Steward; James A Piercy, Engineer. Officers Dominion Public Works Department. Engineering Staff"— J B Hegan, Resident Engineer, New Brunswick, and P E Island ; Georgo A Day, Assistant Engineer; E G Millidge, Re&ident Engineer; E T P Shewen, Assistant, Antigonish; C E W Dodwell, Resident Engineer; Greenwood, Assistant, Halifax; Joseph Ewing, Paymaster. Dredging and Public Buildings — Wm J McCordock, Superintendent of Dredges and Agent of the Department for Public Buildings in St John; Clerks, D H VVaterbury and Thos H Adams. Architect's Branch , Inspector of Buildings, Maritime Provinces. Custom House— Caretaker and Janitor, James Paul ; Engineer steam heat- ing apparatus, Neill Morrison; Fireman, Christopher White. Post Office — James Wolfe, Engineer steam heating apparatus; Edward Haney, Assistant, and in charge of elevator. Immig^ration Department. S Gardner, Dominion Immigration Officer for New Brunswick, and Agent for New Brunswick for the Emigration Association of Great Britain, |1,000. The Deputy Treasurers at the Outports of the Province act as Immigration Officers. Department of Railways and Canals. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. Intercolonial Division 1,144 miles. Prince Edward Island Division 210 " 1,354 Hon John G Haggart, Minister of Railways and Canals, Ottawa; CoUing- wood Schreiber, C M G, Deputy Minister and Chief i^ngineer of Railways aiul Canals, Ottawa, |(),000 ; D Pottinger, General Manager Canadian Gov- ernment Railways, Moncton, N B. Intercolonial Division — General Officers resident at Moncton, N B. (See Railways.) Shippings Office, St. John. W H Purdy, Shipping Master, St John. V O Allison, Deputy Shipping Master, St John. Weigrlits and Measures Inspection. The Weights and Measures Act provides that two gallons shall be a peck, and eight gallons a bushel, and that after January 1st, 1S86, in contracts for the sale and delivery of any of the undermentioned articles, the bushel shall be determined by weight, unless convenience for weighing are not available, or unless a bushel by measure is specially agreed on in writing, the weight equivalent to a bushel being as follows : Wheat, 60 lbs; Indian corn, ")(') llts ; rye, 56 lbs; peas, bean-^ and clover seed, GO lbs; barley, tiniotliy soeu and buckwheat, 48 lbs; malt, 36 lbs; oats, 34 Ifjs ; flaxseed, 50 lt)s ; lieiupseed, 44 lbs; blue grass seed, 14 lbs; castor beans, 40 ll)s; potatoes, turnips, carrots, LAW BRIEFS AND FACTUHS PRINTED WITH ALACRITY AT HcMILLAN'S. •i' I 108 New Brunhwick — Dominion Officers. J. & A. HcHILLAM'S PAPER RUUNO CANNOT BE SURPASSED. parsnips, beets and onions, 60 tbs ; bituminous coal, 70 lbs. Power is also given to the Governor-in-Couiicil to specify the weight of other articles equiv- alent to a bushel. V^iolalions of the foregoing provisions subject the offender to a penalty not exceeding $25 for the first offence, and not exceeding $oO for each subsequent offence. ADDITION A I. UECULATIONS. 1. All apples packed in Canada for sale by tiie barrel shall be packed in good and strong barrels of seasoned wood, made a.s nearly cylindrical as nmy be; the staves of such barrels shall be twenty-seven inches in length fnun croe to croe, with heads from sixteen and one-half to seventeen inches in diameter; and such barrels shall be sufficiently hooped with a lining hoop within the chimes, the whole well secured by nails, 2. Every person who offers or exposes apples for sile by the barrel, other- wise than in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this section, shall he liable to a penalty of twenty-five cents for each barrel of apples so offered or exposed for sale. Weights and Measures Inspection Service. Division of St. John — J B VVilmot, Inspector ; E Cowan and LeviteTlicri- ault, Assistant Inspectors; comprising the city of 8t John, counties of St John, Charlotte, Queens, York, Sunbury, Carleton, Madawaska and Victoriii. Division of Kings — VV' H Scovil, Inspector; David Richard, Assistant In- spector; comprising the coimties of Albert, Gloucester, Kent, Kings, Nortli- uinberland, Resliguuche and Westmorland. IF YOU REQUIRE /^ ^ Book-binding or Printing, TAllEl M IIS, PLE&SE ORDER VEBBALLT OR BT SAIL FROM #9 Booksellers, Stationers, Printers. Etc. 98 # 100 Srince ^m. (Street, (St. iohn, ^. (§. PROGRAMMES AND POSTERS PRINTED IN Al STYLE AT McHILLAN'S. M ' .', IPASSED. Power is also ' arlicles equiv- ;ct the offendiT ^'ceding $00 j'nr he packed in indrical as iimy in length fnnii iteen inches in a lining hi)o|i e barrel, other- section, shall lie L's so ofi'ered or nee. id LeviteTlu'ii- counties of St a and Victoria, i, Assistant In- ,, Kings, Nortli- Ai.BEUT County. 109 ng, Etc. MCMILLAN'S. MCMILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS CANNOT BE EQUALLED IN CANADA. COUNTY OF ALBERT. Shiretown — Hopewell. Judge of the County Court — Hon Wm Wedderburn; Jos Howe Dickson, Clerk. ( 'oinraissioners Parisli Courts-IIon A R MoClellan and W O Wright, Ihtpewell ; W E Pishop and Geo Harnett, Hillsborough ; A W Leeman and Jdlin WGaskin, Coverdale ; Chas W Anderson, Harvey ; W J McKenzie and R Colpitts, Elgin ; David C Cleveland and T J O'Connor, Alma. High Sheriff — Williams Woodworth ; Samuel Stewart, Deputy Sheriff. Clerk of the Peace, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Circuits — Joseph Howe Dickson. Judge of Probate — W Alder Truenum. Registrar of Probates— Jo8ei)h Howe Dickson. Registrar of Deeds and Wills -Alex Rogers ; Deputy Registrar, Sara Rogers. Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths — Ephraim Leeman. Coroners — W J Lewis, M D,Wm A West, S C Murray, M D; Pringle Kelly, Wellington S Hopper, Joshua B Babkirk and Bliss A Marvin. Commissioners for taking Aflldavits in the Supreme Court — Hon A R Mc- Clellan^ Hopewell; James M Stevens and W C Anderson, Harvey; JAM ( (ilpitts, Elgin; A W Leeman, Coverdale, and the Attorneys residing in the County. Commissioner for taking Special Bail, Supreme Court — Hon A RMcClellan. Municipal Council — W A West and Isaac C Prescott, Hopewell ; (Jeorge D pRscott and Miles T:<j Copp, Harvey; W Rommel and Judson A Cleveland, Alma; Robert A Smith and Stanley C Goggin, Elgin; A W Leeman and Sanford Ryan, Coverdale; Calvin Steeves and Peter Duffy, Hillsborough. Secretary -Treasurer — W O Wright. Revising Officer — Hon Wm Wedderburn ; A W Bray, C^lerk. Issuers of Marriage Licenses — G T Chapman, Coverdale ; Joseph A Turner, jllaivey; John Garland, Elgin ; W^m Rommell, Alma ; William D Bennett, ! Hopewell Cape: Rev M Gross, Surrey, Hillsborough. ((.Hectors of Customs — Hillsborough. John Wallace; Alma, David C (leveland; Harvey, Gilbert Brewster; Waterside, Sub-Collector, Charles W Anderson. Commissioners of Sewers, Hopewell — Valentine Smith, T Mark Pearson, (ii'loon Bray and John M Tingley. Vendors of Liquors — Lorenzo Chapman, M D, Hopewell ; Gordon D Steeves, Hillsborough. Auctioneers — Samuel Stewart and Ezra P Hoar, Hopewell ; Manning M Tingley, Albert. County Court Terms — Fourth Tuesday in June, and fourth Tuesday in October. Circuit Court — Third Tuesday in January, and fourth Tuesday in June. L;ibor Act Commissioners — R P Colpitts, Elgin ; J E McQuaid, Alma ; Patrick Duffy, Harvey; Wm E Dryden, Coverdale and Hillsborough. Vendor of Law and Probate Stamps — Alex Rogers, Hopewell Hill and Hopewell Cape. -Agricultural Society — Chesley Smith, President: Luther Archibald, Vice- President ; W A West, Secretary-Treasurer ; J E Peck, Jos O McCIelan, Job JOB PRINTINO PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AT J. k A. McMILLATS. no Carleton County. 1 x ■'" m SHOES of aU Ki!iiU at WATERBURT & RISPfG'S, 61 King and 212 Union Stg. Stiles, W T Wright, W B Reiver, A S Mitton, A W Peck, R C Brown, Allei» Robinson, dirt'Ctors ; Alonzo Stiles, auditor. Board of Ileallh — See page 45. Census Returns, 1801. Alma 1,091 Hirvev 1,(114 Coverdale 1,887 HiKsb^rongh 2,(177 Elgin 2,422 Hopewell 1,780 Total 10,971. H . Ill COUNTY OF CARLETON. Shiretoum — Woodstnck. Judge of the County Court — Hon JasG Stevens ; W m M ('onnell, Clerk ; J C Hartley. Deputy Clerk. Commissioners of Parish Civil Courts — Heniy M Patterson, Woodstock; Creo W Ilovey, Northampton; W Dickinson, Richmond; Jas Hiidges, Pod; Jas Clood, Wakefield; Chas R Upton, Simonds; J.)hn Barnett, Brighton; Alex G I,indi'ay, Aberdeen ; T E McCMintock, Wilmot ; David S Jones, Kent ; Matthew Hutchinson, Wicklow. Clerk of the Circuits— J C Hartley. High Sheriff-William D Balloch ; Deputy SherifTs, Geo F Foster and John C (iibson. Clerk of the Peacv -Wm M Connell. Judge of Probate — L P Fisher. Registrar of Probates — John C Winslow. Registrar of Deeds and Wills-John S Leighton ; Deputy, JS Leighton.jr, Issuers of Marriage Licenses — W M Connell, Howard B White, G R Burt, Hugh Miller, Wentworth Winslow, W W Hay, Josiah R Murphy, Horace Bailing, E M Boyer. L*N Fletcher, Henry Blakslee, B N Shaw, Charles M Donnelly, George Dixon, Wm Jenett, G W Craig, Stanford Dunn, Fred W Thomas, .John Green, Jas A (iibson. Notaries Public — Lewis P Fisher, Geo Connell, John C Winslow, Wm M Connell, LL B, S B Appleby, A B Connell, Williamson Fisher, LL B, J N W Winslow, J R Murphy, D McLeod Vince. J C Hartley, D B Gallagher, Slason Carvill, Louis Young, Frank B Carvill and Charles Comben. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme C>)urt — Lewis P Fislier, George Connell, John C Winslow, Wm M Connell, R K Jones, S B Appleby, A B Connell, Williamson Fisher, Josiah R Mm'phy. J N W Winslow, D Mc- Leod Vince, Alex G Lindsay, H T Scholey, J C Hartley, D B Gallagher, Slason Carvill, Louis Young, Frank B Carvill and Charles Comben. Police Magistrate — W Dibblee. Coroners — GeoStickney, Geo West, Chas R Upton, Wra L Drier, John T Allan, Samuel Watts, Chas P Connell, M D, Theodore H Estey, Richard Port, Nehemiah Tompkins, Richard B Ketchura, Elijah M Shaw, John R Hager- man, M D, Colin King.W H Morehouse. Newton R Colter, M D, G LCronkite, Wentworth Winslow, Henry Blakslee, LeBaron L Moore, James Keenan nni Edwin A Welsh, M D. Game Warden — P Corbett, Johnville. Labor Act Commissioners — John A Shea, Northampton ; A W Estabrooks, Brighton; A D Hartley, Peel ; C H Thomas, Aberdeen ; , BOOK AND PAMPHLET PRINTING A SPECIALTY. J. k A. McMILLAN. Carleton County. iir nnion Sts. rown, Alien 1,C.14 2,<i77 1.780 ill, Clerk ; J Woodstock ; idges, Pot'l ; t, Brighton; Jones, Kent; Foster and Leigh ton. jr. e.GRBurt, )hv, Horace Charles M nn, Fred W ow, Wm M LL B, J X Gallagher, ►en. is P Fisher, B Appleby, slow, D Mc- Gallagher, jn. rier, John T ichard Port, B Hager- L Cronkite, Keen an and Estabrooks, IcMIIiLAN. SHOES of aU Kinds at WATERBURT k RISING'S, 61 King and 212 TTnion Sts. Kent, Johnville ; Joseph Shaw, remainder Kent ; Joshuu Hartley, Wicklow ; Isaac S Carvell, Siinonds and Wilniot; Thomas Lindsay, Waketield ; Thomas Watson, Woodstock; A Kirkpatrick, Richmond. Commissioners Free Grunts Crown Lands — Joseph Lee, Forrcston ; John Clancy, Jolinville. Crown Land Surveyor — .\ B Stone, Woodstock. Vendor of Law and Prohate Stamps — A F Gordon, Woodstock. Hoard of Health— See page 45. County Council. Warden— P Corbett. Secretary-Treasurer— Randolph K Jones, LL B. Auditor — Samuel Watts. Councillorii : Town of Woodstock — John A Lindsay, Alex Henderson and D Munro. Parish of Woodstock — J Ed Slipp and James p'orrest. Parish of Wakefield — L R Harding and John A Lindsay. Parish of Richmond — James Watson and J Y Flemming. Parish of Northampton — D S Gibson and .Jerry Bragdon. I'arish of Brighton — Gideon Phillips and J E McCollum. Parish of Peel— A D Hartley and David Phillips. Parish of Aberdeen — .J Crawford and Wm H Staton. Parish of Kent— P Corbett and G D I^rittain. Parish of Wilmot — J F Williams and Joseph Cheney. Parish of Wicklow — G h Cronkite and Andrew Caldwell. Parish of Siraonds — A W Taylor and Randolph Gross. Town of Woodstock. Mayer — William S Saunders. CoiincUlnrs: Wellington Ward — G W Vanwart and W D N Smith. Kings Ward — H R Payson and J C Arnold. Queens Ward — J S Leighton, jr, and R B .Jones. Town at Large — W B Nicholson, A G Bailey, Jar. Carr and H E Gallagher. Town Clerk— J C ILartley. Marshal, Town Surveyor and Inspector of Alms House — John C Gibson. Town Treasurer and Receiver of Taxes — Williamson Fisher. Superintendent of Water Works and Electric Light — Donald Munro. Superintendent of Streets — A G Gilman. Chief Engineer of Fire Department — F Herbert J Dibblee. Postmaster — J C Winslow ; Assistant, H W Bourne. Collector of Customs — David FMerritt; Clerk, Thomas Lynch; Landing Waiter, George Robinson. School Trustees — L P Fisher, Chairman ; A B Connell, Secretary ; G W Vanwart, Treasurer ; John McCorraick, Hon H A Connell, James Watts, W S Saunders. R K Jones, Deputy Chairman. Census Returns, 1891. Aberdeen 1,326 Peel 1,318 Brighton 2,385 Richmond 1,852 Kent 2,788 Simonds 756 Northampton 1,110 Wakefield 1,761 Total 22,523 Wicklow 2,241 Wilmot 1,927 Woodstock 1 ,767 Woodstock Town..3,290 JOB PRnrriNG artistically executed at j. & a. HcHUIAITS. 112 CiiARi JTTK County Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. k A. HcHILLAN'S. I fccH 'J: m f '^ COUNTY OF CHARLOTTE. Shireton: n — St A ndrewm. Jud«e of the County Court — Hon JasG. Stevens; Jas G Stevens, jr., Clerk. Clerk of the Cinjuits — M N L'ockburn. Hijch Sheritl— Robert A Stewart, St Andrews; Deputy Sheriffs, Williatn Robinson, St Stepiien ; Rol)t Murray, St George; Thomas A Kendrick, St Andrews; LG Cliuse, St Andrews. Clerk of the I'eace and Keeper of the Rolls — F H (jrimmer. Judge of Probate— M N ("ockburn. Registrar — J M Stevens. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — G F Hibbard; Deputy Registrar, E I'. Coakley. Commissioners for Parish Courts — John W Mann, St James; Dan'l CrilK-v, St Stephen ; CK () Ilatheway, St Andrews; John Dewar, St George; J B Mark, Dumbarton. Coroners — Sanuiel T Gove. M D; Thos Dick, M D; Hubert McLaughlan, M I): Laughlan Camenm, II P Revnolds. M D; J A Wade, M D; H Gove, M I); R Iv Ross, M I); (Jeorge Dibblee, M D; J M Deacon, M D; Henrv I Taylor, M D. Commissioners for taking AlHdavits in the Supreme Court — Abraham Young, Ednuind Daggett, Tiios Barry, Wm A Fraser, Isaac Woodward Mc- Laughlin, (' E O Ilatheway, and all Attorneys of the Supretne (.'ourt. Issuers of Marriage Licenses — F II Grimmer. St Andrews; Chas Johnson, St George ; Luke Hyron, (^ampobello ; Cyrus Cheney, (J rand Manan ; Henry E Hill, St Stephen; Jas H Ward, West Isles; Oscar Hanson, Lepreaux : Samuel McKay, Pennfield ; J A Moore, St David. Charlotte County .Agricultural Society — James Mowatt, President ; Thon^:l^ Hartt, Secretary-Treasurer ; John McFarlane, George Mowatt, James McFar- lane, John Mowatt and J M Emery, Committee of Management. St Croi.v Agricultural Society— Judge Stevens, President; J G Stevens, jr, Secretary ; Plon James Mitchell, Treasurer. St Patrick Central Agricultural Society — Patrick McLaughlan, President : Hugh Monohan, Secretary. Vendors of Law and Probate Stamps — George F Hibbard, St Andrews ; James Vroom, St Stephen. Game Warden— W F Todd. Milltown. Commissioners Free Grants Crown Lands — Andrew McClinton, Oak Hill : Nehemiah Hastey, Baillie. Crown Lands Surveyors— H M Balkham, Milltown ; Wm Gillespie ami R H Lyle, Moore's Mills. Labor Act Commissioners— O Hanson, Samuel Stafford, Lepreaux : Robert M Grabam, Clarendon; .Samuel McKay, jr, Pennfield; Hugh Ludgate, St George ; Thomas Steen, Dumbarton and St Patrick ; J Fitzmaurice, St David ; Andrew McClinton, St Stephen and St James. Board of Health — See page 45. Municipality of Charlotte. Warden — .John S Maxwell. Secretary-Treasurer — F H Grimmer. Auditor — M N Cockburn. Councillors : St .\ndrew8 — N G D Pnrker and Wm Snodgrass. J. k A. MCMILLAN SUPPLY WEDDING INVITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. St St Mi I St St 1)1 \\ u CI St Si Gloucester County, lir> fecHILLAN'S PEN DEPAR7HEMT CONTAINS OOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. St Stephen (PariHh) — John S Araxwell !in«l M McMonagle. St Stephen (Town) — John 1) (Jliipinan. Milhown — John L Kay. I pper Mills . St Georj?e — James McMay and II V Dewar. St Patrick — J If Dyer and J \V Stevenson. pnmbarton — Joseph Hill and W II Knierson. I'tMintield — J W Mealey and (ienrj^f A KIdridye. Li'preaux — Robert Mawhiiiney and Thomas Mulherrin. Clarendon — A Nixon and Wm Kiipkey. St David — George F Beach and Stillman Smith. St James — Alvin Christie and Wm K(»rsyth. I)iifterin — Woodbnry McBean. Campobello — L P Simpson and William Mathews. West Isles — C H Conley and James H Ward. (irand Manan — P Russell and D McLaughlin. St Croix — John Russell and D o jlinson. Ceiisii.s Rctiirii.s, 180I. Caii'.pohello 1,1 S7 Claiendon 177 Duflerin IVM Ihiiiibarton H07 « i rand Manan 2,897 Lepreaux 428 Milltown (Town) 2,14(') Penntield 1,032 St Andrews (Town and Parish). 1,778 Total St Croix 074 St David I,.=i54 St George (Town and Parish )...2,7''i7 St James 2,26t) St Patrick 921 St Stephen 70S St Stephen (Town) 2,«)S0 Upper Mills (Town) 26t) West Isles (Deer Island) 1,644 23,751 COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER. Shireloivn — Hath urst. Judge of tlie County Court — Hon Wm Wilkinson. Commissioners for Parish Courts — Perry J Comeau, Berenford ; John K C)'Hrien, Bathurst; Henry A Sormany, Theophile Gogiien, Shippegan; Jos Sewell, John A Babin, Inkerman ; Wm Archer. Oliver Kobicheau, Saumarez; N K Richey, New Bandon ; J G C Blackball, Ludger Legere, Caraquet. Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts — John J Harrington. High Sheriff— Onesime Blanchard. (ierk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — Job i J Harrington. .fudge of Probate — Narcisse A Landry. Registrar of Probates — J E O'Brien. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Hon J F McManus. Deputy — Cassie A Mi'Ginley. > Stipendiary Magistrate — D G Maclauchlan. Collector of Customs — John E Baldwin. Preventive Officer — Wm J Melanson. Collector at Caraquet— J G C Blackball ; at Shippegan, Henry A Sormany ; at Tracadie, M E Bourgeois ; at New Bandon, Patrick J Foley. Secretary-Treasurer — John Sivewrigbt. J. ft A. MCMILLAN MAKE A SPECIALTY OF COLOR PRINTING. 114 Ki:nt County. SHOES of aU Kindt at WATERBURT & RISING'S, 61 King and 212 Union Sti. | SB( II Auditor — .lolin K Hiildwin. Liuxiinf^ VViiitiT — iMvid Leahy. CoroiuTs — .loHi'nh Si'wi'll, Williatn Ferguson, J d C lUiu-khiill, (-lideon M DiincHii, .M I), HoixTt ItivcTs, .lohn (' MiMlmn, K Iliitcliison, II \ Sormanv, W V Bishop, M I), 1X1 Marhnichhin. IsHUtT of Marriage Licoiises- -Charles Hosh. CoiiimisHioiiers for taking cxatninatiuiis under 'W Vic — John K O'Brien. Vice-Consnl for S\ved«'n and Norway — .John Sivewriyht. Viee-Consid (or the I'nited 'States — Benedict (' Mullinn. ('on>niissionerH for taking .Vflidavits to lie read in the Supreme Court — lion Koht Youn;;, Iuh (r (' BInckiiali, .Joiin Younsj, John Kerr, Henry \ Sornnuiy, and the Barristers and Attoii".':ys practising in the County. Barristers, Notaries, etc., practisiu); in the County — D Ct M.-u'Iauchhiii, J(d)n J Harrington, Niircisse \ Landrv, and (ieorge (Hlhcrt, Batiiurst ; ^V J O'Brien, Notary Puhlic. Ven(h>r of Law and Prohato Stamps — F J McManus, P.atliurst. Fisliery Officers — Jaaies Ilickson, Bathurst; Josepli Ilache and Xavier I> Alhert, Caracpiel; .\dolphe Hache, Siiippegan; Wm Sweeney, Beresford; Oliver Hohicheau, Saumarez ; James D Theriault, New Bandon. Crown Land Surveyor — .James Buttitner, Bathurst. Labor Act Commissioners — Fras. Alhin and John Chincy, Beresford ; Patrick J Foley, New Bandon, and part of Bathurst ; John L Legere, Caraquet ; II A Sormany, Shippegan; Jolin A Ferguson, Inkerman and Saumarez; Louis .Vrsencau, St Isidore; Joseph .\ Porrier, Caraquet and Inkerman. Commissioners Free CJrants Crown Lands — John L Legere, Caraquet; Jerome Koy, Petit Roche ; Louis J Arseneau, St Isidore ; J D Brune, Miscoti. Board of Health — See page 45. County Council. Parish of Bathurst A N De.Brisay and Joseph M Hachey. Parish of New Bandon — Dominick Theriault and R Daly. Parish of Beresford — Sydney DesBrisay and Ilermenegelde G Poirier. Parisli of Caracjuet — Fred Legere and Josepii A Poirier. Parish of Inkerman — Fdmund Sewell and Francis Duke. Parish of Shippegan — Joseph L Robicheau and Edward Chiasson. Parish of Saumarez — Prosp^re Savoy, jr, and Oliver Robicheau. Parish of St Isidore — Louis G .Arseneau and Julien Mallais. Census Returns, 1891. Bathurst 4,818 New Bandon 2,4.^7 Beresford 4,301 St Isidore 872 Caraquet 4,630 Saumarez 2,();!.3 Inkerman 2,008 Shippegan 3,182 Total 24,901 H ( ] T kI v Mi. KENT COUNTY. Shireiown — Rlchibucto. Judge of the County Court — Hon W VVilberforce Wells. Clerk — Charles J. Sayre. Clerk of the Circuits — Robert Hutchinson. Sheriff' — Auguste Legere. MCMILLAN'S BIlfDERT is the MOST COMPLETE in t^e Maritlms Provinces. Kknt County. 11^ !12 Union 8ti. SHOES of aU Kinds at WATERBURT k RISING'S. 61 King and 212 Union Sta. ill, (Jidooii M I A Sorrnaiiv. KO'HritMi. i Court — Hon y A Hormaiiv, Mucliinclilnii, iithurst ; W J nd Xavier F) y, Ik- res ford ; ford ; Patrick iraquet ; II A iiaroz; Louis 1. e, Caraquet; rune, Miscoii. Poirier. ison. ,2,457 , 872 .2,();;3 ,3,182 Provinces. clerk of the Ponce" and Keepi-r of the RoIIh -R Hulcliinwin. Hcj^iHtrar of I)<'c«Is nod Wills -Frederick S Siiyre. CdlU'ctor of (.'iiHloriiH — I5aHii K Johnson. Tide Waiter — Ilazen Rush. .Iiii!>;e of Proliatc— Henry II James. Ke^jistrar of Probates- (.' Richardson. N'endor of Law and Probate Stamps- -Krcflerick S Sayre. Issuers of Marriage Licenses— R Hutchinson, Kichibucto; Iknj S Bailey, Stetson Dunn, Harcourt ; H M Ker>?uson, Kingston. County Treasurer — K B Korltes. County Secretary — (ieor>?e Mclnerney. County Auditor- -David W (Jriersoi'. Inspector of Weights and Mejwures — Dosithe Richard. Postmaster — Jolni C Vantour. Fishery Overseers- -Frederick Hannav, Richibiicto: Peter L Richard, St Louis; R Hutchinson, Weldford : Thomas Deprey, Diuidas ; John Beuttie, sr, Kouchibouguac; Oliver J O LeBlanc, St Marys. Inspector of Schools -(ieorj,'e Smith. Principal of Grammar School — Murray Cowperthwaite. Stall": Miss Cuie» Miss Chrystal, Miss Ferguson. Commis-sioner for taking Hail in the Su|)reme Court — Wm \ Black. Coroners — Isaac W Dohertv, M D, Ruiino A D'Olliqui, M D, W Johnson, Damien Bourgeois, T L Bourque, M D, W (i King, M 1), (; O LeBlanc, M D. Commissioners of Parish Civi' Courts — John Hutchinson, Wellington; Bernard (iornian, St Louis; James F Burns, Weldford ; B Bailey. Harcourt; .1 K Little, Carleton ; J T Caie, Richibucto; Louis Leger, Diindas; Philip Arsenault, Acadieville: Marc Bourque, St Paul. Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages — R Hutchinson. Inspector of License — John T Caie. Crier of the Court — Allan Hains. Warden of Municipality — L J Wathen. CJarae Warden — Henry Barthe, Buctouche. Crown Land Surveyors — Robert Douglas, Buctouche; John Sfevenson, jr, Richibucto. Labor Act Commissioners — John Stevenson, Harcourt, Haskisson, Carleton, St Louis, Richibucto, Weldford; Robert Douglas. Wellington and Dundas; Luke Johnson, St Marys; F O Richard, Acadieville. Commissioners FVee Grants Crown Lands — John Stevenson, Richibucto ; Andre J Arseneau, Harcourt; Luke Johnson, St Paul; F O Richard, Acadie- ville. Boar ' of Health — See page 45. Municipal Councillors. Acadieville — Sylvain Barrio and A Pineau. Carleton — Maxim Daigle and Thomas McMasters. Dundas — Richard Poirier and Jaddus Robichaud. Harcourt — Leslie J Wathen and Thomas Atkinson. Richibucto— F J Richard and F S Peters. St Louis — F M Richard and F^isseb Como. St Marys — Joseph Coates and Clement M Cormier. St Paul — Samuel D Bourgeois and Samuel D LeBlanc. Weldford — Robert Murphy and Alexander Murray. Wellington — John McKee and F X LeBlanc. WEDDDTO INVITATIONS IN LATEST NOVELTIES AT J. k A. MCMILLAN'S. IK) KiNOH County. 'VISITINQ CARDS PRINTED EZPEDITIOUSLT AT J. k A. HcMILLAN'S. CciiNiiM llotiiriiN, 181H. Anulii'villo 1,105 <'arU'l()n 1.1H»? DumiiiH '\2\H llarcoiirt 1,:{09 Kicliibucto :i,ilS8 Total 'AHM St. LnwiH 2.rjl St. MiirvH 2,:Ut'J St I'inil l.ojii WVlHford .V).;-j WfllinKton 3,SH1 '.* II f COUNTY OF KINGS. Shirr town — lldmptnn. .IiuIko of tlu' County C'oiirt — Hon VVtn Weddorhnrn ; Oru I' Kinjj, Clerk. ConiiiiiHsioncrs Parish Civil Coiirts - Ch-o Inch, CJn'onwich ; John Mclntyn-, Kars; .John Woodward, Uotlii'Hftv ; J DM Kcator, ITanipton ; Wni J HrittHJi). Springlield ; Win Harni'H. Uphatn ; Wcedon FowIit. Hammond; S T Morton, i'ardwoll; W L Corov, llavoloch ; J A Fonwick. Studholm; C Douglas Fair- wcathor, Kiiijjfston; Danit'I H;.iM>rtson, Norton. Stipendiary Magistrates— (Jco H Wallace, Sussex ; Thos A Peters. Hampton ; D P.everly IIatlii>ld, Norton: .Mhert S Mace, Studholm. Clerk of the rircuits Robert Morrison. High Sheritl— Samuel N Freeze; Deputy SherKF and Jailer, Jas W Sproiil. Judge of Probate Fiunemore F Morton. Kegistrar of Oeeds and Wills — (} L Taylor; Deputy, Maggie J l^arnes. Registrar of Probates, Secretarv-Treasurer, and Clerk of the Peace — George ODOtty. Coroners— (leorge Rix Price, Joshua Burnett, M n, Peter Brenran, James \ Fenwick, D Beverly Hatfield, James A Moore, Peter Campbell, George F Johnson, M D, J H Rvan, M d, Joshua Oldfield, J N Smith, M D, G O Baxter, M I), H F Freeze, W Hatfield NVhite, M n, and() N Price. Commissioners for taking Aflidavits and Bail in the Supreme Court — John C Price, J W Nowlan, Philo M Raymond. Nelson .Arnold, J A S Kierstead, A S White, F E Morton, Ora P King, R LeB Tweedie, Lernnrd .Mlison, (i "W Fowler, F W Stockton, Robt Morrison. J Artlnir Freeze, ]-' E Fairweather, James P Byrne, W H Parlee and James M Mclntyre. Crown Land Surveyor — Nelson Arnold. Sussex. Labor Act Commissioners— () N Price, Havelock ; J A Fenwick, Studholm; W H Henderson, Springfield ; John Mclntyre, Kars; Wm Richards, Green- wich ; Aaron Kimble, Kingston: James W Smith. Hampton; Wm Barnes, Ilpham; James Hughson, Norton; Jas Douglas, Hammond; John Wallace, Sussex, Cardwell and Waterford ; Geo Crawford. Westfield, Vendors of Law Stamps — H J Fowler and S H White. \'endors of Probate Stamps — Geo Coggin, Sussex ; H J Fowler, Hampton. Vendor of Liquors, Parish of Hampton — Wm T Scribner. Commissioner under Chapter 38 Consolidated Statutes, Insolvent Confined Debtors — R LeBert Tweedie, Issuers of Marriage Licenses — H J Fowler, Chas M Hunt, JAS Kierstead, Kobt D Boal, Silas M Freeze, J R Merritt and Geo S Dryden. Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths — Wm H Baxter. Notaries Public resident in the County — See Barristers and Attorneys. Game Warden — O R Arnold, Sussex. Board of Health— See page 45. EMBOSSnrO neatly EZEGUTED at J. k A. HcMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN. A \ Madawahka County. 117 MILLAN'S 2.1J1 •) •(11.) • ■•••••••• Mf* M'to l.dlli 3.r)ti:' 3,st;i ■cHILLAH'S BINDERY Is the MOST COMPLETE in the Mirltime ProvUioet, injj. Clerk, n Molntyrc, r» J Hritlaiii, ^ T Morton, >iigla8 Fair- i, Hampton; » W Sproiil. Harnes. ce — Georj,'t' n, James A Ocorge 1'' r O Baxter, Mirt — Joliii Kierstea<l, Allison, < i lirweather, Stndholni; ds, Green- m Barnes, 1 Wallace, Hampton. Confined vierstead, neys, . JOHN. County <'4UiiiiciK Warden— Janu'H A Moore. ('anlw»ll — Haveloek K Kreezr and LcHter McCnlly. (iret'nwii'h -\V L Belyea and (' H (Jorliain. llaMnnoi\d--Tlionia.s .V Kelly and |).I Fowler. Ilainpton--S H FU-wwellini^ and li .J Fowler. lluvvlock- K Oldtield Mace unJ Jonah Keith. Kars — ( it'orgf VV I'alnier and William Helms. Kingston -John O I):irni and ST Holder. Norton- -(iilhert W 'I'iins and h lieverly Hatfield. Kdthesay- \Vm Maynes and Isaac J Sannders. S|(rinKhehl (» Crandall and J W Freeze. Studholin— Win I) Fenwick and H Montgomery CamplK'li. Sussex — Ora I' King and Hugh K MeMonagle. rpham -James M C'ainphill and Albert H Fpham. WaterCord-Jaines A Moore and (Jeorj^e H Mvers. Westfield -F VV C Nase and Fred K Fowler. Ck>n.sii.s l{<>tiiriiN, 1801. (ardwell 1,218 Kars W.i Springfield Kingston 1,.S11 8iis,se.x Norton 1, <)(}() ITpham Kolhesav 1,053 Waterford.. Studholm 2,78G Westfield... (Meenwieh Kl9 Hammond 708 Hampton 1,884 llaveloek 2,081 Total 23,0<»4 .i.sr)5 3,205 .1,145 .1,178 .1,172 COUNTY OF MADAWASKA. Shiretown — Edmundsion. Judge of County Court — Hon James G Stevens; Clerk, Barry R Plant. Parish Court Conjniissioners — Louis Peltier, Frederic JJadeau, St Francis; J W Baker, St Hilaire; Barry K Plant, Madawaska; Docite Bosse, St Jacipies; Jas Smith, St Basil; Abram Perron, St Anne; D O Burgoine, St Leonard. Commissioners for taking Affidavits to be read in the Supreme Court — A Kainsford Balloeh, Barry K Plant, Frederic Laforest, C A David (iagnon. High Sheriff — J F Rice; Clerk of the Peace, A Rainsford Balloeh. Judge of Probate — A Rainsford Balloeh, ClerK of Circuits — Barry R Plant. Registrar of Probates — Hilaire Peltier. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Levite Theriault. Vendor of Law and Probate Stamps— T M Richards, Edraundston. Inspector of Schools — E O'Brien. County Secretary — C A David (iagnon. Commistiioner for taking Special Bail — T Medley Richards. (.'ounty Treasurer — Hilaire Peltier. County Auditor — C A David Gagnon. Coroners — John Lynch, S C Hudon, Pxlwin Akerly, Mathias Nadeau, B R Violet, Hilaire Peltier, HA Codillard, Florent Fournier, Levite J Cyr. Inspector of Licenses— Maxime Martin. Commissioners to Solemnize Marriage — Edwin Akerly, P^noch Baker. J. & A. McBULLAN PUBLISH SCHOOL BOOKS. »l ^i is IIM NoKTIIUMHIOULANn ('OUNTY. HoiilHiT, St I^eonani ; SHOES of all Kinds at WATER3URT k RISINQ'S, 61 King and 212 Union SU lHHiH>rH of Marriaj^c Lic<MiKeH -TIkih EinuKTHoii, I' () Uyrun, T Metilev liiclianls. Uo>j;istrar of Deaths, t'tr-Harry K I'Innt. Labor Act CoinmiHsiuiu'rH I) () Hurgoiii, St Leonard; Alfred VoiHrio, I' A Tliiltodoaii, St IJaKil ; Ililaire IVIticr, MadawaHka; F) KoHHcau, St Jiic(pH"< Trt'lllc SiroiH, St Hilaire; T I'eltier, St KranciH ; Abraham I'uron, St Anne A Vj IlaoHon, whole <'onnty. CoinnuHHioners Free (Grants C'rown TjandH — Flasi UoiiHHeaii, St .Iac(HioH ; Fras Michaiid, St nihiirc. (lunu' Ward('n--.IoHopIi Martin, KdmnndHton. l?oard of Health — See page 4;"). Coiiiiiy I'oiincil. I'ariKh of St. Francis — Matliias Nadean and . Parish of St. llilairt — liaphael Albert and .\<lol|)he Dai^le. Parish of Kdinnndston — Milton Dayton and Joseph Martin. Parish of St. Jacqnes -Joseph (iiiimond and Docite Hosse. Parish of St. Basil — Victory Martin and Oyrille Thibodeau. J'ari.di of St. Anne — Heloni (>r and Denis K (lyr. Parish of St. Leonard — Isaac lUjcau and Andrew Ijcvescpje. CCIINDN Rctlll'IIH, 1K)M. St llilaire SH( ( I'hi: Cl.a lliri I'n K (ol u will, ( K«lnnnidston 1,()8;5 St Anni 973 St Hasil l,r)r)7 ISt Francis 2,040 Total 994 St Jaccpies 874 St Leonanl 2,39:! ,10,r)14. COUNTY OF NOiniiUMHKRLANl). Shirctown — Ntwcmtle. Judge of the County ('ourt— Hon W Wilkinson ; Clerk, Samuel Thomson Deputy Clerk, Chas J Thomson. Commissioners for P.irish (,\)urt — (Jeorge \\ Fraser, Chatham ; Charles J Thompson, Newciustle; Arthur O'Donnell, lilissiield, T W Underbill, Black ville. Stipendiary Magistrate -Chatham, S V McCulley. I'olice Magistrate— Newcastle, J<din Niven. Commissioner for taking liail, etc, in the Supreme Court — Wm Park. Clerk of the Circuit.s — Samuel Tliomson, (^ ^> IVp^'^y ^"'^'•'k, Charles.) Thomson. High SberifV John Shirretl'. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — Sanuiel Thomson, t^ (' Deputy Clerk, Chas J Thomson. Judge of i'robate — Sanuicl Thomson, Q C. Registrar— ( I B Fraser. Registrar of Deeds anil Wills — John Lawlor. Vendor of Law and Probate Stamps — (Jeo P Fniser, Chatham. li;;me Warden — William Wvse. ALL BRANCHES OF BOOK-BINDING AT McHILLAN'S, ST. JOHN, N. B. r NoHTIIUMnKKLANI) CoUNTY. 119 (■(1 Voisne, 1* A [UI, St JUCCIIU'H iron, iSt Anne St lA'onani ; \i 212 Union 8u' I SHOES of all Kinds at WATERBURY & RISING'S. 61 King and 212 Union Sts. ran, T MedlevB Coroners— Robert B Wasson, Edward Rogers, John S Benson, B N T rnderhill, John Ballen. MI); Jf>hri Bond, John Johnson, Wni P Bisho|i, I'liineftH Williston. Alfred C Srniih, M I); John McDonaUl, M D; Joseph ('liii[)hiin, John McDonahl, AUix (i Williston, Francis J Desinond, M I), ami Hinini A Kish, iM I). IsHuers of Marriage Licenses -Samuel Thomson, Daniel McMillan, F L IVdoliii, Harvey I>oak, John S Bond and \Vm H Salter. Revenue Oflieers -Daniel Ferguson, (Jollector, (Chatham; VV'm A Bark, Collector, Newcastle; B B Wheeler, Waiter, Searcher and Lo(;ker. jliflhor Act CommissionerR — itomain Savoy, Alnwick; Denis Kyan, New- (nslfe; Neil (Jordon, Northesk ; liohert Barks, Southesk ; Calixter C Chias- s<iii, Kogersville and (ilenelg ; Josepli VVilliston, Hardwick ; Thos Doolan, Nelson; T W Crocker, Derhy ; ,M N T Underhill, Blackville; Samuel Freeze and Burk Archibald, Blisstieid ; Joseph Sobey, Sugary Settlemcat, ConimissiontTH Free (Irants Crown Lands — Meleme Cliiasson, Bleasant Kiilge; Meleme Maillet, Kogersville; John LeBlanc, Shediac Settlement ii rid East Kogersville; Alex G VVilliston, Hardwick; Henry Swim, Doak- tO' ri ; W R McCloskey, Boiestown ; Horatir* J Lee, Burnt Church; Joseph Soliey, The Sugary; John Keys, Derby; B N T L'nderhill, Blackville. Vendoix of Li(juors — Chas Hickey and Herbert Ballen, Chatham. Crown Land Surveyors — W E Fish, Newcastle; Samuel Freeze, Doaktov.n. .\lms Hou.se (jommissioners — K KCall, Donald McLauchlan, B NT l'nder- hill, Geo Bnrchill, James Tweedie, Southesk ; Batrick Hennessy, Simon Sinip.son, Alnv.'ick; Robert Swim. BlissHeld ; Ambrose Arsenault, Kogers- ville; Wm T Connors, Chatham; Arthur O'Donnell, Ludlow; John (ira- hain, Derby. Consular Agents-Norwegian, E Hutchinson ; United States, R K Call ; (lerman, Alex Morrison ; French, Hon J B Snowball ; Italy, Geo Watt. Board of Health — See page 45. County Council. Secretary-Treasurer— Samuel Thomson. Parish of Ludlow — John S I'ond and William A Brown. Blissfield — Wm Russell and Edward Mersereau. Blackville — David G Schofield and Denis P Sullivan. Northesk — Michael Ryan and David Whitney. vSouthesk — Thomas Johnston and Jared Tozer. Derby — James Robinson and John Betts. Nelson — Thomas W Flett and Ephraim Hayes. Kogersville — Augustin A Richard, J David (Jaudet. Newcastle — Donald Morrison and William Lyons. ' hatham — William Kerr and N Cunningham, (ilenelg — Wm V I -Hock and James Cameron. Hardwick — Phineas Williston and Jeremiah Sullivan. Alnwick — William Anderson and James W Robertson. 994 874 2,39:! luiel Thomson m ; Charles ■) derhill, Black m Park, rk, Charles 'homson, (^ C JOHN, N. B. Cen.sus Keturnn, 1H91. Aiinvick *2,060 Blackville 2,(H)6 Blissfield 894 Chatham '\ti4i Derbv S71 CJlenelg 1,882 Hardwick 1,170 Ludlow 805 Nelson 1.907 Total Newcastle 4,006 Northesk l,58t) Kogersville 1,879 Southesk 1,045 25,715 MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. 120 Queens County. J. & A. McHILLAll PRINT BALL PROORAIUIES IN THE BEST STYLE. COUNTY OF QUEENS. Sh iretoxrn — Gagetown. Supreme Court — Circuit opens on the third Tuesday in May and the secmiij Tuesday in October. Commissioner for taking Special Bail in the Supreme Court — R T Babtmt Commissioners for taking AtHdavits to be read in the Supreme Court — J R Currey, R T Babbitt, Gagetown ; Thos Leonard, Petcrsville ; Isaac C Burpee, Chas E Langan, Chipman; Samuel L Peters, Ilampstead; James Palmer. Canning; Arthur W Ebbett, Gagetown; Henry Todd, John W Perry, Jas F Roberts and S M Starhey. Johnston. County Court Judge — Hon James Stead man ; Clerk, J R Currey. Terms, fourth Tuesday in May and fourth Tuesday in October. Judge Probate Court — A W Ebbett; Rtgistrar, J R Currey. Conmiissioners of Parish Courts — H J DuN'ernet, Gagetown; W H White. Cambridge; Thos Leonard, Petcrsville; B S Palmer, Hampstead ; Geor^a- J Worden, Wickham ; Isa.sc C! Burpee, Chipman; D Palmer, Canning; Jas F Roberts, Johnston; Geo E McLean, VVaterborough ; Samuel E McDonali!. Brunswick. Jurisdiction !*!80 in dfbt, $o2 in tort. Issuers of Marriage Licenses — Wni H White, Benj S Palmer, W C King, D M Pearson, John Law. Brunswick H Smith, Jas F Roberts, W iJ Butler. J A Mott and Robert McMann. Coroners — R T Babbitt, Ambrose Palmer, R D Akerly, Isaac C Burpee, Malcolm C McDonald M i>, Abraham Wiggins, Thomas H Pearson, James ii Hethcrington, T W Perry. J E Nugent, m d, F J Purdy, Jarvis G Syiilier, H J DuVernet, T J Otty Earle, m d, I W Carpenter, Duncan McLean. Auctioneers — David H Ferguson, Jotham P Belyea, Amos S Corey, Wm Cooper, B S Babbitt, Gagetown; Wm Ilawkshaw, Thos Leonard, Petersville: Jas Pearson, T VVm Perry, Wm Somerville, John.ston ; W S Butler, Canning; Lawrence O'Leary, Brunswick; Thomas Dykeuian, Cambridge; I S V'anwurt, Hampstead. Licensed Vendor under the Canada Temperance Act — John ^V Dickie, Gagetown. High Sheriff— Thos W Perry; Deputies, Wm Brander, .1 P Vanbuskirk. Clerk of the Peace — A W Ebbett. Vendor of Law and Probate Stamps? — R T Babbit, Gagetown, Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Robt T Babbit; Deputy, Ella A Sirapsnu. Divisional Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths — Ella A Simpson. Postmaster — Levi Tuck, Ciagetown. Crown Land Surveyors — Jas Kerr, Hampstead ; Dnncan McLean, Grand Lake; S M Starkey, Johnston; Peter Yeamans, Newcastle. Labor Act Commissioners — Howard Alward, Brunswick; S M Starke;, Johnston and Wickham ; Duncan McLean, Cambridge, Canning and Water- boro; Isaac (J Burpee, Chipman ; James Kerr, Petersville. Game W^arden — H O Bransct)mbe. Board of Health — See page 45. Meniber.s of Council. Warden- -R D Richardson. Secretary -Treasurer — R T Babbit. Auditor — C D Dykeman. Brunswick — R H Corey and Joseph Beacli. Cambridge — Wellington Cox and Arch Purdy. JOB PRINTING EXECUTED PROMPTLY AT J. & A. McHBLLAN'S. BEST STYLE. and the secdinj — R T Babhitt, me Court — J R saac C Burpee, James Palmer! I Perry, Jas F urrev. Tennj, ; W H Wliite, ead ; Cteorj^'e J anning; Jus F E McDonaM. ler, W C Kino ts, VV 8 Butler. »aae C Burpee, irson, James ii ■vis G isyiilier, VIcLean. 5 S Corey, AVm d, Petersville; itler, Canning; I S Vanwiut, in \K Dickie, /anbuskirk. A Simpson. \. Simpson. cLean, Grand M Starko:, K and Water- Restioouche County. 121 t. LLAN'S. LEGAL BLANKS ^D STATIONERY ALWAYS IN STOCK AT MCMILLAN'S. Canning — A McM Thurrott and Daniel Palmer, jr. Chipraan — H^ Hay and Jsaar Fraser. (iagetown — John W Dickie and Tlios H Gilbert. Hainpstead — Edgar B Paliner and David Nickerson. Johnston — John Leonard and S C Perry. Petersville — Harry W Woods and Peter Lingley. Waterborough — Wm Snodgrass and Alonzo F Barton. Wickham — James McCrea and T M Carpenter. Council meets third Tuesday in January and the first Tuesday in July. Ceusus Returns, IKSU. Brimswick 381 Gagetown 1,029 Waterborough 1,352 Cambridge 1,3'^0 Hampstead 1,130 Wickham 935 Canning 806 Johnston 1,588 Chipman 1,651 Petersville 1,914 Total 12,152 COUNTY OF RESTIGOUCHE. Shiretown — Dalhousie. j Judge of the County Court — Hon Wm Wilkinson ; Clerk, James S Morse. Coramiss'oners for Parish Courts — W S Smith, Dalhousie ; Chas Murray, AcMington ; John S Barritt, Colborne. High Sheriff — James E Stewart. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — J S Morse. Judge of Probate — James S Morse. Registrar of Probate — John Barbarie. Register of Deeds and Wills — John Barbarie. Deputy Crown Land Surveyor — D McMillan, C E. Revising Officer — Judge Wilkinson. Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths — Hatty L Johnson. Issuer of Marriage Licenses — Wm 8 Smith. Vendor of L:iw and Probate Stamps — Catherine Phillips, Dalhousie. Auditor — James S Harquail. Supervisors of Roads — Patrick Ultegan, Ebenezer McMillan, Peter Lavio- lette, Neil Shaw, David Graham and John Dawson. County Treasurer— Wm Monigomery. County Secretary — H A Johnson. Commissioners for taking Bail in the Supreme Court — Charles Murray, Campbellton ; Wm Montgomery, Dalhousie. Harbor Master — William S Smith. Revenue Officers — Wm Montgomery, Collector, port of Dalhousie ; Deputy Treasurer, Arch McKenzie, Campbellton. Coroners — James S Morse, Allen McKendrick, Wm Disbrow, M D Victor, J A Vernon, M D, W Doherty, M D. Fishery Wardens — Albert Verge, Cross Point ; Donald McLean, Charlo ; James McMillan, Jacquet. Restigouche Agricultural Society — John Barbarie, President; James S Reid and Alex Dickie, Vice-Presidents ; William Montgomery, Secretary- Treasurer. Crown Land Surveyor — Daniel McMillan, Charlo Station. Labor Act Commissioners — Daniel McMillan, the whole County ; Murdock Murray,Upper Addington ; Alex Diotte, Addington ; John Giroux, Colborne ; John P Mclntyre, Dalhousie ; Lawrence LaPoint, Durham. J. ft A. MCMILLAN PUBLISH ARCHER'S SHORT HISTORY OF CANADA. 122 St. John Citt and County. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRINTINO AT J. & A. HcHILLAirS. ;i ')i 1 CoraraiHsioners Free Grants Crown Lands — D O'Keeffe, Colbrooke; Diivid Hiekie, Lome Settlement ; Donald Murchie, Sunnyside; Ja]{ies Noble, Daw- sonville ; John G Mclntyre, M Brook, Lawrence Arseneau, Mitchell Settle- ment. Game Warden — John S Bassett. Board of Health — See page 45. Municipality of Kestigfouclie. Warden — Thos Hayes. Addington — Wm McRae and Jas Millar. Dalhousie — Capt Chas Powell and Denis A Arseneau. Colborne — Wra Mawhinney and Wm Fraser. Durham — John Culligan and Thos Hayes. Census Returns, 1891. Addington 2,751 Dalhousie 2,532 Eldon and Res R.. 154 Colborne 901 Durham 1,973 Total 8,311 If t$. MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN. County Council. Warden — John B M Baxter, Alderman, City of St John. Councillors {ex officio) City of St John — Geo Robertson, Mayor ; Aldermen Patrick McCarthy, D J Purdy, I E Smith, Chas McLauchlan, H V Coopt , John E Wilson, Alex L Law, George H Waring, Stephen G Blizard, John H McRobbie, Thomas Millidge, William Christie, John McMulkin, John Mc- Goldrick. Parish of Lancaster — Wm F Barnhill, Robert Catherwood, Robert Evans. Parish of Simonds — John McLeod, Joseph Lee, Daniel Horgan. Parish of St Martins — Robert Carson, Alexander W Fownes, George R McDonough. Parish of Musquash — Joseph A Baleen, Frederick B Dunn. Secretary and Clerk of the Peace — Geo R Vincent. Treasurer — J S Boies DeVeber, Auditor — Richard Whiteside. Marshal — Geo W Stockford. Meetings of Council — Second Tuesday in May; third Tuesday in July; first Tuesday in Octoter ; third Tuesday in January. Standing" Committees. Finance and Accounts — The Warden, Couns Christie, McGoldrick, McRob- bie, Cooper, McLauchlan, Purdy, Robertson, Catherwood, Evans, McLeod, Lee, Carson, Fownes, Balcom. County Buildings — Tlic Warden, Couns Blizard, McCarthy, Waring, Smitli, Wilson, Law, Millidge, McMulkin, Barnhill, McLeod, Horgan, Fownes, Mc- Donough, Dunn. Bills for Legislature and By-Laws and Regulations — The V/arden, Couns Millidge, McCarthy, Christrie, McGoldrick, Robertson, McLauchlan, Cooper, McRobbie, Catherwood, Lee, Fownes, McDonough, Balcom. Public and School Lands — The Warden, Couns Carson, Cooper, Smith, Blizard, Wilson, Millidge, Christrie, McMulkin, Barnhill, P>ans, Lee, Hor- gan, McDonough, Dunn. To act with the Sheriff in regard to the Performance of Hard Labor Sen- LAW BRIEFS AND FAGTUHS PRINTED WITH ALACRITY AT McBOLLAN'S. St. John City and County. 123 !. k A. MCMILLAN'S PAPER RULDia CANNOT BE SURPASSED. tcHces in Jail — Couns Purdy, Waring, Bliznrd, McCarthy, McLauchlan, Mc- Robbie, Law, McGoldrick, Catherwood, McLeod, t'arson, Balcom. Relief of Indigent Ratepayers — ('ouns Smith, Purdy, Waring, Blizard, Wil- son, Law, McMulkin, Barnhill, P>ans, McLeod, rlorgan, Fownes, Mc- Donough, Dunn. CITY AND COUNTY OF ST. JOHN. sheriff — H Lawrance Sturdee ; Deputy Sheriff and Keeper of Jail, John Rankine. Turnkeys — Saraiiel Clifford and Wm J Cunningham. Clerk of the Peace and Secretary — Geo R Vincent. Coroners — D E Berryman, M D ; James Robinson, J P ; John Jordan, J P ; Joseph D White, MP; HE Gillmer, M D; Joshua Knight and George A Hetherington, M D. County Court Judge— Hon J Gordon Forbes; Clerk, M McDonald; Deputy Clerk, Alexander P Barnhill. Judge of Probate — Arthur I Trueman, D C L. Kegistrar of Probates — John McMillan. Parish (jourt Commissioners — WE Skillen, J P, St Martins; James H Bowes, J P, Simonds ; D H Anderson, J P, Musquash ; James Masson, J P, Lancaster, Kegistrar of Deeds — J Vernor Mcljellan ; Deputy, Henry Littlehale. Revising Officer Electoral Lists — E T C Knowles; Clerk, G McSorley. Clerk of Circuits — John Willett. Vendor of Law and Probate Stamps — T O'Brien. Commissioners of Alms House and Work House — G A Knodell, President ; Michael Coll, Isaac O Beatteay, Thomas Furlong, John McLeod, Thomsus R Hilyard, Wm Barnhill ; E .1 Wetmore, Secretary. Commissioners General Public Hospital — Wm Bayard, M D, President; R W Crookshank, Vice-President; M VV Maher, John Berryman, M D; T Walker M D; A C Smith, John McGoldrick; Wm A Christie, Resident Physician and Superintendent ; M F Bruce, M D, and G R A Crawford, M 1), Oculists and Aurists. I5oard of Examiners of Surveyors of Lumber — S K Wilson, W H Rourke, C F Clinch. Commissioners of Slaughter Houses — Thos L Hay, Chairman ; P Gleeson, Uriah Drake, S G Blizard, John Nugent; Wm Shaw, Secretary; C H Bnstin, Inspector. Commissioner of Indian Reserves under Act Vic, c 25 — Wm Bayard, M D. Chief Game Commissioner for the Province of New Brunswick — E J Wetmore. Game Warden — Leonard B Knight. Surveyor of Crown Lands — Wm Murdoch. Labor Act Commissioners — J W Paterson, St Martins ; O Hanson, Lan- caster. Issuers of Marriage Licenses -W A Lookhart, St John ; R N Knight, Carleton ; W E Skillen. St Martins; Wni Glenn r.rown, Indiantown. Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths — John B Jones. Visiting Phvsician, Port of St. Joiin, John E March, M D; Seizing Officer, Geo H Tapley. For Commissioners to take Affidavits, see end of Roll of Barristers and Attorneys. Board of Health — See page 45. • I 1 ■ V ¥ cBOLLAN'S. I PROGRAMMES AND POSTERS PRINTED IN Al STTLE AT McBULLAN'S. 124 St. John City— Government. MCMILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS CANNOT BE EQUALLED Of CANADA. SAINT JOHN CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor — George Robertson. Recorder — Charles N. Skinner, Q ('. Common Clerk — Herbert E Wardroper. Aldermen-at-Large — Daniel J. Piirdy and Patrick McCarthy. Aldermen, Kings Ward — Hedley V Cooper. Queens Ward — Charles McLauchlan. Dukes Ward — Stephen G Blizard. Sydney Ward — George H Waring. Guys Ward — Israel E Smith. Brooks Ward— John B. M, Baxter. Wellington Ward — John E Wilson. Prince Ward — John fl McRobbie. Victoria Ward — Alex L Law. Duflierin Ward — Thomas Millidge. Lansdowne Ward — William Christie. Lome Ward — John McMulkin. Stanley Ward — John McGoldrick. Chamberlain — Frederick Sandall. Director of Public Works — A Chipman Smith. Director of Public Safety — Robert Wisely. City Engineer — Hurd Peters. Clerk to Mayor's OflSce — Clarence Ward. Accountant in Chamberlain's Office — David R Willett. Clerks in Chamberlain's Office — Geo F Harding and Duncan G Lingley. Superintendent of Ferries — H Adam Glasgow. Superintendent of Streets — George H Martin. Board of Assessors of Taxes — Wm F Bunting, Chairman ; Uriah Drake, Richard Farmer ; Chief Clerk, Arthur W Sharp; Assistant Clerk, John C Chesley. Harbor Master — 'Charles S Taylor. Harbor Inspector — Joseph O'Brien. Chief Engineer Fire Department — John Kerr. High Constable — Geo W Stockford. Boards of Management. Treasury Department — McRobbie, Chairman ; Blizard, Cooper, McGold- rick, Law, Christie, Baxter, McMulkin, Waring. Public Works Department — Christie, Chairman; Blizard, McCarthy, Baxter, Wilson, McLauchlan, Law, Smith, Millidge. Board of Management Department of Public Works — Christie, Chairmau; Baxter, McLauchlan, Blizard, Law. Public Safety Department — McGoldrick, Chairman; Millidge, Wilson, Cooper, Smith, McLauchlan, Waring, McRobbie, Purdy. Standings Committees. Appeals — Law, Chairman ; Blizard, McRobbie, Smith, McGoldrick, Wilson, McMulkin. Bills and By-Laws — Millidge, Chairman; Baxter, McCarthy, Cooper, Blizard, Christie, McLauchlan. JOB PRINTING PROMPTLT ATTENDED TO AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S. \ St. John City — Fire Department. 125 CANADA. I Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. A A. McMILLAirS. Skinner, Q ('. Jarthy. G Lingley. Uriah Drake, lerk, John C per, McGold- d, McCarthy, ie, Chairman; idge, Wilson, drick, Wilson, rthy. Cooper, iMILLAirS. Fire Department. Chief Engineer — John Kerr. District Engineers — Geo Blake, No 1 ; Chas F Brown, No 2; Wm McLeod, No 3 (West End). Steam Fire Engine No 1 — Joseph H Green, Engineman ; Geo G Drake. Stoker of Engine and Hose-cart Teamster ; David McDermott, Driver of Engine. Hosemen — David Deamess, Foreman ; James Manson, Assistant ; T D'Leary, jr, Wm G Kee, jr, Jas Robinson, Roland J Evans, Wm A Watson, Fred Allen ; snbstitutes, Andrew Garrick, Fred Kee. Steam Fire Engine No 2 — Charles Piercy, Engineman ; Charles Conway, Stoker of Engine and Hose-cart Teamster ; Howard Saunders, Engine Driver; Hosemen — Albert Winchester, Foreman; Walter S Vaughan, Assistant; Francis McAfee, John Shaw, Peter McGourty, John H Selfridge, Allan N Nixon, M Reynolds, John LeLacheur, jr ; substitutes, William J Cox, Fred Meneley, Wm Taylor. Steam Fire Engine No 3 — John E Wilson, Engineman ; B Corley, Stoker of Engine and Hose-cart Teamster ; Wm McGinley, Engine Driver. Hose- men — E W Barlow, Foreman ; Jas Thomas, Assistant ; Norval McLauchlin, Oliver Thompson, Edward E Evans, James Sterling, jr, Thos G Richardson, Charles Roberts ; substitute, James MacKay. Steam Fire Engine No. 4 — Edward P Leonard, Engineman ; Alex John- stone, Stoker of Engine and Hose-cart Teamster ; Michael Finnegan, Engine Driver. Hosemen — John Bond, Foreman ; Thos Ogler, Assistant ; David A Speight, Alex Duncan, Wm McLellan. John Coholan, Wm Munroe, John E Kelley; substitutes, Geo Kellv, Geo Chamberlain, Fred Heans. Steam Fire Engine No 5 — John Montague, Engineman ; Joseph Carr, Stoker of Engine and Hose-cart Teamster ; Arthur Delaney, Engine Driver. Hosemen — Geo Kee, Foreman; Alex Scott, Assistant; Hazen B Brown, Andrew Ramsay, John Duffy, Robt McKay, Kenneth McKenzie, Michael Ready, George McGee; substitutes, George Scott, Thos McMurray, Robert H Rubins. Steam Fire Engine No. 6 — Jas Lemon, Engineman ; Chas W Christopher, Stoker and Hose-cart Teamster; Robt Allan, Engine Driver. Hosemen — J Alfred Ring, Foreman ; Isaac Amos, Assistant; John Fawcett, Ezekiel Mc- Leod, H Lee. Thos H Johnstone, Fred Ring, W^m Harned, Edward Ogler, J Wesley Pike; substitutes, Joseph Nealy, Chas Sweet, John Brown. HOOK AND LADDER COMPANIES. Pioneer No 1 — Chas Jackson, Foreman ; Geo B Barker, Assistant Foreman ; Robert H Nichol, Jeremiah McAdoo. William J Tait, Richard Welsh, John Hamilton, James Dinsmore, Wm H Ellis; Geo McDade, Driver; substitutes, James Walsh, Henry Green, Geo Dunlavy. No 2 (West End)— Wm Howard, foreman; Geo Fawcett, Asst Foreman ; Wm J Cooey, Jas W Peters, Thos McLeod, Jas Lord, John P McAndrews ; John Carvill, Driver; substitutes, James Smith, Chas Clark, Harry McLeod. No 3 (North End) — Wm Campbell, Foreman ; Robt Lee, Asst Foreman ; Wm O'Leary, John Mclntyre, A F Scott, Joseph Carson ; Hugh J McElroy, Driver; substitutes, John Edwards, William Kilpatrick, Stephen McJunkin. Driver of Chief's Wagon and H and L Driver — Lawrence Mahoney. Superintendent of Fire Alarm — John E Wilson. J. A A. MCMILLAN SUPPLY WEDDING INVITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. f ^ f.i ':■ t?t; ■• 7-\ lit I! > it t li ji.* 3' 126 St. John City — Fire Alarm. McMILLAM'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS PROK ALL MAKERS. City of St. John Fire Alarm Telegraph. SOUTH END. No. Locality of Boxes. 2 No 2 Engine House, King square. 3 No 3 Engine House, Union street. 4 (Jor (Jarnen and Sewell street*! 6 Cor Mill and Union streets. 6 Parker Bros' Drug store. Market square. 7 Mechanics Institute. 8 Cor Pond and Mill streets. 9 Foot of Union street (East). 12 Cor Petei"M and Waterloo streets. 13 Cor St Patrick and Union streets. 14 Cor Brussels ind Richmond sts. 15 Everitt's Foundry, Brussels street. 16 Cor Brussels and Hanover streets. 17 Cor Erin and Brunswick streets. IS Cor Union and Carmarthen streets. 19 Cor Courtney and St David streets, 21 Waterloo, opposite Goldirig street. 23 Cor Germain and (?hurch streets. 24 Cor Princess and Charlotte streets. 25 No 1 Engine House, Charlotte st. 26 City Hall, cor Prince William and Princess streets. No. Locality of Boxes. 27 Breeze's Corner, northwest side King square, 28 Cor Duke and Prince Wm strei'tj<. 31 ('or King and Pitt street**. 32 Cor Duke and Sydney streets. 34 Cor Wentworth and Princess sts. 35 Queen street, between Genniiin and Charlotte, 36 Cor Queen and Carmarthen sts. 37 Cor Sydney and St James streets, 38 Carmarthen, between Duke air' Orange streets. 41 Cor St James and Prince Wm st.s. 42 Cor Wentworth and Duke streets. 43 Cor Broad and Carmarthen streets. 45 Cor Britain and (Jharklte streets. 46 Cor Pitt and St .James streets, 47 Sydney st, near Exhibition Gate. 51 City Road, near Skating RinI:. 52 Pond st, near Fleming's Foundry. 53 JCxmouth street, near Richmond. 61 General Public Hospital. 62 Cotton Mill, Courtenay Bay. NORTH END. 121 Stetson's Mill, Indiantown. 122 Cor Main and Bridge streets. 123 Electric Car Shed, Main street. 124 Cor Adelaide Road and Peel st. 125 No 5 Engine Hou3e, Main street. 126 Douglas Road, opposite Tapley's. 132 Harailtcn's Mill, Strait Shore. 134 Rolling Mill, Strait Shore. 135 Cor Sheriff st and Strait Shore 142 Cor Camden and Portland streets. 143 Main street. Police Station. 154 Long Wharf. 213 Paradise Row. 231 No 4 Engine House, City Road. 241 Cor Stanley and Winter streets. 253 Schofield's Terrace, Wright street. 312 Rockland rd, op head Millidge st. 321 Cor Somerset & High sts, Ft Howe 412 Cor City Road and Meadow street. 421 Marsh Bridge. Police Department. Office: King Street, East (adjoining County Jail). Police Magistrate — Robert J Ritchie; Sitting Magistrates, Hon Thomas R Jones and G A Henderson ; Police Clark, Geo A Henderson ; Chief of Police, W Walker Clark ; Detective, John Ring ; Assistant Clerk, Chas McDonald ; Samuel Wilson, Sergeant, Mayor's Office. Southern Division — Captain, Frederick W Jenkins ; House Sergeants, John Owens, John Hipwell; Sergeants, Geo Baxter, Alex Watson, Henry Kilpat- rick; Acting Sergeants, John Smith, Geo Corbett,. A vard Anderson ; Officei-s, Jas McDonald, Jas McLaughlin, Patrick Killen . Jas Campbell, Hugh Gilson, I^mont Thome, Patrick Walsh, W H Finley, Thos Bnrchill, Thos Evans, Jas H Goslin, Geo A Earle, Solomon D Hamm, George Garnett. J. & A. McMillan make a speoialtt of color printinq. 4 St. John City — Hackney Carriages. 127 :j.iukers. 1. xes. irthweat side ; Wm streets. reete. y streets. Princess sN. ;en Gennaii) arthen sts. kmes streets. n Duke an' ince Wm sts. Duke streets, rthen streets. 'Ic'tte streets. fs streets, ibition Gate, ing RinI:. g's Foumlry. r Richmond, ital. %y Bay. Station. City Road. Iter streets. '^ right. street. Millidgost. sts, Ft Howe adow street. Thomas R ■ of Police, McDonald ; eants, John nry Kilpat- n ; Officers, iigh Gilson, hos Evans, VISITINO CARDS PRINTED EXPEDITIOUSLT AT J. k A. McI^ILLAirS. Northern Division — Captain, Aaron Hastingn; Sergeant, Thomas Caples ; Otiicers, John Myles, Robt Hamilton, Edward DhUod, L'hiis Amos, \V J Mc- Connell, James Seraple, Wm Boyle, James Covay, Jas Greer, .John Merrick.. Western Division — Sergeant, Jacob Ross; Officer, Jas McLarren. HACKNEY CARRIAGES.— Districts. First District — To comprise all that portion of the city on the easterly side of the harbor lying to the eastward and southward of a line beginning at the sontherly end of the westerly side line of Portland street ; tlience running northwardly along said line of said street to the northerly line of Miin street and Paradise row to Wall street ; thence northerly along Wall street '.o Winter street; thence eastwardly along Winter street and Celebration street to the I. C. Railwsvy ; thence continuing eastwardly along said railway to Gilbert's lane, and thence in a direct line to the Marsh bridge (so called). Second District — To comprise all that portion of the city on the easterly side of the harbor, as aforesaid, lying to the northward of No 1 district, as above defined, and to the southward of a line beginning on the easterly side of the River St John, at the mouth of Spar Cove creek (so called) ; thence running eastwardly ^'.p stream and along the said creek and Newman's brook to the bridge crossing the same at Adelaide street ; thence eastwardly to the south west wardly line of Liilv lake, where the westerly line of the Gilbert property strikes the same, and thence southeastwardly along said Gilbert line to the Marsh bridge, aforesaid. Third District — To comprise all that part of the city on the eastern side of tlie harbor and of the River St John lying to the northward of the second district, as hereinbefore defined. Fourth District — To comprise all that portion of the city lying on ihe western side of the harbor. Rates of Fare. The prices or rates of fares to be taken and recovered by and paid to the owner, driver, or other person having charge of any licensed Hackney Car- riage, shall be as follows, that is to say: For conveying one passenger to or from the I. C. R. station from or to any part of districts Nos. 1 or 2, the sum of 30 cents, and for every additional passenger of the same household the sum of 20 cents; other passengers not of the same household, each 30 cents. For conveying one passenger to or from anv one part of said districts Nos. 1 and 2 to any other part ojT the same district, 30 cents, and for every other R. H. Grbkn. EstabUshed 1873. G. Hkru. Gkekm. R. H. GREEN & SON, Copperplate ^ Lithographic Printers, STENCIL PL.VTES, NOTARIAL <» COMPANY SEALS A SPECIALTY. 122 and 124 GERMAIN STREET, rnvQ. EMBOSSINO NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S. ST. JOHN. 128 St. John City — Cartage Districts. m'\ •■• f VcMILLAirS BIIfDERT is the MOST OOHPLETE in the Itoltime Provlnceg. additional passenger of the same household, 20 cents; other passengers not uf the same household, each 30 cents. For conveying one passenger from any one part of districts Nos. 1, 2 or 4 from or to any one part of an adjoinin district, 50 cents, and for each additional passenger of the same household the «um of 40 cents ; other passengers not of the same household 50 cents, and '_•() cents additional for each district passed through. For conveying any passen- ger or passengers to and from districts No. 3 the rate of fare shall be settlod by agreement of the parties. When detained at any place by any passen^fr there shall be an additional fare of 50 cents for every half-hour detentidii. When agreement for hire is made by tlve hour, the fare shall be the sum ot $1 for each hour, and in that proportion for each division by the quarter of the hour. In case any driver shall be required to cross the ferry of the harbor to or from Carleton, he shall, in addition to the above fare, receive the ferriaj,'e charges for himself, his carriage and horses, both going and returning. Every owner, driver, or person having charge of any hackney carriage, shall, wiien requested so to do, carry with each passenger one trunk, and also an addi- tional valise, carpet-bag, portmanteau, bundle, basket, or other article used in travelling, without charge or compensation therefor ; and for every additiotiiil trunk or other article more than is hereinbefore provided, he shall be entitled to demand and receive the sum of 5 cents. Cartage Oistrlcts. For the purpose of regulating the price of cartage within that part of the city of St. John on the easterly side of the harbor, such part of the city shall be divided into ten districts, as follows: First District — To comprise all that part of the city bounded by a line l)e- glnning at a point on the southerly boundary of the grounds of the I. C. R. where it strikes the water ; thence eastwardly along the said southerly bound- ary to the easterly side of Mill street; thence continuing eastwardly along Pond street to a point 100 feet eastwardly of the easterly line of George street; thence southwardly parallel to George street to the northerly line of Union street; thence eastwardly to a prolongation of the easterly line of Prince William street; thence southerly along said prolongation and said line to the southerly line of Queen street ; thence westwardly along a prolongation of said line to the harbor ; thence northerly along the harbor front to the place of beginning. Second District — To comprise all that part outside of the first district, bounded by a line beginning on the northerly side of Pond street at the east- erly boundary of the first district; thence eastwardly along the said northerly line of Sewell street ; thence continuing eastwardly along the northwardly line of Sewell street to the easterly line of Peel street ; thence southerly along said easterly liue to the northerly line of Carleton street; thence eastwardly along said northerly line to the easterly line of Coburg street; thence southwardly along the easterly line of Coburg and Charlotte streets to the southerly line of Queen street; thence westwardly along said line of Queen street to the boundary of the first district. Third District — To comprise all that part outside of the second district, bounded by a line beginning on the southwesterly corner of the Long wharf (so called) ; thence along the westerly line of the said wharf northerly to the northerly side of Main street ; thence eastwardly along the northerly line of Main street and Paradise row to the easterly line of Wall street; thence southwardly along said easterly line to the easterly line of Dorchester street ; \. R. B. HUHPHRET, HARD and SOFT COAL, 29 Smyth Street. Telephone 250. St. John City— Cartage Districts. 12^* e Provinces. ■ SHOES of all Kiads at WATERBURT & RISING'S, 61 King and 212 Union thence soutljwnrdly alon^ mU] easterly line to the northerly line of TTnzen stret't ; llience eastwardly along saiil northerly line to the easterly end of (Janlen sirc't; thence southwardly along said easterly line to the northerly line of I'aildook street; thence eaHtwanllv along said n()rtherly line to the easterly line of Waterloo street ; thence southwardly along said easterly line and lh« easterly line of Mydnev street to the southerly line of St. James street ; thence westwardly along said line to the easterly line of the Keed's Point wharf jtroperty ; thence southwardly along said property line to the water, and thence westwardly and noithwiirdly along the harhor front to the boundary line of the first district. Fourth District — To comprise all that part outside of the third district, bounded by a line beginning at the water's edge on a southerly prolongation of the westerly side of Acadia street ; thence northwanlly along said westerly side of Acadia street and a prolongation thereof to the southerly side of Rock- land street ; thence eastwardly along said southerly line to the northerly line of Moore street; thence continuing eastwardly along the said northerly line of Moore street and a prolongation thereof to the easterly side of Millidge street ; thence still continuing eastwardly on a line parallel to Paradise row, at a distance of 150 feet therefrom to the northerly side line of the street running from Harris street to Wall street; thence along snid northerly line to the northerly side line of Wall street; then along said side line of Wall street to the northerly side of Winter street ; thence easterly along said north- erly line to the easterly line of Factory street : thence along said easterly line tothel. C. R. ; the»:oe easterly along said railway to the northerly side of Stanley street ; then., j southerly along the said side line to the southerly line of City road ; thence to the southeasterly side of Blair street ; then along said line of said street to the easterly line of Rock street ; thence southerly along said line to the Hazen line ; thence eastwardly at right angles along said Hazen line to the northerly end of Hazen street ; thence westwardly along the north- easterly side of Hazen street to the northerly side of Coburg street; thence southwardly along said line to the northerly line of Cliff street; thence east- wardly along said line to the easterly line of Waterloo street ; thence northerly along said line to the northerly line of Richmond street; thence eastwardly along said line to the easterly line of Brussels street; thence southerly along said side line and the easterly line of Ciifmarthen street tr) the southerly line of Broad street; thence westwardly along said line and a prolongation thereof to the water's edge ; thence continuing westwardly along the water front to the boundary of the third district. Fifth District — To cnrnprise all that part outside of the fourth district, bounded by a line beginning at the water's edge at a prolongation of the east- erly line of Simonds street ; thence northerly along said line to the northerly line of Main street; thence eastwardly along said line and the northerly line of Rockland road to the northerly line of Burpee avenue ; thence northesvsterly to a prolongation of St. Paul street ; thence northeasterly to the northerly end of Spring street; thence to northerly end of Sunmier street; thence on a prolongation of line last mentioned to a prolongation of the easterly line of Stanley street; thence southwardly along said line to I C R; thence easterly along said line to northerly line of Clyde street; thence southerly along the said line to the easterly line of the City Road ; thence southeasterly along the said line to the southern boundary of the Public Hospital grounds; thence southerly along said boundary to the easterly line of Waterloo street; thence northerly along the said line to Middle street (so called) ; thence easterly R. B. HUHPHRET, HARD and SOFT COAL, 29 Sniyth Street. Telephone 250. If 130 St. John City — Cartaoe Dihtricts. J. k A. MoULLAN PRIMT BALL PROORAMMES Of THE BEST STYLE. fi fi f ) :S ulong tlu> nortlu'rlv line of Middlu Htreot to the cftHterlv line of HruHHelfl Btn-i'i; thence Hoiilltcrly iilon); siiid line to the northerly line of Clarence Htreet ; thencf euHtwardly altMi^ siiid line to the eoHterly line of Erin Htreet ; thence hoiii||. wardly alo'i^ Kuid line and the easterly line of St. Patrick and Wentw<»rth Htreets to the Hontherly line of Sheffield street ; thence westwardly along said line to the wewterlv line of ('harlotte street extension. Sixth l)iHtrict — To comprise all that part outside of the fifth district, bounded by a line beginning at the southerly end of a prolongation of the westerly liiii' of Harrison street; thence northwardly along said line to the northerly line of Main street ; thence along said line westwardly to the westwardly lino of St. Ijiike's church proiierty ; thence northwardly along said [)roperly line .'ind a prolongation thereof to a prolongation of the northerly line of Elm streit; thence eastwardly along said prolongation and said line to the westerly boiin- <lary of the fifth district, and thence southwardly l)v said bountlary to the water's edge. Also that portion outsi<le of the fifth (listrict bounded by a line beginning (m the southwesterly corner of Erin and Clarence streets ; thence eaxtwardly along the northerly side line of Clarence 'street to the easterly line of Albion street ; thence southerly along said line and the easterly line of St. David and Pitt streets to the southerly line of Sheffield street; thence went- wardly along said line to the easterly boundary of the fifth district. Seventh District — To comprise all that part outside of the sixth district, bounded by a line beginning on the shore of the Kiver St. John at a point where a nrohmgation eastwardly of the northerly line of the Hilyard property on Dougla.s avenue strikes the same ; thence westwardly along the said pro- longation and the said Hilyard line to Douglas avenue aforesaid ; thence continuing westwardly along a westerly prolongation of said Hilyard line to the water's edge at Marble Cove ; thence northerly along said water's edge to the westerly line of Harvey street; thence northerly along said line to the northerly line of Main street; thence crossing said street northerly along the westerly line of Elgin street to the nort "-ly line of Metcalf street; thence easterly along said line to Adelaide street; itience crossing the same eastwardly along the northerly line of Elm street to the boundary of the sixth district. Also all part outside of the sixth district bo.inded by a line beginning at the northerly corner of Stanley and Celebration streets ; thence easterly along the northerly line of Celebration street to the I. C. K., and continuing along said line of railway to Gilbert's lane; thence southwardly to the easterly line of Marsh street; thence southwardly along said line and a prolongation thereof to the branch line running to the deep-water terminus, and thence continuing southerly along t.ild branch to the easterly eml of Sheffield street; thence southerly, westeny and northerly along the water's edge to the boundary of the sixth district on Charlotte street extension. Eighth District — To comprise all that part outside of the seventh district, bounded by a line beginning at a point on the line of the River St, John 800 feet southwestwardly from where a southeasterly prolongation of the soutli- westerly line of Bentley street strikes the said shore; thence northwardly parallel to Bentley street till it strikes the shore of Marble Cove. Also all that part outside the seventh district bounded by a line beginning on the shore of Marble Cove at the point where the westerly line of Cedar street strikes the same ; thence nortnerly along said line to the northerly line of Main street; thence eastwardly along said line to the westerly line of Albert street; thence northerly along said line to the northerly line of Newman street; thence easterly along said line to Adelaide street ; thence continuing eastwardly, R. B. HUMFHRET, HARD and SOFT COAL, 29 Smyth Street. Telephone 250. »T STYLE. MIHHelH HtH't't; <lreet ; tlu'mv hence Hoiitli- il Wentworth ly along Niiid trict, hounded westerly line lortherlv line 'nrdly hno of •ertv line and [ Elm Htreit; esterly boiin- ndary to the ided by a line reels ; thetue ! easterly line -ly line of St. thence west- id. ixth district. n at a point yard property <lie said pro- esaid ; thenoe ilyard line to iter's edge to i line to the rly along the reet ; thence ne eastwardly xth district, nning at tlie rly along the ig along said sterly line of fttion thereof e continuing :reet; thence houndary of nth district, St. John 800 >f the south- northwardly e. Also all on the shore treet strikes ne of Main -Ibert street ; man street ; f eastwardly, iphone 250. St. John City — Cartaoe Districts. 131 JOB PRUimfO EXECUTED PROHPTLT AT J. k A. MoVILLAN'8. , . I rowing Raid street to the corner of Parks street and Mount Pleasant avenue; thence still continuing enstwardly along the northerly side of Moinit IMeasiint awemie to a prolongation northerly of the easterly line of (iooderich street ; t 'lice southerly along said prolongation to and along the easterly line of (itxxlerich street to the northerly line of iSeely street; thence easterly along the line last mentioned and a prolongation thereof lo the northerly line of (lilhert's lane; thence south w -rdly to the easterly line of the fourth street t'roni the Marsh creek ; thence southerly along said line and crossing the Marsh and old Westmorland roads to the westerly line of Trinity church burying (jroiHid, and thence due south to the easterly boundary of the city. Nintli District- -To comprise all that part outside of the eighth district, boimded by the Kiver St. John, the division line of Stanley ward, and the eaj^terly boundary of the city. Tenth District — To comprise all Stanley wanl. Table of UatcN of Cartuy^e in the City of St. John. DISTRICTS. ARTICLES AND WKIGllT. 1st. 2d. lad. 4th. 5th. 6th.|7th.!8th. 9th. 33 43 28 $ 0. For a load of wood (quarter of a cord), 16 For a loud of coals (naif a chiildroii), '25 For a loud containing l.'WO Ihs. of urain, salt, pota- toes, or any other articles measured at loading or unloading, except coals, 17 For a pipe of wine, gin, or brandy, and hoiisin}{, within the door of the first floor 60 For a puncheon of rum, or a tierce of sugar, from 7 to 10 cwt., and housing 30 For a puncheon of molasses, a hogshead of sugar, of 10 cwt. or upwards, or a hhd. of tobacco and housing, I 40 For a hogshead or puncheon of cider, or a load of| dried fish of 15 cwt., and storing. 25 For a load of shingles, hoop poles, heading, staves,; treenails, smoked fish in noxes, salmon in kits,| dry goods, or load of any other article not herein i mentioned, or a hogshead of lime, or a hogshead I or crate of earthen ware, or two tierces of earth-! enware, a hogshead of dried fish, two tierces of| toffee, or quantit.v n bags not exceeding 12 cwt., I or a load conta-uing six bags of salt, sav about i;<50 B)s, or a load containing six barrels flour,! or five barrels of sugar, fish, beef, pork, turpen-j tine, or cider, or half a ton of iron, or the samei quantity of cordage in coil, not exceeding 4} cwt., or a load of any article not herein nien-< tioned, ' If For a 64 gallon cask of wine, rum, gin, brandy,: molasses, or porter, or for a load of sand, gravel,, or stones, or a load of 4 barrels of any spiritu- ous liquor or raolaases 20 23 For cables and cordage, in coils above a cwt., or i if to coil, per ton, or if for hay, loose, per ton,... 1 00 For hav, screwed, per ton, i 50 For bricks, per thousand, 80 For lumber, per thousand feet. 60 For the carriage of any article or articles not ex-j ceedingbslfalcad, ' 10 8 0.1$ c. 8 c. 8 c. S c. $ c. 8 c. 8 c 18< 20 281 30 20 22 I 63' 66 18 1 05 54 85 65 13 35 45 30 20 25 1 10 57 90 70 15 23; 25 28. 30| 38 40 33 35, 37 40 46; 50 25 68 37 48 28i 30 70 ; 73 40 42 i 501 53 36; 38 23 28 15 25 30 83 76 45 66 40 281 30 33 85! 4f> 78 83. 47 52 68' 6S 48 4S 33 3S 36' 38! 4S I I 1 201 26 1 30 1 351 40 601 64^ 67 70 73 7R 95 1 00 1 05 1 10 1 15 1 20 801 85i 90 96,1 OO 75 18 20' 23' 25 28' 3» All cartage in the Tenth District is to b« paid according to agreement, no rates being fixed. R. B. HUHPHRET, HARD and SOFT GOAL, 29 Smyth Street. Telephone 25(!. 1 I ] I; 132 St. John City — Cartage Districts. BOOK AND PAMPHLET PRINTING A SPECIALTY. J. & A. McMILLAN. 1 1 i : F'or household furniture, without reference to districts, loading and housing: One horse load, 75 cents; more than one horse: $1. When agreement is by the hour: Single team, 60 cents; double teams, $1. For Pony Carts, Express Carts and Express Wagons, and housing : DISTRICTS. Ist. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10c. 12c. 14c. 16c. 18c. 20c. 22c. 24c. 30c. 10th — By agreement. For Hand-Carts and Porters, and housing : Ist. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10c. lie. 12c. 13c. 14c. 15c. 16c. 17c. 25c. 10th — By agreement. CARLETON DISTRICTS. The First District to comprise all that part of Carleton lying north of Kodney street and west of Market place. The Second District to comprise that space lying beyond the First District northward of Rodney street, extending west to Ludlow street. The Third District to comprise the space lying beyond the Second District northward of Rodney street, extending west to Watson street. The Fourth District to comprise the space lying beyond the Third District northward of Rodney street, extending west to the City line. The Fifth District to comprise the space lying south of Rodney street, and «a8t of Germain street. The Sixth District to comprise the space lying beyond the Fifth District and beyond the south line of Rodney street, and extending west to Ijudlow street, and to the north side of Germain street. 'i'he Seventh District to comprise all the space lying beyond the Sixth District. The rates of prices of cartage for loading, carrying, or unloading (nnd hoiising, in certain cases), of goods, wares, merchandise, wood, and other articles, on the westerly side of the harbor, from any place within the limits I^J^I^EI^ I^.TJIjEK.S, I.CIiM.I«ti>«,(«l.'l.(S^I.(4<M.I«><M.(<u'<.«S<M.I*l<>«.>>t<'l.;S«'«.>*k4M>>«Wiy<.l*l>N.I*l<MiMW'ti«H«<«.l<M'ltMt<').'<tl Book-binders, Printers, Publishers, '«lil*lt'«.(*t<'l.l>t«>I.Mk^l>>«t<«l.*<l«<M>k«'l.>H<>l.>Sri^l>«*tyi.l*l<'I.IH^I.»N<'t>*S<*«.»S<«».|(l|>Mia>tt«4t('lt>«ll'll"l<' 98 PRINCE WM. STREET, ST. jrOHIV, N. B. B. B. BUMPHRET, HARD and SOFT GOAL, 29 Smyth Street. Telephone 250. | St. John City — Cartage Districts. 133 . McMillan. y and housing; jble teams, ^\. ng: th. 4c. ith. 7c. 9th. 30c. 9th. 25c. lying north of ! First District Second District Third District ney street, and Fifth District est to Ludlow ond the Sixth inloading (and od, and other lin the iiraiU; ishers, ^ IV, rv. B. 'elephone 250. WEDDINa INVITATIONS IN LATEST NOVELTIES AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S. of tlie First District, theje to any place within the said several Districts, shall be :is follows: Table of Kates of Cartage for Carleton. districts. articles and weight. l8t. 2d. 3d. ;4t i5th.|6th.|7th. \$ c. S c. S c. 8 c. $ c.!$ c. 9 c, For a IoikI of wooti (quarter of a cord),.... For a load of coals (half a chaldron), For a load containing 15 tiu.shels of grain, aalt, potatoos, or any other articli'8 measured at loading or unloading, cxct'pt coals, Fur a pipe of wine, gin, or brandy, and housing within the door of the first tloor, For a puncheon of rum, or a tierce of sugar, from 7 to 10 cwt., and housing, For a puncheon ol molas.ses, a hogshead of sugar, of 10 cwt. or upwards, or a hogshead ol tobacco, and housing. For a hogshead or puncheon of cid(!r, or a load of dried tish, of 15 cwt., or a common load of household goods, and storing, For a load' of shingles, hoop poles, staves, heading, tree- i:iils, smoked fish in boxes, salmon in kits, dry goods, or two half-hogsheads lime, or a hogshead or crate of earth- enware, or two tierces of earthenware, a hogshead of dried fish, or two tierces coffee, or quantity in bags not exceeding VI cwt., or a load containing 6 barrels flour, or 5 bbls. sugar, fish, beef, pork, tar, pitch, turpentine, or cider, or naif a ton of iron, or the same quantity of lordage in coils, not exceeding 4 cwt., or a load of any other articles not herein mentioned, For a 64 gallon cask of wine, rum, brandy, gin, molasses, or porter, or for a load of sand, gravel, or stones or a loaa of 4 barrels of any spirituous liquors, or molasses,.. For cables and cordage, in coils above 4 cwt., or if to coil, per ton, or if for hay, loose, per ton, For hay, screwed, per ton, For bricks, per thousand, For lumber, per thousand feet, F'or the cartage of any article or articles not exceeding half a load, la 2o, 17 00 30 40 15 18 20 23i 25 28 3U 33; 35 37 201 22 25 28 I 1 ' 63; 65; 68i 70 30 73 33j 35 43! 45 25, 28 30 15> 18 20 20 23 26 381 40 42 48 50 33 35 53 38 23< 25 28! 30 28 33 1 00 1 05 1 10 1 15 1 20 1 25 50 54 57 CO 64: 67 80 85 90 95 1 00,1 05 60 65, 70 75 80' 85 10: 13; 15 18! 20 23 28 40 33 75 45 55 40 30 35 1 30 70 1 10 90 25 For Hand-Cartmen and Porters for loading and carrying any articles on any hand-cart, and housing according to the following scale. For the 1st District, Scents; 2nd Districc, 6 cents; 3rd District, 7 cents; 4th District, 8 cents; 5th District, 9 cents; 6th District. 10 cents; 7th District, 11 cents. For the cartage or carriage of any of the before mentioned articles fiom one place to another within the same district, the rates of cartage shall be ihe same as are hereinbefore provided for the first district above mentioned, and for the cartage or carriage of any of the said articles from any one district to another district next adjoining, the rates or prices of cartage shall be the same as are hereinbefore provided for the second district ; and for the cartage or carriage of any of the said articles from any one district tj another not next adjoining, the rates or prices shall be the same as are iK^reinbefore provided for the third, fouith, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth or ninth districts respectively ; that is to say, if one district intervenes, tlie rates or prices for the third ; if two, the rates or prices for the fourth ; if three, the rates or prices for the fifth ; if four, the rates or prices for the sixth ; if five, the rates or -prices for the seventh ; if six, the rates or prices for the eighth ; if seven, the rates or prices for the eighth ; i^" eight, the rates or prices for the ninth, MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. if i. t '■T 134 8t. John City — Rates of Pilotage. ALL BRANCHES OF BOOK-BOfDUfG AT MCMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN, N. B. Board of School Trustees for St. John. C W Weldon, Chairman ; Wm E Vroora, D R Jack, W D Baskin, M Coll, Oeorge A Hetherington, M D, D H Naae, Thomas Gorman, C B Lockhart. John March, Superintendent; Edward Manning, Secretary. Pilot Gominissioners. H D Troop, Chairman; Charles McLauchlan, jr, R C Elkin, E Lantalum, ■Capt Wm Thomas, J VVillard Smith, James Knox. J U Thomas, Secretary. Pilots — Thomas Trainor, Edward J Fletcher, Joseph Doherty, John L C Sherrard, Thomas J Stone, James Doyle, Henry Spears, John Thomas, John Sproul, Richard Scott, Patrick Conlin, James Reed, jr, John Spears, Charles Daly, Wm Lahey, Martin Spears. Richard Cline, James McPartland, James Bennet, James S Spears, James E Mantle, Wm Miller, Wm Quinn, Alfred dine, Bartholomew Rogers, Wm Scott, Robert Thomas, P G Doody ; John McAnulty for Musquash. Rates of Pilotage. Office of Pilot Commissioners, District of St. John, N. B., April 7, 1886. By-Laws to amend the Pilotage By-Laws of 1875, and the By-Laws amending the same. In the place of Sections 11 and 12 of the By-Laws, and By-Laws amending the same, all of which are hereby cancelled, substitute the following: Rates of Pilotage for all Sailing Vessels entering and leaving the Port of St. John, N. B. Inwards — First District, from Partridge Island to Musquash Head, bearins; NW, per foot draft of water, $1.50. Second District — From Musquash Head to Point Lepreaux, NW, per foot draft of water, $1.75. Third District shall be from the outside limit of the Second District to a bound ranging from the North Head of Grand Manan to Liberty Point, bear- ing NW by W, North Channel ; and from Machias Seal Island to Cape Sable Seal Island, bearing SSE, South Channel, per foot draft of water, $2.25. Cjutwards — From the harbor of the Port of St. John, N B, to outside of Partridge Island, per foot draft of water, $1.25. Down the Bay of Fundy, when required, shall be two dollarn ( ""?} per foot draft of water, over and above the one dollar and twenty fiv'. •' j>.its ($1,251 harbor pilotage outwards. Transporting — If any Pilot shall be employed in the removal of any ship or vessel within the Port or Harbor of St John from any mooring ground to any wharf, or from any wharf to any mooring ground, or from one wharf to another wharf, and such Pilot shall see said vessel properly secured and moored, he | shall be entitled to demand and receive for such services as follows : Prcvideil always, that if, on the arrival of any ship <>r vessel into the harbor of St John, circumstances prevent such ship or vessel from being placed on the mooring | ground or at the berth intended by the master, owner or consignee of such ship or vessel, it shall be the duty of the Pilot piloting such ship or vessel I inward to pilot the same when being removed to such mooring ground or berth, if such removal takes place within twenty-four hours after tlie arrival of such ship or vessel, as aforesaid, without any extra charge for the same. J. & A. MCMILLAN PUBLISH SCHOOL BOOKS. St. John City — Rates of Pilotage. 135 JOHN, N. B. II. taskin, M Coll, / B Lockhart. , E Lantalum, nas, Secretary. ^rty, John L C Thomw, John 5pears, Charles artland, Jarne^ Quinn, Alfred Doody ; John .pril 7, 188t). Laws amending jaws amending )wing : ng the Port of Head, bearins NW, per foot 1 District to a ty Point, bear- to Cape Sable r, $2.25. to outside of (C'?) per foot ••.uts ($1,251 of any ship or ground to any arf to another id moored, he ws : Prcvideil or of St John, the moorins ignee of such ship or vessel ig ground or er the arrival the same. JOB PRIMTING ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED AT ^. & A. McMILLiii;'S. For vessel not over 100 tons $1 50 Over 100 tons, and not exceeding 200 tons 2 00 " 200 " •' 300 " 3 00 " 300 " " 400 " 4 00 And 25 cents additional for every fifty tons such vessels may measure over 400 tons. All steamers not otherwise exempt by the Pilotage Acts shall pay the fol- lowing rates of pilotage for entering and leaving the port of St. John : Inward — First District, from Partridge Island to Musquash Head, bearing ,\W^ per foot draft of water, $2. Second District, from Musquash Head to Point Lepreaux, NW, per foot draft of water, $2 50. Third District shall be from the outside limit of the Second District to a bound ranging from the North Head of Grand Manan to Liberty Point, bear- ing NW by W, North Channel ; and from Machias Seal I(*land to Cape Sable •Seal Island, bearing SSE, South Channel, per foot draft of water, $3. Outward — From the harbor of the Port of St. John, N B, to the outside of Partridge Island, per foot draft of water, $1.75. Down the Bay of Fundy, when required, shall be two dollars and seventy- live cents ($2.75) per foot draft of water, over and above the one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) harbor pilotage outwards. Transporting — If any pilot shall be employed in the removal of any steamer within the port or harbor of St John, from any mooring ground to any wharf, or from any wharf to any mooring ground, or from one wharf to another wharf, and such pilot shall see the said steamer properly secured and moored, he shall be entitled to demand and receive for such services as follows: Pro- vided always, that if on the arrival of any steamer into the harbor of St John, circumstances prevent such steamer from being placed on the mooring ground or at tLe berth intended by the master, owner or consignee of such steamer, it shall be the duty of the p'lot piloting such steamer inwards to pilot the same when being removed to such mooring ground or berth, if such removal takes place within twenty-four hours after the arrival of such steamer as aforesaid, without extra charge for the same. For all steamers not exceeding 100 tons $2 00 Over 100 tons, and not exceeding 200 tons 2 50 " 200 " " 300 •• 3 75 " 300 " •• 400 " 5 00 And thirty cents additional for every fifty tons such steamer shall measure over 400 tons. It being understood if a steamer drop two anchors in the harbor on arrival she is considered moored, and any removal is a transportation. (Signed) J. V. THOMAS, Secretary. Privy Council, Ottawa, 9th June, 188G. I hereby certify that the foregoing By-Laws of the Pilotage Couiniissioners for the District of St. John, Province of New Brunswick, amending the Pilot- uf^e By-Laws of 1875, and the By-Laws amending the same, have been ap- proved bv His Excellencv the Governor-General in Council on this, the 9th <lav of June, 1886. ' JOHN J. McGEE, Clerk Privy Council. HcBULLAN'S BINDERY is the MOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Piovinces. I'r. 136 St. JopN City — Rates of Wharfage. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF COMMERCIAL PRIIITIIIG AT McMILLAlTS. I ^. IlL. ' Harbor Master's Fees. For every vessel (except steamers) plying between St. John and Digl)y in i Nova Scotia and ports in the Bay of Fondy to the eastward of the entrance | of the harbor, and woodboats and river craft : For vessels of 30 tons, and under 50 tons. u II II II 50 75 100 150 200 800 400 500 75 100 150 200 300 400 600 550 i 50 76 I 00 1 25 1 60 2 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 And 26 cents for every 50 tons such vessel may measure over 500 tons. Provided, however, that for all decked vessels under the burthen of 100 tons, owned and registered in this port, and for all vessels under that tonnage, owned or registered elsewhere, when trading within the Bay of Fundy, or trading and arriving from ports to the northward of Cape Cod, west of Cape Canso, or from any port in Nova vScotia, there may be paid to the Harbor Master, in lieu of the several sums of money mentioned in the scale afore- said, an annual sum, according to the following scale, viz: For vessels under 30 tons $ 75 " of 30 tons, and under 50 tons 1 00 " 50 " " 75 " 1 50 " 75 " " 100 " .. 2 00 in case the master or owner shall elect to make such annual payment on the first arrival of any such vessel in the said harbor after the Slst day of March in each year, and at the time of making such election shall also pay the same to the Harbor Master. Anchoragrc. For all decked vessels, not being ships of war or transports, or other vessels employed in the transportation of troops or munitions of war, or otherwise exclusively for the time being in the employment of Her Majesty's Govern- ment ; and except steamers plying between this port and the port of Digbyin Nova Scotia, and ports in the Bay of Fundy to the eastward of the entrance to this harbor, which shall arrive, come, or be brought into this harbor of St, John, there shall be paid on demand by the owner, master, agent, consignee, or person in charge of such vessels, respectively, to the use of the city corpor- ation of St. John, as a duty of anchorage for each and every time such vessel may so arrive, come, or be brought, whether such vessel shall anchor or not, according to the following scale, that is to say : For vessels not exceeding 50 tons $ 75 For vessels of 50 tons, and under 100 tons 1 100 " " 150 " 150 " '< 200 " " 2Gv/ " " 250 " " 250 " " 300 " And 25 cents for each 50 tons additional. Kates of Top Wharfage. Anchors and Chains of all kinds, per ton of 2,240 lbs, Ale and beer, per hogshead, each, " " barrel, each, " " half-barrel, each Barrels of Raisins, Pitch, Tar, Cement, Plaster of Paris, Whiting, Keans, Peas and Barley, each, Barrels of Flour, Bread, Meal, Onions, Apples and Potatoes, each, one cent. 00 25 50 75 00 twenty-five cents, seven cents, three cents, two cents. three cents. BOOK-BINDING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY FINISHED AT MCMILLAN'S. St. John City — Rates of Wharfage. 137 MILLAN'S. ■ i^AL BLANKS AND STATIONERY ALWAYS IN STOCK AT MCMILLAN'S. Half-Barrels of the same, each Firkins and Kegs of all kinds, weighing 28 lbs, and over, up to 50 lt)9, each, Weighing under 28 ftffl, each, Ballast, jor ton of 2^'40 lbs, Bricks.per thousand, I oalH of all kinds, per ton of 2,240 lbs, , Crates. Casks and Cases of Glass and Earthenware, per ton of 4U ciibic feet, each, Barrels of same, each, Carriages and Coaches, each, Carboys, each. day and Chalk, per ton pf 2,240 fts, Cattle, viz, Bulls, Oxen and Cows, each, " Heifers. Calves, Sheep and Lambs, each, Collce, C'ocoanuts, Walnuts, and other kinds of Nuts and Filberta, in bags, each bag Fish, dry, per quintal " per hogshead, each, '• per tierce, each " Smoked Herring, per box, Glass, in boxes of 100 leet, each, " smaller packages, each, Grains and Roots of all kinds, per 100 bushels Horses, Mares and Geldings, each, Hay, screwL-d, per ton of 2,000 fi)8, " unscrewed, per ton of 2,000 fcs, Hides, green, each, dry, " " in bales, each bale, Hollow Cast Iron Ware, Terra Cotta and Iron Piping, and Loose 8tove Castings, per ton Hampers, each, Lime, per hogshead, " barrel, Lumber of all kinds, per thousand superficial feet liStbs, per thousand, Liquors and Liquids, per pipe, each, " " nogsnead, each, " " quarter-cask, each, Minerals of all kinds, Coals excepted, not manufactured, per ton of2,240lbs, Uolasscs and Melado, per hogshead, each, " " puncheon, " " " tierce, " " " barrel, " Oil, Parafiine, Benzine and Kerosene, per barrel, each, Raisins, in boxes, per box " half-boxes, per box, ' quaiter-boxes, per box, Hugar, per hogshead, each, " tierce, " barrel, " ■Salt, in sacks, each, " in half-sacks, each, " loose, and Rock Salt, per ton of 2,240 B)8 Stoneware, Crocks, Demijonns, each Slate, per ton of 2,240 lbs, Stone of all kinds, per cubic ton, Sand, per ton .Shingles, per thousand, iiailway Iron, Iron in bars, bolts, sheets, plates, nails, spikes and pigs, per ton of 2,240 lbs, Tea. in boxes, each, " half-boxes, each, " smaller packages, each, Timber of all kindSj undressed, per cubic ton Wagons, Buggies, Gigs and other Vehicles, each, Wood, Lath and Fire Wood, per cord, Zinc, in sheets, bars, blocks, nails and spikes, per ton, one-half cent. one-half cent, one-quarter cent, tin cents, twenty cents, tive cents. ten cents, one cent, ten cents, one cent. t,( n cents, cents t ) cent*.. one cent, one cent, ten cents, five cents, one-quarter cent, one cent, one-half cent, thirty cents, ten cents, twenty cents, thirty cents, one-half cent, one-half cent, ten cents. twenty-five cents. one cent. five cents. two and one-half cents. ten cents. two cents. ttn cents. seven cents. three cents. ten cents, seven cents, seven cents, five cents, two cents, four cents, one cent, one-half cent, one-quarter cent, ten cents, seven cents, three cents, one cent, one-half cent, ten cents, one-quarter cent, ten cents, ten cents, live cents. tW9 cents. twenty cents, two cents, one cent, one-half cent, ten cents, ten cents, ten cents, twenty cents. t is is J. & A. McMillan pdbush argeer's short history of Canada. f 1. I r- i i< ' 138 St. John City — Timk Ball — Census Returns. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRINTINQ AT J. & A. HcHILLAN'S. All empty {)a(;kages to pay half the rate of full packages, and on all goixK wares and merchandise not hereinbefore enumerated and rated, to pay at the rate of twenty cents per ton, weight or measurement, at the option of the cdl- lector, lessee or proprietors of the wharf whereon the goods may be placed. Kates of Wliarfag-e. For every Decked Vessel of — 40 tons or under, 40 " " 50 " 11 CO '• tf 70 " ii HO " 11 <»0 " It 100 " 11 120 " 11 150 " 11 180 " ii 200 " 11 50, ()0, 70, 80, 1)0, KtO, 120, 150, 180, 200, 220. 30 220 35 240 40 200 45 280 50 300 65 320 60 340 70 300 80 380 90 400 1 00 450 1 10 220 tons or under 240, " 200, " 280, " 300, " 320, " 340, " 3fi0, " 3811, " 400, " 450, " 500, 81 .11 1 :■» 1 *! 1 .i(j 1 tid 1 :o 1 Ml 1 'j« 2 ijii 2-i:>\ 2 •ill And the sum of 25 cents for each additional 5 » tons. Time Ball, Customs Building:. The Ball will be hoisted half its elevation each day (Sunday excepted) ai| fifteen minutes before one o'clock. At one minute before one o'clock it will be hoisted its full height ; and at one o'clock, mean time, the Ball will Ik; I dropped. A chronometer keeping correct Greenwich time should then show oh. 24m. 16s., and the diflerence between this and the time shown by a chron- ometer is its true error on Greenwich time at the moment. As the above! hour of one o'clock, when the ball drops, represents 5h. 24m, 168. at Green- wich, the error of a chronometer may be ascertained, no matter where the I ship is lying. Masters of vessels arriving at St. John should compare their chronometers by the Time Ball, as it will enable them to get the sea ratej which frequently varies from harbor rates. Latitude 45° 16' 42'''' North. Longitude in time 4h, 24m. 16s. west of Greenwich. D. Leavitt Hutchinson, Director. P. S. — Any shipmaster entering this port, keeping a Meteorological Kegiv ter who may be desirous of having the accuracy of their barometers verified, can do so by comparison with the standard at the Observatory. D. L. H. I P.„| POPULATION — CENSUS OF 1891. Population of New Brunswick 321,294 ST. JOHN CITY. Prince Ward 4,348 Queens " 3,698 Svdnev " 3,240 Wellington" 3,806 Duflerin " 3,964 ST. JOHN COUNTY. Parish of Lancaster 4,211 Parish of St Martins 2,33o| Parish of Musquash 783 Parish of Simonds 3,0tlf| Population of City of St John 40,179 Population of County of St John 10,395 Total .50,574 Albert Ward 1,269 Brooks " 1,168 Pukes " 3,055 Guvs " 1,838 Kings " 2,762 Lansdowne Ward..3,628 Lome " ..3,112 Stanley " .. 952 Victoria " ..3,3;if LAW BRIEFS AND FAGTUHS PRINTED WITH ALAGRITT AT McHILLAirsJ 'RN8. LAN'S. (i on all K<><>(i\ , to pay at the tion of the cdl- ■ly be placed. 81 ■.1) 1 ;* 1 411 1 .id 1 lid 1 TO 1 Ni 1 'A 2 III 2-Ji 2 ill SuNBUiiY County. 139 fty excepted) at t o'clock il will e Ball will le uld then show wn by a chron- As the above . IGs. at Green- itter where the compare their it the sea rate, 6' 42^' North, ON, Director. ological Kegi< ueters verified D. L. H, ....321,294 ne Ward..3,62S| " ..3,112 « .. 9521 " ..3,:«J .2,335 .3,Ut'if J. & A. MCMILLAN'S PAPER RULING CANNOT BE SURPASSED. . COUiNTY OF SUNBUIIY. Sh irelown — Orotnodo. .Judge of the County Court — Hon .James Stcadnian; Clerk, Chas E Duffy. Commissioners of Parish Court— Cecil F McLoan, Burton ; Wm H Harri- gon, Sheftield ; \V H 8teeves, Lincoln; Thus K Smith, Blissville; Thomas L Alexander, Gladstone; J E Miller, sr, Northtield ; Jas S Kuymond, Mauger- ville. Clerk of the Circuits— Chas E Dufly. High Sheriflf^— James Holden. Clerk of the Peace — Chas E Dufly. Judge of Probate — George L Firown. Registrar of Deeds and Wills and of Probates— Emma E Estabrooks; Deputy, J D MacPherson. Issuer of Marriage Licenses — Moses H Coburn. Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages — Emma E Estabrooks. Commissioners for taking Affidavits and Bail — Moses H Coburn, Sheffield; Chas J Bailey, Fredericton Junction; Jas S White, Oromocto; Charles J Burpee, Sheffield. \'endor of Law and Probate Stamps — L McLean. Coroners — Gehardus Clowes, Moses H Coburn, John R Seely, Henry Rees, Albert Ferguson, '{ B Mitchell, Thomas P Taylor, David W Hartt, Thomas H Kelly, Geo A 1 erley, Geo F Grass and Henry Webb. Auctioneers — Hon Archibald Harrison, Geo A Perley and Jas S Wliite. Game Warden — Chas J Bur[)ee, Sheffield. Labor Act Commissioners — Newton Burpee, Sheffield ; Jas Fowler, Robert Harper, F E Biddiscombe, jr, Northfield ; John Miles, Maugerville; Robert Hughes, Lincoln and Burton ; Thos Smith, Blissville; Charles Tracey, Glad- stone ; Jas Tracey, Brown Ridge Road. Commissioners Free Grants Crown Lands— Fred Duplissey, Blissville ; John Keid, Peltoma. Time of holding Circuit Court — Second Tuesday in May, and th.'rd Tuesday in ( )ctober. Time for holding County Courts — Third Tuesday in June, and on the Wed- nesday next after the second Tuesday in October. ijoard of Health — See page 45. County Council. Blissville — John Murphy and Ford C Taylor, (iladstone — Wesley D Nason and Jeremiah Tracy. Lincoln — Albrey Grass and Abner Smith. Kurton — Geo Armstrong and Fred Babbitt. Maugerville — Geo F Banks and Geo A Perley. Sheffield — Thomas Thompson and Charles J Burpee. Northfield — James Powers and William Brown. Census Returns, 18$>1. Blissville 764 Burton 1,455 Gladstone Ull Lincoln 840 Maugerville 475 Northfield 603 Sheftield 713 Total 5,761 r ■ McMILLAirS,| PROGRAMMES AND POSTERS PRINTED IN Al STYLE AT McMILLAN'S. li 140 Victoria County. McHILLAK'S BLANK BOOKS CANlfOT BE EQUAUEO IN CANADA. «' il" W' (I 'r I It ' I . COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Shirclown — A ndover. Judge of the County Court — lion Jas G Stevens; Clerk, W Fred Keratoii. Clerk of the CircuitH— W Fred Kerston. Couunissioner for Parish Courts — James A Armstrong and E K Howard, Andover ; John Ryan, Gordon ; C W 8 liarker and P G Fraser, (irand FalU; A Hrymer, Perth. Police Magistrate for Parishes of Andover and Perth — Neil McQuarrio. Sherirt^— James Tibhits; l^eputy Sherill, .J J Kupkey. Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of the Peace — T J Carter. Judge of Probate— W Fred Kerston. Registrar of Probates — James Tibbita. Vendor of Law and Probate Stamps — T J Carter. Registrar of Deeds and Wills Harry II Tibbits. Deputy Registrar — H W Beveridge. Commissioners for taking Special liail — Adam Beveridge, John Costigaii. Issuers of Marriage Licenses — Wm Everett, G L Kelly, Benjamin Kilbum and A R Hallett. Commissioner under Imprisonment and Examination of Debtors' Act- Alex Straton. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — John Costigan, W Fred Kerston, Alex Straton, P G Fraser, John C McCluskey, Adam J Beveridge, Thos Lawson and T J Carter. Divisional Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths — James Tibbits. Game Warden— Martin Stafford. Board of Valuators — Jas P Kelly, John Ryan and Alex Straton. Coroners — George W Murphy, Leonard W Wilson and John W Tapley. Collector of Customs — Hugh F Taylor and Geo A Bedell. Preventive Officers — O B Baird and E Howard. School Trustees — Andover, William Currey, J A Perley anc' Ybraham Kup- key ; J A Perley, Secretary. Revising Officer for the Electoral District of Victoria — B R Plant. Crown Land Surveyors — A E Hanson and W B Hoyt, Andover. Labor Act Commissioners — Geo Baird, Andover; John McCluskey, Grand Falls; Benjamin Kilburn, Perth; John Smith, Gordon ; Jas Jenkins, Lome ; Daniel E Watson, Drummond. Commissioners Free Grants Grown Lands — Thomas Curaming, Kintore; Edward Abilgaarde, New Denmark ; Thos Knowles and Simon Leonard, Birch Ridge; John Smith, Three Brooks; Wm McPhail, Stonehaven; John Walker, Tilley. Board of Health — See page 45. County Council. Secretary -Treasurer — James Tibbits. Auditor— E H Hoyt. Andover— W E Spike and D B Baird. Perth — Albert Brymer and David Curry. Grand Falls— L W Wilson and C Mulherron. Drummond — W W Brayall and W Warnock. Gordon — J F Tweedale and John Ryan. Lome — J W Tapley and James Jenkins. JOB PRINTUfO PROMPTLT ATTENDED TO AT J. k A. MgMILLAFS. f- Fred KerHton. Westmorland County. 141 Bailroad and Steamboat Prtnting a Special Featnre at J. k A. HcMILLAlTS. Census ReturriN, 1801. Andover 1,242 (iraml Falls 1,696 Pniinmond 2,022 Lome 309 Gordon 743 Perth 1,792 Total 7,704. Debtors' Act- COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND. Shiretoum — Dorchester. . Judge of the County Court — Hon W Wilberforce Wells, Monoton ; Clerk, W Ilazen Chapman, Dorchester; Crier, Capt Silas Cole, Dorchester. .Iiidge of Probate — V W Eiiimerson. LL B, Petitcodiac. Registrar of Probates, Clerk of the Peace, Keeper of the Rolls, and a Com- mlHsioner for taking the Examination of Debtors — Chas E Knapp. Vendors of Law Stamps — H W Masters, Dorchester; S Crandall, Moncton. Vendor of Probate Stamps — S Edpar Wilson, Dorchester. Registrar of Marriages, Births and Deaths, and a Commiss'oner for taking Exiimination of Debtors — F A McCully, M A, Moncton. Commissioners of Parish Civil Courts, and Stipendiary Justices — F W Enimerson, Petitcodiac; Narcisse D LeBlanc, Shediac; Walter Cahill, Saok- vilie ; Charles A Read, Port Elgin. Commissioner of the Moncton Civil Court and Police Magistrate — Jacob Wortraan. Commissioners of Parish Civil Courts — W Ilazen Chapman, Maximilian F Richard, Dorchester; W F Creorge. Sackville; Geo Chapman, Salisbury; Aniasa Tingley, W Chapel SilUker, Westmorland Parish; John Riley, Adam Simpson, Botsford ; W B Deacon, Shediac; Amasa Killam, Moncton. High Sheriff — Angus McQueen. Clerk of the Circuits — Albert J Chapman. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Wm Backhouse; Deputy, W Frank Tait. Coroners — J W Chapman, Geo W Chandler, E T Gau'det, m d, Thomas A LeBlanc, Edwd P Doherty, M D, Dorchester; Jacob Wortman, Chas Somers, Clement Burk, Moncton; Robt Bell, John Baird, Sackville; G R Dixon, Rlwd Gooden, Westmorland; Wm Dobson, Botsford; J C Price, Nelson G Trites, Roland F Keith, Salisbury. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — W B Deacon, ET Smith, Shediac; W W Price, Salisbury; A L Wright, John McKenzie, Moncton ; Martin Trueman, Point de Bute ; and all Attorneys in the County. Commissioners for taking Special Bail in the Supreme Court — Walter Cahill, Sackville; Wm Backhouse, Dorchester; Wm B Deacon, Shediac; and the Judge of the County Court in the County. Issuers of Marriage Licenses — S W Tingley, Dorchester ; R A Borden, David Grant, A W Robinson, Moncton ; G M Bleakney, Charles A Keith, Abraham Steeves. Salisbury ; Geo Dobson, Rufus Oulton, Botsford ; Elisha Tingley, John Sproul, Sackville. Game Warden — Chas R Oulton, Botsford. Crown Land Surveyors — CE Lund, Sackville ; John W Patterson, Salis- bury ; A McN Russel, Moncton. Labor Act Commissioners — J A McDougall, Shediac; C E Lund, Botsford, Dorchester, Sackville and Westmorland; A McN Russel, Moncton. J. & A. McHLLAN SUPPLY WEDDDfO INVITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. ft I 5 M 142 York County. ■oMILLMf'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. i\ Meetin^H of Municipal Council — Kirst Tucstlfiy in Jiinuiiry and first Tiics- day in July. Notaries Public — See Rarristers and Attorneys. Hoard of Health— See page 4'). City of Moiicton. Mayor — II A Whitney, Aldernien-at-Large — Sanuiel Winter and II II Aver. Councillors— Ward 1, F W (iivan and .1 II Dunlop ; Ward 2, A C Chap- man and Dr EO Steeves ; Ward .'{, W I) Martin and C W Kobinson. Municipality of Wcstniorlatid. Warden — K Kay. Secretar; — S Edgar Wilson. Treasurer — A 1) Richard. Salisbury — Early Kay and S C Alward. Dorchester — Cluis Hickman and E T Gaudet. M I). Sackville — W'm Clark . nd Jas Smith. Westmorland — Amos Triieman and Geo C Copp. Botsford — P Ililey and Wm Peacock. Shediac — A T LeBlanc and J Ilerliert. Moncton — D Garland and S R McFarlain. Census Returns, 1891. Botsford 4,150 Moncton (parish). .5, 10") Shediac (5,217 Dorchester (5,858 Sackville 4,9cS4 Westmorland 2,10^ Moncton (city) 8,765 Salisbury 3,677 Total 41,484 II > COUNTY OF YORK. Shiretown — Fredericton. Judge of the County Court — Hon James Steadman ; Clerk, J H Barry. Commissioners of Parish Civil Courts — A E Cliff" and Geo McEwen, Kings- clear; Joseph Porter and E D Estabrooks, Prince William; John F Petty, Wm Murray and Thos Robinson, Manners-Sutton ; Jesse Christie, Whitfield Estey and Thomas Morris, Bright ; John L Fletcher and Geo S Peters, St Marys; Jarvis T Law and Peter Girdwood, Canterbury ; Wm Whitehead and John E Casey, Dumfries ; Adam Sharp and A C Whitehead, Queensbury; Lewis Fisher, New Maryland : Edward Spiers, Stanley ; Edward Pidgeon and John Pugh, Douglas ; W M McGeorge and J E Pomeroy, North Lake ; Thos W Purvis and Geo W Brown, Southampton ; Joseph Porter and E D Esta- brooks, Prince William. High Sheriff" — A A Sterling; Deputy Sheriff", John B Haw'ihorne. Clerk of the Peace — H B Rainsford. Surrogate and Judge of Probate — Francis A H Straton. Registrar of Probates — J H Barry. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Abraham D Yerxa ; Deputy, Elijah B Yerxa. Jailer — John B Hawthorne. Crown Land Surveyor — Peter Wood, Tweedside. Issuers of Marriage Licenses — Alex Bennett, David Glendenning, E Han- son, Wm Brown, T L Earle, James Swan, Geo Pelton and Chas G Main. Coroners — Geo H Vanwart, David Little, John Fletcher, Edward D Esta- J. & A. MCMILLAN MAKE A SPEOIALTT OF COLOR PRINTING. '■J. :i! ! York County. 143: ALL MAKERS ■ VISITING CARDS PRINTED EXPEDITIOUSLY AT J. A A. HcMILLAN'S. and first Tues- 2, A C Chill). )inson. -A D Richard. f).217 land 2,108 41,484 H Barry. cEwen, Kings- ohn F Petty, stie, Whitfield S Peters, St i^hitehead and Queensbiiry ; I Pidgeon and 1 Lake; Thos " E D Esta- jrne. ijah B Yerxa. ling, E Han- G Main, rard D Esta- NTING. hrookn, C/hnrlcH McfJihbons, (Mias F Ilobt-n. Alex Hay, (Jenrco X Howianil, Charles K Dow, David Moore, M D, Alfr«'d Kowlcv. Itaiikino D Brooks, Joint B(irant, Jesse Baker, D' vid Bartlett, Benjamin robiirn, M i>, OdKiir Dimpliy, David L (Jrant, Wilmot (Juion, Jaines Kennedy, Patrick Loekliart. John Marshall, James K I'iiider. Samuel Watts, Henry C Warneford, (} E (,'onlt- tianl, M I), Abraham Bennett, Barnett M Mnllin, M D, Theodore (' Brown, Win McKeen, Alex Kay, Leonar^l Miller. Laliop Act Commissioners — Samuel K Xason. New Maryland : Joiin Taylor, Manners-Sulton ; Jos .McCuteheon, Prinee William ; (ieorye F \ Jamieson, Canterbury; Henry I^urtt, Bright and Douglas; Dennis Connolly, Dumfries; .lolin L Foster, North Lake; Thos W Purvis. Southampton ; .John \ Munro^ St Marys and Stanley; John B Grant, Southampton: ("has Wright, Canter- bury ; Chas K Cropley, North Lake. Commissioner Free (Jrants ('rown Lands— Timothy W Smith, Millville. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court- -The several .\tt()rneys practicing in the County. Vendor of Law and Probate Stamps — J F McMurray, Fredericton, (Jonimissioner under Garnisiiee Act, cap. 43, ('onsc^lidated Statutes --John L Marsh. Licensed Vendors of I,iquors in the City of Fredericton, under cap. 9'.> of the Canada Temperance Act — Geo C Hunt and John M Wiley ; for Manners- Sutton, John T Petty. _ Game Wardens — Bright, Alfred Jewett ; Canterbury, Abraham Hillnian ; Kingsclear, Tobias Burgoyne, Patrick Lucy, David Essance ; Manners-Sutton, Timothy Stack, James Coburn ; New Maryland, Wm H McKnight, Dunbar D Nasson ; North Patterson, Andrew Howe, Samuel Mclntyre ; (Jueensbury (west), Moses Fleming; (iueensbury (east), David Mc(irath. Board of Health — See page 45. Municipal Council. Warden-^John McKeen. Secretary-Treasurer — John Black. Auditor — Jas W McCready. Division Ilegistrar — H B Rainsford. Bright, Dr O E Morehouse and Frank Bird; Canterbury, G F A Jamieson and J H Carr ; Douglas, W Harvey Lawrence and Geo Seymour ; Dumfries, John Scott and Thos Simmons; Kingsclear, John C Murray and A E Cliflf; Manners-Sutton, John Mowatt and Thos Robinson ; McAdani, E W Brownell and John Eales ; New Maryland. David M Fisher and A A Nason ; North Lake, David Cropley and Geo S Inch ; Prince William. Wm W Graham and Archie McMulJin; Queensbury, Alanson McNally and George F Knox; St Marys, Spencer Inch and Luther Goodspeed ; Southampton, Jas T Masten and Timothy W Smith ; Stanley, Donald Fullerton and John Hinchey. Corporation of Fredericton. Mayor— Wesley Vanwart. City Clerk — C W Heckwith Deputy City Clerk— J Hugh Calder. City Auditor — Jas F McMurray. City Trejusurer — John Moore. Market Clerk — Samuel Cook. Wharfinger — R A Estey. Aldermen — Wellington Ward, John McPherson and WH Anderson; St Ann's Ward, Geo Gilman and Geo W Adams; Carleton Ward, I R Golding and B A Everett ; Queen's Ward, Joshua Limerick and Martin Lemont ; Kings Ward, G N Babbitt and W Rosborough. VAty Marshal — James Roberts. Fire Department — Chief Engineer, Andrew Lipsett ; Assistant Chief, Geo EMBOSSING NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. McMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN. 'i \ ■ * i < i f 144 York County. HoMIUiAN'S BnfDERY Is the MOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Provlii ces. Hatt; Foreman No 1 Hose Company, John MpLiuiulilin ; Foreman No 2 Central IIohc ('onipatiy, Steve H Brown; Foreman No 4 Hose Company, II C Rutter; Foreman N<» '> Hose Company, Johnston McKeuzie; Foreman Honk and Ladder Corps, Nat J Smith. Alms House Commissiotier (Jeo Hatt; Keeper, A D Thomas. Manager City Hall — Chas VV Beckwith. Janitor ('ity Hall — Richard Sisson ; Collector of Licenses, J B Hawthorne. Road Commissioner — Wm McKay. * City Assessors — W J Crewdson, Principal ; John Richards and D B Barker, Assistants. Revis'trs — John Maopherson, I R Golding, G W Adams, Joshua Limerick, Wm Rosboroiij?h. Police Department — .Fohn L Marsh, Police Magistrate; John RiehanlK, Sitting? Magistrate. Policemen — Paul Phillips, Sergeant ; Zeb Wright, John O'Neill an(I George Rideout. Water Department— .\ld .Macphersnn, Limerick and Golding. Water Superintendent — Alex Burchill. Engineers of Water Works — John Taylor and Malcolm Ross. Fredericton School Board — A F Randolph. (Chairman (resigned) ; appointed by (iovernnjent, Dr Coulthard, and J L Inches (resigned) ; appointed oy Citv (Council, .\ .\ Sterling, Jas T Sharkey, VV^esley Van wart, and John J WeddalL Secretary, C \ Sampson. Board of Trade — Jas S Neill, President; A G Edgecombe, A A Lottimcr, Wm Lemont. J T Clarke, H H Pitts, C F Chestnut, J J Weddall, G W Hodge. A H F Randolph, F H Edgecombe. Secretary, Jar'es W McCready. Game Warden — R T Mack. Board of Health — See p..ge 45. York County Medical Society. President, A J Murray, M i), Fredericton Junction ; Vice-President, J W Bridges, m d, Fredericton; Secretary -Treasurer, G Clowes Vanwart, M n. Executive ('ommittee— Drs G H Coburn, W C Crocket, Fredericton; E B Fisher, Marysville; B M Mullin, St Marys Ferry. Audit Committee — Drs J C Sharp, Marysville; D R Moore, Stanley. Arrangement Committee— Drs W C Crocket and G Clowes Vanwart. This society meets on the fourth Thursday of each month, in the Consulting Room of Victoria Hospital. Census Returns, 1891. Bright 1,661 Canterbury 2,297 Douglas 2,880 Dumfries 689 Kingsclear 1,746 Manners-Sutton 1,693 Marysville (Town) 1,339 New Maryland 409 North Lake 755 Prince William 1,39« Queensbury 1,540 St Marys 3.354 Southampton 2,810 Stanley 2,406 FBEDERICTON. Carleton Ward 1,621 St Ann's Ward 1,588 Kings " 1,074 Wellington" 832 Queens " 1,887 Total 6,502 Total 30,979 BOOK-BINDING IN VEE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART AT MCMILLAN'S. Railways. 145 ne ProTlnces. ''oreman No 2 ]!o 111 puny, 11 (j 'oreman Honk 8. B Hawthorne. (1 D B Barker, liiia Limerick, )lin Ric'hanlH, Wright, John d) ; appointed ointe<( Dy Oitv hn J Weddali. A A Lottimer, I, GW Hodge. ready. J. k A. McMILLAH FURNISH ESTIMATES FOR SOGIETT PRUimiO. 'resident, J W ^anwart, m d. ericton; E B mmittee — Dre Committee— on the fourth hospital. . 409 . 7")5 .1,89S .1,540 .3,;^."i4 .2,810 .2,406 .1,588 . .^82 .6,502 IcmLLAN'S. RAILWAYS. Intercolonial Kail way.— -Miles o{>erated, 1,144. C Schreiber, C M G, Deputy Minister and Ciiief Kngineer of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, Ont. (Jeneral Officers resident at Monclon, N B — D Pottinger, (ieneral Manager; P S Archibald, Chief Engineer ; F H F Brown, Mechanical Sunerintendent ; Tlionias Williams, Chief Accountant and Trejwurer ; J J Wallace, (leneral Freight Agent ; John M Lyons, (ieneral Passenger and Ticket Agent ; T V Cooke, General Storekeeper. District Superintendents — James E Price, Halifax and St John District, Truro, N S; F D Laurie, Sydney and Oxford District, New Glasgow, N8; W Kennels, Moncton and Ste Flavie District, Campbellton, N B; A R Mc- Donald, Quebec and Ste Flavie District, Riviere du Loup, P Q. Canadian Pacific Uailway. (Atlantic Division.) II P Timmerman, General Superintendent, St John; E Tiffin, Cieneral Freight Agent, St John ; A H Notman, District Passenger Agent, St John; J II Van Ti'ile, Superintendent, Brownville Junction, Me; John Stewart, Sup- erintendent, Woodstock; J H Barber, Engineer, St John; M I Spaulding, Acting Master Mechanic, McAdani Junction. Miles operated, 055. New Brunsw 'k Railway Company. (LciLsed to Canadian Pacific Railway.) Robt Meighen, President; J Kennedy Tod, Vice-President; Alfred Seely, Secretary and Treasurer; W T Whitehead, Land Agent. Directors — SHmuel Thorne, John S Kennedy. J Kennedy Tod. Hon H () Northcote. D Willis Jiimes, Sir Donald A Smith, E R Burpee, Chas W Weldon, John McMillan, Robert Meighen, John Turnbull. Shore Line Railway. 8t John to St Stephen, 82 miles. Richard J Cross, New York, President ; Hugh H McLean, Vice-President and Managing Director, St John, N B; Frank J McPeake, Superintendent. Directors — lion Ru'^sell Snse, Richard J Cross, Giles E Trainor, Sidney Shepherd, Horace M Rugglcs, Frank Todd. Hugh H McLean. dg'in and Havelock Railway. '17 miles. H C Tilley, St John, N B, Secretary and Treasurer; J D Chip- man, St John, N B, General Manager; A H Robinson, Petitcodiac, N B, Superintendent; W W Killani, Petitcodiac, N B, Master Mechanic; J A Wheaton, Elgin, N B, Road Master. The Salishiiry and Harvey Railway Company. Salisbttry to Hillsboro, 24 miles, and to Harvey, 48 miles. Connections made with I. C. R. at Salisbury, east and west. A. Sherwood, Manager. Caraqnet Railway. From Gloucester to Shippegan, 70 miles. Patrick J Burns, President and Manager; John Sivewright, Secretary-Treasurer ; P J Burns, G M Duncan, m i>, Jacob White, Joseph Poirier, John Sivewright, Wm Walsh, Thomas Ahier, Directors. BT-LAWS AND PAMPHLETS NEATLY PRINTED AT McHILLAN'S. -I '1 « 146 Railways- -Banks. J. & A. McMILLAlf PRINT BAU. PROGRAHMrS IN THE BEST STYLE. Prince Edward Island Railway. D Pottinger, General Manager Canadian Government Railways, Moncton, N B; Alex McDonald, Superintendent; H W Anderson, Foreman Mechaniciil Department ; J J Chappelle, Storekeeper and Mechanical Accountant ; H S Coffin, Car Foreman. Heiid Offices: Charlottetown. Distarces: Charlotte- town to Tignish, 117 miles; Charlottetown to Souris, 60 miles ; Charlottetown to Georgetown, 46 miles; Charlottetown to Cape Traverse, 44 miles. Total mileage of railway, 210 miles. Gulf Shore Rjvilway C>o. Caraquet to Tracadie, 14 miles. Head office, Bathnrst. A J H Stewiirt, President ; T M Burns, Secretary -Treasurer ; A J H Stewart, T M Burns, John Young, W J Melanson, Philip Rive. Canada Eastern Railway. Fredericton to Chatham, 119 miles; Blackville to Indiantown, 9 miles. Alexander Gibson, (ieneral Manager, Gibson. Bnctouclie and Moncton Railway. 31] miles long. E G Evans, Receiver and Manager. Office: Hampton Station. Dr L G DeBertram, President; C N Skinner, John C Harris, John McKee, F J Merritt, J F Anderson, C C Barr, Directors. Kent Northern Railway. Richibucto, via Kingston, to Kent Junction, connecting with Intercolonial Railway. Length of line, 27 miles. Central Railway. Northern Division — Norton to Chipman, 44r miles. Southern Division- Hampton to QuacQ, 30 miles. Office, Hampton Station ; E G Evans, Super- intendent and Treasurer. St. *Tohn Valley and Riviere du Tjonp Railway Co. Directors— George F Baird, W H Thorne, James Manchester, H D Troop, James Holly. (Jeorge F Baird, President; Charles A Palmer, Honorary Secretary ; David Russell, Secretary. St. Louis Railway. Richibucto to St Louis. Length of line, 7 miles. Wihnot Brown, Manager. Albert Southern Railway. Ho miles long. W W Wells, President ; W ATrueman, Secretary -Treasurer and Manager. M »: BANKS. Bank Holidays. Ontaria, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia — New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Queen's Birthday, Dominion Day, Labor Dav and Cliristrnas Day. Quebec — New Year's Day, Enrphany, Annunciation, Good P>iday, Ascen- sion, Corpus Christi, St Peter's and St Paul's, All Saints, Conception, Christmas Day, Queen's Birthday, Labor Day, Dominion Day. Also, throughout the Dominion, any day appointed by proclamation for a general Fast or Thanksgiving Day. J. & A. MCMILLAN Pablish and Import NEW BRUNSWICK SCHOOL BOOKS. Banks. 147 SST STYLE. aj's, Monctnn, m Merhaniciil ountant ; H S ?s: Charlotte- Charlottetown miles. Total J H Stewiirt, t{ Burns, John )wn, 9 miles. 36: Hampton ) Harris, John Intei'colouial rn Division- Evans, Supei- •^ay Co. H D Troop, ?r, Honorary wn, Manager. arv-Treaaiirer JOB PRINTING EXECUTED PROMPTLY AT J. & A- McHILLAN'S. Good Friday, nd C'liristinas iday, Ascen- )n, Christmas .mation for a Bank of British North America. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital, £1,000,000 Stg. Reserve Fund, £275,000 8tg. 8t John Branch — H A Harvey, Manager ; G Bentley Gerrard, Accountant ; Thos Kirkwood, Teller; G H Winter, T E G Armstrong, .Tno Macdonald, A Gordon Cowie, James .T Kaye Allison, Clerks; W Maber, Messenger. Frederlcton — Jeremy Taylor, Manager ; O H Sharpe, L W Bailey, jir, J Winslow, Clerks. Bank of Montreal. Capital, $12,000,000. Reserve, $6,000,000. Head Office, Montreal. Sir Donald A Smith, President; E S Chmston, General Manager. St John Branch — EC Jones. Manager • M S !■ Richev, Accountant. Staffs — A Buchan, F H J Rue), O R Campbell, F M Maunsefl, F .> McDonald, G vS Hart, W B Winslow, W A Boyd, W C Hazen, W K McKean ; J L Wilson, Messenger. Discount Days — Every week day. Branches and Agencies in the Maritime Provinces— Moncton, F J Hunter^ Manager; Chatham, F P^ Winslow, Manager; Halifax, N S, F M Cotton^ Manager. The Bank of New Brunswick. Capital, $500,000. Rest. $525,000. Directors — Hon J D Lewin, President; W^ W' TurnbuU, Vice-President,-. S .Jones, James Manchester, C F Woodman and Robert Thomson. G A Schofield, Manager; J Clawson, Cashier; BCB Boyd, Accountant ; Sdirvan, J M Dick and A McDonald. Tellers ; (t L Robinson and WS Thomas,. Ledger Keepers; C H Lee, Corresponding Clerk ; W E Foster and R Dole. Disconnt C -ks; H E Hall. P G Hall, F B Schofield, R R Fairweather, R K Smith, Artli. "r Dick, Clerks; A S Pattison, Messenger; Richard Pattison, Janitor. Dire 'tors' Meetings — Tuesdays and Fridays. Bank of Nova Scotia. Incorporated 1832. Capital paid up, $1,500,000. Reserve Fund, $1,300,000. Directors — John Doull, President ; Adam Burns, Vice-President ; Jariu* Hart, John Y Payzant and R B Seeton. Cashier — Thomas Fyshe. Branches in Nova Scotia — Amherst, Bridgetown, Kentville, North Sydney,. Annapolis, Digby, Liverpool, Pictou, New Glasgow, Yarmoutii, Stellarton,. Oxford, Westville. Branches in New Brunsv ick — St John, Moncton, Woodstock, Newcastle,. Chatham, Cainpbellton, Fredericton, Sussex, St Stephen and St Andrews. Branches in P. E. Island — Charlottetown and Summerside. Agency in United States — Chicago. Agency in Montreal. P Q. Agency in West IndiCvS — Kingston, Jamaica. Agencies in Newfoundland — St Johns and Harbor Grace. People's Bank of New Br^mswick, Fredericton. A F Randolph, President; A H F Randolph, Vice-President; J W Sptir- rfen, Cashier; D Lee Babbitt, Accountant; W B Coulthard, Teller; A R Tibbits, Discount Clerk ; D Richards, Messenger. * 1 3 l- ti I s c ■ \- w )0L BOOKS. J. & A. McMillan print dodgers, posters and programmes. i t ') m i 148 Banks — Game Laws. BOOK AND PAMP^I.ET PRmTINO A »PEGIALTT. J. ft A. McMILLAN. Halifax Banking^ Company. Established 1825. Incorporated 1872. Paid-up Capital, $500,000. Author- ized Capital, $1,000,000. Reserve Fund, $250,000. Head Office, Halifax, N S. Directors — Robie Uniacke, President ; L J Morton, Vice-President ; C W Anderson, F D Corbett, James Thomson. Agencies in New Brunswick - Sackville and St. John. Agencies in Nova Scotia — Amherst, Antigoni^h, Barrington, Lockeport, Lunenburg, New Glasgow, P -',^a0, Springhill, Truro, Windsor and Canning. St. Stephen's Bank. Capital, $200,000. Surplus, $45,000. Directors— Frank Todd, President; J D Chipman. Vice-President; E H Balkhara. J F Grant, Cashier; J T Whitlock, Accountant; W L Grant, Teller. GAME LAWS. ir I Summary of the Game Laws of New Brunswick. MOOSE, CARIBOU AND DEER. No person shall hunt, take, kill, wound or destroy within this Province, any moose, caribou or deer, between the 15th day of January and the 30tli •day of September in each and every year, under a penalty not exceeding $200, and not less than $50 for each and every offence, or imprisonmetjt for a period not exceeding fourteen days nor less than five days. No one person shall in any one year or season, kill or take any more than two moose, three caribou, or three deer, and no number of person'^ brming a hunting party of three or more, shall, in any one season, kill more than one moose, two caribou or two deer for each member of such hunting party, exclu- sive of guides, under a penalty, in any or either case, not exceeding $40, nor less than $20, for each moose, caribou or deer so killed or taken, in excess of the above numbers, or imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten nor le'<s than five days. No person shall at any time or season hunt, take, kill, wound or destroy any ■cow moose within this Province, under a penalty not exceeding $200, nor less than $100 for each and every offence, or imprisonment for not less than ten Of more than fourteen days. No person shall at any time hunt, chase, pursue, wound, lake, kill, or destroy any moose, caribou or deer, with a dog, or dogs, save as may be necessary to ■expel such moose, caribou and deer from or out of any cultivated fields, under a penalty of $50 for each and every oflfence, or imprisonment for ten days: and it shall be lawful for any person to kill or destroy any dog or dogs foijnd hunting, pursuing, chasing or destroying, any moose, caribou or deer, or any ■dog or dogs which can be proved to have pursued, chased, wounded, toni or killed any moose, caribou or deer. MINK, OTTER, FISHER, BEAVER AND SABLE. No person shall take, kill, wound, trap, or destroy any mink, otter, fisher, beaver or sable between the Ist day of May and the Ist day of September following in any year, under a penalty not exceeding $20, and not less than ^5 for each and every oflfence, or imprisonment for not less than two, nor more than six days; provided nevertheless, that any person may at any season catch or take alive any number of mink for the purpose of preservin* ITEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DiCTIONART sappUed by J. k A. McMILUR. MCMILLAN. 000. Author- , Halifax, N S esident ; C W Brunswick - X, Antigoni.sh, 3, Springhill, Id, President; Cashier ; J T swick. this Province, and the 30th cceeding $200, it for a period iny more than ion"^ orming a lore than one ? party, exclii- 'ding $40, nor 1, in excess of y ten nor Ic^s or destroy any n200, nor less ess than ten :iil, or destroy ' necessary to fields, under 'or ten days; 3r dogs found r deer, or any inded, toiii or , otter, fisher, of September not less thiin han two, nor may at any ^f preserving . McMILLAIf. Game Laws. 149 WEDDING INYITATIONS IN LATEST NOVELTIES AT J. k A. MCMILLAN'S. and breeding the same, such person having first obtained a license for that purpose from the Surveyor-General. MUSKBAT8. Musk rats must not be killed in the Counties of Sunbury or Queens between 10th June and lOth March. Penalty $5, or from two to six days imprison- ment- POSSESSION OF TRAPS, MEAT, SKINS, ETC. To offer for sale or have in possession any part of the carcass or green pelt, or eggs, etc, of any animal or bird out of season, or to have in possession Iriips or be found hunting shall be prima facie evidence of a contravention of the game laws of the province and render the person or persons implicated liable to prosecution thereunder, and the onus of proving non-violation shall be upon such persons. DUCK, BRANT, GEESE, OR OTHER Vt'ILD FOWL OF THE GAME KIND. To take or catch with a net or nets, or kill with a swivel or pant gun, offender will be liable to a penalty of not less than $20, nor more than $40, or to imprisonment for each and every such act. For the setting of any net for the purpose of catching any wild duck or any game bird, the offender shall be liable to a penalty of not less than $10, nor more than $20, or to imprisonment. For the catching of wild fowl by artificial light, the offender shall be liable to a penalty of not less than $10, nor more than $20. THE KILLING OF ROBINS, SPARROWS, SWALLOWS, ETC., and other small birds and birds of song which frequent the fields and gardens, or the killing or destroying of sea-gulls in the parish of Grand Manan and the selling and offering for sale and having in possession such birds when killed shall hereafter be unlawful. The trapping, snaring, or otherwise taking alive or selling or offering or exposing for sale alive of any of the said birds, and the destroying of the nests or eggs of such birds, shall be unlawful, and any such traps or snares may be destroyed. Penalty, $5, or imprisonment. SUNDAY. Hunting, fishing, or shooting on Sunday is punishable by a penalty of from $30 to $50, or imprisonment from five to ten days. OFFICERS. A Chief Game Commissioner for the whole province and a Game Warden in each county are appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in -Council. The Wardens may appoint deputies. In addition to these, each Deputy Crown Land Surveyor, and each Lumber Scaler, appointed under Act of Assembly 47th Victoria, Chapter VIII, during his continuance in office as such Sur- Teyor ' r Scaler, and each Fishery Guardian appointed under Act of Assem- bly 47th Victoria Chapter 1, are special Game Wardens and have the same powers, rights and duties, as a County Warden for the district for which they are appointed, save and except the power to appoint deputies ; every officer so a[:pointed has the same authority or power to require aid and assistance in the execution of his duties, as Sheriffs or their deputies have in theirs. The Chief Game Commissioner, Wardens, and other officers have power to leize all animals, parts of animals, nests, nets, traps, etc., which they may have reason to believt have been taken or used in contravention of the Game Laws and to proceed before Justices and other courts against offenders in connection therewith. IcHILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. 150 Game Laws. ALL BRANCHES OF BOOK-BDfDIlfG AT MCMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN, N. B. I B #:: k Where offenders cannot be found, property so seized may, after due adver- tisement, be sold. PKOC.EDURE. All informations and complaints for the prosecution of any offence, againsl any of the provisions of the Act for the Protection of Birds and Animals shall be made or laid in writing and may be brought or laid before any Jus- tice of the Peace, Parish Court Commissioner, Stipendiary, Police or Sitting Magistrate, of the County, or County adjoining that in '^hich the offente -complained of was committed, and such Justice of the Peace, Parish Court Commissioner, Stipendiary, Police or Sitting Magistrate, shall have jurisdiction in the matter, irrespective of the amount or extent of any penalty by this Act imposed, and all proceedings under the Act had or taken before any such Justice of the Peace, Parish Court Commissioner, Stipendiary, Police or Sitting Magistrate, shall, as far as consistent with the provisions of the Act, be in the manner, and according to the forms prescribed in the Summary Con- victions Act, Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Statutes ; every such complaint •or information shall be in the name of the Chief Game Commissioner, County Warden or his Deputy, or a Special Game Warden, provided nevertheless that any person may prosecute in his own name, for any of the penalties by the Act imposed, in case none of the above named officers shall have done so, within ten days after the offence shall have been committed. PENALTIES, ETC. All lines, penalties, forfeitures and moneys collected under the Act, when recovered, unless otherwise specially provided for, sjiall be paid as follows: one-half to the informer, and the otiier half to the Chief Game Commissioner or other prosecuting officer ; but if the person prosecuting be other than the Chief Game Commissioner, or County Warden or his Deputy, or Si)ecial Game Warden, as above mentioned, then such other or second half shall be paid to the Surveyor-Creneral to be applied towards defraying the expenses incurred in carrying out the j)rovisions of the Act. Game Wardens for New Briiuswick. Chas S Turner, Upper New Horton, Albert County; P CoiLett, Johnville, €arleton County ; W F Todd, Milltown, Charlotte County ; Henry Bishop, Bathurst, Gloucester County ; Henry Berthe, Buctouche, Kent County ; K Arnold, Sussex, Kings County ; Joseph Martin, Edmundston, Madawaska County ; Wm Wyse, Chatham, Northumberland County ; H O Branscombe, Cumberland Bay, Queens County ; John S Bassett, River Charlo, Restigouche County; Chas J Burpee, Sheffield, Sunbiiry County ; Martin Stafford, Victoria County ; Charles R Oulton, Little Shemogue, Westmorland County ; Frank Bird, Upper Keswick, York County ; L B Knight, Musquash, St John County. Synopsis of the Fisliery Laws of the Dominion of Canada as Keg'urcis Salmon and Trout. Net fishing of any kind is prohibited in public waters, except under leases or license from the Department of Fisheries. The size of nets is regulated so as to prevent the killing of young fish. Nets cannot be set or seines used so as to bar channels or bays. The netting of trout is prohibited, A general weekly close time is provided, in addition to special close seasons. Salmon nets must be raised from G j). ni on Saturday to 6 a. m. on Monday, and angling for salmon is prohibited from J. & A. McMHiLAN PUBUSH SCHOOL BOOKS. Game Laws — Ho?pitals and Asylums. 151 JOB PRINTING ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. McBULLAN'S. ■ter due adver- efore any Jus- of Canada 9 J), m. on Saturday to 6 a. m. on Monday. Close time for " tly-fishing" for salmon begins lotii August. The use of explosive or poisonous substances for eatchiug or killing lish is illegal. _ [Notice has been given that a standard regulation salmon net will be estab- liElied and adopted by the Department of Fisheries, to come into use in the year 1891, and therefore no other net will be sanctioned for the capture of salmon in any of the waters of the Bay Chaleur or elsewhere.] TABLE OF OPEN SPJASONS FOR FISH IN NEW BRUNSWICK. Kinds of Fixh. Open Htdaiiu. Kindx of lixh. Open Season. Bass, angling with Lake Trout, or Land- liook und line is | locked Salmou From May 1 to Sept. 16 permitted at all | Salmon, netting From Mar. 1 to Aug. 15 times of the year. .Salmon, angling From Feb. 1 to Aug. 15 Speckled Trout (i.V((/- I Lobsters From Jan. 1 to July 1 relinu/i fontinalis)..VrQta Apr. 1 to Sept. 15 Oysters From Stpt. to to June 1 Sturgeon From May 1 to Sept. 1 HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. General Public Hospital. Commissioners — Wm Bayard, md, President; Robt W Crookshank, Vice- President; M W Maher, Thomas Walker, M d, A Chipman Smith, George A Helherington, M d, W C R Allan, John McGoldrick, John Berryman, M d; I Olive Thomas, Secretary ; W A Christie, Ai p, Resident Physician and Superintendent; Bertha Chesley, Matron. Physicians — Alban F Emery, M i), Murray MacLaren, m d, James Christie, M I), Walter W White, m d, Wra Christie, M i), T D Walker, m d. Consulting Physicians — Thos W^alker, M D, J D White, M i). Oculists — M F Bruce, M d, H D Fritz, m d. Pivthologist — G A Hetherington, m d. Dentist — Robt J Robertson, n d s. Provincial Lunatic Asylum. Commissioners— Hon A G Blair, Attorney General ; Jas Mitchell, Provin- cial Secretary ; H R Emmerson, Board of Works ; L J TMeedie, Surveyor General ; A S White, Solicitor General ; A T Dunn, C H Labillois. Secretary- Treasurer, R W Crookshank. Resident Officers — James T Steeves, m d. Medical Superintendent; James A E Steeves, a m, m d. Assistant Physician ; W A Quinton, Steward ; Patrick Tole, Clerk ; Miss Kate Murphy, Matron. V^isitors (appointed under Sec 7 of Act 56 Vic, Chap 4) — Judge Stevens, St Stephen ; Joseph S Allison, St John ; Edward J Smith, Shediac; Hon A F Randolph, Fredericlon ; Edward Sinclair, Chatham ; Mrs R Chipman Skinner, 8t John ; Hon Archibald Harrison, Maugerville; Mrs P A Landry, Dorchester; Rev G A Hartley, St John ; Dr Boyle Tra vers, St John ; Stephen B Appleby, ^v^oodptock ; Dr J S Benson, Chatham ; Mrs W H Todd, St Stephen. Boys' Industrial Home. Board of Governors — George Robertson, Chairman ; J E Irvine, Secretary- Treasurer; Hon A F Randolph, Hon A G Blair, R J Ritchie, Lady Tilley, Elizabeth C Skinner ; J G Downey, Superintendent ; VV'ilhehnina \ Toole, Matron and Teacher. MCMILLAN'S BINDERY is the MOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Provinces. 152 Hospitals and Asylums. ALL DESCRIPIT0N8 OF COMMERCFAL PRINTHIO AT HcHILLAN'8. pi i I ^- :! U Victoria Hospital (Frederic ton). (Founded by Lady TJlley, in the Queen's Jubilee Year.) Board of Trustees — Sir John C Allen, President ; The Hon Lieut Governor, His Worship the Mayor, Hon A F Randolph, Hon F P Thompson, John Black, M p p, James T Sharkey (U S Consular Agent), G E Coulthard, m d; Hon Justice Vanwart, Secretary. Physicians— R McLearn, m d, W C Crocket, M d, F J Seery, M d, G Clowes Vanwart, M d, James W Bridges, m d, A B Atherton, M d. Consulting Physicians — G H Coburn, M D, R McLearn, M D, W C Crocket, M D, F J S ery, m d. The Wigrg^ins Male Orphan Institution. Governors— G Sidney Smith, President; Archdeacan Brigstocke, Kurd Peters, C F Kinnear, Geo E Fairweather, John M Taylor, Arthur W Adams, Mr Justice Barker, Rev A D Dewdney ; J T Twining Hartt, Secretary -Trea- surer; Rev R Mathers, Principal. St. John Protestant Orphan Asylum. Directors — W W Turnbull, President ; T A Rankine.Vice-President ; John E Irvine, Treasure* ; E L Whittaker, Secretary ; Rev Geo Bruce, d D, A C Blair, Alex Rankine, Robert Marshall, A F Randolph, John M Taylor, James Manchester, Rev J deSoyres, Silas McDiarmid, (> H Warwick, Rev Archdeacon Brigstocke. Finance Committee — W W Turnbull, J E Irvine, T A Rankine. Standing Committee — Rev Geo Bruce, Alex Rankine, O H Warwick. Building Committee — John M Taylor, Robert Marshall. Auditors — John M Taylor, Robert Marshall. Ladies' Committee— Mrs W W Turnbull, President: Mrs T A Rankine, Mrs D McLellan, Vice-Presidents; Mrs R P Starr, Treasurer; Mrs J E B McCready, Secretary; Mrs Geo McLeod, Mrs Jas J Kaye, Mrs Jas L Dunn, Mrs G Prescott, Mrs MacLaren, Mrs Chas Johnston, Mrs G R Pugsley, Mrs A L Palmer, Mrs G E King, Mrs Robt Thomson, Miss F Murray. Honorary Members — Mrs J Boyd, Mrs Arthur Everitt, Mrs R W Crook- shank, Miss A Hunt, Mrs W Breeze. Standing Committee — Mrs Prescott, Mrs Jas J Kaye, Mrs Dunn. Home for Agred Women. Robt W Crookshank, President ; W K Crawford, H Lawrance Sturdee, John M Taylor, H A Drury, D E Berryman, M D, J M Robinson, W S Fisher, Mrs J R Armstrong, Mrs Sturdee, Mrs Daniel, Mrs R W Crookshank, Mrs R Thom- son, Mrs Pritchard, Mrs G M Armstrong, Mrs Temple, Mrs A L Palmer, Mrs A H Hanington, Mrs J de Wolfe Spurr, Mrs John Burpee, Mrs Gideon Pres- cott, Miss Crookshank, Mrs J L Dunn, Miss H E Kinnear, Directors ; H Lawrance Sturdee, Secretary -Treasurer. Prescribed by the Board of Educa- tion, and all others used in the Mari- SCHOOL BOOKS time Provinces, constantly on hand. Wl&olesale and IRetdiL J. & A. McMillan. BOOK.BIMDINO PROMPTLY AND NEATLT FINISHED AT MCMILLAN'S. ni Ecclesiastical. 103 ullan's. HcMILLAM'S BLANK BOOKS CANNOT BE EQUALLED IN CANADA. ar.) eut Governor, >mpson, John •ulthard, m i>; tf D, G Clowes W C Crocket, Btocke, Hurd lur W Adams, Jcretary-Trea- jsident; John uce, D D, A C Faylor, James V Archdeacon ine. arwick. A Bankine, Mrs J E B as L Dunn, Pugsley, Mrs R W Crook- in. kurdee, John Fisher, Mrs tf ra R Thorn- Palmer, Mrs jrideon Pres- ^irectors; H of Educa- in the Mari- LAN. ILLAN'S. ECCLESIASTICAL. Clergy of the Diocese of Freclerictoii. IIISHOP. The Right Rv\. Hollingworth Tully Kingdon, I). D., consecrated July 10, 1881. DEAN. The Very Rev. Fruncis Partridge, D. 1>. ARCIIDKACONS. The Venerable F. H. J. Brigatocke, D. 1». The Venerable Thomas Neales, M. .\. PRiusrs. A dilress. Date of Ordination. 12, 18C>R 2», 18H(; 19, IH .2 24, I«y2 7, 1HH6 9. 1S67 24, 1H,S(» 24, isfil 21, 1884 — 188(5 23, 1872 »>, 1887 22, 1878 24, 1848 1, 18!>0 24, 1876 1, 1874 \\y\ If 95 10. 1889 2!t, 1881 .'■), 1^,S4 Name. Armstrong, W B, M a Welsford, Queens Co July Baylee, C o'Dell Derby, Northumberland Co Dec. BliHS, D M, B A Mt Whatley, Westmorland iSepl. Brvan, J 1 .St Stephen Dec. Hurt, A F B Shediac Nov. I'ainpbell, J Roy, » i) Dorchester lune Colston, K VV, M A Burti's Corner June Covert, W S, H A • Grand IIarbor,Grand Manan Feb, 1 nsswell, A J, 8 A v Springtield Sept. Daniel, A W Rothesay Davenport, J M, M a St John Sept. Dfwdney, AD St John Nov. ileSoyres, John, m a St .John .Dec. DeVeber, W H, m a (Canon) St John Sept. Dibblee, H E, M a Maiigerville March 17, 1889 Dicker, A (J ri St John May 27, 188H Dickinson, T Hampton Eatough, W St John June Flewelling, J E Centreville, Carleton Co Dec. Forsyth, David, n a (Canon) Chatham March I'reebern, (i h Harcourt June FuUerton, C H Petitcodiac hine (iollmer, A J A Lower Jemseg June Uackenley, Henry Oct. Hanford, S Jones, b a Upham, Kings Co March 15, 184S Uanington, C P, B a Hampton Station March 9, 18S4 Uan.sen, N l', M a Gagetown Feb. 20, 1888 Hanson, N M New Denmark May 27, 1877 Hays, William St John Sept. Hooper. V. B, b a Moncton June Hopkins, J R Birch Ridge, Victoria Co Dec. Hoyt, Leo A, m a StJohu Dec. Jafi'rey, Wm (Retired) St Marys, York Co June Jones, P Owen Davenport School, St John June Ketchum, W Q,d n (Canon) St Andrews Sept. Little, II W, s A c Sussex May liloyd, Geo K, m a Rothesay July Mathers, Richard St John Sept. .Millidge, J W Oak Bay, Charlotte Co l>ec. Montgomery, H, m a B'redericton June Morris, H B", M a Dalhousie >ept. Murray, A B, m a Stanley, York Co Dec. McKiel, W LeB, b a Fairville Sept. McKim, R P St John, North June Nealis, Scovil, M a Andover, Victoria Co May Newnham, O S (Secretary of Synod) St Stephen May Parkinson. J R S, s a c St Marys, York Co Sept. I'arlee, H T, b a Weslt'iehl, Kings Co March Pickett, D W, m a Round Hill, Greenwich Sept. Raymond, W o, M a (Secretary D C S) St John Dec. Richards, D, b a.. Bathurst June Roberts, G G, ma (Canon) Fredericton Sept. 23, 1894 5, 1887 21, 1890 18, 1870 15, 1851 19, 1883 20, 1846 23, 1875 31, 1887 23, 1872 22, 1878 4, 1882 24, 1865 23, 1888 24, 1866 4, 1893 27, 1888 27, 1877 19, 1875 1, 1885 21, 1856 21, 1879 12, 1892 20, 1857 it! J. & A. UcBIILLAN MAKE A SPECIALTY OF COLOR PRINTING. L ir>4 Ecclesiastical. i P' - ■ J. & A. MCMILLAN'S PAPER RULING CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Niinif, Addrenn, OrdiiMtiii,, Sampson, W H St John (West side) Dec. 24, \*^'. S<'iiofield, (ieorg;- (Retired) St John March 4, \>.», Simon«l8, U, ii a May 3n, im; iSimondsou, lO VV, b a Terapei«nct' Vale June 9, \%% Slipper, A A Hi Martins Dec. 28, iSv Smith. Ranald K, M a St George Dec. 16, iK-i) Snilthers, A W, B a Waterford, Kings Co May 24, ijCm Snow, P <i - Newcastle Spike, H M, it a St John, west side June i:t, 18,.' Street, VV II, ii a f'ampobello June 19, In",!) Sweet, J U S, s A c Newcastle June 2<.l, ig:* Teed, A W, m a Richmond Dec. 2.3, 18v Wainwrijilit, Ii S, h a Kingston, Kings Co Dec. 2;j, wa Warneford, C A S Canterbury Station March 6, "S\ Warneford.EA (Retired) Hampton Village Dec. 22, 18',i) Wctmore, D I, n a Clifton, Kings Co Sept. 20, ik,: Whalley, H F K,s a c Frederictou Dec. 23, \%k\ Wiggins, C F, ii a Sackville May 2:1, mh Wilkinson, W in J, M a Bay du Vin May 23, im-ui The Diocesan Church Society. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES President, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Fredericton ; Viee-Pre.M- dents. The Venerable Archdeacon Brigstocke, d d ; The Venerable Arch- deacon Neales, M A, Sir S Leonard Tilley, c b, k c m g, W M Jarvis, Sir John C Allen, LL », G A Schofield, Rev Canon DeVeber, m a, Rev Canan Ket- chum, D D, His Honor John J Fraser, Lieutenant Governor of the Province ; Treasurer, George E Fairweather ; Secretary, Rev W O Raymond, St John ; Auditors, Jas S Beek, G Sidney Smith. Executive Committee — The officers of the society, the clergy duly qualified, and the following lay members : T C Allen, A G Beckwith, John Black, Geo Burchill, J Roy Campbell, A C Fairweather, W S Fisher, John B Forst^r, Judge Hanington, H A Harvey, R W Hewson, C F Kinnear, C A Macdonald, John Moore, Hurd Peters, Alfred Porter. T B Robinson, A A Sterling, A 1 Street, H L Sturdee, H C Tilley, C W Weldon, Judge Wilkinson, Henrr Wilmot. Board of Home Missions (appointed by the General Committee) — The Right Rev the Lord Bishop {ex officio). The Venerable the Archdeacons {er officio), the Treasurer of the Society {ex officio), the Secretary of the Societj (ex officio), Very Rev Dean Partridge, Revs J M Davenport, Canon Robert^ O S Newnham, E B Hooper, Messrs G A Scovil, C N Vroom, W M Jarvis, the Lieutenant Governor, Messrs W S Fisher, Hurd Peters, John Black. (Appointed by the Rural Deaneries) — Revs. Canon Forsyth, H Montgomery, S J Hanford, J F Bryan, I. A Hoyt, C H Fullerton, Scovil Neales. Book Depository Committee (appointed by the General Committee) — Revs A D Dewdney, W H Barnes, W Eatough, H Montgomery, Messrs C E I. Jarvis, J R Campbell, T B Robinson, C F Kinnear, together with members of the Parent Society in the Diocese. Committee on interesting Sunday Schools in Home Missions, and on the Promotion of Sunday Schools (appointed by the General Committee) — Rev< W Eatough (convener), E B Hooper, A J ('reswell, A G H Dicker, H Mont- gomery, Canon Roberts, W H Barnes, Messrs R W Hew.son, Herbert Scho- field, R E Coupe. Glebe Land Committee (appointed by the Executive Committee) — T B Ivib- J. & A. HcBHLLAN PRINT DODGERS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES. Ecclesiastical. 155 RPASS£D. OrdiiMHiii, .Dec. 24, W: .March l, iH,i,j •May ai', tK4: .June 9, ]%r, .Dec. 2a, 18,'w Dec. 16, iM •May 24, I8:,i .June l;), \k,: .June 19, IW!) .June 2<i, 18:4 Dec. 23, 18m .Dec. 2:j, im March 6, 'h\ .Dec. 22, IhVj .Sept. 20, IK.-,: .Dec. 23, I8vi May 2!}, mr, .May 23, Km n ; Vice-Pren nerable Arcli- irvis, Sir John !V Canan Ket- the Province : ond, St John ; duly qualified, in Black, Geo in B Forster, A Macdonald, Sterling, A 1 :inson, Henrj mittee) — The chdeacons {er »f the SocietT mon Robert^ W M Jarvis, John Black. Montgomerv, es. aittee) — Revs essrs C E I ith members , and on the littee) — Rev^ :er, H Mont- erbert ScIki- 0— T B R)b- rRAMMES. VISITING CARDS PRINTED EXPEDITIOUSLT AT J. 4 A. MCMILLAN'S. iiison, H L Sturdee, Hurd Peters, G Sidney Smith, (i E Kairweather, G .\ Stliotield. Mnance Committee (appointed by the Executive Committee) — The Right Kt'V the Lord Bishop, W M Jwrvis, A F Street, J R Campbell, John Black, H L Sturdee, Jas S Beek, G A Schofield, C F Kinnear, G Sidney Smith, the Treasurer of the Society {ex nfficw). Committee on the Incapacitated Clergy Fund (appointed by the Executive Committee) — The Right Rev the Lord Bishop, the Venerable Archdeac«)n B''igstocke, Revs O S Newnham, C P Ilanington, the Lieutenant Governor, Messrs W M Jarvis, G A Schofield. The Clergy Widows and Orphans Fund — The Right Rev the Lord Bishop, the Very Rev Dean Partridge, Revs O S Newnham, W O Raymond, Messrs (J A Schofield, Wm M Jarvis, Geo E Fairweather, Secretary. Committee on the Fund to Aid in the txlucation of the Children of Clergy- men (appointed by the Executive Committee) — The Right Rev the Ix)rd Bishop, the Very Rev Dean Partridge, the Venerable Archdeacon Brigstocke, Kevs G E Lloyd, J M Davenport, Messrs G E Fairweather, Wm M Jarvis, W S Fisher, G A Schofield. T B Robinson, A Porter. Committee to Arrange Time and Place for Meetings of Committees of Diocesan Church Society and Synod — RevW O Raymond, (J A Schofield. Diocesan Synod. President — The Right Rev the Lord Bishop of Fredericton. Address — Fredericton, N B. Secretary — The Rev O S Newnham. Address — St Stephen, N B. Treasurer— W M Jarvis. .Address — St John, N B. \rditor— H L Sturdee. Address— St John, N B. COMMITTEES OF THE SYNOD. Standing Committee — The Right Rev the Lord Bishop, Chairman ; the Venerable Archdeacons, Rev Canon Roberts, th« Very Rev Dean Partridge, Kevs O S Newnham, J M Davenport, His Honor the Lieutenant Governor, Geo A Schofield, C N Vroom, Mr Justice Hanington. Standing Committee on Sunday Schools — Rev O S Newnham, convener ; Revs E B Hooper, H Montgomery, W Eatough, Messrs E J Wetmore, Hurd Peters. Dr J M Dt aeon. Members of the Board of Management of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society — The Very Rev J)ean Partridge, Ven Archdeacon Brig- .stocke, C N Vroom, G A Schofield. Corresponding Committee in connection with the Board of Management of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society — The Right Rev the Lord Rishop, Revs Canon Roberts, J M Davenport, K B Hooper, Dr J M Deacon, Messrs C F Kinnear, E J Wetmore. Bishop Medley Divinity Scholarship Fund Committee — The Lord Bishop, convener; Ven Archdeacon Brigstocke, Rev A J Cresswell, His Honor the Lieut Governor, the Treasurer of the Svnod. (Governors of King's College, Windsor — Ven Archdeacon Brigstocke, Mr Justice Hanington. Trustee of tTie Girls' School, Windsor — Jolni B Forster. Lay Members of the Board of Discipline — His Honor the Lieut Governor, Mr Justice Hanington, H L Sturdee, Henrv Wilmot, Hurd Peters, Dr Neville Parker, Dr C W Weldon, T Carleton Allen, Geo A Schofield, A A Sterling, C N Vroom, E J Wetmore. J. & A. MCMILLAN Publish and Import NEW BRUNSWICK SCHOOL BOOKS. IfiG £CCLESIA8TICAL. it MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. Delegates to the Provincial Synod— Rev O S Newnham, the Very Rev Dciui Partridge, the Yen Archdeacon lirigstocke, the Ven Archdeacon NciiIes, Kcvs J K Campbell, Canon Roberts, E J{ Hooper, Canon Forsyth, J M Davenport, H Montgomery, A J Cresswell, Cecil Wiggins, the Lieutenant Governor, (J A iScliofield, Dr C W Weldon, Judge Hunington, C N Vroon, H L Sturdee, ,J 1' Rurchill, T (J Allen, Hurd Peters. Hon T R Jones, Dr J M Deacon, K W Hewson ; stibstitutes, Revs Canon Ketchum, J deSoyres, U E Lloyd. A I) A Dewdney, J R S Parkinson, A G H Dicker, Messrs G E Kairweather, Dr N Parker, ET VVetniore, A II Hanington, A (J Fairweiither, SlicriH' Sterling,'. Delegates to (ieneral Synod — \'en Archdeacon Hrigsiocke, Rev J deSoyivs, Ven Archdeacon Neales, Mr Ju.stice Hanington, (ieo A SchoHeld, CN Vrootn. Committee of Finance — The Right Rev the Lord Hishop ; the Treasurer of the Synod (convener); Ven Archdeacon Neales, L A Iloyt, J R Camphi'll, Dr Neville Parker, (ieo A Schofield, the Secretary of the Synod {ex officio). On Regular Meetings of (.Committees — Rev \V () Raymond, (ieo A Schotifld, Committee on Statistics — The Lord Bishop, convener ; Rev () S Newnham, Rev W O Raymond, E J Wetmore, Geo A SchoHeld, A C Fairweather. Committee on List of Parishes, and Churches and (Jhapels — Revs L A Hovt, W O Raymond, Canon Roberts, Messrs C E L Jarvis, C N Vroom, J P r.nr- chill. Committee on the Union of the Diocesan Synod and Diocesan Church Society — Ven Archdeacon Brigstocke, Ven Archdea(.'on Neales, Revs J M Davenport, O S Newnham, Canon Ketchum, J R Campbell, \V O Raynioiui, Canon Forsyth, Mr Justice Hanington, Hon Thoe R Jones, C N Vroom, the Lieutenant (iovernor, J S Beek, G A Scholield. Printing Committee — The Secretary of the Synod, H Town, C F Kinm-ar. Clnirchwar<lens and Vestrymen, St. John. TRINITY CHURCH. Wardens— Chas W Weldon, Jas H McAviiy ; Vestrymen, C P Clarke, W L Prince, J de Wolfe Spurr, Thos Patton, J H Pullen, John M Taylor, Clias E Scammell, C F Kinnear, H H Harvey, H D Peters, C E L Jarvis. Delegates to the Diocesan Synod — Chas W Weldon, H Lawrance Sturdee ; substitutes, C E L Jarvis, Chas F Kinnear. ST. Paul's church. Wardens — Mr Justice Barker, T Barclay Robinson ; Vestrymen, (J Sidney Smith, Hon Thos R Jones, W H Thorne, J Douglas Hazen, John K Sclio- field, (t W Ketchum, J (J Robertson, John I Robinson, Frank P Starr, Jas M Magee, J Roy Campbell, James Jack ; Vestry Clerk, H B Robinson. ST. John's church. Wardens— J R Ruel, VV H Merritt ; Vestrymen, H W DeForest, T Mc- Avity, J R Armstrong, A W Adams, G E Fairweather, F W Daniel, A T Thorne, R B P^merson, Walter Scott, C M Bostwick, F E Sayre, Major Mark- ham ; Delegates to Diocesan Synod, G E Fairweather, A H Hanington ; sub- stitutes, HC Tilley, G G Ruel; Delegates to D C S, R B Emerson, Walt-^r Scott; substitutes, H C Tilley, G G Ruel. ST. JAMES' church. Wardens — R W Crookshank, Geo Bridges ; Vestrymen, John Holden, Joliii C Kee, Walter J Lamb, F L (xorbell, Harold Perley, John Kinney, George R Ellis, R Heans, J K Hamm, Chas Laird, J VV Godard, A Foster ; Delegates MCMILLAN'S BINDERY is the MOST COMPLETE in the Maritime Provinces. I. MAKERS. ry Kev Dcaii Noales, Revs [ Davenport, ivernor, ( J A Sturdee, ,) 1' )eac()n, K W loyd, A I) A ither, Dr N !" Sterling'. r J doSoviVs, CN Vrooiii, TreaHurcr of K CampluH, (ex, officio). < A Sfholicld. S Newnliiiiii, eiitlier. VH L A Hoyt. m, J P lliir- j»an Church KevK J M I) Raynioiul, Vrooiu, the 1 F Kinrnar. ri. » Clarke, W Taylor, Clias vis. nee Sturdee; n, G Sidnov in K Sfho- Starr, J as iinson. •est, T Mc- aniel, A T ajor Mark- gton ; sub- pon, Walter ilden, John George R Delegates >roirinces. ECCLRSIASTICAL. 157 Railroad and Steamboat Printing a Special Feature at J. k A. McMILLAirS. to Synod, R W CrookHhank, Geo Bridges ; substituteH, Geo R Ellis, Harold Pfley. 8T. i-ukk'8 chtircii. Wardens -II Hilyard, Capt D F Tapley : Vestrymen, Jas (iregory, D H Nase, S (i Kilpatrick. John VVhelpley, P Ilamm, Wni Irvine, Jos Ruddock, N VV Brenan, W P Court, R Farmer, J B Kagles. F Flewelling; Lay Dele- ^att'S to Synod, W H Smith, S G Kilpatrick ; substitutes, N VV Brenan, Wm Irvine; Vestry Clerk, Richard Farmer. ST. okor«f:'s cnuKcn. Wardens — W J Cornfield, Chas Pidgeon ; Vestrymen, Uriah Drake, Chas Emerson, James Carleton. D L Dykeman, Isaac Amos, S M Sewell, J H Mosher, F Mcleod, D B Lord, () D Turner, John Currier, W R Napier; K«'|iresentatives to Diocesan Svnod, W J Cornfield, Chas Pidgeon ; substitutes, S M Sewell. J H Mosher ; Delegates to D C S, W J Cornfield, Chas Pidgeon ; Treasurer, W J Cornfield ; Vestry Clerk, James Carleton ; Auditors, S M Sewell, J H Mosher. ST. Mary's cHuurn. Wardens — Henrv Town, S G Olive; Vestrvmen, \V W Wetmore, Jas O MoKay, H N (iiggey, E C Morati, D S Retz, F J Wright, Thos E Dyer, M F Manks, E V Godfrey, W Essington. S H Givan; Synod and DCS Represen- tatives, Henry Town, S G Olive ; substitutes, E V Godfrey, VV W Wetmore. CHURCH OK THK (JOOP SHEPHEUIX Wardens — .Alfred Lordly, Frederick Engall ; Vestrymen, Robert Arm- strong, .las Bryan, John Engall, Walter Dean, John Hatheway, Wni Miller, Tlios Herrineton, John Steers, Thos Steers, Alfred Splaine, John Willis, Frederick WolfT; Vestrv Clerk, Robt Armstrong; Delegates to Synod and D (J S, Walter Dean, W'm Bryan. ST. .TUDE'S CHURCH. Wardens — Samuel L Brittain, K J Wetmore ; Vestrvmen, Chas Coster, C F Tilton, John C Leonard, W L Harding, W O Dunham,' J A Coster. F SScam- niell, V W Tippet, S M Wetmore, F R Linde, Alfred Brittain, John Cougle ; Delegate to Diocesan Synod, E J Wetmore; substitute, V W rippet. THE MISSION CHURCH, ST. JOHN BAPTIST. Trustees— G A Schofield, I Allen Jack, Hard Peters, VV G Lee, H B Scho- tield, Chas McLauchlan. Church of Etij>:land Institute. ORANGE HALL BUILDING, 121 GERMAIN STREET. Patron — The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Fredericton. President — The Ven Archdeacon Brigstocke, D d. Vice-Presidents — Rev .John deSoyres. Rector of St Mark ; Rev W O Raymond, Rector of St Mary's ; Rev W H Sampson, Rector of Carleton ; Rev J M Davenport, Priest in charge of Mis- sion Chapel ; Rev A G II Dicker, Rector of St Paul ; Rev Leo A Hoyt, Rector of Simonds ; Rev R P McKim, Rector of St Luke's; J H McAvitv, a L Robinson. Council— W S Fisher, C P Clarke. Geo A Schofield. T B Robinson. J M Magee, H C Tillev, H H Pickett. R E Coupe, J A Coster, E H S Flood, M B Dixon, John M Taylor; A H Wetmore, Secretary ; Alfred Porter, Treasurer; J Roy Campbell, Librarian. Vice-Prejident Ladies' Association, Mrs Chas Holden ; Secretary, Miss Harriette Peters ; Treasurer, Miss F Symonds; Attendant at the Rooms, Miss Fanny S Chandler. EMBOSSING NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN. l0<^ KcCLIMIASTICAL. LiW BBIEFS AHD FACTUH8 PRINTED WITH ALAGRITT AT MoHILLAirS. ('hurch of Eiigrland SuiKlay School ToacIierH* AMsociation. Patron— The Right Rev the Lord Hishop of the Diocese; PreHident, T Barclay Rohinson : Vice-PresidentH, Archdeacon Brigstocke, RevH Canon IK-- Veher, Geo Hchofield, John <'.c%S(»yres, W H Sampson, W Katongh, J M Davcn- ix.rt, A (i H Dicker, L A floyt, A D Dewdney, W LeB McKiel, R P M(- Kim, W O Raymond, Messrs A 11 Ilanington, W M Jarvis, V F Kinnciir, Thos Patton. E J VVetmore, \Vn> Irvine, (Jeo E Fairweather, Vivian Tip|ut, Mies J R Barlow, Mrs J R Smith, Miss Sadlier and Miss M A Pelors; Secretary-Treasurer, H II Pickett. I I t : I ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, ('lerg^y in the Diocene of St. John, N. H. The Right Rev John Sweenv, u d, Bishop of St John. (Consecrated April 15, 1800.) The Very Rev Monsignor Connolly, Vicar-General. At the Cathedral of tl!» Imtnaculate Conception, St John — Right Rev John Sweeny, Revs T Casey, F J McMurray, A O'Neill, A Robichaud. Chiircli of 8t John the Baptist, Broad Street, Very Rev Monsignor Connolly, \' (} Rector; K^w D E Corbett. Cnrate. Holy Trinity Church, Moore street, St John, Rev J J Walsh. St Peter's Church, North End, in charge of tlie Redemptorist F-vthers — Rev E \l Weigel, Rector; Revs Jas Rein, S J Krien, P Trimpel, S Connoil, , T A DonoUne, Assistants; Carleton, Rev J J O'Donovan; Silvei Falls, D Gallagher ; Fr€<ipficton, Revs J C McDevitt, E Savage; St Marys, York County, J .] ivy an ; Milltown, Rev E Doyle ; Wood- ttock.Rev W C Ch".Dmi .; Debec, Rev F L C'irney; Quaco, Rev F X Col- ierette ; Sussex, Revt Jus McDevitt. WCGaynor ; Johnville, Kev J Murray; Peter8v=".e, Rev P FfvrcP ; S^ (ieorge, Rev T Lavarv; St Andrews, Rev.F M O'Flaherty; .Si Stej tuni, Eev ',V Dollard ; Cape Bald, Revs P Bradley. T Martineau ; St Mary's, Kent County, Rev Joseph Ouellett ; Notre Dame, Kent County, Rev H Ouellett; Buctouche, Revs F X Michaud. I LePointe: Kingston, Kent County, Rev L LeBlanc ; Albert County, Rev John Carson: Moncton, Rev H Meahan ; Fox Creek, Rev D Legere; St Paul's, Kent County, Rev J Herbert ; Central Kingsclear, York County, Rev William O'Leary ; Shediac, Revs A Ouellett, P Dufour ; Memramcook, Revs A Roy (Superior of St Joseph's College), A LeBlanc, J Girard, M Bazoges, J Garon, M Berthiaiime, A Cormier, M LeCour, M Langlais, RevsS Arsenault, L Guertin, A B O'Neill, E J^abbe; Cocagne, A Lanhevecpie ; Grand Digue, Kev Napoleon Massey ; Barachois, liev Philip Belliveau : Dorchester Peniten- tiary, Rev A D Cormier; Fairville, Rev Chvi Co'lj-.s; Richibucto Village, Rev A C Hudon ; Florenceville, Carletoa Co, Hev F Bradley ; Norton, RevK Byrne. Academy of the Sacred Heail, Mount Ploasant, St John, N B — This insti- tution for the Ciucation and training o'" young ladies, is under the manage- ment of the Ladies of the Sacred Heari, The Lady Principal is supporied by a most efficient staff of teachers and assistants. The buildings are most beautifully located unon the highest part of the city, ensuring pure air, varied scenery, and perfect drainage. For full information, BO0K-BIl!DUfG IN THE HIGHEST STYLE ftf THE ART AT MclOLLArS. icMILLiirs. (sociation. President, T V8 Canon IV- , J M Davtii- iel, R PM(- F Kinnciir, ivian Tipjivt, I A PeUrs; a. )\n\. ght Kev John i. Church of nnolly, V G )ore street, Si 'harge of the n, S J Krien, on, Rev J J McDevitt, E )oyIe ; Wood- ev F X (•(.!- V J Murray ; ews, Rev J .NI Bradley. T Notre Dame, I LePointe: John Carson ; Kent County, im O'Leary ; oy (Superior (Taron. M It, L Guertin, Digue, Kev iter Peniten- ucto Village, orton, Rev E -This insti- the manage- is supported t of the city, information, cMILLAirS. ECLLFXIAHTICAL. mo BOOK AHD PAMPHLET PRINTING A 8PECIALTT. J. k A. McMILLAN. apply personally or by letter to the Academy of the Sacred Heart, Nfount Pleasant, St John, N B. The Sisters of Charity !»ave eleven houses, including two Orphan Asylums, •ne for girls, on Cliff street, St John, and one for boys, at Silver Falls, in the Parish of Simonds ; also the Mater Misericordia? Hospital and Home on 8yd- Bfv street. The Mother House is St Vincent's Convent, Cliff street. Diocf>Ne «>f Cliatliaiii. (Comprising thi' Northern half of the Province of New Rriinswick.) Right Rev James Rogers. Bishop (('(msecrated August 15, 1860.) Vicar-CJeneral, Very Rev Thomas Francis liarry. Secretary, Rev John S Knight. County of Northumberland . Chatham — Rector of Cathedral congregation, Rev Henry T Joyner ; Assistant, Rev Ed J McAuley. Newcastle — Revs P W Dixon, M O'Brien ; Nelson, Rev Nic^holas Power; Rogersville. Rev M F Richard; Red Bank, Rev Peter Duftey ; Renous Bridge, Ilev Kdward Murdoch: Lower Bartihogue, Rev Wm A Morrisey ; Neguac, Rev Joseph Theberge ; Upper Bay du Vin, Rev Edmond Paltenaude ; Barnaby River, Rev Francis C P Campbell. County of' Gloucester. Bathurst — Very Rev Thos F Barry ; Bathurst Village, Rev Wm Varrily ; St Therese, Rev Wilfred Sormany ; Pacquetville, Rev Joseph Levasseur; (Irand Anse, Rev Joseph Trudelle; Caraquet, Revs Theophilus Allard, F X ()5«inne ; Inkerman (Pokemouche Island), Rev Azade Trudelle; Shippegan, Rev Stanislaus J Doucet; L'Amee. Rev .Joseph Doucet ; Pokemouche, Rev Thomas Fitzgerald ; St Isidore, Rev L Gagnon : Tracadie, Rev Joseph A Babineau; Petit Rocher, Rev John Carter; Belledune, Rev Father Van Demoortel. County of Restigouche. Jacquet River — Rev Ililarion Doucet; Charlo, Rev A A Boucher; Dal- hoiisie, Rev Simon J Crumley; Campbellton, Rev Etl P Wallace. County of Kent {north of Richibucto River). Richibucto (Town) — Rev Edward J Bannon ; St Charles (Aldion), Rev W Venner; St Louis, Rev Joseph Pelletier; Acadiaville, Rev Andrew B^rub^. County of Victor ia. (irand Falls — Rev Michael O'Keefe; Drummond, Rev Felix Dugal. County of Madawaska, St Basil — Rev L N Dugal ; St Ann's, Rev Max Babineau ; St Leonard's, Revs L A Launiere, John J Nugent: Edmondston, Rev Cosmas L D'Amour; St Jacques, Re'^ Regis Gagnon ; St Hilaire, Rev A Comeau ; Clair (Middle St Francis), Rev George B Gauvin ; St Francis (Winding Ledges), Rev T N Diiraont. Institutions. Chatham — St Michael's College (closed at present). Hotel Dieu (Hospital), Hotel Dieu (Female Academy), Rev Mother Kane. Tracadie — Hotel Dieu (Hospital for Lepers), Rev Mother St John. St Ba.sil, Madawaska — Hotel Dieu (Hospital), Hotel Dieu (Orphanage, Hotel Dieu (Academy), Rev Mother Maillet. BT-LAWS AND PAKPHLETS NEATLY PRINTED AT MCMILLAN'S. 160 Ecclesiastical. it i" ! JOB ?RIIfTINO EXECUTED PROMPTLT AT J. & A. HcMILLAN'S. Carapbelltnn — Hotel Dieu (Hospital), Hotel Dieu (Female Academy), Rer Mother Beaus^jour. Newcastle — Congregation of Notre Darae (Female Academy), Rev Mother St Beji trice. Bathiirst- Female Academy, Sisters of Charity. Batlmrst Village — Female Academy, Sisters of Charity. Caraquet— Congregation of Notre Dame, Female Academy. St Louis, Kei,t County — Congregation of Notre Dame (Female AcudemT). THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA. Clerg-yiiien, in connection with the Synod of the Maritime Provinces, in New Brunswick and P. E. Island. PRESBYTERY OF ST. .lOHN. Retired — Revs .7as Bennet, D n, St .Fohn ; Lewis .Jack, Buctonche ; J MoG McK;iy, New Glasgow, N S; .lames Gray, Sussex. In Active Service — Donald Macrae, d i), St Stephens. St John; James S Mullen, Nj'shwaak and Stanley; J K Benristo, Ghissville; LG McNeill, St Andrew's, St .John; T F Fotheringham, St John's, St John ; Geo Bruce, D d, St David's, St John; V\^n Ross, Prince William; .J A Maclean, Harvey and Acton; A A Mackenzie, St Stephen; J M Robinson, St John's, Moncton; Daniel Fiske, Florenceville; .James Ross, Su{)erintendent of Home Missions, Carleton, Si John ; Willurd iuacdonald, St Paul's, Fredericton ; Thos Corbett, South Richmond; A W Mahon, Greeno(^k, St Andrews; D McD Clarke, Chipinan, etc; James Burgess, Carleton; Donald PVaser, Hampton, etc; J S Sutherland, Sussex ; Alfred Fitzpatrick, Kincardine, etc; Gordon (MVingle, Pisarinco ; W W Rainnie, Calvin, St John ; J Whiteside, St Paul's, Woodstock. Ordained Missionaries — John Hawlev. Milltown; Albert J Lods, Grand Falls; A S Morton, Shediac, etc; J R Macdonald, Fairville. Vacant — Richmond, St James. St George, Springfield, etc. William W. Rainnie, Clerk. IRESHYTERY OI' MIRAMICHI. Retired — T Nich Ison, River Charlo. In Active Service — T G .Johnstone, Blackville and Derby; N McKay, St John's, Chatham ; Wri. Aitkin, St James, Newcastle ; .J D Murray, Red Bank and Whitney ville; John Robertson, M A, Black River; A F Carr, ma, St Andrew's, Campbellton ; Wm Hamilton, Kingston and Richibucto ; A F Thompson, St Luke's, Bathurst- JosepI- McCoy, m a, St Andrew's, Chatham; Geo Fisher, B D, St John's, Dalhousie; G F Kinnear, b D, New Richmond; W T Bruce, m i>. Burnt Church and Tabusintac; J M Sutherland, b d, Ntn? Carlisle; F W Murray, B D, Bass River and Nicholas River; J M McLetxi, M a. New Mills, Charlo, etc. Vacant— Flatlands and Metapedia. N. McKay, Clerk. PRESBYTERY OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Retired — Wm Scott, Charlottetown. In Active Service — Alex Stirling. Clifton, Granville, etc; Malcolm Mi'- Kenzie, Richmond Bay (west) ; A McLean Sinclair, Belfast; J (i Camenui, Murray Harbor (north); John Sutherland, Caledonia; John Gillis, Dunda.s ; W P Archibald, b d, Cavendish ; Adam Gunn, B A, Cardigan ; A S Stewart, BOOK-BINDING PROMPTLT AND NEATLY FINISHED AT HcMILLAN'S. J. WoJ (soul Speif St 11 ("dVl Zioil t.iwil Riv{ ol Kavl v| Rlo( CapJ DiLAN'S. jademy), Re? Kev Mother e AcudemT). Maritime land. ohe ; J McG n ; James S r McNeill, St Bruce, d d, Harvey and 's, Moncton ; me Missions, riios Corlett, VI cD Clarke, toil, etc ; J S n (; Pringje, , Woodstock. Lods, Grand TIE, Clerk. McKay, St , Red Bank arr, m a, St ucto ; \ F 1, Chaihain ; Richmond; id, B 1), New M McLe(xl, lY, Clerk. ilcolm Mi- T Cameron, 8, Dundas; S Stewart, LLAN'S. Ecclesiastical. 161 J. k A. McHILLAN PRINT BALL PROORABIMES Of THE BEST STYLE. Woodville; W A Mason, B A. CTeorjjetown ; Ewen Gillies, Murray Harbor (south); Malcolm Campbell, Strathalbyn; I) B McLeod, ma, Orwell; W H Spencer, b a, Montague; Roderick McLean, Valleyfield ; J W McKenzie, B A, St Peter's Bay; T F Fulierton, 8t James, Charlottetown ; Joseph Johnston, CW^head and Brackley Point ; E M Dill. B D, Sumnierside; D Sutherland, Zion Church, Charlottetown ; J K Eraser, b a, Alberton ; J M Fislier, Prince- nwn ; W T D Moss, B A, St Peter's Road ; J G Mclvor, B D, West and Clyde Rivers; 8 J McArthur, M A, Redeque. Ordained Missionaries — J F McCurdy, B A, Tryon and Bonshaw ; J i Mc- Kay, Richmond Bay, E; A D McDonald, Tignish, Montrose, etc. Vacant — Long River and Kensington; Brookfield, Hunter River, etc; Bloomfield, O'Leary, etc; Mount Stewart; Souris, Bay Fortune, etc; West Cape. ' Thomas F. Fullekton, Clerk. STANDING COMMITTEES— general, ASSEMBLY. Pieshyterian College, Halifai — Board of Management — Dr Sedgwick, Chair- man ; Principal Pollok, Dr Currie. Dr Gordon, Prof Falconer. Dr McCul- Inch, Dr Forrest, A Simpson, Yj D Miller, L G McNeil, John McMillan, Jjis McLean, T Stewart, A B Dickie, N McKay, H H McPherson, D McDougall. A McLean Sinclair, J S Carruthers, J S Sutherland, (t A Leek, J F Forbes, E M Dill, and Willard McDonald, Ministers; Dr Stewart, J D McGregor. Hon B Rogers, Judge Stevens, Dr Jas W^alker, R Murray, R Baxter and Hugh McKenzie. Senate — Priniipal Pollok, Chairman ; the Professors of the College, I>r Forrest, Dr McRae, T Cumming, A Simpson. H H McPherson, G Bruce, T Fowler, R Laing, .Jas Carruthers. C Monro, and W P Archibald, Ministers; Prof McDonald, Prof Murray, Dr A H McKay and R Murray. Home 3fission.H — Eastern Section — J McMillan, Convener ; Dr ^^cRae, Dr Morrison, G S Carson, A Gaudier, A Bowman, W P Arcliii>ald, .1 R Munro. D McDonald, A Simpson. J A Forbes, W Hamilton,./ M Robinson, T Stewart, .J W Crawford, Jas Ross, T F Fulierton, D Henderson, David Wright, A D Gimn, Josepli McCoy, Ministers; John Wiilet, H Dunlop, .1 K Munnis, K Ha-iter, J S Smith, .Judge Forbes Judge Trueman, T (,'antley, A M Hill, Win Frew, Isaac Creighton. Elders. Augmentaiiov — p]astern Section — E Smith, Convenor ; .1 V Forbes, Daniel McGregor, Dr Sedgwick, Jas Sinclair, J fl Chase. Thos F'owler, A Robertson, Dr Bruce. E D Miller, W Grant, T C Jack, D McMillan, W Aitken, E S Bayne,W McDonald. 1) Mcfiillivray, J A Cairns .J M McLco(l,W W Rainnie, Ministers; J D McGregor, T C .James, II W Cameron, J D McKav, H .\ White. Foreign Misi^iom — Eastern Section — A Falconer, Convener ; E Smith, L(r McNeill, A B Dickie, Dr Gordon, David Siitherlanrl, Dr Morrison, Alfre<l Gaudier, J A McCilashan, Ministers: J K Blair, I) McDonald, Elders. Ministers Widows mi'l Orplums^ Fund — Eastern Section — R Laing, Con- vener; Dr Patterson, Dr T Sedgwick, A McLean, .\ McLean .Sinclair. J Mc- Lean, Jas Carruthers. A F ( "arr, Ministers; R Baxter, G Mitchell, Dr A H McKay, J D McCJregor. Aged and Infirm j//;n'.s/»'/-.s' Fund — Eastern Section — Anderson Rogers, Con- vener ; H H McPherson, H B McKay, C McKinnon, Alfred Dickie, George Fisher, J R Coffin, A McLean Sinclair, Dr Isaac Murray. J 11 Cha>ie. W Daw- son, Dr A W McLeod. <i Leek, .las Sinclair, E S Bavne, Dr Pollok, Ministers ; D McDonald, S Waddell, W C Whittaker. JOB PRINTING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S. ri 162 Ecclesiastical. JOB PRS™G ARTISTlCAIiY EXECUTC AT jT* A.^EcMnjill'S. sTANmNG t'OMMlTTEKS—SYNODICAL. Sabbath Observance — Thos dimming, Convener : J M Robinson, J K Frascr, D McDonald, D Henderson, Dr G Bruce, John Diistan, A F Carr, A Robert- ton, Ministers; John McKeen, Hugh McKenzie, Geo Cunningham, W C^;,s- ley, Elders. Temperance — G L Gordon, Convener ; John Murray, Neil McKay, J F Forbes, A L Geggle, (t A Leek, W H Spencer, Willard McDonald, A Mc- Millan, RobtCumming, H R Grant, Ministers, J D McKay, Harvey Graham, David Small, Elders. Stati'sticit and Systematic Oiviny — G S Carson, Convener; Conveners of Com- mittees on Stat' ic8 in the several Presbyteries, J A McKenzie, E Rankin, J McCoy, J S Ca. ruthers, A W Mahon, J G Cameron, Ministers ; H A White, D McDonald (Pictou), J D McGregor, W Sedgwick, A Henderson, J S Smith, Elders. Public Education and Civil Rights — J McMillan, Convener; Principal Pollok, Dr Gordon, President Forrest, A F Thompson, T F Fullerton, R Laing, W Aitken, Dr McRae, Henry Dickie, J A McGlashen, A Bowman, D Mo- Gillivray, Ministers; Judge Stevens, Hon David Laird, Dr Stewart, Dr Mo- Gillivray, Robert Murray, Judge Trneman, Elders. State of Rellqion James Sinclair, Convener; D McMillan, J F Dustan, A Gandier, G F Kinnear, J D McFarlane, D B McLeod, C Munro, John Eraser, McLeod Harvie, D Fraser, Clarence McKinnon, J A McLean, Ministers ; W T Huggins, Dr McKay, S E Black, I B McKenzie, Walter McDonald, Elders. Sabbath Schools and Religious Welfare of the Young — E S Bayne. Convener; A Rogers, J S Sutherland, T F Fotheringham, W P Archibald, D Wright, A V Mor.ash, F C Simpson, R S Whidden.W M Fraser, A D Gunn, W T Bruce, J A Forbes, Ministers ; Alexander Matheson, J S Smith. Geo Haddovp, Principal Calkin, A H White, John A Lawson, Elders. Synod Fund — J Layton, Convener; W Hamilton, Wm Ross, F S Coffin, A B Dickie, J P Falconer, Ministers ; John Ross, Eldridge Smith, Norman Mc- Donald, Elders. Bills and Overtnrej>. — T Stewart, Convener ; J M Robinson, E M Dill, Dr Morrison, Dr (t Bruce, D McGregor, with the Clerk of Synod, the Clerks of Presbyteries, the Conveners of the Assembly's Home and Foreign Mission Committees, and the Committee on Augmentation, and the Conveners of the Svnod's Standmg Committees, ex officio. Ministers ; T C James, John Willet, F B Robb, W H Blanchard, Elders. Widows and Orphans' Fund — (Nomination to General .\ssembly) — R Laing, Convener; Dr Patterson, A McLean, J McLean, Dr Sedgwick, A McLean Sinclair, A F Thompson, J Carruihers, Ministers; R Baxter, (xeo Mitchell, Dr A H McKay, .J D McGregor, Elders. Hunter Fund — A Sinjpson, Convener; President Forrest, P M Morrison, J McMillan, Ministers; J F Stairs, S Waddell, A G Troop, Elders. Qir^tJAAT DAniTQ Prescribed bv the Board of Educn- lOljllUUlJ JJvJvJlVlO tion, and all others used in the Mari- time Provinces, constantly on hand. WHolesale iin<l li^ctail. J. & A. McMillan. MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL BIAKERS. ID Rq hit Ecclesiastical. 165 IILLAIT'S. ALL BRANCHES OF BOOK-BIHDINO AT HcMniiAFS, ST. JOHN, N. B. , J K Fras^r, r, A Robert- im, W C*i ,s- fcKay. J F laid, A Mc- rey Graham, lers of Coin- . E Rankin, H A White, n, J S Smith, ; Principal on, R Lai tig, man, D Mo- zart, Dr Me- F Dustan, A John Fraser, listers ; ^V T aid, Elders. . Convener; iV right, A V ^ Bruce, J A «v. Principal ? Coffin, A H orman Mc- M Dill, Dr le Clerks of gn Mission ners of tiie Willet, F P. R Lainjf, A McLean o Mitchell, Morrison, 8. of EdlK'H- 1 the Mari- AN. MAKERS. THE METHODIST CHURCH. The Ecclesiastical Year in the Methodist Church begi as with .Tone Ist, and all changes ID stations and otfifials take place about the first of July. List of Ministers of the Methodist Conference of New Brunswick and P. E« Island — 1895-00. Isaac Howie, President, St. David faddreas, Oak Bay). George Steel, Secretary, Chatham, N. B. ST, JOHN DISTRICT. Si John (Queen Square). Thos Marshall. Centenary, J J Teasdale ; super- numeraries, Henry Daniel. D D, flenry Pope, d D. Exmouth Street. Job* Slienton ; supernumerary, R Wilson, ph d. Portland Street, Wm Penna. Carleton, F H W Pickles; (^has H Paisley, M A, agent of the supernumerary fnnd. Carmarthen Street, F A Wightman. Courtenay Bay, Wm B Tennant,. under superintendence of ,1 J Teasdale, Fairville, John C Berrie. City Mission. R Wilson, ph d, under superintendence of Job Shenton. Sussex, ("has W Hamilton; Aquila Lucas, leave of abaence. Apoliaqui, Thomas Pierce. Springfield, D B Bayley, A u. Hampton, G M Young ; supernu- meraries, Wm Tweedie, James A Duke, E Evans, D D. Upham, Wm Wass. St Martins, J Spicer Gregg, a b. Jerusalem, Richard .J Campbell, under superintendence of A D McCully. Welsford, Alonzo DMcCully, B D. King- ston, Robert G Fulton, under superintendence of Wm Penna. Wallace .T Rryenton, Henry Pierce, Wm J Buchanan, Levi J Lea:;!, L R McDonald,. Josiah Champion, students. J J Teasdale, chairman ; J Shenton, financial secretary. FKEDKRICTON DISTRICT. Fredericton, Ralph Brecken, D n, Wm Tippett ; supernumerary, G B Pay- son. Kingsclear, to be supplied, under superintendence of .J Sellar. Marys- vi He, Wilson W Lodge. Gibson, Joseph Seller, a M. Nashwaak, Edward Bell, Stanley, supplied by Herbert Thomas, under superintendence of W W Txidge. Boiestown, Robert W J Clements. Keswick, John K King. Shef- field, Joseph Parkijis. Grand Lake, Isaac N Parker, Gagetown, Neil Mc- Laughlin, A B. R Brecken, chairman ; J Seller, financial secretary, WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. Woodstock, Douglas ('hapman, DD. Canterbury, Henry Harrison, A B. .lacksonville, Theophilus L Williams; supply, Henry C Rice. Hartland,, Wm E Smith, under superintendence of T L Williams. Richmond, Frank Frizzle. Florenceville, Geo A Seller. Andover and Arthurette, William R Pepper, Upper Kent, Alfred E LePage, H Stanley Young, student. S A Bayley, leave of absence for one year ; D Chapman, chairman ; T L Williams, financial secretary. MIRAMICHI DISTRICT. Chatham, George Steel. Newcastle, James Crisp; supernumerary, George Harrison, Address, Oxford, N S, Derby, Henry Penna. Riohibucto, John S Allen, Buctouche, Edmund Ramsay. Harcourt, .las W McConnell, A B. I^athurst, Wm Harrison. Campbellton, Wra A Thomson, J Crisp, chair- man ; Wm Harrison, financial secretary. J. k A. MCMILLAN PUBUSH SCHOOL BOOKS. 164 Ecclesiastical. u 1 J ii ALL KINDS OF LEOAL PRINTOfO AT J. & A. McHILLAN'S. HACKVILIiE DISTRICT. Sackville, Sarauel Howard, bd; supernumerary, Fred W Harrison. Chas Stewart, d d, professor of Theology. Tantramar, to be supplied. Point <li' Bute, John A Clark, am. Baie Verte, Wallace B Thomas. Bayfield, Arte- mus C Bell, stb. Moncton (Central). WW Brewer; supernumeraries, John Prince, S T Teed. Moncton (Wesley Memorial), John Read. Sunny Brae, <y Ross, under superintendence of W W Brewer. Shediac, Wra C Matthews. Dorchester, Geo F Dawson, A b. Albert. Wm E Johnson, A b. Alma, A Eugene Chapman, a b. Hillsboro.Thos Allen. Petitcodiac, Thos Stebbings; •supernumerary, Joseph Pascoe. Salisbury. Robert S Crisp. Elgin, John H Young. John Dystant, student. J A Clark, chairman ; S Howard, financial •secretary. ST. STEPHEN DISTRICT. St Stephen, Howard Sprague, D D. Milltown, Stephen H Rice. St An- <lrews, Cliarles Comben. St David, Isaac Howie. President of Conference; ad- dress. Oak Bay. St James, M R Knight, A M. Oldridge, John A Ives, under superintendence of S H Rice. Bocabec, Hedley D Marr, A n. under superin- tendence of president; H J Clarke, supernumerary. Deer Island, L J Wason. Orand Manan, to be supf)lied under superintendence of chairman. R A Coi- pitts, student. The President of the Conference, chairman ; M R Knight, financial secretary. CHARI.OTTETOWN DISTRICT. Charlottetown (First Church), Geo M Campbell ; J J Colter and D II Lodge, supernumeraries. (Upper Prince Stieet), Win .J Kirby. Cornwall, Hihbert R Baker, a m. Little York, Silas James. Winsloe, Wm J Howard, B A. Pownal, Edwin C/ Turner. Vernon River, John Goldsmith. Mon- tague, Wm Lawson. Murray Harbor, Wm II Spargo. Souris, Jno F Estey. Moimt Stewart, A D McLeod. John B Gough. leave of absence for one year. <i M Campbell, chairman; J Goldsmith, financial secretary. SUMMERSIDE DISTRICT. Summerslde, Richard W Weddall, A B. Bedeque. G C P Palmer. Tryon, <Teo W P'isher. Margate, Richard Opie, Granville and Hunter River, B Hedley Balderstone, a b. Bideford, Chas H Manaton. Alberton, Thomas Hicks! West Cape, Elias Slackford; address, Maddock, Lot 8. E Slack ford, •chairman; G W Fisher, financial secretary. University of Mount AHisoii Collegre. Corporation of 1895-6. Board of Regents — The Rev John Lathern, D i>. Chairman; Josiah Wood, D c L, MP, Tresvfturer; Rev Cranswick Jost, d d, Secretary ; Revs C Stewart, D d, G S Mllligan, ll d, Edwin Evans, p d, Ralph Br(!ckeu, i) D, Douglas Chapman, d d, B C Borden, dd, C H Paisley, M A, Geo J Bond, b a, John Read, Jabez A Rogers, Messrs David Allison, ll d, Jairus Hurt, Alex Gibson. Joseph L Black, Hon .1 S Pitts, J DChipman, M SheffieM, M i>, J Wesley Smith, Wm Oxley, R Macdonald, L L Beer. Representatives of Alumni Society on Board — H A Powell, ma. MP P, Rev Fred H Wright, B D, Gains Smith, M d, A D Smith, lt^ d, H A McKeown, b a, 1.1. B, W F George. Representatives of Alumna; Society on Board — Mrs A N Archibald, Jane Heartz, m d. Executive Committee — Joseph L Black, Chairman ; David Allison, ll d, He Sec A Mrf F Phi PROGRAMMES AND POSTERS PRINTED IN Al STYLE AT MCMILLAN'S. EUCLESIABTICAL. 165 S. )n. Chas Point (!<' eld, Arte- ■ies, John nny Brae, Matthews. Alma, A ■^tebbings; , John B , financial J. St An- rence; ad- ves, under r superin- J Wason. R A Col- l Knight, and D H Cornwall, 1^ Howard, h. Mon- ) F Estey. one year. Tryon, River, B Thorn iis Blackford. lern, D i». l,Jost, D D, iD, Ralph M A. Geo Id, Jairus ISheffieM, p p, Rev |own, B A, lid, Jane |)n, LL D, LN'S. HcMILLAirS BINDERT is the HOST COMPLETE in the Maritime ProTinces. Secretary ; Josiah Wood, d CL, M p. Rev C Stewart, d d, Rev B C Borden, d d, A D Smith, ll d, H A Powell, m A, M p p, Jas M Palmer, M A, Wm F George Mrs A N Archibald. Faculty of Arts — David Allison, LL D, President and Professor of Mental I'hilosophy and Logic ; Rev Chas Stewart, v D, Professor of Moral Philosophy and Evidences of Christianity; Alfred D Smith, ll d, Wood Professor of Classics; Sidney W Hunton, M A, Professor of Mathematics; Rev W W Andrews, M A, Professor of Chemistry and Experimental Physics ; Rev B C Borden, m a. Professor of Political Science ; Wm Morley Tweedie, M A, Pro- fessor of English Language and Literature ; A B Tait, M A, Instructor in French Language and Literature ; Prof Smith, ll v, Secretary of the Faculty ; Prof Huuton, M A, Librarian; Rev Prof Andrews, M A, Curator of the M useum. Mount Allison Academy and Commercial Colleg^e. J M Palner, M A, Principal, English and Classics ; F Sprague, A li, A B Tait, A M (Ontario Business College), Commercial Department and French; Miss S Mundy, Shorthand and Typewriting ; R O Arnjstrong, Gymnasium; Kev C Stewart, D D, Chaplain. Mount Allison Ladies' CoUejje, Ovven*s Art Institution and Conservatory of Music, Sackville, N. B. Principal, Rev B C Borden, dd; Preceptress, Mrs A N Archibald. ladies' college. Board of Instruction — Rev B C Borden, dd. Physics; Mrs A N Archibald,. Latin and Geometry; Miss Laura Lathern, ba, English Language and Lit- erature ; Miss Louise Webster, Elocution and Physical Culture ; Miss Jeanette E Thomas, b a, French and Mathematics; Miss ICstelle Cook, B a, English ; Miss S A Mundy, Shorthand and Typewriting; Miss Miriam Fullerton, Matron; Miss Edith Masters, Housekeeper. Students in the several subjects required for the B A degree will attend the Classes and Lectures provide<l in tiie University of Mount Allison College. Owen's art institution. Teaching Staff— Prof John Hammond, R c A, an exhibitor in the Paris Salon, Royal Academy, London, National Academy of Design, New York, and other leading Art Exhibitions of Europe and America ; also a member of the Koyal Canadian Academy with its highest rank, RCA. Associate Teachers — Miss Bessie Alcorn, Miss Ethel Ogden. The school commence* August 30th, on the opening of the collegiate year. The course of study will be based on the system in use in the best Art Schools of Europe, which in- cludes freehand and mtjdel drawing from the flat and antique, painting from the ca.st, still life, flowers, landscape, marine, portrait and the draped living model ; also, perspective composition, modelling, etching and china painting. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Staff— Piano, Organ and Theory, Prof J J Wootton, l R A m, graduate of Leipzig Conservatory ; Piano, Miss Julia H Johnson, graduate of New Eng- hiiid Conservatory ; Piano, Miss Agnes Fawcett, graduate of Leipzig Conser- vatory ; Vocal Culture, Miss Cornelia Fanning, pupil of Vanini, Florence, and of Sbriglia, Paris ; Violin, Harmony and Instrumentation, Chas L Chisholm, pupil of Edmond Singer, G<etschius, Klengel and Doppler, Stuttgart. J. & A. McBIILLAN SUPPLY WEDDING INVITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. IGfi Ecclesiastical. LEGAL BLANKS AND STATIONERY ALWAYS IN STOCK AT MCMILLAN'S. H # BAPTIST CONVENTION OF MARITIME PROVINCES. EDUCATIONAL INSTITI'TIONS. Acadia University.— Instituted A. I). 1838. HOARD OF OOVKRNOR8. Rev A VV Sawyer, d d, ll d, President of the College, ex officio. Members whose term of office expires in 1898 — Rev T A Higgin.s, i) i), Rov J W Manning, B A. Hon J W Johnstone, u c h, Rev E J (irant, Rev G J White, M A, H H Ooshy, T R Black, m r r. Rev E M Saunders, i) d. Members whose term of office expires in 1901 — Rev S B Kempton, d i>, <J W Roscoe, M A, II C Creed, m a. Rev F M Young, pii b, W P Shaflber, b a. Rev A Cohoon, m a, Wm Cunimings, E D King, m a, hv. Members whose term of office expires in 1904 — Hon A F Randolph, Rev I) H Simpson, m a, F H Eaton, m a, R G Ha?ev, b a, A P Shand, Rev J A Got - <ion, M A, C B Whidden, R W Sterns. Rev S B Kempton, Secretary ; A Cohoon, Treasurer. THE SENATE. Rev A VV Sawyer, d d, i.l d, Moderator ; D F Higgins, ph d, Vice-Moil- «rator; L E VVortman, M A, Secretary; E M Keirstead, ma. Treasurer; the Professors of the University and Principals of Academy and Seminary, ^i ■officio. Vacating office in 1897 — F C Hartley, b a, T S Rogers, ii A, ll b. Rev K <J()ldwell, B A, Rev F H Beiils, b A, J B Hail, pil d, Hon J P Chipman, M a, H T Ross, i.L B, S W Cummings, b a, Jesse Presoott, B a. Vacating office in 1900— Rev W H Warren, M A, J Parsons, B A, G U Hay. M A, Hon J W Longley, m a, Rev J W Bancroft, u a, A DeW Barss, m d, Re? W H Robinson, b a, H A Lovett, B A, Miss A (i Jackson, B A. Vacating office in 1903— Rev S McC Black, M A, Rev A C Chute, b a, W V Parker, b a. Rev P A McEwen, b a. Rev C H Martell, b a. Rev G O Gatt*<, M a. Rev J E Hopper, i) d, E W Sawyer, b a. Rev W C Goucher, it a. FACULTY OF INSTRUCTION. Rev A W Sawyer, D D, ll d. President, Professor of Psychology and Meu- physics ; D F Higgins, M A, ph d. Professor of Mathematics ; R V Jones, M a, PH D, J W Barss, Professors of the Greek and Latin Languages ; Rev E M Kierstead, D d, Professor of English Literature and Moral Philosophy ; A K <]!oldwell, M A, Professor of Chemistry and Geology; L E Wortman, Ai a, Professor of French and Gernuin ; J F Tufts, M A, Mark Curry, Professo.-s ol' History and Political Economy; F R Haley, M A, Alumni Professor oi' Physics and Astroaomy ; Everett VV Sawyer, B A, Instructor in Latin and P^nglish ; Mina A Read, Instructor in Elocution ; S R McCurdy, Director of Gymnasium ; Prof Coldwell, Curator of Museum ; Prof VVortman, Librarian. Hortoii Collejjiate Academy — Established 1828. Horton Academy and Acadia Seminary are under the control of the (iov- •ernors of Acadia College. Staff' of Instructors — I B Oakes, M A, Principal, Mathematics and Science; E W Sawyer, b a, Harvard, Latin and Greek ; Shirley J Case, b a. Mathe- matics and English ; Miss Lizzie B Higgins, French; Wiley C Margcsim, Manual Training ; S R McCurdy, Director of Gymnastics ; Miss IdaJmk'^ and Miss Mary Richardson, Piano ; Matron, Mrs (ieo Blum. J. & A. McHILLAN PUBUSH ARCHER'S SHORT HISTORY OF CANADA. ULLAirS. INCKS. EcCI-EHIArtTICAL. 167 IS, V D, Rov Kev G J I) I). npton, D I', iiaflner, B a, .Iph, Rev I) BS' J A Gor- , Vice-Moil- Basurer; tlie Seminary, ^r LL 11, Rev !•: lipinun, M A, A, G U Hay. rss, M D, Rt'T ite, B A. W V (H) CJatt*., II A. V and Meta- Jones, M A, 8 ; Rev E M ophy ; A K rtman, Nt a, ;*rofe890.'s (if ^rofessor oi' 1 Latin uml Director ot' n, Librarian. ■28. of the ii'iv- and Science ; IJ A, Miitlie- U Margoson, ss Ida Jiiiie- WEDDIN6 INVITATIONS IN LATEST NOVELTIES AT J. & A. HcMILLAFS. Acadia Seminary— EstablisluKi 1878. Instnacfc.rs — Adelaide F True, M A, Principal, Latin, History of Art; Adella G Jackson, b a, Science and MatljoniaticH; Winnifred (J Crowell, English and History; Klizalxali H Higgins, French and German ; Bertha J linmett, Elo- cution; K Elinor rpliani, Drawing and Painting; Carrie O'Key ^ Academy Music, London, Eng.), Director of Piano; Alice V Anderson (IJoston Con- servatory), Piano; Bertha J Barker, Voice; Bernard Wallher, Violin; Mina A Read, Physical (Culture. Board of Porei{>-ii MisHions. Rev G O Gates, President ; Rev J A Gordon., Vice-President ; Rev J W Mann'.r.jr, Secretary -Treasurer. Members whose term of office expires in 189()— Rev E E Daly, Rev C H Martell, Rev J H Saunders, Rev J D Freenuin, Mont McDonald. Members whose term of office expires in 1897 — John March, Chas F("lincli, Thos S Simms, D V Roberts, Rev J A Gordon. Members whose term of office expires in 1898 — Rev J W Manning, ]{ev W N Weeks, Rev G O Gates, Rev W E Mefntyre, N C Scott. Woiiieii*H Baptist MiMsionary Union. President — Mrs J W Manning, St John. Vice-Presidents— Mrs G F Curry, Wolfville; Mrs J C Clark, Bay View, P E 1; Mrs William Alwood, St John. TreJisurer — Mrs Botsford Smith, Amherst, N S. Corresponding Secretary — Mrs Henry Everett, St John. Provincial Secretaries — Miss Amy Johnston, Dartmouth, N S; Mrs Margaret Cox, Chipman, N B; Miss M C Davies, Char- lottetown, P E 1. Auditor — T R Black, Amherst. Recording Secretary — Mrs G O Gates, St John. Board of Home Missions. Chairman, W R Doty, Hebron; Vice-Chairman, W R Corning, Chegoggin; Corresponding Secretary, Rev A Cohoon, ma, Wolfville; Recording Secre- tary, B H Thomas, Chegoggin, N S; Treasurer, Rev A Cohoon, .M A, Wolfville; Auditor, Prof E A Coldwell, M a. Members whose term of office expires in 1896 — Rev J C Spurr, b a, Rer J H Foshay, T M Munro, Rev J E Goucher, m a; Wm Corning. Members whose term of office expires in 1897 — Rev G R White, b a, Rer Frank Baattie, B H Thomas, Rev Truman Bishop, bA; Rev Josiah Webb. Members whose term of office expires in 1898 — A C Robins, Rev A Cohoon, M A, J II Goudy, Rev J W Tingley, W R Doty. Board of Ministers' Annuity Fund. For term expiring 1896 — A F Randolph, Hon D McN Parker, J Parsons, Rev S March, Rev W E Hall. For term expiring 1S97 — A Simpson, J W Spurden, Mont McDonald, Rev C li Martell, Rev S B x'empton, d d. For term expiring lS9i — J C Dumaresq, Wni Davies, Rev E M Saunders, D D, Hon J W Johnson, E D Shand. The Baptist Institute. President, Rev E O Read ; Vice-Presidents, Revs F D Davidson, W H Warren, F H Battle; Secretary-Treasurer, Rev B M Nobles. Executive Committee — The President and Secretary, with Revs AT Dyke- man, S II Cornwall and J D Freeman. CANADA. I WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY sapplied by J. & A. McMILUN. 'A 168 Ecclesiastical. V ! ! J. & A. McMillan pubush school books. if II? i; Baptist Book and Tract Society. Officei-s — President, flon 1) McN Parker, M D, r)Ci>, Halifax; Vice-Presi- iients — A P Shand, Windsor; Kev K J Grant, Sussex; Rev .1 C Spurr, Caven- <lish, P K I; Kev (J H Martell, Upper Canard, N S; Treasurer, George A McDonald, Halifax. Board of Directors — Rev J W Manning, St John; J C Dumaresn, Halifax; Kev W E Hall, Halifax; A L Wood, Halifax; Kev J E (Joucher, \armoiith; Kev D A Steele, Amherst; W L Barss, Halifax; J Parsons, Halifax; (J li Whidden, Antigonish; W Davies, Halifax; Kev J W KatuToft, Aylesford; Kev S H Kempton, Dartmouth, N S; Kev M P Freeman, Wolfville; Hon A V Kundolph, Fredericton ; Dr H H Read, Halifax ; B H Eaton, Halifax ; Kev DG McDonald, Halifax; Kev A Chute, Halifax; Kev J H Saunders, St .lohn. Secretary, (Jeo A McDonald. Auditor, K M King, Committee of Management — A L Wood, Rev D G McDonald, Wm Davies. Ministers in New Brunswick and P. K. Island. Milton Addison, Salisbury; WH Beckwith, Fredericton; S McC Black, M A, St John ; D Bleakney, Petitcodiac ; J C Bleakney, Woodstock ; W A .1 Bleakney, Newcar.ie ; Wm Bluett, Springfield, Kings; A F Brown, (Jamp- hellton ; R M Bynon, Lewisville, Moncton ; Joseph A Cahill, Centreville ; W Camp, Hillsboro, Albert; G M W Carey, d d, St John; Henry Carter, Maddock, P E I ; J B Champion, Sussex, N B ; H A Charlton, Centreville, Carleton ; I B Colwell, Riverside, Albert ; John Coombs, Cumberland Point, Queens; C W Corey, n A, Charlotletown, P P] I ; E(.;Corey, Penobsquis, N B; I W Corey, m a, Fairville, N B ; W T Corey, Havelock, Kings ; W W Corey, Boundary Creek, Westmorland ; S H Cornwall, b a, Surrey, Albert; Calvin Currie, Richmond Corner, Carleton; F D Davidson, Gibson; S D Ervine, Cumberland Bay, N B ; J P] Fillmore, Turtle Creek, Albert; Augustus P"'ree- man, ii A, Maugerville, Sunbury ; J D Freeman, Fredericton; K K Ganong, St John ; G O (iates, M A, vSt John ; J A G('rdon, M A, St John, north ; W C Goucher. M A, St Stephen; Michael Gross, Surrey, Albert; J G Harvey, Centreville, Carleton ; A H Hayward, Florenceville, Carleton ; Chas Hender- son, Thornetown, Queens ; Edward Hickson, iM A, Carleton, St John; M (• Higgins, North River, PEI; Ezekiel Hopper, Gagetown, Queens; George Howard, Plampton Village, Kings ; B N Plughes, ; John II Hughes, St John ; E C Jenkins, Upper Queensbury ; Benj Jewett. Hartland Station, Carleton; lOlias Keirstead, Collina, Kings; S W Keirstead, Dorches- ter, N B; T W Keirstead, Rothesay; Oswald N Keith, Bayside, Westmorland ; P' A Kidson, Dundas, PP] 1 ; MP King, Doaktown, N B ; l' R Knight, Lower P>ench Village, N B; A H Lavers, St George, Charlotte ; Milledge Lewis, Lumsden, Albert; Alex McArthur, C^arletor, N B; J W Manning, M A, St John; W D Manzer, St Mary's; S C Mooi? Waterside, Albert ; John B Margan, n A, Jacksonville ; A B Macdonald, Jemseg, Queens ; J H McDonald, Woodstock ; W P- Mclntyre, u A, Chipman, Queens ; M Normandy, McLaucii- lan Road, Kent; J A Porter, Springfield, Kings; David Price, Tryon, PEI; P O Rees, Zealand Station, York ; W H Rol/insoii, Summerside, PEI; Adam Rutledge, Meadow, Elgin, N B; J W Rutledge, Anandale, P E I ; H II Saunders, n a, P^lgin, Albert; H J Shaw, Windsor, Carleton; J L Shaw, St John ; I R Skinner, B A, Oak Bay, Charlotte ; Solomon Smith, Welford ; G W Springer, Jemseg, Queens ; J C Spurr, B A, Cavendish, P E I ; J C Steadmaii, Elgin, Albert ; O P] Steeves, Keswick Ridge, York ; W J Thompson, St Mar- tins; J E Tiner, Murray River, P P: I ; Thos Todd, Woodstock, Carleton ; \V J. & A. MCMILLAN FURNISH ESTIMATES FOR SOCIETY PRINTING. ECCLI-ISIASTICAL. 169 MCMILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS CANNOT BE EQUALLED IN CANADA. 'ice-Presi- rr, Caven- George A I, Halifax; iarmoiith; lifax; C l'» Aylesford; ; Hon A V ifax ; llev Hinders, St im Davies. lid. IcC Black, k ; W A .J wn, Canip- .'enlreville ; nry Carter, Centreville, land Point, isquis, N B ; X W Corey, ert; Calvin I D Ervine, ;iistus Free- K Ganong, lorth ; VV C ti Harvey, as Hender- >hn; M <■ Ins; George John II Hartland Id, Dorclies- Istniorland ; ight, Lower kdge Lewis, ng, M A, ISt Irt ; John B McDonald, I, McLauch- •yon, P E 1; IE I ; Adam E I ; H H Shaw, St jford ; G W Stead man, in, St Mar- irleion ; W nNG. C Townsend, Cumherland Bav ; W C Vincent, Sackville; W H Warren, M a, Bedeqne, P E I; A Washburn, St Martins; W W Weeks, Moncton ; J D Wetraore, Mnscjnash ; Jl D Worden, Rockland ; F C Wright, Harvey, Albert ; J W S Young, Green Bush, York. Note. — Changes are made at the annual convention in August of each year. FREE CHRISTIAN BAPTISTS. OFFICERS OK THE GENEKAL CONFEHENCE AND HOARDS, Ministers' Conference — Kev T S ^'anwart, Moderator; Rev J T Parsons, Corresponding Secretary. Executive — Revs J T Parsons, J Noble, John Perry, E B Gray, J N Barnes. General Conference — Rev G W Foster, Moderator; Rev Gideon Swim, .As- sistant Moderator ; Rev B H Nobles, Corresponding Secretary; D McLeod Vince, Recording Secretary; Dr J U Burnett, Assistant Recording Secretary; James Patterson, Treasurer; Hon G E Foster, D c l, m i*, Audi. or. Conference Executive — Rev G W Foster, D McLeod Vince, R<ivs G A Hart- ley, Jos McLeod, C T Phillips, J W Clark, David Long. Board of Managers — Revs G A Hartley, B S Palmer, A C Smith, W H Heinie, Jas Good, E J Clark. Executive Committee of Home Missions — Rev F C Hartley, n a. Corres- ponding Secretary; Rev J W Clark, Treasurer; Rev G W Foster, Rev J T Parsons, C T Phillips, Peleg Smit'\, Woodbury Sheppard. Foreign Mission Executive — Rev Dr McLeod, Corresponding Secretary; E W Slipp, Treasurer: W J Halse, DLong, Wm Peters, Abrani Perry, Gideon Swim, J N Barnes. Executive of Sabbath Schools — James McCready, Corresponiling Secretary; Revs T L Alexander, W H Perry, A G Downey, J B Doggett. Executive of Sick and Disabled Ministers' Societv — Gideon McLeod, Trea- surer; Revs J Perry, C T Phillips, E B Gray, A H McLeod. NAMES OF ORDAINED MINISTERS, WITH THEIR POST OFFICE \DDRESSES. Revs Joseph Noble, Woodstock; John Perry, Connell, Carleton Co; Geo A Hartley, West End, St John; Tlios Connor, Woodstock; John G McKenzie, Lnchby, Queens Co; J T Parsons, Marysville, York Co; J N Barnes, Hart- land, Carleton Co; T S Vanwart, Somerville, Carleton Co; TO DeWitt, Hoyt, Sunbury Co; Joseph McLeod, d d, Fredericton ; Elijah Gray, Centreville, Carleton Co; C T Phillips, Woodstock; J S Jones, Caverliili; T W Carpenter, Carpenter, Queens Co; J Henderson, Nashwaasis; W DeWare, Moncton; J Wesley Clarke, St John; Henry Hart, Jacksontown ; ^ j Barnes, Bath; (J F Rideout, Bath; John H Erb, San Antonio, Texas; O N Mott, Big Cove, Queens Co; G W Foster, Hanipstead, (Queens Co; G F Currie, Tracey's Mills, Carleton Co; B H Nobles, Sussex; VV H Perry, North Head, (irand Manan ; Gideon Swim, Petitcodiac, Westmorland Co; A H McLeod, Millstream, Kings Co; C B Lewis, Hampstead, Queens Co; Fred C Hartley, a n, Fredericton; H Allen Bonnell, Stanley, York Co; Lemuel A Cosman, Kingston; David Long, Norton, Kings Co; Abraham Perry, Lower Ridge; A G Downey, Victoria Corner, Carleton Co; W^ J Halse, St John, North End; Irvine JIarvey,VVhite Head Island, Grand Manan; W R Reud, Lewiston, Maine; S J Perry, Geary, Sunbury Co; J Bolten Daggett, Wilson's Beach, Campobello. J. & A. McMillan make a specialty of color printing. M •I h 1 I 170 Ecclesiastical. J. & T. MCMILLAN'S PAPER RULIlfQ CANNOT BE SURPASSED. OENKRAL CONFERENCE LICENTIATES. Frank A ('urricr, lJ»!bou«ie College. HuliLx ; W (J Keirstead, U N B, Frederictnn; LA Fenwick, Acadia College, Wolfville; D l'atterK(»n, llaiu))- Hteiid, (Queens Co. NAM1'>1 OF Cl-ERKS AND TRKAHURER8 OF DKMTUICT MEKTINOS, WITH THBIK I'OHT OFFICE ADDRESSES. First District — F C Hloodsworth, Clerk, Upper Kent, Carleton Co; Samuel Barker, Treasurer, Bath, Carleton Co. Second District — Wni J Owens, Clerk, Tracey's Mills, Carleton Co ; Amos W Kideout, Treasurer, Peel, Carleton Co. Third District — Woodbury Sheppard, Clerk, Fredericton; Peleg Smith, Trea- surer, Fredericttm. Fourth District — James S Kinney, Clerk, Oromocto, Sunbury Co; Major Alexander, Treasurer, Fredericton Junction. Fifth Dis- trict — Isaac Carpenter, Clerk. Carpenter, Queens Co; (t J Worden, Treasurer, Wickham, Queens ''o. Sixth District — () W Sharp, Clerk, Midland. Kings Co; Edward McIiCod, Treasurer, Apohaqui, Kings Co. Seventh District Wm Peters, Clerk, St John; W VVhitiaker, Treasurer, St John (North End). Woman's Missionary Society. President, Mrs A C Smith; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Stephen Barker, Mrs C H Ebbett, Mrs C W Weyman; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs C W Weyman ; Recording Secretary, Mrs .1 McLeod ; Assistant Recording Secretary, Mrs D McLeod Vince; Home Secretai", Mrs A M McNintch; Treasurer, Mrs D Mc- J^eod Vince ; Auditor, Mrs M ■nwi'?k. Board of Managers — Mrs William Peters, Mrs G A Hartle; , Mrs C Burtt, Mrs D L(mg, Mrs D McLeod Vince, Mrs G T Atherton, Mrs J T Parsons, Mrs J W Clark, Miss Jane Weyman, Mrs C T Phillips, Mrs J J B'lrnes. CONGREGATIONAL. Officers of the Congrej;'ational Union of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Chairman, Rev David Purdon, C'ii^ogue, N S ; Secretary, Rev J \V Cox, b a, Economy, N S; Treasurer, J as Woodrow, St John; Statistical Secretary, Rev Jas Shipperley, Maitland, N S. Committee — The Officers, with Revs Simon Sykes, J D McEwen, J M Austin, G W Ball, J Blesedell, John Wood, Messrs Isaac N Cox, C H Dearborn, Archibald Barker, J W Jewett, Jas D Horton, Colin McLeod, A Newcombe Tupper, Andrew Crow, Nathan Tupper. Congregational Churches in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. St John, Sheffield, Rev J M Austin ; Keswick Ridge and Doiiglas, Rev S Sykes ; Milltown, Rev W Williams ; Yarmouth, N S, Rev W B Forbush ; Milton, Rev A Braine ; Pleasant River and Ohio, Rev J Blesedell ; Liverpool, Rev Geo W Ball ; Brooklyn and Beachmeadows, Rev J D McEwen ; Noel, Selmah and Maitland, Rev J Shipperley ; Economy, Rev J W Cox; Kingsport, Rev E W McColl; Margaree, ; Man- chester, ; Truro, Rev John W^ood ; Chebogue, Rev D W Purdon. Canada Congregational Missionary Society. President, Chas Cushing ; Secretary, Rev A F McGregor ; Treasurer, C R Black; Hon Superintendent for Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Rev John J. & A. MCMILLAN PRINT DODGERS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES. Educational 171 VISITINO CARDS PRINTED EXPEDITIOUSLT AT J. k A. McMILLAlTS. Wood. Executive Committee — The above officers, with Rev MeHKrs \V Mc- intosh, ii McC'iillum, J VV Cox, uiui McHHrs .j«>hn Morton, II O'Huru nnd Jm Woodrow. Canada CongToj^atfoiial ForoiK'H MiMslonary Society. PreHident, Rev I) McCalluni ; Vicc-I'resident, S P Leet ; Secretary Rev K M Hill ; TreuHurcr, Kev W T Gimn. LiudicH* H. I>'. Society of Nova Scotia and New Briiiiswick. President, Mrs Jenkins; Vice-PrcHidenls, Mrs S Sykes, Mrs H McLeod and Miss V Dimlop : ieneral Secretary, Miss Ida A II Barker; Treasurer, Mrs C H Dearborn; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs S VV Jiurns. Coii(iri'e{;rati(»iial Colleg'u, Montreal. Principal, Rev W M Barl>oiir, d d ; Chairman, Kev Dr (Jornish ; Treasurer, Tho8 Moodie; Secretary, Kcv \V II Warriner. EDUCATIONAL. Educational Department of New BriiiiHwick. Provincial Board of Education — The Governor, the members of tlie Execu- tive Cotnicil, the Chancellor of the University of New Brunswick, and the Chief Superintendent of Education, J R Inch, ll d. Clerks or Assistants — Thos Nisbet, Miss Mary Thompson, .Joseph Purdie. Provincial Normal School — Principal, Eldon Miillin, a m; Faculty of In- struction, H C Creed, M A, M Alice (^'lark, Edward Cadwallader, b A, John Brittain, G A Inch, b a, Alph^ Belliveau ; Model Dejiartraent, John F Rogers, Misses Clara E Bridges, Annie Harvey and (irace Portfr. School Inspectors and Inspectoral Districts. Inspectoral District No. 1 — The Counties of Ref-iigouche, Gloucester and ^Northumberland. Inspector, (ieo W Mersereau, A h, Doaktown. Inspectoral District No. 2 — The Counties of Kent and Westmorland. In- spector, Geo Smith, A H, Sackville. Inspectoral District No. 3 — The Coimties of Albert, Kings and Queens, en eastern side of St John river, except Canning. Inspector, R P iSteeves, A M, Sussex. Inspectoral District No. 4 — The Counties of St John and Charlotte, and the Parishes of Westfield and Greenwich, in Kings Co. Inspector, W S Carter, A M, St John. Inspectoral District, No. 5 — The Coimties of York (except Canterbury and Northlake), Sunbury and Queens, on western side of St John river, and Canning parish, on eastern side. Inspector, H V Bridges, Fredericton. Inspectoral District No. 6 — Counties of Carleton, Victoria and Madawaska, and Parishes of Canterbury and Northlake in York. Inspector, F B Meagher, VVo(»dBtock. Educational Institutions in connection with the Roman Catholic Church. See page 158. Educational Institutions in connection with the Methodist Church. See page 1G4. Educational Institutions in connection witli the Baptist Church. See page 16G. J. & A. McMILLAJN Publish and Import NEW BRUNSWICK SCHOOL BOOKS. 172 Educatfonal. i HoMILLAIf'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. Uiifverslty of Now BriifiHwick. ViHitor on behalf of IltT Miijesty — His Honor the Hon Jolin Jame» Kruser, LitMitenant-CMtvernor of tlie I'rovinco of New Hninswick. Corporation and Mi'mbers of the Senate — J li Inch, i.L i), I'reHident; Tlios Harrison, iil< u, ('hanceUoi ; Hon Arehil)al(l Harrison, His Honor Kir John C Allen, KU I) ; Ezeiiiel Mcl^eod, l-i- u; iJoyle Travers, ha, m d; Hon Janiea Mitcliell, M A ; Oeo K ('oulthard, u A, M d; .i K li MeCready, J Doiighis Hazen^ B A. n r 1,, M V ; Murray MacUiren, A n, M D ; H V li bridges, m a ; William A I'ark. Kegistrar and Trejiwurer -VVni Wilson, ha. Academi(! Faculty — Thos Harrison, M A, ll d, Chancellor of the University and Professor of Mathematics ; Loring W Hailey, M A, I'H i>, F K c s, Professor of Chemistry and Natural Science; Henry iSeabury IJridges, m a, I'II d, P'O- fessor of Classical i^lterature and History ; Wm Frederick Stockley, M a, I'ro- fessor of Knglish and French; (jeo M Downing, use, Professor of Mathe- matics, Experimental Physics and Electrical Engineering; Stephen M Dixon, M A, Civil Engineering and Surveying; John Davidson, ma, Alumni Pro- fessor of Mental and Moral I'hilosophy and Political Economy. Examiners for Degrees — in Mathematics and Mathematical I'hysics, I'rofcssor Harrison, i.ii I), and Havelock Coy, ma; in Classics, Prof Bridges, iMi i>, and Kev Goodridge Koberts, M A ; in I'hilosophy, Prof Kierstead, MA; in Science^ Prof Bailey, I'li u ; in English, Prof Stockley, m a, and Prof Kierstead, m a ; in French and German, Prof Stoctkley, M A, and Kev Goodridge Jones, M A. His Honor Sir John C Allen, ll d, Hon Justice F E Barker, M A, dcl, Wm Pugsley, MA, 1) c L, Examiners yi Civil Law. H S Bridges, M A, rri U, Librarian. UNIVERSITY ALUMNI SOCIETY. President, Hon Justice J A Vanwart, M A ; Vice-Presidents, J D Hazen, m p F^ldon Mullin, Dr Cox; Secretary -Treasurer, Geo A Hughes, u A. Members of Council—Dr Bailey, MA, Pii d, Dr Bridges, M A, F 8t Joha Bliss, M A, J D Phinney, u A, Murray Maclaren, M A, M i>, J ^\' MeCready, H A, T D Walker, n a, m d. Representatives in Senate — Hon Jas Mitchell, q c, M A, Dr M Maclaren. Educational Institute of New Brunswick. President, the Chief Superintendent of Education, ex officio; Secretary, John Brittain, Fredericton; Asst Secretary, Grace Orr, jja, Gngetown. FJxecutive Committee — Members ex officio : The Chief Superintendent of Education, the Chancellor of the University, the Principal of the jNormal School, the six School Inspectors. (See page 171). Menibers elected: G U Hay, phb, St John; B C Foster, M A, Fredericton ; George A Inch, b a, b sc, Fredericton ; Marion Tibbitts, b a, Gagetown; George J Oulton, b a, Dorchester; Kate R Bartlett, St John; Lillian Burtl, Fredericton; James Barry, St John ; SW Irons, Moncton; A (' M Lawson, Hopewell ; Representative to Senate of Uni- versity, H V B Bridges, m a. Madras School. The Governor and Trustees of the Madras School in New Brunswick — The Lieutenant (iovernor, the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, the Chief Justice, the members of the Executive Council of New Brunswick, the Judge of the Court of Vice-Admiralty, the Speaker of the House of Assembly, the Mayor and BOOK-BINDING PROMPTLY AND NEATLY HNISHED AT MCMILLAN'S. Educational — Militia. 173 Railroad and Steamboat PMntlng a Special Feature at J. k A. ■cHLLAirs. Recorder of St John, the Rector and (!hurcli Wardens of Triiiitv Cluirch, St John, together with (4 Sidney Smith, (Jeo A Schofiehl, Geo K tairwoather ; Clerk and TrenHurer, M L Stiirdoe, Halifax School for the Blind. This inHtitiition provides for the e(hication and training of blind persons of oitlier sex throughout the Maritime I'rovinces, Pupils from the Province of New Hrunswick, l)etween the ages of ten and twenty-one, are admitted free of all charge, the Provincial Government making an annual per capita grant of !r!ir)0 in aid of the school for each and every pupil from this Province attending the institution. All applications for adruiwiou should be addressed to the Superintendent, (' F Fraser, M A. UiiiverMity of Kintr'^* Collcjfcs Windsor, N. S. 1^ Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1789; Royal Charter granted, 1802.] Patron — His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Board op (Jovkknokh, 1895-9(5 — Ex-officio : The Right Rev the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, Visitor, and President <>f the Board ; the Right Rev the Lord Bishop of Fre<lericton. Members elected bv the Incorporated Alumni — The Venerable Archdeacon Kaulbach, ma, J Y Pavzant, Rev ( J Ha.slam, ma, J C Moody, Ml). Hon {Senator Almon, M D, Clarence H Dimock, J B Forster. Rev E Willets, i)fL, J Shaw, C Dodwell, C J Gossip, and Rev Dyson Hague. Member elected by the Synod of Nova Scotia — H Y Hind, i) <^ L. Elected by Synod of Fredericton — Ven Archdeacon Brigstocke, D D, Hon Judge Hanington. Elected by Deaneries. — Diocese of Nova Scotia — Deanery of Amherst, Henrv S Poole; Deanery of Avon, H M Bradford ; Deanery of Halifax, R E Harris; Deanery of Lunenburg, Hon Senator Kaulbach. Diocese of Fred- ericton — Deanery of St John, Chas W Weldon ; Deanery of ('hatham, Hon Judge Wilkinson: Deanery of vShediac, Irvine W Binney; Deanery of W^ood- atcck, Rev E Simonson ' f 'hdeaconry of Prince Edward Island — Rev J M Forbes, Rev E I Woliaiti ai ci A B Warburton. MILITIA. ^'^J^fir Active Force— District Staff. Deputv Adjutant General commanding — Lieut Col (ieo J Maunsell, late Captain H M 15th Foot, Lieut Colonel, Nov 22, '65. District Paymaster and Storekeeper — Major A J Armstrong, Oct 22, '86. 8tli Hussars (Princess Louise N. B. Regiment of Cavalry.) Organized G O, L'kh April, '69. Badge and Motto : A " Garter " surmounted by the coronet of Her Royal Highness tht Princess Louise ; within the Garter the number eight in Roman characters. '^ Repi Patriaequi Fidelis." Head- ■quarters, Rothesay. Lieut. Colonel, James Domville (c c 1st), 2nd July, '81. Majors — Alfred Markham (c c 1st), 2nd July, '81; Henry M Campbell (s c i, g s 2), 19th Aug, '92. A Troop, Hampton — Captain, Frederick Ernest Whelpley (r s c 2nd), 3rd Feb, '88; Lieutenant. James Edward Murray (s c Ist'B), 22nd April, '92; 2nd Lieutenant, Ches St Clair Skinner (prov), 20th Oct, '92 EMBOSSING NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. HcMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN. :r 174 Militia. LAW BRIEFS AND FAGTUHS PRINTED WITH ALACRITT AT MCMILLAN'S. II- 5 f B Troop, Ossekeag — Captain, Lieutenant, Frank Renting Black (r B i), 22n(l April, '92; 2n(l Lieutenant, Edwin Ketchum Parks (prov), 24th June, '93. C Troop, Apoliaqni — Major Campbell (s c Ist, g s 2nd), 2n(l .July, '92; Lieu- tenant, Douglas II Fuirweatlier (r 8 c 1st), 22nd July, '92; 2nd Lieu- tenant, .lames Todd Kirk fprov), 19tli Aug. '92. D Troop, Hammond— Captain, David J Fowler (cc2, m8 2nd), lltli Dec, '87 ; Lieutenant, Alfred .John Markham (r s c 1st), 6th July, '88 ; 'Znd Lieutenant, Rohert (Chillis McMonagle (prov). E Troop, .Johnston — Captain, (s i 1st, s c 2nd); Lieu- tenant, M E Harrington (r s c 2nd); 2nd liieutenant, R A March (prov), June, '93. F Troop. Shediac—Captain. Geo F Majinsell (s c 1st, s i 1st), 22nd Oct, '86; Lieutenant, John A McDougall (rsclst), 17th June, '87 ; 2nd Lieu- tenant. .John W 8 Black (prov), 3rd June, '93. G Trooi), Springfield— Captain, John H McRobbie (s c 2nd), 30th June, '87 ; Lieutenant, James W Domville (r m c), oth Sept, '90; 2nd Lieutenant, Arthur F March (r s c 1st), July, '93. Paymaster — Major .John Jesse Woodward, 28th Sept, '93. Adjutant— Frederick V Wedderburn (sc 1st), 30th July, '36; Captain, 18th June, '86. Surgeon — John Edgar March, m d, 30th May, '84 Veterinary Surgeon — James H Frink, v s, June, '93. Artillery Field Batteries. Newcastle, N B — Lieutenant-Colonel commanding, Robert R Call, 4th Feb, '8,5 (appointed to command of Battery 18th Dec, '68); Captain, Richard Leighton Maltby ; Lieutenant, Charles Sergeant ; 2nd Lieutenant, Meredith Payson Smith ; Surgeon, F L Pedolin ; Veterinary Surgeon, John Morrisey. Woodstock, N B— I_,ieutenant-Colonel, F H J Dibblee (g s 1st), 21st .July. '76; Captain, C H Emery (g s 1st), 16th Oct, '8.5 ; Lieutenant, Jas F Doherty (g s .3rd), 16th Oct, '8-5; '2nd Lieutenant, William C (Jood (prcv), 31st May, '89; Surgeon, Wra N liand, M d, 24th Jime, '92; Veterinary Surgeon, Henry Domville, v s, 2nd June, '93. New Brunswick Battalion Garrison Artillei*y. Organized G O, 28th May, 1869, as a Brigade. Original Muster Roll of first Company dated 4tli May, 1793. Lieutenant-Colonel — John Russell Armstrong (r s a 1st, c c 1st, c c 2nd, m » 2nd), 22nd Nov, '85. Major— Geo West Jones (r s a 1st), 28th July, '94. No 1 Battery, St John (Prince of Wales) — Captain, Stanley Douglas Craw- ford (g s), 3rd June, '87 ; Lieutenant, Beverley Robiiison Armstrong (r s a 1st), Dec, '95; 2nd Lieutenant, Arthur Cavendish Hanulton-Gray (prov), 12th Oct, '95. No 2 Batterv, Carleton —Captain, .John B M Baxter (r s a 1st), 16th Dec, '92; Ll-^utenaiit, Herbert Chipman Tilley (r s a 2nd), 20th Jan, '93; 2nd Lieutenant, Frederick Allan Foster (r s a 2nd), 27th Aug, '95. No 3 Battery, St John (North End) — Captain, Robert Huntley Gordon (r s a 1st), 22nd June, '94 ; Lieutenant, Walter Edward Foster (r s a Ist), 22nd June, '94; 2nd Lieutenant (prov), Gordon Sutherland McLeod, 23 June, '93. No 4 Battery, St John — Captain, Thomas Edward Grindon Armstrong (rs a) 2nd), 28th July, '94; Lieutenant, Frederick Caverhill Jones (rsalst), BOOK-BINDING IN THE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART AT McMHIiAFS. Militia. 17.1- BOOK AND PAMPHLET PRINTING A SPECIALTY. J. & A. MclULLAN. 28th July, '94 ; 2nd Lieutenant, Sherwood Arthur Manning Skinner (prov), 28th July, '94. No 5 Batlery — Captain, Frederick Landon Temple (rsalst), Dec, '95; Lieutenant, Edward Walter Bates Scovil (provj, 7th July, '93; 2nd Lieuten- ant, Ernest Ray Jones (prov), Dec, '95. Adjutant— ('apt Walter Woodworth White (rsa 1st), 12th Oct, '95; Cap- t-'in, 1st June, '94. Quartermaster — John James (iordon (rsa 1st, ni 16lh Dec, '92), 28 July,'94. Surgeon — John Waterhouse Daniel, M D (rsa 1st), llth Aug, '76. Assistant Surgeon — Joseph Andrews, M D, 14th Sept, '83. (>2ii<l Battalion— St. John Fusiliers— Infantry. Lieutenant-Colone' — Joseph J Tucker (v b 1st), 2nd June, '93. Majors — Hugh H McLean (v h 1st), 2nd Oct, '85; Edward T Sturdee (m s 2nd, V b 1st, s i 1st), 7th July, >>'.; ht major 5th May, '80. Captains — Wm C Magee (ms 2nd, s i 1st), 20th Nov, '80; bt major, 2(kh Nov, '90. Matthew B P^dwards ^ms 2nd, si 1st), 12th June, '85; "bt major 12th June, '95. J Fenwick Fraser (v b 2nd ), 28th Sept. '88. David Churchill (s i 1st), 24th April, '91. Sterling B Lordly (s i 1st), 7th April, '93. James Manning (r s i 1st). 7th July, '93. LicHtenants — John Henry Kaye (rsilst), 24th April, '91. George A Hetherington (rsi 2nd), 24th .^pril, '91. Howard Pentreath Wetmore (rsi Ist), 10th March, '94. Jas L McAvitv (rsi 2nd). 10th March, '94. Thomas Dunning (rsi 2nd;, 9th March, '95. Ernest E McMichael (rsi 2nd), 24th August, '95. Second Lieutenants— Walter R Miles (rsi 2nd), 5th Nov, '94. J. Ottv Sharp (rsi 2nd), 13th Sept, '95. William C Rankine (rsi 2nd), 13th Sept, '95. Alex W Macrae (pror), 24th April, '91. Harrison A McKeown (prov), 24th April, '9L Adjutant — Frederick H Hartt (vb2nd, s i 1st), 10th Dec, '86; captain, 19th Jan, '77 ; bt major, 19th Jan, '87. Quartermaster — Henry H Godard (s i Ist), 2nd June, '93 ; captain, 28th June, '89. Surgeon— Thomas W.ilker, M D. 27th June, '84. Assistant Surgeon — Murray Maclaren, M D (m s 2nd), 3rd May, '89. 07th Battalion Carleton Lig^ht Infantry,— Woodstock. Lieutenant-Colonel — J D Baird (m s 1st), 10th Sept, '87. Majors — Gordon E Bover (s i Ist, m s 2nd), 13th Jan, '88; Amos D Hart- ley (s i 1st, m s 2nd), 13th Jan, '88. Captains— Henrv W Bourne, 12th July, '72; J R Kirkpatrick, 12th Julv, '89 ; John W Adams, 17th Sept, '86 ; Leonard R Harding, 13th Jan, '88 ; Jolin J Kupkev, 3rd May, '89; Jesse W Baker, 10th April, '74; Guildford D Per- kins, 13th Jan, '88'; Jo.seph W Williams, 7th April, '87 ; F B Carvell, 25th Nov, '92. 1st Lieutenants— Leander Kennedy, 31st March, '89; Willard W Ros.s, 1.3th Jan, '88 ; David W Pickett, 3rd Mav, '87 ; Edwin W Bell, 31st March, '89 ; John F Williams, 7th April, '87 ; Chas W Dickinson, 3l6t March, '90; Geo Anderson, 26th June, '91 ; John Edward Sutton, 2()th Jan, '93. 2nd Lieutenants— Joseph Cvr, 29th April, '87; Chas H Taylor, 7th April, '89 ; H B Peterson, 17thSept,"'91 ; James Johnson, llth July, '90 ; George R Smith, 7th April, '87 ; Mi'ford Hewlett (prov, r s i 2nd b) ; Herbert Leslie Ross, 1 9th Aug, '92. __ BT-LAWS AND PAMPHLETS NEATLY PRINTED AT McHILLAN'S. 176 Militia. JOB PRINTING EXECUTED PROHPTLT AT J. & A. McHILLAFS. Paymaster— John D Ketchura, 10th Sept, '69 (hon m), 23rd May, 73. •Quartermaster — Hamilton Emery, 10th Sept, '69 (hon m), 10th Sept, '79. Adjutant — Arthur J Kaymond, lotli May, '85; Captain 7th May, '91. 71 St York Btittiilion of Infantry — Fredericton. Lieutenant-Colonel — Thomas L Alexander, 9th Feb, 1895. Majors— T (i J Loggie, 31st July, '90; Henry A Croplev, 9th March, '95. tJaptains— Wm T Howe, 14th Sept, '83, Brevet Major, 14th Sept, '93; Jared Boone, IHth June, '86; W 1) Hartt. 18th June, '86 ;' Justin Stewart Burt, 5th Sept. '90; R M Pinder.31st July, '90; John D Chipman, Julv, '94; James D Perkins, 9th March, '95. Lieutetuints— T (i Kelly. 31st March, '88; fJeo P Ryder, 17th May, '89 ; S H McFarlane, i^tli June,"'89; Jas H Hawthorn, 31st'March, '91 ; George P (.hristv, 30tli June, '94; John Evans Sansom, (r s i), 24th June, '93; Walter T Fisher, 9th March, '95. 2n(l Lieutenants — A George Blair, 31st Julv, '91 ; George A Murray (p), 20th Nov, '91 • (Jeo W H Thomas (r s i), 2oth Nov, '92; William Henry Grey (r s i), 24th June. '93. Pavmaster — Brevet Major, A G Beckwith, 11th July, '76. Quartermaster— Andrew Eipsett, 25th Feb, '76 (lion m), 25th Feb, '86. Surgeou —James Whiteside Bridges, m d, 1st July, '93. Adjutant— John V Johnston, 17th May, '89; Captain, 9th Feb, 1895. Bi'i^'hton Eiij^iiieers — Carleton County. (Raised as a ('ompanv of Infantrv 19th Se|)t, 1867. Transferred to Engineers 27'th Feb, 1880). Major, Donald McLeod Vince, 25th Aug. '94 (10th Sept, '74) ; Captain, John Rainsford Tompkins, 25th Aug, '94 ; 2nd Lieutenant, John I') Steven- son, June, '9.,, 73r(l Nortliumberlaud Battalion of Infantry— Chatham. Lieutenant-Colonel — Samuel U McCully, 12th June, '85. Captains -Hugh Cameron, 4th Aug, '71 ; William McNaughton, 12th Apr, '77 ; John Sheridan, 21st May, '86; J DBF Mackenzie, 1st June, '94; Geo W Mersereau, 1st June, '94. Lieutenants — James Cameron, 13th June, '84; George Frederick Doherty, 2nd Dec, '89; Howard Irving, 28th July, '94. Second Lieutenants — McDougall Snowball (p), 0th July, '88; Frank Doug- las Phinney (p), 28th July, '93 ; Fred P Yoi?ten, 28th July, '94 ; M Alonzo Kelly (p), 22nd June, '94; Fred Hayes Mersereau (p), 25th '95; Donald McNaughton (p), 12th Oct, '95. Paymaster — Lemuel J Tweedie, 6th Sept, '72. ijiuarterraaster — Robert Murray, jr, 6th July. '88. Surgeon — James McGregor Baxter, M D, 22nd June, '92. 74th Battalion Infantry— .Swssex. Lieutenant-Colonel — Edwin B Beer (m s 2nd, v b 1st), 17th Oct, '70. Majors— John Milton Baird (m s 2nd, si 1st), 30th July, '86; Bedford Harper (ms2nd, si 1st), 25th June. '95. Captains — Charles H Fairweather (m s 2nd), 4th June, '86; John Alonzo Bowes (r s i Ist, v b 2nd), 30th June, '86; Henry Carleton Hanington (r s i 1st), 20th March, '91 ; Ormond Whelpley Wetmore (r s i 1st), Dec, '93 ; Amasa Judson Tingley (rs i 1st), 25th June, '95. J. & A. McMillan furnish estimates for society printing. Lieuten Sears (s i June, '94 Forster (s Second Charles P Charles T Paymas Adjutar captain, Quarter Surgeon Captain Percy De^ 24th June Preside Secretary President F H Hart The J Officers Stephen ; Senior Gr A McNicl V W Gra Wisdom, Junior (ii monies, E Twining ] W Grand W A Ewi St'^'ards, Porter, St Farmer, ^ Perley, A Macrae, t" Moncton bellton ; R W Dis Tyler, Di Board burn, Jol dent), Jc JOB F Militia — Masonic. 177 J. & A. McMillan print ball programmes in the best style. Lieutenants — Frederick William Givan (prov), 24tli Dec, '91 ; Melbourne Sears (s i Ist, v b 2nd), .SOth July, '86 ; Charles Westley Weynian (r s i Ist), June, '94; Frederick Morrison (rsilstb), June, '94; William Davidson Forster (s i 1st b), July, '94. Second Lieutenants —Ernest Pascoe Goodwin (r si 2nd), 8th April, '92; Charles Pickard (prov), Aug, '93; James Murray Mclntyre (prov), June,'94 ; Charles Thomas Nevins (prov), 22nd June, '94. Paymaster — Thos P^dwin Arnold (m s 2nd), June, '86 ; lion rn, 4th June, '86. Adjutant — Hiram Samuel Langstroth (r s i 1st, m s 2nd), 15lh June, '88 ; captain, '93. Quartermaster— Wm C Murrav, 20th March, '91 ; hon m, 20th March, '91. Surgeon— Samuel F Wilson, M D, 27th Nov, '8o. St. John liiHe Company. Captain. Edward A Smith (m s 2u(l),20th Feb,'92; 1st Lieutenant, Leonard Percy DeWolf Tillev (r s i), 22nd April, '92 ; 2nd Lieutenant, Harold Parley, 24th June, '92. New Brunswick Provincial Rifle Association. President, Major J H Parks ; Vice-President, Lieut-Colonel, J J Tucker ; Secretary -Treasurer, Capt J Twining Hartt. Executive Committee — The President, Capt J D Chipman, Lieut-Col Tucker, (> apt J H McRobbie, Major F H Hartt, Captain J M Kinnear, and the Secretary. MASONIC. The Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of New Brunswick. Officers of Grand Lodge, lS9r)-t)— M W Grand Master, J T Whltlock, St Stephen; K W Deputy Grand Master, J Henry Leonard, Carleton ; R W Senior (irand Waiden, Fred Sandall, St John; R W Junior (irand Warden, A McNichol, St John ; V W Cirand Chaplain, Rev () S Newniiam, St Stephen ; V W Grand Treasurer, E J Everett, St John; V W Grand Secretary, F W W^isdom, St John ; W Senior (Jrand Deacon, John HIack, Fredericton ; W Junior Grand Deacon, W J O'Brien, Bathurst ; W (irand Director of Cere- monies, H V Cooper, St Joiin; W Asst Grand Director of Ceremonies, J Twining Hartt, St John; W Grand Sword Hearer, W T McLend, Sussex; W Grand Standard Bearer, W H McLcod, Ricliibucto; W^ Grand Organist, W A Pawing, St John ; W Grand Pursuivant, Robt tJierke. St John ; W Grand St^vards, G D Grimmer, St Andrews; Granville Chase, Upper Mills; W A Porter, St John ; George Thompson. St John ; D C Clarke, Carleton; R C Farmer, St John ; W H Laughlin, Milltown ; John W Reed, St M-".rys ; Allan Perley, Andover; HillC Cawley, St (Jeorge ; Thos Carson, St Martins; A W Macrae, St John; R \V District Deputy (irand Master, No 2, W .\ Truenian, Moncton ; R W District Deputy Grand Master, No 3, \V J O'Brien, Camp- bellton; R W District Deputy Grand Master, No 4, JohnG Hall, Marysville; R W District Deputy Grand Master, No 5, A Mungall, St Stephen; Grand Tyler, Dingee Scribner. Board of (Tcneral Purposes — J T Wliitlock, Thos Walker, Wra Wedder- burn, John V Ellis, Robt Marshall, Wtn F Bunting, J Henry Leonard (Presi- dent), John A Wat.son, W A Maclauchlan, H B Fleming, E J Wetmore, Geo JOB PRINTING PROBIPTLT ATTENDED TO AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S. 178 Masonic. JOB PRINTING ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED AT J. k A. McHILLAN'S. ■OiL BRAN( B Hegan (Vice-PreHident), ThoH A (ioHsoe, David F Merritt, John D 8hortJ W WatHon Allen, A R Campbell. F W Wisdom (Secretary). Fitual Committee— J T Whitlcxtk, Thos Walker, John V P:ilis, Henrv Dnffell, Wm F lUnitinp;, Alex Hurchill, Thos A Uodsoe, J C Hathevvay.W 11 B Sadlier, W A Ewing, H Lawrance Sturdee. Committee on KelationH with Foreign (irand Lodges — John V Ellis, D Merritt, E J Everett. Library Committee — F W Wisdom, John I) Short, W B Wallace. Committee on Warrants to New Lodges — J V Ellis, J Henry Leonard, Join A Watson. Priv^ate Lodfsfes. Albion Lodge, No 1 — IJ I' Farmer, \V M ; F W Wisdom, Seeretary. Meets first Friday iit| each nioiitli at Mai-ionic Tem|)le, St .Tolin. Saint .iohn's l>odge. No 2 — A W Macrae, W M; F L Flewwelling, Secretary. Meets tirstl Tue.sday in eacli month at Masonic Temple, St .lohn. Hibernia liodge, No.'}— \V A I'orter, W M ; (i (J Hoyne, Secretary. Meets second Tuesday] in each month at Masonic Tcniple, St Jolin, Sussex, No 4 — Meets lirst Tuesday at J')orchest('r. Saint Mary's, No .'i — Meets first Thursday at St Andrews. Hiram, No fi— Meets first Thursday in Frcdoricton. Sussex, No 7 Meets first Tuesdayiii St Stephen. Carleton I'nion, No S— Meets first Thursday in each month at Freemasons' Hall, Carleton. Midian, No !»— Me<!ts second Tuesday at Clifton, Kings (^ounty. The Union Lodge of I'ortland, No 10— Louis Donald, W M ; .1 B Andrews, Secretary. Me<!ts| third Thursday in each month at Masonic Temple, St John. Woodstoclc Lodge, No 11 — Meets first Thursday in Woodstock. St (ieorge Lodge, No 12— Meets first Tuesday at St (leorge, (^harlotte County. Corinthian Lodge, No 13— Meets second Wednesday at Hampton, N B, Alley Lodge, No 14— Meets first Thursday at Upper Mills, St Stephen. Howard Lodge, No 15— Meets first Tuesday at Hillsboro. Lodge St Andrew, No 1(5 — Meets Monday on orafter full moon at Richibucto. Northumberland Lodge, No 17— Meets second Tuesday at Newcastle. Miramichi Lodge, No 18— Meets third Tuesday at Chatham. Salisbury I-odge, No 20— Meets first Tuesday at Salisbuiy. Zion Lodge, No 21— Meets first Wednesday at Sussex. New Brunswiclc Lodge, No 22— George Thompson, WM; H V Cooper, Secretary. Meets | second Thursday at Masonic T('inple, St .John Keith Lodge, No 23 — Meets third Wednesday at Moncton. Zetland I^odge, No 24— Meets second Wednesday at Sliediac. Restigouche Lodge, No 25— Meets Tuesday on or after full moon at Dalhousie. Victoria Lodge, No 2fi — Meers second Tuesday in each month at Milltown. St John Lodge, No 27— Meets first Thursday iit Bathurst. St Martins Lodge, No 30 — Meets first Monday at St .Martins. Benjamin liOdge, No 31 — Meets first Tuesday at Audover. Campbellton Lodge, No .32 — Meets first Thursday at Campbellton. Alexandria Lodge, No 33— Meets first Tuesday at St Marys. Albert Lodge, No 34 — Meets Tuesday nearest full moon at Hopewell Corner, Albert County. Grand Royal Arcli Chapter of New Brunswick. John V Ellis, St John, Grand High Priest ; Henry Graham, St Stephen, Deputy Grand High Priest; Donald Munro, Woodstock, Grand King; John A Watson. St John. Grand Scribe; J Henry Leonard, St John. Grand Tioa- snrer; F Wyng VV'isdom, St John, Grand Secretary; Andrew McNichol. St John, Grand C of H ; J D Fowler. Fredericion, Grand R A C; Fred Sandill, St John, Grand Organist; John liubins, St John, Grand Pursuivant; Dingee Scribner, St John, Grand Sentinel. Executive Committee — John V Ellis, Henry Graham, Donald Munro, John A Watson, J H Leonard, F W Wisdom, W A Ewing, En,, i- .'.' irshall, 1^ J Everett, Thomas Walker. Peter Campbell. Ritual Committee -John V KHis, W B Wallace, W X *Avint.', H V Cooper, J H Leonard, John A Watson, liemy Ihiflell, \ H Hiltz, I: LfrnUi. Grand Coi McHILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FKOlkk Al^> MAKERS. Masonic. 179- iAN'S.. ■OiL BRANCHES OF BOOKBINDING AT McHOLAN'S, ST. JOHif, N. B. Private Chapters. Carleton Royal Arch Cliai)ter— Robert L Smith, II P; F Wyng Wi-(dom^ cretary. Meets third Wednesday in each month at Masonic Temple, St John. New Brunswick Royal Arch ("hapter — II V C'orper, II P; (i (i Boyne^ cretary. Meets first Tuesday in each month at Masonic Temple, St John. Fredericton Chapter — Alexander P.urchill, H P ; Alfred F Street, Secretary. ifeets third Wednesday in each month at Fredericton. Union Royal Ardi Chapter — W A Doii^herty, II P; H Colby Smith, Sec- tary. Meets third Tuesday in each month at Freemasons' Hall, Carleton. St Stephen Royal Arch Chapter — Rev () S Xewnham, H P; W H Stevens, cretary. Meets second Tuesday in each month at St Stephen. Botsford Royal Arch Chapter -J W Whitehead, II P; Henry B Fleming,. ecretary. Meets third Monday in each month at Moncton. Woodstock Royal Arch Chapter — Donald Munro, H P; Charles WJenner^ Secretary. Meets third Tuesday in each month at Woodstock. Grand Council of High Priests. Robert Marshall, President; John V Elli.s, Senior Vice-President; J E .Masters, Junior Vice-President ; E J Everett, Chaplain ; J D Short, Treasurer ; F Wyng Wisdom, Secretary; John A Watson, M of C; W B WiUlace, Con ;; Donald Munro, Steward; A H Hiltz, Warder. Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters and Appendant Orders of New Brunswick. W B Wallace, M P G M ; Henry Graham, DG M ; E J Everett, R PG M ;. John A Watson, PGM; Robt Marshall, Grand Recorder; J Henry Leonard, Grand Treasurer; J D Short, Grand Chaplain; M McGowan, Grand Captain of Guards; A McNichol, Grand Master of Ceremonies; J L Harris, Grand Conductor ; R H M Williams, Grand Steward ; W A Ewing, Grand Organist ; G G Boyne, Grand Sentinel. St. John Council, No. 1. John A Watson. T I M ; A McNichol, RIM; F W Wisdom, I M ; J D' Short, Chaplain ; G G Boyne, Recorder ; Fred Sandall, Treasurer ; R L Smith, M of C ; F L Tufts, C of G ; Fred L Hea, ( of C ; A W Macrae, Steward ; D Scribner, Sentinel. Meets at Masonic Temple, St John, third Monday ia February, May, August and November. Carleton Council, No 3 — Meets quarterly, at Freemasons' Hall, Carleton. Moncton Council — Meets quarterly in Moncton. St Stephen Council — Meets quarterly, at St Stephen. Carleton Council of Red Cross Knights. John A Watson, King; Arthur 1 Trueman, Senior General ; Wm A Ewing,. Junior General ; G Gordon Boyne, Secretary; T Amos Godsoe, Treasurer; Fred Sandall, Captain of Guard ; Robt L Smith, First (iuard ; D Millar Olive, Second Guard; Wm B Wallace, Conductor; Charles F Harrison, S W; John Rubins, J W; Dingee Scribner, Sentinel. Meets at Miisonic Temple, St John. Knig-hts Templar. Encampment of St. John, No 48, Religious and Military Order of the Temple, Registry of the (.'hapter General of Scotland. Meets second Wed- nesday in each month, at the Masonic Temple, St John. A I Trueman, Noble and Eminent Commander ; Wm B Wallace, Lieutenant Commander ; George J. & A. McMillan pubush school books. 180 Masonic — Orange Institution. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRINTING AT J. It A. McMILLAN'S. l^lake, Mareschal ; Andrew McNlchol, Hospitaller ; Robert L Smith, Chat oellor; T A (iodsoc, IVea.snrer; (i (i i^n-ne, 8e(;rc'tary ; C Diaper, Riuuc nifer; Geo H Mile.s, Bearer of Vexilliini Belli; J Fred Lawton, (,'liaplaii| J RubinH, CliaiTilierlain ; W A Kwing, Organist ; A R Campbell, Warder ; K Hea and R H McWilliams, Aides-de-Camp ; Dingee iScribner, Man-at-AnnJ MvJjiiod Moore ('oiiclave, No. 13. Masonic a id Military Order of Knights of Rome and of the Red CroJ of Constanti le, Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and S. John the EvangelistI Registry ol' the Grand Imperial Conclave of England. Meets at Masoni| Temple, St John, on the second Monday in January, April, July and Ootobei Hon Robert Marshall (33°), Intendant (lenoral for the Provinces; John jj Watson, M P Sovereign : Howard D McLeod, Viceroy: Chas McLauclil'i :Senior General ; R L Smitli, Junior General ; John V Ellis, High Prelati'l Frank L Tufts, Treasurer; F W Wisdom, Recorder; W B Wallace, Prefect iieo B Hegan, Standard Bearer; Andrew McNichol, Herald ; Dingee Scril]( tier, Sentinel. Ancient and Aecept<'rt Scottish Kite. St John Lodge of Perfection, H°, on the Registry of the Supreme Council •of Canada. Meets at Mi>';onic Temple, St. John, on the fourth Fridav iif February, May, August and November. F W Wisdom, T PGM; G Goi-do^ Royne, Secretary. Harrington Chapter of Sovereign Priuce« of Rose Croix, H R D M, 1S°- Meets at Masonic Temple, St John, fourth Friday in March, June, Septeiiil l)ei and December. T Barclay Robinson, M W Sovereign ; F W Wisdoiii| Secretary. New Brunswick Consistory S P R S, 32°— Meets at Masonic Hall, St JohnI fourth Friday in October, January, April and July. J S Maclaren, Conif mander-in-Chief ; G G Boyne, Grand Secretary. Royiil Order of Scotland. Provincial Grand Lodge of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Princ^ Edward Island. John V Ellis, Provincial Grand Master; Wm A Ewiiii,'] Provincial (J rand Secretary. Meets at Maconic Temple, St John, on the firsfl Wednesday in February, May, August and Noverabei'. LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION. Grand Lodg-e of New Brunswick, R W Grand Master, James Kelly, St John ; R W S Deputy Grand MastcrJ J A Moore, Waterford, Kings; R W .T Deputy Grand Master. Joseph WalkerJ Frcdericton, York ; R W Grand Chaplain, Rev J p] Flewelling, CentrcTilleJ <'arleton; R W <« rand Secretary, James M Mclntyre, Sussex, Kings; K \v <jrand Treasurer, R G Magee, St John ; RW Grand Lecturer, Robt Maxwoll,j St John; R W (irand Director of Ceremonies, H McAfee, Moncton, West- anorland ; R W l^eputy Grand Secretary, Rev J B Morgan, Jacksonville,| Carleton. R W Deputy Lrrand Chaplains— C W^ Curry, A D Thomas, A L Hainiii^',! J Hewitson, Wni Rossborough, Wm Anderson, Fredericton, York ; Geori:ej W Brown, ?' irysville, York; J W Hoyt, McAdam Junction, York ; R Dj PROGRAMUES AND POSTERS PRINTED IN Al STYLE AT HcHILLAN'S. Orange Institution. 181 cHILLAN'S BINDERY is the MOST OOlLPIiETE in Uie Maritime ProTinces. R'ilmot, MP, Belmont, Si-.nbnry; Parker Glazier, W I) Paterson, Oromocto, iiinbury ; Jeremiah 'Iracey, 1) A Diiplissca, Tracey Station, 8unbiiry ; John 'eaman, I) H Charters, John Steeves, Monctoii, Westmorland ; Thos Camp- yi, Sleeves Settlement, Westmorland ; Stephen G Nickerson, H (i Wadman. EOSteeves, m d, P E Heine, Moncton, Westmorland; S C Alward, Hutier- liit Ridge, Westmorland ; G W Gaynor, Salisbury, Westmorland; R DutF, li A Sears. A Delaney, Campbellton, Restlgouehe ; H Wyse, K F Reid, New- Lstle, Nortluiiiiberlaiid; W A McAfee,Waterford, Kings (Kast); R F Keith, Kiiinear, Kings (East); Samuel Killen, Richard Howes, J R MeLean. Thos loggon, I) C Ciaiiibliii, K L Morrison, W J Hunter, Sussex, Kings (East) ; I) 1 McNutt, Jefi'ries, Kings (East); Hamlin liradley, Williams' Landing, vings (West) ; John Redman, White Head, Kings (West) ; Robert Chand)er- lin, (londola Point, Kings (West) ; Hein-y Flewelling, Moss Cilen, Kings IWest) ; Isaae Pitt, (ireenwich Hill, Kings (West) ; G H Jjoyer, Florence- lille, C^arleton ; A F Loekhart, Hartland, Carleton ; Mered P>rewer, N I Cluflj IN Scott, Woodstock, Carleton; G S Wiggins, J A Waters, Centreville, I'arleton ; James liaker,Woodstoek, Carleton ; Robert Corbett, Clones, Queen* Test) ; John Coojjer, .lames Chittick, South Clones, Queens (West) ; George Francis, William McKee, Armstrong's Corner, Queens (West); John Corbett, bummer Hill, Queens (West) ; W C Atkinson, Harcourt, Kent; Rev A F riiompson, Rathurst Village, Gloucester; Rev J S Sellars, A N Desbrisay, iathurst, (iloucesttr; Jos McCormick, W T A Douglas, St George, Charlotte; Ij G Atkinson, M d, liaillie, Charlotte; (t F Watts, Four Falls, Victoria; Jas L'arnwaith, A J Wood worth, Riverside, Albert; Geo E Stiles, W J McKenzie, Elgin, Albert; H \\ Spinney, Muscjuash, St John (West) ; Saral Chamberlin, ^amuel (Jalbraith, Samuel Ferguson, Pisarinco, St John (West); (Jeo Burns, ■Jos Scribner, David Burgess, (ieo J Moore, Fairville, St John (West) ; Wna iRoxborough, St John, St John (West); James Keys, John W Rusk, C W fctockton, Robert Scott, James Elliot. James McCallum, William (irant, Chris [White, J A S Mott, A W xMacrae, Jonn Kenny, jr, St John, St John Co. SUnORDINATE LOUGES— NIGHTS OK MEETING. Vernor, 1, St >Tohn, St .Tohn Co— First and third Thursday. Eldon, 2, St John, St .John l',>— Second and fourth Tuesday. York, '.i, St John, St John Co — First and third Thursday. Nerepis Heroes, 4 Petersville Church, Queens — Mrst Tuesday. Guardian, 5, Musquiish, St John— First Saturdav. Victoria, 6, Golden Grove, St John— Second Wednesday. Gideon, 7, St John, St John— Second and fourth Thursday. Kelly, 8, Moncton, Westmorland— First and third Alomiay. Wellington, 9, Mechanics' Settlement, Kings— First Tuesday. True nTues, 11, Carleton, St John— Third Wednesday. Milburn, 12, Eel River, York 13, Rising Dam, I'latlands, Restigouche— First and third Tuesday. Steeves, 14, Lutz Mountain, Wesciuorland — Second and fourth Saturday. Boyne, 15, Whitehead, Kings— Second Saturday. Invin{;ible, IG, St Martins, St John — I'irst Friday. Queen's Own, 17, St Stephen, Charlotte— First and third Thursday. No Surrender, 18, (iagetown, Queens— First Tuesday. Baillie, I'J, Baillie, Charlotte— l-'irst Saturday. Graham, 20, Fredericton, York— First and third Friday. Rossmore, 21, St Marys, York— Second and fourth Thursday. Rusagornis, 22, Rusagornis, Sunbury — Second Saturday. Anderson, 2.3, ri)per Keswick, York — First Monday. Johr.ston, 24, St .John, St John — First and third Monday. Queen's Hlues, 2,5, Newcastle Bridge, Queenf* — First and third Friday. Dominion, 2<), (ireenwich Hill, Kings— Third Wednesday. Havelipck. 27. St .John, St John— Second and fourth Wednesday. Metcalf, 28, OUnville. (Jue<'n.s (west)— First Saturday. & A. McMillan supply wedding invitations in latest styles. 182 OuANOE Institution. LEGAL BLANKS AND STATIONERY ALWAYS IN STOCK AT McHILLAN'fl^^^^™^ Mount Purple, '2'.», Pisarlnco.St Join— First Siitiinlnv. Lincoln, HO, Lincoln, Wuiibury — .Second and fonrth Wednesday. British ljion,IJl, (ilaHvlllc, <'arlt'Jon— First Wt'dntsday. K<|iinl Rights, :i2, Fredericton, York — Second Tuesday. Harcourt licforins, ."t;!, Kass River, Kent— l-'irtit Saiirday. (iowan, M, Hairdsville, Victoria— Second TiiewdaT AValker, 3."), I'rcdericton, York- First and third 'lucaday. Star of Boyno, 'M, Pattcrt-on Settlement, Sunbury — 'econd Monday. Apprentice Boys, '(7, Sen '>()g Cove, Kings- I'Mrst Monday. V oo'iHtock, .'!H, Woodstock, t arleton— First Tuesday. ArniHtrong, lilt, Monclon, Westmorland — Second and fourth Mondays. Pic'.£ar(i,4U, Marysville, York - First and third I'liursday. 41, llartland, ("arleton— Sc<'(ind .M<inday. Albert, 42, Point Wolfe, Albert— First Saturday. V.'adman, 4 i, Harcourt, Kent— Last Thursday. Kinnear, 44, lTi)haiii, King.s— First Tliursday. Harmony, 4.'), liOch Lomond, St .lohn— I'ir.si Monday. Johnston Blues, 4'), Sheba, (iueens-Second Monday. No Surrender, 47, N(!wcastle, Nortluimberland— First Friday. 4'J, Bristol, (arleton -Fourth Wednesday. Nortli Lake, .'iO, Fosterviih.', York— Second Saturday. Wellington, 51, Kirklainl, (arleton— First Tuesday. Hampton, .')2, Hampton, Kings. Andover, M, Four Falls, Victoria— Second Thursday. Waldon, .5.5, Central Hainesville, York— First Thursday. -56, Centreville, Carleton — SeconcI Wednesday. 57, Middle Siruonds, Carleton— First Monday. Mount Pleasant, .")'.•, ('arleton -'I'hird Wednesday. Immaiiuel, (JO, South Bay, St John— Last Friday. at Stephen, HI, St Stephen, (liarlotte— First Monday. M(mcton,))2. Moncton, Westmorland— Second Friday and fourth Thursday. New Dominion, (i:{, ('umU(!rland Bay, (Queens— Third Wednesday. Heine, (;4, ('ampl)(!llton, Itestigouche — First and third Wednesday. Kingston Champions, (!."., Clifton, Kings — Fourth Saturday. Benton, 6(), Benton, ('arleton— First Saturday. Ph<enlx, ()7, Pelitcodiac, Westmorland— First Monday. McLarren, fis, Sali9l)ury, Westmorland — First and third Saturday. 4il), Hornsville, Carleton. Willis, 7u, Fairville, St John— First and Thi d Tuesday. Pitts, 71, Mouth of lay, ^ork- Second and fourth Tuesday. <ieth, 7:{, Bear Island, Vorl; - iMHirth Saturday. Wiggins, 74, Fa-st l-'lorein eville, (.'arleton— Second Friday. Union, 75, St John— Second iind fourth Friday. Hackett, 7(i, Lakeville, Carleton— .Second Wednesday. Beaconsfielil, 78, Waterford, Kings -Second Tuesday. King's Own, Ki, (jondola Pctint, Kings— Last Wednesday. Koyal Blue, 87, Debee, Carleton— Second Monday. Magundy Volunteers, 88, Magundy, York— Last Friday. Londonderry Heroes, Ul, Markhjunville, Kings— Second Wednesday. Fowler, 'J2,Havelock, Kings— First Monday. Victoria, 1(3, Mouth of Keswick, York— Se(5ond Monday. Clones, 99, ('loiies, (Queens— Second Thursday. Wallace, I0(), Long Reach, Kings— Second and fourth Tuesday. Queen's Own, ll.'J, Th(! Range, Ijueens First Thursday. King William, 114, (iarey, Sunbury— Second Saturday, Protection, 119, Southatnpton, York— Second Saturday. Fowler, l'2\i, Bathuisl, (iloucester— First Thursday. Admiral Nelson, 124, Sussex, Kings— Fourth hritlay. Bayside, i:!0. Waterside, .Albert second and fourtli Saturday. Morning "^tar, 13.5, Victoria Mills, Westmorland — Second and fourth Saturday. Morning Star, 13t), Tay Mills, 'I'ork- I'lrst Tluirsday. Union lirothers, 137, Point Wolfe, Albert— .Second and fourth Saturday. Garibaldi, 13H, Elgin, Albert- First Monday. Eastern Star, 139, .Vlbert Mines, Albert— Second Saturday. Star of Hope, 14ti, Elgin Corner, Albert— First Tuesday. Dominion, 141, St John, St Jolin- First and third Tuesday. Sunbury, 145, Fredericton .lunction, Sunbury— First Monday. Poquiock, 147, Lower Poquiock, York— Third Wednesday. Cliipman Volunteers, 1.50, Briggs' Corner, (.Queens— Third Tuesday. J. & A. McttlLLAN PUBUSH ARCHER'S SHORT HISTORY OF CANADA. I WEBSl Independent Oudek Odd Fellows. 183 idUDLLAirflWEDDING nVVITATIONS IN LATEST NOVELTIES AT J. k A. McHILLAFS. iTrinity Prec^^ptory, 507, Koyal Black Kiii|>rhts of Ireland. I. O. O. F. Grauci Lodge of the Lower Proviiicess. .S T Rogers, Grand Msister, Moncton, N B; T B (inidy, Deputy Grand Master, Siminierside, P E I ; E A Bent, Grand Warden, Pugwash, N S; J C' P Frazee, Grand Secretary, Halifax, N S ; John II Balcoin, CJrand Treasurer, Halifax, N 8; W S Rogers, Grand Representative, Halifax, N 8; Dr James Christie, Grand Representative, St John, N B ; Rev Archibald Bowman, (irand Chaplain, New Glasgow, N S; S U McCully, Grand Marshal, Chatham, N B; L M Robinson, Grand Conductor, St Stephen, N B; George Waller, Grand Guardian, Charlottetown, PEI; John Johnson, (irand Herald, Little Glace Bay, N 8. DISTRICT DKPUTY GRANIJ HASTKRS. District No 1— Eastern Star Lodge, No 1 ; Princess Rebekah Lwlge, No 4. Melville Me- Keau, Pieloii.N S. District No 2— Moore, 17; ("aledonia, 28 • Union, 80. .John McDonald, Thorburn, NS. District No 3— St l.awrence, 8: Wildey, 27. (i' ortje Waller, Charlottetown, I' E 1. District No 4— Pioneer, 9 ; Peerless, 19; Siloani, 29; (Joldon liule, 46; Jewel Uel)ekah, 8. r K Smith, St John (West), N B. District No 5— Oriei t, 10; Mystic, 18; Amity, 40; Toncord, 69; Mizpah Hebekah, •'>. L M I.i€Hdley, Dartmouth, N S. District No (i—Fuller, ."> ; Norton, (J ; Scotia, 11 ; Golden Link Rebekah, 2 ; Southern Cross Hebekah, 3. Rev A Bowman, New Glasgow, N S. District No 7— Victoria, 13; Nashwaak, 72. J Walter Head, Marysville, N B. District No 8— Eureka, 15, Ivanhoe, 44. D K Holmes, Parrsboro, N S. District No 8a— Ivy, 35; Myrtle, 71. Neil Morrison, Amherst, N S. District No 9 — Western Star, 16; Guiding Star, 21 ; St George.oS; Crescent, 63; Sunbeam. ^)4. R A Crowe, Bridgetown, N S. District No 10— Prince Edward, 22; Tokalon, G6. T B Grady, D G M, Sumraerslde, P E I. District No 11— Mystic Tie, 23 ; (.'rystal Wave, 25; Colfax Rebekah, 7. E A Bent, G W, Pugwash, N S. District No 12— Mizpah, 24; Ph<inix, 50 ; Fidelity, 54. S M Bentley, Truro, N S. District No 12 a— Lome, 36; Ridgoly, 43. J O'B McKim, Great Village, N S. District No 13— Prince .Albert, 26. Grand Master, Moncton, N H. District No 14 — Athlon, 31); Berwick, 53; Hiawatha, 57; Kingston, 65. S C Parker, Ber- wick, N S. District No 15 — Valley, 33. John Thonip.-on, ."^ussex, N 15. District No 16— Pesaquid, 3S; Edwards, 47. T N Patton, llantsport, N 8. District No 17— Carleton, 41. J S Lelghton, jr, Woodstock, N B. District No 18 — Jewel, 42 ; Chedabiicto, 67. Rupert Cunningham, Antigonish, N S. District No 19— Chatham, 45. A W Watters, Chatham, N H. District No 20— Diann)nd, 51 ; Orion, 58. B W Rav. Yarmouth, N S. District No 21— Queen, 52 ; Vesta, 62; Aberdeen, 68. E M Archibald, District No 22 — Helping Hand, 34. Robert Sutherland, River John, District No 23— Miriam, 56. E M Stuart, St Stephen, N B. District No -4— Rising Sun, 59; La Have, 60. F H Clarke, Hridgewater, N S. District No 25— Maytlower, 61 ; Seaside, 70. Thomas Robertson, Barrington, N S. District No 26— North .star, 48. A McG McDonald, Campbellton, N B. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY supplied by J. & A. HcBULLAN. North Sydney, C B. N S. 184 Independent Order Odd Fellows. ALL DE8CRIPIT0NS OF COMMERCIAL PRINTINQ AT MCMILLAN'S. HUlluKDINATK I.UIXiKH— NIUIITH OK MKKTINO. I'i Ka«tern Star 1, Plctou, N S, Wcdm-Hday. Fuller, T), SfcilHrtmi, N S, l-'riday. Norton, (J, N«'w (ilas^ow, N S, Moiidiiy. ht Lawrmicf, H, ("liarI<)tlc'town, I'lil, Monday. rion(!«'r, !), Si John, N 1!, I'ridiiv. Orient, 1(1, Uiilifux, N S, M.indiiy. .Scotia, 11, WoHlvlllo, N S, 'riuir«day. Victoria, IH, l''rod»;ricton, N H, Mtiiiday. Eureka, 15, Spr' .gliiii.N S, Tuesday. Wosteru Star, Iti. AnnapoliN, N S, hriday. Moore, 17, Thorlmrn, N S, 'I'iiestduy. MyMtie, IH, Halifax, N S, Thursday. Peerless, lit, St. .lohn, N It, Tuesday. (lUidiuK Star '21, (iranville l-'y, N S, Mon. l'ri)u (• ICdw'd, '.''.', Suninierside, I' I] 1, Tliur.''. Mysti(! Tie, L'.l, Oxford, N S, Monday. Mizpali, '.'•!, Aeadia Mines, N S, Tuesday. Crystal Wave, '25, Pugwa.-sh, N S, Tuesday. I'rinee Albert, 'M'), Monctou, NH, Wednesday. Wildey, 'J7, (harloftetown, V K I, Friday. Caledonia, 2K, Ho|»eweli, >i S, Wednesday. Siloani, '2!(, St .loliu, N H, Monday. Inion, ;i(), Sjiringvillo, N S, Wednesday. Valley, :{:(, Sussex, N 1'., Tuesday. Helping Hand,:M, l{iver.lolin,NS, ^[onday. ivy, :!6, Aniliersl, N S, I'riday. Ixtrne, Hi>, Fauioniy, N s, I'riday. Pesaciuid, :iH, Windsor, N S, Tuesday. Atlilon, HI), (^aniiing, N 8, .Monday. Amity, 4U, Halifa.x, .S S, 'Tuesday. Carleton, 41, Woodstock, N H, Thursday Jewel, 42, Antigonish, N S, Tuesday. RldKl«'.v, 4;<, (ireat Village, N S, 'Tuenuny. I van hoe, 41, I'arrshoro, N .S, 'I'hursday. ( hatha. n, in, < hathani, N H, 'Thursday. (i(dd<'n Kule, 4(i, st .lohn. West, 'Thur.sdiiy. Edwards, 47, Ilantsport, N 8. NIonday. North Star, IH Cani|)t)ellfon, N 15, Tuesdiy. I'huiiix, M), Truro, N S, 'Tuesday. l»ianiond, .^)l, Yarmouth, N S, 'Thursday, (iueen, W, Sydney, (' U, Friday, liurwiik, r)."), Herwick, N S, 'Tuesday Fidelity, ;Jl, Seuheuaeadie, N S, Wednesday. St Ueors'e, t>'>, l>iKhy, N 8, Friday. Miriam, .''lO, St Stephen, N J{, Thursday. Jliawalha, 57, Kentviik-, N S, Friday Orion, M, I'ort .Maitland, N 8, .Monday. Kisiuj; Sun, 5'j, I.,unenburg, N 8, Monllay. l.aHave, (id, Hridgewater, N 8, Friday. Mayllower, (il, Itarrington, N 8, Friday. Ves"ta, ('(2, North Sydney, N 8, Tuesday. Crescent, ti.'^, liridnetown, N 8, Monday. Suriheam, 114, 8 Farmington, N 8, Monday. Kingston, (15, Kingston .Mation, N 8, T'riilav. lokalon, (■)(■), Alberton, 1* K J, .Monday. Chedabueto, 07, Canso, N 8, Monday. Aberdeen, tiH, Little (ilace Hay, N S, Friday. ( (Uicord, (i9, iMirtmouth, N S Tuesday. Seasid*', 7U Clark's Harbor, N S, ."^aturtlay, Myrtle, 71, Sackville, N H, Thursday. Nashwaak, 72, .Marysville, N H, Wednesday. Marniion. I'A, Sherbrooke, N S, Friday. Itegiua, 74, Sunny I5rae, N 8, Friday. Grtiiitl Kiu'siinpiiieiit of tlic Maritime Provinces. .1 R McKee, (inuid I'atriarch, Chiirlottetown, P E I; Wm Kenney, Grand High Priest, Amherst, N S; Alex Robertson, (.irand Senior Warden, AIoiu;- ton, N B; A D Gr:int, (Jraitd Scribe, New (Jlasgow, N S; I E Smith, Grand Treasurer, St John, N H; E S Sullierhind, (.irand .Junior Warden, W^e.stville, N S; T N Patton, Cinind Marshal, Ilantsport, N S; Jolin Hiirpee, Grand Sentinel, Woodstock, N B ; A F Messervev, Deputy Grand Sentinel, Haliiax, N S. DISTRICT UEPt'TY URANU PATRIABCHS. District No. 1— Stuart Kncanipment, No. 1, .John .1 McKay, Pictou, N S. •2— Milieete H— Halifax 6— Mt Carmel 7 — Yarmouth 8— Meduetic !) — .Miemae ling opskil 12— Wawbeck m— Lunenburg 14— Mt lloreb 10— Cushin 11 — 'Tawopskik 2, I K Smith, 8t .lohn, N B. 3, A F Mes.servey, Halifax, N 8 <), Alex Robertson, Monct'on, N B. 7, .lohn Guest, Yarmouth, N 8. 8, .John Burpee, Woodstock, N B. ;», William Kennev, Amherst, N 8. 10, !•: S Sutherland^ Westville, N 8. 11, .J I' ICd wards, Annapolis, N 8. 12, R Smith, Ferrona. N 8. 13, A K Maclean, Lunenburg, N S. 14, A I> (irant, New Glasgow, N 8. SUHORDINATE KNCAMPMKNTS— NIUHTS OF MKKTING. Stuart, No. 1, Pictou, N 8— I-irst Monday in each montli. Milieete No. 2, St. .John, N B— Last Wednesday each month. HaliJax, No. 3, Halifax, N S-'Third Wednesday each month. Port la .Joie, No 4, Charlotletown, P E I — Second Wednesday each month. Belvidere, No 5, Windsor, N 8— Second and fourth Friday each month. Mt Carmel, No (>, Moncton, N B— Third Friday each month. Y'armouth, No 7, Yarmouth, N S— I'irst Tuesday each month. Meduetic, No S, Woodstock, N 15 — Second Monday e.ich month. J. & A. McMillan print circulars, booklets, programmes, etc. Sons or Temperance. 1«5 MCMILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS CANNOT BE EQUALLED IN GAhADA. Mictnnc, No '.», AmhiiHi, N S— FirHt WciliiPsilay each iiunith. ('iishiiitj;, No Id, Wi-Hiville, N !^— First iitid Ihiril .MDiiiliiy i'lii li iiioiitli Taw'ii|i>'kik, N(i 11, Aiiii«|MiliH, N S Secniid Wfiliirsiiiiy rach iiKnitli. Wawliirk, No. I'J, iairi'ka, N S — Second uml ((nirlli Monday tarh montli. I>uiH-nl>tir^', N<» i;i, hiUM'iiliurK. N — ."ocoinl and fourth Thursday t.'acli ntoiith. Ml Hort'b, No U, Nt-w (Jlii>gow, N S — .Second aud fourth Friday laih month. SONS OF TK^^PEKA^X'E. OraiHl Division, S. of T., ProviiMM' of New Hriiiiswiok. CJ W I', K(.lK'rt Maxwell,. St John: (i W A. Howard Trueman, Sackville; *i S, A J Arinstrong. St John ; (i Tit. is, W ( WliittakiT, St John ; (Jhaphiin, A S«'ars, Sackvillt"; (J Coutl, C (J Caiii|il)ell, Sackville ; (i Sent, II W Folkins, Sussex; .Supt Young l'eo{)k''s Work, !{oht Wills, Jr, .St John. RKIMIKSKNTATIVKS TO TIIK NATIONAI. l)IVI^IO^^ Sir Leonard Tilley, Kobt Wills, jr, W C Anslow, W C Wliittaker, Rev O M Campbell, Geo K l-oster, C N V'rooni, John Kankin, W W (iraluim, H J Thome, J C Thomas, H A McKeown, Kev beo Steel, J E Price, Kobt Max- well, Howard Trueman, Kdward McCarthy, J i) Koherts(.u, C A Everett, J A S Mott, Kobt r>ell. Judge Steadman, John (Jowland, H H I'itts, Sedge Webber, A J Arnostrong, l»aniel MeCrruar, liev J I) Murray, Jum Kelly, J D Pliinney, (r A Fawcett, Neill J Morrison, E S llennigar. ^Vawiea, Location, Niykt of Meeting and Names of Deputies of the Subordinate JJivimom of New Jii'unswick. Ilow.ird, 1, St Stephen — I'riday, I- W Hughes. \Vill)erf()r(L', ;{, Milltown— Monday, H MciAUi.ster. <-iurney,r(, Alarkel Building, St .idhn— 'I'hursday, I» Bradley, jr. Portland, 7, St .John (north end)— .Monday, AHVcd MorriseV. Albion, 14, Market Building. St ,Fohn — Weilnesday, .1 H W'ljod Ciueeiis, 21, (iagetown— Saturday, U .1 DeVttier. Sliediac, 'J>, Shediac — Thursday, .John McFadzen. Northumberland, 'M, Chatham Friday, (ieorgo Stothart. Mariners and Mechanics, :iS, .>^t .lohn — lue.sdav, .T King Kelley. Saekviil., 40, Sackville— Tuesday, Kobt Bell Richibuctfi, 4'2, Kichibucto— \Vednet.day, Kobt W Beers. Newcastle, 45, Newcastle-Thursday, Jumis h'alcouer. Westmorland, ")(), I'oint de Bute, ^\■ Co— 'J'hursday, ,Fas W Colpitts. (iolden l{ui(!, .'il, Hopewell Hill, Albert Co— Tuesday, (j M I'eck. I»alhousie,()4, Dallujusie- Monday, (i Haddow. Baie V'erte, (io, Bale Verte — Wednesday, Kdoodwin. Dover, 70, Dover, Westmorland Co— Saturday, A E Sleeves. Graniti' Rock, 77, Carleton— Tuesday, .1 Mc(j Campbell. Nelson, itO, Derby, Northumberland Co— .Monday, ,1 Ik'tts. Caledonia, 12ii, Douglastown, Northumberland (.'o-Tuesclay, H Kirkpatrick, Colliua, r/'j, Collina Corner, Kings Co— Thursday, J I Keirstead. Oxford, l.'{4, rpper (iagetown— Saturday, Warreii Coy. St Martins, 104, St Martins— Tuesday, Bobcrt Mosher. Moncton, 1S;J, Moncton— Monday, (ieurge Forbes. Crystal Stream, 191, Salisbury, Westmorland Co— Monday, W Thorn, I.,ime Rock, 207, .South Bay, St John i o— Monday, W .1 I.owry. Raillie, 248, Baillie, Charlotte (o— Wednesday, S B Robinson." Hartourt, 249, VVeldford, Kent Co— Saturday, H Wathen. Ilavelook, 251, Butternut Ridge, K Co — Friday, E Keith. Britannia, 25,5, .NMllstreani, Kings Co — Saturday, t: W Weyi Lansdowne, 257, Fredericton— Thursday, H H Pitts. Charlo, 259, River Charlo, Restigouche Co— Thursday, J H (ialbraith. .Spring, 202, Hampton — Monday, J E Wliittaker. Oak, 205, Oak Hill, Charlotte Co— Thursdav, Emersou Omar. Wills, 20C, Tower Hill, Charlotte Co— Tuesday, W M Gilman. Red Granite, 270, St George — Saturday, G M JohnBton. rmau. J. & A. McMillan make a specialty of color printing. N %. % ,C). IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^/ ,.<^ ,V^ 1.0 I.I 114 |2.8 ■ 50 l"^" 2.5 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► '//,. m >^ V M Hiotographic Sciences poration r,. t •SS SS \\ <^ rv 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 <^ >^ 186 Sons of Temperance. J. & A. MCMILLAN'S PAPER RULmO CANNOT BE SURPASSED. CnrdweU,271, Penobsquis, Kings Co— Wednesdav, Gideon Mcl^eod. Goiddii, '27r), l(i2 King streot, .St John— Friday, llios H LawHon. Star (tf llopf, 27'J, I'jjper (itistlieii, Albert (,'o— f^atiirday. N S Hlakney. R()Hefi«!l(l, UHO, Mcl.auehlin Koad, K<nt Co— Saturday. K H Hicks. Gloucester, 2>*4, Htonehaven, Gloucester Co— Saturday, N K Ritchie, l^ewisviile, 2.H."), Lewisville, Moncton— Tuesday, A McN Russell Fort Moncton, 'SM, I'ort Fl^iii, Westmorland Co - Tuesday^ C C Raworth. Centreville, 2M7, Centreville, Kings Co -Saturday, Daniel >ioribrup. Essex, 2SH, Waterford, Kings Co— Thursday, K M l''lewelling. Forest (ileii, JOD, I'etitcodiae— Saturday, Mrs E P Eastman. Loui8on,29", Itiver Ix)uiHon, Restigouche Co — Friday, W II McMillan. Monument, 'J'J8, Kirkland, 'arleton Co— Saturday, John Lyons. Campbell, 2'J!i, Woodstock— Tuesday, C ts Olmstead. Campbelltou, ;<0<', Ci'inpliellton, Restigouche Co— Monday, I) J Bruce. Dundee, ;502, Shannon Vale, R«stigouche Co — Saturday, "it H Wright. McCar'hy, a04, Scotch .*<ettlement, Westmorland- Wednesday, Alex Duff. Millstreani, ."$0.5, Fpper Millstreani, Kings— Monday, Zebulon Gaunce. Kln>>.scU'iir, M'>, Kingsclear, York— Saturday, B W Fox. Mount Middleton, IJIS, Mount Middleton, Kings— Friday, Jos W Chapman kville, Northumberland — \Vednesday, J K Dale. -Wednesday, Wm Tait. Blackvi]le,.T29, Black \ Silver Stream, '.i'-'M, Black Brook, Northumberland- Ever Onward, :W2, Bathurst- Monday, A J Eddy. Maple Green, :iiW, Dalhousie Junct, Restigouche— Wednesday, Wm Jamieson. Marysville, .>4'.t, MarvsvilU — Friday, W T Day. St tieorge, -iH'-i, St Jolin Wednesday, Wm Rodgers. Safe Rel'uge, :i04, Ansigance Ridge, Kings- Tuesday, John Nickerson. St Andiews, ;{58 St Andrews — Wednesday, J M Ilansor. Whitney ville. ;ii9. Whitney ville, Northumberland— Monday, Benj Forsythe. Red Bank,o61, Red Bank, Northumberland— Friday, Rev J D Murray. Orient, iH'tl, Moore's Mills, Charlotte— Friday, J A Mctiibbon. P'rances Willard, ;{7:{, Sussex, Kings— Monday, John Thompson. Corn Hill, !{70, (Jorn .Hill, Kings— Saturday, Fbenezer Stockton. May, ;iT8, Mount Middl'^lon, Kings— Saturday, Joseph Horubrook. North Star, H79, Janeville, Gloucester — Saturday, Wilberforce Ellis. Lyttleton, H84, J^yttleton, Northumberland— Saturday, Wilber Somers. Siinliury, 385, Upper Maugerville, Sunburv— Thursday, Geo F Banks. Harrisville, liSfi, llarrisville, Westmorland— Saturday, A M Milla. Sunnie Brae, 400, Sunnie Brae, Westmorland — Wednesday, Andrew Blakney. Chaleur, 401, Belledune, Gloucester— Saturday, Andrew Colpitis. Russell, 40:i, Bayside, Charlotte- .Saturday, James Russell. Millville, 405, Notre Dame, Kent— Wm Johnston. Head of Millstreani, 407, Head of Millstreani, Kings— Monday, A J McPherson. Head of Tide, 40H, Head of Tide, itestigouche— .■^aturday, Alex Adams. Murray, 409, Sjuth Esk, Northumberland— Saturday, Benj Hubbard. Arm.strong, 410, Prince of Wales, St John— Saturday, Allan Ralcom. Intercolonial, 4ll, Metapedia, Restigouche- ljai,u.>lay, R O Stiles. Golden Star, 412, ciolden (4rove, St .Tohu— Saturday, John McB^-ine. Maxwell, 41:5, Hillsdale, Kings— Saturday, Addison Pickles. Tilley, 414, Gray's MilLs, l^ong Reach, Kings— Monday, Ruben E Lyon. Flat Lands, 41.'), Flat Lauds, Restigouche— Friday, D Gillis, Maytlower, 416, Harvey Station, York— Thursday, G A Robinson. Temple of Honor and Temperance. Departments of the Order in this jurisdiction — Subordinate Temples : Vic- toria No 2, meets every Tuesday evening in ha'l, Market Building, Charlotte street, 8t John, N B. Alexandra, No 6, met ts at Temple of Honor hall, Main street, St John (North End), every Thursdtiy evening. Crystal Fount, No 8, meets at \'ictoria iiall, Main street, Moncton, Westmorland county, N B, every 2nd and 4tli Wednesday evenings. Northern Light, No 9, meets at Temper- ance Hall, North Head, (irand Manan, every Tuesday evening. Carleton, No 12, City Hall, T'arleton ( West End), meets every Tuesday evening. Tilley, No 14, meets every Thursday in Segee's hall, Mill street, St John, N B. Junior Templars of Honor and Temperance: Victoria Section, No 1. meets in hall. Market Building. Charlotte street, St John, N B, every Friday evening. Alexandra Section, No 2, meets at T of H hall, Main street (North end), St J. & A. MCMILLAN PRINT DODGERS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES. Independent Ordeh of Foresters. 18' VISFFING CARDS PRINTED EXPEUITIOUSLT AT J. k A. McHILIiAlf'8. John, N B. every Wednesday evening. Carleton Section, No 3, meets in City Hull, Carleton (West End), St Jolin, N H, every Thunlay evening. Moncton Section, No 4, meets in Victoria hall. Main street, Moncton, Westmorland Co, N B, every 1st and .)rd Wednesday evenings. Subordinate Councils: Eautern Star Council, No 1, Market Building, ('harlotte street, St John, N B, at call of Chief of Council. Kiverside Council, No '2, meets at T of H hall, Main street, St John, N B (North End), at call of Cliief of Council. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. I^xecutive Council — S C K, I)r Oronhvatekha, editor I G Templar, Toronto ; P S C R, E Bottereli, House of Commons. Ottawa; S V C R, D D Aitkin, Flint, Mich; S Secretary, John A McCiillivray, Q C, Toronto; S Treasurer, H A Collins, Toronto; S IMiysician, Thomas Millman, M D, Toronto; S Counsellor, Hon Judge W Wedderburn, Hampton, N B. Hi^-h Court of New Brunswick. High Standing Committee— H C R, W Kinghorn, St Marv's, N B; P H C R, LeBaron Coleman, St John, N B; H V C R, E Todd, St John, N B; H Secretary, F W Emmerson, Petitcodiac; H Treasurer, E P Eastman, Petit- eodiac; H Physician, John Weir, M D, Boiestown ; H Counsellor, E R Chap- man, St John. High Auditors- W E Skillen, St Martins; R F Keith, Havelock. Appointe*! Officers— H Chaplain, Rev .1 M Robinson, Moncton ; H S W^, R L Maltby, Newcastle; H J W, Pefir B Millie, (ilassville; H S B, A Y Clark, Moncton; H J B, J J Ku|)key, Andover ; H Mar, Hugh Pougherty, Frederic- ton ; H Mess, J S Nickerson, Shediac ; H Con, H W Woods, We'.sford ; H J Secretary, A W Slipp, Fredericton. DIRECTORY OF COURTS. Ijocalion. ('. I). C. K. Xights of Meetings. Albert W A Trueinaii Albert Mines '_" S Woodworth '_'nd and 4th Fridays. Aliua T !•: (olpitts, A B ;}rd Friday Apohaqui F L (iross Ist and Urd Saturdays. Andover E H Hoyt '2nd and 4th Wednesdays. 4th Tiiessday. j\o. 1711 1290 22G 366 6*26 449 64-2 845 1'28!» 1389 149S 1636 1877 l'J26 1781 1845 52 162 274 641 971 157.1 1394 1652 1643 1623 150 Buctouche I:is H Powell. Bristol, <.'arleton Co I E Kelly Ist and 3rd Saturdays. Boiestown Rev E Bell 2ud and 4th Fridays. Blissville M li (ioodspeed 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Belleisle Creek (i W Scovil, M P I' Alternate Saturdays. BlooiufleM, Carleton Co W E Fleming 4th Monday. Blissfield, Northumberland.... M A Kelly 2nd and 4th Tuesday. Bear Island, York Co M A Hagerinan Back Hay, Charlotte Co Andrew .Maii^ei' Bloomfitld, Kings Co J T McVey 2nd and 4th Fridays. Bayfield, Westmorland Co 2ud and 4th Tuesdays. Bristol, Westmorland Co S W Burgess, .M I) Chatham Alex .McKinnon 1st Monday after 15th. Centreville, Car eton < o J (i Simonson 4th Tue.sday. Clover Hill, Kinijs <'o Chas Outes 4lh Thursday. Campbel ton A Mc(i Mi'Donald Last Thursday. Car.sonvill< , Kings Co Chiis II Cook 2nd and 4th Fridays. ClearvifW, Carleton Co C H Phillips Cody's, <iueens Co LeHaron Starkie 1st ami 3rd Thursdays. Chipman, Queens Co W C King Canterbury .Station Ucv CAS Rainfoid 2nd and last Mondays. Doaktown Otto llildi'brand 2nd and 4th Fridays. Derby, Northumbi-rland P M Henderson Ist Tuesday alter ISth. J. & A. McMillan PabUsh and Import NEW BRUNSWICK SCHOOL BOOKS. 188 Independent Order of Foresters. MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. 1 Bailroal JVb. R97 14il 1527 lUl .'>70 1570 i:w laig 1779 l'J07 i7(;2 1^4 1H42 184 429 10.{ 91 1:54 1 1546 15C.0 1780 1844 1274 fi97 16M 1759 184:5 3006 1290 1925 993 75 148S 1940 1876 697 141 (-.82 462 860 1501 24 165 801 1831 1664 14U0 1670 94 786 1927 1761 3012 1747 1755 123 121 1117 268 1470 1572 1628 145 190 263 Locction, C, D. C. R, Nightx 0/ Mfelimji. Dehcc Junction C W Dickenson 2nd and 4th SaturdayM. lJalh«ii«i<' Thos A .Scott DorclieMtcr A W Cliapiuun 4tli Friday. Elgin ..It A Smith 2nd and 4ih Friday.s. Eel River, York do Klisha Moore 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. East Flor<!iicevill<\. N H Toni|tkin8 4lh .Saturday. Edmnndsmn Fred l.a horest 3rd Tue.^day. Ficdericton J F Richards 4iti Wednetsday. Fairvillf ler .Stout 2nd and 4th Tuesday.t. (irand Manau Jas W Wooster 3rd Tuesdays. (llassviilc I> II Lainout 2nd and 4th Wedne.sdayit. (iiinetown A W Kl)l)iit (irand Hay D M llanini (ircenwich W S Ht-lyea ..'. Iluicourt, Kent Co Isaac h Humphrey 3rd Monday. Hanipsti'Hd, (.Queens Co C F ^tulies Hiiveloik Rev A F Brown Ibt Monday after 15th Hampton ^ CCrawford 3r<i Thursday Hart land Maj (l E Hover 2ud and 4ih Mondays. inilsboro M J ~mith..." 4ih Tuesday. Harvey .Station J A (ilendeniiin){ 2nd and 4tl» Saturdays. Hopewell Cape 1 A linglcy 2nd and last .Saturdays Harvey, Albert Co E H l{oliin80n Jeni.seg, <iui'eu8 Co C \V White 2nd and 4th Mondays. JifusaliMu W Fred inch 2nd and 4th Fridays. Jacksonville Chas I'luninier Keswick C K Jones 4th Wednesday. Kingston, Kent Co H M Ferguson Kingston, Kiiigs Co (ieo Hennessey Kiirs M <i Jenkins Kilburn, Victoria (Jo S L Shaw Lord's Cove, Charlotte Co A H Harvey 2nd and last Saturdays. E'Tele, Charlotto Co li H McLean Long I'oint, Kings Co K E Sharp 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Monotoii (i H Pick 3rd Thursdav. Moncton W McK Weldon 4th Friday. " Monclon .lanu-a Doyle 2nd and 4lii Wednesday.s. Milltown W H .McLauchlin, M i) Mouth of Keswick Chas R Jones 4th Wednesday. Marvsville Thos .McDowell 2iid Tuesday. MiUvillf, York Co T L Earic 2nd and 4th .Saturdays. McAdani .lunction W F VanHurrn 2nd and last Tuesdays. Musquash (ieo Hedeli, M D 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Mountain Dale J C Kelly 2nd and 4ih .-Saturdays. Norton .Station D H Hatlield Alternate Wednesdays. I'l'wcastle, Northumberl'd Co.Iohn S Fleming 4th Tuesday. Newtown, Kings Co A J Campl)ell Newcastle, (Queens Co James () Miller Nashwaak Village Rev K Bell Last Wednesday. Po(juiocl: W H Berry 2nd and lasi Wednesday. Perth Centre A L (ireen Petitcodiac N Steeves 2nd and 4th Mondays. Port Elgin R RCarter 2nd and 4th Fridays. Rolling Dani,<31iarlotte Co (i W Leaver St John E W I'aul St John H G Feuety St John J A Watson St John H ,1 .>mith 1st and 3rd Mondays. St John Arch Bauer Ist Friday after 15th. St John W J S .Myles 2nd and last Thursday.s. St John H H Woodworth 2nd and 4th Mondays. St John I E .Smith Liisi Friday. St John Frank Pales Fir.st Tuesday. St John W H Wliite 2nd and last Wednesday.^. Salmon River, St John Co .... F W Cleaveland 2nd and last Tuesdays. St Marys E Vanwart Ist Thursday after 15tb. Salisbury Alex Leamau Last Monday. Sussex Geo J Worden Third Tuesday. So. 394 She 485 8t( MH St ,'>70 St!' 721 Sta 803 Sac 118 St 1821 Shi 1666 Sh< 1841 Th( 1795 Th« 325 652 »i 1665 We 1812 Vo; BOOK-BINDINQ PROMPTLY AND NEATLY FINISHED AT MCMILLAN'S. Knights of Pythias. 189 Railroad aad Steamboat Printing a Special Featnre at J. k A. McHLLAirS. Ko. Jjocation. C. D. C. R. Nights of Mentingi. ;m Pheuiac W A Russell 4th Tuesday. 485 St (ieor(?«* <»iiy H Clinch Last Monday. SOR St Andrews K A Cockbnrn '2nd and la.st Mondays. .■iTO St Stephen fJco F Hinder .Ird Monday. 721 Stanley D R Moore, M D I^ast Wednesday. 803 Sackville H R Allison 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Its St Martins W E ?.killeu :ird Friday. 1821 Shannon, Queens Co 2nd and 4th Saturdays. lf.6f) Sheffield C F Venning 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. 1841 The Range, Queens Co' 1st and 3rd Saturdays. no.*) The Narrows. Queens Co 32.5 Uitham Station A Sherwood La.st Monday. 6P2 Woodstock John Tattersallj 2nd and 4th'Thursdays. lefi.") Welsford, Queens Co I) H McUonald 2nd and 4th Thursdays. 1812 Yc'.ing's Coye, Queens Co T (i O Earle, M D KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Supreme Loclg-e Knig'lits of Pythias. Snpi-eine Chancellor. W K Riohie, Lima, Ohio; Supreme Vice-Chancellor, PTColgrove, Hastings, Mich ; Supreme Prelate, Albert Steinhart, Cireenville, Ala ; Supreme Keeper of Records and Seal, R L C White, Nashville, Tenn ; Su|>reme Master of Exchequer, Thos G Sample, Allegheny, Pa; Supreme Miister-at-Arms, A B Gardenier, Chatham, X Y ; Supreme Inner Guard, Jas Moulson, St John, N B ; Supreme Outer Guard, J W Thompson, Washington, DC; Board of Control Endowment Rank, John A Hinsey, President, 87 Commerce Block, Chicago, 111; Major-General Uniform Rank, Jas R Carna- han, Indianapolis, Ind. Supreme Lodge convenes in Minneapolis, Minn, fourth Tuesday in August, 1896. Grand Lodge of the Maritime Provinces. Grand Chancellor, H V Cooper, St John, N B ; Grand Vire-Chancellor, J M Deacon, Milltown, N B; Grand Prelate, John Beamish, St John, N B; Grand Keeper of Records and Seal, J C Henry, box 282, St Stephen, N B ; Grand Master of Exchequer, H J Logan, Amherst, N S; Grand Master-at- Arras, E Woodworth, Parrsboro, NS; Grand Inner Guard. F B Wood, Monc- ton, N B; Grand Outer Guard, F S Merritt, St John, N B The next con- vention of the Grand Lodge will be held in the city of Moncton, N B. on the .second Tuesday in August, 1896. Subordinate Lodgres. New Brunswick Lodge, No. 1 , St. John, N. B. C C, Wm Dunnmer ; V C, Percy Dav ; P, E C B Brown ; M of W, Cieorge McKee ; K of R S, C H Smyth ; M of F, W S Vaughan ; M of E, F S Merritt, M at A, F B Donohue ; I G, C H Stevens ; O G, W H Scott. Union Lodge, No. 2, St. John, N. B. C C, Eustace Barnes ; V C, Robert Sirae ; P, Edward Nixon ; M of W,Wm White; K of R and S, H J W Powers; M of F, Frank S Estey ; M of E, Ernest C Wilson ; M at A, Fred Ferguson ; I G, Robt Bartlett; O G, James Duffell. WeHmorland Lodge, No. 3, Moncton, N. B. C C, G J McLean ; V C, R P Dixon ; P, W Rawlings ; M of W\ J Letachure ; K R S, Alex P Tait ; M of F, H D McGregor ; M of E, W E Sherard ; M at A, J P Weir ; I G, F Carroll ; O G, F B Wood. EHBOSSDfO NEATLT EZECUTEO AT J. & A. McMILLAN'S, ST. JOHX. 190 Knights of Pythias. LAW BRIEFS AND FACTUMS PRINTED WITH ALACRITT AT HcMILLAN'S. Frontier Lodge, No. 4, St. Stephen, N. B. C C, W C II Grimmer ; V (J, R J Kosborouffh ; P, H M Webl)er ; M of W, W K Smith ; K R S, CA Laubnian ; M of F, Parker Grimmer ; M of p; Jolm Ryder; M at A, Joliii Logan ; I (i, II A Irvine; O Cr, Orrin Sawyer. C nmberland Jjodf/e, No. 5, Springhill, N. S. C C, W C Rond ; V C, Geo Oiilton ; P, Sehlon Hunter ; M of W, Duncan Blue; K R S, A V Cameron ; M of F, J FGilroy ; M of p], DM Mattinson; M at A, Arthur Somers ; I (i, VVm Milburn ; O G, R W McPherson. Frcdef'rlou Lodge, No. 6, Frederidon, N. B. C C, A (i Robinson ; V C, Jas A Reid ; P, II T Smith ; M of W, J F Paviio ; K R S, A J Fowlie ; M of F, W S Cornell ; M of E, C H Thonjas ; M at .\, H F Staples ; I (i, T II Fowler ; () G, J A Bell. Ivanhoe Lodge, No. 7, Woodstock, N. B. C C, Geo A Balmain ; V C, Tlios A McLean ; P. Chas Mo(Jibbon ; M of W, Wm King ; K R S, Jas II Wilbur, jr ; M of ¥, J H Wilbur, jr ; A of K, John H Lee; M at A, R E Holyoke ; I (i, Jas L Ilolyoke ; O G, T A Lindsay. Border Ijodge, No. 8, Milltown N. B. C C, W S Robinson ; V C, Clias E McLane ; P. H C (iraf ; M of W, Jesse Towers; K of R S and M of F, J W Graham ; M of E, R W Whitlock ; M at A, R P Ciraham ; I G, Henry Smiley ; () G, B H Kerr. Seaside Lodge, No, D, St. Atuti-ews, N. B. C C, Robt Worrell ; \' C, R G Hanson ; P, T Pendleburv ; M of W, E A C:ockburn ; K RS. J W Richardson ; M of F, J A Wade ; M of E, T R Wren ; M at A, John Mears; I G, C W Manzer ; O G, T Black. Myrtle Lodge, No. 1 0, Advocate Harbor, N. S. C C, F H Dewis ; Y C, A W Atkinson ; P, David Loomer ; M of W, J E Dewis ; K R S, Amos B Elliott ; M of F, George Loomer ; M of E, James A Knowlton ; M at A, Otto Ward ; I (i, Burton Morris ; O G, Silas Morris. Chignecto Lodge, No. 11, Amherst, N. S. C C, John M Carrie ; V C. W A Hanwright ; P, Geo T Chamberlain ; M of W, John T Fales ; K R S, John E Roach ; M of F, W M Chesley ; M of E, H J Logan ; M at A, D C McLeod ; I G, John W Morrison ; O G, R J Murray. Keiiilworth Lodge, No. 13, Parrsboro, N. S. C C, Albert Mills : V C, J E Wilkinson : P, R W Mosher ; M of W. A E Smith ; K R S. E Woodworth ; M of F. W C Hatfield ; M of E, N B Elder- kin; M at A, Wm Sterling; I G, Alfred Nichols; O G, Jules Choisnet. Far Eas! Lodge, No. 14, St. Johns, Newfoundland. C C, Dr N S Eraser ; V C, Dr B R Somerville ; P, R L Smith ; M of W, W R Searle ; K R S, W F Butler ; M of V, W T Whiteway ; M of E, E W Lyon ; M at A, W J Prowse ; I G, R R Choppell ; O G, John LeDrew. 1st Regrinient, Uuiform Rank, Maritime Provinces. FIELD AND STAFF. Lt-Colonel, Hedley V Cooper, St John, N B ; Major, W C H Grimmer, St Stephen, N B ; Surgeon Major, J M Deacon, Milltown, N B ; Assistant Sur- geon, Capt O F Best, Debec, N B ; Adjutant, Capt Frank A Godsoe, St John, N B; Quartermaster, Capt M Fleming, Moncton, N B; Commissary, Capt G H Gass, Sprin ghill, N S. BOOK'BINOINa IN THE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART AT HcMILLAN'S. Ancient Order United Workmen. 191 BOOK AND PAMPHLET I'RINTING A SPECIALTY. J. & A. HcMILLAN. DIVISIONS. Victoria Division, Xo. 1, St. John, N. ]i. Sir Knight Captain, A S Pattison ; Sir Kt Lieutenant. W R .N[ay ; Sir Kt Herald, T A Crockett ; Sir Kt Recorder, F S Merriti ; Sir Kt Treasurer,. David Bradley, jr; Sir Kt Guard, Wrn McAdoo ; Sir Kt Sentinel, S McKay. Moiilmn Division. Xn. '2, Moncton, X, It. Sir Kt Captain, W K Parker. St Kt Lieutenant. .1 P Weir; St Kt Herald, J G Wran ; Sir Kt Kecorder, W E Slierard ; Sir Kt Treasurer, \V Crowhurst; Sir Kt Guard, J McClure ; Sir Knight Sentinel, .J LeLa.-lieure. Fleminf) Division, Xo. o, Spriiu/hill, X. S. Sir Kt Captain, L B Donkin ; Sir Kt Lieutenant, K A Potter ; S'r Kt Herald, J G Phelan. Frontier Division, Xo. 4, St. Stephen, X. B. Sir Kt Captain. W E Smith ; Sir Kt Lieutenant, H J Irvine ; Sir Knight Herald, A A Laflin • Sir Kt Recorder, H M \Vel)bcr; Sir Kt Treasurer, R W Grimmer; Sir Kt Guard, A H Robinson; Sir Kt Sentinel, Fred Douglas. Cygnet Division, Xo. 5, St. John, X. li. Sir Kt Captain, LeB Wilson, Sir Kt Lieutenant, Alfred Dodge; Sir Kt Herald, Geo D Frost; Sir Kt Recorder, F F"'erguson; Sir Kt Treasurer, Jas Duffell; Sir Kt (Juard,F L Potts; Sir Kt Sentinel, A W Smith. Fowler Division, No. 6, Fredericton, X. B. Sir Kt Captain, A J Fowlie; Sir Kt Lieutenant, W S Fisfier; Sir Kt Herald, M A Tweedie; Sir Kt Recorder, .V D Macpherson; Sir Kt Treasurer, J D Fowler; Sir Kt Guard, T H Fowler; Sir Kt Sentinel, W S Carvill. Wilfred Division, X^o. 7, Woodstock, X. B. Sir Kt Captain, W L Carr; Sir Kt Lieutenant, William C Good; Sir Kt Herald, J H Wilbur, .Jr ; Sir Kt Recorder, W Townshend ; Sir Kt Treasurer, W B Nicholson; Sir Kt Guard, F N Crrrie; Sir Kt Sentinel, H V Mooers. ANCCENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN. Chambers Lioclge, No. 1. P M W, Wra N DeWitt ; M W, Ross D Woodrow ; Foreman, H S Cruick- shank ; Overseer.Wm Cameron ; Recorder,Wm H Parlee ; Financier, Lemuel R Morton ; Receiver, James L Thome ; Guide, A B Wetmore ; I Watch, Wm Armstrong ; O Watch, Alex Gunn ; Trustees, John Leitch, Ross D Woodrow, J G Taylor; Medical Examiners: A F Estey, M d, ol Waterloo street; W^m S Morrison, M d, 9 Coburg street ; Representative to Grand Lodge, Wm N DeWitt ; Alternate, L R Morton. Carleton Lodgre, Xo. 2. P M W^ I M Beatteay ; M W, M L McFarland, M D ; Foreman, DG Toole ; Overseer, T W Ketchum ; Recorder, Edw L Strange ; Financier, J E Toole ; Receiver, R Freeze ; Guide, R H McWilliams : I Watch, Chas G Belyea; O Watch. Spence Thompson; Medical Examiner, M L McFarland, m d; Representative to Grand Lodge, I M Beatteay ; Alternate, J E Toole. BT-LAWS AND PAMPHLETS NEATLY PRINTED AT HcMILLArS. 192 Sons of England. JOB PRIlfTIHO EXECUTED PROMPTLY AT J. & A. HcMILLAN'S. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF GOOD TEMPLARS. Iiiteruatioiial Supreme Lodg-e. Ti VV fi Teraplar, Dr D H Mann, 200 ClinUin street, Brooklyn, New York ; H \V ( J Counsellor. .Joseph Mallns, Birmingliara, England ; R W G V Templar, Mrs Margaret McKinnon, Dumfries, Scotland; R W (i S J Templars, Jessie Forsyth, 80 State street. Boston, Mass; R W G Secretary, B F Parker, Mil- waukee, Wisconsin ; R VV (r Treasurer, George B Katzenstain, Sacramento, California; P R W G Templar, Dr Oronhyatekha, Toronto, Canada; R W C ('haplain, Rev Thos VVilmer Pocock, Fort Beaufort, Africa; RWG Marshal, D FT Howard, Montreal, Quebec; R W G D Marshal, Mrs Anna Harris, Sib- ley, Iowa; R W G A Secretary, Anna M Saunders, Lincoln, Nebraska; R W G Guard, .John Stanford, Wrexham, Wales; RWG Sentinel, J Turner Rogers, Calcutta, India; R W G Messenger, S A linger, Jacksonville, Florida. The next session of the International Supreme Lodge will be lieM in the city of Zurich, Switzerland, on the last Wednesday in June, 1897. Grand Lodge of New Brunswick. G C T, W L Waring. St John : G Coun, J W Fl«wer, Norton. Kings Co ; G V T, Miss Mott Thorne, Mavelock. Kings Co; (i S J T, Mrs W W Killani, Havelock, Kings Co; (J Secy. Wm M Burns, Ilillsboro, Albert Co; G Treas, Austen R Wetmore, Clifton, Kings Co; P G C T, John Farley, Bristol, Car Co ; G (,"ha{). Rev J C Berrie, Fairville, St John Co; G Mar, C M MacLean, M 1), Kingston, Kings Co (members of executive) ; (t (iuard, David Burgess, Fairville, St John Co ; G Sent, B E Goodspeed, Nashwaak, York Co ; A G S, J T Ste«'ves, Ilillsboro, A Co; (t I) M, Miss Ida Northrup, Kingston, Kings Co; G Mess. W F Downie, Apohaoui, Kings Co; D R W G T, W D Baskin, St John. The next session will be held with Loyalist Lodge, in Kingston, Kings Co, in July, 1896, the exact date to be fixed by the Executive. ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS. B B Smyth, County President. DivLsiou No« 1, President, Thos Kickhani; Yice-President, .John GalLagher; Recording Secretary, J J Ryan ; Financial Secretary, Robt Coleman ; Treasurer, Henry Finigan ; Chairman Standing Committee, John Sullivan. Divi.sloii No. 2, President, J F Gallagher; Vice-President, D J Doherty ; Recording Secre- tary, John Hayes ; Financial Secretary, Thos Bradley ; Treasurer, William Grannan. — SONS OF ENGLAND BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Lodgres in the Maritime Provinces. No. 148— Lodge Eton, Charlottetown, PEL No. 149 — Lodge Kenilworth, New Glasgow, N S. No. 150— Lodge Halifax, Halifax, N S. No. 151 — Lodge Islington, Fredericton, N B. No. 160 — Lodge Rose of Stanley, Stanlev, N B. No. 192— Lodge Forest of Dean, Westville, N S. No. 207— Lodge Marlborough, St John, N B. No. 208 — Lodge Shaftesbury, Moncton, N B. J. ft A. HcHILLAIf FURNISH ESTIMATES FOR SOCIETY PRINTINa. Catholic Mutual Benefit Association. 193 J. k A. HcHILLAlf PRINT BALL PROGRAMMES IN THE BEST STYLE. CATHOLIC MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. Grand Council of Canada. ( Incorporated under Dominion Ad, 1883). Nomination for officers last meeting in December; installation first meeting in January each year. Grand D puty for Newfoundland and Maritinie Provinces, P J O'Keefe. District iJeputies and Organizers for Nova Scotia — Kev K F Murphy, Halifax, for County and Citv of Halifax ; Rev D J Mcintosh, North Sydney, C B, for the Diocese of Antigonish ; .1 C O'Muilin, Halifax, for the Counties of Halifax, Hants, Kings and Lunenburg; (J V Cooke, Amherst, for Counties of Colchester and Cumberland ; F J G Comeau, for Counties of Digby, Anna- polis, Yarmouth, Shelburne and Queens. District Deputies and Organizers for New Brunswick — John L Carleton, Barrister, St John, for City of St John, and Counties of St John, Kings, Queens, York, Victoria, Sunbury, and Charlotte; L N Bowrque, M D, Monc- ton, for County of Westmorland ; Mr Justice Landry, Dorchester, for Albert County; Lucien J Belliveau, M D, for Kent County; J Morrisey, Newcastle, for Counties of Restigouche and Northumberland; James J Power, Bathurst, for County of Gloucester. District Deputy for P E Island — Rev A E Burke, Alberton. NUMBER AND LOCATION OF BRANCHES. No. Location. No. Location. 130 Bathurst, N B. 202 Chatham, N B. 131 North Sydney, C B, N S. 2o:i Canso, N S. 132 Halifax, N S. 204 Parrsboro, N S. 133 Carleton, N B. 20(5 West Pubnico, N. S. 134 St John, N B. 208 Dartmouth, N S. 1()0 Halifax, N S. 210 Grand Falls, N B. 162 Moncton, N B. 214 All)erton. P E I. 167 Dorchester, N B. 215 Surimierside, P E I. 168 Amherst, N S. 21(; Charlottetown, P E I. 169 Shediac, N B. 22 o Springhill, NS. 177 Newca.stle, N B. 221» Dalbousie, N B. 178 Memramcook, N B. 242 F'"e(leri('ton, N B. 179 Fox Creek, N B. 243 E«mont Biiv, P E I. 180 Y'armouth, N S. 244 Halifax, N S. 184 Fairville, N B. 248 New Glasgow, N S. 185 Cara(|uet, N B. 249 Joggins, N S. 189 Sydney, C B, N S. 254 Kensington, PEL 192 Antigonish, N S. 255 Richibucto, N B. 195 Petit Rocher. N B. 259 Souris, P E I. rescribed by the Board of Educa- and all others used in the Mari- SCHOOL BOOKS ^, time Provinces, constantly on hand. Wholeiseile ancl !R>etail. J. & A. McMillan. JOB PRIimiro PROHFTLT ATTEHDED TO AT J. & A. HcMIUWUrS. 104 SociETii<:8, Clubh, Etc. JOB PRIlfTINQ ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. HcMILLAM'S. SOCIF/riKS, OT.UliS, ETC. ('<>iniiiiHi4ioii«irfi Fre« I'lililic Library. .1 K Kuel, (.'liiiirmaii ; K O'Mrien, SerreUiry; Joliii Montgdinery, .Iiitin's Manclu'sU'r, W Frank Ilatlicway, Mrs W II Tuck, Miss M Manninu SkimuT, Miii F II FosUt and Mrs Alex M. I'liillips; Miss C Martin, Librarian ; Miss Melick, Assistant Librarian. FnriiittrH Hn«l Dnlryinen's AaHoelHtlon of N. D. President, (ieo K Baxter, Perth Centre; Vice-President, M M Campbell, Apohaqiii ; Recording Secretary and Treasurer, Henry Wilinot, Oromocto; Corresponding Secretary, W W Hubbard, Sussex ; County Vice-Presidents, Restigouche, Wm McNeish, Dalbousie; (Jloucester, Wm J Xlelanson, Hathurst; Northumberland, (ieo E Fisher, Chatham ; Kent, Oliver J LeBlanc, St Marys; Westmorland, .lames Frier, Shediac ; Albert, John A Stiles, Albert; St John, Robert McLeod, St John ; Charlotte, Jas R Anderson, Pennfield ; Kings, () W Wetmore, Clifton: Queens, F J Purdy, Jemseg ; Sunbury, M E (iilbert, Sheftield ; York, W S Tompkins, Middle Southampton; Carleton, John R Ronald, (ilassville ; Victoria, David Currie, Tobique River; Madawaska, Honore Cyr, St Hilaire. Konrd «>f FnrtwnrdeiiH. J C) Stackhouse, Chairman ; William Thomius, Secretary ; D Coholan, A W Adams, J K Dunlop, Wm Dunlavy, Wm Black, J Hamilton, James Knox, W A Chesley. St. George'H 8«>elety. President, ( harles W Weldon, I) C L ; lat Vice-President, T Barclay Rob- inson ; 2nd Vice-President, W M Jarvis; Chaplain, Rev Wm Eatough ; Secretary, Alfred Porter; Assistant Secretary, Joseph B Stubbs ; Treasurer, C E Macmichael ; Charitable Committee, the President, the Chaplain, D Breeze, A Everitt and J H Pullen ; Marshals, Dr Jas Manning, A W Lovitt and (ieo A B Addy, M I); Standaicl Bearers, W J Dickers, Geo Biddington and John Woodland. Rooms, Masonic Temple. St Andrew's Society. President, Dr Jas (^hristie; 1st Vice-President, vV J Wallace; 2nd Vice- President, Thomas White ; Chaplain, Rev W W Rainnie ; Treasurer, John White; Secretary, Alexander VV Watson; Marshal, A E Macintyre ; Com- mittee of Charity, David Willet, Geo Robertson and Dr P R Inches. N. B. HUtorical Society. President, CJeo A Henderson ; Vice-Presidents, S D Scott, Dr P R Inches ; Corresponding Secretary, Jonas Howe ; Recording Secretary, Clarence Ward; Librarian, Col Wm Cunard ; Treasurer, H W Pickett; Council, Jas Hannay, Wm P Dole, Hurd Peters, W G McFarlane, Rev W O Raymond. St. John Hicyclini; Club. President, F' H Tippet ; Vice-President, R L Johnston ; Secretary, J M Rol)ertson ; Treasurer, A Richie; Managing Committee, J J Noble, jr, W White, F L Temple, J E O'Peake. Commissioners of Slaughter Houses for the City and County of St. John. Thos L Hay, Chairman : Patrick (ileeson, Uriah Drake, S G Blizzard, John Nugent, D E Berryman, M D, Arthur N Shaw; W H Shaw, Secretary; C H Bustin, Inspector. The board meets on the first Friday in each month at 3.30 p m; Room 24, Magee Block. MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CO'^AINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. SociKTiES, Clubs, Etc. 19.'> ALL BRAlfCHES OF BOOK-BINDIIfO AT MoHILLAlf'S, ST. JOHN, N. B. The Canadian Meilical AHNoolatlon. President, .Tns Tliorbiirn, Toronto; Vice-Presidt'ntH, for Prince Edwnrd Inland, Jiw Warhinton, (Jharlottetown ; Nova Scotia, Win Tohin, Halifax; New Brunswick, \V W VViiite, St .John; (iueWec, .loiin I) Marcil, (Quebec; Ontario, Fife Fowler, Kingston; Manit(jba, H H Choini, Winnipeg; North West Territory, d lintt, Hanf; British Columbia. R E McKedinie, Nanaitno ; General Secretary, F N (i Starr, Toronto ; Local SecretarieH, W I) Johnson, Charlottetown, P'K I ; (i C .Jones, Halifax. N S; W Cliristie, St .John, N H; J G McCarthy, Montreal; .J H Mathieson. St Mary's. Ont; W .1 Neilson, Winnipeg, Manitoba; (ieo Macdonald, Calgary, N W Tj W A Richardson,. V'ictoria, B C ; Treasurer, H B Small, Ottawa. St. John MtHlical AsHoniatlon. President, F H Wetmore; 1st Vice-President, J H Morrison; 2nd Vice- President, W W White; Secretary. J H Scammell ; Treasurer, J Christie; Corresponding Secretary, (i A B Addy ; I/ibrarian, T I) Walker. The New BrunHwick Aliimnl AsHoclation <>f UalhouHle College and IJnIverHlty Regular meetings in May, August and December. President, A I Truen an, M A, D C L, St John ; Vice-President, Prof R r Weldon, M A, Ph I), M P, Albert; E W Lewis, li A, Camnbellton; Rey J M liobinson, B A, Moncton ; Rev Willard McDonald, M A, I'redericton ; M C Atkinson, M D, C M, Bristol. Secretary -Treasurer, John Montgomery, II L, \.h li, St Jolin. Executive Com- mittee, R A Irving, LL B, Moncton ;"W H Trueman, LL B, St John ; B S Smith, LL B, St John; J Roy Campbell, LL B. St John ; A W Macrae, M A, St John. Auditors, John A Sinclair, I^Ij li, St John ; Murray Macneill (Arts, '96), St John. Representative at Board of Governors, A I Truemiin, M A, D C L. Representative on Halifax Ahunni Executive, John Mont- gomery, B L, LL B, New Ilrunftwick Dental Society. President Council, A F McAvenney; Registrar, F H (xodsoe. Council, G H Murray, G F Sproule, A F McAvenney, appointed by Governor in Council. J M Magee, L Somers, J W Sangster, F li Godsoe, elected by Dental Society. Officers of N B Dental Society — President, G J Sproule ; Vice-Pregident, W H Steeves ; Secretary, W P Bonnell. Koyal Caledonia Curling Club (Maritime Branch). Patron, Sir S L Tilley ; President, A O Skinner. St John ; 1st Vice-Presi- dent, Geo Gunn, Truro; 2nd Vice-President, E Lee Street, Newcastle; Chaplain, Rev L G Macneill, St John ; Secretary, J Twining Hartt, St John» St. Andrew's Curling Club. A O Skinner, President; G A Kimball, Vice-President; Clarence H Ferguson, Secretary-Treasurer ; John White, A Wataon, J U Thomas, A C Whittaker and E Bates, Managing Committee ; 1*" O Allison, G W Jones, G A Kimball, J A Thomas, H H Harvev, G F Fisher, A O Skinner, Robert Thomson, C H Ferguson, F C Harrison, J White, W C Whittaker, J M Magee and A Watson, skips. Gxhibition Association. PresidentjW C Pitfield ; Vice-Presidents, A L Law, Ira Cornwall ; Treasurer^ James Reynolds ; Secretary and Managing Director, C A Everett ; Directors, C A Everett, A L Law, W C Pitfield, J H McAvity, R B Emerson, Ira Corn- wall, W F Burditt, A Macaulay, J M Johnson, Geo A Hetherington, Willian* Shaw, W H Thorne, J McA Hutchings, Jas Reynolds, J H Estey, A O Skinner, O H Warwick, J C Robertson, J M Scovil, Geo Robertson, D W McCormick. J. k A. McMillan publish school books. 196 SociKTiKH. Cluijm, Etc. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL PRINTIlfO AT J. k A. HcMILLAif'Sr VIctorIn NkntiiiR Kink. PrcHidiTit, Lt Col J K ArniHtntiiK; Vioi'-I'residtMit, ASdeForent; Secretary, Frank li I'eters ; DiretMors, ( i<'(» K McLeod, Fred L Temple, F'dwin IVtiTn, <i lientlev (ierrard, Arthur \V Adiinis, ('lin.s F Harrison, II S Daly, Fred C Jones, A () Skinner, Alfred Markliani, Kdward Sears, Ilorare King. The New ItniiiMuIrk S. I'. ('. A. Patron: Tlie Hon Hir Samuel Leonard Tillev. President, John V Klli-.; Vice-PresidentK, Jatnes Heady, (teo K l-'enety f I'Vedericton), Ven Arehdeanm Rri^Htoeke, Kev (reo Hruce, Rev (J () (iates, \V F Hatheway, W L Hainni, I)r J II Frink, \V F Hest, T H Kohinson ; Kxcentive Coiniuittee, Jolin K Irviuf, Jas H MeAvily, (ieo II Miles. T O'Brien. Dr Thos Walker. D K Jaek, H .1 Thorne, Dr F) F Herryinan, VV S Fisher, Rev J M Davenport, Arthur Kveritt ; Kdwin J Wetinore, Secretary ; \V H Fairal I, Corresponding Secretary ; Jo.ii M Taylor Treasurer; Dr A A Stockton, Solicitor. The Society is supportcil l)y voluntary contributions. All persons feeling an interest in this work t^hould suhscrihe. iriiUm club. President, Mr Justice Harker; Vice-T*resident, Geo H Truenian ; Seeretary- Treastn-er. Iledley V Cooper; Managing Committee, S S deForest; WK Vroom, (i Wetniore Merritt, A \V Lovctt, J Fen Fn.ser, D J Hrown ; Trustci>, II D Troop, John McMillan, Geo McLeod. DHrriHttTH* Society of New Hriinswick. President, CJeo F Gregory, i.ir ; Vice-President, A A Stockton, q c ; Secre- tary, T Carleton Allen. Council — Hon Andrew G Blair, q c, A (i ; Hon Wm Pugsley, (i c, Daniel Jordon, Q f ; C A Palmer, q c; H A Powell, Q c; L A iJurrey, q c; A J (Jregory. Ynung IJberalH* Club. President, G Wetmore Merritt; 1st Vice-President, R O'Brien ; 2nd Vice- President, A P Barnhill ; 3rd Vice-President, C E Macmichael ; Secretary, € F Sanford ; Treasurer, R J Walsh. The St. John Hrid^e and Kallway Rxtension Conipaiiy. President, the Hon Mr Justice Harker; Vice-President, J H Parks; Direc- tors, Thos Williams, Payson Tucker, W Henry Thorne, C W Weldon, d«: i., Thos R Jones ; Secretary-Treasurer, T Barclay Robinson ; Superintendent, T R Jones. King's College Law School, St. John, N, H. Facult} -Hon Sir .John C Allen, Kt, D c L. ll d. Chief Justice of New Brunswick, Patron ; Rev C E Willets. M A, D c i.. President of King's College : Allen O Earle, D c L, q c, Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Real and Personal Property; Hon Mr Justice Townshend, B c L, Civil Law; Hon Mr Justice Hanington, d c L, Procedure and Ecclesiastical Law ; Hon A S "White, M A, LL n, Solicitor General of N B. Crimes; Charles W Weldon, M A, D c L, ti c, Commercial Law; Chas N Skinner, q c, Statutory Law and •Sales ; Silas Alward, m a, d c L, Q c, M p p. Equity and Evidence ; 1 Allen Jack, B a, D c L, q c, Ancient Law ; Alfred A Stockton, ll d, d c l, q c, m r p, Admiralty and Pliipping and Constitutional Law ; Arthur I Trneman, M a. B c L, Wills and Executors ; Lemuel A Currey, m A, nc L, Procedure ; Alfred E Macintyre, f c s, London and Berlin, Medical Jurisprudence ; Thomas D Walker, b A, m b, c m, Edin, Medical Jurisprudence; Walter H "rrueman, ll B, Contracts; J B M Baxter, Partnerships and Companies; J K Kelly, B c l, Roman Law ; J Roy Campbell, B c L, ll b, Secretary and Treasurer to the Faculty. PROGRAMMES AND POSTERS PRINTED IN Al STYLE AT MCMILLAN'S. SoriKTira, Ci.rna, Etc. 197 KoHILUN'S BINDERY is tbe HOST COMPLETE in tbe Maritime ProTinoei. Now 1lriinN%Tl«!k .Sunday Hcluxil AiiHOdlMtln.i. President, iS Williard Sinitli St John; (,'orres|)(»n(liii)^ Secretiiry, MisH C LucttH, SuHHex ; Field Seereliiry, Hev A Lucas, Siihsex ; Itot'ordin^ Secretary, K K Ma<'hiim, Si JoImi; Treasurer, II A White, Siissi'X ; Viee-I'residents — Albert, Miss M K Heaeoii, IIojK'well; (arleton, (Jeo VV llovey, Woodstock; (.'harlolte, J K Lutliii, St Steplieu ; CJloueester, Mrs J Kerjfiisitu, liatlmrst ; Kent, Kev F" W Murray, Mass Kiver ; Kiiijjs, Kev A M IIuMey, Sussex; Madawaska, I)r Maine, Kdniundston ; Northuinlterland, Kev N McKay, Cliat- ham; (Queens, (Jeo Wiiite, Narrows; Kestigouche, (ieo Iladdow, Dalhousie; St John, Andrew Malcolm, Si John; Sunl)ury, T L Alexander, Krederictoii Junction; Victoria, T Herl)ert Man/er, Aroosto(»k Junction; Westmorland, James Frier, Shediac; York, Mrs Alex Sharpe, Mar>;<ville. Members of the Central Kxecutive — S J Parsons, Woodstock; Kev (J () (Jates, St John; W J Parks, St John ; Kev T F Fotheringham, St John ; T S Simms, St John ; Kev Ge(t Hruce, St John; Kev T Marshall, St John; Kev J M Freenuin, Fre<leric- t<»n; K W McCarty,St John ; Martin Lemont, Fredericton ; Kev J W Clarke, St John. jji^ John County Munduy School AHHOviuthtn. President, James E Masters; 1st Vice-President, Alexander Watson; 3rd. Vice-President, John Kinj<; 4th Vice-President, Henry Pratt; oth V^ice- President, J S Titus; fith Vice-President, H K (Jilbraith- Treasurer, Wm Lewis; Kecordinj( Secretary, W M Kingston; Correspond i.g .Secretary, W (J Whittaker; Kxecutive Committee. T S Simn)s, W J Parks, Kev A J Mae- Farland, A Malcolm, Kev T F Fotheringham, Kev J W (lurk, Kev 1> Howie, J McA Hutchings, (J J Morrison. St. John City Hunclay School AHHOciatU»n, President, T S Simms; Vi(;e-Prcsident, VV J Parks; Secretary, K Ft Machum ; Treasurer, W C Whittaker; F^xecutive, Messrs K (j Haley, Janus Kobinson, Wm Kingston, (iraham, Klisha Cob^man, J W Karnes, James Pater- son, John II King, Miss Fritz, Miss M B Smith, Miss Upton, Mrs Wm Kerr, Miss Kirk, Mrs H V Sharp and Mrs Manuel. New ItruiiHwick Board of Fire Underwriter*. C E L Jarvis, Queen Insurance Company and Insurance C* .'npany of North America; Peter Clinch, Northern Assurance Company; W M Jarvis, Liver- pool A: London tS: (.ilobe Insurance Company ; A C Fairweather, Commercial Union Assurance Company, Pluenix Insurance Company of Brooklyn ; J M A C W Hope Grant, Lancashire Insurance Company, Scottish Union & National Insurance Company ; Geo E Fairweather, London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Company ; J Sidney Kaye, Koyal Insurance Company ; Hall <fc Fairweather, Pha'nix Assurance Company oi London ; E L Whittaker, Imperial F^ire Insurance Company ; T B & H B Kobinson, Alliance Insurance Company, Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society ; R W W Frink, Western Assurance Company and London Assurance Corporation ; H Chubb & CJo, Atlr.s Insurance Company ; F S Whittaker, National Assurance Company; D R Jack, North Br lish and Men^antile Insuruice Company ; (ieorge K Fair- weather & Son, A-'Ana Insurance ( npany, Hm ;tord F^ire Insurance (jompany ; C W Weldon and H H McLean, » ardian Assurance Company ; Vroom & Arnold, Connecticut In irance (, mpany . C rie & Edwards, Caledonian Insurance Company ; Ki.owllon & G'Ichrist, Ik isii America & Phcenix of Hartford Insurance Con pany ; G U 1 Otty, Union Assurance Society ; W H White, Manchester Firt- Insurance Coiupany. Otfi'ers — W H White, Presi- dent ; P Clinch, Secretary. J. & A. MCMILLAN SUPPLY WEDDING INVITATIONS IN LATEST STYLES. 198 Societies, Clubs, Etc. LEGAL BLANKS AND STATIONERY ALWATS IN STOCK AT MCMILLAN'S. St. John Young Men's ChriHtian Association. President, W S Fisher ; Vice-Presidents, H C Tilley, J J Bostwick, J Claw- son, J E Barnes, C E MacMichael, S Kerr ; Corresponding Secretary, W C Cross; Recording Secretary, (leo A Henderson ; Treasurer, George Jenlcins; Librarian, .1 T McGo wan ; Managing Committee, S L Gorbell, T S Simnis, D Magee, ]r, L P D Tillev, J E Irvine, I)r T D Walker, Frank White, A Robb, F F Burpee, E L Rising, Geo U Ilav, Dr W S Murrisun, I II Nortli- rup, J M Barnes, R Maxwell, S McDiarmi^, S II Davis, W F Nobles, F J (i Knowlton, Dr H C Wetmore; Geo E Williams, General Secretary. Bo'«,rdof Trustees— W S Fisher, Chairman; John E Irvine, Treasurer; E McLeod, Geo A Henderson, R B Emerson, John Stewart, T S Sinims. Building, 34 Charlotte street. Open every week day from 8.30 a ra till 10 p. ra. Reading room well supplied with leading new.spapers and magazines. Well furnished parlor. Hot and cold water baths. Well equipped Gymnasium. Union S S Teachers' Bible Class every Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Gospel meeting " for men only " Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Citizens and strangers are most cordially invited to visit the building and become familiar with the work of the Association and the advantages it otters to young men. B^ull member- ship fee, including gymnasium, $5 ; ordinary membership fee, not including gymnasium, $2 ; Boys' branch membership fee, including gymnasium, $2. The St. Jolin Women's Christian Temperance Union. President, Mrs W W TurnbuU ; Vice-Presidents, Mrs Allen, Mrs R W ■Crookshank, Mrs E Clark, Miss Kimball, Mrs Owen. Mrs Morrell and Mrs Dearborn; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs H L Everett; Recording Secretary, Mrs A J Davidson; Treasurer, Miss Lockhart; Auditor, Mrs S D Scott. Superintendents of Departments — Gospel Purity, Mrs W W TurnbuU; Evan- gelistic, Jail and Prison, Mrs Seymour; Juvenile and S S work, Mrs T Bul- lock ; Parlor Meetings. Mrs D J McLaughlin; Press, Mrs S D Scott; Cofiee Room, Mrs Allen; Scientific Temperance Instruction, Mrs A J McFarland ; Kitchen (iarden, Miss Grace Turnbull ; Parliamentary Usage, Mrs Mac- michael ; Lumbermen and Raftsmen, Miss Woodburn ; Franchise, Mrs Cal- houn ; \Vorld's W C T U Mission, Mrs Allen ; i^iterature, Mrs Seymour ; Filling Wall Pocket, Mrs Morrow ; Fairs, Mrs Everett ; flower Mission, Misses Case and Kimball. New Brunswick Auxiliary Kible Society. President, John E Irvine; Vice-Presidents, Chas F Kinnear, Robt Cruik- shank, Wm Peters, R W Crookshank, T S Siinms and T B Barker ; Treasurer, R Cruikshank ; Secretary, Joshua Clawson ; Committee, J A Estey,W S Fisher, Arthur Gilmour, S G Kilpatrick, W S Morrison, M d, John March, C E Macmichael, Geo F Matthew, H A. McKeown, Wm J Parks, Geo Robertson, Wm Shaw, Arthtir 1 Trueman, Wm Irvine, A L Law, J R Ruel, John Ste- wart, Herbert C Tillev, James E Barnes, Jatnet. Shaw. Depository — Orange Hall building, Germain street, opposite Trinity church ; Miss Fanny S Chandler, agent. Thomas M MacKelvie, Rockland, Westmorland County, N B, travelling agent. New Krunswicit IVlasonIc Hall Company. Presitlent, Thos Walker, M I); Vice-President, Edwin J Everett; Secre- tarv, G Gordon Bovne ; Treasurer, Thomas A Godsoe ; Directors, William K Bunting, John V Ellis, Wm B Wallace, W Watson Allen, John D Short, Geo Blake, Robert Marshall, Andrew McNichol. William L Prince, Alex R Campbell, J S Boies DeVeber, Freeman W Wisdom, John A Watson. J. & A. MCMILLAN PUBUSH ARCHER'S SHORT aiSTORY OF CANADA. Societies, Clubs, Etc. 199 WEDDING INVITATIONS IN LATEST NOVELTIES AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S. i'. I Clan Mncken7^ie, No. 06, Order of Scottish Clans. Meets the first and third Tuesday; of each month, in 10 F Hall, Union street. Andrew Malcolm, Chief; (Jhas K Cameron, Past Chief; \V S Morri- son, M D, Tanist ; Rev W W Kainnie, Chaplain ; Jas Christie, M D, Physician; Joseph A Murdoch, Recording Secretary; William Cameron, Financial Sec- retary ; John White, Treasurer ; Hugh Crawford, Senior Henchman ; Alex CruikshanU, Junior Henchman; Jos W Cameron, Seneschal; S R Jack, Warder; H W Jamieson, Sentinel ; H S Cruikshank, Piper; Robert Gibson, Standard Bearer; W J Wallace, Alex Watson, Robt Milligan, trustees. Belief and Aid Society. President, James Reynolds; Treasurer, Geo Robertson; Executive Com- mittee, Hon Judge Tuck, Chas A Everett, Dr P R Inches, James Reynolds ; Directors, Hon Judge Tuck, Dr P R Inches, John E Irvine, Wm Peters^ Robt Marshall, A C Smith, A Rowan, C A Everett, Jas Reynolds, T Burke, S S Hall, Dr A F McAvenny, C N Skinner, Geo Robertson. St. John Amateur Athletic Club. R L Johnston, President; W' P Robinson, 1st Vice-President ;'C E Mac- raichael, 2nd Vice-President; F B Ellis, Secretary ; R X Frith, Treasurer ; Committee of Management, J G Harrison, W S Barker, Frank Fairweather, Percy A Clarke, Percy B Holman ; Delegiitcs to Hockey League, F Fair- weather, H Skinner, J G Harrison. St. Jolin Council, No. 133, Royal Arcanum. Regent, H C Martin; Vice-Regent, H Porter; Orator, Robt Atherton; Past Regent, T H Belyea; Secretary, D McNally ; Collector, I C Bowman; Treasurer, J M Taylor; Chaplain, Rev Thomas Marshall; Guide, L H Vaughan; Warden, James Doaoghne; Sentry, S Mallery. Meet 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month. St. John Typographical Union. President, Andrew J Gorman ; Vice-President, Wm J Clark ; Recording and Corresponding Secretary, R W McKinney ; Financial Secretary, John Law ; Treasurer, Robert Kennedy ; Sergeant-at-Arms, Robert A Johnston ; Trustees, Wm Essington, Robt W McKinney, Aithur King. St. John Rural Cemetery Co. Directors — J R Ruel, President ; Robert Thomson, S S Hall, C F Kinnear, J 8 Gilbert, G Sidney Smith, James Manchester, H D McLeod, Dr M Shef- field, J R Stone, Alex Jardine, A Chipman Smith ; Bowyer Smith, Secretary- Treasurer ; Joshua P Clayton, Resident Superintendent. The Maritime Commercial TravellerH' Association. Head office, Halifax, N 8 ; Frank C Simson, President ; Geo E Faulkner, Secretary. St John oflBce, 92 Prince William street ; James Jack, Assistant Secretary. Membership fee, $10 a year, which includes travelling privileges, mortuary benefit;?, and accident insurance. Neptune Rowing Club. Preaident, Rev John deSoyres ; 1st Vice-President, W E Vroom ; 2nd Vice- President, Alfred Porter ; Secretary-Treasurer, Wm Cruikshank ; Captain, Peter Clinch ; Stewards, H 8 Daley, Geo McLean, J U Thomas, J I Robinson, E S Gerow. Ball'H Lake Fishing Club. President, George McAvity ; Treasurer, Andrew Blair ; Secretary, W^ A Ewing. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY sapplied by J. & A. HcMILLAN. 200 Societies, Clubs, Etc. ALL DESGRIPITONS OF COMMERCIAL PRINTING AT MCMILLAN'S. St. John Agricultural Soci«'ty. President, S T Golding ; Vice-Presidents, S T Hall, A L Law, J B Hanirn, James Shaw, Robt McLean ; Secretary-treasurer, Dr J PI Fr'nk. Executive Committee — The President, Secretary, Geo Ketchum, E LeRoi Willis, W 1) McEvoy, and James Shaw. Directors — S S Hall, Wm Shaw, M pp, A LL;iw, S T Golding, A C Fairweather, Samuel Creighton, Wra Walsh, James Shaw, K R Patchell, W D McEvoy, J M Donovan, Wm Mullin, Robt McLean, .1 B Hamm, D E Berryraan, M d, W A McFate, D McBrien, D W McCormitk, George Ketchum, E LeRoi VVillis, J H Frink,v8; J T Steeves, m d, Thonms Clark, J A S Mott. St. John Horticultural Association. President, Sir Leonard Tilley ; Vice-Presidents, W W Turnbull, Thomas McAvity ; Secretary-treasurer, James Reynolds. Directors — Hon A G Blair, J V Ellis, A H Hanington,VV Hawker, John M Taylor, Joseph Allison, Thos A Rankine, Geo Robertson, Count DeBury, W H Thome, James Manchester, G U Hay, R Koltie Jones, R B Emerson, Arthur Everitt, C P Clarke, J R Ruel, J D Hazen, Hon W Pugsley, Wm Shaw, D J McLaughlin, F Woodman, Geo W Jones, Hon R J Ritchie, A O Skinner, C A Everett, Lt-Col Tucker, O H Warwick, W L Hamm, Hurd Pelers, Ira Cornwall. Ship Laborers' Union. Thos Burns, President ; Jas Donovan, 1st Vice-President ; Rich'd Callahan, 2nd Vice-President ; Michael DriscoU, Financial Secretary ; Thomas Killeu, Recording Secretary ; John Flaherty, Treasurer. Committee of Management — James Alwanl, Michael Burns, Hugh McCarthy, P Cullinan, Philip Doody, Wm Sweeney, (ieo Conboy, James McCloskey, Michael Quinn, Geo Murphy, Patrick Mills, John Deagan. The Keystone Fire Insurance Company. Howard D Troop, President ; Charles W Weldon, Vice-President ; Thos A Temple, Managing Director ; Edward L Temple, Secretary. Directors — Howard D Troop, Chas W Weldon, M A, DC L, QC, Hon A F Randolph, Thos A Temple, J C Robertson, John Berryman, M D, Alex Macaulay, 5lajor A Markham, Edward L Temple. Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping. Head Office : London, England, Capt Welsh, Lloyd's Surveyor for P E Island ; Otiice, Charlottetown, PEL Capt Hunter, for Nova Scotia; Office, Halifax, N S. Agents, Charles Mc- Lauchlan, St John ; Joseph Read, Bale Verte. Firemen's Mutual Relief Association. President, District Engineer Blake ; Vice-President, Wm Tait ; Treasurer, John Lelacheur ; Secretary, W S Vaughan ; Trustees, Chief Engineer Kerr, W H Bowman, Wm Kee, James Manson, District Engineer Chas Brown, E W Barlow and James Dinsmore. Miramichi Pilotage Commissioners. John C Miller (chairman), Millerton ; Hon Allen Ritchie, Newcastle ; Ernest Plutchison, Douglastown ; W B Snowball, Chatham ; Edward Sinclair, Bridgetown ; R R Call, Newcastle, Secretary and Treasurer to the Commis- sioners. Otticial Stenographers. W H Fry, 1st division of the Courts ; Frank H Risteen, 2nd division ; Frederick Devine, 3rd Division ; Seth H Berry, Special Court Stenographer. J. & A. MCMILLAN PRINT CIRCULARS, BOOKLETS, PROGRAMMES, ETC. Societies, Clubs, Etc. 201 MCMILLAN'S BLANK BOOKS CANNOT BE EQUALLED IN CANADA. St. Malachi's T. A. R. Society. Spiritual Director, Rev A J O'Neil ; President, Patrick McMinimin ; Senior Vice-President, John Murray ; Junior Vice-President, Duncan McGinnis ; Recording Secretary, James Lee ; Financial Secretary, John Flaherty ; Treasurer, Peter Mahonv ; Sergeant-at-Arms, Daniel L Rooney. Fnther Mathew Associatlun. Spiritual Director, Rev T Casey ; President, Leo Kelly ; Senior Vice-Presi- dent, Fred W Coates; Junior Vice-President, Wm McCarron; Recording Secretary, Geo T Fitzpatrick ; Corresponding Secretary, George Lunney ; Financial Secretary, Wm H Coates; Treasurer, James H McHugh ; Librarian, Chas Mitchell, Assistant Librarian, Jeremiah McEachern ; Sergeant-at-Arms, John Lee. Trustees, Rev T Casey, John F Gleeson, Thos Kickham. Meets every Monday. St, Joseph's Senior Society. President, Thos M Wisted; Vice-President, James O'Brien-, Financial Secretary^ Michael T Cavanaugh ; Recording Secretary, Patrick Hennebery ; Assistant Secretarv, Daniel A McDonald ; Treasurer, Jeremiah Carey ; Sergeant-at-Arms, Daniel Rooney. Toung Men's Society of St. Joseph. W F Carleton, President; J Condon, Vice-President; E Clarke, Recording Secretary ; W H Hogan, Financial Secretary ; C Gormerly, Corresponding Secretary ; W L Hogan, Treasurer ; M McCarthy, Librarian ; M Cavanaugh, Assistant Librarian ; Committee of Management, J Elmore, J J McMahon and T McCarthy ; Rev F McMurray, Spiritual Adviser. St. Patrlclc's T. A. Society. John Murphy, President, Arthur Fitzgerald, Vice-President ; Frank O'Rielly, Recording Secretary ; Wm Ferguson, Financial Secretary ; Daniel Fitzgerald, Treasurer ; James Harrington, Sergeant-at-Arms ; Rev J J O'Dono- van. Spiritual Director. Meets every Monday. St. Vincent de Paul Society.— Cathedral Parish. President, John Allen ; Vice-President, T B Foley ; Recording Secretary, J F Gleeson ; Treasurer, M J Potter. Irish Literary and Benevolent Society. James Barry, President ; W J Kiley, 1st Vice-President ; M Gallagher, 2nd Vice-President ; D Coholan, Recording Secretary ; P Gleeson, Financial Secretary; R O'Brien, Treasurer; James Lee, Librarian; D Murphy, Assist- ant Librarian. Junior Liberal Conservative Association. Dr J H Morrison, President ; Dr W W White, 1st Vice-President ; A W Macrae, 2nd Vice-President; J as McKinney, 3rd Vice President ; L P D Tilley, Secretary-Treasurer ; W Watson Allen, J T Hartt, Jas Hamilton, C E Lordly, Wm Irvine, W O Dunham and C B Lockhart, Executive Cojamittee ; TEG Armstrong, C E Lordly and A Hunter, Andit Committee. Junior Bar Association. President, Gerard G Ruel ; Vice-President, John L Carleton ; Secretary- Treasurer, A George Blair, jr; Council: The officers and D Mullin, H AMc- Keown, J B M Baxter, H F Puddington. Greenwood Cemetery Company. Directors — Geo H Clark, President ; Geo F Harding, Secretary-Treasurer ; Jarvis Wilson, R N Knight, D W Clark, John V Ellis, W D Raskin. J. & A. MCMILLAN MAKE A SPECIALTY OF COLOR PRINTINO. o 202 Societies, Clubs, Etc. J. & A. MCMILLAN'S PAPER RULING CANNOT BE SURPASSED. New ISrunHwiok Phannaoeutioal Soclsty. President, M V Paddock; Vice-President, John M Wiley; Secretary.W H Mowat ; TreiHurer, II J Dick; Registrar, R W McCarthy. The council com- prises officers and C PI Fairweather, C T Nevins, Struan Robertson, George A Moore, C VV Parker, R E Coupe, R B Smith. CMulker'H AsHociation. Stephen Storms, President ; Rudolph Kelyea, Vice-President ; Patrick Mc- Gloin, Secretary; Samuel Murphy, Treasurer; Daniel Fitch, Conductor; Thomas Buckley, Usher; Amaaa Stanton, Sentinel. Shamrock Amateur Athletic Chib. President, John D Burns ; Vice-President, Ed Haney ; Secretary, A J Ger- man ; Treasurer, D J (ileeson ; Managing Committee, D McGrath, W J Ma- honey, P J Gorman, J J Tole, J H McHugh. Salvage Corps and Fire Police. C A Clarke, Captain ; Clarence H Lugrin, Lieutenant; Geo C Lawrence, Treasurer ; A H Lindsay, Secretary. Log Cabin Fisliing Club. President, Chas A (Jurney ; Vice-President, John E Wilson ; Treasurer, E W i'aul ; Committee of Management, the Officers Thomas, Joseph W Ilazelhurst, J H Noble and G R Crawford; Audit Com- mittee, J E Wilson, Henry Crawford, J H Noble. Federated Association of Letter Carriers, Dranch No. 6. President, John A Mailman ; Vice-President, F N Perkins ; Secretary, Caleb Belyea ; Treasurer, Geo E Withers ; Trustees, Robt Hill, G W Plump- ton ; Guard, C H Elston. St. John Tax Reduction Association. President, A O Skinner ; 1st Vice-President, Count deBury; 2nd Vice- President, Geo Robcitst)n ; Treasurer, Ira Cornwall ; Secretary, Morley Mc- Laughlin. Serretarv- and W "S J0HN OMAMBEm^jLlN, H E-i PCS -^ji^ > Undertakers' Supplies o*' every description, including CASKETS and COFFINS, always on hand. 164 MIIiL STREET — Telephone 903. Rranch, 130 CHARLOTTE ST. - Telephone 8». J. & A. MCMILLAN PRINT DODGERS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES. Societies, Clubs, Etc. 203 SS£D. VISimfG CARDS PRINTED EZPEDITIOUSLT AT J. ft A. McHILLAlTS. etarv.W H Jiincil com- on, George at rick Me- -onductor; , A J G(.r- W J Wa- tawrence, Serretarv- ind W 'S udit Coiu- Secretarv, 'V Plunij). nd Vice- irlej Mc- Railway Mail Clerks' Aiiiociatloii of New Itriiiinwick. Geo H Oalton, President; H Wathen, Vice-President; S R Jack, Secre- tary ; R G Magee, Treasurer ; B McG Caldwell, J R Pidgeon, S R Maxwell, F E Ketchnm, H W Belding, Execuiive I'oiumittee. St. John Mechanic*' Institute Company. Directors — W H Thome, President; T B Hanington, C Flood, Jas Flem- ing; Secretary-Treasurer, C A Everett. Applicants for hall or rooms will address C Flood, King St. Woodstock and Central Railway Company. Directors — Bernard Mahon, New York, President; P J O'MuUin, Halifax; W T Drysdale, Woodstock ; John Connor, R W Connor; A B Connell, solicitor. Council of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick. President, J W Daniel, M d, m R c s, Eng ; Treasurer, Thomas Walker, l r c s, Edin m d ; Secretary and Registrar, (ieo H Coburn, m d ; AC Smith, M D, c M, Jas Christie, m d, Foster McFarlane, M d, J C Mott, M d, G E Coult- hard, B A, M d, Geo H Addy, m d. Trades' and Labor Council. President, Thos Killen ; Vice-President, William S Daley; Secretary- Treasurer, J W Elder; Recording and Corresponding Secretary, Geo Swetka. Thistle Curling Club. President, W W McLauchlin; Vice-President, G U Hay; Chaplain, Rev W O Raymond ; Secretary, H Dufiell, .'r; Treasurer, Andrew Malcolm ; Com- mittee of Management, I) R Willet, D McClelland, S W Milligan, J M Barnes. officers of Portland Free Public Library. Directors , President; Count de Bury, Vice-President; Hon J Holly, Henry U Miller, Richard Farmer; Miss F Edwards, Librarian; Barker Jewett, Janitor; Richard Farmer, Secretary -Treasurer. Wilmot Park, Frederictun. Gift of Mr. EH Wilmot. Total endowment, ;*!20,000. Commissioners — G E Fenety, President ; E H Wilmot, Hon A F Randolph, Mayor Vanwart, J T Sharkey ; Secretary to Commissioners, W T H Fenetv. St. John Hoard of Trade. Members of Council for 189o-(5 : President, W S Fisher; Vice-President, W C Pitfield ; Secretary-Treasurer, Ira Cornwall ; W M Jarvis, W H Thorne, W F Hathewav, R Cruikshank, Geo Robertson, G W Merritt, T S Simms, Geo A Schoffield, () H Warwick, J A Likely, John Sealy, J Willard Smith, T H Soraerville, D J McLaughlin, H C Rankine, .J C Robertson. Udd Fellows' Hall Company. Directors, Dr J Christie, Wra J Eraser, A D G Vanwart, D Sinclair, B A Stamers, C N Skinner, Alex Rankine, H E Codner ; President, Wm J Eraser ; Vice-President, D A Sinclair ; Treasurer, Dr J Christie ; Secretary, B A Stamers. Board of Educa- s used in the Mari- QPtrnni "pnnTrQ inscribed by the OL'llUUlj DUUIVO tion, and all othen time Provinces, constantly on hand. Wholesale and R-etail. J. & A. McMILLAX. lES. J. & A. McttlLLAN Pablish and Import NEW BRUNSWICK SCHOOL BOOKS. TCLCFHONC 18. P. O. Box 321. ST. JOHN, N. B. *i»«»»H«»t«lW«««0%«»«««»»4«IV Gerard G. Ruel. BARRISTER /• ^ Notary Public, Conveyancer, Etc. IMUlMt •HMtH(ll|«M|H 13 # 14 WALKER'S BUILDING, CANTCNBUHY 8TRCCT. Kcl Thoeel Rbfbkencb to the Publishers, or to any Bank in the city. Barristers and Attorneys. 205 HeHILLAirS PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOODS FROM ALL MAKERS. ROLL OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS. Thoee whose names are marked thus * are either not residing or not practising in N. B. NAMES. Admitted Attorneys, ' 16 Oct'r 1830 Admitted Barristers. 17 Oct '32 Residence. - — ' ■?) Richard Carman, * Chatham, N B Robert Barry Dickie, * 7 Feb '35 7 Feb '35 Amherst, N 8 Stephen H Hitohings 18 July do 12 Oct '37 St Stephen Francis A H Straton, 13 Oct' do 15 Oct do Frederictoii James Stanley Morse, 9 Feb '39 4 Feb '41 Restigouche W TTng Peters,* 13 June '40 16 June do Kings Co Edward H Wilmot, A M, 14 Oct do 13 Oct '42 Fredericton Oeorge Conneli, do do 12 Oct '43 Woodstock Lewis P Fisher, q C, 18 .June do 17 June do do Thomas C Chapman, * James Odell, A B/* 9 Feb '43 6 Feb '45 6 Feb '45 5 Feb '46 Nova Scotia Samuel B Davidson, * 16 Oct do 14 Oct '47 California John Henry Phair, do do do do Fredericton George Hare. * 5 Feb '46 3 Feb '48 St John James R Curry, 11 June do 13 June do Gagetown Wm Henry Hatheway, * 15 Oct do; 13 Oct do St John Samuel Thompson, Q C, 16 Oct do 12 Oct do Nev/ca.stle William H Buckerfield, * 10 June 14 Oct '47' do "'49 Westmorland Peter Mitchell,* 15 0ct "" Montreal George G Gilbert, A B, Q C, do do 12 Oct '48 St John Edward Jack, * do do 13 June '50 Fredericton Daniel Ferguson, * 7 Feb '50 7 Feb '52 Chatham John C Winslow, do do 10 Feb '58 Woodstock R Hutchinson, Q C, 13 Oct do 12 Oct '52 Richibucto Benjamin G Gray, A B, * do do 27 Oct '51 Halifax. N S Lewis J Almon, 13 Oct do do do St John D Gustavus Maclauchlan 12 June '51 10 June '53 Bathurst Charles W Weldon, AM, DCL, QC, 12 Oct do 10 Oct '52 St John Alexander Ballentine, 7 Feb '52 10 Oct '55 ; do Kurd Peters, A M, * 10 June do 10 June '53 ' do William P Dole, A B,* do do do do : do John Lothrop Marsh, A B, 10 April '53 13 Oct '54 1 Fredericton Oharles J Say re, 13 Feb '54 10 June '56 Richibucto George Frederick Hill, * 13 April do • St Stephen J R Macshane, * 13 Oct '56 10 Oct '58 Halifax Charles E Knapp, 13 Feb '58 10 Feb '61 Dorchester C N Skinner, Q C, 13 June do 10 June '60 St John ^ Sidney Smith, A B, 13 Oct do 13 Oct '59 do Henry Bartlett Rainsford 14 April '60 do '62 1 Fredericton John Augustus Wright, A B, * 13 April do 13 Oct '61 1 Boston Thomas Gray Merritt, 14 June do J Oct '69 St John Charles A Peck, 14 April '61 12 June '63 Hopewell William M Jarvis, do do 16 April do jSt John Joseph C Barbaric, 14 Oct do 19 Oct do iDalhousie BOOK-BINDma PROMPTLY AND NEATLT HNISHED AT McMILLAFS. 206 BARRiaTERH a?:d Attorneys. Railroad and Steamboat Prlntlno a Special Feature at J. & A. McMILLAirs. im NAMES. Admitted Attorneys. Admitted Barristers. Residtnce. Charles H R Fisher, Q C, 14 Oct -61 19 Oct '65 Fredcri ton Will Leg! John a Ciiflord* do '62 14 Oct '64 United States A Kankin Hcdcll, A B, 9 Feb '(53^ 6 Feb do Edmundston Cliat ThomiiH A Welling, William M C'onncll, LL B, 16 April 12 June do do '65 Shediac Woodstock Jumi 16 June Johr Johi George F ( lre<,'()rv, Q C, do do do do FrederictoD T B Robinson, AB, do do 16 June '64 St John CjCOI A SI Caleb Richardson, 19 Oct do 13 Oct '65 Richibucto Pat E Sweenev. ^ do do do do '65 A roostook Sussex Sami F E Morton, QC 13 Oct Edw Lewis A Mills, do do do do Shediac Mon T — , James F Mi'Manns, do do 9 Feb '66 Bathurst Jam Henrv Lawranee Sturdee, A M, lo June '64 16 June '65 St John Jiini Silas Alward, A M, D C L, Q C, 15 Oct do 13 Oct do do J oh T .» Peter Millar,* do do April '67 Ottawa Len Her Robert Brooks Peters, * do do , Australia Edward Bvron Winslow, 17 June do 8 Feb '67 FrederictoD Kol ;p 1- Robert Caie, * do do 8 July do Richibucto Andrew (ieorge Blair, Q C, 13 April '65 April do do St John Me Bai * 1 Alfred F Street, * do do do FrederictoD George MeSorley, do do do do St John A J Arthur Clarence Fairweather 16 June do June do do Frederick W Stockton, 13 Oct do 10 June '75 Sussex, K C Walter J Kilner, * do do Oct '67 Ontario ^m Robert J Ritchi , 14 Oct do Oct do St John Robert Mathew, A M, * do do Oci '66 New York ^M Ol Thos Ijcwis Harrison. A B.* 17 June 16 Oct '67 '68 United State* England Hopewell Stanley Bovd,* 1 ^ A A Peck,' 16 April '65 11 Oct"" '67 1 A\ Randolph Ketchum Jones, 15 June '66 do do Woodstock ^M A)^ Iwiac Allen Jack, A B, D C L,QC, 12 Oct do 12 Oct do St John ^B C^ James Hannay,* 15 Oct do 11 Oct do do ^H John P Hudson,* do do do '65 ''67 United State* do Israel S dross,* 15 Oct"" I ^ Daniel Jordan, Q C, 15 Feb '67 10 Feb '68 Fredericton ^H Joaiah Wood,* do do do do Sackville /' A ugustus H Hanington, Q C, Gilbert R Pugslev,LL B, 15 June do 11 June do St John c do do do do Hampton . Alfred A Stockton, LLD,DCL,QC do do do do St John t. Michael Adams, Q C, 14 Oct do 14 Oct do Newcastle Charles W Beckwith, do do do do FrederictoD Ezekiel McLeod, LL B, Q C, do do 16 Oct do St John Thomas Milledge, A M, Q C, do do 9 do do do Alexander W Baird, do do 9 do doj do G H Steadman, 11 Feb 21 April '69 do iMoncton '70Sackville W C Milner, 15 June Daniel C Courser, LL B, 19 June do 11 Oct do Woodstock S B Applebv, 11 Oct '68 14 Oct '69 do Charles H Lugrin, A B, * 19 Oct do lOct '70 Seattle. 1 EMBOSSING NEATLY EXECUTED AT J. & A. MCMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN. Barristers and Attorneys. 207 llilf BRIEFS AND FAGTUMS PRINTED WITH ALAGRITT AT MCMILLAN'S. sex, K C irio ohn ■ York ed Statee land ewell dstock •iin ?d State* lo ?ricton 'iJle fin )ton in istle rictoD n )n lie lock Admitted Attorneyc Admitted Barristers. Re»ident>e. I William B McSweeny, * Legh R Harrison, A B,* Cliarles A Stockton, LL B, James D Phinney, A B, J(»hn Ru»sell Armstrong, QC, John Kerr, George H Slullin, LL B, * A Sla»on Thompson, * Samuel J Baker, • Edw R Gregory, LL B,* Montesquieu McDonald, James Mitchell, A M, Q C, Jiimes G Stevens, jun, A B, John Willett, Lemuel J Tweedie, Henry Hilyard, LL B, * Robert O S'tockton, LL B, ilklward T C Knowles Melbourne McMonagle, Barry R Plant, A Rainsford Balloch, Robert A Borden, A B, Wm Pugsley, D C L, Q C, Charles Abner Macdonald, A B, Wm B Wallace, Allen Otty Earle, Q C, . Philij) Palmer. Leander A White, LL B,* J Arthur Fairweatlier, LL B, * Wm H Dickson,* Wesley Vanwart, A M, George F Baird, George A Henderson, Thomas Medley Wetmore,* Allison B Connell, LL B, Henry Turner,* George E Fairweatlier, James A Belyea, James L Kerr,* George B Fraser, TCarleton Allen, LL B, R Barry Smith, J Howe Dickson, Fred H McKiel, Hugh H McLean, Henrv A Forster, Richard F Quigley, LL B, Q C, Miles B Dixon. William A Park, 21 April 21 Oct do do do do do 9 Feb do do 22 June 22 Oct do do do 18 Feb do do do do do 22 June do 26 Oct 20 June 25 Oct 20 Feb do do 21 June 1 Nov 13 Feb do do 20 April do 20 June do do do 22 Oct do do do 13 Feb do do 23 April do '69 12 April do 11 Oct do do| doi do do do do do do 11 Oct '70 8 Feb do 13 April do; 8 Feb do 15 Jm do 12 Oct dO| do do. do do! do '71 20 Feb do 9 April do 20 Feb doj do doj do do! do '72 27 June do do do 24 Oct 72 28 June do 27 Oct '7327 June do' do doj do do 21 June do 1 Nov '74; 13 Feb do do doj do do 20 April do: do do 20 Oct do| do doi do do do do 22 Oct do do doj do do' do '75 13 Feb do 10 April do 13 Feb do 23 April do I do '70 Halifax <lo Br Columbia, do St John do Hichibueto do St John do do do Boston '71 Chicago do United States do do St John do St Stephen do do do St John do Chatham do St John '72, do do do do St Stephen do Edmundston do do do Moncton. do St John '73 do do; do do do '74 do do U States do California do Salt Lake aty do Frederictoa '75 St John do do do U States do Woodstoak do St John do' do do St John do' United Stateti do Chatham do Fredericton do; Moncton do Albert do St John '76i do '84 Richil)ucto '76 St John do do do' Newcastle DEN. BOOK-BINDINQ IN THE HIGHEST ST7LE OF THE ART AT MCMILLAN'S. 208 Barristers and Attornkys. BOOK AHD PAMPHLET PRninNQ A SPECIALTY. J. k A. MoHILLAN. NAMES. :E Perley Williston, A B, Michael wS Ik'uson, John Hiuck, Humphrey (lilbort, € VV Tresidwell, A B,* William A Riissfll, John U Cother,* Harv«'V AtkinHon, <jr O liixon Ottv, \V Watson Allen, Andrew II Johnson, George C Coster, AB, Anion A Wilson, Charles 11 Miusters, A M,* W'illiatn A Triiejnan, Fred W Kertson, Henrv K Emmerson, Albert S White, A B, LL B, J A Hannah,* John D Williams, Chipnian A Steeves, Charles A Palmer, (,i C, Joseph A Harris,* William Wilson, ^Villiam B Chandler, LL B, Richard A Lawlor, E H MeAlpine, A B, CliarlesO'Donnell,* Alfred E McLeod, Richard P McGivern, jr, AM,* Robert McLeod, A B, Fklmund G Xaye, Berton S Read, LL B, Denni-i B Gallagher, Adam A Rankir ,* John McAllister, Q C, F J Duffy,* George P Thomas, John T Harrington, ifarcisse A Landry, LL B, Q C, Ambrose D Richard, LL B, Henry A Powell, B A, Q C, George V Mclnerney, LL B, QC, John R Costigan,* Williamson Fisher, LL B,* Henry H James, Hav^lock Coy, B A, James Devlin,* James P Mitchell,* Admitted AttornevH. Admitte<l Barristers. Residene«. June '75 19 June '76 Newraatle June do 14 Oct do Chatham 22 Oct do 24 Oct do Fredericton do do do do Kingscl'r.YC tio do do '77 Ottawa do do do '76 Shediac 2 Feb '70 8 Feb '77 North West 11 Feb do 12 Feb do Moncton do do do do iSt John do do do do do do 20 April do do do 21 April do do St JoVi'n"" do do do do do do do do do Ottawa 21 June '77 18 June '79 Hopewell Cor do do 12 April do (irand Fall* 18 Oct do 23 Oct do Dorchester do do 24 Oct '78 Sussex 19 Oct '78 Uniteil StaftM 12 Oct '7(5 12 Oct '77 St John do do 21 Oct do Moncton do do do do St John 21 Oct do do do Moncton do do do do Fredericton do Feb do *'78 Moncton '77 21 Feb Newcastle May '78 May '79 St John June do June do United States do dol do do Sussex do do! do do New York Oct do Oct do St John April '79 April '80 do 13 Feb do 15 do do 1 Dorchester 1"' do do do ! Woodstock doi do do 1 United States do do do do jCampbellton do i\o do do United States do do 20 April do Moncton 20 June do 24 April do do do do do jBathurst 23 June do 20 June do 1 Dorchester. do do 24 do do Sackville. do do do do Richibucto. 18 Oct do 19 Feb do N W Terrify do do 23 Oct do Woodstock. do dol 12 Oct '81 i Richibucto. 28 Oct do 4 Feb do'Fredericton. 12 Feb do '80 14 Feb do do dc dc » > Winnipeg. BT-LAWS AND PAMPHLETS NEATLY PRINTED AT MCMILLAN'S. Bahrihtkrs and Attornkyh. 209 oWLLAN. it'sidenctt. at ham 'iericton ">,'Hcrr,YC iiwa liac rtli West nctoii oliti i> iwa >ewell Cor n(i Palk Chester ex te<l Stat«n ohii ctori ohn cton ericton cton castle )iin ed States !X York hu 1 ester Istock d States bellton d States ton rst ester. He. •ucto, rerrit'7 tock. ucto. icton. ^eg. 8. JOB PRIHTINQ EXECUTED PROHPTLT AT J. k A. HoMILLAlTS. NAMES. Adiiiitti'd AttoriH'vs. Admitted liarristcTS. Keiidence. John R Malthv.* Wm H T Hathaway Arthur I Truenian, M A, (ieo A Davis, LL B, Richard K .Vdams, I^L B, Allan A Davidson, Jr, B A, Hiram (i Betts,* W C Hazen (irimnier, M A, James Kay, R H Davis, James Straton, Wm D McLeod, B A,* David r Welch, Abraham B Walker, B A, LL B, Frank H Tuck, * Cliarles K Sumner, Robert Beck with, Fred'k W Kmmerson, A B, LL B, R S LeBert Tweedie, George W Allen, M A, Warren C Winslow, Robert Murray, jr, Lemuel Allan Currey, M A,Q C, Dougald Stewart Hutchinson,* Spurgeon Wortman,* Clifford B Deacon* Frederick C Rand,* William Murray, J DeVeber Neales,* A Louis Belyea,* Josiah R Murphy, LL B, Daniel Mclntyre,* John F Ashe, Albert J Gregory, Daniel Mullin, Jeremiah H Barry, J Douglas Hazen, Q C, Allan Wilmot Chapman, Mariner George Teed, John L Carleton, Herbert E Ward roper, Isaac H Hallet,* William P Sayre, James T Sharkey, LL B, J Norman W Winslow, A T> Chapman, William H Chapman, David Grant, Melville Norman Cock burn. 12 Feb do 17 Jime j do j do 22 June ■23 Oct I do I do I do 1 14 Feb ' do IH June 17 June 23 do 23 Jtnie 17 Oct i do i 9 Feb I do 15 Feb 17 April I do j do i do do do do do <lo 'IS April j do ^28 June do 28 June i do :29 June do '11 Oct i 18 Oct I do i do : do I do !20 June I do j do '8 Feb '80,14 Feb do do 20 June do 12 Oct do 1') April do 2'') di) <lo 2') Oct do do do 2») ( )ct do 23 Feb '81 24 Feb do do do Oct do 29 June do do do do 29 June do 8 J-!y do 26 Oct '82 22 July do do do 12 April do26 do do do 11 Oct do. do do 26 Ai>ril do 12 do do do do do do do do do do 28 June do do '83 28 June do do do 12 Jan do do do 25 Oct do 7 Feb do do do do do 10 April do 16 Oct 21 Feb do do do do do do do '81 Winnipeg. St John '81 do do Honolulu. '82 BathurHt. '81 NoweaHtle. do Boston do St Andrews. '82 Moncton. do St George, do St John do Now York, do Moncton. do St John, do Br. Columbia. Moncton. '82 Dorchester '83 Petitcodiac. '82 Hampton. '83 Freder icton. do Chatham. do do St John. ITniteil States '83 Nova Scotia. Winuij)eg C'nwallis.NS '83 Campbellt<m '87 Moncton do Br Columl)ia. do Woodstock, do Winnipeg, do St John. '82 KrederictOB. <lo St John. '83 Fredericton. do St John. '84 Dorchester, do do '83 St John '84 do do Br. Columbia, do Richibucto. do FVedericton. do' Woodstock, do Dorchester do do do Moncton. do St Andrew* J. A A. McMillan furnish estimates for society frintino. 210 lUUKIBTElW AND ATTORNEYS. J. k A. McULLAN PRINT BALL PR0QRAMIIE8 IN TBE BEST STYLE. Adtiiitti'd Atltiiittcd NAMES. Samuel .JikIhou JciikinH,* J. TwiniMK Iliutt, John Micliiul O'l^rk'ii, HA,* Jamew M Knii,'lit, WilliatM Alc'Ximtlrr Kwing, £alwar(l (iiroiiard, Frederick \' Wedderljiim, LL B, J Arthur Freeze, Charles L Kiehards,* Leonard Allison, Clarence II Ferguson, Donald McIiiMwl Vince, Alexander Straton, Chius I Tlionis(»n, RolKTt liankin Kilcliie, James W Mc( "ready, John 1* Lawrence, H A, Joseph (r Matthews,' John M Stevens, Charles J Coster, Jos II Yeomans, Frank A Hennett, Francis li ClrcLCory,* Rohert W Ilewson, Allen VV Bray, Henry II Ayer, Geo \V Fowler, Harrison A McKe(>wn, Leonard Tillev Carvill, LL B,^ Tho8 P KcKan, Ronald (." (irant,* John Boden,* James McQueen, John Walter Read, B A, Stan. Keirstead, A B, LL B,* Herhert W Moore, A B.* Frank H (irimmer, A B, Oh P Kins, / -ert W liennett, LL B, C eorge .' Clarke, Joseph A Harris, Berton C Foster, A B, Thomas Lawson, George R Vincent, Charles E Duffy, Frederick Latorest, Martin G Henderson, James 8 Hanjuail, Milton B Hicks,* Barristers. ReHidence. 8 Feh 1(5 April do do do do do 16 April IH April 14 June 13 Oct do do do do 7 9 1() 25 l''eh Feh April April 12 Jan 13 Jan 20 Oct do do do do do do 20 April 21 do do do 19 Oct do 19 Oct do do do do 29 April 19 Oct 21 Oct do do do do do do 'SM21 Feh do 24 April do do Ifi Oct do 24 April do l()Oct do 24 April do do do do do 20 Jan do U) Oct do do do| do doj do do 18 Oct 'S4 1() April do do .'^0 April do 25 June do I do I '84 29 Oct do do do 9 Oct do do do do 29 Oct do do '85 29 April <lo; do do; do do do 27 Oct do 28 Oct do do do Oct do', do do 12 April do 27 Oct do 23 June do 28 Oct '86 do do 27 Oct do, do do I do do do do 28 Oct do 27 Oct do do '84 ( )tt«WH. do St. J(din Vancouver. .Moncton. '84 Ht John, do Moncton. do Hampton, do Sussex do Nehraska. do Sussex. do St John, do \Vo(»dstock do Audover. do Newciwtle. do St John '85 Freilericton. Westmorland '85 New York do St Stephen do St John Moncton '85 Dalhonsie. do Vancouver do Moncton. '90 Hopewell. Moncton. '85 Sussex, do St John '86 do St John do Bridgetown. New Y'ork '87 Shediac. '86 Fredericton. do United States '86 do (1(1 St Andrews. '88'Sussex. '87 Sackville. do St Stephen '86 Moncton. do Fredericton. '87 Andover dojSt .John doiP^'edericton dolEdmundston do St .John do Dalhonsie do Centreville JOB PRINTING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AT J. & A. HcMILLAN'S. BARRISTKRff AND AtTORNKYS. 211 JOB PRINTING ARTISTICALLY EZEGDTED AT J. & A. IkHILLAN'S. NAMES. Adtiiittf'd IJarriHttTs. Kcrtidcnce. Robert Morrison, Frank A Mc( iilly, IJA, LLB, Fred Si J HI ins, C A I) ( JaKnon, Wni I) Carter, W Woodbury WcIIh.QC, pHsoal I'oiricr, Charles Tliotnas I>ai!ey, Arthur C Brydone Jack,* Walter Ilanild Covert,* Fininiore McLeod, William A Mott, Henry F McLatcby, Sidney Stockton Taylor,* Joseph A KiisHell F>lgar W Thctnip in, Fre<lerick DeVii , Jas E Cowan, Titus J Carter, (ierard ti Riiel, F>nest L Ford, Oeorpe li Turner, John Roy Campbell, Arthur N Charters, Francis J Sweeny, Stephen B Bustin, John J T'orter, Arthur L Robinson, Georj^e Ciilbert, Alexander Perley Barnhill, Ernest A McKay, J Chipman Hartley, Charles E A Simonds, Alexander W Mtcrae, AB," John R Dunn, John J Gallafiher, A B, Henrv C Haninj^ton, A B, i'harles W Clifton Tabor, Horton B Hetherinejton, Harris G Fenetv, B A, LL B, Bedford B Teed', M A, Arthur W Ebbett, John B M Baxter, James King Kelly, John W^ard W^etraore, B A, Ambrose K Neales, M A, George A Hughes, B A, Martin H Parlee, BA, Charles W McAnn, B A, LL B, 21 Oct '86 27 Oct '87 Sussex 27 Oct lio do do Moucton 21 Oct do do do Frcdericton do do 25 Oct '8S Edriinndstoiv do do 11 Oct do Kichiliucto do 3 Feb do Moncton. 'H7 1 1( )ct 'HSShediac do ilo 9 Feb do St John do d(. 26 April do Br Columbia 9 Feb do ....... Halifax 19 Oct do do do 2') ( )ci '88 Ciinipi.elllon do dc 17 Oct '89 Hopewell do do 25 Oct '88 Edmonton, A do do do Newcastle (l(.25()ct '88 St Stephen do do do do St John do do[ do do do do do do do Dorchester 18 Oct 'SS 17 Oct '89 St John do do do d Sack vi lie d( Dorchester do 17 Oct '89 St John do do 22 Oct '91 Dorchester do do do Moncton do 17 Oct '89 St John do do do do do do do Moncton do do do dt) St John do do do do' do do do do Frederictoni do 17 Oct '89 Woodstock do do Moncton 12 Oct '89 23 Oct '90 St John do do do do do do do do do Woodstock. do do do do Moncton do 16 Oct do '90 22 Oct '91 Gagetown. do do do do St John do do' do doSackville do do' do do Gagetown do do; do do St John do do do do do do doi do . do Frederictorv do do; do do Chatham do do! do do Fredericton do do' do do Sussex do do do do Petitcodiac MCMILLAN'S PEN DEPARTMENT CONTAINS GOGDS FROM ALL MAKERS. 212 Barristers and Attorneys. ALL BRANCHES OF BOOK-BINDING AT HcMILLAN'S, ST. JOHN, N. B. Residence. NAMKS. Admitted Attorneys. John A Sinclair, LL B, Jas P Byrne, LL H, Louis Vj Young, LL B, Frank H Carvel 1, LL B. Fred L Fairv/catlu'r, LL B, Oeo H V Belyea, Oswald S Crockett, B A, James M McFntyrc, Charles .1 Milligau, M A, R G Murray, Geo Wilson, B A, Stewart L Fairweatlier, LL B, Hedley C Taylor, LL B,* Charles F Snnford, Clifford W Robinson, B A, Charles Appleby, B A, LL B, Ephraim R Chapman, B A, Robert Wetniore llanington, B A, •Ohiirles Coniben, A B, LL B, Arthur R Slipp. LLB. Waltei H Trneman, LL B, E<lward V Raymond, 1) A, James Friel, B A, Sherwood A M Skiiuior, BA, LLB, Bowyer S Smith, LLB, John Montgomery, B L, LLB, Heber S Keith, B A, Scott E Morrell, Henry F Puddington, LLB, Stephen W Palmer, Oharles St C Skinner. B A, Leonard P D TiUey, LLB, James W Flower, Charles H Molntyre, B A,* Hugh (} Nealis, Richard B bt.'"'>tt, LLB, \V B Jonah, Frank A Harrison, A B Cojtp, Edward A Conklev, E A Reilly. A (leorge Blair, O B Stock ford, Allen B Wilmot, Aaron Lawson, Thos W Butler, Oeorge K McLeod, Harry F McLcod, Fred'H Peters, Admitted Barristers. 16 Oct I do j do I do ' do ;iriOct I do do do do do 16 Oct do 27 Jan 113 Oct 1 do do ■ do ' do I do do ' .3 Feb 27 June d., do do do 12 Oct do do do do do do do do 15 Nov do do do do do do do do do 12 Nov 13 Nov I do '90' 22 Oct do fi Oct do 22 Oct do do 6 Oct '91 20 Oct do do do! do 20 Oct do do 20 Oct do doi '92: 1() Feb do! 19 Oct do dol do! do I do| dol '93! do 10 July do! do do. do do do do do do do do do' .■•o do' do| doi do: do! do; do! do' do do SOct do do do do 8 Oct do '94:22 Nov do do 22 Nov do do '22 Nov do do!22 Nov do' do do do do, do '95 dol doi 9l'&t John '92Su8sex '91 Woodstock • do '92 Sussex do, St John do' Fredericton I Sussex '92iSt John ' do '921 Fredericton 'St John Edmonton, ^ '93iSt John do Moncton do, Woodstock do St .Tohn do do do Woodstock doi Fredericton do St .John .lo '94 Dorchester do St John do do do do do do do do do do do Mon»>ton do'St .John, do do Boston '94 Fredericton do Chatham '95 Elgin Sack vi He '95 do St Andrews '95 Moncton I St John '95 do do do Fredericton do Edmundston Newcastle. St John. Fredericton do J. « A. MoMmLAN PUBLISH SCHOOL BOOKS. Notaries Public — Commissionerr. 215 W, N. B. esidence. ohn iex xistock lo pex ohn ericton lex ohn o ericton ohn »ontOM, A i)hn cton dstock )hn listock ericton hu l» ester hn ;on in. •icton itn lie rewH 11 1 cton iston tl»'. Jton ALL KINDS OF LEOAL PRUfTIMO AT J. k A. McMILLAll'S. NAMES. Admitted Attorneys. 13 Nov '95 do do do do do do Admitted Barristers. Residence. George Black, Kobert A Irving, Fredericton Buctouche Harry H Pickett, George H Shaw, Hugh H Hansard, St John do 22 Nov '96 do Notaries Public. All Lawyers (with few exceptions) are Notaries Public. Also, T A Temple, H J A Godard, J F Whittaker, E L Perkins, E L Whittaker, R Marshall, Fred 8 Whittaker, St John ; David Brown, W E Skillen, Bt Martins; Gordon Livingstone, Richibucto; T E Oulton. Westmorland Point; B S Palmer, Hampstead Queens Co; Charles Straton, Kincardine; Thos Her- rett, Petitcodiac ; F B Carrol, Woodstock ; Ephruim R Chapman, C'has Coii- ben, Arthur R S ipp, Oswald S Crocket, Clifibrd W Robinson ; Frank A Harrison, Sackville; Allen B Wilmot, Fredericton; M B Edwards^ St John. Comniissiouers Under Cap. 36, Consolidated Statutes. Commissioners for Quebec — Baynes O'Hara, Peers Davis, Charles Cushing, Samuel C Fatt, John H Isaacson, George B Lockie, Philip S Ross, Duncan I> McDougal, William H Olive, Jas G Ross, William A Caldwell, Alex F Rid- dell, Arthur G Doughty, Frederic Hague, Ed B Busteed, Montreal ; Michael E Eernier, St Hyacinthe ; Theops S Oliver, Ed G Meredith, George Stewart, jr, Quebec; Joseph X Lavvie, Gaspe; Joseph E Pouliot, Fraserville. ChmmissionerB for Ontario — W H Beatty, Alfred Howell, Francis A Anglin,^ Henry Barber, Toronto ; Daniel Jordan, Newcastle ; Alfred J Walker, Brant- ford ; John Joseph McGee, Ottawa. Commissioners for Nova Scotia — John M Chisholm, Henry B Stairs, Charle» H Smith, Walter H Covert, Halifax ; Edgar N Clements, Geo Bingay, Yar- mouth ; W Inglis Moffatt, Chas R Smith, Arthur Davidson, Amheret; Hugh E Gillis, Annapolis Royal. Commissioner for Manitoba — J Mayne Daly. Commissioners for Stale of Massachussetts — Ira B Keith, Lynn ; Charles H Adams, James B Bell, Joseph B Braman, Benjamin G Gray, John W Low, Frank Leaman, John A Loring, Joseph W Bailey, Dexter W Reid, Chas H Mclntyre, Boston. Commissioners for Great Britain and Ireland — Thomas W Bischoff, George C Bompas, Philip H Coxe, William R Cooke, James H Dodgson, Charle* Ford, Arthur Poland, Joseph G Colmer, Frederic W Henry, Geo Birchall, London; William B M Bird, Middlesex ; John H S Dyke, Thomas Robert Pennington, Liverpool ; Thomas Gardner, Gla.Hgow ; Corydon Matthews, Ply- mouth ; Hugh J Rolio, Andrew Newlands, Edinburgh; William S Hayes, Dublin ; Charles James Cooper, Manchester. Commissioner for Prince Edward Island — Thomas Kelly, Summerside. y-^missioners for British Columbia — Henry P Blanchard, John M O'Brien, Viwioria; Isaac H Hallett, Vancouver. Commissioner for Minnesota — Hector Baxter, Minneapolis. Commissioners for Illinois — Philip A Hayne, William S Pettigrew, Chicago. Commissioner for I*ennsylvania — Thomas J Hunt, Philadelphia. Commissioner for Colorado — Archibald McMillan, Denver. PROGRAMMES AND POSTERS PRINTED IN Al STYLE AT MCMILLAN'S. ^14 Referees in Equity. MCMILLAN'S BINDERY is the HOST COMPLETE in tlie Maritime Provinces. Commissioner for Connecticut— Livingston W Cleaveland, Ne;v Haven. Commissioners for New York — Joseph B Brannen, Jolin J Ward, Cecil C fliggins, Wm T Hardeubrook. Commissioner fo^ Nerr Hampshire — Charles A O'Connor. Commissio7ier for California — Walter Scott Williams, Berkeley. Comniissioiiers for Taking Affidavits, Aclciiowledgemeots, etc., for Use in Other Places. Commissioners for Quebec — John Kerr, J Roy Campbell, Barristers, St John. Commissioners for Ontaria — E G Kaye, J Roy Campbell, Barristers, St John. Commissioners f 01 Nova Scoiia — John Kerr, E G Kaye, J Roy Campbell, Bar- risters, St John ; Artimr Davison, Amherst. Commissioners for the State of Massachusetts — John Kerr, R F Quigley, Bar- risters, St .John. Commissioner for the States of New York, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut — John Kerr, St John. Commissioner for Newfoundland — Alex W Macrae, St John, N B. 1 REFEREES IN EQUITY. Albert County — W A Trneman, C A Peck. Carleton County — S B Appleby. Charlotte County — James G Stevens, jr, Melville N Cockburn. Gloucester County— George Gilbert. Kent County — Henry H .James, C Richardson. Kings (Jounty — R LoB Twf-edie, A C Fairweather. Restigouche County — Jas F Morse, H F Mcl^atchey. St John City and "County— E H McAlpine, Daniel Mullin, T P Regan, Hugh H McLean, Clarence H Ferguson. Siitibury County — C liarles E Diitfy. Victoria County — Alexantler Straton. Westmorland County— Frederick W Emmerson, James McQueen. York County— Havelock Coy. Northumberland County — Warren C Winslow, Robert Murray. DENTIST Cor. Charlotte and Horsfield Streets, Sj^iisri? JOHIT, nsr. b. J. & A. HcMILUN SUPPLT WEDDING INVITATIONS IN LATEST STTI.ES. Dental Register. 215 LEGAL BLANKS AND STATIONERY ALWAYS IN STOCK AT MjMILLAN'S. Dlif ISf lY I BOSTON HK DENTAL Hh PARLORS, City Building, 527 Main Street, St. John, N. B. Teeth Filled or Extracted without Pain by the Famous Hale Method. Dr. J. D. MAKER. Dr. W. A. BURNS. Dr. R. J. FITZSIMONS Dr. J. F. SUTHERLAND. •»- LADY IN ATTENDANCE -«» THE DENTAL REGISTER OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Barbour, F W, Fredericton Bradley, C \V, Moncton Burnett, I U, Sussex Bonnell, W P, St John Camber, W D, Woodstock Covert, D H, Grand Manan Carter, G D, Fredericton Cates, W J, Canipbellton Carr, R C, Hartland Currie, H D, Fredericton Campbell, Alex, Mouth Keswick Daly, J J, Sussex Disbrow, Henry, Bathurst Draper, J A, St John Davis, E N, St John Doherty, R P, Moncton Davis, W V, St Martins Godsoe, Chas M, St John Godsoe, Frank A, vSt John Gorham, C F, St John Goodfellow, Wm, Sussex Greene, H A, Centreville Goodwin, A H, Bale Verte Griffith, J E, Woodstock Hatheway, J C, St John Hatheway, Canby, St John Hannah, G O, St John Hazelwood, J T, St John Hewson, W C, Port Elgin Knapp, I W, Saekville Kirkpatrick, E S. Woodstock Lunn, Thos W, Fredericton Little, C B, St John Mapee, J M, St John Maher, J D, St John Murray. (' A, Moncton Mooic". J W, St Stephen McAvennev, A F, St John Marvin, E'W, Hillshoro Manning, .Jas, St John Maloney, J P, St Andrews Nason, J P, St Stephen Powers, Moors, St Andrews Parker, E R, St Martins Robertson. R I, St John Sangster, E, St John Sangster, J \V, Saekville Steeves, W H, St John Soniers, L, Moncton Sproul. G J, Chatham Sproul, H, Chatham Smith, E A, Shediac Smith, A D, St Jolin Smith, J M. Si John Tor reus, B M. Fredericton Tavlor, F A, Moncton Travers, H P, St John White, W H, Sussex Whitney, S T, St Stephen Wetmore, H C, St John J. & A. McBULLAN PUBUSH ARCHER'S SHORT HISTORY OF CANADA. 216 Consuls and Consular Agents. WEDDraO INVITATIONS IN LATEST NOVELTIES AT J. k A. HcMILLAFS. To the Legal Profession ! We have especial facilities for promptly and accu- rately printing APPEAL CASES, FACTUMS, AND ALL OTHER LEGAL DOCUMENTS. We keep always in stock Legal Blank Books and Stationery of all kinds. Law Books Promptly Imported to Order. J. & A.. IWCcIWEILLAIX, Publishers, Stationerg, ) Cirw\ JfkTIl^ V H Printers, Book-binders, / 1 • «l vFHH 5 il • !>• CONSULS AND CONSULAR AGENTS. United States Consul at St John — John S Derby ; Deputy and Vice-Consul, Allen Derby. U S Consnl at St Stephen— Edgar Whidden ; Vice-Consul, H E Purington. U S Consul at Woodstock — Grenville James; Vice-Consul, John Graham. U S Commercial Agent — James S Benedict, Moncton. U S Consular Agents — St Andrews, George Harold Stickney ; Newcastle, Robert R Call; McAdara Junction, James W Green ; Fredericton, James T Sharkey ; Grnnd Manan, W A Fraser ; Bathurst, B C Mullins ; Campbellton, Chas Murray ; Richibucto, Geo V Mclnerney ; St George, Chas C Ludgate ; Campobello, J J Alexander. German Consuls — Robert Thomson, St John, for Counties of St John, West- morland, Albert and Charlotte ; Alex Morrison, Chatham, for Kent, North- umberland, Gloucester and Restigouche. Norway and Sweden Vice-Consuls — John H Thomson, St John ; Ernest Hutchinson, Miramichi; Robert Hutchinson, Restigouche ; John Sievewright, Bathurst; James Inglis, Shediac ; Joseph Reid, Baie Verte. Consular Agent of France — F E Sayre, Saint John; Hon J B Snowball, Chatham. Consul, Chili and Peru — J H Scammell. Spanish Vice- Consul — D R Jack, St John. Consular Agents — St Stephen, W B Morris; St George, Samuel Johnson ; Chatham, G B Fraser. Portugal Consul — Frank O Allison. Austro-Hungary Vice-Consul— John H Thomson, St John. Italian Consuls — Chas McLauchlan, St John ; George Watts, Chatham. Hawaiian Consul — A O Crookshank. Denmark — J Roy Campbell, Vice-Consul. Argentine Republic and Uruguay — A W Adams. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY supplied by J. & A. HcHILLAN. Medical Recjister. 217 ALL DESGRIPITONS OF COMMERCIAL PRINTING AT McMILLAN'S. Physician and Surgeon, 21 3Iaiii Street, Indiantown, - ST. JOHN, N. B. In the drug trade I supply all DRUGS and SURGICAL AP- PLIANCES on the shortest possible notice, and respectfully solicit THE MEDICAL REGISTER OF NEW BRUNSWICK Of all piVHons appearing on the Register as existing on the first day of January, Ih'Jo, printed and ]>u.bHshe(i in pursuance of the eighth section of "The ^iew Brumwtck Medical Act, 18»l." Addy, Ilenrv G, St John Addy, (Jeo A B, St Jolin Allan, C Arth'T, Biiyfield, Westmor'd Allison, Lucius Carey, St John Alward, Mark, Hrownville, Me (n r) Andrews, Joseph, Saint John Arinstroni;, A F, Johnston. Queens Archatnbault, Jos, F<»rt Kent, Me Atkinson, Jas CJ, Oak Hill, Charlotte Barker, I W N, Centreville Baxter, (ieo C), Barm sville Baxter, Jas Mc(irep;or, Chntham Bayard, \ViUi;im, vSt John Baziii, Alfred T, St John Bearisto, James, Lakeville, Carleton Bedell, (Jeo, Musquash, St John Bej?g, John W, Dalhousie Bell, I) J, Fort Fairlieid, Me (n r) Bellivau, Lutien J. Slietliac Benson, John Staff ird, Chatham Benson. Joseph Black, Chatham Berryman, John. St John Berrymati. Daniel E, St John Bishop, William P, Bathurst Black, Chas A, Bale Verte, Westm'd Blair, Frank I, St Stephen Boone, S \V, Presqiie Isle, Me (n r) Bounjue, Louis Napoleon, Monctou Bowser, Jas C, Sackville Bridj^es, Jas Whiteside, Fredericton Broderick, Edward James, St John Burgess, S W, (ireat Sliemogue, W'land Burnett. Joshua U, Sussex Bvrne, Thos, St Stephen Caldwell, (Jeo P, St John Calkin, J (), Sackville Camp, (Jeorge K, Sheffield Carter. II K, Port Eli;in, Westmorland Caswell, James A, (i;\getown Chandler, E B, Monctou Chouinood, John B, (irand Falls ("hristie, Jame«, St .lohn Christie, William, St John Christie. Wm Alex, St John Churchill, Esbon. Bristol, Carleton Chirk. Augustus T, CalaiH, Me (t. r) Cobiirn, Benjamin, liriyht. York Cohnrn, Ct Ilavward. Fredericton Coburn, A D, Cantetl)ury Station, Yk Cody, Peter VV, Danfortli, Me, (n r) Comeau, Francis X:ivier, Caraqnet Colemnn. Henry Hicks, Sackville Coulthard, Cieorge E. Fredericton Coy, Judson, Lower Prince Wm, York Crawford. G R J, St John (brocket, Wm Caldwell, Fredericton Cruise, William, Monctou, Currie, John Z, Fredericton Curtis, Isaiic B, Ilartland, Carleton I Daniel, John Waterhonse, St John J. & A. MCMILLAN PRINT CIRCULARS, BOOKLETS, PROGRAMMES, ETC. p 2ia Mp:DICAL RlXJIHTKR. SCHOOL REQUISITES ALWAYS IN STOCK. J. & A. HcHILLAN, ST. JOHN. Davis, Hobt E, Harvey Station, Yurk Day, RoIhti (i, St .John Dt'acon, .Jos M, Milltown Deiiistndt, William M'Kay.StSlepUon Denny, Harry K, Moncton DesriioiKl, I'rancis .Jolin, Newcastle Diltblce, (leor^e O, Moore's Mills Diek, Tlios, St (Jeorjie Dolierty, Isiiac W, Kingston, Kent Duffy, Natiiaiiiel, Lul>ee, Me, (n r) Duncan, (iideon Mitcliell, Uatliurst Dunlap, (ieorge H, Moncton F^arle, Tlios.j (), Young's Cove, (Queens Emery, Alhaii F, St .John Ustey, Alfred S, Hartland, Carleton Filzmauriee, T .J, lloulton, Me, (n r) Flemiiiing, (ien W. I'etiteodiac Fritz, Howard Douglas, St .John Gilchrist, .John, St John <iilchrist, .John 15, (Ireenwich. Kings Ciillmor, Henry Ivlward, St Martins Goodwin, Fred, IJaylield, Westmorland Gove, Samuel Tilley, St Andrews Gove, Harry, St Andrews Gray, .James H, Iviirville Gregory, Harry W, Stanley, York Guy, Adctlphus G, J^lmundston Hagerman, J K, Floreneeville, Carlet'n Hannington, Jas Peters, St John Hay, Hugh liurns, Chipuian Hayes, .Joseph, Nelson, N B Hand, Wm Nelson, Woodstock Jletherington, (ieorge A, St .John Inches, I* Hobertson. St .John .Jack, DuVernet, Grand Mar, (J Manan .Johnston, Charles H L, St John Johnston, (Jeorge F, Sussex Jonah, John M, Etustport, Me (n r) Keirstead, I'erley Taylor, W'oodstock Keith, Melbourne F, Harcourt, Kent Kenney, Frank Lincoln, St John Kilburn, F, Presque Isle, Me(nr) King, Wallace <J, Buctouche, Kent i^andry, D V, St Joseph, Westniorland liangis, Joseph A. Petit Hoeher I^awson, J J, Norton Station, Icings Ijawson Jas D, St Stephen Lelilanc, Clement O, Buctouche, Kent Lewis, VVm J, Hillsborough Limcnd, Ivoliert, ('anipobello Lunam Henry, Campbellton Maedonald, M C, Cambridge, (Queens Macdonald, M H, Wiekhanj, Queens MacLaren Murray, St John Main, Charles G. iMlmundston Marvin, I51iss A, Hillshoroiigli, Albert Melvin, (ieorge (i, Aliiui, Albert Mitchell, Robert, Dorchester Mofliit. Alex (.', Kilburn, \'ietoria Moore, David li, Stanley Moore EdiiMiud, Salisbury Morehouse, () I^^, Up Keswick York Morrison, Joseph Hugh, St Jolin Morrison, Wm Somcrville, St John Mott, John C, St John Mullin, Barnet M, St Marys, York Murray, A J, l^'redericton Junction Murray, Daniel, Campbellton Murray, Sutlier C, Albert, Albert Murray, A, I^'onardsville, IX-er Isl'd Myers, Ambrose R, Moncton McAlpine, lA-nniel A W, St .John McCarron, James Andrew, St John McCleery, Beverley N, St John MeCully, Oscar J, Moncton McFarlane, Iu)ster, St John Melntyre, Jas A, Springfield, Kings Mclnerney, Jas l*eterson, vSt John Mcintosh, John R, St John McLean, Charles M, Kingston. Kings MeLearn, Robert, Frederieton McNally, Harry H, Millville, York McNicliol, John, Sussex Nicholson, Robert, Newcastle Nugent, J (i, Brigg's Corner, Queens Olloqui, Rutino A, Kingston, Kent Owens, John G, Millville, York Pearson, (ieorge N, Sussex Pedolin, Ferdinand L, Newcastle Porter, Martin L, Danforth, Me (n r) Preston, Edward A, St John Price, Leverett Herbert, Grand Manan Price, Wm H, Butternut Ridge, Kings Purdy, Clinton Tremaine, Moncton Rankin, Wm D, Woodstock Reilly, Wm G, St John Reynolds, Harlan P, Le{)reaux Roberts, Wm F, St John Ross. Robert K, St Stephen Ross, Demore W, Peel, Carleton Scammell, Jos Henry, Si .John Seery. Frederick Joseph, Frederieton Secord, Elizabeth, Norton, Kings Sharp, Isuac Clarence, Marysville J. & A. MCMILLAN PUBUSH LOGGIE'S MAP OF NEW BRUNSWICK. ?^ Medical Register. 219 ST. JOHN. '", Queens 1 ^tl)n |^^l', Albori Mliert cr ictoria ('k York .Jolin ^51 John S York iinc'tiori n bert )t'i'r Lsl'd 1 John t John :>hn I, Kings John 5n, Kings )n i, York Queens Kent ark istle Me (n r) J Manan e, Kings >ncton I lericton igs lie CK. J. & A. McMillan pubush school books. Sheffield, Mason, P' John Sirois, Felix (J, 1* Kent, Me (n r) Smith, Alfred C'orbvit, Tracadie Sntith, (I'liiis T, Moncton Smith, Jas R N, Milltown, Me, (n r) Smith, .Joshua N, Hampton, Kings Somerville, (leo W, Bristol, (,'arleton Spragiie, Thomas F, Woodstock Steeves, Jas T, St John Steeves, James Albert p], Fairville Steeves, Hnrpee F, Elgin, Albert Swan, Chas E, Calais, Me, (n r) Taylor, Henry langsler, St (ieorgc Teed, John Francis, Dorchester Thome. Ammiel J, Havelock, Kings Thorn, Bliss S, Sackville Townsend, Geo F', Calais, Me (n r) Travers, Boyle, St John Travers, John Boyle, St John Turner, Walter L, Canterbury, York llpham, (leo C, Caribou, Me (n r) Van Wart Geo Clowes, Fredericton Venner," Victor John A, Campbellton Vose, Edwin H, Calais, Me (n r) Wade, John Roger, (Jrand Falls Wade, Jose|)h Armour, St Andrews Walker Thomas, St John Walker, Thomas Dyson, St John Warneford, P H, Hampton, Kings Well'ng, Frederick N, Andover Wetmore, Fred'k M, Hampton, Kings Wliite Jacob D, Carleton White, Wilsey Hatfield, Sussex White Wm W, Bridgewater, Me, (n r) Wiiite, J S, Hodgdon, Me, (n r) White, Frederick Job, Shediaa White, Walter W, St John Wier, John, Doaiitown, Northumberl'd Wiley, Robert M B, Andover Wilson, Jcdin Herbert, St John Wilson, W A, Derbv, Northumberland Wilson, Richard D^ Chatham, N B Wyinan, A P, Beech wood, Carleton Young, M L, Vanceboro, Me, (n r) MCMILLAN'S PENS. After much ex{)erience, we have adopted the following Pens as l)eing the best value for Consumers: MCMILLAN'S NT). 1, No. 2, li « ii II II II II K tl II H II II No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6. FALCON, OBUQUE, DOUBLE BROAD, ENGROSSING, SCHOOL, No. 778, CORRESPONDENCE, No. 770, BUSINESS. No. 772, SPEEDWELL FALCON, No. 35, COMMERCIAL. No. 136, 35 Cents per Gross 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 25 35 35 50 50 J. & A. McMillan, St. John. BOOKS BOUND IN THE LATEST DESIGNS AT HcHILLAN'S, ST. JOHN. 220 Relative Value of Money. 1^ J. k A. HcHILLAlf PUBLISH McMILLlN'S HAP OF NEW BRUHSWIOK. Relative Value in Canadian Currency of the Coinage of all NutlonN. COITMTIIY. ' I Value Monetary Unit.; Standard. in Doni'ti Austria.. Belgium. Bolivia Brazil British Possessions NDfth America Tiogota Central America. ... Chili in Florin I Silver Franc Gold and Silver Boliviano Silver Milrels 1000 reis (iold Standard Coin. China. Cuba- Denmark. Ecuador .. Egypt France Great Britain. Greece German Empire. India Italy.. Japan Liberia Mexico Netherlands Norway .. Peru Portugal Russia.... Sandwich Islands. Spain Sweden Switzerland. Tripoli. Turliey United States,. U. S. of Columbia Venezuela Dollar Peso ! Dollar \ Peso Tael Peso I Crowu Peso Piaster 1 Franc i Pound sterling , Drachma I Mark Rupee of 16 Annaa Lira Yen Dollar I Dollar Florin Crown Sol iMilreis, 1000 reis , Rouble of 100 Copeclis Dollar ! Peseta of 100 \ Centimes i Crown Franc Mahl)ubof 20 Piasters Piaster Dollar Peso Bolivar Gold do. Gold Gold and Silver Silver Gold and Silver Gold Silver Gold Gold and Silver Gold Gold and Silver Gold Silver Gold and Silver Silver Gold Silver Gold and Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Gold (Jold and Silver Gold Gol d and Silver Silver Gold Gold and Silver Silver Gold and Silver .40,7 .19,3 .82,3 .54^ 91.00 .96/5 .91,8 .91,2 1.35 .93,2 8 Giiildur, or 20 Francs, (Jolii 5, 10 and 20 F.-ancs Eacudo, ]^ bolivar Dollar Condor (.^ubluons and Escud 10 Mucee and 100Caudareu» .20,8 10 and 20 Crowns .82,3 Dollar .04,9 5, i"), 20, and 50 Piasters .19,3 5, 10 and 20 Franca 4.86% .19,3 5, 10, 20, 5o, and 100 Drachma .23,8 5, lOand 20 Marks .39 .19,3 .88,8 1.00 .89,4 .40,2 .26,8 .82,3 1.08 .65,8 1.00 .19,3 .26,8 .19,3 ."4,3 I I .04,4 I 1.00 ; .82,3 I .19,3 I 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 Lira 1, 2, 5, 10, 2Q Yen Peso, or Dollar, 5, 10, 25 Florin. 10 Guldens, (JoUl, 84.01 9-10 10 and 20 Crowns 2. 5 and 10 .Milr'is 14, /^ and Ro\il)le 5, 10, 20 and 100 Peseta 10 and 20 Crowns 5, 10 and 20 Francs 25,50, 100, 250 and 500 Piaster* I I S BINDERY is the MOST COMPLETE in the Hari'Jme Provinces.