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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre film^s d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. }y errata ed to mt ine pelure, apon d 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 II ELLIOTT'S HAND-BOOK ^" A\edicc\l, Hygienic, Pharmaceutical and Dental dourncAls — OF Till'.— UNITED STATES AND CANADA. , CONTAINING FULL INFORMATION KFOARDINO FRK- QUKNCY AND ADDRRSS OF PUBLICATION, TYI'E MEASUREMEN I, YEAR OF FOUNDATION, CIRCULATION CLAIMED, ADVERTISING RATES, ETC., ETC. ARRANGED IN ALI'IIAIlEl'ICAl. ORDER, WITH CONVENIENT MEMO- RANDU.M PAGES OPPOSITE EACH PAGE OF PRINTED MATTER— A UNIQUE AND ADVANTAGEOUS FEATURE. Price, $1.50. Edited and Published by A. R. Elliott. NOV ^5 ^y""^'* WA ...r^'CLl NEW YORK: ELLIOTT-ADVERTISING, 37 CoLLEr.E Place. 1895. Kntcrcd accordinK to Act of Cnnj,'res«i, in the ycnr IHIKV, by , AsiiHKi. k. K\AA<yvr, /]/'"] . y In the oHicc of the IJhrarian of Connrcss at Washington. ; \ \ ;""^ LOCKWOOD PRESS. NFW YORK. ;x INTRODUCTION. Tl2 immense strides which class journalism lias made during ex. the past decade have been especially marked in the de- • « partments of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Hygiene. With over 270 journals devoted to the interest of the clas.ses coming under these heads, and with ccmstant accessions to the number, special advertisers find it increasingly difficult to properly " estimate the value of the different mediums. It is with a view to aiding such advertisers in the selecti(m of the most advantageous mediums that this " Hand-Book " has been compiled. To facilitate reference, the work has been divided into four parts representing, respectively. Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Hygiene. The medical publications are further subdivided into classes, as Regular, Homeopathic, Eclectic and Independent medi- cal journals. All statistical matter is arranged in alphabetical order according to the title of the periodical under the part and class to which, it belongs — an arrangement which it is hf)ped will be appreciated by those advertisers who happen to be more familiar with the name I; i ^'' INTRonUCTION. of a Kivcn periodical tluui with tlie location of its put)lishiiiK office. A limited numl.cr of announcements have been aceejUed from journals „f the highest class. These have been kept separate, however, from the reading matterof the " Iland-Hook," and thus do not detract in any way from its convenience as a work ..f reference. Useful as the l)ook must prove in its present form, it is impossible to incorporate in a volume of moderate size all the data which must be taken into consideration in determining advertising value for any special prei)aration, and it is here that the s))ecial knowledge and wide e.xperience of the publisher ol this " Hand-H.w.k "become of value to his clients. JiNKl, 1895. A. R. ELLIOTT. Tli« circulation ratliiKX aHHiffneil to |ierioflicalH (iiioteil in tliiH '• Han<|.|loul(" are print«(l a tlic NtatemcntH of tlin in<iivi<lual puli- IlHhers anti I tlo not hold inyHelf responsible for their accuracy. A. R. K. liiiK (tflRcf. 'l)tc(l frnin sci)aratc, n<l thus do reference. imi)()ssible liicli must value for niowledjre : " become [)TT. CONTENTS. PAOI MEDICAL— RE.il. i.AK, . 1 lIoMii'.oi'Ariiic, . «1 Kci.Kl TIC, . 90 iNDEl'r.NDKNT, 04 PHARMACEUTICAL, . . 101 HYGIENIC . 117 DENTAL . 137 d In thin liial pub- A. R. E. A s B ti A SI C IV yV^EDICAL.. REGULAR. Alabama Medical and Niirglcal Age.— Monthly ; pane, 4>^ X "t ; subscription, !$:i.(Kl; established IHHH. Publisher, Jno. C. Lk (Irand, M.D., P. (). Box 500, Anniston, Ala. Circulation, 1,500. 1 Ytar. 6 Months. H Months. RATES— One page, iJTO.OO i|l40.()0 (|t2r>.()0 Half u 40.0() 2r».(K) 15.00 guarter<4 25.00 15.00 10.00 Albany Medical AiinalH.— Monthly; page, 4>^ x 7>^; subscription, $1.00; established IHTO. Publisher, H. B. KiMMEY, 4!»« Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Circula- tion, 1,800. RATES — One page, one year, Half >. .< Quarter •• " $100.00 60.00 82.00 X 5; Alienist and Neurologist.— Quarterly ; page, 4 subscription, $5.00; established 1880. Publisher, C. H. Hughes, M.D., saO Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 1,000. RATES— One page, one year, . . |60.00 Half it « . . 35.00 Quarter 4< u . . 20.00 ANNI8TON. ALBANY. ST. LOUIS. RICHMOND. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. * MEDICAL— Rkgular. American Doctor.— Monthly ; page, 4 x fi ; sub- scription, oOc; established 180O. Publishers, Ameri- can Doctor Publishing Co., rm North Second Street, Richmond, Va. Circulation, 10,000. RATES — Per inch, .... *1.{M) American Oynaecological and Obstetrical Jour- nal.— Monthly ; page, 4% x 7'^; subscription, $4.00- established ].S!)0. Publishers, D. Appleton & Co ' New York, N. Y. Circulation, 3,500. RATES— One page. Half u Quartern 1 Year, (i Months. 8 Months. 1150.00 185.00 150.00 85.00 50.00 30.00 50.00 30.00 20.00 American Journal of Insanity.— Quarterly; page, 4>^ X S ; subscription, $5.00; established 1844. Pub- lishers, Rand, McNally & Co., for Richard Dewey, M.D., 1112 Venetian Building, Chicago, 111, RATES — One page, one year. Half « Quarter ♦• ti $50.00 30.00 20.00 American Joumal of Obstetrics. — Monthly ; page, 4/2 X 7; subscription, $5.00 ; established 1877. Publishers, Wm. Wood & Co., New York, N. Y Circulation, 7,000. RATES— One page, one year, . . 1150.00 lia'f " «« 80.00 Quarter •.< « . 4500 L — Regular. 4 X (J ; sub- ers, Ameri- rth Second 11.00 ical Joiir- tion, $4.00; ON & Co.. MEMORANDA. Months. 150.00 30.00 20.00 erly; page, 844. Pub- rd Dewey, 1. ^0.00 30.00 20.00 Monthly ; shed 1877. rk, N. Y. 50.00 80.00 45.00 Mpdical AdvertlaUiii.— Write for MaHmatea. A. R. ELLIOTT, Ailvei-tlMitifi, 37 College Place, Xew York. W^'^^T MEMORANDA. Medirat AdvertUtng advantngeoiMlff plneed. A. R. ELLIOTT, AdvertUitig, 37 College Place, New Tork, MEDICAL— Regular. American Journal of Ophthalmology.— Monthly; page, 4xG>4; subscription, $;3.oO; establisiied 188:5. Publishers, J. H. Chambkrs & Co., !»U Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, ;},()()(). Rates on applica- tion. ST. LOUIS. eil. New York, American Journal of the Medical Sciences.— Monthly ; page, 4>4 x 8 ; subscription, $4.00 ; estab- lished 187G. Publishers, Lea Bros. & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Circulation, 4,900. RATES— One page, Half » Quarter i» 1 Year. « Months. 8 Months. 1200.00 1115.00 165.00 115.00 65.00 40.00 65.00 40.00 23.00 American Medical Compend.— Monthly ; page, 4>^ X 7 ; subscription, $L00 ; established 1884. Publishers, Hai,ley & Hadley, 138 St. Clair Street, Toledo, Ohio. Circulation, 1,500. PHILADELPHIA. American Journal of Surgery.— Quarter >; page, 4>^ X 8 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1889. Pub- kansas city. Usher, H. E. Pearse, M.D., 531 Rialto Building, Kansas City, Mo. Circulation, 5,000. RATES— Otie page, one year, . . $60.00 Half .. u . . 35.00 Quarter.. .. . 18.00 TOLEDO. page. RATES— One Half .. Quarter « 1 Year. Months. 3 Months. $100.00 $60.00 $35.00 60.00 35.00 20.00 35.00 20.00 12.00 MEDICAL— Regular. WEYAUWEQA. NEW YORK. LOUISVILLE. NEW YORK. American Medical and Legal Exchange Bureau. —Bi-monthly ; page, 4>^ x (i ; subscription, 5()c. ; established 18!»1. Publishers, Hutchinson & Jones, VVeyauwega, Wis. Circulation, 1,500. Rates on ap- plication. Amerioan Medico - Surgical Bulletin.— Semi-month- ly ; page 5>^ x 9 ; subscription, $3.00; established 1887. Publishers, The Bulletin Publishing Co., P. O. Box 3,535, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 21,000. RATKS— One page, one year, 12 alternate issues, $600. Half " " " " 300- Quarter, " " " »75- American Practitioner and News.— Bi-monthly ; page, 5x7; subscription, $;5.00; established 1810. Publishers, John P. Morton & Co., iH> Main Street, Louisville, Ky. Circulation, 1,70(1. 1 Yea' (i Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page. |150.00 $90.00 |50.00 Half « 90.00 50.00 30.00 Quartet" 50.00 30.00 20.00 American Therapist. — Monthly ; page, 5x8; subscription, $1.00; established 1892. Publishers, American Therapist Publishing Co., 25 Beekman Street, New York, N, Y. Circulation, 3,000. RATES— One page, one year, . . |100.00 Half >• <i . . 60.00 Quarter" ♦• , . 35.00 L, — Rf.rular. e Bureau. ;ion, 50c. ; N & Jones, ates on ap- emi-month- established SHING Co. , Circulation, ssues, $600. " 300. 175. i-monthly ; ihed 18ro. ain -Street, Months, )^0.00 30.00 20.00 e, 5x8; 'ublishers, I Beekman )0. 100.00 60.00 35.00 MEMORANDA. Peraiittent Advertlnlng I'ai/a, Vonmtlt A. R, ELLIOTT on lUedlrul Advertlaiufi, 37 College Place, Xew Xork. i^t^^^^^^!^^^W^^i^^ I il MEMORANDA. JudieioHs A,lrerHnl>t(/ Bringn Reward. I roitatrutt Atlrerttuftnetitit on modern Jtrinetplen. A, R. ELhlOTT, Advertising, 37 College Plnce, New York, K. MEDICAL— Recular. 9 atfurt V- AnnaleH (rOciilistlqiie.— Monthly; page, 434 X ''^; subscription, $5.00; established 1838. Publishers of English Edition, The Transatlantic Publishing Co., G'.i Fifth Avenue, New York. Circulation, 5,000. 1 Year. Months. 8 Months. RATES— One page, 1150.00 |85.00 |50.00 Half i. 8r).00 50.00 30.00 Quarter.. 50.00 30.00 20.00 AnnalH of Gynaecology and Paediatry.— Monthly ; Pag*^. -^H X 5M ; subscription, $;].00 ; established 1880. Publisher, E. W. Cushing, Back Bay P. O., Boston, Mass. Circulation, 2,500. 1 Year. fi Months. 3 Month.s. RATES— One page, |200.00 |120.00 |70.00 Half .. 120.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter.. 70.00 40.00 25.00 Annals of Ophthalmology and Otology.— Quar- terly ; page, 4x7; subscription, $5.00 ; established 18!)1. Publisher, James P. Parker, M.D., 701 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. RATES— One page, one year, . . |60.00 Half .... . . 86.00 Archives of Ophthalmology.— Quarterly ; page, 3^ X 5>^ ; subscription, $5.00 ; established 1871. Publishers, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 27 West Twenty- third Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 050. 1 Year. Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, $50.00 $30.00 |20.00 Half .. 28.00 18.00 12.00 Quarter ii 15.00 10.00 7.00 NEW YORK. BOSTON. ST. LOUIS. NEW YORK. "SW 10 MEDICAL— Reci'iar. PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. NEW YORK. PROVIDENCE. Annals of Surgery.— Monthly ; page, i}i x 5>^ ; subscription, frnOO; established 1885. Publishers, Univkrsity of Pennsylvania Press, 71<i Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 2,500. S Months. f6().()0 30.00 20.00 1 Year. Months. RATES— One page, 1150.00 |||85.00 Half a 85.00 50.00 Quarter «« 50.00 80.00 ArchiTes of Otology.— Quarterly ; page, 3^ x5;^; subscription, $4.00 ; established 1871. Publishers, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 27 West Twenty-third Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation 500. Rates on application. Archives of Pediatrics.- Monthly ; page, 4>4 x 8 ; subscription, $;5.00; established 1884. Publishers, Bailey & Fairchild Co., 24 Park Place, New York, N. Y. Circulation, ;3,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |150.00 |85.00 l>50.00 Half » 85.00 50.00 30.00 Quarter.. 50.00 30.00 16.00 Atlantic Medical Weekly.— Weekly ; page, 5x8; subscription, f;3.00 ; established 18!)2. Publishers, Atlantic Medical Publishing Co., 51(1 Industrial Trust Company Building, Providence, R. I. Circu- lation, 2,800. 1 Year. (! Months. 8 Months. RATES— One page,|400.00 |225.00 |125.00 Half « 225.00 125.00 75.00 Quarter" 125.00 75.00 45.00 i — Reci'Lar. I'ublishers, 1(J Filbert [)0. Months. |6().00 30.00 20.00 Publishers, renty-third 00. Rates :e, 4>4 X 8 ; Publishers, New York, I Months. I|50.00 30.00 16.00 age, 5x8; Publishers, Industrial I. Circu- I Months. 1125.00 75.00 45,00 MEMORANDA. 11 Manf/ tlollars are wasted annually 'U Utjudlcioun channela. The erpeHence of many yearn < nablea me to select nietllunta with care. 4, », ELLIOTT, Advertiainff, 37 College ^laee, New York, ■ -<-.f*rww*JirrstW^'!W"n?«S,l ^^^^:i---r: ^^^j^^SjSfjSBWjiBiy 19 MEMORANDA. iiUelUgent mrthotin <./ Adeertlaitig are at the command of all u-ho eoHHHlt vrpiitahle .Idpettlaliig Agentn, A, U, ELIXOTT, Adeertiatuff, 37 College Place, New Xork, MBOICAL— Rkoi'lar. i:i land of all »v York, IloNtoii Medical and Surgical Journal.— Weekly ; page, 7 X !»J4 ; subscription, $:».(»(); established ITti.'J. Publishers, Damkk.i.i. & Upham, Boston, Mass. Cir- culation, t»,-j:)(), I Year. (1 Months. ;t MonthH. RATES— One pajfe, i|H(M).()0 $i'irt.m i|1125.(M> Half « aa.TOO 125.0<) 75.(10 (ijuarter.. 12r>.(K) 75.0() 45.(K) Kruitllwaito*H KetrOHpect. — Half yearly ; pajje, 4x(j;^; subscription, $-^.r)n ; established 178(1. Pub- lishers, (1. P. Pu rNAM's Sons, SJ!) West Twenty-third Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, !;i,(K)(>. RATES— One page, Half .. Quarter u 1 Year. 175. ()0 40.00 25.00 fl Months. 1(40.00 25.00 15.00 Months. 185.00 45.00 25.00 3 Months. 145.00 25.00 15.00 Brooklyn Medical Journal. — Monthly ; page, ■i^ X.H ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1«H(;. Publishers, Medical Society of the County of Kings, 2(!(> Hancock Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Circu- lation, 4, (MM). 1 Year. RATES— One page, |150.00 Half 4. 85.00 Quarter <• 45.00 Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal.— Monthly ; page, 4:j4 xiyi; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1845. Editors, Thomas Lothrop, M. D., and W. W. Potter, M.D,, 284 Franklin Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Circulation, 1,200. 1 Year. 6 Months. S Months. RATES— One page. flOO.OO $60.00 ^5.00 Half u 60.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter.. 35.00 20.00 15.00 BOSTON. NEW YORK. BROOKLYN. BUFFALO. 14 MEDICAL— Rkcii i.ar. Kiilletiii of th(^ American Academy of Medic I mi. CA8T0N. — Hi-monthly; paxe, 4x7; subscription, !|;{.0(» ; estal)lisht:(l \HH\K Publishers, LAKAVKriK (.loi.i.KdK, Kastoii, I'a. Circulation, '»()(». 1 Yfiir. tl M»ntliM. RATES— One imgc. . . IflO.OO i|t4().(M) Half u . . 40.(M) 'J'J.(H) yuiirlt-r.. . . 22. (Ml 12.(Mt (!aliforiiia Medical Journal.— Mr)nthly ; paxe, 8AN FRANCISCO. '^^ x •' ; subscription, f I.. ''jd ; established I ST'.I. Pub- lishers, California Mkdicai. Jouknal Co,, San Francisco, Cal. Circulation, l,r)(HI. 1 Year. H MonthH. 8 Months. RATES— One page, |r»0.0() i|i:ir»,(KI i|t2r).(H) Half >. :)5.U0 25.00 10.00 yuarter.. 20.00 15.00 1().(K) Canada Lancet.— Monthly ; page, (\^xH}4; sub- TORONTo. scription, $;{.(I0; established IHOH. Publishers, J. E. Bryant & Co., Limited, Toronto, Ontario. Circula- tion, 1,(1(10. RATES— One page, one year. . . $100.00 Half .. .4 . . 60.00 Quarter!. » . . 86.00 Canada Medical Record.— Monthly ; page, o>4 x 0; MONTREAL. subscHption, $2.00 ; established 1872. Publishers, John Lovell & Son, 25 St. Nicholas Street, Mon- treal, Quebec. Circulation, 800. 1 Year. 6 Months. 8 Months RATES— One page, $60.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half .. 40.00 25.00 20.00 Quarter «. 25.00 16.00 10.00 L— Rkiii I.AR. Medicine. n, $:{.0(> ; ■; Ccii.i.KdK, > Mi>ntlis. ||I4().(M) 'ja.(H) 12.(>() ly ; pajjrf, IST;». I'lib- . Co,, San < MonthH, l|t2r>.(M) 15.00 10.00 8j4 ; sub- hers, J. E. ). Circula- ^00.00 60.00 36.00 ge, 0>4x0; Publishers, reet, Mon- i Months. 125.00 20.00 10.00 MEMORANDA. 15 BR* Medical AflrprtlitlMf/.— irrltK for Bttimatfit. A, H. EhLIOTT, AdrfrtlHiHfi, 37 College Place, Kew York, ■T 16 MEMORANDA. Medical AilverHsing advantageotitdi/ placed, A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College I'lnce, Aew York. c P C la ed. New York, medical-Regular. t^ Canadian Practitioner.— Monthly ; page, 7/3 x lo; subscription, fi.W; established 187(1. Publishers,' J. E. Bryant & Co., Limited, Toronto, Ontario. Circulation, ],(i(M). 1 Year. Month.s. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |120.00 |72.00 |45.00 Half u 72.00 45.00 30.00 Quarter « 45.00 30.00 18.00 Charlotte Medical Journal. — Monthly ; page, 5>^x7; subscription, $:>. 50; established 18!»2. Pub- lishers, Drs. Register and Montgomery, 30 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. Circulation, 3, 400. „ . ^_ 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |200.00 fl20.00 |70.00 Half u 120.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter!. 70.00 40.00 30.00 Chicago Medical Recorder.— Monthly ; page, 4>4x7>4; subscription, $■>.{)(); established I887! Publishers, Medical Recorder Publishing Co., Chicago, 111. Circulation, 2,000. DAa^co ^ lyear. 6 Months. .3 Months. RATES— One page, |150.00 |80.00 |45.00 Half .. 80.00 45.00 25.00 Quarter »< 45.00 25.00 14.00 Cincinnati Medical Journal.— Monthly ; page, 4% X 7>^ ; subscription, $L(JO ; established 1880! Publishers, Cincinnati Medical Journal Co Court Street and Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Circu- lation, 4,300. RAT17<5_w 1/ '^""'■' "Month.s. KAIES— Half page, . . |60.00 |35.(M) TORONTO. charlotte. CHICAGO. CINCINNATI. I! ' I''- ■Pff 18 MEDICAL— Regular. CHICAGO. CLEVELAND. CHICAGO. DENVER. Clinical Review.— Monthly ; page, iy2 x8; sub- scription, $-LM); established 18!)(). Publisher, The Chicago Clinica.l Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 111. Circulation, ],0()0, 3 Months, |44.(K) T^ A rr.T-.r> ^ ' Year. (> Month.s. RATES— One page, i|;l25.(H) |75.(M) Half li 75.00 44.00 Quarter » 44.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 Cleveland Medical Gazette.— Monthly ; page, 4>^ xS; subscription, $•,>.()(); established IKS'). Pub- lisher, Cleveland Medical Gazette Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Circulation, 2,(1(10. n A ^T^r. ^ * Vear. Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, I|;100.(M) 160.00 |45.00 Half u 60.00 35.00 30.00 Quarter ti 35.00 20.00 15.00 Clinique.— Monthly ; page, ;))4 xn>4; subscription, $-iAn) ; e.stabli.shed IST!). Publisher, Jos. P. Cobb, :{1")(; Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 111. Circulation, I*, ()()(». r. A mT-c. ^x ' ^^^'■- " Monthi. 3 Months. RATES— One page, $75.00 ftO.OO |35.00 Half « 45.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter i. 25.00 15.00 10.00 Colorado Climatologist and Denver Medical News.— Monthly ; page, (1^ x 7,34 ; subscription, $-i.()() ; established 181(4. Publisher, Chas. S. Manly, M.D., rm) South Broadway, Denver, Col, Circula- tion, ;},()0(). nAn^r^c^ ^ 1 Year. 6 Month.s. 3 Months. RATES— One page, $60.00 |40.00 |25.00 Half « 40.00 25.(H) 15.00 Quarter.. 25,00 15.00 10.00 ^L — Regular. 14 X S ', sub- blisher, The '()., Chicago, 3 Months. |44.()0 25.00 15.00 thly ; page, IHSS. Pub- Co., Cleve- 3 Months. 145.00 30.00 15.00 ubscription, 5. P, Cobb, Circulation, 3 Months. 135.00 15.00 10.00 * Medical ibscription, S. Manly, I. Circula- 3 Months. i(S5.00 15.00 10.00 MEMORANDA. 1 t'ei-MiMfrut ,l,lrri-tlMii,f/ IVi;/». Consult A. H. KLUOTT on Me,llr„l .l,lvevtMn„. 37 Collpffe J'laee, \ew Vorfc 20 MEMORANDA. Judlcloim Ailpcrtinitm Bringa Ketpard. I roimtriirt All ferttaements on modern prinelplrit, A. K. ELLIOTT, AdverUHlnu, S7 Colleye J'Inee, A«i> York. MEDICAL— Regular. 21 Columbus Medical Journal.- Bi-weekly ; page, 5x8; subscription, $a.()() ; established l«)S;j. Pub- lisher, Columbus Medical Publishing Co., 150 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. Circulation, 1,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |150.00 |80.()0 $50.00 Half » 90.00 50.00 35.00 Quarter" 60.00 35.00 20.00 COLUMBUS. Courier of Medicine.— Weekly ; page, :> « S ; sub- scription, $-^.00; established 1888. Pub! .ler, L. A. TuRNBULL, M.U., St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 30,000. Rates on application. ST. LOUIS. Denver Medical Times.— Monthly; page, 4>^ x 5% ; subscription, $a.00; established 1880. Publisher,' denver. Thomas H. Hawkins, A.M., M.D., 1740 Welton Street, Denver, Col. Circulation, 3,700. RATES— One page, 1 Year. 6 Months. 160.00 136.00 rotiHtriiet ten, re, JV«i> York, Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette.— Monthly ; page, 5>^x8>^; subscription, $1.50; sstablished 188+! new york. Publishers, Gazette Publishing Co., 1318 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 30,000. RATES — One page, one year, Half « Quarter •» » 1650.00 350.00 200.00 ^ FORT WAYNE. i NEW YORK. NEW YORK. ST. LOUIS. 22 MEDICAL— Rv.cuiAR. Fort Wayne Medical Magazine.— Monthly ; page, 4>^ X 7>4 ; subscription, $1.0(1 ; established 1H8!». Editor, Albert E. Bulson, Jr., 21 Pixley Long Block, Fort Wayne, Ind, Circulation, ;j,(»U(». RATES — One page, one year, Half » Quarter " « 175,00 45.00 25.00 Gaceta Medieo-Farmacentica.— Monthly ; page, 8^ X y>^ ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1892. Publishers, Johnson & Johnson, 38 Piatt Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 5,000. RATES- -Onc page. Half Quarter « one year, 1300.00 100.00 85.00 Gaillard's Medical Journal.— Monthly ; page, T) X S ; subscription, $,5.00; established 18(i0. Pub- lisher, M. E. Gaillard, Mew York, N. Y. Circula- tion, 3,000. RATES— One page, one year, . . |120.00 Hal* " .... 75.00 Quartern i. 40.00 General Practitioner.— Monthly ; page, 4>^ x «;4 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established IBDo. Publishers Dr. R. C Blackmer and Dr. G. M. Blech, 11 North Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, flOO.OO |55.00 $30.00 Half « 55.00 30.00 20.00 Quarter.. 30.00 20.00 15.00 ■4 \L — Rr,(!i)i.AR. ithly; page, lished 1HH!». Pixley Long ;,(»00. $75.00 46.00 25.00 thly ; page, lished 189^. Piatt Street, MEMORANDA. 23 1300.00 160.00 85.00 :hly ; page, 18U0. Pub- Y. Circula- $130.00 75.00 40.00 e, 4K X «>^ ; Publishers ;h, 11 North 5>,000. :i Months. $30.00 20.00 15.00 II Mnu// dolltii-H arc wnxted anniKiUn in lnjadlelutia chwuavlii. The ejcperieucti of mnity i/riim emihlea tun to Mfleet itiedimim with cure. A, H. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 C'oUeye I'lao; New York. »■'■'. ", ■_, ^ 24 MEMORANDA. iHtelligeut lurlhodH of Atlrertl»itiff are at the rotntuand of all tW«« eotiHult reputable Adrertiattifi Aj/entii, A. R. ELLIOTT, Adverilaing, 37 College I'lare, Xew Xork. wiu MEDICAL— Rkchi.ar. 25 Harper Hospital Kiilletin.— Bi-monthly ; page, 4)^x7; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1HH!>. I'lib- Detroit. lisher, (Ieorge Duffield, M.D,, Detroit, Mich. Circulation, '^,500. 1 Yenr. 6 Monthii. RATES— One page, . . |50.00 f'tO.OO Half .4 80.00 16.00 Quarter.. 16.00 10.00 Hospital Messenger.— Monthly ; page, 4^ x 8 ; subscription, $1.00; established 1885. Publishers, orange. Orange Memorial Hospital Publishing Co., 240 Main Street, Orange, N. J. Circulation, 250. RATES— One inch, one year, . . |10.00 Hot Springs Medical Journal.— Monthly ; page, ■i/i X 'J/i ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1891. Publishers, Hot Springs Medical Journal Co., Hot Springs, Ark. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 8 Months. RATES— One page, |125.00 |70.00 |40.00 Half .. 70.00 40.00 25.00 Quarter.. 40.00 25.00 15.00 HOT SPRINQS. nmnnd of all itH. , New York. Index Medicus. — Monthly ; page, 5 x 8>^ ; subscrip- tion, $10,00 ; established 1878. Publisher, Geo. S. Davis, P. O. Box 470, Detroit, Mich. Circulation, 700. 1 Year. RATE&-One page, |100.00 Half .. 65.00 85.00 20.00 Quarter" 85.00 20.00 14.00 6 Months. 3 Months. 165.00 135.00 DETROIT jT INDIANAPOLIS. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. >• MKI)ICAL~Rk..i)I.ar. Indiana Medical Journal.— Monthly ; pajre, '>H X H; subscription, $1.()U; established iHro. Pub- lishers, Indiana Medical Journal Publishing Co., 18 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Circulation, 1,000. I Year. . 175.00 RATEt:- -One page, Half .. Quarter i. 45.00 2S.00 a Month!. ijar.oo 20.00 10.00 International Journal of Surgery.— Monthly ; page, (\y2X%y2\ subscription, $1.00; established 18H7. Publishers, International Journal of Sur- GF.RY Co., New York, N. Y, Circulation, ^^,000. page, one year, . RATES— One Half Quarter tj lUSOO.OO 276.00 150.00 International Medical Magazine.— Monthly ; page, 4>4 X 7>4 ; subscripticn, $;}.00 ; established 18!H. Publishers, International Medical Maga- zine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 3,500. 1 Year. $150.00 85.00 50.00 page, RATES— One Half Quarter » U Months. 185.00 50.00 30.00 3 Months. I|50.00 30.00 20.00 Journal of the American Medical Association.— Weekly ; page, 0^ x !t^ ; subscription, $5.00 ; estab- lished 1883. Publisher, John B. Hamilton, 86 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, III. Circulation, 10,000. 1 Year. Months. .3 Months. RATES— One page,|l,040.00 |540.00 $280.00 Half .. 540.00 280.00 150.00 Quarter i. 280.00 150.00 80.00 3m L,— Rk(.ui.ar. y ; page, IHTO. Pub- SHING Co., lire Illation, I Months. !|i2:.()o 20. (K) 10.00 -Monthly ; established \h OF SUR- 1500.00 276.00 150.00 ■ Monthly ; established :al Maga- J,5U0. "(lonths. $50.00 30.00 20.00 elation.— ,00; estab- MEMORANDA. 97 ILTON, L 0,000. Months. 280.00 150.00 80.00 86 i Medical Ailvvi'tlHlHfi.— n'rlUi for KatluuUea. A. R. ELLIOTT, AavertlHlny, 37 Volleyo Pfaoe, New York, ^^<^^ £ MEMORANDA. 1 Medical Aitvitrtlniug aflvaHtageoualy plueed, .4. R. ELLIOTT, Advertisinti, 37 College I'lncv, New York. ■A 'd. Yew rttrk. MEDICAF.— RK.(iiii.AK. M Journal of the ArkanNas Medical Society.— Monthly; pajje, IJ^ x 4^ ; established IHH'.I. I'lih- iisher;-., Arkansas Mkdicai, Sociktv, 111 Kast I'ifth Street, Little Rock, Ark. Circulation, tidO. 1 Year. <l MonthH. .1 Muiitlm. RATES— One pnKC IrtO.OO ifi\OA*) i|l30.(Mt Half .. MUM 30.0(» ir,.00 guarter i< 20.00 in.fM) 10.00 Journal of Comparative Neurology. -Quarterly ; page, F>x7}4; subscription, $.'{.5(1; established 1H!M). Publishers, Drs. FIkkkick and Herrick, (Iranville, Ohio. Circulation, ")(»(». RATES — One page, one year, Half .. lH-'>.(M) 33.50 Journal of Cutaneous and Genito - Urinary Diseases. — Monthly; page, "> x H ; subscription, ^•iJ)U; established \HH'i. Publishers, I). Aim'KKTon & Co., ;-<J Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Circula- tion, ;{,5()(>. 1 Year )1 Months. .1 Monthsi. RATES— One page, JIRCOO |85.00 fSCOO Half ii 85.00 50.00 30.00 Quartern 50.00 JIO.OO 30.00 Journal of Electro-Therapeutics.— Quarterly ; page, 4^ xW; subscription, fl.UO; established 18H4. Publishers, A. L. Chatterton & Co., 78 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 2,500. RATES — One page, one year, Half «i u $100.00 50.00 LITTLE ROCK. GRANVILLE. NEW YORK. NEW YORK. I < -P HARTFORD. 80 MEDICAL— Regular. Journal of Inebriety.— Quarterly; page, ;5^ X ayi; subscription, $^.00 ; established 1878. Publishers, Case, Lockwood cSi Brainard Co., Hartford, Conn. Circulation, 800. RATES— One page, one year, . . !|!30.00 Half .. 20.00 Quarter a a . 13.00 »v? Journal of Medicine and Science.— Monthly ; PORTLAND, page, CxO; subscription, $1.00; established 181)4. Publishers, Journal of Medicine and Science Co., Portland, Me. Rates on application. Journal of the Medical Sciences.— Monthly ; page, FORT WAYNE, ■i/s X (<J^ ', Subscription, $1.00 ; established ■ 1881. Publishers, Journal Co., ;50 East Main Street, Fort Wayne, Ind. Circulation, 2,0{M. Rates on applica- tion. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases.— NEW YORK. Monthly ; page, 4>^ x 7>4 ; subscription, $;j.()0 ; established 187;}. Publisher, Chas. Henry Brj-vm, M.D., New York, N. Y. Circulation, 5,000. • 1 Year. Months. .3 Months. RATES— One page, |150.00 fSO.OO $45.00 Half « 80.00 45.00 25.00 Quarter" 45.00 25.00 14.00 < — Rirr.uLAR. Hiblishers, )rd, Conn. ISO.OO 20.00 13.00 MEMORANDA. 81 -Monthly ; hed 18!l-l. ENCE Co., bly; page, led ■ ISSl. reet. Fort 1 applica- seases.— 1, $;}.()(! ; fonths. 15.00 W.OO 14.00 il I'rmlittftit Adrertiiiinfi Pays, VoHHuH A, R, ELLIOTT on Mpillrnl Advertitiiuff, 37 CoUege I'Inee, New York. 82 MEMORANDA. Juttleious Adverttning »r.nga Iteteard, I construct Advertt»ementH on modern principles, A. ft. ULLTOTT, AdvertlHlng, 37 Colleye I'lacv, Xew York. '•^f^'^'m^mimrrt!^ MEDICAL— Rkciu.ak. struct few I'ork. Journal of Orificial Surgery.— Monthly ; page, ■ixoyi; subscription, $•.>.(«) ; established l8i»l. Pub- lisher, Francis U. Holbrook, M.D., oO Central Music Hall, Chicago, 111. Circulation, ;{,()0(». payc, RATES-Onu Half Quarter n 1 Y. .r. *10U,00 00.00 40.00 (i Months. ^oo.oo 40.00 25.00 Kansas Medical Journal. — Weekly ; page, ")% X 8% ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1S8!»! Publishers, Medical Publishing Co., 72-3 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kan. Circulation, 3,000. PATE-c r\ inXS^Ik "Months. 3 Months. RAIES— One page, $350.00 |150.00 *1(M) 00 Half » 150.00 100.00 60.00 Quarter.. 100.00 60.00 35.00 Kansas City Medical Index.— Monthly ; page, 4>^ X 8 ; subscription, $2A)0 ; established 1879. Pub- lisher, H. E. Pearse, M.D., 531 Rialto Building, Kansas City, Mo. Circulation, 3,000. DATiT^o /-x 1 Ye.^r. 6 Months. RATES— One page, |73.00 |40.00 Half « 40.00 -25.00 Quarter «< 25.00 15.00 3 Months. 135.00 15.00 Kansas City Medical Record.— Monthly ; page, 5^ X 8 ; subscription, |a.00 ; established 1883.' Publishers, Drs. Fulton and Halley, Kansas City, Mo. Circulation, 3,000. UATTTO /-> i.,Xi!°Jx "Months. 3 Months. RATES-One page, |130.00 |80.00 |50.00 Half .. 80.00 50.00 33.00 Quarter" 45.00 33.00 2100 CHICAGO. TOPEKA. KANSAS CITy. KANSAS CITY. "TR 84 MEDICAL— RK.ai.AR. La Kiivista MtMlico-Qulnirgloa.— Monthly ; page, NEW YORK. *ij^-x!t; .siil)scrii)ti()n, $:!.(!(); ustablislit'cl IS'.C^. I'iil)lisheis, J. SnKi'HKRi) Ci.akk c:<)., |-.'(; Liberty Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, |,(l(Ml. KATES— One pa^e, one year, . . !ff)00.0() Ilii'f « u . . 275.00 yiiartur« u . . 150.00 Laiicot and Arcliives of (i.yna^cology.— Monthly ; NEW YORK. P^iR^'. '•"h X !» ; Subscription, $:i.(IO ; established JS84. Publishers, J. H. Flint i\: Co., --i-H) William Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 1(»,()0(>. RATE— One pajjc one year, . sjKJOO.OO Less time, less spaeu, pro rata. Lancet Clinic— Weekly ; page, Axl-'^; subscrip- ciNciNNATi. tion, $-.>.:.(»; established |s:»,s. Publisher, J. C. Cul- BER-rsoN, Cincinnati, Ohio. Circulation, 4,(K»(). 1 Year. (1 Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |560.00 jaOO.OO |!160.00 Half i. aOO.OO 160.00 90.00 Quarter « 160.00 90.00 50.00 Lehigh Valley Medical Magazine.— Monthly ; EASTON. page, 5x8; subscription, $-..'.(H» ; established IS.SH. Publisher, Lehigh Valley Medical Association Co., 104 North Fourth Street, Easton, Pa. Circula- tion, 500. 1 Year. U Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |75.00 *45.00 |25.00 Half a 45.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter « 25.00 15.00 12.50 -, — RkiU I.AK. Illy; page, ht'cl lS!lt>. '.'<; Liberty KM I. 275.00 150.00 -Monthly ; ished JS84. am Street, GOO. 00 MEMORANDA. 35 li ; subscrip- J. C. CUL- Months. iieo.oo 90.00 50.00 -Monthly ; shed 1,S,S«. SSOCIATION . Circula- Months. 125.00 15.00 12.50 ii JUani/ aoHara are wasted annunVy /« intiiillrlotii, chaniiils. The erpertence of maitji j/earti etiiihha mc to select mediums with care, A, U. ELLIOTT, AavertUiny, 37 College Place, New Yorh. "W, ae MEMORANDA. IntelUffeiit methotla of AdverUaing are at the command of all who consult reputable Adeertlnlni/ Agvntii. A. B. ELLIOTT, AdvertUiiig, 37 College Place, Sew l„r*. ninaHtl of all itH. Sew l^rk. MEDICAL-RF,(.ri.AR. 37 Leonard's Illiistratod Medical Journal.-Quar- terly; pajre, !)>4 x U>1^ ; subscription, r,()c.; estab-- Iished |,sr!». Publishers, Illustrated Mkdical Journal C,.., 18 John R. Street, Detroit, Mich, ("irculation, 10,000. RATES — One page, nne year Half « „ yuartcr .. » ♦100.00 50.00 31J.OO Louisville Medical Montlily.-Month'y ; page, ax 8; subscription, $1.00; establishes'. 1 8!);j. Pub- lishers, Louisville Medical Monthly Co., Louis- ville, Ky. Circulation, 1,000. D A ^^T^c. ^ * ^^'"■- ^ Months. 3 Months. RATES-One page, |125.00 $70.00 !|!4.'5.00 Half u 70.00 45,00 27.00 Quarter.. 45.00 37.00 15.00 L'Union Medicale da Canada.— Monthly ; page, ^xC^Yz; subscription, |;3.00 ; established 187^' Publisher, J. B. A. Lamarche, P. O. Box 2 040 Montreal, Quebec. Circulation, 1,150. ' ' 1 Year. 6 Months. KATES— One page, |60.0flr |40.00 Half .. 40.00 30.00 Quarter .. 30.00 20.00 3 Months. 130.00 20.00 15.00 DETROIT. LOUISVILLE. MONTREAL. Maritime Medical News.— Monthly; page cj^ x 9- subscription, $1.00; established 1888. Publisher,' Halifax C.EO. M. Campbell, Hal. ax, Nova Scotia. Circula- tion, 850. Rates on application. "•w-r-z BALTIMORE. BOSTON. LOUISVILLE. NEW YORK. 38 MEDICAL— Rw;iiLAR. Maryland Medical Journal.— Weekly ; page, '*}ixH; subscription, $;t.00 ; established I SSd. Pub- lishers, Makylani) Mkdicai, Journal Co., Balti- more, Mel, Circulation, •^,-iM. ., » ^^,. 1 Year. (1 Months. H Months. RATES— One page. ^(250.00 (|1I50.(H) *1()0.(K) Half » l.W.OO 1(K).{K) 75.00 guarter.i 100.00 70.00 no.OO MassaehiiN^'ttN Medical Journal.— Monthly; pajje, r» X "t'/i ; subscription, $].(»() ; established IHHl. Pub- lishers, Bay Statk Publishing Co., I'j Post Office Square, Boston, Mass. Circulation, V,,7'M. „ . „ 1 Year. () Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page. ^0.00 !|i!J5.00 |25.00 Half .< 35.00 25.00 20.00 Third a 30.00 20.00 15.00 Quarter.. 25.00 15.00 10.00 Matthews' Medical Quarterly.— Quarterly ; page, T) X (IX ; subscription, $-i.m ; established 1H!»;{. Pub- lishers, John P. Morton & Co., P. O. Box 434, Louisville, Ky. Circulation, 2,000. RATES- -One page, one year, Half Quarter .. .. 160.00 35.00 25.00 Medical Abstract.- Monthly ; page, 4^ X 8 ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1880. Publishers, Medical Abstract Co., 70 Ann Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, (;,000. 1 Year, fl Months. .S Months. RATES— One page, flOO.OO 160.00 ijae.OO Half .. Quarter n 60.00 36.00 36.00 22.00 22.00 14.00 VL — RtGUI.AR, kly ; page, I ISSd, Pub- Co., Balti- 8 Months. lt;l()0.(H) 75.0() no. 00 nthly; pajre, ISHl. Pub- Post Office a Months. 125.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 terly; page, \H'X]. Pub- ). Box 434, 160.00 35.00 25.00 ^ X 8 ; sub- Publishers, New York, a Months. i);86.00 22.00 14.00 MEMORANDA. MtiHrnl Advi-rtUiuf/.— trrltp for KmUiikiIis. A. R. ELLIOTT, Ailrrrtliti,,,,, :t7 follpfff i'laee, \)-w I'oi*. 40 MEMORANDA. Mriltral Attrrrtiaing aavnntnqeoualu plneed. A. It. KLLJOTT, A,li,rtl»i,n,, 37 Vollrf/e Vlaee, Jfetv York. 9 ti A sc L Mm MFJ)ICAL-Rk,j,.|,ar. 4, Medical Ago.— Scmi-nioiithly ; paKC, Ti^^ x H ; sub- scription, $|.(to ; established IHHli. Publisher, ClKoRdK S. Davis, Box 470, Detroit, Mich. Circula- tion, (;,()()o. OA'rnt^ f^ J-X^**""- "Months. 3 Months. KA I E.S— f)no page, l|i;«M).00 I|ll0,1.(»0 iJIDO.CK) Half 4> lO.'i.OO 1)0.00 4r>.(H) yimrter.. 1(0.00 4r).(K) 25.00 DETROIT. d. Tew Tork, MeiHeal Arena.— Monthly ; page, V4 x S^^ ; sub. scription, $].()(»; established ISKI. Publisher, A. H. Kansas city. Nkumkister, M.D., UU Main Street, Kansas City Mo. '' 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES— One page, . . i|t50.00 |;«.00 Half .. . 30,00 20.00 Quarter.. . 18.00 12.00 Medical Argus.— Monthly ; page, «i X H ; subscrip- tion, $1.0(1 ; established 1H8!(. Publishers, Mk.dical Minneapolis. Argus Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Circulation, !,t>()(). 1 Year. Months. H Months. RATES— One page, 1^200.00 j|!l25.0O |70.00 Half .. 125.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter.. 70.00 40.00 25,00 Medical Brief.— Monthly ; page, 5^ x 8>^ ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1872. Publisher, J. J. st louis Lawrence, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 31,000. " " 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES— One page, |400.00 |220.00 Half .< 220.00 124.00 Quarter .< 124.00 75.00 1 Month. $40.00 24.00 15.00 PHILADELPHIA. MONTREAL. NEW YORK. 42 MKDICAL— Rf,(;iiak. M(Miiful Itlllletill.— Monthly ; pajjr, :> '^ x s ; siil)- scription, $1.(1(1 ; fstal)lislic(l |s;!t. I'liblishers, 'I"iik F. A. Davis Co., !!,;(; (hurry Stroet, Philadelphia, I'a. ('irr,iilatii)ii, (l,(i(i(i. 1 Year. ll Month h. .'1 M nut lis. KATICS-Onc pn^c, f,>()0.()() iHllo.lM) i|i(|,-).(M) Half i. 1I(».(M) (r.,(KI .K).(W» Quarter .. (I.5.()0 4(».(K) 23, (Ml M«^dlcal Clirront.— Monthly ; pajje, 4;<; x 7yi ; siib- CHicAQO. scription, $1.(1(1 ; estahlishcd issj. I'ublishers, Drs. Dunn and S.mitii, Chii;aj(o, III. ( RATKS — One pajfo, one year, Half .< .. Quarter n n ircuiation, ;{,()(((l, . i|l75.(MI 4().(K) . 35.00 Montreal MedicalJoiirnal.— Monthly ; pa^e, d x it; subscription, $■>.{){); established l,sr-.>. Pii4)lishers, MoNTRKAi. Mi-,i)icAi, JouRNAi, Co., Montreal, (Que- bec. Circulation, HOO, 1 Year. « Month.s. RATES— One page, . . 160.00 |;J5.00 Half » . . 85.00 20.00 Quarter i. . . 20.00 12.00 Medical Examiner.— Monthly ; page, 7x0; sub- scription, $■*.{){) ; established 1888. Publi.shers, KiTTREDGK Co,, 18 Rcadc Street, New York. Circu- lation, r),()0(J. 1 Year. RATES— One page, I|l4(¥).00 Half .. 2.50.00 10:}.00 84.00 Quarter.. l.jO.OO 97.00 49.00 « Months. ,3 Months. l|!2r.0.00 $130.00 ly. \L-Rk n.AK. X X H ; HUb- lishers, Thk 'hiladflphia, H MiinthH. Idnoo lO.OO 23.0(1 :• X 7>^ ; sub- ishcrs, Drs. ition, ;{,(»(«(. i|i7r..(M> 4().(K) •zrt.m page, (; X !); I'ii4)lishers, Ureal, (^iie- U Months. 20.00 12.00 7x1); sub- Publishers )rk. CircU' 3 Months. $130.00 84.00 49.G0 .ruiUclouM AdvertMnii HHtiffi Hewaril. I ronittruet AfJrrrtiiirments on ntoilrrn pfiiirlph-ti, A. R. ELLIOTT, Aarertishiff,37 Vollefie I'lace, New York. 9 s C 3, MEDICAL— Rkgi'lar. 45 Medical Fortnightly.— Semi-monthly ; page, i)y> X Sj/s ; subscription, $•>.(){) ; establisiied ISSS. Fub- ^isilers, The Fortnightly Press Co., St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 7, SOU. I Year. 6 Months. !i Months. RATES— One page, |400.(K) !|!230.0() $1^0.00 Half >. 375.0() 170.00 00.00 Quarter 4i 100.00 05.00 40.00 Medical Gleaner.— Monthly ; page, 4>4 x 7>^ ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1881). Publisher, W. E. Bloeyer, Cincinnati, Ohio. RATES— One page, Half « Quarter u Circulation, 4,000. 1 Year. 6 Montlis. $75.00 $45.00 45.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 Medical Herald.— Monthly ; page, 5x7; subscrip- tion, $:>.00 ; established 1881. Publishers, Medical Herald Co., Sixth and Charles Streets, St. Joseph, Mo. Circulation, 5,800. RATES— One page, one year, . Half » » Quarter u » . . Medico-Legal Journal.— Quarterly ; subscription, $3.00 ; established 1883. Clark Bell, 57 Broadway, New York. 3,000. RATES — One page, one year, . Half « » . . Quarter « a . , 1200.00 125.00 75.00 page, 4x0; Publisher, Circulation, 1100.00 60.00 30.00 ST. LOUIS. CINCINNATI. ST. JOSEPH. NEW YORK. ST. LOUIS. NEW YORK. 46 MEDICAL— Rkgular. Medical Mirror.— Monthly ; page, 4^ x 7H ; sub- scription, $l.m; established ISS'J. Publisher, 1. N. I.ovK, M.l)., ;5(i4'4 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 2,bOO. RATES— Ono pajre. Half >. Quarter « 1 Year. #150.00 80.00 50.00 I! Months. i|«().00 50.00 30.00 Medical Missionary Record.— Monthly ; page, .'i^^xTK'; subscription, $L()0 ; established 188(1. Editor, Gko. D. Donkontt, M.D., 118 East Forty- tifth Street, New York. Circulation, a, 000. RATES— One page, one year, . . |100.00 Half .4 >. . . 60.00 Quarter" « . . 40.0O NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. Medicinische Monatsschrift. — Monthly ; page, 4x0%; subscription, $;j.00 ; established 18^8. Pub- lishers, Medical Monthly Publishing Co., New York, N. Y. Circulation, 3,000. r. A mT^r. ,^ ' Year. fl Mog. 3 Mos. RATES— One page, (2 cols.), |100.00 |60.00 |35.00 Half » or(l col.), 60.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter .. or ('/ « ), 35.00 20.00 15.00 Medical News.— Weekly ; page, aya x 9>^ ; sub- scription, $4.00 ; established 1843. Publishers, Lea Bros. & Co., 710 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 7,427. », . ^x,^ ^ * Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page,|650.00 |375.00 !|S10.00 Half 4. 375 00 210.00 120.00 Quarter" 325.00 130.00 85.00 ■I X ;^ ; sub •lisher, 1. N, , Louis, Mo, I! Months. ii^O.OU 50.00 30.00 hly ; page, ished 188(i. East Forty- (»0. ■hly; page, 18^8. Pub- J Co., New Mog. 3 Mos. 80.00 135.00 35.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 48 Si ^ ti 4, P M 5) lis te( Intelligent methods of Advertiaing are at the command of all who coitault reputable Advertising Agents. A. n, ELLIOTT, Advertiaing, 37 College Place, New Xork. M( scr W( Cii 'HMtand of all lUa, New Xork, MEDICAL— RK(;ri.AR. 49 Medical Progress.— Monthly ; pajje, 5 x S ; sub- scription, $•.'.()(»; establisiied I,S.S4. Publishers, Medical Progress Co., Louisville, Ky. Circula- tion, 3,000. nAfni-.!. ,x 1 Year. (.Months. ;) Mimth.s RATLS-One paye *2(M),(K) »iaO.(M) |7(MW Half .. 120.00 70.0(> 40 00 guarteru 70.00 40.00 25.00 Medical aiid Surgical Journal.— Monthly ; page, 4>4 X 7>/. ; subscription, $->.oo ; established LS5:,! Publishers, The Franklin Printing and Publish- ing Co., Atlanta, Ca. Circulation, :;',00(). RATES— One page, |75.00 Half u 40.00 Quarter u 25.00 Months. #40.00 25.00 15.00 i Months. 1^5.00 15.00 10.00 Medical and Surgical Reporter.— Weekly ; page, 5x8; subscription, $3.00; established 1853. Pub- lishers, Penfield Bros., Fifth Avenue and Eigh- teenth Street, New York. Circulation, 4,300. PAT'B'c /-w J.yj?^"'- Olfonths. 3 Months. RAlEb— One page, |850.00 $150.00 |100.0o Half « 150.00 100.00 60.00 Quarter.. 100.00 60.00 40.00 Medical Record.-Weekly ; page, G^xlO; sub- scription, $5.00 ; established 1848. Publishers Wm Wood & Co., 45 East Tenth Street, New York Circulation, 17,000. RAT1?C r\^ *,* <Xv^5:.V " ^^^ot^'S. 3 Months. RATES-One page, |1. 200.00 |700.00 |375.00 Half t. "»"" "" ooer n« ^«^ „. Quarter u 700.00 400.00 385.00 !J15.00 200.00 120.00 LOUISVILLE. ATLANTA. NEW YORK. NEW YORK. 50 MEDICAL-RKfiUi.AR. ST. LOUIS. Medical Review.— Weekly ; page, fi>4 x 0>4 ; sub- scri])ti()n, $l\.:yU ; established 1804. Publishers, Mkdicai, RKvri-.w Association, f»14 Locust Street, St. J,ouis, Mo. Circulation, l(),0(l(). -,.,„„ 1 Year. (i Months. S Months. KATEvS— One pajje, |ri50 00 itii'ir, (M) ijKJ2r).00 Half .. 300.00 175 00 135.00 Quarter ii 200.00 125.00 75,00 PORTLAND. CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. Medical Sentinel.— Monthly ; page, r, x •) ; sub- scription, ;$v*.(io ; established !«!):]. Business Man- ager, C'HAS. A. CoE, Marquam Building, Portland, Ore. „. 1 Year. « Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, ^100.00 !(;65.00 )|H0.0O Half (> 65.(K) 40.00 25.00 Quarter >. 40.00 25.00 15.00 Medical Standard.— Monthly ; page, :> x syi ; sub- scription, pHH) ; established IKTK Publishers, (1. P. Engklharo iS; Co., Dearborn and Harrison Streets, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 4,400. 1 Year. fi Xfonths. 3 Months. Per Issue. I'er Issue. I'er Issue. RATES— One page, |;W.75 !|;;J6.00 |40.50 Half i. 18.75 20.00 22.50 Quarter" 11.25 12.00 13.50 Medical Summary.— Monthly ; page, 5 x 8>^ ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established IHTH. Publisher, R. H. Andrews, M.U., P. O. Box 1,317, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 10,000. RATES— One page. Half « Quarter u 1 Year. JS50.00 150.00 80.00 fi Months. 1150.00 80.00 46.00 %» ICAL- -Regular. '>^ X 9>^ ; sub- Publishers, Locust Street, 18. 3 Months. 135.00 •0 75.00 ;, (') X !l ; sub- Business Man- ling, Portland, IS. 3 Months. 10 140.00 10 25.00 K) 15.00 , .") X H}4 ; sub- iblishers, ('.. P. rrison Streets, 3 Months. I'er Issue. 140.50 32.50 13.50 , 5 X iS>^ ; sub- Publisher, R. Philadelphia, 6 Months. 1150.00 80.00 46.00 58 MEMORANDA. P R Medical Advertiahm iiilvnntngeouitly placed, A. B. ELLIOTT, AdvertMny, 37 College I'lace, New York. St MEDICAL— Reooi.ar. r,., Medical Visitor.— Monthly ; page, 4^ x '^'A ; sub- scription, $1.00; established ISS4. Editor, T. S HovNK, M.L)., l.s:n Indiana Avenue, Chicago,' 111] Circulation, 1,000. 1 Vear. (1 M.>nths. 3 Months. RATES— One pape, |7r).00 |40.0() 125.00 Half u 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter.. 25.00 15.00 10.00 CHICAQO. Medical World—Monthly; page, ,>^xH; sub- scription, $1.00; established l,ss;{. Publisher, C. F Taylor, M.I)., 1520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,' Pa. Circulation, 15,000. « A ^T-r, ^ ' ^'®' '■■ " Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |;124 00 ^180.00 1100.00 Half .. 180.00 100.00 54.00 Quarter.. 100.00 54.00 30.00 PHILADELPHIA. Medicine.- Monthly; page, 5x8; .subscription, $3.00; established 1895. Publisher, Geo. S Davis P. O. Box 470, Detroit, Mich. Circulation, 5,OOo'. °'^''°'^' Rates on application. placed, 'ace, New York, Memphis Medical Monthly.— Monthly; page 5x8- subscription, $l.oo ; established LSHO. Publisher' F. L. Sim. M.D., Memphis, Tenn. Circulation' "'"'""• ;3,500. r. A mx-o r. ' ^^"'■- " Months. .3 Months. RATES— One page, |100.00 $60.00 |36.00 Half .. 60.00 36.00 24.00 Quarter.. 42.00 27.00 15.00 (54 MKDICAI -Rkci'I.ar. MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee Medical Journal.— Monthly ; page, H X H^ ; subscription, $l.(l() ; established iH'.Ci. Pub- lishers, Mii.wAuKKK Mkdical Juurnal Co., Milwau- kee, Wis. Circulation, ■-.',:»()(». J Year. (1 Months. S Months. RATES— One page, l|il2r>.(K) |H0.00 fiS.OO Hall « 75,00 45.00 00.00 Quarter « 40.00 25.00 20.00 MisNiNHlppi Medical Monthly.— Monthly ; page, MERIDIAN. 4xr; subscription, |1. (10 ; established 1H!»1. Pub- lisher, N. L. Clarke, M.l)., Meridian, Miss. Circu- lation, U»,0()(). I Year. (1 Months. RATES— One page. . . |70.00 140.00 Half « . . 40.00 25.00 Quarter.. . . iJO.OO 20.00 National Medical Exchange.— Monthly ; page, ELKHART. 4>4 x 8 ; Subscription, .^)()c. ; established LSHO. Pub- lisher, National Medical Exchange, Elkhart, Ind. Circulation, odO. 1 Insertion. 12 Insertions. RATES— One inch, . . fl.OO #10.00 WASHINGTON. TJi X National Medical Review.- Monthly ; page, ; 7'4; subscription, $1.00; established IS'U. Pub Usher, Chas. H. Stowell, M.D., Washington, 1). C Circulation, 2,000. RATES — One page, one year. Half .. Quarter .« .. flOO.OO 60.00 35.00 )ICAI -Rki;i'I.ar. lontbly ; page, ^ed \HU-i. Pub- M, Co., Milwau- ths. a MontliH. 00 iHS.OO 00 30.00 00 20.00 ilonthly ; page, ed IH'.H. Pub- 1, Miss. Circii- ir. (! Months. H) IMO.OO 10 25.00 K) 20.00 lonthly ; page, ed 1.S89. Pub- .NGE, Elkhart, I. 13 Insertions. 110.00 y ; page, r^X ^ d 1,S!»1. Pub- ihington, I). C. . flOO.OO 60.00 as.oo I'f'f/ilMfriit Ailffftliihiii I'lif/M. Consiilf A. II. ELhlitTT on MriHral lilriitUInf/, 37 College t'hice, Neiv York. oe MEMORANDA. tfitttMoua Ailrrrtftthia Urinfiii Itru-nrd. I roti»truet Ailvi-rttiietHviitK on motlfrn prtuclplra, A. It, KLhlOTi; AilvvrtUinfi, 37 Collvue 2'lari; Aew I'orfc. i!4,iliJi5i.v;vfKi,;aK5 MEDICAL— RKciiiAR. W ' roil Hr Met li-a. n; Sew York, National Popular Review.— Monthly ; pa^f, :. * s; subscription, $•.>.:,() ; estahlished Isii:.'. l'iil)lishers, chicaqo. J. Hakrison White & Co., HU Schiller Iluikling, C'hicajfo, 111. Circulation, f;,(K)(». uA^^i-i. ,. lYfar. (1 Months. .1 M,>ntliH. RAILS— One page, HmWM i|ilS().(H) HKI.I.m) Half .. 120.00 m.m jjr).(K) guarter.. e.^.oo im.oo aO.(H) New Albany Medical Herald.— Monthly ; page, r.>4 X ,s ; subscription, %{M); established iHHfi. Pub- new albany. lishers, Nkw Ai.hanv Mkdical Hkrald Co., New Albany, N. Y. Circulation, l(i,()()(). RATES— One page, <1380.00 Half X 100.00 Quarter » 00,00 II Months, n Month*. $160.00 100.00 00.00 60.00 60.00 40.00 New England Medical Gazette.— Monthly ; page, 4x7>4; subscription, %-i.m \ established \w,:i Publishers, Otis Clapp & Son, 10 Park Square, Boston, Mass. Circulation, 1,«'U0. RATES— One page, $75.00 |,.j.<)0 ' Half .. 40.00 25.00 Quarter ti 25.00 15.00 3 Month*. 125.00 15.00 10.00 New England Medical Monthly.— Monthly ; page, ii}i X 8 ; subscription, $1.00; established 1881. Pub- lishers, Danbury Medical Printing Co., Danbury, Conn. Circulation, ((,000. D/oM^o ^ i.y.f^/A Months. 3 Months. RATES-One page, l|250.00 |150.00 $100.00 Half Quarter <( 150.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 BOSTON. DANBURY. MEDICAL— Rkcular. New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal.— Monthly ; page, 4>^ x 8 ; subscription, $;>.(io ; estab- lished 184-1. Editor, Augustus McShane, M.l)., New Orleans, La. Circulp.cion, :i,()0(». ''lATES— One page, one year, . . |100.00 Half » tt . . 60.00 Quarter" » . . 3o.i)0 New York Meditnl Journal.— Weekly ; page, 0^ X !»>^ ; subscription, $5.00; established LS(i4. Publishers, U. Applkton & Co., 72 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 1:3,500. RATES — One page, one year, Half » .; Quarter u a 1^700.00 400.00 250.00 New York Polyclinic— Monthly ; page, n x ny^ ; subscription, $a.00 ; established 18D0. Publisher, Ferdinand King, M.D., ^14 East Thirty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, ::iO,000. r^ . .^„ „ ' Veur. (i Mont'-s. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |400.00 |200.uO |150.00 Half .. 20O.(M) 100.00 CO.W) Quarter « 100.00 60.00 40.00 New York State Medical Reporter.— Monthly ; pagi, 4^-6 X 8 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 18!»;j. Publisher, Gko. R. Fuller, 15-27 South St. Paul Street, Rochester, N. Y. Circulation, 2,000. X, . ™„ ^ 1 Y^*''- " Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, $150.00 |80.00 *45.00 Half a 80.00 45.00 25.00 Quarter" 45.00 25.00 15.00 iL — Regular. Journal. — i.W ; estab- \NE, M.l)., 1100.00 60.00 35.1)0 :ly ; page, ished l,S(i4. th Avenue, |;700.00 400.00 250.00 re, 0x8^; Publisher, lirty-fourth 000. Months. |!150.00 60. (K) 40.00 -Monthly ; ished J,S!»;$. h St. Paul 00. Months. 145.00 25.00 15.00 MhuI/ <tollars are n-nHtptl nnn>inll)i in injudicious ctunntrls. Th» ejr.pefienee of nianji yearn runhlPH me to select tnediums with cure. A. It. MhhlOTT, Advert isi mi, 37 College I'laee, ffeiv I'orfc, u 60 MEMORANDA. Iiifrlllfient methoilM of Aili'rvtiiiimi hii- nt the eomtiiainl «/ ,iH ivlio roimuH reputuhlr Attvertttthiif Aurtitn. A. R, ELLIOTT, Aflrprtlshig, 37 t'uUiyp M'tnee, New York. iiinuil of all 'ft, Vew York. MEDICAL— Rkoiu.ar. 61 North American Practitioner.— Monthly ; pajje, ■)x,S; subscription, $•*.()(»; established l.SSS. Pub- lishers, J. Harrison White Co., ^U Schiller Build- ing, Chicago, 111. Circulation, :>,(l()(». CHICAGO. I. in,!-,. ,, I Year. U Montli.s. RAILS— One page |150.00 i|W5.(M) Half a 8().()() 45.(X) Quarter » 45.00 25.00 3 Montlis. 1.50.00 27.50 15.00 North Carolina Medical Journal.— Monthly ; page, 5x8; subscription, fi.m ; established l,s;,S. Wilmington. Ed.Uor, Robert D. Jewett, M.D., Wilmington, N. C. Circulation, 1, •.>()(). DA'i->i.-c. .^ .} ^''""'- •! Months. 3 Months. RAILS- One page, |100.00 *55.00 *80.00 Half i. 55.00 Quarter « 30.00 30.00 18.00 18.00 10.00 Northwestern Lancet. — Semi-monthly ; page, 4>4' X ; established 1870. Publishers, North- Minneapolis WESTERN Lancet Co., 712 & 7i;j Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. Circulation, 2,250. RATES- One page, Half Quarter « 1 Year. #300.00 200.00 125.00 ti Months. 1200.00 125.00 75.00 Occidental Medical Times.- Monthly ; page, iy^ x 7 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established iS8G. Publish- er, Jas. H. Parkinson, Sacramento, Cal. Circu- lation, 1,000. PATTJC r> ^^Xf^'A 8 Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |80.00 $45.00 |25.00 Half « 45.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter.. 25.00 15.00 10.00 SACRAMENTO. U I j 1 I ! 1 CINCINNATI. GUTHRIE. OMAHA. TORONTO. 63 MEDICAL— Rfodlar. Ohio Medical Journal.— Monthly ; page, 5 x S ; subscription, $1.UC ; established IH'M). Publisher, James M. French; 2.50 West Seventh Street, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Circulation, 4,750. „. . „ 1 Year, (i Months. .3 Montli.s. RATES— One page, |300.00 |125.00 |75.00 Half i. 1£5.00 75.00 • 40.00 Quarter" 75.00 40.00 35.00 Oklahoma Medical Journal.— Monthly ; page, 4x7; subscription, $1.00 ; established 18t»;3. Pub- lisher, L. F. Leach, Jr., 317 West Harrison Avenue, Guthrie, Oklahoma. Circulation, 800. RATES — One page, one year. Half .. Quarter " u 140.00 24.00 I5.00 Omaha Clinic- Monthly ; page, 4^ >- (;>^ ; sub- scription, $2.00; established 1S87. Publisher, Ceo. Wilkinson, M.D., Karbach Building, Omaha, Neb. Circulation, 1,!)00. T^ « ^,„^ ^ ' Year ti Months. RATES— One page, |100.00 |60.00 Half i. 60.00 35.00 Quarter » 35.00 30.00 3 Months. 135.00 20.00 15.00 Ontario Medical Journal.— Monthly ; page, G x 8 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 18!)2. Publishers, Ontario Medical Journal Co., 147 Cowan Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Circulation, 3,500. RATES- -One page. Half .. 1 Year. 1^100.00 55.00 6 Months. $55.00 30.00 L — Rfodlar. age, 5x8; Publisher, L;et, Cincin- 3 Months 175.00 40.00 25.00 ily ; page, 89,3. Pub- )n Avenue, 140.00 24.00 ilOO 0^ ; sub- sher, Geo. laha, Neb. Months. ^5.00 20.00 15.00 age, G X 8 ; :^ublishers, in Avenue, Months. I^TO.OO 30.00 Medical AdvvrtUlnu.-Wrlte for Eatitnatea. A, R. ELLIOTT, Advevtiaing, 37 College Place, New York. « 64 MEMORANDA. Medical Advertlstna atlvantagcoualy placed. A, R. ELLIOTT, Advertisinu, 97 College I'lacc, Hew York, I 1 } li s p su T Ci medical-Regular. 65 Ophthalmic Record.— Monthly: page i/i^Cr sub scription, $2.00; established i«'JO. Publisher G V Savage, M.D., 710 Church Street, Cincinnati,' Ohio" Circulation, 1,000. Rates on application CINCINNATI. faced. !e, New York, C; Pacific Medical Journal.- Monthly ; page 4 x subscription, $3.00; established 1857. Publisher W.NSLow Anderson, M.D., San Francisco, Cal' Circulation, 4,500. RATES — One page, one year, Half « „ Quarter u u 1100.00 60.00 35.00 Paciflc Record of Medicine and Surgery.- Monthly ; page, O/a x 10. subscription, $a.00; estab- lished 1885. Publisher, Chas. W. Moore, ban Francisco, Cal. Circulation, G,500. M.D., RATi?« r, lYear. 6 Months. 8 Months. KAlIib— One page. |150.00 |75.00 $40.00 Half .. 75.00 40.00 25.00 Quarter.. 40.00 35.00 15.00 Physician and Surgeon.— Monthly ; pag^ 5^8 subscription, $2.00; established 1878. Publishers' iHE Physician ane Surgeon, Ann Arbor, Mich.' Circulation, 3,200. RATES— One page, one year, Half .. „ Quarter »« .« $150.00 80.00 45.00 SAN FRANCISCO. SAN FRANCISCO. ANN ARBOR. Bamm PITTSBURGH. NEW YORK. LOS ANGELES. ATLANTA. 66 MEDICAL- Rkciiar. Pittsburgh Medical Review.— Monthly ; page, nys X 8 ; subscription, $!.()(» ; established IHSti. Pub- lishers, Adoi.i'H Koknh;, M.D., and T. M. T. McKkkman, M.D., '.V.i Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Circulation, 'JM). 1 Year. I> MonUis. RATES— One page, iflOO.OO ^V,M) Half " r)5.00 ao.oo Quarter li 30.00 17.00 1 Month. 110.00 0.(K) 3.r)0 Practical Medicine. — Monthly ; page. '}% x (i ; subscription, $v'.()(i ; established 18H!l. Publishers, Thk Food Puhlishino Co., ll-T,) Park Place, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 8,0()(». 1 Year. (1 Months. 3 Months. RATES-One page, ifa.W.OO iflSO.OO H!!)0.(M) Half " Quarter " 150.00 90.00 90.00 .W.OO 50.00 30.00 Southern California Practitioner. — Monthly , page, 4x0;^ ; subscription, $1.50; established 188"). Publishers, H, Bert Ellis, M.D., and F. D. Bul- LARD, M.U., 107 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. Months. 8 Months. RATES— One page, #60.00 |:35.00 l|!20.00 Half » Quarter " 35.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 Southern Medical Record. — Monthly ; page, 4^4 X 8 ; subscription, $->.00 ; established 1870. Pub- lishers, FooTE & Davies, Atlanta, Ga. Circulation, 2,000. page, . RATES— One Half i. Quarter it 1 Year. $56.00 30.00 18.00 Months. HKW.oo 18.00 12.00 CAL- Rkciiar. onthly ; page, ed \HH{\. Pub- id T. M. T. 'ittsburgh, Pa. lis. 1 Month. }() fio.oo K) 6.(K) )0 8.50 page, r)K ^ " ; t. Publishers, irk Place, New hs. 3 Months. 00 ^!itO.(M) 00 50.00 00 30.00 r. — Monthly ; ;tablished 18H5. id F. D. BuL- t, Los Angeles, ths. 8 Months. K) 120.00 K) 10.00 K) 5.00 onthly ; page, hed 1870. Pub- a. Circulation, ir. Months. OO i(;:w.00 DO 18.00 OO 12.00 MEMORANDA. 67 I'eraUtent AdvertUina Vans. Con,nU A. U. ELLIOTT on Me,lUal.ui.eriMn,,, 37 College mace. New York. MEMORANDA. JwlicloHH AdrerUsinf, BrUiffs Rewaril. I rouatrnct Advert iHt-mriita on modi-rn pHuclplfa. A. B. ELLIOTT, Advertisiuu, 37 Colltue I'lacc, New York. ,i|f»^.. / conatruet "lace, ffew York. NASHVILLE MEDICAL-Rkc. i.AK. „ .Southern Practitioner -Monthly; paire dh,-- s"bscript.on, $,.oo; estal.lishcl ,s;s. ..r^pl,.;; a J. KnHKKTs, M.I).. Nashville, Tenn. Circulati.,,,, RATl?u /•^ I Year. () Months. ;! Months. KA I I.S-Onc page. f-.O.m) |;to,(K) ifao (HI Half u ;|().0() 20.0<» |2 r.O Quarter u 20.0() 12.5() 7.50 St. Joseph Medical Jonrnal.-Mcnthly ; pape 4Mx;.y. ; subscription, $•>.()„; established lS!.:i' lubl.sher, J. A. Kkknch, M.I)., 4(.H South Ki^hth Street, St. Joseph, Mo. Circulation, ;>,()(.(». Rates on application. St. Louis Medical and Nurgical Journal. - Monthly ; page, 4^ x 7^ ; subscription $•' 00 • es tab.ished mo. Pnblish^r, Fk.^k M. Kv^^^^ ^^ '' ^°^'^ Ohve Street, St. I.ouis, Mo. Circulation, ;(„-iOO. ST. JOSEPH. RATES — One page, f)ne year Half .. Quarter « |l(K).0O 65.00 35.00 St. Louis Medical Era.— Monthly ; page 7k10- subscription, $1.(,(, ; established 1893. Publisher,' sr lou.s S^ C. Mart.n, M. I)., r,in chestnut Street, St. Louis Mo. Circulation, (i,()()(). RATuc ,-A '^^"'■- """""".s. 8 Months. KATES— One page, |2r)0.00 ll.-JO.OO )|!100 00 Half .. 150.00 lOO.fK) 75 00 Quarter.. 100.00 75.00 50 00 1 TO MKDICAL— Rkciiar. Texas <'ourier-Rocord of MtMllcliio.— Monthly ; DAUA8. l)a«i;, •*'4 '< ^ ; siil)si;rii)li<.n, §l.(Hi ; i'stal)lislie(l IHH'.'. I'liblisluTs, I'kxas Mki)Ii:ai, 1'uiii,ishin(i Co., Dallas, Texas. Circulation, l,(i(i(). AUSTIN. PHILADELPHIA. DANBURY. 1 Yi'HV. fl Miintlis. RATKS-Onc paKo. i|«<).(H» ^wm Half " 5(>.(Ml ;M).(M» guftrteri. :i5.(H) 22.50 .'I MnntliM. |:i().(Hi 2().(K) I, '■..(H) Texas Medical Journal.— Monthly ; i)age, 4 x 7>^ ; subscription, fiMO ; established ISH'). Publishers, i)rs. Daniki, and Hudson, Austin, 'l"ox. Circula- tion, l,(M»:>. pa^o, one year, . RATKS— One Half yuarter i. i|tl(MI.(N) (U).(M) 40.00 The Philadelphia Foljcliiile— Weekly ; page, (•,34x10; subscription, $l.(it> ; established IH'.H. Publishers, Faculty of rnK Phii.adki.imiia Poi.v- ci.iNic, the Philadelphia Polyclinic, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, -JtJyW. 1 Year. RATES— One page, i>25().00 Half Quarter a 160.00 00.00 (I Months. IllOO.OO 90.00 50.00 a Months. fitO.OO no. 00 80.00 The Prescription.— Monthly ; page, 4^ x 8 ; sub- scription, $1.(K» ; established 1«9(). Publishers, Danburv Medical Printing Co., Danbury, Conn. Circulation, 10,00(1. 1 Year. Months. RATES— One page, *2r.0.00 |ir.0.00 Half " ir.0.00 100.00 Quarter i. 1()U.(H) 75.00 3 Months. fllOO.OO 75.(M) 50.00 CAI Rkc.i i.AK. e. — Monthly ; .;il)lishc(l IHH'>>. i<; (!o., Dallas, H. .'I Mnntlis. ) |:i().(H) ) 'J().(H> ) ir>.(H) page, 4 X 7>4 ; '). I'liblisliors, Tox. C'irciila- , !|tl(M).(M) ll().(M) 40.(Ht V'eckly ; page, ;il)lislic(l IS'll. DKI.l'HIA I'ol.V- Philadclpliia, ths. a Months. (K) iJlitO.OO 00 no. 00 (K) 80.00 ;, 4^ X 8 ; sub- Publishers, Oanbury, Conn. hs. 3 Months. 00 flOO.OO no 7r>.(M) 00 50.00 MEMORANDA. 71 Th,' experlonrv of ,„„„„ „v,„-h ,.„„l.h„ ,,„■ to Mrh-rt nu'ilhiiHH with riirr. 4. H. ELLUtTT, .iav,rtMn„, 37 Colle„e Place, New York. '.omtnand of all tents, •e, Hew Tork, medical-Regular. fg The Railway Surgeon.— Bi-weekly ; page, (j x 9 • subscr. )tion, $5.00 ; established 1894. Publishers' The Railway Age and Northwestern Rail- roader, Monadnock Block, Chicago, III. Circula- tion, 3,500. PdTi7c r\ 2,y^"''' 6 Months. 3MonUi. RATES— One page, |253.00 |150.00 *i84.0' Half » 150.00 84.00 48.00 Quarter.. 84.00 48.00 27.00 Therapeutic Gazette.— Monthly ; page, 5>^ x 9 ; subscription, $^.00; established 1870. Publisher' George S. Uavis, Detroit, Mich. Circulation, 8 Ooo! RATES— One page. Half .. Quarter u 1 Year, fl Months. 3 Mouths. S>600.00 1325.00 1175.00 325.00 175.00 100.00 175.(K) 100.00 60.00 Therapeutic Review. — Quarterly ; page, 5x8; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1894. Publisher,' Pasteur Institute, New York City. Circulation' 10,000. RATES— One page, one year, . Half .. « Quarter .. .. 1150.00 90.00 60.00 The Trained Nurse and Hospital Review.— Monthly ; page, 5^ x 8 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1887. Publishers, Lakeside Publishing Co., 19 Barclay Street, New York, N. Y. Circula- tion, 9,000. OATtjc /-» ^i.^^S*^- OMoith.s. .3 Months. RATKS- One page, |240.00 $136.00 |71.25 Half .< 144.00 81.00 42 75 Quarter.. 86.40 48.60 25.65 4MH CHICAGO. DETROIT. NEW YORK. NEW YORK. }i I PHILADELPHIA. TOLEDO. KEOKUK. PHILADELPHIA. 74 MEDICAL— RKcri.AR. Times and Register.- Weekly ; page, 4>4 x 8 ; sub- scription, $1.00; established 1S7H. Publishers, Mkoicai. ruuLfsiiiNc, 'Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Circu'- 1 at ion, 2,'i:)(). DA'ni-c< ^-. I >'*-■'""• " Montlis. :! Months. KA riiS— One page, |4!)(!..l() i|;33r).()() !j!l2r).(M) Half u 225.00 125.00 70.00 Quarter ii 125.00 70.00 40.00 Toledo Medical and Hnrgical Reporter.— Monthly ; page, 5 x S ; subscription, $2.00 ; estab- lished JS.SO. Publishers, Tolkdo Medical and SuKcucAL Reportkr Co., TKI Madison Street, Toledo, Ohio. Circulation, r),2r)0. RATES— One page, |1.50.o6 Half t( no.oo Quarter" fiO.OO Tri-State Medical Jonrnal. 1 Months. 3 Months. PO.W) ffiO.OO fiO.OO 4().vM) 40.00 ;io.oo S'/i Monthly ; page, subscription, $1.00; established 18!);}. Publishers, Tri-Statk Medical Journal Co., Wooly Building, Keokuk, la. Circi-'ation, 4,000. n A mT-.o ^ ' Y**''- •"' Months. 3 Months. RATEvS— One page, |100.00 |60.00 «:«.00 Half a 60.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter.. 35.00 20.00 15.00 Universal Medictl Journal.— Monthly ; page, C'}i X n>^ ; sub;;crii.tion, $2.00 ; established 1S80. Publishers, The F. A. Davis Co., 1914-lG Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 10,13;3. n*^T^r, ^ 1 Year, fi Months. 3 Months RATES— Ono page, $250.00 1135.00 |70.00 Haif .. 135.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter.. 70.00 40.00 25.00 ImL' I^AL — Re(!|ii.ar. i'AxH; sub- Publishers, I, I'a. Circu- s. .'! Months. ) !j!i2r).(M) » 70M > 40.()0 Reporter. — fiJH); estab- [edical and lison Street, i. 3 Months. ffiO.OO 40.J() ;i(».(to ithly ; page, )lishe(l IS!);!. URNAL Co., on, 4,000. . 3 Months. |:«.00 20.00 15.00 ithly; page, )lished 1S80. 14-lG Cherry 0,133. 3 Months 170.00 40.00 25.00 MEMORANDA. 76 Medical Advertining.— Write for Estimatea. A. ft. ELLIOTT, Advertiainn, 37 College Vlare, \nw York. 76 MEMORANDA. Medieal AdvertUing ndvantageouHly placed. A, R. JJLLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. Ineed, •e, Xew York. MEDICAL— Recular. 77 UniverMity Medical Magazine.— Monthly ; page, ij^ X 8X ; subscription, $-iA)0 ; established 1887. Publishers, University of Pennsylvania Press, 710 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 3,000. „.,„„,, ^ 1 Year. 6 Months. RAlLb— One page, ^00.00 |120.00 Half 44 120.00 70.00 Quarter « 70.00 40.00 3 Month.s 170.00 40.00 25.00 Virginia Medical Monthly. — Monthly ; page, 5x8; subscription, $3.00; established 1873. Pro- prietor, J.ANDON B. EuwARUs, M.D., Richmond, Va. Circulation, •^,200. OA'Pnt^ ^ 1 Year. «i Month.). 3 Months. RATES— One page, $,/5.(lO !j;40.00 $25.00 Half >i 40.00 25.(H> 15.00 Quarter i> 25.00 15.(.0 8.00 Western Medical .lounful. — Mui.thly ; page, 5^x8>4; subscription, $1.00; estabHshct! 188'J. Publishers, Western Medical Journal Co., Fort Scott, Kan. Circulation, 1,800. 1 Year. RATES— One page, $6(t,no Half . JO.IHJ Quarter n 20.W Months. la.oo 3 Vr.utns. ■<i20.00 12.00 7.50 Western Mediral Reporter. -- Monthly ; page, 6;^x8>^; sul iption, $1.00; estahlishd 1878. Publisher, Ge^ ,. Davis, Box 470, Detioit, Mich. Circulation, 1 ,). „.„,„„ A^^"- ti Months. ? Months. RAIES 'ne page, |100.00 |65.00 185.00 Half .i 05.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter" 35.00 20.00 14.00 PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND. FOtiT SCOTT. DETROIT. ST. JOSEPH. CLEVELAND. HUNTINGTON. TOLEDO. 78 MEDICAI^-Regui.ar. Western Medical and Snrgical Reporter.— Monthly; page, 4 x ; ; subscription, $!.ott ; estab- lished 1888. Publisher, L. L. 1,owry, ;J18 Francis Street, St. Joseph, Mo. Circulation, 1,000. RATES — One page, one year, Half u Quarter u « $75.00 40.00 25.00 Western Reserve Medic*! Journal.— Monthly ; page, 4>^ X 7; subscription, $1.00; established 18!):J. Publisher, Western Reserve University Co., 38:;' Prospect Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Circulation, 5,000. RATEh'— One paffe, Half u Quarter i« 1 Year. U Months. 1240.00 iiao.oo 130.00 70.00 75.00 4!j.00 3 Month.s. 170.00 43.00 25.00 West Virginia Journal of Medicine and Surgery. —Monthly; page, i x (j^ ; subscription, $1.00; established 18'J4. Publishers, Drs. Hogg, Myers and Taylor, Lock Box 43;j, Huntington, W. Va. Circulation, 700. 1 Year. RATES— One page, *48.00 Half n Quarter « 30.00 16.00 t; Months. 130.00 16.00 10.00 3 Months. 116.00 12.00 8.00 Woman's Medical Journal.— Monthly; page, 5>4 X 8 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1893. Pub- lishers, The Recorder Publishing Co., Toledo, Ohio. Circulation, 5,000. ,, .,„.r,.^ ^ 1 Year, (i itonths. .S Months. RATES— One page, $150.00 $90.00 $50.00 Half i< Quarter « 90.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 ICAIv — Regular. Reporter.— $l.bO; estab- r, I! 18 Francis 1,()0(). . *7r>.00 . 40.00 . 35.00 al. — Monthly ; :ablished W.)-2. ;siTY Co., 3«:;* ;ulation, 5,000. lis. 3 MoiUh.s. 170.00 1) 43.00 a 25.00 and Surgery. nion, $1.00; rIoGG, Myers gton, W. Va. 3. 3 Months. 110.00 13.00 8.00 nthly ; page, ;d 18U3. Pub- Co, , Toledo. s. 3 Months. I 150.00 I 30.00 I 20.00 MEMORANDA. 79 J'oraiMteitt Ad vettiainfi fnua. Consult A. H. ELLIOTT o„ Medical AOvortMuff. 37 College Place, New York. Judicious Advertising Bringa Retoa/rd, I construct AdvertisetHSHts on ntodem principles. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL— HoMEOI-AIHlC. yj Yale Medical Journal.— Eijrht issues a year ; page, ■i/2x7; subscription, $■>.()(); established IH!)4. Husiness Manager, J. C. Baktlktt, New Haven, Conn. Circulation, (]()(). ) Year. ( Issues. RATES— One page, . . |ij5.00 $20.00 Half «. .20,00 12.00 Quarter.. 12.00 8.00 NEW HAVEN. HOMEJJOPATHIC. -^ American Homeeopat^ist.— Semi-monthly ; page, ^H X <J ; subscription, $^.00 ; established 187(i. Pub- lishers, A. L. Chattertc^ & Co., 78 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 3,450. RATES— One page, ofi^e year, Half « „ Quarter >< « 1400.00 220.00 125.00 NEW YORK. I conatruct olfia. ice, New York, Clinical Beporter.-Monthly ; page, 5x8; sub- scription, $1.00; established 1887. Publishers, Lawson Printing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Circulation' .'3,800. Rates on applicatio^i. ST. LOUIS. i I H2 MEDICAL— HoMKuiAi MIC. CHICAGO. Klektro HoiiuHopathiNche ZoitNchrift. — Hi- monthly ; pajjc, 4^ X H ; subscription, hOc: ; estab- lished ISS'). Publisher, \Vk(;\vi:isi;r iV CiKsundhki r, Chicajro, III. Circulation, soo. Rates on applica- tion. PHILADELPHIA. Htihiieniaiiiiiaii Montlily.— Monthly ; jKi^e, -1)4 x "I'/^i ; subscrii)tion, $;!.()(» ; established ISfU. Pub- lisher, W. W. Van Baum, M.I)., -il'.t Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, )l,7'>0. 1 Year. (1 Months. !) Mimtlis. RATES— One puRc, !|!iar).(M) ■jf.in.m ^w.do Half a irt.m 45.00 ;tO.(K) Quarter.. 50.00 ;!0.00 30.00 Hoiliwopatllic Envoy.— Monthly ; pa-jje, 0^ X S ; LANCASTER. Subscription, t>,")c. ; established lS!tO. Publisher, E. P. AssHUTY, Lancaster, Pa. Circulation, ir),U()0. RATES— Per ajratc line, 35 cents. NEW YORK. Homoeopathic Journal of Obntetrics. — Bi- monthly ; page, i}i x 8 ; subscription, li^4.0() ; estab- lished IHTfl. Publishers, A. L. Chatterton & Co., 78 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 2,400. RATES— One page, one year, . . ^100.00 Half » u . . 60.00 Quarter <. .... 40.00 L — Hi)MKi)i'Ariiic. tNchrift. — Hi- n, rtOc; ; t-stab- ^' Cil'.SUNDHKI r, tt's on applica- y ; iKi^e, 4)4 X ■d 1S(;4. I'uh- l!i Pine Street, Uis. !) Miiiitlis. 00 4;:!5.(io 00 ;io.(M> 00 20.00 Pa-«e, (;>| X S ; Publisher, E. ion, ir),UOO. 35 cents. MEMORANDA. Ha stetrlcs. — Bi- , !i^4.(K) ; estab- TERTON & Co., Circulation. #100.00 60.00 40.00 JUaiiif ilolltn-a are wniited auHiialli/ In iiijiultcioiis channeU, The vjuperience of man)/ yeam etinhlea me to teloet tnedtuuiH with care, A. H. ELLIOTT, AdvertUluif, 37 College Place, New York. r Si ''*"''"^"^''r'iUiiftteHf'"11''-^"^ ■,,:.,^^. . -,, ^^.^^ X^X^X,^^ ^^w*aaa ito <^^^agi?Algi»J>^ -'**'***«-*»*«t^v^-, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) t 1.0 !! I.I 11.25 1^ 1^ lyj ■ H^ 1^ Hi Si IM Hi la i^-° It,,;- m 1-4- 1 11.6 V] ^ /a >^ '% > (9 / Photographic Sciences Corporation m \ qv \\ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 1 4580 (716) 872-4503 "% V V^' ^ t<:'- f/i t ^ / ^ ■(3 CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical MIcroreproductlons / Instltut canadlen de microreproductlons historlq ues ^ nn ■MmMMmmmM I HI iiiMliai—— a Ill 84 MEMORANDA. IntelUgeiit mvthoiU of AdvertMiti/ are at the command of all who consult reputable AdvertMnu -iiientit. A. B. ELLIOTT, AdvertUing, S7 College Place, Sew York. tile command of all f/ Ai/tiitii, Flace, New York, MEDICAL— HoMKoi'ATHic. 95 HoinoPOpathic Magazine.— Monthly ; pajje, 4 x <i ; subscription, $1.()U ; established ISil^i. Publishers,' Minneapolis Pharmacy Co., (104 Nicollet Avenue' Minneapolis, Minn. Circulation, 1,000. DA'T't?c r\ \}'^^A "Months 3 Months. RAIES— One page, |75.00 |4().00 $25 00 Half u 40.00 2.').00 15 00 Quarter" 25.00 15.00 10.00 Homceopathic News.— Monthly ; page, {\y^ x -iyi ; subscription, $1.00; established 187L Publishers,' F. August Luytus, 300 North Broadway, St. Louis,' Mo. Circulation, "),00<». Ti A ^T^,, ,^ ' Year. 6 Months. 3 Months RATES-One page, |150.00 |90.00 ^0 00 Half . 90.00 50.00 30 00 Quarter.. .W.OO 30.00 20.00 Homoeopathic Physician.— Monthly ; page, 4x7; subscription, %'Z.b() ; established 1M80. Publisher,' Walter M. James, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. Circu- lation, 1,000. RATES — One page, one year. Half t. (, Quarter .< « $45.00 85.00 13.00 x7; Homoeopathic Recorder.— Monthly ; page, 4 subscription, $L00 ; established 1880. Publishers BoERiCKE & Tafel, 1011 Arch Street, Philadelphia^ Pa. Circulation, 5,000. RATP-Q n^.. Ji}C?^rA "^"'"'is. 3 Months. RATES— One page. ilOO.OO |60.00 |35.00 Half .. 60.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter.. 35.00 20.00 12 00 MINNEAPOLIS. ST. LOUIS. PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA. l-^i DENVER. 86 MEDICA/ — Ii()MF.oi'ATiiic. Journal of Honiwopatliy. — Monthly ; pa^e, 4X X ()>4 ; subscription, $1.00; established 1804. Publishers, Messrs. Smvthk eV Kkhr, (MKMiOl Cali- fornia Building, Denver, Col. Circulation, 1,000. RATES — One page, one year. Half .. Quarter" u 150.00 30.00 20.00 NEW YORK. Journal of Ophthalmology, Otology and Laryn- gology. — Quarterly ; page, 0^^.', 8; subscription, $4.00 ; established 1888. Publishers, A. L. Chat- TERTON & Co., 78 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 040. RATES— One page, one year, . . flOO.OO Half « » . . 50.00 Quarter" » . . 35.00 Medical Advance.— Monthly ; page, 4 x (i>^ ; sub- cp oAQo. scription, $3.00 ; established 1871. Publishers, Medical Advance Co., 0;j51 Stewart Avenue, Chi- cago, 111. Circulation, 1,894. n A rnr^o r^ 1 "^^^^^ " Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |2(K).0O ftOO.OO $50.00 Half ii 120.00 60.00 80.00 Quarter.. 80.00 40.00 20.00 Medical Indicator.— Monthly ; page, 3^ x G>2 CLEVELAND. subscHption, AOc. ; established 189,^'. Publishers, Cleveland Medical College, 5 Rockwell Street, lAL — rioMEOl'ATHIC. Vlonthly ; page, stablished 1,S!)4. tK, (;()0-tif)l Cali- ulation, 1,000. . 150.00 . 30.00 20.00 ogy and Laryn- 8 ; subscription, rs, A. L, Chat- Nlew York, N. Y. 1100.00 50.00 25.00 e, 4 X (iy2 sub- 1. Publishers, irt Avenue, Chi- nths. J) Months. 1.00 $50.00 1.00 80.00 1.00 20.00 age, 3% X C/2 ; 'i. Publishers, lockwell Street, )0(). Rates on Medical Advertising — Write for EHtlttmtVH, A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertlnliif/, 37 College I'lacc, New York. J^ MEMORANDA. i ii, I!' Medical Advertiaiuy advantageoualy placed. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College flace, \eu) Tork, '^^'^^^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^SMS^^^^^^^vW^^M plaeed, ace, \ete Tork, MEDICAL— Homeopathic. 89 Medical Studeut.— Monthly ; page, Sy.H/i ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1888. Publishers, Board Chosen from the Students ok Boston University Medical School, Box loii, Station A, Boston, Mass. Circulation, 1,000. Rates on appli- cation. Medical Times.— Monthly ; page, O^ x 10 ; sub- scription, |;i.00 ; established 1871. Publishers, Drs. E. Guernsey and Alfred K. Hills, 5:^8 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 4,000. „ . 1 Year. (1 Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |200.()0 |125.00 *75.00 Half t. 125.00 75.00 40.00 Quarter « 75.00 40.00 25.00 North American Journal of HomcBopathy.— Monthly ; page, 4)4 x 8 ; subscription, $3.00 ; estab- lished 1853. Publishers, Journal Publishing Club, Ltd., 1(573 Broadway, New York, N. Y. RATES— One page, Half » Quarter » 1 Year. $100.00 60.00 35.00 6 Months. $60.00 40.00 20.00 3 Months. $40.00 25.00 15.00 Pacific Coast Journal of HomoBopathy.— Monthly ; page, 5 X 7>^ ; subscription, |3.00 ; established 1893. Publishers, Boericke & Reunyon, San Francisco, Cal. Circulation, 1,000. page, RATES— One Half Quarter «» 1 Year. $75.00 40.00 25.00 6 Months. $40.00 25.00 15.00 3 Months. $25.00 15.00 10.00 BOSTON. NEW YORK. NEW YORK. SAN FRANCISCO. "" medical-Eclectic. St. Louis Journal! of Homwopatliy.— Monthly ; ST. LOUIS, page, r. x « ; subscription, $!.()(); established 18!)4. J'ublishers, ShCjltz J'uhlishing Co., 105 North Sixth Street, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, i»,0()(). ST. LOUIS. RATES — One page, one year, Half u Quarter " u ♦120.00 65.00 40.00 ECLECTIC. Alkaloidal Clinic— Monthly ; page, 5>^x8>^; CHICAGO, subscription, $1.00 ; established 18!);}. Publisher,' The Abbott Alkaloidal Co., Chicago, 111. Circu- lation, GOO. Rates on application. American Medical Journal. — Monthly ; page, 4)4 X r, ; subscription, $■>.{)() ; established 187:3. ,,Pub- lisher, E. Younkin, M.D., 303r) Lucas Avenue, St Louis, Mo. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. RATES— One page, |75.00 Half .. 40.00 Quarter « 35.00 C Months. 3 Months. ♦40.00 125.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 \, s iICAL— Eci.KcTic. Iiy.— Monthly ; triblished 18!)4. .05 North Sixth ,00(». . 1120.00 6"). 00 40.00 re, r>>^ X 8>4 ; ;}. Publisher, o, 111. Ciicu- mthly; page, ;d 187;3. ..Pub- > Avenue, St s. 3 Months. > 125.00 • 15.00 i 12.00 J'nralatPUt Advert I ulna I'iii/m. Votuiult A. R. ELLIOTT on Stedleiii AdverlUhm, 37 College I'Ince. ffew York, ""^SSSSS^^^" .U MEMORANDA. Ju<Urio%iii Adrertiainu Brings Hewnra. I cotiatruel Advertiafmentu on modern principles. A. B. ELLIOTT, Advertiainff, 37 College J'lnce, \ew Vork. ■'■"•'^^WPW^'^^ L MKDICAL— Hci.KiTic. m ArkaiiMaH Kclectic MtMlical Journal.— Monthly ; paj(c, \}ky.')}i\ subscription, ||.(M» ; cstal)lisliu(l searcv. IS'.KJ. Publisher, VV. I,. I.kistkk, M.I)., Searcy, Ark. t'irculation, I,r)(io. ,,,,„,,, 1 Year. (1 Mi>iitlis. ;i Months. RATLS— One pajjc, #J(».(H( fiAM mi.-i.OO Half » 24. (M» 15.00 H.m yuarteru 15.00 H.OO 5.00 Eclectic Medical Joiinial.— Monthly ; i)aKe, \% X 7^; subscription, fiM); established IH4(). Pub- Cincinnati. lishens, 'oiin M. Scuduer's Sons, ;^-^is Court Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Circulation, 4,410. .,.,.,,,„ , ' I Year. Montlis. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |135.00 10.5.00 KIS.OO Half u 05.00 iJS.OO 20.00 Quarter .» 35.00 20.00 12.00 coiititrHet en. ', \ew York, Eclectic Medical Journal. — Monthly ; page, ayixH; subscription, $1.00; established IH7H. Publisher, C. F. Durham, Atlanta, Ga. Circulation, 1,300. Ti A ,r,T>r^ ^ ' Y^*""- " Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |fl0.00 |30.00 $15.00 Half » 30.00 18.00 9.00 Quarter.. 13.00 8.00 5.00 Journal of Materia Medica.— Monthly ; page, i>y2 X 8 ; subscription, $].00 ; established 18(i2. Pub- lishers, Journal of Materia Medica Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Circulation, 1,000. RATES— One page, Half .. Quarter .. 1 Year. Months. 3 .Months. 1100.00 160.00 $36.00 60.00 36.00 20.00 36.00 30.00 14.00 ATLANTA. TERRE HAUTE. -I. X PORTLAND. 84 MKOICAI^r— Indkikniiknt. Journal of NiMliciiM^ and M(l<<n<e.— Monthly ; pajro, :.;.. X !» ; subsiriptioii, ^l.(M»; cslaMistu-d IS'IJ. I'liblishcrs, I'iik, Journai, ok Mkihca!. and Sciknck Co., ^>h;{ Vaughan Struct, I'urtland, Mc. Circula- tion, :i,r)()0. RATES— f)nu pa^'c, Half .. (Juartor <. one year, tKMKOO (tO.OO 40.00 INDEl^ENDENT. INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANAPOLIS. Medical Free Press.— Monthly ; pa^i', A'/^x7; siil)scri|)tion, $1.00; cstaliiished lS,s;t. l.'ublishers, Mkdicai, Krkk Prkss I'uiu.ishing Co., I'ui East Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Circulation, 1,()00, 1 Year. U Montlm. H Months. RATEvS— One page, |75.(HJ )|(40.00 if2r,.m Half » 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter ii 35 00 15.00 10.00 Medical Gleaner.— Monthly ; page, -lyi x 7>^ ; sub- scription, $1.()(). Publisher, W. E. Blover, 515 Elm Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Circulation, 4,000. RATES— One page, Half .. Quarter •• 1 Year. I|i75.00 45.00 25.00 () Months. 145.00 25.00 15.00 L~ Indkiknuknt, •e.— Monthly ; l;il)lislu'(l IH'.M. 1. AND SciKNCK Mc, Circula- . (KMK) . -lo.oo r. 'age, -4^. x7; PublislitTs, )()., ly.i East ation, 1,(K)0. IS. 3 Months. » i(iar..(M) • 15.00 I 10.00 ^^2 X 7>^ ; sub- YER, 515 Elm 4,0(U). (i Months. I|;45.00 25.00 15.00 '1 MEMORANDA. ii:> Maut, ,loUara are uastvd anu,.„ll,/ la lnhullclou^ eh,n,„el«. Th< erpri-lfnrr «/■ mauit //«■«»•* riKibUn me to Mrlect utvilluHiM Willi etire, A. It. KLLIOTT, Adeert taint), 37 Collef/e I'litce, New York. ^ 06 MEMORANDA. fntelUgeiU methods of Advertising are at the commund f / all who consult reputable AdverHsiiHf Agents, A. H, ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College I'laee, Neiv York, "■'f^MW^^-i ! command f / all rlgcHts, ace, Ne-iv York, MEDICAL — Indki'kndkni. «,» Medical Tillies.-Monthly ; page, a X <;X ; subscrip- tion, $•.'.()(); established Is^v. Publisher, Finley Ellinuwood, M.l)., 1();5 state Street, Chicagu, 111 Circulation, ;i,0()0. RA'rn>c i\ i.)f'r^''■ « Months. 3 Months. RAIES— One page, $100.00 jfOO.OO *;}5.00 Half « 00.00 30. 00 30.00 Quarter « ;ig.oo 30.OO 12.00 Medical Tribune. — Monthly ; page, -ijs x 7;^ ■ subscription, $->jh) ; established ISS-l. ' Publishers,' Medical Tkiiiune Co., U' Tribune Building, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 5,0()(>. PA'Pirc ,\ J«)f,?'""' "Months. 3 Months. RATLS— One page, *200.00 |120.00 *70.00 Half .. lo().o() 70.00 40.00 Quarter .> 70.00 40.00 25.00 Northwestern Medical Journal.— Monthly ; page, 'i/^x,S.)<^; subscription, |1.()0 ; established 1874 Publisher, E. N. Fishblatt, M.D., Nicollet House Minneapolis, Minn. Circulation, 4, .100. RA'ppc o. LX^'*'",- "Months. .1 Months. RAlEb— One page, $240.00 $130.00 $70 00 Half .. 130.00 70.00 40 00 Quarter.. 75.00 40.00 25.00 Physio-Medical Journal.— Monthly ; page, 4^7 subscription, $1.50; established 1875. Publisher' Geo. Hasty, ;35 North Ohio Street, Indianapolis' Ind. Circulation, 1,000. ' RA'PP-c r^„ 1 Year. 6 Months. KAlbb— One page, . . $00.00 $30.00 j^'^^^ » 86.00 20.00 Quarter.. . 20.OO 12 00 CHICAGO. NEW YORK. MINNEAPOLIS. INDIANAPOLIS. ^5^^^^^^^""-'" Ill' RICHMOND. MEDICAL — Independent. Hoiltlieril Clinic— Monthly ; page, 4x7; subscrip- tion, $1.00; established ISIH. Publisher, C. A, BkYCE, M.D.-, SOU North Second Street, Richniund, Va. Circulation, 3,800. RATES — One page, one year, 150.00 INDIANAPOLIS. Vox Populi.— Weekly ; pajje, V3^\ x ID 54 ; subscrip- tion, $1.00; established 1,S!I4. Publisher, J. C. Lewis, li;j>4 East Washington Street. Indianapolis, Ind. Circulation, 500. RATES— One page. Half <. Quarter «« 1 Year. C Months. #130.00 I|i75.00 75.00 40.00 40.00 25.(X) ;;AL — Independent. ,4x7; siibscrip- *iiblisher, C. A. treet, Richniund, . 150.00 X llKi4; subscrip- iher, J. C. Lewis, idianapolis, Ind. ear. fi Months. ).00 #75.00 i.OO 40.00 ).00 25.00 Medical Adoertl»lH(t.- Hrltc for Ksthiiatea. A. n. ELLIOTT, Adwrtlaing, 37 College Place, New York, MEMORANDA. Medieul Advert ining Hdvaittiiffi-ouitlif plncfd, A. It. ELLIOTT, AdverttiilHf/, 37 C'ollegv I'laco, Hew York. HARA\/\CEUTICAL. Aliiniiii Journal of the New York College of Pharmacy.— Monthly ; page, r>'4 X ;'4 ; subscrip- tion, $1.00; established 1,S!»4. riil)lishers, Alumni Association New York Collkhk of Pharmacy, 115 West Sixty-eighth Street, Nev York, N. Y. Circulation, 3,000, Rates on application. NEW YORK. Allimni Report.— Monthly ; page, ixT)^; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 18(;4. Publishers, Alumni Association of the Piiilai)ei,i>hia Col- lege OF Pharmacy, U5 North Tenth Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Circulation, ^.ftOO. Rates on applica- tion. PHILADELPHIA. f placrd, U 'lacu, New I'ork, American Druggist and Pharmaceutical Rec- ord.— Semi-monthly : page, 7 x 10 ; subscription, $1.50 ; established 1871. Publishers, American Druggist Publishing Co., :}r College Place, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 13,500. 1 Year. Months. RATEvS— One page, 1804.00 |480.00 Half u 456.00 258.00 Quarter « 240.00 UW.OO 3 Months. !|I270.00 144.00 78.00 NEW YORK. - 'f?Jlf\^-'' PHILADELPHIA. BUFFALO. DETROIT. LOS ANQELES. 102 PHARMACiJUTICAL. American Journal of Pharmacy.— Monthly; page, 4X X f')^ ; sul)scripti()n, $;i.()() ; established ^H'2S. Manager, F. Yaple, 145 North Tenth Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Circulation, 2,r»00. 1 Year. Months. 3 Months. RATES— One paye, itim.OO i^W.OO ■IfiWM Half « r.O.(M) SO.(M( 20.(M) Quarter.. m.OO 2().()0 15.00 Buffalo Druggist.— Monthly ; page, hyj x 9 ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 18!)5. Publishers, Buffalo Druggist Publishing Co., 4H;J Washing- ton Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Circulation, 3,0 K). 1 Year. Months. 3 Months. RATES— One paKo, !j««)0.00 |105.00 |S7.00 Half .. 105.00 DU.OO 49.00 Quarter.. 93.00 50.00 80.00 Bulletin of Pharmacy.— Monthly ; page, f;^ x 7 ; subscription, $1.(10; established 1880. Publisher, C.EO. S. Davis, Box 470, Detroit, Mich. Circulation, 5, one. 1 Year, t) Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, ijiJOO.OO j!l05.00 190.00 Half .. 165.00 90.00 45.00 Quartern 90.00 45.00 25.00 California Druggist.— Monthly ; page, 7% x 8^ ; subscription, $1.00; established 1891. Publishers, California Druggist Publishing Co., P. O. Drawer 12'Mi, Los Angeles, Cal. Circulation, 700. RATES — One page, one year. Half » Quarter .. .< ■M flOO.OO 00.00 35.00 RMACi^ATTICAL. -Monthly; page, itablished lK:i8. h Street, Phila- hs. 3 Months. 00 liiO.OO m 20. (K) 00 15.00 e, 5^2 X ; sub- ). Publishers, ., 4H;] VVashing- m, 3,U,»(). iths. 3 Months. .00 fK7.00 i.OO 49.00 1.00 ao.oo ; page, 0^ X 7 ; 86, Publisher, h. Circulation, hs. 3 Months. 00 $90.00 00 45.00 00 25.00 Dage, 7H^8}i; )]. Publishers, )., P. O. Drawer roo. flOO.OO 60.00 35.00 MEMORANDA. 103 Vemiatent Aitrrrtfaing I'ayM. Consult A. It. ELLIOTT on MeiHral Advertiatng, 37 College Place, tTew York. 104 MEMORANDA. .ludirUniH AdtertUina Itrlni/x ll,i,ard. I construct AdcrrliHcmcnta nn tuodc-rn jirlnclplca A. It. ELLIOTT, AdvvrtMuv, 37 V,dlc„c I'hicc, fTew York. IMIARMACKUTICAL. 105 I rotmtruet 'CO, ffpw York, (laiiat^ till DrURKlst.— Monthly ; pajrc, « x 1(» ; sul)- scription, $l,(Ki; cstablislieil ISH'.t. Publisher, VVm. I. DvAs, Toronto, Ontario, Circulation, l,0(Mt. RATES— One najic, Half .. yuartcr u 1 Year. 1240.00 125.00 70,00 li Mnntlis. if125.(M) or). 00 40.(H) ('anndian Pharmacoiifical Joiinial.— Monthly ; !>ajj:f, ;!^xS;£. ; subscription, $I.r.(t; established iSdS. I'ubiisher, E, IJ. Siui r i i.kwor in, -i-iU Shcr- bourne Street, Toronto, Ontario. Circulation, I,];"), RATES — One paije, one year, Half « Quarter « <t 1100.00 55.00 30.00 DoiitMclie AnierikaniHcIie Apotlioker Zeitiinff.— Monthly; page, 8^:^x1(1; subscription, $1.00; established IST!*. Publishers, The Doctor 1'uiii.ish- iNo Co., 104 John Street, New York, N. Y. Circu- lation, 5,000, r, » ^T-r. ^ ' "VcM. Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, !|SJ(K).00 ItSO.OO *100.00 Half « 180.00 100.00 00.00 Quartet" 100.00 00.00 35.00 Druggists Circular and Chemical Gazette.— Monthly; page, x l'^ ; subscription, |l.r)0 ; estab- lished ISaO, Publisher, Wm, O. Allison, Ti William Street, New York, N, Y. Circulation, 12,000, T, . r^^^ ,. ' ^'^'>'"- " Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, I|l600.00 IJSWO.OO l|lli)8,00 Half u JJiJO.OO 190.00 I14.(K) Quarter" 180.00 100.00 09.00 TORONTO. TORONTO. NEW YORK. NEW YORK. 106 PHARMACEUTICAL. nriIgN, Oils lllld Paints.— Monthly; paKO, H>4 x 10; PHILADELPHIA, subscriptioii, $'.'.()() ; established 1HS4. Publisher, (i. H. Hkckki,, IvMI-l-i'-iO Filbert Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 3,750. 1 Year. B Months, .'t Months. RATK.S— One pn^i;, i|t4<Ht.<Hl iji!>20.(K) i|!l'j(t.(M) Half .. 'i'irtM I3-J.(K) (|,').(M) yuartcr .. I'JIt.lH) (l«.(M) III. 00 Drug ToplCN.— Hi-wcekly ; pajje, ('. x 8 ; subscrip- NEw YORK, tion, $1.(M»; established IHSfl. Publishers, Mc- Kksson & RoHBiNs, !tl Fulton Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, ;},000. 1 Year. Months. 3 Months. RATES— One paRe. 1^350. 00 !|;i:{5.00 i|;7r).(M) Half .i i;{r>.o() 75.00 jr».0() Quarter.. 7r>.{W 45.00 UO.OO Formulary and Dniji?gist*s Magazine.— Monthly; WESTFiELD. page, 4'/i X 7^4 ; subscri|)ti()ii, $1.00 ; established 188;{. I'ublisher, U. Fknnkr, Fenner Block, West- field, N. Y. Circulation, 4,;U;!». 1 Year. fi Months. H Months. RATES— One page, i|(340.00 i|(137.00 i|tfl7.50 Half .. i:i4 40 71.40 ;t7.80 Quarter.. 72.00 38.50 21.00 .Journal of the American Chemical Society.— EASTON. Monthly ; page, 4 x (! ; subscription, $5.00 ; estab- lished 1887. Publishers, Chemical Publishing Co., F.aston, Pa. Circulation, 1,'^00. RATES— One page, one year, . . ^100.00 Half .. .. . . (lO.OO Quarter .. .. . . 36.00 lACKUTICAL. rtihlislier, l'liiladelplii;i, I. 3 MontliH. l|tl2().(M) (iri.(HI : K ; siibscrip- jlisliers, Mc- t, New York, i. S Months. I •».').()() I 80.00 le. — Monthly; ; established Block, West- i. H Months. » i|ifl7.r)0 I ;t7.80 I 21.00 9,1 Society.— $").()(> ; estab- BLISHING Co., #100.00 «0.00 36.00 MEMORANDA. 107 MiiHU doWivs are wanfd iihuhuIIu In i,Oit<Hcl<>n„ rUantnU The experience nf niini!/ yeitrs ennhlea we to neleet medliium with rare, A. B. ELLIOTT, AdvertUing, 37 College flaee, New York, Iiili'lllfiriit mi-thntU nf AtlrrrtiHinv »re nt tin- romminiil nf nil «'/i« roiiHiilt repiitiitilr ylilft'riliiliiii .tunilM, A, H. KhLIOTT, Ailvertlmluff, 37 Vollvge Place, Neiv York. IMIARMACKUTICAL. 109 Murck'N Nai'kot Report.— Scmi-numthly ; pane, «>6 X I'i ; siil)scri|)ti(ni, $-i.tM» ; cslablislitil IS'.U. I'lib- lisl\crs, Mkkck \ Co., Tl William Street, New York. Circuliilioii, 1 l,(HM». Rates oil upplicatiuii. NEW YORK. ' i>nu»ntiit nf nil rlilH, e, tifiv Vork, Meyer BrotherH' DriiKKht. — Monthly ; paye, i>'/i x7 ; subscription, $1.0(1; established ISS',». I'ub- lisher, C. K. d. Mkyk.k, Fourth Street and i:iark Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. RATES— One paKC Half (.^uaitcr it 1 Yfur. l|i;UN).OU 157.50 82.50 II MutltlLS. i|160.(N) W7.(H) 45.00 RATES— One page, one year, Half » Quarter •• >• 1100.00 60.00 as.oo National Druggist.— Monthly; paye, {\x^)4; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 187U. Publishers, The Druggist Publishing Co., iU Odd Fellows' Build- ing, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, -1,500. 1 Year. Months. 3 Months. liATES— One page. lMO«00 1^20.00 $115.00 Half i. 220.00 134.00 (15.00 guarter" 124.00 75.00 40.00 at. LOUIS. Moiitreai Pliarmaceiitical Journal.- Monthly ; page, 7 X il ; subscription, $1.00; established ltS7L Montreal. Publishers, Lyman, Sons & Co., 171 St. James Street, Montreal, Quebec. Circulation, ;j,000. ST. LOUIS, BOSTON. NEW YORK. OMAHA. 110 PHARMACEUTICAL. New Ellf^laild Druggist.— Monthly ; page, 8 X 10 ; subscription, $":,'.()(» ; established 1888. Publisher, Bknjamin Johnson, 3 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. Circulation, 3,000. 1 Year. (I Months. .S Months. RATES— One page, IJSOO.OO |135.00 ^75.00 Half « Quarter »« 125.0() 75.00 75.00 38.00 38.00 20.00 Oil, iaiiit and Drug Reporter.— Weekly ; jmge, !»xl4; subscription, $4.00; established 1871. Pub- lisher, Wm. O. Allison, "2 William Street, New York. Circulation, 10,500. 1 Year. Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, $1,600.00 |925.00 |546.00 Half « 850.00 490.00 293.00 Quarter" 450.00 250.00 170.00 Omaha Dniggist.- Monthly ; page, 8x"9>^; sub- scription, ;|L00 ; established 1887. Publishers, Omaha Druggist Publishing Co., Nirth and Jack- son Streets, Omaha, Neb. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. (i Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |125.00 |65.00 |35.00 Half « 65.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter" 35.00 20.00 12.00 Pacific Druggist and Physician.- Monthly; page, SAN FRANCISCO, 7X X ^H ! subscription, $1.00 ; established 1890. Publishers, Pacific Druggist Publishing Co., 31G Battery Street, San Francisco, Cal. Circulation, 1,500. 1 Year. C Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page |175.00 *95.00 |.50.00 Half « 95.00 50.00 33.00 Quartern 50.00 30.0a 18.00 HACEUTICAL. MEMORANDA. Ill page, 8x10; i. Publisher, reet, Boston, s. 3 Months. 175.00 38.00 20.00 > Weekly ; jnige, d 187 J. Pub- Street, New is. 3 Months. K) 1546.00 293.00 K) 170.00 \ j 8 x" 9>^ ; sub- Publishers, irth and Jack- , 2,000. s. 3 Months. } 135.00 9 20.00 J 12.00 » ' [onthly; page, blished 1890. • HING Co., 31G 1 ulation, 1,500. :; 1 1.50.00 33.00 y 18.00 Medical Advertising,— Write for Eatimatca. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New Tork. 112 MEMORANDA. SletHcul Atletfllgiiifi aUtmntayeoitalif pluevtl, A, It. KLLIOTT, AdvirtUhm, 37 Vollegv I'laei; New York. PHARMACEUTICAL. 118 Pacific Drug Review.— Monthly; page, 7^8 x lOlji ; subscription, $1.50; established 1888. Publisher, H. I). Dietrich, V.i'i Front i-'^reet, Portland, Ore. Circulation, l,")(»u. 1 Year. ti Months. M Months. RATES— One page, !|;150.(Kt $75.00 #40.00 Half « 75.00 40.00 35.00 Quarter u 40.00 25.00 15.00 PORTLAND. Pharmaceutical Era.— Weekly ; page, (>s4 x lo ; subscription, $-i.(M» ; established 188::». Publishers, 1). O. Haynks & Co., 100 Fulton Screet, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 10,000. 1 Year. G Month.s. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |1 ,560.00 !|«H4.0O i^4«H.00 Half .< 858.00 486.20 257.40 Quarter" 468.00 265.20 140.40 NEW YORK. Pliarmaceutisclie Rundschau.— Monthly ; page, 'J^ X cyi ■ subscription $-^.00 ; established 188-.*. Publisher, Fkeu. Hokkmann, 183 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Circulation, -.^,750. 1 Year. (i Months. 8 Months. RATES— One page, #200.00 1100.00 |75.(K) Half Quarter " 135.00 75.00 rs.oo 40.00 60.00 35.00 NEW YORK. plaevtl, itci; yew York. Registered Pharmacist.— Monthly ; page, 8 x lo ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1887. Publisher, J. chicaqo. M. Eaton, 334 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. Cir- culation, 4,000. Rates on application. 114 PHARMACEUTICAL. SAVANNAH. BOSTON. CHICAGO. Southern Drug and Paint Review.— Monthly ; pa^e, 5>4xlO; subscription, $1.00; established 188(!. Publishers, Lu'pman Bros., Savannah, Ga. Circulation, 2,500. RATES— One page, one year, Half »< Quarter u " 1250.00 150.00 75.00 Spatula.— Monthly ; page, 5^ x 7 ; subscription, r)Oc. ; established lS!t4. Publishers, Spatula Pub- lishing Co., 8 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass. Circu- lation, 5,000. 1 Year. Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, *288.00 |1 53.00 |81.00 Half « 172.00 91.80 48.60 Quarter" 96.00 51.00 27.00 Tlie Apothecary.— Quarterly; page, 4>4 x ; sub- scription, $1.00; established 18"Jl. Publishers, Northwestern University School ok Pharmacy, •mi Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 1,000. Rates on application. Western Druggist.— Monthly; page, (',% x 9 ; sub- cHicAQo. scription, $1.00 ; established 1879. Publishers, G. P. Engelhard & Co., 358 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111, Circulation, 9,000. 1 Year. Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |420.00 |216.00 |1 14.00 Half « 216.00 114.00 60.00 Quarter" 114.00 60.00 35.00 T'T^ " '■*• ^MACEUTICAL. MEMORANDA. 118 ew. — Monthly ; ) ; established Savannah, Ga. . ifSSO.OO . 150.00 75.00 • ; subscription, Spatula Puh- , Mass, Circu- iths. 3 Months. t.OO 181.00 .80 48.60 .00 27.00 e, 4>4 X fJ ; sub- 1. Publishers, OK Pharmacy, 1. Circulation, e, (')% xd ; sub- Publishers, G. Street, Chicago, ths. 3 Months. 1.00 1114.00 kOO 60.00 ).00 35.00 M'eraiatent Ailmirttsliiff Pays, VoimiUt A. It. ELhlOT^' OH Mi-dleal Advi-i-tUiiiff, 37 Vollei/K I'lace, ffeiv York, • . 116 PHARMACEUTICAL. Wisconsin Druggists' Exchange. — Monthly ; JANESVILLE. pugc, '.)}i X ll' ; subscdption, 700. ; established IHKl. Publisher, V,. H. Heimstkket, Janesville, Wis. Cir- culation, 1,(KK). 1 Year. MonthB. Each Insertion. RATES— Per inch, l|r>0() P.OO #2.00 ^MACEUTICAL. ;e. — Monthly ; stablished 1H!»1. rille, Wis. Cir- ng. Each Insertion. ) H2.00 4i YGIENIC Annalsof Hygiene.— Monthly; page, 4^x5; sub- scription, $2.(M» ; established 1H.S5. Publishers, Univf-rsity of Pennsylvania Press, TIG Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. .3 Months. RATES— One p-ige. fiJOO.OO flSO.OO #100.00 Half » 180.00 100.00 60.00 Quarter.. 100.00 60.00 35.00 RATES— One page, one year, Half » Quarter •« .. f'SO.OO 28.00 15.00 Canada Health Journal. — Monthly ; page, Aj4 y. 7>^ ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1874. Pub- PHILADELPHIA. Babyhood.— Monthly ; page, 4}ix7}4 ; subscrip- tion, $100 ; established 18S4. Publishers, BABVuoon new york. Publishing Co., 5 Beekman Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 15,000. ! TORONTO. Usher, E. Plavter, Toronto, Canada. 2,000. Rates on application. Circulation. NEW YORK. 118 HYGIENIC. Dietetic and Hygienic (Jazette.— Monthly ; page, r)>^ X H><i ; subscription, $l.r>0 ; established 1884. I'ublishers, CiAZETTe Puhi.ishino Co., I'-ilB Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 30,000. RATEi' One page, one year, . . 1650.00 Half .. ;J50.00 Quarter « «• 200.00 Dr. Foote's Health Monthly.— Monthly ; page, NEW YORK. 5^x7; subscription, 50c.; established 1875. Pub- lisher, Murray Hili. I'uhlishing Co., 139 East Twenty-eighth Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 15,000. 1 Yenr. fl Months.- 3 Months. RATES— One page, fS.-)?. 00 flSO.OO i|;100.(M) Half .. 204.00 lOH 00 .'57.00 Quarter.. 117.50 62.00 32.75 Family Doctor.— Monthly ; page, 8% x lo;^ ; sub- PATERSON. scription, $1.00; established 1801. Publisher, E. Mati'er, M.D., Ph.D., Paterson, N. J. Circulation, G,000. Rates on application. BATTLE CREEK. Good Health.— Monthly; page, r,% x 0>4; subscrip- tion, $1.7.") ; established 18()5. Publisher, J. H. KKLLotJG, M.l)., Battle Creek, Mich. Circulation, 15,000. Rates on application. HYGIENIC. Monthly ; page, tablishcd 1884. 0., 1218 Broad- 30,000. , 1650.00 ;J50.00 . 200.00 VIonthly ; page, led 1875. Pub- Co., 13i) East Y. Circulation, iths.- 3 Months. .00 i|;100.(M) 00 .'57.00 .00 32.75 ^% X lo;^ ; sub- Publisher, E. J, Circulation, MEMORANDA. 110 X 0J4; subscrip- ublisher, J. H. h. Circulation, tfuffiejoM* Advert I si tiff Itrhiffs Rrwnril, I roitstruet Advertiiinnrutii on nimlrvn prinrlpli's, A. B. ELLIOTT, AdvertUing, 37 College I'laee, New York. J Many rfo/Zwrn nrr tra»tfil ainiuallf/ in UtJiuUelomt rhannelti. The rrpertriire of mtttti/ yrnrn enahlea inr to iieleet ntr<1lnniit iHlh enrr, 4. R. KhLIOTT, AflvcrtUinff, 37 Collvge I'laee, New York. mv to seleet 'aee, New Tork. HYGIENIC. m HalTH Journal of Health. — Monthly ; page, •i}i X (iyi ; subscription, uOc, ; established lH"»4. Publishers, Hall's Journal ok Hkalth I'uhlish- ING Co., 21 William Street, New York, N. Y. Cir- culation, 20,()()(). 1 Year. (I Months. 8 MonthH. RATES— One pa^e, 1200.00 fiaO.OO #70.00 Half « 130.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter.. 70.00 40.00 2r).00 Hausdoktor.— Monthly; page, 9x10; subscription, $1.00; established IHH'.t. Publishers, 'I'hk Doctor Publishing Co., 104 John Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 11,000. 1 Year. t) Monthg. 8 Months. RATES— One page 1300.00 |180.00 |100.00 Half .. 180.00 100.00 00.00 Quarter.. 100.00 60.00 35.00 Health.— Monthly ; page, A^ x H ; $1.00 ; established 1891. Publisher, G. i;W Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. 5,000. RATES— One page, Half .. 1 Year. $100.00 75.00 subscription, R. Dunham, Circulation, (i Months. 175.00 40.00 Health and Beauty.— Monthly; page, 5x8; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1891. Publishers, Health and Beauty Publishing Co., 93 Clinton Place, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 5,000. RATES— One page, |25.00 monthly. Halves and quarters, pro rata. NEW YORK. NEW YORK. BOSTON. NEW YORK. 122 IIYC.IKNIC. Hoaltliy Homo.— Monthly ; pane W'/i x 15^ ; sub- *THOL. scription, r»(»c. ; establishrcl |SH!». I'ul)lisht'rs, W. M. Brock tSi Co., Athol, Mass. Circulation, !t,Hl(). Rates on application. Hoaltll Monitor.— Monthly ; pajjo, 4"fi x 8^^ ; siib- CHicAQo. scription, .^(tc. ; established isili. rublishcrs, I'u- HiiKCK Mkdicai, iNSTiruiK, ;i;l(» La Salic Avenue, Chicago, HI. Circulation, 1,, ")(»(). RATES— Half pat?e, fl Months, a Months. 125.00 iin.no Hygieiia. — Monthly ; pajje, 8^4 y 10 ; subscription, BOSTON. r»(lc. ; established IH'jS. I'ui)lishers, Hoston Hy- CMK.NiA I'uiii.iSHiNc; Co., Hoston, Mass. Ci''culation, a,U0O. Rates on application. Journal of the American Health Society.— CHICAGO. Quarterly; page, 4 x (!^; subscription, fl.dO ; estab- lished 1891. Publisher, C.f.o. Dutton, A.B., M.l)., 138 Park Avenue, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 1,200. RATES — One page, one year, Half " " Quarter «« « iit20.00 13.00 7.00 ^ T IIVOIKNIC. MEMORANDA. IM X X ir»^ ; sub- l'ul)lishcrs, W. dilation, It.HIO. 4"h X H«<; ; siil)- 'iililisluTs, I'u- Sallc Avenue, h.H. 3 Months. M) 115.00 ; subscription, , HdSTON Hv- ■*. Cii^culation, • th Society.— , fl.OO ; estab- N, A.B., M.D., ;ulation, 1,200. . #20.00 13.00 7.00 Intelligent methoiU of AdvertUing arc at the emnmanil of all who conJtult reptiUihle AdrertUtiia Affenta. A. B. ELIAOTT, AdvertUing, 37 Coklege I'lnce, New York. ■ 124 MEMORANDA. Mediral Advert I sinfi.— Write for KittitnnteK. A. R. KhlAOTT, AitrertAithifi, 37 College M'Inee, New York, HYGIENIC. 185 Journal d'Hygiene Popiilaire.— Monthly; page, 5^x8; subscription, $l.r>() ; established ISHi. Tub- Usher, Dr. J. 1. Dksroches. -ibX St. Therese Street, Montreal, Quebec, Circulation, ■i,mi). MONTRFAI . RATES— One page, one year, . . *30.00 Half » « 16.00 guarterii «• . 8.00 Journal of Diagnosis and Climatology.— Month- ly ; page, 7x9)^; subscription, %'iM) ; established 18'j;5. Publisher, A. F. McKay, M.D., Wi Monroe Street, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 3,000, CHICAGO. i • 1 Year. Months. 3 Montns. RATES— One page, iJ300.00 |175.0O iflOO.OO Half .< 175.00 100.00 50.00 Quarter.. 100.00 60.00 40.00 * Journal of Hygiene and Herald of Health.— Monthly ; page, 4)4 x (i ; subscription, $1.00 ; estab- lished 1850. Editor, Dr. M. L. Holbrook, 4G East Twenty-first Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 1,000. Rates on application. NEW YORK. Journal of Hygeio-Therapy.— Monthly ; page, 5^ X 8>4 ; subscription, $-1.00; established 1887. Publishers, T. V. Gifforu, M.D,, & Co., Kokomo, Ind, Circulation, 500. Rates on application. KOKOMO. Htimateit. »> Vlnce, new York. i 126 HYGIENIC. Modern Medicine and Itaeteriological Ke 'iew.— BATTLE CREEK. Monthly ; page, 5 x S ; subscription, $'i.i)() ; estab- lished 1801. Publishers, Modern Medicine Pub- lishing Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Circulation, 1,UU(>. Rates on application. Nerve. — Monthly ; page, 3% x 0% ; subscription, NEW YuRK. ^i.ou ; established 18!):^. Publisher, VVm. M. Baird, M.D., 3()4 West 117th Street, New York, N. Y. Cir- culation, 25,000. RATES — 25 cents per nonpareil line. Pacific Health Journal.— Monthly; page, 5% x 6 ; OAKLAND, subscription, $1.00; established 1885. Publishers, Pacific Press Publishing Co., Oakland, Cal. Cir- culation, 3,iiOO. RATES — One page, one year, Half .. « Quarter « " !|70.(K) 40.00 25.00 People's Health Journal. — Monthly ; page, CHICAGO. 'JJ^ X 11 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1884. Publishers, People's Health Journal Co., 441 Dearborn Avenue, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 35,000. RATES — Single column, for each inser- tion, . Per inch, |3.00 HYGIENIC. MEMORANDA. 127 ;ical Re ;iew.— 1, $a.00 ; estab- Medicine Pub- irculation, 1,UU(». ; subscription, VVm. M. Baird, ork, N. Y. Cir- sil line. '; page, 5^ x6; "iS. Publishers, eland, Cal. Cir- 170.00 40.00 25.00 1 mthly ; page, tablished 1884. IRNAL Co., 441 culation, 35,00(». inser- rinch, |3.00 " Medical Advertising advantngeoualy placed, A. B. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College mace, Xeu) York. 198 MEMORANDA. I'eraiHtKHt Advertlahiff I'nyH, Voiuiill A, It. ELLIOTT on. Medical Advertiitlnfh . 37 Colleye I'lace, New York. HYGIENIC. 129 PllI'()|||oIo^ical Joiinial.— Monthly ; paKe, 4;'4 " 'lyi ; siibscrii)ti(in, $l.:i(i ; eslablishetl \:w. ruh- lishers, Fowi.f.k t^' Wklls Co., 'i', East 'l'\veiUy-l"irst Street, New York, N. Y. Ciroulatidii, S,()(Mi. Rates oil application. NEW YORK. Physical Education.— Monthly ; pa>j;e, C. x S ; sub- scription, $l.(Mi; established IS'.il. I'ublishers, Thk Tkian(;lk PfBLiSHiNG Co., Akien Street, Spring- fielil, Mass. Circulation, •*,(»(»<). RATE!; 1 Year. (i Mi>nths. One page, . . ll.VJ.OO !JW1.(M) Half i. Hit. 60 4;t.20 Quarter »4 4r).(K) 30.00 SPRINGFIELD. Popular Healtli Magazine.— Monthly ; page, i'i/'i X 7^ ; subscription, $1.(K) ; established l,s!t;5. Publishers, The Health Magazine Co., Loan and Trust Building, Washington, D. C. Circulation, f),->(iO. I Year. (1 Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, |150.00 |90.00 ij«0.00 Half « ItO.OO 60.00 40.00 Quarter « 60.00 40.00 25.00 WASHINGTON. tya. I AdeerltnlHf/, re I'lace, New York. Popular Science News.— Monthly ; page, 8 x ii ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1866. Publisher, Benj. Lillard, 1!) Liberty Street, New York. Cir- culation, 15,000. Rates on application. NEW YORK. IB WE8TERVILLE. 180 HYGIENIC. Publisher, Street and Aveni'e, Westerville, Ohio. Circulation, Sanative Hediclne.— Monthly ; page, subscription, $1.00 ; established 1891. G. H. Mayhugh, M.D., corner State College 500. RATES— One page, Half " Quarter •' t Year. 132.00 18.00 10.00 6 Month*. $18.00 10.00 6.00 8 Months. $10.00 6.00 4.00 BROOKLYN. Sanitarian— Monthly; page, 4x5^ ; subscription, $4.00; established 1861. Publishers, American News Co. Editor, A. N. Bell, A.M., M.D., 391 Union Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Circulation, 4,800. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES-One page, $300.00 $150.00 $75.00 Half « 192.00 96.00 48.00 Quarter" 120.00 60.00 30.00 NEW YORK. Sanitary Era.— Monthly ; page, 7^ x 8% ; sub- ription, $1.00 ; established 1887. Publisher, Will- C. CONANT, 466 West 151st Street, New York, so I AM N. Y. Circulation, 5,000. Rates on application. ill Texas Health Journal.— Monthly; page, \ X 6/2; DALLAS, subscription, $3.00; established 1887. Publishers, Health Journal Publishing Co., Dallas, Tex. Circulation, 5,000. Rates on application. ■■';',:,,'.■..■'■'" ^- HYGIENIC. MEMORANDA. 131 page, 4^ X 7J4 ; 891. Publisher, State Street and io. Circulation, 1 anth*. 8 Months. 8.00 $10.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 >^ ; subscription, shers, American A.M., M.D., 391 :irculation, 4,800. tenths. 3 Months. 50.00 175.00 96.00 48.00 60.00 30.00 , 7^ X 8% ; sub- Publisher, WlLL- street, New York, on application. ly; page,4K x6>4; 1887. Publishers, Co., Dallas, Tex. icatiun. > ifudteioua Advertising, Brings Reward, I construct Advertiaementa on modem principles, A. H. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, Hew Tork, 18S MEMORANDA. Maiiif dollars ure iranU-d ntinuallu in inJnUMoua ehanneU. The expeHenre of »"""J/ l/f'"** enablea me to select mediumti with care. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, Sew Xorh. ittjudietoua ehanneSa. bles me to select nvdiKXic. i:i:) Texas Sanitarian.— Mi'iulily ; puKC 4^2 x <; ; sub- scription, $1. (in ; establishtv! 'S'd. Piiiilishers, Tkxas Sanitaki.w 1'l'iii,ishin(; Co., '.iKi Conjjress Avenue, Austin, 'I'cx. Circulatit)n, I,(MM). RATES — One pa^^e, one year, Half yuarter >. .. ijtHOJH) 50.(M) :^().oo Tlie ReCractioilist. — Monthly ; pajjc, 4 X (134 ; subscription, ^ti.Od; established 18!t4. Publisher, Francis F. Whittier, 14 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Circulation, 1,(MI0, 1 Yi-ar. II Months. i\ Months. RATES— (^ne page, |10().()0 !|«}0.()0 *35.()0 Half ». 6().()0 35.00 20.(K) Quarter u 35.00 20.00 12.00 Woman's Health Journal. — Monthly ; page, 9x13; subscription, 50c.; established 1H!)0. Pub- lishers, Woman's Health Journal Co., Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Circulation, 10,000. Rates on applica- tion. AUSTIN. BOSTON. CHATTANOOQA. /e I'lace, Xew XorM. 184 MEMORANDA. Jnteingeiit metho.s of Adrertigiua are at the eommand of all trho rjnsult reputalile Atlrertlning Afientn. A. B. ELLIOTT, AdvertUing, 37 College flaee. New York. MEMORANDA. 185 nt the romtnand of all Ming Afients. •ge flaee, Xeui York, Undieal Advertiaing.— Write for EatimatM. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College eiaee, Hew Tork. 'rffll 186 MEMORANDA. lUedleat AdvrrHttng advantageougly plaeed. A. K. KLLIOTT, AdvertMng, 37 CoUrgn Plare, yew York, lalff plaetd, Ing, e Place, New York, *T) ENTAL. Dental IMl?est.— Monthly ; pajje, A^i x 1 ; sul)scri|)- lion, ig-.'.Od; established ISH."). I'lihlishers, Tui. Di'.NiAi, I'kotkctivk Sii'i'i.v Co., •.'•.':il I'rairie Avenue, C'hicajjo, 111. ("irciilation, .">,uoo. t Year. RATES— One page, 1^\m.m Half » 55. (M) yuarttT" itO.OO II Months. :)Mi)iUh». i|i55.o<) iii:i().no mm 17.00 17.00 10.00 Dental Headlight.— Quarterly ; page, ."ij^ x oH ; subscription, ,"»(»c. ; established 1880. Publishers, Morrison Bros., Dental l)ei)ot, 'M)\ North Summer Street, Nashville, Tenn. Circulation, l,riO(>. RATES — One page, one year, . . 130.00 Half « 16.00 Quarter «» " 8.00 Dental Journal.— Bi-monthly ; page, (i x C^ ; sub- scription, $1.(»0 ; established 18!»:i. Publishers, Students, 114 South State Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Circulation, 4,000. Rates on application. CHICAGO. NASHVILLE. ANN ARBOR. 188 DENTAL. PHILADELPHIA. CINCINNATL CHICAGO. BUFFALO. Dental Office and Laboratory. — Bi-monthly ; page, 5x7; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1868. Publishers, Johnson & Lund, 620 Race Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Circulation, 7,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES— One page, . . |150.00 190.00 Half « . 90.00 50.00 Quarter" 50.00 30.00 Dental Register.— Monthly ; page, 4 « 6; subscrip- tion, $2.00 ; established 1846. Publishers, Samuel A. Crocker & Co., 119 West Fifth Street, Cincin- naii, Ohio. Circulation, 1,500. page, one year, RATES— One Half 4. Quarter " $75.00 40.00 25.00 Dental Review.— Monthly ; page, iji xo; sub- scription, $2.50; established 18SG. Publishers, H. D, JusTi & Son, 66 Madison Street, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 1,650. Rates on application. Dental Practitioner and Advertiser. — Quar- terly ; page, 6x9; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1869. Publishers, Buffalo Dental Manufactur- ing Co., 587 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Circula- tion, 3,000. 1 Year. 3 Insertions. 8 Insertions. RATES— One page, |35.00 $28.00 |19.00 Half u 19.00 15.00 10.50 Quarter.. 14.00 11.00 S.OO^ DENTAL. f. — Bi-monthly ; established 1868. lace Street, Phila- MEMORANDA. 139 'ear. 6 Months. 0.00 190.00 O.OO 50.00 iO.OO 30.00 ;, 4«6; sufascrip- iblishers, Samuel th Street, Cincin- . $75.00 40.00 25.00 je, -1^ X 5 ; sub- . Publishers, H. eet, Chicago, 111. cation. ertiser. — Quar- 1.00 ; established ^L Manufactur- , N. Y. Circula- ertions. 8 Insertions. J8.00 119.00 15.00 10.50 11.00 8.00" I'eraiateut Advertising Pays. Consult A. R. ELLIOTT oh Medical Advertising, 37 College Place, Ifeu) York. 140 MEMORANDA. tludiciouii AdverHahig Bringn Reward. I eoHsti'iiet Advertiaetnents on tnodern prinriplea. R. ELLIOTT, AdrertUing, 37 College Place, Xew York. DENTAL. 141 ■<f. I eoHstvnrt ineiples. ! Place, Xew York. Dental and Surgical Mirroeosm.— (^uaiitrly ; page, i; X T ; subscription, SlJMi ; establislied IS'.HI. Publishers, Havks Dkniai. and Sikhicai. Mam- lACTURiNG Co., iMil J'cnusvlvania Ave-uie, Pitts- burgh. Pa. Circulation, :{,(Mi(i. RATES— One Half (Quarter page, one year, !j!((0.0() 3r..(IO •iO.OO Doiiiiiiioii Dental Journal. — Monthly ; page, 4)^ X ; ; subscription, $l.(Mi; established 18S!I. Pub- lishers, Thk Dknta'. PtBLiSHiNG Co., ;iit Confedera- tion Life Building, Toronto, Ontario. Circulation, l,(KtO. 1 Year. ti Months. .3 Months. RATES— One page, !j!75.0() fir). 00 !|i2;5.00 Half " 45.00 2:>.00 14.00 Quarter » 2:{.00 u.oo 8.(X) International Dental Journal.— Monthly ; page, 4)4 X .J ; subscription, $-i.r,0 ; established ISV,'. Pub- lishers, International Dental Publishing Co., TKI Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, '2,J0(t. I Year. « Months. 3 Months. RATES— One page, i|!l25.00 175.00 |45.00 Half " 75.00 45.00 25.00 Quarter.. 45.00 25.00 15.00 Items of Interest.— Monthly ; page, 4x7; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established I8t!». Publishers, The Wilmington Dental Manufacturing Co., 1413 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 'J,OoO. Rates on application. PITTSBURGH. TORONTO. PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA. ROCHBSTER. TOLEDO. SAN FRANCISCO. MACON. KANSAS CITY. 14S DENTAL. Odontographic Journal.— Quarterly. Publishers, Rochester Dental Manufacturing Co., 81 East Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. Circulation, 2,500. RATES— One page, one year, Half " " Quarter « " 140.00 26.00 15 00 Ohio Dental Journal.— Monthly ; page, 4^ x 5 ; subscription, $2.00; established 1880. Publishers, The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. Cir- culation, 2,600. Rates on application. Pacific Coast Dentist.- Monthly ; page, 4^ x 7>i ; subscription, $2.50; established 1393. Pui^lishers, Pacific Coast Dentist Publishing Co., 536 Clay Street, San Francisco, Cal. Circulation 620. RATE&— One page Half « Quarter u 1 Year. $75.00 40.00 25.00 6 Months. $40.00 25.00 15.00 3 Months. $25.00 15.00 8.00 Southern Dental Journal. — Monthly ; page, 4>i X 7 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1881. Publishers, Drs. W. R. Holmes and Mason, 556 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. Circulation, 1,000. Rates on application. Western Dental Journal.— Monthly ; page, 6x9; subscription, $2.00; established 1887. Publishers, R. I. Pearson & Co., 906 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. Circulation, 1,000. Rates on applica- tion. DENTAL. rly. Publishers, iNG Co., 81 East julation, 3,500. . 140.00 26.00 15 00 ; page, 4^ x 5 ; 880. Publishers, ledo, Ohio. Cir- on. page, 41^ X 7>i ; 393. Pui^lishers, NG Co., 536 Clay ation 620. snths. 8 Months. 0.00 $25.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 8.00 Monthly ; page, sstablished 1881. and Mason, 556 lirculation, 1,0(»0. :hly ; page, 6x9; L88T. Publishers, Avenue, Kansas lates on applica- Hany dollars are wasted annually in injudicious channels. The eoeperienee of many years enables me to select mediums with care, A. R. ELLIOTT, AdvertUing, 37 College Place, Hew York. ! /HtelHifeiU methodit of AdvvrHaitig are at the command of all who consult reputable Advertising Agents. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College flace, Ifeiv York. Number of Physicians in the United States. It the eonitnand of all itng Affenta. fe Place, New York. I STATES. Alabama, . A Total Number. . 2,117 H. I'olk's List. 1,900 c. KcKlilar. 1,566 1). Hom. 24 Kclcctic. 09 K. l*hysio- Med. (1. I'nclas- sificd. 211 Arizona, . . 108 98 74 4 10 10 Arkansas, . . 2,586 2,328 1,765 50 249 6 2.58 California, . . 3,!100 2,970 1,795 368 452 25 330 Colorado, . 1,165 1,049 738 89 93 13 116 Connecticut, . 1,267 1,141 735 126 147 7 126 Delaware, . 202 263 195 30 9 29 D. of Columbia 831 748 565 71 26 3 83 Florida, . . 788 711 498 57 73 5 78 Georgia, . 3,825 2,543 1,789 46 401 25 282 Idaho, . . 176 159 101 7 24 17 Illinois, . . . 8,002 7,20« 4,245 975 988 VZ 800 Indiana, 5,006 4,506 2,293 293 1,020 400 500 Indian Ter., 416 375 266 2 62 i 41 Iowa, . . . 4,434 3,991 2,982 450 470 95 44 Kansas, . . . 3,089 2,781 1,636 360 414 63 308 Kentucky, . . 4,063 3,657 2,883 125 218 25 406 Louisiana, . . 1,412 1,271 1.048 36 46 .... 141 Maine, . . . 1,222 1.100 784 137 57 122 Marj'laEd, . . 2,120 1,918 1,606 76 24 212 Massachusetts, . 4,457 4,012 2,646 687 221 12 445 Michigan, . . 4,057 3,552 1,905 686 459 97 405 Minnesota, . . 1.584 1,426 877 239 127 25 158 Mississippi, . . 1,682 1.514 1.268 18 60 • • • 168 Missouri, . . 6,178 5,561 4,000 381 538 25 617 Montana, . . 299 270 157 19 20 45 29 Nebraska, , . 1,730 1,547 876 202 264 41 173 Nevada, . . 66 60 88 10 6 ... 6 New Hampshire 720 648 435 90 47 4 72 u Number of Physicians in the United States. STATES. New Jersey, . New Mexico, . New York, . . North Carolina North Dakota, Ohio, . . . Oklahoma, . Oregon, . . Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee, . A Total Number. 2,030 147 11,171 1,709 272 7,579 277 900 9,310 654 1,422 450 4,379 (CONIINUED.) C. H. I'olk's List. 1,827 133 10,054 1,619 245 6,814 241 819 8,479 589 1,280 4a5 3,942 RcKular. 1,243 400 6,725 1,401 187 4,030 171 .597 6,405 289 1,103 266 3,193 1) Horn. 301 10 1,338 11 22 670 6 47 684 107 5 40 K.. Kclrctic 80 9 824 24 9 1,199 38 72 384 28 5 54 ■225 F. </■ I'hysio- Unclas Mtd. »ifie<l. 14 1,117 179 27 757 26 90 931 65 142 45 437 50 4 1.55 13 75 25 19 Do You Want to Reach Physicians ? THE AMERICAN MEDICO-SURGICAL BULLETIN. Run on strictly scientific principle*. ^ powerful The mere aPP-^-.-^fjeTof/ourgo'^dT 'irpre"cV, rate, and infor- mation on application to THE BULLETIN PUBLISHINO CO., 78 Wl.ll.m St.. New York. nited States. K. F. I'hysio- c. Lindas Eclectic. Med. jiified. HO . . • • 203 !) 14 834 50 1,117 34 4 179 9 ■ t • • 27 1,199 155 757 38 . • • • 26 72 13 90 !{84 75 931 28 65 5 25 142 54 . • ■ • 45 ( -225 19 437 BULLETIN. ice and science. :ors in the country. "bulletin is a powerful iple copy, rates and intor- 'illiam St., New York. An Important Message. Advertising- -Really jjood adver- tising — which gives satisfaction and pays the advertiser only becomes so when practiced intelligently and judiciously. It requires the labor of skilled operators in many departments ; no mere novice can expend the advertising appropriation of any firm judi- ciously or command the right forces at the right time. With twenty years' experience, I have mastered the necessary details, and large contracts placed in my hands are executed with economy and satisfaction. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertisitiff, 37 CoLi-EGE Place, New York. Number of Physicians in the United States. STAIKS. Texas, . . , Utah, . . , Verinimt, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, . WyominR, . Tota' A Total Number. 5,288 flitfi 3,8<)0 DID l,0«l l,9t(fl 75 (CONriNLKD.I C. H. I-olk's l,i»t 4,756 350 527 2,526 811) 1(55 1 ,870 68 KeKular. 8,077 186 282 2,11)1 64:1 717 l,i:tl» 40 u. Horn. 1H» 18 121 28 4H 20 XM *) E. Eclectic. !il2 aa 44 27 18 IM) lil5 6 K. rhysio- Med 50 2 10 11) l!i 10 (i. Inclaii- silicd 528 27 60 280 01 106 11)0 )> 118,45:1 100,6Ua 72,028 1»,648 10,2112 1,55!1 11,524 According to the estimates of \.\\>i Journal of tin- Ainerktxn Mdical Assoiiation from the returns of 101 medical colleges in the United States and Canada there were 15,865 medical students in 1893, and 17,784 in attendance in 1894. Has the largest GUARANTEED CIRCULATION of any drug journal published in the United States. Merck's Market Report. - A PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL - Devoted to the Professional and Comnnercial Interests of the Druggist. <fc PiiMirhrr' on the let and 15th. Siie of page (acttial space available for matter), Vi inches by \i% inches. Fffective display in even quarter page space. Write for sample copy, rates and special positions. MERCK A CO., PnWighers. 71 and 78 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. V ^ nlted States. E. Kclcclic. K. 11. I'hyiiio- I'nclas- Med silicd :n2 m 528 2:i 2 27 44 10 61) 27 280 18 11) 1)1 1)0 1!1 106 11)5 10 106 6 » 10,21)2 1,55;! 11,524 il of till- American medical colleges in 65 medical students (VTION ed States. Report. lAL - i Commercial ;ist. B iBt and 15th. i inches by 8^ inches. Write for sample ns. II ST., NEW YOHK. NBW VORK MEDICAL TIMES EDITOKS : B. OUKRN.SEY, M.I)., .-iiJH Fifth Avenue. ALFRKO K. IIII.[,.S, MI), llflU Fifth Avenue. A MONTHLY JOURNAL OF ivilEDICINE, SURGERY and the COLLATERAL SCIENCES While its circulation is larftely amonR those clasHed as Liberal Hiimoecipaths, its xreat reputation us an advocate of the new code and of liberal pr<>>tre.ssive medicine causes it to be read with a peculiar interest by thousands of the best physicians of every variety of medical opini<jn Thi lis psouliar, vary valuable and ir/iportant olaas of phyaiolans ao thoroughly. BENJ. LILLARD, Business Manager, lii Liberty Street, New York. Populai^ Scieqce MEWS. ARTS. INVENTION. CHEMISTRY. MEDICINE. HYGIENE, HEALTH . Founded in ISASby Dr. James R. Nichols .is the Boston Journal of Chemistry. This old and reliable publication, in addition to the many features that have made it so popular for the last thirty years, is to have its usefulness very largely increased by the addition of SIX new and valuable departments and many new writers, accompanied by a largre expenditure of energy and money. BENJ. LILLARD, Publisher, 19 Liberty St., NEW YORK. TRAINED ^ NURSE <^ AND % HOSPITAL REVIE\^ vfc] toy/ The Only Professional Nursing Journal In the United States. iirsiiiK profession now numbers over 20,<HM» and they all know and believe in THE TRAINtD NUHSb. It covers every branch of nursing— medical, surgical, obstetrical, ophthalmic and gyn;FCological. Tlie advertiser who wishes to reach this grow- ing profession can reach it in no other way. The subscription list is all cash PAID IN ADVANCE in every instance and all advertising in THE TRAINED NURSE is strictly professional. AUVKKTISING HATKS. I HE nur SlNC.LE IN3BK1H1NS. J;a.).(K( . l.'i.iM ^er line, at{iite, . . .'•tt Preferred position, M per cent, extra. FiiU paKc, Half » (Juarter » Pe DISCOUN IS KUK TIMK Con IRAC TS. Three nmntlis, . "> per lent. Six " . 10 Nint' " I") Twelve .. . viii ■• THE LAKESIDE PUBLISHING CO., 19 Barclay Street, New York. ^fessional sing irnal : United States. r iiO,(HM» and they NUHSK. It covers stetrical, ophthalmic to reach this grow- e subscription list Is and all advertising nal. )K TIMK CoNlKACrS. lirt, . "i per cent. 10 . I.') CO., eet, New York. .OLUMBUS [^EDICAL 3>X»K«K®>X Journal SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 A YEAR. /Vdi' mi/y lii.tnti'ily Jouriiit/ I'ublishtd East 0/ the Mhshsi/>fi Kirer. * • • • DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT Of THE MEDICAL AND SUROIOAL SCIENCtf. • • • * It is just the journal for the busy practitioner. It is filled each issue with original and practical articles. It hus no iidvertisements mixed up with the reading matter. It is published regi. rly evury other Tuesday. It contains not less .'..an 48 pages of reading matter every issue It furnishes you annually with not less than l,a48 pages of reading matter for only $2.tK). For particulars address DR. R. HARVEY REED, Editor and Manager, ISO Eatt Broad Striet, COLUMBUS, OHIO. SS«,«»«,«,'»SSS«»SSWVWW«»«»'»«»SVV«»W»*»N*»*»VN*»VS*»\«»S\NVVWVWVVS- Th. THERAPEUTIC GAZETTE, MEDICAL AGE, MEDICINE, INDEX MEDICUS, and BULLETIN OF PHARMACY Can Be of Service To Y OU in making your announcements to the Medical and Pharmaceutical Professions Correspondence respectfully solicited. GEO. S. DAVIS, PUBLISHER, DETROIT, MICH. VVVVVVVVSVSN«VVVV*.VSVVVVVNS*.VVVVV*»SNVV'TVS*»SVSV»S*»VSrVVSrVVV VVSSVNVVWVWVVS- E, CY Service u ully solicited. MICH. WWVWVWyWVW Every issue in i8qs an " Edition dh Lixe." 44t!7Veaif IVERY PROGRFSSIVE DOCTOR IN THE WEST AND SOUTH TAKE ITtlf MEDICAL >- H E RA L D - •flj^aipei^n^ki CAN see through ir, -' -^ — -•■V®S»«:L^^ CAN'T YOU ? C5 V<, UntTMiiMM by oll^u* or rinf; ortglnil In ilyl* fMiten wi otrtayokM! «o oor.nMttofl witk drug or Initru- UMiit houto* to ourb lit uttor- Mooi or ofellftta idvortlHrt; owmd, odIM ind pvMldMd by doeton, (or Hw boti latorMU of Mm Mtdlool Prorootloti.^^ mm LID- 6ES- , ...IF NOT, SEND S^TAMP^FOR '.-i — 6anyplg " '.{f^^"^ ^M AS. WOOD FASSETT,"{ \nd (bar;?', 5K- ■ ' ^ ' "' " Its beautiful full-page Illustrations and Title Portraits have made it famous. 4 The Pacific Record of 1^ I^edicine and Surgery ^ Has a sworn circulation exceeding 0,200, which Is more than the combined circulation of all other Pacific Coast Medical Journals. OPFICBS : 405 Sansome Street, San Francisco, Cal. •ft SOLE EASTERN AOEXTS; J^ Pacific States AdvertisinK Bureau, ^j^ KlllNEI.ANIiER 11I11.1)IN<;, fp IVBW YORK. m ?ery ^*'' ll ireau, ^ 4< he Happy Medium." ie,©00 Readers Every Month. r-;OTE ITS SELECT LIST OF A0VERTI8INQ PATRONS, !ill! I ELEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. TflE WETEnc-iraiENic AM0NTHLYJ0URNAL°'=PHY310L0QtC-AL-/y\EDlClNE Advertisements in the DIETETIC AND HYGIENIC GAZETTE are seen and read by the best people. It Circulates .... among physicians and the educated public, yielding the best results to advertisers. Advertisers .... will find it to their advantage to send for rates to the Gazette Publishing Company, 1218 Broadway, ..... New V9RK BLICATION. lENIC GAL-MEDlClNE iTETIC rE are people. :ed public, yielding ;end for rates to the :;ompany, • • • • •7) \ Advertisers who wish Best Class of Ph3'sicians \ who wish to reach the should use GAILLARD'S JViEDICAL JOURNAL. ^ For particulars address Special Territory, South and West. -: V. '»S»rW.SV«T' Advertising Manager, QAILLARD'S \ MEDICAL •^ JOURNAL, <^ P. O. Box 1124, <J, NEW y^ YORK ■>» CITY. \ <» & ?^1IF%«=%«'%«=%«=^JP%«='*K^^«^'S»«^'9J«^«=^J?%«='K«=^«=^8?^R'^? THE Druggists of America are reached more generally and more cheaply through the American Druggist and Pharmaceutical Record than by any other journal devoted to the drug trade. W^HY? Because— It circulates more copies than any of its competitors. Because— it circulates among the LIVE PHARMACISTS of America. Because— It publishes the best and only reliable market report. Because— It prints only the very best matter and pays the best price for the best. "IF YOU HAVE A GOOD THING PUSH IT ALONG." DON'T PUSH IT ALONE. THE AnERlCAN DRUOQIST AND PHARMACEUTICAL RECORD WILL HELP YOU. RATES ON ANY SPACE OR INFOR- MATION NOT FOUND IN "ELLIOTT'S HAND-BOOK " WILL BE PB'^MPTLY FURNISHED BY AMERICAN DRUGGIST PUBLISHING CO., 87 College Place, New York, ire reached re cheaply ggist and m by any Irug trade. copies than g the LIVE st and only : very best irlce tor the ■ ALONG." DON'T PUSH AND PHARMACBUTICAL \NY SPACE OR INFOR- HAND-BOOK" WILL BE What Advertisers Want IN A MEDICAL JOURNAL IS A Bona- Fide Subscription List AMONG THE BEST CLASS OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. The North American Practitioner HAS IT Average Circulation, 5,500. JOHN H. HOLLISTER, A.M., M.D., Editor. Advertising Rates : 3 MOS. 6 MOS. Vi MOS. One Pagi: $60.00 $8.5.00 $150.00 Half Pag;e 8700 45.00 80.00 Quarter Page 1.5.00 25.00 45.00 Eighth Page 8.00 13.00 35.00 LISHING CO., r York, PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT 702 Oreenleaf Avenue, Chicas^o, III. 38,000 Copies per Month If the Average Circulation ol th« IflTEHliATIOHflll JOUt^HAIl OF SU!?GEl?y The Largeet CIrcuUtlon ol any Monthly Medical or Surgical Journal of standing puMUhed. RATES FOR ADVERTISUG VERY LOW, wben circulation and resnlta are considered. INT. JOURNAL OF SURGERY CO. 4. MacOONALD, JR.. atev mo Man., 10e-10« FULTON ■THCKT. NEW YORK. r^ ■f: 'riii^'r,^4l!ftV*'Ul>iW3A^ii(»S**.^teA-2*^*At^^ '■ --'■<^J«i.<-l~i'v«''-«