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SCIENCE ?RIMERS, 'diud ij^ 
 Professors Huxley, Roscoe, afui 
 Balfour Stewart. 
'tttrae primers. 
 Professor of Natural Philosophy, the Owens College, Mamhatcr, 
 Author of ** Elementary Lessons in Physics.** 
- - 7 
 Entered accordiuj; to the Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year one 
 thousantt eight hundred and eighty -one, by Jamrs Gampbbll 
 AND Son, in the office of the Minister of Asjiculture. 
 In publishing the Science Primers on Physics and 
 Chemistry, the object of the Authors has been to state 
 the fundamental principles of their respective sciences 
 in a manner suited to pupils of an early age. They 
 feel that the thing to be aimed at is not so much to 
 give information, as to endeavour to discipline the 
 mind in a way which has not hitherto been cus- 
 tomary, by bringing it into immediate contact with 
 Nature herself. For this purpose a series of simple 
 experiments has been devised, leading up to the chief 
 truths of each science. These experiments must be 
 performed by the teacher in regular order before the 
 class. The power of observation in the pupils will 
 thus be awakened and strengthened; and the amount 
 and accuracy of the knowledge gained must be tested 
 and increased by a thorough system of questioning. 
 The study of the Introductory Primer will, in most 
 cases, naturally precede that of either of the above- 
 named subjects; and then it will probably be found 
 best to take Chemistry as the second and Physics as 
 the third stage. 
 The whole of the apparatus needed for all the ex- 
 periments (except a few marked in the text with an 
 asterisk) will be supplied by Messrs. J. J. Griffin and 
 Sons, 22,-Garrick Street, Covent Garden, London, 
 W.C., (or j£ic) 3 J. 8//. exclusive of packing. 
 If prompt payment be made, Messrs. Griffin are 
 willing to supply the set for jCi'j exclusive of packing 
 cases, which may be either 9^. or 21s, according to 
 quality. Those who have already purchased the ap- 
 paratus for the Chemical Piimer need not purchase 
 another Grove's battery, and in this case they must 
 make their own arrangement with Messrs, Griffin, 
 Definition of Physics 1 i i 
 „ of Motion . 2 2 
 „ of Fercc 3 4 
 The Chief Forces of Nature. 
 Definition of Gravity 4 7 
 ,, of Cohesion ....... . 5 8 
 „ of Chemical Attraction 6 9 
 Uses of these three Forces . . . , 7 10 
 How Gravity acts. 
 Centre of Gravity 8 1 1 
 'Xi\z Balance 9 13 
 The Three States of Matter. 
 General Remarks 10 14 
 Dehnition of Solids 1 1 16 
 „ of Liquids 12 16 
 ,, of Gases . 13 16 
 Properties of Solids. 
 General Remarks on Cohesion ....... 14 16 
 Bending 15 19 
 Strength of Materials . • '6 20 
 Friction. 17 20 
 Properties of Liquids. 
 Liquids keep their size though not their sliape . . 18 21 
 They communicate pressure 19 21 
 Water-press explained 20 23 
 Liquids find their level .,.,., ^ .,., 21 24 
 V/ater- level and Spirit,-level ........ 22 
 Pressure ot deep Water . . . . • 23 
 Buoyancy of Water . 24 
 Flotation in Water 25 
 Comparative Density or Specific Gravity .... 26 
 Buoyancy of other Liquids 27 
 Capillarity 28 
 , . . Properties of Gases. 
 Pressure of Air 29 
 Weight of Air .............. 30 
 Barometer explained^— Mercurial t^olunin . ... 31 
 Uses of the Barometer .... ^ ..... 32 
 Air-pump explained . . 33 
 Water-pump explained — limits of working; . . ,34 
 Syphon described ....'. 35 
 Moving Bodies. 
 Definition of Energy . . . . . ... . .36 
 ,, of Work ...... •. •."... 37 
 Work done by a moving body 38 
 Energy in repose 59 
 Vibrating BooFis. 
 Sound explained 40 
 What is Noise and what Music 41 
 Sound can do work 42 
 It requires a medium (Air) to carry k ..... 43 
 Its mode of moticn through the Air ..... .44 
 Its rate of motion , . . 45 
 Echoes or reflection of Sound 46 
 How to find the number of vibrations in one second 
 coi responding to any rvote ....... ^ 47 
 Heated Bodies. 
 Nature of I Icat (first notice) ........ 48 
 Expansion of bodies generally when heated ... 49 
 Thermometer described . , .50 
 How to make a Centigfad6 Thermometer . . . . 51 
 Expansion of Solids 52 
 „ of Liquidi .,*.,- ^ . - , 53 
 Expansion of Gases 54 
 Remarks on Expansion • 55 
 S.pecific Heat • . 5^ 
 Change of state, with table of melting-points ... 57 
 Latent heat of Water 5^ 
 ,, of Steam . . ....••• 59 
 Ebullition and Evaporation ..*,.••. 60 
 Boiling-point depends on pressure 61 
 Other effects of Heat , .> 62 
 Freezing mixtures 63 
 Distribution of Heat — General statement .... 64 
 Conduction of Heat . • • • 65 
 Convection of Heat 66 
 Radiant Light and Heat — General statement ... 67 
 Velocity of Light, how discovered 68 
 Reflection of Light, laws of 69 
 Refraction or bending of Light 70 
 Lenses and Images given by them 71 
 Magnifying-glasses and Telescopes 72 
 Different l^ending of different rays 73 
 Recapitulation 74 
 Nature of Heat (second notice) ...,...* 75 
 Electrified Bodies. 
 Conductors and Non-conductors 76 
 ■f wo kinds of Electricity — their mutual action . . 77 
 They exist combined in unexcited bodies .... 78 
 Action of excited on unexcited bodies . . . . > . 79 
 The Electric Spark 80 
 Sundry Experiments — Electroscope 81 
 Action of roints 82 
 Electrical Machine described 83 
 Leyden Jar described 84 
 Energetic nature of Electrified Bodies ..... 85 
 Electric Currents , 86 
 Grove's Battery described 87 
 Properties of Current j heating, chemical, and mag- 
 netic effects 88 
 Electric Telegraph .......'» 89 
 Concluding Remarks 90 
 Things to be remembered ........ 
 Instructions regarding Apparatus . . . . . 
 Ll3T OF Apparatus , , 
 1. Definition of Physics. — You have been told 
 in the Chemistry Primer what sort of things we have 
 around us. You have seen what the chemist does j 
 how he weighs things and finds their quantity, and 
 also how he finds that certain things are compound, 
 and may be split up into two or more new things; 
 while again other things are simple or elementary and 
 cannot be so split up. 
 In fact you have been told about the various kinds 
 of things we have in the world, but you have not 
 yet learned much about the affections or moods 
 of these things. You are yourself subject to change 
 of moods; sometimes you appear with a smile on 
 yoiT face, and sometimes, perhaps, with a face full of 
 frowns or tears ; sometimes, again, you feel vigorous 
 and active ; sometimes dull and listless. 
 Now if you think a little you will see that the things 
 around you are subject to moods very much like yours. 
 To-day the face of nature looks bright and happy, and 
SCIENCE PRIMERS, ^[introduction. 
 full of smiles ; to-morrow the same face is dark and 
 lowering ; the rain falls, the thunder roars, and the 
 sea is tossed with waves and very stormy. Or again : 
 let us take an iron ball which lies upon the floor ; it 
 is cold and heavy to the touch, but let us put it into 
 the fire, and when it comes out the same substance is 
 there, but the state of it is very different ; if you now 
 attempt to touch it, you will be sure to burn your fingers. 
 Or again : if, instead of putting it into the fire, we put 
 it into a cannon and discharge the cannon, it will 
 come out with tremendous velocity, and will knock to 
 pieces anything it touches. 
 Thus you see that a cold cannon-ball is a very dif- 
 ferent thing from a hot cannon-ball ; and also that a 
 cannon-ball at rest is a very different thing from a 
 cannon-ball in motion. 
 Now if we see you crying and unhappy, we ask 
 what is the cause of this mood, and we always find 
 there is a cause ; or if we find you listless and sleepy, 
 and wanting energy, we inquire what is the meaning of 
 c.U this, and we find that it has a meaning and a cause. . 
 So likewise when we find changes in the moods or 
 qualities of dead matter we inquire what is the cause 
 of these changes, and we always find they have a cause. 
 This inquiry we shall make in the following pages, and 
 you must attend well to the answer we get. You have 
 already been told that this mode of questioning nature 
 is called experiment. 
 2. Definition of Motion. — You must in the 
 first place get a clear idea of motion. Motion means 
 change of place. Some of you may have heard that 
 this solid earth on which we dwell is in truth moving 
 very fast round the sun, but we may, in the meantime, 
 put away this thought altogether from our minds, be- 
 cause although the earth is moving very fast it carries 
 us all along with it, and everything goes on as smoothly 
 and quietly as if the earth were at rest. 
 Well then, if I sit on a chair in a room I may say 
 that I am at rest, but if I walk up and down the 
 room I am in motion. Now in order to understand 
 my movements, you must know something more than 
 the mere fact that I am moving about ; you must know 
 the direction or line in which I am moving, and 
 you must also know the rate or velocity with 
 which I am moving. You must try clearly to under- 
 stand the meaning of this word " velocity ; " and to 
 make you do so, let us suppose that I go out of doors 
 and walk along a straight road for two or three hours, 
 and always at the same pace. Well, I find that in 
 one hour I have got four miles beyond my starting 
 point, and that in two hours I have got eight miles 
 beyond it, and I therefore say that I am walking on at 
 the rate or with the velocity (for both words mean the 
 same thing) of four miles an hour. 
 But what if the rate be not always the same ? Sup- 
 pose a railway train to be coming near a station, and 
 just beginning to slacken its speed. The train is 
 first of all moving, let us say, at the rate of forty 
 miles an hour, but presently its velocity gets less and 
 less, until when it arrives at the station it comes quite 
 to a standstill. Now, how can we find its rate when 
 ihis is always changing ? or what do we mean when 
 we say that the train, before it began to slacken its 
 speed, was moving at forty miles an hour ? We simply 
 mean, that if the train had been allowed to move 
 for ^ whole hoiur at the same rate it had before it 
 began to slacken its speed it would have moved over 
 forty miles. In fact, if instead of coming to rest at 
 the station it had been an express train, and gone on, 
 it would have been forty miles away an hour after we 
 began to notice it 
 There are different ways of expressing velocity: 
 sometimes we speak of so many miles an hour, as we 
 have done here, but sometimes it is better to use feet 
 and seconds ; thus if I drop a stone down a well 
 I Should say that it fell sixteen feet during the first 
 second after it was dropped. Sixty seconds, you all 
 know, make a minute, and sixty minutes make an hour. 
 In this little book, when speaking of velocity or rate, 
 we shall use feet and seconds more frequently than 
 miles and hours, and speak of a body as moving at the 
 rate of ten, or twenty, or thirty feet a second, as the 
 case ma^ be. 
 3. Definition of Force.—Now what is it that sets 
 in motion anything that was previously at rest ? Or 
 what is it that brings to rest a thing that was pre- 
 viously in motion ? It is force that does this. It 
 is force that sets a body in motion, and it is force (only 
 applied in an opposite direction) that brings it again 
 to rest Nay, more, if it requires a strong force to set 
 a body in motion, it requires also a strong force to 
 bring it to rest You can set a cricket-ball in motion 
 by the blow of your hand, and you can also stop it by 
 a blow, but a massive body like a railway train needs 
 a strong force to set it iu motion, and a strong force 
 to stop it. That which is easy to start is easy to stop ; 
 that which is difficult to start is difficult to stop. You 
 see now that force acts not only when it sets a body 
 in motiv D, but as tnily when it brings a body to rest 
 X 1. 
 In fact that which changes th# state of a body 
 is called force, whether that state be one of 
 rest or of motion. 
 Experiment i. — To prove this, take a tin pan 
 with some peas in the bottom of it, and hold the pan 
 in your right hand. Now quickly raise your right hand, 
 with the pan in it, until your right arm is brought to 
 a stop by a fixed bar of wood, which you tiave placed 
 a little above it (your other arm held stiffly will do as 
 w^U as the wood). Now what you have done is to 
 make the pan with the peas rise quickly upi and then 
 Fig. 1. 
 suddenly come to a dead stop. You have first, by the 
 force of your arm, given an upward motion to the pan, 
 and the pan has forced the peas to mount with it, 
 since clearly they could not remain behind. Then, 
 again, when your right arm holding the pan was mount- 
 ing quickly, you allowed it to be stopped all at once 
 by the bar of wood ; that is to say, the bar of wood 
 forced your hand to stf;p, and your hand in its turn 
 forced the pan, which you held tightly, to stop also. 
 But this stopping force does not affect the peas which 
 lie loosely at the bottom of the pan, so that they will 
 continue to mount up after the pan has been stopped, 
 and many of them will fall over the edge and be 
 scattered about upon the floor. 
 Experiment 2, — Now put some more peas into 
 the pan, having spilt the last ones; but iftstead of 
 raising the pan quickly upwards, lower it as quickly as 
 you possibly can. Here, the force of your arm makes 
 the pan move down very quickly, but does not affect 
 the peas which lie loosely on the bottom of the pan ; 
 the result will be, that the peas will not follow the 
 quick motion .of the pan, but will lag behind until at 
 last they are all scattered about upon the floor. 
 Let us now pause for a moment, and see what we 
 really learn from these two experiments. We learn from 
 the first, that after we have once set the peas in 
 motion upwards, since the stopping force of the bar 
 of wood does not affect them, they continue to move 
 upwards after the pan has been stopped. It requires 
 force to stop their upward motion, and this force we 
 could not apply by means of the bar of wood, so that 
 they continue to mount upwards until the force of 
 the ea'-.h at last brings them downwards to the floor. 
 You see, therefore, that it needs force to stop a 
 moving body. 
 Again, in the second experiment, we communicate 
 a downward motion to the pan, but the force of our 
 arm which does so, does not affect the peas which lie 
 loosely on the bottom of the pan. They, therefore, 
 keep their state of rest, and lag behind the pan until 
 at last the force of the earth brings them downwards 
 to the floor. You see, therefore, that it needs forcjft 
 to start a body at rest. 
 Force, therefore, may do two things j it may either 
 stop a body in motion, or it may set in motion a body 
 at rest. But very often we find that a force, although 
 present, does not appear to act. Now, why is this ? 
 We reply, because it is prevented from doing so by 
 another equal and opposite force. Thus, I hold a 
 heavy weight in my hand ; if I open my fingeiK, the 
 force of tke earth which acts upon the weight will bring 
 it very soon to the floor ] but as long as I keep my 
 fingers shut I prevent this force from acting. Or, 
 imagine the same weight to lie on the table; if there, 
 were no table, it would fall to the floor ; but the force 
 of the earth which gives it a tendency to fall, is pre- 
 vented from acting or is resisted by the table. The 
 weight presses against the table, but the table with- 
 stands this pressure. So that you have here two forces 
 resisting or withstanding each other, the one being the 
 weight, and the other the resisting force of the table. 
 From all this we learn that force is that which 
 changes the state of rest or of motion ot a body, but 
 that very often force is resisted or prevented by an 
 equal and opposite force, so that it is not able to do 
 anything or to produce any eff"ect 
 4. Definition of Gravity. — I have thus told 
 you what is the meaning of the word force, and 
 now let us loc>k about us in order to see what are 
 the chief forces with which we have to do, and to 
 see also what part each plays, and what is its use* 
 The most prqminent force is the attraction of the 
 earth. If we let go a heavy thing out of oui handsj 
 we know where to look for it; we know that it 
 will not mount towards the sky, nor will it move off 
 sideways in some direction, but it will fall to the 
 ground or earth. It falls dov/D, we say, and the very 
 words up and down depend upon the earth's force ; 
 so that if the earth had no force, we should not use 
 such words at all. The word " up " denotes a difficult 
 motion against the earth's force ; the word "down " an 
 easy motion, by help of the earth's force. It is difficult 
 ,to walk up a hill, but it is very easy to walk down. 
 Now when we say that the earth attracts things, you 
 must not think that all, or nearly all of the things 
 which we see are moving towards the earth. You and 
 I are not so falling, nor should we wish to be in such 
 a very dangerous condition. Why are we not falling? 
 Because we stand upon the floor; but if there were 
 no floor, we should fall through to the ground, and 
 the floor must be strong enough to support our 
 weight, otherwise it would give way and we should 
 fall. Sometimes a wooden floor or platform has been 
 so filled with people that it has given way, and they 
 have fallen to the ground, and many of the people 
 have been killed or very much hurt. 
 Thus you see that the earth attracts everything, but 
 yet most of the things which we see around us are 
 not moving towards the earth, because they are sup- 
 ported by something else that is able to i-iist their 
 weight. In fact, this property of things called weight 
 is really caused by the attraction of the earth. 
 This force which the earth exerts is called gravity* 
 5* Definition of Cohesion. — But there are 
 oth^r forces besides that which the earth exerts. If we 
 take a piece of string or of wire, and try to break it 
 into two parts, it exerts a force to prevent our doing 
 so, and it is only when the force we exert is greater 
 than the force with which it resists us that we succeed 
 in breaking it. In fact the different parts or particles of 
 the string or of the wire are held together by a force 
 which resists any attempt to pull them asunder. And 
 30 are the various parts or particles of all solid bodies, 
 such as w^ood, stone, metals, and so on. It is often 
 very difficult to break a substance to pieces, or bend 
 it, or powder it, or alter its shape or size in any way. 
 Now that force which binds together the various 
 particles of a body is called cohesion. 
 You see now the difference between gravity and 
 cohesion : gravity is that force which the earth exerts 
 to pull bodies to itself, and which acts at a great 
 distance ; so that, for instance, the moon, which is 240 
 thousand miles away, is attracted by the earth. Cohe- 
 sion again is that force which the neighbouring particles 
 of a body exert to keep each other together, but this 
 force does not act except when the particles are very 
 near each other ; for if once a thing is broken or 
 ground to powder, its particle j cannot come easily 
 together again. 
 6. Definition of Chemical Attraction. — Be- 
 sides these two forces there is the force of chemical 
 attraction or affinity. You are told in the Chemistry 
 Primer (Art. 4) that the two things coal and oxygen gas 
 unite chemically together, and that carbonic acid gas 
 is the result of their union. The coal and the oxygen 
 gas are pulled together by a force which thev exert 
 on each other as truly as ai stone is pulled towards 
 the earth. In virtue of this force they rush together 
 and unite, and the result is something quite different 
 from either. Thii, then, is the force which we call 
 chemical attraction, and which has this peculiarit|^ 
 that it can only be exerted by different bodies ; for 
 in chemistry it is only bodies of different kinds that 
 rush together and unite after this fashion. 
 7. Use of these Forces. — Having now told you 
 something about the chief forces of nature, let us try 
 to find what part they play, and why they are there at 
 all \ and I think we shall soon see that we should get 
 on very badly without them. Let us begin by supposing 
 that there was no such thing as gravity, and that the 
 earth did not attract things to it. Now sometimes 
 when we climb a steep hill we are tempted to think 
 how pleasant it would be if we could go up as easily as 
 we go down. How we wish there was no gravity! 
 But it would be a terrible misfortune if on^^ of 
 those spirits we read of were at once to grant us 
 our request. There being no gravity there would of 
 course be no weight, and we should then get up a 
 hill easily enough, but if we jumped into the air 
 we should remain there ; and possibly we might be 
 able to leave this world altogether. The furniture of 
 our houses would be found some on the floor, some 
 on the roof, some floating about, and we ourselves 
 could walk on the roof as easily as on the floor. The 
 moon meanwhile, not being bound to the earth, would 
 leave us for ever ; and in like manner the earth, being 
 no longer bound to the sun, would leave it far behind 
 and wander off among the stars. 
 So much for gravity. Let us now see what would 
 happen if there were no cohesion. If this force were 
 absent, the particles of solid bodies would not adhere 
 to one another, but they would all fall to pieces or 
 rather to powder. The wood of our tables and chairs 
 would fall to powder, and we should have no furniture ; 
 and the bricks of our houses would do the same, so 
 that we should have no houses. We should do the 
 same ourselves, and in fine all things would resolve 
 themselves into a huge mass of dust 
 Finally, let us think what would happen if there 
 were no such thing as chemical attraction. In the 
 first place the fire would cease to burn because the 
 carbon of the coals would no longer care to unite 
 with the oxygen of the air. 
 In the next place no two simple or elementary 
 substances would unite together to forrfi a compound 
 substance, but we should have nothing but about sixty 
 simple substances consisting of a great number of 
 metals and a small number of gases. There would be 
 no variety in such a world, and indeed there would be 
 no living in it, for our own bodies are compound ; and 
 if chemical affinity were destroyed part of them would 
 go up into the air and mix with it, while another part, 
 consisting of a quantity of carbon, a little phosphorus, 
 and some one or two metals, would fall to the ground, 
 and thus we shoaid come to an end. 
 8. Centre oi Gravity. Experiment 3.— Let us 
 now endeavour to find out what sort of a force gravity 
 is, and for this purpose let us take this irregular sheet 
 of iron and hang it up by a thread. You see i\ 
 hangs in a particular way, and you also see that the 
 line already drawn with paint on tl^^ sheet is in 
 the same direction as the line of the thread. Next 
 let us hang the sheet freely from some other point,* 
 here again you have another white line in prolonga- 
 tion of the thread, and you further see that these two 
 white lines cut each other in a point marked g. 
 Fi::. 0. 
 Now let us hang up the sheet by some third point 
 in its rim. As before, you have a white hne in pro- 
 longation of the thread. Now you will easily see that 
 these three white lines all cut one another at the same 
 point Gj in fact, if you suspend the sheet from 
 any point freely by. a thread, and draw a white line 
 in prolongation of the thread, all sucli lines will cut 
 one another in the same point g, so that this point 
 will always be directly under the point from which 
 the sheet is hung, and if you push the sheet to one 
 side it will return agaih to its old position. Now 
 what is this peculiar point g ? To find out let me 
 attach a string to G, and hang the sheet by the string; 
 you see that the sheet will balance round g in all 
 directions just as well as if its whole weigh were 
 ccmdensed into the point G. Now G is what we 
 call the centre of -gravity of the sheet; and if 
 Fig, 3. 
 I hang up the sheet freely by a siring, it will put 
 itself in such a position that its centre of gravity G 
 shall be as low as possible. If instead of hanging the 
 sheet by a string I suspend it loosely upon a peg, it 
 will still try to place the point G as low as it possibly 
 can, and it will not hang as in fig. 3, but the point G 
 will be immediately under the peg. 
 9. The Balance. — Every substance has a point 
 G of this kind, which we call its centre of gravity. 
 The balance which you see on page 28 has, like every- 
 thing else, its point g — its centre of gravity. And it 
 will endeavour, just like the sheet of iron, to place 
 this point as low down as it possibly can. 
 Now when there are equal weights in both scale- 
 pans, this point g is somewhere directly under the 
 point upon which the balance is swung ; and hence, 
 if by pushing it I try to tilt it to a side, when freed 
 it will ultimately return to its old position. In fact, 
 when the weights in each pan are equal, it will always 
 keep this position, with the pointer pointing exactly in 
 the middle ; so that if I am weighing a substance, and 
 place this substance in the one scale-pan, and the 
 weights in the other, and if the pointer points exactly 
 in the middle, I am then quit» sure that the weights 
 in the one scale-pan are exactly equal to *^ //eight 
 of the substance in the other. But if the weights are 
 not heavy enough, the beam of the balance will be 
 tilted over by the substance in one direction ; while 
 if the weights are too heavy, they in turn will tilt over 
 the beam in the other direction. 
 Experiment 4. — Suppose that I put this piece of 
 metal into one of the scale-pans, and put weights 
 equal to 150 grains into the other, the scale-pan with 
 the metal in it sinks down, thereby showing that the 
 metal is heavier than the weights. Next let me put 
 weights equal to 250 grains into the other scale-pan. 
 Now again it is these 250 grains that are too heavy, 
 and you see that the scale-pan containing them sinks 
 down, whereas before it was the other that sank. 
 Thus the weight of the metal is somewhere between 
 150 and 250 grains. Let us therefore \xy a 200-grain 
 weight, and you see that now the pointer points 
 exactly in the middle, and the beam of the balance 
 is exactly horizontal, showing that the weight of the 
 metal is exactly 200 grains. 
 10, You have seen that we cannot do without the 
 various forces of nature, and that if one piece of 
 matter were not drawn or attracted to another piece, 
 there would be no such thing as a world at all. You 
 have seen, too, that if there were no cohesion, there 
 would be nothing but powder. I may now proceed 
 to tell you that if everything possessed cohesion to a 
 great extent, we should be nearly as badly off, for we 
 should in such a case have neither liquids nor gases, 
 neither water nor air. 
 The particles of a bar of iron or steel possess 
 very great cohesion, and it is very difficult to force 
 them apart. But water and mercury have hardly any 
 cohesion whatever, and the very slightest touch will 
 scatter in all directions a quantity of water or of mer- 
 cury. Yet these two liquids have still a little cohesion 
 left, as you may see by the following experiments. 
 Experiment 5. — Take a very small quantity of 
 mercury from the bottle containing it, and put it on a 
 flat glass surface. By pressing it you may split it up 
 into small globules. Now these globules are a proof 
 that the particles of mercury cling together. For, put 
 another plate of glass above them, and you may by 
 this means squeeze them flat ; but if you take away 
 the glass, the mercury will resume its previous glo- 
 bular shape. 
 Experiment 6. — Sprinkle a few drops of water 
 on an oily or greasy surface, and these will be found 
 to have a rounded form, not unlike drops of mercury, 
 showing that the particles cling to one another. 
 On the other hand, the particles of gases, such as 
 the air we breathe, have no tendency to keep together, 
 but rather the reverse. Indeed they will separate 
 from one another unless there is some force which 
 keeps them from doing so. 
 So that, you see, we have three very different states 
 of matter, the solid, the liquid, and the gaseous ; 
 and each of these states has certain properties which 
 serve to distinguish it. 
 11. Definition of Solids. — A sclid body, such 
 as a piece of iron or wood, resists any attempt to alter 
 its shape or its size, always keeping the same size or 
 volume and the same shape, unless it be violently 
 12. Definition of Liquids. — A liquid like water, 
 when kept in a bottle or other vessel, always spreads 
 itself out, so as to make its surface level, but yet it 
 will always keep its proper size or volume. You 
 cannot by any means force g, pint of water into a 
 half-pint measure; it will insist upon having its full 
 volume, but it is not particular as to shape. 
 13. Definition of Gases.— A gas again has no 
 surface; for if you put a quantity of any gas into a 
 perfectly empty vessel, the <ras will fill the whole 
 vessel. Nor does a gas insist so violently as a liquid 
 upon occupying a certain space ; for by means of a 
 proper amount of force I can compress the gas which 
 now fills a pint bottle into half a pint, or even into 
 less~ space, if I use sufficient force. In fact, a gas will 
 be persuaded to go into less space, but a liquid will 
 not be persuaded. 
 14. Ihe peculiar distinction of a solid is that it 
 insists upon keeping not only a certain space or size 
 for itself, but also a certain figure or shape. 
 * Experiment 7. — In fig. 4 you have two vessels of 
 different shapes, but of the same size. And if 
 i a 
 you exactly fill the one with water and pour it into the 
 ether, you will find that the water exactly fills it also. 
 Here, again, you see two pieces of wood that have 
 both the same shape or figure, but the one is much 
 larger than the other— their size is diff/'Tent. 
 rig. 4. 
 ^ou see now what is meant by space or size or 
 volume (for the three words mean the same thing), 
 and what by figure or shape. Now, you cannot take 
 a solid which has the shape of the one bottle and 
 force it into the shape of the other, although the size 
 or volume of both is the same ; nor can you take a 
 solid of the size or volume of the first wooden block 
 and squeeze it into that of the second, although the 
 shape of both blocks is the same. A perfect solid will 
 keep its figure, and it will also keep its size. 
 Bear in mind, however, that when we say we can- 
 not do a thing, we really mean we cannot do it 
 without very great difficulty, and then not completely, 
 but only to a very small extent; in fact, what we 
 ' in. c 
 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [properties 
 really mean is best explained by making a series of 
 simple experiments. 
 * Experiment 8. — Let me take a bar of iron ; I 
 will first of all try to break it in pieces by means 
 of a blow, but it won't be broken. 
 I will next try to stretch it out by hanging it up 
 tightly by, one end, and then applying to the other 
 end a heavy weight, but it won't be stretched. 
 I will now, by means of two rods, fitting in to the 
 bar at its ends, as you see in the figure, try to twist 
 Fig 5. 
 round the one end, while I hold the other still, but 
 it won't be twisted. 
 I will now set the bar endwise upon the table, and 
 put a heavy weight above it, to try and squeeze it 
 together, but it won't be squeezed. 
 And finally I will hang it up horizontally by both 
 ends, and attach a weight to the centre, and I find it 
 won't be bent. 
 Now the bar of iron which I can neither break by 
 a blow, nor stretch, nor twist, nor squeeze together, 
 nor bend, is a very good example of a solid body; and 
 yet, if I applied an exceedingly great force, this bar 
 might be stretched, or twisted, or squeezed, or bent 
 And in uuth I did actually stretch, and twist, and 
 squeeze down, and bend it, in the experiments I have 
 just described, but not enough to make it visible to 
 you. In fact the amount by which I stretch, or twist, 
 or squeeze down, or bend the bar, depends upon the 
 amount of force I use ; and in Physics we try to find 
 out the relation betv/een the force which we use and 
 the effects which we produce. I cannot tell you all 
 about this subject, because it would take up a great 
 deal of time, but we may take one operation, such as 
 bending, and endeavour to find in what way its effects 
 depend upon the force which we employ. 
 15. Bending. Experiment 9. — For this purpose 
 let us *ipport a wooden beam in a horizontal position 
 by both ends, and let us hang a somewhat hea\7 
 weight from its middle or centre. Then let us mea- 
 sure upon a scale how far the centre has been bent 
 down by the weight. Let us now double the weight 
 that hangs from the centre, and mark the new position 
 of the centre of the beam under the increase of weight, 
 and we shall find that the centre of the beSim has 
 been lowered about twice as nnich by the double 
 weight as by Ihe single weight, or 
 in fact the bending is nearly 
 proportional to the weight 
 Experiment 10. — Let us now 
 take the very same beam of wood, 
 and place it in edgewise, so as to 
 give it a great depth, rather than 
 a great flat surface, and let us 
 apply the same force as before. 
 We shall find that the beam is not bent nearly so much 
 as it was before. ^2 
 Fig. 6. 
 i6. Strength of Materials. — Now if an archi- 
 tect or an engineer were using great wooden beams in 
 the construction of a building, it would evidently be 
 most advantageous to strength were he to place them 
 in such a way that their depth might be as great as 
 possible, for in such a position they would give way 
 much less under any heavy weight. 
 An architect or engineer ought therefore to know 
 all about the strength of things, and how to place 
 them so as to get the greatest possible strength out of 
 the least possible amount of material ; in fact he ought 
 to know how to use his wood or his iron in the best 
 possible way. 
 Another point that the architect or engineer should 
 bear in mind is to make his house or his bridge five or 
 six times strong enough to bear the greatest load that 
 will ever be put upon it. For sometimes a building 
 may be strong enough to stand a heavy weight on the 
 floor, or a bridge may be strong enough to stand the 
 piissage of a long train, without absolutely breaking 
 down, and yet the floor of the building may be so 
 much bent that it won't quite recover itself when the 
 weight is taken off", or the bridge may in like manner 
 be so much bent that it won't recover itself when the 
 train has passed. In such a case the floor will be less 
 strong each time the weight is put on it, and the 
 bridge will be less strong each time the train passes. 
 They will in fact go on bending more and more, until 
 at last they give way. The architect or engineer must 
 therefore take great care that his structure is never 
 bent beyond the limits of perfect recovery. 
 17. Friction. — Before leaving solids, let us say a 
 few words about friction. If I put a very heavy 
 weight on the table, it will require a very strong force 
 to move it along. But if the table were of marble 
 and not wood, then a much less force would make 
 the weight slide along, while if the weight were on a 
 sheet of ice it would move with a still smaller force. 
 Now the force which makes it difficult for me to push 
 along a heavy weight, is called the force of friction. 
 We should fare almost as badly without friction as 
 we should without the other forces : for if there were 
 no friction, we should be always walking, as it were, 
 on ice ; and if there were the slightest slope, nothing 
 would be able to stand upon it, but everything would 
 slide down to the bottom. 
 i8. They keep their Size. — In a liquid such 
 as water, we can move the particles about very easily, 
 but we cannot by any means force a quantity of water 
 into smaller size, or make a quart content itself with 
 a pint bottle. 
 * Experiment ii.— ^Let us, however, try to do so, 
 and see what result we get, because we ought always 
 to make an experiment when we can. Let us take 
 a quantity of water shut in at one end, while at the 
 other there is a water-tight piston or plug. Now 
 let us try to drive this piston down in order to force 
 the water into smaller volume, and to do so let us 
 put a large weight upon the piston ; but notwithstand- 
 ing all this we cannot compress the water. 
 19. They communicate Pressure. * Experi- 
 ment 1 2. — Let us now take a quantity of water shut 
 Fig. 7. 
 in by two plugs or pistons. If we push the one 
 piston down, we cause the other to mount up. Now 
 if we put a ten-pound weight on the 
 one piston, and an equal weight on the 
 other piston, the one will exactly balance 
 the other, and neither will be moved. 
 * Experiment 13. — In the last expe- 
 ment both pistons were vertical, as in 
 fig. 7 ; but now let the one piston be 
 vertical and the other horizontal, and 
 by means of a simple arrangement 
 apply a ten-pound weight to the hori- 
 zontal piston. If now we apply a ten- 
 pound weight to the vertical piston, we shall exactly 
 balance the ten-pound weight attached to the hori- 
 zontal piston. , If, however, we apply a twelve-pound 
 weight to the vertical piston, we drive along the 
 horizontal piston ; and in like manner if we apply a 
 twelve-pound weight to the horizontal piston, we drive 
 up the vertical piston. Thus, by means of the water 
 we can convert the downward push of the ten pounds 
 on a vertical piston into an equal push, only horizontal 
 and outwards against the other piston. And thus you 
 see a liquid such as water communicates pressure in 
 all directions. This faci' was found out by Pascal. 
 * Experiment 14. — In this experiment we have two 
 vertical pistons, but the surface of the one piston is 
 double that of the other. Now if we put ten pounds 
 on the smaller piston, it will no longer be balanced 
 by the ten pounds on the larger piston, but we shall 
 require to put twenty pounds on the larger piston, 
 in Older to balance the ten pounds on the smaller 
 piston. In like manner, if the large piston has three 
 times the surface or area of the small one, we shall 
 find that ten pounds on the small one will balance 
 thirty pounds on the large one. Not only, there- 
 fore, does the downward pressure on the one piston 
 communicate an upward pressure to the other, but 
 the whole upward pressure is proportional to the 
 surface of the piston ; so that if the one piston has 
 three times the surface of the other, it will be driven 
 up with a pressure three times as great, and so on. 
 20. Water Press. — Now this is a very valuable 
 property of water, and it has been made use of in the 
 construction of a very powerful machine, called the 
 Bramah Press, from the name of its inventor. We have 
 here a figure of it You see ci couple of bales of wool 
 Fig. 81 
 which we wish to squeeze as much together as pos- 
 sible, in order that they may occupy little space when 
 carried about from one place or country to another. 
 You see also two pistons— a large and a small piston 
 — the large piston having one hundred times the area 
 or surface of the small one. Now if I put a ton on the 
 small piston, I must put a much greater weight on the 
 large piston to keep it down, for the large piston is 
 one hundred times the area of the small one. I must 
 therefore put one hundred tons on the large piston 
 in order to balance the ton on the small piston, so that 
 this large' piston will rise with the enormous force of 
 one hundred tons, and press with this force against 
 the bales of wool, which will therefore be squeezed 
 very tightly together. It is necessary, of course, in a 
 machine of this kind, that every part of it should be 
 very strong and very tight, otherwise the water would 
 burst out with immense force through any crevice or 
 weak part. ■ y 
 21. Liquids find their level.— The next pro- 
 perty of liquids is that they always place themselves 
 so as to have a level surface. You will see at once 
 that this surface could not be slanting, for then the 
 part which is high up, having no friction, would slide 
 down towards the lowest part. A geometrician would 
 tell us that if we hang a plumbline above tl surface 
 of water, this plumbline will be perpendicular to 
 the surface ; that is to say, it will not slant towards 
 the surface in any one direction, but will stand 
 straight up, and we may show this by a very simple 
 Experiment 15. — Take all the mercury in the bottle 
 and pour it into a flat vessel, and get it to cover all the 
 bottom of the vessel by making the vessel level. Now 
 hang a plumbline over the vessel, and you will see 
 that the reflection of the plumbline and the plumb- 
 line itself are in one direction, so that tl^e one appear* 
 to be a continuation of the other. This shows that 
 the plmnbline does not slant towards the surface; 
 for if it did, the reflection and the plumbline itself 
 would not foriii one line, but would appear as two 
 lines bent towards one another. 
 Experiment 16. — Even when the liqu'd is con- 
 tained in bent tubes, that in the left-hand tube will 
 always be at the same level as that in the right, and 
 this will take place whatever be the shape of the tube. 
 Fig. 9. ' -::; 
 Indeed, I have only to fijl some of these curiously 
 shaped tubes with water in order, to convince you that 
 this is the case. You see the water is at the same 
 level in all the tubes. 
 22. Water-level. — And this leads me to speak 
 of the water-level which you see in the figure. If I 
 place my eye in a line with the top of the water in 
 both the ends of the tube, I know that I am looking 
 along a level line, and that all the points near me 
 which I see along this line are precisely at the same 
 level, so that if a flood were to come it would reach 
 them all precisely at the same moment. 
 It is often very important to know what points are 
 on the same level : a man who constructs a csuiai or 
 a railway, must know this ; and in order to do so, he 
 must use a level of some kind. The kind which is 
 Fig. TOW 
 most often used is called the spirit-level ; that which 
 we have described is called the water-level. 
 ' 23. Pressure of deep Water. — L'^t us now take 
 a somewhat deep vessel filled with water. You will 
 see at once that the layers of water near the bottom 
 are pressed upon by the weight of all the water above 
 them, so that the pressure upon these layers will be 
 greater the further they are below the surface. In 
 fact, the layers two feet below the surface will be 
 pressed upon with twice as much water as those only 
 one foot below ; in other words, the pressure will 
 be proportional to the depth. 
 Experiment 17.— This pressure will act in all direc- 
 tions, upwards and sideways, as well as downwards. 
 To show this let me nearly fill a vessel with water 
 and withdraw a plug from the side near the top. You 
 'see the water is pushed out by the pressure upon it, 
 but not very forcibly ; let me now withdraw a plug 
 near the bottom, and you see that, owing to the 
 great weight of water above, the pressure is now much 
 stronger, and the water rushes out with great foim 
 So much for a pressure sideways. I shall now try t% 
5f liquids.] 
 show you that there is also an upward pressure. To 
 do so I take what is called a cylinder or wide tube of 
 glass without either top or bottom. But here you see 
 I have a separate closely fitting bottom which I attach 
 to it, and you see, too, that I have a string coming up 
 through the cylinder, by which I can hold it tightly^ 
 Holding it on by the string, I will now plunge 
 the cylinder below the surface of water in the vessel, 
 and you see that I may now 
 let go the string, but yet the 
 bottom does not fall off be- 
 cause it is kept on by the 
 upward pressure of the water 
 against it. I will now pour a 
 quantity of water coloured blue 
 by indigo into the cylinder, and 
 yet the bottom is held on, and 
 it will only drop off when the 
 water in the inside of the cy- 
 linder has reached to nearly 
 the level of the water on the 
 outside, because then the up- 
 ward pressure against the outside of the loose bottom 
 is balanced by an equal downward pressure of the 
 coloured water against the inside of the same. 
 If any of you should ever be in a boat on deep 
 water, you may easily prove to yourselves the great 
 pressure of water at a great depth. Take an ordinary 
 quart bottle and fill it three-fourths full of water ; then 
 cork it tightly, and attaching it to a long String, let 
 it down into the deep water. If it be allowed to 
 descend su(aciently far, the pressure of the outside 
 water will be so great as to force the cort into the 
 Fig ir. 
 SCIENCE PklkEIi:^, [pRoPi^RtiBA 
 bottle, and when you pull it up you will find the 
 bottle full of water with the cork inside. 
 24. Buoyancy of Water. — Let us now try to get 
 precise ideas about the buoyancy, or floating power 
 of watery and, to do this, let us make one or two 
 Experiment 18. — Let us take our balance, which 
 we have previously spoken about (page 13), and get it 
 into order for weighing. Now here we have a sub- 
 stance which weighs 1,000 grains, as you see, when 
 Fig. X3. 
 we make the weighing in air. Let us now attach ^ 
 substance to the right-hand scale-pan, and make t^^ 
 weighing in waten What is the result? Wefindtilit 
 actually it appears to have no weight at alli and I 
 require to put on the right-hand scale-pan i,ooo grains, 
 or the whole weight of the substance, in order to 
 make it equal to the other scale-pan in weight 
 Experiment 19. — Are we to imagine that this sub- 
 stance, when in water, loses its weight altogether? 
 Let us try, by experiment, whether or not this is the 
 case. First of all I shall place a vessel with some 
 water in it on one scale-pan, and balance it by 
 weights in the other, I now drop the substance 
 weighing 1,000 grains into the water, and you see the 
 result. The scale-pan with the water having the sub- 
 stance in it is now much too heavy, and I have to put 
 1,000 grains into the other in order to restore the 
 balance. But this is precisely the weight of the sub- 
 stance, and therefore you see the substance does not 
 really lose its weight. The weight is still there ; that 
 is to say, the vessel with the substance in it is 1,000 
 grains heavier than if the substance were not there, 
 but the substance itself has its weight apparently 
 taken away by the buoyancy of the water, which acts 
 as an upward pressure. 
 Experiment 20. — Here we have (fig. 12) a brass 
 cylinder which fits, a^ you see, exactly into a hollow 
 socket Let us now take it out of the socket and attach 
 it, as well as the socket, to the hook at the bottom of the 
 right-hand scale^pan (see figure), and let us counterpoise 
 thtrn both so that they are exactly balanced. Let us 
 now weigh the cylinder, not in air, but water, by 
 {Placing a vessel containing water below the right-hand 
 scale-pan so that the cylinder is wholly immersed in 
 tiie water. The right-hand scale-pan is now too light 
 'itie brass cylinder has, in fact, lost part, though no^ 
 all, of its weight by being weighed in water. To 
 see how much, we will pour some water into the empty 
 socket which is hung below the scale-pan. Now we 
 have exactly filled it with water, and we have, at the 
 same time, restored the weight which the brass cylinder 
 lost through being weighed in water, for now you see 
 the two scale-pans are balanced once more. But the 
 brass cylinder exactly fitted into the socket, so that 
 we have added water exactly equal in bulk to the brass 
 cylinder (that is to say, a socketful) in order to 
 restore the loss of weight. We gati 'Vi from this that 
 the brass cylinder, when weighed in water, appeared 
 to suffer a loss of weight exactly equal to the weight 
 of its own bulk of water, and we may extend this to 
 any other .substance, and say that when anything 
 is weighed in water it will suffer a loss of 
 weight exactly equal to the weight of its 
 own bulk of water. 
 25. Flotation in Water. — Let us now see what 
 this means. It means that if a substance immersed 
 in water be heavier, bulk for bulk, than water, such 
 as the cylinder, it will suffer a loss of weight ^^ual to 
 the weight of its own bulk of water, but yet it will not 
 appear to lose all its weight, because it is heavier,, 
 bulk for bulk, than water is. It will therefore fall to 
 the bottom because it will still have weight. 
 Experiment 21. — If, however, the substance be 
 of the same weight, bulk for bulk, as water, such as 
 that of Experiment 18, then it will lose all its weight 
 when in water, and will not sink. If I therefore put 
 this substance into water, yon see it neither sinks nor 
 swims, but moves 9.bout anywhere, just as if it had nq 
 Now what will happen if the substance be h'ghter, 
 bulk for bulk, than water? How can it lose more 
 than its own weight ? you may ask. Let us learn, by 
 means of experiment, what will take place in such a 
 case as this. 
 Experiment 22.— Here I have a piece of wood 
 which is lighter, bulk for bulk, than water, and I force 
 it beneath the surface of the water ; but I find that 
 the upward pressure caused by the buoyancy of the 
 water is now greater than the weight of the substance, 
 so that it is forced up to the top of the water and 
 swims upon the surface. 
 Well, as the result of all these experiments, we may 
 conclude, firstly, that any substance immersed in water 
 appears to become lighter by the weight of its own 
 bulk or volume of water. And secondly, that in con- 
 sequence of this, if the substance be heavier, bulk for 
 bulk, than water, it will sink; if of the same weight, 
 bulk for bulk, as water, it will neither sink nor swim ; 
 but if lighter, bulk for bulk, than water, then it will 
 swim. ' 
 26. Comparative Density. — Now I wish to 
 show you that we have here got a method by which 
 we can tell how much any substance is heavier, bulk 
 for bulk, than water. 
 * Experiment 23. — Let us imagine that we have 
 a small piece of gold that weighs in air exactly 19 
 grains — this is its weight. Let us next weigh it in 
 water, and we find that it now weighs only 18 grains, 
 showing a loss of weight equal to i grain. Now this 
 loss is equal to the weight of its own bulk of water, 
 which is therefore i grain. But the gold in itself weighs 
 19 grains, so that it weighs 19 times as much as it? 
 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [properties 
 own bulk of water. This is what we mean when we 
 say that the specific gravity of gold is 19. Now 
 we shall get the same result whatever be the size or 
 shape of the piece of gold we use. But on the other 
 handy if a person put something into our hand that 
 was not really gold, but only like it, we should no 
 doubt find by weighing it in water that the sub- 
 stance was not so much as 19 times heavier than 
 its own bulk of water. This method of finding out 
 the specific gravity or relative density of bodies was 
 discovered more than 2,000 years ago by a philosopher 
 calkd Archimedes. Hiero, King of Syracuse, had a 
 crown of gold, and he had reason to believe that the 
 goldsmith had mixed a quantity of silver with the gold, 
 but he could not think of any way of finding this out — 
 so in his difficulty he applied to Archimedes. The true 
 way of finding it out occurred to Archimedes one day 
 when he had gone to take a bath, and the tradition is 
 that he immediately ran out of the bath quite naked, 
 shouting out "Eureka! Eureka!" which means "I have 
 found it out ! I have found it out I " He then went 
 home and got a piece of gold which he knew was 
 pure, and found that when weighed in water it lost 
 one-nineteenth part of its whole weight, from which 
 he argued as we have done, that pr^e gold is 19, 
 times as heavy as water, bulk for t ^Ik. He next 
 took Hiero's crown, but he found that when weighed 
 in water it lost more than one-nineteenth part of its 
 whole weight, from which he argued that it was not 
 made of pure gold, and doubtless the goldsmith was 
 properly punished for his theft. 
 27. Buoyancy of other Liquids. — Other 
 liquids besides water have buoyancy. Indeed, e^H 
 liquid has its own peculiar amount of buoyancy. A 
 very light liquid, such as alcohol or ether, has com- 
 paratively little; while a very heavy liquid, such as 
 mercury, has a great deal To convince you of this, I 
 have only to pour some of this mercury into a vessel, 
 and put on its surface a bit of iron — ^the iron, as you 
 see, floats ; showing that it is lighter, bulk for bulk, 
 than mercury. Gold, on the other hand, is heavier 
 than mercury; in fact, mercury is 13^ times as heavy 
 as water, bulk for bulk ; wh* ^ gold, you have already 
 seen, is about 19 times as 1 .avy, bulk for bulk. 
 Salt water is somewhat heavier than fresh ; and 
 there is in Palestine an inland lake called the Dead 
 Sea, so salt, and consequently so heavy, that a man 
 immersed in it could not possibly sink. 
 28. Capillarity. — Before leaving liquids, let me 
 just mention a well-known case in which water will 
 rise above its own level. 
 Experiment 24. — If we hold a lump of sugar above 
 the surface of water in a vessel, and allow its lower 
 end to touch the surface, we shall soon find the whole 
 lump wet In like manner, if we dip a strip of blotting- 
 paper or cotton-wick in water, we may convey it above 
 its level by these means. 
 But if we hold the sugar or strip of blotting-paper 
 with its lower end touching a surface of mercury, the 
 mercury will not rise into the sugar or the blotting- 
 paper ; so that these two liquids, water and mercury, 
 behave differently as regards the lump of sugar or the 
 strip of blotting-paper. In the first place, we see the 
 water rise mto them, and not only rise into them, but 
 remain there; the mercury, on the other hand, will 
 l^p( rise into them, and wiH not wet them ; in fact, 
 III. . D » 
 mercury has not a sufficient attraction for sugar to rise 
 into it, nevertheless mercury may be made to adhere 
 to a surface of silver or of gold, because it has a 
 great attraction for these metals. 
 29. Pressure of Air.— Gases have many points 
 of likeness to liquids, but in other respects the two 
 are very different. A liquid has a surface, so that you 
 may fill a bottle half full with a liquid and shake the 
 liquid against the sides of the bottle. But you cannot 
 do this with a gas. Here, for instance, I have a bladder 
 which contains gas, but the gas fills the whole bladder, 
 and not a part of it In fact, a gas has an intense 
 desire to fill any vacant space that is not already filled, 
 and will strongly exert itself to do so. 
 Experiment 25. — I can easily prove this by a very 
 simple experiment. I have here an air-pump which 
 I will afterwards describe to you ; meanwhile let me 
 tell you that by means of this air-pump, we can take 
 out of this bell-jar the atmospheric air which it now 
 contains. You see the india-rubber ball full of air 
 which I will put under the bell-jar. Now I will ex- 
 haust the bell-jar, that is to say, take its air out, and 
 what is the result ? There is air in the india-rubber 
 ball, but there is now none round about h, and in 
 consequence the air in the ball tries to fill the empty 
 space, but it can only do this by enlarging the ball, 
 arwi you see the ball grow bigger and bigger as I con- 
 tinue the exhaustion. I shall now let the air in, and 
 you se^ th^ b^U once more resumes its former siaj^, 
 5'ig. T3. 
 Experiment 26.— We may vary the experiment 
 this way. I shall now place on , 
 the bed-plate of the air-pump a 
 jar which is covered at its top 
 by a piece of india-rubber tied 
 tightly round the rim. I now 
 exhaust the jar as before, and 
 find that as I withdraw the air 
 from the inside of the jar, the 
 outside air trying to force itself 
 into the void space presses down 
 the india-rubber cover, and per- 
 haps, before the experiment is 
 over, the pressure may be great enough to burst the 
 30. Weight of Air. — You thus see that air will 
 force itself into any space that is empty, if it possibly 
 can, and indeed we have the greatest 
 difficulty in emptying all the air out of any 
 vessel. We can, however, take out the 
 greater part of the air which fills a vessel. 
 In fig. 14, for instance, is a vessel which 
 we can attach to the air-pump, and by this 
 means deprive it of air, and it will be found 
 that the vessel full of air weighs heavier than 
 the vessel empty, or, in other words, air has 
 Experiment 27. — Let us now attach a 
 light box bottom downwards to one of the 
 arms of the balance, and ascertain its weight. ^^^' **• 
 This weight may be said to be that of the box filled 
 with atmospheric air. 
 ^xpi^RjMENT ?8,— While this light box remains 
 counterpoised let us t ext fill it by displacement (see 
 Instructions) with a heavy gas called carbonic acid gas, 
 which you are told how to make in the Chemistry 
 Primer, Art. 33. You see that the pointer is dis- 
 placed showing that the vessel now weighs heavier 
 than when it was filled with ordinary air, so that 
 some gases are heavier than others. 
 Experiment 29. — Hydrogen is the lightest of all 
 gases, and accordingly let us now attach the box bottom 
 upwards to the arm and when it is counterpoised fill 
 it by (^^cement (sec Instructions) with hydrogen, 
 which you are told how to make in the Chemistry 
 iVimer, Art. 1 7 ; the pointer will now be displaced in 
 the opposite direction showing that the vessel weighs 
 much lighter than wher^ filled with air, although not 
 so light as if it had nothing in it. We learn from 
 this, that although the particles of gases appear to 
 repel each other, trying to get as far from one another 
 as they possibly can, and always filling the vessel that 
 holds them, yet they are attracted by the earth and have 
 weight, so that there is no danger of our atmosphere 
 rushing away from the earth. Instead of this the at- 
 mosphere clings to the earth as a sort of ocean, and at 
 the bottom of this ocean of air we all live and move. 
 Now as far as regards pressure and weight an ocean 
 of air is similar to one of water, and you may remem- 
 ber you v/ere told, page 26, . - the pressure of water 
 against the bottom of a vessel depends upon its depth, 
 so that at a great depth you have a great pressure, 
 and this pressure is exerted in all directions. 
 Now if you are told that we have a great pressure of 
 air upon us, you will naturally ask, — How is It then 
 that we do not feel this pressure ? We reply — simply 
 because the pressure is exerted in all directions, up* 
dt? CASES.] 
 wards, downwards, and sideways. Take a sheet of 
 paper — the pressure of the air not only acts on the 
 top of the sheet pressing it down, but it acts just as 
 strongly on the bottom of the sheet pressing it up, and 
 in consequence the sheet of paper can move about 
 freely just as if there was no pressure of the atmo- 
 spheric ocean upon it at all. And for the very same 
 reason you and 1 move about freely and do not feel 
 the pressure. Notwithstanding, I hope to convince 
 you by a simple experiment that we can make the 
 pressure of the air very perceptible. 
 Fig. IS. 
 Experiment 30. — Here are two hollow half-spheres 
 which exactly fit on to one another. Now let us press 
 them together and shut the stopcock, and you will 
 naturally ask why does not the pressure of the air 
 hold them finnly together ? The reason is that there 
 is also air within them, and this air presses out- 
 wards just as much as the air without them presses 
 inwards. But now let us fit on these two half-spheres 
 to the air-pump and take the air out of them, and 
 having done so let us shut the stopcock, and detach 
 them from the pump ; you will now find it very dif- 
 ficult to pull the two half-spheres asunder, because 
 while the air from without presses them together there 
 is no air from within to counteract this pressure, and 
 they are in consequence held very firmly together. 
 Now, since air is a fluid, and has weight, it will 
 have a certain amount of buoyancy, although not 
 nearly so much as water. If, therefore, a large bag 
 be filled with coal gas, or, better still, with hydrogen, 
 it will be lighter, bulk for bu?k, than the air, and will 
 therefore rise in it Such a bag is called a balloon, 
 and if sufficiently large it may also support a sm^l 
 car containing several people. 
 31. Barometer. Experiment 31. — Let us now 
 take a hollow tube of glass, open at one end and closed 
 at the other, fill it with mercury, and keeping the 
 finger tightly against the open end invert it into a 
 glass vessel also containing mercury, taking care not 
 to withdraw the finger from the open end until this 
 end is below the surface of the mercury in the glass 
 vessel. Here you see (fig. 16) we have the tube so 
 inverted standing upright in the vessel of mercury. 
 Now mark what happens. You see a blank space left 
 at the top of the upright tube of mercury, and your 
 first idea is that we must have let some air in, but 
 this is not the case. There is absolutely notHinsf ia 
 this blank space. You are next inclined i^ ask. Why 
 UliliDI III II'-- 
Ol^ GASES.] 
 does not the atmospheric air, which is no doubt 
 pressing in all directions, and therefore pressing upon 
 the surface of the mercury in the vessel, drive up the 
 mercury so as to fill this empty space ? The reply is 
 Fig. 16. 
 that it would if it could ; as it is it presses upwards 
 a^inst the surface of the mercury in the vessel with 
 ftifce sufficient to keep up in the tube a column of 
 hea^ mercury thirty inches high ; but it can do no more 
 — the weight of this mercury pressing downwards ex- 
 actly counterbalances the pressure of the air forcing it 
 upwards, and hence on the one hand the column of 
 mercury cannot push itself downwards, and on the 
 other the pressure of air cannot push the column 
 upwards, and we have therefore a blank space above 
 the column. This experiment was devised by an 
 Italian called Torricelli— the tube is called a Baro- 
 meter, and the empty space at the top is called tfec 
 Torricellian Vacuum. Most barometers are pro- 
 vided with a scale of inches by which the height of 
 the top of the column above the surface of mercury 
 in the cistern may be accurately measured. 
 32. Uses of the Barometer. — The barometer 
 is useful in many ways j for instance, we may by its 
 means tell the height of a mountain. You were told 
 (page 26) that the pressure is greater at the bottom of a 
 deep vessel of water than near the top, and the sane 
 thing takes place in this ocean of air in which wc 
 live — the pressure is greater near the bottom of this 
 aerial ocean than it is far up near the top. If there- 
 fore we go to the top of a high mountain, we have a 
 smaller weight of air above us than we had when down 
 below, and in consequence the pressure of the air will 
 be smaller at the top of the mountain than at the 
 bottom. The air will not now be able to balance the 
 same column of mercury as at the bottom, so that, in 
 the barometer, instead of a column of mercury thirty 
 inches high, we shall only have one of twenty-five inches 
 or possibly of twenty inches, depending upoyi the 
 height of the mountain. In fact the mercury will sink 
 lower and lower down in the tube of the barometer 
 s ex- 
 nn of 
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 by an 
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 by its 
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 air will 
 at the 
 ce the 
 that, in 
 op the 
 ill sink 
 the higher up you rise in the air, and thus by means 
 of the barometer you can tell to what height you have 
 gone. The barometer is also useful in telling us when 
 bad weal her is at hand. When the barometer falls, 
 that is to say, when the top of the column of mercury 
 gets lower in the tube and especially when it falls 
 quickly, we may expect bad weather. On the other 
 hand, if the mercury remains steady and high we may 
 expect a continuance of fine weather. 
 33, Air-pump. — We have abready spoken about 
 taking the air out of a jar, now this is done by the 
 air-pump. You wi see how this instrument acts 
 by means of the figure. But first of all I must tell 
 Fig. 17. : . 
 you what is meant by a valve. A valve is just a 
 tightly fitting trap-door that closes a hole, and that can 
 only open in one way — upwards, for instance. You 
 have, most of you, seen trap-doors in floors that open 
 upwards. Now in the figure you see to the left a bell- 
 jar full of air, which fits tightly upon a plate. You see 
 too coming out from the middle of the plate a tube 
 which opens into the bell-jar on the left side, and into 
 the cylinder or barrel oil the right, and thus connects 
 the two together. You see also a piston or plug that 
 can move up and down in the cylinder or banel. 
 SCIENCE PRIMERS, [properties 
 Finally you see two valves or small and tightly 
 fitting trap-doors, one of which is placed where the 
 tube enters the bottom of the cylinder, while the other 
 is in the piston itself. Both of these valves open 
 upwards and not downwards. 
 Now suppose we start with the piston at the bottom 
 of the cylinder, and the valves shut, and begin to pull 
 the piston up. In doing so we make an empty space 
 which the air on all sides will try to fill up if it possibly 
 can (Art 29). The air from above will try to press into 
 this space, but it will not be able to get in, and all it 
 can do will be to press against the outside of the 
 upper valve and keep it tightly shut, since the valve 
 does not open downwards. The air from the bell-jar 
 will succeed better, for it will rush through the tube 
 and press open the lower valve which opens upwards, 
 and then get into the empty space. Let us now 
 suppose that we have got the piston to the top of the 
 cylinder, and that we are beginning to press it down. 
 The push that we give to the piston, the piston gives 
 to the air ; and the air in its turn communicates this 
 push to the lower valve, which is kept shut. But the 
 air within is more successful with the upper valve, for 
 it pushes this open ; and so, as we continue to push 
 down the piston, all the air that was in the cylinder 
 below it is pushed out through the upper valve or trap- 
 door. But this air which we have pushed out was part 
 of the air that was originally in the bell-jar, so you 
 see that in the first double or up-and-down stroke of 
 the piston we have succeeded in squeezing out part of 
 the air of the jar. Let us now repeat the same process, 
 that is to say, raise the piston again, and the air from 
 above will shut the upper valve, while the air from the 
 i the 
 yS into 
 1 all it 
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 or trap- 
 50 you 
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 om the 
 bell-jar will rush along the tube, push open the lower 
 valve and fill the empty space which we make when 
 raising the piston. And when the piston descends 
 once more, the lower valve is kept shut, while the air 
 within pushes open the upper valve and gets out, 
 and thus in every double stroke we get rid of part 
 of the air in the bell-jar. Of course it is quite 
 necessary in working the pump that the piston shall 
 fit quite tightly into the cylinder ; for, if not, the air 
 will get in from without, and therefore we shall not 
 succeed in getting the air out from within. I have 
 now told you the way in which the air-pump works, 
 but you must not expect every air-pump to be precisely 
 like the figure I have given you; the principle, 
 however, of all air-pumps is the same, although the 
 appearance may be very different in each. 
 34. Water-pump. — Having now told you about 
 the air-pump, let us return for a moment to the baro- 
 meter. You have seen how the pressure of air is just 
 strong enough to hold up a column of mercury about 
 thirty inches high. But water is much lighter, bulk for 
 bulk, than mercury, and we might therefore expect the 
 pressure of the air to hold up a much longer column 
 of water than one of thirty inches. In truth, the pres- 
 sure of the air will hold up a column of water very 
 nearly thirty feet in height. 
 This will enable you to understand the mode of ac- 
 tion of the common pump. In the figure on the next 
 page you have a sketch revealing the interior of such a 
 pump. Below we have the reservoir from which we 
 wish to pump the water up, and we have a tube leading 
 from this reservoir up into the barrel of the pump. In 
 thi9 barrel ^ou s^e a piston which fits tightly into the 
 barrel, and in this piston there is a valve opening up* 
 wards, while at the bottom of the barrel there is another 
 valve also opening upwards. In fact, the barrel of the 
 lifting pump is quite similar to that of the air-pump, 
 and we may begin by supposing that the piston is at 
 the bottom of the cylinder. Let us now raise up the 
 piston, and just as in the air-pump, the air above will 
 press down the upper valve and keep it shut. The 
 air in the tube will on the other hand, rush up through 
 the lower valve in order to fill up 
 the empty space made by raising 
 up the piston. When we lower the 
 piston again, just as in the air- 
 pump, the lower valve will be shut, 
 and the valve in the piston will 
 open and let out some air. In 
 fact, we are now pumping out the 
 air from the barrel and the tube. 
 But meanwhile, what is the water in 
 the reservoir doing ? The air from 
 without continues pressing on the 
 surface of the water in the reservoir ; 
 but as we have been taking away 
 the air in the tube, this pressure of 
 outer air is no longer counter- 
 balanced by that of the air in the 
 tube; the outer air will therefore find itself unopposed, 
 and will drive up the water into the tube, until at last, 
 when all the air is taken away, the whole tube will 
 be filled with water. This water will then enter the 
 pump barrel through the lower, valve. 
 But all this will not take place if the distance be- 
 ^wc^p the surface of water in the reservoir and the 
 Fig. xS. 
 lower valve be more than thirty feet. For you have 
 just been told that the pressure of the air will support 
 a column of water thirty feet high, but if the column be 
 higher than this it will not support it. So that if there 
 be a greater distance than thirty feet between the sur- 
 face of the reservoir and the pump barrel, the wrier 
 will refuse to enter into the barrel, and do what, you 
 can you will not be able to entice the water quite up 
 into the barrel. If. however, the distance be not more 
 than about twenty-six or twenty-seven feet, \aq pump 
 will work well, and you will get the water to enter the 
 barrel. Suppose now that you have got the barrel 
 filled with water, and that you 'are pressing down the 
 piston. As you do this the pressure you give the 
 piston will be communicated > by the water to the 
 lower valve, which ./ill be kept closed. On the 
 other hand, the pressure of the water will force open 
 the upper valve which opens upwards, and the water 
 will get above the piston. Next time when you 
 pull up the piston, you will pull up this water with i., 
 and it will empty itself through the spout of the pump, 
 and the water will now come out of the spout at every 
 * Experiment 32. — To enable you to see witl. 
 your own eyes what goes pn in a common pump, 
 take a model in which the pump barrel is made ol 
 glass, so that you can see into it. You will thus see 
 that when we raise the piston, the upper valve shuts 
 and the under one opens, while, as the piston descends, 
 the under valve shuts and the upper valve opens. You 
 quite understand that the piston of the pump must fit 
 tightly on to the barrel, because otherwise the air will 
 get ia from above and prevent the action. SometimeS| 
 however, if a pump is not much used, the leather or 
 Other packing around the piston gets dry, and the 
 pump will not act In that case, if a little water is 
 thrown upon the piston, it wets the packing and 
 serves to make it tight. 
 35* Syphon* — Before leaving this subject, let me 
 describe to you an inr*rument called a syphon, of 
 which the action depends, like the pump, upon the 
 Fig. Z9. 
 pressure of the air. I shall not, however, explain its 
 principle. You see the syphon before you in the 
 figure ; it is used for conveying liquids from a vessel 
 at a higher to one at a lower level In the first place, 
 you must invert the syphon tube, and completely fill 
 it with water, keeping your finger at the end of the 
 ihorter tube. Now place the shorter end beneath 
 r is 
 , of 
 in its 
 n the 
 rf the 
 the surface of the water in the higher vessel as in the 
 figure, and remove your finger. Once you have done 
 this, the water will, thereupon, flow in a continuous 
 stream from the end of the longer tube into the lower 
 vessel, and you may by this means remove the water 
 completely from the upper into the lower vessel, pro- 
 vided the short tube of the syphon be long enough 
 to reach to the bottom of the upper vessel 
 36. Energy. — You have been told (page i) about 
 the moods or affections of things, and how a cannon- 
 ball in motion is a very different thing from one 
 at rest, or a hot cannon-ball from a cold one ; and 
 you have also been told that one of our great ob- 
 jects in this Primer is to find out something about 
 these varying moods or affections of matter. We 
 could not begin with this, for we had first of all to tell 
 you about the things themselves, and you ought now 
 to have a tolerably good acquaintance with solids, 
 liquids, and gases ; it is time, therefore, that you 
 learned something about the varying moods or affec- 
 tions of things. You were told that bodies were 
 sometimes full of energy, such as a cannon-ball in 
 motion, and sometimes utterly listless and devoid of 
 energy, such as a cannon-ball at rest, and in what follows 
 we cannot do better than study the most conspicuous 
 cases in which a body is full of energy. Now this 
 happens when a body is in actual motion, or when 
 it is in rapid vibration, or when it is heated, or 
 when it is electrified, and we shall therefore class 
 SCIENCE P/^/M£/^S. 
 energetic bodies under these four divisions. We shall 
 first of all speak of bodies in actual motion, and uitder 
 this head give you some idea of the way of acting of 
 such bodies ; we shall then speak of bodies in vibration, 
 such as a sounding drum or bell, and under this head 
 we shall tell you something about sound. We shall 
 next speak about heated bodies, and under this head 
 tell you something about light and heat ; and lastly, 
 when speaking about electrified bodies, you will hear 
 about that mysterious thing called electricity. We 
 cannot in this little Primer give you anything like a 
 complete account of the various moods of bodies, or 
 the various kinds of energy which they sometimes 
 possess. This must be reserved for a more advanced 
 stage; we can only give you a mere outline of the 
 subject, telling you at the same time that it is one of 
 very great importance. 
 37: l>efinition of Work.— When we say that a 
 man is full of energy, we mean that he is full of the 
 power of doing work ; and when we say that a thing is 
 full of energy, we mean in like manner that it is full 
 of the power of doing work. In fact, we measure the 
 energy of anything by the amount of work which it 
 can do before it is utterly spent. Now if we raise a 
 pound weight one foot high, we do a certain amount 
 of work, but if we raise it two feet high we do twice as 
 much work, if three feet high three times as much 
 work, and so on. If therefore we call the work of 
 raising a pound weight one foot high one, we should 
 call the work of raising it three feet high three. 
 Again, the work of raising two pounds to any height 
 is double the work of raising one pound to the same 
 height, so that the work of raising two pounds threi^ 
 ' fMT' " 
 feet high would be six. In fact, multiply the 
 number of pounds you raise by the number 
 of feet you raise them, and the product will 
 give you the work done. 
 Let us now suppose that we point a cannon straight 
 up into the air, and discharge a ball weighing i«^o lbs. 
 with velocity just enough to make it mount up i,ooo 
 feet before it turns ; we can tell at once from this how 
 much energy the ball had when it was discharged. It 
 had energy enough to carry loo lbs. (that is to say, 
 itself) up I, coo feet, and consequently ^ergy enough 
 to do work equal to i oo x i ,000 or 1 00,000. If we now 
 put a larger charge of powder into the cannon, we shall 
 make the ball come out with greater velocity. Sup- 
 pose that now it can mount up 1,500 feet before it 
 turns ; it has herefore energy capable of doing work 
 equal to 100x1,500=150,000. In fact, you see at 
 once that the greater the velocity or quickness with 
 which the ball is shot out, the higher will it go, the 
 more work will it do, and hence the greater energy 
 will it have. 
 38. Work done by amoving body. — I cannot 
 enter very fully here into the subject, but I will tell 
 you that a body shot upwards with a double velocity 
 will mount not twice but four times as high— 
 a body with a triple velocity not thrice but thrice 
 three times or nine times as high — and so on. 
 You see therefore that a cannon-ball of double the 
 velocity will do four times the jrk. But there are 
 other ways of measuring the work of a cannon-ball than 
 by seeing how high it can lift itself into the air, for we 
 may fire it into wooden planks placed one behind the 
 oAeft and we shall then find that a ball with a double 
 UL 1 
 velocity will go through nearly four times as many 
 planks, a ball with a triple velocity through nearly 
 nine times as many, and so on. You thus see that a 
 ball with a double velocity will have four times the 
 destructive effect of one with a single velocity, and 
 indeed in whatever way we measure its energy it will 
 have four times as much energy as the other, 
 39, Energy in repose. — It is very easy to see 
 that a body moving very fast has the power Ca doing 
 a great deal of work, but besides this we have often 
 energy in a quiet state, just as a man may be quiet, 
 and yet able to do a great amount of work when he 
 sets about it. Suppose there are two equally strong 
 men fighting together, each with a heap of stones which 
 fchey are throwing at each other, only the one with his 
 pile of stones is standing on the top of a house, while 
 the other man is standing at the bottom with his pile. 
 I need not ask you which of the two is likely to win 
 the day ; you will tell me at once the man at the top 
 of the house. Now why has he the advantage ? He 
 is not stronger or more energetic than the other — his 
 advantage is therefore due to the stones ; it is clearly 
 because his pile of stones is high up. He himself 
 has not more energy than the man at the bottom, but 
 his pile of stones has more energy than the pile of 
 stones of the man at the bottom, and thus you see 
 that the stones have an energy arising from the high 
 position in which they are placed ; they are, in fact, 
 capable of doing work, whether this be the very use- 
 less work of knocking down a man or the very useful 
 work of driving in a pile. Or let us ^mppose two 
 water mills — one having a large tank or pond of water 
 at a high level near it, while the other has a pond ot 
 tank of water, but at a level lower down than that of 
 the mill ; which mill is likely to work ? You will at . 
 once tell me, the one with the pond of water at a high 
 level, because the fall of water will drive round the 
 wheel. You see, therefore, that there is a great deal 
 of work to be got from a pond of water high up, or 
 a head of vrater, as this is called — real substantial 
 work, such as grinding com or threshing it, or turning 
 wood or sawing it. On the other hand, there is no 
 work at all to be got from a pond of water that is low 
 Let us now compare a water-mill driven by a head 
 of water with a windmill driven by the wind. The 
 wind is like the cannon-ball, although not moving so 
 fast, its energy being that of a body which is actually 
 moving : it is in fact rushing against the sails of the 
 windmill and driving them round ; and if we throw up 
 a feather or a straw in a strong gale, we find that it is 
 hurried away by the wind. But a water-mill has one 
 decided advantage over a windmill, for in a wmdmill 
 we must wait for the wind ; but if we have a water- 
 mill with a good head of water we may turn the water 
 on and off whenever we choose. We can keep our 
 stock of energy and draw upon it whenever we have a 
 mind. In fact, the energy of a body in motion is 
 like ready money which we are in the act of spending, 
 but the energy of a head of water, or of any body which 
 is high up, is like money in a bank, which we may draw 
 out whenever we want it. 
 « ^ ■ ' • \ 
 40. Sound. — A body that is changing its place 
 is of course in motion, but it does not follow that 
 every moving body changes its place as a whole; a 
 top that spins round very quickly is in motion, but 
 it does not change its place as a whole. 
 Experiment 33. — Here is a wire which you see 
 attached by one end to a support ; now if the other 
 end be struck it goes backwaids and forwards rapidly, 
 but the wire as a whok does not change its place. 
 AVhen the pardcles of such a wire are moving back- 
 wards and forwards, they are said to be in a state of 
 vibration. In like manner, when a bell or a drum 
 is struck the particles of the bell or drum 
 are in a state of vibration, or when the 
 string of a musical instrument is pulled 
 and let go, the string is in a state of 
 Now vibrating motion, just like motion 
 from place to place, denotes enei^gy, and 
 indeed the particles of a vibrating body 
 are moving actively about from side to 
 side ; if you try to stop them, they will 
 give you a blow. If anything is in their way, they will 
 give it a blow — the atmospheric air is, and they conse- 
 quently give it a blow. Indeed each time the top ^ this 
 vibrating wire comes back it gives the air a knock in 
 the same direction. In fact, a vibrating body gives in 
 a short time a great number of little knocks to the tiir. 
 When the air is struck, it does not receive the stroke 
 Fig. to. 
, '-r^- 
 quietly, but strikes the air next it, and this in turn 
 strikes the air next it, and so on, until the blow given 
 to the air is carried over a great distance. At last 
 this blow reaches your ear or mine, and we get a blow, 
 which, however, does not aifect us in the same way as 
 a blow that knocks us down, and therefore we do not 
 call it a blow ; but we say that a sound has struck 
 our ears — in fact we hear a sound. 
 41. What is noise and what music. — Now 
 if the body that strikes the air just deals it one 
 single blow, such as when a cannon is fired, the 
 air, carries Uiis one blow to our ear, and we say that 
 we hear a noise. If however the body that strikes the 
 air be in vibration, and deal it a great number of little 
 blowr> in one second, the air will carry these on and 
 give i>ur ears just as many blows in one second, and 
 then we say that we hear a musical sound. Thus 
 you see a noise is a single blow given to our 
 ear, but a musical sound is caused by a series 
 of little blows following one another at regu- 
 lar intervals. More than this, if the vibrating body 
 which is the cause of this disturbance deals the air only 
 a comparatively small number of blows in one second, 
 then the air will of course only deal us the same num- 
 ber in one second, and we shall hear a deep low 
 note ; but if the vibrating body vibrates very quickly 
 and deals the air a great number of blows in one 
 second, the air will of course deal us just as many, and 
 we shall hear a shrill high note. Thus you see 
 a deep low note means a small number of 
 blows dealt to our ears in one second, while 
 a shrill high note means a great number of 
 blows in the same time. A very shrill nr^e will 
 be given by 20,000 blows in one second, and a very 
 low note by 50 blows in the same time. 
 42. Sound can do work. — ^A musical note is 
 pleasant, but a noise or single blow is disagreeable, 
 and sometimes it hurts or even destroys the ear if 
 it be a very violent one. Thus if a large cannon 
 were discharged, the blow to the ear might in some 
 cases destroy its hearing power; or if the sound 
 struck against a pane of glass, the concussion mighi 
 be s*) strong as to shatter the glass, and sometimes; 
 in such cases as the explosion of a powder magazine 
 all the windows in the neighbourhood are shattered 
 to pieces. Thus you see that a loud noise is something 
 with energy in it, and that it can do work — more 
 especially work of a destructive nature. 
 43. It requires Air to carry it. * Experiment 
 34.— Let us try to ring a bell in a place where 
 J there is no air, such as an exhausted receiver. There 
 being no air, there will be nothing which the moving 
 particles of the bell can give a blow to, and hence 
 no sound will reach our ears. Jn fact, a bell that 
 has been struck, or any other vibrating body, has in 
 it a quantity of energy, of which it parts with some 
 to the air, while the air in its turn parts with some to 
 our ear. But if there be no air, there is nothing to 
 carry to our ear the energy of the vibrating body. 
 44. Its mode of motion through Air. — Let us 
 now think a little about the nature of this thing called 
 sound, which is given out to the air by bodies in vibra- 
 tion, and which is then carried to a great distance by 
 the air itself. 
 In the first place, when a cannon is discharged a 
 mile or two off, do not imagine that the same partides 
 of air travel all the way from the cannon to your ear. 
 The particles near the cannon give a blow to those 
 next ihena and then stop, the particles that have re- 
 ceived the blow give in their turn a blow to those 
 next thera and then stop, and so on, till the blow 
 reaches your ear. What really happens will be made 
 quite plain by the following experiment 
 ^ * Experiment 35. — Let us take a series of elastic 
 balls suspended in a row by separate threads, so as to 
 Fig. 2x. 
 hang loosely together, just touching one another. Let 
 us now pull aside endways the first ball, and allovi 
 it to give a blow to the second. What will happen ? 
 The first ball having delivered its blow to the 
 ^'^cond, will become quite still. The second will 
 vv y quicWy transmit the blow to the third, and be- 
 come still in its turn ; the third will do so likewise, 
 until the impulse reaches the last ball of the series, 
 which being the last will be put in motion l^ the blow. 
 Now the first ball may be likened to the particles of 
 air which are next the cannon, and the last ball to the 
 particles that are next your ear, and thus you see how 
 the blow from the air next the cannon is transmitted 
 to the air next your ear without the necessity of the 
 same individual particles of air moving all the distance 
 in order to carry it. 
 Those of you who have played at croquet must have 
 noticed what takes place when you croquet your ad- 
 versary's ball. In this case you hold your own ball 
 tightly under your foot while your adversary's is just 
 touching it : you then by means of the mallet give a 
 blow to your own ball, which docL not however move, 
 but which transmits the blow to your adversary's ball 
 with sufficient force to send it a great way off. We 
 have here, therefore, a result the same as in the series 
 of balls. 
 45. Its rate of motion. — Again, this impulse or 
 blow which we call sound requires time in order to 
 pass from the cannon to our ear. No doubt it travels 
 very fast, as fast as a xifle-ball, but yet it does not pass 
 instantaneously from the cannon to our ear. 
 Most of you have no doubt seen a cannon fired a 
 long distance off, and you then saw, first of all the 
 flash and puff of smoke, and after a few seconds you 
 heard the noise. Now these few seconds are the time 
 which the sound or impulse took to travel from the can- 
 non to your ear. You saw the flash the very moment 
 the qannon was fired, and therefore, counting from its 
 appearance, you know how long the sound took to 
 travel from the cannon to you. Suppose, for instance^ 
 that the cannon was 11,000 feet away, and that you 
 reckoned ten seconds between Ihe flash and the report, 
 you therefore conclude that sound takes ten seconds to 
 pass through ii,ooo feet of air, or that it moves at the 
 rate of i,iob feet a second, which is ]"~ett> near the 
 Sound will, however, pass through water much more 
 quickly than through air, and by means of experiments 
 made at the Lake of Geneva it has been ascertained 
 that the rate of progress of sound through water is 
 nearly four times as great as through air. Sound travels 
 through wood or iron still faster — through wood, for 
 instance, it travels from lo to i6 times as fast as 
 through air, so that it would pass through more than 
 two miles' length of Avooden logs in one second of time. 
 46. Echoes. — Suppose now that I stand in the 
 centre of a large natural amphitheatre, having rocky 
 cliffs all round me, and from this position let me dis- 
 charge a gun — the noise or impulse will spread from the 
 gun to the rocky cliffs and strike them, but something 
 more will happen after that. The sound when it has 
 struck the cliffs, finding it can get no further, will come 
 back again, and in this particular case it will come 
 back along the very same line that it went, travelling 
 always at the rate of about r, 100 feet per second. The 
 result will be that a few seconds after the gun has been 
 fired I shall hear the sound that has travelled back from 
 the cliffs just as if another gun had been fired. Now 
 this sound is called an echo. 
 You thus see that in the case of echoes we have 
 the sound or impulse striking an obstacle and then 
 reflected back from it, but it does not always come 
 back in the same direction in which it goes ; this 
 depends upon the shape of the surface against which 
 it strikes. A very curious expeiiment is that which is 
 shown in the following figure. Place two large hoiiow 
 reflectors at some distance from one another, and in a 
 point called the focus of the one put a watch, while 
 you place your ear in the focus of the other ; you will 
 then hear the ticking of the watch very distinctly, just 
 as if it were close to your car. The reason of this is 
 that the blows given by the watch to the air strike 
 against the left-hand reflector, and are reflected from 
 Fig* 29. 
 it indirections which bring them to the other reflector, 
 from which they are ^hen all reflected into the ear. 
 All this is shown in the figure. This property of 
 sound makes a very nice experiment, but it has some- 
 times proved inconvenient in practice : for instance, in 
 the Cathedral of Girgenti in Sicily, it is related that 
 the slightest whisper is conveyed from the great west- 
 ern door to the cornice behind the high altar, and that 
 unfortunately the former station was chosen as the 
 place of the confessional. The result was that a lis- 
 tener i^ced at the other station often heard what was 
 never intended for the public ear, until at length this 
 caineto be knowD, and another site was chosen. The 
 reflection of sound also explains what takes place in 
 whispering galleries. In that of St. Paul's in London, 
 for instance, a whisper at one side of the dome is 
 conveyed to the opposite side across a very consider- 
 able distance. 
 47. How to find the number of vibrations 
 in one second corresponding to any note. 
 —I have told you that when a vibrating body gives 
 the air a small number of blov/s in one second, we 
 have a d^ep note, and that when it strikes the air very 
 often in one second, we have a shrill high note : what 
 * Fig. as- 
 is called the pitch or tone of the note depends there 
 fore upon the number of blows which is given to the 
 air in one second. Now we can find out by experimn.nt 
 how many blows in one second correspond to any 
 particular note, and I hope by means of the above 
 figure to make it dear to you how this ia doae» 
 You see a large wheel a to the right, which is 
 turned by a handle. Over the circumference or rim 
 of this wheel we have a strong tight strap which passes 
 over the axle of another wheel b. The result is 
 that by mean: of the strap the axle of the wheel b 
 will go round a great many times for a single turn of 
 A, and the wheel b will itself of course move with 
 its axle — ^in fact, b may be made to move round very 
 quickly. You see, too, thai b is full of small teeth. 
 Now there is a bit of card placed at e against the 
 teeth of b, so that each tooth strikes the card as it 
 Each time the card is struck we hear a sound, 
 because a blow is given by the card to the air. If 
 there are loo teeth in the wheel b, there will be loo 
 blows given to the air in the time that b goes once 
 round. If b goes round once in a second, loo blows 
 wiU be given to the air, and in consequence loo 
 sounds Will strike our ear in one second, each single 
 sound of which we shaH not be able to distinguish, 
 but we shall hear an apparently continuous deep note. 
 Now by driving the handle fast enough I can make b 
 go round loo times in a second, and during each time 
 it ^vill strike the card loo times ; the card will in this 
 case be struck loo times loo, or 10,000 times in one 
 second : 10,000 little blows will now strike the ear each 
 second, and we shall hear ai continuous shrill note. 
 Now when you wish to find the number of blows in 
 one second corresponding to a given note, what you 
 have to do is this. Turn the handle more and more 
 quickly until the instrument by means of the card gives 
 you a note precisely of the sams pitch as the note 
 y ju have got to measure ; and when you have once 
 got the proper speed, keep turning the handle for some 
 time at the same speed, say for one minute or more. 
 Now there is connected with the wheel b a dial 
 (which is shown separately in a large scale lying below), 
 and the dial registers how many times the card has 
 been struck since you began to turn. You must 
 therefore, when you yourself are turning the handle 
 steadily at the speed which gives the right note, get 
 another observer to note the position of the hand 
 in the dial at the b'^Qinning and at the end of one 
 minute. Suppose he finds out by the dial that during 
 this minute the card has been struck 60,000 times, 
 this will correspond to 1,000 times in one second, and 
 hence you conclude that the note given out is that 
 which corresponds to 1,000 blows given every second 
 to the air. 
 48. Nature of Heat. — You have seen that a 
 body in actual motion may be said to possess eneigy, 
 and also that the same may be said of a body in 
 vibration. You have further seen that a body in 
 vibration does not, in consequence, move about from 
 one place to another, but remains at rest as a whole, 
 while, however, its various particles are moving about 
 alternately forwards and backwards. 
 You have now to consider bodies in a heated state. 
 First of all, what is heat ? Let us reply by supposing 
 an iron ball to be put into the fire, and when white- 
 hot suppose we take it out, put it on the scale-pan 
 of a bidaiicei counterpoise it^ aii4 allow it to cqq). 
 Now if heat be something that has entered into the 
 ball we should expect that as it cools it will grow con- 
 tinually lighter. If, however, this experiment be 
 properly made, it will be found that the iron ball does 
 not lose weight as it cools, and therefore, whatever 
 heat be, its presence has not made the ball one grain 
 the heavier. 
 Let me now suppose that I place myself upon a 
 very delicate scale-pan, and while I am there, exactly 
 counterpoised, let some water enter my ear. Of 
 course I shall now be heavier than I was before. 
 Suppose, however, that a sound enters my ear. Will 
 the sound make me heavier ? Not one whit. It will 
 strike what is called the drum of my ear, and set it 
 vibrating, and I shall hear the sound, but I shall not 
 be the least whit heavier in consequence of the 
 entrance of the sound into my ear. In fact, while the 
 entrance of water is the entrance of matter, and 
 makes me heavier, the ^iittiince of sound is only the 
 entrance of a kind of vibratory motion, and does 
 not make me heavier. Now may not something of 
 the kind take place in heated bodies ? May not the 
 entrance of heat mean the entrance of some kind of 
 vibratory or backward and forward motion, that does 
 not add anything to the weight of the body ? 
 We have strong reasons for thinking that heat is 
 really a kind of vibratory motiooi so that when a 
 body is heated each extremely small particle of it is 
 moving about either backwards and forwards or round 
 and round. But these particles are so very small, and 
 cheir motion so very rapid, that the eye has no means 
 of seeing what really takes place. 
 Why dien, you will >ay> doe$ pot ^ h^t^ bcdy' 
 give out a sound, if, as you tell us, its particles are in a 
 state of rapid motion? Why does not such a body 
 give a series of small blows to the air around it, just 
 as a body in ordinary vibration does ? We reply, thai 
 a heated body does give a series of blows to the 
 medium around it ; and although these blows are such 
 that they do not affect the ear, yet they affect the 
 eye, and give us the sense of light You see now how 
 great a likeness there is between a sounding body 
 such as a bell and a hot body such as a white-hot 
 ball. The particles of both bodies are in a state of 
 rapid motion : those of the bell strike the air around 
 the bell, and the air conveys the blows to our ear ; the 
 particles of the hot ball also deal a succession of blows 
 to the medium around the ball, and this medium 
 conveys the blows to our eye. Thus when we experi- 
 mented on vibrating bodies we used the ear, but when 
 we experiment on highly heated bodies we use the 
 eye. And in each case there are two divisions to the 
 subject : for in vibrating bodies we have to study in the 
 first place the bodies themselves, how fast they vibrate, 
 in what way they vibrate, and so on, and in the second 
 place we have to learn the rate at which the sound 
 they give out is carried through the air ; so in the case 
 of heated bodies, we have first of all to study the 
 bodies themselves, and secondly to learn how fast the 
 rays of light and heat which they give out travel 
 through the air. 
 49. Expansion of bodies when heated. — 
 When a body is heated, it almost always expands; 
 that is to say, it gets larger in all directions. To prove 
 to you that this is the case let us heat a solid, a Uquid| 
 and a gas. 
 * Experiment 36.— Let us take (fig. 24) a long 
 metallic rod held tightly by a screw at one end, b. 
 The other end is, however, free to expand, and in 
 doing so it will press against the pointer, p, and in 
 consequence this pointer will rise; if, therefore, the 
 bar expands ever so little, this expansion will be seen 
 very easily, for it will make the pointer alter its posi- 
 tion, and rise np towards the top. Now let us place 
 two or three lamps beneath the rod and heat it, and 
 we shall find that the rod expands, and presses 
 against the pointer so that it rises. If the lamps be 
 withdrawn, the rod will cool, and in the course of a 
 few minutes the pointer will have fallen into its old 
 Expfii^iMENT 37.— Here is a hollow glass bulb 
 which 1^ filled with water; let us now heat this 
 glass bulb, and the water will rise in Ihe fine tube 
 which is attached to the bulb. In this case both the 
 glass bulb and the water expand^ but the water ex- 
 pands more than the glass bulb, and hence it pushes 
 its way upwards in the fine tube : indeed it expandis 
 with such force that if there were no empty tube into 
 which it might rise it would burst the bulb, 
 it n 
 Experiment 38. — To vary the experiment, let us 
 now take a bladder which is about two-thirds filled with 
 air and heat it over the fire, turning it round so that 
 it may not burn. In a short time the air will have 
 expanded so as to make the bladder appear quite full. 
 50. Thermometers. — You see from all these 
 experiments that the tendency of heat is to make 
 things expand, whether they be solids, liquids, or 
 gases. And now let us particularly consider mercury 
 in a bulb of glass, which like water will become 
 expanded and run up the fine tube when heat is 
 applied. Here we have in reality two things expand- 
 ing. In the first place the bulb itself expands, so that 
 if you were accurately to gauge the bulb when cold 
 and when hot, you would find it to be slightly 
 larger when hot. The bulb, however, does not ex- 
 pand so much as the mercury, and in consequence 
 the mercury is not content with occupying its old 
 position in the tube attached to t^^e bulb, — it must 
 have more room, and to get this it rises in the tube, 
 xnd, the tube being very fine, a very small expansion 
 of the mercury causes a very considerable rise in the 
 tube, and is thus easily seen by the eye. In fact, 
 the mere warmth of your hand will drive the mercury 
 rapidly up the tube, and a mere breath of cold air 
 will drive it down. An instrument of this kind is 
 therefore very useful for telling whether one thing is 
 hotter or colder than another, and answers very much 
 better for this purpose than the feeling of touch. 
 Suppose, for instance, that we place such an instrument 
 with its bulb in a vessel of water, and leave it there 
 for a few minutes, the top of the mercury will then 
 keep a fixed position in the tube. Let us make a 
 HI, f 
 mark, and note this position accurately. Let us 
 now take the instrument out of this vessel of water 
 and place it into another vessel also containing 
 water. If this water be hotter than the first, the 
 mercury will rise above the mark which we made — that 
 is to say, the end of its column will now be higher up \ 
 if, however, this water be colder than the first, the 
 mercury will sink below the mark which we made ; 
 and thus by observing the height of the meicury in 
 the tube, we can at once tell whether the second' 
 vessel of water be hotter or colder than the first. 
 An instrument of this kind is called a thermo- 
 meter, and I shall now tell you how a thermometer 
 is made. 
 51. How to make them.— To make a thermo- 
 meter, get a glassblower to blow a hollow bulb 
 at the end >f a tube of glass, with a very fine bore, 
 the other end of this fine tube being open to the 
 air. Next heat the bulb in a flame; in doing 
 this the air in the bulb expands (just as it did 
 when we heated the bladder) ; but the other end of 
 the fine tube being open, the expanded air gets out 
 tlHFCWgh this end. Next, before the air has had 
 IIm to cool, plunge the open end of the fine tube 
 below the surface of a vessel containing mercury. 
 The bulb, remember, now contains less air than it 
 ^iU m first, part having been driven out by heat. 
 Jhi^B air cools it shrinks into less bulk, and the 
 fiiil^ of the air from without drives up the mer- 
 c«y to occupy the vacant space, just as it drove up 
 riie water in the water-pump (Art. 34). Part erf this 
 mercury ^.viH therefore be driven into the bulb. We 
 hava DO!? got a littk mercury ia the bulb, and w^ 
 next take the bulb with the mercury in it and heat 
 it well above the flame of a lamp — ^bulb, tube, and all 
 The mercury will soon begin to boil, and its vapour 
 will drive out the air before it, until bulb and tube 
 will both be filled with the vapour of mercury. When 
 this is done, we plunge the open end of^he tube once 
 more into a vessel of mercury. As there 
 is now no air in the tube or in the bulb, 
 but only vapour of mercury, when this 
 cools it will condense and there will be a 
 vacuum, and the mercury in which the 
 instrument is plunged will be driven up 
 by the pressure of the outside air until it 
 , fills both tube and bulb. We have thus 
 filled both tube and bulb with mercury, 
 and now before it has cooled we seal the 
 open end by melting the glass, so as to 
 keep the air out, and this part of the 
 process is then complete. 
 Having thus got our thermometer tube, 
 we plunge it when sufficiently cool into a 
 box containing pounded ice which is in 
 the act of melting. The column of mer- 
 cury of course falls in the tube because 
 the ice is very cold : (you have been told 
 that the column of mercury falls when ^v- "s- 
 the bulb is plunged in a cold substance.) When the 
 mercury ceases to fall, mark off with a file the posi- 
 tion of the top of its column in the tule : this is the 
 position which the top of the column will alway* 
 occupy when the instrument is put into melting ice> 
 or something equally cold. Having done this, next 
 take the thermometer tube and plunge both bulb 
 F 2 
 and tube into boiling water, and mark off the posi- 
 tion of the top of the column as before. The column 
 will now, of course, be very high, for the mercury 
 will have expanded very much in consequence of 
 the hot water. You have now got two marks on your 
 fine tube — the'^one denoting the position of the top of 
 the column of mercury when you plunge the bulb into 
 melting ice, the other the position of the top of the 
 column when you \ 'upf 'Jie bulb and tube into boiling 
 water. You will . trwv^rds learn that the heat of 
 boiling water is not <.^ -c . rnstant, but for the present 
 we may regard boiling water liS having a fixed heat 
 Having thus got two points marked or scratched 
 with a file upon the tube of the thermometer cor- 
 responding to the freezing and to the boiling points 
 of water, the next operation is to divide the whole 
 distance between these two points into loo equal 
 parts. This is done by coating the whole tube with 
 wax, and then making scratches in the wax-coating 
 with the point of a needle at the proper places. If 
 we then dip the whole tube into a solution of hydro- 
 fluoric acid, this will not affect the wax, but it will 
 affect the glass where the point of the needle has 
 cut through the wax. After the tube has been taken 
 out of the solution we shall therefore find that all 
 the lines which we made with the point of the needle 
 have eaten into the gla^s by help of the acid, and 
 form, in fact, a scale of lines by the aid of which we 
 may rise from the freezing to the boiling point of water 
 through ICO steps or stairs, each step denoting some- 
 thing hotter than the one below it, and colder than the 
 on ! above it. 
 Finally, let us call the lower step q degree, the 
 upper step loo degrees, and let us also number every 
 ten steps between these two, and our thermometer is 
 Such an instrument is called a centigrade ther- 
 mometer, which means a thermometer with a 
 hundred steps ; and as this is the most convenient 
 form of graduation, we shall always use it 
 If a substance be of such a heat that when a ther- 
 mometer is placed in it the end of the column rises 
 to I o or 20 or 30, we say the temperature of the 
 substance is 10 or 20 or 3* degrees, and so on. Melting 
 ice therefore has the temperature of o deg ee (written 
 0°) on the Centigrade scale, and boilir j vater the 
 temperature of 100 degrees (written lod") on the 
 same scale; 20"* is a good summer heat, and 35** is 
 about the heat of our blood, or blood- eat. In fact, 
 such an instrument gives us a very accurate means 
 of measuring temperature. 
 52. Expansion of Solids. — By a method similar 
 to that of Experiment 36, only more accurate, we 
 have found out how much rods made of glass or of 
 metal expand between the freezing and the boiling 
 points of water, that is to say between o"* and loo' of 
 the thermometer, and the results are exhibited in the 
 following table :— 
 Expanuon between the 
 freezing and the boiling 
 points of water of a rod 
 xoo,ooo inches long. 
 , , , ♦ 85 inches. 
 Soft iron 
 Cast iron 
 Lead • 
 Platinum . 
 Expansion between the 
 freezing and the boiling 
 points of water of a roc 
 100,000 inches long. 
 282 inches 
 53. Expansion of Liquids. — Liquids expand 
 more than solids when you increase their heat, but 
 you cannot make an experiment upon a liquid rod, 
 because a liquid cannot form a rod. In this case let 
 us take a definite measure, such as a pint, and find 
 what would be the overflow in pints of a liquid that 
 occupied 100,000 pints at the freezing-point of water 
 if it were raised to the boiling-point 
 Now, if 100,000 pints of mercury were heated from 
 o' to 100', or from the freezing to the boiling point, 
 there would be an overflow of 1,815 pints; and if 
 100,000 pints of water were heated between the same 
 range, there would be an overflow of 4,315 pints. 
 It is found by such experiments that 
 Liquids expand more than solids for the 
 same increase of temperature, and that 
 liquids expand more rapidly at a high than 
 at a low temperature. 
 54. Expansion of Gases. — Gases expand 
 through heat, and that to a great extent; but here 
 we must bear in mind that other things besides 
 heat will make gases expand. You remember the 
 india-rubber ball that was put into a rieceiver and 
 began to expsmd when the air was withdrawn from the 
 to si 
 receiver (Experiment 25). When, therefore, we wish 
 to see how much a quantity of gas expands through 
 heat, we must take care that the air which surrounds 
 the gas does not change its pressure : in other words, 
 we must take a bladder with some air in it, and find 
 how much it expands when heated in the open air — 
 that is to say, under the constant pressure of the 
 atmosphere — between the freezing and the boiling 
 points of water. 
 When this is done, it is found that if a bladder 
 not completely filled with air have a volume equal to 
 1,000 cubic inches at the freezing-point, its volume at 
 the boiling-point will be 1,367 cubic inches. If therefore 
 we have a large quantity of ice-cold water in a vessel 
 and force this bladder containing 1,000 cubic inches 
 beneath the water, we shall find the water rise in 
 the vessel through * a space denoting 1,000 cubic 
 inches — this being the increase of volume due to the 
 bladder. But if we take the same vessel, only filled 
 with boiling water, and plunge the bladder into it, we 
 shall find the water rise through a space denoting 
 1,367 cubic inches — this being the volume of the 
 bladder at this temperature. 
 55. Remarks on Expansion. — Liquids and 
 solids expand with immense force. If ycu were to 
 fill an iron ball quite full of water, shut it tightly 
 down by means of a screw, and then heat the ball ; 
 the force of the expansion would be great enough to 
 burst the ball 
 In large iron and tubular bridges allowance must be 
 noade so that the iron has room to expand ; for in the 
 middle of summer the bridge will be somewhat longer 
 than in the middle of winter, and if it has not room 
 sc/ej^CjE primers. 
 to lengthen out, it will be injured by the force tend- 
 ing to expand it. There is an arrangement for this 
 purpoi&e in the Menai Tubular Bridge. 
 We take advantage of the force of expansion and 
 contraction in many ways — for instance, in making 
 carriage wheels. The iron tire is first made red-hot, 
 and in this state is fitted on loosely upon the wheel ; 
 it is then rapidly cooled, and in so doing it contracts, 
 grasps the wheel firmly, and becomes quite tight 
 56. Specific Heat. — Some bodies require a greater 
 amount of heat than others in order to raise their tem- 
 perature one degree. The quantity of heat required 
 to raise a pound weight of any substance one degree 
 is called its specific heat. Water has a very great 
 specific heat ; that is to say, it requires more heat to 
 raise a pound of water one degree than it does to 
 raise almost any other substance. The heat required 
 to raise a pound of water one degree will raise through 
 one degree 9 lbs. of iron, 1 1 lbs. of zinc, and no less 
 than 30 lbs. of mercury or gold. 
 Experiment 39. — To convince you of the great 
 specific heat of water, let us take 2 lbs. weight of 
 mercury and heat it to 100°, or the boiling-point of 
 water, and let us then mix it with i lb. of water at an 
 ordinary temperature. Now note the height of a 
 thermometer placed in the water both before and 
 after the mixture, and you will find that it has hardly 
 risen more than 5° in consequence of the hot mercury 
 being poured in. 
 57. Change of state.— Yqu have already heard 
 about the three states of matter — the solid, the liquid, 
 and the gaseous. I have now to tell you that substances 
 x>'hen heated piss first from the solid to the lioj^id, and 
 Pli YSICS. 
 then from the liquid to the gaseous state. You 
 are told in the Introductory Primer that ic », water, 
 and steam have precisely the same composition, and 
 that ice becomes water if it be heaicil, while w?ter 
 becomes steam if we continue the heat The very 
 same ':hange will happen to other substances if we treat 
 them m the same way. Let us, for instance, take a 
 piece of the metal called zinc and heat it ; after some 
 time it will melt, and if we still continue to heat it, it 
 will at last pass away in the shape of zinc vapour. Even 
 hard, solid iron or steel may be made to melt, and 
 even driven away in the shape of vapour ; and by 
 means of an agent called electricity (of which more 
 hereafter) we can probably heat any substance suffi- 
 ciently to drive it away in the state of vapour or gas. 
 We cannot, however, cool all bodies sufficiently to 
 bring them into the solid or even into the liquid 
 state. Thus, for instance, pure alcohol has never 
 been cooled into a solid; but we know very well 
 that all we have to do is to obtain greater cold 
 in order to succeed in freezing alcohol In like 
 manner, we have never been able to cool the atmo- 
 spheric air sufficiently to bring it into the liquid 
 form ;. but we know very well that all we require 
 in order to succeed is to obtain greater cold. 
 You must not, however, imagine from what I have 
 said, that cold means anything else than the absence 
 of heat A cold body is a body which has little 
 heat, a^d a still colder body has still less heat ; but 
 even the coldest body which we can produce has a 
 little heat left. Do not be guided in this respect by 
 your feeling of touch. Two bodies may be of the 
 &ame temperature^ as shown by the thermometer; 
 and yet the one may feel much colder to you than 
 the othei \ and if you keep one hand for some time 
 ill very cold and the other in very hot water, and 
 then plunge them both into water of ordinary heat, 
 this water will seem hot to the one hand and cold 
 to the other. Do not therefore be guided by any- 
 thing else than the thermometer, or imagine that 
 cold is anything else than the absence of heat. 
 1 o return to our subject. Probably all bodies, if we 
 could cool them enough — that is to say, take away 
 enough of their heat — would assume the solid state ; 
 and then, when each was again heated sufficiently, it 
 would become liquid, until at last, if still heated, it 
 would be driven off in the shape of gas or vapour. 
 There would, however, be a great difference between 
 the different bodies in the ease with which they would 
 yield. Ice soon melts if we apply heat ; tin or lead 
 require to be heated to 200 or 300 degrees before 
 they will melt ; iron is more difhcult to melt than 
 leid \ and platinum is more difficult than iron. A 
 body very difficult to melt is called refractory. 
 In the following table we have the temperature at 
 which some of the most useful subs 
 Ice melts at 
 Tin . 
 Lead . 
 Silver . 
 Gold . 
 Iron , 
 ances begin to melt, 
 . 1,250'' 
 • 1,500^ 
 Platinum is so difRcult to melt that we cannot tell 
 At what temperature it does so. And carbon is still 
 more difficult to melt — indeed in the very hottest fire 
 the coal or carbon is always sc'id ; and no one ever 
 heard of the coals melting down and trickling out 
 Uirough the furnace bars. 
 We thus see that the same sort of change takes 
 place in all bodies through heat ; that is to say, if we 
 could reach a temperature sufficiently low, all bodies 
 would become solid like ice, and if we could reach 
 one sufficiently high, all would become gaseous like 
 steam : in fact, the change that takes place is always 
 of the same kind, and we cannot do better than use 
 water as a type of all other things in this respect, and 
 study the . behaviour of this substance under heat, 
 beginning with its solid state when it appears in the 
 shape of ice. 
 . 58. Latent heat of Water. — Let us take some 
 very cold ice, pound it into small pieces, and put the 
 bulb of our thermometer into this pounded ice. Let 
 us suppose that the reading of our instrument shews 
 a temperature 20 degrees below the point we call 
 0°. Now let us heat the ice, and its temperature will 
 rise like that of any other solid under like circum- 
 stances until it comes to 0°, but at this point it will 
 svop, and rise no fiir^^hcr as loiii^ as any ice remains. 
 What then does the heat do if it does not raise the 
 temperature above this point? We reply, it melts 
 the ice. At first the heat is wholly spent in raising 
 the temperature of the very cold ice, but when this 
 temperature has reached o® the heat has quite a 
 different office to perform ; its power is now wholly 
 spent ill melting the ice, and when the ice ij ^il aeited 
 the water has only the temperature o^, being no 
 hotter than melting ice. In fact, water at o** is equal 
 to ice at o% together with a laige ametil of heat, 
 which we call latent heat because it does dot affect 
 the thermometer. 
 Experiment 40. — ^You may prove this by putting 
 some pounded ice into a tin pan and heating it over 
 a lamp until there is only a little ice left If you then 
 plunge a thermometer into the melted ice, you will 
 find that the temperature will hardly be above o", or 
 in fact the melted ice will be as cold as the ice before 
 it was melted. 
 59* Latent heat of Steam.— We have now 
 changed our ice iuto water, and if we continue to 
 heat this water its temperature will rise in the ordinary 
 manner, like that of other bodies, until it reaches the 
 boiling-point or loo^ Its temperature will then stop 
 rising, and if we continue to heat the water we shall 
 only convert it into steam of which the temperature 
 is 100^ and no more. In fact, just as it took a large 
 amount of heat to convert ice at the fre<;zing-point into 
 water at the freezing-point, so does it take a large 
 amount of heat to convert water at the boiling-point 
 into steam at the boiling-point So that we are 
 entitled to say — steam at 100° is equal to water at 
 100^, together with a large amount of heat which we 
 call latent, because it does not affect the thermometer. 
 Experiment 41. — You may prove this by boiling 
 some water in a flask and putting the thermometer 
 first into the boiling water and then into the ateam. 
 They will both be found to have the same te«npe- 
 rature, or, in other words, steam is no hotter than 
 boiling; water. 
 Thus you see that ice requires latent heat to bring 
 it into water, while water again requires latent heat to 
 bring it into steanu Now we can measure how much 
 heat it will take to bring a pound of ice at o° to a 
 pound of water at the same temperature, and we find 
 that it will take as much heat to do this as it would to 
 raise 79 pounds of water one degree in temperature, 
 and this is what we mean when we say that the latent 
 heat of water is equal to 79. In a similar manner it 
 has been found that the latent heat of steam is 537 ; 
 that is to say, it will take as much heat to change a 
 pound of water at 100° into steam of the same 
 temperature as it would to raise 537 pounds of water 
 one degree in temperature. 
 It thus takes a good deal of heat to melt ice, and 
 it therefore takes a good deal of time to do sa In^ 
 deed it is much better that this is the case, for what 
 would happen if ice at the melting-point were to 
 change into water at once when heated ever so little ? 
 It would render uninhabitable a lai^ge part of the globe, 
 for the ice of the mountains would on some fine spring 
 day be at once liquefied, and the water would rush 
 down in such overwhelming torrents as to sweep every- 
 thing before it, and large tracts of low-lying land would 
 be buried under water. In like manner, it is much 
 better for us that it takes a large amount of heat to 
 convert water at the boiling-point into steam ; for sup- 
 pose that water at this point were at once converted 
 into steam by heating it ever so little, there would then 
 be an explosion in evei r tea kettle and in every boiler, 
 while a steam-engine would be an v\tter impossibility. 
 You have already been told that steam is a gas like 
 air, and you have learned in the Introductory Primer 
 that you cannot see true steam. Wl i a kt ^k \^ 
 boiling l^«^pidly, }.>u may have noticed that you do net 
 Fee ,i:ythmg quite close to the spoilt of the kf ;s!e, 
 I it about half an inch beyond it you see a cloud. 
 Or, again, when a locomotive gives out its steam you 
 do not see anything quite close to the funnel, bult a 
 little distance above it you see a cloud. Now this 
 invisible thing that comes out is true steam, but the 
 visible cloud consists only of very small drops of 
 water, formed from the steam as it cools; it is not 
 therefore steam, but water. True steam is invisible, 
 like the air or any other gas. 
 60. Ebullition and evaporation. — I have now 
 told you something about the steam which is given out 
 when water boils. I do not, however, mean to say 
 that no steam is given out before it boils, for this would 
 be contrary to fact : all of you must have noticed that 
 a pan of water put on the fire gives out steam long 
 before it begins to boil. Doubtless, too, you Buist 
 have noticed that any wet thing or thing full of water 
 gets dry near the fire —that is ^[f- <;ay, its water goes 
 away in the shape of sieam. ':m / when steam or 
 vapour (for both words mean the same thing) is given 
 out by water which is not boiling we call it evapora- 
 tion, but if the water boils we call it ebullition. 
 The difference is simply this. When you heat water 
 over the fire, the heat has at first two things to do. 
 It has in the first place to heat the water, and in the 
 HciXt place it evaporates part of the water ; l>ut when 
 the temperature of the water has risen to 100° or the 
 boiling-point, the water cannot be heated above this : 
 all the t' ngth of the ^xt is then spent in converting 
 the writ' mto steam, and this stenn) escapes not only 
 f'-'ym uia top of the water but from the very bottom 
 cuso, so that we hear a noise which we ral' boiling as 
 the bubbles of steam rise through the vvatei and 
 escape into the air. 
 6i. The boiling-point depends on pressure. 
 — ^.I have now to tell you that the temperature or heat at 
 which water bolis is not a perfectly fixed point like that 
 of melting :ce, but depends upon the pressure of the 
 air. If the pressure of the air be lessened, water will 
 boil below ioo°. You remember you were told that 
 the pressure of the air is less at the top of a lofty moun- 
 tain than at the bottom, because at the top you have 
 a less depth, and therefore *^ less weight or pressure, 
 of air above you. Well, at the top of Mont Blanc 
 in Switzerland, which is three miles high, water will 
 boil at 85°; and if a traveller were to try to boil an 
 egg in a pan ai the top of Mont Blanc, he might boil 
 it for hours, but it would not harden, because Ss** is 
 not high enough to harden the white of an egg. 
 On the other hand, if we were to boil water at the 
 foot of a very deep mine the boiling-point would b^^ 
 considerably above 100°. 
 Experiment 42. — You will see by the fallowing 
 very simple experiment that the temperature of th«5 
 boiling-pomt depends upon the pressuu of gas or air 
 upon the surface of the water. Let us take a glass 
 flask and fill it half full of water, then cause the water 
 to boil for some time, until the stea a has driven out 
 all the air from the upper part of the flask, so that 
 we have only water, and the vapour of water in the 
 flask. Now cork it tightly, and, withdrawing it from 
 the lamp, invert it as in fig. 26. When it has 
 ceased boiUi^g, lake a sponge and ^.our some cold 
 water on the flnsk, when boiling will again begin. 
 I'he reason of thi« is, that before the cold water was 
 pou'-ed on there was a considerable pressure of vapour 
 upon the water of the flask, and this presrare kept it 
 from boiling, but the effect of the told water was to 
 condense this vapour, and therefore to lessen its 
 Fig '3^ 
 pressrire ; and since water boils more easily at a low 
 pressure than at :i high, the water in the flask began, 
 as you saw, immediately to boil. 
 Before leavmg this part of our subject, I ought to 
 tell you that some bodies expand while others con^ 
 tract in the act of m^^'dng ; that is to say, in passing 
 from the solid to th 1' -aid state. 
 Experiment 4^^.-- Here is some ice, for instance, 
 vrhich is lighter th=^n water, as you will see by the 
 fact that th ice is at present floating upon the water. 
 In passing from ice to water there is, therefore, a great 
 contraction of substance, and in passing from water to 
 ice — in the process of freezing— there is a great 
 expansion. This expansion takes place with great 
 force, and if a thick iron vessel be filled with water 
 and then shut by a stop cock by causing the water to 
 freeze, you may burst the iron vessel. Casl iron con- 
 tracts like ice when it melts, or, which is the same thing, 
 expands like water when it freezes or gets solid, and 
 in consequence, if liquid iron be run into a mc uld, 
 when it gets solid it will ex|)4nd so as to fill all the 
 crevices of the mould ; it can thus be cast in a mould. 
 On the other hand, gold, silver, and copper expand 
 when they melt, and contract when they become solid ; 
 they will not therefore, like cast iron, run into the 
 crevices of a mould, and therefore coins made of these 
 metals cannot be cast in a mould, but must be stamped. 
 All substances, however, expand very greatly when 
 tlu y are converted into gas, and a cubic inch of boil- 
 ing water will be converted into steam occupying 
 nearly 1,700 cubic inches. 
 C2. Other effects of Heat. — You have now seen 
 that heat expands bodies or makes them larger, and 
 tliat it also causes them to change their state, pass- 
 ing from solids to liquids and from liquids to gases 
 as the heat continues to be applied. You have seen 
 how powerful an agent heat is ; how the strongest and 
 hardest bar of iron will by it be changed into a white- 
 hot mass as soft as treacle, and if heated still more 
 will be driven off in the shape of gas. 
 Heat affects bodies in many other wa5rs, and more 
 especially it promotes the operation of ciiemical attrac 
 tion. Thus at a low temperature coal will not combine 
 with the oxygen of the air, and we may keep o\ir coals 
 for any length of time in our coal-cellar. But when 
 heat is applied combination t^Vps nlace ; and lu this 
 iiL o 
 combination in its turn produces heat, the process of 
 combination goes on, and the coal is said to burn. 
 In like manner in the experiment (Chemistry Primer, 
 Art. 6) where sulphur and copper combine together, 
 heat is first of all applied in order to promote combi- 
 nation, but v/hen this has begun heat is generated, 
 and the process goes on of itself, without requiring 
 any more heat from a lamp. 
 63. Freezing mixtures. — Again, chemical union, 
 you have been told (Chemistry Primer, Art. 7), pro- 
 duces h^at, and this is always true ; nevertheless some- 
 times two substances which have a tendency to form 
 a solution mix together with the production of cold 
 and not of heat. Thus common salt and snow have a 
 tendency to form a solution, and they will do so with 
 the production of very considerable cold, or, to speak 
 more correctly, with the absorption of a very con- 
 siderable quantity of heat. 
 ExPEKiMENT 44. — To prove this, let us rapidly 
 mix some melting ice or snow and some salt together, 
 and place in ta? mixture the bulb of our thermometer. 
 The mercury in the tube wiJl soon fall below o*, 
 thereby showing that this mixture is colder than 
 melting ice. 
 Now what is the reason of this ? it is to be found in 
 the fact that after these two substances have become 
 mixed together we have a liquid and not a solid — in 
 iBsict, we have strong brine. Now you have been told 
 that heat is swallowed up, or becomes latent, when 
 bodies pass from the solid into the liquid state — for 
 instance, when ice becomes water. The brine, there- 
 fore, being a liquid, swallows up part of the heat of the 
 snow and salt, and. the consequence is that we have a 
 very cold liquid as the result of the union of two solid 
 bodies. Thus when two solid bodies dissolve each 
 other, we have very frequently a lowering of tempe- 
 rature on account of the heat which is swallowed up 
 by the liquid. Such bodies are said to form freezing 
 In like manner, if we have a liquid that evaporates 
 very fast we find it to be intensely cold, because in 
 order to become a vapour or gas it requires a great 
 deal of heat, and gets it where it can : thus if you drop 
 some ether upon your hand it feels very cold, and soon 
 flies away in the shape of gas ; in fact, it has robbed 
 your hand of a large quantity of heat in order to pro- 
 duce this vapour or gas. Ve:y low temperatures, very 
 intense cold, may sometime^ be produced by causing 
 certain liquids to evaporate very rapidly. 
 Experiment 45. — To prove this let me pour some 
 water into a shallow vessel, and place it along with a 
 pan containing strong sulphuric acid under the re- 
 ceiver of the air-pump, and exhaust the air. As 
 the pressure of the air is withdrawn the water will 
 evaporate very rapidly, and in order to do so will take 
 away so much heat from its own substance that ii 
 will be turned into ice. 
 64. Distribution of Heat. — Let us now pro- 
 reed to another part of our subject, and consider 
 the tendency which heat has to distribute itself. 
 A hot body will not always remain hot, but it will 
 part with its heat to the colder bodies that are around 
 it; and il will always insist upon doing this, but it will 
 do it in different ways according to circumstances. 
 Experiment 46. — For instance, let us put a poker 
 into the fire ; some of the heat of the fire gets into 
 G 2 
 that part of the poker which is in the fire, and this 
 passes along the poker until it heats that end which is 
 farthest away from the fire, and you will at last find 
 it too hot to touch. This passage of heat along the 
 poker is called conduction of heat. 
 Experiment 47. — Again, let us take a flask two-thirds 
 full of water, and heat it from below. As the lower 
 particles of water are heated they expand, and there- 
 fore get lighter ; they consequently rise tc the top 
 for the same reason that a cork rises in water, and are 
 replaced by colder and, therefore, heavier particles 
 from above. A new set of particles are thus con- 
 tinually subjected to the heat of the lamp, and in 
 process of time the whole water will get heated and 
 begin to boil This process is called convection of 
 Neither of these processes will, however, account for 
 the heat that reac^ies us from the sun. Whether in 
 conduction or convection the heat is carried by means 
 of particles of solid or liquid matter, but we have 
 reason to think that there are no such particles 
 between us and the sun, while we know that the sun's 
 light and heat takes less than eight minutes to come 
 from the sun to us over a distance of 90 millions of 
 miles. Evidently, then, the heat which comes to us 
 from the sun moves with an immense velocity, and 
 does not reach us in virtue of boating up the particles 
 between the sun and ounp^lves. In fact, in a very 
 cold day, when the air is very cold and anything but 
 heated, the sun's rays may be very powerful Now 
 the process by which heat comes to us from the sun 
 or any other very hot body is called radiation of 
 We have thus three very different ways in which # 
 heated body communicates its heat to a cold one 
 namely, conduction, convection, and radiation. Lei 
 us now consider these in order. 
 65. Conduction of Heat^We have spoken 
 about thrusting a poker into the fire, and told you that 
 at last the other end of the poker will be too hot to 
 hold. But if, instead of a metal poker or rod, a glass 
 or stoneware rod were thrust into the fire, the other 
 end of this rod would never get very hot, because 
 stoneware does not conduct heat nearly so well as 
 Wool and feathers are still worse conductors, and 
 this is why these substances have been provided by 
 nature as the clothing of animals ; for the heat of an 
 animal is generally greater than that of the surrounding 
 substances, and this heat is not readily conducted off 
 through the garment of wool, feathers, or fur, with 
 which the animal is cladc So in the case of boilers of 
 engines ; when we wish to keep in the heat, we supply 
 them with steam jackets or coverings made of a non- 
 conducting substance. 
 A bad conductor may be used not only to keep in 
 heat, but also to keep it out ; flannel, for instance, 
 may be used to wrap round our bodies in order to 
 keep the heat in, or it may be used to wrap round a 
 block of ice which we wish to preserve in order to 
 keep the heat out. Ih fact, heat cannot readily pass 
 through flannel whether it be going from within out- 
 wards or from without inwards. 
 Experiment 48.— It is very easy to show you that 
 different substances have different conducting powers 
 for heat You see, as in the figure, two rods or w)reS| one 
 ■Si 121 125 
 ■^ Uii 12.2 
 Hi ... ■■■ 
 ■ 1.8 
 U |L6 
 (716) •73-4S03 
 of copper and or** of iron, with their ends together, at 
 which they are K. ted by means of a lamp. After the 
 lamp has burned for some time, let us take two little 
 bits of phosphorus, and place one of them at the end 
 of the copper rod furthest away from the flame. It 
 will soon take fire. Now place the other piece on 
 the iron rod at the same distance from the lamp as 
 the burning phosphorus, and it will not take fire. 
 This shows us that the beat of the lamp is conducted 
 more powerfully along the copper than along the 
 Fig. 27. 
 The conduction of heat explains the action of the 
 safety lamp which was devised by Sir Humphry 
 Davy for the use of miners, but this very useful lamp 
 has already been fully described in the Chemical 
 Primer (Art. 41). 
 66. Convection of Heat. — If we take a vessel 
 full of water, and float on its surface a vessel full of 
 boiling oil, we shall find that the heat of the oil will 
 be conducted very slowly indeed downwards through 
 the liquid ; in fact, a few inches down, the rise of 
 temperature will be hardly perceptible. Bui if instead 
 of heating the vessel with water in it from above we 
 heat it from below, as in the figure, we shall find that 
 in a very short time the whole water will be heated 
 and begin to boil. In fact, as we have already stated, 
 the heated particles getting lighter rise, and are re- 
 placed by colc'er and heavier particles from above, so 
 Fig. 28. 
 that we have a current as is shown by the arrows in 
 the figure, the heated water ascending in the middle 
 and the cold water coming down the sides. 
 We have several good examples of convection in 
 nature \ for instance, in a lake which is cooled at its 
 surface by the action of intense cold. The surface 
 particles are first cooled, and gi tting heavier they sink 
 SCIENCE PRIMERS. [light from 
 down and are replaced by lighter and warmer particles 
 from beneath, so that in a short time the whole body 
 of T/ater becomes cooled down to a temperature about 
 4° above the freezing-point; after that temperature 
 the water, contrary to the usual practice of things, 
 expands when further cooled instead of contracting ; 
 and when ice is formed, this ice, being decidedly lighter 
 than water, floats on the top. 
 Now, had ice been heavier than water, it would 
 have fallen down to the bottom as it was formed, a 
 fresh surface would -thus have been exposed, and the 
 whole lake would soon have !)ecome one mass of ice. 
 But as it is, the cold can only freeze the second layer 
 of water through the ice of the first, and this is a very 
 slow process, so that there is no danger of a lake 
 being permanently frozen. 
 In the air again we have strong convection currents 
 due to heating ; for it is on this account that the hot 
 air of a fire goes up the chhnney, being replaced by 
 cold air from the room ; and we have the very same 
 thing on a large scale in the great system of wimls, for 
 at that part of the earth called the equator, where 
 the sun is most powerful, the air when heated mounts 
 up just as the air of a fire mounts up the chimney. 
 This air is then replaced by currents blowing along the 
 surface of the earth from the poles or colder portions 
 of the earth. We have thus at the equator, a system 
 of upward currents which carry off the hot air to the 
 poles in the upper regions of the air, and we have 
 also currents bio win <r alon^f^ the surface of the earth, 
 which bring back this air \i hen cooled to the equator. 
 These surface-currents blowing from the poles to the 
 equator are called ibe tmde winds. 
 67. Radiant Heat and Light. — The third 
 method by which a hot body parts with its heat is by 
 radiation, and it is in virtue of this process that the 
 heat of the sun reaches our earth. We need not, how- 
 ever, go farther than our own firesides to get an example 
 of the process. If we stand opposite a strong iiire, we 
 find our faces and our eyes suffering from the heat. 
 Even a kettle containing hot water gives out radiant 
 heat, although the rays of heat from it cannot pierce 
 the eye and impress it with the sense of light like those 
 from the fire or from the sun. Thus when you heat a 
 body such as a ball of clay, something of the following 
 kind takes place. The body begins at once to rise in 
 temperature, and in consequence to give out rays of 
 heat, but those rays are dark rays, and do not affect the 
 eye. As the heating process goes on. a few of the 
 rays which it gives out begin to affect tie eye and the 
 body becomes red hot ; it next acquires a yellow heat, 
 next a white heat, and last of all it glows with an 
 intense light resembling the sun. Let us now devote 
 ourselves for a short time to the study of these bright 
 rays which a hot body gives out. 
 68. Velocity of Light. — Romer, a Danish astro- 
 nomer, was the first to find out the velocity with 
 which light travels through space. To understand 
 what this means let us remember what takes place 
 when a distant gun is fired off. We see a flash, and 
 then some seconds after we hear a report. Evidently 
 then the sound does not reach the ears at the very 
 moment when the gun is fired, because it lags behind 
 the light. But does the light reach us at the very 
 moment ? may not both light and sound start from the 
 cannon at the same moment, and each take sorae time 
 SCIEME PRIMERS. [iagivt ifRoM 
 to get to us, the light winning the race and coming in 
 first ? This point can only be decided by observation 
 and experiment, and it was by observation that Romer 
 found it out There is a large planet called Jupiter^ 
 which is sometimes very far from us and sometimes 
 comparatively near, and this large planet has several 
 satellites, or small attendants, ne of which passes across 
 the disc or surface of Jupiter at regular intervals, so 
 that when we use a powerful telescope we see the small 
 satellite like a black body crossing the large disc of the 
 planet Now Romer found that when Jupiter was very 
 far away from us the satellite seemed to be later in 
 crossing than it ought, and he argued from this that 
 we on the earth do not see the crossing of the satellite 
 over the disc or surface of Jupiter at the very moment 
 when it takes place, but that light takes some time to 
 get from Jupiter to our eyes, just as the report of a 
 distant gun takes some time after the explosion to 
 reach, our ears. 
 You thus see that light as well as sound takes time 
 to travel, only light travels much faster than sound — • 
 light travels at the enormous rate of 186,000 miles a 
 second, while sound creeps along at the rate of 1,100 
 feet in the same time. Light only takes 8 minutes 
 to come from the sun to us, although the distance is 
 90 millions of miles. If, therefore, the sun were to 
 be suddenly extinguished, we should not find it out 
 until 8 minutes afterwards. 
 Do not, however, suppose that light consists of 
 small particles shot out by hot bodies, and flying 
 through space at the enormous rate of 186,000 miles 
 a second. If this were the case, we should be knocked 
 to piec^ by a ray of light A ray of light may be said 
Heated bodies.] 
 to enter the eye just as sound may be said to enter 
 the ear. We have already explained that when we 
 hear the report of a gun, it does not mean that small 
 particles of air travel all the way from the gun to 
 our ear. And so when we view a ray of light it does 
 not mean that a small particle is shot from the bijght 
 body into our eye. An impulse or wave in each case 
 passes over the medium between us and the "body, and 
 the blow goes from particle to particle after the manner 
 we have already explained in the experiment with 
 ivory balls (Art. 44). 
 69. Reflection of Light. — Wlien light strikes a 
 polished surface of metal, it is reflected from it If you 
 Fig. 29. 
 hold a lighted candle before a mirror, you will see the 
 image of the candle in the mirror, which means that 
 the rays from the candle strike the mirror and are re- 
 flected from it to your eye, just as if they came from 
 the mirror itself and not from the candle. 
 * Experiment 49. — In order to understand how 
 reflection acts, let us take a horizontal polished mcr 
 tallic surface—that is to say, let us pour mercury into 
 a shallow flat-bottomed vessel. Now place a bent 
 tube open at the bottom above the mercury as in fig. 
 29, and let the light of a candle enter the tube at the 
 right end ; if we place our eye at the left end, we shall 
 SCIENCE PklMERS. [LiGrtt froIh 
 see the light from the candle as it conies reflected 
 from the surface of mercury. 
 In this experiment, therefore, the light of the candle 
 goes down the one tube, strikes the surface of mercury 
 and then ascends the other tube to the eye. But in ordei 
 that the light may do this, two things are necessary. 
 In the first place, the two tubes must have the same 
 inclination or slope ; and secondly, the one tube 
 must be exactly opposite the other, so that if they 
 were suddenly to fall flat down they would be in a line 
 with one another. Whenever, therefore, a ray of light 
 strikes a polished surface, the reflected ray rises from the 
 surface with the same slope as the ray that strikes the 
 surface falls towards it, and both rays, if you could 
 imagine them squeezed flat against the surface, would 
 be found to make one line. 
 You cannot understand the laws of reflection com- 
 pletely without geometry, but the following figure will 
 perhaps enable you to do so to some extent. In the 
 figure, A is supposed to be a bright point giving out 
 light, and m m is a mirror. Let a b, a b' be two of the 
 rays of light from a, striking the mirror at b and b'. 
 These will then rise into the eye of the observer in the 
 directions bd, B'D',the falling slope of the ray a b being 
 equal to the rising slope of b d, and the falling slope of 
 A b' equal to the rising slope of b'd'. Now if you imagine 
 the direction of the two rays b d, b'd', prolonged beneath 
 the mirror, they would meet at a', a point as much below 
 the mirror as the bright point a is above it. To the eye, 
 therefore, the rays will in point of fact appear to proceed 
 from a', so that the apparent position of the reflected 
 image a' is as much behind the mirror as th« bright 
 point A is itself before it 
 Whenever, therefore, you stand in front of a mirror, 
 you see your own image in the mirror as much behind 
 the mirror on the other side as you yourself are in front 
 of it ; if you go close to the mirror, the reflected figure 
 goes close also, if you draw back the reflected figure 
 draws back, and so oh. You will, however, notice 
 the difference—namely, that your right hand is 
 the left hand of the image, and your right 
 Fig. 3a 
 side generally the left side of the image, but 
 in other respects the image is precisely a copy of 
 In fig. 31 you see in the lower part the image of 
 the upper part, and you notice how, in the image, the 
 letters g^ from right to left, and not from left to 
 When the bright reflecting surface is not flat, curious 
 images are sometimes produced. Take, for instance, 
 the bright surface of mercury in the bulb of the thermo- 
 meter and look into it You will th^re see a very sipalt 
 SCIENCE PRIMERS, [light from 
 distorted image of yourself, and indeed of the whole 
 room, only the far away parts of the room will be 
 exceedingly small. 
 ' Take again a couple of bright concave mirrors like 
 those of fig. 22, only, instead of putting a watch at 
 the focus of the one mirror, and your ear at that of the 
 other, place a red-hot ball in the one focus, and your 
 hand in the other focus, and you will soon find it too 
 hot. Indeed, if you had two large reflectors of this kind 
 Fig. 31. ' 
 and had a fire burning in the focus of the one, you might 
 cook a beef-steak in that of the other, even tho^igh the 
 two reflectors were fifty feet apart. The reason is that 
 the rays of heat from the fire in the one focus strike the 
 mirror near it, and are reflected from it in lines that 
 bring them to the other reflector, and they are then 
 again reflected in such lines as to bring them all to- 
 gether into the focMs of this reflector, We thu| h^vci 
 as it were, the fire itself burning at the one focus, and 
 an image of the fire at the other, the image being 
 sufficiently hot to cook a beef-steak. 
 70. Bending or refraction of Light. Expe- 
 riment 50. — Put a small, heavy body at the bottom of 
 a stoneware or pewter jug, and put your eye in such a 
 position that the side of the jug just hides the body from 
 your eye ; then let some one fill the jug full of water, and 
 the small body at the bottom will now become visible. 
 Why is this ? It is because the ray of light from the 
 Fig. 32. 
 small object at the bottom of the water after it leaves 
 the surface of the water is bent in a different direction, 
 so that you can in fact see it round a corner ; and if 
 the small body at the bottom were a little fish, it could 
 also see you. 1 
 It thus appears that if a slanting ray of light strikes 
 a surface of water, it is bent so as to be less slanting 
 after it enters the water ; or again, if a ray of light comes 
 out from the water, it is bent so as to be more slanting 
 after it enters the air. The same thing would happen 
 if the ray of light entered a surface of transparent glass 
 instead of a surface of water, — a slanting ray would 
 become less slanting after it entered the glass. If you 
 had a flat, thick piece of glass, the ray of light would 
 take the course that is shown in the preceding figure, 
 in which we see that its path before it enters the glass, 
 and its path after it leaves the glass, are intbe same 
 direction (though not in the same line), wliile, how- 
 ever, its path in the glass is quite different. 
 Suppose, however, that the piece of glass is not flat 
 but shaped like a wedge ; in fact, that it stands straight 
 up above the page on a bottom like fig. 33, and that 
 when viewed standing up it has the appearance of fig. 
 34. Such a piece of glass is called 
 a prism. Let us now see in what 
 manner a ray of light will be bent 
 in passing through a prism. This 
 is exhibited in figure 33, from 
 which you see that the ray is bent 
 towards the thick part of the prism; 
 in fact, the direction of the ray is 
 entirely changed. 
 You thus see that whenever a ray of light passes 
 Fig. 34. 
 through a wedge-shaped piece of glass, it is bent to- 
 wards the thick part of the wedge. 
 71. Lenses, images given by thcr, , — Now let 
 us vary the shape of the piece of glass in the following 
 manner. Let the piece of glass be circular like a cake, 
 only thickest in the middle and thinnest all round the 
 edge ; in fact, appearing like a circle if viewed in one 
 direction, but if viewed endwise appearing like the 
 following figure. 
 Such a piece of glass is called a lens. Now 
 let a bundle of rays of light from a distance 
 fall upon the lens. What will happen ? The 
 lens will act like a circular wedge ; it is in truth 
 a circular wedge, and being thickest in the ^ 
 middle the rays of light will be bent towards the ^*^- 35- 
 middle all round the lens. In fact, the rays 
 of light will come to a point, or nearly so, as will be seer 
 from the following figure. 
 Now suppose that when the sun is shining, you place 
 a lens so as to allow the rays firom the sun to strike iti 
 full on the surface, these rays will be brought to a 
 point, or nearly so, on the other side of the lens ; and if 
 you place a sheet of paper at this point, you will see ^ 
 III. u 
 small bright image of the sun, which will be so intensefiy 
 hot as to set fire to the sheet of paper ; in fact, the lens ' 
 will now act as a burning-glass. 
 Experiment 51. — Such a lens will give an image 
 of anything else as well as of the sun ; for instance, I 
 have here an arrangement by which the rays of light 
 from a candle are allowed to fall full upon a lens, and 
 I obtain upon a piece* of oiled paper placed on the 
 other side of the lens an image of the candle, only as 
 you see upside down. In fact, if you place anything 
 at all bright in front of a lens some distance off, 
 behind the lens you will get a small image of this 
 thing. If you place your face in front of the lens, 
 behind the lens there will be a small image of your 
 face. Now this is precisely what the photographer 
 does. He has a black box with a lens at one end of 
 it, such as you see in the following figure. He points 
 Fig. 37. 
 the iens to a landscape or to the face of a person, 
 and in the dark box there is a little image of the land- 
 scape or of the face, which he first of all allows to fall 
 upon ground glass, so that he can see it and know 
 if it be right. He then takes out this ground-glass 
 plate and puts in its stead a plate of glass having its 
 surface covered over with a peculiar substance that is 
 3^ct^d on by light The image inside th^ box noir 
 falls right upon this sensitive chemical substance, and 
 the bright parts of the image act upon and change 
 the nature of the surface, while, however, the dark parti^ 
 do not affect it. By this means the image stamps ail 
 impression of itself upon the substance, but in this 
 impression the bright parts of the image appear dark 
 and the dark parts bright, and it is therefore called a 
 negative. From this negative the ordinary pictures 
 or positives are afterwards taken. 
 72. Magnifying glasses. — ^A lens may be used 
 for magnifying anything very small, thus forming a 
 magnifying glass with which most of you are no doubt 
 familiar. In this case you must place the glass very 
 near th^ thing that you wish to magnify. For instance, 
 you could not by means of a magnifying glass of this 
 kind magnify a distant object such as a planet or the 
 moon, but you can only magnify sometliing close to 
 you. If you wish to magnify a planet or the m.oan, 
 you must use two glasses; one a large glass, by means 
 of which you get an image of the planet or of the 
 moon — ^just as by means of a burning -glass you get 
 an image of the sun — and the other a magnifying 
 glass, by means of which you examine and enlarge 
 this image, which the other glass has given you. 
 Thus, if you wish to magnify a near object you use 
 a magnifier, but if you wish to magnify a distant object 
 you must first of all, by means of a lens, obtain near at 
 hand an image of the distant object, and then treating 
 thb image just as you would the object itself, you may 
 scrutinize and magnify it by means of a magnifying 
 glass. This combination of two glasses, one giving you 
 an knage of a distant object, and the other magnifying 
 thui Image, is callecl 9, telescope ; in practice the 
 F ? 
SCIENCE PRIMERS. [light from 
 glasses are shut up in tubes so as to keep oitt stray 
 73. Different kinds of Light are differently 
 bent. — I have shown you how a ray of light *5 bent 
 in passing through a prism. I have now to tell you 
 that this bending is not the same for every kind of 
 light. In fig. 38 we see how a ray of red light is bent 
 after passing through a prism. If the ray had been 
 orange instead of red, it would have been somewhat 
 more bent out of its original course ; if yellow, still 
 more ; if green, still more than the yellow ; if blue 
 still more than the green ; if indigo, still more than 
 the blue; and if violet, still more than the indigo. 
 Now if the ray were a compound ray containing 
 mixed together all these seven colours (red, orange, 
 yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet), each of these 
 as it came out of the prism would be bent differently 
 from its neighbours, and would therefore be separated 
 from them, and the eye would therefore see all these 
 colours separate, although they were mixed together 
 when they entered the prism. 
 A prism thus breaks up a compound ray of light into 
 its elements, separating the various colours from one 
 Now you will perhaps be surprised when I tell yoq 
 that white light, such as that of the sun, is in reality com^ 
 posed of a mixture of all the various colours which 1 
 have given you above — red, orange, yellow^ and so on \ 
 a little reflection will, however, convince you that such 
 is really the case. 
 We are all of us familiar with the magnificent dkh 
 play of colours seen in drops of dew, in crystals and in 
 ^ems, when rays of light are allowed to f<ill upon tlu^^, • 
 On such occasions they sparkle with all the colours 
 of the rainbow, and this very allusion bids us ask if 
 the hues of the rainbow be not due to the same cause 
 as the colours of gems. Does not its very name imply 
 the presence in the sky of a multitude of muiute drops 
 of water such as would shine forth in the grass like in- 
 numerable diamonds ? Are not all these displays due 
 to the same cause ; and, if so, what is the cause ? The 
 disco very^of it is due to Sir Isaac Newton, who was the 
 first to show that white light is in reality composed of 
 a great many differently coloured rays mixed together, 
 and that those rays are in their passage through cer- 
 tain substances separated from one another. The 
 prism, in fact, as we have already said, gives us the 
 means of separating the variously coloured elements of 
 a compound ray from one another. 
 Fig. 38. 
 Suppose, for instance, that we have a narrow vertical 
 or up-and-down slit in the shutter of a darkened room 
 through which the full sunlight is allowed to pass ; — in 
 fig. 38 we have a plan of this arrangement looking 
 down upon it from above, or taking, as it were, a bird's- 
 eye view of it Now if we have no prism to commence 
 Virith, and look from i towards the slit in the shutter at 
 s, we shall see a bright slit and nothing more; in fact, 
 the slit will serve as an opening through which we may 
 see the bright sun beyond. Let us now introduce the 
 prism as in the figure \ when we have done so, our eye 
 at E will no longer see the slit If, however, we move 
 our eye towards the thick part of the prism, we shall at 
 last catch hold of the light from the slit, but it will be 
 now very much changed in appearance. It will not now 
 reach our eye in the shape of a bright thin slit, as 
 formerly, but it will appear as a broad band or ribbon 
 of light of many colours, beginning with red at the 
 one end, and passing gradually and in order through 
 orange,, yellow, green, blue, and indigo, into violet at 
 the other extremity. 
 All this may be easily explained by what we have 
 already said, bearing in mind that white sunlight is in 
 reality composed of all the different colours mixed to- 
 gether. Not only, therefore, are the rays bent in their 
 passage through the prism, but they are unequally 
 bent. And we shall have for each variety of light its 
 own appropriate slit in its own appropriate position. 
 We shall therefore have a multitude of little bright 
 images of the slit lying side by side, forming, in fact, 
 a band or ribbon of light rather than a i^it ; the red 
 being at one end, because the red rays are least bent, 
 and the violet at the other end, because the violet rays 
 are most bent. This variously coloured ribbon of 
 light is called a spectrum ; and if it be the light 
 of the sun which we employ to light up our slit, then 
 we get the solar spectrum^ * 
 74. Recapitulation. — I have now told you a good 
 deal about radiant light and heat You have in the ftni 
 place learned that» as you begin to heat bodiesi diey glv# 
 out first of all dark rays, but that as you raise their 
 lemperature, the rays become luminous and capable of 
 affecting the eye. You have then been told something 
 about the reflection of these rays from polished sur- 
 faces. You have also been told how their direction is 
 bent when they pass through water and glass; and how 
 a glass prism bends the rays towards its thickest part. 
 You have next been told that a lens bends the rays all 
 round towards its centre or thickest part ; and how, 
 if you allow sun-light to fall upon a lens, you get a 
 small bright image of the sun ; which image will set 
 fire to a sheet of paper or bum the hand. 
 You have also learned that the moon or a planet 
 will give by means of a lens an image of the same 
 kind ; and how, if you approach such an image with a 
 magnifying glass and look into it, you really see a very 
 large moon or a very large planet, and that this com- 
 bination of two glasses is called a telescope. Finally, 
 you have been told that differently coloured rays of 
 light are bent by a prism into different places, so that 
 a prism separates all the elements of a compound ray 
 of light 
 And now, before concluding, let us study a little the 
 nature of heat. 
 75. Nature of Heat. — We have already compared 
 heat to sound, and told you that a heated body is an 
 energetic body. Let us now take up this comparison 
 once more. In sound we have two things to study: 
 first, the body which vibrates ; and secondly, the im- 
 pulses which this body sends through the air to our 
 ear, imd which make us hear a sound. 
 How you wore told that a heated body is one in 
 iirliidi ^ snifti particles are in very rapid vibration^ 
 and that just as a vibrating body gives out sound, which 
 strikes the ear, so a heated body gives out light, which 
 strikes the eye. But how is a body made to vibrate ; 
 a bell or a drum, for instance ? — only by giving it a 
 blow. You bring the heavy hainmer or tongue quickly 
 against the side df thie bell, and the bell begins te 
 vibrate ; now this hammer or tongue before it strike? 
 the bell is a body in rapid motion, and therefore pos- 
 sesses energy, or can do work. Well, what becomes 
 of its energy after it strikes the bell ? It has, in truth, 
 given up its own energy to the bell, for the bell is now 
 vibrating, and you have already been told that a vibrat- 
 ing body is one with energy in it. Thus the energy of 
 the blow given to the bell has not been lost, but has 
 only been transferred from the hammer to the bell. 
 Now let us suppose a blacksfaith places a piece of 
 lead upon his anvil and brings down his hammer 
 upon it with a heavy blow. You hear a dull thud, 
 but there is no vibration like that of the bell. What 
 becomes therefore of the enerjgjr of the blow? It is 
 not transformed into vibrations like those of the bell, 
 which can strike the ear — into what therefore is it 
 changed ? or is it changed into anything ? We reply 
 that it is changed into heat. The blow has heated 
 the lead and set all its particles vibrating, although 
 n©t in the same way as those of the bell ; and if the 
 blacksmith strikes the piece of lead long enough, I 
 dare say he will even melt the ipad. 
 No doubt some of you have spent much energy in 
 rubbing a bright button on a piece of wood. Nowvlwit 
 has become of all the energy you have:^nt upcm^e 
 button ? We reply, it ha»been tnmsformed itito hei^ a» 
 you will easily find out by put^g ^e bt&tton qukldy 
 on the back of your own hand or on the back of your 
 Experiment 52.— To show you how the energy of a 
 blow is changed into that other kind of energy which 
 we call heat, let us take one of those wax matches 
 tipped with phosphorus called vestas, and, placing it 
 upon the hearthstone, strike it a blow with a hammer 
 or stone ; you will now find that the heat developed 
 has been sufficient to set the phosphorus on fire. 
 You thus see that friction produces heat, and you may 
 have noticed that on a dark night sparks Hy out from the 
 break-wheel, wluch stops the motion of a railway train. 
 In all such cases> actual visible energy is being changed 
 into that form of energy which we call heat, the differ- 
 ence being that in visible energy the body moves as a 
 whole, and all its particles move in the same direction 
 at the saipe moment, while in heat the various particles 
 move backwards and forwards rapidly, while the body, 
 as a whole, is at rest. You thus see that visible energy 
 can be changed into heat, and I have further to tell you 
 that he^t can to some extent be transformed back into 
 visible energy. In the case of a steam-engine what is it 
 that does all the work ? Is it not the fire that heats 
 the water of the boiler? and in this case part of the 
 heat-energy of the burning coals actually and truly 
 changes itself into the visible energy with which the 
 piston moves up and down, and the fly-wheel moves 
 round and round. 
 In fact, all the work done by steam-engines is work 
 got put of heat Thus you see we can not only change 
 actual energy into beat, but, in the steam-engine, we 
 can change heat back again into actual eneigy. 
 76. Conductors and Non-conductors. — It 
 was known more than two thousand years ago that 
 when a piece of amber is rubbed with silk, it attracts 
 light bodies ; and Dr. Gilbert, about three hundred 
 years ago, showed that many other things, such as sul- 
 phur, sealing-wax and glass, have the same property as 
 Here you see the faint and small beginning of our 
 knowledge of electricity, a knowledge which has of 
 late years grown so wonderfully i« to enable us to send 
 messages between Europe and America in less than one 
 second of time; 
 *ExpERiMENT 53.— Let us take a metal rod, having a 
 glass stem, and rub the glass with a piece of silk, both silk 
 and glass being well heated and quite dry. The glass 
 will now have the power of attracting little bits of paper 
 or elder pith, but only at that place where it has been 
 rubbed. The glass has, in fact, by rubbing, acquired 
 a new property, but this property cannot spread itself 
 over its surface. So much for glass. Suppose now 
 that we take the metal rod and touch with it the prime 
 conductor of an electric machine in action, we shall 
 find that the metal rod has acquired the same proper- 
 ties as the glass; that is to say, it will attract light 
 bodies like paper or elder pith, but all parts of the 
 rod of metal will have the same property, and not 
 merely that part which touched the electric itmchine. 
 In fact, the electiic influence can spread itself oveir a 
 surface of metal, though it cannot r.ver one of gi|U^» 
 Glass, therefore, is said to be a non*cosiductor tf 
 'S It 
 \o that 
 as sul- 
 [erty as 
 of our 
 has of 
 an one 
 )th silk 
 ^ glass 
 5 been 
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 5 now 
 f the 
 I not 
 electricity, iivhile metal is called a conductor. In 
 fact, neither heat nor electricity can easily spread itself 
 over glass, but both c" > easily spread themselves 
 over metal ; charcoal, acids, soluble salts, water, and 
 the bodies of animals are likewise good conductors 
 of electricity, although not so good as the metals; 
 while, on the other hand, india-rubber, dry air, silk, 
 glass, wax, sulphur, amb^r, shellac, are all very bad 
 If we wish to succeed in experiments with elec- 
 tricity, it is absolutely necessary to keep the electricity 
 once we have got it ; we must, in fact, surround it on 
 all sides by non-conducting bodies. It is, therefore, of 
 great importance to make our experiments in dry air, 
 and to make the body which has the electricity stand 
 upon a glass support. 
 7|. Two kinds of Electricity. Experiment 
 54. — I have now to convince you that there are two 
 opposite kinds of electricity. To prove this let us 
 make^use of the apparatus you see in fig. 39, con- 
 sisting of a small pith ball suspended by means 
 of a silk thread to a glass support. First of all 
 let us rub a glass rod with silk, and with the rod so 
 rubbed touch the pith ball. The glass end will com- 
 municate electricity^ to the pith ball, and it will not 
 be able to get away^ because the silk thread, the glass 
 support, and the air (if dry) around the pith ball are 
 all non-conductors. Now, if you notice, you will $ee 
 that after the glass rod has been made to touch the 
 pith ball, this ball will no longer be attracted to the 
 glass rod, but will,. on the other hand, be repelled by 
 it Let us next rub a stick of sealing-wax with a piece 
 of warm, dry flannel, and bring the stick so rubbed. 
 near to the pith ball. It will now be found that the 
 pith ball, which was repelled by the excited glass, will 
 be attracted to the excited sealing-wax. 
 It thus appears that a pith ball first touched with 
 excited glass will be afterwards repelled by excited glass, 
 but will be attracte<^ ' excited sealing-wax. 
 Now if we had reversed oijr plan of operations, and 
 had first of all touched the pith ball with excited seai- 
 F'g 39- 
 ing.wax, instead of excited glass, it would then have 
 been repelled by excited sealing-wax, but attracted by 
 excited glass. 
 We learn from this that there are two kinds of elec- 
 tricity; namely, that which we get from excited glass, 
 and that which we get from excited sealing-wax. 
 Now when we touched the pith ball with excited 
 glass, we communicated to it part of the electricity of 
 the glass j and as it was afterwards repelled by excited 
 glass, we conclude that bodies charged with the 
 same kind of electricity repel one another. 
 On the other hand, the pith ball, if charged with 
 excited glass, will be attracted to excited sealing-wax ; 
 or if charged with excited sealing-wax, it will be at- 
 tracted to excited glass, and hence we conclude that 
 bodies charged with opposite kinds of elec- 
 tricity attract one another. 
 78. They exist combined in unexcited 
 bodies. — We may suppose that every substance 
 has in it a quantity of these two kinds of electricity 
 mixed together, and that what we do in rubbing 
 is merely to separate the two electricities from one 
 another. Accordingly, when we rub a piece of seal- 
 ing-wax with a piece of flannel, all that we do is to 
 separate the two kinds of electricity — the one kind 
 keeping to the sealing-wax, while the other remains 
 behind upon the flannel. In like manner all that we 
 do when we excite glass with silk is to separate the 
 two electricities, one remaining on the glass while 
 the other adheres to the silk. The same thing holds 
 in all cases where electricity is developed by friction, 
 and it is impossible to produce the one electricity 
 ivithout, at the same time, producing just as much of 
 the other also. In fine, we do not create electricity ; 
 but, according ,;o this view of it, we merely separate 
 the two opposite kinds from one another. 
 Tlie electricity which appears in a stick of glass when 
 it has been rubbed with silk is called positive, and 
 that which appears in a stick of sealing-wax, when it 
 has been rubbed with flannel, is called negative. 
 These are merely terms used in order to distinguish 
 i^lireen the two kindi of electricity. 
 SCIENCE PktMERS, (electrifieB 
 79. Action of excited on uncxcited bodieb. 
 —We have seen that electricities of the same kind 
 rapel, while electricities of opposite kinds attract each 
 other, but we have still to learn what will happen in 
 the following case. Let a (fig. 40), be a large ball 
 of hollow brass, and let the tube to the left hand of 
 ft be also of brass ; also let these stand upon a glass 
 support, so that any electricity which a has may not 
 be able to get away. 
 Now let B and c be two vessels having' their 
 upper parts made of brass, only capable of being 
 separated from one another at the middle part, where 
 Fig. 40. 
 you see the line in the figure ; and let both b and C 
 stand upon glass supports, so that any electricity which 
 either of them has, may not be able to get away. 
 Let us begin by supposing that A has received f 
 charge of positive electricity, and that in thf flie^ 
 time B and c are unelectrified. Now push B d^d € ^ 
 towards a. Since b and c are not electnfied* tlM»ir M|^ 
 electricities arc not sejyarated from each other, but 
 mixed together; however, when you push them up to 
 A, the positive electricity of a attracts the negative 
 electricity of b to its side, and repels the positive away 
 to the extreme right of c, as you see in the figure. 
 If we now pull c away from b, and finally pull B 
 away from a, we shall thus have got a quantity of 
 negative electricity in b, and a quantity of positive 
 in c, both separate from each other, while the elec- 
 tricity in A will be the same as before. 
 We have, in fact, made use of the electricity in a to 
 separate part of the two electricities of b and c from 
 each other, and a is still as ready as ever to help us 
 again. Now this distant action or help, rendered by 
 the electricity of a in separating that of b and c, is 
 called electric induction. 
 80. The electric spark. — We may, however, per- 
 form our experiment iu a somewhat different manner. 
 Let us now bring b and c slowly towards a, and con- 
 tinue to do so. When a and b are very near together, 
 we shall have the positive electricity of a and the nega- 
 tive electricity, which has been induced to appear oxi b, 
 separated firom t ach other by only a small thickness of 
 air until at last they will be so strong and the film of 
 air so ^n, diat they will rush together and unite in the 
 ^oifm of a ispark. The consequence will be that a will 
 ha^ lost a portion of its positive electricity, and b will 
 Hii^lost all its negative. If we now pull b and c away 
 li^e will still be the positive charge at c, which has 
 nCMt gone away ; in fact, while a has lost part of its posi- 
 ItVie electricity, c will have gained just as much, so that 
 die result is virtually the same as if part of the elec- 
 Idd^ of a hsMl fone over to c. 
 Fig. 41. 
 8i. Sundry experiments. — Whatire 
 said about electrfc 
 may be easily illustrated by 
 a few simple and striking 
 experiments; but it wmk be 
 remembered that in all these 
 experiments the glass of the 
 apparatus must be quite dry 
 and warm. 
 Experiment 55.~-Here you 
 see in the figure an instru- 
 ment by which we can detect 
 electricity, called the gold 
 leaf electroscope. In or- 
 der to show you its action, 
 let me first of all communicate to the knob at the top 
 (see Appendix) a slight charge of positive electricity. 
 Now this charge runs to the gold leaves which 
 are electrically connected with the knob, and then 
 these leaves, being both charged with the same 
 kind of electricify, begin to repel each other as 
 you see in the figure. The electroscope is now in 
 action. ^ ^ 
 Experiment 56.— Having thus charged the elec^o- 
 scope with positive electricky, let us bring near its knob 
 an excited glass rod, when the gold leaves will diverge 
 still more. The reason of this is that the positive elec- 
 tricity of the excited glass decomposes the neutiid 
 electricity of the knob attracting the negative to it«i|| 
 and repelling the positive to the gold leaves. 3^ 
 therefore, the leaves had been previously chargpl 
 with jwsitive electridty, they will now ^ms^ 
 tricity, s 
 that the 
 The res 
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 Experiment 57. — If we now bring near the knob of 
 die electroscope, charged as before with positive elec- 
 tricity, a stick of excited sealing-wax, we shall first find 
 that the gold leaves will collapse instead of diverging. 
 The reason is that the negative electricity of the excited 
 sealing-wax decompcses the neutral electricity of the 
 knob attracting the positive to itself, and driving the 
 negative to the gold leaves. But since the gold leaves 
 were previously charged with positive electricity, part 
 of this charge will be cancelled by the negative elec- 
 tricity driven towards them, and they will consequently 
 Experiment 58. — Here we havfe a hollow brass ball 
 or conductor, supported on an insulating glass stand. 
 Let us now bring this insulated conductor near the 
 electric machine when in action, and we shall get a 
 spark, but it will be very feeble. Let us now touch 
 with our finger that part of the hollow ball which is 
 farthest from the m>xhine, and the spark given to the 
 ball will now be much more intense. 
 This illustrates what we said in Art So about the 
 cause of the spark. In fact, the positive electricity of 
 the machine pulls towards itself the negative electricity 
 of the hollow ball, and drives away the positive as far 
 as possible. If, however, this ball is insulated, the 
 positive cannot be driven away sufficiently far, nor the 
 two electricities be separated sufficiently well, and the 
 consequence is you have but a feeble spark. But 
 when you touch the hollow brass ball, the positive 
 electnctty of the ball is driven through your body 
 to the earth, the electricities are thus well separated, 
 and there is a |^1 spark. 
 Sa^ Actiim of points.— In the last experiment, 
 HI. I 
 SC/ENCJE PRIMERS, Ielectrifieo 
 if you cor'uiue to touch the brass ball, and the electric 
 machine is worked it the same time, a succession of 
 sparks will pass through your body to the earth, and 
 these will cause yoii to feel a somewhat unpleasant 
 sensation. The spark from the electric machine may 
 in truth be compared to a flash of lightning — a flash 
 of lightning being, in fact, a very long spark. Now, 
 just as when a man is struck by lightning the elec- 
 tricity passes through his body to the earth, so when 
 we grasp or touch the ball of the last experiment, the 
 electricity goes through our body to the earth. 
 Experiment 59. — Now let us attach a point to the 
 hollow ball, and place this point next the conductor of 
 the machine, touching the ball as before with our flnger. 
 It will now be impossible to get a spark from the 
 machine, but there will be instead a continuous rush 
 of electricity. In facit, anything pointed carries off 
 the electricity just as rapidly as it i? produced, and 
 does not give it time to gather so as to form a spark. 
 We now see the use of the pointed metallic conductors 
 that are placed above lofty buildings, to protect them 
 from lightning strokes. These pointed metallic con- 
 ductors, running down into the earth, carry off the 
 electricity in a silent manner, just as the point did in 
 Experiment 59 ; and ju$t a^ the point protected my 
 finger from a spark in the one case, so does the light- 
 ning conductor protect the building from a flash m 
 stroke of lightning in the other. 
 Franklin, an American philosopher, was the first to 
 find out that lightning and electricity are the same thhif 
 — the only difference being that a flash of lightning is 
 often several miles in length, whereas an electric spiik 
 is only a few inches. 
 83. : 
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 83. Electrical Machine.— You are now in a 
 position to understand the construction of an electric 
 machine. Such a machine is composed of two parts ; 
 we have first of all an arrangement for producing 
 electricity, and we have next an arrangement for col- 
 lecting it. 
 One of the best known machines is that in which 
 the electricity is produced by a large plate of glass 
 revolving, as ivL fig. 42. As the plate of glass 
 Fig. 4», 
 revolves, it is rubbed against by two sets of rubbers, 
 m% above and the other below. These rubbers are 
 UjHl^Uy made of leather stuffed with horse-hair, so as 
 ^ press rather tightly against the glass. They are 
 coated with a soft metal, which is spread over the 
 leatli^', and this metal is generally made of one part 
 of m^ one of tiD» and two of mercury melted 
 SCIENCE PRIMERS, [electrifi^ 
 together. There is a metallic chain which connects 
 these rubbers with one another, and with the earth. 
 Now when the glass plate is turned round, positive 
 electricity is produced in the glass, while negative 
 electricity is produced in the rubbers. The negative 
 electricity of the rubbers then passes along the me- 
 tallic chain which is connected with the rubbers, and 
 is conducted by means of this chain to the earth, 
 through which it spreads until it is scattered and 
 diffused — in fact completely lost. We have thus got 
 rid of the negative electricity, and there is now 
 left the positive electricity on the glass. Now sur- 
 rounding the glass we have two brass rods, which are 
 united to a latge metallic surface called the con- 
 ductor, which you see in the figure. This conductor 
 stands upon ^ass supports, so that it is able to keep 
 what electricity it gets. The two large rods near the 
 glass plate are moreover armed with metallic points. 
 Now you have already been told that points have a 
 great tendency to draw off electricity. The consequence 
 is that these points draw off, or collect, the positive 
 electricity of the glass and carry it to the conduct<»r, 
 where it remains, since the conductor stands upon 
 glass supports. By turning the glass plate sufficiently 
 long, we may thus accumulate a large amoual of posi- 
 tive electricity in%is condiK:tor. 
 Experiment 6o. — If, when Hie conductor of the 
 elec^ madiine is charged with ^ectricity, I {ilace 
 my i«nger near it, a spark passes between the c^- 
 ductor and my finger. The reason is that the posilivt 
 electricity of the conductor separates tc^ two <le^ 
 tricities which are together in my finger, driviiig #«^ 
 the positive, which is of the same kind as it^elt t|l tike 
 le roe- 
 's, and 
 I and 
 us got 
 V sur- 
 :h are 
 ear^ dirough my feet, but, on the other hand, attract- 
 ing the negative to itself. 
 The two electricities — ^namely the positive in the 
 conductor, and the negative in my finger — then rush 
 together through the air and unite with each other, 
 and in so doing they form a spark. 
 84. Leyden jar. Experiment 61. — When you 
 thus approach your finger or your knuckle to* an 
 electric machine, you feel a pricking sensation when 
 the spark passes, but that is all; you do not get a 
 severe shock. In order to 
 get a shock you must use a 
 Leyden jar, such as you see 
 in fig. 43. This is a glass 
 jar, the inside of which is 
 coated with tinfoil, as well 
 as the outside up to the 
 neck. A brass rod with a 
 knob at the end is con- 
 nected with ihe inside coat- 
 ing, and is kept tight by 
 being passed through a cork 
 which covers the mouth of the jar. Thus the jar ha s two 
 coatings, an inside andun ou'side one, and these are 
 quite separated from each other, as far as electricity is 
 cofii^med, inasmuch as glass does nol^onduct electri- 
 ^Mb^ Now suppose I take the jar by its outside coating 
 in )||yhand, and h«ld the inside knob to the conductor 
 oC A fleets machine at work. The positive elec- 
 ir^H irom the ccmductor will then get into the inside 
 coa^g of the j«r. It will then decompose the two 
 electrt|iities of the outside coating, driying away the 
 ponlti^ through my hand and body generally to the 
 Fix- 43» 
 earth, and attracting the negfttive. In fact thipg will be 
 a battalion of positive electricity in the inside coatit^ 
 facing an opposite battalion of negative electricity in 
 the outside coating, the two longing very much to 
 meet, but unable to do so for the glass. So intent are 
 these two electricities on watching each other that 
 they will remain close at their post while I put some 
 more positive electricity into the interior. This second 
 charge will then act precisely like the first ; it will 
 decompose anew the two electricities of the outside 
 coating, driving positive electricity from the outside 
 through my hand to the earth, while negative elec- 
 tricity will remain in the outside coating, facing the 
 new battalion of positive electricity which has been 
 introduced inside. We have now two inside and two 
 outside battalions watching one another, and by con- 
 tinuing this process we accumulate a large quantity of 
 opposite electricities in the two coatings of such a jar. 
 If we wish to discharge the jar, we make use of a 
 discharging rod, such as you see in the figure. It 
 should be . held by its glass handles, and one of the 
 knobs should be made to touch the outer coating of 
 the jar while the other is gradually brought near the 
 knob connected with the 
 interior of the jar \ wh«n 
 the two knobs are near to- 
 gether a bright i|)ark is 
 seen, accompanied with a 
 report, and the \2x 10 i^is- 
 charged. If we wiitr to 
 feel the shock oui 
 let us grasp t'.e 
 coating by one of our hands, and 4|pj^roacli tbe 
 Fig. 44. 
 the di 
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 with a 
 towards the knob connected with the inside coating, 
 the discharge will then take place through our body. 
 Or if several wish to feel the shock, let them all joih 
 hands, and let the one at the one end grasp the out- 
 dde coating, while the ow^ at the other end touches 
 the inside knob, and the shock will then pass through 
 the bodies of all. 
 {5. Energetic nature of electrified bodies. 
 — from what has been said jom must now be con- 
 vinced that electricity is something which has energy 
 in it You see that the two opposite electricities of 
 the jar rush together and unite, and that the union 
 is accompanied by a flash and a report. This, flash 
 is very bright while it lasts ; and although it does not 
 last longer than the twenty-four thousandth part of 
 a second, it nevertheless implies considerable heat. 
 Now heat means energy, and we thus see that when 
 a jar is discharged, that kind of energy which we call 
 electricity is changed into that other form of energy 
 which we call heat and light. 
 Again, since electricity is an energetic thing, it re- 
 quires labour or work to produce it; ^ou do so by turning 
 the electric machine^ but such a machine is particularly 
 hard to turn on account of the electricity. You thus 
 see that there is nothing for nothing ; if you 
 widi to obtain an energetic agent, you must spend 
 wcark in doing so. On the other hand, there is no 
 ^ifppearance of energy when the two electricities 
 pipRbine, but only, a change from the form of' elec- 
 iPppity- inta that of heat 
 86. Electric curi-ents.— You have seen that 
 when you hold a pointed conductor tiear an electric 
 madiitie at work (Art 82) there is a continuous stream 
 SCIENCE PRIMERS, [electrified 
 or current of electricity, which passes through die 
 point and through your hand to the ground. 
 We have, however, a much better means than the 
 electric machine gives us of obtaining powerful 
 Fig- 45. 
 electric currents. We shall now briefly describe this 
 method, which was first discovered by -n Italian 
 called Volta, and which has therefore been named the 
 Voltaic battery. This arrangement is shown in the 
 above figure. Here you see to the extreme left a 
 plate marked Cy which means a plate of copper. Next 
 you see a plate of zinc marked z, which is soldered to 
 a wire connecting it with the plate of copper in the 
 second vessel In the second vessel you have another 
 plate of zinc, which is similarly connected with the 
 copper in the third vessel. Finally, to the extreme right 
 you have a Single plate of zinc. Suppose now that 
 the vessels are filled with a mixture of su^^uric acid 
 and water, and that we attach wires to the copper at 
 the left-hand end, and also to the zinc at the right- 
 hand end, and that we bring these wires together. 
 (These wires are called the pole-wires of the batteiy;) 
 It will now be found that there is a current of positfye 
 electricity passing round and round through the cii^i^ 
 in the direction of the arrow-heads. Let us tmt^ 
 how it 
 wire a 
 and g( 
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 ' 'i^^Hfi^fitm^.y*'''-^ " "". ',v- .■' 
 how it goes. In the first place, it comes firom the 
 wire attached to the extreme left-hand copper plate, 
 and goes, as in the figure, through the long wires until 
 it enters the extreme right-hand plate of zinc ; it 
 then passes through the liquid till it reaches the 
 copper plate, from which it passes along the wire to the 
 next zinc plate ; it then passes through the liquid of 
 the middle vessel to the copper plate, and from that 
 by the wire to the zinc plate of the left-hand vessel ; 
 and finally from the zinc plate of this vessel through 
 the liquid to the same plate from which it started 
 originally. ' 
 87. Grove's Battery. — ^The arrangement now 
 described was that used by Volta, but since his time 
 many improvements have been made in the method 
 of obtaining a current of electricity. 
 It was found that with Volta's arrangement the 
 current, though strong at first, very soon became weak ; 
 but a method has been devised by which the electric 
 current can always be kept at the same strength. A 
 battery by which this is done is called a constant 
 battery, and one of the best is that invented by 
 Grove (see fig. 48). In this battery, instead of a 
 single vessel we use a double one, the outer vessel 
 being made of glass, while the inner is made of porous 
 earthenware. The outer glass or stoneware vessel is 
 partly filled with diluted sulphuric acid. Within it 
 we have a plate of zinc (amalgamated on the outside), 
 as you see in the figure,, while within the glass vessel we 
 have a porous vessel, made of unglazed porcelain. Into 
 this porous vessel is poured strong nitric acid, and into 
 thi$ nifric acid is put a thin plate of platinum, which 
 takes flic place of the copper in Volta's arrangement. 
 SCIENCE PRIMERS, [electrified 
 Now when this battery is in action, the zinc dissolves 
 in the dilute sulphuric acid, and during this process 
 hydrogen gas is given off, But this hydrogen does not 
 rise up in the sh?ipe of bubbles, but finds its way into 
 the porous vessel which contains the strong nitric acid. 
 It there decomposes the nitric acid, taking some oxygen 
 to itself, so as to become water (hydrogen and oxygen 
 forming water), and thereby turning the nitric into 
 nitrous acid, which shows its presence by strong orange- 
 coloured fumes. Thus the hydrogen does not reach 
 the platinum plate ; indeed it is to prevent its doing so 
 that this arrangement was made, for it was found that 
 in Volta*s original battery the hydrogen given out as 
 the zinc dissolved adhered to the copper plate, in con- 
 sequence of which the force of the battery became 
 much weakened. 9 
 What we have now described is only a single vessel 
 or cell, as it is called, of Grove's battery. In a large 
 battery of this kind there may be 50 or loo cells — 
 the wire that is attached to the platinum of one cell 
 being connected with the zinc of another, in a man- 
 ner precisely similar to that of fig. 45, the only differ- 
 ence being that instead of copper we have platinum, 
 and instead of a single vessel a double one of the 
 nature now described. Also, the positive current 
 passes through the liquid from the zinc to the plati- 
 num plate, just as it passed through the liquid from 
 the zinc to the copper plate in Volta's arrangement. 
 88. Properties of the current. — Let us now 
 see what an electric current can do ; that is to say, 
 let us perform a few simple experimqits. 
 Experiment 62.—Make a Grove's battery tteodjr 
 for action, and introduce a bit of very fine p!*«,tinti»j 
 wire bl 
 the c\ 
 for a^ 
 |es not 
 it as 
 wire between the two pole wires of the battery ; when 
 the connection is made, and the current passes, it 
 will be found that the fine platinum wire will be- 
 come red-hot. 
 Experiment 63. — Make a Grove*s battery ready 
 for action, and insert its two pole wires into two 
 Fig. 46 
 inverted vessels containing water, as in fig. 46. 
 It will be found that the current decomposes the 
 water, a*id that oxygen gas will appear in the one 
 vesisei and hydrogen gas in the other. The oxygen 
 gas will appear at the pole which is connected with 
 the platinum plate, while the hydrogen will appear at 
 tfteat which is connected with the zinc plate. Thus 
 j^u see that a voltaic battery has the power of 
 Iteiomposing water. It has also the power of de- 
 ^^f^isiposing very many compound liquids. 
 Experiment 64. — Here we have some copper 
 wire covered with thread so as to insulate it, and this 
 cc^per wire is wound round a thick piece of irou 
 shaped like a horse-shoe ; now let us connect the two 
 proles of our battery with the two extremities of the 
 copper wire which goes round the iron. If the battery 
 be now in action, it will be found 
 that the iron has acquired the power 
 of attracting other iron towards it, so 
 that a plate of iron will be held up, 
 as in the figure, with a heavy weight 
 attached to it As soon, however, 
 as the connection between the horse- 
 shoe and the battery is broken this 
 power is lost, and the weight which 
 the iron has been supporting will 
 drop down* at once. 
 Experiment 65. — -Take a bit of 
 ^'^ '*^* hard steel, such as a knitting-needle, 
 and attach it to the iron of the horse-shoe in the last 
 experiment while the current is passing. This needle 
 will have gained certain properties which (unlike the 
 soft iron) it will not lose when the current is broken, 
 but will retain ever afterwards. For instance, if we 
 suspend the needle round the middle by means of a 
 very fine silk threat, and let it swing horizontally, it 
 will always point in one direction, and this direction 
 will be nearly north and south. The needle will, in 
 fact, have become a compass needle, always pointing 
 in one direction, and thus enabling the mariner when 
 out at sea to steer his vessel in the proper course. A 
 piece of hard steel possessing these properties is called 
 a magnet. 
 Experiment 66.— rLet us now suspend a magnetic 
 needle horizontally upon a pivot It will poiixl nearly 
 north and south. But let us now bring near it n wjtf 
 its 11 
 ' .u^aMWMIWe^'^'M*!^'-'^^''*™*'^''''**''^"''* 
 through which a current is passing, and it will be 
 found that the needle will no longer point north and 
 south, but it will place itself so as to lie across or at 
 right angles to the wire conveying the current. 
 If we now break the current, the needle will resume 
 its usual direction. 
 Experiment 67. — We may render the last experi- 
 ment more marked by means of an arrangement such 
 Fig 48. 
 as is sketched in the above figure. Let us aup^- / 
 pose that we have our battery at one end of tW^ 
 room, while two wires covered with thread are carri^ 
 from the two poles of the battery quite to^ jjther 
 end of the room, and are there joined together, so th^ 
 the battery is now in action. Furthermore ypiirsee at 
 the end most remote from the battery arslppended 
 magnetic needle, which is placed ne^r the^ire,;«nd , 
 which will be violently deflected wh^n th^ current 
 passes. Now if anyone at the very opposite comer 
 of the room should disconnect the wire fro^ one 
 of the poles of the battery, that very moment the cur-' 
 rent will cease to flow, and the magnetic needle will 
 resume its ordinary position. 
 89. Ele^ctric Telegraph. — It thus appears that 
 ■ jft" 
 by disconnecting the wire from the battery at one end 
 of the room the needle is made to move at the other 
 at the very same moment This action would take 
 place even if the wires connected with th6 poles were 
 carried loo or even i,ooo miles away before they were 
 joined together. If a magnetic needle were placed 
 beside the wire conveying the current, even though 
 the wire should be i,ooo miles from the battery, it 
 would be deflected, but as soon as the other extremity 
 of this wire i,ooo miles away was disjoined from the 
 pole of the battery, the current would cease to pass, 
 and the magnetic needle would return to its usual 
 position. You thus see how it is possible, by 
 making and breaking contact of a wire with 
 the pole of a battery, to move a magnetic 
 needle i,ooo miles away. 
 In fact we have here the principle of the electric 
 telegraph, which performs such wonders in the way 
 of information, telling us what takes place in America 
 a few seconds after it happens. I cannot, however, 
 enter more fully into the subject, but at least you see 
 that it is possible to agitate a magnetic needle i,ooo 
 miles away, and, just as in the alphabet for the deaf 
 and dumb, these signals may be made the means of 
 conveying inf^nnation. 
 90. Cone usion. — You* have now learned what 
 the electric current can do. How, in the first 
 place, it can heat a fine wire through which it 
 passes; how, secondly, it can decompose wat^ 
 and other compounds; how, thirdly, it can make 
 a piece of soft iron into a powerful though tempo- 
 rary magnet; how, fourthly, it can make a pi|pet 
 of hard steel into a permanent mai^et; and fiMiiy 
>ne end 
 le other 
 W take 
 'S were 
 tery, it 
 )m the 
 e, by 
 e way 
 u see 
 is of 
 i k 
 and lastly, how it can deflect the compass needle, 
 rendering 'it thereby possible to telegraph to great 
 We cannot enter more fully into this very interesting 
 subject, but in conckision let me remind you that 
 you have now learned something about the active 
 moods of matter. We spoke first of all about moving 
 bodies, then about vibrating bodies, then about 
 heated bodies, and lastly about electrified bodies; 
 and we have tried throughout to show you that the 
 activity which a body may possess is never really lost. 
 It may, no doubt, pass to some other body, or it may 
 change its form, going from visible energy into sound, 
 or into heat, or into electricity, or changing about in 
 many different ways, b tit it is really lost no more than 
 a particle of matter is lost. 
 Indeed just as the science of Chemistry is built 
 upon the principle that matter only changes form, 
 going from one combination to another, and does not 
 absolutely disappear, so the science of Physics is 
 founded upon the principle that activity or energy 
 only changes form, and never absolutely disappears. 
 This, however, is a principle the full development of 
 which must be reserved for a future stage. 
 A POUND avoirdupois is equal to 7,000 grains. 
 If a stone be dropped from the hand, it will fall 
 through 16 feet during the first second of time. 
 Steel is the strongest metal, but gold is the most 
 malleable; for a cubic inch of gold can be beaten 
 out so as to cover the floor of a room 50 feet long 
 and 40 feet wide. 
 The diamond is the hardest solid ; that is to say, 
 it can scratch everything else, but nothing else can 
 scratch it 
 A cubic inch of water weighs nearly 252 grains; 
 and, therefore, four cubic inches weigh nearly 1,000 
 100 cubic inches of air weigh 31 grains. 
 100 cubic inches of carbonic acid weigh 47 grains. 
 100 cubic inches of hydrogen only weigh 2 grains. 
 The pressure of the atmosphere will support a 
 column of mercury 30 inches high, and a column of 
 water more than 30 feet high. 
 Sound travels through air at a velocity of about 
 1,100 feet in one second of time. 
 If a musical string vibrates 50 times in one secon^, 
 it emits a deep, low note; if it vibrates 10,000 tkatB 
 in one second, it emits a shrill, high note. 
 The heat required to melt a pound of ice would 
 heat 79 pounds of water one degree. The heat re- 
 quired to boil away a pound of boUing water would 
 heat 537 pounds of water one degree. 
 Light travels through space nearly at the rate of 
 190,000 miles in one second of time. 
 The spark from a Leyden jar lasts only the 
 twenty-four-thousandth part of one second. 
 The apparatus to be used should be set up on the 
 table before the lesson, and the teacher should make 
 sure that he can perform without difficulty the various 
 experiments. After the lesson the apparatus ought to 
 be put away carefully into its appropriate place. 
 Care must be taken that the piston of the air-pump 
 is rendered tight in its cylinder by means of lard. 
 Care must also be taken that the receiver fits well upon 
 its bed-plate, and for this purpose it must be well 
 greased with lard. , When this is done, the receiver 
 ought to move smoothly and without noise on its 
 bed-plate ; but if there is a grinding noise it shows 
 that some hajd substance is present, and the bottom 
 of the receiver must then be carefully cleaned and 
 greased anew. This remark applies to the hemi- 
 spheres (fig. 15), as well as to the glass receivers. 
 In order to fill the box of Experiment 28 with 
 Qarbonic acid gas, the tube conveying the gas should 
 descend very nearly, but not quite, to the bottom of 
 the box. 
 To fill the same box (Experiment 29) with hydrogen, 
 the tube conveying the gas should ascend very nearly 
 to the bottom of the box, which is now uppermost 
 The whole apparatus for Experiment 45 must be 
 placed in a cool room some hours before the ex-^ 
 periment is made. « 
 n the 
 ght to 
 )n its 
 1 of 
 Great care ought to be taken in handling phos- 
 phorus, which very easily takes fire. The stock of 
 phosphorus should be kept under water, and the 
 little bits cut off should be well dried in blotting- 
 paper before being used. 
 When the mercury is tarnished, take a piece of 
 paper and make it into a funnel, having a pin-hole 
 at its bottom. Pour the mercury gently into this 
 funnel, and let it run through the pin-hole into a 
 vessel prepared for it It will now be quite bright 
 Care must be taken that the mercury is not con- 
 taminated with other metals. A small portion should 
 be kept separate for amalgamation in the battery. 
 Before the electrical machine is used the glass plate 
 ought to be well warmed. For this purpose it ought 
 to be placed endwise towards the fire, and the handle 
 ought to be turned round occasionally, so as to expose 
 to the fire the various parts of the plate. If these 
 instructions be not attended to, the glass may probably 
 The electroscope ought not to be charged highly, 
 otherwise the gold leaves will be driven to the sides 
 of the jar and be torn. To charge the electroscope 
 give the Leyden jar a single small spark from the 
 machine— then touch the electroscope with its knob. 
 The insulating glass supports of the conductor 
 ought also to be warm and dry. 
 Finally, the Leyden jar and everything made of 
 glass with which any electrical experiment is to be 
 made, ought to be warm and dry. 
 In the Grove's battery the zinc ought to be well 
 amalgamated (see Chemical Primer), and the varic is 
 K 2 
 metals ought to be quite bright at the points where 
 they are connected with the battery. 
 The outer cells ought to be charged with one 
 part by measure of strong sulphuric acid and eight 
 parts of water. 
 The porous vessels of the Grove's battery ought 
 to be well steeped in water after the battery has 
 been in use ; and the zinc and platinum plates ought 
 likewise to be well cleaned. 
 In Experiment No. 66, it is necessary to fill with 
 mercury the two little brass cups into which the ends 
 of the battery wires are plunged. 
 Ko. ofEx- r^"r\/ 
 periment. A '• »• 
 I, 2.— Tin pan, with peas ........ o i o 
 3. — Iron plate with four strings o I 6 
 4. — ^Balance to carry 2 lbs. in each scale ; beam 
 two feet long i 12 o 
 Piece of metal weighing 200 grains ...010 
 Set of weights, 600 grains to | grain ... o 10 6 
 5.— 2 lbs. mercury in a bottle . . . . . • o 10 o 
 Two pieces of glass two inches square . . 004 
 6. — Apparatus unnecessary. 
 9, 10. — Beam of w^ood 019 
 Two 4-lb. weights ...030 
 15.— Plumoline ...........010 
 Stoneware dish for mercury .......006 
 16.— Tube for showing level of water ....026 
 17.— Metal cylinder with two tubes and stoppers .060 
 Tube with moveable bottom and cord ..030 
 Water-jar for tube . ........010 
 Indigo solution .... * 005 
 18, 19.— Substance weighing 1,000 gmins, same spe- 
 cific gravity as water ... ....026 
 20. — Hollow brass cylinder .......026 
 ^^m^ Bucket to contain it .......,•026 
 ^W Apparatus for attaching the bucket to balance 01 6 
 21. — See Experiment 18. 
 22.- Block to illustrate flotation O o 3 
 24. — ^Apparatus unnecessary. 
 No. of Ex- p . 
 periment. / V 
 25. — Tate's air-pump . , 3 13 6 
 Bell-jar receiver ..026 
 Two india-rubber balls . . , . . . . 003 
 26.— Jar with neck and flange ......026 
 Two pieces of india-rubber for it . . . . o 10 
 27, 28, 29. — Box with strings 006 
 30.— Magdeburg hemispheres 056 
 Brass cock for ditto ........030 
 31' — Tube for barometer ........010 
 Glass mortar for cistern .......010 
 Funnel for filling barometer . . . . . . 002 
 33- — Vibrating wire on support ...... o i o 
 37. — Model thermometer ...050 
 Centigrade thermometer 040 
 38.— Bladder two-thirds filled with air ...,006 
 ",9. — Further apparatus unnecessary. 
 40. —Use tin pan of Experiment I. 
 41. — Use flask of Experiment 42. 
 42.— Flask for boiling water, and cork in dupli- 
 cate ...,,,, 030 
 Triangleand wire gauze to support flak . .015 
 •3» 44* — No special apparatus necessary. 
 45* — ^^^ to Jiold sulphuric acid in vacuo^ and 
 shallow vessel to hold water 038 
 46. — No apparatus necessary. 
 47.— Use flask of Experiment 42. 
 48. — Wires to show unequal power of iron and 
 copper to conduct heat ......010 
 50.— Use tin pan of Experiment i. 
 51.— Apparatus to show image of candle , . . o lo 6 
 52. — Apparatus unnecessary. 
 54. — Electric pendulum .....,.,.020 
 Several pieces of elder-pith ...... o o 6 • 
 55.— Electroscope o 12 o 
 No. of Ex- 
 Electrical machine, 16-inch plate . 
 Box of amalgam 
 56.— Rod, half brass, half glass , . . 
 Rod of glass covered with jed-wax 
 Piece of silk 
 Piece of flannel ...... 
 57.— No additional apparatus. 
 58^ 59.— Brass ball, with point, on insulated 
 60. — No apparatus required. 
 61. — Leyden jar, pint size .... 
 62.— Grove's battery, 4 cells in frame 
 Yard of fine platinum wire . . 
 63. — Voltameter 
 64. — Electro-magnet 
 65.— Knitting-needle and thread , . 
 66 —Apparatus for Oersted's experiment 
 67.— Thirty feet of covered wire . . . 
 £ s. d, 
 . I 18 o 
 . o 10 6 
 £19 3 8 
As a wish has been expnsst i to havs a cheaper if iesi 
 compute set of apparatus^ the following is offered as an 
 alternative list. 
 No. of Ex- Pitct. 
 piiriiMnt /^ ». d 
 I, 2. — ^Tin pan, with peas (supplied by experi- 
 menter). ooo 
 3. — Iron plate with four strings ......016 
 4.»-13alance to carry 2 lbs. in each scale ; beam 
 twa feet long. I 12 O 
 Piece of nietal weighing 200 grains . . . o I O 
 Set of weights, 600 grains to ) grain . . . o 10 6 
 5. — 2 lbs. mercuiy in a bottle 0x00 
 Two pieces of glass two inches square • .004 
 6. — Apparatus unnecessary. 
 9, 10. — Beam of wood (supplied by experimenter) .000 
 Two 4-lb. weights Ditto ....000 
 15. — Plumbline '..oio 
 Stoneware dish for mercury 006 
 16. — Tube for showing level of water ....026 
 17. — Metal cylinder with two tubes and stoppers 
 (not supplied) , 000 
 Tube with moveable bottom and cord ...030 
 Water-jar for tul/e 010 
 Indigo solution ..005 
 18, 19. — Substance weighing 1,000 graiiis, same spe- 
 cific gravity as water ....... o 2 6 
 Carried forward > • 3 6 3 
 No. oi £x- 
 20. — H 
 21. — S 
 22. — B 
 24. — A 
 26.— J 
 17, 28, 29 
 30.— 1 
 No. oi Ex- Price, 
 pcriment {^ s. d. 
 Brought over ..363 
 20. — Hollow brass cylinder * o 2 j 
 Bucket to contain it 026 
 Apparatus for attaching the backet to balance o i 6 
 21. — See Experiment 18. 
 22. — Block to illustrate flotation 003 
 24. — Apparatus unnecessary. 
 25. — Air-pump .......••••.220 
 Bell-jar receiver •••026 
 Two india-rubber balls ..•••••003 
 26. — Jar with neck and flange 026 
 Two pieces of india-rubber for it • • . • o I o 
 If, 28, 29. — Box with strings ........006 
 30. — Magdeburg hemispheres .......05^ 
 Brass cock for ditto ....•••.030 
 31. — Tube for barometer 010 
 Glass mortar for cistern 010 
 Funnel for filling barometer ......002 
 33. — Vibrating wire on support o I c 
 37. — Model thermometer 050 
 Centigrade thermometer .......040 
 38. — Bladder two-thirds filled with air ....00 6 
 39. — Further apparatus unuecesrory. 
 4a — Use tin pan of Experiment i. 
 41.- Use flask of Experiment 42. 
 42. — Flask for boiling water, and cork in duph- 
 cate 030 
 Triangle and wire gauz . to support flask . . c i 5 
 43,44. — No special apparatus necessary. 
 45. — This experiment cannot be shown with the 
 air-pump of this list . 000 
 Carried forward ..774 
 No. ol Ex- Priee. 
 (teriment £ g. d. 
 Brought over ..774 
 46. — No apparatus necessary. 
 47. — Use flask of Experiment 42. 
 48. — Wires to show unequal power of iron and 
 copper to conduct heat ...... o I o 
 50. — Use tin pan of Experiment i. 
 51. — Apparatus to show image of candle ... o 10 6 
 52. — Apparatus unnecessary. 
 54. — Electric pendulum 020 
 Several pieces of elder-pith ......006 
 55. — Electroscope *, .076 
 Electrical machine ..iibo 
 Box of amalgam ...010 
 56. — Rod, half brass, half glass .......026 
 Rod of glass covered with red-wax ...026 
 Piece of silk ..* 006 
 Piece of flannel 006 
 57. — No additional apparatus. 
 58, 59. — Brass ball, with point, on insulated stand . o 3 <f 
 60 — No apparatus required. 
 61. — Leyden jar, pint size 040 
 Discharger 030 
 62. — Battery o 12 6 
 Yard of fine platinum wire ......006 
 63. — This experiment cannot be shdwn with the 
 battery of this list 000 
 64. — Electro-magnet 060 
 65. — Knitting-needle and thread o o 2 
 66. — Apparatus for Oersted's experiment . . . .0 $ 6 
 67. —Thirty feet of covered wire ......013 
 £1^ g 3 
 Price for the whole of the apparatus . ;£ii" o o 
 € 9. d, 
 7 7 4 
 > I 
 ) lo b 
 > 2 
 > o 
 > 7 
 » I 
 ' 2 
 > 2 
 > O 
 ' O 
 3 ^ 
 4 o 
 3 o 
 12 6 
 o 6 
 o o 
 6 o 
 O 2 
 5 6 
 » o 