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O o ■ o a n 4 -j:> a- 8 ??- 9i a. ft -^ lA^ W'^^^ c^ ■'^^,y lt(e0olttt(on» jiiiiv Tate* Of a CominiHce of the whole House, on His Excellency's Message, und the OoKpatcli Ironi His >Jjye»iy's Principal {Secretary of State for the Colonial De|iarlnient, on the subject of Katurahza- tion : WITH AN ADDRESS OF THANKS TO HIS MAJESTY, For favournhly regarding the interegh of the people in this Province, ■upon their civil and jwliUcal rights. Ordend, by Tin- House of Asaomlily, to be PrinttJ, 4th Ftbruury, IIJ28. y J MondaUt 4(/t Februarf/, 1828. The House being in Committee on His Excellency's Message and dcspatcli from His Majesty's princi* jwl Secretary of Statu for llui Colonial department, on the subject of Naturaliwition— adopted the follow- ing llesolutions : — 1st. Resolved, That tlip thanks of this House arc due to His Majesty fur so favourably regarding the interests of his people in this province, upon thuir civil und political rights. 2nd. Resolved, That the rhairman be instructed to move for a committee to draft an appropriate ad- dress to His Majesty, grounded «mi the above resolution. The House resumed, nir.l the Chairman reported the resolutions. The Report beins; received, the Clerk read the first Resolution— to which Mr. Jones of Grenville moved the following amendment, si-conded by Mr. Vanl<«uphnift— That after tlic word " for" in the or- iginal Resolution, the whole lie expunged, and the following words inserted ; "the favorable manner in " which His Majesty's Government Has invariably regarded the interests of the inhabitants of this PrOT- " incc, respecting their civil ri^jlht!", and upon otiier subjects." Which was lost by a :n:ijorily of seven — ai follows: — V'KAS,— Messrs. Bi-asley, Burnham, Cameron, Clark, Coleman, Gordon, Ingcrsol, C. Jones, Jonci of Grenville, Morris, Seollick, Thompson of York, and VanKouj,hnelt, \H. NAYS,— Messrs. Baby, Beardsley, Bidweil, Fothergill. Hmnilton, Iloinor. t,.fnrty, T-yons, Mat- tliews, MeBride, MuCall, Perry, Peterson, Randal, Rolph, Thomson of Frontenac, Walsh, White, Wilkinson, and \Yil4ttn, -;0. Mr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Jones ofGrenviUe, t!»en moved an amendment to the original resolution which is Hi follows :-TI>at after the word " resolved" in the oi^fginal resolution, the whole be expnng- " ed, and the following be inserted, " That the thanks of thi^ House are due to His Majesty's Govcrn- " went for their gracious intentions invariably evinced in promoting the interests of the inhabitants of " this province, respecting their civil righltf, and upon other subjects," Which wa"" lost by n majority of wvcn, 1^; Ja^ YEAS AND NAYS AS BEFORE. The House then divided on the Resolution. YEAsJ,— Messrs. Baby, Beardsley, Beasley, Bidwell. Clarlt, Coleman, Fothergill. HamiltOD. Homor, Lefferty, Lyons, Matthews, McBride, McCall, Perry, Peterson, Randal, Rolph, Thomson, of Frontenac, Wolfh, White, Willtinson, and Wilson,— M. NAYS,— Messrs. Bumham, Cameron, Gordon, IngersoLC. Jones, Jones, of Orenville, Mortis, Scol lick, Thompson, of York, and Vankoughnett,— 10. Carried in the afflrmative by a mnjority of thirteen, and it was RcsoWed accordinjly. The second resolution was then put as follows, and carried. "ResoWed that the chairman be instructed to move tor a committee to draft an appropriate address t» •' Hii Majesty, grounded on the above resolution." Mr. Wilkinson, chairman of the committee, then moved that Messrs. Rolph «.d Bidwell be a commit- tee to draft an address to His Majesty pursuant to the resolution adopted. Which was ordered. Mr. Rolph, from the committee appointefto draft an appropriate address to IBs Majesty, by thanking him .-or so favourably regarding the interests of his people in this province, upon their civil and pohtical rights, reported a draft which was received, and read the first time. On the question for reading the address a second time, Mr. C. Jones mMved as follows : — That it be resolved, " that the address to His Majesty, just now read, is not in accordance with the re- solution of this house, referred to a select committee, to draft an address thereupon— and that the said address be again refeired to the said committee for the purpose of reporting a correct address thereupon." Which was lost by a majority of nine, as follows : — YEAS,— Messrs. Beasley, Bumham, Cameron, Clark, Gordon, Ingersol, C. Jones, Jones of Gren- ville, Morris, ScoHick, Thompson, of York, and Vankoughnett— IS. N4Va, M.>»M n„Ur. Ro..,.r1alnr Ri'ln'oU PnlBmnn Fnfhfrrill Hmnilton. Homnr T.eff<>rty. T.y- ons, Matthews, McBride, McCall, Perry, Peterson, Randal, Rolph, Thomson, tf Frontenac, Walsh, White, Wilkinson, and Wilson— 21. The address was then read the second time, and on the question for its adoption the house again divided and the yeas and nays were taken as follows : TEAS,— Messrs. Baby, Beirdsley, Bidwell, Coleman, Fothergill, Hamilton, Homor, Lefferty, Ly- ons. MHtthews, McBride. MoCall, Perry, Peterson. Randal, Rolph, Thomson, of Frontenac, White, Wilkinson, and Wilson— 20. NAYS,— Messrs. Beasley, Bumham, Cameron, Clark, Gordon, Ingersol, C. Jones, Jones of Oren- ville, Morris, Scollick, Thompson, of York, Vankoughnett, and Walsh — 13. The question wascarrried in the affirmative by a majorty of seven, and the address was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time. . The address being engrossed was read a third time, and on the question for passing the same, the bouse again divided as follows : — YEAS,— Messrs. Bcardsley, Bidwell, Fothergill, Hamilton, Hornor, Lefferty, Matthews, McCall, Perry, Peterson. Randal, Rolph, Thomson, of Frontenac, White, Wilkinson, and Wilson— 16. NAYS,— Messrs. Beasley, Bumham, Cameron, Clark, Gordon, Ingersol, C. Jones, Jones, of Gren- TiUe, Morris, fcollirk, Thompson, of York, Vankoughnett, and Walsh — 13. The question was carried in the affirmative by a mtyority of three, and the address was passed and signed by the Speaker, and is as follows : — To the King's Most Excellent Majesty, MOST GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN : inEJTE your Majesty's dutiftil and loyal subjects, the Commons of Upper Canada, in Provincial I'ur- '• liamcnt assembled, beg leave humbly to thauk your Majesty for having withheld your Royal Assent to the bills lately transniitted to yniir Mnjesty^ upon a subject deep!* affeetis' the civil ssd ncUt!- cal rights of your C^iuadian people. In this most gracious exercise of your Royal premgative we fi^l as- suredtbatthe people will, in common with this Assembly, recognize your Majesty's desire to promote the welftre of every clai spicuous in the pr profoundly intpreiting to them and their poatarity. From thi; zeal an