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The French Alphabet consists of the following 25 letters : French Alphabet. A a B b Cc D d Ee Pf Gg Hh li JJ Kk LI Mm Nn Oo PP Qq Rr Ss Tt Name. ah bay say day ai eff jay aash ee jee kah el m n o pay ku heir ess tay Pronunciation. is pronounced like a in the english word " father." as in English. c before e and /, is pron. like s\ be- fore <7, 0, H and before a con- sonant c sounds like k. ■ as in Euii^lish. e, e, ai, ei, are pron. like a in the english word care. as in English. before e and / it sounds like/ is quite mute. pron. like c in the english word me. is pron. like **j" in the word pleas- ure. as in English. as in English. as in English. as in English. o, au, eau, are pronounced like 0. like the English, it is often mute at the end of words. is pronounced like k. " is pron. like the English r in run. sounds like the EngHsh s, some- times like z. is pron. like the / in the english word tent. FRENCH AT A GLANCE. French Alphabet. Name. Pronunciation. Uu eeyu is pron. like "<?m/"; it must be heard from a Frenchman. Eu, oeu, are pron. like u in 7nucli. Vv vay is pron. like the English v. Xx eeks is pron. as in English. Yy egrec is pron. like e'\\\ the english word nu. Zz zed is pron. like a soft s. VvonnnvUitlon, The French language has three accents, which principally belong to the c^ namely .^ the acute accent 4 " the grave accent ^ ' ' ■ and the circumflex accent e. If the e is without the accent it is either pronounced short or not at all, if with the accent it is always pronounced. Vowels, The pronunciation of the following vowels requires most care: - cu, is pronounced like oo in the english word /(W^. 0, au, eau, are pronounced like o. a, is pronounced like a in the word father. /, is pronounced like c in the word better. -: u is the most difficult letter to pronounce, for there is no cor- responding sound in the English language ; it sounds like the German ii, like eeyu, and it ought to be care- fully imitatetl from a French perj^on. eu, oeu, are pronounced like u in the english word muih. e, e, ^, ai, ei, are pronounced like a in the english word care. J;y, are pronounced like e in the english word me. ' The nasal sounds: am, an, em, en, tin, oin, are equally difficult to pronounce, and these ought to be heard and imitated from a Frenchman. - Rule. As nearly every educated person understands French, those who study without a master should, when an opportunity offers, ask the pronunciation of difficult words ; by such means, the learner will be able to get the correct pronunciation, which words are incapable of conveying. tl tl FRENCH AT A GLANCE. i VOCABULARY. Tlie French masculine Article is " /?," the indefinite Article "«;/," a, th^ feminine Article is *'/c?," — "««<?," a. * 1, The Universe. English. French. Pronunciation. God Z)/Vv Deeyu the world /t' rnonde leh maund the sky It' del leh seevel the sun le soldi leh sohleyl > the moon la In fie I ah lune ■ • a star line tHoile une aitoahl / the air Tab' I'are the earth • la terre lah tayr the water Veaii I'o the fire Icfeu leh feuh the sea la nier lah mare an island une tie une eel a lake mi lac ■ ung lac a stream unfleuve ung fieuhv a river une riviere une reeveeare the animals les anifnat/x laiz aneemo the metals les vic'taiix lai maito the gold Vor Torr the silver • Targent I'arjang the iron lefer leh fayr the steel lacier I'asseay the copper le ciiivre leh cvveevr the tin r^taifi I'aitang 2, Man and the I*art8 of the Body. man Thomme I'omm the body le corps leh cor the head la tete lah tait the face le visage leh veesaje the forehead le front leh frong FRENCH AT A GLANCE the eye " ' the eyes the nose the ears the chin - the beard the mouth the Hps the tooth the tongue the neck the shoulders the arm the hand the fingers the nails the chest the heart the knee the leg the foot the bones the bread the flour meat roast meat beef veal mutton lamb pork bacon ham the soup rice Voeil ^ les yeux le nez les oreilles le menton la barbe la boiiche les levres la dent la langue le cou les spanks le bras la main ^es doigts les angles la poitrine le coeur le genou la jambe Ic pU.i les OS rile laiz eeyeu leh nay laiz ohraill leh mauntong lah barb lah boosh lai layvr lah dong lah laungh leh coo laiz aipole leh brah lah mang lai douah laiz aungl lah pouahtreen leh keuhr leh jenoo lah jaumb leh peeay laiz o *, 3. Food and Brink. eggs le pain lafarine de la viande du rbti du boeuf du veaii du mouton de Vagneau du pore du lard du jambon la soupe du riz \ des oeufs leh pang lah fareen de lah veeaund du rotee du beuhf du vo du mootong deh I'anyo du pork du lar du jaumbong lah soop du ree daiz euh English. salad 1 mustard ; salt oil vinegar pepper butter cheese the breakfast the dinner the supper hunger thirst water wine beer milk tea gin brandy a coat - a cloak a waistcoat the trousers the braces the cap the hat the comb • ; gloves a ring a watch the stocking the boots the boot jack the slippers the shoes a shirt FRENCH AT A GLANCE. French. de la salade de la tnoutarde du sel d'' rhuile du vinaigre du poivre die beurre du fromage le dffjeiiner le diner le souper la /aim la soif de Veau du vin de la biere du lait du th(f du genievre de Veau de vie 4. The JDvess, un surtout un manteau un gilet " la culotte . les bretelles le bonnet le chapeau le p eigne des ganis une bague une montre le bus . • les bottes ' le tire-botte les pantoujles les souliers une chemise Pronunciation. deh lah salade deh lah mootard du sel deh Tweel du veenaigr' du pouahvr du beuhr du from ah je leh dayjeuhnai leh deenai leh soopai lah fahng I'lh souaf deh I'o du vang deh lah beeair du lay du day du jenyavr ' deh lo deh vee ung syuretoo ung maunto ung jeelay lah kyulot lai bretell leh bonnay leh shapo leh paine dai gang une baag une mongtre leh bah lai bot leh teer bot lai pauntoofl lai soolyai une shemeeze FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. a pocket-handker- chiet the clothes brush the umbrella the parasol a table a chair ari armchair a looking glass a clock a trunk a box the bed the counterpane a pillow the sheets the mattress the plate the candlestick the lamp a spoon a fork a knife a cup a saucer the tablecloth the towel a glass the tea pot the family the husband the wife the father the mother the child French. Pronunciation. ker- un tnouchoir ung mooshouah ih la hrosse lah bross le parapluie leh paraplwee le parasol leh parasol 5. House Utensils. une table une tahbl line chaise une shayse unfauteuil ung fotile un miroir ung meerouahr une horloge une orloje '' un coifre ung cofr une hotte une bouaht le lit leh lee e la couvcHure lah coovairtyure un oreiller un oraylyai V les draps de lit lai drah deh lee le matelas ieh matlah I'assiette I'assyet le chandelier leh shaufidelyai la lampc lah laump une cuiller une kweelyair une fourchette une fooFihct un couteau ung cooto une tasse une tass une soueoupe une soocoop la nappe lah nap Vessuie-main I'esswee-mang un verre ung vair la theiefe lah taiyare 6. lielations. Ufaviille lah fameel le niari leh niaree la femme lah fam le pere leh pare la nihe lah maie renfant Tongfong FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. French. Pronunciatisi). the son. le fils ■■ - . Ich feess the daughter /aJt/Ze , lah feel the brother le frere leh frare ' the sister * la soeur lah seuhr the uncle rotide I'oncle the aunt la tantc lah taunte the cousin le cousin leh coosang the marriage le fnariage leh niareeahje 7. OcvupatkOiis, an occupation un ?n/tier ung maytyai a workman nn artisan ung arieesong a baker un bo u hinge r ung boolongjai a miller un nicnnier ung meuhnyai . a butcher un boucher ung booshai a brewer un brasseur ung brasseuhr •i tailor un tailleur ung talyure a shoemaker un ivnlonnier ung cordonyai a smith un forgeron ung forjehrong a saddler un scllier ung selvai a carpenter un vicnuisier ung mennweesyai a mason un 7na(on ung massong a bookbinder un relicur ung relleeuhr the town the bridge the tower the gate the street the market the building the town house the theatre the post-office the church the cathedral the school H, The Town. la 7 '/lie le pant la tour >■ la porte la rue le f/iarclitf le bdtifnent r hotel lie ville le theatre la post e -'\,..-^^->- IVglisf la catUdraU lah veel leh pong lah toor lah port lah ru leh marshay leh bahteemong Totel deh veel leh tavahtr lah post ;- - I'aygleeze Lh cataydra) I'aycol 10 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. French. Pronunciation. the prison the exchange la prison la bourse lah preesong lab boorse the palace the hotel le palais rhbtcl leh pallay I'otel :/: the inn the Dublic house the coffee-room fauberge le cabaret le caf^ " I'obayrie : leh cabbaray ' ' leh caff ay n the house the door the lock the key the bell the staircase the drawing-room the dining-room the room the bedroom the window, the wall the kitchen the roof the cellar the garden an Animal a horse a donkey the dog the cat the '. it the mouse an ox a cow a calf ih The House. la maison la porte la scrrure la clef la sonnette rescalier la salle la salle-a-manger la cha7Hbre la c/iambre-d~couc/ier la fenefre la parol la cuisine le toit la cave le jar din 10. Animals. un Animal un cheval un dne le chien le chat le rat la souris un boeuf une vache un veau lah maysong lah port lah serrure : lah clay lah sonnet I'escallyai lah sal lahsalah-monjai lah shaumbr . lah shaumbr- ah« cooshai lah fennaitr lah pahrou.ih \ • ■ lah cweezeen leh touah lah caav leh jardang un aneemal ung sheval ung ahn leh sheeang leh shah leh 1 ah lah sooree ung beuh une vash ung vo ah' 1 FRENCH AT A GLANCK. II English. French. Pronunciation. 1 a sheep une brebis une brebbee 1 a lamb ^ 1171 agneau un anyo 1 a pig ,^ 11 n cochon un coshong the hare le lievre leh leeayvr ■ ; ■ * : a monkey itn singe ung sangj a wolf un loup ung loo a bear^ u)i ours un oors ■^/'- ,- a lion un lion ung leeong . an elephant un elephant un aylayfong a tiger un tigre ung teegr '- , ' .■■' 11, Bu'ds, '<k , A bird un oiseau un woiso a cock un coq un cock a hen une poule une pool a chicken un poulet ung poo lay i s\ a swan un eigne ung seen a goose une oie une ouah a duck un eanard ung canar a lark une alouette une allooet a nightingale un rossignol ung rosseenyol ', f| the swallow riiirondelle I'eerongdel H the sparrow le moineau leh mouano ' , ■ the raven le eorbeau leh corbo B the crow la eorneille lah cornayl B the parrot le petroquet leh perrokay K the eagle Vaigle I'aygl , J^. Irishes and Insects. a fish a pike a salmon a carp an eel a trout a herring oysters a crab un poisson un broehet un saumon une earpe une anguille une truite un hareng des huitres une e'crevisse ung pourissong ung broshay ung somong une carp une onggheel une trweet ung harrong daiz weetr une aycraveccc 'J ';!| irf i 12 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. French. Pronunciation. a turtle ufie tortue une tortyu a whale urid bakine une ballayn a serpent a froij tin serpjnt une grenoiiille ung sairpong une grenooeel a worm an insect un ver tin insede un vair un angsect a spider a moth line araignee une arraynyai une teigne nng tame • a fly a gnat a bee line moiiche une moosh un moucheron ung moosherong une abeille une abbail the honev le ?niel leh mteyel a wasp a butterfly une guepe un papillon une gape ung pappillyong Beans peas cabbage cauliflower carrots asparagus spinach radishes celery a melon cucumber Iti, Veffetiihles, desfh'es des pais des choiix des choux-Jleurs des betteravcs des asprrges des ipiuiirds des radis du eJleri un melon des concombres dai faive dai pouah dai shoo dai shoo-tteuhr dai betrahve daiz aspairj daiz aipeenar dai raddee du selree ung mellong dai congcongbr /4. Trees and Ffowers, A tree a branch a leaf an apple a pear a plum a cherry a nut a currant un arbre une branehe une feu i lie line pom me une poire une prune une eerise une noix une gadelte ou gro- seille a grape un arbr une braungsh u!ie file unt: pomm une p(»uar une pryun une serreeze une nouah une gahdell oo gro- zcyle ah grahp FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 13 English. French. » a gooseberr}' a strawberry a chestnut the oak-tree the fir-tree the birch , the willow a flower a rose a pink a tulip - a lily a violet a bouquet A school the teacher the book the paper a pen an inkstand ^ . the ink the pencil a letter an envelope The time the minute an hour a tp.iarterof an hour lialf an hour the day the morning the noon the afternoon une groseille tine /raise un marron A' i/iene k pin le bouleau le saule ime Jleur line rose un oeillet une tuHpe U7l lis une vioktte un bouquet If^. The School. une ecole le fnaitre le livre le papier une plume un encrier Vencre le crayon une lettre une enveloppe Pronunciation. une grozale une f raize ung marrong leh shane leh pang leh boolo leh sole une fleuhr une rose un ileyai une tyuleep ung lee une veeolet ung bookay une aycol leh maytr leh leevr leh papyai une plyvmie un ongcreeai I'onger leh crayong une lettr une ongvellope Time (uul Seasons, le temps la minute une hcure un (juart-iVheure une demie-heure le jour le matin le mitli Vapres-midi \ leh tong l.'ih meenyute itie eur ung kar d'eur une demmy eur leh joor leh matlang leh meedee I'apray meedee ■!""""iP"iiaH 14 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. French. Pronunciation. the evening le soir leh souahr the night la nuit lah nwee a year im an un ong a month . uji mots ung mouah January Janvier Jongveeay February Fe'vner Fayvreeay March Mars Marse April Avril Avreel May Mai . May June Juin : ' . Jyuang uiy Juillet Jweelyai August Aofit ; Oo September Septembre Septaumbr October Octobre Octobr November JVove?nbre Novaumbr December D^cembre Daysaumbr a week une sematne une semmane a fortnight qtiinze jours kanze joor Monday Lundi Lungdee Tuesday Mardi Mardee Wednesday Mercredi Mayrcredee Thursday Jeudi ' Jeuhdee Friday Vend} edi Vaundredee Saturday - Samedi Sam dee Sunday Ditnanche Deemaunshe the spring 'e nn temps leh prangtong the sunmer rhe 1 aytay the .'lutumn Vautomne I'otonn the winter Viiiver Teevare The country the village the hut the soil the meadow the barn the mill the cattle the herds 17. The Country. la campa^ne le Tillage la cabane le sol le pri la grange le moulin le bit ail le troupeau lah caumpaine leh veelaj lah caban leh sol leh pray leh graunj leh moolang leh baytale leh troopo al ll FRENCH AT A GLANCE 15 English. French. Pronunciation. a ig the shepherd>* the mountain, the hill the dale the wood the forest the road the high-road the rail-road a mile the waterfall the fisherman the huntsmaii An American a German Germany a Dutchman Holland a Belgian Belgium a Swiss Switzerland an Hungarian Hungary an P^nglishman England an Irishman Ireland a Scotchman Scotland a Dane Denmark a Swede Sweden a Russian /e berger la viontagne la colli?ie la valUe k bois la fore t le chemin le grand-chemm le chemin defer iin mille la cascade _'•■■-■ I'pecheiir le chasseur IS, Nations, uti Americain , un Allemand V Allcmagne f . //// Hollandais la 'Hollande un Beige la Belgique un Suisse la Suisse un '' Hongrois la 'Hongrie un Anglais rAngletcrre f. un Irlandais rirlande f . un Ecossais VEcosse f. un Danois le Danemarc un Sukdois la Suide un Russe leh bayrjay lah montaine lah colleen lah vallay leh bouah lah forray leh shemmang leh grong shem- mang le shemmang deh fare ung meel lah cascad leh paysheur leh shasseuhr un Amayreecang un Almaung I'Almaine ung Hollaunday lah Hollaund ung Belj lah Beljeek V / ung Svveess lah Sweess ung Hongrwah lah Hongree un Aunglay I'Aungltare un Eerlaunday I'Eerlaund un Aycossay I'Aycoss ung Danouah leh Danmark ung Svvaydwah lah Swayde ung Russe ■WIW^JSBWWB^eSS FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. French. j Pronunciation. Russia a Spaniard Spain a Frenchman France an Italian Italy la Riissie un Espagnol VEspagne f. un Fran^ais la France un Italien r Italic f. lah Russee un Espanyol I'Espaine ung Fraungsay lah P'raungse un Eetalyang TEetalee iini \ poor rich clever stupid sharp blunt clean dirty hard soft strong weak well ill lean thick fat thin polite impolite talse deep wide narrow round square short ": long flat warm 1,9. Adjectives. pauvre riche prudent stupide aigu obtus propre sale dur- mou fort faible sain nialade maigre gros gras mince poll grassier faux profond large itroit " . rond carri court . . ._. . ^ long , •" plat chcmd pohvr reesh prudong stupeed aygu obtu propr saal dure moo fore fabl sang mall ad maygr gro gra mangce polee grohseeaf" fo profong larj aytrouah rong c array coor long pla she i: I Jto to to ito to \o \o ioii :if FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 17 English. Frc cold froid fresh /rats ripe miir dry sec sour aigre , Pronunciation. sweet bitter hungry thirsty heavy light wet content happy sad useful strange pretty ugly dark open disagreeable proud arrogant [cowardly [courageous faithless innocent to eat to drink to be thirsty \o be hungry to breakfast to dine io sup doux amer affami altM pesant l(fger humide content heureiix gat triste titile \/trange joli • laid sombre ouvert dhagr^abk fier arrogant /ache courageux perfide innocent 20. Verbs. manger boire avoir soif avoir f aim ■ d/jeiiner diner souper |o lay the tablecloth | mettre le convert frouah fray mure sec aygr doo amare affammay altayray I pezong lavjai umeed congtong .. eureu gay treest uteel aytraunj jolee lay sombr oovare dayzagrayabi feeare arrogong lahsh coorrajeu pairfeed innosong maunjay bouahr avouahr souaf avouahr fang dayjeunai deenai soopai metr leh coovare I8 IKEXCIl AT A C;LANCE. !i English. French. Pronunciation. to serve servir sareveer to carve trancher traunshai to smoke fumer fumai to sneeze /ternuer aytairnuai to cough tousser toossai to think penser paungsai to reflect r^fl^chir rayflaysheer to speak parler parlai ' to say dire deer to repeat r^p^ter raypaytai to explain declarer dayclarrai to be quiet se taire seh tare to chat causer cosay to tell raconter raccongtai to ask demander demaundai to answer r^pondre raypongdr to reply rlpliquer raypleekai to be mistaken se tromper seh trompai to object objecter objectai to doubt douter dootai to affirm affirmer affeermai to prove ' . proiiver ' _ , proovai to assure assurer assurai to deny nier neeai to maintain soutenir sooteneer to dispute disputer disputai to consent consentir congsaunteer to approve approuver approovai to praise louer looai to admire admirer admeerai to blame bldmer blahmai to believe croire crouahr to know savoir savouahr not to know ignorer eenyorai to imagine imaginer eemajeenai to compare comparer compahrai to imitate imiter eemeetai to forget outlier oobleeai to remember se souvenir seh soovenneer FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 19 m English. French. Pronunciation. to wish, to will to desire to wish to love to riatter to embrace to hope to rejoice to give to thank to esteem to honor to despise to hate to offend to insult to quarrel to swear to punish to beat to weep to sigh to regret to repent to excuse to pardon to revenge to joke to laugh to live to feel to touch to taste to see to hear to grow to go I to go out vouloir d<fsirer souhaiter aimer flatter embrasser esph'cr rT/ouir dormer remercier estimer hoiiorer m^priser hair offenser insulter quereller jurer punir battre pleurer soupirer regretter se repentir excuser pardonner venger railler rire vivre sentir toucher goUter voir entendre croUre aller sortir voulouahr dayseerai sooaytai aimai flattai aumbrassai espayrai rayjooeer donnai remmairceeai esteemai onorai maypreezai haheer offongsai angsuhltai kerrellai jurai puneer batre pleuhrai sooperai regrettai seh repaunteer excusai pardonnai vaungjai raeellyai reer veevr saunteer tooshai gootai vouahr auntaundr crouahtr allai sorteer 20 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. ; III i^i = s English. French. Pronunciation. to return retourner retoornai to meet rencontrer rauncongtrai to follow suivre sweevr to run courir cooreer to jump sautcr sotai ^ to fall tomber tombai to dance datiser daungsai to play joiier jooai to ascend mojiter mongtai to descend descchdre dessaundr to sit down s'asseoir s'assouahr to lie down se coiicher seh cooshai to rest se reposer seh repozai to sleep dormir dormeer to drearr fever rayvai to awake s'h'eiller s'ayvailyai to get up se lever seh levvai to dress s'habiUer s'abbeelyai to draw tirer teerai to show montrer mongtrai to present presenter praysauntai to take prerdre praundr to accept accepter acceptai to refuse refuser reffusai to receive recevoir ressevouahr to spoil gater gahtai to throw Jeter jettai to lose perdre pairdr to look for chercher shairshai to find trouver troovai to hide cacher cashai ' to cover couvrir coovreer to uncover dicouvrir daycoovreer to carry porter portal '• , to bring ' apporter apportai - to travel - , voyager ' '. vwoiajai to depprt • partir parteer to arri' e arriver arreevai to ring the bell sonner sonnai 'FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 21 * iticn. U Engltsh. French. Pronunciation. ■ .-, B to open ouvrir " oovreer U B to go in entrer auntrai . B to buy acheter ashtai " ■'> B to sell I'evdre vaundr B to pay payer piiyai ■ B to lend prefer pray tai ^m to borrow e)7iprunter aumpruntai ^p to return rendre raundr B to repay rembourser raumboorsai B to exchange changer Ciiaungiai ai B to pack up e?npaqueter aumpacktai - li B to unpack d^paqtieter day pack tai B to steal vokr volai i B to study e'tudier aytudeeai I B to learn apprendre appraundr ai B to read lire leer - — S to calculate compter congtai i^ 1 to write ecrire aycreer I , to sign signer seenyai tai \ to seal cacheter cash tai -■ i to explain expliquer expleekai ; to translate tradiiire tradweer to begin comfne?icer commaunsai ahr ; to continue continuer congteenuai ^ to finish finir ay feeneer ' wt to work travailler travvaeelyai S to paint peitidre pahndr li S to draw dessiner desseenai Bto stitch coudre coodr r Hto spin ; filer feelai • • /reer »to wash laver lavai Mto cook ctiire cweer • • Rto roast rotir roteer ' - ' li Bto boil bouillir booeelveer Bto weigh pescr '■..-- ptzni li ■to build bdtir brditeer Bto sow semer seinmai ?!■ 22 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 1 ^lii HI iiil Hi English. French. Pronunciation. to pluck to plant to reap cueillir plafiter fnoijsotiner kileyeer plauntai mouahssonnai 21, Adverbs. At first dUibonl d'abor previously aiiparavatit oparravang afterwards ensuite aun sweet together ensemble aunsaumbl at last enjin aunfang wife re oil. oo here ici eesee tiie'-e la lab elsewhere ailleurs aeeUyure f above ilessus dessu f b( low (lessons dessoo */ w i t h i n dedans deddong \ without dehors delior i everywiierc partout part 00 K y.. nowhere nu lie part nule par I up en haut aung ho • down en has aung bah nny where qiielque part kelkeh par already dejd day j ah often souTent souvong sometimes (juehjuefois kelkehfouah i'l future ci lavcnir ah I'avneer ulways ton jours toojoor never jamais j a mm ay sor.n bientbt beeangto 1 immediately aussitbt osito 1 late tard tar 1 early tbt to 1 at present a prJsent ah praysong I quickly vite veet 1 at once tout de suite too deh s eet m afterwards puis pwee yesterday liicr yare yesterday evening hier an soir yare o souahr FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 23 English. 1 French. Pronunciation. to-day aiijounV hui ojoord'wee to-morrow detnain • demmang to-morrow morning demain matm demmang mattang to-morrow evening demain soir demmang souahr the day i after to- apres-demain appray demmang morrow ■ < enough assez assay j ' too much trop -^ tro little pen peuh much beaucoup * bocoo very trh^fort tray fore more plus plu less nioins mouang at least au moins v mouang thus si see nearly presque pressk about environ aungveerong all tout too altogether tout-a-fait toot-ah-fay only seuletnent seuhlmong well bien beeang better niieux ., meeyw so much the bett er tant-mieux tong meeyw bad mal mal worse pis ' . pee rather phitbt plu to without doubt sans doutc song doot indeed en effct aun effay on the coni :rary au contrairc congtrare scarcely a peine ah pane perhaps ■ , peut-etre put-aitr all at once tout-a-coHp toot-ah-coo not at all point du tout pouang du too not yet pas encore paz auncore nothing rien reeang nothing at all Hen du tout reeang dee too with, near chez, aupres shay, opray near pres - pray in, within dans^ en dong, aung before avant * ^ | avvong '1 hlti -■" fit mm IHH fir ii i lit I • 24 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. French. Pronunciation. behind derriere derreeare below sous soo over 6ur sure against vers vare far, from loin de louang deh on the side of a cbtede ah cotay deh opposite vis-h-vis veez-ah-vee round about aiitour de otoor deh instead of au lieu de lecyu deh in the midst of an milieu di millyu deh on this side en-defct de aung-dessah deh on the opposite side au-deld de o-dellah-deh out of hors - _ hor _ after apres - > appray ^ with avec \ : avvec since deptiis deppwee between entre,parmi aungtr, parmee without sans song for pour poor through, by par par against cofitre congtr ^ during pendant paundong 2 2, Coiijiinciioni '• ', ::^ - ','■., Or ^^ 00 ':■'-:• ' .' ' ^•' either — or ou .... on 00 00 ,_ neither — nor ni—ni nee — nee • ^ also aussi ossi ^ ;: ; but mais may however cependant seppaundong yet pourtant poortong if ^i see , / if not si mm see nong if only pourvu que poorvu keh even if quand mime kaung nieym although quoique couak that is c'est-ci-dire sait-ah-deer as comme comm except that outre que ootr keh (I FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 25 ;ciation. English. French . Pronunciation. eh deh ^ee h for because why ' anci ■; -'■ |A therefore S consequently car ,/'•-" -4, parceque pourquoi et --.:;'-^'-^_;' ainsi par conse'quent car parsk poorkouah ai angsee par congsaycong deh : deh isah deh -deh DECLENSIONS. parmee •ng ) lee The definite Article is rendered by 'We" before a mascu- line noun, and by ''/a" before a feminine noun, as : /epere, [the father; /a mere, the mother. The plural for both genders is "/<?i-," as : les peres, the fathers; les meres, the mothers. If the article "/?" or ''la " stand before a vowel or silent "// " jthe e ox a\% omitted and an Apostrophe substituted, as; ^, not A? <?/-^/'<', but A;/7^/v', the tree ; , * ' ^ not le habit, but V habit, the dress. V' MASCULINE. Singular. |Nom. le (leh)/m', the father [Gen. du (du)/m', of the father JDat. au ip) pere, to the father lcc. le (leh; Vn', the father Plural, les {\-Af) peres, the fathers des {^zc^) peres, of the fathers aux ip) peres, to the fathers les {\v.y)peres, the fathers. jndong ►ng )ng u keh ; nieym I'^KMININK. Fom. la 7nhe, the mother Jen. de la mere, of the mother )ai. d la mere, to the mother LCC. la merey the mother les mh'es, the mothers des meres, of the mothers aux meres, to the mothers les meres, the mothers- h-deer a^h 26 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. IMiiiM 11 m 111 Declension of a word beginning with a vowel or a silent ">4." Singuhir. Norn, r/iomfne, the man Gen. y<? rhomme, of the man Dat. <z rhofmne, to the man Ace. rhomme, the man. Plural, /t-s /lommt's, the men //(?jr /lommt's, of the men «7/r:i: /wmmes, to the men /(S-j- /lommes, the men. Tndefinite Article* Masculine. Nom. unjardm, a garden Gen. d'uTi jardhi, of a garden Dat. rt «;^ Jardin, to a garden Ace. unjardin, a garden. Feminine, tine ville, a town //'//;/^ zv'//^, of a town ^ 7///^? 7'///^, to a town une ville, a town. IJeclenHion of ProjJer Names, Nom. Faris^ Paris. Gen. ^/<? Faris of Paris Dat. ^? Faris, to Paris Ace. Faris, Paris. Louise, Louisa .'/<? Louise, of Louisa ^ Louise, to Louisa Louise, Louisa. Ailjecfives. \ The French Adjectives are placed either before or aftei ' the noun, as : k ban perc, the good father un bon garcon, a good boy une fable ronde, a round table la bonne fnere, the good mothe: unejcunejille, a young girl du lait chaud, warm milk. grand, great petit, small Coinpfwisoit of Afljecfh'rs, le plus grand, tin bon, good mauvais, bad /t'///, little Obs. " Than " fol lated by ^' (/ue'' : J I est plus poli que son fren plus grand, greater plus petit, smaller mcillcur, better pi re, worse moindrc, less greatest le plus petit, tlu smallest le mcillcur, the bc> le pire, the worst le 7noindre, the leas' owing the Comparative is always tran- he is more polite than hi brother. it FRENCH AT A GLANCE. TJ Nurneral Arljectives. It "A." L en e men tie men len. me. town town ^uisa uisa before or after ,he good motluM 1 young gill warm milk. plus grand, tb^| greatest ''plus pdit, th' smallest niAncur, the besi pin\ the worst minndri\ the least] is always transj polite than hi' one, un two, deux 3 tf-ois 4 quatre 5 <^i^<l 6 six 7 sept 8 htiit 9 neuf \o dix 11 onze 12 douze 13 treize 14 quatorze 15 quinzt 16 or/^i? 17 dix-sept 18 dix-huit 19 dix-neuf 20 /^/;7^o'/ 2 1 ■y///^/' ^/ w« 22 vingt-dcux ^'23 vingt-trois J 24 vingt-quatre !.? 25 vingt-cmq 26 vingt-six 27 vingt-scpt 28 vingt-huit 29 vingt-nciif [30 t rente p,o quarante 150 cinqiMnte io soixante 'O soixante et dix \ S( ixanfe et onze 3 soixnite et treize '4 soixante et quatorze "^7 :; soixante et quinze 76 soixante et seize 7 7 j\.7".ca . /^' f / dix-seti Pronunciition. ung deuh trouah kahtr sahnk seece set wheet neuf deece ongz dooze trayz katorz kangz sayz deece-set deez-wheet deez-neuf vahng vahnt-ung trail nt karaunt sahnkaiint soassaunt Pronunciation 78 soixante et dix-huit 79 soixante et dix-neuf 80 quatrc-vingt katr-vahng 81 quatre-vingt-un katr-vf;hnt- 82 quatre-vingt-deux 83 quatre-vif7gt-trois 84 quatre-vingt-quatre 85 quatre-vingt-cinq 86 quatre-vingt-six . 87 quatre-vingt-sept 88 quatrc-vingt-huit ^9 quatre-vingt-neuf 90 quatre-i'ingt-dix nT nunfyt'-iiincrf-ijpvg y - 'I "^ ' •■ •« ' •-->- 92 qitatre-vingt-douze 93 quatre-vingt-treize 9 4 quatre-vingt-quatorze 95 quatre-vingt-quinze 96 quatre-vingt-seize 9 7 quatre-vingt-dix-sept 98 quatr-e-7'ingt-dix-huit 9 9 qicatre-vingt-dix-neuf [ung 100 <^^/^/ 1 01 cent-un no r<?/// ^/;\? 120 <:<?;// z^/>/^''r saung saunt'Ung saung-deece saung-vahng 130 r^«/ //-^//Z 200 //(TV/.T ^(?///j" 300 /rr^/i' r^/z/j 400 quatre cents 500 r/;/^ rt7//j' 600 J"/^ r67//i' 7 GO J'*;;/^/ r<7//i' 800 ////// r<?/zAy 900 neuf cents 1000 w/7/t' nieel 2000 //"//x ;;//7/(^ 3000 /Vyz/jt ;;///Zc' v v- ^ , -, 10,000 ^//Iv ;;////t' 20,000 7'ingt niil/j [yo"g' a million, un million ungmeel- 28 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. Ordinul Numbers, the first, — second, — third, — fourth, 5"', — 6% / » th th th lO II 12 1 6"', 17^ — i8^ 19^ 20*\ 21 8t 3o"\ 6o"S 7o'^'\ 8o*^ 9o^»', Ioo^^ lOOO last th le premier le secojid le troisieme le guatrieme le cinquihne le sixihne le septieme le huitievie le neuvihne le dixihne le onzihne le doHzihne 'le treizih '^. le quatorzieme le quinzieme le seizieme le dix-septihne le dix-hiiitieme le dix-7ieuvieme le 7'ingtieme le vijigt-ei-unieme le trentihne le quarantieme le cinqiumtihne Pronunciation. leh premyai leh zeggong leh trouazzeeame leh kattreeame leh sahnkeeame leh seeceeame leh setteeame leh wheeteeame leh neuveeame leh deezeeame leh ongzeeame leh doozeeame leh trayzeeame leh kattorzeeame leh kahngzeeame leh sayzeeanie leh deessetliaine leh deez-wheeteeame leh deezneuveeame leh vahnteeame leh vahnt-uneeame leh traunteeame leh karaunteeame leh sahnkaunteeame leh souahssaunleeame leh souahssaunt-deezeeame leh kattr-vahnteeame le soixantihne le soixante-dixihne le qiiatre-vingtihne le quatre-vingt-dixieme le centihne leh saunteeame le millihne leh milleeame le dernier leh dareneeay te il ■ I* roiiouuH. (jeh) I Nous (noo) we (tu) thou vous (voo) you (teh) thee vous (voo) you (eel) he ils (eel) they if ! i-. FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 29 ne e 16 elle (el) moi (mouah) toi (toil ah) [Mas. nion (mong) ''em. ma (mah) e me ime k'[as. ton (tong) i'em. ta (tah) son (song) sa (sah) notre (notr) votre (votr) leur (leur) (kee) (couah) mi luoi she I thou •"y Plural my thy — his — her;3 — our — elles (el) they nous (noo) we lui (Iwee) he > mes (may) my your — their — who, which, what, that uel (kel), le quel? which ? ) >■ tes > ses nos los leurs that (tay) thy (say) his, hers our (no) (vo) your (leur) their que (keh) what ? me ;teeame jeame ne leame me ;ame iteeame Luiteeame .mt-deezeeame nteeame me le ) we >) you >) you i) they xvotr^ fj'ani, lave t^u hast he has she has we have yon have they have VERBS. avoir = to have. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. to have ; avoir eu, Past, to have had Participles. having ; eu, ay ant eu^ had having had. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. <f fai tu as il a elle a Jay tu ah eel ah el ah nous avons vous avex Us {elles) ont nooz V002 eels avong avai ont wH^ M t mi ia FRENCPI AT A GLANCE. '*'■■-' Imperfect, I had J\ivitis j'avay - - ' ■ ihou hadst tu avals tu avay he had il avait eel avay we had nous avians nooz aveeong \ou had vous aviez vooz aveeay ihey had ih avaietit Past defiyiite. eels avay I had feus J'ew thou hadst tu cus tu ew he had il eut eel ew ' ■. we had nous eilmes nooz eum you had vous eUtcs vooz eut they had its curent eels eur ■ Perfect. I have had fai eu J 'ay ew thou hast had tu as eu tu ahz ew he has had il a eu eel ah ew she has had elk a eu el ah ew we have had nous avons eu nooz avongz ew you have had vous avez eu vooz avayze ew •they have had ils {elles) ont eu Pluperfect. eels ont ew 1 had had f avals eu J'avayz ew thou hadst had tu avals eu . tu avayz ew he had had il avalt eu eel avait ew we had had nous avlons eu nooz aveeongz ew vou had had vous avlez eu vooz aveayze ew they had had ils avalent eu eels avait ew Past anterior. : ■ -'' ' ' ' ''■■',■■ ;:'-■■ I had had feus eu J 'eus ew thou hadst had ' tu eus eu tu eus ew he had had 11 eut eu eel eut ew we had had - nous eHmes eu _ nooz eums ew you had had vous eUtesj eu vooz euts ew they had had ils eurent eu eels eurt ew •mi FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 31 y ay iveeong iveeay vay eum eut eur I shall have IthoLishalt have he shall have we shall have you shall have I hey shall have I shall have ha.d thou shalt have had he shall have had we shall have had you shall have had Future. raurai tu auras il aura nous aurons vous aurez Us auront Future anterior. J' a u rat eu tu auras eu il aura eu nous aurons eu vous aurez eu they shall have had Us auront eu J'oray tu orah eel orah nooz orong vooz oray eels orong J'oray ew tu orahs ew eel orah ew noos orongz ew vooz orayze ew eels oront ew ew iz ew ih ew 1 ew \ avongz ew : avayze ew ont ew ^ayz ew Lvayz ew avail ew >z aveeongz ew )Z aveayze ew s avail ew us ew eus ew \ eul ew oz eums ew oz euts ew Is eurt ew I should have thou shouldst have 'he should have we should have you should have they should have Conditional. Prese?tt. J^aurais tu aurais il aurait nous aurions vous auriez Us auraient Conditional. Past. should have had J aurais eu :hou shouldst have tu aurais eu had he should have had we should have had you should have had they should have had // aurait eu nous aurions eu vous auriez eu Us auraient eu IMPERATIVE MOOD. Have ate let us have ayons have (ye) ayez J'oray tu oray eel oray nooz oreeong vooz oreeay eels oray J'orays ew tu orays ew eel orait ew nooz areeongz ew vooz oreeayze ew eels orait ew ay ayong ayay 32 FRENCH AT A CLANCR. y Mil I Mi si lit 1 111 SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. ' Present. That I may have Que fate that thou mayst have que tu aies that he may have qu''il ait ' v that we may have que nous ayons that you may have que vous ayez that they may have qu'ils aieni Imperfect. That I might have Quefeusse that thou mightst que tu eusses have ^ ' that he might have qu'il eUt that we might have que nous eussions that you might have que vous eussiez that they might quHls eusse?tt have Perfect. That I may have Quefaie eu had that thou mayst que tu aies eu have had that he may have quHl ait eu had that we may have que nous ayons eu had that you may have que vous ayez eu had that they may have quHls aient eu had '' Pluperfect. That I might have Quefeusse eu had that thou mightst que tu eusses eu have had keh j'ai keh tu ai keel ai keh nooz ayong keh vooz ayay keels ai keh j'euss keh tu eus8 keel eu keh nooz eussyong keh vooz eussyay keels euss keh j'ai ew keh tu aiz ew keel ait » w keh nooz ayongz ew keh vooz ayayz ew keels ait ew keh j'euss ew keh tu euss ew FRENCH AT A GLANCE. . 33 keel eut ew I ai i ooz ayong ooz ayay ai 'euss u euss eu nooz eussyong vooz eussyay 5 euss that he might have qu'il eut "u had that we might have que nous eussions eu keh nooz eussyongs had ew that you might have que vous eussiez eu keh vooz eussyaz had ew that they might qu'ils eusseni eu keels eusst ew have had 2. The auQciliary Verb " etre^^^ to be. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. Past. i'ai ew " ''■'- tu aiz ew I am 1 ait » w (hpu art h$ is 1 nooz ayongz ew she is we are K vooz ayayz ew you are they are els ait ew i'"' I was thou wast jh j'euss ew he was we were eh tu euss ew you were they were 3 Eire (aitr) to be ; avoir /// (avoahr ettay) to have been Participles. Etant (ettang) being ; ^te (ettay) been ayant /// (ayaunt ettay) having been. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Je suis Jeh swee tu es tu ay il est eel ay elle est el ay nous sommes noo som vous etes vooz ait ils (elles) sont eel song Imperfect. fetais J'ettay tu ^tais tu ettay il ^tait il ettay nous itions nooz ettyong vous ^tiez vooz ettyay ils itaient eels ettay m ii II 1 j 1 I i If 'ft ili 34 ,„ ; :■•■■■ FRENCH AT A GLANCE. , : V' I'as^ definite. I was Jefiis Jefu thou wast tufus tu fu he was ilfut eel fu we were fious/iimes noo fume you were vous filtes voo fute they were Us furent Perfect. eel fure 1 have been fai /// J'ai ettay thou hast been til as ite tu ahz ettay he has been il a /// eel ah ettay . she has been elk a /// el ah ettay we have been nous avons /// nooz avongz ettay you have been iwus avez /// vooz avayze ettay they have been Us {eUes) out /// eels ont ettay ' " *■ Pluperfect. - I had been J^ avals <ft^ J'avayz ettay thou hadst been tu avals /// tu avayz ettay he had been // avail /// eel avait ettay we had been nous avions ktS nooz avyons ettay you had been vous aviez /// vooz avyayz ettayc they had been Us avaient /// eels avait ettay Past anterior. .. I had been J'eus /// J'euz ettay thou hads,; oeen tu eus /// tu euz ettay he had ha^^'A // eut /// eel eui ettay we had been nous eilmes e't^ nooz eums ettay you had been vous eutes /// vooz euts ettay they had been Us eurent it^ eels eurt ettay V • ■ Future. I shall be Je serai Je serray thou Shalt be tu seras tu serrah he shall be il sera eel serrah ' - we shall be nous serons noo serrong you shall be •: vous serez voo serray they shall be Us seroni ^ . eel serong FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 35 Lime Lite ire ^^^K I shall have been hou shalt have been he shall have been we shall have been vou shall have been Future anterior. J^aurai /// tu auras etd il ai'ra ttd nous aurons /// vous aurez //^ they shall have been Us aurotit /// J'oray ettay tu orahs ettay eel orah ettay nooz orongz ettay vooz orayz ettay eels oront ettav ettay iz ettay ih ettay • \ ettay avongz ettay \ avayze ettay ont ettay /ayz ettay ivayz ettay avait ettay DZ avyons ettay 3z avyayz ettayc s avait ettay mz ettay euz ettay 1 euv ettay )0z eums ettay loz cuts ettay Is eurt ettay I should be thou shouldst be he should be we should be you should be they should be Conditional. Present. Je serais tu serais il serait nous serions vouz seriez ils seraient Conditional. Fast, I should have been J'aurais ete thou shouldst have tu aurais M been he should have been il aurait ete' we should have nous aurions i^t(f been you should have vous auriez et(f been they should have ils auraient /// been Je serray tu serray eel serray noo serreeong voo serreeay eel serray J'orays ettay tu orays ettay eel orait ettay nooz oreeo'^gz ettay vooz oreeayz ettay eels orait ettay ; serray I serrah ^1 serrah 00 serrong 00 serray el serong IMPERATIVE MOOD. Be sois sou ah. let us be soyons swoiyong be (ye) soyez swoiyay 30 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present, That I may be Que jc sots that thou mayst be (/ue in sois that he may be qu'il soit that we may be que nous soyons that you may be que vous soyez that they may be qu'ils soient That I might be that thou mightst be that he might be that we might be that you might be that they might be That 1 may have been that thou mayst have been that he may have been that we may have been that you may have been that they may have been Imperfect. Que Je fnsse que tu fusses qinl fiit que )wus fussions que vous fussiez qiCils fussent Perfect. Que fate c^t(f que tu ales (ft(f qtiil ait t'V/ que nous ayons /// que vous ayez /// qii'ils aient ctd Pluperfect. That I might have QuefeussecW been that thou might St que tu eusses //^ have been that he might have qti' it cilt dtii been Keh jeh souah keh tu souah keel souah keh noo swoiyong keh voo swoiyay keel souah keh jeh fusse keh tu fusse keel fu keh noo fussyong keh voo fussyay keel fusse I Keh j'ai ettay keh tu aiz ettay keel ait ettay keh nooz ayoiip ettav keh vi^oz ayayz ettay keels ait ettay keh j'euss ettay keh tu euss ettay keel cut ettay FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 37 jeh souah tu souah souah noo swoiyong voo svvoiyay scuah jeh f usse tu fusse Ifu noo fussyong voo fussy ay I fusse h j'ai ettay 1 lu aiz eltay i\ ait ettay ii nooz ayoiigz L^ttay h 'v^n)z ayayz ettay els ait ettay ^at we might have ^ue nous eussions /A^ keh nooz eussyongs been ettay Ihat you might have pue vous eussiez et(f keh vooz eussyaze I been ettay )at they might qu' Us eussent dti keels eusst ettay ihave been 3. Ilegalar Verbs, The Infinitives of Verbs in tne French Language have the jur following terminations : .. er as in : donficr, to give, ir as in : Jlnir, to finish, tfir as in : recevoir, to receive, re as in : vaidre, to sell. lII that precedes this Infinitive termination is called the "nw/" of the Verb. . • fc Verbs which only change their terminations and not their %ots are called ";7:if///,:7/-Vtv/^-j-,-'' those which change fheir roots " ir regular Verbs.''' The Verbs ending in "^/>" are all irregular, and the French Language therefore has in reality only three regular Conjugations. ;h j'euss ettay ih tu euss ettay The first Conjugation ends in ^^ er. The second Conjugation ends in " /r The third Conjugation ends in ^^ oir.^* The fourth Conjugation ends in '' re.^' Il'lie Past Participle is formed by adding to the root of the irst Conjugation an 'V," to that of the second an '*/," to the tourth an " //," as : Dfltm-er, to give dowu^, given Fin-ir, to finish /V//, finished. Vetid-re^ to sell rc/idu, <iold. iel cut ettay m I' 's 38 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. ^ ' - The four Con jug (it ions, FIRST CONJUGATION. ' INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. Past. r>onner (donnay), to give ; avoir dofifi/, to have given. Participles. ^ Donnant (donnong), giving ; don?u^, given, ayant don?u', having given. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. ::tMPLE TENSES. CO'.'-.rr'iT • TENSES absolu. anterieur. I give. I have given. /e donne til donnes il do7ine nous don nous vous donnez Us donnent jeh don tu don eel don noo donnong voo donnay eel don J^ai donntf tu as dotind il a do7i?id nous avons donm vous avez donne Us out donntf ^ Descriptive. '■ IMPERFECT. PLUPERFE' I gave. Je donnais tu donnais il donnait / • Jeh donnay tu donnay eel donnay I had gi ■ J^ avals doum tu avals donm' il avait donm' nous donnions vous donnies Us donna lent noo donnyong voo donnyay eel donnay nou. avions donih' vous aviez donne Us avaient donm Narrative. - -~ ■ ■'- -, PAST DEFINITE. -■'— ■ ^ -:-...-: -.- PAST ANTERIOR. I gave. /' donnai tu donnas Jeh donnay tu donna 1 had given. J^eus donn/ tu eus donn/ FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 39 il donna nous (ionnAmes vans donndtes Us donnerent eel donna noo donnahme voo donnahte eel donnaire il eut donn^ nous eihnes donne vous e^tes donne Us eurent do fine "' ist. to have given. triven, r'lT TENSES. anterieur. have given. donni r donni! donti^ s avofis donui s avez donne ml donnd rLUPERFF/ " T had gi • ' ivais don Hi avals donn^ ivait donm^ 'I. ainons donui' us aviez donne avaient donne PAST ANTERIOR. 1 had given. eus donni eus donni FUTURE. I shall give- Je donnerai. tu donneras il donnera nous donnerons vous donnerez Us donneronl PRESENT. I should give. Je donnerais tu donnerais il donnerait nous dojinerions vous donneriez Us donneraient PRESENT. That I may give. Que Je donne que tu donncs qitil donne que nous donnions que vous donniez qu'ils donnent Future. Jeh donnerai tu donnera eel donnera noo donnerong voo donneray eel donnerong. ConditionaL Jeh donneray tu donneray €el donneray noo donnereeong voo donnereeay eel donneray FUTURE ANTERIOR. I shall have given, J' aural donni tu auras donni il aura donni nous aurons donne vous aurez donni Us auront donni PAST. I should have given. J\iurais donni tu aurais donne il aurait donni nous aurions donni vous auriez donni Us auraient donni SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PAST. That I may have given. Quefaie donne que tu a:es donni quil ait donni keh noo donnyong que nous ayons donne keh voo donnyay que vous ayes donnJ keel don qu'ils ayent donni Keh jeh don keh tu don keel den i- 40 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. IMPERFECT. That I might give. Que je donnasse que tu doufiasses <]H il donnat que nous donnassions que vous donnassiez quHls donnassent PLUPERFECT. Keh jeh donnass keh tu donnass keel donnah That I might have given Que feus se donn/ que tu eusses donm qu'il efit donne' keh noo donnass- que nous eussions yong. donn^ keh voo donnassyay que vous eussiez donn/ keel donnass. quails eussent donne IMPERATIVE MOOD. \mi Donne (don), give thou donftons (donnong), let us give, donnez (donnay), give ye, qu^il donne (keel don), let qu'ils dofinent (keel don) let him give. them give. SECOND CONJUGATION. % \ INFINITIVE MOOD. - ,^ Present. Past, finir (feeneer), to finish, avoir Jini (feenee) to have finished. Participles. finissant (feeneesong), finishinj^. finiy finished, ayant Jini, having finished. ' . INDICATIVE MOOD. ' ., "^ _■ ,~ ' Presefit. SIMPLE TENSES. COMPOUND TENSES, absolu. antifrieur. I tiuish. I have finished. fe finis Je feenee y ' aifini tu finis tu feenee tu as fini ilfinit eel feenee il a fini FRENCH AT A GLANXE. 41 ;rfecT. It have giveij eusse donni etisses donm fit donne nous eussions ni vous eussiez ni eussent donne g), let us give, give ye, keel don) let them give. have finished. m ished, 1 I'CJUND TENSES, anthieur. ave finished. /' aifini til as fini il a fini nous fitiis sons vous finissez Us finis sent IMPERFECT. I finished. Jefitiissais tu finis sais il finis suit nous finissions vo?ts finissiez ilsfinissaient PAST DEFINITE. I finished. ~Je finis tu finis ilfinit nous finhnes vousfinUes ilsfinircnt FUTURE. ^I shall finish. Jefinirai tufiniras ii finira nous fmi; ons vous finircz ils fin iron t PRESENT. I should finish. noo feeneessong voo feeneessay eel feeneesse Descriptive. Jeh feeneessay tu feeneessay eel feeneessay noo feeneessyong voo feeneessyay eel feeneessay Narrative. Jeh feenee tu feenee eel feenee noo feeneeni voo feeneet eel feeneer Future. Jeh fee nee ray tu feeneera eel feeneera noo feeneerong voo feeiieeray eel feeneerong Conditional. Jefi'/tirais tufinirais Jeh feeneeray tu feeneeray nous avons fini vous avezfini ils 07ttfini PLUPERFECT. I had finished. J'' avals fini tu avals fini il avail fini nous av ions fini vous aviezfini ils avaient fini PAST ANTERIOR. 1 had finished. J ^cusfini tu eus fitii il eut fini nous etlmes fini vous elites fmi ils cu rent fini FUTURE ANTKRIOR. I shall have finished J ^ aural fini tu auras fini il aura fini nous aurons fini vous aurezfini ils aurontjini PAST. I should have finished. J^aurais fini tu aurais fini 42 il finirait 7WUS fmirions vans Jifiinez Us fifiiraient FRENCH AT A GLANCE. PRESENT. That I may finish. Que K jini^ise ' que tu Jinisses quHl finis se que nous finissions que vous finissiez qu'' Us jinissent eel feeneeray noo feeneereeong voo feeneereeay eel feeneeray SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Keh jeh feeneess keh tu feeneess keel feeneess keh noo feeneessee- // auraU fini nous aurions fini vous auriezfini Us auraient fini PAST. That 1 may havej finished. Que faie fini que *u aiesfini qii'il ait fini que nous ayons fini ong keh voo feeneessee- que vous ayezfini quails ayentfini ay keel feeneess IMPERFECT. That I might finish. Quejefinisse que tn finis ses qu^ilfinit que ?ious finissions que vous fmissiez quails finissent Keh jeh feeneess keh tu feeneess keel feenee keh noo feeneess- vong keh voo feeneess- yay. keel feeneess PLUPERFECT. That I might have finished. Que fcus.^e fini que tu e us ses fini qu^il eut fini que nous eussion- fifii que vous eussiez ft'. quHls eussent fini IMPERATIVE MOOD. Finis (feenee), finish, finissons (feeneessong\ let us finis; fifiissez (feeneessay), nnish ye qu'i/finisse(ke(i\ feeneess), qu'i/s finissent (keel feeneess), 1' let him finish. them finish. rait fini aurions fini aiiriezfini iraientfini PAST. I may have finished. /'aiejini '.V aies fini ait fini ions ayons fini 'JO us ay ez fini 's ayentfini plupp:rfect. t I might have finished. feussefini tu eusses fini I e lit fini nous eussioni\ ni vous eussicz fin Is eus sent fini IS finisl ag), let uj , nnish ye lel feeneess), le' [hem finish FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 43 THIRD CONJUGATION. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. Past. ^^<r^7w>(ressevoiiahr), to receive, avoir repi, to have received. Participles. Recevant (ressevong), receiving. re^u (ressu), received. ayant recu, having received. INDICATIVH MOOD. Present. SIMPLE TENSES. absolu. I receive. Je re^ois tu re^ois il re^oit nous receiwns vous reccvez its repivent IMPERFECT. I received. recevais tu recevais I recevait nous recevions vous receviez recevaient * PAST DEFINITE. I received. re(us tu refus Jeh ressouah tu ressouah eel ressouah noo ressevong voo ressevay eel ressouahve Descriptive, Jeh ressevay tu ressevay eel ressevay noo ressevyong voo ressev^ay eel ressevay Narrative. Jeh ressu tu ressu COMPOUND TENSES. anierieur. I have received. J^ai re^u tu as refu il a re(u nous avons re(u vous avez repi ils out re{u PLUPERFECT. I had received. J^avais rcfu tu aiHjis ?r(it il avait re(u nous avio7is re(u vous aviez refu i/s avaient re(u PAST ANTERIOR. I had received. J' eus refu tu eus refu 44 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. // re^ut nous resumes vous refutes Us re(urent eel ressu noo ressume voo ressute eel ressure // eut re(u nous eiimes re(u vous eUtes refu Us eurent re^u Future. FUTURE. FUTURE ANTERIOR. I shall receive. I shall have received. Je recevrai tu recevras il recevra Jeh ressvray tu ressvrah eel ressvrah J'aurai re(u tu auras re^u il aura re(u nous recevrons noo ressvrong nous aurons rept '■'y.^ ' vous recevrez Us recevront voo ressvray eel ressvrong vous aurez repi Us auront refu Conditional. • ; . PRESENT. PAST. \ I should receive. I should have v _ ' - 1 received. Je recevrais tu recevrais Jeh ressvray tu ressvray J^aurais re(u tu aurais re^u '.< il recevrait eel ressvray il aurait re^ut \ nous recevrions noo ressvreeong 710US aurions recu \ ■ il vous recevriez Us recevraient voo ressvreeay eel ressvray vous auricz re(u Us auraient re(u • <■. - ■ SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. ■■' '-' , . 11 C \ PRESENT. PAST. ^ That I may receive. That I may hav« :f^-' Que je rc(oive. que tu rcfoives qud re^oive que nous rccevions que vous receviez qu'ils resolvent Keh jeh ressouahve keh tu ressouahve keel ressouahve keh noo ressvyong keh voo ressvyay keel ressouahve * received. Que faie regu que tu aies rc^u qu'il ait re(u que nous ayons rqi- que vous ayez re(u Jt qu'ils aient re(u tt FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 45 re(u 'ftmes re(u dies re(u "-ent refu JRE ANTERIOR. shall have received. mi refu tras rffu ra rt'fu aurojis re(u aitrez repi uront repi PAST. should have received. trais re^u iirais n'^u irait ir^iit nurions recu auricz re(u uraient re^u IMPERFECT. That I might re- ceive. Que je rcfitsse que tu rc^Hsses qu'il rcffit que nous remissions que ijous rc^issiez qu'ils re(usscnt Keh jeh ressuce keh tu ressuce keel ressu keh noo ressuss- yong PLUPERFECT. That I might have received. Que feus se re(u que tu eusses re(u qu'il eiit re(u que nous Hussions t'e(u keh voo ressussyay que vous eussiez re(u keel ressusse qu'ils eussent refu IMPERA'ilVE MOOD. • i jRe{ois (ressouah), receive Recevons (ressevong), let us thou. receive. rece7'ez (ressevay), receive ye. (^«'//r^f^/7.r (keel ressouahve), qu'ils refoivent (keel ressou- let him receive. ahve), let them receive. FOURTH CONJUGATION. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present. ^ Vendre (vaundr), to sell. Fast, Avoir 7'endUy to have sold. PAST. lat I may hav« received. ' faie re(u tu aies re(U I ait re(U nous axons rt'{^ vous ciyez refu Je vends lis aient re{u tu vends Participles. dant (vaundong), selling. Vendu (vaundu), sold, . ayant vendu, having sold. INDICATIVE MOOD. Presmit, ,?IMPLE TENSES. absolu. I sell. Je vong tu vong COMPOUND TENSES. ant^rieur. I have sold. J'ai vendu tu as vendu i ■U 1 . 46 . FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 1 // 7W/^ eel vong // a rendu 4 no?is vmdons 7'ous vendez Us vcndetit noo vaundong voo vaunday eel vaund nous avons vendu vous avez vendu Us ont vendu _ Descriptive. ' : . ■i 1* * IMPERFECT. PLUPERFECT. I sold. I had sold. ■ : y ■■■'i Je 7'endais ill vendais il vendait Jeh vaunday tu vaundav eel vaunday J'' avals vendu tu avals vendu il avail vendu ''!■ v.' ■•- nous vmdions noo vaundyong nous avlo7is vendu i I. , '. . ^ vans vendicz Us vcndaimt voo vaundyai eel vaunday vous avicz vefidu Us avalent vendu Narrative. • . > . M ' ■ PAST DEFINITE. PAST ANTERIOR. Is "• I sold. \ I had sold. 1| ■'■ :P" ,■•'■' Je vc7idis Hi vcndis il vendit Jeh vaundee tu vaundee eel vaundee J'eus vendu tu eus vendu il eut vefidu nous vauUmcs Tous vcndites Us vendirait. noo vaundeem voo vaundeet eel vaundeer. nous ethnes vendu vous elites vendu Us eurent vendu. ■ = . , Future. ;, FUTURE. • PAST. 4 ■.■■ 1 ' I shall sell. I should have sole ' -■'.•■ - -■ Je vendrai tu vendras U vendra. Jeh vaund ray tu vaundrah . . eel vaundrah J'aurai vendu tu auras vendu il aura vendu nous vendrons noo vaundrong nous aurons vendu • . ;,,v .•: TOUS icndrcz Us vcndront voo vaundray eel vaundrong vous aurez vendu Us auront vendu ■ f ,.. . Conditional. /, PRESENT. PAST. I should sell. "'■ ■ - y (" , ' I should have sol Je vendrais tu vendrais Jeh vaundray tu vaundray J^aurals vendu tu aurais vendu FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 47 uendu avons vcndn avez vendu 7/ vcndu (Ivendraii nous vendrio', s vous vcndriez ih vendraieiit eel vaundray noo vaundreeong voo vaundreeay eel vaundray il aura it vendu nous auriofis 7'endu vous uuriez vendu Us auraient vendu PLUrERFFXT. I had sold. vais vendu wais vcndu vait vcndu s avions vendu s avicz vendu avaicnt vcndu PAST ANTERIOR. I had sold. us vendu cus vendu nit vcndu HS Climes vendu 'IS cdtes vendu eurent vendu. PAST. should have sole aurai vcndu auras vcndu aura vendu )us aurons vcndu lus aurcz vendu s auront vendu SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT. That I may sell. Que je vende que tu vcndes qu'ii vcnde que nous vendions que vous vendiez quHls vendent IMPERFECT. That I might sell. Queje vendisse que tu vendisses qu'il vendtt que nous vendissions que vous vendissiez quHls vcndissent Keh jeh vaund keh tu vaund keel vaund PAST. That [may have sold. Que fate vendu que tu aics vcndu qu'il ait vcndu keh noo vaundyong que nous ayons vendu keh voo vaundyay que vous ayez vcndu keel vaund qu^iis aient vendu PLUPERFECT, That I might have sold. Que fcusse vendu que tu cusses vcndu qu^il cut vcndu que nous eussions rendu que vous cussiez ven- du quits cussefit vciuiu Keh jeh vaundeess keh tu vaundeess keel vaundee keh noo vaundeess- yong keh voo vaundeess- yay keel vaundeess IMPERATIVE MOOD. Vends (vong), sell thou. quHl vende (keel vaunde), let him sell. vendons (vaundong), let us sell ; vcndez (vaunday), sell ye. quails vendent (keel vaund), let them sell. PAST. should have so! 'aurais vendu u aurais vendu i'.^' EASY EXPRESSION. English, French. Pronunciation. ■ Tell me Ditez-moi Deet mouah H If you please S'il vous phiit See voo play |H Have the goodness uxjez la bont^ Aiyai lah bongtai I Yes, Sir Oui^ Monsieur Wee, Mosseeu R \ Yes, Madam Out, Madavic Wee, Madamm 1 ^ Yes, Miss Out, Aladcnwiselle Wee, Madmouazel ij No, Sir Non, Monsieur Nong, Mosseeu I h No, Madam A'on, Madame Nong, Madamm .i No, Miss Non, Mademoiselle Nong, Madmouazel £ Will you Voulez vous Voolai voo Ih tell me me dire Meh deer 1 I thank you Je vous remercie Jeh voo remmairsee w . Do you speak Parlez vous Parlai-voo tt^^ English? anglais ? aunglai ? n French ? fraufais ? fraunsai ? Kh I do not speak Je 7ie parte pas fran- Jeh neh pari pah fce French (ais fraunsai W. I speak it a little Je le park un peu Jeh leh pari un^^ Sh( peuh I nl I understand Je comprends Jeh comprong GoJ I do not understand Je ne comprends pas Jeh neh compron;: FaJ pah Vol Do you understand ? Comprenez-vous 1 Comprennai-voo I \\] Give me Dotinez mot Donnai-mouah n| some bread du pain du pang Go] some meat de la viande de lah veeaund Go] some wine du vin du vang f yl some beer de la biere deh lah beeare nl Bring me Apportez-moi Apportai-mouah \ ^y| some coffee du cafi du caffay | y<| some tea du ty du tay i ''il some milk du lait du lay -, 1 wfl some butter du beurre du beur 1 fl FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 49 ■ — ■ — ■' English. French. Pronunciation. some cheese * Thank you dufromage Merci du fromaje Mairsee. nciation. uah \ play 1 bongtai Dsseeu adamm .ladmouazel Vlosseeu Madamm Madmouezel voo eer remmairsee voo ;\ai? nsai? . eh pari pah nsai leh pari mv^ h tmprong eh comprotv, 3rennai-voo pai-niouah pang lah veeaund vang Ih lah beeare jrtai-mouah caffay |i tay lay In beur Good morning How do you do ? Very well I am very well How is your father ? How is your moth- er !* She is not well fSile is ill He is very ill She has a cold I must go Good bye Farewell Your servant I wish you a good morning Good evening Good night I wish you good night My compliments to your father I will not fail Meeting, Bon jour Comment vous por- tezvous Trh-bien Je me porte fort hien Comment se porte monsieur not re pere 1 Comment se porte J/ dame votre mere 1 Elle ne se porte pas bien Elk est malade II est bien tnalade Elle est enrhumee II faut partir An plaisir Adieu Votre serviteur Je vous souhaite Ic bon jour Bon soir Bonne nuit Je vous souhaite une bonne nuit Saluez jnonsieur votre pere de ma part Je n'y manqueraipas Bong joor Commong voo poi- taivoo Tray beeang J eh meh port fore beeang Commong seh port mosseeu votre pare ? Commong seh port Maddam votr mare ? El reh seh port pah beeang El ai mallad t^el ai beeang mal- lad El ait aunreemay Eel fo parteer O playzeer Adieu Votr sairveeture Jeh voo sooate leh bong joor Bongsouar Bon nwee Jeh voo sooate une bon nwee Salluai mosseeu votr pare deh mah par Jeh nee maunkrai pah. 50 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. Visits. Enerlish. French. Pronunciation. 'I '•1.. There is a knock It is Mrs. B. I am very glad tc see you Pray be seated What news is there ? Good news Do you believe it ? I beHeve it I don't believe a word of it I think so I think not Who told you ? It is no such thing Have you heard from home ? The post- m a n brought me a let- ter this morning They write sad news Will you stay and dine wit'i us .<* No, thank you I cannot stay I must go You nre in great hurry I have a great deal to do Onfrappe C'est Aladame B. Je suis charfn^ de vous voir Asseyez-vimsjs vous prie Que Ht-on de nou- 7'eau ? De bonnes nouveUes Le croyez-vous ? • Je le crois Je n^en crois pas un nwt Je crois que oui Je crois que non (2^ii I'ous fa dit i .11 ft^en est rien Avez-vous rcfu des nouvelles de chez- vous 1 Le facteur ni'appor- ta une lettre ce ma- tin On mVcrit de mau- vaises nouvelles Voulez-vous resier a diner avec nous 1 Merci Je ne peux pas r ester II faut que je m'en aille Vous etes bienpr.'ss(^c J\ii bien des chases ci /aire Ong frap Sai Maddam B. Jeh swee sharnii deh voo vouahr Assayai voo jeh vd pree Keh deet-ong ckl noovo "i Deh bon noovel Leh crwoyai voo? Jeh leh croua Jeh nong croua pa ung mo Je croua queh we J e croua queh noii Kee voo lah dee: Eel non ai reeaiig Avai voo ressu d noovel deh sli voo 1 Leh facter rrappi tah une letti m mattang Ong maycree li movaze noovci Voolai voo rcstai deenai avec ni Mairsee Jeh neh peuh \ restai Eel fo queh nion aheel Vooz ait bee pressai Jay beeang shoze ah fan J 'J I y It It WJ It rRENClI AT A GLANCE. 51 EjcpressiouH of S u rpk' ise. ^^BL English. French. Pronunciation. What ! Comment ! Commong ! Is it possible ? Scraii-il possible ? Serra it-eel pos- Who wouhl have seebl ? believed it ! Qui Vaurait cm ! Kee loray cm ! Indeed En v(frite f Ong vereetay It is impossible Cela est impossible Slab ait amposseebl That cannot be Cela ne se pent pas Slab neh seh peu pah I am astonished at J^en suis bien e tonne Jong swee beean ai- it tonnai You surprise me Vous me surprenez Voo nieh surepren- ^^j,,^,^^ nay H^is incredible Cest incroyable Sait angcrwoyable It is unheard of Cela est itioui Sla ait in wee. uncialion. P ddam B. ree sharnvi voo vouahr A voo jeh vo leet-ong cU. \}o ? on noovel rwoyai voo? ;h croua ong croua pa r mo 'oua quehwe oua queh noi voolahdee: j^j^ sorry for it ion ai recall^ ^ ^^^ .^ ^^^^^ voo res^^t-,. about it ovel deh ^'^^hat a pity ! .BKi is a great pity Ifacter rrapix^*^" *=« ^ ^ , une lettr h j^ .^ ^ ^^^^ ^j^.^^ ittang JK^ maycree m i^ \^ ,^ great mis- bvazenoove. foitune laivoorestra^j^j^^^^^y^j^^j enai avec no|^| ^^ ^.^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ., rsee .'.It. gives me great neh peuh \ ^^^ stai How happy I am fo queh on aheel i;:i wish you jov z all iJ ' I congratulate you ressai on it 7"^"" beeang hoze ah fate Sorrow and Joy. J^en suis fAchd J' en suis ddsold Quel dotnmage ! Cest bien dommage Cela est bien fdcheux J' Cest un grand mal- Iieur Je SUIS bien aisc J\m suis fort aise J 'en ai bien de la joie Queje suis heureux Je 7'ous f/licite Je 7VUS en fa is mon compliment Jong swee fashai Jong swee daizolai Kel dommaje Say beeang dom- maje Slab ah beeang fasheu Sait unggrong mai- ler Jeh swee beean aze Jong swee fort aze Jon ay beeang deh lah jouah Keh jeh svveeze heureu Jeh voo faileeseet Jeh vooze ong fay mong complee- rnong. ^ i 52 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. Anger and JBlatne, English. French. Pronunciation. He is very angry I am in a bad tem- // es/ bieji en coVere Jc siiis lie manvaise Eel ai beean org collare Jeh swee deh mc- per She is furious about it Hold your tongue You are very wrong What a shame ! How could you do so? I am ashamed of you For shame ! You are verv much to blame His patience is tired out Don't answer humeur Elk en estfiiticuse vaze humeure El on ai fureeuze Taisez-iwus Voiis avcz Men tort Quelle hontc ! Comment avez-vous pu faire cela 1 Vous mefaitcs honte Taizay voo Vooze avai beeang tor Kel haunt ! Comment avai voo pu fare sla ? Voo meh fate haunt Fi done ! Vous etes Men a bld- mer La patience lui Miappe Ne repliquez pas Fee dong ! Vooze ait beean ah blahmai Lah passyaunce Iwee aishap Neh raipleekai pah How old are you ? I am twenty-two I shall soon be thirty He looks older I did not think you were so old She is at least sixtv How ol(? is your uncle ? He is nearly eighty Aije. Quell (i^e avez-vous ? J\i vina^t-deux a us J 'at Menibt t rente ans J I par ait plus Ag,! Je ne vous croyais pas si (fge Elle a au moins soi- xanie ans Quel age peut avoir Monsieur voire oucle I II a ci pen prcs qua- tre-vingts ans Kel ahje avai voo .-' Jay vang-deuh ong Jaybeeangto trauiit ong Eel paray pluzc ahjai Jeh neh voo crwoyai pah see ahjai El ah o niooaiig sooassaunt 0!ig Kel ahje pent avouar Mossecu votr auncl Eel ah ah p(>u prnv kalUr vangs ong FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 53 English. I'Vench. I'ronunciatiun. lion. an org leh mc- leure reeuze beeang ! avai voo 5la? ate haunt beean ah Lssyaunce lap sekai pah ivai voo? cuh ong ;to traiint ly pUi/o Is he so old ? It is a great age He begins to grow eld Est-il si age que cela ? C'est un grand age // iommeftce a vieil- lir Ait ee! see ahjai keh sla Sait ung graund ahje Eel commaunce ah veeailyeer. To (isk Questions, What do you say ? Do you hear me ? I don't speak to you Do you understand me ? Listen Come here What is that ? Why don't you an- swer ? What do you mean ? Don't you speak French ? Very little, Sir Do you know Mr. H.? I know him by )(»crwoy:u ahjai sight 1 know him by mooang unt ong je pent Mosseeu name What do you call that ? What does that iicl pen prny uings ong mean ? What is that good for? Que dites-vous ? AI ^entendez-Tous ? Ce fi' est pas a vous que je park Ale comprenez-vous ? Ecoutez Approchez — Venez ici Qu'est-ce que tela ? Pourquoi ne rcpoti- Jezvous pas ? Que voulez - 1 , us dire 1 Ne parlez-vflus pas francais i Bien peu. Monsieur Co nnais s ez-vous Monsieur Hi Je le connais de vue Je le connais de nom Comment appelez- vous eela t Qu'est-ee que cela , veut dire / A quoi cela est-il l>on t Keh deet voo ? Mauntaundai-voo ? Snay paz ah voo keh jeh pari Meh com pre n nay voo ? Aicootai Approshai — Ven- naze eesee Case keh sla ? Poorcouah neh rai- pondai voo pah ? Keh voolai - voo deer ? Neh parlai voo pah Fraunsav ? Beeang peuh, mos- seeu Cennaissai voo mosseeu H. Jeh leh connay deh vu Jeh leh connay deh nong Commont apj)lai \{)o sla ? Case keh sla veuh (leer? Ah couah sla ait eel bopg ? 54 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 3Iorninfj, English. French. Pronunciation. Wiiat o'clock is it? It is near eight Light the fire 1 am going to get up Get me some hot water Make haste How have you slept ? Did you sleep well ? Very well, thank you Not very well I never woke all night I could not sleep I never closed my eyes I have been up this hour Vou are an early riser 1 generally rise early . ' iJreakfast is rcadv ,Ts breakfast ready? Quelle hcure est-il ? J I est pres de huit heures Faiies du feu Je vais vie lever AUez me ehereher de reau ehaude N'e soyez pas long- temps Cimiment avez-vous dorvii ? Ai'ez-i'ous bien dor- vii t Tres-hieu^je '^'ous re- mercie Pas tres-bien J\ii dormi tout d'un somme Je n\ii pas pu dor- mir Je ft' at pas fermc^ roeil J I y a une lieu re que Je me suis leve Vons t'fes mat'uial Je me leve ordinaire- mejit de bonne heure Bve((hf(isf, Le di[je finer est pret Le d 'jeiVner est-il pritt Kel eur ait-eel ? Kel ai pray deh weet eur Fate du feuh Jeh vay meh levvai Allai meh shairshai deh lo shode Nell swoyai pah longtong Cominont avai-voo dormee ? Aval - voo beeang dormee ? Tray beeang, jeh voo remmairsee Pah tray beeang J 'ay dormee too d'ong som Jeh n'ai pah pu dormeer Jeh nai pahfairmay rile Eel ee ah une cur keh jeh meh swee levai Vooz ait matteenal Jeh meh lave or- deen a r e m o n g deh bon eur Leh daijeunay ai pray Leh daijeunay ait eel pray ? FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 5S English. French. Pronunciation. 1 iin^i cur nich sweo Come to breakfast Docjj the water boil ? This water has not boiled Is the tea made ? Shall I put some green te^ in the tea-pot ? Very little That is enough Some rolls Do you drink tea or coffee ? This cream is sour Will you take an These eggs are hard We want anotlier egg-cup Give me the salt Pass me the butter This butter is not fresh Uring son.e more Give me a spoon Is the coffee strong enough ? We want more cups Take some more sugar A piece of toast Cold meat Venez d(^je{mer Lean bout-eUe ? Cette eaii n'a pas bouilli Le th^ est-il fait 1 Mettrai-je du th^ 7) e r t da n s I a th^i^re .? N ^en fnettez que trh- peii Cela est assez Des petits pahis Prenez-vous du th^ ou du caf^ ? Cette creme est siire Voulez-vous manger un oeuf? Ces oeufs son durs II nous faut un au- tre coquetier Donnezmoi le sel Passez-moi le heurre Ce heurre n^est pas Jrais Allez-nous en cher- cher d'autre Donnez-moi une cuil- ler Le cafe est-il assez fort i li nous manque des tasses Prenez e^icore du Sucre Un vwrceiUi de rdiie De la viande froide Vennay daijeunay Lo boot -el ? Set o na pa booeel- lee Leh tay ait eel fay .'' Mettray-je du tay vair dong lah taiyare Nong mettay keh tray peu Sla ait assay Day pettee pang Prennay-voo du tay oo du caffay ? Set crame ait suhr Voolay-voo maun- jay un uf ? Saze euf son dure Eel noo fote un otr coktyai Do.inay mouah leh sel Passav mouah leh beur Seh beur nai pa frai Allay - nooz ong shairshai dotr Donnay mouah une cweelyare Leh caffay ait eel assay fore ? Eel noo maunk day tass Prenaze auncore du sucr U ng morso deh rotee Deh lah veeaund frouad 5<5 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. French. Pronunciation. The table cloth The sugar basin Chocolate A knife This knife is blunt We have done breakfast You can take away the things La nappe Le siicrier Du chocolat Un couteau Ce couteau ne coupe pas Nous avons fini de dejeuner Vous pouvez desser- vir Lab nap Leh sucreeay Du shocolah Ung cooto Seh cooto neh coop pas Nooz avong feenee deh daijeunay Voo poovai dessair- veer Ordering Dinner, Have you ordered dinner ? Show me the bill of fare What soup will you have ? Maccaroni soup Have you any roast-beef ? Not to-day We have very fine fish P'ried soles A dozen of prawns What wines will you have ? . Let us see Have you the best wines ? Here is the list We shall dine at six o'clock ' Be punctual * Avez-Tous commande' le ihner 1 Montrez-moi la carte Quelle soupe vous servirai-je 1 De la soupe au ma- caroni Avez-vous du boeuf rbti ( Fas aujourd'hui Nous avons de tres- bon pots son Des soles f rites line douzaine de salicoques Quels vins MonsieuV dhire-t-il i Voyons Avez-vous des vins fins ( En void la liste Nous dinerons a six lieu res Sore: exacte Avai-voo commaun- dai leh deenai ? Mongtray mouah lah carte Kel soup voo sair- veeraije ? Deh lah soup o ma- caroni Avay-voo du beuf rotee ? Paz ojoordwee Nooz avong deh traybong pouahs- son'g Day sole frcet Une doozane deli salleecok Kel vang Mossieu dayzeer-t-eel ? Vwoiyong Avai-voo day vang fang ? Ong vwoysee lah leest Noo deenerongs aii seece eur Swovaiz exact. ion. FRENCH AT A GLANCE. Dinner, $7 English. French. Pronunciation. ^ 1 What shall I help Que Tous servirai- Keh voo sai.vee- 1 you to ? je? raije ? sh coop ■ ; Will you take some Voiilez-vous tin pen Voolai - vooz ung fl soup ? de soupe i pen deh soup ? ; feenee 1 No, thank you Merci bien Mairsee beeang unay ■ Willingly lYes-volontiers Tray volontyai dessair- ■ Help yourself Set'vez-vous Sairvai voo Well done, if you Bien cuit^ sHl voiis Beeang cwee see 1 please plait voo play 1 It is excellent II est excellent Kel ait excellong 1 Do you take pep- Prenez-voui du j>oi- Prehnay-voo du )mmaun- 1 per ? vre? pouahvr eenai ? 1 Cayenne pepper Le poivrc rou^e Leh pouahvr rouge mouah 1 Here are spinach Voici desepinards ei Vouasee daiz aipee- ''''^^1 and brocoli des brocolis nar ai day bro- voo salr- colee • Peas Des petits pois Day pettee pouah )up o ma- Cauliflower Du choujleur Du shoorteur Artichokes Des artichauts Daiz arteesho du beuf Potatoes Des pomnies de terre Dayz pom deh tare I'he mustard pot Le jnoutardier Leh mootardyai dwee Change the plates Changez les assiettes Shaunjai laiz ass- ong dt'h yett g pouabs- Cxive me a clean Donnez - fuoi une Donnay mouah une 1 fork fourchette prop re foorshet propr fr-.et ■ Are you hungry .-^ Avez-vous faim f Avay-voo fang 1 zane deh I I am hungry J'aifaim J 'ay fang ok ■ Vou don't eat Vous ne mangez pas Voo neh maunjay r Mossicu I pa r-t-eel ? 1 .Vre you thirsty ? Avez-vous soifl Avay voo souaf ? y I I am very thirsty J \ii bien soif J 'ay beeang souaf ""day vang ■ 1 am dying of thirst Je meurs de soif Je meur deh souaf m ■ 'lake a glass of Prenez un verre dc Prennaze ung vair oysee U^l^ ■ wine vin ■ - de vang H Tiring me a glass of Apportcz - 7noi un Apporiay- m o u a h nerongs ah ■ water verre d' e a u ung vair d'o eur 1 frau'hc fiashe exact. B y ■ ? ^ SB FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. French. Pronunciation. (rive me something to drink This wine tastes of the cork It is fiat A cork-screw Donuez-moi a boire Ce Tin sent Ic boii- chon J I est evente Un tire-bouchon Donnay mouah ah bouahr Seh vang song leh booshong F>1 ait aivauntai Ung teer booshong. Tea is quite ready They are waiting for you I am coming The tea is very strong- Pour out the tea Bring a saucer W'here are the su- gar-tongs ? Ring, if you please A little more milk What will you take ? A slice of bread and butter Hand the plate Will vou take some cake ? A small piece Make more toast Make haste This is excellent tea The tea-tray The milk jug A set of tea-things Tea. Le th^ est tout p ret On vous attend Me void Le the est t res-fort Versez le thd Apportez une sou- coupe Oil S07it les pifices ? Sonncz, sTl vous phut Eneore un peu de I a it Que prendrez-vous ? line beurnh\ — Une tartine de beurre J\issez I'assiette \\)ulez-vous du ga- teau / Un petit morceau Faites e^icorc des rb- ties Depechez-vous Wild d'exceUcnt t/n' Le cabaret Le pot au lait Un service Leh tay ai too pray Ong vooz attong Meh vwoysee Leh tay ai tray fore Vairsay leh lay Apportaze une soo- coop Ou song lay pan gee ? Son nay, see voo play Auncore ung peu deh lay Keh praundray voo ? Une beurray. — Unt^ larteen deh beiir Passay I'assyett Voolay voo du gah- to ? Ung pettee morso P'ates auncore dav rotee Day pay shay voo Vwoyla d'excellong tay Leh cabbaray Leh pote o lay Ung sairveece . \ !■ FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 59 •English. l'>eiich. Pronunciation. Have you finished ? Avez-vous dejd fini Avay voo dayjn feenee Take another cup Prenez encore une Prennaze auncore tasse une tass No, thank you Merci hien Mairsee beeang Brown bread Du pain Ins Du pang bee White bread Du pain bla?ic Du pang blong Stale bread Du pain rassis Du pang rassee New bread Du pai?ifrais EeehUHf, Du pang fray It is late II est tard Eel ai tar It is not late II n' est pas tard Eel n'ay pa tar What o'clock is it ? Quelle /leure est-il .? Kel eur ait-eel ? It is still early // est encore de Eel ait auncore deh bonne heure bon eur Are you tired ? Etcs-vous fatigue 1 Ait voo fateegay ? Not at all Point du tout Pouang du too Not much Pas heaucoup Pa bocoo It is only ten II n'est que dix Eel n'ay keh deeze heures eur It is time to go to II est r heure de se Eel ai leur deh seh bed coucher cooshay Is my room ready ? Ma chavibre est-elle Ma shaumbr ait-el ; prete 1 prate ? Go and see Allez-voir Allay vouahr Draw the curtain Fermez ce rideau Fairmay seh reedo A blanket Une couverture de Une coovairture ! :ine deh lane Good-night Bo;i soir Bong souahr I wish you a good- Je vous souhaite une Jee-voo sooate une night bonne nuit bon nwee I am sleepy J\ii sofUfneil Jay sommail Are you sleepy ? Avez-i 'ous soinmeil 1 Avay-voo sommail ? What o'clock is it by your watch ? it has stopped The Watvh. Quelle heure est-il a voire monf>r ? Pile s\'st arret Je Kel eur ait-eel a votr mauntr-? El salt arraytai ■nHM 60 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. Ill English. French. Pronunciation. - It does not go I forgot to wind it up My watch is too fast It gains It is too slow It is a quarter of an hour too slow It goes right A quarter to eight Midnight Noon A quarter past one Half-past four Twenty minutes to six It has just struck nine Ten minutes past seven Exactly three o'clock The clock is strik- ing Shall we take a lit- tle walk ? Willingly Where shall we go ? On the high road There is a good deal of dust Into the fields They are reaping T»i?y are making hav Elk ne va pas fai oublie de la monter Ma montre est en avarice Elk avance Elle est en retard Elle rctarde d'lin quart d'heiire Elle va bien Huit heures moins tin quart Minuit Miai Une hcure et quart Quatre heures u demie Six heures moins vingt Neuf heures vien- nent de sonner Sept heures et dix minutes Trois heures juste Voila rhorloge qui Sonne Walh'hiff, Irons-nous /aire nn petit tour t De tout rnon coeur Par 01) irons-nous ? Sur la granite route II y a heaucoup de poussiere Dans la earnpagne On tnoissonne On fa ui he Iherhe El neh va pa J'ay oobleeay deh la mauntay Ma mauntr ait an avaunce El avaunce El ait ong retard El retard d'ung kar d'eur El va beeang Wheet eur mouctns ung kar Meenwee Meedec Une eur ai kar Katr eurs ai dem- mee Seece eur mouang vahng Neuv eur veeyen deh sonnay Set eur eh dee meenutl Trouaz eur juste Vwoyla I'orloje kee son. I)( Eerong noo fare I ^^^ ung pettee toor? 1 Deh too mong keur 1 r kn Par eerong noo ? 1 Hitii Sure la graunde root 1 I an I'x'l ee ah bocoo 1 \\\ deh poossyare 1 He Dong la campaine 1 "'^ Ong niwoysson 1 I ha) On foshe I'airbe t FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 6i ■ English. French. Pronunciation. I What a pleasant Quelle odcur ddi' Kel odeur dailee* 1 scent ! cicuse / seeyuse ^^B A reaping-hook Une faucille Une foseel in H A scythe Unefaux Une fo ^^H An abundant har- Une moisson^ une r^- Une mwoyssong, 1 vest colte, abondante uneraicolt,abaun- daunte Let us cross this Traversons ce champ Travairsong seh ^^K fiekl shong I Which is the way to Quel est 1e chemm Kel ai leh shem- '""' 1 A.? pour aller a A. ? mang pour allay ah A. ? B Where does this Oil conduit cette On condwee set f 1 road lead ? route ? root ? B Which way am I to De quel cote faut-il Deh kel cotay fote iem- . go ? que faille ? eel keh j'aeel? ^x* »»» Straight before vou Allez droit devant Allay drouah de- uang To the left vous A gauche vong voo Ah goshe jeyen To the right A droite Ah drouate About a mile Environ un mille Ongveerong ung dee \ ■ \ V, ; ,.■ - '.- ■'-: '>/' meel 1 Hardly a mile A peine un mille Ah pane ung meel ste 1 Let us go in Ren irons Rauntrong. ekee 1 To It iqiiire for a JPersou. fare toor ? keur noo ? ]e root IbocQo lire Laiue Ln Ibe Do vou know Mr. I don't know any- body of that name [ know him Intimately? 1 am very intimate with him He is a friend of mine I have known him a long time Connai ssez-vous Monsieur F. ? Je ne connais per- sonne de ce nom Je le connais fntimement 1 Je suis tres-liii avec lui II est un de mes amis Je le connais depuis longtemps Connaissay voo Mossyeu F. ? Jeh neh connay pairson deh seh nong Jeh leh connay Angteememong ? Jeh swee tray leeay avec Iwe Eel ait ung deh maze amee Jeh leh connay depwee longtong 62 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. P'rench. Pronunciation. He is my brother- in-law Do vou know him ? I know him verv well Where does he live Close by A step or two from here Ts it far? C'an vou direct me to his house ? I will show you where he lives The market The street The square Spring has come It is still cool Spnng liegins well It is rather mild It is quite spring weather The trees are be- ginning to bud The season is very forward There are some snowdrops (jather them Crocuses Cest man beau-frcre Le avuiaisscz-i'ous ? Je Ic comiais par- faitcmcnt Oii dcmcurc-t-ilJ Id prcs A deux pas d^ici Est-cc loin ? PoHTez-7'ous m ' indi- quer sa maison ? Je Tous montrcrai oil il dcmcure Le march^ La rue La place Spring. Sal mong bo-frare Leh connaissay-voo Jeh leh connay par- fatemong Oo demmeur-t-eel ? Eessee pray Ah deu pa deessee Ai-ce louang Poovay-voo man- deekay sah mai- song ? Jeh voo mauntrerai 00 eel demmeur Le marshay Lah ru Lah plass. Voild le printctnps Vwoila leh prang- tongs arreevay Eel fait toojoors ung peu fray Leh prangtony pro- may beeang Eel fai tong souah peu doc Eel fate ung tong deh prangtong Laiz arbr com- niaunse ah boo- tonnay arrive II f7-t to uj ours un pti.frais Le printemps promet bicn II fait taut soit peu doux II fait un temps de printemps Les arbres commen- cent a boutonner La saison est bicn avanc^e « Voila des perceneige Cueillczlcs Du safran Lah saizong ai bee- an avaunsay Vwoila day pair- sen aije Kileyay-lay Du saff rong « ^'^^^c•rr at a clance. Haffodils Hyacinths (father some As much as please ''''le season is very backward Kverything is back- ward jjummer is coming ^^ is becomintj warm 1 am very warm it is very warm How warm it is ! it is a fine day The heat is unbear- able Hay making has begun Tiify are cutting the corn Let us go into the shade i think we are go- '^g to have a storm J ^ear thunder -^^s Harasses ^<'s tulipcs J^J^'! Judnthcs (-Jtci/lcz-en Tant que votis voudrez ^i^ suison est , retardee Tout est retarde T^'^t^ approche ^/ comnienee <\ fa/re chaud y'ai bien cLaud ^Uait trh-chaud Qu ilfait chaud/ ^ est un beau Jour ^a c/ialeur est in- supportable On fait lesfoins Daynarseess J^ay tuleep J^'73' jassant KiJeyaze ong Tong keh vooz on voodray Lah saizong ai bee- ang retarday . loot ai retarday L'ettay approshe ^^\ commaunce a ^ iare sho J'ay beeang sho ^el fay tray sho Keel fay sho ^ait ung bo joor ^3h shalleur ait angsupportabl ^^"8- fa)- lay foan^ On coupe le bU r\ "'•■ Ong coop leh blay \^"r' ^ous mettre I *^ I ombre \J^ erois que nous au- rons de forage It hails /'€nte?ids dejd le fonnerre J^^ i07nbe de la greie |A"ong noo maitr , ah J'ombr 'Jehcroahkehnooz orong de lorahje ^t thunders I // . J'ongtong dayja leh tonnair i'^el toumbedehlah ^''ale Kel ton ^ -V - Kel ton terreebl- mong Kel fay daiz aiclare ^el orahje 64 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. French. Pronunciation. The sky begins to clear The weather may hold up There is the rain- bow The sun breaks out Le del cojumcnce a sVchiinir Lc tc?nps pourra se rcmetire Voila rarc-en-ciel Le solcil se montrc Leh seeyel com- maunce ah sai- clareceer Leh tong poorrah se remmettr Vwoila larc-ong- seeyel Leh sol ail seh mauntr. Summer is over The leaves are be- ginning to fall A dead leaf The days are still fine The days are clos- ing in We must soon be- gin hres We iiave had a fire already It is soon dark It is dark It is a fine night A dark night Moonlight Is it moonlight ? It is full moon New moon The moon is in the first quarter Aiitutmi. Voila I M passe' Lcs feuilles eommen- cent a tomber Une feuille morte Lcs jours sent encore fort beaux Lcs Jours sont bicn raccourcis II faudra que nous ayons du feu sous peu Nous avons dijafait du feu II fait bientbt nuii II fait sombre II /ait une belle nuit Une nuit obscure Clair de lune Fait-ilclair de lune i Cest la pleinc lune La nouvclie lune L.a lune est dans U premier quartiir Vwoila lettay pas- say Lay file com- maunst a taum- bay l^ne file mort Lay joor sont aun- core fore bo Lay joor song bee- ang raccoorsee Eel fodrah keh nooz ayong du feu soo peu Nooz avong dayjab fav du feu Eel fay beeangto nwee P>1 fay sombr Eel fait une bel nwee Une nwee obscure Clare deh lune Fait-eel clare deh lune? Sai la plane lune Lah noovel lune Lah lune ai dong leh prem myay kartyai FRENCH AT A GLANCE- 65 English. French. Pronunciation. The last quarter Do you think it vvill rain ? I am afraid so It rains It drizzles It pours [high The wind is very It is very windy It is winter The days are so short It is very cold It is bad weather Cloudy weather It is foggy The sky is over- cast It snows It snows in great flakes It freezes It freezes very hard Can you skate ? The ice does not bear It thaws It is very dirty Is it slippery out of doors ? Lc dernier quartier Croyez-vous quit plcuve / yVv/ ai peur II pleut II bruine II phut d verse II fait grand vent II fait bien dii vent Winter* Nous voila dans r /liver Les jours sont si courts II fait excessiicment froid II flit mauvais temps Un temps gr is II flit du brouillard Le ciel est convert II fieige II neige a gros flo- cons II gele [due 11 gele (i pier re fen- Savez-vous patiner ? La glace ne parte pas Ild/g>le II fait bien de la ' Kel fay beeang deh crotte I I ah crolt Est'Cc gUssant tfV» I Ai t-ce g I c c s s o n g hors? I dehor? Leh dairnyai kart- yai Crwoiyai-voo keel pleuv ? J 'on ai peur Eel pleu Eel brueene Eel pleut a vairse Eel fay gtong vong Eel fay beeang du- vong. Noo vwoila dong I'eevair Lay joor song see coor Eel fait excesseev- mong frouah Eel fay movay tong Ung tong grce Eel fay du brooillar Lch secy el ai coo- vare P'el naje Eel naje ah gro flocong Eel jale [faundy Eel jale ah peeare Savay voo pa tee- nay ? Lah glass neh port pa Eel daijale 66 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. French. Pronunciation. I nearly fell Chi-istmas New Year's clay Twelfth night J'aifailli tomber Noel Le jour de ran Le jour des rots J 'ay fallyee taum- bay Noel Leh joor deh long Leh joor day roah The Fire. B Light the fire Allumez le feu Allumay leh feu B Don't let the fire Nelaissezpas eie'md- Ne laissay pas ai- B out rc Ic feu tandr le feu B It is not quite out II u'cst pas tout a Eel n'ai pa toot all B fait cteint fai aitang B It will soon be out II va s'e'teindre Eel vah s'aitandr B What are you look- Que cherchez-vous ? Keh shairshay-voo ■ ing for ? 1 I am looking for Je cherche les pin- Je shairshe lav 1 the tongs cettes pangset 1 The shovel La pelle Lah pel 1 The poker Le tisonier Leh teezonnyai 1 Blow the fire Soufflez lefeu Sooflay leh feu j Gently Doucement Doosmong 1 Not so hard Pas si fort Pa see fore J It will soon draw II va prendre dans Pxl va praundr 1 up un instant dongs un angs- 1 tong 1 J Are there any coals? Y-a-t-il du charbon ? Ee at eel du shar- ■ bong I f Tell the servant to Difes d la servante Deets ah lah sair- ■ bring some d\'n apporter vaunt d'on appor ■ tny fl I Put .some coals on Mettez du charbon Mettay du sharbonq H h Not too many at a vVV;/ mettez pas trop N'ong rnettay ims B h time () lafois trope ah lah fc);iii B ht You have almost Vous avcz presque Vooz avay presk ni fl Try smothered the fire itouffd lefeu toofay leh feu. B hi Is th Afal. ^^ENCH AT A GLANCE. J want some paper [Jave you any ? ^o yon want any ? ^^i" you lend me some ? Lend me a sheet A quire J ^ave a letter to write I must write a let- ter Mend me a pen Where is your pen- knife ? It wants settiniT 6; r, • — L • -'""^-lation. ^n avcz-Tousi \(V^^ ^'^ avcz-vous ^^- or''''''>'-^'«0-' soin ^(^\^n avay-voo bez- prefer? I ^^^'ay-voo rn'oncr '^^^WPraytaimonunefile /(^'iiille ^^ne Wain jyW une c'l'rire Icftre V"^ niang y^y line lettr •■^3^creer ah ^^Vfe - ;// ,. / ,, ,^ ^ -,, ^!"e^\^'e une lettr ////;./^ "^ '''^'jr-^' mouahune •/ • M >o ay votre ca- neef? Jt does not cut n IS blunt It is quite spoilt 1^0 you like a hard or soft pen ? I iike it hard Jt is too fine Jt «s too broad 't spatters 'ry It ft is excellent I*^ your letter tlie post ? Make haste ^^ a hesoin ir^f,^ ,.^, passe' ^1: "e coupc Pas J^(^st eniiusse ^^(^^'fmtt'erementabi me ^- . '^^ bezwoni? <,f aytr repassai Ee neh coop pah \f\ ''^•f '^3-moossai ^-ej ait aunteeare- mont abee/nai P^^^^^ie dure ^^r'7^''^>-''^'-^'oozune mo//e? '' f^''"»e dure oo yw ^,,v//, ..//L;;^f', , I dure y '^ kel souah ^ne est trop fine \v\ r A //,, , '^ "^ I '^i ai tro G'ros Pissayez'/a \^!^^t'stcxceliente \u[ ^\ fotre iettre ../-.//. Votr letrr v , Pyuria postei \ . ^'^ ' ^3ypayshai-voo I^I crash I^'Ssayai-lah n ait excellaimt cl if FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English It is very late I shall not be long French. Ic ne serai pas long- temps Jeh neh serray pah longtong What is the day of' QW "^^^^ J^, jeeame_dumo.a the month ? To-day is the first Seal your letter prcmcr Cashtay votr lettr sea. your letter ^;*:-;:f ^/^ Ed n'e^e ah pah d.h There is no wax Ui"^}'! geer \unpainacaeheter\v^^gV^^^^'^^^'^'- A wafer p" ^ tay Where is my seal ? cy/^ esi ay ? 5 ruTntp-pel devvenu r What has become C«'-'-'^ ''«-«' \^''''"'' of it? , ;, . Jehl'ay I have it -v'lw Lch vwoysee Here it is ■ ^jTceiic lettre a Portay set lettr ah Carry this letter to ^^;f; ^^ lah post '^^ P^'' . Atanchissez4^^ I Affraunshissay-lah. Pay the postage Arjramm Where are yott .0.10. «/..-" ^ |Ooana,voo. Vencavecmo. ^ ^^^^-^ i „« - i-^ J „„^ decayn , ,.„UniUe to seeUt -..».-'''.' Jehv,.c,.^^^ ing ? I have a few pur- chases to make Come with me Willingly I want some calico FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 69 English. French. Pronunciation. ;e- ah nn- U /enu ttr ab -lab. Have you any nar rower ? Broader What is this a yard ? It is faded Show me some cot- ton Not so fine This will do Sewing-silk A skein Pins Mixed pins Tape A bodkin Show me some gloves What are they a pair? It is too dear Show me some oth- ers Try on these They fit you very well Send all this home directly The bill E71 avez-vous de plus ctfoii? De plus large Combieti cela vaut-il la verge? II est fane Montrez-nioi du fil Mains fin Celui-ci 7ne convient De la sole i) coudrc Un ikhei'cau Des cpingles Des epingles viJ- langi'es Kuban dcfil Un passe-lacet Faitcs-moi voir des gants Combien les vendez- vous la pa ire I Cest trap clier Montrez-in ''en d\ru- tres Essayez ceux-ci lis vous Tont tres- vien Enroyez tout eela chez moi sur le champ La note On avay-voo deh pluze aytrouah Deh plu larje Combeeang sla vote eel lah vayrge ? Eel ai tanay Maun tray- m o u a h du feel Mouang fan Sehvee -see m e h congveeang Dlah souah ah coodr Un ayshvo I )ayz aypangl Dayz a y ]) a n g I maylongjav Rubong deh feel Ung pas.s-lassay Fate niouah vouahr day gong Combeeang 1 a y vaunday voo lah pare Sa\' iro siiare Mont ray mong d'otr Kssayay seusee l'x»l voo vong tray- beeang Aungvwoyai too slab shay mouah sur leh shong Lah note. What are j'ou look- ing for ? I am looking for a needle Que cherchez-vous / Je iherche une ai- guille Keh shairshay-voo? Jeh shayrsh une ay- ijweel ^^rru AT A GLANCE. 1 £n void une Here is one ^^^^ ^^^ i,op grosse It is too ^^""l^.-AfMeest trop fine Itis too small [UV ^. jaitcs-voiis I What are you lo- "j 4^^, ,/,, has 1 am knittiPg stock- W' Ong vwoysee une Kl ai tvo gross El ai tr.o feen Kehfate voo ? Jehtreecot day bah wr:5^reyou.cous-U-/f - ^^''f^n? What are )ou ^^^^^.^^ pi cooze ins ^^»^^^ ^i„„. £/A'. .-^^^^'^^ Feeloshay - They ave ^^ orkm. ^.^^^^.^^^,^ l^^^^ To net p-^fcr ^ Oorlav ' seh n^ou- Hem this han , ■^,, El brode day col chief , . , pjr.s hrodent dc^ \^' They are embroul- J^ir^^^ ^^ eving coUais ^^. .^^^^^^ ^,^ ,,, . Ihlt shay m ah T' f [or my Nvork- Chcrchez ma botU ^\^\^^^^, ,h oovraje Looktoi m> onrnige \ , g^du mong T 1-nve lost ni\ 1/ ^ ctay 1 " f, U eh vwoylah Lend me your scis ^^^^^^, ,,, jeh neh pwee pah . '""'not find them U "^' ^''^' '^ lay troovay I cannot tuKiu W ^roin'er . t'iv fate un accroc , ,,,e torn my 7^/-^'^ ^^^''^^^^ aVmahrobe 1 have torn ^^ .^a rok Raccomoday-lah. dress jiaaonmodez-la Mend it r£]ie nremniaker. . ;>,, > Vwoysee lah coo Void la c-outunere r'J^^^,^ TTate lahauntray I . V. Teh sweez occupay /^ SHIS occupie \ J ^ i^ee deer ^'"J/Tt% her tofe./^/-'V /-V^^'' 1 dehrepassay? Shall I tell ner ^^,,,,,^;- / ^^ ' leebr . ^t^ll^'be-disen-U -f ^'^'' ^^"^ ^ ' dongs mL eur Here is the dress maker Show her in Tell her to wait I am busy FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 71 English. French. Pronunciation. ol jeze )vra)e mong h vo Have you brought my dress ? Here it is Will you try it on ? Let us see Let us see how it fits It fits you very well The sleeves are not wide enough The skirt is too narrow Add another breadth Itis tooshort-waist- ed Too long-waisted Make all these al- terations What trimming would you put on ? Light blue ribbon When can you let me have it ? You shall have it on Saturday ? Without fail Don't disappoint me You may rely upon me Ar avez-vous apport^ ma robe ^ La void Voulez-vous I essav- erl Voyons Voyons si die me va Elk vous va a ravir Les manches ne sont pas assez largcs Le jupon est trop e'troit Ajoutez-y un autre le' La taille est trop courte Trop longu'e Faites tous ces petits cliange?nents Quelle gam iture voulez-v on s y mettre ? Du ruban bleu dair Quel jour me la don- nerez vous 1 Vous Vaurez Samedi Sans faute Ne me manquez pas Vous pouvez compter sur mot M'avay vooz ap portay mah robe ? Lah vwoysee . Voolay voo I'essa- yay'? Vwovons: Vwoyoiig see el nieh vah El voo vah ah raveer Lay maunsch neh song paz assay larje Leh jupong ai trope aytrouah Ajootaze-ee un otr lay Lah taeel ai tro coort Tro long Fate too sav pettee shaunjemong Kel garneeture voo- 1 a v - V o o z e e mettr ? Du rubong bleu clare Kel joor meh lah don ne ray voo ? Voo I'oray Samdee Song fote Neh meh maunkay pah Voo poovay coiig- tay sure mouali ^?ff 72 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. The Shoemaker, English. French. Pronunciation. I wish to see some shoes Boots Ladfes' boots Slipj3ers Je desire voir des soulicrs Des hotter Des bottmes Des pantoufles I will try some on \je vais vous e?i es- you I have your meas- ure already These will fit you The soles are rath- er thick — thin They are too tight I cannot get my foot in Here is a shoe-horn They hurt my heel sayer J'al dejci votre me- sure En voici qtti vous iro7it Les semelles so7it un pen fo r t e s — niinces J Is sont trop justes Je ?ie peiix pas /aire entrer mon pied dedans Voici un chaussepied Jeh dayzeer vouahr day soolyai Day hot Day botteen Day pauntoofl Jeh vay vooz an es- sayai J 'ay dayjah votr mezure Ong vwoysee kee vooz ecronof Lay sennnel sont ung peu fort — niangce lis me font ma I an I talon They hurt my toes lis me blessent les orteils The instep is too walk in tight I cannot them Bcside.s, they are too short Le coude-pied est trop serre Je ne saurais mar- clier dedans D\iilleurs ils sont trop courts I'his leather }ields Ce cuir prete comme like a glove I cjin make you a pair Take my measure un gant Je puis vous en fair e une paire Pren&z ma mesure Eel song tro juste Jeh neh peu paJi fare a u n t r a y mong peeay de- dong Vwoysee u n t^^ shossepeeay Eel meh fong mal o talong Eel meh bless laiz ortail Leh cood-peeay ay tro serray Jeh neh soray mar- shay dedong D'allyeur eel song tro coor Seh cweer prate com ung gong Jeh pwee vooz ong fare une pare Prennay mah mez- ure FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 73 English. French. Pronunciation. ir I must have them as soon as po.ssi- ble Vou shall have them next week II faut que je ks ate le plus tbt possi- ble Vous les aurez la se- niaine prochaine Eel fo keh jeh laiz ai leh plu to pos- seebl Voo laiz orah lah semane proshane. The Waslierivoman, eS' ^M M You bring my linen Vous m^apportez a very late mon Huge bien tard kee M This is too limp Ceci est trop 7nou B You don't put Vous 71' y fnettcz pas „4- . ^^B enough starch assez dempois rt — ■ ■ I miss a collar II me manque im col iste ■ f pah ■ See how badly that Voyez comme cela est r a >' I is done ma I fait de- 1 You must take it back II faut Ic rewporter ung 1 This is badly ironed Ceci est mal repass^ Lai 1 You have scorched Vous avez 7'oussi 1 1 this dress cette robe Is laiz 1 You put too much Vous mettez trop de 1 H blue in my linen bleu da7is 771071 lav ^y 1 li7ige 1 ^^K This handkerchief Ce 77uruchoir 7ie 1' mar- 1 does not belong m 'app art lent pas ■ <r ■ to me ■song ■ Vou have torn this Vous avez d/chir<f 1^1 dress cette robe 1 prate ■ You have kept a Vous avez ga7uU U7te long B pair of stockings paire de bas Ezong H Have you your bill? Avez-vous voire Ere 1 note? Ih m^^' fl [ ■ ■ '■ ' ' -:'"■' - Voo map port ay mong lanje bee ang tar Sessee ai tro moo Voo nee mettay paz assay d ' a u m- pouah Eel me maunk ung col Vwoyay com si ah ay mal fay Eel fo le raumpor- tay Sessee ai mal re- passay Vooz avay roossee set robe Voo mettay tro de bleu dong mong lanje Seh moushouahr neh m'appartee- ang pah Vooz avay dayshee- ray set robe Vooz avay garday une pair deh bah Avay voo votr I note? 74 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. Krencli Pronunciation. A shirt Pair of drawers Collar Cravat Pair of socks Silk handkercliief Waistcoat Chemise Nightgown Nightcap Petticoat Flannel petticoat Flannel waistcoat Dressing gown Pocket handker- chief Sleeves Cuffs Habit shirt Pair of stockings Silk stockings A dress Stays How are you ? Pretty well Very well I am very well I am ill I am not very well # I have a headache Une chemise Ufi ea/e(on Un col Une cravatte Une pair e de chaus- sctfes Un foulard Un gilet Une chemise Une chemise de nuit Bonnet de nuit Unjupon Un jupon de laine Un gilet de ne Un peignoir Un mouchoir Des manches Des mancheftes Ufi fichu col Une pair e de bas Des bas de sole U?ie robe Un corset Health, va la Comment sant^ ? Assez bien Fort bien Je me porte d, mer- veille Je suis malade Je ne suis pas bien portant J'ai maid, la tete Une shemnieeze Ung calsong Ung col Une cravat " \ Une pare de shosett Ung foolar Ung jeelay Une shenimeeze Une shemmeeze deh nwee Bonnay deh nwee Ung jupong Ung jupong deh lane Ung jeelay deh lane Ung pagnouahr Ung mooshouahr Day maunsh Day maunshett Ung feeshu col Une pair deh bah Day bah deh souah Une robe Ung corsay. Commong vah lah sauntay ? Assay beeang Fore beeang Jeh meh port ah mairvale Jeh swee mallad Jeh neh swee pah beeang portong J'aymal ahlahtate FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 75 English. French. Pronunciation. I have a sore throat 1 have a cold I am sick I have burnt my finger My brother has a fever He is confined to his bed I do not think he will live long He takes medicine Who is his doctor ? A skilful man Send for the doc- tor She has a cough She is hoarse He coughs very much You look very well You look ill He has had a tooth drawn I have broken my arm I have the tooth ache J 'ai mal a la gorge Je snis cnrhuni^ J ^ai mal au coeur Je 7ne suis bridle le doigt Mofifrere a lajicvre II est alit^ Jt ne crois pas qii'il vive longtemps II p rend de la mcde- chie Qiciest son tne'decm 1 Un homme tres- habile Faites venir le vicde- chi Elk h la toux Elle est enrou^e II tousse toujours Voiis avez boufie mine Vous avez Vair ma- lade II s'esttfait arracher une dent Je me suis cassi le bras J 'ai mal aux dents J 'ay mal ah la gorje Jeh sweez aungru- may J 'ay mal o kur Jeh nieh swee bru- lay leh df)uah Mong frare ah lah feeavre Eel ait aleetay Jeh neh crouah pah keel veeve long- tong Eel prong deh lah medseen Kee ai song med- sang ? Un om trayz abeel Fate veneer leh medsang El ah lah too El ait ongrooay Eel tooss toojoor Vooz avay bon meen Vooz avay I'air mal- lad Eel say fate arra- shay une dong Jeh meh swee cas say leh brah • J 'ay mal o dong. 76 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. Games, Englisli. French. Pronunciation. Do you play cards ? Very little I always lose Will you play a game ? With pleasure How much shall we play for ? Shuffle the cards well Cut Who is to deal ? You are to deal Deal again I have a good hand It is you to begin Play I play a heart, dia- mond, spade, club Court cards King Queen Knave I have lost Have you won? What have you won ? We play too high I play very badly Attend to your game Let us play a game of billiards Jouez-v u s an x i'a7'tes / Tres-peu Je perds toujours Vouldz-vous /aire line partie i Tres-voloniiers, avec plaisir Combien jouero?is nous la partie / MeLzbien les cartes Coupez A qui a ilonner 1 Cesi a vous a don- ner Rcfaitcs J \ii tres-beau Jen A vous a partir Joiiez Je joue coeur, car- reau, pique, treffle Les figures Le roi La reine Le valet J\ii perdu Avez-vous gagne 1 Qu^ a V e z - vous gagnei Nous jouons trop cher Je joue tres-mal Soyez done «i votre jeu Allons /aire une partie billard Jooay vooz o cart ? Tray peu Jeh pare toojoor Voolay voo fare une partee ? Tray volonteeay, avec playzeer Combeeang jooe- rong noo lah par- tee ? Maylay beeang lay cart Coopay A kee ah don nay Salt ah voo ah don- nay Refate J 'ay tray bo jeu Ah voo ah parteer |ooav Je joo kur, carro, peek, traytl Lay feegure Le rouah Lah rane Leh vail ay j'ai pairdu Avay vnoganyai Kavay voo ganyai Noo jouong tro share Jeh joo tray nial Swoyay done ah votre jeu AUong fare une par- tee deh beelyar FRENCH AT A tJl.ANCE. 77 English. French. J^aimciaUon. Have you played upon this table ? Two or three games I do not like it very much Tlie balls are too small The pockets are too larg. The cues are too light To play draughts, — Backgammon I lost two games out of five Do you ride ? No, I prefer driv- ing We are going to the ball I am very fond of dancing My sister plays the piano She is learning the harp She sings very well Ai'ez-voHs ddja j'ou^ sur ce billard i Deux on irois par- ties II ne me plait pas fort Les bilks sont trop petites Les blouses s&Kt tTOp largcs Les queues SGTci f.rop It^geres Jouer aux dames^ — le trictrac fai perdu deux par- ties sur cinq Montez-vous d che- vaU Non, je pri^fcre me promener en voi- ture Nous allons au bal J^aime beautoup la danse Ma soeur joue du piano Elle apprend a pin- cer la harpe Elle chante tres-bien Are you going to Paris ? How long shall you stay ? Travelling* Est-ce que vous allez a Paris 1 Combien de temps y resterez-vous I A^"ay voo dayj-h jooay sur * -h Deelyar ? Deuz oo trouah par- tee Eel neh meh play pah fore Lay beel S'ng tro petteet Lay blooze song tro larje Lay keu song tro lay j are Jooay o dam leh tveectrac J'ay pairdu deu partee sur sank Mongtay vooz ah sheval ? Non, jeh prayfare meh promnay en vwovture Nooz al longs o bal J'ame bocoo lah daunse Mah seur joo du piano El appraund ah pincay lah arp El shaunt tray bee- ang. Ace keh vooz allaze ah Paree ? Combeeang deh tongs ee restay- ray voo? 78 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. French. Pronunciation. # About a month When do you think ot going .'' I set out to-morrow Have you made all your prepara- tions .-* Everything is ready I shall take the railway omnibus Call the conductor There is no room We are full Here is another omnibus Let us get up We are going very slowly We don't get on Don't be uneasy We are never late Here we are at the station — termi- nus Let me get down ■^Pake care (five me your hand Take m\' hand Hold my arm Don't be in a hurry A peu prh un mots Quand comptez-vous partir ? Je pars demain ma- tin Avez-vous fait tons Tos pre'paratifs ? Tout est prH Jc prcndrai P omni- bus du chemin de fer Appelez Ic condudeur II n''y a pas dc place Nous sommes au complet Void un autre otnni- bus Montons Nous allons ires- Icntement Nous n'avanfons pas Rassurez-Tous Nous ne sommes ja- mais en retard Nous void (} la sta- tion — a la gare Laissez- mo i de- sccndre Prenez jrardr Donntz-i>:ci la main Prenez ma main Tenez mon bras Ne vous pressez pas Ah peu prays ung mouah Kong congtay voo parteer ? J eh par demang mattang Avay ^'oo fay too vo prayparateef ? Toot ai pray Je praundray I'om- neebuse du she- mang deh fare Applay leh cong- ducteur Eel nee ah pah deh plass Noo soms o corn- play Vvvoysee un otr om- nibuse Mongtong Nooz allong tray launtmong Noo navaunsong pah Rassuray voo Noo neh som jam- maze ong retar Noo vwoy.seg ah lah stassyo n g — a h lah gar Lessay mouah des- saundr Pre nay gard Donnay mouah lah mang Pre nay mah mang Tennay mong brah Neh voo pressay pah. ;\ .:^ .. FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 79 MaUway, English. French. Pronunciation. Are you going by the express ? Make haste and take vour ticket I want a first-class ticket How much is it ? The train is just going to start The luggage-train The mixed train We are terribly shaken I don't like going so fast The faster we go the better 1 like It I begin to be fright- ened Don't be afraid Here is a station Do we stop here ? How long do we stop lie re ? Five minutes Here we are at the terminus at last AHez-vous par h trajet direct i Frenez vite voire bil- let II me/aut un billet de premiere classe A combien cela monte-t-il f Le convoipart a Vin- stant Le convoi de niar- chandises Le convoi mixte Nous sommes tcrri- bleme?tt secouis Je n'aimepas a aller si 7nte Plus nous allons 7'ite, plus je suis content Je commence a avoir peur Ne craignez rien Void une station Nous y arreterons- nous 1 Combien de temps re- sterons-nous ici / Cinq minutes Nous void enjin au d^barcadire Allay voo par ieh tra jay decreet ? Prenay veet votr beellyai Eel meh fote ung beellyai d e h premyare class Ah combeeang slah mongt eel ? Leh congvouah par ah langstong Leh congvouah deh marshaundeeze Leh congvouah meext Noo som terreebl- mong secouay Jenaimepvi/ ah allay see veet Plu nooz allong veet, plu jeh swee congtong Jeh comniaunse ah avouahr peur Neh craynyai ree- ang Vwo yssee une stassyong Nooz ee arrayter- ong noo ? Coml)eeang deh iong resterong nooz eessee ? Sang meenute Noo vw o y s e e aungfang o day barcadare 80 FRi:NCir AT A GLANCE. Engrlish. F"rei.ch. Pronunciation. Give your ticket | Rcmettcz voire billet Here it is Le void Remettay votr beel- lyai Leh vwoysee. Steamboat. W The steamboat Have you your passport ? I went to get it this morning Where is your lug- gage They are going to start Let us go down into the cabin Where is my berth ? Your name is writ- ten upon it Let us go on rlc ck The tide is strong The sea is rough The wind is against us So much the worse We shall have a long passage We have arrived Look for my things There was another trunk Ls your name on it ? Is it this one ? La bateau a vapeur Avez vous votre pass'^port / J'ai ^te le chcrcher ce matin Oil sont vos effets ? On va partir Descendons a la chanwre Oii csf ma case ? Voire nom j est ccrii Al/ons sur le poni La marr/e est forte La mer est grosse Le vent nous est con- traire Taut pis La travers^e sera longue Nous voild arrivds Cherchez mes tffeis II y avail une autre malle Votre nom est-il ties sus I F.st-C€ celk-ei i Leh batto ah vap- peur Avay voo votr pass- pore ? Jay ettay leh shairs- shay seh mat- tang Go song voze effay ? On^ vah parteer Dessau ndongs ah lah shaumbr ()o ai mah cahze ? Votr nongee ait ay- cree AUong sur leh pong Lah marray ai fort Lah mare ai grosse Leh vong nooz ai congtrare Tong pee Lah travairsay ser- ray long Noo vwoylah ar- reevah Shairshay maze effay Eel ee avait une otrt: mail Voire nong ait eel dessu ? Ace cell see ? It.-:*^*.^*^; FRKNcn AT A Gr,ANCE. French. Come to the rnc r^ v — " torn house ^ ''^'^ ^^ ^^^ ^f^ua^^e Will you examine FouA--,,^,,, ■■ this trunk > f"/'' ''''/, "''''^^er Havp x;.^,, o ..• ''^^i(^ mallei nave you anything L/ev.~.7,^,^,, to declare ? ^ 'i, '' .f'^^l'^c Not that r L-n^ \ ^'^^^'''^ a d,fciarer i Which is the best hotel ? There are several very gocd ones Let us go to the ho tel Victoria We shall find it very comfoita ble Waiter, take the gentlemen t o their rooms Let us have some supper soon Are our rooms ready ? I am going to bed The Hotel. Quel est le meilleur hotel I J^ y en a plusieurs (fexeelleiits Allons a r hotel Vic- toria A^ous y serous tres- bien ^^"?^^^ ah lah oouan Voolay voo veesee- tay cet mall ? Avayvookelkshoze ah dayclarray ? i'ah keh \^\x sash Prenay gard deh "eh reean a bee- may. Garfon, eonduisez ^(^s messieurs a leurs ehaml)rcs I I'aites-nous soupcr I pfomptement ^os ehambres sont- ellespretes I \Je vais me coucher ^el -\ \eci meiyure hotel ? ^-el ee on ah phiz- yure dexcellonr Al longs ah Thotei victoria Nooz ee serrong tray beeang iGarsong, condvvee- Don't forget that Ls.,,,..;,,,.,,,,,, ponne heurc de- Wii«^« • main matin Wh^ere IS your masj ^.^ ../,,,,, ,,,^,^^^ He is just coming \Le voiei ^uivient say say messyeus ah Jeur shaumbr t^aie noo soopay promptmong No shaumbr sont el prate ? Jeh vai meh cou- shay Soovenay voo keh i noo partong deh I ^on 'eur demang inaitang *<)o ai votr niaitr ? L^h vwoysee kee veeang 82 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English, Have you made out our bill ? How much do we owe you ? Have you included everything ? Be good enough to receipt it French. Pronunciation. Avez-vous fait not re compte ? Combien vous de- vons-nous / Y avt'z-vous tout compris ? Ayez la bont^ d^y mettre votre acquit Avay-voo fay notr congt ? Combeeang voo de- vong noo ? Ee avay voo too compree ? Ayay lah bongtay dee mettr votr akee. Do you know of a good : ervant ? I know one Is he honest ? How old is he ? What washes had he? Do vou know where he lives ? He speaks several languages Tell hi in to come and speak to me Can you wait at table ? I have been accus- tomed to it What wages do you expect i Have you any writ- ten characters ? Here are several This is the last CoTinaisscz-vous un boTi domestique fen connais un Est-il ho7ifiete ? Quel age a-t-il ? Combien gagnait-il i Savez-vous oil il demcure II park plusieurs langucs Dites lui quilvienne me parlcr Savez-vous servir a table ? fy suis habitu^ Quels sont les gages que vous dcman- dez ? Avez-vous der ^erti- ficats I En voici plusieurs Celui-ci est le dernier Connaissay vooz ung bong domes- teek Jong connaze ung Ait eel onnate ? Kel aje at eel ? Combeeang gan- yate eel ? Savay voo oo eel demeur ? Eel pari plusyure long Deet Iwee keel vienn meh parlai Savay voo sairveer ah tab! ? Jee sweez abeetuay b'lje Kel song lay keh voo demaun day ? Avay voo day teefeeca ? Ong vwoyse ^ yure Selwee see a d» nyay air- "'I'lS- >-HKNCH AT A GLANCE. French. i*mM tf »v,^ ~ i ~ ■ ' ^'■"nunciation # Sftall pay month- Z' ew/zc ^"^ • ^ayponfrse ^ ^ ' »/w "^ M^" voo payeray ' parmouah. sair- ^'an you read rrench? Vou read very well i^o you speak French ? J speak it a h'ttle 7^ . f llPPnuo- •' J do not. understand It Who taught you ? How long have you iearned ? A short time onJy ^^ou pronounce very well -^ ^ou have a very good accent Vour sister knows ^«. perfectly ^'le has passed six years at Paris 1 find the pronun- ciation very diffi- cult fa/s? y^^^^MlarJay voo fraun \ ^ J^^i ith pari ung trcspur ^^^y Jacsong Mademoiselle voire Afl?^' "^'"'^ fattcment ^"[ ^o^gtong CV»'//7// '/.//, ^ Parfatemonir ^^x ans ci Paris ^,^'t ^^ ^^^^«^^y p,^ '>ngs ah \je le trouve trh-dif \ |eh N^. I 'ineeseel ' iiongsay. 84 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. French. Pronunciation. Do you under- stand ? It is no matter Of course On the contrary On horseback Do your best I do it in spite of myself It is all the same to me Never mind What did you ask ? I shall go home 4^eak louder ♦Vhat is tiie matter ? Don't stir Will you have some ? What is to be done ? Don ' ^o away I am going to town I dine out Whence do you come ? Some way or an- other l^p stairs Down stairs The other dav No great thing Sooner or later What does it sieni- fy? Are we going any- where ? Comprenez-vous ? Cc nest rien Cda va sans dire An contralre A cheval Faites-lc de voire mieux Je Icfais malgrc vwi Cela nicest c'ml N^importe Qu\wcz-Tous maud J] J ^iroi i\ la ma i son ac- ParJez plus liaut Quavez-vous f Ne hou}:^cz pas En voulez-vous ? Que fa ire f *\<f rous ecartez pas Je rais a la ville Je dine en ville Uoii venez-vous ? D'unefa^onou dUine autre En haut En has V autre jour Pas grand' ehosc Vbt ou tard Quimporte / Allons-nous quclque parti Comprenay voo ? Snay reeang Slah vah song deer O congtrare Ah sheval P'ate leh deh votr meeveu Jeh leh fay nial- gray mouah Slah mait aygal NaniDort Kavay voo demaun- day ? Jf^eray ah I ah mai- xong I'arlay plu o Ivuvay voo ? Neh boojay pah Ong voolay voo ^ Keh fare ? Neh vooz aycartay pah Jeh vaze ah la vecl Je deene ong veei Doo venay voo ? Dune fassong oo dune otr Ongo Ong bah Lotr joor Pah grong shoze Tote oo tar Kamport i* Ailong par? noo kelk FRENCH AT A GLANCE. Tai:l soit pen \ t ' m moi. nonplus Xl^ ^""^'l P^u «;;"> all my heart \ne„„t„ plu "'°"^'' "^^ "'---bout. ^:^:^:r-- fee,, too ,no„g ,„ '-■-w>- u;:::/^^;;... fe='i^^''-oor O"ceforall L, , . T Jre^s^T ''-^'"^ Leave ™e alone L.W.w ,,,„,, e^-t '^ - Between ourselves ..rl,„ tra/nkeer '^ ^ '^ s:';fent"° -'f ■-'-'•-- SlTLaTreean, I remember it /, » ^ je/i mong souvee- ang Vou are iokintr i /- Vou are rM ^^ f/^^^-^//'^/>.^>v/.-. J iiave nothincr to /- «'.,,• . • say ^ say agai,„,,.r''K""" '•"•"-"'- |jeh „ay ^eeang JJon t be angry /V> 7./„v. /-- / I ^auntr ^ ";^?e^^^-^^^^^?:^-'fe'™t^-^^'' ./ ,, I I ^' •" "'-» maze After all i .,„ ,, „ , , i aniee At the end of a year t /Z, !' '"'"^" \ ' ' '">" d" con»t Nowhere \vlff r''""' ^'"'"'o Let us read in turn I.^so'JZo- ,1 tout ' ^"'' ''''"' •n.at^..s jus, like ,;,,,; ,,,„,^^^. ^,^^^^^, Cxiye him that from me So much the more Leezong toor rJi toor Vwoyiah kom yooz 'r^ '^^' '4'£-- >- slah „»-*-l>»'*'^r*'"" 86 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. Enjjlish. French. Pronunciation. I have not a notion Je n'en ai pas une Jeh non ai paz une of it idee eeday Go away Allez-vous en Allay vooz ong From top to bot- Defond en comble Deh fond ong tom combl For want of time Faiite de temps Fote deh tong In broad dav En ph'in jour Ong plang joor Not long ago Avaut pen Avong pen In the meantime En attendant On attaundong You do it in vain I \>uz avez beau /aire Vooz avay bo fare Six months ago ]l y a six mois Eel ee ah sah mouah First of all D\ibord Dabbor That is what vexes Cest cequi me f ache Say skee nieh fash me He has just come II vient de rentrer Eel veeang deh in rauntray He pretends II fait semblant Eel fay saumblong Don't imagine N\i//ez pas eroire Nallay pah crouahr \\'iihin everybody's A la portee de tout le A lah portay deh reacli monde too le maund J3y dint of reading A force de lire Ah force deh leer What g(Kjd is it ? A quoi bon I Ah couah bong? At da> break Au point du jour pouang du joor As for me Quant a moi Kaunt ah mouah In a good temper I)e bonne humeur Deh bon umeur From day to day De jour en jour Deh joor ong joor Unknown to me A mon insu A mon angsu At the latest A u plus tard O plu tar. \\ You speak at ran- dom I nearly fell I did it in a hurry He may say what he likes Where was I .'' Vous farlez i tort et a tracers Jai nianiju/de tom- ber Je lai fait a la bate Quil disc ce qu'il voudra Ou en t^tais-je I Voo parlaze ah tor ai ah travare J 'ay maunkay deh taumbav Jeh I'ay fate ah Keel dees skeel voodra Go on ettaje ? FRENCH AT A GLANCE. English. I - [ French. He began to laugh I //,,«,^^^.^^ Pronunciation. EeJ seh meet ah reer J^h nee vouah plu J cannot see nnv r^ > longer ''">^K^^> ^^'^^-^/Z/zi- 'l^i^ree^re enough 7V../. , 1 '^^^°"^^P^" forme ^^ ^^ ^^ -sse. .ie tro:sU on ai assay de It only depends 7/,,^ /,>,w^,,, trouah upon you '''''' ^^' ^^ ^'^'^^ Eel neh teen, kah One IS as good as Z'z.« .,. . r ^oo ^ ^" the other r ^"^ ''""''^ ^ ^'^^^^ Lung vo lotr X can do vvithonf i> I /:. > He owes „,e IK;^"''^'^""'-''' grudge ^ ^^>»»>ve,a i hat is too much r-'^^, -fie will do lusf fhf> // ^ ^ same ^ "^ '^''^^^^ ^^-^^^z* I am sure of what I U .^..> .v.. ^. ,,,,,, | . , //Z/' ^^///^./ Jeh sweesure deh voo Jng^ ]^^ niong passerai -^el mong veu Ah too praundr Son ait troh Eel ong frah otong say J am come lO tell fait I ^^"■'"— ^- Je-rieX voo I dou-t think „„,ch y, ,,,^ /.jre^l , Shp 1 ^/-^^^/^.w ^"'N •''='' "ong fay pah t>he IS always well /-■//,,.,// '" ,. grong cah dressed y^^youjourslncnV^ ai toojoor bee- iNo sooner said than Aussif^f ./// ^ '^"^ '"eeze , ^-^^ , ^'--^^/././, .......W Osseeto dee, ossec- Je n^ en puis Plus felf n? >'''■ Ijeh nong pwee plu J can bear it no longer X Ike being here ye me piais ui In 1 have been told \on mi H If' '^^ ^^^'^^^ eessec As much as i can Luiaui ,u,i ., e.X^^^tt^^ ^ JO much the more \A />///f /;,,./, ■ mouah He exhausts „.y pa- y. .;^,„„,. ,, „„, Ke'S W, ,, boo 88 FRENCH AT A (1 LANCE. English. French. Pronunciation. Three and three are six That conies to the same thing I value it very much I am used to it She took it in bad part Point blank I am not able to do it Nearly three francs From whom did you hear it ? I have drunk out of that glass I am at my wits' end Whom was he with ? I lay all the blame on him Beckon to him to cornc in I will go and slip on a dress We will have noth- ing of the sort You are mistak- en I will show it to you What does that matter to me ? I wish it very much Who is it calls me ? I Trois et trots font six Cela revient an mime fy tietis beaucoiip J'y suis fait Elle Va pris en man- vaisepart De but en blanc Je ne suis pas a meme de lefaire A trois francs pres De qui le tenez-vous ? J\n bu dans ce verre Je suis an bout de mon latin Avec qui etait-il 1 Je vi^ en prends a lui Faites-lui signe d'en- trer Je m'en Tais passer inte line robe Nous ne voulons pas de cela Vous vous troinpez Je vous k ferai voir Est-cc que cela me regarde i Cela me tient au coeur Qui est-ce qui niap- pcllc i Trouahs ai trouah fong sees Slah reveeant o mame Jee teeang l)ocoo Je swee fay El lah preez on mo- vaze par Deh bute ong blong Jeh neh swee paz ah mame deh leh fare Ah trouah frang pray Deh kee lee ten- nay voo ? Jay bu dong seh vare Jeh sweez o boo dek mong lat- tung Avec kee ettait eel ? Jeh mong prongs ah Ivvee Fate Iwee seen d'auntray Jeh mong vai pas- say veet une robe Noo neh voolong deh sla Voo voo trompay Jeh voo leh ferrai vouahr Ai ce keh slah meh regard ? Slah meh teeant o keur Kee ace kee map- pel? FRENCH AT A GLANCE. 89 English. French. Pronunciation. Take example by it We have visitors It is not my fault Prenez-en exempk Nous avons du monde Ce fi est pas ma/aute Prenaze on exaum Nooz avong du mond Sell nay pah niah fote. WASHING BILL. For Gentlemen. Shirts, Night shirts, Pair of stockings, Drawers, Pocket handkerchiefs, Silk handkerchiefs, Flannel waistcoat, Trousers, Waistcoat, Collars, Cuffs, Dressing-gown, Socks, Chemises Chemises de miit Paire de has Calefon Mouchoirs Foulards Gilet de laine Pantalons Gilet Des cols Des manchettes Robe de chambre Paire de chaussettes. For Ladies, Chemise, Night gowns. Pair of stockings, Silk stockings, Night caps, Petticoats, Flannel petticoat, Flannel waistcoat, Dressing gown, Pocket handkerchief.s. Sleeves, Cuffs, Chemise Chemises de niiit Paire de bas Des bas de soie Bonnets de nuit Jupons Jupon delaine Gilet de laine Un peignoir Afouchoirs Des manches Dis manchettes v] <^ //, o /a W ^' 'w o 7 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 145 'VI 150 mm I4£ IIM li2 II I.I 1.25 25 Z2 M U IIIIII.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY 14580 (7.6) 873-4S03 ^0 M// J >y < «r ^^-^ ' % % fA % «V '•<l iV \ \ «> ^ % V W '^ I M *»' c^. .<$• S^ <^ «5> I Is o'^ 90 FRENCH AT A GLANCE. Collars., Cols A dress, Une robe Stays, Un corset An apron, ^ ; K ; Un tablier A cap. f :' ' Une coiffe. Tdnen, Pair of sheets, ' . ^ -' Pc're lie draps Pillow cases. u Tales iVoreiller Blankets, Couvertures Towels, - . Essuiemains Table cloth, La nappe Napkins, . Serviettes COINS OF PRANCE AND BELGIUM. Gold, '. ' ' "' - t - 2o-franc piece equal to . . 25 " " (Belgium) equal to ver. 5-franc piece equal to » ». . 100 C'entimes are 20 sous or i franc I Sou nearly . . . . . I dollar is equivalent to 5 francs, 2 sou« 4.72 98c. i9>^c ic. ' H