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CATHERINE STREET MONTREAL, CANADA This collection comprises many rare pieces, and the condition of them in general are mostly very good, as the party selling was very particular about selecting his Col- lection. Every Coin or Medal garanteed genuine, unless otherwise specified. No Coins sent on approval. Send orders at once if you intend buying as the demands are very numerous just now for Canadian Coins. Remittances should be made by money order or registered letter. When th»re are more than one piece the price is for all, for instance : when marked 4 pieces 0.20 the price is for the 4 and so on. Both Coins and Medals are numbered as per Breton's Illus- trated Canadian Coin Collector and per Leroux's Cabinet. Address to P. N. BRETON, 1664 St. Catherine St., Montreal, Can. 14 Breton's Nod. 3 5 23 «7 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 55 56 57 57 58 59 < 2 Leroux't N08. 252 Double de I'Am^rique Frangaise, Electro $5 00 253 1722, Colonies Frangaises fair 50 315 1865-7273-76-83-85-88-90. Newfound- land cent, 8 pieces very good 319-20 1841 and no date, Rutherford, 2 pees good 321-22 1846, 3 var., Rutherford, .^ pees, fine 35 £ 187 1, P. E. I. one cent very good 353 1855, '• 354 1855-57, P. E- I-, 2 var. of each date, 4 pieces very good 355 1855 fisheries •• 356 No date " " 357 Speed the plough, 2 var. " • 370 1862-64 N. B. twenty cents, 2 pees, good 371 " " ten cents, 2 pees, g. & fine 372 " " five cents. 2 pees good 378 1861 N. B. half cent fine 373 1843 " one penny good •375 1854 '• " fine 374 1843 " halfpenny good 376 1854 " 377 1861-64 N. B one cent, 2 pees 413 1824 one penny Nova Scotia, good and fine, 2 pees 418 1832 one penny Nova Scotia, 5 var., 2 good, 2 very good, i fine, 5 pees 427 1840 one penny Nova Scotia good 429 1856 '• " 2 var., V. g. 411 1823 halfpenny " 2 var., good and fine, 2 pees 4.J2 1832 halfpenny N. Scotia, 4 var., good 426 1382 " " extremely rare 428 1840 half penny Nova Scotia good 428 1843 " " " 430 1856 " " fine 432 1861-64 one cent N.S., 2 pieces good 432 1862 " , «' «' 434 1861-64. half cent " 2 pieces " 435 181 4, Broke 4 var. i g. 2 v. g. i poor 4 pieces 75 i( 2 var. 25 30 60 ^5 05 20 05 10 10 50 30 20 50 10 25 05 05 05 I 00 I 50 15 25 50 60 40 00 05 05 05 05 25 25 Bi Breton s Not. 62 65 66 67 69 70 71 75 76 77 77 78 , 80 81 8ia 83 84 85 86 88 91 92 93 94 94 95 95 96 97 98 99 99 99 99 lOI lor 102 104 L«roux 438 440 441 442 444 445 446 450 45" 45-2 452 453 455 966 988 486 487 488 489 528 5'5 532 600 500 500 501 501 502 503 504 506 512 531 529 516 516 533 575 1815 1815 1815 (( fine (( V. g. fine v-g- fine «< (I 1815, Genuin<" british copper, 2 var. v.g. 1815, Halifax, ship fair 20, good 1816 " 1820, Trade and Navigation 18 1 5, Barry, 2 var. 1816, Black J. Brown Hosterman, small Wallace Starr & Shannon " 2 var. 1815 Miles W. White Ferry token 1882 Blakeley 1882 Gass' Tea Store Hudson Bay token i 'A) Although a few sets of this rare token was found a few years ago it is now mostly impossible to procure and they will soon command again a high price. 1837 one penny City Bank, 2 var., good 1842 " Bk of Montreal fine 1852 " Quebec Bk good Lachine token fine 1811 Vexator fair good fair " " struck on reverse only, fair 18 16 Montreal 1830-41 Canada, 2 pees Canada token 1837 half penjiy B. du Peuple Montreal Bk ( 181 551 i( 182 550 tt 183 543 V 184 544 n '85 5?! ii 187 560 (i 188 546 <( 189 572 l( 190 571 it 191 570 H / 193 568 <.!, 194 525 I( 195 518 Un sous 196 519 li ' . 197 508 Un sou 198 509 " / good 20 199 io5f A. P. 201 683 1850-52-54-57 2 van, of 1854 5 pieces 202 680 Brook fair 10 ?o3 681 i8r6-ship 207 685 1821 Upper Canada barrel 209 687 '823-33 2 pieces 210 993 Ottawa Key trust 21 1 691 ^833, Commercial change 212 602 1832 halfpenny Upper Canada 213 695 1857 good vg. good v-g. good V. g- proof &v. g. V. g. good v-g. good V. g. good fair v.g. fine v.g. fine in all V. g- good V. g. proof 10 40 20 35 40 35 35 10 00 25 10 35 50 75 2 00 50 2 00 75 25 75 30 .15 30 I 75 20 25 20 60 25 20 05 40 25 50 20 75 » 50 30 60 30 25 75 Bretuii'H L«?roux'« f I Num. 213 2l6 219 222 223 226 232 236 240 243 244 245 248 249 252 259 a6o 261 No*. 1850-52-54-57 2 V , 1854 in all 5 p., gd., isiie 1026 1029 1035 986 1059 [056 1064 761 762 763 766 900 902 904 768 769 777 3 var. var. var. very rare I var. rare v.g. fine good kt fine v-g- fine vg- 699 half penny Lc 1024 H. Elmslie Evening Globe IliflFe I loaf brass Jerry McDonald J. Hooper McLaren's Mill W. Barrett Madoc House 1822, ^ dollar " i;i6 " pierced 1781 North America token v.g 1858 twenty-cents Uncirculated 1858-59 One cent 2 pecs 257 954-55 1876-81-82-84-86-87-889091 one 9 pes 181 2 date under bust " '* on reverse 1 8 13-14 trade & Navigation 2 poor and good one penny trade & Navigation i I I 3 10 I 2 the set 3 pieces 263 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 278 280 282 283 281 285 286 287 291 good cent it good pees 789 Halfpenny 1820, very rare date poor v.g. 770 1812 Half penny 5 var. 773 i8i2 " 5 var. 774 1812-15 " ship 2 pieces 774a No date " " 775 1812-13 trade and nav. 2 pes 776 1813 787 1825 to facilitate trade 781-82 1813-14-15, Eagle 2 var. 1814, in all 4 v.g. good fine good V. ^. t( a pieces 783a 1815 Ship for public accom 785 1820 halfpenny 2 va-. fair 786 " " Harp 5 var. 790 No labour, no bread, 2 var. 791 for general accom. 792 Irishman 794 1805 Field Marshall and ve good V- g. good V. g- ^ood V g- y poor V. g- 35 00 50 50 50 00 00 00 00 50 50 25 40 25 10 25 00 5" 00 20 00 25 25 ^5 50 35 10 '5 50 50 26 25 40 10 10 35 35 00 5o 50 50 00 00 00 00 50 50 25 40 10 5« 00 20 00 25 25 25 50 35 10 ^5 50 50 26 25 40 10 10 35 Br«ton'i 1 L«rouk • • Kofl. No4 293 797 1813 Marquis Wellington good ' 25 294 799 " Field Marshall V. g- ^5 295 800 1814 Wellington 2 var. K 30 297 802 1815 Waterloo ship tl 50 298 803 Bust rare fine 2 50 299 804 1816 Illustrious Wellington good 20 300 806 No date Field Marshall fine 25 301 807 tk >« V g- '5 303 809 Victoria Nobis est fine 25 305 811 Wellington baitles v-g. »5 307 813 bust, Ships Colonies it 50 310 994 R. W. WilHams fine 50 3" 1062 St Leon water lead & brass 2 pees " 35 312 548b Un sou — Unique good 100 00 Tokens not Illustrated. John Joy, Old London Charlottetown f. Montreal Witness token 1890 mtl., fine " •' " cop., " i89tallum.," " " " w. mil. " Kensington Pairy one pint '• quart iZ. »' Carlton Farm It (< I <{ Toronto Dairy - i pint " " ' I bottle " " I quart C. Schmidt, good for ^4 loaf Stroud Bros tea check Ottawa Pritchard & Andrews 2 varieties 1060 D. J. Kenney 1022 A. J. Dompierre solid }4 ) the 102 1 " " 1(2 pees 1813 one farthing, Pure copp., rev., trade and Navigation N. Larue Ottawa Banfield Presses m., and brs., 2 p., 1045 St Catharines Ry Celluloid T. Taschereau lead poor << << li ii « « a ^i u II >< I 50 50 1 00 50 I 50 25 25 25 -'5 25 25 25 25 50 50 1 00 2 50 50 2 00 50 25 I CO Luuis Luurin, Gatincau Poiot <• W. Smirh M. Foley P. O. Ponovan J. F. Prudes J. Kohlhas D. N. Adamson Drobink & Michlek Button Milice Canadienne " Montreal British Militia " Royal Scots of Canada *' Montreal Fire Brigade metal oo brass CO it oo «< oo oo 00 % oo oo oo oo 50 00 00 MEDALS 612 Art and Manufactures bronze fair i 00 11^3 iio3a-b-c-d, P. S. Murphy's round medals, five pieces metal 2 1232 Wesleyan College only one htruck in copper 5 1323 Cong. N.-Dame rare metal 2 1451 Excursion on St. Lawrence copper 2 1853 Victoria University rare bronze 5 50 00 00 00 CO Montreal, January 28, 1892.