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Loruque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d drcite, et de haut en bas, en prenant ie nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. errata to I pelure, }n d D 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 TRT i » ii ■ ■ .■' ' ■1 1 i'vH B 11 1 ^^■f' f-- ■ i. .^ - — [<* HB 1.4..4 Ita^H^-ii I^HsTTJTES OF THE TWENTY-SEVENTH SESSION OP THE ieniral Bapitsi Assoclsiion =1 OF isro"v^ sooTi^, HELD WITH THE \per Aylesford Baptist Church, Saturday^ 3Ionday, and Tuesday, tTune 23rd, 25th, and 26th» WITH THE CIRCULAR LETTER, &e. Halifax, N. S. " CnmSTIAN MESSENGER " OFFICF, 1877. lli i r?. 5 i i MINUTES. UPPER AYLES'R'ORD, KINGS COUNTY, Sf-l-tuday Mominer, June 23rd, 1877. I Tlie Xovn. Scotia Central Eii^ A.>siiciati.)ii convuaotl tliis day htlithe U'.iper Aylesford Church, at lO o'clock, A. M. [Tlie Motlerfitor of last year, Kev. S. B. Keniptou, callt'd the Mniatinn to order. After singing, pvajer was ottered liy Kev. I). V-'allace. ITlie following is the LIST OF DELEGATES. Atjlcsford Uppe,' — Rev, .1. L. Read, Deas. (160. West. Saml. Bowlby, ^iali Graves, Oliver Cogswell, John Palmer. ]mklyn — B. W. Lockhart, (Lie), Bro. James Coalfleet. \nmhrulge — Beas. Wm. Craig, W. H. Forsyth, A. A. Pineo. pAe.t^er— Rev. I. J. Skinner. \om\i:aiUs \»t, (Canard) — Rev. S. B. Kempton, Bros. J. E. Lock- k1, C. F. Eaton, Geo. Pineo. tornwallis 2nd (Berwick) — Rev. Isa. Wallace, Dea. John Lyons, jtluen Edward Parker, A. F. Chipman, E. B. Bolser, Leander Vet. ornwaUis Zrd, (Billtown) — Rev. D. W. C. Dimock, De^s. C. E. ker, Elias Kilcup. \)mmUis ith, (Long Point) — Rev. J. L. Read, Deacon Edwai'd C. Hton, Bro. James Hicks. ^rnwallis 5th, (Pereaux) — Deacon Gould N. Davidson. tmrallis Gth, (Canning) — Rev. 8. J. Neily, Dea. L. C. Woodworth. \knh Mse— Rev. M. W. Brown, Deacon Samuel Miller. \\moutli — Rev. J. A. McLean, Dea. A. Shaw, Bro. Wallace Daniel. WdT \st, (Granville Street) — Rev. E. M. Saunders, Dea. S. Selden, lireu II. N. Paint, J. W. Rhuland. Wax 2nd, (North) — Rev. J. W. Manning, Bro. J. C. Dumaresq. Wax Zrd, ( Gerrish Street) — Rev. J. F. Avery, Dea. Benj. Ilubley. ritsport — Rev. A. J. Stevens. fhm ht, ( Wol/cille)—B.evds. S. W. DeBlois, A. W. Sawyer, D.D., Cramp, D.D., John Chase, Dea, J. W. Barss, Prof. D. F. lliggine, Vlbert Coldwell. \ton2nd, ( Gaspereaux) — Rev. H. N. Parry, Brethren .John Graham, DH-n. \ton Zrd, (Nnc Minas) — Rev. C. B. Welton, Bro. John Burbidgc. f;'<— Rev. G. A. Weathers, Bro. Stephen Langille. Won— Bro, John W. Rhuland. j((;(7;e— Rev. C. B. Welton, Deas, Geo. E. ^[asters, B. If. llsley. tnhurg—llQv. J. Williams, Brethren J. B. Worthylake, H. E. S. I-, (Lie). Tsew Germany — Deacon Geo. Barss, Brethren A. E. Durland, W. h| Durland. Newport — Rev. P. S. McGregor. St. Marf/arei^s Bay 2n(l — Rev. Wm. Spencer. Bridyewatcr — Bro. Robert West. Sackville — Dea. F. Webber. Water ville — Rev, J. A. McLean. Windsor— Hew E. W. Kelly, Bro. E. D. Shand. Rawdon — Rev. M. W. Brown. New Qornwall — Rev. John William.s, Dea. Samuel Hallimore. Western Associatio7i — Revd.s. E. Whitman, P. R. Foster, W. E. Ilal Tho8. Trotter. I'he following brethren were invited t(i sit with the A.ssociati()H Revds. C. Tupper, D.D., Geo. 0. Gates, R. R. Philp, E. 0. Read, H. Robbins, M. Normonday, A. Cogswell, G. N. Ballentine, W, Parker, E. A. Crawley, D.D., Obed Parker, John Clark, J. M. Park«j E. M. Keirstead, D. Freeman, Deas. E. C. Banks, A. T. Baker, Lea Baker, A. M. Wheelock, Brethren Dimock Whitman, James Bligl .J. F. Crowe, William Morse, Asa Morse, A, J. Walker, Chas. Skiuii^ David Wallace, Arthur Roscoe, (Lie). The ballot being taken, the Rev. J. W. Manning was elecK Moderator ; Rev. C. B. Welton and Albert Coldwell were chos^ Secretaries ; Leonard Fitch, Treasurer ; A. A. Pineo, A.ssistaj Treasurer ; J. W. Barss, Auditor. The following Committees were appointed : — To Examine Letters. — Revds. C. Tupper, D.D., L J. Skmner, E! Saunders, Dea. J. W. Barss. To Read Letters. — Revds. J. F. Avery, S. B. Kempton, E. 0. Ra The CoTJuittee on Arrangements reported in part as follows j Prayer-Meeting at G.30 A. M. ; Morning Sittings, 10 A. M. 12 M. ; Afternoon Sittings, 2 P. M. till 5 P. M. ; Evening Sit 7 P. ^L Report adopted. Letttrs from the Churches wore read. Rcsolveil That the following telegram be forwarded to Rev. Pope, St. John, N. B. :— Aylesford, June 23, 1871 Rev. J. n. Pope : Deep sympathy is felt by the Central Association, now in sessl for our afflicted brethren in St. John. Will pecuniary help be[ ceptable ? To whom shall we send ? Adjourned with prayer by Rev. S. W. DeBlois. E. Durland, VT. Ill SATURDAY Afternoon Session. Prayer })y Kev. K. R. Pliilp. Meeting opened at 2 o'clock ilinutes of last meeting rend and approved. AJilitional letters from the churches were read. The absentees on the Committees ap])ointed last year were 1(1 Committees stand as follows : — filled el Halhmore. Foster, W. E. llal| ith the Association hilp, E. 0. Read, N. Ballentme, >v. Clark, J. M. Parke , A. T.Baker, Lm litinan, James mi alker, Chas. Skmni' Planning was eleeli loldwell were c\m A. Pineo, Assistaj )., I. J. Skinner, E,i Kempton, E. O.Ra in part as follows:] ,tings, 10 A. M. IM. ; Evening SittiJ rvvarded to Rev. J. ?0RD, June 23, 18" Ltion, now in sesa lecuniary help be klois. llev. Dr. Crawley. " S. W. DeBlois. ids Benevolent Funds. — Revds. Isa. Wallace, J. L. Read, J. H. (oljbins. I Education.— Rev. A. W. Sawyer, D.D., Prof. D. F. Iliggins, Rev. E. .Saunders, Albert Coldwell, Dr. Cramp. ItiBiTiARiES. — Revds. D. W. C. Dimock, A. J. Stevens, Bros. H. X. lint, .1. C. Dumaresq. ISABnATK Schools. — Revds. R. J. Neily, W. E. Hall, H. E. S. Maider, lie), Bros. J. E. Lockwood, F. Web)- ;r. ISabbath Observance. — Revds. J Skinner, J. Williams, M. W. own. Fempkrancr. — Bros. Geo. Weathers, A. A. Pineo, J. W. Rhuland, iLangille. |Tlif' Committee on Arrangements furth(;r reported as folio w.>* :- - SABBATH APPOINTMENTS. \bford, Baptist— 11.00 A. M. 3.30 P. M. Methodist— 11.00 A. M. Rev. Dr. Sawyer. 3.30 P. M. J. W. Manning. \rnslown — 1 1.00 A. M. Rev. J. A. McLean. 3.30 P. M. " W. 11. Richan. i'j Point — 1 1 A. M. Rev. Wm. Si)enser. kicA— ILOO A. M. Kev. E. M. Saunders. 7.30 P. M. " J. Williams. rset—Z.OO P. M. Rev. C. B. Welton. to- -3.00 P. M. Rev. M. W. Brown. fh Berwick — 4.00 P. M. Rev. Geo. Weathers. rick, Methodist — 11 A. M. Rev. P. R. Foster. inwood—U A. M. Rev. I. J. Skinner. wn/-3.30 P. M. Rev. A. J. Stevens. \k Kingston— 3.30 P. M. Kev. Thos. Trotter. kn—\[,00 A. M. Rev. Aaron Cogswell. ir</-11.00 A. M. Rev. J. Brown. \(rn Square— 3.30 P. M. Rev. Geo. 0. Gates. Albert S^— 10.30 A. M. Rev. M. Normonday. Wetville—i.OO P. M. Rev. M. Normonday. mcetowti— 10.30 A. M. J. II. Robbins. \m Corner— i.dO P. M. Rev. B. W. Lockhart. 'rn7Ze— 11.00 A. M. Rev. C. B. Welton. friil</e~-n.00 A. M. Rev. P. S. McGregor. "i-ll.OO A. M. Rev. P. S. McGregor. Tliat tli(3 Assnc'iatioii 8ornion be ])roacliod nt 10 A. M. on Mun] day, and the Circular Letter be lead immediately after. KeiMi udojited, Tlje Cummittoe on I'.enevolent 'Funds presented their n-jK.] After atldre.sse.s were made by several brethren the lieport wa adopted. (See Appendi.v A.) Rtsoh'id, That tlio Sabbath collections usually given to Missioiisl forwarded to our afflicted brethren in St. John. Adjourned to Monday, at 10 A. M. Prayer by Rev. ^\. iJichan. MONDAY MORNING, June 25th.| The Association Sermon was preached l)y Kev. A. J. Stevinj from Colossians iii. 3, 4 : — " For ye are dead, and your life is lii with C'hrist in God. AVhen, who is our life, shall aiiii'J tiien shall ye also aj)pear with him in glory." JJusiness was resumed, l^rayer by Kev. Charles Tupper, 1>.! Committee on Circular Letter rejKirted. Kejwrt adopted. The Circular Letter was read by the Avriter, liev. E. A. (Jrawki D. D. Subject : " Faith and the Word of (Jod." Resolved, That it be adoi)ted and printed in the Minutes, andthl Eev. A. J. Stevens aiid Dr. Crawley be requested to furnish coiiiesj the Sermon and the Letter for publication in the Messenger. The Committee on Obituaries presented their Iteport. (Sou. pendix IJ.) It Avas amended aiul adopted. On motion adjourned. Prayer by Rev, David Freeman. MONDAY— Afternoon Sessio^ Prayer by Kev. Dr. Sawyer. Minutes of last nuH'ting read and approved. The Committee on Denominational Literature presented report. (See Ai)pendix C) Resolved, That it be consitlered clause by clause. After discussing it, and adopting the several clauses, it ' adopted as a Avhole. The Committee on Education })resented their report. It discussed at considerable length., the following brethren taking in the discussion : — Kev. Dr. Cramp, J. W. Barss, Prof. 1' I Higgins, Kevds. Dr. Sawyer, S. P>. Kempton, Lsa. WalLi'.ce, ;ui| ^1. Saunders. Keport adopted. (See Appendix D.) The following names were added to the Committee on Arraj ment !— Kevds, S. B, Kempton, S. W. DeBlois, Dca. A. T. h The^ following l)rethren were appointed a Conniiittee on ^'"!"il| tion : — Kevds. E. ISl. Saunders, D. W. C. Dimock, Dr. S:i« Deas. J. W. P>arss, F. AVel)ber, and Pro. C. F. Eaton. On motion adjourned. Prayer liy Rev. D. W. C. Dimock. lei ^sokei N. X. led. I A. M. on "Mr'nl ly after. Kciwi \\Un\ thi'ii' vi'lM'i L the Kepurt \va iven to Missions I t l)y Rev. ^V. 1 NING, Ju^® 25th.| ev. A. J. ^tevtT u(\ vour life is L- life, shall iq-P' ifivk's Tui'ptT, I'.l port ailoptitl lU;v. K. A. Crawli he Minutes, and tU a to furnish ooviesl le Mts-seni/fr. ir lleport. (^^••^• ^•iil Freeman. -Afternoon Sessiol MONDAY- Evenlngr Session. Opened with prayer by Kev. J. Williiinis. Minutes of laat meeting rend and approved. Letters were read from ':luirclies at Jeddore, Lallave, Mustiuoilo- iiiit, Windsor Plain.s. ^ Koport of Intirm Ministers' Board adopted. (See App. E.) A resolution liavhig been introduced looking toco-operation with jif Associations in the relief of Infirm Minister.s, it was resolved, iftiT some discission, tliat the matter be laid over till next se.ssi.)n. riu' Committee t)n Missions rei)oited. A letter was read fn^n II. AVarren, Secretary of Home Missionary Union, giving an Ikract of the work of the Home Missionary Union for current le;ir. Adjiresses M'ere delivered by Kevds. Dr. Tnpper, J. I>rown, .W. DeBlois. G. X. Ballentine, W. G. Parker, David Freeman, Xornionday, J. H. Robbins, agent of the Home Mission. Ke- JDrt ailopt^d. (See Appendix F.) Aljuurned with i)rayer by Rev. E. W. Ktlley. ntei^ \i Lturc prese ise. iveral clauses, il ' their report. It hretUren takiui; r.arss. Prof. I'; jlsa. Wallace, wk lix D.) Immittee on Av: Dca. A. T^B^ hnimittee oa ^"'^ limock, Dr. &'' Eaton. Ky. C. Dimock. TUESDAY MORNING, June 26th. IPraj'cr by Rev. I. J. Skinner. piinutes of last meeting read and approved. iRtsolccfl, That this .Association, having heard of the serious mis- mine sustained by Rev. E. O. Read on Saturday evening last, by kicli liis right arm was broken, hereby express its sympatliy for our eemod brother in this affliction, and trust that by the V)lcssing of ovklence he may soon recover from his present injuries. ITlio Committee on Sabl)ath Observance ])resented their report, loll, with a slight alteration, was adopted. , (See Appendix G.) ilie Committee on Sabbath Schools presented their repttrt. ilressos were given by Deas. J. W. l>arss, A. A. Pineo, Revds. |j. Xeily, E. M. Keirstead, D. AV. C. Dimock, and T. Trotter. |iiirt adopted. (See Appendix H.) riie Committee on Temperance presented their report, which, fnliscussion, was adopted. (See Appendix I.) tilt; hour having arrived for adjournment it was resolved that tin; [e l)C' extended intlehnitely. Jlio Trt'asurer's report was read and adopted. imhcd, That the Treasurer pay over moneys to the Treasurers of 1 different funds. poked, That the sum of $330.00 raised for our brethren in St. n, X. B., bo placed in the hands of Deacon J. W. Barss to be for- kiea. I r r m w, I -' (4 f ■« 8 COLLECTIONS FOR SAINT JOHN FUND. Canard $152 27 Lawrencetown 12 38 Ujjper Aylesford 92 06 Methodist, Upper Aylesford 3 11 Tremont 8 15 2nd Cornwallia Church 37 87 Cambridge 4 73 Upper Wilmot 10 02 North Kingston 5 50 J. W.BarsH 3 91 Total $330 (X» Resolved, That whereas our denomination has no aduquate metho now for the care of our Intirm Ministers, the widows of doceastrij ministers, and the orphans of ministers ; And whereas, our brethren in St John have requested that a Con mittoe be appointed from the different Associations, to meet Wolfville at the time of the Convention in August to agree ujmJ some plan that may be presented to the denomination for suoj provision. The following Committee to represent this Association van ^j j)ointed : — Revds. E. M. Saunders, S. B. Kemi)ton, and Bro. 0, Eaton. Resolved, That a copy of the above be sent to the Eastern Associi tion with a view to securing united action. Dr. Sawyer, Eev. S. B. Kempton, and Deacon S. Selden wei appointed delegates to the Eastern Association. The following brethren were appointed delegates to the Conve^ tion : — Brethren J. E. Lockwood, A. M. Wlieclock, A. A. Finn J. W. Barss, John Palmer. Delegates to the \V.estern Association : — Revds. J. L. Read, Wallace, E, M. Saunders. Delegates to the P. E. Island Association : — Dea. S. Sel,le| H. N. Paint. The Committee on Nomination report : — That the Association meet next year with the First Cotnwall| Church, (Canard). That the Sermon be preached by Rev. A. W. Sawyer, D.D., that the Rev. C. B. Welton be the alternate. That Deacon J. W. Barss write the Circular Letter. COMMITTEES. To EXAMINE CiRcrLAR LETTER. — Prof. D. F. Higgius, Revds, ( Welton, and E. A. Crawley, D. D. On Denominational Literature. — Revds. S. B. Kempton, ">i Neily, and Brc. C F. Eaton. On Benevolent Funds. — Revds. J. W. Manning, D. W. C. Dimoj and Deacon S. Selden. On Education,— Revds. E. M. Saunders, Isa. Wallace, J. A.McL and Bro. Coldwell. |330 W adequate metho [lows of clf,ceas((| eatcd that a Coi tions, to meet ust to agree uii )mination for sucl Association was a] on, and Bro. C. ' he Eastern Associ con S. Selden w vtes to the Convej lock, A. A. Pind Is. J. L. Kead, 1>I 9 On Mi33I0N3. — Ilevda. I. J. Skinner. John \Villiam8, and Bro. II. E. iMaider, (Lie.) Os Obituaries. — Revda. .1. M. Cramp, D. D., J. L. Read, H. N. Iparry, and J. C. Blakeney. Ox iSABBATU Schools. — Deacons E. D. King, K. Wehber, Brethren |C Roscoe, N. A. Parker, James E. Irish, Rev. M. W. Brown. UN Temperance. — Brethren .1. I'ursons, Mark Curry, Revds. James leadows, George Weathers, J. F. Avoiy, P. S. McCivegor. i)s Arrangements. — Revds. S. B. Ki'mpton, S. J. Neily, D. W. C. Jimock, S. W. DeBlois, C. B. Welton. BoAKD OF Infirm Minister.'-. — Revds. S W. DeBlois, S. B. Kemi)ton, rnf. D. F. Iliggin.s, Brethren C F. Enton, J. W. Barss, Jas. S. Morse. Rrsoh'fd, Tliat the cordial thanks of this Association be tendered the Upper Aylesford Church and congregation, (and also to the bnirfor the choice music rendered), for their hospitality and kind- to the delegates during the session. Resolved, That Revds. E. M. Saunders, J. W. Manning, and Deacon ..Selden bo a Committee to superintena the printing of the Minutes. Resolved, That the usual nun'ber of Minutes be printed. Minutes of thi.s sitting road and approved. Adjourned, with prayer by Rev. Isa. Wallace, to meet with the list Church at Canard, on the Saturday following the 20th of ae, 1878. J. "W. Manning, Moderator. C. B. Welton, ) „ * ■ . . r^ \ Secretaries. Albert Coldwell, J ,. Dea. S. Sellej [he First Coinwall| Sawyer, D.D., Itter. [iggins, Revds. C 1 B. Kempton, ^1 y^ D. W. C. Diffi"! lallace,J.A.MclJ 1^ ! Ml I ? \V' Ki\ m fe 0) CI o •'1 o o to «0 HO CQ «0 a 8 10 Present Membership. u- I.- S « i^ •/) jC - 1- I- — X I'T s5 »- M •>) 3 s 3 1 Keuideiits. i« I.-, -c « M I- — Q Q t'. ■* » I- •* fi 11 .- i ; a Jl S^— >-li-C»)©J<0>«r-ll-< rH INr-.»iS| Non-residents. Died. Dismissed. i Restored. M By Letter, &c, By Baptism. a < a. C o a y. < •X as tB •3 Year of Suttluinent. 2 Date of Organization. 6 ^ Ij 5 ••H hi •M O •«o M r< ;« "M •^ ca » •M CQ §* I ill < ii — .2i *■ S-^ = i S =^ > :_.= - o -::; i)> £ t:~s ie c -Ssi 2 CJ • . • >« 1-1 »)0>»cc ©osi^weo pH^gje .£3 Is • i-lO . mi •well* rH la . c^ -t^w. 9i r-< • W J>t) S^feO 8 5P5S! 'J- Oi 5 ♦i V .>• — - ."" — 5 . - 3 z h Su 'c E 3 o 3 t: eS t .^ o tn ca fc <u * d a H-« 4) N*H u: .73 S ,wig ShoS^ S "2 ci tit ill 01 • t- c » ■XXI • ■ 2 • ■ ? .' ! • _• ^ ;<a ir.7.A « r/5 ^Q^' • ai -< S3 -: _:« ~Ai H ds • ir^ . Gvi O "^ fM CO • I' 3C t j 00 33 -w • * oc M X z> ajxij il r-t . -H ' rH pi iM iH 11 ' It F. 1*4 lz;53 .'-- S3-: :«■ • :4 ^':?.- = ■-• ©i M T)i m o "'• C C, c* -1 4S C < i; :; v^ # y u O £ S "3 X C UI U. U.IIi "Z 'i 11 i) 11 .ft-^T^^- CS'-JSjB > • « u*. !-■: w — -* u; "f r. ti 1-. •* o •^ a 'Ti 2 j5 2 t- Si ^ ■■ c- si 11 •*• !^i, •wftS^ V, A',a-''M'^;Ss X. ^^ s n M I- r^ r-i •* c -)• lA 5j i-< S rf ?5 =-. >.-. , r^ 9 - 51 -"i- !■- Q 3<5'>c o 5 X ij^l r^^i ■.•: o a « e: p o"s-. •>> in ■^ ot^iMT-iOKi-OMO'. i-r--* * X U ^ 5" T, * a * ^^B I ;; i S » 5l « <M 5l 1-* rH M •* M C i3 S 11 tS « SiJ « f. 31 1-1 TH i-. sq J-^' ,1 (Nf-tl»" ^m ^'. ji ;i r^ rl rl r-l !-<*» fH Jj 5 : :" . • IM M • n^ : : . ■ . rH O . .» .M : : . • • r-i . . • n : : ■- ■• . . • ^ • " . . * r-i m% :S'- : I- • i-i w « 1 91!! X^'i'**^»"''^'ft ■ '$1 a. : 3 PS III. ;i<l 04 •» 55^ • •4' n'3 : - — o .2 uK S "'^s - "* g a . c 1- 1- .36 »^ -■-as ."^ =5g ■• t •!• '" 3S 1^ ■ ^ - ■ 1^ ^ ^*4_^^_^ ; s 1- • x w t© ■ ta i::2l ••K-:'t'<| :|l^ •cr.^.<l i5 :355 M a i-j • *i ^-"^ ; • — ^ , 41 2 ■jilUjiy Ha ' d J i.' -s - j^ X be :&< S S I- fi . O O c! ;»3| ♦J 3 J Dins -^ i s "^ i^ I I'M «;» • 2 I. ^1^ ' S r-< r-l r< r-"-"^ « JO ; *'S« 5 i. O 4^- "3 S — a X F'»iss i JJm ^1 5 3 11 "M ^.3a I' O 1^ OS : jj^ '> »J >. 2 = -J :< e« t ■ ■- 5 I— 1- 00 » in w ?» « M I- '>5 M IJ t- ■>c » 00 » lo i.-^ ^ ,3 X o c 'A 2. ft ^ ??: Me? *' -1 - .2 il -^g 111 Hi M£ - .-a •J i cj o -o I- r: in fh ao » m c 1 ? » _ til ^ « S u u < 'M M 't' ut ^ t^ X ffs ^1 o f< •* O •>!■ 5 C3 i3 *> 'A 'til 12 I m Kev |iij t ' *M »»' Ministers in thQ N. S. Central Association. NAME. Avery, J. F Bancroft, J Bleakiiey, .1. C Brown, M. \V., A. B... Chase, John Cramp, J. M., D.D Crawlev, F. D., A.B.... Crawler, R. A., D.D... . DeBlois, S. W., A.M... Dimock, D W, C, A.M. Delonjir, T. C Freeman, D., A.M Hunt, A. S., A.M Kempton, S. U., A.M.. Kelly, E. \V., A.U Lucas, Wallace Manning, J. W., A.B.. McGregor, P. S Meadows, Jas Miller, John Nelly, S. J., A.M Philp, K. K., A. B Parry, H. N Parker, D. O., A. M... Pineo, D Read, J. L Robbina, J. H Saunders, E. M., A.M. Sawver, A. W., D.D... Shaw, D. G Skinner, 1. J., A.B Sitencer, Win Stevens, Jaines Stevene, A. J., A.M. . . . Wallace, Isa., A.M Welton.D. M., A.M... Welton. G. B., A.B Weathers, George Williams, John Place of residence. Date of Ordination. Halifax Oct. [Walton. .. ;Hantsport Eliershouse Wolfville Wolfville, Pleasa!itville I Wolfville Wolfville Billtown Tancook Canning Dartmouth Canard Windior Hannnond's Plains Halifax Newport Stewiacke Halifax . . , Canning Halifax Ga8i)ere.".ux BerwicL Long Point Upper Aylesford Yarmouth Halifax Wolfville Halifax tliester, Margaret's Bay Gaspereaux Kentville Berwick Wolfville Kentville Kempt .... Mahone Bay Place of Ordinatioal 1870 Tawstock, G. 3. iS4D|Uawdon. Kichmond, N. B. Eliershouse. Billtown. London, G. B. I'leasantville, Lrni. Providence, R. L Chester. Chester. New Albany, Halifax. Dartmouth. New Minas. Windsor. Hammond's Plaini | Port Hawkeiil)ur)-,C Newport, Jeddore. 1S72! North Sydney. ISonJMiirgaree, C."B. Ga ,)ereaux. Liverpool. Greenwich. H(»pewell, N. B. Rawdon. Berwick. IS-WlL-awronce, Mass. 18601 Falmouth. ISSajPort Medway. New Minas. 1830'Gaspereaux. lS7')!KenlvilK'. 18.5(i Scotch town, N. B. 1857 Windsor. Kentville. Newport. Centrcville, N. LICKNTIATK8. Canard, — John Duneanson. Berwick, — Charles Norw'>od. Billtown,— Arthur Roseoe. Falmouth,— Stewart Masters, Charles Bishop. Ga.spereaux,— E. P. Coldwell, B. W. Lockhart. I.unenburgh,- H. E. S. Maider, C. Spidle. Newport,— Enoch Sweet. Windsor,— L O. Redden. Wulfville,-n. Fobhny, C. Martell, A. B. :?' (Bivailav M>ttUx. ;ocia,tion. Place of Ordinatioil OTaw^tock, G. 3. DiUawiloii. siRichmond, N. a. KUersbouse. ismilltown. LH London, U. b. joh'lcasantviUe, Lun. 30 I'rovidcnce, U. I. 54 Choster. 4llohe8ter. ;3(i|N'ow Albany. (5ni Halifax. <44, Dartmouth. sOa'Ncw Minaa. sVolVVindsor. . i Hannncnd's riami ^S I'ort Hawkesburj-.a bVTNewport. .888 Jeddore. 1872 North SyJiiey- l^^)r>;^U^Tifaree, C. 15. IS-VlOa ,)ereaiix. 18C1 Liverpool. 1811 Greciwich lfc58iUopewcll, ^. o. sTSiUawdon. |l^,^s!l5el■\viok. IbMi Lawrence, Mass. llhCOi Falmouth. IbSslrort Medway. 1 . . INuw Minad. isSOOaspereaux. 1875 KenlvilK>. 185« Scotehtown, >• B. 1857 Windsor. 11877 KenlviUe. 1864 Newport. 11862 CenlrcviUc, >.u. bp. krt. THE WOBD OF GOD, AND FAITH. HE CIRCULAR LETTER OF THE NOVA SCOTIA CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCHES OF WHICH IT IS COMPOSED. )tar Brethren^— The Divine Word commends the housekeeper who brings forth It of Ills treasure things new and old. Of these the old are often iebest. We now, in humble imitation of the word, and without barngement of the many new things that may be profitably pre- ited, commend to you in this communication the old subjects, the lord ot God and Faith. Old, certainly, they are, but capable of appreciation of their value, and new demonstratior of power the practical operation, through them, of the Spirit of God that ly make them become to us as the freshest and newest of truths. |We are not, indeed, afraid that the value of these precious things 11 ever die out of the world, for we trust that they have much (re to do in it, that they are destined to perform here a greater irk than they have ever yet done, but we do fear that there may le occasions of temporary forgetfuiness of their value, of very rtful influence. May we ask you whether, for example, the time- lored practice of reading the Bible in family gatherings is now srished with the care and fidelity that some of you may remember lave been formerly practiced among us. lut, however this may be, we all shall agree that the world, and linly the churches, need every day, and, if possible, more than |r, the renewed influence of Bible truths. There is no mo^iern ce or form of thought, there never will or can be any, that shall ry the weight, diflfuse the knowledge, or reflect the glory to be id iu God's Word. iut, at the present time, as is well known, a special war is being [ed against the Word ot God as His Word ; and it becomes all servants, now particularly, to shew their allegiance to Him by iwed and increased attachment to His Word, thus warred against. Divine character of the Word, let us remember, is one of our important bulwarks, our strong defense against countless evils ; it is our duty and interest to defend it, as soldiers defend a Ns against the enemy, that the word, like a defended fortress, itself in turn become our protection and strong defense. ind this strong tower let us gather in manner as the Psalmist is in regard of Zion : " Go round about her, mark well her farks." lis subject is rich in valuable suggestions, but as we refer here Word of Qod only as a natural introduction to faith in thai fv^ :>' ■-■■ 't IP -4 j ■■■ ■ ^ t li-l ■ i-y, '.-'■;■■ mm^ ,t-'^ Mi ?i". '■1 I'M ''v^illl Word and in God, we abstain from following the rich vein that opeml before us, in order to turn to our principal point in this letter, FaithJ Faith in the Word — in God — in Christ — that old subject tbJ demands from us such sort of thought, such character of mind and he£.rt applied to it, as, with God's blessing, shall clothe it all anen with freshness and power. This newness of faith as a great realitvj a necessity and a power, attended with great magnitude of resuliJ is what we wish to make the burthen of this address. " Oh fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets li,™ spoken," Luke xxiv. 25. " If two of you shall agree on earth touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for tkii of my Father which is in heaven," Matt, xviii. 19. " If ye haij faith as a grain of mustard seed ye shall say to this mountiiin, remove hence to yonder place ; and it shall remove ; and noihinJ shall be impossible to you," Matt, xvii 20. " If ye abide in m and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it be done unto you," John xv. 17. These, you know, are some of the wonderful words with whid Jesus shewed his disciples how little faith they had ; and hovv mud they ought to have and might have. These words and many like them from the mouth of Jesus slieJ us the same truths as respects ourselves, and were spoken for ihi end ; that is, to shew us the same things which they shewed C'hri8t| immediate disciples; for whatever applies to us and our circiin stances were spoken on our account. These statements we belieij you will freely admit. Let us then compare the faith we see or know of as practidi in existence with the measure indicated in these words, and wtj can we say to our Divine Master of the result of the compaiis* What should we say if He were now to come and ask, " Wheni Son of Man cometh shall he find faith on the earth ?" The above quoted words are truly wonderful. How the meaniij they contain swells and grows as thought rests on them ! And they are as plain in their meaning as they are wondarful. ill plain that if we do not believe as the words imply. We are"fofl| and slow of heart." It is plain that not only in private but in concert with otliei-s, may ask what we will and it shall be done, to the extent, even,! bidding mountains remove to another place. And it is plain tliatj needs only to abide in Christ, and for Bis words to abide in !«,[ order for these things to be realized, — to become a great reality. Observe, too, the prominent place thus given to Christ's woitisj the words or Wora of God. This degree of faith will produce eff| if we abide in the words of Christ. It is then a great realiij i we see Faith such as this may be. In all this we see how complete a provision Jesus made eij before lie left the world for the unlimited growth of His chtiroh.- salvation, — of good, of heavenly good, in men's hearts. Aad provision continues ; it is not diminished in the least. We h«^ e rich vein that open J,|| i,ere amon^ U3 or v^^a . , in this letter, FAirHMhall beizin fn'hoK -^ ^^ ^^ arnonff uo qn a«« of .md. *raj,h,h„,, 4^;-^^ -prepared We hopfand^^^'r Joubt that men mav fhi,a > i- ' ^^^ brethren Tl.,.r„ f «t" ^^ a great necessity? Dwe,n"^f' "/^"''^^' "^'^d we s,^ move ; and nolbiS All .1. se a e aDnl?'? '."•"■"'■'^- ^ ""'' '''^'"'y " " If ye abide i„ X„ „,,, „,„•, LSorl""-*"^" "'' f""'' »"<' praver S. v ye will and itsb,B,oi ,i,e promise ,hT " "■"""'"in of difficuhl n ^ '^ ^"^ 1 words with »lii(«in,„f difficultv 111 „' ?'"-''''' " "o doubt tliat H. '* P'^'"*' bad;„„d,.o.™|e ;^rj^',-^ ere spoken for H§An,o„g tliese SreatdW ,"■'"' P™>'" "f His peopf' '""' P«''haps — we «|.p:Srr;irrr?,t:' ^ ^'^^X .V of as praelidt.*- ""'<"- -« ■^!^^:.:Z''!S^Z%Ti^<'^^^' se words, and wlifcere is also a rl'ffl ° ^"" of the compaiisoMtarjunfl no t. - ^. *^ of perhaps even orpof W made to them all in all » i T""' '""""' '<- find that ,d it is plain tta§e,s„ch a wealth rf ■"""'"« "'• ">« weakness „f7':'f"f« i a great realilj. ■ Jesus leavp wiit -^re they never to he ,.? >' , ^e all to Christ's woiJ* i„ His KW "' " provision for effecting all ?"*"'• ^'"^ h will prmhicellnere /a ,,'?*"" '."^ ''« "^'^ended on ,"4 T •? ""'"''"ry Lre is nnri,- mountaiu from !"-'« 18 noihinnr on eai-ni t^ u 1 'ai to faith in power. He >: \\ 16 that made the lightning and the thunder, and who moves the ventive genius of man to the discovery of the mightiest forces | nature, has revealed to us the truth that faith, as a grain of mustj seed only, is adequate to the removal of every evil on earth, evq mountain of difficulty however appalling it may appear in the magi tude and fierceness of its power. What, then, can equal in pressure the duty of faith resting on I Churches of God ? When, therefore, you gather yourselves gether, dear brethren, as the disciples and servants of Christ, refle( we beseech you, on the vastness of the work you have to do reflect, too, how surely this work will be done, if your faith bei as a grain of mustard seed. Therefore it is that we commend to you faith in the word of in God, and in Christ, however familiar, the thought for it is pU that the world groans and is in pain for want of it. May the Lord move us all to the measure of faith and prayerlj case so urgently needs. M I Si '9' h 'ho moves the a nightiest forces! a grain of mustJ eil on earth, evfl jpear in the magi APPENDIX. (A) REPORT ON BENEVOLENT FUNDS. lour Committee on Benevolent Funds beg to submit the following ort:— 1. — As TO Objects. lere are three great denominational enterprises now calling for drafts from on benevolent funds, viz. : — Home Missions, ign Missions, and the Endowment of Acadia College. A great lies before the Nova Scotia Baptist Home Missionary Union. Committee regret that the funds of the Board have not been lent to enable them to do as much Home Missionary work the past year as seemed necessary, yet they are glad to learn Its tinancial condition is improving. In Foreign Missions re committed to the support of three missionary families in ustan. The salaries of these, and the extra expenditure sary to the establishment of our mission to the Telugus res much money. The recent appeal of the Home Secretary Board shews a falling off in the income during the past year. ising of Si 00,000 additional endowment for Acadia College on our hands, and the consummation of this great under- is regarded in all quarters as absolutely essential to the future rity of our beloved College. |ere are also three minor benevolent enterprises that must not rlooked in the exercise of our benevolence, viz. : — the French in, Ministerial Education, and the Infirm Ministers' Fund. objects are deserving, and their funds need replenishing. 2. — As TO Method. Endowment of Acadia College is being pushed forward, the direction of the Executive Committee, by a special appointed for that purpose. regard to our Missions and other benevolent objects your ttee find it difficult to recommend a system that may be to every church or locality, but they beg to suggest that ption of a system of quarterly, or at least half-yearly, col- or subscriptions as likely to be generally advantageous. culation of Cards at tlie commencement of the year, with a secure a pledge from each member of the church and tion, would, they think, be attended with salutary results. rding might be as follows :— e blessing of God I hereby resolve to give for the year ending 1878, payable quarterly to benevolent objects as follows :- 18 Home Missions $' Foreign Missions - French Missions » - Ministerial Education - Acadia College - Infirm Ministers' Fund - Total (Signed) The pastors, however, can best adapt a system to the want^ their own people, and success in raising the necessary funds much depends upon their advocacy of the claims of these benJ lent objects, the training of their people as to the duty of givinj the Lord's cause, and upon their supervising the method adapted to the various churches and co.nmunities. 3.— As TO Motives. " For none of us llveth unto himself." " Freely ye harej ce«ved freely give." " Occupy till I come." Respectfully submitted, IsA. "Wallace, Chaimi EEPORT ON OBITUARIES. So far as now known none of the ministers within the Hi this Association have deen removed by death during the k. tional year. This is cause of thankfulness, as none of the cliiij have thus been deprived of a pastor. May all who are pen to enter on another year's labor be more signally blessed id] work for the Master than ever before. Notwithstanding, death has not been idle, and the call to ' over the river" has been given to many of the Lord's peopl^ thereby all have been admonished to be " ready." The decrease in the membership by death during tliej according to the statistics is eighty-four, and if the clmrclie been called to mourn it is not as those who have *' no liop "they are before the throne of God and serve him day anilj in his temple." Among those who have passed away, and whose serritj greatly missed by their brethren, may be mentioned DEACON JUDGE MCCULLY. In the Baptist cause Judge McCully took a deep inten the principles which he conceived were involved in that firmly grasped, tenaciously held, and earnestly advocated, His intellectual powers, which were of no ordinary uatu these highly cultivated by study and extensive reading observatiun, and sanctified by the grace of God, made liis ' Com: adv; Ns cau.> ill 01 pn par fcuarde licaJs tc ne\t.s^ JirioiLs] f)', an( p}' musi that ( Ms tli; can Baj I — em to the wanti ecessary funds lis of these beu be duty ofgivii^ ,g the method Freely ye have! XLACE, RIES. Chairm within the lirail during the W h respected by his brethren, even when they may liavo differed iihim in judgment. The Foreign Mission largely shared liis lions; to promote its interests he was untiling, and, l)y his ability, saved, on one occasion, the Board from financial and liijt loss, Avhile lijs suceessful ettbrt was without expense, which lA-ise would have cost a considerjiblo amount. h the doctrine of tltc sovereignty of divine grace he was firndy iinleil, and trusting in the righteousness af Christ for his justi- [iuii and acceptance Avith God tlxjre was no wavering as ho mched the end of liis course, but in the full confidence of liiiierest in the great atonement he peacefully left the eai'thly llw {Hirer life in the heavenly society. He died early in .binu- of tlie present year. He was a member of the North Baptist h, H'idifax. )eacon Alex«vnder Eobixson, a member of the Granville :l Church, has also passed away this year. He died April 1 9th. m Robinson was generally beloved by those who knew him. m^ for several years a niemlier of the Board of the Home liouary Society, and his counsel as well as his aid in other its was highly appreciated by those who labored with him in iilepartnient of christian service. I. Robinson did much good, it is believed, among those who destitute of gospel }n'ivileges, while the Poors' Asylum, Jail, Vuitentiary shared his evangelistic labour. But the M;i-ter for him, and to him there was no terror in the message, but iuUy welcoming it, he went to meet his Lord D. W. C. DiMocK, Chairman. ts none of theclw| ,11 who are pen rnally blessed ml and the call to he Lord's peopl* (C) DENOMINATIONAL LITERATUEE. Coniniittee on Denominational Literature report as follows ; advanced state of Education in Common and Sabbath s causes a craving for abundance of reading matter Ijy tho in our families and our churches. It, therefore, bec(uue3 „,_ an parents and those who conduct our Sabbath Schools to be e him day aii" ^guarded in supplying the existing demand for books and icals to see that they are of a description that will nourish -'st aspirations of our children. Sensational novels and newspapers abounding in tales if not altogether immoral, uriuusly exciting the imagination, are very pernicious in their i<;y, and should be discouraged by all lawful means. But the iy must be filled with reading matter suited to the moral that exist. Books sound in principle and doctrine, and als that can be relied upon, are published and sold by the an Baptist Publication Society, and we commend them as ath during H if tlie churclwi| have " no hop Ind whose seivi^ itioned |LY. a deep iut^K tlved in that ly advocated. ordinary iw" 3ive reading a>5 Jod, madehuC * I 20 ■■•^ 1^1 if ■J Tlic British American liook and Tract Society at Halifax haji sal(j inviting and choap books and i)ai)erb tiiat can be chosun fJ :in<i thiTo is })nt litth^ of th(3ir contents l)ein<5' snch as \v>: Jk dtinoinination, would object to. lint in all cases parents teachers, in making selection of reading nuitttir for the yoa should exert ine care and discrimination. The Chvidian Afcs.-n'iH/rr lias been forty years before? o\u' (JuJ iuation as its acknowledged organ. We, tlierefore, commend it| a useful family paper; at the same time; whilst we considtrl paper in its usual reading matter to be equal to any religion.s in our Province, still, from the advanced state of Education nioted by our Academy and (Jollege, we tiiink it desirable td forward to having it a periodical that will meet more fully demands of the times. Increased circulation would, no doij enable the in-oprietor and publisher to engage more editorial ance, which would conduce to its improvement. We would discourage tiu? taking by families in our denoniiii of papers under a religious title purporting to be highly liber: lh(jir teaching, very evangelical in doctrine, and free from ail tirian bias ; as such papers will usually be found conduott^l p(irsuns of most advanced paitizan views, and strongly tiiict^ with opposition to liaptist views and principles. In conclusion we strongly reconnnend every family connd with tliis body to supply itself with a religio\is pajKir, and oiiej lished as an acknowledged organ of the Baptist denomination, All of which is respectfully submitted, J. W. Bauss, Chairm REPORT ON EDUCATION. For nearly half a century the Baptists of this Province] 1)een prominent amongst the promoters of higher education, history of the struggles and sacrifices of the founders aiul friends of our Institutions is Avell fitted to strengthen our fai:l| stinmlate our zeal. They " attempted great things for God." laid a broad and firm foundation, and, out of their scanty resoj (;ontributed toward the accomplishment of a great and noble ps The work thus begun is yet far from its completion. Tbe{ lishing and endowing of a College is a work of great magi requiring persistent efibrt, wise counsels, and much money. small community like ours, in which few men are wealthy, ^u entor})rise can hope to succeed only by enlisting the hearti cordial co-operation of the whole body. Your Committee that the interest in our Instituticms, though still much beloif] it ought to be, is steadily increasing year by year. Thei action of the Convention in determining to add a hundred] sand dollars to the Endowment, notwithstanding the r. Jo , iLg.v ; half 21 iression that afflicts the country, shews that the Baptists of to-<1ay not wanting in the faith and energy that iiiovcmI onr Fatliers. 1 (gratifying to be able to report tliat the purpose then formed Uc'M fruit. In Yarmouth, St. John, and other towns th<- work ken commenced, and "with good i)rospects of success. The unt ah'eady sul)seribed is j)ro))ably not less than one-fourtli of I'utire sum. Agents are in the field, who will doubtless pusli ard the work with vigor, and be able to rc^port a consi(]<>rably r amount by the time of the meeting of Convention. k teaching force of the College ha.s been somewhat deranged (hir the pa?t year by the absence of Professor Jones. It is cxjiectcd he will retui'ii before the opening of the year. Professor A who has also been absent a part of the year, has consented uiiie his place as Principal of the Aca<li-'my and Profes.-^ur of ;ory in th(; College. Only two young men were graduated at tliiso of the term. Twenty-five have presented themselves for culatim, most of whom will probably be admitted. The w will, therfifore, jirobably have a larger attendancs next year lit has ever had in the course of its history. lour Committee regret that, owing to the absence of Prof. Woltori tiirope, the Theological Dijpartment has been virtually su.'-^- rtl (luring the year. It is hoped that the denomination will lly take steps to place this department of our etlucationai w^.irk jniore satisfactory basis. Respjetfully .submitted, D. F. HiGGiNs, Charman. (E) Ministers' Fund in account with C. F. Eaton, Treasurer. IXTEREST TO JUNE IST, 1877. Ck. 1. By balance per account rendered 21.1 cash from W. A. Porter, Treas. C. B. Association. i l! one 3-ear'e interest on the Jacobs' legacy . Harris' " . balance interest per interest account ! Dr. "To cash to Rev. J. L. Read for Mrs. 1 " sent Rev. James Stevens. . i " " R.S.Morton.... Palmer . " Bro. Crawley, per S. Seldon, Es(| " C. H. Harrington, Escj., for Rev. Mr. Rich- ' ardson To interest to balance interest account |1 baldnce carried to new account |1. By balance brought down . I ! iDays. : Intur-jst $930 ^ 85 00 39 00 11 «8 56 71 $1122 72 820 00 25 00 40 00 12 00 20 00 ioOS 72 81122 72 $1005 72 3G5 338 *,")5 82 4 72 230 236 236 151 80 $<)0 54 $ 77 !)fi 1 .')5 2;» 2« 5« 71 $60 54 E. &. O. E. liii, Jane 23rd, 1877. C. F. Eaton, Treasurer Infirm Ministers' Board. ^^ ;,i '^ :•» 22 (F) REPORT ON MISSIONjS. The spirit of ^fissiona is the spirit of, Hearts Ir in sympatliy with tho purpasu of the Kodceinor 'will 81., exteu'I His kiiigeloiii It ia a matt«r for congrutulatiou that tho niis.siouary spirit l chm-ches Ls steadily increasing ; tiiat Christians are feehii thaii ever tlio debt of gratitude they owe to Him who lias sniii says to-day to those bearing His name, " (io ye into all thf and preach the Gospel to every creature.' When each Clu shall legard this command as addressed to himself personallr, that Jiis treatment of it is the only true testimony of his I and attachment to his Divine Lord, then may we exi)ect tlii Spirit to descend in rich measure on all our churches. In regard to our Foreign Mission your Committee wouhJ c their continued appi-eciation of the work of tiie Hoard, as the si'lf-denying toil of our bi'cthron and sisters who are aci engaged in teaching the perishing Teloogoos tlu; way of lift Jiave reason to be grateful to our Heavenly Father thai Churcliill's health is so far restored that he can engage activ tho Avork which lies so near his heart. It is also gratify learn that our l)rethren are not laboring in vain nor spentlinj; strength for nought, that some tokens of the Divine favi resting upon the eftbrts which they have already put forth tj those who have been so long in darkness, and we may coiilii expect that as soon as they have mastered the language ai speak it with some degree of ease, we shall rejoice yet uwi more. Your Committe.c regard Home Missioixs as the right ariii denomination. In proportion as tho home fiehls are proi»eri; may avc expect to succeed in extending the liedeemer's h beyond our own borders. Notwithstanding the heavy debt which has been resting 8uch weight upon the Missionary Union for the past yt which liad crippled its energies, we are glad to leam that tlii cial condition of the Board is much better than could Im anticipated. The i)ast year has been one of retrenchment, liope the time has come for an advance along tho Avhole lim fields are opening up on every hand, and the cry is, " C' help us." An efficient agent is in the field, whose labors are al] We trust that he may be very successful in awakening ii Ji permanent interest in tho Home work. The F>ench Mission claims our most earnest and attention. The Missionary needs the sympathy and co H 11 lljfir 0; of his brethren in tho work in which he is engaged. It notu- rvai tion olati ion, the s, aj vori 23 (■lirable that thw Misaion bo ke})t in its present condition. Ami, ifore, your Committoo would ivconunend that the Missionary pn Uike such action as, in their judgment, will best promote its ests. Submitted, J. "VV. Mannixo, Chairman. (0) REPORT ON SABBATH OBSERVANCE. pe Committee on " Sabbath Observance" beg to report ns fol- believe the Sabbath day to have been divinely instituted in Dginning for all mankind in all ages — that its gracious design ban's good and God's glory ; and. that its non-observance as a [frest and worship is repugnant to both. Buming that the resurection day of our Lord Jesus Ciirist is the Jtian Sabbath its due celebration especially by professing chris- «s a matter of the utmost importance, inasmuch as it can be lantly shown that " Sabbath breaking" is a fruitful source of I against the laws of God and man. Many a culprit has ended [ys on the gallows whose first deviation from the path of recti- ps been disregard for the Lord's Day. manner of its observance, according to Scripture, may be I in general terms to be entire cessation from all unnecessary labour, mental or physical, and the employment of the day lotional exercises such as thanksgiving, prayer, praise, sacred jg, giving and receiving religious instruction, and whatever [in keeping with the worship of God, both at home and in the ary. The house of God is the proper place of resort during |bbatli Day for all, whenever and wherever practicable. I only license to labour on that day may be gathered from the It and example of our Loi'd when on earth. He, the " Lord J Sabbath Day," taught that it was lawful to do well on that iBut even the well-doing was to be restricted to labour abso- [necessary to satisfy the ordinary demands of nature, the ion of suflfering, and saving the life of man or beast. Thus Him performing miracles of healing, justifying his disciples ing and eating corn to satisfy hunger, &c., &c. (See Matt. 3; Mark ii. 23-28 ; Luke vi. 1-10, and kindred passages.) notwithstanding these plain directions and indications as to rvance of the day it is to be deeply regretted that Sabbath ition is so common among men Passing over the open fla- olations of the Sabbath, which properly belong to another ion, we would call the attention of this body to the great the observance of the day on the part of many professing s, and the tendency to abuse the liberty given by our Lord, voring to make out cases of necessity and mercy which n^^»ii >-iW' hs ■A 4 1 24 only become so on account of past neglect, or a strong desire foj pleasure or pecuniary advantage. For instance, it becomes worl of necessity to prepare fire-wood to keep the family from suferi^a to bake the meat for dinner or the rolls for supper, or to blacktj the boots on Sunday morning, and to do a hundred other thino because they were neglected on the previous day. Many person who would not be seen laboring on the field or in the shop seem have no scruples about performing a journey in order to be reajj for the transaction of business on Monday morning. Some endcavo to compromise matters by starting in the morning and attenin some place of worship on the way, and finishing the journey in th evening. Many use the day for tbe interchange of social \i<i|j which they regard as harmless, and visiting the sick likewise, whid indeed has the semblance of well-doing, but very often the sick.roo( is crowded to suffocation on that day, while for the next six days [ patient is left to suffer for want of proper attendance. And by fJ too common is the practice of standing around the place of worshij discussing all kinds of worldly subjects, making bargains, payin debts, and such like business transactions, but for which, some least, would seldom be seen at the house of God. These and siiu lar engagements on the Lord's Day by professing christians go veJ far to lessen the respect for the day among the ungodly, and tea greatly to the hindrance of the cause of truth in the world. That reformation in this respect is necessary needs no argumed Your Committee would most urgently press home upon all lieadsj families the importance of maintainig in their households tlie Scrij tural observance of the day. If this were uone many of the evi complained of would disappear. They also recommend that oj pastors, missionaries, religious teachers, and all persons of intluena give this subject a more prominent place in their sermons aa teachings, and all their public exercises, with a view to the correctiij of the growing evils of Sabbath desecration, and to the due re^ rence and observance of the Divine command, " Remember t| Sabbath Day to keep it holy." Respectfully submitted, I. J. Skinner, Chaimm] liil 25 trong desire fc , becomes \sorl • from suFeri^i r, or to black t'l red other tliini Muny persof ie shop seem t^ •der to be reajj Some endcavi LIS and atten'iir le journey in ic e of social \n:' ;k like\vi^e, wliic ften the siok-roo^ ; next six days tl ince. And by f^ 1 place of worshij bargains, ;;^ayiD ov which, some Tiiese and sit christians go vet mgodly, and ter tlie world, leeds no argumer e upon all heads i iseliolds the Sctij many of the evl ;onimend that oi i-sons of intluend Itht'it sermons ai w to the correcliij to the due rei «' Remember \\ IfEB, ChaimM. KEPORT ON SABBATH SCHOOLS. Your Committee report upwards of sixty Sabbath Schools liilliin thi' limits of this A.ssociation, with an average altcndanco ■j about lifty-five pupils each, riflccu of these schools are kept Ml through the entire year, the remainder from four to six mths. This is an improvement npnu the past, and yet a much :ater remains to he eirected. The ntuuher of Schools could he iKaseil. There are still communities within this Association thich do not enjoy the blessings of a regularly taught Sahl)ath W. The average attendance is not so high as it ought to be, with more painstakhig and zeal, instead of but one-fouvtli at tl three-fourths nf our Schools should be kept open thn aigh the itire year. Your Couiniittee are of opinion that these defects are ;ely due to want of church co-operation. The Sabbath Scluxd the child of the church, an<l Avhether or not it grow and become |ijoTOUS and strong, — an honor to God and a blessing among iwm, lept'uds much upon the amount of fostering care it receives from hitherto too negligent parent. Too much cannot he said to urge chiu'clics to duty in this respect. Of till- numbers who have joined the church during the year, jut 200 have come from the Sabl)ath Schools. This is cause for gratitude. Good seed has been sown ; good soil has been ched. Still you can fear that the great aim of the Sabliath lool i^ too much lost sight of, A'othing less than the conversion God of every member in our Schools should be our object ; for ling less shoula we labor. Every Sabbath School pupil should K.-anled as becoming a possible disciple of Christ and ehurch iber. [All this cannot be accomplished without the hearty co-operation every nuniher of our churches. If some are not adapted to i in-idt! the School let them work outside in increasing the ii'ier (if pupils, and by their prayers and money render such L-t.mL'0 ;is the necessity of the case demands. Respectfully submitted, S. J. Neiley, Chairman. ^ i!i' I (T) REPORT ON TEMPERANCE. Your Committee on Temperance beg to report that at no time the hi-story of our country have its friends had greater cfuist;; thank God and take courage. Tlieir work is seen in the stati hooks of our country. We find, also, that under God they \n\ l)een largely instrumental in leading the christian chureli toj present ]io.sition in regard to strong ilrink as hting one; of deadliest o]i])osers to its mission. In our opinion the church shoti lead in the great Temperance Eeform. "VVherever the sjiiriti Christ prevails the principle of Temperance takes deepet^t vi therefore church members should abstain at all times and places k intoxicating drinks. Among our friends over the line wonders have been wrouji Women armed Avith the spirit of prayer have startled ruiusei from their dens. The God of Temperance is using coiivei drunkards to persuade their former associates to give up the (k'E drink, and turn to sobriety. Temperance Societies are enjoyi \v(dl-earned fame, and still they are presiding on to greater victoi In looking to the future your Committee would urge the n«j sity of ct)ntinued and unitetl elibrts on the part of the cliri church, tlu; religious press, and all the various temj)erance on zatious for the total sujipression of the traffic in spirituous lii]!:j Ilespectfully subnutted, G. A. Wethers, Chainm ^11 3i iHj It... [ille, ft.. 'iiiii "rin lieni; fn. ntvil Jle.. pr. ir ] 27 CB. t tliat at no timtj ad gveatur cause! seen iu the staW ,der God tliey h\ istiau churcli to IS being one of Lonthiichurclislw jrever the spmll a takos deepe.4 r(J times and vlacos fif have heen wroud ve startled n\md ■i is u^iug couveij 3 to give up the den icieties are enj^'yi!^ oil to greater victoi ^YOldd urge the nsj , part of t\ie el Dus temperance ors c in spirituous S'ethers, ChainM Ireasurer's Accoujjt of Moneys for Benevolent Objects received at the Nova Scotia Central Association, held at Aylesford, June, 1877. Kauk of Church. as 11 5 <t 3 - c 2. 2.? 3 ToUl. sfiiril. Upper. water bklyii Ibridt,'e W Iter. kwallls, Ist Iwallis, 2nil Iwulli^, 3r(l Iwallij. 4th Iwallis, 5t)) Ishouse cuth, Kiver tix 1st, Granville Street. iix 2ml, North >ix3rJ hioiids Plains Ist pionds I'lainy 2nd Wiort knlst Ill 2ihI ^11 3rd, Canaan 1 Harbor, West Kile I e lliurg ornwall . , [ieni; uy. ntville. kiist.. h'aret's Bay 2nd , riue pr I'lains. 810 13 i 35 <flO 20 00' 75i 1 25 815 50 g 33 35 25 20 1 4 00' OO! 00, oo! 20i 70' 00! 2 50 3 43 4 00 50 9 1 64 29 15 » 5 25 36 12 3 4 10 15 3 10 6 5 20 7 2 6 3 4 57 1 00 101 82' 00 00 00 32 OS 49; 85; 00 54 00! 00 oot 60' 30 14' 50' 00 00' 50! 00 05 10;, 2 00 5 11 4 00 25 3 85 4 00 18 00 30 25 28 00 25 00 52 40 3 29 2 35 10 10 5 00 1 76 2 00 1 00 2 00 80 16' 00 112 75 42 27 25 00 4 00 1 85 2 75 11 99 2 00 9 03 5 30 2 00 8 00 66 35 50 7 50 1 00 6 00 2 60 2 05 122 06 JIO 40 5 51 2 50 ?1 00 eo 25 10 00! ... . 12 40| 1 33 !) (to 10 OOl 5 30 13 OUi 7 67 50 65 2 00 lo 75 3 50 3 00 1 00 1 60 07 7 03 6 00 3 00 1 00 17 75; 26 00 27 901 6 95 10 00, 3 32 14 35 5 00 50 4 OOl ... . 3 00: 5 00 3 00! 1 00 6 00! ... . 1 25 85 00 2 00 2 60I 2 00 30' 80 20 00, 1 00! $37 30 13 00 9 25 4 00 39 50 80 43 87 00 70 81 105 25 5 49 7 50 10 10 26 00 2 10 234 35 112 05 50 00 19 32 6 85 28 32 50 40 48 66 7 35 4 00 25 92 33 30 11 00 24 00 5 50 15 22 70 99 15 00 5 00 18 60 9 17 6 05 224 07 2 10 8:'i32 SO #64 10 8011 06<>50 86 l?100 13104 45 81.V2r, 4i> S. E, Fit<;h, Treaeurer !►. 28 i' '■I I Moneys reported by Churches and appropriated during the year. NAMK ok Cm'KCH. 1 • > 4 5 f> 8 9 10 11 12 V.\ 14 la IC) 17 16 19 'JO 21 •_>;» 25 20 27 28 2U :?o 31 32 :« 34 35 3« 37 Sh 39 Aylesford... berwick Billtown Uridf<t'water Brooklyn Ctmibridge Cauiiuu Ciinard Canning Chester KUershouse Full Uiver Fiilmoutli Ga.ipereaux Greenwich Halifax 1st Halifax 2nd Halifax :ird Haiiini(ind!< Plains 1st.. . . HaiDiaonds Plains 2ud... Hanlsport Indian Harbor, West Kenipt Kentville LaHave Lunenburgh Margaret's Bay 1st Margaret's Bay 2nd New Cornwall New Germany Newport Pereaux Pleaiantville Preston Ist Rawdon Sackville Waterville Windsor Wolfvilie $25 2C 50 00 28 00 13 CO 4 75 3 85 145 00 U 00 40 00 2 50 1 10 9 00 12 49 1 70i 161 oo! 29 8; 20 00| 12 00 5 oo! 25 32 4 00 10 54 15 00 3 00 22 40 1 85 3 50 5 50 7 72 20 15 4 00 *15 50 2 00 13 21 , 00 4 00 72 95 76 06 325 It .3 5i? Kg Q> Ft fe-5- £•8 " S" n a. OT5 »A "5 E" B a an a> o 2. as eio 20 "ao'is $15 C5 69 60' 00 $5 5l| 40 2 501 1 25 1 00; 24 00' 2 50; 3 43 2 00 7 82 50 3 4 2 128 18 30 10 $1 00 10 CO 13 00 25 00 00 ool ool 25 10 I 10 40 $0 25 6 30, 7 67i 17 00 10 00 12 40 50 9 60! ""'e'ii 4 00 25 1 75 2 00 1 00 5 11 3 112 42 25 4 1 2 37 9 6 2 8 2 00 3 50 13 75 5 00 7 86 17 25 27 90 10 00 3 32 4 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 1 00 80 2 01 2 00 1 00 2 00 10 00 16 75 2 60 67 6 66 •"iO 1 50 2 3u 1 4 6 2 192 62 00 ooj 00] 05 811 30i 80 1 25 85 SO 1 35 1 00 3 00 5 ool 26 00 6 951 5 00 1 00 U 50 OSO! 1 50 2 60 5 00 065 200 050 2 00: ml <i m H )\ m iiil ^1 (I '£1 it si III H 31 20 00 40 00 7 0.T 14 35 ^el $.882 82 $122 85 $932 0(1 $02 65, $218 13' $105 4j;JiJl The 4^15.50 from I'leasantville was not appropriated. Unted t( pwon A. ■ilcCurc f ted to ( "n to o]i( *1 00 |0 25 10 CO 5 30 13 00 7 «■'; m 141 1 1]| 17 00 10 00 . 12 401 50' 60i 1 35 5 00 7 86 1 00; 3 oo: 5 OOl 17 25 26 00 '27 90 6 95i 10 00 3 32| 4 00 • 3 00 3 00 6 00^ 12 f •t ^1 il Ml iml »l a I {I ^1 i\ 00 80 U 50! OSO' I 25 . 85 50 5 001 065 50 501 2 00| 50' 2 OOl 20 OOl 40 00 7 03: 14 35 MIlSrUTES OF THK N. S. BAPTIST HOME MISSIONARY UNION, jriated durinl ■i> asr 1 ai , Touil [^18l3^$105ji2il PORTAUPIQUE MOUNTAIN, Friday, July 13th. 1877. The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Nova Scotia Baptist Home issionary Union convened in Temperance Hall, Portaupi(]uo ountain, July 13th, at 2 (»'clock, V. M. In tlni absence of the President and Vice-Presidents Kev. 8. iircli was called to the cluiir. Union opened with i)rayer hy Rev. D. \V. Crantlall. Secretaries ipdinted, J. F. Kemi)ton and G. N. Ballentine. Tlie following list of delegates was then arrang<>d, viz. : — imkiTt — Kevds. D. A. Steele, G. F. Miles, Bro. B. L. Douglass. hrnhoro — Deacon Samuel Spencer. Mmatc Harbor — Rev. J. F. Kemp ton. Haccan — Brother W. B. Blenkhorn. icer John — Brethren Nelson Sutherland, Robert Allan. fhstow West — Rev. S. March, Deacon Samuel McKinhnj'. pnslow East — Rev. S. March, Bro. J. W. Lyons. wer Economy — Rev. A. E. Ingram, Deacon Josiah Soloy. Ifper Economy and Portawpique — Deiicons George Davison, J. Carr, thomas Fulton. mt Village — Deacon Ezra Lay ton, Brother Archibald Thompson. IT Glasgow — C. H. Martell, (Lie). Bert River — Brethren Wm. McCuUy and D. C. Stevens. 'mo — Deaccftis Lyman Walker and Richard Upham. wrcncctown — Rev. G. N. Ballentine. Wax 1.?/— Brother S. Selden. 'mkfield — H. B. Shaffher, (Lie). fadian Mines — J. D. Cook. tile River— ¥. H. Rushton. [Itiiibers present in their own right, viz. : — mU. J. F. Kempton, H. Bool, P. R. Foster,^./. H. Robtnns, D. \V. itlall, Isa. Wallace, W. H. Warren, Samuel Thompson, Henry iivited to a seat : — Neon A. A. PineOf Bro. Wm. Curamings, Rev. John Coombs, Bro. ilcCurdy. "ted to close this session at 5 o'clock, P. M., and the evening "H to open at 7 P. M, ■•ll If .11 30 Resohed, That the Minutes of the Union be printed with tlie| Minutes of each of the Associations. Upon motion, Rev^ W. Hv Warren^ Corresponding SecietanJ Ijvo. tern., read the report of the Executive Board, with that of th^ Treasurer. Res:olved to consider the Iieport clause hy clause. The Chairman called upon liev. I. Wallace to offer a prayer o| thanksgiving to God for the success attending the efforts and labon of the Union the past year. Clause by clause of the Report was then taken up ; spoken \\ hy several of the brethren, and four clauses were adopted^ \vh\ the Union adj(jurned with prayer by Rev. P. R. Foster. Session opened by singing FRIDA Y-^Evening Session, " Mfyestic sweetnesis sits enthroned, Upon the Saviour's brow," and prayer by Rev. Dr. Sawyer. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The Report was again tr.ken up, the clauses referring to tlj French Mission and Book Concern receiving special proniiueiice. On motion the Report was adopted as a whole. The Treasurer's Report was adopted. Moved by Dr. Sawyer, seconded and adopted, that :— "Whereas, It appears that the Board have not had any corresponj ence with the Grovernors of Acadia College concerning the relaticT of this Union to the Theological Department of the College, thou^ the last clause of the third paragraph of the Report of the last ye as appears on the 35th page of the Minutes, required such cij respondence ; Resolved, — That the Board be instructed to open correspondenJ with the (xovernors of the College on the subject referred to, «ithj view to bringing it to a termination that shall be satisfactory to i parties concerned. It was voted that the Board be located for the ensuing year j Yarmouth. It was voted that G. E. Day, A. C. Robbins, A. Cohoon, I Anderson, W. A. C. Randall, E. M. Keirstead, W. R. Doty, T. Kinney, W. H. Warren, J. A. Stubbert, J. Rowe, Joshua Huo?!] J. W. Weeks be the members of the Board for the ensuing ye Also voted that the Board be empowered to fill any vacauc] that may occur during the year. It was agreed that we proceed to elect the 31 OFFICERS. President — Hon. Dr. Parker. \'ke-P /"eiidents — Rev. J. E. Goucher, for Eastern Association! Bro. S. Selden, Central <' Rev. W. G. Parker, Western « " D. McDonald, P.E.Island " Secre/flfiVs— Brethren Ballentine and Kempton. directors — A. P. Shand, Revds. S. B. Kemi^ton, E. M. iSaunders, J. .Manning, J. C. Bleakney, D. W. C. Dimock, S. B. Kempton, and leacon J. W. Barsa, Central Association 5 Revds. E Whitman, G. Uiates, G. D. Cox, J. W. Bancroft, J. M. Parker, C. Tuppor, D.D., hn Clark, and Bro. B. H. Parker, for Western Association ; Brethren lil.King, N. Dobson, Moses Lowe, W. Cummings, J. R. Read, Amos }tki.ison, A. W. McDonald, and Rev. D. McKeen, for Eastern Asso- Btion; and Geo. McNeil, J. C. Colhoun, Jas. DesBrinay, George kvies, Alex. Scott, Artemas Hooper, Malcom Ross, and Ebenezer [i-litone, for Prince Edward Island. hdilor—D. R. Eaton. Moved by Rev. I. Wallace and seconded by Eev. G. X. Ballan- Whfi-eas, There appears to be much difficulty to secure a sufH- Jently large or general representation of the churches at the annual <tings of this body ; [iarf whereas, It seems highly desirable that the denomination ■oughout these Maritime Provinces become more intimately bainted with its Home Missionary op>3rations : ikd whereas, The New Brunswick Baptist Home Missionary Society liti recent annual meeting, expressed itself favorably with regard Ireporting its work to the General Convention of these Provinces ; |r/i«rf/()re resolved, That this Union hereby express its opinion lOrably as to the desirableness and practicability of holding its Dual meetings in connexion with said Convention, and of having jwork reviewed by and incorporated with that body. |Vote(l thanks to the Board for service, and to the people of the nimmity for their kind efforts to accommodate this Union. lAdjuurned to meet with the Central Asssciation at Canard next « J. F. Kempton, G. X. Ballentik > Secretaries. ;i 1 !* '-:^ ^ * ? ■ FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OP THE NOVA SCOTIA BAPTIST HOME MISSIONARY UNIOII 111 presenting their fiftli Annual Report the Executive Boaid oft Nova 8colia Baptist Home ]\Iissionary Union desire to mako ful nieiiti(jii of the nianifoUl blessings wliich an indulgent Fall has been jileased to liestow uj)oii our efl'orts during the pastvti It has l)een a year of comparative prosperity. Difficulties been overcome, burdens have be«!n removed and an amount of ff(J performed altogether beyond our anticipation. Having entered! on tlu! duties of the year Avith a heavy del)t resting upon our ( eheijuer, Ave liave had occasion for increasing gratitude in wi in,i: from month to month the gradual diminution of our lialiiliti whilst at the same time a fair degree of progress has been luatkl our missionary operations. THE LINE OF POLICV PUHSUED. It was deemed expedient by your Board, in enterring uponlj rtisponsibilites of the year, not only to .adopt the most ecDiion methods of carrying on the work in which we were engaged, also to pursue the policy of retrenchment so for at least aj| ensure the liquidation of all our debts before the close of the ; We are happy to state that this purpose has been well-nigh etfecti In pursuing this lino of policy however wo have necessarily restricj our efforts in evangelization to such a degree that the work pcrfon and the consequent results are small Avhcn compared with tk former years. It is by no means a difficult matter so to ma the business of our Board as to he able to report a satisfactory! ance in hand. That can be done simply by neglecti:);,' lielpl fields, turning a deaf ear to the urgent appeals for aid Avhiclic to us almost every week, and i)erniitting immortal souls to ] without making any other attempt to secure their salvation, wp are not ambitious f(jr the fame of those societies which boi)l| solvent treasuries and have nothing else to report. GENERAL AGENCY. In folloAving out the course suggested by their own convici and in agreement with your recommendation of last your Board endeavoured to secure at the earliest poaj date the services of an efficient General Agent. The tiiski difficult one ;. and for several months our etf orts were inetfd We were pleased to learn in the early part of last Dccomberj Rev. J. II. Robbins was Avilling to* undertake this important i EPORT iioNARY mm\ S3 P circumstances were snrf, h h;'".i..s of the ^;J^Zt """''».»•".' not o„.„ „„ M It a very short tim,,. i„ u-hj?,,, ' "l" '"■■pnnina of Fehrnar v desire to mak«gnd%^^ave jaiich excee<le, n,^ "" """* ^^t^^erto been llr , an indiUgent Flf-f our y „t, conside • . ^^^^^^^^^^^^ agency thife; luring tlu. pasty»'^een vastly greater an,] morT L I '''"^''^^'"^'"Tcharacte^^ r. Difficulties 1* '"ost any otiier missiona cJnn / ]"" '^'f '''^^ than h 5 id an amount of w»'"i^^ a<J"I'fo(I and the ^vov] .u ,^^f '^''^^i our Board '/r f • *^ ^'^^ P^rusalof his omi 'J herein forward- thp «.,+ .«! Ag,,n, *^ «'«' '<'«*.•■» re,«rt of „,v work „, Executive Board of desire to mako an d ;y. i)iffi. ndan amount of m Having entered resting upon our gratitude in witiw titm of our liaLiliiii' ress has been luaJel rED. n enterring upon tlie most econo. re were engaged, 'f--l "i.«n the work o„ Ja,. oo , '!" (- ■■'''■"■•"■•J to :,.ake a r";,;'"' "'""■■"-l until April ,' t« Yarmouth. 1 „,« „t hoC " '■■' I "■ " '■'"""■"' "f "'y Tfc )»T.o,l of ,„y ,„,,,.' "™ ■; »"« day on business of n v the close ot the y«t.irtecl subscription ' ^'^^PCUta 1 1 ,Sr:;a,-^o..ble » jni«, l to the ei.„n..tances 1 Km their .Hspodtion a, n ™ , f """"^ ^«''''"»«. "' o^Ie N' they st„o,i 'of assirta ce i"^ , " <^™Wtate, o/ the n« U, of the year it woj bo W To '"''^^^ '" ■«"'"»' *'"«»* or to do evangelistic work " "'"^ "'»='' ««»' it tlie work piirfoi mpared witli thos matter so to iiiar art a satisfactory Y neglecting lieli s for aid Avliicli nortal souLs to their salvation. . cieties which boasl )ort [leir own convid ation of last phe earliest mt. The taski orts were iiietfec f last Decomtef this important 1 . j^^^^ ""6^"»ue work. '■ — ^""^^ Kthe^LS^tV^Efw^^^^ ''"'P 1'-'°" i" their work h»ually destitute iiSd ';S rt£;'f '? "'""'" "'«'>'*' pan nnperative duty resfin.r ,? ° * *''^ ^^st command I cmnch to give somethinc^ and I rml... '^ ''''^^^^^ "^^^nber I ° I-nnciple and intelJi.^itlv T ''•'"' ^"^ P^'^'^'^^^^e them h'erts have been gained "'' " ^^'''' '' ^'^^^^^ to hope tla Among other things I have suggested iuiproveil systems of rai ing funds and have introduced these systems in several church A good general method is to name an amount such as mii reasonably be expected to be raised l)y a given church, and th show with what ease the money can bo obtained on the priiidij of each member contributing a small Hum weekly or monthly. My strong conviction after three months experience i.s thati energetic man should be kept constantly employed as a mifigjon explorer, inspector and rejMjrter, going to the destitute tields i thence to the stronger churches to stir them uj) with facts suchl only a missionary can full understan«l and describe, I sec opp tunities for doing much in the way of securing and arraiii,'in}j i untary missionary work on tne i)art of pastors, anil 1 have al several such projects in view." It is thus seen that the labors of our Agent are not to he mj urod, in estimating their utility, by the immediate pecuniary that have ])een secured. He has done valuable Avork as a niissioDi He has, after careful personal inspection, given judicious advif^ our Board in reference to the allocation of tields, and appointment of misdonaries ; and he has been by no means cessful in raising funds. We strongly advise the Board who succeed us to continue his services. MISSIONARY WORK UNDERTAKEN. As already intimated, your Board have made comparatively missionary appointments during the year. I^irnest and appeals for assistance came to us from many destitute places.! large number of applications for appointments were made hy m missionaries, both young and old. Every legitimate efl'ort was to introduce unemployed ministers to unoccupied fields; sim] recommendation, but beyond this it was deemed inexpediei venture until our treasury should assume a more hopeful ajiptai It was thought advisable to disburse the limited funds at our in the form of small subsidies to such missionary churches stations as we have had '•eason to fear mi<:ht be abandoned aided by our treasury. Towards the of the year, ho^ when our financial prospects seemed to brighten in some we felt constrained to yield to the pressing appeal of several i ed stations, and to send missionaries to labor therein furl months. Ignoring sectional distinctions, your Board liave ( oured to secure missionary laborers for such fields as api)earei most in need of assistance. Although aware of the general t#ij to dissatisfaction in cases where some missionaries are a^sL^tJ others refused, we have had no alternative but dimply to our best judgement in sending our funds where they seer.?' most imperatively demanded or where the interests of oiirj might be best subserved. Your Board have been particularly careful to secure the [ ent occupancy of our fields in Annapolis, Shelburne and ^ewf "•ork 'irie« ^h me eare resul ssionn that as ei ^e pa.< th th( 'Dient utiimr ake s( chiirc for coiilc roved systems of nflr • 8 in several churc*/""? ^J'P <*« that these uU. iouut such us liMrl '^'«"* centres Tf fii t '! •'' "^P'^b beconi/n. • ven church, and X'^tfy ;vas granted to c.fcK/ .^"^''^nce/ A^^.^^^ iekly oL ^ experience in thati )loyed us a niissiow tie destitute fields a| with facts suchj I St'O OpjT tie up 1 describe ing and arranging rs, and 1 have ah lount such as im ifM ..m " ," T"'^"^"^ centres of tC^^*-'! "'" "»piuiy beconn'r,-, • ven church, «„d iW 't"'j' "<« Smn.ed to^/ ■"""""ce/ A c„» Lr'T ained on the i.rmi " "'".^fy future thev tvHI """* P'»«» J but H 1 "'"''•■'^ y or ninthly, l"''',";' J'" '■> their tur"'. ""^ ''"'«"''" g upon ','T"""' ed a, --"^iouaeofVrinfiLt"" ^"««"«" a" earr','""""' "'" l"t year. ""wtion Jiavo hoen Kreativ „i ^ ' •'""1 J'keiA„dofCa,«„«,,„. ,„ ^'"'"^l-''".otedd„,.,n. Hliate pecuniary m15 "'" '"''"^e at Kive/r"^"' '"" ""'°ivcd 2 1 ''"' •■"'■ e work aa a n.iii.J.'fe'''^^ , "' "^"'"' »"'' •"'«„,,„«„!' .^■^"'f »"' ■en judicious. ■.mMI"""' S''"""''' Island a tih "" - v.. _ ■"'■'. Lower firand p,„ ° ' "as labored di.-.v /, * lias ,*<1 to tl" ehurJr ""'' ^*- I'<^tersBav '?' "'".>''""■ at ■«')■ Kcv. S H ^ '" ""ose placeTti.rn/^ ."",'"'"•■'■ ''avo l«.toral «em-eS fn'T"" '"^' "^n a ded hf '"" '■°»'™- ''«'■• VV. jj-f.i" '=<""'eetion with he J ^ ^''""' I'»ard ["'fe »nd viS-%^^l«nt three "„,tth:'"17\7, '!""- '•fiave received fJ.o 7 opening fields n« *i • ^^^erton, ^ an oc^su'': ■-'--'"' «'«!,tryo';rB™''?«-'' '■» |)wmanent mis.Ln? V^"' ""twithstandin,; .n "'''^^ ""J e work as a niissioDi - --■'-■-=• iidvia , and m by no niejins ) the Board wlio 'AKEN. ado comparatively l^irnest and ui] y destitute places. tswere made by wr „. "^wision of rem-pf fk . -"""^''tion ol your n..^ 7 itimate effort w.^»» «^t«ally perform,, "X/nfu "' *^^ ^^estorn iofi^ "r"'*' upied fields; si.n*';''^b'lty of missi,,^'^^^^^^^ iiemed inexpedif*.?- Sweet, of Aca Ha Pon ''"?^^^^ '^^^^ our Ito "r^^'^^'- ore hopeful aWl ^^^ *^-t his minSttfons^'^yr' ^'"^^"^ ^^b^T ;;^7;^* ed funds at ourdifB '"""^ ^"^ be greatly blessed ssionary cliurchesB ^^^j^ JH^ prench mission. orehopef — ^c ed funds at our— " «^«»wy blessed ^ " ssionary churchesH ^^^.j^ "*= prench mission. it be abandoned* ■ I -oro. ^orniondav w.-fl- of t..e.year,h.fcho a, ,^^%J.^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ,.hten m see M ^^ ^^d „''yjhfea,„e standard ' The S"'; "'«-f»'^' h'^lts foiwTn^ f°"'"''''''le "'a>' those of P."""' '° b" xioaary C'l?-"^ ''""'"luently f^-or i^'T'"""'" ^-^^Ws, ,*»' »»«e goS in '"''"""g and" ™t «» ai'I-arent.' 1 »» either ,n5.r '"^ "^en done r; v! "avo reason to ^a"Te ^tc' '^'«««% -u,t^lt:rr '°''.--» 1"^ the r)r»,pnf . . ^^^^^ are not vet f,.? :• ^"^ssion htin~rat^ °^ '^^'« miss o„' '"^^^ .««t^«fied, bow- ... ""7 °V*:,»tumn it was f,^?' '""^ demanded -^"^^^&'*^"ient and interests of ow«, 1 ' "- »as thought arivi'oovi . »«f some personal Iff /.^'^^^^ *« authorize T^r. at I * ti..*'^»rches w! ?-^^^'''= ^« the wav If ,1 ^ornion- l to secure the^ . "«s. We did not sufrrrp«f * 1, ^ °^ coliectina f,,,, 7 ,urneand.e,»,„t^-iMpe.a^^^^^^^^ of the year, ighten in some ppeal of several li ibor tlierein for ur Board have "■ fields as apjioart. of the general to >naries are a^sistt hut iiniply t^' 1 tiere they smd interests of 0" d to secure the li 10 secure uit;)^ , —• " « aid not surrrr«of *i. "^ "^ couectintr fnn ? ♦'; I m 3C THE BOOK DEPAUTMEiVT, Iii tho opiuion of your Board there is as much neoJ of Hiiiitii literature in our Sumlay-Scliuols as there is of Jiaptist prencliiriL;/ our churclios. There wouM be an much in'ojiriety in Hecuring fJ our pul[)it8 ministers who systematically avoid any reference t<>, di.stinctivo doctrinen, as there is ino])taining hooks the teacliinpj which are guided by that principle. The introduction of sucliln.! into our Sunday Schools is a concession to other denoniinati that is operating disastrously against our oAvn interests. During the past year your Board have distriljuted ui)\Tiiri!> 1510 volumes of such literature »8 we uould heartily recoiiiiinij Ab(jut 13,800 pages of ndigious and temperance tracts wen; gratuitously circulated. The cost of these books and tracts did exceed $600,00 ; whilst the receipts arising from volunifs amounted to $030.00, The balance of l>)oks on haiwl mav estimated at about $200. 00 in value. It givers us much satisfn to state that during the past four years more than $3,600.00 woj of wholesome Baptist literature has been spread abroad tlirou;- our land bj' means of our J>ook Department. In order to kJ the e.\peuso of this ilepartment it was thought desirable todisiJ witli the services of coli)orteur.«i, Dr. I)ay has, witlunit remuneration, and at the cost of much labor, received tin; h^ into his own house, unpacked them, re-i)ackod and forwarded ac<;ording to order. This lias materiallly lessened our expt'iidit!! and, iis a result, the Book Department is not only wholly ; sustained, but it is of some financial advantage to the llj Mission treasury. Your Board earnestly recommend the immediate establish of a Book Room for the benelit of the Baptists of the Mahj Provinces. It will be for the wisdom of our denomiuatioj decide upon the location of such a Room, and upon the; practicable methotl of conducting and superintending its arrangements. FINANCES, The present condition of our treasury is very satisfactory. heavy debt of $3457.44 which encumbered your Board aj beginning of the year has been gradually paid off" ; and at tii there are funds in hand not only to entirely liquidate tliatj but also to meet all our liabilities up to the present leaving a considerable balance in our favor. This balance ^1 largely increased by the contributions from the Eastern ami Island Associations, Your Board is thus in a position to CJJ to the care of their successors the important interests coiii with this enterprise, free from all encumbrances and embarroxj The total amount of receipts may, at first sight, seem to coj very unfavorably with that of the preceding year, ^\^i'' borne in mind, however, that most of our missionanK received subsidies during the past year, and that uiiilti uich neod of Hapta proacliinj iriuty in Hecuring ii [ iiuy reference to o( books the ttacliiiigitj (luction of Hiich In li other denomiiiati i| interests, strihiited upwanK heartily recimiiut iince tracts wen? loks nnd tracts iliil I,' from vohiiiifs :i iks on haiwl inav !S us much siitisbt than $3,600.00 woj sad abroad tlirotif;!i . In order to h i desirable to disjtej ly hasy without r, received tlio 1 and forwarded lued our expfiidit'ii not only -wholly i 'antage to the IIJ nediate estahlisha tists of the M;ih| our denoiniuatiol and upon thei intending its kl jry satisfactory. d your Board al d off"; and attliij • liquidate tliatj the present mol This balance w he Eastern ami a position to cij nt interests m 3S and embarrasiij sight, seem too^jl ng year. "^^Tit'l )ur missionan»| and that uuJ^ at Mr I Til i. .: .X',,:;:' --"S ; SV,";" -:••:,. "" '""■"'« tiK yeac, ,t„J '''«/tjr:;i£ -'i%«i h "■„ 38 B I ''I o '8UOIP3IIOQ 'Bia8]}d«g •83lOOa •saiiK •9%m\ aamo 'SUOUUOg •83(aaAi IE X^K <n A'pjgqng >-t o ») X iN M >a « ■ ■» X •« SIN 5g! :§J :2 : irt t- -« (M 35 s s « m in .fco c 5 !M 11 . 50 w 1 36 e^ c<5 . uj » c i-l • « s iSep»J5C5»I»OiMI—9)'«KO i-(»5i-cf-i*5xo5ini-i-<f» ooo^i l3§3t-S*5xoJi;MSjSt-o»5» t— 1 o s s -^i^ i * 3 1^ »«0»i-l»l'>>MC-MC5 IM WIN ifl »J iM »» » e5 lb O a ■< O S8 5 „ 3 > g U as « t > XOiSS 3 . 08 5 S»5c ■3-3^ C C '^ _&■ - it's e« i 3 S" 'S 88S88S IS '" 2 2 2 ® 2 I © t-V O O O O) I o w ©1 1-t »-♦ c > g-3 53 eft? 2 2 >'3 '3-^'S 5 " g O 3 3 >•. C_S 3 3-= = 5 • •« •3 : 3 .« : s SJ 3 •- IS •2 3 as M ^ "3 «S ? S Jl V—. M ot sliifi ■3 ; = slil :«»l>»iS.«lU««^iS««^.» *«a«, „j»5iiiiii, ,„■ :S 3? I o s IN -^i^ Si I » I »-* "a o In-,- «* 39 I it ^nll be seen from tim f Lent, imve been i . ^^^^^'«^ng tabJe that ]« . • • |teveJJe.l, in ajj^'/g oo«?";'^"«^i«n during tlLv ^"^^'2?'»"«« and \imO pages of SV T'*^ ^'65'« famUv '•?''"'' '^"e^i^led J In conclusion it ,-/A . ^*^"cerne(i. *"^"'* churches, Ibjii" of A/1- 1 "® sincere nrav«^ r fin'lt'f'd hoix.fnl i? ^* ^'"^s tone in !i. *^"°^*8 of our I "^ ''"wmtted m behalf of tb.. tt WABlUfjEs. l«-.Normon,i,ij.» ,l%'?in8*. $228 71 J' freeiiii,,,*. 200 00 tB.Corey*. _• 200 00 ' H.iiliiil),*,,, ' 165 00 J. •}■ K ida( 111, (I Jrobkbi vi '"^ <W ■'■• Anderson . .•.'■(.nives... • ieout . Total. 57 50 30 00 80 Sfl 138 09 .»1375 ASSETS. 5- ^- '• Treasury *, ,* ^-^ Sroodsubs.. Var n^"" •''*^ *^ ^•*'^- ^o.... 145 00 « 337 U ^-li-atSa.W„,e.,3OOO0O "*''®' 2000 no — 6000 00 BOOK DBPARTMEVT fS|;S%,r«'"»;^n„H.,,i. 61 08 ToUl 'M m y ; a; ('<.■ f JSorva Bcotia Baptist Home Missionary Union in account with Vni D. Kinney, Treasurer. 1876. June 14. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. 2(). July .S. 6. 7. 1.1. 14. Aug. 1. 4. 10. 21. 23. Sept. 1. 28. Nov. 1. Dfc. 7. 11. 14. Mi. 1877. Jan. 11. l(t. Feb. ft. 21. March 1. ft. u. 21. April »Iay ft. 1. 7. 10. 22. Dr. Paid for Stutlonery, Postage, &c. Paid .-^I. W. Urown for Prof. Weltou Kev. T. A. Higgins, Annapolis Kev. A. K. Ingram. MahoueBay Rev. ,J. Brown. Cow Bay , S. Seidell, printiag Minutes Kev. P. S. McGregor, Cumberland Kev. W. U. Warren, expenses to Central Aasoclation Fred. 1). Crawley, Pleasantville. Luuenburg Kev. AVilliam Spencer, Alton, Kings Co Rev. Obed Parker, Mountains, King« Co Expense collecting Hon. C. R. Bill's legacy Kev. T. A. Higgins, Annapolis S. Selden. printing Western Association Minutes Kev. D. Freeman, New Glasgow Rev. A. E. Ingrain. Malione Bay Kev. W. B. Bradshaw, Argyle. J. C. Plumb, New Albany. $10.50. P. O. orders, postage, &c., ^i.M.. Kev. G. W. Thomas, near Canseau Rev. J. K. t>kinner, Margaree Kev. F. A. Kidson, JJundas, P. E. Island K«v. I>. McDonald, P. K. I., ?llt«.8y. K. H. Bishop, Hants Co.. $34.«5 Rev. A. E. lr;s;rain, Malione Bay CharK's Norwood, New Ross and Blue Mountain Kev. M. W. Brown, P. E. Island Kev. F. A. Kidson. Dundas. P. E. Islanii lie V. E. N. Archibald, Shelburne Kev. E. T. Carbonell. Itiver John, Pictou Kev. D. H. Simpson, P. E. I.. SIO.OO. P. O. orders, postage, &c.,$o.'>« C. I. Graves, Guysboro' and Antigonish D. W. Crandall, Pugwash, SIO.OC. D. H. Simpson, P. E. I., $:.'*.00,. Thoma.s Trotter, Shelburne Copying Press iind materials Postage, &c., $4.27. Freight of books, $5.00 Postages, SI. 16. Dec. 7— Key. T. A. Higgins, Annapolis, $300.00 S. Selden for printing Kev. .Tolin Brown, Sillton, Queens Co Telegram.', &c.. $1.60. llxpenses Draft, &c.. 82.6ft E. J. Craut, Port Hawkesbury Kev. E. N. Archibald. Osborne. $20.00. S. Selden. printing. $4.75... Gardner Tufts, colporteur, $a8.K. D. H. Simpson, P. E. I., !?4:'.00.. Kev. John Stuiw, P. E. Island Rev. J . R. Skinner. Mabou. C. b Rev. G. N. Biillentine, Maitland, Hant^t Co " G. W. Thomas, Canseau, $56.00. 15— G. H. Springer, for books. V''*> Rev. Dr. McDonald, North Sydney, $40.00. Rev. D. McLeod, $I50.uO i ifl Hi- :''jfl I ftjH J %| ^ 24^1 2, 6iH .).' 5'J^I ly :! kH 41 H (>. M^l it. M 14. f 1. 17 ^m 19. Rev. E. T. Carbonell. River John, Pictou 1'. O. order, postages, &c Rev. A. E. Ingram, Upper Economy, Coif^hester Co Thos. Trotter. $2">.00. Feb. 5— Geo. H. Springer, book^. $14ii.0fi. Rev. David Freeman, $.')0.00. G. H. Springer, books, $50.60 Rev. J. Brown, Cow Bay Kev. W. B. Bradshaw. Argyle Kev. T. A. Higgins. Annapolis Rev. AV. B. Bradshaw. Argyle Rev. F. A. Kldsou, P. E. Island Rev. F. A. Gordon. July. 1876 Printing Island Association Minutes Kev. T. A. Higgins. AnnapoliB Kev. D. Freeman. $.30.00 ; expenses. $0.32 Kev. J. H. Kobbins, $15M.78; expenses, $0.60 Kjv. W. B. Bradshaw, $41.00; expenses, $0.17 Rev. J. H. Bobbins Duties, freight. $;4.S5. G. H. Springer, books, $100.00. Kev. J. H . Kobbine, $10.00. Freight and dutv. $7.36. . Postage, &c.. $3.80. (i. H. Springer, books, $60.(h». . . . Freiijlit, duty, &c., $1.62. Rev. E. B. Corey, $60.00.. . . JFrdi{ht, duty, &c *. h 2. J 9. K ^!. ^\ i; 11( ^v. ;3i. 15,., 1 i J{ev . ^^ f GlTf . ''• liOoi \^ Lo«- A.H (^lielj Biilai ,„ Mrs., !'!■ L-ppe, ril'yf Temp] By balf SdUti), \. ji 31. n in account with PeaJ 41 — ^ ^'"'I'lceiiiLau.f .''.'V ^^Partn.ent account ^'^- ^''^^"".P K r'*iA<; ,;'« '•■> ''9*00 160 (XI '••• J!... ,.T JKC. flit 2. Ill W. 2i. .'iO. it 3, fen\^i^*.l>uror Cr. 50 <y 51 ¥j^^^K$ii:m^'i3^^^ iMart'st i«,L^. ';'.'" i*«l. from Kav P i w. .'\"'0"«ie n'est ni * " V • • «5W5 l/;i I.'. lapolis, $300.00.. 2. 9. |?6. !■«. 15. I ^'' 131. i t .5. Ji; ^ev-. w u n'-'"^'^' «nfp Harbor .00 7. J booic^. 814().uii ■ )k8, $50.60 ■ ''^^"'ancelnhand.... ^^>«min.ciaa;;o'u;;;;:,;:;;- ^' ''■W-IUlkv, '{Auditors. 3.00. .36.. Acadten French Mission in account with Peavl D. Klnnejr, Treasurer,! 187ft. Dk. July 3. Paid Rev. M. Normonday 1114 jil BookH to KeV. M. Normonday -, 4V 1877. May 31. Paid Rev. M. Normonday at sundry times 4tri 15.361 1870. Cft. June 27. By received from Western Association ....)IHJ July 0. do Central do SH Aug. 1. Newport Church, 0.60. 3— Great Village Chorcli, 1.00 ij 1877. Feb. 21. J. W. Barss. Esq., 5.00. Mrs. S. A. Wfber, Ship Harbor, 1.00 H Rev. W. 11. Boggs and wife, 1.00. Noah A. Dimock, Esq., 5.*0 d •^ March .3. Rev. Dr. Cramp. 4.00. Miss Cramp. 1.00 i\ '^ 6. George Davies. Esq., Churlottetown, P. E.I 10^ Arciiibald McDonald, Vernon III ver, P. E. 1 2 f ■ 8. A friend, Windsor. 5.00. Wolfvllle Church, 10.76 21J 7.J 16. Port Hnwkesbury Church, Cape Breton tl •m 28. Annapolis Church, 5.00. tlrooktleld Church. 4.40 H H Caledonia Church. 1.60. Rev. M. Normonday, collection, 102.3:i.... ll April 6. Westport Church, 10.00. Ist Coriiwallls Church, 20.00 301 14. Upper Wilmot CI urch, 20.00. Bilitown Church, 10.00 3tj Lower Aylesford and South Wilmot Church 30J 28. Weymouth Church,8.60. Rev. M. Normonday, collection, 11.72 Ml May 2. Rev. J. H. Robbins, collected on field 31. Chebogue Church, 1.80. Ohio Church, Yarmouth. 20.00 BIrs. A. Cogswell, 1.00. Milton Church, Yarmouth, 16.00 lil Balance M im June 1. To balance ^\ Examined and found correct, J. C. Andkr.sox, { A,.ji.„„ J.H.HALEY, 'Auditor;. Yarmouth, N. S., July 9th, 1S77. lire ., '-i ■ TiieoIos:ical Department in account with Fearl D. Kinney, TreaHirS'l? 1876. D>. I i] June 19. To taid Professor Welton | ; 22. " ♦• ji^. 1877. Ki'" ■■ May 21. " " balance ^f salary gWiditures, July 1.3. By received from Wm. Cummings, Esq ifl ]ju Isaac Blair, 6.00. Nathan ArclilDuld, 6.00 1877. ^ May 31. Balasce transferred to Home Mi.«sion account aW'"'"'.'N Examined aud found correct, J. C. ASDKKSOJf. I A,,.- ,AK J. H. Halkv, ^"""''' Yarmouth, N, S. July Otb, 1877. Kinnesr. Treawrw,»„. gcotJa Bmotimt ^ f OLASSmED STATEMENT -*"■'*»«.,.,<,.„,„ I... ..Hl^;''i?,y''"<iwX'':!::*^^^^^^^^ •■««« ;•" ^W ', ^''t'lburne « 5 •''•'?. (or printing ""^^^nts (i^i^ 2 ■"•"wy. expenses poIi«A;' 67-2 -m i^M "•"=/»> *C toj /ut q^M •••••• •■• u<i OQ lectVoii, loiiVw.... . 103B .!!! ^4 1* 20.00 wBniance from i„ * r« — "^ ^^■"^ ^B£^"-S^^^^^^^^^^ .''":... •^^i^ ^»«<^««»' ''■'■' »/'?!f-d'ia"''«'^^^^^^^^ » 1 53 ^'" ^^-^ jfc^-eiaJuin:::::: -:::::::::::: —:::::::::: — SS #"'«Ji&&/:^.K^^;?^r^^^ __ ♦4045 92 Kinuey, Treasu*;;- • " « « « missions. ■ ^'ijan^Vn'hand::;:;:^-'"///.:.'::;;:-^^^^^ i5„5 ■'^, *'JS1 41 Jfc; ?"^^^" »"««'ox. •«* 51 '^'"ancedue'TrVaVure;:: ••••■••■.■.■.■.•;. $480 6? tm iiiiJancei;'VV S **" ^^ . 6518 34 «is.X£r, Treasurer. .KDRK80N. I A.,,-,., COl^STITUTIOIsr OK THE a .m N. S. Baptist Home Missionary Uni: 1. The consolidation of our Home Missionary organizations, English ami French' woukl in the estimation of this Convention, teJ to the more rapid advancement of the Ketleemer's Kingdom in \i Province ; — the Freneh Mission to considered a separate Departmej and all gifts bequests, i&c, matle to the French Mission to go to ilf Department. 2, This Convention shall be called the Nova Scotia Baptist IIo^ Missionary Union. ■i. The object of this Union shall be to promote the spread offl gospel througliout the Provines of Nova Scotia, P. E. Lslainl the Island of Newfoundland, the fostering of feeble Churches, planting of new ones, and the dissemination of denominational i rature. 4. This Union sliall be composed of ordained Baptist ministen good standing with their respective churches in the Province,! delegates appointed by the Churches, each Churcdi in good stanij with its respective Association sending not more than three delegai together with the President of Acadia College, tJie Principal of c"- ) Theological Institute, and the Principal of Morton Academy, same being members of Baptist Churches in good standing. .'"). The officers of the Union shall be a President, who sh elected annually by ballot; four Vice-Presidents, one fromi Association, two Secretaries, and an Auditor, all of whom slial| a])i>ointed by open vote. <). The Union shall annually appoint and locate an Execij Board of thirteen sii table men, seven of whom shall form a quoij and every Baptist I'astor in the Province shall have the privile^ meeting with the ]ioard, and taking i)art in its deliberations ; voting ; the officers of the Society named above to be ex-o| members of the Boai-d. 7. The duty of tliis Board shall be to conduct the Missionanj of the Union, and ii'port yearly to the same, or oftener it' reqij S. There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Union held ineij the Nova Scotia B;;|itist Associations, in turn, to assemble thd previous to the me .ting of the Association with which it is li«Ij 10 o'clock, a. m. y. This Union sliall appoint annually a Board of Directoj consist of eight froin each Association composing the Union,' duty it shall be to ^ive advice to the Executive Board in csi emergency, and by the written requisition of eight or more of « the President shall ^all a special meeting of the Union. 10. No altoration of this Constitution shall be made unle5s| two-third affirmative vote of the members present at ani meeting. OInT onary Unici iry organizations, b if this Convention, tt inor's Kingdom in til a separate Dopartmej 11 Mission to go to tlr I Scotia Baptist Hoj aote the S2:>read oflj )tia, P. E. Island,! t' feeble Churclies, | >{" denominational i d Baptist minister! > in the Province,! uroh in good stand e than three deled ', tJie Princi))al ofl Ilorton Acadoniy, ood standing. resident, who ik. idonts, one fromi all of whom slu' c OF THE S^I^U^t f*i»ti„ [Cliurchefi of wS ;f ?*''^'«"«n «l.all consist of n , r ""t t-'xceeding five fmm "' ^^le^att-g from p *"''" be a member of' has the AssolZo^ZZ'lZ «"^ ^«soci«t/oT'„l:r3«";f"^^««oda *T. 3nI_Each Church ,h«n . '^ '" "* "'«^ h,- ST. 4th.- At each meeti„„ r.r .. «fJ'lition ^5"l-It «ha.ll hn w.. ...... , "" '"^ «»«c-e8sor^i: I locate an ExecJ n shall formaquoij . have the privilej deliberations ; bol above to be e.x-o| ;t the Missionarjj 3r oftener if reqaj Union hold in eij , to assemble m ,h which it is ' ' P l» it« peace ,ml ^^ . "'= Mt vear «,,J ' P"'":iilarl,. ,,,fi.P • 7'h.- When any Ch,. . . "'"'^*^« «PPointed shall fW;«"dof fellow Sip^«««^'"^^'on. Kiveto one'oT' t?S"' "'*^ ^«^«'-- • «'''-When any Ch»r h . „ '"^■^sengers present Iii :^ 'H /■H *.' Aur lotli.— The reliprious sentiments of this bo(iy are those exprt-sseil the " ArticU^s of tli(! Faith and I'ractiee of the Baptist Churches ui NH Scotia." Art. 11th. — That the Moderator be authorized at any tinieduringt ycnr, to call n spocial meeting of ttie Association in pursuance of a roqiiisity signed l)y ti-ii members thereof. Akt. ritii. — Alterations and amendments may be made to this Conntitiiti by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any of its regu[ar nicetiiij RULES OF ORDER. RuLii 1st. — At every sittinj^, business shall be opened and clo.Hcd A prayer ; and immt diately aftt>r tiie opening, the Minuies of the pnuedj meeting shall be read and corrected. llcLB 2nd. — No member of the Association shall Iimvc the Sis^^ion ii.| the business is coneluded, without permission ot tiu' .\»i»o(iation. Rule <Jrd. — No subject sliall be discussed without a motion first ruadt j seconded. Rule 4th. — No person shall speak oftener than twi( c -m the same siibjj unless by permission of the body. RuLK 5th. — Brethren invited to a seat with us njay speak on all .sulijj under consideration, but vote on none. Rule 6th. — All resolutions shall be presented in writing. Rule 7th — Motions made and lost sliajl not be recorded on tht .Minn except so ordered at the time. RuLK 8th. — These rules shall be distinctly read from the Cliair atj opening of the Session. itiM" are those exprcsswl iptist Churclit'R 111 N,i at any time tluringt irsunnce of h rcqiiisiiij nadc to this Conntitiiti ' of its regii[ar rncetiiJ )p(Mie«l and closed A null's of tlie preceilf f.'ivc tJK' Srssinn hill t«<i()(iation. , motion first ruadei lie on the same siiM f spi'iik on ail .sulij| ritinjr. sconled on the Mii from the Cliair atl