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Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 VOTERS' I.IST, 1881. MD NICIPALITY OF BLANDFORD NOTE. —The Poat Office address of each person named in the Voters List is . indica- ted by the figure in the 6th column. The various Post Offices are represented by figures as follows : — 1, Bright ; 2, Ratho ; 3, Woodstock ; 4, Innerkip ; 5, Eastwood ; 6, Chesterfield ; 7, Princeton ; 8, Qoble's Oorners ; 9, Walmer ; 10, St. Thomas ; 11, Simcoe. ; , r : ; % ■ POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 1. Comprising all that part of the Township of Blandford lying west of the side line, be- tween lots 6 and 7 and south of the 7th Concession line. PAP-TI. Persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. o ;z5 10 11 54 56 398 53 44 60 51 Alexander, George Allenby, James Barwick, John do Bell, Robert Bickell, John, snn Broughton, Frederick Brown, A. L Brown, Daniel «. . . . do Burtoh, R. H do « ■ < ■ i -:. - - ;■■»-■■■ '.. ,' ep bf wi P np Q h n* e| 16 16 8 20,21 9 8 7 10 17 16 2 3 4 2 1 6 4 1 1 1 Ownev Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner ,, Owner ,,|j» Owner ; | Owner Tenant Owner Owner H Q 3 3 3 3 6 4 3 POLLQIi a ■ 87 92 89 90 91 70 72 77 78 76 82 79 80 88 110 111 107 108 109 106 106 123 133 143 137 163 148 147 164 166 160 188 189 186 177 178 179 Oawker, Samnsl .... do Ohambers, ThomaB. Ohainbers, William Chambers, Robert . Chambers, Peter. Chesney, UMn. ^ . . . Ctiesney^ Sf Wli^w ....<.... Clarke, James Clarke, William qiarjco; Charleff CoUell, JbseOh. Costello, Samuel. Costello, William. Cowman, William, Danbrook, Jtltiieri; Danbrook, George. Davis, James Davis, Anthony . . . Davis, Robert. . . . Dent, Thottias. . . ; •! ae i P P Doubledee, Edw&rd .....; ... ^ p b Earl, William. f M- Foster, Charles £ Ficht. John . Ferguson, Alexandjer. GoodatT, AftiATew:.. Gould, Jobn Gould, Gedrg^ Goulding, Robert . . Gouliing, James B. Graham, John Harringt66i, ]^iram . , Bariingt6h, Williao^ . Harris', J'atneir ■'<' w4 bf wpb f Dbf 9ini a w i HayWird, Aml>ro8e.' Haywiitd, John. . . , Hay tirard,Alf lied... 14, 15, l!8, 19, p ^ p s J 8 p >i 16, 20, lOl 11 19 19 19 17 14 Ola^kSt Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner lanant Owner Owner Owner Clwn<|r Tenant Owner Owner Owiidr S 3 2 2 2 1 3 •!twK 14 9 14 7 1^ 7 •7 7 7 11 20 26 17, 21, < 7 6 3 4 2 6 6 3 3 1 2 2 Clark St 2 2 3 Owh^r Owner Owner' Owner Owner Teti^Vit Owd^f Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner *fi!'^n^Y > son Ownet 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 I sed sub div 2. s<sbib1^aiv,2. sed'sub dlT 2. 4 3 6 1 3 4 4 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 8 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 8 8 3 4 3 5 3 4 4 6 6 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 POLUKO 8UBDIV18IOM NO. 1.— PART 1. 3 3 8 226 8 224 3 224 3 267 3 104 226 178 1B7 m 184 195 i99 206 263 264 265 278 266 259 276 277 269 224 271 192 275 272 270 273 273 269 HsyirBtd', JameB H . Heaver^ William . . . . Hogarth, .|.obn Huntingfora, Henry . Iibister, James So Janes, James King, do do Kirton, George. Lanoasier, Henry ........ Leitoh, Daniel' .*'. Leitch, Daniel J^ Lewis, E^. ....' Luddineton, A .' Lyne, Thomas I Martin, John sen Martin, Jc^^n jiin Martin, Ohart^s Marfin, Adam. Bfassun, John do Millar,' J^mes . Aiorik, Oharles Monk, Alexander Morrow, James Muir, Wil||iam Munro, Donald Murray, John McBea^h^ Pa^id McFarland, l^olton, do' do' MoMahoil.i NiohoUa MoMiohael, James MoMiohael, John. do ,do MoPhersori^ George 8 p B i 7 pbf 19 n ^ 9 s e p 16 awl 7 pbl 8 ae^ 16 s e i 15 8 W p IS 20 40, 41, 42, 43, sw^ n 8^ 12 nep 16 w^ei 17 22 23 24 25 52 53 2 2 3 1 6 6 1 2 1 2 OlarkSt 1 1 1 1 OlarkSt see sub div 2. Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner 14 14 14 10 17 18 8 12 11 10 12 19 9 13 8 9 8 16 n 12 11 12 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 2 3 3 4 4 1 Tenant Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owjier Ottner Owner Owner Owner Owtkve Ow»9r Ownw 0<rner Owner Owner TenaBt Tenant Tenant Ten»nt 6 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 POILINO SUBDIVISION NO. 1.— PABT 1. S 83 84 85 80 296 295 294 i 297 297 298 318 327 328 321 322 326 330 329 382 363 384 381 370 376 397 397 Nttllis, Elijah . . . . do do do Nellis, Joseph H. do do do Nellis, Thomas F. do do do Ndlia, P. E. F, . . do do do Pascoe, John do Pascoe, George Piitteaon, Thomas Charles do do do L iii do' I Tf Peers, John Peers, John Piper, William Reid, John Rubertshaw, John sen . . . Robertshaw, John jun. . . Robinson, Richard sen.. . PobtnaoD, Riohard jun.. . Rogers, B. H. Rose, Angus. Rowe, John . ■ 'A \, 1 ' r 1 li ■, ' Scott, James sen . ..;.... Scott, James jun. ..... . Scott, Robert Silcox, John ^jkillings, Edmund Small, Mathe8f)n. ...... Taylor, Georj^e . . . .: Taylor, George bf bf P ^i bf bf wj P I) f bf P wi bf bf P pbf P pa i 1011 12 13 60 61 62 63 65 66 07 68, 10 10 ', ....... swi *;;;; 7 ni 12 n i ■ 121 ...... ^ 7 p s e i 13 P M 21 P, n 20 bf bf s w J pbf n e * n w ini 17 1 18 1 17 2 18 9 18 1 17 1 17 2 18 2 17 1 18 1 17 2 18 2 18 1 17 1 17 2 18 2 26 2 19 2 20 2 8 2 9 2 7 2 7 2 8 1 59 64 Owner {Owner |Own.»r iOwner lOwner JOwner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner j^^. Owner I Owner Owner 10 10 9 19 7 bf n e 4 15 161, ClarkSt 2 2 6 I 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 2 6 3 !J>Tl Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant v>i' nri' ■\di liS! Owner Owner Tenant Ownei Owner Tenant Owner Farmer's, ^on, Tenant w ' Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 ^ i.*. POl-UNO BVBPIVI8I0H NO. 1.— PART 1. 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 4 3 3 6 5 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 4 3 396 39P j6 394 395 400 4=07 81 430 423 424 198 425 426 427 431 432 433 70 421 428 429 Taylor, William Thompaon, Joho Tuwna«od, John T Townsend, JR. H Townsend, F. E Tree, Alexander Vjjftge, Willi*ro do Welford, HeDi7 do do do do West, Jaijues West, SaopUw. West, Thomas Whittaker, H. T do WhitOi «f ohn 0eu Wh^te, John jun White, J W.,... Williamson, John Wilson, Benjamin Wilson, William W, Wilson, John M. 'Viae, Alexander. Woo4»U, Joseph. WoodsU^ Thomas Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner O.wnjr Faruu rs son Owner Owner Owner O^rner Owner Tenant Owner 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 FART 11. — Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only, 1 o NAME. LOT. i o Clark fit ■ 1 i , 52 [ t lb Bickle, Robert Oostin, Rioliard 78 9 10 >i 13 Owner [ncnme 3 3 PART III. NONE. 3 8 It 6 I T.l rolLI.NOHl'BDlViB:)N no. 2.— PART 1. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 2. Comprising all thai part of thi| Township of Blandford lying east of side line, between lots and 7, and south of the 7th Ooncesaion Line. 1 PART 1. List of Persona entitled to vote at both Muninipal Eleotions and Elections to the Legis- lative Asdemhly. irr- '5- ^ »5 O c tZ5 8 378 48 47 374 4r> 49 43 '<3 70 74 103 102 117 121 122 123 119 420 13G NAMES. Anderson, Henry S. Anderson, George . , Baker. Enoch.. . Baker, Nathaniel BaU, F. R Bond, Paul Broom, William. Burbank, Elam • • «,• • • • ; !^ Charles worth, George. Chesney, Henry Church, A. L. do ' ., Collins, John. Dunn, .Tames nej LOT. nek n w I n ^ R ^ 86 J* n i ei 8 ^ and D e ^ Dunn, George n Eaton, Edward . . Eden, Thomas. . . Eden, Amos Eden, Sanuie!. . . Edmonds, H iry. , Edmonds. Joseph do Faulkner, James awl o i O o 2 2 2 2 6 2 ■'■I 4 4 4 Owner Owner ■ 8f 3 6 3 2 6 '....:j:u ' 1 6 6 Owner '"'' Owner Owner Owner Tenant ' Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant M O O M H a 'A ad Ph 5 10 5 5 3 5 3 1 5 4 1 5 3 4 5 5 5 3 5 j^ > * * POIXIMU BUBDIVHION NO. 2.- PiKT 1. between |e Legie. S hi O « O < 5 10 6 6 3 6 3 1 5 4 1 4 5 5 5 3 5 i40 141 142 137 376 138 139 162 149 171 172 177 178 179 178 160 136 176 181 182 183 173 175 169 174 197 204 205 220 221 218 219 223 250 257 250 Furgiiioii, Hu|{li. ... Furguion, Robert sen. FerfUion, Angus. . . Fergimon, Alexander. Fowell, John Frazer, Alexander.. . . FrMZT, Atigtii). Giles, CharlPR.. , Gi'ithiiiti, Hugh. Hiivener, Jolin. . . . Havener, J, T. . . . Hayward, Atnhrose. Uaywaid, John. . , , Hayward, Alfred. . . do Hayward, Jamea H. HaynrAfil, Oharles . Hayward, William. Hersee, Edwin ]»n. Hooper, Richard do Hooper, Richard sen. Hooper, Jam's Hopkinc, William.... Hurley, Jeremiah. . . (iutchidon, John Hattoni EiohHrd. . . . . if. Jacques, Daniel, Kipp. Richard . . . Kipp, Somers . . . . ■ ')!<!' , ' |l Ihlll \ <H« ', Lamnncf, Jaiiies . Lewiti, Henpy.. . Lookhnrt, William Lookhhtt, Robert Luister, Johni.. . . dd laiiwO 'vK :;l n w i n u p u w p n w p Hop 9 W p 9 e s e I 9 W ] awl • w 1 a e I a \ •1 w I *^1 n w [ si 'I e i s w i 8 e i se « if j i n A a w e p e p ei a u w l> Matltr; '^^idebn .' ) n Mhntr, ^iftdorgp. . . . ' -J n jyiilkr; James .. I" i ei ei s S Dwner 5 6 2 Owner 6 6 2 Tenant 5 6 2 Tenant 5 6 4 Owner 3 3 2 Owner 3 4 3 Owner 4 3 Owner 3 6 2 Tenant 5 3 4 Owner 3 4 6 Owner 4 4 1 Farmer's son 4 6 2 see sub div 1. 5 6 1 63 sub div 1. 5 6 1 lee sub div 1. 5 6 3 Owner 6 1 see sub div 1. 5 1 1 Owner o 4 3 Owner 5 3 3 Owner 6 4 1 Owner 5 3 2 Tenant 5 3 2 Owner 6 3 2 Tenant 6 1 3 Owner 5 1 3 Owner fi 2 6 Owner 4 1 3 Owner 8 4 6 see auh div 3. 4 1 1 Owner 8 1 1 Owner 8 5 3 Owner 5 1 2 Owner 8 1 4 Owner 4 2 4 Owner 4 3 1 Tenant '^. 4 1 Tenant 3 4 Owner ., ^^^ 4 3 4 Owner j " 3ee sub div 1. 4 6 4 3 II POUING SUBDIVISION NO. 2. — P>KT 1, 136 268 260 261 392 280 282 283 284 319 292 293 320 317 321 322 323 222 375 371 372 373 368 377 379 376 380 392 390 391 Millar, Thomas Mills, Albert McLelland, William . . McDonald, Alezaoder. McDonald, Angus. . . . McGarvie, Thos OverhcU, Michael. Overholt, James. . Overholt, John. ... do , Nancekivell, John . Passage, Ichabod . . . . Patterson, Orington. Pellov, John^ Ranger, James H Beid, Peter. do Robinson, Richard.... do do Robinson, Richard jun . Robinson, Robert H . . . do Short, Lewis Skillings, James . . . . Skillings, Ebenezer. ^killings, George. . . Smith, William Smith, Peter Smith, William... Small, Matheson . . Somen, William . . s e^ s w I 8 e si » w ^ si s w s w 8 W n w ps e* n w ^ K 9 e J ni n w i Scott, Thomas v ^ Taylor, Absalom ae^ do Thompson, Isaac do Tottle, George :;| set 8 i and n w ^ ni n w i ne i ni n w J nisi 4 4 2 5 5 4 I 1 2 2 3 3 1 3 6 6 2 4 2 2 2 1 I 6 6 6 6 6 5 2 4 2 4 4 6 6 4 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner i„ii Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner TenaBt Owner Owner Owner Oyrner Owner Farmer'b ^on Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Farmer's son Farmer's son see sab div 3. Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Qwnar Oirmar 3 3 5 4 4 10 5 5 5 o 5 6 3 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 5 3 4 7 1 't H ■■!•! 3 3 5 4 4 10 3 5 5 5 3 5 6 3 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 6 3 4 7 418 422 417 421 419 .1 XUi.'i—'.ii .on KOIHiV .V a'JA OWIJMOT lanwOTPQlUNG SUi^DITI8I0M NO. 2. — PART 1. 4ii\» ,«h 9 Walton, Josttpji^. , Weir.WiUiiim., , WhiU,.„W»j]an!,j. Woolo^t, Qeoriie. r 6 1 6 4 5 Owner Owner , _ ; tuu 8itb div 1. 4 5 4 :^ 1 ' I'l •. - 1 >. V .-■,111 . , ■ ■ ^ ■ ■ •' PART-Il^— ^jLiat-of pertoriB enritl^d to vote at Municipal Electiottn only. 1 ■■'■ ■* ),'., ■ .' ' itlMfinTj *? 8 .t.-rAfT')'!' '' LOT. /v; 1,r o 6 lit// .n».(»*»fl' ^ 35 0-- 216 Look, John pn 1 6 Oivner 4 PART 3. NONE, =tfc snr •r."*. I! PoiiliING SufeClVTSION NO. 3. , ^1 > I .1 ./v.'Jtt. .'. C'i OompriBing all tbift part Of the Township pf'Blandford lying mrth of th« 7i% (I»tice»- '' aion line and south of the 11th Conceasion line. T fto« 8ioriru/»ii or r f^,rTH<)\ Of |y PAiit i. ji pal' Elect Asaeinbly. .. .ti.-rt 1': 83 Penona entitled to vote at botl^ Munidipal Elections and E!ec;iuna tu th^ LifyiHiniive 1^ 6 7 I I ! 36 " 38 ^ NAMES. cr fSigTwiih. Anderson, W. S.. . Amott, John . . . LOT. 40 29 I 25 28 236 ii»owO' 0[ 'I if Bailey, Thomas M.. . , 23 and 24 n^ iM Baird* Hl^g|». Baird, Thomas loWo or ,7 Bea^, AJ)Mh<Nm. , . i '. ." h t Bear, Aiiids » i Bear, David 'fcp n w p b 10 4 10 o o O 7" Main St Briyht 10 9 John 8t Bright OS Briv/hf 8 8 8 9 9 10 ♦or) .1 foCTi Owner i Owner ! • Owner ! Owner Owrwr Owner Owner dinner Owner Own^r '5 ■" c ■1 , (nh Mi J 1 2 1 1 1 1 I 1 2 I i 10 POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 3.— FART 1. • ■, 42 36 26 27 31 30 39 41 33 60 69 65 67 62 63 64 5 56 68 98 99 100 112 113 114 116 118 115 132 133 Beattie, John . do Seated, John. Blair, John .... Blair, John jr. . . . Borland, Nelson., Borland, James.. do do Bristow, Peter W n:f Ui Bristow, John. Brown, William, do do Cameron, John...;r, do Church, A. L Clark, John Cowing, William . . . . , do Craig, Jonathan Craig, Joseph Currah, William do Cuthbertson, William. Cuthbertson, John. . , Cuthbertson, Thomas. Dickie, John Dickie, Robert. . . , Donahue, Thomas. Elliott, John . . . Elliott, William , Elliott, James. , Ellis, James. . . . Evans, James. . . Evans, John. Fowler, George. Foist, Andrew. . .ft P P»i :} s e^ n e J ps w J ne p 7 and 8 6 1 20 9 ll ynif - pni p ■ hy P . 8 W J 8 W J p n e i , 9 J. .f 7 7 5 7 67 18 19 8 9 " ~" 8 OKI 1 1 1 [lir-.a I 8 7 and 8 2 2 3 : . tr 4 1 5 32 ni a^ 8i _ 9 1 1 6 31 7 23 8 8 Main Rt Blight 10 10 9 9 9 8 John St Bright Murray Bright 9 9 9 10 10 7 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 OS Bright OS Bright OS Bright Owner Owner Tenant f^. Owner ' Farmer's son Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owneir ^i'j xkI 2 2 4 4 % I ^ 91 10 10 10 10 10 10 8i: cs Bright 8 Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner Owner Owner 8<iiant<:j 1 1 4 1 1 1 Owner Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner ■ 'Unnii. I Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner . ,, Owner Owner lO Owner John St BrightiTenant V11»,>( >■ ■tu ^- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 tOLLlNO SUBDIVISION NO. 3.— PAKT 1. 11 32 1 2 2 4 4 1 4 ("MS;: 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 ;i; .1 1 1 1 4 193 366 170 167 168 93 * 197 \ 243 35 " 217 ' 244 245 229 235 f» ' 240 ' 247 248 34 246 237 241 251 r 242 255 254 r ! 289 290 Gillespie, James. i'>fi-*'<>i ft •0 Hamilton, James do , Hastings, Jam«a . .'/ .\':'., Hewitt, Richard. Jf ill Hotson, James seii. . . . , Uotson, James j\xu Huntef, James V.'Kli>l ! V I Jacqueiy Daniel Knight, J. B. Little, WHUam... ■iiiii 7 I , '. Lock, Gki<iti«ge . Bfalcolm, J^rancis. . Malcolm, F. S.. .. IVIilbnrn, Willi&m. Milburn, Willkb. do' Milburn, Albert.. . H bsTs V." [; r ?.' lil Mitchell, 'i'h.)S. F...'. Mitchell, John H. . . . Mont(>;omery, James . . do ,,, db "i •• McGee, George AiuUer, Henry Muller, Philip. ..,.., Murray, John .... .. . . V McGregor, John. McLean, Robert. McLean, William. Payne, Abet .... do Payne, Ai)drew, bt ne I .'■/>. i n P h p 8 ^ pnl" *• " 'i {,. . 7 6 C ■ 2 a.id8 6 ;:i 2 1 20 5 8 W p n w I bf np bf • ei i • 28 29 30 ni ni w"i bf e i P ap ei 14 15 16 10 12 13 r 9 7 11 10 12 27 3 3 8 9 8 7 and 8 10 5 11 ni si'bf nHf B e I 8 9 9 10 .10 John St Brght 10 8 8 10 t' .> 8 St BriRht 7 • 9 9 10 10 '10 10 Main St Brijjht 7 7 9 9 9 8 10 9 Vf array Bright 8 7 7 8 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner , Owner Owner 0*ner Karmer^a son Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner •>*3iHt Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant . Ownef '**■' Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner T^ant iiW H> 1 1 4 4 1 I. f'; v.Qi 11 4 4 4 2 1 (i /.uBii'Wl ^r- 7 Owner ,7 Owner '7 lFar'mer> epn 1 1 9 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 12 ••■(I 1 POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 3.— PART 1, 285 287 288 313 316 306 309 310 311 312 362 , 3B1 ! 352 * 369 363 , 364 j 368 : 356 ^ 346 347 S59 360 ! 358 (; I ' 405 409 357 415 416 414 487 438 439 Peat,. David. . Peat, ThomftB. Pettn, Joat. . ()i Recker, Henry £ V. ■! Recljor, BUnry^,, Robcon, Thomas. . Rowell, William H. Rowell, William. . do Rowell, Abraham . . Rowell, Stratton O. Shantz, Christian do do Sillers, Robert Sillers, John .1. Sim, Alexander Sim, Francis jun Sim, Francis sen do Smith, William i Steeds man, David .... Stephenson, Teaadale. Stephenson, Joaeph.. Strickler, Reuben . Strickler, David. ..... Strickler, Abraham. . . Vl'' « Vance, Joseph,. , Wilson, John Wilson, Edward. . I do " Winters, Ambrose. K* Wilson, Joseph. Wilson, W. B.. , T 70.1 .'■*,-) isfler. Ynd iigler, Michael Zigler, John . . . eriek . n e f nh p n w I n w I • w ^ n e J 9 6^ n w i 25 26 31 4 5 5 5 5 6 9 9 8 Maii^Si Bright 10 8 8 I 8 7 \ w i n e w^ n e P*i P n w J ' sp 11 np 11 nl »ei 96 J ^-^\. ne p 'l| ■ • i"r ■ nii . . se ^ I ei 27 I 1 2 3 6 6 2 8 7 and 8 9 6 4 ahdl2 and 12 4 5 2 9 9 9 9 fl/ea sub div 4. Owner Owner Owner Ownar,)flyHi Owner I Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Twnt Tenant 9 Teflfpt 7 8 8 8 7 10 9 9 9 10 10 i ; ; ■•■■«;«. 6 5 17 2 6 26 29 30 22 Owner Tenant Qwn«c,^^. 5, Own«?„-j,^!-! Own^r Owp^r OWQC^ Tenant Tenant • ' • 1 f ■ »t WP ! 8 W i 8 W ^ 10 Qjirn«r OWC«r.|;j:i,.i Owner Owner I- : Owner 10 Miirrajr Bri'gtit 1,0 OS , Bcight MSt Bright MSt Bright 9 10 10 Owner Offneir Owner Farmers son 2 1 I 1 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 9 9 1 1 1 .<il ..t! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LLi:!S,«a!lL.*!'J>|i )Mk. POLLINO SUBDIVISION NO. 3. — PART 2. Hi: I? 1 1 1 4 4 4 1^ * 6 IG 101 250 PART II. — PerBonj entitled to vote at Municipal ElectionB only. ... .iBiAME. :{ Bond, Thomas. Duli", John . . . ^. t Kiel. Oharlea. . . McKie, Pobert. , LOT. f«' p ^ ^ '■ "<.• o O 8 9 8 3 8 9 John St Bright 8 10 Brieht Owner' Tenant Owneit^^''"" Owner (lat' •' PART III. NONE. 13 a; '•J . O « Q 1 4 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i' POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 4. . i.-iUUj iJU Comprising all that part of the Township of Blanclford lying north of the 11th Oondisssion Line of the said township. , . ^ ^,> ^ . ' PARTI. List of Persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legis- lative Assembly. ,- o \- 6 4 3 12 146 23 20 • 21 16 22 15 338 NAMES.,} Allshire, Thomas. . Amacher, William . Armstrong, James. Arnot4, Henry. . . . Baird, Thomas Baird, James H . . . . Bell, Andrew Bell, John do Bond, Thomas Bonner, John Bowden, John Bradnock, Thomas. LOT. p n w i bf .. Sep pa i p e i p B ^ bf a > S 3 bf o 1 1 2 2 3 10 1 9 S5 o o o 12 14 14 11 . **»it, 14 14 14 14 14 13 12 J2 13 Owner Owner Owner Owner *t. i i Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant"; J Owner. "' H O S '^ £ -Ji r^ " O « A IS '=' Pm 2 9 2 2 !'i»l >,'•'; 6 6 6 6 1 2 1 2 . . , . . .ux.^^it'' ,«U.i^uli' <)(iK POLUNO SUBOIVISON HO. 4.— PAET 1. 'A I i I i I 19 18 13 14 17 57 61 67 68 21 66 94 95 96 97 112 130 128 129 126 126 127 124 144 163 161 166 166 168 169 160 162 166 Bruh William BrM , JoMph. BriBtovr, Jamei do Buchan, George Burns, John. . . do Oapling, William... Cowan, John, aen . , Co7an, John, jun. . Cowing, Thomas. . . do do Cressman, Daniel. . . Cuthbertson, John DalKleish, Charles, sen. Dalziel, James Davidson, John do Davidson, James Elliott, John. Farrow, John Farrow, Joseph Farrow, Thomas Ferguson, Alexander. Ferguson, Thomas. . . . Ferguson, Bichard.. . . Ferguson, David Grimmer, James. Hastings, Alexander . . Henderson, Robert J. Henry, Thomas Hepworth, Joseph . . . , Herbertson, Andrew., Herbertson, William., Herbertson, Robert. . , He£fman, Englehart . . Hnghes, William 'A M pawi n i n e ^ psi pji n|si pswi ps i ni P"i PB i oi pn \ np b f ni n w 4 n \ ni ps i ■f pn 5 1 1 10 6 10 11 2 3 3 7 8 7 7 6 14 12 12 12 11 12 12 14 11 11 11 11 11 14 11 13 13 11 12 11 11 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 14 13 13 11 12 13 13 13 14 12 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner " Owner Owner Owner Tenant see sab div 3. Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner.^hi; Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner 2 2 1 2 2 6 1 1 2 6 1 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 POLLING aUBUlVISIOK KO. 4.— PART 1. 15 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 6 1 6 6 2 ^3. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 104 104 196 202 200 201 208 209 210 215 213 214 211 207 238 228 278 230 229 252 227 234 231 239 232 233 279 285 291 286 i 307 Hewitt, J»me8 A. Butohiion, John Jury, Thomai KiDK, Kobert Klinkman, Henry Knox, John Lenszler, Ohristian ) Lenazler, Henry ) Lenszler, Ohriitian, jun Leonard, James Little, John, sen do Little, John, jun Little, William Loobhead, Alexander do do Martin, Thomas-. . . . Martin, WUliam.... Martin, Adam. Middlemaaa, George do Milbum, William . . Miller, Robert Mitchell, John Mitchell, Thomas.. Morrison, Andrew.. Morrow, Joseph .... Murray, John Murray, Robert. . . . MoKie, John do 1. 1 H' Peat, David...'. do Pettigrew, .Toseph . . . do Pettigrew, Robert , . . I - ^ ;■ wO' ill' -l Ti or 'l» Riesberry, Robert . . . do pn w I •i pni P»i n w i pswi pnei »i pi»i ni n e J p aw J pbf n ep p 8W J pn w I ni n4 pfli psi psi 7 8 1 3 2 7 1 11 5 7 6 2 2 1 2 7 7 4 5 11 11 14 12 14 12 12 14 11 11 11 11 12 13 12 13 11 11 11 12 W .11 13 11 14 14 12 14 14 11 11 12 11 1? 12 12 12 11 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 2 1 14 Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Farmer' Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner 0«rn# Tenant Owner ; Owner Owner Tanstilfir;: Owner 8 son 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 6 6 1 2 2 2 yfij.-&i^ii^^^ifS^M 10 POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 4. — PART 1. t 1 i^: 302 »);} 300 304 301 305 a \ 339 365 385 386 334 351 352 :mi 334 340 337 335 336 331 353 345 355 332 333 308 342 343 348 349 389 387 388 401 402 403 404 410 412 411 Risk, John ,.....' do Risk, John S . . . . Robson, Thomas. Rosa, Hugl^ do >, Roth, John Ruby, Joseph . . . . Scott, William!' [. Scott, 'Villiam. .. Shearer, John . . . Shearer, William. Shoup, Martin. . . Sillerc, Robert . . Sillers, John . . . . Sippie, Henry. . . Slater, John Smith, John D . . . Smith, John .... Smith, Samuel. . . Smith, William.. Smith, John A. . . Smith, Nicholas. . Smith, Thomas. . Spear, William . . ,■1* nd SteedsiqaD, 'Villiam ip s Steedaman, William jr Stein, William Stewart, Molby Stewart, Bernard Sylvester, John H Sylvester, Wm. E Tacket, John Thompson, George . do Thompson, Robert. Vance, George, Vance, Joseph. Vance, David . . Vance, James.. Wilson, Joseph, sen, Wilson, Joseph, jun. Wilson, William.... 4- Owner Owner Tenant see sub div 3. Owner Owner Owner Owner aoH ,aniil ,iiiiui>lryi.'H' Tenant' Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant ''i Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner .>Ji Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Own^t' Owneir Owner Tenanir Owner Farmer's son r/i ;f *>:'j m as 8^1 Owner Owner ^;\ Owner Farmer's son Owner Farmer's son Farmer's son Farmer's son ...a Owner Tenant ^ Tenant '^I '' 2 1 2 (i 1 2 1 1 1 6 2 2 2 6 2 a 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 Ik i X POLUNO SUBDIVISION NO. 4. — PART 1. 17 2 1 2 2 2 2 435 Young, George n ^ 436 Zher, Joseph C, n^ 8 11 Tenant 14 Owner PART II. — List of persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. C o d 167 212 413 NAMES. Harding, P. E . . . Lake, William . . . Western, William LOT. pni pn i o M H O o 11 14 12 Income Owner Owner PART 3. NONE. o5 2 2 I hereby certify that the number of persons in the Township of Blandford, qualified to serve as jurors, is one hundr^d^nd fifty. Q 9 ^ ' ThoS. F. MlTCHBlL, Blandford, JiJLj^ t^f^ 188^- Township Clerk. I, Thos. !^Mitchell, Olerk of the Municipality of the Township of Blandford in the County of Oxford, do certify that parts one and three of the within list constitute a correct list for the year 1881, of sdl persona appearing by the last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly ; and that Parts One and Two constitute a correct list for said year of all per- sons appearing by the said roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal Elections in said Mnnioipality, and I hereby call upon ail electors to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. fM^ ^ JL '7g^^. ? dfcyof Dated this /<^ dfiy of July, 1881 Clerk of the Township of Blandford. WOOBSTOCK TiMBS PrI»T. 1 1 1