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Laa diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 m^^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^^^ ^^m mmmmmmmmm BO=5=^ '-"-9i:~?W'*'"¥':' AN ACT to INCORPORATE SUNDRY PERSONS " *~ 1 ,' r , t ' ii 1 ».a ■ CTNDKK THE UTYIiK AND TITDB Of Che UrcsUient, Utrcttovs, nxCtt Company OP THE riUEIBHO£DfiR8' BANK OF UPPER CANADA. ij. '' . .r 4-- ''' ''^--i^" STovonto : « Printed at the Patriot Office. \i ,.i ., ■n •» <' 1 ■ '' '■;^- ^ ■f^ii ..'.it . _ . 1^*^^ > u r^ 7-F I SYNOPSIS or ACT TO IJVCORPORATE TBB FRBXIHOLDERS' BAWB. 5*rT?o?f I. — Contains a List of nil (b»CUn»e8 relating to the Stock. Section II — All affecting Stock takpii hv iMorig«?e of Prop«>Tty in lieu of being paid for in money, with those affecting the Appraisers to ba Appfinied in order to ascertain the value ol the Property. Section III. — All affecting Commissioners, their appointment and duties. Section IV. — All affecting the Directors, the management of the Bank, the Smiling Fund, and District Banks. Seclwn I— STOCK. Clause 2. — The numbcv of Shares to be 40,000 ; the amount of each share, £2&. Clause 3. — No person to subscribe for less than four «hare«, to be payable either m money or secured by Mortgage. Clause 4. — A deposit of five bhillings per share to be paid on subscription, to be repaid on payment of the residue, or on completion of the se- curity of shares taken on Mortgnges. Ckuse 5. — Subscribers to give notice, imrrjediately after subscription, of intention to take Stock in Mortgage or in money, and to state the description of security. Clause 7. — Subscribers taking Stock in money to receive interest in addi- tion to dividends. Clause 36. — Shareholders to receive interest, beyond the dividend, on all tnonies arising From sale oT redemption of tnottgaged pro^4»rty. 'Ctaurae ti — Ratio of votes allowed tt> tftopkhblders. ^ Clause l8.— Shatea to be transferable. ■" ' ■' Section tl MORTGAGEES AND APPRAISERS. " • Clause 3. — May be taken as security for and in payment of stock. Glauae 6.-~To consist of re&l Estate of appraised value of double th« amount of Stock subscribed for, to he free from mcuobr^ucea and held in fee simple. Clause 81.— 'Property offered for, inaufficient ; other may be substituted. Clause 22. — Form of Mortgage. Clausto 23. — The covta of Registration only to be paid by the owner of th« property. .,,.,;! Clause 29. — Mortgaged property may be sold oi; request of the owner. Clause 31. — May be redeemed on payment of the amount o(, stock aub- scribed for. Clause 38.— Trtfty be redeemed at any tfme before «ale byUommissionora, and in bo case to be charged beyond the ammMit of wtort for#hic4 it is given as security. J ' h ArrRAISRRII. Clauafi 34. — To be appoints] in every District to asrertain the real value of property proposed to he inortKaged. Clause 2S. — To take the oath preset iI>k,'.''.•../.' ; 11. — GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BANK.'' :^ ClaoM 8. — Public notice to be given of all Meetings in the U. C. Gazette. Clause 15. — Debts at no time to exceed three times the amount of capital aubacribed. Clan Clau Clau Clau Claui Clau Claui Clau Claui Clam Claui Claui Claui Claui Claui j^-t;?^; (>laiiia 16. — Nol to JMue notes under tive thilliiigii. Clause 17. — Not to liuld renl Kstate exuept audi aa reqbtnite to carry on buainoas, ()-c. Clauae 43. — No Stockholder to be allowed Cash account beyond hall amount of atock, without ancurity. Clauae 44.^Blll8 uf Company under aeal to paaa by indorsement. Clause 45 — Not to demand greater interest than 6 per cent. Clause 46 — Bank to be carried on at seat uf (iovernment. Clause 48. — Bank to be closed if Company reiuue to redeem their notes in specie. Clause 49 — To make Returns to Parliament. Clause 60. — Charter nut forfeited if Bank not opened till January 1841. in. SINKING FUND. • Clause 39 — One-fifth of prolits to be set apart for Sinking Fund. Clause 40. — Separate account to be kept thereof, and accumulated at com- pound interest. Clause 41. — No increase to be made thereto when sufficient to pay off the capital borrowed; but till it can be applied for that purpose, the prolits to fall mto and form part of profits of the Bank. Clause 42 — When it cannot be otherwise more advantageously employed, debentures may be purchased therewith. IV. — DISTRICT BANKS. Clause 46 — May be established in any district as soon as £100,000 sub- scribed, and to be under management uf Directors appointed by Parent Bank. Clause 47. — Capital thereof not to exceed £100,000, and to consist of notes, «fc. of Company, to be issued by Parent Bank. ^ ' >'- p- , ' I JkK ACT TO INCORPORATE SUNDRY PERSONS I'udar thu style aad Title She I9res(t>cnt, DCrectovs, antr OTompans r. OF THE / FREEHOLDERS BANK OP UPPBR CANADA. W&fifVtSlSy th* ealablitbment of a Bank in ibis Provitic« with a Cuprtal to bn borrowed upon the aecurity of freehold property, •nd a sink- ing fund adequate to the redemption thereof, will be highly conduci«« to the welfare and prosperity of the agricultural and co.-nmencial interests of this Province, and atford a certain and prufitahle investment for domestic and foreign capital. And Whereas, James M. Strachan, Aleiaiider Diion, William Stennett, Koheit Hawke, James Newbigging, James Trotter, Francis I^gan, James Saxon, Thomi* D. Harris, D^vid M. Patterson, J. W. Urent, (reorge Gurnett and others, by their Petition to the Legislatur* have prayed for the privilege of being incorporated. 1. Be it therefore enacted, by tho King's Most p^xcellent Majesty, by, and with tho advice and consent of the liegiolative Council and Assembly of the Province of Upper Canada, constituted and asMnmbled by virtue pf, and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliaineot of Great Britain, entitled " An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act passed in Ihn fourteenth year of His Majesty's reign, entitled an Act for making more •ifcctual provision for the Government of the P rovince of Quebec, in North America, and to mike fuither provision for the Government of thfi ■aid Province, and by the authority of the same, that the said Jamas M. Strachan, Alexander Dixon, William Stennett. Robert Hawke, .^amep Newbigging, Jamea Trotter, Francis Logan, Jitmes Saxon, Tbonpas D. Harris, David M. Patterson, J. W'. Brent, Georgo Gurnett and all such ppraons as shall hereafter hecomo Stockholders of the said Riink, shall be, mhI are hereby ordainef puvchasiiiij, lioitJmg nmi conveying any estate, real or personwi, for lUfl uco. of tho vov' (.?<:>nipany. HI, \ 2. And hf. il furlhfr cnm Ird ly Iht nul/iortly afoymnul, \\\*\. a Slmr** in Mip Stock of tlin HHitl Hniik, rIihII lit* twi-iii)-liv(t i'uuixln, ai>tt lh« iiunitirr ul Shnrui ■hull not pxccml forty IhnuHiiiul, nnd that lioakn of mikincripiion iitiall tin opeiinj Ht tlio Hniiio liiiio Ht iliii r8 hi^rcinalirr iiiinit'd Khali dirrcl. 3. And be it further cnm led hy thr aitthnrUi/ afoietaid, that it tliall be Uwful for any perNon ur pitrdoiiH to Buhcrriliti lor such, and ao many aharna lull not |p«H than four, aa ho, r>hn, or they nhnll or inny think proper, and that tho nharea so '•ubscrilied, »hn\\ l>o p.iyablH at the option of the auhacri- borH, ditlu'r in money, or sIihII I)l> .sticnrdd to be paid by Mortgage of tree- hold and nnincumbprcd property in tiiia Province, in the munner herein* aflpr DxprwBsiy provided. 4 And be it further enacted by the authority uforenaul, that every audi mibHcriber, at the time of HiibHcriliing, Mtntll pay down a depoaite of one per cent, on the amount of the .SharfN Hiiliscnlieil lur ; and the depoiite money «o paid, aliail bo held by the person or pi>r»oiia having the care of the aub* Kcription booka, and ahall bu paid over by audi peraon or peraona receiving the same, to the Direclora immediately after their eleMion, to be made u« hereinafter directed, and to be lepaid previouaiy to the duciaralion of any dividend upon the prolila of the oaid ]]ank, to auch of the Stockholdera who shall give security for tht>ir ahaiee aa aloreaaid, and to be allowed in account to auch of them aa ahall pay in money fur the aamu. — Hut in case of i;un-pa)ment or non-completion of aecurity for ^harea purauant to the prnvis.una of thia Act and the by laws of the said Company hareinnfler provided, to be tnade, tiien auch deposile money ahall be lotfeited to, aiid tor the benefit i f the aaid Company. 6. And be it fu ther enacted by the authority ajoretauf, that each cf- every aubacriber shall signify in writing, at the time of subscribing for Stock, or within thirty days afterwards, hir or her intention to pay tho amount aub* scribe eive over and above his, her, or their dividend or dividends of the pronta of the said Bank, in- terest on the amount so paid at the same rate of ini ' aa the Company shall contract to pay for any borrowed Capital of the said Bank. 8. A7id be it further enacted by the authority uforetaid, that public no- tice by advertiseivient shall be given, of the meeting next hereinafter men- tioned, and of all subsequent meetings whether general or special, to be holden under, or by virtue of this Act, in tho Gazette of Upper Canada, and in auch, and so many newspapers which shall from time to time be publisl'od in the said Province, as to the Commissioners hereinafter men- tioned, as to such lirst meeting, and as to all other meetings, as a majority of the said Directors fc he time being shall appoint, such advertisements in Im p'jbli-liril nl |pa«t lliiriy il.»y«, nr'l nof /nori; ihrm i 'tv 'lajb previous lu llin lliii*^ ul holiliiig ill** ixiiii , iinil nit mjcli iiiuftiiiK* ^'M Uv hiiUI iit tbii nr.tl ol Govcriiiiit'iil, iit mucIi iiiiii* ul th« Oit/. ''iml hi ■iic'' (tlHco hn (lutll '<•■ iippoiiitfil liv tliO H.iiJ CuMiiiiiHMiuiit'iii, Hiiil l)tr#ci(iri rrA|iictivcly hm iilurraiiid U ,1«(i'<'" il/urlhiti rnitru.tl 'n/ ihf aiithtntfi/ ofiirr-tnnl, (h.iC "h toon a» till) tuiii (il liM< liiihdit 'I lli'iti.* iiitl |>(mIii'U >|iii|| i,,i\f tici-n icu lo lit nantt'd III ili« ii!Ht of (he UDVprtnii'iiit of lliU J'uivinrf, lor tlto |iiirpo«>iol (ini I'i'Ciling ii lor* lu'ri iri'illrr nuiiiioniiij, til, (I riicli I'll (-liiiii tilinll IjiMliiti ;uiil lliru* tituiUi U) a iiiiiioniv ul -^lhii liul- il»(i* 111 iliii ("(.iciiuT liiTfiimlinr pt»'«rriln(l, in t«!»|»>cl ol ttuMiii, ill elfilion • 't' ^licll DlnctorH, riii'l tlio ^'crHiilih ihtll Hliil lliiro cliORcii, m1i;i|I Im- II.i' lirsl DirrctorN, Hhii l)e Crt|iiilili> ol xiivinu ■'O'l' l»(' li'»l Moiiiloy ol Juiiu.'try, in lli'i yt'Hi lolluwii'i;, Mini ilit I'lrecloiii do cIiom'I), may, h« i>imiii hi itn' litpiiyit iiioncy HnioiiiiHi'K lo li'ty ilioii«iiiiil luiii il:<, on ^iIh' SkhK i>o siM'nl'iy I'lvt) Dirrclura, one ul whutn ^liaii In- the I'lrtmlent, who I'Xi-epting 11(1 herfiiiititt r ^Jiovultul fjr, sliull hulil ilicir uIIIckn I< r unr vhhi, winch J'l I'Ctom ^tl.lll Itc Niiickli«i|(l''r!i, ni.il ^ll.'lil Le BiilijitU of III; Mnji'H- IV. rHijiling ni iln^ rroMuir, 11. d lie tliciiil ,\\. 1 n, ••img of iliH tSt'iCh liojilf^rs, HI 'u' liolilfii on ilm Inst Miunl.iy in J;inuHry 111 t-vtiy vi'Hr, and lliti mkI I'IcciHiti kli;ili l>t' licii! iind iiudi) liy (tuth o\ itie tiuid htui knoldvin ol ihci Diid H.uik, HH mIi.iII Hlit'iid lor lliut |jnrpii:<(', in tliuir^vvvu ptopxr (icr- nniiH Htid not liv prukv, and h I i'Ic-cIiuhk lur l)irrclur , ^tmll le hy bujlot, and |I|H |icr«onH who infill Itiivi- tin* gic^test nuiiilii r .1 vuiiitiil itny elec- tion, (« H l)irpclor for the year eiiMuiiin, iim) in c.k>o n.oie ilian yii" ol iliti iJi- rec:o:s (exoluHivn of the I'residi'nl . ho .•.eived tor llie last yen-) nlmll bp- fiear to he electeit, ihen the elertioii of l>ir< cmr 01 Uiree.lois nhove oi.c, ..iid who iiliall have the tcwe«t nous, shall he cun^idtied Mmi, and such olhi'r ol lllocklt^liar in whidi they may h.ippen, by il upeciHl (dfction lor tliai (iiirj'ose, lobe Inhl in the ijanio minner as In re inbi'fore diiected r«>ptcling ammul ohctions : V'l'^'ded always, lliai no person shall be cligille to bo a Director who bhiill iiol bo a StL>'-khuldei 10 (he amount of at leniit twenty gh^rcs. '<;::, 10 1 1. And he il further cnartrd hi/ the authorilij afoirsaid, that in caHc it nhould ni Htiy lime tiupijon thai an filnctioi; of Direrloia should not b« made on an3f rt;\y when pnrsuanl to tins Act, it ought to have beoii mtiile, the 6-»i(| Corporation shall luit for thiil ca\i8P lie din'med to lio dissolved ; bnl tSiut It shall and may bo l.iwlul un any iihcr day, to uold and make an elec- tion of Directors in ai'.rli manner as shall be rcgulaud by the by-laws and oidin.mcRs of the s'lid ('ompany. 12. And he. tt furlhei enacted dy the avtkority oforctaid, that each Stock- holder shall be entitled to a numbrr of voies proporiioiied to the numher of shares which he or slie shall have held, and shall then continue to hold in his or her own narno at least thirty days prior to the time of voting ac- cordint; to the following ratios, that is to »»" : — for four sliart-, >»i.e vote ; for ten shares, two voles ; for twenty stinres, thrre votes ; fur forty 3hare8, four voles , for eighty shares and uj; wards, live votes an more than live votes »t. any such election, !:or shall any peison, not be- ing a subject of His M.ijesly, be entitled lo vote at any such election. 13. Ar.d he iffunhrr enacted Ay Ihc authority aforesaid, that it shall be the duly jf the Direcioirs to tnake half yparly dividenda ol so much jf the f rhts of the said liank as lo them, or the majority of them shall appear ad^isab'e, and that onof in every three ymrs, and oftener if thereunto re- <)uired, by a majority of the voles of the Stockbo'ders, lo bo given ngrfe- ably to the ratio hereinbefore esiahlishcd, there shall be produced at a gen- eral meeting lo be calkd for that j'urpose, ^.n exact and particular state- ment of the debts which 8hf\ll have remained unpad at the expiration of the origiual credit, for a period of treble the t» rm of that credit, d of the surplus of profits (if any) afr. r deducting losses and dividends. '^' 14. And he rt further enacted hy the uvthcrU'J of ■repaid, tliat the )')n actually ileposiied in the Bank, and ttie borroweci Capital of the said Pom- l>any shall net exceed three tunes ihe anioitnt ol the (.'apital S(ock sub8cri<\^(' bed and actually paid into the iiank or secured upon MortgAge Rcnordui^,» to the provfsioiis of this Act; and ir> case of such excess, I le Directois under whose administration it shall happen, shall be liable fur the (ame in their natural and private opacities , but this shall .loi be construed to ex- empt the said Company or any estate, rf^l or pcrsiKial, which they may hok! as a tjody corporate from being .i!ho iiaMe lor, and changeable with, the said excess , but such of the taui ' ' ectors who may have been absent when the said excess was conlracu^d, >r who may have dissented from the Hesolutiot. or Act whereby the same was so contracted, may respectively exonerate themselvep from being so lianle in their individual capacities, by {;iving immediate notice of the fact, and jf their absence or dissent, to '.he Stockholders at a general meeting which they shall have power to call (or that purpose. . ^ -■ 16. And be it further enacted by iht authorUy aforesaid, that it shall not »,.'v! / * '■^ \ 1 tni ;•:! \ 1 ^ •' i m niu .> ■ as ■ ? to » i ing for dea mo 1 WIS exc or 1 , (he ■s Vi ■"<-:-:.\ ■? i:n^ \ \>9 Uwfnl for the laid cnmpnny to isiue «ny note or bill umJcr the talne of fiv'a thiflings of lawful moiioy nf tito Province of Upper Cannda. 17. And f>€ it furl/ier enacted by the authority afbresaid, that the lands renementi and her«ditamont», which it shall be lawful for the said compa.iy '!)hold, 8hali be only such as shall be requisite for its immcdiaio accom- niudation in relation to the convenient transaction nf its buHineds ; or such as shall have been bona tide morti^aged to it by way of security or convoy*!'! to jt in satisfaction of dobts previously contracted in the coursu of its defil- ings, or purchased at Sales upon judifinents which shall have been ol>t;iined for such debts, and further the said company shall not«Jii«rf!yur indirectly deal or tradn in buying or sellingrany goods, wares, or merchandiHe, or com- roodilie^'WlfMsoever : I'rovidfMl th»t nothing herein contuinrd shall in onv wise be ecfnnirued to hinder tlic said company from dealing in bonds, hills of exchange, or promissory notes, or in buying or selling bullion, gold or silver, or any other security for money usually traded in ny b'lhlierH. 18. jifidbe it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, thai the shares of the said company shall Ln transferable and may t)e fium time to tiina transferred by the respective persons so subscribing tho same, provided that auch transfer be vnlered or registered in a book or booKw to be kept for that purpose by th? directors. Provided always that the secuniy criginally given Im retAined by the Commissioners unless the tull amount of the stock be paid. 19. And be it further enacied hy the authority aforesaid, that John Simcoe Macaulay, William BotsfordJarvis, Charles Coxwell Small, William Caley nnd John Ewart, be Commissioners for the purposes hereinafter luentiuned, whi6f '■lid Commissioners and their succeflsora to be appointed as herein- atter . ,.>vided, shall be and are hereby declared and ordained to be a body corft<^ftte and politic in fact and in name but fur the purposes of this act onllf, >r«l shall be designated and known by the name or style of the Com- misiitfifers of the Freeholders Dank of Upper Canada, and ihat by thrs by this same nain#of the Commissioners of the Freeholders Bank of Upper Cana- da, sbal* be in kiw c:tpable of holding, conveying and releasing, any estate res' or personal, conveyed or intended to be conveyed )u thetn for the pur- {KTses in this art expressed, provided that no persu i being a Commissioner sitall be a Stockholder or otherwise interested in the said Company 20. Ar.i be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that so soon as the nwrn^er of shares to which any subscriber or subscribers afort said, shall trtcome entitled under the provisions of tliisa^t shall have been definitively Hbi&A«iT)e(!, it shaU be the duty of the board of Directors to cause every 'Xocb subscribe! to be duly notified of the amount and number thereof, and tbereopoa, to nequirs such subscriber or subscribers f 'rthwith to pay up the residue of his subscription, or to give the si-curity for the full amount of the share or shares by him Jier or them subscribed for and as by this act is required, and in case spch subscriber br sub;, -fibers shall elect to give the security required it shall and'in.ay be lawful fur him, her and them, so to do upon the terms and conditions and f|f|iject to the regulations to be imposed and directed from time to time by th%sftid Commfssioners, in the name or names of such subscriber or subscribers, togetlier, also with a certificate iii writing under the hands of two sworn appraisers of the said Company to be appoitited and sworn as by this act is provided of the present marketable value or price of the said security so offered. ' . And be it further enacted by the authortiy aforesaid, that in case tJie l." ■k •'ii<1 boanJ of (/oniinissionera shall not be satisfied with the spcuriiy offered Ly any sucli Nubsr.ribtr or HubKcriberM, it shHll be ihe duty of the said board of CoiniiiiRHioiiitH iDiiluvith in iuu»o notwr in wiiting to be given to such hubbcribiT nt icril»'is nf iIih santr, uiid such biiliscriber ur bubscribrrs shall thertupon have i; '! privilege vviihiii such roasunublH time as the board 111 Coniniissioriern shall appoint to substitute ami oll'er otiier (rpcbuld secu- rity fur the consiileratiuu of the said rioatd uf (ViiitiUiSMoiiers in the ruoin uf the security so icjectf)(i, ar Iho samti lime alfoKliiifj such saiisl.icinry evi- lience hud proof of \.\\^ suUicii'iicy of such security as hetciuheioro ib requir- ed to he given in relatiun geiicrnl!y lo such Hecuiiiies. 23. Andbeilfurl/urKnuriidhf/t/tcaullwriti/offtsaid, that when anil so soon as the security ii(}eri") by any sucti subncnber or subseribers shall ii.'«ve been approved and accepted by llie said board of Coaiini8.iioner8 it shall Uv iliH duly uf the ^ild Coinriii.ssiunt'r>?. to teijuiie such subscriber or siut)sciihers, to excciUA to them and th"ir 8nccei>tiur!i a mortgage in fee aim* pie ot iho real estate comprised in such proposed securitj— which said fuoripiiiie shall be duly executed l»y such subscriber or subscribers, as well fis by hi.- or theii wif« or vKives where dowcr shall be required to be barred, h-o iirt to convey a clear iiniiirumljerKd eeiiie in fee Hiinple to such Coinniis- Ktoners and ilinr snci "ssors, Jirid such iiioriKaije shall be executi'd by the ri'speciive parties in tlio .Tresmce of ami fcli ill oe atU'sted by at least two ^Vilnesse^i o.ii: of'wiiom Kl.all be a justice of the jieace, or an altuiuey at law, iWid shal: le iu the NilioMing furiii, or !i!> near thereto as Circuiiiataitvtit will admit, KNOW ALL ME?ii by these presents that of in the district of r t :<■ f f. in the Province of Upper Caiiada ;, being n Snbscrdier for shares m the capital SiocI of the Freeholder's Uank of Upper (^anada, Hiiiouiitini; lo the sum of pounds, ill pursuance, of ih»' provisi lis contained in the act of incorporation of the hH.ld CiJinpany, passtid in if e seventh year of the reign of his Majesty King William tho fourth, entitle j au act tStc. doth by thpSR presents grant bar$rain, sell, convfly, alien, release and assure iinio the Commissioners ol" the Freeholder's Bank of Upper Canailn, and their successors, all and sineular the parcels or tracts of ia^.'}, meuaages, teiif iiif nts, buildings, horediiMmen:s, and premises, mentioned wid dee- cnbed in the «cliedule thereof hereunto annexed, together v»ith all their rigble nienibei,:! am! appurtenance^^, and thi^ reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rr.se and for ever retinquish unto the said Comrnitsion* eis and their successo>s. ail, and all manner of dower and right or title to dower what-soever, which she the said in the event of surviving the said her husband miahl or ought lo have .1 claim into or out of the said hereditaments, and till manner of action and actions, writ and write o( dower whatsoever. In Wilneea &«.• i ■■;V» ^'S >m # fORM OF THE SCIIEDUJ.E TO UK ANNKXEO TO THE MOftTGAfiR. Number of lot Conce>8i(in Ton iiKliip DiNlrici number nfacrrs itppraised value i1. ■ Vfl. •?-. Ill -IP 1 ■ ■ , ; • , , , • , . '1 ' 1 23. And be it further enacted by the niithority afores.iid, thai the costs nf repiHlratiori only uf tveiy Mich innrtgHpe shall be defrayec'l by th<{ Share- tiulder or Shareholileis r.xecutiiig ilio ».iiiie, and uhall be ciiarged to his or hernccuunt v iiig also any |>€cu!iar advantages or privileges that such properly may pos- sess, and be calculated in the opinion ul such appiaiseis to enhance the value of the s-iine ; and in case the said appraisers shall sec reason to expect that any propeny winch they in ly l>e so called upon to value, shall or may be reasoiiatdy expected to diiiiini>h in value, it shall also be the duly of such appraisers to declare and certify in writing to the said CoiniiMssioncrs their opiuion thereon lully and impartially, and the grounds thereof. 25. And be it further enacted by the authority aioresaid, that every such appraiser belore he shall enter upon his said oflice, shall lake the fol- lowing oath before any one of Ilis .Majesty's Justices of the Peace, who is hereby fully authorised and einpuwert d to administer such oath. I, A. B. do swear, that I will laithfully and impartially appraise and value all such lands, teuemeots, buildings and property, which I may be from time to time required to value by or on behalf of the Commissioners of the Freeholders Uank uf Upper Canada, and that I will declare and cer- tify nay judgment and opinion thereon truly and impartially according to lira requisitions and provisions cutilained in a certain act of Parliament uf t^is Province, made and passed in the seventh ytarof His Majesty's reign, entitled *' an Act cf-c. So help me God. 26. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that every such Surveyor miking such appiaisenient on actual Survey as aforesaid, shall be enlitled to charge and receive fioin the person or persons to whom such ap- praised property shall belong, such fues and charges as by the said Com- missioners, shall be tixej and appointed, and thai every such appraiser shall hold bis ofliuo during pleasure only uf the said Commissioners, and shall and may be removed by them and another or others appointed in their room and stead at the discretion of the said Commissioners. 27. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the said Commissioiicrs shall have power to appoint such and so many otlicers, clerks, and servants far carrying on their department of the said business, and with such sal.aties aud allowances to be paid out of the profits of tho ■1 ii i t ' ^ I 14 flaiJ Bank as to thnni sDi.ll aeem tnHet, and to make such rules and rego* lations for the conduct and management of such ofHcerfi, clerks and aer- vants, and of the business in ;heir department as tw them shall appear necessary. S8. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all houses buildings, and erections, which shall or may form any part of the security, in morrgflge to the said Commistiioners as uforesaid, shall be annually insured at the expense of the party or parties making or executing such mortgage in the names of the s-iiil boinmissioners, and for such amount as the said Commisoioiiers shall think proper, and in such Office or Offices of Insurance against loss or damage by fire, either in this Province or in the United Kingdom of GtfHt Britain and Ireland, or elsewhere, as the said Commissioners shall think proper ; and in case of loss or damage by tirn the amount due and payable by virtue of such insurance shall upon receipt thereof by the said Coinmifsioners and at the option of the mortgagor or mortgagors be laid out and pxpend»d under tite direction of the said Cum- missioneis either in rebuilding or repairing the said premises, buildings, and erections, or in or towards the piiymenl of so much of the Capital Stock of the said Company as such mortgagor or murtg tgors shall have dubscribed for and shall still be standine in his, her, ur tlieir name or naiiies. and in respect of I'^e oaid premises which shall be so destioyed or damaged by tiru and the surplus of such amount (if any) shult be paid to the iri.t- gagor or mortgagors, his, her, or their executors, administrators or assigns. 29. And be il farther enacted by the auih(r>ly ofi,reaaid, that in esse any shareholder or shareholders shall be desirous at any time after having executed any mortgage or mortgages under the provisions of this Act to sell and dispose of any part of the property so mortgaged, it shall and may be lawful for the said Commifsioners for the time being, upon every rea- sonable application to be made for this purpose, to release and convey to the purchaser or purchasers any pprt ur portion of the said murtgaced premises, lot being less than one whole lot, if consis-ting of land in any Township and not within the precincts of any Town ur City ; or of a town lot and dwelling house thereon if situated within any town or city : provided that the purchase money be not less than the actual amount of Stuck held in respect of such premises, and of any accmulatcd charge thereon by way of insurance or otherwise, and provided also fliat the purchaser or purchas- ers of the same do pay so much of such purchase money or purchase monies into the hands of the said Commissioners as shall redeem the Stock and such accumulated charges held due in respect of such premises to be applied and accounted fur by the said Commissioners in the manner provided by this Act. 30. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that every soch shareholder or shareholders in the said Stock ul the said liank shall annu- ally at his or their own costs and charges pay up and discharge all arrears of taxes, charges rates or assessments which now are or at any time hereaf* ter shall be taxed, charged, rated,*assessed,or imposed upon the lands and premises expressed in any mortgage or mortgages executed under the provisions of this Act by virtue of any law now or hereafter to be in force, imposing upon and charging or rendering liable to be charged such inort- gaged premises or any part thereof with the payment of such taxes, charges, rates or assessments aforesaid so as to keep the same free from incum- brances and prevent the liability of such mortgaged premises or any part thereof to be sold under any law in force in relation thereto. And in case of his, her or their neglect or refusal so to do, it shall be the duty of the Board ef Commissioners to direct the payment of such taxes, charges, rat^s or assessments by and out of the profits of the said Bank and the » ^ '^spou- thereof so paid shall be charged to the account of such shareholder dl "^*^ shareholders who shall neglect or refuse to pay the same. 15 ratfs or ^ or .espou- 31. And be tt further cnaclfd btf Ike authority aforesaid, Ihnt in cann any ahiireholder or shnreholders shall bo desirous ol redenming his, her or their mortgaged Estate in the hands of the 8 .nder the provisions of this Act, it shall be lawful for Qg or cbntinuing Commissioner or Comitiissionera from time to time aa often as occasion may require, to nominate aud appoint one or more ,».*^'tfMi^... >."Vm mmmmmmm 16 CominiKi^iiirn'r ur Cutiiiniiitiiuudrs in llio room and hIouiI oI the <^MI^llj!t' tiiuncr or CiiitMiia^iijiii)ri> tut (lyiiii; ur rcdii^iiiiii;, or duin^ alituiit Iroiii thu J'rovioce. or ii»Kl»;ciiiig or relimiog lo act, or boiiia iiicapilili) to act, or being • ruinoveil troiii olliue m iilorti!taiJ ; piuviH it lunlur enacted l>y llie autiioriiy aloienaiil, that so auun H8 a iiioiHty ol lh»i cle hall-yearly, at the rate or respective rates which the said OoiiimisKioii r:< shall contract to pay tor the same , Provided always that such iiitt-rosi slitll not excted the rale ot Six per cent per annum, and the capital so borro\ved Ity the said Company «liall be secured to the person or peisons advancing the same, together with the initrest thereon payable at the rate and in manner aforesaid, as well by the inurttiaged real estate in the hands of the said Commissioners, as al ir account with the iianln over and above his, her ur their dividend or dividends interest upon all monies arising from such sale or redunipiion from the lime of payment tu the said Coininissiuners at the same ralu ilie Company bh.ill be liable tu )itfy upon ilieir boirowed capital. 37. And be it larther enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the said Commissioners and their successois sli-ill iiold the said mortgage securi- ties and premises and all monies ihil shall come into their hands under any ol the provisions conlainoil in this Act in trust lo secure the repay- ment of the capital lo be eo borrowed by the said Company at the liiue and lo manner aforesaid, together with interest iher<>o>i, at Uie raie and (u ths manner aforesaid, and in case the said Company shall fail to jiay the iiiter- eat fur the time beiim due and uwinj upon such borrowed capital and bucli interest or any part thereof shall happen to be in arrtar and unpaid lor the space of one whole >ear ; or in case the &aid Company shall IhiI to pay the principal of the said capiul eo borrowed and remaiuing a of debt in° bat the Pres- iake a return if required, retuin shall le said Bank,