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Las diagrammas suivants illustrent la mAthode. y errata Id to nt ne pelure, i9on A 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,.1 \ Tj ' BY D. R. .nUARO. '•' Not a tree, A plaut, a leaf, a t.Iossom, but contains A folio volume. We may read, and read, And read again, and still find sotuetbing new S^jtncthing to please, and sonietbing to instruct." The ViUofn Cttr mnmim^i rioii I cm- vr/m- [iOT. T^!A^ .208! i< > ^t (^ » . 4«i--v. »■' « / A DESCRIPTIOK OK XHT^^" jfofmt and ^fiia^ental SJites tT NEAV BRIT]SrS\VIC K. \.\ ». K. TIU.\RO. 9 A . Tpr- " Not a tree, 4 A pUnt, & loaf, a blosoom, bat oontains A folio volume. We may read, and read, And read again, and still And something new Something to please, and eometliing toTnstmct/'^ Hu Yiliag* Curate. V !*■• » SAINT JOHN, N. B.: ■fBUBB AND COMPANY, PWNTBRS, PRINCB WILLIAM 6TRBBT. 1862. V. A^V. \ • V V ^ . A^4 1 * s.. -X ».^ jf t *:^ .' \; ^ * u ,v.«i» 1^ DEDICATED TO JOHN TUCKER, EsQUiuK/i^ LLOYDS' SURVEYOR, AT SAINT JOHN, N. B., As a mark of respect and esteem, # THE AUTHOR. f It • K INTRODUCTION ^ i Ix preparing the following description of the Forest and Orna- MKNTAL Trees of New Brunswick, the principal object of the writer has been to present, in as brief a manner as possible, an outline of the general utility of the various woods, and their adaptability for mechan- ical and other purposes. The time at the diilposal of the writer, after the foliage had been collected and arranged, was so limited as to pre- clude the possibility of any let^gthened description. However, it has been tlie aim of the writer, while' forced to adopt brevity as a necessity, to make the sketch as lucid and comprehensive as possible. The public, the tribunal before which this collection of foliage, and and the description which necorapaiiies it, will be judged, may be induced to inquire into the motives which influenced the writer in undertaking its preparation. The explanation can be given in few words ; and, it is hoped that when given, it may not bo considered exceptionable. At the Provincial Exhibition, held at Sussex Vale, in the Province of New Brunswick, duriit/ the month of September, 1801, the writer had on exhibition, sp(i ioiens of upwards of fifty kinds of woods, with the foliage of each, which were deemed by the Commissioners so far meritorious as to be retained, along with other samples of woods in their rude state, for the World's Exhibition, to be held in London in May, 18G2. Observing that there was, among the collections exhibited at Sussex Vale, no detailed description of the different woods, which would give an idea of the uses to which each kind could be applie4, the writer determined to make an effort to supply the omission. The result of that effort is now before the reader. Whatever may be its merits or demerits, the writer is fully satisfied that the description may be relied upon as thoroughly accurate. «* ^'1 il I , :^f TAMARAC. , „ . Luriv Americana. ' Among the umny trees found in the forest of New J]iunswick. there arc none more valuable to the Ship builder than theTamarnCy otherwise known as Larch, Hackmatac, or Juniper. Trees of this description^ arc very numerous in all parts of the Province, and att'\in to an altitude of, and in many cases exceed, eighty feet, while it is fropi eight to eleven feet in circumference at the base. . At the present time there CiUi be seen aii immense number oK very fine Tamarae trees stored by Messrs. Gass, iStewart i^ Co., in their extensive ship-building yard at this portj which squtue upwards of two feet five inches, with sap Avood hewed off : many of them exceed fifty-six feet in length, and square two feet at the extreme end. The wood of the Taraarac is jaf a dark cast, and is gen<}rally con- sidered to be durable, easy to work, and soon seasoned. It is used l.. in the foundations of wharves, buildings and other structures : it *■ is also veiy valuable for Railway sleepers, water pipes or draiii«, planking for ships, treenail fastening, keelsons, beams, knees, hooks, bitts, stem and stern posts, aptons, knighthcads, liawsc tim- bers, foothooks, top timbers, also for nsing fluoi's in the toi*c and ^* after ends of ships, for which purpose the i-oot of this ti*ee i^ highly f* prized, .it being easily obtained of an acute or obtuse angle. It m may he well to remark that these roots meet with a ready siilc in ,% the United States and other markets, and they should not fail n. to attract the attention of the naval authorities in England, a^ ' ^ they form, when properly converted, iiny desired cui\c, for ships' ' bodies or bilges. Tamarae trees of the largest size are not now so plentiful as in ibrmer years, except inland, where the forests are most dense : thus the labor and expense in their transit to market are very great, and largely enhance their value. It may be well to remark here, that many of our l)est ships have been constructed of Tama- rae timber — among the number may be mentioned, with no small T) (legice of pride, the ikst c;iulin<^ sliip '• Marco l*olo," and otheib of later date and iiei Ay «qiial renown. Indeed, sliip9 built of thid material, and noted for their beauty, buoyancy, and &&t sailing ([ualhies, are to be found in all the principal lines of Australian and other oceanic clippers. Many, if not all, of thc^c ships have f)een built according to the established rules laid down by the Com- mittee of Lloyds' Register of British and Foreign Shipping, and liave deservedly attained a high char^icter. Tamarac, when devoid of sap and seasoned, lias been said to last in ships for a longer period than the seven years at present assigned to it by Lloyd's. It is extremely strong and elastic, and being devoid of acid, tends to preserve the iron or metal fatsening from oxydation, which is more than can be said of even English, Anrican, or other Oaks. The Tamarac tree grows on a variety of soils, but more particu- larly in low swamps, as well as on the most rocky and sterile gi'ound, and as luxuriantly as other trees of the forest in more favored localities. }^hip^■ tUHOH. Batula. The next descriptions of wood in general use, especially for ship building purposes, are the Birches, which embrace four kinds, the black, yellow, grey, and white. Black Birch. — This tree is produced in unlimited numbers, and ^ws to a height of fifty and sixty feet, and upwards of four feet m diameter. The wood is prepared into large baulks, and shipped to the markets of Great Britain and elsewbere. In ships of tne seven years and lower classes, it is ve^ generally used ^r planking, nndship floors, and foothooks. When confined under water, it is considered to bo unsurpassed by any other material of a like nature, for ship building purposes. In planking ships of the seven years class, its height is properly restricted to the light line ; in vessels of the six years class, it is allowed for first foot- hooks amidships, not exceeding one half the length of the keel ; and in vessels of the four years class its use is unrestricted, exc^t for the main pieces of rudder and windlass ; when used for these pur- poses, it is confined to vessels under 300 tons register. This wood is likewise generally used by boat-builders, oabinet-makerSi oarria^ '^i •^ ( I •' e builders, and for other mechanical purpo^ ; und for fuoi it is very extensively used. The land whereon the Black Birch is found, is generally of a good description, and much esteemed for agricirttii- ral purposes. Yellow Birch — Is very plen^ful in various pilrts of the Province — indeed, as much so as the Black Birch. It grows to a height of sixty and sometimes seventy feet, and about four feet in diameter. This wood is close in grain, and as much used by »hiprbuilders, carriage-makers, and others, a» the Black Birch ; and like it too, is prepared and shipped in baulks, for sale in the various European timber markets, and extensively used by the people in the Province for fuel. White Birch. — This tree is to be found in abundance in every section of the Province. It usually attains an altitude of sixty feet, and two feet in diameter. The wood is generally used for fuel. The Indians, or aborigines of the Province, use it for making baskets, tubs, and pails, while they make use of the bark for sheathing the shells of their canoes, and, in many instances, for covering their camps, or the rude tenements in which they live. From the White and Grey Birch the best charcoal is principally made. Grey Birch. — The Grey Birch, a wood generally used for the planking of coasting and inland vessels, and for fuel, is to be found in large quantities in various sections of the Province, but more particularly in the vicinity of the St. John, — the largest river in the Province, navi^ble for vessels of light draught a dis- tance of 140 miles from its mouth, and for beauty of scenery allowed to be unsurpassed by any other on the Continent of Ame- rica. Its growth, as regards both height and diameter, in many cases exceeds that of me White Birch. The bark of the Grey Birch, like that of the White, is much used in the mannufacture of canoes. It 'may be well to observe here, that these canoes are used by the Indians in navigating the rivers and shallow streams ; they are long, narrow, light, and fragile in appearance, extremely buoyant, and, when guided by a skillful hand, capable of being propelled with great rapidity. One of these fragile barks was pre- sented 1^ His ]&yal Highness the Prince of Wales, when visiting the sister Province in August, 1860. , , •, 4 -f fid^^^^-y ' S F Jl U (5 K . AbieH. There are two kinds of Spruce trees, diilering materially in their properties, the Black and the White. Black Spruce. — Throaghout every section of the Pi-ovinco Black Spruce abounds in great profusion, in many places to such an extent as to form immense forests. It attain! to a height of ninety, and very ofttn of onie hundred feet, and eleven and twelve feet in ciroumlereBoe at the base. The wood has been pronounced by many who have tried it, to be of a toagh nature, and, when seasoned, very laiting. It is considered bv ship-bulders to bo deserving of a higher classification than Lloyds at present assign it Ships built of the Blaek Spruce, twenty-five and even thirty years ago, are known to be now running, have had but little repairs, carry heavy eargoea, and do their work well. That spe- cies of the Black Spruce, termed, from its extraordinary density, bull spruce, which grows in the portion of the Province laved by the m,y of Fundy, is held in higher esteem than that which grows inland. This extreme density and toughness is supposed to be produced by the saturation which the fibre receives from the thick vapors or fogs which at times envelope the bay shore in a hazy gloom. It is singular that the Spruce tree, although of a softer nature than the Birches, should retain its b^utiful dark green foliage throughout the whole season, while the foliage of the Birches and Maples, a«d others termed jiardwoods. Me and decay as the autumnal season advances, and maintain a bleak appearance until the retttrn of spring, when the leaves again bud forth in all their beauly. Thi ^ack Steice may, in not a few instances, be found ^x>w- ing in al! its spfendor upon the most rocky and towering heights, , the roots twining and twisting over rock and into crevice, wimout ■^> particle of earth for a oovering. The wood of this tree, like the White Spruce, whicli shall be noticed in order, is used for masts and spars, and manufitctured into deals, boards, scantling, battens, shingles and laths. The transportation of these manu- factured articfes to Great Britain and elsewhere, gives employment to a vast amount of tonnage, foreign vessels having received for some years past, nearly 40 per cent, of the carrying ti*ade. i II n White SmuoE. — The production of this tree is unlimiteel, and grows principally in soft sail, which permits the roots to expand to a prodigious extent : and owing to the elasticity and toughness of the wood, it is highly estdemed. The trees attain a height of eighty feet and upwar£i, and from nine to eleven feet in circumference at the base. This speeies of Spruce, like that just noticed, bears a cone about two incnes long, and three-fourths of an inch in diameter, and retains its green foliftge throughout the whole vear. The White Spruee is very useful to the Mkn on account of the tar or resin wMeb it contains. Th]» su%8lai]^ exocbes ^^om the knots, and ^' blazes " made in the tree, and k used fer more effectually seeiirkig 1^ seams of canoed tfnd yarious vteiisils. Fangs, with wbiek the eanoes are secured, arc als^ proeur^ from the roots (rf" the White Spruce. SparS) piles, deals, boards, battens, laths, shingles, &c., are made from this tree, and, in conjunction with simikr articles nymu&c- tured from theBlaok Spmce, foiTa a very large item in tlte ivnnual ; .i , v.i. ~.t;. exports of the Province. life' ' .r>- • ^ mI FIR. Abies. -*i^Vif-*' The Fir tree abounds in all parts of the Province, attf as u height of forty-five and fifty feet^ and iloin ei^t^n Inches t tiro l^t iu diameter at the base. !fhe forage is h«iim> than tliat c Ihe Sfrace tree, while the cone it bears is somewhat lar^^. anc .l^rds^iod for the Squirrel, &c., in ^e winter season. ^ The grain of the wood is neither so close nor so hatd in its nature as ihat of the Bpruce, is more resinous, but when free from sap is consiteed to be durable. This wood, like the Ibmce, is ctlt up into tels, boards, battens, l&c., lor exportation, it is much used in wharf building. When manu&ct^z^ed into tubs, pails, butter ^kias, and chums, it is greatly esteemed by fiurmers' wives, from the &ct that the more frequently these utensili are used, the whiter the wood becomes. ^ It is from the Fir tree, sometimes desiffliated " Silvw Jlr,'^ that . the '^ Canada Balsam," so highly esteem^ throuighout the Province | Jiad elsewhere, for its great healing properties, is procured. , ^^^,^^ f. j J>:'r: that that ince HOCK MAPLK. Acer Saccharimim. There aic four kinds of Maple. The soil in whicli they giovr U of a rich loamy nature, and very justly is more highly valued on account of its agi'icultural capabilities, than land covered with wood of an inferior description. The species now more particularly under netice, is known as the " Kodc Maple." It grows to a height of seventy and eighty feet, and the trunk is generally from three to four ^t in diameter. The maple sugar which this tree produces is a great source of profit to the farmer ; indeed many make the procuring of the sap and the preparation of the sugar a branch of business. It has been estimated that the quantity of maple sugar annually made in New Brunswick amounts to about 400,000 tt>s. weight. The average value of the sugar may be set down at nine cents per pound. The sap is procured by " tapping " the trees in the month of March. After the sap is procured, it is made to undergo a process of boiling, and by this means the sugar is prepared. Wherever sugar is made in any considerable quantity, the trees are preserved for this purpose. Rock Maple is much used by cabinet-makers, coach-builders, &c., for various purposes, and, in many instances, by mill-wrights for 002S of wheels and other articles, in which the material i^ expose! to friction. It is, in some instances, used by ship-builders Inland, for bottom planking, . being, when confined under water, considered equally as lasting a? birch. This wood likewise fur- nishes the best fuel, when prepared for this purpose, and of course commands a higher price tlian any other wood. BIRD-EYE, CURLY, AM) WHITE MAPLE. Acer Sae€ha,rimim. Bird-eye, Curly, and White Maples, like Rock Maple, grow in unlimited numbers. The species called '^ Bird-eye " is much esteemed by cabinet-makers as a ouperior wood for various articles of furniture ; it presents, when made u]), a very handsome appear- ance. '^ The " Curly Maple '* is likewise much sought afler, for articles of furniture. The wood is susceptible of a very fine polish, and when made up, the grain is much admired. ; ti ■if \i u 10 . * " White Maple " is mueh x^aed for the planking of vessels, agricultural implements, and many other purposes. The wood if* 8trong and dense, and is much esteemed for fuel. OAK. Quei'cus, There are three species of Oak — the white, red, and grey. Thev are all abundant in the interior of the Province, and usually attam to an altitude of seventy feet and upwards, while the diame- ter is from two feet six inches to three feet. All of these species of oak are considered elastic, and are much used by carriage- builders and mill-wrights. Ship-builders also use th^ for paul bitts, treenail fastenings, main pieces of rudder, wmdlass, aprons, and stem and stem posts. Agricultural Implemttnts are very frequently made from all these descriptions of Oak. Staves al^o are made from them for exportation, and the bark is extensively used in tanning. The wood, however, is not so dense, nor is it held in so much esteem as the African Oak. . , ■■( 'Wf* ;a...' PINE. Piniis. ■% '%* 1«i ^? There are three species of Pines, known as the Red, White, Jind Prince's. - v White Pine. — The White Pine is unlimited in quantity, and when manufactured, forms a very large item of the annual exports of the Province. It is to be found of an altitude of from one hun- dred to one hundred and thir^ foet, though in some cases it has been found one hundred and nfty feet, and from twelve to fifteen feet in circumference at the base. It is considered to be the finest, most valuable, and most majestic tree of all which compoSe the forests of the Province, ^e* foliage is of a beautiful green, and contributes^ much to the natural grandeur of the tree. White Pine is extensively used in the manufiicture of dooi*s, sashes^ blinds, flooring, scantling, clapboards, trimming, laths, shingles, palings, and indeed every appliance that wood can be put to in house-building. It is likewise manufactured into sugar box shooks, 11 ■ vessels, ) wood if? 1., id grey. I usually le diame- le species carriage- for paul i, aprons, ire very aves al^o tensively HW is it lite, and ity, and exports me nun- » it has fifteen e finest, )oSe the een, and White sashes, ihingles, lut to in shooks, an immense quantity being annually shipped to the West Indiau markets. In ship-building it is used for water-ways in vessels of ' the seven years class, and for finishing the interior of ships' cabins, ;ind is found to be very suitable for masts, bowsprits, &c. It is likewise converted into baulks, deals and scantling for export to Great Britain and elsewhere. The baulks in many cases square over three and four feet. This wood is of a light color, is easily worked, makes a good appearanije, and when devoid of sap and properly seasoned, will last for a long time. Red Pine. — The Red Pine grows to a height of seventy and [eighty feet, and two feet in diameter. It is much impregnated with resinous matter, grows exceedmgly straight, and is quite free [from limbs until near the extreme end. The grain of this wood is joarse, but when devoid of sap, (of which this tree bears a large proportion,) is said to bo durable. It is used pretty generally for ihe planking of ships, and owing to its elasticity, the ship-builder liolds it in much esteem for hooding ends. Pumps for coasting and [inland vessels are invariably made from this wood ; and for abnt- [ments, piles, and planking for wharves, it is very much in repute. Prince's Pine. — This tree is very numerous in various parts f the Province. In height and diameter it somewhat exceeds the Red Pine. The fibre bears a striking resemblance to Southern Pitch Pine, which is indigenous to milder latitudes. The grain appears to be very resinous. The Prince's Pines are generally found in low land, and present an exceedingly picturesque appeor- ance. The timber prepared from the tree under notice, is devoid 1^^ of knots, and makes rather clean work. ■ V m i .?%■ tMi E L M Ulmns. '■^miA: ■V .#- There are two species of Elm — the Red and White. They I are very numerous, and to be found in various localities through- out the Province. In many cases th^ white exceeds ninety feet in I height, and attains a circumference of twelve feet ; while the red, although lofty, is scarcely to be found of so large proportions. I The appearance of both species of the Elm tree is very imposing, the foliage being very luxuriant, and the trunk bearing the same I proportions from the base to within a few feet of the summit. ( They are to he ibimd on meadow or intervale land, on the margin of rivers, and in swampy mai*shes, where the soil is in the least degree fertile. The wood is generally iised in the manufacture of Agricultural Implements, for ships' blocks, keel pieces, planking and abutments lor mills and dams, and lasts well, either when immersed in water, or placed in exposed positions. It is not, how- ever, held in such esteem as Tamarac or Birch for keel pieces or bottom planking in ships. BUTTEllJfUT Oil WALNUT. ' Juylans Cinirea. Butternut, sometimes known as Walnut, and not unfi*equently Oilnut, is very numerous. This tree grows very straight, and generally reaches a height of from seventy to eighty feet, and over two feet in diameter at the base. It bears a very palatable But, of tn oblong shape, whioh is ripe in autumn lud then generally abundant. These nuts, in former times, Wciu ve^ much used by the aborigines for the oil which they contain. The wood of the Butternut tree is very much used by cabinet-makers in the manu- facture of the more superior articles of furniture, such \s hall chairs, ward-robes, book-cases, toilet and other tables. This wood presents a handsome appearance when manufactured, and l)eing very easily worked, its value is greatly enhanced. BEECH. Fagus Amerhaiid There are three species of Beech — the White, Red, and Pasture Beech. ^ White Beech. — The White Beech grows to an altitude of sixty, and sometimes seventy feet. It is very plentiful, and is to be found in various parts of ithe Province, and particularly in fer- tile valleys, or trhere a deep alluvial soil exists. In some places these trees cover acres of land, unmixed with other wood. The wood of this tree is used by carriage-makers, and also converted into planking for coasting and inland vessels. Treenail fiustening 13 also made from it, for which purpose it is considered by many ling feet, ' TheH who as lor diame % R-E I ;aid u ^ nut it and o\ m the rapid! soft an buildei treena notice article: are vci k c(}ual to bolts in tlie flat of ships* bottoms. Tbis vrood is close in grain, and somewhat durable, either in exposed situations or otherwise. It will last for a very long period when immersed iu salt water or confined below the light line. Ships planked with this material under the flat have been known to run for ycnrs l)efore requiring a renewal of planking on account of defect. Pasture Beech. — The Pastui'e Beech, generally termed sap- ling or common Beech, grows to a height of twenty and thirty feet, and is seldom, if ever, found over fifteen inqhes in diameter. The fibre is dense, and the outside or sap is considered by thoso who have tested it, to be the toughest, and remains sound equally as long as the heart, which is of reddish cast, and about an inch in diameter. Red Beech. — The Red Beecli attains a height of sixty feet, jind upwards of two feet in diameter. It is highly prized for the nut it bears, which in winter supplier food foi* the Ihrmers' hogs and other animals. Many people allow their hogs to roam at large in the forest, to grow and fatten ujx)n .the nut, which they do very rapidly. The jwrk, however, is not held in much repute, being soft and oily. The wood of the Red Beech is used by carriage- builders, and also manufactured into implements of agriculture, treenail fastening, and staves for exportation. The Beech under notice presents a very beautiful and glossy hue wlien made into articles of ftirniture and. polished. All of the Beeches mentioned are \cvy much nsed for fuel. Wll ITI': CKDAI!. V Juni/jcrus Americana. v The White Cedar is to l>c tbund in vast quantities throughout all the forests of New Brunswick. It is a very beautiful tree, and looks well in forest or on ornamental grounds. It is found from forty to fifty feet in height, and nearly two feet in diameter; when exceeding these dimensions the heart is occasionally discovered to be somewhat defective. White Cedar is generally found in groves unmixed with other trees, covering perhaps twenty to forty, and even eighty acres in extent. The wood is extremely light, and next in specific gravity to White Pine. It is remarkable for its durability, when kept cither wet or dry. and is said to retain its , (I 14 fastenings in a better atate, and for a much longer time, than any other tree in the forest, and to resist tlie attack of insects. It splits easily, and is very valuable for fencing poleS; posts, pickets, railway sleepers, planking of boats, and is very generally used by the Indians, in manufacturing pails, tubs and churns. Shingles are made from it, and shipped in very large quantities to the West Indian and other markets. The Committee of Lloyds' Register allow it in many parts of the higher class colonial ships. Oedai most abounds in swamps, and although the soil in which it grows is damp and cold, yet it is alluvial, and valued for the large crops it produces. ilS:^ -iilli AMERICAN LIME THEE. Tilia Americana. • The American Lime tree, generally known as tlie Bass-wood tree, grows to a large size in New Brunswick forests, in many instances exceeding eighty feet in height, and of a proportionate- diameter. It presents a very fine appearance in the forest, having, with its loftiness, perfect symmetry, but it is not much valued as | timber, being rather deficient in strength, and it is not extensively used. The wood makes a very smooth and clean finish, and owing to this and its elasticity, is mostly used by carriage-makers foi frame- work, as it is not so liable to shrink as other descriptions of | wood ; ship-builders use it for ships' mils in many cases. It grows in large quantities in the Northern parts of the Province. |,'. ii ASH. "^ Fraxin us , ' There arc three kinds of Ash — the White, Black, and Yellow or Splint Ash. White Ash. — This tree reaches a height of fifty and sixtv feet, and a diameter of nearly two feet. It does not generally grow I in groves, but is very much scattered and intermixed with other tre^. The wood is very elastic, much more so than any other TTOod found in the forest. It is extensively used by carriage- makers for shafts and poles, runners of sleds and sleighs ; and by boat-b»ilders for planking. Capstan-bars, oars, staves, scythe and u uxe bftndles are made of it, and indeed all the implements of agri- culture in which wood is deem^ neoepsary. The Ash tree bears a beautifal foliage, and makes a very fine ornamental tree. Black Ash. — The Black Ash grows to a size nearly similar to that of, the White Ash, but the wood is not so dense, nor yet so much esteemed for general purposes. Among the Indians, how- ever, it is very frequently used in the manufacture of baskets, kc. It is found in low, flat land, and on the banks of streams. Wherever this description of tree is found, the land is generally alluvial. Yellow Ash. — The YeUow or Splint Ash is unlimited in quan- tity ; but seldom, if ever, exceeds twenty feet in height. It is fbund in swampy ground, of a character not much esteemed for agricultural purposes. The wood is chiefly used by coope^. .'f. \i HEMLOCK. . Abies. Of this there arc two descriptions — the Black and White Hem- lock. These trees reach a height of seventy and eighty feet, are found on the margin of rivers, lakes and ^wamps. In many cases it is found in groves also^ in company with Maples and other hard- woods. The wood is not esteemed for mechanical purposes, except in bridge and wharf building, and for piles, abutments, and ships' ground ways. It is very generally cut up into boards and lath- wood, the latter being exported m large quantities to Great Bri- tain. The wood is considered very durable under water — in wharves it has been known to remain in a good state of preserva- tion for thirty years and upwards. Lloyd's Committee admit it in ships of the four years class for floors, foothooks, top-timbei's, and inside and outside planking. The bark of the Hemlock tree is greatly used by tanners, and takes the place of Oak bark. The bark is stripped ofi* the tree in long slabs, and answers as a substitute for boards in covering the camps or hovels used by the lumbermen when engaged in the for- ests in lumbering pursuits. Wherever the Hemlock and lofty Pine exist, the seilj being oold and wet, is not held in much este^ for agricultural purposes. i I i : fl 1 ■ k I, '•I '% 16 APPLE AND PLUM TREE, AND HIGH- BUSH CRANBERRY. Ft/rtis, Primus^ « and Oxycocus. The Apple Hiid Plum tree, and High-bush CratibeiTy, arj, to « certain extent, abundant in various parts of the Province, produc- ing fruit, in size and flavor, equa4 to that im[torted from moi*o genial clmics. «4 ^ WILD CHERRY. Cerasus Americana. Wil4 Cherry tree is found of a height of twciity-fivc feet. It . is very abundant ; but, as a wood, is not iise;- There are three specimens of Poplar treo — the Balsam Poplar, (or Balm of G Head,) tlie American Aspen, anil the Common Pop- lar. Each of the three kinds of this description of tree grows to a large size. The two former are not over plentiful, and are not much prized, except for ornamental purposes. The Common Pop- lar is the largest, and is found of a height of fifty and sixty feet, and two feet in diameter. The wood of all of them is of a whitish color, and is neither close in grain, nor yet very lasting. That of the latter is much prized for saw gates in water-power saw niilU : it is also cut up into shingles, and is frequently used by cairiagfj- makers, and bv the Indians ia the manufacture of tubs, k c. ieet. It ■ ■• • ■ al puriKv 1 • 1 .At .i.fvf ..^.-i'ii HOW AN TKEK. Sorhua. • t &:■ - ;vU/ The Rowan treee, or Shittim Wood, by some termed Mountain Ash, is very plentiful, and when it has attained its full growth, seldom exceeds 35 feet in height. In the month of December these trees present a very picturesque appearance, being then +Alder and Elder are very plentiful in all parts of the Provincp. and are found principally upon the banks of streams, and on the i 1 ''I 111 i ^:-'i is . borders oi swamps. They generally grow to a lieight of from six to ten feet, and are well calculated for making good hedges. It is said tliat the wood of the former makes the best quality of charcoal for gunpowder. * ^ . - . . ■i' HAZEL. Coyhis. Ifaxel is a small shrub, found in rich; loamy land, and on the margin of streams and lakes where the soil is fertile. It produces a very palatable nut. -■ "'■ s • ?.it'K« .41 '5 .:, Mm k 7»i. 'I WILLOW. •ijUlf There are three descriptions of Willows — the Swamp, Black, and Basket Willow. The two former grow to a large size, and are very abundant. The wood is not generally used for any mechanical purpose. They are, however, frequently used for ornamenting groi ids. .•'ivf i-M^M ■ ^..r '-!A^^\ W,ih' LILAC. 'Jn-i.i v-. iw -M^jti^ Syringa. ,'n( ' The Lilac may be considered a shrub. It grows to a height of eight, and rarely- over twelve feet, and has a beautiful foliage, which it retains until the approach of the autumnal season. It blooms at a much earlier period in the season than any other gar- den flower, and emits a delightful fragrance. The Lilac grows thick, and when properly attended to, forms a very nice hedge. . ii n .'o HAWTHORN. V: Cratcpgiis. The Hawthorn grows to about the same height as the Lilac, and presents a very fine appearance in autumn, being then completely loaded with berries. The hawthorn is used principally for orna- 19 mental purposes ; when properly trimmed at suitable seabons, and otherwise attended to, it makes an excellent hedge. ..,(. t**OV. juth ^iu : t; >'(>i •J CHESTNUT. Castanea Vesca. The Chestnut, although not a native tree, is found pretty numer- ous in various localities throughout the Provinces, and is much esteemed for ornamental purposes. In some parts of North Ame- rica the wood of the Chestnut tree is used for, and makes excellent fencing,'^^ and timber for other purposes. Chestnut trees grow very rapidly in light soil, and, if cut in summer, will last for a very long time, ^^hc Country Gentleman says that many fail in raising Chestnut trees from seed, because they allow the shell of the nut to become dry. Take fresh chestnuts in autumn and mix them with slightly moist leaf mould, and leave them exposed, out of the reach of mice, all winter. They are best if in contact with the moiit ground. Then, as soon as they begin to sprout in the spring, plant them two inches deep. To cultivate the Chestnut and Locust, of which there are two kinds, viz : the Yellow, and Honey Locust, plant them in ridges for a few seasons, with corn, beans, potatoes or carrots. As they are rather diflScult to trans- plant, this mode secures vigorous young plants at once. The Horse Chestnut is admired for the beauty of its wide- spreading branches, and the flower it bears. Its growth is limited in this Province. HORNBEAM. Carpinus. •ill' illiv: ^;i\, Xiii ili>- ';n* ft fO'VC'i ■^>. tin J x.'W :'i', \. The Hornbeam tree, by some called Iron-wood, is found in large ({Uantities in various parts of the Province where the soil is deep and rich. It reaches a height of thirty feet. The wood is very dense, tough and elastic. It is much esteemed by the lumberer for axe and other handles ; is frequently used in the manufacture of agricultural implements ; and also by mill- Wrights. .. •[> i,Ht...i: (IjjiOC'. Ui J,.U''^' i^'-:*. ii' "ri' ■i SUMAC. Rhus, tSuime; is very abundant, and is to be found of a height of fifteen feet. It bears an admirable foliage, with a cone of maroon color, i ^f I ¥. n , . I and of a shape and size similar to that of an ordinary sized carrot. Dye stuff is frequently extracted from this cone, which, after uiulcigoing a certain amount of distillation, assumes a very black color. It is therefore much used in the coloring and dyeing of liibrics, &c. •> J'5/.f|fT ■ ',» .('!; MOOSE WOOD. There are two species of Moose Wood — the Hound-leaf, and Notch-leaf Moobc Wood. It is found of a height approaching to ten and fifteen feet, and of a corresponding diameter. As a wood it is not applied to any useful purpose. J ^f'^'ltiWyH P' ^' ili- V--' J. v.. V. J ^ »V.JL J. XJJLJ, Pyvus. r n«"' j ,f-r!"fi*:i*fXi %i''Mi ■1,1, The Crab Apple tree, which produces an abundance of small apples nmch prized by housewives for preserving, is rather diminu- tive, rarely exceeding fifteen feet in height. 111 closing this general description of the forest and other trees of New Brunswick, it should be remarked that there are several minor trees, if they may properly be so termed, many of them assimilating with the various specimens mentiuncd, though distinct ill name, the soil and place of growth being the only distinction. All ot them, however, are more or less valuable to the mechanic, the farmer, and native Indian. ,^.-^ .... -_,^..^.. ■.. „... , ■„^...- ..,:.>?.♦!; - y.K-it ■ '; -ii. i :^i«>T fii f^f:^ - • «^ .'ii^tA^.j III!, jfcjjivl /ytwA) .rs... t* ■<.t ! .11. ., ,. In concluding we cannot do better than quote i\ir. ^IcGregor s eloquent description of the magnificent appearance of the British North American forests : — •' In Europe, in Asia, in Africa, and even in South America, the primeval trees, how much soever their magnitude may arrest attention, do not grow in the promiscuous stylo that prevails in the general character of the North American woods. ISIany Varictic:^ 21 of the nine intermingled with birch, maple, beech, oak, and numer- ous other tribes, branch luxuriantly orer the banks of lakes and rivers — extend in stately grandeur along the plains, and stretch proudly up to the very summits of the mountains. • ^^ . -■■ ' It is impossible to exaggerate the autumnal beauty of these forests ; nothing undr^r heaven cm bo compared to their effulgent gmndour. Two or three frosty nights in the decline of autumn transform the boundless verdure of a whole empire into every pos- sible tint of brilliant scarlet and rich violet, every shade of blue and brown, vivid crimson and glittering yellow. a The stern, inexorable fir tribes alone maintain their eternal bombrc green. All others, on mountains or in valleys, burst into the most glorious vegetable beauty, and exhibit the most splendid and enchanting panorama on earth." '. ' .'-.l •'!■ ; I " '/-I 'j '. 'Vi;'';; 10", ■ * \, yo\^t.:'j o'lU ;i''iiiv.' i.uvi^ni ■u&.n,^' '.la, ■ :5'.:j :/<.. • ^'rir^i ''.\ '■-'!.) ■.'■) : 'Hi- I: ' ' |V:)jr>;' V'r-;.. ,■;,;;!.((;:! y-viii '•■•'•' .• \. ■ }..- :L "I \^u,.M nr!j vd nwoa/l -I'lr' vDrlT A?;:?; ^ 'U>'t'.?}'s' ■ - *« - < > » • •:■ ^M ::,.;''"; :"-f'n ^ .■ rif-ofc^.^, lf;*:;M' ';:.;■.■- :^V':..; ."^i • r^ '. ■v'ni' :;^-;if=iC"^"^ ^tiii .■*'Vi':<^ ■*''!' ,.,,.,♦. '&nt f''^' -iAi] ^fh'i'iA^'Mi^ . ^'': •■'f'iivr'ijovi-^ liVi^J^v'S'^'j'— '■■*■'"'''■•''''"" '•:)'^^*' .?;!' i,v!Hi'»;io°'tf f*! f'^iHf!;r'"( ,:'iiJ';;H:.ric-(i;m . llfr^f^ii^'fej'fe^rH ; , 'i-' IL. ■ 6f.■^• ^ij'Kvrjnb- A Ttol .«li t J.„ MM ..t^'< 2*.. mb u ¥ il ■I ■' ••■:?»*[ APPENDIX. ,1: '.•!;, i ... r...,,..>.>> A Mr. Robert Murray, in describing a few specimens of British ship timber, and their varieties, very correctly says : — " The weight and density of timber is, iii general, a sure index of its strength — the densest wood being at the same time the strongest. The Oak^ as well as all dther timbers, varies in its spe- cific gravity according to the soil which produces it, the density mainly depending upon the length of time occupied in the forma- tion of the wood. Those trees which grow fast, from being located oii most, sandy soils, never produce such strong timber as others of slower growth. It has been found by experiment, that the bottom part of the trunk, with the corresponding branches, is denser and stronger than the upper part 01 the same tree. " The decay of wood by the growth of fungus denominated dry rot, may be traced to the putrifying of the sap, when this has been left within the pores of the timber in the same condition as it exists in the living tree. The various means which are employed to arrest this destructive fermentation are, either to wash out the sap by long soaking in water, aided by the action of the sun ; to dry up the sap, cither naturally by exposure to the sun and wind, or artificially by baking, or by heated currents of air ; or else by injecting into the pores of the wood some metallic salt, to combine with the albumen and render it insoluble, or some antiseptic sub- stance to preserve the vegetable tissue. The various processes, however, for the preservation of timber by the absorption of metallic salts, have all more or less failed in practice, and arc now very generally abandoned. They are known by the names of the inventors, as Kyan's, Margary's, Burnett's and Payne's processes. For ship-building purposes, such chemically prepared or salted timber is scarcely to be recommended, as it attracts much moisture, and is very destructive to the metal fastenings. Oils and resinous solutions, although they certainly render the wood impervious to moisture, and preserve the iron or metal bolts from oxidation, arc still very objectionable from the increased inflammability which they impart to the structure. The time and expense necessarily required in preparing the wood with the preservative substance, are also great di-awbacks to its employment in ship-building, where a delay of even two or three days, more especially in repairing, is often of serious con3C(i[ucncc ; and it should be remembered that the 23 very " the esses, altcd turc. inou:s )us to arc vhich jarily ancC; ivherc tthc timber must be operated upon after it has beeli shaped or ' coti- verted.' Timber may be preserved — we will not say perfectly — from subsequent decay, by long submergence in shallow salt water, or, which is still better, in salt mud. " When thus treated for a period of from ten to twenty years, the sap gets thoroughly washed out of the pores of the wood by the alternate absorption and expulsion of air or other gases caused by successive variations of temperature. It need scarcely be hint- ed, however, that such a mode of proceedure, though sometimes adopted in government dock yards, would be ruinously expensive to the private ship-builder. , . • - ''.. : " Having pointed out the fatal objection generally attending the use of chemically prepared timber for ships or houses, it remains to show what means can be employed, (and that with tolerable cer- tainty.) for preserving the timber of these structures from prema- ture decay. The means at our command for this purpose are summed up in the two words, ' seasoning ' and ' ventilation ' ; namely, thorough seasoning or drying of l^e timber on shore, when this is practicable, but by all means good ventilation on board. If these well known and universally approved principles were but cariued out in an honest and common sense fashion, we should hear but little of rotten gun-boats, or heavy repairs to frigates, after a first commission. Though it is undoubtedly true that the closely packed timbeic and double planking of a vessel of war, present great obstacles to a thorough ventilation of the bottom, much may still be done by conducting currents of air down into the hold and between the timbers, by means of wind-sails, or, if necessary, by fanners, worked either by steam" or hand, and by so arranging the internal accommodation that there may be as little stagnation of air as possible. However well seasoned and dry the timber may be when the ship is launched, it will rapidly absorb moisture from the damp atmosphere of the hold, unless evaporation from its surface be kept up by a forced circulation of air. " It is certainly unbecomirg the scientific character of the age, that ships built hurriedly and cheaply, and of inferior timber, by what are contemptuously called ' slop ' builders, are known to resist the ravages of dry-rot much better than the expensively and elaborately constructed ships of Her Majesty's dock-yards. Nay, more, that these same ' slop-built ' ships, even when constructed entirely of green timber, as they frequently are, will last longer than a government ship built of the best seasoned oak. The whole ! •a. 1-1 I f ■ ' Jrl i i !, if I i.tii ■'1 i f 1*1 . secret is, of course, the internal ventilation of the hold and frame of the ship. In a cheaply built merchant ship, the timbers are spaced some distance apart, and the ceiling planks are not placed so close together as hermetically to seal the spaces between the timbers, the consequence being that good ventilation is maintained amongst the planks and timbers of the bottom and sides. Even when such a ship is built of green wood, the circulation of air is generally sufficient to season the timber in its place, and prevent its decay, for the dry-rot fungus will not thrive in an atmosphere less moist and stagnant than that of an underground cellar. The shrinkage of green timber, in such a case, would also conduce to its preservation, by admitting the air between the ceiling planks. Sap-wood should always be removed from the timbers and planks of a ship, as, from its spongy texture, and imperfect development, it is more liable to dry-rot than the heart wood, besides being much weaker, and when the dry rot has once commenced, either in a ship or a house, it is rapidly propagated by contagion."" . : (•' 'ti -,^•v' It- >-.- ^> 1 n- , 1 i i'f :! ! ■r ^':':^i 1 1 "",' L.. LjI I '. ' J" ii-»- I-V1/-' S .1 i"i r (I If ..J ' '-I i 1-1 I ti. !. a ^eid ifw Moeivtid in tl^ elty.3r«■t•^ ■Mfiii tlM deMli of M|^ 9. B. IfoiUiii li^Qh ootnned Hi ViriJiii» V.,- S^jiilir- 4a|i%Jlr.. MoiQEo waf 0009 ■:*JlMf-P^ mii^siaiiiii Si« Jobii. v-^iTat optt Uof pifpteiNtot^^ WaidNw ft (^ PorUind ia tM Connoontioiiiicit; W«8 SQp9riiit«iid- •BtpfMWQNtie^stid Ik^ wtoriil oilier ^poaiUont ootineotad^irilb flu^ eity. ^. ^^ was also a promhieQt Ffa^asoa, being « past oommaiider. '0^, .the (Jnion iD^MoUy ' Fkeceptory* ■ H« : : also JtM the oflloi of proT iaoiiil . Brior for me time under the Oiiat Priory of dlkrMr. Mnnro tras also a past —aster tfliiie Unioii Lodge of Portland and topki?yeiy actlye part in l|aSonic| i||tttoi)li)rmany ^ The position of iwcretfiry of EngUsitLloyds wfti alao held (by Mr. Knnro, onder three gentlemen, iJohn Tupker. Ch^stopher Beaant and p.Lapthom.^ il 1 >■ :tl i V '.\ i li ;:XMi»AS»^'K^ . v-i ,^. •- -m^'A^ ^ ■. m li