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Les diegrammes sulvants iliustrent la mAthode. 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 The EDITH and LORNE PIERCE COLLECTION 0/ CANADIANA ^eerCs University at Kingston DouqLas LibRARy queew's UNiveRSiiy AT kiNQSCON Presented btj RULES, REGULATIONS AND BY-LAW COVERING THE lntro(luction,Supply I Consumption OF ^VATER ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS AND MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF MERBITTON. fc-^iP-V^g^ ,rc>^g Office of the Water Commissioners. Mekritton, October 15, 1889. To whom it max concern : The Water Commissioners of the Village of Merritton, by authority conferred upon them by section 38, and other sections, of the Water Works Act, do hereby ordain and establish the following rules and regulations relating to the protection, control and management of the Merritton Water Works, and the uses of water supplied therefrom, and do also establish the annexed schedule of rates as provided, tc be paid for the uses of water therein indicated, when supplied from said Water Works. The said rules and regulations shall become operative on the 14th of October, 1889, and so continue until changed by the Water Commissioners. O.J.PHELPS. JOHN CONLON, JOHN PILLING, JOHN McLEAN, Water Commissioners. R, CLARK. Superintendent, c )^ 4^ ^ » RULES AND REGULATIONS be used longer than three hours each day without a special permit. Sec. 34. Hose larger than f inch will not be permit- ted, except upon additional charge, and sprinkling with- out a nozzle or with a larger opening than J inch is for- bidden. Sec. 35. No counter or bar cocks with a waste pipe in connection therewithjand so arranged that it can be left constantly running, and no jet or constantly running stream of any kind can be arranged for without a permit. Sec. 36. All hydraulic or beer motors shall have at- tached to them some self-acting recorder or meter, from which the amount of water can be ascertained or calcu- lated, without a special rate is agreed upon. Sec. 37. In all cases where boilers are supplied, a suit- able safety or vacuum valve must be applied to prevent damage from collapsing or otherwise when the water is shut off from the street mains. Check valves are not permitted to be used. Sec. 38. Pump9 for supplying water to steam boilers or other fixtures for other purposes will not be permitted to take water directly from the service pipes, but must draw from an open receptacle into which the water has been previously discharged; no pump will be allowed to be attached directly to any pipe on which a meter is located. Sec. 39. The Water Board and their employees shall have access to all parts of the premises to which the water is supplied, for the purpose of inspection, examina- tion of fixtures, &c. Sec. 40. It shall be the duty of any police officer, or patrolman, to close any fire hydrant or other hydrant that may be set for public use if found running or wasting water, and to notify all persons or premises where yard hydrants or other fixtures may be found wasting, leaking or out of order, to stop said waste and repair all leaks, and in case fire hydrants, or public hydrants, are found out of order, or wasting or leaking, so that said police ofi^er or patrolman cannot stop the flow of water it shall MERRITTON WAT" WORKS. 3» It a lit- Jith- Ifor- )ipe Heft then be the duty of said police to give notice at the office of the water-works, with as little delay as possible, of said leak, and it shall likewise be the duty of the police to notify the office of the water-works of all leaks from main or service pipes that may occur in the streets, and to pre- vent all persons from opening the fire hydrants and wasting or taking water therefrom who have not written permission so to do from the Superintendent or Water Board. Sec. 41. No person being tenant, occupant or inmate of any house, buildmg or other place supplied with water from the water- works of the Village of Merritton, is per- mitted to lend, sell or dispose of the water thereof, or for giving it away or permitting it to be taken or carried away, or for using or applying it to the use or benefit of others, or to any other than his or her or their own use and benefit, or to increasing the supply of water agreed for with the corporation, or wrongfully neglecting or im- properly waste water shall, upon conviction of violating any of the above conditions, have the supply cut off and not again turned on until one dollar for turning off and on, and any penalty the Board may see fit to impose. Sec. 42. In all cases where the Water Board decide to place a meter upon any premises, the owner, agent or occupant of the premises must provide a suitable place wherein to place the meter. Sec. 43. All bills for water furnished by meter shall be payable quarterly at the same time at other rates. Sec. 44. The Water Board may make abatements in the water rates in proper cases. Sec. 45. No person or persons shall commit any nuisance in or about the grounds of the settling basin, or throw any sticks, stones or any substances into said set- tling basin, or enter Or fish within the fence enclosing said basin on the top of the bank, nor shall any child or per- son, on the Sabbath or any other day of the week, play upon the grass or upon the embankment of the said set- tling basin, or in any way injure or deface the fences, shade tfees or shrubbery around said basin. A violattoii 3a RULES AND REGULATIONS. of any of the foregoing provisions shall subject the ofiender to a penalty of ten dollars. Sec. 46. No person shall hitch any horse, team or animal to any hydrant, and any person who shall injure any valve or hydrant, or who shall break or interfere with the same, and draw off or waste or cause to be re- moved, any water therefrom, except to draw water from such hydrants as may be set or designated for public use in certain localities, shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. 47. If any person shall turn on or off the water in any of the water pipes, reservoirs or hydrants without permission of the Water Board, lie shall be liable to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, except fire hydrants in case of fire. Sec, 48. No water can be taken from any free or public hydrant except for domestic use, and no builder or mason or other person s'l dl be allowed to take any water into tubs, barrels, wheelbarrows, carts or otherwise from any free or public hydrants to be used in any manner or business for mechanical purposes, supply of steam engines, or any like use, without paying in advance the regular and established rates therefor and obtaining written permission for such purposes and use of the water under a penalty of ten dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 49. No person shall water any horse or cattle within thirty feet of any public, or from any free hydrant, nor shall any person, filling any cask at any such hydrant, delay or hinder any other person in obtaining water with a pail or bucket, under the penalty of two dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 50. No person shall wilfully delay or hinder any other person from procuring water at any of the free hydrants in this village under the penalty of two dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 51. If any person shall open any fire hydrant .within the Village of Merritton, or lift or remove the . cover of any valve-box, without the permission of the //. MERRITTON WATER WORKS. 33 the or (jure rfere re- irom use not ir Board, except in case of fire he shall be liat4- *n a pen- alty of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. 52. If any person entrusted with the wrenches of the fire hydrants, or others, shall open the same on any occasion whatever, except by permission of the Water Board, or in case of fire in the neighborhood, he, she or they so offending shall forfeit and pay for each and every offence the sum of five dollars, and if the person or per- sons entrusted with the wrenches of the fire hydrants shall neglect or refuse to shut the same as soon as the fire is extinguished, he or they shall pay for such offence the sum of five dollars. Sec. 53. If any person shall make any opening or con- nection with any main, pipe or reservoir without permis- sion of the Water Boarci , he shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. 54. In making repairs or constructing new works, the Water Board reserves the right to shut off the water and keep it shut off as long as may be necessary for making such repairs or extensions, and no deduction will be made or damages allowed for the time the water is so shut off. Sec. 55. Stand pipes are only intended and permitted for fire protection, for which no charge will be made for the water thus used, but all such pipes must be provided with a suitable valve at the bottom of the pipe where the water is let on, the same to be sealed by an agent of the water office. In case such seal shall be broken for the extinguishment of any fire the party shall immediately give notice at the water office, and in case such seal shall be broken for any other purpose or use, or any tap in- troduced into, or connection made with said stand pipe, the party so offending will be subjected to a fine of twenty dollars. No stand pipe will be allowed on premises where the water is not taken, for other than fire purposes, and in any case the Water Board reserves the right to refuse any or all applications for this purpose in their discretion. Sec. 56. Any manufacturer having water into his or their factory for fire purposes from the village water- works, and having outside hydrants of their own, shall *• 34 RULKS AND REGULATIONS. be allowed to use the water from said hydrants oDce each week for to practice their own firemen, but no longer than half an hour at each practice. Sec. 57. In cases where fixtures or property of the water-works are broken or damaged, the party or parties so offending shall be liable for all damage done. Sec. 58. The foltowing table of rates (see page 35) shall be charged for the use of water as far as specified, and all uses of water for which a rate is not herein speci- fied shall be fixed by the Commission or Superintendent. Sec. 59. Any person violating any of the above By- laws, except where a penalty is described therein, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of five dollars for each and every offence. Sec. 60. Any person or persons having violated any of the foregoing By-laws, and refusing or neglecting to pay the fine or fines imposed therein, and such person is convicted of such act before a Justice ol the Peace hav- ing jurisdiction in the locality within which the offence is committed, he shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars nor less than one dollar, together with the costs and charges attending the proceedings and conviction, or such offender may be im- prisoned in the first instance for any term not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 61. The penalties in money under this By-law, or any portion of them which may be recovered, shall be paid to the convicting justice and'by him paid, one-half to the treasurer of the corporation and the other half to the prosecutor, unless the prosecutor is the servant or officer of the corporation, in which case the whole of the penalty shall be paid to the corporation. Sec. 62. It i» also understood that nothing herein shall prevent the Council or Commission to alter or change the schedule rate herein attached, or any portion of these By-laws at any time they deem expedient. Adopted in Council, this 14th day of October, 1889. R. CLARK, JOHN McLEAN, Clerk. Reeve. 1 terl> Oct( Priv 4i¥ buil ordi BatI Bak Bar Bu Bn Bu Ft G I- MKRRITTON WATER WORKS. 35 Ice loo (he lies TARIFF OF WATER RATES. The annual rates for the use of water shall be paid quar- terly in advance on the first days of January, April, July and October at the office of the Water Works Commission. Jy- all nd Private Dwellings and Tenement Houses— Not exceeding six rooms, from hydrant or tap $4 00 Exceeding six rooms, from hydrant or tap. 5 o-.' SPECIAL AND ADDITIONAL RATES. All conveniences in connection with dwelling houses anc. o*hei buildings are chargeable, in addition to the foregoing rates / > n ordinary supply : Bath Tubs, each .5 • Bakeries, average daily use for each barrel of flour, (no bak' less than $8)... 2 00 Barber Shops — One chair 2 00 Each additional chair i 00 Butcher and Fish Stalls, each 4 00 Breweries and all Manufacturing Businesses — Using 1000 gallons per day or less, per 1000 gallons 20 For all over 2000 gallons per day. per 1000 gallons 14 Building Purposes — For each 1000 brick. ..< 08 For each 100 square yards plastering 20 For each cord of stone 10 Fountains — On counters, 1-16 inch jet 6 00 In gardens or lawns, 1-16 inch jet, six hours per day 5 00 In gardens or lawns. 1-8 inch jet, six hours per day 12 00 Greenhouses — For first 1,000 square feet or less 5 00 For each additional 1,000 square feet 2 00 Hotels and Boarding Houses, (in addition to opening charges.)— For each bed-room 25 Barroom $5 00 to 8 00 or meter rates. *Hose Attachments for street sprinkling and window washing (where water is taken for inside use) for not over loo feet front or less, for each premises 2 00 For all premises over 100 feet front, each additional foot,... a^ *Hose under this rate shall only be used on the street fronting the premises of the person paying for such use, and shall not be used for sprinkling streets, sidewalk and window washing, except one hour before 9 a. m., one hour at noon and one hour aftef s p. m. 36 RULES AND REGULATIONS Hose Attachments continued — For lawn and garden sprinkling, any area less than 10,000 square feet 3 00 For an area greater than 10,000 square feet, at the rate of $2 per 10,000 square feet extra 2 00 Locomotives, JFor one trip out per day, per year 60 00 Laundries, (public laundries) $8 00 to 10 00 Motors— Special rates O^ces and Sleeping Rooms in Blocks — For one room, where special service is put in 4 00 For one room, where service is already in 2 00 For each room, without tap, buc accessible to one i 00 Ofl&ces — medical, law or dental $4 00 to 5 00 Photograph Galleries 8 00 to 15 00 Printing Offices, according to number of presses ...5 00 to 25 00 Schools — Public S 00 to 8 00 Boarding, (in addition to dwelling house rates) 4 00 to 6 00 Stores or Places of Business, occupied by one party — When not over twenty-five feet front 4 00 For each additional twelve feet or part thereof. i 00 Stables — Livery and sale, each horse, with privilege of washing car- riages 2 50 Private, each horse, with privilege of washing carriages 2 00 Hotel stables, each stall, (hose $7 extr?^) 50 Dray horses and cows, each i 00 Steam Engines — For each horse-power used 10 hours per day or more, special rates (or meter rates) For each boiler where the steam or water is returned to the boiler, and the water not otherwise used on the premises 6 00 Where otherwise used on the premises 3 00 Street Sprinkling, for each cart per month 20 00 Saloons and Eating Houses $5 00 to 8 00 Ice Cream, Confectionery and Oyster 4 00 to 7 00 Urinals — Private dwellings — 2 00 Each additional one i 00 Other private dwellings 3 00 Each additional one 2 00 Wash Basins — Private dwellings, one or more i 00 Other than private dwellings, each one i 00 Water Closets- Private dwellings, one or more 2 00 Other than private dwellings 3 00 Each additional one 2 00 Wash Tubs, (stationary) each partition i 00 By order of the Board. R. CLARK, Secretary. O. J. PHELPS, Chairman.