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I2X 1 2 3 4 5 6 A PARABLE AND ITS INTERPRETATION, FOR THE EXjEOTOHS of G^AJIST^AJID^^. In 1867, a man was employed to manage a large estate for another, and had an unlimited control over his employer's money. He was not called to account until 1873, when it was found that, through extravagance, and a had and corrupt system of management, he had enormously in- creased the expenditure. He was also discovered in an attempt to betray his employer's interests to a contractor for a large railway which the estate was going to construct, and he was summarily dismissed. This man's name was John, and he was often called **Slr John," in Canada. The employer then selected for himself one Alexander, who managed the estate very carefully and successfully for five years. In all this time, altnough the population and the ex- tent of the estate was increasing, .^nd he had to pay off many old debts, Alexander succeeded in Iceeping the expenditure down, to what he had found it when he was placed in charge. The old manager was not idle during these five yeara He trumped up a number of false charges against Alexander, which were so often repeated that they had at laf some weight, as a lie well stuck to always has in the public mind. He also explained to a large class of people, who possessed much influence with the employer, that he was ready to go any length tr: aeet their views, and to arrange to give them the monopoly of the busmess of the estate, if they would only use their money and influence to restore him to the control of affairs. He pointed out to them that Alexander would never enter into any scheme like this to sacrifice his employer's interests and they fully believed him. They also knew that no scruples of that kind would stand in John's way, because had he not been caught before, in 1872, in betraying his employer for money ? It is not likely that the emploj^er would have been influenced against Alexander unless John had protested that he could now manage the estate much more economically than Alexander, and had promised greatly to reduce the Expenditure. At any rate the change was made in 1878, and John was restored to power. He has been in control ever since, but what has he done for economy ? While he has created all the monopolies that any unjust steward could desire, he has enormously and flagrauily increased the Expenditure. Kead the following simple facts about the Expenditure of Canada since 1867, and understand the parable. Sir John Jllacdonald began Confederation in 1867-8 with an Expendi- ture, in round figures, of Thirteen million OoUars. During six years of Tory rule he increased it to Tweniy-three Millions, when Alexander Mackenzie came in with '\ Reform Government, in 1873. He reniained in power for five years, and although the natural growth of the Country increased, the demands for expenditure, and many liabilities incurred by Sir John's Govern- ment had to be met, he was ahle during the whole five years to keep the Expenditure down to the Twenty-three Millions at which he had found it. In 1818, Sir John succeeded to power with great promises of economy and retrenchment. His promises were only made to delude the people, while his extravagance and waste, his recklCsSliCSs and COrriiptsOn, nave combined to raise the Expenditure, in 1885, to Thirty-five Millions ? 1 1 {VOBM 3.]