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/ <^. A ^> y /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 iV ' INDEX HV KHV. I). MACDONAI.I) ,.^,.,. Sweet Home Hymn. A Snw^ of Sion 5 Gathering of the Twelve Tribes /, Kulo£;y ^' Ode to the Bible .................'. [t Kedemption by Jesus Christ 21 luilogy to the Saviour (iod Above Our Praise _ ,, ^ Conmumion Ilynin "^ Kden's Lovely Wood \ * '^^ Trust in the Lord ^^ Second ("ommunion Hymn ^^ Lamentation Over the State of the World . . . . r? 1 riumj)h ■^'^ Last Hymn by the Rev. D.' Macdonald,' and' pui)lis}ied' after his death .^ 65 BY EWEN LAMONr Hymn Second I lymn ' ^ J The Penitent's Monody .................[[ A I5Y ELIAS ROBERTS I^ymn Second Hymn ... o ■ 04 BY JOHN COMPTGN Hymn 90 ' 2. V 3 IV. INJ>KX I!V KWKN LAMON'I' i-age 1 lyinn. Translated in 1842 92 Valedictory 1 lynin 96 On the Faithful I'Viend 97 *' Sud am Peacadh a Dhruidh Oirnn " Translated 102 Exhortation to the Vouni^. Translated loS BY RKV. I). MACDONAI.I). TRANSLAriONS Thankst^ivini;. " Laoidh Tainj^ealachd." 113 The Kin^ is Come. " Thainii^ an Righ." 1 16 On the Sufferings of the Saviour ... 121 On the Resurrection 127 Communion Hymn 132 Second Hymn on the Sufferings of Christ 136 Reloved Sion 1 39 BY EWEN LAMONT. TRANSLATIONS The Pilgrim's Lay 142 On Sion 148 Voice of the Harp 152 On the Presence of (iod 154 On the Coming of the Judge 1 57 Ode . 162 BY IHE LATE (.EORCiE BEARS MINISTERING ELDER Experience 164 " 170 Consolation and Assurance in Jesus Christ 174 The Triumph of Love by C'hrist 179 The CJospel Call 183 Communion Hymn 189 A Hymn 197 A Hymn 203 The Call to the Supper 207 The Welcome ; Lome 213 The Gospel Cn,i 220 The Old Creation typical of the New 225 The Contrast to the Battle of Armageddon 232 I'ACiE . 92 96 97 . 102 . loS 113 116 121 127 132 136 139 142 148 152 154 157 162 . . 164 . .170 ..174 . . 179 ..183 ..189 ..197 ..203 . .207 • 213 . .220 ..225 • 232 ■SPIRITUAL HYMNS SWEET HOME A HYMN Chorus.— Home, home, siueet, S7vcei home, Preserve us, dear Saviour, for glory our h ome. Our time, O Lord, ,s flecling, our days pass away, Our journey still ,s swcefninK, thy stren<,nh is our stay And now bestow th>- blessing, our need Thou all do ( know, And joyfully we'll travel, and cheerily home we'll go. I'he frightful scenes that meet us are under thy sway • I he lame, the weak, the feeble, are constantly thy care ■ bo homeward bound contented we'll sweetly glide our way, And soon we'll see the regions of blissful shining day. Our lime on earth's a shadow, a dream that is told, I he hte of man s a vapor, the young and then the old, Uur souls are aye immortal, not subject to decay i-or ever, everlasting, in brightly shining day SPIKI'lUAL HYMNS From life lo mortal nature we quickly f(.'ll away ; In Adam all have sinned, and since have i^^one astray ; But now the joyful blessings of life, and of day. Are, through the blessed Saviour, our portion for aye. Our journey home to glory through mournful scenes we see. The troubles that afflict us in number many be ; But when the Lord our Saviour from trouble sets us free. We'll sing to him with praises and sweet melodious glee. ,.4 1 i 1 ^ Our Lord's a perfect leader, in pain he closed the day ; He triumphed groaning, bleeding, and thus he paved the way. And now he reigns in glory, with uncontrollable sway. Pursue his steps, be holy, and sing with cheerful lay. The world's not worth pursuing, we cannot here remain; Its pomp and vain allurements, bring sickness in their train. But joys of purer nature, and solid, lasting gain. Are found in Jesus' favor, and free from grief and pain. The joys of endless glory are constantly in view ; The prospect now before us, the Lord will render sure ; And no enchanting charmer in fancy's gilded hue. Can please the enlightened traveller, or cheat the ran- somed few. SI'lKirUAI. HVMNS y Our souls enjoy, with pleasure, the hlessin-s Christ bestows Our hope of ri<-her trensure, in ,.;radunl progress .tows ; \\ hL'M Nxud, and firm, rn favor, wc feci the flame still glows ; And though wc drink full potions, the stream increas- uig Ihnvs. Resigned, and still contented, we sufferings here endure And plagues, when not prevented, the Lord will' <|uickly cure, And snares, by foes invented, with purpose to allure Are seen, and broke by Jesus, we home our way pursue. In dark and dreary seasons, when clouded skies do low r. And gloom prevents the vision, and shades encompass round, ' We still entrust the Saviour, his promises abound. Ana stay up.jn his favor, he is our Rock and 'lower. •I'hoiigh sufferings here are painful and trying to endure, I'ligln glimpses of sweet favor bespeak the crown as sure, A lofty throne, high raised, and Kingly honor pure, Shall be our compensation ; the Lord our hope secure. Though trials sore afflict us, our comforts are not few Our sous are lulled with pleasure, and sweet refreshinc^ dew, ^ .And ,is we grow in stature, our strength, O Lord, renew. And homeward bound we'll travel, and bid the world adieu. 8 spIRITt^^T, nvMNs HVMN A SONll OF ZION Sing loud, 111) friends, sing loud with glee,. The songs of Zion sing Before the throne, and joyful be, In Christ the Lord, our King ; Sing songs to (lod, and praise his name. Who dwells on Zion Mill ; His mercies great, his works declare, Then laud and praise him still. Can tongue declare, or song proclaim, His mercies great to man ? Can we, who frail and sinful are. His love in Jesus scan ; When thousand thousand angels stroriig, With shouting triumphs raise. The glad hosannas, praise the King, The l.amb for ever praise (-an ransomed souls their notes withhold, Though trembling, frail we be ? Can silence reign in Zion's gates. Since Jesus is their King? When laurels crown his lovely brow. Let shouts and songs abound. Let Zion's gates with melting j)raise. And joyful songs resound. SPIRITUAL HVMNS Let ransomed souls, with joy, behold The heavenly, gracious j)ian ; 'J'he love which (;od on ni:in bestows, Through Jesus Christ, the man ; I he grncious streams of love divine. Infusing life in man, And raising high our fallen souls, Beyond all mortal ken. In beauty grand the fabric stands, Of vast creation round : Jehovah's plan, unknown to man, In wisdom all is found ; In Jesus Christ, the clearest h^dit, Is seen the lovely })lan, Declared of old, by prophets told. And now, by Christ, to man. The great Jehovah formed the plan, And sent his angels down ; His will declared, from ago to age, And smiled through every frown • When wrath might shew he love d.., dosed And angels swiftly ran, ' With joyful news, through endless views, 1 o sinful, guilty man. The great Jeh >vah formed the plan, An( sent his angels down ; His ch,>sen flock, from Abraham's stock In Eg, )t were (M)nfined : lO SPIRITUAL HYMNS K t :; I .1 With mighty hand, from bondage land, His tribes, by Moses led, Through sea and land, and desert sand ; With angels' food them fed. The great Jehovah formed the plan, And sent his angels down ; In mercy great his will declared. In solemn, awful sound ; From cioud-wrapt Sinai's blazing top, Jehovah's thunders ran ; The great Jehovah's voice was heard. His laws consiiiined lo man. The great Jehovah formed the plan, And sent his angels down ; The word made flesh, who dwelt on earth, From sufferings vast, was crowned ; To Jesu^ Christ, the clearest light, The father shewed the plan, And Jesus Christ with beauty bright, Reveals the same to man. Then sing with joy, and lovely glee, 'I'he songs of Zion sing ; Behold the Lamb, the lovely Lamb, Is now from sufferings free : Behold he stands, at God's right hand, With golden censer filled, W^ith odors sweet, and incense meet. And prayers of saints instilled. SPIRITUAL HYMNS And now the Father smiles on man, i hrough incense' savory cloud And angels bright, with glorious might Sing sweet, and lasting loud ^ ' And all the host, before the throne, 1 he glad hosannas sing, ^i'o Father, Son, and Holy'ohost; i hen samts adore your Kin^r Prepare the song, prepare the glee, .,,, ^^^. ^^^^^ y^^u^ hearts prepare, w- r^'^"^ '^""^' '" ^^^-e abound, V\ ith anxious, thoughtful care, I hat Jesus Christ, with sweet delight } our grateful lays mav hear, ' Infuse his grace, your joys increase, And banish every fear. 1 1 HYMN GATHERING OF THE TWELVE TRIlJES We hail with joy the dawning morn, 1 he love of God shall soon be shown : I he tribes afar, with joy shall hear, Messiah comes, redemption's near. We hail with joy the approaching day, And sing aloud the glad'ning lay! Messiah comes, redemption'^ near • 1 he scattered tribes shall soon appear bj ?l ll fs* 12 SPIRITUAL HYMNS We haii with joy the thousand years, When God shall wipe away our tears; W^hen marshalled bands, from dirtant climes, Shall [)rove fulfilled the sign of times. The Lord displays his ensign high ; The nations fear, and trembling sigh ; The outcast tribes assembling see. And Judah gathered soon shall he. The dry bones now begin to hear. And noise, and trembling both appear. And Israel's army soon shall stand, All marshalled, thronged in joyful bands. The sticks shall soon be joined in one ; The Lord is near the son of man ; Assembled tribes shall gladly sing. And David soon shall be their King. The new Jerusalem soon shall come. In holy beauties from Morn's womb. Descending now, from heaven above, The adorned bride, the bridegroom's love. The tribes shall sealed be as told. In numbers great and many fold. In thousand, hundred, and forty-four ; Of nations chosen, many more. These all shall stand before the throne. Before the Lamb, all joined in one, All clothed in robes of purest white. All holding palms, a glorious sight I ■ -a SPIRITUAI. HYMNS Ihe oath of God to Abraham then, To Isaac, Jacob, Patriarch men, Shall be fulfilled amply roimd, And songs of joy shalf sweetly sound. 1'hese holy tribes, redeemed and free. Shall sing his praise, with joyful glee, And thousand thousand voices clear. Shall shout aloud Messiah's near. IJft up ye tribes your heads on hi^h, Redemption now is drawing nigh, Messiah comes, sing loud with glee,— Your scattered tribes shall gathered be. 13 Ten thousand times ten thousand tongues, And thousand thousand sing the song, And sweet'ning sounds shall ever be, IJeforc the throne, sung loud with glee. 'I'hen hail with joy the coming year, The great redemption's drawing near, Messiah comes, his face you'll see. Your scattered tribes shall gathered be. Messiah's day is drawing near. Like light'ning blazing shall appear. The host around shall homage pay. And hail with joy the glad'ning day. Hi ! n 14 SPIRITUAL HYMNS EULOCiY A HYMN I'he Lord's amon!tl''' " t'l^^^'"^^-!' 1-ads to the Saviour : \ll H M .' ■' ^ '^««'"S-PU>sue it ye careless, I he Bible's a blessing, by holy commission, U flows like a river to heal and to save us ; i8 SPIRITUAL HYMI.S '1'is highly exalted, and pure to perfection, It weans our affections from earthly creation, Its teaching, correction, reproof, and instruction Do deeply affect us, it fits us for service. The Bible's a blessing — the saints all adore it : The Bible's a blessing — the wicked abhor it : The Bible's a l)lessing — it shews our condition, And leads, by contrition, to Jesus' atonement : It purifies, sanctifies all our affections : It pours its sweet sanction on works of probation : Infuses sweet essence in pious reflection : It quickens and fosters our hopes of salvation. The Bible's a blessing — of heavenly savour : The Bible's a blessing — 'tis mighty to save us : The Bible's a blessing— it kills the sad canker Of ( arnal contraction, by Christ's apj)lication ; It proves to the sinner his sinful condition ; It strikes him with terror, and sad consternation ; It leads to detection, and causes correction Of every transaction, deserving damnation. > t! The Bible's a blessing — forever declare it : The Bible's a blessing — confess it in praises : The Bible's a blessing — imbibe its pure lessons. And practice its tenets, without deviation ; 'Tis sent us from heaven, by holy direction. Beware of rejection, 'tis by inspiration ; Peruse it, and search it, and duly it practice, 'Tis holy instruction — 'tis heavenly treasure. SPIKIIUAL UVMNS '9 The j'-lhl' s ' If''''^^-^- -"■•d "f salvation : ■ -h ; . '' hle,s.s:ng-,n spirit observe it • ,' he I!,i,le's a biessing-'tis life to the hv ■ ,: . 'v.nely constructed, 'tis by inspiration : "' It leads to the portals of heavenly mansions • Kenunes all obstructions fron, man's observation • I he word ,s a light and a lamp to direct t ' A shield, and a buckler opposed to the Dragon. T^ ^^'' '^ '^'^■■sing-do read it with praver • In kiS .? '^''-'■«'"g-"ff"'-d it protection, ^^ ' In kind) affection, promote circulation ■ 'would te I the blind heathen their id'ols are curses ' •ould'S'-;^; "1.^""^' ^"^ '-'" ^hat concern hm to 'i^avcri, rejecting the wSaviour. ih'e Bi'bK : !'l^««i"S-°f heavenly nature : "he H b '^'■'^«'"S-''' PU'-e emanation; 1 he Bibles a blessmg-consoling th' affile ed It cheers, unrestricted the man who obrev^s it • Because it consisteth of all that concerns us • Our full satisfaction's in every action ' And pious affection of Jesus^ur 'saCiour. The {>!!!)"'' ' !'!'^^^'"S-'''hove estimation : . The ble'! : K '"'"^'- '"' ^■''•^'^ '■^^■^l^tion ; " ihe Bibles a blessing-the secrets of heaven Are sealed, and protected, from vain speculadon ; - ' I 20 SPIRITUAL HYMNS >'v: The children of promise alone can adopt it, I'is |)ure as the ointment of C'hrist's consecration ; The Lord is iniwilling t'allow an infraction, Or wicked inspection of heaven's donation. The Bible's a blessing — its voice is eternal ; 'I'he Bible's a blessing — its foe is infernal ; 'i'he liible's a blessing — it cheers and it comforts Our drooping affections, when guilt is alarming. It absorl)s th' afflicted in heavenly reflection, It leaves a sweet unction, and strong consolation, It proves to the troubled that Jesus hath suffered, To save and deliver, by granting salvation. 'I'he Bible's a blessing — alluring and charming; The Bible's a blessing — sweet ointment embalming ; The liible's a blessing — it {)oints to the passion, By cruel assassins, of Jesus the Saviour ; His love, and his pity, in pious submission, Reveal, in addition, the will of his Father; He bleeds and he suffers, and cries, in his struggles, 'Tis finished, I've conquered, my people are saved. The Bible's a blessing — its pledge is salvation ; The Bible's a blessing — designed to engage us ; The Bible's a blessing — assuring acceptance. Of pious affections, and soul aspiration : 'Tis granted in mercy to fill us with wisdom ; It leads to a source of eternal duration ; The well is frequented by all who are thirsty, Tis life-giving water, a well of Salvation. rp SPIRTIUAL HYMNS 21 on rts on, ired, ming ; n. 'Hie l^>ible's a blessing — our views it enlarges ; 1'he jjihle's a blessing — our sins to us charges ; The liible's a blessing — it shows our condition, And proves that perdition the wicked ininicrges; 'I'he way is appointed for all the adopted, Revealed for our comfort, and soul's consolation ; 'I'he Lord, through its j)ortals, reveals to us mortals, The i>lan of redemption, and final salvation. i'he liible's a blessing — believe and obey it : The Bible's a blessing — to others convey it ; 'I'he Bible's a blessing — promote a full issue, For Christ is in heaven, our mansions preparing ! The law He fulfilled, and satisfied justice, Me pleads for remission, and pU^nary pardon ; All power, in heaven and earth. He possesses, Then jjraise him ye living — He's Jesus our Saviour, iggles, laved. HYMN REDEMPTION BY JESUS CHRIST The Lord for ever's our friend and brother, His love to many is free, In friendly i)ity, and full compassion. He suffered on the tree ; He saw our beauty all was withered ; He saw us lost, and ever would be ; He saw the world was full of suffering, His love, in his passion, w^e see. n 22 SPIKITUAI. HYMNS I He saw our troubles, our toils, our juffcrini^s ; He saw, and pitied us too ; He saw in justice tlie doom of sinners, He saw, and ever it knew ; Our moaning sighs and cries of suffering, P^ver ascended, ever anew ; On wings of love from his holy heaven, To save us swiftly he flew. In humble Temple and low condition, Our (lod, in manhood, appeared In humble dwellings, the man of sorrows, Our souls in pity he neared ; By shewing love, and heavenly compassion, To his saints he's ever endeared ; The troubled souls of humified supplicants, By hope he ever has cheered. By suffering death for guilty sinners, He paved, and opened the way ; He led captivity captive ever. And ushered in the day; By his death, he death for ever abolished, No priest, a victim, need slay ; Brought life to light, and immortality, Abundant grace to display. : 1 By mighty power, and glorious effort, He rose, death could not him hold : He rose triumphant over his sorrows, And leads his sheep to his fold : SP: RITUAL HYMNS 23 .5 A crown he wears, a uloriou^ diadem, JJrii^lucr fur than j)f)hshed gold : He dwells on hi^h, our iM'iend and lirolher, Our cause his pleadings uphold. We wandered far from (iod and heaven. We wandered trodden, and ])eeled ; Hecame the [)rey of remorseless devils, Without a sword, or a shield : 'I'he Lord belield us powerless fallen, No weapon had we to wield ; He saw for all our powerless efforts, To bonds we ever must yield. led, Prostrate, and fallen in bonds of sorrow. We lay, exj)osed in the field, A prey to devils, and prone to sinning. Obedience never could yield ; Our Lord beheld, and bowed his heavens, Took hold of Inickler and shield ; To satisfy law, and heavenly justice. To death did willingly yield. He died to satisfy law and justice, He died, and cjuickly arose, He died to manifest love infinite ; He died to vanquish our foes ; Behold him now our Friend and Brother, To free us ever from woes, At God's right hand our pardoning Pleader : His Father's will to disclose. f I < :! !,| ' I : h /'I i iSjii i\ . Or lit II. r I i' I 24 SPIRITUAL HYMNS He early bought us, and paid our ransom ; He claims us ever his own ; Our names are stamped on his precious breast- plate ; The saints shall shine in his crown ; Behold him high, and highly exalted, And yet from heaven looks down ; His cheerinc: face is sure to recover, And dissipate every frown. The care-worn sinner, in pure contrition, Who's taught, and humbled, to pray, Will find his blessings, like flowing rivers,. His light shall shine as the day ; The Lord unfolds his treasures hidden, Unfolds the open way ; Empowers the soul to aspire to heaven ^ Forbids the tardy delay. Behold the sufferer now in heaven ; Behold, and ever admire, Highly exalted above his fellows : He suffered the wrath, and the ire : Our sins would plunge us deep in suffering, Our foes for this did conspire ; The Lord has plucked us as brands of mercy,. From hell, and vengeance of fire. ill I ,i ■ All glorious ever our King, and Prophet, Our Priest, and sacrifice near; He suffer'd, and died t' atone for ethers,, Because he rated us dear ; om ; s breast- SPIRITUAL HYMNS Our precious souls he highly valued, The price makes this t'apj)ear; And surely now, l)y power infinite. Our homeward way he will clear. ' 25 in, ersy u Ir ering, f mercy^ »het, rs,. EULOGY TO tup: saviour To praise the blessed Saviour Is far above m)- power, And yet allow me prayfully To chant my willing lay, To pour my soul's obfations In praises to thy Majesty, And offer uj) the sacrifice, In honor of thy name. Thy name is dear and precious, ^ Most worthy of renown, 'Tis Jesus ever gracious. And nigh to all around ; Ail men shall bow with reverence And yield their hearts' obedience,' Confess I'hee Lord in Majesty, In glory to our God. Pure angels bright, and Cherubim, And Seraphim renown'd, With wings of purest fal)rij set, I heir faces veil around. And hosts of Saints, now glorified. Appear m prostrate holiness. To celebrate in choruses, l^hy mighty glorious Name. ii. i I I I SPIRITUAL HYMNS Loud hallelujahs, praising thee, Shall never cease to sound, Through endless vast eternity. Shall ever more abound ; And hosts of Angels glorify, In sweetlv soundinof choruses, Our ever blessed Sovereign. Of universal fame. X ! ; i Wheri ransomed nations, saved and free, Their Martyr King behold, Enthroned in glorious Majesty, In brighter hue than gold, A thrilling song shall vibrate round, From golden harps, and cymbals loud, In ecstasies of sacred sound, By myriads. Lord to thee. I,! ! M ;'; i ; Mysterious plans of Providence Unfolded then shall be. Amazement then shall seize the throng, When all revealed they'll see ; Then darkening clouds, that hide his face. From Adam's fallen, sinful race, In token sweet of love and grace, Remov'd in haste shall be. i ht ',i Now faith, and hope, and charity, In ransomed souls agree ; But faith in full fruition then. In love, shall enter free ; ''*.. SPIRITUAL HYMNS And hope's most distant i)rospect3 shall, he view'd, in open vision all, When scales from every eye shall fall, 1 hen love shall reign most fre;e. 27 CT face. When Adam^s ransomed, sinful race. Our SaviL^ur Lord shall see. On cloud of ])urest milky whi'te, Our hearts shall bound with ; I ! '• * i( II n 'J: 11' I,; Releas'd, at last, from sin and death. Thy glorious face we'll see ; Our 3ouls enshrined in purest white, Exalted high shall be ; Then wonders of redeeming love, Behold shall all the throng above. And shouts of joy shall ever prove, Our love, O Lord, to thee. Thy love, O Lord, all skill to scan, Must prove abortive now, And even there, in regions bright, Miist fail, and yielding, bow; ■'^„ SPIRITUAL HYMNS 29 Thy bleeding side, and sufferings vast, Thy sighs, and groans, and death at last, Must prove our powers in weakness cast, O Lord, when praising thee. '"*! i, i % .^ The whole creation groaning, lost, Thou dids't, O Lord, behold, A glowing flame of love divine Down stream'd into thy fold ; Thy glory veiled, oh wondrous sight ! In manhood shone the clearest light, The sun of righteousness shone bright, Thy love to man t' unfold. Before thy throne when myriads stand, In '■obes of purest white, All holding palms of triumph there. To shew thy glorious might. Who saved us from death's deep flood, By pouring forth thy soul, and blood. And under foot our foes hast trod, Thv name shall glorious be. llien join, ye saints, and angels strong. In symphonies of song. Let heaven and earth resound his pra'se, And all their mighty throng ; For w^orthy is the Lamb who died, And reigneth ever 'bove the skies, Of all that wisdom can devise, Of glory, might and praise. M ,11 ' I 1, : ' '; \ I [■it .i ;" I I. 30 SPIRITUAL HYMNS All power in heaven and earth in him. Forever dwelleth sure ; The fiillness of the Godhead all In him concenters pure ; For his loving kindness sing his praise, Aloft in songs your voices raise, In sweetest symphonies of praise ; His goodness still endures. Our Lord, in blissful majesty, Beholds his Father's face, And bowing down, beholds us too, Bestows on us his grace ; A fellow feeling of our pains. In loving kindness still remains ; With incense offers up our prayers. And fills our souls with peace. i^'.,! i III I, r Vouchsafe, in this our pilgrimage, Our prayers, Lord, to hear, And through each weary path of life, Be nigh, O Lord, to cheer ; For thou alone our Guardian art. Now shield us from each fiery dart, By men's and demons' fiendish art, 1'hat's aimed our souls to tear. The Saints, and Angels join in song. With hallelujahs free That thrilling sounds may vibrate round, 'Bove heaven, and earth, and sea ; !1 U SPIRITUAL HYMNS 31 fe, f That heaven, and earth may join in one; And may thy vvih, O Lord, he done; May sweetest songs, with soft'ning tone, Be offered, Lord, to thee. HYMN j5» GOD ABOVE OUR PRAISE. Though all my desires, and my powers of inditing, Were thousands of times more exalted and free, In vain would I climb the pure heights of ambition, Jehovah, to praise, by my song, and my glee ; O never, in heaven, or earth can be given, Due praise to the Lord, our sins who forgiveth ; Can a glee sung by me, in the land of the living. Extol, or exalt him in adequate praise. I But still in our sphere of some duty, and dealing. Let harmony dwell where our minstrelsy flows. Let our harps still proclaim some hearty expressions ; Our thanks to the Lord, for the gifts he bestows ; It is sweet, it is meet, to sing praises for ever, To Jesus who died, and again who is risen : He is high, he is nigh, and our pardon he giveth : Though now at a distance, he's often in view. Pr m bund, \Vhen Majesty high, in sublimest position, Vouchsafed to descend, to the humblest degree, 'o save us from sin, and from endless perdition, And raise us on high, by his changeless decree ; I I 1 ,1, I 1 '^ 32 SPIRITUAT- HYMNS ^ i\::^. ' Can our tongues, and our songs, and our pious contrition, As reward to the Lord, be ever sufficient ; Can a child that is wild, in his fallen condition. Bestow on the Lord the full homage that's due ? f i I ' . ! ' f I, ' , "I ■ ■ i i '1 .1 y L ' t '•! ii' 1 i , !'i 'I' '1 ■it! •''" . If , ^f j^' r I i 1;! Though sin had involved us in deadly perdition, Though innocence left us, and righteousness too, A plan was devised to effect our contrition, To save us from sin, and our wills to renew ; Now we see, in degree, and our hearts may he smitten. In our thoughts there may be some pious misgivings : But to flee, and be free, as the Angels of heaven, Ls far from the thoughts and desires of but few. Behold 1 and admire, in the kingdom of heaven, The Saviour who died, and expired on the tree. And try if your thoughts are in ample proportion, To sufferings so vast, and 30 painful, though free ; Now believe, and be free, in your trying researches. And you'll fall to the lee, in your faithful confessions; All may see and agree, that you're true in concessions, When you fairly confess, and your thanklessness own. Though men were the sufferers, and you the trans- gressors. What thankful expressions to them would you owe ? But when it was Jesus who died and who suffered, To save us from hell, and from every foe ; Can our sighs, and our cries, and our praises for ever, Be adequate praises to him who now liveth ? Can our few interviews, though in prayerful spirit, Amount to the praise that is due to the Lord ? SPIRITUAr. HYMNS 33 When i)rostrate we lay, in our sins and our sorrows, No comfort could know, but indelible woe, The Lord condescended to bow down his heavens, In niii^ht, and in |)()wer, *o rescue our souls ; To deliver us ever from sin and ()])|)ression, And render us free from all woeful de[)ression ; Can our tears and our fears, and our songs in addition, (Jom})ensate salvation, and happiness free ? ■M ii From sorrows he raises, and grants absolution From sinful abasement- our sores he doth cure ; He frees us from slav'ry, and bondage and fetters ; He places in safety, and 'stablishes sure : What working or tossing can change our condition? His covenant is sure, and his word is sufficient ; What in me can I see, without fiuther addition, 'I'o cheer me in song, and in adecjuate praise? When our views are extended from th' earth to the heavens. Contemplating scenes that are o})en to view. Our thoughts are confused, and are strangely contracted Immensity startles us ever anew; Look around, be not proud, in candid admission. Declare in your songs your awful impression ; Can a man ever scan, in bewildered digression, The wonderful works, and the ways of the Lord? ever, The sun, and the moon, and the stars in their courses. Revolving or fixed, as the learned agree. Are parts of his wonderful plan of adoption, In wisdom designed, by eternal decree ; v^sassr ^Mi. .1 \ 34 SPIRITUAL HYMNS . 1 By his will, and his skill, and by powerful effort, He performed the whole, for our good and our comfort: Now to me it is free, to declare it a comfort, Our gratitude then is imperfectly shewn. The earth and the seas, and their splendid productions, Are numberless marks of his skill and his power; The order of things, in the seasons' successions, The night and the day, and the heat and the cold ; ^rhese can shew what we know, in our daily excursions, His (lodhead and power, in their perfect construction; It is bold, you are told, to transgress by induction. And pry into secrets, his will to disclose. •a I i; , ' These are but parts of th' Almighty's creation ; The pow'rful effects of his wisdom's control ; All made, and constructed, and guided in wisdom. His glorious perfections displayed in the whole; Who can trace, and embrace in a mind so contracted, Th' amount of the whole, by his strictest induction? Can a mind, that is blind, be so ably conducted. As ro penetrate deep in his works and his ways? IS yr\ >,'- But a loftier theme is reserved for ambition, To elevate thought, and attract us on high ; The views are sublime, as the works of the Spirit, And enter the regions of light 'bove the sky ; To the heaven of heavens, and to glorious objects, Where the glorious 1'hree are in Unity perfect ; Where the view is all new, a beautiful prospect, The Lamb on the Throne, and his face you shall see. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 35 Then sing as you may, and [)e luunbly contented, Iin|)ertect in song and in praise though you he ; For Jesus deserves all our strains, and our efforts ; His mercy is great and his love it is free ; It is free, it is free, and 'tis flowing for ever : Mellifluously free, and abundantly given ; Drink your fill, at your will, for it llows like a river, 'I'o fill your j)oor souls, and to charm you to praise. COMMUNION HYMN Remembrance pure is due for ever, To Jesus Christ the gracious Oiver Of bountiful heaven's restaurant Of bountiful heaven's restaurant. He suffered alone on Calvary's cross. To purge our souls from eternal dross. By opening a fountain of laving, 6zc. Behold our Paschal Lamb is offered, And grace through him is freely proffered Acceptance now is salvation, &c. Mysterious plan of heaven's design : Mysterious love, and love divine, Unmerited love to the creature, Szc. Justice aloud, in sounds terrific, To mortal ears, against the wicked, Denounces death to the creature, &:c. 11 " 36 SPIRITUAL HYMNS II ' "I < Remember then the offering free, or Jesus Christ ujion the tree, Affording hopes of salvation, &c. The law of God, by man's transgression, Dishonored was, beyond expression, But Jesus conformed in obedience, ike. ■ I : r 1,. 4 I.' I , i- I i 1 ■ I': " ' I! ''' III ' ' I ' Inicjuity ended was by him. Transgressions of man, and mortal sin, His righteousness now is obtained, &c. 'i'hat doleful night of grief, and sorrow, When Judas, traitor, vile and hollow. Betrayed the Lord of Glory, &c. 'I'he Paschal Lamb was laid aside, And bread, and wine, do ever abide. In remembrance ever of Jesus, &€. Behold the Lamb of God in suffering, Himself to God a precious offering ; His body was broken to save us, &c. His blood wa-^^ shed to purge us from sin- Atonement meet forever by him — A lovely, accepted oblation, I ■Ir i ':{H;! •I 'I >." • i f I J', I 38 SPIRITUAL HYiMNS After supper he gave them the cup, Called the New restament in his blood In remembrance drink it all freely, &c. All power now in earth, and heaven, To him, by God, is freely given. Till every Kingdom obey him, ciic. Till prostrate nations trembling fall, Confess that Christ is Lord over all, To the glory of God the Feather, See. ■' I :K^ fi ;,: ■', I il ■ I 1 ■f : '•: ,•1 t ! ' I Now Lord of glory, highly seated. By all thy foes despised and dreaded. Thy people obey, and adore thee, &c. Behold us now, and crown our efforts ; Grant thy blessing with these our comlorts ; Our thoughts are open before thee, &c. m I hi':: '1 Id i ' i Our views are extended beyond communion, Beyond the Bread, the Wine, the supper, I'o food of spiritual nature, &c. Thy word, O Lord, is spirit divine. And life, in one they ever combine. Both food of heavenly savor, &c. Bestow this bread, the true, the living. Thy bountiful hand is free in giving ; Our soul's desire is salvation, &c. « SPIRITUAL HYMNS 39 Thy boon, O Lord, our heavenly King, Cheers thy peojjle their anthems to sing ; Its value's above estimation, &c. •-/ Ml Souls aspiring to higher condition, In holy zeal, and pure ambition, Obtain fheir life in the Saviour, &c. JT His flesh, and his blood, are meat and drink, Received by faith, nor otherwise think, ris spiritual inward donation, cScc. Now, O Lord, we bow submissive ; Remove our sins, and fears oppressive And grant thy gracious presence, <\:c. Honor thy table. Lord of Heaven, That thanks to thee by us be given, In unity, ever adoring, «S:c. EDEN'S LOVELY WOOD A HYMN God created rational creatures, Clothed in righteousness and truth ; Placed them where they 'njoyed their freedom, Where they 'njoyed their infant youth ; »r;!M'I. 1 ■ = ^ ! : 40 SPIRITUAL HYMNS ''I I ' I-;,,!: II II I A lovely garden east in Eden, Richly stored with choicest fruit, Received the pair, the lovely creatures,. There in beauty fair they stood. !i|.""' 3 !.•' * ' I '5 Irl 'I ' I.: 'i * I" P The first the fairest blossoms of nature^ In amazement gazing stood ; The twins adored their great Creator, First oblation from their lute ; The earth and sky in pristine grandeur^ All declared their Author good. All was song and joy and pleasure. East in Eden's lovely wood. Luminous orbs of heaven's creation, Shine refulgent ever above ; Dazzling splendor marks their progress, High above both lar»d and flood; Amazement seized the fairest creatures, Gazing long in holy mood, Adoring God in heavenly fervor, East in Eden's lovely wood. The trees around a, lovely arbor, Shming fair with golden fruit. Drew their thoughts from starry regions, Down to earth in quest of food. Their sight and taste were soon regaled, They praised Eden's savory food. In joyful transports ever adoring, East in Eden's lovely wood. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 41 4 m In God's arrangement of creation, He assigned the parts their place, Adapting order to their nature, Genus, species, every race ; Man in image of his maker. Endowed with soul, and reason good. He placed him Lord of every creature, East in Eden's lovely wood. I'he beasts received him Lord of nature, Yielded homage in their mood ; Birdies fluttered round him gaily. They sang their lays, the feathered brood ; Finny tribes of briny ocean, Received their orders in the flood, To yield to man, their lord in nature. East in Eden's lovely wood. f:^; Behold the man erect in stature. Shining fair jn every grace, Receiving homage from the creatures, Highly favored in his place ; His Maker's image then adorned him, Never creature fairer stood. Offering worship to his maker. East in Eden's lovely wood. Highly favored by his Makei', Highly favored from above. Purely holy in his nature, Man enjoyed his Maker's love. :! I 42 . SPIRITUAL HYMNS 1 1 ,' I i ■• I 1 "> t Bounteous prospects briij^ht absorbed him, Tuned his S(;ul in pleasure's mood, Filled with love he j)raised his maker, East in Eden's lovely wood. Eh ' 1'' lii it ff. VJ^'y^ The twins enjoyed their mutual pleasures, Nature's first, and choicest feast ; Jehovah's bounteous hand prepared. Rich supplies for man and beast ; 'J'he creatures gazed with sweet amazement. All the objects there were good. All supplied by bounteous nature, East in Eden's lovely wood. The serpent subtile in his nature, Envied Eve her holy state. Infused his venom deep and baneful. Eve alas ! the fruit did eat, Adam ate and found it baneful. Felt he lost the choicest good, Alas ! they lost their Maker's favor, East in Eden's lovely wood. 1 'li ;!'*;'• Behold them now in sad debasement, Fallen low in sin and death, Deprived of God's all cheering favor, Stript of holiness and grace ; Combined evils sad and doleful. Follow hard their fallen race. The world is full of lamentations, Sinful creatures in disgrace. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 43 Heboid the f(jrnier fairest creatures, Stript of righteousness and peace, Ashamed of sin, and guilt debasing, They shun their Maker's holy face ; Absorbed in shame and perturbation, There in trembling fear they stood. Adoring Ciod, alas ! was ended. East in Eden's lovely wood. V, I t^ Now debased fallen nature, Lost the savor of all good, Therefore man must leave the garden, From cursed ground to earn his food ; The woeful loss of heavenly favor, fJlighted praise, and holy mood. Constrained the man in sweat to labor. Out of Eden's lovely wood. For disobedience death's awarded, Even loss of spiritual life, Temporal death, and e'en eternal, 'Hireaten both the man and wife ; Behold in wonder and amazement, See his sweat in earning food ; The lovely pair in sad debasement, Out of Eden's lovely wood. Still their Maker ever gracious, Left them not in hopeless plight, For he promised them a Saviour, Christ the Lord of glorious might ; i;ii 44 SPIRITUAL HYMNS 4 «l* He honored Eve, the fairest creature, Threatened Satan with her seed, Declared his will in loving favor. East in Eden's lovely wood. n I' ,1 i ll t f : ilr 1 Jehovah's wrath by sin deserved, Jesus graciously withstood ; Offered himself a sweet oblation, Paid our ransom by his blood ; Sweetly sing and ever praise him. He obtained our i)ardon good. Pleads our cause in loving favor. Fills our souls with choicest food. Jesus merits our humble service, Full obedience to his word. Justice loud our death demanded, Jesus quenched the flaming sword ; A plan was framed for our salvation, In th' eternal counsel good, God revealed his loving favor, East to Eden's fallen youth. Revelations ever gracious, From his throne he ever sent, Declared his will for our salvation. Angels forth with orders sent ; In full assurance in their Maker, 'J'hey told their tale of heavenly truth, Declared the promise in the garden, East to Eden's lovely youth. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 45 iX^ All the promises of favor, Ever proffered in his grace, Are in Jesu's one oblation, Shining gracious in his face ; I'he Father's love to him's eternal ; Angels laud him in their might ; The millions saved sKall ever praise him, Saved from death's eternal night. Worthy truly ever is Jesus ; AVorthy truly ever of love, For he suffered and died to free us, From the law and merited curse ; Behold him now, and ever adore him. Highly seated in heaven above. At God's right hand our Brother believe it, Pleading our cause his merits to prove. Sound the voice n praise of Jesus ; Sound the voice in praise of love. When absorbed in s{)iritual vision, When allured to heaven above ; Saints and angels ever adore him, Saints and angels ever above, Sing the song that ever is pleasing, Sing the song of heavenly love. TRUST IN THE LORD Jesus my Lord in him I trust. He died and rose again, He died to save us from our sins ; In him we life obtain. 46 SPIRITUAL HYMNS q till ■t'l Be not afraid, ye little flock, He kindly speaks anew ; It is your father's [)leasure sure. The Kingdom to give you. He gave himself a ransom dear, Our debt in full To pay ; We are not henceforth what we were, We feel inclined to pray. We are the Lord's, he bought us dear, And led us to his fold ; 'J'he Lord who keeps us slumbers not, Nor sleeps he, we are told. A wall of fire around his flock. His glory's in his fold. His arm is strong, his power is great ; In faith then we are bold. '.', I(! ' To him all power in heaven and earth, Is by his Father given ; His people then are safe in him, He leads us home to heaven. The cov'nant stands most firm and sure, 'Tis sealed by his right hand ; We sealed are by God's decree, Forever sure to stand. t i' What then would cause the saints to fear When Jesus Christ's on high.? We here are safe when he is there. By faith to him we fly. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 47 He sees our tears and sorrows all, He'll wipe them from our eyes ; Nor will he shut his ears from those, Who send to him their cries. He loved his peojile from of old, And loves us dearly still ; We are a precious gift to him, By 's Father's love and will. His love no change shall ever know, 'Tis lasting as the sun, 'Tis high in God, it dwells secure, His will is ever done. In love he bowed to view our state, When lost in death we lay. In wrath extends his arm of might. His justice would us slay. But oh ! the wonders of his love, His mercy gained the day, He found a ransom in his love. Our debt in full to pay. He found his own beloved son, Our surety in his grace, Atonement then was made by him. And justice yields in peace. We've now of ages found the Rock, Our hopes are there secure ; When resting on that Rock sublime. Our trust in him is sure. 48 SPIRITUAL HYMNS \lj\ «M, Now all our foolish hopes are gone, Which on our works we placed, Our righteousness is in (iod's sight, As filthy rags we've traced. The Lord our righteousness is pure, On him we shall depend, Until in light he shall appear. And grace to us he send. The merits of all he has done, And suffered on the cross, Will prove sufficient ground of hope ; All else we count as dross. ii t Our trust is sure when resting there. Perfection there is found ; The righteous Lord is pleased in him. Our trust in him is sound. O thou my soul ; do thou return Unto thy quiet rest. For largely, lo ! the Lord to thee. His bounty hath expressed. Our Father laid our help on him ; On him our hopes we place. We trust in God, and his dear Son,, Who shows to us his face. SPIRnUAI. HYMNS 49 SECOND COMMUNION HYMN Air the first. Jesus sufifcrcd to save us, Death in its awfullest jilooiu : Bowed his heavens to gain us, To himself a most gracious i)oon ; What justice loudly demanded, Jesus cheerfully paid in our room, Offered the atcjning oblation, Averted (nir threatened doom. And now he pleads in our (avor, The merits of all he has done, And what he suffered most painful On the cross for all nations, alone ; Access he gained to his Father, To heaven's most glorious throne, That we on earth should adore him, In songs of melodious tone. All the strength of creation. All the wisdom there can be found, Are insufficient to praise hun, Though Symphony sweetens the sound ; ; Ye Saints and Angels adore him. Let thankfulness dailv abound, Let all the works of creation. Eternally praises resound. Behold ye ransomed nations, Prepare in amazement to tell, Proclaim the news of salvation, Jesus hath us rescued from hell : SPIRITUAL HYMNS ■tt, ' ' :' ! I i* Tell it, O tell it most freely, O'er mountain, and valley, and dale, Jesus obtained our jjardon, When in death he painfully fell. '/ His body was painfully bruised; Oh ! think of it, bruised for you. Broken, and painfully bruised. Oh ! think on it, (ientile and Jew ; His blood was shed for salvation, For peoples and nations not few. That numberless saints should adore him In regions of glory as due. Oh ! think on the Lamb in the garden, 'I'hink on his agony and pain. Crushed by the sins of his creatures, His sweat dropping, bloody, like rain, 'I'hink on his heavenly greatness, His celestial glorious train, Standing aloof in amazement, While he suffered our pardon to gain. Behold in doleful abasement In the hands of a merciless crew, The Lamb of (lod in the garden, To the judgment hall him they drew ; Behold him mock'd and abused. Proud judges the trial renew ; Although they could not condemn him, The cross was his fate by the Jew. SPIRITUAL HYMNS Oh ! think on the suffering Saviour, Oh ! think on it daily anew When down you fall in prostration, Vour thankfulness daily renew ; And when ai)|)roaching his table, The bread, and the wine, in your view, May Ciod in mercy prei)are you. Your souls with his irrace then imbue. 51 'I I *l I Now is the day of salvation, The proof of his favor and love, By 's death for us he obtained, The blessings of Ood from above; Marks of his heavenly favor. Bread and wine, forever shall prove, Ever remembrance of Jesus, Our doubts, and our fear:, to remove. Glory to Ood in the highest. The Lamb is on high with his God, Preparing a place for his chosen. Forever with him our abode ; Pleading our cause with his Father, To lighten the stroke of his rod. In mercy forever to save us, From th' effects of the paths we have trod. 1^. n Now bread, and wine, are prepared. Symbols of his body and blood. Receive in remembrance freely. The gift of our Father and God, ■BWH mmm 52 SPIRITUAL HYMNS ««-, l| : His body was broken to save us, And shed for our sins was his blood ; Eat, and drink in obedience, To Jesus the Saviour's word. Now are presented before you, Sweet tokens of favor, and grace. His love bestowed most freely. In 's sufferings, and pain you may trace, To show his death he commanded. His people in order, and place. To eat and drink at his table. In sweetest enjoyment of peace. This day of commemoration, The death of the Saviour will shew ; Multitudes crowd in rotation, Their hearts full of gratitude glow; Friumphant feast of our Saviour, In mercy true comfort bestow, ■ That through the means now ordained, Choice heavenly blessings may flow. Jesus our Saviour's ascended, A place for us all to prepare, That in his glorious kingdom, His people his glory may share : Eat now, and drink at his table, In hope that your portion is there, When here our trials are ended, He'll banish for ever our care. "^ SPIRITUAL HYMNS 53 Now is the season of favors, Bestowed, O Lord, in th\ love, To sinful creatures afforded, Bright seals of the blessings above ; Foretastes of the heavenly treasures, An earnest of glory will prove, When earthly Symbols are ended, His presence all doubts will remove. - Iff ■ • ti I Those Symbols here are ordained. To strengthen our faith in his grace; To show his death to the nations, That they in them favor may trace ; That joyful news of salvation, Dumb idols cast down from their place. Dispel the darki.ess of nature. By the brightness of Jesus' face. M '"^ When shines the light of his glory, To nations in darkness that be. No myst'ry then will absorb them. The truth in its brightness they'll see; Then bread and wine will be chosen, Communion to them shall be tVee ; To the utmost ends of creation, Will he songs of joyfullest glee. Then songs of joyfullest chcjrus, At morning and evening will sound ; Then nations all will adore him, When Jesus their Saviour is found. mm mimmm 54 SPIRITUAL HYMNS I* Multitudes crowd in amazement, Will duly his table surround, Then bread and wine will be precious, To nations in unity bound. LAMENl^ATION OVER THE STATE OF THE WORLD Oh ! the world is full ot trouble, Full of sorrow and of woe, Sin abounds and still increases. Men their maker do not know ; Do not know him as Infinite, Do not know him as their God, Sin abounds and still increases. Floods of evils ever flow. Sin ot old this world entered, Death it followed in its train ; Man alas \ in ^loom and sorrow, Soon his fate and doom did learn ; See him novv expel I'd the garden. To the desert, food to earn, His Father's bowels in compassion. On his child increasing yearn. Oh ! the fatal separation, Man must leave his lov'd abode. Bowed down with shame and sorrow, Who can weigh his grevious load? SPIRITUAL HYMNS 55 Chang'd in soul and chang'd in body, Now he feels his Father's rod. Now in Eden's lovely bowers, He can never make abode. I What a change in man's condition, Fallen low in guilt and woe; Trembling sore in sad contrition, Thinking how t' escape his foe : Now he knows the lying spirit. Now he feels the deadly blow ; Sadly musing on his folly, Out of Eden he must go. .^i Who can scan his perturbation ; Who his downward steps can trace } He is fallen low in nature. From his holy, happy place. Once in favor with his maker, He enjoy'd his Father's face; But his fall brcnigln desolntion ; Darkness clou Behold him ye saints and admire him. TriuinpharU in endless enjoyment, Pleading our cause in the highest, Fillinii our souls with his love. Lo ! Jesus in mercy to kingdoms, And nations in darkness involved, Shineth in brightness and splendor, 'The sun in his orbit of gold ; In 's chariot of gospel ascending. Flying midst heaven, the Angel, Proclaiming the gospel and kingdom,. That nations before him may bow. The darkness is flying before him ; His [)rightness illuminates nations : His voice is almighty t' awaken, From slumbers of death and the grave ; 'I'he souls in conviction, and -'^'ailing. Are objects of pity and kindness; ^Struggling, and wr.^stling for tret .lorn, Find him their Saviour Lord. When groanings and wailings are rending The hearts of penitent strangers, He hears in compassion their cryings, And saves them from every woe ; The chains and fetters that bmd them. He breaks, and frees them from bondage ; ^V^shes them white nom uncleanncss, And shed ; his love on their souls. SPIRITUAL HVMNS All honor and power arc due him, And Ljlory, i)y millions of saved ; When death on the cross he endured, Our ransom in full he has paitl : 'J'hen loudly publish his j)raises, He dwells forever in glory, Prei)arinL; a j)lace for his chosen, And safely will carry us home. 65 LASr HYMN HV THE RHV. DONALD m'D(1NALD AND ITlSLISFIED ALTER HIS DECEASE In the regions higher, higher, 'I'han the eye of man can see, Dwells the Lord of life and glory On his throne eternally ; He alone can fill the station Next his Father on his throne ; • Rule the nations at his pleasure. On that glorious heavenly throne. tl ' '■'1 i From of old before creation, In the regions far away. In the blazing rays of glory, In the effulgent light of day; He enjoyed his Father's presence, In his love benignly free ; Rejoiced joyfully before him. In his order One of I'hree. ■T'*"'^ 66 SPIRITUAL HYMNS )• In the council of the Eternal, Lo ! the S(jn our Lord was there : Justice called for righteous vengeance; Sin deserved it every where. See him now with admiration, Standing forth our friend to be ; To avert the threatened vengeance, By his death uj)on the tree. Wondrous plan for our salvation ! Framed and fixed by sure decree : (lod to assume the human nature, Suul and body man to be. Love infinite, thus eniiaLred him, Willed his justice to appease, That his honor and his glory, Through his son, his saints niiL^ht see. Who the purpose of Jehovah Can l)ehold and silent l)e, W!»en the covenant most gracious, Is the plan of j^ersons three.? See the will of Clod our Maker, Through h.is son to us revealed, 'I'hat our pardon "by 's oblatioti, Sliould be mercifuHy sealed. (rlory to the blessed Saviour, VvHio engijged our souls to free, Who agreed to terms of covenant, Should fulfilment painful be; ■S. ^ I « SPIRITUAL HYMNS 67 Befoi 1 th( re you view nun ui the manger Lo ! the song of angels hear, 'raising (lod in joyful chorus, And withal our hearts to cheer. Lo ! the (iod of all creation, Lo ! the Word made tlesh api)ears. In the lii^eness of our nature, To exj)el our guilty fears; Lo ! Emmanuel our Saviour, In the llesh most humbly bow ; Ciod in Christ to reconcile us To himself, and grace bestow. :•. S.< ' ■. ^ ;»' .1 •I Justice loud our death demanded ; Low we lay in i2;uilt and sin. Woeful spectacle to angels, Slaves to Satan in his gin; Now behold the loving favor, Of thf Lord to sintul !iien ; He came to free us from our bondage, And to raise us up again, Hallelujah sing m chorus ! He is worthy of our song; Of our humble adoration. And the j^raises of our tongue ; Hosts of angels sang before us, Which the trembling shepherds heard ; Saints in thousands loud shall praise him, When they'll hear the sweet award. 68 SPIRITUAL HYMNS ii If the sight of him in childhood, Caused the hosts to sinijj with dee, Loud the saints shall join in chorus, When triumphant Christ they'll see; When arrayed in all his glory, By his Father on his throne ; WHien they'll see the conquering Lion, They shall worship God the Son. When his side shall be exposed, And his hands and feet we'll see, Surely shouts in thankful chorus Shall the songs in glory be; All these marks of death so painful, Borne by Christ for sinful men. Must excite to admiration. Of a love beyond our ken. When the kingdom to the Father, C'hrist resigns respectfully ; All the mystery then dissolved, Love shall shew eternally ; Love infmite to the creature. Then (lisj)la)ed in full shall be ; Then the effects of Christ's oblation, Lo ! the adoring hosts shall see. Then the Saints and Angels joining, Li a holy joyful glee. Shall the Lord in rays of glory, On his throne forever see; SPIRITUAL HYMNS 69 Then they'll know what he obtained, By his death upon the tree ; See his shining face in favor, Where no pains or death can be. ,, -: . -.'4 4 God in love, as is declared In hi': word, as all shall see: When his Son, his Co-Eternal, As in council both agree, Was resigned to death most painful, Groans and cries and agony ; That his purpose, ever gracious. In his love displayed should be. ^^rl •1; Now the tokens of his favor, And his love to sinful man, Are above our estimation. Are above what we can scan ; God is high above creation ; Cirace is seen in wisdom's plan ; Man's the object of his favor ; Grace in love through ages ran. Now again, to reassure us, And confirm us in his love, He bestows the Spirit freely. In the likeness of a dove ; Now his blessings freely flowing. Showering from his throne above, Prove his changeless loving kindness, Which shall never more remove. 10 f v;i (I 70 SPIRITUAL HYMNS Hosts above in holy regions ; Men on earth who taste his love, Tune your harps for solemn praises, Tune your harps your thanks to prove; Grateful hearts vviih love o'erflowing, Prove your love in grateful songs : Thrill the air in quick vibrations, With the praises of your tongues. Worthy truly ever is Jesus ; Worthy truly ever of love. For he suffered and died to free us. From the law and merited curse ; Behold him now and ever adore him, Highly seated in heaven above, At (iod's right hand, our Brother believe it. Pleading our cause his merits to prove. Sound the voice in praise of Jesus ; Sound the voice in praise of love, When absorbed in spiritual vision, When allured to heaven above ; Saints and Angels ever adore him, Saints and Angels ever above, Sing the song that ever is pleasing, Sing the song of heavenly love. SPIRITUAL HYMNS HYMN BY EWEN LAMONT 71 My soul do thou an anthem raise, To thank and praise the Lord, Who from my foes did unto me Deh vera nee afford ; From thraldom and captivity, Who bought and set me free, And who did make my waiting eyes, His loving kindness see. O Lord my mental taste inspire, My mental lyre attune. That I to celebrate thy praise, May sing thy gracious boon ; Endue my soul with light and strength, From thine own presence Lord, That I thy tender mercies may Unfeignedly record. v4! ■m A thoughtless mortal gliding fast, To everlasting woe I was, when thou to wake me up, Thy vocal trump did blow ; My heart alarmed at its sound, Did bound within my breast. My soul though dead did quickly hear, The earth did cease from rest. M ti. ^ 1 if • II 72 SPIRITUAL HYMNS Then was my soul before the Lord^ Involved in grief and shame, And when I viewed my own misdeeds, My fears increasing came, Which made my soul desire to flee, And wish to be at rest ; I could not then, as formerly, Ungodly pleasure zest. Stern justice me its debtor held, And threacened endless woe ; But oh ! my debt I could not pay, 1 that did plainly know ; Then would my soul with ardor strive To come to Christ ; I fain Would with my suit to him draw near,. My tears would flow amain. But ah ! corruption oft revived. And striving courage failed. And then the guileful deadly foe. My helpless soul assailed ; He oft his deadly schemes employed,, That I decoyed might be. By his alluring baits of sin, To guilt and misery. Death's terrors,, in the miry clay,. On me had taken hold. But my perplexity, and grief, O Lord, thou didst behold, SPIRITUAL HYMNS And by thy hand didst rescue me, From sinking in the mire, And pour'dst grace upon my soul, Which was my whole desire. 73 t r ■ .1 • '•• ^ My sins were banished as the cloud. On which the loud winds blow ; On tliiit great morn of my release, My soul with bliss did glow; Forgotten were my great distress, Perplexity and pain, Then sang my grateful happy soul, Thy love's melodious strain. Now since thou hast, O Lord, to me 1'hy mercy freely shown, And raised me to the high degree, Of those who be thine own, O never leave me to myself, But guide my steps alway. And let this world's alluring joys, Decoy me not away. And so ril not be sham'd when I Thy kindness will declare ; And so I w'ill it ^^lory count. The cross'd reproach to bear ; And when, in this j)oor vale of tears, My transient years are o'er. My happy soul immediately, Awav to thee shall soar. »'i 74 It SPIRITUAL HYMNS Now on this earth, because I have No long protracted stay, Since I must soon be called forth, To leave this mortal clay ; lead me in thy statutes' way, Each day unto the end. Lest I forsake thy holy law, • And so thy cause offend. That I my warfare end like those Who have the conquest gain'd, And run my race like those on high, Who have the prize obtain'd — And now have on briglit crowns of gold, And hold the glorious |)alm, Who now in chorus sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb. When here my pilgrimage is o'er, My soul doth hope to be In endless happiness, and bliss. In paradise with thee ; 'I'he world, the devil, nor the flesh, Shall e'er me there annoy, 1 shall, before thy presence there, Eternal life enjoy. The great eventful day is nigh. On which shall C'hrist appear, His coming every eye shall see. Both far away, and near ; 'I'hose that will then be unprepar'd, Who can declare their woe ? To everlasting punishment. They down must (piickly go. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 75 SECOND HYMN BY KWKN LAMONT How cheering to know that as pilgrims and strangers, We hastily i)ass through this valley of tears, Protected and led through its j)erils and dangers l)y Jesus, whose countenance comforts and cheers: To know though the flesh be relaxing and wasting, And ripening fast for the change that is near. Our souls, for the bliss that is future, are hasting The bliss we are only foretasting while here. In every affliction and every temptation. That grieve and assail us on every side, We trust for su|)port and for true consolation In Jesus our Saviour who suffered and died ; Who rose from the dead and who liveth forever, And pleadeth our cause with his father on high ; For safety we trust not in human endeavor. Our faith is in Jesus, on him we rely. Though evils unnumbered annoy and molest us ; Though troubles beset us and perils appal; Though Jesus permits them to try and to test us, He opens a way to escape from them all : He'll not us permit to be tried above measure, He'll readily succour the soul that is tried ; He knows we could never escape from tlieir pressure. If he should v^thdraw and his countenance hide. The trials that meet us will test, and not burn us. Relying on Jesus their test we endure ; As silver and gold that are tried in the furnace. We suffer no loss but what e'er is impure : YA h t. %•'■ ■■'%> 76 SPIKITUAI. HYMNS It The boisterous waves of nfTliction he stillcth, He sjjeaks hut the word and the tempest sul)sides ; The penitent's ])rayer he anij)ly fiilfilleth, For us what is needful he freely provides. In him we beheve and have sweet consolation, No other delight can the soul satisfy ; Relying on him as our only foundation, The flood and the tempest we fare and defy : No other could save us from endless perdition, Could satisfy justice our ransom could pay; C'ould purchase our j)ardon, and grant us remission, Could open to life everlastmg the way. 'I'hen while we have grace in our hearts to adore him, Our harj)s shall no more on the '.villovvs be hung, Our songs of laudation we offer before him. Our harps to his praise shall be joyfully strung : Blow heavenly l)reezes, awaken our glory, Flow freely yt: streams from the pure living spring ; 'I'hat youth may unite with the aged and hoary In anthems of praise to our Saviour King. His love shed abroad in our hearts we would mention, The sweet living showers that flow from above ; But who can declare what's beyond comprehension, The height, and the depth, length, and, breadth of his love : How timely received are his tokens of favor. How dear to our souls are his j)romises all ; His kindness endureth, it lasteth forever, He graciously heareth, on him when we call. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 77 Through him we surmounted the trials that met us, By faith in his i)romise we still overcome ; He promises truly he'll never forget us, Fori^ct, can a mother, the child of her womb? Though she may forget him and comfort refuse him, Ciod's love for his people shall never decline ; It flows to our souls trom our Father's kind bosom, The love of our Father is free and divine. 'I'hough these mortal bodies shall soon be dissolved, And sown in corruption like seed in the ground ; We soon shall see c' early this mystery solved : For when the Archangel, the trumpet shall sound, In glory unfading, in joy, and immortal. Our bodies shall wake and arise from the tomb, No more to re-enter its low dreary portal, No more to descend to its darkness and gloom. i! :! The kingdom of glory we then shall inherit, The house of our Father, where pleasures abound ; The home that we neither could purchase nor merit, Where aught that defileth shall never be found ; Where we shall see Jesus and worship before him. And where his beloved shall ever abide; Where ransomed millions shall praise and adore him, When he shall rejoice in his glorified Bride. i !3 II '8 SFIkI|i;AL HYMNS THE I'KNri'KNT'S MONODV HY KWKN I.AMONr It If \vce|)inL; allay my astonishing fears, Break forth and run over ye founts of my tears ; While here in deep sorrow and sadness I go, With my tears let me mingle the draughts of my woe. Sharp arrows pervade me, my vitals they tear, My sins crush me down to the brink of des|)air ; 'I'hey mount far above me, they reach to the skies, I'm panting beneath them, but cannot arise. How heaveth my bosom with anguish and [jain. My groans of deej) sorrow 1 cannot restrain ; Strange terrors affright me, my soul is dismayed. For the rod of affliction upon me is laid. God's justice arraigns me, I tremble and fear. Its threatenings of vengeance loud peal in mine ear; Woe's me, I am guilty, my folly I rue, I halt in suspense as for pardon I sue. Regardless of danger, I floated along In the stream of my sins, that ran restless and strong ; That would plunge me where mere) would ne'er me reclaim, In the woeful abyss that 1 shudder to name. I'm lonely and destitute, low and forlorn, I'm held o\' the proud in derision and scorn ; That I wasted my substance, my sufferings declare. The result o( m) folly, I greviously bear. 1 SPIRITUAL HYMNS 79 I wear my lone vii^ils in darkness and woe, I'm full of confusion, I'm tossed U) and fro ; 1 sink in deep waters, they reach to my soul, Dark waves of afTliciion (juite over me roll. To the haven of safety, O how shall I flee? I'm tossed as a ship on a boisterous sea ; And the gathering tempest with treml)ling I view, To escape from its fury, (J what shall I do? While here I am tossed without shelter or shield, I dread that the spoiler may tempt me to yield ; O that I to the rock with my life could repair, As a roe from the chase, as a bird from the snare. The destroyer me watches, my f(jibles he knows, And his tempting allurements around me he throws; Let me spurn his vile dainties, his proffers decline. Never more let me relish the husks of the swine. I « « 1 ■■ ■ * lie Tho' dangers be hid from my sight for a while. As earthly pursuits m\ affections beguile ; No permanent rest or true comfort I gain. While the bruises and W'Ui <'s of my spirit remain. I look for salvation .o lesn ahme. Whom yet I mav occ ui- "^ dmbrace as my own ; Tho' now as a friendless |)Of5T stranger I roam. The good Shepherd < an lead the poor wanderer home. I weep, but can tears of repentance atone For the deeds of my folly, in years that are gone? Can my sin-laden soul be relieved of its load. And created anew in the imi.e oi (lod. 8o SPIRITUAL HYMNS II In the beautiful image effaced by the fall, By the sin that brought ruin and death upon all; Yes, Jesus that image again can restore, And the soul that receives it shall perish no more. O Jesus, dear Saviour, have mercy on me. These yearnings within me are known unto thee ; Let the balm that is healing, O Lord, be infused Into this my poor spirit, now broken and bruised. O thou Son of David, the sinners' true friend. Thine ear in compassion refuse not to lend I'o my loud lamentation, sad moaning, and cries. Let them not from my bosom unheeded arise. Jesus thine ear to my moanings incline, Let me not unto death in this misery pine ; Extended to save me, thine arm, till I see, 1 will look from the depth of sorrow to thee. For assurance of favor. Lord thee I implore, Me lead where these terrors affright me no more ; Then, Lord, shall thy praise be the theme of my song. And forever engage both my heart and my tongue. O cause me, dear Saviour, to watch evermore At thy gates, and to wait at the posts of thy doer; Importunely to know till the entrance shall be. At the mandate of mercy expanded for me. 1 MMM SPIRITUAL HYMNS 8l HYMN BY ELIAS ROHERTS, TEACHKK Sweetly sound the |)raise of Jesus, Only name to sinners dear, Sweetly join the glorious anthems, Praise the Lord in holy fear, He has purchased our saKation, He has washed us in his blood, He has Yancfuisht'd eYery tempter, Made us kings and priests to God. '.."?« g^ Offer up the sweet oblation, Offer up our humble praise, Hallelujah without ceasing, Ransom'd millions CYcr raise ; Worthy is the Lamb that bought us. And redeemed us by his blood ; Every kindred, nation, peoj^le, Yield an incense to our (lod. Deep in sin, and misery trodden, LoLg we wandered from the fold, Jesus sought, and found us naked. Clothed us witb the j)urest robes, Jesus sought and bought our pardon. Paid our ransom with his blood, Jesus found us, on the mountains^ Far from holiness and Ood. 82 SPIRITUAL HYMNS Oh ! the love, the love infinite, Jesus born in Pjethleheni, P>oni his Father's holy heavens, So he comes to dwell with man ; Came to do his Father's pleasure, C-ame his majesty to how. Came to seek his long lost treasure, Came to magnify the law. Came to purchase our redeniption, C'ame the Anointed Son of God, Came to raise our fallen nature, Came to shed his |)recious blood, Came the man of grief and sorrow. Came the bruised reed to heal, Came the meek and lowly Jesus, Came our own Emmanuel. View him in his humiliation. In his suff 'rings, and his death, View him as the Man of Sorrows, How'd to yield his heavenly breath ; In the hour and power of darkness. All the foes of God, and man, All conspire to crucify him. All reject the Great I AM. In the dire hall of Caia[)has, The Sanhedrim all agree, At the judgment seat of Pilate, All exclaiu] him crucifv : SPIRITUAL HYMNS 8? U}) the ruL^ged Calv'ry's mountain, See our precious Saviour led, 'I'ill the Cross was elevated. Where the precious victim bled. Oh ! the love, the love infinite. None hut (iod such love could show, None could bear such ignominy. None sustain the dreadful blow, (iod was then in Jesus suffering, Nature then was veiled in gK)om, 'I'hen was laid our lovely Jesus, In the silence of the tomb. But victorious, he triumphant. Rose in endless Majesty, R(jse our Saviour, Friend and Brother, Rose to plead our cause on high ; Rose trium|)hant o'er his suff 'rings, Rose our Prophet, Priest and King, Rose to give the captives freedom. Hallelujah ever sing. Sing )e ransomed sav'd by Jesus, Our redemption he made sure, Seal'd our pardon by his suff 'rings, Rose to make the crown secure ; Ransom'd millions now victorious, Sing the triumphs of his reign, Join ye saints in songs melodious, Offer incense to his name. it 84 SPIRITUAL HYMNS Jesus' name how sweetly precious ! Those redeemed alone can know ; But, O Lord, we feel our weakness. All thy love abroad to shew : Raise our views, our thoughts heav'nward, Elevate our minds to thee; Then, O Lord, in incense, offer'd. Is thine own in praise to thee. Of ourselves we can do nothing, W^orthy thy infinite love, Not by man, O Lord, thou knowest. Would we a])proach thy courts above, All thine own we bow submissive. Offer uj) our humble praise ; See our Shield, thine own anointed, And accept our grateful lays. SECOND HYMN HV ELIAS KOHERTS Can ransomed souls e'er cease to sinu: The praises of our Saviour King ? With anthems loud his praise resounds In sweetest notes of joyful sounds. Our sweetest notes of praise belong To Jesus Christ, in cheerful song ; Our feeble voice how weak to raise, And sing our Great i^^Mieemer's praise. I SPIRITUAL HYMNS Freely he left the courts above, Freely he came in purest love, He felt our woes, he bare our sins, Partaker of our human pains. He bore our sins whilsi here below ; He concjuered every h(iStile foe ; 'To endless life our wa) he trod ; Our life is hid with Christ in God. Never shall death nor hell enthral The ransom'd, freed by Jesus' call ; He call'd our souls from darkest j^lo(jm, Into the glorious light of noon. From straying on the mountains wild, r^nticed by sin, by satan guiled ; Jesus alone could break the spell. And save us from the lowest hell. As sheep withcjut a shepherd near, We strayed in deserts pathless, drear ; No ray of hope how dark the gloom ! Dark as the shades of silent tomb. Death reigned in all the gloom of night ; Our souls enchained by satan's might ; No works of merit could we do ; The carnal minds no good pmsue. Exposed we lay, — Oh wond'rous love 1 That brought the Saviom- from above, For Jesus came to seek and find, Jesus the shepherd good and kind. 8s Ma n I 'I 86 SPIRITUAL HYMNS He came and found us lying now, In mis'ry, wretchedness and woe ; Our trespasses as mountains stood, And intervened our souls and God. His love did penetrate the gloom ; His voice awak'd us from the tomb, Arraigned in guilt we then appeared, Our souls eternal veni^eance feared. Mount Sinai's thunders peal'd aloud : Our sins arose, a threat'ning cloud : Justice demanded death and blood. Our souls in guilty terror stood. The Lamb of Ood in mercy stands, Shewing his bleeding side, and hands, Pleading before his Father's throne. The merits of his death alone. He gave his life, he shed his blood, 1'' appease the threat'ned wrath of God; He burst the grave in conquering power, Victorious on th' appointed hour. Triumphant from the grave he rose, Victorious o'er his vanquish'd foes; Ascended high to's Father's heaven; Eternal life through him is given. The mighty conqueror on high. In heaven he hears the plaintive cry, He hears the mourners in distress ; He left his heavens for our release. ■ ,1 SPIRITUAL HYMNS I'he mountains of our sins were gone ; The brightness of his presence shone, Jt cheered our souls, no tongue can tell : He sav'd us from the lowest hell. Infinite love did melt our souls, As oil into a vessel flows ; 'I'he Still Small Voice that speaketh peace. Bade ev'ry doubt, and fear to cease. The Sun of Righteousrc?ss arose. With healing in his wings, disclos'd Refulgent, glorious light of day, With all the powers of life display'd. Then sing his praise with joyful glee, And cheerful voice sweet melody : He conquered death, he rose again Ascended high our souls to gain. The dreadful debt in pain he paid ; In suff 'rings vast th' atonement made ; He bore our sins, a mighty load ; Jesus alone the winepress trod. He suffer'd in Gethsemane, In doleful pain, and agony ; His soul's exceeding sorrowful. His sweat, as drops of blood, did flow. Arraign'd before the bar of men. His judges could not him condemn : The meek, the lowly, lamb of God, Faithful before his judges stood. 87 ■■'■ n r. r It SPIRITUAL HYMNS Descended from liis Feather's heavens, Ilis life a ransom freely given; No man h:id power his life to lake, He gave it for his chosen's sake. How cruel were his murderous foes ! Then all in rage against him rose, Ar.d mocked and scourged the lovely Lamb.. Him crucified they all exclaim. He 's rohed in mock'ry's j)uri)le shade, \ crown of thorns j)ut on his liead ; Ah ! think that when our Saviour died, Nails i^ierc'd his limbs, a spear his side. Nailed to the cross by cruel men. He pleads for all for whom he's slain ; In love he bowed his head and died, And mounts triumphant 'bove the skies In heav n his ever glorious seat. Where millions, bowmg at his fee^, Incessant i)raise, in anthems sing ; I'here reigns our glorious martyr King No more the robe of mock'ry wears, No more opj)osed by sorrow's cares, No more in grief, and pain to sigh, No more on calv'rv's cross to die. He suffer'd once to atone for all ; He enter'd once within the veil ; In heaven he fills the mercy seat; The Father owns the off'rina .neet. SPIRITUAL fIVMNS 89 Jesus ascciulcd iilorioiis Ilii^h; He it'iL^Ms in j)()\VL'r and majesty ; All kiiccs shall how with one acctjiil, And ev'ry trn^iie confess him Lord. (ilory ascribe to (lod on hij^h ; Exalt his name triumphantly ; Let every people, kindred, tongue, 'ITie |)raises of oiu" Lord j)rolonL;. Praise him all limes in ev'r\ place ; Praise him for redeemiiii; love and grace ; Praise is the highest strain above ; Praise is the theme of perfec' hjve. All praise to Jesus Christ is due. In sweetest andiems, e\er new ; Ve ransomed ever smg the strain. Worthy the Land) tha! (Mice was slain. m 'Hie height, depth, lengtli, and breadth of love. In Jesus (dirist the incarnate (iod, 'I'ranscends the power of tongue to tell. For Jesus hath done all things well. He is our Saviijur, Brother, Friend, On him doth all our hopes depend ; He will direct our steps always ; He is the Life, the Truth, the Way. In (ilory, power, and love combined, 'i'hus doth he make of willing mind. 1" accept the offered mercy still, And yield obedience to his will. (JO SPIRITUAL HYiMNS 'I'hc ransomed love with willing soul, And yield lo Jesus, Lord, our all ; And |>raise and honiaL,^e to his name, In hallelujahs loud aeclaim. He is the Lord our Kinhteousness ; He leads his chosen on to bliss ; Our souls asj)ire to higher place, To sec^ our lesus face to face. HYMN IIY JOHN COM r ION Ye ransom'd in the Lord rejoice, And praise his name with thankful voice, Sing ye to him, his praise proclaim. In honor of his holy name. liehold the wonders of his love : For he descended from above To save our souls from death and sin. That we might live, and dwell with him. He left his Father's blest abode, To manifest the love of (iod, 'i'o seek and save that which was lost, And gave his life to |)ay the cost. He paid our ransom, when he died, (iod's justice then was satisfied : 'Twas through the sufferings of his Son, The victory for us was won. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 91 He hath asrendcd up on high, He led rai)tive ra|>livity ; And he hath given gifts to men, Which jjroves that he, for uh, was slain. He now doth intercede above; He sympathizes in his love ; Hath fellow-feelings of our iirief, And to our souls he sends relief. And now the Father, and the Son, Antl Holy Sjiirit, three in one, In wisdom, i)ower, and might doth prove, To ransomed souls, that (iod is love. Love is his darling attribute ; He changeth not, He's infmite, His love he manifests to man, He loved us ere the world began. He loved us while he bore our sins, He proved it, when he made us Kings; 'I'he Father's will for to disclose, And rise in triumph o'er his foes. His love is pure, he loves us still, O doubt it not, it is his will ; The Kingdom he for us prepared ; His word is sure, he hath declared. Then Zion sing, his grace abounds. And praise his name in joyful sounds, Oh ! praise the glorious Lord of Hosts, Praise l*\ather, Son, and Holy (ihost. n "'n IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) O <-&'^".w 4 ^ 1.0 If 4 5 IIIII2P I4£ * 3.2 1^ I 12.2 I.I 2.0 1.8 1.25 U IIIIII.6 V] <^ /a /y 9. ^M oS. >> "^ /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ■^ iV iV \\ ,.'' '^ % v ^ ^^^.^4> % V^ 5? ..MP 92 SPIRITUAL HYMNS i» .1'. ''MR sr»N MISNICHI) DO LUCHD lARRUIDH CHRIOSD" (Translated in the year 1842) Ye who are now opj)rcssed with grief, In sore affliction hound ; For whom, in vain and empty husks, No nourishment is found ; Who cry, Our Father, we have sinned 'Oainst thee and Heaven above, And are unworthy to |)artake Of thy paternal love; Our portion we have spent abroad, It doth no more remain ; And now we see and feel our loss AVith grief, remorse and pain : Deliver us (vom our distress, Our l)ands and fetters rend ; As hired servants us receive, ^ Our feeble cry attend. Your tears and lamentations brinti '^i^t The time into my view In which I had in anguish lain, And sore comi)lained as )ou ; But steadfast on this liflorious Rock My goings Ood doth make. And in his [)romise I believe; He'll never me forsake. SPIRITUAL HYMNS "rhrough many a grief though now yc do Pursue the narrow way ; Although its weary, rugged path Your troubled hearts dismay ; Though ye with souls disconsolate 'I'he lengthened path behold : You tread the footsteps of the flock Now broui^ht into the fold. 'I'hough in your faint and weary souls Despairing thoughts arise, His promised mercy God will show, The poor will not despise ; Your grievous burden will remove, And bruise your cruel foe : Then from your lips, from day to day. Your Saviour's praise shall flow. .'t; Then unto you it shall be known I'hat (jod afflicted you To save you from imjjending wrath, And lead you safely through ; That ye might not on groundless hope With confidence rely. And lest )ou should, forever more. In endless torments lie. To view the wondrous love of Christ Your chief delight shall be. Who gave his life your souls to save From endless misery ; «3 1 u 94 SPIRITUAL HYMNS Who ihr(uif^^h his flesh prepared (or you A new and living way, 'rherel)y that you might death escape, And saian's fatal sway. Who did not call you hence, when dead In trespasses you lay ; But who, in mercy to your souls, Did here ])rolong your stay, To take away your tllthy rags, And )ou invest anew Wi'.h beauteous robes — with bright array Of never fadinij: hue. if:' 2'' You'll feel within that Jesus is \'(jur L'reat Ph^■sician too. His people's wrongs he doth redress. The sick with health renew. As he displayed his power divine, The blind their sight received, And those whom satan's bands did bind Where by his might relieved. A hearing ear he gave the deaf, He cleansed the leprous throng, He gave the lame the use of limbs, He loosed the speechless tongue, And others lain in death's repose Arose at his command ; He rescued those in sore distf'ess From their oppressor's hand. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 95 Sal salvation, rest and liberty You'll thus in Jesus find ; To joy your inournin- chan-ed shall Hell ease your troubled mind ; A lively hope, and love untei-ned, 1 he Saviour shall bestow, A hope that maketh not ashamed, And love that e'er shall V ho gives to us our daily bread, And strength in all our days. 99 ,1 •■:, His wondrous l(-ve was towards us, 1 before the .vorld began ; 'I^hat it should be fulfilled in 'us, Was his design and |)lan. Behold his boundless love displayed. When down for us his life he laid, And by his [)lood atonement made— Our Saviour, (;od and man I His love is unconceivable '1 o human mind or light; Its depth is as eternity, Its length, its breadth and height. He can't conceive the debt he paid In full, without our feeble aid— The burden that was on him laid, He bore with glorious might'. i 4' Behold him numbered with the thieves And hanging on the tree ' And pouring through his open wounds, His holy blood runs free ! 'f lOO SFIRITUAL HYMNS Now (i(Ki the Father him forsakes, The rocks are rent, rrealion cjuakes, His lovini^ heart in anguish breaks, In dying agony. We can't conceive the trials great That met him by the way, While he for us the law fulfilled And all our debts did pay. His foes were near — his friends retire- His cruel murderers' desire— - His soul endured the wrath and ire That down on us should weiich. And now behold him glorified, At (rod's right hand on hiirh. How great his name, how joyful are The hosts that stand him ni^h. Their thanks and praise in union go To him in sweet accord and flow : That song shall ne'er an ending know, His glory ne'er shall die. If ,■!•' O blessed are they whose Lord he is, He calls them to their fold ; From sore temptation he will save. From ills he will them hold. To pleasant pastures them he'll guide. All fruitful, j)eaceful, fair and wide; In safety they shall there abide With joy and peace untold. SPIRITUAL HYMNS lOT As frees heside the brook are they, That streaiiieth gently \)y : Their leaves are ^q-een in limes of drought, 'I'hey neither fade nor die. Their roots will deep and deeper go. As up their blooming boughs will grow, With fruit their branches bending low, Their roots in fatness lie. He is his servants' strength and stay, He guides them b> his hand ; He will uphold and strengthen them Against their foes to stand. God's chariots and his angels strong Encompass them, a mighty throng — iJnto their foes does not belonii To see the heavenly band. ^% .:|f And they who in his vineyard work As faithful servants may, And whose desire to please their Lord Increases day by dny, Through trials /lare, their course must run, Aboz'e^ their rest shall be begun ; They shall l)e, when their work is done, To glory called away. »4 I02 SPIRITUAL HYMNS AN knc;f,ish version of "SUD AM PEACADII A DIIRUIDII OIRNN" IN TJIUEK PARTS PART I. Oh ! how deep the transgression that hatli left us despoiled ! Fallen, abject and restless by the serj)ent bei^niiled ; Left in shame and in sorrow left our loss to dejjiore, 'I'hat our home in fair J'^den we must leave evermore ! Oh ! how grievous the sorrows that it l)rought in its train ! Every nation must suffer from its trouble and i)ain. As are branches denuded of their bloom by the frost, So l)y sin was our beauty and our purity lost ! Source and cause of all peril, and of every woe — Man created in honor, now dishonored and low — Now confined and d'stracted, stripped, embarrassed and tried. Sewing fig-leaves together, that his shame he might hide ! When the voice of his Maker, in the cool of the day. In the garden was walking, fallen man fled away ! Filled with fear of his presence, glad no more at his call- Oh ! the guilt and debasement, sin entailed on us all ! SPIRITUAL HYMNS lU Nought he foiiiul that could hide him, iioiw the eye that' s un a I (k)d haih spoken, " W'liere art tliou?" Man must answ^^r the call. For his i^uilt and confusion, his excuses are vain ! He can offer no ransom, his redemption to jrajn ! Then was lost his sweet converse with his Maker and Lord ; EverlastiuLT confusion was his due and reward. From the tree that life giveth justly driven was he; And a sword that was tlamiuL^ kept the way (jf the tree. l)Ui a ('ov'nant was entered of redemption for man, In the Trinity's council, ere the world He began, In which man is entitled to a higher degree, Than we held in fair Eden when from sin we were free. Unto man under sentence of dis[)leasure divine, Ood in mercy revealed his decrc i and design ; He hath promised the woman, fallen low and accused, That the head of the serpent, by her se^ . should be bruised. Unrecalled, unforgotten was the promise sublime ; Came the seed of the woman, in the fulness of time — Christ, the Father's 'rue likeness, his delight and his love, And tVe brig tness ni >st holy of His glory above. m T04 SPIRITUAL HYMNS See ! the loveliest infant ever seen upon ea.th f Lowly laid in the manger, so estranged at his birthy In the inn, to the parents needed aid is denied — They must lodge in the stable with the babe at their side. In the city of David, was our Saviour born — Welcome news to the shepherds, by the angels was borne. Praise to God in the highest, peace on earth and good will ; Was there ever in music, such a beautiful thrill ? But of men He's rejected, He's neglected, despised — To accomplish His slaughter, many plots they devised;; So intense was their hatred, malice, envy and ire, Nothing less than to kill him, could fulfil their desire. PART 11. Though the Son for a season in the world did abide^ Yet he sought not its treasures^ nor its pleasures and pride — 'Twas to rescue and save us from our merited doom — O the love that inclined him thus to toil in our room t Who can fathom the perils that our Shepherd came through — He had trials most grievous of which we never knew ; Satan tempting him often, strove to thrust him aside } Moved against him the rulers, blind with fury and pride. ^ :ir SPIRITUAL HYMNS fo5 In the Garden near Cedron, doleful, weary and sore — I'hoLigh his sweat as he wrestled, burst through every pore, Bloody sweat from his body fell in drops to the ground; Yet he bore the affliction till with victory crowned ! d He encountered all peril, his elect to set free; In our stead, as our ransom, held by justice was He. By his Covenant promise, for our debt he must stand; Now the hour that drew nigh him was the time of demand. ''4 .ii Now his foes unresisted seized their victim in time — In their council they treat him as if guilty of crnne ; All the court was unfriendly, no defender' had he, Though their false accusations always failed to agree. He eridured the revilings of their viperous tongues — See! they cruelly beat him— oh ! the jjitiless throng I See ! the mock robe of })urple— see I the mock thorny crown 1 See ! the blood from his temples, on his raiment drops down 1 On thy height, O Golgotha, what commotion I see I Who is led as a victim ? sore afflicted is he — With his cross on his shoulder, as thy summit he nears, I can dimly behold him through the flow of my tears. io6 SPIRITUAL HYMNS I Would they treat him so rudely, if they knew it was he ? 'I'hat it was the Messiah^ whom they hanged on a tree- Would the hands that have nailed him be so daring and strong ? Would they taunt him so rashly with a hlasj/hemous t' nLj;ue ? Put how could they show pity, when the spirit of Cain, 'W) accomplish his murder, did them urge and con- st ram, T)Ut although to afflict hini, all their malice was stirred, He against their detraction did not answer a word ! When the tempest that brooded, in its fury came on, Undiscouraged he viewed it -he withstood it alone! When his soul and his bodN- for his tiock he laid low Oh his Cv»nflici and sufferings, who can thoroughly know ! Now is opened securely, thus a new living way, Through his flesh unto glory, now we joyfully ma) Travel onward and upward, with our trust in his love, 'I'ill he call us before him, to his glory above. PART III. 'I'hou art worthy of praises, O my Saviour dear ! Me, thou feedest and leadest, through my ])ilgrimage lere. Thou, my Rock of salvation, speedy aid in my need— O without thee my portion would be mournful indeed ! s. SPIRirUAL [lYMNS 107 I'hou, my health and dependence, dearest friend of my soul ! All the evils that grieve me are beneath thy control. May thy countenance beaming, joyous feelings in- spire — May thy breathing infusing, thrill with music my lyre ! 'Tis my want of obedience to th\ precepts divine. Makes my ardour to falter, to relax and decline. Full of doubts and misgivings, weak and timid through fear— - Oft the marks of my weeping, on my pillou appear ! J,:- ^^ M ■J #. Kind to me were thy dealings, since I breathed in this clay. Though I did from thy precepts often heedlessly stray. In thy rod of correction, I thy mercy discern For thy smile on me beameth, when obedience I learn. O my Saviour protect me from the serpent's dread power ! He is wily and restless to molest and devour. Shelter thou from ir.z arts me, from the darts of his tongue — Lord, thv love is my castle — everlastinglv strong! To be sought and desired, more than wine is thy love; As a river it streameth, flowing free from above, llian the jewels more precious in its virtue and power — It is sweeter than honey, gathered fresh from the flower! io8 SPIRITUAL HYMNS To declare it, where can we, a comparison find ? To the love that exceedeth all conceivings of mind. Neither anj^els nor mortals can encompass it round — Who in sonjij can it herald— who can tell of its bounds? There is nought that can quash it, everlastmg the same : Mighty floods cannot quench it, or abate its bright flame. That its influence guide me, of thy kindness I crave — That its banner of glory always over me wave ! O my loving Redeemer, be my shield and my stay ! My affliction thou seest, when enfeebled I stray. Be thy mercy around me, while I'm bound in this clay — To the mansions of glnry, till thou call me away I EXHORTATION TO THE YOUNG (English version of" Earail do 'n Oigridh.") As the end of my day, In this body of clay, As my time of departure's near me ; There will pass from my tongue, To the ears of the young, Timely words, if you choose to hear me. ■^ i . 3— ds? :he jht IS SPIRITUAL HYMNS Soon your beauty shall pass, As the bloom of the grass, As the withered rose descendeth ; Age, disease and decay, Swiftly hasten their sway — Oh how quickly this journey endeth ! See! in summer's fresh bloom, Infants laid in their tomb, Lovely maids and young men together As the jjlants that are seen, In the morning so i^reen, Prematurely to wilt and wither. Youth, attentive!) hear, Seek the Lord while He's near, In your purpose and aim, decided ; Seek his tavor and peace. Bend before him your knees — He your paths by his precepts guided. 109 .'I'M Shun the things that are vain, Deem them not as your gain, Early search for the one thing needful. Seek a heavenly crown, 'Hiough the world on you frown, Christ confess, and to him be heedful. All the world though you'd gain. All its glor) obtain, With its silver and gold and pleasures — Will their value compare, Or comparison bear, 'J'o the wealth of the heavenly treasures.^ i 1=5 1 lO SPIRITUAL HYMNS O young man be aware Of your enemy's snare--- See him lurking to seize and rend you, May the Lord from above, In his pity and love, From the enemy's wiles defend you ! Now are set for your choice, Life and death — give your voice — Which of those as your choice will please you ? Wise advice will you hate, Seize your enemy's bait. And repenr, when too late, like Esau ? i 1 Though your enemy may Throw his baits in your way. Pass them by — do not touch or take them. Whate'er others may do. Be your aim to ensure Wisdom's precepts, and ne'er forsake them ; And in Jesus abide, Lean on him as your guide. He will render your pathway even : He will bless you with strength, He will bring you at length To the glories prepared in heaven. Though your courage may fail. And afflictions prevail — In adversity he will cheer you. Well he knoweth your fears All your troubles and tears — He's the Helper that's always near you. SPIRITUAL HYMNS I I I But if satan come nigh, And your armor laid by, Vou are worsted when undefended, Then in earnest aj)ply, For the balm that's on high, Or you'll bleed till your day is ended. '?' 1? When in prayer you bend, Reach your true, loving Friend — You will find he is always ready ; Ever bending his ear. Earnest p.ayer to hear. He's the friend of the poor and needy. In his shelter abide. As your shepherd and guide — Of his love he will ne'er bereave you. When your journey is o'er. You shall peacefully soar Up to Glory, where he'll receive you. k ri >>' ft'i ■Hi 'IL m fii ./' TRANSI^ATIONS FROM '! :f GAELIC HYMNS nv THE I.ATK RKV. D. MACDONALI) AND KWKN LAMONr, ELDER THANKSdlVING " Laoidh Taingealachd." My desires, loving Jesus, Were to thee in m) anguish ; When in prison enslaved, When in chains I did lanuuish^ And when sin, so enticing;, Held my mind in possession, Lacking power of arising From the mire of transgression. From the light of thy favor Far away did I wander ; But I oft would endeavor, And would fain break asunder \'L *s3 114 SPIRITUAL HYMNS All the fetters that bound me ; But the foe would assail rue, His assaults would ast(jund rue, And uiy courage would fail me. Ill at ease was my conscience By the pangs of conviction : Then I pleaded with Jesus To be freed from affliction : — Lord, my soul from the bondage ^ Of the strong man deliver ; Cirant me strength in thy mercy Ere I perish forever. li But, instead of the Saviour, Then came satan to grieve me, To mislead with false courage, Of true hope to bereave me ; Fear of threatened vengeance, ^ Sense of danger would leave me, Sinful pleasures, beguiling, For a time would deceive me. But, behold with what favor Has my Saviour sought me ! With what fatherly pity From the pit has he brought me I was filthy and hateful, Sunk in shame and confusion — I was helplessly lying In the vilest pollution. SPIRITUAL HYMNS I i I O my gracious Saviour, With what love hast thou sought me With what fatherly pity From the pit hast thou brought me ! Now the Lord in the number Of his children receives me ; Now my path is to glory Tho'the foe often grieves me. O thy love, my Redeemer, Unto me is unbounded : By thy word I am strengthened ; By thy mercy surrounded ; And the earnest received, Unto me is a token Of thy promise unfailing. Ever faithful, unbroken. Now my soul has the earnest Of thine own Holy Spirit, Of the purchased possession Which the saints shall inherit : All proceeds in the order 'I'hat Jehovah hath given, Till we rise to the glory And enjoyments of heaven. Wake, my lyre, in melodious And harmonious vibration ! Rise, my soul, in the Spirit's Cheering, sweet inspiration ! i. ■r !,i ii6 SPIRITUAL HYMNS Offer |)raiscs in thrill ini;, Loud, and willini!; laudation, To the Lord, for his [)lessin^' Of free grace and salvati(jn ! I , O how worthy is Jesus Of my lays of thanksgivini^^ : Me he washed, and now raises 'I'o the joys of the liviui^ ; To his presence most glorious Now my soul he is bringing, Halleluiah ! in chorus With his own to be sin^inij. Praise and glory and honor For thy promise, dear Saviour, rhat njy soul, 'neath the banner Of thy love and th) favor. In thy secret pavilion Will securely be hidmg, 'J'ill I see thee in heaven, There forever abiding. THE KING IS COME "Thainigan Righ." Faith is given, away are driven All doubt and terror ; the King appears ! Now his banner unfurled in heaven, In light and honor he highly rears : 1 SPIRITUAL llYMNr> »W The Lord in hand the triimi)Ol has taken, Has l)lown a blast of sj)iiiuial power: I'he sknnl)erinL^ sinner he (\u\ awaken, He cleared the shadows that lont^ did lower. Came the voice of the Lord from heaven — 'I'he earth was shaken, the clouds distilled. The i^rave of spirittial death was riven, The soul, awakened, with fear was filled : I'remblinL^^ he came in true contrition, The Lord with prayerful spirit he neared, And Jesus lovini^dy cleared his vision — The door was opened, the King appeared. 4 He poured his spirit, the heart was broken- Ye powers of darkness and death, begone! Dawn, awaking of morn the token, O'er all the livid horizon shone. The deaf, the dumb, the blind are receiving I'heir hearing, speech, and vision, amain ; And each and every scnil is living, In whom the heavenly King doth reign. But we with horror were filled, and terror, Upon discovering judgment nigh ; By the Spirit we saw our error, The sweet and bitter were proved thereby ; By anguish seized, amazed, astonished, Of hell the gloom and suffering we feared ; But fear is banished and doubt has vanished — The Sun is risen, the King a[)peared. i6 ^^ ! • i' I! :i ! ': ii8 SPIRITUAL HYMNS The i^^lorioiis 'I'rinity saw and ''staf)Ii.shed '1 he jjlan, ere heaven and earih were made ; And all, when finished, his srlory published, ^ ^ His i)Ovver with melody sweet displayed.' The Scjns of (;o(l were all rejoicing, ^ I'he morning stars together did'sing, Creation everywhere was voicing Due praise to heaven's eternal Kino-. His voice he uttered, and every being, ^ ^ For glory fitted, arose to view ; Th^^ former heaven and earth were fieeim Before his presence ; then came the new Descending in beauty down from heaven, Was seen the new Jerusalem then. In holy heavenly form approven 'J'he glorious dwelling of God with men. 'g Praise and honor are due forever I'he Lamb, who willingly came to die • He freely, full}-, did all recover, And now he dwellcth our Priest on high. Pleading our cause with God the Father""; ' To us he will peace and righteousness bring ; No cause of sorrow have we, who gather To our deliverer, Christ the Kin^ Jehovah's infinite, glorious Spirir Within his temple eternal dwells ; This love and unity we inherit, Without our merit, as Scripture tells. "5^ SPIRITUAL HYMNS 119 Far were we from God and heaven, In long captivity withered and seared, But faith was given, away were driven All (ear and terror, when Christ appc'ared. With great compassion our souls he draweth With cords of man and bands of love ; The light and liberty he bestoweih The world can never wi.hdraw nor ibes together; No more shall Israel wayward roam, 1 he fold when filled is thrilled with melody. Hearts renewed all singing the strain : Who Jesus follow, with him, all hallowed, A thousand spiritual years shall reign. ^1 1 1 1 u . !,l SPIRITUAL HYMNS 121 u ON THE SUFFERIN(;S OF THE SAVIOUR '* Fullangais an Fshanuighear." The sufferings of my Saviour I celebrate and sing; The birth, and meek behaviour, And dying of the King. Oh ! wonder most inscrutable That human tongue can name- The Internal and Imuuitable"* In Christ, to save us, came. i' J By sin and deep transgression weighed Creation all did groan, In death and dire oppression laid, Unable to return. But lo ! the glorious Trinity Ordained the Lamb to be, In manhood and divinity, Our ransom full and free. But oh ! my inability 1 o sing in lofty strain. The love and the humility Of him who bore such pain ; Who shed his blood, recovering I'he sheep that went astray ;" A living spring discovering, That drink his people may. ^i '•I ' 'I 1 ■■i\ I 22 SPIRITUAL HYMNS 'I'hen, Lord be thou unsealing now The theme of this my song ; So by thy grace reveahng, thou vShalt freely fill my tongue With words that shall expressively Of Jesus' sufferings tell, AVhile on the earth submissively And humbly he did dwell. 1 i! i'l, ii^ ii The Scripture shows his lioliness ; How soreK' he was t.'ied ; How he, in love and lowliness, His glory laid aside ; How he, throughout iiis jjassion, all Our human nature wore : His soul and body rational Great pain and sorrow bore. Though human reason will go far, To understand the pain That Jesus bore, for those that are His awful sufferings' gain ! The world could not the books contain That would explain it all, When down the wrath of God amain Upon him came withal. No wonder fear surrounded him, When our transgressions ail. Like awful mt^untoins frowned on him- They down upon him fall ! •^ SPIRITUAL HYMNS 123 And heavily they bear on 1 With iim pain that we deserved But natii^ht could bring de.sj)air on h 'I'hat mi never, never swerved. While men, in base contempt, at him With rage and malice heave. How fiercely .satan tempted him 'Ilie world can ne'er perceive ; The blackest hosts of darkness came Around him, raving wild, And sent their darts with fiendish aim To maim the Undefiled. But what was mostly grieving him. Though hell so fiendish strove, ' The world was disbelieving him, ^ And fleeing from his loVe ; They would not own that lovingly ^ ^ To save his fiock he came ; "" lliey slighted, unaj^provingl),' His holy, heavenly aim. Yea, in their mad malignity, Of all compassion void, I1iey treat him with indignity ; Like dogs they round 'him hiec. Vea, also, bulls of Bashan there In rage beset him round ; And they, on that occasion, were Assailing him while bound. i h i Mi I' M '".'.■, ■P *^;; 124 SPIRITUAL HYMNS But more than foes confronted him : The \viiiej)re.ss must he trotl — Behold the cu)) presented him E'en by the hand of (iod ! For Justice must he satisfied By Christ, the promised seed ; I'he Law, our ransom ratified, Required that he should bleed. Lord, now beyond the stream, for us, O'er Cedron as we lio. Cause heavenly light to beam for us, And wisdom do bestow, That we may see him conquering The hosts of hell alone — They for his blood are hankering — He wrestling for his own. When came the time, appointed him In wisdom's plan of yore. By God, who had anointed him, He humbly, meekly, bore The sorrows, that so awfully Rolled over him amain. And sank him sadly, woefully, In agony and pain. Low on the ground appealing there. Oh ! heed his earnest cry : He prays his Father, kneeling there,- From me this cup pass by ; SPIRITUAL HYMNS 125 My soul is sad exceedingly, Death seizes me upon ; Yet adding meekly, pleadingly, Thy will, not mine, be done. 1* „MJ But oh ! my King and Saviour dear, The fearful hour is -come In which, by loving favor here. Thou standest in our room ! His bloody sweat is streaming now, And freely down doth flow ; His face, no longer beaming, now^ Is marred by grief and woe. •■'M >Vi Death's terrors then came drearily And darkly him upon ; His soul was wrestling wearily And sadly there alone ; But now his loving heart was pressed For all to be fulfilled. Which was to purchase heavenly rest. E'en as his Father willed. Though awful were his grief and care ; Though scourged and weary, worn ; Though spit upon and made to wear The purple robe in scorn ; Though piercing thorns his temples tear ; Though cares his visage mar : The winepress that he tramples there, More awful was by far, »7 vl . t»l i!'!' 126 SPIRITUAL HYMNS 11 m -I! i'i; VI; H'.! * 'f 1 If Ik: Though on the cross, op|)ressively, Six hours of pain he bore ; And though his blood excessively ' Through wound and scar did pour ; Though men can not discern it, He Did greater horrors quell — The darkness of eternity. The pains of death and hell. And thus he did atone for us. Alone upon the tree ; The wrath that was in store for us. He bore in agony ; The curse for sin that lay on us Which he, our Saviour, bore, In justice would have weighed on us Forever, ever, more. He opened by his suffering A new and living way. And justice by his offering Is satisfied fcr aye; His lifeblood flowing preciously, On earth did favor bring ; Now all the living graciously Sing praises to their King. Amen. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 127 ON THE RESURRECTION I^oidh air an Aiseirigh." Arose the light brightly o'er us, Arose Jesus our Lord from the grave, Arose the Sun in his glory, Arose our Saviour with power to save ; Arose the day of salvation. Arose the Prince of our peace from all woe, Arose our Leader and Captain, Arose the Messenger, grace to bestow. Now the shadows shall vanish With the darkness of death and despair ; Sin, sedition and hatred Shall not harrass thy people for e'er; Graceless lore, with its errors, To mislead u^ shall never have room ; Satan's power shall be banished. And his angels be hurled to their doom. 't: There are tokens of favor — Came with power the opening of seals, Awoke the souls of his people ; What was prophesied now he fulfils. Came our Saviour, Jesus; With his Kin^^dom he came from above : Came our peace and rejoicing ; Came to dwell in us. Faith, Hope, and Love. "i 7- li' 128 SPIRITUAL HYMNS Thy day, as foreseen of many, Abraham rejoiced to behold ; Moses saw it, and Aaron, Led from Egypt the flock of thy fold ; Job beheld it, and Daniel : Thy wSpirit the subject revealed To all the Prophets, from Adam, Till their theme on the Cross was fulfilled. Wicked men had no power Christ our Saviour in bondage to hold ; Power neither had satan, Nor his armies, though many and bold ; And the world had no power, Though conspiracies base it did ply ; Even death could not hold him — He awoke, and ascended on high. His foes were bloodthirsty, cruel ; They were pitiless, rude and unkind ; But strongly wrestled the Lion, Bruised their head with his heel as designed. All his foes he has vanquished. With the Kingdom's bright Sceptre in hand ; He is ever exalted In his dwelling of glory, our Friend. As 'rose our Saviour, Jesus, In like manner arose we from woe ; The soul immortal he wakened. And the light of his presence did flow ; SPIRITUAL HYMNS 129 The gates of Paradise opened, Now the spirit of grace he bestows, And so my soul, now immortal. In the blest resur'rection arose. Christ is the blest Resurrection, He's the Life and Salvation for aye ; Awoke on Sabbath's blest morning. Rose from death and the grave where he lay ; A certain sign that his chosen In his image shall rise from the tomb, That we shalj be with his presence, Clothed in beauty, and freshness, and bloom. W Hi ^41 Oh ! my friends and my brethren. Ye whose souls Life and Liberty know, 'I'o us came Jesus, our Saviour, Gave us speedy relief from our woe ; Our souls immortal, adopted, In the Lamb's loving bosom have room ; And though this body is mortal, Christ shall raise it to life from the tomb. ..:a. ♦.■'. As woke our souls, thus obtaining In the first Resurrection a share. This body also in beauty, He will surely to Paradise bear ; Then both, immortal, enduring. Shall in glorious union be found ; Then in Abraham's bosom, And with durable happiness crowned. »30 SPIRITUAL HYMNS But we must part from vain shadows, From this body of death with its cares, Ere we can enter before him In the house he in glory i)rej)ares. The l)right abode of his glory Is incorrui)tibly glorious e'er, And what is filthy or lying Shall not find any dwelling-place th(!re. And when will come the time destined, We in flesh shall continue no more ; This body, falling putrescent, Then our souls up to glory shall soar; When comes the great Resurrection, Christ on clouds shall be seen to descend Upon the Throne of his glory. And ten thousands of saints shall attend. He shall, as parchment is folded, Fold the heavens in presence of all. Reveal his dwelling-place glorious — 'Round the light of his glory shall fall ; Then, the elements melting, And the world incan^iescent shall be ; With heat o( flames shall be boiling All the watery deeps, and the sea. Then shall Christ seize, triumphant, The last trumpet, and sound it with might ; Its voice shall wake in a moment These our bodies, to life and to light ; I SPIRITUAL HYMNS »3» , Then our souls down to meet them, And with welcome to greet them, shall come ; They shall as one be immortal, In the image and power of the Lamb. I'hen Christ in love shall address us — You, my friends and my people, I chose ! With my blood I have bought you, Oave you victory over your foes ; My |)recious blood, shed to save you From your sins. I averted your doom, And now ye all are immortal In my image, and beauty, and bloom. Come, ye blest of my Father ! Come, my children and brethren true ! And inherit the Kingdom, Long j)repared, and made ready for you ; Sin or death cannot enter Here, to trouble, to vex, or cast down ! Ye are glad with my presence ; On your heads wear forever this crown. Now look in pity, dear Saviour, On thy people, and favor them show ; Prepare them messengers faithful Them to teach, that in grace they may grow ; Let no languor or leanness Ever weaken their godly desire ; Be their Shepherd, to lead them, And to feed, as they ever require. f m 'i' ^ppini ' 132 SPIRITUAL HYMNS As thou didst grant them redemption, And salvation from death and from woe, Do thou teach them and guide them. To thy mansions on high till they go ; From the world do thou save them, From the foe, and oppression of men, Till they see thee in glory, Bright, beyond our conception and ken. COMMUNION HYMN "Laoidh Chommunnich." Who would not to the Saviour Turn with earnest desire ? Jesus Christ who endured Pain and suffering dire. Treatment cruel and shameful, Piercing thorns on his brow ; Drank the cup of God's anger ; Meekly, lowly did bow. What a bright revelation Of the love of the Lord — Earth and heaven united In harmonious accord : Christ, beloved of the Father, First-begotten of God, Appeared "on earth to redeem us ; Shed his precious blood. SPIRITUAL HYMNS ^Vhen inflexible justice Stood against us in wrath, ]Nonc could make the atonement But by suffering death ; When eternal destruction Was our merited doom, Jesus satisfied justice, Suffered death in our room. All the sorrow and anguish He foreknew would take place Did not weaken his ardor In the covenant of grace. He saw his people despairing, Far away from the fold ; And he died, that the nations Miii;ht his favor behold. O, who would not the favor Of the Messenger crave — He who vailed his glory, That his flock he might save? For us his body was bruised, Freely shed was his blood — The blood that seal'd the new Covenant He abundantly shed. Now the Sun, \r\ his glory^ Arose our souls to inspire : Thrills the bard in his musings While attuning his lyre ; 133 » ' it " «i ■I - Hi ' .''1 j8 134 SPIRITUAL HYMNS The Sun of righteousness, shining, Beam^ divinel) around ; To the saints, in communion, Love and joy do abound. On this day of remembrance. Heavenly blessings are showered On those surrounding the Table Of our gracious Lord : Some are weeping, and mourning. In grief of soul, and distress ; Many praising our Saviour For salvation and grace. \. m What a sweet invitation By his people is heard : Ye weary, heavily laden, Hear his gracious word-- Come ye all in my presence From your bonds and distress ; Sit ye down at my Table, And my favor confess. Jesus, with his disciples. When his time was at hand. Took bread and wine in communion ; Gave a dying command — Eat and drink, in these Symbols, The flesh and blood of the Lamb ; Do ye this, in remembrance Of my death, till I come. SPIRITUAL HYMNS Love, in this generation, Is the same as of old — Pouring forth from the father, Cheering warmly his fold : Then rejoice in the favor Of the Saviour above ; Bow in meek adoration At his Table, in love. i^j Grant, O Lord, that these symbols May be blessed to each soul ; May thy spirit inspiring, Cheer, revive and console. That we may eat at thy Table The hving bread from above. And drink the wine that will raise us To the praise of thy love. Praise and honor are due him. Who was bruised in our stead ; To redeem us from thraldom. Who on Calvary bled ; Who ascended victorious, ^ ^ 'J\) his glory again ; There our cause he is pleading, Giving gifts unto men. ii 136 SPIRITUAL HYMNS Ml SECOND HYMN ON THE SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST » Lord, hear me now, and me endow With heavenly hght and strength of mind,. While I essay this mournful lay On Jesus' sufferings for mankind. Such tears and cries, such groans and sighs,, VV^ere never seen, or heard, before ; Nor man shall view the like anew, Oh never, never, never mc)re. ■.'I'! I' He saw us lost and tempest-tossed. Without a star our course to guide ; . In sin's embrace, corrupt and base — Our pitying Saviour wept and cried,. Jerusalem ! Jerusalem ! Who slayest the holy Prophets all, And stonest them wlio strive to stem Thy downward course, thy hastening falL I oft would call thy children^ all, I would them to my bosom bring. And shield them then, as doe: a hen Her tender brood beneath her wing ), Ye w^ould not hear my call, tho' near j Ye would not own that I am He, Who, from on high, came down to die For guilty sinners on the tree. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 137 "ft I'ho' sorrows pressed his loving breast I'hroughoiit his pilgrimage below, 'Twas for his sheep he most did weep; He saw ihem scattered by the foe, He viewed their flight and helpless plight I ild deserts He saw them bleed, and wolves,\vith greed And ravenous slaughter, on them [)r'ey. His sufferings prove his endless love ^ P'or guilty sinners such as we : To die he came, despising shame. To save and set his chosen free. With anguish bruised and sweat suffused, ^ ^ He cried in lone Gethsemane — To death my soul is sorrowful ; My Father, pass this cup from me. No wonder tho' his sweat did flow As bloody drops unto the ground : The hour was nigh the Lamb must die. And Justice held the Victim bound; With anguish bruised and sweat suffused, ^ To God did pray the Son of man-- Compassion show, avert the blow, Yet not my will, but thine, be done. Ye murderous brood who sought his blood. Could ye his mighty wrestling see, And hear his cries, his groans and sighs. His poignant grief and agony ? «^ •38 SPIRITUAL HYMNS I r In 1-^ Ye could not hear, or see him near; P"or how could then high Heaven's decree Be all fulfilled, as Heaven willed, By Jesus' death upon the tree. The Shepherd then, 'twixt God and men, Displayed his mediatorial power ; His flock he warned, but he returned To watch and ])ray that dismal hour : No wonder tho' his sweat did flow As bloody drops from every pore : In death's dark vale he must^ prevail, Or we are lost forevermore. i -^i .1 i His dying throes in whelming; woes, His lingering death, exposed to shame, His Father's wrath that worlds would scath, In whelming floods upon him came : His mighty strength prevailed ; at length Triumphant over all he rose ; Appeased, by death, his Father's wrath ; He vanquished hell, subdued his foes. Amazing sight ! the Lord of might, In manhood, suffering on the tree : The sun withdrew, as loath to view Such doleful spectacle as he. From death's dark gloom, in sinners' room, His Father's face he could not see ; The Victim bled, in sinners' stead — Foi sinners ! yes, for you and me ! SPIRITUAL HYMNS 139 Th e hosts of hell conspired to quell The Victor's might, as low he lay ; But now, in might and glory bright, To hell's confusion and dismay, Our saviour rose, and quelled his foes; The devils trembled in despair — Our Saviour won, his work was done ; For God in Christ was working there. Now all who love the Lord above, Whose souls have felt his saving power, In holy fear to him draw near. That he may blessings on us shower ; He knows our needb, our cause he pleads At God's rirht hand, exalted high ; He bows his ear, in love, to hear The frailest sinner's faintest cry. *' i',( BELOVED SION O now, beloved Sion, Arise to life and joy ; Since came thy loving Saviour No pain can thee annoy ; Though once, for thy rebellion. The Lord was wroth with thee, He found for thee a ransom Of all-sufficiency. 14c SPIRITUAL HYMNS Thou aimlessly didst wander On mounts of vanity ;, But he, with voice most tender, Doth send to gather thee : No child of thine shall waver, Or shall forsaken be ; The Lord, in loving favor, Will save and set them free. ■1: '•?^ f I' *; '-•!■■ I The tribes, by works of wonder, From Egypt guided he ; He broke their yoke asunder, And gave them liberty ; He gave, as he foretold, them The holy promised land ; And forth he drove, before them, Their foes, with mighty hand. Again they were debased, For greatly they rebelled ; So they, by heathen nations, In slavery were held ; Downtrodden and confounded, They wallowed in their blood ; By enemies surrounded, Without a sure abode. But glory be forever. To God, who'll ne'er ignore His promises of favor : To Abraham he swore tSPIklTUAI, HYMNS 341 His seed he would remember, And multiply them more rhan stars, which none can number, Than sand upon the shore. Now, Sion, [)e awakinu: ! (Had news by thee is heard : Behold the dawn is breaking — Kor J AH Jkhova's Word' Declares thy glory nigh thee, Bids gloom and grief be gone, Calls all thy children by thee To gather into one. !^1 'r 'Oh ! then, beloved Sion, 'Hie while it is to-day. With pity cast thine eye on I'he Tribes that are astray; Be faithful, loving, tender, To God's elect ; with zeal That those afar, who wander, Our charity may feel. •V. So love, in them unceasing. Shall lead them on their way T'heir faithfulness increasing In ardor, day by day. Until a congregation Unnumbered shall appear. From every Tribe and nation, 'Jo own God's favor near. '!*■ ',f 1 I iq 142 SPIRITUAL HYMNS O Si on I he revealing Thy love to them, nor s[)are. O hear their cry, apjieahn^; For mercy everywhere ; See many wolves assailing 'Hie sheep, to tear and rend ; Their hearts within them failing, When dangers them attend. M: Since thou hast found his favor,^ Now let the same he shown ; O sj)eak of his salvation, And make his favor known ; O let thy supplication Unto his throne ascend, That, to his invitation, Poor sinners mav attend. ii THE ITLCiRIM'S LAY m " Dan an Fhin-Thurais. " !!v Oh, alas I for my faring In this desert desi)airing. Under chastisement wearing, On the way as I go : My corruption appalling Grieves my soul, when recalling How in guilt I was falling Down so lawlesslv low. SPIRITUAL HYMNS WhtMi shall j)cace be my feeling, Waiting twilight's revealing; And the Sun with his healing O'er nie beaming arise? () ! when shall I remain on rieasant pastures in Canaan, Rest and comfort to gain on Lands of var\in^ rise? When will Jesus thus heed me, Over Jordon to lead me. In the garden to feed me. There to heal every sore ? When shall thirsting be quelled there From the wine berries held there, And this darkness dispelled there Be remembered no more? 143 When shall blessings increasing Be my hunger appeasing, And my knowledge increasing In his wisdom and love; Milk and honey obtaining, Strength and hai)piness gaining Life forever sustaining, By the bread from above ? Weary pilgrims, sojourning In a desert so burning, Strange not though they be mournfng. Fagged and worn on the way ; •■H' ■ J M /4 • ? m li;'' !'m. 1 4'- 1 : lit 144 SPIRITUAr, HYMNS' Many evils befall them, Many dani^ers api)all iheni, Wicked longings inlhral them> Bring a fall, and dismay. Many pilgrims, when hearing The fatigues of wayfaring, Often fall to despairing On their way to and fro : Lead me, Lord, on right stages, 'I'o the cleft Rock of Ages, Whence the draught that assuages- Thirst, unsparing doth flow. ■w II •tt:i ll]ft 'W Dark the desert, and scowling, Where the wild beasts are howling ^ For the souls they are prowling That are found insecure. Even paths to discover Baffles all my endeavor ; Here I stagger and waver, Cheerless, ailing, and poor. O forsake not thou, Lord, me ; In this desert regard me, Bread of angels afford me, Freely falling like dew ; Safely shelter from death, me, Guard from storms' cruel breath me, Ne'er forsake on the path me, Safely carry me through. spH^rruAr, hymns '45 I'hou hast saved with thine hand nie, Broii^L^ht from slavery's land nie, Freed from every }>an(l ine, 'I'hat would connnand nie a slave ; Throui^h the sea thou hast broiiL^ht ine When Pharaoh, f(jllowing, sought me ; Ere his army had caught me 'I'hey were whelmed in the wave. Mn So let me be defended And by mercy attended, Till, \\)\ pilgrimage ended, I ascend unto thee ; Let my trusting be solely In thy promises ho]\ ; Thou, the friend ol the lowly. Canst alone set me free. 1 am restless and failing, Like a vessel a-sailing When the wild winds are wailing. Far away from the shore ; Mighty waves, me assailing, Almost o'er me prevailing, Often down in them, quailing, Often raised on them o'er. Like the winebibber, quaking, Strength of mind me forsaking. Ruthless billows me taking In their sway to and fro i pi>t- 146 SPIRITUAL HYMNS Now the vessel is shaking, Waves against her awaking; Now, in danger of breaking, Down forever to go. In my course persevering, 'Hiough am fainting and fearing, To my rescue and cheering, Lord, come near unto me : Storms and waves of the ocean Then would cease their commotion ; At thy rebuke they would pause then, They would motionless be. Thy protection and favor Would assure me, dear Saviour, That my soul need not waver, Being ever secure ; With thy face shining o'er me Clouds would darken no more me, Heaven's comforts before me Would me glory assure. Were my pathway to lead there, I'd be happy indeed there ; Bread of life would me feed there, Biding peacefully home ; Fountains flowing unceasing. Ne'er in sweetness decreasing. Than the honey more pleasing, Drawn free from the comb. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 'J'here the balm the Kin<< uses f'or the pilgrim's sore bruises From the journev's abuses. Would renew me with strength ; In his i)resence most holy, Raised from wretchedness wholly, In unspeakable glory, With his chosen at lenjjth. As the dove, swiftly gliding i.et me flee to mv hiding, In the Saviour confldini^ o As my guide and my stay : Wolves around me are prowling. Sly as hunters when fowling ; They are greedily howling For devouring their prey. 147 Let me look unto Jesus Who came down to release us, Suffered death the most grievous, On the tree, for his own : Heed his kind invitation. Hear the I'rump's proclamation, Strive, through all tribulation, F'or the Palm and the Crown. '.1 4 148 SPIRITUAL HYMNS ON SIGN Dan air maise Sliioin. u : As winter is o'er with all its darkness, Its snowy blasts and its gloom ; As sunshine and rain, their sway, alternate, And herbs their freshness, resume : As blossoms diffuse their dewy essence. Matured by heaven's bright rays. And feathery songsters 'mong the branches Prolong their gladdening lays, — Now comes, as of yore, our souls' refreshing ; Resolve and strength we obtain. To shun and forego ungodly pleasures — They all are transient and vain. Oppression a pang no longer giving, Our tongue is filling with praise. While Sion's songs, among the living, We strongly, thrillingly, raise. la f 4ri ^li With loving desire we eye the City, The Tribes of Israel's fold. Adorned as a bride, divinely furnished, It shines as burnished gold ; The City of beauty, New [eiusalem, Pure from heaven, behold — The City of royal form and measure, Of joy and pleasure untold. ■^I'lRITUAI. HYMNS 49 Will 1 rajUiire we see in th ijri'rln e nics of Proj)het! i^iic scx'iK's whereof thev have r^ — ^"' tin^\ iiiive siinL'' \\ iKM-c heavenly l.ree/x-s cease shall never. \\here freely rivulets glide. lO p scat ered afar, his <-all they answer, "cy alJ, with gladness, come home. ^iion de|il(>red her woeful exile With groans and shedding of tears,- VoT V"^ '"-■ '""''^•'^ '""^^ '-'•'<'-'" captive. Nofnend to rescue appears: H hen s,,oders had seen my secret treasures. i l)ey seized with pleasure their prey ■ My children are all to thraldom banished My joys have vanished away. ^\'ith grief r regard departed blessings: I hough sought, they cannot be found • Aly people enjoyed their stores with gladness, i\ Hh joy and hajjpiness crowned ; SO ■K-.. T50 SPIRITUAL HYMNS But now am forlorn, am worn witli sorrow, Am torn with worry and care ; My place was, to view, in beauty matchless, But now 'tis empty and bare. M^' When echoed around the sound of battle, O'erpowered my warriors fell ; The depth of my pangs no tongues can utter, Nor language publish or tell ; From slaughter tho' aliens spared a remnant, In chains and fetters they groan ; No wonder tho' I retired in sadness, My dire disasters to moan. ,. But Sion shall mourn no more in exile, Nor lonely, destitute, be : Her children, in thousand thousands, gather Around her, happy and free ; For Jesus doth call them all together. Afar they never shall roam, And all enlivened lyres shall celebrate Sion's welcoming home. The Shepherd is nigh : he wipes forever All tears from every eye ; His Hock and their seed his lead shall follow, They neither sorrow nor sigh ; Forever at ease in Jesus' presence. They feel no pressure or pain ; They never shall know a foe's aggression, Or sore ojjpression again. 'r Cxrief never conies nigh ; the crv -f sorrow Arises from her no more, When freshly ihe beaiUy blooms upon her 1 hat's surely for her in store; Tho' bruised, her vines ne'er dry' or wither • Beside the River they grow, Whose stream, undefiled, glides and sallies • With wine her valleys shall flow. '5f And then shall the glory all be given To God, by every tribe ; To him they shall all, in holy concert. Adoring honor ascribe : No sickness or care, despair or sorrow, Or pain can follow them here ; The Iamb shall benignly shine upon them, With smiling countenance near. To Egypt's dark shore of sore oppression No more they wish to return : In heaven are hoarded all their treasures, Ungodly jjleasures they spurn ; With heavenly glory, wholly happy, Their souls they satisfy may ; l^hey shall be with milk, and wine, and honey Supplied forever and aye. O Sion ! of rarest, fairest, visage ! Thou stainless, innocent, one ; As fair as the dawn of morning' breaking, And all as bright as the Sun ; • u !■ ■ 'i ; r ^5-2 sprRirrAi. fiN.MNs^ ■■'( ■' 1'hy beauty, tho' I should liighly celebrate. AVhile I dwell in this clay, I had of thy glory only giveii A low and glimmering ray. -."••'- '^..^^r O Sion ! there's holy joy within thee : Thy glory brilliantly bjams ; A pure, living fount thy ground refreshes. Around incessantly streams ; The terrors of war alarming, never Shall mar thy i)leasures again ; The glory that Jesus freely gave thee, In thee shall ever remain. ; w *■ i . r. ■ I': I VOICE OF THK HARP To us as Jesus reveals the ])romises. His constant kindness revives and solaces We're now desirous, the Bible leading us. To follow nigh him, in blithe obedience. CHORUS O/i /csns^ kindness relying tnistiii^^ly. We t/irill ill chorus our chords exult iu\^ly ; With love inspiring our lyre 7ohen hallowed is^ It cheers our sojourn loith joyous melodies. Sf'tKlTL'AL HVMNS '5:> The streams that flow from his Word arc nourishing, Our youtJi renewing, in bloom so Nourishing; They lead our mind to a liigher altitude, In loftier strains to declare our gratitude. O// yes//s' ki//(/;ii'ss, etc. His secret shade, ever safe and sheltering, Sui)i)lies the need of the weak and faltering, Hath living s])rings that will bring us healthiness, Delights dispensing, and cleansing hlthiness. Chi /csns' ki;i(//icss. etc. His love is free, and his mercies numberless, His yoke is easy, his l)urden cumberless ; His voice, so cheering, so dear and hallowing, His sheep will hear as they near are following. On JcsKs' kiiufiicss. etc. He gives the Kingdom to them unmerited, 'Hiat they eternally may inherit it ; He'll not forsake them where strangers harass them. Nor out on cloudy, bleak mountains perishing. On Jesus' kindness, etc. * '« Nor yet exposed where their foes might slaughter them ; Nor led by hirelings to blind and scatter them / Their Shepherd kind will be nigh for sheltering,' And will supply them with finest pasturing. On Jesus' kindness, etc. i-iff .'■'^^ 54 Sl'IUrnJAL HYMNS As wrath and envy bad seized the Pharisees, When Jesus' jjraiscs intlamed their jealousies, With loud hosanna the young when welcomed him, As their Messiali revealed himself to them. On Jesus' kimliicss^ etc. That mind appeareth, by clear analogy, In those who sneer at our cheering eulogy, Adoring Jesus, our shield and surety. Our hope of glory through all futurity. / 0)1 Jesus' k'uidncss^ etc Now, unashamed, we raise our melodies In praise of Jesus who heals our maladies ; Glad songs are sounded, aloud and willingly. By harpers feeling his breathing tlirillingly. On Jesus' kindness, etc. ON THE PRESENCE OF GOD. "Air Lathaireachd Dhia." As descendeth the rain from the skies. And as shineth the sun on the ])lain. Causing all vegetation to rise To revive and to flourish amain. So the Presence of God us consoles, And from languor and loneliness brings ; In his favor is life to our souls, As the Psalmist melodiously sings. SIM k IT UAL HYMNS »55 n, ■ Giving energy, ])ol(lness, and might, In the Vineyard to labor ahvay ; Use our Master's own talents aright, Still awaiting the reckoning day ; And by this will our drought disai)j)ear, From the ground the green blade will ascend, Which will grow, till the promising ear Yields its portion of fruit in the end. This will raise our affection above All the world, with its shadows so vain, Which will never a l)enefit prove, Free from death, or deliver from pain ; This will cause us our portion to prize, Which, through grace, on our souls is bestowed: O ' that the stream never weakens or dries. Though dissolved be our earthly abode. 'it' , *'■ m ■ M \ ' ■ This renews and enlarges our hearts. Fills our mouth with the praise of his power ; Strength to souls that are faint it imparts, As the dew to the midsummer Hower ; This will peace and rejoicing bestow That will conquer all doubt and distress. Giving speed like the fleetfooted roe, As we joyfully run in tiie race. Though our foe with his hosts should come nigh. He the victory never shall gain ; This is o'er us a banner on high. In the conflict our strength J;o sustain ; '' H S6 SPIRITUAL HN.MNS 'I'his from death will protection afford ; It will onward to victory lead ; We have favor and strength from the Lord Of salvation and peace in our need. From the treasures of cold, tho' there come Howling temj)esls, with withering breath : 'I'ho' the clouds gather o'er us in gloom Intercepting the light from our path : This will suddenly scatter their haze, And their shadows shall cpiickly be gone ; Then our souls with rejoicing and ])raise Feel the rays of the glorious Sun. I- P- k" Tho' our sojourning comes to an end, And our souls shall be called to their home ; Tho' the dust to its dust shall descend, In the bondage of death, to the tomb ; 'J'his will strengthen 'our ho])e as we leave. That the promised support will be given ; And that we shall our portion receive In tjie happy communion of heaven. Free from all the defilements of sin. Free from fear and from sorrow, for aye ; Free from every ill, that has been Our annoyance and grief by the way : When the soul shall de])art from the clay 'J'o the ])resence of God, it shall soar To the brightest effulgence of day, Which will cloudless remain evermore. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 157 ON THE C(JMIN(; OK i HK JUDGE '• l>aii air tea. lid a l;liieithcatiili." % Of the Judge and his ai)i)caring, On the clouds, is this relation : He will come; the time is Hearing ^ To subdue the whole creation ; Comes the rightful Heir most martial, To his vineyard, glory hearing; Perfect, final, and impartial. Is the judgment he's declaring. : i e He will meet his foes in anger, ^ ^ In his judgment stern, unbending; 'Jliey will cry, but now no longer Grace or mercy is attending ; No esca})e from fated trouble ; To their destiny he'll doom them ; As the fire destroys the stul)l)le Shall his countenance consume them. %■•■ n Those shall come before him, quaking, \Vho his j)roffered grace rejected ; Lying refuge them forsaking, Now unaided, unprotected : But his chosen shall not languish ; They depend on him that's able To deliver them from anguish, In the time of Jacob's trouble. I 21 is8 SPIkllUAL HYMNS Where shall stand the wicked scoffers? Those who loathe the name of jesiis, Who refuse and scorn his offers, Till the day of mercy ceases : When, in final in(h"i;nation,* vStornis are raginL,^ Hoods descending, Mow can stand the sand foundation On which they have been dei)ending? Often slighted invitation Was proclaimed with faithful warning : O, ye men, emlu*ace salvation ! I'^rom yotir e\ il ways returning. Means of grace there wer* to lead them Unto Jesus' love endearing ; ])Ut alas ! they would not heed them, Nor believe their doom was nearinir. Now thev find the world ..ibverted, Plague and sword and famine raging ; Many lands sha.l be deserted Kre distress shall be assuaging; Many forests shall be blasted, Many dales, untilled, unseeded; Many heroes, fall mi. worsted. In the dust shall gasp unheeded. Lowering clouds, in ceaseless motion, By increasing storms are driven ; By the tempest is the ocean Into roaring surges riven ; • SI'lUrrUAL liNMNS Forth, throiighuut the lower crtMtion, Sounds a wail that is llL•artrc^(li^«^ And that warncth every nation Of the (h-eadfiil day that's liench'ni: 59 What brings terror so unwonted (Jn a world so proud and daring? No'v, like deer on mountains hunted, When exhausted and despairiiv-- liike a tree, in wln'rlwinds crashing Like a ship, in tempests sailing" \\'aves about her raging, dashing ; i'oaming breakers fast prevailiivr Are the signs of Armageddon Now perceptibly unvailing? Shall the lield oi' carnage redden Soon, with blood of mortals wailintr? 'J'here contending warlike forces, Of the nations no one idle, Shall be trampled, till the horses Wade in blood unto the l)ridle. Frightened nations, tho' conil)ining And uniting every faction. Hand in hand so closely joining, Shall not stay their dire destruction : They the cup of wrath are draining; From its bane there is no shrinking; But the dregs that are remaining Are for Sheshach to be drinking. ^"W ■< • 1 60 SPIKnUAF. Fn'MNS Those who were the world deceiving- Shall receive their doom alarming ; Men who were their lies believing Shall no longer heed their charming ; Into torments God shall cast them, There to trample them in fury ; No enchantment, strength, or wisdom. Can resist the King of Glory. 1' Bal)ylon, tho' long she revelled, Is no more from wrath defended : Like a leaf that falleth shrivelled Are her fame and beauty ended ; She Is stripped, in this commotion. Of her glory, strength, and splendor ; As a stone into the ocean Cast, she falleth — sinketh under. Wicked City ! how appalling, Dread, and awful, is her ending 1 Fire and brimstone on her falling, Wrath withal on her descending : Now she drinks, altho' unwilling. Judgments, temporal and eternal, From the cuj) that long was filling. By her wickedness infernal. r.i' Those, who of her wealth were reaping. Stand aloof in consternation ; View destruction o'er her swee|)ing, Sorely weep her ruination — SPIRITUAL HYMNS l6l I O alas ! the pride of nations Now must drain the cup of anger; Since she falls, our occupations Bring our gain to us no lon«^er. O what j:)o\ver can f)e destroying One whose glory seemed unfading, One whose riches were emplo)ing Nations all with lavish trading : All that her admirers cherished,' She had furnished in abundance; But with all her wealth she perished, Nor did nierit their dependence. But the J.ord will soon deliver His elect from tril)ulation : He will beautify forever ^ His beloved with salvation; Sion, then, in brida.1 splendor, Shall await her i.ord's appearing, Loving homage him to tender, For she knows the Bridegroom's nearin^'. Nevermore shall Sion wander As an alien, sad and tearful ; All her seed, with speed, attend her ; Home they'll gather, glad and cheerful ; Home, with Jesus, she shall never Dread the perils of wayfaring ; She will bide with him forever In the Place he is preparing. m "<, h: '«* w ^w 162 SPIRITUAL HYMNS • ODE O may our near and faithful Friend, Who watcheth kindly over us, Refreshing, cheerini,^ blessings send ; From ills defend ; recover us ; Renew our strength and fervency, Our chords as we are tightening, To raise, in praise, our {)salmody, With ardor beaming, brightening. To laud and ])raise our Savioiu- dear, In Ciodly fear and h(;liness ; In servant's form who did appear, In true and peerless lowliness ; That we, as he, might huml)ly go To him alone concentrating ; Till we are called from earth below, Eternal glory entering. We run the race with waiting eye, On him rely unceasingly ; .A.nd tho' our foe in ambush lie, So slyly, wily, leasingly, I'o gain his point, shall him def)' Altho' he try persistent !)• ; In fear, from him that's armed, he'll fly ; He views him shyl\, distantly 'I'he world our Saviour's grace declined ; Their foolish mind was darkened ; Nor to his voice their ear inclined, Nor to his kindness hearkened SPIRITUAL HYMNS When he his embassy proclamed ; His vintage claiming rightfully ; '11-iey him assaulted and defamed, Denied his claim despitefully. No sooner he appeared on earth, ^ Than men came forth opposed to him ; No sooner rumored was his birth, 'I'han rose relentless foes to him : Full well he knew that death, l)v those Relentless foes, awaited him ; 'Hiat, with the spirit which arose In Cain of old, they hated him. 163 ¥ u'^ J*"!^ Twas not against his will he bore Our sorrows, sorely, tearfully : 'I'hat doleiul jkuIi he'll tread no more, He'll conie in glorv, cheerfully; With heavenly hosts he shall appear : 'I he time is near and hastening, To welcome home his children d'ear, No more to fear his chastening ; '1 o banish those away, in wrath. Who were on earth rejecting him ; Despising both his word and worth. And choosing death - neglecting him As were their works, their lot is cast, Made fast without alternity; As they have sown, they'll reaj), at last, In endless, vast eternity. [end of the translations] *. ij"'. I ■ IIIJP" , li ' SPIRITUAL HYMNS BY THE LAXE OEORGE BEARS MINISTERING ELDER If"- THE WRITER'S EXPERIENCE OF CON VICTION AND CONVERSION O thou blessed Redeemer ! Incline thine ear. I beseech thee, While I tell of thy love to poor sinners, Grant thy Spirit to teach me ; And let the briow in sin and transgressi on. '■I O how great were my sorrows, When the trumpet my soul did awaken ; I>o ! the Law pierc'd mv heart with its terrors And my body was shaken ; ' My joNs were all turned to mourning. My smging to weeping and wailing; Ah ! my soul saw its terrible doon'i, Death! dread sentence appallin<^ Sharj), the pangs of conviction, Like arrows, were painfully j)iercing. And tlie heartrending waves of affliction, O how deej)ly distressing ! 22 r.»lv 1 66 SPIRITUAL HYMNS For, oh ! the dread terrors of death : then Took hold on nie in my anu'nisli, Like a foretaste of hell, were my jxnins, When in sorrow I laniruish'd. Loud the voice of Jehovah Like the thunder of Sinai onre pealed. So that dark gloomy cloud did ine cover. Then the foe nie assailed ; Breaking waves of affliciion o'erwhehn'd nie, Then down, O do\\n I was reeling, Stern justice ! my scnil, how heartrending All thy guilt was revealed. Floods of wrath, so avenging, O, how could I ever endure it, My mind fain would yield in repentance, Hut my he;irl still lefusLnl : So i)arched and painfully dried. All moisture and tears were suppressed. Lord Jesus ! O save me, I cried. From my soul's deep distresses. 'I'here in heart-rending terror. With the sentence of death hanging o'er me, He heard me and pitied my sorrows, Then he sought and restored me ; And itu-ned my sadness and mourning To songs of rejoi(Mng and gladness ; His face, like the light of the morn Shone with beautiful radiance. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 167 Quick the j(jys of salvati on. ,^^''^'^ '"^M^^i""^'"^ niy bosom then fjllcd ; The Spirit's sweet consolation, ^ Pour'd so |)owerful and thrilh'ng; ''I'was the haptisnial flow of his love, 'rhroi]-h my -laddened heart, freely'show'rin- All my fears and afflictions removed, "^ Tears of i^aatitude |)ourino. Oh ! how peacefully, Jesus. 'ITose seas of affliction had stilled ; His voice I () how loving and precious, Like pure ointment, so healing; Then, peace 1 like a river was flowin^r . The light of His presence bright shining, His love flowmg sweet through my souf On His bosom reclinin<'-. Now m\' changed condition No tongue can convey by expression, Hut njy heart ever bears the impression I hat will ne'er be forgotten ; Oft I think of the terrible stroke '1 hat the stony heart broke into shivers, And the earth how it trembled and shook, Tears ran streaming like rivers. MA 111 m :f'^5l -■I 4f^ ^ O my dear loving Saviour ! Can 1 ever sufficiently praise thee For thy loving kindness and favor? Lol from death thou hast rais'd me; .« I 68 Sr^RITUAL frVMNS My wounded heart thou hast healed, And all my sins hast forgiven, And my soul, by thy grace, reconciled To our Father in Heaven. Now my High Priest and Saviour Let me bring my oblations before thee, O accept my jujor humble endeavors When I praise and adore thee ; Who freely my soul hast redeemed, My wounds so effectually healed, With thy blood, thou hast washed me clean. And my pardon hath sealed. u n . Cheering bright revelation Now opens the prospect before me, Pointing homewards, (in anticipation) To the regions of glory ; O the ])romise and hoj)e of a l)lessed Pure immortality glorious, Home in heaven forever with Jesus Where He reioneth victorious. Ah ! but sinful corruptions, Alas! novv are often prevailing; The flesh with its lusts and afTections Causes weakness and failings ; Yet Jesus the Saviour reinaineth. E'er pleading in glorious perfection.. To save from the warfare of sin By His sure intercession. SPIRTJUAL HYMNS (Uorious source of salvation! 'Tis shown by thy power and wisdtjni, Thou art raisin<^ the fallen creation To thy glory and kingdom ; When darkness and death were around us Thy brightness the gloom j)enetrated, And the triumph of love thou hast shown, In the plan of salvation. O thou blessed Redeemer ! Still thy goodness is free and unbcuinded, And while heaven and earth shall continue. Let thy praises be sounded, In one sweet and melodious song, By peoples, and kindreds, and nations, For the wonderful love thou hast shown To the ruin'd Creation. And vouchsafe I^lessed Jesus To incline diine ear I beseech thee, When my s[)irit is pra)erfull) raised For thy service, O teach me ; And when I have finished my course, And this dwelling of clay is dissolved,, Let me soar unto thee, in thy c(;urts, T(j adore my beloved. 169 &ure adoration I'o chant thy praises most sweetly. In glorious eternal duration Perfected completely : I 70 spikrn'Ai, nvMNs With the ransoin'd, the Lamb Liloiifying Who nunc from on hiijh, to dchver .. Our souls from transt^^ression and sin, And rcdt'cnVd us forever. Then mv (riends and dear hrilhren Fii^ht on, lo ! the prize is before us. The eon(iueror's [)anner is waving Over /ion, most glorious ; And ('hrist is exalted above, l^ver ruling, ])rotecting, defending, Till \vc all are made perfect in love. And in joys never ending. I I THE WRITER'S EXPERIENCE FOR AliOU'I FOR rV YEARS AEIER CONVERSION Air— 77/6' Git))i-tree Can or. Oh ! Lord in thy presence my soul takes delight, Thy countenance refreshes, 'tis cheering and bright. So sweet and consoling, so peaceful and free, Yea so lovely, O Lord, to attract me to thee. When thy wonderful doings, O Lord, I survey ; By thy wisdom's design, and thy j)0werful disi)lay In the works of creation, by the skill of thine hand ; Revealing its beauty, an object, to man. SPIKIIUAL IINMNS '7 Slill in iiiidsl of rulk'ction an works so siihlimL-, Frail luimaiiilv weakens, and shadows ihr mind; So to i(?ll all ihc wonders, () Lotd, thou hasi done Is l)e)'ond in\' expression 1> laniiuaL^e or soni;. M But 'lis sweet, lo reflect on the wonderful plan RevealVI by ihl' S))irit m visions uj man ; All Derlect in beauty so lo\ely to see, Wile 1 the free insi)iraiion is llowinu from ihee. () "tis sweet, bK ^sed Jesus! to lean on lh\' breast, ' Tis an arbor ot jjeace. I o ! my haven of rest, Where safe from lemplaticjus and sorrows 1 tiee 'I'o th\- bosom, () blessed Redeemer to thee. When in seasons of trial, and ready lo faint, O how sweet t(; my soul is (H:)mmuiuon with saints ; To strengthen my faith in th\ promise, I tlee To iiiy cil\' of refuge. Lord Jesu^, to thee. Wdien tlie wn\'es of affliction encom|)ass me round, O how sweet is thy voice, and Ikjw joyful it sounds S(j calming and peaceful, m\ soul it doth cheer 'I'o hear my beloved say, lo ! 1 aiu here. And how beauteous, O Lord, is thv face to behold, Relle(^ting thy image so bright on my soul, 'Tis the magnet thai ever attracts me above 'I'o feast with thee, free, at the banquet of love. i ' -il; I 72 SPIKITIJAL HYMNS the wonders the plan of salvation revealed! Yea, what ronifort and joy in my soul it instill'd When the comforter (low'd from thy bosom al)Ove, 'I'o seal on my soul the sweet token of love. O Lord Jesus, I pray thee, look down and behold, And accept m\ oblations, tlie L:,ift of m)' soul, With thankfulness offer'd in heartL,nvm_n strains Unto thee, my Redeemer, in praise to thy name. O the bright revelation that shows from above, The i)lan of salvation made ))erfe(U by love, Inhnite, unchangeable, l)OU!idless and free. In the sweet ap])lication, Lord Jesus, by thee. Then, () Lord, let me ever sing i)raise to thy name, 'Tis thine own holv breathing will kindle the llame Of love in my bosom, while feasting so free At the banquet of love, l)lessed Jesus, with thee. And when 1 come humbly my homage to j)ay. Let thine owm skilful lingers the instrument play, When my spirit aspires to thy dwx'llings above, Where the song ever Hows in perfection and love. () how bright, yea, how pleasant and lovely to see, The light of thy countenance shining so free, When the pure living breezes of life thou didst blow On thy beautiful garden where sj)ices do flow. SIM KIT UAL HYMNS <73 \\ hcii in braiitiful vision those joys 1 behold, Cheering anticipation enraptures niv soul, In the kingdom of glory forever to l)e With all the redeem'd, blessed Jesus, with tiiee. Where the beautiful choruses ever will sound From the ransomed millions assembl'd around. All under the l)anner that's waving above, In unity ])raising the triumph of love. %:: ^»< Where the Saviour will lead us to ])ure living springs To the well of salvation that centres in him, And runs like a river, abundant and free, 'Tis life, life eternal. Lord, riowing from thee. Yea, a stream ever flowing so sweet to console. Refreshing and healing it Hows to the soul From Him who is worthy to open the seals Of the Book that cter'-; I salvation reveals. Those joys lay !)efort •, then (juickly arise. He calls us, Jcai I., -tiiren, to run for the prize; J^ehold Him in heaven f)resenting the crown. And unto the faithful those joys shall abound. Swiftly years are revolxing our short lotted span, Few days full of trouble are destined to man ; But life, life eternal, awaits us above, In regions that open and widen in love. aj ■^ J 74 SFIKirUAL HYMNS Then lead us, O Lord, by the smiles of thy face The light of thy presence and strength of thy grace. As the star led to J>ethleheni lead us al)ove, And bind us to thee with the cords of thy love. For Thou art our comfort, our joy and delight. The strength of our souls and the source of our life Our hope of salvation and happiness free, And love and perfection, all centres in thee, j'heij, blessed Redeemer ! continue to cheer, Prote-.t and console us while travelling here, Till the summons shall come and our souls shall be freed To dwell in eternal duration with 'I'hee. m CONSOLATION AND ASSURANCE IN iKsrs CHRLST .\lK. '/'//c' I^aik-Lvcd Sailor Lovelv I O Lord, is mv meditation. That soars to mansions where all will meet, \\\\\\ songs resounding in lovely sweet Swelling adoration ; Flowing ever free, joyfully, In strains of love complete. SPIRITUAL HYMNS / D Rise, () my soul, mount with ])ure ambition, And soar aloft like the eagle's flight On wings of faith, to behold th*; sight. Lord, by thy permission ; Rise with courage bold, O my soul And with the choir unite. Yea, give me freedom, O blessed Saviour ; To join that sweet and untiring strain, With ransom'd millions to praise thy name With the song forever Worthy is the Lamb, blessed name : — The Lamb for sinners slain. ■*f! How cheering bright were their heav'nly visions ; When loud and joyful the minstrels sang Their joyful strain : when they saw the plan Of unerring wisdom Shining in our bright Radiator, God's anointed Son. O wondrous plan ! glorious revelation, That shows so clearly the grand design Of man's salvation, by love divine Through the Mediator, Who suffer' d death in pain, rose to reign ; And in his glory shine. Then, let me offer my heart's oblation, And with the ransom'd thy name adore, Endow my soul with thy Spirit's pure Itf^ , 176 S FIR ITU AT. HYMNS Holy aspirations, To bring my willing lay, Lord, to thec% Where Mercy still endures. And Saviour dear while my hearths inditing, Shine through the shadows of nature's gloom ; O stay my ardor where Wisdom bounds. While my hand is writing. Only to repeat whispers sweet From thine own breath alone. 'Tis sad ; but O, 'tis a pure remembrance Of Jesus' suff'rings on Calvary; Sinners, O I sinners ; for you and me, See our dear Redeemer Bleeding on the tree ; dying free Our debt in full to pay. O let each heart thrill with deep emotion, When our Redeemer such love could show ; Who, when deep sorrows there pierc'd his souf. Cried in pure devotion, Lovely and divine, so resign' d, Father, "'thy will be done." Lo ! on the ground sorrowfully sleeping Lay all, surrounded with dark'ning ;^doom There in deep anguis^h he bowed down Low in pray'r and weeping; Suffering, O see, painfully, And sorrowing all alone. SPIKfirAf- HYMNS '77 Oh I who will stand now and hear him witness. And tell his suff rings in Ivedron's stream Sinners I () sinners, draw near and see All those deep afflictions, Prophets long of old, often told Of dark (iethsemane The seers beheld it in heavenly vision. And told before hand the thrilling tale Of all His woes in that gloomy vale ; V\'here in dire affliction Humbly bowing down, lo I the Son Did (rti^ to justice yield. Lo I there behold the wild tumult swelling When for his blood madd'ning voices cried. The blood of Jesus the Lamb who died For our souls so willing, Willingly, O see, flowing free From feet and liands and side. Ah ! that shrill cry, O how piercing thrilling I When Pilate wash'd his unhallow'd hands, Say'ng, let his blood upon us remain, Vea, and on our children, Venomous their cry, crucify Him, Crucify the l>amb. And when the sentence His fate decided, Malignant foes all exulting cry With reeking venom and enmity, i7S SFIKriU/^', HYMNS Mocking and deriding : Crown'd with j^iercing thorns, bleeding, torn. They lead the Lanih to die. Oh ])oun(lless love to the vast creation ! J>ehold the Father's anointed Son Nail'd to the cross to avert our doom And insure salvation : Willingly he bare suff rings there, And died in sinners room. ]]y love impeird, lo ! for man's transgressions He died triumphant upon the tree, To reconcile us, and set us free By His intercession ; To His dying pray'r, offer' d there, My soul can witness be. C) sinners, hear your dear Saviour crying, I^et love allure you to come, and see The suff 'ring sacrifice on the tree ; Bleeding, groaning, dying ; Boundless is the love Jesus prov'd, Sinners, for you and me. Those painful cries. Ah ! how penetrating. When in the billows of Death's cold flood He cried heart-rending, My God, my God ; Why am I forsaken ? Vinegar and gall, finish'd all, When ('hvist on Calvarv died. •*^ s nm UAI. HYMNS '79 All I turn, mine eyes ; 'tis thy inph? The sinner's freed from the Law's dread claim 'Tis tinish'd now, and the victory's gain'd By our Saviour dying On the fatal tree, painfully To end thy cruel reign. 'Tis finish' d. Now see the Land) victorious, Who paid our ransom so painfully. And Death and Dell by his pow'r defied, When in triumph glorious On the trial field, He prevail'd And justice satisfied. Shout loud, the Lamb over Death hath triumph'd By bleeding, dying on Calvary 'I'he crown is won, lo ! the Victor see Judah's con(piering Lion, . Opening the seals. And reveals His love to sinners free. O I greedy grave, stay thy dire destruction ; Thy bars of iron His pow'r must own : Ik^hold that holy anointed One Shall not see corrui)tion : Sing ye ransom'd sing, Christ your king Now lives to wear the crown. Hark ! the glad sound, lo ! the blessed Saviour Hath burst asunder the silent tomb, Infinite brightness, disj^cU'd the gloom SIMKFTUAI, HYMNS l8l t )1 ih'.' (irave forever : (JpcninLj tlu- wiiw [() c'lKlk'ss day, 1 () kad ihu ransom' d home. tf'S (ilorious. Immortal, Itehold asceiidiiii: J'he risen Saviour, to mansions hi'di, 'J'o lead our souls in the open'd way 15\ his L-race defending ; IJriglU hiis face unfold-, to our souls To <;hase our fears awaw Hi 'I oh I comi'rinij: love, lo ! tin miLj;hty triumpli Malh he; I'd the puisun of Death's dread sting, '.riiat ran^om'd millions ma\' e\er siim ( )n the heiirhls of /ion Sweliinir anthems free ; tmto thee ( )ur coiKj'rini, man\ i" is. ing. () t le glad song, love \' anc ama/mg "Tis ever sweet, )ea, an( e\"er new ; ■'.rhe soiiLi; t lat none but ' le ransom'd know. 'Tis t le spirit )reai hng Living sweet aiK fi"ee minstrelsy 'JTiat shall fnre\-er llow. « And nou t u- ransom'd enra nur'd mi ions 1' leir go den larj^s sweet \' tune to J' lee. Wit 1 e loruses sounding joyfu y. Aiu sweet anthems swe ling; (f orv to t le I. am ) w lo (nercamc l)\'s ( c-ath on ( 'aUarv. ^* l82 SIMHITIAI, HYMNS 'I'hcn, () my soul, still adore and wonder, While meditating a theme so sweet ; When all the ransom'd in glory meet Ne'er to part asunder ; Haste the welcome day, Lord we pray, Wlien * Love ' will will reign comi)lete. Roll on, thou sweet flowing meditation To cheer our souls on their homeward way, While hope still brightens with shining rays Of anticipation ; Pointing to the crown, thou hast won, 'I'hat still before us lays. And while our time is so quickly rolling ; Like a swift arrow our fleeting years ; 15e ever nigh us to guide and cheer, By thy light unfolding JJounliful and free. Lord we pray, Our homeward way to cheer. Then, freely How, sweet anticipation ; On faith's strong i)inions, my soul, arise ; While nearer, nearer we see the |)rize .Sweet's the meditation, Ever more to reign, with the Laml) Who died on Calvary. SPIKIITAJ, HYMNS •«3 THK CiOSPKI. CALL ( ) /ion, lovely Zion ! Lift up thy •Ik'ciTuI voice, And siioiil aloud with triumph, vSing pniises and rejoice ; Messiah comes with trumj)et sound, To { hase away your fears ; And call the heirs of promise iiome To wipe away their tears. Awake, arise Jerusalem, The ancient prophet cried ; Gird on thy beauteous garments Lovelv affianced Hride ; iJehold the Hridegroom, Lo ! he comes With Love's alluring voice ; ( )h I daughter of Jerusalem Now let vour heart rejoice. \f\ Ilehold the royal standard On /ion's holy hill '. There, sweetly waves the banner By llowing bree/es still ; See Israel's armies gathering round Li bright and joyful bands ; The (losj)el calls, the trumpet sounds (}ood news lo every land. Hiere is no ncc(\ of money, fmmanuel's fruitful land I^'lows sweet with milk and honey, And in abundance found ; h 18 + SI'IKITl'Ar. MVMNS m 'I'hc bread of life, to strengthen man. That uinil of jjroniise bears : And llowinjj; wiiK', frotii the true vine.. The maiden's heart t(; cheer. riis voiee doth shake the j)rison, I)isi)el its (hirk'ning gloom : Since Jesus has arisen And biirst the Lfunrded tomb ; Lo I now he comes to break the chain?-. And h)o^;e the captive's bands The cov'nant pnrdon to prochiim To the seed of Abraham. k [lis V()i( e is soft and heaHng, To ever)' broken heart ; T>y tenderness, rescabng His h)ve to ease the smart : With healiuii han(L so sot'tlv, lie Ai)plies the soothing bahn : He stills tile troubled stormy sea. Into a peaceful calm. Then come ye brokendiearted, The (iospel Herald calls : Heboid Him! high exalted, Who suffer'd death (or all : Now ( ome ye hall, ye blind and lame The message is to you : Haste to the marriaiie of the lamb. He calls the ransom'd few SriKlll'Ai. U\.M\.S iJchold : \{v call^ the iintioiis I-'roni L'lrih's rciiioiL'st hoiiiuis, riu- (ioSpt?! Iclls S:ilv;ili()M III k'sus Christ is foiiiKl ; Now let the i)iis()iiei's of Iidj)^ Rejoice the .inonUed calls U'iih tniinpct sound, the sralter'd shee|. . lie knows, and names them all. i^^S m The blessings of salvation He freely offers now. ^\'ith llowin-- invitation, 'To llic ( leiiiile and the lew. Then let them to the tounlain lly ^ W here lo\ e and gnice abound ; Now sinners turn, \\h\ will ye die? The way of life is found. • Christ is the living fountain Whence li\ing waters tlow ; In Zion's holy mountain Where all the thirsty go : Jesus, thou well of iJeddehem, Now make thy scatter'd sheep 'I'o hear thy voice, and hasten home. No more to mourn and weej). 'JI10U art the well, dear Saviour ! Where all may drink their lill. 'Tis llowing free forever Eternal life to instil ; IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V / :/. /a fA 1.0 I.I "^MIM iiH It !j ■- 12.2 Ij P5 i 1.4 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 4 \§ iV \^ \\ ^ a V* '"^^ 6^ 4^; .=3 1 86 SPIRirUAL HNMNS Thou surely hast the hungry bid, And thirsty, to the well Where all may eat the living bread, And ever drink their till. O Lord, thou art the arbor And haven of our rest ! There, flows the seaHng pardon. When leaning on thy breast ; Where, (sweeter than the honey-comb,) Thy love is flowing free To allure thy wand' ring exiles home Thv smilin<.{ face to see. Then hear the trumpet sounding, Lo ! 'tis the Gospel call To bring his sheep around Him Who died to save them all. From North and South, from East and West The gath'ring armies come, Their names are in thecov'nant bless'd The Gos])el cails them home. The voice of the Beloved, Behold him now reveal' d Leaping upon the mountains And skip])ing on the hills ; His voice is soft and healing And tells good news to all, Lo ! from his lovely dwelling The Shepherd's voice doth call. SPIRITUAL HYMNS Saying, my love, my fair one, Arise, and come away ; The rain is o'er, the winter's gone, l^ehold the sunny rays Of genial spring, with ikjw'ry dress. And bright winged songsters rai Iheir warbling lays in choruses Among the blooming trees. se ,87 Now a lov'lier note is sounding, Lo ! 'tis the turtle's voice Comforting and consoling. With cheering, thrilling joys • Lo 1 now the Saviour calls you home, O hear the Bridegroom say, Awake, arise, Jerusalem My fair one, come away. Those joys that lay before us, The i)rophets long foretold, And sang their lays in chorus As ages onward roll'd : But Jesus pav'd and led the way, And sent the itiessage round To call the sheep that went astray; From earth's remotest bounds. Then hear the gladd'nini That ran through ages all ; 3W, 'tis the Lord's emba The Gospel's final call; message ^n ■■■v^nraH 3 88 SPIRITUAL HYMNS Snivalioii now is offer' d free To A])rn':n"ii's ])romis'(l race. Redeeming love. () Lord, l)y thee And savinu fnith and irrace. K'' Now liear the (k)S])e] trunii)et Tlie tidings loud proelaiin I Messiali's day is coming Ikdiold lie comes to reign ! idle angel told his l)irth liefore To sheplierds on the ])lain, And th' heav'idy host His name ador'd With loiuJ nnd io\'fiirstrain. I'll III'' lit!'"'. 'Then Zion, lovely Zion ! laft up your voice and sing Tlie praise of Judali's Lion, The Laml) for sinners slain ! Messiah comes, behold he comes, And ev'rv eve shall see Him, when He comes with vict'rv crown'd 'J\) reign triumphantly. i:'t"t. ' . I -I'l t '' '"I. Then, while we wait th' appearing Of Christ, our sovereign I^ord ; O let us lo\e and fear liim. And his great name adore ; Strong in his grace with patience wait Lhuil he comes to make Zion to shine witli heav'nlv light And from her slumbers wake, SPIRITUAL HYMNS Yea, let the ransom'd nations That's in the cov'nant seal'd, Wait and endure with patience Until the Lord reveals His smiling face in blissful peace; The promise given to all ; And hear him say, now come away, Obey the (lospel call. 189 COMMUNION HYMN S^\'^— How thankful to know, ^c. As years are revolving around in succession, And time is fast running, to finish our days ; Oft the mind is arrested with solemn impression That warns us our time is fast passing away ; Then may we remember, our willing submission Is due to the Lord, to obey his commands ; So when we are call'd, we may have in possession That blessed assurance the trial to stand. O let us remember the law that is written. Though deep and impressive, the words' are but few; The duty of man is to bow in submission ; Fear God, and obey him, is all that is due ; Yea let us remember iri every transaction Our offerings to him must be willing and free; Lo ! Jesus the Saviour, gave full satisfaction When he bow'd to the will of his God and obey'd. as IQO SPIRITUAL HYMNS 'I'hcn lei us obey what the Saviour has told us, (() hear his sweet voice from his dwelling above,) To come rnd obex the dear Saviour that suffered, And join in a holv commun'on of love ; Lo ! this is the day he hath made and aj)i)()inted, To c(jine to the chamber where life ever flows, Where the pure living breath, of (iod's holy anointed, Will breathe on his mother, his sister, his spouse. Lo ! this is the (la\- oi our hol\- communion ! 'Hie da\' of remembrance bv iesus' command Oh ma)' we experience' that hca\enl\ union That Hows from the bosom of Jesus the Lamb ; Love, ever ilowVl frcel}', and ever is flowing, Till all the redeem'd are in imity bound, 'Tis the \'oi(X' of the brick\uroom who ever is wooing The jo\- set before him, his (dory and ('rown. I. '•■: Yea, this is the da\ our dear Saviour commanded To bear in rcmembrancx' his suffering day ; I.>o ! he paiil on the cross, all stern justic^e demanded, When he came and. {^n- sinners on Calvary bled ; To remember the goodness and love of Jehovah, Made known and revealed in the suffering Lamb, When he suffered and died i)\\ the cross to recover Our souls from our dread in death's terrible reiun. Remend)rance is due to the blessed Redeemer, And grateful submission, his will to obey ; For Oh ! it is meet, yea, 'tis sweet to remember His pains and his sorrows our ransom to pav ; .SPIRiriJAL HYMNS lOI l)ove,) .icd, led, :)\vs, moinled, pouse. md .amb ; O, wake our desires, thai our lieartfelt dianksi^nviug When offer'd, ukin meet with acceptance witli thee 'I'hat our souls nia\ eat freely, the brend that is livi While sittinu' in holv communion to-dav. nu Oh I th\ wonderful love 'tis a sweet meditation, When our minds are al)sorbed in a free mental strain: Wc behold, in amazement, the plan of salvation Miule {)erfect in Jesus, through sufferings for man; O let us remember our Saviour has told us To bear in remembrance his sorrows and j)ain, Till that same blessed Jesus, who ever beholds us, Will come, that his saints ma)- all see him again. wooing )wn. nde d emanded, )led ; ovah. Lamb, [ccover lie reign. iiei i)er |)av ; When we call to remembrance his cries in the garden On that night of his sorrows in Kedron's dark vale ; Oh ! the suff 'ring of Jesus, to ])urchnse otir pardon Let ev'rv heart thrill with the sorrowful tale : Oh I the weight of the sufferings of the blessed Saviour, 'Tis past our conception, the love he unfolds. When the sweat, as blood dropping, with heartrending pressure, 'I'hen wrung the dear Saviours pure sorrowful soul. O blessed Redeemer 1 thy love is amazing ! I'he sweet meditation our boson. s doth swell, Soon, all the redeem'd will unite in thy praises, All join the sweet anthems where love is reveal'd ; Vea 'tis sweet to reflect on thv humiliation \\'hen yielding thy Father's command to obey, By willing submission. Oh sweet consolation. The case was decided in Gethsemane. 192 SPIRITUAL HVMNS Now Stamp on our hearts with a lasting impression^ The pattern that's shown us, dear Saviour by thee ; To yield our obedience in willing submission. In flowing and living communion to-day ; ris the day thou hast set for a blessed memorial Of that sorrowful day of thy heartrending pain Those pains that have })av'd the saint's pathway to glory Where all^ in one endless communion, will reign. rn^ O this is the day of our sweet consolation [ A day of memorial, the day thou hast made ; The day thou hast blessed, the day of salvation, A day of rejoicing, a day to give praise ; The day when the saints join in holy communion An earnest of heavenly joys will unfold ; When thy Spirit, (the bond of that life-giving union,) From vessel to vessel will flow in our souls. Yea, this is the day of sweet commemoration, Of the day our Redeemer on Calvary hung. Of the day that he pray'd for poor sinners' salvation. The day the dear Saviour the victory won : As the Angel pass'd over the covenant nations, When the enemy bound them in slavery's chains ; So the covenant Angel is granting salvation, By the blood of the Lamb of our passover slain. The Lord is aur watchman, our blessed Redeemer^ Our Shepherd and Saviour in every age ; He is the beginning and also the ending, The first, and the last, who the ransom did pay : SPIKrrUAI. HYMNS '93 The typical lamb in all ages was offer'd, The lamb by the Patriarch Abraham slain ; 'I'he lami) slain in Egypt, see IsraTs |>assover, That yearly memorial, their freedom proclaim'd. Our Fathers of old, in their yearly communion, All ate of the lamb of the passover slain, That kept in remembrance the covenant union, 'I'hat unto the heirs of the promise pertains : Till the Saviour appec\r'd, O the bright revelation ! The Lamb of the covenant, seal'd in the plan ; 'I'he Lamb that on Calvar) won our salvation, Whose flesh and whose blood are now given to man. When Jesus the Saviour the supper had ended, The typical passover finished then, The lamb without blemish, that Moses commanded, E'er kept them in mind of their bondage and chains: The blood of the lamb on their dwellings was sprinkled, And the Angel pass'd o'er at the sight of the blood; Now let us remember our souls are redeemed. And sav'd by the blood of the dear Lamb of God. Then let us assemble with sweet nieditation, And think of the freedom that Jesus hath wrought; When our souls were in bondage and slaves unto Satan, He gave us redemption by sprinkling of blood ; Remember he finish'd the paschal observance, And gave his disciples the bread and the wine, 'I'o show us his death, and keep up the remembrance Until he appears in his glory divine. 11" lilliliUM 194 SPIRITUAL HYMNS The hxivcs that were hlcssM hv the Saviour and broken, And frecK hestow'd bv the Saviour's ("oinniand ; 'The beautiful fii^ure the ('iosi)el now opens; The body, see, i)roken ; 'tis Israel's bands : They were br(;ken and L^iven, as bread, to the nations; Cast out and dispersed in every land 'I'hat the (Jentiles may eat the true bread of salvation Till the severed branrhes are iiraff 'd in ai'ain. And how delii^htful, and blessed, the message! 1.0 I Christ is in heaven, the true livmg bread ; Who hath given to men the unsealed embassage 'I'o reconcile menibers again to their Head : Now gather the fragments, lo Jesus must savj them, The crumbs are all blessed, let nothing be lost, They were given to him, the last day he will raise them And fill the twelve l)askets, 'tis Israel's hosts. And thus, we discern in the holy communion The gathering nations uniting in one, ]^)y s])iritual life ; in one cir. 'micised union, The body to form, see the valley of bones ! 'I'he bones by the sinews are banded together, 'J'ill the whole is complete for the spiritual breath, The life that flows freel\ from Jesus the Saviour, The first resurrection from prison and death. O let us remember the strength of salvation All centres in Jesus's body and blood; Now come to the Supper, 'tis Christ's invitation, Obey, lo, it is the commandment of (iod ! SPIKI'lUAL IIVMNS '95 ■ > • ■ * I 41 w )r()kcii, IK I ; 1 at ions; il vat ion n. Hi; them, lost, ise them s. I^al fiL'L'l}, () friends, 'lis the frast of the Saviour l\L'mcml)or, the soul must have spiritual food ; Now ihitik, (h'ink al)undnul\-, () lliou beloved : It Hows from life's fountain, 'tis life-^ivinL; hlood. The bread and the wine thus presented before us, A wondrous resem!)lan(:e of suffering shows; Those symbols are nearest this earth doth afford us, The bread that is l)r(jken, the red wine that flows : Tiiey si'.ow all the marks of the suffering Saviour, The wounds on his bod}-, the streams of his blo(3d, Which j)ro\es to the sinner his grace tl(jweth ever, 'i'o strengthen the weary with spiritual food. 'I'hen come to the !)an(|ueL of love, all ye living, ix) I this is the bancpiel the prophets foretold ; Come all, and eat freel), to eat is believing, Lo ! faidi is the substance t(j 'stablish the soul : The milk, wine and honey are free and abundant, O, it ever flows free without mone\- or pnce. ris the blood that is life, tlowing free from the fountain, Lo ! fesus the Saviour's the Fountain of Life. K breath, iur, >n, The hungry and thirsty are kindl\ invited, 'Tis the lovel)' Redeemer that gives them the call ; The word of our Saviour already is plighted. To sit at the table and sup with us all ; ''I'is a lovely assembly, the saints in communion, Surrounding the table, united in love By one sjjiritual flow, in one baptismal union, His promise, the Comforter sent from above. 196 SPIRITUAL HYMNS O blessed enjoyment, so sweet and consoling, It softens our |)ath\vay through sorrows and cares, When the Spirit, our witness, thy love is unfolding, To the weary and fainting the way he prepares ; Oh, the race hath been run by our (Captain before us, For the joy set before him, his (ilory the prize ! And millions are tuning their harps to the chorus. In sweet h:dleluiahs of praises on high. Then, O n^y dear brethren, let's keep in remembrance I'he day that is hallowed by him that's above; The symbols before us are but the resemblance. The feast of the soul's from the Fountain of Love: O may the sweet breathing of Jesus the Saviour Be wafted from heaven with savory perfume, 'Tis the love that came down that's ascending forever, When Israel's sweet sinner our hearts doth atune. And though )ears are revolving and time's ever rolling. And our days swiftly running, like sand in the glass; Thou, Lord, art the same, by thy wisdom controlling, Till Death, the dread enemy's vancjuished at last ; Still reigning and bringing the plan to perfection, Till all the redeemed with delight will behold The body complete, in one l)lest resurrection, Array'd in thy righteousness, brighter than gold. n Yea, Lord, thou art sending the life-giving token, The earnest of glory, 'tis heaven's bright seal, Uniting together the tribes that were broken. In membership, until the whole ?r'j reveal'd : SPIRITUAL IIV.MNS '97 Till tlu' niimhciicss hosts, the lull purchas'd jms- session, In one holy roiinnuiiion will ever ahidc, Where the Jiridcgmoni will freely bestow the full blessing On lovely jerus'leni.his heaven-born Jlrule. A In'^^N .\\\< ' I/iirk ! /:s/c/i to t/w (ruiiipcts, ^c. O Lord, thy treasures now unfold, And do thou freely iK)ur A living How into our souls, I^hy Sj)irit's (]uick'ning i)ower, That will our souls inspire to raise AVith free and livelv cheer, A song of love and willing praise To thee, our Saviour dear. { Oh : let thy ])lessings freely tlow From love's delightful spring, Thy fragrant breath, now softly blow To inspire our souls to sing; For Oh : the Head can never raise That weet in* lodious song Tiie son- of the Redeemer's praise. While ii the silent tomb. 2^ i . 1 198 SPIRITUAL HYMNS Reveal, Oh Lord thy lovely face, With heavenly radiance bright, To cheer us with its dazzling rays ; Thou art the source of light ; That sing thy ])raise thy glory may And never silent be, Sweetly to raise her willing lays, O Saviour dear to thee. Who can behold the lovely sight. And feel the living flow Of love so full of pure delight, With sweet effulgent glow? Oh ! who? without a cheering swell Of melting praise to thee, W^iose sufferings our redem))tion sealed On Calvary's cross so free. Now, let thy mourning exiles hear Thy sweet alluring voice, Their wounded hearts, O heal and cheer With peace and living joys : Oh Saviour dear, thy Zion wake, I'he slee])ing virgin raise ; Her fetters break and joyful make The Gates of Zion's praise. For thou art worthy, blessed Lord, Of all that we can give ; We are thine own, by grace restor'd ; Thine, all that we receive ; SPIRITUAL HYMNS Then tunc our liari)s, to i)raise thy name In loud triumphant song, With access free, for unto thee The jjraises all belong. How sweet and peaceful is that rest To every ransom'd soul. When leaning on that loving breast, Where billows cease to roll ; Where Light, as lightning's brilliant glow Reveals our souls in thee, ^Vhose breath doth blow our song to flow With cheering melody. Come, Oh ! my friends and brethren dear That know your Saviour's voice, And sing with loud triumphant cheer Love's sweet inspiring lays ; Lo I thou art worthy of our song () thou dear lovely Lamb ! For thou alone, the vict'ry won On Calvary's cross, in pain. 99 But blessed Lord, who can proclaim ? Or utter all thy praise ? Frail, sinful man, can never scan Thy wondrous works and ways ; Yet, conquering Love, on Calvary proves Our souls redeem'd and free : ' So we may come with grateful song Of love and praise to thee. h ' 200 STMRITUAI. in.NiNS What thoiigli tlie world with pride and scorn. And fleshly foes, annoy? Oh ! blessed liOrd, we are thine o.vn ; 'I'hen let our souls rejoice : And while fierce billows roll around And raging tempest roar ; Still may we swell the glad'ning song. Our Saviour still adore. Lord let us bear in mem'ry still, The sad and wondrous tale, Of sorrowing woes, thy bosom fill'd. ln»Kedron's gloomy vale; — Of gloomy dark Gethseniane, Where our dear Saviour bow'd ; Thy lone retreat, thy ])ainful sweat,. That fell like drops of blood. Oh ! who can tell the sorrowing woe Thy tender bosom bore ? When sweat as drops of blood did llow; Dropping from every })ore : Oh ! who can hear the thrilling tale Of all those rending i)ains. Those sufferinu:s in that irloomv vale, And silent still remain. :,' 1 ■i Wlio can behold that liowing love. And blood that streamed so free ? Those sufferings must forever prove Our love, O Lord, to thee ; SPIkirUAI. HYMNS JO C om. When all thy saints together meet, In sweet communinL: hands The Lanil) to greet, in i)raises sweet; Home in the jiromis'cl land. Oh Saviour dear, 'tis ever sweet The song of praise to sound; When saints in love together meet xAbout thy table round ; There, }nire remembrance of thy pains And sufferings on the tree, Will ever flow with living strains In songs of praise to thee. Salvation : Oh that lovel}' plan. That Poets ne'er could juiint Or human mind compose the strain. To inspire the love of saints ; 'Tis thine own trium})!") on the tree The living treasure gained Lo ! 'tis the prize of Calvary, The price of Jesus' pain. Redeeming T.ove ! sweet to console, And charming to allure ; The Banner waving o'er our souls And on our hearts so pure ; Thy conqueror, O cruel death ! To still thy cliilling waves ; To heal the wounded in distress. And triumph o'er the grave. 202 SPIRITUAL HYMNS 'J'hcn lovely Zion rise and shine, Lift up your voice and sing ; Awake, awake Jerusalem, Oh Daughter of the King ! Yea let the loud hosannahs sound, Lo every eye shall see '['he Lamb of God with victory crown' d, Who bled on Calvary. Worthy, the lovely Lamb, who died, O hear the thrilling strain ; Worthy the J;aml), (let all reply,) Who died and rose again Triumphant to the regions bright. Where Grace with radiance shines. And Light reveals Eternal Life Secure in Love's desiirn. Let heavens and earth, the triumph raiSv To swell the endless song. And join the chorus of his praise With all the ransomed throng ; Worthy the lamb for sinners slain, Let countless thousands cry ; Of sweet and never dying strains To all Eternity. I There the redeem' d will swell the song While countless aizes roll i"'g With loud hoh.annahs on their tongues And glory in their souls : SPIRITUAL HYMNS Where millions raise the heavenly strain With halleluiahs free, Resi)onding all to One. Amen, Oh ! Saviour dear to thee. A HYMN Bless, O my soul, the lovely Lamb Who died on Calvary To wash my soul from guilt and sin, And pay the ransom free. 203 Chorus. — Oh I the LiDub the lovely Lamb ! The Lamb on Calvary ! LVie Lamb 7c>as slain and rose again To intercede for me. ■■i Amazing love, no tongue can tell, Lo ! Jesus groan'd and bled;* To save my soul from lowest hell His precious blood was shed, «^c. His soul with bitter anguish wrun^^ In pain and agony, Naird to the cross, the Victim hung, And bled and died for me, &c. 204 SPIRITUAL HYMNS 'Tvvas for my sins and not his own He groan' d upon the tree, 'J'hose ])iercing cries, those pains and groans, And blood was shed for me, iSic. When iny ])oor soul was fallen low. And sinking in the grave ; J'o shield me from the fatal blow He died mv soul to save, *S:c. He saw my soul, by Satan bound In slav'ry's galling chains ; ^lo break my bands and heal my wounds He died and rose again, ».\:c. My efforts all must fruitless prove ; He knew the only j)lea Was (rod's infinite, boundless love, His all-sufficiency, ' Exalted on the throne above With pow'r and majesty ! Call home the objects of thy love, From Satan's chains them free, Szc. Then O my soul, with transports sing The sweet and endless song And praise the universal King With all the ransom'd throng, e^c. Who from my soul did break the chains By his free love and grace. And in the new Jerusalem Assigned my soul a place, Szc. n- < ■ Now let me freely do my part. The off 'ring, Lord, receive; Jesus my love, accept my heart, 'Tis all that I can give. Oh ! the Lamb, the lovely Lamb, &r. SPIRITUAL HYMNS 207 Tf^E CALL TO THE SUPPER Mark the Hying Herald cries, Wake, O Zion, wake, arise, The Bridegroom comes to wed the Bride, Behold he comes to reign ! All things are ready, hasten to \he marriage feast, Gird on your beautiful garments and come. The Bridegroom is coming, lovely Jerusalem, ^ Haste to the wedding, te the marriage of the Lamb. Come ye ransom'd freely come ; Hear the message, every one. Hasten Oh Jerusalem ; The Trumpet loud jDroclaims, It is your beloved, rise, behold he calleth thee Home from Captivity, no more the galling chains. Chorus—ThQ Bridegroom is coming, etc. Quick the Gospel Chariot bounds. Loud and shrill the trumpet sounds. Summoning the nations home Unto the promis'd land : With sweet sounding voices, hear the ambassadors The Royal mandate joyfully proclaim ; llie Bridegroom is coming, etc. Swift the cheering message rolls O'er the earth from pole to pole ; Crying hasten to the fold, The Shepherd calls you home : '4: 208 SPIRITUAL HYMNS Haste to the harKiuet, I.o ! the invitation's free., Dearly 'tis purchased by ^alvary pains ; The Bridegroom is coming, etc. n'. % Lovingly the Shepherd calls, Hear the tidings, great and small ; Wake, arise ye nations all Nor linger on the plain ; Haste lovely fair-one, quickly rise and come away, The winter is over no more the chilling rain The Bridegroom is coming, etc. Oh how sweet the swelling strain 'I'hrough the streets and city lanes, Over highways, hills and plains, The messengers proclaim The supper is ready, the Lamb was slain on Calvary i Bread, wine, milk and honey's the purchase of his The Bridegroom is coming, etc. [pain Come ye blind, ye halt and lame Broken hearted, sick and maim'd ; Messengers of love proclaim Quickly rise and come 3 Put on your wedding garments, lo I he awaiteth thee ; Trumpets are sounding to bring the harvest home, The Bridegroom is coming, etc. / Come ye sever'd nations, join, In every land, in every clime Sweet the heavenly music chimes. Oh ! hear the loud acclaim 1 SPIRITUAr. flVMNS 209 Worthy is the Saviour who suffor'd free on Calvary, Ransom'd imUions joyfully j)ro(laini : The Bridegrooiu is coining, etc. vay Lovingly, He calls his sheej), To wake them out of sleep, See them on the mountains leap, And l>y the running streams ; Long have they wander'd in exile and captivity. Their Shei)herd is seeking the purchase of his pain. The Bridegroom is coming, etc. Calvary I e of his [pain h thee ; home. Flocks upon the {)astures green, From the washing white and clean, Look and see the lovely twins Leaping on the plains ! O the lovely sheep, see, bought so dear on Calvary Scatter'd in the wilderness, all coming home again, The Bridegroom is coming, etc. Soft the. living breezes blow, Sweet the fragrant spices flow, Lilies whiter than the snow Arising in the streams ; Lovely rose of Sharon beautifully op'ning see, Lily of the garden, by Kedron's rolling stream ; The Bridegroom is coming, etc. I 5 Sweet the minstrel's cheering sound, O'er the hills and valleys round. To the earth's remotest bounds Hear the swelling strain, 2IO SIMKI'MJAL HYMNS (llorv forever to him who died on C!alvarv, And wrought a free redemption from Death's re- morseless rei^m. The IJridegroom is coming, etc. PART I[. Lo, the amazing lovely sight, Prophets sang with sweet delight, Oj)'ning from the shades of night The glory of the Lamb ! Death is abolish'd. Life and Immortality ! Bright revelation's o[)ening the plan. The Bridegroom is coming, etc. Lo, on Zion's fruitful field See the cov'nant heirs reveal'd, Ransom'd hosts, in thousands seal'd In one eternal name: O the bright throng, behold the heav'nly company Wash'd in the blood of the Lamb that was slain, The Brideuroom is coming, etc. Look ! on Zion's golden street Lo ! the Jew and (lentile meet, All in unity complete. No more to part again. Lovely and freely the long sever'd family Are peacefully blending, the enemy is slain. The Bridegroom is coming, etc. SPIRITUAL irVMNS 21 I s re- I •any slain, Now behold the hvinii bread, Jesus c:hrist, the promis'd seed ! I)ied to bruise the Serpent's head, And (juickly rose a<;ain, Eat, O frientls, behold the living bread is free, Faith is the substance to raise the soul again : The ljride<;rooiu is coming, etc. Freely drink the Howing wine From the true and living vine. Sweet and cheering, well relined. An ever healing stream tlows from the Fountain, freely and abundantly, Precious blood and water the thirsty to sustain The Bridegroom is coming, etc. Hark the heav'n-born choir advance. Virgins praising in the dance, Joyfully they clap their hands, O hear the swelling strain ; Men and maidens, all unite in harmony. Loud halleluiahs in choruses proclaim : The Bridegroom is coming, etc. Oh ! behold the lovely sight. Countless thousands, shining bright, Dress'd in robes of spotless white. It is the wedding train ; Lovely the songsters, sweet the flowing minstrelsy, O the thrilling chorus and cheering' loud acclaim The Bridegroom is coming, etc. r. iiif *' 212 SPIRITUAL HYMNS See the Bride in robes of gold, Wrought on Calvary of old, Glittering robes of perfect mould The purchase of the Lamb ; Beautifully dazzling, sparkling in the sunny rays, Garments of righteousness, perfect and unstain'd. The Bridegroom is coming, etc. White embroider'd raiment see, N'^edlework on Calvary — Fashion'd in (iethsemane By pressure, sweat and pain : Deep were the sorrows that pierc'd his soul so painfully Pointed and piercing, the nails, the spear and thorns. The Bridegroom is coming, etc. Costly is the wedding dress, Beauteous in holiness. It is the robe of rij^hteousness By Jesus Christ obtained ; Jerusalem, 'tis thine,'twas wrought by suff'ring painfully; O the mighty triumj)h, the Saviour's dying strain. The Bridegroom is coming, etc. Shout, behold Messiah comes ! Loud and shrill the trumpet sounds, Myriads cast their golden crowns In homage to the Lamb ; Oh the glittering diadem, the prize he won on Calvary Array'd in robes Majestic, behold He comes to reign. I'he Bridegroom is coming, etc. SFIKITUAI. HYMNS -^'3 in'd. Now the op'nin^ visions see ! Scal'd so U)\v^ in prophecy : Welcome! heav'nly jubilee To Zion's courts auain. Hear the sound of gladness, loud and shrill the Herald cries, Gird on your beautiful garments and come; The Bridegroom is coming, lovely Jerusalem, Haste to the wedding, to the marriage of the Lamb. I ainfully thorns. linfuUy; train. THF. WELCOME HOME Air - /r///, a7'/fi, II horo. Loud the Mighty Angel cries, Swift the ioNful tidings fiv, Lo ! the hosts, in ih.ousands rise, O hear the thrilling welcome home ; Shrill the jubilee trumpet sounds, Through the courts of Zion round I Chorus — Lo ! the wedding is proclaim'd, And marriage supper of the Lamb. ■it I Calvary to reign. Pure and heav'nlv visions bnride, Lo I the wedding is proclaim' d, etc. Pointed nails, the thorns, and spear. Hanging wounded, bleeding there; i^roves thy love, Oh Saviour deai, By sorrows, cries and dying pains ; Proud usurper of his throne. Bow to God's anointed One, Lo ! the wedding is proclaim' d, etc. Costly is the wedding dress Beauteous in holiness. j'r: Lis the robe of righteousness — The price of Jesus' dying pain ; Put the rich donation on. His gift of love it is thine own, Lo ! the wedding is proclaim' d, etc. n SPrRITlJAL irVMNS Put it on both great and small, Hide the shame of Adam's tall, 'Tis the Bridegroom's gift to all I1ie covenant heirs of Abraham : In every age 'tis found the same A perfect covering without seam. Lo ! the wedding is proclaim' d, etc. :, i Tis done ; the mighty angel cries, His chariot wheels like lightning fly Now the countless thousands rise, O see the bright triumi)hant band' In garments white behold thev stand Waving their victorious palms, Lo ! the wedding is proclaim'd, etc. Lo ! they come with glittering crowns, Cheering is their welcome home Death is vanquish'd and cast down. And Satan in his prison chain'd; Loud the Herald peace proclaims, Christ the Conqueror comes to reign, Lo ! the wedding is proclaim'd, etc, ' Loud the harps of heaven play, O how sweet's the minstrelsy. Love, redeeming love's the lay That thrills the soul so joyfully : Lo : they cast their dazzling crowns Meek and lowly bowing do\vn Lo : the wedding is proclaim'd, etc. Fi -t: 218 SPIRrrUAI. HV.MNS Lovely sweet their willing lays Swells the song of endless praise Lotid the Alleliiiahs rise. And mighty beings say, Amen, T.o ! they shout with loud acclaim Now the J>ridegroom comes to reign, Lo ! the wedding is proclaim' d, etc. Loud the bells of Zion ring, Oh ! how sweet her damsels siiiLj Songs and honors to their King, Who love reveals in every strain ; Praise the Great Creator's name O jn'aise the Lamb who overcame, Lo ! the wedding is proclaim' d, etc. Lo.ve reveal'd in manhood see, Sorrowing in (rethsemane. Love revealed on Calvary, To reconcile the world to Thee, Love effectual to redeem. Love, O love in every strain, Lo ! the wedding is proclaim'd, etc. Sweet the stream forever flows From heaven above to earth below, liOve, the banner o'er us shows That conquering Love forever reigns ; Tirm and sure the cov'nant stands. Ever since the world began. Lo ! the wedding is proclaim'd, etc. ?^:; SPIRITUAF. FIY.MNS 219 Swift the op'ning vision rolls, () how cheering to the soul, Soon shall every eye behold 'J'he A'ictor coine his crown to claim ; Haste, () Lord, the welcome morn, Cheer our hearts to swell the sonic, i^o ! the wedding is proclaim'd, etc. And while we see as in a glass, Oh : cheer us on to run the race. Till all will see with open face 'i'he bridegroom, when he comes to reign : O let thy brightness ever l)e The star to lead us on to I'hee, Lo : the wedding is proclaim'd, etc. V' i PI 1 9 And as the magnet draws the steel, Allure thy love to Zion hill. Where foaming waves are ever stilTd And tempest lull'd to peaceful calm; There thy love will fill the throng With the new and endless song. Lo I the wedding is proclaim'd, etc. ti ii'f- Oh let thy chariot wheels roll on As sand that in the glass doth run, Till all the sheaves are gathered home To swell the sweet millennial strain ; Behold the Bridegroom comes to reign Open, O gates, and let him in. Lo ! the wedding is proclaim'd, etc. 220 SI'lRnrAl- ]\\ MNS TIIK GOSPEL CALL AM) I'RKJWRAriON OF TIIK SOIL FOR THK MILLFNNIUM. SECOND I'AKI C)I" I'FAN Ol' .SAI,\' A 1 ION Hark the mijfhtv Herald of salvation Blows. the loud trumpet, thrilliugly and shrill ; Listen, 'tis the Royal proclamation I Sounding delightfully, the record to unseal ; Like rushing wind from Heaven, ([uick the Holy Spirit Hies, Swift the glad tidings like mighty waters roll ; Death is abolished ; see the promise verified, Life, life eternal, is Howing in the soul. • Now liehold the Saviour, liighly ascended, P'reely interceding u])on the throne al)ove ; 7'ruth and Mercy are peacefully blending, Sweetly consoling by His redeeming love; Ever reconciling by that effectual remedy Flowing from the Fountain, so freely, in the fold ; Sweet's the memorial of Calvary, Oh Calvary ! Sacred forever is the vision to the soul. Hear the swelling trum]:)et's quick vibration Thrilling the atmosj^here and shaking land and sea Loud, the angelic proclamation Sounds in the Gospel to set the captives free ; SPIRITUAL HYMNS 221 Welcome, glad tidings, that thrills the soul so joyfully, Healing is the message to mourners in distress,