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LONDONDERRY IRON MINES. Until within a very recent period, we have been accus- tomed to look to Sweden and Russia as tlie only favoured sources of supply of the higher qualities of iron manufactured with wood fuel, which are so essential to the production of steel, and the success of many important branches of in- dustry. From the evils of the late war, however, this advan- tage has resulted, — that it has taught us that this indis- pensable material can be supplied to any extent, and of the very first quality, from our own colonies. The government au- thorities, after long and careful investigation, have discovered that the charcoal iron of Nova Scotia is the very best they have been able to find, and have accordingly adopted it for the purposes of the War Department. The most eminent engineers have declared it to be admirably suited for ma- chinery, and all uses where great strength with lightness of material is wanted ; and for the higher qualities of steel, it is admitted to be of unrivalled excellence. The township of Londonderry (Nova Scotia), which is situated upon the northern shore of the Basin of Mines, is what is called a free grant, and as regards iron, is entirely exempt from quit-rent or royalty of any kind. This 4;own- ship, which has a frontage of twenty miles upon the waters of the Bay of Fundy, embraces the southern flank of the Cobequid Mountains, a range of highlands of moderate elevation, which traverse this part of the country in the direction of south-east and north-west. It is upon the slope B 1 s of these hills, and at a distance of from five to six miles from the shore of the bay, that the extensive deposits of iron described in the following reports are found, and a reference to the map of the country will show how very favourably they are situate for manufacture and transport. The ores of this district have been carefully examined and tested by several eminent scientific and practical men, both in Eng- land and America, who all concur in the opinion that they are unrivalled in point of purity and richness of yield, and for the excellence of the iron and steel which they produce. . The most remarkable varieties are — First, the specular or glance iron ore, which Dr. Ure says " is a pure peroxide of iron, 100 parts containing 99 per cent, of the peroxide, and consists therefore of very nearly 70 of metal, and 30 of oxygen. When smelted, 100 parrs yield 75 of cast iron — the increased weight above 70 being due to combined carbon. Its specific gravity is 4.72.'* Of this ore, Mr. Mushet says : — " I am enabled to pronounce that no ore of equal excellence bas liitherto been discovered in the United Kingdom, nor have I met with any that will bear comparison with it from abroad ; and this has been confirmed to n)y mind by a series of experiments, from which it has resulted that cast sti el of the most perfect quality can be produced at once by simple fusion from this most remarkable iron ore. Tlie results I attained placed this ore upon an equal footing with the Wootzore of India ; and I, therefore, consider it a source from which steel-iron and steel may be derived of a quality even surpassing the produce of the Swedish Mines." Second. — Micaceous Specular Iron Ore, " This ore consists of soft unctuous masses of micaceous oxide of iron, resembling black-lead in its appearance, and staining the fingers after the manner of rich plumbago. It contains no tra<;e of sulphur, arsenic, or any other earthy or metallic alloy which may prove injuiious to the quality of the iron or steel mauufactured from it ; and its composition is as follows : — Peroxide of iron 97*57 Moisture 2*43 100-00 parts. " ITie produce, therefore, from the ore, »s taken from the mine is 68"29 per cent, of pure iron." Mr. Dawson, the eminent Geologist, says : — "Tliis ore, as it occurs in masses and veins in the ankerite, is a pure peroxide of iron, containing 69'3 per cent, of iron." . Third. — The Magnetic Specular .- or, Ologisto Magnetic H' Ore. — ^This is a pure peroxide, and contains 70 per cent, of pure iron. " For purpoHea of steel-iron and steel, tlie great object is to obtain a per- fectly pure oxitle to operate upon, and the simple abstraction of the oxygen, and a subsequent alloy of carlran, affords at once a perfect quality of steel. Perfectly pure peroxide consists, in 100 parts, of iron 69 97 x oxygen 30*03 — ■ or, in round numbers, of iron 70 x 30 oxygen. These ores approximate so nearly to these proportions, that they stand unrivalled as steel-producing minerals." Fourth. — The red ore, of whicli there are several varieties, — " Is a splendid ore for the charcoal blast furnace, mild, fusible, and free from all injurious alloy, more like a chemical preparation of an oxide than a natural mineral production. It yields no less than 69^ per cent, of iron, and that of a quality not easily surpassed. This is also a steel ore. Another variety was found to contain 65 per cent, of iron." Mr. Dawson says of this ore : — "That it ia very abundant. It is of a deep red colour, exhibits in the recent fracture an imperfect lamellar structure, and is easily scratched by the nail, or crushed into powder. An average specimen was found to contain 97 ])er cent, of peroxide of iron. As an ore of iron, this substance ia little, if at all, inferior to the specular ore." Dr. Ure examined a variety of this ore, which he says is — " Analogous to the fine kidney ore of Cumberland — specific gravity 3 "93 — 100 parts of it consist of — Peroxide of iron 85*8 Silica 8-2 Moisture 6 1000 " Another, which he calls, — " An ochery friable iron ore— specific gravity 2 '95. This is brown mineral : 100 parts of it consist of — Peroxide of iron 84*4 Silica 8- Moisture 7'6 100-0' ■rumbly red [agnetic Dr. Ure says of these ores that — " They are excellent, being pure, rich in metal, and easily smelted, and that charcoal iron made from them will rival the best marks of Swedish iron." Mr. Dawson says — " AtJiiente.— This substance is a ferruginous variety of limestone, which is present in great abundance in nearly all parts of the deposit. It has a large- grained crystaliue structure, and reddish and yellowish colours, and usually 4 containn cryBtnls and nests of specular ore. The red variety is coloured by peruxidu uf iron, and usually contains more of that sulstance in the atate of specular ore, than the yellow. " In the iron mines of Styria, where ankerite is found in considerable auantity, it is highly prized, both as an ore and as a flux, and there can be no oubt that in Hmelting the iron, it will be found a very valuable auxiliary. "The white ankerite contains in some parts a large \)ropoTi\on o( apavry-iron, containing 73 "2 per cent, of carbonate of iron. This is nearly as good as the red ore, and very much increases the value of the ankerite in the parts which contain it." Besides the foregoing, which may all be classed as primary ores, there are large deposits and veins of hematites, besides carbonates and hydrates. Extensive beds of red and yellow ochre, of excellent quality, are also found in many places along the line. With respect to the extent of these remarkable deposits and the quantity of ore. Dr. Gesner, the author of a work upon the " Geology " and " Tlifi Industrial Kesources of Nova Scotia,'* says : — " I caused a deep trench to be dug at right angles to the deposit or vein, and to a depth sufficient to reach the compact and undecompo«ed masses of the ore. The section thus made across the bed or vein was twenty feet in length, but the trench did not reach either of the sides of tlie ore, and there- fore its thickness still remains unknown. I am of opinion that the depth is far too great ever to be ascertained. I followed the ore to the distance of three-quarters of a mile, but the length of the ore bed, like its deptli, is unknown. From these facts it may be observed that the ore itself is perfectly inexhaustible, and its situation most favourable for mining." Mr, Dawson, in his Report, observes as follows : — " In conclusion, I may remark, in reference to the deposit above shortly described, that from consideration of the abundance and purity of the ores contained in it, their association with the mineral so valuable in their reduction las ankerite, their accessible situation, the facility with which they can be extracted, and the abundance of fuel procurable in their vicinity, as well as the circumstance that carboniferous deposits exist both to the north and south of the range of hills in which they are contained, it is impossible to entertain a doubt that the iron ores of Londonderry are of very great economical and commercial value," Mr. Cunard, the chief agent and representative in Nova Scotia of the General ISIining Association, whose opinion is entitled to great weighty at a public meeting, held at Halifax in 1847, said,^- ** That he had visited the mineral deposits with scientific men, and had no doubt himself that they were highly valuable. All that was wanted was capital to turn these resources to profitable account. With regard to the sliipping place, it could be seen from the site of the mines. There was a singular combination of coal, iron, and lime. If he had tliese mines in his possession, he was satisfied Le could do something with tfaem which would bo i» beneficial to himself nnd to the country. The oro was indood very rich, and the quantity, he believed, illimital ." v He also stated, — " That if this valuable deposit of minerals had been reserved in the original grants of the Crown, and conveyed to the General Mining Association, they would have had an establishment at Londonderry by this time worth jCI 00,000. A quantity of the ores from the Acadian Mines, having been imported into England, was smelted with charcoal at the furnace belonging to Messrs. Harrison, Ainslie, and Co., at Backbarrow, in North Lancashire. They are the only parties in the United Kingdom who reduce iron from the ores by means of charcoal fuel j and Mr. Thomas Roper, the intelligent and experienced managing partner of that estab- lishment, thus expresses himself : — " I am now so satisfied of the perfectly easy fusibility of your ores, and the excellent quality of the pig iron produced therefrom, that I feel every confi- dence in your complete success. The great strength of your iron, accom- panied as it is by the most perfect duolibility, will not foil to place it high in the iron market. Again, in a subsequent letter, he says : — " I feel fully convinced of the immense value of your property, and perfectly certain that with ordinary good management it is capable of making princely returns for judicious outlay. The ores are so easily managed, fuse and work so kindly in the furnace, and the produced metal is so universal in its applica- bility for superior purposes, that you are now in a position, by commencing the manufacture of pig iron and refining with charcoal, to step at once to a high place in the iron market of the world. I mention these two processes only, because these you can carry on cheaper than they can be done anywhere else under the sun, or I am much mistaken ; and because they do not involve either expensive outlay in plant or machinery, nor any great amount of tkiUed labour." W. Fairbairn, Esq., F.R.S., the eminent engineer, insti- tuted a number of experiments upon the iron and steel produced from the Acadian ores, and expressed the highest opinion of their quality and value, and thus concludes an able and extensive report, read before the Philosophical Society of Manchester. "The iron made from these (Acadian) ores has already been tried for almost every purpose for which charcoal iron is used, and the results have been uniformly successful ; for tin plate, wire, hore-nails, gun-barrels, and so forth, it is highly prized ; whilst the steel has been acknowledged to compare favour- ably with the best Swedish. The immense deposits of ores, and the unbounded supply of wood for charcoal, seem to justify the expectation that in future years Great Britain will derive her principal supply of steel and charcoal iron from this quarter." G i I REPORT OF CHARLES T. JACKSON, M.D. Slate AMttijcv't Office, 32, Somertet-tlreet, Jioston, 10th Oct., 1855. During the past month, in company witli my friend, John L. Hayes, Esq., of Washington, D.C., I made an examina- tion of the iron mines situated in Londonderry, on the / southern slope of the Codequid Mountains, in Nova Scotia, about five miles north of the tide waters of the Basin of. Mines at the head of the Bay of Fundy. The great fact to be exhibited is the abundance of iron ores, and I think the developments which have been made since this district was originally explored by Messrs. Hayes and DaM'son, have demonstrated the opinions of those gentle- 2- men to be correct, " that this region contains an adequate supply of excellent ores of iron, fully sufficient to support many smelting furnaces, and enough to require extensive tracts of woodland for the supply of charcoal fuel." The ores consist of red oxide of iron, carbonates of the oxide of iron, ankerite (or a mixture of carbonates of iron, lime, magnesia, and peroxide of iron), amorphous or compact liematites, and geodes of botryoidal hematites, known to the 3 miners as kidney iron ores. There is also a considerable proportion of micaceous specular iron ore mixed most curi- ously with the ankerite, and appears to have been sublimed into all the cracks and crevices of the veins. According to the surveys made by Mr. James Carswell, the trend of the iron ore deposits, as shown by numerous pits sunk upon it, is nearly N.E. and S.W., the principal vein being a singular mixture of fine red oxide of iron and ankerite with specular iron ore. A level, six feet wide, has been driven in on this vein, and is wholly in the iron ore, no wall rocks being anywhere exposed. By other pits the width Ij^ of the vein is ascertained to be at least 26 feet. Botryoidal and reniform masses of hematite are frequently met with in these pits ; and small streaks and bunches of black oxide of manganese were observed in the compact hematite. A shaft has been sunk on this lode to the depth of 28 feet, and the 7 on dc! to npi the one api the off ) red exii! yan \ of i ascc woo wou as f am J yell at a poss T ores seve for t two The the strei casti The this Tl furn i 1 f ore Ims been finind to be richer and more compaet as it descends. Tlie liill is 170 feet high, and it is, therefore, easy to drive levels on the vein from the hill side, which will effect ready drainage of the mines. After examining the extent of the ores on this hill, which appears to be filled with them, we went to Cook's Brook, and there saw some very large masses of pure specular iron ore, one of which would weigh more than 500 pounds ; and from appearances of ore in so many places, we have no doubt of the existence of a vein of the specular iron ore in the rocks of this brook. We next examined Totten Hill, where an enormous bed of red oxide of iron, brown hematite and specular iron ore exists, and is exposed by a trench for the distance of twenty yards in a course S. 20 deg. W. We were entirely satisfied of the existence of an abundance of iron ores, and next turned our attention to the forests j to ascertain how far they could be depended on for a supply of wood for making charcoal. We estimated that the forests would yield from fifty to sixty cords of wood per acre, and as the reserves are very extensive, the supply of fuel is very ample. The forest trees are mostly of hard wood, such as yellow birch, maple, beech, ash, &c. Charcoal can be made at a cost of not more than five dollars per 100 bushels, and possibly in well managed kilns for four dollars. There are so many and such extensive deposits of iron ores in these hills, as to justify the erection of furuaces at several points. The ores make the very best kinds of iron for the manufacture of the finest cast steel, there being about two per cent, of oxide of manganese in the average ores. The cast iron is grey or Avhite, according to the burthen of the furnace, and the grey iron is remarkable for its great strength, softness, and toughness. It is very suitable for the casting of ordnance, and will be found of unrivalled strength. The steel-makers have already discovered the great value of this iron for making steel, and pay for it the highest prices. The American models will be the best to copy in erecting furnaces in which charcoal is to be used for fuel, since the f i p* .f:V 8 furnace masters in the United States have had much expe- rience in smelting iron by means of charcoal. Charles T. Jackson, M.D., Assayer to the State of Maasachuutts, Ac. LONDONDEBTIY IRON ORES. DR. JACKSON'S ASSAY. Slate Assayer'a Office, 32, Somerset-street, Boston, 6th Oct., 1855. Average sample from all the veins now worked. This sample was made up with care by mi^^ing equal quantities of each of the ores and pulverizing the whole, and then quartering the mass of powder in the usual way of sampling. This ore thus drawn represents the whole produce of the mines which supply the Acadian furnaces. It yielded : — Peroxide of iron 74 8 Oxide of manganese 2*2 Silica * 2"2 Insoluble specular tilanif ore . . , 1 'S Calcareous matter and water of comp 19*0 by 1000 This mixture contains 52 xVo per cent, of metallic iron, and 1 tin) per cent, of uianganesium, the exact proportion re- quired to convert the iron into the finest kind of steel, while it is not enough to render the cast-iron brittle and crystalline. It is quite interesting to find that thorough scientific investigations justify the high reputation which the Acadian iron has won among the steel-manufacturers of England. Charles T. Jackson, M.D., Assayer to tfie State of Massachxisetts, Geologist and Chemist. 9 I ft: REPORT OF JOHN L. HAYES, ESQ. In the year 1849 I first explored the iron mines of Lon- donderry, in the province of Nova Scotia, in company with Mr. Dawson ; and I have within a few weeks revisited them, along with Dr. Jaclcson, of Massachusetts. During the period of my first visit the whole district was covered with a dense forest, and no regular mining operations had then been undertaken ; but the nature of the formation and the appearances of ore along the whole line, satisfied me that the mineral was very abundant. In the mean time the wood has been cleared away in various places, and the veins and deposits of ore have been opened up to an extent to prove beyond all doubt that they are practically inex- haustible. The matrix or bed of the ore is an extensive band or dyke of ferruginous limestone, to which Mr. Dawson has given the name of ankerite. This formation extends in length from eight to ten miles in a nearly straight line through the pro- perty, and in some places, the ore-bearing rocks are said to be nearly a mile in width. In this calcareous band occur numerous beds and deposits of rich specular, magnetic, and red ores ; and the ankerite itself may be regarded as an orCj since it contains from twenty to fifty per cent, of iron. In the Styrian and Corinthian mines this mineral is used both as an ore and as a flux ; and it is from it that the celebrated steel of those districts is mainly produced. — The most eastern point to which I extended my exploration on this, as on the former occasion, was what is called the " Peter Totten Lot," where a trench was dug across a bed of compact red ore, to a width of eighteen feet withoi t reaching the walls. This deposit we traced to a distance of a quarter of a mile through the forest ; and as it lies along a sloping hill it can be very easily mined and drained. Pursuing the same course westwardly to the "Barnhill Lot," we saw exposed an extensive bed of ankerite, with numerous veins and strings of specular ore. The ankerite Q 10 / 7 8 /^ here contains much sparry iron, and appears suflTiciently ricli for the blast-furnace by itself. Further west, on the " David Totten Lot," we found the ore very largely developed. The deposit was laid bare by a trench which I measured to the width of fifty-three feet, and the whole mass was a red oxide with a large intermixture of specular ore. The ankerite is here of great extent ; and at a distance of 350 feet from the trench south-easterly, the red ore is again exposed. North-westwardly from the main digging, 100 feet, another bed of the red ore, ten feet in width, is found in contact with the ankerite. This hill, having a con- siderable elevation above the bed of the Pine Brook, which divides it from the Barn Hill Lot, can be easily mined, and will furnish an immense supply of ore. Continuing the same course westwardly, the ore shows itself in large beds and deposits throughout the whole of that part of the property which formerly belonged to John Ross, Esq. Several openings have been made along the line, and the ore extracted has proved to be very rich and pure. In consequence of the great denudation of the hills in this locality, v .:; ore beds are exposed in many places, and furnish abundant evidence of the vast quantities of mineral they contain. The Folly River cuts through the strata in this neighbourhood ; and in the valley which it forms there are convenient sites for works. West of the Folly River the same formation extends, and various trial pits have been sunk to prove the continuity of the ore, which everywhere presents the same appearances. In the neighbourhood of the great Village River, regular mining operations have been commenced by the Acadian Iron Company, and the results have more than verified the predictions which I made duiing my first explorations. To use the language of the miner who accompanied us, " it was a mountain of ore." The charcoal i^'hich I saw in use at the Acadian Iron Works was of excellent quality ; but I adhere to the opinion formerly expressed, that great advantages would be gained by carbonizing the wood in kihis or ovens^ The wood is admi- 11 Iron Hnion ed by dmi- . rably adapted for cliarcual^ and I think that two cords, on the average, will yield 100 bushels. The forest-lands attached to the mines will furnish from fifty to seventy cords to the acre, and with proper care the wood will be reproduced every twenty years. Viewing all the advantages of the Londonderry district, I am bound to say that I know of no locality where charcoal iron can be anything like so cheaply produced. I have no doubt that iron of the first quality for purity and strength, and which will demand the highest prices in the market, can be made from these ores. If Mr. Mushet's opinion, based upon his own experiments, that these ores will I// furnish steel-iron equal to the best Swedish marks, should prove correct, these ores possess a rare value; for of the many charcoal iron establishments in the United States, I know but one which furnishes iron suitable for making the first quality of steel. Notwithstanding the vast extent of the forests in the rear of the mineral deposits, I am of opinion that it will be more difficult to provide fuel than mineral. The distribution of the ore along a line of several miles will allow of furnaces being erected at different places commanding the mines and the forests; but even so the difficulty of transportation beyond certain distances will limit the production of iron in the immediate district. It is, however, only five or six miles to the shore of the bay; and here almost any number of furnaces might be supplied with wood and charcoal from the well-wooded regions surrounding the basin of mines. The transportation of ore would now be but a trifling expense in winter ; and the cost of constructing a railway would be no great affair. The great rise of tide would furnish water- power for all purposes, except driving the furnaces, for which I strongly recommend the employment of steam power. J. L. Hayes, RepfeseiUalive of the Iron Mannfadwen Washington, D. C. of New England. Nov. 9, 1855. •i"- TO REPORT 0\^ E. WADHAM, ESQ., C.E., Mininy Agent to his Grace the Duke of Buccleugh, Having in the Report, which I have handed in to the Directors of the Acadian Iron Company, stated the result of my survey of that part of the mineral property in the town- y ship of Londonderry purchased by that Company, I propose now to refer to the remaining portion of that district, which is estimated to contain from 10,000 to 12,000 acres„ I may here observe that in all my explorations I was accompanied by Mr. Donald Urquhart, who has assisted at ^ all former surveys, and whose intimate acquaintance with the property greatly facilitated my operations. I visited in his company all the places mentioned by Mr. Hayes, Dr. Jackson, Mr. Dawson, Dr. Gesner, and 3 others in their reports, and verified their statements by actual measurements and surface diggings. So much has already been published in regard to the ores, and their position, that it may be sufficient for me to say that, from all I saw and all I know of analogous formations, I am quite satisfied that the ores are, at least, as abundant / along the whole line of deposit as they are in the particular locality in which they are now being worked ; and that equal areas will produce equal quantities, although in some places the difficulty and expense of mining may be increased. Over a very considerable extent of the district now under consideration, there has been great denudation of the hills, and in many places veins and deposits are largely exposed on the surface. This is particularly the case at what are called ^'"the Totter and "Barnhill" lots, and also throughout the greater part of the extensive tract whicli formerly belonged to Mr. Ross. At these localities, therefore, mining opera- tions will be comparatively inexpensive, and there can be no doubt that the ores are very abundant. The mineral range, as it is called, occupies the rear division of the township of Londonderry, and extends from the Cum- berland road to the line of Onslow township, a distance $ i 13 of from 8 to 10 miles. This tract, for practical operations, may be conveniently divided into thr*>e sections, each of which, in my opinion, is capable of supplying an establish- / ment sufficient for the production of from 10,000 to 12,000 ^ tons of iron annually. Of an ample supply of ore I have no doubt whatever, and the only difficulty will be in providing adequate fuel. The forest, however, marches along the whole extent with the line of mineral deposits, and is equally extensive in the Eastern as in the Western district. Of the three divisions into which I propose to divide the property, the Western, called the Acadian Mines, and em- / bracing about 4,000 acres, is the field of the operations of the Acadian Iron Company, and forms the principal subject of my previous report. The next, or Central division, which embraces what is called the Ross property, contains, with the adjoining forest land, about 6,000 acres by estimation, and is watered by the two branches of the Folly River, which, after forming a
816, say £S. 3s. dd. sterling ; and on a long blatit I am sure we should not exceed that-> say ,£3. 5». per ton."* Speaking of raining operations, he says : — "We have now on the hill 22 men and boys under Williams as head miner. Instead of the old system of surface-working, he has sunk deeper and struck regular veins, yielding pure and splendid ore. There are now three regular workings just on the brow of the hill. The uppermost, when first opened, showed a bunch about 12 feet wide, and sinking on this, a regular vein was discovered between clearly defined walls. This vein has been opened to an extent of 60 feet, and is worked in stopes. Precisely 28 feet north of this vein a parallel and exactly similar vein has been struck and opened to an extent of 52 feet, with exactly the same results. Out of a small space, little, if anything, more than 20x 11 yards, Williams informs me that 450 to 500 tons have been extracted. Further down the hill Smith and M'Kenzie have two separate pits, from which they ivre supplying ore by contract at 7s. currency (equal ha. id. sterling) per ton, they sinking their own pits, and are making capital wages. Further down again Eagles has sunk and reached just such a vein as one of Williams's, from which he is putting out splendid ore. My opinion is, that within the band of ores, when regular workings are carried on, numerous veins will be found in juxtaposition, giving in a small compass any required amount of ore. Below Eagles' pit, again, we come to the main level which has now struck into ore, and from which, by cross cuttings, we can catch the veins running east and west. With reference, therefore, to the supply of ore, we have arrived at proofe vastly superior to any we have ever had before of the existence of quantity ; and, shortly, we shall be able to extract it at more reasonable rates." if •fn- Since the greater part of the foregoing reports were written, the Acadian Iron Works have been erected, and the result of actual working has proved that the abundance and purity of the ores, quality of the iron and steel, and facilities for manufacturing, have not been overstated. The strength of the Acadian iron was found to exceed any * In a memorial presented to the congress of the United States in 1850 by the iron manufacturers of New England praying for increased protection, it is stated, that the cost of making charcoal iron in that country, on the average of 18 furnaces, was %Zi ' 49 per ton, more than twice the cost of the Acadian iron. 1 1 i : 18 results obtained by Mr. Fairbaini and Mr. Eaton Hodgkinson, in their experiments undertaken at the instance of Govern- ment to test the relative strength of a great variety of irons. Messrs. Salt and Co., the well-known surgical instrument makers, of Birmingham, write : — " Our foreman says the steel works admirably, and we are of opinion that it is of very superior quality, from the finish and polish of the instruments." Messrs. Rodgers and Sons, of Sheffield, cutlers to her Majesty, say, " We have now tried your steel for a great variety of purposes, and find it uniformly good.'* Large quantities of cutlery and specimens of various articles manufactured from Nova Scotia iron and steel were exhibited at the Great Industrial Exhibition of 1851, and were highly reeommended by the jury in their report, and a first class medal awarded. Messrs. W. Jessop and Sons, Hutchinson, Wilkinson, Butcher, and Turton and Sons, of Sheffield, who have used considerable quantities of the Acadian iron for steel purposes, and almost all the principal steelrmakers in Great Britain, concur in giving it a high character. In no one instance has there been an unfavourable opinion expressed. Colefwd, 29/A July, 1854. As I have, from fi^rst to last, inaou&ctured qome hundred tons of cast steel from Acadian bar iron, pig iron, and some of the iron .ore, I am able to speak decidedly as to its merits. The steel has invariably been pronounced />■«< rate, .^nd the Acadian ^roa is for this purpose qujte equal to the best marks of Swedish iron. For shear steel the Acadian iron ia not equal to the Swedish ; 1>ut this is only in consequence of insufficient care having been bestowed upon the manipulations of the bar iron department. A little care and experience ^ill remedy all this. R. F. MUSHBT. The following is the result of experiments made for the purpose of testing thp strength of the Acadian iron, and its fitness for casting heavy gnus :-r- Tensile strain in lbs. i-^ 38,000"] 40,400 > per square inch. 41,600j The greatest strength obtained in any other iron hitherto used by Government, as stated by the Secretary for the 19 War Department in the debate on the Ordnance estimates, did not exceed 27,000 lbs. per square inch, and only averaged 22,000 lbs. Recent trials made at Woolwich, have demonstrated the extraordinary strength of the Acadian bar iron. A bolt was made of the same size as the link of a chain-cable, calculated to bear a strain of seven tons. This bore a strain of forty tons before breaking. Bolts of the very best iron that was brought in competition broke at seventeen tons. if $■ 'I ON THE MANUFACTURE OF STEEL DIRECT FROM THE ORE AND PIG IRON. The ores of this district possess in an eminent degree tlie steely propensity {propension acieuse), and large quantities of cast steel of the highest quality have been made direct from the ore, as well as from the pig iron. The ores may, in fact, be regarded as ores of steel, and peculiarly adapted to the summary processes which are now attracting so much attention. The greater part of the expense of making steel by the ordinary methods is incurred in the conversion of the pig iron into malleable iron, and in rolling and hammer- ing the bars to the requisite dimensions. It is confidently believed that, with these pure ores, all this expense may be avoided; and the following letter from a practical man of great experience explains some of the processes so successfully employed upon tlie Continent. Sir, — The manufacture of steel directs from the ore has long been practised in this country, but it is only within these last few years, since the method of puddling it with pit coal has been discovered, that it has been carried to its present extent. The method of making blister and cast- steel in England is too well known to need remark; but the manner in which steel is made here is so very different, and I think not generally known in England, that perhaps a few observations may be acceptable. The quality and magnitude of the samples from Essen and Bochum, exhibited at London 20 find Paris, is a proof of the soundness of tlie principle on which steel is hero made; the extension and flonrisliing of the different establishments show that, in a mercantile point, they are highly profitable. Pig steel is made from the white carbonate of iron ore, either alone, or mixed with brown hematite or clay iron ore, which are smelted with charcoal in a peculiarly formed blast- furnace, the tuyers of which are so arranged that the metal produced is quite white and crystalline, and breaks with large silvery facets, some the whole depth of the pig. This pig steel is then, either alone or mixed with suitable charcoal pig iron, according to the quality of the steel required, puddled in an expressly constructed furnace, with a cast-iron bottom ; when it is sufficiently decarbonized, it is formed into balls, and drawn under the hammer and rolls into rough bars, which are again Avoided and rolled into bars, and sold as puddled steel j this is well suited for all the purposes for which in England blister steel is used. This puddled steel is treated by the east-steelmakers as blister steel, who, by using different mixtures, make almost every quality of cast steel. From the statistical tables (just issued) of the production of metals in the Rhenish chief mining districts, it appears that the quantity of pig steel made in blast-furnaces in this district in the year 1856 was 7,500 tons ; but what more particularly deserves the attention of my countrymen is that the make of rough bar steel has increased in one year sixty-five per cent., or from 3,800 tons, the make of 1855, to 5,800 tons, the make of 1856. With this fact, is it not time that this new method be introduced into England? Although I fear that the pig steel from here would come too high in England, as the average price last year in Sicgcn was about £10. 10*. per ton, in consequence of the price of charcoal being M. 6*. per 100 bushels ; yet, if the information I have obtained be correct, either the East-India Iron Corapuny or the Acadian Iron Company could produce steel from their ores at a far cheaper rate than it is made in Prussia, where, in addition to the high price of charcoal, the ore at some furnaces costs nearly 18#. per ton. Some exten- all any 21 sivo trials are, I bear, at present being made in England to produce steel direct from pig iron by melting it witb a mix- ture of iron ore, manganese, and bar iron ; but wbctbcr tbe steel produced can compete in quality witli tbat made at Essen and Bocbura remains to be proved. J. Player. Bero. Oladdach, Rhenish Prussia, March 6. The ores of Styria and Corintbia, so famous for steel, are analagous to the ankerite and spathic ore, Mrhicb abound in all the Londonderry district; and, as charcoal is so cheap, the methods used in those countries may be very advan- tageously employed. The processes of Mr. R. Mushet, and others, which aim at the more economical and speedy conversion of pig iron into steel, have been applied to the Acadian iron with the greatest success. In fact, the native steely propensity of the ores pervades every form of the produce; and, whether the steel has been made from ore, pig iron, or bar iron, the results have been certain, uniform, and satisfactory. Mr. Hayes, a very competent authority, says, that if these ores are capable of producing steel of first-rate quality they possess a rare value, for of all the charcoal iron establish- ments in the United States, he knows but one which furnishes iron suitable for making the first qualities of steel. Neither in any other part of North America are any such ores known to exist; and it therefore follows, according to our present knowledge, that Nova Scotia will, from its geographical position, command the whole of that vast continent as a market for her superior iron and steel. The circumstances above mentioned also prove that these essential materials can be furnished to Great Britain from this, the nearest of all her Transatlantic Colonies^ on better terms than from any foreign country. . i 15 ! I ■■■' lli •I'i 22 PROM JOHN L. HAYES, ESQ. Washington, Oct. 15th, 1856. Dear Sir, — It will be some considerable time before I shall be able to complete my reports of the survey of your properties in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, lately made in company with Dr. Jackson. I may tell you, however, in advance, that this second visit has greatly strengthened my previous favourable impressions. It is difficult to estimate the value of properties of such great extent, and capable of being worked on so large a scale ; but I feel that I am not above the mark when I name one million five hundred thousand dollars for the value of the three localities ex- plored — viz. the Londonderry Mines, the Victoria Mines, and the Albert Quarries. The advanced season of the year obliged us to postpone the survey of your other properties in the provinces, which, from all I have learned, must be very valuable. Truly yours, John L, Hayes. To C. D. Archibald, Esq. FROM C. T. JACKSON, ESQ. State AMoyer's Office, Boston, U. S, , . Nov, QUi, 1855. Dear Sir, — Having examined the Acadian and Victoria Mines, in Nova Scotia, belonging to you, I concur with my associate, John L. Hayes, Esq., in his estimate of their very great value ; and am of opinion that when wrought to the extent of their capabilities, they cannot fail to yield interest on a million dollars j for the extent of your iron ore beds is so great as to render them, in a practical point of view, inexhaustible. From the improvements which are likely to take place in the means of transportation to tide water, great facilities will be aflforded for the exportation of these iron ores, which may be brought to the United States and carried to England, 28 31 i, 1855. )efore I of your ly made rever, in sned my estimate tpable of [ am not hundred ities ex- L MineSj postpone s, which, Hayes. ston, U. 8. i Victoria r with my their very rht to the Id interest , ore beds it of view, take place it facilities >re8, which England, according to the demand that may arise in the two countries. Lumber sliips going to England will be glad to take the ore at small freight, since it will serve for ballast. Respectfully your obedient servant, C. T. Jackson, State Attayer of Maasachtuetts, d:c. The Londonderry Mines, so called, occupy the third and rear division of the township of Londonderry; and, com- mencing on the east, extend from the line of Onslow Town- ship, westward, a distance of six or seven miles. This tract, which contains upwards of 10,000 acres, may be conveniently divided into two sections, each of which presents favourable sites for works, and commands abundant mineral and forest resources. The line of the mineral deposits, with the accompanying ore-bearing formation, is shown on the map ; and the several streams which cut through the strata afford great facilities for mining and draining. The distance to the shore of the Bay, from the principal mineral deposits, is about six miles, with a downward slope favourable for transport and the construction of railroads or tramways. During the winter months the snow renders transportation easy and inexpensive by the ordinary roads of the country. The greater part of the mineral district above mentioned is covered with a heavy growth of hard wood ; and the whole rear country for many miles is one unbroken forest, reserved for the purposes of iron manufacture. It is estimated that these wood- lands will yield from 50 to 60 cords of wood to the acre; and that two cords will make 100 bushels of charcoal, which is proved to be sufficient to produce one ton of pig iron from these ores. The wood, with proper care and management, will be reproduced every twenty years. The whole country on both sides of the Basin of mines, I ''^ 24 and the headwaters of the Bay of Fundy is, for the most part, occupied by the native forests, which ape capable of furnishing abundant supplies of wood and charcoal for furnaces and works to be erected on the shore, where the great rise of tide affords unlimited water-power. Great numbers of vessels are engaged in carrying timber, gypsum, cord wood, and other bulky materials from the Bay of Fundy to the United States j and, as they now return in ballast, anthracite coal, which is free of duty, could be delivered at these works at a very cheap rate.* The timber ships from St. John's, Windsor, Parrsborough, and other parts in the Bay, gladly convey the iron to England as ballast, or at nominal freight. * Bituminous coal of excellent quality exists on both sides of the Bay of fundy, and the mines are extensively worked. f' WICLIAH PKMNY, PRINTJCR, 67, LINCOLN'S'INN FIKLOS. le most Ipable uf [coal for lere the ' the Bay of ■^/ M r I 'b r iy-^i^-ic f,.P,.- ._T. i-^-^ -«:,-^ 1 i-;^ riite iPAmr ©ifmota ^^©i'ia shev rV^ iXt s^ lA SHEWING THE POSITION OF THE 'F: F THE v1l?M vn m\ Blonudvn,' Ml tJ ntiuvt/ it. in (♦ } D