%^ .% ^'v^^ - .0. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ // Vj 'A 1.0 Ifia I.I 1.25 2.8 ^ as, |M 18 14. IIIIII.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation f>^ iV /^ ^N-> rT,aged/ Pages endommagees □ Pages restored and/or laminated/ Pages restaiirees et/ou pellicul6es Pages discoloured, stained or foxed/ Pages decolorees, tachetees ou piquees Pages detached/ Pages detachees EShowthrough/ Transparence varies/ negaio! de i impression Quality of print varii Qualite inegaloi de I'i □ Continuous pagination/ Pagination contini mb*ntl'm»i H m t m ' "»''0*r't"'" '•«<»«^'^<'"»j( iisrsTEXJCTioisrs TRAINING OF VOLUNTEER CORPS. I. Vt/i.UMi;Ki! corps boiiigconijiOHwl, tor titc most piirt, ol' mon whose time iainucli oecupioJ with their cixlinury pursiiiiH, and who conse- quently are not able to Hpant niiUiy liours for drill, it iri reci'iniuendtd that every voiiuileer bo proviili.-il willi 11 co|)y of this diill Iv.oU.in order that he iniiy rend tht! iiistrnciions bei\'.(vn th^' drill?, which wi'i be found a great as.^istance. n. No iiist' iietor could possibly teuch a whole coinpaiiy ol' untrained men placed toije- tlier in two ranks. In tliel'olliiwin-' system the volunteers will fiisl l)e instructed in ^nl;■!! scpr.id^, ill open liles, and in Mnjrlerank. Tlie drilhi will then be repeal <.vl in larger squads in two ranks, and linaliy, '.'.•h.i'n the voluiite;rs have learn^'d nil tlio preliminary parts of tlieir drill, they will be exereij^ed toi;^ether as a company. III. When a corp:f of vuluijt'i'r;-! !;; first aa- scmbled, if there are no regular drill in.5tructor,-i attached to it.theeonm' .ndintr olli'.'ur would do wisely at once to yeleet a certain number of llie member,-:, in tlie ])ropiM'liiin ol about 10 or 12 per ceiit, to act aii se,ch. These men may ailer- warda become nnn-comr''s3i(>ned ()iii''er,s, and rank aeeordin;x to the aptitude they liliow for military duties. IV. The volunteers thn« yelecled should fir.=',t: bo trained in a squal by tlienrwlves, after whicih they will beempliyed in driHiiis the leinaimler of tlio eorp?, and time v,'ill eventually bcgniiied. V. 'I'he corp-i being assembled, and the drill instructors ready ta begin thv'ir worlc, the vohm- tcers will be divided into us ruiiny squadii as there are in-,lruelorcs, and each ii!=truetor will proceed with tlie following drills. VI. The voiunteerif, when at dri!', must re- main perl'eeiiy siknit, and give their v;hoie at- tention to their inslruclord. VII. The voliiiiteers should beperi'et in one drill, before th>.y proceed to another; nch dri'l may be nsp-iui-d as often a:? it is found noces- Bury, and time will ])ermil. VIII. A system of mutual instrueliou will frequently be found advantaireoe.s ; as the vol- unteers get more acquainted with tiieir drill, each in succe?.-ion may be called out, and di- rected to put the squad thriingh one or two e.x- orcises, under thesuperintciidcuce of the instruc- tor. FIRST DRILL. Sciiivu 1. Sqnnd fall ill v; ii>. The rquad will fall in, in lino, that i.-i side by side. The right hand man being first placed, the remainder will then fall in o!ie after the other, touching very lighily towards him ; tho thick p.art of the aim just bi;low the elbow 'vi the part that Fuoiild U(^:-p the toueh, and will bo the principal guide v/hcu marching. Srrtion 2. 'iV'/feg off. The volunlo'i-s will number off from right to left, each man calling out his number thus, — •• one," " t'.vu." •• fbree," ic, tlie right hand man being " oi'.e." It niiu.t be e\p!;\i:iLd to them that odd num- bers are cahed right files, even ne.mbcra left Ck3. Soctiou^. 3.u!l>od of Tiar.!ii!}g., In all the folio iving c.-\ercis;.s, the instrnctor will fir^t give IIk! word of comma!!.! in the mar- do di.^linetly, in the oi'dinavy to.ieof his voice, the voluntjers remaining steady; he will then explain to them, in the words of the text, tin m jvenient required. This done, ho will repeat the word of command in a loud tone, the lirst; or cauiion.iry pari, slowly and distinctly, the last, or executive word or sviiable. on A'hich the men will move as directed, siiuiply and de- cidedly. ] On the word marcsi, the right files will take one pace to the front, ■ and the left files will take on- t)ace to the rear, both with the let oet, and then stand perfectly sliih Op''^!'->'i>:7 for iSqi'dd Drill. RIGHT FILES o:; PACP. I'oi!- V.'AUD, LI'FT FILES ONK PAiJK STKC BACK MAUCH. Section 5. Position of the Volunlm: The instructor will place each volunteer io his proper position as follows :— The shouldera .square to Ihe front, heeis togoiher, Iocs turned out, so that the feet may form an angle of 60 degrees, the arnv^ hanging straight down from the shoulders, palms of the hauda flat to the W UYKH- RIOHT. DUKSS. tkigha, the body stiaiglit, but inclining forward, 80 that tli(> woiglit of it may bear principally on the fore part ot the feet, the head erect, but not thrown back, and the eyes looking straight to the front. The above position should be perfectly easy and natural, without any stiffness or constraint. Section 6. Dressing i7i Open Files, On the words eyks-uioiit, the eyes will be directed to the right, with a ,'i, droj) the hands to the sides, and resume tlie first position taught. In facing, the left heel never quits the ground, F.yf:8- KRONT. SQUAD, STAND AT EASE. j NATIONAL LIBRARY I CANADA but thebody-tttrmi on it as- -on-ev-^ivat, the right foot being drawn back to turn the body to the right, and carried forward to turn it to the left, as follows : — SQtTAD- A T T K N - ■; TION. TO THE RKiirr- FACE. TWO. TO THK LlvFT FACK TWO. KIGHT AUOUT- FACE. TWO. THRKE. iiiGHT (or li;ft) HALF- FACE. TW'O. On the word fa(;e, place the hol- low of the right foot smartly against the left heel, keeping the shoulders square to the front. On the word two. raise the toes, and turn a (juarter circle to the right on both heels, which must be pressed toget her. On the word face, place the right heel again.'^t the hollow of the it'll foot, keeping the shoulders square to the front. On the word two, raise the toes and turn a quarter circle to the left on both heels, which must be pressed together. On the word fa(;e. place the ball of the right toe against the left heel, keeping the shoulders square to the front. On the word two, raise the toes and turn to the right about on both heels. On the word three, bring tho right foot smartly back in a line with the left. On the word fach draw back, (or advance) the right foot one inch. On the word two, raise the toes and tui n an eight of a circle to the right (or left) on both heels. When it is necessary to perform the diagonal march to the rear, the volunteer will receive the words RKiiiT (or left) about, three- quautkrs face, upon which he will bring the ball of the right foot (not the ball of the toe) to the left heel, or the right heel to the ball of the left foot, and will make a three-quarters face in the required direction, in the same manner as he faces about. The volunteers will also be taught to face, judging their own time, that is, without the words TW^o, or three, resting a pause of nearly a second between each movement. RioiiT (oh left) ABOUT, THUEE- QUARTE RS FACE. * SQUAD- FnO.NT. the rii the body > turn it to luce the hoi- iilly against ic shoulders lise the toes, ;irclo to the lieh must be , place the lollow of the 3 shoulders lisG the toes rcie to the ich must bo (lacothe ball list the left klers square lise the toea X about on E, bring the Lck in a line draw back, hi foot one aise the toes circle to the heels, y to perform the rear, the i the words OUT, TtlKEK- 11 whicii he he right foot ?) to the left to the ball iviil make a the required 3 manner as jht to face, without the ise of nearly . i 3 8QUAD- rnoNT. When it in inlendcd to resume tin; oriifjiial front, after any of the forciroinif facinjjs, the word of conuiiaiid kront, may bo siviMi, on whicli the wiiole will face, as accu- rately aH possible, to the tbrinrr front. AN'lien the volunteer has jircvi- oiisly faced to the riijht-abdut, he will front by the •.i^.'.iitabout, hut, if he Inn faced to the riirlit-about thrceciiarturs, he will front by the Ictt-about tlirtX'-quartris, and vicc- vor;>a. Section 9. i.'los/ni^ the -i'ly'C'fr/. On the word mviich, the right and iei't files will step a.s directed. i- with tlioir left feel, thiH resuming their ovitiiiial places in the line. RIOIIT FILES ONK :PAC iS STKP i; A I" K . — I-KfT FILE;! ONE I'ACE KOK- WAllD- JlAKCli. •* Section 10. Dres.^ing in Close Files. On the word kyf:-; i;ig!it, turn the head and eves ylitihtly to the ri;;ht, and on tlio word du !■,=?, shuf- fle nil or back with very short stc]is, till yiui can just .see tlie low- er p.irr, of tiie face of the second man from you ; at the same time, touch very lightly towards the (lank on which you are dressing. In lilcc manner volu'ilccrs will be taught to dress by the lefi. These practices should be repeated several times, after which the volunteers will Ijc di.s- raissed, in tlie following manner. Secti OS wi^;. The Icnglh from the point of siiajn-naion to the centre ot the plummet must be as follows : Inctiei. Huadredths. Quick time - - 12 98 Double time, - - « •• iJUICK- MARCir. Oi) the word mauoii, step ofTto- getliiM- witli tlio k-fc toot, kocpiiig tho timu given ou the drum as nt.'iirly aa possil)lo. While iniirchin;:, lolaiii tho posi- tion uliviuly tiuiulit, tho body in- cliniiiij: well" forward ; 'et tho iirnis and luiiids han;' easily, iieitliiir ciiiigiiiff to the tliigha nor jjartaii- ing of tiicir movonionts. On tho word n \i.t, ooiiiploto the pace you are in the act of nialc- ing, bring ilie heels togotlier, and I tlien staml still. The voUniteer^i should not be lialied if they lose step, hut he allowed to move on some distance. HALT. KIOHT ABoirr- FACI-:, BY TUK Rioirr (ou i.KKr) MAP.CIf. XIAI.T- FROJiT. HTGITT AliOUT- ■\VIion at the c?;trennty of the Qionnd the S(inad will be faced !ii)out, and will then bo marched back au'ain. TURN. As already taught. 'I'hc volunteers s^lioukl aldo be laughl to turn to the rijilit al:)0nt while marching, 'i'he turn should he coniploted in throe ;-h()rl steps. The fourth mu^t be a. full pace in the new d'roction. Section 4. Slcppi^iii; Out ami Sieiqiinii- Short (Did M.ii-liing Time. AUhou;:-h JiO inohch is the regn'ar p-:.co in qnick time, a volunteer may occasionally laid it necessary to lengthen or shorten his pace in order to conl'orni with tho movements of the rest of the squad ; he may also mark the time by raising the feet alternately, without gaining ground. ^Vhen necessary, the whole squad may be ordered to mark time. Tf required to mark time for purposes of drill, from the halt the command will be mauic timk.quick, on which the sqnad will mark time, commencing with the left foot. Section 5. Wlieeling. niGHT- j On the word wheei,, the riglit- wiiKEL. ( hand man will face to the right. QtllOK- MAKCil. HALT. Oil the word mari^i, the rigbt- hand man will t'tuud fust ; tho re- mainder of the volunteers will wheel round the right or pivot man, touching towards him and looking outwardd for the dressing. The lelt-hand ov outward man will move at a lull pace of JO inches and louk inwards. i On tlie word iiAi/r, tho squad I will halt, and every man will look ( to his I'lont, unles'^ ordered to dress. Wheeling to tho left will be practised in like manner. A squad may also wheel in any direction while on the march, by the words itionT (or r,KFT) wiiiua., on whicli the piivot man will mark time, moving his shouideis round as the sqiuid -wheels round him ; in other reypects the wheel will be performed as already explained. On the word kohwaih), by tiik kioiit (or lki-t) the squad will move on in the direction it hai)pens to be facing when the word is given. A squad may be wheeled from the halt on a movealjle pivot ; the pivot man marking time, as ho does when changing direction on the march. In this case the command will be on THE MOVE, RIGHT (OU T.V Ft) WniClCI,, Qtj'ICK- MARcii- this weuid be done if the Sfpuid were intended <-) move forward in any dircctioQ alter Nvheeling. Th': Dia'j:oiiai March S<:C.til)ii G. lilGUT (Oi^] LEI-T) I HALF- i I'-ACK. J (JflOK- M A ill '11. JIALT- As ali'cady taught. On tlie word jtAitoii, step ofiF, each man moving straight to his front and retaining during the march, lii^ relative position with the rest of the squad. As already described. FRONT. s If the march has been properly performed when the squad is halted and fronted, it will' be found in a lino parallel to its original posi- tion. Yolunteers while marching to the front in line will also be taught to incline to either flank by a half turn in the direction required, as follows : — ' ; n, the rlpfhtr I'us* ; the ro- untocrs will ;lit DP pivot •(1« him and tho (Irossinfif. ard man will 1)1' oO inches I', tlio Kqnnd nan will look k'lod to drcsa. icliscd in like my direction Is KKUIT {ou ot man will round as the r ro.'pccts the idy CNplainod. V, iticiiT (or liie direction A'ord JH given. tlic halt on a iiurking time, action on the nd will be on IlKKI,, QUICK- f s(itiad were my direction i)!arch u.ii, step off, raipht to his ■ during the position with )ed. rly performed anted, it will' original posi- > the front in cliue to either tioD required, ■ » As already deacribod. BV TIIK "J KIOIIT (or I ..KFT) I- WI'K'K- I MAini. I I Uii the w(trd riUN, cuch volnii- KKHiT (oi; I tccr will turn his body lln' ciuhtli MCFT) 1 (il'a circle to ll:o rii^lil (or li'll), a-^ HAi.r- { diiec'u'd, iiiid iiiuvt! on in a diugon- ti:rn. I ul diiection. willmiU checking lliu l^ pace. 1 VIIONI'- TL'US ilV 'niK On (lie word rii;.\, turn to the front and move on in lino lo the KioMT (ou j original front. l.Kl^'T). i If tlu: ^<\fVM\ iucliiie? to a tiank in this ujati- ner while retiring, and is required again lo move sti'aight, to tho rear, the word will be RBAR TLItN. When inarching (lingoiutUy to llie right, the right lilc will diiecl, when to ilic left, the left file will direct, wiiliont refl-renco lo the Hunk that wa? provionsly directing. Sec. 7. lii'Mkiiii^' ojf 'ind Rt-iitwnblin'^. .\4 alri'aily taaght. THIRD DRILL. Sirlioii 1. File Miirrliiiiir. Vohintcers should niver be rt'(iui;''d bj march any disbmci; in files, in el<^*c order, ex- cept when i'.\tendiii)5 fnini '• Uie Hall ;" it is not theri'I'orc imcesyary ("r them to attnin great accuracy in this diirieitlt nioveinent. The movcnients dosciibed in sections 2 and S of this drill !iro liiught. in files, as they wi'l be found hereafter to apply also to fours. TO TIIK ] KKiirr (or i,i:n). VACi:. 10 Tin: ItKlIlT KACK, ro A I'KW MOMKNrS ONLY, URKAK OFF. j j 'i'lie right or left hand man being i jilaced. on th(! word fall t.n, tlie KALI. IN. I squad will i'orin upon hiin at once I in the placy they previously oe- \ cu))ied. This should be done fivquently ; it is a very jinportant practice. Section 8. Mavchnv^ in Double Tmne. The lime will first be given on the dntni. BY TIIK i' Ou the word .maroh, tlep off BIGHT (or I with a good long swinging .step left), j (36 inches), the body vrell forward, and carried nmoothly to the front, shoulders square, the whole posi- tion easy and elastic. As in quick time, Volunteers must also be practised in chang- ing the pace without baiting, from quick to double and from double to quick. UOUBLK- MARCU. HALT. .Vs alrcadv described. 1^1 ICK- M.U'.Cll. !!AI.T- MIO.VT. l' On the word maikh, iWp off lo- I gellierwilli the left fret, one be- j hind the other. Jn this inarch j you must keeji step, uiul take care I to step ofl at once at a lull pace. ( On the wonls Ihill-F,-',iit. halt "( and (uoc to the original friiiil. Volunteers while marching to the iVonl in line should also be taught lo turn to tlie right (or left) into file as follows : r On the wnrd YVmc, which sliould be ^iven as the left foot is coming to the ground, turn the body at right angles to the direc- ition in which you have been mov- ing, nnd niovi^ on at once, without , che>"':ng the pace, in the new di- [ rec ; in fi'c, 1 On t icv.'ord I'lint, which should I be given as the right fw>l is com- [ ing to the ground, turn again to ! the front and move ou without checking the pace in Hue. sijfAi) ro Tilt'; nuiUT- n;i;.\. S(jl AD I'RONT- Tt:i:x. HV THK KKllir i (or left), j sgi'Ai) '\ TO rni': LEFT- TLRN. .SQVAD. FRONT- TURN. BY THK RIGHT (or LKFT). Volunteers will turn to the left in like manner, the word being given as the right foot is coming to the ground, after which they " will turn to the front, the word being given as the left foot i,s com- ing to the ground. I A volunteer will always turn to the right, on the left foot ; and to the left on the right foot. If the word turn is; not given as the jiroper foot is coming to the ground, the volunteer will move on one pace more and then turn. 6 •'^tchiiii 2. IVliieltug in lultt. Rw/it J'lio .^-qimd, when niarcliinp in nio, iinist lie taiiglit. to wlincl in I'itiiu' (liiTL'ti(it\, fik-M Ibllowing suc- cessively williniit incicnsiiifr or --„... (limiiii.^liii);^' till' tlistiince Irom each \v, ■'/■ 'l '"'"■''• '" ''''•'' 'movement ciirii filo W/iuL I will iiiaKo it.^ peparatu wlicci on a | pivol. niovcalile in a yniul! dccfrco, I witlioiit altcrinc-tlie cadence di the j niardi, lail Itnml-eniii^' tlie |iaco a i Jilt!',,' Willi liip (iiitwav,] Jodt. ! Siyi, F//r\ rii,iiiii>><; Si'Viul. _ W hen a s(jna.l in in lilcs, and tlio ori-iiial nglit lile IS Kariino-, it in caiied right in fVont. IhediiTction in which the men aro lin-iii"' is then called the iVoni ; their lull, whi'h was "iho original tront, k leiined t!io pivot llaiilc ; their right Iho ixveise ilank. Wjieii tiK> a.iiiina! tit hic IS leading, the squad is called ioil in Iront; right. iV then the piv,,), and loil the re- verne flaiji;. ON Tilt'; I.KADINd m.K, liidiir foliM Sout, and take two paces to the front alier ^vhecling ; the remainder of the squad will march on in files, wheeling to the right on the spot where I ho lead- ing lilc has wheeled, forming to the right by siiccessivi; liles, as already described. rHONT i'OHM- S'^r-AD. 'Jiiti'if Ffiiiil III (Inick 'J'irni. — y> hen the squad marching in files is ordered to form to the rro?K. the leading D!o will mark time ; the ro maiuing files, when right is in Iront, will turn to the Iclt, and wheel to the ri^ht, looking \o the outward flank and fociiri" "inwards. When marching in (ilcs, will he formed tothe front ^ ,„..„ „a.i„ to thf. reverse flank, that is the left, or to the le t about, on the .same principle as it is formed when the right is in imut. elt in front, ft Hqnad to the pivot flunk. •^V* /(■()/! ■\. The Siili' or V'v •^nii SU/). as described Second Drill. in ectii'ii .f I'ClRWA lU) OK HALT- i>nKRS. INDOl'BLE TIME, rBONf KOBM- 8QUAD. HAt.T- FBOHT. As soon as the quaritr circle is I eompleted, the word Fvrirayd will I he given, if liic march is to be ! continued, or JJait-Ihi-.^. if the .sqp.ad i3 10 bolialted. To fi'ic Front in. Jhnihic Tnnc. — yV hen a squad marching in file« Mght^in front, is required to form to the front, in double time, the leading file will move on steadily )n quick time, the remainder will make a half turn tothe left, double up to their places, and take up the quick time .succes.sivelv as thev ar- l live 111 line with the leading' file. r To the Pivot Flank.— A. sqnad > will form to the pivot flank, th« original front, simply by }ialting \. and fronting as already described. IlKilH CI.OSK. Qt 1< K- , MAKCil. Oil the word Manh, each volun- teer will turn his eyes slightly to the right, and will carry his right loot as fiir us the foot of flic man next to him, and instantly bring nphis lofi hcol to the right, he will then jiroeeed to take ihe next step in like manner. The direc- tien must bo kept in a straight line tothe flank. I Daring the side step, llie touch [ must 1)0 kept to the closing liank. At the word Halt, the volunteers will bring their heels together, turn their eyes to the front, and remain _ steady. Volunteers will also be practised in closing to the left in like manner. Volunteers will also be practised in taking any named number of paces to either flank, the word to be given thus. Three Pace^ Risrfa Close, Quid-Mmr/i^ no word Ihtlt is then re- quired. Before dismissing the squad, when the driU 18 perfect, the volunteers should be warned t© assemble th« next time with their rifles in thsir MJUAD- IIAT.T. > r y I' Flank.— When iij;lit ill front, ut iiiiiici, tlio Iciiiliiig ri>:lit, take two t iiikI liait ; the .■^•|iuu] will form ri>(lit lilo in buc- Mout.— At this file will whoel to lunl tuko twu iifior wlicL'ling ; t!ie i-:(iua(l will i\'iit'(.lii);,' to the wlii-m ihe Icad- 1, fonnin;,' to the lih.'s, an already in Iront.ftf-'quad tlio pivot tianij. L> iftt, or to the as i' is forrned viiiin; Sh ■l>- nil, oach voliin- eycs slightly to carry liis right >()t of tlic man instantly bring I tiio rii^ht , he I take the next r. I'ho direc- : in a straight lop, tliu touch ! closing flank. rthovoinntcerB 5 together, turn lit, and remain sod in doping iscd ill taking ther flank, the p Vaceft Rigid hilt is tlien re- when the driB be warned to ' rifles in thsir i-jt. ARMS. FOURTH D RILL. Scctioii I. Mil,, Hill K.iriii^e. This drill aiijjlicw equally to corpif urnied with the long and short rille. Tliu volurittrrs will fail in us usual, with their riflca in their ri^',ht luiiidf. and will lirstb" taught to btund witii l!i(:ir iiriw at the .'iliuiildi'r ti^ followii ; The rifle v.Ikii at the ShmtlihT \u to bu Cur- ried in the right laind at the full extent ot the ariB, close to the .side ; puan] tu tholront, witit the forcfingt r am Ihuinb round it, lli- vonndii- ing tingcrs under the cock : the nj^^r part (,f the barrel el -e iuto th'- hollow of Hie ahuuldcr. 'I'hcy will then be taught the following move- mcut.? : Seize the rifle with the left land at the lowi.'sl hand, raising it a lew inches by .^lightly Ijcnding the right arm, but without moving the l)an'cl li'Liii ihc sIiouId'T. and .-lip the thuuib i.'f III" right hand uiider th( cock, bringing tlie fingvr.* un- der the {^uard to the Iront, and .'ilauling tluwiiwartl^ : both arms cIo;;e to Ihe body ; left h;'.nd square . wiih the Ii'li clbov,-. I'as.-i tlie rifle rouiui lo the left side, and cant the bull In I be left rear, with the I'ight haul, biinging the rifle under llu; arm ; then (imp the right hand to the right side. The cociv to be close ")> under the armpit, the bariel to be upjior- niovt. the !• ■■7-^le irianting dowu- waids lu til • :;ht lion* ; ihe rifle to be firmly gra.ipcd with the left hand, wliieh i>; to be ratiicr below the hip ; iho left elbow a little to the rear : the lock not to be vis- ible. n;arcliing or .-itandiiig al ease, the is to grasp tise rifle above the lowest band, the sling or stock to re.st on the left arm, and the h;ft hand to lay hold ..f the right arm above the wrist. Carry the rifle to the right side wiih the lell liaad, and mA'm.'. it with the fore-linger and thumb of the right hand round the guard (remaining fingers imder the eock) at the full extent Of tlio arm without constraint, the left hand to steady it m the shoulder, arm _ close to the body. TWO. N.B. In ri^ht hand TWO. .Ird. OUDl.U- AHV.S. TWI>. kh. ITX- l!.\^i)NKT- ) iJiint; fho lelt hand o the left t side. \ fyti'i'M- the liflc with tho left hatid, thumb and tingeiK round the [licce, liie litilc linger in line with tin' point of (he right ^hov.l- der, bet wiihoui, n.oving the bar- rel llaiclrnui, ,11 hi elii-r lo the body. Slip tlio I'ilh' tlown with the li'ft hand as low ,is ih- lelt arm will admit, keepin-j the arm and ritln clo-io to the body, and with the right haiul, which is to seize the rilie between the bands, placi! ■J the butt tiuielly vu the ground oven with the toe ol' the right li)ut, bringir.g the kit hand at the same instant to the left side; the right arm lo be slightly bent, the thumb round th" barrel, prcijsed agaiii;4. the lhii:li, lingers sluniinj: ^_ low.-u'ds the- grouiui. 1-1. At tiie w.-.rd /■/■•, place ilie iliuinb quick a-; bi'irel. 2ic!. A coiiuii;!!:d gripe of right, hi no-silile, behind , a» the rho the lon ;is the \\iM\\ of 'idly given, take a tireloek. and push 2ad. SHOULDEK •; ARMS. -)th. •aoLi.uj AUVS, TWO. Cth. rKKSENT- mui',:^ o a little lorward, grasp- ing ihe i.>s;Vonet with the lelt hand, tlio elbow kept well for- ward, so as nol lo iiuerU-re with the kl't-liaud man, and tixing it with the utmost celerity. The instant lais is done, return, as quick as po.^.sible, to the Order ai above uc-scri'H.d, and stand pei- _ ketly tteadi'. I Kaise the rille with a short jerk of the riglit hand, and seize it m described in th(> " position at thu K^ shoulder;' at tiie same time I seize the Vilie also with the lel'i hand in line with the elbow to I steady it in the shoulder, arm I close to the body. < Ering the left haml to the lell '( side. ^ Seizo the rifle with the left -, hand as in the first motioo of 8 I VA\ II liiiiid pcrpoiidiculnrly I'loni llio sliniiKlcr to iln. yjo/.vv, hrin^'iii^' it ill li'oiit (it'tliciT'iitri' nlthc luidy, l(K'lv to tlio (runt: ut the >:imic tiiiii! iiliu.'c tilt! Ii'lt liiiiid .siiuirllv T^^'''' "II till- -tdck with tllL' Illl^'OIM Iioiiilint,' iif)waril.-<, tlictliiiinbcldso to IJK.' Ibrclinp'r. lliu point in line Willi lliu moiitli, the MTist on tho trijrpiT ^!unnl. tin- Icit tlhuw -•jo-e tf> tliii l.iilt, the iii..|)t ( ll.i.nv and i'Mtt cIdsi' to the body. prini^' the v\i\n fjuwii with a <|uick iiidliiMi IIS low i(s till' ri-ht hiindwill;i(hnit without loii-traiij, ','iiard to the rruiil, and -rasp it with llic'lclt hand, the littli.'tln;,'or toiichini; the pioic.'iinn above tho lof-'k plat<\ thutnb bclwcfii stock aiid bnrivl, at ihu MaiiU' time draw TiiiiKi-:. ' back the lighl. loot so thai iho hollow of it ni,i.y touch th.- li'l't iu!i.'i ; li;jlitly lioldii'ir t|„. .^.n^H of I the l.Hitf wiih tlu' i^ija iiiuid. Hn- ; KITS iioiiitiijjr railii.T downwards; j liio rillf in this p./>ilion to ho tc- i tally aipiiortL'd with lliu loft hand, eloso in front o( and onjxwitc; the contn.' ol the body. Hriniithc riflo to the ri;;-iit i-ide, and seize it Avith the rii^ht hand, tho thumb and I'orelinger round tho guard at tho full extent of tho arm, remaining linofrs under the ooek, brinpini: the left hand stjuaru with the li'ti elbow and the ri<;ht foot to its original jiositimi, both arms close to the bod' . j Idling the left hari', •■■ i!v to i the side. I n.Muti:- K'»t i <")n the word /*p/"wAi,tlie tronl- rank men will make a right haif- faoe, till- right toes to point to tho right, the Idt full to liie Iroiit, niid bring down the rillo to nearly h horizontal position nt at tin; right \ .">i<)e, with the iim/zli' iui lining ii ii.vvoxi:is jliltle upwards, tho right wrist to rest against the hollow of tho thigh below tlieliij), the tliumb of the ri;.lit hand pointing to the inuj'.^'lf. The roar-rank men will tlill,reuiainiu{;atthi»'Tort.'' \\ henovur :\ I'ompjmy in line charges with bayonets, the whole mv in the lir.-t m.staiiw lo advuneo in (|uiek time with shouldered uma; nt the ooinmi-nd J'rapar« Ut Ohargt, the rifles ui the Ironi I'nnk will be brought to the lony trail, and those of the rear rank to the.(,.sition, luid the paee inereasial lo the double manh, e.irofidly avoiding too inueh liurry. On tlio word h.ill. both raiik> will halt and shoulder arms. 1th. siioi; i.ni:!! HI//,. Itais<' till' nl!e fu a peiprndieu- lar po(h. CRUKU- AKMS. Urinjj tlit5 iip;lit liuml tiinartly iicros-; tlie body mid |iliii'(« it on tlu- It'll Imiid, tlmiiilisol IjothlmtulH to bt; oil the lioul ol' the butt, lliat ul'llie left iii'iirust to llio lock; iil tlw; iJ.mic tiiiin iiiovo llu' I<'ft loot >ix iiH.lifs to tl.c Iroiit (ti'ct Ht'piir- iUcd), \\i-j !(!'l kiico to b(^ -:li|;-lilly tx'iit, tlu'f.'irai'Tpiirtctfthc v.fii.'lit 111' tin; body to bi? bioiK.flit Oil tli<.' riylit Icj,' : no conatniint. .Hi'Iii',' tl'c left foot back ill lino witii liir i'i;;iit, mill lluj riylil, liuiid siiuirily to iliu ri;j-ht ,-,iil<'. i^ci/i; tliPSliuill ul'llii; butt with tho ri' lit liiuid. I UNt-IX BAYOh:£r,s nth. STANU AT KASU, lli,UI. AI'.M'^. lirin;,' (he rifle to tliu ri;;lit sido I'lid sri'/i" it !u< describcHl in thu position "at the t'lioulder." ufirry ing tlio loft hand across tht; body \r, ilc.'uly it. Drop the I'ft iinu to the side. As iilix'ody detailed. At the woid L'lijir. '^lip the tlminb of till' ri;,'ht hniiJ iu roar of the barrel ; at tlio last soi'- of the v'ord Bayovd, forco i.. muzzle a littlo lluward, bring tlio loft hand .smartly fo the Mpjior loop, the thumli pointiiii^ upwards. S"ize th(; socket of the bayonet between the tbr(.'linL'er and thumb oi the ri;;ht hand pre~sin;? the spring back with the lirst joint of the finger, the back of the knuckle of the second joint being at the same time jilaced .against the bow ; rai.se the bayonet to disengngo it from the spring, and when it is as high as the turn, twist it to the left to disengage it from the muz- zle ; let the bow fall over the thumb, and the two forefingers on the top of the socket, with the left hand force the nuizzlo of the fire- lock back to its proper position ; at the same instant bring the thumb of the left hand on the top of the scabbard, for the purpose of guiding the bayonet into it; and bring the right hand smartly to the position of ordered arms. 91I0L-1 Ij!;R AliMH. I wo. TRAI' ARMS. TlVO. CHANCE ARMS. ARM3. I" ruvli the iiuizzl"' of th»! rifle to j the front with the right hand, nnii I clos<; to tiie side, at the sfinio time I move the lel't fool nix iiiehe.s to the front, tht! kneii slightly bent, and till! priucil'al wi-ight of thu body re-ting nn the right leg, an described in Drill I. Section '2. Tmiliu;/ Anns. IVoiu imlered arms, bring thu rille til .a liorizntital position at thu right jide, holding it with the rii'ht hand bihiml the lower banil (thumb and lingers round the piece) at the full extent of the arm. (■ liaise the rille to a perpendieu- j lar po.''ition at the right .side, and i-ei/.e it with the right haurlug the cartridge to the forc- tinger and tliumV) of tiie lefr, hand, and (.arclidly t(;ar olf the end without sjiiUing the powder, then replace the finger and thumb as belbrc. Bring the cartridge to the muz- zle, and pour the powder into the bai'rel, turning the elbow up, and palm of the liand to the front. THRKE. KOl'R. nvr. ROD. TWO. HiHCn. TWO. THREB. FOUR. r Reserve the cartridge by turn- I ing the knuckles to the Iront, and ' put tlie bulletin the barrel nearly as far as the top, still lioliling the paper close above the bullet, el- bow up. By a turn of the wrist from left to right, and dropping the elbow into the side, tear olt tlui paper; < when this motion is completed, the little finger is to rest against the side of the barrel, the knuck- _ les inclining towards the ground. f Seize t,ho head of the ramrod < between the forelinger and thumb, ( knuckles towards the body. Force the rann-od up and seijie it in tlio middle between the first two (ingers a; id thimib of the ■ right hand, the remaining fingers to be eiosi;-d in th(i hand, knuckles towards the body, elbow as high as the wri.^t. Draw the ramrod straiii-ht out, turn it over towards the front, and place the bead of iL on the i bullet, still liolding il,e ramrod witli till t'.vo first fingers closed in the hand, knuckles to the front, elbow near to the ramrod, shoul- ders sipiai't.'. Force the bullet down till the second linjror touches the barrel, I liringiiig the cihow close to the i. body. f Slip the light iiand \m to the I point of the ramrod, ancl seize it \ lictween the first two fingers and thuml), knuckles to the front, the arm to bo kept as close to the ramrod as possible. Force the bullet steadily to the l)ottom, bringing the elbow down close to tlie body, inelining the knuckles to the right. By two firm prt.-ssures. raising the ramrod about one inch on each occasion, ascertain that the \ bullet i.; resting on the powder; all strokes which may indent the point of the bullet to be carefully _ avoided. 12 KETUKN. TWO. CAP, TWO. POUR. FIVE. ( Di'ivw up tlio ramrod and solze V it in the niiddio as in tho first ( motion of tlio •' rod." *" Draw tlie lairirod strai^^lit out, tuin it over, tiio point towards the H'oiil", and put it into its place, pressin;,' it towarijs the body in so doino; to prevent tlio point catching the hand, raise the right hand, iil.iee the second joint of the forefinger on the head of the raun-od and loree it home ; then .seize it !)ei ween the second joint of the forefini;er and tliunib, and slip the left hand down at the same in.^tant to its full extent and seize the rille. Turn the siiou'ders and body a haU I'aee to the ri.rht v.-ilhoi;f moving the fi^et, bi-ing ttie riile to tlio right sid;", in a liorlzonlal po.^ilion, wiih the lel't hand, which v.iii gr;;sp it behind the lower band, tinimb between stock and barrel , at the same time meet liie small of the butt with tl'.e ri;jht liaiid, finger.s behind the trigger guard, Imli' cock the riile with the thumb, lelt arm close to the body. An a front rani; the small of the butt must be [tressed ii,gain.--,t the hip ; os a rcur ^rank, four inoiie.-. above it. C Adva-.!i;e the finger.-^, to tiie < nipple, and w\i\\ tluj forefinger ( ihi-ow oil' the old eaj). f Ciri'V the hr.nd to the cip I poekel, and take up a cap be- TURicE. ■{ tween the foiefmger and thumb, I the rem;iip.ing fingers to be closed [in the hand, elbow to the rear. Put the cap straight upon tlio nipjjle, looking to the ft out af.er doing so. f Press tlie cap b.ome v,-ith the J flat part o!' the thumb, v/ith tlie ] fingers clos(>d in tlie hand and [against the lock plaie. f Bring ilie hand to the "small" ! of the butt, and huld it lightly SIX. ■{ with tlie fingers hchini! the IrigijfV I guard, lliuinb ])ointing to the i. muzzle. Carry the right hand to tho sight, and with tlie forefinger and thumb adjust tho sliding bar, placing the top even with the line, or to the place tliat indicates the elevation necessary for tho distance named ; then raise tho AT — ins. ■( lia)) without a jerk, fi'oni tlie top, READY. if requir(.'d ; alier \vliich bi'ing the liand back to t.iie small of the butt, and lull eoek tho rifie, and hold it lightly with tho fingera behind the trigger guard, thumb pointing to the muzzle, and fix the eye .steadi';ustly on some ob- ject i\i li-oi;t. Bring the rifie to the .shoulder, carrying it we!! to tho front, so as to clciU' the body as it goes up, k'eeping a firm iioid of it behind the lower band wiili the left hand; raise the righc elbow SvS higii as the shoulder and a littlo Ibrward ; press the butt against t!ie sat'ulder with the led hand, and bring the left elbow \\'ell mi- ller tlu! rille to lorm a support; hold the butt lightly with tho right hand, tho muzzle Dointing a few /neha.s below tlK-. objecfc •\vliieh tiu; eye is fixeil on, the I'oreiinger along the outside of the trigger guard, and tlie ieileye closed. It is very imj>ortant tliat the volunteer bo well praeii.■^ed in iirin^ing liie rille to tho ''Present." Tiie instriiotor ^v ill tlicrelbre eauso him frequently to repent tlie motion as abovo described, dii'octing him to biing t!;e rifie down again to the right side at the words, as PRESL'NT. you ivare. TWO. THREE. ?OVV^. [ Place the foiefinger I'ound the I trigger like a iiouk, that part of if; { betNveei! tlai first and second joint j to rest Ihit on the trigger, and re- I. strain tiic breathing. { iJaise the muzzle steadily until I the top of the fore-sight is brought \ in a hue witli tho object through the bottom of tlse notch of the back-sight. f I'ress tlie trigger without the 1 lea-t jerk or motion of the hand, "j e}'e, or arm until the cock falls I upon tlu; nipple, keeping the eye i still firmly fi.ved upon the object. rivK. hand to tho tlie forc'lingor ;he bliding bar, ;ven with the i tiiat indicates C'ssary for tho then raise tho , IVoiii tho top, vliich bring the ! small of the tho riHo, and th tho fingera guard, tlmmb ux;de, and fix on soruc ob- o 1 1 10 jjhouldcr, .0 tho fiont, 60 y as it goes up, d of it bohind wiih the left ghi, elbow fivS Ifr and a little butt against tho led hand, :'lbow well uii- rni a s^upport; hlly Willi tho uzzie noinling nv IIk. ol)jecb fixed on, tho he outside of md tlie leit ej'G o volunteer be le lille to the Lliereforo cause otion as above jiing tiio rifle ) the word.s, as guv roiind the that pai't of it; el .second joint ; steadily until ightis brought -'Iject through i notch of the ;r wilhotit the n of tiK! hand, the cock tails coping the eye ion tho object. 13 (• Bring the rifle to the capping I position, and shut down the flap, but without moTing the aUding bar, and immediately seize ttie ■ifle with the right hand close in front of the left, fore arm close to the barrel; and after a pause, riVK. \ taking the time from tho right, turn the barrel at onue down- wards, and bring the rifte to a perpendicular position opposite the right breast in the right hand, then seize it with the left haml at the nose cap, and come to the position of "prepare t« load," second motion. The volunteer should always be taught to aim at some positive object when bringing his riile to tlie " Present ;" for this purpose small bulls-eyes should bo painted on a wall or fence, one above another, two and four feet from the ground, and at lateral distances of three feet; they should be white, the she of a crown piece, with black centres the size of a shilling. Particular attention is to be given to the following points, in the " Present." The body is to be firm and upright, the butt to be pres- sed firmly into the hollow of the shoulder,, the rifle to be held firmly in the left hand the sight to be upright, and in aiming, the muzzle to be steadily raised until the top of tlie fore-sight is aligned upon the object on which the right eye is fixed, through the bottom of the notch of the back-sight, the left eye being closed and the breathing restrained. In delivering the fire, the trigger is to be moved by pressure alone, without any motion of the hand, eye, or elbow ; the right eye to continue fixed on the object after snapping, to ascertain if the aim has been deranged by the movement of the trigger or body. SoecHon 2. T'> ShouMcr and Ordfi frnrn fhf Capping Position. To Shoulder. — At the word shoulder, bring the left foot back to the right. At the word arms, • turn upon the heels to the front, at tho same time bring the riue to its place at the shoulder, seiz- . ing it with the vight hand. Drop the ;t it, liand t» the lide. SHOULDKR ARU8. TWO. ORDER- ARMS. { To Order. — At the word " or- dtr," bring the left foot back to the right, and seize the rifle with the right hand close in front of the left; fore-arm close to tho barrel. At the word arms, face to the front, and with the right hand place the butt quietly on the ground, and drop the left arm to the left side, in the position at ordered arms, explained in th» , manual exercise. Section 3. To Load from the fjrdm: When required to load from the " Order," on the words Prepare to Load, the volunteer will make a half face to the right, as in load- ing from the shoulder, moving his rifle with the body. On the word Tico, he will bring his rifle with tlie right hand to the loading position, seizing it at the nose cap with the left hand ; in all otlier respects he will pro- ceed as already described. Section 4. To come to the " Ready." From the Shoulder. — Make a right half face, the left foot to point to the from, the right foot \ to the right, at the same time seize the rifle with tlie leit hand, the httle finger in line with the . right elbow. Bring the rifle to a horizontal position at the right side, grasp- ing it firmly with the left hand behind the lowest band, thumb between the stock and barrel, left arm close to the body ; as a front rank the small of the butt must be pressed against the hip ; \ as a rear rank, four inches above it. Then carry the left foot, as a front rank, ten inches to the left front in a diagonal direction, car- rying the body with it ; as a rear rank, six inches lo die iiont, moving the body with it, and proceed aa already described in the " Ready." A3 A FRONT (or rear) RANK AT — TARDS. HKADT. TWO. A3 A FRONT (or rear) RANK AT — YARDS. READT. From the Order. — Make a right half face as before described, car- rying the rifle round with the body. 14 TWO. Section 5, HBK AS A raoKT (or rsar) "" ItAMK EHEBLIKO AT — TAUD8. RBADT. PRBSKMT. TWO. THRICE. FOLK. nvE. Bring the rifle to a horijiontftl j position at the right side, grasp- ' iug it with the left hand, and pro- ceed as aboTe described. To Fire and Re-load Kneeling. Sink down on the right knee ; 0.9 a front ranh, the knee should be 6 inches to the right, and 12 to the rear of thu left heel; as a rear rank, 12 indies to the right and 12 to the rear of the left heel ; the right foot upright and under the body, body resting on the heel, the lower part of the left leg nearly perpendicular, at the same time bring the rifle down to the readyposition.adjust the sight, and cock a4 already described. As ■when standing, except that the lell elbow is placed on the knee to form a support, the weight of the body still on the right foot. As already explained when standing. front Rank. \ Hear Rant. Bring the rifle! Itring the rifle down to the cap-; down to the capping plug position, Hi tliejpusitioii, at the same same time raise tlie time raise the body body ofl' the right'off ihe riglit heel, heel, and place the|and place tlie lelt left fore-arm square, fore-arm square on on the left thigh six the left knee; then inches behind ihejshut down the flap knee ; then shnt do-|without a jerk, and wn the flap withoutjreturn the hand to a Jerk, and return the small of the ■•"bull; and alter ii the hand to tlii' gmall of the butt. After a pause come to the position ofpare '•prepare to loa;' "jturnin pause come to the position of "pre- to load," by ,..v.i....w ,„. ig the rifle by carrying the rilleloverin the left hand in both hands roundland placing the butt ' in front of the leflion the ground, lock leg, turning the bar- i uppermost, undo rol downwards at the shin of the nghl the same timf , andiicgof thel'ront rauli. with the letX handlmau of the 111'' on passing the butt;tho right, nu'eting close by tlie body tho barrel with the oTcr the right heel to the left rear to the extent of the left ' arm, in'.'eting it at the sanio time with the right hand, the thumb in lino with the mu/./.le, then right hand thumb in line with I ho muxzlo, wkioh in to be as high and in a line with the right shoulder,pointingto tho rear, then »ei«o the rifle with the loft seize the rifle irithlhaud at the noso thp b-ft Imiid «t thi'!?ap, Raerwarda car- nose cap, afterwards! ry the right hand to carry the right handl the pouch »ud pro- to the poich and ceed as already de- proceed as alrogdyjicribe*. described. I LOAD. TWO. TUREI. roOB. At already ex plained whunitand- iBg. A« already ei- nlalned when stand- lag. With ih« left hand bring tho rifle to a horizontal position D.t the right side, muxxle to the iront, and let the body re- si.mo the right half- fftoe, place tho left foro-BKm at once square on the loft CAP. { knee, at the same time meet the small of tho butt with the Angers behind the guard, and half cock tho rifle, the thumb to remain on the cock ; the rifle to bo grasped with the left hand, as detail- ed when capping standing; the butt to be pressed aga'sl the side. With the let\ band raise the butt oter right heel, close by tho body, 'n a slant- ing direction, until the left elbow Is l)rought In front of the hip, at the same time dropping the right hand to the right aide, then bring tho rifle round in front of tho left log, 10 a horizontal position at the right side, and the shoul- ders to the right half face, placing tho left fore-arm at once square on the thigh six inches be- hind tho knee, and meeting the email of the butt with the right hand, which is'to hold it lightly, with the Angers be-j hind tho trigger, guard, and lialf cock the rifle, the thumb to remain on. tho cock, the rifle to! be grasped with the' left hand, as detail- ed when capping standing; the butt to be pressed nga'st the side. \ As detailed ) standing. Siction G. To SlwuUf^r and Oixler freia the. Cappinf) Position, Knediwj. f At the word suol'ldkr, spring up to the standing position, at tho half-face to right, _ bringing the right hee" word oRiiK.n, and TV70. when capping A15MS, Oil \ manner ORDKn 1 AUM;>. to the left up at the spring up in hko at tlie samo time seize the ritle with th" right; hand close in front of the left. At the word arms, proceed as described in shouldering or_ or- dering from tho capping position standing. &ciiion 7. Plutoon Kxxrcise in Slo}" uny cease firing and are loaded, the rear- rank men will take a pace to the rear, to re- sume their proper distance. When formed in two ranks the cantiiins ''a.s a front (or rear) rank" are of course unnecessary. Section 4. Movemfni'i in two ranlxs. Volunteers must also practise, m two ranivs, all the movements they have learned in one, the rear-rank men being earefiil to preserve their proper disic noes from their respective front-rank men, and their covering in rear of them. When wheeling iroin the halt, the pivot man of Uie front rank will face as already de- scribed, his rear-rank man will uncover and double in rear of the second file, thus, when whceUng to the right, the right-hand man of the front rank will face to the right, his rear- rauk man will take one pace to the rear with his right foot, then one pace to his left with hifi left foot; he will regain his place during the wheel. Tfa squad is required to wheel back from the halt, the caution will first be given, on which tho pivot man will face, but in wheeling back his rear-rank man will not uncover; the volunteers will then be faced about and wheeled rear rank in front. When marching in files the rear-rank mcu must dress by their respective front-rank men. In lorming to the rever^^e flank, or to th» right or left about, the rear rank will proceed as described in Section .T of Uks Third Drill; the froat-rank men will move round their respective rear-rank men, and form succes- sively in front of tlunn ; when forming to the front the rear-rank man of the loading file will drop to tlie rear of tiie front-rank raaa while the stpiad is forming; the rest of th» rear-ramc men will follow tlieir front-rank men. In the diagonal march thw rear-rank men must preserve their relative positions with their fi-tmt-rauk men. .so that when they hall and front they will loo found in their proner places. Section ,'j. Firings. The volunteers must also be practised i'& firing volleys and in independent file firing, !i8 follows , — Volleys.— On this caution th« rear rank will close up, as abov« directed. AT--vAiu)s / As. already taught in the pU- RKAiiy. \ toon exercise. PHKSKNT. riLK ITR- ING FKOM TIIK RIGHT (or lkkt) or FROM BOTH ri, A N K 8 . V I R K A \ VOLI.ET. j As already ta\ight. File, firing. — On this cautiott the rear rank will close up, M above described. COMMKKCK On this word the fiauk file will make ready and fire, front-rank man first, rear-rank man immedi- ately afterwards; they will then load ; as the flank file comes to the present tho next file will makft ready, and so on for the first round, after which the files will fire and load independently. When only a few men are firing in the eame direction, they must fire the firtt rouHd very slowly, each file wait- ing till the file next to it is nearly reloaded; but when the whoU corps is firing in one line the me*. mav fire rather faster. 16 CEASK f 1 R r N G On this word each file will com- plete its loading, and "shoulder arms;" if any man has "made ready," he will half cock his rifle ; the rear-rank men will resume their proper distance as they _ shoulder. As a general rule it will bo advisable, when firing volleys or file firing', fo direct the front rank to fire kjieeliaj;. Section 6. The Formation of Fours. I On the word (Jeep, tlic left files KiiL-.vn, I will double behind the right files roiTRs — ! by taking a pace to tlic roar with vr.r.i'. \ their left feet, and a pace to the [ riglit with their right feet. On the word front, the leftfile.s will move up in line with the right { files, by taking a pace to the left with their left feet, and a ))ace to the front with their right teet. On the word aho^it, the whole squad will face to the right-about, and the left filcK will "double in ■\ tlie proper rear of tlie right files, I by taking a pace to the front will; I the right feet, and a pace to the [left with their left feet. ( On the -word front, the whole iTAn 1 squad will face to the right about N T. 1 and re-form two-deep, as already I described. SQCiD r R N T. FOURS— ABOCT. KQU r I r IQUAD FOURS — RIGHT. SQCA» FRONT. SQUAD, Founs — LIFT. 8QUAD- F II .N T. ^ On the word right, the squad will face to the right, and tlie left files will form on the right of the right files, by taking one pace to the right with their right feet, and one pace to the front with their left feet. On the word front, tlie squad will face to the left and re-lorra two deep, as already described. On the wovi left, the squad will face to the left, and the left files will form on the left of the right files, by taking one pace to the left with their left feet and one pace to tho rear with their right feet. On the word frovt, the squad will face to the right and re-foi'm two deep, as already described. By the arrangement of the odd and blank flics, when such occur, as explained in Sec- ti«n 4 of the Fourth Drill, the left four of a squad or coMpany will always be complete Tho squad will bo practised to form fours on the march. In these formations the left files will move precisely in tlie same manner as they do when forming from the halt, the right files marking time two paces to enable them to do so. When forming fours to a flank, file volunteers will turn instead of facing. Wiien advancing or retiring, the words of cuuiinand for forming four deep will he, fours deep, and lor forming two deep, form two df.ep. When moving to a flank in fours, on the yvovA-i. frmtt (or year)-i'trn, the volunteers will turn as ordered, and tiien form two deep without further word of command. A squad moving to a flank in fours maybe ordered to form two deep, on which the left files will fall back or step up to their places in file ; and at the word form four deep, the left files will resume their places in fours. S. 7. — Wheeling in Fours, andforming Squad from Fours. Wheeling. — A squad taking ground to a flank by fours, will wheel to the right or left, in the same manner as it wheels in files, each four wheeling successively round the aam* point. Forming to the Front. — When a squad tak- ing ground to a flank by fours is ordered to form to the fronts, the leading fila will mark time, the remainder will turn, if right is in front, to the left, if left is in front, to the right, form two deep, and proceed as describ- ed in Section 4 of this Drill. Forming to the Reverse Flank or to the Right or Left about. — When a squad is ordered to form to the reverse flank, or to tie right or left about, it will at once form two deep, and then proceed as described in Section 4 of thi« Drill. Stction S. — A Squad formtd in Fouri eioiing on a Flank, and Re-forming Two Deep. ON THE f A squad having formed tou^ BIGHT (or deep must be taugkt to close oa left) J the righl or left ; the four men ou CLOSE.] the named flank standing fast, the QUICK- remainder closing on them by the MARCH. [ side step. > 17 [ riu. f 3 HI /KOM RIQI (OR LKFT) RK-FOKM TWO DKKP QUICK -M AKC W. Ill re-forining two deep, on the words ij nick-march, the four men on the nameil flunk will stand fast, the ronminder will open out from tliL'Bi by the side stcj), and tliii left fiK's will move up to their l)liic'c.-; in lino in succession a.s the intin-vrtla are onened for them. TliiM- CorniMtion.^ must als'_i W. practiced 'iuriag tin' rniiM.'h; on the words on (he riyhi (or lr l-ft,} re- form tiro 'hep. the four men on the named flank will cr-ntmui' to march tolhc IVunt with a short pace, the i'»;rna:u(ler will incline out- ward^, and the left flies will movt; up mto the intervals, in succession, us they are opened for thorn. A lar^'! sipiad or company may in like manner l.'C tau^iil to close on its centre, and re-form two deep troni the centre. SEVENTH DRILL. SecltOii 1. (rcneni/ Units for iE.rtciuliivj; in S/cirm i? THE lurmr (CKNTRF, OR No — kii.e)- CLOSK. The front-rauk UKjn will move direct t« the flank, covering correctly on the march, the rear-rank men will cast their eyes over the inward shoulder, and tap their respectir* front-rank men, n« a signal to halt, front, and kneel, whi.'n they have gained their proper di.-tanees. Section ?>. Chuimj on the Hail. \ On the word ("7o.sf, tlit; file on the named flank, or the centre or named file, will raise, order arms, and stand at ease ; the remainder \ will rise, face towards it, and close at quick time, halting, front- ing, ordering arms, and standing at ease, in succession as they ar- rive at their places. The file on which the skirmishers cl08« may be faced in any direction ; the remaind- er will form upon it, facing in the same di- n.'ction. Section i. Extendimj on the March. On the word Extend, the fll» on the named flank, or the centre or named file, will continue to move straight forward in quick time ; the remainder will make a half turn from tiie flank from, which they are ordered to extend \ and move off in double time. Ai Boon as each file has extended to its proper distance, it will turn to its front and resume the quick time, the rear-rank men covering their front-rank men, and the whole keeping in line with th« directing file. When a company, extending on the march, is halted before all the files are extended, the remainder will make a second half turn oat- wards into file, break into quick time, ihoul- der arms, and complete their exten«ion M from the halt. FROM TIIK RKIHT (left, CENTRE, OR No — filk)- EXTHND. 18 ON THI RIGHT (lejt CENTRK OR No — riLK)- Stcihn '). Closing on the March . On tlio word Close, the file on tlio nnraed flank, or the centre or named file, will move steadily on in (jnick time ; the remainder will make a h»lf turn toward:^ it and close in double lime, turn- in<,' to I he tVonI, and rcsmning ilie quick time ii^ tbey arrive at, tlieir , place. When a company, rlosing on tlie march, is halted before all the lilcs are closed, the re- mainder will makeasecond half'turn inwards into file, break into quick time, and complete the formation as from the iialt. Section (1. Advanciwi in Skirmishiny Order ( On the word Advance, the vol- I ante lis will raise and step off in ^ quick time: with trailed arms, I keeping their di^Jtances from the (, centre. Retiring ii% Skirmuihing Ord^: { On the word Retire, the volun- I teors will ri.se, face to the right \ about, and step oil' in quick time, I rear-rank in front, keeping their [ distances from the centre. Volunteer.* in exended order will invariably (ace or turn to the right about, whether they are advancing, n^tiring, tiring or not firing. Section 8. fnrJiniiig to a Flank. 'OMI'ANV ADVANCK. ,Sertio7t COMPANY BETiin:. TO TIIV; UmilT (OR i.Err) JNCUXK. ADVANCE, OK R«TIRK. On the word Indine, the skir- mishers will make a half turn to the flank to which they are order- ed to incline, and move in a diago- nal direction, until they are order- ed to resume their orginal direc- tion to the front or rear, by the < word of command Adtmnce or Retire. If the skirmishers have made a half turn, and are again ordered to incline in the same di- rection, on the second word Jn- cUne, they will complete the turn, and w^ill take ground to the flank in flle. On the word halt, when volun- teers are inclining, they halt, front, ( and I- -jl. When inclining to the right, the right tile directs ; when inclining to the left, the left file directs. On the word advance oy retire, the centre C\\c re.sunie.s the directio' . HALT. Section fi Skirmishers ehanginrj Frwit or Direction. 1. From the Halt. — A lino of shirmishwi halted, can change front on any two named files that may be placed a,'* a base for the re«l to form upon. A change of front in tiiis manner may b« mads at any aagU. CHANGE FRONT TO THE «IOUT (or lkft) on ■ THE TWO RIGHT (oh LEFT) P I L G g. On the caution tlic two named files will rise, and the instructor will dress them in the direction required ; ai .soon as they are placed they will again knesl. DOUIILK- WARCII. If all On the word march, the Avhole will rise, and il' all the files are to be thrown forward on a flank, they will make a half-face in- wards, and run across by the shortest way to their places in the new line, dressing on the two base files, as they successively ^ Vialt, and then kneeling. the files are to be thrown back on either flank, they will turn round, move across and halt, front and kneel successively as they arrive at their places in the new line. If the change is on two central tiles, part of the company will bo thrown forwanl and the rest back, as above describe it will form subdivisions on the march, if a subdivision it will form sections. 'l"he skirmishers will move to the rear at the double, closing on the inward files or subdivisions (or sections), as described in the preceding paragraph, except that the centre tiles will incline outwurds when they commence to retire, in order to keep clear of the front of their support. As the skirmishers approach the support, (lie latter will halt, the rear suodivisiou (or section) closing ou tlie , leading subdivision (or section), each fixing j bayonets as it comes to the halt; the skirmish- | ers will turn inward.^, and form close column j or subdivions (or sections) in rear of the sup- ; ports, fi.\ing bayonets as they lialt ul front. ; 'ITio square will then be ordered to iireimre for i cavalry, as described in Section 7 ol the Vligbth Drill. If skirmishers cannot reach tne sui»port, which will be signiiied on parade by repeating Mq alarm, they will, if a company, form com- : -'■ ,■ .rjare, if a subdivision tlicy will form r.,i,,\;i quur- the support will also form «<5n;.v. 7 c? caCying square. ■-ctrmi. ReltPi-'ir Skirmishers. Whe. ji.irmishci-s ht>.\e suffered considerable 1088. when they are fatigued by continued When retiring, the Bocccflsivc rchcf of lh« aklrmishcrs by supports, is the most enectnal method of keeping an enemy in feck. Tho omccr commanding a support shoold therefoM be constantly on the look-out for good nositions. in which he may extend his men with advan- tage, such 08 a bank, a ditch, a wall, or bhc - like cover. Afte- relieving, the tiew skirmish- ers must hold their position until ordevcd t-. continue the retreat. 'I'he following general rules arclni;! ''•'''■. for relieving skirmishers under the dilTercnt cir- curastancca: lielicvinfi Skirmishas ihul are hallcd.~-l(i relieve skirmishers that are halted, the snpport i will extend in the rear, out of immediate reacJi ' of the enemy's fire, and then run up to the old ' line- The old skiri.iishers on being relieved. will run straight to their rear, and when out or immediate reach of the enemy's lire, will clow on the centre and form support. Should an immediate advance be intended, the old hkirmishers. on being relievsd, will re- main lying down till the new skirmishers hav* gained sufficient distance to their front ; they will then rise, close on the centre, and form support. Relievivii- Skirmishers that are nflvamxng. —The support will extend on the march and then double up to the old skirmishers, changing into quick time as it passes through them, on which the old line will lie down and wait m the new skirmishers are suflicicntly advance* to protect them from immediate fire, when they will rise and close to the centre, forpiing tb« support. livlicvinp: Skiryn^shfrii that arc retiring.-- To relieve slsi-n-.'.i ■■■ that are ' ■•'ni.g, th« sui),iortv.-l: tiail, uuJ front, at a considerabl* dislunce in the rear, and will then extend, each man. if possible, getting uiuIot cover Whei the old skirmishers arrive within abont twenty or thirty pacas of the luw, they will rm thvough them to the rear and th^n close on tht i centre and form support. Section i). Reinforcing or Extending a line i of Skirmishers to a Flank. Rtinfojcin'■ it. The Company wiii also bv proved, rcar-rauk in front, in formiiii,' fours to tlie right hi)«\ left on the march u.s follow* ; Mark-Time— tjuick. Right About--Turn. Fours- llight, Kear-Turn. I'Viurs I*tt, I'ear-'I'urn. IJalt- Front. Form close clumn of Sections, Quick-March, Ue-form-Compiiny, (^uick-March. Right sectioii first and third, Order-Arms. liCl't sections, si uud and fourth. Order- Arms, llight subilivlsi n\y Stand-at-Kase. Section 7. Mun/auB; at Ease. Volunteers shou 1 not be required to march long distances at tttnition ; tlu-y should be ordered to Mitrcit at Kase, on which they may curry their I'illos in a: y manner they please, and loosen out their files > the reverse' nank ; but tbey must take cur' not to hang back, and open out to the roar, nor loose their phicca, lest they retard other ■ orps that may be i'ollow- ing them. On the wi -d .-ittentivn, they will close in again on the pi /ot flank, and trail arni? properly in the right hand.