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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. ata Hure, 3 2X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ->^!1- «- -:^w >* ^ * / ^^ "nr ^!^ 4 r?-ffi ^; ifrA©ii FOA 7KK VD^AH OF OtTB XiOHD^ .-',\ r.(^^w»tMtin^ ilie Mrd after Bis sett He, or Leap V^ar^ ^, tl':- CA-l'CULATF.D FOR THE M.'mrDlAN OF UAl.rFAX/V, S^' / BUT WILL SERVK FCR»<AK.% PART ,.ju. « ifr ;^-- ■~:^ .,^_,- -.-.«.- 5& *!>iM^^^ ^''PrldjM a glas€e laJierein xnt^may contempt at c^ He'^c'imalf Pmcrr fmd^, Mojestie of God of God: it i^i^iat great^^ bo6i;e of.soTttrge a charif-cier, that, a 7nn.n may r20 o^ti m^d^^k- Xi ', yea, ci'en the simphst man tho^t chriKot rcad}'\iyxjtf.yci'^>. fspcll out ofthi$ hobhe that'tittre^'i^ n (X)D IftP ;' yea, ci'en the simplest man tho^t chriKot ^cad}*^jiaii.ycfWf^ out ofuih hobhe that'tittre^'i^ n (X)D. //of/^^Js^eiJjbe.Jitil^" ^hatMthi» CaUndar, and every Plovghiiian this J!,'Jii2JiiJ^. 1> SOLO *Y C. H. BELCHTR, • 9d9 do over a ball half houtedj do do under 2 do close, 8 do do bettceen 2 do separated, 9 do Flag of any colour ^10 or mere dv ' <^- * farmer's ALMAlfACK. J^igiials made at the Citadel Hill when Vessels ar© coming up the Harbour. One ball clone, a square rigged do. under a ball, ^€9sel .^.One ball half hoisted, •••• 2 do Two do close, 3 do Two do separated,' ....... 4 tio "1 Vendantofany colour, "bdo iXZJ^The. above are hoisted at the east or west yatd arm, ae- Curding to the quarter the vessel first appears in, nnth the addi- tion of a ball at the centre of the yard, until the vessel can be sven, when one or more of the fbllowing descriptive colours toiil be hoisted at the mast head. An Union, a flag ship, with or without a squadron. Do. with a red pendant over it, a two docker. .'// Do. witfi a blue pendant over it, afriLjato. Do. with a white-pendant over it, a small armed'essol. A rod flag pierced white, a paoket. A blue pendant, a mercliant ship. ^* A red do. a merchant brig. ^ , f. , ^ A while do. a topsail schooner or sloop. A blue and white l\\g, horizontally divided, neutral flecH. A white and blue pendant, noiiiral man of war. •; A blue flag, neutral merchant ship. A red, white and blue flag, an enemy's fleet. " *y.' A red fl'igf, an enemy's merchantman. •An Union Jack over neutral or enemy's signals, vessel is do- tCwtiod or prize. A \\i. i,a flag over any signal, vessel bears a flagof trnco. A ball ao ti.e mast head, vessel is on shore in clistreat*. — Should immediaie .;!»' he necessary, gun«( are to be fired. Evplfiiiitf on of Signals. Mado on the ensign StaflTat Ciiti'tniill, to denote tbo port whicli vessels entering the IlarbourMiro from. ■"¥t A red flag, Gieat Britain. ^ A rod and v,'hite do. Mediterranean. • ^,..' „ A red pendant, (.'ontinent of Europe. A white & red f)ondant,Madeira, Canary, or Western Isles. A blue flag, West Indies. A bine pendant, Bermudas, "Bahamas, or Turk's Island. A blue and white flag, United States. ' A white flag, Newfoundland. '*** A red and white fl ig, horizontally divided, Quebec, or Gulf ftf SU-iawrenco. A blue and wiiite flag, horizontally divi-, ded.NowBrunswich, or Bay of Fundy. A whiteS^blue fiendantjvessel has an Englis^h mail on board, i A white pendant, coasts of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. Repeat (Vonr Out Posts at Citadel Hill. For a' square rig^^^nl vessel, two balls of a size. — A Ship,a largo b:i;I at the en'l of the yard with a small one in the centre.— A brig.a small ball aUhe end of tho yarcl, witU a largo one ia tfce eentre. " '^^ ' , -¥ . ' . ' , . i < > ..J J r \ ■^ l9 h lo • t- >t; H K > \J 6|' A lorensfe in the centre close up, -a sloop or achooncr. Do. hnlf hoisted, two or more scliooners. Merchant's Privfite- Signals — Port of Halifax. BfiUE— J. U. Tidmarslj, a blue flajr. A. Belcher & Co do crossed white. S. Cnnard & Co do.. . . centre a white star Wni. vStnry.. . do do,., a white square John (^iark dp crossed white diagonally Wm. PrytH* &.Co, a blue & wiiite do.blue uppermost M. Richardson, a blue and red do.blue next the inaat ' ■ ijreo P Lawson, a blue and white chequered do VVm B.llamilton &Co.a blue, white & blue do.blue uppermost Jas Oswald, a blue, whjte and red do. blue uppermost Francis Stevens, a blue, white <fc blue do.blue next the mast W. %i R Lawson. a blue &, white do. crossed diagonally W.M. Deblois.a blue do, bordered while, centre a D enclosed by two trianolcs leversed. .M.B. Almon, a tluc ^ red do. cros.sed white, "bl-ue next the mast. Joar-ph Allison & Co. a blue burgee. Conrad West, d<i. eentre a white star. '* - C i§^ A Mitchell, a blue & white do. blue uppermost RED,— D &- E l^'tarr, a red flag J Sf iM Tobin, do crossed white. f'reighton & Grfxi?sie, do crossed white diagonally. Dehlois & Mitchell, do. centre a whitesquare ■ Chas & W Rorhe, do. centre a v;kite diamond B. Zwicker, do. centre a Z. Boggs ^ Harti-i;orne, a red and white chequered flag E. Collins 4' Co. a red and yellow flag, horizontally divided I'hos Tobin, a red and white do. crossed dii\gonally ThpsLaidlaw a red, whitev& red do. red uppormo.st Fiddes &■ Robertson, a white ^ red du. red uppcntioft Robert Noble, a red do. centre an N. John Brown & Sons, a red burgee, centre a B , James Leishn.an & Co. . . .^o. - . .crossed white diagonally. White. — J. &"T. Williamson, a white flag. T J. ji. Starr, ? i » u i 4. W J Starr \ centre a blue star. Fairbanks & APNab, do. crossed blue. James G. Ritchie, do. striped blue horizontally. Jiohn & W. Grant, do. centre (i. S*. William Stairs, do. centre a blue square. John A. Barry, do. crossed red. T. M. Morris, do. centre a blue ball, & bordered blue. W. STrachan, a white, red ^ white do. while next th«' niai^t. Josejih & David Starr, a white burgee. Reynolds & Co. a white do. crossed red. IJaJifax &. Liverpool Packet Company, a white, blue, v.iute and red do. white ne.vt thp mast. Yellow. — Tempi© & Lewis Piers! & Ca. a yellow flag, c^entr* a blue ball. T J^ i FARMER'** ALMANACK. L'Epousie & ITnll, a yellow 3f bine chequeretl do. Tlie forojfoiug Signals are worn at the nmiii. Upon re«sc4a* arriving in sight from the Lightllou.se so wearing a signal, a similar ouo is lioistod on the Telegraph St^iV, or at the yard arms of theSignalStaff at ('itnclelllilljwith a pendant under it, descriptive of the cluas of vessels to which she be4i)ngs. llDADstothe Pk'incipal Towns in the Province, with tiie names of Innkeoprjrs and tlistances, and the roads to St. John and Frederictoii, N.B. llnlifa.x to Digby. ll^'j^'^y;, , Birch Covo Ilotul r.jf^voi-ets, VVoy 1 llockingh iin', (jougli's ,Fu'tz"3, Hamilton's liilti's Fitzmaurico'd Pence's, M'Lellan's, 4 TertVy's, Newport, koad. (35) r~> Wallace's, 1 Mrs Wilcox, Wind- 'Vvitter'3, 13 Blanchard's) Tru- ro, 7 modlh road, Co3riiitj''.s, VVey- } (Gourley'SjOiisiow, .5 niouih Chnrcl) ^ OjVowlira, Lower / , . .rournio'sj^Jcisaiboolj Village, \ l^'Cosmairs, Clan?, 4|Clark's, foot of > , ^]^i Tcrrian's, Monta- jCob. .Mountains \ * liil .?a.n Cove, 1.5 Pnr(iy's,top of do. t; 14 Coruiiig's, Bear llivcr. Parry's, Yarmouth Lakes 8 Richan's, t^mith'ti sor, (1")) Songster's, Fal- mouth bndge, Smith's. North ru])'3 Morton's Graham's,' ()' Yarmouth Church, .5 ' 'Blanvoit's,TusketJ() Nic :kerson .s tic river, ^j.i B, ;Sjiinney's, Apub- 8 Apubtic ileu'.^un's, lliv- ( ,, er Philip, \ ^ tSto wart's, 10 iJont's, Amherst, 10 VVoihorhead's \ fort Cumberland. \ 7 g i'o Fredoncton,NB. , JBent'b-, Amherst 125 4 I 5, 4j Ji'^y. iLarkin's,Pabn:co 10 Fowler's 'l^^''*''^''"'^''^^^"'^'"'^^^'^'^.-^*!'- 11 ^o 1 •., 'Kent- I ri-'^ton. joB^ss Sackville, 51 Wells', llewson's, Tantramare Marsh 10 Strickland^, Watfs Sharp's, ('rano's, Harris'.^, Cibbon's, L'..'onard's, Bri(i;.ietown, Annapol;s town Ditmars, W inches' cr's Digby, Ruggles' -ilje t> P'~'^'t'll's,riv.C!yde,5 '^-2) UJ^irgraves, Shol- burne, 7 8 1 12 10 5 1; ITx. to Cumberland. () 5 Ful./,'s, 7 14!} P'lo'cher's ^^huUz's ^i Mall's '^. Keys' '^ Mc Keen's Corbelt'SjiGay's Miller's, | River, Annapolis to rfhel-jSibley's, burne. jlLU's, Clements Ch'jrch,r) Polly's Bear River Bridge,:^ Clark's 3 () 3i 3 7^ n ft > :\lorriso!i's, Dor- eho.4er .loseph Black's LJen Charters', Harper's &, Kelly's, bend of the Petti- coiiack river, \~) .lactpies' 1;") ►Scott.'s 3 Blake ncy's 3 Pittlield's 10 Couule's, Sussex Vale 13^ Baxter's,Finger Board 15 Gilles', head of Bellisle, •r'ro.mwell's, ." Watson's, Washa- 5 T J ^ ( r with roads 14 1.^1 5 Po'iri- J;') 3 :i 10 aex er l)f 5 s \^ If .\: . / domoak. 1 Halifax to Pictou via Johnson's, llnm- Nevers' & Oakley'a Giuiseg, 7 Tilly's, 10 Widow Parley's 10 Fredencton, 10 '292 To St. John, N. B. Baxter's, at thcFin- ger Board, 2'-i7 from Baxter's to De Forrest's, Hampton Ferry,t2 Beatie's, Hammond' M'Kay's, River. 10i^..ooo..» Musqiiodoboit. Dartmouth across the Ferry, ii Preston,Braiii.'y's (i Putnam's ftirm Uart's, M'Keen's, Leckic's, Archibald's Geddes' Heney's, Dunbar's, VV. branch E.lliver, Pictou, '^() 8 5 5 11 la 4 4 4 St. John, 14a 273h via raser's. ■)y To Cr.mberland Windsor Windsor, Parrsboro' ter, FuUerton's, Jcnks' Furlong's, Macan River, 6i Pugsley-'SjNapan, 'J Bent's, Amherst, 9 Wetherhead's, Fort. Cumberland, 7 45 W8- ]) Across the harbour to WahnsleyCourtI across the ferry House, ] " ♦5^ ^-^ Halifax to Antigo- nish. Blanchar(i's,VVest R-ivt r, Pictou, 92 Chisholm's, New Glasgow 10 Sutherland's, Meri- gomish, 7 Murray's 10 Mc Donald'?,Gulf mend's plaius, l^i Phillipps', Ingiaham River I'J Herberts Cove 7 Lovctt's, Cheater 12 Gold river t» Ulackhousc's 4 Martin's river 3 Ernst's, Musljamush river, 5 Mrs ^wicker's, Mahone Bay Heck man's, Lunen- burg (70.]) f; Jon Pernette's ferry at Lahave river 7 Mrs Mannings, ) Petite Riviere 'J* Teals, Broad Cove 4 Mack's,mill villay e !i Liverpool Town 83 Port Mouton Port Joliy. Sable River Jordan River Shelburno Shore, lOirr Halifax to Pictou. To Truro, 04 Lyons', 7 Archibald's, Sal- mon River, 8 Ste\rart's, Mount Tom. 10 Blanc hard's, ^ West River ^ Piclou town I ij^'Mrs Simmond's and Walmsley's, l(j c^'iiuben- 145 The road over the Antigotiish laoim- tains sliortcns the above dir^tance u- Malifax to acadie. Terfry's Cochran's , 4 Muri)hy's, Rawdou Chuifh 8i Ilrnry Bio is' Cove j Douglas 1 I jKeunetcGok brido:c4 Month of the Shu- bout 10 miles. '-^{Hx.fo-Slielburne via bouacadie river Ki^ lyi Lunenburg & i^i-i ' verpool. j -^jj U'2 -•^•' * The Parrsboro' Packet sails rcinilailv to Wpuii^or ;mi(I riorton every week, from the 1st April to Clirislina.s : leaves Parriboro' o" VTn>ifiuf. r«r;..,i „..,i . *i ..,,»:.f;...-T .,.. ..., to be at Wi Parrsboro' very week, from the 1st April to Clirisliiia.s : leaves .)' on Monday [wind and woatlnT pHrmiitiug] so nst Windsor on Tuesday, and will sail from thence tor / the hr»t hlj^h water that happens at or after 8 oVIucL A y p^ , ^» farmkrN almanack. intlio morninqf — loaves Parrsboro' on Thui*s{lay, so as to he at liorh)!! on F'ridHy, and will suil from thfiiico for I'arrsboro' the first high water at or after 8 o'clock in the mornin]». The Packet I'Voquently goes to Windsor twice a week. The column of the Moon's sotithing' in tke Calcnslar pagt'j), ii the lime orhi,!J:li wntorat W indsor, Horton, »SiC^ iM A I L (X) AC 1 1 ES^ The Royal Western Mail Coaches run ffiom Halifax to Windsor, Kentville and Annapolis, and fVojn Annupolis to^ Kontville, Windsor and Halifax, Tiuif.k, timks a Wkek, — l!Mvin.r Halifax and Annapolis on the mornings of 7Ve5</«y, Tdursiaji and Saturdu;/, and leavin<j Kentviilo for Halifax and Annapolis, on t!ic morninfrs of Moncfai/, h'ldncsiaij a.n({ Inldaij, at 5 o'clock precisely, nntil 1st August, and from thence at o'clock. PAB.233. ' ~ £ s d From Halifax to Windsor 15 ■ Kentviile 1 (> ;j Bridjifetown 2 Annapolis 2 Konl ville to Bridgetown 15 r Ann:', polls 1 Windsor to Keiilvillo Oil .'i . Bridgetown 1 G 3 Annapolis Ill ."J J^e7itf>,Mr. ISRAEL ALL mo J^'', Water St. mar tht Bank. Windsor, Ur. JOHjX STARK; KcnUille, Mv. STlilCK- LA.YD ; Annapolis, S. COWLLVG, Esq \Z^J^ The Etsierii Mail Coaclies Icive Halilax ar^d Pictoii on the | iTioriiiu^^s of" ^Nlond.iy. W-cdnesday, find Friday, at () o'clock, a m ; and arrive at Halifax on the eveiiii.gs of Tuesday, Thursday and Saluid-xy at '^ o'clock p m Agimts, Halifax, Mr .HUGH CAMPBELL, Upper Water St. opposite the Ordnance ; Pictuu, Mr. JAS. PRIMROSE. FARES. —Fiom Halifax to Truro jCl — ^ Piciou 1 10 — ~ Trui'O to Pictou , V2 The Henrietta Stfam Boat, plies Thrke timks a Week between St. John, Cii-byand Annapolis, and St. John, East- port, and St. Andrew'.^, carryinfjf the mails and pas>'eiij,fers. Monday, leaves St. John for Digby and Aniuipolis ; reiurna from Annapolis (touching at Digby ^ to St. John, on Tuesday. Wednesday, leaves St. John for Eastport and S-t. Andrews; returns from St. Andrew's (touching at Eastport) to St. John, on Tljur-oday. » Friday, to Digby aad Annapolis, returning on Saturday — Time of leaving, 7 o'clock in the morning. Summer. "Winter. Fauss— from S. .Tohn to Digby, $1-1 $"2 Annapolis, 2 . 2i • East;>ort, 2 2i St. Andrews 25 3 1 '^ u a (1 15 () » s {) 15 11 » > () >> f I ^ '^ u V I r ^ FARMER'S ALMANACK. T ABSTRACTS FROIME THE JOURSaTALS or the House of Assembly, for 1832. The Joint Committee of His Majesty's Coun- cil and House of Assembly, appointed to exa- mine the Public Accounts, reported 3rd. Feb. 1832, as follows:— TREASURER OF THE PROVIJVCE. His Accounts, to the 31st Dec. last, have been recoivcd, there is due him , • • • • ^61 16 I COLLECTORS OF IMPOST AND EXCISE. Halifax, — His Accounts, to the siune date, have been received ; Bonds in his hands £38,358 5 10 He has collected and paid the Treasur- er, on account of iheI*oor,for 5 Quarters, 700/. and has Bonds for Jt;45l 8 9 ' Slidbunic. — His Account^ to .the same date, have been received. Bonds -' inhishonds 1,405 8 $. Yarmoulh. — H is A ct .« . , do. . . . 7 1 ; 8 6 ^ \ Tiiis sum charged by liwn, as Coniinis- sion on sundry Drawbacks, as heretofore • reported, has not been reiunded, or any notice of it in his accounts, the Committee being dissatisfied with the charge «7 :3 7 802 \1 1 Z/tmenft^j'/^".— His Accovmts, do. do 1,113 lo 1>, Liverpool.— His Account.?, do. do. and y are correct, witii the exceplio)i of -€"14 8 6 charged for Commission on Guager's • Salary, he is theretbre accountable fur this sum in addition to Bonds in his hands. .*2,5!22 10 6 King's County — His Accounts, do. do. 169 6 Cumberland. H is A ccounts, do. do 7 1 3 1 Pidou.— His Account?, do. do 721 4 S ^innapolis.- -H'la Accounts, do. do- 41 b Sydney County. — His Accounts, do, . Balance ofBonds, do .....120 17 Si He has charged for the last 2 years, £52, per annum for a Waiter, which the Committee do not approve of, and know .^' not of any authority he had for it. , , CurritdforuKird. ""£45,325 3 10^ I FARMRR^S ALMAfVAeK. Brotight forward. £45,3^(5 3 \Qi ffeymouth. — His Accounts, do. do. Bonds in his Hands 52 1 S D^ ■Oii^hy. — His Accounts, do. do 451 8 I Jnckat. — His Accounts, do. do 1,(597 14 6 Jimherst. — His Accounts have been received to the .^Ist December last, iiondsin his liunds .5.1 6 8 Hants, — His Accounts, do. do 571 16 6 Port Hood. — His Accounts, do. do. incorrectly stated, lie is accountable as corrected for 308 1 7 9^ Argyle. — His Accounts Current for the Years, IB-ia and ISSO, to the 31st Dec. have been received, in Account for 1 8^29, he has taken credit for Van Norden's Bond for £S1 13 4 and for Commission on that sum £o 13, which is not cor- rect, and must remain accountable the amount say £43 6 4 fionds in hands 175 19 3 . -> ^2! 9 5 4 No Accourjt Current, for 1831 .- Quarterly Returns have been re- ceived for 3 Qrs , March I4.s id; June, £'22 3 2i ; Dec £55 2 2i-77 19 G-207 4 10 Sydney J Cape-Breton. — His Ac- counts Current have been received to the 31st Dec. 1830. Bonds in hi$ hands at that time, 396 7 By Report of the Committee, in Feb. 1830, he had overcharged in his Accpunt fur 1829, this sum, of which he takes no notice, 10 cMO(> 7 Oi No Account Current U>i 18:31, Quarterly Ueturns have Ij^cu re- ceived to 30thS('[>t. afuoinitinj' to 2t'>'J 12 8- 4*608 19 8i It appf^arsby tiie Treasurer's Ac- (iuunt le has paid 200 4C8 19 8^ Civiicil /orwardy JCi8,5a7 14 7 1/ » \0i * 8 I i 6 6 8 6 6 7 9i < I' 4 10 5 ir 4 7 ^oifurAf /o«M>ari/,jC48,687 li 7 lift has coUf rtcd for the support of the Poor, 2.31. 7s "idd but does not state liow it is disposed of. Colchester. — Ilis Accouritsto ■'Slst Dec. last, have been received, in- correctly stated, he is accountable Hi corrected for ♦ 509 5 1 j £40,O0G 19 84 He has transmitted to the Comnnissioncrs of thr? Re- venue, R. C. Blair's Bond, dated 16th July, 18:^9. ba-. lance due thereon 751, to be prosecuted. He has produced two entries for Rum imported hy P. Martin, in 18.30, the Duties thereon 3Gl. i!2s .3d, which Mr. P. Martin refusod to give Bond, or pay for. He has sent a statement wherein he makes VV illiani Fri(!ze and others, indebted for 371. 12s 4d and costs Gl 8d Id without date orlJond. He !ia.< sent aliond sijrn^d by tlic same per- sons for 101 5s, dated 28th April, 18M,' and one other Bond, signed by James Sly and others, for 341, dated 9th June, 1824 ; also a Note of hand signed by J. Graham in his favor for 141. 18s Id, dated 2d Sept. 1820, pur- porting to be lor Balance due on settlement of Accounts to that date, all of wh'ch persons he states have become Insolvent, amounting to 1331. 7s 8d. liOAN Offices. — A'mg's Couniy. — 1 he whole amount of liC/an has been paid and received. Jinnapolis. — 'Ilie Commissioners Accolint has been re- ceived to 31st Dec. last, by which it appears he has col- lected 1041 ]6n 3d, by the Treasurer's Account it appears he has remitted 1921 17s 7 fid. He has also sent a state- ment by which there is still due on prinf ipal 7901. 9s, and Interest 3601. Is Id, in all £1,150 10 1 Isle of .Sable. — The former Commissioner's Accts. to the 31st Dec. last, have been received. Balance in his hands 906 1 lOi By his statement- there is due to the Snperintendant and Servants 632 l8 4 <£273~3 gI The present Commissioners report that the Salvage awarded on the Brig Orpheus, is not yet received, but will appear inAccounts for 1832 275 i:548 3 6f ><") farmer's kLMKi^UCK. Light-Houses, collected and paid per Accounts. in I8S0, in 1 S3 1, Halifax .£351 19 10.,.. £996 13 7 l^iverpool 112 15 Shelburne 48 G Yarmouth 50 1 Annapolis 18 Colchester 10 7 Pictou 41 Argyll' lor l;-i29, 17 16 Di<iU- 12 10 S\tii:fy 138 Weymouth . , . . 17 IG Amherst 6 89 2 29 8i '21 0. o o 10 10 ■ •••*• 1.1 12 ....100 14 10 10 14 16 10 4 9i o H i) 7i Digby- Mis 12 9^ £1289 -The Collector still rcMnains F(,b. ia^t, for the years 1826, ';^7, and'^B- Pictou. — His Aocuui;t for 1831, has been re- ceived, amounting to 59J. lUs 9d. Also for 1830, amomiting to 861. of which 411. was paid. The Treasuror reports that he has received the a- mount say 1041. lOs 9d since closing his Acct:^. Sydney.— His Accounts for 1830 and 1831, have been received. He had made a charge in 1829, of (541. for expenses attending the keeping a Boat, which the Committee reported at that lime was an expense that ought not to have been incurred and recommended that the Boat bo sold, be has made a similar charge of 5 11. which the present Committee deem improper, he is now indebted after deducting the above charge for the year 1830, 741. 38 lid. 1831, 1361. lis 4d. No Quarterly Return for December Quarter, (bounty of Sydney. — The Collector's Accounts for the years 1830 and 1831, have been received, Balance for 1830, 1381 paid Balance for 1831. 1261. lOs 4id of which he has paid 1001. 4ij T^d leaving this amount due 19 3i-2108 12 1 due as reported in .49 y 5 104 10 9 2i0 U 3 36 » He has charged the sum of 281. Ce fid in 183t, and 381. lis 2d in 1^31, being as he states l-5th of the sum collected independent of the usual Commission of 10 per Cent, which he has charg- ^1/ f 'I Curried forwardj Jl^39i l « counts. 1)8 le 1 'ortttd in M 10 9 ) U 3 i i H *V4 farmer's almanack. It Brought forward, jCSOl I t t<\ on 3fi71. 17a 8d when he has collected only 3341. 8s. 8d. Hants.— No Accounts or pavmcnts for 1830 arid 1831. Argyle. — No Account for 1831. Lunenburg.— No Account or payments for 18:^0 and 1831. Arichat — His Accotmt for 1830 Iwis been re- reived, he has collected but not paid .'541. Gs lid. No Account or payment for 1831 54 C 11 £445 S 1 The Commissioners Accounts to 31st Dec lastjhave been received for supplies, &c. aniount- ingr to 17531. 17s. 2d. they have received from the Trear'irer 10001. leaving a Balance due tJicm of 753 17 9 It appears by the Treasurer's Account he has received ftom the Province of New-Brunswick, 4401. for the years 1830 and 1831. Paovi.NTE Notes. — Amount of Notes in Cir- euhition , 80th Sept. 1831 53,999 K) Delivered the Treasurer in lieu of Torn and Defaced Notes 13,080 Delivered the Treasurer in Notes of 10s 1,000 £67,999 10 Notes received and destroyed by Committee, 13,000 Leaving in Circulation 31st Dec. 183l £54,999 10 o The Committee recommend,that a Law be passed to render ihe powers of theCommissioners of theRevenue more efficient ftnd better defined. It would seem expedient to point out by Law, the control which that Board should exercise over Out- port Collectors, and all Public Accountants, that they may b« enabled at any time to ascertain the true state of theRevenu«. The Committee find that some of th^ Out-port Collector* are negligent in rendering their Accounts, and delinquent ia payments:', and have been so reported for years past, but qo »f- ^tual measures have been taken to remedy the evil. r « 12 FAnMER's ALMAfCACiK. rhe Province of Nova-Scotia, Dec. 31st. 1831. i 9 16 4 DR. — To balance due the Treasurer ^ .•£?! This sum appropriated on acct. of Roads and Bridfios ") « ^gg and other Services not yet drawn from theTreasury, 5 ' Ijoan Cerfifieates due sundry persons 5il,459 7 Notes in circjla'ion to date 54,999 10 ]3 12 Survey of Boundary Line 400 ►Small Harbor in Seal Island ......100 Light House on Cross Island 750 Protect Barrington Beach 30 Settler between Musquodoboit and St. Mary's 50 Balance due for Bounty on Iron 400 Do... ••Grist Mi. is in Cape Bre!on 60 Do-. • ••For encouragement of the Fisheries 149 Do. f.'o. for Schools 3,681 Do. . • ••PoMt Commi.ni ;ation 88 16 Do. ..•.?!. Green, pension for 3 years ,. . ..60 Do.' •••Seal Isjand'ljight Houtic ..48O Do. Isle of Sable 800 Furniture for Council '. . . .^00 Steam Bo itQuebec, bal. for 2 years ] ,000 School IIo"se Sydney, C. B 200 Bal. d've Hitchins and Cro well, Se.il I?huid^ 25 Assist the Inhabitants at C;ipe Sable to erect an Alvoifeaii, 100 Briar Island Light House 1 ,000 Drawback on Win.6s foj OiTjcers of tl,e Army, -300 StCimHoat betweenAnnapolis &StJohn,& 200/.for 8yr.-<. 1,100 Bal. due sundry per.^ons on acct. of Province Kiiiiding, 378 Do. Commrs. of Light Houses- Do. Eastern StageCompany for 183?, \33,and'34 -750 Do. Western Stage Do. ••for 1832 and '33 SCO 6 753 17 ()_ r 6 8 8- 1 a fi 7d o 6 7 1 1 CR. — By Loan to Dalhousie College £5,000 Securities on the Estate of Collector of Lunenburg i^SG Loan to Annapolis County 1,150 10 Dueby the Conim'rs of^ I^le of Sable^ • > 5.JS 3 Due by Collectors of liight Duties 445 p Securities in the hands of the Collec- ) noo 0-0 r m tor 01 Impost and Excise, Ilalilax 5 Deduct probable drawbacks 12,358 5 10—26,000 Saciirities in pos.session orOut-portCollector3,viz; Slielburno £1.405 8 8 Weymouth . .5-2 1 3 9^ Yannoti'th . . 80'M2 1 Diofby 42 8 1 Lunenburg 1.113 15 3| Arichat .... 1,097 14 5 Li verpool . . 2,522 1 (i I A mliors t 53 5 8 G 0! Hants 571 ir> 5 3 (iiPord Hood ..208 17 9^ ' . . 4 3 Arn^yle 207 4 10 'G Sydney, C.B. 4(i8 19 8i Colchester .. 509 5 U King-'sCo. . . Cumberland. . 71 Pictou 721 Annapolis. ... 41 Sydney Co.. 120 17 8d .£10,738 14 tU Deduct probable Drawbacks 8738 14 3i~7,000 Uy Balance 5«,GI2 <i \i 15 1831. i 16 i (5 4 9 9 7 6 ►9 10 )0 )0 >0 JO 50 )0 50 19 13 8 n 19 s- iS 16 J [50 « ^0 f) 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 «> 00 178 6 7i 53 17 2 50 00 0^ 4;l 4 6 00 ;86 7 50 10 1 IS o Oi 45 8 I ,000 ')()0 U '■^ Oi J* =^ bi o sr 5 00 K »" vc e M o-^ "*■ ** ^ c "o 2 S re — • ,„ Cw •<*- 2 «^ «-► tj* s ^ = » "^ S: 3 '^ =r P p . cr M,. tr 3 M y . j; ^ (0 "2 I. A. 2. oo * 3 »- *- i» o -J ^ ST e- _ (X ft ^ O © J!f • •■ -■ -- — - w a- — ■ ►t 5. ^. P 0^ S ili « "> - r* •• "^ p *ci< rs 2.= 05 L: C p. eo ^ ^ .- >- a ' W ^ p O /-) ^. CD X O ^ Oil 3 f« C ? V 5 K • '3=. O o ' 3 ' Vt CO CO h5_ tw O p p ». -3 -1 f ^ . •- S o « • M- 1 PaRMCR^S almaxack. (/} ^ p e-t- C/j 3 o c o d Q ^ 00 • 00 o CO o^ CO o <x o o o CD p S£- 3 fD fD O CD CD ft> fD to to 00 Oi Crx to to 00 CD ^ ft) CO Or OQ ^ S to 00 O ^ o-< o . Ox O • to CO 00 0\ Oi Ct Or to o CO 00 Ca3 o o Ox 9% Nl o o -J p tr p Q » v.. O ro 0) p D- P- CD rs 3 ? •-- 3 00 " 00 S5 ''^ 00 00 )S ^ G E.^ o P- ft ^ C. CD O C^ ■< CD t3 '1 Ct P c -: CD oe- o c CD ^ o rr o 3 sT^a a- ►t». p 'Tj ,- 05 ^ O <| (^ (—"do o ET' tr tfi •—<•''*■ ^ he p &- £L <^ P^ hi n ^ c -J en CD •^ ^ s P CD ^ to ^ a* 2" Is" n c -1 CD cfT 4^ CO 4:^ Ox CO to CO Ot B «n H TARMER^i Almanack, PORT OF HALIFAX, N. S An Account of the quantity ot" Beef and Poik imported into, and exported from, this port, for the years 1830 and 1831, distinguishing British from Foreign. Beef and Pork. IMPORTS FOR ISHD. Biitish. I^bir'JiJJhl.^.rBbL^. lABbl*. Ko reign. inwards, Coastwise, . . . 1996| 169 Do. Great-Britain, ... 297 Do. U.StateSjvFor.Ships) 137 22931 169! 11621 137 EXPORTS FOR 1830. Outwards, Coastwise . . 491 Do. British West Indies 972 26 Qr; 350 1167 24 128 5 1463! 276111811 133 IMPORTS FOR 1831, Inwards, Coastwise ... 677 Do. Great-Britain .... 60 1 10 Do. U.States,lB!it,r3liips) Do. Do. (For.Ships) 10;6124 137 EXPORTS FOR 1831. Outwards, Coastwise . . . 802 Do. British West- indies 917 40 1400 OS 2951 50 131 17191 13814351 1 181 An Account of the Beef and Pork under the Crown's LocL',5th Jannary,1832. Bbh 105 100 Cwt. Qrs.L'jsi Ebls'Cwt.Qrs.Lbs. 280 29 97 _243 &jbbl ^2^i" ~ 187 2 8 178 2 8 133 3 20 501 52 3 4 173 2 A 434 3 8 10' 17 3 12 lo! 17 3 12 30! 53 2 8 50 89 1 4 1661 3 16|!l00il78 2 8 # r# Account ed into, rs 1830 fARMER,'* AMlTnaCK. 15 freign. Pork. oreign. )0 :o Miibi*. 137 S2i 137 37 24 128 5 •^1 133 15 39 30 117 20 241 137 301 3li Hi 181 icr the Lbs. 12 12 8 4 I 50 > 131 •-3 o a i.2 in ^ » o ■'4 ^.2 o-^l :3 3 CL, o .- cr ^ r-, 3 W CO K CZ' to •Si* -. ^— JC 00 w< iO •^•; o w o Cv-vi 1— ^ — O "-0 ^> c^ CO — n ^ " 3 ';; ^ -• r, Oy ■ C p, o = 'Ta 1^ CO O C 0-, n 1"^ <0 4- r: '■3 .■o . >_i 1— 1 to C2 *i.> ""^ ^i KytJ ' • ■• ^ v« ^ v» -# ■jo CO "c o ^) - f •- > o — rti. "^> .rj M 4^ O C-i Ci '■J r. -i^ oc — "X — - (O — 4- O >-' O i( — iO O ^f x J a- •-< 1. 03 3 -. a.- 3 >^ • <o Ci • • — ' JO • H- ^Cl CO (^ C^. -vi ;;2 tO CO — «0 TO :^r «o *~ >— 00 cr.' Cj f^i- >— ' I— Ot C; <0 '— ' I— ' "^ C/j ts >— 4— tO Cv • {--D ic ;c; • JC • CO CO ^i io • I— ^3 to (4;- — J^ M Ji- fO CO C' oo M o en CO' '"C !"5 X- '»'. CO <o I— ' -■■ •",■ C'l ,r. O 0« ^O .-,'J O J.i^ CO 'iT-wt C',' J--. .V» Ki. c: :;i -^J •:.: C'» »U iO ". O CO GC Ol <\,'' ". <C' -I O vVj O !i— »- CO w r. :? 4»; p ^-^ CL, 02 • p ^ O g fft >i •, ? " ^ O w< cc CO t:r •'ij cc o :>•! o ct c. 'X C' j^' :x p Ua GO m 'Vt <•/» o -^T c: -^ ►p*. JO ?c c xj lO 2 h. <o 1— CO ;0 i— (^ Ca.' c-t cm O'.. O C5 om "^i 4" *c 00 <o cv "v4 CO T. I— > o) AC oi 'c; -::: o? cr; o c; rn. c c ":! *^ ct_*o ;^_c;_*^jx otjr; ^^L'^JJf ?!' a^ cr. CO o »— o >&■ 4a. io Co *k '-o JO o •<» CO CO — JO CO _ ., "^^ ■-' Ci ti <» f» ~ us- W»- tv>- Ci ^ »»- r- C. W Cv K*- Vl »- »«>~ iO «►- VI o o — 25 ro ® • 3 '•i ^ *^ 00 5" ^ a ^ s- b «^ % S- «^' q 2» a 8 ]<S fARMER^tS ALMAFTACK. British North American Colonies. Provinces. | Population. | 1 i i '. i ■ LowerCana(!a( 1825 -j iJpperCuna(la(lH-<i5))l Nova- Scotia, (I8'.^7)| N.Briin3wicit.(l8-,M)i !Newfoiiridl:iiul Isl. Prince Edward IkI. 4'i;M>-it)iLord Avlmwr, <;.>r. G-'n 2-^(»,8i)7 Sir Joliii CoIbi>ni-s Lt.iJoP.. ]-;|:3,848SirPc'reirrineiM:iil land,/./ (;<>»• 74,l!)l;SirArcli. Cam;)b.'l!, U Gov. . 80,000' SirTlionns .1. Cuckrane,^'>i>. 24,00-.) Sir MnrrHyMaxwell,/>f. ('(i». British Slave Colonies in theWest-lndi^s, &c. Much excitement liati existed in ling'and, for sovfral yo-irt past, on the subject ol negro slavery: and jjreat exertions Iiar« been mido by a lar^': and respectable body of E.iixH-h phi- lanthropists, and are siiil in pro^^rcjis, to effect the tola! aboli- tion of slavery in the British Coh)iiios. The following table presents a view of the number ofwhitos, •laves, and free bl9,cks, together with th'» names ot'tha gnver- Hors of the principal Briciah colonies in which slavery exists. Charter edColonies.\ Whitcsl Slaves. Free Governors. a smfca •••••••••• BArbadoes Anti^rua G renada '••••••••■ St.Viuceiil 8t.Chria;opIier'8. . . . Nevis ..-.•. "Virgin Isles. Dominica Xobago •••>•*,•••• Montserrat , }?.ahimas. • Bci muda^. Croion Colonies. Trinidad ......... ^5'. li'jcia ......... Ho.iduras ''• Demerara &E^sequ. Bej bice Africa. fjape of Good Hope Mauritia.s 15,000 S31,000 15,000 81,000 2,000 30,000 800 24,500 l,3:)o 1 ,^00 800j 860; sooj 350; 500 1 4,0 00 : 5,500' 13,500 1,100 300! 23,500 19,500 9,000 5,400 14,500 12,700 6,000 9,. 500 4,650 23,000 13,500 2,450 3,000j 70,000 600, 21,000 40,00) Earl of Mulgrave 5,00;) I Sir JarncH Lyon 4,500, Sir Patrick Ross 3,70')!Sir Jame;* Campbel 2,yoo:Sir George F. \\\\\ 2,500, WihiainNicolay 1 ,800 ' VVm \^OQi\\hy JAG 09 60?|jas. Hathurst.UGar 3,600 l,20s)'N;»thaniel Bla«kweD 70!) SirP.Sieward,LfGo» 2,800 Sir Jus. Carm.Smyth 500 Stephen 11. Chupmaii 16, 000. Lewis Grant 4,000 2,8001 6,000' "ir BcMJ, D'Url>an. 1 ,000 4.'?, 0,10; 3'., 000 1 29,000 8,000! 76,0a0| 15,100 I'OH ,150 81 -.2, 7 0"0 r'4 377^7 Henry Beurd,LJW«» Sir G. LowryColt ' 'ir Charles Colvillt iiw/io;)».—(^liarles J. Stewart, D. \). Bishop ()f Uuobeo ; John Inglis.D.l). Bishop of Nova-Scotia; ChristopherLipa- co;nb, D. D. Bishop of Jamaica; William II. ColuridgQ,D. D. Bishop of BarbaJooa and the L)a\vard Islands. ij» 'f^ m FARMER S ALMAIfACK. 17 Golden Rules for Eiis^lish IMaoistrates. r Cr'n:. . . '. i.iiop.. U Gov.. iine,/;,,i>, ^^ (io», "■^ liar* nl aboh- '^vliitos, exiiits. ors. By Sir Richax] Phillips. ,UOo9 .Smyth mpmAN Urf>an. LtUtt Colt • olviJIc Lips- .1 ft i T, The pGople^s esdrnation of the .i^ovcrnmeril under which tlioy live, beiii^ founds. I on the pure, j list, aud rati- onal adminislration ol'lhe lav s, it ought to be I'elt tiiat Jio, social duties are more imjitu taut and obligatory than thosie of a local niaj^istrate or justice of the peace, 'i. All .:,uch magistrates bciu^i; representatives, in re- gard to their particular poweis, of tlie constitutional au- thority of the supi'ome executive goverujueut, they are bound in every act of their oiiice to considei' thtinseive^ as delegates of the sovereign, and in consonance with the royal oatli,'' to execute law and justice in mercy and to govern the people according to the statutes agreed on in parliament, and to the laws and customs of the kingdom." 3. \n English mngistrate should always bear in mind that tlio supreme executive authority, of which lie is the local i-epresentative,is restricted in its powers, by the laws and the constitution; that the rights and privileges of a IVee people aie .-i^ inuolable as the prerogatives of the so- vereign; and th:ic Lilngii.-h magistrates are not instrun cuts of a despotic power, but agents of a co.ist itu<ionai uion- arch, whose obligations to 1 is people avc dtte; mined by the same laws that constitute the obligations of the people. 'l.AnEiiglish magistrate should iVel thnt e\ery subject of these realms, be he rich or be he poo;', bo he accuser or Uildcraccu.'^ati■>n, is equal in the eye ci'the iaw ; that the laws of England are j^o i-espcclors of peisons; tiiat they cajinevir l^e dispensed with to su.t tlie humour of th« mngistrate or tbo policy of the crown; and (lat they are literally iinjierative in their popular sen-.c, until thtT-yliave been altered or repealed by the conjoint autiioritita which made them, 5, The cardinal virtues of all magistracy are ixcok- RJ?rTIDILlTY,IMP.VHTIAL!TY,VIGIL.i.NCK and BEMLXOI.ENCE. 6. An incorrui)tiblG maojstratc vull not ojily be iiicor- ruptible in his own conduct, directly and indiiectlj:, im*- mediately and remotely, but he will exercise a whQlosome T I 18 FARMER^S ALMANACK. «'i.«pirion in rc^^ard to the possible corruptiorii,€xlo»tioTii and oppie^si )rj»i, practised by his clerks^ constables, plli- ters, and <>t!ior agents of his authority. 7, An iripart.al inagistrate will jealously jjuard everj avenue oC his mind against the vice and vveaU!:ess ef par- liiilityihe will he careful not to be inllueneed by ex-i)arte n^taterntinls, by rrai'ty or malignant inifinuations, or bj intcrestad and vulvar prejudicesiand he wil' never fail to remember that, although justice is blind in ie;njard to th^ parties, she is all eye in her search after the truth. 8. A vigilant magistrate will always hear both sides feefore he makes his determination; he will patiently sub- mit to the awkwardness;, timidity, and inexperience of either of the paities; he will cautiously balance the vari- ous points of evi'leneo,aml will persevere in hisejcamina- tions, when neces<:ary, till he has disertangied the cast before }n;n fVom all doubt and uncertainty. :>. \ b^'MevoIont »iiagi>tralo will never forget that mer- cy is thi brightest ornament of ail power; he will never suffer any cruelty, tiireat, or wanton insult to be com- mitted on persons mujer accus-dion to extort confesi^ions, or on any other pretence whntsoevei' ; he will never ex- :ict bail beyond t!ie means of l!:e parties ; he will himself inspect all j)iaces of temporary or permanent C)nrine- H ent ;and he will carefully preve/it violations of human- ity in the various subaltern agents of his jurisuiction. 10. A public-spirited magLstrnte will always be ensy of access on special occasions which demand his interposi- tion, and he will be punctual in his attendance at thost known periods which he sets apart for the administra- tioji of justice. 1 1 In heai ing charges brought before him, a magistratt should rememberthe.dependence ofthf parties on his pa- tient attention ; his examination should be public, but in RMst cases the witnesses ought not to be heard in each others presence ; he s-hould be Jealous of the inthience of lewards and penalties on the evidence of the informer."! ; lie should v»'arily guard himself against the maligant feel- ings or si(»ister designs of accusers ; aiid before he com- mits or convicts, ho should be thoroughly satisfied that the act charged was perpetrated with a criminal inten- tion, and contrary to the true intent of some statutt law, or ordinance of the realm xiortioTii )Ies, pffi- .rd evcrj s ef par- T ex~parte If, or bj cr fail to rd to til 9 til. th sides ntlv .sub- ience of the vari- i-xamina- he casi lat mer- ili never be rom- ifessiotis, ner ex- I himself cmrine- buman- ion. er ensy of erposi- t those inistra- i^istratt his pa- but in in each nncc of )riners; lit feel- e corn- ed that inten- itatutt \t. In all adjiidicationjj relative to the j oor, an uprijjht magistrate should be the poor man's frieiid,arul the guar- dian of (he destitute atid helpless, against th^ sordid cal- culalii)ns of avarice, and the overbearins; s{)irit of wealth; accurately discriminating between the impositions of idleness and vice, and the riaims of industry and virfiie. ■ 13. Fie ouglit to be sensible tliat the letter of the lawi it; the rule of conduct for subjects as well as magistrates, and that no man is amenable to magisterial authority who has not olTended against the ordinary and obvioui interpretation of some law, and wlu* has not been convic- ted on tlie oaths of credible witnesses, either by the re- corded adjudication of a justice of the peace, or by tli« tuiemn verdict of a jury of his couiitiy. 14. In comniittirg to prison the niagisliat.: should care- fully distinguish whether the object is couection after conviction, or simple detention b»?iore trial, and should direct bis warrant accordingly : :.o man bei>i.'; liable to b« sent to .-1 correctional prison, or subject to a correctional discipline, except as a puiiishmei.t altera recorded con- vict iuti 5 and simple detention oui-iht to take place in th« «lu"ri(]\s jiaol only, because the shorillis an honowrabU o,iic«r,. bound by the ancient laws of the laiid to perform t^e i-Tiportant duty of making rtturns to all sessions of jaol dBlivery. ^ 15. Li imposing penalties, where the statute has given a discretion to the magistrate, he ought to be governed in his decision as well by the means of the parties, as bj the repetition or turpitude of the oOence, because a mulct implies but a portion of an oflouder's means, and it is with a view to various shades of culpability tliat the Iviw has empowered tli^ magistrate to exercise an equi- table discretion. 16. In assigning punishments, it should be considered that the penalties of the law always coriteniplatc extreme cases of turpitude, generally leaving it to tlie magistrate to mitigate and apportion the punishment according to the circumstances of every otfence ; in doing which, it should be remembered that the scripture enjoins us " to forgive ourbrother seventy tines seven times ;' that the penalties of the law ought never to be pa.'^sionate or vindictive, but to be simply cautionary for first or trivial olfences^gently corrective for second oliences, and exem- plary and severe only when applied to incorrigible «ul; pritS) or to very heiuous crimes. T to farmer's almanack. 1 7. Every justice oitiio peace wlio is anxious lo preserve the honour of the laws, wifl never discouraj^e appeals a- gaiiist his own convictions, or many way oh-lruct or influ- ence the (locisioii of such appeals: and as often as the let- ter or spi it of the law appears to him to have borne with undue -.overitv on i!uli\ iduals,or famiHos,he will be- nevolently ascertoiu the extenuatinj^ circumstances of the case, an! !)ii.i :; theia in due form before the bench in sessi ))is, or hefore the ;;iMn(.l jury at the assizes, in order that tlie suiferins party hih \ thiongh their i (commenda- tion to t*»e proper authority, obtain the roval pardon. 18. A discrttet n)aj>i,s(rate will, on all occn.' ions, avoid mixin<5 in -Ij^cisions that involve his persouil i«ilerert8,his fami'vv'o.'! I'^^viims, his friciMlships, or his l.nown or latent enmifies Ju ni! such case>>,he ouj^ht mn^ taniinousiy to retire from the bench at sessions, or to vv.l-' one or more of the noi';jhl)ounng maj^istrates into his ji.iisdiction. !!« should rci!io.mhf,r that Ins character will iu» in a state of hazard \» 'leiievcr his pr^diUictions as a piivute man, a pohticinii, or a llieo!o<i;ian, interfere wit a the intlepen- dence ot lis ju(.ljj;nients as a magistrate JO. ■ A oaterual magistrate will do iiore jjood in his neighbout hood by his advice and exc-mpic, than by tht force of uit !u)rity and coercion. Heshon'il lend his coun- tenance to the virtuous, and his protect! .-i to ti)e unfortu- nate j b.it, ;il)ove all, he should set ago ul example in his own coriduct, and exact it from all in ini-'iarity beneath him; because he can never punish vviti} i 'I'pct any vices which he piactiscr> himself,or tolerate^ in Ids ngeuts;and their combined example will prove more powerful than all the instruments ofjudicial terroi*. 20. A justice of the peace, holding a commission from a constitutional King of England, ai;M iii:^ authuiity un- der the nuld laws of En<?;land, will always feei that his power is conferred for the purpose of increasing the hap- piness of all who . ^ subject to his cognizance, and wjtli- in his jurisdiction, that he is the guardian of the public morals, a conservator of the peace, r.nd protector of th« public and personal rights of the people; and that it much depends on the wisdom and pnidence of justices of the peace, whether the social compact which binds the people into one nation, under one ruler, and on*- oode of laws> serve as % cursi or a blessing. f preserve ppeals a- or iiiflu- j thele^- e borne will be- iincGs of bench in ,in order (inienda- pardon. s, avoid ro>..t8,his )r latent jiisly to :ir more ion. ri« state of man, a ndcpen- 1 in his by Iht is coun- mfortn- 'e in Ilia beneath y vices iits;and ul than m from rity un- that his he liap- id widi- ^ public r of th« that it justices h binds nd on«- riRMKE'ft XLUASACH. 91 Counting-Housc Calendar, for 1833. I _4^S ^>- ^ 1—. ^ -i ^ ^^ c: o c ^ cr 2. ;t »^ M n^ ^ "^ f- r^ «.- '< '.^ ,P: o ri- r aT ^'- r:; ^ :> '— ^^ ^ ;:5 S <"' ^ ?^" :r : . ' '-^i ^ p : '••*1 • • • ^•-; 'f: '^u I «.v : : : C- < • • * • • r>. '.^ : 7* : : : V '. • ■ • • • : P : * : ' : : : ^ i : __ • • • • • • : -1 : : • • " • • Ja-^. 1 o :i 4 ."; J L I- y ... 1 2 ;; 4 5 <: 9 10 li 12 15 7 8 I) 10 II li 12 • • • • J 7 8 lo M 15 K; 17 18 lit 11 15 Ii; 17 18 19 20 iJO 21 22 2.'i 24 25 2(J 21 '>^.h 23 24 25 2G 27 27 28 20 ;J0 31 1 28 '49 30 31 F|!B. 1 2 Ai;o. 9- • 1 2 > 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 7 8 ' "4 * 5 10 II 12 J3 11 15 U» %■ 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 ■ 17 18 If) 20 21 22 23 \^ 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 2G 27 28 25 2(> 27 ^8 ;>9 30 31 M^ftCQ , . .1 2 Srrr ..1 2 .") 4 5 (; 7 3 4 5 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 iO 11 lt> V) \i 15 l!) l.j b'i 17 18 19 20 21 17 18 li) 20 21 22 23 22 23 2 ! 25 2G 2; V^ 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 29 30 SI Oct., 12 3 4 5 AfML.... 12 3 4 5 li * (i '7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 Jl 12 13 13 11 15 l<; 17 18 19 14 15 IG 17 18 11) 20 20 21 22 •>3 -^4 25 2* 21 22 23 24 25 2(i 27 27 28 2;.> 3« 31 28 29 30 Mat. 1 2 3 4'Nov. "3*4 1 a 5 a 7 8 9 10 i\ 5 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 1«; J7 10 1! 12 13 14 15 1?5 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 ]S 19 20 21 22 23 2(i 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 2G 27 2S 29 3« iI»«E. 1 Dkc . 1 2 8 9 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 13 14 2 3 4 ' 5 ' *(i "7 ' 9 M 8 9 iO 11 12 13 14 15 15 IG 17 !8 19 20 21 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 2C 27 2t S3 24 25 26 27 2fi 29 29 30 31 su tf FARMERS ALMAPfACK. I '1' f 1 is Signs of the Zodiac. V Aries— }i(?A(l. y T.'lujus -nock. O (iOiiiini — !irms. 03 {'ancor-- breast. ^\^ TiOO — heart. itJJ Virgo— bi..lly. ^ Libra — rciin. n{ t^'corpio— st'cretB. f Si<);iltiiriiis— l<nec«. V5 ('aprifMinitis — knco»i. :2? Af;imriii3 — le<Jf■.^. X Pi-scos— foel. The Planets and tiioir rcdations. 9 Vunus. 'Pho Karlli. ^ .VIar:=. ^7/ Jiipitor. 1^ Saturn, y tlourgian. C Tlif Moon, i^ .'w'.MCiiry. • p, \ Phinol'.s aaccndiMnr iiuJo. ^ i'ho (In.sc Oil (ling tioilo. (5 Corijiinctioii, or I'lai.cts ;3it',i.it'Ml in the some lon[^itU(if , n Qnatlraturc, orlManct.j rfituat n1 in longitudes diflbrinif 3 f'jjns froin each other. g Ojjpo'^ifion, or Planrt-^ situated in oj)posit6 longitude*, •r diflering U .signs from each othjr. Chronolo:5ical Cyclns lor I83'3. Dominical Letter -F. n'iniai hidic.t'um Golden.yumber 1 OJalinn Period • • • • •••••• • . . J); DifonifianPcriod • • • • • • *'l^lJSunber pf Direction 654S • IG'i • 17 Epact Cycle of the Sun Einbur Days. Feby '21th, and March ^st^2d I September \Sih, 9.0th Sr2i8t. May 29lh ^ 31 st, and June 1st | Decern jr }8th, '■<:Oth Sf 2i»t Moveable Feasts. ApHl 14 Meptuas;fn>na Sunday, "Feb 3 Q.uiyiq orShroveSun •• • • Pt^b 17 Ash Wtd. or 1 st day Lent, Feb 'IC Mid- Lent Sun • . ■ • • -March 1 7 Pahn Sun March 31 EASJ'ER DAY' 'April! LoiO >^un Hoi:; at ion Sun . . . . .^^ • • May 1 2 A;ic. Day, or Holy Tit. May 1« IVhit Sua. or Pentecost, May 'H Trinity Sun. June ^ Advent Sun. ^c«' • ^ For other remarkable days and Sundays, see cakndar pagct- Holidays at llie Public OfTices. Jfe^- Year' 3 Day Jun\ \ Whit Tuesday May "M Mt Patrick March 17. ICing William's b.d.kept,jday2M G»od Friday • • "April o Queen Adelaide's b. d. "Aug.lt EasterMonday April 9\Powder Plot J\'ov 6 Ea9ter Tuesday April 9| St Andrew ^'Voe 3» St George April 'I'i Chri$tinaa Day Dee 26 Whit Jifondc^ May 27 j I I rmMER^ff ALMANACK. S9 8. lon;i^itU(iit, liflerinjr ;i itudei, tr .« 654« 1 G'i i 17 • •ApHl 14 • • • May 1 2 Til. May 1« ■ • • • June 'i > • • ' Oct* • 1 tiar pages- ■■ept,May2$ • • • 't/VyB 6 "••Bee 26 ECLIPSES. [n tim^R of iprnoranro men woro alarmod nt all role*t:al phenomena, the recurrence of wliich takes place at p.irindi t«o remote to bo rnndily calculated, and w Iiich nccordingly appear to be puideil by no fixed laws ; whilst more importMit and obvious upi)eai"incos excite no surprise because thcj aro freiiucnt, nud because they occur at well known periods;; thus the chaiipfcs of the moon are observed without filartn, while tlio less obvious occurrence of au e».'lips(.' has scattered dismay ever an army or a nation. An iiicidmital and consi(leral)lc ns- sistanre has been derived tochrouuloiry IVoni tiiis yuperstitiouB foeliuGf. Mclipses were thou;j^iit to be connected, in sonic 8«. crct uiiinnor, with the destinies of nations, and their occur- rence has beea curofully recorded, when near the lime of fiom« great battle. or other political event, of whose epoch we should otherwise remain in iirnorance. Astronomical science shovri how to (irtorniiiin with the ^n-oatosi. ox!ictne:«.s the hour of any jTJveu eclipse ; tmd W(; iire thus enabled to fix with precision the dr.te of any event which may have been thus accompinicd, t* confirm the statement of an historian, or to correct his er- rors. Bui as th'; computation ofeclip.u^s is attended with con- siderable dilficuliy, u few <?nly of the readers of hiyiory ai« able to carry on 'hose researciies for themselves. On this acconnr cataloguijs of eclipses have been calcidated by astro- nomers fur many thous;ind years, by a reference to wliich any cbr(u;o!o,iri'"al p< inl connected witii these phenomena nsay bo at on.'e determiiuMl. Eclipses take plac;.' every half year. and at each period there niny bi^ one. two, or iliree eclijjses ; if only one, it innst be a» eclipse of the sun ; if ! vV » tliere will bo one of each luininary ; and if three, there \^ ili be two of the; sun, with one ofthe inooM between them. Eclipses of the ^•■uu arc caused by the inter- position ofthe body of the moon between our eyes and th« Sun, and eclipses of the moi;-.! by a real deprivation of light from the moon, occusioneii l-y the sliudow ofthe earth. There will be five eclipses iliis year> two of the Sun, and tbiOt • <^tho Moofi, as ruliows. vi/, — I. I'lie first will be ofthe Moon, on Saturday, Januar}' Gtb^ partial and visible : — Bejifinnint): 2h.28m. ^ rieli})iic g 8 31 J 'arent, or solar Middle .3 39 ( i>ine in the morninff. End.... 4 49 ^ Digits eclipsed 5° 43' on the Moon's north limb, in the sou- thern section of the earth's shadow. II. The second will be ofthe Bun, on Monday, Jan'y 20th, at about 5«| o'clock P. M. invisible in tiiis Province, as well by reason ofthe MoouVsontii latitude, as from the time it hap- pens ; but in the Southern Frozen Ocean, in Lat. Gl°42' 30" south, and Long. 143° 58' 30'^ east of London, it will be visible. i: I '!«■ V H,- ft4 farmer's almanack. central, and annular on the meri>"iian. It will also be viaibl* and very great at the southern extremity of the Islands af Holland, Van Diein:»n's Land, and New Zealand. This wiH be a very sin*;ular and remarkable eclipse, the Moon,s south nmbra will not reach the earth, and the penuoribra crossing llio southern part of it, will eclipse partially and visibly nearly the whole of the south frii^-id zone ; th^ southern extremity •f the penumbra passinj.^ by in exp:insnm a few leagues from the pole. In Lon;/. tU)° VV. of London, in this zone, tb« eclipse will assume it curious and unusual appearance ; pro- gressing after' the commenctunojit with the uttnost rapidity, and alt lining- in a very short time, the mao^nitude of 7 er 8 digits ; it wiiltlien pass otV with equal velocity, tiie motion of places in this lon(>itude, and the motion of the penumbra be- injr in opposite directions. Tlin eclipse at all these places, will bctrin on theSun's eastern lin»b,and end on his western; a plr^nom^enon that never takes place in the torrid or temperate tones. Ilf. The third will bo of the Moon, on Monday, July Ist. part al and partly visible : the goij><( oft" of the earth's shadow May be per eived at the moon's risiiifr. iJcginiiing Oh. 47m. 'j 7 33 36 19 55 13 Apparent, or }. solar time in the morning. ^'s upper limb rises with 9 digits eclipsed Lower limb rises 7 K'-liptic opposition 8 Middle 8 End 10 Digts eclipsed 10° 18' on the moon's southern limb in the north side of the earth's shadow. IV. The 4th will bo of the Sun, onWedneaday,Julyl7th at a- bout 2i o'clock in the fnorning ; a grand and total eclipse ; but on account of the moon's high latitude, and as the sun will then be below the horizon, it will not be visible in th# provinces, but in the northern part of Europe and Asia, it wiil bo visible, central, and total. The moon's shadow will first •trike the earth at sunrise in Hudson's Bay, or Davis' Strait, near the island of Disco ; thence, travelling eastward, ut the rite of about 30 miles a minute, over the southern ]>art of (Ireeniand and Iceland into the Atlantic Ocean ; tmdcross^ ingthe Atlantic Ocean ; the Shetland and Ferro Islands, and the northern part of Great Britain ; it will enter Norway acd Sweden ; traversing there, the Gulf of Bothnia, Finland, and the South(!rn part of Lapland, the White Sea, Russia in Eu- rope, and the sonthorn part of Nova-Zemblo, and passing; the Ural mountains into Siberia, us far as the Gulf and river Obi, it will leave the earth near the city of Tobolsk at the setting ot the sun. At London, a few minutes before (S o'clock in the morning, about 9 digits will be eclipsed ; and at Paris, a few minutes after (j, about 8 digits will be eclipsed. The northern part of the penumbra will extend beyond the North pole,ecIip8ing nearly the whole of the uorth frigid xooe, 30 be vi8i.bl» le Jslanda af This wjJl f>on,s south t)ra cro9sin<r isiibly nearly I extremitj agues from zone, ib« ranee ; pro- >st rapidity, e of 7 •r 8 e motion of nuinbra l>e- lese places, s western; a r temperate y. Jtily ist, ■b'i shadow srent, or time in nornihg. imb iu tb« M7th at a- ^1 eclipse ; as the sun ible in th« tsia, it vviil V will first vis' Strait, ^rd, .'it the (in part of ;uid cross^ \^ii<h^ and >rway ard iland'. and ?ia in Ru- 1 pasisin/f the Gulf f Tobolsk s before 6 i ; and at eclipsed. ?yondtb« £^id xoQ«, FARMER S AIM A.NA( K. Vin \ cry similar to the bouthcrn in llio PcIi|»so of Jan.Sd!). •■.\.t>|it i!ii;t the ci'lipsc will be smaller in tho northt'iu, than i-; t,!- !^^M)thorn fripi<l i:onc. V. The firth and last, will be of tlio moon, cii 'J'iiurs !'.» Pec. 2(!lh— total and partly visible ; tin; moon will po'w*; thrciUirh' tlio centre of the cjirtlrs umbra ; i-ho wiil lit^ ali;i>isi wholly immersed at her rising : and as the <!;iy|ii.]it (!"p-nlv f-he may he seen in tlic iK-rth-oast Avadinir tliroiioh the.s\j!I .. rloon^, \vi!h the sr mbrc veil of the fat tlj's .<h;idu\v f^nrend r-v:.- lioi- dusky nnd (lisronsolatc face. Near by, or a l.t-lf soiiiii ?nd above, her, will Uc the I-5i;llV ey<^, Aldab:iran, who will direct where to look for the Moon ii; thi>! hour of darJ;!!- -:-, , The eclipse begins 'iJi. ViKni. "]) rises nearly totnlly ecli|ise(l, 4 1:> }<ecrini:iii(T of total darkness i 2.? r.cliptic <ip})ositior! 5 If) '7 (i J il}^)^;-^ r;t.> V } friiK'sr tinK- I ii ilip Uvcliiiiii. jMiddlc of tlio eclipse, 5 Knd of total darknc:'s, <j End of ihe eclipse 7 Digits ccTpsed ^0° 7' ].">" iiicliiiii.'g a little to V.w ^oi-t!, cm side of ikc earth's shadow. Occidental raid Oriental Star«. The PlanetVenns ( 9 ) will ho (vcning star, till lioi ^ Tmr.-- T AY, (May Kith.) thence nwrninir star throiiirh tho year. .lupi'er ( ^ ) also wiil be iceiiino: sU.-r till Apnl Ist (r.li FooTs Dcy ihcnce jnarning styrtjll t^x. (Juisim.n's (Oct. '^.'';:1. i and then again evening stnr. Mars ( ^ ) likewise will becrffn'/?ir st;tr till All Saint'sl;ay. (Nov.lst.)— the remainder of the year he will be m-jraf/? «:" star Explanation of the Calendar Pages. IjFft ua.M) Paok. — First columri contains the drysof^jic month. Seconfl, j)avs of the Week. T!iird, Kisino; o!" t'.ic Sun. Four^ifi, Selling' of the 8un. /V/Z/i, length of dny^ in hours and miniites. ^'Jr//l, JSun's declination in hours wxm minnt'iis. ^SVrcrt//;, ^[oon's Ri^i':;:: or^x'Uino;. /.7g/i/A.Moon'.s Soiittiii;!.' : — tiiis column also .■'vjs the tiuie of liigh Water {it Wii'd Moon' Ri 'M-, T. n '•=horo' ■t.) n; mont Cuie. Ti: pha :« lavt (■ AV Sun' ,r,J , IJori' 1:. Cdinwallis, c^c. A'iufhf jo t'\gx\s 'i'tnlh, lligii Water at Halifax. V\ ' ;:. — First rolumn, contains the days of the fit !ifaiys, Weather, &.C. Third, Fanner's Ti a<'Lii:. ^■v- i'!i!!r.ns on ctioh pnjre shows the Moovi's ■■ >. ;:ics f i'ui;w :\iu] J ill nM.on. nnd ofthc first and •! t A' ) (,'..;adi-at:ires '.vith the i^un. r.:v,l;\;;. .',.-; ;;re in nppai-ciit or solar li:no. TIjo tion. i.- taken from ihc Nautical Almanack. c .lANUAllY, 31 days. I Monlli lO oi^ t.^u^ ^I'. i.^.^ir)u^, u5otC>ii.©n US'-. wSooi'.uS^, !.©<-. ^JriijC^ 1^1 u2yiLtfn<.i^iCn>i^it«<.u^. i:! an ! I, Full OJ_>th d.:3!i. 8Jm. morn. | Lnsl })J^UnJ. 7}U:im_eve^ l>il)! © i^nVVl rises IcnHh 7 7 7 7 7 7 4iFr o'lSa i'AF 7|M lllFr 34, M F^' \V 17 1^ J:) .01) Tn Fr Sa P 21 M •>■> 24 '2:^ Tm Fr 2<'hjSh 2? 2h^ 2!; 30 P M \V 31. Til 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 / / 7 7 7 7 7 / 7 7 7 7 7 7 / MM 40 3!) ;ibi4 37 37 3(i 35 34 3.-3 4 4 4 4 4 4 33!4 32 1 4 31 '4 3<ij4 2!'|4 2.>-;4 27 14 2(i|4 2514 24 j 4 244 224 2l!4 20 1 4 VM 1714 ir;!4 ]3|4 124 20!^ 21 8 21 8 22 22 23 23 24 25 2<i 27 27 2^ 2i) 30 3 J 32 33 34 3r 30 37 3^ 3<' 40 41 43 44 4« 47 48 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ;) i) !) !) 1) ') :) f) \) 1) 9 :) !) II ) 40.23 4212'^ 42I22 44:22 44 22 Sun's j 3) H.i 2> (lecSUt S. Isoulh 5(178 3)'s I High l)lacc. 'water. 40 40 22 48i22 50122 52|2l 5l'2J 54121 50h>l o;2i 2! 20 4:20 (;|2() 8120 IOI2O 12; 1!) 14'l<) k; i?> 18 1!) 20' 18 2218 20 18 28 32 18 17 34|I7 3Ui7 Oil 5(ij8 2 5513 7|8 53 4I)|4 18if) 4J) 43 15 30|l0 48 ; 3i)|ll 51 rises. lujorn. 30 20| 22 14 8 18 3: 58121 17 1 7 8 53 2 10 8|3 48lll 17 4 5 7 7 57 38' morn. 28 1 2 35 3 434 3ll5 if>;G ()! sets 25 32 37 38 8 38 1) 53 5r» 55 4!> 41 30 lO 3 49 30 24 [ 23 35 10 13 II 11 40' 20 ;irt.34l 9.)' 20; I 27|2 28.2 30! 3 5315 30|i) 25!7 11 '8 5(;i!) 41110 3l!4 2(»ll 3414 10 niorn.|5 54 '0 38 k; 3811 48 7 21,2 57.7 50 33 10 50 44 32 24 20 s 3 17 H 4 28 D 31 D 23 £5 / 11 ZB 7 53 9. 8 33 SI 14 n 54 i\ji 10 40 £%. n 48 £X morn. :£t 30 in 1 43 m 2 57 f 4 2 t t 56 V? ;> 41 V? 21 Vf 7 :;»' 7 31 8 11 X 8 4o X 9 19 X <) 52 0/3 I 10 27 11 5 11 49 •ift. 53 i 17 ] 40 I 3. I C'.'.; I Monfli ''<>iw5r,t<:^. o-,, • lom eve. • 's High ce. (Water, 8" ■^ 17 8 4 28 D 5 SI D (> 2:i 55 7 11 S 7 ry.i ^ S .?:} I !' 14 »? J) r>4 ^* iIO 40 X n 48 v morn. \. 30 I 1 4:J > s:-r 4 5 (i / 7 1^ IS 9 f) 2 5(3 41 2i S-i II 4J 10 52 10 27 il 4f> •I ft. 53 i 17 ) 40 if Winter. January begins on Tuesday. The wind howls loud, tho snow is on the ground, The icy river has forgot to flow ; On leaflets houghs no shelter can he found >Vhere the poor starving feathered race can go. 'J'he timid rohin to tlie window ihes, Andhegs some crunihs to save him from death's doom, As round the fire the happy circle hies To dissipate with mirth ilienr uinler's gloom : *"J'i.>» then we feel the hlest delights oi" home, 4ml for the friendless wanderer ^hed a tear, ^Vho's doomM unsheltered throngii this woiJdto roinn. Devoid of even hope his days to clieer: How ought our thanks great God I ascend to tliee, Who fioin such earthly misery keeps us {vcq . New'i^, 20thT."5l7T{liiire7e' | FlrsT'liiT &lTXb h H hire v f- . dm| ITolic.ays, wcatlier,&.c. | I'akmkk's calKiNuak. Circiuncision. (5 J A: 7;^s. I :{ 4 \^ Stat 5 'Q runs }ii2!». p '■- ■ ■ 4 ])& (^ &vp\s of TliG great bulk of inaiikiii-h must alwavs <Tet their li\ irif by culiivating the soil. Tli- 5?ioir.;cliaracler of farmers, tlif:'- More, settles the charactn- < t \) 10 il VI V il I.-) I«) 17 1^ I'ipipbany. very liiirh titles, the connnunity in frcnerul.- Vl stut. i O eciip. vis. jTiro profils of farminfr u\->- Ijuciaii. r/frt^jft'.'.?. .view. l)iit sure. The rrood \\,\ - more w?jc(/»i/(;r/a6/e.'mer <^ro\vs rich simj>ly hv lii-.! 6 d^-h- ' ■ liinnteus died, 1778. Lavater died, 180 1. 1st Sun, !ifi. I'/piphanv. liOU' Ilallev d. 174,*. [ti.lo.^. gr. increased value which he e ry year gives to his fcinn.- - llis buildings and fences nr • yearly growing better, h^i catilc jxrovvinfrl'ctterdi '?; tools elonjr. apiieaiancelgro'^ying better. His di bt: ..-...,..„ 1 Q<kri . 1' ,.1 .„ ; . 1 , ,. . ,. „ 1 I ; oj Bat.Corunna,1801». Franklin b. ITOt!. , Prist a. ^ D & ^. rain 11» ©enter.s av. Com. tides \' '-■-I I O iil)ogee •>:i Win Pitt died 1800. 'U ire also growmg les.-, an, I business more easy <it" mij- nagemcnt:so that by the tu:i" .^ of life i". 'A liich care becoiir's 2iui.aft.l']|diny. (v)ocli|)s. invls;l>m-densomc,h(; ^feneraltyl;i!(i.> rather'higli tides. ($ <>,• y. himself m a situation to tr;i- vel the down hill of life with a LTood degree el' comfori.--- The poor farmer on the otliPi- great 6 1>21&^ 9- St Paul converted. 6'/g7<s.|hand, is the reverse «f .-lil (JDr .lenner died, Ib'io. ^ this. His allaira?, so tVr a^ F ,.'h(l >Sim. aft. Ilpiphanv. DHke.thcy depend v}\ lu.>« nianity..-- liow tides. [ Su.ssex b. 177;?. of a SHOW storm. ...,6 :DvS-7,ts. K. ('has I. mar-. ;n iJen Juhuaun, b. 1374. [tyr. [ •J8 ment.giow uuise and woim-. IJls iixlure.-^ deciy and a if [)atchcd up so aa to do Un- Iff FEBRUARY, 28 days. II Month C^ -C- -">> <--i;^Ti^i'.r>> '5>~i.j;n <^^^'»5n '^ .--5i- ■5'^ .-S^ -•p^-^^ 'Cr\ y^r^ -^ i ■>, '\%. ^^!=^?*B*^^^^^!^=^ , ' I) £■ Tiiil Oi J^i» fi- '-^ii If^ni eve. jLa>lC , 11th d. J»!i Oiii mum. I ) . D J I' f ; ■>;rr ; <ii rt:i ! I V-\ \V|'> '*) 'c()|VV iti «< I 'p 1 ■ ' ^i hi ii) -: "i i ]• r I • > v7i\v ,«; J I 4 ! I SI 7 4 «. I ;i4 2,4 III ,S7!5 ni .-> 4i.::5 4- ,-> 4(i'.') 4-. .". \l\S 40:.") ::<> .-) ;;;'.^ :;i :> Q |l)ays'|S,n's;D R.| ]) | s.'ts jlcirtlildec.S! & S.|soiPh.| p "Tiriry^^ 17 4T4 fir vof !) 4? ic 17 j-; li 10 '-.-:'.' .''^i L> 4u 1(1 lll.isrs !i O! I) 4S|!;) 5i:0 !t :\ ill t :s7!i;) •»' 1 .51-2 1 V4 IU)'l! 14; ^JIO 4|i:!;V.)>0 :no (;'!:i:V,!il 5; 10 10 i-? Ill,-* ()!iO I'^^ii i :^!K] h!io 5ii|l-i:w'4 1> iO Ihi-i IJ^ .") J I' 10 ^'>iU :>7 5 1 MO '24 il ;{V(J 1 i.» >s r'o 4;| 4:';, 4>;iO ;! 1 MO 'is,!! i4 sots. afr. ;^i 4; VA ]-> 10 :50j 10 :>;;•; jit,() 17ilO :{i !0:{!'7 t-*)! IS 10 :"i 10 !M -ja'-i ^io !o 40' !> 17 !> '2t;|-i f.l !0 4>! !f>5 10 :{!;{ L':{ JO 4)1 !) ;ni MS^I JJ4'!0 4s| F 4limorn ."> 'iri'lO .v>i 8 ISO 44|u *:•- 10 r);i 7 ,".") i j-j r .>/ 41, 'Si I I'' -I lace. SI a 'I V5 ^ D a I lli-ii Wilt! (• i I :) 10 in 10 :>:^ 11 4>'; IHOi )' r.' i ' i :'. 'i I 1 '2.'i 5 l.{ It) '7 17 •8 is 'i» {iO •.:\ in -.'0 I.O'.'-'O II -I". 4> I t^, II Mo: itii '^ -5n ^S-. ^T -,, <;-^.^ ..•; ■ '-• -, )iii uiuri). )'.. 1 iiii:'. CO. |\\';it( I- n |.-i t f ?5 f> li ?.5 .) :>\ .1 !7 :u\ El S ] ■> >'^ >< .i> )ii,^ ) ';:» O: ilO lu ;x l(» .'.> I Jl I. J 1 IIK >t ii T r.i t 1 <; t :{ 'ii 'i I 'i.'j i .J l;{ V • ) ,)/ *." M ) :!> r i? i 1 < 1^ Vi X '8 >>,-< •= id :)j ' !!' U:\ ^ 'it • > » > iO • . • > . . 1 ( I •iO uf". VU l, Winter. FEBRUARY begins on Friday. Tl)ere, far as the remotest line That bounds imaj^iiiation's fl gijt, Countless amlynending orbs, In mazy motion intermingled, Yet still fulill immutably *' The Great Creator's" law. Above., below, around, The circlinj^' systems formed , A wilderness of h^i'mony .' ' Kach with undeviatiii<5 care, ' In eloquent silence throu^-h the dt^pths of spac- , Fursueil its worurrous wav. New ® , li'ttMl^ ()h7'^r;n7{Mre. j Firsl"^7^7th d. Hh .V^iTnu-ri- i>.M| IJolidays, Weathrr, &c | far.\i':u's <.ai,>;.n!)ar. Y { Pla^ant Jur\ Candlemas:, or Pur. B.V.Maryltlic prosoiit ; his soil is iiri- '^opUiaires.Sun.A r('markablc!'j>ovcris}icd ; \\\ii debts i:.- 3per. [conjunc.uf the j)lanetS|Creasc ; his cares and p'l- liigh tides[Vcaiii-8,'Jiipit('r at |)lcxitic.s multiply; and )i<" [10. iiOni. morn, rinds liim*«elf", when old ;iii'' V 0*^'^2- //(nuiifits liim t'br the bunivn. ^ season, oliliir'.'d to uiortj^a<»p, cir s»'!l !' Maskolyno d.lFll. .sut/t/<'/Jjliis fanii, and to live on ilh- F ikSexaycsinia fcjun. c/tajJCfAv pittance which his propon v I l;Low tides. ^^ driving has j^aiiied in value hy -i, ■ I -I s'orm of snow, rise ul' prices around liim.-- I'Mlcv. in Knirland, ki8r^\ j'fhe greatest calamity to ;i Ml Valentin<''si)ay. Insurreftioujtarmer is ahea\ydtbt. A ^"^!® rniis low. [in Paris, I^'31 fire is notliiufr to it, bfjCMu 1>>! or rain mii;i be expected. F Quin(i. Sun. apogee l>^ 01 '2-> F '^5 li7 28 Shrove Tues. ^ outers X Ash Wed, 1st dav of Lent. Uiifh tides. 6 1>\' 21 the flames do not exact n; ter<\-^t. 'i'lu; eye of a mM-^ttM does ujoro work than bn'h his hands ; hui it must he ;i:( eye wi ',e awtike. There i> a dirlercnce bef^'cen ev c^ (^ "5 iV 9 Jkromcs'dnd no oycs. To sa\e e\ muchfncr.\\)vn^e and labour is retidv, 1st Sun. inEiCnt. StMattliias.lmoney in all bu.siness : bi;r [l)k. Carnb. b. 1774 in farnhng it is ready luuiif, ''•> 6 3)7 3fc's. (ippenranc(\\v'ah interest, because ;i Low tides. of a |Sives time, which is morv snow 5ior/n.j valuable than money. C 'i MAPvCII, 31 d:iys. Ill Alontd I ^^c^i^^s^^^^ '^'^^^^^S, \- ill (1 ". ll. .i. Jm. Dioni. La.=t<r:,i:5th 1.33 ni. mo r.'. i * w- 1) 1) 1 ' S) ©~ Day.s'iSun-'.s)]) It ^ !>'=* ii'i 1 'II ' ri -;os s ■ "s leu'tliilo ,-. S'l .V S. l.--oa t!!-l |>!aco. W 3 1 ( I- 1'^ !, ^> "T?o 5 ;50 U 7 :3:r2 57,8 "\\ 23 3 2:) i 'M-x\> 21 -> .'^.i 11 27 1(:;3 5d|9 1s> 4 51 1 ' % ■ : i i<' f) '^'r> :^■^l (;;<; 4;|l 57,10 H.- P. 5 55 t, i if I'M >) 2:yr> a-) 11 i;i 21 ;5 31)' 11 ICI SI i\ •12 . 1 ti r-iT •) 21:0 3.) 11 !2 i|.; i5> morn. | -rr)j 7 i:> r^' f V'.,'' ■-iwi; 2215 ns.u i.')5 3-ir\^cs :) (3 Tr;j 7 58 , i :;T...;'5 2f:) Oi)ill l^o 11:7 42 1 2 j-\. 8 31 ' 1 ; T' '«^ F.-''; 1!>'-, 41111 224 51 18 57 I 54 jy ;) 7 1 \\ H.1 y. 1H5 4>;il 24'4 2? 10 11 2 4i; n ;) -1 ''^' ■ v^\V •; liill 44; 1 1 28' 4 4 11 18.? 3() Til 10 ;{•> « • ll'M'tJ lV.r> 45'! 1 l][p 4!: aioni. 1 25 t 11 20 a i 1 13') 47 il :T4;i 17 23 5 \o t iiUjrii. ■ y JB • !:i,\Vi.; 12 1.-) 48 11 3 i'12 5:5 I 23,(5 5 t \) 1 ) « UTii f J lO'.l no 1 ! 40 ;2 3.; ■) I'^C, 55 I ; . 2 » <r,Fr .; t 5 5111 42i2 <: 5 8 / 41 •) 47 1 1 ;Sa 7 5 5} 11 4>'I 42 3 51 •3 32 vj '5 "■ •'' 1 ''% n 5 55 1 1 :,') 1 1;! 4 3! ;) 20 V? I .■>o ,'■ ' .,. 1 4 ,") 5']' 11 52 55 ■V «5 10 V5 5 '' ^ 1 IIVT. ij 2 ") 58 1 1 5'! 31 5 31 10 50 K (1 13 1 :.o;\V!,; C (J 12 (•0 7 5 58,11 34 X (> 50 1 'ihTi;3 5i) G 1 1 12 2's 15 sn?o if'. 1!» T 7 25 t 'i> Fr .-> f7 U 3 12 (-[i) ;:')i7 2f; 1 2 r 7 57 ^ ;2:{'^a 5 5'J'(> a\u r\: 3!8 -i 1 4'. c,o 18 2l> i *i-1'H' ;r, g;i ' rM 0;;i-i ;;-'.» 3,2 8 1) 3 \.-, M .-, 1 7 1-.-! ! ; 1 o^X'A') 40;. 5 22 8 t) 40 -.ri- :.5 5 1 : • » v>;i2 \o 1 ).^ II ..i ! 13 a 10 20 1 1 'ir/iW!;! 5-)\{] I0i!2 ■;- •• 37 !.i(.»-;i,r ; a I \7 V -^'TVl 4-'tJ l-l^.-:.p (ii() "i.! ; 5 25 uft 1 1 ^ ':;^^>,.') 4;'') 1 . 1.!:,! :.M 2i,i ^ y 'I ilo I 4) ;jo 5^ a i:» l.T(J ].■ : i :•• •: < - 1 . \ ■- • ■ 1 c 1" 23 3 24 \n vi ,F p) 43 o !> i-t :jl 4 10 '3 4i ') i SI < 41 • 4 II Mouth ni.'mor,'. J I in 'i wal( r [ / 7 S ) '.) •li i;) 7 .-: (> 7 / 1 10 '>0 I ' 17 uft 1 1 I -1 ) I 4J 47 ." ."> Jit no 40 r * i) H Spring. MARCH begins on Friday. *'5n >^5n 1.50 '-^^ V5i<^^ <-'5^ ^•<5^i<>i • <'> ••<:-i '-?n ■•<5^ '■^'^i '•'-'1 '-'5^ <<^ -^ • tlicrfi is health in the clear cold breeze, And a sound of joy in the Icaflrss trees; And tiie sun is pale, yet his pleasant gleam Has wakened the earth, and unchain'd the stream j A nd the soft west wind, oh ! it gently blows ! Hasten to follow, pale Ijidy primrose ! And hyacinth graceful, and crocus i;:av, I' or we hare not met this niany-a-day. Follow us, follow us ! follow us ti;en, All ye whose home is in grove or g!en : ^^ iiv do ve linger ? Who elre is coniins:, INow spring is awak'dwith the w ild hoe's humming ' iTeJv""©,"9lbt drCir4(Tm7m'orn7 jFiiVt 3)728; h'dT()l-K?/4in. ew™'' i»m| liolichivri, Wcath(^r &c, ; farmer's CAi,KM)Art i C''uis liiirli. jSt Davit!. | Tuke cppoitiuii'y Lol<;i • *••! ^ ©*.^ l< ..IchnWcslt'Vjd 1791 the hurryii]</ season cuines on F i'^r.'d. Smh. in Lent. to .-^oleet and i)urclKi,s;2 such 4'Q I'origoo coohr 'neat cattle, sheep, pig^?, seel r>!V()ltuin! (lied 18^. tf<7/i;vvlieat, pota'oes for j>!ar:t ng-, (i I very high tides'. 9 , "jr. eio!!. &c, a^5 will hke'y to pro', f /I fiigh iv'n .'?. most valuable on a farm, h i- ^\ y^'^S- '^ niiiid the follow in ;;• y driviu;:; |nia.\i!n,viz: ChoosC those an:- F L'h-d Sun. in Lent. s/iotf^ mals and vogctublcs to j rc- J li 9 pcriiielium. s'.onn. pan'atGfromjWiiich possess tl:.:; ]'ij qualities that you wi.-h mij^ht 13|Low tides. becomes finer, distinguish their oflspring '.n ll'C runs low. [the greatest perfection. - chancres /o Farmers are too apt to sell e IX loud I) and their he^t, stock to the but- chers and l>eep t!ie poo;e.-t F jMid. Lent Suii. 4th in Lent. It'C apo. 6 1)^'^ [^t I'a'^ii-Ii.ito breed from ; an.l to ga'hir li*jSpring bcgiiis. dull u\ a! her. ihf'w seeds iVom vegetables *^0'Sun crosses the Hue at 'tiii.'^iu |\v hith More jernntted t) 21 :lli<;h tides [r.M.f4"^cnterbY-|i'JU to seed nierely bei auro 2*i' (^ C <^»; '^ • a slann.'i'Aicy were Morth but hltl .' S.J.Ansirians iuv.ided Italy, I80I, 'tor cor.smuplion. Grain f i' F i'lth S:-r'un. in J..ent. noiv 'roots for fattening neat.<t(4||t 2r)iLady Day. AruHm.B.V.Mary.|or s-Aine will go abciiT y<'i| we innj jone third further ifsteam- 2?j(5 J) ^i J- e.if.'crl o ed or boiled, than if u^^ed 'i8| spell 0/ fine Iruw ; an.i when it is wish- 29jLow tides. weiilLc'r. 'ed to cook food for cattle or .'i('| aji/Jta a'lce < f /a.'//.|s\viuo in sujall qiiantiLie:!, it F l«'th Sun. in Lent, Palui. Suj;. may be done at little or no e.\- ipense in tiic evenings oVer It he kitchen fuc. '^^M^S^ APRIL, 30 days. IV Month. ^^'■♦l'.^t^.<^v^i.^'..^'.^;,eri..^ v5ni,^i.^.^i;^iw5rtu/5*i<5o ttfr^ iCnii^t^n '■^r, i^-i -^y^ *;• i " II II O. -tth tl. lOh.VJtjm. ii)oni.|Iiast C Jllh tl- ■?'»• •'I'^n. cvt.'. i 1) M It) NVI rises sets I tlnys j llen'th! w 2l ai 41 5! () / 8 1(» II Vi i;{ M 1() 17 If 1«> 20 %\ 25 20 2/ 28 2i) M Tu \V T.I Fr Sa V iM Ti' W Th Fr «n F AI Tu W Th Fr S:i F M Tu W Tii Fr Sa F M Tu 5 5 5 5 5 ;"> 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 42 40 3H 37 35 34 32 3J 2{» 28 2i; 25 23 22 20 1!> 17 ]() 5 15 5 13 5 12 5 10 5 J) 5 7 5 G 5 5 5 3 5 2 5 1 5y 18112 20il2 22112 23112 25112 2(i|i2 28ll2 2})!12 31 1 13 3(> 40 44 4(1 50 521 32 34 1^5 37 38 40 41 43 41 45 47 48 50 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 55113 57 58 1 2i 41 8! lOl 14l lol 201 22il0 201 10 28 10 Sun's (It'c.N T 4 ^ i> 5 () (; (> 7 7 >»^ 4 8 8 {) <) lV. S. iHOUtlll place |\vatei- 51 30 34 3(11 40l II 11 II 12 51 58 1 13 13 14 14 42112 4(ill2 48il3 50' 13 54113 50114 OI14 2! 14 331 4 22 1 9 59 5n 4 58110 54 19 5 29 11 47 4i rn es. morn. 5 7 52 39 28 9 4 1 30 50 10 12 2 2*2 \\\ 11 19 3 12 35 morn. 4 4 57 \^ 4 n;» 10 1 11 5 40 41 1 .59 (5 35 3 •> 38 7 22 25 3 13 8 9 40 3 43 8 54 8 4 9 !) 38 20 4 3() 10 23 50 4 59 11 11 s DtS. 11 ,50 31 7 35 at\.3() 52 8 43 1 25 12 9 51 I k; 32 10 58 3 10 52 morn. 4 7 12 5 31 58 (J 4 50 I 47 7 2 9 % 30 7 58 28 3 4 8 52 47 3 37 9 44 -TV Til t t X X X 8 n n n 5 AS n 29 7 7 7 42 8 17 8 52 9 28 10 1;: 11 3 11 niorii. 1 '> 2 1.'. 3 24 4 18 5 10 5 50 27 7 <J 7 38 8 n 8 19 9 29 10 13 11 2 aft 7 1 39 3 1<> 4 31 5 27 ^ Tl <- •1;! ^lomli. MC^. ^■' .O, Ppring 1^^ CVf. 5 4 { 7 \\\ %\ 18 10 50 ,'>7 (j 1 t yo s 7 1() 'a \l* V ■ ^ APRIL begins on M- ^^l;ly. 'i lie l)iio;litIy bramirji^ Spriij]^ at In g<li is seen, Ai d all tliiujjs breallic of joy. Tiunifai t year Hiilh bill St the barriers tiii-.e and t( jnpesl rear ; A id, clotiied in vernal bcanly, smiles ^eiene The quick-reviving earth. Thoi.gh long hath Lcen Tlie trainee of nature on the r.alu d lirr, P. loic ntfhless V\ inter mocked i^cr bhiiibcrs drear, Ai;d rent with iron hand her robes ef i^ircn^ Ti;e s{)ell is sv. cclly broken I Glosf-v liccr^, ltCsj»U'ndent meads, and vajicjratrd iU.vtic, G'eani in llie Sun, and tremble in tlie bicczc ! A /id now with dieaminj: eve the Toet sees J' air shapes of pleasure haunt ron^.antic bovvers, Aninaughing stieamlets chase the ilying hours ! IVc vv 07 10th d. <:-h. 'i4ui. c-vs.^rFirst'lj' 2: th d. i h! IPnTrnofp ^.>:^J| lJolitlays,Weather,&c | FAr.T;Kii's caj.k.ndar. 'jT^^Q^^ypVirTTiienhel. '; 6C ^V \- /ref,u(nt Jm showers. 'M iigli tides. .'VCood Friday. fne r.'i IV is the time to ci.m- ricnce operations in the ma- nn^-f n,?iit of the soil ; but 'ct i:s (lelibci; tc before we f-tV.l.'- ,(.'!Rev. in Brazil, ISSJ. /or the] i\ hlow: . f-'yslcm in fnrniit.-; season mere rain. clouds up U'ith greet F iMahter Dny f P^a:ter Mundav. l'|i"^ai;ter Tuesday, H 'C runs low, 1 1 JLt.w tides. rilVcry low tides. Itia rpoffee F I Low Sun. 1st aft. Kaster KiiBuflbn died, 1788 jT'Frtinklin died, 1790. <•/ ]^■Ld. Byron. d, ]8':4, aired :ii)\ rv: ncssiblo be !c;st ; tor tin,*? U,ty K-iy, l.i iiionoy, espccii;!- iy v.btn you iiavo hired ni( i\ \'y l!.c iiioi.tli. Let c\ojy liorsc vcu !.o-p be a good or;'? b'.c?i;',c he (. ;its ikt nioie thnu a [A.cr liioic LCi vice, si<rnc is a.-] roqui: ile as in book 1;( r|'- IngNor any (;tib.:r thing. Noi-^' f y o u r b ♦ c b [H) Ich a n d 1 1 . ,!i - j',!ody-]ii;i:yiedy mode of doinu- businc.-3 v. ill answer at ai'.-~ Ycur plurs for the whole se:;- .scn piiould bo well laid cn^ aud ;idJuHted, in doiug whiel:, you sbould take 2cmc account of foul vrciitlier as u ell as fii", cci;tri', inn; i:i;,t as liUle tiiu'.: ]b»'Al|)hege.IIioh tides. 6^-9 t.'O'C?) enters y. rahi. V \'6 (r&7>Ks.t>dSun af.Ka.Kr, ?-"J, i^ in^. niirh i-ibiSt Ceorge. ivannc- '. l,C run.s bijrli. f;.V t^itat. D^.Cloiicester.b, 37?( l«>il)a\ id IliiUie, b, 1717, ',7|Low tides, ch(n:p.cal:lc witli biw.'."' CcL ul! your foi F i'h'd Sun. aft. Euster. " ^^uh cc.i in ihorc.uirb or.'.er as e;tr- nck, uiid he miH <b.) and fcoll Ibf soni<:':bii:r if .nii wi:^h to pait -••i D perigee. ocuii"'(.r.Qi4 SiiOiCtr: lyiii ihe iiionlh as possible. *-'^W^*f«vj MAY, 31 (Jays V Monili. *«^^^i^Vjh'-<>ii<^v/9lM5ni^(^ivC^»^-.<^.i^.'-5^«'C"<-S' '^'^'•^^'^ >^' ■^ "''■ Pull 0'^»"tl<l.t^l>-J3'-^ia- eve, iLnrft C . 11 th (1. !:ih:j3in.c\c. r D © Days' Sun's d R. ( I (C's lii^-h 1 MiW rises | sets len'th (lecN & S. south. place. \vat"<* J W 4 58 7 2 14 4 15 5 4 5 10 34 " ^ oHo o Tn 4 St; 7 4 14 8 15 23 4 33 iJ 25 y\. 5-1 ;i Fr 4 55 7 5 14 10 15 41 rises morn "I 7 2( 4 Sa 4 54 7 14 12 15 58 7 50 It ^\ 7 50 5 r 4 53 7 / 14 14 10 15 7 I 5 t 8 37 G M 4 52 7 8 14 10 10 32 10 11 1 57 t t) 15 Tu 4 50 7 10 14 20 10 40 11 •> ■^ 41» t 57 8 W 4 41) 7 11 14 22 17 5 11 50 3 40 V5 10 41 <> Th 4 47 7 13 14 20 17 22 morn. 4 31 V? 11 31 R 11 Fr 4 40 7 14 14 28 17 37 42 5 21 ^^f morn. Sa 4 45 7 15 14 30 17 53 1 17 (> 7 2 i 'i 1*2 F 4 44 7 10 14 32 18 8 I 40 53 1 2S '1 1 "^t M 4 42 7 18 14 30 18 23 2 10 7 37 X 2 37 14 lb 4 41 7 10 14 38 18 38 2 42 8 20 K 3 10 ' 15 W 4 40 7 20 14 40 18 52 3 4 ^ 4 ;{4 K) Th 4 30 7 21 14 42 10 3 31 47 CY> 5 21 17 Fr 4 38 7 22 14 44 10 20 3 55 10 32 8 3 18 Sa 4 37 7 23 14 4() 10 33 4 20 11 10 8 41 F 4 3a 7 24 14 48 10 40 rfOtS aft 10 8 7 21 M 4 35 7 25 14 50 10 50 8 51 1 8 a 8 i. ii ^1 Tu 4 34 7 2() 14 52 20 11 55 2 2 D 8 30.: li'^ VV 4 33 7 27 14 54 •>0 23 10 55 3 1 ii> i)v 2 1 > '-^3 Th 4 3-2 7 28 14 50 20 35 11 48 1 SLd It) :t: yi Fr 4 31 7 20;i4 58 20 40 morn. 1 50 a JO 57 iH ^^ Sa 4 30 7 30 15 20 57 31 5 55 SI 11 .->!> : ^♦i F 4 20 7 31 15 2 21 8 I 10 (> 40 TT^ alt, 18 L>7 M 4 28 7 32 15 4 21 18 I 41 7 40 1^ 2 45 iiSlTi; 4 28 7 32 15 4 21 28 2 8 \\{.) -r\. 4 2 iiV) vv 4 27 7 33 15 21 37 2 38 17 .r\. 4 57 :50 T\i 4 2(j 7 34 15 8 21 40 3 4 10 n 5 33 iFr ;•'* 20 7 34 |15 8 21 55 3 31 110 50 ^'L 23 .< 2..,' M\ la 5-1 1.1 n 'A7 •1(1 t 1^ ^Spring. MAY Krgins on Wctlnrsdny. Now the bright morning star, Day's harhinc^cr, Conne.s dancmjj; from the oast, and leads with lirr Tiie rtr>\very Blay, wiio IVotn hor green lap throws 'V\ni yellow cowslip and the pale prinirosft. If ail, bounteous Way, that dost inspire Miith, and youth, an<i warm desire ; ^Voods and groves are of thy dressing, Hill and dale doth hoast thy blessing. Thus we salute thee with our early song, ' And welcome thee, and wish thee long. ?sow0,lJ)th (l-5»h. l-lui. inurn.]Fir«t T), v»;t|, (\^ «ili. lOm. umn-. DM I Holidays, Wcailior, &:n | llSt.Philip and St. .lames. 2 1 (^\nle ifitnii IVJIigii tides. Inv of the Crvs<. 4\ iiilli occasiunal r l4th Sun. aft. Kaster. «"ivSt John, Evan. Ti ir(t runs* low. lojfiOw tides. ] 1 ,<I apoorce. showcn Finn for planting rain may F Rogation Sun .">tli ai't.Eastor IJ)' [uncommonly low tides 1 4 D © 1^ . be crpecteff. !.'» iinstcady 1G;Asc. Dav,or Holy Thunsday. 171 Inf. (^ 9 & O- tveather }f^t6 • ^ 7^'!?. for some F Snn. alt Ascension. Dunstan 2()i Faster term ends. High ti(lc^ 21 |(v) enters D- d^Y" 2'2i0 im.s lni>;h Prs,Hombur<^.h. 2o| (5 d&c^.H Stat. quite[\770 24| 3) perijrcc Prs. Alexandririr. 2.'>i [Victoria born, 1819;/?«< F iWhit-Smi. i^stat.Low titles 27 Whit-Mondav for thf 28{VVhit-Tues.Kin^s.b. D. kept 291 9 in her ^.K.ChasH. restd. SOJVoltaire, d- 1778 season 3J| - I' ARM r. n S C A L K M) A R Prune Iruit trees begin- ning when the buds hav« scarcely began to swell, antl cndinjT before the expan.si<»u of the leaves. It is hi-.rh lime to clear your barn yard, and manure your fields with its contents. Having laid itwhcrn it is to be used,you will please either to spread and plough it in as soon after spreading nx possible, or cover it witli earth, or some ether sub- stance, which will i)rotect it iVoni snn and rain, as well n^a ab.s8)rb its fertilising gases. You may about as well suffer your hay-cocks to be bleach- ed and washed as your ma- nure heaps, unless there is some suitable substance to cont, underlay, or mix with iho animal and vegetable sub- stances which they contain. — Be very particular to spread your manure evenly, so that every portion of your soi) may have its due shari. If JUNE, 30 days. VI Moiuh f 1 I ■;'■ i - 1 FnllO.iiiu <l. 7h.:iHni. n.orn. |Lii--;t C ,H;t!i d. .Sli. 7jn m mi. i> V| C^ 1 (5» ■ Diys'i Sun's! (C'il.l <L \ <L'^ Hiirh M \V r!^i-":-j son llen'th;ilrc.\ fe «.lsou'li. | pia'^c |\Vat<'i, _ . ,. .... .,.,. _ __ .. . _— — — — - — - -«. .— . __ —>*....»-»-. "] Sin-T ' 25 7 ;r) 15 1(1 >> 4|4 2 11 4«i r\ 1 1 'i'' i 25 7 :i 15 10 y\ 12i-i>03. morn. t 7 38 ;, M 4 217 \\\ 15 121 >> l^iH 54 371 ^. i ^ 1 ; 4 ri 1 2:5 ; :J7i 15 111 >> 2; J 47 1 2!» V5 ■^^ 5l) T 1 5i W I 2:5 7 :J/ 15 Hi >2 ;}:!-IO 35 2 21 VJ ) 31 •'1 Tn I 22 7 8S 15 K! 22 40 11 14 3 M *•• 19 1 1 / Fr I 2> 7 3S 15 1<! >> 4(; 11 t-^ 3 5^ 10 5;; ria 21 7 8) 15 ISl \l 51 ,L.i#rii. I 45 11 41 Mi^^ 21 7 3-^ 15 IS 22 5;;i0 15 5 29 X .n )r:K 10 -'^ 21 7 3:1 15 18 23 I'O 35 i; 12 X 3) ] 1 Tl 2>) 7 40 15 20 23 (ill 5 o 55 T I 31 -1 1 SV 20 7 40 15 2u 23 10 1 21»7 371 <Y> 2 37 13 1.1 20 7 40 15 20 23 13 1 55 S 21 c^ } 43 u Fr 19 7 41 15 ^^' r? 1(5 2 IS !) 7 s 4 4; 15 Sa IS) 7 41 15 2Ji23 1!) 2 43 i) 55 c 5 33 F 1!) 7 41 15 .'a23 22 :{ 17 10 47 n (J 19 17 M 19 7 41 15 "i23 23 sots. 11 41 n 7 3 18 Tc I'.t 7 41 15 2J23 25 8 39 :; -4 (tt; 7 43 l!) W IS 7 42 15 24:2.i 2() 9 3S I a 25 8 27 2C T:i 18 7 4> 15 24 ei 27 10 27 X 45 ^ .) 8 21 Fr IS 7 42 15 212^. 27 11 5 3 44 ^l 9 50 22 Sa IS 7 42 15 24 23 27 11 40 4 40 Tlj^ 10 37 23 F IS 7 42 15 24 23 2(1 in It J. 5 32 1^ 11 31 24 M 18 7 42 15 24 23 2() 9 « 23 ■Tl aft. 3 > 2.3 1 iTu 18 7 42 15 24 23 24 37 7 19 £2: I 53 2(1 W 1!) 7 41 15 22 23 22 1 2 7 5?^ f\. 3 13 27 Tm 1!» 7 4! 15 22 23 20 1 3(1 8 47 I'l \ 20 2v^ Fi- 1! 7 41 15 2^ !23 18 I 5: 19 3« m 5 13 21 > Sail 1! 7 41 15 2\ 123 15 2 3i;iO ^ ' ^ ") 5(» 30 'f U 1 ,7 41 15 2. 123 11 3 C V.l l^ f i^ !J 87 ! \ 1 as ^ } ; \ .)L) ) ;u 10 ]| 10 5:1 it 41 n )r:i. ) :n 1 ;h .S7 ) 4:3 4 4 J 5 a:j ; i;> 7 a 7 4(; 8 27 ,) 8 :) 50 10 .n 11 31 aft. 3) I 53 3 13 i 30 ."> 13 ") 5(» a 87 ft 'Summer, t > •# JUNE begins on Satiinlay. "Serk he who will in fljraiiileur to he hle<«t, Place ia proud halls, and splendid couils, his joy i V\r pleaMireor for jrohl his arts employ, V hil.st alh his hours nnnirtnheretl cares molest,— »A lilile field, in native jlow'vds dri si. — A riv'let in soft murmurs j^liding hy^ — A hird, whose love-sick uoie salutes the sky, \\ ith sweeter magic hdl n>y care«» to rest. And shadowy woods, and rocks, and tow'iing hills, And caves obscure, atid uii'ture's tree born train * * * ]Each ill my mind som'i gentle thoughts instils ; 5k * * Ah, gentle thoughts! soon lost the city cares among, Nen#, I7th-(l.(;h. fjCii^cver T^^^';}) '^4t!i (Olh.l^ni'nioTn. I'M 1" F 3 4 lioliilays, VVcathtr «fcc, I Mere ai^yis FAIl^IF.KS ( ALE.Nrt.VR . \Vi"houtmdu:?ti'y,ei:oiiO!)jy Trinit)' Sunday. High tides, will be of no avail ; .md with- of rain out economy, the fruits of in Coo/er'diistry will soon bo \vast«;(l.— 5iDul{e of Cumb; b. 1771. iindThc slothful iiusbamlir.an ffK- IrPr. Leopold el. Kin^Btljriimi. hibits his ownKhj^mc t,o exf- 7' o in aphel. ($ Qvt ]#.' 9 S'at.ry f)a:?sing tia\elh;r. Loi,k> b\0 Apcni-ee. Jiii forai the buiklir/rrg, ficl;l.->!»i!it}.le- ht Sun. af. Tiin. //tf iiiorts ^- oniniids of riie intUc Low Tides .':cflsc/??.1ent fai-mer, every tliinc" i3 St.Bnrnnbus. ^ in his C\^ jfoorand out cf order. Ng»- hicomitiiiM..^ is m its plrice, fcr ho ■U'ar>.':<r.»lias a place for riothinfr ; but "I'.oTi at the n-ood hui^baiulmnn. JO JM 13 14 15 F 17 18 4i» *^() '-Jl 22 F 21 2r. -28 29 F 6€ ^^ 21- ^ m jierjlie. CVea/ si'ir^."^ Qd Sun.af. Trin. iJe knows how to take hol3 o/"of hu;ii;es?. All true and r a storm Uftrm. Tidee very high. C inns Jiij-'h. J) ?eiig(o< (^•^enters EB.SiimmcT Solfticc [ChUhn n)orn.»5uininer begins .'id 8un. fif.Trin. vwrv vcri as a barn lloor, and r.o:t '^ a weed to be seen ! iJer*.' are 7'fr;ifcnces straight hs an f;rrow :;nug and sound, anilv.ithcut any shabbiness! such pj po.ir- ances always indicate a gijod St. John Baptist. Low tides. rain Geo. IV died,& Will. IV ace. unsettled [1830 Will. IV proc. 1830 for St. Peter. • some 4tli.'Sun. aft. Tnii. days. state of affairs within doors. V'ou may depend upon it lie has no morning slings or e- leven o'clock drams. Every thing here shows a thrivinj^ habit ; a habit of industry, and of honesty, of frugality aiwi of he:ilth and cheer fuMics!?, U » I 1 JULY, 31 (lavs. VII Month »^^i^ VS^.'-^ '-^■'''*^>-5^.i'5^'i'5^''5nL,>-.'>5^,i>5ni^5«iuiini<^.i-^.v5ot^,u5^w5',i<5.-.u5n<^ ^1 II It \^^ 'Vi'-r-i 'j5^v<5ni-5^t.'?-it<C>T-/5^t«5^. i-5^i.'>>^>-.<--^t.5^.^o Wj^'j'y^ijr^'j^t^yy i .-:>i lOn WCl "O^ i^» ■ 13 ;- ! ista. 8h. li 2) 1 © ■ )m. eve. Last C.l Jth d. 1 lli.53ir I. eve i Days' {Suirs , C R. i ^'s. High . !>'; MiW] r-es : sets lletvth <lec.N! i^ S. 801 ith. place water Ijiil 1!M 20 7 40 15 20 2;i 7i7 34|inarn. VJ 7 IC 1 \>\ i?iTi 20 7 40 15 20|23 3 8 24|0 8 VJ 7 43 1 • niv, 20 7 40 15 20 22 50!) 5|0 58 VJ 8 30 4|Ta 21 7 3!) 15 18 22 54 9 43il 40 y (> .':;Fr ^ 2117 31) 15 18 22 \^ 10 13!2 34 9 42 (i 8a 22{7 38 15 16 22 4^ !0 39 3 19 K 10 48 ^f 7 F 22|7 38 15 16I22 3o;il ;i|4 2| K 10 55' I F M 37115 14123 30 il 28! 4 44 X 11 3G 1 ?) I'l 24 7 3u;i5 l'>:22 23 n :>0i5 27 Y morn. 1 JO w 24 7 36 15 12 22 15liiiot-n. 0; T 24 1 Jl Th 2.5 7 35 15 10 22 : 15k) 53. 8 1 27 1 i' V 12 Fr 2i;7 34 15 8 21 50 4C 7 3ii 8 2 43 1 1! { J 3 Sa 2;' 7 34 15 8|21 51 1 8 8 20 □ 3 59 ^ 1 14 F 277 31-^ 15 (ii21 42! 1 40 9 23 a 5 5 1 l.*) M 28 1 7 ?>l 15 4 21 33,2 30 10 21 n 1 1 ! J 6 Tl 28 1 7 32 15 4 21 23 i 3 27 11 22 s 6 53 1 1 J7 VV 2J>i7 31 15 2I2I 13; sets. jaft,25 ^ 7 31 1 M' )? Ti. 30 1 7 30 15 Ol 21 3,8 5(5 1 27 a 8 15 |!> Fr 31 7 2ii 14 58 1 -20 52 9 35 2 20 SI 8 53 ■) : 1 ' t 20 Sn 32 7 28114 51] 20 '4110 r.3 21 "^ 9 32 , i': 21 F 4 33 7 27 14 54 20 29 10 3(;4 14 HjJ 10 15 I 22 M 34i7 2t;il4 52 20 18 1 1 3 5 4 ili: 11 1 -% 28 Tl 3r> 7 25 11 5(> 20 1 1 3(^ 5 52 ■TV 1159 ^ m 21 W ^ 3«;7 24] 14 48 19 53|ll 5i» 41 n aft.06 li i 25 Tm 37 7 23 14 4() 19 40|rnorn. 7 30 m 2 27 l 1^ / 2-(l Fi 38] 7 22 14 44 19 27 29 18 19 X 3 41 1 27 t-'a 31>7 21 14 42 19 14 I 4j9 9 ^ 4 40 f ", 2e F 4017 20 n 40 19 I 4GiI0 V5 5 31 1 29 IM 41 !7 1!) 14 38 18 40 2 34 10 51 vj t» 1(1 \ ■ 30,' Ti- 42i7 18, J4 80 18 32 3 24 n 10 ■V5 G 54 '. ^ I 1 : 31 '\y 43)7 17 jM 34 la 17 '4 2U linoni. 7 3o 4iJ eve High \V{ Iter 7 IC 7 43 8 30 y 9 42 10 18 10 55 IJ 36 4l I Summer. JULY begins on Mon?!ay. A thunder storm ! — the eloquence of heaven. When every cloud is I'roni its slumber driven f Who hath not paused beneath- its hollow groan, Arid felt an omnipresence round him ihrovvu ? "- With what a jjlooui the u-h'ring scene appears ! The jeaves all shiv'rmg with e.xpectajit tears. The waters curling with a fellow dreafl, A veiiin'j lerVour round creatioH spread, And, last, the heavy rain's reluctant shower, With big drops patt'ring on the tree and hovvep; While wizard shapes Ihe bowing sUy deform, — All mark the comin«-of the tlumder storm ! K^o^.x* i-^iu I nuri- iFirst 1>, 23d d. 5b 2Uai eve. NeT>, 0, I7thd. 2h 50mmorn l^.^^^ 5V3l.t d . tOh 48 m morn. DMJ Holidays, Weather, &c 1 farmer's c.U/Kivdar. ffOecl. partly "vis7~IIiL'h tidejsj There are two main points 2i0 at its greatest aistancelto be [)nrtieulur!y atterided to 3|<jl runs low. [tVora ©'" mowing,vi2. point in&: point 4| fine g'rofcing out. It i:i a sober truth, ^ilr 5iSHrrender of Algier8,J830 CIq aponree. tctiiihur F lath Sun. aft. Trinity 8 1 vcri/ fine 'JjLow tides. 10 Quite low tides. <^ D Sr^l 11 good tveatliei 12 13 F 15 IG 17 18 VJ 20 F 7tiliSun. aft. Trinity fo hay makers. Cth Sun.aft.Trinity. C runs high. St. Swithin Tides rise, heavy Migli tides, ocl. vis. Very high tides. O P^r. showers Prof. Playfairdied,18rj 5>2 23 24 Magdalen. © enters Q^ Low tides. are near. SiojSt.lamos. Dog days begin. '^"j? gr. west.elong. J^ gr.elor 27 1 much finer F iSth Sun. aft.Trin. "J)rnns low 21->|Charles X dethrone!, 1^3 J 3 )| chTn^cable,wil!i appearand 3liHigh tide? of rai't Mower,fjnd no joking- matter. vShameon yonr chopping and 4«iu„"iiig ! you leive \h.9 Uw.d looking like the troughs of the Rea, Avith here a hr^g'a back and there a mare's tail. \dw do you suppose this will answer ? By no moans ! you might a)3 well pull up the grass with a pair of pinchers. Another not quite so clever I circumstance is, that yoa vero not on the ground in good time. I like to see a man wide awake in the morn* i;\g; and as f )r grog drinking, away with it, it will never do to wet your whistle too mucL; \'ou had bettor be whettin;^ your scythe. Cut steany,tru« ;ind even, no banging nor boasting, but move yonr arm.-? like the swjny;ing of a door on its hinges. New point in ind now poii.t oi.t^ and the iTound behind vou is as level vs a b'jwiiuj greou. /. ,/4 ^^ c^jC^}^ /f^y^ AUGUST, 3^1 aayr. Yiii ^ront1i» i*-5>.u^ '-<* "-^V-. t-^S u^>^ L.i>i i>^ «>^^ u^ '-'^ />»'-^' ^f-*^ -/S^*>':^'-^'.x>i-0»i^t''^T»:^nt>^*-*^^'-rJ^ ■ i <-^''>^-» */C>.'•^-^ -<>' '.^>^'. • -<'>t^r> ^iu5^'^^'<- 1-^" '>> '.^f^'-C^t^O- ^-C^'>>>'>^'^ Last(C,^tli (]. 111. 4^ evp, jNev, 0. ]5th H. 1( h. 21 111. tun I 11^1 % Wl i i ^ront1i» ii<>i'/5^'.>p^ "■?/?> Ini. infii s tiii'/j \ water 8 a 8 as !) 1 •> 10 L) 10 58 11 IS7 I mo Ml 84 1 51 I] 21 1 44 5 4') (> 40 7 21 8 2 8 43 9 ir. 55 10 40 11 m ixivr/ I 54 n 1.1 4 20 5 10 5 5(; (1 34 7 11 7 44 8 \G ( Summer. AUGUST begins on Thursday. It is well in the showy and sunny street The glittering groups to see, And pleasant upon the road to meet With each f.miiing company ; And it is sweM by the broad sea-side To mark the course of the coming tide, When the waves roll full and free ; But the gr^n^ groves seem more sweet to me, Though the gathering dust and the damp sea air, And trie vain and the idle, be wanting there. First ]) , 2 lnd d. 2h. I4tii. moni.lFullQ.^-iitli (\.'4h. 4iin. nmni. DM Holidays, weathcr,&c, 1 Lammas Day. I FAK^JEfl's CAI.KNDAR. F b 10 F 12 i:.'. 14 i: 1( i: F 19 2( 21 23i 21 F 2c; siornsof\ Cut dowu or (iij^ up by the O ipo^ee. Battle ofBlenhcim, roots all useless or noxiong \rkwrigiit d. 1792. [1704i)]ants in good season, tint Jih Sun. aft. Trinity, rain, is to say before their scedj are formed, or nearly ripen- PransfioMiration of our Lord.ed, and either throw them to Name of Jesus. mticA your swine, or rake them in- [iOiv tides. ^ Stat. fintrlo heaps, a^d bury tht.n with 6 <I SiT^-f:^, for «sods, mud, rich earth, &c. cr ■ 'A Lawrence. ftw daj/s.dry them in the sun for fecd- 10th Suii.afL.Trinity. J) runshig Cattle in the winter. — Alorc [lii.frhTliis is the right time in tho loonAclelaide born Very hiy;h tides. Q 17D2. year for destroying tiie bush- shoicers. es,which infest your p!»starep. Perigee. jWet wea'her is best for thi.^ Jine /(;/• purpose, because the sstp ves- •'^redorick the Great d. 178G.'sels will continue opon lon- 1 Ith ynn. aft. Trinity, ihegQr, the sap will be dir- Tides fill. 5ert5oa.char<red,the roots wcakoneii, much C(j')ler.]n.\]d eventually thry will iose :Cin'T William IV. born ]7G.">,their power ofiiroduoing r. :;w Qen.TiJJ, low tides. [kcpt2.''th!shoots. Tr.kc a scrutia zin^, Jine. [May scieutilic survey of your fruit / .S^ Bartholomew. setlltdirQCs, and ])ick off a pnrt of 12th^^un.aft.Tnn, ^stat. ivcilher 27 O runs low. look out fSi 28 St /\;ifjudtine, 2y,John liapt. behead, Q apo. •'.O'High tide-'. a slor.:: 3 1, Joan Bunyar dioU. !Cc8. 'he iVuit fom the !iml;s which i.re over loaded, 6r p it props indor thejn. Your s-wine WiU ;"itten the la'-ter, ifth-^ycari •lave access at will to char- :oaK\vhich will give them an p: cite fir tiheir ''o<)'^. D 2 T S^EFTEMEER, 30 drys. IX Month •^^ u^ u^. t^.'./S'. .-^^ !,<>, v<;^ i>5;^ L<^ i.C'^ L<5r; c^ i^n i-Co t^i iC^. i<^. 05-, kT^. t^ Last ^ , 7th (I. Jh 4lnu morn. | Now ^, 13th d.(iii. 13in. eve. >>'^ m I .'Hi I 1 s -|!;> DID I n J2!M 5 .'3 4 »i T. \\' Tit (i Fi Si' F I\I So 3uiT,-'5 I'iiTiiS 3.3 Fr 5 .]■■:! Sao i:/>F 5 ■ I'jiAi r> llM^i.O J^OjFrS SijSr.'o ^^iF 'o SiilM Id 41 IV 5 \V 5 <> !S^« Tr'(i T/ilfJ » i'F :(i aoLM IG ses 2c }G 3('i{) 31 i() 83|G 3()!6 39iG 4110 4'2:1) 4i,(>. 41,0, 47!() 5;ii(; 5!i:i 53 1 1; 57 j{-) 5H,(i 41.-) (;!5 .''5 I sets Days'! Wun'sKC^ R.| (L | d 's lon'thj clcc.IV| & S.| south ij)Uu'e 3 3i.) 2ii! 27 2() 2li 2'>1 .!.^<! J;") 13! 1^2 ! 9' 7! (i! 5l 3' 2' 0! 5!'! 57' 5 i 51 5o 51 4y r.!8 4|7 13 Oj? 12 58.7 12 54!() 12 52i(i 12 48i<) 12 44 15 12 4215 II 5^|0 11 5211 n .1^•il II 4(:l2 II 4^!2 II 3&'^ 17i8 4!1 55 i8 2;|2 33;8 4'* 2 llio 14i3 4n|l) 47 1 1 271 10 2(45 • 4lll 5!.'; 42|niorn.i() li ') 17 5i; I 33!2 ll|3 'J 12 :>;t 12 3.il4 12 3^:!4 12 35!!3 12 2(i;3 25 1 7 12 24 3 Iv 12 2u!2 12 18 12 12 liil 12 12ll 12 loll 12 C'O 12 4'0 !2 O'.S 1! 58 iO :/ 10 52 35 2(! 1( 1 57 5<; 58 5^ 1518 52 .) 28;:) 5 10 3!8 o5iiO ;.: 1 1 1 10!aft.51 45 ;i 1<''2 4:|3 15,4 53I5 42 1 1 V 410 { 2r 5i 1 2 4: 2: 2( 1 'if' t» 7 .8 451 37 21' 20 13 5 57 48 n<] 23 10 2>|io i:< 24 1 1 35 ■'SCS. IlilOI'il. ; 40 17 / 4:1 0,0 0,0 8 n n SI V CM iUgh Water 8 !) 10 11 morn, 10 48 9.6 52 2<) 14 1 • > 4 ti 1' 11 37 5 43 G 33 7 15 7 51 8 27 1) <) 10 11 aft. 17 1 34 2 54 4 11 1 53 5 37 id 40 2'2 55 2 41 24 IG t; G r 7 6 2"/. ' .: it 1^» m. eve. • i ii.q:h W atcr 8 4d 9 20 [) 52 K) 2<) ]1 It morn. 10 1 af: 11 4 37 43 6 33 7 15 7 51 8 27 9 3 9 41 ]0 21 11 iG 53 •■?7 JG 40 22 55 27. Autumn-. SEPTEMBER, begins on Sunday. The warm sun is failing, the bleak wind is \vailing;, The baie boughs afo sighing, the pale flowers are clyin^^^. And tljo year On the eaBthher deathbed, in a shroud of leaves dead*. r<i lying Come, months, come away, From November to May, In saddest array ', Follow tht bier Of the dead cold year j And like dim shadows watch by her sepulchre. ' liepuhlic of Lcflers^Pt. 4.pr:\4S^ FirsT}), 20th d.3h Im. eve. | FiiTfO/'^yih^tl- 7h. 12m. eve r>M| Holiday-!, Weather, &g | farmer's calendar. 1' 2' 31 I3tli KSun.aft.TrJn. ^slat. | London BurVit IGGO. OS. | See. to your fattiiigf s-^'ine. 6 (L ^ 11: ra:7?.|" The best mctliod offecdiiig 'Rcmar]Mh[y\vi\\ kind.s of gra'in to hog? jb /neito grind it to nloal, and mix Rev. in "nrunswick. Ger.. [it with watef,in|)roport'ion'of Low tides. Enurchiis [5 bushels of me.il to 100 g'ai- I4tii San. aft.Trir. Nat.nf B|lons of Water ;:thc mass to be ^ oT.eln.druns hioii.[VMaryiwell stirred severai times a (5<I&9. rtg«i?z,lday until it hf^p fermer.tod' ckii'ix.gts t()\k, b? conic slighliy acid, when a):>ler['ii will be ready f'r use. In ^perigee. Gcn.Wolfe kil!ed;this way two or three vessels Very h:gh tides, !LCross['5"J must, be kept for foraientation in succession ; aiid the prof>t rather will pay tlie ex{)Cnse."— liambort. r/i/Z/.lCh\nge of diet makes fat Lawrence Sterne died 17<;8 s'.vitie. The unripe ear? of J\/'uw look onf for «|i(idian corn should^ be given 7i F i 1.0 i 111 12l 13l F i 1 5th Sun. afierTrinity ]/! ]8l vM *^'0l 211 Fi ;3 'A4, S5I ^/ j 28, F I CO Low tides St. Matthew. ([_ runs low, KJth Sun, aft. Trinity ' them before they become shri- veiled and monldy. Hard corn sliould not be dealt to swin^. (^) crosses the line at 2h37m witl;OHt soaking, boUiu;?', or i!;'o/en^.9/o/-;n,[morn, ©en.il jgnnding. Indian meal will be with liigfi ivinJs.\h<j\tf^v for boiling, or at least' St. Cyprian. ]) apogee. .tcalding ; and every kind of Prince de Poli^anc & ah im- .food proper for sA^ine will bo- High tide?. [()eached 1830'f!,'rect!y improved bv co<,ki l7thSun.af.Trin. StMichaei's'ing. StJerome [& AllAngel'yDay, )'i! 11 OCTOBER, 31^days. X Month. «^» v^ v^ c^ i^ u^ i^ i^^ i^, i^jn iC>) i<>, i,^, tj5n i<?i 0^ 1.^1 '-^ ><5i ^■^ •^i 1^1 **^ <«^ wC^ <«^ Last J, 6th (3.1 Th. 55m. mom.jNew©, jyth d.IiJh, Slim, inoi n D d; (V) ( 2) Days' »un's ; }> R. i > })'s High i^r W( rises sets lent'h|(lc( \S.1& S. south. place. water T Ta 6 1215 48 11 3G 3 11 7 28 1 4;i y 9 2 VV G 14 > 4G 1 1 32 3 3-1 7 55)2 28 § 9 37 3iTn 6 IG 5 44 11 28 3 58 8 28 3 15 n 10 18 4 Fr 17 5 43 11 2G 4 21 9 10 4 5 ri 11 4 5 Sa a 19 5 41 11 22 4 44 9 58 4 59 II morn. F 6 20 5 40 11 20 5 7 10 58 5 55 25 3 7 M G 22 5 38 11 IG 30 morn. G 53 '^n 1 24 8 Tu G 23 5 37 11 14 5 53 4 7 53. SI 3 5 9 W G 25 5 35 11 10 G K) 1 20 8 51 9. 4 31 10 Th () 2(5 34 11 8 G 3) 2 34 9 47 -^K 5 32 11 Fr G 28 5 32 11 4 7 2 3 58 ^0 44 10J ii 21 n Sa a 29 5 31 11 ^ 7 24 5 10 11 37 jO; 7 I 13 F 6 31 5 29 10 58 7 47 sets. art.29 £X 7 3G 11 M 6 3a 5 27 10 54 8 !) G 44 I 23 vx 8 12 15 Tu G 34 5 26 10 52 8 32 7 17 2 IG in 8 43 U3 W G 3G 5 24 10 48 8 54 7 54 3 9 f 9 28' 17;Th G 37 5 2;? 10 4G 9 IG 3 38 4 3 f 10 12 18|Fr (i 39 5 2rlO 42 9 38 9 20 4 50 VJ 11 1 19'S;i G 40 5 20' 10 40 10 10 21 5 48 >5 1 1 'S SO,F 42 5 18 L 3G 10 21 11 17 6 39 VJ lui.U 21 ;M G 43 5 17 10 34 10 43 morn. 7' 2<; 2 19 '22iTu G 45 5 15 10 30 11 4 18 8 12 :{ 28 23 W G 4G 5 14 10 28 11 25 1 20 8 58 X 4 2(; 24 Th G 18 5 12 10 24 11 40 2 21 9 39 X 5 9 25; Fr G 5015 10 10 20 12 7 3 23 10 21 X 5 48 2(5 ya G 51 5 9 10 18 12 28 4 25 11 4 c,o G 24 27 F G 53 5 7 10 14 12 48 5 2i\ n 4G 0^ G 59 28 M G 54 5 GilO 12 13 8 nsjes morn. 8 7 34 29 Tu 5G 5 4il0 8 13 28 G 3 3! y 8 8 :^o VV G 57 5 3|10 (;|l3 48 G b(' 1 17 8 8 4.8 31 Ta G '5^ 5 2 19 4 14 8 7 12 ) , -1 u 9 2i 1 '.J' . iiioj a I high water '.) 37 10 18 11 4 24 3 5 4 31 5 32 a 21 7 I 7 30. 8 12 8 43 '■) 28 Id 28 2<; V 48 1 Autumn. OCTOBER, bcfflng on Tuesday. The cliiM rain is fallin^-, thenipt worm is crawling:, The rivers are swelling, the thunder is knelling ~ : For-the year,, ?^ ".- «"*.., The blythe swallows are flown, ar.d the lizards each gons To his d^^clli^g ; . ,. ' Come, months, come away ; x' Put on your white, black, and grey/ Let your l.ght sisters play — Ye, follow the bier » ' ^ Of the dead cold year, And make her grave green with tear on tear. Rcp.Lef. First <X / 20th d. 7h. 5()m.morn. [FullQ, 28th d.l lh 34jii morn. Jrfoliday.s, Weather, &g. | farmer's tAiLf;NnAR. DM n 2 3 4 5 F 8 Roinioins. Cood Major Andre executed, 1780 wcalher fotr V>c]iT\\\m dec. C runs hiorh. [indopcn.lSoO 18th Sun. af.Trin. Low tides. the season St Donv.a, loicc & 9 s. Becomes coGl>'.r.\ llj^ per. America discovered. ]3|Tidosrise. f Ul»2,0 S. F |l9Lli Syn. af.Trin. ' UjIIip:!! tides. ralhur 15| Virg-il born,B C70. unpleasant !<>! Kosciusko died, J 817. 17| now comes l8;St Luke. Cruns low. y cn a lovii- 20i.hSun. af.Trin. Low tides. Bat.ofTi-af. IcOn ruin slunn 10 •F 21 23 24 2.:> 2(i 6 2)&iii. '2^ enters tt\. wSt Crispin. J) apcjTpo. lledSifr.t (tc;nxn Some farmers say ; V' it \\Q'& better that the sun nev^r should shine upon potatoes — ttiey should be housed with' all the diit tfiat ndherc? to them." It is even benefu'iul to add move dirt to potatoes- in the cask, to exoJude ex-- tornal air a.s much as potei— ble ; their surface should bo- kept moist, and the atmos- phere, which surrounds them^ as li:tle above the freezing point a* possible,. In many situations, it will ho an excel- lent scheme to rake up all the leaves of trees, and mouldy vvhieh has been ])roduced Ly their decay, v.hich can be procured at a rea.sonable ex- poi'.se and cnstthem into the barn yai-d, as a hvyer to al- .sovb the lifjuid manure frotn the cattle. Likewise it wouhl bo well to place quantities Of iliem under cover, in situat;- f» Ilognrth died F i21st STiii."aft.Trin. [I7(]4|0ii3 where you can obtain SSj'stSimon ^- StJudc. '^t stat jthtm in winter to u.se as litter 2i>riig-h tides'. 7/;f>/T j-ff/w.itoyoir stable-, &r. They do 30 unsitllcd for Inot rot easily.but theyscr^e as '^\l .some ilaiiS:,i sponge to jnibibe.'cind tQ- •n| A NOVEMBER, 30 days. XI Mcmeh t^ v5^ '^1 i-i^ i^ "^^ ' "5^ i*^ ><>^ >-0^ i«n vC^ i^n vSn v^^ i-e-« i<5>i t<>i w^ i^»i c^ iC>i u^ 1 LastC . 4th d. 8h .36m eve. New 0, 1 Jth d. Ih. 40 ra . ever D D © (v) Days' Sun's ' <r H.l <C ; (E's Hi-h M W rises sets lent'h dec.S.|& S. ' south. 1 place. water 1 ■ J Fr 7 5 10 14 27 8 3 a m 3 i 2 Sa 7 1 4 59 9 58 14 46 8 55 3 55 Zd 10 55 3 F 7 2 4 58 9 5(> 15 5 9 57 4 52 o?; 11 51 4 M 7 3 t 57 9 54 15 24 11 8 5 '^'d SI morn. 5 Tu 7 5 4 55 9 50 15 42 morn. 6 47 St 1 15 C W 7 C 4 54 9 48 16 24 7 42 ^ 2 48 7 Tu 7 4 53 9 461 16 18 I 40 8 35 m 4 10 8 Fr 7 9 4 51 9 42 16 3() 2 52 9 27 Ch 5 23 9 Sa 7 10 4 50 9 40 16 53 4 9 10 19 -TL (i a •io F 7 12 4 48 9 3() 17 10 5 23 11 10 m 6 39 ij M 7 13 4 47 !) 34 17 27 sets. aft. 3 n 7 17 12 Tu 7 14 4 46 9 32 17 43 5 46 55 n 7 53 13 VV 7 15 4 45 9 30 17 59 6 27 1 49 t 8 30 14 Th 7 17 4 43 9 26 18 15 7 14 2 44 t 9 11 15 Ff 7 18 4 42 9 24 18 31 8 7 3 37 vj 9 5^? 16 Sa (7 19 4 41 9 22 18 m 9 4 4 30 VJ 10 3v> 17 F 7 20 4 40 9 20 19 1 Ui 4 5 20 11 30* 18 M 7 21 4 39 9 18 19 15 11 5 6 6 A*W aft.2:$ 19 Ti 7 22 4 38 9 16 19 29 morn. 6 51 1 25 L 20 VV 7 24 4 36 9 12 19 43 7 7 33 K a 30 ^ t 21 Th 7 25 4 35 9 10 19 57 1 8 8 15 3 32* ji^l 22 Fr i 26 4 34 9 8 20 10 2 10 8 57 T 4 20. ^' ■^ 23 Sa 7 27 4 33 9 20 22 3 11 9 39 T 5 11 1 24 F 7 28 4 32 9 4 20 35 4 14 10 22 r 5 51 25 M 7 29 4 31 9 2 20 47 5 18 11 7 6 30 26 Tv 7 30 4 30 9 20 58 6 24 11 56 ^ 7 8 27 W 7 31 4 29 8 58 21 9 rises. morn. D 7 48 28 Th 7 32 4 28 8 5(5 21 20 5 51 49 ' D 8 27 29 Fr 7 32 4 28 8 56 21 30 6 43 I 44 25 9 7 3U IS* 7 33 4 27 8 51 21 40 7 44 12 41 25 9 4fS T I MonUb m. ever s Hi^h e. water Hi 3 10 55 H 51 morn. 1 15 2 48 4 1() 5 23 G 39 7 17 7 53 8 30 u 9 5*? 10 3l> n 30 aft.2:i 1 25 a 3a 3 3^ 4 ?<> 5 It 5 51 6 30 7 8 7 48 8 27 9 7 i) 4S Autumn. NOVEMBER begins on Friday. When icicles bang Vy the wall, And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, • ' And Tom bears log-s into the hall, And milk comes frozen home in pail, ' ' " When all aloud the wind doth blow, ', . - , And coughing drowns the parson's saw,, ' ' ' And birds sit brooding in the snow, And Marian's nose looks red and raw ; When blood is nipt, and ways be Ibul, Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whoo ! Tii-whit ! tii-whoo ! a merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. iHrst^Tl^thJ^^a^^ lih 6rn. m JTn DM I Holidays,Weather,&c 'T|7\¥yaTnts"Day'] 21 A 11 Soul's Day. C runs higl, F |22(] Sun.af.Trin. PrsSophia I 4lWmII.lau(led iuEn^landiese 51 Low tides. PowderPlot IfiOc filDuke of Orleans g;uil. 1793 7;BeIgian coast block. 1830 B (J per. Prs. Augusta Sophia *)!l ^9 <$>/i'//^"h^ Ji'fff'/j^'-[born. F |23r(l Siin.aft.Tiiuity. is near. ]|,St Martin. 12 Higher tides. <5 O S,- ^ 13Britius colder itiin 14 Warsaw taken ty the Rus 15jMachutus [sians, 1794 Ifil^runs low. strong sj/mpioms farmer's calendar. 24th Sun> af. Trin.Tidcsful of snoii Very low tides. ^ gr. elong ^ apogee. pleasant/or St Cecilia'sDay. ©enters f St Clement. <$ 0^21 the 25th Sun. aft, Trin. season. St Catharine. some snoio High tides. Belgian Cong.ex- [eluded. H.orOrrngerig3C 5 Stat. Rev. in Poland,! 83( 30}St. Andrew. C runs h'gh tain urine, and convey to the ield much food for j)laRts, which, otherwise, might lie lost. Gather winter apples by 'land in the middle of fair days md by putting them down in sand well dried, it is said you may keep them till apples are igain in season. Land which 13 composed m part of clay, or what is called a stiff soil, diould be ploughed in the fall md laid as light as possible, ^o as to expose it to the action of frost, whieh will, pulverize md subdue it ; and insects vvill be thus destroyed by ex- posure to the rigors of winter. 8ut ])louglied land which is -!andy,loosc,and porous should lie and consolidate till spring. It is tiifte to take a view of your barn, cellar, and all o- ther buildings, where injury can be sustained by frost,and wherever it is possible close ovcry avenue to the intrusi- ms of that unwelcome visi- lant. There is no danger of using ♦oo much ?alt in pre- iservingfut pork. DECEMBER, 31 days; •"• XlI.Montii' •C« lO^ ^1 kC^ »^^ »<5" "^"^ "-<^ '^^'i '^^ "^^^ '-C^ '■i^ >-5« i^r, '^il'^ l<f" v^b*^^ |! % Last C , -1th (l.'lli 17in. innrn.iNew ^, 11th d. '^ih 57in. morn. ' 1 • Htw! rises sets Days': Sun' Si ^R. leiif'h'dec.S. & S. c south. 1 2 '3 4 5 10 11 12 13 F M T \V Til Fr Sa F M 1\; VV Tn Fr 15 F 17 18 10 20' 21 22 33 24 25 2(J 27 2.8. 29 30 M Tl \V Tii Fr Sa F M Tc VV Tii Fr ^Si G M 'W 5iiTu 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1^ '7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7' 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 34 ;rv y-i J}/ 37 38 3<t 3<> 4G 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 4-2 42 42 42 42 42 42 41 41 41 41 41 40 40 \ %\ 25 25 24 23 23 22 21 21 20 20 QKi lU 10 10 10 19 18 \^ 18 ll5 18 18 18 1!) 10 19 10 19 20 ;8 I 20 8 52 21 50 ; 8 53 8 50 21 5!»'I0 8 50 22 7 In 20 8 48122 Kljmorn. 8 4(?|22 24 38 8 4J)!22 31 1 8 44122 38 3 8 42 22 44 14 22 50 5 3 8 42 8 40 8 40 8 40 |0 k; 17 8 8 9 10 22 5(;!(; 30!ll 501 141 27 3:^ 38 or 8 38 8 38 :8 3(1 j8 8() j8 36 8 3(:J 8 30 8 3f; 8 3<i 8 38 8 38 8 38 8 38 8 38 8 40 8 40 2:5 23 23 •23 39 37 32 25 10 i\ 55 44 35 28 1 147 17i8 sets ai't.22 20 2^ 22 2,3 24 23 20 23 27 23 27 23 27, 23 27 23 2^ 23 24 23 22 23 20 23 17 23 14 23 10 23 6 45 3? 38 40 42 9 10 42 11 44 morn. 45 4(J 48 52 I 2 3 (4 I. o 5 (i 7 8 8 ,0 (] 8 rises, 5 19 ♦] 2G 7 40 9 55 10 11 10 8 (: 49 34 17 4(» 21 3 47 34 24 19 morn. 17 10 11 17 10 14 8 place. SI n V5 K cy, n n D 5S £H SI SI (High Iwatojr 10 11 m 31 morn 45 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 '.) 10 4o 11 3 27 34 25 9. 4) 2ti 7 4?, 25 (> 4'* 27 ift.14 ,1 9 2 11 3 16 4 17 9 10 5 7 8 ' 8 io 10 11 55 43 30 48 25J 10 10 [onth' -.wCnKp* 1. morn. IJigh . water 10 m 11 ;n morn 45 2 2 3 27 4 34 5 25 tJ l). tJ 4) 7 2tj 8 7 8 4?, ;) 25 10 G 10 4'-> H 27 aft.Ii ,1 9 2 11 3 16 4 17 k5 9 5 55 G 43 7 3U 8 " '« • 8 48 ■ , 25J ■ , 10 10 : 11 10 Winter. DECFMni-R l/rpins mi S'nrMJ.w The s\iy m darker clouds is riad, :" And dimly siiinos tliooncc bri;;lit sun, And earth'* arrayed in looks mmc <;i(l — All tolltbnt Aiilninn's rac<' is rtm ; . .Aijd lotidly tlic harsli winds .vip;}i. Old wintcrfs cloak of .snouy down . . - O'er llu-s ififierif^arth again is thrown ; ; ^ '• 'Ti^ ci*e.sted uiHi his icy frown . * » , To last till Spring: corrit^s iiij;h. '^ When sun and <»artli again \s seen, Kach in its summer ^old and jrircii. And beauty looks as it ne'rr hnd Imimi CrushM by old VMnter^s sij^di. 'F^~J, ll)th 1h. KJm morn _[Fuil 0._2*^'=^' d.~7)Ti T?;ni morn. dm| ilojiduys, Weathor, tfcc. | kakmfu's « \ i.e.ndar, ¥ I Advent Sunday. Hather T!;-: fiuincr should obtain 2|BaUlo ofAuslprlitz.1805. h is year's stork of wood for ojRev.inEiijnfliind.KIS^'. co/./trifucl. ns early in tho season tia 4 Tides rather low. 3) per. <rt7.'tj'po<sibU\ and hofore thodeptli ^,6 5^- , frosiJiS F^now in the wood'-hmds OiNicolas. JVotv /oo/r, renders it difficult to truverht; 7l\cy Shot 1815. out for n theni by a team. It would 1m< F 2d Sun. in Adv. Concep.BV.Mj belter for firmerf. generally c/ru'in^ speak JUL'', \o us«! the saw in- stead of the axe, in prepariri;;!- snow slorm. wood for the fire. It is sain 12 li (■ comes thst a fire composed (^f 13FtLury. (^ runs low. 5fi7/ sticks of wood, not more tli!»;i 14 VVaaliington died 1799 coWer',14 inches iong,will jrive more F 3rd Sun. in Adv. ($ G & 9 than two thirds as njut-h beat lt)| clear anrf as that made of double thf: ITjSimon Bolivar died, 1830 llcnirlb; and thatsticks offrowi 9 10 11 High tides. 18i J) Apo:iec cold, hut 19 Uncommonly low tide?, ^stat. 20 pleasant J or 21 St. Thomas. Winter Solstice F 4th Sun. in Adv. [© ents. ^5 2.S thf. Si'(i3'>n [71» 52m tV". 24 some snow 25 Christmas Dr.y mnij 2o|st Stephen. -^ eclipsed lotnl 3 to4 inches in dinnietcr oji .-. medium will be found mo^^t economical. A barren hrad is much more to he dreaded and deprecated tiian a barr<'ii soil ; and y it may sow the seeds of kn<»wle('frc end bijr"- the fruit?; uf virtue to trBtUM- tv. <,i!ito as wf'l] in t';e v,ji!- 27 Rt.J(dinF>v. notc[3,- jait vi.-iblc ter as in the summer, and I v »>o 1 IT i__ I X 1 ^ » ■ _ I . : 1 • L • . 1 • 1 i? i, - ■ 1 ' 28;Holy Innocents' J) bifrb tides F list Sun. af.ChristmaK ^fi^r.e]. 30 1 be expected. >3JiSt, fSilvestcr. O in Perigee. this kind of cullure yrn viU be sure to ebta.tn a p(;ed cr»p of pre^•cnt prosperity. {■«; well as future felici'v. \v. I M n 50 FAn^lKu's ALMANACK. PROVINCE OF IS'O'^A-SOOTXA. l.icMiteimnt Governor, Ilis ExcellencyLieutenant General Sir Peregrine Maitlaud, K.C.B. ProsiJent,Admini3tering the Government, during the absence of tjie Lieut. Governor, the Honble. THOMAS NiCHOLSOr^ JEFFERY ins MJiJLoTrs couAvrL.* Honorable Sampson Salter Blowers, Presi(I(»nt. Honorable and Right I'ev. John, Lord Bishop of iV ova- Scotia. . Hon, Thomas Nicholson JcfTery, Hon. Bi'enton Halliburton, Hcm,Hibbert Nevvtcn Binney, Hon. Enoa Collins, Hon. Simon Brads treet Robie, Hon, Charles Ramagc Prescott, Hon, Samuel Cunard, Hon, Henry Hezekiah Cogswell, Hon, Peter McNab, Hon. James Tobin, Hun. Joseph Allison, and Clerk, Sir Rupert D, George, Baronet. Asst, Clerk, John C, Halliburton, Esq, Cliaplain, Rev, Robert Willis, D. 1). iMer^senger, Mr, Joseph Skallish, •'■v ' i'iie Muiul.ers of Hi** !\Iajesty*s Cojiicil, lii'd ;lie>'peaker ©f the iigjse ofAsstmblviure J asiicw of the Perice tkoughout ii»«Piovini«, itenant rAKMin 8 ALMANACK. 51 , during r{on!)lc. iY sidont. ishop of peakcr •f \he t Ui«PiOvini«, HOUSE OF .ISSEMnLY. B. G. W. ARciinJALP, Enquire, SpcaUfr.* COUNTIES. HnfifaT ]»G WArcliibakl, fWin LiiwfOn, ^Ico Piniih r,n(J Jo ham nianclu-rci, Kf»(ir» Cumberland •'"■\ Ah \ St.nv.-rt and IJo'cph Oxley, K-qrs JJantM . . . .1 1'Jsnj IMvoIf aiid Win B IMIhh, Ecqrs ATrn^r ',.... jt:|i^ha DcWolf, jr.siid ynml Cliiimiiin, Ei>\ts Qt/<'<fnV« •••tJo!«ey)li FrcTMuan and fJas H Dcwolf, Kcqr.'* .tfn;t/T7)o/r««« "t Wai 11 Ro.-tch iuid tJno JohDSton, Kttqrs /.7inf«/)7<r^'' • ••t^Viu Rudolf find John Crcighton, KRqrs 5'ft<'/6Mrne««'«Hf:rhtrt Huntington and Jajr.es L€nt,It><]r3, Si/dney-"-^ John Vonnp and fTl.oa Dickfon, Ei^qrs 0«r»c ^r/'/on- •••TiTwrcnce Kavanagii, Jamee B. Uniacke. ;.r.d Will*!! Young, Esqrs. TOWNSHIPS. /•fet/i/rtx. •.•!>€ has R Fiiirbanks and -'tcphca W Debloia, _E#<qi3 Truro Vltx.uider Archibald, Esq - f,;n.v /of. '.... .'Kobi Dickson, E^q Londondfrry fJohn Wier, Enq y^rrt/i<vsf . ...f James 8 Morse, Esq Windsor- ••* Falmouth"" fWin .^hey, E^q .Wwpcrf. • • • • Fcli.v C othraii. E;* q CarnwtfUis • • • ■ f John Morton , Eeq JTorton'"- fFau-e^ H:irriy,E^q JAnrponl " "■ii\ni<t:< 13urs», Ei^q .^tinrr/j(>/?j!i«« • 'i Jatnes U Lovett. Esai iiranville • • • •James Delap X?t^?iy.. ..€iiaric3 Budd, Esq Lune.nhvr;j^ f John I jCckiiian, Esq. Barr'mgtori' • ■ 'fJohii Kou.cr, Esq Shelburnc • • • • Charles l^ocl e, E^i Yarmouth ..••!.-; if Poo!e> Esq Sydnt y, C £ E . M . I odd , Esq Arichat, C B"" Law. O'doanor DoyW, Esi- Chaplain, Rgv R Fitz tTniacke, AM -, Clerk, Joh;i Whi'f- don, Ksqj A^st Clerk, J F Gray, Esq; Sorgennt at Arms, Mr. Matthew Forro.sler ; Aijst Sergt* at Anu:», Mr. AU-.ttiD^Jer Uoylrf', Mcssengft Mr. JohnGibbs. ^9 91 '55 FARMRR S Al/>f AI«Ar.K. ?!l Courif>fCh((nccry. — Ciianrcllor, ]\i% Honor thpTr<»- ..ftltlcnt ; Master of the lloUs, Hon S li Uobic, I. L [J ; MdstcrJt, \lon i^ ifalli!)iirtf»n, Leuin M VVi!ki)i^, Pi-Irg UiHvvnll and J (i Marshiill, Esrts ; /if><?:sM-(7r, Natlianiel ^y White, li?=q; CoumcUors and SjlicUorHy the Earristcri u;ul Attoniies of'the Supreme Court. CoiiH of Error ; Marriage and D'n^orrc. — His Majesty's Counci'. A<lvocAtes and Proctors, the Barristers an(i Attornies of tlie Supremo Conrt. Court of Vice .'Idiniralhj. — .fudge, Hon S S Blowers ; Advocate' General, S G W Archihald, Esq L Fi U ; Sol. Xiene.-a). C U Fairbanks, Esq ; Ue^istrar, .T. 1\ HooiJ, Esq ; Dci-'ly Re^. J S Tremain, Esq; Marshall, S W J)eblois, Esq ; Deputy Marshali, ; Advocates and Proctors, the F^arristers and Attornies of the Supreme Coui^t. Court Qf Escheats and Forf'lfnrcs. — Commissioner, J \V Nuttino-, Esq; Ke^Mstrar, Sir Rupert D George, Dt. SUPREME COL'iil'.— Chief Justice, Hon Sampson Salter LJlpwtuvs ; Puisne .Indices, Hon H Hallihui-ton, l^ouis M Wilkius and Richard J Uniacke, E.sqrs ; As- sociate .hidjje, Peleo- Wiswall, Esq ; Attorney General, JS G W Archihald, l-sq. L E I) ; SoPcitor (ieneral, C R Fairbanks, Esq ; King's Counsel, U'llliam Hill, ar,d Ksqrs; Clerk of the Crown and Piothonotary throughout the Province^ Wm Thompjon )utv, J W Nuttins:, Es( '.puty ■»3> iq. Earristcrs and Attaniies at Law of the Siipre:re Court, resklins^ in the Froviiice. Halifax. — Hon. H H Cojrsuell, I) S Ch.rke, SG W Archihald, (Attorney Gen.) J \y Nutfvnn:, William Hill, I'lvinjj's Coun^^el.) C R Fairbanks, (Sol. (jlen,) James W Jahn>lon, N W White, Wm B-Hliss, Beamish Murdoch, A!ex. Primrose, J;is S Ti-eniaiu, Char!e> Twining;, Jas. Pt Uniacke, John James Sawyer, James F liray, Went. Flie^'her, Wm Voun;^, Charles W H Harris, Hugh Harts- ]v)rne, EH Harrington, Lawrence O'^'. Doyle, John C. Hallihurtou, Win bowman, Wm Satherla.ud, Thouias B Altkeu, \('peaii ( 'larke, A rchibald McQiic^'u andChavidcs Ui'l Wallace, Ks(irs. Pictou. — Thomas Dickson, Jothnm Blanchard, Henry n'-'ielvadar, Martin Wilkins and Edward Roach, Esqrs. Truro. — Jonathan Masters, George R Grassie and J'ii ilci SlcwurL CiarLcj Fs(^is. LheTrft- 1. r. D ; %, Pi'lrg athaniel ariistcri [rij esty's ters arni Howers ; D ; Sol. all, s yy Ittornies nor, J W 2, Dt. Sarnp<>on hbmton, ^q^s ; As- General, ral, C R own arid hompj.on Siipre.re SG W iani [fill, lames W Murdoch, inj?, Jag. y, Went, jh Harts- , John ('. Iioinas B dChatVics (I, Henry , Ksqrs. assie and FAUMEtt's ALMAIfACK. «rt Annapolis. — Henry Goldsniilh, John Johnston, Wra 11 lioe, Jiinics A Dennison, Charles T C McColla and Jo' n VV Ritcliic, Esqrs. Difchy. — G K Nicholls, F.sq; Brid;;e(o\vn.— Stephen Broniley, Alex H Winniett and Silas L iMorse csqrs, Amherst. — Janir?. S xMorse, Alex Stewart, Charles D Roach and Silas C Morse, Esqrs. Kentville — John Wliiddeii, John C Hall, Stephen II Moore and Wm E Smith, Esqis. Parrsboro',— Robert 13 Di(•k^on, Esqr. Windsor. — L AJ Wijkins and liairy i\ii;g, Esqrs. Newport. — D D Stewart, Esq. Antij;onish, — John T Hill and Alex McDougQll, Esqrs. Yarmouth. — Wm H Keating, i;s.]. Guysboro'.— Wiriinni F T^cs liarres, Esq.: tiiverpool. — William Sterns, Samuel P Fairbanks and. Snow Tarker Freeman, Esqrs." Luneribuj'g. — Joiin Creighton, George F Solomon, Chas B Owen and Charles Rolman, Esqps. (Chester. — William Greaves, Esq. C\fiPE-BRETOjy, Arichat.—Wm C Delaney and J-ames Turnbull, rsqrs.— [Sydney,] — R Gibbons and E Al Dodd, 1 sqrs : Non-1 esidents practising in Cumberland, E B Chandler and James Stewart, tsqrs. A^ova- Scotia Barrister's Suciehj. Patrons, The Chancellor, and the Honor;'.- I)lc the Chief Justice, Honorary Members, l:;« Judges of the 8i:prcme Court, 'i'rcasurer, Hon. ii ii Co«^a\vcll, Librarian and Sec'y. J VV Nultiiig, L>q, Commissioner's for lA%ht Ifoiiscr, Hon. S Cunard, Tlionias Mawiaid and JarifT U. lidrnarsh, Es(|r.s. Conunis.^ioirors for the management of the INtnl - llshnient on Sable Island Wm. Lawson, la u mu> Wallace. FiHWAKD Cu^.^HI) and J.\s. H. 'I'lt'Mii.Mi, Ksqrs. Clerk, Mr Edward Dnckett, Junr. Commissioners of iLc Jurcnur. lion. S B Ruble, lion 11 II C«>j:^woll, W'lii i.n^^^■iw. T.mu. Ilartfhorno and Charles W Wallace. LItqrs, CUik. Mi. iJdw DutkcU Junr. 64 riRMBR'8 ALMAJfACK. COLLEGES AND CLERGY. King's College Winrlsor. Patrnn, His Graoo the Lord Arcliblr?liop of ^'initerbury. Vuitor, the Lord Bishop of Nova-Sootia. (iovernora, Hia Excollcncy the Lieutenant (J jveriior ; The Lorl Bishop of Nova-Scotia, the Hon t.h 'Chief Ju^^iice, the Jiid^e of the Vice Admiralty Court, tiie Sj)Gaker of t'lo House of Assembly, tiiO Provincial Secretary, th«3 Aitorncy (leneral, tlje Solicitor General, the President and V^ice President, of the Collc'^e. Predide!it&; i^rofessoroT Divinity anlllcbrcw, Rev Charlet PorLorjDlV.: Vice President, Profe.s.^or ofGri..nmar, Rhotonc, Lo^ic, moral Sciences and Metaphysics, Rev Acting Professor of Mathematics, N.itiiral .Piulosophy and Ailroniony, Rev John .Stevondon, AM; Sci^'y & Troarfurcr, J (.* flallib.irton, Fi^i ; Fellow, Bursar and Librarian, Rev Wm IJ Kinf^, A M, : Principal of Lh;> Academy under the direction of the Governors of King's College, Rev Joseph II Clinch, A M. TiiIlM;3.''-'>'Michaeliiia3 Torm commences, 1st Sept. and enda on the L>th Dec. •'•'-' Hilary Term commences, 15. Jan. and ends on t\\i Witarday ])roceJin^ Palm Sunday. ''^■"Easter Term commences, on Uir Monday after Easter Monday, Hn<l ends Saturday se'nnight before Wbit Sunday. Triiaiy Term commences, on the morrow of Trinity Sunday, and ends uu tliG Idt of July. ICTOU AC.VDTCMY, JCTOU. TausTKES,— Rev Thos M'Oulloch, D i); lit Rev William Frasir, Bi-hop of Tanen, Rev D Ros^, Rev James Robson, ilov John McKinley, Rev D A Eraser. Rev K J M-Kenzie, Rev J M Rae, S G W Archibald, l l d.; Al3x Grant, Thos j)'.ck.^0!i au i Divid Crei.ijhton, Esqrrf. Principal, Rev Thoa. M-CalloGh,D D. ; Professor, Mr M. McCulioch ; Teacberof llij Inferior Brandies, To rms —first term comn:!nccs 1st April, Second term, commences 1st Ojiober, each termlar.ts four months. BVIM'IST ACAOKMY ■Honon Muiagr'n^ Committee. — Docfor^ Lewis Jolinston, Rev E .\ CrAwley, Rev. V/m C.iipmau RevJo.hn Pryor, J W Matting, J SVJohnsto). Wiohnsonanl vSim:)n Fitch, Esqi'S. Principal Rev John Pryor A M. Clergy of the Estab'islied Church in N.S.^ Tiie Hoi. and Rt. Rev, J )!im. Ti')r I Bishop of Nova-Scotia, Novv-Bi-unnvick, Prince Edward Island, NewfounJland and Berm rli. H tlifiX---Ven. Rob', VVilli-i, D.T). Arcli leaci>u and Rector, an I Rov William Cot^woI!, A M. Onrate,tjf 8t Paul's ; Rev R Fitz. Cuiaoko, A.M. Rector of StGoorfje's: Rev J T Twiniujr, % \ FARMKU'S ALMANACK. '>'} t) D. Garrison Ohnplain. ---Newport., Rev Clias I^ort^'-. 1) i>. PrcH. of K C— Falmouth, lit'V Wm-Covhvnu, l)D - WinJ.-or, Rev William C Kin;;, A M. Rector oTiho linrvetisil.y Cburcli. — Dif^fby, Rev Roger Vitts, AB; AylesforiJ, R€'V (-Jraiiville,ilcv Fras VVhalley : i>iidgc'town,Rev Jares R'lheit- Ron; VVoymoutli,Rev Alfred Ci!piii,A •rrjYumi.^uth.Ucv Tlio? A (»r;.:)tham, a m. ; Shelburne, Rev Thoi! B liow/and, L I, \) ; Liverpool, Rev J T T Moody, a n ; Lunenbufg, Rev Jiii;;-,; (' Cocliran, A B. ; LaHuve, Rev J W Weeks, a tj ; riient: r, Rev James Shrcvo, a b ; ConvAaliis, Jlcv J Moore, OaMpboll, A M ; liortoti, Rev John Clarke, a m ; Rawdoa, Rev Geo W Morris a m j Kackville, Rev ; Dartnuuth, Rev M B Deybrisny, a h; Truro, and Visiling Mi.-siouary, R( v J Burnyeat ; Annapolis, Rev, Edwin (jilpiii, a f. ; Ainiier«t, Rev RB Wigjrins, a r ; Pietoii, Rev Chirieri I'lliott, a r. ; Anti<,'oi!ish, Rev Tho.s H Wlu?o, a b; Gny.->boro' R,ev Citarles W We^ks, A M ; t-^ydney, [lev Charles Ingles, a h ; Aricha:, Rev Jas. 8haw. — Visiting^ Missionary, Rev W B Kiii-',', am ; Pi-incipal Collegiate Schord, Windsor, Rev J II Clinch, a m. Ministers of the E'^tablislied Cluireli of Seollnnd. Halifax, Rev John Scott, Rev Jolin Martin and Rev i neniaB Aitken, A M. ; Dartmouth, Rev J imcs M( rri .on ; Cornv/aHi^ Ki-'V Wrn Fori^yth ; Hoi ton, Rev Geo Strnt.her:? •, ShelbnriH;, Rev Gavin Lan.T ; Pictou Town, Rev Ken. J McKenzie ; Kae^ River, Pictou, Rev Don A Fraser ; WcsUCver. Fict( u. Rev, Up'[)or Settlement, East River, Ucv John AicRae; Mcrig-omish, Rev Dougald McKeichan. Cle/'gyoftbe Presbyterian ;;reb cf Nov?.-S<;otia. PRCSjiVTinir" OF -rKiKo.— -Loun i.di'rry, Mev J. Brown; Truro, Rev J Waddcll : Lower-Siiubcnaead)' , k» v T S Crow* , Mubqnodobit, Rev Jo'di Sp; oU ; Econtnny. Rev A Kcir, J^ewiacke, Rev J Fmiili : VVindeor, Rev J iuurduch ; Jpper Shubenacadie, Rev R Blackwood ; Onslow, Rev John Baxte; - paR«BtTERY OF iMCTou — Pictcu 'J'owr, Rov Jno MeKi-.lry, A M ; We.*; River, Rev J>nn. Ros.s ; River John, iLcv John MiichoU ; Meriii'inni.-jh, l?ev Wm Patrick; l)rrchc;-ter. Rev. 1' Tro'ter; Tatfii)v,>}T()uche, Rev lltij;h Ross ; t^t Mary'.« T'tv Alex Lewis; Mabon, Rev W Millar; Lower Scttieniet* jln.'-t River, Rev David Roy; U])irir Settlement, East Rivei^ Rev A McGilvray. PREsnYTKKY OK rRi.voF. FHWARD isT. AND— - Prince Town, Hhv JKeir;St roter.--, Rev R Donorja ; Richmond Bay, Rev W McGre;^for; Be<le(juc, Rev R .bt. S Puteia.>n; New London, Rev IL Dunbar; Murray L'arbour, Rev Dtiniel McCurdy. jKESBYTrRY OF MiRAMic iii.—Richibucto, Rov J McLt^an, Chatham, Rev Jno McCiirdy ; Bat)iur»;t, Buy lie Cltuleur, R«v Ja:ne< WadJuU ; New Carlisle, Ruv Aiilhony MtCabe. rrcftchers, Ko/ Alex Blaikit^ jintl Mr VV Frasor; Pro<b««of ofTliGoloyy, Uov Tuoi McCulloch, D D: Clerk of the Syiioil, llov J imy.> U-oL>o;i. Tho Synod Mseti annually on the luat Tue^d.iy of Juae. Clorg-y of the RoiTiiin CaUiolic Church. Itt^^hf Rev. Cr W;,i Friscr, Bishop of Tanon, and Virar ApoMoIic of iVova-Sro.ij. Hahlax; Uev Joha Lmiglinau, Chezelcoo's, Rev l)e:irii> G vtry. Dartmct it!i, Uev Janief Dunpliy. S:. Miiry'h Hay^ 4<e»' Mr. Syaogiic. Ar-^vl«, Itev. Jol.n B. Moriii. Picioii, Rev. Mr. jiohiid. M inc!i<;s;er, lien iiiiies Grant. Trac .die, Rev Pere V'iiicen'. l*o.'iik<»\ [lev Mr h'nincis. ^i'yd!ley, Rev Georije M 'Eageney. Bru» U'O. , lie/ Mr McI.,o(>d. St Pciers, Rev DennJi L.iwlor. Wosloyiin Mi.s3ionario.=3. llalitiv, Uev W iJowso.i jiiul Rev M Kichoy. Rev Wm Black,. s'l peril unci ary. Li:ie ib jri^, Rev M Pope. Liverpool, Rev Georjje Milii^r. Birri:i«jto;i, Rev VVilliam Padman, VarmouUi, Re/ William M.-lJo i.il.i. lIorio.i,Htv Jjio Suowb-ill. Windsor, Rev Wm Cro*- roiilxi, (^h.inMiaii of" the itistrict. Newport, Rev Wm Temple, i-'e- cretwry ; R.;v Wiliiam Heiijeit, siiperiuiiuerary. Shubeuacadie, Rev 'riioai IS ('rostliwd'.e. Parr^boro' ^yc Rev J G Hennegar. Widlacf, liev Tuo, Davis. River Jolm, Rtiv Thomas Taylor. Guysborongh, Rev Will Smith. Sydney, Cape-Breton, Rev John Marshiill. Ship Harbo ir, C U Rev Mai h. Craiiswick. Ciiailotte-Town, P. E. I. iiev S.e])Jieii iiiiaiord. Tryo i and F?edeiiue, Rev Wdliam Webb. — M irray Harbo.ir, Rev Robert Coouey. Baptist Ministers. Il.iiifax, R-tv. Jiio Burton and Rev. E A Crawley, a. m;. A{ im-.mnls lMaiiis,R.jv. Geo Richardaon ; Nt!%rport, Rev. Geo J);:n;»clv; Rawdon and Windsor, Reverend Ricliard McLjarn ; Morton, II <n-. Thoo S ilardin-jf, Rev. .)a.s Stephens e^ R)v. .TnoPryor \m.; (^Jnnvallld, Rev. Ed^v Manning, Rev. David Il.irrij & Rev. VVm Chij)inan ; Falmouth, Rev. Robt ]}lcki? ; Aylesford, Rev. E/,ekiel Masters ; Nictan, Rev. In- gram E Bil!; liowor Granville, Rev. ; Upper Gran- ville, Rev. Nit. ViditoL! ; x\nn\|iulis, Rev. Wni Elder; Digby ?^eck, Rev. Peter Crandall Clements, Rev. Israel Potter & Rev. ; Wilmot, Rjv. R W (Mmn-ngham ; Brier Ig- lanl, Rev. Saml Bancroft; Varmoiith, R iv. Harris Harding & Rev Win Barton ; Ra,'«Ted Islaiidf', Rev Jno Craig- ; Chester, ]lev Joseph Dim jck; Amherst, Rev Chis Tuppo*-; River Philip, Rev Saml McCully; Onslow, Rev Jas Miinro; Lunenburg, Rev Miynard Parker ; Liverpool, Rev A>it!i'y Diinock; Tryon, Rot Ilezek. Hull ; Windsor Road, Hev Jr.u Doyle. Licentiates, Lower Granville. Jojhii.i B Co^jfswcll; Cornwallis, Thos II Porter ; Annapolis, S;i IS Mors Aylesford. Hy Saun- ders, Ooadiah Saunders &i Ebcn. Sironach: Gnysboro', Jas Brown. Tlie Asjociiti )n, for this year, will bo held at Bridfretown, County of Annipoiis, on tiie lirst Monday after the ^Oth June. tarmkr's almanack. 57 he Syiioil, 11 tlte luiit ley, A. iff llt'v. (jieo Richard Stephens iwijr, Rev. (.'V. Robt Rev. 1 ri- per Graii- er; Dig'bv Potter & ; Brier ly- larding & ; Chester, er Philij), jLirg, Rev -yon, Rot i>vnwalli», ly Saun- Iboro', .Taj ili'-etown, loth Juue. Apofllolic eoo'«, Key ary'h Hay^ , Kev. Mr. -e V'iiicen'. ^ eney. Bran Vm Bl,<ck, ev Georj^e , 5 e/ William. ^ » » i \Vm Cro»- 'etnple, ^'e- icadi'?. Key . Wallarp, ^ ysboroMgh, liiidi. Sliip n, P. K. I. 1 *■ n Webb.— I ^lg:j*-MEMORA.yni/M The sittings of Courts, Aamcs of Ojjictn, ffc tvill be found a/ranged nndur the rcsptctive countict to which they belong* CmNlToTTlALTFA High SheriiTo/Z/ic Couatij, John James Sawvcr, Esq. Coroner, J'\mes K. Gray, Esq. Jfligh Court of Chancery, heJd before the Master o^ i,\\<i llolls, every Monday throiigliout the year. J^uprcme Court sits at lialilax '2d lues, of Jan. 5rd Tues. j^pril, 2d Tues. of July, and 3d Taes, of Oct. Inferior Courts-Its fit Halifax liilTucs of Marcli, Jane, Sept, and Dec. — Judijes, Jas Fornian, John liowe, and ^anil Head, M. D.Esqr.^, Commissioners' Court sits at Halifax 1st Monday of ever}' mouth. Conunr's Jas Fornian, Rich 'I'romaiu, Jno Liddoil, and D 8 Clarke, Esqrs. Clerk, N Clarke, ^>(^ Police Oifice open every day throughout tlie year, llo- lid;)pys excepted. — Justices, John l-.iddeii,H \ eot)ia)iS,&. M Richardson Esqrs. Cierit,!) S CUirke, K>q, Sessions of the Peace held at Halifax 1st 'i ues. of Mate!', June, :Scpt. and l)ec. Ju.jtico-s of tlic Peace for District of Ilahfa-x, James ronnan, Cnstos llolulo]um\ Joim Howe, Kufus Kair- bunlvs, 8aml H'?ad M D, Jnoliiddell, Richardi Tremain, Jlenry Yeomans, James Denvie, Adams Archibald, ^anil A!b!\;, John AihrOj 'Ihomas Holland, Ai, Richardson, Isaac Rayiic, Henry Y. Mott,C'eor<jeN Russ€l,J .Leandi r Starr, Wni Logan, U'ni II Rouch, Henry A dau\vin,Johii Spry Morris, John Hovse, junrJames Notde Shannon, James H TidniAVsh, VYiiliamAnnand, William Sfewrjt, Wm.K,Heyno!d>, Edward H l^o\ve.6'eoi j.e B (leijihfoi., 'riionias G-een, William !! S.ie,ling,ThomaNlH)esbrisa; , AllVed E Coi'en and Francis l^arker, Estjrs. C. i*-, iy^. Clarke, i''sq. Conwu^isioncrs foi' V-'silin^- Ike .Isyliimfor.lkc Pi)'.}i\ Hon. Titomis N JcHcry, lion. Josepii Aliisun, .Ijur;cs ^ orman, Richard Tremain, .M Richardson.^ H. Veuruai s, Jolin (.'lark, A). Tobiri, (J. S . Russell, '1 homas P\l.f, J no opry Morris, k James N. iShannon, Esqr's, Cotiiinnsionirs oj f^lrccts {;In!ifax— Hon. H. H. Co^jsutll ; Hon. Joseph .\i!i^u;i; (J. N. Uussfdi, James Tremaiii, and W II .^.;cliiii;:\ Ms«p-s---I)a!'lnioutii.Suinl i^l'ji'O; Ilu^": } 'ml jI.-.ij uc .iU( I E ll Lowe Esqrs. K i If 1 k ■ I . Hi ,1 :l 58 rARMB»'f KisVkWKCK^ Commissioners jor the Common of Halifax. lion. If. II. Cogswell, Stephen W. Deblois and J am«>s B. Uniacke, Ksqrs. Commissioners to examine and select Pilots for the Port of Halifax. — William Pryor, James 11 Tidmarsh and Kdw. Canard, Esqrs. Commissioners of Schools. Rev. Archdeacon Willis, Uev- John Scott, Uev. M. B. Deshiisay, Lawrotjce Uartsliorne and Edw II Lo\re, Ksqps. —Clerk, liugli H^rtshorne, Esq. KATioNAi. SCHOOL Ml*. Abel iS. Gore, ) ACADIAN SCHOOL R' v.J.is.Morrison, [ Ma«terf. UALiPAX GRAMMAR SCHOOL. .Ilev,J.T.T\vining,Di) ) Officers of the Provincial Revenue. Collector, Hon li N Binney ; Guager and Weigher, Andrew Richardson, Ksq ; Waitcisand Shipping Officers, James liarratt, Bobert Hodges and George Sherlock ; Collector oflight duty, Mr Edward Duckett j Collector of License duty,-Wm M Ucblois, Esq. Officers of His ATcycsh/'s Customs. Collector, Hon Thomas N Jellery ; Compti oiler, Jno Wallace, Esq ; Waiters and S&arclit;rs, 1> H Watson Sc Joseph Dean, Esqrs; Surveyor of Shipping, Mr Edw Duckett; Tide Surveyors, Messrs. F W Achoson and T Holder ; Warehouse-keeper, W 11 lies, Esq ; Locker, Kobert Dimmett ; Clerks, Messrs. H Best, J W Mad- den, J II Noorian, John Garbv and Samuel Story, junr, Tidesman, Errol Boyd ; Boatmen, Jas Wall & W hays ; Broker, Mr Adam Grieve. Health Officer, William B Almon, Esqr M D ; Super- intendariit oC Quarantine, Mr Jacob Miller. OFFICERS OF H.M. NAVAL YARD. Cfipbun Superintendant, Sir Thos.Ussher, C. B. &. K. C. H. Nrtva! Storekeeper, J RGloyer, Must Shipwright, A.F Jones, Ebqru Ibt Clerk, ^ ( Jameii Ritchie, > to Naval Storekeeper. } 2d^O; > • (JW McKwen. (.ate Porter Mr Thom:'.s Mat^hewi.. Officers of H. M. Fictuallins '^^ard. Victunllii.g Siorckfepcr Jo},„ r. do ^ or R»n. Lmc^XQ Do. Mi,Duncau M'Queea I I tf am«»s Port of id Edw. lev. M [ Lowe, Maatert. reij^lioP, Dftiriei's, inrlock ; ollcctor Her, Jno Watson Mr Edw on and Locker, V Mad- ry, jimr. V'liays ; Super- K. C. H. iie8, Ebqrii * llitcLie, McEwen. Vlutihawtt. nor Eiq. FAnMEl's ALMA HACK. Halifax Banking Coinplun/. Presidoiit, Hon H H Cogswell. Vict^-Pi( sidf nt, \N'r ,V.» n f pryor, Esqr. I)iiectors,.lion Knos Collins, Hon Samiui Cuuard, Hon Joseph Allison, Hon James 'J'oliin, Jolm Clark and Martin G Black, ICsqrs. Cashi<^r, N T Hi!!, Esq. Clerks, Mcssr.s. J C Wilkie, A (* Kramer and < ijtis Wilkie. Messenger, 31r. Joseph Keellcr. Discount Days — Tuesdays and Friday.*?. Hours of bnsine.ss — from 10 to 3 o'clock. Siiiulay^ and Holidays excepted — Notes for discount to l»r lelt the day previous, before 1 o'clock, with the Cashier. Bmxk of JSt^cva-Scotia. President, W Fiawson, Esq. I irectorss Alex. Miirisoi\ .W'nili Bliss, Matijer H Aimon, James W .Johnston. L Viiiss, St'^phen N Biiuiey, James H Ua.'acke, J Lei>liinaii. W Murdoch, J Dunaldh-on &. VV F Black,lL::qrs. Casliio , James Forman, junr. Ksq. Teller, MrHeniy .Vlundei!. Clerk, Mr Beiijainiu Cat lisle. AJessenjijer, Mr J Maxwell. Discount Days. — Tuesdays and Fridays. Hours of businei-s — Croin 10 to ii o'cloc!^. Notes for discoinit to bo left with the Cashier, the day pievious to the discount day. SAVINGS' BANK. : Comm'r. & Trotisnrer, Mr^ Edw Duckott, junr. Committr-". for oxaniininfr^hc Accounts. liou H.N Biiincy 8ir ll.U.Georye Bt. and CW Wallace, E;ici.— The IJauk is kejit at tlio office ..f tlie Treasurer of the Province, in the Provir.co Buihiin^. liours of attendance from 8 to 10 o'clock, every 2Iondiiy morr. Fire fVardens of tlve Toivn of Halifax. Richard Tremain, Esq Chairman,— John Jltbro, Esq Sec'i/ and Treasurer. South Suhiirbs, Edward Fr,/or. C li Fdirbatikx and JamcB Tremain^ Esqrs. St Pttjr's ll'ard, Jiyhn Allro, J K Fairbanks and James Jiaint ^''^<;rs. St Jlattlino's Ward, L JTartthorne and J A Barry, Ekqm. St raul\t Ward, George A' Btutell and W A Black, Escps. Couuty Court House Ward, Jho Dupmy and Thomas Bo3^a;stj Esqrs. St. John's Ward, Hon Joaeph Allison, Jno Liddle 1^' Jno Clark, Esqrs. Aorth Barrack Ward, Michl Tobin and S W Deblois, Esqrs. A'orth Suburbs, li9n S Cunard, J J^ Shannon and J^yn-fh Starr, Esq-.s. Committee of the Eire Wardcm appointed to r.ianas;e ajid ^rect at Firei, Richard Tremain, Thomas Bo^^a, John Albrn. £ Pryar and J Ciarh, Ktqrt. to direct the Jixe-mtn^ $-'■ FARMER 8 ALMANACK. FIRE AXE-MEN. Rcbrtit Richardson, capt; Michael Croamor, lieu t. Tliomaa l-KKio, scc'y, William Johnston, Errol Boyd, John llcNcal, ^Vin Mfirvin, Heavy Millor, VVilliani Rose, Matthew LoAn'.It';, Janes MacXut. J.inies Grant, Patrick Mahony, Jiio McPher- r»on, Samuel George, Arcli Lannr, Charles Marvin, Epiiraiii! Lawlor, (Jeorge Caul, Peter Artz. (t/^The Fire Engine Company and Axe Fire-men are ex- empt from Militia duty and from serving b.3 iurnrs. FIRE e;s^gixe company for the TOIVW OF HjIUF.IX. James Dechmax, senr. Captain First Division — David Iluttori, Lieut ; ffenrj ftiJJ, Thoij Mackie, TliQs Pallister, Wni J Roows, Win Calilvvfli, 'i'im>thy Couiiers, Wm Murray, J Muhony. II St. Andrews, Jo-*eph Bennet, F Sturmy. William Liswcll, Wm Flyun, Mfuiy Laiigley, Henry G llil!, James Smithers, John Rliin(l,&.lt»htv Pallister. Second Diviaion—Thoa Cassedy, liient; Jaa Carmuhaei, LJw Sturmj^. J Drillio, Andw Crawford, Dajiicl MaLeiui. Tkomtfs klcNcal, [.ovvn'.lt:, Cpliraii* I are ex- THE vy Hill, "aliivvt'li, tl&Juhiv riiit'haei, I rARUER'» AI.MA?<ACK fl Tliou Wilson, Charles Hunter, Jeremiiili Mu!ili{j. Jno Ricl-- Rrdaon, Boaj Smithora, Jas Malcolm, Win Crawford Jiio Jolinson, Joseph Scrivcn, William Miller, Tliomaa Lowad^, Matuual Defreytaa, Jonoph RolU and John Ksson. Third Division— Goo Little, Lieut; Henry S[)ike, Jaa Thom- •on, R Haveratock, Sanil Carten, R A Bigby, Secretary, Wm Piilen, George Boorton, Benjamin Wier, Georjfe Smitheri an 1 John Johnson, junr. Fourth Division— Michs.ol Hyren, Lieut; Elina Caboi, Jno West, Alex Boyle, Robert WooJill, John Winters, Stephen Studlcy and William Valcutiuc— Jas Smith, Honorary mem- ber and Treasurer. Agent for the " Protertion" Marine, and "F'tna" Fire Lisurance Companies of Hartford, at Halifax, J. Leauder Starr, Eiq. CH.VMBClt, OF COMMFRCK, Hon. S. CunarJ, President ; Andrew Belcher, V.. P. - S. W. Deblois ; John Leauder S^arr, ^''ec & 'i'reasurer T L. Ilartshorne, V P; Georj^e P Lawson ; J C Allison- J G A Creighton; W 1) Fairbanks; David Alli&on and M Tobiiijunr. Esqrs. HALIFAX BlBCIIAMc's INSTITUTE. W.Grijjor, Ksq. M. d. President ; JosephIIowe,F.sq .Lst ViccProsidcnt ; George Young;, nsq. 2nd Vice Presid4M»t; MrJ S Thonisoi, Secretary. Jas. Fornian,j rEsq.Treasurer. CHARITAHLE IRISH SOCIETY. Michael Tobir, Esq President ; J L Starr, Esq. Vice Presi- dent; Mr M Creamer^ Secretary. easterjy Dirisio.y tncludos the Counties of Cumbe-rlar-d nnd Sydney, and Dis- incta of ('olche.ster and Pictou. Chic;f Justice of thi; Irif'.'rior Courts of Common Pleas, and President of tiie Cuait.- of Sus- s-ion in this Division, William Q.Sawer.s.. Est}. District of Colcho.stcr. County of Halifax. ' , - Deputy Sheriff, G R Grad^ie,. Esti^. Coroner, j\at. MriLter?, Esq. t-.jipremo Court sits at Truro, Lst Tars cf June and 4:h Tuea ofS'pt. Dep. Prot!»-y.. Goor„^J l);ll, E:S(i. ■ -• ••:: Inferior C';Mrt a:id Sfs^iioiK of v'sc Po.\:o, !;'j].f at Tr'aru :^iiil' Tu . s- uf -'' u!iv K.:^] ^h:<\ Tucs of J u • v. [I • i I I A*«t. Judge*, Thomas I. Drown ami R. Di:.k«on, EfKjff, Justices of the Peace, John Dickfloii, Robert Dickson, Nat. M&stors, Thos 1 Brown, James FlemniiDg, Kdw Blanchnrd, I>. V Crowe, Jolm Wier, Wni Ruthurford, Al»>x Campbell, John 8 F'lilton^ Samuel Archibald 3d, Silas Crano, Jamea Maliao, Duncan^Bhick, Alcjt Kent, James Mooro, Joseph Fulton, DavUi B Lynda, W Cuttfin,jr. imd Charles I) McCurdy, Kaqra. Clerk of the Peace, William Dickson, Esq. Surrojale Judge, JonHtfimi Murstern, Ksq. Comm*r. for taking Special Bail on Actions depd'g in the Sup. Court, and Regr. of Deedj. Geo Diil, Esq. Podt-masier^, Gay '■» River, 8. Moore; Truro, Jon. Graves, Ksqrs. Collector of Impost and IrUcisG, and of Lipht duties, Robert Dickson, Esq. (-'omin'rs. of Schools, Rev John Bnrnycut, Uev Brown, Robert Dickson, James Flemniing and Edward BlancLard, Ksqrs District of Pictou, County of Halifax. Deputy Sheriir, J VV iianis, Esq. Coroner. J McKay, T^mr. Sinprcme Court sits atPictou last Tuos of May and OrdTuoi ofScpt. Dep. Proth'y. Jomes Skinner,Ksq. ' Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held ^t Pictou 3rd Tuea of Jany and 'ltd Tues. of July. Asat. Judges, Uw^h Deiioon, Geo. Smith, 11. J.atrden and Wiiliam Mo. timer, Esqrs. Jubticori of the Peace, Hugh Denoon, Custos Rotulorum ; Robert Low Jen, Jiimes Skinner, Georj^c Smith, John Fraser, Ab. Patterson, William Matlhewson, David McLoan, Robert McKay, James Carmich!«el, John Oldinj:. Wm Mortimer, Geo McLeod, Henry Hatton, D Crichton, J Holmes, Ken. McLean, Adam Ciirr, James Frai?er and Richard Smith, Eaqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Esq. Surrogate Judge, George Smith, Esq. Comm'rs. for taking Sp3cial IJiiil on Actions depd g. in the Suprem*} Cohi'I, Hugh J>enf)on and James Skinner, Esqrs. Registrar of Deeds, H Dennon, Esq. Post-rna.=;ter, Alex P Ross, Esq. Collector of (Customs ; and of Impost and Excise, H Denoon, Esq. Waiter, Searcher &, V/archou.se- keeper, Ou'en Cotton, Es(|. Collec- t ir of Light duties, Thomas Corbett, Esq. Harbourmaster, J Skinner. Health Officers, Drs. James Skinner and Joseph (Jhipman. Comm'rs. of Streets, Robert McK.vy, J Paiterton, Gio Campbell and Jolin Taylor, Esors. Comm'rs. of Schools, Rev Dnncan Ros«, Rev Charles Elliott, Rev K J McKenzie, G Smith &L H Hatton, Esqrs. Agent for LloydV,i!t:. Sub-Agent lor the Etna and Protection Insurance Comnani*'8, Jas. D«w soil, Eijq. Dop. Insp. Pish, A D Gordon and W Patten-^er. — Fir« Wardens, T Lowden, J McKay, G. C.impbell, J W Har- ris, 11 Hatton, Wm Mortimer, J Treneman, J Taylor, Georgo McKay, James Dawson, R McKay and J Purvis, Ejiqrsi. Fir« Ettgiao Companr, Caplaio James Creightou, Lieuts. William Cfli/'jett and A 1) Gordon. i^-i^- 9on, Nat. ichnrd, I>. bell, John a Maiiari, on, Davi4 (]ra. mm'r. for )ourt, and River, B. iipost sjmI i.'omin'ra. i», Ho belt )sqrfl K, Kny, Edr. i 3; dTuoa Pictou 3id inrdcn arul VARMER^t ALMANiCI. cou:*TY or btdwkt. 63 ttulorum ; \n Fraser, Robert mer, Geo McLean, Clerk r takinor ri, Hugh Deeds, H ector of Waiter, Collec- r master, I Jceeph uUertoi), Schools, cKenzie, b-Agent as. Tkiw en'xer. — W Har- Georgo rs. F'\rB William ' Tliir), ShfJrifT.KennothMcDonald, K»q.— Dep.Shorift', W;n 0. Jisf^ernm, E«q. Corouera J H Weoliii and J Ci Pwabo.Jy , Fi^qr*. t^iiipronie Court Hits at Dorchester, Qd Tue«day of Sept— dop i>roth'y Alex McDonald, Esq M I). Interior Court, and Sessions of the Peace for the Upper Dis- trict, liold at Dorehof'tcr, first Tuesday of May and «i Tue« ofO;Uobpr. As.^t Judges, John Cunningham and Dcnjamia Ojdf'i, Esqrs. ; And for the Lower district — at Guyaboro' 2d Tues lay of Miy, and 4thTuesdayof Octr. Asat Judges, io» Mar?»hali and Robert Hartihorne, Ksqrs. JuiUcGS of tho Peicc — Upper Diitrict — Jno Cunningham, Cit-iloi liotuiK'U'n; Alox McDonald, John McDonald, Robert N Henry, 15mij Ogdcn, Jnirios Randall, Huo;h McDonald, Jo« Symoii.ls, William C Hierldiy, George Urenuan Sr Wrn Jame« Corbett, E-iqrj. — Low:/' Distndj 'I hom\8 Cutler, Custos Ro- tulurun; .losoph Marshall, William Atwatcr, Chritttian Miller, Ro!)t M t;at.ler. Went. Taylor, Chas Archibald, Wm McKeen, Robert Ilartiliornc, John Newton, David Campbell, Hugh McDonald, Joshua Maxwell, Tljouias Glencro93, Jno Smith, D. MI. Sinclair aiul Charles Hrodie, Esqr,?. Clerks ol" Peactj, U|j[)(?r di.s. R S iioary ; Lower di.^. W () Helfeman, Esqrs. vSuiTogate JuJy.^s, (Jpptr Dis. A\kk McDonald M D.',Loi»tr /Hi). W. P. De-sHirre.-!, Esqrs. Dep.Regr*;*. Deeds. Upper DiS' J't ) Cunninjrham, Lower Dis. Tho.s Cutler,E9qr3.Coromr'8 fur takiM'^ sj)eciall> lil on Aciio;is depd'g in the tiup. Court — Up- per Dis. Alex McDonald; Loiotr Din. Went.Taylor,E3qrg.— Collector of Customs ; of Impost and Excise ; and of Light Duty, f3uncan McCoU, Erfqr. — Postmasters, Anti;jonishe,"H. N. Henry ; Guysboro', Robert M Cutler, Esqi\s. — Conimia- sioners of Schools, Lower dis. Rev Chas Weeks, Robert M Cutler, Went. Taylor, Robert Hartnhorne and DuncanMcColl, Esqrs. Upper dis. Right Rev. Bishop Fraser, Rev Tho» Trotter, Rev T Whit-^, Alex McDonald and Hugh Mc Don- ald, Esqrs. Health Otficer Guysboro' Dr. Wm. Cantrell. cor ."STY OK CUMHf.RT.AND. High Sheriff, Joshua Chandler, Esq. Coroners Jno Mori« and W W. Bent E^qrs. Supreme Court sits at Amherst 9d Tucsdpy of June. Dop. Proth'y., Silas H. Morse, Esq Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held at Amherst Ist Tucs;lay of Jan'y and last Tuesday of June. A;isi.stant Ju l<ro^, Thos Roach, D McFarlane, R McG Dickey and Wm U iker Eeqrs. C/omm'rj for taking Special Bail onActions dep'g in theSu Court, Cnas Baker, Thos Roach, S H Morse and D McFa Uns, Edqrs. ur- 04 rAHUCn^ii kLMXyiCK, i i Juiticc* of the Pcwe, Thoa Roach, Cuslo-? Rotulorum; Kd- ward Baker, Gabriel Purdy, Daril McFariane, Win IJaktr, (jaiii* Lewis, John Mori*c, Gcorgo Ucr^iniin, James Mc>Iab, Styphcn (3xlcy, llobt McG Dickey, Jiio JohiHton, Wm Smith, Michael (iordon, Luther Luahy and Thoa Watson Ei^qru. — Clerk ot'the Peane,,Siiatf C\ Morse, Llsqr. Surrogate Judge and Ro|rislrar, Alox St'nvart, Esq. GRogiitrar of Deode, Wni Bakc;r, Esq. Col of (^iirtt^md Mich Jordon, Esq. Col's of Impost and Excise Thoa Chupnixn and loshua Chandler Esqrti. — (>ol. oi'Liffht Duties, Joshua Clmnd- er, Eaqr. Post-master, Silas IJ. Morse, Esqr. Commr'?. of Schools, Rev R B Wiijointj, James S Morse, Alex Stewart, Danitl McFarlunc and Jos. Oxley, Ei<ir». MWliLE DlVlSlO.y Includes the Counties cf Ilant?, King's, Queen's and Luncn- ' burg Chief Justice of the Inferior Courts of Comunuu pleas and PresiiU^nt ofthe Cwuits of Session in this division, Thomia C. llaliburlon, Esij col NTY OF HvV.NTS. lli'jrh Sheriif, C^harle;-< J Wilkins Esqr. Coroner:', Nat!iailel Jenkins and J Smith, Escjrs. Supren»e Court sits at Windsor Inst Tuesday of May, and 4ih Tues'lny of September. Dep Proih'y. Hugh Jenkins, Esq. Inferior Coort and Ses.siona of the jM-ace, Iield at Windsor^ Ist Tuesday of Jan'v and 1st 'J'ues of Jul v. At^st. Jud;(es, Wm H Shey, Jno Elder and Benj ShilKito, Esqrs * Justices of the Peace. — Thos (\ Halibuiton, Cuslos Rolulo- nim ; SllMbucl Dimnck, Wm II Siiey, Jno Smith, P.enjamin Dou'olf, Jose{)h Spnt'ell, Jacob Withrow, Jno Diiucck, Jno El- der, Richard, Smith, Daniel W^ier, Wm O'BHon, Jno AllLson, Patrick Wright, Thos King, "Benjamin CascyjRfmjamiM Shillilo, . Jno Cociiran, Benjamin Smith, Sairil Denni3on. Jno Ctis King, Richard MclI;'.flr\v,(non of Robert,)Fruncis Parker, Wm Muui- ftrrd, and Jno N Grant Er-qrs. (^l'?rko!-the Pettcc, B'^njamiii Dowolf, Esq. Comiii r.s. for ttikii'.g Spocial Bail on Actions dcpd'g in tiitf Sup. vloait, Put Wright and Hugh Jenkins, E^qrs. RegV. of Deeds; Col. of Imp. and E.ccise ; and of T^ight duty, Asa 'I'onie, Esq.. CoU (;f CubLoms, P Wright, lOso. Pust-masteis, \Vlniist)'r, J«>hu Linnard ; Rav/don, J \7ithro\v, Esqrs. Com- in;Sii )ii .':s ol' Sire I !.;-;, Windsor, Pat Wright and H Goudge, E^qr^ ; I''uluiouth. C!;:irlcs Inglii, Ja-nes Son^-ster, EIi:;s Puy- zAut, Al'an Voiuig and Thomas Curric, Esqrs. Comui'r.* of ijohools, Rrv W C King, Wm IJ Shey, Le»vis M Wilking, junr.. J ui^n .'Allison and iici'j'inHn Siiillito, Iiisqrs, r(i;:.\Tv OK f i.vcis. High SherlfT C-o Ciiipiiii-i. Iv-i. Coroners. W C Moore^. Uaiavi Dewol*' Juuic- A'li-ri :■:..; CE ilatchroi-vl; Ksqrs. ' )rum; Kd- ni IJakcr, /'in Simth) J Ei»qrfl. — tiDd Midi [)in\n and la Chand- S Morse, d Liincn- Coinunuii 3 divifcioii, , Xatliailel May, and <iii.s, Efc(i. Windsor^ If OS, Win' .t Uolulo- 'cnjrunin , J no E!- Allisoii, aiiillilo,. is King, ni Muiu- }? in t!i« it'^^^'r. of ity, Asa in asters, Coni- tjiou<lpe, ;iS Piiy- Tnj'r.-i; of lis, junr.. Moore^ fARMER'rf ALUAXACK. ei^^ / Supremo Court sits at Kentville Ut-Tuesday tf May, and Sd Tuoiiday of dept. Deputy rrotlj'y.^Sainnel L. Allison, Esq Gonini'r."* for Inking Special Hail onActiona depd'g in the Sup Court, .SaniMol I> Allison and Jamof^ Hatchford, u. E.-q-8. Inferior (Jourt and SoHsiona of ilio Peace, held atKentvilli 3d Tucs. of May .S-'^dTues. of Nov,T-Asst. Judi^cs, Jno Cliip- ■lan, Winf 'anj|)bell, Win A C'hipinan, and Jas D Harri.s,Ef-qr8. Justices of the Pcuce. J no Chipman, Cusloa Bululorutn ; VVm Campbell. James KaU'hford, Daniel* Dowolf, {Sauil Bishop, Henry V Bus<kirk, Jno Weils, Shearman Dennison, Jas Den- nirton, Daniel Lockhart, Jn? Fnllerlon, Jas D Harris, William Chipman, Hnrris Harrington, Jas N. Crane, J. W. Muynard, (valeb H Hand, Jcasc? Lewis, Sand Beckwith, David Whidden, Jno M(nton, Elisha Dewolf Jr, W, C Campbtll, S. Chipman, James Harris, Junr, Simon F'itch, Thos Tuj)per, oiul Abraham Gesncr.E<qrs. Clerk ot'ihe Peace, W H. Chipmaii, Esq. Siirrojrato Jiidgo W. C-:m[)holI, Esq.; llegi*o. of Deeds for Horton, Aylesford and (Jornwallis, W Campbell,; for Parrs- boro' J Ratchford, jr. Esqjs. ; Col's, of Customs, Cornwallis, D Whiddon ; Parrsboro'. R li Dic^fson, Esfjrs. Golnflmpund Ex.-is;", D. Whidden, Esq. Post-mar's. Wolfville, E Dewo^fr Kentville, J F Hutchmson ; I'arrsboro', Jas Ratcliford, Es(iru. Coimn'rs of Schools, R^?v J S Clarke, Rev J M Campbell, Sanil Bishoj), James Allison and Caleb H Rand, Eiqrs. Healtli Officer at Parrsboro' Dr. James C Hume. COUNTY Of QUKENS. Hi;Lrh ShcriC Benj Knaut, Esij, Coroner, J Whitman, Es«q. Supreme ('ourtsits at Liverpool Ist Tuesday of Jidy.— Dep. Proth'y & Comm'r. for taking Special Bail on Actions dep'dg in the Sup. Court, Jas Rogers, Esqr. InferiorCourt and Si?s3. of the Peace, held at Liverpool 4th Tues. of April and 4th Tues.of Oct. Asst. Judges,Joshua New- ton, Joseph Frecnwm, Jas. Dev.olf §• Caleb Soeley Esqrs. Justices oi the Peace, Thomas C Halliburton, Joshua New- ton, Cuslos Rotuiunim ; Isaac Dexter,- Jose]>h Freeman, Snow Parker, Benjamin Knaut, James Goreham, James R Dewolf,. Jno Burss-, Jas Dewolf, jas Barss, Wm B Taylor, Nat Smith, John Campbell, Freeman Tupper &► Whitman Freeman, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace,. James Rogers, Esqr. Sur. Judge ; Collector of Imp. and Ex ; of Light Duty ; and Col. of Customs, Joshua Newton, Esq. Comptroller, John H Freenmn, Esq, Reg of Deeu*s & Post-master, B. Knaut, Esq. Cora'rs of Streets, J R Dewolf, John Roberts &: SVm Sterns, Esqrs. Firewards Ja« Rogers. Benj. Knaut, Paul Collins, Wni B Taylor and Stephen CoilinaiEsqr. Fire Engine Men, James Burts, Capt. Wm MvfJill, Jno De- wolf, Wm Johnston, Wm Cold and Thos Frctinan. HeultU Ofticors, Drs. A Webster & D Ciicve. Ccmurrs. uf Schoola. Rev J T Moody, Joshui Newton, B'jujamiu Kauut, Juo' lUr»4 and Nat Smith, liiqrs. :>^ 66 FARUEU 9 AT.SIAXAri*. •\' ■■] |:|i .V 4' i COU.'XTy or LLNENHLUa . Iliflrh Sheriff, J II Kaulback, Pl-q. (.'oror.cr J C RiK:t>irii:«>q. Wnpremc Coi.vt sit? at LuneDburiX iast Tnosdav ofJiiiie. — D, 'p proth'v. and Comurr. for ttikiTiii Special Bail on Actiona dcpV in the Sup Court, D. OweTi P^jq. InKiiorCourt and Sess-. ol'thePface iield atT.v.nonbiii-i^^Jd'riiRig of April and 2d Tues.ofOn. AsstJudjres, J Pernelto, (i Mil- ler Si' E James, Esiirs. Justices of the Poacp, E Jamos, Cus. Rot. J Pornctto, .las Waliior, J C Rudolf, Joim Evans, G Miller, W Ah'xanJerJn:* Hcckmanjas S Wells, Thos (jlodfi oy, Jnn [hint. VV'ni liudol:', (jioo Alitcheli, &,' WniS Morris Esqrs. C. P. C B Owen Esq. Siir. Ju jo-o, J Purnetti, Esq. Ro^,'V, (lOo T Salomon. Es j. Ro^r. of Deeds, F Rudolf, Esq. Cnl'r of Cuslonis, A «ii.-uc--', Esq. Col. of Imp. and Ex.; and (d'Li<]fht duty, Thon (jloiJrey, I'Uq. Po3t micstera, Lunenburg, C Rudolf; Chester, (joorye ?.Jitr.hGll, K.'^qrs. Conim'rs of Slreeti, William Rudolf, John Ci'ei;.;hlon and John lle;'!uii:in, Esqrs. Health (Jlncer, Doctor JJicoba. (ilunins'r^. of Sclioola, Rev J C Cochran, Rev. ■ Pope, G Miller, John iloclvihan and John Hunt, Eaqr^. Includes t'ao Counti^r) of Annapolis and Shelburno. Chief Jus- tice of thc3 Infoj-ior ('^(jnri? of (■(Mnmon iMeas nnd President of tlie Courla of t-'ession i-i thio I'istrict, 'j'hgs RiTeiuE, Esq. COU-JtV OF ANNAPOMt;. Ilicrh Shoiiff, E H Ci!-!. r, Esq. Coroners. Sii Snow, J R. Loveit. David Hall "vckI IvJv.'ar i J Youn';. Ej^qrs Supreme Court sits at Ann tpolis 2d l^lOi^'lay of June, and 2d Tues ofSoptr. Dop. ProUi'y Sf Conimr. for takin^r Special Rail on Acti<uis depd'c^ in the ISup. Court, Eben Cutler, Esqr. Inferior Court and Se^^jions of the Peace, held at Annapi.lis Jid Tuesday of April, and 1st Tncs oi'Nor; and at Digby Ist Tuos of July, and -id Tee.-.day of Doc. Asst. Judjres, Elkanah Aiorton, Wni F Ronnell, Cereno U Jones and Thoa Rilchiv. [aon of Andrew] Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Thoma.s Ritchie. Custos Rolulorum : Elkanah Mo: ton, Phiuf.'Ks Jjovett, John MorehoU:^e, John M ijii^oy:;ii-', Thomas RiJciiie [Son of An.irew,] Jo.shu-i Qtierrau, Win F Honriell, Cereno U Jone«, Charles Jones, NVm Bent, Hm\i\ Campbell, Saml Chesley, Anthony llannan.S. Doucett, J no Ditmars. Thoa Jiiines, Geo liobinson, Benj inciter, Chat IJudd, Colin Campbell, Jr. Chas McCarthy, Elisha Payson, Ja« Hail, James R Eov( t<, Jno Robinsjon [of Dif?by,l Wu) Spurr, Wm Randall, Z'lbulon Phinney, Thomas Milts and Juo Bent. Kaqrs, Clerk of the Peace, Saml Covvlinp', Eaq. ♦iur. Judge, E H Cutler, Enq. Reg'ra Deeds, Eastern Dis. E H Cutler ; Western, dis. C Jones, Esq™. Col's, of Cu«- Vquw, Aunap;>iia, H Goldjinitbj Digby, John E Morton, Esqrs l^ a I ! I orjuiie II AcUons to, (i Mil. 5otto, .las in liudol'; V«U Esq. ^ y Brucf , Goilroy, oir, John '.'i Doctor 'hief Jus- sident of MR, Esq. 3W, J II. line, nnd Special jr, F.s(}r- nrHipf.lij >io-by 1st Kl kail ah Kilchiv, ulorun : Jehu M tiicrcau, 11 Bcnr, )ourott, :r, CilKi son, Jos Spurr, o Bent. rn Dhs. of Cu«- Col'n of Iinpoft nnd Excise, and of Light Duty, Annaprolis, II Geldsiuith ; Digby, lilk. Morton. Eiqrs. Poslm'iS. Annapoli.- SHinuel Cowling ; Di>rby, W F ijonncll ; Brid^rotown, Thos. S|);jrr,l!^sqrs. Health Officer. Digby, Dr. -1%-^— Jit nt. CoraVi. of Schools-, Eaatorn (lis. Kcv Kdwiii CJilpin, liuv Fras VVhaL h'y, JI. (iohiiJiniUi, JohnJoliiutou and Thoinns Jainrij,Rs(|rs. VVeaf.ern district, HovRogerVietH, Wjh F Bonne;], C U Jonee, Chas .M'Carti»y"&. Ch;irlosBadd, U. qry. COL'.NTY OF SMri^HrnNE. llijxlj SlierilT, Jo!m JJing ly. Esq. Ckirup.crj G Bin^ay and J Wieser, Esqrs. . Suproii.e Court t^its at Sholburn^ 'Jd Tiies of July.— Dep. Proth'y. nnd Conuu'r. for t;ikin'^ Sjkccial IJ'iil ou Actioni d.cpd'^r ill the i:lup. Court, M. liUutiDgto:!, Ksqr. Inferior Court and Se:3oions of the Foaco for the dis. of Yar- mouth and Argylo, Ia-jM at 'J'u«kct Viila-jo, ist Tuesdeij of May, and at Ynrnionth, Ith Tuot;. of Sept. ; aiul for the Dm. of Shelburne, at JShclba.'-pc, '-ind Tups. May 4* 2nd Tuesday Septr, Asst. Judges, Dis. Varnioulh & Argyl-.'. Sanil S.FooU and Henry G. Farish, Esrrn ; District of Kliclburnc, Gideon White, EbcnezerCrovvell, Jacob. V, Buykirk, T. Crowoli ^ W B Sargeant, Esqry. Justices of the Peace, Di.«. of Yarmouth and Argyle, Saml. S Poolo, Ciisios Rotuloruin ; Ilejiry (x. Farish, Jiio Bingay, (Jabriel Van Norden, Jacob Kelly, Henj:inun Bingay, John WcKinnon, D;ivid Van Novdtjn, Abr.ihaui licut, Jas Bond, A. V. S. Forbes, E.^qr3. 4" Rev. J no B Hobin. j;i-. of Sijeiburno, Gideon White, Custos lioluloruin , Jacob V Buskirk, James Lent, Eberiezer Crov.ell, Obadiah Wilaon, Thouias Crowell, Robert Curne, John Homer & Wm Sargeant. Esqrs. Sur. Judges, Dis. Shcdburne, (iid(!on White ; Dis. of Y'ar- riioutlj & Aryyle, W H Kcaling, Esqrs. Reg'rs cf Deeds, Eastern di^. Gideon White junr. ; Western dif, H G Fa;-iph, Edqrs. Po.stmas'rs, »She!burne, Jacob Weiser; Yarmouth, H G Fariiilt, Esqr-i. Col'rs of Customs. Yarmouth, A V S Forbes ; Shelbuiuo, J V Biudiirl: ; I>evv Edinburgli, R Haukinsoi» ; Barrin<) Lon,To.'; Honjcr; Arfjyle, J MrKinnon.liijqrs. CoPrs <■!' I lip. and Ea. Yarmouth, II G Farisli ; Shelburne, Jacob V Bus«kiik ; Argylo, John McKinnon ; New Edinburgh, Samuel Caaifjbeli, Eriqri. Coi'ra. of liiglit Doty, Y^urmouth, Joseph Bond; Siiei^urnc, J V Buskirk ; Argylo, John McKinnon, Evii-d. He:ilth Ofujors, Shelburae, Dr. Alex Janiieson , — BirriiijTton, Dr. Thomas Gedde.i ; from Y'lrmoutii, including that Port to We.-jtern yide ofJebogm harboiu', Dr H (i Farish, Eiiiiteni side of Jebogno harbour, includir.g- Tuaket and Ar- gyle, Dr. Thos I Wdaon. Comm'ry. of Schools, District i f Slielburne, Uev Dr Rowland, Thomoj Crowell, John Hoiut'/, W Robertson & Joshua iMiow, Eaqri. Di«. Yarmouth, Rv^v T. Granihtm, Rjv Mr Morine. Saml S Pooio, HtiiiryG Faiijih and James I^out, juur. E^qra. ■'S IS If- ■ r f ■i ei ri R M E R*8 A L*r A Xl C If. CCIVyVY OF CAPK BRETOTT. Chief Justice of the Inferior Courts of Coui.Pleas,and Pres, • of the Courtj<orSessions in this County, John GMarBhall.Et<q. High SiicritT,John Fullor Esq.-Coror.erp,Jno Sniith,Jo»eph Noad, and Jno McDonald, Esqrs Snprcmc Court sit4 at Sydney, bst Tuesday of Aufrust; ■ and at Aricliat on the 1st Tues ofSeptr. Prothonotary for the County C. C Leonard, Ejq. D^'pv. Prothy's, Arichat, A, Madden : Mabou J. li. Tremain Es.;r.<. Inferior Coirt and Hes-sioni of tiio Peace for the Ncthern clis. held at Sydnoy ^iid Tues of March, and 4thTue3 of Ocl; for ihcj youthern di«. at Ai-ichat, 21 Tuo.3. of April- and 2A Tu(;s of Nov ; and for tlie Western (\h. at PortHood ;5d Tiiod April and JM Tues. of Nov. A^st. Judges,— N. E. di.^lricl — Thos Crawley and Win Oasley, Esqrs, Soiithern diiitnct, O.f'in^nt Hubert. John Joan and Peteri)eCarterot,Esqr3. Nortliwestern (hstrict, Jno Watts and Wm McKeon.E-jqrs. JiidtiiH'.s of the Peace, John Geo Afarshal), Custo^ Rotulo- rnrn— :\, E. di-i. Afchbd Dodd, Thos Crawley; Richd Gibbon?, Chas E. Leonard, Peter H Clarke, Wm Gam-nell, James Dnf- fns, Norniln McLeod, llobt Gnram dl, Jacob S Inj^rahnm, Jno McKinnon,Richd Smith, Jno Mclony, Alex Munro, C Barriug- ton, Charles Mc Alpine. W. R. Bown and Wm On.slcy,Esqts. Southern dis.Clen^ent Hubert, Chas McNab, An<hv Madden, Thos E Chandler, Nicholas H Martrn, Jno Jean,John Jnnvrin, I'etcr DeCarteret; AVm Crichton,- Morgran Doyle, Dougald B McNab, Jno Luce and Law Kavanagh, Esqrs. — N. E. district, Wm Watts, John Campbell, WniMcKeeil, Nicholas l*aint, John L Tremain, Izad Mart, JasHawley, Hen. Taylor,Nathaniel Clough, KennethChisholin, MurdoMcCaskilijAndwMcDonald ana H. Skinner Esqr?. Surrogate Judges, AVni. C. Delaney Esqr of Arichnt, for the Sotithorn Dis. and J. L.Trrmain Esq. of Port Hood, for the N W. dis. Reg'rs of Deeds, Western dis. J L Tremain ; Southern, J Turnbull ^ Northern dis. C R Ward, Esqrs.— Col- lectors of Customs, Sydney. J W"Benn ; Bridgeport, Hector Leonar' ^'-- '' ''- " "-' ' ' ^^- '"-''■"- Esqi ipti vryor, Cha.-* Barrington, Esq. Col'r^. of Impost and Excise, aud of Light Duty, Sydney, Chas E Leonard ; Port IlotJd, Jno L. Tremain ; Arichat, J. Turnbull Esqrs. Postmasters, Syd- ivey, Jos Xoad ; Arichat, Jno Fuller ; Margarec, H Taylor ; Jndiquc]A;M('I)o:iald,Plaister Cove, Nat Clni^h, Esqrs. Sur. Gen. of Lan(is,T.Ciawloy,Esq; Com of CrownLands,H.Crtt>v- I'Ty, Esq. Health Otficers, Arichat, Dr Madden ; Port Hood Dr C-urrie ; Sydney, Dr. T I Jean ; Gut of Canso, Dr. Noble ;' Bridgepor'.Dr.WIDuro. Coinrs of Schools— N.E.di^•.Uev.Chaa Fugles, Rev Geo McKcagney, J G Mar».hall, 'JMios Crawler and Chas E. Leonard. Esqrs ; Southern dis. Rev Shaw R ey Betvi'.i, Dr Gladden, Thomas K ChaiidlJrr and Crcightou, Esqrs ; N. W. dis. Rev. La\rlor, Wm Watts, J L Tremain, Jolui McKeen and Nat Clough, Esqri. 1 I- I rjd Pros, ball. Esq. r,Joi*epU August; )tary tor cimt. A, Ncthnrrj ofOot; and 2t\ l\(] Tuod lAU-'iCi — distnct. ([I'i*. UjEsqrs. Rotuh)- lies Duf- tain, Jno Biin-iug- 'y,Esqrs. Miiddon, Jauvrin, 9ugald B district, I'aint, alhaniel c Donald .for the for the remain ; s.— Col- , [lector idoSur- Excise, ktd, Jno rs, Svd- Tavl'or; rs. 8iir. I.Craw- ri Hood Noble ■; cv.Clma rawley - Shaw. nd I WjlttB, STAFF OF THE ARMY. la Xora-Sootia \mder the corwinand of IVJajor General ^'ir Archibaid Campbell, Bt. G. C. B. Lt. Governor of N<*w-Bruns\vick. Military Socrctarv, CaptP. Maiilnnd 74th F.: Deputy Adj. •,G(.nl. Lt Col. n n Harrip;h.p. SGth F.; Dep. Qr.Mr. Gen. Lt. Col. HO.Brokr-, Mnj. of Brii^adc, Mnj. J. Bazrtl<jL>ttc,h.p unntt. ; Insp. Field Ofnccr.V of Militia, Lt. Cols. R. R.Loring ; *\Vm. Marshall, ^ P. Grieve ; Dop Com. Gen. Esq; Asst.Com Geid. VV II Robinson, Esq. ; Dep Aset-Com-GenN. James HHdc, Oliver Goldfcmith,AVni. Low, Chns. Williams &; Richard liiglis, Esqrs. Surgeon to the Forces, Colin Allan, Esq.M.I) ; Asst. Surgcf)ns, S.M. Iladaway, Steph.Lawson, & .J.Ii.IlartwelljEsqrs*, Apothecaryto theFoice.c,JnoCarter, Es(|. (Jurnsmi of HaUfnx Commandant, Lt rol. H B Ilarri?, Dep Qf iMr Genl.: TownMnjor, Lt.J. MacColla ; Bar. Master, JasBUiir, Esq. ; Chnplain, Rev. J. T. Twining, D. D. ; Wiujl- 9v\\ Barrack Ma.sler, A.McDougall, Esq, ('[iaj)lain. Rev. \V. C.King, A. M. Annapolis... Barrack Maslrc, Josoph Nor- ,man, Esq. Syhiey, C. B. Barrack Master, S. Rigby. Esq.— Town Adj. Lt. Sutherland, U(>th Rogt. Engiver Pepartment. Lieut. Col. Ricl'. Boteler, commanding Engineer. C.-.pti. Lo'vally iPfiake, A Mnr^hail, Chas. Rivers. Litu'enai ts C. McKen'.6ie, S II» Wcntwortl'. Clerk of \he vorks. R Creed. Clerks, AVm Roj^^erf. Thos Goiid;;e, G. Creed and John Barren. Edwd Pr\or, Master .Carpentf.r. John McKen:'.ic, P'o-eman. Wm McDowall, MaBter Mitson ; W Gossip, M.<HtQr Srriih ;P Dcwiing, Office keeper and Messenger. Officers of If. M. Ordnance. Major Kirby, Comd. Roy. Artillery ; I^t Col. Boteler, Comd. Roy.Engineors; J W Tr.pp, Esq. Ordnance Storekeeper; Hen Inre, llnq depHtoreVcepcr; CH Fife,first ckrk ; J Forester, 2d do. ; W II Tapp, 3d (io. . . • •! Rigby, J Barron, and H P Di.voii, as.?!, clerks. CN Fife, ^'orema^ of Carpenters. J Plummer, Armourer. W Dailing, Overseer of Labourers. J Anderson, gate porter. OFFfCERS OF THE ARMY. Lt Col. II. B. II.\KRis, Dep. .Q.r. Mr. (lenl. Commandant. JRoi/nU'lrlill'n/. "Waterloo"' Lt Col Mnj or 9 1^' cpl.cn Kirby 'I' red. Arabi.T Capt^ J W Spollcn Mark Evans XXwry S'.auway ] At Ills B O Lys'er, qm. V A (irilTiths',af/, Robi Robertson Robt Pigot W R Cleeve T G Marlay Blue — facinc.s rc.l; Ip.cegold Roijal .Eno-i necrs. UCol R Boteler Capts Loyalty Pe.ike A Marshall Lieutf". C MacKenzie S H Wentworth Scarlet' •facings blue veive , I'ce '^Old. Roi/al SinJ Coffg. "Egypt" " Penini«nla" •'Waterloo'* Copt * B Jackson Lieu F J-heariTian Fncinfj* h\v^, lacssUvcr ¥: 1r\ r I . ■ 'i ! ii. '» i t" L 70 9th [or King^n) Jlcgt. TheWhi*eIIor*e. "Egypt" •'^fart^^ique" . "Niagara" Colonel H Bayly, If gen -z=^ ■m farmer's almanack J Perry Listen Geo Anflerron Jno Hilton . M R Campbell payH l*Hill,rprJohn Lee Ad\\ SWhitty,// P W Taylor q Jil- S Bi odri Lb ! W P Lew es Sur 3 li Cardiffe' Pay ^ .**■ J K Adams P Fraser Fociiigs blue 96ih ri:gt, Colonel Sir Lio -.eiSmith KCB, mijgin Ii Col «JF:i!;cr?nn,CB «> Coj-enhagen' ar:d Kri "jMoiite Video' ^ fa' or 3 U Col *J[IonG Cathcar: M'ajors T Cer Bail J»oS Pc cli Caplf J Fitzgerald, Ki'lTeii ynn-cltrol I) Vans C '-ii'ilnn Win H'. b.ne, m ,Ri,i, Ge'thin ]': iGHiii.Ki \'C >' ^ jpiberlaiid Pee- ^'heape B il C.umbeiiand Jno A ■';]> It m wii-oii Rob: Bi.ih ldj3 Tel ford, /f. Q, wj.I Murehihon ^ursi, J Sliorland A S AW Mur- ray Mich Nugent Facings yellow- 1st BATT. Riflr Briscade. Mnchen Pimcop B.iyiies J H MEitlind T H; rt Da vies Alox Dironi C S M.'lct Cha Co krfin II W Hjuley The Ktnvon Lis Alex Bo !rke T R Tl omp3on' Jus S'owart Win Calucr i Litii's D (inrJiiier Ja3 Byron Wm S'.nihoj30 Jno LonKficl'.l K Hud Clarke Win R Luca^ "\Vm Clie.trnley jLF Jo::ei WiJ-^ J'liclman lE S'ltherland, I A Robert son, dp A MfKeiizie Jos Telford adj Tlio^ AV)bott IrvSVVbilty,o<(;iY> F de Meiror^ Tbo3 F,uMr ;j ^^ A Wrav Ralpli Cheney Jna Priiigle Krx'^iL'.ns H W Roper Walter l^ay Walter Ogilvy Hen liO-nr.x K H (ireathed IHeary Nixon 11 MacKenzie J as Clyde R H Bunbury Ermiirnn R S Murray Kdw Parclay E Hathaw«y " Roleia" " Vimicra" " Corunna" " Bnsaco" " Barrosa" " Fdcntos d'Onor" •' Ciudn^i Uodri- go " " B.ui.joz" *'Sal;imarica" '» Vitioria" *' Nivelle" «' Nive" «'0;thes" '' Toulouse" " Peniiifcula" " Waterloo " Colonel in chief * Arthur, Diikc of IVellinaton, k G G C li & (JCll, field mar Col covim . I *Sir A V Bar- 1 iiard, KCB 4- A' C If. me;. Lt Col I ^W Ee1es,KH Majors A Stj:wart,KH Ca'pt(Tm9 Tfco E KHiy W Warren *G Sirntnoaf H Stewart Ja8 Mais'ifT Hon J StV Sau- marez •John Fry J S Can.cror» Wm Sulliviin J A Henderson A St Us A NTi^rlilacljlan W S R Norcoi Hobl WalpoU Ho. Shirley Cha. F Napier |W STollem^jc'e jRoynon Jones John Rooptr R S Smith Jr o II E«;en I ):d Us 11 HFi'.zHerbcrt jUWDFlam9t«.^d I dep- pm. €7ks iU V\'ill)raham,a(i Alex Monro K W Young R Pctley A Stewart (:: K Crrr a F Miilrolm W H FranUlnrd Pay W Holden capt Adj R W libra- ham, 2nd It. q M *Wm IIi!| Snr^.T H Ridg- wav, .M IJ AS EGLlovd M White, MO W Woodforde Regimentals green — facing* black. l*JC.Hope This mark (*) prefi.\e<l to the names of Ofiicers denote their h«>vin;; been at Waterloo. The word i subscribed to the titlesof Repiir.rnfa • « '• Pe:.inau!a," " Waterloo," &c. denote the lionorary dintinctJOi* perniKtedto 1)0 borne oa 'Ldr colours «nd appoiiUments.in conutiicaia- TAiioaot' tL«ir tfcr vices. ;' r farmkh's almanac*. 71 ptmns KHly irre.:i ntnonn wart ai«wr [ StV Sau- z Fry 'an.erori iiillivan le:irier»<)i^ ULts rhlaclilan U Norcoi WalpoU hirley '^ Nnprcr rolletiac' e on Jones llooptr ■smith I Est en :d Its Ki'-zHprbcrt [)FlaTn»t«.-d , pm. C7ts ilbrahfvm,a<i : Monro r Young ctley lewftvt Crrr Malcolm -I Fr.inklnrd W Holden ipt R Wilbra- n,'2nri U. i *Wm Hill fr.T H RWg- KG Lloyd White, MD ^Voodforde ;iinenta!» jn — facing* k. c their h«v in; &ofIIfpiii'''i^'» ry di'*'-iiictiOii» ,in coiutMCOia- '•| I MILITIA OF KOVA SCOTIA. His Honor, Lieut. Colonel, the Honble. Thomas Wicholson Jeffery, Commander in Chief. Ai<!e de Crunp in the Com'r. in Chief, Lt, CoL Sir R, D George, /;/, In»p. Field O^cern, Lieut. Co'i. R R Loring,, ♦W Marshall and P OricTe; BrigndeMj»j.to t]!e\V€:iteriiDjs. ii.ro/.'A V S Forbes; Adjutanf Gchl. Lieut. CoL JohnMcColla ; Qr. Mr. G'enl Lt. CoL Edward Wallace, Deputy Quarter Master General, Captain 8. Rinney, Igt Hclifax Regiment Judge Advocate Gen. Hon S B Rol>ie,I.LD. lolantecr Artillery . Lt Col. Tlichard Ticmain. Major, Jame>. Tremair. l>t Company • • • Capt. JameiCo -swell, let Lieuts, Joshua Lee. and Kicharvl Trcmain, jr. 2d Company • • • • Ca:)t \st Lt- • .. , , , , 'id Lt • SsHr<ieon, MattiiiaH } loffm.in , ice gold Blue* • • -fiicings red- \st Halifax Re giintnt. Lt Col, G N T^l8^e!l J\1njors A Richard:-nn, Jfifiics McNab Captains AVm Pryor, jr John Slayter,arf/ JaaHlack J a? G Bo;;;g;<i Tho3 Lvdiartl ChanPeWoIfc Tlop Adiims LawO'C.Doyle S Binney W A Flie?er Ut Lis. A B Richardson 'F6tevei;s Jiobt Romans Sanil I^ydiard Tl.Oi' Kinnear E!ishal)c\Vol!"o Wm Enr.erpoa JohnRohertfcOn Edw Binney Jno Romantf 2d Lli EG Fife S Cample'l Arch Sinclair H iMi^nowitz Edw Cunrrd jr lift Lts Jas A Moody Gcoll St.'ur lAndw McKinley|TliOs A Bauor W G Anderson Jos {•'(?iiicll AndwI'niacke S S B Sn.iih .'7fZjJSlaylfcr,r/7/ q M G T Filli^i iS'ttraf. AWallace .'7. k WGrigor Blue* • • •f!icin{2;s red — lace gold '2d Halifax R(- sriment. I ^Lt Col I //on. S« Cunard I Majors [ChasJHill |W M DebloiH I Cap is I J A Barry, adjf Cm B (Jreighlon TlosBartlctt Edw Scaife F B LeCi-in '2d Lts Chas Wiikie Geo Deb.ois J A Bauer .IdjiA Barryc;7f q M J Uupuy >-Mrg"VVBAlmo:i M. U. - A G Eraser M I'obin, jr Thos Tobin ^, ... ^ i«^"o Cunard Tho»NJeffery,jr J HClark lAv L^mhon Ij^,,,, g Starr Henry Pryor .flS.<rC Cogswell Scarlet — facings blue — lace gold iTdin'.'Re^ Lt Col J Leander Starr Majors fohnE Fairbanks Sxlw Cunard Capts II Y JMott S W Albro E G V7 Greea- J Daniel Starr W J Starr J^o Harvje C 11 Belcher, om R D Clarke Ji'O Let-lie 1st Lh \y Hall (i G. aw eon <J Mprks GP VanBusltirk E Dtickett ']r,pm T Kenny J Kennedy H Leslie J A Mortn 2d Lts Jno Gammon MartinNiforth Hen Gorhom Adam Reid J F Cox WJPMaltocks J A Findiay Went. Parker .//ri/EGWOrecu- ■wood, cap I r^J/.CHBeichor. Edw H Ijowe j capt JM Chamberlain I Pay E Di»ck«lt,/^ \'-* iiv I it Grren — facings red — lace gold ith Ht. Re^t. Lt Col J Albro Majdrs WA Black Kdw Pryor jr Capts FDatiphiney J'ohn Parker Wm M Allan Thoa Pyke Jns Ilearne PctcrPc wcr W Donaldson Azor Stevens H Yt'omans, jr Jr.o D;iuphiney A Scott adjt K<lw Allison Nepean Clarke P Ji^olland \ St Its IX B Hamilton Bcnj E Black 1^ C Brehm Angus Fraser Jivo Adams FARMER S ALMANACK 5lh Halifax Regt J tin Danlirp Lt Col II A liUdvrin Major T R Grassie Capis. AT.-ij:;or P Ogilvie H J Creigb'on Wm Vickers fhas M Cleary C'has Ijawsoa 2xi Lts J no Martin J Buchannan Pat Purcell ERyan James Saul C Hamilton Geo I.eppart fjeo Groiio Wm J Carrilt yjiiw AHm-o Xleo Ml' tiro JiU Richardson C'has Gray Adj\ Scott, ff/ Qn»'li Hoatcrmm Surg J Stirling JZ ^^ Wm 0^vcu A Duiibrack John Watson G R Grasj-ie,/;f(: David Fletcher istUs S Breedin Wm Anderson J Brown A Kent R A Lojiian,' qni Alex Keith . 2d Lts Wm Guild John Linsie A Taylor jr J T Bishop J E Miller How. Blades Wm Muir W Dowiin;; .'7((;GGr,issie,r;9/ Q M R Ixjgan It Surs; E-Carritt K Parker :Jiin L I'i-^her M T Sriii h Jno Johnson AVm Flemming 2d Ltf Wm McCullcy 'Jr.o Gammili, Tiss Pollock mmm Robt Spencer 2rf /fi I) V Crow .-' Alex Bl»ir Sam Waiigh M Wnngh Edw l^iigiile DVCiow Chas DM' Curdy Jno M( Kay Geo S Fleniminc J M'L DirJison Jno Tuppcr l-Robt Corhett David Page |Jns M Sprncer GeoSR'uherford Wm Flctclwr WmMcNutt Sami Cieehnan Robt M'lrray H MI>ftugh!«n .f,i;WC Eaton, Pat Mar^h capt Q.lf AlexKnight SgW B Lynda J S. EenjPage Colchester Rsrts iKtUATT Lt Col James Kent mnjora Alex Archibald Tas D Blair Capts "^of Fiilio.i I.ohn Gainmill W(' Eaton, fli/j (leoCorbetl Wm Blair, Wm Phillips \ndw Yuill UtLts [as Rutlverford S Archibald Win Logan 2dB A'Pr. " /.fC(;/RDickKon Majors ThoM I Brown A Campbell J'is Fietiimipg Capts Jas Dickson Jno Wicr John Crow R McLelland R "Spencer A Thompson E DDickhon.firT; Robt B Dickson Ja» D Bai;d Alex Vance IstfAs Ruftis McNuU I) l)e\\rr Win Baxter Alex Conkey rho< Co-betl I Urqiihart II Munro Jno Mr(>ra'.h Wm V'ant'* Ja<. Marnh (Uo Ro's J ArchibiUd Jiis >y.]2oa Wm Cut ten Jno Bh.ir Sd ' Stcph Linten Jfi-4 Barnhill J T Dickhon Wm Flemming .hlj EDeWDck. son, rnpt Sure; ( 'has HentJ Q m W Cutlen Picion Regi- ments. 1st BATT. Lt Col Geo Smith major Robt McKay Capts Geo McDonald John PatierFon Wm Corbclt John Gordon y^ n\ Monin.er f) Cameron Abm PaKrrrm Anthofy Smi h • (JcoCampbfll Sam! Archibald Micl.McCullofh \stLts Wm ("lark R McDonaW Davkl Davifoa Jas Dawioa '" ' FARMKR'S ALMAVACK. 78 nccr Is ir iph itgiile • I'f'ur'dy [)irison ■Jjett :)fncf«" tclwr irray •h ' ten r 3cl ■ intra )hin ck^on jrntriinp >eWL)(k. 7T)f has HeadI V Cutlcn Regi- nts. hVVT. Col [liih :jor IcKay apts Donald atierfoa )rbcU or (ion onin.er cron 'alt rrmn ly Smi h mpbrli ^rchibwld c('ull«ifh UUt 'lark DonjiW Davitoa iwion Mai Lanpille .hioTaylor t'Jia!»Pattc*rtOn Don Fniser Colin McKenzie }st Lts H Douglass F McDonald Jas Crichton David Ross Thod M'C'abe Jas Pei ia (ieoGnint Jas McGill 3 no Graham Jas RobertfOn Jno Campbell Jno 1.02'iJiin Tht)s Tiiylor Jiio McLeod o<f) GeoM'Don- iih\, rapt q M U Hatton Wm Fraser Hubt Walkf^r 2d Lta Paul Foster Wm Fraaer John Fraser PeUr Ross Hec McLean Pet Grunt Jas Fraser Ang McDonald Thos Copeland Don McDougal Don Sutherland Alex Grant u(li J Holmes, (yl M A Fraser <SyD Finlayson 2d BATT. Lt Col J Carmichael majors D Murray John Olding Capts T McPher.-on ►S lion McKay D McDonald '• ha Munro S-.riion Fraser D Mc Lennan Don McDonald Jo'm Smith A McDonald r xrkMcKay Jolm P'inlayroii Lvf Ifs W Jas (.'orbett HugiiFr jr Alex l\a:-er Don Munro Alex McDouiilii Don McDojiakl .I»rob Olding Don Robertson >Vm (."hhholni Sz\ McDonald County of ISifd- neJiRtf*;iinenls. "1st BATT. Lt ro/JnoMunro major Jno G Peiibody Capts JD Cunninghant Ang McDonald H McLennan \\"m Hierlihy James Wilkie A D Harrington G A Forrestall 1*; L,'s Alex McDona'd Allan AIcDonald i^^ A Ogdcn las ThoPipi-on Geo Rrenn.in Wm J Corbett !></ Lts Wax (.'ampboU Zcph Williams Aiex Thompso' Colin Chish-olm Ja.s Ro.ss .Tugh McDonald Jno Corbctt Arcli McDonald '^dj AM Chis- haiin. It ■Q wJ Forresiall 2d BATT. /./co/RM Cutler major Isaac "NVylde capts J K JNIcKccn WmHeffernan D Atwater Jr.o Soutir John Grant C Archibald Jas Lyle Edw ^Nlorris Wm McKecn Robt Boles w<)j i Jno Archibald Win Lynch \st Its Jas Tory, jr Wm Bedloid Jos Maxwell M Taylor Hugh McDonald \^'m Sinclair Thos Peart Wm Strojjel Alex Mariin Jno Hudson 2d Lts Wm Hart Jno Newton, jr Jito Stewart Spin Whitman Jno Kennedy (Jhas Bromley D J Cunnighum Wni Siir;p; on jr Wm Hadlt-y Edw Frencl'ville J as Marsha 11 Hall Foster Irv Pride lird BATT. n^ cci ' Robt N Henry ■' major Joseph Symor.Js Capts Jos Jerroir Jas Randall Jno McMillan ElishaMRandiil Don McDonal.i L'on McPh« c Allan Cameron 1st lis Luke ./errroir • MughMcDoniM. Doji McDonald Don McDonald Aiex Cameroij Don McKenz.ft John Mar on ^idlts Jno Fraser Cel Doiront Rich Coimor;> Angus Kenne :r Htuj Heany IIughMcDonalui Hugh McGrega-. Wm A Henry Jr.o SulherliirJ .'J^/^JnoMcLo-- ;ld Cumhtrlar.d Resrinuv!. Itcolflo- lldaVli jnojors RMcGDukey (jio King cnph Wm Choi man T Clit|i?naii, ad FIcnry Purd/ , Aaron McKinly 'H Punly 2d Pa Mani wOO Ja ini^t x\ .hio Mitel ell Il1;in K-ing .'an RoLCi-;a J<t* lilack Adj Robl Pttic-, Tl.o- i o^.ui capt I W n» 1 ov h r f'i m Jno Jpst |G.aiiiS Liw li "■S WC^atriil Anih'i.g or m ■ 'f n 74 Jdsh HuBtis 1st Its G Lawrence 3aml Purdy JR Cormo W M'Nab B Chapman Jos Morse Brown Pipes B Stevens Amo!* Eaton ,Tao Rushion If '^^hapnian JnoFarlin 2d Its Josh Bedee J no Dothen rARUEIl^S ALMANACK Edw Bennett Jacob Withrow Edw McLatchy^Jas Gilvie Jas Fitzmaurice J J O'Brien Pat Walker 2d Its Wm Palmer Jno Jenkins, jr Phos Tonge Robert Hill Nathan Taylor RobtWidkcr Jno Payzant Jo^ David^on Peier Jad's JohnParker ,qdj J Songster dipt Adj J Wirhrow eapt Q 7n Jas Grant ,S^ F C Pike ThsChapman. 2d Q^/T O'Brien Ezra Bent Jas Cotes Tim Weatherby J G Purdy Dan Pug«!ey Gilbert Seamans Martin Bent jr Tho3 Smith JacobAckerly ailj T Chapman capt $vrs; E Purdy S^ Jes Wiley 2d BATT Lt co/RichSmilh major Benj Smith Capts J Withro\v adj Alex MePhee Edw Murpliy J no C Withrow John Grant Dpn Grant (J^)l^~lhnts\^^^ Deasmore Refriments. ^^ P"^"*'^ J3t BATT It Col W H Sliey mfjjor N Jenkins capts Wm S Church JoiiM Smith .I'ich McHaffey ' Jl^ongster.rtdj Elia^ Payzant C Curren II Go'idsre SaralPalmer il Mclfi'tfey Ut Its T McLatchy E C'affvir Jno OiisKing Jno Wood worth WmKnowles 1st Its Alex Ferguson John Sterling Hy Blois J J Blackburn WmG Withrow Wm Wiihrow Jas E Nelson Mich Terhune Piiilip Densmorg ^ 2d Its Sam Meek Evan McPhee Arch Cox Caleb Burges Jno McDoiigall Hy Millar 3d. BATT. It Col Daniel Wier Major Capts. ElishaSandford Ich. Dimock Fras Parker Jno Cochran Jas Sterling GeoBrightman Stephen Wier \st. Lis. Felix Cochran Francis Hnrvie Jno LockhArt Anthy Shaw jr Arch. Smith jr Harris. Dimock Tbos Allen ^wrf Lts Nich. Mosher Geo. E Layers MichSalter, jr. C W Rathburn JnoMumtbrd Job.Harvie jJas Mosher Wm Fish T F Wier, wJj Midi S;indfortl Job Harris Mj.T. F.Wier Q.'I/.D. Cochran Kin»^^s County H''<i;iments. IsiBATT. It Col Henry Gii<;icr majors WCMooie JnoWelU Capts Jiio Morton Jos Crane A Beckwith, a(if T Barnaby Jona Crane N Wood worth EV Buskirk Saml Chipman J T Allison John Belcher W C Campbell O Cogswell \st Its iThos Welton Judah Wells J C Magee Wm Pearce D Burbidge Saml Sharpe John Prescott J H Allison Jer Tupper E Burbidge T B Campbell Hen Gisner jr J F Hutchinson Rich Starr Saml Lowden Wm H Chipman 2d Its Wm Starr Ben Donaldson Wm Miller, jr David Whidden Dan M Moore JiioE Cogswell Seth Burgea Saml Cox H L Dickey /as Bent Luther Durling /as Lockwood Mat Fisher J(ja Chase Geo Lockwood Jas Lockwood Adj A Beckwith capt QmGLockwooci W '% fAtlMER^S ALMANACK 7H •lU apts orion !ran« kwith,a<^ naby [!rano )odworth Juskirk Uhipman lUison Helcher Campbell igswcU \st Its Welton Wells Magee Pearce uibidge Sharpe Piescott Allison Fupper jrbidge Campbell Gisner jr Hutchinsoti h Starr i\ Lowden 1 H Chipman 2d Its 1 Starr i Donaldson [1 Miller, jr vid W hidden n M Moore )E Cogswell h Burges nl Cox L Dickey i Bent ither Duiling i Lockwoodi at Fisher s Chase !0 Lock wood s Lockwood tlj A BeckwitU capt m(jrLockwo©cl I wBArr. Ltcol S Dennii^on major J N Crane Capta Ohas Brown Eben Bishdp Ell och Forsyth Jno Fuller E Forsyth J Johnston D Rathburn C H Rand adj C Randall 1st Its S Avery, jr P M Benjamin Elijah Fowler Jas Bragg Geo Terry A Bishop Dan S Dennison Eliphilet Fuller 'id Its S Parminter Jas Woodman ChasH Brown Jas T Davidson Wm C Dennition Jacob Jjiamans ThosA Caldwell Edvv J Bishop AdjCHJiAnA.cpt « j»f T A S De- wolf Sg W Webster Pan'shorough Corps It Col JasRatchford jr. major Jesse Lewis Copts Qman Lewis A Thompson i'ERatchfordaJj B Fullerton Robt Dewis 1st Us Eben Korr Wm Marsh, Danl Dickenson Wm H Dewolf Jas Fullerton 2d Its Edw Morribon John Petis JFulmore qm JTosCox A F Ratchford Chas W Baker Jno T Smith adj C E Ratch- ford, capt Q mi Fulmore // Sg A Gisner Geo Barteaux Jno Kennedy Constant Morse Jas Wade Jldj Geo Robert- son, capt Q VI JasGray EastJlnnapolis CounlyRegts. 1st BATT. It Col LiCol.T Ritchie Major Capt 3 E Thorne Wm Davis G Robinson S CoAvling E Whitman Abner Troop Wm Saunders Step Thorne Robt Spurr SamiVfcCormack Hen Gates Is I Its Jacob Bogart Wm Harris S Parker S Chipman A Fowler Edw Hinkle Isaac Ditmars Hen Gisner Jas LeCain Jno Hicks 2d Its Jon Woodberry J H Ditmars Weston Hall B C 2d BATT. It Col majors Jno Delancy C Shafner Capts Foster Bolsor E Phinney Arch Hicks H Parker J Armstrong RobtStone, adj Seth Leonard Chris Banks Jno Fritz 1st Its Jno Dodgie Zeb Phinney Jas Gates Wm Banks Qeo Fitch C Marshall Steph Nicholls 2d Its Jno Smith Jas Hall HMcGee Jno Banks Jno Shaffner /a« Charlton Geo Brown Phin Bent Saml B Chipman Felix Mc Neal Alfred Parker SamlStarritt Sam Mariejr Pet Delancy Chas. Barteaux 'F A Robichau Jidj R Stone, cpfJosiah Poi ter (4 m Jno Ross |Jiic Holden Sg 3 V Burin hesl»^nnapolis Co^y Regit. 1st BATT. n Col W F Bonnell major WmMuir Capts 3 Tinipany T H Ruggles D Rutherford Edw Morgan J E Morton, adj McConnell Budd 1st Its Hen Stewart Chas C Moody- Israel L Bent /os Bancroft M R Hutchinson 2d Its Alpheus Jones JonesMorehoufic JHPitzRandolph R Journeay IsaacMorehoute JonasKeen Israel Outhouse Jno Haynes H E Pavson C S R Crow If y Jno V lets' BotsfordViets aJJEMortoncpf Q/uW Taylor W foot Sg3 Light- 2d BAT r. It Col S Doucett ma,jor Saml Campbell Capts H Barr adj iSaml White Jos Terrio ii «• ,*■ ; . ^S' F 7n JoH White Geo Taylor 1st Its Jo-t Commo J Parry .Ttio Terrio Fr«H Bo irnuf 13 Robirhai {jainl Moreliouse 2// Its Ecn'j White »'aprean Martin ♦Sfi. Robithau Oiriac Helivo Ben onie While J as Anicro Gilbert Tucker .>'IdjHBarTr,rnpt (^ m H Birr, jr t'y Hen.R'i,2;file^ ■ rARMFK^ ALMAMA^K. 1st B ATT. It Col J V Buskirk Capts J! G Eiislo'.v, adj £eiij Perry Wm Holden .'as Barclay :j Spearvvaler J no Lock V/m Muir Istlts Sanil Lock 'Wni McMilfan 'i'hos Johnston Kben Martin Win Stnlkcr '2d Its Rich King i» Mitthe-.vs .'is (irillin J i t?o Boole .! :sh Snow • •ilbert Kenn;j A V^enion r.Jj I GEiislow, apt C in J Tot tie 2.1 BATT. /; Col Ab;aham Lciit mijor J M<;Ki.H;o.i Capt9 DVXo.dcn.aJj .I.i«« Hatlie'tl W Whileuoisfi J J D'Eitre iioiJt J Servaa M Amfro 1) Hodreti'i Theo K Frost 1st Its John Williams Jno Hatfield S D'E itremonl P D'Entreinoiit ('eril Porter Sil Porler .VI Jctfery Jno Rider 2d Its C Rlnnvelt G V Buskirk W Lark ill J B Bodi eau JosJ Porter H Nicker>on Ciias McLarrin Adj D V Norden capt Q m Jas Lent 3d BATT. it Col Jno Bingay UtUs Jos Sha>v Jno Pattin i^. Ghurcliill Jas A II en R Robins G Bond M Shaw A Raymond U(i Us J f'ann J Hilton l)(io>.v«n J (.'rosby C I..evvis Stayley Brown Jos Stoneman II Chipman H Huntingdon Edw Hue.^tid J Ultey Geo Trefoy Andw^Lovett ndjCn^\ngsiy,rp4 (^ 111 Fooker Sur^n G Farish AS Jos B Bond 4th BATT. ~ Lt col W B Sargeant capts J P Doane Jas Smith J Sargeant, adj J Osborne K Reynolds Andw do well ist Us Jas Kejiny major G B Vati Nj»rden ./ethroC'olville E Knowles, Capts Jas Dane 1) Pat till [■<rael Kelly John Cook Kenj Ijewis M killum A Huntingdon Geo Bin:^ay adj Tiio4 B Tooker W B Moody Josh Atwood /no Lyle 2il Us Thos C'offin J Kenny J (' tVowell \Vm Patterson at/ JSargeant,r/>/ Q m S O Doant Quren'sCoinrli/ Rfiriment. Lt cdl Jos Freeman tnnjor* JRDewolf J Whitman Capis J Roberts Jon IJowolf Wm B Taylor John CampbeH W Freeman, ndf Jas Morton Mat P»rk^• Free Tupper JnoL D arrow Nat B'reemuu \sl Us T Freeman . Wm Irwin John McViker Sam Freeman ThosP Calkm [Wn>McGiU jZ Freeman S Freeman Stephen Maek Geo Pearson Jno Eraser 'id Us John Cobb Jos Ford GeoFreeman, Jno McDonald A McDonald Geo Freeman jr E Knowles Jno H Freeman Jas A Tnylor Jno Kempton Robt Roberts adj W Freeman. capt q m Sir A Webster .^.S' D Grieve • w s Counti/ Lwien- bur^-Re^t<. Ist BAIT. LtcolJCli;do\{ FARM£n S ALMANACK. i 4 ent. dl lait u* olf m )ls n olf :^aylor mpbeH ntian, nilj ton k^- ipper i.iriow ;emuii I Us nan vin [cViUer eeman Calkm cGill man nan n Maek j.irson aser ilts !obb rd ?eman , cDonaKl onalil eemaii jr wles Freemia 'IHiylor mpto!i RoberiH Freeiuiin , \t I Webster Grieve h/ Lunen- mArT. JCK'iUulf Garret Miller Wni Rudolf capts C Oxner .Ino Anderson H Kaiilback C J Rudolf P W James HeiiOxner[arty] Geo Anderson M Rudolf Geo Creighton Fras Rudolf Wm Drew ]sl Us Mat Ernht Cbfis Born Nich Oxner Jno Harley Philip Mason Jos Rudolf Jno Hebb. Geo M Fancy Jno Ernst Fras Boehner Jno Frederick ^d Its Jno Ernst Jos Miller Garret Miller Chas Bolman P Kaulbitck Chas J Rudolf Chas Perneite Wm Moaher Jno Rudolf Edni Zwicker Jno Publicover Josh McRae Lewis Arenburg Wra Newcomb JdjQT Solomon Q m D S Grant Sg G Jacobs 2d BATT. Lt col Jno Heckman tnajors Jno Crclghton y /auS Thomson Jno Hunt cn^ts Hen Ernst, adj P Strum Thos Zwicker Jno Zwicker Geo Ernst Geo Zwicker Robt Mooney C Melzler Jr.o Crandte J.B.Coniineo(j'w Jno G Thomson John Naas Jos Gates Chas T. Evans I si Its LeoHertlie JThomson (aty) M Public over A Zwicker Adam Lanta Jo-i Lordly Leon Gildert Edw Zwicker WmRo«8 H S Jotii 2rf Ita Fras Zwicker EdwCogley J M Smith JasCrousher Jas Williams Fred Ernst Jno Kedy Dan Dimock Wm Heckman Wm Gilbert Alex McKay Cornelia sLordly Geo Dimock JIdjH Ernst, rjp< QmJ B Cgmingo capt Sg Jno Harley ^&'W A Kearney Cape Bre- ^'"l^ ton. lirt Rep nit. IstBATT. Lt col Chas E Leonard major WniHCrawley cnpts Saml Plant Siim Rigby, adj Rich Brown Chas M Dodd Edm M Dodd C Barrington Jno Ferris Lewis W Bown Josh W Weeks Lieut s. Luke Hall L Bown Geo Rigby Weeks Wm Gammill. Clins Dumaresq Arnold Holmes Jno Hill Peter Moore Syd Barrington Wm Cook Rich Gibbons, jr R Campbell A RoRS J Ross Edw Bown J Dodd Niel McKay jJdj S Rigby, f/i/ Q M. John Ball ^turg Wm Hiue Joncf unic 2d BATT. Lt. cot. Nich. H Martin major capts John Jone« G McKiiv J McKay Don Logan Licit/*. Wm Jone.t Don Carniifh<.< 1 Jno McNeill San iiel Pettrs Jas Sp;>rliug Robt Sutherlaiil Alex AndertJOii Jno Sperling Jas Eraser Thos Joice /Zrf;. John Smith SrdBATT. Ltcnl Pe-cr H Clarkft mnjor Wm GanmiiJi capts CMc Alpine ^ JaO Stott hieuts, JnoMnrtin Dun Currie Alex Campbell ThosPembrooUr; Neil McNeil Don McDonald GibbsGisner adj ;\ng McGilvery Jno McEacran adj G Gi^ner.//". Q m. T McKea- geny 4th BATT. Lt col /no McKinnou capts Don M'Leod Jno Munro Jas Brown/<''i F 2 I ! I t I, 78 AlfT McKinnon Alex Mun?b II HuckmaHter l.tl Us FARMFR'S ALMANACK. Hea Marn II P«>:or 'IViriot P'.'tor Forest JiioHubtTt Roht SullierUnd Josh Alexander Don .M('I)oa.>J(l iHaac Nicolle J no Buurinct ('h.i}* Hlampicil ndj Tlioinax E Jno Fraser Junxen Fraser JnoMcLeod 1st J:ioMcl.eod, 2d Da/jd t.'orbcU 2d Us HecMcKen^ie Jfio Fanning Ijauch Robertson adj J Hrown,c;)/ '2d Rfi^'int 1st HATT. It. col. ■Cli'meiii Iluberl m'tjnr j Janvrin riipts M Doyle T E Chandler, rtfi j'eier de Cartert't Jo!in Ffivrier John Fuller E F I.e Montaid Win f'ricl»ton 'j'no.s he Noir .1 ohii R Smith llivts. ])esire7,l-?ondroil .Iiio Ballaiiie A llrviner .1 F Wil-oa V> Cm G Potts A'iclor Terriot I^aac Pa on Tlio^riu Koi^ SiiiiBaViin i'.viiji Terriot ( 'iias Wiod C"ha Twiiot ndjD PvUicTtept ~'Mnt\rmT." l»t B\TT It. cot. Wm MoKtrti innjvrs U McMillan Nalh Clou;;h capts CJiandler, captJ L Treiftaiii, ad Q m Jiio WalshjJno Campbill N^f And. Madden ' iimlBAT T It cul L Kavanap;h, I major IChasMMcNab Jno McKetn Robl Patterson Alex McInncH 1) (j pouchy .las Doyle Dun Campbell rnnia i'^^"" Cameron FnnrsTrnn ' Wmll Mullin Ji\ot>anicron I , ,, -rv ^^ DoiRald McNabr^»'<i McDonald Alex Beaton Peter Broiivn I'd AnMcl)ou<ifiil( Don Campbell DanlPellicr, ad'} JnoB McNeill" Jno Walsh Thos Simons M Kavaiihigh AndLe Biocquc Rolv McN.ib D .McPhersou lie Ills JuslinMaubour- getui Jno Mathepon Alex Miirt'lii on F McPherson N MrMyllen Don C;;mpbell Jno MeDougall Jno Siniih .T Rlorrij-on Jno Proctor Ad McPherson Petor Legat •/as Proctor (ieo Struehaa lie.uls Alex MciMiiir C McMuir Pli liC lirocquc II McDonald T McDonjild A Cliisliolm J as INI c Don aid J as If aw ley A McD'oiialii J no Me Kay Dun Beaton I no Doyle vlleii Catneron Mat llawhy Wm Watts jr DonMcT^'.aii !noMcMil!;in Thus Emery Rod MrLrnn nyWiliinms Jno McDuniiM Jno McKinnoii Dou^.Smitii E Cameron D McDon<v;il,| A McDomtld Ang Bealoii A Campbell Mai, McKay Adj J L T'vo main, cfl/// ^'ndRATT major llenTaylor capts N M.cLellan A McLellan A McDonnld A McDonald R McKinnun — Bown lifuts TiioRoss Jno McKinnon I no McFiirliiii^- Tas McLellan A Smith iJ O Uuin CIios Botulroit. Dnn McRae M McDonald Wm Campbell A Mc I>-llan A Mc Innis JiiolMc Eelian A ( 'Ll-hohn R McDonald ./no McLean Anir Itaac itdj DCumpbcll IrTiPfin liaiits cDomiM DouhM lea1ot» nphrll McKriv L 'JVo n, caj/t BATr lajor 'aylor apis ;Lell!in iLolluu :D()nnl<l ; Donald cKinnun fi(ttlS loss ^IcKinnoii cFiu-lhij;" Lelluu ith tuia Joiulroit. jMcRae c Dona Id C;\in|.)b*.'ll [^ I.fllan liiiiis Ic l.ellan il-lu)!iu cDouHld I c Lean Isaac )Cuiupbell T&H NAVY. ComiTiandor in Chief nn the West-India, llaht'ax, and rsevvlbuiKlhind Station.s, Secretary, Edward I. awes, Esq. ARACHNE - - - 18|DISPATC1J - - - (jomnri Win Gappor A{rar Comin (»eorgp Duniull Lieuts J no II Woodtliorpc Liouls. . . .Vraa Hinvtli 16 Arch (j Bulinan Master. . . .floury Ma] l,.;lon Surgeon. ...John llotiHlon Purser lohn Warwick Asst. Surj;.. Andrew Coatfj HonGllst. Vincent 1) Kircainl Master Wm Jeniiis Snrnoon ..Win Aiiciji.-on I'ui.ser ...JEKey ARIADNE . - - - 28p^r:V,^r?;'V'''? ^'■'i^'''^"" Cipt Charles Phillips IrlKr^rLY - - - 3 Liouls Wm S Blonnt Ang-istus Lavic John Russell 1st Lt. Mar. FS Hamilton Master I R Fittock 8arijeon. .. Edward Uilditch Pur^^er. .. .Charles II Oamer A^.st. Surjr.Wm llobba BLANCHE . - - ^46 Capt Arth.Farquliar.C B K H & Kt. of Sword of Sivedai Conim Wm Burnett Lieuts Henry Stroud^ Edward Lake S II Usshcr 1st Tit Mar. 2d Lt . . ..ASS Walsh Master WC Middlemist Chaplain .. Ja.mos H Malet Surgeon. ..John Armstrong Purser. .. .R M Read Asst. Snrg..Jno Jas Lancaster COLUMBINE - - 18 Comm. . .. Henry O Love Lieut R R Aletheroll Ricliard E Bullcn Ma.ster John I'yho Surgeon. ..Alex Smith Purser. . . . J^hn Tindall A^.st S!irg..Thos II Nation Lt. Cum. .../ohn 7M':Doneil Asst.surg. John MaRae FLY IS Comm Peter INIcQnhao Lieut Ciias Sergeantson David C (J'lunhy Master... Jolin Rogcr.s Surg C McArtliur, m d Purser EM Donby Asst Surg..VVm Bayne GANNET 18 Comm. . . . Marti 11 Sweny Lieuts... Thomas Lyell Henfy Wright Master. . .John Halcrow, act. Surg .Robert Holden' Purser John Tayler, acct. Asst Surg, John Andrews HYACINTH 18 Comm. . . . Win Oldrey Lieuts Robeit G Wclcli . II W Giffard Master. . . .Geo Peacock, acrf, Surg lohfi Sinclair, m [» Purser.... W G Atrill .\sst Siug, Anthony Veomah. KANGAROO......... ;j Lt Com . . . .James Hookey Aisst Sur"r. . Wm PcnnvcwSjk Ill . J-. ■; i ; <i tS FARMER' MAGNIFICENT ..4 jRcce iving Ship , Jam a ica. Lieut Com . .John Paget Master . . . . W E A King Surg Jcr iliordan Purser .... John Bryan Asst Surg. .Jamais Kittle Super . . . William Houghton Alex Sanderson MINX 3 liieut Com • • • '.John Simpson Asst Surg. . . • •Geo E Oughton NIMBLE 5 Lieut Comm-« John M Polbury Asst Surg James Lowry NORTH STAR. 28 Capt .RtHon.Ld.W Paget Lieots. ••»••• John Parsons C H M Buckle Epward Stopford Master. George Parsons Surgeon Robert Espie Purser. , •••••• Edw F Heaslop Asst Surg««'«Jas O McWilliam PALLAS 4i> Capt ,WmWaIpoIe Lieut»»« JelTrey VV Noble Horatio Blair '^^'m C Nowell Ueorge St V Kijig 1 st Lt Mar •••• John Colliss !?d Lictit Edward Hocker Master.. ^^^(Iw'ard RoHe Chaplain Nnt T Royse Surgeon .John Hately Purser John Porter AsslSurg* Henry Holmes Super.. •••••• ••John Sieavensou PEARL 20 Com • • * • » Rohert Gordon Lieut • -George Seaufoy Jas Heysham Master* • ••■••••Fred S Fvaser Surseon... •»•••• Alex Lane Purser Francis Lean Asst Surg Geo A Munro PICKLE - - - - -^ 5 Lieut. Com. •• •Chris Bagot Anst Surg • AVm Martin PINCHER 5 Lieut Com.,....W S Tulloh Awt Surg John Mcllroy S A'LUA!fACK RACEHORSE. - 18 CommJinder ....F V Cottcn Lieuteniint • • • • Thomas Hope Geo M Hunter Master .•••••. .James Cooper Surgeon Arthur Savage Purser James Halve AsstSurg Alex Sanderson SAPPHIRE - - . 28 Ciiptaiii HonGWRTrefusi* Lieutenant* ••• Thomas Gregory Fred Gilly Lionel Ilalliday 2nd Lt Mar...P T M Payne Master John Tonkin Surgeon •••"•• •Harry Goldney Purser Wm Crane Asst Surg«»«« David Grant Super Chas K Nutt SKIPJACK - . - - 5 Lieut Com • • W Shortland Asst. Surg- •••Thos E i?ing SPARR0WHAWK18 Commander •• Thomas Maitl.jnd Lieutenant* • • •Thomas M Currie James A Abbott Master T B Codnor, acct. Surgeon i?ich C Nutt Pursier ...••• John Lord SPEEDWELL - - 5 Lieut Com* •••C II Norringiton A^st Surg • . • • it W Campbell TWEED 20 Commander •• ••Allen Bertram Lieutenant • • • •George Kennedy Fr^s W Austen M.isler. . • James B Tucker s'urgeon • Wm Bothwe!! Purser Tho-'McKnight Asst JJ'urg •••• W Orr VICTOR 18 Commander. • • -iiobert iiussell Lieutenants.. ••Eklw C Miller C F Brown Walter ••-...••H J Ntrutt Surgeon John West Purser -Henry -South Asst Surgeon ••Samuel Browne WINCHESTER - 52 Capt Hon W WelleBi«y Commander ••••H G Cdpoys I i. « . •-.*^ . 18 FiRMEK'SALMYMVCK. n ten Hope lunter oper ivage tUe lerson - 28 Trefusi* rrpjrnrv. -Super Com.. Lieutenant • . . S'uferLieuts. • .. H W BayfitlfJ • Arth Wakefield Wm Crook e riirjrletj Polton ^V'ln Lewis iloriorHble A W Monckton,FL .. Philip E Collins Geo L Campbell Thomas .Smith 2nd Li cut War Master Chaplain • • • • .• .John Urqniiart . • JaniCH Napier • • yno M Etl wards Purf^er • Af'siSurj'S'.* ^uper • • Tliomas Gliddon • ••Robt H Bruwn i?obt Fairservis ■ • /ames Jackson James L Clarke ThosVVm Jewd' 5 - 5 r I. fi' Capt. Mar John Ilewcs MAILS xMADE UP AT HALIFAX For Windsior, Kentville and Aiuiapolis, closes on Monday and Wednesday, at 4 o'clock, For Windsor, Kentville, Annapoli.s, Digby, y.irinoutli, 8helburne and ^il. John, N. B. on ^^riday at 1 o'clock. For Wallace, Economy, Cay's River, Musqiiodobif, Truro, Cumberland, Pictou, Prince EdvvSPrd Island, Cape-Breton, A ntigonish,. Now -Brunswick, Chaleur Baj and Canada, on Wednesday at 1 o'clock. For Truro tmd Pictou, on Thursday and Saturday, at I o'clock. For Chester, Lunenburp, Liverpool and Shclburnc, via- Windsor, on Monday at 4 o'clock. MAILS ARRIVE at G o'clock evening, From Windsor, Kentville, Annapolis, Cheriter, Lunenbuin-, Liverfiool and Shelbtirni?, Monday. Truro and Pictou, Tuesday and Thursday. Windsor, Ken'ville, Annapolis, Digby, Yarmouth, Shclburup and St. John, N. B. Wednesday. Canada, New-Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Cape- Breton, Cumberland, Truro and Pictou, Saturday. wtam/zjtrxamm t ist uth owne - 62 elleeley poys sill' I! EN AC aD IE CANAL CO.MlViNY. Board of Direr tors .... f/on.T N Jej1'cry,Prcsi(itnt: J/on. SamI Ctinanl, P' P ; Hon. Joseph Allison, A /'; Jjaw-lliirtsljoriie, Sanil Head, Jno Clark, Jno A Barry, Mleli Tohin, Jas Troinain, and J LcandcrSUirr,lv.Mir- Sccretarv, C 11 P'aubanksj p]s(|. snai ( ( •8 FARMtR^S ALMANACK. C R B S I. C II B R. BOOK-SELLER and STATIONER, Opposite the Province Building, HALIFAX, N. S. Has constantly on hand, and offers for Sale af the lowest rates, an extensive assortment of AOOOXTArT BOOKS of every variety, and in various Bindings, Blank Books bound and ruled to any pattern. . SCHOOX. BOOKS of ALL the various kinds used in the Province. ' Writing, Printing and other Papers, Playing, Visiting and Printing Cards. Ink Stands, Inks and Ink Powder, Sealing Wax, Wa- fers, Tapers and Stands. Backgammon Tables, Chess Boards and Men. Boxes Colours and single Cakes, Indian Ink, Camel Hair Pencils, Middleton's Lead Pencils, Brookman and Lang- don's Drawing Pencils, Bristol Boards and DRAWING PAPER. Pocket-Books, Pocket Ledgers, Ivpry and Slate- Memo Books, Slates and Slate Pencils. Children's Books, in great variety, Bibles, Fsalm Books, Prayer Books. A general sssortment of OBART8. A great varitty of Prints, Scraps, Caricatures. A handsome assortment of VAPBR HAXrOINOS &. BORDjaRIZTG Check Books, Bill Books, Bills Receivable and Payable Books, Law and other Blanks, * 8CP Book-Binding of every description executed in the neatest mAuner. rAftMER'9 AMTAXACf. iaie af it of tern. 83 Books and Periodicals imported to order. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED FOR The New- England Magazine, a monthly pub- lication—price $5 per annum. The Protestant Episcopal Pulpit, a monthly publication— -price ^1-25. per annum. New-YorkAlbion and theEmigrant^newspapers. e. ds. i, VVa 1 Men. Hate :s. )le and iks. Etna Fire Insurance Company, OP IlARTrORD COiNNECTICUT, HAVE appointed John Leander Starr, ofHalifax, ' ^ •' N S. their Agent for Nova-^cotia and Prince Edward Island, and will insure Buildings, Merchandize, Vessels on the Stocks, Vessels and Cargoes in Port, Furniture, &c. &c- against loss or damage by fire, at very moderate premiums. In addition to the Capital Stock of $200,000, [the whole of which is amply secured] the -^tna Company possesses a surplus of more than $35,000, also safely invested. It^i* The Agent will furnish any other information that maybe required. ■ " '■'■ II. . ,^ ■ New Marine Insurance Office. THE Subscriber has been appointed the Agent at Halifax, for the " Protection Insurance Company" of Hartford, Conn, to take risks on Vessels, Cargoes, &c. against the dangers and accidents of the seas; and is in the possession of the most ample and satisfactory evi- ^ dence of its high standing and reputation. cuted in ^ » *, . . FARMER R ALVANACK. ■ *rbe inrvoased Ctotnmercc of thi« tTolony ha^ Ion;?: f^^^- c(\ fnrlln rnUIitional Marino. Insbrance <')lficp to tlif .oVrf •^.'•tahlisriPil.liere ; and as the Ageritofthft '* l^rotrrtiou ('onl|Klny*^ is authori^jed to affix the rates of riemiun, i^in? td grant Policies upon af>plicatioH to Inni, a great i'ac-ility vriU be thus given to those uho noNv insure ifieir •jiroperty In dii^rnrent parts of the United States, ' ^V ,^ Apphcations njust in all cases b^i made — ^expressing r:very particular — in writing, and sigt.ed by the applicant [if by mail postpaid-] The credit usu«il in the U. S. will be given on premiums. , . Kvery information will be afforded upon applical ion at L tlie Accent':: u Gilice. J. Leaader Starr. * (V]^ Apphratnon«*t«*.«ontain the following information, vIk. V(j!ise1snaine — ai^c — Tonagc — description — Mastors's aifnir; (iwiier— property to be- insured — voyage — amount on each vesse'lr-cargo nnd freight — if required- — where vessel is — vvlienshc is to, or did sail— rif at sea — when last lieard from — vRlfie€yf.y#si^ei— if insurance is ro(iui.'ie;d on the hull, &-C. &-c. r.-r >f .'*'' • '' • ' » .?-• • ■„.'/•■■♦ 'I' la tb^ propter plac^i J* ^* T^G r-aiTj;borp* l^(?ket sails regularly to Windipr>nd Ilorton evchy week, from 1st April V) Chn&tmas, lea\'^es Parrsboro* for Windsor, cm Alonday, (wind and ^vealherperfi^t nag) and will isiiil from thenc/s for F»frsbQ?pS.^%'i\ie-day, in> mediately after the arrival of the M*ilhy the .Hi age Coach if j;)rartlcab]e- —leaves FaiTsboco* -i<mThursday i^o as to be at H(>no!! ^n-Fn- ./lay* ?wid will sail lioin tfeence lor Parrs - bor'^' the first high nv ater that liftpp ens atorait^i' h uVKxik iu the iiioiiurt^-. " Fai^ensir^ w^tw*^* • :to cro*S'/rom PartHboro' should be thw^e the ^ eTeiiinu; pro^Viou^ t<> the Paekefs sailinaf. as sKe^ . |»l\en leaves Patrii!«;e Ishwd river- belore day-^^ liLht in the m.ornins;. The packet frequeml/i*.* ni.\]ie^ extra fiip^ both to Wiiubor and itorioiu ,. M