'^ V ^ 1 ts 9J IV. The Baltic Sea, &c 101 V. France, Spain, Portugal, and the Mediterranean 11 VI. West Coast of Afiica, and Atlantic Islands 13| VII. The Eastern Coasts of NortJi America id VIII. Westlndies, Gulf of Mexico, Coast of Colombia, &c lej IX. Brasil,&c U X. Indian Ocean 1{ Xi. Oriental Archipelago, and China Sea 21| XII. Australia, and Pacific Ocean 22 Xm. Nautical Directories 23{ Miscellaneous Works 2^ Alphabetical Index to Charts 32 LAURIE^S CATALOGUE. l.~OEMEBAL CHABTa £ t, d. L A LABOE and ELEOAHT OHABT of fhe WOBID, on Mtreator'a PrqjecHon ; with the Traekt of the more diatinguithed modem Ifaci- gatora, ^e., regpilatedtluroaghdnt, aocording to the best scientific Deter- minations. By John Purdt. With every Discovery to the present time} inclnding those of Flinders, Knuenstem, Kotsebne, Humboldt, Wilkes, FitsRoy, Kellett, Belcher, Hall, Ross, Franklin, Farry, King, Beechey, Back, Simpson, Rac, Kane, Barton, &o. With a Table of Distances, by Sea, from London to all the principal places, and otiier additions. New Edition, 1861, by A. G. Findlat. On four sheets of grand eagle paper 2 2 Mounted on canvas with rollers, fall coloured, and bound edges 2 18 Mounted in the same manner, and varnished 3 3 Size, when mounted, 4 ft. S in. high, by 6 ft 4 in. wide. i^^ This Chart or Map (for it is both) presents a complete and general View of Modem Qeograpny in its presont otate of improvement. The scale on which it is conBtoucted is of equal magnitude with that of any Ohart of the World which has preceded it ; and it has been attempted to combine in the work a most accurate detail with the utmost clearness. A simple Scale is also given for the exact admeasurement of Distances, in every direction, without those inconvenient appendages which have sometimes been annexed to works of this description. 1 8, The WOBLD, OM Mercator'a Projection ; reduced firom the preceding Chart New Edition, by A. G. Findlat. On one sheet of grand eagle pa^. With a Table of Distances, &c., plain, 5«. ; coloured 6 Mounted on canvas, witii rollers, and varnished 15 Mounted in a black frame, and varnished 1 '.') |i ftiiftll^ Seduction of fhe same Chart, on half a sheet of elephant paper, very neatly engraved 2 Mounted in a case for the pocket 3 6 13. The HORTH AILAHTIC OCEAN, with the Winds, Currents, and otiier Phenomena. By A. G. Findlat, F.ltG.S. On four sheets, with explanatory Notes 16 0. Or each aheet aeparately 4 On cloth, rollers, coloured and varnished 1 14 The geographical features of this Ohart are given from the exact Govern- ment surveys; the rodcs, shoals, and other physical features from all attainable authorities. It has been constructed to supply a want which is indicated by the great attention paid of late years to marine meteorology ; the accumulated results of wldch have not as yet been given to the manner in an entire and prac- tical form for his daily use. S LAimiS'S KAUTIOAL OATAIOOUI. £ «. * To beoooM Mqnaintad with all that h now known of tho InflnencM wUoh efTeot a ■hip's ooone in the North Atlantic, tha following moit elaborate Oharta nrost be erititaUy exHmincd:— Mignr Ronnell'i Cmrrent Ohnrf, 4 ■heots ; lluiry's Tnck ao4piuTent Chivrt8, 8 sheets ; Ditto Thermal Chart, 8 Bheeta; pitto Pil«t or Wind Ohart, 2 sheeto; Ditto Trade Wind Chart, 1 aheot ; Bain, fto.. Chart, 1 sheet ; the Klametic Chart. 3 sheets ; or in all, 26 large sheets, besides a great amount of information diittributed through many other works. All these Ruthorities have been laboriously studied and arranged in this CImrt, and thtiir teiichiug rendered intelligible at one view. Sise, when mounted tAgether» 6 ft. in. by 4 ft. 4 is. r or, for greater con- Tsnience, it is mounted in two parts. North and South, 8«. each, (or witli ' the Book, 9t.) S«ale, 1 degree as } of an inoh. [Jbr Mufon tmi Diuonom to aeeon^ny thk Chart, pHct lit., n$ JV«. 284 ksrmtfUr.} %. A OBHESAL OHABT «f the ATLAHTIO OCEAN, aeoordinir to the ObservationB, Surveya, and Determinations of the most eminent Navigators, British and Foreign : fWnn a Combination of which the whole has been deduced, by the late John Pdrdt. With partioular Plans of the Roadstead of Angra, Torceira, Ponta Delgada, St. Michoers ; of the Channel between Fayal and Pioo, Santa Cniz to Funohal, &c. On fonr Iwge sheets, in two parts, North and South 12 5. The Two If orthern Sheets of the Atlantic, No. 4, above, comprehend- ing the Navigation from the Dnti»h Isios on one side, to the Chesapeake the otfaier, inMuding New York, &c ^ 6 6. The Two Southern Sheets of the same, exhibiting the Occnn from the paraUel of the Chesapeake to the Straits of Gibraltar, Coast of Guinea, &c., inoiuding the West Indies and Mexican Sea 6 Or each aheet may be had teparaUly 3 7. The ATLANTIC, or WESTEBIT OCEAN, with Hudson's Bay and other a«yacent Seas; including; the Cou&ts of Europe, Africa, and America, ttoax 6d degrees of North Latitude to tho Equator. Hedttped ehMlyJi^om the larger Chart by John Pt'BDT. New Edition, by A. O. FiNDLAT. Engraved on two large sheets 8 On cloth, rollers, coloured and varnished 1 8. The Eastern Sheet of the Rednoed A-lantio, No. 7, above, com- prizing the British Isles, France, Spain, l'«»itu'ial, and Aftica, to tho Equator and the meridiaa.of .42.° West 4 9. The Western Sheet of the same, comprizing; all the American Coasts and the West Indies, &c., fi-om Latitude 6a North to the Equator 4 10. NOBTHEBH OCEAN.— 2%e Northern Ocean, Davit^a Strait, Baffin's Bay, Lancaster Sound, 8fc., with the Navigation from Great Britain and Ireland to Spltzbergen and the White Sea, the Tracks of Captain Ross, in 1818, and CAptain Parry, 1819, 1820, with the lato Arctic Dis- coveries. Including particular Charta o/' the White Sea and it* Har- bours, irua the Surveys of Admiral Von Dessen; of the Environs of the North C^iipe; Harbours of Spitzbergen ; Islo of Jan Mayen; the Feeroe Isles ; Wild Isles and Ree& ; Disco Island and Bays ; Prince Begent's Bay, Port Manvers, &c 12 Memoir and Sailing Directions for the whole. (See No. 268 hereafter) ..04 d. U. EZB W J Wesi Hole Vide* Calla with four I 18. The 1 Woste Orino< Island pogo% 13. MieTi fromB the C^ wichLi Koadst< Tl 14 The N. Western Jartiouli oanFej |U. TheN.S toKioJi Good Ho; |18. ne S.W Falkland nnd Lima |17. The S.E. the Sand\ OoodHoj |l8. The ETH Coast of No. 11, 01 Vidal. P. : with enlai Turo large p9.TheE88te can Coast, the Bays d |iO. The West Coasts of f theenlaige The North tothbJtio Jlnnp of t Hoadstcad lena, Soldat it, . OBNBRAI CHABTt. a EiHXono. or WNrmif knuxno oobav, mm i.aaiad» 10* N. to the Cipe bfOood Hope and Okipc Horot iaoladblff Um WMtora CoMt of AoMrio* to Pumimi with nurtiovkr Pltn* of 1U« Helena, the Bay* of the Gape of Good Hope, the RiTer Plata, Mont* Video, Maldonado, the Pbrtof VBldiTia,thoM of ConeeptloB, ViAmniim, Callao, and Lima i QuayaauU, aad Panama i the Oallkpasoa Inm, ft«,i with Views of Land, and other partiovlars. By John Puftmr. Ob four aheete joined toother i or, in two parts, Nortn and South...MM„>M 10 [Rr DiasoTioMs to aceompm^ th$ preceding CJmrt, $»t 2fo, 380 htrttffltf,] 18. The Two Woitem Bh$tta of No. 11, preceding, embracing die Western, Southern, and Eastern Coast of Soath America, from toe RIo Orinoco to Panama ground Cape Horn, inolodin^ the South Sbetlan4 Islands), to lUo de la Plata, with enlarged Pluiis ot Panama, OaU* pagoR, Callao, Lima, Valparaiso, Ccmcepcion, lUo Pkta, &o. Sio, „,„„„ i 13. The Two Eastern SheOti of the same, effibraelng the Brazil ComI from. lUo Janeiro to the Equator, the Coast of Airica from Gulni^a to the Cbpe of Good Hope, and the Seas South to South Ocomia, Band' wich Land, &c. ; with Plans of Table Bay, False Bay, the It>laad and Roadstead of St. Helena, &o „„„„ 8 49* The nimuMt Snsns of the Chart may be had Mfmrattfy, as foQow (» 14. The V.W. Sheet of tKe ptMeding Chart, No. II, crtmprising the Western Coast of South America, from Panama to Valparaiso, with J articular Plans of the Bay of Panama, Ouayaouil, the Galfcpagoi, uan Fernandez, the Rio Plata, Mondo Video, and Maldonado Bay,,,,,, 4 lis. The H.B. Sheet of the Chart, No. 11, compiising tbe Coast of Brazil to Rio Janeiro, and the African Coasts from Sierra Leanfj to the Cape of Good Hope, wititi Plans of the Island and Roadstead of St. Helena ,„„. 4 1 16. The 8.W. Sheet of the $ame Chart, No. 11, comprising Patagonia, the FalkUmd Islands, and South Shetland; with particular Plans of CalUio and Lima, Valparaiso, Concepcion, and Valdivia, and general mavim* for proceeding to ChilL 4n »,.,,„, 4 |l7. The S.E. Sheet of the Mtne, No. 11, comprising South Georgia an4 the Sandwich Islands, with Plans of Table Bay and the False Bay of Good Hope ».•..«.„„„ i B. The ETHIOFIO, or 80UTHEBN ATLAHTIO OCEAN, and Wmtem Coast of South Ameiica, reduced by I. Purdt, from the larger Chart, No. 11, and the recent Sunrcys of Cbptains F. W. Owed, A. T, E, Vidal, P. P. King, R. FitzRoy, and othr-r officers of the British Navy \ witib enlarged Plans of Tierra del Fuego, the Strait of L6 M&ire, m, Tvro large sheets « « «..< „„ 4 10 Il9. The Eastern Sheet of the preceding Chart, No. 18, inclndiil^ the Afrf' can Coast, Plans of the Roadsteads of Ascension and St. Helena, owA the Bays of Good Hoipe ,„ 4 |M). The Western Sheet ^ the pre'eeSing Chart, No. 18, comprising tbn Coasts of South America, Falkland Island, and South Shetlandi with the enlarged Plans of Tierra del Fuego, &c., before mentioned ,„„ # !!|ffl 4 The North and South ATLANTIC OCEANS, from the British Islea to thb Rio Plata, Cape of Good H6pe, and A^a Bay; with enlarged Pkmfi of the. Harbours of Rio Janeiro, Bahia, Island of AsccnsMM), Roadstead of Ascension, Island of St. Helena, Roadstead of St. He* Icna, Stddauha Bay, Table Bay, and Falae Bay .' ,„ }0 ' i? 4 Ml An raw OHABT «ftMw. £ «. A II iMMr mw OHABT «fttMvnilA|ttaii fMDlO OCnUBL ftoB^cOip* of O o f Oy u oiiii wiii b pww twdtt Plincof ■n9'*twof vt ptiMipu HMvowi^fli M wwi|M. ■oato. ARtag«dwtwtlv»AM(ibfdoaM*dmk«itMpwidMignid br «k» lato Mr. Joaif Ptmnr, nd «oMlraelii bjr A.O. VUidLit* FJl.0.8. Dadkntod to AdaM Mr F. Biaviom, F JL&, ft«. *«. AfhwJUUim, PriMflfthairkal* S 8 ^ TlMMGhMti]Mnr»fMaBtt|rtnd«soiM « oonptete rtvldflD, la oqn- nMtka wtth th* Fidfle DbMtovjr (Ko. 9N), and crMrj fttteiaiU* MWM hM bMB OMMWHwl itt Ori«r io BSka tMMI itgoraOilj MtMt, la ■coc i dMOt with oar f tw it knowladge. la addMon to fbo onUnary tetom of Ibo Ghara of tho BuMe Oeaaa, Ma Onrmts and oihar \ nfU bo fcaad to ba oiltlbitad Ob • aow ajitaak n. Hi* lOXTH FAOmO OOIAV; bdng ahoeto m. IV. V. VL of tho aboTO Chart 16 16 6 M. Tb» MmnpAomo ociav: bobg ahaot* n. X. XI. xii of tho aboTO Chart «. 85. Tk« Norihim Part of tht IVBXAV OOSAV. Ae., fkiom tho Rod Boa to Kamtachatka, Mew Ghdnaa, &o., bein^, •naota I. II. III. of tho abovo , 12 M. 71a Stmtkem Port qf th« XVDIAV OOBAV. &o., flmn the Capo of Good Hope to Avataralia and Van Diemaa'a Itand* &0h bdng aheeta VIL Vra. IX. of the aboTO JO 12 57. 3^ dbuMam Part tf M« PAdFIO OOEAV'— -<< ctM^xnwOiim trvm N«w Ztabmd to Cape Horn and La Platot with tho Coaata of (Mi and Foru} being aheeta X. XI. XU. of No. 22 12 58. The oomtbiaattmi Horihwud: containing the X.W. Coaat of North- weat Amerioa, Mexlooi California, to Japan, China, and the Eaatem Ardi^polagoi bdngaheetalV. V. VLofNo. 22 12 9" Badi diaet of the above Chart (No. 22) may be had separately at 4#. each, and are deaoiibed in the enaaing pagea mder th? following 4S09. Sheet L--The!NorCh*eaateniOoaBt of Africa, Axabia,Peraia,&o...... 4 210. Sheet XL—Ilie Coaata of £adia,8aniatra,]iala7a,*o. ., , J 4 228. Sheet SL— The Ooaat of China, Japan Xdaada, and Oriental Archipelago .. 4 258. Sheet IV.— The Norihem Pacific Ocean, irithita Eastern Idea.. 4 259. Sheet V.-~TheCoaBti of Oalifonia, the Oregon'Teiritaiyf&o..... 4 961. Sheet VL— The Weatem Coaata of Central Amerioa 4 211. Sheet Vn— The Coaat of SoQfh Africa o 4 212. Sheet Vm.— The SoatfaemLidian Ocean and Kergoelen Land ..;v..k*.. 4 249. Sheet IX.—ThewhdeCoaat of Australia, Van Diemen's Land, &o.......'/. 4 257. Sheet X.— New Zeahmd, and Oeeaaiclabuida 4 260. Sheet XI.— SoathemPaoifio Ocean, with its Eastern Islea 4 262. Sheet XU.-— The "West Ccaet of South America, with its Idea ^ , 4 Ml A < JV Hi Thai MAX am Oi Thai iLAn wit On«l MXHAl look the( and Sovi and! aSaJ MUieSf Ugh SlIbeB the( Fran U.Tb§ betwJ withf The 8e.The J. Pol Thei Ihess ofChl OOAm Of THB BSilttB BUiAMBB. i £ $• i, lMi»MlUMp9ir ». .T. 10 TIM iMM Cluni on doth ..» «.... 19 6 10. A TIA0K OEABT fnm Sttatand and Awmrioa, romd Capo Eom, mi iBdainng th* whole of tbo PaHflo, New Zedaad, AwtnUa* OHatoBf te. n *...; 8 Hm mum OB doth 10 9 tL A TEA0E OSABT A^m England to JtutraUa, Oaniont ^c, Unod with Um pop«r...» , 4 On ekth ......:.;............... • A n.--C0A8T8 OF THE BRITISH I8LA1ID8. l^THB THAMBB AND 80UTHEBN 0OA0T8. 88. IKA1IB8 and UDWAY. fto., fton Htm Sonrop of Adrnfawl Bvt look ond Captain Waahington, and the late Captain Hewett; with the Coait from Folkeotone to Oifordneaa, and the Birtn to London and Rodheateri with partioolar Phuia, on enlarged soaleo, of the BovTB Chanmblr, Iblx of Thamet, &o. { with the.Gabbard Shea]e» and Captain Hewetf s aoondings to the meridian of Si" 10' East With a Sailing Directory , 8 9 83. The lOttth Ohaimels of fhe Thftmei. from Sea Beach, and the Noire light-veoiel, to Folkeitone, with a rlan of Ramagate Harbour, the Downi, &c. { being the Sonihem sheet of the above .0 4 81 The Bivjsji THA1IB8, with fhe Strait of Dovor, A»., diowing tile Coasta between Beachy Head and Harwich, and the Coaiti of France and Belgium between Boulogne and Oatend 4 85. Hw EV0XI89 OEA|l|IEL, with the Briftdl andDart of the St Qeorge'l Ohaimelt. An entirely New Chart, oomi>naing the Ooaita between LowertdV and the Biver Shannon, Dnnldrk, and Brat} with enlarged Plana of the Downs, the Coast of France between Calais and Bonlogne, Ushant, NewhaTen, Beachy Head, and Peven* sey, Shoreham, Portkmd, Brest, and Cherbomrg. By A. O. Fimdlat, F.R.G.S. With Observations on fhe Tides, % Acbniral Fbedbbiox BuLLOOKf BJft, witii Directions 12 The nme Chart to Beilly, ftc., wtthout the Book of Directions ... 8 88. The -EHOLISH CHAHHSL, with Plans of Harboors, &o., by ' J. PuBDT. On a reduced scale. With the Book of Directions 0, The same, without the Book of Directions 7 The same Chart to Beilly, fte., but without the Directions and Bank ^ ChauBel Soundings .^ 6 9 . ItA^BIE'S MAUTIGAI^ pATALQGUBt 87. The tBSSE OKASHELS— fhe Aaph, BriatoL and 0iOMif t'a flhp.nr.alM j nhovruig tho Co«st« orEogland and Wales from Httll (: _. Tonnd, to Xiyeippplt <^>d pf^l<"»4.^™. Publin to Oalway. WUh BiroctionB ................................................'. 12 \} ' . , The aame, without the Book of Directions 10 88. The 8T&AII of BOVEB. from Beachv Head to Margate, And fron Di^peto jQstend, idth Plans and HarooorB .....44..<« 6 89. Th^ SAJtBGUBS and ISLAITBS of the focliih Ohftnltel, fte. Be^iff a Collection of Twenty-eigbt particular Charts, all from accu- . ^ rate Trigonometric Surreys, mostly on a large scale, and arranged - ~ on thvee' sheets, 'oniformljr with the general Chart before describied, A Wo. 35 14 1^^ Eaeh Sheet may he had separately, a» follows .-— 40. EASTEBN HABBOUBS of the English Channel, containing 1. Dungeness to Bje Harbour, with the Sepals adjacent; 2. The Shoals, &c., off Beachy Head ; 3. The Isle of Wight and its Envi- rons i 4. SptthtA^ &e., oa a teiy large scale; S.. The Needles Passage, on a similar lai^e scale; 6. The Isle, Roads, and Bace'of Portland, with West Bay ; 7. Environs of Calais ; 8. Havre de Grace and Month of the Seine ; 9. Harbour of Cherbourg ; 10. Port of St. Malo ...«n...M....... * ...;.. .f 5 41. OEHtltAt ilAllfiOUBB 49. Scilly Islands, with the Soondinga and Sailing Marks. See No. 42... 5 60. GUEBS'SEY, JEBSET, fto.— A new Chart of the Coast of France, ' from Cape Levi to Brehat Islands, with the Islands of Goijmsey, Jersey, Aldemey, &c., including particular Charts of the Great and Little Kussel, St. Aubin's Bay, Cherbourg, and St. Malo. With a Booh of DireetioH* , \»%.* ,., 6 N. 017EBVSXT, toiitA /Sarit, Jlerm, ofuJ /«^Aotf 2 58. JEBSET, with all the surrounding Bangers, according to the late Survey ...» 2 2.— WESTERN COASTS 63. The BRISTOL CHANNEL, drawn from the Admiralty Surveys of ' Captains H. M. Deuham aad F. W. Beechey, R.N. By l&kkc Pubdt. An entire new Chart, eiu;raved on two large sheets, with a Book of Directions, describing all the Buoys, lighthouses, &o. .,...., 8 H 61 CHABT of ST. GEOEOE'8 CHANNEL, with the Bristol Channel, fto.— rPnw?!l ^m the Admiralty Surveys of Captains F. W. Beechey, ' Bobinson, Sheringham, Frazer, Uenhara, Mudge, and Williams, R.N; ; with eleven Plans ot Harbours, &c., viz.. Frith of Clyde, Greenock, Oourock Bay, Port GLjukow, Whitehaven, Lough Carlmgford, Liver- pool Bay, and Coast to the Strait of Menai, Lough Larue, Dublin Bay, Bel&st Bay, and Holyhead Bay. By I. Pubdt. On three sheets. With a Book of Sailing Directions ...«..».m.m.. 12 )0 i^^ Each Sheet may be had teparatefy, aafoUota .*—> > 56. The Bxistol Channel and St George's Channel, being Sheet I. of TuO ftuOTO •ai».eia»*»e.*.*.e.^e.M»«f »••»»•»••#•» ■»a«e*»eeee».ee>f«>»»e»s>>«> (14^ 66. The Irish Sea, between Liverpool and Dublin, being Sheet II. of the above 4''0 57. The Coasts of Scotland and Ireland, being Sheet ni. of the above 4 68. Wales. — The Coast of^ Pembrokeshire, from StnimbleHeadtoLenney Head, inoluding the Entrance of Milford Haven, the Smalls, &c., on a very large scale. From the Surveys of Messrs. Mackenzie, Hud- dart, and Morris, regulated by the Grand Trigonometric and other original Surveys. By Mr. J. Outuett 4 59. MUford Haven. See No. 42 '. „ 5 60. BBISTOL to COBE, fto. — ^The Coasts of England and Wales, from .;' the Isle of Portland to Aberystwith, with the Coast of Ireland from Wexford to Kinsale : including the Navigation between Bristol and. Cork, &o. With particular Plans of Mount's Bay and Scilly } Views of the Land, &o. ....,..».»»... 8 et kjUKHMn'S- taOJOEL, and THS OQASI ALL B(y|n|B / IBBLAVS, fte.. with ealiirged Plans of Dublin Bay, Belfast Bay, ' Liverpool, Watarinrd Havboor. Cork Harboor, and Valentia Harbour. \l^th a new Book of Sailing Directions. A new Chart. By A. O. FIKDLAT, F.B.G.8 10 Or eaeh aheet teparalefy .' 4 65. Northern Coasts of Ireland, from Dublin to Galway, including England, Scotland, &o.» Crom Anglesey to Islay ..., 4 68. Southern Coasts of Ireland, from Wicklow to the Shannon, including England, &0., from the Land's End to Bardsey o 4 iBl Tlie WEST COASt of fiCOTLAID, with the HEBRIDES, fto., with the Coasts of Scotland between Ayr, Glasgow, and Cape Wrath ; that of the Coast of Ireland between Glenarm Bay and the Bloody Fraeland, and the whole of the Hebrides or Western Islands, with enlaived Flans of the Sound of Mull, the Sound of Jura, and the Sound of Islay. Composed' frotti the tecent Adnuraity Surveys, and other Documents, by A. G. Findlat. With a Book of Sailing Directions 8 66. The Wert Coart of Scotlaild, from the Firth of Clyde, Ailsa Ci-aig, &c., to Ardnamuohan Point ; including the North Coast of Iceland ... 4 .67> The^Wert Coart of Scotland, from the Isle of Skye to Cape Wrath; with the Western Islands of Lewis, Harris, &c v 4 65. The Subour of Wbifhom, on the western side of the entrance of 'Wigton Bay. SurreyedbyMr. J. Shepherd, of Whitehaven o 3 3.— EASTERN COASTS. 68. The JOBTH SEA, npon a large scale (see No. 86) 8 69. The Soafhem Part of the North Sea. Two sheets of the Chart, No. 87, exhibiting the Eastern Coasts of England, from Beachy Head to 'Whitby, with the opposite Coasts of Frttnce and the Netherlands, from Cape Grisnez to Emden ..». 6 70. The B^boar and Environs of Harwich, with the Coasts of Essex and Suffolk, fh>m the Western Spitway to Orford Haven, ineluding the Wallet and Kins's Channel, from the Buoy of the Heaps ; with appearances of the Marks, the Lighthouses, &c. Corrected from the Surveys of Captains Washingt(m,Bullook,&c 4 7L EASTERH COAST of EHOLAND-— A new Survey of the Eastern Coast of England, from Orfordness to Flamborough Head, with Flans, on enlarged scales, of Yarmouth Roads and the neighbouring Channels, Boston and Lynn Deeps, the River Humber, &c., wim Views of the Land. On two sheets. With a Sailing Directory ...... 8 78. EASTEBH COAST of ENGLAND, from Orfordneu to the Tyne, with Plans of Yarmouth Roads, Lowestoff Roads, the River Humber, Sunderland, Seaham, Tees Bay and Hartlepool, and the Entrance to the T3me. (New.) On three sheets. With Directions, by A. G. FiNOLAT. FJ1.0.S 12 d. a_ ^ £ •. d 73. SOUTEJeASTEBH QOAlT Of ^OLAITD. &ar .00 taihs Leith Road9, Dundee Harbour, Arbroath Harbour, Mdnttdw Harbour, Aberdeen Harbour, Banff and Macduff, Fraserburgh, itnd Peterhead. The third sheet contains the Frith of InTemesa and Thurso Bay. With a Book of Sailing Directions, by A. G. Findlat 10 6 ^g' Each sheet of the above Chart may be had separately, vws. : — 76. The EaRtent Oeast of Ei»Iand, between Flamborough Head anil Berwick '. 4 76. The Eatft Coast of Scotland, fW>m Berwick and St. Abbs to Banff».. 4 77. The Horlh-Eaii Coatt of Scotland, from Moray Frith to Cape Wrath, including the OrA;n«y is/amfs 4 70. Hartlepool Bay and Town (Coast of Durham), from a recently im- proved Suryey. ..^.,M...>.MtMvv.>v.M".* 3 80. HOLT ISLAND, &0. — A new Survey of the Coasts of Northumberland amf l>tirA«im> from Sunderland Point to Berwick, including the Fam. Islands, Holy Island, &c. By Captain E. J. Johnson, and other Officers of the Royal Navy „ fi.^Q 84. OrAfMjr, ^.*^The North Coast of Scotland, from Cape Wrath.to Dnncansby Head, with Pentland Frith and the Or^ey Islands, including the Nun Bock,&o 4 8(. The IsUnds of Shetland, with a particular Chart of the Harbour of. If^rwidc (( ni.-THE NORTH SEA, AND ITS EASTEBN COASTS. 6. The VOBTH SEA ^n a large scale: constructed from a gMAt >[''; ,7g variety of original and accurate Surve3^ ; more particularly those of the reqiective Governments, acKusted by the best astronomic observa- tions ; with particular Plans of the Pentland Frith, the Channels to u Bergen, and the Harbour of Christiansand; accompanied by a n«t0 Sawng Directory for all the Harbours, &c. By John Pcadt. With numerous Appearances of the Land, Lighthouses, &c. .......^.... 8 c 10 " IAUKIE'8 NAUTICAIi CATALOGUE. „,_____ ^ •• * 17' TIm fOVTHERV PABT vf tito VOEIH SEA, te. Comprci^ JMnding tlM Cooata of Engknd troin JB«a0Ay Head to Whitby ; with tilOM of Franoe, Oermany, &o.,'firoin Cape Orianez to the Siver H$9»r t inolnding Hamburg and Bremen ; also, partioular Plans of th« Envinma ofOrlbrdness} the Hondt or Western Soheld to Ant- wvvp, Heligoland, &e. A clear and accnrate Chart. See also No. 69 8 { M. Tht 0Q1|T8 xdA. SAHDEANKS of FEAECE, EELaiUM, and UM JUBISIlfBLANDB, from Dieppe to the Texel, including the CoMt mmi Beachy Head to Margate, with enlarged Flans of the HoilMiirt of Dieppe, Ostend, Calais, Folkestone, Boal^ne, and Dun- k«rqtt0, from the late Surveys of J. 0. Ryk, Van Khyn, Captdn William Hewett, &:c. 10 6 80. Hm OOMta of France, Belfl^lim, fto., from Boulogne to the Texel (part of the aboTe Chart), i^th Plans of the Harbours) 9 1 00. Thf 00A8TS of HOLLAE]), OEBHAET, and DEEHAEE, firom, tlM T«x«l to the River Hever ; ind'iding the River Ems to Emden, * witiitlM Elbe, the Weser, and the Eyder j induding Husum, Frede- rlflhatedt, Toniiing«i, Hambui^, and Bremen. Composed from tibe ftotttt Sttrvayg made by order of the Dutch and Danish Oovemments. With a new Sailing Directory 6 0| OL TlM 00A8T8 of EOBWAT, from DEOETHEIM to the CATTE- OAT. In five sheets 1 5 0| Or separately, thus : — 00. Tht Vortliem Coast of Norway, from Halten island to Cfaristian< , tMrnOi including the Lced or Channel of Drontheim. From the Trigonometric Survey made by order of the Danish Government 5 08. The Weitem Coast of Norway, from Christmnsand to Stadtland, in continuation of the preceding Cliart; with Appearances of the Land, &c o 5 04. Oontinnatlon of the Coast of Norway, from Stadtland to Blom Island. Same size as the preceding Charts ^ Q . 6 00' Farfhev Oontinnation of the Coast of Norway, from Blom island to Stavanger ; on the same scale, and imiform with the three pre- oedlng Charts.. o 5 80. Ftrther Oontinnatian of the Coa^t of Iforway, &o., from sta- vanger to Christiania and the Cuttcgat, including the Skager-Rack or m««T«<*< 6 ltr.--tKE BALTIC SEA, ETC. Tht OATTEOAT, the Sound, and the Belts ; compiled and drawn from the Trigonometric Surveys of Denmark, combined with the Nfttttioal Surveys of the Chev. P. De Ldvenom, and with the Swedit^ Sarrm of M. Gustaf Klint ; including, also, several orimial Surveys made by Masters in the British Navy. Witii enlarged Flans of the Sound and Danish Grounds, Winga Sound, and other principal Har- bours ) Ulostrated by numerous Views, &c. With a Sauing Directory 6 12 0| FRANCE, SPAIN, &c It 98. Tbe SO^fHB aai Sitidtll Oi^unds, <» a Itugs seaki from the late .iixvlH), Survey, -with the Buoy* anA Tarioiu mailu as exirting at the picaHit tune t to which is added a Plan of Ekdneor. Oselai^ sheet 99. The 3altie» with ih« Onlfii of Bothnia^and Finluid, in one rery large Chart ; with Plans of Harbours, Appearances uf Land, Figures of W0 Lighthouses, &c. Engraved on eight sheets ; with a Bo<^ of r v Sailing Directions. Reoommendod, for convenience, in two parts. North and Soi^ 1 1 100. The BALTIC SEA, on two large sheets of double elephant paper, with numerous Plans of Harbours, Views of Land, &o. With a Book bf Sailing Directitms..... 8 lOL The GULF of FIKLAHD, uniform with tiuittreceding Chart of tibe Baltic, including many Articular Plans, Figures of ''the Light- houses, &o., complete to the present time ; with a Book of DiteoUoiu 8 .:ii dt V.-^FEANCE, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, AND THE MEDITEBBANEANi 1 102. The BAT of BISCAY, Qhiefr^ from Surreys made respectiTely by orcler of the Oovemmeiits of France and Spain, with fourteen parti- cular Charts of its Harbours, &c., by Mr. J. Outhett. The par- ticular Charts are— 1. The Bay of Brest, &c.; 2. Port L'Oiient; 3. Mouth of the Loire, or River of Nantes; 4. Basque Roads, with the Gironde, or River of Bordeaux, &c. ; 5. Port Passage ; 6. Bay of St. Sebastian ; 7. Bay of Bilbao ; 8. Harbour of Santoua ; 9. Har- bour of Santander; lO.JPortof Rivadeo; 11. Port Vivero; 12. Ii^et of Yares; 13. Harbour of Cedeira; 14. Harbour of Corunna. W^h a new Sailing Directory for all the Harbours 8 0' lies. The Coasts of SPAIN, FOBTUOAL, and Barbarr, from St. Sebastian to Cape Bianco, North ; constructed from the ourveys, Saa.i of Tofino and other distinguished Modem Navigators, by John PUAPTi and comprising also, on a large scale, particular Charts (^ the Inlets of Ferrol, Coruna, and Setaneoa, the Inlet of the Vigo, the Harbours of Ztisfton, P&rto, iSe^u&al, and Cadiz, Hie Strait of QihraU ^ tar, the Bay of CHbraltar, the Harbour and Bar of S. Lucar de Bar- ■. i htt rameda, the Port of Seville, &c. ; on two sheets, -with numerous Views > ' of the principal Headlands, and a new Sailing Directory 8 MEDITERRANEAN SEA. 1104. The MEBIXEBBANEAS SEA.-^A new General Chaikt of the Mediterranean Sea and a portion of the Euxine or Black Sea, including the Bay of Biscay, Coasts of Spain, Portugal, &o;, ooAi- posed and reduced, chiefly, vcom the actual Surveys of officers in the Royal Navies of Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Naples, aud Austria; which include, -among others, the distinguished names of Beaufort, W. H. Smyth, Tofliio, Zannoni, Cumpaiia-Visconti, Gauttier; > B^rard, Taitbout dc Marigny, &c. Three large sheets, joined and lined in the usxial manner, with a Book of Dii'cctions..... 11 tt LAUBIE'S NAUTlCjiL CATALOQUE. £ «. (f. 109. Sheet I. of the vrMediiur Cbaxk, No. l04t.-^Tkb OaafU of IHna, ^pWM. , Porft^NW^ ^0. Gontaks partioulat Flans of the Strait of Gibraltar, the B^gr of CKhraltar, Tangier, Bi^ of Oran, Bay of Algier, Harbour of Malaga, Cartagena, iUicante, Tanragona, Barcelona, and Environs of MamiUe ................»..;.,......:' ..........m..J 5 0| 106. Sheet U of the preceding Chart, 71 9. 1C4.— Central Part of the Jtfedi- tgfranean, idclading the Adriatic, cr (Huff of Venice. Harboor Plans of Genoa, Livoruo or Leg^Hiotn, Chanuela of Elb&, Strait of Bonifacio, Bay of Naples, Palermo la Sicilyf Trieste, Channel of r?*fti, B^jeya or JBoogia, Bona, Malteso .Islands, Valetta in Mfdta, and Strait of . Jifessina 5 o| 107. Sheet IH. of the preceding Chart, No. 104.-^The Letanthie or jSari- em Portion, widi particular Plans of the Dardanelles, Bosp'^oros or Channel of Constantinople, Bay of Tunis, Harbour of Tripoli, Coast of Egrpt and Abukeer Bay, Harbours of Alexandria, Ports of Canea anaCondia 6 oj 108. The STBAIT of OIBEALTAB. with its Tides, Currents, &c. ; with Tide Tables, and Directions on the Chart, by Ignatius Reiner 4 o j [For <^ OiNfBAj. Saiuno Dibbotqbt,o/ the IbDmBSANBAN end BitAOK. - &ZK, tee hereafttr.'l 110. A Survey of Port Hahon, in the Island of Minorca, on a Very large scale. By Hemrt Shtth, P.N., K.S.F., &o.. 4 113. ABCUIPELAQO* 9ai-—The Cootie (f Oree^ and the Archipelago, including the Ionian Islands, with particular Tlans of CorAi KcwdB, Strait or Chios, Marmorice and Karagatch Harbours, Bathy, Port of Arffostoli, ^ante Bay, Qulf of Smyrna, Town and Ports of Rhodes, TAaiay, Skopea, aiiq Tenedos. I^wn from the Surveys of Captains • W. If. Sinyth, R.^^^., F.R.S., Richard Copeland, R.N., and Captain . Thomas Graves, R.N., F.R.G.S. By Isaac Purdt 10 6 i 113. EUXIHE, or BLACK SEA— A new Chart of the Euzine, or Black Sea,.the Sea of Aaov, and the Bosphoms or Channel of Constanti- nople, witb twenty-ei^ht Plans of the Harbours. Constructed on the ' authorities described in the new Directory for the Mediterranean and Black Seas, by Jobn Purdt. Two large sheets, with Directions ... 10 6 '4WV.1-, 114. The Hat^Krar Plans are as follow: — 1, The Approaches to the Danube, from the Sea to Galatz ; 2. Bay of Odessa ; 3. The N.W, part of the Black -Sea to Kherson; 4. AkMetchet, on the N.W. Coast of the Crimea; d. Eupatoria, or Koslov; 6. Fidonisi, or Serpent's Isle; 7. Strait of Otchakov; 8. Road of Imadai 9. Bay of Varna; 10. Sevastopol or Akhtiar; 11. Roads of Yalta and Ourzouf ; 12. Road of Soudag ; 13. Theodosia, and Road of TakU ; 14. Bay oj' Bourgas ; 15. Ro^ of Kustundji ; 16. Balaclava ; 17. Road of Platana ; 18. Bay of Soukhoum Kale ; 19. Road of Pchiate ; 20. Bay of Tumusse, or of Soiqouk-Kal6 ; 21.- Penderaklia ; 22. Amastra (ant. Amastris) ; 23. Sinjnoj in Anatoli ; 24. Trapisonte, o^ Trebisonde; 25. Koutlouzi, or Ghofencyikf 26. Road of Anapa ; 27. Strait of Kertohe, or Cimme- rian Bosphonis; 28. Estuary, or Gulf of the River Don, with Marioupol and Taganrog. Pnce, separately ,.•.....•.... 6 ;l';!^" m % ^..i VL-WEST COAST OF JUmiCA AW) AttiAH^ ISLANDS. The Two Sonfh firom WO Sonfhern Sheets of fhe AfUntio, exhibiting the Omu the parallel of the Cheoapeake to the Straits of Gimraltar, Croart of Guinea, &o., indoding the West Indies and Mexican Sea, bein^ part of No. 3, desoribed on page 2 , 8 Or each aheet may ifi hud $t^rateltf • 4 I The Eastern Sheet of the Jtedueed Atlantic, comnririqg the BritTsh Isles; France, Spain, Portugal, and Africa, to the Equator and the merinian of 42" West, being part of No. 7, page 2 4 |l7, AFRICA— 2^ Coast •• $ !!S4. The Biver OongO^ on the Coast of Africa : from its Eu^^-ance to the I Bay.of.Ywabaf From a Survey by Georg^ Maxwell. Kew Ed^on.'^Sk .i^^\] ' — " ......*............„..„ 0^ 7 6 1866 I. The WESTEBJf COAST of APBICA. from the Bight of Biafra to the Cape of Good Hope ; with enlarged Plans of part of the Bight of Biafra and Fernanda Po, tine Bonny and New Calabar Rivers, ^rsico Bay, Rio dd. Rev and. Old Caihibar,IUverp,jOie Entrance of the l^ver Congo, St. Paul de Loando, Benguela Bay, Lobito Bay, Elephant Bi^, WaimtehjBay, Angra Pe^uena^Saldanm Bay ; from the 'Surveys of Captains W. Owen, A. Vidal, W, AUen, H. By ^. G; Findlat latson, R.N., and others. 7 5 6 }. False Bajf and the Cape of Good Hope. By Capt. Huddaet. ........ )*. Southern Coast of Africa, firom the Cape of Good. Hope to Dalagoa , Bay; including tiie Bank of Agulhw.. With particu^ Plans 9'& 1 127. Simon's Bay, in the colony of Good Hope^ as surveyed by Captain HUDOART .< „„tMtt'tv.<"VV •••• > ^ 2 ^ H LAUimSfS NAtmOAfi CATALOGUE. «. HI. n* HOin, w WBrantV ULAVDB. tna th* Snrvm of ■a ouargMi mmuo. wim vi0w*.¥.iu.v. ■huiiM*^»M^»«y»V«*A*«j» 9v A 139. Tli« AZ0BB8. ]bd«im, and Ciaary Ubadi. with piui of tiie Cottiti of Portoffal and Africa, horn the Borlingi to Cape Bqjador, oonstraotM 1^ John PcBDT. With Plant of |I(^hoan, viewi, &<). 8 180. Tk» OAVAAT I8LAVB8, wifh MADEIRA, Porto Suto, Ao.: ,. from the SonreT* of Cantata V!Dal,'&c.| ^itli'enlumdi Plai»<^ Hw IsU|i)A of MaMxui Porto 8«uite« Great Salvan, the Road of Fuaohal, ( and |U»d«tead of Santa Crui (Teneriffe) i with Views, &c., from the Snrrfl^p of Captain A. ViDAL and others 5 18L The Oftjo Terde Iilandl. i^gulatod by numerous scientific Deter- minAtmui with Views and DireetionB on t)ie Plate...f.M., ,. o 4 138. A Hew large Surrey of the BlSftMtrDASi or BOHEBS' ISIiAKDS, 'mth Plans of the Bar and Hi^bour of St. George, liu Narrows, and Murray Anchorage, witha general Panoraicio ^ew or the lBlaad,.the LighthQuae ob Qibba' HitI, and a. Deseription of the Islands, with Nautical Directions to accompany tho Chart. By A. O. * ' FkNDLAt/ F.Il.G.8. .i , 5 The same, odonred as- a Map, but without Directions o 6 '* Or tdth the Book of Directions ...w..j.......m...».......... 0' 1 ^J :..,-. ■■'^■'■'.I'-lr'^'- Vn.~THE EASTERN COASTS OF NORTH AMI^GA: ISa. A Cbari; of fEe ISIAITB tod iBAHKS of HEWFOlTHBLAHD, and the Coasts between Bkli,e Isle and Boston, Cape Cod, &c. ; inchtding the Gulf and Rivor of St. Lawrence, Nova Scotia, and the Bay of Fundy, compiled from Recent Surveys of Captain H. W. Batfield, ICN., ana the Positions odjusted from numerous Obser- TBtions. . Constructed by JfoHN PuRDT, and drawn by A. G. Findlat. : 134. The Uaail of !9^ewf!>iUid|aad ; on one sheet. (Part f Phi> centi^^t. Mar^, Trepiutty, and Conceptioni . 3 ,0. I ■.Ci ) 137. Captain Cook's Survey of fhe SoUfh Ceaalif Vewfonndlaad, ' Qa a i^U.iV..')>t«.'»^.*ki.^.i.<««'...t..Vi.i.. lO 6 139, nielStrtiit of .Beie I^^ On a hirge acftle; Two sheet*} witii JJireotions on die Chart ..;...ii.....v............i....i.v.............M..i,iv... 140. Easi^lli CbiMt of Lahradoi', from the Strait of Belle Me to Cepe Bluff ..;«....» ..,..,. 0i 3 01 EASTEBN 0OA8TB OK NORTH AMERICA. U £ $. d. 8rising, also, particular Charts of the Virgin Islands, the Bocas of Trinidad, Choguaramas Harbour in Trinidad, St. George, Grenada, and Twenty- aevea other particular Charts of Harbours and Islands. By John PujiDy. Accompanied with a Book of Directions 12 163. The same Chart* without the Twenty-seven Plans, with the Book ... 8 Of the Harbours, eUher sheet mcy be had separately, as follows .*— 164. Sheet I. of the Caribbean Harbours, which contains those of St. Juan, Aguodilla, Mavaeuez, and Porto Guanica, of Porto Rico, St. Tho- mas's; West End of Normand's Island; Road Harbour, Tortola; North SouiiddfVirgfin Gorda; St. Enstatius ; St. John's, Falmouth, and English Harbours, Antigua; the Saintcs; Fort Royal, Mar- and St. George's, Grenada 4{ •ad WEST INPIE8. GULF Off MEXICO, *«. ^ '• HlM* 8h«0tIL 0^ the GwiblMMi Hwbouxt, oontainiag Port Cmfttm, §U 12 1 CIGO, r 07 >wing rbour, Santa with tort whole 14 ,nama, 10 .with Bay 'of urveys reyors. 5 ig the and mingo, am of ngston ands, jaftd, panied .... 12 Trini- uayra. rt con- irisingi inidaa, wenty- JOHN 12 ook ... 8 J Juan, t. Tho- ortola; mouth, Mar- Lneia ( -Man-of* War Bat and Roekbv Bay, Tobacoi Carllito Bt/ and Bridgetown, Barbaooeii on the Main, Porto Bantoi CarmMAf Eemeralcuki Cnnmai Porto Moohimai Baroelooai Oonurioi miid) and La Gnayra ,„„„ 1 160. Turks Ukudi and Bank, with the Sonndinge. ,„,„ 1 167 The IiUmdi of 8t Barfhelomew, St Martin, AngoUIa, Dm. m4 Priokly Pw, &o» fron the Snmya and Obaerrationa of Mr* i, Fahlbbbo. Unifbrm with the nndermentioned Plana of tbu W#«l India Islands, plain „„„„„ Coloured „ „,„ 1 168. Boryey of the JTbrflria Xttoadf, unifbrm with the abore, ffvw vun VI 4 • 9 • 4 4 a i • Edition, by A. G. Fimdlat, plain Coloured „,„„ 1 169. JAHAICA*— A new General Chert of the Island of Jamaica, with the Pedro Bank and Kays, Monmt Kays, &o. i on one sheet ,.,„„„ Or with Fourteen Plans of the Harbours and principal Anohmragee ef the Island. Construoted by JoBsr Pubdt. Twolargesheets.MM,./f 9 1 170. The nurbovn, ^., are as follow : — ^Kingston and Fort lU^al, Pert Morant, Anclu>raffe8 in Motaiit Bay ; those of Savanna la Mar, OreeA Island Harbour, Port Antonio, St. Anne's, Falmouth, Mosquito C^e, Montego Bay, Harbour of Luoea, Bluefields, and Old Harbour, Htejf be had separate .•»,„„>, 4 |l71. Sqialler Xap of the Island of Jamaica, with the Interior. ColooifMlMf 4 |l72. Si Domingo, or Hispaniok) with the Pawages from the East End of Caba,&o.,partofNo. IQI ..» .mm,#,„ 1173. The Island of Eaatan^ or iRattan „„„ o |l74. The Uaod of St Croix ; from an actual Surtey, by P. L. OjtmiM, Cobured, 4«. Plato |l75. Islands of St Christopher, or St Kitt's, and Neris. Colo>ins4, ' 4s. ' Plain |l78. Island of Antigna. Coloured, 4«. ,.,., Plain o |lJ7. Guadaloape.' Cokmred,4». Plain llTS. Dominica. Coloured, 4s. PLiin 1179. Island of St Lnoia. Coloured, is Pkan 1180. Il81. m- 4 Martinioo, or. Martinique. Coloured, 4« Vlain St Vincent Coloured, 4s. Plain Tohago. Coloured, 4s..... Plain Barhadoes. Coloured, 43. PL^n Beqnia. Coloured, 2a. ., Pieln Grenada* Coloured, 4». ;... „ Plein Cnra^ao* Coloured, 4« ^ Plain P 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 » 8 8 SI LAURUra NAUTICAL OATALOOUI. £ •. 1I7' IdMlAfrfrtaSMfrMi Mtiitl 0amyt «i4 AilMMBlod Ohwrr*. tUNMk awMiOM SMmdlngis Ae. i dividid into tte StatM, Hoadf, &o. ftot 0Dle«rad«4«. Plain 3 US. V«w Ghttt of tha XEZIOAH SEA, or OULf of MKHOO, ioolnding the Stroit of Florida) oonittnioted by A. 0. Findlat, V.IU>.a With pmrtievhw PIm* of Vot« Craa, iyv.ti»tian, and Cape )Mwta Maria • 4 1 801. Th* Sovthern Shtet ^ <*« mwm CAar< (No. 198), with the Coast fh)ai Paxancoa to Buonoa Atmb, and partieolar Plans of Patanagna, Bahia, Bio Janeiro, Santa Catherina, Oanea, Bantoa, Rio Grande do 8. Fedin^ Maldonado, and Ifonte Video 4 I £02. The Nortliem OoMt of Braiil, from Score to the Island of St. .ToTu, (ir bt. John, inelvdinf the Port of Maranham, fte., with an or^3;iivU Sut vtiv of the Harooar of Mftranham. By Gaptain Wuxiam Hbwbtt, iCN. 5 1 20^ Hie Ti^pBJUrjbe BiT«r (North Coast of Brasll), nunrejed by Capt \ SiEPBiM WHKTTBM, of the Ship 8ms«m 9 |S04. Tho BiMlteni Ooait of BnuU* from Scan to Santos, includtnff the Island of Ftenando Noronha, with the Harbours of Pemamoaoo, Bahio, or St Salyador, Rio de Janeiro, &c. Adinsted from the - Observations and Surveys of Captain Hewbit. With Views, &o., andsBooikof Diraotions 5 [S05. Harbonn of J^fmU; ^m The Road and Herbeor of Peniambwo, as surveyed by Captain Hkwett ; the Harbour of Bahia, or St. Sal- vadori uat of Bi» de Janeiro, Rio Pui, &o.; ttoifonn with tiie preceding Charta ,. fi |I06> Tho WeitenL Falkland Idaadf, fnnn an actual Survey by lieat. TuoMAS Edoau, RJ7. 4 |B07' a large (Ojart of l|o«lih BhoClimd, including Coronation Island, *«, I from the Exploration of the Sloop Dove, in the years 1821 and 1822. By Obo&oe Powell, Conmandar of the samei with ^'tfolm^" ' of those Landa .m m m....... d 6 19 4. r-INDIAN OCEAN. IMS. The IKDIAV OCEAN and EASTERIT 8BA9, from the Cape of Good Hope to Canton, with New South Wales, New Zealand, &o. A new Okart, on ftve sheets. By A. G. Findlay, F.ILQ.S. 16 The HOSTH-^ASTBKH COAST of A7BI0A, ARAMA, SiCA, &Ci; with pai-tieiilar Plans of the South-west Coast of botwccn Mocha and Aden ; including the Strait of Bab-el-mandeb, AdiMi Uoads an and the Roade of Balaaore and Piply, from Point Palmyras to Lacam's Channel, with the Course of that River up to the Town of Hoogly; with an enlarged Plan of Calcutta. New EdUion 7 223. Channel Creek, from George's Point to the parallel of 21° N. On a very large scale 7 224. Andoman and Nioobar Islands. 1818 ^ o 4 225. Survey of Pulo Finang, or Prince of Walea'a Island, with the Strait between it and the Coast of Malacca, or the North and South Channels. On a very large scale. By Lieut. Thomas Evans, ».N. 1807 6 226. Sonth Channel, from Prince of V/ales's Island to the Sea. By Sir HomePofham. 170^ 4 ( ai ) XL-OBIENTAL ARGHIPELAOO, AND CHINA SEA. 227. The COAST of INDIA, SUHATBA, KALATA, Ae., being Sheet II. of No. 22 !?.. „..7»!j. A 228. The COAST of CHINA, JAPAN ISLANDS, and OBIEHTAL ABCHIPELAGO; with a Plan of Naga^ki Harbour, being Sheet m. of No. 22 4 229. Javan Sea, including the Isle of Java, &c. 1836 6 230. North Coast of Java, exhibiting the Roads of Bantam and Batavia. 1794 23L Strait of Banca ; surveyed by Capt. Llotd and Mr. Bampton. 1796 3 232. Gaspar Straits ; surveyed by Captain Jos. Huddabt, F.R.S. 1840 ... 5 233* Straits of Bali, and Pondi, and Respondi. 1836 4 234. Macassar Sti-ait, between the Islands of Borneo and Celebes. 1799 ... 6 235. Pulo Timon Bay. 1794 3 236. The Chinese Sea, with its several Entrances ; drawn from a great number of Draughts, Journals, and other Nautical Documents. 1810 6 237. The COAST of CHINA, from Canton to Nanking, drawn from the Surveys of Captains R. Collinson, H. Kellett, and Sir Edw. Belcher, R.N. By J. Pubdt. With enlarged Plans of the Har- bours of Kelung, Yung Kiang, Woosung, Channels leading to ', Tinghae, with part of the Chosan Islands, Tinghae Harbour, The < River Min, Chmchew Harbour, Amoy Harbour, Hong Kong, Pes* oadore Islands, and Formosa. Engraved on three sheets of double elephant paper 14 238. MACAO. — -^ Chart of the l)fpa and Harbour of Macaoo, on a very large Scale. Principilly from a Survey by Captain P. Hetwood, (h the Royal Navy 4 239. A Survey of the Biver T^pis, from the Island of Lankeet to Canton ; with copious Directions, &c. By Captain Joseph Huddabt, F.R.S. 1826 4 240. The FHHIFPINE ISLANDS, Palawan, fto., from the latest Sur- veys ; with a particular Plan of the Bay of Mamlla. By A. Arrow- smith. Neio Edition, improved from the Spanish Charts of Coello, MoRATA, &c. By A. O. Findlat, F.R.G.S 6 241- The Port of Subec; in the Isle of Luzon. 1794 ., 3 242. Sorsotran Harbonr, on the South Coast of Luzon ; and Bongo Bay, in the Island of Mindanao. 1794 3 243. The HollLOCas and Banda Sea, showing the Eastern Passages to China. (Improvfed from the Dutch Chart, by Lieutenant F. A. A. Gregory, and other Sources.) By Lieutenant H. Moor, R.N. Two sheets 7 6 244. Booro Bay. Surveyed by Lieutenant Moor. 1801 4 245. Dhelli Harbour in Timor, by thf aumc. 1801 3 22 LAURIE'S NAUTICAL CATALOGUE. £ •. d. S46. Jslaods.aod Harbow of Banda, on a large scale, tram the Sunreyv and OteeraatiaM^I Liaatiant O. W. CumfiNO, R.N. i witii Oiraetions on the Plate 6 J4i7. BotM, 'GiI!Aoj'4Blen»t, and Vow Guinea, with tiie Pasiagei MUtwsrd llf itelelves. exhibttinff all the different Channels from t he ma ridian of 125^° JB. With a Flan ai Amboyna. By A. Abbow- sWUTB. 6 S48. nW ^IIUEA, fto.— The Islands and Phmq:m in the vicinity of Papna,or New Guinea, between the Sea of Banda imd the eastern eztreinitrof the S(>lomon Islands, with part of the Araf&ura Sea, and the Boutes of MM. Bougainville, D'Entrecasteauz, KoUf, Modera, And Dnnunit OUrville, &o lo a Xn.-AUSTRALIA AND PACIFIC OCEAN. 849. TliiB WHOIS C0A8T OF A1T8TRALIA, VAH DXEKEIT'S LAHD, ^.; ^lii enknged Plans of Bass's Strait, Port PhilUp, Cockbum Sound, and Entrance of Swan River, King George Sound, Ba,ya of Stmth Australia, Port Jackson, and Entrance to tiie River * Derwent, being Sheet IX. of No. 22 ^ 4 250. A Vew Chart- of fho SOUTH-EASD^RV 00A8T8 OF AH- STSAUA. between Moreton Bay and Investigator Gnmp; with enku^dniBas of Pbit Stej^ens, rort Jadcson, and Sydney, Broken Boy, Botany Ba^ Port Phulip, Entrance of Port Phillip, Entrance ''■ Of Westem Port, Bateman Bay, and fencer and St. Vincent's Oalfs. On two sheets of double elephant paper. By A. G. Finblat ......... 10 251. ATTBTRAUA* flhowing the most recent Discoverea 2 252. TASXANIA, or Van Diemen's land, firom recent Surveys 6 2 253. HEW CTJAT.AW n with Plana of Chatham Island, Port Nicholson, and the towns -of WeUingtoii and Nelson, and Port Otago 2 254. Plan of Chatham Idand, Pitt* s Uand, Oomwanis Island, &c., to the eottward of New Zealand. 4to. 1 o 255. Tho Westem Part of tiie PACIFIO OCBAV, comprised between the latitudes of 48° South and 17° North, and &om 141° to 181° East Longitude, including the Islands of NEW ZEALAND, Feejees, Ca- rolines, Solomon'a Arohipeiago, New Hebrides, &c., and from the S.W. Cape of Australia to the Island of Tinian ; with Plans of Storm Bay, Port Jackson, Bay of Islands, Lord Auckland's Group, Port Niciiolson, fte. On three large sheets. New edition 12 256. Sedaaod Oeaeral CSiart of tho Paciflo Ocean, bv A. Asbow- SMITH. Comprising the latest Surveys. One large sheet. See also No. 30 4 257. NEW ZEALAND and OCEANIC ISLANDS, including the Feejee Islands, &c, bciug Sheet X. of No. 22 4 AUSTRALIA. AND PACIFIC OCEAN. 29 858. The H^KIHEBN PACIFIC OOEAH, with ite EflMtemltlandit inolading the Sandwich Islaadiy Marriiall Iilaodii &o., bong ShfBct IV.ofNo.22 4 859. The COASTS of CAUFOEHflA, the OSEGOH TEEBTTOET, fto., with Plans of the Mouth of the Oreson Biver, Harbour of Saa Franciaoo, and Gnaymas Harboui:» being Mieet V. of No. 22 4 860. SOTTTHEBJI PACIFIC OCEAH. with its Eaitem Ides, the Low Arqhipelago, Society Islands, &c.,beang Sheet XI. of No. 22 4 861. The WESTESV COASTS of CENTRAL AHEBICA. &o., with enlarged Plans of the Sandwich Islands, and Harbours of Honoruru, Kaii-na Bay, Waialua or Byron Bay, Hanalai Bay, continuaticm of ' tlie Columbia River, Acapulco Bay, Port Sacraficios, Port Guatulco, Port La Union \ Realejo Harbour { Harbours, &c., on the N.W. Coast ofOtaheite,theBayofPanama,&o.,beingSheetVI. ofNo. 22 4 862. The WEST COAST of SOUTH AMERICA with its Islands. from Lima to La Plata ; with enlarged Plans of Falkland Islands, Port Desire, Port Saa Carlos, Coquimbo Bay, and Callao Road, being Sheet XIL of No. 22 :. 4 863. CAUFOBiriA and OREGON, a New Survey, of the Coasts between Point Conoepcion and De Fnoa Straitt with enlaraed Plans of De Fuca Strait and Puget Sound, &c., Columbia Biver, San Francisco Harbour, wiHi Appearances of Land, and DireotionB. By Alex. G. Fimdlat, F.R.G.S. 6 Xm.-NAnTIGAL BOOKS, ETC. 864. ATLANTIC OCEAN. — Memoir, Descriptive and Explanatory, to accompany the Charts of the Northern Atlantic Ocean ; and com- prising Instructions, General and Particular, for the Navigation of that Sea. Also, 1. Tables of the determined PositionB of all its principal Points, &c., with the AuthoritifiB; illustrated by Notes; including Remarks on the Variation of the Compass ; 2. A Desoripti«»L of LigbtnouseB and their Illumination, and a complete List of the Lighthouses on the Atlantic Coasts; 3. A copious Explanation of the Winds, Tides, Currents, &c., and of different Passages over the Atlantic and Equator, as controlled by these Phenomena; including a general Tide Table ; 4. Descriptions of the Coasts and Islands, par- ticulariy of the Axores, Madeiras, Cape Verde, and Bermuda Islands } 0. A Description of Rocks, Shoals, and Vigias, By John P0RDT. Corrected and materially inmroved, by Alex. O. Findlat, Fellow of tiie' Brnvl Geographical Society. With an Appendix on General Nautical Practioe t tiie Compass ; Variation ; Tanperature of the Sea ; Currents t Depfth Of the Sea; Meteorology; Marine Thermometer and Barometer; and the Subjects therewith connected; with nu- merous Diagrams and JUustrations. Eleventh Edition 14 49* ^n>ii New Edition has been completely revised, and much of it re-writtsD, in order that the work should fully represent the present condition of Hydrographical knowledge. I 84 LAURIE'S NAUTICAL CATALOGUE. «. d. 860. The If fw falling Directory for the KtHXOPIC or SOUTHEKir ATLAVnC OOfiAH. including the Ooasta of Brasil, &o., to the wo Plate I the Coast thence to Cape Horn, and the AMcan Coast to the Cape of Good Hope, &c., including the Islands between the two CoMta, oompofled and arranged from a great variety of Document, vhioh ioelnoe many original and valuable oommunications as enume- rated in tiie work ; and comprehending — 1. Tables of the Position of PlaOMi with explanatory Notes, and Notes on the Variations of the Compus, &c. I 9. General Observations on the Winds, Tides, Cor- rentl i the Animals and Phenomena of the Ocean ; the Passages to and from Brasil, St. Helena, and the Cape of Good Hope ; 3. Descrip- tion of the Islands, &c. ; 4. Description of, and Sailing Directions for, fh« Cowti of Brasil, La Plata, Patagonia, &o., from Pari to Cape Hom» inclusive ; 5. Africa, from Cape Mount to the Cape of Good Hope, and thence to Algoa Bay; 6. .The Cape Bank, or Bank of Agulnat, with its Current, &c ; 7. The Passage from Brasil to the Cape of Good Hope to England, and firom the Cape to North America. By John Purdt. XteviBed and corrected by Alex. G. Findlat, F.B.O.S. Fourth Edition. Octavo, boards 860. A Directory for the Navigation of the PACIFIC OCEAN; ivith I)6«oriptiOns of its Coasts, Islands, &c. ; from the Strait of Magalhaens to the Arctic Sea, and those of Asia and Austndia; its Winds, Currents, and other Phenomena. In Two Parts. Part I : The Coasts of the Pacific Ocean. Part 2 : The Islands, &c., of the Padflc Ocean. By Alex. G. Findlat, F.R.G.S. In Two Volumes, foyal 8vo., 1,600 pages, in cloth boards, with a Chart of the Currents, Ao |) Coa in«li and Mac 6ele Thii Mob PAri FJL 268. NOB aeem 14 JVVM tht Addrut to the Royal OeographiecU Society, by Sir Roderick Murehi- aon, F.R.S., P.R.Q.8. *' Mr. Findlat has completed his 'Directory of the Great South Sea,' a work likely to prove very important to navigators. It is divided into two large-sized volumes, in which authorities from all countries have been collected ; and the introduction contains a condensed historical notice of all the principal Pacific navigators."— i7bw;'»a;, vol. xxii., 1852. From the Ifautieal Mayazine, 1852. " At length the Ghreat Souch Sea has a Directory, to which the seaman who is bound there can appeal for instruction and all the information to be obtained regarding it. The work is divided into two goodly-sised rolumes, in which authorities from all countries are made to contribute their information. A condensed view of all the important Pacific navigators appears as a useful introduction, contaiuiiu; historical notioos of much interest." " S7a Sy the Ohevaiier Jacob Swart, Hydrographer to the Butch Admiralty, Cor- responding Mender of the Royal Oeographical Society of Londony^e. %c. " We have thus briefly described this treasure, and recommend its use and reference. Mr. Findlat, as composer of this work, will not only de- serve the thanks of his countrymen, but also of the mariners of every nation, who traverse these oceans, the greatest in the globe, with their •hipping. The publisher, Mr. B. H. Lavbik, daims great credit for the neat execution and handsome form of the volumes ; and the author, Mr. Findlat, deaierves nil praise : they must feel assured that navi- gaton will here, possess a work that will rival the best ever published in England." — Verhemdelitigen en Berigten, ic, April, 1862, p. 438. 1 271. The C( fort] prehei the \ Guyai Gulf a of the ' ''"■ ' NAtJtICAL BOOKS, Arc. OmOk tit Brfeafl, fte., from the Bhrer Part to the Bm England to Spitzbergen, including that of the Hon. Captain Phipps, 1773, and of Captain Buchak, 1818; Island of Jali Mayen ; the Faroerne, or Faroe Islands ; Iceland; and the Vouage c^ Captain Koas with Lieut. Parry, around Baffin's Bay, &c Also, Directions for Hudson's Straits and Hudson's Bay ; 4. A Description of Rocks and Shoals in the Northern Ocean. By John PuADY. Octavo, boards * The Colombian Ha^ator, Vol I. A SAILING DIRECTORY for the BEBUUDA INLANDS, the EASTEBN and SOXTTHEBN COASTS of the UNITED STATES, and the STATE of TEXAS : being Part II. of the Sailing Dueotories for the Eastern Coasts and Islands of America. Composed by the late John Purdt. Second Edition, by A. G. Findlat, F.R.G.S. With a Surveyed Plan of New York Bay and Harbour The Colombian Navigator, Vol H. A SAILING DIRECTORY for the NOBTHEB^ FART of the WEST INDIES and the MEXICAN SEA; comprising, the Islands of Porto Rico, Hayti, or St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, and the Bahama Islands, and the Coasts of Yucatan and Mexico ; from Cape Catoche to tlie Rio del Norte ; including the Description of the Florida, or Gulf Stream; being Part III. of the Sailing Directions for the Eastern Coasts and Island of America- Composed by the late John Purdt. Fourth Edition, by Alex. G. Findlat, F.U.Q.S. ••••••••••••■••■••••••••••••••••••• ••••«•••!• Im. The Colombian Navigator, Vol. m. A SAILING DIRECTORY for the AHEBICAN COASTS and the WEST INDIES; com- prehending the Colombian or Caribbean Sea in general ; Porto Rico, the Virgin and Caribbee Islands, Trinidad, Coasts and Isles of Guyana, Venezuela, and New Granada, Mosquitia, or Mosquito Shore, Gulf and Bay of HondnroA, &c> With Addenda on the Temperatures of the Air and Water in the West Indies ; Preservation of Health; Spanish Words a«d Names, Spanii^ Prommeiationt In boards ...... i d B 4 6 6 7 7 Fonayi iaa tM CkiMto: ffie^oe to ttw, IttTer PtaoabMoi wjdmUj oofl^oMliTJ^TWyf uf <^ t78. BIVB& .«f 81. TiiWBKVltnS*— Sifling Direotloiv liw 1)m BiTMr of St. lAwrenoe, bjBikwdfn C»pe Oaq^ and the Bivor (tf St;iJehn to ,, QiMl^udMoniteMl ,MMM «fMMMM.t«f«iMiM tf» •••...MUM 1 874. QUIP of ST. UiWBEVOB.— A New Direotoiy fm the GULP of ST. LAWRENCB, to aooompany the Chai . by A. G. Findlat, F.ILG.S., u nearly ready , o 3 875. WIHDWMtD and QiULV PASSAGES.— 7^ Sailintf mrevtory fbr the Wmdward and Ch^f Paa»age$, the Bahama lalands and Cmin- nela, the Islonda of Hayti, Jamaica and Cdba, the Coasts of Florida, the Martrrs, &o., and the Florida, or Gulf Stream : to accompany the Ohart. Composed from a variety of Documents and Surveys, by the late John Pubdt. Fourth Hdttion, revised and corrected from recent Authoritiei, by A. G. Findlat, F.IUG.B. o 4 876. The New SAILING DIRECTORY for the CABIBBEE or WEST INDIA ISLANDS, from Porto Rico to Trinidad, inclusive ; with the Colombiui Coasts uience to La Guayra ; including Descriptions of the different Islands, &o {.. 4 877. The NEW SAILING DIRECTORY for the ENGLISH CHANNEL and Southern Coast of Ireland; describing, in the most par- ticular -manner, all the Lighthouses, Ligfatvessels, and other remark- able Objects on the different Coasts, to the present time. Tenth Edition. By John Fordt ; improved and corrected by A. G. FiNi>- LAT,F.B.G.S 4 878. A PILOTING DIRECTORY for the BRISTOL CHANNEL, ST. OEOBOE'S CHANNEL, and all the Coasts of Ireland; com- posed' to aooompany the several Charts of the same. The Sixth ■'■ '■' i.<;fAM>i», inolu^g tiie Fharology, or Description of all the Light- houses, light Vessels, and other remarkable Obiects on the different Coasts to we present time, by A. G. Findlat, F.R.G.S 4 With the large general Chart, No. 61 10 879. SAILING DIRECTORY for the BRISTOL CHANNEL, from Trevose Head and St. Bride's Bay, up to Bristol and Gloucester, vrith Descriptions of the Tides and Currents, composed from the Admiralty Surveys > > 2 880. SAILING DIRECTORY for the St GEORGE'S CHANNEL and the BRISTOL CHANNEL: with Descriptions of the Coasts of England, Wi^ee, and Scotland, between Trevose Head and tlie SkeiT' vore Lighthouse, and that of Ireland between Carnsore Point and the Giant's Causeway. /S£rDiiection8 for the COAST of FRANCE, from Cape Levi to Brehat Islands, with the Islands of Aldemey, - Qo^rnwy, Jersey, &e,, by A. O. Findlat, F.R.O.S. Iburth SdiUon 1 ,. frditi tJlilitiiit l6€laM F&i^^ Tjf^fSXIt. JPourthJUitifm; awtcriaUy improred, by Auz. O. Fuiiih . .< , LATJf, F.It.O.$' v"... .o.... 2 • "Wftliflie Ghori «.. >.... ,..t.ii.,. 6 8 283. A BAHiINO DIBEOTORT for the W. and &W. COASTS of SBAIir and rOKTUOAL, from Cspe Ortegal to Cadis, imd thonoe to tbe eastward of lilalagai oompoaed to aflcompany the ChiM^ of ; th^. Cpa^tB. By John Purdt. The Iburth EdUton ; materially improved and corrected, by Alex. G. Findlat, F.il.Q.S ^ With tile Chart » 8 284. SAILING DIRECTIONS for the STItAIT of GIBRALTAB and the XEDITEBSANEAH SEA; including the Adriatic Sea, the Sea of Marmora, the Eozine, or Black Sea, the Archipelago of the Leivant, and the Coast of Africa. Originally oompoaed oy John Purdt. Now Edition, with many emendations, in one thick volume of 614 pi^s, by Alex. G. Findlay, F.R.G.S. In boards 10 286. SAILING DIRECTIONS for the EXTXINE, or BLACK SEA; including the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmora, and the Bosphoms, : to accompany the Chart, composed by Alex. G.* Findlat, F.R.G.S. 2 6 286. THE NEW SAILING DIRECTORY for the THAKES and MEDWAT, with the Navigation between Orfordness and Folk- stone, and that of the several Harbours. Composed by John Purdy, to accompany the Chart, No. 32. Seventh Edition, revised by A. G. Findlat, F.R.G.S. 2 287. THE NEW SAILING DIRECTORY for the Eastern Coast of ENGLAND, from ORFORDNESS to FLAMBOROUGH HEAD ; including Lowestoff and Yarmouth Roads, Lynn and Boston Deeps, the River Humber, &c. Composed by the same, to accompany ue Cfawt, No. 71. Eighth Edition 2 The tome continued to the River Tyne 2 6 288. DIRECTIONS for the Eastern Coasts of ENGLAND and SCOT- LAND, frt>m FLAMBOROUGH HEAD to the ORKNEY ISLANDS, and thence to CAFE WRATH, to accompany the Chart, No. 74. By AxEX. G. Findlat, F.R.G.S 2 6 289. SAILING DIRECTIONS for the Sonth-Eastom Coasts of ENG- ' LAND, from Beaohy Head to Flamborough Head ; and tiie Coast of France and Belgium, between Boulogne and Ostend, to accompany the New Chart, by Alex. G. Findlat, F.R.G.S 2 6 890. THE NEW SAILING DIRECTORY for the NORTH SEA, with all its Harbours; containing the most particular Directions for every Coast, with the Correction of Buoyage, Beaconage, Light- house^, &o., to the present time. To accompany the Chart, No. 86... 4 291. HOLLAND, GEBMANT, fto.-DIRECTIONS fo)r the Coasts of Hollwd, Germany, and Denmark, from the TEXEL to the HEVER, including the Rivers Ems, Elbe, and Weser .« 10 298. TH^ directory for the CATTEGAT, the Sound, and the Bejlts, by Admiral the Chev. P. de Loyenorn, &o. &o. Widi De^criptionB of all the Lights and other Improvements to the present time , , ,.... 2 J9i THE DUOCIXmY ibr the ffOtV ttf VlimUi]^* tiafaft a ioft- ' tmimtbii of tiiat ftor tbe Baltio flcn, and vdaptodf to^B GMurt, « No. IQ) .«......«...„ ..........r. ,...MM..W*MO.«.i«.| ^2 01 8M. 8AIUK0 DIRECrtlOlirs fbr «b« WBlTiMiit ol iK}C!tliAy& and tlM H^ntlDEd or UEWlS H^uraf, from Ayr mS OliMgow to Oafie Wmtii «ii4 the North Gout <^b«laBd, to M«om- ipany the Chart, No. 64. By Alsx. O. Findi,at, F.R.^.S. < 1 6 1 UOHTETi: LIGH'H aneeh tat ^t F.B>0,8. Handsomely boqad in doth. "1861. ' ..«,. ..^. 8 6 ftf BtrFnjaanm, containiBg the Additimw and Ohangee in Ihe Lifl^thooMd, will ho iMued free on 1ft JNme, 1662, 1861, * 1M4. f87. Noiif '» Covplote Bpitome of Ynt^aatX 9% yintipii, oontainlag all the necessary Instractions for keeping a Ship'sTteckoninff at Seai wkh the mo4 approred Methods of ascertahiinff the Latita£ by Ma- ridian, Sinrie or Double Altitudes, and the Lonvitnde by C£rono> tnetera or liunot OiMerrationa ) indnding a Journal of a Voyage from London to Madeira, and every othe?* particular requisite to form the co^f^ibte Navigator ; the whole bUng rendered perfectly easy, and illtntrated by several Engravings. To which is added a correct and extensiTe Set of Tables, i>reced^ by a copious Ezplanailcn of eaca Table. Seventeenth Edition, consiaerably augmented and fanproved^ and adapted to the New Nautical Almanac, piutlished 1^ Order of the Lcrds Commissioneni of the Admiralty, 1862. Bound in Sheep, lettered ..•«•••• 16 0{ 298. Vorie's Complete Set of Ho.ntioal Table9,,«ontainiug all that are requisite, with the Nautical Almanac, in keeping a Ship s Reckoning ' at Sea, and in ascertaining the Latitude ana Longituae by Gelestnu Observations; including an extensive Table of Sie Latitudes and Loneitttdte of the principal Ports, Harbours, Capes, &c., in ^ WoMdj -with several other new and inwreved Tables { to whidi is frefixed a oiqpious Explanation of ^e Tables t likewise Atttrenomioal 'roblems for finding the Latitude l^ ^ericUan Altitudes find Donble Altitudes of the Snn, and the Loqgitude by C%ronomete;« or Lunar Obeervations ; the Rules being adapted to the New Nautical Almanac, published by order of the Leeds Commiasioneite of the Adnnmlly. Thirteenth Edition, Royal 8vo., sewed 12 998. Tbe same,, half-bound , ^ 14 o 300. An SPrKHfB of KAVIOATIOIV^ Containipg the n^impi^ of Navigation, and a full c;;planation of the Astronomical de^oitions; Latitade by meiidiaa and douUe Altitudes, Yariatioa or: the Conoiass ,, \nr amplit|E|de and acimuths; easy and improved methods of finding the Longitude by chronometers and lunar observations; du^otions for finding the p?,iiMk>ai Filed Stars i the principles of QiteA Circle SaiUng expll^cd; uie method of fiindinji: 9nd correc^^ ^e iPevio- ( i lion of thie tlompMi f (dto diflgnms and chreetions to asavt tiite Navir< gator in heaving-to and sailing firom the cciitre of a rotatory stormy, witik'ireiiM»ks on llie Earoio^iiBr, &o* i[in teverv case the simplest ais well'as'the most a^piro\ed rvles are adopted. Nt» S^Hon {just etiif). By Mrs. Jaw £T TaYloI' .i.v... iL'......u. .....••.. ......'...... 10 Mflp^wdtonipg «i flia, Mid tlw bati Mttiwdrf fl>»iwiiiiiig £■» t«d9 ami Longvn4« by CSmnoroatar Avd Lumw ObwwrwittMHt ivHIi • Jonnuil ftom Orcmock to Teii«rift» and im Apoandbi. B^ "WujMM Bjucqk. Half-bound, in oald IMO ....»«..»....«.»....». 8 6 sot. looal lUriM Bowd SuoiinatimMi; A Manual, bj Taos. L. AlHSLET. 1860. Cloth, bound ,„... 8 6 308. TlM BxauiiMr in Seamanihto. B/ Thos. L. Aaxsm, FovrA Effltion. 18Vi. ZZ^T. •.«.....-,.^,. 1 6 801 Loc«l KaTiufi Board Kxaa>inatimtentB,- and sl&bis of the Repealed Aetfe.By/AillUiLBBJi.attthtn' of "ThoLawaofShiffdngandlniaranoei'' '•The Ifanoal ftv Ship- ■"fto. QrowaOfo., lowed „ „.. «. A 6 i 6 <8t4 IftWI «f Hm Onitraus with the Tariff, or OnstonH Table and Costoma Formi) with an Appendix containing th<^ Customi Aote, and the Ralee and Orders of the Cionuniaaioneni of Cnitomfl. By Janto Lbbs, author of " The Laws of Shipping," &o. Crown Syo., doth 311^. Sm^M1*I Vriinidt Aontain&ff a Treatise on Practical Seamanship, with Plates i a ^ctionary of Nautical Terms ; the Laws relating to the Praetioal Bntieii of Master and Seamen. By R. H. Dana. A New Edition, edited and adapted to the British Mercantile Serrice by Jambs Lbes, author of *'LawB of Shipping and Insurance,' C&own 8vo., cloth , C 6 9 816. Frdghter'i Guide and Ooni-Merehaat's Aidftant; with Tables ^ of First and Second Olass Goods, on a Decimal Scale } also, of the ' » Lumber Trade, accompanied by Rules, Examples, and Demonstra. i tioiis. With a new Set of Tables of proportionate Rates of Freight, by Inspection, forming, at once, a Ready Reckoner and Pocket Com- {ttnion; together with an extensive Miscellany of compendious ^ • Rules on the various and most intricate subjects connected vrith the Trade. By Geokoe Habbisom. Fourth Edition. , Foolscap 8vo., doth 5 317. Treatiie on Mwiiw tad Vatal Ardhiteisiiire^ or Theiirr and Practice blended in Ship Build&ff. By J. W. GbiffITHS, Marine and Naval Architect. lUuUraUd wUh upwarda qf F^ Plates. Royal 4to., doth 1 11 8ia THB PHTBIOAI OEOORAVHT of the SEA. By M. F. Mavbt, LL.D. New Edition, with Addenda and numerous Illustrative Charts and Woodcuts. Crown 8vo., doth 6 819. PLAVIBPHEBES of the IIXED STABS and Constellations of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres ; constructed on the Plane • of the EquatOT, divided into Degrees, ftc, for the use of Persons reqmring the Elements of Astronomic Knowfedge. On circles of 26 inohea diameter. The pair, plun 8 Coion^.......».:.i...ii:.i....;..»v. • • •• o le o 820. A new and befttttiM Sheet of fhe KABITIME FLAGS of aU NA1I0V8, ^th vutttv partioulaT Flags of Corporate Bodies, &o. OnlMgeAtlaBFaper,38taicheaby26f. Coloured 7 6 Or in ieaTesi as a Book, with •» Index . 8 NAUTICAL BOOKflb *•• iSLlliiniiirtlteilffBd^ifr^cU^ \ ^ twfdMMlSjitMB. Onsihstt. •>,»„»*„,»„,„ t f 880. A ThinlPniof Diitot eooihtiiig o^ flniihoft 8hip% tIpm FiffitM, ^ ^i EMtliidiMMn,^o. Eight ?kit99....^.M........... ,>»,,**»«*#*#»» /<( A 886. APoarthP«rtof)DittQi«9 887. A Vm. Part of Ditto. Four PktM Vm.o........» ,»„,i , S t 888. Foot Aqvatinta iVtfie* of ^^ii^, 1^ Hiu» Oval, witb imiii» Cofmonii yi*., 1. A Fresh Breeze ; 2. A Brisk Oalei S. A Cwmf 4. At Aiiobor. Plaia .....„.„.„„„„„», 4 8 Ck>loQred.«..»....»...»....». ».. — « ....»»»*.,#«»»» ,0 8 828. A smaU Bode of .OmamentB &a Ship Carren. On Nio* V\»!(M.„„„„ 8 18' 880. 88L 888. ThA Vnioa Flag. • Quarto, 0>loured * f„ttt,t„t,ttt, 9 1 8 The Boyal Standard. Quarto, Coloured „.„„.„„, \ 9 The Boyal Armi, since the aooescdon of Queen VictcnriA, ^mf^f Coloured .f, >,„;„, 18 883. A Table of the Equation of Time; showing the Number (tf Mifttttoi and Seconds in every Day of the Year „ ,„„f»tfttn» 9 1 88ft. The Mariner'a Compaaa. A imall Plate, coloured. f,y»„f,»,tn,nt$ ^ 1 'lU '« -.'■: ifr ! JO •" J ••••:•• -ft- 2 All M MMHiit..»..M....i**.»..> « jj. ....f.**.i......*.f*.*.»»«M«t*... W AaSHiw»Ob«lWlftwlUMKtorUliM|^ i./» 16 m. N H N Phn Alriifa to H»T»nn». .'. H 1$$y '' « M n Cto»'C»>toH»fWii ..^.;.^..';v.i.->..«<'j>«U.tU'.".'tit.v.-..-. i>^ Mil M C0Btnl,WMtOoMtoor ..;.^om,,^..m.. ^ 167 AamdlkL &0., blMida , 17 ^.76 AaogwftMfcnd <.«.. m.wo«-«««*»>'A 17 IIS A>AMWiM>»»>»»»»»»»»»v.»»»OTr> » » » . w »»»ii»««» r«»>M««*>««<"<»M«^**>w<'Vit'ntvi^>«'M.. 22 S0O „ South^^Mt OoMto .,*..M..«.M..4M».M..*.*.»..i».,M»«««»*«fM<.^ It 8 AsoNib or Wflttem Idands 14 1S8 n MmUtam, and Oauuy Iibuidfl, &o. »,..»••••«. •< *•••. li lis Bali, Pondi, and Eeiponclt/Stndti ......'....».m1.m<............ 21 BIWllifl Bflft.. ............ ....2«.>.....<>...............t.i*t.^...«*4.'a.ri«4>..4««]UM4..»*..'>..t... 11 M with OnUb of Bothnia and Finland 11 881 Banoa, Strait of ; 21 848 BaadaSea^andtheMolnooaa .*. 21 846 Banda Idandi and Harbonn, large scale 22 188 Barbadoea 17 168 Barbary, Spain, and Portngal 11 88 BolgJBm, Ranee aad-Nethorlanda „...„.r.......<....iw..^ 10 89 Bolginm and France, from Boulogne to the Tcxel 10 188 B«1o Ue, Strait of. 14 9S1 BengaltNorthpartof Bay of t .188 Beiniadaa, or Somer's Isluids 108 Biieay, Bay of. 11 118 Bbek Sea, or Bttxine ^ 12 „ H >• 28 Plans of ..12 247 Booro, GKIloIo, Ceram, and New Guinea 22 244 Booro Bay •. „.. 21 10& Bothnia and Finland, Golf of, and Baltic Sea ,....>.. U 198 Brasil, New Chart of , .v., 18 208 „ „ „ „ North Coast of ......w 19 204 n n M o East Coast of ....liv.;) 1& 206 ,t M n M Harbours of 19 1 20 14 M* FAaa 87 Brirtolt Bnf Hsh^ tad St Ocorg«^« Chumels « ft 63 Briitcrf Channel T 60 BrbtoltoCork 7 9M California and Oregon 2S 130 Canary Island*, Madeira, &o li 131 Cap« Verde Itlandi 14 162 Caribbeo and Weat India lalands 10 102 Carthagena to Great Iliver 18 07 Cattegat, &o 10 247 Ceram, Gillolo, and New Guinea 22 217 Ceylon, Colombo Harbour 20 218 „ PortdeGalle , 20 237 China, Coast of i 21 221 „ Japan Islands, and Oriental Archipelago i..i 21 236 Chinese Sea 21 105 Cod, Cape, to Havanna 16 193 Colombia, North-East Coast 18 217 Colombo Harbour, Ceylon 20 124 Congo River 13 60 Cork to Bristol 7 186 Curasao Island , 17 00 Denmark, Holland, and Germany 10 178 Dominica 17. 38 Dover, The Strait of 6 208 Eastern Seas, and Indian Ocean 19 71 England, East Coast of, from Orfordness to Flamborough Head 8 72 „ „ „ „ Orfordness to the Tyne 8 73 „ South-Eastem Coast of 9 74 „ and Scotland, East Coast of 9 43 „ South Coasts of 6 85 English Channel 5 36 „ „ with Plans of Harbours 5 „ „ to Soilly, &c 5 89 „ „ Harbour and Islands of 6 40 „ „ Eastern Harbours of 6 41 „ „ Central Harboiirs and Channel Islands 6 42 „ „ Western Harbours and Islands 6 87 English, Bristol, and St. George's Channels 6 11 Ethiopic, or South Atlantic Ocean 3 265 „ „ „ „ New SaiUa^; Directory for 24 113 Euzine, or Black Sea 12 206 Falkland Islands, The Western 19 126 False Bay, and Cape of Good Hope 13 101 Finland, Gulf of H 48 Fowey Harbour 7 89 France and Belgium, from Boulogne to the Texel 10 88 France, Belgium, and NetherlanM 10 215 France, Isle of, or Mauritius ^ 20 218 Galle, Port de, Ceylon 20 232 Gaspar Straits 21 90 Germany, Holland, and Denmark 10 108 Gibraltar, Strait of 12 247 Gillolo, Ceram, and New Guinea , 22 126 Good Hope, Cape of, and False Bay 13 148 Great Placentia, Harbour of, Newfoundland 15 192 Great River to Carthagena 1$ 185 Grenada Island ,11 V 177 60 61 161 IM 195 196 168 70 172 to 101 Chudaldape , . . .. ..*...., ,.«> . . ... 4. 19 Ghwrniey, Jersey, &o.. ........................ .^ 7 GueniBeT, with Saxk« Herm, lethoa ,, 7 Qolf ana Windward Passages iq Guyana, between the Corentyn and Pomaroon 18 „ from the Orinoco to Berbice 18 „ and Surinam i 18 Halifiuc Harbour, Nova Scotia , 15 Harwich, Harbour and Environs of 8 Hebrides, and West Coast of Scotland 8 Hispaniola 17 Heuand, Germany, and Denmark 10' Holy Island 9 Honduas Bay > 18 Hoogly River •. , '. . 20 210 India, Sumatra, Malaya, &c ; 20 22 Indian and Pacific Oceans ' • ^ 208 ,1 Ocean, and Eastern Seas 1% 212 „ „ Southern, and Kerguelcn Land ..... i ...20 61 Ireland, AU Bound, and St. George's Chnnael 8 62 „ Northern Coasts of 8 63 „ Southern Coasts of 8 203 Jaguarybe River, Brasil ; 19 169 Jamaica .' 17 171 „ smallerMap — ' ..17 228 Japan Islands, China, &o 21 229 Javan Sea, with Java Island, &c 21 60 Jersey, Guernsey, &c. ..'.... 7 212 Kerguelen Land, cmd Southern Indian Ocean , 20 140 Labrador, East Coast of 14 141 ,1 South Coast of 15 288 Macao 21 284 Macassar Strait .21 214. Mada^jaicar, St. Augustine's and TuUea Bays , 20 180. Madeira, Canary Islands, &c. 14 110 Mahon, Fort, Minorca, large Scale 12 SIO Mala^ Sumatra, India, &c 20 180 Martmico, or Martinique ^, , 17 S15 Mauritius, or Isle of France 20 104. M^terranean Sea .......,...,.,. U 32 Medway and Thames 5 169 Mexico, Gulf of, and West Indies 16 188 ,i „ or Mexican Sea 18 189 „ „ witii Isthmus of Panama and Darien, large scale 18 69 Milford Haven 7 243 Moluccas, and Banda Sea , 21 88. Netherlands, France, and Belgium 19 176 Nevis and St. Christopher Islands .17 168 Now York , 16 248 New Guinea, &o .22 263 New Zealand, Map of 22 267 New Zealand 22 183 Newfou-i-iland 14 186 „ Souih-East part of 14 187 • t, South Coa8t, Captain Cook's Survey 11 188 „ Went Coast, „ „ „ H 147 „ St. John's Harbour .. W ■al i«B N«iilbii]idl«>d,.Hirhoiir.o£ Oiwat PJacentia /. i'.vl 4\ .vi IK 148 „. Trinity Harbour .,. :.....;. t8f 2M NifffVflr WTifl A**'^*"'**" Tn^nila , ,,.,,,,, ..;...... SB" 86 North. Sea» oa large Mala .^ , . 6^ B7 „ ,r Soatha3LFart.of 10 68 NorthSea.. ;...; 8t 68 „ ,» Sauthem.Part.Qf ........^.. 8* IP Northern. 0«eaa 2. 81 Norwur, Coasts of 10 UO NomScotia M' 267 Oceanic Islands, and New Zealand 22 288 Oregon and California 28 228 Oriental Arcl-^'pelago, &c. 81 84 Oxkneys,.&c ,,... 9 ^ PACIFIC AND INDIAN OCEANS. 4 ^^28 „ „ „. „ Sheets of Ditto 4: S&8 Pacific Ocean, North. 23^ 260 „ „ Sontt 23 ^5 „ „ Western part 23 296 M H Reduced general Chart 22 266 „ „ Directory. liar 24- 200 Persia, Arabia, &c. i9^ 240 Philippine IsliMids Jtt^ 233 PondvBaU, &o.. Straits 21'' 218 Port deGalle,. Ceylon - 20f 110 Port Mahon^ Minorca, large scale 12 103 Portugal, Spain, and Barbary 11 167 Prickly Pear, &c., Islands 17 225 Pulo Pinang, or Prince of Wales's Island 2P 235 Ptdo Timon Bay 2li - > . ' ■ ■ ' 216 Hodrigue Island 20 178 Ruaton Island 17 fi'- . ■ ■ ': 49 Scilly Islands 7^ 64 Scotland, West Coast of, and Hebrides 8^ 66 „ „ M from the Clyde to Ardnamurchan Point B\ 67 II I, II from Skye to Cape Wrath 8' 1^ Sherbro' River, with Yawry Bay, &c 13' 89 Shetland Islands, &o , 9 121 Sierra Leone River, Entrance of 13 127 Simon's Bay, Cape of Good Hope 13 132 SOraers' Islands, or Bermudas 14 249 Sorsogan Harbour, Luzon Ii^nd 21 98 Sound and Danish Grounds ; 11 11 South Atlantic, or Ethiopic Ocean 8 . 2^6 South Channel. 20 207 South Shetland, with Coronation Island, &c 19 103 Spain, Portugal, and Barbary 11 152 Spanish River, Breton Island 15 214 St. Augustine's and TuUea Bays, Madagascar 20 167 St. Bartholomew, St. Martin, &c., Islands . , 17 179 St. Chiistophei, or St. Kitt's, and Nevis Islands 17 174 St. Croix Island 17 172 St. Domingo, or Hispaniola 17 61 St. Gtoorges Channel, and All Round Ireland 8 54 „ „ „ „ with Bristol Channel, &c 7 37 St. George's, English, and Bristol Channels 6 ;**''■ at IMDEZ. VAOB are. ^ . ,, 147 St. John's Harbour^ Newfoandland ; ift 175 St. Eitt's and Nevis Islaada 17 142 St. Lawrence, Gnlf of. 15 143 „ » Bherof 16 179 St. Lucia Island 17 167 St. Martin, St. Bartholomew, &o., Islands 17 181 St. Vincent Island 17 241 Subec Port, Lugon Island 21 210 Sumatra, India, Malaga, &c 20 197 Surinam River 18 152 Sydney Harbour, Breton Island 15 252 Tasmania, or Van Diemen's Land 22 34 Thames, with Strait of Dover,. &c. » 5 32 „ andMedway , 5 33 „ South Channels of 5 37 Three Channels, English, Bristol, St. George's 6 239 Tigris River..... 21 182 Tobago Island 17 29 Track Chart of the World 5 31 „ ,1 from England to Australia, Canton, &c 5 30 „ » „ „ Round Cape Horn 5 220 Truicomalay 20 187 Trinidad Island 18 149 Trinity Harbour, Newfoundland 15 214 Tullea and St. Augustine's Bays, Madagascar 20 166 Turks' Islands and Bank 17 156 United States, Coast of, from Cape Cod to Savanna i.... 15 249 Van Diemen's Land, Australia, &e 22 131 Verde, Cape, Islands 14 168 Virgin Islands .;.......... 17 58 Wales 7 160 West India Islands 16 162 „ „ I, and Caribbee Islands 16 164 ' ,f „ „ „ „ „ Harbour Plans, on 2 sheets 16,17 159 West Indies and Gulf of Mexico 16 128 Western Islands, or Azores , 14 129 „ „ „ „ Madeiras, Canary Isles, &c 14 65 Whithorn, Harbour of 8 47 Wight, Isle of 6 161 Windward and Gulf Passages 16 1 World, Large Chart of, on Mercator's projection 1 2 „ „ „ „ reduced 1 29 „ Track Chart of 6 122 Yawry Bay, Sherbro' River, &c 13 PiUtt Ifi 17 15 16 17 17 17 • «•••• •••• ^x 20 18 15 22 6 5 5 6 21 17 5 6 5 20 18 15 20 17 L. 15 14 17 7 16 16 16,17 16 ..., 14 14 8 6 16 1 1 6 13