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Additional comments:/ Commentaires suppl^mentaires; [Printed ephemera] [3] p. This copy is a photoreproduction. This item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked below/ Ce document est Tilmi au taux de reduction indiqui ci-dessous. 10X 14X 18X 22X 26X 30X 12X 16X J 20X 24X 28X 32X Th0 copy filmed hare has been reproduced thanks to the generosity of: D. B. Weldon Library University of Western Ontario (Regional History Roor^) The images appearing nere are the best quaiity possible considering the condition and legibility of the original copy and in keeping with the filming contract specifications. L'exemplaire fiKuA fut reproduit grdce A la gindrositi de: D. B. Weldon Library University of Western Ontario (Regional History Room) Las images suivantes ont iti reproduites avec le plus grand soin, compte tenu de la condition at de la nettetA de l'exemplaire film*, a; an conformity avec las conditions du contrat de filmage. Original copies in printed paper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, or the back cover when appropriate. All other original copies are filmed b'^ginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol ^^^ (meaning "CON- TINUED"/, or fhe symbol 7' (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Las exemplfliree o^iginaux dont la couverture en papier est imprim^e sont film^s en commenqant par *e premier plat et en terminant soit par la derniAre page qui comporte une ampreints d'impression ou d'illustration, soit par le second plat, seion le cas. Tous las autres sxemplairas originaux sont filmte en commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte una empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symbolea suivants apparaitra sue ia dernidre image de cheque microfiche, seion le cas: la symbole — *>signifie "A SUIVRE ', le symbols V signifie "FIN ". Maps, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure ere filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea cartes, planches, tableaux- etc., peuvent dtre filmte d des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul ciich^, il est film^ d partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Las diagrammes suivants iilustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Loniion, January ^Qth, lS<^J. Re MACBEAN BROS. ESTATE. PliAR SIR.-- I noiv send you herewith Statement and Final Dividend Sheet in this matter. The delay in winding up the Estate ivas caused through the multitude of small accounts of the worst class ivhich ivere on the Firm's books, and which I ivas endeavoring to realize on to 'he best advantage. Many of these accotmts it was necessary to accept payment of in iveekly and monthly instal- ments, thus postponing the collection of same and the settle- ment of the Estate. I trust the result of this action, as shoivn by the state- ment, ivill prove satisfactory to the creditors. If there is no objection to the State7nent or the Divi- dend Sheet, I ivill proceed to pay the dividends at the expiration of eight days from the mailing of this notice. Yours truly. FRASER & FRASER, Solicitors for Assignee. E. A. GLEGHORN, Assignee. mmmmmm. He JVIACBEAH BROS. ESTATE. RECEIPTS. I'roceedb, sale Dt'Clrocery Stock ' I.i(|ii(;r " '• Chattels Collections on I'xjtjk Debts.... Interest , DISBURSEMENTS. I'jid 1 i(]iior License ' Rent of .Stores (2) . . •' I'axi s, ( ia^ \c{[ and Ins. Premium.. '' Wages, Stock 'i'.iking and Collection of \<('(iUPt^ .Vdveriihiiig, Printing and I'usl.ige . . . *' AiK doni-er '• I ,egal l''..x()enses ;nS|iectors I'ces '• \ssii.;ni. e's C(jmmission $280 00 300 00 44 6c; 280 4' 77 (\^ 20 00 "5 77 40 00 200 00 $1308 87 1177 00 91 25 1304 63 38 64 $3920 39 135^ 50 $2561 89 Dividend of 25% on $7,1 17.26 already p.u'd " " '°/2% *^^'i '■ 'I'JW paid... " " 35^2% on $99.32 " " ... •779 32 747 30 35 27 $ 2561 8y nDi\7iiDH:]srjD smiehit. lo'/^ CKNIS ON DOLLAR. Claim. Diviilciiii. j. .-I. I'lmicc & Co. • ■ • ■ $ 4.25 $ .45 |i)lin Laljut 5S"5 5.79 I l.iiiiiliuii ( utTL-t* iiml .Spice Co ■ 9.16 C.Jl Hiiik> iv: Cu. - - - - 61 50 kuhcrl liuxi 22 3 J • - 65 S9 las. TurnLT lV Co. ■ ■ • Uaii I'liiiam 4iS 10 J. 1 1. Wilsnn 0^ Son - • - 5. 1 j 'I'liiuiiUj 1^ (!i: i\L Co. - - j.v6o (ii)iiiian, Dysun & Co. - .j^i^S C.iriir.g H. & M. Co. • - 245. 14 J Taiiton <& Son 34-3^ A. I J Cameron & Son • 21.00 A M. Smith .V Co. - • • 33. 41 1). S, I'trriii & Cai. ■ - • 132 S2 Lucaa, I'aik & Co - • - ■ 322 65 Ireiar.'l National Food Co 11 27 Jacob Hawkins 323.30 I'^Ww.iid .\(lani>i!v: L'o. - ■ 1802 18 J. IJ Saunby 280.06 M. Masurct & C'o. .... 496 19 joliii M. Slater 4^ 55 (ieo. Wall & Sons - - - - 915.59 Sloan & Ciowther - ■ - ■ 50.39 Morgan l>avies & ('o. - 56.07 Isaac Hord & Co. - - - ■ 359 81 J. IL Tcnnent 5 92 (jco .Slcemaii 1 8 00 F VI. Ciitiin 93 37 K. W, Fcarnian 118.00 Jas. Hums & Son 5.20 Jas. Cowan & Co. - - - - 22.85 J. .S^ R. Klliott 117 50 Waiter Wo.kIs & Co. ■ - 15.00 (]. Liitli fJ3 36 96 46 34 92 06 54 3 53 407 25.74 3.01 2.21 3-5' •3 94 I 19 33. 94 189.23 29.41 52 lu 5-U9 96 14 5-^9 5«9 37.7« .62 1.89 9 80 12.39 •55 ^.40 "2.34 «.58 6.65 ("laini. Dividend. .Sol.ininn .Mien $ 42. 12 $ 4 42 I Rcid Hids \- Co. • ■ ■ • 200.25 21. oj I Mct.'onidck .\lf^. Co. ■ 144 82 15.20 I Donald I'roduceCo. • - 13 89 1. 46 I Win. 1'. I'lank 20,53 2.15 jului llayui.m 13.00 1.35 : I'aylor, Scott . Co. 4.67 ,49 '■ .\lcAl|)in 'I'ohacco Co. 8.80 .92 1 W. J, Reid lit Co. ■ - . - 44.89 4.71 I II. J. Hoyd 1.90 .20 Welfurd IJros 2.00 .21 Ontario (irape Growinj^ and Wine Mfg. l.o. 38 55 4.04 j. U. Sliuiileworili - - - ■ 25.58 2.69 |, I'v W. .Morrison 30.28 3. 18 .A. K 11. iMlliti'e 129.52 13.06 ; C .\1. Ne^\nian 39-76 4.18 iiutchinson \ Son • - - - 29.62 3.11 I L. \'. Ludwig 6.84 71 i I ily Cas Co. I7-40 1.83 I I llamilion 86.17 9^5 Jas. L. (iiani & Co. - - • 53.65 5.63 I (ianliner, I-'eirier li. Co. 4.60 .48 $7117 26 $74730 35 J2 CKNTS ON DOLLAR. W. J. McCJuni 2302 8.19 iloskin & ,\lall(jch - - - ■ 17.85 6.30 D. M Keiry i.V Co. - - - - 11 01 3.92 J. Tanton & Sun 47 44 16. 86 $99.32 $35-27