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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 w lif ?* 1885. ^ 1885, *•»•*••**•* »*****•**»» -^i^PRIZE^MISPf^ -OF TIIF. — Eastern Townships ■ Aoricultural ' Association . ^•IFIRST 4: ANNUAL 4 EXHIBITION^- OI»E3Sr TO TiEIE "V^T-OI^LID, TO P.E HF,LD ON THE Association Grounds, in the City of Sherbrooke, —ON - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, OCTOBER Oth, 7tli aiul Stli. (lazett.o Print. Sherln'ookc. 1^'. v>. h ~[i] \ ff^ JT V U 1) OJ 3 r .^ cr s-" S ^" C I— oJ o 3 c ■ 1 ■M 3 o g 'i '5? C/0 rt -4-' o 1) c t* J *^ 3 a u ^ (U ^' ^ ^ u 1) ^-l 3 c J3 'P •Jl rt (/I E rt O CX rt CJ *~i^ 3 '^ -*-• OJ ex •4-* i/> tfl -tiJ CJ (/; TO IS o o C/3 C rf ••-J Xi J2 >~1 C in M x X u _c > & \3 B ■^ c 5r <^ ■«^ C/5 -4-' , 3 e <-• c H g -C o ■4-1 o c ^ fci t/; OJ o &. V ■M • f— 1 4—1 1) JZ ^ c _Sr w u. >^ ""a c H s XI -> < ■4-1 Dh oc c o o ' (D O CO CO L. 13 -LJ 3 CD a? CO Q_ CO o c CO D \!? OC CO H H M Lll o o QC m lU ^ ^ J" ^ •Zl-Q u >.< rt ::• ^ •- 'O O S 'a (/I o J5 5 g,-^ b/C — (/: ^ O ^ C CJ C C «! X) r" C C/3 (U bjO c 5 ^ X tn . - c -^ ■^-' t.^ S '- C - +-' c '•«x; ID . « 1;; s I-. '-^ O f2 bx c . OJ «3 .>.'P (D c p -5 •- c «J " o I-H U I" in GO OJ E C e« (U D D C 03 OJ -13 JT 0) -M .> b/) OJ ^ ■- rt J3 ^ __ C c c In TO c O « o ?•- I <3 1- O < C-i X 3:i O i'. o o ■Jl ■Jl w W B.IXI B ttnalui^> gt^ '1 -rs 1 u a; 1 1 3 ^1 ' i" ^ 1 '-' X 4-J c ! W oi rt O. 0) o 4-1 T> «i- W C o rt *-> c 3 o <*-! ^ o o e .t; S C/3 > ■«-l 3 rt u< n OJ >i lO 1) t- T" «+- p— 1 •no rt C »> • 'P O 3 .r s OJ qj n ^-* tfl Cfl ^ 'U C/1 5 C/2 O 1) c in C C/5 X 1) o rt X ■ ■^ 4-f ..c c ^ > '3: ^•2 -S .2 4J u a - < J2 O 03 C o a. V O c C/J <*i rt (U U •™" (LI !M c^ = TJ 3 rt -Q •-2 >, 3 3 OJ tC 43 ;: C ^^'< CO OT e C ■4-< • 3 E (U • *-> o £ O U -4-' *-• C ^ a; C c H J3 r Special Prizes see pa^es 15, 17, :$5 mu\ 30. P'' 1885, 1885. "v*j' ^^PRIZE'i-LIST*^ -OF THK — Eastern Townships Agricultural Association. i 1)1 * -^IFIRST 4 ANx^UAL f EXHIBITION.!^ OI»ElSr TO THE ^W-OIiLID, TO HE If ELD ON I'HE Association Grounds, in tiie City of Slierbroolte, —ON Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, OCTOIJER Oth, 7tli aiKl sfli. ■." - A ^lORGANIZATIOH.!^ Tirj-: EASTERN TUWN8IIIPS AGHICnr/riRAL ASSOCIATION is an incorpoi ated company under a special charter, with a capital ot f25,()(X). divided into 2,500 shares of $10 each. PATRON: Hon. John Henky Povk, M.P., Ministei' of Agriculture for the Dominion of Canada. \^ICE-PATR(J:;S : Hon. M. H. Cochkank, R. C. C. COLllY, M. P. Hon. J. G. Roiikrtsun. W. IlEXKKiiK, Esq. S. A. FlSHKK, M. P. Vice.- President. A. Mansi'r, L)1R1,CT0RS : Rout. N. Hall, M. P., President. R. H. Poi-e, J. R. Woodward, C. A. BAir,EY, F. P. Buck, D. J. A. CamiiuSd, Jno. Wadlbigji, J as, Lyster, H. S. Foster, J. A. Cochrane, S. J. Pomkoy, W. A. Hale, W. B. Ives, M. P., A. Stevens, Hon. O. B. Baker, M.P. Seci-'jiari/ and Treasurer, - - - - R. H. Tylek. STANDING COMMITTEES: Executive—^. R. Woe ,vard, F. P. BtCK, Jas. Lvstek, S. J. Pomkoy, .1. A. Camirand. Finance—,] \>i. Lyster, F, P. Buck, J. R. Woouwaho. Prize List—E. II. Poi'e, J. A. Cochrane, W. A. Halk. Building— R. N. Hall, J. R. Woodward, W. B. Ives, C. A. Baii-ey, F. P. BrcK, Jas. Lystei'. coMMrrrEES of m an a( cement for days of show. Thoroughbred Cattlt — C. A. Bailey, Chairman ; Q. Bliss, E. Fitzoerald, J. G. Ayer, Col. Taylor, A. L. Pomkoy, W. J. Watts, M.P.P., E. Lin USA y. Grade Cattle — S. J. Pomkov, Chairman: S. Burrell, Alton Hodue, H. Hitchcock, Jno. EwiNf;, Jr., G. X. Gamsby, Jas. Millar. Horses — F. P. Buck, Chairman ; B. Laharee, J. F. Harvey, J. Shuter, N. 'J\ OrssAULT, W. J. Hunt, II. F. Bieuer, John Main. Sheep and Swi7ie — Ja». Lvstek, Chairman ; S. A. McFaddbn, A. \j. Kel- LAiM, Jno. Mulvena, Hoist. ^Mitcheli., A. Ames, E. A. Baldavin, I. Parnei.l, a. B. Hartwell, Lkvi French. Ponftry — A. Stevens, Chairman ; W. F. James, JM. L. CoNNOLr.Y, ('. J. Odell, C. (,'. Kenuick, W. !.. Hall, U.Bonneville. Ayriciiliural Products — J. A. ''amiranu, ('hairman ; Roheut McFadden, John WAOLEiiiu, Tiios. Imckv, A. R. Oliver, J. H. Gi;ndron, G. Stevens, T. Chukch ( (suood. Dairy jProdacifs— Jno.Waulkkjh, r'hiiirman : W. U. Green, Jas. Millar, R. !,. Harvev', S. a. I'lsHEii, 'I. A. Pierce, B. F. Knight, L. Bu(;k. Arts and Manufactures — W. A. Hale, Chairman ; Jas. S. Mitche/.l, !■". CoDEKii, Waltkr Blue, Z. P. Cormier, <'. H. Fletcher, J). M( mavamv, < APT. F. Bennetts. horticulture — D. A. Mansur, Chairman ; L. ( W. Murray, J. A. Akchamhault, W. Col. Kin(!. Amusements — T. J. Tick, Col. Iaicke, H. < Fa I? WELL, L. E. Pannetjn. VETERINARY SUH( f FON j)i.'. J. Barton. BELAN p.m. on Thursday. The formal opening will take place at- 2 p.m on Tuesday, 6th (October. \ large number of s])ocial attractions in addition to the regular Exhibition, will be provitled for the enjoyment of v-sitors; of which due notice will be given. A first class band of music will be in attendance each day. Intending Exhibitors an 1 visitors are particularly requested to read carefully ami consider the following rules and regulations governing the Exhibition, which will in all cases be strictly enforced. A catalogue of the exhibits of live stock will be published if practi- cable. Exhibitors will please make their entries as early as possible in order to facilitate its publication. ADMISSION TO THE GRlJUNDS. The price of admission for adults or two children under 12 years, will be 25 cents each time of entering. One child under 12, 15 cents. Each pe.'son must be provided with the proper change before entering. For a carriage, 25 cents, and each person in carriage 25 cents. ' Necessary attendants upon stock and machinery will be furnished with special passes by applying at the Secretary's office on the grounds. These passes will l»ear the name of person to whom it is issued, and it presented by any other person will be forfeited. They will admit the holder once each day. No attendant's tickets will be issued to any exhibitor whose entrance fee amounts to less than one dollar, 1 ut .such exhibitor will purchase* an " exhibitor's " ticket. One exhibitor's ticket, admitting an exhibitor once each day, and [)ositively not transferable, may be purchased at the Secretary's othce on the grounds for 50 cents. Exhibitors (who are members of Local Societies who have made arrangements with the .Association,) will receive free, a special pass by applying at the cretary's oflico on thf grounds. These passes \yill I •^ bear the name of tli(,> iHM-son to whom issuod, and aiv positively not ti'!i.iie!'cr,i!;!;\ Judgos iind memlH".r.s of tli(! press willhe furnislicd with tickets and oadge?, tlie hitter J)eing intended only as a means of sliowing their official connection with the Exhibition, and not for the purpose of securing admittance upon the grounds. Th,- entry tickets upon the animals or articles will admit the person bringing them to the Show Grounds for exhibition, along with such ani- mals or articles, without the use of any other ticket. Afterward.^ mcJi parties mint he provided ivith proper passes as above or they will have to pay the reyular admission fees. w EX'PKIES. All entries must be on printed forms, which may be obtained free ot charge by applying to the Secretary. These forms are to be filled up an.l signed by the exhibitor and sent to the Secretary at Sh( rbrookc on or before Fi^iday 2.5th for live stock, and for other exliibits on or before WEDNESDAY, 30t,. SEPTEM15ER. Post entries will be received up to Saturday, 3id October, on which 25 cents extn, will be charged for each entry. But post entries of live stock will not have the benefit of tlie catalogue, if published. The entrance fee nmst in all cases be forwarded with the entry. No entry will be accepted un- less this IS done. Fees should be sent by money order or in Bills in Registered Letters. Entries of Live Stock and Poultry, must in ^-ery instance be made m the name of the bona fide owner, and unless this rule be observed no premium will be awarded, or if awarded will be withheld. Any per- son exhibiting any animal or bird of which he is not the bona fide owner, will be precluded from exhibiting in future. Other classes must be made in name of producers or manufacturers or their ^ •-*». It w»> 5 ENTRANCE FEEM. The (;liarg(^s ibr exhibition will bo by feos and ohaigos for .si)uce which hfus been fixed at the lowest possible Hgure, as follows : ' Horses, entrance free *). 00. single stalls. Ploraes, entrance free j .50, double stalls. Cattle, entrance Iree 50 per head for stalls. i^hoo.T), « " 2o « (t i'igs, " " 25 « . » ^""'^••y 25 each entry. Agricultural Implements ].00^ 10 entries or under. J. 50, over 10 entries. Agrlctdtural ajid Iforticultural Products, .00, 5 entries or under. '■ " " 5 to JO entries, .f I. (X). ^ " " '■ 1-50, over 10 entries. Dauy Products 25 each entry. All other Classes 05 " " SPACE CHAlKiES. All Exhibitors in the Main Building are allowed five feet frontage if required by the depth of the table or stand, free of charge. All space over this will be charged at rate of three cents per superficial foot.- Special arrangements for space may be made by applying to the Secretary-Treasurer. Exhibitors are expected to proviitiiig them'; and that should any exhibits he accidentally injured, lost or stolen, the Association will give all the assistance in their power towards the recovery of the same, lint will not make ani/ pai/men/ for tiie value thereof. .LIVE STOCK. ei'son will he uilowed to act as a Jiidgo who is in any way interested in the articles to be exhibited. Judges are requested to report themselves at the Secretary's office on the grounds, presenting their circulai' of appointment, not later than 9 a.m. on Tues- day, 6th October. In the absenct! of competition in any section, or if tlie stocks or articles exhibited, be of interior quality, the Judges will award only such premiums as they think the articles deserving of. They will e.xercise their discretion as to whether they will award the first, second, third, or any premium. In addition to the stated preu-iums offered foi' exhibits enumerated in the List, the Judges are authorized to award discretionary premiums for sucli exhibits not enumerated, as they may consider worthy, and the Board of Directors will determine the amount of the premium. The Judges may also tlistinguish such animals or articles as they consider deserving of notice, but which have not roc(;ived prizes, by tickets with the woids " Highly Commended,'' or "Commended "' upon them. These tickets will not entitle tae holder to any money payment. Each award must he written in a plain, careful manner, on the blank page opposite the number of the entry. Any exhibitor lodging a protest must make it in writing and it must be delivered to the Secretary within three hours of the cause of protest; it must plainly state the cause of (!omplaint and must be ac- companied by a deposit of $5.00, which sum will be forfeited 'o the Association if the said protest is not sustained. The Kxecutive Com- mittee will form the " Committee on Protests," and their decision shall be final. The Judges are particularly retiuesteil not to leave the grounds un- til they have ascertained from the Secretai'y that there are no protests against the awards in the classes tlniy have judged. Any person who shall attemi)t to interfere with the Judges while in the discharge of their duties, or who shall afterwards, on the premises of the Association, use any contemptuous or abusive language to any Judge in consequence of any award made by him, shall forfeit his right to any premiums to which he might otherwise be entitled and shall 1 e oxchuled from exhibiting hereafter. Judges are rcvmested to imme diately report any bieach of this rule. MISCELLANEOUS. Whei-e space has be >t HAvarded to any exhibitor, the Directors re- serve the right in case an> svoh exhibitor shall fail to make a crc^ditable display, to declare the space allotted to him forfeited. .No person shall be permitted in the ring during the time of .judging, 8 oxcei)t tlirf Judges, the grooms or per.souh in rliargo ol" tlie uninialy, ami the (/'ommittee in charge of t\io, special ilass heiiig juUgeil. All prize cards which have been affixed by the .1 udges must be dis- played during the lOxhibition. Any infraction of this rule will incur forfeiture of premiums which have been awardcfl. The contractors for the supply of refreshments must lay in their supplies before 8 o'clock a.m., each day, when their carts will be ad- mitted free, after that hour they will be eJiarge Exhibition Grounds, and any per- son, who after due notice, of such rules, viulato the same, shall be liable to be removed from the grounds by thv; officers of the Association. FIRE AM) POLICE i'ROTECTION. The most careful arrangements have been made to guard a;^a,inst fire, and with the precautions taken,^it is believed the danger of such an occurrence is very remote, but exhibitors desiring insurance, must give the matter their personal attention. An ample police force will be on duty, day and night, during the Exhibition, but exhibitors are expected to exert'ise constant supervision over their articles on exhil>ition, as the Association will not be respon- sible foi' loss or damage by theft, lire or otherwise. A 1 '( 'TlUX SA LKS U1-' < 'ATTJ.E, ETC. A sale of all kinds of stock, manutactures, etc., wul be hekl on Fri- day, lOth October at lU a.m., at which the Directors will afford every facility to buyers and sellers. Stock, etc., .not on (exhibition may be brought into the grounds the morning of the sale. 10 cents admission will be charged at the gate. The following scale "of fees will i»e charged to cover auctioneers expenses, (i.)veinincnt duty of I jter cent., paid by purchaser. For Horses 50c. per head Thoroughbred Cattle aUc. '* •' Grade Cattle 25c. " " Pigs and vSheep Kk;. '' " Other Articles l>,")c. Entries to be made at the Seci'etary's office on the grounds not later than Thursday, Sth Octobei', at 4 \).m., and in all cases must be accom panied with the fees. lX(iriHIES .\s to the exhibition and its ariangements should' be addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer, at Sherbrooke. iJuring the Exhibition, in(|uiries may be ma( » LLE D 'A N ( i f S. SKC. 1 ._. ;; ! Bidl calved in 1882, or inevious Sjij,") ij(|o fr, 2 " " 1883 1.3 10 r> ;; " ■' 1884 12 .s 4 4 " " 188;-) Ill 7 ^ .") Bull of any age Diplonm. fi Cow calved in 1881, or i)revious I,") |() '> 7 " " IS82 15 U) -, 8 Ueit^r " 1883 12 S 4 9 " " IS84 12 8 .1 10 " " 1885 '. 10 7 3 11 Best femal<' of any age Di(ilom<<. 12 Herd consisting of I hull ami 4 females Diploma,. CLASS 4_A^'h'Sllll!I';S. H^■.^:. I i 1 I'.uU calvnl in 1883, or previoos ' 115 $10 2 " " 1884 12 8 3 Bull of any age : Diploma. 4 (vOw calved in 1882, or previous 15 lo 5 " " 1883 12 S e, " " 1884 10 5 7 Best lemale of any age Diploma. S Herd consjst.ijig of 1 hull and 4 females, any age l>ipionui, 12 ®^ A% i« mm^fw^ IMPORTIvK AND DEALER IN European and American Staple and Fancy IDJ^-lZr G-OOIDS, SMALL WARES AND FANCY GOODS. < ^ ^ ^ ? :? 5 5 O 5 Q^ •-J ^ "t: ;r o C. A. E. LEFEBVRE, Wellington Street, Sherbrooke, P. Q. i. St Dussault & St. Jean, 8' '-0^^ 'iT^ '^4^4- V Odell's Block, WcllinKnon Street,' -HiC! \^jr .K»c». .cmra «»■::■ --a» '- t- !> Q- I, 13 Hbc. 1 •> 1 Bull calved in 1883, or previous $15 |!10 2 " " 1HH4 12 8 3 Bull of any age , Diploma. 4 t'ow oalvcd in 1882, or previous 15 10 r. '< " 1883 12 8 6 <' " 1884 10 5 7 Best female of any age Diploma. 8 Herd consisting of 1 null anil 4 females, any age Diploma. CLASS 6— HOLSTEINS. 8l!i'. 1 2 1 Bull calved in 1883, or provious $15 fiO 2 '< « 1884 12 8 3 Bull of any age Diploma. 4 Cow calved in 1882, or provious 15 10 5 " '< 1883 12 8 6 " « 1884 10 5 7 Best female of any age Diploma. 8 Herd consisting of 1 bull and 4 females, any age Diploma. CLASS 7— OTHER BREEDS OF TIIOROUOIIBRED CATTLE. Special prizes to be decided by the Judges and Board of Directors according to extent and quality of exhibits. CLASS 8— GRADE CATTLE. BBC. I 2 ,{ 1 Cow calved in 1881, or previous $12 $6 $3 2 « " 1882 12 f) :i .'i " giving milk, 1881, or previous 12 fi 3 4 " « " Ih82 12 6 :i 5 Heifer calved in 188.", ,S 4 2 6 " « 1884 ,s 4 2 7 " " 1885 ". 5 3 8 Herd of 4 females over 1 year \ T^'P^O'"* '^"'^ Farmer's Advocate for ( one year, presented by pubhsncr. 9 Pair of steers calve, lin I «S2 12 6 3 10 " " " 1883 10 5 2 11 '' " " 1884 8 4 2 12 " " " I8S5 3 13 Best steer calved i;; I.SS2 6 3 2 14 " " IS83 (i 3 2 15 « » 1884 5 3 2 16 " " 1885 4 3 CLASS '.t_ FAT, (»R WOKKIKU CATTLE. Src. 1 2 a 1 Working oxen, any age $15 $7 $3 2 " '' calved'in 188] I ^2 3 Fat "teer calved in 1882 H 4 " Cow " " IS82 .. CLASS 10. I Best milking cow of any age or breed ,.. Diploma. f 14 WM. MURRAY, VVHOLKSALE (ir()ccr,Winc ^ Spint KINCr STREET. SHEKHKOOKl' CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A complete stock of (iioceiies VViiies nrid Luiuorsof the Iwst (|iialities, imported dinMt. Merchants can at least save tlieii (Veight bv orderiiiji tiieir *i;oods from him. p^. '*''■* Win J 1icr AMI P Hf J^^ iLlift^i*^^ p£i a s|)e'^ H^y, lu hond or duty |)aid. AuguHt 27Vh, 1MS5. f CLASS 11. I Host Lull of liny a>,'u or lm>c«l (i,,|(| lu.ilul. CLASS 1:.'. I ht'Ht lH'<>r iiniiiijii, (.stet'.i- or hcMfcr) Cold minlal. HULKS l'(H! «'.\'!'l'|.K. KntriiMce Irec Stall.H i>{)r, por lu'iul. Ill i!.'iikin« (^iitiii'H, j»ivf the uwm^r'.s niini« uiitl uililiosa in full, tlio uge of iiniina! ui'' its i.amr fit' niinndl). Full J. '(li^ioi (iiiist u(e otherwise properiv soenr- ed to prevent accident. All animals will l»e shown in the arena or horsi; rinj{. Owiu-rs and attendants must he |>repared to hriiig them out when called for or for- feit claims to any premiums awarded. Any p(M'8on or persons showing 'l'horoughl)red Cattle as (iratles will he dis(pialilied, and will not he allowed to com[)ete at any further e.\hil)ition, Voimg animals may C(mii>ete, if the exhihitor thinks fit, in older scHtious th.'in to that whicii they properly helong, but the exhibitor must chooHc the section he wi!l comj)ete in when making the entry, and lie ahhll not cliange to any other section afterwards. Xot more than one prize in any one section will he given to' any one exhiliitor. 1 2 a -1 Skc. 1 3 4 ,'} (') 7 <) it) II HORSES. CLASS 13— TIIoROUCilBKED IIUKSES. I'KDIG.'IKKS TO IK I'liOUUC'KO IN THIS CLASS. Stallion, any $10 $G Brood mare with foal by her side 10 6 Two year old filly '. 8 5 Best mare of any age T>iploma. CLASS 14_RUADSTERS. 1 2 3 Stallions 4 years old and up $25 $10 |5 " 3 •• " under 4 12 S 4 (TJiose two sections to he shown in harness.) Stallion of any age Diploma. 3 years Hllies or ijreldings . 12 8 4 7 " -v •' :.:.;::..:::.:::::: 10 ? 3 ' " " " r> 3 2 Brood mare with foal at her side 25 10 5 Best foal of 1885 4 2 Pair matched horses in harness (stallions excluded). 15 10 a Sir^gle horse in harness; mare or iieldinir 12 8 4 Best mare of any age '.\ .'.............,... Diploma. 16 WALTER BLUE, Wholesale Clothing, Blue's Block, Wellington Street, SHERBROOKE. J- Sec. 1 CLASS 15_HUNTER.UK SADDLE iJUKSES. I Saddle Iiorse, mare or gelding $l() Hunters over hurdles io Saddle horse, mare or gelding, beat leaper 10 CliASS 16— HOUSES EOR GENERAL PURPOSES. 6 6 (N.B. A general purpose horse is undei-stood to be a horse that i» statable either for the waggon, carriage, buggy, saddle or plough). Skc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Skc. I 2 •» •> 4 .5 (\ I 8 9 10 II 12 *10 Stallion 4 years and over $25 " 3 " un(ler4 12 ( I'hese two seetions in harness.) •' of any age Diploma. 3 years (illy or gelding in harness 12 8 2 " " 10 7 1 " " 5 3 Brood ma'-e with foal by her side 25 10 Foal of 1885 4 2 Pair of light draught farm horses m waggon 20 10 Best mare of any age Diploma. CLASS 17— HEAVY DRAUCHT HORSES. *5 4 4 3 1 StaUion it u '' of any age Diploma. 3 years filley or gf^lding 12 S 7 t years and up $30 3 12 2 10 $15 8 7 I .'I 10 3 10 4 3 •> Brood mare with foal by her sis. I. Dairy churn, worth S.fiO. 2. Corn planter, worth $2.00. Pair heavy draught horses, mares or geldings, weighing over 1,200 fts., tf> be shown in waggon, and drawing no less than 2,000 lbs. I. Champion Corn Hoe, worth $.10.0^). 2. Magic feed box, worth $3.60. f jeneral sty)« a.irl speed of walking to be taken into account, 18 IS.- *1 STOVES ! STOVES ! STOVES ! Two car loads Cooking, Box, Parlor and Double Stoves, to be sold lovver than ever known. Don't make the m-stake ot buying before you get our prices and see our — -— — ST O V E S HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, &c., ^^KTtY CII£JA.r. ,,,, , TINWARE. inis Ime we manufacture, and can sell (quality considered) at prices that can't be beaten. Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Bought very low, an-1 will be sold at retail at ueual whole- sale prices, very low. We buy low. and sell for cash, and can and will sell \tiry cheap. See our Goods and Prices, and save Money. ' ,flf » & llllilf t mmMmm, lidwanls' HI™ l<. WtilinKlnn Street, T I i r T 1 19 OLA SS 2 1 — ( 'OBS .V X D l'( )NI ES. SEC. , .J 1 Pony ] 2 hands and umier, in harness - |;4 $2 2 Pair of ponies 12 hands and undoi. in harness C> :] '■'} (Job 12 to 14 hands, in harness 4 2 4 Pair of cobs 12 to 14 hands, in harnoss '........ 3 . CLASS U J— TANDEMS. 1 Best tandem, marem or g.! lings, style of turnout and style and skill in liandl iiir, to be considered. Diploma. lUJLES FOR HORSES. Entrance free $j.-,o, for double stalls " . ••••• I.OO; " single •' In making entries, the breeders name (ii known), the owners name and address in full, tlie name of aninral (if named), and age should- be given. No horse will be allowed to (!ompete in more than one class or section except for special prize classos 18, i'.t. 20. Horses must be shown uncovered and in such manner as the Judges may require or allow, and if exhibitors refuse, to submit to the proper requirements of the Judges, tlioir horses will be ruled out. The upper door of stalls must bo loft o])en tVom ',1 ji.m. (o f. p.m., in order that the public may view the animals. Not more than one prize m any on in wood and bottles. Also, manufacturers of MRAT^B WATERS consisting of Ging(3r Aie, Plain J^oda, Cream Soda, Lemon Soda, Sarsaparilla, Straw- berry, €'hampagne Cider, Pearine. BANK STRKKT, - . . SHERBROOKE T ! 1 T i, 21 f-I.ASS 25_OXFOHI) AND SimoPSHIHK DOWNS. SBC. J Ham, 2 shearu and up *jj ^, 2 Shearling ram 5 -i 3 Ram lamb '• 4 '., 4 Two ewes, 2 shears and up 5 ~ '> " shearling ewea .."!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 •• () " ewe lambs 5 '^* . Pen, 1 i-am, 2 ewes 2 shears and up, 2 shearling ewes and - 2 owe lambs Diploma. CLASS 26_SOU'l^H l)(»WNS. Skc. 1 Ham, shears and up ag *^ 2 Shearling ram rt 3 3 Ram lamb 'j ,, 4 Two ewe.s, 2 shears and up .-> .3 ;"> " shearling ewes 5 3 " ewe lambs !.....!....!!....!!..! 5 3 7 Pen, I ram, 2 ewes 2 shears and up, 2 sheariing ewes and 2 ewe lambs Diploma. CLASS 27- FAT SHEEP. Sko. 1 Two fat wethers «k io 2 " " ewes '^'^^'I^'^''^^''''^^'''''^''''^^''Z t 3 RULES FOR SHEEP. Entrance free 25c. per head for pens. m makmg entries, the owners name and address in full and age of animals must be given. ° Ewes two shears and over, in all classes, except fat sheep, must have raised lambs the present season. fat aher^ *^** ^^^^ ^'^^" '^*^°^ " '" *^"^ ""'®'' '''"^^^ cannot compete as If required, exhibitors must make a statutory declaration that the animals are of the ages stated by them. Not more than one prize in any one section will be given to anv one oxnibitor. PIGS. CLASS 28_BERKSHIRES. Sue. 1 Boar, I year and under 2 «y 2 " underoneyear ij 3 Sow with litter ■.'. g 4 Sow under 1 year r CLASS 29— POLAND CHINAS. .Skc. 1 Boar, 1 year and under 2 ;■ m 2 " under 1 year ^ 3 Sow with litter c 4 ««,.. .,„,i_„ 1 " *» •''•rr Ull'irrr t VC'clI* , .' 2 $5 3 5 3 $5 i 22 FLETCHER THOMPSON, Wholesale and Hotail dealer in t Groceries and Provisions, Teas, Coffees and Spices a specialty. FRUIT, FISH, AND OYSTERS 111 season. Morin's Block, sign of the Blue Fish, WELLINGTON STREET. SHERHROOKE. I 28 CLASS 30- YORKSHIRE AND CHESTER WHITES, AND OTHER LARGE BREEDS. 8kc. i Boar, 1 year and under 2 «q «c 2 " under 1 year 6 S 3 Sow with litter a I 4 Sow under 1 year fi '^ CLASS 31_.SUFF0LK, AND OTHER SMALL BREEDS. 1 Boar, I year and under 2 *« *"c •2 " under 1 year '^ *5 3 Sow with litter .......".". g ' 4 Sow under 1 year a i CLASS 32_FAT PIGS. 1 Heaviest and best pig under 8 months $8 |4 ^ "^ " " anyage .....'.'..".'.".*.'. 8 4 , „ ^ CLASS 33. 1 Best herd of pigs, any age or breed Diploma. RULES FOR PIGS. Entrance free , 05,, p^r head for pens. ihe owners name and address m full, with precise age of animals. 1 s atutoSr.r''T- "^^^"^^'^trie.. If required exhibitors must make a statutory declaration that their animals are of the ages stated by them feolSns."'"' '"'*'"''' **' '"" *^'^* ""™"'^ "•" ^"^^^«d in their ^mp^^ No animal allowed to enter in any section difterent from its use. exhibitor™""'*' " """^ ^''""^ '" ""^ °"^ '^''*'''" ^vill be given to any one 13 14 15 16 POULTRY. CLASS 34— .(In Pairs). AsiATic—Brahmas, Light ^1.2') do. Dark 1 2-5 <;'ochin.s, Bufl'. ......!..!.. 1.2') vlo. Partridga "' f^.i v'o. Black I 9rj T>OBKiN(;s_ White [[ |'3'- Silver Grev ..." I .'"•") Colored .... | •>^) H \,Mj?iR(i,s — Silver Sj)angled !•".') Golden Spangled | ^25 Silver i'ftncilled 1.25 Golden Penciled... 1^5 Spam,sh— White la. '.Ml, Black ".'.".'.'.' .' |'.25 White L-.f-^horns ['[[ 1.25 Bi "iTr 1° ■ '-^^ DiacR Leghorns igf) 75c. ir(ini)i'.'ib)e Aleiition. 75 do. 75 do. 75 do. (•■> rio. 75 do. (0 do. 1') do. (i) do. 75 do. (■'> do. 24 Smith-ElkinsMfgCo., MACHINISTS, Iran and §xm% ^auttte, SHERBROOKE. o>*:e ■v^ We are now manutacturing new Home-made Plows, which we j^uarantee to be made of the best material and workmanship, and will replace free of charge any breakage caused from bad material. V We are manufacturing several styles of Cook, Parlor and Box Stoves, the best in the market, and aie prepared to sell them at prices that cannot be beat,. ; . J I ; , j f id ?e ut 17 18 19 20 21 22 2;i 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 ;^i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 41 42 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2Q 25 FuENOH—Iioiulans $1,25 75c. Polish — White crested Black ],26 75 Golden 1.25 75 Silver 1.25 76 Gamk— Black B. Red 1.25 75 Brown B. Red i.25 75 Pile 1.25 75 Yellow Duokwing 1.25 75 Silver Dukwings 1.25 75 Malay 1.25 75 Amkkk V — Plymouth Rocks 1.25 75 Wyandotts 1.25 75 Bantams- Any Variety 1.00 50 Tui'.KEY.s— Bronze 1.25 75 White 1.25 75 Black 1.25 75 Geiosk— -Embden 1.25 75 Toulouse 1.25 75 China 1.25 75 Any other Variety 1.25 75 Pea Fowls — Pearl Guinea 1.00 50 Guinea 1.00 50 Ducks— Aylesbury 1.25 75 Rouen 1.25 75 Pekin 1.25 75 Muscovy 1.25 75 Any other Variety 1.25 75 CLASS 35— CHICKENS, 1885. A.si.vTic — Brahmas, Light $1 50c. do. Dark 1 50 Cochins. Buff. 1 50 do. Partridge 1 50 do. Black 1 50 DoiiKiNGS — White 1 50 Silver Grey 1 50 Colored 1 50 HXmbukgs — Silver Spangled 1 50 Golden Spangled 1 50 Silver Penciled 1 50 Golden Penciled 1 50 Spanish- White Spanish, Black 1 50 White Legho.-ns 1 50 Brown Leghorn I 50 Black Leghorn 1 50 French — Houdana 1 50 Polish— White Crested Black 1 50 Golden 1 50 Silver 1 50 Game— Black B. Red 1 50 Browi B. Red 1 50 Pile 1 50 Yellow Duckwing 1 50 Silver Duckwing 1 50 , , 3 50 lloiKii'ablu mention. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do- do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Honorable Mention. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.* do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. I 26 27 AMKiiiOAN—l'lyrnouth Kocks f -^ Wyundotts 2'.) BANTAMs—Any Variety .'!0 TiMtKEYs— Bronze 31 White 32 Back 33 Gkksk — Embdnn 'U Toulouse ••ii China •J5 Any other Variety 37 Pi;a 1fhl> Iliiiiiirnlil I'DmiiM'iiili'il mciitlnii. do. . do. do. • lo. do. do. do. .lo. | 5 " 6 " "/",".".'.".".'.".".'.". 3 I'. 1 ft Oatp, white ;{ u ) 7, " hiack ' n 2 I H iUickwheat 2 I Kii'ld peas, 2 bushels o I 10 Marrowfat peas 2 1 11 White field benns .' 2 I 12 Indian corn 4 bushels 3 2 I 13 Bale of hops not less than 100 fts 5 3 2 14 Timothy seed, 2 bushels 2 I 15 Clover " " 2 1 16 Flax " " !!!!!!!!!!]!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!"".."" 2 1 17 Cured tobacco leaf, growth of Canada, not less tiiari " lOfts 3 2 1 18 Best collection of grain in the straw I)ij)lo:na. CLASS 40 - ROOTS, ETC. . Sac. 12 3 1 Potatoes, white, 1 bushel.... $3 $2 *l 2 " red <' 3 2 1 3 " best collection named Diploma. 4 Swede turnips, purple top 2 1 .50 f> " " green " 2 1 .50 C " " bronze " 2 1 .50 7 Yellow Aberdeen turnip green top 3 1 JtO . 8 " " " purple «< '.'. 2 ] .50 9 White globe turnip 2 1 .50 10 Carrots, red 2 1 .50 11 " white Belgians 2 1 .50 12 Mangels, long red 2 1 ..50 1^ " yellow globe 2 1 .50 14 Sugar beets 2 1 .50 15 Parsnips 2 1 ..50 16 Squash, mammoth 2 2 J .60 17 " summer 2 2 1 .50 18 " winttir2 ..._' 2 1 .50 19 Pumpkins 2 I .50 20 Best collection ..."!......!!!......... ^Diploma. RULES FOR !.GRICtJLTURAL PRODUCTS. 5 entries or under 60c. 5 to 10 entries $1.00 Ovfr 10 entries 1..50 All the grain, seed and agricultural products j udt be the growth of 1>85, excpj)t clover seed, which may be the srrowth of 1884. «■ T . . 20 Tim uiiineH of the diiibi-ent vftiiotieH nf grain, ote., must ho inHorteil hy encih oxliihitor in IiIh lint of fi\iii«>M, 'I'ho roots must he c«'rtifioil iw of HcM culture hy the oxhihitor, ex- cept potatoes whiflh lire open to nil. (Jruin miiHt he shown in dean hftj{H. Vegetahh-s in haHketn op neat hoxen. AGiilCt L lUKAL IMrULMElVTS, ETC. CLASS 41. Hkc. 1 Steam thresher and separator 2 1 horne power thresher and separator ',i 2 " " 8 than 40 as flO f5 $3 2 Best 3 dairy, not lees than 8 fts *5 3 3 Butter, best 3 firkins of creamery, not less than 40ft3.each ^ I n 4 " best firkins of dairy, not less than 40 fts 5 3 2 5 " dairy, not less than 10 fes. in prints or rolls. 4 2 1 8 " best 10 lbs. crocks ^ , . u * No. 6 is a special prize from R. J. Latimer, Esq., Montreal, the but- ter to be his at market price. CLASS 43 -SUGAR, HONEY, ETC. Skc 12 3 r Maple sugar, 25 ft tub f3 *2 $1 2 " " 5ft. cakes, not less than 6 3 2 1 3 " syrup, 1885, 1 gallon to be shown in clear jars. 3 2 I 4 Honey in the comb, not less than 10 fts 3 2 1 5' « extracted, 1 gallon in clear jars 3 2 1 6 Beeswax, not irss than lOib • u ~ - s $3 2 2 2 1 3 fl 1 t 1 1 1 31 CLASS 44_UTENSILS, ETC. 1 Butter tubs, best assortment for shipping purposes, not less than 6 Diploma. 2 Clieese boxes, best for shipping purposes, not less than 6. " 3 " press and hoops complete " 4 Best churn '...., 5 Best collection of utensils for the manufacture of cheesft. 6 " '•' " " " butter. 7 Cheese test^^r 8 Butter tester 9 Best sugar evaporator ; 10 " assortment ol sugar utensils and tools 11 Wax extractor 12 Honey " 13 Bee hive 14 Best display of apiarian supplies,.... 15 Sack Dairy salt, not less than 25 fes " RULES FOR DAIRY PRODUCT. Entrance fee 25c. A written declaration will be required from each prize taker, that the cheeses shown were made in the factory named. The same rule applies to creamery butter. All entries to be placed on the bench at 9 o'clock, on the first day of Ex'iiibition. In judging both butter and cheese, the Judges shall adopt a standard o? excellence as follows : Butter. Cheese. Flavor 10 10 Keeping properties 10 10 Texture 10 10 Color 10 10 Make and salting 10 10 tt it n II li a a u a 50 50 Skc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 CLASS 45_GARDEN VEGETABLE. DKSOKII'TIDN Beans, French i Beets, best Table Cauliflowers, ;i heads Cabbage, summer, 3 heads... " winter, 3 heads '' collection, not less than 4 kinds named, three each Carrots, half long itump " Inter " Long red Celery, dwarf, red or nhite " giant, " Cucumbers, 6 ,.,. , 13 Corn, sweet, early sugar, 12 ears 14 " " late " " 15 Onions, red, 12 16 " yellow, 12 17 " white, 12 J8 Tomatoes, Canada Victor 7 8 9 10 11 12 .50 .50 ..50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 2P, 27 28 Trophy 1 Acme 1 Turnips, garden, best table, 12 Vegetable Marrow, 2. 1 1 Artichokes, 1 peck 1 Sweet, and pot herbs I Melons, best collection 1 Squash, summer 1 " winter 1 Best collections 2 .50 .50 ..50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 1 Sue. .1 4 5 I S <,l 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 CLASS 46_CAR1{IAGES, SLEIGHS AND PARTS THEREOF 1 Two horse farm waggon 14 Scotch cart ;....• 3 Open bu ggy 4 Covered buggy 4 Express waggon 4 Two horse larmer's sleigh 4 One " " " 3 Single driving sleigh 4 Best and largest display of waggons, etc Assortment of best stufi for carriuge.s " sleighs..^ " spokes and hubs Set df carriage wheels, unpainted " " springs Set of axles Extras it 2 2 2 2 2 Diploma. II it a n Skc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CLASS 47— HOME MANUFACTURES. 10 yards of home-made flannel. 10 yards of full cloth .$2 $1 . 2 1 Pair of blankets, hand spun yarn 2 Horse blanket, hand spun yarn 2 2 pair hand-made stockings 2 pair band made Mitts , Hand-made patchwork quilt, cotton " . " " cloth " " " silk R ag c ar p e t FRUIT. CLASS 48_APPLES AND GRAPES. Best Collections from any county named .$ 10 do. 10 varieties, 5 each, named 2 do. 6 do. do. do 2 do. 4 do. do. summer 2 do. 4 do. do. lall 2 do. 4 do. do. winter 2 1 1 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 2 1 EOF. 1 •> H $2- 3 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 2 3 2 4 2 Diploma. $2 $1 2 1 2 1 2 1 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 4 da s do. '.) do. 10 do. Jl do. ]2 do. 13 do. 14 do. 33 collection of crabapplfs 2 50 Duchess apple.s ..',.,... ] 50 P'arneuse apples 1 50 St. LavvreiKre \ 1 50 Emperor Alexander | 50 Baldwins 1 collection grapes' hot house..!!!.....". .!."..."!!] ' 2 collection grapes, out doors !!'...!!!!.!!! o I .50 .")<) .50 .50 .50 I 1 ..JO MISCELLAN:eoUS MANUFACTURES. CLASS 49 1 TT • ,.r J^^^ EXHIBlTiOiN ONLY. 1 iiingmesand Machinery 2 Boats and Canoes , 3 Stoves, Ranges, and Grates 4 Castings and flollowware 5 Hardware <) Metal Work !.'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 House Furni.>»hing ' 8 Confectionery 9 Leather Work /[/[ 10 Furniture !!!!!!!!!! 1 1 Book Binding ..!!!!.!...!.!...!. 12 Safes and Scales ..!!!!! 13 Cas and Kerosene fixtures...! 14 Tents, Carpets, Mats I') Woollen (Joods '[ K) Knitted Wool Goods,. 17 Cotton Goods ...!!!!!!! \X Cotton Print Goods ! ! ! !'.» Boots, Shoes, etc !..!..! !. 20 Harness-, Saddlery, Trunkmake'is'VvoVk 2 Lngme Ho.se, Belting and Jiubber Goods J2 Hr 00ms 23 Biscuits !....... 24 Cigars • 25 < orsets Exliibitions in th^Hoi se King. ENTR.es to CL« 'SE on 25th SEPTEMBER otierS^lSr1ns;:;tiS;;i:"f K^^^ t"«" - ^-->^Uy ;eru.f.iowiLgpri^:;x. THURSDAY, 8th OCTOBER, 2 P. M. NO. ,5— $50.00. For Stallions, open to all stallions in harness, that have covered at least ten mares during the season of 18^^5. Twice round t le ring : best three in five. Entrance, $5.00 lst,$3o.OO; 2nd, !5>lo.OO. NO. 0,— $50.00. HURDLE RACE. (Jpen to all horses. Twice round the ring, over four hurdles three feet high. Light welter weights. Riders to appear in jockey costume. Entrance $5.00 l«t, $35.00; 2nd, $15.00. NO. 7, $30.00— FARMERS' RACE. Driving horses. The property of e.xhibitors, solely engaged in farming, and to be driven by farmers or sons of farmers, engaged in tanning. Twice round horse ring to waggon not less than 250 lbs. Best three in five. Entrance $3.00 Ist, $20.00; 2nd, $10.(X). RULES. Entries must be made to the Secretary-Treasurer, at Sherbrooke, not later than 25th September, 1885. The entrance fee must in every case accompany the entry, or it will not bo accepted. ^ , < ■ ^ x> Post entries will be allowed upon payment of double entrance tee. Fifty per cent, only will be paid for a walk over. In the event of a greater number of horses entering than can be satisfactorily started at the same time it shall be competent for tne judges to arrange them as they see fit. , • , . i Parties showing in single class can match horses to show in double The directors reserve the right to postpone any or all of the above ( ontests in case of bad weather. -W 35 sipegij^l :pR;Zz:es. special Prizes from Hon. L. R. Masson, Lieut.- Governor Piovince of Quebec. CLASS 51. 1 Fop the best Herd of Thoroughbred Cattle, any breed, consisting of 1 Bull and 4 Females, over one year old, owned by one exhibitor " Gold Medal. 2 For the best Herd of Grrade Heifers, consisting of one 3 years old, one 2 years old, one 1 year old, one calf. Silver Medal. -kl Special Prizes from Hon. M. H. Cochrane. CLASS 52. 1 Best pair of Grade Hereford Heifeis, calved in 1884 or previ- ously, got bv registi.-red bulls $25 00 2 Best pairs of Grade Aberdeen Angus Heifers, calved in 1884 or previously, got by registered bulls |25 0() 3 Best herd of Grade Shot'thorns, 4 females, calved in 1884 or previously, got by registered bulls, with pure-bred Shorthorn Bull at head $50 00 Special from Merchant's Bank of Canada. CLASS 53. For best Herd of Grade Cows, 4 females, calved in 1884 or previ- ously $20 00 Special Prizes fi'om Brit. Amer. Land Co'y. CLASS 54. 1 For best 6 pairs Oxen, from any one town or county $oO 00 2 For best 6 pairs Horses over 1 ,200 fts., from any one town or county $30 00 3 For best pen of Sheep, any breed, consisting of one Ram, two Ewes and two Ewe Lambs $10 00 4 For best Pen of Pigs, any breed, consisting of one Boar and one Sow, any age, and two Sows under 1 year $10 00 I IWaMMH 36 Special Prize from J. L. Cote. CLASS 55. For best Brood Mare, with foal at her side, roadster class Silver Cup, Special Prizes offered by the Quebec Central Railway Company. CLASS 56. 1 I'^or the Fastest Walking Carnage or Saddle Horse t'^) $5 2 For the Fastest Walking Pair of Heavy Draught Horses 20 5 Special Prizes from Association. CLASS 57, PIGS—SWEEPSTAKES, ANY AGE OR BREED. 1 Best Boar $]U $5 2 BestSow 10 5 CLASS 58_DRAF'r OXEN. 1 Trial of Draft Oxen and Steers in arena .....$I0 00 ^ G. H. PRESBY, ^^PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST^ Studio, Twose's Block, Wellington St., Sherbrooke. Photographs second to none in the Province. All photographs t-aken by the instantaneous process. Photographs enlarged to any si/e and finished in Oil, India Ink or Water Colors at my rooms. Salisfac- tion guaranteed. Don't forget the place. Give me a call vfhen you oome to Sherbrooke. G. H. PRESBY, Artist.