^S515^^ I . > „ * "^ I .mvk Mjmat^ a ij*:>.>>^"-'8»''«**''*'f'-«iii* "^f-';*!*'"'**''. ■••cic.i'iii;' ^Sr" *"*•■' KS^"^-'^^': Qt THE LIST OF M 1 ""•^■•■■^^ < '4 '# !*i> «i isf Asysiiii)' ii«v's&m{iii L't- 1 *■ ' RULES AND RE&ULATIONS OK THE WITH LIST OF MEMBERS ESTABLISHED lUh SEPTEMBER 1879 QUEBEC 1889 v' •' • •* * » * • • • « • • 1 • » • « • • « 1 : • •• • •• ' .• • • « > ' «> a -* • *« • *• * • • _• • - -» • • « • • • • • » • I •• • « • • • • " : 5 ; • • » • Rules and Regulations 1. This Association will be known as ^*"^®- the ^' Quebec Garrison Club." 2. The Staff of the Seventh Military District and the Officer.:J of the several Active Volunteer Militia Corps, having their head quarters at the City of Quebec, Membership are alone eligible as members. They shall be members ex-officio and without ballot, even if they remove their residence from Quebec, provided they comply with Rule No. 34. 3. All the concerns of the Club shall be managed by a Committee, to consist of Co"»n»*t*ee. the staff of the Seventh Military District, the Commandant of the Royal School of Cavalry, the Commandant of the Royal School of Artillery, the senior offi- cer of the Queen's Own Canadian Hus- sars, the Quebec Field Battery, the 8th 60435 Royal Rifles and the 9th Battalion '' Vol- tigeurs de Quebec," and one retired offi- cer of the Active Force, and also of one officer, to be chosen by each corps repect- ively, from ^'A^ Troop of the Cavalry School Corps,, the Queen's Own Canadian Hussars, the " A '^ or ^' B " Battery, Re- giment of Canadian Artillery, the Quebec Field Battery, the 8th Royal Rifles and 'i' ■■ the 9th Battalion '' Voltigeurs de Que- bec, " (all being members of the Club.) The Jive members so chosen shall hold office for one year, but shall be eli- oSs""^ gible for re-election. A Secretary-Trea- surer and the said retired officer of the Active force (being members of the . : Club,) shall be elected at each annual general meeting and shall be ex-officio Vacancies, mcmbcrs of the Committee. Vacancies occuring in the Committee shall be filled up at once when they occur Putiesofthe 4, The Committee shall have full con- Coinniittee. trol of the management of the Club, and — 5 it shall be the duty of the Committee to enforce the rules of the Club. 5. The Committee, three of whom shall Qnorum, form a quorum, shall meet once a fort- night, or oftener, to transact current business. 6. The annual subscription shall be ^^^;![;;;;!;,^;'"^'- twelve dollars, and no. members shall be admitted to vote, on any occasion what- Kij;i»t to Vote ever, or enjoy any of the privileges of the Club, until he shall have paid his sub- scription. Members joining after 31st iiaif yoarij March, will pay only half the annual '*"'*''''' ^^'^^'*"" subscription. 7. All annual subscriptions shall be '^". "^^'"^^ paid to the Secretary-Treasurer. 8. Gentlemen who are not members of J,*j"j'|Jl|J.^|^ the District Staff or the Active Militia Force of the City of Quebec, are eligible as privileged members, and shall pay an ^^"^'^"''♦* ff« entrance fee of $25 and a subscription of 2 per annum. ,. . , — 6 — OandidatoB. Ballot. 9^ The admission of privileged mem- bers into the Club shall be by ballot of the Committee. Five members of the Committee shall form a quorum for that purpose. One black ball in five shall exclude. 10. Candidates must be proposed by one ordinary member and seconded by another, neither of whom shall be a mem- ber of the Committee, and their names inserted in the Candidates' Book kept for that purpose. The names of all Can- didates must be posted in the Reading Room for at least seven days before they are submitted for election. 11. On the admission of each new member, the Secretary-Treasurer shall notify him of the same. No candidate shall have the right to enjoy any of the privileges of the ('lub, until he .^hall have Delay to pay paid his subscriptiou, and if the subscrip- subscription. . /» i tion 01 such new member be not paid within one month after his admission, Privileges of Candidates. — 7-- his name shall be erased from the list of members of the Clul), unless he can jus- tify the delay to the satisfaction of the Committee. 12. The subscription shall be paid on s;;J;«c.iption the 1st October in each year. 13. The name of every member failing to pay his annual subscription, after having received notice, or during the course of the month of October, shall be Anews. exhibited in the Reading Room on the first of November then next ; and if the subscription be not paid on or before the 15th day of November, the Secretary- Treasurer shall erase his name from the list of members. Should, however, the^;;;*/;;^ J^ ex-member assign reasons for the non- °""*^^- payment, which, in the opinion of the Committee, shall appear satisfactory, the Committee shall be empowered to re- jt^.^^niit- admit him upon payment of arrears, ^**"^- 14. The payment of the subscription , ^ -^ ^ Acceptance fee shall be held to be an acceptance of «^'''»^««- — 8 — the rules, and an agreement to comply therewith. Withdrawal. 15. Any Ordinary or privileged mem- ber whose dues are all paid, shall be at liberty to withdraw from the Club on his written application to that effect. niwluTere. ^^- -^^ ordinary member retiring from the Active Militia Force, retaining rank, may remain an ordinary member of the Club and be eligible as an officer of the said Club. Expulsion of 17. If the conduct of any member, or- membors. , . , . . dinary or privileged, either in or out of the Club House, shall, in the opinion of the Committee, or of any five members, ordinary or privileged, of the Club (who shall certify the same in writing), be in- jurious to the character and interests of the Club, the Committee shall be empow- ered to recommend such member to re- sign. If such member shall not resign within a month from the delivery of such lett(T of recommendation, the Committee — \} — • shall be authorized and required to erase his name from the list of members, and the person whose name is so erased shall cease to be a member of the Club, pro- vided that no such recommendation be sent to any member ui'ess the resolution to send the same shall have been agreed to by two-thirds of the members of the Committee, actually present at a meeting specially summoned for that purpose, of which nine must be the quorum ; pro- vided also, that if, upon such meeting of the Committee so specially summoned, two-thirds of the Committee assembled shall be of opinion that the character and interests of the Club require the imme- diate expulsion of the member whose conduct is in question, the Committee shall be empowered forthwith to expel such member, and in such case such member shall be forever afterwards ine- ligible to enter the Club House. 18. Any or Jin^ry or privileged mem- strangorg. 10 ber, with the sanction of a member of the Committee, shall have the privilege of introducing a friend, not residing within 15 miles from Quebec, for a period not 15 .lays only, exceeding 15 days, to enjoy the use of the Club. But the member so introducing him shall be responsible for his conduct in the Club and for any dues incurred by him. Such visitor cannot introduce any other stranger. Strangers so introduced Once in , , i i every three cauuot bc put up by mcmbcrs more than mouths. once in every three months. 19. Officers of the Imperial Army, Navy and Canadian Staff and other strangers not residing within 15 miles from Quebec and whose residence here is temporary, may upon the introduction of a member and, with the sanction of the Committee, be admitted as " Transient Privileged Members," upon payment of $2 per month. 20. Consuls, Vice-Consuls and Chan- cellors who are foreigners and have no Tranaiont privilegeil mom bets. 32 per month. Consuls, Ac. — 11 — permanent residence in Canada, may, in future, be admitted as Privileged Mem- bers of the Club, after ballot, without paying an entrance fee. 21. No resident of tlie City of Quebec J,\';;'^^«f»^>« or within 15 miles of the sanr. 3, who is not a member of the Club, can be invited in or allowed to make use of the Club, unless introduced by a member for breakfast, lunch or dinner. 22. Politics and religious questions of PoiiticA, ac. every description shall be absolutely excluded from the objects of the Club. 23. The Club House shall be opened at ^^""™- 8.80 A. M., and closed at 12.30, except on Saturday and Sunday nights, when the Club will be closed at midnight. No member shall be admitted into the Club outside of these hours on any pretence whatever, unless specially authorized by the Committee. 24. No books or newspapers are to be J^«"H »vc. removed from the Club, and no paper or 12 - Notices. notice, written or printed, shall be put np in the Club without the sanction of the Committee. Servants. 25. No scrvants of the Club shall be sent out of the house upon any errands, or on any pretence whatever. coMipiainta. 26. Any causc of complaiut, whicli may arise, shall be signified in writing to the Committee, whose duty it shall be to in- vestigate it at thoir next meeting. Payment of 27. Membcrs are required to pay their bills for every expense incurred, before they leave the house. The servants are held accountable for the observance of this rule. suHpension 28. Any membi'r infringing the above amjApu ^^^^ shall be liable to be suspended or expelled from the Club, at the discretion of the Committee. ^^^' 21). No member shall bring a dog into the Club. Gume.^. gQ^ ^^ game shall, on any account, be played for money, except Whist, Ecarte, — 13 — Piquet, or Pool ; nor Dice used in the Club House, except at Backgammon. No hier» »/ ./ £ o removing ber who shall remove his residence from V'''''' '*"**' deuce. Quebec (all his subscriptions then due being paid), may give notice to the Se- cretary-Treasurer of such removal and of his intention not to make use of the Club thenceforward, and such member shall pay a yearly subscription of four dollars (^$4.00), if an ordinary member, and two dollars ($2.00), if a privileged member, so long as he continues to reside out of Quebec, and he shall retain the privileges and benefits of such membership in all matters. Such member shall, at any time, have the right of again using the Club by notifiying his intention so to do and paying his subscription for the cur- rent year. But if any member so removing his ^^*11[",",.^'^ — IG — residence from Quebec and taking ad- vantage of this rule should again return to Quebec, he shall, within one month from such return, notify the KSecretary- Treasurer and pay the subscription for the current year and, failing so to do, his name shall be struck from the roll of members, unless some good excuse be offered the Committee to account for his neglect. membori! 35. Any member who shall withdraw, resign or be expelled shall cease to be a member of the Club and shall, ipso facto forfeit all right or claim thereto or to its property or funds. Winding ni>. 36. In casc it should be necessary, at any time, to wind up the affairs of the Club, the balance at the credit of the Club, shall be divided among the then ordinary members pro rata to the sub- criptions they have paid as such ordi- nary members. IJS'I' OF MEMBERS QUEBEC GARRISON CLUB 15th NOVEMBER 1 889 PATRON His Excellency, Lord Stanley of Preston, Governor General of Canada. HONORARY MEMBERS His Honor the Honble A. R. Angers, Lt.-Gover- nor of the Province of (^)iiebec. Hon. Sir A. P. Caron, Minister of Militia. Major General Sir Fred. Middleton, Comman- ding Militia of Canada. Colonel Walker Powell, Adjt. General. - ' 18 - PRESIDENT Lieut-Colonel T. J. Duchesnay, \). A. (i., Com- manding }th Military District. VICE-hRESlDtNT Lt-Colonel J. Hell Forsyth, Commanding " (,)ueen*s Own Canadian Hussars. " SECRETARY-TREASURER Lt-Colonel Arthur Evantprel, 9th Battalion, •' Voltigeurs de Quebec. " COMiMITTEr. Lt-Colonel L. P. Vohl. (Retired List). Lt-('olonel J. F. TuRNBULL, Comdt. Royal School of Cavalry. Lt-Colonel C. E. Montizambert, Comdt. Royal S. A. &^ Asst. Insp. of Artillery. Lt-Colonel G. Amyot, Commanding 9th Battalion, *• Voltigeurs de Quebec " Lt-Colonel Tnos. RoY, 9th Battalion, "Voltigeurs de Quebec. " — u> — I.t-Colonel H. J. Miller, Commanding 8th Bat- talion, ♦♦ Royal Rifles. " Major Crawford Lindsay, Cummanding (Quebec Field Battery. m Major J. F. Wilson, Commanding ♦' B " iiatlery, R. C. A. xMajor J. E. Frowkk, 8th Battalion, ♦•Royal Rifles. " (Japt. J Okorge Oarneau, " (^)uebec Field Battery. " I' Capt. E. II. I. Heward, Royal School of Cavalry. i Dr FIy. Russell, Surgeon, <\). O. C. H. If t i AUDITORS , I Capt. Kd. B. Garneau. Capt. L. F. Pinault, 9th Batt. V. Q. — 20 — A. Ahern, Capt. Arthur Allan, H. Montague Amyot, Lt. -Colonel G., Comdg 9th Batt. '* V. Q." Aniyot, Lt -Colonel J. h. Anderson, Jas. H. j Angers, (... Panet t Ashe, F. W. Ashe, W. A. , Auger, A. J. ^ Aylwin, T. C. Baby, Lt. -Colonel William M. Baillairg^, W. D. Bessett, L. Z. Beckett, Thomas B^dard, Henry A. Bennett, wS. S. Bennett, W. S. Berlinguet, F. X. Blanchet, Honble Jean Bolduc. Archelas Boss^, Honble Judge J. G. Boswell, Veasy Bourget, Major R. G., 17th Batt. Breakey, Wm. - * — 21 - 1^ lea key, John Hiiiysssl, Ferd. Van., C onsul (ieneral of I^lciu Burstall, John ^ m o Campbell, Archibald Campbell, W. Noble Carrier, .^ . F. Casgrain. Thos. Chase Cassels, John M. Cazes, Pnul de Charlebois, J. A. Charlel)ois, Alphonse Chinic, Eugene Chouinard, Major M., Capt. 9lh Batt., " V. ()." t Coker, C. R. + Cotton, Lt.-Col. W. H., Comdt. Royal School of Artillery. Couture, Dr J. Alphonse, V. S. ; Q. F. B. Cook, A. II. — 22 — ID D.iyet, M. Joseph t Dean, Capt. C. P, Delagrave, Major Henri DeLery, Capt. W. B. C. Demers, L. J. Demers, A. G. Desbarats, William Selhy Dechesne, F. J. M. Oobell, R. R. Dobell, Lieut. W. M., 8th R. R. Drolet, J. Kugene t Driimmond, H A. Duchesnay, Lt.-Colonel, T. J., D.A.G , yth Military District. ^ Duggan, W. E. t Duggan, E. J. Dunbar, James Dunn, Loggie H. Dunn, Stuart H. Duquet, C. Duhamel, Honhle George » Dubail, r. R. S., Consul General of France Dumoulin, \\ H. Evans, Lorenzo Evanturel, Lt.-Col. Arthur, Major 9th Bat.,.** V.Q. >« - 23 — Farley. Capt. A. A. Lieut. " B " Hattery, K. C. A. Faucher de St. Maurice I'iset, L. J. (.. Fitch, Kelson Foote, J, J. t Foote, S. I>. Forsyth, Lt.-(ol., Jos. Bell, Major Comd^. " Battery R. C. A. W^ilson, W. H. Woodward, J. R. Wurtele, Capt. Ernest F., 8th Hatt. R. R. t Wurtele, J. W^dfred Wyatt, W. J. t Supernumerary Members (non resilent.) • « I • •• !•• • • • • • • •• • « • ' • • r. • • • • ••• ,• • • • « • • • • • • * • ■ >• • • • * • « • • • • • • * . • * *• • •• • * • » • • 4 • • » « 4 • •• - • ^ • • i ( w * *