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 m A 
 s J^y-I^aws and Rules orOi'dei* 
 ^olambia Todae \fcK 2, 
 OF THt 
 . jTttdepettil^ttt l^ril^r $f ^U i[t\Um. 
 Grand Lodge of British Columbia. 
 LOC/ifED /{T VlCfT0K[;4, B. C. 
 Art. L — ^Preamble, Name, Etc 7 
 II, — Of Membership 8 
 ni.— Of Proposition for Membership. . .10 
 IV.— Of Fees, Dues and Benefits 12 
 v.— Of Degrees 15 
 VI.— Of Officers il6 
 VII —Of Penalties and Trials 19 
 Oode of Procedure 22 
 Vm.— Funds and Property ...37 
 IX.— Offences 37 
 X. — Terms and Returns 38 
 XI.— Of Cards 39 
 XII. — Interpretation and Amendments! .40 
 XIII.— Of By-Laws 40 
 Art. 1. — Meetings ,-. 42 
 II. — Dui>les of the Noble Grand. . 43 
 III.— Duties of the Vice Grand 44 
 IV. — Duties of Becordiog Secretary 44 
 V.~Duti«B of the Permanent Secretary 45 
 VI — Duties of the Treasurer 40 
 VII. — Duties of the Junior Past Grand. . .47 
 Vin —Duties of the Warden 47 
I ( 
 4 INDEX. 
 Art. IX — Duties of the Outside Guardian. . .4H 
 X. — Duties of Trustees aud Delegates. 48 
 XI — Duties of the Visiting Committee. 50 
 Xn. — Duties of Finance Committee 51 
 * XiII. — Duties of Boom Committee 51 
 XIV —Reports 51 
 XV. — TermH of Admission 52 
 XVI —Dues.. 52 
 XVII —Degrees , . . . .5i> 
 XVIII —Membership .5:) 
 XIX —Ballots and. Elections 5'» 
 XX — Benoftts. 55 
 XXI -Cards.:. ,50 
 XXII — Fines and t*enalties 60 
 XXIII.-Fuud*. 02 
 XXIV.— Miscelln eo;iis .«2 
 Order of Business (r> 
 Rules of Order. . .'.■.: . . . , . ... ? .^; ($7 
 Forms of Application for Membernhip 7B 
 List of Members 74 
 Subordinate Lodges 77 
 — A, ' , ■ 
^ ^^^.•^^.'^^■^^t^i:^.^&^!^^:^^d^^t&^^&.1^&&&^^^ 
 3* SI 

 ^oUii^bia Jodgc J^Jo! 2, 
 For the purpose of eflfeoting uniformity in the 
 administration of the privileges, honors and 
 benefits of Oddfellowship within this jurisdic- 
 tion, the (tr.\nd Lodge op the Indepbnobnt 
 Order op Odd Fellows op the Provincb op 
 British Col.umbia ordains the followinjf Con- 
 stitution of Subordinate Lodges under its juris- 
 name, etc. 
 Section 1 This Lodge shall consist of at 
 least five members of the Third Degree, includ- 
 ing one qualiiied to preside at its meetings, to 
 be hailed and entitled Columbia Lodge. No. 2, 
 Independent Order of Odd Fellows, holding 
 a legal and unreclaimed charter, granted 
 or sanctioned by the Grand Lodoe of the 
 Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the Pro- 
 vince of British Columbia It cannot volun- 
 tarily surrender its charter, or dissolve, so 
 long as five brothers in good standing object 
 Sec. 2. Tr/o or more Lodges \n this {oris- 
 diction may consolidate whe'ieve:- sueh Lodges 
 so decide and agree at a regular meeting of each 
 such Lodge, two week's notice being given of 
 such resolution in each Lodge prior to its ad- 
 option, and providing tli at tive or more mem- 
 bers in good standing of either Lodge do not 
 Section 1. All candidates for initiation must 
 be free white Males, of the age of twenty-one 
 years and upwards, of sound health, of good 
 moral character and industrious habits, having 
 some known reputable means of support, and 
 believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, 
 the Creator and Preserver of the Universe, and 
 be proposed in the Lodge nearest his residence, 
 except that •Lodge grant permission for htn 
 joining another Lodge; Pnvided, that applica- 
 tion for membership may be made to any Lodge 
 nearest the residence of the applicant, in the 
 same, district. A person mav be admitted to 
 an^ Lodge in the city or village in which be 
 residjRS ; but all candidates for initiation must 
 ., i>*! S 
 '- .-f 
 reside in this jurisdiction, except saoh cAti(*l 
 dates as mp.y apply from anv other Froviooe, 
 State or Territories, where there is no Grand 
 Lod^e or District Depaty Grand bire locate'^ 
 Sbo. 2. AH candidates for membership by 
 deposit of r ..id, or certificate of dismissal, or hs 
 Ancient Odd Fellows, whose cards or oertiflcRles 
 of dlsmiisal have been f^ranted more than 
 twelve months, shall deposit their cards or 
 certificates with their proposition, or fnmish 
 satisfactory evidence that such card or oertiti- 
 cate has been lost. 
 Sbo. 3. No suspended or expelled member 
 of the Order can be admitted to membership in 
 this Lodge, except on a dismissal certiJcate, or 
 on being reinstated, and receiving a withdrawal 
 card from the Lodge which suspended or ex- 
 pelled him, or from the Grand Secretary, as 
 prescribed by law, and this Lodge shall not 
 admit to membership any member of an expell- 
 ed or extinct Lodge without permission of the 
 Grand Lodge of British Golnmbia 
 Seo. 4. • A non-atfiliated Odd Fellow who 
 has been regalarly initiated in the Order, and 
 has retained membership therein for nt lenst 
 ten consecntive years, and who at the time of 
 making application for reinstatement to mem- 
 bership shall be over 50 years of age, may be 
 admitted to membership in this lodge as a non- 
 beneficial member, unon such terms as the 
 by-laws may prescribe) by presenting a petition 
 as required under Section 1, Article 111, for 
 proposals for membership by initiation, which 
 shall be disposed of according to said section. 
aja^.;." ti. 
 Sec. 5. ^ When an application for member- 
 »hip is received from a person residing nearer 
 to. another lodge than to the one of which the 
 npplieation is made, .the lodge receiving such 
 application shall conamunicate the fact to the 
 lodge nearest the residence of such applicant, 
 and shall inquire whether such person is a fit 
 and proper person to be admitted into our 
 Order, and if m tlie same district, shall a^do ask 
 the consent of such lodge to receive and act 
 upon subh npplicati6n ; and it shall take no 
 further action upon such application until an 
 answer U received to snch communicaition. 
 The lodge receiving sn(4i communication shall' 
 appoint a committee of three to investigate the 
 chararter, standing and health of the petitioner, 
 in the same manner as if the application were 
 made directly to such lodge Such committee 
 shall report at the next regular meeting of the 
 lodge, and a certified copy of the report, to- 
 gether with a certified copy of the minutes 
 showing the action <»f the lodge upon the request 
 for consent to receive and act upon the appli- 
 cation (if such consent was necessary.) shall be 
 forthwith forwarded lo the lodge in which such 
 application is filed, and said last named lod^e 
 may then proceed upon snch application as in 
 other cases, except that, if it be a case, where 
 the consent of the other lodge is necessary, and 
 that consent be refused, the petitioner's money 
 (it any has been paid) shall be returned, and no 
 further action shall be had in the premises. 
 Sbc. 1. The name of a person offered 
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 d lod^e 
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 ary, and 
 8 money 
 I, aud no 
 fered for 
 membership, with his age, residence and oo- 
 dupation, must be proposed by a member in 
 writing, signed by the applicant with the names 
 of twp persons as references attached, and 
 entered upon the record ; and forthwith be re- 
 ferred to a committee of three members for in- 
 vestigation, who shall report at the next suc- 
 ceeding regular meeting, (unless extraordinary 
 circumstances prevent), when the candidate 
 may be balloted for with ball ballots, and, if no 
 more than two black balls appear, the candidate 
 shall be declared elected ; but if three or more 
 appear, he shall be deemod rejected. 
 Sec. 2 No reconsideration of an unfavorable 
 ballot can be had unless all the brothers who 
 may cast black balls against an applicant for 
 membership voluntarily mak« a motion for a 
 reconsideration of the ballot at the same meet- 
 ing, and never more than one motion for the 
 reconsideration in the same case shall be allow- 
 ed; and in such case the vote on the recon- 
 sideration shall be taken by ball I 'allots, and if 
 the balls caBt be in favor of it. the reconsidera- 
 tion shall b<> had ; whereupon the application 
 shall lie over until the succeeding meeting, 
 when another ballot shall be had with ball 
 ballots, and if the same be unanimously in 
 favor of the applicant, he shall thereby be 
 elected; buv if one or more black balls appear 
 in either ballot, the applicant shall be rejected. 
 A favorable balloting can be reconsidered at 
 any meeting prior to the admission of the 
 candidate, provided a majority of the members 
 present agree thereto. 
 Sec 3V/, When a candidate for initiation has 
 been rejected, notice thereof shall be sent with- 
 out delay to the Grand Secretary, and to all the 
 LndKes in the jurisdiction, and he cannot be 
 proposed.aRain in any Lod^ for the space of 
 one year after buch rejecti<>n. All other appH- 
 (ratious for membership may be renewed at any 
 Sec 4 No proposition can be withdrawn 
 after beints referred to a committee, unless by 
 consent of two-thirds of the members present 
 at a regular meeting, and before the report of 
 the committee has been read to the Lodge. 
 Sbc 5. If any person shall gain admittance 
 to any Lodge upon a petition containing any 
 false representations, he shall be expelled. 
 Section I The fees of this lodge shall not 
 l>e less than ten dollars for initiation ; five dol- 
 lars for admission by card ; ten dollars for an 
 Ancient Odd Fellow ; three dollars each for first 
 and second degree, and four dollars for ^be 
 third decree to the Lodge Fund, and such 
 amount of dues to the Lodge Fund as shall be 
 determined by the By laws, which shall* in no 
 case be less than $12 per year, in addition to 
 which the lodge may, by its By-laws, provide 
 for a Widows', Orphans'^ and Education Fund, 
 and N nrse and Funeral Tax, and for extraor- 
 dinary assessments for lodge purposes. Lodges 
 n bas 
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 lall not 
 Ive dol- 
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 lition to 
 >n Fund, 
 may make provisions in tbeir By-laws to set 
 aside five (5) per cent of their receipts from 
 dues to form a CoDtinj^ent Fund to be used for 
 the lesritimate objects of the Order. 
 Sec. 2. Every member qualified, asre-^uired 
 by the By-laws of his Lodge shall in case of 
 being disabled by sickness or bodily accident 
 from following any occupation, or otherwise 
 earning a liveuhood, be entitled to and may 
 receive such weekly benefits as may be fixed by 
 By-law, from the funds of the lodge : Provided 
 always, that such benefits shall not exceed the 
 rate of ten dollars per week for each dollar <of 
 monthly contribution, and provided always^ 
 that no lodge shall continue to pay the above 
 rate of benefits for a longer period than oix 
 months continuous sickness, after which time 
 it shall not exceed the sum of seven dollars and 
 ^fty oents for each dollar of monthly contribu- 
 tion, and further that after the expiration of 
 twelve months continuous sickness no lodge 
 shall pay greater benefits than at the rate of 
 five dollars per week for each dollar oi monthly 
 contribution. For members not having the 
 Scarlet Degree the benefits shall not exceed the 
 rate of six dollars per week for the first six 
 months, four dollars and fifty cents per week 
 for the next six months and after which three 
 dollars per week during term of sickness, for 
 each dollar of monthly contribution. 
 In all cases where a sick member has received 
 benefits and by reason of the recovery of his 
 health ceased t be entitled to benefits, it he 
 fall sick agaiD within six months from the date 
 of his ceasing to receive benefits, Buch sickness 
 shall be considered as a continuation of his pre- 
 vious sickness arid he shall be placed in the 
 same position as when he ceased Xo receive 
 benetits, but if six months shall have elated 
 from the date of b' ^ restoration and he fall sick 
 he shall be entitled to receive full benefits. 
 Sec. 3. All fines and assessments of ally 
 nature shall, at the end of each term, (June 
 30th and December 3l8t respectively,) be charg- 
 ed as dues against a Brother. 
 Sec. 4. When any member's account shows 
 an indebtedness of three month's dues, the 
 brother shall not be entitled to benefits, and the 
 Secretary shall notify the brother of the feiot 
 without delay. 
 SEa 5. In case of the death of a member, 
 qualified as required by the By-laws of this 
 lodge, there shall be allowed from the lodge not 
 less than thirty dollars to defray the expenses 
 of the burial, to be paid by the N. G on account 
 of the funeral In the^^bsence of competent 
 relations, the N. G. shall take charge of the 
 funeral, and render an account of the disburse- 
 Seo. 6. The funeral expenses and sick bene- 
 fits shall be regulated by the By-laws of the 
 lodge, and all orders drawn for the abovo shall 
 be by vote of the lodge. 
I the date 
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 f a member, 
 -laws of thi9 
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 the expenses 
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 of competent 
 charge of the 
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 ^y-lawB of the 
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 Section 1 A member who has been in mem- 
 bership four weeks, may make application for 
 election to any or all of the three subordinate 
 Degrees, which application shall be accompani- 
 ed with the amount required therefor, and be 
 presented to the lodge when open in that order 
 of business, when the lodge shall ballot upon 
 the application, and if not more than two black 
 balls be cast, he shall be declared elected, if he 
 be rejected no application shall be again re- 
 ceived from him within three months there- 
 after. The lodge may ballot for the three De- 
 grees at one time when under that Order of 
 Business, or under the Order of New Business, 
 but shall not confer more than one Degree on a 
 member at the same meeting, except in case of 
 emergency, for which a dispensation must be 
 obtaine -. .'om the D. D G. M. of the District. 
 Each lodge shall confer the Degrees on its 
 members except in case of absence from the 
 city, in which case the brother shall be furnish* 
 ed with a ceitiftcate under se il, signed by the 
 N. G., and attested by the Secretary, authoriz- 
 ing another lodge to confer the same, providing 
 the same is done without charge. 
 Sec. 2. All business other than conferring 
 the degrees shall be conducted in the Third 
 Degree. Lodges may, by By-law, confer all the 
 degrees without charge upon any bi other of 
 the Initiatory Degree with a view of enabling 
 him to assist in the working of the lodge, but 
 he B^ all not participate in any of the benefits 
 of the Order Deyond what he may be entitled 
 to receive nnder the Initiatory Degree. 
 Section 1. The elective officers of this lodge 
 shall consist of a N. G., V. 6 , Secretary and 
 Treasurer, who shall serve a regular term each, 
 and the lodge may elect a Permanent Secretary 
 for the same time; or for one vear, to take 
 obaige of the accounts between the lodge an^ 
 its members. 
 Sec. 2. The appointed officers shall consist 
 of a War., Conductor, O. G.. I. G , R. S. toN.G,, 
 L. 8. to N. G., R. 8. to V. G., L. S. to V. G., 
 and R. and L. S. S , who shall each serve a 
 regular term ; and the Lodge may also appoint 
 a Chaplain for a regular tenn. 
 Sec. 3. No member shall be installed as N. 
 G., unless he has served a term as V. G , or the 
 last of a term to fill a vacancy which must be a 
 majority of nights of the term, nor as V- G . 
 unless he has served a term in an inferior office, 
 other than Trustee or Chaplain. Service in 
 office, whether elected or appointed, is qualify- 
 ing in any other lodge as well as in this lodge, 
 providing a brothet has a certificate to that 
 effect under seal of a lodge in good standing ; 
 Provided, that any Third Degree member who 
 has paid for his degrees may be elected, if all 
 qualified brothers refuse to serve, and a dis- 
 pensation beings granted by the Grand Master, 
 Deputy Grand Master or Deputy of the District 
 previous to election. 
 Sec. 4. All elective officers, Warden, Out- 
 side Guardian and Inside Guardian, shall be 
 clear of all pecuniary charges on the books, and 
 have attained the Third Degree previous to 
 installation, and all elective officers shall be 
 eligible for re-election. 
 Seo. 5. Nominations for elective officers 
 shall be made only on the two meetings im- 
 mediately preceding that of the regular election, 
 except when the nominees for an office all 
 Sec 6. Officers shall be elected at the last 
 regular meeting in May and November of each 
 year, and be installed at the first regular meet- 
 ing in the new term : Provided, the installing 
 officers be present ; if absent, the lodge may, by 
 vote, defer it. for one week, or call a special 
 meeting for the purpose, at the request of the 
 Distiict Deputy Grand Master. No member 
 shall l^»e elected to fill more than one elective 
 office at the same time, exetpt the Recording 
 Secretary who may also act as Permanent 
 Secretary. '■■-■■ 
 Sec. 7. Any officer absenting himself from 
 the lodge fo'- three successive meetings, except 
 in case of sickness, or any officer, for miscon- 
 duct or neglect as such, may be removed by a 
 vote of two thirds of the members voting at the 

 next meeting, after a resoliition therefor has ,..^,^ 
 been offered in the loifge. ; ' ^ jH 
 Seo. 8. Vacancies in itiy el^tive oflBoe may 
 be filled by the lodge, by ,t)omination and elec- 
 tion, at the next rt'gnlar meeting after nomina- 
 tion ; and until so filled the N. G. shall appoint 
 a meL .ber to the office pro tetn. 
 ' /■'■''' 
 Sec. 9. The duties of the various officers 
 shall be as laid do^iyn ^^ the charges of office 
 and as specified by this Constitution and the 
 By-laws of the lodge. 
 Sbo. 10. ThA N. G., or officer acting as such 
 shall appoint the majority, and the Y. G., or 
 officer acting as such, the minority of all com- 
 mittees on candidates. 
 Sec, U. The lodge, at the second regular 
 meeting in January, in each year, shall el^ct 
 one representative to the Grand Lodge for its 
 members of fifty or under ; also one representa- 
 tive for everv fifty members over and above 
 first said number of fifty members in good 
 standing, as shown by its report on the 3lst 
 day of December of the previous year. Each 
 lodge shall at the saiae time elect one alternate 
 for each represent titivie elected, and in case a 
 representative shall' be unable to attend the 
 session of the Grand Lodge, then the alternate 
 receiving the highest number of votes may 
 attend in his place and have all the powers and 
 piiviieges of a representative. 
:or bas 
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 V. O., or 
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 I in case a 
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 powers and 
 Section 1 — Clause 1. Any member neglect- 
 ing or refusing to make payment of his dues or 
 demands against him to the lodge, according 
 to its By-laws, for the space of eleven months, 
 shall be notified by the lodge in writiog 
 of the the &tate of his account; and if after 
 one month his account still remains unsettl- 
 ed, he shall be suspended from member- 
 ship ; Provided that no person shall be so sus- 
 pended until after the fact of his dues being in 
 arrears and unpaid for twelve months shall 
 have been announced in open lodge at two 
 regular meetings; and provided further that 
 no person shall cease to be a member, under 
 this section, whilst charges are pending against 
 bim; Provided that in case of absence of a 
 brother at a distance of fifty miles from his 
 lodge, two months additional time s|iall be 
 allowed him to pay his indebtedness. 
 Clause 2 Any member suspended from 
 membership for non-payment of dues, may be 
 reinstated in the lodge from which he was 
 suspended within one year thereafter, by pay- 
 ing the amount of one year's dues and by re- 
 ceiving a vote of two-thirds of the members 
 present — a motion to that effect having been 
 laid over one week ; but after one year he may 
 be reinstated upon the payment of the fee 
 charged for an initiate of the same age, as pro- 
 vided by the By-laws, or such lesser sums as 
 may be fixed by the By-laws of the lodge to 
 which such applioation is made; Provided, 
 Hach sum be not less than the amount of one 
 year's dues of the said lodge; and he shall 
 petition the lodge in wriling to be reinstated, 
 which shall be disposed of, in ail respects, as 
 provided for in Article III, Section 1, for peti- 
 tions for meraberrthip by initiation A mem- 
 ber who has been suspended from membership 
 for non-payment of di^es and has been rein- 
 stated shall not be entitled to benefits for six 
 months from the date of reinstatement. 
 Clause 3. A member suspended from mem- 
 bership for non-payment of dues, and who 
 makes application for reinstatemen and for a 
 Withdrawal Card for the purpose of uniting 
 with another lodge in this jurisdiction, may be 
 reinstated and granted a final card at any time 
 within five years from the date of suspension, 
 upon the payment of one year's dues and the 
 usual price of a card. 
 Clause 4. A member after being suspended 
 in this jurisdiction for non-payment of dues 
 for the space of five years, wishing to j »in a 
 lodge in this jurisdiction, shall be entitled to 
 receive, and the lodge shall g ant him, upon 
 proper application, a dismissal certificate, upon 
 the receipt of one dollar 
 Clause 5 A member suspended from mem- 
 bership in thia jurisdiction for non-payment of 
 dues, wishing to regain membership in another 
 jurisdiction, shall, upon proper application, 
 be entitled to reoaive from the lodge from 
 which he was so suspended, a dismissal 
 certificate, upon the payment to said lodge of 
 one dollar. 
 Clause 6. In all cases when a member 
 has been suspended for non-payment of dues, 
 and his lodge has refused to reinstate him, he 
 shall, upon a proper application, be entitled to 
 receive, and the lodge shall grant a dismissal 
 certificate, upon the receipt therefor of one 
 Clause 7- Dismissal certificates may be 
 received from the holders thereof on applica- 
 tion for membership in Subordinate Lodsres, 
 in the same manner, and with the same effect 
 as Withdrawal Cards; and applications made 
 on such certificates shall be received and acted 
 on in like manner as upon Withdrawal Cards ; 
 but the holders of such certificates shall in no 
 case be allowed to visit thereon. 
 Clause 8. The certificates named in this 
 section shall be only those provided by the 
 Grand Secretary of the Sovereign Grand 
 Sec. 2. Any member who shall violate any 
 of the principles of the Order, or oflfend against 
 the Constitution, By laws, or Kules of Order 
 of this lodge, shall be fined, reprimanded, sus- 
 pended, or expelled, as the By-laws may direct, 
 or the lodge determine. But he shall be en- 
 titled to a air trial in accordance with the 
 following Code of Procedure. 
 Sec 3. No officer shall preside when his 
 trial is taking place in the lodg§. 
 Sbc. 4. All BuspeDsions (as a meaDS of 
 puDishment) must be for a definite period, not 
 exceeding one year. At the end of the term 
 of punishment, the brother shall return to his 
 rank in the lodge without further action. A 
 brother who has been legally suspended, shall 
 not be again admitted to membership without 
 the consent of the Grand Master. 
 Sec. 5. All trials arising under the provisions 
 of this Article shall be conducted substantially 
 according to the following 
 Section 1. 
 RuiiB 1. — All charges against members of the 
 Order in this jurisdiction made pursuant to 
 the provisions of Article VII of this Constitu- 
 tion, shall be drawn in 'the manner prescribed 
 in Form 1, Section V, of this Code, and be 
 signed by a member in good standing The 
 general charge shall be an averment of ** Con- 
 duct unbecoming an Odd Fellow. " followed by 
 a speoiboation or specifications stating the time, 
 place and circumstances of the offence; and 
 each offence shall be the subject of 'a separate 
 Rule 2 — The charges and speciGcations 
 shall be presented and read to the lodge at a 
 regular session, when open in the order of 
 " New Business, " and shall be eLtered in full 
 on the records. • 
 BuLE 3. — ^The lodfre Hhall, imroediately after 
 the reading of ttie charge, if the accused 
 brother be present, proceed to the choice, by 
 ballot, of a Gommittee of Trial, consisting of 
 five, who mast, if possible, have the same or a 
 higher degree than that attained by the accus- 
 ed. Any member nominated as one of the 
 Committee of Tiial may be challenged for 
 onuse by the e cuser, accused, or any member 
 of the lodge, in which case the lodge shall pro- 
 ceed to the election of the members against 
 whom no challenge has been made. The ground 
 of challenge or challenges shall then be stated, 
 when the vote shall be taken, and if two- 
 thirds of those voting shall vote in favor of 
 the challenged brother, he shall be declared 
 elected. Should such brother fail to be elected, 
 new nominations must be made and pro- 
 ceedings had until the committee is filled 
 Should the accused brother be absent the 
 choice of the committee shall be postponed for 
 two weeks, and the Secretary of the lodge shall 
 notify the absent brotiier of the fact that 
 charges have been preferred against him, and 
 of the time when the committee is to be ap- 
 pointed ; and should the brother fail to appear 
 at the time' aforesaid, he shall be deemed to 
 have waived his right of challenge, and the 
 lodge shall proceed to the choice of' the com- 
 mittee as herein provided. 
 RuLB 4. — The Secretary shall make a copy 
 of the charge and specifications, afiix thereto 
 the seal of the lodge and certify it substantially 
 according to Form 2, Section V, of the Code, 
 and serve, or canse the same to be served upon 
 the accused. He shall also certify, under 
 seal, the original charge and specifications, and 
 deliver the same to the first named member of 
 the committee, according to Form 3, Section 
 V, oi the Code, and shall notify each member 
 thereof of his appointment, according to Form 
 4, Section V. 
 BuLE 5 — ^The first named member of said 
 committee shall within one week after receiv- 
 ing notice of his appointment, call a meeting 
 of the committee for organization, when a 
 chairman and secretary shall be elected, and 
 a suitable time and place be appointed for an 
 adjourned meeting, which shall not be held in 
 less than two weeks, at which the accuser and 
 accused shall be notified to appear and proceed 
 with the trial. The notice shall be in accord- 
 ance with Form 5, Section V, of this Code, and 
 must be served upon the parties personally, if 
 they can be found, otherwise by leaving the 
 same at their last known place of residence, if 
 in the town or city where the lodge is located, 
 at least one week pri<)r to the time of the trial. 
 If the accused resides out of the town, the 
 notice shall be directed to his last known place 
 of residence and left at the postoffice, and if the 
 brother so notified shall not appear at the time 
 specified, or offer satisfactory reasons therefor, 
 the committee shall proceed as if he were 
 present, or they may report by resolution, to 
 expel the memljer so refusing to appear, for 
 contempt of the lodge. 
 Rule 6 — At the time specified for the trial, 
 served upon 
 tify, under 
 cations, and 
 member of 
 n 3, Section 
 .ch member 
 ng to Form 
 iber of said 
 after receiv- , 
 1 a meeting 
 on, when a 
 elected, and 
 inted for an 
 b be held in 
 accuser and 
 and proceed 
 3 in accord- 
 is Code, and 
 ►ersonally. if 
 y leaving the 
 residence, if 
 e is located, 
 of the trial, 
 le town, tbe 
 known place 
 ce, and if the 
 r at the time 
 01)8 therefor, 
 if he were 
 ■esolution, to 
 . appear, for 
 for the trial, 
 the accuser and accused being present and 
 answering, the charge and specifications shall 
 be read, and the accused be requested to make 
 answer to each specification contained in the 
 charge Should the accused object to a speci- 
 fication on the ground of indeflniteness, the 
 accuser shall have leave to amend, provided 
 such amendment be made immediately, Tbe 
 accused may then plead to each specification 
 either of the foilowini; answers : 
 1. That the alleged oflfence is not within the 
 legal jurisdiction oMhe Lodge. 
 2. That the complaint 
 specificatioi} is frivilous. 
 contained in the 
 fficts stated and justify the 
 3. Admit tbe 
 alleged offence. , 
 4. Guilty. 
 5. Not guilly. 
 Rile 7 --The report of the committee shall 
 state tbe tindings on each specification and on 
 the charge, according to Form 6, Section V, 
 of the Code and shall be accompanied by an 
 accurate record of their proceedings, rulings 
 and decisions, ogether with the evidence 
 taken during the trial, and a resolution or re- 
 solutir^H for adoption by the Lodge, which 
 shall be Fubmitted to the Lodge within one 
 month after the case has been submitted to 
 them. Should there be a minority report, it 
 f^hall be drawn and presented in a similar 
 KuLE 8. — The report of the committee «ball 
 be received and entered in full in the records, 
 without discussion, and laid over for action 
 at the second regular session thereafter. The 
 Secretary shall immediately transmit to the 
 accuser and accused a copy of the report or re- 
 ports, and also notify them oi the time when the 
 same will be acted upon, in the manner pre- 
 scribed in Rule 5 At the time tixed upon to 
 consider the report the Lodge may proceed to 
 consider and determine the matter, wY ther the 
 accused brother be present or not, and in all 
 cases involving the suspensioD or expulsion ot 
 a member, it shall require a vote of two-thirds 
 of the members present to adopt th e resolu- 
 tion, and the lodge shall be fully competent, 
 while such motion is under consideration, to 
 vary the penalty from the ©riginal motion. 
 Either party may object to any of the rulings 
 and decisions of the committee, when the 
 lodge shall take up the report for considera- 
 Rule' 9. — At the regular meeting of the 
 lodge two weeks after the report of the com- 
 <nittee, the case shall be taken up ; the find- 
 ings, rulings and resolutions of the committer 
 read and considered, and all testimony, if any, 
 bearing thereon ; and the lodge shall, by vote, 
 adopt or reject the resolutions which may bo 
 submitted by the committee, subject to the 
 provisions of Rule 8. 
 Rule 10.— When the lodge shall have taken 
 final uction as aforesaid, the Secreta'y shall 
 at once give notice thereof, nnder seal, to the 
 36 «ball 
 ' action 
 er. The 
 to the 
 rt or re- 
 iiv'hen the 
 ner pre- 
 upon to 
 oceed to 
 ther the 
 id in all 
 ilsion ot 
 B resolu- 
 ation, to 
 e rulings 
 hen the 
 r of the 
 the com- 
 the tind- 
 fy, if any, 
 by vote, 
 rnay be 
 ct to the 
 ave taken 
 ita'y shall 
 al, to the 
 party against whom the decision is rendered, 
 by delivering the same to him personally, or ' 
 by leaving it at his last known place of resi- 
 dence, or forwarding to him by mail, from 
 Vhich decision he may appeal to the Grand 
 Lodge of British Columbia within two weeks 
 after the service of such notice, by filing with 
 the Secretary a written notice of such appeal 
 and the grounds thereof, according to Form 7, 
 Section V of the Code, and also by serving a 
 notice of appeal upon the Grand Secretary, 
 according to Form 8, Section V. 
 Section II— Rui.es Governing Committees. 
 Rule 1. — Three members of a Committee 
 of Trial shall constitute a qnorunr and be 
 competent to proceed with the preliminary 
 trial. All questions requiring a decision of 
 the committee shall be determined by a ma- 
 jority of those present. 
 Rule 2. — When the accuser or accused shall 
 notify the chairman of the Committee of Trial 
 in writing tliat he requires the presence of a 
 member of the Order as a witness, the chair- 
 man shall endorse such notice, stating the 
 time and place of meeting, and transmit it to 
 the Noble Grand of the lodge of which such 
 witness is a member, who shall immediately 
 cause the member (or members) named to be 
 summoned to attend as a witness according to 
 Form 9, Section V, of the Code 
 Rule 3.~The committee shall keep correct 
 minutes of the proceedings which must show; 
 i !l 
 1. The;date and place of each meeting, and 
 ""^ the parties present, 
 2 The charges and specifications and ans- 
 wers or pleas of the accused. 
 3. All points raised and the decision there- 
 4. The excgptiona taken by either party. 
 5. Parol evidence in full, subscribed by the 
 6. Documentary evidence distinctly marked. 
 7. Decisions of the committee upon eacli 
 specification and charge 
 RutiE 4.— The Report must be signed by at 
 least three members of the committee. 
 Section III. — Evidence and Witnesses. 
 Rule 1. — The evidence competent to be ad- 
 mitted before the Committee of Trial shall be : 
 1, Testimony of witnesE.es, who shall appear 
 before the committee; 2, Depositions; 3, Re- 
 cords of Lodge; 4, Documentary evidence, etc. 
 The committee shall determine the admissibility 
 of the evidence offered, subject to exceptions by 
 either party ; the exceptions so taken shall be 
 entered by the committee upon its minutes 
 Rule 2.~After the direct and cross examina- 
 tion of a witness has been concluded, the witness 
 shall not be further examined or recalled except 
 , to explain evidence given on his original ex» 
 amin^tion, or by consent of the opposing party. 
 KuLE 3. — Extracts from the records of a lodge 
 shall be authenticated by the Secretary, under 
 seal. No lodge shall be allowed to challenge 
 its records, or extracts taken therefrom, when 
 duly authenticated. 
 Bulb 4. — Members of the Order shall qualify 
 under their obligations as Odd Fellow?, accord- 
 ing to Form 12, Section V, of the Go\,; witnes- 
 ses, not members, shall be qualifleU by some 
 civil officer authorized to administer oaths. 
 Rule 5. — Depositions of absent witnesses 
 shall be procured in the manner prescribed by 
 the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F., 
 Journal of 1857, pp. 2738, 2774; Journal of 1858, 
 pp. 2909, 2926. 
 RuiiE 6.— The attendance of a person as a 
 witness who is not a member of the Order, must 
 be procured by the party desiring him. 
 Rule 7 — After the evidence for the accused 
 shall have been put in, the prosecution may 
 introduce testimony in rebuttal of the w'itnesses 
 tor the defence, but for no other purpose. 
 Section IV. — Appeals. 
 Rule 1. — All appeals by Subordinate Lodges, 
 or their members, shall be presented within 
 twenty days from the action of the Lodge ap- 
 pealed from, with all papers properly certified, 
 to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of 
 British Columbia ; and no appeal will be con- 
 sidered unless such course is taken. 
 RuiiB 2 — The lodge shall, within twenty 
 days after the recepiion*of a notice of appeal to 
 the Grand Lodge, through its Secretary, deliver 
 to the Grand Secretary, under seal, a certified 
 copy of the charge, minutes of the Committee 
 of Trial, and also of the records of the lodpre 
 relating to the subject matter of the appeal ; 
 and the original testimony taken at the trial, 
 according to Form 10, Section V, of the Code. 
 >:• ? 
 Rule 3 — Should the lodge fail to make the 
 above return, the Grand Secretary shall noti y 
 the lodge of such failure, and direct the return 
 to be made within ten days from the receipt of 
 the notice according to J^'orm 11, Section V of 
 the Code, and if default be made, he shall re- 
 port, the lodge to the Grand Master as insub- 
 Rui^E 4. — The Grand Secretary shall at the 
 time required by law present the appeal, to- 
 gether with all the papers in the case received 
 by him, to the Chairman of the Committee on 
 Appeals of tne Grand Lodge. 
 Rule 5 — When an appeal shall finally de- 
 cide by the Grand Lodge, the Grand Secretary 
 shall, within one month after such decision, 
 notify the Lodge and the appellant thereof. 
 The records in appeals from a Subordinate 
 Lodge need not be printed 
will be con- 
 Section V. 
 Form 1. — Charges and Specifications. 
 To Lodge, NO. . . . , I. O. O. F. 
 The undersigned, a member of 
 Lodge, No . . . . , I O O F , does hereby charge 
 Brother of said Lodge, with Con- 
 duct Unbecoming an Odd Fellow, and the 
 grounds of this charge are more particularly set 
 forth in the following specifications, to wit : 
 Specification First — The above named 
 in violation of the laws of the Order, 
 did on or about the day of 
 18 (here state the offence, place and other 
 circumstances, and continue with specification 
 second, etc., as provided in Rule 1, Section 1.) 
 Fraternally submitted, 
 Form 2. — Notice to the Accused. 
 I 0.0. 
 Lodge No . 
 Enclosed in this notice I transmit a copy of 
 charge and specifications preferred against you 
 ] )y of Lodge, No . . . 
 The same were referred to a Committee of Trial, 
 consisting of (give names). The officers of said 
 committee will notify you of the time aiid place 
 io appear for answer. 
 [seal] Secretary. 
 Form 3. — Notice to Temporary Chairman Of 
 Committee to Try Charges. 
 Lod^te^ No ,1 O. O. F. 
 i lo.... 
 The members named below were this evening 
 appointed a Committee of Trial on the charge 
 and Hpecitications preferred by 
 against As the tem- 
 porary chairman of such committee, you will, 
 within one week after receiving his notice, 
 call a meeting of said committee for orgam'za- 
 tion The committee consists of Brothers (give 
 names ) Fraternally, 
 [seal] Secretary 
 Form 4. -notice to Members of Committees. 
 Lodge, No...., 1.0 O F., 
 You were thi« evening appointed as rne of 
 the Committee of Trial on the charge and spec i- 
 fications preferred by < . . , againnt 
 ^ Brother the 
 temporary chairman of flie committee will 
 notify you of the^ime and place of the meeting 1 
 of the committee for organization. 
 [SEAL] : Secretary. 
 Chairman of 
 ,1 O.O.F. 
 Ao. .4 • 
 •e this evening 
 )n the charge 
 As the tem- 
 ttee, you will, 
 ng his notice, 
 5 for organiza- 
 [ Brothers (give 
 ,1.0 O F., 
 >inted as one of 
 charge and spe^ 1- 
 *.. .against 
 "committee wiU 
 e of the meeting 
 Form 5 — Notice to Accuser and Accused to 
 Attend Meeting op Committee. 
 The Committee of Trial on the charge and 
 specifications preferred by against 
 will meet (give time and place), 
 to hear and decide the case. You are hereby 
 notified to be present and (sustain or defend) 
 the same. Fraternally, 
 FoBM G. — Report op Committee of Trial. 
 To'. Lodge No '.V. ,1 6.6. F. 
 The undersigned a (majority or minority) of 
 the committee to investigate the charge and 
 specifications preferred by - 
 against respectfully report : 
 That after hearing the parties, they find (state 
 finding on each specification and the charge, as 
 required by Rule 7, Section I ) The minutes 
 of the doings of the committee, a copy of the 
 evidence taken, and papers pertaining to the 
 trial, are herewith placed in the custody of the 
 Secretary of the Lodge. 
 Fraternally submitted, 
 (Sigued by Committee ) 
 Form 7. —Notice of Appeal to the Grand 
 Lodge op British Columbia. 
 To Lodge, No . . . . , I. O. O. F. 
 The undersigned hereby gives notice that he 
 appeals to the Grand Lodge of Briti-^h Colum- 
 bia, I. O. O F , from the action of the Lodge in 
 the matter of Charge and Specifications pre- 
 ferred by against 
 This appeal is taken on the ground of (here 
 Htate the grounds of the appeal.) 
 Form 8. — Appeal to the Grand Lodge of 
 British Columbia 
 To the Grand Lodge of British Columbia of the 
 1. O. O. F. 
 The undersigned, a member ol' 
 Lodge, No...., respectfully appeals to yonr 
 Grand Body. from the action of said Lodge 
 (state the action from which the appeal is taken 
 and the grounds upon which it rests) Your 
 appellant asks that you will reverse said action, 
 or grant such other relief as yoa may deem the 
 merits of the case demand. 
 (Signature and residence) 
 Form 9 —Notice to Attend as Witness. 
 Lodge, No...., LO O. F. 
 You are hereby notitie*! to attend as witness 
 before the Comndttee of Trikl on the charge 
 ice that he 
 [\h CJolum- 
 \e Lodge in 
 ationa pre- 
 id of (here 
 Lodge op 
 irabia of the 
 als to yonr 
 said Lodge 
 peal ifl taken 
 est 8) Your 
 ? said action, 
 ay deem the 
 [. O O. F. 
 as witness 
 the charge 
 and specificationB, preferred by 
 against (state the time and 
 place. ) By order of the Noble Grand. 
 [seal] Secretary. 
 Form 10. — Certificate Accompanying Return 
 OP Lodge Under Rule 1 , Section IV. 
 ......Lodge, No L O. O. F. 
 To the Grand Lodge of British Columbia of the 
 I O. O. F. 
 Enclosed you will receive the return of this 
 Lodge in the matter of the appeal of 
 to your Grand Body, required by Rule 
 1, tSection IV I hereby certify that the same 
 embraces correct copies of all the minutes and 
 papers relating to the case, in my possession, 
 or in possession of the Lodge, and also the 
 original testimony taken at the trial 
 Form 11 — notice op Grand Secretary to 
 Lodge Under Rule 3, Section IV. 
 Grand Lodge of British Columbia of the 
 I O. O F. 
 Office of the Grand Secretary, 
 To Lodge, No...., I GO F. 
 On the day of 
 1 received from an appeal from 
 the actiou of your Lodge in matter of (state 
 cauHe of appeal). Tlie papers relating to the 
 appeal not bavin/;; been transmitted to me with- 
 in the time specified by law, you are hereby 
 notified to forward the same to me within ten 
 dayH from the receipt of this notice. Should 
 I not receive them, it will be my unpleasant duty 
 to proceed under Kule 3, Section IV, of the Code, 
 Grand Secretary. 
 Form 12 — Oh ligation to Witness to be Ad- 
 ministered BY THE Chairman of 
 THE Committee. 
 You do sincerely declare i?pO' your honor as 
 an Odd Fellow, that the evideT:Ce you shall give 
 in the matter of charge pre?eT red by 
 against now pending, shall be 
 the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the 
 truth. Thus vou do affirm. 
 Seo. 6. Notice of the expulsion or suspen- 
 sion of a member, with the cause thereof, shall 
 1)6 given by the Secretary forthwith, to all the 
 Lodges in this jurisdiction. 
 Sec 7. This lodge shall have a book, in 
 which shall be entered the names of all persons 
 rejected, suspended, or expelled by this or any 
 other lodge, of which they may have received 
 due notice, with the date and cause of such 
 suspension or expulsion 
 ;)eal from 
 of (atate 
 ig to the 
 , me with- 
 •e hereby 
 ithin ten 
 . Should 
 isant duty 
 the Code. 
 TO BE Ad- 
 r OF 
 r honor as 
 u sbail give 
 ig, shall be 
 ng but the 
 or puspen- 
 ereof, shall 
 to all the 
 a book, in 
 all persons 
 this or any 
 ve received 
 ise of such 
 Section 1 — The funds and property of this 
 lodge shall be held exclusively as a Trust Fund 
 to be devoted to no other purpose than the 
 charitable uses of the I. O. O. F., and expendi- 
 tures legitimately made for lodge purposes, and 
 of the advancement of the interests of the lodge 
 or the Order. The funds may be invested from 
 time to time, as the lodge shall direct, but no 
 part thereof, or of the lodge property, or of the 
 proceeds of any sales of such property, shall 
 ever be divided among the members ; and in 
 case of a surrender or forfeiture of the Lodge 
 Charter, all the funds and property of the lodge 
 of whatsoever kind shall be immediately sur- 
 rendered and delivered up to the Grand Lodge 
 of this jurisdiction, or to its officers or agents 
 properly authorized to receive them. 
 Section 1 . No member of this lodge shall 
 be concerned in organizing or visiting any 
 illegal, spurious, expelled, extinct or suspended 
 Lodge of Odd Fellows ; nor paint on his sign 
 any emblem of the Order, or otherwise exhibit 
 any ni-oii the same, or have any printed or en- 
 graved upon his business card, nor expose any 
 in a public place as a sign ; nor receive or put 
 any motion from the Chair of the N. G., unless 
 he be a present or past N. G or V. G. 
 Sec. 2. This Lodge shall not have a public 
 procession, unless to attend the funeral of a 
 member, or have any public celebration of any 
 kind, or get up any ball or public amusement 
 in the name of the Order, or reinstate an ex- 
 pelled member of this lodge, without permission 
 of the Grand Master. 
 Secticis i. All terms shall commence on the 
 first day of January and July, in each year, and 
 end on the day the succeeding one commences. 
 Sec, 2 The oflBcers for the term about ex- 
 piring, Lhall prepare and deliver to the OkScar 
 who shall install their successors, the rt-Gult of 
 the elections, and a regular report of the work 
 of the term, including the names of those initi- 
 ated, admitted by card, and as an Ancient Odd 
 Fellow : those suspended or expelled, and the 
 cause thereof, and of those reinstated and de- 
 ceased ; the number of certificates for degrees 
 g'anted; the whole number in membership, 
 and the amount of receipts, accompanied by 
 whatever amount may be due to the Grand 
 Sec. In addition to the above, the officers 
 for the term expiring on the first meeting in 
 January, shall annually make to the Grand 
 Lodge a full return of t^o members of the lodge 
 (except such as are more than one year m 
 arrears or have been expelled) ranked accord- 
 Jt of 
 ing to the degreea attained, and a statement of 
 the number of members reUeved in the past 
 year ; the number of widowed families relieved ; 
 the number of members buried, the number of 
 sisters buried, the amount of money applied to 
 each of these purposes ; the amount paid for the 
 education of orphans; the amount paid for 
 current expenses ; the amount of money in the 
 Treasury; arnouot of Widows' and Orphans' 
 Fund, and amount of investments. 
 Hec. 4. Should this lodge fail to make any 
 of its returns, as required by the two proceed- 
 ing sections, for one year, it shall thereby for- 
 feit its charter and become extinct; and it shall 
 be the duty of the G. M , or D. D. G. M , to 
 withold the A. T. P W., and semi-annual P. W., 
 uutil such returns a:e made, and the amount 
 due the Grand Lod^e paid And it shall be the 
 duty of the last installed officers to transmit or 
 surrender to the Grand Mnster or his Deputy, 
 the charter, books, papers, furniture and funds 
 of the lodge. 
 Section 1 Withdrawal Cards may be grant- 
 ed to members who are clear f>f the books, 
 according to law, by a majority v^ote, by ballot, 
 of the members present when appli'^^ution is 
 made Should the lodge refuse to grant the 
 card, the applicant, on tendering" a written 
 resignation of memberrihip, and paying all dues, 
 shall be entitled to receive from the Secretary 
 a certificate under the seal of the lodge to that 
 effect; and such certificate shall be sufficient 
 evidence of good standing at the time of such 
 Sec 2. Visiting cards may be granted upon 
 application in open Lodge, or they may be 
 issued by the N. G. and Recording Secretary to 
 membefs in good standing upon application in 
 writing, but in either case the dues of the ap- 
 plicant must be paid up to the end of the time for 
 which the card is granted, which time shall not 
 exceed one year from the date of the card. 
 Section 1. When any doubt arises as to the 
 true meaning of any part of these Articles, it 
 shall be determined by the Grand Lodge 
 Sec. 2. These articles or any part thereof, 
 shall not be altered, amended, suspended or 
 annulled, except on motion made in the Grand 
 Lodge, at a regular session, and carried by a 
 two-third vote. 
 Section 1. This lodge may make, alter or 
 rescind such By-laws, Rules and Resclutious, 
 from time to time, as may bo deemed expedi at ; 
 Provided, that they do not in any wise con- 
 travene this Constitution, or the Constitution, 
 By-laws, or Regulations of the Grand Lodge of 
 the Province of British Columbia, or of the 
 Sovereigrn Grand Lodge. 
 Sec. 2. The By-laws of this lodge are in 
 torce from the time of their approval by the 
 Committee on Laws of Subordinates, subject to 
 the approval of the Grand Lodge ; and the manu- 
 script copy of such By-laws, and amendments 
 thereto, shall, before being printed, be trans- 
 naitted to the Grand Secretary, to be transmitt- 
 ed to the Committee on Laws of Subordinates 
 for their approval. 
 ^olaiQbia Todgc iVo! 2, 
 h ®. to f. 
 Section 1. The regular meetings of this 
 lodge for the transaction of general business 
 shall be on Wednesday evening of each week. 
 t*pecial lEeetiDgs may be called by the Noble 
 Grand, either at his discretion, at the written 
 request of five Scarlet members in good stand- 
 ing, or by a vote of the lodge ; and in either 
 case the members must be notified by the Sec- 
 retary, or by publication in one or more news- 
 papers. No business shall be transacted nt 
 special meetings other than that for which such 
 meetings may be called. 
 Sec. 2. The hours of meetings shall be seven 
 and a-half o'clock, from the first of October to 
 the first of April; and eight o'clrck, from the 
 first of April to the first of October. 

 Sec. 3. At all meetings, five Scarlet mem- 
 bers shall constitute a quorum for the transac- 
 tion of business. 
 The Noble Grand shall preside at all meet- 
 ings; shall preserve order and decorum, and 
 may enforce the same by a fine of not less than 
 three, nor more than ten dollars; but his de- 
 cisions on all questions shall be subject to ap- 
 peal. He shall strictly enforce the provisions 
 of the Constitution and By-laws, and see that 
 all oflScers of the lodge and members of com- 
 mittees perform their respective duties as en- 
 joined by the usages of the Order, and by the 
 Constitution and By-laws ; and enforce all fines 
 and penalties imposed by the Constitution and 
 By-laws, or by a vote of the lodge ; appoint the 
 majority of all committees (if not otherwise 
 directed). On the night of his installation, he 
 shall appoint, subject to the approval of the 
 lodge, the following standing committees, viz : 
 Finance, Belief, and Boom Committees. He 
 shall give the casting vote on all questions be- 
 fore the lodge, except in the election of officers, 
 when he shall be entitled to vote ; inspect and 
 announce the result of all ballotings, or other 
 voting ; have charge of the Charter, which he 
 must always have in the lodge; sign all drafts 
 upon the Treasurer for such sums as may have 
 been ordered by the lodge, and perform all 
 other duties appertaining to his ofiice. He 
 shall not make or second any motion or 
 resolution, nor take part in any debate, while 
 in the chair. Previous to closhig the lodge, ho 
 fihall ascertain from the Permanent Secretary, 
 the amount of the receipts of the evening, and 
 of the Treasurer, if he has received the same. 
 The Vice Grand shall assist the Noble Grand 
 in presiding over the lodge; appoint his own 
 supporters and the minority of all committees 
 on investigation, have special charge of the 
 door, and in the absence of the Noble Grand 
 preside in his stead, and perform all the duties 
 required by the laws and usages of the order, 
 and by the Constitution and By-laws. 
 The Recording Secretary shall keep correct 
 minutes of all proceedings ; fill up all certifi- 
 cates granted by the lodge ; write and issue 
 all communications, summonses and notices 
 required ; notify all candidates of their election ; 
 and attest all drafts for moneys ordered to be 
 paid at a regular meeting. He shall indorse 
 upon all petitioDS for membership the name of 
 the applicant, and Committee of Investigation 
 to whom referred, and forthwith hand a copy 
 of the same to the Chairman of said Committee. 
 He alone shall have, safely keep and use (when 
 ordered) the seal of the Lodge. He shall have 
 the authority to give, without the vote of the 
 Lodge (provided the brother be dear of the 
 books and otberwiHe qualified), the required 
 certificate to enable a brother to join an En- 
 campment. He Bball at the end of the teriv 
 make out for the Grand Lodge a full report 
 of the work of the Lodge during the term and 
 shall enter it upon the minutee He shall 
 enter the name, age, occupation 'and residence 
 of all candidates upon the minutes, stating 
 whether they joined by initiation, deposit of 
 card, or as ancient or non-afiiliated Odd Fel- 
 lows. He shall enter a brief t^tatement of the 
 contents of all communications, petitions and 
 memorials upon the records, and shall enter 
 all communications from the Grand Lodge, 
 and reports of Finance and Special Commit- 
 tees, in full upon the records. He shall per- 
 form such other duties as are required of 
 him by the Lodge and the usages of the 
 Order, and shall deliver to his successor all 
 books, papers and other property appertain- 
 ing to his office. 
 The Permanent Secretary shall regularly 
 attend each meeting ; aid the Recording Sec- 
 retary in the discharge of his duties; keep 
 just and faithful accounts between the Lodge 
 and its members; receive all moneys due to 
 the Lodge and pay the same at the close of 
 each meeting to the Treasurer, talang his re- 
 ceipt therefor. He shall one week after the 
 expiration of each quarter, endi^ig 1st April, 
 1st July, 1st October, and let January, notify 
 each member wh(» owes thirteen weeks dues 
 and in the event of any brother nesrlecting or 
 refusing to pay Ihe same when duly notitied, 
 he shall report to the Lod^^e. He shall have 
 a ledger, cash, and receipt books, keeping the 
 former posted every quarter He shall keep 
 a list of the members el^^cted to the degrees, 
 with th3 date of the election and the name of 
 the degree. He shall fill up all cards, and in- 
 dorse all cards of visitors, and at the close of 
 the term shall assist the Recording Secretary in 
 mnkiog up the regular returns for the "(irand 
 Lodge, render an exact account of the state 
 of his books, together with lists of brothers 
 who have ceased to be members, and of those 
 entitled to vote at the regular election of 
 orticers which shall be in the possession of 
 the Vice Grand, to be examined by him as their 
 names are called. 
 The Treasurer shall prior to his installation 
 execute to the Trustees of this Lodge a joint 
 and several bond in the penal sum of one 
 thousand dollars, or such sum as the Lodge, 
 shall from time to time require, with two good 
 and sufficient sureties, to t>e approved by the 
 Lodge for the faithful performance of his 
 duties. The bond of the Treasurer when ap- 
 proved shall be entered in full upon the records. 
 He shall receive all moneys of the Lodge 
 and deposit the same in a chartered bank 
 of Victoria, British Columbia, Jis current ac- 
 oonnt, except a sum at no time to exceed 
 two hundred dollars, which may remain in 
 his possession for the payment of small ac- 
 counts. He shall pay all orders signed by 
 the Noble Grand, voted by the Lodge and 
 attested by the Recording Secretary under 
 seal of the Lodge. He shall, every regular 
 Lodge meeting, place on the Recording Sec- 
 retary's desk his bank book, for that offii a 
 and the Noble Grand's inspection. He 8ii< 
 deliver to his successor in office, all books, 
 papers, funds and other property belonging to 
 the lodge. 
 It shall be the duty of the Junior Past Grand 
 to attend and act in the capacity of Past Grand, 
 and perform all other duties pertaining to his 
 It shall be the duty of the Warden to take 
 charge of the regalia and other property of 
 the lodge, except when a k*»eper is employed 
 for that purpose ; and to act as chairman of 
 the Room Committee, and perform such other 
 duties as are prescribed by the charges of his 
48 BY-LAWS. 
 The Outside- Guardian, in addition to the 
 duties of his office, shall (under the direction 
 of the Warden) carefully place and replace 
 the regalia, clean and light the room, and 
 perform such other labor as is necessary to 
 keep the room in proper order for the meet- 
 ings of the lod^e. As a compensation for the 
 discharge of his duties he shall receive such 
 salary as the lodge shall from time to time 
 Section 1. The Trustees shall )>e elected 
 by paper ballot at the last meeting in June, 
 and hold oflRce for one year. It shall be their 
 duty to draw from the Treasurer from time 
 to time (in drafts drawn in regular form) 
 such sums of money as the lodge shall direct, 
 and place the same at interest in a chartered 
 hank at Victoria. British Columbia, or takinp 
 as security a mortgage, or mortgages, of sucli 
 an amount on real estate as shall be deemed 
 amply sufficient to secure the debt, or to in- 
 vest the same in real estate ; to collect the 
 ii)ter*»8t8 and rents, (the rents to be collected 
 monthly), and pay the same to the lodge ; to 
 call in the loans or sue on the securities when- 
 ever the lodge may require them to do so. 
 The evidence of every debt shtill be deposited 
 in some fire proof safe in the city, and shall 
 ijfifrfnii ilif fe' i if i i^ii iii t 
 be exhibited in open lodge, when the Noble 
 Grand or five Scarlet members call for the 
 Hiime.. Previous to entering on the discharge 
 of their duties the Trustees shall give a joint 
 and several bond, payable to the Noble Giand, 
 Vice Grand and Junior Past Grand of this 
 Lodge, with three sureties to be approved by 
 the lodge, in the sum of two thousand dollars, 
 or such sums as shall from time to time be 
 required for the faithful performance of their 
 duties, and this bond shall be entered in full 
 upon the records, should any orphans or 
 children of Odd Fellows of this Lodge be left 
 in poverty without a guardian, it shall be the 
 duty of the Trustees to endeavor to place 
 them in a situation where they may procure 
 a livelihood and at the same time be preserved 
 from vice. Tbey shall from time to time make 
 inquiries into their situation, and report to 
 the lodge. Should the widow of an Odd Fel- 
 low be left in indigent circumstances, it shall 
 be the duty of the Trustees to make inquiries 
 into her situation, and report to the lodge 
 what assistance she may need. Either or all 
 of the Trustees for a uon -performance of duty 
 or improper conduct may be removed from 
 office if two-thirds of all the members present 
 vote in favor of such removal : Provided, 
 that no removal can take place unless a re- 
 solution to that effect shall have been offered 
 and laid over for one week. When a Trustee 
 is removed be shall deliver to the Noble Grand 
 all property in his possession belonging to the 
 Sec. 2. The Delegates to the Board of Union 
 BY-LA W^S. 
 shall be elected aDoaHlly, at the last meet- 
 lufi in June, by paper ballots, and shall con- 
 sist of five members of this lodge in good 
 standing. It shall be their duty to attend all 
 meetings of the Board of Union regularly 
 called, and to the best of their ability protect 
 the interests of their lodge. In case of any 
 neglect of duty either or all of the delegates 
 may be removed from office if two-thirds of all 
 the members present at any meeting vote in 
 favor of a motion to that effect : Provided, that 
 a resolution to that effect shall lay over one 
 week before being acted upon. 
 Section 1. The Visiting Committer shall 
 consist of the Noble Grand, Vice Grand, Trea- 
 Hurer, Warden, Conductor, Right Support of 
 the Noble Grand, and the Right Support of the 
 Vice Grand, whose duty it shall be to visit 
 all brethern of this lodge known to be. sick, 
 to render such assistance as each may require 
 and ?aw allows, and to continue to visit them 
 at least once a week until restored to health. 
 The Noble Grand jhall at each regular meeting, 
 or at any time during the week (when it may 
 become necessary) appoint a nurse to be paid 
 out of the general fund. The visiting days 
 of each member of the committee shnrll be 
 for the Noble Grand, Sunday; Vice Grand, 
 Monday; Conductor, Tuesday; Warden, Wed- 
 nesday; Treasurer, Thursday; Right Support 
 of the Noble Grand, Friday; Right Support of 
 the Vice Grand, Saturday. 
y.^ If ,, i»w^ «y»ywwiiipim|pi 
 The Finance Committee shall consist of three 
 members. It shall be their duty to examine 
 all claims against the lodge, and all accoiiDts 
 which may be referred to tliem, antl report 
 thereon in writing over their own proper sig- 
 nature, also to inspect and audit the accounts 
 of the Permanent Secretary, Treasurer, Trus- 
 tees, and all other officers or committees who 
 may be charged with the receipts or expendi- 
 tures of monies of the lodge, and report in 
 writing od the same at the first regular meeting 
 in each term, or whenever required by the 
 The Room Committee shall consist of two 
 members and the Warden, whose duty it shall 
 be to see that the lodge and its ante-chambers 
 are in proper order. They shall make out an 
 inventory at the end of each term of all the 
 property belonging to the lodge, estimating the 
 value of the same, showing what was received 
 from their predecessors, and all alterations 
 and additions during the term reported upon, 
 which report shall be referred to the Finance 
 Reports of Committees shall be made in 
 writing and signed by a majority thereof. 
 1H I. J 
52 BY-LAWS. 
 All persons admitted as members of this 
 lodge shall pay the requisite fee as follows: 
 If 21 years of age $10 (X) 
 21 and under 30, ] ^^ ^^- <^^^f M everff 
 ' I additional year. 
 QQ u u 4Q j $1 00 additional fm- even/ 
 * ] additional year. 
 AQ a u 50 i $3 00 additional for every 
 * ' / additional year. 
 ^Owarf< and over J ^-00 additional for every 
 50 years ana over, -j additional year. 
 For admission by deposit of card., as an 
 Ancient Odd Fellow or non ajffiliate, 
 if under 30 years of age .$10 00 
 When 30 years and over the increase in the scale 
 of initiation fees to be added in accordance 
 with age. 
 Every member shall pay into the General 
 Fund three ($3) dollars per quarter, which must 
 be promptly raid on or before the last regular 
 meeting of each quarter. 
 Section 1. No degree shall be granted to 
 any member who is in arrears for dues, or 
 against whom are fines or assesyments unpaid, 
 or charjfes undetermined. Five (^5) dollars 
 shall be charged for each degree. When the 
 ballot is spread if not more than two black 
 balls be de posited he Bhall be elected; but if 
 three or more black balls be deposited the ap- 
 plicant shall be declared rejected, and three 
 months must elapse from the time of his rejec- 
 tion before lib can again apply 
 Seo. 2. Any brother may apply for any or 
 all of the degrees without charge, and the 
 lodge shall confer the same ; but it is hereby 
 provided that the said brother shall not by 
 virtue of having thus obtained degrees with- 
 out charge be entitled to participate in the 
 benefits of the Order beyond what he would 
 be entitled to receive under the initiatory 
 Sec. 3. Any brother who has taken any or 
 all of the three degree? free of charge may 
 apply at any regular meeting of the lodge to 
 pay lor the game, which application shall be 
 actod CD at the next ensuing regular meeting 
 without debate. If then rejected he shall not 
 again apply to pay for his degrees for the 
 space of three months from the date of said 
 rejection. The application to be determined 
 by ball ballots, three or more black balls re- 
 Section 1, — All persons admitted as members 
 must be of industrious habits, possessed of 
 some known and honorable means of support, 
 free from all infirmities which may prevent 
 them from gaining a livelihood for themselves 
 or families, and otherwise qualified in ac- 
 cordance with Article II of the Constitution. 
 All applications for membership must be 
 accompanied by the "ecommendation of a mem- 
 ber of this lodge in good standing together 
 with not less than two references. Should 
 he be elected and not appear for initiation 
 within eight weeks thereafter, he shall not 
 be admitted ; but he may present a new 
 petition which must take the usual course. 
 No candidate shall be initiated on the same 
 evening of his election without a vote of two- 
 thirds of the members present. Every person 
 upon being admittpd a member of the lodge 
 shall sign the Constitution and By-laws, 
 thereby pledging himself to support, main- 
 tain and abide by the same, and to pay prom- 
 ptly all demards airainst him as soon as they 
 shall have become due, He shall also inform 
 the Permanent Secretary of his place of resi- 
 dence, and should he change it he shall im- 
 mediately give notice to the Permanent Sec- 
 retary of such change. 
 Sec. 2. The lodge shall at its last regular 
 meeting in December elect an Examining 
 Physician for the lodge, who shall hold office 
 for twelve months. It shall be his duty to eK- 
 amine each candidate for membership, and 
 furnish him with a medical certiticate on the 
 prescribed form. And the lodge shall pav for 
 each medical certificate the sum of two dollars 
^. \ 
 which shall be collected from the candidate at 
 the same time as the iDitiation fee. 
 Section' 1 When ballots are taken the bal- 
 lot-box mnst be placed upon the pedestal in 
 front and in full view of the Noble Grand. The 
 members shall advance singly and deposit 
 their ballots, which shall ha duly inspected by 
 the Noble Grand and the result declared to the 
 Seo. 2. At elections for officars the Warden 
 Hhall (in connection with two tellers appointed 
 by the Noble Grand) receive the votes cast in 
 the ballot-box. A majority of all the ballots 
 cast shall be necessary to elect, and the Noble 
 Grand shall require all members present to 
 vote. They shall canvass all the votes and de- 
 clare the result to the Noble Grand, by whom 
 it shall be announced to the lodge. If on the 
 second ballot no candidate shall have received 
 a majority of all the ballots cast, a third ballot 
 shall be had between the two highest candidates 
 on the list. 
 Section 1. A member not disqualified to re- 
 ceive benefits who by sickness or accident may 
 be rendered incapable from following any oc- 
 cupation, or otherwise earning a livelihood, 
m, ■:,, 
 shall receive from the funds of the lodge six 
 dollars per week for an initiatory brother, and 
 oi the first and second degrees, for the first six 
 months' continuous sickness ; four dollars and 
 fifty cents per week for the next six months 
 continuous sickness; and three dollars per 
 week after twelve motiths' continuous sickness. 
 If a member of the Third or Scarlet degree, he 
 shall receive ten dollars per week for the first 
 six months' continuous sickness; seven dollars 
 and fifty cents per week for the oextsix months' 
 continuous sickness ; and five dollars per week 
 after twelve months' continuous sickness No 
 n" ember of this lodge drawing sick benefits 
 shall be out before 7 a m , or later than 7 p. m., 
 in summer, or before 9 a. m., or later than 4 
 p. m., in winter, unless by consent of the medi- 
 cal attendant, and upon going out he shall leave 
 word for the Visiting Committee where he has 
 ^<jne and -when he, will return. The summer 
 for sick members shall be from March 21st to 
 September 29th, and the winter the remainder 
 of the year. 
 His benefits shall not commence more than 
 one week previous to the lime of being reported 
 to the lodge, except as provided in Section 2 
 In any case, if his sickness or inability proceed 
 from iutemperance or immoral conduct, or be 
 occasioned by any constitutiooal disease or 
 bodily infirmity which existed at the time of 
 his admission and which was concealed inten- 
 tionally from the lodge, he shall not be entitled 
 to receive any benefits. Aod no brother shall 
 be entitled to btniftts until he shall have been 
 a member for six months, whether admitted by 
 ifiitiatioD, deposit of card, or as an Ancient 
 Odd Fellow. Brothers must be sick seven days 
 to receive benefits. In all cases where a sick 
 member has received any benefits and by reason 
 of the recovery of his health ceased to receive 
 such benefits, he shall not be entitled to recom- 
 mence the receipt of full benefits until he has 
 been able to resume his business or occupation 
 for six months, commencing from the day of 
 his ceasing to receive benefits; but if he fall 
 sick within that time he shall be placed in the 
 same position as when he ceased to receive 
 benefits and be paid the same benefits as he 
 was then receiving ; but when six months shall 
 have elapsed after his restoration, if he fall sick 
 he shall received his full benefits. 
 Sec. 2. To entitle a member taken sick at a 
 point remote from the lodge to benefits, he must 
 send or cause to be sent to the Noble Grand a 
 true statement of his case, complaint and cir- 
 cumstances, and the cause and origin of his 
 illness, attested by the Noble Grand of some 
 lodge or Secretary of some relief committee near 
 him : but if there be no lodge or relief committee 
 near him then the same must be stated by the 
 certificate of a physician, a magistrate, a Brit- 
 ish consul, or a master of a vessel. 
 Sec 3. No member who may neglect his 
 dues for the space of thirteen weeks shall be 
 entitled to receive benefits by reason of any 
 payment he may make during his sickness or 
 bodily infirmity. - 
 Sec. 4. On the death of abrother entitled^to 
 benefits, a sum r^ot exceeding seventy-five ($75) 
 dollars shall be appropriated and paid by the 
 Noble Grand to^^ird defraying his funeral ex- 
 penses. On the c\eath of the wife of a brother 
 entitled to benefit^ he shall receive thirty-five 
 ($35) dollars to assist him in defraying the 
 funeral expenses. On the death of the widow 
 of a brother who was at the time of his death 
 in good standing, the sum of thirty-five ($35) 
 dollars shall be appropriated to assist in defray- 
 ing her funeral expenPCP, unless otherwise 
 ordered by the lodge If no funeral expenses 
 are incurred by the death of a brother, wife or 
 widow, no appropriation shall be made from 
 the funds of this lodge. 
 Sec. 5. This lodge may, if they deem it 
 necessary, engage a physician to visit any sick 
 member for the purpose of ascertaining the 
 nature, cause and origm of his sickness or af- 
 fiiction, and report the same to this lodge ; the 
 physician to be accompanied (if possible) by 
 one of the Visiting Committee. Should he (the 
 sick member) refuse to be seen or examined by 
 the visiting phypician, he shall forfeit all claim 
 to benefits for such sickness or afiSiction, and 
 any member detected imposing or trying to im- 
 pose on the funds of this lodge shall be fined 
 ten dollars, and the amount he has received by 
 such imposition (if any), the said fines to be 
 charged to his account, and at the end of the 
 term in which such fines occurred they shall be 
 recorded against him as dues and be governed 
 in all respects by Section 2, Article XXII of 
 these By-laws 
 • ' 
 Sec. 6. Whenever it may become knowo 
 that a brother of this lodge is in want of assis- 
 tance on account of some uulooked for dispen- 
 sation his case shall be referred to a special 
 oomuuttee of three brothers, whoso duty it shall 
 be to examine into the same and report to the 
 lodge at the following meeting whether any and 
 what sum should in their opinion be granted 
 for relief, and it shall be competent for the lodge 
 by a vote of two-thirds of the brothers present 
 to grant him any sum not exceeding twenty- 
 five ($25) dollars at any one time. 
 Sbotion 1. Withdrawal Cards may be grant- 
 ed to members who are clear of the books 
 according to law by a majority vote, by ballot, 
 of the members present when application is 
 made. Should the lodge refuse to grant the 
 card, the applicant on tendering a written re- 
 signation of membership and pay'ng all dues 
 shall be entitled to receive from the Secretary 
 a certificate under the seal of the lodge to that 
 effect and such certificate shall be suflficient 
 evidence of good staading at the time of such 
 resignation. The applicant shall pay a fee of 
 two dollars and fifty cents for the Withdrawal 
 or Clearance Card at the time of his appli- 
 Skc. 2. Visiting Cards may be granted upon 
 application in open lodge, or they may be issued 
 by the Noble Grand and Becording Secretary 
 to members in (<(>od HiBodin^ npou application 
 in writing, but in either case tJ;e dues of the 
 applicant muHt be paid up the end of the time 
 for which the card is granted, whi<'h time shall 
 not exceed one year from the date of the card 
 and the applicant shall pay twenty-five cents 
 additional for the card. 
 Section 1 No member who is indebted to 
 the lodge in a sura equal to thirteen weeks dues 
 shall be entitled to receive the pecuniary bene- 
 fits of this lodg«. All fines not remitted at the 
 end of the term shall stand as does. 
 Skc. 2. Every member who shall neglect or 
 refuse fo pay his indebtedness to the lodge for 
 the space of eleven m jths shall be notified by 
 the Permanent Secrel-ary, if practicable; and if 
 after four weeks his account still remains un- 
 settled he shall cease to be a member, except 
 he be absent from the city, iu which case he 
 shall be allowed an additional time of two 
 months All proceeding under this Section 
 shall be conducted in conformity with Article 
 VII, .Sections 1 and 2 of the Constitution 
 8kc. 'A. Every member of a Committee who 
 may fail to perform his duty sliall be fined not 
 less than fifty cents, nor mf,re than two dollars 
 for each neglect. 
 Sec. 4. If any member shall disregard the 
 authority of the Noble Grand by persisting in 
 using improper lanjpage, or shall be guilty of 
 improper conduot either in or out of the lodge, 
 or shall knowingly propose an unworthy can- 
 didate for membership, or shall be guilty of 
 habitual drunkenness, or of any infamous 
 i'fTence against the laws of the land, or feigning 
 ^^iekness with a view to abuse the benevolent 
 intentions of the Order, or shall divulge (except 
 to a member of the Order (the proceedings of 
 this or any other lodge required by him to l)e 
 kept secret, or the name of any brother, who 
 opposed the admission of any candidate, or re- 
 veal any of the secrets of the Order, may be 
 fined, expelled or suspended, at the discretion 
 of the lodge. 
 Sec. 5. Every officer who is absent at roll 
 call after opening of the lodge, at a regular or 
 special meeting, shall be fined as follows : 
 Noble Grand and other elective officers, two 
 dollars ; Warden and other appointed officers, 
 fifty cents. 
 Sec. 6 AV)sentees shall render their excuses 
 in open lodge ; absence from the city, sickness 
 of self or family, attendance on the sick, and on 
 official duties connected with the Order, impos- 
 sibiUty to attend on account of some unavoid- 
 able cause, shall be good excuses for non-at- 
 tendance ; but without any of these excuses, the 
 fines shall be enforced. An officer or member 
 having been fined may appeal to the lodge to 
 have his tine remitted ; and if the appeal be 
 sustained by two-thirds of all the members 
 present the fine shall be remitted. 
 62 BY-LAWS. 
 Benefits due, relief granted, or the current 
 expenses of the lodge, may be paid at any 
 regular meeting by a majority vote of the mem- 
 bers present. 
 Seceion 1. On the death of a brother of this 
 lodge it shall be the duty of the Noble Grand 
 and other au*;horized officers to immediately 
 make preparations for the funeral, and as soon 
 as possible after the death of a brother is made 
 known summon every member of the lodge to 
 attend the funeral by advertising a notice there- 
 of in as many of the daily papers as the exigency 
 of the cafic will admit, unless otherwise request- 
 ed by the nearest relatives of the deceased. 
 ^EO. 2. The brothers shall assemble at the 
 lodge-room, where the roll of membera shall be 
 called, and all who are absent shall be subject 
 to a flae of fifty cents. Sickneny r attendance 
 upon the sick, burial of the dead, absence from 
 the city, on attendance as a juror, shall be suf- 
 ficient excuse to remit the tine, but in no other 
 case ehall the tine be remitted except upon a 
 vote of two-thirds of all the members present. 
 Sec. 3 Any brother who shall be preaent 
 and answer to his name at roll call and after- 
 wards leave the lodge or the p ocession without 
 the permission of the Noble Graud shall be 
 subject to a tine of fifty c^uts ; and it shall be 
 the duty of every member to report all such 
 cases to the Noble Grand. 
 Sec. 4. No part of these By-laws shall be 
 repealed, amended, suspended, altered or an- 
 nulled, unless a pro^xisition in writing be made 
 at least four regular meetings previous to the 
 time of its being acted upon, when, if two-thirds 
 of all the members present vote in favor of such 
 proposition, it shall be adopted. 
 Sec 5. These By-laws and Rules of Order 
 shall take effect from the time of their approtval 
 by the Committee on Laws of Subordinates, 
 subject to the approval of the Grand Lodge; 
 and at that time all By-laws in force prior to the 
 date thereof shall stand repealed ; and all Re- 
 solutions or Rules of Order that conflict with 
 these By-laws or Resolutions and Rules of 
 Order, except attached hereto, shall be re- 
 Adopted August 3rd, 1870. 
 Attest : 
 Noble Grand. 
 Recording Secretary. 
 Adopted a3 amended August 3rd, 1887. 
 Attest: Noble Grand. 
 [Seal.] Becor ding Secretary. 
 H. WALLER, 1 ^ .,, r ^ 
 CHAS. HAYWARD, [ (^o^'^f'^^i^ on Laws of 
 P. A. BABINGTON. J i^itbordmates. 
 Adopt€Hl as amended June 28th, 1893. 
 Noble Grand. 
 Recording Secretary. 
 Approved September 6th, 1893. 
 JOS. E.PHILLIPS, ^n u* 
 P. W. DEMPSTER. I Committee on Laws of 
 JOHN H. MELDRAM, j Subordinates, 
 Roll of Officers called. 
 Reading Minutes of preceding Meeting. 
 Action on Otticial Reports and Bonds. 
 Report of Visiting Connnittee. 
 Ordering Drafts for Renetlts. 
 Brothers sick to be reporte^d. 
 Reports of Committees and Candidates 
 balloted for 
 Absentees of previous meetings called. 
 Propositions for membership. 
 Reports of Committees: 
 1 — Finance Committee. 
 2— Room Committee. 
 3— Trustees. 
 4— Special Committees. 
 Unfinished business on the minutes. 
 J 5. Communications received and disposed 
 1— Grand Lodge or Grand Officers. 
 2— D. D. Grand Master. 
 3— General Relief Committee. 
 4 — Miscellaneous. 
 16. Application for Cards. 
 17. Application for Degrees. 
 18. Election of Officers. 
 19. New Business. 
 20. Good of the Order. 
 N. B.— Under thiw tiead Brothers may express 
 themselves on matters appertaining to the 
 Order, without any question being before the 
 21. Permanent Secretary's Report. 
 22. Closing. 
 Adopted August 3rd, 1870. 
 Noble Grand. 
 liecording Secretary 

 ^olan^bia Todi|e iVa 2, 
 ^xv^j^si^^^ o 
 Rule 1. When the Noble Grand takes the 
 chair, the officers and brothers shall take their 
 respective stations, and at the sound of the 
 cravel there shall be general silence, and if there 
 be a Chaplain then join with him in prayer. 
 Rule 2 The Noble Grand shall preserve 
 order and decorum and pronounce the decisions 
 of the lodge on all subjects ; he shall decide all 
 questions of order without debate, subject to an 
 appeal to the lods:e by a brother, on which ap- 
 peal no brother shall speak but once, when the 
 question before the lodge shall be : "Shall the 
 decision oi the Noble Grand stand as the judg- 
 ment of the lodge?" which question shall be 
 taken by the Vice Grand. All motions must be 
 put from the Noble Grand's chair. 
 Rule 3. No question shall be stated unless 
 moved and seconded, nor be open for considera- 
 tion until state! by the Noble Grand ; and when 
 a qii3stion is before the lodge no motion shall 
 If lis 11^ 
 ■^ Ih 111112.2 
 1-25 1.4 |||.6 
 6" 1 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 873-4503 

 I ' 
 be received unless — Ist. To lay on the table ; 
 2nd. The previous question ; 3rd. To postpone 
 to a particular time ; 4th. To postpone inde- 
 finitely; 5th. To re-commit; 6th. To refer; 
 7th. To amend ; and they shall have preference 
 in the order in which they are here arranged ; 
 the tirst two shall be decided without debate. 
 Rule 4. No motion shall be made by one 
 brother while another is speaking, and no 
 motion shall be made or seconded without 
 rising and addressing the Noble Grand. 
 Rule 5. Any brother making a motion shall 
 reduce the same to writing at the request of 
 the Noble Grand, or any brother, in which case 
 it shall not be before the lodge until it be so 
 written and read from the Secretary's desk. 
 Rule 6. No resolution shall be oflfered to 
 the lodge except in writing and signed by the 
 brother offering the same. 
 Pule 7. No brother shall be interrupted 
 while speaking, except it be to call him to 
 order or for the purpose of explanation 
 Rule 8. If a brother while speaking be 
 called to order, he shall at the request of the 
 Noble Grand take his seat until the question 
 of order is determined, when if permitted he 
 a.ay proceed again. 
 Rule 9. No brother shall speak without 
 rising in his place, respectfully addressing the 
 Noble Grand by his title, and having his name 
 announced by the chair Brothers shall eon- 
 ftne themselves to the question under debate 
 and avoid all personalties and indecorous or 
 sarcastic lanfiruage 
 Rule 10, If two or more brothers rise to 
 speak at the same time, the Nable Grand shall 
 decide which is entitled to the floor; and no 
 brother shall speak more than once on the 
 same subject or question until all who wish 
 to speak may have had an opportunity to do 
 so, nor more than twice without permission 
 from the Noble Grand Each brother while 
 speaking shall designate the brother spoken 
 of -by his proper rank or title, according to his 
 standing in the Order. 
 HuLE 11. When a blank is to be filled the 
 question shall be ftrst taken on the highest 
 sum or '.jumber and on the longest time pro- 
 Rule 12. Any brother may call for a di- 
 vision of a question when the sense will admit 
 of it. And any five brothers calling for the 
 yeas and nays, they shall be ordered by the 
 Noble Grand and recorded upon the minutes. 
 Bulk 13 Before putting the question the 
 Noble Grand shall ask : "Is the lodge ready 
 for the question? " If no brother rise to speak 
 hii shall rise and put it ; and after he has risen 
 and put the question no brother shall be per- 
 mitted to speak upon it. While the Noble 
 Grand is addressing the lodge or putting the 
 qn -istion, si'enoe shall be observed in the lodge 
 i !l 
 I '■ ' 
 BuiiE 14. After any qaestion, except one 
 for indefinite postponement, has been decided, 
 any two brothers who voted in the maprity 
 may at the same time or next regular meeting 
 move for a reconsideration thereof; but no 
 dincussioD of the main question shall be allowed 
 unless reconsidered. 
 Rule 15 When a brother has been called 
 to order for the manifestation of temper or im- 
 proper feeling, he shall not be allowed to speak 
 again at that meeting unless by special per- 
 mission of the lodge. 
 RuLiE 16. No brotber shall vote on any 
 question in which he is imuiediately interested. 
 Rule 17. Every brother present (not in 
 arrears) shall vote, unless for special reasons, 
 except in the case specified in the preceding 
 rule, and provided this rule does not interfere 
 with the provisions of the By-laws regarding 
 new members, etc. 
 Rule 18. In speaking on points of order 
 the Noble Grand shall have precedence, but 
 he cannot speak on any other subject except to 
 state facts within his own knowledge, without 
 previously vacating the chair and filling it by a 
 qualified brother. 
 Rule 19 No brother shall retire without 
 leave of the Noble Grand, and during the 
 opening, closing, initiation, recess or taking 
 of the ayes and nays, the door shall be kept 
 1 1 
 R TLE 20. On the call of three members 
 for the previous questioD, the Noble Grand 
 shall put the question in this form: "Shall 
 the main question be now put? " If the motion 
 is carried the vote shall first be upon all pend- 
 infiT amendments, after which upon the main 
 question. If decided in the negative, the 
 question shall lay over until the next regular 
 RuLB 21. Any brother may excuse himself 
 from serving od a committee if at the time of 
 his appointment he is a member of two other 
 committees. No brother can be appointed on 
 a committee when absent from the lodge. 
 Bulb 22. The first brother named on a com- 
 mittee shall act as chairman until another is 
 chosen by the committee. The mover of a 
 resolution referred to a special committee is 
 usually the first named thereon. 
 Rule 23 No committee can be finally dis- 
 charged until all the debts contracted by it shall 
 have been paid 
 Rule 24 A motion to close shall always be 
 in order after the regular business has oeen 
 gone through, which motion shall be decided 
 without debate. 
 Rule 25. These Rules of Order may be al- 
 tered or amended after one week's notice in 
 writing has been given, specifying the pro- 
 posed alteration or amendment; but any of 
 them or any clause thereof may he suspended 
 for the time beiuif by a vote of two-thirds of 
 the members present. 
 Adopted August 3rd, 1870. 
 Attest : 
 Noble Grand. 
 Becm-diny Seci'etary. 
Toms of Apjlication for MemtosMp. 
 To Columbia Lodge No. 2, 1. O. O. F.: , . -.-.^. . , 
 Brothers :— I herewith present my Card of Withdrawal 
 from LodKeNo... ^8tateof.... 
 and respectfully aHk to be admitted a, member of your 
 Lodge by deposit of same: (if an Ancient Odd leUow, 
 as an Ancient Odd Fellow. 
 My residence is... ; my age.... years; and 
 my occupation is.. ^'v — ;, 
 Fraternally yours, 
 Recommended.by . 
 Refers to— 
 To Columbia Lodge No. 2, 1.. O. O. F. : . . 
 Gentlemen :-Having received a favorable opinion of 
 Odd Fellowship, 1 re8i>ectfully ask to be mitiated into 
 the Order and become a member of your Lodge. 
 My residence is ; my age is . . . . years : and 
 my occupation is • • • • , , -, 
 it admitted I promise obedience to the usages and 
 laws of tlie Order and Lodge 
 Very respectfully yours. 
 Proposed and recommended by 
 Refers to — 
 ^olan^bia Todae iVa 2, 
 Victoria British Columbia. 
 Louis Wolff. 
 John H. Meldram. 
 John B Garibaldi. 
 R. W. Fawcett. 
 David F. Fee. 
 Robert Hioka. 
 Anton Vigelius. 
 Willianj Buckett. 
 Joseph Davies. 
 George E Smith. 
 Andrew Shaw. 
 James E. McMillan. 
 Michael Baker. 
 Alex. B. Gray. 
 Robert Butler. 
 George Rudlin. 
 James McArthur. 
 Joseph W. Carey. 
 James Porter, Jr. 
 Joseph Sears. 
 John Davis. 
 Robert Reid. 
 Daniel Sheehan. 
 Gabriel Morris. 
 Joseph Loewen. 
 Henry Waller. 
 G. W. A. Lange. 
 R. J. Russell. 
 Henry Mansell. 
 Robert Beaven. 
 Louis Erb. 
 Patrick Murphy. 
 Maurice H umber. 
 Samuel Sea, Sr. 
 James Porter, Sr. 
 J. P. Elford. 
 Samuel Branch. 
 Wm. McCulloch. 
 W. J. Tippins. 
 George Steitz. 
 Michael Young. 
 George H. Maynard. 
 James Lissett. 
 James Pope. 
 S. J. McAllister. 
 George Wynne. 
 Kenneth Nicholson. 
 Charles E. Clark. 
 William Craft. 
 Fred Norris. 
 John Hawkins. 
 A. R Johnstone. 
 George Logan. 
 William J. Pendray. 
 John McDov/ell. 
 Donald McLean. 
 H. F. Bishop. 
 Wm. H. Adams. 
 Donald M. McLean 
 William Croft. 
 William Sommerville 
 W. H Mixer. 
 P. W. Dempster. 
 Richard Jones. 
 Anton Henderson. 
 E. J Thain. 
 William Christie. 
 John Piercy. 
 John J. Mclntyre. 
 R. P. McLennan. 
 Duncan McDonald. 
 Donald E. Kerr. 
 John Dean. 
 Wm. Jackson. 
 Jno A. Duncan. 
 Wm. Davis. 
 Jas. Pottinger. 
 C. E. Mallctte. 
 J. R. Kerr. 
 Frank Taylor. 
 W. D. Ferris. 
 Wm. R. Hick. 
 Theo. H. Robinson. 
 Walter Shears. 
 John Partridge. 
 W. C. Brown. 
 Samuel Adier. 
 William Hick. 
 Thomas W. Carter. 
 Richard Hall. 
 William Dorman. 
 Augustus Wairen. 
 Michael McCahill. 
 Charles Miuckler. 
 CharleH D Rand. 
 Joseph H. Thain. 
 James W Da vies. 
 J«)hn W. Walker. 
 Thornton Fell. 
 M. G. Blanchard. 
 James W. Morrison 
 W. H. Wood. 
 Edward Page, 
 (/harles McKay. 
 Beaumont Botrgs 
 Walter S. Derapstt^r. 
 H A. Munn. 
 F G Richards, Jr. 
 Geo L. Powers 
 John L. Beck with. 
 J. E Crane 
 W. G Mackenzie. 
 John McLeod. 
 Chas. Maynard. 
 Lewis Hall. 
 R. C. B^awcett. 
 Jas. Hay. 
 B. Stapledon. 
 Harold Fleming. 
 L. Foster. 
 1). Ballentyne. 
 Jno. A Grant. 
 Robt. L. Allen 
 James Bryoe. 
 J. StClair Blackett. 
 A A Davidson. 
 Wm. C. Pope. 
 M. McKinnon. 
 Wm B. Skillen. 
 Geo. L. Center. 
 W. TurnbuU.' 
 George Wilby. 
 Wm. Mcllwaine. 
 Wm. Nicholas. 
 John McCallum. 
 A McDonald. 
 Daniel Bartlett. 
 J J H. Crozier. 
 Robt. Hamilton. 
 Geo. W. Craig. 
 J. P. Byrne. 
 Jas. S. Hildreth. 
 M. E. Cleveland. 
 Leon U. Conyer. 
 John W. Meldram. 
 Jas. Wilby. 
 Geo. Watson. 
 Adams Edwards. 
 H. H. Schuyler. 
 Donald McLean. 
 Andrew S. Mouat. 
 Geo. T. Fox. 
 Rev. W- D. Barber. 
 Wm. Hodge. 
 Jas. Howard. 
 E. C. Sliepherd. 
 D. H. Anderson. 
 W. H. Whiteley. 
 Henry Banks. 
 Archibald Lees. 
 Fred S. Pope. ^ 
 Fred. Rogers. 
 Wm. Whaley. 
 Thos Lumsden. 
 Win G. Baird 
 Alex. Rose 
 A B. McNeill. 
 Colin Cameron. 
 Francis Hay 
 Peter Davidson. 
 JohuD McNeill. 
 George R S pence. 
 John Vaio 
 H. J L McGdire. 
 John E. Theal 
 James H. Collins. 
 C. W. Hansen. 
 Saml Sea, Jr. 
 A S. Netherby. 
 H. O. Litchfteld. 
 L. N. McKechnie. 
 Gilbert .McKay. 
 A. H. Steffan. 
 John E Whiteside. 
 W L Challoner. 
 Hy. A. Porter 
 Donald Campbell. 
 Name of Lodge. 
 New Westminster. 
 Wednesday.. .. 
 New Westminster. 
 Black Diamond. .. 
 Wednesday. ... 
 Tatnai , 
 Western Star 
 Royal (Uty 
 New Westminster. 
 Thursday , 
 W Kootenay 
 ITlDnncanH . 
 Mount Pleasant. .. 
 21 Delta 
 22;Gold Range 
 23 Ashnroft 
 Ladner's Landing. 
 North Bend.. 
 Ashcrof t