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MAT Bl ORDERED OF BOOKSKLLPRS AND MUSIC DXALKML i^ 14528" I PREFACE. This Collection of Gospel Hymns and Sacrbp Songs, has been compiled with great care, and is believ- ed to contain the most useful and popular pieces to be found in the whole library of Christian Song. A large number of the hymns were used in the late Special Services in Great Britain, and it is hoped that a like blessing will accompany the use of them in this land, together with the new hymns found in this col- lection, c y^ V^^^ ^(pdt^^'^'^'^t^ ' No one will be allowed to print or publish any of the Copyrighted Hymns or Tunes contained in this Book, without the written permission of the Publishers. Gospel Hymns AND Sacred Songs. H » M No.1. m §m§td. W' P- "Come before His presence with singing."— Pba. 100; & Rev. Wu. KSTHB, IMl. O. Fba>C, 1545. pii i i=r± ■r M S=^ ■^. — 1-» -'i ffi g=gijigzj ■a* — ffl"" — w- ^^°~l^ -BT «■ -zr 1. All peo-ple that on earth do dwell, Siag to the Lord with oheerftil voice ; t=3: ff\ i tipJ /^ e^S^^ \&^^^ z^ -<»- T5>- Uimservewithmirth, His praise forth tell, Come ye be-fore Him and re - Joice. k^ -^- r=Z2: 4a. ^ 43- \±. J- J ^ » ^^ I ^ ^ ^ ^ jij -»— t » ;w 1» 1— t ^ » . -(g -Tj «•— « p^ =^ ;^v^— (^ ly^^ r S Know that the Lord is Ood indeed ; Without our aid He did ub make : We arc His flock, He doth us feed, And for Hia sheep He doth us take. 4 For why f the Lord our Ood is good, His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. DOXOLOGT. L.M. Praise Qod, fhim whom all bliMllngs flow ; Praise Him, all creatures here below ; 3 O enter then His gates with praise, Approach with joy His courts unto : Praise, laud, and bless His name always, jPrai*® Him above, ye heavenly host ; F«r it is seemly so to do. IPraise Fatlier, Bon, and Holy Ghost \ , Sp. Thos. Kui. wn. No. 2. |ialUttti»Ii, 'tto §0ntl "For flod no loTKd tho world, that H« ntre HIa only heRottrn Ron, th»t whoioprer bulleTeth lu Him, ihuulU not purUli, but iiavo evorlMtiutf llfu."— Joum 3 : 10. P. P. Bum. P. P. Buw, by par. 1. 'TiB the prom-ise of Ood, fall sal • va - tion to givo 2. Tho' tho path - way be lone - ly, and dan - gar - ous too, i— i- r- j=Sb=fe:it — y > I f- I=:=I--:t=* :tt=1^:::t 4=t: f 1 =^^^^^m i=t=^ I ? -«- n»- i n - to Sure - ly him who on Je - BUS ia Je - SUB, his Son, will be - lieve. a - ble to car - ry me through. :l=tz::=t: LT-r-n — r 4 — t-t I [ I ^ P Hoi - le - lu - job, 'tis done ! I ?^ am ;^ ?i fcif :ai- be - lieve on the Son ; I ti=^ m t jt* I i«(. :;: m :± and. :tt: Z ^^ saved by the blood of the cru - ci - fied One ; cru - ci - fied One. I ai= f-?4 i r g gs 1 — r ? T~r~r ^ I 3 Many loved onen have I in yon heavenly throng. They are safe now in glory, and this is their song : Hallelujah, 'tis done ! ete. 4 Little children I see standing close by their King, And He smiles as their song of salvation tiiey sing Hallelujah, 'tis done ! ete. 6 There are prophets and kings in that throng I behold. And they sing aa they march throngh the streets of pore gdd : Halldujah, 'tis done ! ete. 6 There's a part in that chwos for yon and for me, And the theme of our praises forever will be : HaUelnjah, 'tu done I ete. 4 si I No. 3. i §ttA Mn dSvm) §i0ttt. " Withoat Me ye omi do nothing." John 15:5. Ms. A mm 8. Hawu. Bat. Robibt Lowit, by per. ^^^^^^^fe -•*-y -*-r 1. I need Thee OT-ery hour, Most gn-oioos Lord; No ten- der voice like P iz^^^; ^=is:p REFRAIN ^=s%^e ^ — N j^ ^ ! : ■ I ^ ^ rt # # » ■ Thine Can peace af - ford. I need Thee, oh ! 1 need Thee ; Ev - ery hour I ;-u-L r I II * i «-ir ir f f~r i L i..^ - >-U.L g^5P ^ I i ^zzsc )*----^- ^ rr^ -itniL I I I I ^ :g:4i= -K— K ^S^ y:=?=--^ need Thee; bless me now, my Sav • »our ! I come to Thee. m^^^^m ^ :s: 1 I 2 I need "fhee every hoar ; Stay Thou rear by ; Temptations lose their power When Thou art nigh. Btf. 3 I need Thee every hour, In joy or pain : Come quickly and abide, Or life la vain. B»f. K I need Thee every honr ; Teach me Thy will ; And Thy rich promises In me fulfil. Btf. 5 I need Thee every hour, Most Holy One ; Oh, make me Thine indaed* Thou bleflied Son. Btf. 6 No. 4. S^isiit m tht '^mi d ^m^. "Underneath ftre the everlaating arma."— DiUT. 33: S7. Famkt J. Cbosbt. W. H. DoAiw, by per. 1. Safe in the arms of Je - sos, Safe on His gen - tl« breast, Cho — Safe in ike arms of Je - aus, Safe on His gen - Se bre»at. :U4==P^^ ^ J: ::i;t -4- ■P •«^ ^ I: ^^i «•«. END. -fi^ ^ #-?— rt ^i There by His love o'er - shad There by His love o'er - shad 4:2. 3e ' » — • — m — -^i- ed, Sweot-ly my soul shall rest ed, Sweet-ly my soul shall rest. i m^ ±* £ -»*- n #. *. -iL * -J -L- :p=?c: A. i»- a I 1^IEI3 ^ iiffi: i • — #- ^ -#-=-- Hark ! 'tis the voice of an - gels, Borne in a song to me, -•. — •- T e -«>- -«?- =F i:^ ^e i D, C. Ohoroa. 2 Safe in the arms of Jesns, Safe from corroding caro, Safe from the world's temptations, Sin cannot harm me there. Free from the bUght of norrow, Free from my doubts and fears ; Only a few more trials, Only a few more t«ars I— CAo. 3 Jesus, my heart's dear refuge, Jesus has died for me ; rirm on the Rock of Ages Ever my trust shall be. Here let me wait with patiene*, Wait till the night i» o'er ; Wait till I see the morning Break on tiie golden shore.— OlUw No. 5. Wkt ^0tA win fvirviib. Via. 'Casting all your cart, .— f— 1*= i 3^ OHORtTS. t:^ ^^ 2Z: ^ -#— i^ Lord will pro - vide." Then, we'll trust in Lord will pro - vide." 3i^ # the Lord, And He will pro _ ■0- ^ *■ ^ g 5 f=F= ^S I vide s^ ^ -iS«- ft :p=f ^ Yes, we'll trust in the Lord, :x X I ^ ^ -St- And He will pro - vido. -t-^ — 1^ ' * d I It 3 Despond then no longer: the Iiord will provide; And this be the token — No word He hath spoken Was ever yot broken ; " The Lord will proTOle." 4 March on then rght boldly ; the sea shall divide \ The pathway made glorious, With shoutings victorious, We'll join in the chorus, " The Lord will provide." I I« %'i 8 No. 6. Sbe pueti) mA §im. "Rejoice with me, for I have Ibaiid my sheep ♦bat wm loet"— Lwks 15: 1 EmABBTH C. Clephame. 1868. Ira D. Sakkkt, by per. 1. Therewere ninety and nine tha i safe - ly lay In the shel - ter^ of the ^ > W ^ Shepherd's care, A - -w ly from the ten - der Shepherd's care. S ■ k* kA .lA • _ PJ s? _J? ^ 3^ 2. "Lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine; Are they not enough for Theel " But the Shepherd made answer: " 'Tis of mine Has wandered away from me ; And although the roatl be rough and steep i go to the desert to find my sheep." But none of the ransomed ever knew How deep were the waters crossed ; Nor how dark was the night t'\at the Lord passed through Bre Ho found His sheep that was lost. Out in the desert He heard its ciy— BUk and helpless, and ready to me. f- 1 "Lord, whence are those blood-^lrops all the way That mark out the mountain's track ! " "They were shed for one who had gone astray Ere the Shepherd could bring him back." " Lord, whence are Thy hands so rent and torn!" [thorn." "They are pierced to-night by many a 5. But all thro' the mountains, thunder-riven, And up from the rocky steen, There rose a cry to the gate of lioaven, " Rejoice ! I have found my sheep ! " And the angels echoed around the throne, "B^oice, for the Lord briuga back His own!" 9 No. 7. m mn pttt is and §». "The nuiaomed of 'he Lord shall retnrn Mid come toZIon with songs and everlMtlnff Joy upon their heads."— Ibauh 30: 10. HUBKBT p. Main, by pet. Bev. JoB» ATKOt'BOir. ^ n 1 ^ k^ — N - ^ 5=^3=^ =E? i ^ "Sl fc±: •gr 1. We shall meet be - yond the riv - er, By and by, 2. We shall strike the harps of glo > ry, By and b: by and by ; by and by ; ^m 5=Pf J y ana by, by ani m tei t ff 3 vv i i2±^=i * •♦ ■•■ • • 5 :J -#-J-*^ iS And the darkness shall bo o - ver, By nnd by, by and by ; We shall sing redemption's sto - ly, By nnd ty, by and by ; m ¥ 3E i 5 5 1= a: -^^-^ ^ ^s With the toil - some journey dont>, And the glorious bat - tie won, And the strains for ev - er-more Shall re - sound in sweetness o'er i sa^^gi ^^^ % S5 t=c f J^L-l^ ^ X ^ A/^ rf j~jrr^^^ ±* fe3^ -1* 1 We shall shine forth as the sun, By and by, by and by. Yon-der ev - er - last - ing shore, By and by, by tnd by. isfeE«^E^ T- i £ Tf=^ We shall see and be like Jeaua, By and by, by and by ; Who a orowu of life will give na, Bv and by. by and by : And the aiigela'who fulfil All the mandates of His will Shall att«nd, and love us stall, By and by, by and by. 4 There our tears shall all cease flowing. By and by, by and by ; And, with sweetest rapture knowing, By and by, by and by ; All the blest ones, who have gone To the land of life and son^, — We with shoutings shall rejcnn. By and by, by aad by. ii 10 No. 8. I^w 0f pasaYi^tb fa^$^tb §y. "He heard that it waa Jeans of Nazareth."— Mask 10: 47. MlBs Eta Campbkll. Tubo. E. Pebkdts, by per. I ^^^^^^ 1. What means this ea - ger, anxious throng, Which moves with biisy haste along— 2. Who ia tliis Je - bus f Why should He The cit - y move so might-i - ly i iS 5S^ f , g-^ -^ H^il_^Hi^ i £ i^r ♦ X * 1 -N =:p i ^ # f « -#-f * i These wondrous gatherings day by dayl What means this strange commotion pray t A pass - ing stranger, has He skill To move the mul - ti - tude at will t rft ^ %—f-V #. A H?: J^ W-l ^ ± -r-f- ^ 5* In accents hush'd the throng re-ply: "Je-sus of Naz- a-reth passeth by." A - gain the stir - ring notes re- ply: "Je-sus of Naz - a-reth passeth by." f- #• #• -^ •#■■•■ Ai± * 14=^^^^^=^=^ i=» 1 :p= -» — »- t?=r:^ ■V-r In accents hush'd the throng reply : "Je-sus of Naz-a-i-eth paaseth by." A - gain the stir ring notes re- ply: "Je-sus of Naz- a -roth passeth by." ' y r I F — fM ffM'irfn^^ ^ 11 ^m^ fft §iAmxttk—(RwtinM. 3 Jeatu ! 'tiB He who onoe below Man's pathway trod, "1111(1 pain and woe ; And burdened ones, where'er He came, Brought out theii- sick, and deaf, and lame The blind rejoined to hear the cry : " JesuB of Nazareth passeth by." 4 Again He comes ! From place to plaoe His holy footprints we can trace. He pauseth at our threshold— nay, He outers— condescends to stay. Shall we not gladly raise the cry — " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by f ' 5 Ho t all ye heavy-laden come f Here's pardon, comfort, rest, and hoiMk Ye wanderers from a Father's face, Return, accept His proffered grace. Ye tempted ones, there's refiige nigh : "Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." 6 But if yon still this call reAue, And all His wondrous love abuse. Soon will He sadly from you turn, Your bitter prayer for pardon spurn. "Too late I too late !" will be the cry— "Jesus of Nazareth ha$paMed by," ii ■■ No. 9. (Signing §oxc. " To-day if ye will hear His voice, harden not yonr hearts."— Hib. 3 : 15. P. P. Buss. p. p. Bliss, by per. -U4 m ^ i- 3 s lan ^ ^-pr j |a: -UL^^i-br: :^ 1. This lov-ing Sav-ioor Stands pa-tient-Iy; Tho' oft re- ject-ed, 2. Oh, boundless mer - cy, Free, free to all ! Stay, child of er - ror, 3. Tho' all un - wor- thy. Come, now, como home — Say, while he's waiting, m I I li-— P- ■fep-i- iS>-^ 9- 1 — r is Calls a -gain for thee. Calling now for thee, prodigal,' Galling now for Heed the ten- der call. Calling, etc. " Je - SUB, dear, I come." Galling, etc. rz\ — m m fe-^-Ul ^m I ^ jH f 2Z ■Of- thee; Thoa hast wandered far away, Bat He's calling now for thee. ^ ^ i §a i ^ r r r rr No. 10. 13 " WkOMever will, let him take the water of life freely."— Rsv. 39: 17. P. P. BLIB8. P- P- Buaa, fcy rttr. JoyfvUy. 1. " Who-so - ey - er heareth," shont, sbont the sonnd ! Seud the blessed tidings 2. Who-so - ev - er com - eth, need not de-lay, Now the door is o-pen, 3. "Who-so - ev - er will," the promise secure ; "Whoso- ev-er will," for ^m -y — 5^-y- =1= Jt ^ T t^^ i-r-iN-^-^ ^ f jz;;8m?::=gz:jg: 5i i all the world around ; Spread the joy-ful news wher -ev-er aoan is found: en - ter while you may ; Je - bus is the true, the on - ly Liv- ing Way : ev - er must en - dura ; " Who-so- ev - er will," 'tis life for e - vermore -0—0- ! -«- r 5 c c I T F^^^i^^^ I ri<^ -«>- :?E=iE 5: ^ U I OHORTTS. ^E^ f2i^=i S: sa tf — # ' Who - so - ev-er will, may coro^." "Who-«o -ev-er will, who- so - ev - er will," ^ j^ ^ ^ I j 0~-i-0r-0—0—0 — 0- ^^ ^t-U T«>-*- h fc h "^ #-• i T i9- ^^^ -/»- Ittlfc -•— ^- *- -^ c gc c r -I S4/ *^ ^l^^^P^ ^^^^ Send the proo - la - ma - tion - ver vale and hill ; 'Tis a lov-ing :f=f= i I . r- -^~ ^=f= gg b b u u i ^ ^ -V — b^ ^ m^ mt^^u^4^ ^ i^r--^ Fa - the;r calls the wand'rerhome : "Who-so - ev-er will, may coma'' ^ J. ^ / ^ J J p#-^rt-t-f^ ^ -b^ — \t a WU $ ^ 13 No. II. I l^m ft«gin0 tot fmt. 'BTening, and morning, »nd at noon, will I pray."— Pba. 55 : 17. 8. O'Malit CLvrr. Iba D. Sakkt'', by per. P --r^ i=:^ i i^ ^^-r--f^r-* -^ — •- n -• — •- -0—0- 7t ^ -J- * ]*■ 1. I have a Saviour, He's pleading in glo- ry, A dear, loving Saviour tho' mH=kH4 i i=± :-f=* i :^ li^^^ -^4 4 -^ ^JL ■^ ii earth-friends be few; And now He is watcLing in ten - demess o'er me, And :fe: ^m ?=P=FS==P=f rrrrr ■^ :f=^ F=F=i= g # # rr CHORUS. ^X^^^J^Jlir^j l|J.KMf #=^ ^ i ig # # - oh that my Saviour were your Saviour too ! For you I am praying, Por ^ H-^d^tH -»'-0- & M ^=j= t=t ^ * p ^ :^ i n^W ran. ^ ^ -0 0- ■^- FR=f -0 — « t^ you I am praying, For you I ^^M t^-t^-^ t jg ^-> : 3?: e=t^ i=* am praying, I'm pray -ing for you. 22: Mg r r ^ W — 0- 1 — r- 2. I have a Father : to me He has given A hope for eternity, blessed and true ; And soon will He call me to meet Him in heaven. But oh that He'd let me bring yon with me tool 3. I have a robe : 'tis resplendent in whiteness, Awaiting in glory my wondering view; Oh, when I receive it all shining in bright- ness. Dear friend, soold I set yoa receiving one toe I r 'I I I ' i ^ ^f=^ -» — •- I 4. I have a peace : it is calm as a river— A peace that the friends of this worid never knew ; My Saviour alone is its Author and Giver, And oh, could I know it was given to yon I 5. When Jesus has found yoa, tell ottiers the story, (too; That my loving Savienr Is your Saviobr Then pray that your Saviour may bring them to glory, And prayer will be HUW«Md— 'twas ■&• ■weredfMryoai ■! 1 14 No. 12. ^hm ^xt Vnt PttI? B«ad LVU 17: 1»-10. P. P. Bubs. Moderatt. P. P. Bum, by per. 1. Wand'rinRa -far from the ^^M f^^ 1. Wand'ringa -far from the dwellings of men, Hear the sad cry of the 2. Loud-ly the stranger sang praise to the Lord, Knowing the core had been ^M m *± ^ ^ g y- I r^ w let i! ^ EK ^ff f J bJ lep - ers— the ten; "Je - sns, have mer-cy!" brings healing di - vine ; wrought by His word, Grateful - ly own-ing the Heal-er Di - vine ; *. ••■ ■•■• t^' ■0- ■0- •0- . — \ 1 1 L . I L . — t b I L - . ^ t f ' f. P P ir -ir-^ ^t^ i t=^ £ f-M-^ ^^==^ as i CHORUS, N N ^^ One came to wor-ship, but where are the nine? Where are the nine? Je - BUB says ten-der-ly, "Where are the nine?" ^ *-• — *- g — \^ t=t S i V- ^s i ^ rr ^^^^"^^^^^rrfjrjiTiTii Where are the nine? Were there not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? mfU \ \- r- i rrru /7\ i-\ k ' r d ' CH £ ^ 3 "Who is this Nazarene ! " Pharisees say ; " Is He the Christ f tell us plainly, we pray." Multitudes follow Him seeking a sign, Show them His mighty works— Where are the nin*i— Oft«b 4 Jesus on trial to-wiy we oan see, Thousands deridingly ask, " Who is Het " How theyVe Kjeoting Him, your Lord and mine ! firing ia tiw witneaae»-.Where Me the sinet—OAA .SCi^lMittMljl6ii\:. ^ 15 No. 13. ibaf triti tr^ ^mm tot p^ " We know that, when He shall appear we shall be like Him ; for we ■ti«J| ■ee Him as He is."— 1 Johm 3: 8. P. P. Busa. Jamu McObahahan, by per. 1^ 1. I 2. I 3. I =¥= i ^ \^ ^^ ^ ^=^ ±=: know not the hour when my know not the song that the know not the form of my Lord will come To an • gels sing, I man • sion fuir, I ^m fcZltir ^ 5=1!^ 3 1P= ^ r=f t=&==$ ^ take me a- way to His own dear home; Bat I know that His presence will know not the soand of the harps' glad ring ; Bnt I biow there'll be mention of know not the name that I then shall bear; Bat I know that my Sav-ioor will i M />9\ . ! h f ■' njij:-! \>' Ji 1 £ light -en the gloom, And that will be glo - ly for me. Je - SOS oar King, And that will be ma - sio for me. wel-come me there, And that will be heav-en for ma i 0H0RI7S. K— N- Pk-A- m 5 5 i /TN i — 4 — 4 — « — ^ 5 S * Oh, that will be glo-ry for me. Oh, that will be masic for me . Oh, that will be heaven for mo . And that will be glory for me. And that will be mnsic for me, , And that will be heaven for me, , /T\ 9 . f t ^ JEIIZI m f. m -/c ^ 9 h-r-4 ^t:^:^ . ¥ V ^ ¥ ¥' Yes, that will be glory, o^ that will be glory for me . Tea, that will be mnsic, oh, that will be music for m& . . Yes, that will be heaven,oh,that will be heaven for me . re But I know that His presence will lighten the f^loom, And that will be glory for me. But I know there'll be mention of Jesus our Emg, And that will be musio for me. But I know that my Saviour will wdoome me there, And that will be heaven for me. i ' i >tr i [;;[Ef{[ifEr [[! [( i [T ii 1 I No. 14. 16 §|0M Vxt |aa "Th»t which ye hnt, hold Cut till I come."— Rbt. 9 : SS. P. P. BUM. P- P- Bi-M". by per. ^^^^^^ =^ 1. Ho! myooniHidee, eee the sig • nal Wav-ing in the ekyi ^ £ l^ ^F^S-^r = TT = m^^"r^ 5 n ^ #-•— # 5 Re - In-fbrce-mentanow ap • pear-ing, Vic - to - ry ia nighl m^^m r: f r r * ^ i :e=i 1^ z^c^-zkrzif ^^=^ CHORUS. ^ "Hold the fort, for I am com - ing," Je - aus eig - nals still, ^■f r : f i f f f f i f:; ; ».v^ m t ^ fi-^ * 11 | ^ ^^:^rf=^3^=^U^.,J^ Wave the an - ewer back to Hea - ven,- "By Thy grace we will." 8 See the mighty host advancing, Satan leading on ; Mighty men aronnd ns iUling, Courage almost gone.— Oho. 3 Bee the gloriona banner WBTing, Hear the bngle bloir. In oar Leader's name well trinmph Over every foe.— CAo. 4 Fierce and long the battle ragea, But our Help is near ; Onward comes our Great Commantet Cbeeti my oomradee, oheerl— <7Aa. 17 Ho. 15. %%t ^nAt ^i»Y t0t P^ "The gatM of it thall not b« «hat »t all by day ; for there BhaQ bs no ulKht there. " -Rkv. i\.9i. UB8. LTDU DiULTKB. From "Hallowed S«inga," by pfiT t=t| i ^m WTii' ^ 1. There is a gate that stands b - jar, And through its portals gleaming, i ^ ^^ i r f ^ ^ M= ^f- . ^T J s I A radiance from the Cross a - far, The SOkVionr's love re - veal - ing. BBFRAIir. i ^ £ £ J" j tu I i A;Tj~* Oh, depth of mer-cy! can it be That gat;e was left a • jar for me? ^l^4tW ^-f f t I f f ^ I ^r\ m J ei i 3 &=J t fe i For me, . . . e. •-=Tn^fHf ^ for me? — Was left, a -jar for me? '1 ?---^r ii'or me^ for me? ^^ IP 9 That gate %|ar stwids f^«e for all Who seek throogh it salvation ; The, rich and poor, the great and small, Oi every tribe arA nation. Btf. 3 Pr«88 onward then, tboagh foe* marf While mercy's gate ie open ; f frowiv Accept the cross, and win the crown, Love's everlasting token. Mi/. 4 Beyond the river's brink we'll lay The cross that here is given, And btor the crown of lift) away. And loT* nim more in heaven. B^, f 4 \ I ■ ' 18 No. 16. fSm Ut l^ll " Jnatifled by Hia gracn, thronith the re J 'J.J. J 3 ;lj.:r? iV.J." Cross, the bnr - den will fall, Christ hath redeemed ns once for afl. "^ 19 (Sntt Ux all— (aJwrtitflea. t Now are we frn»— there's no oondemnatiofn, Jeiufl providee • perfect Ralvation ; "Come unto Me," oh, hoar Hut aweet call, Come, and He Mvee us once for all. — Oho. 9 " Children of Ood," oh, glorioufl callinK, Surely Hia grace will keop ua from falling; Paulng from death to life at Hia call, Bleaaed salvation once for all. — Oho. No. 17. ^mtUnfir ^noMnfi, Wlx$ i^ Mhmi " Behold, T (itand at the door and knock ; if any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come in to tiim and will sup with him, and he with Me."— Rrv. 3: 90. Ifrs. H. B. Stowb, arr. With feeling. Qmo. F. Root, by pw. ^ 1^ mm jaunty. ■ 1. Knocking, knocking, who is there? Waiting, waiting, oh, how fairl m l I' l E^ f - f P^^ 1= 4=^ M\ I . ^ "Tis a Pil-grim, m *=d M-H^ strange and kingly, ', Nev- f ^ er such was seen be - fore. ^>'u r E P HE * i m f^ m ^ ^^ i^ I ^ Ah! my sonl, for such a won-der. Wilt thon not on - do the door. I — a m ^0 It • ^ m i m ^=^=w i 2 Knocking, knocking, atill He's there, Waiting, waiting, wondrous fUr; Bat the door is hard to open, For the weeds and ivy-vine, ^ With their dark and clinging tendrils, Krer roond the hinges twine. 3 Knocking, knocking— what still there t Waiting, waiting, grand and fair ; Tes, the piercM hand still knooketh, And beneath the crowned hair Beam the patient eyes, so tender, Of thy Saviour, waiting ther*. n ii !H V ( p( , H No. 18. 20 " Go ont into the highways and hedges, and compel them to oome in, that my hoase may be filled." -Luke 14: 33. Fannt J. Crosby. W. H. Doauk, by per. tp|E^f^^E±^^EjEi -J ^ J 9 t • _, 1. Ees-cue the per-ish-ing, Care for the dying, Snatch them in pi - ty from P P i > ^^T-r U 1> U 1 ^ c r -fe ■ b ^ r -4!U^ fr^-V- i f I ^ ¥=*=f m fe=4!!: h — P« — P — P — ^ ii sin and the grave ; Weep o'er the err - ing one, Lift up the tall - en, §f* ^^ M r E c ; s r ^ - ' r^^ I $ fc fc ^ # OHORUS. -i* 1- -iS zet ^^ Tell them of Je - btib the migh-ty to eave. Beecne the per - ish-ing, f r f- . !> .0 f- r f- . , J g g? F ^ r=h^ "^ -is>- * ^ ■y-y- rf :f=t 1^ H N ^ J I J -J h r / 4 3t=3tZZt -^=i4 :^ i Cai-e for the dy-ing; Je - sns is, Je - bub will save. ig M-N^^ -tf-^ f^ m ■^^^ ^^ a Though they are BlighMiig Him, Still He is waiting, Waiting the penitent child to receive. Plead with them earnestly, Plead with them gently: He Nfill forgive if they only believe. 1 I>own in the hnmut fce«rt| Gnuhed by the tempter, Feeling* lie buried that grace can restore Touched by a loving t- rrt, Wakened by kindness, [more. Chords that were broken wfl]. vibrate onoe 4 Rnsoue the perishing, Duty aemandsit; [provid»; Strength for thy labor the Lot4 will Back to the narrow way Patiently win them: Tell the poor wanderer • Saviour has dML ^ 21 No. 19. fm0 Vxt §t\U tit ^mvm. "There is joy in the prenence of the anfcels of Gk>d orer one sinner that repenteth."— Luke 15: 10. Bev. "Wm. 0. CuBHiNO. Gbo. F. Root, by per. Joyfully. 1. King the bells of heav - en ! there is joy to-day, For a soul re - 2. Ring the bells of heav - en ! there is joy to-day, For the wanderer 3. Eing the bells of heav - en ! spread the feast to-day, An -gels, swell the gg|^ r y '4^ i i fe*E*fej s! tS*- tum-ing from the wild ; now is re - con-ciled ; glad triumphant strain ! See ! the Father meet« him out up-on the way, Yes, a soul is res-cued from his sin - fui way, Tell the joy-ful tid-ings ! boar it far a - way ! --r r T~i- ±:t ¥F=^ ■V—i/- *-*»- W^---t^ ^^^^H- CHORUS. ^-^.-^— ^ ."i#-^ '^^P^ 10 5- i -+- :^ ^ TtZJt Wel-com-ing His wea-ry, wand'riug child. And is bom a - new a ransomed child. For a precious soul is born a - gain. Glo - ry ! glo - ry ! how the IS -^— W— ;^-y : t!?- I r--s~r- --^^-^- ^ T i $^^ ^ an - gels sing ; Glo - ry ! glo ■ 4- WS2. ^=^^^^^ IS ■^-r-F ^^^F=C -*- ry 1 how the load harps ring ; "Tis the ransomed -r-*- X i ^ £ rrFf ^^:##^E^^^ # ^^ ^ P ar - my, like a mighty sea, Peal-ing forth the anthem of the free. 22 No. 20. ^mt 0f tixt ^ml ••In my Father 'a honse are many manBions."— John 14 : 9. Mrs. Ellbn H. Gatbs. ^. S ^^; i I TT ^ytf^ti^ 1. I will Bing you a Ppom "Hallowed Songs," l»y per. song ■ a .. of that beau - ti - fol laj. d, *=# & I i I •«, r I rH-H -•-V it= s ^s=l^ =it=r The far a - way home of the soul, Where no stomiB ev - er t^ r !> 1 ^ [lib I 1 1 — L r M b TI i P-^ T fc=± s -<5^ ; ;|J. fill litei^ r J 'J.-i ■sl J J- «T=^ beat on the glit - ter-ing strand, While the years of e - ter - ni - ty ^S ^1 \f ^ nr^ . tj=tt ^-v- # , i»-i- rF < ^- tfc f ^ E t i P=:» ^=* roll, While the years of e - ter ni - ty roll ; Where no storms ev - er * 4 4 > 4 . 4 » ' gl — ^-^-l; ; # V 'g : - j. 8 '| g " r beat on the glit - ter-ing strand, While the years of e - ter - ni - ty lolL n s * \l \ V ^ l^ ^ ^ m E^ E F^^FF ^? J] |||piWq».t[vt«--^«F . yj j f^ -at . -y a » -iimI :^ 23 S Oh, that home of the soul in my /imons and drevns, Its bright, jasper walls I ct'n sec ; Till I fancy but thinly the vail intervenes II : Between the fair city and me. :|f Till I fancy, eto> 3 That unchangable home is for you and for me, Where Jesus of Nazareth stands ; The King of all kingdoms forever, is He, 11 : And He holdeth our crowns in His hands. :|| The King of^ eto. 4 Oh, how sweet it will be in that beautiful land. So free from all sorrow and pain ; With songs on our lips and with harps in our hands II : To meet one another again. : || With songs on, etc. W Ho. 21. ^M Past Mom §mt fm p« ? " So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many."— Heb. 9 : 28. Hiss Frances B. Haveboau P. P. Bliss, by per. MocUrato. jfc ydertuo. [^ 1. I gave My life for thee, 2. My Fa-ther's hoase of light,- My pre - cious blood I shed, My glo - ry - cir - cled throne I Z U 1 ^ gqz t;: :r?^ =fc:g=^ 1r-r pp p i m That thou might'st ransomed be, I left, for earth- ly night. i ^ ^ I I i And quickened from the For wand'rings sad and dead; lone; ^ ^ -I H^ 0— -H 1 1- . 4 i -ft 3^Ei^ ■t—t—f ^ IE I gave, I gave My life for thee. What hast thou given for Me? I left, I left it all for thee, Hast thou left aught for Me? JV f- ■»■ ■»• ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rs ^ $: t ^ I sulfereO much for thoe, More than thy cougue can tell, Of bitterest agony. To rescue thee from bell ; I've borne, I've borne it all for thee, WliAt hafrt thou borne for Met m And I have brought to thee, Down from My home above. Salvation full and free, My pardon and My love ; I bring, I bring rich gifts to thee, What haat thoa brought to Me t ( 1. 1 i 24 No. 22. Wxt i f : f ^ m ^\- ^ 1^ We're go - - ing home, we're go - ing home to - morrow. We're go -ing home, we're going home, we're go - ing home to-morrow. ^ - ^H I * I I- 3 For thoBe who sleep, And those who weep, Abeve the portals narrow, The mansions rise Beyond the skies— We're going home to-morrow. 4 Oh, joyfalsongt Oh, ransomed throng ! Where sin no more shall sever ; Our King to see, And, oh, to be With Him at home foreverl I ^-* ^ nf f f: r it f I I 25 No. 23. M^m^ W^^'^^ ®^^^ P^* p. p. BLI88. 'God ia loTe."— 1 John 4: 8. P. F. Buss, by p«r. m ^ 7,^:^-? ; ^??^=^^=?^^ ^ ±=ts: ^ 1. J I iiiu SO Rliid that our Fa - ther iu heaven Tells of His love in the ) Wouderful things in the Bi - ble I see ; This is the dear - est, that ■ ■ fs N fs ^ fs ■ ii^ ^ :^=p: ^— J-_^_4 : f=1t - r—f~r- ^. J ; I CHORUS. N N ^_ Book He has given, Je - sua loves me. [ ^ P I am so r;lad that Je - sus loves me, ■0- ■0- :p=:::t=5=£= ^ I U :p=zji=ii: tr-tr 45=± ^^^r^ ^ V ^. 4 ___^ J^—Ji- Je - BUS loves me, m Je - sus loves me, h ^ ^ I am BO glad that i^- a^t —t-t-- iri* i Je - sus loves me. V V '^^ ^ Je^- su^ lov^es e ^ -*-'- i ven me ^^*- ■+7- ■t^- is^ :^-rr=ji: mm i Though I forRct Him and wander away, Still Ho doth love me wherever I stray ; Back to Ilis dear loving arms would I tlee, When I remember that Jesus lovea mo. I am so glad, etc. 3 Oh, if there's only one song I can sing. When in His beauty I see the gnsat King, This shall my song in cteinity be. "Oh, what a wonder that Jesus loves me." I am so glad, etc. 1 Jesus lores me, and I know I love Him, Love brought Him down my poor soul to redeem : Ye», it was love made Him die on the tree, Oh, 1 am ceHaiu that Jesus loves me. t am so glad, etc. 3 In this assurance I find sweetest rest^ Trusting in Jesus, I know I am blest ; Satan dismayed, from my soul now doth flee, When I just tell him that Jesus loves me. I am so glad, aiU, 2 If one should of me, how could I tell t Glory to Jesus, I know very well : God's Holy Spirit with mine doth agree, Constantly witnessing — Jesus loves me. I am so glad, etc. U i\ \ M a : m II ; I Mi Hi I'M :! 26 No. 24. $40i(t mA ht (^\nl ' The poor among men shall rcijoice in the Holy One of Imel."— IBA. 29 : Ifc K«V. HORATIUa BONAB. 1C."«. English Melody. fa ziz f 1 :s=tc ■i&- zt -#-^ ^m ^ -#— #- 1. Re - joice and be 2. Re - joice and be 3. Re - joice and be 4. Re - joice and be 5. Re -joice and be 6. Re - joice and be 7. Re - joice and be m *=F* glad ! The Redeem-er has come ! Go look on His glad ! It is suns] iue at last ! The clouds have de- glad ! For the blood hath been shed; Re - dempticm is glad ! Now the pardon is free ! The Just for the glad ! For the Lamb that was slain O'er death is glad ! For our King is on high, He plcadeth glad! For He com-eth a -gain; He com-eth tri- for in f r— ! ^ r t i T=F= 3C g=M-|-f :ii=tc t i OHORUS. -•-i— #- ^ ^ m era - die, His cross, and His tomb. Sound His prais-es, tell the part - ed, the sha - dows are past. fin - ished, the price hath been paid. un - just has died on the tree. umph-ant, and liv - eth a - gain. us on His throne in the sky. fOfto. /or 7tt »«•««.; glo - ry, the Lamb that was slain. Sound His prais-es, tell the *- *- ^ -^ - . - *■ « fi: *=!=* r-r p -^ i ^ Hia Him who was slain ; Sound Hia Him who was slain ; Sound His Tl ^. — •_ ^f9- b ll H^ -e-T- ^ -#-; prais - 68, tell with glad - ness. He liv - eth a prais-es, tell with glad - ness, He com-eth a ^r } ?^-to J gam. gain. S -t- r^"=rT^ Worda written for Messrs. M & S. No. 25. 27 J3 (Tone on Page 36.) " O Lord, revive Th j work."— Hkb. 3 : 9. 1 Wo praise T^ee God! for t'le Son of Thy love, For Jesus who died, and is now gone above. Cho.— Hallelujah ! Thine the glory, Hallelujah! amen. Halleli^jah : Thine the glory, revive us again. 2 We praise Thee, God ! for Thy Spirit of light. Who has shown us our Saviour, and scattered our night. Cho. 3 All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, Who has borne all our sins, and cleansed e-zery stain. Oho. 4 All glory and praise to the God of all grace, Who has bought us; and souglit us, and guided our ways. Cho, 5 Revive us again ; fill each heart with Thy love ; Mafr each soul be rekindled with fire from above. Cho. Rev. Wm. Paton Mackky, 186«, No. 26. <^am^ttting Ux §^m^. " Lord, what w^t thou have me to do?"— Acrrs 9 : 6. Rev. S. D. PmLPB, D. D. Rev. R. LowHT, by per. l^¥ I ^ -«- S -M m T- -Sh- it i ^ Z ^^ 1. Sav - iour ! Thy dy - ing Jove Thou gavest me, Nor should I 2. At the blest mer - cy - sent, Pleading for me, My fee - ble 3. Give me a faith - ful heart-- Like-ness to Thee — That each de 4. All that I am and have — Thy gifts so free — In joy, in rj . . . .. .f: g ft J J J i -n+: ^ wz -i9- -JZi -a- \ ^ £3 -&- aught with-hold. Dear Lord, from Thee ; faith looks up, Je - sus, to Thee : part - ing day Henceforth may see grief, through life, Dear Lord, for Thee ! ■^=^ ■^ I HS^^ In love my soul would bow, Help me the cross to bear, Some work of love be - gun. And when Thy face I see. 1 — tr-r -&- 3= HS?- -^ t. -*5'- i i: w ?=^ feis^ ■«!- m g - -• — &- ■^-m- '■^B^ i » My heart fill - fill its vow, Some offering bring Thee now. Something for Thee. Thy wondrous love declare, Some song to raise, or prayer, Something for Thee. Borne deed of kindness done, Some wand'rer sought and won, Something for Thee. My ransomed soul shall be, Through all e - ter - ni - ty, Something for Thee. Ja ■ 1 ! J b J ■ g g J-r#-.H a .g . ^ i i=i ^ & t^ -» • ■ » jO. i \^ \:^ ' mn 28 No. 27. ^m pe i(rt. "WhoMMTer ahaH call upon the name of the Lord ■haU be save^"— Acts 2: 31. Famnt J. Crobbt, 1868. "W. H. DOANi, by per, ^^^P^^^^ 1. Pass me not, O gen - tie Sav - iour, Hear my humble cry ; 2. Let me at a throne of mer - cy Find a sweet re - liet S M5^= jiy ^- ^ ^^ :-iz±t ■«"- • While on oth-ers Thou art smil - ing, Do not pass me by. Kneel - ing there in deep con - tri - tion, Help my un - be - lief : ^ -#-i — 0- m t-^=^. f-"^ CHOBUS. 1^1^ 4S>- i9- I -0- ^m I 1=^ *ziii: ■ r-rj. — ;- i ^ Sav iour, Siiv iour, hear my hum - ble cry, -*5»- m -t9- --^ -i6>- f w> 9—t- -4^ While on oth - ers Thou art call -«»- . ^ m3 3: I giS3 f--i=t m P^ j=: li 5^— y- f i9- ing, Do not pass me by. ?z: 5E^ ^ a Trusting only in Thy merit, Would I seek Th^ face ; Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Save me by Thy grace. Cho. Thou the Spring of all my comfort, More than life to me, Whom have I on earth beside Thee t Whom in Heaven but Thee t (Tho, Q9 No. 28. ^ntm$u^^*^^(ix'k^wim^. "I mut work the works of HIM ilut sent Me, while it la day."— Joqh 9; 4. Mlu AsHA. Warkkr. Bev. Robert Lowrt, by per. 1. One more day's work for Je - bub ; One less of life for me ! But heav'n is 2. One more day's work for Je - bus ; How glo-rious is my King ! 'Tis joy, not 3. One more day's work for Je - sus ; How sweet the work has been, To tell the PS s f rr" r r r ' r r - F^=F=F I ± ^ ^ :^ ^ :^ -JSZ i i :a: i i T I I nenr-er, And Christ is dearer, Than yes - ter - day to me ; His love and du - ty, To speak His beauty ; My soul mounts on the wing At the mere Bto - ry, To show the glo-ry, When Christ's flock enter inf How it did 9'-^Q=g ^ hM-M <9- r T" r r r ^^ tL^ t iiif CHORUS. light Fill all my soul to-night One more day's work for Jesus, One more day's tho't How Christ my life ^s bought [work for shine In this poor heart of mine ! ^ ^^-i- f9 ' ^ • P i^zip: ••-#- i9- f=^=F 1 1" P 4- i=i IS ^^ J ^-fif-i S :^^ iSf Je-sus, One more day's work for Je-sns, One less of life for me g gFt=^ f2-i- .«— fi?.s- ic:^ ^E ^==4 f—f- ,--«- a ■w- ^ ■ts^— 4 One more day's work for JesuB— Oh yes, a weary day ; But heaven shines clearer, And rest comes nearer, At each step of the way ; And Christ in ail- Before Bis face I fall.— OKo, 5 Oh, blessed work for Jesus ! Oh, rest at Jesus' feet ! There toil seems pleasure. My wants are treasure, And pain for Him is sweet. Lord, if I may, I'll aerra anokher day. — Oh— i W-i^-V OL f=r & I t h h ^ , , ^ , . Wliat a priv - i - lege to car - ry m ■"-f—r- i i? ^ Li i zzk: -/2- m Ev - ery thing to God in prayer. t=5 P^^-*^ g ^iyTilM=1^EE5 =S — (--• — I — ^- E|± Oh, what^ peace ve oft- en for - feit, Oh, what needless pain we bear -l!5>- I 1/ u u 1/ -b -y- y—y- m ^ ^d^=^ i All becanse we do not car - ry Ev - ery thing to God in prayer. -Sr'i—S: f=ti H 1- -V— t^ l^—^j zlz!: ^5L =& # — r £ ^ £5 i 2 Have we trials and teraptationB t Is there trouble anywhere 1 We should never be discooraged, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a Friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share 1 Jesus knows cor every weakness, Take it to tli« Lord in prayer. 3 Are we weak and heavy laden. Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Saviour, still our refuge, — Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, fors^e thee I Take it to the Lord in prayer; In His arms He'll take and shield thett, Thou wilt find a solaoe there. Ho iii m ^ 2] Vfo.30. 81 "Ood M lored the world."— Johm 3: lA Mn. li. Stocetoit. Wm. Q. Fibchzb, by par. tes a ^^ 1. God loyed the world of sin - ners lost And m - ined by the r f m ^ Z-B»i — T— =r: aa ^3if ,1^ > .. I ^ s^ f:-5 f^rin f i2=gt. ■0 — r» ^* ^ *=Wi=^=t|=iP=i -F> fall ; Sal - va - tion fall, at highest cost, He of - fers free to alL ^^^ ^. P 1 ^ :i=i=k::p=ii=r=»Zi ■f^^^m 0H0R17S. ^ 5^:=* **=ii=5 -•-T— •- j=4^ ^ :^|: s Oh, 'twas love, 'twas wondrous love ! The love of God to me ; It \L4- U i 3^ dh=ez^ :;?=[ f P fe I « ' a ii!'' ir pHFfa /^ /T\ :S= s ^ 1 =r -!«^ i brought my Saviour from a - bove. To die on Cal - va - ry. • tf iiS fcfc 3:5^ /Tn .Ov ^ =F=F ^ EE :t: 1 9 E'en now by faith I claim Him mine, The risen Son of God ; Redemption by His death I find, And cleansing ttirough the blood. 3 Love brings the glorioua fulness in, And to His saints mahes known . The blessed rest from inbred sin, Through fiuth in Christ alone. 4 Believing souls, rejoicing go ; ' There shall to you be given A glorious fciata&te, here below, Of endless life in heaven. 5 Of viclory now o'er Satan's poT/er Let all the ransomed^ sing. And triumph in the dying hour Through Christ the Lord our King. il u No. 31. 32 "Bring me yet a Teeiiol."— 9 KiNos 4 : 6. P. P. Bua«. T J~ l j d l r-* =» ^ t p. P. Blim, by par. ^^ iigig^ 1. Have you on the Lord believod ? Still there'mnore to fol-low; 2. Have you felt the Sav- ionr near ? Still there's more to fol-low; 8. Have you felt the Spirit's power f Still there's more to fol - low : ks=J:i=. i ^ FF m .tf. E^ i J=rj=t ^1 His grace have you received ? Still there's more to His bless -od presence cheer? Still there's more to ins like the gen- tie shower? Still there's more to H fol - low ; fol-low; fol - low ; f ^E^ More and more, more and more, "^m ways more to fol t zir: losv, -M •. f-f-^1 n^ 33 #1 iferzt: Oh, His '0—0- ± :3=*i I a r=r I r matchless, boondlosH love ! Still there's more to fol - low. :5Z3tr,zz ^ ill No. 32. §to P^ liOMT, "Behold, now U the accepted timn; behold, now is the day of salvatiou."— 2 Coit. 6 : !!. Rev. AI.EXANDEK Clark. Rev. RODERT LOWRT, by pop. rft £e^ E* 1=^ :l^ I^Zlt i i -«-!— 53 1. Heavenly Fa - ther, bless me now ; At the cross of Christ I bow ; ffi; t v^ ■ 5S Take my guilt and grief a way ; Hear and heal me now, I pray. ^ r ^ ^%± i REFRAIN. ^ :l Bless me now, bless me now, Heavenly Fi - ther, bless me now, '^ -^tzX S Now, Lord ! this very hour, Send Thy grace and show Thy power ; While I rest upon Thy word, Come and bless ne now, O Lord ! Btf. Z Now, just now, for Jeaus' sake. Lift the clouds, the fS&tters break ; i H ^f 1 Wliil« I look, and as I cry, Touch and cleanse me ere I die. JBe/. 4 Never did I so adore Jesus Christ, thy Son, before ; Now the timfe I abd this the place t ' Gnioioufl Father, show Thy grace. Btf, i\ No. 33. ^,mtt 34 Btr mil l8* '*' Eye hath not soon, nor ear heRnl, neither havo enteivd into tlte heart ttt tatm, the thifigtf that God bath prwpareil lor them that h»ve lilm." — ^1 Con. i{ : 9. #. FiLLHOKE BEN.NKT. J0«. P. WKMTBB, 1867. fl" M f-MZ f»~r .-, N . N 4. ■ A^ :t:i|ir«iirS -*— ^ ^=^^ W 1. Thore'a a land that is fair-er thau day, And by faith we can see it a > % We ^lajl fling on that beauti • ful shore The mel - o - di - ons songs of thd 3. To owr boon- ti- ful Father a-bove We will of-fer the tribute of 4. We shall f est on that beauti -ful shore, In the joys of the sav'd we shall 5. We shall meet, ve shall sing, we shall reign In the land where the sav'd never ■ — ?-+- — ^ — I <- — 1> — I ^ — ^i— 1 ^ i»- far. For the Father waits o - v«r the way, To prepare us a dwell-ing place there, blest; And our spirits shall sorrow no more — Not a sigh for the blessing of rest. praise For the glo - ri-ous gift of His love, And the blessings that hallow our days, share ; AU our pilgrimage-toil will be o'er, And the conquerors crown we shall wear, die ! We shall rest free from sorrow and pain, Safe at home in the sweet by and by. ■a- Ji-' t - f- f - g *- -f --'- in^7 CHORUS. S ^ ^ i In the sweet J:. I 1 J^ / i by and by, 12: 1 We shall ■#■■(■.■#■ IS ^LZZjC ^=1 T-TT by and by. In the Bweet by and by. ■y — y- f^^n^ ^ I m- -§--.- ra m^ meet on that beauti-ful shore, In the sweet fe i by and 4t JL jL JL lU I t i^-f0 TIT \fjuA by, bi'iod by, In liM I . 1 35 i S^wttt §jj mA §^.—(^ntitiM. #r »=f r P ^Ffl ii -* «! ^ i*- We shall luieet on that beau - ti - ful sbore. Hi=?= f: r— f- 8\vcet by oud by, ■V th m No. 34. §ib, mg §iavt« Come anto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden." — Matt. 11 : 28. Tr. John M. Nbalk. P. P. Bu8B, by per. lit SOLO. s "^—r -i 3r 1. Ah, my heart r m is heav-y la - den, Wea - ry and op-preeeed ! ^ ± -a- -J— ,,;2 X I I ^=E 2d SnLO. =?=-l f ^ 9:; 'Come to * Me,' saith One, "and com - ing, _r_. i Bo -^r -^ I at rest ! " -^ ^ r I OHORTTS. Septat last txeo lines of each verte. _N fc. --^- : y - t t }# -.-— ^ .mfc i Rit V H *- 3 ^ Come to Me," saith One, "and com - ing, Be •*■ •♦ W- i at lest !" i^ 2z: -i»- 22:3 3 Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If He Txi my Guide t " In His feet and hands are wound-prints, And His side."— (7Ao. 3 is there diadem, as monarch, That \Vi& brow odomsf ** Yes, a orown in very suretyi Batof thorns!"— (7Ao. 4 If I find Him. if I follow, What's my portion here! "Many a sorrow, many a confliot, Many a tear."— CTo. 5 If I still hold closely to Him, What have I at last f " Sorrow vanquished, labor ended, Jordan past I "— CAo. 6 If I ask Him to receive oae. Will He say me nay t •« Not till eai^ih and not till heavM Pass awaj I "— CAo. I m [ \ 36 No. 35. I^tt t0 (S}1xM i ®Wt •'Who His own self bare onr sins."—! Fxtbb 3: 34. Mrs. Elvw A M. Hall. John T. Gbafb, by per. i ^-^ a :t ^ u\ J- J 1. I hear the Sav-iour say, ^±^i i i ^ ^ m v^ i I i Thy strength in - deed is small ; S I ^ i f^ ^^i=i ^•->-^ i ^ii>- 3^ * ^l-i I Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all. i^^^ lEB 1^ ^-.^^ :^ =5= :??=± ^E OHORTTS. I i2 Hr-t -f— ^ — j= -1*- ^^ Je - sus paid it ^>^ ^-iMy- all. -O- -'22: m All to Him I owe ; -4^ I P l?=J /^ 51 era — su i j~r~T= ; 3:13 — <>— Sin had left a crimson stain : He washeJ it white as saow. 2 Lord, now indeed I find Thy p«wer, and Thine alone. Can change the leper's spots, And melt the heart of 8toue.~(7Ao. 3 For nothing good have I Whereby Thy grace to claim — I'll wash my garment white In the blood of Calvary's Lamb.— CAo, 4 When from my dying bod My ransomed soul shall rise, Then "Jesus paid it all " Shall rend the vaulted skies.— CA& 5 And when before the throne I stand in Him complete, I'll lay my trophies down, All down at Jesus' feet— CAo. i No. 36. 37 *'A Friend that stioketh closer than a brother."— Paov. 18: S4. Miss Mabumke Kunn. Hubut P. MAnr, by per. ^m t ;^ «5- m s^ =1 1. One there is a - bove all others, Oh, how He loves ! His is love be- 2. 'Tis e - ter - oal life to know Him, Oh, how He loves ! Think, oh, tlknk how 3E£ » » !»p ^m ^ J M- fS^ ^m P ^^ £ n^ J i J rtf^ iz: 5 i yond a brother's. Oh, how He mach we owe Him, Oh, how He t t t loves! Earth -ly friends may loves! With His pre-cious P ^S3 4r-^« — S :g|=t=^ =r fail or leave us. One day soothe, the next day grieve us ; blood He bought us. In the wil - der - ness He sought us. m f :=^4=4=i=± tg^ ^ ^^m But this Friend will ne'er de - ceive us. To His fold He safe - ly brought us -0-:-it- r^- t=z:ti f^ Oh, Oh, how He loves ! how He loves ! m r^ i Mes^eil Jcqiu I would you know Him, Oh, how He loves ! Give yourMclves entirely to Him, Oh, how He loves ! Think no longer of the morrow. Prom the past new courage borfow, Jesus carri(>s all your sorrow, Ob, how Ho lore*' All your sins shall be forgiven, Oh, how He laves ! Backward shall your foes be driven, Oh, how He loves! Best of blessings He'll provide you, Nought but good shall e'er betide yoOf Safe to glory He will guide you, Ob, how He lovea 1 : ! Wl^- ^ n 38 Ho. 37. Ml p« ih - i I , CHORUS. ^.^-^^, ii help - less and de - filed. Tell me the Old, Old Sto - ry. Tell me the Old, Old passed a - way at noon. ■••••- -!*••♦■ #■ i^■•••• -H 1 rH 1 r^« fe. ^ m 4= ?t=?= rr t^p?^ IS. -# — #•-*: :^:^-^ 1 — tr-^-r -»- ^1 l ; s^-r-:t= f VftU^ 13l ! H ^ i :fct Sto - ry. Tell me the Old, Old Sto-ry Of Je - sns and His love, J2* ^ •»■ ■0- -0- ! I ^ s I § ^ rf = F Tr f: ^ ?=t=J: f ^ id ] 39 '• Tell me the story softly, With earnest tones, and grave ; Bemember I I'm the sinner Whom Jesus came to save, Tell me that story always, If you would really be, In any time of trouble, A comforter to me. 4 Tell me the same old story, When you have cause to fear That this world's empty glory Is costing me too dear. Yes, and when that world's glory Is dawning on my soul. Tell me the old, old story : " Christ Jesus makes thee whole." No. 38. ik f I0di9at @!bill " I will arise, and go to my father."— Luke 15 : 18.' Mrs. Eixss H. Gates. W. H. Doane, by per. T N— Ni ES=3 ■&~ :q: :t=i- ■»- ^ :^-:^ p — t^ — I 1 — ^ — 1. Come home ! come home ! Yon are wea - ry at heart, For the way has been 2. Come home ! come home ! For we watch and we wait, And we stand at the S^ ±. '■(31 'SL -#— « i=T^: -V— t^ t T fL± . P ^ ^ I l--^ f i ^__*_ P --i=^- jE: -a^ ■»■ Stj: is dark, And so lone - ly and wild, gate, While the shadows are piled. g* J ^ . .g — « — t . g O O JE=?: ■s^- i prod - 1 -gal child ! Come pro d- i - gal child ! Come #— #- ->-> '0 m: -# — . --V y y ^ ^ ^i^ig OHORUS. rit if^ ff\ -*-•-#-; -iS»- S^ ^=^ 1 home ! oh come home ! Come home ! oh come home ! Come a tf=s " r-T 1 h .«me ! Come, oh come home ! home! Come, uh come home, come home ! £ -# — 0- r=^ m ' ^W~^ _fi- -f^— g- H»- X. I { I Come home, come home I f=P i^ V^ V£/ I 3 Come home! come home! From the sorrow and blame, From the sin and the shame, And the tempter that smiled, O prodigal child 1 Come home, oh oome home 1 4 Come home! oome homel There is bread and to spare. And a warm welcome there, Then, to friende reconciled, O prodigal child ! Come home, oh, come hornet I' !l It, v\ P''lH 40 No. 39. i ^m U iilt tk ftot^. "I will speak of Tby wondrons work."— Pbal. 145: 5. Mias Kate Hankey, 1867. W. Q. Fiscubb, by per. feS iS* 1. I love to tell the Sto-ry Of unseen things above, Of Je- bus and His 2. I love to tell the Sto-ry ! More wonderful it Beems, Than all the golden fTT P -* — a>- I i I JM==V ^ -» — »- ^5R^ ^ :fc^ tt: _^^__ ■«>- 1*=-^ iqii: e i Glo-ry Of Je-sus and His Love! I love to tell the Sto-ry! Be. fan-cies Of all our golden dreams. J love to tell the Sto - ry ! It m rf\> — f ' i— jgii~T~ 3:i-Ji_^ — fc :-f^ I r li P fel=fe^3ES E^t^gE^^^^Ef^^^^EE^EfS A ^?-j-J &i^^ cause I know it's true ; It sat-isfies my longings, As nothing else would do. did so much for me! And that is just the rea ion, I tell it now to thee. :3l~iZ3. -~t= f- 3z: ^-•-^-..^t-'Ji- p m CHORUS. ^- ^=7- 'X -jsz -»- Ei; - / J J li 3 I love to tell the Sto-ry! 'Twill be my theme in glo - ry, i rfz^ f: *. -3k. J « — -_i — e:^_iz:^ ^ To tell the Old, Old Sto-ry Of Je-sus and His love. P" -*- -«- ^ 4 I 1 3?=i ^S^ m IS a I i 41 I §m t(r Ml tkt $tm^.-^0utium. 3 I love to tell the Story I TiB pleasant to repeat What eeeins, each time I tell it, More wonderfully sweec I love to tell the Story ; For some have never lieard The message of salvation From God's own Holy Word. 4 I love to tell the Story I For those who know it best Seem hungering and thirsting To hear it, like the rest. And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the New, New Sono, Twill be— the Old, Old Stobt That I have loved so long. No. 40. '§o\^ ^pnt, <|aitfafut ^mk. "I will guide thee with niiue eye."— Psalm 32: 8. M. M. "Wells, 1858. M. M. Whus, by per. -p — ^t—^e> — • -'p 1 — ~ # • » — ^ • a » - 1. Ho - ly Spir-it, faith -ful guide, Ev - er near the Onris-tian's side ; gg ^N^ ^ ■w-*-- if: ■g-V •>M i ■««- Gent-ly lead us D. C. Whisp'ring softly, z ^ t=td ■e>- riKE. -N-u. a des • P y the hand, Pil-grims in a des - ert land ; wanderer come ! Fol-low me, I'll guide thee home. Wm r r T r a: -«- -e- n :^ 0-'- -^h- jC-i. r r- ^Mtf^te^^ D. 0. ^- ^ ^E Wea-ry souls for i e'er re - joice, While they hear that sweetest voice ■tf"- :£ I * g :t: Hfi^ I & Ever present, truest Friend, Ever near Thine aid to lend, Leave us not to doubt and fear, Groping on in darkness drear. When the storms are raging sore, Hearts grow faint, and hopes give o'er. Whispering softly, wanderer come I Follow me, I'U guide thee home. 3 When our days of toil shall cease. Waiting still for sweet release. Nothing left but heaven and prayer,. Wond'ring if our names were there \ Wading deep the dismal flood, Pleading nought but Jesus' blood ; Whispering softly, wanderer cornel Follow me, Fll guide tkfee homAl il ' ■%'■ \ \ 43 Ho. 41. ®lw pgW «rf tit WSmU fe iwus. •• I am the light of the world."— John 0: 6. v. P. Bliss. P. P. Buss, by p«r. ^^z=^±^=ij:^z=l 1. The whole world wa.s lost in the dark - ness of sin; The 2. No dark - ness have we who in Je - sus a - bide, The 3. Ye dwell- ers in durk-nass with sin- blind- ed eyea, The 4. No need of the sun - light in heav - en, we're told, The ^^^. M T i^- f 4^-, -0 — P Light of the world is Je - bus. Like sun - shine at noon - day His Light of the world is Je - sus. NVe wivlk in the Light when we Light of the world is Je - bus. Go, wash, at His bid - ding, and Light of that world is Je - sus. The Lamb is the light in th« ^ fat 1 i Ji. ^P^ i glo - ry shone in. The Light of the world is fol - low our Guide, The Light of the world is light will a - rise. The Light of the world is Cit - y of Gold, The Light of that world is :^ Je - sus. Je - BUS. Je - sus. Je - BUS. m §! r=?= CHORUS. Gomo to the Light, 'tis shining for thee; Sweetly the Light has dawn'd upon me, #|f#^ t=r ^- fff-jt f.-e* ^ P=p: f )* I* ^ y I 43 ®k fight 0( ty W0«W ~«0ttdittM ^ /T\ '\ — al — — «i — ^ — m — ^ — m 1 f i'^ r ." J J A-^. *=3t *Zjt ^^^ •f: Once I was blind, but now I can see : The Light of the world ia Je - sus. -^— u-4. ;^ '# #- ?^ 1 — r £ f f=f: u i> -a- ^ No. 42. mt iotH ^)imt. Three warnings : Resist not, Grieve not, Quench not P. P. Blbs. p. p. Buflfl, by per. 1. The Spir-it, oh, sin-ner, In mer-cy doth move, Thy heart, bo long 2. Oh, child of the kingdom. From sin service cease: Be filled with the 3. De- filed is the tem-ple. Its boau-ty laid low. On God's ho -ly X -'-•- X -• — 0---0- X :tt^ » '» f=nf^ I I i? -»-^ r. £■. i5LBB. l". V. BUBS, Dj per. '■' :±=1: :^ .4- ^B^^ hardened, Of sin to re - prove ; ^e - sist not the Spir - it. Nor Spir - it. With com-fort and peace. Oh, grieve not the Spir - it. Thy al - tar The em - bers faint glow. By love yet re - kin - died, A §g| ^^- x^ lETE^ -U— P--«-^ I — 1 r - ? *T ^ * — d — a — • . ^ ^^=3 ^ — # — # i§ long - er de - lay ; God's gracious entreaties, May end with to-day Teacher is He, That Jesus, thy Saviour, May glo-ri-fied be. flame may be fanned; Oh, ^'uenoA not the Spirit, The Lord is ai hand! m -•Jm-'-Jt N4^fi^T^m ti ] !|} V • It I ti: i If:! No. 43. 44 "Hla children shall have a place of refuge."— Paov. 14 : 90. Miu B. C. CLBPBAine. Iba. D. Sanket, by ptf. 1. Be - ueath the CroRS of Je - bub I fain would take my stand — The i^g ^\yf :r-i=^ ^ tt ^^^=^- #-# — ^ 1 — rt f -«*- &=^^; «#e 0-i- 9- — fi— :i-^ — i- s f -«(- Bha - dow of a mighty Bock, With-in a wea - ry land. :«: fcir s :$=^ S r c r r ^ ^^^F^ St :r home within the wildemess, A rest up - on the way, From the PS -$—^ ^^'TTT -#— #- >-•- ^ )* _ >- i :ll ■W- l=f ^ *=t • — « — y y^ '-A-^— < — « # » ' 4^i~4 — '- 4. ' (g---- burning of the iioon-tide heat, AnTthe bur - den of the day. I i^i £ fcfc 5-- £ L ^ r P E^ T^ tr-r f ^ I 2 O safe and happy shelter, O refuge tried and sweet, O trysting-place where Heaven's love, And Heaven's justice meet I As to the Holy Patriarch That wondrous dream was given, So seems my Saviour's Cross to me, A ladder up to heaven. 3 There lies beneath its shadow. But on the further side. The darkness of on awfiil grave That gapes both deep and wide ; And there between us stands the Cross, Two arms outstretched to save. Like a watchman set to guard the way From that eternal grave. 4 Upon that Cross of Jesus, Mine eye at times can see The very dying form of One, Who sufifered there for me And from my smitten heart with tears^ Two wonders I confess, — The wonders of His glorious love, And my own worthlessness. 5 I take, O Cross, Thy shadow, For my abiding place ; I ask no other sunshine Than the sunshine of His face : Content to let the world go by. To know no gain nor loss, — My sinful self, my only shame,—* My glory all the Cross. i No. 44. 45 "And they snng as it were a new aong before the throne."— Rrv, 14: S. Kev. A. T. PiEiwoN. P. P. Bum, by per. AlUffretto. /lutfireiw. . , ^ I -0= I 1. With harps and with vi • ols, thero Htand a great throng s f^ 1 — r =F= ^^^ ^^ i I I p -O- It Ifi ^ ^ i ? 5t 2z: 3Z: I U p I ' - - - , In the pro - sence of Jo • 8U8» and sing this new song ! — H «-:—«- S3 1— I— l=rf - y g m CHORUS. ^0 1? J^ ]^ r- 1 1 U-, i^jt,!^'^ ■■^-^ <^ — 1 1 — — « « — =£5= i -¥ ¥ *— ^j: #-?—:- — 1 1 —-f-i- -« f— — i ^ M^ ^ iT • • # Un - to Him who m * m ^ ' ■ »' w « hath loved as J - - and woHhed ns from a:Efc4l=«H4=c= — ,.» -> ^ — ^-i-#- _j ft : -!* ' Si *■■■■- ^.. ^ ■ -^ p ■ ^-f - h— jg ' 4 q — " — ■ ^ h r- 1 'I 'If I i p 12 ::£ ^5^^^ ^ t»- sin, Un - to Him be the glo - ry for ev - er. A - men. I ^ \ 1^ ^ ' I M T 4- E m f 2 All these onoe were shmers, defiled in His sight, Now arrayed in pure garments in praise they unite. — Cho, 8 He maketh the rebel a priest and a king. He hath bought us and taught us this new song to sing. — Oho, 4 How helpless and hopeless we sinners had been, If He nerer had loved ua till cleansed from oar sin. — C%o. 5 Aloud in His praises onr voices shall ring, So that others believiag, tbia uew song ahall sing.— <7%o. 11' I m 46 No. 45. §mx tht €xm. "Poace through the blood of His orosa."— COLL. 1 : ». Faknt X. Cbosby. \V. H. DOAKK, by p«T, 1. Jo - HUB, keep mo uear tne cross, Tliere ft pr«-ciou8 fountiiin 2. Near the ctohh, a trembling soul, Lovo and mt-r - cy found me ; ES3 tr-T t i 3E i Free to nil— a hcnl - iug streiim, Flows from Culvftry's mountitin. There the bright and mom- ing star Shed its beams a - round me. 5 ^ ■r_z:^r 0H0RT7S. i Et -M — ¥r 4-: ^= -r ^s In the Cross, in the Cross, Be my glo - ry ev - er ; * - f ir p 4 i * ^^ P^ I N •) |C3 k\ n ^ Till my rap - tured soul shall find Rest be. ond the riv - er. ^ -J- 33 f v-r 3 Near the Cross I O Lamb of Ood, Bring its scenes before me ; Help me walk fW>m day to day, With its shadows o'er me. OK*. t Near the Cross 111 watoh and watt, Hoping, tnuting ever, Till I reach the golden strand, Jtut beyond the rlYer. OMc ^ i i • 47 No. 46. ^b, f ing of $19 pigbti; §ovt. "Mighty to Mve."— IBAUU 63: 1. Act. FBAim Bottomr, D. D. IMO. Wm. B. Bbadbubt, by per. 1. Oh, bliKsof the pu-ri-flcd, bliss of the free, I phingein the crimson tide 2. Ob, bliss of the pu - ri - fled, Jo - hus is miue, No longer iu (Iread-condem- i i ■*»- :|^gi Mr^tziS -.5^ o • pen'd for me ; O'er sin and nn-cleaiiness ex - nit - ing I stand, And na-tion I pine ; In conBdoas sal - va - tion I sing of His grace, Who l,An i E^^^ tit'^Ui ^-^^^p^ rxSi )Cii=l=: 1^^ K ^.j-, j_rH 1 J-^ — ^— — I — -S- - A >>r ^: \ — * ! — *~r' CHORUS. {)oint to the print of the nails in His hand. Oh, sing of His mighty love, if ■ ' lift - eth up - on me the light of His face. i^^^SilE^S? J?tfc Sing of His mighty love, Sing of His mighty love, Mighty to save^ ^ Ig :.>-.-^ ^ V-^:3!=^ -i»- i r tE I 3 Oh, bliss of the purified I bliss of the pure I No woond bath the soul that His blood cannot onre| No sorrow-bowed head but may sweetly find rest, No tears but may dry them on Jesus' breast Cho,. 4 O Jesus the omcifled I Thee will I sing, My blessed Redeemer, my Ghid and my King; My aool, filled with rapture, shall shout o'er the grave, And ttiomph ia d«»tih in the "Migbliy to Save." Oho. li^ '<> 'f I if \ V ■ ) ■i I' 1 1 4 ! 48 No. 47. irt pw, Pa ChiW* "Oh, that I had wings like a dovo, for then wonld I fly away, and be at rest."— rsALM 4: 6. Mrs. Oatherink Pknnefatheb. 1863. Slow, and loith expresiion. Ira D. Sanket, by per. :^ — r^ S- • ••• -•■ -Si -^ ^ m 1. Not now, my child,— a lit - tie more rough toss - ing,, A 2. Not now ; for I have wanderers in tho dis - tauco, And ^-^: ^-vW-^^ I h ^=1 E£0±J3EE3=^ iS lit - tie Ion - ger on the bil-lows' foam ; A few more jonmeyings thou must call them in with pa-tient love ; Not now, for I have ^ --»-•- — • — #-*- I =6: 13^ ^ atmat i *=*: (^ ^^ r.> 1= I in the des - art darkness, And then, the sun-shine of thy Fa-thcr's Home 1 sheep up-on the mountains, And thou mubt fol-low them where'er they rove. f r t f i —0—0 f If v^ S£/ 3 Not now , for I have loved ones sad and weary ; Wilt thou not cheer them with a kindly smile 1 Sick ones, who need thee in their lonely sorrow ; Wilt thou not tend them yet a little while f 4 Not now ; for wounded hearts are sorely bleeding, And thou must teach those widowed hearts to sing : Not now ; for orphans' tears are quickly falIin u ? f fer » -^.- i i f fe^ gp Ev - ery day, ev - erv hour, «■:€• ^ ^ ^ ^: •V*' ♦• -f- -»-• — ¥-— I — # » » •-• — '*-T -• w -»— Let aid ■^ £ ^ Ev - cry day and hour, ev - ery day and hour, 3 5t=it: -«5H Sh- • . $ m ■ i^i. i w IB f^nl Thy cleansing power ; May Thy ten - der love to me Bind me r- r > ^ t \ m si^paE ^^^^ clos-er, Lord, to Thee. SiS Let me love Tbee more and more, Till this fleeting, fleeting life is o'er; Till my soul la lost in love, In • brighter, brighter world above. Btf. Bveiy day and hour, ifco. i '■■■ *i in ii- I: ill 1 f No. 49. 50 "By grace are ye saved." — Eph. 3: 8. Dr. Pinup DODDUiDGB. IBA D. Saskit, by per. §ii 1. Grace ! 'tis a channing sound, Har-mo-nious to the ear;HeaTea 19- -*-.-";, U ■V—ih -w- f^^TF ■«>- ^ * h -« d- j^^i^H g * * Y with the ech - o shall resotmd. And all the earth shall hear. PI * ^ /T\ 5fcE3E fcrtE 5=F f W^ p REFRAIN. -#-i -«»- 32: -t: 1^ Saved by grace a - lone, mim -«9- ThiB is all my plea; -i9- V- =?- —I ■f"^ 4 r ■rr tS> V . ^ ^M:^-^ :S=fc: lim* Je - BUS died for all mankind. And Je 5:|eEs3^ ^ :z:z±: >> g f- SOS died for me. ■2 Grace first contrived a way To save rebellious man ; • And all tbe steps that grace display, Which drew the wondrous plan. iJe^. 3 Grace taught my roving feet To tread the heavenly road; And new supplies each hoar I meet. While pressing on to God. lUf. 4 Grace all the work shall erown, Through everlasting days ; It lays in heaven the topmost stones And well deserves our pntisa. Rtg» 1 ^ 1 1 51 No. 50. §U!Am^ ^x0mUt " Whereby are given nnto ns exoeeding great and preeiooB pMmiaes."— 2 P«T. 1 : 4. Words by N. N. P. P. Bubs, by per. $ « w ^^^^^P 1. Pre - cious promise Grod hath giv - en To the wea-ry pass - er by, 2. When temp-ta - tions al - most win thee, And thy trusted watchers fly, ^^ ^^^^¥=t m ri=r?=rg ^m On the way from earth to heaven, "I will guide thee with Mine eye." Let this promise ring with-in thee, "I will guide thee with Mine eye." ^ft U^,r==^^=,=^^;=*i4=S=4±^±=U: rT=n 1»-- »>-i i BEFRAIN. m I will guide thee, I will guide thee, I will guide thee with Mine eye ; £ * ■*. t=^ p^ ^ #. #. #=i: ■■M^n^yj;^ <-.- i^M^^iP On the way from earth to heaven, I will guide thee with Mine eye. » iP Z \^-^-=^=^ s ^ m £t^ ^ ^ 3 When thy eeoret hopes have perished, In the grave of years gone by. Let this promise still be cherished, " 1 will guide thee with Mine eye." 4 When the shades of life are falling, And the hour has come to die, ^ Hear thy trusty Pilot calling, " I will guide thee with Mine eye.** i|fi th' I No. 51. 52 "He Uadeth me by the still waters."— FSAUf 33: 9. Bev. Jos. H. OiLMOBB. 1861. Wm. B. Bradbobt, by per. H=^^:^ ^^P 1. He leadeth me ! oh ! blessed thought, Oh ! •words with heav'nly comTort fraught; 2. Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom. ifi m U-*^ -» — •- ^^- ■^-%-A- ^ -# — 0- w •1^ I r^4i i jj_Jii^ ^^ m What-e'er I do, wher-e'er I be, Still 'tis Ood's hand that lead-eth me. By waiters still, o'er troubled sea, — Still 'tis His hand that lead-«th me. £- t ^e= ^ /9\ i h f=^ & REFSAIN. g p* 8 1 < J ; =^ 5g ^ X ^T\ * ^ihr* m He lead-eth me! He lead-eth me! By His own hand He leadeth me; t .f- t f- f- '■ i h^U ^ TT^r~\ ■P — • — ^ F^t=f p\\\\\W'f'i\\\^^ir^\lS^l His faithful follower I would be, For by His hand He lead-eth me. £^ ^=^=^ t ^^ m f =F==F- 3 Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ever murmur nor repine— Content, whaterer lot I see, Since 'tis my Ood that leadeth me.—Bef. And when my task on earth is done, When, by Thy grace, the victory's won, E'en death's cold wave I will not flee, Since Qod through Jordan leadeth me.— Hf^. No. 52. 53 Wlxm §m^ €mt^. ••Unto them th- £: jg '■ g=:i_ il j g t -j^— ^tir^. f^ '^9^^ T^-r m All praise thro' heaven ringing, When comes. All beauty bright and vema]> :^=i=l=FM=4 £ ^?^ ^: ^=# a=^ i i I: ^ :S When Je-faus comes: -^I^ii — I 1 — <[ i ES ■<5»- ir?= I i#=#l ^^^ All glo- ry, grand, e - ter- nal. When Je- sub comea. ■a. fae-^fff^ 3 No more heut-pangs nor sadneaa, When JesuB cornea ; All peace and Joy and gladneaa, When Jesua comes. Oho. 4 All doubta and feara will vanish, When Jesos oomes ; All gloom His face will banish, Wbea Jeaus oomes, Oho, 5 HeTi know the way was dreary, Wlien Jeeua comes ; Hel I know the feet grew weary, When Jesus oomes. Oho. 6 He'll know what grieft oppressed me, When Jesus oomes ; Oh, how His arms will rest me i Wlum Jesua oomea. Oho. !i^ m ik.' i]^ it ■ >: Ik' I No. 53. 54 "Come now, md let ns reaaon together, naitb the Lord: thongh yonr ains be M ■carlet, they ahall be m white aa auow."— laA. 1 : 18. Words by L. N, P. P. Blum, by per. £ u^^nu •— #-» f=r :± -«- i=:^ ^m -^ i 1. What ! "lay my siiiB on Je - sns? " God'swell -be - lov • ed Son I S [H-^-j-i — T - ^^^ ^=4^ p £ E ^ ^j — 9-j^ 0. No! 'tis a -» ^m fc^ truth most pre - cious. That Grod e'en that has done. i p T — I — r -«-i- OHOBUS. i ->^ — ^- _4^*B 1 1 h- ^ •^f- ■•-^ — •- ^s Hal - le - la - jah, Je-sos saves me, He makes me "white as snow. ^^ ^=^=S: % -la U -' 4 '^ ' 0. £ :?z: I ' Hal - le - In - jah, Je - sub saves me. He makes me "white as snow. P % fefc^ f 1 'U ^ Tes, 'tia a truth moat preoions, To all who do believe, Gtod laid our aina on Jeaua, Who did the load receive. Oho, n What I "bring our guilt to Jeaua f To waah away our ataina ; The act is paaaed that freed na. And nought to do remaina. Oho, t II t 55 No. 54. §mt »i^ i ^n. f*p. "Him that Cometh to Me, I will in no wise coat out."— Jokn 6 : 37. Mis* Ghablottb Eluott, 1834. Wm. B. Bbadbubt, by per. ^ Just as I am, and waiting not To tid my «oul of one dark blot, [spot, To Thee, whose blood can nleanse each O Lamb of God! I come, I come! 3 Just as I am, though tossed about. With many a coutlict, many a doubt, Fighiiiigc and fears witliin, without, O Lamb of Ood 1 I come, I come ! 4 Just as I m, poor, wretched, blind, Sight, ric es, healing of the mind, ^ Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, O Lamb of God ! I come, I come! 5 Just as I am ; Thou wilt receive. Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve ; Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God ! I come, I oomel No. 55. M0'§^. 6^&H. "To-day if ye will hear His voice."— PsA. 95: T. Bev. S. F. SmTH. Db. L. Maboh. 1031. E^t^ ±J± t- m S ±5 ^S 28: ■a^' ^ t_ i ^^ ■» I 1. To -day the Sav-ionr CiiUs : Ye waad'rers come ; O, ye benighted souIh, m. T ^ 22: -»- ?c r # J: m , I #; h' 2 To-day the Saviour calls : Ob, listen now : Within these daored walls To Jesus bow. 3 To-day the Saviour oalla! For lefiige fly; The storm of justice falls, And death is nigh. 4 The Spirit calls to-day : Yield to His power ; Oh, grieve Him not awaji Tie mercy's boor. r No 56. 56 "la there no balm In Gilcad; id there no phyaioian theret"— Jiit. 8: S8. Bev. Wm. Hl'Mtkb. Arr. by Rev. J. H. Stocktow. ^^ =^ m ^m^ WM 1. The great Phy - si - cian now Tz ^ 5C 5^^ ^^ ^ - % \ 0- i^gS ?=p= Jz IeS ? is near, The sym - pa - thiz - ing -# ^ •— r# a ^- * ^ it ' •*■ •# Je - sns: He speaks the drooping heart to cheer, Oh, hear the voice of EfeEf ^ CHORDS. . ? ^ife^^^^ E^ ^ « — •- r^^_ ^^i r^ Jo - sus. '^Sweetest note in eer - aph song. Sweetest name on i mortal tongno, Sweetest car-ol ev - er siing, Je - sus, blessed Je - sus." B ^ t=tt i £ rt~?=g4=g f I 2 Your many sins are all forgiyen. Oh, hear the voice of Jesua ; Go on your way in peace to heaven, And wear a crown with Jesus. 3 All glory to the dying Lamb I I now believe in Jesus ; I love the blessed Saviour's name, I love the name of Jesus. 4"The children too, both great and small, Who love the name of Jesus, May now aceept the graoiotia call To work and live for Jesus." Come, brethren, help me sing His praiM, Oh, praise the name of Jesus ; Come, sisters, all your voices raise, Oh, bless the name of Jesus. His name dispels my guilt and fear. No other name but Jesus ; Oh, how my soul delights to hear The precious name of Jesus. And when to that bright world aboye^ We rise to see our Jesus, Well sing around the throne of love Hia name, the name of Jeans. No. 57. 57 "He WM wounded for onr tnuugresalona."— Isaiah 53: SL Mm. a. R. Coubw. Iba D. Sankkt, bjper. -^— J— i- r P^ igzzg: ^m 1. O ChriBt, whftt burdens bowed Thy head ! Our load was laid on Thee ; Thoa 2. Death and the curse were iu our cup — O Christ, 'twas full for Thee ! But ^ ^ f ^^-Hi^^ fe^^Z=£|=^ J 1 ^ 1 — ^ -«?- m stood • est in the sinner's stead, Didst bear all ill for me. A Thou hast drained the last dark drop— 'Tis emp-ty now for ma That ^i^zzzjg ^3-^ 212 p=^= it zitzzt >zn=t ^ f=F= 5 i -. t-i^^ tir- i=J: -l S^ 5= 1 — r ^ m Jehovah lifted np His rod — O Christ, it fell ou T'aee! Thou wast sore stricken of Thy God ; Thore's not one stroke for me. Thy t«ar8, Thy blood, beneath it flowed ; Thy bruising healeth me. The tempest's awful voice was heard— O Christ, it broke on Thee! Thy open bosom was my ward, It braved the storm for me. Thy form was scarred, Thy visage marred ; Now cloudless peace for me. 5. 1 Jehovah bade His sword awake— O Christ, it woke 'gainst Thee I Thy blood the flaming biade must slake ; Thy heart its sheath must be— All for my sake, my peace to make ; Now sleeps that sword for me. ■ & For me, Lord Jesus, Thou hast died, ADd I have died in Thee ; Thou'rt risen : my bands are all untied. And now Thou liv'st in me. When purified, made white, and tried. Thy Olort then for me I i II i >: ,*! 58 No. 58. in tht ^xt^mt 0t tk §in0* 'M "In Thy presence Ih fulneaa of Joy ; at Thy rixbt hand there are pleasiirea for evermore." — Fbalm 16: 11. Miss IClorenck C. ARHsriiONO. 1864. English. Moderato. Js. ^ tB Oh, to be o - ver yon - der ! In that land of won - dcr, Whore the Oh, to be o - ver yon - der ! My yearning heart grows fouder Of ia rt T-T4r-r m. - ! la i -1 — •-I-1 — f -1 — ±1?: lEdE «>- -# — •- f I To In m j_ti^ i±=j -s fc* 3 r^-^j-^-f-d^fc? 21 •a V i =i =if=^ ■(•«• # — * an - gel voi - ces min-gle, And the an - gel harpers ring ; To be look-ing to the east, to see the blessed day - utar bring Some m n^ -#-i— #- f ^^ 15>- i ' crea. free from pain and sor- row, And the anxious, dread to - mor -row, To tid - ings of the wak- ing. The cloudless, pure day breaking; My ^B a r'-tf- ^ *i ifcS!: 3^ -tn — #-#- w mmm int. e>npo. i ■i- ^ rest in heart is 1 Bj light and sunshine yearning - yearning -^' * \ r r - In for the pre - sence of the com - ing of the King, the King. f X ^ 1^ 3e^ 4: §1 3 Oh, to be over yonder ! Alaa ! I sigh and wondei' why clings my poor, weak, sinful heart to any earthly thing ; Each tie of earth must sever, And pass away for ever ; Bat there's no more separation in the pres- ence of the King. 4 Oh. when shall I be dwelling Where angel voices, swelling In triumphant Imllelujahs, make the vsnlt' ed heavens ring t Where the pearly gates are gieaming, And the rooming star is beaming 1 Oh, when shall I be yonder in the preaeuo* of the King t 59 f n th ^xmnti^ 0f tkt §m0.— (S^ttnuifi 9 Oh, when shall I b« yonder f The longuig gvoweth stronger To Join in all the praises the redeemed ones do sing Within those heayenlj places. Where the angels vail their faces, In awo and adoration in the presence of the King. 6 Oh I shall soon be yonder, And lonely as I wander, Naming for the wolcomo summer — longing for the bird's fleet wing ; The midnight may be dreary, And the heart be worn and weary, But there's no more shadow yonder, in the presence of the King. No. 59. f am (Kerning to tht €m^* "Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast oat."— John 6: 37. Rev. Wu, McDonald. Wm. G. Fischkb, by per. ^^^m :?i^- 1. I am com-ingto the cross ; I am poor, and weak, and blind; I am I Cho. — I am trust -ing, Lord, in Thee, Blest Lamb of Cal - va-ry; Humbly fa: i5»- i^~t=F=r=^ ■ k " N ■ • — * — i F=?1 H count -ing all but at Thi cross I ^ ■ % \ \ 1 -a dK ho [)Sf>. I shall w, Save me, - ■* ■ s \ — I — *: full Je - - * . sal - v( sus, sa ... .,j^ \ - tion ve me find. . now. ' r^ — n 9--5-T — I — r-'-fe- i_ ..... ,-^ ...^ ■ J . -9 *-•—«- T—^ ^ ij n 1 r : , y. a 11 ■ ■ y y U 'y y y y P ':\i S Long my heart has sighed for Thee, Long has evil reigned within ; Jesus sweetly speaks to me, — *' I will cleanse you from all sin. Cho, 3 Here I give my all to Thee, Friends, and time, and earthly store ; Soul and bo;f y Thino to be,— Wholly Thine for evermore. Cho. 4 In thy promises I trust, Now I feel the blood applied: I am prostrate in the dust, I with Christ am crucified. Cho. 5 Jesus comes I He fills my soul ! Perfected in Him I am ; I am every whit made whole : Glory, glory to the Lamb. OKo. * I " ( TT 1^' CO No.60.|^n m my Ps »^vi0m §tU^ pt "The Lord Alone did Ie«d him. '— DiUT. 39: IS. Fankt J. CROflBT. »•▼. B. LowBY, by per. ^-4^+- =^=^ ^^^^^^te^^ ^ #-*-# ^^f ^ 1. All the way my Saviour leads me ; What have I to ask be -side? 2. All the way my Saviour leads me ; Cheers each winding path I tread ; 3. All the way my Saviour leads me ; Oh, the fullness of His love ! B (^ rm f^^^(- S: 19- i w. Mo * ^m^ :it=it: - - r-rs ^ ± :ti -•-T P #- *r I 9^41 Can I doubt His ten - der mer - cy, Who thro' life has been my guide ? Gives me grace for ev - ^ry tri - al, Feeds me with the liv - ing bread ; Per - feet rest to me is promised In my Fa - ther's house a-bove ; m E I 1- I [< i^ ^: T 1=5=5^ m m ->r -h-iir =t ■M^.i i=r- ^^^ ;feE£ '^m Heaven'ly peace, di - vin - est com -fort, Hereby faith in Him to dwell ! Tho' my wea - ry steps may fal - ter, And my soul a - thirst may be, When my spir - it, clcth'd immor - tul, Wings its flight to realms ol' day. L J / /. JE^ac [ i f\ rrrf=r5 H 1- V ' \,^ V m ^^ i For I know what-e'er be - fall me, Je - bus do - eth all Gushing from the Bock be - fore me, Lo ! a spring of joy This my song through endless a - ges — Je - bus led me all things I the ' W^-^'T^ p^ Tf — r- T=F ? 1c=^ ^^P^=^ I 61 ^M th ^lli^.-^mMtA. ^^^^^^H^ 1^ well ; For I know, whate'er be - fall me, Je-sua do-eth all things well Bee ; Ouahing from the Bock be - fore me, Lo ! a spring of joy I see. way ; This my song thro' end-lesa a - ges— Je-sxw led me all the way, j^-'^-f^f- rfe ^ ^ ^ :r=f: f :f=f: ■v-y- t=£^=£ m f" § No. 61. iS0 §uvjj thjj S^mm. Avon. "They shall obtain Joy and plodneRs, and nonow aiid sighing shall nee away."— IsAUii 35: 10. P. P. Bliss, by per, ^^^^m^m^ 1. Go 2. Go bu - ry thy sor tell it to Je -# — P- — P- f 3?=r=t row, sua, The world hath its He know-eth thy J^J^-^ share ; grief; I f f ^^mmm ^mf^^ iiS Go bu-ry it deep-ly. Go hide it with care, Gothinkof it calm-ly, Go tell it to Je - BUS, He'll send thee relief, Go gather the sun-shine ^-e-g-v-?V- X :t=t T u u u i — r~n — u V '/ ?r v-p-#-f-g :^feiP t»^ ^> ;>> ii , = J5zi|i=i =ii;*:i:t:;i*^ JZif. ^^^^^^S^.^S p When tnirtain'd by night, Gk) tell it to Je - sus, And all will be right He sheds on the way ; He'll lighten thy bur-den, Go, weary one, pray. 'rrtTT -• — • — •- Jilzijrxtrtzl •v-u y -#—)»- 3 Hearts growing a-weary With heavier woe Now droop 'mid the datkaea8>- Oo comfort tbem, go 1 \J \J \J f^- I Go bury thy sorrows. Let others be blest ; Go give them the sunshine^ Tell Jeans the rest ■I fl iP I', ■ Pi '^1 II No. 62. 62 "M*ke ft Joyful ncise unto God, all ye lands."— Psalm. 66: 1. Geo. p. Boot. Gbo- F- Boot, by per. Eamettty 1. Dome to the Sav - iour, make no de-lay; Here in His word He's ^ if P • f fg i=^-^: I fct ?— • ^ ^^ 3E shown UB the way ; Here in our midst He's standing to-day, Tenderly saying, ' ' Come I" i^ifa # y' C ^ # »-*-•— Tl^- -tr-r 0HORT7S. ?E^3^ -#-•—•- t^-^ #— ^'-^-^ •I 1- . , ■0 0- U: t U g id^.^4=5: ii^ ja. fe P il ^:£3: -# — « — 0—0 — Of N N Joy . ful, joyful will the meeting be, When from sin our heartsare pure and freci; #-(■- ^ l=^^=M=^= ;>< ^ 1 ^ w - i* f=5=5 g ^:P^=t 3Ni^^#^J#^ And we shall gather, Saviour, with Thee, In our e-ter-nai home. li -#-i-#- n^g • g r r £ I -(«— (O- ite: =r*= ^:^ -t^-p i f^ i s. 5f ^ **SafiFer the children I" Oh, hear His voice, Let ev'ry heart leap forth and rejoice, And let ua freely make Him our choice ; Do not delay, but oome. CAo. I r, x: 3. Think once agam, He's with us to^ay ; Heed uow His blest commands, and obey ; Hear now His accents tenderly say, "WUlyou, my children, oomef" Oho. 4! (.: f' i a'B iV e«; Vi 63 No. 63. i P^at Sbg 3ttfrtr0we f0k^. "Gome nnto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest"— Matt. 11: 38. Bev. L. HART8UUQH. From " Hallowed Songs," by per. 0--9^:- m * ■tS«- Thi Sfe * 3S I ^M 1. i hear Thy welcome voice That calls me, Lord, to Thee For 2. Tho' com - ing weak and vile, Thou dost my strength assure ; Thoa #-^ t h h 1 h- :t=^ 42- i ^ fe=^=^^ tT\ -fi<- cleauB - ing in Thy pre - cious blood That flowed on Cal - va - ry. dost my vile-ness ful - ly cleanse, Till spot - less all and pure. e t e ?: s ? ... . . ^^S M-.I ■flrtp =Fr* m I CHORUS. Bt=t mmm i ^9-\- t — h- * =n i s fcz I ^ am com - ing Lord ! Com - ing now to Thee ! E *=tc i i= Ftf f^ P^4^^ /S> ^ f=Fil= i t= I Wash me, cleanse me, in t* •' 'I the blood That flowed on Cal- va - ry. iiife £ ^^ ^F^^ r r T-hg i 3 'Tis Jesus calls me on ' ' To perfect faith and love, To perfect hope, and peace, and trust, For earth and heaven above. 4 'Tis Jesus who confirms The blesaed work within, By adding grace to welcomed graoe, Where reigned the power of sin. 5 And He tho witness gives To loyal hearts and free. That every promise is fulfilled, If faith but brings tho plea. 6 All hail, atoning bloo?- Precious name, :^=t ^ -#- ^— rf- how sweet ! ^ i:^ P H4^.'^.-.' ^ /*\ mz^. 'SL. t^ -v-N ^=S"J^ -jtZliy r-9-2i j tHm • ^ • 4 heaven, Precious name. W'Wf^ O how sweet — Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. 4 4 4 4 t r f f f. -v-v- Precious name, how sweet, how sweet; ^^ frmf ^ ti Z Oh 1 the precious name of Jeaus-, How it thrills our souls with joy. When His loving arms receive us. And HiB sonj^s our tongues employ! Cho, 4 At the name of Jesus bowing, Falling prostrate at His feet, King of kings in lieav'n we'll crown Him^ When our journey is complete. Cho, \\ 1 1 70 Ho. 73. '*|t ^umth ^nmMp. ft "The lore of Chiiftt, which paaaeth knowledge."— Efh. 3: 19. Mabt Shiklbton. Ika D. SAinanr, by pen ^m i=t= I I l-j \ — 1 = z==z=p = =: , y 1. It pass-eth knowledge; that dear love of Thine! My Je-Bos! SaTioorl Pi iF^^y=i^ E ^^ E^ ^ZZ?C i — t- =F= ^^ g i^rr^ P g^SEgEjE^E^ * ^ 4ti ^s^- Yet this Mtil of mine Would of that love, in all its depth and length, Its ^ 1^* ^ •»• -^ .fL^f:_,f: ^^ t ?^ :5= ^^ I I ■Ok ^: -I — -# — «i- 1^ ^ -«<- :r a: )ci:^ height, and breadth, and ev M £ a: er - lasting strength, Know more and more. i ^^ -f— Sf 131 2, It passeth f^JZint; / that dear love of Thine, My Jesus I Saviour I Yet these lips of mine Would fain proclaim to sinners far and near A love which can remove all guilty fear, And love beget. It paesetb praises I that dear love of Thine, My Jesus ! Saviour I Y» ', this heart of mine Would sing a love so rich, so full, so free, Which brought an un done 8inner,Bttch as me, Bight home to God. But ah ! I cannot tell, or sing, or know. The fulness of that love, whilst here below; Yet my poor vessel I may freely bring, O Thou who art of love the living spring, Myveaaelfill. I am an empty vessel ! scarce one tbonglri Or look of love to Thee I've ever brought; Yet, I may come, and come again to Thee With this — tlie contrite cinner's truthful " Tkim lovest me!" [ple»— 6. Oh ! fill me, Jesus I Saviour f with Thy love I May wws but drive me to the fount above: Thither may I in childlike faith draw nigh* And never to another fountain fly But unto Thee ! And when, my Jesus ! Thy dear face I see. When at Thy loftv throne I bend the knee. Then of Thy love-in all its breadth and length, [strength — Its height, and depth, and everlaatint My Boul shall sing. ■ 71 No. 74. "Neither Is he that plant«th anything, neither ho that watereth."->l Cob. 3: 7. ••OROIANA M. Tavlou, 1869. R. GEO. Halls. AiT. by P. P. BUM. Very glow. ti ^ K— »r— - — J 1— -^ \ '—s S R— ^ P ^ c K :k=*: ^ 1. Oh, to be nothing, noth-in;;, On - ly to lie at His feet. m s^ I ? E -» — P- Cho. OA, to b« no^Atn^, noth • ing, is ^=5=R On • ly to lie at Sis feet, I m $ FINE. A bioken and emptied ves - sel. For the Mas-ter's nse.made meet ^ P.—h^ — «— 13 — i '^ T P — P — »—•—•• -« — •- ^ a=kl: gui^ ^^ h I l-W— ^— V- ^^ ^ broken aria emptied ves - sel, For the Ma$ - ter's use made meet. '^ -S mmwm^^^^^^ Emptied that Ue might fill me 1 r As forth to His service go rrrrrc-^ ? p~y~r 4 -^—^ -V— V- rrr ?e*: ^ D. 0. 0H0RX7S. P^ ^^^^^^^P ^^* f?^ P Broken, that so un - hin - dered. His life through me might tlow. §i; -$-^^'-^ — Ik-m I ^ F--— F F— « 1-^ 1 ■ — — F i 1 1 1 ^— ^_=-_^ £3: i 2 Oh, to be nothing, nothinfr, Only as led by His band ; A messenger at His ^teway. Only waiting for His oiimmand, Only an instrument ready His praises to sorjid at His will, Willing, should He not require me. In flilenoe to wait on l^m stilL Oho. 3 Ob, to be notliing, nothing, Painful the humbling may be. Yet low in the dust I'd lay mo That the world might my Saviour sea. fiathor be nothing, nothing. To Him let their voices be raised, He is the Fountain of blessinf:. He only is meet to be praised. Ch/t. I' a 1^ Ro. 75. 72 " Almost Thon penuadest me to be » Chriatian."— Acn Mi M. P.F.BLia& P. P. BuBB, by per. t fc ^ :± =.^ S^ mm 1. "Al - most per - suad - ed" Now to be 2. "Al - most per - suftd - ed," Como, come to i^ ^^ i-!^P lieve ; day; * — rN- ^^ --f? m 'Al - most 'Al - most I per per N 8uad - ed" Buad - ed," -* ^ Christ to Turn not re a J=^^zr=J rv ceive ; way; r"r * ±^fJ -± 1 t^ 4:^ 2: Seems now some soul to say, "Go, Spir - it, go Thy way, Je - BUS in - vites you here, An - gels are lingering near, -0-^ £ /TS w Some more < on - ven - ient day PrayeiB rise from hearts so dear : 6 ^ i Thee I'U wanderer, call" come. m r f T T \£/ 't 'i^^ a <' Almost peranaded," harvest is past I t'AlmoBv persawled," doom comes at last I '- Aimost" can not avail ; " Almosi. " !B bnt to fail I i , Sad, sad, uiu.t bitter wail— *'AiiDtmtf-ttuiioatJ" *. . h^ .. A . ^ \ I 73 No. 76. |ttUjj ^mm&tl "Belley« on the Lord Jeaiu Christ and thoa shalt be aared."~ACT« 16: 31. Key. J. B. Atcihnson. Wm. F. Shebww, by per. 1. Fill - ly 2. Ful - ly PI *:- I: per - Boad - ed. Lord, I bo - lieve 1 per - Kuad ed— , Lord, hear my cry ! H^=P ^ fS^ T f rr l3 ^^^^^^i^^^fe Ful - ly per - suad - ed, Ful - ly per - suad - ed — Thy pOBS Spir - it me not give by; ^ r =t: rtat T=F m I I: i ^ ^ -r-'f Just will o - bey Thy call ; Low at Thy feet I fall ; as I am I come, I will no lou - ger roam, 1 11 ^^ F=F T^r m \ i Mt. -=^- •-."• .— H ^=1?' -#-T- -^'—^ Now I sur - ren - der all, Christ to re - ceive. O make my heart Thy home ; Save, or I die ! I ^ — l=g -t-t—f f ^ ir-i- — »- 5 1 TT' Fully persuaded, no more oppreat, Fully persuaded, now I am bleat : Jesus is now my Guide, I will in Christ abide ; My soul is satisfied loHimtoreatl ■4. Fully persuaded, Jesus is mine ; Fully persuaded, Lord« I am Thine I O make my love to Thee Like Tbine owi) love to me. So rich, so fiiij and free^ Savieur divine I « ? No. 77. 74 "EveninK, and morning, and »t noon will I pny."— Pbalm 4 : 17. Kev. W. W. Walkokd, 1846. Wu. B. Biudbubt, ISSIl .Vtojc. r J^Z|Z==| ::i /r\ Seee ^ -+- £ f=J^' 1=^ 1. Swoot hour of prayer ! Hweet hour of proyer ! That cnHs lae from u D. C. Aud oft ea-cuped the tempter'H smiro, By thy re - turn, Bwet3t Si^ i '^ tr. t=^ /TN #. #• ?^ :& i w '(: « world of care, And bids hour of prayer, Aud oft m^mm ^mm me at my Gs - caped the ^^m rrf ^ Fa - ther's throne Make tempter's snare, By w FINE. /TV w i i^i mm t^t all my wants aud wish thy re - turn, sweet hour r ^ i ^ es of P« known: In sea • sons of pmyer ! ^7\ «= -H 5 1 ^ i difl £ fc P =1: - • D. O. EG E^ -h — m tress and grief, My soul m has oft - en found re - lief; t ^ 2. Sweet hour of prayer ! sweet hour of prayer ! Thy wings shall my petition bear To Him whose truth and faithfulness Engage the waiting aonl to bloss. Aud since He bids me seek His face, Believe His word, and trust His grace, fl: 111 cast on Him my every care And wait for tliee, dw«et hour of prayer 1 : || a Sweet hour of prayer ! sweet hour of pnyer 1 May I thy consolation share. Till, from Mount Pisgah's lofty height» I view my home and take my flight : This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rka To seize the everlasting prize ; II : And shout, while passing through the air, Farewell, farewell, sweat boot of prayer U| I No m 9= m I 75 No. 78. §0 ^tktt §ixmt. "Neither is there salvation in any other."— AcT9 4 1 IX P. P. Blim. p. p. Bum, l>y per. m P :^ ^ ^^k^U:^ 1. One of - fer of sal - va • tion, To nil the world make known ; ^^^^^^^^^m The on - ly sure fonn-da -^tion Is Cbrint the Cor - ner-Ston& OHOBXre. * km ^SSESEEE f # s m ;a No oth - er name is giv - en, No oth - er way is known, 'Tis 'J i> ■-& t 23P i ^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^p^ ^^ Je - BOS Christ the First and Last, He saves, and He a - lone. I ^^ i 2 One only door of heaven St&ndfl open wide to-day. One sacrifice is given, T^ Christ, the living way. Oho. 3 My only song and story Is — Jesus died for me ; My only hope of glory, The Cross of Calvary. Oho. i' I ! i i i jy ' % 76 No. 79. mm ^M\ m §mvt^t §^? " WTiaUoever a man sowetb, that sball he also reap."— Gal. 6: 7. Mm. Ewly 8. Oakkv, 1850, alt. P. P. Bus8, by per. :#=^=fc:l5z±=^ tiz^^l K~^- iib;^ ±l -* ^- *r-^- ^-^— #-^-^ N-HV il^^ L Sowing the sted by the daylight fair. Sowing the seed by the noon-day glare, 2. Sowing the seed by the wayside high, Sowing the seed on the rocks to die, 3. Sowing the seed of a lingering pain, Sowing the seed of a maddened brain, M J -2 v ^?^ m^ -0-^ ■0 K 1 P -K- >— «- t: -# — #- i: — ^-^ ' — — =J Sow-ing the seed by the fad-ing light. Sowing the seed in the solemn night; Sowing the seed where the thorns will spoil. Sowing the seed in the fer - tile soil ; Sow-ing the seed of a tarnished name, Sowing the seed of e- t^r-nalfehame; ±. ^^r-« m^ ^m m p^^ -#-^ ^— .- I I rr\ -0 it^ft -*. .^ Oh, what shall the har-vest be ? Oh, what shall the har-vest be ? . J^=I eS^ i ■^r-4t-Tt /r\ -!-+■ Eiii^" f^UT^ I i ^•: '^^ S 1 T !h 77 What f Ml the §&mit §t,-(&miMti. OHOHUS. Sown in the dark ness or sewn in the ::=N=:15=^ t^ U L^ ^ .K-^- 1^ U L/ Sown in the darkness or sown in the liglit, ^ i/ i^ Sown in the darkness or ^• ji-z -r E u b ; / i>— p— iT^ r ^ E^ :fl light, Sown in onr weak - ness or rtirriTi rr^T"? t^ U 1/ sown in the light, Sown in our weakness or sown in onr might, g ^=r-^^-?-T f :^=P= rr-r-t-T Z I If I I I • J u~t' Gath - ered in time or e ' Sown in onr weakness or sown in o t might, Gkith - ered in time or e ^ TTT ^S ^ P i ^^Jf^^S * ^ Sure, ah, snre will the bar - - vest be Sure, ah, sure will the W^ i^ i 1 ■ 1 hr vest, harvest be. S 1 4 Sowing the seed with an aohing heart Sowing the seed while the tear-drops start Sowing in hope till the reapers oome Oladlj to gvither the harvest homo : Oh, what Bball the harvest he t CHi, what shall the harvest be t : :i^ m i' . !li T 11 78 No. 80. Sbm fe Pfo Ux a f;00fe, "Look nnto Me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth."— la auh. 14: 22. Ambua M. Hull. Rev. B. G. Tatlob, by per. J b — ^-_-^*- ^3 r£^ ih 1. There is life for a look at thd Cru - ci - fied One, There is ^ 5^— Ivl — u(. t±: =P=?= ?^^^^ £ life at this moment for thee; Then look, sinner, look unto Him and be saved.Unto ^=^" p~i r =P=hc^ ^^ t«^ V— ^ H — #- -vv- ^--9- 1 w u -i.-— V- B) > ^ Him who was nailed to the tree. Look ! look ! look and live I There ia m ^ ^ 3: ^ >i/ to life for a look at the Cru-ci - fied One, There is life at this moment for tnee. ^ jt * # # ^-ZPIT^ZT •V=i^ -# # #- ^-*—^ ^0i-^- ?3^ -V— #- ^ 2 Oh, why was He there as the Bearer of sin, If on Jesua thy guilt was not laid t Oh why from His side flowed the sin- cleansing blood, If His dying thy debt has not paid f 9 It is not thy tears of repentance and prayers. But the Blood, ^at atones fbr the soul; On Him, then, who shed it, thoa mayest at once Thy weight of iiiiq[nitiei roIL Then doubt not thy welcome, since God has declared There remaineth no more to be done; That once in the end of the world Ha appeared. And completed the work He begun. Then take with rejoicing from Jesus at once The life everlasting He gives ; And know with assurance thou nevec canst die Since Jesus thy rig! .west, Uvmi. V 79 No. 81. fet ®bw fe §00m. I I Rerv. H. Bonau, 1873. Slow, w'th expression ' Yet there is room."— LUKK 14 : 22. Iba D. SA5KEY, by per. ftrry- :t ^ =m^^^^^^m g 1. Yet there is room ! The Lamb's bright hall of song, 1?^ — f: f f- — g— .-r: -r p — ^^ -»-i- M: =5= ifc -# • ^ ^ ito i fe ^_i_ i^^ With its iii^ i ^^ fair glc ^ beck - ons thee ♦ ' ♦• -(0. - > ^- a - long ; it i s 2t i * i ^=^ 1 Boom, room, still room ! Oh, en - ter, en - ter now ! s 1: 0- ♦ ^ * - ^^- ^ ^ zr 1 od le a« 2 Day ia declining, and the sun is low ; The shadows lengthen, light makes haate to go : Room, room, still room I oh, enter, enter now I 3 The bridal hall is filling for the feast: Pass in, pass in, and be the Bridegroom's guestJ Room, room, still room ! oh, enter, enter now I 4 It fills, it fills, that hall of jubilee! Make haste, make haste ; 'tis not too fiill for thee: Room, room, still room! oh, enter, enter now! 6 Yet there is room 1 Still open stands the gate, The gate of love ; it is not yet too late: Room, room, still room I oh, enter, enter now ; 6 Pass in, paas in ! That banquet is for thee ; That cup of everlasting love is free: Room, room, still room I oh, enter, enter now! 7 All heaven is there, all joy ! Go in, go in; The angels beckon thee the prize to win : Room, room, still room ! oh, enter, enter now I 8 Louder and sweeter sounds the loving call ; Come lingerer, come ; enter that festal hall : Reom, room, still room I oh, enter, enter now ! 9 Ere night that gate may close, and seal thy doom : Then the last, low, long cry ;— " No room, no room!" No room, no room :— oh. woful cry. "No room ! " Words written for Messrs. M. & S. ^ t :! ' ll !■ m^ ri'i' 5f f illii 80 No. 82. ®wtjj m '^xmmt-§mvtt. " Now it came to pass upon n day, that Jonathan the son of Saul said unto the young tniin that biire hia armour, Como, and let ui go over to the Philistines' garrison that in oil tbe other Bide ; it may be that the Lobd will work for us : for there in no restraint to the Lonn to save by many or by few. And his armour-bearer said unto him, Do all that m in thine heart : turn thee i behold, I am with thee according to thine heart. And Jonathan climbed up upon hia hands and upon his feet, and his armour-bearer aft^r him : and they fell before Jonathan ; and his armour- bearer slow after him. So the LouD saved Israel that day : and the battle passed over unto Uoth-aven."— 1 Sam. 14: 1, 6, 7, 13, 23. P. P. UU88. P. P. Bliss, by per. M :f± Jt -t9- i :ifc= 1. On - ly an armour - bear- er, proud- ly I stand, Wait - ing to 2. On - ly an armonr - bear- er, now in the field, Guard- ing a 3. On - ly an armour - bear- er, yet may I share Glo - ry im« ^ ■flP -J=± S: ^= 22= K '^^ :Kz fol - ]o\v at the Kin<^'s command ; Marching if "onward " shall the shin-iiig bel- met, sword, and shield, Wait - ing to hear the thrilling mor- tal, and a bright crown wear : If, in the bat - tie, to my E T ^ -*h -»>- -A f -i9- £ 1 or - der be, Standing by my Cap - tain, serv- ing faith- ful - ly. bat- tie - cry, Ready then to ans- wer, "Mas-ter, here &m 1." trust I'm true, Mine shall be the hon - era in the Grand ilo - view. r^ i ^m :3^^ "2-? — # ee; '.~AZ. iSft- 1 -*»- I I 81 Wnljj m ^mmx-^mtt.—mniinM. OHOBUS. i — g-'-g-^ fs=¥=ts ^=r^^ ^ Hear ye tho battle cry ! "Forward," the call ! See ! see the faltering ones ! =fefc^ f-r r !r-trtn7-r ti=qgi=: -r— r'-g-r i i fc± ^ . j^ |Sn^ — .— ? 1 — «♦- H « a- -• — #- i .li ^ back- ward they fall Sure-Iy the Captain may de-pend on me. W^ ^ ^^-^- ^ # — ^•- |L-# ^ « §- "^ -m — • — •- XT** y ^ f=i -^- i ^^ -U—l ^-^ h fN it^lTK. ^ m ^TH atizffi -*— g- S j #_ g ^ t-f — ^^'-#-^ zzg: Though but an armonr-bear-er I may be. Sure - ly the Captain may de -^ i-f—ft — c — « — ^__^ — « — ^ , ^ — ^- ' P f ^ — ^ — (^ -» — »- £ rr 5 g c c C" ^ ^^^^^^^ pend on me, Though but an ar- monr-bear-er I may be. a — _« ft c — ^ — ^ — # — f—^. — f: — ^_ f^=^ ^=9-- m H©"- f s i: No. 83. 82 full Ux th^ ^hoxt. "Therrfore, tfany rasm be In C'hriHt, ho Is a new creature; old tUngs are pused away, be^ hoJd, all tliiiijTH arc l)*^,"!!!© NEW."— d (Joii. 5: 17. '■Thcrcfure, luy beluvbd, * * * work out your own ealvatlon with fear and tmmbiliiig."-~ Phil. 2: 12. p. p. BLI88. p. p. Busa, by pei. f-Ji—t- ifc -Is — &v ij^y\l-4^. L Light in the d>irkuees, sail -or, day is at band ! See o'er the foaming ^^ ^ g?ff^ u i 4 ' 4 . i * 5 -♦ — p -»- ? i^IIX bU - krws fikir Ha - yen's land, Drear was the voy • age, sail - or, I fc I -iS^ -r m 3g: -g^ > 3E ^E3 ? -i5»- -tS? 1- fe'^^T 4^r-"^ H^^''^ nr a jU-J now al- most o'er, Safe within the Iife4x>at, sail -or, poll for the shore. P h 5 ^ % t 1 1 ^ m 3! i I f "idsfjiai. i f 83 !utt Ut tk Mm.—^mnn&t^ 0H0RX7S. P » j ;- JU J5 1 1 -0—.~ ~0-i- -0-i- Pnll H for the ehore, Bail • or, pnll for the shore! % ^ 4 1= It til T ^ ^ ^ ^^^ 1 3t — I — 31 B ^9 — Hoed not the roll - ing waves, but g : I I t t-rr- bend to the oar ; f ^. ^ ji' ^ f n I ^=^ ? ^ i ?^ Safe in the life - boat, sail - or, cling to self do more ! Pi ?'"~'r~T' * * % i AT- t g ^ i f II: '1 1 I ^ 5 J ^^f i i j'.-^a^a rF=f Loave the poor old stranded wreck, Mkd poll for the shore. ■" ' IMllllt ir r ini 2 Trust in the lifb-boat, saiW, ail eloe will fbfl. Stronger the nar ;ee 'lanh and ileroer the gale, Heed not the atormy wlndii, though londly they : Watoh the "bright and moniiiig hUli," and puli for the ahoafe. Pnll for th« shore, 4m. h' S Blight gleams thts morning, eatlor, np lift the ey9 ; Olondfl and darkneiw dieappearb y. glory i» nigh! ^ 8aflB in the liib-boftt, sailor, sir K «?vermore . "CRory, glory, hallelqjah T pnll fbr the sboDBb PoD tor the shore, i - tj I ( No. 84. J. Kkblf, 1827. 84 "The Lord Ood is a ann."— FsA. 74 : 11. Oerman. Ait. by W, H. M( Kloiie, Still Hiipport and ouiii I'ltrt nie. All my trust on Thee is Htayed All my help from Thee I bring ; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. 8 Thou, O Christ, art all I want ; More than all in Thee I iind : Raise the fallen, cheer the faiut, Ue^l tho sick, and lead the blind. ^ -«>• ■i9- -m Just and holy is Thy Name, I am all unrighteousness : Vile, and full of sin I am, Tlioii art full of truth and graoe. rienteous grace with Thee is found— (trace to rover all my sin : Lit the Iiealirig streams abound; Make me, keep me, pure within. Thou of life the Fountain art, BVeely let me take of Thee ; Sjirinx Thou \\\i within my heart, Uise to all etoruitjr. No. 86. f 0tfe 0f %%t% " The Lord is my defence, and mj G od is the Rook of my refuge. "—PsA. 94 : 22. Rev. A. M. ToPLADY, 1776. Dr. Thos. Hastings, 1830. J .SI- riNB. -^ ^t^- 1. Rock of A - ges, cleft for me. Let me hide my -self iu Thee; D. C. Be of sin the doub-b cure. Save me from its guilt and power. gia^^-? 19- -19- -H- i5^' :i=t -«>- ■^- I D.O. 2 Not the labor of my hands Can f^fil Thy law's demandH ; Could my task\ no respite know, Could my tears forever flow, All for sin could not atone ; Thou mast save, and Thou alone. 3 Nothing in ray hand I bring , Simply to Thy cross 1 oling ; Naked, oome to Thee for dress, Helpless, look to Thee for graoe ; Foul, I to the fountain fly, Wash me. Saviour, or I die. While I draw this fleeting breath. When mine eyes shall close in death, When I soar to worlds unknown, S" Thee on Thy judgment throne,— Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Lot me hide myself in Thee. ''"' i \ }■ w No. 87. 86 'BleM met even me aiao, my Father."— Grn. 97: 38. MiB. Blu. Oodhsb. ateftiE^ ^ iz ■a)- tz=t:. i -t5»- -«t- Wu. B. Bhadbttbt, hy^pm. JJ I I I If :^ 122; ^ 25t Z2: -iSi-* 1. Lord, I hear of showers of blews^ing Thon art scattering full and free — 2. Pass me not, O gracious Ptw-ther ! Sin - ful tho' my heart may be ; 3. Paflfl me not, O ten - der SariDxur ! Let me love and cling to Thee ; ^ ^ f -^t | g , i i ffl- I WWT^ :^ i -t* -ifit =t i ^ :3 3 3-£ •«»■ g*'B- Showers, the thirsty land re- freshing; Let some droppings fall on tdb — Thou might'st leave me, bnt the rath- er Let Thy mer-oy fall on mo — I am long-ing for Thy fa- vor; "WhUHt Thou'rt calling, oh, call m© — X ^•# f^^ m £ :g: ^^^ :£ » ■ » ^ =F=f ^ ^ I H~g: fct?! 3 32: p Hz E - ven me, -<5»- /r\ ,^\ /r» -i9~ ^ S Let Thy bles»-ing fall J. ^ I on ma 1 s&^ 4 PbBS me not, O mighty Spirit 1 Thou oanat make the blind to see ; WTfcneaaer of Jesus' mecit, Speak the word of power to me.-Even me. 5 Love of Ood, so pure and changeless ; Blood of Christ, so rich aud free ; i. .• , VJ/ Grace of God, so strong and boundless^— Magnify them all in me. — Even me. 6 Pass me not I Thy lost one briu^ring, Bind my heart, O Lord, to Thee ; While the streams of life are springing. Blessing others, oh, bless mu. — Even met No. 88. (^Mt ^t, CD ittott (^vt9i feltovitlt. " For Thy name's sake, lead 1 Guide me, O Thon gi-eat Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land ; I am weak, but Thou art mighty, Hold me with Thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven. Feed me till I want no more. S Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing waters &aw ; Let the fl«iy> cloudy pillar me and guide me."— Psalm 31 : 3. William 'Williams, 1771. Lead me all my journey through : Strong Deliverer, B« Thou stUl my strength and shiclii 3 When I tread the verge of Jordaa, Bid my anxions fears subside; Bear me through the swelling current^ Land uie safe on (>anaan's side; Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee. "! I 87 No. 69. ^xM ^0t to ®m)rtHtm " God is faithful, who will not Rufter yon to be tempted above thai ye are able." 1 Gou. 10: L3. H. JL PAunut. n. R. VAunm. by pnr ^^ ^j ^^ ^M i^ ^E p^ ^^ L Yitid not to temp-ta - tion. For yielding is sin, Each vio - fry will 2. Shun e - vil oom-pon-ions, Bixd uinguage dis - dnin, Gtxi'H niuue bold tn 3. To him that o'orcom - eth Gkxl giv - eth a crown. Thro' fiuth wo tdukU is^ S-t- fcjfc ^ ? r- ^ ^^ 3?-^^ Pl=i=? ^ i3 X SEE¥3 f ^ E^ i PS help yon Some oth - er to win ; Fight man-ful - ly on - wnrd, rev'rence, Kor take it in vain ; Be thoughtful and earn - est; con - quer, Though offc-en cast down; He who is our Sav - ioui, 'Ui <= i T'l r i=^ #-^ Dark passions sub-due, Look ev-er to Je - sus. He'll carry you through. Kind-hearted and true. Look ev-er to Je - sus, He'll carry you thiough. Our strength will renew, Look ev-er to Je - sus, He'll carry you through- ^ ,__j ^_,_i j , ^-'--^-J ^ 1 J i- r -*-v^ *: ^ J. T'-r m OHORXfS. h — N- t-i--t-i- ^- p¥=^ 51 Ask the Saviour to help you, Corn-fort, strengthen, and keep you ; f=r=E=r-=f^ ^. e^ — ■»- V ^ ~^zl X ,». • i ^^^^^m 4, — *< — # . « —^ — I — I — - — t. -0--. ^f~9 He is will - iiig i« aid you, He will car - ry you tht 88 ho 90. I i^flt it i^n witk §t»m, " Cuting all your owe npon Him ; for He oMetb ton y«a."— 1 Piru 5 : T. Uiaa Euj» H. Wnxis. (I e s T-rr~i ^ s ♦it ^ 1. 1 left it all with Je - bob Long a - go ; All my sins I biooght Hiio, 2. I leave it all with Je - bob, For He ImowBHow to steal the bit - ter sa r^ i ^m r * ^ ^1s ? 5? I £ #==?7 ^^ ? f And my woe. Wbeu by faith I saw Him On the tree, Heard HIb small, still whiBper, From life's woes ; How to gild the tear-drop With UiH smile, Make the desert garden m frH = w ^^^^^ '^- f- ^^^"^#^^grnri iiU4j ' 'Tis for thee,' From my heart t' > burden Boiled a - wav— Hap -py day I Bloom a-while : When my weakuens leaneth On His might, All aeeniB light Pi i-^-^ ^ P E ^ #-•- ^ *: I i _ tt €rtt. ■■*F^=i' RU. $ *-. — V » r:yj From my heart the bur - den Boiled a • way— Hap - py day ! When my weakness lean - eth On His might, All seems light ^ m U [ - ^ m ^ T 3 I leave it all with Jeaoa Day by day; Faith can firmly tnut Him Come what may. Hope has dropped her anohw, Found her rest In the oalnv sure haven Of Hi« breast: Love rateeoM it heaven To abide At His lide. ^ ^^ ? ^ -\ V 4 Oh, leave it aU with Jemu, Drooping sobI ! Tell not haHf thy story, Bat the whole. Worlds on worlds are ii»«>gt^ On His hand, Lifb and death are waiting HI* oomauMid ; TetHistHMterlws^m ' Makea Am Jmmr-Oh^ qobm kflHil I ! 89 No. 91. Whtti if^ in imM% "A Fomitaiii opened for sin."— ZiCH. 13: 1. Wh. Ck>wPBB, 1779. t , Wwapax ybajom. r 1. There is a fonntain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuers veins, 2. The dy - ing thief re- joiced to see That fountain in his day ; b^.S ffT'-F-p^t^ ^n i I ^^^^ 1/ And sin -ners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guil-ty stains, And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins a - way, m ^ i ^^ I -I rm ■ - Mr " ' ■ -*m, — _ — -r ^ — ' t ■ — ■ h- ^^^^^^ Tzrr. REFHAIK. ^:^k4^m^ :S=P^ *: i Lose all their ^il - iy stains, Lose all their guil • ty stains ; Wash all my sins a • way. Wash all my sins a - way ; I J ;.i rt i ^^g t i ^ ^ M^ -^^ ■jtiL -J ,L r / And sin -ners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their gui?.- ty stains. And there may I, though Tile as he, Wash all my sins a -way. ^m J ti^ t f r- . - ti f -t: i *=^ t=£: te: 1 E'er ainoe by faith I aaw the stream Thy flowing wonnde lapply, Bedeeming love has been my theme And dull be till I die. Jb/. Then in a nobler, ttweeter song I'll sing thy power to save, [ tongas When tblH poor, lisping, atammering Lies silent in the grave. Eef. ^ ■ i« V:i H No. 92. 90 M fi>; "Oh that I had wlnga liln • dovei Ibr than would I fly afmy Midlie U rmi."-iiidM S5t 8. Ber. D. W. 0. Hcmtimotoh. Tdluub C (yKAam, by pm ].. Oh, wink of the home over tEere.By the side of the river of light, Where the a. Oh,think of the friends over there, Who before us the journey hav« trod, Of the N^ff fif f^ttia mm TO ^ 1^ K N i fc=* tm mtf^ ^ TV I saints, all immor-tal and fkir, Are robed in their garments of white, over them, songs that they breathe on the air, In their home in the palace of God, oyer thoo^ m r ml -• - * p p # ^^ nrTT ^ ^^P ^mr-^^¥F^^mm^ u Over tJiere, Over there. ^ r there over there. Oh, think of the home over there, orer there; Over over there. Oh, think of the frl6nd80Terthere,oyertiiere;Ot!er [^i^ju-iyiy7-T?i!f f f f-fe ^i -f^W^ca ovor there, ov«r there, ti over there, i s «i f7\ i^-s ^i^i-i MUjj4J Sxt 5^ ^n^ f there, over there,over there,o - I'er there, Oh, think of the home o - rer theii& there, over there.ovcT tbere,o - ver there, Oh, think of ttie friends o-ver there^ over there^ 3 My Saviour is now over there. There my kindred and friendfl are at rest ; Then away from my aorrow and oare. Let mo fly to the land of tho bleet. Over there, over there, My Saviour is now over there. 4 m soon be at home ovwr there, For the end of my Journey I nee ; Many dear to my heart, ever there, Are watohing and waiting for met Over there, over there, ni soon be at home over therei ' 10 No. 03. p. p. BLia& P fea 91 gig f «ag*». ■Be ye theiw^nm perfeoC— lixn. Si 8. p. p. BuflTj, by per. ^ ^ ^ T L More ho - U - ness give me, More striv-ingB with - in ; 2. More grel- i • tade give me, More trust in the Lord ; 9L More pa - rl • ty give me. More strength to o'er - come ; 5i=B T^T — '»^ I i ^ More pa-tienoe in soff - 'ring, More sor- xow for More pride in His glo • ry, More hope in His More' free-dom ikom earth - stains, More long-ings for sin ; word; home ; W&T^^-% ^^=^- i ^±=j P'^ i : J' J^=r^ i «- —I o*- i^ More fiEdtb in my Sav - ioor, More sense of His care ; More tears fbr His sor - rows, More pain at His grief; More fit for the king - dom, More used woold I "be ; »— I a ..t .. f . £ --^H-^^ir^^ m ^ i p fc=3- az: =t :J, BU. « '^ :s=?^ ^m More joy in His ser - vice. More pur • pose In prayer. More meek-nens in tri - eJ, More pmiHe for re - lief. More bless - ed and ho - ly. More, Siiv - lour, llkx Thcf ri : i ^ if; 93 No. 94. JL_fcjj fe turn not a - way, For now there is par- don for you. mes-sage of love That of - fers fall par- don foi you? Bpir - it of grace Will an - swer your pen - i - tent prayer. W^. m 4 P f / / / EE i I Vb/ OHORtTS. mm fs=fe ■^^i Yes, there is pardon for -. ; ^ J J- m m I » 0. :x^ #=P' 3t:i3i:i=?[iiiEz:^: r 5 t U ^^ you, .... Yes, .there is pardon for you ; . . m^'ft t -V— ^ — ■ for you, t±t ^ € 0- E33 I for yo\\. i=d t^^ lli ^ M-i: ^l^il ' Xi ^m For Je- BUS has died to re-deem yon, And of - fers full pardon to you. Ni^ ^;4 -fe^jf44 fs^# #^ .', \\\ No. 96. 94 lioftbing but ^mtiL " And whtMi ITo came to It He found nothing bat leaves."— Mabs 11 .'U. Un. Lucy Evrmha Akbbmam. au. BiLAfl J. Vail, by pok I f MJ ^ i.iiim ^ ;i j * i i % t:i i 1. NotMnf; bnt leavM! The Spirit grieves O'er yeaiB of wasted life ; "^ m ^ r t O'er * it=:i I M n ^ t it ^ S sins indnlged while oonsoience slept, O'er \i nra and promiseB tm - kept, And ^ «=fc t-f-!t ? g ,^ U K T r r r r ic F p T i i!=l==hS=iy=i ^ /r» 5 ^ §^ijx^m4.M^ reap from years of strife — Nothing but leaves I PS ^ f ^m -»-#-*^ ^ Nothing btit leaves ! r m 2 Notliing bat leaves I No gathered sheas-ea, Of liib'a iiM\x ripening grain : We 80W our seeils ; lo I tares and weeds,— Winds, idle words, for eai-nest deeds— Tliun reap, with toil and pain, «» NutMug bat loaves ! nothing bat li-aves I , 3 Nothing bnt leaves I ScmI mem'ry weaves No veil to hide the past : And as we trace our weary way, And ooant each lost and misspent day '^ We sadly find at laist— Kothing bat leaves I notliing but leavoil \ ■ v< i Ah, who shall thus the Master meel^ And bring b it withered leaves f Ah, who shall at the Savioor's fee^ Before the awfbljadgment-seat Lay down for golden sheaves, Nothing but leaves-l nothing bat leanest «^ %-- *-. I 2 ^^ No. 97. 95 .' . , ' " And they nball be MlnA, naith the Lord of hoeU. in that day when I make up My Jewels."— Malaciii 3: 17. Bbt. W. O. Gusiiuio. Obo. F. Root, by per. u i^ Moderatn. SJ^ 1. WwnHe ■t* i ^ oom - eth, wfaen He com - ech To make np His m n I F M4^^^ ^ rt mf^i^^^tn^iiiiim i ^ \ Jew - ela. All His jew-ela, pradoos jerwels, His loTed and His own. Wi f ftl g g e ■ I * i=:p ti=ti: Ir- ^- f -iJ ^ ' I h ' r ^1 — # ^^ # # ' ^ # j- -{ — \- ^ M I W^ Like the stara of the mom - ing, His bright acnra a I t ^ I W I i n p :^=ifc J J M I J J 1^ I -# — # r dorn -ing, They shall shine in their beauty, Bright gems for His crown. ^ m^- uAffi i h^-ri^ B t He will gather, He will gather TIic gems for His kingdom : All the pure ones, all the bright onee, HiskTBdaiidQieoiwik C^ 3 Little children, little chUdreu, Who love their Redeemer, Are the jewels, precious jewels, His lovtBd and His own. Oho^ 96 No. 98. (^n W0th h Ps fin^»Yl Amok. I ^-r4M^ 1. " Oo work in My vineyard, " There's plenty to do, The harvest is grea<^^ nnd the 2. " Gk) work in My vineyard, " I claim thee as Mine, With blood did I bay thee.and -;^ tei-r. — ! . I . :. I . ! . -f: ^ t tf ^m M ^ ^ \ ^ •\^- ■X. 9 — •- y-v I u I IT u \j i/- -^-^ >4^ 5P ^ t=t ^m J^Bi f ^ :^ lab'rers are few; There's weeding and fencing, nnd clearing of roots, And D. S. — I've sheep to be tend-cd, nnd InmbH to be fed, The aU that is thine; Thy time and thy ta-lents, thy loft-iest powers. Thy D. S.— In pain and tempta-tion, in angnish and shame, I f f f f- ^=p: L L L it 1-: h ^^ fe^ ^ ^^H— fc P -r-^-g J^ N » \^ S l: jg^^^^^ PI f=*^r^ J J J j^ ploughing, and sowing, and gath'ring the fniits. There are foxes to take, thertt aio lost most be gathered, the wea-ry ones led. [Goto Chorus,'\ warm-est af - fec-tions, thy Hun-ni -est ho'irs. I will-ing-ly yielded My paid thy full ran-som; My ptirchase I claim. [Goto Chorus.] 21feiz»- /^^ ♦ ■#• m fet gc c g f I ■*. — •- ^ r ccgggc k^tU-i-h^^^ ^^n^M OHORUS. 9 wolves to de-stroy. All a-ges and ranks I can fal-ly em-ploy. Go king-dom for thee, The song of arch-an-gels — to hang on the tree ; ^m 1 1 t 1 1 f r f if T =^^ l-lil—i -nro 97 (Ha ^tf0rk itt Pa f ittrptl-«attd[M«f«. work, work in My vineyard, go work in My vineyard, ro work in My vineyard ; there's Go work plenty to do,Q(*work, v. ork.wofk, work,The harvest is great aud tho lab'rcrs are few. I £ I^T gy l f ^-^ ::Jt'-|^-^=^iiS^;^|-- 3 "Go work in My vineyard;" d,WitlMlarkneH8per-vad-ing my min(t 3. The voice of thauksgiving I misfMl.Tho Lord, my llo-deein-er I praised ; ■^ • it A 4L ^ ^'^ «. wm. it±: i < - -V - t And peace without measure I hiicC When the Cora - fort - er came. No rest I conld a - ny-where find. Till the Com - fort - er came. I was at His mcr - cy a - maz'd. When the Com - fort - er cftn\e. ? £=tct:f=f ± REFRAIN. m^^fim^^^^ n Peace, sweet peace, Peace when the Comfort-er came ! My heart that was 44- ^ U U U U ^^^ 1^- E ^=^^^=^=^^^ heav - y and sad. Was made to re - joice and be glnd, f • f r f f f n^^ »-^-H» •- TT- T » — ^ =^ -t^ b^ ? fc l l'l | U'Jjff l i,47tJ JJ:JJ'U.J. I I And peace without measure I had, When the Comfort-er cam& N t iHrf t y^ -^r feE i ^'^' i i H 99 No. 101. Cavanation. (S, p. Kev. E. PBHBOnbt, IWO. 0. IIOLDRM, 1793. ^^^^^^^^m.' 1. All Imil the power of Je - hub' uume ! Let an- ^tU pros-tntto fail ; ms ^—^—0 r=Ht rrr J-*b==t: ^t ^ i "i r 5E? r— r-j-T -^^p i=rt =i^ :rx n-d— i- *E« Bring forth the roy • ol di - a - dem, And crown Him Lord of all ; wm $: f ^ El-«-* - # -Hg=lg s »■ i dbjn^i-j !=«: i t^^rf #^'- 3t=l ■«-.- Bring forth the roy - al di ^ a r dem, And crown Him Lord of all 3^-^-i — J I ' -n — ^=ft P m 2 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To Him all miy'csty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of alL 7) Oh, that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall ; We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. No. 102. 1 O for a thousa'id tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise; Tlie glories of my God and Bang, The tiiamphs of His graoe. 2 My pracious Master, and my God, Assist me to proclaim, — To spread, through all the earth abroad, The honors of Thy Name. j j 3 Jesus! — the Name that charms our feai-N That bids our sorrows cease; 'TIS music in the sinner's ears, 'TIS life, and health, and peaoe. 4 He breaks the power of canoell'd sin, He sets the pris'ner firee; His blood can make the foulest clean ; His blood avail'd for me. Bav. CHA8. WMUIT, 1740. ■^ .n I i \t I I ^ ' 1^ No. 103. 100 "Wm. Cowpkb, 1TT9. Dr. LOWBXL MasoX , 1838. I k -<»- -s^- 2^ -T«- -V i 5^ ^ -«»■ z*- I 1. What Tarions hindian-ces we meet, In coming to the mer-<;y - seat ! 13^ :^ EE =^ >g (V ¥ ^ g: t=r- i Yet 5= !t£ who that knows the •worth of praver.Bnt wishes to be* often there? 8 f ,^ . ^- ^ -^ - is: -«^ X i?L + 2 Prayer makes the darkened clouds with- draw; Prayer climbs the la<"ider Jacob saw, Gives exercise to faith and love, Biings every blessing from above. 3 Restraining prayer, we cease to fight ; Prayer makes the Christian's armor bright ; And Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees, t:=r:tz r-=ii=z!i 3- -r-r Jz ?■ r L. M. No. 104. 1 So let our lips and lives express The holy gospel we profess ; So lot our works and virtues shine. To prove the doctrine all divine. 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honors of our Saviour God ; When His salvation reigns within. And grace subdues the power of sin. 3 Religion bears our spirits up. While we expect that blessed hope,— The bright iq>pearance of the Lord : And fiaith stands leaning on His word. Rev. I. Watts, 1709. No. 105. ""T^/c!"*' 1 From every stormy wind that blows, From every swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat ; 1^ found beneath the-moroy-seat. 9 There is a place, where Jesus sheds The oil at gladneaa on our heads ; A place than all besides more sweet, — It is the blood-bought mercy-seat. ;i There is a scene where spirits blend, Wljcre friend holds fellowship with friend; T!u)uj;h sniider'd far, by faith weme»t. Around one common mercy-seat. Rev. Hugh Stowkll, 1887. No. 106. »"'^^'^«;[^ ^^ 8 Unci. 1 Sinners, turn ; why will ye die ? God, ^our Maker, asks yoix why I God, who did your being give, Made you with himself to live ; He the fatal cause demands ; Asks the work of His own hands,— Why, ye thankless creatures, why Will ye cross His love, and die t 2 Sinners, turn; why will ye die ? God, your Savioiu", asks you why f He, wlio did your souls retrieve, Died Himself, that ye might live. Will ye let Him die in vain ? Cruciiy your Lord again ? Why, ye ransomed sinners, why Will ye slight His grace and die t 3 Sinners, turn ; why will ye die f God, the Spirit, asks you why ? He who all your lives hath strove, Urged you to embrace His love. Will ye not His grace receive I Will ye still refuse to live f O ye dying sinners, why, Why will ye forever die ! Rev. C. Wmlrt, 1745. t No. 107. "Boose's Veraiun,' 1643. 101 Psalm 2a. m^^ ^ Wtf. H. Ha, fKBGAL, 1847. S 22 5 ■«*- 1. The Lord's my Bhepherd, I'll nut wuut, Hu makes me down to lie i wm -i9- ^ i»- ^ 1E=?Z -G- -/9- -Ml :^^ ^ r= g I s^ In pistures green; He leiid-eth me The qai-et wa-ters by. M i S3^^ t: 3?: ^ -<2: ?^ i5>- :fi: I 2 My soul He doth restore again, And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteoiisnesa, Ev'n for His own name's sake. 3 Yea, though I walk in death's dark vule, Yet will I fear none ill ; For Thou art with me ; and Thy rod And 8ta) il No. 111. Rev. iBAAo Watts, 1709. 102 GtrnXAVUX FBAKC, 154S. a^-gj^ - H5»- 19 i ^T> -"1 — r Would He de - vote that g^-^ «- 22: -li^ I 9^ ^ -ts^ i^ sa - cred head tt i For such W=¥^ I a worm as fe: I? /TV 12: 2 Was it for crimes that I have done, He groan'd upon the tree ? Amazing pity I grace unknown 1 And love beyond degree I Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When Christ, the mighty Maker died, For man, the creature's sin. ^ I 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face While His dear cross appears ; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But drops of gi-ief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe : Here, Lord, I give myself away, — Tis all that I can do. No. 112. Geo. Hbath, 1781. ^ ^ Dr. Lowell Mason, 1830. I "ST. ^ -^I2r ■&- 1. My soul, be on thy guard, Ten thousand foes a - rise ; 2. O watch, and fight, and pray ; The bat - tie ne'er give o'er ; §l6 -o- I ^ -«>- ^ T=+= -»5*- ^^ ^ ^ i t=^F=i^ -«- -i&- jBI ^Z- m The hosts of sin are pressing Ke • new it bold - ly ev - ery I -«9- ■(5' iC- -"1 bard day. ^ ^ vj^ To draw Thee from tha skies. And help di - vine im - plore. -^ST- cp X iifiP f f f-i£ i 3 Ne'er tliink the vict'ry won. Nor lay thine armor down : The work of faith will not be done. Till thou obtain the oiown. VA/ 4 Then persevere till death Shall bring thee to tliy God ; He'll take tliec, at tli-v parting breath, To His divine abode. \ No. 113. 103 Rev. Isaac "Watts, 1709. Dr. Lowell Mason, 1833. m afi r=^ ^ 3 -i9- r : 3 r ^ — » ^-/s — 1. Not all the blood of beasts On Jew-ish al - tars slain, 2. But Christ, the heaven-ly Lamb, Takes all our sins a - way ; •>9- i9- t9- I ,. 1^-J- I S=^ f -+■ -i9- jBI ~S^ l2r. ^ -^ 4- -^ m. JSl- -<»- % -«»■ tt 1=1 J i- n~rJ ! I — ^ — -H Could give the guilt - y conscience peace, Or wash a - way tho stain. A sac - ri - fice of no - bier name And rich - er blood than they. §i 3=^^ -3Sr ZST. isr. Jz ./^■^L ■^- --tff- I I 3 My faith would lay lier li'iuid On that dear head of tliiue, While lilre a penitent I stand, And there confess my sin. •1 Aly soul Uh>]\.h back io see The burden th-ii didst bear, While hanging on the cursed tree, And knows her guilt was there. i\ 1 No. 114. Rev. John Fawcett, 1772, Hmntsi. ^. 1^ ^ From H. G. Naobll ■^ rO: -■Sr-zir-^:^ i w ^1^ 9:; 1. Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christ -ian love; 2. Be - fore our Fa - ther's throne, We pour our ar - dent prayers; -»- (iZ-I i 1 ±. ■■C/—9- — #- -1^ zzir^:„i:p-:: ::n::zt^ ■(■': It-J-I :m*:z?:-LyC._: e The fel - low-«hip of kin - dred minds Is like to tlmt a - bov(i. Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, — Our com - forts and our caras. 3 We sharo our luutitul woeH ; Our niutual burdens boar ; And often for each other flows The sympathiziug tear. 4 When we a»uiid«'r part, It given UH inward ]>aln ; But we Hhall still b(>. join'd in heart, And hope to meet again. u No. 115. 104 cp- Hev. IBAAC Wattb, 1780. TBOfl. A. Amn, 1744. LI 1 I ^ 5$ And shall I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name? While oth - ers fought to win the prize, And sail'd thro' blood-y seas? jiirsz ^ k.t=S=S £ -» rS^ .OL I -H>- ■^ :2iz 4- -i9- ^P=F=^ ■»- 3 Are there no foes for me to face 1 MuHt I not stem the flood ] la thia vile world a friend to grace, To Lttp me on to Ood 1 4 Since I must flglit if I would reign, Increase my courage, Lord ; I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported bj Thy word. No. 118. §rttlrt0tt» i^&7^. Rev. E. liOBlNBON, 175& ^m Old Melody, 1813. FINB. i^=:^ i -+- r r ^ ■»- J » Come, Thou Fount of ev-ery blessing, ■ ( streams of mer-cy, nev - er ceas-ing, D. 0. Praise the mount— I'm trxod upon it! .^ 0^-^^ — ^ It — c — ^. Tune my heart to singThy grace; ) Call for songs of loudest praise; \ Moimtof Thy re-deem-ing love. s azi "A # — «- -^x^ f- r-r^ ^:; I i \ i ^ R\A B^ ^-^ i S: :t-± -•-«- ^ i 1 * ■ ■ J Teach me some mel - o-dious son-net, Sung by flam-ing tongues above ; r ■+* th P 4 ^ ^ I t^ ±11 2 Hero Til raise my Ebenezcr, Hither by Thy help I'm come ; And I hope by Thy good pleasure. Safely to arrive at home. Jcsns songlit me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of GimI ; He to re8<^ue me from danger, Interposed His piedous blood. Oh, to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constrained to be ! Lot Thy goodness us a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee ; Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it — Prone to leave the God I love- Here's my heart, oh, take and seal it, Seal it for Thy oourta above. niMbMrtii ^ ffE. l\ I No. 117. 105 Sev. Bat Palhbb, D. D. 1830. I « Dr. Thob. HAflTCfos, 1833. w i i ^ -<» ^3^ i.n' 1. My faith looks up to * -^ ^ -ef- Thee, Thou Lanib of ^^ * 1 »- Cal - va - ry ; T— rn ^ nr-*- -»- -y- i t: ^^ -T»- 31 -i i ^— ^-^ -€ ^ Sav - iour di - vine ; Now -^s- hear me while I pray ; Take all my -«'- --» » 9 »-■ =f 1 — r -»i- la: -#-:- I ^ 5 ■»- f ^S? ^ -i5^ Ty- guilt a - way ; O, let me, $=^ P f^ J :^ from this day, Be whol - ly Thine ^ * ^ -» » •- a. — , -t5>- 2 May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart ; My zeal inspire ; As Thou hast died for me, O may my love to Thoe Pure, warm, and changeless be — A living fire. 3 While life's dark maze I treed, And griefs around me spread, Be Tliou my guide ; IJid darkness turn to day ; Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. 4 When ends life's transient dreum ; Wlicn death's cold sullen stream Shall o'er me roll ; Blest Saviour, then in love, Fear and distress remove ; O be«,r me safe above, — A ransom'd soul. No. 118. BETHANY. 6s * 4&. KeyG. 1 Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee I E'en though it be a cross That ralseth me ; Still all my song shall bo — Nearer, my God, to Thee I Nearer to Thee I 2 Though, like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over luo, My rest a stone ; Yet in my dreams I'd be — Nearer, my God, to Thee I > Nearer to Thee ! 3 There let the way appear. Steps unto heaven ; All that Thou sendest mo. In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee — Nearer to Thee ! 4 Then with my waking thoughts, liiisht with Thy praise. Out of my stony griefs. Bethel I'll raise ; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Theel Nearer to Thee I 5 Or if on joyfhl wing, Cleaving the sky. Sun moon, and stars forgot. Upward I fly; Still all my song shall be- Nearer, my God, to Thee ! Nearer to Thee! Mrs. Sabah F. Adams, IMa , '. ■ i ^ t i No. 119. 106 Rev. Cb. WlSLBT, 1743. J. Bdbon, 1789. ■«^-«— ♦ — -- I !■ I -* i^SS^^^ 1. A-rise, my soul, a-rise ; Shake oflf thy gailiy fears The bleeding sacri-fice F — — I »■ P ^ P ■* — •- -^9- -i^- ■-< r f= -»- T g 3 I i =d= 3^ 2Z r r ::=*: I In my be - half ap - pears ; Bo - fore the throne my Surety stands. ^^ i ^ -a- f=f=F I=f: ^^ -# #- :±d: ^ f I ^ tS^ r^i ■B^- My name is written on His hands, My name is written on His hands. s ^ M=J -* — p — p- SL ^ /TS s: ^ F= I I 2 He over lives above, For me to iuiercodp, His all re«k;(!iiiiii;j: love, His i)recioiis blood to plead ; His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now tbe throne of f;race. 3 Five bleeding wounds Ho bears, Reeeived on Calvary; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly plead for me ; Forgive him, oh, forgive, they cry, Nor let that ransomed simier die. 4 My God is reconciled ; His pardoning voice I hoar ; He owns me for His child ; I can no longer fear ; With confidence I now draw nigb, , And Father, Abba, Father, cry. No. 120. "Your Mission." Key F. 1 Hark ! the voice of Jesus crying, — " Who wUl go and work to-day ? Fields are white and harvest waiting j Who will bear the sheaves away ? " Loud and strong the Master calleth. Rich reward He offers thee ; Who will answer, gladly sajnng, " Hero am I ; send me, send meP 2 If you cannot cross the ocean, And the heathen lands explore, You can find the heathen nearer. You can help them at your door. If you cannot give your thousands. You can give the widow's mite ; And tho hast you do for Jesus, Will be precious in His eight. ; 107 No. l^.-^Concluded. S If jun ctnnot speak like augols, If you cannot preach like Paul, You can tell the love of Jesus, You can say He died for all. If you cannot rouse the wicked With the judgment's dread alarms, You can lead the little children To the Saviour's waiting arms. ' If you cannot be the watchman. Standing high on Zion's wall, Foiiiting out the path to heaven, Oflering life and peace to all ; With your prayers and with your boiuities You can do what heaven dcmauda ; You (>an be like faithM Aaron, Holding up the prophet's hands. 5 If among the older people, You may not be apt to teach ; [herd, " Feed my lambs," said Christ, our Slu^p " Place the food within their reach."' And it may be that the children You have led with trembling hand, Will be found among your jewels. When you reach the hotter land. 6 Let none hear you idly saying, " There is nothing I can do," While the souls of men are dying, And the Master calls for you. Take the task He gives you gladly, Let His work your pleasure be ; Answer quickly when He calleth, " Here am I ; send me, send me !" Bev. Dan'l. Makcu, 1869, M/\ 4 01 WEBB. 7S&6S. IIU. 1^1. KeyBjj. 1 Stand up ! stand up for Jesus I Ye soldiers of the cross ; Lift high His royal banner. It must not suffer loss ; From victory unto victory His army He shall lead. Till every foe is vanquished, And Christ is Lord indeed. S Stand up ! stand up for Jesus I Stand in His strength alone ; The arm of flesh will fail you— Ye dare not trust your own ; Put on the gospel armor. And, watching unto prayer, Where duty calls, or danger. Be never wanting there. 3 Stand up ! stand up for Jesus 1 The strife will not be long ; This day the noise of battle. The next the victor's song, To hJ^ia that overeoneth. . * A crown of life shall be ; He with the King of Oloiy Shall reign e^«mally. Rev. Geo. Duffirld, Jr., ies& No. 122. ^""^ WORK, FOR THE NIGHT. 1 Work, for the night is coming ; Work through the morning hours ; Work, while the dew is sparkliiig ; Work, 'mid springing ftowors ; Work, when the day grows blighter, Work, in the glowing enh ; Work, for the night is coming, Wicn man's work is done. 2 Work, for the night is coming ; Work througli the fiuiin.v noon ; Fill brigl ^est hours '., ith labor ; Rest comes sure and soon. Give every flying minute Something to keep in store ; Work, for the night is coming. When man works no more. 3 Work, for the night is coming, Under the sunset skies ; While their bright tints are glowing, Work, for daylight flies. Work, till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth to shine no more : Work, while the night is dark'ning, When man's work is o'er. Arr. from Kev. S. Dyeb, 1804. No. 123. -i^^- 1 I heard the voice of Jesus say, " Come unto Me and rest ; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast." I came to Jesus rs I was — Weary, and worn, and sad ; I found in Ilim a resting-place. And He has made me glad. 3 I heard the voice of Jesus aay, " Behold I freely give The living water — thirsty one. Stoop down, and drink, and live." I came to Jesus, and I drank Of tliat life-giving stream; My thirst was quouch' soul revive^ And now I live in Him. I heard the voice of Jesus say, " 1 am this dark worhls liglit, liook unto M(\ thy morn shall rise. And all tby ilay bo bright." I looh'd to Jesufi, and I found ,. In Him my Star, my Sun ; And in that licht of life I'll walk •Till trav'UiijT dnvs are done. iiev. H. Siotijia, ISBU 108 No. 124. 1.^ TRK BBAirrtFTn. RTVBK. KcyEfe. I Shall we gather at the river Whore bright angel feet have trod ; With its crystal tide for over Flowing by the throne of God ? Cho. — Yea, we'll gather at the river, The beautiful, the beautiftil river — Gather with the saiuta at the river, That iiowa by the throne of God. S On the margin of the river, Waahing up ita silver apray, We will walli and worahip ever. All the happy golden day. — Oha. 3 Ei-e we reach the ahiuing river, Lay we every burden down ; GraK» our apirita will deliver, And provide a robe and crown. — Cfut. 4 At the amiling of the river, Mirror of the Saviour's face, Saiuta whom death will never aever. Lift their aonga of saving gi-ace. — Cfw. 5 Soon we'll reach tho silver river, Soon our pilgiiuiage will ceaae; Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace. — Cho. Kev. RouKUT :.-OWHY, 1864. No 125 40th PSAI.M. CM. 1 I waited for tho Lord my God, Aud patiently did In ar ; At length to mo Ho did incline My voice aud cry to hoar. S He took me from a fearful pit, And from the miry clay, Aud ou a rock He set my feet, Establishing my way. 3 He put a new song in my mouth, Our God to magnify ; Many ahall aee it, and ahall fear. And on the Lord rely. 4 O blessed is the man whoae trust Upon the Lord relies ; Respecting not the proud, nor such As turn aside to liea. Scotch VEuaicir. N/\ 40A SAVIOUR, LIKB A SHEPHDRD. nU. 1£Q. 8s, 75*4. KeyEfe. 1 Saviour, like a ahepherd lead ua, Much we need Thy teud'rest care, In Thy pleasant pastures feed us For our use Thy folub prepare ; II : Blessed Jesus, bleaaed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thiue we are. 2 Wo are Thine, do Thou befriend us, He the Guardian of our way ; Keep Thy flock, from siu defend us, Seek UB when we go astray ; II : Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesiu, Hear, O hear ixs, when we pray. : || 3 Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be ; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and power to fvea ; II : Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, We will early turn to Thee. : U 4 Early let us seek Thy favor, Early let us do Thy will ; Blessed Lord aud only Saviour, With Thy love our bosoms fill. II : Blessed Jeaua, bl(^ased Jesus, Thou bast loved us, love us still. :|| DouoTUY Thbupf, 1838. No. 127. "°Vyi?r**- 1 Come, ye sinners, poor and needy. Weak and wounded, sick and sore ; Jcaus rea»ly stands to save yon. Full of pity, love, and power : II : He is able. Ho is willing : doubt no more. : || 2 Now. ye needy, come and welcome ; God's free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance, — Every grace that brings you nigh, — II : Without morey, Come to Jesus Christ aud buy. :|1 3 Let not conscience make you linger; Nor of fitness fondly dream : All the fitness He requireth Is to feel your need of Him : II : This He gives you,— Tis the Spirit's glimm'ring beam. : U 4 Come, ye weary, heavy-laden, Bruised and mangled by the fall ; If you tarry 'till you're better, You will never come at all ; II : Not the righteous,— Sinners, Jesus came to call. : || Bev. Jos. Habt, 1730. No. 128. 1 Come. Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove! With aU Thy quickening powers ; Kindlo a flame of heavenly love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Dear Lord ! and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate! Our love so faint, so cold to Thee, And Thine to us so great 1 3 Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove, 'Vith all Thy quickening powers ; Come, shod abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. L Watts, iToa. ^ !^ 109 No. 129. HKLOVKDMB. (Tune on page ^.) 1 Once I was dend in aln, And )iopo within nie died ; But now I'm dewl to sin — Witli JcsuB crucified. Cho. — And can it be that "Ho lovod me, And gave Hiniaolf for mo V 2 Oh height I can not reach, Oh deptli I can not sound, Oh love, O bouudleoa love, In my Redeen^cr found ! Oho. 3 Oh cold, ungratefiil heart That can from Jesus turn. When living fires of love Should on his altar biun. Cho. 4 I live— and yet, not I, But Christ that lives in me } Who from the law of sin And death hath made me free. Cho. Bev. A. T. PiKRSos. Nn 130 THB christian's HOMB. P.M. 1 In the Christian's home in glory There remains a land of rest ; There my Saviour's gone before me. To fulfil my soul's request. Cho. — 1|: There is rest for the weary,:|| There is rest for the weary, There is rest for you ; On the other side of Jordan, In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of life is blooming. There is rest for you. Cho, S He is fitting up my mansion. Which eternally shall stand; For my stay shall not be transient In that holy, happy land. Cha. 3 Sing, O sing, ye heirs of glory 1 Shout your triumphs as you go •, Zion's gates will open for you, You shall find an entrance through . Ch'r, Bev. Sau'l. Y. Habhek. 1650. Be thon afltonish'd, my sool ; He shed those tears for theo. 3 He wept that we might weep ; Eat^h aiu deniandrt a t>-nr : In heaven uloiif no sin im t'oniiil, Aud there's no weeping; ihcrt'.. Bev. Benj. Beouume, 1797. No. 131. BOYLSTON. S. M. KeyC. No. 132. COMB^^^^'"*- 1 Come to Jesns, come to Jenus, Come to Jesus just now ; Just now, come to Jeanc, Come to Jeans, just now. 2 He will save you, etc. 3 He is able, etc. 4 He ia willing, etc. 5 He is waiting, etc 6 He will hear yon, ete. 7 He will cleanse you, eto. 8 Hell renew yon, eto. 9 Hell forgive yon, etc 10 If you trust Him, etc 11 He will save yoo, etc Bholish. No. 133. HAPPY DAY. L. M. KeyG. 1 Did Christ o'er sinaen weep, And shall our cheeks be dry 1 Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye. 3 The Son of God in teara Hm wond'ring angels aee ; 1 O happy day, that fixed my choice On Thee, my Saviour and my Ood I Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. Cho.— Happy day, happy day. When Jesus washed my sins away : He taught me how to watch and pray, And live rejoicing every day, Happy day, happy day. When Jesus washed my sins away. 2 'TIS done, the great transaction's done— I am my Lord's, and He is mine ; He drew me, and I followed on, Charmed to confess the voice divine Cho. 3 Now rest, my long-divided heart ; Fixed on this blissfbl centre, rest ; Nor ever fi«m thy Lord depart. With Him of every good possessed. Cho. 4 High heaven, that heard the solemn vow, That vow renewed shall daily hear. Till in life's latest hour I bow, And bless in death a bond so dear. Cho* Bev. P. DODUKUfOE, i7Sa>. ;(' 110 r.l 'i Index. Titles in Small Caps— First Lines in Roman. A.. PAOK. Ah mt Heart 35 Ah r^7 heart is heavy laden 35 Alas I and did my Saviour bleed 102 Almost Persuaded 72 A long time I wandered 66 All hail the power of Jesus' name 99 All tub Way my Saviour Leaos Mb CO All people that on earth do dwell 3 All TO Christ I Owe 36 Am I a soldier of the Cross 104 Arise my soul, tirise! 106 Arlington. C. M 104 A Sinner Forqivbn 64 B. Beneath the cross of Jesus 44 Bless sib Now 33 Blest be the tie t)jat binds 103 BOYLSTON. S. M 103 Brightly beain" oar Father's mercy... 65 cr. Callino Now 11 Come every soul, by eiu oppressed 92 Come, Holy Spirit, heareuly Dove I... 108 Come home, come homel 39 Come thou Fount of every blessing ... 104 Come to Jeaua, come to Jesus 1 109 Comb to the Saviour 62 Come ye sinners, poor and needy 108 CORONATrON. C. M 99 Cross OF Tssca 44 DteNsns. 8. M 103 Depth of mercy ! can there be 97 Did Christ o'er sinners weep 109 Down Ufe'fl dark vale we wander. 53 DUXDBB. CM..... 102 Evan. CM loi Even Mb o* Every Day and Hour -a Free from the law, oh happy 18 From every stormy wind that blows.. 100 Fully Persuaded 73 O-. Gate Ajar r7 Go Bury thy Sorrow CI God loved the world of sinners lost ... 31 Go Work in My Vineyard..... 96 Grace 'tis a charming sound 50 Great Physician 56 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah 8C H. Hallelujah, 'tis Done! 4 Hark the voice of Jesus, crying 106 Have you on the Lord believed ? 32 Heavenly Father, blesn rac now ; :W He Leadeth Me 52 Hold the Fort 16 Holy Spirit, FAiruruL Guide! 41 Home of the Soul 22 Home over There 90 Ho 1 my comrades, see the signal 16 How solemn are the words 68 How sweet the name of Jesus «ounds . 68 I. I AM CoMiNO TO the Cross 59 I AM Praying FOR You 13 I am so glad that our Father in 25 I am trusting, Lord, in Thee 59 I gave My life for thee ^ 23 Ill ^ .. 101 n 61 31 96 50 r>6 8C 4 106 ;m 55t >6 22 90 16 68 68 59 13 25 59 23 PAOB. I have a Saviour, He's ploHtUuK in 13 I keiu-d the voice of Jtmia Kuy 1 07 I hear the Saviour say 'M I iiKAK Tut Welcomb Voice K) I kuow uot tho hour. \vht>u my Lord .. 15 I Left it All With Jksub 88 I Love to Tkl:- the Stohv 40 I Need Thkk icvkuy Iloru 5 In Boino way or othur, tho Lord 7 lu tho ChriHtian'a home in glory lOlt In the cross of Christ I glory (i7 In tub Pkesence of the Kino 58 It Fasbeth Knowledoe 70 I waited for the Lord, my God 108 I will sing you a song of that 'Jii jr. Jesus, keep mo near thu ctohs jESua Loteb of my Soul Jbscs Loves Even Me Jesdb of Nazareth Passetii By 46 84 25 10 Jewels 95 Joy to the world, the Lord is oome 101 JnsT A8 I Am 55 JuBt aa I am, without one plea 55 K. Bjtockino, Knocking, Who is There 1 1 9 LabaN. S. M 102 Lenox. 6s&88 106 Let the Lower Lights be Burnino 6.) LiFB FOR A Look 78 Light in the darkness, sailor, day 82 Lord, I hear of showers of bleasing .... 86 M. More holiness give tne 91 More to Follow U2 My faith looks up to Thee 105 My heart that was heavy aud sad 98 Mr Prater 91 My soul, be on thy guard 102 Nearer, my Gk>d, to Thee 105 Near the Cross 46 Nextleton. 8s & 78 !04 New Haven. Cs & 43. 105 New Song 45 NINETY and Nine 8 No OTHER Namb 75 PAua Not all the blood of beasts 103 NoTiiiNO niiT Leaves 94 Not mow my Child 48 6. O ClinHt, wimt biinlens bow*-*! 57 () for a i'aith that will not shrink 101 O for a ttiouMand tongues t«) sing 99 () liu|>]iy day, that lixed my choice 109 Oil. hli.HHof the piiriflcd 47 Oh, conio to tlu< Saviour, ''<'lii>ve 93 Oh, how He Lovks 37 Oh, Sino of His Miohty Love 47 Oh, think of a homo over there 90 Oil to be Notiiino 71 Oh, to bo over yonder 68 Old HuNiiKKi). L. M 3 Old, Old Story 38 OycB for All 18 Onoo I was dead in sin 109 One moke Day's Work for Jesds 29 Ono oflfev of salvation 75 Ono there is above all others 37 Only an Armour Bearer 80 Only Trust Him 92 ■p. Pass me Not 28 Pass me not, O gentle ?>avionr V!8 Praise God, from whom all ble«Bings.. 3 Precious Name t!9 Precious Promise 51 Precious promise, God hath given .... 51 Prodigal Child 39 Pull fob THE Shore 82 n. Rejoice and BE Glad 26 Rescue the Perishing 20 Revtvb us Again 27 Ring the Bells of Heaven 2! Rockingham. L. M !(K) Bock of Ages 85 Safe nr the Arms of Jesus 6 Salvation I O the joyful sound 101 Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us 108 Saviour, more than life to mo 19 Saviour, Thy dying love 27 Setmour. 78 97 Shall we gather at the river? 108 ii . 4 s' IIQ fliMO ot Ru Mioimr liova 47 Sinners, turn, whjT will >« diet 100 Bo let our live* and Up* ezpres* 100 BoMBTHreo roB Jbsos 37 Sowing tbo seed by tho daylight fair.. 7G Stand up, stand up fur Jesus 107 SirUSTITUTIUN 57 Run of my Suul 84 BvncKT Bt AND Bt M BwBBT HouB or Pbaybb 74 T. Tikke the name of Jesns "with yon 69 Tbll MB THB Old, Old Stokt 38 That will bb Heaven fob mb 15 TuK Ckoss of Jesus 44 Tub Qatb Ajab for me 17 Thb Gbeat Physician 56 The great Physician now is near 56 Thb Holt SpiBrr 43 The HoMB otbb Thbrb 90 Thb Light of the Wobld is Jesds. 42 The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not 101 Thb Lord WILL Pbovidb 7 The Nbw Sono 45 The Ninety AND NiHB 8 Thb Pbbciocs Name 69 Thb Prodioal Child 39 Thbrb u A Fountain 89 There is a fountain filled with blood. . . 89 There is a gate that stands ^jar 17 There is a land of pure delight 67 There's a land tLat is fairer tboi. c^ } 84 There IB LiFB FOB A Look 78 There were ninety and nine that 8 The Spirit, oh, sinner, 43 The whole world was lost in the 43 Thb wondbous Oift. 50 This loving Saviour stands patiently ■ . 11 Till Hb Come 68 TUlHeooDM^ohilettheworda. 68 Tis the promlM of God, IbU 4 ToDat 25 TohIi^ the Saviour calls U To Hm hall of the feast caiue the. 64 V. Vaboia. O.M.D 67 "W. Wandering afar from tho dwellings. - 14 Wb'rb Going Home To-morbowI... fH We're going home, uo moro to roam. . . 34 We praise Thee, O God 27 We shall meet beyond tho rircr 9 We shall Meet By axi> )!v 9 WiiAT A Friend we HAvn ix Jtacs. 39 What hast Thou Done for Me?. .. 23 What, " lay my sins on Jesus 1 " 54 What means this eager, anxious 10 What shall the Harvest be i 78 What various hindrances we meet 100 When He cometh, when He cometh... 95 When Jesus Comes. 33 When the Comforter Camb 98 Whbrb abb thb NinbI '. 14 White as Snow 54 " Whosoever heareth," shout, shout. . . 13 Whosoeveb Will. 13 Wishing, Hopeko, Knowing 66 With harps and with viols, there 45 Wondrous Gift 30 Wondrous Lovb 31 Work, for the night is coming 107 Yus, there tb Partwn ron You 93 Vki tiibue is Room 79 VlBU> NOT to TSMTTATIOa 87 J i m