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' :■*'<>» •i ^' ■'•■«ii Les exemplaires originaux dont la couverture en •papier est imprimie sont filmAs en commengant par le premier plat et en termlnant soit par la ',-dernidre page qui comporte une empreinte ■ d'impression ou d'illustration, soit par le second plat, selon le cas. Tous les autres exemplaires ■originaux sont film^s en commenpant par la . premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en termlnant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols ^^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". lire Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required*. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre film6s d des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsquo in document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul cliche, 11 est filmi A partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. >y errata ed to 3nt me pelure, agon d 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 t Y , V J-- ♦ .,( > :: J ■s ■> -^ . 1 ^^^^S^?^7!P^ -OF TJH& < .. . .. "v, .• -.•-.^■;v ,- it EMPRESS OF INDIA." -•oSO?©*- PRINTED BY WILLIAM HARRIS, PKJTOU, 1880. ^ "I mmmmm e % ' «>>tt.«'-i-'-'.'.V''- ' 1 > Sio~1 ■ » '■ ; ' 1 -.^ . * v. '■A'*^. $1 I *-i . ■ ;'; K. ■.. ;., ".J • .-■f • •• • RULES OP THK STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPANY '' EMPRESS or INDIA/' -»o>«c RULE I. Section I. — This Company shall be called the Volunteer Steam Fire Engine Company, and shall consist of not less than twenty-five mem- l>ers. Section 2. — ^The Officers of the Company shall consist of a Captain, first Lieutenant, second Lieutenant and Secy- Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected by a majority vote of the mem- bers present at th« Annual meeting. This elec- tion to be by ballot. Section 3. — The Company shall be divided in- to two sections, viz : first, Engine men ; second, Le ading Hose men. The men constituting these Sections to be appointed by the Captain. J/:^ I*? '''; sa^-^ "V . -A- . • .■ • ■ • ■■- ••(•'il::'* ■" /•• Section 1. — The Captain sh&TT preside at aK regular and sptofal xweetihgs, and give tLo ea-st- ing vote only; and shall havA power bo call special meetings when deemed necessary. He shall have command of the Oom})any at all Fires, trials, and demonstrations, Section 2. — In the abt^ence of the (Captain the senior Officer shall preside or comnmHrtl ami per- form his duties. Section 3. — The first Lieutenant shall have charge of the Engine, under the Captain's dir- ections, and in the absence of the Captain take command and perform his duties. Section 4. — The Second Lieutenant shall have ^arge of the leading Hose, under the Captain's, directions, and in the absence of the Captain and first Lieutenant, take command and perform their duties. Section 5. — The Secretary -Treasurer shall keep a book in which he shall record a correct list of the Company , a copy of these rules, a'\d minutes of all meetings. He shall call the roll at the hour stated for meeting, at the close of all meet- ings, and after fires. He shall notify all mem- bers of speical meetings, and newly elected mem- bers of their election within one week thereafter.. He shall collect all fines and assessments, keep a correct accrmt of all monies received and pay out the same as the Company may direct. Section 6. — The Secretary shall call the Fine ' vviiatti ■'I ■,;,;>»!»'><«•■ 'V i'' ■■:'> 'C ''M 'Jn, ••*■■ at aK special 1 have Is, and am tlie lul per- 1 have I's (I i I'- ll take all have aptaiu's- bail! and perfonu lall keep ct list of minutes i at the fill meet- ill mem- ied n\em- lereat'ter.- ,s, keep a and j)ay (Ct. the Fine- . •■'• "At V ■■ ^-:'- "■•''' :<-^'-.ry'''. '^•■.. A. ■:■■■■■ ■■''..'. "■'■■■^■' ■■•'■^^'y Roll at the lofl^yi^^^uUti^^^i^^ ineetingB, &c., when nH'niheiawdfg^tfe th dtWalH) the (Jorapany, or pay tTieir l&ies »fe ^^ same meeting. / • ? .■-•• "■•'.''I'^^-^-if^; Section 7. — ^At 1;he Annual meeting, the Secy- Treasurer sliall ftt-pnisfe the Company with a list or memberiJ in arrears aad the amouict du€» by each man, also a general statement of the affairs of the Company. RULE III. Members' Duties. Section 1.- -Any member who shall absent him- self from duty or who shall be guilty of improper or disorderly conduct at any meeting or tire, or who shall disobey the order of the Ca)itain or officer commanding the Company, shall be ex- cused, fined, or expelled as the Company may determine. Section 2. — On the alarm of fire each member shall proceed to the Engine or Hose, and assume his duty, and he shall rot leave until they are returned to the Engine House and the roll call- ed (unless by leave of the Officer in charge) un- der a penalty of 50 cents. Section 3. — Members are liable to a fine of 50 cents for absence from fires or alarms, unless excused by the Company (the ringing of the Church bells to be considered an alarm.) Section 4. — Any member absenting himself from three Monthly Meetings shall be notified by Secretary that his name will be erased from . • • ■•■'•^*'t* •>.»:..•• i ■L :'<■ ■;.«^>;^iS^S5S?2f^Sa!S^^ ^lt.fiMKTO«W »A'-.-- •-•• !/■• ■ * r*\ •• ■■■: ; ,j • *-;-\' . ■' ..■}■ I VvV.*'^'r''_ , ■ •'■' 'rfC'^ ■■.':.■ if ^^\ '■:,.' y. ■ m':;."-- ./,. '^Vv.' ... '0'-; • li V.f the booka. u^tjBjB3 g^ roajyojuLs f or hia Q.b8€a;L03.^,9 given. ^^r^i''<^VC^'0;!i^v.A.? j';%;' '^ •«*■?':'!' ■ ■^' ••:, '/•'•/»:•_■, ■'^Beotioa 6. — -If after a fire or trial the Officer ia . (Jomttiajld thinks it necessai-y to examine and clean the Hose, he shall Appoint a time for that purpose, and on due notice any person neglect- ing to attend shall be fined 50 cents. Section 6. — A two-third (|) vote of the mem- bers present shall be necessary to expel a mem- ber from the Company, such member to receive a notice to attend the meeting and answer the charge. Section 7. — Any meiiiber who shall neglect or refuse to pay his arrears within one month after the January meeting, may be expelled at the option of the Company. Section 8 . — A member in good standing ^nay, by applying to the Company, obtain leave of ab- sence not to exceed six months, such men)ber to be exempt from all fines while absent. RULE IV. Meetings. Section 1, — The regular meeting of the Com- pany shall be held at the Engine House, on the first Monday of each Month, at 7 o'clock, P. M., excepting for Drill meetings, which shall be on the first Mondays of June and September, at 2 o'clock P. M. Section 2. — The annual meeting of the Com- pany shall be held on the first Monday in Jan- uary. rf \ ••>•" ■■■J' ■■ iv. ' ■ .'t ." . ■"'.' ■ i-' - " - "t'"' ■ -■<■ . ;-v '■■'■ •»' i- ; »,- v.«. ..::-:^1 *i^t^^r-^.:^-^>iv •'■• .■•:-v^ ^v^'-', '-i\:^ u' .■. : ■ rli^'i I >«WlJl*MUlUJV'WW|i ■■•.•^fe" r.-.v..-:^- • ■ . •• • . •• . •. ... • v'v ' ■ • ; ■• .-.^.'/V^i^; ••■;i#-^v:-.;:. : •••;•• ' v. ••• •"-fi; • • .* • r : -^Wi/^-^i^ • •• •^•'V- •■ • • ■•■••' •• ' 1 ■■• • ■■••'*' '' ^" ..-v-Jy' • ?;^J^ !'.•'■* ;/»r ■ ** . :i.^- ..•>• : '• .■*>•■•. • ' -^.^ Flection 3. — A^ny merobor having any i^emarbi fco make shall sfcand and re&pootfuUy address tihc^ chair, and any one disobeying a call to order shall be finecl or reprimanded at the option of the niemkMni inriMttib EULEV. ft.e(jTf^ m BKKR. Section 1 — Any person bfting of the full age of 18 yej^rs aud upwar Is, iMIving been proposed by a niembef nl the CompMiy^ at a regular meet- ing, shall be baUotMl for^Mid if elected, his name shall be placed on ^at buok^ of the company. Section 2. — No pei-soB shall be elec^od if on examination of the ballot three (3) black Balls appear against him. Section 3. — The names of all newly elected members shall be sent to the Town Council for approval. Section 4. — At all elections, the vote shall be by ballot, the Captain or presiding Officer shall appoint two scrutineers to count the ballots when the result shall be made known to the meeting. Section 5. — The vote of two-thirds (§) of th» members present at a meeting shall be necessary in making any appropriation of money, except in paying all just debts of tlie company. Section 6. — No procession, pic-nic, or other de- monstration shall be taken part in by the Com- pany, unless the reso'ution providing for the same receive the approval of two-thirds (|) of the members present at the meeting. T iV m V '*i i " --. < ^ .1 T ■\i^ ^^t^ -y^-r w HI ii.ii..i "■J friTny- mf'- ^-.' nj-^- ■•:iKymi ^'(0:tfyM- hs^-x^^m^^' ... ;•".•';■"■.-••• . '• ^ .' --'i.'.-^' A'-'' "f '■.'■: •■■ ^ ' "■ ■ ■' jRfc •;.?•'• "^•■'■' • •••• fi* ■■"•■■- ■ '"WS*- . ■ •. ■ *• • ^60Ji..'• ■■■..;•■.• l.::"^. -I')^- -v ^'V^ tJi fi iB < i i;'V ii it|.y iy ;: :«.>-:-"^- . -;/•-•:>■• '- ^ - ;• •■•* • . < ■ ■ . :.■: -.r ■■■■■■ ' V:* I T scnl)ocl for regalav members, and if oleol^. h)9 .. name placed on fche books as a Oaddt. • ^ .. .>•!••; SectiLon 2.— Oti,dot«) may be present at any and all meetings of the Oompany, but shall not be entitled to vote on any (juention before the meet- Section 3, — On a vacancy occurring in the Oom})any the Senior Cadet on the books shall be entitled to the vacancy. Section 4. — More than four names shall not bf? permitted to he on the books as ( 'adets at one time. RULE IX. ORDER OF BUSINESS, 1.— Roll call. 2. — Minutes Read 3. — Fines Collected. 4. — Report of Committees. 5. — Applications for Membership. 6. — Election of Members. 7. — New Business. 8. — Receipts of the Evening. 9. — Adjournment. RULE X. In order to repeal, alter or amend, any por- tion of the foregoing Rules, it shall be necessary that notice in writing be given, at least one month previous to the meeting on which it is pro- posed to discuss the same, and a two-third vote of the members present shall be necessary to make such alteration. ^,f^ .'' /' h f -'•It