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Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ► signifie "A SUIVRE ". le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction retios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmis A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 f THB TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPOUT OP THB NEWFOUNDLAND CHURCH SOCIETY. 26th June, 1862. ISt. Johri'B, Newfoundland : PRINTED AT THE " TELEGRAPH" OFFICE, BY J. T. BURTON. i rr*wi>.^ . OFFICERS. Patron : Hrs Excellency the GovERXon. President : The Rioiii Rev. the Lord Bishop of Newfoundland. Vioe-Presidenti : The Venerable the Archdeacon. The Rev. Rural Deans. Treasurer : W. H. Mare, Esq. Secretary : Rev. John Pearson. Committee: Rural Deanoy of Avalon : John Tunbridge, Esq , J. C. Withers, Esq., K. McLea, Jr., Esq., Rurd Deanery of Conception Bay: F. B. T. Carter, Esq., q.c.,m.h.a. C. Crowdt, Esq., M. d. Rural Deanery of Fortune Bay : Hon. H. W. Hotles, J. B. Wood, Esq. Rural Deanery of Trinity : John Winter, Esq., m.d., m.h.a. J. H. Warren, Esq., m.h.a., H. K. Dickenson, Esq., Rural Deanery of Placentia Bay : (No Return.) Rural Deanery of .Yotre-Dame Bay : The Hon. Judge Robinson, T. Bennett, Esq., j.p., G. J. Hayward, Esq. t STANDING RULES FOR THE CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT OP THE % NAME. 1 — The name ot this Society shall be "The New- foundland Church Society." OBJECTS. 2.— The objects of this Society shall be, (I) to con- tribute towards the maintenance of the Clergy and Lincenced Lay-Readers, (2) to assist in the erection, enlargement, or repairs of Churches, Parsonagos, or School-Rooms, and in the purchase of Land for Glebe or other Church purposes, (3) to provide for sale a supply of Bibles, Prayer-Books, School-Books, and other Religious Books and Tracts, and (4^ to create and maintain a separate fund for assisting the Wid- ows and Children of deceased Clergymen of thi? Diocese. MEMBEHS. 3. — The members of this Society shall be, (I) all persons who shall have paid to their Clergyman of the Treasurer the two preceding years the annual c iduin ol" ten bi Wiw^n for llic itbjocl.s ol' the Society ; iuni (2) all Cleru'yu'iJ'* wliy shall luivo oHiijiatotI in Now- foniidkuKl or Laltrador thu two jnccecliiiii; yuari with tho IJirfliop's licence. 'Jr. — All nicnibora shall have power to vote at tho annual and other general meetings). OFFICERS. 6. — Tbo ofliccrs of this Society shall bo (1) the Lord Bishop of tho Diocese, Prcdidcnt; (2) tho Yono- rablc tho Archdeacon and tlie llurnl Deang, Vico-Pro- sidcnts; (3) a TrcaHurei ; and (4) a Secretary; tho last two to be chosen by the members of the iSociety at tho annual general me<^ting. managp:iis. 6. — Tho Committee of management shall consist of tho officers of the Society, and certain Lay-Meinborg, elected as Representatives in each of tho Deaneries ; viz., four elected by Members of tho Society resident in the Deanery of Avalon ; three by Mombors resi- dent in the Deanery of Conception Bay ; three by Members resident in tho Deanery of Trinity Bay ; three by Members resident in tho Deanery ot Notro- Dame Bay ; two by Members resident in the Deanery of Placentia Bay; and two by Members resident in the Deanery of Fortune Bay. 7. — The election of Representatives shall bo as follows : — On some day in Easter Week, in the year 1859, and in every succcding fourth year, a Meeting of the Members resident in each mission, shall bo convened bv +hc Clergyman in charge at .some conve- nient hour and place, of which notice shall bo given (with the Bishop's consent) in each Church in tho Mission, (if possible,^ on some Sunday in tho previous month; at which Meeting the Clergyman, or in his absence, some other person then to be chosen by tho Members shall preside, and the Members present shall • t vote seriatim for ilic prescribed number of lltpresou- tativca 8. — When the voting (which may be continued, if necessary, six hours, but noi longer) is completed, the presidin<{ Ollioer in each Mission shall report the re- sult to the Rural Dean, and the persous who have ob- tained a majority of votes in the Deanery, shall bo elected Representatives; provided that every person to bo a mcinber of tho (Jommitteo must bo a Commu- nicant of tho Church of Plngland. 9. — Tho Rural Dean shall report the result of tho election in his Deanery to the Secretary in St. John's, the first coKvenient opportunity. 10. — Tho new Representatives shall bo convened by tho Secretary at the Michaelmas Quarterly Alerting; until which time tho former Representatives shall continue in office. 11. — As often as it shall becomo nccosary from tho death, absence from tit Oolony, resignation, disquali* fication, or refusal to servo, of any of tho Represen- tatives, to appoint another or others in their place, a special meetinflj of tho Members, in tho Deanery where the vacancy has arisen, shall (as soon as tho Rural Dean, or, in his absence tho Clergyman next senior in standing in tho Diocese may la his discretion appoint^ bo convened in like manner as the Easter meeting, when tho required Representative or Repre- sentatives shall in like manner be elected. 12. — Tho President, or a Vico-President and six other Members of tho Committee shall be competent to manage the business at every meeting duly con- vened. 13. — All Clergymen of the Diocese holding the Bishops's licence, shall be ex officio honorary Members of the Comnitteo with the right of speaking, but not with tho exception of the Officers, of voting at its Meetings. $ -^rj- TKUSTEE. 14. — The Lord Bishop of the Diocese shall be the Trustee of this Society, and shall have power to let or to take houses or lands, and to receive all rents and interest of monies as the same shall fall due, and shall pay the same to the Treasurer for the time being, taking his receipt, and handing it over to the Commit* tce« GENERAL MEETINGS. 15. — An annual General mcctiug of the members and friends of the Society shall be holden in St. John's on the second Thursday after Trinity Sunday, or as soon after as the Bishop may appoint. The Se- cretary shall give notice to each of the Clergymen in St. John's, who shall publish it (with the Bishop's con- sent) in his Church on the previous Sunday. 16. — At the annual general meeting a report on the state of the Society- with the Treasurer's account duly audited, shall be submitted by the Committee, to be printed, or otherwise, as shall be then and there determined by the members. 17. — A special general meeting may be convened at any time, (1) by tlie President; (2) by a Vice-Pre ident and six members of the Committee; or (3) by any twelve members of the Society whose payments are not in arrear; provided notice of such meeting be duly given as in the case of annual general meet- ings. 18. — The Chairman shall not vote at any general meeting, except in the case of an equality of votes. COLLECTIONS. 19. — It is expected that a Collection for the various objects of the Society will be made every year by every Clergyman in the Diocese, from every head of a fami- ly and every adult member of the Church in his Mis- sion, assisted if need be by his Church.wardens and other respectable Members of his Congregation. 41 '^i ir^% k HI ^ 1% 4 m I % 26. — ^iCvcry Clergyuiau shall trausinit to the Secre- tary, a list oi the Contributors to the objects of tho Society in his Mission, with the amount of their seve- ral payments, and to the Treasurer one-fourth at least of his whole Collections, ou or before the last day in every year, or as soon after as practicable. N.B. — This Rule does not apply to the Clergy of St. John's, who shall send in the whole of their Col- lections to the Treasurer. 21. — All Clergvmen who have collected as far as possible from every head of a family, or from every adult Member of the Churoh in their Mission, towards tho objects of the Society, for the two years immq-. diately preceding, and who have remitted to the Trea- surer one-fourth of the whole Collections, -^nall be entitled to assistance from the funds of Vila Society towards any of its objects in their own Ivliasion; pio- vided that no Clergyman shall make n collection for his own maintenance separate from, or ^dependent of the general collection ; and provided always that pew- rents and assessments bo uoc considered as part of the said collection or collections. GRANTS. 22.— It shall bo the duty of tb'^ Committee to deter- mine from time to time on i>-^e appropriation of tho FundS; by making grants towards the objects of the Society under the recoo'nendation and sanction of iha President, SS,-— Ko Clergyman declining or neglecting to ^q\^ iftct for thQ Society, or to transmit a list of t^ ^^ ^^^^ tributors and their payments, and a fourtU-f ,^^\ ^f \^\^ collection fas directed in Rule 20) shal* ' ^^^ entitled to receive 'any grants from the Society^ f . iiiu^gclf or for any of the objects oftheSoaioty,:^^ js Mission; pro- vided that where a collection has ' ...on dulv made, and the list with the fourth-part . ^f\i,p coUcctiouf. I 'I iu tli'ansniittcd tor the two previous years by his prede- cessor, any Clergymau newly in charge may, before sending his first annual collection, ask and receive for any of the objects of the Society, excepting only his own maintenance. 24. If a Clergyman leave his Mission before the time for sending in his annual collection, the Commit- tee shall;have power, on the recommendation of the President, to grant him a sum which shall appear equita))le. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. 25. — la the absence ot the President, the Archdea. con, or, in his absence, the Senior) Vice-President, shall take the Chair at all meetings of the Committee or Members, and shall have a casting vote. 26. — The Treasurer shall receive all monies for- warded to him for the objects of the Society, ana shall pay or disburse the same as determined by the Com- mittee, and shall furnish to the President and Com- mittee a statement of accounts up to the day ap- pointed for auditing the same. 27. — No money shall be paid or disbursed by the Treasurer except on a written order, specifying the amount to be paid, and its object; which order must be signed by the Chairman of the Committee at which the grant was made, or in his absence, by the Senior Officer of tlie Society in St .John's. 28. — The Committee shall meet for despatch of business in St. John's, on the first Thursday after every quarter day, at 2 o'clock, p.n. 29. — A special Meeting of the Committee may be convened at any time, either [1] by the President, or [2] by two Vice-Presidents; or [3] by any five members of tlie Committee; prDvided duo notice of such meeting with its object be given the day before to all the other members of the Committee in St. John's, 4 M f J] 30. — At a special meoting to be holdeii seycn days before the annual meeting, the Committee shall ap- point two ot their number to examine the Treasurer's account up to that season, which account examined, approved, and signed by the auditors as correct, • shall be submitted to the Committee to be by them incorporated in or appended to the next yearly Report, and so presented to the members at the ucxt annual general mcetint^. 31. — The Committee shall fix the salary of the Se- cretary, and shall provide for all the contingent ex- penses of the Committee and the Society. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY. 32. — The Secretary shall summon and attend all meetings of the Committee and Members, and shall arrange the business, and record minutes of the same, to be signed by the Chairman. He £''.all prepare the annual report, and superintend the printing of tho same; shall conduct the correspondence with the Clergy and others on behalf of the Committee; and shall be responsible for the safe custody of all books, receipts and papers belonging to the Society. PRAYERS. 3v^. — All meetings of the Society, or of the Com- mittee, shall be opened and closed with tho prayers used at the meotings of the Society for tho Propaga- tion of tho Gospel, or others provided for tho pur- pose by the Bishop of the Diocese. ALTERATION OF RULES. 34.- -These Rales may be altered, repealed, or ad- ded to by the Members assembled at any general meet- ing; provide 1 the proposed alteration has boon stat- ed in writing by any person intending to propose it, to tho Secretary at least a month before, tor the in- formatioa of tho Prosidont and Comiuittcc, and that i\ n 12 assent has been given to it by the President and a ma^ jority of the whole Committee convened for its consi- deration; and provided also, tnat it shall be compe. tent to the President to propose any alteration to a general meeting, notwithBtanding such alteration may not have received the assent of the Committee. NEW DEANERIES. 35. — New Deaneries created by the Lord Bishop of the Dioeese shall bo allowed to elect Representatives ; provided that in every Deanery there shall be at least two resident Clergymen, and ten Churches and Congregations. Note. — While it is expected that every Clergymant in the Colony will make a yearly collection for the promotion of the objects of the Church Society, and impress upon every individual under big Pastoral charge, the obligations by which he is bound to contri. bufce thereto, year by year,— the system of the Church Society does not require any Clergyman to withhold the ordinances of the Church in any case of refusal or neglect to pay towards his support. f' The above rules were agreed to by the President and Members of the Church Society at an adjourned special general meeting held on Friday, July 16th, 1858. EDWARD NEWFOUNDLAND, President, li P R O C E E D I N G S At the Twenty-first Anniversary of " The Newfound- land Church Society," held at St. John's, 2Qth June, 1862, the Lord Bishop in the Chair. The Report of the Committee having been read, and the Treasurer's Accounts submitted, it was moved by the Rev. Thomas Boone, seconded by F. B. T. Carter, Esq : — That the Report now read, with the Treasurer's Accounts, be adopted, and printed. Moved by the Ven . the Archdeacon, seconded by the Rev. Oliver Rouse : — That this Meeting desires to acknowledge, with reverence and gra- titude, the mercy and goodness of God to the Church Society during the past yearv Moved by the Rev W. K. White, seconded by the Rev. Edward Collet : — That the circumstances of many of the Missions in this Diocese are such as to require increased prorision for their spiritual needs ; and that we pledge ourselves, in our vocation and Ministry, to do our utmost to supply the great wants under which so many are labouring. Moved by the Rev. Benjamin Smith, seconded by the Rev. G. Nicholas : — That in the opinion of this Meeting, one great means to secure the establishment and extension of the Church, is the education of a larger number of young men, in the Colony, for the Ministerial office. Moved by the Hon. the Attornet General, second- ed by Rev. P. C. Jagg :— That thanks are due and are offered to the Officers and Committee, and that W. H, Mare, Esq. be Treasurer, and the Rev. John Pearson, Secretary, for the ensuing year. i 14 t .u. Notice was given by the Rev. John Pearson, tliat at the next Annual General Meeting, he would move for an alteration of the Fourteenth Rule of the Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Fund ; so far as it ena'oles a Clergyman leaving the Diocese after seven years service to continue his connexion with that Fund. Moved by John Tunbridgb, Esq., seconded by Kenneth MacLea, Esq. That the thanks of this Meeting be respectfully offered to the Lord Bishop, for his kindness in presidirg on the present occasion. iSii REPORT, &c. Ill presenting the annual Report of the Church So- ciety, after a year of unexampled poverty and depres- sion, extending from St. John's through nearly the whole Colony, the Committee desire to express their great gratitude to God that tho Treasurer's accounts show no very great decrease. The Committee cannot but regard this as an evidence that a great degree of interest is really felt by many members of the Church, in carrying out those objects which the Society was formed to promote. .; . , . There has certainly been a coLsiderable falling off in the gross income of the Society, so far as it is ob- tained from the Country missions, but this is due, not to tho decrease of contributions in the individual mis- sions, but to the fact that no return whatever has been made from five missions which appeared in the list last year. Although this consideration lessens the re- gret which all friends of the Church must feel, and though it may be, and is in some instances, out of the power of the Clergyman to unite with the Church So- ciety, yet the Committee cannot refrain from once more expressing their eaniest hope that all the mis- sions and all the Clergy will yet unite together for carrying out the objects of tho Society, so that in this way, under the sanction and guidance of our Bishop, we may concentrate the means and energies of tho Church for religious purposes, and all work together and use our utmost endeavors to extend as well as maintain the ministrations of religion among the scat- tered population of this diocese. Union is strength. [i h \i t f.L . - ,- i- ,h 16 May God put it into the hearts of all to band together and act together for the sake of our common Lord and the common faith. Increased vitality and strength would, by God's blessing, follow our united efforts for his work and Kingdom. The following is a summary of tho receipts, as shown by the Treasurer's accounts : — ■ St. John's- .... .X692 Outports 134 19 10 3 shewing a decrease in St. John's of • - • £9 and in the Country missions of .... 89 Total net Income - - - £832 1 3 1 11 5 Net Expenditure 897 18 2 Besides the usual appropriations to the support of the Clergy, tho following grants have been made to- wards the other objects of the Society : — Church purposes in Channel mission Repairs of Bonavista Parsonage " Moreton's Harbor Parsonage (t u a <( King's Cove Greenspond Enlarging Hermitage Cove " New Church at Swain's Island Salvage Coley's Point Topsail Towards new Parsonage at Island Cove Lay Readers Towards expenses of the Bishop's visitation 50 Painting Pouch Cove Church The Clergy Widows' and Orphan's Fund continues to work quietly and well, though here also it is to be £30 1 20 Jk > 15 ■ 15 g 20 m 25 30 60 25 20 ) , 37 10 J 25 on 50 5 £367 10 t- \t n regretted that the congregational collections have somewhat fallen ofl', owing doubtless to the poverty everywhere prevailing last year. Through the good providence of God no further claim has been made, and there is still only one pensioner upon the Fund. It is hoped that the Clergy will, where necessary, use some extra exertion to increase the amount of tho congregational collections for this most beneficial ob- ject, and that the laity will continue to respond as cheerfully as in times past. Tho Treasurer's account will show the favorable state of tho Fund, and tho amounts invested on loan, or deposited in the bank. The actual income has amounted, during the past year, from the subscriptions of tho Clergy, collections, and interest of loans, to the handsome sum of .£248 5 8. The following Clergymen, having complied with the rules during the past year, are entitled to the be- nefit of the Fund : — The Ven. the Archdeacon Rev. T. Boone Rev. M. Blackmorc Rev. T. M. Wood Rev. W. K. White Rev. C. Walsh Rev. W. F. Meek Rev. W. Shannon Rev, J. Pearson Rev. J. Marshall Rev. J. Moreton Rev. W. Kirby Rev. A. Bayly Rev. E. A. Sail It is a great source of satisfaction to your Commit- tee to be able to report that, notwithstanding that several of the Clergy have, unlappily, left this diocese for other spheres of labor, the missions are all at pre- Rev. J. C. Ilarvcy Rev. G. Gardiner Rev. W. J. Milner Rev. G. Hooper Rev. J- DarroU Rev. E. dSllcy Rev. W. Hoyles Rev. J. F. Phelps Rev. W. Rozier Rov. B. Jones Rev. G. M. Johnson Rev. 0. Rouse Rev. Malcolm Johnson. /{ !« ni 18 I sent occupied, and regularly served by faithful resi- dent Clergy. This is indeed a thing to bo thankful tor; but there is still much more to be done. There are many missions of such great extent, and whoso scattered settlements can be visited only under cir- cumstances of such great peril and difficulty, that it is impossible for any one Clergyman, however earnest and painstaking, to servo his cure with full satisfac- tion to himself or his flock. Two or three missions, aa Greenapond, Trinity, Heart's Content, Harbor Buffett, and Cape Shore, the Bishop is most anxious to divide, and to make new centres of operation at Salvage, and at New Harbor, and at Odorin, and other places, and would gladly do so, at once, were it in his power. Here are hundreds of our fellow christians and brethren, of the same faith and having the same hope as ourselves, who, except for the very infrequent visits of tho Clergyman, are cut off from tho ministrations of religion, which so many of us have the blessing of enjoying in such abundance. It is im- possible for any thoughtful person to contemplate, without pain, the state of White Bay, the Bay of la- lands, and indeed the whole of the (so called) French Shore, along whi|^h our follow countrymen and co-reli- gionists are scattered, and which, except Codroy and Sandy Point in St. George's Bay, and about sixty miles included in thoForteau mission, is wholly untended and uucared for, save when the Bishop may be able to touch there in the Church Ship. Would it not be a blessing if some one or two men could be found to pass along these shores, to teach the articles of the faith, to minister the sacraments of life, and to keep alive in tho hearts of men the knowledge of tho Gospel of God ? There is in- deed a great dearth of religious ministrations along these distant and lonely shores as well as elsewhere on the island. And what is the cause of this ? Is it i) 19 the want of money to carry on tliu work ? Not altogether. That we uecd not much fear, for if these people are served faithlully wo may always be sure that thoso who are served and ministered to, for Christ's sake, will, for the honor of God and relii^ion, con- tribute to the support of his ministers. The cause lies deeper, and is moro difficult to remedy. Wo want an increase in the number of pious and car- nest men, who will devote themselves with all the powers of mind and body to tho office and work of the ministry of Christ. Here is thac which is the source of weakness to the Church in this island, and until it please God to raise up more such men, of and belonging to tho land, wo shall, it is to be feared, be unable to carry the blessings of true religion and tho riches of the Gospel of Christ to those who arc now suflfering hunger, not of bread, but of the Word ot the Lord. Let all, in their several vocations and ministry, bear this in mind ; above all, may parents be led to cherish in tho hearts of their children early aspirations after the more immediato service of God. Well may we now, if at any time, pray the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest. May God grant that at our next annual meeting wo may be gratified by hearing that our venerable Bishop has been enabled at last to carry into operation his long cherished plan ol increasing the number of Cler- gy and the services of religion in some of tho moro widely extended missions of this diocese. During the last year the Mission of Heart's Content, following the example of Greenspond, has assumed the responsibility of maintaining its own Clergyman, without external assistance. This example will, it is to be hoped, be followed from time to time by the more populous Missions: and indeed it must bo ad- mitted that in every case where there is a sulliciciit • 1 :' I I, !|lf ! \ 20 nuinbr^r of Olmrcli Meiiibers. it. in their boiuiUcu July to Oofj, to the CImrcli, and to thomsolvcn, to keep up in tlicir own Tfirisli and to help to extend the religioui* privileges which thoy enjoy. Your Conunltteo cannot but allude to this on the present occasion, as tliey feel that this most important subject needs to bo pressed upon tlio serious consideration of all thoughtful and religious men. Since last year largo and convenient Churches have been consecrated at Swain's Island, at Bay Roberts, at Coloy's Point, and at Grate's Gove, to prove a blessing, it is hoped, to many yet unborn. The Depository ol the Society for Promoting Chris- tian Knowledge, which has, until this time, been kept up at the expense and through the kindness of His Lordship, the Bishop, is now about to engage the atten- tion of the Committee, who feeling convinced of the im- portance of keeping up a supply of Bibles, Prayer- Books, and Books of devotion, contemplate making it an important feature of the Society^ as it has- always been one of its avowed objects. It is hoped that, in a short time, the Committee will be able to give this subject the attention which its import- ance deserves, and to adopt a few practical regu- lations which will have the c£fect of making this valu- able aid more available than hitherto, and be tho means of widely spreading tho Word of God through the length and breadth of the land. The Clergy aro invited to communicate with the Secretary of tho Church Society, and make known their wishes for books which they may require, so that they may be obtained by the first opportunity. Although departing somewhat from the affairs of onr own Society, yet the Committee cannot refrain from mentioning one gratifying circumstance which has 2\ occurred clsowliorc, and which is nt onco nn ovldonco of tlio love of Knp:lislimcn to the Chmeh of their fatherland, nnd a proof of the widely e\teiidiii:^ influ- ence of our Coruinnniou. Within tlin last few months a gontlonian ronidinj/ in New ^^outh Wales lias placed nt the dispoFul of tlio IJi^hop of Newcastle, the muni- ficent sum of £5,000, for tlio purpoHO of foundinpf a now Bishopric to l)o d' tachcd from iho Ptill now but largo Dioceses of llrisbtu.c and Newcastle. This is a mark of liberality and devotion to the cause of reli- gious extension, by no means common in tlie Colonics: and it is hoped that the boundless generosity whicli lias led to the foundation of so many new Sees during the last few years, by pious individuals at homo, will yet bear fruit in tho Colonies, and provoke to emula- tion those whom God has blessed with wealth. Is it too much to hope that, even in Newfoundland, men may yet bo moved to consecrate their wealth to tho service of God and tho extension of Religion, by help- ing to endow somo of those great objects upon which, 80 far as wo can judge^ so much of tho future welfaro of tho Church, and its extension, must depend ? Such offerings to God, made in a truly Christian spirit, and with a desire to promote tho cause of Christ, will, wo may hope, both bring down a blessing upon those who arc so benefited, and also return in a rain of bless- ings upon those who promote tho cause, — and that not only in thia world, but iu tho world yet to come. In conclusion, then, the Committee would commend to the earnest attention of all Christian people tho work and objects of the Church Society ; for indeed it is a time when these matters cannot any longer be passed by, if the ministrations of religion are to be maintained and extended. And this duty must bo undertaken and discharged by ourselves. Freely wo have received from the bounty and devotion of the { 22 mother Church in England: freely let us giro, both of ourselves, of our children, and of our substance, for the service of God and the salvation of the souls of our fellow men. And may God i.;ra,nt that our Church Society, — that organization by which we arc joined to each other and to our Bishop, — may God grant that it may be more increasingly a bond of union among ourselves, and lead us to strive more and more for the great object of the Christian Church, — the salvation of the souls of men through Jesus Christ our Lord. iK aas TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS. I t^m muf Dr, ^Yeivfoundland Church Society in Account I- [h t 1861. July 10 20 Aug. 15 17 30 Oct. 17 Nov. 2 15 19 25 Dec. 10 1862. Feb. 3 Mch. 23 Lay Reader at New Harbor Church purposes in Channel mission* Expenses of Annual Meeting Repairs of Bonavista Parsonage Yen. the Archdeacon Lay Reader at Scilly Cove Freight of Fish Expenses of the Bishop's Voynge of Visitation New Clmrch at Topsail Paid Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Fund on ? account of error in last year ^ Lay Reader at Heart's Ease Rev. Julian Moreton Lay Reader at Bryant's Co^?e New Church at Coley's Point Repairing Moreton's Harbor Parsonage Ven. the Archdeacon Painting Pouch Cove Church Printing the Report and Treasurer's Accounts Channel Mission • Ven. the Archdeacon Balance, to close £ s. d. 4 30 1 7 20 75 4 14 8 50 20 3 4 17 10 3 25 15 75 5 17 8 30 75 521 2 £1295 19 10 Uh We have examined and found the above Account correct, showing a balance in the hands of the Treasurer, which he has paid over, of Eight Hundred and Twenty-one Pounds and Two Pence, Cy. KENNETH McLEA, Jr., J. C. WITHERS, i Auditors, tvith F. C. K. Hepburn, Treasurer. Cr. 1861 July 6 Balance from last year Sep. 10 Rev. B. Fleet 20 Ditto ditto Mr. ] Bendell Mr. Robert Simms Nov. 2 Ven. the Archdeacon 15 Rev. T. M. Wood 19 Ven. the Archdeacon 30 Rev. T. M. Wood Dec. 18 Ven the Archdeacon 30 Rev. T. M. Wood 31 From Channel Mission (paid in error) Ven. the Archdeacon Ven. the Archdeacon •? 1862 J Feb. 3. Rev . H. Lind Rev. J. Marshall 13 Rev. E. Colley £ s. d. 777 3 9 7 1 4 7 6 1 4 1 4 131 1 10 40 81 14 35 41 13 6 25 30 62 24 9 9 15 4 7 6 17 16 2 £1295 19 10 March 22, 1862. F. 0. K. HEPBURN, Treasurer. By his Attorney FRED. J. WYATT. 'h ! ■I ! [f ' Dr Clergy Widows* and Orphans* Fund 1861. £ ,. rf. July 11 This sum, part of loan to Directors of Academy 253 3 19 Half-year's Pension to Mrs. Moreton 20 Doc 31 Ditto ditto 20 1862 Feb, 25 Balance, deposited in Commercial Bank 361 OH Amount carried forward ... . £654 311 J ri-i^S^S^HStiffSSSSteae in account with F. C. K. Hepburn, Treasurer. Cr 1861. £ J. t/. July 1 Balance from last Account 615 4 2 Sept. 28 Rev. W. Rozier 2 Mr. W. B. Bendell 12 Oct. 7 Rev. J. Darrell, (1861) 2 Collection at Herring Neck ' 1 11 Rev.T. M.Wood, (1801) 2 Rev. J. Darrell 2 Collection at Herring Neck 1 10 25 Rev. R. M. Johnson 2 Nov. 2 Rev. G.Hutchinson 6 Rev T. Boone 2 Collection at Twillingate 4 4 4 Rev. J. Moreton 2 Collection at Island Cove 1 4 4 Subscriptions ^ Ven. the Archdeacon 3 19 Ditto ditto 8 13 Collection at Island Cove 9 21 Rev. W. J. Milner 2 Collection at Greenspond 3 23 Collection in the Cathedral 20 15 5 Collection in St. Thomas's Church, (St. John' s) 9 11 9 Mr. W, C. Simms 10 Mr. G M. Rendell 5 Dr. Winter 10 Miss Branscombe 5 i)ec. 11 Rev. J. F. Phelps 10 Collection at Quidi Vidi 5 7 18 Rev. B. Smith 2 31 Captain Murray 1 4 Rev. H. Lind, (arrears of subscription) 5 Rev. B. Jones 2 Collection at Harbor Grace 7 3 10 Subscription ^ Ven. the Archdeacon 2 10 6 The Lord Bishop 6 Collection at Carbonear 14 3 Rev. W. J. Hoyles 2 Mr. W. 0. Hawker 10 1862 \ Ven. Archdeacon Lower 2 (» Jan. 3 Rev. T. M. Wood 2 4 Rev. J. Marshall 2 Rev. J. Pearson 2 Rev. M. Blackmore 2 Collection at Bay Roberts Amount carried forward 4 17 G / £637 9 8 Dr. Clergy Widows* and Orphans* Fiind 1861, £ s, d. Amount brought forward 654 3 11 -^654 3 11 A '■'.^1 U '• We have examined the above Account, and found it correct, show- iog a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of Three Hundred and Sixty One Pounds and Eleven Pence. K. McLEA, Jr., > /j„j,v„..c J. C. WITHERS, 5«««awojs ' f ■H -f*^- y\ in account with V. C. K. Hkpb Lies', Treusunr. Amount l)rouglit forward ■ i Rev. G. M. Johnson ('olleclion in St. John's Outhurbor Mission Rev. J. Kingwell Rev. H. Lind, an ears £ sT~d. 637 9 8 2 U a 3 2 1 Collection at St. Mary's Church, (St. John's) 4 16 3 Feb. 14 Rev. Edward Colley 2 Collection at Hermitage Cove 1 15 £654 3 11 .• ' • ( 1 F. C. K. HEPBURN, Treasicrer. FRED. J. WYATT. . !,;: t 1h The i'hui'ch SocieUj in ,'lrcoviii 1862 March 29— Hfv. T. M. Wood Rev J. F. Phelps Rev. J . Pearson Secretary of the Church Society Postage Rev. O. Rouad Rev. B. Fleet Lay Reader at Portugal Cove Ditto Petty Harbor Pouch Cove Rev. G. M. Johnson May 2 — Van. Archdeacon liower. 26 — Church at Swain's Island Rev. A. Gifford June 17 — Repairs of Greenspond Parsonage 19 — Towards N«w Church at Salvage 20— Ditto Ditto Repairs of King's Cove Parsonage 22 — Enlargement of Hermitage Cove Parsonage 24 — Towards New Parsonage at Island Cove Balance in hand £ s. d oO 3-) 60 2o .1 7 10 9 9 4 4 7 7 2 4 4 8 14 1 10 30 G 9 8 20 25 25 15 go 25 37 10 711 2 2 £1104 8 f P"^ We have examined the above account and find it correct : showing a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of Seven Hundred nnd Eleven Pounds Two Shillings and Two Pence. KENNETH McLEA, Jr.., J. C. WITHERS > ^'ludUors. :, VJ with John Pearson, Adinf^ Trenmrer. Cr. d 10 4 7 1 8 2 1862 Murdi 22- 22- 2.-.- 27- 29- April 6- 21" May 3- 20- 26- June 6 12- 13 h is- le— -balance from the hilc TieaKurcr ; -llev. C. rahiirct lU'V. O. J louse Uov. W. K. White -llev. John Pearson -Ven. Archdeacon Lower -Rev. G. M. Johnson -Rev. T. M. Wood -Rev. \. Jiayly -Rev. W. Xottou Rev. ^V. Kirby -Rev. 'r. Hooue -Rev. J. F. Phelps Rev. A. Ciiftbrd -Rev. T. M. Wood -Ven. Archdeacon Lower -Rev. John Kingwell Rev. W. F. Meek -Rev. T. M. Wood Hon. R. J. Pinsent, \y Rev. T. ^L Wood Ven. the Archdeacon Ditto Ditto, collection in Cathedral, Trinity Sunday ]Jitto, Ditto, at ordination ^ H. d. 821 2 3 9 9 4 .') 2 3 60 9 2H .> 16 14 1 77 10 5 10 11 7 3 G I 18 10 U 16 a 1 14 H 9 8 2 10 3 49 8 9 11 2 10 4 2 ) 12 2 7 4 12 £1164 8 ;. JOHN PI',ARS()\, .Ictiiin- Tica^mrr, i' S \ ^ Dr. H'idoiva' and Orphans' Fund, in •Jccott^' 1862 £ 9. d. June 21.— raid to the Lord nishop, to correct error in ? a n n account on Dee. 31, 1862 ^ o «i u " " — IJalancc in hand (includihg doj)osit note) 4G4 1 1. /, : < ! ( t'i70 6 10 We have oxamincrl this account and find it to bo coneot ; sliewinjj a l)ah\ncc in the Treasurer's hands (iiicUuliiit,' d( i)().=!it note in Com- mercial ]{ank) of Four Huiulrcd and Sixty-four I'ounds Six Shil lings and Ten Pfnce. KKXXETl I McLEA, Jr., ? , ,., J. C. WITHERS, (^.tmhtors. -'^ei«"W->*«-i- ■^SS^''^' ■ ' '^^ ^^i;o^^ » ^yl-^• li ^ » l» ^i^ fc^^a^ ^'»*Sif-^W» xrilk John riiAlisoN, Jdiiiff Trmsurrr. Cr. 1802 Feby. 2j — Halanco from tlio late Treasurer — deposi in ("niiinierfitil Ikiiik March 20— llcv. W. K. White, (isGl) \{.'\. W. K. While (,'ollei;iioii nt Harbor Itrilou Ul'V. G. Iloopfv, (.'olloclion at Jjiircile llfv. J. ('. Hdrvcy, (-'ollcctinii ;vt rort-'de-Gravc Jltv. O. JJousf, (-'olk'clion !it Itiiy-ck'-Vcril . L'olh'dion at iJcUoram Ajuil 2 — K(.'V. (it'or^f (iavdincr folliction at Heart's CVuUt'tit lU'V. A. Hayiv, (IWl) Collcetii'ii at Hoiiarista -liev. A. Huyly -Coileclifir. at Ruriii -Rev. \V. Kirhy C()ll('(tion at King's €()Vc —J lev, W. Shannon (.'olk'ctioii at Urigus — i year's interest on liOan ccmhcr 24. 1802 1^ year's interest on Loan 'Janv. .0, ISGl 12— Uight l ,-> 1 2 I 2 1> 2 1 i;i :s 2 ■J o n .") G It 1 (1 o r^ 1 fl 17 tT/d G 10 n * I > .TOHX PEARtT'ON. I ' I It I statement of Money belonging to Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Fund. £ s. (I. Loan No. 1, at per cent interest 575 " No. 2, at (i per cent (K)() Balance in Treasurer's hand 4(J4 10 €1()3{) () 10 s : June 26, 1862. %' \ \ ■' ■:..:<& ^ r A N 1) I N G U U L i: ^ OV THR Clfi'iiJi Mibolus' anil ^^vpfjaus' iwwli. 1. -The Nbwfoundlaxu Ciiuucii Society's Special Fund, foi* assisting the Widows and Orplians of de- ceased Clnrgyincn of tiic nioccso of New fo midland, shall consist of all nioiiies paid to the Treasurer of tlio Society for tliat olijoct. 2. — 'i'iie CoiiimiLtco of tlic Church Society shall havo the mauiigcnicnt of tiie Fund. 3. — Kvery Hundred Pounds of available surplus shall be invested by the Committee as opportunities occur. Smaller sums shall be deposited every quarter in the Savini^a' Ijank. 4. — All Clor{iymcn in the Diocese holding the Bis- hop's licence may secure the beneOt of this Fund by contributing, within six months from the first day of this present July, or within one year of obtaining their licence from the Bi.^hop, as follows: — (1) Unmarried Clergymen, and Widowers without a child, one pound (XI) per annum: (2) Married CIcrfrymcn, and Wid- owers with a Child, two pounds (X2) per annum. 5. — Subscriptions shall become due on the 31st day of December, each year. Thirty days grace shall bo allowed; but every ('Icr^jcyman neglecting to make payment within that time, shall forfeit his claim upon the Fund, to le recovered only upon payment of ar- rears with ten per cent thereon. ] I 4f; 1 '' 1 i 1 1 1 ■ 1 : 1 1 1 ',) G. — Any Clergyman neglecting to subscribe accord- ing to Rule 4, may secure the benefit of the Fund, at tlio option of the Cominiltcc, on the payment of two pounds for each year from the first-day of the present July, or from the day of his being licenced by the Bishop. 7. — Every Clergyman securing the benefit of this Fund, will be expected to make, and lorwaid to the Treasurer, a yearly special collection from every Con- gregation in his mission, and to solicit annual subscrip- tions from individual members. 8. — The Widow of Every Clergyman who shall have paid his annual subscription, and forwarded an annual collection, till his death, or till incapacitated by mental or bodily infirmity, shall be entitled to re- ceive a yearly Pension of thirty pounds (£30) cur- rency, during widowhood. 9. — If the Fund should at any time permit, the Com- mittee may increase the amount of Pension to any sum not exceeding £50; such addition, however, being subject to be withdrawn wholly or in part, should the state of the Fund not warrant its continuance. 10. — If the Widow die or marry again, the Pension shall be paid to Trustees for the benefit of such Child- ren of the deceased husband, as may be, if boys, un- der sixteen, if girls, under eighteen years of age. 11. — The Trustees named by a deceased Clergyman, in the event of the death or marriage of his Widow, shall bo recognized by the Committee in paying the Pension for the benefit of the child or children ; but if the Trustees so named are unwilling or unable to act,, the Bishop of the Diocese shall act as Trustee in the application of the Pension. 12. — If the wife die before her husband, his child or children shall receive the Pension, so long as there is a claimant under Rule ten. M \ i ^ 4 -v ^« 13. — Tlic jicnsiond ?liall be paid lialfycarly Dy tlio BLsliop's order on the Treasurer on the iirst of Janu- ary and first of July. Tiie first payment to l)c caleuhat- cd for the interval from the husband's death to the day of payment. 14:.--fra Clcriiyman removes, with tlic Bishop's consent, from tlie Diocese, after ofiiciatiniz; in il not less tlian seven years, he shall bo allowed hi.^ claim up- on the Fund, on the payment of an annual sub.scription of three ponnd.s (€3); or, if he desire it, may receive back half the amount he has paid ; wliich repayment shall release the Fund from all his claims upon it. 15.--A yearly statement of the Treasurer's account with this Fund shall bo published with the Society's Report. 16. — None of the above Rules shall bo altered, or repealed except at a general meeting of the Church Society, and after a full years notice to the member^ of the proposed change. The above Rules were agreed to by the President and Members of the Church Society at a special gene- ral meeting held on Wednesday, July 14th, 1858. EDWARD NEWFOUNDLAND. Prcsifimt, tr\ *i kt! k '-^- •--!-■ «!t i, — ,^' APPENDIX. s u B S C R I B E R S . ST. JOHN'S. Ci^THEDRA] [.. £ s. d- £ 3. d. Frazer, Mrs. Kenneth 1 Alexander, Robert 3 Friend, a 2 Baker, W. T . 10 c Furniss, James 12 Beenlen, the Misses 1 10 Furniss, Robert 5 Beer, Mary Ann 5 Gill, Henry 1 Bennett, C. F. 10 Goodridge, John 1 Bennett, Thomas 4 Gosling. Marshall 1 4 Bevins, H. T. 10 Graham, Captain 1 Bolt, William 10 Greenway, Elias 1 10 Boone, William 10 Hackett, Mr. 12 6 Boone, Samuel John 6 Harris, N. G. 12 Bovey, John 10 Hart, George 1 4 Bowring, Brothers 11 Hay ward, G. J. 4 Bowring, John 10 Hayward, G. F. 3 Brooking, Son & Co. 30 C) flayward, Hi 1 Brooking, G. T. 20 Hayward, A. 0. 3 Brooking, Mrs. G. T. 6 ilepburn, F. C. K. 6 Bursell, Captain 12 Hiscock, Federick 12 Butcher, John 6 Hodder, W. W. 1 Butler, Solomon 5 Horwood, J. & T. 3 12 Canning, John 1 10 Hoyles, Mrs. 2 Carter, F. B. T, 5 Hutchms, PhiHp 10 Carter, Robert 1 Hutchins, Monicr 1 4 Clark, George 5 Jackson, Mr. 10 Clift, J. S. 6 Jage, F. C. 1 Clift, Thomas 6 Johnson, Henry A. 1 Clift, Charles N. 1 Johnson, 0. E. 5 Crowd y, Joseph 6 Lang, Frederick 1 f) Crowdy, Charles 5 Langston, Henry 10 Crowdy, Miss 2 OLeGallais, the Misses 2 Davey, Edward 10 « Pupils of 1 12 Earle, William 10 LeMessurier, P. P. 1 10 Edens, John 2 Lloyd, Dr. 1 4 Ehlers, Gustav 4 Mabin, John 1 Ellis, Henry 10 o' Mabin, Thomas 4 ii ■■m ( ij McCoiibn.y, J. W. .Mff,c •.^.■■ » ■■A'- 1^ Oaidiuor, U. O. Mrs; Simms, T: C. Mrs. Wlielan, Joliti Mrs. Willcox, Thuauis Collettioii in (.'luirch Ashford, William Avery, Newman Bremner, Alexander Bremner, Mrs. " Bremner, Dugald Btemner, John Bremner, Ronald Clark, James Clouter, Henry Collins, James Collis, John Day William Diamond Caleb Drake, John Drake, Thomas Duffett, John Duffett, William Duffett Joseph Eady, John Edwards, Samuel Frampton, Thomas Gould, James Hiscock, Frederick Hiscock, William Hiscock, John, jr. Hunt, James Uuxter, Nathaniel Jeans, Stephen Jeans, John Jeans, Miss Manuel, John, Sr. CATALINA. ij s. 10 8 5 12 10 10 10 5 8 15 'Manuel, Mrs. 0! Manuel, John, Jr. 6 6 5 10 o 15 9 10 8 1 1 10 8 5 10 Manuel, George Manuel, Joseph Manuel, Thomas Martin, Peter Martin, Thomas Matthews, George Mifflen, John 1 Norman, John 1 Raymond, George 3 j Rogers, Joseph " Row, William Row, Henry Russell, Thomas Shepherd, Joseph Slade & Co., Robert 5 5 5 10 7 5 9 3 6 6 Stone, Ambrose Stone, Mrs. Sr. Stone, Thomas Stone, Mrs., Jr. Stone, Robert Weeks, Richard White, John White, Stephen Willis, Elias Wiltshire, Henry Sum under ds. vti 5 5 2 r> ''» 3 •') £.'» £ s: d. 10 8 G 5 5 6 10 10 10 1 13 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 6 3 5 lO 6 3 8 5 6 10 15 10 2 1 <» 6 £28 13 U ) * ^ A - > I VI I r lli:HMiTA(ir, HAV IIi'.KMiTAUj: Covi:. I ,t' a. «/. IVlilto, Robert (''Siicklaiul, James O.Sticklritid, Thomas OSiickluiid, \Villium O^Sucklaiul, ,]i)\\n Tiiylor, Mov{;;an J^i Pass Island. (,'nobl)ott, Matlhcw (•)|('ribl\ Itnbert niEuyram, Thnmaa ' ir.'<-..i__ r :." Uowding, .I(;bn 1 Kngram, Tiiomas 1 Francis, Aqiiil;i 1 Harris, (.leorj-o I Hatcher, Cioorge Hose, Uobcvt 1 Ro,«e, Ilob'>rt, Jr. K) Rose, Jcf-sc 10 llosp, Martin 10 Roberts, John 1 KobertH, Charles 1 KoKe, jAmes, Sr. lO ■Jlose, James, Jr. 10 «> Hose, Henry lO llo.«;p, Henjaniin 10 Iloherls, iiobcrt 10 Winter, Thomas 1 Wood, Thomas 1 Gaultois. Clinton, Charles 5 Callop W. J. 3 Hoiman, H. J. 10 Lewis, E.D. 10 Newman, Hunt & Co. JO Skinner, H. M. 5 Simms, Jacob 1 Tcylor, John 5 Sums under Cj- 5 Grole. Burton, Bobert 15 Bishop. T. 5 Cox, William 15 Cox, James 12 doom, James 10 Cole, (Villiam 8 Fudge, Job 1 Fudge, Widow 10 Langdon, William , 15 Marks, Thomas lO Morris, Ambrose 5 Petitto, John, Sr. 10 Petitte, John, Jr. 15 Fiidfi;e, Jcrcmii'.li Fudgje, Thomcis Fud^e, James Fudpre, Jeremiah QiMincliinton, C, Q McDonald John ()|Xewman, Henry Q Percy, George Percy, John Percy, John, Jr. Hidout, Robert Uidout, James llidout, John Ridout, Robert, Jr. Ridout, Frank Rose, Henry Rose, John Rose, William Spencer, Robert Stickland, John Stickland, Philip Touchings, Joseph White, Robert Warren, Benjamin Cape LaHuxe. Bag{j. James Barter, Ciiarles Pink, John Pink, Jdhn, Jr. Pink, Hugh Pink, W..lter West Cul dk Sac Qi McDonald, John £ 1 1 . I 1 1 1 1 « 10 10 8 7 (► 10 5 10 8 8 8 6 15 10 8 a lO 8 7 15 8 8 15 at 8 10 8 10 10 5 10 5 5 5 > ♦ I I •wir ■■"•^''■■jV'ri TX t McDonald, Maltliew Sjienccr, Stcjihcn Spencer, Miilthcw Spencer, Stephen Fransway. Chillis, George 12 Durnlbrcl, Robert 1.) Durnfoid, Snmuel 1.5 Dolimount, Levi 8 Inkpen, Thomas 10 Masden, James 15 Spencer, John 12 Stickland, Willinm 5 New Hatibor. Courtenav, Charles 8 Cox, Robert 8 Fudge, Thomas 10 Fudge, Robert 8 Jeans, Augustus 10 Jeans, John 8 James, Joseph 10 Lafosse, William 10 Lafosse, John 8 Parsons, John 10 Parsons, William 15 Parse. \8, Richard 8 Parsons, James 6 Roberts, Joseph 10 Rencontre. Ball, Richard 10 Ball, John 1 f Ball, Abraham 10 Ball, Reuben 10 Bowding, Richard 8 Clothier, John I Clothier, William lo Chapman, George 10 Childs, James 10 Chapman, William 8 Durnford, Thomas 10 Durnford, George 10 Eorle, Joseph 10 £ S. tl.i £ ,<• d. 5 Marks, John 8 10 OXott, Thomas 1 5 Fferault, I'rospcro 10 5 0|Spcncer, Matthew 10 East Cul ue Sac. LcGros, Joseph 10 Richard's IIarhou. Hardy, William 10 Harris, George 5 Skinner, James 10 Skinner, William 1', n Skinner, Abraham 8 Skinner, Thomas 5 Simms, John 5 Little IlAuron. Cains, Charles 8 Fever, Enos 9 McDonald, James 10 Morris, John o 10 Simms, David 10 Simms, James 10 Bonne Bay. Bishop, Edward 8 Buffett, Snook 5 Bobbett, Morgan 6 Cains, Snook 10 Lee, Matthew 10 Nash, Charles 10 Xash, Henry 10 Nash, Charles 10 Nash, William 10 Stickland, George 8 FUSHTIIROUGII. Garland, Thomas 10 Garland, John 10 King, William 6 King, Joha 6 King, Charles 8 Lilly, Wilson 10 Nurse, Robert 8 Lee, William, jr. 10 £ s. r/.l llvrtDY's ( o\\:. Jlofic, Jolm 1 £ 9, U- Kohcrts, Morgan 1 ^'Mead, James It) Jlobcrls, Morgan, jr. 8 III Mead, William 5 Itoberts. Thomas 8 0; Mead, Charles 6 Jtowstill, Eilwni-il 1 Mead, Iliomas 5 Uose, Ezekiul 10 Babrisway Cove. GUE,\T JERVIS. Baldwin, John 10 Coo, Eli 10 Baldwin, James 5 King, George 10 Matchem, William 10 Penny, John 1 Matchem, John 6 LirrLE Bay , Spencer, Matthew 10 Engram, Robert Fudge, William 15 FuRDY Cove. 7 Good, William 10 Welsh, WilHnn» 6 Hardy, John 10 Round Harbor* May, Robert 10 ^^ ^ ^-r ^^ A » ^k^ ^» ^ a a ^v ^-* -—-—- — Neal, Thomas 10 Kendal, John, nr. 1 Northcote, Henry 10 Kendal, William, jr. Lee, John 10 1 Seal Cove. Lee, Thomas 10 Lovelace, John 5 Lee, William, jr. 10 Lovelace, William 5 Wilmot, Henry 10 Dawson's Cove. PlCCAIUE. Crew, Samuel Wills, Robert 10 10 Engram, James 10 Coombs, Charles 10 Bay Despair. Coombs, Charles, jr. 5 Cribb, John 5 Kendal, William 15 Stickland, Thomas 6 Nash, Charles Nash, Thomas 10 6 £120 4 Marks, Charles 8 HARBbR BUFFETT. Fish, qt Is. Fish, qtls. Boutcher, William 1 Denty,)Ed. h Bendell, Thomas, jr. 1 Dicks, George 1 Bendell, John Dicks, William \ Burton, Charles Dicks, John Burton, Moses Gregory, William ^ Burton, Ed. Hann, Isaac 1 Butler, James Hann, George 1 ■■■-:■«■►*■— *^*-' "'^w* u t Hollc-lt, Jdliii Ingrnm. (icoigo Jarvis Uuhcrt Musters, yumuil Head, Henry Shave, Win. Shave, ThoiTiui Shave, Josppli I'pshall, I'ftcr U|)Hhull, (ieorgo Haystack. Drake, William Unshiill, Joseph White, Uobcrl Collett, llichanl Collctt, Mrs. (Jrcgory, Arthur Haini, Thomas Head, Uenjamiii Tulk, Kicharcl I'iili, (|tl«. I 1 1 h h 2 Aiixoin' Covi:. Fi.h, £ 1 1 3, 6 10 11 10 Uovilchor, Jolm Chi'.k, M;irk OuVi AmhrDso.jr llolielt, Willia'm Ilollett. lMrili|) Hoiitcher, Jonathan (,'0 Woody Island. l-'ish, lUftrrtlt, Uohert Marratt, James jlSarratt, Jonas Allen, 'I'homas Jlasscy, William 1 Williams, Thomas ';;AVilliamH, "'=":-" ,^|C'rabl)e, Sa or 01 01 William lanuiel xo Tack's 13K.\cir. rish, Spencer's Co?e. Fish, Boutchor, George Brown, William Boutcher, Mra. Boutcher, John Peach, John Bodway, James Wareham, John White, William Slade, James BURGEO. £0 £ 1 qtls. 1 1 h h 10 I 3iUarratt, Benjamin OlBolt, William Brown, John Hussey, Peter Brown, Henry £0 Ragged Islands. Fish, Greene, Benjamin Greene, Peter Warren, John Isle Valen. Chambers, Messrs, Hay ward, llobert (1860) Williams, Ed. Williams, John Bennett, G. Hj Bailey, Thomas Billing, David s. rf.j Brown, lluth OjBrown, Patienca 12 OEvfmg, James 6 OjOreen, William .5 Hamilton, Robert Sandy Harbor. Fish, Foote, Benjamin Foote, Thomas qtls. Lockyer, William Lockyer, Joseph Pcevy, William Williams, John £ 1 Fish, MtlH. i 1 I 12 qtls, 1 \ \ 1 1 5 qlls. 1 1 1 1 15 qtls. 8. d. 5 5 5 ,') 10 7 7 qtls. u 1 1 ■#■ XII Merasiieen. Oderin. £ s. d. Fish , qtls. Best, George 1 4 Bailey, James 1 Clarke, John 9 Bailey, Joseph, sr. i UUIINT ISL; \ND. Bailey, Joseph, jr. i Dear, Henry Fish, qtls. 2 Bailey, John Brown, James f\ /"111 • •* Pardy, Joseph d Brown, Criarles Brown, John Baixe Harboii. Chick, Wm. h Fish, qtls. Chick, Samuel i Brown, Henry, jr. h Collins, Thomas 1 Rodvvay, Richard h Clarke, Joseph i Smith, Joseph h Fowler, Mrs. i Smith, John h King, Charles i Smith, Philip h Miles, W. i Smith, Samuel h Sladej John i Vater, George h Smith, John, sr. Traverse, John 2 Flat Island. Traverse, James i Fish, qtls. Williams, Thomas i Drake, Mrs. Pippen, R. £60 4 3 Senior, Joseph h HARBOR BRITON. £ s. d £ s: d. Bond, William 5 Lacey, Henry 5 Burgess, Charles 5 Lemon, Edward 5 Breton, Philip 5 Lewis, Rohert 5 Courtney, Walter 5 Masters, William 6 Demner, William 5 Newman & Co. 10 Dowding, William 0. 5 Newman, Carl 5 Gould, Charles G 5 Pauley, Frank 6 Grish, William 5 Putt, Captain 5 Gallop, T. C. 10» Simpson, Captain 10 Haycraft, Thomas 5 C Simms, John 2 Hooper, John 5 Stickland, William 5 How, Samuel 10 Stickland, Thomas 5 Hardy, James 1 o| Taylor, Richard 5 Hallett, George 5 Oi Taylor, James 10 Hunt, Arthur Taylor, Mrs. 5 Knight, Enos 6 0' Valpy, George 5 f i :r^ X .fir^ xin £ Voss, Adolphe o Wild, Frances o WatkinS; James l Cole, Captain i Grkat Haubou. Franip, Robert Framp, William Rose, Benjamin Rose, George Rose, James o Rose, Robert o Blaxciiet. Drake, Stephen s. d. 10 5 8 5 10 5 5 5 5 jNurse, Richard Osmond, James iPrlce, James iThornhill, Robert jThurnhill, William iThornliill, James £ CooMii's Cove. Baker, John Baker, William Baker, James Bullen, John Drake, Thomas Pike, Charles Shej)herd, John Shepherd, Thomas Sagona. Ashford, Charles Bungay, William Bungay, Robert, Clerk, George Higgins, John Keeping, William Snook, John Studley, John Bungay, James Snook, Benjamin Snook, Robert Snook, George Brunei. Barnstaple, Mark Douglas, Thomas Foliett, George Fish, • £ Fish, 5 qtls. 1 h il I s. d. 5 10 10 5 5 Bartlett, Robert Dyott, Thomas Frauder, Samuel Frauder, Stephen jKeeping, William Valles, Samuel Valles, Richard Fish, Blaydon, James Valles, Joseph Bird, Widow Bird, Thomas Cox, William Cox, John Hinde, Charles Wreck Cove. £ Fish, s. d. 5 10 5 10 10 10 15 10 8 15 5 qtls. 2 s. d. 10 qtls. a i i h 10 5 10 qtls. h £ S. d. 14 7 3 5 ! Red Cove. IBullon, John, sr. iLavel, John Trowbridge, George Trowbridge, Charles Bay de l'eau. £ Lawrence, Stephen Fish, Bullen, Robert Bullen, George White, William Miller's Passage. Abbott, George Ridley, Thomas 1 1 s, d- 5 qtls. k i h 1 1 XIY Little Bay. Long Harbor. £ s. d. £ s. d. Harding, George 10 Francis, Frederick 6 Keeping, George Rose, George s sr. 10 Pope, WilUam 6 10 Pope, George 6 Rose, John 15 Stones, Solomon 5 Rose, Jeremiah 15 COUN. Rose, Thomas 5 Dodge, William 10 Yarn, James 5 qtls. 1 English Harbor East. Hinds. Thomas *v«' 1 Dodge, Thomas 10 Osborne, James 1 Kerley, Edward 10 Rose, William 1 Trevett, John 10 Fish, qtls. CORBIN, Dodge, Edward Savory, William \ H?L\D of B AY. Savory, James 1 Evans, Philip 1 Lalley Cove Lavcy, Louis 1 £ s. d. Miles, Robert r Baker, Edward, jr. Baker, Thomas 10 Miles, Samuel i 15 Saunders, Joseph 1 Baker, Thomas, jr, 8 9 Harbor Mille. Keeping, James 1 £ s. d. Fish, qtls. Baker, Jonathan 5 Baker, Edward % Baker, Jonathan, jr. 6 Draker, John h Barnes, Widow 10 Keeping, William % Barnes, Charles 6 Mary Owen h Barnes, Thomas 10 Bay de Nord Banbury, Menter • 1 Pardy, Samuel Barnes, Samuel 10 Fish, qtls. Banbury, Joseph h Pardy, William i Williams, Samuel i Pardy, William, jr. i DocTOE's Harbor. Bay L'argent. Cross, John h £ s. d. Kinshella, James 1 ThornhiU, Robert 10 Rencontre. Waters, John 5 £ s. d. Fish, qtls. Baker, James 5 Q West, Thomas 1 Foot, Henry 5 Jacfontaine. Gould, Thomas 5 £ s. d. Keeping, George 1 4 Johnson, Joseph 10 Keeping, John 10 C Johnson, Philip 10 Keeping, Mrs. 5 Johnson, James 5 Lace, William 8 6 Johnson, Abraham 5 Shepherd, Thomas 5 Johnson, John 5 4 mm XV 4 Garnish 1 £ s. d. £ s. i Sai-Vagk . J I ED Cl.lFF. 'Brown, William, Sr. ') Qnintoii, Charles Q'linton, William Quinton, Chrlstoplier Quintoii, John 10 10 G o Crisbev, John \':Dvke,'Edwar(l VDyke, Richard •^ Oldford, George ^lOldford, Thomas 5 10 5 OriiN Hall, Hunter, William Habgood, William 5 Ratt, James 5 Squires, George ') Fitzgerald, John 10 Sums under os. 2 8 9 Fitzgerald, William Gould, Charles, Jr. /•, o 5 .i'3.j 4 3 Gould, Robert, Jr. 6 fl 4 OUTHARBORS, ST. JOHN'S. PiyiTY Harbor. Allen, Richard Allen, Mrs. Angel, Edward, sr. Angel, Edward, jr. Boden. William Blundon, Robert Bulley, George BuUey, Richard Chafe, Jacob Chafe, Jacob, Mrs. Chafe, Henry G. Chafe, Robert (Thomas) Chafe, Edwin Chafe, Thomas (Wm.) Chafe, Edward, jr. Chafe, Robert (Wm.) Chafe, Nathaniel Chafe, Samuel (Wm.) £ 1 1 s. 7 7 10 10 10 12 1 1 5 10 5 10 12 15 1 7 Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, Chafe, O'Chafe, Jacob (Henry) Emanuel George William William (Wm.) Samuel (David) William (Henry) Edward (Thos.) Richard Allen William, jr Jacob Taylor Solomon Thomas (Thos.) William " David M. Frederick Henry (Edward) George, sr. Ambrose George (Wm.) £ s. d. 10 10 10 7 6 7 G 7 7 7 5 7 7 10 6 7 6 1 10 1 7 7 7 xviii I £ s. t/. £ *. J. Chafe, David [Heiivy] 10 Warrington, John 2 Chafe, Neherniah 5 Waterman, William 10 Chafe, Philip 7 0| W heeler, James 10 Clarke, lUchaid 10 Wheeler, William 10 Clement, Richard 5 White, John 7 G Easterbrook, J. & Son 14 (1 Sum under 5s. 3 Ooss, Nicholas 10 Horrell, James 10 Pouch Covf, Lee, Thomas & Sons 1 1 {} Baldwin. David 7 Lee, William 14 Baldwin, Edward 7 Layman, George 7 Baldwin, James 7 Mills, John 1 Baldwin, John 7 Mills, Thomas, jr. 5 Boone, John • 14 Mills, Nathan 10 Bragge, Miles 5 Parnell, John 7 Crowdy, Ambrose 10 Pearce, Mrs, 1 Gould, George 10 Pearce, Josiah IJ Gould, James 10 Reader, Robert 12 6 Jould, William 12 Satterly, John 15 Grouchy, Philip & Mrs, 3 8 Searle, Aaron 10 Grouchy, John 5 Searle, John 10 Grouchy, Samuel 5 White, John 15 Harvey, James 10 White, Richard 10 Harvey, John 7 6 Williams, William 10 (. Kirby, Isaac 15 Williams, J. & Sons 1 Langmead, George 10 Williams, Thosj fThos.] 10 Langmead, Richard 9 Williams, George " 10 Langmead, William 10 Williams, Charles '• 10 Langmead, Edward 5 Williams, Philip " 10 Langmead, James, jr. 5 Williams, John, jr. 15 Loveridge, Thomas 5 Williams, Richard 14 Moulton, Mrs. 5 Williams, Valentine 14 Moulton, Samuel 1 13 Whitton, John 7 Moulton, Thomas 1 10 Whitton, William 9 6 Moulton, Thomas, Mrs. 5 Whitton, Samuel 10 Moulton, John 1 5 Whitton, rhos. (Thos.) 5 Mundy, Robert 4 Whitton, Henry 5 Mundy, Robert & Co. 1 10 Weir, Thomas ' 10 Mundy, Robert, jr. Mundy, Abraham 12 1 10 TORBAY. Miller, John 5 Field, William 5 Newell, Mrs. 7 Goss, Solomon 5 Ryan, Francis, sr. 7 6 Langdon, Charles 5 Ryan, Francis, jr. 5 Thorn, William, jr. 6 Ryan, George 10 6 Thorn, Nathaniel 5 Ryan, John 1 Thorn, James 5 Ryan, Samuel 14 f %■.. mmma 'mmmmm. xrx ^k hyan, William Rynn, Pliilii) Kyan, James Kojzerp, Thomas Speariog, John Sullivan, T. Mrs , sr. •Sullivan, Edward Sullivan, Francis Sullivan, John, sr. Sullivan, Thomas, sr. Sullivan, Johr, jr. Sullivan, Thomas, jr. £ s. tl. Jt' ■S". rf. 14 Vllo, John 1 U Wells, William & Son 15 a ( Williams, .lohn & Mrs . 18 7 U Williams, Nathaniel 1 12 Sums under 58 7 6 Oi ,-, 10 y| GOOLDS. 1 5 OGuswell, William 10 10 OGuswell, Jeffery 5 1 OMoggeridge, Robt. 10 (t n 10 7 1 1/ £16 16 6 X^ORTU(iAL COVl-:. 6 6 £ s. Beer, John 10 Beer, John, Sr. 10 Bradbury, John 5 Churchil , Robert o Churchil , Henry 7 Churchill, Nathaniel 5 Cook, Thomas 1 Davey, Robert 15 Davey, Miss" 5 Earle, Robert 5 Fry, William 7 Fry, John 7 Gresley, Samuel 6 "Harding, Edward 5 Harding, Esau 5 Harding, William 5 Hammond, Wm. & Sons 13 Hibbs, James 5 Mearles, Samuel 5 Miller, John, Sr. 6 Miller, Robert 10 Miller, Peter 6 Miller, William 5 Miller, Henry 6 ^liller, James 5 Miller, Thomas •'» Ticot, William, Sr. o d 6 3 Picot, William, Jr. Picot, Mark Picot, Theophilus Picot, James Picot, Abraham Pickett, John Somerlon, William Soraerton, George, Jr. Somerton, Edv-.d Stancombe, Isaac Venables, John Ward, William M. Wright, John & Son Sum less than os. £ s: d' 10 5 10 lO 5 5 7 6 Bboad Cove. Butler, Samuel Clark, William Clark, John Hussey, Jonathan Hussey, William King, James, Sr. King, James, Jr. Squires, Peter S(iuires, Joseph, (Wm.) OJSquires, Benjamin, Sr. OjSquires, Benjamin. Jr. 6 6 10 10 12 2 6 8 12 6 7 5 5 10 10 5 10 10 7 9 £ s. S(iuircR, Solomon <> 10 Squires, riicophiliis 10 Squires, (it>oryc, (Wm.) 9 Squires, ]{icliarcl 10 Squires, Sul., (I'eter) T) Squires, Joiui ') Tucker, Uichnril, Sr. o Tuclicr, Kichard, Jr. 10 Tucker, Joscjiii 7 Tucker, Jolin, Sr. 10 Tucker, Henry 10 Tucker, Nr.lhaniel 8 Tucker, Nuthaii 10 Tucker, ]lobert 10 Tucker, Jonatlum 10 Tucker, Jacob 5 Tucker, Stephen 10 Tucker, William, Jr. 8 Tucker, James . 5 Tucker, Elias 8 Sum less than us. 3 JJKi.i.i; iJennett, Edward IJeiuielt, William MickCord, Henry Hiekford, Edward Clements, William Cooper, James Oihiley, William Ollistock, George Xormorc, Solomon 0,Xormore, Thomas 9, Pitts, John Itees, William O'Rees, Geergo Roes, Alfred 0;Seanes, Thomas Scanes, James J-: K. d. y 10 10 10 3 12 ♦J 5 8 9 G u 7 (J 5 10 u r> 4 6 10 it £33 18 7 { SOUTH SHORE. i > Seal Cove. Dowdcn, Wm. & Son Daw Isa-xc Morgan, Abraham Morgan, Abraham (2) Morgan, Joseph Morgan, Joseph Lance Cove. Kellv, John Kelly. George Kelly, Solomon UrrEK Gully. Andrews, John Andrews, HenrVi Andrews, Hector Seotl. William £ s. I i i ish, d. 6 Sums under os. Q Andrews, Henry (2/ Coats, Charles Coats, Charles (2) Daw, Isaac Daw, John Daw, Samuel Morgan, Joseph .Morgan, William qtls. ■jWartUrd, Isaac 5 vVarf'ard, John 5 5 i £ s. d 5 Fish, qtls. h 1 h h h i h h h h Lower Gully. Hibbs, Thomas £ s. d, 10 OT)aw, Abraham ,5 OjDaw, Silas o Daw. John £ s. d. 5 Fish, qtls. i Wi Kia.LIGUKNS.--. £ Drow, Isaac Tillv, Jorr-ph • 'nify, JoliM Tilly, Win. li' Sii!!aiina MiDDi.K Hiout. liutler, Wnl. X: Ntxthaiiiel liutlcr, Jobcpli & Alfred Butlor, Clia.s. Sz Jiuio IJutlcr, Jair.os & Fanny liutler, H-jury () Uutler, Emma ^^ Elizabeth Butler, Mullhcw . JJutler, John Butlor, Jolui, Jr. Griffin, Thomas Hcines, John & Atih lleines, Henry lleines, John Kennedy, John, Jr. Fish, ('luney, John Kennedy, John Petten, Edward Petten, Charles Taylor, Abraham Taylor, William Taylor, George Taylor, Caleb Fox Trai'. £ BaUcn, William Batten, James Batten, Thomas Fagan, Charles Fagan, Jacob Fagan, James (Jraley, Johii Graley lV- Kennedy Gillings, Edward & Jas;. Borter, Theo])hilu3 Portf.r, Samuel Petten, James Uidout, Richard Kidout, Edward ^l lUdoiit, liolieil, () ISunui under .j<. lUillor, William Q Mutlor, John Butler, John ('J; liJuller, James '^> ^Miuller, Charlfs 1^ ^'! Bishop, Kol)ert ' ', Jof'O])!! ^' <• Cable, William ^ <> Delaiiev, William <>il)elaney. Ellas ^ l'\igan, \Viliiam '' h'agan, Michael *', Graley, William '■Graley, James ''j Porter, Nathaniel ^jPorter, Bicliard IJiPerrin, Richard O'Perrin, Charles Patten, Edward Patten, Samuel Palten, John -J H (t (jtls. a h h I t a i i h h a (J . {) o.O Fish, d. (> ,-> 7 (5 o 7 o ij (» i) i) r> (• .3 5 U qtls. k V I ^ I x\u Eason, William Easui), Juiiti Kf.-nneily, U'lllijim i\obCwuriliv, cf.tiiies f'ortcr, (ii'orge Vcnii), Juliti IV;irli, Sliadrai'h Stanley, Ciiurles Stiuiley, Joiiii laylor, Jlichard Fiitli, ijUs. Fi«h, qtls. Taylor , JoRcph 4 Taylor Solomon k £ 3. d. Sinith, Hubert r> Smitii, John & Ocorce 6 .'i ISmns iiiitler .Os. J8 £3') 11 8 ST. (il-lUlKjE'S HAY. SaMi^ I'olM . f s. d. £ .s. {/.Pieriuway, P. 1.5 Alloz, Elijah <» 9 Pierioway, George o'Kenouf, John 15 (i Haj,'g, Williiiiu 10 1 5 jifinficld, William U 10 (1 Kenouf, P. 15 Eutt, Solomon 1 Kenouf, I. 6 3 Ciiiun, John 12 Homain. E L. 15 Forrest, 11. 11. 1 Shaw, AVillium 15 Hoare, P. 6 3 Shaw, Thomas 12 G Ilynes, 11. 10 Shears, John 1 5 LeFilutre, S. 12 6 Swiers, S. 10 6 LeFilatre, Edward 12 6 Swiers, William 12 6 LeFilatre, F. 6 3 Vincent, S. 10 LeGrandais, J. ] 5 Sum under 5s. 3 McKay, S. I 17 6 Messervcy, John 1 5 The B/vraciioix. Messervey, Abraham, sr. 15 Gale, Charles 12 6 Messervey, C. 12 6 Gilham, John 10 Messervey, V. 15 Gilham, G, [2 years! 10 Messervey, W., sr. 15 Gill, John 10 Messervey, Abraham 12 6 Uenlan, P. [Crabbs] 10 Messervey, P., sr. 1 5 OTIenlan, Moses 10 ]\Iesservey, S. 10 Henlan, P. 10 Mepservey, George, sr. 15 Henlan, S. 10 Messervey, James 5 Henlan, W. 10 Morris, J. 15 Legge, T. 10 Parsons, Mary 1 5 OjLegge, E. 10 Parsons, John I O.Legge, P. 10 Parsons, Ann 15 0; Morris, Lydia 10 Pennel, tSusan 10 G Morris, R. sr. 10 Piooor, I'luinia 1) -) Morris, 11. 10 «i xxiir £ ». d.\ £ K il. Morris. W. Ifl Shears, >T. 10 w Renonf, (.', alijhiurs, s. n- Slioars, 6. 12 h' £:iO I i'OrSAlL. £ s. (/.: £ ,f. a'. Allen, VVillium 10 I'nrniiter, John J. 10 Barnes, John 10 Ol'rice, (1 10 Carter, Susan 10 0|Snicll, CJii-'orge 10 Churchill, Philip 10 ();Sno\v, Abraliani 10 Churchill, iSamucl 10 OJSquirc?, lienjnmin, f,r. n 10 Dowden, James 10 0|S(iiiircs, l,i()iirl 10 Drover, John 10 OjSquires William 10 (» Chaytor, John 10 0|Squires, Henjaniin. jr. 10 Ilibbs, James 10 Snuires, W. James O' Waugh, Mattiipw 10 Iliscock.Cieorgo 10 10 Hiscock, James 10 10 Hiscock, Echvaid Metcalfe, Nicholas 10 01 £12 Mercer, John 10 0, "■ z "'" ■ Anstey, John Blandford, o. B, Bristowe, II. T. Boyde, John Brett, Jane, Mrs. Bridger, Robert Bulzin, Adam Brint, Charles Blackler, James, sr. Blackler, Amos Blackler, James, jr. Barnes, George, Bromfield, James Colbourne, Josiah Colbourne, J. Mrs, TWILLIXGATE. d' £ s. I) 10 10 o 5 o 5 5 T) 5 5 5 5 15 10 0|Colbom'ne, Lydia 0|Colbourne, H- O^Carter, Kenneth Churchill, Isaac Couk, Mark O'Cook, William OJCook, Teter 0:])uder. Edwin, Mrs. OEdmonds, Charles OEdmoiuls, Mrs. Fowler, Charles OjFont, Henry 0|GiIlett, Robert OGa*e=:, John House, Ann, Mrs. £ .9. rf. 10 5 15 lo 2 1 10 i) ,') 5 8 6 5 G r> a wu ITt'lli(>r, Simon llulller, .Junit.s llmvoy, (irr)rj,'0 lIocldtT, JUcharcl llaydoii, Joseph iliif^s, William .liiiler, Jol) .Umiis, livoY^c JuutiM, Siunuel .•I'likiiis, Oeoriic rc'ilil)ricl},'t', William .l.icy, Tlionms .Ijiiniicii, Williiim I.iiificld, 0. Luilicr, Job Lanipait, James Lewis, Thomas Lewis, Jolin Miiir & J)u(lcr Moss, John iSlimucn, Joseph IMoois & Sons, Elizabo Manuel, M. Mrs. !Miulfortl, Thomas Maidmcnt, Eli Xursc, John M. Newman, M. Mrs. reytOD, John I'uarce, Abraham A. ]'earce, A A„ Mrs. ]'ride. IMiilip Vride, Thomas 3'urchuse, John Turchase, Absalom Parsons, Thomas (» .'> r.iMd, Tlioman 'j llico, JnmoH a Oj Handle & Son, Lydia 10 Ilobcrts, Jnmos 5 Roberts, James, T^Ir?. 5 Uoberlf, (ienr{:[t> T) Olioberts, Samuel '{("I've, Kif^haid 5 Hapsoii, (jeor;,'0 r» Ro-siter, Henjainin 1 I (I Kidout, Willinin 5 Slirlin}?, W illiam, M.l). r» o'Stirlin;,', Albert 5 1 Shave, Henry a Simms, Georijo 10 OHinnolt, Miss 10 ojStyleP, Samuel & Thcis. 5 O.Snow, George o ()|sharpe & Rrothers 10 Spencer, John, sr. 10 OjTimrd, Thomas 111 o Taylor, Misa a OA'erge, William 7 OiWarr, George 5 Ward, Miss 10 OlWellsprinfi:, Henry 10 Wills, James 1 15 5 10 5 10 5 6 1) >Vhellor, ICllen, Mrs. Ware, William Welsh, James Young, Simon Sums under 5s. £ s. ,1. 5 10 10 15 5 V, 10 10 5 5 5 1) 5 2 2 10 5 5 (» 10 5 5 7 10 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 1) ~) 5 5 5 2 19 8 £47 5 8 Abbott, Joseph & Hugh Abbott, Samuel & Sons Acherman, Joseph Ayles, Wm. & George "Rishnp, John BON AVISTA. d.i £ o'nrown, George & John OiHrown, George (Francis) £ s. 7 10 6 10 5 Oj Brown, Francis 0. Barge, George 0, Brown, Wm. & Brothers 1 15 d. x.w ('iirj)eiitcr, •Io.scj)li Clark, Williuni, sr. Clark, Williiiin, jr. Clark, llobcit,8r. Clnrk, Joseph Cttlo, John CufF, Joseph ])ominoy,.Idhn, sr. Dominey, Joliii, jr. l)yke, Uichavd iV: Sons Klliolt, John Etscll, William & Sons EtHcli, Ifenry FifieUl, Williiim, jr. Ford, William f^r, Eord, llobert Goodlantl, William (ioodland, Josepk Green, James Hailey, William Hunt, A'illiam & James Keats, Samuel MifHcn, John MiHlen, Edward Mifflen, George, jr. Mitflen, Thomas Mifflen, Samson Mifflen, William Miles, George Miles, Henry Miles, Thomas Miles, Joseph Miles, Samnol Pardy, Thomas (John) I'ittman, Miss Powell, William Robbins, John, jr. Rolls, Joseph, jr. Ilowscll, Samuel Ryan, James Ryder, John, jr. Ryder, George, sr. Ryder, William L s. ,i jC a. d. s 0|SelliT, Willium, sr, 1 0|S!ioars, Mrs- 1 .") r> O.S!:(>:t()ii. Dr. 7 Skitliii^'ton, Jnmos (J 7 r, < Swpell.ind, Willium, J.P. o 6 0]S\vectl;in.!, Wni. AL- Sons 7 5 OjSwc'otliuid, Sainiic'l 5 12 GSwoelland, John 5 5 S )p('r, Tli('ni;\H 5 )4 Stagg, Robert 5 3 5 Ti.'nii)l('niiin,*Jnlm, sr. 7 14 'rcmpk-nuin, Samuel 5 u 5 remplonian, James C) 5 'I'illcy, Thomas \: Sons 10 n Tillcy, Richard 1 10 Thompson, CI; vrles 10 <) 5 Wells, Hemy 10 a 10 Sums under 5',. 6 18 7 5 Newman's C vii. 2 Raker, Poberf t.^ James / 8 8 6 Kdmonds, John 5 1 lay ward, Thomas, sr. 5 n 1.) 1) Hay ward, Thomas, jr. 5 G {) llallcU.Orlardo o 5 1 10 Ryan, Win. i<. Gcorgo .1 12 18 Tillty, Joseph 5 5 G Amiif.rst Covi '■«• 5 Hartlclt, John 10 5 Bainger, I'^snu 5 Haingcr, John <■) 10 Haiiigtr, Mr>-. M .• G (1 I'lunger, I>«nu'! !) .'. 12 c Cole, W;"-u; 't ■1 i) G CiiettV, \\'i:'! 'Ill 1/ ■) u 5 CheffV, Thju'as It f) 10 \ /'iile, FiiJvv'ird i 10 Purdy.T: iras ;") fl 5 Sums unC'. ,■ '; .. ') 4 5 5 £1('. 3 9 5 _— — aWI IJUIGUS, M IJUIGLS. Anonymon. Kartk'tt, Mrs. \. Bartlett, Mrs. M. Baitlett, Miss M. J. JJartlett, John liartlett, Mrs. J- Bartlett, Miss Selina • Bartlett, Miss Annie Bartlett, Master M. Bartlett, Isaac Bartlett, Abram Byles, John Chalker, Mrs. Chalker, George Critch, Uenry Gardiner, B. G. Gardiner, Mrs. B, G. Guehue, George Hayes, Isaac Hatchfield, Mrs. King, Henry King, Samup] Maiden, Thomas Mills, John Moran, Dr. Mosdell, Thomas Norman, Master A. B. Nuttall, J. C. Payn, Thomas Kabhitts, Nathanael llabbits, Mrs. N. llobertP, John lloberts, Alfred lloberts, John Sr. Roberts, Israel Roberts, Moses Saunders, John Simms, J. C. Simras, Mrs. J. C. Smith, James Smith, George Spracklin, Mrs. T, Strickland, Mrs. £ s. 12 3 1 1 8 3 10 10 1 4 12 5 S 5 5 5 1 4 12 5 o 10 1 8 G 10 10 1 1 5 10 10 5 o 5 1 12 1 10 10 i Walker, Vvilliani il j Walker, John VVasher, William OJWasher, William Jr. 1 Washer, Henry Whclan, Mv?. J. 0| Wilcox, James 0, Wilcox, William Wilcox, Thomas Wilcox, James Jr. Oi Wilcox, Samuel Oi Wilcox, John Oj Wilcox WiUiam OSuma less than 5s. o| BuiiNT, Head. Ojltishop, rjohii O:riishop, Jof^eph 0} Bishop, Edward OiBi^^hoJ), George OllMshop, Joseph Jr. OiBishop. Reubtn OjBishop, Mrs. H. Oj Bishop, John OiBishop, John, Sr. Bisho!), George o! Bishop, Elijah OiBishop, George I) awe, John Dawe, Nicholas JJawe, William Morgan, John O; Morgan, Wm. Morgan, George Morgan, James Morgan, Mrs & Son Newell, John Newell, George 0, Newell, Isaac O.Taylor, William O/laylor, Jacob OTaylor, William, Jr' O^Sums under 5s. £ 0. £ s. ! 6 5 10 1 10 1 3 1 4 3 12 12 10 5 13 5 1 6 6 5 5 15 5 9 5 15 6 3 5 5 5 7 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 14 6 57 19 3 ^^ 4 J^ames of the Clergj of JVewJoundland and ' Labrador. BISHOP. llight Rev. EDWARD FEILD, D.D. ARCUUEACOX AND ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSARY. Venerable H. M. LOWER, M.A. RURAL DEANS. Blackmore, Martin — Deanery of Conception Bay. Boone, Thomas Notre Dame Bay. White, William K. Fortune Bay. Smith, Beiijiimin Trinity Bay. Wood, Thomas M. Avalon. Name. Residence. Bayl}', Augustus E C Bonavlsta. Blackmore, Martin .... .... Bay Roberts. Boone, Thomas ...... .... Twillingate. Botwood, Edward .... .... Forteau, Labrador. CoUey, Edward .... Hermitage Bay. Cunningham, John .... .... Burgeo. Darrell, Josiah .... Herring Neck. Fleet, Benjamin Foxtrap. Gabriel A. E Lamaline. Gardner, George .... Heart's Content. Harris, G. P., ma St. John's (Academy.) Harvey, James C Port-de-Grave, Hoyles, William J Carbonear. Hooper, George Henry .... La Poile. Hutchinson, George, M.A .... Battle Harbor, Labrador. Jagg, Frederic Charles .... St. John's (Academy.) Johnson, George M St. John's (Outharbors.) Johnson, Reginald M Fogo. Jones, Bertram Harbor Grace. Kirby William King's Cove. Kingwell, John Harbor Buffett. Lind, Henry .... St. George's Bay. Lower, Henry, m.a. . . .... St. John's. LeGallais, W, W Channel. % , i*BWr^^ r Name. Marshall, John Milner, William John Meek, William F. . Netten, William Nicholas, George, M.A., Palairet, Charles, m.a. Pearson, John Phelps, Joseph Francis Rouae, Oliver Rozier, William — Shannon, William Smith Benjamin .... Temple, Robert .... Tucker, George, b.a. White, William K. .. Wood, Thomas M. . . • • • • Residence. Beiloram. Greenspond. Upper Island Cove. Catalina. St. John's, (College.) Topsail. St. John's. Portugal Cove. Bay-de-Verd. Burin. Brigus, Trinity. Ferryland. Moreton's Harbor. Harbor Briton. St. John's. Theological Institution. PRINCIPAL. Venerable ARCHDEACON LOWER, ma. VICE-PRINCIPAL. Revd. GEORGE NICHOLAS, m.a. STUDENTS. Chamberlain, George Sey: our | Noel, John Monk Cragg, John Goodacre | Sheas, William West, Charles Rock. fciir«i'»illl1lWtrr.: / smmsmm mm if §S5 •'jr / //"■ >P^--^-j»w»( % *wp- -rmrt j f'y^^-^v"' If THE DEPOSITORY m 01-' THE Society for Fromoling Christian Knowledge F O R J^ H E S A 1. E O F BIBLES, PRAYER-BOOKS, TESTAMEiNTS, TRACTS, AXD RELIGIOUS AND USEFUL BOOKN Is kept at Mr. J. T. BURTOiN'S, Book-seller, Water Street, -St. John's. A STOCK OF MAPS and P R I Tf T S KEPT CONSTANTLY OX HANI). ^^ ■^ XffiiJfc>A>J»A< lrtiiTii flin ^ ;^.- , ^ ( ^ ^ y, )^ ■ ^^r^^T!^^