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Las ditaih da eat axa m pl a ira qui sont paut4tM u n iqu as du point da mia Mbliotraphiqua« qiii pau»ant modifiar una imaga raproduita. ou qu| pauvant axigar una modificatkm dans la matboda normala da fHmaga sont indiquas □ ibolourad pagn/ P aga i da coulaur C2f □ PagH rastorad and/or lamingMd/ Pagas rastaurtes at/ou paNieultes QPagM discotourad. stainad or foxad/ Pagas dfeotortes. tachatias ou piq u *as Pigas datachad/ Pftgas ditaehfa* 0Showthrough/ Transparanca n D n Quality of print varias/ Qualiti inigala da I'imprassion O>ntinuous pagination/ Pagination continue Includn indax(as)/ Comprand un (das) indax Titia on haadar takan from: / La titra da rah^tSb proviant: * Title paga of issue/ Page da titre da la livraison r ' i I Caption of issue/ n Titre de depart da la livraison * ■ , Masthead/ Ginirk|ue (piriodiques) de la liVfpison 22X 26X XX ^ 12X 16X 20X 24X ^8X 32X r<M \ Th« olapy fllmtd h«r« hat b—n reproduced thank* to th« o«n«rosltv of:. t Metropolitan Tocento Reference Library Baldwin Room . , "The Images appearing herf are the beat quality possible considering the condition end legibility of the original copy and In keeping with the filming contrect specifications. Original copio^Jn printed paper covers are filmed beginning wfth the front cover and ending on the la^t page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, or the back cover when apfNibpriate. All - other original copies are filmed beginning on the first pegs with a printed or illustrited impres- sion, end ending on the last pfge with a printed or illustrated impressloh. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shell contain the symboi — ► (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symboi V (meaning "END"), whichevfir'appiies. i Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too largs t6 be entirely lnclude|l In one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left haij^ corner, left to right and top to bottom. esji|ny framf s as required. The following dlirirarns iilustrste the° method: ^ 7 .i H 32 X 1 L'exempiaire f iimA f ut reproduit grice * la g4n4roslt« de: Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library Baldwin Room ies Imeges sulventes ont 4t« reprodultes avec le plus grond soin. oompte tenu de la condition at de le nettet* de I'exempleire film*, et en conformity avec ies conditions du contrat de fllmage. Les exempieires originaux dont ia couverture en papier est lmprim«e sont fllm«s en comnienpant par le premier plat et en terminant solt per le dernlAre pege qui comporte une emprelnte d'Impression ou d'illustratlon, solt par le second plat, salon le cas. Tous ies autres exempieires originaux spnt filmAs en commen9ant par la / preml4re page ^ul comporte une emprelnte d'Impression ou d'illustratlon et en terminant par la dernlAre paga qui comporte una telle empreinta. * ■ . , *' ' Un des symbole»>suivants apparaftra sur la ■dernlAre image de cheque microflchel selon le ces: le symbols -^ signifle "A SUIVRE", le ^symbols V signifle "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tabieeux. etc., peuvent Atre fllm4s J dee teux de r«ductlon dIffArents. Lorsque le document est 'trop grend pour Atre reproduit en un seul ciich*, 11 est film* « portir de I'sngia supArieur gauche, de geuche i drolte. et de heut en bes. en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaira. Les diagrammes sulvants illustrent la m^thoda. 4 * »^ %F=^ -7 CATALOOUe OF BOOKa& ** *^ J SJ lo . ^ .V » » I"**!*' iip^s Chiircl) Sunday Schi •♦•»' 'vkf ■ 4 'k''! J92 An Acrobat*8 Qiri J19 Annie Child . - Jil An Inlierited J485 Alone Among the Zulus 415 Alone hd LmMlon^Beeha Stretton J70 Aunt Edna 464 AdTentures of Marshal Yayasour J882 Anna Lee >\ J568 Ann Whitby's TrWk^ . 9t Adyentnres in the fwWe6t~-E7 W O. Kingstcm 169 Adv^itares of a Threc^ Guinea watch, The a 176 Ahoe's Adyenturee in Wonde ~ 18ir Alone in Crowds 260 Annie and Pierre -1K> ,> W^ Airohie Orey. ox Doing it HeartUy Adywtures in Fantilaiid AH AniCNtiir the Dakies of Mrs. Wisfi-To-Be, The Cruiser, The ^ : i of Barter Chase U."^ - ^ Rye Years l«i^Wood, or little hf littto An boidlsBs flM|fai» YoL 1 ^ 401 AnUBoFarmlig S/i \r 880 Awttiii cr Boom In the TUrd Oentur^. B fiMer Gload8 ■*. > U > 1 688 BobOurtman'B Wife .686 BiokJewel, A 88 8ioohwood 414 fidiopid with a Chain J886 attrtir and Baby Jim -^-^-^-^ — ^ 188 Blac^ Iirory . 4B0 BedNi*s Gharity-^Hesba Str^ 818 Blue lights, or Hot Work inihe Soadan \\ MOiB^^^ Ballant^e. Mv Ben-Hnr 861 BMiing the Y^kB 986 ttpg and ia(dld iM; 888 0r»?a Fight, A 8W BftithM of n^^^ Ewing 888 Bluioii'a little Daiighter 4110 BciUrr of Bt. Jnde, the 468 Boy Pijdt/The ' 477 ftlskit of VtommB, The J481 Qraiifljtai Iteudng Over ^618Bfa^iFi^ 619 B^iAfiog^iiiMd. \ m fiofaii Hearti^^re Still ttO Belwe^ Two Ooeana 886 Adoken Am, The «Ss' -♦■a- ., ^» "ly. > irr?"«' '■'' ,' *■ ..'?.^'' - "^':^ '*' bml Orguisi/ Thi^ i Oomet vi Prasent, li» of MoKiniiori^ Hi* K3t«r, A. ■^'^•. .:*:.■ ^^■•••:■^.... Oomrt Crooked Mi Cottage Next Door. Hm 685 Christmas Bocte ^ 687 Christmas at Cedar Hitt 404 Captain Eva 1 Children and the Kob^ Tt Cuokoo Clock, The t f) > » s ^*s Mistake *f> * ■ ,• (•*"» t> ( ' \-'..' 78 Cruise of the Dainty, The ' J88 Carl Fores(tf.FVath ' ^ 87 Conauerin^%id to Conquer 80 Children d: the Parsonage, The f84 Cousin Mabel's Sketches of Chara/oter ^188 Chry88ie*s Hero < . f!5 9S4^^^> ^ Amonff Lothian FdH 858 Christma»-Tree Limd - ^ 865 Child's Treasure, The 850 Cottaffe 01^ the Shore, The 874 CSarrs Confirmation Coulyng Castle v , ^IQO Chimney Piurk Christabel . :^ GIfy Cousins lOMIe Comfort I4on, The Ebm of doverly yrley Ashley .^ Chrliitmas Child, A 418 GhUdren of Oakfoid Farm, Ths 487 Coiiu^Minnie •* .y .It i V<^ \ **# r I' : ■^ .K t ? \ ' V^ y '/ \ V, % 8 hac^ilB Reward 418 O^rol*— Bt Heiba Strettoo 409 OhM-Ue-lllia Sloty gl m Tinr ] MS Qui F^irM't^Uth ^ 588 do 4d VoL8. r^ J651 Ohildrai of the Bible, The 886 Chip Bern Slid 680 QjiU AAhkir 186 Ooral IdancC The 414 Charlie Burton .■'■,.,.-■■•■ .-■•'•■■, ■ •J . •:'■ •' .-■ J488 Daddy Darwin'i Dove Ck>t J571 Diflcolty HiU 480 Dooainio, or A Good Aotion Al 878 DeK)lale Shore, A Ap Do Do. an Ugly Little Boy "^fBB Drifted Away 188 Daisy in theFleld 808 David ljoyd'8 Last Will 818 Diary of dUioent Oourtena oAi^T^ «^ r ,; -^6y W. E G. Bngaeon 818 Donovan—Edna Lyall 848 Daisy Chain, Tbe-€harlotte If. T 878 Deitiok Vaughaii— Edna LyaU 888 DoUy Dear 868 Dora and Nora 888 Dorothy 488 Dr. Maynard^e Dan^diter 466 Dolfy^ KettlednunTT J4S0 Didteii Flrat Sdhool Days 511 DooMsftie Heroine, A 847 DIek Daiifaigton at H<»ne and A) 588 Dooglas Drane or Oat of the Dec 841 lA^^Bbmii 0148 Diadiiiett Otodk and Other lUea m Deselilil Shote; A^ ipO D^ Bondman ■ v « a %- ■■:■■. "•:-!> v7V;,: -V^: f.: e and Her Arah , • Wife— Bt Eem^ Sioart^ '8 Many yoIoes>-l8t fieriee do do -^2ndSerie8 ManM Sunday— A Book for Boye Oooain^ or The Ant Hill —By Louisa L. M . Aloott 128 Eric, or Little by Littlo— By Fred W. Farrar, D«D. 106 ^meet Braoebridg^^By W. H. Q. Kingtl^ ^^■ ^288 Elma's Trial V Niif^ETeringfaain Qirls v >4684 Elizabeth, or Ezilee of Siberia 'H846 Emperor's Boys, The 418 ETeringham Girls , 689 ElWsMistakes •'i^- 008 Fern% HdDow ^80 Froni the Bench to the Battle 88 FocdishDora Ja8 Frank YTeetonVi Mistakee '%. J82 Felix Morton 88 Fast Friends, or Daflil and Jonathan 410 Father's Diurlinff 888 First Rector of Burgstead 88 From Life % Fidthfuland True . . Faith Qartnej^ Girlhood jbo^nints- ■ ■-■-^:- ^- ■■---- ;^-y--^--.---.-":r^ f^tonds till Death Floating Lifl^ The, of the Goodwin Sand* K V ,;:v:;.: :...■- ;:;■-.. :-^^..:^:^■^•;.^^^^^ ffoattng Uc^, ThBtjof Rhigfinnah Frontier Fort -By W.H. G; Kingston, ^11 Fireside and Gamp Stories -= , , ^ J870 Four Little Sixes ^^ : v , '^f> A. * *'. ^ *,*« -jT- r iP j4' A .. ',-* 484 Floim. or Self Deo^yldoil 448 Foremost If I Can 881 fVed Tomer's FHends 848 For Faith and Fatherland 626 Fan's Silken String 881 Five UtUe ParMdges'^ 888 BWthful 488 FairHayen, A / ^rl87 Greohen'i T^fooUe J476 Gwyneth J864 Grumble V^ Great Gaptaiii, The ^^ Gilpins^.The, a and other Fortunes 84 Good Copy, A Gypsi 221 Gettinff to be Women 65* Gold Makers, The-^Br Esm6 Stuart 188 Gypsies Year at the Golden Crescent 288 Girl with the Golden Looks, The 820 God's Gift to Two 481 Granny^s Hero — ^^M^-^^^^ 482 Growing Up ; 687 Giant ESller, The ■ 658 Girls of Bredon, The, and Manor fitouse Stories J677 Gellert 678 Gypsy's Sowing and Reaping ' IXy' GraqiB Vernon 67 Good for Eyil and other Stories 648 Great Uncle Hoot Toot •1 V ■ >1f J481 Higher A Higher J468 HoDdMB aiul Foreign Tales J484 Harry's Battles, and How H%Foi|ght Them ,,.^,. ,,^, J660 Sigh doling, 4 ^ ^^^ -t<l>^^^ J46i BeaitMfMeSeed %; J868 Harts Boys, The ^ " > - ^^ 412 Hiddm workings «^ • * ' > .* f A' J. '_<".'■ -T n My If olher Itafjil If e, The GlMurlle HelpMl hIb Mother ^ X ot Tommj TitI, The , Pral'e Pennj. Beoame a Poand '^yt Among the Mounteina y of OulU-F|0roha WUUe, The Great Ambition „ WiU and Her Way Hartney Brothen, The |.J85 Harry WUd ^ \ d45 Helen May, or Unto Her life's End ' F 208 Honor Is My Guide ^J270 Hartaeld, or Emily at School „^ Jk 275 His first Offence . , * 881 HannaLee '^ 889 Hindered and Belped 818 How Marjory Helped 817 Heather and Roses . ^8?8 His Heart's Desire ipK) How Willie Became a Hero z' 874 Home of the Wolverine and Beaver, The 898 Heart's Ease in the FamUy 418 Hearfs-Ease -^ - ^ m How Oharlie Helped His Mother - 446 Hide and Seek 4W Hasselairs, The 478 H|s First Offence 084 Hampered ^ UnA Templar's Motto v Hemrew Heroes \ 7 House Beautiful • High Besdve A BaxKY Watorsand John Heard Herbert Ghraham - Hester Iforl^ys Promise %£ 88 HflveandElsewere • / 88 Hqgh CJoverdale's Choice ^ J:- < a w*'. f» ■ 'if , \ M *i • -.Vi «■ 4'*1 :v *.jy — -» -11 -t-. — ^- *"'* ■* t o'fi \m /< '- <y^ J57« In ChrisfB Service I •>>'.! '.s cl S iMiSeim'e Hero-By Bern* Stuart ;. Vt28 In PriKm K^d Out ' w » %^ J487 Jaiiaoft Horttia Bwtogand Her Book* J49S JedkanapeB— J. EL Bwing iS Ji^. Boys, and How Thcr^U^V Alcott. JSMB Johnt Weeton ^ ~" :; 7^ ^^ J9a« Jessie ^d Her Friends - 986 Joliii Deane ' ^ , im JoSieliHiiiid0t*sBewaH £5 J??^yB and H05 ;flie^ Iton^ Out (Vol. 2^) « i\ m^'s BirtbiiMr __ it ^iml— By Bdi ^ -> Ibmrnle's Male ^jii Kiti^s Warrant. Tto .. So KiSxhe Pride of The Pandi ,i? >^- \' J410 Lob IJ6-bf-ihe-flr&-By J- H. Swin^ jnSS life of 0%^ nn l|tlte1laicl,Tlie tt4 I^ttaWMum J^ liltto 01d-?prtarft. The jOeiMcgrWintar "j^ ►-.«. .'■^-- ■f^^S-fl ** >■■ ■■». |.f»'- f J* f''. A" J' •^,.' ' i « 604 Lovely in fhelr lAvem ^ ~ Laoile, or Faithful in m orOain | , of Frovende, nig _le Brown Girl, TliS ,,^nnardB» Leader I ^ __ . ,, . LittreMary'eLe«aoy-By Eminy|ftff1i||l i ;^. Utile Men*-By Louisa B4. AUcott . , ,. ,h i^. 82? Loving Sieter, A ^. ^ -i k 888 LyleHaroouCT .^.^ 405 ling Bank Cottage - ^^ ?. -. - > '; a 48a Little DutdB-^PrOi^^ M; l8!p . .y ^^ J4d8Loetn the Jungle r --"^- ■ . ->>^' v^: J665LostGip ' ^, 478 Little Jeanhetoh'e Work • 69 Little Wives ^ j , . Wr Lc^ Aiiii«raiLd#ly lafbrte \^ 66 Lily of Leyden, The 84 Left in Oburge 18 Little Wfll S96Lin^|{^cfte§8W{ M ^i, •* ^x ^Wr. « > ^0- Mike, a Taid of tibe Ql^Jrish Famine* .^^ Miss Jean, or lives Ifikt Tdl 488 Mateo<tt»I4lr^ S 80 Miss I>eifteiir% Scholars and 140 mmV(Mikh^Mm»oirery 175 Misund^wtood 2 . « .«^ . 184 MissFenw6**s»iilufe-Bsm6^|g|l* »\i^ "'.^' "'J* * in , ■■■■'' ■ # i^ftiQ Mark nutfffffli "^ *' ' '" '• ° • ■*'*' ''"'"^ ' ''*'^'^ -^i. "tI'^j r-vlnf ^d IS4 litlM Lmbmrt^s Three caianoer' '; ;^ ^ 8M l|iliSl»<« P^ /If : ^ Sll JiplhiT'i €Md« Gttinet^;,- 'W^-'.-\ V '■^"•^ «|f7 1ltaiUVoL.f . : ■ %•., >: ^ Ml Miitfitnil ., . ntltetwBoUnr ■■■' ■/ •'• "^?-'""fJ'<.:.>' .',, ■ SSSSSCSSUy ^^' ■J '* « ^ i^„'-Vt.' ^^ %.'^tl ■ ii J I- ,*l T. 's^ ■• '• H liove ,^' ^^4->' sr; -1.. ^ it loe Like Mome-Bv Bette Strottm Boy aft Marriton, Tbt , . .. ^^ li r e ombea. The Bogimiiiigt A a, 1 NoBMiitt '' -- WBNadOarth ^j« , jf V. \Ll >';.^ ^-rlv^i^t '! '^^ ^vvsii^^i-,') •"-'^' *. *^K -\ > 3A < :'^- 'J7-r ::fl; £/»!i J486 Over Thtte J80 (hilr ft Hsber Bogi^ _ ^w %61 Ottrteken bj th^ Tide ; <n% SxdidaTs ai the dkl ^OivW Barfly mOaiiiOMf.Tlie . tta Cm or Bhren «mOiilfaaW»r IhHT fbMQiiiW ii» Miiriilpid ^ IhiftJailiiaOoM in? CW?re Briiieb, The. woAOOm&tf^m JIM <M IMhloMd Tiiaiy lM«i-4^X a. an ottr^ BMiiiK flit ■o,i*?; #|:x •'•'. ■> ■ * : ■ J '"j^ YW^>^; ■J^ Wt9 PsfiTli^ Oqdoii, 4 •i! ^-^l •. •' ?/ - 7*' /^ y • ■ ■ m Pillara of the Ho;|||^ Mt iliillp Vandeleiir^i Vioi^ J479 Precept ^fpn Precept : ¥W» I nffiSlSSS^' 4 ,r» <*' ,n A *':tHiri \p\ '%^ , < (' MS PmiI s Moatttain Rome fi06 Petri in the SheU, A 596 Pilgrim^Btreet m Pr£Dce«iid the Page, Thef «J7 Pr%r<if the Village, The ^iS 5**3r»} ProgresB of King Pepito ^WS ISm>%ie|?Hi7^. S« ^' Kingetpn ^'^^'/V :» ' 518 BoMn Goodl^liow's Brother «^: i aSBealFdka 80 Beowipeiiae ^ 85tBbiaCliAi ^^!r:itir . ,, 478 l^hard Hpl f «tt Bigfai Wiy^idThe Wrong W«, «» 8dwa ^aimel. the, AJWeof iSj |l61t Bed Oanatlet, Tba • 1" * 'y ' t . > 4> **.► and after. • '^H.-i^"*- ■*''', J4tt Iteap M8eM(a;ir^ I*';. Vjjj »- ; > < 'k» if.,*-- 'ft «f m J riDgdaj^s AdT«titafM» A »re£cHi8e of Stories, No. 1— By 0. IL Tonge do do No, 9— da tner io Leslie QoldUiwaite^s life Ob BIt Duties Towards Qod igToDo w ft Shine eBill ' fren Idols "^- ^-^'^-^^ Self "Conquest St<^en In From the Sea ::■.',. i 'jfrt* 486 Story of the Church of Bngland^-Part I. 74 Stories cm My Duties Towards My Neighbor. 510 Story <rf the Chlwoh of England— Plurtll. m 199 St. winif^'s, or the World of School . ^ By F. W. Farrar, p.D. 195 Stronger Than Faith 141 Sunny D^ys Abjroad, or the Old World seen wii)t 914 SdhooAboy Honour [Toung E^es 944 8hosfaie ^ Va toowbail Sodefy , The 818 Sdioolglrl^s Golden Treasure, The 814 Saving and Spending, or Tht Use of Money 819 fi^rig of lIHiite Heaiber. A . ;'"??> , , U. ^^ Story of the Schooboom, A 844 Stoito on the Beatitudes^lfit Series 850 Settlers, The-^By W. H. Q. Khigston 85) SteOan's Angel 875 Emories of the Happy Days of Christmas Thne 801 StoctoB <mtii0 Beantudes-^2nd Series 409 Salome D*.'- 417 Silverdate Beetory 485 Wver Keys, The 444 flNw linings . aisMOro^e iPMt Mepfoiig Heavenward if- ii« tli0 OoiftttiMidiMiili :h Wi miiin iter flunaiy fUtkOmn mfmtjrci BmSSSSm.«m jm Soiiiewi l»t>i|Ji tit Ifqttog Nw^^ Hie J5IV fliolfla CbMie^JHie 010 SHiiiMflrr Ptifd* The rcbr, How Tom Was IW 9te7 oi Edwmrii (he Biadk Pri noe 8t8 8bc fiMuHiie Fidend^ tSI SoImmI IVtoodi. The 615 fiwedftuie Puipoee, A ■t 't. End .*f? 181 8aI|' Water.. ■■..'- -'::..■ • r ' • :-:....^":-.>:i:-^.?-" 197 Btlcddt Miiiiiler. TI»B> and some, <!:toi&nioii Men IMf Mofj of a Heedle* The ~ ^ . — L^ KV "I V T L?' - '/ 411 Two Wm8 Of liooldng at It Jt Tearfttt Ylotoi^, A ^^ lAffoorii the Rough Wind ' ifiM^e^ dHi Coiinte^ P$l To#er on the Cm, The-^rBy Emma Marahall ( ^pi Tw^TMti in an Xtidkk Miadon , JOK lnfnh)« Pdnt^ Ule, A 51C Troeenre Loet, A !^ 189 Trfeainli <r7«r Uidlii^ iro %M Mltf^^ii^W; & 6. Sl^^ 199 IMMl^The-^XTniMrlol^ Tom ft;oi^el8d|^^aiT*(|u.p3r aohOld B(^ '-<. .■>» aSlofy 9M Stoimr B^JuA^HeelMi Strettm M Two B<Me% Hie twThirCHNm^ iOe TlnM»i|pdTtfet The 1%. feS, ^■^:. .H -. ■ ■ I . Two 81iipiiiiileOllMK--B7 W. &"#« BMgtiM ■Iry Boom The ■MB- ■ 'v '■ •''■'■■ ' ' ' ■ ' '^^ '■• .' ittintt The • x ■ ■ ■>. ■. ,.■•:*' ; or, ThoM who live in OIms HouiM dipiild li not Throw Stonee X; *>. . loniaa M^ingfold, Curate / "_ X; '^ ^68 from Shakeepevre Two Hornet, The M0 Tweedledum and Tweedledee : 895 True Nobilily !^ 410 Three Ccmimanders, The 4M TdAm of t^e BeatitudeB , »♦. X, *.» V'^j^ ^• '.*i- V U I 1 ' d. 3i tTnder Palm and Pine m Under the lilace 968 Unole William'B Chargee ;r488 Under the 014 Boof 560 Upwards and Downwards ISdO Victcuria Bess 487 Voyagea-and Travels of Count Funnibos and Baion StOkin , .'•' .', . ; • yuj ''>^.\ .^■h.k 'k^ *;\;.? 4M What Rrtends «re1teant t*or J560 When we were Bc^e 818 Wanted. Aflpheire,; r619 WaaBejaFool? »4mi Wild Gooee OhiMe, A "70 Waller AMion 18»Wel»tli IM Wll&jtatfjlf TtOtOTY 871 Wt«o&, The, of the Albon ,» *-^f»• u L ■N • ♦ • •" . J ii.fii>,L)i»ii'A -m ^ •'^fe-.V^iJi'l.i'^- en MO Will« AUmii \.r>.' bit* did Next awwnU^aTioto Ml Wiatew and Work MT Wanr BkUw, The % Wiuditd Aali0m--W, B. O Kingfton \ The ♦ iinoioii Sleel MftW .u> - ^_„Sid^ steel ifidtStioDgs Beiv^e Den, The ^'^Hine A P^nny Went id _ Dhigrtons. The 108 Young Hng^encis, The Yetr, At el Brierdiffe ' JilM Zoo, 13ie (linit Seiries J0n do (Second Tf^.Q. Wood do J'*!* /.< •'.•■'V V I^ tiM Uio of TeftQhera imd Btbto Class Only. ^ <^ M d^SSigr and the llNthQiiWp^^ F. W. 87 BBi^!!^iie Yoloe of tito<iA|oli »o li^r li|pk-^BeT. 8JI e^4 ^^^^1^ ^1^ !iTfi--]E^ S. J^wto^^ 88 IKtlNmriiCbimA— T. r. Q|vnier» i&iu lee^BiT* not We MllBgan, V '* j4 \X ^ • *"• • • « *'0 ' '7 BmmoiuiI^ BeliiTliig in Cliriiliaiil^-BeT.€. A^Bour CaUl to Che tJnooQTsrted^BtT. BtobAid Bulir Pi«jyiii(v--ft •Bidkf «< ,*!.*: OoiiiniiiiMoii-*Bldlflj, of CluDii^ RMory in Soottaiid-- »PiiodliiaIPip«r»---B0T.a B. Ball, U.k m of HMVMir— Borbidge on Bsi^OlHiioh Hiflof7--D. Alooclr Puitodil Ckmncilii-'-BeT. B. L. OoM» ^; Z\ ftflfaltMa OoMwii By Potion. 69 Ao Btnle of tlie BktSid Itaiitt**Bj ' Liit Houn of Chriitii^ Woman— B; Bryan Manrioe 2 cr^ tha Soihar— f ninitlrated Notes on Bngliah Ohnroh Hialory, YoL I.--^Bjr Bey. C. ▲• JUttie Ohu^r^ted Notee on BUg^ Cbuioh BUetocji YcL ■ •" jDL— ftf Ber, 0, ▲• t^pne ' 101 Modmi le^t, iti WjtofM to CMet^-By EL B; ■ ■ ■ • - ,A..' ■ -t-\ ■ )^■■v■..w-:^'^■: • 108 The BvanMaisal Beiival in the 18th Centory— By ■■■■. 3. fi. Orarton ^ . ' \-= -^ V^^-:-^■:^^; L.-'-^ 104 The livea of the Bti 105 Champkma of t^ _ 106 A Mannal of Ohriet&n Evfileaoe-B^ a A. Bow, l(Ml1ie»o^^ B^okr-^tifwmk 108 Hi^^idwit Fiat aiid Praeint-By J. M. IfitoheUt lOrTlie BtttpPme of the BteaMd^By Bioh^ ItO Water W)iai--Qy Bar. C%ai)ee »ngiley 111 aikopl^ittir^ y 118 ^iiflval <Mlon--By 8te Wm. F. nrliriy iiiiiibMr--Br o.^ a lU l^iirfttoliQg SsH^iM^Bf 116 WMbi for Troth ■■>$> ■■ ■ ,;!!>'' -^^^mm \ •*pfp i8 I / -t Hi Tbi Oriiit 0iWmkm; or..TlM Voloe oot oi^ 117 Tte Oo^pel €f ftiM CAiildhood— By Oooll 118 Tmnliig Pointiijf SngUih Clraroli HMom lift m« BMd «l Boiii#-M«riTsle ^ lii BoImmi «C Bible HiilorT— BislioD Walih Itf OUiMH^JB^ J. B» Wflim lift Ifirlli JMew Obiiiroli-Br M.A. 147 Ltfii ig iluiw B y ThomMUiigM lis Jwi6i Bwoliigtoii— By E. Q. Dawioii. li.A. lift fll<iiihi(ii lh«i m Toor in PiUertiiie md tbe Eaat ■ ^:\ u ^^-.5y CMidn BeU IMT Vondiiflr Point Aof General Chmob Hiinofy ^^ii^_.-^ — *By Bb R. OfirttB r- 161 The Heir of Bedclyffo— By OherloHe IL Tonge HHi A Short lif^ of Christ for Old and Yoiin|r -3|yG«ikie ^ 169 Onunbs Swept Up ^ L •• " t ^mta^ G. CaHlifop. IIA^ 1 Sllttiti^/or The Ck^jiTereikm of PtMnlmnia , ^^ Qneulin I>arward---By Sir Wallier Soott &ibBt»M->r l-do- 188 \Bil4b of Lamermoor and Legend c^Moiilfoee ^%r^ Sir Walter Scott ^ .i : Boning Wetl of Ittdl^ilan Ahhoti ' , jind Old Mortali^ Nigel ^fwA do do do do do do do do ao do do do _d(L •*!l ?riS • •'•><'> ill' f- "-, ' ; 19 -^ K Tfsm Aolkpmrf --By Sir Wallir SooU TlM BrolMrliood do of ilM OAimongftte .do ' ' ••■■.- do twom itm Etrfii^ Crait— By John Qiboon lo in 8I0110-— By fiMw Apotlk of the Indians—]^ F. P^ L. JoM otara oi St P)|al Bhi Hnr— -By Lew Wallace The PlNiyer4io6k«i^ Hkrlory»T<mgii«ge and Oontente 8 Black and While— By H. A. Ford ^ PoTeril of the Peak— By Silr Walter So4i M)0 Pftriit M«h and Eastern Sketches— %; Thaokray •i ■ I. 881 Bottodabont Papers 288 The Adventures of Phil^ Wk The Vimtiiiane ]Benry Esmond SistOTy of Pendennis Vapify Eidr The Muui who iStpoQ^d the Hosio Letters fipom Hell The Iteformers Undeir the lilacs for Being a Ghurofaman Oootrines ^ Korseman aChnrohman m do dl d ? and his l6^gioas Notions— Part L and his Beligioos NoMons— Bttrtll. and his Friends 96 187 A 288 M 78 211 188 Slie»!l Tilks\f or ttie Times 987 Bimoii JaSL 219 CtetttldiStpriee itt jTohli tlftii^ and !Cto fin aiiart Stories and Ottier ilijpeni :<•" .#"■ i 4^ ^^%. ife..- '' h\ .."■■ ' 'in , f , 'S - '*-'—T^3l'«*i« £^~ww%j: "^-'1 T% ''K.J*. I'ir.j If; i .■ ¥' m. Ji4 I -'-?^-«!**. '.' r '< . f^ ''.■■■ - - t' -» ,-.-j'. t ■-■;■,'■.:■# J ■ ■ 1: . ■ •i . ' 1 .\ . " ■ t ' . I . w _ ■ J ■ ■ 1 - 1 ■ . 1 . • .k <:■'' .. ■■•■■/■ ■■»..," / i' -, 1 . - -i ty. , . ^ ,_> - ;, ' ; ■' « .'if ' ■ !>■•.■■ A 1 '.. 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