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 J. & W^. MAbKlJNLAT 
 •: k 
 <, »-■ . 
 AU righU rtnrved ^ 
 m . , \ * 
 The Alphabet. ( 
 Lesson (iV./?.— The lessons correspond to the pages.) 
 1. Simple Vowels. — Masculine and Feminine Gender of Nonps ; 
 Definite Article : — le, la. 
 Accented Vowels.— Deiinite Article— 1', instead of le, la. 
 Diphthongs.— JDemonstrative Adjectives— ce, cet, cette. 
 Nasal Sounds.— Indefinite Article— un, une. 
 Mute Final Consonants. 7- • . 
 Present of avoir, affirmative and interrogative. 
 Plural of Article, Nouns, and Demonstrative Adjectives ; 
 Agreement of Adjectives. 
 Possessive Adjectives, singular and plural, 
 Ci 5. e,i, a (Pkonunciation of). — ' .«f 
 Present of dtre ; affirmative and interrogative. 
 9. ti(PRONUNCiATiONOF).— Present of avoir, negatively; 
 Use of Definite Article. 
 10. Liquid Consonants.— ill, 11, em— Presci^|^tre, negatively. 
 11. Interrogative Construction when the SubjSp a Noun. 
 12. Feminine of Adjectives ; Place of AdjectivS' 
 Conjugation of avoir and 6tre:— \ 
 13. Imperfect. 
 14. Preterite ; Imperfect and Preterite compared. 
 15. Future Present. « 
 Conditional Present ; Idiomatip Uses of avoir. ' ' 
 ' Present Perfect 
 Future Perfect 
 Compound Tenses : 
 Conditional Perfect 
 22. Numerala~{a) Cardinal ; 1 to 69. 
 23. fO tp 1,000,000. 
 24" (6) Ordinal ; Months of the Year. 
 LeRflon , ' 
 25. Plural of auhstantives and Adjectives (cont. froiii Lesson 6). 
 26. Principal Proiiositions— de, A, dans^en ; ' 
 with Nauios of Towns and Countries. 
 Use of de and A : — 
 ■ Contraction of de with le, le8=!\lu, deS. 
 >• ,. ' ^ with le, lp8=au, aux. 
 ^ouns used in a Pa?<t^tye 5'e«sc— du, de la, de r, des. 
 Adverbs of /Quantity— beaucoup,peu, plus, etc. 
 Comparison of Adjectives! 
 ZQ.^ Regular Verbs— {a) Ist Conjugation : Principal Parts ; Present 
 Indicative! afRrmative wid interiogativo. • 
 Imperative, Imi)erfoct, and Preterite. 
 Future and Condftioual Present. 
 , Present Perfect and Pluperfect. • . 
 Future Perfect and Conditional Perfect. 
 Possessive Pronouns. 
 39. PersonnZ Pronouns— (a) Conjunctive. 
 40., _ Conjunctive (continued) : their place in Compound Tenses. 
 41. • 1[6) Disjunctive ; useofchez. 
 42. Use of en. . 
 43. • Use of y. 
 44. Demomirative Pronouns (compared witIfcI?emonstrative Adjectives 
 in Lessons 3 and 6). '* jl, ' 
 Relative Pronouns— (a) referring to Perwns. 
 {b) referring to Things. , , ._ 
 Regular Ferbs(contin\ied)— " 
 (6) 2d Conjugation. 
 2d Conj. (continued), and Recapitulation oT 1st Conju^mtion 
 ^. (c) 3d Conjugation. . ' . ° 
 ^"- Adjectives with three endinga 
 {d) 4th Conjugation. 
 52. Recapitulation of all Four Conjugations. - - 
 . Vc 
 Formation of Tenses 
 Tables of Conjugation : avoir 
 —^ — Fif^^njngation (-er) ^ 
 Secpnd ConjUgatipn (-ir) . 
 Third Conjugation (-oir) . 
 Fourth Conjugation (-re) . 
 ^ Adi 
 Vocaluilaiiea : Fieudt-EfrgliMh . 
 ,1^ ' Euglinh-Freuch . 
 ' ' ' . ' 
 NouNB :— 
 AuTlCLE:— ? i>c/»uVc, singular, .1, 2; plural, 6. » - 
 Used with Abstract Nouns and Names 6f Countries, 
 9, 10. , 
 Contracted with de, 28 ; witii (^, 29. 
 indefinite, 4, 27; Partitive, 30, 31. ""- 
 in. and f. singular, 1 ; plural, 6, 25. 
 Abstract Nouns and Names of Countries, 9, 10. 
 Possessive Case, 27, 28. 
 Indirect Objective Case, 29. _:?',« ' 
 Used partitively, 30, 31. ., '"> 
 Adjective*-,— Demmislxative singular, "S ; plural, 6, 25 ; Agreo- 
 ^ ,. ' ment, 6. ' 
 ' Tossessive, 7, 38, . ' "" 
 ■' ' -^ilifying, tern. 12, 13, 50; plural^ 12, 13; Cohi- 
 i, parison, 32. « ^^ 
 Numeral: (a) Canlinal, 22, 23 ; (6) Ordinal, 24. '' 
 Possessive, 37 ; Persoiml, 39-43. 
 DcmoTistrative, /ti ; Relative, 45, 46. 
 Avplr— Present, 6; negative, 9. 
 ^tre— Preaent, 8 ; negative, 10.. 
 Avoir and Etre — Interrogative, 11. 
 J[mperfect, 13 ; Preterite, 14. 
 Puftire present, 15 ; Conditional j^esent, 16. 
 First Regular Conjugation, 33-37. 
 Second Conjugation, 47, 48., > ' "' 
 3%ird Conjugation, 49, 50. 
 Fourth Conjugation, 51. , - '' 
 Recapitulation, 52. 
 of Quantity, 31. ,> 
 PiiEPOsiTioNs :— de, A, en, daais. 26-28. j 
 ^ Contracted wi'th Definite Article, 28-30. 
 ^ -Af ter adverb^ itf-quautity, 31.- - .- '.-!i-' J!^ ._ 
 Verbs .• — 
 ' Adverbs : — 
 . -f 
 (Tlie Numbers refer to the LessouA) 
 Name. Sound. 
 S. '... like a in ^;rt/m (1). 
 bay] as in English. 
 say as in English (8). 
 tlay.. as in English. , 
 ay as ay in day (I, 2). 
 f — as in English, 
 zhay hard, or like s in leisure (8, 1 Oj. 
 H ^ ash silent, or slightly aspirate, but 
 «■' not guttural. 
 I ee like ce in sg« (1,~2). 
 J zhee like s in leisure (8). 
 K cah as in English. 
 L 1 as in English (10). 
 M' m as iij English. 
 N n as in English. 
 o .; asin Ilnglish (I, 2). 
 P pay as in English. 
 Q ••.•• ku (see u) ... as in English. 
 R :........ airr as in English, but much sharjMir. 
 S s as in English (8). 
 T tay... as in English (19). 
 U m- u no similar sound in English. 
 V-" .,..,.... vay as in English. 
 ^^ •.■ • double vay . . . like i;, only in words of foreign 
 origin and Proper Names. 
 X ....',.... eeks as in English. 
 Y • eegrck like.ee in deep. 
 z .T. as in Englisli. 
 ■.'■A.k i* ,ft. ,#». 
 wfetv. ' y^i . 
 ?^-.- «, 
 N.B. — In tha Exercises — 
 Words in parenthesis ( ) are to be inserted in the translation. 
 Words in a square bracket [ ] clk to be left out in the translation. 
 Masculine Nouns. 
 1st Lesson. Premiere Le9oflSf 
 Sivri/ple Vowels : — a^ e, i, o, u. 
 r\ I 
 X\ 0.. 
 le lac 
 le sel 
 le roc 
 le mur 
 the lake, 
 the salt, 
 the thread, 
 the rock, 
 the wall. 
 11 he (or, it). 
 11 est (pron. = ay) he is (or, it is). 
 11 a (pron. = ah) he has (or, it has). 
 qui ? {u mute) who f whom f 
 quia? who has! 
 qui est ? who is t 
 oil (pron. = oo) where f 
 la dame* 
 la table 
 la ville 
 la porte 
 la plume 
 elle est 
 elle a 
 Feminine NounSi 
 the lady. 
 the table. 
 the town, city. 
 the door. 
 the pen, feather, 
 she (or, it), 
 she is (or, it is), 
 she has (or, it has). 
 et (pron. = ay) 
 BUT (prepi ) 
 ici (adv.) 
 upon, on. 
 e (e mute) at the end of a word of mbre than one syllable is mute, 
 or nearly mute. 
 Rule 1, — There is no Neuter Gender in French ; there- 
 fore all French Nouns, even those which indicate things &f no sex, 
 must be either Masculine or Feminine in grender : 
 'le before a Noun singular which is masculine 
 in French. v 
 la before a Noun singular which \s feminine 
 in French. 
 The French for the is 
 A. 1. Qui a le sel ?— II a le sel. 2. Et qui a le fil ?— Elle 
 a le fil. 3. Qui a vu la ville ? — La dame a vu la ville. 4. Qui 
 a la plume 1 — Elle a la plume. 6. Oil est le mur 1 — 11 est sur 
 le roc. 6. Et oil est la plume ? — Elle est sur la table. 
 B. 1. Who has the table ? — He has the table. 2. Who him 
 seen the wall?— He has seen the wall. 3. Where is the salt? 
 — The salt is on the table. 4. And where is the thread 1 — It 
 is on the wall. 5, Who has seen the door ? — The lady has seen 
 the door. 6. Who is on the wall ? — He is on the wall. 
 .^A -.-.t. 
 2d Lesson. Deuxieme Le9on. 
 (1) A has a long, close sound (= ah) :^ 
 l'ane*(ffi.) the ass, donkey. l'Ame*(/.) the sout. 
 (2) ^ (e ferm^) has a short, close sound :— 
 ^^^^*^x *^'"^-, ParW spokm. 
 apport^ brought {carried). ferm^ closed, shut 
 (3) 6, 6 (e ouvert), have a long, open sound :— 
 Y^^r f^>^?r lafenfitre tliewirulaw. 
 Iam6re the mother. la tSte ^Ae Aeorf. 
 ^ s6v6re severe; siWc<. r^l6ve(m.or/.) ^Aejra/nY. 
 ^ --^'^ Ohs. V.—tA -and ei have the sound of d :— 
 lemaltre theinwiter. la retne the queen. ' 
 Ohs. 2.— e before r or 1 in words of one syllable = 6 •— 
 lefer ^Ae iron. le mlel thehmey. 
 (4) 1, 6, li, have a long sound :— 
 ^•neJ/.)iAeis;a«^ le trdne ihethrme. mvlr n>e, ,na/tire. 
 , * ^^j-^ i.— Before words which begin with a ' vowel ' or ' silent 
 n, le and la rfrop their vowel and take an apostrophe instead:— 
 k<l le {m.) fete, the sicmmcr, 
 I'hdtel, mansion, hotel, 
 if.) rile, the island, 
 •: , I'habitude, the habit, 
 14 (adv.) there. 
 4 (prep.) to, at, in. 
 fiddle faUhful. 
 instead of \e ^ie. 
 „ le h6teL 
 » la ile. 
 ,, la habitude. 
 I'herbe (pron, = l^rb)/. the grass. 
 I'hlver (nron. = liver) mthc vjinUr. 
 trds (s silent) wry. 
 A. 1. Ou est le ^re ?-Le p^re est li. 2. Qui est 8dv6re ? 
 — Le mattre est s^vfere.— 3. Qui a ferm^ la fengti^ ?— La mire 
 afermd lafenetre 4. Qui a parl^ ?_L'dleve a parld. 5. Qui 
 a vu 1 herbe ?-L fine a vu I'herbe. 6. Qui a p^d Ua reine ? 
 ^ril^"^ * P*^^^ ^ la reine. 7. Qui a vu I'ile ?— L'^l^ve a 
 ?■ ^" Y^^,^^ ^^"^ *^^ master?— The pupil has seen the 
 master 2. The Queen is on the throne. 3". Where is the 
 St 1" ^^'^- ^- And where is the mother ?-She ia 
 Jgg^fi ^, The ro as t er haa opokcn to ilie p up il. ^ 6r-mi6^m- 
 shut the door ?— The lady has shut the door 7. The com is 
 ripe 8. He has brought the salt 9. Who is there ?— The 
 master is there. 4 
 3d Lesson. Troisieme Le^on. 
 (1) au, eau, have the sound of d : — 
 lafaute the fault, mistake. I'eauj^.) 
 l'«4^tr^, {m. and/. ) the other. aussf (adv. ) 
 (2) al, Mf llf^ve the sound of 6 (see 2d Lesson)^^::^ 
 the toater. 
 also, too. 
 le vaisseau the ship, vessel. fai/(partic. perf.) viade: 
 la. peine A C^-^Hhe pain, trovble. n^is (conj. ) but. 
 the nephew. 
 |(3) eu (oBu), has the sound of i in sir : — / 
 lascBur the sister. le neveu 
 1^4) ou has the sound of u in nfde : — 
 la tour the tower. ];)our (prep.) ' ' fw 
 le couteau the knife. trouv6 (partici perf. ) fmmd. 
 oi (no such sound in English) = au^A. 
 la poire the pear. void here is, here are. 
 le roi the king. voll4 there is, there are. 
 lULE 3.— r/tc French for 'this,' before -a Noun, is :— 
 (l| ce before masculine Nouns and Adjectives which begin with 
 '"'"^"runvt : — 
 leroi the king. ce roi. .this king. 
 (2)%5et before masculine Nouns and Adjectives which becin with 
 a vowe\oT silent h : — 
 I'ami thefriend. cets^mi thisfriend. 
 lliomme the man. cet./homme this man. 
 (3) c4tte before all feminine Nouns : — 
 limer th^ sea. cette mer this sea. 
 rjaau ^ the water. cette^eau this water. 
 A. 1. bui a fait cette faute l—L'Jlh\e a fait cette faute, 2. 
 Oil est le Vaisseau ? — Le vaisseau. est sur cette mer. 3. Et oix 
 est r^autrdvaisseau ? — L'^autre vaisseau est sur ce lac. 4. Qui 
 a parld k Ik sceur ?— Cet^ami a parl4 k la soeur. 5. Oil est la 
 tour ?— VoiM la tour. 6. Qui a apport4 cette^eau ?— L' homme 
 a apport6 ceflte. eau. " *^ 
 B. 1. Wbi h^ seen this ship ?— This man has seen this ship. 
 2. Who has eitoix the mistake ?— The sister has seen the mistake. 
 - 3 ^„Who ia t i hiAmftn ? Thia man is the mao twr-^ T he ntp hei 
 has brought th^ water. 6. Here is the ifll«iid.and there is the 
 l^e. 6. The niu; has seen this tower. 
 fuL 8. This kitife is for this man. 
 Here is the watei 
 he friend is faith 
 9. Wbere is the water 
 10. Who has the other pen ? ' 
 .'^Sh ■ 
 / >lth Lesson. Quatrieme Le90ii. 
 (1-) 9fa., ant, ans ; en, ent, em, have exactly the same nasal spund : — 
 la plante tlie plant, vendu (part. peif. ) solcl. 
 I'enfant (m. and/. ) the child, le temps ( mps = n nasal ) time ; weath er. 
 dans (used with article or pron. ) ) . . . 
 en (used ivithout article or pron.) \ ^"' """• 
 (2) ain, in, ein, im, aim, have exactly the same n,asal sound :— 
 le pain the bread. impossiblet. impossible. 
 le pin the pine-tree. incorrect incorrect. 
 la faim the hunger. bien (adv. ) well [vei-y, much). 
 la fln the end. plein full. 
 Obs. — in-, or im- / luisal before a consonant: infidele, important, 
 inn or imm- \ not iiasal before a vowel : inutile, immobile. 
 (3) on, ^ntjr ong, cm, have exactly the same nasal sound : — 
 'bon(m.) \„„w I'oncle , the uncle. 
 bonne (/.) not n^sal/^"""- long (adj.)./. longue long. 
 non (adv.), no, and nom (?«.), navie, are sounded exactly alike. 
 (4) vm, um, have the same nasal sound : — 
 un («i.) (numeral, one), and indef. art. a, an ; 
 (but une (/.), not nasal, = u-n'). 
 lundi(/;i. ) Monday. j le parfum the perfume.^ „ 
 Rule 4. — The French for the English ' a, tin ; one,' is : — 
 (1) tm before all maeculine Nouns : — 
 le nom the name, ce nom this name. un nom a (one) name. 
 I'wan the year. cet^an this year. un^-an ,a {o7ie) year. 
 (2) une before all- feminine Nouns : — 
 la main the hand, cette ma^n this hand une main a (one) hand. 
 r^ecole the school. cettes./^ble this school une^cole a{(me)school. 
 Quel ? which f what 1 de (before a vowel or silent h d'), of; from. 
 A. 1. Qui est bon ? — Un^ami est bon. 2. Voici un^enfant 
 et un^^lfeve. 3. Qui a vendu cette plume ? — L'^leve. 4^ Qui a 
 fermd cette porte ? — Alice, elle^a aussi fenu4 la fenetre. 6. 
 Quel^est le nom de cette plante ? 6. Qui a apport^ ce pain ? — 
 L'oncle^a apport^ ce pain. 7. Oil est recole ? — L'^cole est 
 dans^une ville. 8. L'enfant a une mere. 
 B. 1. Whepe is the child ? — The child is in the water. 2. 
 "Wh o has sol d thi a ship ? — The king haa s old this ship. 3. Hg_ 
 Tias seen the haml of the child. 4. This child has a friend. 5. 
 She has sold this plant. 6. Where is the end of this book ?— 
 Here is the end of this book. 7. Who has seen the school ? — 
 The pupU has seen the school 
 5th Lesson. , Cinquieme Le9on. 
 INFINITIVE FORM: avoir, to have. 
 - elle^a 
 / have. Ai-je ? 
 thou hast. as-tiM ? 
 he has. a-t-il ! t 
 she has. a-t-elle ?+ 
 o7ie has. a-t-on ?t 
 Ifave I? 
 hast thou f 
 has he? 
 has she f 
 has 6ne f ^ 
 we have, 
 you have, 
 they {m.) have, 
 they (/.) have. 
 avons-nous ? 
 avez-vous ? 
 ont-wils ? 
 ont-welles ? 
 have we f 
 have you f 
 have they (m. ) ? 
 have they (J. ) ? 
 * Je, /, before a Verb beginning with a votoel or silent h, drops the e, 
 and takes an apostrophe instead. 
 t A t is inserted here to prevent the harsh sound of two vowels coming 
 Obs.'l.—U the Subject of a "Verb is a Noun, the Verb is, of course, , 
 put in the 3d person : — 
 Charles a vu le loup. Charles has seen the wolf. 
 Fritz et Jean ont vu le loup. Fred and John have seen the wolf. 
 le pied {d mute) the foot. la voix {x mute) the voice. 
 le doiert (gr^ mute) the finger. petit (< mujte) small, little. 
 le loup (p mute) the wolf. entendu (partic.) /tcard. 
 le nez (2 mute) the nose. bu (partic.) drunk. 
 dix (x here mute) ten. 
 Obs. 2.— The end consonants, b, d, g, t, p, s, x, and z, are generally 
 mute, unless followed by a word beginning with a vowel or silent h, in 
 which case the end consonants are sounded with the initial v6wel (or 
 the vowel after the silent h) of the next word : — 
 Iron is useful. Le fer^estwutile. The men have Leswhommeswontw 
 honoured. honor^. 
 Pronounce : — Leferetutil. Lezomzontonord. 
 A. 1. As-tu entendu cette voix ? — Oui, j'ai entendu cette 
 voix. 2. A-t-il trouve I'^cole ? — Non, inais^il a trouv^ la tour. 
 3. Qui a parl^ k la reine 1 — Le roi a parl^ k la reine. 4. Avea- 
 vous vu le loup ? — Oui, nous^avons vu le loup. 5. Ont-ils 
 trouv^ Toncle ? — Oui, ils^ont tk)uv6 roncle. 6. J'ai dix doigts. 
 7. Le pied de I'enfant; est petit. 8. Le nez de cet homme 
 est long. 
 B. J . Hav e yoa heard tiufr child ? — Jf% bat^t have h e ard 
 this man. 2. Have they drunk the water ? — Yes, they have 
 drunk the water. 3. The name of the friend is long. 4. The 
 child has ten fingers. 5. Has she seen this child ? 6. That 
 man is a friend. 7. Have they found the pupil \ 
 0th Lesson. Sixiexne Legon. 
 HuLE h.-^-Mod French Nouns and Adjectives take an 8 in the 
 plural, except those ending in a hissing consonant (s, x, z), which 
 remain unchanged :- — ' 
 le libraire 
 la fleur 
 ce pays 
 cette noix 
 the bookseller, 
 the Italian, 
 the Jlower. 
 tlie orangei 
 this country, 
 this German, 
 this walnut. 
 les libraires 
 les fleurs 
 ces pays 
 ces^Alleman ds 
 ces neix 
 tJie booksellers, 
 the Italians, 
 the fiowers. 
 the oranges. 
 these countries, 
 these Germans, 
 these walnuts. 
 Rule 6. — Adjectives agree in gender and number with the' 
 Noun or Pronoun they qualify ;— 
 Sing. Ce jeune^colier esK^pplique. This young scholar is diligent. 
 /^^MnCesjeunesv^colierssouU^ppliques. These young scholars are diligent. 
 le devoir the duty, task, lesson. I'anere (m. ) the angel. 
 le crayon the lead pencil. ; le lait (< mute) the milk. 
 le bois (s mute) the wood, forest. 
 le livre the book. 
 Tor (m. ) gold. 
 chants (partie. ) sung. 
 A. 1. De qui ont-ils parlc ? — Ils^oirt parle de ces^Italiens. 
 2. Qui a apport^ ces livres ? — Les lihraires^ont^apporte ces 
 livres^et ces crayons. 3. Avez-vous vendu ces noix ? — Oui, 
 nous^avons vendu ces noix. 4. As-tu fait ces devoirs ? — Oui, 
 j'ai fait ces devoirs. 5. Ont-ils vu ces pays ? — Oui, ils ont vu 
 ces pays. 6. Ces^Anglais^ont vu les lacs. 7. Qui a chahte ? — ' 
 Ces^Allemands^ont chants. 8. Les^enfants^ont bu le kit. 
 B. 1. Who has brought , these books ? — These young pupils 
 have brought these books. 2. Have you heard these voices 1 
 Yes, we have heard these voices. 3. The Italians have seen the 
 lakes. 4. These young Germans have brought the flowers and 
 the tialnuts. 5. These booksellers have the books and the pens. 
 6. Have you seen these long walls ? 
 C. Charade: — 
 Mon premier ^ est^un in<5tal prdcieux i 
 Won second ^ un Jiabitant ' des cieux ' ; 
 Mon^entier ^ est^un fruit d<51icieux. 
 1 my first (here, niy first syllable) ; ' my second {syllable) ; » inhabit- 
 ant, inmate; * of heavens; ^ my whole {word). 
 7th Lesson. Septieme Legon. 
 cousin the cousin, ce cotisi'n this cousin, mon cousjn my ccnisin. 
 wor the gold. cetu>r this gold, xnonwor my gold. 
 la inaison the house, cette maison this house, ma maison m,y house. 
 I'wheure the hour. cett|e.^heure this hour, jnonwheure* myho^ir. 
 1. mon cousin, 
 2. ton voisiu, 
 8. son fr^re, 
 1. notre^ncle, 
 2. votre pfere, 
 3. leurv.Ami, 
 Masculine and Feminine 
 mes cousins (cousine^. 
 tes voisins (voisines). 
 868 fr^res (sceurs). 
 noswoncles (tantes). 
 V08 p^res (mferes). 
 leursv^mis (amies). 
 ma cousine, m,y. 
 ta voisine, thy. 
 ea soeur, his, Tier, its. 
 notre tante, our. 
 votre iu6re, your. 
 leurwamie, their. 
 Obs. — (1) Mon, ton, son are used instead of ma, ta, sa, hefore 
 feminine nouns which begin vnth a vowel or silent h : — monw&nie ; ton^ 
 habitude; sonwile: (2) In the Plural, themasc. and/em. are«the same. 
 N.B.—To illustrate the rule given, the Noun must be feininlue. 
 Rule 7. — Possessive Adjectives agree in srender and 
 nximber with the Noun which they qualify (see Bute 6). Observe 
 especially the wcrhing of this rule in the third person singular : — 
 In'EasUah the Possessive Adj. agrees In French it agrees in Oendei- and 
 in Qender and Number with the 
 Possessor : — ^^ 
 He is with his broths and his sister. 
 Bheisunthherbrotherand hersister. 
 fooile; ais^ easy. 
 diffloUe difficult 
 amen4 (partic.) 
 le voisin (m. ) ' 
 la voisine (/.). 
 A. 1. Ton cousin a amen^ 
 cousine a aussl amend son frere 
 broughi, led. 
 the neighbour. 
 Number vnth the person or 
 thlner possessed (like le and 
 la, ce and cette, etc.) : — 
 II est^avec son fr^re et sa soenr. 
 Elle iest^^vec son frere et sa soeur. 
 le papier (pr. ief = ie) the paper. 
 rencre(/.) the ink. 
 lis (elles,/.) sont they are. 
 la tante the aunt. 
 rtiabit [t mute) (m.) the coat, dress. 
 son frfere et sa scDur. 2. Ta 
 et sa soeur. 3. A qui a-t-il 
 parld ? — Il^a parld k son^oncle et & sa tante. *4. Oil sont ton 
 papier et ton^encre ? — Mon papier et mon^eacre sont eur la 
 table. 6. Voici votre neveu et Votre nifece. 6. Oil est ton^ 
 oncle ? — Il^eat^avec ma cousine. 7. Ces^Allemanda ont amen6 
 leurs^amis. 8. Ont-ils^aussi apportd leur^atgent ? 
 B. 1. I have lost my knife, my flpwer, and my plants. 2. 
 =ftwiKr rold his honwrt-==^fo, l5ur he haslrotd his ship. 8. To 
 whom haye they spoken ? — They have spoken to their masters. 
 4. His iesson is very easy ; but her lesson is difficult 5. Her 
 friends are also my friends. 6. His aimt is the sister of his 
 mother. 7. Her uncle is the brother of her father. 
 <? I 
 Je aula 
 tu ea 
 I am. 
 thou art. 
 he (she, one) is 
 nous aoznmea we are. 
 vousw6tea you are. 
 3.- ils (elles) sont they are. 
 Huitieme Legon. 
 Suls-je? Amil . 
 es-tu ? art thou t 
 est-il (elle, on| ? ishe[she, one) ? 
 Bommes-nous ? are we t 
 fitea-vous ? are you t 
 sont-ils (elles) ? are they f 
 c hard before a, o, u, & consonants : 
 le cahier th-e copybook. 
 le corps the body. leccBur the%eart. 
 l'6cu{m.) the shield, clair clear. 
 J. ^j^-The cerfi7^a under c (9) indicates that c (which oOierwise is 
 hard before a, o. u) has then the sound of s : compare— 
 c soft = s, before e, 1, y : — 
 ceci (pron. ) this. 
 le del ( = ssiil) sky, heaven. 
 Ilecygme swan. 
 c hard = k, 
 before a, o, u : — 
 cascEide cascade. 
 content (de) satisfied. 
 v6cu lived. 
 ch sharp = sh : — 
 le champ (mp = n), the field. 
 9 soft = s, only used 
 before a, o, u : — 
 fran9ais French. 
 erar9on boy,, waiter. 
 re9u received. 
 c always soft 
 before e, i, y;— 
 cela \ thai (pron. ) 
 cegL \ , i/mjpron.) 
 cyprea\ cypress. 
 J soft=zh (nearly like 5 in\lei«ure) :— 
 le Jambon, t^ ham. le\jour, the day. 
 la chose, the thing, le cheval, 'the horse, le Jeu, theplay, game: 
 e hard before a, o, u & consonants :— g soft = J, before A, 1, jr :_ 
 le er&teau the cake. 
 le groat the taste. 
 la gruerfe [u mute) the war. 
 s initial, & with conson. = *j 
 la saison (ssaizon) the season. 
 le genou thAknee. 
 leerilet the\vaistcoai. 
 ilmanarea(manja) h^ die. 
 a betiyeen vowels 4 2 ; — 
 r^grli8e(/.) thechXch. 
 lema(pron.fiss)<AesOTi. mortel \nortal 
 agrr^able agreeable, pleasant, tm&na {u md^ d m\ite) ithen ' 
 J^S^?«?«-1M ■?■""'*• Iefran9ai8 the French ifiyigu^ge. 
 fran9ais(adj.) French. - le Pran9al8 the Frenchrri^Z 
 A. 1. Qui es-tu ?— Je suis le fils de ma m^re. 2. EteB-vous 
 contents de cetjcolier ?— Oui, nous sommes contents dj cet 
 ^coher. 3. Les^hommes sont mortels. 4. Sont-ils contelts ?— 
 Oui, lis sont contents, quandjls^ont fait leurs devoirs, 
 sont vos cahiers ?— N08 cahiera sont sur votre table 
 goftt de la poire est^agrdable. 
 B. 1. Where are you ?— We are in the field. 2. The 
 is mortal. 3. These boys are the brothers of our friend. 1 * 
 Jgave^yo u brough t the-eakfr?^^-o,4mt we have Ibfought \the 
 ham. 6. This game is very pleasant. 6. Are they our frien^is ? 
 —Yes, they are our friends. 7. The days are long in sumnier 
 8. These Frenchmen have brought this horse. ' 
 0th Lesson. Neuvi^me Le9on. 
 Present of avoir, 
 Kegaiively. Interrogatively. 
 Jen'aipas* I have not. N'ai-jepas? Have I not f 
 •1 , II X °.^^ ^^ ^^^ ^"^^ "''^- »'as-tu pas ? hast thou not ? 
 U (elle) n a pas h£{she)hasnot. n'a-t-il (die) pas? has he[she)notJ 
 nous n'avonspas we Aaivj 7io<. n'avons-nous pas ? Aav« zwj -jioi r 
 •1 7?i"^v '^'^^^^ P^ 2/"" ^^^ '^°^- n'avez-vou8 pas? have you not f 
 il3(eUes)n'ontpa8 they have not. n'ont-ils pas ? have they not? 
 ' ne . . . pas, not ; before a vowel or silent h = n' . . . paa 
 tl- is sounded hard in the end- 
 ings: -ti6, -tier, -ti6me, -ti(e) 
 (partie. ), -stlon, and -tienm other 
 than proper nouns : — 
 le hulti^me the eighth. 
 la question the Question. 
 TamltW (/. ) friendship. 
 la partie the part. 
 le tien thine. 
 Ohs. — tl-, as a rule, is sounded 
 like ssee (French si) : — 
 la nation the nation. 
 la patience patience. 
 Tariatocratle (/. ) the aristocracy. 
 le V^nltlen the Venetian. 
 am^ltleux ambitious. 
 essentlel essential. 
 Rule 8.— 'Abstract Noulis,' ' Nouns taken in a general sense,' 
 and 'Names of Countries,' take the Definite Article in French:— 
 L'ambltlon est dangereuse. Ambition is dangerous. 
 L or est precieux. QoU is m'ecious. 
 Les tigres sont cruels. Tigers are cruel. 
 La France est plus gtande que I'Espagne. France is larger than Spain. 
 Varfient {m:~) the silver,money. perdu (partie, ) lost. 
 heureuac happy, prosperous, r^pondu (partie.) replied., answered. 
 rlche rich, wealthy. flnl (partie.) finished. 
 a! r. N'as-tu pas perdtTson^miti^ ?— Non, je n'ai pas perdu 
 son^amiti^. 2. Ont-ils^une partie de cet argent ?— Non, mais 
 ils^ont^une partie de cet^or. 3. Je suis content de votre araiti^. 
 4. N'ont-ils pas rdpondu k cette question ?— Non, ils n^nt pas 
 r^pondu h. cette question. 5. N'avez-vous pas amen6 votre 
 cheval ? 6. N'ont-elles pas fini ?— Oui, elles^ont'fini. 7. Les 
 Vdnitiens^ont^une aristocratie. 8. N'ai-je p^ un devoir ? 
 B. 1. Has he not your friendship ?— No, he has not my 
 friendship, ^Haye^ they noiL lost patience ?— No, they have ^:= 
 not lost patience. 3. Have you not seen this gljLof our house ? 
 in this part of your ho JiP 4. The aris- "S^ 
 -No, we have not seen this part of your ho 
 tocracy is rich. 6. You have replied to this question. 
 6. Has 
 she not a part of this gold ? 7. I have not finiahed my letter 
 10th Ijesson. Dixienfe Le9on. 
 Present of dtre. 
 Ntgativtly. " Interrogatively. 
 Je ne Buis pas 7 am not. Ne suis-je pas ? Am I not t 
 tu n' es pas thou art not. n' es-tu gas ? art thou not t 
 il (elle) n' «w pas he (she) is not. n' est-il (elle) pas ? is he (she) not f 
 nous ne sommeapas we are not. ne aomnies-nouspas? are we not t 
 yous n' etes pas' j/oM are 7U)<. n' §tes-vous pas ? are you not? 
 ils (elles) ne sunt pets they are n4)t. nesont-ils (elles)pas ? are they not f 
 Liquid Consonants : — 111, 11 ( = ye), and grn ( = nye) : 
 la bataiUe 
 le travail 
 .le soleil 
 the battle. la campagrne the country, fields, 
 the work, labour, dlgne worthy, 
 the sun. le r/^grne (m.) the reign, rule, 
 the daughter, qirl. la Grande-Bre- "I ^^ ^ v ■. ■ 
 h^.T,t ^h^j/Z..f t&gne* I ^*"*"^ ^rttavn. 
 I'Allemaerne (/. ) * Germany. 
 parce que + 
 deux (x mute) 
 trois (s mute) 
 le monsieur 
 the gentleman, 
 the gentlemen, 
 the lady, 
 the ladies, 
 the young lady. 
 brighi, brilliant, 
 the ear. 
 , William. 
 le er^n^ral the general. 
 lar^compense the reward. 
 iraurquoi ? why f 
 monsieur Mr., sir. 
 pL messieurs Messrs., gentlemen... ' les messieurs 
 madamd Mrs., mudam, my lady, la dame 
 pi. mesdames ladies, les dames 
 ' mademoiselle Miss. la demoiselle 
 pL mesdemoiselles Jfme«. lesdemoiselles^Aei/cmntjrZaiiieA. 
 j * Rule 9. — M»8t Names of * Countries' ending W « mute are 
 teminine. t paxce qu' before a vowel : paxoe qu'il, etc. 
 A. 1. N'est-elle pas la fille de GuillaumeT— f3Non, madame, 
 elle n'est pas la fille de Quillaume. 2. Ne eont-ils pas con- 
 tents 1 — Non, monsieur, ils ne sont pas contents. 3. N'ltes-vous 
 pas content ? — Non, mon^ami, je ne suis pas heureux, j'ai perdu 
 mon^argent 4. Ne sont-ils pas dignes de rdcompenae ?— Non, 
 ils ;ie sont pas dignes de T^compense. 5. Et pourquoi ne sont- 
 ils pas dignes de r^comperise ? — Parce qu'ils ne sont pas^appliquds. 
 6. Ils^ont perdu une bataille. 7. Ces demoistelles sont mes soeurs. 
 B. 1. Are they not the daughters of my friendU — No (sirX 
 they are hot the daughters of your friend. 2. Is he not worthy 
 ^of reward ?^^ No i (mad am)« he is noteworthy of r e w ard. 9.^ ae^^ 
 they not happy ? — No (misS), they are not happy. 4. The ears' 
 of the donkey are long. 6. The sun is Very bright in summer. 
 6. The rtde of the Qxieeti of (the) Great Britain is prosperous. 
 11th Lesson, Onzieme Logon 
 Ton pAre a-t-il un ch^val ] 
 Teswamls ont-llswune lecon ? 
 Sa traduction est-eUe. facile } 
 Ces montairnes sont-elles hautes ? 
 L'or n'est-ll pas pr^cieux ? 
 Obs. — Another way of "Asking questions consists in putting the inter- 
 rogative phrase, est-ce que . . .f iait that . , . f before the affirmaftve 
 form of tne senteqce : — ^.— — v, 
 (a) With a JVb«rt-Subject : — 
 Jffirmat. Jean a unu^ni. Johnhas a friend. 
 InterroQ I ^*:** quey ean a un ami ? (lit) la it tb&t John has a/rirndf 
 Has thy father a horse t , 
 Have thy friends a lesson 1 
 Is his translation easy t 
 Are these mountains high 1 
 Is not gold precious f ^ 
 or, Jean a-t-il un ami ? , (lit.) John has he afrienAi 
 (6) With a Pronottn-Subject : — 
 Affirmat. Vonsiavezwun^ami. You have a friend. 
 Interroa \ '^*"*^ *1^® "^°"^ *^^^ ^° *°*i^ (^i*-) I" ^^ ^^^ V^ ^'«'« a friend f 
 ^' I or, Avez-vous un akni ? (lit.)^ai;e ybv^afrimdf 
 la Bourerogne Burgundy. • • 
 le vin • the vrine. '■ 
 rAnerleterre (/.) England. 
 anglais English. 
 TAnglqis (m.) the Englishman. 
 I'Anglaise (/. ) the Englishwoman. Joll 
 ranglais (m.) the English langvage.letf^aor x 
 rezercice(m.) \ thejuxrcise. 
 le palala \the palace. 
 I'empereur i?ie emperor. 
 beau (/. p. 50) . fine, beautiful. 
 blanc (blanche,/) white. 
 yie treasure. 
 Le temps test-il bef|,u ? 2. Le Jmlais Ve»t-il pas magni- 
 fique ? 3f Les^Anglais n'ont-iia pas^un beau pays ? 4. Les 
 lejons ne sont-elles pas difficiles ? 5. Est-ce que le vin de 
 Bourgogne est bon? 6. Est-ce ^ue I'Angleterre ^st riohe ? 
 7. Est-ce que les Fran9ais^ont^un^empereur ? 8. Est-ce qu6 le 
 lait est blanc ? 
 Construe sentences 1 to. 4 vnth * est-ce que,' and 6 to 8 by inverr^ 
 tion. Answer all tli£ questions in French. 
 B. 1. I^ the summer fine 1 2. Are the exercises diflScult ? 
 3. Has not the king a palace t 4. Have your sisters replied to 
 your questions? 5. Is not England a fine country ? 6. Is not 
 ^ Great Britain very rich? 
 Tke above $entencet to be translated ioth iobj/l /^ 
 (1) by invtnton, and (2) hy meutaot e st-ie gw . . . ? 
 Beeajntidation, — :1. Who has druttk the iimlkt — The eai 
 S. Am I not your friend ? — Yes, you are my friend. 3. la not 
 ft friend a treMure 1 4. Ii not the corix. ripe? 
 Ce petit gar9on appU- 
 ' Mon Cher ami. 
 12th Lesson. Dotizi^me Le9on. ^ 
 We have seen in the 6th Rule that if a French Koun is in the 
 plural, its Adjective must be in the plural t(jo. ' Thus also if a French 
 Noun or Pronoun is feminine in gender, its Adjective must be in the 
 feminine too. The .FcwiintTi* is formed in several wayiWr— " 
 (a) GENERAL RULE— Add e mute to the ' maseuliTu' form .— 
 Masculine. Feminine. 
 II est anglais. EUe est anglalse. Be {she) is English 
 Le vaisseau anglais. La flotte anglalse. * The English ^hip (fleet). 
 Cette petite fiUe This diligent Uttle boy 
 appllqu^e.* (girl). 
 Ma ch6ret amie. My dear friend. 
 t Adjectives ending in -er take a 'grave accent '(') over the e, as above 
 {b) Adjectives ending in e naute in the ' masculine ' remain unchanged : — 
 Levin rouge. i La mer rouge.* the rj^j^ine {sea). 
 (c) Adjectives ending in -f change thist into -ve r-^^'^ 
 Ilestvlf. ' EUe esi Vive. ifc(^i«)w quick (lively). 
 {d) Adjectives ending in -x change this x into -se : — 
 Un nom glorieux. Une paix glorieuse. A gtorious name {peace). 
 (e) Most Adjectives in -on, -en, -el, -eil, -as, double their end-consonant 
 and take e mut^ : — 
 Quel bon godt ! Quelle bonne goutte! What ^ good toJfe(rfro»)/ 
 L ancien chateau (m. ) L'anciehiae tour (/. ) The old edstle {tower). 
 * Rule lQ.~Adjective8 derived from ' Proper Nouns ' or ' Par- . 
 ticiples,' auHf^se denoting a ' colour,' stand after their. Noun. 
 le th6 (th = t) the tea. le catt the coffee. 
 Form the Feminine of the following Adjectives :— remain, Ronuin • 
 paresseux, lazy, idle; int^ressant, interesting; yfiirt, green • noir 
 black, dark; allemand, German; neuf, new; ou9ert, open- fler' 
 prcmrf/^emler, last; seul, only, alone, single; Chretien, Christian. 
 A. 1. Yotre ^mmaire fran5aise est-elle facile ?— No'n, 
 mon^amij elle jai'jpst pas facile. . 2. Le th^ noir,e8t-il agr^ble ? 
 — Oui, mais -le ^'" '- • < ■ - - - 
 eglises sont trfee 
 sont-elles dignei 
 paresseuses ne s^ 
 couleur est trfes 
 B. 1. My gO' 
 [*5^ert n'est pa8^agr(5able. 3. Les^anciennes 
 4. Lea jeunes fiUes^appliqudes 
 kt — 0\jti, mais les jeunes fiUes 
 ^ de recompense. 5. Gette jolie 
 e bonmKaaife nousjivons ! ^ 
 - - ., «, .,111. 2r Is your French exercise 
 .difficult ?— No, i»ia not difficalt.^^. These young giite are 
 lively. 4. Is your little sister diligent ? — No, she is not^Jiligent 
 5. Are your daughters happy ?— Yes, madam; but our little 
 cousins are not happy. 6. This English translation is interesting. 
 iBocu Treizi^me Lc»9on. 
 S ; Plur. 1, 2, \. 
 •ain. -longt-lez, -alent. 
 J' ^taw IwaSfJusedtobe. 
 ttt ^tais thou wast. 
 il (olle)yetait he (sAc) loas. 
 nous.«etion0 w;e M;ere. 
 vousv^tiez you were. 
 il3(ellea)s^talent tJiey were. 
 Etais-je ? . 
 L'anrr ^tq^it-il? 
 L'amie etait-elle ? 
 hier (pron. = i||r) 
 maintenant . , 
 ^ present 
 eu (partic. perf. of) 
 avoir; pron. = u) J 
 JFas If etc.- 
 JVds tkt 
 I was not. 
 at present 
 av-\Bing.i' 2, 
 to be. • 6t- f -ais, -4I8, 
 avals Iltad, fused tohave. 
 til av^is^AoM hadst. 
 il (elle)s^valt Ae {she) had. 
 tiousv^vions xce had. 
 vouSs^viez you luid. 
 ils(elle3)wavalent they had. ~ 
 Interroff. Avais-je ? Had 11 etc. 
 Jacc^ues avait-il? Had James? 
 Jeanne avaitrelle ? Hail Jane ? 
 Negat. Je n'avais pas,etc. Ihad not. 
 la lol ^ the lap;. 
 la lettre the letter. 
 la i*^publlque the republic. 
 la le^on d'angrlals the English lesson 
 la sexnaine ' the ^oeek. 
 la ni^ce the niece. 
 Rule 11. — If a feminine Noun or Pron. is used in the Plural, its 
 Adj. must take the signs both of the Fern, and Plwral (flee Lessons 
 6 and 12) :— ' ' , 
 II est vif. ' ns sont vifs. BUe est vivb. / Elles sont vives. 
 Mon petit frire. Mes petits fibres. Ma petite soeu'r. Mes petites sceurs. 
 Give the French for the following, both sing, and plur. : — 
 (1) Putting the Adjective after its Noun :— The open window ; the 
 new town ; the last week ; this German-lady ; the French republic ; our 
 idle donkey; your proud (jueen ; the Christian king ; his happy mother. 
 . (2) "Puttjinphe Adjective befare its Noun :-4:The only table ; -the last 
 t^JUPPI my good ^>en ; his little table ; her little ehiW; his pretty name. 
 A. 1. Oil ^tais-tu hier ? — J'&t&is Jl Paris. 2. N'avais-tu paa^un^ 
 ami fidfele ?— Non, je n'avais pas^un se/ul^ami. 3. Avaient-ils 
 ma lettre fran9ai8e ? — Non, maiails^avaJent ma lettre^allemande. 
 4: La fenetre n'^tait-elle pas^ouverte ?/— Non, elKs^^tait ferm^e. 
 5. Qui avait^autrefois cette grande maison ? — Notre chere tante. 
 6. Les^anciennes lois romaines^^taient/trfes s^vferes. 7. Lea Fran- 
 9ai8^avaient^un^empereur, mamtenant ils^ont^une r^publique. 
 B. 1. Where was thy young brother yesterday ? — He was iti 
 Paris. 2. Had you not a difl&ci^t lesson ? — Yes, we had a 
 -di ffi cu lt^ lesso n ^ bu t the ^Freac 
 your French copy-books new ?- 
 Were not your^ nieces ill last 
 they were .lazy. 5. Had you at 
 had a Qel-man lesson. • 
 /No, they were not new. 4. 
 ? — ^No, they Were nbt ill, 
 English lesson? — No, but we 
 14th Lesson. 
 " I 
 Infinitive Form. Pret. Stem, + 
 avoir to have. eu-\Slng. l, 
 dta-e to be. fu- j -b, 
 J' eus(pron. =u) / Jtad (gol). 
 tu eus thou hadst. 
 ilw eut he had. 
 nouswe&mes we had. 
 vouSfc^dtes y<m had. 
 lis weurent they had. 
 (a) Use the Imperfect Past tense 
 when you speak of something 
 which was usually or repeatedly 
 done at some time past :— 
 Qoand j'dtais h. Brighton, j'avais 
 toujours bon appetit. 
 Wk^eriever I was staying ai 
 " Brighton, I aShojiys used to 
 have a good appetite. 
 la ff^oerraphle geography. 
 Ifhistoire (/.) history, the story. 
 Quatorzieme Le90ii. 
 2, 8 ; Plur. 1, 2, 3. 
 -8, -t : Ames, Ates, -rent. 
 Je fus 
 tu fus 
 il fut 
 nous fiimes 
 vous ffites 
 ils furent 
 1 was {became), 
 thou wajt. 
 he was. 
 we were. 
 you were. 
 ' they were. 
 (b) Use the Preterite Past tense 
 when you relate a single action 
 which once happened : — - 
 Hier je fas k Brighton, et j'eus 
 bgn appetit. 
 Yesterday I was in Brighton, and 
 I had a good appetite. 
 '• ** > 
 le diner 
 le coner^ 
 la condvilte 
 the dinner. 
 the holiday, leave, 
 pie conduct, beha- 
 > viour. 
 rarme (/.) 
 I'arm^ (/.) 
 la viotoire 
 plusleurs (m. 
 and/.) . 
 the arm, weapon, 
 the army, 
 the victory, 
 A. 1. EAtes-vous^une le9on de g^ographie la semaine 
 demifere? — Oui, monsieur, et nous^eAmes^aussi une le9on 
 dTiietoire. 2. N'eurent-ils pas^unp lettre de Paris ?— -Non, mala 
 ils^eurent^une lettre de Rome. 3. Oti Mtes-vous hier ? — Hier' 
 nous fumes^ii Londres. 4. L'arm^e anglaise ne fut-elle pas 
 victorieuse ?— .Oui, les^armdes^anglaises furent victorienses dans 
 plusieurs grandes batailles. 5. L'^lfeve n'eut-il pas^un ct>ng4 ?— 
 Oui, il eut^un cong6 de dix jours. 6. Quelle glorieuse victoire ! 
 *B. 1. Had he an English lessbn yesterday ?— No, but he had 
 a Latin lesson. 2. Had he not a young friend ? — Y68, he had 
 ryoimg friend. S^rfThey last weelrrw8& in Calais, aiiff I had: 
 a good dinner. 4. When we were at Dover, we uqed to havatf' 
 good djnner. 5. Were you not satisfied with his conduct ? — No, 
 We were not satisfied with his conduct. 6. What a fine castle 1 
 ''•'■■■ ^ • 
 15th Lesson. Quinzieme Le9on. 
 Infinitive Form. 
 avoir to Jiave. 
 6tre to be. 
 J ' aurai I 
 Fut. Stem, + 
 aur- I Sing, l, 
 ser- ) -al, 
 shall have. 
 tu auras 
 iL aura 
 thou wilt have, 
 he will have. 
 2, 3 ; Plur. 1, 2, 3. 
 -as, -a ; -ons, -ez, -ont.* 
 Je serai / shall he. 
 tu seras thou wilt he. 
 il sem lie will be.^ 
 we shall have, 
 you will have, 
 they will have. 
 Je n'axirai pas. 
 Je ne serai pas. 
 og. Aurai-je ? 
 Serai-je ? 
 nous serons we shall he. 
 vous serez"*^ yoti will he. 
 ils seront they will be. 
 I shall not Jiave, etc. 
 / shall not be, etc. 
 SJmU I have f etc. 
 Shall I he? etc. 
 L'eleve aura-t-ir(iOTige ? or, Est.-ca que I'elfeve aura conge ? 
 L'eleve sera-t-il ici ? £s€-oe que l'eleve sera ici ? 
 Obs. — These inflections are derived from the Present of avoir (p. 5), 
 with the omission of av- in the first and second pereon plural. 
 le ftulti th^ fruit. attentif 
 demain (adv.) 
 h quelle heure ? 
 k6ixj^{x=z) heures 
 le moi^ 
 & la mftison 
 la pomme 
 le matin 
 the fruit, 
 the month, 
 at home, 
 the apple, 
 the morning, 
 at what o'clock f 
 at ten o'clock. 
 rteompens^ (partic.) rewarded. 
 A. }. Aurez-vous votre argent demain ? — Non, nous n'aurons 
 pas nofre argent. 2. Votre dleve aura-t-il une recompense ? — 
 Oui, il aura une recompense, quand il sera appliqu^. 3. Serez- 
 V0U8 A la maison demain 1^— Non, nous ne serons pas k la maison. 
 4. Votre 8(Bur n'aura-t-elle pas ces fleurs ? — Oui, elle aura cea 
 flaurs et ces fruits. 5. Quand seront-ils k la maison ? — lis 
 lerout k la maison demain. 6. La semaine prochaine les ^Ifeves 
 attentifs et appliques seront reoompensds. 7. A quelle heure 
 serez-vous ici ? 8. Quand j 'aurai cette pomme, je serai content. 
 B. 1. What lesson shall we have to-morrow morning ? — We 
 shall have the fifteenth lesson. 2. When will he be at home ? 
 — T ormorrow.. 3. Shall ynu have a good dinner m (k)^Paria,i_ 
 ' — Yes, we shall have a good dinner. 4. When will they be in 
 London? — They will be at home next week. 5. At what 
 o'clock will he be in (k) the school ? 6. Will these apples be 
 ripe (the) next^ month M 7. This idle boy wiU not be rew»rde4, 
 16th Lesson. Seizieme Le9on. 
 Infinitive Form. Condit Stem, + 
 avoir- to have. aiir- | Sing, i, 2, 
 ser- ) -ais, -ais, 
 / should have. Je 
 6tre to he. 
 J' aiirais 
 tu aurais 
 11 v.Aurait 
 ils <^uraient 
 3 ; Plur. 1, 2, 3. 
 ait ; -ions, -iez, -aient.* 
 serais / should he. 
 serais thou wouldst be, 
 serait he would he. 
 serions we should he. 
 seriez you ivould he. 
 Beraie^^Jthey would he. 
 *Obs. — These inflections are derived from the Imperfect of avoir, with 
 the omission of av- throughout. 
 thou wouldst have, 
 he would have. 
 we should have, 
 you would have, 
 t/iey would have. 
 avoir faim to be hungry. avoir froid to be cold. 
 avoir soif to be thirsty. avoir raison to be right. 
 avoir chaud to be warm. avoir tort to be wrong. 
 avoir tres chaud to be hot. avoir pitie (de) to jrity, io have 
 avoir besoin (de) to be in need of, pity on. 
 to want. avoir envie (de) to have a mind. 
 I'Aftique (/.) Africa. laborieuz industrious. 
 la bi^re the beer, ale. pauvre poor, indigent. 
 le peuple {m. sing.) the people. lu (perf. partic. | , ^ 
 ^onome saving, spar- of lire, to read) \ '"' ' i'^^'"*"- 
 ingr, thrifty, ob^issant obedient. 
 ,travaill6(partic.perf.)tcorAed. si* if, whether {couy); 
 r^pingleC/.) the pin. so (adv.) 
 • si = s' only before il and ils :— sll, slls ; but si elle(s), si on, etc. 
 A. 1. Auriez-vous faim, si vous aviez travaille ? — Oiii, nous 
 aurions faim. 2. Votrte fr^re aurait-il le temps? — Non, 11 
 n'aurait pas le temps. 3. J'aurals froid, si je n'avals pas un 
 habit chaud. 4. Je serais content, si j'avais cet habit. 5. Serait- 
 11 ici, s'il avait re9u votre lettre ? 6. EUes arftaient chaud, si elks 
 dtalent en Afrique. 7. Nous serions malades, pI nous avions bu 
 cette bifer^. 8, Ce peuple ne serait-il pas heureUx, s'il avait, un 
 bon roi ? 9. Je in'aurals pas besoin ^'argent, si j'^tais riche. 
 B. 1. We should be thirsty, if we had not drunk this water. 
 2. He would be wrong, if hfe were not obedient. 3. I should 
 have read this story ^ if I had h_ftd the time. 4, W nnl.l yo u r ^ 
 inend be satisfied, if he had this English horse ? 6. He would 
 have this money, if he wepe industrioua 6. They would be 
 rich, if they were saving. 7. Would they not be in need of a 
 pin ? 8. Am I not right ? — No, you are wrong. 
 17th Lesson. Dix-sept|eme Le9on. 
 The Present Perfect is formed, as In English, with the 
 PREjgENT of avoir + the Part. Perf. of theVerb to be conjugated :- 
 lir ; Part. Perf. eu, Imd. 
 ' ' * / have had ; 
 ^^'s*/-J'ai eu; 
 * tu asw eu thou hast had. 
 il(elleXA eu he {she) has had. 
 nousv^avons^^u we have had. 
 vous^^vez^y eu you have had. 
 ilswonto eu they have had. 
 6tre ; Tart. Perf. 6t6, been. 
 I ham been ; 
 J'ai\ ^t^; 
 tu asJi 4t6 thou hast been. 
 ilwft \ 6t6 he has been. 
 St^ we have been. 
 \4t^ you have been. 
 it6 they have been. 
 Neg. Je n'ai pas^eu, etc. Je n'ai pas^ete, etc, 
 Jnterrogative. Ai-^e eM7 Ai-Je^t^? 
 Albert a-t-il eu? Albert a-t-il ^t^ ? 
 Int. d' Neg. N'ai-je paek^u ? N'ai-je pasv^te ? fft 
 Reymond n'^-t-il ptw^u I Julie n'a-t-elle pas^ Ht 
 • ii./. < 
 ave not h^d {been). 
 ,ve I had {been) t 
 Albert had {been) f 
 I iwt had {beeti) f 
 not E. {or J.) had 
 ',en) f 
 apr^-midi (m. or/.) aJUmoon. 
 le (la) domeatique the servant. 
 le savon 
 le contralre 
 au contralre Si the contrary. 
 sltu^ (part. perf. ) ^icaied. 
 miB {■part.-pert) j^t, put on. 
 sage wise (subst. sage), 
 goM {as to conduct), 
 the contrary, encore (adv. ) stic^, yet, again. 
 the soap 
 the thirst. 
 A. 1. Ou aa-tu et^ ce matin, men enfant ? — J'ailet^ k I'^glise, 
 2. Avez-vous dt<5 k la maison cet apres-midi ? — Ndp, monsieur, 
 nous avons ^t^ k r^cole. 3. Votre petit frere a-t-il 4t| k Londres I 
 — Oui, madame. 4. Lea jeunes filles ont-elles eil leur le^on 
 d'histoire ? — Non, madame, ellea n'ont pas encore evnleur le^on. 
 5. N'avez-vous pas eu un domeatique ? — Oui,. un uomestique 
 italifen. 6. Pourquoi a-t-il 6ti r^compens^ ? — II a |t^ rdcom- 
 pens^ parce qu'il a it& tres aage. 7. Voua avez eu 
 B. 1. Where has he been ? — He has been at Ubmc 2. 
 Have you had your tea ? — No, I have not had my tea. | 3. Why 
 h aa he been Boill?:. ^BecauBe 4te has b ee n c ol d . 4 >JHkYe th e y- 
 not been punished ? — No, they have not been punia&ed. 6, 
 Have you been warm ? — No, on the contrary, we have h&BXi «)ltl. 
 6. Has he been hungry? — No, he haa been thiraly, 7| (The), 
 beer la good for the thirst 8. Haa not ouf master beenlright ? 
 18th Lesson. Dix-huitieme Le^on. 
 The Pluperfect Tense is formed, as in English, with the 
 Imp?rf. of avoir + the Part. Perf. of the Verb to be conjugated ; 
 avoir, to have; Part. Perf. eu, had. 
 J' avals 
 tu avals 
 l1 avait 
 hous avions 
 vous avlez 
 ils avalent eu 
 had ; 
 eu ; 
 eu thou hadst had. 
 eu he had had. 
 eu we had had. 
 eU you had had. 
 they had had. 
 Je n'avais jamais eu. 
 / h/id never had. 
 6tre, to he; Part. Perf. ^t^, been. 
 J 'avals 
 tu avals 
 il avait " 
 nous avions 
 vous aviez 
 been ; 
 ils avalent 6t6 
 thou hadsf, been, 
 he had been. 
 we had been, 
 you had been, 
 they had been. 
 Je n'avais Jamais Ste, etc. 
 / had never be^n. 
 Caution. —Distinguish carefully between — 
 had {hadst, etc.). Perfect Tense 
 late, behind time. 
 of 'to have,' always used with its 
 Subject : — 
 / had, you had, etc. , 
 J'avais, tu avals, etcXp. 13), 
 ^ J'eus, tu eus, etc. (p. 14), 
 le cordonnier the shoemaker. 
 le voyage (m.) the jourtny, travel. 
 rinstitutrlce(/.) the governess. 
 l'Italie(/.) Italy, 
 la capitale the capital. 
 I'amour (m. ) the toj/e. . 
 lethiitktre(th=t.) theatre. 
 rindigr^ne ■ the native. 
 FQtenu (part.) detained. 
 A. 1. Ou avals -tu itil — J'avais 6td en Italic. 2. Pour- 
 quoi n'avais-tu pas eu raiaon ? — Farce que j'avais eu tort. 3. 
 Le c6rdonnier avait-il ^td ici ? — Noii, il h'avait pas etd ici. 4. 
 Si vous aviez it& b, Paris, vena auri£z«vu I'Eii^pereur. 6. Pour- 
 quoi n'aviez-vou8 pas eu pitid de cet homme ? — Parce qu'il avait 
 6i& mdchant. 6. Si nous avions eu un cheval, nous n'aurions pas 
 attendu. 7. lis avaient eu besoin de cet argent pour leur voyage. 
 B. 1. Why had you been eo late ? — Because I had been de- 
 tained. 2. Had you been at home ? — No. I had not been at 
 and had, Participle Perfect, 
 without person •'endings, only used 
 with an Auxiliary Verb, both in 
 French and English : — 
 / have bad ; / had had. 
 J'ai eu ; J'avais eu, etc. 
 attendu (part.) waited. 
 m^chant vncked, naughty. 
 par (prep. ) by, through. 
 avant (prep. ) before {as to lime). 
 devant (prep. ) be/ore {as to place). 
 en retard 
 Jamais (adv. ) ever. 
 ne . . . Jamtkis ncoer. 
 Iioinp. 3. Where had you been ? — f had been at (the) school. 
 4. If we hfwi been hungry, we should have had our dinner. 6. 
 Had 'you ever been in Italy? — No, but I had been in Eng- 
 (aiid. * 6. Had your governew be^n in. France f — Yea, ahe had. 
 10th Lesson. Dix-neuvieme kje5on. 
 The Future Perfect Tense, to express an ackion expected to bo 
 fully accomplished (hence called jTcr/gci) at some/woire time, is formed 
 with the Future Pres. of avoir + the Part. Pe^^f. of the yerb to 
 be conjugated : — 
 I shall-have had ; 
 J' aunii eu 
 tu aiuras eu 
 il aura eu 
 n. aurona eu 
 V. avurez eu 
 ils auront eu 
 thMk wilt-have had. 
 he vnll-have had- 
 we shall-lvive had. 
 you toill-have had. 
 they will-have had. 
 I shall-have hcerv 
 J' aural ^t^ ; 
 tu auras 4t6 t 
 il aura 4t6 
 n. aurons^t^ w( 
 V. aurez 6t6 yo\ 
 I wilt-have been, 
 vnll-have been, 
 shall-have bcev. 
 will-have been. 
 ils auront 6t4 they vnll-have been. 
 la viande 
 la paresse * 
 la t&che 
 la tache 
 le facteur 
 la pluie * 
 k cause de 
 * obs. — The Future Perf. is also used to express propability :- 
 _, jj. I 1. i. ( He must h^ve been absent. 
 II aura 6te absent. | .^^ probably has been absent. 
 the meat. le beurre (m.) the }mtter. 
 laziness, idleness, pr^ent presknt. 
 the task, job. absent absent, 
 the spot, soil. trlste sad, Ureary, dull, 
 the postman. mauvais bad. I 
 the exhibition. indlspos^ , unweU, poorlf. t ' 
 the rain. depuls (prep. ) sijux \for). ^ < > - 
 (m account of. d^A(adv.) alreamf. 
 o,\i\o\xr^'Ta.\j^{&A.\.)to-day,thisday. midi (m.) twelve 0' clock,naon, midday. 
 • Nouns ending in -sse, -ion, -le, -t6, are niostly Pemkiine. 
 A. 1. Pourquoi cet ^leve n'a-t-il pas ete present ?V— II aftra " ' 
 M malade. 2. Poujquoi ces gar9on8 sont-ils si tristes 1 — lis 
 auront ^td punis pour leur paresse. 3. Serez-vous k St. Pdters- 
 bourg la eeniaine prochaine ? — Nous aurons di^k ^t» k St. * 
 Petersbourg avant la semaine prochaine. 4. A midi j'aarai d^ji\ 
 cu mon diner. 5. Et nous aurons eu notre tache. \ 6. Le 
 facteur est en .retard aujourd'hui, il aura M retenu \par le 
 mauvais temps. 7. Cette pluie n'est-elle pas triste 1 
 B. 1. Why have they been so late ? — They must have ( i= will- 
 have) been detained by the rain. 2. This boy has been hbsent 
 for i = Mnce) ten days. 3. He must have been unwell. 4.\ Shall 
 you be at the exhibition next month ? — I shall have been kt the 
 TxhibltiOirB^I&fe next mcsnth. STAt ten o'clock we Bt[amhaver===== 
 had our tea. 6. The postmen will be late this moAiing. 
 7. Why ?-^0n account of the rain. 8. . His house is before 
 the theatre. 9. Is she not wrong ? — No, she is right. 
 20th Lesson. Vifigrtieme Legon: ,* 
 The Conditional Pbkfect is formed with— 
 the Conditional Pres. of avdir-f the Part. Pebf. of the Verb 
 to be conjugated : — 
 'I should-have had; 
 J' aurais eu; 
 tu aurais eu you would -have 
 had. ■ 
 il aurait eu he would - have 
 n. aurions eu we should-have 
 V. aurlez eu you would - have 
 lis aiiraiedt eu Uiey would -have 
 la Prusse 
 - vli^e 
 la r^ponse 
 la compagnie 
 la bont4 
 nlals ; tot(te), 
 la Belgrique 
 the inhabitant. 
 I should-have been ; 
 •J* aurais ^t^; 
 tu aurais ^XA you would -have 
 II aurait ^t^ he would- have 
 n. aurions 6t6 we should-have 
 been. , • 
 V. aurlez ^t^ you would -liave 
 lis auralent^t^ they would -have 
 charm^ (de) 
 charmed, delighted 
 angry {with), 
 sorry (for), 
 the town-hall. - *^^^ (centre) 
 f&ch6 (de) 
 the answer, reply, n^grligent 
 the company. tout (pi. tous) 
 the ki'iidness. toute /. 
 f^y-. (pl-'toutes) 
 bh.Zr sans (prep.) withmt, but for. 
 blanmi. tout ; tout h fait (adv.) ^Uef 
 whole, every. 
 A. 1. Auriez-vous eu cet argeit sans sa bonte ?— Non nibn- 
 Bieur, sans sa bont^ nous nWions pas eu cet arRent 2 
 Aunez-vous ^te en Prusse ?^ Non, noi!s n'aurions pLli^ en 
 Prusse, niais en Belgique. 3. Si iu avals et^ appW tu 
 n aurais pas dt(5 bllnid. 4. Nous aurions ixA charms de 1 
 a present 6. Nous n aurions pas m en France, si nous n'avions- 
 pa« eu tout cet argent. 7. J'aumis 6U fSchd d'avoir Jort 
 book; ''2^^ iTw ll'''''^".?' ^' f "^^^ ^"' ^^« ^«d thj 
 W^ «b.n?i ?\ ^^"^ ^'^'^''^' ^^ would.be rich now. 3 
 We shouldnot have been at the town -hall. 4! Th .y w»nM 
 e"T «b ,»,^P^, S: She M^irYoHiave-W^ W ^^ 
 Lv if T b Tt ^T "^'^ ^" «^">'- ^- He wonld-have been 
 Borry. if I had been late. 8. We should have been delighted 
 21st Lesson 
 Qu'il alt 
 3. Qu'ils alent 
 N'aie pas 
 Qu'il n'ait pas 
 "have {flunC) not. 
 let him not havt^ 
 n'ayons pas let us not have. 
 n'aye? pas have (ye) not; 
 ,' ' ' Son't have. 
 eh blen ! well ! vxll then ! 
 la peur fear. 
 avoir peur* to he afraid. 
 lacomplalsaoce-h^Ac kindness. 
 Vingft et unieme Le9on 
 tiave (thou). Sols 
 let hini have. Qu'il solt 
 let lis have. soyons 
 Qu'ils Solent 
 Negative : — 
 Ne sois pas 
 Qu'il ne soit pas 
 VV>«/ MO /KfrVC 
 have {ye), 
 let them have. 
 Be {thou), 
 let him he. 
 let us be. 
 he {ye), 
 let them he. 
 he thou ifot. 
 let him not he. 
 ne soyons p€is let vs not he. 
 ne soyez pas be {ye) not ; 
 don't be. 
 le couraeret 
 la place 
 le raisin 
 la botte 
 a^nes (/.) 
 with 6tre) 
 the courage, 
 the place, 
 the grape, 
 the boot. 
 stayed, left, 
 ^crit (partic. ) written. 
 appris (partic.) learnt. 
 brtijrant noisy. 
 Pr6t ' ready. 
 tranqullle quiet. 
 modeste modest. 
 toi\Jours (adv.) always. 
 aussitdt que (conj.) ow soon as. 
 bientdt(adv.) soon. 
 maner^ (partic.) eaten. 
 Obs.—A few Abstract Nouns, which form with the Verb a verbal 
 phrase, are used without the Article.— Ayez done 1 Do have ! 
 t Nouns ending in -ance, -ence, are Peminlne. 
 X Most Nouns in -agre are Masculine. 
 A. 1. Aye? done patience. — Eh bien, j'aurai patience. 2 
 N'ayons pas peur.— Nous n'avons pas peur. 3. Aie courage 
 4. Ne soyez pas si bruyants, mes enfants ! 5, Ne sois pas 
 toujours si paresseux. 6. Soyons modestes. 7. Qu'ils soient 
 heureux ! 8. Sois attentif.— Je suis attentif. 9. Je n'aurais pas 
 <5t4 satisfait, si vous ^tijez rest^. 10. Nous serons pret« aussitot 
 que vous. 11. Quand vous serez ^conomes, vous aurez cet 
 argent. 12. Nous ayions iii k Gfenes un mois avaut voua 
 B. 1. Let him have patience. 2. Do not be afraid. 3. Let 
 them have courage. 4. Let us be industrious, and we shall 
 soon be rich. _5. Be ye happy. 6. Don't be so sad. ? ^^ Have 
 noXt^noiJ fear^ 8. IT we had all this money, we should be satis- 
 fied. 9. Would she not have been ill, Jf she had eaten those 
 grapes 1 10. When will you be quiet? 11. At what o'clock 
 will he be at church ? 12. When will my boots be ready ? 
 \u \\ 
 3 trois (s mute) 
 5 cinq. 
 6 six (x = ss) 
 7 sept (;) mute). 
 8 hult. 
 9 neuf. 
 10dlx(aj = ss). 
 ' 22d Lesson. Vrngt-deuxieme Lecon 
 1 un (m.), vine (/-.) n onze oi ^ "^'^von- 
 2 deux (a; mute). 12 douze ' ni Z?°l' ®*^ ^ (^°8rt-un). 
 ''^- ' IStreize.- 30 SSl^!*^^ <' ^-"^^^ J)' 
 \\ ^,^*o"e(«mute)40 quarante (« mute) 
 16 s^zT ^" ™"*'> SJ clnquante\. mu ). ' 
 10 seize. 60 soixante (x- a«^ 
 o^^t'^J(- = 4 eisoixanSSun^- ' 
 18d^.hult „ 62 8oixante-deux. 
 2?^^^.^^ '^ 63solxante-troS 
 Ohs Tn.-' • ^'^'^°»*(^™"te). 69soixante-neuf. 
 (a) t:;;i^!L"'^ '"^ ^^P*' ^"•^' °«'^. <i«. the end-consonant is 
 Slf^SllrS^^S^K^lT'^^!!"- Ilssontsept. 
 irrr^noe-.J^^^^^' ''^^^^'''^^ ' ^epl^hommes ; huit^ns. 
 npiif jino . V ' settom; uitan.) 
 (;>rono,m«; = "euv^^'' di^^^?^« ' vingt^l^ves ; deuxJIes. 
 Quel^rta':;i^^S,r Sanr^lTJ'''^' /-^-.^-.ea...... ' 
 le ft^nc /ra,u.(25fr.=£r)^"ienf "^"r^^f ' ^'^"^^"• 
 le banquler the banker. combl«n X,«f o f^ "*'^^' ^'^' "^'^Z/ ^ 
 • une fols once. comoien de . . .? before a Noun : how 
 deux fols twice. myriad. ^.'^'^^ (many) . . . / 
 ^r J-^n ^9 U 7"?f /-•*•' A- 1-20, am „, i„ 
 J'aumi quinze-ans demain Tl'J'.S.a -T *\«^-^°»«^ 
 la semaine en sept ,w' 7 Vn. ^v''^ '"^ ^"^^" "^«^«' 
 enfants ?-Elle eift huin;f„ J' ^^"^ '"*-""« P^^^i^^rs 
 B. 1. How m ch 1 « ^' ""^ ^''^'°' '* trois. fiUes. 
 do th:.e W, fo^ ^Vr? '3' ^^^«- -^^^ 2. How much 
 .4. HowmanyLnths'afa vear, 5 Ho"7 ^^rs have you I ^^ 
 make eighteen a Wn i,l,ull ,"'"'7"®^ ' «• Thx«e times six 
 ■ time is it ?-rt is elevTn NB ^7 ^'^'^ ''^''''' ^ ^- ^^^ 
 eleven. iV.£.— ^n*u,^ «m<««c«s 1-7 in French. 
 > .. 
 23d Lesson. 
 70 Boizante-dlz. 
 71 Boizante et onze. 
 72 soizante-douze. 
 80 quatre-vingrts. {yts silent). 
 81 quatre-vinfirt-un.* 
 82 quatre-vlngrt-deux. 
 90 quatre-vlngrt-dlx. 
 91 qiiatre-vlnert-onze, etc. 
 99 quatre-vlnfirt-dix-netif. 
 Vingrt-troisieme Le9on. 
 100 cent. (< silent). 
 101 cent un (cent et un). 
 200 detiz cents. 
 250 deux cent cinquante * 
 1,000 mille, mil.t 
 2,000 deux mlUe t (no a). 
 10,000 dlx miUe, 
 100,000 cent mille. 
 lo-TT -■^'i. ■ 1,000,000 tm million. 
 ^ 1877, mil huit cent {or dix-huit cent) soixante-dix-sept 
 i„w«H?f*"~^J:^*™"'^°?*^^^' ^""^ ^^^ P''^™^ of c«°t. without 8 if fol- 
 lowed by another numeral, or if used as «rc?ma? numbers :-Chapitre quatre- 
 t mille (1000) never takes s. But mille = mUe, does :-dix mUles 
 U n y a pas th^re ts [are) mt. n'y a-t-il pas ? w {are) there not f 
 yaura ther^xvillbe 
 I y am^t there would be. 
 \ y a tj^t JouLTs. 
 I y a quinze Jours, 
 bmbien y a-t-il d'ici k Paris ? 
 il y aura eu \ there will (would) 
 11 y auriiiteu J have been. 
 a deux cents ipilles. « 
 :elle8(a;=ss)^ntsscZs. I 
 >uxt6 the county, SMre. 
 A week ago (lit. eight days ago). 
 A fortnight (lit. fifteen days) ago. 
 How far is it (from here) to Paris J 
 It is two hundred miles. 
 le errand-p^re the grandfather. 
 la errand'm^re tlie gramlmoth^. 
 Learn the numbers tfiroughout, and say in Fren6h— 41 
 19, 55, 69, 73, 79, 80, 84, 89, 90, 95, 98, 87, 76, 65, 64* 
 p, 21, 150, 561, I8I5; 1688, 99,999. 1. Combien de 
 jours\ y a-t-il dans ce mois ?— II y a trente et un jours 2 Et 
 dans le mois prochain ?— Vingt-huit jours. 3. Combien de 
 comt<5^ y a-t-il en Angleterre ?— Quarante. 4. N'y a-t-il pas au 
 moms \quatre millions d'habitants k Londres ?— Oui, pour lo 
 moins. \ 5. Combien font huit fois douze ?~Quatre-vingt-seize. 
 6. Quel\ age d votre grand-pere ?— II aura quatre-vingts ans la 
 semaine Wochaine. 7. Et votre grand'mfere ?— Elle eut soixdBte- 
 dix-sept kns le mois dernier. 8. II y a huit jours qu'il est ici?\ 
 B. 1. How many hours are there in a day ?— In a week ? \ 
 2. How riiany weeks has a year ? 3. How far is it (from here) 
 to London\ ? 4. How .old is your father? 5. How many in- 
 ^habitants ate there iniihis town ?— In this cotmtry T 6 I soap 
 ( = luive 8em\ your banker a week ago. 7. We wmi ( = have hem) 
 to Brussels d fortnight ago. 8. There will be 20,000 soldiers 
 in thiB army\ N.B.—Anmoer gentmces 1-5 in Frejich. 
 24th Lesson. Vingrt-quatrieme L©9on. 
 \st {first) le premier, la premiere, 
 ■2^ i le (la) detixIA^e. 
 \ le second, la seconde. 
 le (la) troisi^me, 
 le (la) dlxl6me(ic=z), etc. 
 le (la) vlngtl^me. 
 le (la) vlngt et uni6me. 
 le |la) vingrt-deuxi^me. 
 le (la) trenti^me, etc. 
 le' (la) centl^riie. 
 lOOOthle (la) mllUAme, etc. 
 ilh le (la) quatrl6me. 
 5(h le (la) clnqulAme. 
 Qth le (la) neuvl^me. .v,v.v«„^ov 
 Rule 12.— /« spcaJdng of the 'days of the month' and of 
 sovereigns ('kings,' 'emperors,' ' popes,' .<c.). Cardinal numbers 
 must be used m French; except far ' the first,' which is ordinal ^^ 
 Charles premier Charles the First. Henri quatre Ifenr,, the Fmirth i 
 lepremierjanvierl.^ o/i/an,«^ry. lesixjllii mljnZ \ 
 e deux fevrier 2d of Felmm^j. le sept juiUet 7 A ofJM - 
 e clna m^ S "-^l?/^^' ^^ neuf septembre m o/M.;,«. 
 le cinq mal 5th of May. ledixyoctobre 1 0th of October 
 , + ^® onzenovembre Wth of November 
 Ta^cl^t, '^"'^'^^f*^; l^tre^teetundecembre Zlst of Bcc^viber. 
 la ciasse <Ae cZoss. le successeur the successor. 
 i!if?r^ *^^f9ree. I'^tlon (/.) the edUim: 
 la latitude the latitude. n6 (m. ), n6e (/. ) 6om. 
 lenord th^ north. ^ six mois half a year. 
 W!- .^ fm72«'«. Fr^^ric Frederick. 
 JNotice that h iii huit and o in onze are treated as aspirates. 
 A. r. Quand etes-vous nde,'ma chere C<5cile ?— Jo suis nee le 
 dix-sept juiUet, 1878. 2. Qui est le. premier de la ciasse ?— 
 C'est Frangois; liier il dtait le huitieme. 3. La France est 
 situee entrele quarante-deuxieme et le cinquante et uniome 
 degre de latitude nord. 4. Ne seriez-vous pas fier, si v^is etiez 
 le premier de la ciasse ? 5. Quel jour avons-nous aujourd'hui ? 
 — C est aujourd'hui le trente-et-un octobre. 6. Quel roi fut le 
 prddecesseur de la reine Victoria ^— Ce fut Guillaume quatre. 
 B. 1. Who is the first in (say of) your class ?— I am the first, 
 I'rederick is the second, and John is the third. 2. In f Latin I 
 am the ninth, in German the sixth, and in French the fifth 
 3. Henrj' the Eighth was the successor of Henry the Seventh 
 A^ I u-cM (, = am) born [on] the 20th of April 1867,^^5. Haw old. 
 are you then ^— I am ten years. 6. -Of what editiou is your 
 book?_Of the twenty-first. 7. Have you learnt the 31st 
 lesson ?— No, but I have learnt the 21st, 22d, and 23d. fen 
c = z), etc. 
 3, etc. 
 me = IT 
 ' ami of 
 malf' — 
 e Fourth, 
 8 nee le 
 asse ? — 
 ince est 
 jlis etiez 
 rd'hui ? 
 li fut le 
 he first, 
 Latin I 
 le fifth, 
 .srs oltL 
 is your 
 e 3l8t 
 25th Lesson. Vingt-oinctuieme Legon. 
 • Rule 13.~Plural of No^ms and Adjectives (Gth Lesson contd.) :— 
 ^'^^ Sf^far^i! ^^^^•—^'i'i 8 [except to those under [b), (c), and {d)]:~ 
 le bon maitre the good master, les bons maltres" the good masters. 
 la bonne tante the good auiU. les bonnes tantes the good aunts. 
 (6) Special Rules.— 7%ose ending in -a, -x, -z. remain unchanqcd — 
 1 heureux Anglais /Ae happy Englishman, les heureux Anglais 
 cdtte nolx mflre this ripe^walnut. . ces noix mures. 
 (c) Nou7is and J^is. ending in -au, -eau {and Nouns in -eu) take -x :— 
 le beau chapedtf the fine hat. les beaux chapeavix. 
 ce nouveau jejl this new game. ces nouveaux jeux. 
 (rf) Nouns and Adjs. iwA&l {and ajcw Nouns ih -all) change this -al 
 into -aux :— 
 le grand canal the great canal, les grands canaux. 
 moil travail peiiible my hard work, mes travaux penibles. 
 le mdtal , the metal. 
 „ le cuivre * the copper. 
 retain (to.)*. the tin. 
 " leplomb • (mb = n) the lead. 
 le Journal 
 le Hollandais 
 le drapeau 
 I'amiral {m.\ 
 le lieu 
 la lieue 
 sauvage loild, savage. 
 I'animal (m. ) the animal, beast. 
 le tableau the picture, paint- 
 tJu newspaper. i»riac\ipa.l principal, chief, 
 the Dutchman, amusant amusing, 
 the banner, comiaencd (part. ) begu7i, commenced 
 the admiral, eragnd (partic.) won, gained, 
 the place, spot, la connaissance the acquairUance, 
 the league. knowledge. 
 Most Names o/ metals are masculine'. 
 A. 1. Oil sont vos deux chapeaux noirs ? 2, Combien de 
 chateaux y a-t-il dans ces lieux ?— II y a trois vieux chateaux. 
 3. II y a vingt lieues d'ici a Douvres. 4. Vos neveux ont-ils 
 finileurs travaux ?—Oui, et lis ont, commence leurs jeux. 5. 
 Quels sont les principaux metaux ?— L'or, I'argent, le fer, Je 
 cuivre, et I'^tain et le plomb. 6. Vos nieces ont-elles lu'les 
 journaux ? 7. Dans six mois les Hollandais auront fini ces 
 longs canaux. 8. Ces drapeaux sont bleus, 
 B. 1. (The) English horses are beautiful. 2. The Frendi 
 admirals have begun their labours. 3. Are not these metals^ 
 very precious ? 4. The animals of these countries are wildr 
 5. These old castles are very high. 6. Your fine games are 
 very amusing. 7. Are not these fine pictures very precious ? 
 8. The English generals have won two battles. 
 26th Lesson. Vlngrt-siideme Le9on. 
 (1) de-(a) with Names of Tovms, Villages, etc. •— " ''" 
 J arave de Pans (d Aix). /come from Pari, (^ia-X^ . 
 T . r^ ^*"i Nami^ of Countries (see p. 9) :— • 
 La capitale de 1^ France. The Jpital at France. 
 Les rnarms de I'Angleterre. The m^Hmrs ot England. 
 (2) A with Names ot Localities {Towns, Villages, etc ) •- 
 Ello Z i u"}^ ^^ Orli^rx,).^ He is In Paris (at Orleans). 
 EUoestJlacamna^e Se is in the dmntry {not in town) 
 II va4Ians(4 6rlea„s). He is going to Pa?is {to OrS). 
 ?rt del at^Vf h -^ ,^ith Nan.es of Co«n<ne, (generally without 
 article), after Verbs indicating residing {situated] in, or gmng to — 
 . ir-est en France He is in France "^ . 
 n™ ®° ^"e^^t*''-'-^- She is in England. - . 
 II va en France. jj, ^ ^^-^^ ^ jj^„^ 
 (4) dans is generally used with the art. or a determin. adj — 
 II est dans ce pays. - He -is In this Country. 
 e ?ays*Se Q^«?^\* Suisse ^^".^i. leDTnenSSSl 
 xe pays de QaUes Wales, le Prince de Galles th^ Prince of Wales. 
 n 1 , J*" ^tes-vous?_Je suis de Coloine. 2. Oil est 
 Cologne ?--En Prusse. 3. Et ou est Ath^nel?_En ^rece 
 > Le Pnnce de Galles est revenu de I'lnde en Ingleteri^e. b 
 D od est votre maitre anglais ?-Il est de. dntorbdry. Q 
 L Empereur de Russie est-ifencore k Moscou ?-Won, il est en 
 ^■ologne. 7. Nos amis sont en Suisse. 8. Dana juelle ville ?— 
 L?^ t\ ^' .^? "'* '^*"^ ^imbourg ?-En \Ecosse. 10. 
 Que le est la capitals de I'Autriche ?-Vienne. l\l Le Dane- 
 mark et le Portugal ne sont pas grands. \ 
 B 1. la the King of Holland still in Amsterdar. 
 IS in Utrecht. 2. Where is your old pupil now ?- 
 Italy. 3. In what town of Italy ?— In Naples 4 
 ever been in Turkey ?-No, but I have be«n in Greece. 
 \ ?— No, he 
 -He is in 
 ave you 
 . . ^, . , •'. • — > ""^ ^ "«*vc ue«u m ijtreece. \&. what 
 \^^^^T^'^~^^^'^^^'^ ^- iByo^^aunt 
 Bie will be in Brussels. 8. Is not her father in Scotland ?\ 
 27tli Lesson. Vingt-septieme Le9on. 
 Gejbrgea estwici.^ 
 Jo parlo dfl Georges. 
 Cela vieut d© Georges. 
 Le livre^ de Georges. 
 Je paile d/ Georges. 
 Oeorge is here. 
 I speak of Oeorge. ~ 
 That comes from Oeorge. 
 ^eorge'a book. 
 gj speak to Oeorge 
 Un fils (un^ fille)e8t obeissant(e). A son (& daughter) is obedient 
 Jo mrle d'un fils ; d'une fille. / speak of a son {oia. daughter). 
 Cela vient fun ft s^; d'une fille. That comes from a son (tAm a d ) 
 Lo devoir d'un -fils ; d'une fille. A son'a {daughter's) duty. 
 Je parle k u*i fils ; h une fillq. / speak to a son (to a doMghHf^^ .. 
 Monwonclf; ma tante. . TlAy uncle [my aunt). 
 Je parle demon..x)ncle; demat. I speak of my uncle (aunt). 
 Celavientdemons.x)ncle; demat.- That comes from my micle (aunt) 
 Le fils de rtionwonclo; de ma t. Afy uncle's {aunt's) son. 
 J6 parlo \k monwoncle; kvaai. I speak to my uncle {aunt). 
 A qui eat ce «hien ? — 
 II est iJGuiliaume. 
 A qui sont cos vergers ? — 
 lis sont k Monsieur L. 
 Whose is {to whovi belongs) this dogf— 
 It is William'B. 
 Whose are (or, to whom belong) these 
 orchards?— They are Mr. L.'s. 
 le chef-^jcBUvre* the masterpiece. I'^picier (wg the grocer 
 la chand SUe the candle. la com^dle the comedy, play. 
 leproprijt^lret<Aeo«;,ier. v6tu de clothed udth. 
 la m6na8(ei1e the menagerie, la peau de mouton the sheepskin. 
 lepupitre the desk. la maltresse the mistress 
 le grant ; .^^ the glove. , la chanson the song. 
 lesx^Jet^ t^ie subject. dequi? of{from)-whom? 
 t, mule. t Most Notins in -aire arc Masculine. 
 A. 1. L'ami de Georges u'est-il pas aussi votre ami ? Non, 
 il n'est. pas de mes amis. 2. A qui est cette chandelle ?— EUe 
 est k une de mes cousines. 3. A qui sont ces animaux sauvages ? 
 —A monsieur Bltvnc, propri^taire de la m^pagerie. 4. De qui 
 avez-vous regu ces beaux cadeaux ?— D'une niece de votre oncle." 
 5 Quels beaux chevaux ! A qui sontils?— lis sont k men 
 frfere Frdd^ric. 6. De qui avez-vous parM ?— J'ai parld de mes 
 caanaissances. 7. -GeJ^leau est un chef-d'oeuvre de Rapf ael. 
 B. 1. Where is Henry's book ?— It is in John'g^ desk. 2. 
 What is the subject of this song ?— A mother's love.( 3. Louis' 
 ^gloves are whiter 4r-Henrietta'8 hats-are new. • -b. The natives^ 
 of those countries were clothed with sheepskins, ' 6. Have you 
 read Shakspeare's plays ? 7. From whom hast thou received these ' 
 new desks ?— From our master's friend. 8. Whose is this glove ? 
 28th Lesson. Vingt-huitieme 1^9011. 
 Rule 14.— De le are contracted into du ; and de les into 
 Singular. Plural. | Singular. Plural 
 Je mrl« H^ T^^^ ' ^J^ ^^^}^^^- The 7Hasler ; the masters. 
 Cela yient du maitre ; des maitres. That comes from the 7nmter(s\ 
 Les hvres du maitre ; des maitres. The master'^ {ma^^^^o^ks"^- 
 JomrlP Jl'v?'?*V !f^^°<^"t«- Thec7«-M;theeMrfren. "^ 
 i^e jeu de 1 enfant ;-de8 enfants. The child's (childreii'a) pLv 
 Thus:- ■ / " 
 de 1 hirondSUo ; des hirondelles. of the fallow (swallows). 
 La reine ; les reines. 
 Je parle de la reine ; des reines. 
 Cela vient de la reine ; des reines. 
 Le prix de la reine ; des reines. 
 rinventeur (m. ) the inventi^r. 
 ,.1'imprimerie (/. ) the printing. 
 ■■ la feuille tlic leaf, sheet {of jwpar). 
 corrige correctal. 
 le monde the world. 
 le Rhin the Rhine. 
 la rive, le bord 1 cAe bank, slwre, 
 le rivage / harder. 
 le nid {d mute) the nest. 
 la chauml^re the cottage. 
 The queenl; the queens. 
 I speak of the queen; of the qv^ns. 
 Tliat comes from the queen (queens). 
 The queen'B {queens') prize. 
 le jardin 
 I'arbre {m.) 
 le toit 
 le Sucre , 
 le prix 
 sous (prep. ) 
 the garden. 
 the gardener. 
 the tree. 
 the roof. 
 the sugar. 
 the price, prize. 
 A. 1. Oil 8ont les g^n^raux du roi ?— A Vemilles. 2 I)e 
 qui^vez-vous parld ; du maitre ou -de la niaitresse ?-D.u maitre 
 3. Qm a cueilh les fruits du jardin ?_Le jardinier de la r^ne." 
 4. Victoria est le nom de la reine de I'Angleterre. 5. Qui a 
 corrig^ I'exercice de I'dleve ?-Le fils du maitre. 6. Qui fut 
 1 niventeur de I'lmprimerie ?-Un Allemand. 7. Les feuiUes des 
 arbres sent vertes. 6. Le fruit de I'arbre n'est pas encore Lt! 
 B. 1 The houses of the yjllage are very small. 2. Who is 
 ItrTTH ^t""') ' '■ '''^ '*"^« «^^^« I^h-« -e Idmi" 
 l^.. ! ^h efhi ldren's game s are amusing. 5. Thp hrnther'a 
 :^..; dsareyhM: e. ^^i ^^'Sal^itcor^^ 
 th?rno77.. "'!." ^''"^- '• '^^'^ «^«"«-'« «««t is under 
 the roof of the cottage. 9. Is not the Queen's castle beautiful ? 
 29th Lesson. Vin^-neuviei^e Legon. 
 - Rule 1 5.~k le are CQ^Uracted into au ; 4*^ k les into aux :— 
 CAUTioN-In the Sin^fMiar, use- . In the PiaroZ, always 
 de ia • A la7 n f '^^'"^ ^Totw. ojiiu :— / §« , (an) mur (m.) 
 de r ; k V (TO. <e/) 6ef. Vows. & sil.h ■ i ^« }' (^ l>ne (m.) 
 (del' (A r)herbe (/.) 
 le concierge theporter. le charpentier 
 la mine the mine {looks). I'dditeur (m.) 
 lefermler the farmer. le brasseur^ 
 I'ordre (m. ) 
 le dlctionnalre .,.^ utciwnary. 
 la blanchisseuse the laundress. 
 le tonneau the cask. 
 les Ues de la. the Channel Is- 
 Manche lands, 
 remlsipart pert.) delivered. ' 
 jusqu'4 (prep.) until, as far as. 
 le boucher 
 le mouton 
 le pare 
 la mort 
 le Japon 
 le Br^sil 
 le due 
 the butcher. 
 the sheep, mutton. 
 the park. 
 the empress. 
 the duke. 
 des, aux (m. £&/.):- 
 dea (auxVmurs. 
 des <aux) villes. 
 des (aux) Snes. 
 des (aux) herbes. 
 the carpenter, 
 the publisher, 
 the brewer, 
 the order. ,,, 
 the dictionary. 
 A. 1. A qui avez-vous remis la lettre du banquier ?— Au 
 converge. 2. A qui sont les mines du BresiU-EUes sont ^ 
 lEmpereur. 3. A qui l'.5pici* a-t-il vendu le savon ?-A la 
 blanchisseuse. 4 A qui le fermi^r a-t-il vendu ces moutona ?- 
 Bedford" /% • ^^ ""V"' '' ^''' '^ ^«^^^^ '-^^ d»« de 
 iwl i. ,n' t^'' ,'^T''''^'''' ^' I'impdratrice furent fideles 
 jusqu h la mort. 7. Avez-vous rdpondu au niaitre ?-Non mais 
 nous avons rc5pondu k la maitresse. 8. Je parle au jardinC 
 K 1. To whom do these children belong ?-To the gardener. 
 2. Have you written to the laundress ?_ Yes, and I have 
 ^lao^wntten^to the carpenters. 3. To whom do tW Zl 
 _a,j_^,_ ^ X rr-""^::"' ""- ■>• ^ wnom^do these raska 
 servants. 5 I have replied to-day to the publishers of Johnson's 
 W J T^t^r-r ,'• T" "^^"^ '^' '^' Channel Islanrbe^ 
 long ?-To the English. 7. Whose are these beautiful pictures ] 
 30th Lesson. Trenti^me Legon; 
 Rule 16.—// a Noun is taken in a partitive sense; that 
 ts, if a certain part, quantity, number, or fraction of a whole 
 i» to be expressed, du, de la, de 1', d^s must be used ■— 
 m. le papier, 
 ' I'argent, 
 /. la toile, 
 the paper, 
 the money. 
 the cloth, 
 the oU. 
 du papier, 
 de I'argent, 
 de la toile, 
 de I'iiuile, 
 sorm {any) paper ; paper.* 
 soine {any) money; money, 
 silver,* » 
 some {any) cloth ; cloth* 
 some" {any) oil; oik,*' - 
 m. esciseaux, iJie scissors, des ciseaux, some {any)^d^^^ scissors. 
 /.les prunes, the plum^. des prunes, s<m^ {any) plurm ; ^um^. 
 lea oranges, thfi oranges, des oranges, some iany) oranges; ■orfm^es. 
 * Caution.— In English, samie and any are in many cases not 
 expressed ; bnt in French the 'Partitive AHicU is stricflyTenuiJel 
 before a Noun used in a Partitive sense :— . 
 WTuit is this-wine or. water? Qu'est-J;e que c'est-du via ou de I'eftu'j 
 fVe have ftieilds. 
 tJie vinegar, 
 the pepper, 
 the mustard, 
 tlie salad, 
 the glacier, 
 the slate. 
 la pomme de terr© potato. 
 la nouvelle the tiejps. ' 
 le tlmb»e-po8te the postagc-slamp. 
 rAm^ricain . . the Ameripan. 
 le Russe ' tJieJiussian. 
 •d\£{couj.) or. , ou {adv.). ■w/u'fc. 
 Nous avons des amis., 
 le vlnaigre 
 le poivre 
 la mbutarde 
 la salade 
 le grlacier 
 -K 1. Ave2-vous du vinaigre, de Thuile; du poivr^,. et du 
 Bel ?— Oui, et nous avons aussi de la moutarde. 2. La Suisse 
 est-elle un pays int^ressant ?— Qui," il. y a des montagnes, des 
 lacs, des cascades, et des glaciers.". 3. IJans les montagiies du 
 pays de Galles il. y a du plomb, de I'dtain, et des ardoises. 4 
 Nous aurions mangtf du jambonet de la salade. 6. Nous avohs 
 r(i9u des nouveUes du theatre de la guerrQ. 6. Voici du papier de 
 1 encre, des crayons, et dee plumes. 7.' Voili des timbrPft-poste 
 B. 1. Shall we have coffee or tea ?— Tea and sugar. 2 Had 
 you any bread ?— Yes, bread and butter. 3. If we had money 
 we should have some wine, for we are thirsty. 4x If you were 
 hu ngry, shou l d j ou not havft hrpad 
 :and meat l~ L ilaa t fe^.: 
 , 1 
 waiter brought any beer ?— Yes, andghe has also brought some 
 water f6r you. 6. Are there any Englishmen in i>ari8?— Yest 
 and there are also Russians and Americans. 7. Heyo is butter 
ie Teau? 
 ■f- ".; 
 ' — — — . ■ ' '~ ft_; <, 
 3l8t Lesson. Trente et uni^jxie Le99n *' , 
 J"',., meggia. del or, some g»ld. *lu8 d,'or mm-f n^l^ 
 asoie, the silk. e^^i^^cA^^somehk. Is8^ffi*>ie Sf 11 ' 
 les chaises, <AecAatV.. des chaises, *omc cA«ir*. .trop^echSr 
 p , „, \., ■ too man'^ chairs. 
 /,/. ;S^^ ; "^ ^""T ^'"'*^ or ^«^^<t65 rfeno<i«5r a wisasitre or mian-' 
 tity, de o^(m« rntts< be used, instead o/du, de 1', de la, des :— 
 tropdelame, tog much wool, trop de verres ton^nTJlrAi^ 
 ^t^nrf* ^ "^ ^ ' ^'"^ ''^*'**- «io*ns de cerises, /cM^r cA«mc» ' 
 not so much, pas tant de cor- ' 
 «<%>. ■■ beilles, 
 wo M;ea;<A. pas de richesse^^ 
 nomoneyatall.point d'amig, 
 a bit 0/ bread, une- douaaine 
 .» i^rsi^rT - Spte^* -^f'- c,^ *« >* «« '•• ■>») «Ar 
 «,'.^.«.u,e ,.^;:SK a^:iiSe°^"' ss»4xf .^^ 
 A.,i; Voici un verre de vin et un morceau de froma-e 
 2. ^vej^vous d_u Bel ?-Non, je n'ai pas assez de sel. 3. A-t- i 
 des-^ Oui, il a beaucoup' d'amis, puisqu'il a de Tauten 
 4. Ont-ils ae l^rgent ?^Non, ils n'ont point d'argent. 5 Ce 
 sieu^ espoces de pommiere et de poiriers. 7. Y a-t-il de I'hufle ? 
 B. 1. Have you any friends ?-I have few friends, havi-np 
 lUt e money. 2. YoU naughty girl («,y-ina«ghty gfrl that yof 
 "^'^1''-^^^ P"t too much salt in tho^p j^V-H^-^j^^^^^^^^ 
 pas tant de soupe, 
 un morceau de 
 notf so thany 
 no riches, wealth, 
 not anyfriaids. 
 a dozen eggs. 
 •stf^> fi W T fiT^^ 'T' '"^ ^^'^^'- ^-There'is too much 
 jUgar. 6. We shall have a basket of cherrieB. 7. Here are a 
 dozen 8te^ pens. 8. Are there not many apples in her ol^ha^* 
 . T ■- 
 m. s. 
 Treiite-deuxieme ' Le9on. 
 Superlattve. , 
 le plus fort "V the 
 lea plus fort3 1 strongest 
 la plus forte [{the most 
 lea plus foftesj strong). 
 Positive. , Comparative, 
 fort ■ ) plus fort ^ , 
 1°'^ istrona P^^ forts [''iro^er 
 forte ( '^'^^'^- plus forte h "'"^^ 
 ;»^. fortes ) plus fortes j *'^^^)- 
 (fls^ Superiority — 
 U tern est plus grande que la y^ earth is larger than <A. 
 (6J Equality^ ' • ' 
 Le chien est aussi grand que le^ The dog is as large as the 
 r* wolf. 
 (c) Inferiority — . 
 f'! w °'f *^^*^^°^^1*1"^ ^«/ ^'*« ««^^ ^ not so large (lit ' 
 La terre est moins grande | soleil. { less great than) aX iii 
 be repe^^ed !- ^"P^^^***^« ^^ ^^''''^ "/-^^ the Noun, the Article must 
 [ Tliejin^t {most leautiful) sight. 
 la pr^voyance the foresight. 
 la Tamise the Thames. 
 le fleuve the river. 
 le noyer tlic walnut-tree. 
 dur /uird. grec Greek. 
 , A 1. L'argent n'esWl pas plus dur que I'or ?_Oui, mais le 
 nlL'^i-rj'^'T ^^" ^"' r ^'^'S'"*- 2- Quel est le m^tal le 
 de Europe ?-Le Mont Blanc. 4. (^uels sont les fl^ves les 
 plus longs de rAllemagne?-Le olnube et le Rhin 5 
 L Ara^nque est-flle aussi grande que I'AsJe ?— Non, mais elle 
 est plus grande que I'Afrique. 6. £nigme: Je bois (/ drink) du 
 vxn, quand jai de I'eau; quand je n'ai point d'eau, je bois de 
 r^u . !-Qui 8ui8-je ? 7. L'abeille est Tembl^me de Ldre du 
 travail et de la pr^voyance. ' 
 B. 1. The Rhine is longer than the Thames. 2. Australia 
 IS not so large as Africa. 3. France is large, Germany is W 
 bu Ruasia is the largest country in (of) Europe. 4 (The) 
 Latin 18 leap difficult than (the) Greek. 5. Is (the) lead m 
 18 higher than Ihe pear-trea %7. The thirty-second exercise is 
 very easy ; the^ thirty-thiixl will be easier still. 8 But the 
 thirty-fourth wUl be the eaai^t. 9. I want more money. 
 Xe plus beau spectacle ; or, 
 liO spectacle le plus beaq. 
 l'Europe(/.) Europe. 
 I'Asle (/.) Asia. 
 I'Am^rique (/.) America. 
 I'AustraUe (/.) Australia. 
 l'abeille (/.) the bee. 
 - 33d Lesson. Trente-troisieme Le9on, 
 rRINClPAL PARTS (see Table of Tenses, p. 53) :- 
 INFINITIVE:- donner / to give. 
 PARTICIPLE PRESENT.— donnant qivina 
 PARTICIPLE PERFECT.- donn^ given . 
 i'if^S^OT7iVDJC^2VF£(sing.):- je donne /«tW ' 
 • PRETERITE (D6FIN1):- je donnai i^ 
 Caution -Bear in mind that in French there is only one way of. 
 rendering the three English/orms to express the Present Tense --^ 
 1 think, I cm thinking, I do think .•— Je pense. 
 Je donne / ^ti;e. 7 am' Doftne-je * ? DoIgivelAi^ 
 gimng, etc. {Vst-ceqvLQieHonna'i) I giving t 
 tudonnes thou givest. donnes-tu ? dost thou give f 
 nlnin^^^ A«(«A.)srit^. donne-t-il (elle) ? does he (sh!) give f 
 . nousdonnons «;e ^im donnons-nous ? . do we Lei 
 n^vJr.^ ^*'°"^\ JT ^'>- donnez-vous ? rfo yoif «m / 
 lis (elles) donnent they give. donnent-ils (ell es) ? do they givef 
 Neg. Je ne donne ) I do not aive i r,^ r i ■ . 
 , . pa, i /a„,^S, Ne do„„e.je p.™. 5»/„':2S» 
 In donni-je, the final e is pronounced = i> (for the salce of euphoi^). 
 Conjugate like donner, the Present Int^icative of— 
 fermer to shui, close, chanter losing. K to find 
 chei-cher { ^ ff ' Manser to dam^e. ^rouver j ^^^. 
 parler to speak. honorer to A<^cmr/ Jouer Jo^y/ 
 o^ ^ V ^^'"«^-^o"« la Porte ?— Non, nous fermons la fenfitre 
 2. Que cherches-tu ?— Je cherche men argent. 3. A-qui pensez- 
 voual— Nous pensons aux victimes de la guerre. 4; ParlenHls 
 Tfan§ai8 ?— Non, mais. ila parlent alleniand. 6. Parlez-vous 
 anglais ?— Oui, nous parlous anglais. 6. Tu aimes et tu honores 
 tes parents. 7. Comment trouvez-vous cette bi^re anglaise ?— 
 Nous trouvops cette bifere excellente. 8. Vous apportez du 
 savon et de lean chaude. 9. Pourquoi apportez-vous cette eau ? 
 —Pour lever les mains. 1 0. J'apporte du pain au pauvre enfant 
 B. 1 Do you speAk French ?— I do speak French. 2. Does 
 he speak to his friends? 3. What is he Ipoking [fori ?— He 
 18 l o oking [for], some soap. 4: T h e ch ildren, sing and d»nco.- 
 I .r°^, °"'' ^""^^^ ^- ^^« *^«y bringing the news- 
 papers ?— No, but they are bringing the French books. 7 
 Edward, gives this money to the poor. 8. Wliy do they brine 
 this soap and this hot2 w«teri 1—To (=/or).wa8h the children. 
''•'"« ^^"nfes you gave. 
 34th Lesson. Trente-quatri^xne Le^on 
 > .(Formed in accordance with th. tIm ,^P"''^^^«I''« (Defini 
 • tudonnals thouM^Unq tM ""^ ^.'^«''«- 
 il(elIe)donnait U{she)wSSvL *S d^"^ ^Ao« ^«ve5^. 
 nousdonnion8t«;,^,4^-^vS^^- no„! ,1 °°? ^'^ ^«''«- 
 lis dounaient they were giving. 
 I'^tud^V.) ^Ael^iiy. contli?-!?"^ everyday. . 
 cut, mac?, done, ifen. lZStZTnt;''^%^'^'^^-^ '^^^'' «'A^S 
 A 1. A qui parlais-tu tout k I'heure ? T« .. i • ®'-^^- 
 libraire. 2. Pendant que je chantai«T« i ?^'^'''' *** ^^^''J" 
 nous ^tions 4 Boulogne nof 1.1 • V P^^"^*'^"*- 3. Quand 
 • nous pariames deTS"^'^^^ ^''ffier 
 joie. 6. Quand il ^taLmlade il ^ '^. J *""^y^'' " P^^^* de 
 Nous entrames sans frapper « ' a^*'""^'* continuellement. 7. 
 -Oui, quand nous SnV ', |^'^"«-7»« I'^tude du latin ? 
 chantons 10. Entrezdon. T " '"*^''"- ^- ^^^nsons et 
 , to their master. 2. What lZ.no T^ ^^""^ "^^^^ speaking 
 was speaking German 5 p^. ^^ '^'''' y?" ^P-^^king ?-i 
 Jnglish. 4.'That eSd-uL tfwr^ ''^*'^'" "«« «P-king 
 his niotherarrived,he wept 6 w7 ^^'7 ^^^- '• ^hef 
 ^Whe. did he find CSithf^l^Z^r? ;L!!r S!^^^" 
 =^+ou8e without In(?cKr,^ Tlr^fcSr^^T^"^^ 
 Wur our paints, ^ - "t,! s^d^' U/^!!^!:^^^^^ 
 ^et Us give. 
 'Hve ye. 
 ■^t them give. 
 RITE (Defiiii). 
 p. 53.) 
 WW gavest.^ 
 ? gave. '■ ^ , 
 c gave. 
 'M gave. 
 cy gave. 
 ^d Igivei 
 did not give, 
 w, etc. 
 to weep, cry. 
 to tuish. 
 "ry day. . 
 ''He, whilst. 
 louche, /y. 
 ' aihfila'du 
 3« Quand 
 1 4. Hier 
 pletira de 
 ment. 7. 
 du latin ? 
 ansona et 
 nse in the 
 ind 5th ? 
 king ?— I 
 5. When 
 J o'clock. 
 i^^flf^^;^;^:^;^^^ CONDITIONAL 
 •ed (intbX 
 love and 
 the) flies. 
 35th Lesson. Trentelcinquifeme-IJI^cpon 
 FUTUR.E PRESENT. , (70^Z>/r/0^^^ p,,^,^^^ 
 (Formed in accordance with Table of Tenses, p. 53. ) 
 Je ^onnGfeA T shall give. 
 ,-l fJ\ '^''""^^^ ;^w m7< give. ■ 
 il ^1 e) donnera he (she) Ju give. 
 nous donneronq we shall give 
 vous donnerez you will give. 
 il3 donneront <% will give. 
 je donnerals I should give. 
 tu donneraia ^Aot* M;awW,.< aii-c. 
 il donneralt he{she)wouldgive. 
 n. donnerlons weshmldgive 
 y. donnerlez j/om wow/rf «i>e. . 
 lis ^oim^T&ient they ivould give 
 __„ wM,^ luuHui give. 
 .; fc>,a„ ,ife do„„3r_ fe Future ani Conditional of- 
 accompagner to accowmjti/. refuser /« ^.a^o 
 <lejeuner to breakfast^ ^a^vto 2^ * '^^^'"^•- ^^ «'^'->5^- 
 diner , . ■ ^ ' """'• '^"'^^^ ^^ ^«^^'<«. *«y- 
 r *ter - % iZ. ttZerflT' ? Y^^ «--^- 
 la station the staticm y^l^,l ^o dmre, wish (to) 
 ■le rosslemol ^A. n^,A.,„,„,, 1*?'^?:^^^= '^ t^%f, '''''■ 
 de ft l~i7,Ty!::rCaZ:'"'' '^'" ^ ^^ ^^*^- ^- ^^en^in 
 Quand li train aWra:;:if rV t""'''^^^ ^ "^"' ^«"^«' 3- 
 . 4. Resteront-ils id auloV^^i;;?, *"f ^^^^ ^^^« ""« demi-heure. 
 a- s.,,,.Snfi^:n::;:^^;--c^^^ 
 .B, 1, We shall stay hero 9 w^ n 
 tomorrow. 3. Whm Lll^^ dtf," 7l ^'='" ^>' ^^^ 
 4. Will he .cco„,pa„y y, brlXftn V s' w"."™,"; 
 refuse that present r t =1, 11 ;^»"8 f 5. We should 
 lazy2 W Tw tuld J" ?l - * ^"'^^ ^^ book to tha. ' 
 ne4? f YoJV^Su^h^^'"''? f " ^"^'^^^ ^'^ ('^e 
 9. Ve ,ou anr^ltinV^^^^^^^ f «) ti-. 
 ■ ^rogs. 10. I should Itay Lre, iu'lZ^oLi^^^.^l ^^ ^^« 
 * . 
36th Lesson. Trente-abdeme Leoon 
 {PassilrldfJ:^^'^ fLUPEPFECT 
 i-'ormed (in accordance with Table, p. 53) with •:_ 
 Pres. of avoir + Part. Peuk. 
 I have given ; 
 J' ai donn^ ; 
 til aa donn6 thou hast given. 
 "a donn^ he has given 
 eiie a donn^ she has given. 
 nous avons donn^ we hive given. 
 vous avez donn6 you have given. 
 ellesont S^^^^f^^'^''^^^---. 
 Impf. of avoir + Part. Perf. 
 / had given ; 
 J'avais donn^- 
 1^1 avals Aorm6thouhadstgiven 
 ilavat Aonu6he had given. . 
 eUeavalt iloxm6 she had given. 
 nous avlons doim6 we had given 
 vous avez donn6 yozc hj giZi 
 Is avalent donnd <A.y Aarf ^-^^ ' 
 n • .., - 'f-^""" J ^"-VK J. Twigiveni 
 C<^jugate Ulce donner, the Present Perfect and Pluperfect of- 
 "'^'"VXi rSJ'T^.^^ ^'"^^ ' '^^P— . to Jrui 
 lo K . » .Visiter, to mfrnWtompenser, to reward. 
 labouteiUe the bottle. le «iiAf 
 lepoisson Vie fish. UlW^^ the ticket, note. 
 lesangr the blood. 2JrIIZ^ . th^ pound ; {£). 
 lajoumde ths day, day's ^tparrne?f\ f^r"""^" 
 -onsieur,etArrunvert vtTeT '^ P-^-^-Oui. 
 pas ferni^ la porte ?_Parce qS avtt chaud TV" '"'^'"^ 
 visited Ihe^Zct^'ttet "'^-^^ '-^^' ^"* ^^«^ ^^ve 
 boy ? 3. How much has^hl f '^ ^'"^'^ ^"^ ^^«^"«« *« the 
 ha. earned ninety ^undl 1 mv\T'^ in America ?-He 
 Because we had C hot \ ^^ ^ ^"'^ ^'''' '^^''y ?- 
 ^5r^: 6. Had they not^old their WsT^r^^^^^P^P^^^^ 
 a week . ( = .) ,,« ,,„,,,^ ^ ^ ^^^;- alt^^^^Zr' 
 KT, Pekf, 
 had given. . 
 f>^ given. 
 ho^ given. 
 '' had given. 
 / had given. 
 ^ had given. 
 aas donn^ ? 
 ot given ! 
 •r/ect of — 
 to spend 
 t, note, 
 d; (£). 
 ere ? — A 
 ?— Oui, 
 . Ont-ils 
 ide agre- 
 ris nion 
 ey have 
 to the 
 a?— He 
 rsty ? — 
 ght the 
 e spent 
 37th liesson. \ Trente-septieme Le9on. 
 Fonned(iii accordaLe with TalJl^, p. 53) with :— 
 FUT.PRES.0faVOlr+,PAKT.rEL I C0ND.PRES.0fayoir + rAKT.PEUF. 
 / shall-have given ; 
 y aurai donn^ ; 
 tu auras donri^ thou unit 
 il aura donn^ he unit 
 n. aurona donn^ we shall 
 y. aurez donn^ you will 
 ilaauront donn^ they will , 
 / should-have given ; 
 J' aurals donn^'; 
 tu aurals - donn^ thouwouldst 
 u auralt doxm6he would 
 I. aurions donn^we should 
 auriez donn^ vou icould 
 auraient donn4 they would J 
 }: ^ 
 Conj^at, like donner, the Fntv.rij>h-f. and Conditimal Per/, of- 
 monmr, to ,A„„,. racoKer, to relate. ° '■ 
 tojinish. unq\iart ^a^ 
 to devour. se . . . ^ntre eux eaSiher,one 
 rouvraere (m. ) 
 le voyagreur 
 le th^me 
 la brebis 
 achever P 
 11 arrive (impers. ) it happem. le lion \ 
 the lion, [another. 
 A. 1. N'aurez-vous pas bient6t acheVe votre th^m» ? xr. 
 Quandyaurai ddjeund, je commencerai rnX^ouvrl^5 No^ 
 aunons ^M (de) rester ici. 6. lis auraient ^dO/de IWnt 
 r Tlr I ^""""^ '^'"'^ ^ ^"'"^' ^"^« ^^ ^^«bi8 croqu^es. 
 ; / .'n.^ '"'''' ^^^^ ^^^^'^^'^ these \letters. 2 When 
 we have ( = shall-have) finished these translutioL, we shall show 
 our work to our master. 3. I should have wiWdrfnli- T 
 two o'clock 4. He would be rich now i? hXd tied" t 
 this" oik:" rte r ^^'^ ^*^J\ '• ' "^"^^ ^«4 Cbienrcrlt 
 tins cake. 9. The lion would have devoured thd^ sheep. 
 38th Lesson. Trentje-hxiitieme Le$on. 
 le mien, 
 le tien, 
 le sien, 
 le notre, 
 le vOtre, 
 le leur, 
 las miens ; 
 les tiens ; 
 les sicns ; 
 les notres ; 
 les v6trcs ; 
 les leurs : 
 his, hers, its. 
 la mienne, 
 la tienne, 
 la sienne, 
 la n6tre, 
 la votre, 
 la leur, 
 les miennes. 
 les tiennes. 
 les siennes. 
 les nOtres. 
 les v6tres. 
 les leurSi 
 Son frfere et le sien. 
 Son pfere et le sien. 
 Sa mere et la sienne. 
 Mon neveu et le leur. 
 Ma niece et la leur. 
 Mes neveux (nieces) et les leurs. 
 Obs. 1. — Distinguish carefully between : — 
 ross. Adj. and Poss. Prohoun. Adj. Vd Pronoun. 
 Mon hvre et le tien My book and thine. 
 Ta plume et la sidnne Thy pen and his (hers). 
 Nos parents et les votres, etc. Onr parents a^id youre, etc. 
 Obs. 2. Possessive Pronouns, 
 r^ English^ agree in the 3d p. sing, in French, agree in all persons 
 yiit\\the,fie)iderk Number {mplur. with the Gender and NunTber of 
 • vnt\\ihGNumber)o{t\\eposscssor :~ the person or thing possessed :— 
 His (John's) sister and hers (Jane's). Sa sa3ur et la sienne ~ 
 Her (Jane's) brother and his (John's). 
 His father and hers, k^ 
 Her mother and his. 
 My nephew and theirs. 
 My niece and theirs. 
 My nephews (nieces) and <AaV5. ^^ 
 06s. 3. De and k are contracted with le and les into du, au • des aux'^— 
 du mien, des miena, of mine; au mi en, aux miena, to nine, etc. 
 la errammaire the grammar. les cdseaux {m. ) the scissors 
 lesalaire the salary. s^rieux serious. 
 lamontre the watch. meiUeur (adj.) better 
 maman mamTna. est-ce 14 v- . . ? is that . . . ? 
 A. 1. Est-ce ]^-4t8$j« grammaire ?— Oui, c'est Ja mienne. 2. 
 Et ou est la sienne ?— La sienne est perdue. 3. J'ai re9u mon 
 salaire ; a-t-elle regu le sien ? 4. Tu as perdu ta montre, et 
 Jean a perdu la sienne. 5. Voici mes jeiix, ou sont les v6tres ? 
 6. La lettre de Charles est plus arausante que la mienne ; la 
 tienne est plus s^rieuse que la sienne. '7. Voa ciseaux sont 
 meilleurs que les leurs. 8. Nous pr^fdrons votre verger au notre. 
 B. 1. Is he not your friend, and are you not his ? 2. Is she 
 not your sister, and are you not hers ? 3. William has taken 
 , my pen, because he has lost hia 4. Florence has taken your lead- 
 oil, because she has leat he ra. 5. Th ey will BOon-have finishelT 
 their work, and you have not yet commenced yours. 6. We shall 
 have finished, ours, as soon as they have (Fnt) finished theirs. 
 39th Lesson. Trente-neuviemo Le9on. 
 Rule 18. — When the Object of a Verb is a Personal Pro- 
 noun, this Pronoun-Object must stand before the Verb : 
 Noun-OitJ. Pron.-ObJ. 
 Jo cherche ton fr6re. Je le cherche. I seek Mm 
 Jo chere le ta scBur. Je la cherche. I seek her' 
 Jo cherche tea amis. ^ - . Jo les cherche. - I seek them. 
 S. stands for Subject; D.O. tSi^Biicect Object; I.O. for Indirect Obj 
 Singular. i>- ».> • 
 1. S. Je donne. I give. 
 Z>.0^I1 me loue. He praises me. 
 /. 0. tA me donne. He gives to me. 
 2. Tujoues. HYxovi playcst. 
 11 te trompe. He deceives thee. 
 II te prete. ' He lends to%ee. 
 3. II commence. He begins. 
 On le lave. One washes him. 
 On lui parle. One speaks to him. 
 Bile travail le. She works. 
 On la cherche. One seeks her. 
 On lui repond. One replies to her 
 , Plural. 
 Nous donnons. We give. 
 II noiis loue. He praises v^. 
 11 nous donne. He gives to us. 
 Vous jouez. ' You play. 
 11 vous trompe. He deceives you. 
 11 vous prete. He lends to you. 
 lis commencent. They begin. 
 On les lave. One washes them. 
 On leur parle. One speaks to them. 
 Ellestravaillent. 'ThBy{f.)work. 
 On les cherche. One seeks them(/. ) 
 Before a vowel or sil. A, me = m' ; te=:f ; le, la=l' :— il m'aime. 
 • 2**'i-^ w?°'n^^*^ the Verb in the Active voice, often stands where 
 m English the Passive i? preferred :— 
 !o„«i 1o^ W:\ i^^^^l<^^ la8oiirl8,<Ac7noMse. lechat,<;t«ca<. 
 !=o,?i,i^^ ^ ,', \ whicMom ^ permission, thepermis^um, leave. 
 Diamer to blame. peut-6tre (adv ) verhant 
 remercier (de) to thankifcrr). Si^empi (adv.) Tlo^%m.. 
 A. 1. Qui aime son pfere ?— L'enfant /'aime. 2 Qui 
 honore' sa mere ?— Sa fiUe Thonore. 3. Qui mange le pain 1 
 —L enfant le mange. 4. Et qui mange la souris?— Le chat 
 la mange. 5. Les enfants aiment leurs parents, et ils les 
 honorent. 6. Pourquoi m frappez-vous ?— Je ne vous frappe 
 pas. 7. Nous leur prgterons notre dictionnaire, et ils mm 
 preteront le leur. 8. Je vous remercie, ma chere maman. 9. 
 Je lui ai demand^ mon argent il y a longtemps. 
 B. 1. Who blames me .?— The master blames you. 2 "S^r 
 parents will reward you, if you work. 3. You will find him at 
 ho ni e . ^4^Where axe my spectacles^?--! seek tkm, eve^whem 
 5. Oh, perhaps you |vill find them on your npse. 6. Sh< 
 to him ' in ' (en) German, and he speaks to her in French. 7. We 
 5. Oh, perhaps you |viU find them on your npse. 6. She speaks 
 to him ' m ' (en) German, and he speaks to her in French. 7 We 
 shall ask ' them for permission ' (say—' to them i^e permission 
 ■ ~ ~ — it^- 
 40thf Lesson. Quaranti^me Le9on. 
 V^^Zll'^^li ^^ f""^ ^'•^'^' *^« Per8..Pron.-Object :- 
 7'j.^, I "_"«iue. Voua a-t-on donne ? 
 Theyha^l^t^^en^Z Ne vous a-t-on pas donfac ? 
 J ,^ 7wi given ym. Have they not given yml , 
 jc) It the Verb is in the Imperative Affirmative, the Pew -Pron ■ 
 Obj.stands aMtf^Verb; and me is chan^d into i^'Sto to""- 
 Affikmative. imperative. /Negative. 
 Accora'pagne«iol (noixs). 
 Accompany me (us). 
 Donne-mol. Gf^w to me. 
 Donnez-noxis. ffwe to us. 
 Frappe-le(les). Strikehim(theBi). 
 iJonne-lul. Cm to him (her). 
 Donnez-leur. Give to them. 
 Ne m'accom,^agne pas. 
 Do not Mcti^pany me. 
 Ne me don iife pas. Do not give mc 
 Ne nous doni^ez pas. 7?o notgiveus. 
 Ne le frappe-pAp. Do not strike him 
 Nelul donne pais. Do not give him. 
 NeleuFdennezp^. Don'tgivcthcm 
 quKter to leave. fuifnirar y., j • \ 
 approuver to approve {of ) iSd to admire. \ 
 d^larer toKlarc.^^' Sutdt "^ff 
 i , _ P'"^ ^^ sodner, earlier. 
 tro^pera p^uT '^TPf-^^^ j-^ui ikWa tromp^, niais il ne m. 
 irompera plus. 2. Regarde-wot .'—Eh bien, je vmts recarde 
 3. 1^ qumerez-vou8?-Non, nous ne les iuitteCs Xais" 
 4. Vos parents approuvent-ils votre conduit^ ?-roril8 Tan 
 fjr"j!'l z "^"^ — ou^4alare votre intention t^Ouil 
 ^oC^^t,TZ "*'"'"" ^•^'-— OU8. ou ne .Set 
 vous pas ?--Je verm aime un pen. 7. Ne «t. taquine pas I 
 B. 1 Do you love hxm ?-No, I do not lovThia^ "^ 2. Whv 
 ^ctionary to them. 9. Why do they deceivrur?" 10 We 
 s^U not give h,m our gmmmar. 1 1. Don't leave me 1 
 C'est mol, 
 c'est toi, 
 c'est liii, 
 c'est elle, 
 It is I {tne). 
 it is thou (you). 
 it is be. 
 it is she. 
 41st Lesson. Quaraoite^et uniem© Ledon."^' 
 ^''1>rl~^'^''''°*^^' ""^ ""' Ooi^unotive,.Personal 
 El^9XUi^B must be used :~ ov^^ai 
 (a) ^//!«r /^e Im^rsonal phrases / °'®*'*^' ;P'^talt, ce sera, ( 
 C est nous, It is^e 
 c'est VX)U8, it is you 
 cesonteux, " it is they (m.) 
 ^^... Ce n-est pas .oi. ^i^^j/. |SSp^l„,. ^t^L etc 
 (0) After all Prepositions — ""wt»/i«, eic. 
 («) "'*«'' »teW%»;cm«(th. Verb Wngnndeistoodl — 
 chezmoi, at {my) home. che? noui. . / v ^ 
 -Chez toi. ^% W chezJous^ «^ (P«r) Am.. 
 Chez lui (elle), at {higher) home, chel InThUe.) S ^ J^"' 
 iar.e ts'"^- s^irr^s^sF*^^^*)- 
 Catherine Kate. atom Sv\ Jf" ('W'>r-«). 
 Carthage Carthage. «S^ bri^Ln^rt^^f ^^ ^'T^- 
 assurer ^ o^. .^r. S'Ca^tlr)!^.^^^^^ 
 A. 1. De qui parlez-vous, de lui ou rf'g/fc ?— C'est de lui o„a 
 jeparle. 2. A qui pensez-vous done ?-Je pense d '« j^ 3 1?^ 
 ^^zvou3cesoin_re serai c^^, 4. ELl.;lS?-Non 
 CI**, u. A qui esc cet argent, a vous ou a p^if ? ti «»<.♦ 
 ^ «o^. 6 ^se-t. elle qui vous a Vacont^ cek ZoTeli:^! 
 fV f*™^* Carthago ?_Ce n'est pas moi, je voul f ^'^• 
 2. This rod IS for you, my dear Johnny !-I ianH yol^a' 
 Show me your paper. 4. Dc^ jou thinlc of me S I think 
 of he1^ 5 Arethey at home ?-No, but he is at homk ft 
 Tn Zl i"ii^.' ^ ^~Y^,^^ lf- 7. Shal l you rat ho. J 
 =.No, wo shall nul s l ay at4n^» ft Ttrt,^ t .^ -j^^ ™ %l 
 ah a ll not . U, at b^ue.-^.^^rE^ t":^-^^ 
 that ?-_/ have{ = Itis I). 9. Who has broken theL glides'- hi 
 or she ?— Neither he nor she, it (ce) is the t J in xl^ J 
 ias drunk the milk, is it von'« tS! ^- ^"'^ ^^ 
 "*^^ " " y?^ T— Not we, we assure you. 
 42d Lesson. Quarante-deuxi^me Legon 
 / V • XT. ®°' °"g^°*"y an -Adverb («A«7iee), is used t*- 
 '" in'sSln'^-^f'^ f^"' ^■^''^ ''' •^'•"^ '^^). that is- 
 in speaking of a place mentioned before •— 
 W 'in ....»„ o,./,,./,;^., J-l_-(— .g/-«-4- 
 for de+« /Vmm» standing for the name ot^thmgt:- 
 1. Parle-t-on de la n&tK 9 n„ *i. . - , 
 (c) in t^e sense of sotm, any. (used as Pronouns), that is- 
 to denote a certain part of something mentioned befdre •- 
 les raisins). 
 Voici du Sucre, 
 /„\ """""" •—""'"i;e i-nai »ojn«, and anu. tnav be u 
 (a) Wore a Nonn (adjecHmUy) -.-Some wine?CT8DeHV 
 lb) insU^ 0/8 Noun (prono^inall^-AltX^^t 
 prenez-en. ^ ' •"'■"' ' ,"" '" '"K*'^^*- 
 •The words in parentheses are generally left out il ffn 
 spending to the.n in Fi^ch are strictlyreqillLi "*# 
 le papier buvard the bloUing jKtper. ircanton 
 e biscuit (I. sounded) the biscuit "^ 4oSer (de) 
 la probity <A.Aone,^y. /l^^l^t)^ 
 English ; but words corre- 
 the canton, 
 to doubt. 
 . - ,. ^— r v-wy to pray, leg. 
 n \ ' ^^"^ ^^ ^* patience ?-Oui, jW ai un peu 2 
 ><W«ft^«« 4. Je iCm ai pas besoin. 5. Si vous avo7 tmn 
 ^argent, donnez-r,'.. un pen, je vous en prie. rVoici "S 
 his^^ e» desix^z-vousf-Dpnnez-m'm un tout petit mo^eau 
 7. Doutez-vous de sa probit^1_Non, je n'm dout^ pas. 
 a 1. Has he any friends ?- Yes, he has many. 2. How 
 Sf themfa 'S '"" '" Switzerland ?_There are twenty-two 
 (ot them) 3. Have you any German books?- Yes, I have 
 sever al (of t hem). 4. If he -- ' ' - ^ 
 i j un 
 lictsU of money, heT6 Is some. 
 5. A^ you s^leing of the war ^-l^s, we^^^^^Sng :f'^^. 
 6. I have some bxscuit for you, if you wish any. 7. I do no 
 rvant ( = tmA) any; but my little b«,ther doe, (say-LV^^ 
 '. » 
 '. » 
 43d Lesson. Quarante-troisifeme 0^69011. 
 y, originally an Adverb (there), is us/ed : — 
 (a) in the sense of there, thither, that is — 
 in speaking of a place mentioned before : — 
 Est-il k Berlin ?— , Is he in Berlin ?— 
 Non, il n'y est plus ; ' No, he is not there * now ; 
 maia il y retournera'. but he will return tliere {thUJier). 
 (6) in the sense of to it, to them, etc. ; that is— 
 for k + a Pronoun standing for the name of a thing i:— 
 Repondrez-vous 4 sa lettre 7— Shall you reply to his letter ?— 
 Oui, j'y repondrai. Yes, I shall (reply to i<).t 
 Est-il resigne k son sort ?— Is he resigned to his fate t— 
 Oui, il y est resigne. Yes, he is (resigned to it).f 
 There, demonstrative adverb (pointing to a place), is rendered by 
 Ik (as here is ici) :— Put this book there I Mettez \k ce livre ! 
 t Like de lul (p. 42)— & lui, k eux, k eUe(8) can only be used in 
 speaking of jiersons. 
 le fonds (fond) thefund(bottom).l'4it\i6iaD.t{m.) thestudeiU. 
 lecorTesiKmAB.Titthecorrespondent. retoiimer to return, go back. 
 la NouvelleOr- | ^^^ QrUans. contrlbuer (A) to contribute (to). 
 leans \ abandonner to abandon, forsake. 
 I'encrier (to.) the inkstand. peToh6(T^rtic.) perched. 
 Bonvent (adv.) often,frequentiy. y a-t-ilencore^ is there . . . left! 
 A. 1. Contribuerez-vous au fonds? — Non, je n'y contri- 
 buerai pas. 2. Votre correspondant est-il k la Nouvelle Orleans ? 
 — Non, il n'l/ eat plus. 3. ^ a-t-il encore de I'encre dans 
 rencrier ?— Non, 11 n'y en a plus. 4. Quarid on aime une chose, 
 on y pense * souvent, et on en parle avec plaisir. 5. Monsieur 
 voire pfere est-il k la maison 1 — II n'y est pas, mais "^ y sera ce 
 soir. 6. Depuis quand cet oiseau est-il Id, perch4 sur cet arbre ? 
 II y a longtemps qu'il y est. 7. Quand les chats n'y sent pas, 
 les souris dansent 8. Vous me demandez des oranges ; eh bien, 
 en voici ! 
 B. 1. Does he contribute to the fund ? — Yes, he does (con- ' 
 tribute to it). 2. Have these students been to Bonn? — Yes, 
 they have (been there). 3. Shall you return home 1 — Yes, I 
 shall (return thither). 4.^8 there any wine left in the bottle ? 
 — Yes, there is (some of it left). 5. WTiat (que) have you there ? 
 — Some biscuit. 6. Is Kate here ?— No, she is there. 7. If 
 -you love me, «b tjot forsakeige. ». I f I t<wre (CTnyerf. X in Parir, 
 I 8hould«tay there. 9. Do they think of him f 10. He thinks 
 of it. 
 Not en, because penser, in this seni^, takes k before its comple- 
 ^'th Lesson. Quaraute-^u^teidme Lecon 
 those J 
 Ma pluine et e^Ue d«' Jean. 
 Wes hvres et ceux d'Alfred. 
 Mes nlumes et ceUes d'Albert! 
 ^ Cheval est plus beau que 
 (6) That; ) .^ 
 those ; / ^^«^< « complement:— 
 fplei^t:-^.;^ ceiu?,'celies:— 
 J/y ioo* aTid that o/CAar/« (Charles'). 
 My pert ana that 0/ JbA» (JbA„'ir). ^ 
 ^y^m*a«/th68eo/^Z6«rl 4iLr4 
 I ha'^ m tJu stable. 
 |celTiJ.l&, celle-]^;.. 
 m. pf. ces cadeaux-cl et^iSt iA S '"* ^^^ "?^ *^»t (one). 
 ' /.P/. Oe8montagi^.cieSe8 lA ?Jf^^''^'^*.<A^re) anrf ^hose. 
 «- «• Oe jardinTet S!ul c^ ?llf rnounta^ {here) avd those. 
 W Thia +T, * °«*«l-cl- ThcUgarden{there)and^one eL 
 Ce Wci et celuM. [Sll.). JfllvtlVefeSS.^ |'' 
 ces deui robes (-Celled Lt„om IT '"' "T™"" W"^ 
 pour voire cousin, i i •'^ ^ *" "?"' "'"*«' «' ^Spe-Ii 
 «« ba„,r.Tc"U trrr.^'rtri-i^/'^th 
 de Ceylan k celui du Brfsil s Of, P'^'^rons IeW« 
 iTought a dozen oranRes ?— Yes th!L „ ? ^ ^^ "^' 
 That ,8 very good for you. 7. WiUiam's leiters are moTamii 
 mg than Henry'a. 8. Don't you prefer this to that ? 
 ■« c- 
 45th Lesson. Quarante-oinquieme Leoon. 
 "moK. ' /em. 
 L'ami (amie) qui est fidele. 
 Kami (amie) que* j'estime. 
 Lami (amie) dontjo parte, 
 L'ami (amie) dbnt ramitid est 
 • chere. 
 L'ami (amie) b, qijl j'ai ^crit. 
 The friend who (that) is faithful. 
 Th^ friend whom I>steem. 
 The friend of whom / am speaking. 
 The friend whose love is dear.f ■ 
 The friend to whoiSa I have written. 
 in Ue^sZ^tt^SuraL'-T' ''""' ^"^' «»-' ^^^^ - -^ both 
 Les amis (afniesy qui sont fideles. 
 Les amis ijiiM)' que* j'estime. 
 Les ami|a|) dont Pamitie nous est (Jhere. 
 t Notice that. In Sther^ th« tS./ jw ' ^°fV ^PPii^^e la probitA. 
 „• (3.) Never use que after PrepositioBs- '**""''<^- see p. 27. 
 /^'«»'PO'^qui;orpourIequel(/.iaquello).p?«r.le.iiluela(/le«qneU^^^ . 
 A. 1. Voici I'dcolier qui a remport^ le premier prix 2 
 Montm-moi les ^Ifeves gue vous re^mmandez. 3. Vok les 
 pauvres enf^ts dont lea parents ont ^t^ massacrds. 4 A out 
 • ?Z? . Lea auteurs ^n« vous avez lu lea ouvrages sent 
 me preteront leura outila. 7. Voici I'enfant d qui je Pai dgnn^' 
 «W11 a.:^ "!;," r ''''*^°' ""^^ '« ^y' ^^ ^h««« works we 
 St t!^ ^ '^ J' P^T"^- . ^ Shakspeare, wtoae tragedies a,^ 
 80 interesting^s my favourite^ authori. 3. Of whom are they 
 fMffifurfriend tH^, to whom I will recommend you, if you 
 wi8ht<(le). 6. Nelson was a hero whoae deeds we admire. 6 The 
 soldiers of whom we were speaking are very merry. 7. Wallace 
 was a man whose deeds wero marvellous ^^ 
 46th Lesson. Quarante-sixieme Lecoiu,^ 
 ( qui est 1^. , 
 Le billet 1 que je lis (qu'll Ht>. 
 La lettre 1 dont la lecture ni'amuse. 
 ( dont je parle. 
 s. ■ 
 The note, the letter— 
 which is there. 
 which I read (he reads), 
 the reading o/'w;AjcA.. . .- 
 M which I speak. '*' 
 The note to which 
 The letter to which 
 m. Le billet auquel t '\ 
 I /.-Les Uttre. auxQueUes J - Th.lette»X rtS I 
 and 06iec< (^cc.): The pen whicK yox, me.* La plume que vouaTraplom 
 sAqp, ^tm-e. 
 thi article, 
 the street, 
 the beauty, 
 the source. 
 roccasion (/.) 
 compter (aur) 
 th£ enjoyments 
 the opportunity, 
 to rely (on), 
 to appreciate, 
 to attach, set, tic. 
 • la marchandise 
 le magrasin 
 le n^srociaht 
 le inaroliaod 
 ♦ la rue 
 la beauts 
 la soiirpe 
 Mnt;J: ^^'''i' ^"^ marchandisea qui sont excellentes. 2 
 Montrez-moi les marchandises que vous recommandez. 3 Ce 
 ndgociantadesmarchandisesrfem^fep-ixestmod^rd. 4 Vo^ 
 un dictionnaire dmt j'appr^cie beaucoup Pexactitnde. 5 II v a 
 dans ce maga8,n un article av^uet j'attache un giund prix. 6 
 Ce ibraire a des ouvrages au^ls j'ai contribud.^ 7. La nature' 
 dont nous admirons la beauts, est une source in^puisableTe 
 jomssances. 8. Qui m'aime, aime mon chlen. P"'^^^« ^« 
 Thpt I I^T '' u^l '^°P ""^'^^ y^" recommend to me ?_ 
 There is the shop which is the best in (of) the town. 2 Here 
 Wet ^•^:^%«r-^^-h I -- «P-l^-g to>ou yesterday 3 1 
 have*^ good dictionary without which I never stu«Jy. 4 The 
 ^""'w^i!! ""' '^^"tribute will soon be ready. 5. Y armouth 
 ^fl »■ town th& fi^te of wltitfli are very narrow. erTUeTriend 
 orf whom I rely will not forsake me. 7. TJu^t is (o^estUhe 
 ^ I 
 *u6 \ 
' '■—¥■ 
 47th Lesson. Quarante-septieme l^qon. 
 ' PRINCIPAL PARTS (see Table of Tenses, p. 63, and Coniue 
 ■'■■; . ; , pp. 58, 59):— "' ^ 
 Learn the 
 punir to punish. 
 ^unissaut punishing. 
 puni punished. 
 pimls, -is, -it, I punish, etc. 
 punia, -is, -it ; -Imes, -Ites, -irent, 
 I punished, etc. 
 whole Indicative, Imjaetative,'^ and Conditional vj 
 punir (p. 68), and conjugate like it — 
 ,iinir to finish. batir to build, 
 mav^liv to fill, fulJU. obeir(k) to obey. 
 noircir to blacken. reussir (a) to mcceed {in). 
 choisir to cJwose, seH^. ]o\ni {io) to enjoy. 
 to soil, 
 to act, 
 to cherish. 
 all vous plait 
 la conscience 
 le jugre 
 la decision 
 to protect. i 
 to steal, rob; tofiy. . 
 to respect. 
 disobedient. prot^er 
 if you please. prudenunent 
 the consdoice. vanter 
 the judge. voler 
 the decision. respecter 
 A. 1. En le puuissant, vb^ avez rempli votre devoir. *. 
 Finissez-vous votre theme ?— Nous le finissons. 3. Poui^Soi 
 noircissez-vous tant de papier ? — Pour passer le temps. 4. Ces 
 ^Ifeves remplissent-ils toujours leur devoir ? 5. Noiia batiraes 
 une maison neuve. 6. M'ob^irez-vons ou ne m'ob^irez-vous pas ? 
 7. Vous r^ussirez, si vous agissezplus prudemment. 8. lis 
 salissaient toujours leurs habits. 9. On finira biei^totce palaia. 
 10. lis r^ussiraient, s'ils travaillaient. 11. Choisi^z bien, s'fl 
 vous plait 12. Enigme: Je suis le chef de vingt-quatre eoldats : 
 sans moi Paris eerait ||is. 13. Donne du lait au pauvre qui 
 te demande de I'eau. ' 
 B. 1. I was. finishing my work, when he entered the room. 
 2. They acted cautiously. 3. Fill our glasses, if you please ; 
 we are thirsty. 4. Obey (to) your parents. 6. Why do t&ey 
 not succeed ?— Because they do not fulfil their duty. 6. the 
 master punished the disobedient boys. 7. Cherish your par- 
 ents. 8. I n acting thus, they will succeed. 9. You would 
 TTKceea, ir ybif; Worked; ICr.lVhen shair you build a new 
 house ? — When we have ( = ahaU-have) money enough. 1 1. The 
 servant [of] whose honesty you boasted so much has robbed ma 
 12. (The) conscience is a judge Whose decisions we respect 
 f. \ 
 PART. PERF. ._ 
 ■ INDIC. PRES. .-- 
 48th Lessofi. Quarante-huitieme Legon. 
 verser topour/spiU. 2SS3^ otherwise, else. 
 ft-ais, ft-alche {/. ) fyesh „f ^^"''i^ • . . ne 1 iiotUng, 
 r^pllquer to reply, retort an.'.r.f ' ' ' . ^"''■'•^ J '"** anythina 
 leremdde the remedy. ia?o^2!w. ^^ ^omiful. 
 la cuUler (r sounded) < J woo,, *fl°^^f *? <A«/or/fc. , 
 avoir mal 4 Testomic (c^^ e) to &!? /'^"^I^^^' ^"^ "^"-'^ * 
 qu'est-ce que ? or au'est o« m,^ . . ^^ stmtMch-ache. 
 En Parlanf:re:1grnt"ln "?"^ ''' ^'^'^- ^• 
 tmyaill^ xnon ami, vous serie/riche 9 M ''^.r. "^^^^'^ 
 I'estomac !— Eh, bien » voiVi i.n i, ^a^nan, j'ai mal i 
 ler^es par jour.-Qu^Je ,nr .''r'"'"* ''"^^^« ' *r«i« <^"il- 
 I'huile de rkia-Je v'trremercir T' '"'"^ ™^^«"^« ^"^^ 
 «^a.de IO.Voi.ne^Sr:l^rt;trC^^ 
 3. You would -speakWd art . f •^.' *"^ ^"^«^ «* noou. 
 The, filled thei.^^^tl^\t}7:^,^ ^^W^'h ^««- ^- ' 
 parents, and we cherishXtheih r tt „ ^® ^^'^^^f o«r 
 cautiously. 7. Fill he £; t„t d' } '"f^^^' ^^ ^« ^t« 
 ^Sp^louder3>ulSA irrf^^ par^n^. 9: 
 thirst. n.HeLsr:ii4?.,S:^--e-^^^^^^^ 
 49th Lesson. Quarante neuvieme Legon. 
 PRIl^CIPAL PARTS (see Table pf Tenses, pp. 53 and 60) — 
 INFINITIVE:- recevolr, . to receive 
 PRESENT PARTICIPLE:- recevant 11 — 
 PRETERITE:— reriM ii« V , i^ . ^ '^e'^e^^e etc. 
 re9UB, -ue, -ut ; / received, etc. 
 -limes, -iites, -iirent. 
 Xcam </k! whole Indicative, Imperative, and Conditional of 
 reoevoir (p. 60), and conjugate like it— ^ „ / 
 aporcevoir, ^oVrmw; concevoir, <oco>t<vm. 
 Caution.— The Eteposition on, sur, is >ot used in French before 
 names of days and dates : — 
 On the first of December. Le premier decemfere. 
 On Sundays. On Saturday next. Le dimanche. Samedi prochain. 
 i«t^ilii ■' '.,; , POU, Civil polite, Civil. 
 loi^^* ,. Aej'feflWMrc. . obllger , to oblige. 
 la livre sterUng tfie potind sterling, enfln (adv ) ' at last 
 La maJLle <A« trunk; box.. le (la) bienvenu(e) welcome ' 
 recevblr dea nouvelles de, to hear from, peraonne ne sX \ 
 O^^eTdT^^'^"'*::!!^- /^e--^^nne(obr)!SS^^: 
 Comment ditK>n ... en fran9^s? What is <A« Frhichflr . . ; 
 A. 1. Re9oi8-tu tea amis aujourd'hui ?— Non, je les recois' 
 ^ vendredL 2. Aper§oit-il des fautes dans mon ^i^rcice ?— 
 Urn il en aper^oit plusieurs. 3. Recevez-les avec bont^ ' 
 4. Quand recevmi-je enfin des nouvelles demon cousin en 
 Amdnque ?^La semaine prochaine. 5. N'aper9ute8-vou8 pas 
 qu d V0U8 trompait ? 6. E» recevant si bien mon ami, c'est mol 
 que vous obUgez. 7. Je vous recevrais \ ^ras ouverts. 
 B. 1, How many francs did you receive for a pound sterUng ? 
 -Twenty -five. 2. Do they perceive any mi.stakes ? 3. 
 When shall I ^t last receive a letter from you ?— You will re- 
 ceive one [on] Saturday. 4. We should receive him well, ifhe 
 were polite. 6. We conceived (de) great hopes. 6. 1 receive every 
 day letters from London. 7. You will receive money enough 
 forj^our journey. 8. He received me very well 9. Have you 
 • " .,- -■ — -•■^" '"«= vcxjr wcii. w. nave you 
 ir? ^r*i JT*™""^^-"^'^^ ™^^^^f^s^corfia: 
 10 1 should have received him with pleasure. 11. Sir, what 
 18 the French for ha ?-Perdu l-WeU then, sir, your trunk 
 18 perdu ! 1 2. If you bring me money, you are welcome I 
 Before & Conson. 
 lo beau jeu, I 
 60th Lesson 
 Masctdine Singular. 
 ^i^^ ' 
 Before a Vowel 
 or silent h. 
 Oinquantieme Le9on. 
 Feminine Singular. 
 le beUirbre ; la beUe flflur ; 
 le nouveau livre, h nouvel^n ; 
 lo vleux chat, le vieiloami ; 
 Thus also fou, fol ; 
 mou, mol ; 
 fine, 6j 
 , ^ ha 
 la nouvelle anuee ; new. 
 la viellle tour ; old. 
 foUe; foolish, crazed. 
 molle ; soft, tender. 
 these aSS^StekeTnx Thl""^'"*""'^ ?** '^> '^'^^^- ^^-ral 
 Ics beaux^rbres ; ks belles fleurs ; les vieux^mis ; les Se7 ^^ • 
 les nouveaux^habits ; les iiouvelles modes, etc ' 
 le secret 
 le rnllleu 
 la prairie 
 les troupes (/. ) 
 I'entreprise (/!) 
 le chardon 
 le vieillard 
 la minute 
 la queue 
 the secret, 
 the middle. 
 . ihe meadow, 
 the troops, 
 the enterprise, 
 the thistle, 
 the old man. 
 the minute, 
 the Alps, 
 the tail. 
 pr^sde (prep.) 
 parml (prep.) 
 to pinch, 
 to cross, 
 to betray, 
 to attfick. 
 to hope, 
 to scratch. 
 near to. 
 . ^^^"^^^T^^BXtl serves you right! 
 A. 1. Jin parlant ainsi, vous trahissez votre secret 2 Pp 
 neat pas en jouant ainsi que vous finir^z vos 1^1 3 Ne 
 p'l^":olJ- T^^,T:1^'. Poires et app,rtez-.oi les 
 lep.ietd.t.,uerlen;^^^^^^^ ^^Z^tZl^:^ 
 the Ausir:^^^^^^^^^ 
 ttas^e entexprise 3.^ I wear my old colevery df^ rTh^ 
 t)y^in^n received the sid news this morning. I The eidener 
 iear to the d church. 7. These apples are not soft 
 fine castles ! 9. What [a] handsome man ! 10 Thei^ 
 tt\^.! l?T''''n^^^^'*"g^^^^ finish it^ 
 )ou nght : why do^ou always pinch huL to^ira,.,the) teuT 
 61st Lesson. Oinquante-et-unieme Legon, 
 PRINCIPAL PARTS (see Table of Tenses, pp. 63 and 62) ; 
 INFINITIVE:- vendre to sell, 
 PARTIC. PRES. .— vendant aelliTw: 
 PARTIC. PERF.:- ygndu sold , I 
 INDIC. PRES. (Mug.) i-yeudB, -a, —; I sell, etc. \ 
 PRETERITE:- veudis, ^Is, -it; -lines, -Itea, -irent Isold, e\c. 
 Learn the whole Indicative., Imperative, and Conditional of 
 vendre (p. 62) and conjugate like it — , 
 rendre torender, return (trims.) ditendrB to defpid, forbid. ^ 
 • attendre to waU {for). entendre to hear, understand. 
 r^pondre to answer, reply. mettre, to put, to put on (part. mis). 
 la vaerue the wave, billow. la patrie the natrve c&rnUry. 
 laerare the railway terminus. Ib bom th^ halfpenny. 
 l'or8rue(m.) /A«(wgra»(/,inplur.) le pont the bridge. 
 la ch&taigme 1 , , lo bruit ' ' thenxnse. 
 le marron ] ^'^ '^*'""^- lechoBur(ch=k)<A«J, chair. 
 l'escaller(7n.)<Ac stairs. porter but to aim at. 
 l'6tafire(m.) the story, floor. abriter to shelter. 
 lahaghe thea^. rien du tout nothing at all. 
 1 orage (m.) ' me thundcrstoim. vaillamment gallantly. 
 la valine the valley, se (reliek. pron, ), himself, herself, itself, themselves. 
 A. 1. Combien vendez-vous ces raisins ? — Je lea vends un 
 franc la livre. 2. C'est bien cher pour la saison. 3. Entends- 
 tu le bruit des vagues ? — Non, je n'entends rien du tout. 4. 
 Nous descendtmes I'escalier du premier ^tage. ft. I^s Fran9ai8 
 d^fendirent vaillamment leur patrie. 6. Attendez-moi k la 
 gare. 7. Je vous attendrai dans la rue St Antoine. 8. Rends- 
 lui son argent, ij en a besoin. 9. Avec un «i, on mettrait Paris, 
 dans une bouteille. 10. Get animal est tres mdchant : qiiand 
 on I'dttaque, il se defend! 11. Ne porte pas la. hache sur 
 I'arbre qui t'a abrite pendant I'orage ! 
 B. 1. How (combien) does he sell these chestnuts ? — He sells 
 them twelve a penny (say, two sous the dozen). 2. We shall defend 
 our native country. 3. Wait for us on the new^ bridge^. 4. 
 We waited half an hour and nobody arrived. 5. %d you hear 
 the new organ last^ Sunday^ ?— Yes, and we heard also the fine 
 choir. 6. Wha t did you ans wer (=^have you answered) to the 
 nrercbanti^I didTiotTeply tff him. ' 7. iDTydurhear the cats 
 on the roof ?— Yes, I hear them sing to the moon ! 8. At the 
 bottom of this beautiful valley there is a fine lake and an old 
 ' -x 
 -8, - 
 62d Lesson, Oinquante-deuxi^me Lenon 
 term6; batl • recevant , reudant. 
 ferm-e, -ee. -o • hAt la «<. «* ''^i rendu. 
 Mi ai, as. a bat-Is, -Is. -it ; re9-us, -ua. -ut ; rend-te. 
 Avoir maU la tSte ; to have the headache 
 Avoir ma aux dents ; to have the ZSZt' 
 1^ r^ ,., ?"■ ""^^ *"' y*"^ 5 <« A*'* «»•« ^y^^^ 
 la position th^pdsitim, aoDeler / 77 
 lep^heur tKe^nner. 6^1 to wager, bet. 
 iM ,.^ powder. 
 ITmMcile (m. ) /A« mmpletm. 
 1 enneml (ffi. ) the enemy. 
 mlnult(m.) midnight. 
 Inventer to ww«<, contrive. 
 sec, sdche(/.) dry. 
 ,^ ^ , . Carthage). 
 ^tant (partic.) being. 
 A 1 r,„. • ne . . . que only, mthing but. 
 A. 1. Est-ce que vous attendrez jusqu'i minuit '/— Nnn ,'« 
 nattendrai qtie jusqu'd onze heures et un q,S 2 t.T''' 
 cadet Dans deux ans,' r^ponditX^. nous Berons du nS 
 uonvery weu 2. What {que) did the fox reply to the w^f ? 
 and he has the toothache ft Tri 1, 1 \ ^tonaach-ache, 
 fl.n inoo TOOtnacne. 8. He has always the toothache when 
 On me donnera, je gage, 
 Du do8 d'un dodu dindon ! 
 P«.3-«T"^**t-\^',';^ ^' " ^"*=«««^ ^ t^o^ the Principal 
 Parts, from which all other tenses are derived :_ V' 
 (1) Infinitive; (2) Pa 
 (4) Present I 
 I. From the 
 1. donner 
 2. punir 
 3. recev(ol)r* 
 4. vendre, 
 are formed — 
 (o) the FUTURE 
 by adding to the 
 Infinitive — 
 1. -id, -ons 
 i -ai, -ez 
 3. -a, -ont 
 (6) the CONDIT. 
 ic. • Present ; (3) Partic. Perfect • 
 sing.; (5) the Preterite. 
 II. From the 
 donn -ant 
 punlss-ant V 
 vend -ant, 
 are formed — 
 (a) the IN DIG AT. 
 PRES. (plural) 
 by changing -ant 
 into — » 
 by adding to the 
 Infinitive — 
 !• -ais, -ions 
 2. -ais, -iez 
 3. -alt, -alent 
 t Inthe'Sd Conj. 
 -oi-, and in the 
 4th Conj. -e, of 
 the Inflnitive, are 
 dropped :— 
 recev(oi)r: recevr^i, 
 recevr-ais, etc. 
 vendr(e): vendr-ai, 
 vendr-ais, etc, 
 ^ * The 3d (JoiJ. is 
 (6) the INDICAT. 
 by changing -ant 
 into — 
 -ais, -Ions 
 -ais, -Iez 
 -alt, -alent 
 (c) the SUBJ. PRES. 
 by changing -ant 
 into — 
 -e, -ions 
 -es, -Iez 
 -e, -ent 
 III. From the 
 donn-e, -ee, -e 
 pun -Is, -Is, -It 
 re9-ols, -pis, -olt 
 vend -8, -s, --, 
 is formed — 
 pron. — 
 In Ist Coiv). 8 is 
 dropped. The Im- 
 perat. plur. is like 
 the India, Pres. pi. 
 (II. a) less Pers. 
 IV. From the 
 donn-as '^ 
 pun -is 
 re9 -us 
 vend -Is, 
 is formed — ' 
 the SUBJ. IMPF. 
 hy changing s of 
 2d p. sing, into— 
 ■sse, -sslons 
 ■sses, -sslez 
 ■t, -Bsont. 
 are formed — ' 
 (a) all COMPOUND TENSES (w4th 
 avoir or Stre):— 
 j'ai, j'avais, I donn^, re9u, 
 J eus, etc. ( ptmi, vendu, etc. 
 jesuis, j'etais, |iBront6, descen- 
 je fus, etc. J du, parti, etc 
 n. sommes \ mont^, descen- 
 n. etions jdus, partis, etc. 
 (h).the whole PASSIVE VOICK (with 
 je sais tromp^, punl, re9n, at- 
 tendu, etc 
 n, sommea tromp^ punls, re^us, 
 attendus. etc 
:*: .1/ V^W^I''", 
 Infinitive: pnES.—i 
 Participle: pnES. 
 avoir tofiave. 
 -ayant ha/bing. 
 I have, etc. 
 J' al 
 tu aa 
 il a 
 nous avons 
 vons avez 
 ils ont . 
 PBRF^—ttvoiren, to have had; 
 PESF.—evi, had. 
 / had, was having, etc 
 j' avals 
 tu avais 
 il avalt 
 nous avlons 
 vous avlez 
 ils avalent 
 I had, etc. 
 j' eua 
 tu eua 
 11 eut 
 nous efkmes 
 vous elites 
 ils eurent 
 (that) I may have, etc. 
 (que) j' ale 
 tu ales 
 il alt 
 nous ayons 
 vous ayez 
 ils alent 
 have {thou) 
 let us have 
 have (ye) 
 Future Present. 
 / shall have, etc. 
 j' aural 
 tu auras 
 il aura 
 nous aurons 
 vons aurez 
 ils auront 
 / might have, etc. 
 (que) j' eusse 
 tu eusses 
 il eat 
 nous eusslons 
 vous eusslez 
 ils eussent 
 Pres. Perfect. 
 I have had, etc. 
 j' al eu 
 Pluper. & Anterior. 
 ►| I had had, etc. 
 avals eu 
 eus eu 
 Future Perf. 
 /shall hare had, etc. 
 j' %VLrai eu 
 I may have had, etc. 
 ":..->. 4 
 „A„>\ <i- 
 Conditional Pres. 
 I should have, etc. 
 ta aurals 
 il auralt 
 nous aurlohs 
 vous aurlez 
 ils axiralent 
 I -- 
 / might have had, etc. 
 (que) j' eusse eu 
 Conditional Pbbf. 
 /should have had, etc 
 J' a«iral»eu 
 we had; 
 I have 
 I, etc. 
 Infinitive:- i./ji5s._6tre to ic. PBTif.-avolr ^t^. <o A«i^ 6«^ 
 ^»^^^noiin^E^J^.~^te,nt being. PERF.-4t6, been. 
 lam, etc. 
 jo suie 
 tU 68 
 11 est 
 nous Bommes 
 vous dtes 
 ils sont 
 / was, used to be, etc, 
 j' ^taia 
 tu ^tals 
 il ^tait 
 nous ^tions 
 vous ^tiez 
 ils ^talent 
 I was, etc. 
 je fu8 
 tu fkis 
 11 Alt 
 nous tCaaea 
 vous fates 
 ils fUrent 
 (that) I may be, etc. 
 (<luo)je sols 
 tu sols 
 11 Bolt 
 nous soyons 
 vous soyez 
 ils Solent 
 Future Present. 
 / shall be, etc. 
 je serai 
 tu seras 
 11 sera 
 nous serons 
 vous serez . 
 lis seront 
 f.A^ . 
 (that) I night be, etc 
 (que)je ftisse 
 tu ftisses 
 11 fat 
 nous fusslons 
 vous fkisslez 
 lis fUssent 
 Pres, Perfect. 
 I have been, etc. 
 -ELCjg a. & A?rrBRroR: 
 / had been, etc. 
 j'avais 6t4 
 / may have been, etc. 
 j'aie ^t6 
 Conditional Pres. 
 / should be, etc. 
 je serais 
 ft tu serais 
 11 serait 
 nous serions 
 vous seriez 
 lis seraient 
 Future I*erf. 
 I shall have been, etc. 
 {that) Imight have been. 
 (que) j'eusse ^t4 ' 
 Conditional Perf. 
 IshotUd have been. 
 J'aurais 6ii6 
 SCr;. Z'-i'""'' '" ^^■"- ^^^^— oirdonn^^o W,.... 
 1 AKTiciPLE : P.RES. — donnant giving. PERF. — donn4 
 ® r 
 I give, lam giving, etc, 
 je donne 
 tu donues 
 11 donne 
 nous donnons 
 vous donnez 
 ils donnent 
 I was giving, etc. 
 je donnais 
 tu donnais 
 11 donnai€ 
 nous donniona 
 vous donniez 
 ils donnaient 
 — «r 
 . I gave, etc. 
 je d«nnal 
 tu donnas 
 11 donna 
 nous donn&mes 
 vous donn&tes 
 Us donndrent 
 Present. " 
 (that) I may give, etc. 
 (que)je donne 
 tu donnes 
 11 donne 
 nous donnions 
 vous donniez 
 ils donnent 
 donne give (thou) 
 donnons letusgive 
 donnez give [ye) 
 Future Present, 
 I shall give, etc. 
 je donnerai 
 tu donneras 
 11 donnera 
 Jious jdoffi a e ro n a ^-^ 
 (that) Imight give, etc. 
 (que)je donnasse 
 tu donnassdi 
 11 doniiftt 
 nous douBMsions 
 vous donnassiez 
 ils donuaasent 
 vous donnerez 
 ils donneronjL 
 I should give, etc. 
 je donnerais 
 tu donnerais 
 il donneratt 
 nous donnerions ^ 
 vous donneriez 
 lis donueraient 
have given, 
 five {thou) 
 let us give 
 give (ye) 
 ve, etc. 
 COMPOUND TENSES, formed with the Auxil. Verb- 
 e.voiTtohave + PARTIC. PERF. donn6 given. 
 I have given (6ec^ giving). 
 j' ai donne 
 tu as donn^ 
 il a " donne 
 nous avons donne 
 vous avez donne 
 ils ont donne 
 Ihad • 
 given, eta 
 j' avals 
 tu avals 
 il avalt 
 nous avlons 
 vous avlez 
 ils avalent donne 
 (<ia^) / may have given, etc. 
 (que)j' ale donne 
 tu ales donne 
 il alt donne 
 nous ayons donne 
 vous ayez donne 
 ils aient donne . 
 Past Anterior, 
 J eus 
 tu eus 
 il eut 
 given, etc. 
 nous eOines donne 
 vous sates donne 
 ils eureut donne 
 eralt " 
 irlons 4l 
 Future Perf, 
 / shall have 
 j' aural 
 given, etc. 
 — tu «tirsB donnS^ 
 il aura donne 
 nous aurons donn6 
 vous aurefl donni 
 ils.Auront donn^ 
 {that) I might have given, etc. 
 (que)j' eusse donne 
 tu eusses donne 
 il eAt donne 
 nous eusslons donne - 
 vous eusslez donn6 
 .ils eussent donne 
 Conditional Pit^F. 
 / should hflve' giveh^tc. 
 tu aurais 
 il auralt 
 nous aurlons 
 vous aurless „„.„.„ 
 ils auraient donn4 
 Mxx^ rP..^_p„nir, u>punUK. PAST-ayoir ^ to k^ 
 I punish, I am punish- 
 je puiiis 
 tu punis 
 il punit 
 110U8 punissons 
 vous punissez 
 ils punissent 
 I was punishing, etc. 
 je punlssals 
 tu punlssais 
 il punissait 
 nous punissions 
 vous ptmissiez 
 ils punlaaaient 
 (that) I may punish, 
 (que) je punlsse 
 tu punisses 
 il puuisse 
 nous punissions 
 vous pnnissiez 
 ils punissent 
 punissons let us 
 Ipunished, etc. 
 je punis 
 tu punis 
 il punit 
 nous punlofies 
 vous punltes 
 ils punii^nt 
 Put. Prea., etc. 
 *" 7 shall punish. 
 je punirai 
 tu puniras 
 il puhira 
 Imperf. (Preterite). 
 (que) je punisse 
 tu punisses 
 il punit 
 nous punissions 
 vous punissiez 
 ils punissent 
 vous punirez 
 ils puniront 
 Condlt. Prbs. 
 \lshouldpunish, etc. 
 je punirals 
 tu punirals 
 nous punirions 
 vous puniriez 
 ils puniraient 
ni to have 
 18 let us 
 COMPOUND TENSES, formed with theAuxil, Verb- 
 avoir to have + PARTIC. PERFyj?^ punished. 
 Present Pekf. 
 / have punished, etc. 
 j' ai puni 
 noua svons puni 
 V0U3 avez puni 
 ils ont puni 
 tu as 
 il a 
 I had punished, etc. 
 {thafffmay have punished, etc. 
 (que) j" aie puni 
 tu aies puni 
 il iBt puni 
 nous ayooiL puni 
 vous ayez"^pnni 
 ils aient i)uni 
 j' avals 
 tu avals 
 il avalt 
 nous avlons 
 vous avlez 
 ils avaient puni 
 Past Anterior. 
 I had punished, etc. 
 j' eus puni 
 tu eus puni 
 il eut puni 
 nous eOmes puni 
 vous eates puni 
 ils eurent puni 
 Future Perf. 
 I shall have punished, etc. 
 J' ^urai puni 
 xu aufas pwit- 
 il aura puni 
 nous aurons puni 
 vous aurez puni 
 \\b (luront puni 
 {that) lyiight have punished, et*. 
 (que)j' eusse puni 
 tu eusses puni 
 il ettt puni 
 nous suasions puni 
 vous «ussiez puni 
 ils eussent puni 
 Conditional Perf. 
 I should have punished, etc. 
 j' aurala juni 
 il auralt 
 nous aurlons puni 
 vous aiiriez puni 
 ils auraient puni 
A ., ^ 
 '^_____ff^^^ y^l^BS~m. SIMPLE TENSES 
 <? v*F wr«c«»«fc i^-iST— avoir reju, to Aav« 
 ^ received. 
 ^ARTic. : i>iJ£S.-recevant reeeivin§y PAST-regn 
 I receive, lam receiving, etc 
 je re9ois 
 tu re9ois 
 il rejoit 
 nous recevons 
 vous recevez 
 ils refoivent 
 Iw(M r^ivingr; etc. 
 je recerais 
 tu recevais 
 il recevalt 
 nous recevlons 
 vous recevlez 
 ils recevalent 
 (that) I may receive, etc, 
 (que)je re^oive* 
 tu re9oives 
 il re9oive 
 nous recevlons 
 vous recevlez 
 ils re9oivent 
 Obg. From the third 
 ' person ftlural of the Pres. 
 recevons let m 
 recevez receive {ye) 
 I received, etc. 
 je refus 
 tu re9us 
 il re9ut 
 nous re9<lmes 
 vous re9i:ite8 
 ils re9urent 
 Fut. Pres. 
 I shall receive, etc 
 je recevral 
 tu recevras 
 il recevra 
 (that) TmigMreceive,etc 
 (que)J6 rejusse 
 tu re9usses 
 il re9Tlt 
 nous re9US8lons 
 vous re9U8slez 
 ils rcfussent 
 aoas rwevnas 
 vous recevrez 
 lis recevTont 
 Condlt. Pres. 
 Ishouldreceive, etc. 
 je recevrals 
 tu recevnds 
 ' 1 r e ccTi a it ^ 
 nous recevrlons 
 voua recevrlez 
 ils recevraient 
 to have 
 let u^ 
 Keive (ye) 
 Ive, etc. 
 —:r i-*^ . ._ 
 COMPOUND TENSEa, formed with the Auxil. Verb- 
 • avoir to have + PARTlC. perf. repu received. 
 Phesent Perf. 
 / have received, etc. 
 j' ai re9u 
 tu as re9u 
 il a re5u 
 nous avons refu 
 vous avez re9U 
 ils ont re9U 
 {thai) I Tnay have received, etc 
 (q«e)j' aie reyu 
 tu ales re9u 
 il ttit re9u 
 nous ayons re9u 
 vous ayez re9u 
 ils aient re9u 
 / had received^ etc. 
 J' avals 
 tu ^vais 
 11 avalt 
 nons avlons 
 vons avlez 
 ils avaient re9u 
 Past Anterior. 
 I had received, etc. 
 j' eus re9u 
 tu eus re9u 
 il eut re9U 
 nous eOmes re9u 
 vous etltes re9u 
 ils eurent re9u 
 Future Perf. 
 I shall have received, etc. 
 j' auttti recu 
 tlL ^ 
 {that) I might have received, etc. 
 (que)j' euBse *"re9U 
 tu eussea rMli<^ 
 il etltv r^ 
 nous etii^ons re9u ' 
 vous eussiez re9u 
 i^a etissent re9u ' - 
 au ra q rs gfe 
 H aura re9u 
 noQs aurons re9u 
 vous aurez re9u 
 ils auront re9o 
 Ciondltional Peef. 
 / should have received, etc. 
 j' aurais refi^ 
 nous aurions r6fu 
 vous auriez r»9u 
 ils auraient ttqu 
-, f 
 ?**■ ■■*»■,■> -.I 
 -veridre, to sell. ' i^J^atoi vefai, ''^ /^jk ^Z' 
 " ' ' \ ^- ' — ^ 
 ^ # Imperative. ' 
 * -SfcTrt^ jio^ ending 
 tn d, t, or c te>tc *Ac 
 l^erson-inflectimi '-tyas 
 romi>.)K>, to break] 
 n romp-t, he breaks ; 
 but — ', 
 11 attend, he VMits, 
 fti ^'5iliaai;aB«fwgr, etc. 
 P' n "Kendalt 
 nous 7endlons 
 I vouff vendlez 
 ^^^^4. iJ« vendalent 
 -^ T . » -— 
 vends 1 sell thou 
 vendbnisi Zg^ ?« seZZ 
 vendea \ sell {ye) 
 Preterite. [ Imperfect. 
 ielSdIa" ,^'/^'V.^'9htsell,,u. 
 t., 3!?^ ^ ^l"*"^ J« vendlsse 
 III vendlt ij vgndlt 
 « 3,^J"«« nous vendlssions 
 veHvendltea | vous vendlssler 
 il? vendlrent 
 % r Future Pkesent. 
 ^- I shall sell, etc. 
 1» je veiidral 
 *^ } tu vendras 
 ^ il vendra 
 nous vendrbna;' 
 vous vendrez^ 
 ^ ils vondront 
 lis vendjasent 
 I should sill, etc. 
 V je vendrals 
 tu Tendr als 
 — — il vendi-alt" <«m 
 nous Vendiions ^i 
 vous vendriez 
 il8 ve«dr«^^|H; 
 i^^ COAfPo IWD TENSES, formed with the Auxil. Verb- 
 is ■ »!^ '^i • avoir to kave+PARTlc. perf. vendu sold. 
 — %- 
 Present Perf. 
 / ^ Aaw solk, etc. 
 j' al vendu 
 ta as vendu 
 il a vendu 
 nous avona vendu 
 vous avez vendu 
 ils ont vendu 
 {that) I may have ao^, etc. 
 (que) j" ale v^du 
 t'U ales < vendu 
 il alt vendu 
 nous ayons vendu 
 vous ayez vendu 
 ils alent veman 
 I had 
 y avals 
 tu avals 
 il avalt 
 nous avlons 
 vous avlez 
 sold, etc. 
 ils avalent vendu 
 Past Anterior. 
 I had sold, etc 
 j' eus vendu 
 tu eus vendu 
 ' ileut vendu 
 nous eilkmes vendu 
 vous etltes vendu 
 ils eurent venjir 
 Futtteb Perf. 
 Ishallhme sold, etc. 
 j'.auni vendu 
 {that) I might have sold, etc. 
 (que)j' eusae vendu 
 *|i JgiiJSw vendu 
 - pi lift r-* vendu 
 nous eusslli^yendu 
 vous (Itassi^z Vendu 
 ils eusaent vendu - 
 f , :■? 
 il aura vendu 
 nous aurona vendu 
 •vous aurez rendu 
 ils aiuont yeitdu 
 ^ Conditional 
 I should have 
 sold, etc. 
 f n aurala 
 il aurait 
 nous auriona 
 vous aurlez 
 ils auraieoit 
 ' vendu 
 vendu . 
. ^ 
 a, has (5, and p. 64), 
 »! to, at,ein (26; 29). ' 
 abandonn0r, to abandon. 
 iabrlcot, m., apricot^ 
 * cause dQ, on account of. 
 at^mpaarner, to accompany, 
 acheter, to buy; achet^, bought 
 B^hever. to finish. , 
 actlf, -ve, active. 
 I'affelre, f.', , affair. 
 I'A^que, f., ^/rica. 
 ^ 'I'Age, m. (22), age. , 
 agrlr, <o ac«. 
 I'agmeau, m., lamb. 
 f^?^?®' '^^^«'*^«. pleasant, n 
 ..»frfB.t\em&nt, pleasantly. 
 ^ ai (5, and p. 54). 
 • ^^^^r{^).toasnst,help. ' 
 aie (2, and^. 54). 
 ^6,-^{U),eldeT,elLt. ^ 
 atasl, thvji, so, in this Tnanner. 
 .r:t^^°^'^^^>alhome. K 
 lAUemaeme, f., GTermanw. 
 aUemand, -e, Gtrman. 
 ^^^na, -B, the German. 
 alora (41), then. 
 I'Ame^f., soul. 
 amen^ (partic). Jro«^A<, Zerf. 
 amener to bring (amduct). 
 I'amlral, m., admiral. 
 \'P'riaiti6,f., friendship. 
 I amour, ni. (iniP^Mr. is/m.), /ow 
 ^amusant. -e, amtmW '^\ ' 
 an, m. , ann^, f. (22), yeaf^ 
 anden, -ne, ancient. 
 lAne, m., ojts, rfonXew. 
 anfflals, -e, English. 
 JAngrlais, Englishman. 
 1 4nfi:lal8e, Englishwoinan. 
 1 Angleterre, f., ^n^^a^. 
 ^^^al,m., animal, beast. 
 aoAt, ra. (pron.r^oii), ^m^iw^ 
 l^JT^"}' ^^^' ^n^ope^ve. 
 a-ppeler, to call. 
 app<*t^, brought {carried) 
 apporter, to bring (carry) ' 
 appr^ler, to appreciate . ' 
 apprls'(partic.), fcam<. 
 approttver, to approve iof) 
 A pr^eijit, now. 
 a qui.p (27), y^hose t 
 1 araifimde, f„ jpia«»-. 
 I'arbl-e, m., tree. 
 I'ardolse, f., sfefe. 
 1 Am^rlque, f., ^wwrica. , 
 laml,m., ramie, f.,/rtend. 
 I arme, f ar^. weapon. 
 larmde, f., army, 
 arriver, to arrive. 
 as, hast (5, and p. 54). 
 I'Asle, f., ^*ia. 
 -assez (31), enough. 
 aaslster, to assist, help. 
 assurer, to assure. ^ 
 attacher, tie, attach, to set. 
 attaquer, to attack. 
 attendre, to expect, to wait {for). 
 attendu, (partic), waii£d {for), 
 attentif, -v&f attentive. 
 a^jou^d'hul, to-day. 
 au molns, at least. 
 auquel (44), to whom, to which. 
 aurai(8), aurons, aurions, etc. 
 (15, 16, and p. 54). 
 aussi, cilso. 
 "aussltdt, adv., immkdiafMy. 
 aus8it6t que, conj., as soon as. 
 autant (31), as much {many) as 
 lautemr, m., author. 
 autre, other. 
 autre chose, f., something else. 
 autretoiB, formerly. 
 autrement, otherwise. 
 I'Autriche, f., A^istria. 
 autrlchien, -ne,^Austrian. 
 avais,-t, had (13, and p. 54). 
 avant, before (as to time). 
 avec, with. 
 avek, V. (5) ; aviez (13, and p. 54) 
 avoir (5, and p. 54), to have. 
 avoir besoin, to be in need of. 
 chaud, to be warm (16). 
 falm, io be hungry. 
 frold, to be cold. 
 piti^, to pity. 3^- . 
 raison, to be right. 
 tort, to be wrong. < 
 avons (6, and .p. 54). 
 avril, m., ApriL^ 
 ayez, ayons (2r,and p. 54) 
 la beauts, heavty. 
 la Belgrique, Belgium. 
 le besoin (16), need. , 
 le beurre, butter. 
 bien, well, very mttch, very. 
 bientdt, soon, ■ 
 la bidre, ieer. 
 le billet, note, ticket. '■ 
 le biscuit, biscuit. 
 bl&m^, blamed. 
 blamer, to blame. 
 blanc, f, blanche, white. 
 la blanchisseuse, laundress. 
 le 1)16, corn. 
 bleu.(plur. bleus), blue. 
 le bois, wood. 
 bon, /. bonne (12,^ e), good. 
 la bont^, kindness, goodness. 
 le bord, bank, shore, border , h-m. 
 la botte, boot. 
 le boucher, (er=^), butcher. 
 boulUant, -e, boiling, hot. , 
 la Bouraroerne, Burgundy. 
 la boutellle, bottle. 
 le brasseur, brewer. 
 le Br^sll, Brazil. 
 brillant, -e, brilliant. 
 le bruit, noisi, rumour. 
 BruxeUes, f., Brussels. 
 bruyant, -e, noisy. ^ 
 bu, partic. of boire, drunJc. 
 l e b a nq u ierji l wwfayr 
 le cadeau, (25), present. 
 cadet (44), younger, youngest. 
 le ca«, coffee. 
 le cahier (er=^), copy-book. 
 la campagrne, couiUry, fields. 
 le canal (25), canal. 
 la capltaie, capital. 
 la cascade, cascade. 
 I Catherine, Kate. 
 ^rcause de^ on account of 
 °®' CO*, cette, adj., this, that 
 (3. o)- 
 ci^ (41), ^isr ~" 
 ceci(44), pron., this. 
 cela(41, U),'pron.,that. 
 celle, f,, oeUe-14 (44),.pren.. ' 
 that,, that one. .^ 1 
 * '*, J||. . 
 la bataille, battle. 
 batir, to buifd. 
 beau '(^Xfin^ handso^ne 
 l»eauoo\iirt!fn. much, man 
 ■ Y 
 J'henc^-'ngush vocabulary 
 celui-d celul-Kk (44), pron 
 this, that ojie. 
 cent (22), himdred. 
 la cerise, cherrj^' 
 ces, adj. (6)> <A<s(^. 
 cet, cette, ^{6), this, that 
 ceux, proriJip), those. 
 la chaise, ci^^' 
 la chambre, ♦•(; 
 ]^ champ (mipI^.jUld. 
 la chandem^f^ridle. 
 , la chanaoi^^^^. 
 chanty ^^• 
 chanter, to mn^. 
 16 chapeau, hat, *gf ' 
 le chardon, thisUe. 
 charms, charmed, delighted, 
 le charpentler (er^e), carytenter. 
 te-chat, cat. 
 la chatalgme, chestniii. w 
 le chAteau»i(25), castlk "^ , 
 chaud, -6 (16), warn, hiA^ 
 la chaumlirei co^to^fl. 
 le chef-d'oeuvre (f mute), masUr- 
 le chemln, road. rw^cg 
 le chemln de fer, railtooA 
 Cher, f., chdre (12), deiir, ex- 
 „ pensive. 
 oherchBT, to seek, hok for, 
 • ch^rlr (47), to cherish. 
 ;le cheval (26), Aorse. 
 Chez (41), o/^Ae We o/ 
 .4,© chren, doffJ^ 
 "J cholsir (49frto select, choosy.. . 
 }! Chr^W^ (12, e), Christian. V' 
 ^ c el (Pjto. <5leux), «*y, Amwnj 
 cinq (22)/ ^w. , 
 ^clnquante,^y. ', 
 ' l«i daeaux, scissor^ \ 
 la. tlaeae, cim^/gfM 
 ^^MSB> ^<^:»»«c»i how many 
 . ■ ^W^M (23). ^ 
 , comiienc^, begun, commenced. 
 c^m m e noer, • " 
 la compl 
 le oomtd^ 
 concwH?7 to conceiw. 
 le oonderire, porter. " 
 con9u, pret. of concevoir. 
 la condulte, conduct, behaviour. 
 le confirm, holiday, leave. 
 la connalssalice, knowledge, ac- 
 content (de), satisfied with. 
 contlnuellement, cmuinuallv. 
 contlnuer, to continue. 
 contralre, contrary. 
 oontr^buer, to contribute. 
 la oorbellle, basket. 
 le cordonnler|-«A««jnaJter. 
 le corps (ps nfute), body. 
 corrlfir^ (partic), corrected. 
 IB. oavUBMr, the colour. v 
 le courajre, cowrogrc. 
 le cousin, Ja couslne, cousin 
 le couteau (25), knife. \ 
 la coutume, custmi, manker. 
 le crayon, lead pencil. 
 ,. °"^%^P*'^<=-)' 9athered, 
 le culfite, (%jper. ^t^cterf. 
 -__ie (10), fiWy. 
 le Danemark, Denmark. 
 dangrereux, '-se, dangerous. 
 ■-^^de, o/,/ro»^ (26:^1). ■/ 
 d^embrt^' m., De^Merj. f 
 d^Nplarer, to 'frO^ffn^- 
 ja^JfendraJI^/^S, defend. 
 ledefirr^ilBK. - \-. 
 a^lldetigg -8^, delicious. 
 Remain, to-morrow. 
 demander, to ask. 
 detol, -6 (37), half. 
 ^eml-hewe,t, half an hour. 
 l a demoiselle (10), ypu^ ^^y. 
 -j~*-depuiB, prep., a »-«««: 
 depuls que, comi., aince. 
 d^rangor, to disturb, incrni- 
 ventence . \. 
 comment ? Tum-t - 
 la COTapagnle, company. 
 -^ .M: 
 dernier, demi^re, f., lixst. 
 des (contract, of defies, 28-31). 
 descendre, to go down, descend. 
 d^slWff (de), to desire. 
 ^^^eobcn^eant, -e, disobedient. 
 ^PPttrult (partic.), destroyed. 
 deux, two; deuzi^me, second. 
 devant, be/ore (as to place), 
 le devoir, duty, task, fume lesson. 
 devoir, tou>we, must (49), 
 le dlctlonnallte, dictionary. 
 dlfflcUe, difficult, hard. 
 dlerne, worthy. 
 dlmanche, m., Sunday. 
 diner, to dine. 
 le diner, ^m/ier. 
 dlt (3 pM?of dire), said. 't 
 on dlt, dlt-aiki^ is said. 
 dlvls^ (pS»), divided. 
 le doisrt (grt muM^nger. 
 le, la domeatltj/Kf^ervant. 
 done (34, 41), then. 
 donner (33), to give. 
 doilt(45, 46), whose, 
 le dos (s m,ute), the back, 
 douter, to d&iibt. 
 Douvres, Dover. 
 la douzalne, dozen. f. 
 douze, twelve. ' 
 le drapeau (26), banner, standard. 
 du (contract, of dcwle, 28-31, 
 ^educ, duke. 
 duquel (44), whose, of which. 
 dur, -e, hard. 
 I'eau, f., water. 
 l'6oole, f., school. , 
 r.6ooller, m. (er=e), achoolbuy. 
 ^conome, saving, thrifty^ 
 I'Boosse, f., Scotland. 
 ^crlt (partic), written. 
 r^cu, m,, dollar, shield. 
 I'^llae, f., church. 
 ^gratiirner, to ^iradch. 
 eh blen t well I 
 r^ldve, m. or f.,jmpil. 
 eile, slu, her; elles, they (39-41). 
 I'enibl^me, m., emblem. 
 remp^reur, m., emperor. 
 en, prpn.(42), any, sonie,.o/it,/rom 
 en, pr6p. (26), in, at, to. [it. 
 encore, still, yet, again. 
 I'encrler, m.'^=:e), inkstand. 
 I'enfant, m. and f. (plur. m.), child. 
 enfln, at last. [enemy. 
 Tenneml, m, (pron. = enemij,' 
 entendre, to hear, understand. 
 entendu, lieard. 
 entrer, to enter. 
 r^plder, m., grocer, 
 es, est (8, and p. 55). 
 I'esoaller, m. (er=e), jjtoirs. 
 rESspagrije, f., Spain. 
 fespdce, f., kirCi, species. 
 I'tepAwnee, f., V hope, expecta- 
 I'espolr, m., / tim. 
 esp^rer, to hope. 
 est, is (8), est-ce que ? (33). 
 est-ce 14 9 ts that f 
 estlmer, to esteem. 
 I'estomac, m. (c mute), stomach. 
 et {t always silent), conj., and. 
 r^taere, m., story. 
 retain, m., tin. 
 6tftls, -t, was (18, and p, 66), 
 V6t4, m., summer. 
 ^t6, (partic, .17, and p, 66), been. 
 6tea (8) ; ^tlez, ^tlons (13). . 
 6tourdI, -e, thoughtless, giddy. 
 6tr« (8, and p. 56), to be. 
 ^trolt, -p, narrow, straight. 
 I'^ude, f., study. [graduate. 
 letudlant, m., student, under- 
 ^tudler, to study. 
 eu, (past part., 17, and p, 54), had. 
 eus, eCkmes, efttes, eurent (l*). 
 eux, m, (41), disj. pron,, they.W 
 1 exactitude, f., accuracy. 
 I'exerdce, m., exercise, drill. 
 VSED Q AUont^L,- exhibition. - - ^^^ 
 ftchd (20), sorry, at^pry, 
 faoi]», easy. - '^ 
 le facteip, thepoHmah. 
 itofd" ''Sii 
 la faim (16), hunger. 
 1.. J^*i P*!^'"'- ""^^•^^^ rnade, done. 
 la flaute, the mistake, fault 
 fOivOTi,.td^ favourite. 
 la fendtre, toindow. 
 le fer, irc)n. 
 ferm^, skut, closed. 
 farmer, to shut. 
 le fermier(er=6), /arwr. 
 le feu (25), /re. 
 la feulUe, fea/, sheet. 
 f^vrler, m., February 
 fld6le, faithful. 
 la mie, grtV;, daughter. 
 leflls(pron. = fi8s), sOTi. . 
 la fln, cnrf. 
 le fleuve, n'ver 
 ft>l8(22), f.,'<i,n«. 
 lefond8,/Mnrf; fond. 6o«om. 
 font (3 p. 8. of faire), make, do. 
 rort, -e, strong. 
 fj^ fol {50), foolish, crazedi . 
 frais, f., ttalche, fresh. 
 lf> franc, franc, lOd. 
 fran9al8, -e (8), French. 
 le Pran9al8, Frenchman. 
 la France, France. 
 franchir (47), to cross. 
 Praa<foiB, Francis, Frank. 
 le frdre, brother. 
 froid, -e (16), coW. 
 le fromaere, cA^«. 
 le fruit, fruit. 
 ftw, fames, fdtes, fUrent (14), 
 le er^n^ral (26), 9en€ra;. ' 
 Oendve, f., Oeneiu. 
 le firenou (26), kmif. 
 la gfographie, geography. 
 le irllet, waistcoat. 
 ^^ elader {er=^.), glacier. 
 fflorleux, -se, glorious. 
 le aroftt, taste. 
 la grrammalre, grammar. 
 gra.ua, -e ^ca^ faj-pre, <«;; j,-^, 
 la errand m6re. grandmother. 
 1 f^"<*-P^re. grandfather. 
 la Orande-Bretafirne, GVea^ £ri. 
 la eruerre (u mute), war. 
 OulUaume (u mute), miliam. 
 firafim^ S'aiTWd, earned. 
 firapier, to earn, gram inn. 
 erai, wwrry, pray_ 
 1-. 2f "*®^' ,^^^ '^^ (26>, ;raZe». 
 -^JS^St, gloves^ 
 Je gar9(»i, Joy, waiter, bachelor. 
 habiller, to rfres^. 
 I'habit, m., coat, dress. 
 1 habitant, m., inhabitant. 
 1 habitude, f., ?iabit. 
 1 herbe, f., grass. 
 I'heure. f. (ig), Ao«^, ^vtor*. 
 heurter (h aspirate), to &. 
 hier (one syllable), yesterday. 
 l-hlrondeUe, f, ««;a;to«;. " 
 Ihlstoire, f., ««ory, Awfory. 
 IWver, m.(er=aire), wn^er. 
 le Hollandals, Dutchman. ' 
 la HoUande, Holland. 
 1 homme, m. , m^in. 
 honorer, to honour. 
 J,'^°rlo»er, m., twtoAwwyter. 
 Ihdteldevllle, m., to«;»Aa/;. 
 1 hulle, f., oil. 
 ^^^meight; hult Jours (23). 
 hultldme (24), eighth. ^ ' 
 id, here. 
 Il(39).Ae t<,. (23),<Aere(impers.) 
 u y a, Were ie, o^o (23). 
 rile, f., island, isle. 
 Ua, m. (39), they. 
 Impartial, -e, impartial. 
 llmp^ratrlce, f., einprcss. 
 1 taiprlmerle, f., printing. 
 I'Inde, f.,Jndia. 
 to^pulsable, inexhaustible. 
 1 Inatitutrlce, f., governess. 
 1 Intention, f., intention. 
 Int^ressant, -e, interesting 
 Inventer, to invent. 
 I'lnventeur, m., inventor. . 
 lltalle, t., Italian. 
 Itallen, -ne, Italian. 
 Jamais, ever. 
 ne , . . jamais, never. 
 le Jambon, ham. 
 JanvlA^jn., January. 
 le Japon, Japan. 
 lejardln, garden. 
 le jardlnler, gardener. 
 Je, 7(39). 
 Jean, John. 
 leJeu(26),^Zay, ^awitf. 
 Jeune, young. 
 Je vlens (pres. of venir). I come. 
 Joli, -Q, pretty. 
 Jouer, to play. 
 le Jouet, JouJou, plaything. 
 Joulr de, to enjoy. 
 lajoulssance, enjoyment, 
 le jour, day. 
 le Journal (26), newspaper. 
 lajournde, m., day, day's work, 
 days journey, etc. 
 Julllet, ra.,July. 
 Jiiln, m., June. 
 J^^8qu'4, until, as far as, even to. 
 la, art., the ; _ la,:pron^(39)^A^. 
 laborleux, -se, industrious. 
 le lac, lake. 
 laid, -e, ugly. !^ 
 la lalne, wool. 
 I le lalt. milk. 
 lalanerue, tongue, language. 
 laver, to wash. 
 7«. /!:^°"; *''"• ^' ""' ^e» art., /A«. 
 la le9on, lesson. 
 la lecture, reading. 
 ^^^J^' ^^^J'^eUe? pron., wAicA/ 
 1^ uf; ^^/ J®«' P'ou. (39), <Ac7«. 
 la l^ttre, letter. 
 le leur poss. pron. (38); theirs^ ' 
 leur(s), po88. adj. (7), their. 
 i« it!^'. P^l- P™"- (39), to them. 
 le llbralre, bookseller 
 l^^^^ivlur.x), the place, spot. 
 la lleue, <A« fcaytt^. ^ 
 la llvre, pound, £. 
 le llvre, 600/fc. 
 lalol, Zaift — 
 LonUres, m., London. 
 lonar, f., longrue, long. 
 longrtemps, a long time. 
 louer, to praise. 
 le loup (f. la louve)/ woZ^. 
 lu(partic. oi \iT&)[ read. 
 lul (39), to him, to her; Ul)he 
 him. \ / I 
 lundl, m., Monday. 
 lea lunettes, f., spectacles. 
 Lyon, m., ZytjJw. 
 ma, fem. of toon (7), my. 
 majiame, ft (lO), marfa^, Mrs. 
 leml^S^/^'^'^^^- . 
 mai. |^:M^- '^^^- 
 la maln,^j0^j/ 
 malntenant, 'how. 
 mal^ *««, howeier; mals oul. 
 wAyi yes! ' 
 la malson, Aowae. 
 le maltre, master. 
 -rr 4a maitresae, wtirtfegaT- 
 le mal (26), evil, injury, wrong. 
 maj, adv.,-«/, wrong, badly. 
 mal 4 la tdte, headache.. 
 „ ^I'^tomac, stomach-ache. 
 " '>'^^«^^ (60), toothache. 
-^ # 
 ■ » 
 \ , 
 ■ i I 
 :l * 
 malauxyeuz, swe eves. 
 malade, ill, sick. 
 maman, mamma. 
 la Manche, Ohanrusl (lit. sleeve). , 
 manerer, to eat; mftngd, eaten. 
 le marchand, tradesman. 
 la marchandlse? ^oocfe, «,arcs. 
 mars, m. (a sounded), i/arc^^ 
 massacrer, to massacre. 
 le matin, la mating, morning. 
 mauvais, -e, bad, evil, ill. 
 ^o (39), me, to me. 
 mdchant, -e, wicked, naughty. 
 meiUeur, -e, adj., better. 
 mfime, adj., self (41, 'd); adv., 
 lamer,5.«. f,^^„; 
 la m6re, mother. 
 mes, plur. of mon, ma (7), my. 
 Iem6tal(25), metal. '' ^ 
 mldl, m., noon. 
 le mldl, the south. 
 .le mien, la mienne (38), mine. 
 mieux, adv., better. 
 le milieu, middle. 
 mille, m., thousand, mile (23) 
 miUidme, thousandth (24). 
 la mine, mine, mean (look's). 
 ' mlnuit, m., midnight. 
 la minute, minute. 
 mla (partic. ), placlu^ ^ („«). 
 mod^r^, -e, m4)d^ate. 
 modeste, modest. 
 mol(40, 41), »i«, toW; L 
 moi-mdme {i\),miihlf. 
 moina (32), less; ^^(pour le) 
 moins, at least. 
 le moi8, month. 
 mon (7), my. ' 
 le monsieur (10). 
 la monttigme, mountain. 
 la montre, the \oatch. 
 mpntrer, to show. ,^^ 
 le morceau (23), Ut. . 
 lamort, death. ■ j 
 . mortel, -fo, mortal. 
 MoBcou, Mallow. 
 moyi, mol (^0), ^oft. 
 le mur, wall. 
 mOr, -e, ripe, mutute. 
 ne . . . pas (9), not, 
 ne . . . plus, not again. 
 n6, n4>e, f. (partic. perl"), bom. 
 n^erllerent, -e, negligent, careless. 
 le negroclant, merchant. 
 neuf, i. neuve (13), new. >■ 
 neuf (22), nine. 
 le neveu (25), nepheiu. 
 le%iez (z mute), nose. . , 
 le nid (d mute), nest. 
 la nl6ce, niece. ' 
 noir, -e, black, dark. 
 noirclr (47), to blacken, to spoil. 
 la notx, walnut, nut. 
 le nom, name. 
 non, adv., no, not. . , 
 le nord (d mute), north. 
 nos, pi, of notre (7), <wr. 
 notre (7), our; le n6tre (38) 
 ours. , 
 nourrir, to feed, to nourish. 
 nous, we, tis, to us (39, 41) 
 nouveau. nomrel, -le (60), new. 
 la NouvelTe Organs, New Or- 
 leans. ' F" 
 la nouvelle, news. ' 
 novembre, m., November. 
 le noyer, walnut-tree. 
 M aiovitarde, muttard. 
 le mouton, thMp, trmtton. 
 oWir (k), to obey. 
 ob^Issant, -e, obedient. 
 obllgreant, -e, obliging, kind. 
 obligrer, to oblige. - • 
 octobre, m., October. * 
 I'ojseau, ra. (25),. the bird, fowls. 
 roncle, uncle. 
 on (39,/b6s.), one, people. 
 on dit,, it is said, ptople say. 
 ont (5, and p. 54). . 
 „ o n m Xg 2 ). dtvm, j l 
 I'ordre, m., orderT 
 l.l'orellle, {.,'ear. 
 I'orgrue, m., organ (fom. i^ plu 
 oser, to dare. 
 ou, adv., wJiere; d'oii, wlmice ? 
 ou, conj. , or, either . 
 oubller, to forget. 
 oui, yes. 
 l'outil(lsil.), m., tool. 
 ouvert, -e, open. 
 I'ouvTagfe, m^ work. 
 * p 
 le pain, h-ead, doaf. 
 la paix, peace. 
 le palals, palace. \ 
 le panier (er=:e), basket: 
 I9 papiei-. (er= e), joaj;^ 
 par, by, through. ^ \ 
 , le pare, park. ♦ ' \ i 
 paltje'que^, because^ \ 
 las parents, irf., parents. 
 la VSi^eaB\ndleimKlazin;ks. 
 P^resseiSx, 4e, idle, Idzy. 
 le plbtfum, perfume. 
 P^^^^iiM^eak ;.'P&T\6,.'qiokcn 
 WaemiJ^g^dTig, amidst. 
 la part,% '_ 
 ,lapB?rtl6, jS^FB",** 
 partout, everywhere. <- 
 pas (9, ^31), not. 
 passer, to pass, to spend. 
 la patrle, native cmmtry. 
 pauvre, jioor^ indigent. 
 le pays, cmmtry, {and. 
 le paj^s de QalleS, . IVales. 
 l^pdchenr, sinner;}.; ' 
 pendant.-.prcp.,. during. 
 pendant .qu^. -fcoiii, whUc, 
 p^nlbleT;«^<* \\wMist. 
 penser (A), ,to think of.' • ^ ' 
 perdu (p&tic), ^0*^. 
 le p^re, fathS. *» 
 personne , . ne, nobodyi, no ont 
 Pf tit, -e, &i\i.jrsmall, little. 
 ■ P*^. adv. {%\),few. Util e .- un 
 pmi,'h-ittm,a irijle: 
 Je peuple, jmvle, nation 
 mpeur (21), _^ar. . ' . 
 j»©ut-6tre, adv., primps, may 
 1^ PiS»4 (d mute), /oo/f. 
 la piti6 (16), pity. . \ ' 
 le plaisir, ju/easwre. 
 plait (47). 
 la plante, plant. 
 pleurer, ilo weep, cry, laTncnt. 
 le plomb (rnb=ii), lead. 
 la pluie, rain. 
 la plume, fekthcr, pen. 
 la plume d'acier, steel pen. 
 plus (31), more; ne . . . plus, 
 «o longer, not now, not again. 
 plusieurs, m. and f. , several. 
 plus t6t, earlier, sooner. 
 plutot, rather. 
 point (31), iiot, wt at all, not - 
 , any. 
 la pdjre, pear. 
 le peririer, pear-tree. 
 J«P2!f!°°' ^'^ (^^ poison, 
 le V'Stttq, pepper. .. [jwwwt). 
 poll, -B, polite. 
 la PoloKne, Pola^id. 
 . la ponffiae, fflp;?fe 
 ' la pomme de terre, potato. 
 le pommier, apple-tree. 
 le pont, bridge. 
 la porte, rfoor, gra^g. * 
 porter, Jo bear, to wear, carry ■ 
 le Portugral, Portugal/ . 
 la poudre, powder, giknimder 
 pour, prep. , for, in o^r to. ■ 
 pour le moins, at lem: 
 pourquol, why. , 
 la prairie, le pr^, menSoiv., ' 
 pr^ci6u?c, ■ -se, precious. 
 le p^r^d^cesseur, pr^ec^sor. 
 pr^f(6r«t', to prefer. * 
 le premier, f. , .^0 (^4), first. ' 
 pr6s de, ruafto, 'dose by. 
 present, ■&,presti\i,y '■^' 
 a pk^ent,jW)M>. <» • 
 Pl*6t, -6, r^itdy. '*> . "I 
 prfiter, to lend. ''.'"' 
 4?riert tQprxufr h«9i= 
 principal (2b\^icipaiffihiy: /i- 
 P«8. takem ' * ^« # il 
 le prix, mze, pn^^Tmiiie^ ' j^ • 
 ly la probity, ho^iMtp? ' 
 . Prochaln, -e p), n«ajf nfa»M<. 
 le Projet, ■project. 
 le Vvo^vi^tBxv^^ proprietor, owner. 
 protdgrer, to protect. 
 prudemment, c«/6^ia!«/» 
 la prune, phtm. 
 y la Prusse, frussia. 
 puisque, conj, smce, seeing that. 
 puni (partic), punished 
 punir (45), topunish. 
 le pupltre, desk. 
 , * In all these words, u is mute. 
 quand, when. 
 le quart (37), quarter, fp^irth part 
 quatre-vinfirt(8) (22), fiij;/X 
 quatre-vingli-dix, wi/w<y. 
 que (qu') ? what ? 
 que (45. 46), whom, that.which 
 que after comparat. (32), than. 
 quel, quelle ? j^ViicA ; what ? 
 j^. qui? who? whom' 
 qui (45, 46), z^Ao, ^-A^^.^, ihat. 
 <ininzB, fifteen; qulnze Jours 
 (-iS). quol? what? 
 aultter, to leai^. 
 raconter, to relate. 
 le raisin, the grape. 
 la ralaon^ r«!d«j» ; (16) rigid. 
 r^iter, to recite. [receive 
 recommander, <o recom7ne7id. 
 la recompense, reward. 
 r^compenser, to rccm^jeTw,- 
 • reward. 
 ^^^ (pP- eO, 61), received. 
 refuser, to re/use. 
 regarder, to look at. 
 la r^arle, rule (graiinnar), ^Zer. 
 le rdgne. my7t, ru/c (gowrnment). 
 la reine, queen. - 
 le remade, remedy. 
 rern^rci t ay-^t, (ha ^ 
 over. - 
 rempllr (pp. 58, mto fill, fulfil. 
 I remporter, to carry off. 
 le renard, (d mute)/ftc. 
 rendre, trans., to render, give 
 back, to return. 
 r^pllquer, to reply. 
 r^pondre, to answer, to reph/ 
 r6pondu, answered, replied 
 la r^publique, republic. 
 Tester, to stay, remain. 
 en retard, Za^e (adv.) 
 retenu (partic)., detained. 
 retourner, intrans., to return 
 go back. ' 
 • ' ^^"ss^r (PP- 58, 59). to ,„c««/. 
 revenu partic), cy/ne *ac>t, rc- 
 le Rhin, ^/tme. 
 riche, rich, wealthy. 
 la richesse, wm/;!A, ricli^^s. 
 rien . . , ne, nothing. 
 rlen du tout. reoiAiw^ a^ «/;. 
 la rive, J^w*, ^Aorc, ftorrfcr. 
 la robe, robe, dress. 
 le roc, rocher, rqck. 
 le rpl, king. 
 romain. -o, Roman. 
 Rome, f., Roine. 
 rougre, red. 
 la rue, street. 
 la Russie, Russia. 
 sa, fem. of son (7). 
 saere, zTMc, g-oorf, well-behaved. 
 \ la salson, scoaow, 
 la salade, salad. 
 le salaire, salary. 
 8alir(pp. 58, 59), Co 5oi7 
 le salon (34^, <Ae drawing^ 
 samedi, in., Saturday. 
 le sangr, blood. _ - 
 sans, prep., vnthout, butfor. 
 satlsfelt, -e, satiified. 
 ^^^yge; V'M . mmge. ^ 
 Te 8av6h, soap. 
 sec, f. 86che, dry. 
 le secret, secret. 
 seize (22), s;|a;tee,i. 
 o repli/. 
 ')ack, re- 
 le sel, salt. 
 la semaine, week. 
 sept (p mute), seven (22). 
 septembre, m., Scplcvtber. 
 serai, etc. (15), serais, etc. (16), 
 serleux, serious. "«" 
 ses, plur. ofson, sa (7). 
 aeul, -e, only, al&iit, single. 
 ■a6v^re; severe, strict. 
 ' si, adv., so. 
 Bi,conj., if, whether. 
 lo sien, la sienne (38), his, lu:rs. 
 s'il VOU8 plait, if you please. 
 Bit\i6, -e, situated. 
 six, six ; six mois, Tuilf a year. 
 la sOBur, sister. 
 la sole, silk. 
 la soif, thirst. 
 le solr, la soirde, evening. 
 sols, soyez, soyons (21, and 
 p» 55). 
 le soldat, soldier. 
 le soleil, sun. 
 sommes (8). 
 son, Sa, Bes (7), his, her, its 
 80nt(8, and p. 65), arc. 
 souhaiter, to wish. 
 la sourls, mouse. 
 sous, prep., under. 
 souvent, ojften, frequently 
 soyez. soyons (21, and p, 
 le spectacle, sight. 
 le Sucre, sugar. 
 la Su^de, Sweden. 
 suis (8), avi. 
 la Suisse, Switzerland. 
 le sujet, subject. 
 sur, prep., on, upon. 
 ' T ■ 
 ta,- fetti. of ton (7), tJiy, your. 
 la table, the table. 
 le tableau (25), jDic^Mrc. 
 la tAche, task, job. 
 la Tamlse, r/iumcs. 
 tant (31), so much, so many. 
 la tante, aunt. 
 taquiner (u mute), to (ease. 
 tard, adv. and adj., late. 
 la tasse, cu2>. 
 te (39), thcc, you, to you. 
 le temps (mps=n), time, weather. 
 la terre, earth. 
 tes, plur. of ton, ta (7). 
 le th6 ((!A=<), tot. ,. .,- • 
 le theatre, theatre. . 
 le th^Dle, exercise. '* 
 le tien, la tienne (38), thine. 
 le timbre-poste, postage-stamp. 
 tol (40, 41), thee, thou, you, to 
 you. ' 
 la toile, cloth. 
 le toit, roof. 
 ton, ta, tes (7), thy, your. 
 le tonneau (25), cask. 
 tort (16), wrong. 
 tovijours, always, still. 
 la tour, tower (le tour, turn). 
 tous les Jours, every day. 
 tout, -e, pi. tous, toutes (20.), 
 all, whole, every. > 
 tout, tout k fait, adv., qti^te. 
 tout k I'heure, ju^t now; ■ii/re- 
 toute lajourn^e, the wholeday. 
 la traductilon, translation. ^ 
 la traer^die, tragedy. X*^ 
 trahir (47), to betray. 'p 
 tranquille, quite. 
 le travail (25), work, labour. 
 travailW, worked. 
 travailler, to work. %' 
 treize, thirteen. 
 I trente, thirty. 
 tr^S, adv. , very. 
 triste, dreary, dull, sad. 
 trols, three ; troidl6me, third. 
 tromper, to deceive. > 
 le tr6ne, throne. 
 trop(31), too,— much, —many. 
 la troupe, troop. . ' 
 troHver, to find; trouir^,^ 
 ==^^^*ii (3S),- <AeMy yow,' — ■' ,■ ■■' , : ^^ 
 la Turquie, Turkey. 
 un, une (4), a, an ; (22), one. 
 utile, ua^l. 
 la vagrue, wave, billow, 
 valllamment, gallantly. 
 le valesaeau (25), ship. 
 i ■ vendi-e, to sell wnau, sold. 
 vendredl, m., Friday. 
 le V^Wtlen, Venetmn. 
 la. verge, rod 
 le vergrer (ey=^), «^cAani. 
 le verre, the glass. 
 verser, to pour, spill. 
 vert, -e, prreen. . 
 ^tu, -e (de). c^o^Aerf {with). 
 la viande, mca«. 
 la victoire, victory, 
 1^ ^'^^^^^^ -se- ''^^torious. 
 le vielUard, oW waTi. 
 Vlenne, f., TiewMa 
 vleux, vlell,f.vlelUe(50). oW. 
 vir, -ve, quick, lively. 
 le villaere (11 not !i<iui<l), village. 
 la vUle (11 not liqni,!), town. 
 Je vln, wine. ■ 
 le vlnalgrre, vinegar. 
 vinert, ^M;ria<^ ; vln^i6me>, 
 void, Aere zsj here are. 
 "vollk, there is, there are 
 16 Voisin, la voisine, neighbour. 
 la voix, voice. 
 V08, pi. of vptPG, adj. (7), your 
 votre, adj. (7), your. ^ '' ^ ' 
 le vdtre, pron. (38), yowra. 
 vous (39, 41), yoM, ye, to yoic. 
 -le voyagre, travel. Journey. ■^^*:' 
 le voyagreur, traveller. 
 vrai, -e, ^rt^^. 
 vu, partic. of voir, seen. ' ' ;( 
 Y " ' 
 y. adv. (23, 43), the^e, thither. . 
 y. pron. (43), to it', at it.. 
 a, an, un, unc (4, 27). 
 to abandon, abandowier. 
 absent, absent, -c. 
 to accompany, accompagner 
 'm account of, n ause de. 
 to act, ngir. 
 admirable, att,, ,rablc. 
 **«lral, Vamvrnl, m. 
 Uy admire, admirer. 
 •fraJd, to be, avoir peur (21) 
 •tw^oon^ mfi^ithmidi, m. 
 •«e, / 4i>e, m fj^ 
 •#o, ii y a {m% 
 acreeslMe, agr4ahle. 
 lUl, ^x>«^, -« (pi i^^ ^^^^j 
 alone, «>«/, -« 
 America, VAnUHque f. 
 Ameirioan, I'AmSricain, m 
 amusklfir, amusant, -e. 
 ancient, amHen, -ne, 
 and, ei!- (ppon. =6). 
 ^^fn^(vnth). /deh^(contre). - 
 animal, Zanma;, m. (pi. 25). 
 to answer, ripondre. 
 answered, ripondu. 
 Antwerp, Anvers. 
 any. adj. (30) ; pron. (42). 
 apple, lapomme. 
 to approvia of, approuver. 
 April, avnV, m. 
 ^ are (8, and p. 55). 
 aristocracy, rarwtocra^i« f 
 army, I'armSe, f, 
 to arrive, arriver. 
 Asia, I'Ane. f. 
 always, tov^oura' 
 «ni8, 10. «»rl p. 65), 
 ta asff; aemana^ (A), 
 as, ^ . . . as (31, 32), 
 ail ^oon as, <lks»ii»t quk:^ 
 • » 
 to assist, aider, assister. 
 ■ to assure, assurer. 
 at,d; athome,d.lamaismi;(4\) 
 at It, y (43). ' ' 
 at last, enjln. 
 at the house of, chez (41). 
 to attack, aitaqucr. 
 aunt, la tante. 
 Austria, I'AuiricJie, f. 
 Austrian, V AutricJiien, m. 
 author^ I'auteur, m. 
 bad, mauvais, -e. 
 bank, la rive, h hard. 
 banker, ie banquier. 
 - basket, lepanier;la corheillc. 
 battle, la bataille. 
 to bo, ttre %\b, 16, 21, and p. &5). 
 to bear, port^r7~~~^-~~-^ 
 '^beautiftil, beau (50). ~~"^ — ^ 
 because, parce que. 
 been, Ui (17, and p. 55). - 
 beer, la biire. 
 before, prep, (time), avant. 
 (place), devant. 
 to begin, commenaf. 
 begrun {p&Ttic.),\ommfince. 
 . • Belerium, la Bel^ique. 
 to belong:, Hre d (27). 
 best, adj.,, le (la) meill^r, -e 
 ■ adv. , le tnieux.. 
 ■" better, adj., Tneilleur, -e. 
 aAy :, mimx. ; , 
 biscxiit, le biscuit (u .^otinded) 
 to l?lanie, bldmef:- 
 V body, le coxps, . " . ' 
 book, le livre. \ '' ■ 
 bookseller, le libraire. < 
 boot, la boife. 
 bom (part.), n^, f. TO^c. 
 bottle, la bouteille/ 
 bottom, lejTontl. 
 boy, le gar^i 
 br^ad, le^p, ' 
 fhe breakfast, 4c dijeuner. 
 br0^^r/v U brasaeur. 
 hrXOae, le porU. . - 
 hCiJI^t, brUldrU, -». 
 to briner, apporter, amcmr. 
 broken, cassi, brise. 
 brother, lefrkre. 
 brought, apporU (2), amene. 
 Brussels, Bruxellcs (,£=ss\. 
 to buUd, b&tir. 
 Burgrundy, la Bourgogne. 
 but, couj., mais. ' 
 but for, prep., sans. 
 butter, le beutrc. 
 by, par. *■ 
 cake, le gdtcau f25). . 
 canal, le caWf35). 
 capital, la capitdle. 
 carpenter, le chdrpentier. 
 to carry, pwter. \ (, 
 cask, le tonneau (25). 
 castle, le cfidteaui115). 
 cia.t, le chat. [=prudaman). 
 cautiously, prudemment (mou 
 'Chair, la chaise. ■ 
 Channel (British), m Maiichei 
 to cherish, cherir. . |^ 
 cherry, la cerise.^ ' [ron 
 chestnut, la chdtaigne^ levw.r'. 
 child, V enfant, mMml tlvl. m. ) 
 ^church, Higlvse, I 
 city, la vifllc'^la dti. . \ „ 
 class, la classe. ' \ ■ 
 o'clock (15)., \ . 
 closed (partic.),>n/i^. \^, 
 . clothed with, t^^^M rfc. ' ' 
 » coat, I'habit, ni. , . 
 coffee, le ca/i. > ' ' ' " 
 oold, froid, -e {16), 
 ^ commer^pid, commencef. ' - ' 
 concert, le concert, 
 Cdbduct, la cmc^te. 
 contrary, cow<j'ifl!iv*( 17) • 
 to contribute, 'conhimier. 
 copy-boo]t,le cahier. 
 com, Je by, le ^ain, . [<nettK. 
 cottage, Ta chanmiife, viaisou- 
 ===:=fiauntry (state ), }ep e tffS7^ 
 — (native), lapatrie, le pays'. 
 — {^o\&a) la cdmpagne. 
 , courage^ le courdge. 
 \cofiiBin, le cousin-i la couaine 
 ^orbMi,/?%ncAty {47). 4$, 
 -"' ' ' ' " li ■ ■■ ■ " ■ ">>*■«" 
 ' 1,. >. ••<.•■<-" \' " j». "• """• 
 • ^ . -*v. - • e^,- •^ ^Jo - 
 to cr7, weep, plcurer. ^ 
 '^^l^' ^'^'^utume, r-usage, iii 
 ice, danscT. 
 Iter, lafille. 
 ^'^ jour, ia jmn-nic. 
 laujourd'km. ^ 
 r, -her, m.., cMre, f. 
 Beceime, tromper. 
 •"— "exploit, m., r action, f. 
 L difandre. 
 to^Mire, f/^iVcr, souhaiter 
 desk, lepupitrc. 
 detained (partic.),rcfe;»<. 
 to diptate, (iic^cr. 
 dirtlonary, /c dictionnaire. 
 difficult, rfjj^iVc, waZazV. 
 diligsnt, appliqui, -e. 
 tjj^ine, diner. 
 dinner, Ze (^|!?wr. 
 division, la division. 
 do (33); done, part, /«i^. 
 dogr, «c chun. 
 Jollar, ZVcM,m.; ^c tZo^^^. 
 donkey, TAnc, m. 
 door, la parte. 
 Dover, Douvres. 
 dozen, ladouzainc. 
 drunk, iw, part, of ioiVc. 
 ; duty, le devoir. 
 ear, Vorcille, f, 
 to earn, gdgwr. 
 earth, la terrc. 
 easy, facile, cti.<idj ~e. 
 to eat^ m«%f; ; eaten, wian^A 
 edition, Vikiition, f. 
 Edward. jE-rfomrrf (^mute) 
 emperor, Vempereter. 
 end, Za ^ra, 
 ©oeniy, I'ennemi, m. (prm ~ 
 EnarlMUi,. I'An^tterre, f 
 Enerll»b, miglnis, -c. 
 the Flnglf H hfnnn, ?'W,n» j^ 
 enterprise, Vcntreprise, f. 
 to esteem, cstimer 
 Europe, V Europe, f. ,?■ 
 evenlngr, /c soir, la smrie ' 
 ever,ya,„«,-,. y 
 every, cAa^we; <ot^, .^ . ^^A 
 every day, ((mm fe^oitra '' 
 er^rywljere, joartofi!. •> 
 esHTcise, Vea-crcice, m, fc</i^,«<, 
 exaibitlon, r.a;/.o,i^,o,' f. f 
 excellent, excellent. ^'^ 
 F ' 
 faithful, fiiUle. " 
 father, le phre. 
 faolt, lafaute. 
 faTrourite,/awn, -^c. 
 fear, lapeur (21). 
 feather, la plume. 
 feed, wMfmV, rfonner ri ,««„. 
 few, jocM flfc (31). 
 field, le champ {^^von. jAp=n). 
 ^f\rcmplir{Y>Y,.m,Sb). ' 
 to nnd, trouver. 
 One, beau, bel ; i belle [50). 
 f^ «^f' i' "^"^^^ ^9t mute). 
 to finish, /Hir, achever. 
 finished (partic. ),.;?„,•, a,A««^. 
 first, premier, -e (12) 
 flower, lafleur. 
 to be fond of, aiwwr. 
 foot, Zei>ierf(pron.=;ne). 
 for,prep.,^„r; (time) pcwrfani. 
 «». conj., c«r. 
 to forsake, abandonner 
 fortnigrht (23). (^M^Tir^y^,. 
 found (piirtic..perf.),<rott,vf. 
 fox, Ze renarrf (d mute) 
 France, /a Tfrawce. 
 French, /rowfaw, -« fg) 
 •fresh, yraw, in.,/^«cA«, f 
 friend, eam-i, -e. 
 friendship, k'amitii, f. 
 frog, In gre/nmiilU, 
 from thpl«, etk (42) 
 fruit, /c/rai-PV^^- 
 tofulfli, rmjo/ir (pp. 68, 69). 
 7^^ ^g — ■ TTTTT J, t j ip 
 «? enjoy, yoMiV «fe (pp. 
 enoufirh, asaez [m]. 
 to enter, erUrer (dkmt). 
 'nu t . 
 68, 69). 
 ise, f. 
 ,lc theme, 
 n, f. r. 
 rt tnan- 
 (50). ■ 
 - game, play, hjcu (25).* 
 ' erarden, lejardin. 
 gardener, Icjardinicr {-%r=U) 
 general, hf^iiral (25). 
 German, allcmand, -e (6). 
 Germany, I'Allcmagne, f. 
 girl," la jmne Jillc. 
 to give, (£on7igr; given, tZwmd 
 glasa, ^c wrrc. 
 glove, Zc (/are^. 
 gold, I'or, m. 
 good, adj., bm, f. 6o7?n« (Ifi). 
 goods, marchandisn, f. 
 governess, VinstUutricc, f. 
 grammar, /« graminairc. 
 grapo, /c T-awin (bunch, ^« 
 gray, flTw, -e. -^^ 
 fsveat,' grand, -e. 
 Great Britain, Za Grande Brc- 
 I Greece, ZaCr^cc. ite„„«. 
 \Greek, grec, f. «)frecy2<e. 
 ijablt, Vhabitude, f. 
 *d, perf. (13), partic. (17), 
 pluperf. (18, and p. '65). 
 l-lf, demi, -e ; half-past five 
 Wl heures et demie ; half a 
 ■^und, tine demi-livre; a 
 ^und and a half, une Uvrc ct 
 half an hour, une demi-Jieure. 
 nani lejambon. 
 band. /<* main. 
 happ^, heureux, -se (12). 
 hard,W«r, -e ; difficile. 
 haa (51 and p. 55). 
 hat, le\hapeau (25). 
 to have (L and p. 55) 
 V he (39, 41). 
 to hear cnWrc ; _ ft-om (47).^ 
 heard (jiartio.), entendu. 
 Henrietta, , Henriette. 
 pers. pron. (39, 40). 
 here, id < here le (are) 
 hers. poss. pron. (38). [voici. 
 aiffh, Aaif<, -g (A aspirate). < 
 him(39); him8elf,ZMi-7n^rac(4] ) 
 his, adj.- (7), iwon. (38). [atei 
 „ Holland, i-a Hollandc {h Umv- 
 home. a1? home, A la maison 
 honesty, laprobite. [(41) 
 to honour, honorer. ' 
 hope, Tespoir, m., I'espirancc, f. 
 ; to hope, cspirer. 
 i horse, Ic cheval (2.b). 
 ■hot, c/ta?trf, -e (16), bmullant", -c. 
 hour,- I'heure, f. ' 
 house, la maison. 
 how? comment 1 
 how far? combien f (23). 
 how much, many? combien 
 hows^ (22). [(22, 31). 
 howe'^, conj., vmis, ccpcndunt. 
 hunger, la /aim. 
 hungry, to be (16). 
 IJe (5, .39); toot (41). 
 idle, paresseux, se (12). ^ 
 if, conj., si. 
 if you please,- s't7 vans plait. 
 ill, malade. 
 in, CTi, <^ans, ri (26). 
 industrious, applique, -e, in- 
 dustrieux, -se. 
 inhabitant, Vhabitant, m 
 ink, Vencrc, f. 
 interesting, in<^re5sa«i!,-c. 
 irop, lefer. 
 is (8, and p. 55). 
 island, isle, Vtle,-i. 
 le (39) ; nnpors., jX 
 Italian, Italien, -nc (1^2) 
 Italy, ritalie, f. 
 J , 
 John, Jeaw. 
 jourpey, le voyage. 
 Kato, CatJu r im^^tk^-f f^ 
 kindness, la bonti, la compUis- 
 kin^, le roi. [„„^ 
 knife, le coutcau (25). 
 to knock, /ra;;per, hcurter (h asp. ) 
 knowledge, la cmnaissanee. 
 / ■ 
 . JabPur, Ze &-atm7 (Mur. 25) 
 lady, la dame (10). I 
 langrua^e, Za ?rt„^j^, //;/,,. 
 iargre/^mTwZ, -e. 
 lastj dernier, -e (12) 
 8't last, enfijt. * ' 
 late, tertZ, en retard (18)" 
 Latin, Za^in, -e. 
 laundress, te blanchisseuse. 
 iB,ty, ])aresseux, -se (12,) 
 the lead, Zejoforni (pr^i. «i6=7i) 
 lead pencil, le crayon 
 leaf, la/euille. 
 leamt (partic), a/)prw, -ei 
 to leave, quitter, laisser. 
 left (partic, 43). 
 • to lend, priter. 
 less, moinsi. (32). 
 ^®*';'?Pf'-at. (21, 34, and pp. 
 04-62). ^ ^ 
 letter, te fo<^,;. ^ 
 to like, aimer. 
 little-, adj.,^c<i<, -e. 
 little, adv., jt«M (31). 
 lively^ vif, m}, vive, f. (12). 
 London, Londres, m. 
 ^ongr, ZoMgr, -ue. 
 a loner time, long(emp$, adv. 
 to look at, n-garder 
 to look fbr, chercher. " 
 lost (partic. ^^tI), perdu. 
 loud (48), haut {h aspirate). 
 _ Louis, Louis; Loulslk, Zoim^, 
 to love, atmer. 
 t^e love,.Z'a»wMr, m. {plur. f.) 
 madam, Mrs., mndam^ (10) 
 made {partic. ),/ai<. « ' 
 make, 3 p. sing. (22). 
 mah, Vhomtne, m. 
 many, heaucoup (31), how—? 
 (-i*, 31). 
 ™*7ellou8,^ mcrteilleux, sc 
 ~°raster, Te rrw^e. 
 me (39-41). 
 meat, la viande. 
 mei^chant, le vmrchand 
 merchant (wholeftdle), Icnego- 
 ciant, le C07nmerfa7it. 
 merry, gai, enjmi^, -e. - ' 
 metal, le m6tal (25) 
 milk, le laii. 
 mine, poss. pron. (38). 
 minute, la minute. 
 miss (10), mademoiselle. 
 mistake, la/aute. , 
 mistress, la miitressc. 
 money; V argent, m. 
 month, le m,ois. 
 moon, la Imie. 
 morning, Umdtin, la mati^ide. 
 to-morrqv, adv., de7)iai7i. 
 mortal, mortel, -le (12). 
 mother, la igiere. -I-*- ^ , 
 mountain, la mo,ntagiu< 
 '^'^^f.beaucoup (31), how ^ ? 
 (zZ, 31). 
 must have (19). 
 njy (7). . ' 
 myself, moi-mime (4i) 
 ■ ■ N ^ 
 name, le nam. • 
 Naples, Naples, m. 
 narrow, itroit, -e. 
 ^^i^^i I'indigew, m. and f. ' ' 
 n^tivfe country, ht patric; U 
 • pays natal, 
 naufirhty, mAchant, -e. ^ 
 near to, prlsde. 
 need, U hesoin (16) 
 neighbour, le voi^n, lavoishie. 
 neither . . . no#; ni 
 nephew, le neveu (25). 
 nest, le nid {d mbte), ' 
 never, m .. . . jamai^iS) 
 new, ncii/(12), nouveau (5(3). 
 news, /<! nomelle. ■ ' • 
 newspaper, le Journal (25) 
 next, prqabain, -e (47). 
 niece, fa wj;,Scc. . * 
 -alerhtini^le, h ro.mgnot 
 no, adj., /?(M, ^„i,t^ (31 N 
 no, adv., tww. • 
 nobody, personn/: ' . 
 -*. 2^ 
 noisy; hruyant, -e, 
 noon, midi, m. ^ 
 nose, le ne^ {z i«ute, 25) 
 not, ?«e-. . . ^;a5(9). »■ 
 nothing, ric« . . . wc. , 
 now, wamtomji!, d;)r^en^. 
 nut, la noix \x mute, 25). 
 obedient, obHssant, -e: 
 to obey, ohiir (d). 
 to obligre, ohliger. 
 o'clock (15). 
 °f.f (26^1); of Whom (45). 
 orit, ofthem.eM(42) 
 of which, c^o^i^, (^M7j,gi (45y 46 ). 
 old, vievx (50) ; how old, (22) 
 on, i)rep., sur. ^ '' 
 on- account 6f;dcawserfe. ■ 
 A one, \in, wie (32^ 23) 
 \ only, a(ljseM^,-e; adv., Tie. 
 ywe; mdement. 
 opportunity, Voccasion, f 
 or, conj., ou, ou Men. 
 orange, I'orange, ft 
 orchard, ^e verger (er=^) 
 r' "^^ ord«r, ^'orrfre, m. 
 >prpn, Z'org-M^, m. (fern, in jo^^r. ) 
 Other, autre. ' 
 otherwise, autreme-iit. 
 our, adj. (7), ours, pron. (38). 
 palace, lepalais. 
 paper, le papier. ^ 
 .. parents, -/esjoarewfo.m. * 
 part, lapart^fi. 
 patience, la'patience. 
 pear-tree, le poirier. 
 pen, la plume, ' 
 P«nny, deux sous; un gros i(m 
 people, lepeuple; mi (39). 
 . ^ vorcelve, apercevoir (69 61), 
 perhaps, peiU-itre. 
 permlsalon, la pe.r mimian 
 pin, r^jringh, f. ■" " • • 
 plant, laplante. 
 k ^!*^' ^:*'?"^ (26), Za com^rfte., 
 to^play, ^oi|^. 
 pleasant, agriahle. 
 I please, s'il vaus plait. 
 J pleasure, le plaisir. 
 / polite, jpofoy -e, 
 poor, 'pauvre. 
 ^ position, la position. 
 postBaan, le facteur. 
 pound, la livre. " 
 predpus, pricieux, -se (12) 
 prefer, pr^/erer, aivier mieux 
 present, present, -e. 
 pretty, >Zi; -e, adv., ossc.:. 
 price, prize, le-pHS; 
 pro^erous, heureuz.prospere 
 publisher', ViditeUr, m.. ' 
 to punl)3h, pimir (47). 
 punished (partic. ), puiii, 
 pupil, ZV/,»ve, in. and f. 
 \ put, prut on (partic. ), mis. 
 queen, la reine. '' ^^. 
 question, la question. ' ' Tl 
 quiet, tranquille. ^ 
 ^ quite, adv., lout, to.ul i\fdi(. 
 railway, Ze cAemm rfe/cr. * 
 "rain, to joZwic. 
 rather, adv., ^?M^. 
 read (partic. perf. \, lu. 
 T^^^^Y^ prit, -e, pHpari. i 
 "^^Jfs' ^"^'^^'■^ (47, and pp. 
 *>0, 61). ^'. 
 received (partic), reftt. iT » 
 to, recite, rieiter. 9k 
 to recompense, riamipenser. 
 red, roi^e ; roux, -sse. 
 to refuse, refuser. 
 reign, Ze r<»i/»t. 
 to relate, racewap-. , 
 to rely, compter n^^ 
 replied (partK. p« 
 to reply, r^pondre, ri 
 to retuim, Intrans. , r«„^ 
 trans, rendre,i^i^en 
 to reward, rUcompenser. ' ^ 
 the reward, to ricompeim fS 
 rewarded (partic. ), nieofnpi^^ , 
 Rhine, U Rhin. 
 rich, riche. [be — (16) 
 rtfirbt, adj. and mhat.' droit : to 
 npe, mUr, -e. 
 to rob, voter. 
 rock, le roc, rocher. 
 rod, la verge. 
 roof, Ze <oi/. ^ . , rj- 
 room, tecAamSrc; (space) »Zac<?' 
 rule (reign), le rigne. 
 ' rule (gram.), ruler, la rigle. 
 Russia^ laltussie. 
 ', Russian, le Russe. , ' 
 sad, triste, affliaeant, -, 
 salt, lesel; adj. saU. 
 satisfied, sa<i5/az7j. " 
 Saturday, samedi, y, 
 saving, thrifty, 6;omu„,<,^ 
 saw = have s^n, ai vu (W»7. 
 scholar, VicoUer, m., la savant 
 school, r^cole, f. 
 schoolboy, V^colier, m. 
 Scotland, I'Ecosse, f. 
 sea, to mer; sea-side, le hord 
 de la, mer. 
 season, Ut saison. 
 to seek, chercfier. • 
 seen, vu, partlc. of vnir.-^ 
 to Select, choisir.{i7). 
 to sell, vendre (51). 
 servant, fe, to, domestique. 
 several, plusieurs, ni. and f. 
 shall (15, 19, 35, 37). 
 she, eZZe(5, 39, 41). 
 ship, ie vaisseau (25), 
 shop, le magasin. 
 should (16, 20, 35, 37). 
 to show, montrer. ■ 
 to shut, fermer. / ' 
 sick, malade. 
 silly, niais, -e ; sot, -te ; Ute. 
 silver, V argent, m. 
 since, conj. (tim e), dtyuis que. 
 -— (cause); puisque. ' 
 . since, prep,, depuis. 
 to 8lng, xhantti: \ , 
 la aaeur. 
 situated (partic), sitiuf,\e. 
 amskll, petit, -e. 
 so, adv.,«; so,.. ,as(32). 
 soap, le savon. 
 soft, mou, mol, -le (48). 
 sold, vendu. 
 soldier, le soldat.> 
 some, adj, (30), pron. (42). 
 son, le^ls (pron. =Jiss). 
 song, la chanson, lec/iant. 
 soon, bientdt. 
 sorry (for), /dch4 (de) • diaoU. 
 soul, Vdme, f. \ 
 soup, la soupe. 
 to speak, parler. 
 spectacles, les lunettes, f. 
 to spend, passer, dipenscr (30). 
 spider, Varaignee, f, 
 to spill, versa: 
 Broken; parld. 
 ^ St. Petersburg, St. Fdterslmtrg 
 to Btay, Tester, derkeurer. 
 steel' pen, la plumi d'acier. 
 still, adv., encore. 
 story (history), I'histoire, f. 
 street, lame. 
 strict, sM'rf, -e, arfv^re: 
 to strike, /rajojoer. 
 student, Vitudiant', m. 
 to study, itudier. 
 subject, tksujet. 
 to. succeed, reusair (47)-. 
 successor, le successeur. 
 sugar, le mere. 
 summer, Viti, m. 
 sun, le aoleil. 
 Sunday, dimancJie, m,» 
 ^swallow, Vhirondelle, l 
 Switzerland, ia Suisse. 
 table, la table. ~ 
 taken, jrris, partic. o{ prendre. 
 Msto, le goM. • . 
 tea, le the (th=t). 
 le,^ taquiner ( mnute). 
 - -, diz (22). N 
 hanaes, la Tamise.f- 
 than) yuc (32). 
 to thpak, remercier, rendre grdce. 
 that, conj., que. t^q-. 
 ♦? '7^?*°'*®'^emonstr. (44) 
 the, le^ la Us (1-6, 28, 29). 
 theatre, h thSdtre {th=t) 
 their, adj., /ewr (7, 38). 
 theirs, pron. (38). 
 them, to them (39) 
 " then, dojic, alors (aa to time) 
 ' thence (42). ' 
 there, ^,>, y(43). 
 there is there are, impers., 
 ■ *^erel6, demonstr., wi'M 
 these adj. (6) ; pron. (44): " 
 they (6, 39, 41). ' 
 thlngr, la chose. 
 to think of, penser h. 
 third, troisUme (24). 
 *K^V^f„r^' tWrsty(16). 
 thHher, y (43). ^~' 
 those adj. (6) ; pron. (44). 
 thread, lefil. " ^ ' 
 throne, le trfine. 
 th^s azra^i, dfe cettc rmnUre. 
 "oy (7j. 
 time, Zc temps; 
 times,./ow (22). 
 <^(26, 27, 29). 
 to It, to them, y (43). 
 ^o-da.y,aujourd'htii. ' " m 
 to-morrow, demain. ■ 
 towel', Za tour. ' 
 ^^^t '■^^^' ('^ "»t liqai<l). 
 tragedy, fa trag^die. 
 translation, fa, traductwn 
 travel, le voyage. 
 traveller, & voyageur 
 treastire, fe Zr^sw. 
 tree, I'arbre, m. 
 true, wai, -c;/rf^fa 
 trunk, fa »iaZ/c. 
 ^urkey, fa yg=^,^^^...=i=^ 
 t'WO. if.eti'^ lnn\ ^ 
 uncle, Voncle,.m. 
 under, prep., so7«. 
 unwell, indispose, -c. 
 upon, prep. , «ir. 
 us, 710US (39). 
 used to . . . Iinpf. (14) 
 useftil,, t^tVe. ^ ^ ^ 
 very, Ms, fort. Men. 
 vessel, Ze inmeau (25) 
 victim, fa victime. 
 voice, fa wia; (a; mute). 
 to wait (foi5, a^ewrfrc (51) 
 waiter, leaarfon. 
 wall, Ze 7;^r, fa cloiinn, 
 war, Za grMgrre (?* mute) 
 walnut. Zano/o; (a. mute), 
 walnut-tifee, Za noyer (er=e) 
 want n'/w,..!,^ „.....■_ .^-^1 .'• 
 [quelle heu're ? to waS. SZS ^ t^^r~('''-=«)- 
 What time 9 wS.'lt: 5' ^^'^r *e,^^.Ze. 
 two, tZcMa; (22), 
 USrly, laid, -e ; vilain, 
 warm, chaud, -c (16) - 
 was (13, 34, and p. 55). 
 w^A r^' 'V'^^'^' ^^««^'«>- 
 watch, la montre. 
 water, Z c«m, f. 
 .■«^e ^5, 39, 41). 
 to weaf, ;?o>¥cr. 
 weather, Ze temps. "'' 
 to ^ff^'''^*^«''««.'^MiO'o«r«(23). 
 to weep, cry, pleurer. ' 
 3f?f°^^' i' (^"^ *^««"«w«(c). 
 were (IJ, 34, and p. 55) 
 wh^t? adj., ^„,Z(.,);y,/;z;,(,)^ 
 — , pron., qic4f ^ ^ 
 when, quand. 
 where, od, 
 \ quelle{s)f 
 mterrog. pron. lequel, 
 which, relat. pron. (46) 

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 23 M 
 lA llllli.6 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) t72-4503 
 White, hlanc, f. blanche. 
 who, qui (45, 46). 
 whom? intern, quit relat., 
 q^ie; after prep., qui (45, 4(5) 
 whose, (27, 45, 46), 
 why, pourquoi. 
 wild, sauvage. 
 wlU, aux. V. (15, 19, 35, 37). 
 William, Guillaume {u mute). 
 window, lafeii&lre, la craisdc. 
 wine, le mn, 
 winter, I'hiver, m. {-er=air). 
 wise, sage. 
 to wish, souhaiter, d6sirer, voUloir. 
 With, prep., avec. 
 without, satis, with verb in the 
 wolf, le loup, f la louve. 
 won (partic. ), gag/i^. 
 wool, la laine. 
 vrorkft ouvrage, m., le travail. 
 to work, f.ravailler. 
 worse, adj., plus mauvadc, pire. 
 worthy, digne. 
 would (15, 20, 35, 37, and pp. 
 54-62). "^ 
 written, Scrii, partic. of icrire 
 wrong, tort (16). 
 ye (21). 
 year, Taw, m., I'annie, f. 
 yes, oui. [one syllable). 
 yesterday, hicr {ino\\.=yair, 
 yet, adv., entore. 
 you (5, 39, 41). * 
 youngr, jeune. 
 your, adj. (8 and 38). 
 yours, pron. (38). ' 
 yourself (44). 
 , /'»■* 
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