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 excilr univrrful ahrrr, 
 longer (ilcnt. IVrhaps 
 A L F. T T F. K 
 Hon. TIMO rnV IMC.M.RINC., 
 A Senator of ihr Unltrd S'at«-s, from ihe 
 Stair of MalTachulrtis, cxhthiiing to his 
 Cjondiiucnts, a virw of thr nnminrnt 
 d^necr of an UNNKCKSSARY ^tu\ 
 RUINOUS WAR, nddrpllVd lo his i'.x- 
 Ccllcncy J/vMiis Sui I IVAN, Govr.f r of 
 (aid State. 
 City of IVafhirtf^ton, Ffb. i6, i8oS. 
 SIR, ' 
 IN the even current of ordinarv tirTT":, an 
 addrrfs from a Senator in Congrrfj to his 
 conftituents might be di(prnf"'1 with. In 
 luch times, th<5 procerdmjjs of the Fr.ccMtivfi 
 and Legid^ture of the. United Slates, <-xhibit- 
 ed in their pul>lir. nth, tnighi hr lulhcient. 
 But the preienl (inguiar condition of our 
 country, when its rnoil interefltni» cnncrrn?, 
 wrapt up in myltery, 
 requirf-s mc to hr no 
 lam liable to ceniure, at luchacrifis, for not 
 looncr prefenting, to yon iind th'-m, fuch a 
 view of our national afTaira as mv otHcial luua- 
 tion har. placed in my powr. I tu^w aH.Hiels 
 iltoyju, Sir, as the proper orgUJ of r.om- 
 munica'ion to the Lep, future. 
 The aaainment of t r cth is ever defirHhle' t 
 9Tid I cann-.t permit myleU lo doub'. ih;»l t.he 
 ftatement I now m3k<* mud be arcrp'^blo to 
 all who have an agency in directing the af- 
 fairs and who are guardians of the intr.rlt 
 of our Cotnmonn'fnf.tk, which (o rn^teti \'.\' Hr- 
 pr.irl Oil the m'alures of the govfmmoif '•■ •''.'• 
 nation. At the l.t-rie tirrr, lamawaic .rihc 
 icaloufy wi' h whic*., iniheic unbd^.py ciavs 
 of narty ditrendoMi, ir-/ c:omin»imcat ions. n..<\\ 
 by icnc of my ct>n(ruiuMits, be received. tJf 
 this 1 will not compUin : while I eai nt-illy 
 wifh the inmc jeaio'ilv to be extended to- 
 v/.udt all public m-n. \ ri I may cUim \o:vr. 
 fharc of attralion and ctedi: — 'hiU fharc 
 which i$ dut; to the man who defies the world 
 to point, HI the whole coutle of a long and 
 public life, at one inft^nce of deception, at a 
 fingle dcp<<rtiirc fro-n tm; ri:. 
 The KMBARCo Jein»(ids the firPi notice. — 
 F.>r perhaps no ?tt of the niitional govcrn- 
 incni has ever ptodtued fo much (olicicude, or 
 {prcad luch univtrl.*! alarm. — liccauie p!1 i.a- 
 tuialiv conclude, th.it a n:(/u:c prcgn-nt wuh 
 incalculable miichief to Jill clnfrcs of our frl- 
 low-ci^irens, would not have been propol' d 
 by the I'tehdcnt, and adopted by Cnrig>ef<, 
 but for cauics deeply atie^lirig theinteielU 
 and iafctv of ilic nation. It mufi have hrtn 
 und.-r the iniluencc of this opinion th«t the 
 l<-gifl.uive bodifS of 1 ;ne Statf s have rxpreil- 
 rd their apptobatioi. of the embargo, cuher 
 , . ^xpedi '■ f emh»r- 
 f» ), iva> ol iUtlc moment, ^h :. the d^n^rr 
 to rinr vellris. Teamen .itiu mcTchandtze, h^d 
 f»rtri fo pxtremr as not to admit of one day's 
 drl-jv, 'Mp.ht not that extreme dinger to have 
 b'-n exhibited to Congrefi P The Conflitu- 
 lion, which requires the I'lcfident •' to give 
 to Congr<-is infotmatioM of th<: fT:ate of the 
 union," certainly meant, not parlinl, btit com' 
 pine infoimation on tlic fubje^l of a commu- 
 nication, lofar as fie poifeded i(. And when 
 it erjoins him " to recommend to their con- 
 ((delation iuch meafures as hr fbould judge 
 i.ecefiarv d expedient," it as certainly ifi- 
 icndcd thjt thofe recommendations fhould be 
 bottomed on informat- n (.^mmunicated, net on 
 /rt<-7f I'.'ULhdd^ and locked up m the F.xrcu- 
 "tive cabinet. Had the public t-fety been at 
 flake, or any great public g*Mvd 
 fenfcd to our view, but wh' 
 by a moment's delay ; ther'- 
 iome apology for drjpat'i., 
 afting vilhout due mformatio, 
 meafure appe'4red t 'hen, a 
 ne for 
 It appears to ;ne public, v . )ul .* 
 ■ motive, without a Ic^inm-it- i '')(6l. 
 i" general enquirv — '' -' 't 'S 
 ■;. laid?" And I ci-.si;.- •■;:'. a. . m;* 
 • the Executive !. I 
 ri^ le rrelluj-rt fair! i j)aper8 
 ,1 lotici 'V,i.;- ' t f-,^» Pii : 4nd wi- 
 nm">T i'-ls, «ur 
 , . ,\n.: I ^'fo 
 ;;,;, ,, , / r.ngrrs . 
 ■ ■ ■■^\ 
 \v'- tr'. cji li;- ■ ji" .• amen had 
 i, .; '.)C* 
 n well aupti/c. . i i^ BfUifh procla- 
 lid miiiy <ijys before been pubhfhed 
 11 thr 
 1 ■ v'-^-p,'pr- ;. , the t'opy l«id before us 
 ^^._._. i:^: 
 *-% r Kl 
 Ltviica t to n . 
 Uy the i'rt lidcnt liid b( c.i cut out of a ncvvs- 
 l)ai;e.i-, ' ;ind lo had the (ubilance if not the 
 wi'rds of Regnier's Irnci. Vet they had ex- 
 11U-..1 little rvvcciu ainoog mei chants and fea- 
 tn-n, thr prcin viitioo oi whole petfotis anc 
 proo.-riv was th'' fy)o}c:'/'-d t^hjc^ of the Prefi 
 dent's vccommcnnauon of an embaigo. i nt 
 merchants and learncn could accurately efti 
 mat'' th- din^ern of oulinuing their commef 
 cial o'j«:ra(inn. ; of whicli da'vge; s, indeed, th^ 
 actual ptemiuins of inlurancc were a latiifac 
 torv go-^gc. Thole piemiums had very littl 
 incVc'led; bv the Biiiilh ptoclaiTiatiou not 
 cent : and ijy the Ficnch decree I'o little a 
 rioi i> U.^J commcrci.4l enterprizca. Ih 
 jr;';at ivimbris ...f vrfi'ds loading or k.adcc 
 ;.nd piepiicd for lea; the exertions cvtr 
 where m.-de, on the (iili rumour of the err 
 barjjo, lo d:lpitch ihem ; demonftiatc th 
 Prchdenl's dangns to be ima^nui? y — t) hav 
 been u^umcu. Ur if gicat and real dan^ei 
 unkrvjwtj to commercial men, we.e imjiei 
 or lu(c to Jail, how deluablc vas it / 
 'hem f";i'Kti:/(>' declared j*nd publifl 
 have had 
 'i . 
 : US 
 iot a 
 r as 
 c n; - 
 ii 'o 
 ,,-s, ard under al! c ! ream H iff rr«;, Ihe 
 ui.iF.umlv refuted lo rrhnqu fh. 1 he .< 
 of the fu^'f-fUK-ni negotiati- n .a London 
 fho.vn h'W utterly unfuundrd wds the Ticl- 
 df nl's cx'tcrt-tiino, hnw pnle^.ly ufrlefs all 
 this bluftri of war. \Vhi!r t.o well inform- 
 rd man doubled thai the l^finfh governmrnt 
 would m<ik.(^ (uiiiblvi rcparati^jn for the at- 
 ta^U on the Ch({apenke \ the Preddent him- 
 fe'f, in his procl-maiion, hjd placed the aft. ir 
 on that footing. A rupture between the 
 tv/onnions, (-id he, "is cquallv oppoled to 
 the iniriclts of both, as it is to ^iTur-nCrs of 
 the m^ift friendly dnpohlions «>n the part of 
 th2 Biitirh giv rr.ment, in the midll of 
 which ihis outr^g- WHS CMmrn^tted. In thu 
 light the lubjefl cannot but prt lent itleU lo 
 that govcrnmfnt, ^t-.d Itrencihc-n the -Tiotivrs 
 to an honour-b!c repwiauon tor the wtong 
 which h-£ been done." Ard i'. is now well 
 knuwn that fuch reparation might have b':en 
 promptly obtained in London, frad the Tieh- 
 ; n'di >ions to Mr. Monpor been 
 -jfnp-iiDlc )ih fuch an adjuUrnent. He 
 *a$rcqjired not to negotiate on this Gnglc 
 tranfioDt aft (which when once adjulled was 
 forever fettled) but in connexion with 
 another claim of long (landing, and, to f^y 
 the lca(f, of doubtful right ; to wit, the ex- 
 emption f.otn impre'itnent of Britifh (e^mcn 
 found on board American merchant velTcU. 
 lo remrdy ihaevil arifing f/orn its exciciir, 
 by which our own citizens were fometimcs 
 :mpu-(lrd, the attention of our government, 
 under evety admini(lr-i;on, had beencaincfU 
 ly r.ngap,ed : but no pr-aicablc plan has yet 
 been contrived ; while no man who regards 
 the truth, will qucll'on ihc diipolitiun of the 
 Hrit'h government to adopt any arranf;cmcnt 
 that will .ecur- to Gie«tt. Britain the Icrvices 
 of h:r otvn Juhjctls. And n'>w, when the 
 unexampled hiuation of that countiy (lefl 
 w'tlioi.t one ir.ftance rf a m n being i*kr'-. Ky 
 ?,;■■■•:. Ihrec Swedes wefc takvn out by - 
 h^s French tr ga'c 1 ■ -v- 'i'<ie cnquiiy of ^.i 
 a ! o n 
 „ clom:Mntr-in the ccnfl-a with I'ranccand 
 her nuii^crous dependent States — left alone 
 to '.vith:'tand the power which menaces the 
 libetiicsof the woild) rendered the aid of all 
 her fubiedls more than ever needful', theie 
 was no te^fouable ground to exictl thai (he 
 would yield the right to t^kc them when 
 fecund on board the mcrcfiant vcdds of any 
 nation. 'I'hus to inliil en her viclding this 
 Doint, and iulcparably lo conned it wiih the 
 ."liian- of the Chf/apfuke, was tantamount to 4 
 determination not to negoti^.'.: at all. 
 I ttrrite. Sir, with freedom •, for the I'.me^ 
 arc tno perilous to i^.low thoic who aie placed 
 in lugh and relconfiblc hlualions to be iilent 
 or refeived. The. peace and iafciy of our 
 counlrv are (ulpcndcd "u .i ihirad. ihc 
 courfo'wc haveicen nurlued lea-33 on to war 
 the mailers that nave ari.vcd \n this virinnv, 
 and c.mnot find arv cc r^pl*inis auan.fV .•* 
 Hiitilh crui/.eis." 
 C^an geijtlennen of knowri hatuuy to foie ; ;^ 
 fomiTjercc J" i ur c:jh vfjlfli — who ate C'-, 
 willin? lo cnri/iltJt::* (arid Inch there aic; — 
 an ihele gcntleinrn nlf.id the caulc (.f 'ui 
 /,r.r''.ri brraufc rhev ';:■:>• u Ih n. proUtt 
 thetii I" C-in Ukic dtlirc \o pioiici out id- 
 men, who, by laying m\ unncccifary ettibarg^^ 
 expoie ihem by thsmlinds to flarvf or i(^ ."-- 
 Que grntlrmdn has Uid (and i believe Uc. 
 does not fland alone) ih^i ;ooruM tlun admiC 
 iht principle that (i n-al-iii il.on l.i-d a riji^hr 
 to t^ke hfr oz^n Jrljttfi fiom our incrihant i./- 
 ^,Yf,hc would ab-ndon commerce a'logc! !rei l 
 IV) what will every man m Ncw-Kn;^land, and 
 of the cth'.-r navigating Slates, altiibcfuch 
 a lentimcnt ^ A lent ment wliich, to pie- 
 vent the temporary lols of hve men, by im- 
 prcfs, would reduce hfty ihoul^nd to begga- 
 ry <' Hut for the embargo, thoufancU depend- 
 ing on the ordinary operations of commerce, 
 would now be employed. Even under iho 
 icfiraints of the ctders of the Hiitilh Govern- 
 ment, retaliating the I'lench impcri.il decree, 
 v^ry largt portions of the world remain oper\ 
 to the commerce of the United Slate*. We 
 may yet purine, cm trade v;ith the Britifh 
 dominions, in every part of the globe ; wuft 
 Afric.T, with China, and wrlh the colonic* 
 of Trance, Spain, and Holland. And let mc 
 a*"!^, wliether, in the midft of a profound 
 peace, when the powcis of Europe poffcfliDg 
 colonies, wc^uld, as foiincily, confine tha 
 trade with them to tneir own bottoms, or ao- 
 r^it us, as forcigneri, only under gicat lim- 
 itations, wc could enjoy a commeicc much 
 mote extenfivc than is pi;i6lic:iblc at this m-- 
 mvnt, " the embargo were not .a the w-v i* 
 Why then Ibould it be continued? Why 
 rather was it ever laid ? C.^n ihofc t;e legiti- 
 mate rcalons for the embargo which arc con- 
 cealed from Congicis, at tne mtnicnt when 
 they arc required to impoie u r Are ti;e ica- 
 fcns to be found in ihc difpatchts fiom Pans ? 
 Thcfc have been moved for ; and the motu n 
 w.'S quailicd by the -dvotates tor the cmbaigo. 
 Why arc iheic diipatthes withheld by the Kx 
 to' a vv^ar rvuh l./)eai l>iit.ain — a wat 
 foiutcly without riccciluy — •' 
 L.-.I J: ( .. n .,■>■ .p <-ir lnrrr(slnL 
 war \v'iic;i, 
 mull btinR 
 cuiivc ? Why, wiicn all claCca ofcit-acr^s 
 anxiouQy enquire *' for wh-l is the enbargo 
 laid ?■■' is a faiisfa£tojy aniwcr denied ? Why 
 IS not Congrei's mudc acquainted with the ac- 
 tual fiiu-tion of the United States in iclaticii 
 to France ? Why, in this dangerous cnhs, 
 arc Mr. A kn-.t ko n u's letters to the Secre- 
 tary f)f Sl-ic abloiutcly withheld, iuthat s 
 line of thi.m c-.niot be Iccn ^ Uid they ^vv 
 tain no infoinaiion of the demands aid ii.- 
 tentions of the French F.mperor ;' Dd tbc 

 l, J 
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js pi cinches tciblecjux Ht< pouvni tTi??^ 
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 jt en bas, en prenant le norribre 
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 : la m^thode 
 I'hr cMRARCO Jcrn»ndilhr firfl noiirc. — 
 pcrhapt no?fct<'f'^ic n,«tional (govern- 
 ment h««H<'vrr ptnduird (o mucli (ohcituii**, dr 
 fnrcad Iwch univrri-l i»!aim. — liccaulf .ill i.j- 
 tuiallv (<mciudr, tint a mcai'jre prcfr'-iii' w^^^ 
 incitc'tlable milchirf m ;'ll rhiflfS of 
 low-cv'l/.rns, woultl not hjvp hfen p(.-;H'i''.l 
 by the Prfrulent, atui adop-rd by (>n-R'rf<, 
 hut tor c.iulcs rlrepiy ;iH^H't^;T t he inteifl!* 
 and lafeiv <'^ ilic nation, h mnU have t>r»T» 
 und r tbr inilucnce r.f this opinion that ih*: 
 Ifgifl.utvr l»()dl^•^ of 1 vnr Stairs li^vc rxiii^lt- 
 rd tbrir *p;)tt)b.>tint. i)f the fmS..i^n, <uiitr 
 cxpl'.citlv, or by im|i'.icatu>ii. ^ 
 The following weip all ibe papers ..id by 
 thr VirjidrntbclorcCnngie'.s, as ibc i^Mu.ndj 
 of Ihc rmbargo. 
 X. riir prntlamation of ih'' King ot Urrj?- 
 Bntam »c«|uir\n^ the return of ht« fulijcdv, 
 the Ir.dVTien crv>cci*lly, ffo.n foreign cnunlncs, 
 to aid, lu ih;«. h.'Ui <d pf tu'.i^i (ia'ij^T, m the 
 dcfrnrcuF ihcir tuvr:. But itbciug Ju dtktiov* 
 l-di'rd v.rinciplc, that .'Vrrv n*t on hi* a 
 light to itir (rr'.- iC' ' 
 ^ar, th.it prucl.!;ii.Tii'.-:i icuUi nui iiJi.'i 
 \>.|^hl<Ci j',t(-uiul tor a'l « tnbaitM>. 
 1 |,r', vii.,^^ ( f a i'l'" tiO"n 
 '. ii- 
 hxdgr K 
 ^jCUfi.ll i'' 
 ;ontainrd .' j 
 <''r f 
 > I <i 
 >aili-i mil jur'-i.'''"n uf the i7i- 
 Mo( V-diiig (\c<rvr ( \ ■ .'ovrm 
 i8c#j. This drctrr, n-.drrd, ^u(.\ its intprpic 
 atior, piefent n-^T.ita v- ;.u;<'i-,s of cu. nr... 
 ral iiffhtr., :»nd rf «h- r>..lliiig tiru'y bctwvcn 
 he I'miifi States .»iul Fiance: but Uil!, I'nr 
 •xrcij'.ion ot 'hit d<*C!f= could finl fr;>:n t*r 
 *A C 1 f 
 :'ii(\pr, Mr, Ak 
 nutnbn nt French ciuir/-! 
 ntcrrupi vkx inde. Thclc tv/o p.*pti 
 lublM , 
 1. The Ic-.'.cr iiom our M 
 T RON r . ' ' *t • . V n ...... .. 
 J. M I . Lh AMi'AT.N V s .iniwci. Bolhtheif 
 ugh', in i'lvm <•: lubU/.ntr, ;t!!o to hnve hfrr. 
 jadc pi'biic. 'I be lal'— ' 
 jQird to our nation hm 
 ud cvpeHations of Frai t-. I'.ut both vvr.c 
 •ithdrawn by the Prcuirnl, lo he dcpofitcd 
 rxecu'.ive (rcicts; whilr nri- 
 actual prpmiutns of iniurancr were a latiitac- 
 \ .rv Rir-gf. 'l"ho(c picniiuTis had very litt!'" 
 nil If , led. bv ihc Biiiilh piocUiration not - 
 cent ; and by ihe Fiencb d;-trcc io ii£i!r a; 
 not I cnmirercMl enirrpri/c*. Fht 
 "M uf vefTeU blading or I .;^dcd 
 ,M-i |n.-('..cd for lea; ihe Pxrrtio;i'= fv^rj 
 wheie fn.'d-, t)ti ihr (iill tumour of the em 
 b,iTj>o, lo dilpiUh ihfiri ; dcnionllt.t'.e ih' 
 I'rtiidenl'* dau>}rr«i lo br tmi-wn^^y— t.) hav( 
 bren u^um^n. Ur if gicH and real d^n^cm 
 utikr.jlvu to coinmfTc.*! men, wci' impei.'^ 
 ?nj>, .11 hue to }al!, how dt-luabk v.-aa it 
 have n-d tlirm r'fiiuiHy drciarcd and puMiib 
 cd ! Tins wnuM hav«- piodvicd a vchjnur ' 
 embart;o, and prcveiit^'d e.vctv complaini 
 Brhd-':, tlic dangers clcaily dcHncd and ur 
 driffu..d, ihe pur he mind would not hnv 
 brcn fliiiTi'ctcd with imaginaiv feaif, ih 
 r-iore tutmcniifi^., brcautc unciTiain, 
 h IS Hue that C'Minder.biC numbers of v 
 'rU wriecolletl-d m rut p -rts, and m-^ny hei 
 in luipcnie ; no', I Mwrvet, fiom any nr' 
 darif^rti which rtf-pr.p."!' ; bui fmni i^ c rry 
 trru)U!» cundui-t id t'ur ^h mi f, after ihc a 
 iAck on thp Ch(hf':ok: : and fiomiiic \u\u\- 
 apprchenh.on thai the coutfe nlic Prrridci 
 was puiiuH'g would trrmi'ia'r in v/ar, Ir 
 Natxvna' Intcl'^^^'n-r- (uluallv conhdcicd 
 thr F.xrcuuve newspaper; f,2ve the aia; 
 jnd u v*r. echoed ihiough li^e Uni'.ed Suit 
 ^'A'jr, probable ot ir'cviiabic w-f, was li 
 ct-nl^an? ihcrri'- of inc ncv/i'.-f..H'»cts, and 
 tie converlaticns, a: ^M'i tcponrd, of pc 
 Jun^ fuppoled to be bed inf"imcd of Lxec 
 tivr d::ViC;ii>. Yet amid this din of wai, 
 ptrpaialionu we:r fecn tra'.ing 
 Ii. , u, Thp cider to detach 
 non^ otoc! 
 n , ' 
 .hci pirfcnttd ar.y n'-.v fo.oand '.a 
 rmbarg' . 
 ih.c '3<-n,He, the!e p^per-. wcie referred 
 to a comtnittcr. Tlu. corraniitre quick v le- 
 cortcd n hUl for laying-ni cinb-ipo, ag-rcahly 
 to ihr Pichd.-nl'o piopo!-!. Ibis w^iSiradn 
 fcrll. a l^tond, 3nd a ifuid time, and pal^.fd , 
 and'all in ih- Ihori (ompaia nf »bout kiur 
 hours.! Ah.'llc im.e was icpeatcdly .dKrd, 
 toobi.,in futthei infoitc^tim, snd toconhdcr 
 a mc-lurc oi fuch muraeni, uf toch univrr(*l 
 concern i but tl.Hc I'-qucft* were drnied.— 
 The order to dctacn a nuiuJi 
 tiv^^jiana iniiilia to f';',ht i!ie l^iitifh n-\ 
 (h)r thric wriS no apprdrancc of i.t enemy 
 i»nv otiicr rr.'jpr) was lo coii.plelely abCu 
 ,> : ^xtite, with men of comnun lenie, 
 utacr e;notiun than ifdicule- Not ifie {had< 
 of a rr^lon that could opri.i'.t- on the HMnO 
 ■A rn^n of comn;:>n undci {'t.uiding can Oc off 
 I Its iullilicaiiot,. 1 .- icfuial i)f I 
 I'-ruiih cfhcc-r to receive- uir. mp^-ite Ch'J^pc 
 as i. f-rizi, when tendeird by }'.fi coiiMn^ti.i 
 15 a LVnionllMtion thai ibc dUnik upon 
 vvas excluhvely for thr pur;- •> of tak 
 thrii dcierlciS; and noi imcudcd as the c 
 mcnceircpt of a wsr between tbr two 
 tiuns. Tbc Preiidcnl knrw '.hat the Brit 
 had no ii>v.(d'ng aimy i>» laid C!i our Ih'T 
 a- (! ih'- deiarbcd mili''* would be u'cl 
 c-.xc;.-pt iii^Hind Isnd-ioiccs., Why th.en ' 
 thu Older foi thr niUitta ^ivn. ? — flie ruit 
 of the c.'fc, and the -ttual Ujic of thu 
 auihcnur tlic ii.fricnrr, tViai .is u^imiduitr 
 nvjt us oi/? objett, was f.' inCic-k ihc p 
 lit .ilann, lo i>!,ui4Vdtc the puts'.u: relentn: 
 We wc.c ha.Ufd int. ibc i>alla,3e of the bill, aj'^a.nll U icat-hnuin, to exciie a war po 
 a, if there was d.np.c. <■» its bein»; .ej.aed, and in ihc height o. this aitihcial ff.- 
 if wc w. re aUowed tunc lo obt.in fuither the public mind, which wa> to b. rr 
 lnfota-:.tiun, and deliberately coniulertlie fab- known in Great-B.uain, to renew ihr 
 ica r.-r to that time our vedcls wr.e f.eely m.nds on her govrnuneni ; in tne poo^ 
 i.hnr CO fo.cign vovag.s ; and in u national pettaiion of extorting, '" 'h't a..te .-. th- 
 po.nt of view, the departure of rudf a d..cu cunceluors of point, which dv. h.a a 
 or»d-nir.-r w h>!c we were ct-qumng in- conhdcred »% ))cr rights, and wr.icd at 
 ot a 
 > as 
 it 'o 
 n r w 
 : at. 
 :d ... 
 arm ; 
 5 I he 
 r, I','- 
 ng to 
 n-v\ , 
 my lit 
 if, no 
 uio of 
 if the 
 ,4 n lift , 
 n ) ; -* 1 
 ■ c > 
 V ( ) 1 , d - 
 h'lres ; 
 n \\' H s 
 latr, .^ 
 : {; u b • 
 Unv nX 
 K-;-r <.* 
 iu- i.C- 
 O r r X - 
 f. iind uu l)oi»rd the n.frcKant veUci» ot any 
 nitioii. l hus 10 tnlili -r vieldin^ vhi» 
 ooiM', and u.lfp;«r^b!y lu ti-nnfU it wuh ihn 
 !.?{an of th'T I heffipfahe, was iani4mount tu a 
 drterminalioa not to nrgoi:- »* at ''I- 
 I n-nte. Sir, with ficcdon, the vmtn 
 arc t"o priilouj. to ,nlow thole vshu «ic i>|-Cfd 
 in hi^h and relcoufible lituattons lo be aicni 
 o! refnved. .'he |.P4tca...t lafety "» oiir 
 fountrv arr {utp^ndc! <>n a ihtead. 1 he 
 cou.K- uchavclfcn -ui.lucH li'a^Js on to war 
 — to« vi>ar »y»ih t.irui nntain.—* w<i^ rb- 
 lolulrly without nrcclUty— • war w^-icli, 
 wheihc. dilaUtouRor tutcclitul, niwil hnn^. 
 milcty and ruin to the United JJl^ic 
 Sy ihcdclhnaion ol our navigiilicn auu uuui 
 niercc { pc.haps al!" oor f<*i.«-U h-pori town* 
 •.ndcltir^) the h^L; of ir^oik' ts for our pio- 
 ducp, the want of fnrfi[;n gnodi and trj^nu- 
 f-aurcF, ar.d the uui-irot to a 
 (lauol w.,. • A.^d ■ -r, oy :nr l'»l5 "« our 
 liherlv -nd o '■•oeuucnir. Fn if w"h t.u: 
 aid ot Luii rfrn,,>i-i<'.i.i-HntJin wcic I'-' 
 from tr,2' moimnl 'though nutieied perha^^s 
 with the n-mc of ■ ' we flvould become 
 ihc PrM'-ficCirf l^nu. Thin 13 - ic!..it lo 
 hvioos ihat I mu(L crave >our paid'-u \vr 
 .licin", it. Snrno advocate* <:f ?•> 
 •T.eahire'i adi^ii •- - " ■ acknowlecgr ih-t 
 the on-y of IVrU.un is oui Ihicld apnilL the 
 cAcrwhclroinp power of Frai^cc— Why ihcti 
 •i-) thry pci(:U m - coulee of condud t.-od.riP 
 I M a rupiuK' wiih (mc-'. Britain ^ — W -'l it I ' 
 heh-ved th.-t It r piricipallv, or lolrU', to 
 procur- iiividlabiliiy to the ■>n-:rJu:.nt j.u^ of 
 *h' /''(,iird S'Htrr. r* 'oothT wr.ias, lo •,>""' ■ 
 •r'V ', r-'Pnvr liiitifh JW ■ , <*S Wfi. < 
 1 boaid our mcrcl.^nt 
 ;., , , ■ U IS » ♦-t.k that this hdS brcn r?.;u"- 
 [\uclc lo an .imic;*bie letiUincr" 
 ,, . ojin. Yet a icpeal) it i*. prr- 
 f, . j-.vn that ill" ocfirr '■am 
 fuh\:d^ ■ and i he American 
 c .riled by milUkt, ai« d^iivfK-'| 
 Mjihciiiicaicd proof. 'I tye '- ' 
 ,. . , .., >.t tni'M h )rom liu* ',rnpoi^; 
 ^ ,;ill,n.',uilhT.£ the v-ilons ot 
 .,v!i J a (tw yfars i'ncc w<'ie one pt o- 
 vvhoexiohit i!>e iamc nianof, s. lp'-4: the 
 ■ 'niou-gc, and polkis hmiUr tc^i' ".'s. 
 , ; it-nog !h.ii we i'hlom ht.»i coinpUv 
 i: -: i^tcit navxr^atir^\ .st.itcs, how h-pp' 
 I- he inch cxiKMi.e Ivn.pi'ihy for Au-.e. .cdji 
 If. men al W.Oiinoloi* i dpecially u^ p.'-n'.h - 
 ■T'tTi fiooi th<- lotfii). S'.«ic5, wnich have .,.■ 
 ■••'.(iici,, or lioni ilioif ?.lho>l!C blaics a:-,:-- 
 irtivcfcamfn hr.r ^ vc.v i.niil prop'.vtn.n lu 
 f ;e ot Nrw '^ns^land " In Let, tr" <■■> ■' 
 ot f.miplaint aierrurh tcwn i.l.ao -o 
 i^!nciec. Thf-v lart-iv < ccur m ti,^ 
 whwic rc<«tncn air tlurf.v T^atiVv-S. i,.' t,.: 
 inf,ch,.ol u) iHc Uo'i. : -^^ui-^N m ;.;.i.v 
 quirv about Iti impKll 
 l,^>, ••::>, ncr ihr ar^..,.- - -i^^"- ^^^ ^ ;^ 
 l,jd OM caulc of Compi..i:i!, i caooui nud 
 ot«c ii ,glc mllHuce wl,r,r liT-y have taken one 
 tn.noal of- ineich.nr vc.Tcl. I hav* had 
 a^Qic ifi-n twenty vclTcls anivcd m ihal li;or, 
 1 hcfe have been moved for ; and the motu n 
 \¥.ti4ja!hed l<y the -dvotaie* for the e.iihat^'O. 
 Why rtfc theledilpattiiciwithf'fldby the Ek- 
 Ciji.ve ' Wliy, \\i»=ti all »:UIIc« of cinjenl 
 anxl'.uQy enquire ♦' tor what is the enbargo 
 laid i'" i«a {»ii»fa£toiy aniwei denied ? \Vt»y 
 IS not Onj^ffi's ni^de acquaiiurd with the ac- 
 tual hiu-lion of the United bt..tci in iclaticu 
 lo Ftantc ^ Why, in thts dangerous ciih«, 
 are Mr. Armstj»o?.c;'j Ictlcra to the Seirc- 
 faty of bt-te abloiutcly witfiheld, lo »hat ar 
 line of ibirn c-imot Ijr Ut;n ■* iJid i tiry w'.f- 
 t.iin n(» infoinaiion of the demand* aid n • 
 trntions of I lie French Impeior ;* D d the 
 'Uverrr/ fail fiotn England to Fr>o ce, .-mJ 
 ihcic wail ihrfC or four weeks for tlitpalfhrf 
 of no imponar.tc ;' Iflo, why, irgajfllc!^ of 
 tht! pubhr lolicitude, ^le then contents \o 
 caiclul'.y concealed :' If ie;.llv unlmpon.in', 
 what harur ran a- Ic from tr limp, Coni;rr' / 
 a.d mc Nati'.n, ifhaally^ th-ti tfiey coni.i "> 
 n.il-.u'g of trornvtu to th< fafeiy, the hl«ell^. 
 i,,c i, .iM)ui, or the ititerclts of the Lioiletl 
 :>ia ( )n ihc conti-tty, are ihi-y lo clclrly 
 locked ut) b<*ciu''e they will not bear the 
 light i' Would i!:u! difrlolire roulc the Ipitit; 
 0! the per^ple, ilill nutnhcnng in f)lintl 
 confuici-.cc m the Executive ? Has tho 
 Fjcnch Emperor declared t!iat he wil' hnKc 
 no neutraU P Has he requiifd th^t our />. •' 
 like thole of his valTal tlaiea in Europt\ 
 Ihui a^ainf} Rritifh commfrce ? h tin: enib.)i;o 
 d 'uhliltui rompliance wiii' 
 thdt"^l,^rlh Uftu^i.^, v.:.: .:i n' Lxinbi'cd us ;;;. 
 aipcft, il'e Amcric.ii^ 
 ,t ^ Are wo »l)ll to hc 
 ,c dcch- 
 ' the i iwtich F.tnpciit ., 
 ^ ' .» at car libcrtv aiiC 
 n^ked and mfi 
 v/e, hv .' 
 f < . 
 1.1 1 a W 11 )i^ ! u U U 
 titn'", are 
 nr(h rcicntrn;-: ".^ 
 I w jr 'Vi' h (» Ir^:al- 
 cMterr: anxi"!/ 
 , ( [^ '''} kf pt f'M the r.'jV 
 - '-fidcnt'' 
 -■,ce reiprtting hit i 'coili 
 patc.e-- ' — In thiscontc-ilmcn: ihcie i;. (.<^.j: 
 per, J:, this conccihncn: moil hr wrapt up 
 f^- -r-! r..:\'r<A the ea.-bar^o. On any other 
 ■3 i!i'-y plirab'. . 
 1 , rr, ii nni:ed, Sir, at this perilous itate o' 
 t;-i:ri,;i • I cannot rc;^iefs my iulpiclons ; oi 
 foibeai ihui to errhibu to you liie grounos i.i: 
 lirli they re 
 ft. "J .';* people «iier.dv.icd tu 
 )ofc iniplicit contMt ncr m the >«rttu)n-3;. 
 ! .in-ernment : int'nat ut.btnuuicd confide liCc 
 '■(•b o-.x danger. ArrricH vvi:h that confi •<■ rL.r, 
 •»c I'.xccutive rn-v p'-otuie i he adi. ' ': 
 ralnrrs winch rri^y ovrrw h'-lni uS wuh lUiP;, 
 ,.s lusrlv .i^ if he tud ..n arirv at his hcehs. 
 talic p^v.icv, or hv inordin«=t'- icais, ovT 
 ,.untry may be H-tr-v::! i d iubjug.ted ; c 
 : i^oce, as lurc!y . . 'i : . ' ■ " ' 
 Sii. thai nv one who knows me wmI th<o^e it 
 lo vanity, when i 'av, that 1 have ion r 
 jf -A'' -n.n and of pub'c ^f- 
 . Ai''dge, *nd W'," 
 iA\rh ' a:>'i 
 % »-•" ••■■« -ft" 
 point of VJPw, ll»r drp>Hute < 
 or idvtrn irvf, *sh'!c v r 
 ituicu cutjceilioni ot points whtch l>. . lu' 
 iiiing jnftdcred •• her ni^tt, j-.d s^ • v 
, V i,,rr:«; jitivcd in llial ti'.i'* 

 ■y^ [ (<;■ I'ui ■(> you., that I hflvr no not iniiirt'^d upon it ^ny de. 
 c;)'.:i '?' ic- M\ '•'(? wi'dnm or r.:-^vre£lncls of in this full tide o! (ucccis, ( 
 o,jr , ^ ; ! ;. lU! ronntiy is in (luidrnly arredrd : ^n alatm 
 immii '^'V"! '■ ''i"- 'f "'^ cd.Milial tc tl-is fjviilul apjjrch-n'.i'nis arr e.-s 
 ■ji,i.l:t ,'-v thai ti'.^' hiintt coniiJence in cur chants, in pai licul.ir, throw 
 (Ivuilii i;!-ic ; ilia:. (!ic State I.-^Hl - conltrrn;tt;oii.Dic' 'dvilpd by 
 {5, . ■ < i.,\ know ih- f rt , and le-'d'nns on b.ugo t(i kffpthtMr ve'T'-ls 
 ^^.; , , ',■ o ri.<l Livvs arf fo!ii>dt'd ; whit is the caulc vA this mi 
 '■■ iniit'^'f Static u.'kpfc faymi art vons aldrni ? W c knew it 
 . . a^dw-'/f /h.rgefis an- p^cthrred m tent. It zva^ t'lc unauihorizc 
 .',.';,,,;'/ i,'rn<"hucly and JiriuufiV con- ijh naval cp (r on th;! Amni 
 . . .'•:■ in. In all ihc iMaiuhr-s piikf, to J^:-:rJi for avJ i 
 <., t^ov »Mm)c:i', c-inmnciai infoirnatioi; is knou^n to k-iv" been re.aiid 
 V ,1 ! 1 ; ] I 
 . .. .1 g ; atui in '" thi5 ' eicit," called ^ ci'v, l\-:n often denuinded, and tis q, 
 that ^vrfnt c<innot hs lupplif-d. N'othin,q hut livned up. As was expedtcci 
 lii- I'lilc ',i ih^; c^jmrnrici-d S Jte?, cieatly men, and by the Preli'Icnt 
 and rir.-hJticaily cxpiell'fd, wiil lave ilicin bcRui- ohl.-iveti') the Bii'. 
 ff^t,, ,j',. ' "" the full infoimaiinn o 
 Arc- our ihoufands of (1:1:15 and vcfTcds 'o event (.^nd without waitin 
 rot in cu' hnbo.i.is :" A:c oui hx'.y ihouf^nd lion) ddavowcd the vifl o 
 ica'i rii ,,i)Q nChcnricn to be deprived ot ern- clauncd the principle of : 
 I' ,■ lien', and, with their fa:ni.i"S, fdm-ed arrred veircls — ind declaic 
 to w;int atid nrgg^iy ? Are our hundiedi of innke (uitrthle repitiation, » 
 th-ijidnds of f...mers to be compflled lu iuf- ufthecalc (houlrj be fully k 
 fcr (heir millions in Iviridiis n-orlucclo p'-. ui U,:dci fjt i; '..iitumltancc 
 on ?i •:( :,.nd:i ; [h.i- the I'rt fiJent may make thisaU.n, (J war ? An .ilai 
 an ex -eruneot ot. t':;r (uv.ienci andfoitunde, d 'q'lieted the public mind 
 ajd o.i the Kuvering pi .d-, the boundlels .mi- an interruption of c )mmerce 
 bition, and unyielding -jt rlevei ancc of the O'iSto our merchants and fe 
 co!q'utor of F.uropc ? S' . I hdve rc-i ■ » to i will clo.e this long lett 
 believe, that liie Prehdcnl contrmpl^t-s the the cxiflmg pteienccs — f^r i 
 cuitinuance of the emb,.r<;o un' d the Ffrnch .^^ f-n a war with Great-Bi 
 I'mperor lepeals his dccieet. violating as well t. The Brinfh fhips of. 
 h:s treaty wuh the Uruted States as every a nght claimed and cxe 
 neutml right; and unid Brit-iHi thcreupoa a right claimt-d and exeii 
 reciils her retaliating orders! — By that times whole of ihf adminiilratu 
 we may have neith-r fhips nor feamen : and ton, of Adams, -rindofJF.F 
 that is piecdelv the point to w hitii fome ue to take Ionic of the BnidV 
 rnen vvifli to icducc us. — 'I'o (ec the improvi' board our met chant vctlcls, 
 <itrtv; of this ptoj-6l (to call It by no harlhcr fmatl number of nuts, ftorr 
 name, and without adverting to ult;.rior of always diftinguirtiing 
 view:.) let us look back to former years. citizens of the Utdted State 
 Notwitlulanding the well-founded corn- our government well know 
 plaint* of lome individuals, and the muimui* tain is pcrfcdly willing to ; 
 of others; notwithftanding the frequent Ex- mcnt that can be d-viird, 
 rculivc declarations of maritime aggtrfTions to her iervice th: fttamen w 
 f:ominiticd by Great-Britain j notwilhlland' jicls : and at ihf ' . ^i-j t r e 
 ing the ojiragrous dccjees of Fiance and jcnpveffment, 
 ijpain, and the wanton fpoliations praftifed 2. The merchant vefTels 
 and executed bv their cruizers and tribunals, and Holland, being driven I 
 of which we lomelimes hear a faint whir{)er j dcftroyed, the commerce o 
 — the commerce of the United States has with one another, and wi 
 liitherto profpcrcd beyond allcxamijle. Our could no longer be carried 
 cil''?.ens have accumulated wealth; and the Here the vefTels of neutral r 
 public revenue, annually incrcaling, hab been their aid, and carried on 
 the I'lclidcnt's annual boafl. commerce of thofe nations, 
 rhelc fa£ls demonHiate, that although G. men thus liberated from the 
 Biitiin, with her thouiand fhips of war, thofe nations, in Jhe prcle 
 could have deflioyed our commerce, fhe has wars, were enabled to man I 
 really done it no efTential injury ; and that and the neutral velTeli and 
 the other belligerents, hetetofote rcflrained their places, became in Jat 
 by fonae legaid to National L.. w, and limited numty auxitiuries in war. 
 ty tlie fmall number of their crui/ers, have ihofc naiioui, without one 
de:\) wound. ^'«-*t 
 s, our conimeTcn is 
 u m of wai is i i\{cd : 
 ■ excited : the nier- 
 own into a It.'t-r of 
 by .1 vuluntoty «'tti- 
 r-lb at hnnie. And 
 mighty but rrilchie- 
 ' it in Its whole fX- 
 'izc.l attack Of a Bnt' 
 nnit'iin fri.u-iic Cfvja' 
 > tain: Joinc dtjeritrs 
 cd on boa-^d^ who had 
 \5 often refujcdto bede-- 
 tcci by all coniiderate 
 nt himicll (as 1 have 
 iii'.ifli (joveintri-nt, 
 of the ui. fortunate 
 hing for an applies. 
 L of its officer— di(- 
 jf fearching national 
 aicd lis teadinrfs to 
 I, »s loon iS the tlate 
 y known. 
 ices, who can juflify 
 alarm wnich gieatly 
 ind, and occihoncd 
 :rce extremely' injuri- 
 i Tea faring citizens, 
 letter by ll«tiog all 
 ■hr thete are no cauies 
 B 1 1 1 d 1 o . 
 of. war, agreeably to 
 ■xercilcd fur ages — 
 teicilrd during the 
 ations of Was a i n c- 
 I E FF F. RSON — COOi in* 
 tifh (eamcn found on 
 :1s, and with them a 
 torn the itTHJoiribility 
 g Eiigiifhii'cn from 
 iatcs. On this point 
 low that (rrcat-Bri- 
 to adopt any anange- 
 d, which will lecure 
 : who arc her oecnjub- 
 e exempt outs horn 
 :1s J*" France, Spain, 
 :n from the ocean, or 
 ! of thofe countries 
 with their colonics, 
 cd on by thcmlelvcs. 
 al nations came in to 
 »n nearly the whole 
 tns. With thrir ica- 
 thf merchant Icrvice, 
 rcfent and preceding 
 m their fhips of war ; 
 nd (rameii fupplying 
 facl^ though not m 
 The ccn-.mcice of 
 inc armed Hup on the 
 fea appiopnated foi us p-^'*"^^''"* W'SS .ntetid- 
 ed thus to be !"curnd und^r ne'Jtral fl'igs , 
 wh'le the merch-Mit vedels ol (i K-a: • Ijnlainj 
 with its tiumrroas atnu-ri Oiips to j;-.i,itd thetn, 
 wcie cxp>)lf?d to o(:t;!(iunal c-ptmos. — ^uch 
 a couile ot things (J lea'- Hr it.'in has ifhdcd, 
 n'>r in ihe pielcin onlv, but iti IfMinei wars ; 
 at 1 ad as tdi batk as that of ly-.b. And fh-: 
 h-iS Claimed and m.nntaintd a light t'. wnpul-- 
 on th s comii-ttice W'\n>- limits ana icfba ats : 
 becau!i' it was a cmtmerce which wa<^ c;enicd 
 by thulc nations to neutrals itj ti;n<-s of 
 peace ; bccatde it was a C(»mmMCc of im- 
 menfe value to the fuf-jetU of her ene'., es ; 
 and becaufc it H.lcn ihcir trcrtfuiies wuh mo- 
 ney to cnahlr thrm to cany on ihcir wurs 
 with Great- Britain. 
 3. Tlie thud and c.^nlv rcmsining pirtencc 
 foi'a war with (ireat-Kiitain, is the nnfoi-tu- 
 nate aflair of the Chcjapcakc ; which havng 
 been already dated and expiamed, I wul on- 
 ly rcmaik here, that it is not to be bt-heved 
 that the Biitifh government, after b*-ing de- 
 feated as bt-fore mentioned, in its endeavours 
 to make reparation in London, fot the wrong 
 done by its lervant, would have f nt hi'hcr a 
 (pccial envoy to give honouiablc iati^f.tttion, 
 but from its iincerr defire to clofe this wound, 
 :/ our oivn government mould j^ijfir it to be 
 Permit me now to a(k, what man impar- 
 tially viewing thefubjrtt, will have the bold- 
 nefs to fav, thai the. c txills any cauic for 
 plunging the United States into a war with 
 Gieat-Iiriiam ? Who that relpeas hts repu- 
 talic)n, as a man of common dilcer nment, will 
 fay 11? Who that legaids the interefts and 
 welfare of his countiy will lay it <* Who then 
 can jullify, who can find an excufc for a 
 courle of condua which ha» brought our 
 country into its prcfent ftatc of alairn, cinbar- 
 ralfmtnt and ditbels ? b^or mylelf, Sir, 1 
 mull declare the opinion, that no //« country 
 was ever before fo caulclclsly, and lo blindly, 
 thrown from the height oi piofpcriiy, and 
 plunged into a (late of dreadful anxiety and 
 fufie.ing. But from this degraded and wretch- 
 cd fituaiion it is not yet too laic to cfcape. 
 Let the difpatches from our Minilter in 
 France be no longer concealed. Let the I'reii- 
 dent perform the duty required of him by 
 the Conflitution ; by giving to Congrcls /^i// 
 information of the [late of the union in lelpca to 
 foreign nations. Above ail, Ut him urjoid our 
 ail u aL I't nation loith trance.. Let hirri tell us 
 what are the demands and propoi*is of her 
 Ruler. Had thelc been honourable to the 
 United States, would not the Prelident have 
 been eager to difclolc them ? That they are 
 ol an entirely ditle:cnt nature, that they atc 
 difkonourable, that they are ruino^^s to o^n com^ 
 rnerciat intereffs, and dangerous to ou» 
 and mdeftendcncct we arc left to infer. 
 I hope, .-sir, that iVc* raturr and maanitucje 
 o;' the !ubje6c will futn;(h a lufticient apo'to* 
 gv for the length and lU le of tins letter. I'cr- 
 h;ips io'.nr may derm u ptefumptuous thus to 
 uucllion ihc con; dneis ol the proceedings of 
 o'ji gcver runent. A ittorig lerilc ol duty, 
 and cndieilirg appielunfions 01 N.'tional ruin, 
 have forced i!><* tafk up'jn me. T'> lomr the. 
 Iciitinieritj which, in i h,e iiriceiuy of n ;, 
 h^'art, I have cxprciied, may give otlencc : 
 for often no.hing oflerici. lo much as -i ii r rw. 
 Yet 1 do not delire to oliend any n;an. But 
 when 1 It'c the dangeiou;i extern of Executive 
 11 flticnce ; when I lee the Great Council of 
 the Natu^^ called to en»6l laws deepl) *fieCt 
 iiig the intcrcfls of all cl?Mes of citizens, with- 
 out aJrcjuate information of the icaionsot that 
 call: wt»en 1 oblerve the deceptive gU-{ic» 
 wuh which the mifvhicfs ol the cmbaigo ate 
 at einpted 10 be palliated ; and pojUricr events 
 adduLfd rfs jedii-as to jultify tljc n:C4iuie ; 
 wiien 1 know that the ruk-' ot coniiuu'ng their 
 CiimiDcitial purluits iij>*n,ita!l knonri darii-frs 
 can and will be more accurately c<«lci laird by 
 our incichnnts than by our govei !.»!> nt : 
 wlien if any new dangers to commerce wCic 
 iinptndiiig ot which our rr.eichants wctc uu- 
 iiitormcd, but ci which the governmcr,t ch- 
 idiiicd the knowledge ihiough its Minifter 
 at Pans, or cHrwhcrc, it was plainly the duty 
 ot tiie Executive lo m^kc ifiolc dargeia 
 known 10 Congrcls and the nation ; ar^d hncc 
 if io made kr>own, the mercharts and Ica- 
 laiing citizens would, for thcii own intritfls 
 and lalesy, have taken du*- precautions to 
 gu.iid agrfuilt them ; and as it iunce appear* 
 ccitain that an ctnbargo was not neccU.iiy to 
 the iaicty of" oui leamcn, oui v. ifel?, or our 
 merchandise;" when, Sir, 1 (cc and tonfiider 
 thelc things, and ihcir evil tendency : in a 
 woid, when 1 obletvc a ccurfc of piocceding 
 which to mc appears calculated to aiiflead t.hc 
 public mind to public ruin; I caanot be 
 liKiit, Rcgardir.li, iheufore, of perronai 
 conlcqucnccu, I luve undeitakcn to commu- 
 nicate ihclc details; with the view to difli- 
 paie detngeruus il.uiioti. , to give to my con- 
 Ituucntfc cunca intoimai:ont to excite en- 
 quiry ; and to roule that vi^'ilani jralculy 
 which is chara6tcn(Uc oi RLi'U BLIC AN S, 
 and clacniul to the prelcrvaiion of ilicr 
 lights, ibcir libeilics, and ihcir indcpcnd- 
 1 have the honour to be, very rc(pc8,fullyj 
 Sir, your obedient Iciv^nt, 
 iiMUniV riCIvERIXG. 
 Uis txcellency JAME:^ SULLIVAN, 
 Uoiernor i^f the Commcncucaith vj- 
— Uic commerce of the United States has 
 liitherto profpercd beyond all cxamijlc. Our 
 cil"/rris have accumula'ed wcalih; and the 
 public revenue, annuallv incrcaliiig, has been 
 the I'iclidcm'a annual boad. 
 rhefc fa£ls dcmonfliate, that although G, 
 Jiiitain, with licr thouland fhips of war, 
 could have dcflioyt-d our commrrce, Qie has 
 really done it no efTcntial injury ; and that 
 the other belligerents, heretofote rcflraincd 
 by fome irgaid to Naiional L^w, and limited 
 ty the fmall number of their crui/ers, have 
 with one another, and wii 
 could no longer be carried < 
 Here tiie vcllelsof neutral n 
 their aid, and carried on i 
 commerce of thofc nations, 
 men thus liberated from the 
 thofe nations, in the prcl'e 
 wars, were enabled to man il 
 and the neutral veil -Is and 
 llicir places, became in fad 
 narnty auxiliaries in war. 1 
 ihofc nation*, without one i 
 With ihcir colonies, the Conituuiion ; ^y p^iviiig lo ^^un^roaja.* '-e'-'. '"^" ..u^.v.v,., omm ...... ...v..,^. 
 • I nations came in to foreign nations. Alwvc atl, Ui hm ur,Jold our 1 have the honour to be, very refpeafully, 
 r, nearly the whole aihial ftuatton mth trance. Let him tcil us Sir, your obed.rnl le.vr.nl 
 ns With thrir (ea- what arc the dcmi-nda and piopoUls of her llMOlIn riCKLRlAO. 
 :hf merchant Icrvicc, Ruler. Had thefe been Ao«o.ra5j? to the ^ , s, v. cr- , i n- , sj 
 ■clent and pteceding United Stales, would not the Prchdenl have Uis Ixcellincy JAML6 SLLHIA^, 
 n thrir (hips of vsatt been eager to dilclolc them ? Ihal they aic (^^vtrnor vj the CommonwaUh of 
 nd (earned (upplying ol an entirely diilercnt nature, that they are Majachujttts, 
 rac'^, though not in di fhonour able, ih^iihty ^\c ruino^^s to cm com- 
 The con-.mcrce of rnenial intcrcfts, and davi^noui to our ', --w 
 nc armed fhip on the and independence^ wc arc lett to infer. 
 oviDENcs ; Priiued by JOHN CARTER, 
 '^ ^^'V -^ ■> .:,/,- i/-^ .-^/^ 
 * M M '-^