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St. James Place, Little St. James Streeit On TUESDAY next, NOVEMBER 12, 1844, AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK PRECISELY. •m K.l.XC/Ii£!Bi« ■'y \ « f-^Lot Tins a — Small Iron KcttU S— .5 Sauce Pans 4 — I Copper Chaffing Pan 5 — 3 Lar Cream Shapes 12 — Jars, with Covers 13— .Iron Kettle and Frying Fan 14 — Lot Jars and Bottles y ^ 15— I Coffee Mill ^l ' ?/? i l6 — Oil Can, Lantern, and Tin Canister 17 — A Lot Sundries, Tools, Nails, in Knife Box la - '2 Brass and 1 Tin Candlestick M" ecxc' w Lot 2 19— 2 pair Snuffers and Irays , ^20— G Flat Irons ■-4-21—1 Italian Iron *i2 — Lot Shoo Brii>ho3 and Black Lead Brushes . 23_Dust Ban and Fire Pan yi. — 2 Large Tubs 25— 2 Smaller Tubs 2G— 2 I5uckot3 27— 1 Bucket • 28— Bake Board and Wire Sieve £9 — <^ Trays TSO-^ 1 Large Wooden Tray -.4-31 — 1 Set Kitchen Cups and Saucers ^ ■ j-3<2— G Dishes ^S3— 17 Flat, 10 Soup, 8 Pudding Plates/ .3i- — 1 Cofiee Percolator Y So — 9 Dish Covers J i 1 1 , 30— 1 Tin Kettle ^ ^ 37_Coffee Biggin ^ J . ' 70 .<>«4*r<. V 83— \.> ' Ct^--^, Plnted JFare. 66 — ? Handsome Salvers 67— '2 Largo Plated Forks {')8 — 2i doz Desert Knives and Forks 6[1 — 1 pair Asparagus Tongs 70— 'I pair Plated Nut Crackers 71 — 1 doz Table Spoons X 7^^ — 1 tlo i'^a Sjioons 73— Fish Knlfo 74 — Salad Knife and Fork (modern) - 2 Cake Baskets -Tea Servico, Teapot, Sugar, Cream, &c. &c. - '2 pair Knife Rests /8— A Cruet Stand, 7 bottles 79— 1 Butter Cooler 80— '2 Bottle CoaKttMN •»,. 81 — 1 Wine Strainer S'2~ 1 pair SnuiTers 83 — 2 Bod-roora Candlesticks f t g 1 — Q Plated Dish Covers, Silver Edged 8,; — 1 China Jug 8(3 — 1 China Tea Set, gilt, complete 87 — A pair Handsome Plated Lamps, with globes, complete SS — 1 Branch Lam]), bronzed 89 — 2 ]\Lahogany Stands 90 — A Handsome French Clock 91 — 15 Cut Claret Glasses 92— M' Cut Wines 93—19 do do 91 — 9 Champaignc Glasses 9,i — 7 Liqueur do 95—18 Jelly Glasses 97 — 12 Custard Glasses 98 — 6 Large Cut Tumblers 99 — 1 dozen Cut Finger Glasses 100— \ do Plain do do 101 — 1 pair Wine Coolers 102— 3 Plain Glass Fruit Dishes 103 — 2 do do Stands' 101' — I Plain Celery G'liss 105— 1 Cut do do Handsorau A i^hS^ Lur i l^Hl — 7 ■> Plain (jrla*3 Dishi-i U)()_ 4 Cuf Salt C«lUirs no — 5 IVesorvt; Flatus ni— 1 CJlass ('ream Ju|» ll^— '2 Picklo Platen 113 — Q Handsome Claret Jug.* 114, — 3 Small Cut Decanterg U.-5 — 1 Laroo Docaiit'T IK) — V2 Ice Cream Plates 1 17 — 1 pair Handsome Qunrt D.cantew 118— I do do Piut do 119_. () Cut Glais do 1120— •{■ do Pint do 1'21 — 1 Liqueur Stand, 4 bottles \Q^2 — 1 Handsome Cut Sugar 1V)«1 l'-23— 1 Butter Cooler and Stand l'i21. 'i Papier Machie Trays IQj—A Handsome Dinner Set, white and jfoM " , ^^ 126— A Desert Set . ^ ^ ^ " / 1'27~- '2 Set Damask Curtains\^ / ^2-'' ICiH— 2 do Cornices ^^"^^ v ^_^ li2 / I W \L \i .V \i I. 1. 1, 1. !hM^ (sit /v t!> t- iL *T ^ 1. •v' Lot PANTRY, ^n. 1 i XiO— •i> Tin Jelly Moulds 15()_ 2 do VVhito do 151 — 3 Japan Sugar Canisters \'y2— l^ d» Tea do 153 — 6 Largo Stone Jars I 151.— 1 Small Oil Can 15.5 — Lot of Bottles, &c. 15()_A Small Painted Cupboard 157— I Largo Tray ILALL, 3S — 2 Handsome Scrapers (b|(>3 j59__ I Small Matt i'il BE® ROOM, No. 1. ino_A Very Handsome 4 Tost Mahogany Bedstead, with Chinta -r >W' Curtains, complete •r s lGl_I<\;ather Bed, Palliasse, Hair Mattress^ I Set Window Curtains, complete jt^ e^iiUAJ yltruTHaAu,! ijio '♦t^-. IGJ— 1 Handsome Cheval Glass iGl— "i Handsome Mahogany Drawers, Pillars 1{)5— A Large Easy Chair, Chintz Cover \i)i) A Small Round Table l(i7 — 1 V/riting Desk KJS— ^ Chairs 109— Wash Stand Furniture, Gilt Stone China 170_Cliimney Ornaments ;v,W««** ti •|*iM6:c*t-.^ KW i 173- -Fender and Firo Irons -Towel Horse -Small Looking Glass M-vi lW*. .51 ^.^NV\ ^i I7.J — Carpet and Piug DRESSING ROOM, 17()- 177- 178— 179- -j~ ISO ISl- 182- 183- 184- 185- 186- IS7- 188- 180- •v' Handsome Mahogany Drawers do do Wash Stand Stone Gilt Furniture for do Large Looking Glass -Small do do -Foot Bath • t i ROOM UP, STAIRS. -Sofa^Chintz Cover .' ?<- - . ^Lj^J, -Largo Bedroom Ottoman - 8 Mahogany Chairs - . - 1 Backgammon Board - 1 Brass Lamp - I Small Table and Cover - I Silk Heel -A very Large Handsome Bird Cago -A Large Office Desk, Pigeon Holes ' ' (^3A^- /(/^ CVjU A. J^or An OlHct; (Jhuir W IP lO — Aii (Jmct; (Jhuir 5 (A IPI II — ^^0 inch Si!i01—Lar';ci Easy Chair >5( aoi— Car|i'ot ^H)3 — Mahooany Fo)n- Post Bedstead, White Dimity Curfainti yot— Feather Ik.d ■ 20.5 —Hair Mattrt'sa, Pallia-Hs^s },>U.5— Blankets and Quilt lo/^j 206 — 1 LookinL't v' %if\K ^ f AU^VJ \f> Vu.^ 212- 2iy- 2M- 215- 21G 217- 218- 219- 220- 221- 222- 223- 221- 225. e?6. G27 228- 229- YAKB. -Set Brusho.^, Curry Conib, Spongf, &o, I. 'j- 1 ■ - 1 Hand Cai't — 1 Shovel and Stable Fork — 2 Sots Winter Horse Clothing — .') Saddles, 3 Bridles — 1 Set Sio'jlo Harness — 1 Set 'i'andeni do — 1 Double St>t do ~ 1 ('art Harnes.s — 1 Snow Sleigh _ 2 Buffalo BobM — 1 Handsome Sleii^h, with Shafts and Pule, complete, with X y i- Robes and Aprons — 1 Light Dog Cart, with Leather Apron — 1 Wheel Rest for Carriage — 1 Handsome Brougham Carriage, London Built, with Polo and Shafts — 4 Brass Winter Hells — 1 London Built Tilbury -A pair HanIIN LEFiMlNG, Auctioneer Montreal, Xovcmber y, 1841,