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Lee diagrammes suivants itiustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Electoral District of the South Riding | P|;LbliC NdtlCG of the County of Norfolk, ■*" '^ i^j-j^-w ^^ ^ wj-w w In the Province of Ontario— To-Wit : ) Electors of the Blectipral Dis Writ, to me directed, and bearing date the Eighteenth day qf the Mo Electors at the Lecture Room, Vittoria, in the Township of C 1 On Tuesday the Thirteenthi da; Next, from noon until two of the clock in the afternoon, for the pui the House of Commons of Canada, and that in a Poll be demand such Poll will be ope; On Tuesday the T-wentietht da: In the year 1882, from the hour of Nine in the Morning till Five oi Districts, that is tp a Ndtice is hereby g-iven to the 3 Blectioral District aforesaid, that in obedience to Her Majesty's bL day qf the Month of May, 1882, 1 require the i resence of the said Township of Charlotteville, in the said County of Norfolk, nth| day of the month of June 3on, for the purpose of Nominating a person to represent them in Poll be demanded, and allowed in the manner by Law prescribed. Poll will be opened eth day of the month of Juiie ling till Five of the clock in the afternoon, in each of the Polling lots, that is tp say : Districts, that is tp s On Tuesday the T"wentieth^ da^ In the year 1882, from the hour of Nine in the Morning till Five of Districts, th«^t is to S£ TOWNSHIP OF WALSINGHAM. Tolling Sul.Di' le road betwLOU _iin thence west ' 1*04 Uyerse Schot [ Polling Sub-Di\ I front of 8rd con., Slots « rtnd 7 toJlK i j Polling Sttb-Diy (front of 2nd^c«^cc Hwevn 12 and 1(1, cession, to sid^^ro |>laci! — Wiggi6*' J Polling Sub-Di' Lnko north on sid niou AH far ua' the ,cij»l. Polling i>la n . ': Polling Suk^Di I'lnd Avenue roiiu the Villiige of Poi Polling the Side Road be js 2nd Avenue, t liouse. Polling- ] Polling Sr'> ' virion No. l-Comprismg Lots 1, 2, 8. 4, 6. 6, 7. 8. 9 und 10, in ConcesHion B. A. 1, 3, «nd the Gore. lolUng pUco— Sohooi House, Section No. 2, knovm as Rohrer's School 'lorsc. Polling Sub-Divisiou No. S-Compming l^» U. ^. 18. 14. ^5, Itt and 17. in Concessions B. A «ud I, also lK>ug Pow.t. Polling pl«»— Anderson'k HiOl, Port Itowan. „T...,«,«,.irii^ Pollin? Snb-DiYision No. 8-Compnsing Lots Nos. 17, 18, 10, 20. 21, 22, a8 and 24, in Conccsiion 8-Lots 1 !,12, 13, 14. U.\(,, nf 18, 19, ao, 2I; 22. 28 and 24, i.» Conieaiion 2 ; and Lots 18, 19, 'iO, 21. 22. 28 and 24, in ConcossioQ 1. Polling place-lhe Uaion Seliool House. , Polling Sub-Division No. 4-Comprising Lots Nos. 1. 2, 8, 4. 5, 6. 7 and 8, in Concessions 8, 4, 5, 6, 7 anu 8. place- Cox's Shop. ^ . PolUug Sub-Divisiou No. C-Comprising Lots Nob. 9. 10, 11, 12, 18, 14, 15 and 16, in Concessions 8, 4, 5, 6, T and «. lohn.g place— Town Hall, Walaiugham Cent»-e. PoUing Sub-Division No. 6-Compnsing Lots Nos. 17. 19. 19. 20, 21, 22, 28 and ^i, in Concessions 4, 6, 0, 7, H and 9. lolhng place— The School House, east .-'uai-ter townline, Concession 6, (Morden's School House.) Polling Snb-DiTiaion No. 7— Comprismg Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, 7 and 8. in Concessions 9, 10, 11. 12, 18 and 14. Polliu- place— Winter's QehM House. ^ Polling Sub-Divisiou No. 8-Comprising Lots Nos. 9, 10, U, 12. 18, 14, 15 and 10, in Concessions 9, 10. 11. 12. 1» aid 14. x'oU- ing place— Public Hall, Langton. Polling Sub-Divisiou No. O-Compri^ing Lots Nos. 17. 18. 19, 20, 21, 22, 28 and 24, in Concessions 10, 11, 12, 18 and 14. loll- ing place — Holtby's School House. TOWNSHIP OF HOUGHTON. Polling Sub-Division No. 1— Comprising that part of the Township lying west of the 6th Concession, and south of the line between lots 8 and 9. Polling phwse— Town Hall. Polling Sub-Division No. 2— Comprising that part of the Township lying north of the line between lots 8 and 9, and west of the 6th concession. Polling place — Mosher's School House. PoUing Sub-Divisioa No. 8— Comprising aU that part of the ToMmship lrin«j cast of tlie 5th concession. Polling place-Fuller's '°^'"°°" TG-WNSHIP^OP OHAikLOTTBVlLLB. Pdling Sub-Division No. I tJomprising i» certain portion of the front part of tl»e Township of Charlotteville, iiorthcrly «o, and inclndiii" the 4th Concession, with Lots or parts of Lots No. 17 to Lot No. 24, inclusive. PoUmg place— Lecture Room, Vittona. PoUinK Sub-Division No. 2— Comprising a certain portion of the front part of the Township of Charlotteville, from the front to. and including the 4th Concession, with Lot No. 8, to Ut No. 10. inclusive, and a part of Lot No. 17 in A Concession. Polling place — Moore's Corners. Polling Sub-Division No. 8— Comprising that portion of said Township, front and Northerly to and including the 4th Concassion, with Lot No. 1, to Lot No. 7, inclusive. Polling place— Gifford's Hull, Forestvillc. Polling Sub-Division No. 4— Comprising a certain portion of said Township, taking Concession No. 5, thence northerly to boun- dary of Township, including Ljt No. 1 to Lot No. 6, inclusive. Polling place— Temperance Hall, Portland. Polling Bub-Division No. 6— Comprising that portion of said Township, taking Concession No. 6, thence northeriy to boundary of Township, vith Lot No. 7 to Lot No. 15, inclusive. Polling place— School House in School Section No. 14. PoUing Sub-Division No. 6— Comprising that portion of Township, taking the 5th Concession, thence iiortherly to boundary of Township, with Lots 16 to 24. inclusive. PoUing place— Haviland's House. And further, that on Monday, t June, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Town HalL Walsmghai votes given for the several Candidates, and return as Blec Of which all persons are hereby required to take notice and to gove Given under my hand at Walsingham Centre, this Twenty-seventh North Ward E *ith the easterly uu(?dle line of Ui Cedar Street ; tl Engine House. East Centred tpie North and S i West Centre ■\ the North and S South Ward I boundary of the the middle line (!olborne Street Oourt Street to 1 along the mid cts, that is tp say : 9th' day o; ,e mon" o: "»"! ne Lng till Five of the clock in the afternoon, in each of the Polling 3ts. th$t is to say : TOWNSHIP OF WOODHOUSB. polling t. Polliug 14, IE, Ifi, place — The ing place — ^. Tolihig ). Polling 4. PolliuL- Sul.-Di'Jvon No. 1— CompriMing part of TownBliip sonth of gravel rood from Wmits of Port Dover west on pavol roa.l t<) between lots « and 7 on said road north to roivi in front of 8i*l con.. wAt?Wr*wHwid to gravel road leading t« Hmicoo, icc west throngh tho Gore between lots 6 and to the towuliiic bttwccn Charlotteville and ^Voodhoune. Polling place- Polling : c road betv _^in thence west throngh .*oi| llyerse School House. Polling Sub-Diviuioa No. 2— Comprising that part of Townsliip west of side roml between lots « and 7, and north of the rciad in front of 8rd con., thengc west from side, road between lots and 7 on road in front of the 8rilj!on., and through the Gore west betwc.u lots « and 7 to^ho town line bet\wcn Charlotteville and Woodlioiso. Polling place- " ■' "-'—■' "— - -Adea" School Honse. A 11. ['oil. U4. Poll- liue between west of the ,cc — Fuller's hcrly ^, and I, Yittoria. the front to, Polling place I Coucsssion, erly to boim- boundary of I boundary of |>laci! — Wiggiii*' School Hji^fse. Pollin" Sub-DiviHioB No. 1— Comprising tho remaining part of Township east of the following named sido joade, -taring from Lake north on side road botweon lofc. 12 ,»nd 1« as far as tho road in front of the 8rd Concession, east on road^in f»-ont of 3rd toucus- sion as far aa'the sido ro.ul between lots 1) and 19. thence north on said side road to the town lino between Wootlhouss and iowns- .Cijil. Polling placo— School Ho^ in School Section No. i). U ^ ^^ r • PoUing Suk^Division -CAipri|iBg that part of tho Village of Port Dover South of Chapman ond I'mon Stroets, starting ftt ^and Avenue muning j^asUk^y onTliapman and Union Streets as far as the side rood between Lota 12 and 18, being tho \»mits between the Village of Port Dfevcf and W^house. Polling place— Town Hall. ^^^{ VILLAGE OF PORT DOVER. ision No.U— Cnday, the Twenty-sixth day of ill. Walsingham Centre, I shall open the Ballot Boxes, sum up the I return as Elected the one having the Majority of Votes. ice and to govern themselves accordingly. wenty-seventh day of May, in the year 1882. NT ■PTTTT.T . A "NT Retiirnine* Ofiacer.