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Parties and Banquets supplied. ■COIirORTAILV IfURNISHKO IIOOMa^-~~~^~~'-^-o THE POODLE DOG fli^The Dent Place to tio after tliu Theatre— Open All Night.- KRS. R. C. DillES, Formerljr of the Victoria Oardeim, PTOpnCtrOSS. Our Musical Goods^^^i^ It ynuaru mnalcally l.icltned do not fall tncnll at the eak for thoumolvea. We are ARvnts for thp reliable Domestic and ilranil Bewlnf Machines and all parts re(|uiMltc. FLETCHER BROS., Near Post Ofnee. N orthern P acific RAILWAY. THE FAST LINE TO Spokane, Hotsland, Nelson, Helena, Butte, St. Paul and All Points Bast and South. The All-Sail Route To Kootenay Points. Throuffb Vestlboled Pullman Palace Sleepers, TourUt Sleepers (Upholatered) and Pree Oolonist Sleepers Btin ou the above trains. A^ Dining Cars are carried day and night on the above trslns.'^n 23 Hours to Spokane 31 •■ " Rossland 33 '• " Nelson 30 " " Ksalo PD6ET soon) STEAIERS--YICT0B1A ROUTE, Speed 18 Knots. 8 TO a.m.. 11 SO a.m.. i 80 p.m.. 4 lip.m.. 88. City of Kingston. I,v.. Victoria.. Ar Port Townsend Seattle Ar..TRComa..lAr Tonnage 1117 .. 8 SOam. ..12 30 a.m. .. 9 30 p.m. .. 7 IS p.m. /g)9>For Information, Time Curds, Maps, or Tickets, call on or write to: E. E. BLACKWOOD, Agont, Govt. Street. VICTORIA, B.C. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, POHTLANP, OREGON. Ir. im k. Lotf H (From Hopkinson's, England), Tnnss anil Repairs— PIANOS, HARMONIUMS, AMERICAN ORGANS, Etc. —On Re'sonalile Terns. mm: 204YATinT. CARBONETTES^-^*^ The Latest: and Best Iq Photography. -^^^i^^SKENE LOWERS STUDIO. Messrs. VERT & HARRI5S' Grand Concerts PROGRAMME. Pianoforte . . Songs . " Benediction de Diou dang la Solitude" Li»zl RuDOLpn Von Scarpa. ( (a) " Chant Arabe " Bemhtrq " \ {h) "Sunshine and Rain" Blumenlhal Marik Van Dbb Vkkr QitESN. Air " She Alone Channetli My Sadness " Gounod (La Reine do Saba). SIGNOR FOLI. Pianoforte. Hungarian. . ." Last Movement" Raff (Suite, Opus 91). Rudolph Von Scarpa. " Mohac's Kiel'' '' Korhay RIGNOR FOLI. is the Leading F0T06RAPHER RATES to PD&ET SOUND Steamer (( Rosalie" Lbavcs Victoria daily (except Sundays) at 8:o0p.iu. Returning, leaves Seattle daily (except Sundays) at 10 ;00 a.m. FARES: Port Townsend - $1.50 Seattle $3.50 Tacoma $3.00 PasbenKers may, if desired, re- main on board at Seattle lor breakfast, as steamer lies at her docic until 10:00 a.m., when she leaves for Victoria. Round trip Tickets at reduced rates. For rickata and Information call en J. K. DEVLIN, Agent, Office: 79 Government St. Victoria H. F. JACKSON, Manager Seattle. Victoria Loan Office r. LANDSBEnO, PROP. Money atlvanced on al'i kifide of ajiproved Becurity. Unredeemed Pledges for cale . . . cheap. . . . ALL BDSINISS STRICTIY PRIVATg Private entrance, Ori*iit«l Alley, P.O. Box 669. Next door to H. Saunders. 43 JoHnSQD St. VICTORIA, ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiir>iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiii!iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiitiHiiiHHtiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuutiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiimHiuniiiiiin fi^S^S^^iis^g^l^s^Sis^^sSi^f/?^^ Gold Medal Camp Furniture, ligliteBt, itrongeit, beat made. Garden Settees, ^ WEILER BROS., Lawn Chairs, Ice Cream Freezers, Summer Curtains and Materials, • new line jnst ' rrlved. SI to 55 Fort Street. ^iSP^2^^^3K^S^Z^^!^2S^^^^^k^^|S^!^^^S^ Pasteur Qerm Proof Water Filters, Patent •• Circulating " Carbon Filters, Reed Chairs, Rockers, Settees and Tables, io great variety. Japanese Straw Mattings, Full Lines of other Summer Goods. VICTORIA. Lily Bulbs, and New Goods JtJBT ARHtVEl) AT FANCY CURIOS AND SILK QOODS Cheaper Than Ever. WANIBE a MATSUOKA, 90 DOUGLAS ST. BISCUITS Plain and Fancy. FRUIT CAKES. M. R. Smith & Go. Fort St. VICTORIA, B.C. THE Brown Choice Liquors and Cigars . . AFTER THE THEATRE GO TO Lavrrence's Cafe FOR Orat«ra In any style. 7S and 77 OoTemment Street. Open all nicbt. PROQRAMME— Continued. Song . Song. "Tlie Sandeo' Dee" Clay Makir Van Dkh Vkek Giiekn, ' The Bandolero " Stuart SIGNOU TOLL Pianoforte " Rhapaodie " . . . . (No. 141. Rdooi.imi Von Scarpa. .LiMit Song Air... "Tliree Fisiiera " Ilullah Marik Van Der Veer Urrkn. M. POWERS, - Prop. " Qdi 8de«ino " Uotati (Magic Flute). 8IGN0R FOLL Song > " Locli T^mond " Scotch Mahie Van Der Vkkk Green. Song " Fallier O'Flynn " StanJ SIGNOR FOLL Tlie Heintzman Giunii Pia-Nokoiitk used at these Concerts. Bamboo - Works CHAIRS. 8KTTEE8. BABY CAR lU AGES, TABLES, Etc., Etc. Fancy Japaneae curloa of all kinda 31 Govt. Street. ONIONS & PLIMLEY We are selliog '97 Brantford Bicycles for $60.00. BROAD ST., VICTORIA. IS THE l.KADINO FOTOGRAPHER MILWAUKEE BREWING CO. Limited Liability. (Succesaora to John Leahy). Brkitbrs of ENGLISH ALE, LAGER, STOUT, PORTER, and STEAM BEER. . . . Herman Kurth, - - Mankffwr 124 Jobnaon Street, U I C T O R I n, B.C. BANK EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. The Cosiest, Cleanest and Cheapest in thr City. Private Dining Rooms Up-stairs. Yates St., Victoria. WALL PAPERS ^ -AT- Reduced Prices To make room for Sew Spring Stock ENAMEL, 25 Cents per Tin. PURE MIXED PAINT5, $1.50 per gallon. J. W. MELLOR, FORT STREET. ABOVE DOUOLAa 5« m strand Munsey. McClure Cosmopolitan Argosy ROBT. JAMIESON'S, 61 Goiernment St 2S2S2SSS2SSSRSSS28Si'^