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IN CANADA, founded in COMMEMORATION of the gUSEN'S DIAMOND JUBILII PATRON : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL. PRESIDENT : HER EXCELLENCY THE COUNTESS OF ABERDEEN. OFFICE: VICTORIAN ORDER FUND, Governor-Generars Office, DEPARTMENTAL BUILDINGS, OTTAWA. fi) ■i i, ^ mmm i ^ VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES. EXPLANATORY. The Queen herself has indicated her desire that the celebra- tions to mark the sixtieth year of her reign should be associated with efforts towards relieving the sick and suffering. The services of trained nurses are recognized by physicians and other educated citizens everywhere as helping to lessen the danger of all forms of sickness, to mitigate suffering where that is inevitable, and to be frequently the means of saving life. AH who have studied the subject are agreed that there is need for thoroughly trained nurses in the homes of the sick poor and others who cannot now obtain them, and that such nurses would confer great benefits on the community. In order that trained nurses may be able to do as much good as possible, by visiting in their own homes the sick who cannot be taken to hospitals, and who cannot afford a private trained nurse, it is evident that, in addition to the training in hospital nursing, they should be specially trained to nurse patients in their houses where the appliances, conveniences and conditions of the hospital are not at hand. The trained nurses who receive this additional training in home nursing, and nurse the sick by visiting a number of cases (probably from six to ten) in a day, are called District Visiting Nurses or District Nurses. The special training in home nursing is of great value in nursing in rural or sparsely settled districts. In addition to the best of hospital training, they have received instruction, training, practice and experience in making the best of the conditions which they find in the small sick rooms which they visit. i I I' i' The District Nurse not only does with her own hands for the patient what requires most skill, but she is also the means of dissem- inating^ very widely among the friends of the patients a certain amount of definite knowledge about nursing and the prepara- tion of food for the sick. She also spreads valuable knowledge of a most helpful and practical sort into the hovnes about ventilation, sanita- tion and thorough cleanliness. District Nurses do not and will not displace trained hospital nurses for private nursmg ; but it is expected that thoroughly trained hospital nurses in many cases will become District Nurses belonging to the Victorian Order. A small fee is charged per visit according to a scale decided by each Local Association. These fees are paid to the Local Association, the nurse herself receiving a regular salary. Over six hundred District Nurses are employed in Great Britain in connection with the work of Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses, which was founded by Her Majesty and endowed by her with the Jubilee Gift of the women ol Great Britain and Ire- land, to the amount of seventy thousand pounds sterling, in the fiftieth year of her reign. The following resolution of the British Medical Association was adopted at its annual meeting held in Montreal in August last. It was brought forward by Dr. T. J. Roddick, of Montreal, President of the Association, and supported by Dr. Barnes, of Carlisle, Eng- land, ex-President of the Association : — " That in the opinion of this meeting the organization of a system " of District Nurses throughout the various provinces of the Dominion " would afford invaluable help in the treatment of disease, and be a "great benefit to the sick poor of this colony." The foundation stone of the Jubilee Nurses' Home in connection with the Montreal General Hospital was laid by Lord Lister in August last. It is well known that Lord Lister, who is the ex-President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, is most ^ < ^ 6 eminent as a physician ; and as the founder of modern antiseptic surgery he rendered unparalleled service to medical science and. to humanity. He is reported on that occasion as follows : " He had been informed that the nursing staff did not confine their operations to the hospital, but that there was a liberal arrange- menc made by the hospital authorities by which the nurses might be sent out in the town generally ; and where the circumstances of the family were* such that they could not pay the nurse properly, the funds were contributed by the hospital to aid in the payment of the nurses, rhat seemed to him a most noble idea, and he could not but think that if it could be extended, not only to alt parts of the city but to the remote outlying^ parts ol the country, it would be a most valuable thing for Canada. Her Excellency Lady Aberdeen had this matter much at heart, and he was sure that if her idea of the Victorian Order of Nurses could be carried out, with due regard to the efficient training of nurses, and also to the efficiency of their supervision, the matter would commend itself to all medical men." f ! < The following provisional Constitution ..mi provisional By laws and Regulation^ have been prepared, to be in use until the holding of a General Meeting not later than April, 1898. In the meantime a petition will be presented to Her Majesty the Queen for a Royal Charter i I:* mmmm VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES. PROVISIONAL CONSTITUTION. • 1, The Victorian Order of Nurses for the Dominion of Canada is tounded as a national memorial of the Diamond jubilee of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. 2. His Excellency, the (iovernor Genera! of Canada shall be Patron of the Order. 3 The Board of Governors ot the Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada shall be a body corporate and politic, and by that name may sue and be sued ; may have a common seal, and may alter the same at pleasure ; may hold real and personal estate and receive grants and devises of the same ; may appoint general officers, including the District Lady Superintendents, define their duties and fix the amount ot their compensation ; may grant diplomas to- nurses, and may pre- scribe the terms and conditions on which such diplomas may be granted and held ; may establish Local Associations ;and may f.om time to time enact rules, regulations and by-laws for the government of the Order, and the management of its affairs. 4. The Board of Governors shall be constituted as follows, that is to say : (a) His Excellency the Governor Genera!, as Patron of the Order, shall appoint five members of the Board ; (d) The Board of Management of each Local Association, having an annual income of at least five hundred dollars, shall appoint one member, and an additional member for every additional one thousand dollars of annual income in any way accruing for the purposes of the Association ; f' mmmmmmM wm^ (c) The Canadian Medical Association shall appoint two members and ; (d) Each Provincial Medical Association shall ai)point one menv- ber. 5. The Board of (lovernors may appoint an Executive Council, and n.ay from time to time define its numbers and powers. . f 6. The objects of the Order are : (a) To supply nurses, thoroughly trained in Hospital and District Nursing, and subject to one Central Authority, for the nursing of the sick who are otherwise unable to obtain trained nursing in their own homes, both in town and country districts ; (/;) To bring Local Associations for supplying District Nurses into association by affiliation with the Order which bears Her Majesty's Name, and to afford pecuniary or other assistance to such Local Asso- ciations ; (c) To maintain, as a first necessity, a high standard of efficiency for all District Nursing ; (d) To assist in providing small Cottage Hospitals or Homes. 7. The Board of (lovernors may establish a Local Association of the Order at any place in Canada, and may trom time to time pres- cribe the territorial limits within which the work of the Association shall in general be carried on. 8. The Board of Management of each Local Association shall consist of not more than twelve members to be elected by life members of the Association who have contributed not less than one hundred dollars, and by members of the Association who contribute not less than five dollars annually. U 8 9. Each f,ocal Board of Management by the name of "The I. oca Board of Management of the Victorian Order of Nurses for (The City of Montreal, or as the case may be)" shall be a body corporate and politic and niay sue and be sued ; may have a common seal and alter the same at pleasure ; may hold real and personal estate and receive tgrants and devises of the same ; may appoint the officers and servants of the Association, define their duties and fix the amount of their com- pensation ; and may from time to time make general rules and regu- lations for the management of the affairs of the Association ; provided always that no rule or regulation defining the duty of any officer or servant of the Association or makmg provision for the management of the affairs of the Association shall be valid if it conflict with any rule, regulation or by-law enacted by the Hoa'-d of Governors of the Order or if the lioard of (;overnors by resolution should disallow the same. .A I L \ f wmmrm. 4 VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES. I ! L I PROVISIONAL HVLAWS AND RKCIUl.ATIONS MAN.ViKMKNT OK KUNOS. 1. During the first three years, |)f)wer may be given to the Board of (iovernors of the Order, to use a proportion ot the caiMtal towards the acconiphshment ot the work of the Order, iinkss otherwise designated by any subscriber for his subscription. 2. Each subscriber shall be at liberty to designate whether he wishes to contribute to the funds which are for expenditure by the Board of Oovernors or to those for the Loral Association. J. Where there is no special approj^riation of a subscription, one quarter of it shall go to the funds from which the revenue is to be exp- ded by the Hoard of (Governors, and three-(|uartcrs to the funds for the Local Association in the place where 'he subscription was obtained. FUNCllONS OK LOCAI. ASSOCIATIONS. T. 'I'o pay the salaries of nurses and in general to administer the funds in the locality. 2. To arrange for the formation of District Committees to work under the direction of the Local Hoard of Management and to assist outlying districts by arranging for the employment of nurses. 3. To fix a suitable scale of charges, to make airangements for the collection of the same, and to remit them, wholly or in part, in cases where that is necessary. i> i' w.«ij-r«'i»- s^'.v '"'--• Pi't's'' ^ - -.-A^r^v ■; *«*■■ i- 10 4- To provide board, lodging and washing for the Nurse or Nurses and to keep up the prescribed uniform of the Order. 5. To report to the Board of Governors and to receive periodical visits of inspection by the Chief Lady Superintendent or any other person appointed. 6. To carry on generally the work of the Order according to the regulations made by the Board of Governors. DUTIES OF CHIEF LADY SUPERINTENDENT. It shall be the duly of the Chief T-ady Superintendent : I. To carry out the directions of the Board of (iovernors for the efficient working of the Order, under the direction of the Central Executive Council ; •4- %t 2. To recommend to the Central Executive Council candidates for admission to the Order ; 3. To test the efficiency ot candidates for the work of the Order ; 4. To inspect the work of all District Lady Superintendents, nurses and homes belonging to the Order, and to make reports to the Board of Management of Local Associations on the work and honi'-s of nurses ; 5. To suspend nurses infringing the rules of the Order and to recommend their dismissal when ne«idful ; 6. To recommend suitable District Lady Superintendents, un 'er the authority of the Central Executive Council. I IV JJl^. 11 QUALIFICATIONS OF NURSES. A Victorian Nurse shall be one who has been selected to carry out the objects ot the Order and must possess the following qualifi- cations : — . A- I. She must have obtained a diploma or certificate in a Hospital Training School approved by the Central Executive Council, and ir addition must have qualified for District Nursing, including experience in maternity work and infectious diseases in such a manner as shall be directed by the by-laws ; and for Superintendents, and for nurses going to country districts, at least three months in a maternity hospital and at least three months of training in a hospital for infectious diseases. 2. She must be approved by the Chief Lady Superintendent. ii 3, She must be willing to enlist in the ranks of the Order for three years, to be sent wherever needed, nursing under the supervision of the District Lady Superintendent and subject to the direction of the local Me<1ical men and tae Local .Association, according to the regu- lations made by the Board of Governors. 4. It is to be understood that mfringement of the regulations 1 the Order renders the nurses liable to suspension or dismissal. GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR NURSES. 1. The nurses shall carry out their work under the direction of the Medical Practitioner is attendance. 2. The nurse shall be strictly forbidden to interfere with the religious opinions of patients or the members of their families. 3. The nurse, while on duty, must wear the uniform prescribed for the Order. ft I 12 4- The nurse shall be on duty for eight hours daily. On Sundays she shall only attend cases requiring special or immediate attention. (This rule to be modified by I.ocal Committees to meet local circumstances.) 5- The nurse shall be entitled to one month's holiday annually. 6. The nurse must be responsible for all appliances, etc., lent by the Local Association to her patients. 7. The nurse is not allowed, unless in cases of urgent necessity, to dispense charity or relief. She shall report all necessitous cases to the District Lady Superintendent, who shall report the same to the Local Board of Management. * 8. The nurse shall not attend any case where the person or family is able to obtain and employ a trained nurse on the usual terms. 9. The nurse shall attend infectious cases only if directly sanctioned to do so by the Medical Practitioners and by the Local Board of Man- agement. When attending such cases, she must give the strictest possible attention to all rules for disinfection. TO. The nurse, when r.:>t able to report personally to the Medical men attending the cases, shall do so in writing, and shall on all occasions avoid leaving verbal messages with patients or their friends. II. In order that t'.ie standard of efficiency maybe maintained the Board of Governors- reserves to itself the power of requiring reports and of periodically inspecting the nurses' work by the Chief I-^dy Superintendent or by any other person it may appoint. *i' r VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES. I Communications may be sent : To the Honorary Secretaries, of Local Committees or Associations ; or To the Honorary Secretary, Victorian Order Fund, Ottawa. Subscriptions may be sent : To the Honorary Treasurers, of Local Committees or Associations ; or To Her Excellency The Countess of Aberdeen, President ; or To The Honorary Treasurer, Victorian Order Fund, Governor General's OflBce, Ottawa. . 5 1- i I I (' ■ i