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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as m^ny frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmis S des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd d partir de I'angle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 EXTRACTS FROM THE ELECTION LAW HOW TO VOTE, &c. AGENTS. 35. In addition to the Deputy Returning Uilicer and the Poll Clerk, the can- didates and their aijetits {not exceeding two in number f(P' each candidate in each polling station) and, in the absence of agents, two electors t<> represent each camlidateon the request of such electors, and no others, shall be permitted to remain in the loom where the votes are given, during the whole time the poll remains open: no r Provided always, that any, agent bearing a written authorization from the canairtate, shall always be entitled to represent such candidate in preference to, ami to the exclusion of any two electors who might otherwise claim the rio-ht ot repiesentmjr such candidate under this section. 3b. Any person producing to the Returning Officer or Deputy Returning umcer, at any time, a written authority from a candidate to represent him at tne election or at any proceeding of the election, shall bo deemed an agent ef sucli candidate within the meaning of this Act : OuM of the agents of each candidate, and, in the absence of such agent, one of tne electors representing each candidate, if there be such elector, on being ad- mitted to the polling station shall take the oath to keep secret the names of the candidates tor whom any of the voters may have marked his ballot paper in his presence, as hereinafter required; such oath shall be in the form of Schedule -^ Jn to thii Act. OPENING POLL. t\.Tv 1 A^i**^f ^u"f, ^^^^ ^°^ opening the poll, the Deputv Returning Officer and ine ir-o.i Llerk shall, m the presence of the candidates their agents and such of tne electors tis mny he present, open the ballot box and ascertain that there are no tiMiiots or other papers in the same, after which the box shall be locked, and the Deputy Returning (Jfficer shall keep the key thereof. „;-? I '"^^f"i''tely after the ballot box shall have been closed as above pro- vided, the Deputy Returning Officer shall call upon the electors to vote. " TRANSFER OF VOTERS. ,.^'^u '^^^ Returning Officer {Sheriff Hardint] is Returning Officer for St. John) =Lii V^'^"®^'."^*,"^' ®^®''^^'' entitled to vote at one of the polling stations, who n«n ,^« appointed Deputy Returning Officer or Poll Clerk, or who shall be !^«^f*i ''^® »^e"* o/.'-iny oi the candidates for a polling station other than the ?f*l,Tf p '" '^. «"V*'f^ to vote, shall give to such elector a certificate that such Ueputy Returning Othcer, Poll Clerk or Agent is entitled to vote at such election at tne polling station where such elector shall be stationed during the polling PoMpP i"" » prodiiction of such certificate such Deputy Returning Officer, fwi 1 ! i"'" ^^,®". ^^^\^ '^*^*' ^^^ "g^t *" vote at the polling station where he non n f iPf''-*'? ^'tl"''g the polling day. instead of at the polling station of the fnnh^ .?« l'^ '^'?®';? ^® "'°"''' otherwise have been entitled to vote :-But no ffil. ho S''* u ^^'"^^ ®"'!f' •" '" ' «"«'^ ^^^''tor to vote at such polling station KrtnnA . f"-^''*"/^'^-^^"^^-®'^ ^« «"''^' Deputy Returning Officer, Poll r^^lerk or Agent during the day of polling. Voting, how to vote, and proceedings at the poll. 43. Each elector, being introduced, one at a time fur each com part ment. into the room where the poll is held, shall declare his namn. surname and addition, which shall he entered or r-corded in the voters' list to be kept for that purpose by the Poll Clerk ; and if the oatlia in forms, Schedules Q and R to this Act, which shall be annexed to the statement above mention d. 58. The several Deputy Returning Officers, on being requested sr) to do Khali deliver to each of the candidates, their agents, or in the absence of such candi- dates or agents, to the electors present representing the candidates, a certificate of the number of votes the same be lound on the list of electors for the polling district of such polling station, he shall receive from the Deputy Returning Officer a ballot paper, on the back of which such Deputy Retrrning Officer shall have pieviously put his initials, so placed that when the ballot is folded they can be seen without opening it; and on the counterfoil to which he shall have f)laced a number corresponding to that opposite the voter's name on the voters' ist: Provided that such elector, if required by the Deputy Returning! Officer, the Poll Clerk, one of the candidat s or one of their agents, or by any elector present, shall, before receiving his ballot, take the oath or oaths of qualification required by the laws in force in the Province where the election is held, from a voter at the election of a member of the flouse of Assembly of that Province; t' e words *' House of Commons of Canada " being in such case substituted for " House of Assembly " or such other change being made as to make the oath applicable to the election of a member of the House of Commons of Canada, ani which oath the Deputy Returning Officer or Poll Clerk is hereby authorized to administer: The Deputy Returning Officer shall instruct him how and where to aflSx his mark, and how to fold his ballot paper, but without inquiring or see ng for whom the elector intends to vote except only in the case provided for in section forty- eight. 45. The elector, on receiving th*^ ballot paper, shall forthwith proceed into one of the compartments of the polling station and there mark his ballot paper, making a cross with a pencil on any part of the ballot paper within the division (or if there be more than one to be elected, within the divisions) containing the name (or names) of the candidate (or candidates) for whom he intends to vote, and shall then fold up such ballot paper so that the initials on the back can be seen without opening it and hand it to the Deputy Returning Officer, who shall without unfolding it, ascertain by examining his initials and the number upon the counterfoil, taat it is the same that he furnished to the elector, and shall first detach and destroy the counterfoil and shall then immediately, and in the presence of the elector, place the ballot paper in the ballot box. 46. Every elector shall vote without undue delay, and shall quit the polling station so soon a-* his ballot paper has been put into the ballot box. 47. No elector shall be allowed to take his ballot paper out of the polling station, or, except only in the case provide 1 for by section forty eight, to show it johen marked to any person, so as to allow the name of the candidate f r whom he votes to be known, under a penalty of two hundred dollars ; and no person shall directly or indirectly induce or indeavour to induce any voter to show his ballot paper after he has so marked it, under a penalty of two hundred dollars for so doing, and for eue.h case of such offence 48. The Deputy Returning Officer on application of any voter who is unable to read or is incapacitated by blindness or other physical cause from voting in the manner prescribed by this Act, shall assist such voter by marking his ballot paper in the manner directed by such voter, in tae presence of the sworn agents of the candidates, or of the sworn electors representing them in the polling station, and of no other person, and by placing such ballot paper in the ballot box; and the Deputy Returning Officer shall require the voter making such application, before voting to make oath of his incapacity to vote without such assistance in the form following : " I solemnly swear (or if he be one of the persons entitled by law to affirm in civil cases, solemnly affirm) that I am unable to read and to understand the bal- lot papers so as to mark the same, (or) that I am ircnpacitated by physical ..uuse {as the case may be) from voting without tlie asaislnnce of tlie Deputy " AnTwhenfver'the Deputy Returning Officer shall not un.lerflUind the Ian- jroHcre spoken by any elector claiming to vote, he Bhall swear an interpreter who'"^hall be the mean, of corannmication between h.ra and su.a. .lector with reference to all matters required to enable such elector to vote : The Deputy Returning Officer shall enter opposite the nMraes of the voters whose ballots have been so marked, in uddili-m to what is required in the forty- nin h seetion of this Act. the reason why each ballot paper w.s i.uirk.d by hm. 49 The Poll Clerk shall enter on the voters' list, to be kept by th^ lo,l Clrrk (in the form of Schedule O to this opposite the nam- of ea(ri. elector voting the word " Voted:' as soon as his b .Hot p^iper shall havv been depos.tcd in the ballot box. H- shall al.«o enter on the same list the word - Swoni «t -Atfirmerr opposite the name of each eleetor to whom the oalt. or Hlh.mation ofqualifl.aIioII8h^dlhave been a-lministered. and the words -liefn.ed to he .oworu'' or '' Refused to affirm' opposite the n:.mH of each elector who has le- fused to take the oath or lo affirm. ' fll No voter having refused to take the oath or a/firni'ition of qualtfiration n- quired as aforesaid by this Act, when requested so lo do shall receive a ballot paper or be admitted to vote. , tn- . • . . .u 52 No person shall vote more than once in the same Electoral District at the same election, but each elector may vote for as mi ny candidates as are required to be elected to represent the Ele(^toral District for which the election is held V3 If a person/representing himself to be a p.rti.iilar elector named on the redster or list of voters, iipplies for a ballot paper after another P^'/''" h'J« voSd as such elector, the applicant, upon taking the ..ath m the form of Sched- n^P to thl Act, and othemise establishing his identity to the satisfaction of the Deputy Returning Officer, shall he entitled to r.ceive a ballot paper, on which ?h Deputy Returning Officer shall put his initials, together with a num- ber corresponding to a number entered on the list of voters opposite the name of such voter, and he shall thereupon be entitled to vote as any other elector. The name ^f such voter shall be entered on the list of voters and a note shall be made of his having voted on a second ballot issued under the same name and of the oath or affirmation of qualificati<.n having been required and made, ^well as of any objections made on behalf of any and which of the candidates. 5T A voter who has inadvertently dealt with the ballot paper given him, in such'manner that it cannot be conveniently used, may, on the same to the Deputy Returning Officer, obtain another ballot paper m the place of 'IllmmSelJ'after the close of the poll, the Deputy Returning Officer shall, in the presence of the poll clerk and the candidates or their agents, and f the candidates and their agents or any of them are f^sent, then m the pre^ sence of such, if any, of them as are present, and of at least three electors, open he ballot box and proceed to count the number of votes given for each candi- aate : in doing so he shall reject all ballot papers which hi ve not been supplied Sy the Deputf Returning Ofhcer, all those by which votes have been given for more candidates than are to be elected, and all those upon whic.i there is any writing or mark l..v which the voter could be identmed: , r ^ rKLT balhi papers heir g counted, and a list kept of the number of votes given to each candidate, and of the number of rejected ballot Papers, all the ballot papers indicating the votes given for each candidate »:e«Pe«tive ly sha ' be put Tnto separate envelopis or parcels, and those rejected, those ^P^'lef andjho .e unused shall each be put into a ditferent envelope or parcel, and ^U those pa, eels being endorsed so as to indicate their contents, shall be put back into the ^^Se-^^TheDeputy Returning Officer shall take a note of any objection made by any candidate, hfs agent or any elector present, to any ballot paper found in the ballot box, and shall decide any question arising out . f the object on , and tne deasion of such Deputy Returning Officer shall be final, subject only to reversal on petition questioning the eiecwon or return : j „ ^^.^oar^nnrlino- Each objection to a ballot paper shall be numbered, and a corresponding niimbor placed on tho hack of the ballot paper, and initialed by the Deputv Hemming Ofliccr. 57. The Deputy Returning Offlcor shall make out a stateni* it of the accepted hfillot papers, of the number of votes given to each carididne, of tiia rejected ballot papers, of the spoiled and returnee! ballot papers, and > f those unused and returned by him; and he shall make and keep by him a copy of such state- ment, and enclose in the ballot box the original statement, tosrether with the voters' list and a certiH< d statement, at the foot of each list, of the total num- ber of electors who voted on each such list, anti such other lists and documents as may have been used at such election. The ballot box shall then be locked and sealed, and shall be delivered to the Returning, or to the Election Clerk, who shall receive oi collect the same, and in case of both of them being unable to do so. then to one or more persons special y appointed f >r that pur- pose by the Returning Ofticer, and who shall, <.n delivering the ballot boxes to the Returning Officer, take the oath in Schedu'e PP to this Act: The Deputy Returning Officer and tho Poll Clerk shall respectively take the oaths in forms, Schedules Q and R to this Act, which shall be annexed to th<! statement above mantinned. . . i 58. The several Deputv Returning Officers, on bemg requested so to do, shall deliver to each of the candidates, their agents, or in tlie .ibsence of such candidates or agents, to the electors present representing the candidates, a certificate of the number of votes given for each candidate, and of the uumber of rejected ballot papers. POLLING PLACES, &c. There will be a polling booth in each polling district in the City and County of St. John. . . ... , , II- Non-residents will vote at the Court House, where there will be four polling t)lace8, one for those whose surname is one ol the letters from A to E (both in- clusive), one for those whose surname is one of the letters from F to L (both inclusive), one for those whose surname is one of the letters from M to Q (both inclusive), and one for those whose surname is one of the letters from R to Z (both inclusive). . ^ . „ . . Electors who have voted in Portland, or in one of the Parishes, cannot again vote as non-residenta at the polling booth at the Court House in the City, and electors who have voted as non-residents cannot again vote in Portland or iri the Parishes (See personation page 7). DIRECTIONS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF ELECTORS IN VOTING. The voter is to vote only for one candi-iate. The voter will go into one of the compartments, and with a pencil there pro- vid.'d. place a cross in the division containing the name of the candidate for whom he votes, thus X- , ^- c ^u u w ««i^ The voter wil! then foid the ballot, so as to show a portion of the back only, with the number and the initials of the Deputy Returning Officer; ho will de- liver it to the Deputy Returning Officer, who will p'ace it in the ba'lot box. The voter will then forthwith quit the poUino station. . ■. If a voter inadvertently spoils a ballot paper, he can return it to the Deputy Returning Officer, who, on being satisfied of the fact will give him another. If the voter votes for more candidates than he is entit ed to vote for. or places anv mark on the ballot paper by which he can afterwards be identified, his vote will be void, and will not be counted. r j i n If the voter takes a ballot paper out of the polling station, or fraudulently puts any other into the ballot box than the ballot paper given him by the Deputy Returning Officer, he wi'l be subject to be punished by fine of five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, with or with- out hard labor. ^ . ,., . - j;„„ On entering the polling booth, where the election of the member is proceeding, ., i . • -,_-.!.-__ u:~ ««.— „ afcl ■r.'>"ii»vn*inr> "'ill rpf-eive a bftlot like the the elector Oil skiving nio nmur: ana v.».^..t.,,i...— ••••- ------- , following, the names of candidates being arranged in alphabetical order:— , , 1. II. I. and (^Ballot as Received from lieiurning Officer.) FIFCTION FOR THE KLECTOUAL DISTRICT OF THE (UTV AND ELhtllO^ "^''^^^^^^.^^ OF 8A INT JOHN, 1885. EVERETT. CHARLES A. EVERETT, of th(i City of Samt Juliu, Merchant. I. II. 91eI.EOI>. GEOR(iEMcLEOI), of the City of Saint John, Merchant. This he will take into one of the private compartments provided for that nufXe If he wlCto vote for Mr. Everett he will wi.h a pencil mark a X Opposite the name " Charles A. Evorett," thus: {Ballot as properly marked for Mr. Everett.) ELECTION FOR THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF THE CITY AND ELECiiU^ *ui ^^^^^^Y OF SAINT JOHN, 1885^ I. EVERETT. CHARLES A. EVERETT, of the City of Saint John, Merchant. II. McLiEOD. GEORGE McLEOD, of the City ef Saint John, Merchant. He will then fold the ballot 80 that no one can see ^^cl he voted foj. on J takinV^mre that the initials of the Returning Officer on the-l,ack may be easily seen, and th« number which will be at the bottom on the counterfoil. . SECRECY OF VOTING. That Dart of the ballot below the dotted line is the countei-foil. On this will tLnejStyRetirnTng Officer or any other person .an possibly tt'l for whom 'li:cTo!'s''w\"o"an read will thus vote in absolute Bf-ecy Those who cannot or who bv reason of blindness or other physical infirmity oannot mark £: bllS^'vote in the presence of the Returning Officer anjl swo- ^gent^, of the candidates or of the sworn electors, no other person allowed to he {;u*sent. 6 '/ OFFENCES, PENALTIES. 68. THo person shall — Firsll!/: Forgo or counterfeit or framlulently alter, deface or frnn(Ttir«ntrv them)n"7r *"''*^'' *"" ^^'^ '"''"*'*' "*""'" ^*®**"^^' ''«^"'"'"K t>fficer siKnecl ^^frondly : Without authority supply any b.ill.,t paper to any person ; ..r Ihirdly: fraudulently put into any ballot box any pap.-r otlH>r than tlie ballot parer, which ho is aatlioriz..d by law to put in • or aJ/-m/'" iv-IT'^y'T^'^ '"l'" V"t °' the polling place any ballot paper ; or ^t//A/y; Without <lue authority destroy, take, open „r otherwise interfero the election • """ ""^ P*^"" *''®" '" "'* ''*'' '^'^ purp'ses of No person shall attempt to commit any offence 8i>ecifie(l in this secti-n • f«,il7 ''"lJ''''yr""r ""i 'S'l '*'''^'°" ^^»'' *'« * misdemeanor; and -my person found guikv thereof shall be punishabl... if he be a Ueturninjr officer l).,,utv Returning Oflicer or other orticer engaged at the election, by a fine not ev Deeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for any term less than two years with or without hard labor, in default of paying such fine; and if he be any other person, by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imurison- dTf;ilt'°o7;.'yirg?ucnnr"''"« ^" """^'^' ^^^^^ °^ without ha^a hLr, in 72. Every officer, clerk and agent in attendance at a polling place, shall maintain and aid in maintaining the secrecy of the voting at such jkji ling place- and shall not communicate before the poll is closed to any person any infSnna' KoM.f *°"'^*'^''^^''^-''?T°"°?>^«'^°***'«' "«t bas or has not applied for a ballot paper or voted at that polling place. «.^' .. °!^?^'^' ^* ^'h ""■ "*^u"*' '"''^ "° P^""° whatsoever, shall interfere with or attempt to interfere with a voter when marking his vote, or otherwise attempt to obtain at the polling place Information as to the candidate for whom any voter at such polling place is about to vote or has voted 3. No officer, c erk. agent or other person shall communicate at any time f^/^P^"°"*7'"'^["''"*u'°",?^*'*T'^ at a polling place as to the candidate for whom any voter at such polling place is about to vote or has voted. 4. Every officer, clerk, and agent in attendance at the counting of the votes, shall maintain and aid m mamtaining the secrecy of the voting; and shall not attempt to ascertain at such counting, or communicate any information obtained Slar"ballT''a J^-' ^ candidate for whom any vote is given in any partic- hnL. ^° P^'^ft" ^?* k' '^''"''''^ly or indirectly, induce any voter to display hi« ballot paper after he has marked the same, so as to make known to any person the name of the candidate for or against whom he has marked his vote. 6. Any contravention of this section shall be punishable by a fine not ex- ceeding two hundred dollars or by imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months, with or without hard labor, in default of paying such fine. ENTERTAINMENT OF ELECTORS, FLAGS. RIBBONS, etc. No candidate, or other person at his expense, shall furnish any drink or other refreshments, to any elector during the election, or pay, procure, or engage to pay for any such drink or refreshment (s. 87). *- ' »- ' ^ & ^ No candidate, or other person, shall furnish any ensign, standard, or set of colors, or other flag, to be used on polling day. or within eight days before, as a party flag, nor shall any one use the same (s. 88). e J No candidate, or other person, shall furnish any ribbon, label, or like favor to be worn as a party badge on the day of election, or within eight days before nor shall any person use the same (s. 89). Persons offending against these provisions (ss. 87, 88 and 89) are guilty of a misdemeanor and liable to fine and imprisonment (s. 90). J' "« » CLOSING OF HOTEL BARS, TAVERNS, &c. No liquors shall be sold in any hotel, tavern, or other place, within the limits ' of any polling district during the whole of the day of polling under a penalty of JiiBot.ment for hix nionthn (h. 9 OOKKVPT PRACTICED. can H.ry vo"e once for the c'\":'*d"\««/"';„^"nS To fine ami Imprtsonraent. and •"<T/ct„''r,e th.v n..y v„,., for . O.t,,d.>. .UUer before or .fter ,o.,o8 tb.C«y.»dCo-»ycn„dU.«e».) ^^^^_^^^^ be deemed gutlty of bribery and shall bj £l 92 The foUowlne persons shall ''T^,''l'';:rrp":ef'ih; direct,, or M,re«,y^^^ r=y;;;r r";rj;^s^">SH fi^^ Fverv oerson who. directly or l^'^'^^^^.^iy'-yp „. procure, or offers or promises on his behalKlves or procures, or aK'«t^„,oorocu?eS? to endeavor to procure. aSy office pla"e or employment, or P;;«"^^*;«« 'J^ o^^ for any other person hS? See place or employment, to or for any vo^^^^^^^ ^ „, '^"'•'•"f'^y, ,^,^' l:;h:;£t:S=I;.r:;[ :i^l of aS'Su... havb. v,.,ed or renamed .om -a«^;;yV^Sr;^o, dlre^ly or ^n^rec^^ hy hUn^^^o^by -^^othe^pers^ on hs behalf mnkes any alft, loan, « J;";- Pf^, ;Sch person to procure or en- ;S,resald. to or for uuv P;-";^ anrperVou to s .?ve In the House of Commons, or fleavor to procure the return ol any persuu '1;;r/.v°plrrrX:rr:.r;^ con^enee of .ny^ fSrrr;rr^":r;:=v=vr,s«.^ of anv voter at any election ; ^^ ^^ paid, any money to or (6) Every person who advances or pays or cap" ^^ ^^^^ pan thereof to the nL of Uyotherper.on with the intent mat su ^^^ ^r who know- hall be expended m bribery, or corruPj P^^l- at^any .^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^.^'^^Z^'lll '•'^.^" any person so offending shall be ?«^f/j ^^^e-^^^^^^ liabo to/o?M the sumoftwoMtndredjomi^^^^^^ expenses L Jme, with full costs of suit : ^"J^jJtuaT professional services P-jl^Zmtot of anv candidate, his expenses f°'^*°Xlln£ and advertising, shall be held to be Zna Me payments for ^^^^f^J^^^^^^fp^avmeSf thereof shall not be a contravention expenses lawfully Incurred, and the paymeu o.'thiu xnt , , . v-rn"-^ "vV*^ nf bribery, and shall be 93 Th"e following persons shall also be deem... »nl.-.. - punishable accordingly :— 8 (1.) '"very voter who, before or during any el.JcUon, directly or indirectly, him- self or by any other person on his behalf, receives, asjrees or ontiacts for any money, gift, loan or vpluable consideratlrn, offlce, place or employment, for him- self or any other person for voting or agreeing to vote, or for refraining f)ragreeia:; to refrain from voting at any election : (2.) Every person who, after any election, directly or indirectly himself or by any other person on his behalf receives any money or valuable consideration for having voted or refrained from voting, or having induced any other person to vote or refrain from voting at any election : And any person so offending shall be iiuiUy of a misdemm ir, and sliall also he liable to forfeit the sum of two hxmdred dollars to any person wlio shall sue for the same, together with full costs of suit. TREATING. No candidate by himself or by or through cjy other person shall give or provide or cause to be given or provided any n;?at, drink, refreshment, &c., to or for any person, in order to be elected, S,c., or to corruptlv influ^jnce any such pereon to vote or refrain fron' voting, utder a penalty of $200, &c. The f,lving or cansing to be given to any voter on nomination or polling day any meat, drink, &c., on account of such voter having voted or being about to vote, shall be deemed an unlawful act, and the person offet-ding shall forfeit ten dollars, (s. 94 ) UNDUE INFLUENCE. Any person who shall, directly or Indirectly, by any threats, force, violence, restraint, intimidation, duress or fraudulent device or contrivance impede, prevent, or otherwise interfere with an el ctor's free exercise of his franchise, or compel him to vote or refrain from voting, shall be deemed to have committed the offence of undue influence and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shaU forfeit the su'n of two hundred dollars to any person sueing for the same with full costs of suit. fs. 95.) HIRING TEAMS. The hiding or promising to pay or paying for any horse, team, carriage, cah or other vehicle by any candidate or by any persou on his behalf to conv ty voters to or from the polls or to or from the neighborhood thereof, and the payment of the travelling or other expenses of any voter g:oing to or from the polls are unlawful acts for which the offender will forfeit $100.00 to any person suelng for the same. Ar/ voter hiring any horse, «&c., for this purijose shall be thereby disqualifled from voting at ^hat election, and for every offence shall forfeit $100.00. (s. 96.) VOIDING ELECTIONS. DISQUALIFICATION OF OANDIATES AND OTHER PERSONS. It should be home In mind that personation, bribery, treating, hiring teams to carry electors w :^e polls, and undue influence, as hereinoefore mentioned, are corrupt practices. In addition to the penitlties to which the individual Is liable for committing them, his commission of tlierj may be further punished as follows : If committed by au agent of any candidate without the candidate's knowledge and constat the election will be void (s. 101.) If committeu with the candidates knowledge or consent the election will be void, and the candidate will be incapable of being elected to or of sitting in the House of Commons, or of holding any office under the Dominion Government within the next seven years, (s. 10.*?,) The like penalty attache^.: to aay persou found guilty of any corrupt practice in auy proceeding wherein he has an opportunity to be heard, except that the dis- qualification Is for eigtit instead of seven years. Evidence of corrupt practices may he gone into without any proof of agency being first given. W»^ would ask every person to give an attentive reading to these provisions relating to corrupt practices.