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THK present Appeal is brought from a j idgment rendered in tlie King's Bench, at Montreal, piHant. The Appellant, in his declaration, sets forth— that, in 1810, he became, and from thence he hitherto continued to be, and ihen was, thesole proprietor of a certain lot of Lund, situated in the Quebec Suburbs of the City of Montreal, containing a little more than an acre in super- ficies, with two Houses thereon erected. Secondly. — That from about tha 1st November, 1818, to the 2lth of April last past, the Respondent held, used, occupied and possessed the aaid above designatecl premises, as the tenant of the said Appellant, paying and yielding therefor at the rate of j£(jl), currency, per annnum ; but without any Notarial or regular Lease, j that effect, made and executed Ixticeen the said Appellant and the said Jimpondent ; and did then use", occupy anci possess the same. That afterwards, to wit, in April last, the Appellant, being under the necessity of resuming >:o58ession of the said land and premises so leased, and intending, buna fide, to occupy thesaid premises in his own proper person, and for the useof liis family, thert renewed to the' Respon- dent a notice, which he had in March previous given to him, that he, the Appellant intended to occnj-iy, from the Istday of May then next, thesaid houses and premises, so by the Kespon- dent occupied as the tenant at will of the Appellant; and ia consequence duly notified and 'vamed the Respondent thai he was coming wrth his family from Kingston, and would require the deliveiy of the premises on the 1st of May next ensuing, and that from that period the said Appellant intended, bonajide, to occupy the said premises as for bis personal rendence, and that of his familt/ ; and ihereupon, by the ministry of Griffin and Baron, Esquires, Public Notaries, exacted andjdenianded that the said Respo.ident, on the Ist of May then next ensuing, should quit, yield and deliver up the possession of the said premises in perfect repair, on pain, &c. &c. The said Appellant then further states, that so long after as the 10th May, by whichi he had allowed to the Respondent (his tenant at will) a full and reasonable delay to provide himself with another house, again notified him of his, the Appellant's intentions of occupvirg the premises by himself and his family ; and of the necessity of his immediately surrendering theposscssior. : — but to this, as to the former notices, the answer of this tenant at will, was — " J inill not quit the premises.^' It was from this persevering obstinacy, on the part of the Respondent, that the Appellant was, most reluctantly, driven to seek redress by Law. And, after stating at length the above facts, in his declaration, he concludes — that the Respondent be, by the judgment of the Court bi'low, held to deliver up the prenuses immediately ; and, in default of his so doing, that he, the Appellant, be authorised to pursue the course which Law and Practice in such case direct ; and finther, that the Respondent be condemned to pay to the Aptiellant the sum of f 1 00, for his unjust ana illegal detention. To this action the Res- pondent first pleaded certain exceptions ; but, ns they were afterwards withdrawn, it becomes tinnecessaiT to refer to them. — To the merits of the demand, he pleads certain p]>ccial grounds of defence, to wit: "That at the time of the institution of the ApptUani's action, and long before, the Appellant, as a Major in the 70th Rcgt. of Foot, Mas doujiciliated at Kingston, in Upper-Canada, where the 70tli Regt. was then quartered ; and that the said Appellant, having leased to hiin, the Res- pondent, the premises in question, for, and ill the rate of, j^CO per annum, upon the express condition thai lie, the Respondent, should retain and continue to occupy the same for the space of one year, to be computed from the first of May then lavt, unless the lOUi Regiment, quartered (it Kingston, should replace the 37th Regiment, quartered at Montreal, and in as much as the said 70th Regiment had not, at time of suing out the writ, replaced the J7ih Regt. at Montreal and moreover, that the said Appellant having expre; si" renounced to the privilege of occupying the premises in question ; unless the said 70th Ri'giment should be quartered at Montreal, in the place and stead of the 57th Regiment; and further, because the notifications given were null and void, and insufficient, the Appsllant ought not to be maintained in hie action ; but that the eame should be dismissed. To this the Appellant filed a general Replica- tion. m ii m 11 .r 1 Hi / nBl fit If The App«n«nt filed, in support of his domund, three Exhibits. Ist. — Deed of Sale of the preniises in question to Appellant. 2d.— A notice of the 2tth April, 1820. 3d.— A protest, dated 10th May. The Uespondent, on \m pnrt, filed several letters from the Appellnnt, as well as copies of his own to the Appellant; and ainu.w the former, one of the llth March, which notified the Respondent othis, the Appollaiit's intention of occupying the premises. On the parties proceeded lo the examination of their witnessea, which closed on the 14th October, both jwrties having previously been examined on iiiterros;atorie» sur fails rl (uitcln. On the sixteenth, after the cause had been regularly iiiscr.bed, the parlies were In-ani by iluir respective Counstl. And, on ihe 'iOth, the Court iiiainiained die ground of defence taken by the Hespondeiit, of the alledged express cotidiiion that lie should hi>ld the premises until ihe 70th Regiment should replace theJah, at Montreal ; dismissed the Appel- lant's action, with costs ; and it is from this judgment, so manifestly erroneous, that tin present Appeal is instituted. the Dated ttt Quebec, Nnember, J820. (Signed) C, R. OGDEN, AlttJ for ApftUant, I ':. \ % well as copies of his which notified the eir v/itnessea, which 1 on interros;atorie8 iiBcribed, tlu> parties ntained ilie ground t he should hidd the lisniissed the Appel- erroneous, that the OGDEN, Ujfor Appellant. I i