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 1 2 3 
 ineprtntod frot" tlie Hamilton Times, do ao many great oltliens lie within 
 April 12th to 21st, 1808.] so narrow a space. High over those 
 The following liemo, rolntlng to tho ll^Jf "blc Sra^'^^.towers the Htntcly 
 ?!!?!"...'!'. *'.«'..".'^?-__?' ™"."'J- »"" i aboThU efftv.':;?a*5„Ti,/a"cun',^i"n^ 
 land from tarl Selkirk, who got It girl, Mary SlmpMn, daughter of a tarlo, Ir 'ron* at tlie township, after 
 from V, .Jarvls. who got It from the great Canadian mercliant of the Brighton, the famous watering Tilaoe 
 indlami for a promise to pay i;5,775 (period. At the time of Neleon's visit In SosseT. Kneland, where OeoFge IV , 
 I w„V\,?»V*' "^SfT"? "1 \^- , , f'o."-"'' .but 1« years old, marvellous- when Tr'nce of Wales, built the po 
 tnwr .ihlna In *im t_„,.i„„„ „» r.„* i„ 1^ — '.■-• """ '•••'•'• »■■>•>-■" "J' a vu.iiiuiK Wnlpoie, from Sir Kobort Walpole, of '-• ' >"••' ' —"— ■^- "-' -■• I- ... . ' . = j » 
 towijjhlps In the .'ro^lncc of Ontario, | hand, 6wm« still, with ongle fwe and Houghton, Earl of Orford. born 1070 
 were collooted by If. F. Cardlner, j outstretched arms, to bid Kneland bo Idled 1745, the great Whig statesman, 
 editor of the Hamilton Times, as notes'?' B°°'' eheer, and to hurl defTanoo at | who was for 20 years at the head of 
 for a lecture delivered by him In Ham- ! thL'^fn,Tl'i"„P? wl^r.^^i'''"'* '•"ared the British Government. A friendly with Mary Simpson. ...._ _.... 
 ilton on Mareh "9th l\"8 7^1, « ^^, ff "'P'"' ' '''"> has dlsapi^ared critic says that Walpole was beyond , the St. Lawrence to board themau- 
 Mion, on Mar. 11 ^Jtn, IS.S. It has The time lias ronie when the rash ai,d j question the most eminent, tlie ablest of-war. The next morninff arrived 
 t>con suggested that It wi.nld be well 'ndiscrimlniit*' Judgmenta which his] and the most suecessJul staU-smau of and the Albemorle did not heoTe 
 to complete the rerjrd up to date, if |<'"i't<'mpornrl<'s paMjiil on his char- 1 his ('ay. Ills ambition only was oxces- anchor, and (not. Nelson was sean 
 possible, not o„ly for the ^^^'orn^aUon^f^J^^^^^^tiivriT^X^^t^ f^^ {^^^J^^^i ,^ 
 of present-lay readers, but for refer- : Ing of vehement, high an.l daring nat-llaw. Lord Townshend. the most re- I 0^™ 'it tlm time em InThlT^^ 
 ence In the future. Anj thing that will : ures, she notes his many errors, will si)tTtable statesman of that barren i osked him what had lin>>™.nBfl '?«! 
 throw light upon sneh pn^.K-s as An- y«i ''''»'■■•'; "1^ P™,"™"'.'' t''''t'''°'™B t*--'"'-. '^"■•'"8 his olllolal life he en- ! «>„ is , noted as having saw" "I find 
 ' " joyeilshK cures which, with the salary u nhs<ih.t;iv lmiK>sslbl,T to leave this 
 was the burial place 6f the Hoatlngi 
 , , , ...„ „„ , FRONTENAC COUNTY i 
 'i„^'""""' ■;!"? ".'"y;, On Oct. 14. Villon In 1784. Got Ito name from tbe French Gov 
 17S., IMra ^elson8 ship, thL Al- Seymour, aTt«r Lady EUz.abeth ernor who dlf.i In 1018, lust 200 yean 
 beinarle, was ready to sail, and he Seymour, daughter of the.Duke of Soni- ago, after being a power In Canadc 
 very sad and tender ixirtlng | crset, wife of the Duke of Northum- for twenty-five years. The Duke di 
 herland, who became nnronoss IVrcy St. Simon snld that Frontcnac foeni 
 after her husband's death. In 1780. It hard to Ijear the Imperlcis tempei 
 Alnwlek, from the county town of of his wife, audi he was given th€ 
 Northumberlanil, I'.iigland, famous for government of Canathi In 1072 tc 
 Its castle, the resldei'ee of the Duke delher him from her, and afford him 
 of Northumberland, which w , pp. some meaius of living. He buill, Fort 
 |M'at<«|iy besieged by the Scots in an- Frontcnac at CataraiQul and fought 
 mnnent fokm. 
 In 17SS Lard Dorchester tasued a 
 proclamutiou, dated at the Castle of 
 •St. LouLs, Quebec, forming a certain 
 nnm(K..i* dl lunv dl-strleta in tlie I'ro- 
 \ince of t^uebec. Lpper Canada wn.s 
 formetl into 'our districts, viz.: Lunen- 
 burg, wiiieh exteniied from the bor- 
 derw of Lower Canada to ttio (ian- 
 anoque iUver ; Mecklenburgii, fiom 
 tile fJananoipie lo tin-* Trent ; Nu.ssau 
 from tlie Trent lUver to Loni? I'oint 
 on Lake Fjio ; Hesse, w liich ombraueil 
 the remaUiing part.s at Western Can- 
 atla, including liotroit. To each of 
 ttie.se Instrieia were appointed a 
 .ludge and a Sherifr. 
 In 17ul the I'itt .Act was jinKsed, 
 making Cpiier Canada and Lower 
 Canada trfjparate I'rovinces. .\b tliat 
 time there were di.stribuU^il alontr the 
 .St. Laurence, tiio Da.v ur t^iiint^'. 
 Niagara (rontlcr, .Vmher.stbiirg. witli 
 the French settlement on llie 1 lianics, 
 and tlie Indians at Graiiii Ulver, about 
 L'0,000 souls, nearly ail o, whom liud 
 found tlieir way into wliat is now 
 tiie I'rovince of Ontario since the 
 clo.se otf tlie .\inoriean V^'nr ot the 
 Hevojutlou in 178;j. 
 colonel .John Craves Slnicoe, the 
 liioneer doveriior of Ijijier Canada, 
 who was l.i^'iit<-'naiit-ifO\ernor under 
 Lord Ijorcliest^n", entered upon the 
 dutie.-i of ills office .luly «th, 17U: 
 but he 'lever s',.ooped to the arts by 
 whleli men form a political parf". His 
 real strength. Indeed, lay not iii j'nr- 
 llamcnt, but In the iieople at large.— 
 Green's History. 
 Zone— 0».lgl.'i unknown. 
 Calloil after the county of Llgiu on 
 tlio Moray Firth in .'•Scotland, wan at 
 first callod Suffolk, was next part of 
 JlulUlesex, and was finally separated ,,rt iifH re.il Inve w,ia inr tiio t,.i>u 
 aucl given iu> present name. Us town- ^^I^^mI turtle \ZL°.' 'lie rode '»"■•'""' '" ^"""""^ 
 t<>Btrd aga.istsuch a rash net and told 
 him that, " situated as you or ' at pres- 
 iiit. your uttir ruin will In, vitably fnl 
 low." "Then let It lollow," replied 
 \< Isoii: earnestly, "for I am rosolvjd 
 to do It. ' Uut ite.spltn ins intentions 
 his friend pro- 
 was fairly carried 
 hnek to the ship and forced to leave 
 "'i';:ih;>r™gh, from a town and wnt-l ^ J;-',;'' ^^^ 'l^^Crroik'"'''"'" "'" "" 
 erlng place In Suffolk, ling. Crabbe, ' " """ ' "' '"" ■^""""' 
 in Greens History Waliwle Is de- 
 scilhed as a young ^orfoik landowner 
 of fair fortune, wllli the tastes and ; 
 air of the class from which he sprang. 
 His big, 8<piare fi^;ure, his vulgar, : 
 goud-iiuinored lace, were those of a \ ti,„ stroniter will of 
 common country siiiiire. And in Wal- wAi,,,, J Hi ,,. 
 (Kile the s.piire underlay the states- '""""' '"'" "' 
 man to the last. 
 wrlnl'iJ" ^',',7?r' i"''h"-'i """""K ""f ImaViyy.^arsbe'foro'he'gave'im'the liowi^'^^'' was appointed Adjutant-General 
 writing, and if lie had a taste for !„, |;,s.,os.slng lier, for Nel.son never r" ! "' *''« British fore.* In North America. 
 and Mary Slmi>aon "'"' ''■''"'' "' Lieut-Colonel. Com- 
 died ill splnsterhocnl. 
 (ient tloieii 
 rcrcy, fr. the old family name of 
 the Dukex of Northunilierland, taken 
 originally from thi> village of I'erey, 
 ill INotmniiily. Henry ije Percy li 
 tim reign of '-Mward I. ucMpiired" the 
 bnrcjiietcy of .\lnwlek. 
 South Monngliaii. after the County 
 of -Monaghiin, In Ireland. 
 he three townships of Rnwdon, 
 the I!n«ll«h and Ihoir imiian aifk 
 at every opportunity; Golden says: 
 " De Frontenao stands conspicuous 
 among all his nation for deeds of 
 eruoltj. Nothing was more coramon 
 than for his Indian prisoners to be 
 Slven up to his Indian allies to be tor- 
 tured." It was in Frontenao's time 
 that slavc/y was legalized In Can- 
 ada. One haud'-ed years later It was 
 alwllshed by Governor Slmcoe's Par- 
 liament. McMullen seys I'rontenec 
 He was ignorant of J, ^i,i,„| the girl he loved, and It was l'^^''- fought at lliiiiker Hill 177."., in 
 the poet, wiu< born there in 1731. 
 Yariiioiitli, from a borough In Nor- 1 
 folk, England, which contains thei 
 Church ol St. Nicholas, founded in the 
 reign of William Kufus. It is the prlii- 
 eipal soat of the herring flsliery In 
 Danwlch, from a dt.cayed borough 
 of Suffolk, Kng., anciently an impor- 
 tant city and capital of liist .Viiglla, 
 but has bt«ii almost entirely destroy- 
 ed by Inroads of the sea. 
 ."^uthwohl, from a Suffolk borough. 
 fox-hunter In 
 tile ' doggedneso" wlilch Jlarlbor- 
 oiigli notc^d as his chnracierlstic ; In 
 tlie bm-ly seif-confhiencn wliich de- 
 clared, " If I had not been I'rime Min- 
 ister I shorrid have been ,\rclihisliop 
 of Canterbury" ; in tlie stubborn 
 courage wiiicii cbmpiered the awk- 
 wardness of ills earli(;r efforts to 
 s|icak, or met siiigle-liaiidcd at tiie 
 last the hitter attacks of a host of 
 enemies, and, above all, in the genial 
 gottd hiiiiKir whiuii became witii tiini 
 new force In politics. No man was 
 Governor iJUncoe divided the 
 Maialiiiie. a w aterini^ place in Ire- 
 Ihiim, 'J miles froi,, I uhiin. handsomely 
 built and frequented by butlicrs. Malu- 
 jhiile, Irelaini, wa,s tliu birthiilaee of 
 __, j Colonel Thomas Talliot. The town 
 IVv 1"^ ^'- Thowj'is, .nn.t Taibot street, are 
 \lnce Into 10 counties, whicli he call- "'"" named aftei thi. Colonel, wlio 
 ed Glengarry, Stormont, iiiindas, Gren- "■"**,■ '" his youth, along witii Artliiir 
 ville, Lce.'s, Frontenai!, Ontario, Ad- ' ".''"'^''I'-'y "he iHike of Welliii^toii.r, an 
 dlngton, L<-nnox, I'riiice Kdward, i"''''-'"'*'"a!i to tlie M»ri|nis of Ihiek- 
 Hastings, Nortiiumberland, Uurhani, ingliam. Lord Lieutenant of Irelanil 
 York, Lincoln, Norfolk, Suffolk, Kssex, "! ]7ai;-)>h. On the recomiiKiidatioi 
 Kent. .SUncoe's Ontario County m- "' ''"pernor .Siiuco..", .-,,Oili) acres of 
 eluded Wolfe, Howe, Amherst and tlic ' '»»'' «"" granted to Mr. Talliot In 
 other Islands, between Gaiianoque and f'"' township of Yarniontli, ami tliere 
 Prince Kdward. It was soon abol- i «-• huiit Castle Malahide. wnere he 
 Wied. and doJ-s not appear on the i""'!'' "^^ Iiaelitlor quartei-s and 
 ]7!iS map. Suffolk was located where B''-"'t'»' w "'h' hind to immigr.-ii.ts, 
 Middlesex and Klgin are now. I "I' t« tl"' time of his death, Applicii- 
 The first I'ariiamcnt of liiper Canada l*™"*" ■"■■ •"'.'•')" acres wore eoinmiin 
 17'.ii;, cliangeil the names of tiie Dis- ! '" those da.vs, and not a few obtained 
 tricts to Lastern, Midluinl, Home and 1"^ whole township of land. Edward 
 Western ll-.rinntlnger wrlt«ii that Mr. Charles 
 In tiic session of 171*8 a ISill was l"g«'«-''Oll obtained a grant ol the 
 passed "to ascertain and establisii "'hole township of Oxford; a iier.sim 
 the bonndarv lines of the different S'lnmed Safer the towiiKliip of Town.s- 
 townslilns of" the Province," and an- [™d, and another person iiame.l liaton 
 other liill lorming >< districts, L':i ""■ townshlii of llnrford. on conditions 
 which hiui an import coal trade alid,':"''' '"""' ["•'^'^ely attacked by sis^ak 
 a horrUig flsliery. 
 Which was alwo originally a part uf 
 York, was called aft^T Sir lioliert 
 Pts'l, who succeeded lA>rd Multloiiriie 
 as I'remier In 1841 and carried 
 through Parlhnnent the liill to re- 
 peal the com laws in lt:40. The 
 ijiaH'ii at first disliked him. but 
 h.anied to regard him very liigliiy. 
 An iik'a of the ipia.iity of the man 
 ma.v be gathered from the following 
 spcHMjli, lii reply to a taunt that lie 
 would lie driven from office : 
 "1 shall surrender iiowx-r, severely 
 censured, I fear, b.v many honnr- 
 jiOle men who, from no Interested 
 motives, hav<? adheretl to the prin- 
 cipU's of protectiim, Ix-caiise they 
 looked upon tlnun as important to 
 tile interests and welfare of tlie 
 jroiiiitry. I shall hiave a name exe- 
 ('r:it4Ml, I know, b.v every monopolist 
 ! who would maintain protection for 
 I his owii individual hcnieru. Uut It 
 HuiitliiKtoi. ami Hnn(5>.rri.rd, and tile i 'Ued, as he had lived, ,ovod i,y some 
 IlUer Molrn. an" named after Francis jfof his courage and military virtui«, 
 Itnwdon Hastings, horn ]7."i4, died i hated by others for -his cruel tem|)er 
 1H20, who entered the army at the and proud nnd overhearing manners, 
 age of 17. Was s<.nt to .Vinerlea ill | hut res,iected and feared alike by 
 'rioud unl foe, and with the cre.'it of 
 having, with trifling aid from France, 
 supported and Increaseii the strength 
 of a colony which ho had found, on 
 his renpiwlntment, at the hrlnk of 
 ruin. He also died, im he had lived. In 
 l>ad o,lor witli the Jesuits, and was 
 shrived in his last lir>urs by a liecoliet ' 
 Fatlier, and Imrleil In the Kecollet' 
 Church Inste/'d of Ui the cathedrnl.i 
 rhe „c«ultM letahated by abusing h'r: 
 In Ills grave. 
 Kingston, the first township su 
 veyeil in this locality for the Loyal- 
 ists, was so callod Jn honor of King 
 '•eorge 111., corresponding to (Jueen- 
 inanded a Drltlsh <-orp8 In South Cnro- 
 liiin at the Ilattle of Camden, 17,H0, 
 nnd defeated Greene at Iloiiklrk's Hill, 
 lieturnlng to ]-Uigtiind was eaiitured 
 by a l-'rem-h cruiser. On his n-lease 
 was ereati.d Itaroll ItaWilon by King 
 Gtsirge III, and in 17i»d suecc-eded lus 
 fntlier as I^arl of Mulra. In 17il4 he 
 c-oinmaniled 10,1) Kl nn-n m-nt to relieve 
 the Ihike of Ynrk isfin of Geo. HI.) in 
 Flaiiiiers. In IsiHl was appointed Mas- 
 tc.r General of the ordnanee in tlie , _„ ^ 
 Grenville and Fox .Ministry, and aft<.r!ston at the otuer end irf Lake On- 
 s-ometliues rememtiercd with expres- 
 sions of good-w-ill in tile abodes of 
 those whose lot it is to lalHir and 
 to earn their dally bread by the 
 sweat of their brow, when they shall 
 counties and l,'i^ townships. 
 of Hettleinent, 
 wliifdi the.v were un- 
 \ mail of the I'ro.ime, on the scale "ble to fulfil. In the Arcliives there 
 of 20 miles to 1 inch, was prepared liv i-< a lett^T from Thomas Talbot to thi 
 I>. W, Sniitli, Acting i^urieyor General i Puke of (uniberland, askhig the Uui. 
 nf I'ins-r Canada, a copy of wnic' *" •''-'■■ ' •' ■ '■'--- '■ 
 to ohtai'i fi-oni the King a township 
 of land, trfi' from fecH and olillgations 
 of IcK-atlon— the land to be snbse- 
 iiucntly traiisferi-.Ml by the Puke to 
 Talliot. Tld,s is nnmvered by a let- 
 ti'r from tlie Hiike of Kent m l.or I 
 HobllTt, il;l,U'd (ii-t. 11 til, 1^01, ill 
 wliicli tlie j;r.-inl of the township ;s 
 Is cnl!»d after the county of the same ; reeoinniended, hut Olie Puke dis-s not 
 name in Kiigiand, It contains the wish his na,nie to appear in tli tr.iiis- 
 townsliii>b ot inction. Mr. Kmiatiiigrr's " I,ife of 
 .Maiden, named after a borough In (-oionel Taihot." puiilislied in IH.-iH, 
 Kng.. on the cheimer Uiver, contains mneii v.-iimihle iiiformatii.n 
 is taken from tlie Poiniiiion Ar- 
 ciiivps of ISUl. Tills niui) shows the 
 l^oiince of 'intarlo, as it was organ- 
 ized juBt lOU years ago. 
 I-:8S1-;X COUNTY. 
 NiTtl ■ 
 slK'llc:! Maldoll. 
 .-i finely wiKjdud island of 
 ill i;s.-,i-'x, in a hay ol the 
 , iiillid llie ISIackwater, 
 connected wUii the inainl:uid !)y a Laig 
 causeway covered at high water. 
 Uochester, from a cit ■ of Kent, E^g- 
 l-iiid, U" miles from London; contains 
 a cathe.lrai grammar school, found- 
 ed bv lleiii.v Vlll. in 1.-J42. and the 
 ■• Pixir Traveller's House," fonii'led by 
 Pi,.:..ir,I v.atts in the reign of EHin- 
 bi'tii.' The cathedral dales from U04, 
 rebuilt aliout HJ70. 
 Maidstoiir'. from a borough and 
 muket town In Kent, England, dj 
 miles from London, on tin' Itiver Mod- 
 way. Noted for pais-T manufactures 
 Colchester, from a dtv In Essex, Eng- | Its towiisiiLps are: 
 laVid ontlieuVverColne, .-,1 inilcsrrom!.,Lo,i,loii, aftca- the great city 
 London. Contains (-hurches 
 back to Edward II. and Henry 
 I -liied bv the llomam. Camiilodnnum. 
 • ' ,- vicinity Is rich In lUniinn coins, 
 -.r .,, urns, iiottery, rings and other 
 ■ e.-in niitlMeities. ColcheKter 
 lelhain hi tlie third ; Walnfliwt, Croiv- 
 eoneernliig tiK' ...i-ttlenient of the Lo.i- '. land, IIuinlx>rstC)ne an i Il(?rtie in the 
 don and St. Thomas dtatrlcts. I fourth. Ily the InUm Act of IW-KJ the 
 Ilayham. from \iseount Itayliam, | old first and sf-ciond riiiliigs wer.- iiiiid. 
 Lord Camden. | into tlie North Uldlngaiid llie third and 
 Dorchester Is the eaiiital of Iiorsi.t- fonrtl. ridings into tho Soutti l;|.i- 
 j shire, in England, ll.'t mites from Lon- - —■ 
 don. The Uoinans surrounded it with 
 a wall. .Vfter Moiiiiioiith's rehellion in 
 i 10M.->, .ludge .Jeffreys held the lilisjily 
 s and writers, but he brought in no 
 " gagging act" for tlie press, and 
 though the lives of most of his assail- 
 ants were in his hands through their 
 Intrigues with the Pretender he made 
 no use of ids power over them. Where 
 his country breeding showed Itself 
 most however, was In the shrewd, 
 narrow, honest chaiac r of iiis 
 mind. He saw very clearly, but ho , , *, * , ,. n , 
 ■oi.ld not see far, .-iiid he would i,„t I ""'J' '» *''"* ' «""" "•■"'"' " "«"»' 
 believe what he could not see. 1 
 " It was no mere chance «*r good { 
 luck which maintained Walpol." at 
 the head of affairs for more than 20 ' 
 years." — Green. I 
 " The most pernicious clrcum- ; 
 stances In which this country can br? - 
 are those of war, as we must be lo.sers 
 while it lasts, and cannot he great 
 gainers when It ends."— Sir It. Wal- 
 " They may ring their ImIIb now," 
 \'al|iolo said bitterly, as iie.iU nnd 
 I'fjiifires welcomed his reluctant coii- 
 w'lil to the declaration of w:ir iigiiinst 
 Si>aln In 17;i;i, "hut they will scsjn 
 be wringing their hands." 
 Was originally a part of Lliieoln and 
 (Um^ not niipea.r In -the e<.nsus as a 
 separat*? county until isrd. Liiieohi 
 also n clinksl wluit Is now S<nitii 
 We'itwortli and in the map of UpjH'r 
 Canada, made by .\etliig Surv4'vor- 
 General Smith In 171IS. it was dlvideil 
 Into four ridings, wlilch by the Inloii 
 .\<'t of IH-IO wer*. nnlueeil to li,'ii. nii 
 the old map lljirtoti, Aneaster, Glan- 
 ford, Dinhiiiok, .Saltflw.t, Griiiisli.v, 
 Clinton. Caistor and Gainsboro tnwii- 
 Hlii|w were in the first riding ot l.iii- 
 eoin : Louth, st.imford and Newark in 
 ttie ws-oiid ; TlKO-oht. Grantham and 
 r<.<rult their exhiiustcd st 
 witii abundant nnd untaxed 
 the sweeter liecause it Is no , 
 leavened b.v a sense of injustlee. 
 Sir Itobert Peel brought In a 
 to .reform the coiKstabulary, hence 
 policemen ore to this day called 
 The townships of P.s.l Connt.v are: 
 Chlngiiaeousy. of Imlian derivation. 
 Toronto and Toronto Gore, from 
 Tareiito. an Italian engineer, who 
 eoiistrui-t4Ml a fort at or iwar the 
 pn^weut site of Topontii city. 
 "Pletur*.sipi«. Canada " ''alls To- 
 roiiUJ nil Iroipiois word, a eorriip- 
 tlon of Te.iToyagtin. the iiaiiie ap- 
 plied to lyiike Slincoi.. then to the 
 site t>f Toronto, and for siiiiie time 
 ti> the sit<. of piirt lIo|).i; then back 
 to Toronto city in York and Toroii- 
 ti) township in l'is>l (Vniiity. 
 Albion, an ancient iinme of Eng 
 Caledon, from a town 
 Ci.iinty of Tyrone, Ireland 
 .lames Alevander. Earl nf 
 Mil Irish g<nitleinan of the 
 in llu' 
 ; or from 
 last eeii- 
 tlie assassination nf .Mr. P^'rei'val In 
 1812 made an uiisueecs«fut attempt to 
 form a Cabinet. Was Governor-Gen- 
 er«il of India till 1S22, nnd during his 
 term he t4>rniinattKl tlie Nepaiii War. 
 .•^uhseiiuelitl.v Governor of Malta. In 
 IHIO was ere:il4'd \'lseonnt Loudoun, 
 I-^irl of hnwdon and Marquis of Hast- 
 ings. Gre*>n says; "Lord llastiiigs de- 
 Bi'rves credit for imviiig the way tor 
 till* ahoiitlon of the siitU'e." 
 Lord liavvdoii was the Duke of York's 
 s<s-ond In the duel wltli colonel Len- 
 nox, afterward nuke of liichmond. 
 "The old Indian names along the 
 Qiilnti- shores wen* nearly all trampled 
 uniler liHit In the sliainelesH tuft-hunt- 
 ing of onr I'ari.v Governors; one In- 
 stamx) will suffUw, At Il<dlevlllc, the 
 unelent Itiver Sagonaska was re- 
 nameil to flatter the i:<irl of Moi.a ; 
 and even his baroidi« were detailed in 
 the County of 'Hustings,' an.l tlie 
 Townships of 'Unwdon' and "Hungi^r- 
 ford.' "—Picturesque C'aiiada, p. O.'il. 
 Hastings County contains the town- 
 shl|>s of 
 ("Idiiey, calli'u afti'r Lord Sidney, 
 w ho was Secretary for the Colonies In 
 Thiirlow, after the I,ord Chancellor 
 who was In office for many years dur- 
 ing the last halt of the 18th century, 
 unit w host! siM-e^di about "the accident 
 of an aechUnit," in i-epl,v to the Duke 
 of Grafton, is st.ll recited in the 
 Tyendlnnga, tlw Indian iianu> of tile 
 .Mohawk eiiief Uraiit. 
 Uawdoii. friMU Frniiels Uawdoii Hast- 
 ings, first \ iseouiit Loudoun. 
 Ilniitiiigton, from the iiiotlier of the 
 first \ iHt'oiint Loudoun, w lio was a 
 giit4'r of the Ejirl of Hiii'tingtoi 
 tarlo. willed was called after Queen 
 Charlotte, wife of King George III. 
 Wolfe Island, after General .lame* 
 Wolfe, liorn In Kent In 1720. killed 
 at the capture of Quebec from the' 
 Ireneli. 17."iy. He wns with Amherst 
 at the sh.ge of Loulsberg in 1758, was 
 only In his !i4th year when he (ell, 
 and his remains were conveyed to 
 England and Interred at Greenwich. 
 Plttslmrg was called after William 
 Pitt, second boo of " the great Com- 
 moner," w|. vas Chancellor of the 
 Exolmiiuer nr-t iTrnjler at 25 
 and whose " bitterest enemies did not 
 ihire to accuse him of ' ng un- 
 lawful gain." His care, . »rom the 
 time he entered Parliament as a mere 
 youth to his death In IcJOO, aged 48 
 years, havhiB been twenty-five years 
 In Parliament, Is famlUax to all stu- 
 dents of English history. Ho was 
 the author of the Constitutional Act! 
 of 17U1, which made Upper Caiiadi, a 
 j separate province. ' 
 Loughborough takes its name from i 
 tlu Lonl L<.i>,;l boroiigli who was 
 Att.irney General in 178 1, mentioned I 
 by thB N. li. I!|i)v!ew in this senteuco ; 
 "Lord Thurlow and Lord Loughbor- 
 ough WLft) probably men as devoid I 
 of principle as any In tlie prweding j 
 Seneration " Green .sa.vs that Lord 
 Loiigii borough, the Chancellor, trea- 
 cherously communicateil I'iifs Catlio- ' 
 tic cmaneliiation pro>H;t to i 
 the Kuig. " 1 count any 
 man my personal eiie.ny, " George 
 broke out angrily, to Duudus, 
 ' who Proposes any suoii measure.' 
 This drove ntt from office, 1801. 
 tirt-nviile followed him Into retire- 
 ment, ami .UhUngtoii Huecis'ded as 
 ,ui,g.'rfonl, from a tl.h' of tU. ii.st-l\i:^r:i noX>'-'''TZ'XJi^T 
 lireMiitatlve of the family, the Hob- 
 family, conferred ill 1 CIO. Ihiron 
 tings, of Ashliy de la /ouelie, was 
 mur.lered in tin Tower by order of ! -.f'.i ol 1 "., T, „ " 
 KUlianl, Duke of GloucesU'r. Ills s.,n L|„,i''\V' i',' ^i^nii^.^v*"""'*, '"''" ''^ 
 F.*l»ard Hastings was summoned tci ! ^'"'L'', ,?l"''''"A',.o.,' "I""^.. '''"■ .*?. 
 assizcvs at i>or(dK-ster and w-ntenee 
 lost of the Insurgents to ik'atli. 
 The Can.'iilliin to'.vnshis of Dorelies- 
 ter \» called after the Governor-Gen- 
 eral, Sir Guy L'arleton, Lord Dorches- 
 In called after tlie Englhih Middlesex. 
 llstrlct In the 
 Parliament In l-|s2 as ilaroii Hunger- 
 Is enlied nfti'r Yorkshire in Eng- t ford. Ids wife Islng a daugtiti'r ot sir |4 
 land. Of Its townslilps Etobh'Oke has I Thomas Hungi'rford. and their son " 
 all Indian name. | George was ereatid Ijirl of Hunting' 
 York. iKWBihly aft»'r York city on ; ton. 
 , the Uiver Giise, capital ot Yorkshire,; .Marmora conges from the Latin wurd 
 lug. ""'lie n.'une of Welland County is Knglniid, faiuons for its minster or ; for marble, wliU-li aliouiids In tlie tow n- 
 takeii from the Welhind Uiver in Idn- 1 c-atliedral, established in tlie si'ventli ;shlp. 
 wntury. Y(»rk wiw tlie seat -if ijov-| l-driwlr. tn>ni a family of Dutch ihrliit- 
 oriiinent wliili' tlie Itoiiians lield Ilri- - ors wlio live. I al Amstcnlain Is'lweeii 
 tain. Its citizens joined the Scots .-lUii: |.^8:i and lOsl. The Gn'ek New Testa- 
 Danes against William tlie Coaqueror, | meiit is ii'maig ttieir masterpieces. At 
 wit.- iirtiT tlieir defeat rate. 1 tlie city -. . - 
 to t he ground. 
 Governor Slmcis. called Toronto by 
 eolnshire. The name of 
 Ik taken fn>m the I'^igilsh County of 
 Gets it-i name from LhMitenant-<iov- 
 it.i.t hy l.dwnrd tin 
 W(-«tiiii lister, after a 
 City ot Iiondon. 
 Ad'.lahk... after the wife of King 
 William IV. 
 Metcalfe, after Sir Charles Metcalfe, 
 who was Governor-Geie'rai ol Caniola 
 ernor .loliii Wcntwortli, of Nova 
 .«eotia, 1792-1808, to whom Mr. Duii- 
 das wrote un '<tii I'eli. 170.1: 
 "Sir, -1 In. re received the King's 
 coiiimaiid to i;ignify to you Ills .Mal- 
 esty's pleas ire that you do Lnstaiitly 
 take tlie iiec<'ssary steps for raising 
 and forming from ainongst tlie in- 
 habitants of N-jva Heotia a cor|is not 
 exueeihng OOO men. to Isi dividi'.l into 
 SIX companies nnd Ills .Majisty is 
 griicifiu.sly idi-ani'il to allow yon to 
 eoiill,i,-iiiil till 
 the name of \ork, in honor of Prince 
 I'ri'derlck, Diike of York, second son 
 of George 111,, who in 17h(» toiiKlit 
 a duel with plstoh< on Winilil 
 fsiiniiioii with Col. Lennox, afterward 
 Duke of lUi'limon.l. The tonnslilp 
 probably t^iok its name from llie town. 
 SearlMiniiigii, fr.iln a seapoi-t town 
 in the North riding of Vorkshli-e. 
 I-'.ngiiind. esU'i'ineii for Its nilneriil 
 waters and sea Isithilig. 
 Whitehureh. from a ninrket town 
 in rnivlaiid. ('i.iiiily of lliint^, or an- 
 .'I'ks were p.uhltshe'i by 
 leaKt 1 "*il 
 tho I-;' ,rH. 
 Mad^ from the W<.|sli prince, who 
 \h ttioi.^ it by some to Iiave salted 
 to America In 1170, Travellers i-laliii- 
 («1 to havvi foiiiiii traces of Welsh wt- 
 tlenient In .Mexleo. 
 Lake, fnnii \'lsi^)uiit Gerard Lake, 
 horn 1714, liltsi 1H08. was i-oiiiinander- 
 Lii-^'liii-t In In'hiiiii .luring the iiisiirre,'- 
 tioil of 1708. eoiidui-ted the .Mahralta 
 war In Indl.-i and tisik iN.tlii In lwi;i. 
 and Lroiight the Mogul l-auperor into 
 vassalage to Gri-at Itritain. In Ids re 
 feri'iicf. to the rebellion in Ireland. 
 GriM'll h:i.vs: -'lew in f.-H-t li.-ld Joined 
 . - len 
 years afWr attaining his majority, 
 and an estate. Now ho is earning 
 *10 a nveok at a small thi'atre. Would 
 It not have b<*n ImtUir had the StaU' 
 confiscated tlm' estate in death da- 
 ties',' tIm. young profligati,. had no 
 right to It whate.er. The only pre- 
 tension to a right was the mere ae- 
 eiiient of bij'tii. The estate was 
 taken from the State and held by tim 
 laws of tiie .><t<ite, ami to the State 
 it hhoiild liavo retnirned." 
 Poi'tlaiid, from Wu. Puke ,jf i'lirt- 
 tan. I, toloidal S<-cretnry In 1700, to 
 n tiom niiieli uf the eorr<'s|ioiiilence In 
 the Arehlvw was addressed. He 
 was iksiM'iiiled fi-iun the Dutch Wil- 
 liam i'lntinck, upon whom iioiiors 
 and .wtat<'s were conferriMl bv Kin« 
 William 111. 
 lu-ilhird, afU'r the Inijtisli i oiintv 
 in tlie link*', h.-ad of tlie i>re,-it hoiiw 
 of liussi'tt. of whom Lord .lolni Uus- 
 s<'ll. tiie I'rlnio Minister, was a iiot<id 
 llineliliibrooke. froii: a title of the 
 Carl irf .><aiidw Icli. a ineiiibi r of tlie 
 iiiike of Grafton's Gov.-riiiiieiH, |i, 
 laciMVutts in the reign of Ehia- | Tho Canadian townshln of Porches- 1 '''■"^'"1"- 
 Iroiu the l-jiiglisii 
 Ky of 
 D:iiies ng.'ihe»t William tlie Coaq'.ieror, 
 , - ..„v..-|,, . , , ■-, - Iihd tc» the state 
 |nient is aaKUig their masl<.rpleces. At I %, !!,"',__ j''''^" ""tiifned," 
 ''as the bnrlal place Of the Haatlnga I • DUNDA8 COCNTY I Lord Hawkesbnry, who Bnoceeded 
 """"'• IB called after lleary DunJas. Vlscouut M'""! Oronvllle In tlin conduct of 
 FRONTENAC COUNTY i Ulelvlllo, born 1741, died 1»11, a MID- *''"*'«» Attnlra, notlilng wan known 
 dot lUi name from the French Qot- '*'*'■"'"''"' I'ooklugUam, SliBlburno and JO"'*'^"^ t''" ii"""" "/ Inuimons." Lord 
 enior who Mf.i luTaiS liit^OOveare ""■ »«"etary of Htate botli f .r the Ha^'kesbury was also Forelpi Sroro- 
 ago after bo:ng a powB?^ in Can"d" "»■"« '" .*-".'' Add ngton novernmnnt 
 Duke of Kent, sent to Canada In 1818 Emu, from a favorite squaw of To- 
 by the Duke of Ynrk oh second la cuinnoth. 
 command to Sir (Joorgo I'rovosi.. Hte Adjula, the name of a daughter of 
 wn« wounded at lundys Lane, and In |T«cuni»ieth. 
 thj fall of 1814 succeeded Jlrevost nil ! Tdwjrontio, from a Huron word 
 commander of the forces nnd admLn-l meiuilug "beautiful mountain." 
 for twenty-flve-vea™" The" Duke" del""™® ajipears freijueutly a^ the|"S01>- ."T*"* "^'l' "' ..i*"" nation , liitrator of the Government of the Innislll, from Innlsfall. u uoetlcal 
 8t. Simon b/. Id tlmtPront^n,u"fni.n,l "'■•''«'• ""'' receiver of letters relot-'""*'^ Addlnrton from offl™ nnd nv (anadas, a position he held until 1810. |nam<; for Ireland. It Is found In tlHi 
 It hard to l»ar the lmMrlS"s temwr '"8 *" La„ada In the Archives. Mac I o»"«d PUt to po-^r " (1804>. ; S'iT..""':''™'-...!"":™"'""'!'." 'laughter, | form JnnlHrall as a station on the Cal- 
 of of his wife, and he wa« Klven the »"|ay dcscrlUjs King Ueorge III. as 
 government of Canada In 1672 to 
 deliver him from her, and afford him 
 some meBius of living. He bulll, Fort 
 Frontonnc at CatarMul and fought 
 the Un«llBh and liioir Imiinii nnios 
 at every opportunity^ Colden says: 
 " De I'rontenoo stands conspicuous 
 among nil his nation for deeds of 
 crueltj. Nothing was more coramon 
 than for his Indian prisoners to be 
 ftlven up to his Indian allies to bo tor- 
 tured." It >vas In Krontenac's time 
 that slavery was legailjed In Can- 
 ada. One hiuid'Bd years later It was 
 nlwllshed by Governor Simeon's Par- 
 :i, llameiit. McIMuUon s!!y« IVontenpc 
 lei'Ueil, as be I: ad lived, ,ovod by some 
 Is' '"' " 
 telling liundas to i^ccp hlH IScotch 
 nietaiJhyhlcs to himself, when the 
 Minister tried to |icri.;ude the King 
 that it would be right to relieve the 
 Catholics of tbeli iiolitlnal disabili- 
 ties. He also Bays that Henry Dun- 
 das, the Irfird Advocate of Scotland, 
 was au able and verKaUlc iiolltician, 
 and In siwiiking of I'lti's niggardly 
 treatment of literary men, Macaulay 
 says: "' Kveii Dundn.s who made no 
 pretensions to literary taste, and 
 was content to be considered as a 
 hard-headed aud somewhat coarst; 
 man of biibine;>.s m.vdii Uob(?rt Uurnri 
 an exciseman, with seventy iioi'nd.; a j 
 Was called after Hon. I'eter Ku»- 
 sell, who come to Caiioda with Him- 
 Sir Gordon 
 BlUa, married Henry Howard,"" Earl ] gory and Edmonton Knilway. 
 "', EffI igl'am. I Sunnldalo, from Sunny Dale, descrlh- 
 I'nkenbara. after General Sir Eil-ied by the author of Smith's Canada 
 warU Dukenhnm, killed at the battle , as the worst township in the county. 
 ments; Chief Secretary for Ire- 
 land In Lord Grey's Govemment ; 
 Colonial Secretary in 1888, when be 
 carried the measure for emancipat- 
 ing the Wout India slaves ; Colonial 
 Secretary a«aln In 1841-43, when 
 he went to the House of Lords. Pre- 
 mier In 1852 and 1858. 
 AKhfield, from the village of Ash- 
 fielil, in Suffolk, where Lord Chancel- 
 lor Tliurlow was born. 
 Turnberry— Sold to be the name 
 of part of the Bruce estate In Scot- 
 ^'^i?v*^.^^Tr^riG;.-;i ^^:^.-Lt!t^^^'^^ HH5£B^^« 
 tlve and Executive Councils, tjpon 
 Slmcv,o'B depurtuto, Mr. Uussell, as 
 senior member of the ( ounctl, bronme 
 Acting Governor until the arrival of 
 General Hunter in 179U. His name 
 is freiiu'ently mentioned In the Cnn- 
 adlan Archives, and not always In a 
 complimentary manner. In fr.ct, he 
 appears to have Id'Cii a land gral 
 ber. though he wrote to the Duke ! the Honornblo Sir B. I'ackenlinm 
 — -.. _„ „„,ybar, and this was more than lltt, 
 for his courage and military virtues, i during his long term of oiriee, 
 hated by others for-hls cruel temperjthc encouraguniunt of letters." Dun 
 and proud nnd overbearing manners.idas probably little thought that the | f)"™ ,,L"j?5" "*, «^LT,\" "' ,^"' 
 but re(.„ected an,l feared alike by : name of Durns would be much better °"!^ '^f*!?' ?.' "'"''"» "'" 
 rlond an 1 f<«, and with the credit of i known than his own name, before lK>th '" "" ' 
 having, with trifling aid from France, \ had been 100 years dead. Duiidits lie- 
 supported nnd Increased the strength ! tame Lord Jlelvillc and was ilLsiiils-sed i , . , 
 of a colony which ho had founu, on j and Imiienclied for iweulatlon, "thoiiKh ! '"^"™ '," ■""'''I'K ^ 
 his reapiK) ntment, at the brink of] few believed tl...t he himself proliti'.d i "'■''" ,™'7- •*»*,«"■ 
 ruin, lie also .liei, a« he had lived. In by the scamlalous diahoae.sty wliicli " " "' 
 1 , "'°.'" y,'*''.' "'" •'<»i'lt«, and wasi prevailed In his otflii- " He was fond 
 shrived In his last hrnirs by a liecollet | of ai>|iolntiMg his rciatlon.s to sinecur.! 
 lather, and .burled In the liecollet: of (lies. Dr. Doraii, in his book on 
 ,V "■■'' '"«'^''.'','*f'''tl''' (-atlicdral.i" Habits ami ilen," published in 
 rh),..«ult« retaliated by abusing bir 1H34, says: "We read now, with 
 K ,^i;';if,''®fi,^ fi .► . > .:jmetliiiig of wonder, of i:harles I'ox 
 vev. t'^tV ,'■ if ,"?' township su and tlie I'rince of Wales getting drunk 
 isu, w^lJ. n.Tri"*.' •"■ '!'« Loy'il-|t<,to-a-tete in St. .Tames 6tr.*t,*ai,d of 
 u^>'J! in ^'" ' '" .""'"'■ "f l-^l'iSli'ltt ami Duiidas riding houie In the 
 George 111.. com=s|.Midlu,5 to Queen- 1 same happy staf! from AddUroinb''. 
 bilking the turnpikes, and being fire 
 at for highwaymen." Tlie name ot 
 DuikLih ban been given to a town in 
 Wentwortli County .•iiid to many 
 louds ami streets in Oiit.irio, as well 
 UH to Dundas County. 
 The townsliips in Dundas are 
 Matilda, after the ITImess Itoynl. 
 ChurlotU Augusta MaldJa, lentil 
 cliiid anil first daughter of King 
 ■' (irge 111., who married Frederick, 
 ston at the otuor end of Lake On- 
 tario, whicii was called after Queen 
 Charlotte, wife of King George HI. 
 Wolfe Island, after General .lames 
 Wolfe, Ijorn In Kent In 1720, killed 
 at the capture of Quebec from the 
 Ireiieh. 17.".'J. He wns with Amliei-st 
 at tlie siege of Loulsberg in 17,")8, was 
 only in his !i4th year when he fell, 
 and Ills remains were conveyed to 
 England and Interi-ed at Greenwich 
 I'ittsburg was called after William 
 I'ltt, second boo of " the great Com- 
 mouer," wh vaa Chancellor of the 
 l.xolmijuar nnl iTemier Bt 25 
 and whose " bitterest enemies did not 
 itare to accuse him of ' ag un- 
 lawful gain." Ills care. . .rom the 
 time he entered Parliament ns a mere 
 youth to his Oeatli in ld06, aged 40 
 years, having been twenty-five years 
 in I'urlinment. is familiar to all stu- 
 deuUi of English history. He was 
 King of Wurtcmbur^. 
 \MlllainKburg. aft«T Prince William 
 Henry, Duke of Clarence, nftcrnard 
 iHag \>'ldlaiii IV. 
 Mountain, called after Right Kev. 
 Jacob Mountain, first Pretestant 
 Ulshop of Quebec, torn 17.10, came to 
 Canada In 17I)!<. His son was also 
 Ulshop of Quebec. 
 Wiucl-ester, after the city in 
 llamp.shlre, l-'nglaud. which was the 
 the author of the Constitutional Act '"*""' ' "' '■"P'*«' of ^'"8 Alfred the 
 . .# IVii-l I- > .. I. .... %. .. •■v V iliiHi.i^ IKIi) III tukM.-i lln null Ii'ltiii- !'..•> 
 of 17U1, which nuvde Upper Conadi. a 
 separate province. 
 Ixjugliborough takes Its name frfiui 
 tilt Lonl l^c.Ujfl borongii who wai 
 Att.irney General In 178 1, mentioned 
 by the .\. li. linn lew in this senteace ; 
 'Lori! Tliurlow and Lord Loughbor- 
 ough \ycfK probably men as devoid 
 of pT.'nclple as any In the prweding 
 Seueration ' lireeii tn\\K that Lord 
 l.ougnborougfi, the Chanceiiur, trea- 
 cherously eomniunicatoil Pitt's Catho- 
 lic cnianelpatlon pro>H!t to 
 the King. •■ 1 count aiiv 
 man my ller^ollal ene.iiy, ' George 
 broke out nngrlly, to Imndas, 
 ■' who liroposes any sucn measure.' 
 Tliw drove Pitt from office, 1801. 
 Iireiivllle followed him Into retint- 
 luent, and .Vdiliiigton suecM-iied as 
 Ireniier. lord l.ougliliiiroii|r|i b<'eaniu 
 Karl o( lioKslyn. of the iireseiit ro- 
 prewntatlve of the family, ilie Itob- 
 cnygeon Indeiwnileut says: 
 " Lonl liosslyn Is a young man who 
 blew In .iilOU.Ooo a year fur seven 
 years after attaining his ma>)rity, 
 ami an estate. .Now he is earning 
 ■JIO a jveek at a small tliiatnv Would 
 It not have b<»ii Imtter had ilie State 
 eollfiseated tine estate In dentil dil- 
 I ties'.' The young iirofllgiite' had no 
 right to It whate.er. 'I'lie only pre- 
 tenslon to .-1 right was the mere ae 
 Ichlent of bij-tii. The estate was 
 taken from the state ami held by tiie 
 lan« of the .sitate, ami to the State 
 it hhould haio n'tnirned." 
 I'lii.-tlaiid. fr^iMj Wm, ihjke of I'nrt- 
 Innd, lolonlal si-cretary In 17fl(l, to 
 whom miieli of the eorrcHiiondcnee In 
 the Areldvcwi was addressed. lie 
 was ihsiM'iideil fnmi the Hutch Wil- 
 liam Piiitinck, upon whom honors 
 and eKtat«'H «erti c(uifern'd liv Klim 
 "illiani 111. 
 I:«ilfiird, afu-r the lni{llsli ( oiintv, 
 |« the laikr, li.Mid of the ijreat Ikiumi 
 iif Uussell, of w iKiui Lord .lohn llus- 
 s<'ll, tlie Prime .Minister, was a noted 
 Illnehlabrooke, fron: a title of the 
 i:arl of Sandwich, a meiiibi r uf the 
 iiiiki> of (iraftiin's (ei\eriiniem, ij, 
 Great, luid where ho and King Ian 
 ute were burled. There he udmlnls- 
 '• te'ed his government and pursued 
 his studies. There he wrote his Uioks 
 and codified the laws which for ten 
 centuries have fwmed the basis of 
 the "common laAv" of all Engllsh- 
 spenklng lands. There be founded an 
 abliey. nnd tls'r! he died and was 
 \ burled. Wlncliestt>r Is entitled to lie 
 the centre of all the homage the 
 \> hole empire may pay to the mem- 
 ory of the first King of United Fng- 
 land, the real foundi^r of the present 
 world-v^hle empire. In such homage. 
 Indeed, nil branches of the .Vn}:;lo- 
 Saxon stock, however remote, may 
 proi>4'rI.v Join. One thousand years 
 'ago. King Alfred fr««ed l-:ngland from 
 fondgn domination and made It a 
 united klngilcm. He founded schools 
 and began the Intellivtual life of the 
 I I'.agllsii [leople. He Introduced into 
 England the system of accurate 
 measurement of time. He founded 
 the foreign commerce of i:ug- 
 liuid. He founded English lit- 
 erature, lie gave the Eiijt- 
 liKh-H]K.'aklng world Its common law. 
 He fought fifty-sis Isittles by gi>a 
 and laud. He n^lgned for thirty years 
 ns not onl5- tlut King of England, 
 but Its the "guhki. philosopher ami 
 of Portland, on Jul.- 18th. 17il9 
 " The ( ouncll anil inyseli are ox- 
 dl I tor "'**'""8'y '-aPPy that Your Grace ap- 
 lui lor I p^.m.j| ^y approve of the steps we 
 have taken to get rid of the pernle- 
 lands of the Crown bj- appropriating 
 large tracts to af-soclat^ul companl-.s 
 and our determination to [iroceed in 
 making trrants ti> Indlvl !- 
 •f^w In ilio latter 
 ease it has not lieen always In our 
 power to counteract the Mdiemes of 
 KiMM-uIntor.s ami laml jobliers, who 
 are const;intly practicing n thous- 
 tijid arts to evade our vigilance.'" 
 On the other band, tli>-re In;i let- 
 t<'r from Governor Hunter to Mr. 
 King, dated (V-telier ;i7th. 17UU, In 
 \\ lilch be says : 
 "The Councillors arc all g(K>il men ; 
 Uussell, had it li^'iiemled on him. 
 and being fired 11"\'|^ have granted laiids to the 
 — » ■ '■ ' iiovll and all Ids family (as good loy- 
 j alists), proviiled , they could have 
 paid the fees.*" 
 MeMullen Ray:^ that Knssell wns 
 accused of Illegally making grants of 
 land to Iilms4'lf and to Ids relatives 
 nnd particular friends. S^-arehes In 
 the i-eglstr.v offices have full.v con- 
 firmed these nceusations. He niaile 
 few personal enemli'S, but hl< avarii-c 
 njid the manner in which he per- 
 niltted land monopolies to arise, ser- 
 iously Interfered witli the settlement 
 of tlie Province, and laid the foun- 
 dattonuof maij.T evlls. itussell never 
 married lUid died ot norunto a rich 
 man, leaving a oortlon of his estate 
 to the linldwln family." 
 Tlu' t<>wnwhlpM of Uussell are: 
 Uuh-seil, after the Hon. Peter Bus- 
 Cambridge, after I'rlnce Adolphus. 
 Duke of Cumbrlilge, son of King 
 Geo-go 111. 
 Clarence, after Prince 
 Irew Jackson, commanded "tlii Am- j Vespra, probably from the Latin gi-a'ted to Sii'd^"^^ township emi- 
 iM^Vd- r^n»^h .,. I. 1 n .1 » ;vcs|K.r, evening, Greek, liesperos, the Stephen, from James Stephen, Jun., 
 In lib <te«pnteh to Fjiri Bathurst, , west. . As-slgtant Secretary of State for 
 giving an account of the dl.s.i»ter at O-o-The Spanish word for gold the Colonies In 1828; gave evidence 
 New Orleans, .Major-Oeneral Lamtwrt | first npiilled to Ulo del Oro, n river b<.fore a cximmlttee of the House of 
 and sell lenient on the no.-thwcst ( ommi ns on the Government of Can- 
 coast of Africa, celelirated for Its nda, which caused Kir Francis Bond 
 traile in slaves and i old ; and as It Head to call Stephen a " ronk He- 
 was at first IntPiidCfl to set apart till) publican." 
 tewnshlp, or a portion of it as a col- Gre; , after I/ird I'rry the .>lmo 
 -ii..- fo.- liberated slaves, the African Minister, who carried the Reform 
 name of Oro was hcloetod. Hill Ui 18,'i2. 
 "Shanty Bay wa;< first settled by Howlck, after bis son and 
 «m. O Hrlcn, who came to sor, Vlseount Howlck. 
 Godcrlch township and tCTrn 
 "It Is not neccssnjy for me to ci-l 
 patlato to you upon the loss thej 
 nay has sustaUied in MnJoi^Generol 
 CoiHiiiai-der-ln-el'lef of this fcrcc, nor 
 coukI I do so in adequate terms. His 
 Horvloes and merits are so well known 
 that I have only, 'n common with 
 the whole a.rrny, to express my sin- 
 cere regret, which may be nu|i|)oBed 
 tliH dl^tilot some sixty ye.irM ago (thl 
 was written fviinty years ago) on n 
 at this moment to come jiaxticular- idiilanthropic misohin in connection 
 ly home to me. with a proiiosal, on this part of the 
 ■ Tl e brave commander ot the forces, i BrltlKh Government, to found a col- 
 wlio never la his life could refrain j ored colony In tlie township of Oro. 
 from beliut at the poet of honor, and | The enthusiasm o7 the Wllberforee 
 sharing the <langei8 to which the ; perlol oying out, the project was never 
 troops were exiKweil, golloped on to ' Prosecuted beyond the stage of givint': 
 the front to animate them by his pre- t its African name to the township."- 
 sence ; It was there he recelvetl two I'lctuvi'sipin Canada, p. IJOI. 
 w-ouiKls, one 111 his kLee, and another, ! orillia-Diffen iit nccounts of thc- 
 which was almost Instantly fatal. 
 Ills body." 
 Darling, pof«lbly from Grnie Darl- 
 ing, the brave Bngllsh girl, who r<'»- 
 cued nine persons frtini a shipwreck 
 on tile coast of Northiinilwriaiul, or 
 from Mr. DarUng, surgeon to the In- 
 dians at Manitoulln, mentioned In 
 "Smith's Can.ada." 
 Lava lit, from the village of Levant 
 In England, mar Goodw<sKl Park, tli ■ 
 si;at of the Duke of Rkhmoud. 
 Formerly the Xosth Hiding of 
 Northumberland, was called after 
 the city of I'eterlioirough In North 
 anipUmshln!, England, in whose ea- 
 tbedral Catharine of Arragoa and 
 .Mary Queen of scots were buried. 
 Anotlier version Is that tin- town 
 of I'eterborough, and thereafter the 
 V onmik^, -«.»» ^■ i ,>m Iw linnniT of 
 I'eter Robbi»>n, who Inauguraited 
 the immigration of Irish settlers to 
 the l<x;allty In 182.1. Mjiny of them 
 dUid of fever and ague. 
 The townshijis of Peterborough 
 are : 
 Otonabee. an Indian word meaning 
 mouth water, socMilled from the 
 place where the OtoiMibee lllver 
 through a 
 omnes Icugo online cer. 
 Henry, Duke of Clarence, afterword i 5™Pt'«*' 1"*« I"™ i«ke 
 King William IV. ; oe ta- ^ , ,„ ^^ 
 CiimlM^rland. after Prince Enii^t Asphodel (Greek\ moaning a plant 
 Augustus, Duke of Cumlwrland, fifth | *>'. .*';« I'ly family, like the chiffodll 
 son of King George III., horn 1771 
 force., in America. In 178:1 he evacu- 
 nted New York ami wltlnUew the 
 Ilrltlsli ships from America. In 17S0 
 be was iiuiilli a iieer, with a iienslon 
 of £1.000 and siuit to Canada as Gcv- 
 ernor-Generai, wliieh po«t he held till 
 17iKl, He was a strict disciplinarian, 
 friend" of the English [leople. lohl- ' but kind of heart, and e-y (lopular 
 ing nil a great light In a dark age with the French Cantidlans. He mar- 
 and doing a gn'at work for elvlllza- ^ ried \au^ Maria, daughter of the 
 tion amid an Ignorant and liarbar- [ Karl of Effliiglia,^, and died in 1808, 
 died 18."»1. who Kueceeiled to the throne 
 of Ilnnover in 1H:!7. and whose - n, 
 George Frederick, was the last K..ig 
 of Hanover. 
 Got Its name froi.i Sir Guy Carlcton. 
 afterward Ixjrii Dorcliester, who ac- 
 companied Wolfe's expedition to Can- 
 ada and took part in the battle of 
 the PlaiiiH of Abraham. In 1707. tJeu- 
 eral Murray going to Eiiglainl, the 
 government of the citlony devolve.! on 
 Carleton. In 1770 he went to Eng- 
 land, but returned to Canada in 1771, 
 and defended (iuels-e from the attack 
 of Mcntgomery and Arnohl. In 17S2: 
 Cnrleton succeeded Sir Henry Clinton i given him liecauso Wellington achlev 
 as co.niiiander-le-«'lilet of Ills Majesty's „,| the brilli:>.nt exploit of crossing 
 which probably abomids there. 
 Homer sometimes uses asphoiielos 
 as an adj^'ctlve. as In Odysse/ .\1. ,1.19 
 — "nsphoilelos Iclmon," the o- hodel 
 meadow, whicil the shades of neroes 
 haunted. Hence I'Icturesque Canada, 
 p. 642: 
 "With propriety, prolmbly uncon- 
 scious, a township on the lower edge 
 of UU:e Lakt\ has been named Aspho- 
 del, no unfit name for well-waterel 
 meadows, where the shades of In- 
 dian beroe" may still linger." 
 Dumiuer, after Chief Justice Wil- 
 liam Dummer Powell, a mcmLwr of 
 til*' Family Compact. 
 Douro. One of the titles of the 
 Duke of ^V'elllngton Is Baron Doun), 
 uis people, and he died leaving 
 private name and a public record iin- 
 sililleti 'illd liiistailied, but iuiuilious 
 with such glor.v aw few monaridis in 
 land (ir ag»' have wnn 
 Tilt millenary of such 
 honoring which tis' 
 iiian 1 
 human { Transferred 
 will do itsi'lf high honor. 
 Takes its iiiiiuu from Visciiunt Stor- 
 nioiit, IreisUkMit uf the Council In the 
 I ortluiul ((siUtlon Government of 
 I7H.I a nxphew of William .Murray, 
 UunI .Mansfield, the great Jurist of 
 tlio IHtli eeiitiiry, who died in .179:1, 
 and wliosi* pntiMTty was ii«-stroy(,d In 
 tlie linr.li.il 1-luH 11 
 rliier ,hiH- 
 aged 8a 
 TliH townships of Carlcton county 
 aie . 
 osgoode, after William Osgisidc, 
 Chief .lustiee of Canada, from 17112 to 
 INiil . came out with Go\. Slincoe. 
 Ui QueN'C ill 17111. 0«- 
 giMi.te Hall In Toronto is nalned after 
 lilMi. " He died ill arflueiil circum- 
 stances, tlie result of laudable pru- 
 dence, without the sinallest taint ol 
 av.-irlee, or Illiberal pai-sinuiny" 
 Gloueester, after the l-'.llgllsli coun- 
 t.v, or the Diike of Glmieester, a son- 
 in-law of George 111., husband of 
 I'l-ineess Mary. 
 G.mer. after Cell Gower, member 
 .>f Pitt's G.iierninelit in 17H.'l. 
 the River Douro in the face of the 
 French army uj"ler Soiilt, and driv- 
 ing them with great loss from 
 Oporto, and beyond the limits of 
 Portugu i. 
 Ejiiiis.nore. cue ot the titles of the 
 Earl o( LWtowel. who vas rahred to 
 I the iH'i rage iw Baron Ennlsmore, of 
 the Couiity of Kerr;-, Ireland. 
 North .Monnghaii, from the County 
 of .Moiiaghiui, Ireland. 
 Smith, from Sir D. W. Sinii.., the 
 ! Surve.Y'.'r Ueuera!. wh" mi'.de :i. n;M,« 
 I of Vjiis>r innaila in 17US, was a 
 ; niemU'r of the first thriH' Cjinadlan 
 , Parliaments and Speaker In two of 
 : them, iK.rii 1704. died lH;t7 : or Ellas 
 i Smith, who built i mill at Smith's 
 Cns'k (l-ort Hope) Iti 17!i;i : or Wll- 
 I Ham Smith, the great English (.■ii'olo- i 
 I gist, a friend of Wolta.ston and 
 I I .-iviuiillsh, A-bo fe.inulat4-d a theory 
 i on fossils nnd wc called "Strata 
 .MethUTO, from the Duke of Hlcb- 
 moiid, llaroii of Methuen In the 
 P«s'rag>' of Scotland. 
 Hiirleigli, frt,m a high officer of 
 origin of the name have lieeii gnen 
 1. The lesser shore (('oiielilclilng, a 
 Spanish diuiluutive of Ora). 2. Ame- 
 lia, or Aurlea, a flower. 
 Orllla (pronounced li-rlU-yeh) Is the 
 Spanish word for bonier, margin, bank 
 of river, shore of sea, and the town 
 of 0,-lllia overlooks Lak? Slmcoe. On 
 the latest map of the Railways and 
 Canals Departuicnt, the name of the 
 town is spelled Orllla. 
 Flos, Tiny and Tay— " Ii Is hard to 
 tell what spirit. If rot that of mis- 
 chief, suggested the ii:imes of Flos, 
 Tiny and Tuy, in Sinicts' county, since 
 these were the nami« of three jioodle 
 dogs Isdonglng to Governor Colhorne'n 
 wife."— George Jolinsiin, Dominion 
 Statistician. In J. CaHtell Hopkins' 
 Canadian EncyLlope.iia, p. 204. 
 Meiionte. from \ligll, AEiieid, Lib. 
 vl., ll,.e 483- 
 " QiKJS lUe 
 Ingeiaiiit. Glaucunupie 
 Tres .Vntenoriuai, Cercrhiuc," etc. 
 .Vcdoii, a Greek sohiler, brother ol 
 thy lesser AJax, foug,.t against Troy, 
 and woji slulu by .^Eaeas. 
 .Mcdoii (Meoontosj, ,',ji, of Codrus, last 
 King of .vttica, li.msL-K Arihoa for life. 
 Mr. J. A. .MacLaren, of the Barrio 
 I':xaminer. has ;.,!idly ruiiiished irifor- 
 Illation oil Sliueoe County names. 
 Is called after the celebrated .Mo- 
 hawk Indian Chief, Joseph Brant, 
 who took tlie Britisli side in tlie revo- 
 lutiohi.ry war, and was rewarded by 
 a giant of land In the Grand River 
 Ho was born in Ohio and died at 
 Wellingten Sipiare iBurllngtou), On- 
 In the Archives of 1892, Mr. Dou- 
 glas Brj inner wrlU-s; "The disputes 
 of the Six Nations on the Grand River 
 I respecting tlieir lauds were aggra- 
 vated by the occasional ebullitions of 
 loseph Brant, who, when under the 
 Influence ot Ihiuor, docs not apiicar to 
 have been guai ed lu the lone of his 
 The tewiis: lp« of Brant county 
 liiantford, or Brant's ford, cross- 
 ing of the Grand River. Brant threw 
 a boom across the river at that iioint. 
 Tuscarora and Onondaga, names of 
 trils's of the S'l Nation.' Indians. 
 South Dumfries, from the county ol 
 Dumfries, lu S»otland. „, ,,, , ^, , , . . 
 "In 1811, Hon. William Dloksr.n pur- i °'.''„f^'P '"*'«' '^'','^1' ""y„ „i 
 clmse.1 the town.sliip. which he J """f," '"."'• '-""V' Cutlib..rt Colllng- 
 naim-d Dumfries, aft.-r lil.s native town ^X^' ' V ri^*^"^-',"""' „'!"" 'P'i?."*, ,''"■" 
 In Scotland. At Mr. Dl,-k«ui'., re.!mH,t ^V.lTtn L^ „t . i,^^ ^L"' i 1V^'"''';'^ 
 the Post-office oT this new settle- "',*. '"*5 ?M''''- "^^ 'i-'-J^\i- '"'L"' 
 iiriv ' ••d"tp!V.-»-! .11*.,, Ji:tn-il rllt, Y^^-j. A-- 
 played a consiiicuous part In Lord 
 Howe's victory, June 1st, 1794, and 
 In Jervls" victory off CniK> VIncimt In 
 171)7. He wns sivond In command at 
 Trafalgar. Ills ship, the Royal Sov- 
 naraed after Sir Fred. John Robin- 
 son, Viscount Goderlih, Earl of Rl- 
 pon, Colonial Minister In 18,'!0. who 
 died In 18B9. Ills son nnd successor 
 has been In ,il>out every Liberal Mln- 
 ["try since lH"i9, nnd was Chalr- 
 ninn of the High Joint Commission, 
 which draft-.Hl the Treaty of Wash- 
 ington In iflX. He resigned the 
 Grand Ifawterahip of the English 
 Free Masoni) in 1R74, when he Jnin- 
 ed the Cuthohc Church. Mas LlBars, 
 in her book, quotetr the phrase, 
 " Goosey Godet Ich." 
 Colborne,froin Sir John Colborne,Lor(l 
 Seaton, who wrxed In the Peninsular 
 campaign ; at ( oruiina, under Sir John 
 Moore ; was Lieut. -Gov. of Isle Guern- 
 sey (the Roman name of which was 
 Sarnln) ; Lleut.-Gov. Canada (1829- 
 18 ,.",) ; commander of forces during re- 
 bellion and Governor-General after 
 Lord Durham. Was a siern adminis- 
 trator, exe<-uted 12 rebels at Mont- 
 real Lord .Seaton married a daughter 
 of James Yonge, of Pimlliieh, Devon, 
 Eng. The village of Colborne In North- 
 urols'rland count.v, main street In 
 Brantford city. Port Colborne, ter- 
 minus of Wellnnd ( annl, and Colborne 
 township In Huron county named after 
 Sir John Colborne. Di-nt mentions that 
 Sir J, Colboriie was exhibited in efflcr 
 In tlie streets of Hamilton, in 1829. 
 We have hdt lu tiie Western Penin- 
 sula three (Oiintlcs, tiie names of which 
 are singularly connecttMl. 
 'irey, after the Prune Minister of 
 England. 1832. 
 Lambton, after John George Lamb- 
 ton, flr.st Earl of Durham who married 
 Lady ElliaDcth Grey, daughter ot Eari 
 Grey, and 
 Bruce, after James Bruce, Earl of 
 Elgin, who raarrleii Emily lambton, 
 daughter of the Barl of Durham. 
 In the county of Grey we find the 
 township names of 
 Bentinck, after Lord William Ben- 
 tliick, who succeetled I,ord .Vmherst In 
 the Go.-ernor-Generalshlp of India 
 (1828-34), under whom Sir Charles 
 Meteolfe served, and of whom it is 
 written that "Lord William Bentinck, 
 a Liberal to the core, encouraged the 
 press, snapped his fingers at its ot- 
 tacki on hheself, nnd thought Its free- 
 dom an Immense giKHl." He was a son 
 of the Duke of Portland. 
 Glenelg, a name that si<>lls alike 
 backward nnd forward— after Lord 
 Glenelg, Colonial Secretary In 183."), a 
 name which was a houaehold word In 
 Canada at the time of the Lvon I.Iae- 
 keiitle rebellion. "lyord Glenelg, with 
 the best Intentions In the world, had & 
 poGltlvc genius for doing the wrong 
 tiling."— Miss LIzars. 
 Artemisia, a plant of the wormwood 
 or tansy varletj. 
 Osprey, a flali-hawk, also the name 
 inellt wa" uaiucd Gall, afu-r lll^ early 
 friend and schoolmate In Edinburgh." 
 — Pieturi snuo Canada, p. 4(1:1. 
 lliirford, IXhleli forini riy tsdonged 
 to Oxford County, Is the iiaiue ot a 
 plni'e ill Oxford, England, and Karl 
 of Harford Is (Mie ot the title.s of the 
 Duke of St Albans. 
 oaklard, a small township formerlv 
 callcl the Gore ot IlurtonI, probablv 
 got Its najne from the oak trtt-s. 
 Tisik its name from Artiiur Welleslev, 
 Duke of Welllngtoa, born at Dublin 
 ITtiii, men at Waliner CastU', Is.-,;.-, 
 •ndgii, was the first to attiu-K an 1 
 break the enemy's line, and upon the 
 death of Nelson, t\illliigwood finished 
 the \letory and continued In command 
 of the flrt't. 
 St Vincent, the gi-ent naval battle in 
 171)7.— sir John Jerils, of Mcaford, 
 was made Earl ot St \ iiu-ciit 
 .Syilenham, from I,ord Svdenhan- 
 Governor of Can ida In ]'i;lii-ll iMi 
 named Diimfi-les, after his nativ,- town 
 In Scotland. At .Mr Iiliii^,,,'^ ,.„,.,.u.t 
 wiHid, the Ai'ml 
 Nelson nt St. 
 Mlict'lit and 'Priifale . 
 U.I Walls in till 
 ri'lKii of Mliza- 
 ilules frum 0(U, 
 ()[ mo hiHurirt'iitw U> tiriith. 
 Till" '■aimili.ui towii.slilp iif lion'licK-' 
 tcr in riiliiiil uTtcr tlic (iovpriii)r-(li'ii- 1 
 prnl, Sir Ouy CBrlcton, Lord Doroiiii*- 
 hrlh. Till,' ratllrilrul 
 ri.biillt iilKiut 11)70. 
 Miiiilstoiic, frum n lK)roiigli anil 
 inarkul town In Kent, I'.nglnml. .')2 
 iiiUes from Lonilon, on tlii- Itivor Moil- 
 wny. Noted tor pajwr nianui'ncturBii. 
 Colchcator, from ii olty in Esbcx, Eng- 
 land, on the Ulvcr I'olni!, 51 miles from 
 London. Tontnlns ilmrclieH dating 
 back to Edward II. nnd Henry I. 
 Called by tlic llomana Cnmulodunum. 
 The vicinity In rich In Konian coins, 
 vaw's, urnf), imtteiy, rings and other 
 llomnn nntliiultles. ColeheHtcr was 
 fortified bv Kdward the I'.liler. and 
 at the time of the T><inie*lay survey 
 wan a place of no small note. 
 Charles Ahhot, born 17ri7. died 1820, 
 f^lienker of the British House of Com- 
 mons 1801.>-l!S17, WHS raised to the 
 lieerage as Baroa Colcheator. 
 (Josdeld, from a park In JSHaex. Eng- 
 land, cast of Urndtleld. 
 Tilbury, from Tilbury Fort on the 
 Thames In Jiiscx, opposite Oravesend 
 In Kmit ; a large brick fortifloatlon 
 .rlgliially erectwl by Henry VIII. 
 Anderdon, an Indian rtserve cut off 
 from Maiden In 1791, when the Huron 
 Tract was mirr»ndered by the Indians 
 to the Crown. Origin of the name un- 
 Sandwioh, from an English borough 
 nnd Cinque Tort In Kent I'ounty, with 
 thre<' nneleni: hospitals. About the bo- 
 f:inniiig of the Irtili century tlie fili- 
 ng up of the harbor with sand reduced 
 Its Importance as a port. [Sandwich 
 was frequently attacked by the Danes 
 [.I'd plundered by the French In the 
 .loini Montagu, fourth Earl of Sand- 
 wich, born 171S, illed 1792. was First 
 Lord of the Admlraltv 17l8-.^il, 17<5.<!- 
 ti."!, and 1771-82. His "Voyage Round 
 the Mediterranean" was publlsiiea 
 liosthumoivly In 1709, accompanied 
 wUh a memoir. 
 The township of Sandwich ■waB set- 
 tlevl In 17.0 hy the soldiers of ni dis- 
 banded French regiment, about the 
 worst class ot men. Smith says, to turn 
 loose In a new country. One of them 
 sold his hundred acres for a flitch of 
 Called after tin English county of the 
 same name, contalibs the townships of i 
 Tdbnry East, same derivation as! 
 Tilliury In Fjsifx. j 
 Koiuney, from a de»uycd town and 
 ( inque Cort la Kent, lingland. liom- ; 
 ney M.irsh, a iliM'P pasture of 2I,<H)0 : proncli Id it is Ecgfrlth 
 acres, l.s proticK'd from the sea by an NDj-thnnibrln. who fell In 
 imniensi> emlmnkm"nt. Honiney Marsh „-i(|i n,g I'lcts. A II 08.", 
 was a favorite place for smngglcrs to; ■ 
 niwratf In the olii days <jf high cu.s- 1 OF.\OIvI) (OINTV, 
 toni.s duties, owins to its low, sandy jC„||„,i „ft,,r t,,^ Kmrlwh countv aud 
 fl.its, V here easy Innd'ngs could he ef-ieity^ contains, 
 fc -f d, and the 1.1 ly «"'! hrok. n ground; oxforu township, same derivation 
 at the back, which afforded cxcep- ; N,.,.^ j,.,,, from the capital c'ltv of 
 tlonal fa<dllties for the concealment ol the countv of Norfolk, liurlaiiil with 
 contraband goods. ilts cathedral, lounded in 1(11)1. Nor- 
 lieorge Itomiiey was an Engllshl wicli has been noted for itM W(K)llen 
 li.iinter. 17.!l-l.S()2, who obtained hcfabrics since the reiijn cjf Henry I., 
 170:1 the second i/remlum of Til) Kuin;|wlien a colony rif FleniliiKK .settle I 
 I'or a picture of the Death o.'ithero and began tlie laaMufacture 
 |»ltii long wool Npuii ill the iiilj.i'.wiit 
 1,1 ; village of Worst.'ail. wlie:ice the iianii 
 b< c4i:iod after the Bngllnh Middlesex. 
 lt« townshl;M ajo: 
 Loiukjii, after the great city In 
 WeBtiuLnater, after a illstrl-.t in '/lis 
 City of Loiukui. 
 Adehihlc, after the wife of King 
 William IV. 
 Metcalfe, after Sir Charles Metcalfe, 
 who was Ciovcrnor-lleneral of Canada 
 In 184.'J, who piirforincd eminent ser- 
 vh!eM In India, nnd w' 'jse epitaph, 
 written by Maoaulay, terms him "a 
 Htateflman, tried In many offices and 
 difficult coi'hii; tiiros, and found ciiual 
 to all." A ij.-. 1 man, kind, genero.ia 
 and affnbli', with a heart overflow- 
 ing with Clirl.stlan charity, and a hand 
 over remly to luwlst the needy. Sir 
 CharlBH Metivalfe removed every re- 
 striction and conferred npu'i British 
 India a totally unshncklod press. 
 Caru(k», after a dUrtrlct In VValeg, 
 mentioned by Sir Roderick Murchlson, 
 the geolqgijrt; or from the Ulght 
 Hon. John Hobart Curadoo, Lord How- 
 den, born 1799. As Colonel Carndoc 
 he wa« present at Nnvarlno and at 
 the siege of Antwerp. In 1850 waa 
 ambaHsaitor at the Court of Madrid. 
 He sat In rarll.-\ment as M. I>. for Dun- 
 dalk before the passing of the 'He- 
 form BUI. 
 Mwu, the Latin nnd Spanish name 
 of the iciver .Meuse. In Dclglo (inn.. 
 It wati on the banks of the ItlvcT 
 MeiiHO that Blucher's" I>russlan army 
 wa.s drawn u!> a few days btfore the 
 battle of W.-iterloo. 
 I-obo. the Spnnhili wr ,1 for wolf. 
 I!elawnn>, from the Indians, who, 
 having- boeii converted by the Mor- 
 avians, werv driven from one point 
 to i.notlier In the Tnltcd States, some 
 of them finally settling on the Thames 
 Hlver In Fpiier Canada. The name 
 comex from Lord Ite la Warr, Gover- 
 nor of Virginia, in IMO. who.sc title 
 Is Ktill to be found in tijo British 
 peerage, borne by Snckvllle-West. 
 "Tan, many" was a Lelnvan? ( hlef 
 Biildnlph. from .Tohn liiddulph, one 
 of the original directors of the Can- ' 
 ada Land Coniimny. I 
 Xrciilliivray, from Simon McGilll- : 
 vray. another dii'ector. 
 Williams. East nnd West, from Wll- , 
 Ham Wiliiam.s, M. 1'., anotlier director. > 
 Ekfrlil. unknown. The neari.'st ap- 
 , a king of 
 the war 
 (ieneral Wolfe, 
 Dover, from a seaiiort town ... 
 Kent, Kngland, where Caesar first lO" the proluct 
 tried to land; famouH for Its castle, »P»Titcd. 
 witli wails enclosliiK .1.) acres and!..' tt^h'ini. from 
 luirracks for 
 have been fouade.i by the liomans 
 lialeigli.— There is a town i died 
 Kiileigh on the old maps of !■;«- 
 M'X, Englaud Tlie toweshlp may 
 tiKik the iume uf 
 , „„ _ a imijket town i 
 Uien, supposed to I Norfolk, Kngland, 1." miles from Nor- 
 (lets Its namo from Lleutennnt-Oov- 
 eriior John Wentworth, of Nova 
 .>Jcotla, 179B-180H, to whom Mr. Dnn- 
 diiH wrote un Hth l-(di. 179il : 
 "Sir, -1 have received the King's 
 command to signify to you His .\l;ij- 
 estys pleaauro that you do li.stantly 
 take the ueoessiu-y steps for raising 
 and forming from amongst the in- 
 habitants of Nova Scotia a coriw not 
 exceeding etX) men, to bo illvlded Into 
 SIX comimnies and Ills Majesty Is 
 grncloiwly pleased to allow vou to 
 command this ccrps, witli the pro- 
 visional rank of colonel, hut without 
 any pay In coiiBe<iuencn thereof.' 
 Sir John Wentworth was botn at 
 rortsmouth. New Hamiwhlre. in 17:10. 
 and ilkd at Halifax in 1820. The 
 Maniuls of Uoukliigliam rpi)olnti>il 
 him Oovornorr of New Hamiwhlre In 
 1700. and .'*urveyop-Goneral of tlie 
 King's woods In North America, a i)Os- 
 Itiiiii In which he acquired great 
 wealth. Wh.m the Revolutionary 
 vVar broke out lie removed to Nova 
 :»cotla His only son died childless, and 
 left the property to his cousin. Catii- 
 arine Francis Gore, the novelist. 
 The niunes of the townships It' 
 the old county of Lincoln, clear up to 
 the Dcsjardliu) Canal, are taken from 
 I.lneolnshlre. They are 
 Statnforil, from a very old town in 
 Lincolnshire. Its name, an arly form 
 of which was Staeiiford, was ik'rlved 
 from a passage at the town across the 
 Wei, and Hlver by stone. The first bat- 
 tle of the ! lets a<id Scots against the 
 Britf ns and Saxons took place at 
 ."tamtord In 449, and It siibsequentiv 
 l)«;ame one of tin five great Danlsli 
 Crowland, from Crowlaiid, or Croy- 
 hind, an ancient Lincoln town on the 
 Welland Hlver, he'fr cro»«d by a bridge 
 bnllt in the time of I->lward II., and 
 much admired By antiquarians. 
 Thorold, from a Lincolnshire village. 
 Waiiifle<t, from a town In Lincoln 
 I.'"' miles from Ikiston. 
 Humberstone, from Hunimerston, a 
 LliR'olMHiiire villn^. 
 ; GninslHjrough, from a market town 
 and port In Lincolnshire, on tlie right 
 bank of the Trent. Vt»«elH of 2(M) tons 
 can come up to the town. 
 Grantham, from a town in Lincoln- 
 shire, situntcd on both sides of tlie 
 WItliam. Sir Isaac Newton wns edu- 
 cated at Its grammar school. Malting 
 Is tlie prlm-lpa, trade of Grantham. 
 Grimsby, from tile town In Lliicolii- 
 slilro where the Danes landed on their 
 first Invasion of Urltnlii. 
 Loutli. from a town In Lincolnshire, 
 In the fertile valley of tli:> Lud, fam- 
 ous for oi,anufaetures. 
 Cnistor, from « town In Lincoln, 
 England, 11 miles fnrni Grimsbv, the 
 church lieliig rebuilt by Heng'ist r>ii 
 as miicJi lanil as the hide of an ox, 
 cut into thoiii^. would over. 
 Hiiilirook, fi-Din u vilhih,^ In Lincoln- 
 Barton, from Bnrtoii-iipoii llumlier, 
 a LIncolnsliire town uf ci.iisiilerahje 
 antiquity, a jilace of iniiiori,-inc( 
 t'... time of tlie Norman comptest 
 The remains of the old rainpnrt am 
 fosse (.re still visible. 
 I'Mii tlif r,,iiii,ii-rnr. 
 feat razed t la' I'ltv 
 i» ihcs ai;aiii,^l W ill 
 wh I after tlnir ili- 
 to t he groiiiiil. 
 Ooveriior Slmcix cnlle<l Toronto by 
 the name of York. In honor of I'rlnce 
 Frederick. Duke of York, second son 
 of (li-orge III, who In 1789 fougiit 
 n duel with pistols on Wlmlili-ilon 
 ixmiiiion with Col. Lennox, afterward 
 Ihike of Hlcliiuond The township 
 probably took Its namo frcm the town. 
 ScarlHirougli. from u seaport town 
 In the North riding of Vorkshlre, 
 England, esteemed for 'ta mineral 
 waters and sea Ixitliing. 
 Wiiltchurch, friuu a mnrkpt town 
 In England, coimty of Hants, or an- 
 other Whltchnrch, sometimes called 
 Blancmlnstor, In the county of Helnp. 
 Mnrkham, from Most l!cv. William 
 Markham. I). I)., who was the fauiniis 
 Archbishop of York In tlie last cen- 
 tury, a supporter of I'Itt, called by 
 Macauluy " the preacher of lUvliic 
 Gwllllmliury got Its name from Oov- 
 eriior Slmcoe's wife, who was a -Miss 
 King, from Mr. John King, who was 
 Under Secretary of state under the 
 Duke of rortlnnd, nnd witii whom 
 Benedict Arnol I coiresiionded dlioitly 
 (See Archives.) 
 Vaughan was called after Len)anilii 
 Vaughan. who witii Hlchnnl Oswal.; 
 waa sent hy lyord Sli.'liiuriie to iii-giv 
 tiate tlie Treaty of I'eace witli tlie 
 Lulled States in i7s;i. Tlio pair of 
 fools lot tiio Amerlcc'is get ail that 
 IMirt of Canada no\. Included In tin- 
 States of Ohio, Indiana. Illinois. .Mich 
 San and Wlsw)nsln, ami womd have 
 lowed Franklin ami Jay to wheedle 
 them out of the rest of lannila. if Sir 
 Henry Stracliey, I'niier Secretary for 
 Fon'lgn Affairs, lind not opportunely 
 appeared In I'arls. Frimi that day to 
 this the Inited States lias nhvnyg 
 got tiie lietter of -Great Britain In 
 treatiis and arldtrntloiis. See Thomas 
 Hodgins' article in March. 1898, "Can- 
 adlnn Magazine." 
 Georghia is called after a daughter 
 of King William IV- 
 Called after the lake, was cut off 
 from York, and given that name, 
 luaiiy years ,i(tcr Governor Slmcoe's 
 cntarl'i county, which inclmleii Wolfe, 
 Amherst and other isian.is, had lieen 
 alKiMsiied. Its towiislii|>s are : 
 Wlilthy. from a si^ajiort town In 
 York county. England, on the River 
 Ksk. It lia« lately become u place uf 
 winter resort. 
 lai-Mt IS Miiiolii; llii'ir lliiisleridc-cH. At 
 leant 1,001) works were publuilivd by 
 tlio Eiievlrs. 
 •Miuloc, from the Welsh prince, who 
 Lm thought by some to have silled 
 to Amorlca In 1170. Truveilers i-!aliii- 
 »t to have fiiunii truces of Welsh set- 
 tlement In Mexico. 
 Lake, frrwii Visi'onnt Gerard Lake, 
 born 1744, dioil 1808, was commiiiider- 
 lii-chlet In Ireland during tlie Insiin-ec- 
 tlon of 1798, conduetod the Mahrattn 
 war In India and took Ix-llil In IHO.'l, 
 and brought tlio .Mmul l-Jiii|ieror Into 
 viiMsalnge to (ir<>nt Britain. In his re- 
 fereiHMi to the rolwlllon In Irehinil, 
 (Irocn says: 'l-ew In tact had joined 
 the liisurg.'iits In WexfonI wlien lyord 
 Lake apis'ared Isfore their camp npin 
 Vlniwar lliil with a strong fi«-(» of 
 l-:i.girsh trtKips ontheSlstof May. The 
 ci'Uij) was stornitxl, and with tla' dls- 
 lierslon of Its ik'feuiters the revolt 
 came suiklenly to an end." 
 Tuikur. fnmi tlio Royal family name 
 of Henry \II. and his successors to 
 Jamas I. (We ah). 
 Grlmsthoipe, a park In Llncolnsiilre. 
 H«ri.-.>hel, after the groat astronom- 
 er, Sir William, or his son, Sir l-'. W. 
 Walhiston, from Dr. Win. Wnllaston, 
 1700-1828, celebrated chemist. Sec- 
 retary Royal S<Kdety. extended Dal- 
 toii's "atomic tliwiry. " As .'.'• eii.ct 
 analyst, Wallaston wns dWicrve lly 
 Farada.T. -'Following tlio foot>it»-ps 
 of l^lr Humphrey Davy. Faraday 
 (1791-18071 was most fortunate in ile- 
 veloplag the relations of electricity 
 to chemistry." 
 -ilcClure, from Sir K. J. McClure, 
 born at Wexford. Ireland, 18(17, who 
 served In the Lake fleet during .he 
 Canndlai Relieilioii of ISHB; '.ook 
 part in sir .lolin 1!(«8' Arctic exiiedl- 
 tlon In 184.8. nil commnnded tlie ex- 
 pwlitlon which discovered the North- 
 west Passage In 1850. For this ser- ! 
 "i"^' he wv..» 'ivAsh*...! «.i«.i. «(MW<jdl 
 " reward of 15,000. 
 II, - '"te 
 ■ •• nil. ..lid ii.i ,,. ii-f,iri,|.(| •' 
 l'<*-tland, «r the Uuke of I'ort- 
 land. Colonial H<.erotary In 1700. to 
 whom :iiiieli of the correspondence In 
 tlM' Arcliive« was addresNed. He 
 was <k-soeii()ed from the Duti-li Wll- 
 liiim I!i-ntlnck. upon whom In rs 
 ",".',1, '*'''''''" "'«"'" conferred bv Khig 
 n illiain III. 
 ll<;ilforii, after the Kngllsh ( oiintv, 
 <n- the Ijiikt', head of the urcat Iioum, 
 of I, missel I, of whom Lord .loliii itas- 
 si'll, the Frlino Minister, was a noted 
 Illnchlnbrofjke, from a title of the 
 l-ari of Sanii aqi, o member of the 
 !'-".,-7 ,„ Gi. ton's Government in 
 I'Of. riiore Is also HincliiiihroiH 
 .\uniiery i i Uuntiiigilonshlre. Kng 
 laiiil, and Lord .Nelson con-eu-uikHl the 
 'hip Ilinchlnbnike In 1781-. 
 t lan-iiilon. from Lord 'clarendon, 
 head of a noble family, and brother 
 <« tiai late Charles I'elham Vllllcrs, 
 tiK' fr.xi trader. Lord Clarendon 
 was a meaU^r of the Melb<«iriie (luv- 
 ernment and « colleague of Lord 
 < >so, from 
 ' bear." 
 the SjianUih word for 
 _, , -, - . . Henry .Tohn 
 Temiilc, ],ord I'aimerston. ' Old I'm,, ' 
 the Premier In ]8:,r, and 18r,i), Foruign 
 .'<<'cretary under Grey and .MelboiinVe. 
 a man who bullied Kurojie la the most 
 approved style. Born 17N|, died 
 INI..'. A pxoinlnont l.-ader of the Lib- 
 eral party until his death. Opposed 
 the Afhburtoii treaty, siipiiorted Cath- 
 olic emamlpatlon. ile<-i'ar<!d In favor 
 of tli/j absolute reiieal of the Corn 
 Law, In ISf,-), hel|Hsl to si-cure re- 
 cognition ot Napoleon HI. and the 
 coalition with F>fl.;ico against Rur- 
 shi. Iiidefatlsablo In business, fond 
 Of the pleiihures of society and of 
 great culture. 
 .Miller, from Hi^gh Miller, the Scotch 
 geologlit, author of " old Red Sand- 
 stone." " 
 Ciinonto-Aii niiM Indian says this 
 _ , Wdrt Wie name ca i ^Yeneimiuu, wno 
 Limerick, Cashcl, Dungannon, Mnvo. "*;?,'', *'*"' "'""J >'*'""'' «»«<'• 
 Moiintoagle, Carlow. Bangor and! <'''"'n-Uiikliowi>- 
 ,,., ,, = ..uPgor , 
 «lcklow, trrjui countlos In Ireland, 
 W.as called by the French l^en- 
 quisie ,k. (iiiiiitix Its ,,r..»fc.it numo 
 was given in hon'ir of I'rlnce Edward 
 Duke of Kent, son of George III.,aud 
 father of yueen Victoria, wlio wns i 
 stationed at (^iielioc with his regl- ' 
 ini-iit when Hlmcoe was Governor. Iie- 
 pi..i„.ri,,r r-, „ . , .1 V ,, i"""'"K '" ^'e Upiier Canada, the I'rlnce 
 1 Ukerliig. from a town In the North i diove to Montreal In n calecl 
 Blenheim, from tlin viliage in Ba- 
 varia. M here the great battle was 
 fought in 1701, in which the llakw 
 M'X, l^ngiauu 1 le lowi-suiii iiiaj ^ »ir,>,.lh,^B,...™i. ....» *i. t- i - 
 have lK.^11 named after Sir Walter *,,f'''^,°"''f* '." \,i , J-"T ' I" 
 Kalelgh, l.or.1 l.-.-,2, beheaded 1*11^.1 ,,",-„,„J7" ",'"'„ """'."*, ^^T"*""'''' 
 :i favorW- of (iui-eu Elizabetii. whc^',,:'^'.''^'' '""'■>• „, rs'''""'' , T'''" 
 brought poiuto,.s and tobacco from ^j"^ .^ •;„,^; """"" "'"' l'"'*nted to 
 Virginia —" a man of imposing person 
 dauntless courage, extensive kiiowl 
 edge and varied accoiuplisiiiiients. lli^ 
 siieecliMi sli!j\v a knowledge of the 
 jirlnciple of iiolitical economy far above 
 iiLS time." 
 -Macauiay sa.vs in his tssay on "Bur 
 ieigh and hi-, Tiiaus" : 
 " We hud Intciiiied ti> say somrthing 
 concerning liahigh the soldier, tin- 
 sailor, the seholar, the courtier, tin 
 orator, the jiis^t. tlie historinn. thi- 
 pilllowophcr, wlajia we picture to oar 
 seivcs. sometimes reviewing tlii- 
 ijueen's guard, sometimes giviU'; cliasi- 
 t4> a Spanish galleon, then ai.sivering- 
 the chiefs of tin- country parly in the 
 House of Commons, then again mur- 
 niuring one of his sweet loM'-songs too 
 iiiur the ears of Her Highue.ss' maidf 
 *A iioiior, and soo.i after poring over 
 the Talmud, or collutlng I'olybius with 
 iirlord, from a t«»vn in Suffolk. 
 lOagluiid, with n large ancle:;' 
 church, and fine i-emalns of a .\'or- 
 iu,-iu ca.s-tle. Mr Uoliert Waipole wa.- 
 the first Earl of orford. 
 Howard, nfti'r ilie Eur', of Kffing 
 ham. \i iujwij lUiughur. Lady .Mary 
 Howard, vvaw marra.'d U^ Sir Gny 
 I ar.eloii. liovcniort-iUuK-ral of Can- 
 ada,, at tla.' tune the.-fl; townshipii 
 were surveyed and iiarjed. 
 I'aniil^'n i\V,>sti in Kent, and Cam- 
 ik-ii ti:asti ill Addington ( ouiity. 
 from I haritis i'ratt, I. an of t am- 
 'X-ii and \'i...coniit Uayhain of Hay- 
 liain .\lils-y, .^tis.-<!X. bora 1714, died 
 17u4, ( liief Justice*! of tile coininon 
 picas, Lord I haiw'+.'llor In ('liathain's 
 iinv«'mnieiit il700i. and rreKld.'iit ol 
 the Council iinili'r the .vounger I'll* 
 for nine years. He oppo-<-d the t.i-va- 
 lion i.f AnM-rica. .Mjicaulay says Ixird 
 1 amdin's "iiit^'grit.v. ahilit.v and 
 i-oiistitutional knowledge (-ummnnded i S(,i.'r,.t',[ 
 Biaiidford is a town In Iiorsetshlre, 
 formerly famed for lace manufactures. 
 One of the Duke of .Marlliorough's 
 titles wals Marquis of Blanilford. 
 Zorra. from the .jpnnisli word for 
 a female fox ; a strumpet ; a sly, 
 crojty iierson. Some jirefer to ilcrlve 
 tills nam,- from Zorah, the lilrtliplace 
 of SaniBon. mentioned in Juiges xiil. 
 2. But it )irolKi.bly got its name In 
 the same wa^v as Loho In .\liil,ilc«ex. 
 .N'i.ssouri, probably Indian, akin to 
 Missouri, which means mud river. 
 The F.mbro Courier is res|>onsible for 
 the following : ■ We venture to say 
 that there are few is'ople who know 
 how the towiuildp of Mssouri got its 
 luime, .Vn old man. wluwe people now 
 live in tile eastern part of Ontario 
 and wlio in the very early history 
 of .\lH.soiiri lived In tii" nortliern part 
 of that towiisliip, (rave the writer n 
 IllsUiry of how the township was 
 named, which seeme.i i-easoaalile, alio 
 is likely true, l/isig ago, when this 
 ■jounty and otlier 
 were known as 
 Saltfleet. from a port town In Lin 
 coin. England, east of liliihrook. 
 Gl.inford. from Glantoni-Bilgg, oi 
 Briilge, a village In Lincolnshire oi 
 tiie liivei- Aneholme. 
 Ancaster, from .^ncaster Heatii 
 Bertie and Wlllouglihy 
 after i'ei-egriae Bertie, tllir.l Hake ofjil 
 .\neaster and nineteenth Haroii Wil- 
 lougiiliy. who was a member of tlie 
 Cliatliamil70«) and Graftot. (1707) 
 It is not easy to tell whether An- 
 caster and the same ohservntlon 
 riding of Vorkshlre, Fngland, eigllteen 
 miles from Wliithy. I'IckerIng Foriwi 
 and I'ickerilig Conunoii are sliuwii on 
 the old maps of Yorkshire. 
 Uxbridge. frr.ni a town of Mhldlo- 
 s<'x county. England; fiom Henry 
 I'aget, Karl of Ixiprhlge, whose son, 
 Henry \Ullialii I'aget, Earl •>! I'x- 
 bridge, lost a leg at Waterloo, all, I 
 was created .Marquis of .Vnglescy. 
 There was a story that when Lord 
 1 xhriiign's leg wii.s broken l.y a shut 
 during the iKitth- of Waterloo lie was 
 carried to the rear, uji.i passed llic 
 at] Duke of Wclliagtoii to whom he said 
 in the lanj^uagc of the perio-i . ".'.imi 
 my leg. by G--:'- u, which the Duke 
 replletl : 'Have you. hy G :" lUl.l 
 storrlugton, saV' to be taken from 
 tisi plaw of tlia' name in i;ngland, 
 where ,sir Hei<ry, Smith's mother 
 lived. ' 
 Was calli-i after Francis Godolphln Os- 
 borne, the Duke of I.«-.1h, who was 
 .M,«..etary of State fvr the Homo l)e- 
 pirtment, in the SJieiburno Govern- 
 ment lnl78a, nnd whoso wife, Lady i 
 Amelia DArcy,fclope<l "with mad Jack i 
 Byron, fathor of Lord Byron, the 
 poet. The present lioUk-r of the title i 
 was mentioned as a luBslble successor i 
 to Lord Aberdeen as Governor-General ' 
 of Cnimda, but obJec,tlon wjs raised i 
 thatthi'S- were the only wonts wlih I. 
 passeii Is'tweea tlie two heroes ourliig 
 the IsittI-. 
 lieacli.— Aligns Bethiine Heaeh was 
 a British aiittior. horn in fin-erni'ss, 
 1821. Wrot<' - I,,ioiiard Lin., say. a 
 ; Story of Buceaneeis," In 18."ii). There 
 towilshiiwj is not even presumptive evidence that 
 townsiilp was named after this 
 man, hut liis naiie is Inserted In uo- 
 tanit of s,.n,etliliig authentic. 
 Scott township may Is; named after 
 Col. Hereiiles Scott, who was killed 
 at Fort Eric In 1812. or after 'riiomas 
 -- -. — , drawn 
 by a Fi-eiicli pony, thence he tcsik 
 a hatK'au, or row- boat, to Kingston, 
 ind sclKKiaer to Niagara. He saw 
 the Falls and a Mohawk liuihin dance. 
 The tow.islil,« Of I'rlnce Edward Uy Z\.^'^iT^'o:L'n^ ZfyllZ 
 Am..,h.hurg, frou. I.rlnc..ss Amelia, i ililK'^^ SSZI'ISl.^",^' ^^jj 
 iH.ni 178.1. daughter of King ««'rB" j th;- Infant _ <lauKht.,r of Ids musTr 
 ,, , ^, -- Scott, who was Attorney-General of! 
 applies to many other towiisliipsi Is: Upper Canaihi in i><.iO .iii.i (see irdi 
 ifter a plare or after a ninn. ■ l!5l)2. p. ;!,-ii who with others was 
 British custom of using hauled over the co.ils for getting' 
 " .Amelia 
 Thnckeray rememlH'rs hei-tlc 
 pretty little „,aideii prr'tilng and 
 smiling ill III,, anus of liic f„i,d (,|,| 
 Mng, lier fatlii-r-aih! then her ileatli 
 III tlie biiHii.i of woiiiaiihood, nnd the 
 shock to tin. father's reason." 
 •-'oplilasliurg, from l>rllicess Sophia, 
 born 1777. 
 .Marysliiirg. from I'rlncess Mnrv. 
 born I7V11. who married 
 Dnke of Gloucester. 
 Ililiier, after Major Hllller, Sir 
 jUengrine .Maitland's .siecretnry. 
 Athol. after ihe Duke w-|i,i owned 
 nnd sold the Isle of Man. 
 Ha Howell, after Benjamin Unllowell. 
 a Bost.Hi loyall-it, brother-in-law of 
 Chief .lllstii-e Klmsley. wlio got a 
 grant of a towiisliip of huni In Upi^'r 
 name. I 
 owing to till! 
 names of places as titles for iiien 
 There Is a place called Ancaster In 
 Lineol:islilre, and Sir I 'ereg; ine Bertie, 
 Di'ke of Ancjister, wa,s a .Minister of 
 tiie Crown at or alsait tile time .\n- 
 caster townslilp got its name. 
 By the si\th secliou of the Consti- 
 tutional Act ll7l,li provision was 
 m.ide for tlie ereatlo.i of a herealtary 
 nohiiity in Canada, with tlie liere.il- 
 tary nglii of Iwlag s.miniuaed i.o the 
 Legislative- Council. l'..|ipliy this au- 
 thoiity was not exercised ; otherwise, 
 as iiolH'rt Gourluy remarked, " we 
 should have s-.<ell, iierliaps. the Duke 
 of i-iltario loading ill .i cart of iiay, 
 my Lord Erie pitching, aiiii .sir I'eter 
 Superior making tile rick ; or perhaps 
 Ills Grace might now have 
 ,, , Osborne subBe<<uentiv marrlc<t the 
 Everyone who nns read .Uiiighter, and later Ixamme Ixird 
 Mayor ami member of Parliament for 
 the city. The man who ma<k? the 
 wealth of the family was Sir Thomas 
 OslKjrne, who in the eourw of his life 
 nttalm«l the highest rank In the 
 The townships are , 
 L««ds. afU'r the Duke of Leeds 
 ... i Lansikiwue, after the .Marquis of i 
 Irederick. Liiiisitowne, who. as 1-iirl Shelburne '' 
 wiw a '"stlngiilsheil man In the lost I ' 
 e.;ntury aiiid I wmlejln 17K2. Si|«!nk!n< ' 
 of Lord Grenvillo's Government (170)t( 
 Green sayg "its one man of ability 
 was Lord Shelburne. a y€>uiig Irish- 
 man, who had served with credit at 
 But Shelburiie <ll I not diow his 
 ability In cimclinling the Treaty of 
 I eace with America. "Mor«> Incompet- 
 ent r<'pr..sentatlves of &igllsli and 
 town was named hv He 
 ic.iulay after General Sir ' I'anndhin Interests than the two men 
 Grace might now have lieen 
 lolniiig counties i figuring as a pettyfot'g.llK lawyer, iiis 
 tlie •- lllhtrict of' L-a-ilship iiii a pe iar, ,-iii.l Sir Knight 
 jscotch wttiers named a si-c-: lu* a iioor ifursou, starving on ."ijOIJfl 
 tion (known now as West and East;acri-s of clergy re <*rves." 
 Zorra) after the liirtlijilace of Mamsoe.. ' We w-eri- simred tl. ■ spect.ieh' of such 
 Some Vnnkee'; Ketlled In tlie west, alisir. ditles. aim life ineiiihers of the 
 and in siie.-ij.iiig of the section of the! Legislathe ( ouncil wore tiie nuuri'st 
 county 111 which they lived, oescribed approach to u nobility vouchsafed 
 the pulilic res|S?ct, 
 Tlie following is cdipiiod from an 
 '..iwa pais!r: 
 lem- who met -Lord ( "mden 
 ifomrh 1'jii.ui'ln. last t 
 it a.s Iw'iliK " nigh Zorra." or near 
 Zorra. There are lett^-rs yet in the 
 pohsisBloii of .\is.souri people nddres,.,ed 
 " nigh Z(»rra," lint for near half a 
 century III., lowaship iias Is-eii known 
 as .Mssouri." 
 "f lis tow-nsjilps 
 Towiisend takes its name from Gen- 
 eral 'I'ownsliend, who. witli Aoininil 
 .■^'uiinilers, sigiie.. tlie articles ol ca|ilt, 
 ulalioji at l^iieliec in 17.".1(. He be- 
 came Ulght Hon. Thomas •rownshend, 
 l-y of state 1782-8'.). Lord ot 
 w. I iil«;re 
 ■d In hearing iliat 
 to UN. 
 Niagitra is of Indian origin, mean- 
 ing "thundej* of water"; others say 
 It waH the niiiiie of a trite. (Hjvernor 
 SlllllXfo tlit'd tl* MlliinUl.tli! tiu* I'.llg- 
 llsh name .Nevva.rk for .Magara, but 
 the iK'ople preferred t le latter, and 
 , , , tlio name Niagara we i foim.'illy re- 
 iiiiined afU'r the English Norfolk.! i,uitato I by law In ]7!iS. 
 ' '"" Clinton may have Ix en ealled after 
 Si.r Henry Clinton, Couiraantler of Ills 
 MaJ.'sty'i forces Irt. Amerii-a during the 
 War of tlie Revolution. But I'liliaiii 
 and Clinton are IKfth family names of 
 the Duke of NewJastI' , I-i,rl of Lin- 
 coln, of wlioiii th# following is taken 
 froai an artlido U tlie .North British 
 Ueview ; - ^ 
 "From U12 to 1757 the Uelhams 
 wBTC hi power. Hmry lolhaiu was a 
 r ■ ., ,' — ' of iinild rii'l 
 tile Treasury 17lia-18ii(i. to whom 
 many of Governor Jlnldiniand's de- 
 |Spalclie« are adiireesod. 
 o„ I VMiiilhnin, from Right Hon. William 
 m- W'indltam, loionial i-«-ciinarv. w tio.,e 
 money that li.,<l not Isvii voted 
 tile .\.»iendily. I'l-onaiiiy tiie former 
 iK'c.iuse the adjacent towiwhiii of 
 Brock IS named aft<'r .Major-Gea- 
 eral sir Isaac liris-k. wlio fell In 
 tlie sniiie war at yueenston Heights, 
 sir Isaac Brock's "Life" has Isen 
 written by .Mr. 1). B. Head, of To- 
 ronto, and the story forms part of 
 every history ol Canada. The 
 .archives shovv that Sir Isaacs bro- 
 ther William promptly applied to 
 Lord Bathiirst, of the British (lov- 
 enimeiil, asking "tliat he would 
 griu'i some ot the wiiNte laads In 
 UpiM-r I -m.-ida to the family of th,. 
 lati! .Major-ilenerai llris-k. to keep 
 the name allt,. ||, Ihe I'm' lace," A 
 I pension of t2llil a ye.-ir was granted 
 to each ot Sir laaae's four brothers. 
 The iiaine o( Hi-ui-kvl I • wa.s given to 
 I i;iii-il«'tl.to\vn lor Siiarllagton, as 
 i some called iti iiii lioaor ot .--Ir Isaac 
 i Bro-k. ami a district whh-h Included 
 I the |i)rc*-nit County of (ixford hir 
 many years Isire tlie name of the 
 Brei-k District. 
 ] Tliorali is a llidirew word, iiioaii- 
 i lag the I'eatateuch, the revealed 
 will of God. 
 Mara 'ltd Hama mean hitter. 
 ".Villi when they <;amii to .Marah, 
 they coulil not drink of tlic waters 
 of .Miaraii, tor they were hitter; 
 I thendore the imiiie of it was called 
 .Marah."— l-'x(Mius .\v. 2;t. 
 "Til us sal til the I.<ird : A voice was 
 heard 111 Haiiiah, iaiiu'iitation, and 
 bitter weeping; Bahel weeping for 
 ; her ehlldnai retnsi'l to lie comforted 
 ' for her cliildren, U'cailsi' they were 
 : not."— Jerenilnll \xxi. I.'.. 
 Itania is also the Spauilsh word for I 
 br;iiif!li of a tree. 
 s<iigog is ail Indian word, mean- 1 
 big submerged '..nil 
 I'i, ton 
 Thomas ; i, tun. who fongiit li. 
 Peninsula and was killed at the 
 tU' of Waterl(M). 
 Takes its name from Charles I.<ui. 
 nox, Dnke of Kiclimoiid. a descendant 
 •>t King Charles II. and the l)iie|„,ss 
 of I'orUiiioath. who was a menits.r 
 of the shelhurne Government In 178" 
 111- must not be contoanded witli Ids 
 nephew, the Duke of Hlrliinoud, wlio 
 fought till duel with Prince Freder- 
 ck, and wlioB). wife gave the grand 
 hall at Brussels im the eve uf the hat- 
 tie of Waterloo, celehrated bv Bvroii 
 III Childe Harold : 
 "Thi're was a .-^juiiil of revelry by 
 iilglit, '' 
 And Beigiiia,-M (-apltal 
 Her Is'aiity 
 .sound of revelry 
 was gathered 
 ind her chivalry," 
 .M'd whose tragic death from liydro- 
 phol.la, III l.sp.), when he wns Gover- 
 "oc-< i-al ol (aiiaila, will iw recall- 
 l-il. The other titles of tills familv. 
 Earl ot .Marcli ami B„roii Methueii, 
 are loiiinjeiiiorated in the mimes of 
 township- la Carleton and Petertioro 
 Rlchinomi township Is call.al after 
 the Uuke uf lil.-nmoud, 
 Frtik'rickslui'g, after Prince Tred- 
 erlck. Dake of Viul; |-oiiiniaiider-lii- 
 tldet of the Aiiiiy, s. ,„|i| sun o' King 
 (.eorge HI. '* 
 .\dol|,hustowii, from lYluce Adol- 
 phus. Duke of lamhrldge, seventh son 
 George III. 
 iiniiiioiis i-orrespoiuieni- 
 iii','i»V,t.v. '.'ovuv: 
 Was named from Henry Addlngtoii. 
 \is,'ount Shhuouth, wh, was 
 Speak."; of the ||„„„, of ( uminuris 
 from 17811 to iNiil, aaii affrwanls 
 |lhni.eelli,r ot the Uxeluquer and I'l-e- 
 iP.o . '"B'"'"' Macauliy m»vs that 
 j Addlngtoii was iiiilvi-rMillv adinilted 
 the to whom the negotiations wcreihlof- 
 hat- i ly entrust'sl (Messrs. Oswalil and Vau- 
 gliiiii) could bajdly have bo»Mi found 
 it Lonl .Shelburm had ;.-,-:rchcd the 
 country tlinmgli. Destitute of every 
 quality which the skUfnl diplomatist 
 must possess, outgeneralcl h.v their 
 opponents, and anxious npparently 
 iMily tosecure (S'ace atanv prh-e, they 
 graiitc<l concessions, which. In the 
 words of a riiireseiitative of the 
 French Goxernment. 'eii-i'islea niiy- 
 thliig we tielleved pusslble." Mr (nf- 
 terwar.l« Sir) Henry straehey ap-l'l 
 IH'artsI i>a the si'enn t<Ki late ti'i avert >' 
 dlsMsU'r His coiif-agi><ms efforts at the ' ■ 
 last nioinennt proviyl virtuallv nseh'ss 1 1' 
 •Gol forbhl that I should ever luive A 
 n haiKl In such another p<'a('c.' he t 
 wrote. In one of the h'tters which • 
 iiro now iinbllshetl fin- the first time 
 Lor<l Shelburne and his cullengiies can " 
 of conrso, never lie freml from the I'ls- 
 ereiiit which attaches to such hai^ ci 
 giilnlng. With them tlie hiaine prim- g 
 iirliy Ihw for the generous endow- e^ 
 iiieiit -M the Repnhlle with the gigan- R 
 tie boiiiiiUirlBH (in tin south, w. n 
 and north which so largely det. r- U 
 George Voiige. a memlior of the Shi I- 
 hiirne Ooviinimont. and 
 mlmsl Its fiitrti* ii.>iT»'r and infiucnrn." 
 Yonne township Is named after sir 
 I'jicott. nft«r Yonge'M residence Sir 
 Edward Lloyd (Baron Mostvni, wlm 
 was Secretary of War In 1778, m.ir- 
 rled Amelia, daughter of sir Wlia.im 
 Yonge. of Useott. levoa, 
 ElUnlH'tlitown, after I'rineess Eliz- 
 abeth, daiigiitcr of George III. 
 Crosby ]n the name of a place I,, 
 Ungland. Lieut. W. Croshy. HaiMiriii- 
 tendcnt of the arincil sloreship All- 
 iln-w, In 1778, is mentioneil in the Ar- 
 ichlvei-i. , 
 I Elmsley takes Its name from Uhtef 
 .iiiHtli'i' Wlllinm I imsley, who rlleil In 
 llwi.-., a,i,.|| .|o jjjnving a largo fam- 
 t**.n I 
,, ^, , , , -- Ntlltu 
 l'i*tl/in,l, Iron, tliu iMike of I'nrt- 
 liiiiil, Colonliil m.ppotar.v 111 170(1, to 
 ivIiDhi :minli of tlie corrcHiiondflme In 
 tlK' Archives »im adclrfSNml. He 
 lyiiN (k-iKx-nclocI from the l)iit(-li AVII- 
 lliiin I'Mitliii'k. iipiiii whom hoiiorH 
 "■".',,.'*''''''" "'*"' L'lmforreil by KtiiR 
 n lllliiiii III, - » 
 Il<;|lf(inl, iirtiT the Knii-llNh ( oiint.v, 
 '»■ the Ijiikt., Iieuil of tlio" urcat hniu*, 
 of Uamiell, of whr.u, Lonl .l„i,n |[,|h. 
 «■", the I'rlmo Mlul«tor, wiia a noted 
 Illnohlnbrofjke, from a title cjf the 
 Ijirl of Han, I i,-h, u uienibi<r of the 
 I'"..-? ,,. "' "">'" Uovernnient li> 
 l/tlf. riiore la also Ulnuliliihroict 
 .\unner.v 1 1 HiintlngilonKliire, Knu 
 inii'l. iiiid l.orU .Nclnon conM,uu,l<Hl the 
 'lil|> Hlnchlnbnike In 17Si.. 
 , ' I'lreihl from Lord ' Cliin'ndon, 
 iKud of IV no1,le fiimll.v, and brother 
 <a the Iat4, CbarleH relhiim \ llllerN, 
 th<. fr.v trailer. Lord Clarendon 
 ivaH a nieMlxr of the Melbourne (luv- 
 eriinient anil a colleague of Lord 
 < >Ko, from 
 I'alninrNton, after Henry John 
 lenijile, Lord I'alnierHton, • Old I'mn." 
 the Premier In J8:,r. and lH:,i), lonjinn 
 •^ei'rctary un.ler drey and Melbourne. 
 a man who bullied Kun;|H) la the nuwt 
 a|,|>rove,l »,tyle. Horn 17H|, d[^,| 
 \ prominent l.a.ler of the Lib- 
 eral party until hl« death. (ipnouHd 
 the SpanUih word for 
 ,,I,H pi'lipll', MM' 11,' ,lll',l l,'a\l,i(r a 
 privaur na;ne an, I a jaibllc ri'or,! un- 
 miliied nnil iiiiNtalne,!, but lunilnouN 
 with mieh glory nri few r.ionarelm In 
 i\ui Ian, I or ajje have won or merlt- 
 I"' Tin millenary of mieli a man In 
 ,„,,' in honoring wh'eli the human 
 ri,<<' will do lt.«lf high hoiinr. 
 TukeH itH name from Vluoouat Btor- 
 m,>i,t, IrixUleiit of the Council In tlie 
 lorilaiul l.'oalLtlon Uoveruuielit of 
 l78.i. a nophew of William .Murray, 
 Lurxl Maijifi'thl, the gn'at Jurist of 
 tho IWth (^oiiniry, who died In .I70;i, 
 jiiMi who«o pn'iierty was tk-Htroyed in 
 tl,o lHii\tun riots. Jin wu« chief Juh- 
 tlo« till ITWM antl wiM bltU'rly at- 
 ta(;iia,l in tlM! letUtrH of Jui;lmf. A 
 graiKiNoii of tiiat Vli4uount Storn*ont 
 u* the "I'atlM^r of the, lUmm} of Lor.lw." 
 .Sir William IJjivH Murray, tlie l>rl 
 of Man.'^fieUI, who enteirel upon liix 
 nlni'ty-tliii>l ywvr on Feb, •^\, IHttH. 
 Lonl iMjiiiKflolil iH tlio Henlor member 
 of the L'piie,! UouMu of I'arlLnmeiit, 
 both by Hgi* an,! ^length of Men li:e. 
 The iiobi,) lop,l may ilaim. Indeed, now 
 that Mr, Vllllem haf luowed away, 
 to bo "Kntlier of the i>ntln} legl.sla^ j 
 tare.'" Ii„ wa« r»-ltiriUMi to the ll,,uiio 
 of CoDiniouM In tlio iiin'forme<i l-ar- 
 ILamont of 18;i(), aiKl oceupled a wat > 
 In that ehuiuber until hl,s auueeiMlon 
 MKinnii. a 
 »K,'il Hi), 
 Tl,i) town.slilp* i,f Carleton county 
 are : 
 iiHgooUe, after William OKgoode, 
 c;i,lef ,hi»tl,,' of Canada, from ITOa ti 
 IHiii ; eame out witli Uov. Hlnico€!. 
 TraiiHferre,! to Quelicc In ]7ut. ()h 
 goo.le Hall In Toronto In name,! after 
 liliii. " He ,lipd in affbieiit elrcum 
 Htaneen, the result of lauilable prii 
 donee, wlthinit tho Hmnlkwt tnliit of 
 avarice, or llillM>ral pamlmony 
 lilo,,, 'ester, after the Knglish coun- 
 ty, or the Duke of (lloucester, a son- 
 in-law of (Icorgu HI., husband of 
 r. Incest Mary. 
 li. liver, after Mail (lower, member 
 of I'ltt's (ioveriiinnnt In 178:1. 
 NepPan. after Sir !■;, Nepean, Heere- 
 tary f,)r Ireland. IHOl, wliose name 
 apiiearn fienui'ntly In the Archlvi'M. 
 (ioiiltiourn, from Henry (loiilliourn, 
 horn 1781. I n,ier Sei'retary of State 
 f,ir Hume JUpartment In IMO, fur the 
 Colonies la IHIJ ; Chaneeiior of the Kx- 
 clie,|uer ISL'S-.'IO ami 1841-f.-. ; ilieil In 
 18,'i(J. Henry (ioiiiliourn. as ruder Sec- 
 retary of Htnti, signiiil tlic treaty 
 of I'eaee lietween (ireat Ilritain and 
 the rnlteil Statew at Ghent in IHl I 
 .Marit'orongli, Irom .lohn Cliurei,lll, 
 Duke of Marll oriMigl,. burn lll.'ll, died 
 171!J, tlie great l-^iiglish general who 
 won tiie battli's of lilenhelm and Ham- 
 lltii,s. and to wliom lilenhelm CuNtic 
 to tlie iie.'ra({o in 1840, ho that lie has j was pn'eented bv the nation. Ho li-ft 
 been a memlx'r of one chamber or | i.a,.riii,i,is wealth, IiIn Income at the 
 tiio other fur an iininu>rrujite,l ]ier- 
 io.1 of Hlity-4'lgiit years. Scone I'al- 
 tie .\Miburton treaty, supiiorteiiCath- ace. "ortlishlre, the spieniHd iionio of 
 one emnm Illation, itar.'ared In favor i tho family, \h lilstorleal as b.l,ig the 
 I „,.., "^.'-*", '*''«'"' "' *''<> Corn place where the kUuw of .Scutlami 
 Lan. In lS4o, lieliK.,| to secure re- 1 we.-e croc n«l. 
 roc ii«i. 
 Tho first Ivarl of Maiisflehl, uncle of 
 Viscount lAturnii.nt, the seeoml l^jirl, 
 marrieil Lady Kllzalioth I'lncli, duiigli- 
 of tlio Kiit\ of WliichilH;a. Viscount 
 Stormont's son, William, tho tlilr»t 
 Eari, marrloii Frederic^i, daughter of 
 Most Kov. William Miirknam, D. 11., 
 /•„,„.„»„ . ^ . t Archbishop of York, ami niother of tho 
 auonto— All a|M Ijdian says tills i present "Fatlier of the Ubuae cf 
 — " '■■"'■"■ WHO ! Loros. 
 i , The towiishlpii of Stormont are 
 cognition of Napoleon 111. and the 
 coalition with Franco against ItuR. 
 sU. Ittilefatlgablo In business, fond 
 Of the pleasures of sociotv and of 
 great culture. 
 .Miller from Hugh Miller, the Reotch 
 geologU-t, author of " old Ited .Sand- 
 wiirf Wif name cu i i'Tencinauu 
 liveil there many years ago. 
 .Storrlngton, safo to be tnkeii from 
 the place of tlia' name in Fnglanil, 
 where ,sir lIciTy. Smith's motlier 
 lived, ( 
 time of Ills ilmth lieliig £70.000 a 
 year, exelasive of what he drew from 
 royal gifts The priwent lioMer of tlii! 
 title married .Miss Consuelo Van ierbllt, 
 daugiiter of a rich "New Yorker, 
 Huntley, after Oeorge, iltii .Mariiuls 
 of Huntiy, ."itli iCarl of Aboyne, 
 .March, from th'< Duke of Klchmond. 
 Karl of March (a title iterived froiif 
 tho March-is in South Wales.) 
 Torboltou. from Tarbolton, a Scofc" 
 tisli burgh In the county of ,\yr. 
 FUiroy, from the family inline o' 
 tlie Duke of Grafton, win. was l"*!*- 
 mier of Great BrltJiln in 1707. 
 Was callp.1 after Francla (imlolphln (is 
 ■ borne, the Duke of Lc'Ih, who was 
 (I.Se-ietary of State for the Home lie- 
 ■ ikirtment, In the SJU'iburno tiovern- 
 ■ meiitlul78a, niKl whoso wife, 
 wn« a bishopric, having bei'ii founil- 
 was i.,! i,y iliarlemaKiie. Tlie last licreill- 
 tary bishop, Frederick, Duke of York, 
 ctMjeil Osiiabrtick to Hanover. 
 Amelia DAreT€.lon«i"^ui.".".;™'.i I ,' Cornwall, after the county In tho 
 i Byroit" fatliJj'lS'^oAi By 'o, •''i^.r T.*"t"'^^' "' '''*"'"*'• '"'"""" '"' ''" 
 IVoet. The pr.«cnt lioUi^r of tlil tftle i ""** T-Bl"«-nej.. 
 was mentioned as a piBslbie 8ucces»or i "•^""' "'"'" Trolawney die? 
 i to Lord Aberdeen as (luvcrnor-Uenerar '^'•'' **'"'" Trelawney die' 
 of Caiuula, but objwtion n\ia raisi-d ' '"'"'" 'ort.v tliouHuiul lornislimen 
 Wlllium. Donr,.,,! Iliirnii Hnirot. 
 , brotiier of Sir (Charles Bagot, Gov 
 Fmoh. after the wife of -the first ;ernor of Canada, married Hou. Einilly 
 Lari Maiuiflcld, aunt of Vlacouiit ^ Fltiroy, daugiiter of Cliarlcs Plti- 
 Storinmit. Iroy, first Lord i^outharapton, Aho 
 OBiiabruok, after a town ami pro- was n brother of Augustus Henry 
 vlnoe !p Uanover, iK'loiiglng to the Fltaroy, ,Srd Duke of (Iratton, who 
 House of Brunswick, where (ieorge wa.s Secretary of State In 17(15 and 
 ist > IS bom. Until 1802 Osimbruck FIrSt Lord of tho Treasury in 1700. 
 ' gill (lis- 
 iliTe faiii- 
 ' because he iii prrprletur of a. 
 tlllery. The foiindor ol this iiol,., .„,„- 
 iiy wim I'iiward Osborne, tlie youne 
 apprentice to Sir William Hewlt, who 
 Jumped from l..<.ni!on Ilridge to Have 
 ; the infant <|iiugiiU>r of his master. 
 i Osborne «ubBe<.uently marrksl the 
 (Uiiighter. ami later ln'came Uird 
 Mayor ami member of J>arllament for 
 tho city. The man who iiiiMto the 
 wealth of the family wiu) Sir Tliouias 
 OHiMirim, who In the courw of his life 
 uttMliiwl the blghest rank In the 
 The towiiHliLps are , 
 Leoils. iifK'r the Duke of Leeils 
 Laiimiowne, after the .Maniuis of! 
 I.aiiHikuvne. who. us liirl Mlielburne, ' 
 WIM a I'stliigulslieil man In the last 
 i-'jiitury aiiMtlT»iml<vln ITKii. i^kinkinit 
 of Lord (ireiivlllo's Oovernment ,17i))ii 
 IShull know the i-eaHuai wh^'." 
 no man of aiilllty | '''**''*'I' .Mcl*onnell fouiul employment 
 ^. a young Irixli- ^ '*^'' nfaiiy of lla-iu In tlie (ilasgow fac- 
 (iretMi says "ltd one 
 wii« Lord .Shelburiie, a young 
 mall, who lijiii nerve,] with eredit"a't I toi'h's. hut w'li,ii triule lM;caiiie dull 
 .Miinion." I and employment faili'd lie got the 
 But .Slielbiiriie <il'l not iliow his i King's iieniilisMion to raise a Catho- 
 ability In coiieliKllng the Treaty of'"'' regiment, wlili'h illd go<«l service 
 leace with .\nierica. "Mor«> Inconipet- i '" feiireHHing tiie Irish rebellion of 
 eiit representntivea of J-ingiish ami I '''''"''• ''"I"' dihbniiilliig of the regl- 
 I'aiiadian Interests than the two nion ""'"' ''"'''"K f' ' I'eaci'nf Amien.s 18UL', 
 to whom the negotiations were i hief- , "8"'" reiluceil tiic iil,'iiKarr.v men ti; 
 As settlement extended neiw coiiii- 
 tioN were formeil to tho north of tluiHo 
 bordering on the St. Lawrence Itlver 
 and Lake Ontario. 
 North of Ijce\s, took It« name from 
 I.4inarlu4lLire, In SeotI'Mid. 
 l^ev. Illchard Jones s,iys : " In tiie 
 .vear 1810 the town»ililps nortli of 
 tiie itldeau Lake, known as tlie I'orth 
 Itoxborough, after tlie County of '*'**'"ra™t, we.ni seittled iirUicipally by 
 Koibnrgho, Ui tile south of Scotlaiwl. , ''■^'"""K"'"' Koliiiirs. some of wluim 
 had been with .Mn'rcromblo In Fgvpl, 
 (ILE.vOAlUtY COINTY jwith Wellington and Sir .lohn Moore 
 Takes its iianio from tlie (ilen Uarry i in Spain, " itl, Cornwallls in .\meri- 
 iii Seotlaiid. famous in history. iea. but tlie grcati^r part bad seen 
 .Many Stoltisli lllghlaiiilern. who had serviw In IHii', ivliei, 'ana, la was 
 settled In the -Mohawk Valley, New the battii'fleiil. At a ver.v great es- 
 Vork, on liivitaiiiai of Sir WiilLi-.. ' ln'iiwe, the I'.ritlsh Oovernment trii'd 
 .lohiihon, left tiie rniteil .-^tates dur- 1 to niak»i thi-M' old si^l^icrs anil their 
 Ing tlie revolutionary war, figt. ling ! families as coiufiirtablo as possilile at 
 their way to Caii.iiia ami settling on the cloni' of the war. They eliose 
 the Niagara frontier, on tiie Biiy of tlii'lr liK'ations with,,, it exiwiiH , and 
 each ni.'Ui r<s'eivod, arconliag to ills 
 riiiik. friiiii one to five Inindreii acn's. 
 They Here uLso Kiipplleii with ail 
 iic-essary lm|ileinenf, of hu.^bandry, 
 and txKiis for bull, ling puriHiNt'.s ; ais,). 
 of Moiiaglmii, iroiaiiU. 
 Siuilli. from SI.' f>. TV, , .. -til, the 
 Surveyor lieni'ral. who f .e a maj) 
 of Tji|)er Canrula In 17U8, was a 
 ineinlier of ti,,- flrirt three Canadian 
 I'nrliaments and Speaker in two of 
 them, Isini 17(14, died :8,S7 ; or Kllas 
 Sinltli, who built a mill at Smith's 
 Creek (I'ort Htipe) In 170.1; or Wil- 
 liam Smith, the great I':nKllsh geolo 
 gist, a friend of Wolljiston and 
 Cavendish, who tormulnt«Ml a theory 
 on fossils and waa called "Strata" 
 .Methueii, from tho Duke of Rich- 
 mond, Baron of Methuen In the 
 I'ls'rag" of .''cotlunrt. 
 Burleigh, from a high officer of 
 State under Queen Elliabeth. 
 Chando.^, from Ix>rd lirenville, Duke 
 of Buekinghnm and Clmndos. 
 AnNtriitlier, a member of I'arllament 
 who took part In the debate which 
 (Unused the quarrel be(tw<!en I'ltt and 
 Fox.. The nniiif! is yet reiireseiited 
 in the House of Commons. Tlie Lon- 
 don Cnnadlau Gazette of a recent 
 date r:ontaltied the following iUun ; 
 "Sir Wliulham C. J. Cariiiicliael- 
 ,\nHtruttier, ninth baroiK^t of Nova 
 Scotia, and fifth of Great Britain, of 
 Anstruther, Fifeshlre. died on Wed- 
 iit'Kila.v of last week, at his seat, Car- 
 nilchael House, Ttiankertoii, aged '74. 
 Ho was tlio only son of Sir Windham 
 l'armlcIia(M-.\iiKtrutlier, eighth baro- 
 net, ami was bora In 1821. He suc- 
 c+'t;iled to the Utle ,.iid faniil.v honors 
 in lS(i!i. He marrieil. 'n 187;!, .laii- 
 etta. t'le only iluughter of Mr. Itobt. 
 Darhour. of ISoleswortli castle, ■ liesii- 
 ire, and was left a. widower in 1801." 
 lie". I'r. Thomas Chniiuers wnsliorii 
 at itiintruther, in Elfe, Murcli I7tli, 
 t.'i>... 811- John Harvey, born 
 suppowcd t<; be a imturui son 
 named Diiiiif;,'l,.s, aft,.'r'li,s native 'town ' v T'"' *'!? j}'''"^''" ' 
 In Seotlanil. At .Mr. Dickson',-, reoiiest ^'■'*"' "* '^t. Mneeiit an, I 'Ir-ifmi,; 
 tlie I'ost-ifflce Of this new settle- ,"'',',',' ^" •*» 'I.' """ "B" "' H- A,linlr, 
 iiient was named Gait, aft...r his eariv I """'KW'o™' <Iled .March 7th, IblO, II.' 
 friend ftad schoolmate In Kiiinhnro'h •■ 1 1',''^*. a ™"»l>lcuouj(i part In Lor,l 
 llowfl's victory, June Ist. 1704. nn.l 
 friend ftad schoolmate In Edinburgh." 
 — I'lctiirisiiuo Canada, p. 4«a. 
 Ictory, June Ist, 1794, .in,! 
 .Jervis' victory off Caiie Vincent In 
 I-a.e In Oxford, England, ami inrl :. ''^'"'*"- . 
 of Burford Is one of the tltlBs of t"ie "«!"' '^'" 
 Duke of St, Albans. 
 'Mkland, a small township formerlv 
 cnlle,! the Gore of Burford, probably 
 get Its nalfie from the oak trees. 
 ■Took its name from Arthur Wcllcsley, 
 Duke of Wellington, born at Dublin 
 17()0, died at Wuliuer Ci.8tle, ls.-,L', 
 who s(..rved in Holland (1704), In 
 tjulntti and on the hanks of the St 
 LuwreiK'e, where are now i.lie counties 
 of Glengarry and Suirniont. Ilt^tvveell 
 the years i7^^0 and IVliO. lonsolidu- 
 tioii of tlie siniill farms In the High- _. . . 
 lands of Scotl.ind I'au.seil great dis- 1 •'"ol'liig utensils and blanketK, 
 tresh to till- 
 llsiKi.ssi'Sneil tenants. 
 ly entriisfsl (Messrs. Oswald and Vau- 
 gliaii) eould hajdly have bf.vn found 
 1 If Lonl Shelliurm had ;.~,-:'>ched the 
 I'OUlitry thniugli. l>«(tltute of every 
 euallty which the skilful <llplomntl«t 
 must piwspss, outgeneraleil liy their 
 opjionents, and anxious niiparently 
 only toHi'cure p»'ace ntanv prUe, they 
 granto<l coiicesalons. which. In tlie 
 words of a miresentative of the 
 French Government, 'eii'eeilea niiy- 
 thbig we liellevnd possible." .Mr. (nf- 
 terwanls Sir) Henry straeliey ap- 
 peartsl on the wene tio late ti'i avert 
 cHsMSU'r His couf'ag<><ms efforts at the 
 last moniennt proviyl virtually usiU'ss i 
 •GikI forbid that I should ever luive 
 a haiKi In Kiu!h another p<>ai'e." he 
 wrote, bi one of the h'tters which 
 are now piilillHlitMi fin' the first tiin,. 
 l.onl Shelburne anil his collengues can 
 of course, never tie frenl from the iMs- 
 crisiit which 
 giiiiilng. With 
 iirlly Ih-w for the generinis eiidow- 
 iiieiit 1)1 the Uepuhlic with the gigan- 
 tic hoiiiiiiurloH mi tin south, wi it 
 nii.l north which so Inrgi'ly deti r- 
 lieorm' Vonge, a monilior of the slii I- 
 liiiriie Government, and 
 n-,!:iitl liji fiitiii* in^wr and infincnrr," 
 \tmv township Is iiameil after sir 
 l'j«Mitt. after Yonge's rcsldeii,i> sir 
 IJlwnril Lloyil (Baron Mustviii, \v;i,i 
 was Secri'tary of War In 1778, iii'ir- 
 rleil Amelia, daughter of Sir Wlliiain 
 Voiige. of Fsi'iitt, li'Miii, 
 i;MzalM'tht,i\vii, after Princess 
 alK'th, ,la,igliter of George 111, 
 ( r,isliy It, the name of a pla 
 Fnglaii'l. I,ie,it. W, Crosli.v. Nuisirlii 
 ten, lent of the «rme,l storeshlp All- 
 Iri'w, In 1778, Is mentloiicil In the Ar- 
 want, and the Bisliop applied for 
 land In Canada on wlili-li ttuiy might 
 settle. Tremler .\dilliigtoii. Lord .'<li(- 
 iiiouth, wanted to send them to Trliil- 
 oiH* year's provisions for each 
 woman and child." 
 The townsliips of Lanark County i 
 are , 
 BiirgcKs called after liev. Tlioman i 
 Burgess, a fellow Ntudent at (ixforif 
 with I'rciiiier Ailillngtoii, wim ai'- 
 iiointed l,lm Bisliop of .'<jillsbnry. 
 BLshop Biirge.ss wa^: the autlior of j 
 about Kill puhlicatlons oy theology, ' 
 slavery an, I other topii's. ! 
 ShcrbriHike. from Sir John Coaiic i 
 of Lord I'aget. Eftfi o' Uxbridgo and 
 .ManiuiH of MigH^y ; served ii. the 
 .Mahratta war under Lord Lake, 
 whose daughter EjUabeth lie married ; 
 was appointed Upouty adjutant-gen- 
 eral to the nrniT "ui Canada iisia); 
 planned and t<iok i.ui t a: tnu tiafh, 
 i-.r Stonoy Crook (June otli, 181:1) ; was 
 Governor of Noir Briinswlck, .\ew- 
 I'oundlaiid and Novo Scotia. Died In 
 Caveuillsli, from Henry Cavendish, 
 the eheiuUt, (171)1-1810) who mea- 
 'Ure,l the densiij/' of the finrtli. dls- 
 i-ovored the comtiosltlon of watei. 
 made experiments wltli hydrogen, etc, 
 Galway. from the county of that 
 name In Trelnnd. 
 Belmont, origin unknown. 
 Was called after Her Majesty Queen 
 Victoria, of GMiat Britain and Ire- 
 land, born .May 21th, ISl!), succoedi-d 
 her uncle. King William IV. June 20tli, 
 18;)7. 'The townships of Victoria 
 Cininty are 
 (•lis, Latin for Mcalth, riches. 
 Mariposa, Spauisli for butterfly, 
 also tiie name of a county in Cali- 
 \erulam, from Earl Veriilain, the 
 title of the (irlmston (nniilv. once 
 worn liy Fraii'iUs lljicoii. but fre- 
 iliiently extinct. 
 I-'rneloii, from a brother of the 
 1>( ncli Archbishop. " In the aut- 
 umn of KiliS, two Sulpiclans, Messieurs 
 Fenelon an,l Trouve. e.stahlisl,e,l a 
 lalssion at a ViilHge of the i ayugas. 
 on the Bay oT Quiiite. This Mr. l-'eiie- 
 loii has often Ihs'u mistakc'i for ti'e 
 celebrated .\rclihlslioi) of Camlirny. 
 The Canadian missionary's Intiors in 
 (entral Ontario are commemorateil 
 by the recurrence of the, name F*'ii<»-f 
 Ion In the ( ounty of Victoria. (mr 
 Canadian .\bbe was not the .\blM> 
 Fenelon who wrote Teleniaipie and 
 Is'caiiu' Archbishop of Caiuhra.v ; the 
 missionary explorer of our lake shore 
 was the Archhisliop'N eliier brother. 
 They were both sons of Count Felie- 
 lon-Sallgnac, though by illtferent 
 A bis- i'Vnelon s'lent parts of 10 110-70 
 Jliirfonl, ■Rhich formerly belonged ■ i7,,7 „„ „„. , , - 
 to ..xford (■ouiity,_ is the name «? '^ >J3JJL^'"n^l'l 'tr^^tfU! 
 -he first to attack and 
 reak tho enemy's line, and upon the 
 1 eutli of Nelson, ColUngwood finished 
 tno victory and continued In command 
 of tlie fleet. 
 St. \lncont, the great naval battle In 
 l'B7.— HIr John Jervls, of Meaford, 
 was made linrl of Ut. \ Iment 
 SyiJenham, from Lord Sydenbam, 
 Governor of Canada h, 38.'to-41 (Mr. 
 -- — , , f'oulett Thomson), "Literally wore out 
 did (1707), In I'ortugal (1808), and '"'» 'eoble life In the service of tho Can- " 
 defeated Napoleon at the great Bat- "•"an lieople,"— McMullen. 
 tie of Waterloo, Jnue istli, Isi.-J. |(e Derby, Enrl, I'remler In 1852 and in 
 biibseiinently hold Important pr li- IS.IS. 
 tioiis In the British Government, anil '• Sarawak township Is called after tlw 
 was lieinler In 1828. ' Inilois'ndent state Sarawak In the 
 Tlie townshiim In Wellington County '"'"'"' of Borneo, Inhablti'd by .Malaya 
 are and Dyuks. In 1841 the Sultan of Bor- 
 •usIliK-li, from tiie place where ,"™ •'•''•led a portion of the tt^rrltory, 
 (iovernor Colborne got his wife "Lord ''"'""""g the town of Sarawak, to Sir 
 S<'iitoii married In 1S14 tlio eldest ;""'<« Brooke, a friend of Captain (al- 
 daughter of James Yoiige, lOsn , of ter"'""' Aitmlral) Sir Henry Kep- 
 J'lisJimli, Devon."— Morgan's Cclcbrat- !*'• **" °' ^^^ ^^'^ "' Albermarle, and 
 ed Canadians. ; brother of Viscount Bury, who was 
 Erin is the iwetlcal name tor irc- I."'**''"'"'*""'''"' »f Jt'iHuii Affairs In 
 Innil. m an Imis^rlal statute, the ! ,,'^'"^^"•,,1''"' s**'/?, "' "The Expedl- 
 Inion Act of l»io. It Is sixlh-d UlT H' ^J'^i° "' 'I"'' -Ma esty's Ship 
 "Ering," ''"'"-"iDldo, for the 8uppr,:ssiou of IMraeyj 
 Guoliih is tho naiie of the Hoyal i.VjJJJj.^'Jf^Yo"-"''™ '^'"^ Journai'o^ 
 House of Brunswick Jir. John Gilt, 
 '-ei-retary of the Canada Laiul (Juni- 
 piiny, wrote an account of the naming 
 of the city of (iiielph : "The name 
 was chosen In compliment to the 
 lioyul Family, both because I thought 
 It niisi'.UIous In Itself, and because I 
 could not recollect that It had ever 
 lieen before used In all the King's do- 
 Niciioi, after tlie gallant Colonel 
 Nichol, who won a gohl medal for con- 
 duct at t*io capture of Detroit under 
 Brook, and wo was killed In 1821 by 
 .Irliing over a cliff near Queenston 
 u<i It niiuiaj.v iii-g.-li. tea „„., ,-,.,A.v<7| 
 a man <rf rare endowments, and. In 
 private life, as amiable us Ids public 
 career was brilliant." 
 I'ilklngton, from Oonernl I'ilklng- 
 tpii, who owned 20,000 acres of land 
 tlii^re. ^ 
 Arthur, from Arthur Wellesley, 
 Ihike of Wellington. 
 Fjjii., of Sarawak, now 
 ler .Majesty's Commissioner and Con- 
 sul-Geiieral to the Sultan and Inde- 
 pendent Chiefs of Borneo," was pub- 
 lished by Captain the Hon. Henry 
 Keppcl, I!. .\., and the thlr,i edition 
 appeared In 16-17. Captain lioiiney 
 M,in,ly also puhllshed in two volumes 
 in 1818 a " Narrative of Events In 
 Borneo ami Celelies, down to the oo- 
 ciiiiation of Lnbun.i, from tho Jotip- 
 iiais of -famcfl Brooke, Esq., Rajali of 
 Sarawak and Governor of Labnan." 
 In the Hnme year iKMks by Frank 8. 
 Marryatt, Hugh Ix>w and Captain Sir 
 Edward Belcher, on the same subject. 
 Kepiiel. from the Captain Henry 
 Keppel just mentioned, who, after 
 assisting Brooke at Borneo, com- 
 mandod a <llvtolon of boata at tUe 
 destructlou of the Cliineso war fleet 
 in I8ri7 ; was naval comniander-lu-chlel 
 at the Cape of Good Hope hi 1800; 
 vice-admiral Bn,l commaiiiier-ln-chlet 
 of*M!nf;.'?"' '■^'■'i "'"^'*, l-l"';'- I'n-H Ion tl;e China ami JapanstatronVYseT^ 
 .rnm^L. 1- »"""'^"'' "'"'" ','<■' >■'»• :"'"' attained the rank of full admiral 
 ernment Governor of Bengal, or his , in laou. He wrote " A Visit to the 
 son ,llbe-'„ First Ltjtd of the Ad- Indlac Archliwlago In H. M. S. Maean- 
 .niraity in Lord Aberdeen s Oovoru- iter." 2 vols., an.l wits made D 1.. 
 "*'"■ , ! of Oxford m lS7i). 
 Luther, from Martin Luther, lead- ' Sullivan, from Uoliert Baldwin Snlll- 
 I'rotcstant Uoformatlon in van, of Toronto, a meinlier of the 
 er of the 
 l'e<il, from Sir Robert I'eel, Premier 
 of i:iiglaiul 1841-40. when lie was do- 
 feate,i |iy a coalition of protection- 
 ists anil Whigs. 
 Mnryboroagli, from William, Lor,l 
 Bahlwln-Liiloatalae ♦loiernment in 
 I8,"i(), and for many years a judge In 
 Upper Canofla. 
 Holland, from Samuel Hollond, flnt 
 Murveyoi^Geiieral of Upper Canada; or 
 Lord Holland, member of the Melbourne 
 Mnr.vbor,jiigli, lia/l of .Moiniagton, a I Government. 
 brother of tiie Duke of Wellington. Euphrasia, the name of a plant of 
 whose daughter, Lady Marv ( liar- 
 lotte Anao Wellesley. mnjTlj'd .-^ir 
 Claries Ba^;ot, Governor of Canada 
 In 1811. 
 which for tw-o 
 Sherbrooke, born 1701. (iovernor oflnt Pickering Harbor 
 Caiia,ia In IHio. Klngsford .says lie : c<'nturles bore the 
 proveil tj) U' one of tho wb*!st(iov- mails Bay. 
 dail, but finally the llislii.p got for '''■""™ of that isriml "But all that: Bexley, after NMcliolaa Vaimlttart. 
 I very one of the Glengarry ri'gimpnt •"''"''■'"'""''"' '"'' a,',i,nipllsli was i,ul- l-onl Bexley, Chancellor of the Ex- 
 a gritnt of 200 acres of land in ' in- ''"•"'' '•>' the ill-Jiidgi'd self-<i«.sertiiiii cheipicr. 
 I.ramosn, unknown, possibly ,Spnn- 
 Ish " llranios." ^ 
 Gnrnfrnxa— A' correspondent of the 
 Guelph .Mercury says: 
 Gaiafrax.'i-Voii have asked for the 
 origin of Gnrafraxa, and we have 
 btH-n uiialile to get it. .Mr, ilihso!;, 
 of Gnra, info.'med one of ,,iir towns- 
 men that it was so calleil fr,i,u sa-i- 
 safrns, a small herb that wa.s vcrv 
 Iilentiful when the township w„s Ik- 
 ing Mirve.ve'l In 1821 by IJvckiii.'in. of 
 Haiiiiltnii, others say It is frnai an 
 Iiiillaii word. The iiwen .^oiiinl roa.l 
 Is callc.l Garafrax.'i r'oad up near 
 Owen Snuml, Ix>t It come fruni 
 what it, will. It is a fine toiviisl 
 filled with gixjd iK-ople, 
 a, la. The Bisliop ralsi!,! the Glell- 
 of I 
 l-s Incoilijs-tent sui'ci'ssor. the lliiki 
 garrv Feiiclbles ri'glmont for the wari"' I'lchmonil," Tiie iiealth of Cov- 
 of 181'J, ami for tills and other ser- ' '"■'""■ •sberbrisike was so pisir that 
 vices Earl llathurst granted lum a I '"' "'oulil not remain long In Caiiada 
 snlarv of i.(iOO, and mnile liini the first i „""*'"""''t, from Henry, second Enrl 
 illoiesaii Catholic Bishop in the Brit- : ""thurst, son of Baron Ari- ey, born 
 isli ilouilnlons since the Reformation, '."'''-' ''I<'i' IS-ll, Was l.i:,-d Coniuils- 
 Iii 1H:1!I lllsliop McDonnell wi nt to i J'"'"','' oj the A.lmlralt.v, lommlasioner 
 r.iighiad will, his friend Dr. Uoli>li,of ["'■'"'"'*• Fon'iga .Secretary. Colon- 
 AncasUT. to arrange for the emiRra- i "V • ecn'tnry, Presl.lent of the Conn 
 tl',11 of nirire lllghlamlers to Cana<ia, 
 He 011,1 tl„rc in 181(1. agi-,1 70 years. 
 The townshliM of Glengarry County 
 . _ Ivancasler. from the F.ngUsh city, 
 nttaches to aueli liar- capital of Lancashire, tnnioiis for Its 
 tliem the hiaine prim- great in. leiluct ami the castle, fimtid- 
 eil at til*- coiniuesl on the site of a 
 Koilan station. 
 ( liailoltenhurg, after a town In 
 Prus.'.ia, mar Itcrllii, or posvlhly after 
 ijueen (Uiarlottc, wife of King George 
 Ktn.i-oii, fioiii LIo,v,l, I.,oru Ki'iiymi, 
 born I7;i2, iheil 1H02, He was the 
 son i,( a Welsh sipiirc, called to the 
 liar 111 I7,",0, atlriu'tiil the attention 
 of l.,or,l Tliurlow, who ai)|Miiiiti',i him 
 Chief .lustire of Clieshire, In 1782 ho 
 « as niaile Attorncy-Geiirral. and two 
 years later Master of tl .' liolls. On 
 itlie ri'liri'iuoiit of Lor,l Mansfield. Pitt i ,.,,„,n,„„,i ,i,,, „.,.,„.„, > 
 mlnmili- Kenyoii Chh'f Justice of ',,:;r.';:^?,,.*!l^,::!!:!r,':,V:.'f '?.,',T'^ ''"'"'•' 
 the King's Bcmli, with the 
 j title of Lord Kenyon, Baron of 
 ! (Ireillngton. He was di.slikeil by the 
 .•,.,. , „ , Ibnr for his overlieailiig disiiositloii 
 t,.-.i,., iviM, ''.^" ';"""' f/"'" 'lilef U,„. Insolent manners, but favored bv 
 till- „ '.'"r.l" ,''"?'"-»• who died III I ,„d,||c on account of the rigid 'iii- 
 iwi.i, anvil .12. Ifjav.ng a large fam- ' ,>„, !„i|t" of his derision: ■ 
 icil and First l.,ir,l of tlM> Admlraltv. 
 He marrijMl n daiighti'r ,if the Ihike'"' Newcastle wl 
 |,ir lili-hmoml. The Achlves I'ontiiln ! I''-" ' Wlieii niilt. 
 iiiiich correspon, leace with Lor, I Hath- ' 
 iirst. « lii«' naiiif' was given to a 
 I District in (ana, la, afterward aboi- 
 isheil by .Vet of Parliament. 
 Ramsay, from GeiiernI George Mam- 
 say, Earl of Dalhousie, born l'f7(), did 
 Iialluuisle, from the Fjirl of Dnlhousie, 
 (Iovernor of Nova Scotia, founder of 
 Dalhousie CoMi'g... Halifax, who on tlie 
 deiith of tl-.*- Duke .'f Kii-iiniiaui was 
 appolnteil by I.oril Batlmrst Governor- 
 General of Cami'la, He could not leave 
 Nova Scotia Imnieillate'y. and Sir Peri'- 
 grille Maltland iwrfornu'd ilie ilullis 
 until Dnihousle's arrival in IM20, Mr. 
 (bristle, the historian, snvs "tliei'e w/is 
 '{a maiilli,, 
 call, lor ami inti-grity in 
 Dalton, after Dr, .Toliii Dnlton. of 
 Manchesti'r. who illeil In 1844, He 
 wiiK a note, I scientist, aihl discovered 
 (he atomic theory, that " matter con- 
 sist- of ultimate partlcli>s or atoms 
 llicnpnble of divlsluii." D,'ilti,.i Invi-s- 
 tlgatcl the expansion of gasi>s. evap- 
 oration and the elasticity of steam 
 Eldoii, from .lohn Scott, l.onl 1-:1 Ion, 
 the famous Lor«l clKini'ellor of Eng- 
 land. He w'rts the s.iii of John ,Scott, 
 he was horn in 
 -- ., oiitli he eloi>eil 
 with a.i,' married Bwisy Surtecs. and 
 for a long tiai" tl..- yniiiig couple were 
 very piMir lie ei, tired Parliament In 
 17S.';. and Iscani" a favorite of Lonli 
 Thiirlow. who nin,le l.iin Attorney- 
 General In 17o:i., In 17!i0. as Banui 
 Eld. Ml. he wwK mail. Chief Justice of I 
 tlic Coiiiiiioii PI, 'as. In 181,1 hi'lieeamc! 
 I."r,' chaiii'clhir. .'111,1 with the exec'i- 
 tlon of one .vear he hehl the sea'ls 
 fr,,,,, iHiii to 182'!. He v.-ai a gr^^nt'- 
 Tory ; opposed Cathollo Emancipation I 
 Parliamentary Ueform, the Aholithm l( 
 of Slavery. Free 'I'rade. pop ibir Eilu 
 ealioti ami tolernthin of nl! ,'.lnde Si 
 opposi'il was Kl'lon to cl.cn^" tli'.i 
 "(he ilisappearan 'c of ho ,|w from '.be 
 Whicli formerly ext*'niled from llnl- 
 ton to tho Georgian Bay, and Included 
 name of 1 rench-, Wellington, Duffi rin and Grey, gets 
 its name from the battle that Wel- 
 lington and Napoleon fought la 1815. 
 Itti townships are 
 Welle.'-ley, after ."Nir Artimr Wclli'S- 
 ley, Duke of Wellington. 
 Woolwich, the niiiiie of the arsenal 
 town ill Kent, England, where Henry 
 VIII. established a dix^kynrd. 
 W'ilniot, from Mr. Wilniot. Private 
 iSfcretary to Lord Liverpool in 1810; 
 or from a Mr. Wllaiot, who was eia- 
 plojed as a surveyor by the Govern- 
 ment of Canada In 1810. 
 North Dumfries, from the County of 
 Humfries. In .Scotland. 
 Waterloo. aft<'r the battle 
 Is namivl aft«'T .-^Ir Fn-ik-rlck Temple 
 Hamilton-Templc-BlacliwiMkl, Mar,ul« 
 of i)uff,>rin ami VlHcount clamleboye, 
 who was (liivernor-Geiieral of Caniula j 
 1872-78; \iiiiiaiis.i4lor to Russia, Tur- 
 key aiKi I-rance; Governor-Ucneral of 
 Imlia, etc. 
 The towiiKhips of Dufferln an-. 
 an astringent iiiiaiity, formerly in 
 it'pute for dtaenaes of the eves. 
 Proton, Greek. " the first"— neuter 
 Normanby. from the Maripils of Nor- 
 ma nby, Home Secretary In 1835. 
 Egremoiit. from the Earl of Egre- 
 moat. a mcinlicr of the Oronville Oot- 
 Takes !t« name from the Earl of Dnr- 
 hiiia, .lohn George Lambton. whose 
 family has hecu prominent In Durham 
 county. England, tor many ceiiturieB, 
 and to wliom the legend of the "Lamb- 
 ton Worm" nttacliee. He was Gov- 
 ernor-General of Canada 18;!8-40 ; a 
 Uadical in iiolltlcs ; uiaiie the famooa 
 report, sometimes credited to his 
 Sc-cretary Builer. which resulted In 
 the union of the two Canadas and the 
 establlshmont of the municipal system. 
 Among the townships of Lambton are: 
 Bosaimuet, callc.l nfter Charles 
 Bosauiiuet, M. P., first Chairman of 
 the Canada Company. 
 Sombra, .Spanish for shade. 
 .Moon', after Sir Joiiii Moore, under 
 whom Governor Colborne served at 
 Coriiniia. Sloore's ('ylng wish wa« 
 that CollKirno be promoted.— Mla« 
 " Not a drinu wan liear,l, nor a 
 funeral note." 
 Enniskilien, from tl,,- (own In Ire- 
 ami where the I'roUstants won a 
 battle In 1(180. 
 A son of the Earl of l-Uiiiisklilen 
 was a «)liiicr, who fought at Sula- 
 nianca and Vlttoria. aim was piob- 
 alilj a coniiadc la anus of Sir John 
 t ulhornc or Sir Pei-egriae Maltland. 
 \\iu'w.ck. f;-,,ai 111. Uiig.lsli ,'o'j:ity 
 o Warwick. 
 Bnsikc, fi-oiu Sir James B.-ooke, Ha- 
 jah of Svirawak. 
 Plymiitoii, an Enghsh town. 
 Sarnla, the Roman name of Isle 
 idiiernsi'y. where Sir John Colborne 
 was Governor. Is-fiire he came to 
 ( anada. T'lp tra.iitioa Is that In 1835 
 Sir John CollKirae, then Governor 
 Uslted ■' 
 Mono, whU-h is tho Simnlsh" wor^liiU";-";!:,/;,""""',"'!"" ,""'?^,*''?.K'»P- 
 f'<r moaki-y. :(,,,.. '■-" 
 .Melnnetlion, the German relighnw 'I'liat 
 Lord Dalhimsle that eiiiild nut fall to I 
 ju,ll,'c,l mla,l nciiualiiU'il with Idai 
 Lor, I Dalhoiisli' \vas Governor of t 
 Are! ' 
 ,.,,,,,, ..,..,. ,1 (,n .<,i,t-r,,i>r III I a,,-:- , , . '"'- '^'iiu 
 .1,111 niitl, lf-28, when he was n|i|,i- iiti'il I ,,'-'i ','" '""■''''^•r "' her Iiiiiik-o 
 Comuianilpr-ln-Chiif of the fon-cs in ! '^ """''"' '•"'"« '"'e.inn' her enemy. 
 A rc<X'nt numliiT of the Acaillan II 
 coriler aialirax) glv.'s the follnw li 
 **, . 
 {liiupso of old tinii's ; 
 draw iiig-r SHU tilli"! hlni with alarm 
 Wli'ii th" King Irfrlcnilol Queen 
 :lari>llnc. l';iiloii wns her trlen.l Uer 
 Iconflili'litlal ailvlsi'r- the depositary of 
 licr ,s,'cret sorrows .111,1 th,,, wi,rin do- 
 . . the 
 line man was not only acccssiirv to 
 her prosecution, hut never neems to 
 have bail one spark of regret one 
 ' •omiiiinctloug sorrow, 'that his 
 eformer, ".-^.-liwarz Bnk'." 
 laithor (Martin), 
 .Vniar.'iiitli. a flower of the cox- 
 comb variety, that iloea not fade or 
 wither ^viien phioktHl. 
 Miilmiir. unknown. j 
 Is naimyl 11-0111 li'rth-hire In Seotland. 
 Il« si'tllc'iient and that of the aii- ! 
 J.iccnt i-oiint.v ,if Huron was con- j 
 trollivl by the Canada Land Cnnipany, 
 of whii'li .Mt'M,illi>|, says: "The sum-: 
 niiy |,>r 1.8241 wi.M «llsti,igiiisheii by | 
 the foniKitioii, .laih'r an Imperial 
 cha.rter, ,>f the Canail.'i l.ami Com- 
 eatahilMliIng a 
 for the protection of Canada. 
 he uaa feaiiteil right royally 
 liy the I'-arnia ceh'lirities of the ,lav 
 among wlmin we,-,' G,.,,. Diiriin,!, Caiit. 
 viilai. John Joiii'.s, Ciipt. Elliott, 8. 
 Proi'tor, ei»'. 'I'liat an e-vciirsi,in (the 
 fust on record 111 l.,amhtoii) wa« 
 planneii foi- ,1 trip up the rapils into 
 l..ake Huron : that Just as the boat 
 g|>u rightly into the lake a stiff 
 Oreeze Ironi the Maniti'iiliiis sprung 
 "P, la, hieing His Kxcelli-ncy to give 
 th< captain onlcrs tu " Imut ship" 
 nan g.-t into the Si, Clair again. The 
 story ginw that a (">ntcntlon was 
 raging alKxit this lim,' niuuigst the 
 Snrnians alsiiit 
 the village 
> rniiiK JU-lli igh the Hultllur, tin 
 T, the Hi'linlur, tin* colirtlor, tltf 
 'i-iitur, tlH* iiut't, till' liiHturiaii, tin 
 jphiluNuphi!!', whiiiu wi- plL'tupt* tn (Mir 
 nclvcB, HuiiiPtiiiiHH rnvleniiiK tin 
 • ^iieeii'H guard, N{>in)-ttia<!ri giMii^ chum 
 u* a .SinuilNli ^alU'iia, 
 tiu' L'lilt'fn i>r till' cuuntry party ia tlu 
 UiMiHf (if CoiainoiiN, then again aiiir- 
 iiiuring (Hlo of liis Mwcct luvi'-rtoag.^ tnc 
 near tlio t'aps of Her lligliiit'SH' aialtl* 
 of honor, ainl wiioa afte** poring over 
 tlie Talrjuii, or collating I'olybiua wllli 
 iirfnnl, from a tcwn in Suffolk. 
 ]->nglanJ, with ;i large imeieat 
 cliuieli, nnil flia' ivmalnn of a -N'or- 
 luau citHtle. .sip lt(»lx;rt \\'alpole wu^■ 
 the lirst lOurl of Orfoni. ' 
 Howuril, lifter tile i;arl of K/fing 
 haul, >vluwe linught^'r, I^aily Mar.v 
 llov.-arii, «aN niarrleil to Sir Guy 
 cnpleton, (iovernori-Uoneral of Cun- 
 aiia., at the time tlie^e towiislilpfi 
 were H.urveyeil and • ^ .led. 
 I'amihyi i\Vc:it) In Kent, niul Cam- 
 ilcii (KaHti la Addliigt<jn I'ouaty, 
 from Iharles Pratt, i:art of Caui- 
 lieii and VU-xxiuiit Uayhaia of IJay- 
 liam .\1>1«'.V, Su*«x, born 1714, died 
 37114, t hiof JuHtlce of the roaiiuon 
 pleas. Lord I'Imiiwdlor in i'liathani'H 
 tinverainent il7fl(li, and rreHidiMit of 
 the I'oiuicil uiuler the youngt-r l*itt 
 tiir nine years. Ho opposed the taxa- 
 tion ot America. Macuulay uay.s Lord 
 ramdeir.s "iiitegrlt.v, ability and 
 the pnbiie respect.' 
 Tlie following Is cllpi>cd from an 
 Ottawa paper : 
 ■Those wlio met Lord C«mden on 
 \'. -i Vi'i.v tbrniifth i*>otuiiln. last sniu- 
 nier will lie iiit4ireNted in hearing. tl>at 
 \:m engain-ment lias Just been an- 
 nounced til .Mi»-i Joan NevlII, a daugh- 
 terof Lord Ileriry .Nevlll and grau I- 
 ,liiught<'r of the .Mju-iiul.'j of -Mier- 
 g.iveiiny. Itut \vhat will apiieiil more 
 to ottawans K timt Sllss Nevlll la a 
 jiicce cl the two Ijiptaiii Stri'at- 
 fields. who were, each In hla time, 
 durtiuctly popular here." 
 I'liatliam, from t'hatiium, a Tarila- 
 niontary borough and mival ur>caal 
 of Kngland, on the right bank of the 
 Medway, near its confluenon witli 
 the Thnraes, :»> miles from London. 
 The dockyard i.s a mile long. In t(lii7 
 the Dutch imdcr De Ituyti^r sailed up 
 to l hatliam, destroyed tin 
 in .Mid, .lea 
 II i 
 till' Cl 
 MsHDiiri, probably Indian, akin to 
 MlHwourl, whleli meaiiN mud river 
 The Linbpo Cotirlcr In reNpoimlble fop 
 the following : " We venture to Hny 
 thi'ii aiiMwerlin-l "'"' Ihere are few people who kiuiw 
 liKW the towiiNhip of .NlNHiiuri got itH 
 luinie, .\n old mnn. whiMe people now 
 live in the fiiMlern part of Ontario 
 and who In ihe very early history 
 of .VlHKouri lived la tlin northern part 
 of that township, gave the writer n 
 history of how the towiiHliip was 
 nanu'd. which Neeuied reaKonable, mid 
 is liki'ly true. IjiMig ago, when thi.. 
 county and othi • ailjulning 
 were known a» the '■ lilMtrict of 
 Brock," Scoteli settlePH named a sec- 
 tion (known now as Wiwt an I Fast 
 Zorra) after the blrtli|ilaee of >iauiaoii. 
 Home 'Yankees Nettled in the west, 
 and ill speaking of the section of the 
 county la which they liveil, iiescrlbcd 
 It as iK'liiK " nigh Zopri ," op neap 
 Zorra. There are letters et in the 
 posMcssloii of N'issoiirl people' addresm-d 
 " nigh Zorra," but for near half a 
 century the township lias lieun known 
 us Nlssourl." 
 Is named after the English .Norfolk.! liwtati 
 of ius townships t'lliit' 
 !ll»l>lt til. 
 caster township got its name. 
 Ily the sixth section of tlie Coiisti- 
 tiitional .Vet n7bl i proiisioa vvai^ 
 made for the cpeatlo.i of a liereilltary 
 iiutiility In Canada, with the liere.il- 
 tapy right of Isdng s, miiioaed i.o tliu 
 Legi'tlative I'oiinell. Happily ttiH iTu- 
 tliority was not exepclsed ; othepwlse, 
 as lioliept lioupiay pemarked, " we 
 should have seen, perliups, the Duke 
 of Ontario loadiitg in a cart of iia,v, 
 iiiy Lord lirie iiltchliig, and Sir I'eti-r 
 Superior making '.lie rick ; or iieriiaps 
 Ills Ornce might now liaie lieeii 
 countlifii figuring as a pettyfoitging lawyer, his 
 Lordsiiiii a« n pu .lac, and Sir Knight 
 tm ti iHKir imrsoii, starving on .'i.uoi)' 
 aeri?** of clergy reserves." 
 We were spared the spectack' of such 
 alisardlties, and life lueinticPK of the 
 Legislative CiMiiicll were the neurest 
 apprisich ti a nulilllty vouchsafed 
 t<j us. 
 Nlagitra Is of Inmaii origin, mean- 
 ing "thiiniler o' water "; others way 
 It wiiH the name of a tritie. (loveriior 
 rtimc<x> tried tii «uli«tit.it4' tiie Lug- j 
 llMlt name Newn.rk for .Mngarii, but ! 
 the people preferred t.it.' latter, and 
 the name Niagara wii-i formally re- 1 
 I liy law lu 17!i1. ( 
 ton may liaTB Isen called aft»T 
 Towiisend takos Its name from lien- j , sir Heaiy Cliuton, Couimamler of His 
 eriil Townshend, who, with Ai.niiral. Majesty's forces Irt. America during the 
 Saunders, sigiie.i the articles of eaiuvl \v„j. of the Kevolutlon. But rediani 
 ulatioii at yuelx.v in 17.j',). Ho be- 1 and Clinton are birth family naiiieH of 
 'XLnarknow'illlJ' commanded I v""^"'^ '^"'""i'"'* T"""-"""'. ! the buki of'NcwMWtle, liTiri" oV Llii- ^ '■>•■ ,',""• <'''l'l> 
 Hi' I2in?et'^ '''''"''■''■ "' '*^"-^" 17a--Si*. i.ord of i coin, of whom th# followliiB- In taken i ""t- -Jeremlii 
 IlliM-ii I.S named after .Major-iu'ii- 
 erai Sir Isaac li/ K'k, who fell in 
 :ll« same war at uienslon Heights. 
 Sir Isaac llrock's ■'Life" has ln'iui 
 wpltten liy .Mr. 1). ll. Read, of To- 
 ronto, and the story forms p.irt of 
 every history of Canada The 
 .\ndiives siiow that Sir Isaacs bro- 
 tllep William iironiptly apiilcd to 
 Lord Ihitliurst. of the Ilrltlsli (iov- 
 eniinent, a.skliig "tiiat he would 
 grant some of tlie wiwte lands in 
 Cpiicr I aiiada In the family of the 
 late iMiijor-deiicral IlriN-k, to keep 
 the name alive in the I'rovlnee." A 
 pension of tilllii a ye.ir was granti'd 
 to cucdi of Sir Isaac's four brothers. 
 The name ot llrock\l 1' wius given to 
 i'.Mzaliethtovvn (or SnarlingU'ii, as 
 some called Iti iiu honor of .'-Ir Isaac 
 Uroi'k, and a district which included 
 the itiresi'iiit C' .unty of <i>/cu.,| rop 
 many years ih.re the name of the 
 Urcx'k illstrict. 
 'riioraii Is a Ihdirt'w word, mean- 
 ing the I'entateucli, the revealed 
 will of (iod. 
 .Uara and Kama mean bitter. 
 ".Vail wliea they eame to Marfth, 
 they could not drink of the waters 
 of .Mmrah, for they were bitter; 
 therefore tlii^ niiiiie of II was called 
 .■Vlaruli."— llxislus xv. 'J.'l. 
 "Thus saith the lj<ird : .\ voice was 
 heard in Kaiuali, lamentation, and 
 bitter weeiilng; Italrel wee|)ing for 
 her children refused to lie comforted 
 iK'caiise they were 
 .^ „ following IM taken '""t'-JPwiiihih xxxl. 1 
 the I'reasui-y 17M3-1SII0, to wliomi f,-oiii an article H tlie -North British i Hania Is also the Hpanilsh word fm 
 I many of Uovernop Haldlmaiid's de-l j{,.vlcw • - ' , br.'iiich of a tree. 
 jspiitches are adilreesed. ' "Froai 1742 to 1757 the I'elhamB ' S<;ugog is am Indian word, mean 
 j W uidhum, from Itlght Hon. William I ware la power. B»nry lelham wa« a i '"8 submerged land. 
 I w mdliam. Colonial Becrctary, wliose I r .-i ,.• ;- '. r^ tlrolil end' 
 I volumlJious eorrcspoaiteiice on Caiia- I j«evlsh temiier, biU of good Bense and 
 Idiuii affairs fills many pages of the | industrious business habits. His bni- 
 I Ai-cliiV(w. ,Macaulay eall.s W illlam | ther, the Duke of Neweairtle. was pro- 
 j Windham an aecompllshed and In- i bablv the greatoMt fool who ever licl.l 
 Ifenious orator to whom It was ' ' " 
 I privileg,' to list 
 Wals.iighaiii. from Sir William de 
 ; Orey, IJaron iVjiisiiigiinm, who was 
 Attoriiey-tieneral in 17(i(l and after- 
 ward Lord ihief .lustico of th.i Coui- 
 luoii I'leas. There Is a market town 
 ill liurham, Kngland. culled W'al- 
 sibgham or VV'ol.slngiiaim. 
 Charlott<'Ville, after ijucen Char- 
 lotte, wife of King (liorge III. 
 Houghton, from the residence of 
 Sip Mjlx'pt Walpole In Kngland. 
 stupes. I Tliepe vyas a J>ieiit. llougliton, a 
 the ; bvout, who madtr foMpiciit rejiopts to 
 ' tiov. Haldlniand duping the lievolu- 
 tioiiapy w.ir. 
 lid carried off a ship of war, 
 Riivai ( liarlcs 
 On Seiitember 2l)tli, 179;!, tiover- 
 nor Slmuco wrote to Secretary Dun- [ Mlddleton, from a town In Laii- 
 lua propcBLng_ London i-s^the scat of i j,m,i,||;^^ Kngland. In n lilcli there are 
 " " " ' silk and cotton manufactures. Also. 
 Oovernment for Upp(!r Canada, and 
 stating that ho hud marked out a i 
 [dace to be called Oxford (WoodBtiK'k), 
 likely to become -i town, and i.iiother 
 likely to bpcunie the capital of the 
 Lower District, called Ciiatham. 
 (Arehivf*! of ISal). 
 The Hituatious of these three point; 
 on the CaiiailLaa Thanics. correspond- 
 ing to Oxford, London, and Chatham 
 on the Thaeies la Kngland. suggests 
 .Siincoe'8 motiv"! In selecting those 
 William lltt was I'remler In 1791!, 
 and the fact that hn wiiM the son of 
 ■William 1 itt, first Earl of Cliatl;ain, 
 may have had something to do with 
 the clio'ice of this name by .Slmcoe 
 for the ti/wii and township. The 
 story of William ritt, the great Com- 
 moner, born 1708, died 1778, from the 
 time he ent red I'arllament as a young 
 cornet of horsi! and replied to Sir 
 Kohert Walpole'M charge of youth and 
 lnei[)erlence In the Kpoecli begin- 
 ning with " The atrocious crime of 
 being a vonng man," until the t'me 
 when, as Karl of Ciintliaiu, be left 
 Ills sick bed to protest against the 
 employment of Indians in the war 
 against Aiuerlc.!, .saylnc; '■My Lords, 
 I am old and weak, and at present I 
 cannot sav more, but I 'Oiild not have 
 said less; if I wen- an American, as 
 I am an Kiiglisliuian, while a foreign 
 troop was lamird lu my country, 1 
 never wouhl lay down my arms, never, 
 neve-, never!" is famli'i^ir to every 
 student of rnglbli history, as Is 
 Mncaulays saying that " I'ltt wa.sno 
 rnilj debater like Waliwle, no speak- 
 et of set speeches like Clii>sterlield. 
 His set siieprhes were always his 
 a town ill Ireland. Also. Mlddleton 
 .MilK'y, Ilorsetshlrc. founded lll.m. 
 Wix)diiou.se, origin iinknowii. I'ossl- 
 biy a coppuiition of 
 family iiam*-' of the 1] 
 Wodidiotise. the 
 ipl of Kimb Ply. 
 Was named aft<'P Sip Krederlek 
 llaldimajid, a native of Switzerland, 
 Maior-iJc'iieral in the British .\rmy, 
 who held Important eomniands at 
 I'hlladelphla and -Vlbaii.v l^fore the 
 Itevolutioa, and was iippoiiiti?d Cov- 
 criior-<;nicral of Canada in 1777, 
 succeeding Sir liny Car; 'ton. He 
 was the author uf what is known 
 a.s the Haldlniand Cnlle<'tion of Let- 
 ters iiiid l*ai)ers, relating to Cana- 
 dian affairs between 17."i."i and 171)11. 
 wliiidi forms [lart of tlie Canadian 
 .Vre'illvcs at Ottawa. He granted 
 lands on both sides of the Crraiul 
 Ulver to the Mohawk lro*niol.s. who 
 h;iil fought against the .\merlcaiis 
 In the war and <'irrang(?d for the 
 .settlement In I'pper Canada of the 
 U. Ij. J.,o.vaiists. .\ township In 
 Northumberland County is also 
 namcii after Sir Krederlek Haldi- 
 maiid. The townships of Haldlniand 
 are : 
 Ca^"Uga, Oneida and Seneca, after the townshi|is of 
 high office ill this country, yet by 
 perfidy, by Intrigue, by parliamentary 
 eorruiitloii he contrived to remain 
 Minister for nearly ;iO years, and 
 Knuiiier for nearly ten." 
 The townshiiJH of the present North 
 Wentworth have Yorkshire iianKS, the 
 county of York originally (<xtendlng 
 fi-oni Durham Count.' to what Is now 
 Brant and Waterlcs . The.v are: 
 Beverley, from a luirllameiitary 
 horougli in the Last Biding fif York- 
 shire, England, which has a minster 
 or Collegiat*' Church, foundiHl by .loliii 
 of Beverley, with the famous 1 en'y 
 Klirlne within tiie choir. The origin of 
 the town Is 'r;..ed to the Stli century. 
 Flanibopoiigh. '•last and W'lwt, fpoic. 
 Flamborough Head, a promontory on 
 the coast of Yorkpliiie, England, wlilch 
 rlH<« 43l> feet above tlie '"a. There fs 
 a lightlioii.sf\ and Flamih.rough vil- 
 lage staiiils near the c< litre of the 
 From llurlliigtoM C(-acli to Btoblcoke 
 township, in the present County (,f 
 York, tlier*^ was an Indian ri • ve 
 of HO.fXKl acrrw, which was purci 'd 
 by the Crown in 1805 for tl.TOi n 
 the recoaimemlatioa of Ooveriior i e, 
 HO that n»a'l« eoitlil bo laid out : iii ! 
 Tomato to Duiulas and Niagara, .k*! 
 coiintif^ of Halton and IVsd arc iii- 
 elmled 111 this tract of .Mlsslsauga land. 
 One of the tltle« of the Duke of De- 
 voiishlriv is Ear! of Burlington. ; 
 Is named after William Halton, who 
 was secretary to (ioveriior Tiore. As 
 laU- as 1S40, by the rnioii Act Hal- 
 ton was divide.! Into two rld.lng .. the 
 East niding (onslstlnc of the ^own- 
 '.shl|>!, of Trafalgar, Nelson. Es.iu sine, 
 Nassagaweya, I-^ist and West Flaiu- 
 • borough, " Ering" and Beverley, the 
 I west riding . imslstlui; of llaralraxn, 
 Nlchol, Woolwich, (iiielph, Waterloo, 
 ; Wilraot, Dumfries, ruslliieli, F.rainusa, 
 '. each riding to elect one niemiier. 
 .\s now constituted Halton contains 
 WUMf.VM. '.■Oii.'.v'OV 
 Is called after the lingiish County, 
 froiu which the Earl of Durhnin tnkei 
 his title. Its townships are: 
 Darlington, from a Parliamentary 
 Takes Its n.iiiie fpoiu Clijirles Len- 
 nox, Hake' (if Kiclimoad. a descendant 
 ill King Charles II. and the Duciiess 
 of i'(u'lsni(Hitli, who was a menilK'r 
 of the Sheliuirm (!overniuent In 17si' 
 He must not, i„ ,,mfounde(l witli Ids 
 mpheiv, the Dike of Itlclimond, who 
 fought till dull with I'rinoe Freder- 
 ick, and whose wife gave the granu 
 ball at Brussels on the eve of the bat- 
 tle of Wiiterl(x), celebraUul by Bvron 
 in Cliilde Ilapold: 
 "Thepe was a sound of revelpy by 
 And lU'lgiiiias capital was gathered 
 Her Is'aiity and hep chivalry," 
 And whosi.' tragic death from liydpo- 
 lihobla, in IMii, wlieii he was (iovep- 
 nor-Oiuiei-al of Canada, will Im) recall- 
 ed- Till iithcp titles of this family, 
 l.arl of .Marcii and Baron Methueii, 
 titr coiamemorated In the names .if 
 towiishl|>s 111 Carleton and llterboro 
 I!i(liiiion,i townshiii is called after 
 tlH' Duke of llichmond. 
 Fredericksburg, after Prince Fred- 
 erick, Duke of York, Comiuander-ln- 
 llllef of *Jie .\iiiiy, S(!coiid .son of King 
 lleorge HI. 
 .VdolphiiHtown, from IVliice Adol- 
 phe.., Duke of lambridgc, seventh >on 
 of tieorge III. 
 Was named fr. ai Henry A.ldlngtoa, 
 \i.sc(Hint Sldiuoiith, win was 
 .Speaker of the Hou.so of ( oiuiiions 
 from 17811 to 18(11, and afterwards 
 Chancellor of the Excu-'ipier and Ppe- 
 mter of Knelnud. Maeaulay i-ays that 
 Addlngton was unlvepsallv adiiltted 
 vu s»tt.\. •utit.n itii-i ii»-,s„ ,>,i.'aikti tmii 
 had Nate hi that chair since Ihe re- 
 tirement of Onslow. But nature had 
 not liestuwed on him very vigorous 
 faculties. He was a favorite with 
 borough of Durham, i:iiglaiid, coil- ! the King, w hom he resembled In nar- 
 talning a (lotlde (diiindi founded In 
 1100. The town i.s governed i>y a 
 bailiff .iiipointed b.v the Bishop of 
 Clarke, after M'.Jor-!ienoral Alurcd 
 Clarke, who was Lieutenant-ilover- 
 nor 111 1 '■;, and who apiiears, from 
 the corn .^pondcnce in the .\rclilves 
 wltli Duiidas, Simcoo and others, to 
 have lie(^i a careful and capable 
 business man ; 
 Sir .-Vlured Clarke was iKirii about 
 \74'< : served In (icrmniiy under I or.'i 
 Oranby in 17.-,i> ; accompanied Howe 
 to New York; I/leuteniint^Hovernor 
 of .lamalcn 178L'-m) ; in 1711.-. sent 
 with r(diifore«"ments to India ; U-- 
 caiae Conimander-lii-riilef in India 
 and died la 1^:1-', aK»'d S7. 
 IIo|)e. nft«'r Colonel Hop", n eiem- 
 luT (if the Legislative Council, wiio 
 acted as Oovernor In 17S0, while 
 aw-nltlng the arrival of I-ord Dor- 
 The WH-ond row of townships 
 rownps.1 of mind, and t<i whom he 
 was more olweipdous than I'ltt had 
 ever lieen. But Ad(lln,^,-ton took his 
 elevation (to the Premiershipl iinlu- 
 Nerl(mBly, attTllmted it to his own 
 merit, and considered lilm-sclf as one 
 of the great triumvirate of English 
 HtJttesmen, as worthy to make a 
 third with I'ltt and Fox. 
 vVmong its townships are : 
 Krnostown, ..Iter Prince Ernest 
 Augiistu,'. King of Hanover and Duke 
 of Cumberland, filth son of Ueorgo 
 III. * 
 Ainher.st Idand, from Jeffi ry, I.,ord 
 Amherst, Isini 1717. who eommand- 
 eil the Bri.ish troops, at Loulsburg 
 IT.'H, ca[ '.ured Montreal from the 
 French 17(H), U'canie field marshal 
 and died at Montrt-al In 1707. 
 Camden (Fust), after i;arl Camden, 
 dewcrltwd In connection with Kent 
 Sheffield, from Lord Sheffield, who 
 in I In the debate on the Constitutional 
 li'"Htitutf.' of every 
 :uality whlc'h tlie Nkilful <ll|ilonia tist 
 must possess, (mtgeiieraksl by their 
 opponents, and aiiiiouH apparently 
 only tosMiure pence at any price, they 
 grante<l coiieeHHloes, whicli. In the 
 wordH of a representative of the 
 French (lovernment, 'exc-otod any- 
 thbig we believed possible." Mr. (nf- 
 terwanw »i-v flenry straidiey ap- 
 pennsi on the scene too late to avert 
 (IIhusUt His exmrngeoiiM efforts at tiie 
 last moiuennt pnwivl virtually usidess. '' 
 ■U(y\ furhlil that I should ever have '' 
 a haiwl In Hi»h anothnr peace, lie 1 ' 
 wrote. In one of the letters which • 
 are now publlsheii fin- the first time. ! 
 Lord Hhelbunie and his collengues can, " 
 of ('(uirse, never lie frend from the dls- 
 crixllt which nttnchiH to such bar- i <" 
 gaining. With them the hlaiiio prim- , K 
 arily lies for the generous endow- •' 
 in.-nt of the Republic with the gigan- I' 
 tic lioiiiKlarles ™i tin south, west, I 
 and north wlilcli so largely deter- | ' 
 lleorgt! Yonge, a meinber of the Sliel- ! <i 
 burne (lovernment, and \l 
 rained Its future [lower and liifluem^e." 
 YoiiQ^ township is named after Sir !b 
 ICsc'itt. after Yonge's residence. Sip si 
 Edward Lloyd (Haroii Mostvni, who i b 
 was SecH'tary of War In I77.S. map- jo 
 ried Amelia, dniightep of .sir William \c 
 Y'ongt\ of I'.scott. lev ^ 
 Ellzal)etlitown, nf. . ■.-'.ess Eliz- 
 abeth, daughter of odi -^ .1. 
 Croiby Is the na> n'. - place In 
 England. Lieut, V • r-: "(iiiierln- 
 tendent of the ar o store ip An- 
 Irew, In 1778, Is mentioned Ui the Ar- 
 chives. , 
 Elinsley takes Its name from Chief 
 lustieo William Ilmsley, who riled in 
 IHO.-i, nm-d 4a lijaving a large fam- 
 lU- nil... <^|,, „, „,T,l.j,|„ .,»,U^T^ 
 tions froiv. .lo wi n, . , for „ 
 grant of land r also, that tha Oc,... 
 ernment shall buy hhi resldenoes ■„ 
 (Jnidiee, York aivl Niuyark for mill, 
 tary or other iiubllc purposes. 
 Kltley may f>e called from a chak. 
 acter called Kltely In Den Johnson'', 
 play, " Every Man In His Humor.*' 
 There Is also a Kltley township li, 
 Siimnier Count.v, Kansas. 
 Bastard, origin unknown. There 
 Is " Bnstad," a town In Sweden, on 
 the Catt<'gat, and " Bastar." 
 a state In India, peopled by 
 wild hill ninn, who pay tribute to 
 the British. Also called Riistar. 
 this country was settled by Irish ■ Act of 17i)l, moved, while Burke was 
 Immigrants, who brought the names I s-|«'akliig, that the pris'eiMllngs were 
 of I . , . -. 
 trdjes of Ihe Six Nations Indians. 
 I'unii. from Hon. Thomas Dunn, a 
 menili'T of the l-^xeculive Council of 
 Ciunida, who was Administrator cf the 
 (ioveriui .'lit after Sir Kotit-rt .siiore 
 Miliiex went hack to Eripl:ind li If-O:! 
 Kaltiimm, from a village in No.fi 'k, 
 Kngland, near Houghton 
 Esiiueslng, an Indian name, 
 Nassagaweya, Indian. 
 Trafalgar, from the great 
 lattle lu which Lord Nelson In 
 .Nelson, Troin noratlo Nelson, 
 'ci.iiint .Nelson and Duke of Bioiit 
 worst. But passionate as was ,„,ii, 
 eloipience, It was the eloipience of a jyj(j 
 statesman, not of a rhitorlclan." 
 "Chatham sli^'ps near the nnrtliern 
 he<n appropriated to statesmen, as 
 the other end of the same transept has 
 long been to pix-ts Jtnnsfleld rests 
 there, and the Sfs'ond William I'ltt, 
 and Fox. and fJrattnn, and Canning, 
 and Wllberforce In no other cemetery 
 Sherbrooke, ,rom Si- .John Coaiie was born la 17."S, won the b;ittli; of 
 Slierbrrjrike, who suci'eedcd Sir 'iordon ,ut. Vin.-:>ia, under Sir .Tohii ,li-vis, In 
 Driimmoiid us (ioverror of Canada In 17!)7; the liattlu of the Nile ii. 17iis ; 
 ■ the liattle of ropenliagcn in ISOI ; 
 Canhorn, from Benjamin Canby, who fell in the battle of Trafalgar, Oct. 
 prcK'ured I'.i.OilO acres of I ind in the - "Ht. 1805. "England exiiects every 
 Do'kstader. on a promise to pay t.'i.O'iO 
 to maintain the Indian's c' Idren. 
 M'HiIton, the family seat of the ISoiil- 
 toiis, in Lincolnshire, England. Henry 
 .1. Boulton. Attorney-Oencrnl cf Upper 
 Canada, got .'?O,8U0 acres of Indian 
 Afanvers, after a county of Ireland 
 ('avail, a county of IwHaiid. 
 Cartwrlght township was called 
 ,ift<'r the Hon. lilchard Cart- 
 wright, menilsir of the l-;xecutlve 
 Council, grandfather of Sir lileliard ' 
 Cartwrlght, the present .Minister of ! 
 Trade and Commerce. In 17;i'l, Mr. 
 Cartwrlght estimate 1 that only one- 
 tvventietli of the iiopulalhin of Cn- 
 pe." Canaili ludonged to the chiiri'h 
 of Kngland. and though n devout 
 niemllor of that Ch "'b lilics"lf. he 
 't.'ongl.v protested ai::alnsv. glvlnu: It 
 the same exclusive privileges It en- 
 joyed In r.rltaln. He advicuted al- 
 lowing mlnls-ters of all eliiir-lies to 
 I'frform the niarriai» Cviemonv. but 
 that rii,'lit w.'is not crnnted till 1S:il. 
 Callcl after the T:nKll.sh I'ouiity of tic 
 Mime name, for a long time included 
 ^ tiie pre.sent county of Pcterbor'iiigU. 
 i which was descrll^'d in the liiion 
 '.et oT 1810 as tliP Niirth Hiding of 
 Northiiinlierlan.l. Its towiisliliis ape . 
 Mupra.v, after sir .lames Murray. 
 Oovernor of ijiiebcc from 17d''l to 
 Cramahe, a Svyiss Secretary to 
 • lov. ^lurray, and Miii-elf admlulstra- 
 toT of tla? fiover iftcr Sip (liiy 
 Cnrlet(Mrs depnrl I'ngiand In 
 Ilnldimand. Covcriior 177S-17S."i, 
 a lid 
 Hamilton, l.leiit^'nant - Onvcrnor 
 il7H."ii between Haldimand aiul Lord 
 Bj-lghton, called on account of the 
 I not In onk'r. Mr. Anstruther also 
 ended Burke to order. Fox felt bound 
 to support Slie.''lelirs motion, which 
 Burke resented, ind the were never 
 again frlead.s Lord Sheffield's mo- 
 tion was withdrawn. 
 Keniieliec, from 
 In Maine. 
 count.v and river 
 man to do his duty." 
 There Is a preitty romance which 
 gives "Nelson's memor.v a sentimental 
 interest in Cana '". During his ser- 
 vice at (juehec in 17H2, when he was 
 hut t.'l years of age, he b,icamo In- 
 fatuated vVltli ri beautiful Canadian i longi bencii extending Into Lake On- 
 Kaladar, Irish. 
 Denbigh, from a county In Wales. 
 i:ffliighaui, from Lord Howard, 
 Earl of i:ffinghani. wlio.se daughter 
 married Sir liuy Carleton. 
 Ablnger. from Sir .Tames .«lcarlett„ 
 Baron Ablii^ir, who was Attorney- 
 Oeiieral In the British Oovernment In 
 BarrU', from Cnptnlii Bnrrie, who 
 burned two French storeshlps In 
 ISU. Captain Barrl" comnmnded the 
 St. lawrence, Albion and Dragon, 
 which chased Captain Barney up tli 
 llivep Patuxent iK-fore the 
 of Washington City in 1H14. 
 "Barrie takes Its name from Com- 
 moiliire Barrie, who eommaicled a 
 r.ritish naval Kquadrou at Klngstoc 
 during the wnr of 1S12-l."i." Th ■ 
 name Is also applied to the village 
 of '(arriefiidd. near Kings-ton, an 1 to 
 the town of Barrie In Him.«e 
 ( ounty. 
 Anglesey, f.rom th- Island and 
 county In North Wales, where 
 there are mines of copper and lead. 
 Henry Wllliain I'.'iget, Earl of Hx- 
 liridge. who lost his leg at tile bat- 
 tle of Waterloo, was the first Mar- 
 quis of Anglesey. 
 i.Vshby. from Ashby de la Zouolie, 
 a market town of lielcestershlre. 
 KnglMiid. which has a ruined casfe 
 In which Mar.v (imx'n of Scots w s 
 once confined, and a church which 
 Was ciiMe.l after Lord (Irenvllie, 
 whin* sister Hester married tlie older 
 Pitt, I remler in 170.'l, and who was 
 Inrgi.'ly res|io<islbIe for J,lie loss ot 
 America to tlie British Crown. 
 " (irenvllie lilmself was ploddingly 
 industrious and 4iot without finaii- 
 clal ability, but his mind was narrow 
 and iiedantlc in \\m tone. Orenvlllo 
 had no ralnd to change his plans. In 
 lebruary, 1705, the .'^tani|> Act was 
 pasHMl through both Houses with less 
 opposition than a turnpike hill. At 
 tills critical moment Pitt was absent 
 from the House of Commons, ill." 
 " It was wlttliy said, at a later 
 day, that Mr. Creiivllle lost .Vmerlca 
 because he read the A-'ierlcan de- 
 spatches, wliic'i none of his predeces- 
 sors ever did." — (ireon. 
 Or from (icorgo (.irenvllie, a cousin 
 of Wllliain I'ltt, Jan., Lord Lieutenant 
 of Ireland In 17S;.'-87, crtuited Mar- 
 i|uLs of Buckingham, a man of honor 
 and ablllt.v, whoso titles are found In 
 Buckingham town, lu Ottawa Coun- 
 ty, tiuebec, and Chandos townsld]), 
 in Peterborough ('ounty, Ontario. 
 Lord vJpenvllle once saiij in the Brit- 
 ish House of Lords, a body to whicli 
 tlie Caniidian Ijenati! has sometimes 
 iMS'ii comiiared, " M.v Lords, .vou pos- 
 Ne»i the power, a great power, for 
 gtxiil. But lliore U a powi-r whiicii 
 you do not jiossess— any moio than 
 t:ie House of t'oinnions, aii.v luoreli 
 that tile constitutional sovereigns of i 
 this country— you iiave not the ' 
 ilitiire i I'owep to treat with cont^'iiiiit tiie: 
 Inatlonai will when it is iegitiniately ■ 
 .-ind constitutionally exprcs.sed." 
 Augusta, callcjl after the Prlii(»«(i I 
 .Vugusta So|il a, daughter of Ooorgo 
 111. f 
 I'l^vardsburg, after his son, Prlniio . 
 I'dvvard, Duke ot ICont, father of i 
 (.iiiccii Victoria. j 
 Ixfft: I. after tlio English County, is 1 
 cdlleil o, ford (Ml the Itldeau to distin- 
 tliigiiisii It from Oxford oa the 
 Soutli (lower, al -er Earl (tower, a 
 1 member of Pitt's (iovernment, 17811. 
 Wolford, from a property belonging 
 j to (ioveruor Slmcoe. He was burled 
 I at Ills domestic chajiel at " Wo<ilford." 
 I A mouunmnt to his nifmory, by Flax- 
 inan, was er,9Cted i'l ExeMr ■('atii(>- 
 Idrnl. Klngstord »|ir.j it with the 
 I double o. 
 iiiiiiltly thniUKli I>"MlltiiU' (if i.vrrv 
 i:Miillt.v wlil.li the Nkllfiil (lliiloniatlHt 
 luuHt |i(«»cHM, i)iitg<Mii'nilc<l liy thiilr 
 opiMiiii'iitH, ami aiiiliiiiH nppnrpiitly 
 iHily ti>»cur»> p<'ni'c at any prlip, tliisy 
 Uniiitwl c()iic<M«lni'H, whieli. In the 
 wonlH of n ri-sm-sontfttlvn iif thn 
 Fri'noh (lovnrnmont, '«xr"iKl(>(l any- 
 thlim wo hfllovwl piwsllilc" Mr. inf- 
 tprwanta »i-' Jlpnry .strncliHy ap- 
 pf-nM-.! iMi tlm wi'nn tcK) late to avi'rt 
 <ll»iHt<T HI(ic<>iirnK»><»iiM cffortaat tlip 
 laHt laonipnnt pnmvl virtually uwIcnh. 
 •(iol furhlil tlint I Khiml-.l i-vcr liavn 
 a lunwl In wicli nnotlinr piaip, In- 
 wrotp. In <in«< of the IpltpfH wlilnli 
 MTU now pulillHliwi liir tlip first tlmn. 
 I.onI HhpllMiriip anil IHb rollpngiiPH <nn, "'"'' 
 of courBP, never l)o freocl from tlie ills- LnnrasWr, from the i;nKllsli rlty, 
 orp<tlt whlrli nttnchiH to mifli hnr- 1 ■'"Plt'il of I./mcnHliIro, fnrnoux for ItK 
 KalnInK With them the hlaain prim- Ki''"' miiiPilmt and the cnHtlp, found- 
 arlly lli« for the generoiiK endow- '''' "'■ "'•• I'oiiipioHl on llie nHii of n 
 ni.mt of the Rppubllp with the K'Rin- lionlan station. 
 tlo hoiindjirlPN mi tlu south, weHt, Cliarlottenhurg, after n t(t%vn In 
 nn*l north whleh hci largrely (ieter- rruhhla, mar Ilrrll", or possibly after 
 untuil to wall tliiMii ti , ,, . , . 
 .la.l. liuv finally the llisliop K"" tor ; ''"■"r" "' Hi'it |irrin,|, •■ Hut all that 
 I very one of the (llengarry rittiment : '^''•■'■'"•.""'«:. "^' ,,"''. """'"■'''„ "'"< ""'" 
 II grant of L'dO aires of lunil in I 'an- I ",";''' ■?>■ "'" IH-Jn'lKeil H^ifwowrtion 
 aila. The IlUhop ralseil the Ok-n- 
 garry Fenclbles ri^^lment for t'lo war 
 of 18ia, iinil for this anil other «or- 
 vlres lCt;rl llathiirst granted tiini a 
 salary of UUIO, ami romlu hint the first 
 illoresuu Catholic Bishop In tlio flrlt- 
 Ish ilonilnlons since the Ileformatlui'. 
 In I8:»i Bishop Mi'n.mnell went to 
 KiiKlanil with Ills friend Dr. Kolph, of 
 Aiicfister, to nrrango for the emiarn^ 
 tlon of more Illghlaiiilers to ('nnnda. 
 lie died tliire In 1H4(I, aged 7U years. 
 The townsliljM of lilengarry County 
 of his liipomjietent suee^'ssor, tin? Duke 
 of Ulolimoml." The lie<ilth of liov- 
 eriior ^tllorh^ooke wim so poor that 
 hr eould not riunnla long lit Canada 
 BathurMt. from Henry, seeoiid Karl 
 natliurst, Hon of Ilaron Apsley, boin 
 17«'.', died 18.il. Was Lord Coniniis- 
 Mioner of the .\dinlrnlty, ConimlKslouer 
 for Inillft. I'on'lgn ."^^'eretary, Colon- 
 ial Seeretary, President of the Coun- 
 ell and I'lrst I.nril of tlw .\dmlralty. 
 He mnrrli'd a daughter of the Ihike 
 of lilidiniond. The Ari-hlveH eoiitaln 
 niueli eorresponilenee wivh I.rf)ril llatli- 
 iirt, whfMe nanif! was given to ,\ 
 Hl.strlet In ( niiada, nft<>iwurd anol- 
 iHlied by Aet of farilainen,'. 
 Unmsay, from (leiieral (leorge Unm- 
 say. Earl of Dnlliousie, horn 1770. iliid 
 lleorifo Vonge, a member of the Hliel 
 biirnc Government, and 
 mlne.1 lt« future iiower and Influenee." 
 Voime township In named after Sir 
 ICscntt. aft«r Vonge's resldeiiie. sir 
 Kilward Moyd (Ilaron MoKtvrn, who 
 was Secretary of War In 177.S, mar 
 i.Mieun Charlotte, wife of King (leorge 
 Kinyon, from I/loyd, I-onl Kenyon, 
 iMirn 17.12, died 1802. He was the 
 son of a Welsh squire, ealiod to the 
 bar In 17."iri, attracted the attention 
 of Lord Thurlow, who apisilllteil iilm 
 rled Amelia, dniight<'r of Sir William I Chief .liistlre of Cheshire." In 1782 he 
 »™C'v "* '^'•eott. lev was nmile Attorney-Oeiiera!, and two 
 esfl KlU- ' years hiter Muster of the Itolls. On 
 the ntirenient of Lord Man.sfleld, I'ltt 
 r.llzalH'thtown. af 
 abetli, ilaiigliti>r of 
 Cro'by Im the na> plaeo In 
 I'liglaml. Meiit, V 'liiiierln- 
 tenileiit of the nr ■•.. store Ip Aii- 
 dr<?w. In 177S, Is mentioned In the Ar- 
 chives. , 
 Klinsley takPs its name from Chief 
 .Tiistlcc William Ilinnley, who riled In 
 180.", ngi'd .(^>, luavlng a large fam- 
 tion.1 from na vi tr, . , Tor „ 
 grant of land r also, that tha Oc,... 
 ernmiMit slmll buy his refildenoes ■„ 
 (Jiii'liee, York ami Ncicark for mllj. 
 tary or otiicr (lubllc purposes. 
 KItiey may be called from a chat, 
 aeter inlled KItflly In Den Johnson'H 
 play, " Kvery Man In His Humor.'- 
 There Is also a Kltley township ii, 
 Siniinier Count.v, Kansas. 
 made IvHiiyon Chief Justice of 
 tlie King's Bench, with the 
 title of Lord Kenyon, Baron of 
 Grt'illngton. lie was disliked by the 
 bar for Ills overbearing dls))osltlon 
 and Insolent nmnnerK, but favored by 
 the public on account of the rigid \m- 
 partlallty of his iloclslons, anil Ills 
 •ynmff^'^'*^* '■*i™*„lt\rf»f*». .<f^ *U^ l««»r 
 accumulated by his prorR.s8loi:.aI 
 bors "V fortune of MOO.OOO. 
 IjOehlel, of Oulloden fame. 
 "Lochlel, IrfMjhli'l. Is'ware of the 
 When the I.onhind shall meet you In 
 battle array—— 
 "Proud Cumlierland prances. Insulting 
 the alaln." 
 Eyewitnesses describe murtlers per- 
 Bastard, origin unknown. There i petrated by the direct command of the 
 Is " Bnstad," a town In Sweden, on 
 the Cntt<^Rat, and " Bastar." 
 a state In India, peopled by 
 wild hill nmn, who pny tribute to 
 the British. Also called Bustar. 
 Halhnnsle, from the liirl of rnlhuiisle. 
 llovernor of Nova Seotia, founder of 
 Iiaihoiisle Collrge, Ilulif.ix, who on the 
 death of the Duke of Itlehninml was 
 appointed by Lord Bathurst (lovernor- 
 Cieneral of Canada. He could not leave 
 .Nova Seotia Immeillati'ly. and Sir Tere- 
 grliie MnltlamI is'rformed the duties 
 until Dalhousle's arrival i . 1820. Mr, 
 C bristle, tlie historian, says "there was 
 II maiiliiie.HN, eaudor ir.iti inti'griiv In 
 Lord Dallio'ish' that (iiiilil not fail to 
 command the resjs'Ct of eiery niipre- 
 judlwd mind ncqualnteii with lilni." 
 Lord Dalhonsle was (lovernor of Can- 
 ada until l(-28, whoa lie was appoiuted 
 Comnianiler-ln-Clilef of the fonies In 
 A re«x>nt nunilsr of the Acadian lir- 
 corder (Halifax) gives the following 
 a'ilLBll"P"o of old times; 
 ■"57^ tc WK» lllilioum^. 'l.l tu» •icvvnf'^l'^ la 
 in the suninier of 1H20 that the Duke 
 of Man*'hest>»r, Sir Howard Douglas, 
 Oovernor of New Brunswick, Oovernor 
 Ready of I'. E. Island, and Sir T. Coch- 
 rane nronid be in Halifax at the same 
 time with the I-:arl of Dnlliousie, who 
 was cxpet-ted from Canada late In 
 .Inly, On the night of the lat August 
 the Inhabitants of Halifax gave a ball 
 In honor of lijo ( ountesB of Dalhousle. 
 field ordered to be shot — one 
 man hanged by his orders, without 
 even the ceremony of Investigation or 
 trial-— another 'ashed to the limit of 
 physical i.-ndurance— others hacked 
 ,,.„„.., ,. . , ,, , with the broad sword to death. The 
 Was ealled after Lord •■renvilie. ; ..o„„t„ „„s 1„I,1 waste with fire and 
 vi„«e 8lst..r Hester married the older j^word. The castles of Lovat, CI- ngnrry 
 1 Itt. I remler In 170.), and who wiw m„d L„,.hlel were burnt. Hut« and liov- 
 Inrvti'iy respotislble for J,lie loss of 
 America to tlie British Crown. 
 " (irenvllie himself was jiloddingiy 
 Industrious and .not without flnnii- 
 clnl ability, but bis mind was narrow 
 and iiedantlc In lt<i tone. (irenvlllu 
 had no mind to change his plans. In 
 February, 170'), the Stamji Act was 
 liasHiMl tlimugh both Iluuses with less 
 opposition than a turnpike bill. At 
 this critical moment Pitt was absiuit 
 from the House of Commons, ill. " 
 " It v.as wittily said, at a later 
 day, that Mr. (Irenvllie lo.st .Vuierii'u 
 iM^eauNe he read the A-<ierlian de- 
 spatches, whlc'i none of l-ls predeces- 
 sors ever did."— (ireon. 
 Or from (leorge (irenvllie, a eousJn 
 of William Pitt, Jan., Lord Lieutenant 
 of Ireland In 1782-87, cr«'atcd .Mar- 
 nuls of Buckingham, a man of honor 
 and ability, whoso titles ar<' found in 
 Bnckingiiam town, l:i Ottawa Coun- 
 ty, tiuebee, and Chandos townslili>. 
 In l'et<'rborough C'ounty, Ontario. 
 Lord Orenvlll© onco said In the Brit- 
 ish House of Lords, a body to which 
 'the Caiitidlan Ijenatf? lias sometliiies 
 iMS'U compared, *' M.v Lords, you pos- 
 si'Hs the pi'wer, a great power, for 
 goofl. But tluore U a power wliiicii 
 you do not jiossess— any nioio than 
 tiie lIoiiNn of ('ommons. aii.v mure 
 that the constitutional Hineri'igiis of 
 tiiLs country— you have not tin- 
 po\v<'r Ui treat with contempt the 
 nntlon.'il will when it is legitimately Ire 
 .•iml coiiNtltutlollftlly expr'-s.M'il." , Cali'douia, from a name glvei; by the 
 Augusta, callcj^ after the IVlnceSd Honians to the nortlieru part of Seot- 
 Angustu SopI a, daughter of Ooorjio lid, 
 HI- r "O Caledonia, stern and wild! 
 I'lhvardsbiirg, lifter his son. Prince ; Meet nurs)' for a isjetle elilld." 
 Kilwnrd, Duke of Kent, father of i ilfred, from Crime Aifivd, m... "f 
 Duke of Cumberland— wounded on the 1* wn" brilliant In the extreme. The 
 company began to assemble at nine 
 o'eiock, and, half an hour later. Lord 
 and Lady Dalhousle arrived, and were 
 rew'lved at the entrance of the build- 
 ing by the couinillt"e of management, 
 tlie hands playing, "(itsl Save the 
 King." Her Xdidyshlp wiM led into the 
 room by the Hon. Michael AVallace, 
 and dam-lng soon after commenced- 
 Ijidy Dalhousle o|>eiilng the ball with 
 violated." — Forbes' Jacobite Memoirs. 
 "The virtues of Duncan l-'orbea and 
 of Colunol (iurdlncr shed a lustre on 
 the H«Mie tllflgraced by the Duke of 
 Cumberland and his myrmidons; the 
 generous tevntlon of Lochlel elevates 
 a party for whleh such a victim as 
 Ix)vat died.'- North British lieview. 
 Was named aft<r (leneral liohert Pres- 
 cott, who took part In the American 
 War ; "as sent to Canada In 1700 to 
 relieve Lord Dorchester ; he 'arength- 
 • ncd tile forts of (juebee, and served as 
 iovernor of Canada, Nova Si'otla and 
 New Brunswli-k till 1799, when he was 
 ijcoeeiled by Lleut.-llovernor i:iiiies. 
 I'rescott wrote to Prince lilwnrd. 
 'I'uke of Kent, In August, 1707, sis ak- 
 lig of the extravagant price of pro- 
 visions In Upiier Canada and of tlii 
 "Is were destroyed; without (ilstlne- r --■■■■.■ •• , , ,, ,,^ .. . , 
 tlon of age, or sex, or rank, without '■he Hon Jinlce Hallburton, and they 
 broof of guilt or the existence of siis- l"''"? followed by Lord Dalhousle nnd 
 fclclon, the miserable Inli.-ibltants were ' "' hid.v of tiie Master of the Kolls- 
 siiiit like wild beasts uixm their mnun-l*'" Hohle. At 12 oelock the Hupis-r 
 tains, or driven with their I'nttle to lie i™™ was thrown 0|ien. The Hon. 
 "Mitchered with them In the south, i'''"'Ko "••'"""•""i '■""''"Ctod Her Lndy- 
 wlille naked women were compelled tol?''lp to the head of the table, oii his 
 ride on horses, and were thereafter ''''■ "'"' wated the I^irl of Dalhousle, 
 and on the right of the Countj-ss, .sir 
 Jam*)S Kempt. The supper embraced 
 e\ery di llt'acy which could be procured, 
 and all apjieared to enjoy It. The 
 health of Lady Dalhousle was given 
 b.v Judge .-lallliurtoii, and nH'elved by 
 th» company with the most rapturous 
 applause. Lord Daiiiousie ri>si' and re- 
 turned thanks fur the tribute of re- 
 aiiect thiLS offereil to K.'r Ladyship, 
 and at one ocliick Lord and Lady Dal- 
 housle retired. The mark of nttentloii 
 thus paid to the Counters was as grat- 
 ifying to her feelings as it was hon- 
 orable to the community. No conipll- 
 ment could have be«'n paid which would 
 have expressed more full.v tiie grati- 
 tude of the public fur the honor of her 
 vlsi i— and. It was remarked, that 
 while the virtues which elevated tlic 
 female charact^'r were ctierlslied la 
 Nova Scotia. Her Ladyship's bright 
 irnnkenncss of the soldiers when thev '""^"n";'^' "',""';' ""' ,V<' forgotten. 
 U tliclr monthly, pay. and many ; ,, \r\T . I'-^.T",, '-'l,..i±ir- ..^-^h 
 Dtlier letters f'om his is;n are found 
 n the Archived. 
 (iiici'ii Vhtorla. ' 
 ■)xfo. I, after the Fngiish County, Is s 
 ri.lhil Oxford on the lUileau to dlstln- 
 . tlngnihh It from Oxford on the 
 .s<Hitli (lower, al ..er Karl ('lower, a 
 I member of Plti's (iovernment. 17811. 
 AVoiford. from a property belonging , 
 Ito (lovernor SImcoc. Ho was hurled ""> B^on ile Longueiili 
 |ut Ills domestic chajiel at " Woolford." : 'ho f 
 !a niouunipnt to his mrmory, by Flax- ! ""•' 
 man. was ef,«ctod I'l Kxet*r Cathi-- 1 Haw esbury, from Ltird llawkcs- 
 Idrnl. KIngsford sin-.j It with the 1 bury, a riomt>er of the Porthmd 
 I double o. |(oallt.)a trovcrnmeiit 1783). "Of 
 wltli. who took a promlnont |>art In 
 thi> war of 1812-14. ilavLllg charge 
 townsliips of rrescott County i ?f "■''" """"l* *'■,"■ '" l'"nnuda In lHi;i. 
 •" ! IIi.s reports to Lord liathurst appear 
 in till' .VrchlveH. 
 Montague, origin uncertain. .Vd- 
 inlr.il .Mo.itiigue, who had command 
 of the Jamaeui station. Is nientlimiNl 
 In connection wltii Couimolore Hou- 
 iiie'K promotion. .Montague Is the f:im- 
 iiv nnme of the Karl ..' .Sandwich 
 .■iikI of the Duke of Manchester, wiio 
 iii.'irrieil a sister of the Duchess of 
 Then there waa the well known 
 Charliw .Montague, liirl of Halifax 
 (H;>'.1-1715). Chancellor of the Ex- 
 clii'ijuer. who <k'Vl«>d the plan to c»- 
 tablLsh tho Bank of England, carried 
 Act and put the tax 
 (Icu-gn 111,, bom 1780, died 1782. 
 I'lairagi'iiet, from a surname nf the 
 myal anilly of i:iii^!.iiul frniu Henry 
 11. to )h-haril liL inclusive. Tlie name 
 Is now borne tlirougli collateral des- 
 cent b> the Duke of Buckingham and 
 chumlM ((ircinlllc). 
 Longioaii, from the Bnlgnenr, Colonel 
 le Bn-on lie Longueiili, who sirvcd on, .i,„ i!,,p„]|,n„,, 
 tho_Buish side in the Itevolutionary on windows* 
 Driimmond. from tiuneral Sir (lor, ion 
 Drum-ioml, born at Quebec, 1771. was 
 with ..ir Ilalpli Abercromblo In l>ypt, 
 1801, was an Intimate friend oF the 
 Bexley, after Nicholas Vunslttart. 
 ; f.ord Bexley, Chancellor of the Kx- 
 ■clieqner. i 
 Dalton. after Dr. .lolin Dalton, of 
 .Manchester, who died In 1844. He 
 wiiM 11 noted HclentL-it, and discovered 
 the atomic theory, that " matter con- 
 slsm of ultimate particles or atoms 
 Incaimble of division." I>alt<in inves- 
 tigated the expansion of gases, evap- 
 oration and the elasticity of steam 
 Elilon. from John Scott, Lonl Kldon, 
 the famous Lonl Chancellor of Eng- 
 Iniid. He vfAM the s,>ii of John Scott 
 i>f Newcastle where he wns horn In 
 17."I. When quit,' n youth he eloped 
 with nnd married Beiisy Surtees, and 
 for a long time the young couple were 
 ier.\' jMior. He ei.ti red Parliament In 
 178.'!, mill iK'cnnie a favor. ic of Lord 
 Tlinrlow. who mltde Idiii Attorney 
 lleneral In 170.'(.. In I7!)!». ns Baron 
 Eldon. Ii(! w.iK maiU- Chief Justice rf 
 the Comiiion Picas. In 18(11 he became 
 Lonl Chnnccllor, aini with the exci'p- 
 tloii of one jenr he held the seals 
 from 1801 to 182(1. He was a great 
 Tory ; opposed (!atliollc Emancipation. 
 Parliamentary Reform, the Abolition 
 of Slavery, Free Trade. Popular Edu- 
 cutliMi and toleration of all klmls. So 
 opposed was ]':i<km tti change that 
 "f.ie disappearance of lio.iiis from the 
 drnwlng-r'Kim filled lilin with alarm." 
 When th" King U-'frlenile I Queen 
 Caroline. Eldon was li"r friend— her 
 confidential adviser— tiic depoBltary of 
 her secret sorrows, and the warm de- 
 fender and assertor of her Innocence. 
 WliHii the King I)ecame litr enemy, the 
 same man was not only accessory to 
 her prosecution, but never seems to 
 iiave had one spark of regret— one 
 pang of compunctious sorrow, that his 
 piwltion v<\a so cruelly changed. On 
 till epui .ry. 101 I a^ witii 
 patlen the n of cold and heart- 
 less le ty \r, Irh he speaks In 
 ills pri ate le- e.. of one who. whe- 
 ther gi Ity or nnoceiit, bed undoubt- 
 edly sufi'-reci gr-Mit wron , and had 
 once loo :ed up to iii'u us her pri»- 
 Emll.y, origin lokli'' n. 
 Ulgby, uncertriri. Admiral DIgby 
 and Bir Gii.v C't. eton, as comnilssion- 
 ers of peace, wrote Joint letters to 
 (lei.fral Wasiilnstoii from New York, 
 .\ugiist 25th, 1782. Captain (ieorge 
 Soiiiervllle DIgby, horn 18(15, son of 
 Baron DIgby, married Lady Emily 
 B'ltler-Danvers, iileco of Earl of Luniw- 
 liorough, County C'a7an. 
 Laxton. unknown 
 Carilen. iinknov fl. 
 S4>mervlllB, after the wife of Sir 
 Francis Bond Head, (iovernur, 1835- 
 Longford, an lylsh county. 
 .North of York, was named after John 
 (iraves Slmcoe, the first Lleutenant- 
 (iovenior of the separate Province of 
 Upiier Canada, whose wife wo.'* Miss 
 iluiilim, from w ich name the town- 
 ship name of (iwullinbur} in York and 
 Slmcoe Is taken. Slmcoo c-itabllshed 
 the scut of (iovernment al Newark 
 (Niagara) in 179'J, moved it to York 
 (Toioiito), dlvliled Upper Canada Into 
 19 counties, and named many of the 
 towiifthiiiti. He laid out the iJo\- 
 eriior's Road (Diiudus street) from 
 London to Dumlas ; also a trunk ro.-ul 
 from Dundns to Toronto and King- 
 ston, and Yongo street from Toron- 
 to to Jjakc Slmcoe. He was eutliusi- 
 astic with regard to the future of 
 Canada. In one of his letters to 
 ^ecretary of ftrta Dunilas, ho pro- 
 poses a nnvn' station at Long Point, 
 on I..ake l-:rle, London for the m ,■. , 
 of (iovernment, tells how he Im j 
 marked out Oxford (Woodstock) and| 
 Cliathaiu for town sites; in another ^ 
 letter to the Lo-Js of Trade (1704) ho 
 antleipuU» thai I'cneianguishcnu will 
 1m' the most coiisider.-ilile town in U|h j 
 |K'r Cauiida. as tho pa.-.snge to the 
 Nortluvest will bo established there, 
 and the chain of lakes from Bay 
 (jiiinte to Lak. Silnu'on will give a 
 route to the merchant ■ of Kingston, 
 lie also proiioscii the iistruction of 
 tlie Murray Canal, from Bay Quinte 
 to Lake Ontario. 
 Tlie towiislili»s of Slmcoj County 
 .Maihedash, a name applied to that 
 section of count./ by tli.' Indian.'!. It 
 means muskeg, or marsliy land. 
 Nottawnsaga. from the Algomiuiii 
 wor-.ls \nliiloway, (the Iroiiuois) and 
 i-aga (outlet of river). Nottawa.sapa 
 Bay was calliut Iro.iiiols Bay until 
 the beginning ol this century. 
 Tecunisetli, fr«m the Shawniiee 
 chief, born ;n 1709 up' the banks 
 of tho Scioto Hl-cr In Onlo. killed at 
 the buttle of Mirnvinutown In 1811-. 
 Till iinlht, Tecunseli or T'ecuni.'ietli In 
 the Indian langlagB signifies 'a tiger I 
 couching for tis prey." I 
 iiiiVtoii nnii .Napoleon fought In I81~i. 
 Itii townships are 
 Wcllesley. afUir .sir Arthur Welies- 
 ioy, Duke of Wellington. 
 WiKilwloli, the name cf the arsenal 
 town in Kent. Knclaud. where Henry 
 Mil. established u dockyard. 
 Wilmot, from Mr. Wllmot. Private 
 .s«i'retary to Lord Liverpool In 1810 ; 
 irr from a Mr. WUnicit, who was em- 
 ployed HH a surveyor by the (iovern- 
 ment of Canada In 1816. 
 North Dumfries, from the t'ouuty of 
 liumfrles. In Scotland. 
 Waterloo, n/ter the battle. 
 Is named after Sir Freilerick Temple 
 HamUton-rempli'-Bl.ickwixKl, .Mar luls 
 of Dufferln ami Vliwount clanilehoye, 
 who was (iovernor-tieneral of Caiut'la 
 1872-78, Ambiuisulor to Itussui. Tur- 
 key and France; (iovernoraeneral of 
 Iiulla. etc. 
 The townships of Dufferln are. 
 Mono, which in tho Spanish wor<I 
 for monkey. 
 Melnncthon. the (lermnn religious 
 Reformer, "i^ehwarz lirde." 
 Luth,-ir (Martin). 
 .Vniaj*antli. a flower of the cox- 
 cximh variety, that does not faih; or 
 wither when pluckeil. 
 Mulmur, unknown. 
 Is namnl from Iferth-bLre In Scotland. 
 Itii settlement and that of the ad- 
 Jiu^eut county of Huron was eon- 
 troilcl by the Canada Land Company, 
 of Avhicii .McMuilen says: "The sum- 
 mer (of 1824) wiiM distinguished by 
 the formation, uiuler an lia|ierlat 
 cha.rter, of the Caniula Land (.'om 
 l.-lMl M.I 
 whom (ioveriii.r Colborne served at 
 Coruuuu. Moore's dying wish was 
 that Colborne bo promoted.— Miss 
 "Not u dritm was heard, ncf a 
 funeral note." 
 Knnlhkllleii, from the town l!i Ire- 
 land where the i'rotcstunts won u 
 battle In lOint. 
 A fjii of the Karl of EimisklUon 
 was a (K>lulcr. who fought at Sala- 
 iminca nnd Vlttorla. ami wns jirob- 
 al<ly a comrade lu arms of Sir John 
 lolbornc or Sir I'eregrlne .Maltland. 
 NSarwick. f:-,.m tin. Krigllsh county 
 o Warwick. 
 Brooke, from Sir Junies Brooke, Ea- 
 J/iii of Sarawak. 
 Plympton, an English town. 
 Snrnia, the lioinaii name of Isle 
 Ouernsey, where .sir John Colliorne 
 was (iovernur, Is'foro he came to 
 Canada. The traultion Is that lu 18J5 
 Sir John CollKirne, then (lovernor, 
 visited Sumla (then culled the Kap- 
 lils) with a view of estahlishlng a 
 fort for the protection of Canada. 
 That he was feasted right royally 
 by tho Sarela celebrities of the day, 
 among wlium «ere Oeo. Durand, Cap' 
 \hlal, John .lones. Capt. Elliott, S. 
 I'roctor. et4-. I Imt un excursion (the 
 first on rt'cord lu LamhtouJ waa 
 piaiineil fur a trip up the raplls into 
 Lake llunsi ; that Just as the ) ^at 
 gob .rightly Into the lake 
 breeze Irom tin "" 
 pany, a car]>*^>ratlon 
 tlvB «'. ueiieiit, ■ 
 lud formerly 
 (dark , 
 „ jtlff 
 , , Manitoaliiis sprung 
 up, liiilucing His Kxcelluncy to give 
 till captain orders to " iMjut ship" 
 ami gut into tile St. Clair again. The 
 story gocN that .-i cnntentlon was 
 ragng alM>ut tliis time aiumgst the 
 Surnlans alxjut ii.imuii' the village- 
 . ,, . that tho matter was referred to ilta 
 x"L^±JutV ^J™""""?. ""J that he suieestid t m 
 of Iniury, to the Provln.;!. 11":."™' "Kome *"* """" '"^"'^ '""""" 
 menc.«l It* oporatlons by buying up Uawa. ' daybreak-Sombra 
 vant tr..cti. of tho clergy reserves anil before dawn »</ui"ra 
 Cr<>wii lamb at low jxrices. which III Kunheiula. '(.reek. " g«od language, 
 ' ' ' was 
 has proved an Injury to this country i XiTlcSIir'l HnI;ro^'■"' tl^."""' "' ^""^ 
 prectacly In proportion to its ox- 1 l^a^Si In P^r in Jei^, i^?'"'''*;'**'' 
 tent. Thus, without. once asking the j J^iXJSn ^'""'""''■" ^'°"' <-<«- 
 couHont of the l.'piMjr CaiiaiUnii Par- 
 Uauiont, a vast quantity of our soil 1 BRUUE COUA'fPY 
 was wlthdrnwu from public purposes, I Is called after Jaaes Bruce elirhth 
 and pasBfxl Into the hands of private | I-:;arl of Elgin, twelfth Earlif 'Kln- 
 si>eculatorH of the Lou.lon .Stock Ei-| lardine." f?r some time \I P for 
 change. Southampton, Baron Bruce, of "Kin- 
 Hohl again In small lots at b. \aTio ^k-nie pr^i^'^Tho toS-'is dn' 
 a<»va.i<«. It was. In short a hug,, land I ,. I'^^'af^^r Mrs. wfplSa Ua, 
 A gianoe at the ll«t of the cu-lglnal 
 directors of the Canada Comixiny 
 shows the source of the names of sli 
 towiwhlps In l-ertli Cminty : 
 Rlchajsl "lllansliaril," John "Fuller- 
 ton," John "l^isthope,' !-Ulwnrd "EI- 
 lloe," M. 1., William "Hlbbort," Hart 
 I08.1, ■ (luveruor of Canada In 1846. 
 Lovernor Ueueral of India, 18H0. 
 ded there in 1863. It was Loru El- 
 gin who ivas stoned at Montreal la 
 1849. when the I'ariiament bullt^ 
 lUgs were burned. He negotiated the 
 Reciprocity Treaty of 18.-,4. 
 D„-wnle t..-."« the name of the Com- i peopr hcnce^'fhe''{;';w'siifo oT^e^, 
 mtslore of the Lake fleet U. 1812, killed cur?lck Cu\^ gS^ k*^ ArS.i? 
 at the battle of Lake Champlain, l-^U. are found t,recno,.k, Arran 
 Thon' was a bitter controversy about AIbemarl> Vl-jconnt ii.ir.- >»., nr »h~ 
 f.Ll"™r|!l'.-L"«V'? responsihUlty for Earr of Alb.m';;?rP?K"pI;Ii).^°;?»°J l^u! 
 perintendent tieneral for Indian Af- 
 Conuuodoro Downie's death. 
 Mornlngton. from the Earl of Morn- 
 ington, brother of the Duke o' Wel- 
 lington, nnd fathRT-ln-lnw of Sir 
 Clmrlrt) Bagot, »iho succeeikid Lord 
 .s,v.ienliam as Governor ol Canada In 
 Lima, unknown. 
 Wallace, possluly from Col. Hon J. 
 H. Wallace, who raLso<l a regiment 
 In 18,18 by omior of Lord Beaton. Suc- 
 coeikid to the name nnd estates of 
 Lord Wallaoo. Original name Hope. 
 lUiH nn Imlijin name, applied to the 
 great Huron iiatiim. The orig- 
 inal mi.,-inlng of the wonl Is a fern't, 
 according to 0110 authority, 
 "PlcturcHiiue Cana«ln" says: 
 "Luke Huron, whom" moilcrn name ,4, 
 Is taken from the soubrl.iiiet of Imre f ™'V''' 
 or wild boar, given ov the French to 
 the Wyanootte InilLiiis on account of 
 the manner Lii which they dri*8ed ■;i»KKP''<t o» .v 
 their hair." KepTel family 
 i)f the towi'Milps of Huron, lour arc 
 e.ailivl after Canada Company Direc- 
 tors: Heiiiy "Usborne," "Martin 
 "Tucker Smith." John ■■Hulletf nud 
 James "McKlllop." 
 Hay. from a large shareholder in 
 tiic company, .ilr. (ieorg.' Johnson 
 s.'iys :Mr. liir,- w-nti an Uniler .'*oere- 
 tary of .State. Ther ' wai al'-'o' a 
 JiidRe llay in the early part of 
 Wawanrv>;li. from the Chief of 
 I'liipiicwa Indians on the Snrnla 
 w-rve in 1840. The word mean>: 
 who ambles the water." 
 MorrU. from Hon. Wm. Morrl.'j, 
 P., for Lan.-irk. or his brotlie 
 James Morris. M. P. for Leed 
 ma.'.ter-tleucral In the forties 
 St;uiley, from I'dward (ieoffrey 
 Stanley. Earl of Derby. irii 170!) 
 Under Seeretary for the i ilonles lii 
 the Canning and Ooderlch c.orern- 
 falrs In ( unada. 18.")4-5ll. and mar- 
 ried Sophia Mary, daughter of Sir 
 Allan .MacNnlj. 01 Hamilton. I'rlme 
 Minister of Cannila. 
 Right Hon. William Coutts Kep- 
 IM'l, Viscount Bury, on of the Earl 
 of Aibt'marle, lorn 1812 ; private sec- 
 retary to Lord John Russell In 1850; 
 Civil Secretary and Supi'rlntendent- 
 (ier.eral of Indian Affairs for the 
 I'rovlnce of ( anada In 1855. .Author 
 of several iioUtloal and historical 
 paiiers; sat for Norwich as a Lib- 
 eral ; was sworn a Privy Councillor 
 In 1859. 
 "In lS,"i.-> Lord Bury, the private 
 'bu"t '*'<^''''tnry of the (io^e^nor-Ocne^aI, 
 was Hjiit to iHjgotinte a treaty that 
 would oiien the (Saugceni reserve for 
 Now the nnmes of 
 townships, town plot, road nrd al- 
 most evervthlng else In tli" i'uulnsula 
 Ills Ixjrdshin ami the 
 . instead of the old lords 
 of the 1,1511."— Pioturesi|UC Canada, 
 p 507. . 
 St. Edmund's, after Bury . i. Ed- 
 mund's In Suffolk, where St. Edmund, 
 KPig and ' art.vr. was crownci *r 
 8.-ifi. Tilrthplnce of Bishop na1-i..u 
 Vls.oimt Bury takes his title fro.u 
 Bury St. Kdmunds, Tho township, 
 was surveyed In IS."." bv Mr. F. H. 
 Lyiich-.Stauiitou. of this city, and Its 
 town site is calicil Burv. 
 l.lml^n.v, from '.illK'mavIe Bertie, 
 ninth Earl of Llr. !.-<ny. The Earl of 
 llnrdwlcko married Lady Elizabeth 
 Anintiel, from Lady Amnlicl Grey. 
 dniiKliter of the Earl of Hardwloke. 
 Kastnnr. from a title of Karl Sora- 
 ers. a friend of Governor Sir Edmund 
 l-'lderslle. unknown. 
 Brant. Snugo'n and Huron are In- 
 Uan natiHVi. 