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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est filmi A purtir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. irrata to pelure, n d □ 32X r 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I . f^ ^rz Rrprhltrtl frnni the T']i>('('.\TI(>N.\I, Wv.wv.w {St.. I, ,h,,. \. 11. \>>l. /A,/, p. I '/S-I'tli, .1(1 inmri/, IS'.Hl, MATERIALS FOR A HISTORY UK THi: Province of New Brunswick. \\\ \\ . v. (;a\()X<;. I. THK HlMLiOCiHAI'll V (tl- \i;\V liKlNSWICK. Since of nifikiii-r iiiiuiy Ixioks there is no etid, it has c'oiiio to pass that no on.- can kee|. track of such a niuItitiKJe without the help <.t" h'sts and <-Iassificati()ns of them. HeniM' we have hooks which ai-e lists of hooks, that is l)ihIioirraphies: and if hooks continue to innltipiv, as of coui'sethey will, a science of arian, with the advance of knowled^,- which thev maik in any suhject, wjn'le he of more lieneial interests is wM- ni;;h helpless. Proper i)ihlio^r,.jiphies, kej.t uj. to date, enal»le all to know what exists upon anv i:i\en toj)ic. • • • • i • • • * • • • • • t « • • • • ! ...» . • • ' • • ♦ •• • • •• ,' . • • .• * • • • • • « • •• • • • •• • • •• » • • • • • • * • • * • » • • • • • • • 4 « • • • • « * to • • • • • ! • • • • • « ■ • • • • • • • • • « • t • • • 2 r • » • > « S('C(.ii(l. Wlicii t'utmv stiidciils luidrrtakc tlir tli(.rou-li iiivcstiiijitidii of iiiiy topi.-, iIk- lit. Mat tin- will 1m" s(. volumiiKais that \vitli..ut,iirai.lii«-s it will he iiraily iiiiiM.ssili!.' to find what ivlat.-s to that sul>.ifct, uM.l h.'iK.- much of valu.' will he to th.'iii, and imu-h alivady in l>rint nniII Ik' .l.»ii.' over a-ain. ltis..ur duty, and will assist in the a.l\ anc'iii.-nt of knowlcd.ijc ill th.' fiituiv, t.> make coinplctc .•oiH.'nii>..iary ^lapliit's. Third. Many U.-oks .)f -ivat intt-ivst arc likely to ]„. l(.st si,i,dit of hy tho^.' who would valu." them, uidcss -•ulU'.l to their n.)ti<-.> hy hihlio.UTajihies, I have heai-(l |)e..|)le lam. lit the iwiu.-ity .>f .^ood liteiat ur.- ivlaliii.ii t.> New I'.iunswiek. II. »w many know ev.-n of the .-xist- i.iuv ..f su.-h works as I )ean Safe's l)ook, •■Tli.' Ilisti- l^ouehe," i»v far the most superl. w..rk ever issue.l ahout ;uiy part of the Atlantic Proviiu-es. and |)r()l)ahly about any part .)f Canada. With its el.-ar aii.l .-ntertainin.-j; Knuiish. its valuaM.- ofij^^inal .•liservations on the physio- Mi-aphy, natuial history and ethn.>l.)uy of the |{esti«,'ouche reuion, its splendid illustrations and its suini)tu()us niake- ini in typ.', pa]>er, foiin an' Field and Forest Kamhles," aiii' i'l 111.' ori-inal ..r m lii.'ial Iransla.ion. Another (endeticy in higher -du.-ation is the eii.-ourave- ""'"' '»f 'li'' *'oiniiri hensi\r and coiiipa rat i \ .■ st ud , ..f niiml.ers of i).M.k-. which ciilli\ales the of dfi n-r ami .■orrelalin- .'Mdeiu'.' to thr tormaiion ..f more ,.„,,,,, p..l,.n.nts. ProiuT lMl,lio^nt,.hi.-s show to all svli.M.-oriuinalsoiurcsofinfonnationlie. Fifth ' In.H.wav.anso.ooaa ry. vu-w ot n... nosU.MM.f a country in science, artJiteraturoKc. ,„. .;„..,, ,, is ,iven l.y a ,oo,l General l.ihlio^raphy ot ,,.:;vorl> hum .u • . • • i tNvo sorts ; hrst. the ,l.>seriptive. an.l second the cnticak : Of these naturally the hrst is l,y far the n.ore common. f I o can I '"J - ''■^ 'liiii i> ^illl]lly tu liivf a (|rscii|.t i\ r li^^i ot'wurkx, without attt'iiijitinu to «'stiinal.' tlim \,ilii... IihIci leteness, from f hose w Inch I ann.ou.-lu.l...s.rvi-l.l.'-'--''M...naM.lM..-t.lownto nH...v.l,,,.Hlw..,.l: l.ul in all ll:.' i.l<'al is .•on,,.lrt..M>ss and ii,,i'ail,ality. • , i l..,„uu tVo,„-."„ mla, s„l,- ,,,, ,.,. !,av.-tn..xa..,i.,r,Tai.hi."s , l,r,v a,v to,- N.Ns l;,■uu^^^H•k. Tl,.-va,v as follows: (1) l>i>.l'"tl..- ('ana.l.-„s,s. \W ll<-nry J. M<..7^an. (Ulawi IS'M. A fai.'lv r.M„i.lctr list. ali-haLrtl- ,,,„;. ,;,;,u,^.".l,ln.,'s. uf wn,-ksnf (' frn.;, wl.,.l, ll>OM:..f rarl, i„m i„rr „.,.st 1 .r pM-k.-.l ^,, nLui-uuN-v iin.,.svurk Hnuk.. Tlu. S,.J..l.n Snu at iiitfi'vals in 1 SS.). (,, ,.,l,l,ou,a,.i....s of wu,ks n.latit.Lr t<. tl,. MoMusca ^'' nd K.-hinud.,,,,ata of N..V h,u,.sw,<.k null.. hns .>nhr Natu,'al lUst,.rySorir,ynt N.'W,su,rk, N,,s. (WlssT). 7 (ISSS). J, n,lM,n^,'a,.l,v of tl..- .\l,:o„Muia„ Lan^ua^^rs. By ..,,.ls Mir,„ar, Malisr.t. My, Ahnaki, ...ay Ik- foun.l .•o,„i.lclc ,vf..r„c-("s Lu .liogntphy of tl,.' laii-ua-.'s of our Indians. tJ) ,lt< I ^ hf .loilM (•'») Xfu r.niMswick l'.il»lio-ia|.liy. ihc r,ouk> and Wiitcis ot tin- rn.viticr. \\\ W. C. M.K -Kill-la II. ■, St. .I(.lin. I >''.».•). |{f-|.. iiii, (I timii til.' M..!oliii>'^///.* I Ji tn the |.|i's(lil tliiv is tlicolilvaltcilll.t I ( . | .K m liicr 'I '■"»in|i|cit<.-ia|.li\ ot' New I'.i iiiisyuck, .-hkI t»it is aiarn-il l)y un-al iiiif\ cniicss of 1 1 cn mt'iit . t.Mi scanty (livsfi iplinn ni works. iiiis|)i'iiits, .itatioii of aimnyiiioii'- unrks uniici' oaiiifs ot' tlicir aiiflmrs wlifii know II. w itliont liiiil thai they w.t,. |Mil.lis|H(| aiioiiyiiiously. and ku-k of it'|M'( it ion or rros- n'\'{-y fliccs in cases .if j, lint aiitliorslij],. h.spitc liicsc faults. lioucNci. it IS a \\ii»lio,i;ra|iliy of the M(iiii)crs of t lie l!o\ ,i i >(„-i,.t v of Canada. I'.y Joliii <;. l!oiiiinot. 'I^iaiis. Iloval Society <,f Canada, \"ol. Xll. JMC.. (ndei tjie name, of Hailey. hawson, Kl|s and >kattlieu will I'c f.Mind lists of piihlicatioiis, many of wliicli i elate to New jl'imswiek. (7) Ivssai de>lioniai>lMe < 'atiadi.nne. j'.v I'liilejis CaLinon. V>nedee. I Sih'^i. M,,vt e\ee!|e|lt." Unt \<'1V incollljiiete fo|- New Urilllsu ii-k (!<) r.iltlioura|.liy of I'tiUlicatioiis iclalinij: to tlio Natiiuil History of New liruiiswjck from |s<.H) IS!*:.. |5v S. W. Kain. < 'ontaincd in Unlletin No. i.'liftlie Natural I listory Society of New linmswiek. |siis I., lliis li-t li.iv.' Itrrii ..(rfMf,) to •);,■ St .tolin .S')0( iiiil will prnliiil.iy appfiii- III it limiii'T liu- >-nv\y part of tliis ymr. Nf IV \ll,.f ,|,..s..'saP-l.nt a iH-inninu' : -t,.- ;.„„,,..,.. :u..l .tl.v of tl..,>'— Willi.- l.uilMM- .,,.,, ...,,..tssvlu.-h ...... ,',\'^' .vlati...^ f. tl.- yyn^\urv. ;;;;,,,,,,, th. aio<.i.-s i,Hi..xtoi'..,-,o.iHai ,.,) iCl!!tatinnsnni.r^ov..n,,...''nals of tl.r'' '.f, .'tc. r.\) rul,rK'ati<'!.s of societies. (4) l,slofl-no.l,eals, Il..'l""vi..-. (.-,) List of New r.iUIlsNviek newspapers. (,;) Li.t of maps of the province. (7) List ..f views. eli-ravin.Lfs, etc. • 1 ..,>iif lined ill ooverniiu'iit ,^> i;,st of inamiscnpts coiit.iiiiKi .n - H.vluvesan.l private .•olle.-tions. Nos .; an.l 7 of this list 1 am myself at w<.rU upon, auai! ih-.- IcommeiHltomyf.'Uowstmlents. ■ '■S f I \f f v I e. i /-< li»'pr'n,t>'>l/r,n,t tin Kr.rrATioNAi. Rkvikw {St. Juki,, .V. />'. ) Vol. X i>i,. Ittf,-lin, Mnrrh, 1SU7. f MATERIALS FOR A HISTORY (IK THB Province of New Brunswick. By V\ V. Ganono. TT. HKLirs OF TIIR FlMNCH PkIUoI. TV NkW liHlNSWICK. nV havp tni html 'ufar), rvpr^ncf /<»}■ of/ wihifsuf-H nf histnrif. hr theifnuimntf, ■;>• inanlmatf.. lurn, anhimlx, or Iff mil's. {F. MAiaON OiiAwroRi) in the Centurn SUmuzhiv for July, iwm.) In the study nf history there ;ir»- iw. phasos. Thn first jind hi;,dM'r. cultivatj d chiefly l.y ]>r.)fessioiml students, is the itiveHtitration of the ori^'in and evohitiori of institutions and iiioveinents, I, d it studies fait s for the li^^dit tliey throw upon {tririciples. The other, fol lowed hy the anti(|uarian, tufn.wn down every excursion of fancy as piti- lesslv as v-uritanisn, itself did in its day. A feudal Zirtx, on the other hand, with its contrasted h.uhts ',u,d Shadows, its rivalries and passions is the natura ;U,,„, of romance : and when to lord and vassal is joined a dominant hierarchy with its patient martyrs anp."sentati ves of the most ,,or,.>ous ivilization of modern times, the whole strange sc-ene set in an envir.mment of primeval forests-the spectacle is as striking as it is unicpie. introduction to " Tlie Romance of Dollard," by Mrs. M. II. Catliei-wood. Tn New Brunswick but few relics of this period re- main to us and the three following are the most important. 11 a '.lart I) effect DUi" pco- ncestors t fou.ijbt ,t people of us. ^t for its lueiu'e it of this ill tlies(^ .)iii/jition ^r as piti- \ feudal ed ii.silits 1' natural I is joined s and its liiefs and gorgeous life scene spectacle lie Romance period le- the most 1. Dt'ifii'ttflo,, Sfn)>r i)j fJio TikVkdi ('hiifc/i of Saint Jnui linjifistr hiiill in /7// t(f Mnfitefic. Tills is and is likely to i-eniain oiii' most valuahle and interestiiii; relic of the French l^-riod, partly for its as- sociations, })artly for its lecitrd of historical fact, and partly because it beai-s upon its face the induhitahle evidence of its own authenticity. Ir was found at Meductic in 1>!H) by Mr. Archie Hay of Lower Wo.kI- stock, and the inscription was fust j)ublished in "Canada," a monthly journal edited by l{e\ , M. }{. Knii^ht of lU'nton, X. l\.. but with tlir eci-onenns sn|» I)osition that it was a <,'rave-stone. Mi. James Vro(»iii of St. Stephen was the first to reco,i,mi/.«! its true charaeter and to eall tl:e attention of others to it. A full descrii)tion of the stone with a cut was published in the PiEviKW for Mjirch IS!):], and J»ev. W. (). Kaymond further refers to it in the liuht of c(mtemporary history and reprints the cut in his \aluable seiies on the historv of Carleton County in the Woodstock Dispnt<'li in iSiJo-G (Articles l» 1 and I'l'). Finally, in rne number of the ColhnTJons of the New IJrunswick ]list(»rical Society just issued (Vol. 1, No. •_', pp. I'-Jl 27-_'), Mr. Raymond has treated the subject of the stone and its contemporary history with an exhaustiveness which leaves little, if anything, to be said on these subjects, and he has given a new photographic reproduction of it which is very satisfactory. The only relic at all like it that ] know of is the corner stone of the cliurch at 12 • , ,H..u- Fort LaNvience in Nova Scotia, of .hich tlu. inscription w.tlwts ^^^'^'^^ ,!' ^^, ,a. l^,u,isNvick in ■»»-•>"" ";"''r ' V^, stone ,nay 1»> p.esented, xvitl, male to tiio i Province is «ho could tell of losses wind, tin sufVerins tln-o«gli this lack. ., 7V W„„./ /W •!/•"« ^"<''"" '■'""■'•'* '" ''■'"■""'■'"'"'• " Tlu. hulia,.s at their village at Kin.scleav, above • -uv cvUed to their church hy the same hell ! , I'.ntiste at Me.luctic a century and a half \f l)nt its history is tairly cle.ii. i^« upon It, »>ut lis J nussion, lias :::r;n:::-::--- iiS 13 fv Scotia, given in ("ind. c'd- where it Mr. Hay ) a pu))lic t illustra- o inswick in nineteenth histoiieal to whicii a nted, with ed for and ,hose of us Province is Ki)U/K<'I ''<(!'• lear, above le same hell 1 the church y and a half ) description be inscribed Rev. Father mission, has le writin.t,' of diaries [''rancis lijiilly, then iiiissionaiy, atierw aids Jiislmp of (.Juelx'c. is the foUowiiii;- entiy : The last Indian at Mcdoctic lia\iii,:L,' died, I rauscd the bell and othfj articlf>s to be transported to l^kpaliauu'h. Kkpaliauyh was the Indian \"illaf;e at Spriiiiihill, and that at Kin^sclcar is its dirrct sueeessdr. in Colonel John Aliens journal (in K idp,'i-ali(»iis) ret'eri'inir to KkpahauL:h under date J uly •"). 1 777. we read : The Indians eanie to a i-onsultation on 1 he iTilieal situation anride which makes patriots. All about him rise the splendifl hills in a urantleur not to l)e matched elsewhere in tiie pro\ ince. iJehind him lies 11 one of the liiicst fiuiiis in tlic l;ui7 I-^IG. 1. II l)y arc the; tiildc lioine Iwivf made IJefore liini the \vat«'rs tlie most •y, tlu' last IS of I'^i^- lliat battle 1(1 uiKiues- iii interest vy give US historical 'J'liey lie at tremity of int. They formerly id on wood- 3ks, but by ittling of lie isti[)j)e(l • position, 10 other is down on Lj; r o u n d . it the same inches in ''"^""■'•■'•"^ tin. butt, a„.iliv,...,nd u .iimrt.T inrh bore ^"' ^'"' '""■ ^"" "" ""■ l'l<"-l<.s. then, are cut I uo anchors, ,nu.-h rnsi,.,J, one near th.- nui/./I.. and fairlv 'l-st-rict, of sslurh an exact tra.-in.u- reduced to oi.e-tliird natural si/.c IS o-ix,, I i„ Fi.,„v I : and the other faint nnd farther baek. ( )„ the other ,.,,.1 t he fl.,,,. ,|... lis is ^''■''■'''■"' "'•'•^^' '"«' < In- metal, ..nee near the ton.'h- '"''•■' '""' ^■'••"" "'i^ ^1'" ^••■•"••Ni^' in Figure i' (reduced to one third) was made, aiul again farther forward. These marks are well ].ivser\ .-d, siix'e the Uiin is upside d(.\\ii and th.^y ai.. inidcriieath and protrei.w! f,,,ni the \\«';ith<.r. but this, <„, uiakes it necessary to do some biirrouirio- in ""'•''■ '" ^''•' them. The s|,a(|..<| parts i„ FiiTuiv •_> are rou-h u"'u-es '" ^''•' 'nerai. (»n this mui, are also marks |,ke a - V and a Fig. " (> The French ..ri-in of at l.vist one of the .-annon is established by the presence of ,!„. fh-ur . are two guns at Athol House one spiked one of which was got from vessel (other from Battery P! ) Another gun is in Busteed's chimney from Battery Pt. 1>. has also found in old ship— silver forks — spoons swords bomhs cemented into soft sectile mass. The guns above referied to are 5 in. calihre 10 feet lond from m..untain to nK.untain, like j.rolonged peals of thunder in the still evening air. Again in a valuable illustrated article on the IJesti- gouche m Harpers Monthly for .March 18(3S (Vol XXX VJ, p. 430), we ivad : Two iron cannons that once belched forth destruction from "Battery Point" upon the invading English, are now mounted upon a plateau at "Athol House" and still do occasu,nal service in the way of fh-ing salutes on the anniversaries of the "Queen's Birthday " anrl the " Lanrl- ing of the Loyalists." There are other references to them and contemporary events in a valual)le series of articles on the history (if this region l,y liev. J. C. Herdman, published in the »«»- ^m 18 St. .Idlin "I)fiilySun" in ISS;}, and rt'piintofl in tho C}ini}il)«llton "KntfMprise" in 1890.* Tlic battle of Hcstigoucho was f()u<;ht in 17(>0, and was not only the only naval on<;a^einent of any account cvn- t'oui^djt in New Biunswick waters, hut it closed the sttUju't^des on the sea between England and France in North America. It has received little notict; from histoiians. Park man does not mention it, thoui^di Hannay and other l<»cal writers jefer to. The only oiii^'inal account known to me is the seini-otticial dtiscription in the I^ondon Maj^azine for 1760, repi'inted by Cooney (p 21 "J, compaie also 211), from which the following is copied : "London, Sth Se})tember, 1760." By despatches received from Captain Byron, Senior officer of his liritarmic Majesty's Ships at Louisburgh, and dated 26th of July, it appears that Captain B., upon receiving intelligence from Brigadier General Whitmore, that a Froich tleet had sailed up Chaleur Bay, proceeded M-ith the Fame, Dorcetshire, Arhif/es, ,Scay, Cajitain l>yron proceeded to a lur^'e rivei-, called i>y the Indiuns RitsthiKsIt'i. Here lie found the remainder, consist in^^ of the Marchuull of \S'l guns ; the A'sjuniricc of 30; the Bi^'ttj'm, (pp. L' I 7-21!)) as do Lannian and Heidnian, and the following note by Dr. Uobb a part of the one already (juoted, i.s of interest: The hull of a vessf^l of about 700 tons which had aj)- parently been blown up - near Mission P! at otticer's bi'ook. Hull and part of stem (h-y at low water— it was exploicd this year during dry seasoji and high tides. Found balls, staves, (?) bombs, copper i^' grindstone crank :\ fortified points I5attcry Pt. f.ittle I5attery Pt. Si Pt. La CJarde. J'^nglish vessels entered Kestiguiche in jtuisuit — a No\'a Scotian who had l)een piisoner on board French ship at Cam})bellton escaped by swinnning c'i- informed English who were at Pt. La (Jarde of leti-eat of French — English landed at Pt. La (Jarde, t^' by a detour behind shore ridges reach French Battery at head of tide when French surrendered. Old Mr. Fer- guson had heard this from Nova Scotian himself. The traditional account of Byron's advance up the llestigouche, rendered very ditiicult by the shoals, is given with greater fulness by Mr. Herdman. All this have these cannon not only witnessed })ut taken part in. Yet they lie in neglect, perhaps even in danger of the fate which always menaces such objects — the junk-dealer's scrap-pile. It would be a pul)lic- spirited act, and one for which posterity would thank them, if the citizens of Campbellton would mount these 21 ces to the ^in. Thus > Liimuaii !•. Kohl), ii ich had ap- at urticer'n (>,._ it was hiL,'li tides. jriiiidstone iattcry Pt. lU'sti,i,'uicho uiisoncr <>ii y Hwimnuiijj; le of ret leat do, i^' hy a Battery at d Mr. Fer- nselt. biice up the e slioals, is tnessed hut laps even in such ohjects e a puV)hc- vould thank mount these cannon uj»on a lu'in stone foundation witli an insci-i])- tion l)ritMly recitinj^ their history. If, in adcUtioii. the part of this hcautif\il and liistoi'ic Point surrouiuhn,!^ them, even hut an acre or- two, could he H(!cured and set asidf forevci- for the puhlic, it would form a most a})- pi'opi'iatc momnnent foi- the .Juhih^c year of llcr .Maj<'M- ty, and .i worthy contrihution to the liii^hcr life of the province from her loyal sul)jects of C-amphcllton. 4. Other Rt'llrs, E.xeludiiii; i)ooks, ma]>s, coins, etc., of which there are a gi-eat mnnl)er, and various other small ol>jects Hke hatchets, 1 know of hut two othei- relics of tliis per-iod woi-thy of s])ecial mention. One is a j^old rin<(, found in IS.")9 near the site of Fort Xasliwaak and figured and descrihed in iMi-. Hannay's })aper on Fort Nashwaak in Steif^dvf's (Jiuirfi'vly for Octoher-, |S(i7. On it is a small cross and the letters T II S. .\s Mr-. liaruiay suj)poses it was no douht the property of a priest, ])orhaps of Fatlier Simon or perhaps of Fathei- Eli/.ee, the Sieur de Villehon's Cha|»lain. I do not know where this rinijf now is. The other is a small hut well made and much ornamented da