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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m*thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 i m- - *" *J % ■If \ ^1 . : 1 nI, a i f >f .# .^- i- », ii# -3 .-jS I i- y. .« :M^> «^ v.-- - -'^ ' i * (» ** -* I 4 -fe^^l i K-fe ^ rsBSSS!^^^ ^^trnm ■ i ; •\ ti. k a K . t (' ^ ^i f-i ■«*K- v-^ t:^ v^f •«, 1-* <' 'I >' ■ %. t y- ' ^ ^ ;•> !.-.> i^'^ \. \ -t.v>. ii '/ * ^'-^ ■TT^ ■I* ;; % ^* J 899 PRIZE LIST OF THE INiniXli niUAl PRIZE KM TO BE HELD AT NANAIMO ON Thursday, the 20th of July, t899 AND FOLLOWING DAYS VANCOUVER, B.C. CLARKE & STUART. 1899 ('! .'JL . 'ST- ' aMj»«ErjiBB ,';;:z»..3e:ji£::. L •' »^ %" ... "i S'i'i.-'^ ,fij TIHE TABLE B. C. R. A. HATCHES 1899 THURSDAY, JULY 20th. 8:30 to 12:00 m Practice 800 and 900 yards 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. ...Luncheon. \ 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. . . .Tyro 500 yards 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. . . .Westminster Match 500 yards 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. . ..Nanaimo Match. .600 and 200 yards ^- FRIDAY, JULY 21st. 8:30 to 9:33 a.m. . . . Extra Series 400 yards 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. . . .Victoria Corp.n Match, 400, 600 yds 11.30 a.m Annual General Meeting. 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. . .Luncheon. 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. . . .Helmcken Match, 200, 500, 600 yards 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. . . .Extra Series and Bennett. SATURDAY, JULY 22nd. 8:30 to 12:00 m All Comers Match . .200, 500, 600 yds 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. . . .Luncheon 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. . . . Vancouver Corp'n Match,800 yards 4:30 to 6:30 p:m. . . .Ottawa Team Match, 800, 900 yards SW Throughout the meeting. Extra Series and *' Bennett" will be fired simultaneously with the reg- ular matches or otherwise, as targets become available , 500, 600 yds BRITISH COLUMBIA RIFLE ASSOCIATION ESTABLISHED 1874 Ipatron. His Honor the Lieut.-Gov^ernor of the Province. IDiccsjpatrons. The Premier OF THE Province, The Mavor of Victoria, The Mayor of Vancouver, The Mayor of New Westminster, The Mayor of Nanaimo. •Kepresentatives on Council of S).1R.B. Mr. W. W. B. McInnes, M.P. Mk. a. Morrison, M.P. Mr. H. Bostock, M.P. Capt. H. H. Gray, S.L. (Besides Hon. E. G. Prior, Vice Prcs. D.R.A.) 1presi^ent. Hon. Thos. R. McInnis. \Pice=lpresi^ent8. The District Officer Commanding (ex officio), Lr.-CoL. F. B. Gregory, Lieut. J. Reynolds Tite. Council, 1899 The District Officer Commanding (ex officio), Hon. T. R. McInnis, Mk. W. W. B. McInnis,M.P., Lt. Col. F. B. Gregory, Capt. E. H. Fletchccr, Capt. W. H. Dorman. Lieut. J. Reynolds Tite, Sergt. J. H. Sharpe, Coup. W. J. Sloan, Oi xrt. H. A. MuNN, Lieut. J. Duff Stuart, Sergt. C. Kendall, GuNR. Ralph Wij^son, Mr. J. D. Taylor, Mr. G. E. T. Pittendrigh, Mr.. C. H. Barker. Secretary, CAPT. FLETCHER Assistant Secretary, MR. J. D. TAYLOR Memborshfp Fee, $2 per annum If ^ r. . "* ' I > - ■» t - ^'tS- m * No. I. TYRO MATCH Restricted to efficient members of tlie Active Militia of No. 11 Military District who have not at any pre- vious meeting of the B.C.R.A. won a prize of $:i.O(i , or more, exclusive of Extra Series or Nursery prizes . and who have not won a prize at any other Provincial, Dominion or National meeting. o(H) yards ; 7 shots. Entrance fee, 60 cents, including sighting shot. 1st Prize $ 5.00 2nd *' 4.00 Two Prizes of $3.00 (i.OO Four " , 2.50 10.00 Seven '* 2.00 14.00 Fifteen Prizes, value $39.00 No. 2. WESTHINSTER MATCH 500 yards ; 10 shots. Entrance fee, 60 cents, including sighting shots. 1st Prize * Westminster Cup and $ 8.00 2nd *' 7.00 3rd " 6.00 4th *• 5.00 Two Prizes of $4.00 8.00 Four " 3.00 12.00 Four " 2.50 10.00 Seven " 2.00 14.00 Five '* 2.00 restricted to Tyros 10.00 Twenty-six Cash Prizes, value. .00 * The Cup presented by the Corporation of New Westminster in 1897, to become the property of ;iny competitor winning it twice. Winners: In 1897, Gunner R. Wilson : in 1898, Lieut. J. Duff Stuart. :i [ilitiu of Lny i)re. of ^:]M Nursery tiy otlier ing. 500 icluding $ 5.0(1 4.00 ().00 10.00 14.00 H icluding nd I 8.00' 7.{K) 6.00 5.00 8.00 12.00 10.00 14.00 10.00 00 of New ' of any In 1897, irt. Mk TM fJl -• i - #> «. ' f A '*f p 1' i' i^ Tf ^ ■ — |f ' I* r- LU il No. 3. NANAinO HATCH. 600 Vfirds, .iny position ; 200 yards, standinff ; 7 shots at each raii|?c. iiiitrance fee, 70 cents, including siglit in^^ shots. 1st Prize *Ciip and ^ 8.00 2nd *' 3rd " 4th '* Three Prizes of $4.00 Four " 3.00 Four " 2.50 Seven " 2.00 Five " 2.00, restricted to Tyros ( .1)0 n.oo 0.00 12.00 12.(J0 10.00 1 im 10.00 Twenty-seven Cash Prizes, value — f!81.oo * The Cup, presented by the Mayor and Council of Nanaimo, to become the property of any competitor winning it twice in succession. Winner 1898, Corpl. W. J. Sloan. No. 4. VICTORIA CORPORATION HATCH 400 yards, kneeling ; 600 yards, any position ; 7 shots at each range. Entrance fee, 70 cents, including siglit- ing shots. 1st Prize * Cup and $ 8.00 2nd " 7.00 3rd *' 6.00 4th " 5.00 Three Prizes of $4.00 12.00 Four " 3.00 12.00 Four '' 2.50 10.00 Five " 2.00 10.00 Five '* 2.00, restricted to Tyros 10.00 Twenty-five Cp.sh Prizes, value $80.00 * The Cup presented by the Corporation of Victoria in 1897, to become the property of any competitor win- ning it twice. Winner in 1898, Sergt. W. H. Lettice. V H. ff; 7 shots at lingsi^^litiDf; lip and ^ 8.(10 7.00 fl.OO .').(1() 12.00 12.00 10.0(1 It.(K) 10.0(1 ue.... .^81.00 d Council of competitor 1898, Corpl. ^ HATCH tion; 7 shots uding sight- ip and I 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 12.0(1 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 ...... $80.00 I of Victoria petitor win- ;. Lettice. 'ill' '- \% ^\ Vi4 6 No. 5. HELMCKEN MATCH 200, 500 and 600 yards ; 7 shots at each range. Entrance fee, 80 cents, including sighting shots. 1st Prize ^Dorothy Medal, Cup and $10.iio 2nd " 8.00 3rd " V 7.00 Two Prizes of $6.00 12.00 Three " 5.00. Four " 4.00. Five " 3.00. Six " 2.00. Five 15.00 1«.00 15.00 12,00 2.00, restricted to Tyro 10.00 Twenty-eight Cash Prizes, value $105.00 * Medal presented annually by Mr. H. Dallas Helmcken, Q.C, M.P.P. The Cup presented by Hon. C. F. Cornwall, when Lieutenant-Governor to become the property of any competitor winning it twice in succession. Winner in 1898, Sergt. W. P. Winsby. No. 6. ELECTRIC RAILWAY CUP < Presented by the British Columbia Electric Railway Co. in 1898. To be won twice in three successive com- petitions to become permanent property.) Winner in 1898, Victoria. Open to teams of ten previously named members, each representing any one of the cities of British Co- lumbia, the aggregate of whose scores in Match No. 5 (Helmcken) shall be the highest. Entrance fee, $2.50. 1st Prize. * The Cup and $10.00 2nd " 5.(H) Two Cash Prizes, value $15.00 ■■■■ Intrance id $10.00 H.OO 7.00 12.fJ0 15.00 16.00 15.00 12,00 10.00 ..$105.00 Dallas 3y Hon. become wicc in 5by. UP lailvvay ve coin- Inner in rs, each :ish Co- Match Intrance id $10.00 . . 5.(H) $15.00 S3» No. 7. ALL COnERS MATCH 200, 500 and 600 yards ; 7 shots at each range. Open to all comers. Entrance fee, $1.30, including sighting shots. 1st Prize $10.00 2nd *' 8.00 3rd " 7.00 Two Prizes of $6.00 12.00 Three " 5.00 15.00 Four *' 4.00 16.00 Six ** 3.00 : 18.00 Seven " 2.00 14.00 Five ' ' 2.00, restricted to Tyro 10.00 Thirty Cash Prizes, value. . . .$110.00 1*;?^ «*^::'' \% ^ No. 8. VANCOUVER CORPORATION MATCH 800 yards ; 7 shots. Entrance fee, 60 cents, including sighting shot. 1st Prize *Cup and $8.00 2nd " 7.00 3rd " 6.00 4th '* 5.00 Two Prizes of $4.00 8.00 Four " 3.00 12.00 Six " 2.50 15.00 Six " 2.00 12.00 Five " 2.00, restricted to Tyro 10.00 Twenty-seven Cash Prizes, value $83.00 * The Cup, presented by the Corporation of Van- couver in 1898, to become the property of any com- petitor winning it twice. Winners : 1896, Mr, W. H. Wall ; 1897, Gunner Geo. Turnbull ; 1898, Gunner K. Wilson. $10.00 8.00 7.00 12.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 14.00 10.00 ■■•i .^c,> id 18.00 .. 7.00 .. 6.00 .. 5.00 .. 8.00 12.00 .. 15.0U . 12.00 .. 10.00 ,.$83.00 ^.^■r.; ,, 1 1 ^> I I . . 8 No. 9. THE BENNETT HATCH 500 yards ; 5 shots in one minute. Target will appear and remam up one minute. Unlimited entries. Entrance fee, 50 cents. $25.00 presented by Major C. C. Bennett with $25.00 added by the Association. 1st Prize $ 8.00 2nd " 6.00 3rd " 5.00 4th " 4.00 Three Prizes of $3.00 9.00 Five " 2.00 10.00 Four " 2.00, restricted to Tyros 8.00 Sixteen Cash Prizes, value .... $50.00 THE AGGREGATES Entrance fee for the whole series, including Grand and Tyro, $1.00. No. 10. GRAND AGGREGATE For the aggregate of scores of Matches Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8. 1st Prize B. C. R. A. Gold Badge and $ 4.00 2nd " " Silver *' 4.00 3rd *' 4-^' Two Prizes of $3.00 6.00 Six " 2.00 12. 00 Eleven Cash Prizes, value .... $30.00 $ 8.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 9.00 10.00 8.00 $ 4.00 4.00 4.0{, 6.00 12.00 iSm ~ .'Pi ■ 9 No. II. TYRO AGGREGATE Restricted to competitors entered in the Tyro Match. For the aggregate of scores of Matches Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 7 and 8. Ist Prize $ 5.0(> 2nd " 4.00 3 Prizes of $3.00 9.00 6 •' 2.00 12.00 Eleven Prizes, value — $30.00 No. 12. PRESIDENT'S PRIZE The Hon. Thos. R. Mclnnis, President and Patron of the Association, offers a special prize for the high- est aggregate in the four Corporation Matclits— the Victoria, Vancouver, New Westminster and Nanaimo. Entrance free. til h I !♦'■ No. 13. LAURIE BUGLE HATCH Open to one team of ten "efficient" members from each Battalion of the Active Militia of No. 11 District. For the aggregate of scores in matches included in the Grand Aggregate. Entrance fee, per team, $2.50. Entrance must be made before the com- mencement of firing in Match No. 2. The names of the members constituting the team must be handed in before 1:30 p.m. of the second day of the prize meeting. One Prize * The Laurie Bugle and $10.00 * The Bugle presented by Lieutenant-General Laurie, formerly D. A.G. of this District, to be competed for between the Companies of the winning Battalion, with one team of five efficient members from each Company contesting, before the 31st December, 1899, and to be held by the successful Company until the next ensuing prize meeting of the B. C. R. A. In the event of failure to hold a Company competition, the Bugle shall be held by such Company of the Battalion interested as the Council of the B. C. R. A. may deter- mine. $ o.0(> 4.00 9.00 12.00 !>'* !5^ 10 No. M. OTTAWA TEAM MATCH ■m I *'* ■ Restricted to the twenty competitors being eligiblo for the Ottawa Team, whose scores in the Grand Aggregate Match shall be the highest; 800 nnd 900 yards ; 7 shots. Entrance fee, fl.OO, including sighting shots. The team to represent the Province of British Columbia at Ottawa at the prize meeting of the Do- minion Rifle Association for 1899, shall be selected by the Council, the members chosen to be called upon in the order of the aggregate of their scores in the Grand Aggregate and in the Ottawa Team Match combined. All places but one shall be reserved for efficient mem- bers of the Active Militia ; and one place shall be oi)en to any civilian resident at Nanaimo whose score would entitle him to be called upon were he a member of the Active Militia. 1st Prize $H.(X) 2nd " 5.(M) 3rd " 4.00 4th " 3.00 5th " 2.00 Five Cash Prizes, value. . . . $20.00 EXTRA SERIES AND POOL m Arrangements will be made, if possible, for Extra Series Firing and for Pool Shooting as occasion offers throughout the meeting. ./ 7%' LONQ RANGE PRACTICE Thursday morning, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 m., will be reserved for practice at 800 and 900 yards. Five shots. No entry fee. No one allowed to Are a second ticket until the first round is completed. ATCH cmg olig-ibio 1 the Grand est; 800 and )0, including e of British • of the Do- 3 selected by lied upon in in the Grand li combined, icient mem- ihall be open score would imber of the 4 $H.0() o.(MJ 4.00 3.00 2.00 ue. 20.00 3L , for Extra as occasion m., will be Five shots. ond ticket itta- p British Columbia Rifle Association. This Prize Meeting will be conducted under the direction of an Executive Com- mittee to be named by the Council. ^ B^ Competitors nntst make themselves fully acquainted with the Regulations, (ts also with the conditions of any Match for tvhich they may have entered, as in no case ivill the plea of ignorance be entertained. They must refer to the Notice Board, Morning and Afternoon, to ascertain u'he- ther orders have been issued altering the original detail of the shooting, or affecting them in any tvay. i REQULATJONS. MEMBERSHIP. All competitions in- cluded in the Grand Aggregate, except the All Comers, No. 7, (which is open to all comers) are restricted to Members of the BritishColumbia Rifle Association who have paid the membership fee of $2.00 for 1899. Extra Series matches and Pool shooting are open to all comers. RIFLES. The rifles used in all compe- titions shall be Lee-Enfield or Lee-Metford of Government pattern. *!fi «MM - '- --A 1^ t. I r 1-r ' 12 AMMUNITION. Competitors must pro- vide themselves with ammunition, as the Association does not undertake to sell any on the range ; but all aimnunition must be of Government issue. POSITION. At 200 yards, either stan- ding or kneeling ; 400 yards, kneeling, where not specified for any particular match ; at o(X) yards, any with head to the target ; and at 600, 800 and 900 yards, any. DRESS. Competitors entered as militia- men must wear proper unifoi'in ; but belts need not be worn, and for other headwear havelocks may be substituted. ENTRIES. Entries for the Tyro Match and for all individual matches included in tlie Grand Aggregate should be sent to the Secretary of the Association, Captain E. H. Fletcher, Victoria, on or before Tuesday, I July 18th. All entries made after that date [for such matches will be subject to an addi- I tional charge of 20 per cent, of the entry fee. The Secretary will issue entry forms to inten- ding competitors on application. Entries for Team Matches and for the Aggregates, may be made either previous to the com- mencement of the meeting or on the range. Entries for the Aggi'egates must be made [before 1 p. m. on the first day of the meeting. lln team competitions, unless otherwise [specified, names of members must be handed |in before firing commences. EFFICIENCY. Certificates of efficiency [signed by their commanding officers, must Ibe produced when required, by competitors lentering {is militiamen. 13 "Efficiency" shall mecan, in the case of a commissioned officer, one in good standi n^^ in his corps; in the case of a N. C. O. oi* private, (me who has attended at least twelve (12) regular parades of his corps since the 1st January, 1809, or not less than fifty per cent, of di'ills ordered. SIGHTING SHOTS. One sighting shot will be allowed and must be fired at eacli range, the charge for which is included in the entrance fee. CHALLENGES. Any competitor chal- lenging a shot must deposit the sum of fifty cents with the Range Officer, which shall be forfeited if, after examination, no shot is found on the target. In cases not provided for above, the D. R. A. Rules for 1898, shall be followed. The Council reserve the ^ ight to make any changes in the publishc Prize List or Regulations that may be considered advis- able, but due notice of any change will be posted on the notice board. E. H. FLETCHER, Capt., Hon, Secretary, NOTICES N. B.— The Annual Genoral Meeting of the Mem- bers of the Association will be held on the second dny of the Prize Meeting, at 11:30 a.m. A meeting of the Council for such business as may come up, will be held on the first day of the Prize Meeting, , ><? r •'■^ ■*>' * L-^t.. ii I ise of ,'i finding !. O. Of b least 7S since *,ii fifty ng shot it eiicli ided in or chal- of fiftv shall be shot is -: --1:1 , the D. d. ,o make List or d advis- will be 'etary. ' I' the Meni- econd day CSS as may the Prize *P 5*3. ■« -T* ' ^ ■?- :"* .- f '^■flt-f"| »*'^ ?.; ^;^ r ^ <f . *. hi 5 r X \l/. 'i A. i 1. fiT^ '^i