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Press aiul l^ublic, for the past twclvi; y<»ars. t<» be I ■liTB'HIM mp 19 ^¥mim M virri^t'Qfii'b'wiT 1^ "HOUSE CROWDED" TO ITS UTMOST EXTENT NIGHTLY, BY THIS MAMOTH ORGANIZATION. PEKI ORMANCK ENTIREIY VAIIIEB EAril EVEiMM mKmKr''*^vwmmmacaamnarw»^-m3m -^.f^^-'ifi-^-^t^t^if^f^ ^Kr^ ■-} f^j . BS3^ -i». ^^^^ ^ S^5SS^?= ^Acoi'H-^ PROGRAMME. IP -^RT I nSp?'Mn^JtK?JiFo^'.?^^ pVERTURE-armnged cxpr,«8ly for Vl^, Orchestra OPENING CHORUS— Operatic, " Cinderella." . . COMIC SONG, "The Dog'9 Meat Man," ... BALLAD, " Good Bye at the Door," SONG DESCRIPTIVE, "The Surgar Cane Green," . .'.'.' BALLAD, "ElIaLe«ne," - - - . . COMIC DITTY, " Clap your Hands 'till Daddy comes Home," - FINALE, "Drum Quick Step," - - . d- RUMSEY & NEWCOMB'S. RUMSEY h KEWCOMB'S. HARRY LEHB. B. BRAHAM. H. S. RUMSEY. - J, W. ADAMS. W. W. NEWCOMB. - THE ORCHESTRA. 3?A.RT IT. QUEER! QUAINT! QUIET &, QUIZZIC AIi! Scotch Stuas]>esky, by - - . . . . - M. Lewis? CiiAKAtrrERLSTic Banjo Obuoatx), - - . . - H. S. kuMsfiy. By request, the Musical Operatic Burlesque entitled Signer Carl-Well-Formes, a Double Barrel-Tone, Mile Ada^Phill-Lips, an Operatic Aspirant, Mr. Ugly-man, a Manager of the Opera, f Jlf PJl .^Ef ISf S< W. W. Newoomb. Little Bobby. II. 8. Rumsey. THE PAST AND PRESENT, SERENADE, " Come where my Love lien Dreamine." bv BURLESQUE MEDLEY MELANGE, - Z RUMSEY and LEHR. BRAIIAM, ADAMS, MANNING and BOBBY. M. LEWIS. After which the Comic Scene, entitled, Poverty and its Extremes! Blowhardo Senardo, an Artist, but sadly out of luck, and seeking for «n Engagement, Companion, very hungry, whose eating propensitiep are largely developed, H. 8. Rumsey. Harry Leli. Concerted Piece, for Clarionet, The Viroinia Cupid, by tlie Juvenile. Rddoli'h Hall. YouvtJ America. To conclude with the favorite Song and Dance, entitled BAR'S A lilI66ER IIV OE TENT ! By NEWCOMB, t.F.HH , ADAMS, KU.MSKY mi LEWIS, a^siaicd bj *!,..- entire Troupe. KcicETS can be had at the Bookstores, aad^t the Door. Doors open at T o'clock! Performance to oommence at 8 o clocJt. "' ^ : ^ Z^Z' J^ARFTy HAF OOOPr^^