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Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniftre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ► signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbols V signifie "FIN". ire >y errata ed to int me pelure. apon d Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: 1 2 3 Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre film6s A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6. 11 est filmA d partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas, en pranant le nombre d'images n6cessalre. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ITAOK Commission on Revision of Discipline. CHANGES RECOMMENDED. '*- (■#''' V-.tW ' To the Delegates to the Methodist General Conference of 1 890 : The following are the alterations in the Book of Discipline, 1886, reco^nmended by the ''Com- mission on Revision of Discipline'' appointed by the last General Conference. They are now sent to you in order that you may be prepared to act upon them when they are submitted to the approaching General Conference. Toronto, August, 1890. JOHN J. MACLAREN, A. CARMAN, D.D., Secretary. Chairman. \ . WiJf' Changes Recommended, 1. Either entirely omit or largely condense paragraphs 63 to 71 inclusive, also pars. 76 to 84 inclusive, as being sufficiently covered by the other portions of this chapter. J8. Par. 90, line 8. Strike out the words " member or " as being inappropriate. 3. Par. 101, line 2. For "(in the Church) " substitute "(at a meeting of the members of the Church)" or, "(at a meeting of the members of the class)." 4. Par. 105. Change to: "The General Conference shall be composed of an equal number of ministerial and lay delegates, elected as hereinafter provided, and shall meet quadrennially," in view of the next item. 5. Combine pars. 106, 107, 108, 109, and 110 with pars. 144 and 145, and insert them under the head of Annual Conferences, as hereinafter set out, as being Annual Con- ference business, making them agree with the Basis of Union and with each other. 6- After par. 105 insert 116. 1. Next insert 113, 111, 112, and 114. 8. Change par. Ill to read: "Fifty members of the General Conference shall form a quorum for the transaction of business." 0- After par. lit insert the following from the Basis of Union, (the General Conference, par. 2) p. 264 : " No change shall be made in the Basis of Union, affecting constitutional questions, or the rights and privileges of (3) m 1 3 T949 a he on of No ing of ministry or laity, excepting' by a threo-fourths majority of the General Conference, and, if recjuired by either ministry or laity, a twothirds majority of each order, voting separately." !0. Par. 117, read: "Ihe General Superintendents shall hold otfice," etc. 11. Omit par. 118, as creating an inequality, V4. In order to remove a doul)t, change the Hrst sentence of par. 119 to read as follows : *' The General Superintend- ents shall 1)6 members and chairmen, ex o(/icio, of all Standing Committees and Boards appointed by the General Conference, with the right to vote ; but the one presiding shall have a ;asting vote only." I!{. In par. 125, strike out the last seven words and substitute the following : "as hereinafter provided." 14> After par. 130, insert par. 133, and then par. 135, changing the latter to agree with the Basis of Union (pars. 4 and 7, page 265), to read as follows : " Each Annual Conference shall elect by ballot, without debate, from among its ministerial members, a President. It shall also elect by ballot, without debate, a Secretary," etc. 15. Insert par. 131 after 200. 10- Par. 134, line 5. Omit the words "of the previous year." 11. After par. 142, insert pars. 137, IGO, and IGl, omitting par. 138. 18. After par. 143, insert the following, to take the place of the present par. 106, 107, l08, 109, 110, 144, and 145: " 144. Each Annual Conference, at the session next pre- ceding each quadrennial meeting of the General Conference, shall divide into Ministerial and Lay Electoral Conferences, for the purpose of electing delegates ; each body electing its own representatives. They shall be elected by ballot (4) C IS he )re- ice, ces, :ing illot from within the jurisdiction of tlio AnJiual Conference electing thera. " 145. The ministerial delegates shall consist of one mem her for every ten ministerial members of each Annual Confer- ence, of which numher the President shall always be one ; provided, nevertheless, that a fraction of one-half shall entitle a Conference to an additional representative, " 146. Each delegate to the General Conference must receive a majority of the votes of the members of the Electoral Conference who may be present and vote, in order to an election. •' 147. No layman shall be chosen a delegate to tiie General Conference who is under twenty-tive years of age, or who has not been a member of the Church continuously during the live years next preceding his election. " 148. Each Electoral Conference, after the election of the number of delegates to which it is entitled, shall further proceed to elect a reserve delegate, and in addition, it shall further elect one reserve delegate for every ten members, or fraction thereof of one-half, it is entitled to send. " 149. The Secretary of each Electoral Conference shall report to the Secretary of the Annual Conference the names of the delegn/oes elected to the General Conference, in the order of their election ; and the President and Secretary shall report, as soon as practicable, their names and addresses to the Secretary of the General Conference. " 150. When vacancies occur in the delegatio i before the meeting of the General Conference, by reason of death or other cause, the reserves of the respective Annual Confer- ences shall have precedence in the order of their election, and be notified thereof by the President of their Annual Conference. "151. At each of the three Annual Conferences succeeding a General Conference, all vacancies in the delegation shall (5) I he tilled according to the rules in the preceding paragraphs, further ministerial and lay reserve delegates being elected to succeed those who have been taken to fill vacancies, or who have been promoted to a higher place on the list." 10. Strike out from par. 156 the following: "which draft shall be printed and ready at the opening of the session for the use of members of the Conference," and make clause 2 read as follows : " 2. The first draft of stations, in printed form, shall be placed on the table of the Conference at the close of the first session, and copies shall be supplied to the members ; the second and final draft at any time before the close of the Conference, as the Conference may order." 5J0. Change par. 152 to read as follows : " 1. The presiding officer shall open the Conference with the usual devotional exercises, and shall then call for the names o* the laymen elected by the District Meetings to be reported, after which the roll of the members shall be called." " 3. Thf Conference shall the.* oicot by ballot, .first, its President, and tli ;• ''ts Secretary, after which it shall fill any vacaL^ies in th-^ :. >.^e of Chairmen of Districts." Si. Omit pr*/, ; 5y. as superfluous. 'ZZ Cha.-^c pav 1*2 tvO read as follows: "162. The duties oi the Cluiifman of a District are : 23. Omit par. 163. (See par. 232.) *i4- Let the following paragraphs follow 158, viz, 166, 168, 166, 169, 170, 171, 172, 181, 173, 174, 175, 176 and 177. 25. Let the following be substituted for par. 178, ques- tions 12 and 13, and par. 179 : " 12. What minister is elected to represent the District on tihe Stationing Committee 1 " 13. What minister and layman are elected to represent the District on the Sabbath-school Committee of the Annual Conference? (See par. 321.) (6) I ft I C*' '* 14. What laymen are elected as membera of the Annual Conference 1 " 15. Can any measures be adopted for the promotion of the work of God in the District 1 " 16. When shall the next District Meeting be held 1" (See par. 165). After par. 178 insert 167. 26. After par. 167 insert 162 and 164. 27- Par. 185. After the words " new District," insert the words " or otherwise." %S' The Quarterly Official Board. Arrange the para- graphs of this section in the following order : 188, 189, 190, iOl, 191, 192, omitting 193, as superfluous. 3!K ^^t the par. 194, 6, 3, read as follows : " 3. To elect by bailo , without debate, the lay delegates to attend the Annual District Meeting, in the proportion of one delegate for eac 1 minister or probationer in the active work on the Circ'.o." (See Basis of Union, page 268, Quarterly Meet- ings, 4). 30. Add to par. 210 the following: "3. To act as Treasurer of the Quarterly Board, unless the Board has elected a Treasurer or Treasurers of its Funds." 31. In par. 213, after the word "accuser," in the first line, add, " or a material witness." 38. Let par. 215 follow 213, and add the following words from par. 216, "All charges shall be in writing." 33. Let par. 217 follow next, omitting the last sentence. 34- Let par. 216 follow next, reading as follows: "A copy of the charges with a notice," etc. 35. Let par. 214 follow next. 36. Let par. 218 follow next, reading as follows : "A Committee of Trial shall consist of five, of whom three shall form a quorum, and may render a verdict. The officer who is to preside at a triti! shall summon the qualified persons (7) t to ooiiipose the coinniittee. Persons preferring charges, or being material witnesses, shall not be eligible as members of the Committee." IJl. Let par. 225 rear! as follows : '* Any amendment of the charges, or any addition thereto may be allowed at any time, if the Committee consider the same to be in the interest of justice, provided, the accused be allowed such opportunity as the Committee think reasonable to meet such amended or new charges." 38 Place the heading " appeals " after instead of before par. 244, and amend par. 244 by making it read as follows : '* 244. In the case of the trial of a minister (other than a General Superintendent), or of a probationer, the whole of the evidence and papers shall be laid before the next ensuing Annual District Meeting to which he belongs, for its information, and subsequently forwarded to the Annual Conference. If the decision be rendered between the hold- ing of the Annual District Meeting and the Conference, the documents shall be forwarded directly to the Annual Conference." 39- Insert the word " annual " before the words " Dis- trict Meeting " wherever they occur in pars. 240 and 252. 40. In par. 247 for the last line substitute the following: " Let their report be considered as a charge, and let a trial be had thereon." 41. In par. 2.^4, strike out all aftei the words "paying them," and substitute the following : " Let their report be considered as a charge and let a trial l)e had thereon." 4?J. Let par. 271 read as follows : " It shall be the duty of the Trustees, for the time being, to keep a book of record in which the names of the original Trustees shall be entered together with the names of their respective successors, giving in each case the date when each became a Trustee, apd the date when each ceased to be a Trustee, and the cause of his ceasing to hold the office." or 43 Par. 272. Add at the end of the paragraph the words, "and one Mission Conference, Japan." 44- Par. 273. Add at the end, " and the Japan Dis- trict." 45- Par. 363. Place the words " under the direction of the Western Section of the Book Committee," after the word "periodicals," instead of their present place. 40- Par. 418. Read: "The period for computing the claims of those ministers of the uniting bodies who did not contribute their share of invested capital before the 17th of March, 1887, shall commence at the time of the Union (June 1st, 1884)." 41. Par. 427. After $60 read, "which claims shall hold good for a period of five years." 48- Insert before par. 412, "No minister shall have an annual claim except during the period while he is on the list of superannuated ministers of his Annual Conference. No widow or child of a minister shall be recognized as a claimant unless such minister was in good standing at the time of his death." 49. Pars. 424, 425, 426 and 427. Insert the word "tor" after the word " travelled." Par. 427. Let the last line read "for thirty years or upwards, $10 for each such year." 50- Omit par. 428, in view of last item. 51. Par. 433. Head, "Any minister who may be ex- pelled from the Conference shall thereby forfeit all claim upon the Fund, including all sums he may have paid into it." The Ritual. 53. Page 181,, line 6, omit the words "or some other exhortation suitable to this sacred office." 53- Page 182, line 8. For "being delivered from Thy wrath " substitute the words, " saved by Thy grace." Line 12. For "this troublesome world," substitute the words " life's troubled sea." (9) i 54. Page 183, line 7. For "be found at last," substi- tute the words "ever remain." 55. Page 184, line 21. For " soldier " substitute "fol- lower." 56. Page 191, line 1. For "only promised to those" read " promised to those only." 51. Page 194, line 6. Omit first word "but." 58. Page 194, line 17. Omit first word "for." 59. Page 194, line 20. Omit first word "but." 60. Page 194, line 22. Omit first word "but." 61. Page 195, line 3. For "some fit person "substitute "the person or persons." 6!?. Page 201, line 5. Omit "special." 63. Page 202, line 7. For " is " substitute " be." 64. Page 209, line 7. For " objected " substitute " alleged." 65. Page 214, line 18. For '* do so" substitute «« so do." 66. Page 215, line 6. For " shall " substitute " will." 67. Page 215, lines 12 and 18. For "do so " substitute "so do." 68. Page 217, line 25. For "Ministers" substitute " Minister." 60. Page 227, line 6. Omit the words "poor prodigals." TO. Page 227, line 8. Omit the words "and a thousand- fold more children of hell by our sinful practice." Tl. Page 228, line 10. Omit the words "wretched sinners." 18. Page 228, line 14. For "under the feet of" substi- tute " before." 13. Page 228. Omit from beginning of line 23, " O blessed Jesus " down to " death " in the first line of page 229. (10)