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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART ,ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No, 2i 1.0 i.i 1.25 m lij III -— !r iiiM I. u. 1.4 illi 4,0 11 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 ^ APPLIED irvt^GE Inc 16^i fG5' Mam S^.'eet R:>Lrie'itef. New ''ork ^■ih09 uS/iS V ?"•: '•Si - 0300 - Pnone (716' JH" - '-gag - fa. AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION, Etc., LIST OF MEMBERS, LIST OF YACHTS, OFFICERS, FIXTURES, Etc. OF THt: ROYAL KENNEBECCASIS YACHT CLUB. STATION: ST. JOHN, N. B. SUPPLEMENT TO YEAR BOOK OF 1899. ST. JOHN, N. B. J. E. Sweeney, Printer, 602 Main Street. 1902. oI''FK'I':ks i-^()i^ lun-j. Commodore. koUKKT TlUVMSON. Vice-Commodore. I-"k.\.nk Wiiki.pi.kv, Rear Commodore. Akiiuk W. .\|).\.m.s. I Secretary. l-K.V.NK J. LiKi:i,v. Treasurer. K«.>HKRT Jakdim:. Measurers. IIOUAKI) Hoi.DKK. Wll.l.IAM Hoi.DIIK. Executive Committee. Klai; Oi-|-ki;ks, Sixki; takv and Tkkasirkr {ex o^/ir/,/) :iud Frici). -S. Hkans, K. H. Fairw katiikr, ClKO. H. IlniAN, F. Hkrhkrt J. Rt KL, Frank L. Pktiks, Sailing Committee. Rkar C'o.MMonORK, Chairman. Till-: MiCAsiRKRS {ex officio) ami Frank \Viii:li>i.i;v, A. H. Hi rns, LOIKS MlNRO, J. C. JOHN.STON, A. H. .MkRRILL, J. FrASKR CiRKlUIRV, Jack W. A. L. Fairwkathkr, Secretary to Committee. Chaplain. Rkv. Lind.sav Parkkr, Th. D. Fleet Captain. R. S. RrreiuK, Vaclu " WiiidwarJ." Fleet Surgeon. T. Dyson Walkkr, M. D. i'()UMi:u» ()i''FKi:i^s. I I Commodores. iS(,4 I. W. |).\Mi:i., M. I). iS()H iSi,;; I In. t.ill.lii:K I. Jk, |S()<)- iSi,f) Hv. (.■■ii-KKKi, Jr. i'.)i^o iS<)7- A. O. Skinm:k. h)oi Vice-Commodores. I'.. I!, l-'xruw I .vrinR, !•;. H. I'aiuw »:\ niKK. Frki). S. Hi;.\.ns. Rom-KT Thomson. iS<)4 llv. 1"iii.hi;rt, Jr. iS()3 K. H. I-".\iR\vi:.\riii:R. I S()6 K . H . !•■ A I R \\ I ; .\ r 1 1 1 ; u . iSi)7 — I'ri i>. lU sTiN. iS(). S. Hi:ans. i()oo I'ra.nk WiiKi.n.KV, .)oi I'rank \\'iii;i.i>i,i:y, Rear commodores. i.Sq4— Klijaii Ross. iS()8 — Tiios. K. I'oukrs. iS(>5— T. r. Moir. iSi)9 — Howard Hoi.dkr. i8c)6— Howard Hoi.dkr. i )oo Svdnkv I,. Kkrr. i8f)7 — Howard H».>ldi:r. i9oi--.\Rrm r W. .\ Secretaries. I Sq4- I Hc,5 i8{/)- 1897- 1894- 1895- 1 8<)6- 1897- FrANK W'llKI.PI.KV. Fra-nk Wiiklpi.kv. Fra.nk W'liKi.ri.Kv. -Pktkr Sinclair. 1898 — F. Hl.RIU.RT J. 1899 — F. Hkrhkkt j. 1900 — F. Hkrhkrt J. 1901 — V. Hkrhi;rt J. Rl KL. Rl KL. RlKL, Rl KI.. .\. Mc.Xrtihr. -Frkd. S. Hkans. Frkd. S. Hkans. -Frkd. S. Hkans. Treasurers. l8()8 — ROHKRT J.\RI)INK. 1899 — RoHKRT JaRDINK. IC)00- RoHKRT JARDINK. 1901^ — ROBKRT JaRDINK. Measurers. 1894 — F". S. Hkans, 1895 — (iKO. E. Holdkr, 1896 — (iRo. F'. Holdkr, 1897 — Gko. E. Holdkr, 1898— C. F, Langan, 1899 — C. F. Langan, 1900 — C. V. Langan, 1 90 1 — Howard Holdkr, — R. C. Holdkr. — W.M. Holdkr. — T. H. Milks. — Danikl Dias. — HtnvARD Holdkr. — W'm. Holdkr. — \Vm. Holdkr. — W.M. Holdkr. lit^t of ni>cnU\T£?, 1002. patrons. ,,, ,, "'"^ Km KM. INC V Ju,rl„f M,„ta, <''-^'''-^"'r-(u-nrra/,./ Canada. Thk Km.,,,- Hon. jou.v Hamiiton C.okmov, Karl ii/Abrnhrn. 1bonornr\2 /Rcnibcra. Tin: RKwrr Ho.v. Sn< Wimk,,,) Lai kikr, /V/wc Minister of ( anada. His IIi>Nv>R THK Hon. Aunkr R. J-icittiuant-CoVirnor of Xc~,, lirunstvirk. His IK^nor Sir I,oi is II. Daviks. Tin: Ho\. Andrkw C. Blair, J//// /i/<-/- ,y Raihva vs. Ernkst n. Ti R\m I.I., A. Gko. Hi.AiR, Jr., W.M. .MlRDocH, Arcmihai.i) Tai'kkv, And tin. Kla^Onuvrsand S.vr.ta,y ofall Royal.^ni.ed • "Hi I;oro,K.n ^ a..,t Cluhs, .xt.ndi,,,. the- san.o to liu- Ma.t,^ Onuvrs and Secretary of this Club. 1bonora\^ Cbaplain. Kkvkkkm) Linmsav I'arkkr I'll. I). l>rookl\'>i. Bctivc /BNcmbcr^. II 1 i [ i Mcmhrrs -..•hn lv>!i! <>r //./:v hd>i FUii: Rn'ii^ '"-' ""irk,({ t" No. Nam.-. n.,.. >-: KUv.iop. M .\rnistmni,s K. J J-'"- -'.V ■•• '«'>«> Sj Allhutt, I'. T ••■'■»'• 7 • '>^')« <)H l.\cl;mis, A. W \p"l '" ••'«'»<) i',j AviM.ll. K. W !>''• 4 •••"'"" I 'v. Arin>,lt-onKS J. K ■'•'"• -4 "»'" 141 AIKmi. \V.^oii j'l"- -\-- ■"'"' 17;; Allison, jOM-i'l' -J"''' ''• • • """ ,.K> Allison. M. A l'«''- ^. •"»"-' I. ,5 AnnstronK. T. H. C". >"'''• i • I'X'-' 214 Allison. K. Kayo ^P' '1 I5. ••■'K'- .-.•S Arnold. Jarvis \V \p"l '5 ">"-' 10 IVst, Artlnir .hily ' •> • • • '^''4 SS IVard, f. V >'•" '-l' -4 ■ • •• '«'>*> ,)S Haircl. K. A M'"'!' -4- ■ ■ • ■^'''' 101 Mrown. J.T \p'>l -•<'••■ >>^<)<) 106 Burns, A. H Ji'"^' 'S- •■'««K) 117 Hiddin^;ion, John Vp'il .V ■^»'«' 138 l^rodio, F. Nril J-'i>'- -•4- ■ ■ "'"' 147 l^onnoll, K. S »'>I>- 5 •■ • '*><" 162 Hroi-n, V.C M^'X '4 ■ • '•»<" 171 Harnaby, W. H Ju>h- iS....iuni 1S7 Hro\vn,'chostor Oct. 31... i-oi i()4 Hullook, Thos l-"^-l>- 4- •••'""- 198 HartsL-h, n. K. T F«-h. i,,....i.,o2 205 Harkor, Hon. Jud>;o l"^-t^- ">. - • '^02 216 Harbor, Koiih A '^P'il i5- • • '<)(>2 6 ^■••- \...,„.. -.?-' i'r.-wii, Hfrvu .• I" "•"■ "tKl.ii;..,,. -•.V» H.urv . [,,1,„ t ■^'•'> -' i^fiJ •-'<.=; H.ii!>.i. (. II •'■■'>■ -■ .i«)fj.. *''■'>■ -• i(>o-' .V) C'nMlx. U, K .^' ti>op., , s. A ■\'''>' " '■V> •l.S ^-.i'Mp. IK,u.u»| *^'''- ''"'• ■••>«'»^» 7-' ri.trk... |.,.,. ,. ^ ■ ■ ■ •^'•"•- 5 •■ . . i.S,,7 '"5 «.'ias\loitl. n! s -'■'"■ -'■*• ■ • • '^'>*) '"» «'"'Hln,,n,^, '^'''•\' "J' • • • ''^'K) '.S' ^oul. (,la,k.,„n ^'"''' -'"••■ "'*'" •7'> t ..,,,..„trr, K. ■]■. V'. [ •'^'."■v h . ,. . . ,,,„, "K> C n>Mil)s. l-n-J \\- •'"'>' '> '<>oi -•-'.S «.l.i. k, \\ . Walk..,- '■'■''• 4- •■ . i«)oj -'-•7 fosi..,-. (.'. J ^I""'' '.S...KX)-' -•4'> »^'.i|>lrs, W ^1"'' '.S i()oj •"^'•\^' '-'.... IQO-' 7 ">anirl. J. W., m, ,) .1^ 'V\-..|n.r, (lahnH... •' •' '■>--''^04 '.?' '^iirm. II. K •'""*' ''"^o; '5.? I >avis, C.-o. R ...... ' " •'^''^; '^ • • • 'voo '(>' n,'a,|„„„, K. j^ ^P'i' ') loor 2IO l>oli,Tt\ , W. I. ^^-^y '4 1901 -•'H Oirksoii. C.-o. .\.. ' ^I''"' '.S-..ic)Oj '.>7 I Van, W. I '[ M'nl i5....,qoj -'40 D.aii, \\\ J -"^^'ly 2 iQoj •'^^'ly ^....1902 '5 Kiwi-Il, C". K ~M Kicaii. P J"'y M. . . . 1H94 '"^o Hllis. F. M 7. •'"'"' '''^- • • ^^95 '0-' Hllis, T. W. R . ' ^ 7 •^•"'- '3 •• • • 1H99 •^^•^y 'o 1899 II N.,. N.u.u. IV.U ,^l i;uti,,n. i;,5 KJwanU. M. H J".. J\ >'/"> iw'i KlUiii. S. !■; '^1'"' '» "'•^' 154 Kw.,lt. f. S \|>nl ') "»^>' ,'^7 i:ikiM, I-. 1' ^1'"' -•♦ "'"' ,SS Km.-rv, A. I- . , M. I> M" '1 J|....i««>> ..,.. Klli^.V'.ipt. H X!"il 15 ">'J- ..j.:5 Kills, lulu it. A '^1"'' 15 ">•>- M ♦l-;iiiwiat»ui. K. H J"l> '> • '^''* ^(, l\nvKT, Kalpl. M ^'-P'- "^ '^"" 4., rowK-r. K. M ^'-'''I' ' '^'>^ ,jo Ko t.T. W. !•: M'"> -7 M,.M, ,,.) rialu-rtv. II \"K- -.\ '^^^ ,j.. I'airuv.-itlu-r. A. C" J'"- -i "K" ,4, |-ai.\vv;tttu-r. P. A. .)•'". -M "><" , 14 l-airuiMtlu-r. Ja. k 11. A. I J-t". -'4 "KT ,^^ ru-minvr. n. J ^p>'i » • • • "»<» ,"v, I'ostrr. !••. A M-'> '4 •'<*«" ,70 l-ostor. C-. U J*'"^- >>^ ■ "><" ,77 rorbos. Mi J^''> '».... HK.. ,o(, FisluM-, W. S J^'ly -^M. ■■■>'>"' , IGillK-rt. Hy. Jr Lhart.-r. 22 Cianonj;, W . 1' -• ,^ (Mtr^rv, H. T M^^'vl> . ...S<,H 70 tWvuorv.J. Frasor J^'"- ^.V ■ • • -^O*) S7 Gerow;S. P ^''^--^-'^ (......S<)9 ,.4 liroat.v. Frank K ^^'v m . . . . ..K>« ,<,(. CW-row, F. S. T ^'-y >7 >'><" i(K) Ciaiiouii-, J. !•- J iSo Cjllk'spH". V. . 1 -' • 8 iSS I 4 <) '4 -') .14 ()0 <>4 «3 9<) 104 "3 140 149 4-' 4S 79 86 160 '7-: 186 200 -'35 2_lO N.imo. ioodwiiu F. J Date of Election . .Jail. 6. . . . 1902 April lolder, Howard . . Ifaiis, Frod S. . . loans, Cii'ori(^t.* J. ioldi'r, Cii'or^t.* F2 Charter Charter .July 13 • Ji'iy 13 lokler, Win July 13 lean-., Alfred 1*2 May 1 1 Ierrini;^ton, K Mareh 5 lazen, W. C June 7 lei^an, CreoijL,^' H •^"K'' - lay, T. U Jan. 23 lolbrook. Rev. W. .\ April 26 lilyard, Frank T May 10 lainm, Cieorg^e Feb. 6 lazen, A. P Jan. 24 lall, C.. McC; Feb. 25 laidinic, F. J July ^9 olmston, J. C July 27 ardine, Robt March i ones, CVeoryfo West Jan. 23 ones, F. C March 6 ar\ is,, W. F. D May 14 ones, Charles 1) June ordan, I Oct. ack, James F\>b. aek, n. R Apri ones, Freil. C May 2 ordan. F. \ Mav 1 2 1902 1894 1894 1894 1897 1897 1898 1898 1899 1899 1899 1900 1 90 1 1 90 1 1 90 1 1897 1898 1899 1899 1901 1901 1 901 1902 1902 1902 1902 9 n.iu- ^'( Iac^-' V.I Narif. _.-, Jordan, I . 1 • JO kiTi-. W 111 I i;; Kiikpatru k, A ■'■-■ "' " ' ' (,i Km-, IKMaii- S. lK.n-,S. I :7 -■•• ,4S Kimball, J. n Y^': ^••■ ^- ,-•,„(• \ \l"'l '»■ •• 1 ;j Kiniball, (.1. .\ ,. 1, W 11 Marrii J-\ . . ■ '....,, Mav I-:. • • j^S Kani, V. haiii-s ;. A J;-- -••■ 04 l.ik.-lv, A.H ^•"- -^•• M. l.oviii. KM.,M. n ^"^; '•■ ,.. Lik.iv.F.j ;^7' -•• 1 :o, 1 . i ■ , I I \ • . April 24. . ' , ,. . . . . uiu- I.S-- ,77 l.undv, C.ooi-LC'' -' ., '■' • ,. , \pnl 15- ■ 2J4 LaWNon, v . \ , • Ivilv 13.. S Munro, Louis • - . ■ -1-1 .... |iil\' -7 • • A,, MilluluV. lllOs -' - "^■^ , n 1 , \iitc- -/ ■ 44 Mattlu-ws, Kobt ^ ■^^ , , ^v Hon. .^K MuickH-k, Win -, Ma^oo.J. M., 1^. n. S J-^"- -• '■' ,,. , April J(>. 100, W . a , , ,A M;i\ ,iO- ,jO Murray. Ak-x. P - ,.„ .,,uvh,jo„„i:.,M.n '-'•■ ^4. 20J Maolniin, A. J . ll)()J . iSt)5 . 1 Sii7 . lS.).S . iS()<) . IM' > 1 . 11(1)1 . lSi)() . i()0_' . 1()()-' , . I Si)') . . iS')') . . iSi)<) . . I <)()() . . I I )0 1 . . lt)OI . . iqoi . . |l)OJ . . I S()4 . . iS<)7 . . . iSi)7 'inlii'r. . . . iS<)<) . . . I Si)!) ... I S99 . . . 1900 . . . 1 90 J . . . 100- . . . 1902 lO N. mil', Mittholl, J. H April I No. 2JO 221 Markliam, Altrtnl April 15 21,7, Murray, J. S May 2 J3S Masters, C. I' May 2 252 Mai^iH', RohiMt Mav 30 Hate of Hloctidn. 3 MiArthur, A C 16 Mtlaiichiaii, \V. A July iS McLauK^iIin, W March 25 M (.Arthur, W Au^, 26 Mi-Lluski-y, J. C Oct. T,2 Maciutyrc, A. P \ov. T,:^ Mcliityri', \V. H March 34 McCiokliick, John A))ril 57 McAvity. John A June 62 McClaskcy, C. H July S5 McFarlanc, W. C Feb. 91 Mcl-'arlano, Jr., John R March ()0 McAvity, Wm March loS Mackay, W. M July I 23 McLaughlin, Austin Mav 134 Mcnonald, K. V Jan. 174 McAvity, Cico. A Julv 17.) McLean, H. H July iSi McAipinc, K. H July 1 02 McLarty, R. Max Feb. 231 MtC".at]is,^in, J.J ^Lay 239 McAvcnncy, A. F., >L D ALiy 244 McAvity, Allan Mav barter L3 3 '3 I iS 5 5 7 5 7 -'4 -'4 I 2 I I 9 9 ~'9 4 103 Xoble, Cieo. \V 'SUiv 10 J 902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1894 i«95 '^95 '«95 1.S96 I .S97 1898 189S I S98 1899 1899 1899 1899 1900 1 89 1 1901 1 90 1 1 90 1 1902 1902 1902 1902 1899 II Date of Klfction. v., Naiiu-. ^' ^. . ,. -p Mav i4.--'90i ^ ^.. ,, K Fob. i9----'<)0- 20^ NlXlMl, 1*-. I> „ , . . .March 10 iqo2 207 C^boino, anios ' ^ ,. , Mav 31.... 190^ 233 Owi-n,'st 17 rurdv, Ualtt'i U , ',,•-,..> March iq....iS07 ;h t Powers, 1.1' ■' „ , ,. June z US97 -in Pt-dorsoii, K •' ; „ „ , ., \uiC. 1S....1S9S 68 Pullcn, Jas. H *; Parker. Rev. Lindsay, Hon. member. -, Puddin^'ton. H. K J"'^"- -=3---'^99 '■' , ' ,, , Jan. 23. •••'^99 74 Peters, 1' . I ■' '^ ,, ,. ,, April i5....ic)02 2 1 7 I'erkms, r. ' 2 w I ederson, W ,42 Pahner, LesHe A ^l-" ^ " " ' ">"^ 247 rauly,John >!->• -•••-^o^ ,.) Ritchie, H0.1. R.J ^M^*"'' «--';;95 40 Rnel, K. Herbert J J^'b" ^7--'j97 ^ „,,,,. r March i i^>9^ 47 Riiel, Cerald Ci ;S Rivers, Wm •> ' 6: Robinson, J. Morns ^^^K- J I I- \uLr 18. . . . 1808 6b Robertson, James 1' ^^'K- / ,,.,.,. e Jan. 23 1899 77 Ritchie, K. ^ -" ,;; Roberts, Geo, H April 3-.-'900 146 Ravmond. W. W I-'^'J'- 5--»90. ,67 Reid, F.A ^I-y '7.-'90. ,82 Robinson, T.B J^'')'. ^9.-.->90. ,8q Robertson, F. X J=^"- ^^o....up2 ,,.. , • , i> u Feb. 19 190^ 201 Kitchie, K. K ,, ,, , p March lO-.-.u^-^ 208 Koss, I.. K () I ; J I _'S .>7 5- (\\ 7' ''7 I lo I I J i l() I J I ';^7 i7(. iS^ I'M J r t 7'^ 1 |S I J 12 ^'""'•- Date of H ';''''"'^'^"« "• '5 Xpril ,5. Kiiikt-r, Cu'o. A .Miv > ^'"^■'^'''■' ''^''^•'- Ju.u. J^ ^^'^''•"••>>.^^l"i |\ ^"■^""'"•' ^v. c; ^|,;.,, ^;^ '^'^'""^•'"- -^^ ^^ \pril J, ^"""•■■'"•^1' -'• ^ : June \ ^•-■■■- '•■• '* Ma,vh , •"^UlldiH'. II. 1^ J,|,^. ^'•'•'>' '^^■'^' Jan. ,^'' \pnl 10. . •Sniith. S. 1; ,,,,. \ut;. I . . ^^•'■'>'i- '■■'^•^1 Vch. 6.. ^^■'"''^"^"- ■'"'•^^■^ April ^. ^y^'^'"'-'- -^ \pril ,\.. SinuMiiis, ]■]. I J Stanhury, II. M ',^^^' Stead, Austin C" j.-^,|^ ,". SrholieUI, !•;. \ \ " '"' .\uij;. ji . . Smith. IrxiuL;- j.-^.], ^^■''-•-'^'- "• \V -^"^^^^'^^^^''April ,t'. S\\ecni-\ , C".. n y, , lluMiic. W. II Miri-I riionisoii. Roiii M- • 'i reop. lleuaiJ l> \,, ', , " ' 1 unuT, W. i i , ''"""- ^--l •■'''^''"'■'■■■^^^Apnl ';■■' '^■^'pi-v, K. n ^^„,., :_ ■■ U\"tuiii. • . . \l)02 ■ . . 1902 ..S04 .i,Sc)4 . iS()f) • i>!')7 . iScjS . 1 8()S . IS()C) .1899 .189) . 1 900 . l()OC) . JC)00 . IC)OI . l()OI . I()OI . 1901 • ll)OI . I<>02 . 1902 . 1902 I S<).S I S()S 1 898 1 8()q 1<)00 ! 900 \- , N.iir.i'. i\- Tuinbull. \V. RiipiTt . , jS 'rnu'in.'ui. N.J I v ThomsvMi, l\M\-y W I'uinlMill, 1".. 11 T,..srr., J. H.. M- I'* \i iS:^ \'l\H->lll, \\ • 1*- • • • J, ', Wiu-hn, John H 5" 3'' s K'l) -■4.> -5'^ ().: Pair of l".Kvtii'ii. JutK- 2S....ll)<>() July (' ")<'■> .Jan. -^4 "^'" 1 Ion. imnil-"-'-. Mav . i<)')i , Sopt. .April lo. . . . IQOI i:; i<)OJ Cliattor. Jvily '7- July -7- ' Marrh ■■ Ju'H' 7- Juno 7- Jan. J.v Wholploy, Frank . . \Vlu-!ploy, Krnost . . Williams, \V. 1 Wriniorv', \\ . J • • ■ • Watorbury, doo. H WaUii. John Wallaor, \V. B .... ,, , ,, Walkor, 1. P.. M- 1' Wluio. Wni Wilkins, R.J WovhIs, I-aIw. C 1 1 I Wai-in^c, C'.oo I ;o Warwiik, C-. 1- . • . ■ ih:; Woodloy. A. H ,7s whiio. w. \v., M. n ^n\ W'iKvMi, M. \ Walkor. John W Watson. 1\. .V Watorl>urv, P Maroh J4 July 1-' Jnlv 1.^ Maroh Jo Si>pt. May J >'iy Fob. April .May . Mav 14. . '). . I') . 15. . I 2 I .Si )5 , iS<)7 . iSc)S . iS(,S . iS<)S . iSi)() . 1 S()«) . IS()<) . iSi)f| . |S()() . i<)()0 . I()00 . . iqni . H)OI . . I()0_' . . i()nJ . . \'.)02 . . 1 i)fi J Vo inm. C. W Maroli _^4 '^99 14 sqi:ai)R()x STEAM Signal ' LcttlTs. NunilHT. N. I I I I.i'rij^-th lU or all. L W L I^tam. IVplh. Alt. , KcT,'. i ; i Gros^ To.-,v .Nci. T. IF. U.j .Mbatross j .■xj.o 75.0 | 70.0 T. H. J. .Xrdt 94.0 I 86.. J 12.0 i 5.6 '4.' T. H. M.; u)o8i^ Canuck j 16,.} ; 16.0 4.3 T. H. H.I 9^256 6.0 1.8 .vi-62 4y-4> 4.8 I Grks 4.8 MST. NACHTS. II. P. Actual. Owner. I. M. Lovitt. 90 ■ ClarksiMi Cowl 160 I Roln. Thoiiisor IV^iK'tli'''- W. L. I.oviii, Gardner & Cox Builder. Port of Kch'i^try- Jl. P. Houdreau, Yarm'th T.S. Marvel & Co N. Y, Newburgh. Rai-ine Mtk' Co., Kaehine Mfj,'. Co. St. Johr -lip. 54 -o 84.0 10.79 '.5.87 W. H. Thorne, 11; II. 1). Troop, __: I. H. Pullen, ^5 "H. J. FleniinK'. F. H. Taple> , A. N.H.- Chas. \V. Y oun^j. 92 L. L. K. Ros>, A. N. Harned, New York •7 ' Robt. Thomson 184 i 1 i j t F. C. Ureen, ,,. „ \ M Woodlev, A. B. N\ oodley, 1 : ! J. Fraser Gregviry ■ l'\'.!!'dc Mot. !j. E. Ganon^^ 1 Racine Mfi,'. Co. do. J.lius Jiihnston, S. .\ndw's St. Johr ! do. i do. i i do. A. B. Woodlev, do. St. Step'n iT) sAii.ixc; CLASS A. ALL 0\KR C'lph l.l 111 IS. I\i ^islt-ri'il Nainr. ^^■. ^J. N. Ariel W. N. I!. - Aniu'i't 1 W. II. J. ^-- . Canada i"75.ii i \V. S. T. W. M.S. .MapK- I.ial' . . Sloop ! "'751'> K. C". I?. I.ilit;!!) 0\ir all. All. Ivi-tr. K\N L KI. Bi. Cul'ir ... C. 15. ^4.,, '7.0 C'llIliT... C". H. /,.(, 2.,.S i,,.<; i." .;i.6 I'), SKh.]i ... C". M. ■)-••'> .;•'•-• : .ii..; .;ii.,s K. ... s^-.« Mavis Cuitor...: I\. (n.o , ;.,, -j.,, , -,, \V. I'. 15. - - - Wiiiduai-J Solir. '"77')- I .' I n.'iliiiula Sihr I 1 1 ^^i\ C. B.j .iO.o 4,,. J 17., .,;.4 ,-.; i I I ! K. 54-4 18. 1.0t:v;:!i C';;t;i-; K. j 4.,.ti I I N \v IITS. KR I o 1 l.KT KACINCi LKNf.TH. Sail '■'■' "' Area.' Oun>.r. l)i>i>,'iur. Muiklt Port of KcLristry. ,,j,, KolxTt M.ittluw, J. T. Lot,'an. , ;,f, Liiulsav Parker, Ciielow. j lUookhn, Jas. T. I.ok'an, St. John. Jas. T. LoLf'i'i. I"ri-d. S, Hi-ans ~ 1--, 1 -,. i',owa;;iH:^;i^, Roht.McIn.yr., AV,.. Haines, Sr. ' ' iHowanl Camp, | Hostv>n. K. C. Woods, jK. K«-^'^^. Chas. T. Neviiis, i Travis Coeliran, E. Koss, R.S. Kitehio, .S4*. T. r. Hay. La. Bur^'css, Will. White, <•/(//. E. Koss, do do. do. E, Ross. 1 Philadelphia Ed. Burk'ess, St. John, .1.) :. M. MaeKay, A N. Harned, .\. N- Harned, W H. K. Punn, j I il. H. Kimball, ». ,, , \ v U-,rm-d .A. ti. l-tKi do. do. F. J. Likely, l.S sMi.iNc; y.wwis. «. I.ASs i;. XOT o\ I:k >„ r|.;|.;- l.flli rs. w . s. \. w. x. u. I W.J. II. n . M. p. I U. II.P. W. .\. T. - I ^\". -N. M. I \\ .1. X. I ! Xiimlur v.. I\.U illL,'. l\i:;|.%UTri!, K. X.iillr. I., nv.l!) <'\>l .lli. III:;.,) '■t Iff: Slo. - Jiif'il.v isio. Port ... "'77'»9 SK lo Rt>so "'7.=i.if' .Suiu> 1 1 )-,,-(, SI, \>p .'Slo. '■-^''"o I-.-Uiin., ^^''' Sloop ' K Hi-ltiV!, 0,|,.,.„ Slo,.p , . , c". P.. ;„.„ I t-r.-K li M SI, >op K' .il." -,S. I •"P . . . C. H. .,(,. ; .•!>-7 ^■■^.«> JM ^7.S ,, ! I i 'P . K. loop , K. .i'..- -•'>.; ' ^>(.j -.T-l •■■^.O I lO.I, --'■,=; 2,s. I (). I v>p ... K. '^- ^--S A..O ! ^;.6 -■<>.-• S.u 26.8 ' K,., 'I' . . . K . K. •" -.V4 -'')..T Ul. T i ! I ^0.0 >M l\'\ I i\i II). \\!> o\!".is -s I'i-.i'.r K\^i\v". i.i"\<".rii. Kl. H, cv IVs\':ur. K. . !-.!r\ \V 1\ . 1 iirnliul Si I I--'') S^i Cli.i-. 1\ i;ii- .1, K l-:'i:.,!i K I'l 1M| tll.l- i;. l■;^^.•ll, m. m-i. ci,,.. w S.S-. K. M. I- i:. 11 iir;;-:--.^. I.i.. T. L I-. W. C, -I .,;. ll.Al'.i J.... T. I.'^ in. I.1-- T. !. i;. K. All ^.-n. S«, F. II, ]. R W.K.W \V. II. I5i Hv' ■!, ^ ,irin. W. (.;. Sii-.itl. .\K I,. Trov'p. i\uia I.\:-h \V. J. u l-IllUTi 0.1) C.ipt. II. Kl'.i-. Cap'- H. I". ?(> SAII.INii NAcHIS. Onh ' l-illir-. N.inu K-K. j^ liriLjlli ». I«. 0\ I r .ill. V|> ... K. .(7.4 Jl).>) 1 1 -■<)•" ] J.S.I jy.o u \^■. II. .M. \V.ilih.u.m.i. SK-o C . M. ^7.7 .;-'.j .!. • CI. \\. ii.T. Wiiu'i^'i.tu- c'litiiT . . c". n, '"7.>.W .•<).() j^.i, ^H.:^ CLASS C. NOT OVER j^ FKHT ,-11 I NumlnT's. C liih ; Si'l;ii.-i1 ' Iv.'iiini,'. I.rlt. r-.. N.llIK'. Ki^'. Ivi-K'isliriil. K. or I.i'nt;:tli vHiT .ill. I.WI. RL IK. Act. Kc •K- W. U.S. \V. I. s. W.S. M. llluvIU'M', i"7')7.i I iuiti.i 4" Kt!u'! M ^l^^'M' K. ^ 27.0 J5..J ...j.O : ii.i ! I ' i " I ! I I I SUh'p K. I aS.o I ...4.S , jo.i ' jj.o i 7.i( I ^ ' i i .-! \ .... I 1S.6 , 20.6 j 9.9 S! ■21 C I. \^^ ■•.. V.\'N I IM I l>. I Sail An. I Ov I VsllJlUT. r.nlUUr. IVnt v.f I- I -Sj U.-IktI Siv'>. J. N. Sutlurl.iiul, \. N. ll.inuvl. Si. jo'i,!. S. V. •■■-S li.,!iru-l IVWIht, l..->v Wa-hlnini. l..'>'. \V;i-lil-ur.i, A. I*. MaiinlM. . -,,., K. IVJ.r-...!! T, I..'«Mri. T. I, .-;.;. I'l, II. Inil.. rl. Jr. S...:; 1...;.' I'- i;.;.!"', II. I'liluTt. jr. .\. 1>. Iiinns, *..«{ <»7t !•;. II. I'.iirHi.illKT Will. Hriu.iiii. r. l.o^.iu. Will. Hritl.iin, 1 Jo. ilo. ANP o\i:r jo ri:i:T r.x*.; i.i:Nc".ru. lU-t Ion. S.iil Area. ^."luiur. l)^,nur. iUiikk-r, I'.irt ot Ki-l; -iry. J.4U 4'<" .-.M 47<> Geo. K. UoUkr, :1>.^;hi;,i, D. M.Lau^ M.Lauk'hlln, St. Ji>li W. 11. M.lius re. K. C"i ! i Will. McAsitv. Will. McA\lt>. U. Creal W. I. .M.Sl 22 l.fttti-s. 7 N. SAILING YACHTS. 1 K. or C. H. Ll-IlLftll oviT all. Act. Keg. LWL UL I! W.T, H. I Ff>~piTu-~ SU-op .... C". H. j-.<< 24,0 2.;.o s. W. 11. \. W. li, i?. W. S. M. W. S. H. ""7,SJ,? 8 K;itlili'(.-i) Sliiop KcIpIc Slivp 41 .?S LakisiJo :8<:i C. M. 26.f. J,?. 2 22.8 24. S K. 2S.0 2 1.1 2;?,o 24.7 I .SKnip . . . C. U. 22.0 I i 20.6 ' 2J.9 I ().' .Mvrtlo Sloop... K. i 50.0 ; 26.5 i 23.0 I 24,1 Wliiti-iap Si-li I I I c. n. 24.8 W.N.J. \V. N. S. W.S.J. \V. S. !• Rohiii Mood ... Sloop. ., . K, ■ 29.6 2^.7 ■ 2t.i r.S44 Swan .?'J "'T,S.i4 Sloop Zi-pln r Sloop 24.7 21,2 I'lidino Cat C. n. 24.0 18.6 I 20.0 l'^- j .2.?-3 ^ ^4-3 2I..i 24. -."> I. ASS C, CONTIN rr.D. Kcii. sa IV .11,'iu-r. Ton. Ari-a. \. C. I'.urwi-atlio. P. liriliilli \\tc\ K. 1.. K.iii- \\ l.;rittitii- Si. J. 9.(, .?-5o AllHTt AKArtluir, K. HurL J a.. T. I. .8-, i 6c/. W A. MaclaK-h- G. I.. NS'nt- K. n. liiit'uT. ariiuHith, 6.6 480 J. A. >KA vitv. Janu^OJcll. J. >OJ. miL> v.'ac .(.J 644 A. H. Likely, J>^^li'i »-'■ hn Cii-'orL E. Ikri-ini,-ton. \Vm. Su-warl. Will. Stewart. 9.0 4-54 , 7?^4 -81 T. r. n. r. NWJj.ui.'n. \v. II. r.KtVr Geo. K. I). V.irnunilh. \',irnunitli, Ja.. T. H row 11. T. 11. Miles, r. 11. Miles. 4.S« Koht. Matlhe i-. T. I.oi;an. . i .s-'/ . Br. 6. J S.ij JO i"i:i':r racint. i.i-.xf.Tii. 1 on. Sail Area. Own-r. 1\mi .'I IVvk-ur. liulM-T. K.--i^tr> do. ,Ss Wm. n.tiuK-n^, RoM.Pa.uK.n, Rob, . D.^ m-.,u 1- a.krK ,on. ' ! ■ i .; \c.I). Ra.kin, K. 1>. Ka.l. KanUin. St. John. ^ I ; : ,;4S II. \V. Vnrxc ., ^ ,.., II.GilK-rt.Jr.. n.C.iibcrt.Jr., 11. UiUH-rt. Jr.. Uo. ^ >;,, \V. .\. lloil^rook. J. H. Cliidui-I, J. R. C.llvhri^t. .io. I • ' i i I ' , . 't Rci,'i'-tr\ , St. John. do. Jo. Jo. .Hio A. Kirkpatri.k, John llarnol. 'oim Ilanu-d, Jo, *> r^ 2S "iX ■f. ! r- X '/. Z -r 'fi ■f. — r. '^.^-^ ~; ' "■ ' ■ T. f. f.Z ■/. z -!() / ' : _i :t :: % ' ■/. Z -r ^ ; J ;, ^ - , •/. - ; r »'. _/ -/ 7 7?. ^'. ' / = \o Hmcn^1ncnt6 TO CONSTITUTION. Ariirli' X, Sritioii (). Stiikt' out tlii- wvM-ds "anil also, oti-., " to riKl of soitiini. Sfi-tion (). Striki> out tin- uortls "aiul sailini;"." Aitiilr XIII, Soot ion ii, tvi loail Soition i _•. \i-\v Sootion 1 I to hi' iiisorloil to roaii : " \\ lionoM'i- an oMioor ol' tlio L'luli or of an\- Stamlini;- C'otn- niitti'o alisonts liinisolf tor tliroo suii-ossi\ o inootinj^s without roasonahio oxoiiso, his otliio or plaoo shall ho iK-olaroil vaoant and a now i-lootion liokl uiuk-r tho lulos ^ovoininsL;- tho sanio.' Aitiolo XI\', Soition i, is aniomloil to loail : "Tho Sailitii;- Coinniitioo shall oonsist o\' llio Roar Coniino- iloro, tho .Moasurors, < .r r////r/M, anil sovon olootivo nioinhors, oi' whom at loast tour shall ho yaolit ownors. Four niomhors to i\instituti> a ijiioruni." Sootion J nv>w roails : 1 ho Roar C"oniinodori' of tho C\uh shall ho ix (///ic/d ohair- nian of tho Sailiui,'- L'oniniittoo. Tho Soorotar\- of llio Sailin*'- Conimittoo shall ho olootod hy thoiiuMnhors of tho Comniittoo from ainoniL;- thonisolvos. IK- sjiall kooji a trao looord of a.ll mootiiii-s ot tho ^.'onniiiltoo, with tho na.mos oi' tho mor.ihors thoroat, in a hov>k to ho pnn idod for tho purposo ; shall roooivo onliios for raoos, notilV ot'lioois of tho day. and sliall also koop a rooord of" tho raoos sailod durinir tho soason. E ;>i TO BY LAWS. C'li.-ipti'i- 111, StHtioii 1. Striki'out tin- word "tuA^ atul sul.- stitviti- tlu-ivfor tin- woul -U\c' and .liiJ to I'.n . : '-11. Manx ,H-rsO!i apiilviiiK- for inomlH-rship %vho lia> t^-on pr.xiously a nu-inhor, and at tinio ofloavin- was in k^hhI .tand.n.c. -Hal! bo ontitlod to olootion uitliout pavnioni of any additional onlianoo loo. Cliapli'i- VII. Striko out tliis oliaptor and -uhMituto ihot o- lor : -Anv niondHM- u lio sliall tilo with tho Siorotai y a urilton a,;tl.- oiitv from a vaolit ounor or own.-r>. ot any ono yaohi. n.ay roprosont his or thoir vaoht nndor Artiolo V. whoro tho voto .. by yaohts onlv, suoh authority .liali ho valid onlv tor a .i^oo.- lu-dmootinK^.' Proxios o.hor than tho abovo shall not bo al- lowod. TO SAILING REGULATIONS. Numborlll. Striko out tho words "hound" whoro it oo- curs in tho so.o.ul paragraph, lino >o, and in.ort tho uord -hook" and on lino ■ j, bo^^innir.u- with tho words. '• lholon.L;ih of tho baso lino as aKno dcfu^rd, c^-.: striko out tho ronu-nn- dor oi' tlio para^rapa. Xumbor V. Striko out Sootion 2 and insort now sootion to road as t'oMows : Sootion Ail N'aiMlis sil.tii in \'i >. i,;.i, thov bolouK llnou.u-h raoin^- lon.uth as pro\ k lod in Nvv I of liusr ii;,'-i!l.iiiv'tis. .iiul no y.ulit in aii\ il.iss ■,!i.ill allow or In- l;!\>mi any tinu- .illow ani'c tioui .iii\ »i:lu'r \ailil in the same rl,,,s. NanluT \ I i I. Si'i-ru.n i. At'tn tin- \voi\U " I lu- Si-ri i'lai\-," K<:\ hnt- .s, avUl "oi t!if S.iilaii; C '>-|,' \, Si\-i;>ir llu- -.i^iial tv'i Ihr start l)a-> hi^-n i;i\iMi.' add tlir uorils "a i;i;n sliail In- tiii'd and. ' !'a,;;i- i;,(). C'han^r tin- tlai;- sj^nai lor star t inu;. llu- st-fontl rail- hv'iri "W," ,i> ]\o\\ piiniod, to " K. ' i.'!ian^.- tlir tla^ lor starlini-- llio thiid rai'o tVoni "K ' as now priatod. \o "\\\ so tliat tlioy will ivmlorni with artiolo X, Soi hon I ol Sailin.i;- I\ot;ii!atiiMis, as per pai^o 4}. CLUB UNIFORMS. I'ai^o 7J. lo siriko ont parai;rapli !onr ,uid suhstitnto now jMrau;rapli to road : Cap of navy hhio oK'lh 1 '_, inohos drop, witli bhu-k mohair i'.inil I '4 Inolios uido. 1 inoh lum-i.rojootin-- looso orown drop- pin.i;-, 1 'j iiuh i>laok o|a/cd poak. jllaok ' . inch ilui) hntton on oaoh sido, ami iluh liad.i;v in troni ,^u tho haiuL HIark silk ov^l■d doahiod and knotlod on oaoh sido of liadi^o from button to hut ion. .v^ If olMrill, i-ap tv> he \hc N.iim- but uitli uliitr In.iia .uul v,\h » lub l>utlon«. ami ^okl bullion lOid. Va^c 75. paraKiapli i. li"»- '•• StriU.- out liu- wouU --oiu" null aiul lliivt-M"-"'^-'-^"' -i"^' Mibst.iuto tlu-.vtor liu- uo.d^ " .11U' iiuli ami I'lu- ha...' SLEEVE ORNAMENTS. P.ij-o 74. Strike out paraKr.ipli i, aiul sub-.titut.' luu i^r.iph to vend : ComnKuloro : fivo stripes of 's i>uh CoKl N.ivy a.sii.ution l.-ico .irou.Kl llu- sK'ovos. tlu- first tliivo i.ulu- Iroin iho o.H, liu- oUu-rs abovo and a quarter oinn inoli the upper stnpo ending in a eomplete eirele one i.uh dia.neler in.ide. lower edK-e of eiivle to be U-vel with lower ed^e oi b;tnd ot laee, .md to be in the niiildle o\' the slei-ve. Viee-Coniniodore to have fvnir stripes. Rear Commodore three stripes, .uid Seeret.iry. Tri-.isurer and Mea>iirers two slripes. Members to have one stripe endinir in a eompK-le euvle, the circle to be the same as provided for the Commodore. Cl^c Cable. Time of Morning Hi^h Tide in St. Joiin Harbour. Il.'ltl MiMlli.lIl s Alin.lM.U, li; '7 (< 13 S 3; 10 I'l 10 33 2 i <' <>;> 7 '4 / 3" 9 3') I 1 oS 1 I .-\>^ .) 7 5'^ 5-* S '3 r r S <» 3- 3- 10 I 1 3'^ 1 1 34 4 n 33 5 s 4,S 10 oS I ^'> J Of) , If) 3'^ () ') 37 1 1 1 1 1 .1 3'^ 1 4-' 1 1 t 10 jS 1 1 ,<) '\> 1 jf) 2 > 4- 8 1 1 iS If) 33 J 13 :> 13 3 jS 9 I '^7 1 ;" 3 00 4 r)f) 4 iS .... lO 'J .V' - 00 » .)7 ,) 3<» 3 01 .3 12 1 1 ' -7 of) 3 ^'0 4 43 3 3') () oS 1 2 -■ ji> 3 33 4 3 3') f) 3'' / f'3 M .? |S 5 i() ,"> jf) f) 3>< / 3*> 7 3'> '4 4 ji 3 3'» i) JO 7 37 s 4" s 4'^ •5 5 1 " - / / OJ 7 II) s 3-' <) > — - / <) 3- i6 () 34 s nj s If) '» » ■» 10 10 1 13 •7 7 3'> s 3'' <) o< ) 10 "7 10 3" 10 37 iS S 34 ') 43 <) 37 1 1 47 I I -'9 1 1 40 19 9 _'6 ir- .'S I') 1 1 -'3 04 - I 20 10 1 1 i 1 l)f) I I 13 -'3 21 1 1 — > r 1 4-' 1 1 3- 1 J 1 "7 1 4' 2 > I 1 3" 3'' 1 33 > T — .>."> -3 -<) 3'' 1 3> T 4f, .... 33 -N iS I ^7 1 13 1 '4 1 .> 43 4 -^*- .w ^5 2(-> 34 1 43 1 3'- 3 01 4 4'» 3 4<' ' ■> 1 » -•4 T 3«) •* 3^' 5 37 6 3'' ^7 2 1 2 3 "3 -* .V -'3 3 00 / oS S Ul 28 y 53 3 3" 4 '(' f) oS s "3 9 00 29 -1 4' 4 4-^ 3 13 7 I') <) 13 9 3-2 30 4 3" ,-> 41 h JO s 1 — ! 08 ! Q 3'-> ^l 5 a tiK- 1 ) ni,\. 4i W.t / -' / -7 I I 16 To till tir at dirtVront points oil the Kivcr. add the tlllH' M't [■"po^it I.' i-;ul point on th lU'X P''>,'<- li II tliinc of Ibiob Water CiLulatca Ir.Mn ot II. ^,H than M. W. l..l>r"'''^"^ >";'•'"- NaMU-o.p!..-- i,,S, J.i.n V .^. tri'tti M.iM'.nir. InJi.inlv-wn i _ o !;liuli;uitown " ,,, =r f, Miirui.nvviiK- : -- |.= , , Kotlu•^a> . ■ •,'. y - C 20 :iuMulol.i IV.nt • ■ ■'I _,;^ ' ,-.-^ ,1 Oak Poiiu ;,■■,■■■■ ■' II lMouthotlVll.:.l.(ralnu-rs i iVn't) -^ .. „ . ; \i Mouth otWash.uUMUoak... 4 3 ^ 4I ,Slipps Whari- ^ ^i ^^ to of CM-ana _ j ,= ^ i l.ak.-......, ^,\3 E^ =6 !CharU-> CuntcTs 6 - 4(» i '?' L il-pi-rC^a^— n •• > ^^ 64 Shi-flioKl 7 " 4« H = 71 MauK^-rvtUo " „ _ ., j 5 >, OroiiHH-to S - 45 ' H3 Fivdfruion ij - /o J 90 Sprui.uhill ^^^ '— . > .,„ -iviM-airi'. ^J li^^*"""^ |,,nv «:>..,■ in S,. J.-lm lKU-b...,r -■ '"^ ■ ,'^,;,,.,,, ,,, c.ut;.-l.nv„ mhu,t.-lalurhi.«l.vv.aor.l.c,v.