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Head Office of the " Golden Cache " Mines Co., Ld., of I.illooet, B. C, CVANI 1 HAITINS*, PKINTIR*. T.lp-^ IfU.f^^^ '.Z-X. Clarke & Stuart STATIONERS ^PRINTERS Drawing Paper s,Tracing Papers Tracing Cloth Blue Print Paper Blank Books, Stock Ledgers Stock Certificates Copying Lctter^'Books Printed Letterheads Printed Envelopes Letter Presses, Typewriters A FULL STOCK OF of all the Mining Districts of B. C. Mathematical and Engineering Instrument ON HAND. Miners' Magnifying Glasses and Compasses. I m t t TelegraphDc MOREING & NEAL'S, BEDFORD MCNEILL'S, A. B. C. Agents for Brootnhall's Comprche Cipher Code. Mall Orders Receive Prompt Attention. 28 Cordova St., Vancouver, B A- I irt ill the ling tricts B.C. $ rument isses. fEAL'S, .'S, A. I Compreh< * ntlon. # ir.B ^ : - .■■A ■■ i|MHMMp||P*M>p«*--- ^k %Jf «nk. V# ^ , GET PRICES FROM THE VANCOUm Outfitters f SIBCIALTIBS Tents. Snow Shoes, Moccasins, A.^ i^-s Sleds, Dc 4- Harness, Alaska Pit Saws, Pe ;k Saddles, G( Id Scales, Pack Straps, Ki -ndike Picks, Sheath Knives, Tools. Stoves, Gold Pans, Entired according to Act of Parliamntt of Ca year iSqj, by Thomson Stationery Co., Zi Department of Agriculture, Ottau)> m BiBDWAE ttersforYukon Gold Field ■cording to Ad of Parliamttit of Canada, in the 'Sgy, by Thomson Stationery Co., Ld., at the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. 144 CordoA iSt., VANCQl rR. B. C GE1 So Aberdeen, H Ivdams, LaH Kirdie, I • M \\bernu <^''^l Iwbert Cau^ IWberm, »" !\\ort bay' uUexandn, I Mexandni< M'lson MUali, A\ka\i l^al AnacovU-s Anderson \ristaza" Armstron Artowliei Arrow li Arrow (" Atbabas Asb, Lt Asbtroi A^pt-n Baker 15a\m< Ba-.nti Bautt BauV Bapt Bare Bar« Bar Bat Ba Ba Bt B« B' 1 GENERAL- INDEX. o . . . K 1 Urns LaU... ...;•; N 6 Umsworth. . . . . • • v 4 Mberni, Canal R 4 UlbertCanon. ; K b iMberni.PO.^ ; 5 \lert Bay, P- ^ J *' lAlexandna,P-0-- A 4 Alison, Sound M 4 Mkali, L^^^--;V' ^, t Alkali Lake P. «•••• • M 7 ;,,acort.s,c^ ••;;;; M 5 Anderson, l-aKt. . i 3 Aristazable. island...-;; 5 Armstrong. ••■••••; ^^ ^^ Arrowhead, P. O^- U ^ Arrow (Lo^vt•':' La^e R 5 Arrow ("PP^'':)'^^"^ ^ I Athabasca, Rwer ••• .] 6 Ashcroft, I- '^'p Q ^ A.spen Grove. P. «J- Baker,Mt ;:::;;::::::::-'"--i : B^^UCape....-; J, ^ ^^^"S Mountains V/./r 4 Bauifteia, i>i Banks, island •;;; K 2 S'^1:^'Som:d':: ;;;;.Vd 3 ^^''^Ull Group ....N 2 ^^'f ,^lle P. O ...D 3 BarkerviUe, t-. Battle, Crct K Battle, Lake O /^ Beale,Gape ^ ^ Bear, Lake Bear, Lake.. ^'A\V\ ^^>/ ALBERT UFFORD OpMhmlmlo Ofiitoiaum •t« %!« «t« ' Ommlmflu - - - 'P »l* 't» Wmtohom, OlmmtHMiu, Joweiry mnd Optloml Oootkim Ohrmionm i mm Womk m #|MOlal^. 58 Oordovmau, VAMOOUVCRpB^ O, — SEND FOR — Catalogue and Price List —OF— ASSAYERS' MATERIALS JVlac par lane & Qo. Mine and • • . Mill Supplies 623 Hastings St. West YaNe©uYER,B.e. Davidson Bros. VANCOUVER, B. C Wholesalef Retail and Manufacturing X X ' ' JEWELERS Good times nie here ; trade is improving all along the line. Davidson Bros., the Reliable Jewelers, Vancouver, are preparing for the largest fall and Christmas trade in their history. We ;'.re buyioR a very select line of Sterling .Silver Novelties which make such nice, useful and cheap Christmas and birthday presents, also the finest line of Watches, Rings, Gold-headed Canes, Chai: rnd Bangle Bracelets, Brooches, etc. We solicit mail orders from those who cannot get in to see us and guarantee satisfaction. Remember we manufacture anything of a special nature in gold or silver. Give us a call — we will be glad to see you. iljiii. List • • ies West u B. e. ZRS ig the line, reparing for I'.re buyinR make luch ts, also the rnd Bangle . those who member we •r. Give us GENERAL INDEX. . Beautiful Valley K 4 Beaver, Creek M 3 Beaver, P. O R 4 Bedlington, S 6 Beddington, P. O V 4 Belfast, P. O J 7 Bella Bella G - Bentick, Arm H 3 Big, Creek M 4 Big Bend, Creek (J 4 Black, Canon N 5 Blackberry, River S 4 Blackwater, River L 2 Blaine, P. O M • Blue, River P 3 Bluff K 4 Blunden, Harbor H s l^oat Encampment Q 3 Bonaparte, River N 4 Bonilla, Point K 7 Bow, Lake S 4 Bow, River V 5 Bowen, Island L 6 Braham, Island H 4 Brazeau, River . . T 3 Bridge, River M 5 Broughton, Island I 5 Brown, Passage E i Browning, Entrance E 2 Bull, Passage K 6 Burke, Channel H 3 Burns, Lake J i Burnt, Lake R 2 Bush, River R 4 Bute, Inlet K 5 Buttle, Lake J 6 Calgary, P. O V 4 Call, Creek 1 5 Calvert, Island G a Campania, Island F 2 Campbell, Island G 3 Canadian Pacific, R. R N 6 Canmore, P. O T 4 Canoe, Lake O 4 Canoe, River P 3 Canuma, Prairie I 6 Caprino, Harbor H 5 Carnes, C.eek Q 4 R P. Rithet & Co. WHOLESALE MERCHANTS Shipping cind Insurance Agents< 1 I h ^ I ~^ — __ Proprietors of Victoria Wharf Outer Har- bour; Columbia Flouring Mill^ Enderby; and Vernon Mi lis ^ Vernon. Agents for Victoria Lumber and Manufacturing Company, Chem- ainus, V. I. ; Victoria Canning Company oi British Columlna ; Pacific Coast Steamship Company, San Francisco ; Puget Sound Tug Boat Company, Port Townsend ; Queen Insurance Company of America ;Fire) ; English and American Marine Insurance Companies. Lloyd's Agency. .Hawaiian Consulate. Wharf Street, VICTORIA, B. C. W. Pellew Harvey, F. C. S. MINING ENGINEER and ASSAYER. (For many years with Vivian & Sons, Swansea.) fo ^«^a N. B.'-PupllB not received. Wot'k Personally Superintended. 30. 8 jrcnts* y Har- nderhy; any, Chem- ;o\umbia ; ; Puget jueen lish GENERAL INDEX. IC. s. Insea. ) c. Cariboo, Lake N 3 Cariboo, Mountains N 2 Cariboo, Road N 4 Carstair, P. O U 4 Cascade, Inlet H 3 Cascade, River T 4 Cash, City U 3 Caution, Cape H 4 Chelan, Lake O 7 Chemainus, Lake K 7 Chemainus, P. O L 7 Cherry, Creek O 5 Cheslahla, Lake J 2 Chewella R 7 Chilanco, River. K 3 Chilco, River , K 4 Chilcoh, Lake K 4 Chilcotin, P. O.. M 4 Chilcotin, River L 3 Chillacoh, River L 2 ChiUiwack, P. O N 6 Chinahats G 3 Cisco N 5 Clahoquot Sound, P. O I 6 Clan William Q 5 Clearwater, Lakes O 3 Clearwater, River T 4 Clinton, P. O , N 4 Cluscus, Lake , K 2 Cobble Hill L 7 Cochrane U 4 Collin?, Point G 2 Columbia, River P 7 Colwood, P. O L 7 Comaplix R 5 Comox, P. O K 6 Comox, R. R K 6 Cook, Cape G 5 Cormorant, Island I 5 Cortez, Island K 5 Cowdung, Lake Q 3 Cowgitz Coal Mineii C 2 Cowichan, Lake K 7 Cowichan, ?. O K 7 Craecroft, Island I 5 Craigelachie, P. O Q 4 Crossfield V 4 Crown, Mt J 6 Crow's Nest, Pass U 6 Telephone joj P. O. Sox 777 -IMPORTKR OK- JOHN — IM Pishing Nets and Twines, Cotton Duclcs and Drills, eotton and Manilla Ropes. .Ifiyiif/br: II'. ^J. h'liox, h'ilhiriiir, Scol.; Canadian Kiibhfr Co., Montreal, Que. ; Canaiiiaii Oilrd Clothing Co., Pnri Hope, Out. RUBBER GOODS AND OILED CLOTHING. Toronmeiioose, Kiiureii si. voocoovef norenouse, 652 Gr ooifiiies i. i p. O. Box (/6 Telephone /oy| The Vancouver Floral Company James Pont, Manager. Greenhouses: Corner of Burrard and Melville 8ts. FlowtTK, Bouquets, Sprays and Funeral Desisfns made up of" Choice Cut Flowers| on the shortest notice at all steasons of the year. Oecorativc and Window Plants always in Stock at Reasonable Prices. Cut Roms anid Carnations a tpeolalty At the VANCOUVER FLORAL COMPANY. SheBsgroen A Oom ' HATTERS " And Importers oi all Kinds of Men's Goods. -:• Specialties ii Underwear, Hosiery, Shirts, Gloves and Neckwear, Letter Orders always receive our Best Attention. Goods sent C. O. O., subject to approval. 397 Hm»tlng9 Sti*eot, VAMOOUVER, B. G. a. ROEODE Practical Bookbindel Manufacturing Stationer, Paper Ruler and Blank Book Maker nil Kinds of Aeeount Books Kept in Stock Home Block, Gamble St. Vancouver. B. NKAR OJRIXJVA. Telephone 163. p. O. Box 777 GENERAL INDEX. Telephone inA Daisy, Lake M 5 Dawson R 5 Deans, Channel H 3 Decker, Lake J i Denman, Island K 6 Denman Island, P. O K 6 Denny, Island G 3 Devil's, Lake T 4 Dickson, Lake J 6 Didsbury V 4 Digby, Island E i Dirt, Lake T 2 Discovery, Pass. J 5 Dog Creek, P. O M 4 Dog Pound, Creek U 4 Donald, P. O R 4 Drift Pile, Camp R i Drynock N 5 Ducks P 5 Duncan, Lake R 5 Duncan, City R 5 Duncans L 7 Dundas, Island E i W^ER, e. 01 Eburne M 6 Eclipse, Narrows I 4 Edmonton, P. O V 2 Eldon T 4 Elk, River T 6 Elwyn, Lake I i Empire Valley, P. O M 4 Enderby, P. O P 5 Pvootall, River F i Esperanza, Inlet H 6 Esquimau, P. O L 7 Esquimau «& Nanaimo, R. R L 7 Estevan, Island F a Eutsuk, Lake I 2 Evansport R 5 Fairhaven, P. O M 7 Fairview, P. O P 6 Fallen Timber, Creek T 4 Fidalgo, Island M 7 Field, P. O S 4 Flathead, Lake U 8 Flattery, Cape K 7 Flores, Island I 6 Fort CoWille R 7 Mining Brolcers Real Estate, Insurance and Financial Agents. Mineral Claiis Purchased and Sold on Comnlsslon. FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIFE INSURANCE, BUILDING LOANS, GUARANTEE BONDS. SPECIAI^ ATTENTION G'ven to the Management of Property for Non-Retidcnts. Agencies in principal cities abd towns in the Province. Correspondence Solicited, Cod4s used: dough's, Moreing &* NeaFs and A. B.C. Cable Address: " Boak," Vancouver. p. O. Box r«8. 515 Hastings Street, Yanoouver, B. C. s Limited Brewers and Bottlers of the well known Brands EXPORT BEER LAGER AND PORTER Specially Recommended. GENERAL INDEX. Fort George M 2 Fort McLeod, P. O V 6 Fort Rupert H 5 Fort Saskatchewan V 2 Fort Simpson E i Fort Steel, P. O T 6 Fort St, James K i Francais, Lake I i Fraser, Lake K i Fraser, River M 4 Frederick, Arm J 5 Gabriola Island, P. O. L 6 Galena S 5 Galiano Island, P. O L 7 Gambier, Island L 6 Gardner, Channel G 2 Georgia, Gulf or Strait K 6 Gill, Island F 2 Glacier, Lake R 4 Glacier, P. O R 4 Giscome, Portage M i Goat, River S 6 Gold, Creek Q 4 Gold, Harbor C 3 Gold, River R 4 Gold Stream L 7 Golden, P. O.. S 4 Goose, Island G 4 Goschen. Island E 2 Graham. ^ .and C 2 Grand Forks Q 6 Grand Fork, Ri' er P 2 Grand Prairie, P. O O 5 Grand Rapids N 2 Granite Creek, P. O O 6 Great Central, Lake J 6 Great Northern, R. R T 7 Green, Lake M 5 Green, Lake N 4 Greenwood » Q 6 Gribbcll, Island F 2 Griffin, Lake Q 5 Grohman T 5 Guichon, P. O L 6 Guilford, Island I 5 Gull, Lake U 3 How to Find W A GOLD MINE! NO ROYAL ROAD. NO TRAILS CARRY YOU THERE. NOT EVEN THE TRUSTY CAYUSE CAN TAKE YOU TO THE SPOT. "PROSPECTORS HAVE TO WALK." You Want Boots AND SOLD THE WORLD OVER COUNTRY K's W/ TERPROOF K's CITY K's PLIANT K's J. A. PYKE, 518 Hastings Street. GENERAL INDEX. II Hamilton N 7 Hammond M 6 Hanceville, P. O L 3 Hardy, Bay H 5 Harrison, Lake N 6 Harrison Hot Springs, P. O. . . , N 6 Harrison, River N 6 Hastings, P. O L 6 Hawkesbury, Island F 2 Hecate, Strait D 2 Hector, Mt S 4 Heary, House Q 3 Heshqueeat, Harbor I 6 High River V 5 Homalko, River K 4 Hooker, Mt Q 3 Hope, P. O N 6 Hope, Island H 5 Hornby, Island K 6 Hornby, P. O K 6 Horse, Lake O 4 Horsefly, Lake N 3 Hot Springs R 5 Hotham, Sound K 6 Howe, Sound L 6 Howse, Pass S 4 Houston Stewart, Channel E 3 Hunter, Island G 4 Huntington M 6 Illicillewaet, P. O R 4 lUicillewaet, River R 4 Infiisfall V 3 Iroquois, Village P 3 Itcha. Mountains J 3 Jasper, House Q 2 Jasper, Lake Q 2 Jennings T 7 Jervis Inlet, P. O L 6 Juan de Fuca, Strait K 7 Juan Perez, Sound ... D 3 Kamloops, P. O O 5 Kananaskis U 4 Kaniksu, Lake S 7 Karmulsen, Mt H 5 KaBCO, River L a HICH CLASS TOOLS Of All Patterns For All!Markets. Y e SFtOIAU -T.OUCri MIM PieKS, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AXES, HAMMERS, WEDGES, eROWBARS, ETe. Hand and Power Boring: Machines for Rock and Goal. SPECIAL. TOUGH DRILL 8TEEL. Disiutegrratingr and Screening Machinery, and all Apparatus connected therewith. Hardy Patent Pick Company LIMITED. SHEFFIELD, ENG. GENERAL INDEX. 13 Kaslo, P. O R 6 Keefers N 5 Keithley Creek, P. O N 3 Kelowna, P. O P 6 Kennedy, Island E i Keremeos, P. O P 6 Kettle, River Q 6 Kildahlah, Arm G 2 Killarney Q 6 King, Island H 3 Kingcombe, Inlet I 5 Kitlobe, River H 2 Kitsiim Galium, Village G i Kla-ai-ic, River I 5 Klaskinough, Inlet G 5 Kleenakleen, River J 4 Klewnuggle, Inlet F 2 Klue Oil Works D 2 Klutze G 2 Knight, Inlet J 5 Kootenai S 7 Kootenay, Lake S 6 Kootenay, River T 6 Kootenay Trading, Point T 7 Kotiniat, River G i Kymana, River H 2 Kyuquot, Sound . . H 6 Lac des Roches O 4 Lac la Noune U 2 Lacombe V 3 Ladners M 6 Laggan S' 4 La Hache, Lake N 4 Lake la Hache, P. O N 4 Langley . . M 6 Langdon V 5 Lardeau Q 5 Lardo R 5 Lasquett, Island K 6 Lawn Hill D 2 Leanchoil S 4 Leduc V 2 Lethbridge, P. O V 6 Lightning, Creek : M 2 Lillooet, Lake. M 5 Lillooet, P. O N 5 Lillooet, River M 6 Little Bov^, River V 5 H. DEMPSEY W. HODSON 3totei -ylletropoic HODSON A DBMP8BV. Props. j i I , I 1 i ' I 1 1' III i i I I i I > ' ' ' ' ' 1 J ' HEADQUARTERS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. 'B.tiltft *. 1^.00 vw Tiii^ •k.tvA tk'^tiTdft. Corner of Cordooa and Abbott Streets, VANCOUVER, B .C. GENERAL INDEX. 15 W. HODSON I )oie MEN. - ^rdft. Streets, Little Dalles R 7 Little Red Deer, River U 4 Little Smoky, River R 1 Long, Bay J 7 Long, Lake P 5 Loone, Lake N 4 Lopez, Island M 7 Loughborough, Inlet J 5 Louise, Island D 3 Lowes, Inlet F 2 Lulu Island L 6 Lunds, P. O K 6 Lyell, Island D 3 Lyoch, Lake '. . H 3 Lytton, P. O N 5 Mable, Lake Q 5 Mahood, Lake O 4 Malcolm, Island I 5 Maligne, River R 3 Malacca, Passage E 1 Marcus R 7 Martin's P 5 Martin's, Range K 4 Masset, H. B. Post C ? Masset, Sound C i Malaspina, Strait K 6 McCauley, Island E 2 McLeod, River S 2 Medicine, River U 3 Midway Q 6 Metlahkatlah E i Milbank, Sound G 3 Millet V 2 Mineral, City R 6 Mission, City M 6 Mitchell's, Creek N 3 Mitchell's, Lake N 3 Moberly S 4 Moose, Lake P 3 Moresby, Island D 3 Morley U 4 Mosquito, River V 5 Moyie, Lake T 6 Mud, River L 2 Murchison, Mt S 4 Mussel, Inlet G 3 Music ! Music ! For Touch, Tone, Action and Workmanship, the • O. W. * Is Unexcelled In Canada to-day, and pronounced by the Alost Eminent Musicians to exemplify the Highest Art in Piano Manufacture. OYKE & EYANS • AGENTS • dtalogues Forwarded to ^ny Address - Musie - For ; Instruments kept in Stock. Also a Full] L te of Instruction Books, as well as the Largest Assortment of Vocal Music in British Columbia. o, Oultar amid Violin Striogs a Specialty, and t Full Line of all Musical Instruments. Write to- DYKE & EVANS, The Hrcade Music Store Vancouver, B. 6. GENERAL INDEX. — — - — Tj— -—i — -: — Xadin, Harbor C i Nadina, Mt.' H i Nakusp, P. O R 5 Nainu, Harbor H 4 Nanaimo, P. C) L 6 Nanaimo, Rivt-r K 6 Na-tal-kuz J 2 Nichaco, River K i Nelson, Island K 6 Nelson, P. O R 6 New Denver, P. O R b New Westminsier, City L 6 Niagara, Lake O 3 Nicola, Lake {) 5 Nicola, P. O O 5 Nicomen N 6 Nimkish, Lake I 5 Nitinat, Lake K 7 Nootka, Soun ' I 6 North, Harbo G 5 North, Island C i North Bend, P. O N 6 Northern Pacific R. R S 8 North Thompson, River O 4 Northport R 7 Notch Hill P 5 Numas, Island H 5 Okanagan, Lake P 5 Old Colville Q 7 Oldman. River R 2 Old Man's, River V 6 Olds V 4 Olympian, Range K 7 Oot^a, Lake I 2 Orcas, Island M 7 Osooyos, Camp P 6 Ottertail, P. O S 4 Otoskwan V 2 Ou-oukinsh, Inlet H 5 Outhill T 4 Palliser S 4 Palliser, River T 5 Pavilion, P. O N 4 Pembina, River T 2 Pend d'Oreille, Lake S 7 Pend d'Oreille, River R 7 Penny's O 5 «7 li Parties Outfltting for tbc .. . Klondike and Stewart River Should not fail to call on us and get prices for their requirements. ^^ -ia^ -^ A Full Stock always on hand, comprising — Tents, Sleds, Snowshoes, Alaska Pit Saws, Picks, Axes, Stoves, Qold Scales, Gold Pans, Cooking Utensils, Tools, Eye Protectors, Rope, etc, etc, etc The Best Grade of Goods (especially manufactured) for that far-off district, and which we can guarantee) only kept in stock. A Full Stock of Mining Goods, suitablA for the Kootenay Mining District , carried /«| our Branch Warehouse at Nelson, B, C. SEMO FOR OUOTAVWUSm VANCOUVER HARDWARE GOJ 144 Cordova Street, f i * VANCOUVERI And NEI^SOM, B. C. GENERAL INDEX. 19 Uver ScaleSf inufactured] ^e can sut'iab/c\ arried /«| Penticton, P. O P 6 Phillip's, Arm J 5 Pigeon, Lake U 7. Pilot, Bay S 6 Pitt, Island E 2 Plumper Pass, P. O L 7 Poison, Cove G 2 Ponka V 3 Porche, Island E 2 Port Angeles L 7 Port Crescent L 7 Port Essington F i Port Eraser K 2 Port Moody, P. O M 6 Port Neville, P. O I 5 Port San Juan K 7 Port St. John H 3 Port Townsend, P. O M 7 Powell, Island K 5 Prairie, Creek T 3 Prevost, Island E 3 Price, Island G 3 Princess Louise, Inlet L 5 Princess Royal, Island G 2 Princeton, P. O O 6 Principe, Channel E 2 Puget, Sound M 7 Punta-ten Cut, Lake. ,, L 3 Pnntildenay, Mountains H 2 Quamichan L 7 Quanchus, Mountains I 2 Quattah, Glaciers- F i y uatsino, Sound G 5 (jueen Charlotte, Islands D 3 Queen Charlotte, Sound H 5 Queen's, Sound G 4 Queenstown G 5 Quesnelle, Lake N 3 Quesnelle, River M 3 Quesnelle Forks, P. O N 3 Quesnelle Mouth, P. O M 3 Radnor U 4 Ramsay, Island D 3 Ramsay, Arm K 5 Red Deer, P. O U 3 Red Deer, River U 4 Revelstoke, P. O .Q 4 Henderson Publishing Co. LIMITED LlABILn V Publisiiers of Henderson's British Columbia GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY Contains a Complete List of Business Houses of the Province, arranged alphabetically, hy cities, towns and villages. A Descriptive Sketch of Places is given, with distance] to different noints, railway connections and water'comnuinications, telegraph and e.\|)ress ofllces, industries, etc. Complete City Directories of Kamloops, Kaslo, Nanaimo, Nelson, New Denver, New Westminster, Revelstoke, Rossland,] Sandon, Trail, Vancouver, and Victoria. A Complete Classified Directory is an important featuiei of Ibis publication. MINING ENGY0LOP)EDIA. An Alphabetical Directory cf all the Mining and! Development Companies, with capitalizatior, trustees, headi office, auvl name and location of their leadinj, jiroperties, wiihl the most reliable information obtainable in regard to their sfatel of development, out|)ut, etc., etc. A Complete Alphabeticel Directory of Free Miners.] number of license, when and where issued. The work will nlsuj give statistical information regarding Mines and Mining, brou|;ht| down to date uf publication. AH the information to be given in this Directory is compiled inl the most systematic and reliable manner. Our Directories during the past seventeen years arc a guarantee of the faithful pcrformaucd of cur agreements. -••*- Gazetteer and Directory { '' 'ith Mininx' EncvcU>pa:dia \ f R in om: vohime f V ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION — ALSO rUl'.l.ISIIERS OF — British Columbia Gazetteer and Directory $5.oo| Manitoba and Northwest Gazetteer and Dinectory 5.0(1 Northwest Territories Gazetteer a.scj Winnipeg City Directory 3.0 Northwest Brand Book and Ranchers' Directory, 2.011 Henderson PubSishing Co. VICTORIA. - B. C. Co. roRY ises of the 1 illages. hh distance ] nunications, o, Nanaimo, . Rossland.l irtant feature IIA. Lining andl :iustees, headi operties, wiihl to their statel ree Htnersl ork will alsul |iiing, hroughtj is compiletl irj ktories during 111 perfoi mancd n $5 C;KNKKAI. INDICX. 2 1 jctory sM ..... 3-51 .... 3-' Ictory. 3.0 Co. Richfield N 2 Rivers, Inlet H 4 Robson R 6 Roche, 1 larhor M 7 Ki)cl\y Moiint.-iiii, House T 3 KocKiick, island ( i j, Rof^^ei 's Pass R 4 Hose S])it '....'■ I) I Rosario, Strait M 7 Rosebud, River \' | Rossland. 1'. ()..... O (> Ruby. Creek N (> Rupert, .\rui II 3 Salnin R 6 Salmon, Arm R 5 Salmon, River K 5 Salmon, River L i Salt Sprint^- Island, V. () L 7 Sandon. R. O \i 6 San [nan L 7 Se rah. Island.. (i 3 Sj skatchewan. River S 3 Savonas, P. C) O 5 Scott, Cajje G 5 Scott. Island ( i 5 Siatord, Channel (i ^ Seattle M S Seilro M 7 Semour. Crei k O 4 Seschell. Inlet L b Seton, Lake AI 5 Seymour, Creek ( ) 4 Seymour, Inlet II .|. Shawnij^an Lake, P. () L 7 Shelter, P.ay H 5 Shuswap, Lake P 4 Shiiswap, P. () P 5 Sicamous, P. ( ) O 5 Sidnev. Inlet I () Sidney, P. C) L 7 Silver, City T 4 Silverton \\ (> Sir Donald, Mt R 4 Skagit, Kiver N 7 Skeena, P. F 1 Skeena. River ' V i Skideuate, Channel C 2 A. W. More d Co. Mining and Stock Brokers Real Estate and Insurance Agents 86 Government Street VICTORIA, H. V. — ••« — IVIiriinig: Sbitires for Sale. 10,000 Consolidated Albcrni at 20c 10,000 Mineral Hill, Alberni at 5c 20,000 Victoria-TexadajTexada Island, at 25c 2,000 Golden Cache, Lillooet at $2 20,000 Argo, Slocan at loc 2,000 Rambler-Cariboo, Slocan at 45c 500 Slocan Star, Slocan at $2.40 2,000 St. Keverne, Slocan at 4c 10,000 Consoi. Sable Creek, Lardeau, at loc 10,000 Kaniloops Copper Co., Kaml'ps, at loc 10,000 Winchester, Fairview at z^c 10,000 Monte Cristo, Rossland at 20c 10,000 Norway, Rossland at loc — — ••• j\. w. MORE & e©. 86 Government St. Victoria, B. Q, Co. s ; Agents eet Sale. ... .at 20C at 5c land, at 25c ... .at $2 ... .at IOC at 45c . . .at $2.40 ... .at 4c eau, at loc il'psjat IOC ... .at 25c . . . .at 20c . . , .at IOC JO. ria, B. 6.1 (.KNKKAI. IXDKX. Slocan, City ...... ,, ,' >S'nith, Island... l\ '' Smith's '; ' Smith's Sound.. /,' ''' ■"^"loky, l',.ak \\ 4 Smoky, Kiver , ' Snake Indian, Kivcr. /> ' SodaCivok, 1". ().. |.' ^ ^^"ok.-, HariKn... ■"' ^ "^ Sooke, P. O , 7 Soutli TJcntirk, Ann j r ^ >^oiith,!.,Mto, River.. . 3 South KooiLMiav, •Pa. ().. Villow Ilvad. Pass ^ ^' y 3 /Aiuo,..tx. River (i I 150-MiIf, P. N J J. G. Campbell - % New York Tailor 27 LARGEST TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT IN IVext to Arcade BRITISH COLUMBIA Building, Camli VANCOUTER. B. C. Street, Pacific Coast Steamsliip Co. Runs over 20 steamers ami operates fliem to all iiii|iortnnt coast ports, from Mexico 011 the soutli to Alaska on the north, both in- clusive. l'"or exact dates of sailing; see llie ('ompany's foUler. The following are the (lilTerent routes operateil by this t'oinpany, viz. : THK ALASKA IIOI'TK. Steamers leave I'u^et Sound ports and Victoria, B. C, about every tifth day for all ports in soutli-enstern Alaska. rORTKAND-AI.ASKA ROHTK. The steamer (Jeorge W. Klder sails from Portland for ports in Alaska about every ei|;hteenth day. S.\N FBANCI.SCO-I'l'tJKT SOUND KOIJTK, Steamers sail from San Francisco for all ports on ruj^et Suuinl, and also for Victoria and Vancouver, H. (."., every fifth day, conncct- iuj^ with the Alaska steamers at Seattle. SAN KRANCISCO-POUTI.ANII (Orfl.) KOl'TK. This route is operated jointly by the I'acilic Coast Steamship Company and Oregon Railway & Navigation Company. .Steamers sail every tifth day, connecting at Portland with steamer Geo. W. I;lder for ports in y\laska. SAN FBANCISCO-KVRKKA (Hiiiiibolt Bny) ROUTE. The Company's steamers sail on this route every fourth day. SAN FRANCISCO-SAN UIKOO ROUTE. The Company's steamers sail every fourth day from .San Fran- cisco, calling at San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and San Diego. SAN FRANCISCO-NF.WPORT ROUTE. The Company's steamers sail every fourth day, calling at New- port, Sin Pedro and a large number of intermediate ports. SAN FRANCISCO-MEXICAN ROUTE, The Company's steamers sail monthly, viz., on the 2nd of each month, for Ma/atlan, (Juaymas, Ensenada and other intermediate parts. Further information can be obtained regarding dates of sailing, rates of fare, freight, etc., by incpiiring at any of the Company's ofTices. For list of same see the ("oiiipany'ji regular folder. The Company issues two folders : one of them is a large folder, which contains a map of the wliole coast from Mexico to Alaska (postage, 2 cents) ; the other is a folder of the Alaska Route, with map (l)y Prof. Davidson) of all Alaska, including the Klondike, showing the dilTerent jtasses, and containing a lot of valuable inform- ation to mineis and others (postage, 2 cents). The Company also issues the following jniblications, viz. : '' How to Reach the Cold Fields of Alaska," whicli insblication contains full information re- garding miner's outtit, together with details of the trip, the output of different districts and various and sundry information valuable to miners (postage, 2 cents); also, "How to Reach the Klondike: Answers to 1"", very-Day <^)ueries" (postage, 2 cents) ; also, "North and .South," a jiamphlet of 76 pages, finely illustrated (postage, 5 cents). Any of these ])ublications can be obtained free upon applica- tion, or will be mailed to any address on receipt of postage. Piirlliiiid iXlici', i,\h Third (St., N. Poston. AkciiI, Scatlli- Ofrar, Ocx-aii DiicU, J. t". Trowbridfrc P. .S. Supt. Jiincau Ot?ici-, Stcainsliin Dock' H. I". Kohinson, Ala.slaeen Charlotte Islands the 2nd of each month, except when these flates fall on Sunday, when they will leave on the 1st and 15th. BAKCI.AY SOVNO ROUTE. Steamer Tees leaves Victoria for Alherni and Sound ports the 15111 and 30th of each month. This Company operates steamers connecting with the various routes to the Vukon and Gold F'ields. Icisco. The Comjiany reserves the right of changing this Time Table at any time without notiticntion. Victoria, January 1st. JOHN IRVING, Manager. C. A. CARLETON, General ,\gent. tmh:- Reconnolssance Transit s now made, the Reconnoissaiice Transit has oiitj^row 11 its lust i>l.ui, and is in use anmiif; Miners and Mining; I^ngincors in all parts of North Anurica and in nian\' parts of Central and Sontli y\int rica as well. Carclully (U signed, well linislied and ot first- elass material tiir(in<^lnMit. it is ^iviiif;; the hi'St of salislaetion. and new ortlers are coiistanlly beinj; receivctl from parties who ]ia\e seen the instrnnunt in actual service and have proof of its (piality. . THE TELESeOPE - is erecting', aehromatie, and is i)rovid( d with hot!) cross wires and stadia wires of platinum. The vertical circle reads to five minutes and is j^raduated sterling silver, .'is is also the liori/.tjntal limb which re;>ds by one vernier to single ininuti'S. The level undt r the telescope has a ground and graduated vial, and the clamp and tangi'nt to axis of ti'leseope has compensating springs, as have also the clamp and tangent movements to linil) and to le\illing- heails. 'J'he tripod has shifting centri' and extension legs. Tlie box is of mahogany, with lock antl key, with carrying strap and with rub|)er bumpers to protect from shocks in transportation. The illustration on the next p'-ige shows the instrument as ordinaril) turnislu-!. but the makt:rs hi it, when so ordered, with all kinds of extras and attachments for special work, either over or under ground. For full description of the ReCOnnoissailce Transit, <>i' for Catalogue and Trice List of Civil Engineers' and Surveyors' Instruments, actress W. & L, E. GURLEY, Troy, New York, U. S. A. The Largesl Manufacturers of Civil Engineers' and Surveyors' instruments in America. nsion kuy, •rs to tlU' iak(,:rs and unclt'i' lance Civil S. A. The Instrument shown herewitli, . ISTo. lOO, - is named The Reconnoissance Transit because it was originntly designed and innde for use where purtaliility wns more csitontini than extreme accurary. For full description of the Reconnoissance Transit, or for Cata- logue and Price Lilt of Civil Engineers' and Surveyors' Instruments, address W. & L E. CURLEY, TROY, Now York, U. S. A. The Largest Manufacturers of Civil Engineers' and Surveyors* Instruments in America, Doering&Marstran Bretoing Compani) Limited. MlKWMmrum % lUfo •^^%;>^4ip^ Brewers and Bottlers of the well known Brands EXPORT BEER LAGER anS PORTER Specially Uccoinniondod. '".'■aB-''-..*"-.''fiy^-**«*''^'S rstran ipang WVER, B, *» 5Si^j^^ ER .GER AN RTEP id. % H THE MERCH^ eapkal Paid Up - - $1 I£BA.n Branches in tho Provinces of Nova Scotia, New BAKKEBS AND OOBBBSPOITDKirTS. London, Bank of Sooiland Paris Credit Lyonnais Bermada, Bank of Bermuda Hew York, . Chase National Bank Sau Francisco, . Honi; Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Bosfion, ...... National Hide and Leather Dank Obiesvot ..... American Exohanire National. Bank China and Japan, . Hon«: Kon;? md Shanghai Baaktnif Coriporatton RCH ANTS' BANK OF INCORPORATED 18KNTS. , Bank of Sooiland . Credit Lyonnals . Bank of Bermuda Chase Kattoaal Bank 1 Banking Cor|>oration [Ide and Leather Bank ohange Katlonal.Bank I Bftnklny Oorpor»tton -BRANCHES IN BRIT VANCOUVER, i t: U i!^';,.^ifc r f 131 '~ ^off^ Simpson ' spa If- :; VaNCOU^S/? and Vfci-OR/A KiONDlkE ^UTt'"^' J ^ ^HOWAfBY -^TTED BLACk\UNE TR^^^l ■t o ~~Xi- — _ , 1 ^'•''-a ^ HAI^WKK F . . $1,075,000 ibia, and at St. Johns, Newfoundland. I. Sterling Bills of Exchange Bought and Negotiated. Accoimts Received avorable Terms. RITISH COI.UMBIJt LSON. { ROSSLAND. •'In the gr. Rockies, and be to say that it • old friends, tht ment) that in n "You c.i! detected witho.: get to the Caril to the pan. I lars to the pat are now bein astonish even i!i "But v.hrjt country una! tin favced by the C Near Bari from one claim J /KiVh/I.vH, I >ii. Extract of Repor^ ^ "In the gravels of all ihe streams ot' 6iUi;wi L.clunu. Rockies, and bet^f;en the 49th parallel and Cariboo, gold to say that it is tbind in every place in paying quantiities, b old friends, the pipspectors of gold-bearing gravels, will ■ ment) that in no stream or river can much dirt be washed v "You can start from the mouth of the Fraser and ca detected without a glass, and which may go one cent or one get to the Cariboo, where the old-timers toll me that they o\. to the pan. I am afraid that these shallow diggings where lars to the pan pre almost worked out; but I venture to asso are now being opened out by hydraulic methods will yield astonish even tho old-timers." "But vvhat I want to bring to your notice is the f.i. country unul three or four years ago made any attempt tu . favc-ed by the Californian hydraulicing companies." Near Bak! krville. " For the fabulous sums reali/f( from one claim. *iit from dozens, I must refer vou to the Gon- ■■ slivered i tlumbia bi jo, gold is tu iitiities, but 1 ;, will vouch < cashed withoi j ; and can fii at or onc-tciii \t they often h i ,/s where one )l '•0 to assert th t; will yield g\'I i s the fact tl, •'nipt to use the s realized in i he Governmt LiL d ly J. M. Buxton, be I to '. I '.: ch ou' fin' ■ntl. 1 h:. le . th. ■old veen Vancouver and the « found. I do not mean > assert (and most of my for the truth of my slate- getting at least a color." gold too mmute to bfe of a cent a yard; till you 4 several hundred dollars )Uld get hundreds of dol- :; the deep channels which in sufficient quantities to tha' we have never in this : thi more improved methods n i>ae day or one week, not neii! reports; and, at the same of V«ncoavcr, before it « Pint Annaal ATeetlnir ef tbe Korthwent St SitokMne, October, t f*95, ooaoernlng^ the Aurlferoos Gr»velK <> time, I must point out to you that many and manj out of the country without any official notice being ( I may statt that it is my firm belief that the Chinese at the pre? nt time over a quarter of a million per ui " Out 'f this district and its surroundings I tl turns, aboiii sixty millions have been taken." " Norri wards again of both the Fraser and the districts, i which the prospector, who, by the w; journey, c. i make good wages by rocking or shov ports brou: (it in by some of my men, I believe the g to be mucl richer than those in Cariboo." " We re as yet only at the commencement of British Co imbia, and I can assure yon that we sha The 1; t extract is in the way of Mocf verified the Provinie since this report was deli t eetUig: ftf tbe Korthweiit Minera' AMOci«tlon, lie Aurlferoas Gravels of Brltlah Columbia. I that many and many a hundred thousand dollars were carried »y official notice being directed thereto. While on this subject I belief that the Chinese miners take out of the Forks district arter of a million per annum." I its surroundings I think, according to the Government re- ive been taken." oth the Fraser and the Columbia are the Cassiar and Omineca sector, who, by the way, must have plenty of grit for this ges by rocking or shoveling into small sluices. From the re- my men, I believe the gravel deposits suitable for hydraulicing in Cariboo." the commencement of gravel mining by hydraulic methods in assure yop that we shall yet turn out millions." ; way of : ^loq- verified by works carried on in different parts of t was deli t J. M. BUXTON, 619 Granville Street, Vancouver, B. C. 51 o 50 +9 PROJECTEP RA/LV/AY r k BRITISH L 7 49 8 m A 134 B 133 » f iiiiiiiiiii' SOUTH or 54* / C9Jcnla Trails - Wacjon Roads - -- - '^ --' " -= = -- '■ Mmm^Reandiiuj Office Nelson mdicakd l>y Une drawn wtdu fu*me 132 D PdlMTEO BY.J R GRANT, v/dicouum •■ J. H. BRO Dominion and Provinc TIMBER REPORTS. Publisher of Brownlee's Hand' BlUTISH COLUMBIA MANAQEi ' ' OP. ADDRESS: ROOM 9» BANK ( ""■loll^ i l\i'>f'''»V^, o k^ 7 T y^ ^*'^^,^ .S'M/WWM' '^^^ "^/^ C( ^. ^ ECTED RA/LWAYS IsROWAf THU^ — •- 'i./-^ «^^ ITI5H CDLUIVIBIA' t&. ii'!l' i^'l risf SOUTH or 5'^' NORTH latjtude: TiTnmT' ScaU tf StuUtU Milts i9xnlaaa tion s ails j R.i *'•''' a.^ i^ f .1. . *-T .^<^J V ( ^Str- ^^ > -tun '■: <^■ ,\ cs;;^.'';,^'^.'-.,?''. •s .\ V *'^_ 1 M ,^ .•J* / ,'m;w-«WJi»' '•r' ' "'iMiwiiiinBi^.jjpipjiii mjn^p '•'^BWii^?'^ Canadian Pacific Railway GOi —AND— 800 PACIFIC LINE offer the :best and cheapest ROUTE TO /MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL OMAHA KANSAS CITY CHICAGO TORONTO MONTREAL VQUEBEC .AND EAST- The Only DIreot Route to the Koctenay Cold FleMs Is via the Canadian Paolflo Railway and Canadian Paolflo Steamer line on the Columbia River. ■.■.-.■, * i I Passengers Booked for all parts of Ruropk, China, Japan, India, Australia and New Zealand, Honolulu and Fiji [>