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Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symboie <-»> signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction retios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fiimte A des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grsnd pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est film6 A psrtir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de geuche A droits, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammas suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 [C NORTH AMRKIOA. No. 10 (1873). PllOTOCOL STGXED AT AVASniXCTOX ON THE lOin OF IMARCH.' 1873, nrnxTxr, rnr; BOUNDARY LINE rnnoron the CANAL DE HARO, r\ ArconB.vxcE tvith the AWARD OF THE EMPEROB OF GERMANY OF OCTOBER 21. 1872. PrrsnUrd to hnlli HoiiKOit of Pnrliamrnt hj Command of Her Majesty. 1873. [C— 73r>.] Price \d. LONDON : PRINTED BT nAUUISON AND RONS. Protocol signed at Wasliinffion on tho lOtli of March, 1873, <lefininL» th(^ Roundarv Line throuu:li tlie Canal do Ilaro, in accordance wiili tlio Award of the Emperor of Germany of October 21, 1N72. WITERRAS it was proxiilcd by the Ist Article of tlic Treaty between Great Britain and tlio United States of America, si-ncd at Wasliington on tiie 15th of June, 1H4G, as follows : — 'ARTICLE J. " From the point on tlie 4!)th parallel of north latitude, where the boundary laid down in existing Treatie>^ and Conventions hetween (ireat Britain and the Un'itcd States terminates, the line of boundary, between die territories of Her Britannic Maji'stv and those of the United States, shall l)e continued westward aloni; the said 4!»th paralkl of north latitude, to the middle of the cliannel which separates the Continent from Vancouver's Island; and tlienee soullurly tliiou-h tiic middle of the >aid channel, and of Fuca's Straits, to the I'ucitic Ocean ; provided, however, tiiat the navij:ation of the whole of the said channel and straits, south of the 4!)t)i parallel of north latitude, remain free and oj)cu to both Parties.' And whereas it was provided liy the WXlVtli Article of the Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of Ameriea, signed at Washiufijlon on tlie Hth of May, 1x71, as follows : — " ARTICLE XXXJV. " Whereas it was stipulated by Article I of the Treaty concluded at Washington on the l')th of June, ls4(;, between Her riritannic Majesty aiul the United States, that the line of boundary between tla; territories of Her Britamiie Majesty and those of the United States, from t lie point on the 4i)th jiarallel of north latitude, up' to which it had already been ascertained, should lu' eontiuued westward aloiiu,' the said |)arallel of north latitude to the middle of tlu ehaiuiel whicli ^eparates the Continent from A'anconver's Island, and thence southerly tlirough the middle of the said channel and of Iniea Straits to the Pacific Ocean, and whereas the Commissioners appointed by the two Ilij,di Contracting Parties to detennine that portion of the bouiulaiy which runs southerly through the middle of the channel aforesaid were unal)le to atrice upon the same ; and whereas the Government of Her Ibitaimie Majesty claims tf-.t such boundary line shouhl, under the terms of the Treaty above recited, be run through the llosaiio Straits, and the Government of the United States claims thai it should be run through the Canal de llaro, it is agreed that the respective clanns of the (lovermnent of ller Brilannie Majesty, and of the Governnient of tlie United States shall be submitted to the arbitration and'award of His Majesty the Eini)eror of (iermany, who, having regard to the abovementioncd Article of the said Treaty, shall decide thereupon, tiiially and without appeal, which of those elaims is most ill accordance witli the true interpretation of the Treaty of .lune 1 ;'», 184(i." And wht.'reas His Majesty tiie Emperor of German) has, by his award dated the 21st of October, Is7l', decided that"Mit der riehtigen Auslegung der zwischen den Rcgierungen Hirer Britischcn Majestiit und der vereinigten Staaten von aierika gescblossencn Vertrages de dato Washington den 15ter Juni, l^AG, steht der Anspruch der Regierung der vereinigten Staaten am nieissten ini EinUlangc, dass die Grenzlinie zwischen den Gebii;ten liner Britischeu Majestiit und den vereinigten Staaten durch den Ilaro Kanal gezogen werde." [■•106 1 B 2 The I'luli isi.:iuil. llic Hiulit I ItiiKiunililc Sir I'.dward 'riioMitoii, one of Hit Miijcsty's Most lldiioniMMc I'livy Coiimil. Kiiiulil ('oiiiiiiuikIii' ot tlif .Mo>t 1 loiioiinililc Ordrr of tlic l^iitli. Hit Hritiimiic .Majesty's Kiivoy KMnionlinary and Miiiistir I'lcnipoteiitiivy to llic I'lutiil SliiU's of Ainci'ica, and Ufar-Adniiial .iaiiios Cliaiii's l'ii>v(i-t, ( 'Mniinissioiii'i of IliM- l^iitaimic Maji-ty in ri'S|Hit ofllu' houiidary aluii'^a'd, and Hamilton l'"isli. Srcrctary of JSlntc (if the Initid Stati's, dniy anllioii/c'd li\ ilu'ir rc^iu'ctivo (;ov<'rinni'Uts to traco out and marl; on liiail" jufpaii'd lor thai jimiiiox- tlir line ol' luxnidary in conl'ornntv with the award ot His Maji-sty tfic I'lnipiTor ol' (icMir.any, and to roniiilctc llic di'tcrininatioii of so ninc'li of till' lionndavy line bctwcvn tin- i)nss('s>ions of (Iri'at Initain and the territory of the L'niti'd States, as was left uncoiuplcti'd l)y tlic C'oinniissiom rs iK'rctoforc ajjpointcd to carry into clfi-ct tlif 1st Articli; of tlic Treaty of 1 jtli .lune, IMti, liavc met to^atlier at Washington, and have traeid out and marked the said houndarv iini- on four eliarts, severally I'ntitled '• North Anuriea, West Coast. Strait of .luan de I'nea, and the Cliannels Itetwceii the Continent and \ ancoiiver Island, showing' the boundary Line between British and Anieriean Possessions, from the Admiralty Surveys hy Captains H. Kellett, II. N., 1^47, and (J. H. Kiehards, K.N., 1S.'jS-InGl' ;"' and havini,' on examination agreed tliat the lines so traeed and marked on the respective eharls are identical, they iiave severally sii;ne<l the said cliarf s on behalf of their respective (iovcrnments, two co|)ies thereof to be retained by tlie (iovernmont of Her Hritannie Majesty, and two coj)ics thereof to be retained by tlic Govcrmnent of the United States, to serve with the " Delinition of the l?oundarv I.ine attached hereto, showing the general hearings of the line ul' boundary as laid down on the charts, as a per|)etual record of ai,'reement between the two (lovernmcnts in the matter of the line of boundaiy between theii' respective dominions, under the 1st Article of the 'I'reaty eoneiuded at \\"ashini;ton on the l.'itii of .liu'c. ls:!';_ In witness whereof the Cndersigned have siij;iied this Protocol, and have hereunto affixed their seals. Uoiie in duplicate at Washington, this 10th day of March, in the year 1873. EDWD. THORNTON. (L.S.) JAMES C. PREVOST. (L.S.) HAMILTON FISH. (L.S.) Definition of the Boundon/ Linp. The chart upon which the boundary line between the British and United St.ntcs' Possessions is laiil down is entitled ''North America, West Coast, .Strait of .luan <le Fuca, and tlie Channels between the ('ontinent and X'ancouver Island, show inir the boundary Line between Ihitisb and Americim Possessions, from tiie Admiralty Surveys by Captains II. Kellett. U.N., ls47,and C. II. Richards, U.N.. l^,".s-l ^c,:.'.- The boundary line thus laid down on the chart is a black line, shaded red on the side of the Hriiisli Pi)s-<e-sions. and blue on the side of the Povvt^.-ions of the L'nited Stales, The iiduudaiv hue thus detined commences at the point on the lUth parallel of north latitude on tiie west side of Point Robarts, which is marked by a stone monument, and the line is contimicd alom; the same | U'allel to the middle of the channel which separates the Continent from \ ancouver Island, that is to say, to a point in ion^'itude 12-'5 I'.l' 15" west, as shown in the said chart. It then ])rocceds in a direction about south .'>() east (true) for about filteen jjeographical miles, when it curves to the southward passini^ e(|uidistant between the west point of Patos l-land and the east ])oint of Saturna Island until the point midway on a line drawn between Turn Point on Stewart Island and Fairtiix Point on Moresby Island bears south On west (true , distant IH miU's, then on a courst' south (i8" west (true) 10 miles to the said point midway between Turn Point or Stewart Island and Pairfax Point on Moresby Island, tiicnee on a course aiiont south 12 ^lO' cast (true tor about xj miles to a point <lne east 1 mile Iroui the northernmost kelp reel, which reef, on the .^aid chart, is laid down as iu latitude His .'J.T north and in ioiii^itude PJ-'i \'i ue-i ; then its directiou eontimio aiiout south lift l.')'cast (true) <>i miles to a point midway between Sea Bird Point on Discovery Island and Pde Point on San Juan Island, thence in a strai^dit line south 4.'') cast (true) until it touches the north end of the middle bank in between !•'$ and ]x fathoms of water; from this point the line takes a general south "JH" ."{(f west directiou (true) for about !<• miles, when it reaches the centre of the fiirway of the Strait of ,)uaii dc Fuca, wiiich by the chart is in the latitude of IS 17' north and longitude ]-j:i 1 r -40 we^t. Till nee the line rinis in a directi<in south 7.'i west (true) for I 'J miles to u point on 8 astrni-rht line dmwn from the lisht-l.onsc on Race lslm.,1 toAu-clus Point nii.lwnv lu-tnm. Tl.cncv flu. lino runs thron-h Ihc .rnlrc of tl.c Strait olM.ian dc l',„.a fi"rsl in ■. .Inrc ,on north SO" ;{..' wot al,„ut n; ...iKs to a point ...,ui.li.tant on a .tral.ht lin.. I,..hv.rn I5,t(Irt Ik-a.l nn \ancouvcr i.laii.l and Tonu'.u- l'..int .wi the shore of Wa^hiir-ton li-rntory: sm,n.l, ni a .Invction nnrij, 7'1 xv^.t i.i.uMt I.-.', n,i|., to a point i-,|„I.li-.tant !•. a strai-ht Im,; l.dwm. Shrrri,i;;han, l'.,int „„ \ ancouvcr Island and I'ill'r j'oint „ii th.« shor,. ot Waslnn-ton 1. mtor\ ; third, in a direction north CS'^ west, ahont ;x,' nnles to flu. lanheOceanat apnuile,p.i.li.ta„| bHwecn U.-nilla Point on Van. unvrr Isl;„ul and Jafoodi Island li-htlu.use ..., i|,.. .\n,ericaii shore, th.' liiu; hetween the point, hein'. nearly due north and south (title,. ' o '"j The courses and distaiuts a. ulveu in the lorc-oui- de-erip'uu. are not n-Miined to he perfecls' aeeura e hut are as m.ariv so ;„ is supposed 1,. he necessary to a practical delini- tioii ot the hue laid down on the cliart and inti-n.led to In- the honndary line. (Si-ned) KDWi). 'iliOKXroN. JAMKS ('. l'RK\()ST. HAMILTON KISU. ^ Si _ a CO a - r •>< H O ?* r 3 o r 1 ^ ti? i. M 1 NM &. s ►> ^ ^ iJ f^ 2, ^ a S ^s ' C3 o' 5' nq ^ i HH i g J? 5' 1 (-. i :- o* 1^ I 2> § O 2 c 1 ^ r. •' B c ^. ^•t •r - h- - > CO s CO -I M V, CO