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 London : Printed by Willi am Clowxs and Sons, Stamford-street. 
rs, Stamfoid-stieet. 
 The transition, from our acknowledged and defined 
 possessions upon the eastern side of the large con- 
 tinent of North America to the, at present, deba- 
 table land on its western shores, is, although phy- 
 sically difficult from the primitive condition of 
 the vast tract of country which intervenes, easy 
 enough for geographical and mental survey ; for 
 I we have merely to glance our eye across the map, 
 we look down upon a small portion of the 
 horld's surface, claimed, upon the plea of original 
 Idiscovery, by two mighty nations, whose har- 
 Imony, and with it possibly that of the whole civi- 
 liised world, its arrogated possession has threatened 
 Ito disturb. As a portion of the belt with which 
 Iwe girdle the northern region of that continent, it 
 Iwill not be considered out of place to add to the 
 Ipresent volume a brief and rapid description of the 
 Duntry, which has recently excited such absorbing 
 interest upon bodi sides of the Atlantic, and whick 
 p designated as the Oregon territory, from the cir- 
 cumstance of the waters of the large river which 
 [beirs the name of Oregon, or Columbia, either in 
 . ■ 1 
 . : 1 
 its main stream, or by its tributaries, forming the 
 natural drain of, and watering in their undulating 
 and serpentine course, the country through which 
 they flow. In the absence of any strictly defined 
 limits to this territory, and for the sake of tempo- 
 rary convenience, we may assume its northern and 
 southern boundaries to be formed by the 53° and 
 42* parallels of northern latitude, within which the 
 sources of the streams of this large confluence of 
 waters spring. To the west its natural boundary 
 is the Pacific Ocean, and to the east it presents a 
 lofty barrier in the Rocky Mountains and their 
 snow-clad and inhospitable peaks, which cut off 
 communication, except through occasional defiles 
 difficult to thread, from the plains and prairies 
 further eastward, watered by the Saskatchawan, and 
 the Missouri. This mountain range is the Northern 
 continuation of the enormous chain which runs, 
 but slightly deviating, from north to south through 
 the entire continent of America, and, as it were, con- 
 stituting it an organic whole by means of this ver- 
 tebral column, without which, doubtless, South 
 . America would have swung off into the great Ocean 
 as a vast island, a counterbalance to its antipodal 
 parallelism, New Holland. The area circumscribed 
 by this boundary contains about 400,000 square 
 miles (a space thus somewhat equal to twice the 
 dimensions of France) of considerably varied sur- 
 face, but in general character mountainous, with 
 intervening high upland pastures, and table-land 
 prairies. It is well watered, chiefly by the tribu- 
 laries of the great Columbia river, and its tem- 
 I perature, although varying considerably, as must 
 necessarily be the case in such an extensive tract, is 
 Lufficiently mild during its winters to admit of 
 cattle finding ah adequate supply of green pasture 
 throughout their duration. 
 The coast, from its northern extremity, as far 
 I couth as the parallel 48° N., is considerably indented 
 and fringed with creeks, and friths, and straits, 
 indicating the incessant action of the water upon 
 the main land by the bead-like chain of islands 
 Aat thus far skirt it, and which thus form a close 
 cover for the denizens of the main in the succession 
 of coves and channels, and point to one valuable and 
 prolific source for the exercise of the industry and 
 commerce of the future occupants of the adja ,'cnt 
 land. The most northerly of these islands is Que;, ii 
 Charlotte's, in the shape of a long lozenge, and 
 which is more than 100 miles in length, and 60 
 broad at its widest part, and situated at the northern 
 extremity of the boundary, but separated from the 
 main land by a distance greater than its extremest 
 breadth. A hundred miles further south, and trend- 
 ing to the coast, which laps round its southern apex, 
 jaqd separated therefrom by the strait known by 
 sname of its first discoverer, Juan de Fuca, lies 
 I Vancouver's Island, extending rather more than 
 200 miles south and about 35 miles broad, and of 
 I learly equal diameter throughout. Upon the wes- 
 em coast of this large Island lies Nootka sound, 
 iflown from the period of its discovery by Cook. 
 I II 

 •n 1 
 i'' » 
 This large Island is rich and versatile in its pic. 
 turesque beauty and romantic scenery, being densely 
 timbered, for even its very highest hills are covered 
 to the top with luxuriant woods which spread down- 
 wards to the very margin of the ocean, but varied 
 with wide plains and verdurous prairies, whicii 
 have been described as even more fertile than the 
 paradise of Oregon, the Walleraette valley, lying 
 between the Columbia and the Umqua. At its 
 northern extremity coal has been found, and ores of 
 silver, copper, and iron have been discovered 
 amongst its hills. The salubrity of its climate, and 
 its many natural advantages, have induced the Hud- 
 son's Bay Company to establish here their fort and 
 settlement named Victoria, in honour of our gra- 
 cious Queen. The broad arm of the sea, or strait, 
 which separates this island from the main, was 
 originally discovered in its south-western entrance 
 by the Greek voyager, Juan de Fuca, but it was 
 first navigated throughout its whole course by Van- 
 couver between 1792 and 1794, who closely in- 
 spected the sounds, gulfs, and archipelagos, with 
 which it abounds, the most interesting of which lie 
 off from the Straits of Fuca, bearing south and east, 
 and are Admiralty Sound, Puget's Sound, running 
 40 miles south of the parent strait. Hood's Canal, and 
 Ports Hudson and Discovery. The islands stud- 
 ding the angle of the strait whence these waters 
 turn off are described as being luxuriantly beauti- 
 ful in their vegetation, and have been named in 
 accordance with the features which most forcibly 
 struck the original discoverers thus we have Straw- 
 berry Cove, Cypress Island, and others as signi- 
 ficantly characterized. Some abound in deer, and 
 present the appearance of parks decorated with 
 clumps of trees as elegantly distributed as by the 
 hand of art studying decoration, thus proving the 
 veracity of Nature's apostle and apologist, who 
 *' Nature is made better by no mean ; 
 But Nature makes that mean." 
 For here Nature was in genuine deshabille and 
 wholly innocent of man's altering hand. It is into 
 the northern arm of the Straits of Fuca, different 
 portions of which have received different names 
 although but the same branch of the sea, and at the 
 soutiiern extremity of that part of the Strait 
 called the Gulf of Georgia, that Frazer's River, 
 navigable for light craft to a • considerable dis- 
 tance, debouches, emptying there the waters it has 
 accumulated in its southern course, running parallel 
 with the northern arm of its great twin sister the 
 Columbia River — the only two considerable rivers, 
 either with respect to the length of their course, or 
 to the body of water they convey to the Ocean, of 
 tiiose of the American Continent which flow into 
 the Pacific. The shores of the mainland skirting 
 this strait, but especially most northerly, alternate 
 between high rocky coasts covered with pines and 
 firs and low sandy sterile dunes, giving it thus an 
 inhospitable and cheerless aspect; but its waters 
 abound with a variety of fish, especially sturgeon. 
 J ■ 
 and at its extreme northern outlet whales were ob- 
 served gambolling in the Pacific. Proceediiifj 
 coastwise southward from the entrance of the Straits 
 of Fuca, several promontories and headlands jut 
 forth into the ocean, the most conspicuous of which 
 is Cape Flattery, which forms the apex of its south- 
 western extremity. Beyond this we have Cape 
 Disappointment, the northern boundary of the 
 estuary of the Columbia, and Cape Foul weather and 
 Blanco, further south. The whole coast as far as 
 Cape Mendecino, the northern extremity of Mexico, 
 presents a range of hills varying in their distance 
 from the sea, and descending to it either in gradual 
 slopes, or by spurs from the adjacent coast range 
 of mountains, which form the several promontories 
 and bluffs which rise abruptly, and give variation 
 to its line which occasionally sinks into low sandy 
 cliffs and beaches.' The uniformity of the line of 
 land is interrupted only by occasional small rivers 
 and streams, the chief of which, exclusive of the 
 Columbia, are the Umqua and the Clammet, the 
 sources of which are in the proximate range of hills. 
 The general aspect of this coast as seen from the 
 sea is that of abundant and luxuriant vegetation, 
 varying according to its undulation between pas- 
 ture land and forest. 
 In reascending the coast for the purpose of 
 ascertaining its capabilities in a maritime and com- 
 mercial point of view, which is necessarily de- 
 pendant upon the harbourage it offers, and the 
 facilities thence accruing for receiving and shel- 
 terlng vessels of burthen and of large draught, the 
 first available place is presented by the mouth of 
 the Columbia River itself, which in the native 
 name of one of its upper branches, discovered by 
 Carver, somewhere between 1766 and 1778, sup- 
 posed, from the indefinite description left, to be that 
 branch now known as the Flathead, or Clarke's 
 river, gives the name of Oregon to the whole 
 territory. The estuary of this river, which empties 
 itself into the Pacific a little north of the 46th de- 
 gree, lies so concealed by the bluffs and head- 
 lands whicb project in opposite directions and lap 
 across it, thus giving an uninterrupted appearance to 
 the coast, that although seven miles wide at its ex- 
 treme outlet between Cape Disappointment, a kind 
 of peninsula terminating in a steep knoll or pro- 
 montory, crowned with a forest of pine-trees, and 
 connected with the mainland by a low and narrow 
 neck, and Point Adams, which is a flat, sandy-spit 
 of land, stretching into the ocean, that it was not seen 
 by Vancouver in 1792, who sailed close to shore, 
 but was immediately afterwards discovered and 
 entered by Captain Gray, in the Columbia, the name 
 of whose vessel has been perpetuated in the name 
 of the river. Immediately within Cape Disappoint- 
 ment is a wide open bay, called Baker's Bay, and 
 terminating at Chenook Point, named from a 
 neighbouring tribe of Indians. The velocity of the 
 current of the river, combined with a bar or sand- 
 bank which stretches across its mouth, and extends 
 four or five miles into the sea, and over which there 
 ^^.' I 
 is scarcely ever a greater draught than about five 
 fathoms of water, together with a chain of breakers 
 upon the bar which check its direct navigation 
 and nearly block up its entrance, will prevent 
 its being accessible by vessels of large tonnage. 
 From various other causes it has been computed 
 that it cannot be entered more than three months 
 in every year, and it presents additional uncertainty 
 from the sand-banks at its entrance, being of a shift- 
 ing character, and rarely long in the same position. 
 A succession of sand-banks occupy the centre of 
 the broad mouth of this river, to a distance of twenty, 
 five miles upwards ; and these are succeeded by a 
 chain of islands which extend as far as the entrance of 
 the Cowlitz River, five and twenty miles still higher; 
 but it is navigable as far as Point Vancouver, 
 about a hundred miles from its mouth, where it is 
 about 600 fathoms wide and six fathoms deep. In 
 this vicinity its upward navigation also terminates, 
 owing to the succession of falls its now moun- 
 tainous course leaps down ; and its tidal variation, 
 which has a rise and fall of about eight feet at its 
 mouth, also gradually ceases. 
 Its course thus far is nearly south-east, but vary- 
 ing in breadth according to its bays and indenta- 
 tions. The shores are in some places high and 
 rocky, with low marshy islands at their feet, subject 
 to inundation, and covered with willows, poplars, 
 and other trees that love an alluvial soil. Some- 
 times the mountains recede and give place to beau- 
 tiful plains and noble forests. Whilst the river 
 ;han about five 
 'ain of breakers 
 |ect navigation, 
 will prevent 
 large tonnage, 
 leen computed 
 three months 
 [nal uncertainty 
 being of a shift. 
 3 same position. 
 the centre of 
 ance of twenty, 
 succeeded by a 
 I the entrance of | 
 les still higher; 
 nt Vancouver, 
 ith, where it is 
 loms deep. In 
 ilso terminates, 
 ts now moun- 
 tidal variation, 
 ight feet at its 
 east, but vary- 
 ! and indenta- 
 Lces high and 
 r feet, subject 
 lows, poplars, 
 soil. Some- 
 place to beau- 
 ilst the river 
 margin is richly fringed with trees of deciduous 
 foliage, the rough uplands are crowned by majestic 
 pines and firs of gigantic size, some towering to 
 the height of between two and three hundred feet, 
 with proportionate circumference. Out of these 
 die Indians make their great canoes and pirogues. 
 We thus find that the chief river of the country 
 is not navigable for large commercial enterprises ; 
 and proceeding coastwise from its mouth still 
 further north, at a distance of about twenty -five 
 miles, we discover in Gray's Bay a deep inlet, 
 which being but two miles and a half wide at its 
 entrance, expands within into a broad bay, nine 
 miles wide and seven long, which at its eastern ex- 
 tremity receives the waters of the Chickeeles River, 
 a small stream that descends from the mountains 
 which separate the seaward coast from the waters 
 of Puget's Sound. The same difficulty of shoally 
 water exists at the entrance of this sheltered cove 
 which we found at the mouth of the Columbia, the 
 whole intervening coast being remarkably moun- 
 tainous and rugged, and we have therefore to sail 
 8till further north for a safe and available harbour for 
 shipping. Nothing of this character presents itself 
 until redescending the Straits of Fuca, when we ap- 
 proach, near its south-eastern extremity, the two 
 deep bays discovered by Vancouver in 1792, and 
 named by him Ports Discovery and Hudson, a short 
 distance to the west of Hood's Canal. This harbour 
 is about two miles wide, with an extent of about 
 ten miles inland, and a depth of water varying from 
 :■ / 
 twenty-five to thirty fathoms. It has further the 
 advantage of being covered in front by an island 
 called Protection Island, of which Vancouver has 
 given the following description : — He says : " On 
 landing on the west end, and ascending its eminence, 
 which was a nearly perpendicular cliff, our atten- 
 tion was immediately called to a landscape almost 
 as enchantingly beautiful as the most elegantly 
 finished pleasure-grounds in Europe. The summit 
 of this island presented nearly a horizontal surface, 
 interspersed with some inequalities of ground, 
 which produced a beautiful variety on an extensive 
 lawn covered with luxuriant grass, and diversified 
 with abundance of flowers. To the north-west- 
 ward was a coppice of pine-trees, and shrubs of 
 various sorts, that seemed as if it had been planted 
 for the purpose of protecting from the north-west 
 winds, this delightful meadow, over which were 
 promiscuously scattered a few clumps of trees, that 
 would have puzzled the most ingenious designer 
 of pleasure-grounds to have arranged more agree- 
 ably. While we stopped to contemplate these se- 
 veral beauties of nature, in a prospect no less 
 pleasing than unexpected, we gathered some goose- 
 berries and roses in a state of considerable for- 
 wardness." This was on the 1st of May, 1792, 
 It was at the same period that he gives us the fol- 
 lowing pleasing description of the scenery in the 
 vicinity of Port Discovery, on the mainland:— 
 "The delightful serenity of the weather greatly 
 aided the beautiful scenery that was now presented. 
 as further the 
 ^y an island 
 Vancouver has 
 ^e says: "On 
 g its eminence, 
 ■liff, our atten- 
 idscape almost 
 lost elegantly 
 The summit 
 cental surface, 
 s of ground, 
 1 an extensive 
 md diversified 
 e north-west- 
 ind shrubs of 
 ■ been planted 
 ;he north-west 
 • which were 
 ' of trees, that 
 ious designer 
 ^ more agree- 
 late these se- 
 pect no less 
 some goose- 
 iderable for- 
 May, 1792, 
 'S us the fol- 
 5neryin the 
 mainland :— 
 ther greatly 
 V presented. 
 The surface of the sea was perfectly smooth, and 
 the country before us presented all that bounteous 
 nature could be expected to draw into one point of 
 view. As we had no reason to imagine that this 
 country had ever been indebted for any of its de- 
 corations to the hand of man, I could not possibly 
 believe that any uncultivated country had ever been 
 discovered exhibit,ing so rich a picture. The land 
 which interrupted the horizon below the north-west 
 and north quarters, seemed to be much broken, from 
 whence its eastern extent, round to south-east, was 
 bounded by a ridge of snowy mountains, appearing 
 to be nearly in a north and south direction, on 
 which Mount Baker rose conspicuously, remarkable 
 for its height and the snowy mountains that stretch 
 from its base to the north and south. Between 
 us and this snowy range, the land, which on the 
 sea-shore terminated like that we had lately passed, 
 in low perpendicular cliffs, or on beaches of sand 
 0? stone, rose here in a very gentle ascent, and was 
 well covered with a variety of stately forest-trees : 
 these, however, did not conceal the whole face of 
 ' the country in one uninterrupted wilderness, but 
 pleasantly clothed its eminences and chequered the 
 valleys, presenting in many directions extensive 
 spaces, that wore the appearance of having been 
 cleared by art, like the beautiful island we had vi- 
 sited the day before — a picture so pleasing could 
 not fail to call to our remembrance certain de- 
 lightful and beloved situations in Old England." 
 Contiguous to Port Discovery on the east is Port 
 Hudson, another inlet lying between the former 
 and Hood's Canal, which, with an opening one mile 
 broad, expands within in a semicircular form towards 
 the west to a distance of about eight miles, and 
 within this cavity presents an excellent harbour 
 with a depth of water averaging twenty fathoms. 
 Hood's Canal, Puget's Sound, and Admiralty Inlet, 
 afford each in their capacity and extent, excellent 
 places for anchorage, but none with the conveniences 
 for harbourage offered by those we have noticed. 
 Following the coast northward we do not again 
 find localities of equal capability for this purpose. 
 Frazer's river presents the same disadvantage that 
 we found rendering the navigation of the Columbia 
 impracticable to vessels of large tonnage in the bar 
 of sand which crosses its mouth, which appears to be 
 deposited at the mouth of all these rivers that de- 
 bouche, running from the eastward, into the Pacific, 
 and which would seem to arise from the counter- 
 action the waters of the Pacific offer to their rapid 
 flow. A further impediment to the harbourage of 
 the several creeks and inlets, such as Desolation 
 Sound, Bute's Canal, Loughborough Canal, and 
 Knight's Canal, &c. is offered by the archipelago of 
 islands which vessels must necessarily thread to 
 reach them, and the rapidity of the currents and 
 depth of water which flow within their channels. 
 This remark will refer to the whole coast to the 
 northern frontier of the territory north of Queen 
 Charlotte's Sound. 
 Having thus surveyed the coast line of this terri- 
 tory, we shall now return to its opposite frontier, 
 the all but impassable barrier of the Rocky or Stony 
 Mountains. We have before observed that this 
 forms a link of the great chain of the Andes, and 
 concurrently participates in the peculiarities of 
 those " Giants of the Western Star." It presents 
 the same characteristics of igneous origin in its 
 granitic masses, its gullies, and basaltic rocks, and of 
 volcanic agency still operating in the adjacent hot- 
 springs, and salt lakes, and waters, and the occa- 
 sional eruption of some of the craters of the parallel 
 cascade range where Mount St. Helen was seen 
 spouting forth its fire and smoke, and casting its 
 ashes to a distance of fifty miles. 
 This rocky and mountainous region has of course 
 not yet been subjected to the inspection which it 
 will progressively receive as greater facilities shall 
 present themselves in the occupation and settlement 
 of the adjacent country on its western side, which, 
 from the impulse emigration has taken thitherward, 
 seems to promise that it will eventually become 
 inhabited land, although the aridity of climate 
 arising from the great elevation of the plateaus in 
 their immediate vicinity does not augur favourably 
 for its agricultural cultivation, and these fastnesses 
 will possibly ever continue the exclusive domain 
 of their aboriginal denizens, the elk, the buffalo, 
 the argali, antelope, and bear, and their scarcely 
 more human destroyers, the nomadic hordes of 
 savages. From the direct observations yet made 
 I the greatest altitude of these mountains has been 
 I' , 
 r • 
 1^ i! 
 M I .=(. 
 ^l* ., 
 found to be about 16,000 feet above the level of 
 the sea, which is the height of Mount Brown and 
 Mount Hooker, between the parallels of 50 and 51 ; 
 and Fremont has calculated the elevation of the 
 highest peak in the vicinity of the south pass of the 
 Rocky Mountains which he scaled to be 13,579 feet 
 above the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. But he 
 considers that some of the peaks of the cascade 
 range are of still greater height, reaching the pro- 
 digious elevation of 20,000 feet ; and Mr. Thomp- 
 son is supposed to have ascertained the elevation of 
 one to be 25,000. But the extreme elevation of 
 the great steppes which range along the feet of 
 the Rocky Mountains take away from the true 
 height of their peaks, which, as we have shown, 
 yield to few in the known world in point of real 
 The elevation of the pass itself is 7000 feet above 
 the sea. In approaching the peaks which form the 
 crest of this ridge of mountains, Fremont and his 
 party frequently found little lakes held in the hol- 
 lows between the mountains ; sometimes when at 
 high elevations they saw in the valley before them, 
 and among the hills, a number of lakes of different 
 levels, some two or three hundred feet above others, 
 with which they communicate by foaming torrents, 
 all sending up the roar of their cataracts. It was 
 on the 13th of August that the highest peak ap- 
 peared so near that they supposed it would be an 
 easy day's work to reach it, and that they would be 
 able to return back to the encampment in the even- 
 e the level of 
 mt Brown and 
 5 of 50 and 51 ; 
 evation of the 
 outh pass of the 
 ) be 13,579 feet 
 jxico. But he 
 of the cascade 
 iching the pro- 
 id Mr. Thomp. 
 the elevation of 
 le elevation of 
 ng the feet of 
 from the true 
 ^e have showii, 
 a point of real 
 7000 feet above 
 which form the 
 remont and his 
 leld in the hoi- 
 stimes when at 
 ;y before them, 
 kes of different 
 et above others, 
 aming torrents, 
 ;aracts. It was 
 ^hest peak ap- 
 t would be an 
 they would be 
 snt in the even- 
 ing. But the first ridge hid a succession of others, 
 and the advance was slow ; and when, with great 
 difiiculty, they had climbed up a rugged acclivity 
 five hundred feet high, it was to make but a descent 
 of about the same distance to reach the ascent of a 
 higher ridge. Every ridge that was surmounted 
 was supposed would be the last, until they were 
 involved in the most rugged pi'ecipices, sometimes 
 passing beneath bridges formed by huge fragments 
 of granite, and at others clambering over rocks 
 ^ippery with ice and snow. The day was thus 
 passed in these wearying yet exciting marches, and 
 without food ; and now, elevated ten thousand feet 
 above the Gulf of Mexico, they lay down upon the 
 snow to sleep. They resumed their effort to reach 
 the summit the following day, having previously ob- 
 tained food from the camp below. The party soon 
 came scattered among fields of ice and innume- 
 rable precipices, each seeking the best path to ascend 
 the peak. After another day's toil and another 
 night's rest, they at length reached the snow line, 
 and then commenced uninterrupted climbing, and 
 the use of their toes became necessary to assist them 
 in their further advance. Shortly they reached a 
 point where the buttress was overhanging, and there 
 was no other way of surmounting the difficulty than 
 by passing round one side of it which formed the 
 face of a vertical precipice several hundred feet 
 high. A small valley was passed and another ascent 
 climbed, and the crest was reached. Fremont 
 sprang in transport upon its summit, yet one step 
 r> \ 
 more would have precipitated him into an immense 
 snow field five hundred feet below. The crest was 
 a narrow strip only three feet wide. The barometer 
 was mounted in the snow of the summit ; a ramrod 
 was fixed in a crevice, and on it the American flag 
 was unfurled. No signs of life had been perceived 
 in these upper regions, and the most profound and 
 terrible solitude reigned around and forced upon 
 the mind the great features of the place. Whilst 
 seated here, a common humble bee, winging its 
 flight from the eastern valley, alighted on the knee 
 of one of the men, and was captured and preserved 
 as th^ only record of organic life observed at these 
 great altitudes, and in this vast solitude. 
 Another traveller. Captain Bonneville, thus de- 
 scribes the ascent of this crest and the magnificent 
 view from it. After much toil, he reached the 
 summit of a lofty cliff, but it was only to behold 
 gigantic peaks rising all around and towering far 
 into the snowy regions of the atmosphere. Selecting 
 one which appeared to be the highest, he crossed a 
 narrow intervening valley, and began to scale it. 
 He soon found that he had undertaken a tremen- 
 dous task ; the ascent was so steep and rugged that 
 he was frequently obliged to clamber on hands and 
 knees, with his gun slung across his back. Fre- 
 quently exhausted with fatigue, and dripping with 
 perspiration, he threw himself upon the snow 
 and took handfuls of it to allay his parching 
 thirst ; but ascending still higher, cool breezes 
 refreshed him, and springing on with fresh ardour, 
 he at length attained the summit. Here a scene 
 burst upon his view, which for a time astonished 
 and overwhelmed him with its immensity. He 
 gtood in fact upon that dividing ridge which the 
 Indians regard as the crest of the world, and on 
 each side of which the landscape may be said to 
 decline to the two cardinal oceans of the globe. 
 Whichever way he turned his eye it was con- 
 founded by the vastness and variety of objects. 
 Beneath him the Rocky Mountains seemed to open 
 all their secret recesses ; deep solemn valleys, glit- 
 tering lakes, dreary passes, rugged defiles, and 
 foaming torrents ; while beyond their savage pre- 
 ciacts the eye was lost in an almost immeasurable 
 landscape stretching on every side into dim and 
 hazy distance, like the expanse of a vast sea. 
 Whichever way he looked he beheld vast plains 
 glimmering with reflected sunshine ; mighty 
 streams wandering on their shining course toward 
 either ocean ; and snowy mountains, chain beyond 
 chain, and peak beyond peak, till they melted like 
 clouds into the horizon. He stood for awhile 
 gazing upon this scene, lost in a crowd of vague 
 and indefinite ideas and sensations. A long-drawn 
 ingpiration at length relieved him from this en- 
 thralment of the mind, and he began to analyze the 
 parts of this vast panorama. The enumeration of a 
 few of its features will give some idea of its col- 
 lective grandeur and magnificence. The peak he 
 stood on commanded the whole varied river chain, 
 which may be considered one immense mountain. 
 V W 
 broken into snowy peaks and lateral spurs, and 
 seamed with narrow valleys^ some of which glit. 
 tered with silver lakes and gushing streams, the 
 fountain-heads, as it were, of the mighty tributaries 
 to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Beyond the 
 snowy peaks to the south, and far below the moun- 
 tain range, the Sweet Water river was seen pursuing 
 its tranquil way through the rugged region of the 
 Black Hills. In the east the head-waters of Wind 
 River wandered through a plain, until, mingling in 
 one powerful current, they forced their way 
 through the range of Horn Mountains, and were 
 lost to view. To the north were caught glimpses 
 of the upper streams of the Yellowstone, the great 
 tributary of the Missouri. In a north-westerly 
 direction were seen some of the sources of the 
 Oregon or Columbia, flowing past the towering 
 landmarks called the Three Tetons, and pouring 
 their waters down into the great lava plain ; and 
 beneath, at his feet, were the Green River, or 
 Colorado of the West, setting forth on its pil- 
 grimage to the Gulf of .California ; at first a mere 
 mountain-torrent, dashing northward over crag and 
 precipice, in a succession of cascades, and tumbling 
 into the plain, where, expanding into an ample 
 river, it circled away to the south, and after alter- 
 nately shining out and disappearing in the mazes 
 of the vast landscape, was finally lost in a horizon 
 of mountains, distinctly discernible through the 
 purity of the atmosphere encircling this immense 
 area with their outer range of shadowy peaks 
 faintly marked upon the verge of the horizon. To 
 descend and extricate himself from the heart of 
 this rock-piled wilderness was almost as difficult as 
 to penetrate it. He took his course down the 
 ravine of a tumbling stream, descending from rock 
 to rock, and shelf to shelf, between stupendous 
 cliffs and beetling crags that sprang up to the sky. 
 Often obliged to cross and recross the rushing tor- 
 rent as it wound foaming and roaring down its 
 broken channel, or walled by perpendicular pre- 
 cipices, and sometimes passing beneath cascades 
 which pitched from such lofty heights that the 
 water fell into the stream like heavy rain ; in other 
 places torrents came tumbling from crag to crag, 
 dashing into foam and spray, and making tre- 
 mendous din and uproar. 
 Within sight thus of this spot are the sources of 
 several large rivers, viz. the Rio Colorado of the 
 Gulf of California, and the Columbia in its south 
 branch, flowing west ; and of the Yellowstone and 
 the Nebraska, both branches of the Missouri, and 
 of the Great Missouri itself, flowing east. It is thus 
 both east and west that this gigantic chain of moun- 
 tains nourishes, by the percolation of the eternal 
 snows of its high summits, the waters which on 
 both sides meander in their huge serpentine course 
 through the vast countries they fertilize. 
 The Rocky Mountains, known to the early ex- 
 plorers as the Chippewyan Mountains, do not pre- 
 sent a range of uniform elevation, but rather 
 groups, and occasionally detached peaks. Though 
 ■< . . 
 1.1 i.' 
 1 1 ....^ ' 
 N 1^ 
 i i. 
 some of these rise to the region of perpetual snows 
 yet their height from their immediate bases is not 
 so great as might be imagined, as they swell up 
 from elevated plains, several thousand feet above 
 the level of the ocean. These plains are often of a 
 desolate sterility, mere sandy wastes, formed of the 
 detritus of the granite heights, destitute of trees 
 and herbage, scorched by the ardent and reflected 
 rays of the summer's sun, and in winter swept by 
 chilling blasts from the snow-clad mountains. Such 
 is a great part of that vast region extending north 
 and south along the mountains, several hundred 
 miles in width, which has not been improperly 
 termed the Great American Desert. It is a region 
 that almost discourages all hope of cultivation, and 
 can be only traversed with safety by keeping near 
 the streams which intersect it. Extensive districts 
 likewise occur among the higher regions of the 
 mountains of considerable fertility ; between them 
 are deep valleys with small streams winding through 
 them, which find their way to the lower plains, and 
 discharge themselves into those vast rivers which 
 traverse the prairies like great arteries, and drain 
 the continent. 
 Between this lofty ridge and the next intersect- 
 ing one which runs parallel with it, the high plains 
 which rise into a table-land of considerable eleva- 
 tion, are at intervals gored and gashed with nu- 
 merous and dangerous chasms from four to ten feet 
 wide ; and it is even sometimes necessary to travel 
 a distance of fifty or sixty miles to get round one 
 of these tremendoua ravines ; and the lower plain, 
 which extends to the feet of these mountains, is 
 broken up near their bases into crests and ridges, 
 resembling the surges of the ocean breaking on a 
 rocky shore. 
 A remarkable peculiarity incidental to this 
 mountain range is that, on its eastern slope, the river 
 and creek bottoms are fertile and luxuriant in 
 their vegetation, whilst the ascents themselves are 
 desolate and barren ; whereas on the western side 
 these features are reversed, the mountain slopes 
 affording rich pasturage for flocks and herds, whilst 
 the valleys through which the streams flow are 
 sterile, rocky, and bare. ,,, 
 Nearly parallel to this lofty range, and at nearly 
 qual distances, a second and a third intervene, 
 within the territory watered by the Columbia, and 
 between it and the sea, running nearly north and 
 south, thus dividing it into three regions. The 
 first, or highest range, is called the Blue Moun- 
 tains, a name derived from the azure tint with 
 which they are clothed when seen from a distance, 
 between which and the Rocky Mountains lie high 
 table-land or steppes. The southern part of this 
 region is, as we have described it, a desert of vol- 
 canic origin, deep narrow valleys, and wide plains 
 ''overed with sand and gravel. During the winter 
 there is but little snow upon the valleys, but the 
 summits of the mountains are never bare. It rarely 
 rains, and no dew falls. Between the Blue Moun- 
 tains and the cascade range, that nearest to the 
 Pacific, and so named from the succession of falls 
 which the Columbia makes in its passage across 
 them, foaming impetuously towards the ocean, may 
 be called the middle region of Oregon. 
 The immediate vicinity of these mountains is 
 shagged with dense and gloomy forests, and cut up 
 by deep and precipitous ravines ; the ground some- 
 times broken by a brawling stream, with a broken 
 rocky bed and with shouldering cliffs and promon- 
 tories on either side. But from these savage and 
 darkly wooded defiles the landscape occasionally 
 changes as if by magic. The rude mountains and 
 rugged ravines soften into beautiful hills and inter- 
 vening meadows, with rivulets winding through 
 fresh herbage, and sparkling and murmuring over 
 gravelly beds, the whole forming a verdant and 
 pastoral scene which derives additional charms 
 from being locked up in the bosom of such a hard 
 hearted region. 
 The general chrracterof this middle region is 
 elevated and dry, and less fertile than that portion 
 which skirts the ocean. It consists chiefly of 
 plains, covered with grass and small shrubs. Forest 
 timber is here comparatively scarce, and the trees 
 which are found are of the softer kinds of wood, 
 and useless for economical purposes, as the wil- 
 low, the sumac, and the cotton wood. Although 
 its atmosphere is characterized as dry, it is visited 
 by periodical rains, but the climate is healthy. 
 The country is not adapted for the cultivation 
 of the cereals, but is well suited for pasture land. 
 as is testified by the abundance of horses reared 
 here by the Indians. The most promising section 
 of the country is that which lies between the 
 cascade range and tiiC sea, and which we may 
 style the lowlands. It is a strip of land varying 
 between 30 and 100 miles in width and inter- 
 sected by spurs, set off occasionally from the range 
 which forms its frontier. The climate within this 
 district is warm and dry. From April to Octo- 
 ber, during the prevalence of the westerly winds, 
 rain seldom falls, but during the other months, 
 when the wind blows constantly from the south, 
 the rain is almost incessant. Snow is rarely seen 
 in this district, and agricultural operations can be 
 carried on throughout the whole of the year. Most 
 of the productions of the northern states of Ame- 
 rica thrive here, and horses and cattle can subsist 
 throughout the winter without fodder. The second 
 bottoms of rivers, being above inundation, are very 
 fertile, and extensive tracts are covered with rich 
 and luxuriant grass. The forests on the uplands 
 and sloping mountain ridges abound with timber- 
 trees of very large size, consisting chiefly of pines, 
 fir, larch, and their congeners. The most fertile 
 region of the whole of this fertile district is the 
 Yalley of the Wallemette, a stream which flows 
 westerly from its source, in the cascade range, 
 in the vicinity of that of the Umqua, when subse- 
 quently curving northerly it glides into the Columbia 
 at about 90 miles from the mouth of that river. 
 The valley through which this river runs is about 

 f -, 
 M'" 1 *1 
 H ^ 
 ■i\ tr^T'" 
 300 miles long, and its sheltered situa'ion has an 
 obvious effect upon its climate ; for it is a region 
 of great beauty and luxuriance, with lakes and pools 
 and green meadows shaded by noble groves. The 
 country bordering this river is finely diversified 
 with prairies and hills, and forests of oak, ash, 
 maple, and cedar. It abounds with elk and deer, 
 and the stream itself is well stocked with beaver. 
 In the vicinity of the mountains it is interspersed 
 with glens and ravines well wooded; its copses 
 abound in game, and the land, in its natural state, 
 is usually ready for the plough and exceedingly 
 productive. The climate is mild, and the air is 
 loaded with the perfume of the odoriferous shrubs 
 which nature has profusely scattered over the 
 It is through these three distinct districts that 
 the great Columbia river takes its course, fed by 
 the large arms of its several tributaries, all the 
 principal branches of which take their rise, to- 
 gether with the main stream, from the Rody 
 Mountains. It commences its course in about la- 
 titude 50", and flows north-westerly beyond latitude 
 52° where it curves southerly at its junction with 
 Canoe river. It is near this angifc, between Mounts 
 Hooker and Brown, where the most northern pass 
 opens to the Eastern country watered by the Saskat- 
 chawan. It now takes its course, flowing in a di- 
 rect line south and forming a string of lakes on the 
 eastern side of the Blue MountainSj as far as parallel 
 49", where it receives its first tributary, in Flatbow 
 River, which has just expanded into a wide lake, 
 and which from its source near that of the Co- 
 lumbia had taken a southerly range along the foot 
 of those mountains and a subsequent curvature 
 northwards, as it were, the duplication of that 
 taken by the Columbia itself. It is now speedily 
 joined by Clarke's, or Flathead river, which, after 
 a devious curve from its origin in latitude 46" in 
 the Rocky Mountains, runs nearly parallel with the 
 return of the Flatbow, and joins the Columbia 
 about 30 miles below that river. The Columbia 
 then proceeds due south, and forming an angle 
 round the base of the Blue Mountains, rushes pre- 
 cipitously eastward through a gorge of that chain, 
 when curving round their western slopes it receives 
 the Okanagan, which is rather a succession of lakes 
 than a river, that derive their influx of waters 
 from the western defiles of the range. The two 
 rivers, about the place of their confluence, are bor- 
 dered by immense prairies, covered with herbage, 
 but destitute of trees ; and the point itself is orna- 
 mented with wild flowers of every hue, in which 
 innumerable humming-birds banquet the live-long 
 Thus speeded onward, it undulates in a tortuous 
 course, along the western base of the Blue Moun- 
 tains, and it is at the angle here formed, of which 
 the point of juncture with the Okanagan may be 
 considered the apex, that that remarkable feature 
 called the Grande Coulee occurs, the conforma- 
 tion of which plainly indicates that the course 
 I* 'i 
 * ■ I 
 m ' 
 of the stream was once in its bed, but by some 
 violent orgasm of nature it has been forcibly 
 conveyed through a different defile, to its pre- 
 sent channel on the opposite side of the moun. 
 tains. The Coulee is a broad chasm, between 
 basaltic palisades, about 800 feet high. It varies 
 from two to three miles in width, and is about 
 fifty miles long. Its bottom is plain, apparently 
 level ; but to the north there are several granite 
 knolls resembling islands, about 700 feet high, 
 which are called the lies des Pierres. A gently 
 undulating prairie country leads to the Coulee des 
 Pierres, which in its peculiarities resembles the 
 Grande Coulee, but it is on a smaller scale. This 
 turns off at right angles, and joins the Columbia. 
 What tends to confirm the opinion that this once 
 formed the channel of the Columbia is the appear- 
 ance of boulders of granite being found at its south- 
 ern extremity, whilst no rock of that substance is 
 found nearer than its northern commencement. 
 The river, still proceeding in its southerly course 
 , with considerable sinuosity, receives near lat. 46" 
 its great southern branch, the Saptin, or Lewis' 
 River. This river has its origin near the south pass 
 of the Rocky Mountains, and there called the 
 Snake River. It flows north-westerly through 
 the wide and elevated prairie or steppe-land lying 
 between the Rocky and the Blue Mountains, 
 receiving many tributaries, chiefly from the west, 
 deducing their origin from the Blue Mountains. 
 The largest of these is Malheur River, exceedingly 
 tortuous in its course. It is next joined by Salmon 
 River, the largest of its eastern tributaries, and 
 subsequently by the Kooskooskee, both of which 
 spring from the Rocky Mountains. It is through- 
 out the prairies watered by these rivers that buf- 
 faloes still range in enormous herds, but which are 
 daily decreasing in consequence of the indiscri- 
 minate slaughter of them by the Indians. Clarke's 
 River now joins the Columbia, by a direct easterly 
 course, having first precipitated itself over the falls 
 and obstructions of the Blue Mountains. From 
 this point of juncture, flowing a short distance fur- 
 ther south, the Colombia receives the waters of the 
 Walla Walla, and then takes at right angles a course 
 due west, turbulently precipitating itself in a suc- 
 cession of rapids, first through the Dalles, which 
 name is given to that portion of the river where its 
 channel lies within the compressed space of about 
 30O feet, confined within basaltic perpendicular 
 walls, through which the river appears to have worn 
 gradually its present deep course. Just above these 
 Dalles it receives John Day's River, and Shuter's 
 River from the south ; and at their junction with it 
 the country is flat and sandy, with loose grass and 
 cacti distributed over it, affording shelter for the 
 hares and game with which it abounds. It is now 
 impelled forward through the broken country and 
 precipitous declivities of the Cascaderange of moun- 
 tains, which derives its name from the succession 
 of rapids over which the Columbia tears and boils. 
 c 2 ' 
 These falls or rapids are situated about one hun- 
 dred and eighty miles above the mouth of the river. 
 The first is a perpendicular cascade of twenty feet 
 after which there is a swift descent for a mile, be- 
 tween islands of hard black rock, to another pitch 
 of eight feet divided by two rocks. About two miles 
 and a half below this the river expands into a wide 
 basin, seemingly dammed up by a perpendicular 
 ridge of black rock. A current, however, sets 
 diagonally to the left of this rocky barrier where 
 there is a chasm forty- five yards in width. Through 
 this the whole body of the river roars along, swell- 
 ing and whirling and boiling for some distance in 
 the wildest confusion ; and here, in descending this 
 turbulent stream, the chief danger arises, not from 
 the rocks but from the great surges and whirlpools. 
 At a distance of a mile and a half from the foot of 
 this narrow channel is a rapid, formed by two rocky 
 islands ; and two miles beyond is a second great 
 fall, over a ledge of rocks twenty feet high, ex- 
 tending nearly from shore to shore. The river is 
 again compressed into a channel from fifty to a 
 hundred feet wide, worn throrgb a roii^h bed of 
 hard black rock, along which it boils and roars 
 with great fury for the distance of three miles. 
 This portion is called the " long narrows." Be- 
 fore it again expands into the usual amplitude of its 
 stream, it is bordered by stupendous precipices, 
 clothed with fir and white cedar. One of these 
 precipices or cliffs is curiously worn by time and 
 ibout one hun- 
 th of the river. 
 of twenty feet, 
 for a mile, be- 
 another pitch 
 bout two miles 
 ds into a wide 
 however, sets 
 barrier where 
 idth. Through 
 8 along, swell- 
 [16 distance in 
 escending this 
 ises, not from 
 nd whirlpools. 
 >m the foot of 
 by two rocky 
 second great 
 feet high, ex- 
 The river is 
 •cm fifty to a 
 rourrh bed of 
 )ils and roars 
 ' three miles. 
 rrows." Be- 
 iplitude of its 
 IS precipices, 
 Dne of these 
 by time and 
 the weather, which have given it the appearance of a 
 ruined fortress, with tower and battlements beetling 
 high above the river ; while two small cascades, 
 one hundred and fifty feet in height, pitch down 
 from the fissures of the rocks. 
 Between this its last descent and the sea, it re- 
 ceives the Wallemette from the south at the point 
 where its own tides cease, which at its estuary have 
 a rise and fall of about eight feet ; and this estuary, 
 with its facilities for navigation, and with that its 
 prospect of ever forming a large commercial depot, 
 has been already described. 
 The agricultural capabilities of a new country 
 must necessarily determine the prospective advan- 
 tages to be derived from its extensive colonisation ; 
 and as the country we have thus rapidly traversed 
 has been carefully inspected with this view by a 
 very competent judge, Mr. Famham, we will 
 briefly state the result of his investigation, whence 
 it appears that the whole of the elevated land lying 
 between the Blue Mountains and the Rocky Moun- 
 tains, through which the Upper Columbia and the 
 Saptin or Lewis River flow, is an alternation of 
 vast tracts of desert and prairie, scored by volcanic 
 ravines and chasms, occupied by nomadic tribes of 
 ferocious Indians, essentially hunters from the 
 nature of the soil and climate, and changing their 
 position with the migrations of the animals which 
 they pursue. The next interval, lying between the 
 Blue Mountains and the Cascade Range, is also but 
 a succession of deserts, dotted it is true here and 
 ''I' J 

 ii^ 1. 
 there with habitable spots, but still possessing no 
 feature sufficiently indicative of being capable of 
 wide agricultural exertions, although in the im- 
 mediate vicinity of the streams grain and fruit may 
 thrive. The remainder of the territory, commonly 
 called the " Low Country," is the only portion of 
 it that bears any claim to an agricultural character. 
 It is bounded on the north by the Straits of Fuca 
 and Puget's Sound, in lat. 48 ; on the east by the 
 Cascade Range, on the south by the parallel of 42, 
 and on the west by the Ocean ; thus comprising 
 seven degrees of latitude and about one hundred 
 miles of longitude, equal to about 49,000 square 
 miles, which is equivalent to 31,000,000 acres. 
 About one third of this may be ploughed and 
 another third pastured. The remainder consists of 
 irreclaimable ridges of minor mountains crossing 
 the country in all directions. To this should be 
 added Vancouver's Island, 200 miles long by 30 
 in average width ; and Queen Charlotte's Island, 
 100 miles long by an average of 15 in width; in 
 both which may be supposed to be the same ratio 
 of arable, pasture, and irreclaimable land, viz. 
 1,500,000 acres of each. And thus we have a 
 rough, but, I believe, a generally correct estimate 
 of the agricultural capacities of Lower Oregon— 
 about 12,000,000 of acres of arable, and 12,000,000 
 of acres of pasture land. The arable land of other 
 parts of the territory is so inconsiderable as to be 
 scarcely worthy of mention. At a rough calcula- 
 tion there are about 10,000,000 of acres of pasture 
 )osse8sing no 
 g capable of 
 in the im- 
 and fruit may 
 y, commonly 
 ly portion of 
 ral character, 
 raits of Fuca 
 east by the 
 arallel of 42, 
 5 comprising 
 one hundred 
 9,000 square 
 0,000 acres, 
 loughed and 
 er consists of 
 ains crossing 
 is should be 
 I long by 30 
 Dtte's Island, 
 in width ; in 
 le same ratio 
 e land, viz. 
 we have a 
 ect estimate 
 er Oregon— 
 i 12,000,000 
 and of other 
 ble as to be 
 igh calcula- 
 BS of pasture 
 land in all the region east of the Cascade Range. 
 Thus, throughout Oregon, there are but 12,000,000 
 of acres of arable country. And within the limits 
 described we have a surface of 215,000,000 of 
 acres ; deducting from this 32,000,000, as the ha- 
 bitable portion, leaves 183,000,000 of acres of 
 deserts and mountains. 
 Howsoever arid and barren the general features 
 of a large country may be, and as unprofitable as 
 its aspect is to the eye that views it, solely with 
 regard to its promise of utility to large communi- 
 ties of civilized man, yet nature is never so niggard 
 of attractive charms as not to present a pleasing 
 picture, when these, which are widely disseminated 
 over a large surface, are brought into close and 
 compact conjunction. Therefore in the brief sur- 
 vey we shall take of the productions of this country, 
 it must be borne in mind that many of them are 
 procured severally from very distant localities, and 
 combined in one apparent cornucopia. They seem 
 even already to have allured numerous bands of 
 emigrants to toil, sanguine with the hope of pro- 
 spective advantage, across wide and desolate deserts, 
 from the industrious and thriving communiti js of 
 civilization, into the heart of the wilderness. Man's 
 chief necessaries are food and shelter, and the co- 
 lonist, in selecting a new and distant country for 
 habitation, must waive all idea of the stores he 
 may convey with him, or the supplies he may con- 
 ceive himself able to command, and first ascertain 
 if, indefault of these, the new home will fui'nish 
 if i 
 him with his absolute wants. The earth is some- 
 times, yet rarely, the parent who, when she is asked 
 for bread, gives a stone ; and here, by the computa- 
 tion we have just shown, she would thus prove 
 herself. Yet is the land diversified in its produce. 
 Many edible roots are found upon which whole 
 tribes of aborigines feed, and when we remember 
 that the potato and the yam are both natives of 
 America, we see no reason why other roots as be- 
 neficial to man might not occur amongst the varied 
 vegetation of that prolific region. 
 In a country so much Intersected by rivers as is 
 the heart of Oregon, their immediate vicinity will 
 of course present a luxuriant vegetation, and it is 
 chiefly in the line of the watercourses that it has 
 been inspected. The aridity of the climate arising 
 from the great elevation of the largest portion of 
 the landy and the absence of refreshing rains, are 
 the chief causes of its general barrenness. No rain 
 falls between April and October, and a temperature, 
 which during the middle of the day at this season fluc- 
 tuates between 75 and 93 degrees, must necessarily 
 parch up the whale surface of the land, which gapes 
 in fissures for refreshing irrigation. But so free a 
 compensator is Nature, that the bunch grass, pe- 
 culiar to the wide steppes, thus burnt up, retains, 
 unlike other grasses, its nutritious qualities, even 
 when dried upon the soil. Fertile spots alone pro- 
 duce the roots to which we have alluded, the chief 
 of which is the Wappatoo, which gives its name to 
 an island where it abounds, dividing the Walle- 
 mette into two branches at its conjunction with 
 the Columbia. 
 The forest timbers are white oak, hemlock, 
 spruce, fir, yellow pine, ash, white and red ccdnr, 
 maple, willow, and a few walnut; of which the 
 fir and cedar, should the country eventually be- 
 come colonized, will be among its most valuable 
 articles of export. Flax, hemp, and cotton grow 
 in the lower country. It numbers many aromatic 
 shrubs, and the forests are rendered almost impene- 
 trable by clambering vines and parasites. It pro- 
 duces fruits in great abundance and of various 
 kinds, such as gooseberries, both yellow and purple, 
 the former growing on a stalk free from thorns. 
 There are also three kinds of currants, one very 
 large and well tasted, purple, and growing on a 
 bush eight or nine feet high ; another of a yellow 
 colour, and of the size and taste of the large red 
 currant, on a bush four or five feet high ; and the 
 third a beautiful scarlet, resembling the strawberry 
 in sweetness, though rather insipid, and growing on 
 a low bush. Strawberries are found in profusion, 
 as also are raspberries, both red and yellow ; very 
 large and finely flavoured whortleberries, cran- 
 berries, service-berries, blackberries, sloes, and 
 wild and choke cherries. Among the flowering 
 vines is one deserving of particular notice. Each 
 flower is composed of six leaves or petals, about 
 three incbes in length, of a beautiful crimson, the 
 inside spotted with white. Its leaves, of a fine 
 green, are oval and disposed in threes. This plant 
 climbs upon trees without attaching itself to them- 
 when it has reached the topmost branches, it de. 
 scends perpendicularly, and as it continues to grow 
 extends from tree to tree, until its various stalks 
 interlace the grove like the rigging of a ship. The 
 stems or trunks of this vine are tougher and more 
 flexible than willow, and are from fifty to one 
 hundred fathoms in length. From the fibres the 
 Indians manufacture baskets of such close texture 
 as to hold water. This country teems also with 
 innumerable flowers, which enamel the pastures 
 with the varied beauties of their tints. 
 Just as the geological constitution of a country 
 influences its vegetation will the latter affect its zoo- 
 k)gy ; thus the frugivorous birds and animals follow 
 fruits, as the gramnivorous do the grains and roots; 
 and the wide prairie lands and forests afford sus- 
 tenance to those which pasture and browse; and 
 where these abound we invariably find the carni- 
 vorous tribes in their track. Thus nature, by its 
 succession of links both of conformation and appe- 
 tite, is universally held together, and its choral 
 dance of destruction and reproduction is kept in 
 incessant action and- reaction throughout the alter- 
 nation of its seasons. Among the birds of this 
 country we find eagles, vultures, crows, ravens, 
 and magpies, in large flocks; wookpeckers, 
 pigeons, partridges, grouse, and a very extensive 
 variety of singing-birds. Birds, of course, from 
 their greater powers of locomotion, are less tied to 
 a soil than any other description of creature ; and 
 itself to them; 
 ) ranches, it de. 
 tinues to grow 
 various stalkg 
 of a ship. The 
 her and more 
 fifty to one 
 the fihres the 
 h close texture 
 ems also with 
 il the pastures 
 I of a country 
 3r affect its zoo- 
 animals follow 
 ■ainsand roots; 
 csts afford sus- 
 d browse; and 
 [ind the carni- 
 I nature, by its 
 ition and appe- 
 and its choral 
 tion is kept in 
 bout the alter- 
 ! birds of this 
 crows, ravens, 
 very extensive 
 f course, from 
 are less tied to 
 creature; and 
 from the multitudes of migratory kinds we are 
 prepared to expect a greater variety of these than 
 the existing lists announce, which at due and con- 
 genial seasons will visit this large tract of country. 
 Aquatic birds abound in a country intersected by 
 so many streams, and we accordingly find swans, 
 geese of many kinds, brant and ducks of every 
 description, as well as herons and cranes. And on 
 its seaward coasts we observe pelicans, gulls, cur- 
 lews, guillemots, and divers of vast varieties. Its 
 coasts are visited, and the mouths of its rivers 
 jwarm, with shoals of nutritious fish, sufficient to 
 form extensive fisheries, and a prime staple for 
 commercial activity and enterprise : among these 
 ffe may enumerate the sturgeon, the sardine, and 
 the salmon, which are apparently inexhaustible in 
 their prolific abundance. The sardine, called 
 uthlecan by the natives, makes its appearance about 
 the beginning of February, and is six inches long ; 
 it very much resembles a smelt, and is of a de- 
 licious flavour, and so fat as to burn like a candle, 
 for which it is often used by the savages. It 
 enters the rivers in immense shoals, like solid 
 columns, often extending to the depth of five or 
 more feet, and is scooped up in small nets, by which 
 means a canoe is soon filled, or the shore heaped 
 with them, and they are then dried and strung for 
 subsequent use. But though salmon is the chief 
 fish that visit these rivers, ascending them in its 
 season, which extends from May to August, in 
 large quantities, when the peculiar character of 
• I 
 the Columbia admirably adapts it for their capture 
 in the succession of rapids whereby its course is 
 precipitated. These form a succession of leaps, at 
 which points the piscatory tribes of natives post 
 themselves for the purpose of laying in their stores 
 as well as for barter with other tribes, who ex- 
 change dried buffalo-flesh and game of different 
 kinds for salmon cured by these. An inferior 
 species of salmon succeeds this, and continues to 
 be caught from August to December. It is re- 
 markable for having a double row of teeth, half an 
 inch long, and extremely sharp, from whence it has 
 received the name of the dog- toothed salmon. 
 The quadrupeds which are found, and which as 
 yet constitute the only riches it has produced in the 
 large quantities of furs that have been collected and 
 trafficked away, and to which trade, as we shall sub- 
 sequently recur, will detain us now merely in their 
 rapid enumeration, consist of panthers, of rare oc- 
 currence, and only in the southern parts ; the black 
 and grizzly bear, the antelope, the ahsahta, or big- 
 horn, the stag, elk, hart, fallow-deer, argali, beaver, 
 the sea and river otter, the muskwash, or musk-rat, 
 the fox, wplf, mink, a small kind of otter, raccoon, 
 lynx, various kinds of the weasel tribes, squirrels 
 of different descriptions; and almost exclusively 
 restricted to the upland region, the buffalo, or 
 bison, in innumerable herds. The horse and the 
 dog are found domesticated among the na*^^ives; 
 some tribes of whom keep the latter for food, and 
 it is found both palatable and nutritious. 
-. -W' 
 Of these animals the muskwash, or musk-rat, 
 furnishes the greatest number of skins yearly ex- 
 portal from that teeming country. It is one of 
 the gnawing animals, as its name indicates, and its 
 habits are very much allied to those of the beaver, 
 being social and very prolific. It is of about the 
 size of a rabbit, and is of a reddish-grey colour ; it 
 constructs little huts composed of grass and rushes, 
 on the edge of streams, cemented with clay, in 
 which several families live together, and its food 
 consists of roots. But although thus partaking of 
 the nature of the beaver, yet do they neither swim 
 nor dive well. As the natural history of the beaver 
 may not be familiar to all our readers, and as its 
 skin constitutes a staple article in the export of 
 fur, and besides being extremely interesting, we 
 will give a brief notice of it. It is of about the 
 size of a badger, with a thick round head, short 
 small ears, diminutive eyes, an obtuse muzzle, and 
 vertical fissure, like a rabbit, and hare in the upper 
 lip. It has two large cutting teeth in each jaw, 
 which enables it to strip off and divide the bark 
 of trees, and to gnaw through trunks of consider- 
 able thickness. They are as sharp as chisels, 
 rtrongly enamelled on the anterior surface, and 
 with the peculiar faculty of growing as fast from 
 the base as they are worn down at the extremity. 
 Their fore limbs are shorter than their hinder, and 
 these possess great strength and muscularity. They 
 have five toes on each foot, and, to adapt them to 
 the element in which they chiefly reside, the 
 hinder ones are webbed, and in further corre- 
 spondence, as every thing in nature harmonises 
 their tail, which serves them as a rudder, is large 
 and flat and oval, half as long as the body, and 
 covered with scales in lieu of fur. They are of a 
 bright brown colour, and their fur consists of two 
 kinds, the hair in front being soft, short, and silky, 
 and behind long and coarse. During summer they 
 live in holes on the banks of rivers, which they 
 quit only to seek food, which consists of the bark 
 of young trees, herbage or berries. In the autumn 
 they assemble in communities, sometimes two or 
 three hundrrd strong, to prepare conjunctively a 
 winter dwelling. They usually choose a stream 
 not likely to be frozen to the bottom, the current 
 of which yields them the advantage of water-car- 
 riage for their materials, and they prefer the 
 northern bank for the sake of enjoying the sun, 
 and an island usually for the sake of security. If, 
 as is often the case, the spot selected be the bank 
 of a river where the water is rather shallow, they 
 construct a dam with considerable ingenuity and 
 industry, by carrying a mole across in a straight 
 line if the stream be slow, but curved if the cur- 
 pent be rapid. This they form convex and per- 
 pendicular on the side opposite the current, but 
 declining on the other from a summit three feet 
 thick to a base ten or twelve feet broad. They 
 frame it of timber, stones, and clay, for which 
 purpose the trees nearest the water's edge and 
 above the site of their structure are chosen. They 
 gnaw these with the instinctive sagacity which in- 
 structs them to induce them to fall towards the 
 stream ; they then lop off the branches, which with 
 the trunks they cut into the lengths they require, 
 and float them down to their destination. Here 
 they are secured by stones brought by these extra- 
 ordinary animals in their paws from the bottom, 
 and a succession of layers compacted by mud com- 
 pletes the work. Their huts vary in number from 
 ten to thirty, and are built of the same materials, 
 six or seven feet above the water, of an oval or 
 round shape, and coped in with a dome or roof. 
 The entrance is made beneath a projection which 
 advances several feet into the stream, with a re- 
 gular descent at least three feet below the surface, 
 to guard against its being frozen up. This the 
 hunters call the angle, and a single dwelling is 
 sometimes furnished with two or more. Near the 
 entrance, and on the outside of the houses, the 
 heavers store up the branches of trees, the bark of 
 which forms their chief subsistence during the 
 winter; and these magazines sometimes contain 
 more than a cartload of provisions. Their work 
 is all performed at night, and with great expedi- 
 tion. The numbers in each individual dwelling 
 seldom exceed two or four old ones, and thrice as 
 many young ones. The females produce once a year 
 from two to four at a birth, who quit their parents 
 at the age of three years. Their flesh is usually 
 esteemed by the hunters and trappers, who live 
 chiefly upon it during their expeditions, and be- 
 sides their skins, which supply fur for hats, which 
 is now being rapidly superseded by silk, both on 
 account of its greater expense and the decrease of 
 the number of animals, this creature produces a 
 secretion known by the name of castor, a substance 
 used in medicine. 
 Of the furs produced in this country, that of the 
 silver fox is perhaps the rarest and most valuable. 
 This animal is a native of the woody country below 
 the Columbia River. It has a long, thick, deep, 
 lead-coloured fur, intermingled with long hairs, 
 invariably white at the top, forming a bright, lus- 
 trous, silver grey. The skin of the grizzly bear is 
 also a very valuable fur, worth usually, at whole- 
 sale price, more than a thousand dollars. This 
 animal is of the size of a cow, and of prodigious 
 strength. His speed exceeds that of a man, but is 
 inferior to that of the horse. In attacking, it rears 
 itself on its hind legs and springs the length of its 
 body, and it possesses terrific claws, which are some- 
 times nine inches in length, capable of tearing 
 everything before them. The bison, or, as it is 
 more usually called, the buffalo, is also an animal of 
 great importance in the interior of the country, 
 where its range rarely extends so far as the Blue 
 Mountains, nor much higher north than Flat Head or 
 Clarke's River. This animal is larger than the ox, 
 being usually six feet high at the shoulder, and 
 will sometimes reach the weight of two thousand 
 pounds. In front he is large and strong, and co- 
 rered with long woolly hair of a uniform dun 
3r hats, which 
 silk, both on 
 le decrease of 
 re produces a 
 r, a substance 
 y, that of the 
 nost valuable, 
 country below 
 , thick, deep, 
 h long hairs, 
 a bright, lus- 
 grizzly bear is 
 lly, at whole- 
 iollars. This 
 of prodigious 
 a man, but is 
 eking, it rears 
 1 length of its 
 hich are sorae- 
 •le of tearing 
 I, or, as it is 
 ) an animal of 
 the country, 
 • as the Blue 
 I Flat Head or 
 • than the ox, 
 shoulder, and 
 two thousand 
 ong, and co- 
 uniform dun 
 colour, although they are said to occur sometimes, 
 yet rarely, spotted. It has a long and shaggy 
 mane on the neck and shoulders. The hinder parts 
 are comparatively slender. His head is prone, and 
 his small eyes glancing from beneath his rugged 
 locks give him a fierce and sinister look. The 
 horns are short, sharp, curved, and turn backward. 
 The tail, which is not much more than a foot long, 
 is nearly naked except at the tip, which has a tuft 
 of long black hair. The bulls and cows live in 
 separate herds, except during the rutting season ; 
 but at all times one or two old bulls accompany a 
 Q large herd of cows ; and these herds are sometimes so 
 numerous, that Lewis and Clarke tell us, that on 
 the banks of the Missouri, for the width of a mile, 
 these animals densely covered it, including also an 
 island over which they passed — crossing as thickly 
 as they could swim ; and we find by a traveller on 
 the western side of the Rocky Mountains, that he 
 found them moving in countless droves, traversing 
 plains, pouring through the intricate defiles of 
 mountains, swimming rivers, having their here- 
 ditary paths and highways worn deep through the 
 country, and making for the surest passes of the 
 mountains and the most practicable fords of the 
 rivers. When once a great column is in full career, 
 it goes straight forward regardless of all obstacles, 
 those in front being impelled by the moving mass 
 behind, and trampling down everything in their 
 course. It was the lot of this traveller and his compa- 
 nions one night to encamp on one of these buffalo 
 > r 
 1$ T .t» > 
 y' ' 
 landing places, exactly on the trail. They had 
 not been long asleep, when they were awakened 
 by a great bellowing and tramping, and the rush 
 and splash and snorting of animals in the river. 
 They had just time to ascertain that a buffalo army 
 was entering the river on the opposite side and 
 m iking towards the landing place ; by the time 
 they had shifted their camp the head of the column 
 had reached the shore, and came pressing up the 
 bank. It was singular to behold by moonlight this 
 countless throng, making their way across the river, 
 blowing, bellowing, and splashing. Sometimes 
 they pass in such dense and continuous columns as 
 to form a temporary dam across the river, the 
 waters of which rise and rush over their backs, or 
 between their squadrons. The roaring and rush- 
 ing sounds of one of these vast herds crossing a 
 river may sometimes, in a still night, be heard for 
 miles. In pursuing a herd of buffaloes a strong 
 odour of musk is emitted and is left in their wake, 
 and their feet make the grass crackle as if it were 
 on fire. They are peculiarly susceptible of the 
 scent of a man, and will wind him at a distance of 
 even two or three miles when to the leeward of 
 him, and they then commence galloping in great 
 alarm, and with the greatest speed. They take great 
 pleasure in wallowing and throwing up the dust, 
 which at a distance resembles the spouting of a 
 whale. Buffaloes and elks are sometimes seen on 
 the same prairies, and do not appear to be affected 
 by each other's presence ; but they will not herd 
 together. The buffalo will not intermix with any 
 but its own kind, and all attempts to cross it with 
 the common cow have provea hitherto abortive. 
 These migratory wanderings of large herds of buf- 
 faloes is always accompanied by packs of wolves, 
 which harass them on the rear and flank, and the 
 raven, and the crow, and the vulture are not very 
 distant, to revel in the mortality which accompa- 
 nies from various causes, but chiefly the indiscri- 
 minate slaughter by the savages, of these vast herds 
 of animals. 
 Having thus far progressed on a rapid and im- 
 perfect survey of this country and its native pro- 
 ductions, those at least which we may consider as 
 most indigenous, we may proceed to glance at its 
 autochthones, or aborigines, who at a period beyond 
 the reach of tradition must have migrated to these 
 regions, where the gradual influence of local cir- 
 cumstances and climate have stamped an indelible 
 and permanent character upon their habits and 
 manners, and broken them into distinct tribes, 
 which seem in their broadest features to be deduced 
 from two sources — the squalid Esquimaux of the 
 north-west and arctic circles, and the fiery, iras- 
 cible, and warlike race of coppery-red Indians jf 
 the eastern and Atlantic plains. Their numbers,, 
 in as far as a rough calculation may approximate, 
 would seem to be somewhere about 40,000 ; but of 
 course this must necessarily be a very vague esti- 
 mate. They are thus distributed : — along the 
 coast, about 14,000; and of these the greatest re- 
 ii t 
 lative proportion inhabit Vancouver's and Queen 
 Charlotte's Island. In the interior of the " Lower 
 Country," as far as the Cascade range, and about 
 the Cascades, there may be 4000. Between the 
 Cascade range and the Blue Mountains occur per- 
 haps about 3500, and the nomadic tribes which 
 wander about the Rocky Mountains and on the 
 steppes intervening between them and the Blue 
 Mountains make up the rest. 
 The effect of different modes of life upon the 
 human frame and human character is strikingly 
 instanced in the contrast between the hunting 
 Indians of the prairies and the piscatory Indians of 
 the sea-coasts. The former, continually on horse- 
 back scouring the plains, gaining their food by 
 hardy exercise, and subsisting chiefly on flesh, are 
 generally tall, sinewy, meagre, but well-formed, 
 and of bold and fierce deportment: the latter, 
 lounging about the river-banks, or squatted and 
 curved up in their canoes, are generally low in 
 stature, ill-shaped, with crooked legs, thick ankles, 
 and broad flat feet. They are inferior also in 
 muscular power and activity, and in energetic 
 qualities and appearance, to the hard-riding savages 
 of the prairies. The most prevalent and universal 
 character, and which, although with modifications, 
 pervades almost all the tribes, is ferocity and faith- 
 lessness, and the instinctive cunning which is uni- 
 versally characteristic of man in his uncultivated 
 state, whether his skin be white, red, or black. 
 ^ The tribes frequenting the most northerly shores 
 life upon the 
 is strikingly 
 the hunting 
 ry Indians of 
 lly on horse- 
 heir food by 
 on flesh, are 
 the latter, 
 squatted and 
 rally low in 
 thick ankles, 
 rior also in 
 n energetic 
 ling savages 
 id universal 
 odifi cations, 
 y and faith- 
 hich is uni- 
 lerly shores 
 of this region exhibit, as has been shown by Cook, 
 who described fully the habits of those dwelling in 
 the vicinity of Nootka Sound, considerable me- 
 chanical ingenuity in the construction of their 
 matted and plaited clothing, made of the inner 
 bark of several trees, their carved arras, the con- 
 struction of their canoes and of their dwellings. 
 All tribes are universally fond of painting them- 
 selves with the gaudiest colours, and a similar un- 
 couth taste is exhibited in their adornments and 
 clothing. Before] the introduction of iron tools 
 amongst them their ingenuity was necessarily 
 taxed to make instruments to fell timber for the 
 construction of their dwellings and the various 
 requirements for which sharp tools were needed ; 
 and the specimens that have been brought to 
 Europe of their beautiful carving are the surest 
 proof of their having overcome this difficulty. 
 Their dwellings were framed upon centre posts about 
 twenty feet high, upon which a long pole rests, 
 which forms the keel of the roof; from this trans- 
 verse rafters descend to another similar one placed 
 lengthwise, forming the eaves, and about five feet 
 from the ground ; and this frame is skirted with a 
 sort of wainscoting enclosing it, the whole tied to- 
 gether at the angles with cords of cedar bark ; 
 within, the sides are subdivided, like the stalls of a 
 stable, and these they occupy as sleeping-places. 
 Those inhabiting the vicinity of the mouth of 
 the Columbia consist of four tribfes, the Chinooks, 
 the Clatsops, the Wahkiacums, and the Cathlamahs. 
 , D 3 
 I'i • 
 f?'*" J. 
 V 't 
 They resemble each other in person, dress, Ian. 
 guage, and manner, and were probably from the 
 same stock, but broken into tribes, or rather 
 hordes, by the feuds and schisms frequent among 
 the Indians, and which originate either in personal 
 jealousies or the rancour of the violent passions of 
 our common nature. These people generally live 
 by fishing, but they occasionally hunt the elk and 
 deer, and ensnare the waterfowl of the ponds and 
 rivers. These piscatory tribes of the coast excel 
 in the management of canoes, and are never more 
 at home than when riding upon the waves. Their 
 canoes vary in form and size. Some are upwards 
 of fifty feet long, cut out of a single tree, either fir 
 or white cedar, and capable of carrying thirty per- 
 sons. They have thwart pieces from side to side, 
 about three inches thick, and their gunwales flare 
 outwards, so as to cast off the surges of the waves. 
 The bow and stern are decorated with grotesque 
 figures of men and animals, sometimes five feet in 
 length. In managing their canoes they kneel two 
 and two along the bottom, sitting on their heels, 
 and wielding paddles from four to five feet long, 
 while one sits on the stem and steers with a paddle 
 of the same kind. The women are equally expert 
 with the men in managing the canoe, and generally 
 take the helm. It is surprising with what fearless 
 unconcern the savages venture in their light barks 
 upon the roughest and most tempestuous seas. 
 They seem to ride upon the waves like sea-fowl. 
 Should a surge throw the canoe upon its side, and 
 •". dress, Ian, 
 %from the 
 l^s» or rather 
 •quent among i 
 jer in personal 
 nt passions of 
 :enerally live 
 |t the elk and 
 he ponds and 
 ' coast excel 
 e never more 
 ^aves. Their 
 are upwards 
 ree, either fir 
 ig thirty per- 
 i side to side, 
 unwales flare 
 ^f the Waves. 
 th grotesque 
 's five feet in 
 sy kneel two 
 their heels, 
 e feet long, 
 ith a paddle 
 ually expert 
 »d generally 
 hat fearless 
 light barks 
 tuous seas. 
 e sea-fowl. 
 ts side, and 
 endanger its overthrow, those to windward lean 
 over the upper gunwale, thrust their paddles deep 
 into the wave, apparently catch the water and force 
 it under the canoe, and by this action not merely 
 regain an equilibrium, but give the bark a vigorous 
 impulse forward. 
 These tribes are rather a diminutive race, ge- 
 nerally below five feet five inches, with crooked 
 legs and thick ankles, the causes of which we have 
 already ahuded to. The women increase the de- 
 formity by wearing tight bandages round the 
 ankles, which prevent the circulation of the blood, 
 and cause a swelling of the muscles of the leg. 
 Neither sex can boast of personal beauty ; their 
 faces are round, with small but animated eyes. 
 Their noses are broad and flat at top, and fleshy at 
 the end, with large nostrils. They have wide 
 mouths, thick lips, and short, irregular, and dirty 
 teeth. In summer time, previous to the arrival of 
 the whites, the men were entirely naked ; in the 
 winter and in bad weather they wore a small robe 
 reaching to the middle of the thigh, made of the 
 skins of animals, or of the wool of the mountain 
 sheep. Occasionally they wore a kind of mantle 
 of matting, to keep off the rain ; but having thus 
 protected the back and shoulders, they left the rest 
 of the body naked. The women wore similar 
 robes, though shorter, not reaching below the waist ; 
 besides which they had a kind of petticoat or 
 fringe, reaching n'om the waist to the knee, formed 
 of the fibres of cedar bark, broken into strands, or 
 IS 1 
 a tissue of silk grass, twisted and knotted at the 
 ends. This was the usual dress of the women in 
 summer ; in inclement weather they added a vest 
 of skins similar to the robe. The men eradicated 
 every vestige of a beard, considering it a great de- 
 formity. Both sexes, on the other hand, cherished 
 the hair of the head, which with them is generally 
 black and rather coarse. They allowed it to grow 
 to a great length, and were very proud and careful 
 of it, sometimes wearing it plaited, sometimes 
 wound round the head in fanciful tresses. No 
 greater affront could be offered to them than to cut 
 off their treasured locks. They had conical hats 
 with narrow brims, woven of bear grass, or of the 
 fibres of cedar bark, interwoven with designs of 
 various shapes and colours. These hats were nearly 
 waterproof, and very durable. The favourite orna- 
 ments of the men were collars of bears' claws, the 
 trophies of hunting exploits ; and the women and 
 children wore similar decorations of elks' tusks. 
 The men, who carry a passion for personal decora- 
 tion further than the females, did not think their 
 gala equipments complete unless they had a jewel 
 of haiqua or wampum dangling at the nose. Thus 
 arrayed, their hair besmeared with fish oil, and 
 their bodies bedaubed with red clay, they con- 
 sidered themselves irresistible. When on warlike 
 expeditions, they painted their faces and bodies in 
 the most hideous and grotesque manner. Their 
 arms were bows and arrows, spears and war-clubs. 
 Some wore a cor8let_ formed of pieces of hard 
 wood, laced together with bear-grass, so as to form 
 a light coat of mail pliant to the body ; and a kind 
 of casque of cedar bark, leather, and bear- grass, 
 sufficient to protect the head from an arrow or war- 
 club. A more complete article of defensive 
 armour was a buff jerkin or shirt of great thick- 
 ness, made of doublings of elk-skin, and reaching 
 to the feet, holes being left for the head and arms. 
 This was perfectly arrow-proof, and it was besides 
 endowed with charmed virtues by the spells and 
 mystic ceremonials of the medicine-man or con- 
 juror. The religious belief of these savages was 
 extremely limited and confined, or rather, in all 
 probability, their explanations were little under- 
 stood by their visitors. They had an idea of a 
 benevolent and omnipotent Spirit, the creator of all 
 things. They represent him as assuming various 
 shapes at pleasure, but generally that of an im- 
 mense bird. He usually inhabits the sun, but oc- 
 casionally wings his way through thi aerial regions, 
 and sees all that is doing upon the tarth. Should 
 anything displease him, he vents his wrath in ter- 
 rific storms and tempests, the lightning being the 
 flashes of his eyes and the thunder the clapping of 
 his wings. To propitiate his favour they offer to 
 him annual sacrifices of salmon and venison, the 
 first fruits of their fishing and hunting. Besides 
 this aerial spirit, they believe in an inferior one, 
 who inhabits the fire, and of whom they are in per- 
 petual dread, as, though he possessed equally the 
 power of good and evil, the evil ik apt to pre- 
 PI ^ Sir 
 ■ w 
 ) >/ ( 
 dominate. They endeavour therefore to keep him 
 in a good humour by frequent offerings. He is 
 supposed also to have great influence with the 
 winged spirit, their sovereign protector and benefac- 
 tor. They implore him consequently to act as their 
 interpreter, and procure them all desirable things, 
 such as success in fishing and hunting, abundance 
 of game, obedient wives, and male children. These 
 Indians have likewise their priests or conjurors, or 
 medicine- men, who pretend to be in the confidence 
 of the deities and the expounders and enforcers of 
 their will. Each of these medicine-men has his 
 idols carved in wood, representing the spirits of 
 the air and of the fire under some rude and gro- 
 tesque form of a bear or beaver or other quadruped, 
 or that of a bird or fish. These idols are hung 
 round with amulets or votive offerings, such as 
 beavers' teeth and bears' and eagles' claws. 
 When any chief personage is dangerously ill, 
 the medicine-man is sent for. Each brings with 
 him his idols, with which he retires into a canoe to 
 hold a consultation. As doctors are prone to dis- 
 agree, so these medicine-men have now and then a 
 violent altercation as to the malady of the patient 
 or the treatment of it. To settle this they beat 
 their idols soundly against each other, and which- 
 ever first loses a tooth or a claw is considered as 
 ponfuted, and his votary retires from the field. 
 Polygamy is not only allowed, but considered 
 honourable ; and the greater number of wives a man 
 can mj^intain the more important is he in the eyes 
 of the tribe. The first wife however takes rank of 
 all the ethers, and is considered mistress of the 
 house. He also who exceeds his neighbours in the 
 number of his wives, male children, and slaves, is 
 elected chief of the village. Feuds are frequent 
 among them, but are not very deadly ; thus totally 
 differing from the warlike races in the vicinity of 
 the Rocky Mountains, but, with the ferocity of the 
 latter, if they fall upon an inferior force or village 
 weakly defended, they slay all the men and carry 
 off the women and children as slaves. They are 
 mean and paltry as warriors, and altogether inferior 
 in heroic qualities to the truly equestrian savages 
 of the buffalo plains. A great portion of their 
 time is passed in revelry, music, dancing, and 
 gambling. Their music scarcely deserves the name, 
 the instruments being of the rudest kind. Their 
 singing is harsh and discordant; the songs are 
 chiefly extempore, relating to passing circum- 
 stances, the persons present, or any trifling subject 
 that strikes the attention of the singer. They have 
 several kinds of dances, some of them lively and 
 pleasing. The women are rarely permitted to 
 dance with the men, but form groups apart, dancing 
 to the same instrument and song. They are also 
 notorious thieves, and proud^of their dexterity ; and 
 frequent success gains them applause, but the 
 clumsy thief is scoffed at and despised. 
 Each village forms a petty sovereignty governed 
 by its own chief, who, however, possesses but little 
 luthority unless he be a man of wealth and substance, 
' « 
 ; ] 
 ■ ? 1 ' ■!* 
 — that is, possessed of canoes, slaves, and wives. 
 The greater number of these the greater is the chief. 
 We thus here see a further proof of slavery 
 being a customary feature of the primitive con- 
 dition of mankind, and its abolition the greatest 
 test of the progressive advancement of civilization, 
 promoted beneath the genial and benign influence 
 of the moral and religious doctrines of Christianity 
 and its inspiriting philanthropy. And if anything 
 could reconcile us to the prospect of a virar with 
 the United States to determine the disputed pos- 
 session of this territory, it would only be the hope- 
 ful consideration, that this mighty empire would, 
 when once armed and in the field, and on the waves, 
 and arrayed with the awful attributes of an aveng- 
 ing Nemesis, never consent to withdraw her over- 
 whelming energies until, as a condition for her 
 acceptance of the submissively-tendered palm and 
 olive, the total abrogation and abolition of slavery 
 in the States, where the lustre of the starred standard 
 is dimmed by its red stripes. -v . ^ ^ 
 These slaves are the women and children of 
 other either subjugated or defeated tribes taken in 
 war. They are well treated while in good health, 
 but occupied in all kinds of drudgery. Should 
 they become useless, however, by sickness or old 
 age, they are totally neglected and left to perish ; 
 nor is any respect paid to their bodies after death. 
 With respect to the dead, all tribes of Indians have 
 a very reverential feeling for their remains. A 
 proof of this is shown by the description of an 
 and wives, 
 r is the chief, 
 f of slavery 
 rimitive con- 
 the greatest 
 Ign influence 
 if anything 
 a war with 
 iisputed pos- 
 be the hope- 
 mpire would, 
 on the waves, 
 of an aveng- 
 W her over- 
 ition for her 
 ed palm and 
 )n of slavery 
 rred standard 
 children of 
 bes taken in 
 good health, 
 -ry. Should 
 kness or old 
 t to perish; 
 after death, 
 rndians have 
 emains. A 
 ption of an 
 Indian sepulchre, now destroyed by an accidental 
 lire which took place during Captain Wilkes's ex- 
 ploring expedition. This place of sepulture was 
 called Mount Coffin by the Europeans who first 
 visited that part of the Columbia, a place held in 
 great reverence by the Indians ; it is seated near the 
 part where the Cowlitz river falls into the Colum- 
 bia. It was an isolated rock about one hundred 
 and f iV' feat high, rising from a low marshy soil, 
 and t^ lisconnected with the adjacent moun- 
 tains, r^itfir preparation for interment is this: 
 the dead body is wrapped in a mantle of skins, laid 
 in his canoe, with his paddle, his fishing spear, and 
 other implements beside him, and placed aloft on 
 8ome rocky eminence, overlooking the river, bay, 
 or lake he has frequented : he is thus fitted to launch 
 away upon those placid streams and sunny lakes. 
 Blocked with all kinds of fish and waterfowl, which 
 are prepared in the next world for those who have 
 acquitted themselves as good sons, good fat'^ers, 
 good husbands, and above all good fishermen, 
 during their mortal sojourn. This isolated rock 
 presented a spectacle of this kind, numerous dead 
 bodies being deposited in canoes on its summit ; 
 while on poles around were trophies, or rather 
 funereal offerings of trinkets, garments, baskets of 
 roots, and other articles for the use of the deceased. 
 The friends of the deceased, especially the women, 
 repaired thither at sunrise and sunset for some 
 time after a burial, singing a funeral dirge, accom- 
 panied by loud wailings and lamentations. 
 • if. 
 ♦ '1 

 \ I 
 ■'•A remarkable custom prevails among many 
 tribes of Indians of flattening the forehead. The 
 process by which this deformity is effected com- 
 mences immediately after birth. The infant is 
 laid in a wooden tiv;ugh by way of cradle. The 
 end on which the head reposes is higher than the 
 rest. A padding is placed on the forehead of the 
 infant, with a piece of bark above it, and is pressed 
 down by cords which pass through holes on each 
 side of the trough. As the tightening of the pad- 
 ding and the pressing of the head to the board is 
 gradual, the process is said not to be attended with 
 much pain. The appearance of the infant, however, 
 while in this state of compression is whimsically 
 hideous, and its little black eyes being forced out 
 by the tightness of the bandages resemble those 
 of a mouse choked in a trap. About a year's 
 pressure is sufficient to produce the desired effect, 
 at the end of which time the child emerges from 
 its bandages a complete flathead, and continues so 
 through life. This flattening has an aristocratical 
 significancy, and is a sign of freedom, as no slave 
 is permitted to bestow this enviable deformity on 
 his child. 
 There is inherent in all Indian tribes the spirit 
 and sagacity of traffic, and its most prominent 
 feature, the desire to overreach. But the only in- 
 stance of commercial enterprise being methodically 
 and systematically carried out at a regular depot is 
 the village of Wishram, at the head of the Long 
 Narrows, on the Columbia, in the Cascade Range 
 of Mountains. Their trade consists in the salmon 
 ffhich are caught at these falls. In the early part 
 of the season, when the water is high, the salmon 
 ascend the river in incredible numbers. As they 
 pass through this narrow strait, the Indians, stand- 
 ing on the rocks, or on the ends of wooden stages 
 [projecting from the banks, scoop them up with 
 small nets distended on hoops and attached to long 
 handles, and cast them on shore. They are then 
 cured and packed in a peculiar manner. After 
 haying been disembowelled, they are exposed to 
 the sun on scaffolds, erected on the river banks. 
 When sufficiently dry, they are pounded fine be- 
 twreen two stones, pressed into the smallest com- 
 pass, and packed in baskets or bales of grass 
 matting, about two feet long and one in diameter, 
 lined with the cured skin of a salmon. The top is 
 likewise covered with fish skins, secured by cords 
 passing through holes in the edge of the basket. 
 Packages are then made, each containing twelve of 
 these bales, seven at bottom and five at top, pressed 
 closely to each other with the corded side upwards, 
 wrapped in mats and corded. These are placed in 
 dry situations, and again covered with matting. 
 Each of these packages contains from ninety to a 
 hundred pounds of dried fish, which, in this state, 
 will keep. The dwellings at Wishram are very 
 like those we have described, as being built by the 
 native tribes along shore, towards the northern 
 portions of the territory, indicating, possibly, a 
 further affinity of common origin. The houses are 
L ' 
 built of wood with long sloping roofs, the floor 
 is sunk about six feet below the surface of the 
 ground, with a low door at the gabel end, extremely 
 narrow and partly sunk. Through this it is neces- 
 sary to crawl and then to descend a short ladder. 
 This inconvenient entrance is probably for the 
 purpose of defence. There were also loopholes be- 
 neath the eaves, apparently for the discharge of 
 arrows. The houses are sufficiently large to con- 
 tain two or three families : just within the door are 
 the sleeping places ranged along the walls, like 
 berths in a ship, and furnished with pallets of mat- 
 ting. These extended along one half of the building ; 
 the remaining half was appropriated to the storing 
 of dried fish. It is to this place that the tribes from 
 the mouth of the Columbia repaired with the fish 
 of the sea coast, the roots, berries, and especially 
 the Wappatoo, gathered in the lower parts of the 
 river, together with goods and trinkets, obtained 
 from the ships which casually visited the coast. 
 Hither also the tribes from the Rocky Mountains 
 brought down horses, beargrass, quamash, and 
 other commodities of the interior. The merchant 
 fishermen at the falls acted as middlemen or factors, 
 and passed the objects of traffic as it were cross- 
 handed, trading away part of the wares received 
 from the mountain tribe, to those of the river and 
 the plains, and vice versd; their packages of 
 pounded salmon entered largely into the system of 
 barter, and being carried off in opposite directions, 
 found their way to the savage hunting camps far 
 '^s, the floor 
 rface of the 
 'd, extremely 
 h it is neces- 
 short ladder, 
 [ably for the 
 [loopholes be- 
 discharge of 
 ^rge to con- 
 the door are 
 B walls, like 
 illets of mat- 
 the building; 
 ) the storing 
 B tribes from 
 nth the fish 
 »d especially 
 parts of the 
 3ts, obtained 
 d the coast. 
 Y Mountains 
 amash, and 
 le merchant 
 n or factors, 
 were cross- 
 es received 
 e river and 
 ackages of 
 5 system of 
 camps far 
 in the interior, and to the casual white traders, 
 fho touched upon the coast. 
 The habits of trade and the avidity of gain have 
 their corrupting effects, even in the wilderness, as 
 nay be instanced in the members of this aboriginal 
 emporium ; for they are denounced by the same 
 traveller, from whom we derive the above sketch 
 of the place, as saucy, impudent rascals, who will 
 iteal when they can, and pillage whenever a weak 
 party falls into their power. 
 Further in the interior we find the equestrian 
 race. It is a remarkable fact that the horse, which 
 is not a native of the soil, should have become so 
 identified with the habits and manners of these 
 children of the wilderness, as to be an almost 
 essential portion of their existence. It is also a 
 singular fact that from the period of its first intro- 
 duction by the Spaniards it should have propagated 
 ro rapidly and spread so widely as to reassume 
 throughout the prairie land of both South and 
 North America its primitive state of freedom, 
 whence it was first subjugated by the wandering 
 hordes of the steppes of Tartary. Congeniality of 
 climate and similarity of country are without doubt 
 die causes of the comparatively rapid distribution 
 of this noble and useful animal thrdughout this vast 
 continent. Among these Indians it is the chief 
 proof of wealth, and a constant source of war to 
 acquire its possession. Tribes which are essen- 
 tially nomadic do not, of course, build durably 
 like those who have settlft4 residences. We thus 
! '; . 
 . ' f 
 find the habitations of the majority of these to be 
 mere tents and cabins, or lodges of mats, or skins 
 or straw, one cause of which is possibly the pecu- 
 liar nature of the country they occupy, which is ] 
 very destitute of timber. Yet each tribe has a 
 different mode of shaping or arranging them, so I 
 that it is easy to tell, on seeing a lodge or encamp- \ 
 ment at a distance, to what tribe the inhabitants 
 belong. They sometimes present a gay and fan- 
 ciful appearance, being painted with undulating 
 bands of red or yellow, or decorated with rude 
 figures of horses, deer and buffaloes, and with 
 human faces painted like full moons four and five 
 feet broad. We thus see art in its infancy prac- 
 tised by these savages, its first principles being 
 thus natively inherent to humanity. 
 These tribes are in continual war with each 
 other, and their wars are of the most harassing 
 kind, consisting not merely of conflicts and expe- 
 ditions of moment, involving the sacking, burn- 
 ing, and massacre of villages, but of individual 
 acts of treachery, murder, and cold-blooded cru- 
 elty ; or of the vaunting and foolhardy exploits of 
 single warriors, either to avenge some personal 
 wrong, or to gain the vain-glorious trophy of a 
 scalp. The lonely hunter, the wandering way- 
 farer, the poor squaw cutting wood or gathering 
 straw, is liable to be surprised and slaughtered. 
 In this way tribes are either swept away at once, 
 or gradually thinned out, and savage life is thus 
 surrounded with constant horrors and alarms. 
 That the race of red men should diminish from 
 year to year, and so few should survive of the 
 numerous nations which evidently once peopled 
 the vast regions of the West, is tlierefore not sur- 
 I prising ; it is rather a matter of surprise that so 
 many should still survive, for the existence of a 
 [savage in these parts seems little better than a 
 prolonged and all-besetting death. 
 The life of an Indian when at home in his village 
 is a life of indolence and amusement. To the 
 women are consigned the labours of the household 
 and the field. She arranges the lodge, brings wood 
 for the fire, cooks, jerks venison and buffalo meat, 
 dresses the skins of animals killed' in the cbace, 
 and cultivates the little patch of maize, pump- 
 kins, and pulse, which furnishes a great part of 
 their provisions. Their time for repose and recre« 
 ation is at sunset, when, the labour of the day being 
 ended, they gather together to amuse themselves 
 with petty games, or to hold gossiping convoca- 
 tions on the tops of their lodges. The Indian is 
 not to be degraded by useful or menial toil. It is 
 enough that he exposes himself to the hardships of 
 the chace and the perils of war, that he brings 
 home food for his family, and watches and fights 
 for its protection. Everything else is beneath his 
 attention. When at home, he attends only to his 
 weapons and his horses, preparing the means of 
 future exploit, or he engages with his comrades in 
 games of dexterity, agility, and strength, or in 
 gambling games in which everything is put at 
 ii * 
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 hazard with a recklessness seldom witnessed in 
 civilized life. 
 A great part of the idle leisure of the Indians 
 when at home is passed in groups, squatted toge- 
 ther on the bank of a river, on the top of a mound 
 on the prairie, or on the roof of one of their earth- 
 covered lodges, talking over the news of the day, 
 the affairs of the tribe, the event£ and exploits of 
 their last hunting or fishing expedition, or listening 
 to the stories of old times, told by some veteran 
 chronicler. As to the Indian women, they are far 
 from complaining of their lot. On the contrary, 
 they would despise their husbands could they stoop 
 to any menial oflBce, and would think it conveyed 
 an imputation upon their own conduct. It is the 
 worst insult one virago can cast upon another in a 
 moment of altercation: " Infamous woman! I 
 have seen your husband carrying wood into his 
 lodge to make the fire. "Where was his squaw, 
 that he should be obliged to make a woman of 
 These predatory tribes universally use scouts to 
 be on the look-out, a precaution absolutely neces- 
 sary to secure them from foray and destruction. 
 The immense plains they usually inhabit present 
 a horizon like the ocean, so that any object of im- 
 portance can be seen at a great distance, owing to 
 the extreme purity and elasticity of the atmosphere. 
 The sky has that delicious blue for which the sky 
 of Italy is renowned ; the sun shines with a splen- 
 dour unobscured by any cloud or vapour, and their 
 ^ * 
 starlight nights are glorious. It is by these nights 
 that the Indians compute time. This purity of the 
 air increases nearer the mountains and on the more 
 elevated prairies; and thus information may be 
 communicated to a great distance. The scouts are 
 stationed on the hills to look out for game and for 
 enemies, and are in a manner living telegraphs, 
 conveying their intelligence by concerted signals. 
 If they wish to give notice of a herd of buffalos in 
 the plain beyond, they gallop backwards and for- 
 wards abreast on the summit of the hill. If they 
 perceive an enemy at hand, they gallop to and fro, 
 crossing each other, at sight of which the whole 
 village flies to arms. 
 In case of svak an alarm the village is in an in- 
 stant in a state of uproar : men, women, and chil- 
 dren are brawling and shouting, dogs barking, 
 yelping, and howling. Some of the warriors run 
 to gather in their horses from the prairies, and 
 others for their weapons. As fast as they could 
 arm and equip they sally forth, some on horse- 
 back, some on foot — some hastily arrayed in their 
 war-dress, with coronets of fluttering feathers, and 
 their bodies smeared with paint ; others naked, and 
 only furnished with the weapons they had snatched 
 up. The women and children gather on the slope of 
 the lodges, and heighten the confusion of the scene 
 by their vociferation. Old men who can no longer 
 bear arms take similar positions, and harangue the 
 warriors as they pass, exhorting them to valorous 
 m ' 
 deeds. Some of the veterans take arms tliem. 
 selves, and sally forth with tottering steps. In this 
 way they pour forth helter-skelter, riding and run- 
 ning with hideous yells and war-whoops, like so 
 many bedlamites or demoniacs let loose. 
 On the return of a war-party from a successful 
 expedition, a warrior, usually the leader, gallops 
 homeward to announce the fact, and to prepare the 
 village for their reception by going forth to meet 
 them on their apiproach. Preparations are imme- 
 diately made for this great martial ceremony. All 
 the finery and equipments of the warriors are sent 
 forth to them that they may appear to the greatest 
 advantage. In suitable seasons some tribes of 
 these savages go naked, but they have their gala 
 dress, of which they are not a little vain. This 
 usually consists of a gay surcoat and leggings of 
 the dressed skin of the antelope, resembling 
 chamois' leather, and embroidered with porcupine 
 quills brilliantly dyed. A buffalo robe is thrown 
 over the right shoulder, and across the left is slung 
 a quiver of arrows. They wear gay coronets of 
 plumes, particularly those of the swan; but the 
 feathers of the black eagle are considered the most 
 worthy, being a sacred bird among the Indian 
 warriors. He who has killed an enemy in his own 
 land is entitled to drag at his heels a fox-skin 
 attached to each mocassin ; and he who has slain 
 a grizzly bear wears a necklace of his claws, the 
 most glorious trophy that a hunter can exhibit ; 
 Bid may we not also see in these distinctions 
 gomething analogous to the origin of armorial bear- 
 ings in the feudal period of European civilizatior ? 
 An Indian toilet is an operation of some toil aiid 
 trouble; the warrior has often to paint himself 
 from head to foot, and is extremely capricious and 
 difficult to please as to the hideous distribution of 
 streaks and colours. During the interval of sus- 
 pense occupied in these preparations all sports and 
 business are at a stand-still, excepting that in the 
 lodges the pains-taking squaws are silently busied 
 getting ready the repasts for the warriors. At last 
 a mingled sound of voices and rude music is faintly 
 heard in the distance, giving] notice that the pro- 
 cession is on its march. The old men and such of 
 the squaws as can leave their employments hasten 
 forth to meet it. It has a wild and picturesque 
 eflfect as it moves along with measured ste^ >u the 
 cadence of songs and savage instruments; the 
 warlike standards and trophies flauntirg aloft, and 
 the feathers and paint and silver ornaments of the 
 warriors glaring and glittering in the sunshine. 
 The bands march in separate bodies under their 
 several leaders. The warriors on foot come first 
 in platoons of ten or twelve abreast; then the 
 horsemen. Each bears its trophies of scalps, ele- 
 vated on poles, their long black locks streaming in 
 the wind ; and each is accompanied by its rude 
 music and minstrelsy. The warriors are variously 
 armed with bows and arrows and war -clubs, and all 
 have shields of buffalo hide, a kind of defence ge- 
■ I- 
 i] i 
 Iffr' ^. 
 nerally used by tlie Indians of the open prairies, 
 who have not the covert of trees and forests to pro- 
 tect them. They are painted in the most savage 
 style, and some have the stamp of a red hand across 
 their mouths, a sign that they had drunk the life- 
 blood of a foe. As they approach the village, the 
 old men and women go forth to meet them, and 
 the scene which now ensues disproves the accounts 
 of Indian 'apathy and stoicism. Parents and chil- 
 dren, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, the 
 bridegroom and his bride, meet with the meet 
 rapturous expressions of joy, while wailings and 
 lamentations are heard from the relatives of the 
 killed and wounded. The procession however con- 
 tinue- on with slow and measured step in cadence 
 to the solemn chant, and the warriors maintain their 
 fixed and stern demeanour. The village soon be- 
 comes a scene of festivity and triumph. The ban- 
 ners and trophies and scalps and painted shields are 
 elevated on poles near the lodges. Then commence 
 the war-feasts and scalp-dances, with warlike 
 songs and savage music, while the old heralds go 
 round from lodge to lodge, promulgating with 
 loud voices the events of the battle and the exploits 
 of the different warriors. But in the intervals of 
 the boisterous revelry of the village other sounds 
 are heard from the surrounding hills, the piteous 
 wailings of the women, who retire thither to mourn 
 in darkness and solitude for those who have fallen 
 in battle. Thus the same passions and the same 
 feelings animate humanity under every condition, 
 howsoever modified by circumstance and civiliza- 
 tion, lor — 
 " One touch of Nature 
 Makes the whole world kin." 
 Their ardent nature is not only exhibited in war, 
 but wherever excitement elicits it : thus in the pur- 
 suit of the elk and the buffalo, in the heat of the 
 chace, they spare neither themselves nor their steeds, 
 for they course along the prairies at full speed, 
 plunging down precipices and frightful ravines, 
 that threaten the necks of both horse and horseman. 
 The Indian steed, well trained to the chace, seems 
 as mad as his rider, and pursues the game as ea- 
 gerly as if it were his natural prey, on the flesh of 
 which he was to banquet. In hunting the deer 
 they ring or surround it, and run them down in a 
 circle. Their mode of capturing the antelope is 
 somewhat similar : the women go into the thickest 
 fields of wormwood, and pulling it up in great 
 quantities, construct a hedge with it, about three 
 feet high, enclosing about a hundred acres. A 
 single opening is left for the admission of the 
 game. This done, the women conceal themselves 
 behind the wormwood, and wait patiently for the 
 coming of the antelopes, which sometimes enter 
 this spacious trap in considerable numbers. As 
 80on as they are in, the women give the signal, and 
 the men hasten to play their part. One only of 
 them enters the pen at a time, and after chasing 
 the terrified animals round the enclosure, he is re- 
 lieved by one of his companions. In this way they 
 E 3 
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 I . 
 take turns, relieving jach other, and keeping up a 
 continued pursuit, without fatigue to themselves. 
 The poor antelopes in the end are so wearied 
 down that the whole party of men enter and de- 
 spatch them with clubs, not one escaping that has 
 entered the enclosure. The most curious circum- 
 stance in this chace is, that an animal so fleet and 
 agile as the antelope, and straining for its life, 
 should range round and round this enclosure with- 
 out attempting to overleap the low barrier which 
 surrounds it : such however is said to be the fact, 
 and such their only mode of hunting the ante- 
 lope. — ^>'; . ' - ^ -v- ■ - 
 In their religious notions there appears some 
 degree of resemblance with those of the tribes fre- 
 quenting the lower parts of the Columbia. Thus 
 they believe in the existence of a good and evil 
 spirit, and consequently in a future state of rewards 
 and punishments. They hold, that after death the 
 good Indian goes to a country in which there will 
 be a perpetual summer ; that he will meet his wife 
 and children ; that the rivers will abound with fish, 
 and the plains with the much-loved buffalo ; and that 
 he will spend his time in hunting and fishing, free 
 from the terrors of war, or the apprehension of 
 cold and famine. The bad man they believe will 
 go to a place covered with eternal snow ; that he 
 will always be shivering with cold, and will see 
 fires at a distance that he cannot enjoy ; water 
 which he cannot procure to quench his thirst ; and 
 buffalo and deer which he cannot kill to appease 
t' « 
 his hunger. An impenetrable wood, full of wolves, 
 panthers, and serpents, separates these poor wretches 
 from their fortunate brethren in the meadows of 
 ease. Their punishment is not, however, eternal, 
 and according to the different shades of their 
 crimes they are sooner or later emancipated, and 
 permitted to join their friends in the abodes of 
 tranquillity. Their code of morality, although 
 short, is comprehensive. They say that bravery, 
 love of truth, attentii^n to parents, obedience to 
 their chiefs, and affection for their wives and 
 children, are the principal virtues which entitle 
 them to the place of happiness, while the opposite 
 vices condemn them to that of misery. They have 
 a curious tradition with respect to beavers, which 
 they firmly believe are a fallen race of Indians, 
 who, in consequence of their wickedness, vexed the 
 Good Spirit, and were condemned by him to their 
 present shape, but that, in due time, they will be 
 restored to their humanity. They allege, that he- 
 beavers have the power of speech, and that they 
 have heard them talk with each other, and seen 
 them sitting in council on an offending member. 
 These are more or less the habits of the several 
 tribes which frequent the sources and course of all 
 the branches of th« Columbia, and who are thus 
 distributed. In the vicinity of its upper waters, 
 near Mount Brown and Mount Hooker, we find 
 the Carrier Indians, and about the sources of the 
 Okanagan, the tribe of the Soushwaps ; the Flat- 
 heads along its course, and about the vicinity of its 
I' ' t 
 '41':' *. 
 f : 
 . " I 
 junction with the Columbia, and spreading also 
 about the confluence of Clarke's River with the 
 Columbia. In the prairies, embraced within the 
 converging arms of the Columbia and the Flatbow 
 river, and along the base of that portion of the 
 Rt^ky Mountains, we find the Kootanie tribe, and 
 the tribe of Nez Perces, Shahaptans, or Chip. 
 anish, occupying the country lying between 
 Clarke's River and the Salmon River. To the 
 west of these, and in the angle formed by the Co- 
 lumbia, adjacent to where it is joined by the Saptin, 
 the country is occupied by the tribe of Walla 
 Walla, who give their name to a river which flows 
 into the Columbia, just below where it receives 
 the waters of the Saptin. The country [through 
 which this river, called also Snake, or South Co- 
 lumbia River, and its numerous tributaries, flow, 
 is inhabited about the middle of its course by the 
 Shoshones, or Snake Indians, and to the south of 
 them is posted the Boonack tribe. West of these, 
 and south of the Walla Walla tribe, we find the 
 Cayuse, and variously along the southern defiles 
 and acclivities and table-lands at the feet of this 
 southern portion of the Rocky Mountain ridge. 
 Changing place occasionally to' both slopes of the 
 range the country is harassed by the predatory 
 tribes of Crow Indians and Blackfeet Indians, 
 who thus occupy it at its most accessible pass from 
 landward, that to which Fremont's name has been 
 given, near the source of the Sweet Water. 
 There appears to be no consistent reason why 
 U t 
 one of these tribes should be called Blackfeet, or 
 another Flatheads, for the feet of the former are 
 I no blacker than those of the other tribes, and the 
 custom of flattening the head, the process of which 
 [we have previously described, appears to be re- 
 stricted to some of the piscatory tribes of the 
 coast. The Shoshones are also called Snake Indians 
 from their dwelling upon the Saptin or Snake 
 River, which has received that name from the 
 multitude of rattlesnakes with which its course 
 abounds. Of these tribes, the Blackfeet and 
 Crows appear to be the most ferocious, waging 
 incessant and exterminating war against the ad- 
 joining clans. But the Snake Indians bear the 
 highest character of all, in their unaffected piety 
 and general kindliness and hospitality. 
 The chief curb to the ferocious disposition of the 
 Blackfeet is found in Lhe Boonack tribe, who, 
 though not of a revengeful disposition, have a 
 deadly enmity to that tribe, possibly implanted 
 by their unprovoked aggressions ; and are usually 
 more than masters for them when their forces are 
 Although we have thus located the several tribes 
 in distinct quarters, we must still understand ihese 
 Indians to be restless, roving beings, continually 
 intent on enterprises of war, traffic, and hunting. 
 Clarke's River or the Shahaptan appears to be the 
 great thoroughfare for their migrations to and 
 from the Rocky Mountains, whither they repair 
 ')■ i 
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 Mt ■ 
 to hunt the buffalo in that vicinity, or to make 
 war upon their inveterate antagonists. 
 These appear to be the principal features of the 
 country and its inhabitants at the period of its 
 exploration. Its first discovery would seem to 
 have been made by the great circumnavigator, Sir 
 Francis Drake, between 1578 and 80, when he gave 
 to it the name of New Albion ; and this confirmed 
 must certainly determine the right of possession. 
 In 1776, Captain Cook more closely inspected a 
 portion of the coast, and Captain Vancouver in 
 1792 sailed thither to make a survey of it, and thia 
 he accomplished for the Straits of Fuca, the dis- 
 covery of which inlet we have alluded to at the 
 commencement of this brief description. In 
 l79.% immediately after Vancouver had sailed 
 past the mouth of the Columbia or Oregon without 
 detecting it. Captain Gray, in the ship Columbia, 
 discovered its entrance, and sailed into it, navi- 
 gating its estuary for some distance upwards. It 
 appears that the large prices procured by the furs 
 conveyed by accident by Captain King to Canton, 
 drew the attention of the fur companies to this 
 region, and since which period exploration has 
 tended thither from Canada and the United States by 
 the successive fur companies which have collected 
 those commodities in the Northern parts of Ame- 
 rica All these distinct trading associations seem 
 now to have merged in the prevalence of the 
 Hudson's Bay Company, which holds its monopoly 
 from the crown of England, and is thus a somewhat 
 parallel instance of a state within a state to that of 
 the dominion of the East India Company on the 
 opposite side of the Pacific. Our prolonged de- 
 scription of the evanescent race of native tribes 
 leaves us but little space to dilate upon the chief 
 I allurement of the white men to that inhospitable 
 region. But we cannot forbear a passing glance 
 I at the fur trade, which, when we consider the enor- 
 mous quantity of animal life it annually destroys, 
 must even become still more evanescent than the 
 I races which the expansive populousness of civi- 
 lization threatens eventually to chase from their 
 I fastnesses in the wildness and mountains, and ex- 
 punge totally from the face of the earth. But if 
 this has been hitherto the tendency of European 
 development throughout America, we have but to 
 I reflect that a mutual war of extermination is being 
 carried on by these tribes amongst themselves, 
 and we may indulge the hope that the humanising 
 mfluences fostered by the Hudsoti's Bay Company, 
 whose sway over this region will, without doubt, 
 be retained by the omnipotent arm of the powerful 
 empire under whose patronage they enjoy it, will 
 I tend to check the devastating principles at work. 
 We also sincerely trust that the predominance of 
 the Christian religion as inculcated by its emis- 
 I saries, sanctioned and stimulated by that body, may 
 eventually curb the entire sanguinary spirit of -all 
 I these tribes, even as it seems already to have 
 worked some effect upon several of them, and 
 'm I (1 
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 that its precepts and doctrines, by their benign' 
 spirit, may render them capable of the full enjoy- 
 ment of all its cheering prospects, and with these 
 conjunctively of the highest condition and hap- 
 piness of civilization. 
 The fur trade, like all large branches of com- 
 merce, has peculiar and distinctive features, which 
 are enhanced in this instance by the nature of the 
 occupation. It has to do with the wild natives of 
 the woods, and the mountains, and the plains, and the 
 lakes, and the rivers ; and its produce is the skins of 
 animals who will not bear man's yoke, and must 
 therefore be sought in their native haunts and re- 
 treats. The pride and ostentation of man seek 
 gratification on every hand, and whatever can lend 
 lustre to his vanity is prized, and bears its price in 
 relation to the difficulty of obtaining it, especially 
 where beauty is combined with rarity. Thus the 
 skins of those animals which are most difficult to 
 find bear the highest price, and of course are sought 
 for with the greatest eagerness by those who hunt 
 them. Collecting these skins has given rise to 
 four distinct classes of men, whose lives are a suc- 
 cession of romantic incidents passed as they are in 
 the fastnesses of primitive nature, or in intercourse 
 with the scarcely less primitive savages, who are 
 their only occasional occupants. These men are 
 technically called voyageurs, hunters, trappers, 
 and mountaineers, according to the nature of the 
 peculiar branch of the trade they pursue. They 
 ire usually in the pay of a fur company, or some- 
 times traffic with it on their o account ; but 
 even so their accumulation of skins comes thus 
 into the general dep6t. These voyageurs are a 
 species of carriers, who have sprung out of the fur 
 trade as conveyancers of these precious merchan- 
 dise along the interior waters to their final place of 
 deposit ; but being little occupied in the trade of 
 the Oregon territory, and as we must hasten to a 
 conclusion, we shall not enlarge upon their de- 
 scription. The trappers are, as their name indi- 
 cates, occupied in trapping animals, and especially 
 beavers, upon the different streams which intersect 
 tliis country. Wanderers of the wilderness, ac- 
 cording to the vicissitudes of the seasons, the mi- 
 grations of animals, and the plenty or scarcity of 
 game, they lead a precarious and unsettled ex- 
 istence, exposed to sun and storm, and all kinds of 
 hardships, until they resemble the Indians in com- 
 plexion as well as in tastes and habits. From time 
 to time they bring the peltries — the technical name 
 derived from the French for furs — to the trading- 
 houses of the Company, in whose employ they 
 have been brought up ; and here they traffic them 
 away for such articles of merchandise or ammuni- 
 tion as they may stand in need of. Being con- 
 stantly exposed to the casualties of Indian foray, 
 they- have been taught by necessity, that parent of 
 invention, to conceal the produce of their success, 
 as well as their necessaries of ammunition, pro- 
 vision, &c., whilst upon prolonged expeditions, 
 far, far away in the heart of the wilderness, to pre- 
 II. -^n^! 
 ' -I 
 vent their being carried off by the Indians, with 
 whom they are usually in a state of incessant hos- 
 tility, in places called technically caches, from the 
 French verb cacher, to hide; but although a 
 European term has been applied to these places of 
 deposit, they were in use by the natives long before 
 the intrusion of the white men upon their soil. It 
 is in fact the only mode that migratory hordes 
 have of preserving their valuables from robbery 
 during their long absences from their villages or 
 accustomed haunts on hunting expeditions, or 
 during the vicissitudes of war. The utmost skill and 
 caution are required to render these places of con- 
 cealment invisible to the lynx eye of an Indian. 
 The first care is to seek out a proper situation, 
 which is generally some dry low bank of clay, on 
 the margin of a water-course. As soon as the pre- 
 cise spot is pitched upon, blankets, saddlecloths, 
 and other coverings are spread over the surround- 
 ing grass and bushes, to prevent foot tracks or any 
 other derangement. A circle of about two feet in 
 diameter is then nicely cut in the sod, which is 
 carefully removed, with the loose soil immediately 
 beneath it, and laid aside in a place where it will 
 be safe from anything that may change its appear- 
 ance. It is then dug down and enlarged within to 
 the size required. The cave being thus formed, it 
 is well lined with dry grass, bark, sticks, and poles, 
 and occasionally a dried hide. The property in- 
 tended to be hidden is then laid in, and it is covered 
 over by the sod previously removed. All tracks 
 I are carefully obliterated, and it is frequently 
 I sprinkled with water to destroy the scent lest the 
 I wolves and bears should be attracted to the place 
 and root up the concealed treasure ; and the place 
 is not revisited until there be a necessity for 
 opening the cache. To the hunter his horse is as 
 essential as to the mountaineer his rifle. In the 
 daytime, while engaged on the prairie cutting up 
 the deer or buffalo he has slain, he depends upon 
 his faithful horse as a sentinel. The sagacious 
 animal sees and smells all around him, and by his 
 starting and whinnying gives notice of the approach 
 of strangers. There seems to be a dumb commu- 
 nion and fellowship between the hunter and his 
 horse. They mutually rely upon each other for 
 company and protection, and nothing is more diffi- 
 cult, it is said, than to surprise an experienced 
 hunter on the prairie, while his old and favourite 
 steed is at his side. The mountaineer has equally 
 his companion in his rifle, for it is essential to his 
 security in the vicissitudes of his hazardous life. 
 On going from lodge to lodge to visit his comrades 
 he takes it with him. On seating himself in a 
 lodge he lays it beside him ready to be snatched 
 up ; when he goes out, he takes it up as regularly 
 as a citizen would his walking-staff. His rifle is 
 his constant friend and protector. These moun- 
 taineers have sprung up from the nature of the 
 trade they pursue. Trading and trapping they 
 scale the vast mountain chains, and pursue their 
 hazardous vocations amidst these wild recesses. 
 F 2 
« I 
 »^ ■*■■'■• ■■J' ■■ ' 
 If 4 r 
 ti- ] 
 They move from place to place on horseback. The 
 equestrian exercise in which they are continually 
 engaged, the nature of the countries they traverse 
 vast plains and mountains, pure and exhilarating 
 in their atmosphere, seem to make them physically 
 and mentally a lively and mercurial race. They 
 are hardy, lithe, vigorous, and active, extravagant 
 in word and thought and deed ; heedless of hard- 
 ships, daring of danger, prodigal of the present, and 
 thoughtless of the future. 
 The following table gives an account of one year's 
 produce of furs, obtained either through the instru- 
 mentality of these men, or by direct trade with the 
 Indians, who have learnt by degrees the advantages 
 that result from commercial intercourse with the 
 white men who have settled among them : — 
 Bear . 
 • • • 
 • • • 
 . 106,000 
 • • ■ 
 Deer . 
 • • • 
 Ditto, dressed 
 Elk . 
 Fox . 
 Kitt fox 
 Mink . 
 Otter . 
 Wolf . 
 This country, known but so short a time, is now 
 sprinkled with stations, and posts, and forts by the 
 Hudson's Bay Company, for the conjoint purposes 
 ack. The 
 ne, IS now 
 rts by the 
 of trading and protecting its servants. The chief 
 jcttlement is Fort Vancouver, on the north bank 
 of the Columbia, ninety miles from the sea. Dr. 
 M'Loughlin, the Governor of the territory, resides 
 here. It is an enclosure thirty-seven rods long, 
 and eighteen wide, strongly stockaded, within 
 which are eight substantial buildings and many 
 smaller ones. This place has a considerable farm- 
 ing establishment. There are large fertile prairies 
 which they occupy for tillage and pasture, and 
 forests for fencing materials and other purposes. 
 They have a garden of five acres, abounding with 
 vegetables and fruit, as peaches, apples, grapes, 
 strawberries ; and figs, oranges, and lemons have 
 also been introduced. They have a flour mill 
 worked by ox-power, and a saw mill from which 
 boards are sent even to the Sandwich Islands. 
 There is a chapel for divine service, a school for 
 children belonging to the establishment, and shops 
 for blacksmiths, joiners, carpenters, and other me- 
 chanical trades. Fort George, or Astoria, is eight 
 miles from the mouth of the Columbia. It has 
 two buildings and a garden of two acres. Fort 
 Walla Walla is on the south side of the Colum- 
 bia, ten miles below the entrance of Lewis's River. 
 Fort Colvin, on the south side of Clarke's River, 
 below the Kettle falls, just before it enters the Co- 
 lumbia. This also has a considerable farming 
 establishment. Fort Okonagan, at the entrance 
 into the Columbia, of the river of that name, 100 
 miles below Clarke's River. The Hudson's Bay 

 Company have also several other trading ports in 
 this territory. And on the Wallemette, fifty-five 
 miles above its entrance into the Columbia, is 
 M'Kay's settlement ; and twelve miles above is 
 Jarvis's settlement, which contains numerous fami- 
 lies, which consist mostly of retiring servants of 
 the Hudson's Bay Company, with their half-breed 
 families and a few Americans. It is to this river, 
 and the valley watered by it, that the course of 
 American emigration has tended. The American 
 Missionary board has also several stations in this 
 country, one at Astoria, another at Multnomia, a 
 third on the Columbia about 140 miles from its 
 mouth, a fourth at Puget's Sound, a fifth at Walle- 
 mette, another at Clatsop, and another at the 
 Umqua, a river which empties itself into the Pa- 
 cific, about 200 mi^es below the Columbia. 
 To compress into so close a compass the various 
 features of so large a country, renders inevitable 
 the omission of some ; but such have been selected 
 as were thought would give the best idea of the 
 nature of the region, combined with what should 
 also prove most interesting and instructive in the 
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